File: 1432513543358.jpg (33.6 KB, 526x394, 11204874_1083267098353951_6191…)

No. 108592
File: 1432526412273.jpg (235.85 KB, 731x943, 3287566_in_the_city__angelic_p…)

i remember when she wore replicas lol
No. 110908
File: 1432659108532.jpg (279.61 KB, 937x871, 3237367_lookbook_sugary_things…)

No. 110958
>>110908why does her face look like it's been really poorly edited?
everything is just a little too lopsided. The right side of her chin looks like it was liquified/pulled in, her lower lip is bigger in the full-body photo than it is in the close-up, her nostrils don't align correctly with the mouth or eyes (right nostril is weirdly low/dark too) and she looks simultaneously bug and cross-eyed.
wtf, dude. i can understand shooping your pics, but do a better job than this…
No. 111139
File: 1432673305401.jpg (109.87 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nmnqtzw0J51qfdplwo1_128…)

>Would anyone be up for a makeup tutorial for this look? I’m really into the gradient doll lip now ahhh
No. 111140
File: 1432673350003.jpg (581.42 KB, 1175x1920, tumblr_nnoolycIsI1qfdplwo1_128…)

Here's the awkward shoop, notice the wobbly wall and smeared jaw.
No. 111142
File: 1432673406418.jpg (80.58 KB, 640x640, tumblr_novaoubDkA1qfdplwo1_128…)

idek what the fuck she is doing to her hair anymore, looks like her hairdresser vomited on her.
No. 111325
File: 1432688317611.jpg (697.62 KB, 944x762, lawlita-chan.jpg)

>>111133she has definitely gained weight in the past year
No. 112495
File: 1432809908211.jpg (66.73 KB, 720x960, 11245500_10153209259866405_735…)

oh my….
No. 122146
>>111325her body looks qt in both tbh
however her sense of fashion was always stupid
No. 122202
File: 1434437045810.png (386.39 KB, 718x667, Screen Shot 2015-06-16 at 2.42…)

>>122177holy shit you're right
No. 122215
File: 1434440341968.gif (856.94 KB, 450x254, surejan.gif)

>>122159>this has nothing to do with the drama I had!! >I don't want the lolita label>I'm still lolita don't worryAlso, how old is she now? She seems like she's following in her idoru's MilkyFawn's path and bailing at the first happening of extreme drama. She's probably retiring at the ripe old lolita age of 22 or much younger. I'll never get over how lolita drop like flies like this and bail on their whole identity the moment it becomes inconvenient. Trying to play off her AP obsession as nothing is amusing, at best.
>I want to be a fashion designer>I like Aomeji kei and "sweet gyaru fashion!"This is also like another j-fashion girls equivalent of "I want to go to Japan!" Suddenly, she wants her own fashion label after dabbling in some lolita brand with zero experience in sewing! The fashion industry isn't easy, speaking from experience. I hope they chew her up and spit her out. She doesn't seem to be level-headed about anything and it'd honestly be a good wake-up call for her.
No. 122244
File: 1434445739132.png (95.18 KB, 281x198, ear.png)

>>111325Ugggh I hate the pink on the sides of her wig. Its similar to her flesh tone and I keep mistaking her for having humongous ears.
No. 122251
>>122215I think her problem is that she's not in it for the clothes, she wants the attention and e-fame it gets her.
That's why people like her will bail out after a few years: they wore the clothes, tried to gain as much e-fame and attention as possible and once their star goes down or there's a new trend they sell off their whole wardrobe and never think about this again.
I hate these people because they make Lolita look like some costume or special snowflake suit instead of just clothes. AP dresses are just dresses, not your tickets to potential e-fame.
No. 122257
Thing is, people our age in their twenties will be far too old for the 'next trend' whatever that is. I think it's pretty sad people who are almost twenty five or thirty want to dress up in little girl's clothes and give themselves some childish persona/name.
But as long as tumblr/youtube/twitter ect are around and stupid fads then drama with stupid girls is never going to end.
No. 122634
>>122257Are you even a lolita? You sound like some middle aged soccer mum trying to speak about lolita without knowing shit about it.
Plenty of people 25 to 30 still wear lolita, and some of them are still wearing OTT sweet. I do agree that putting a childish persona on for your ~rorita identity~ is fucking stupid, but it's no reason to call older lolitas sad because they still want to dress up in lolita.
The next "trend" in lolita will probably be old school, with casual/classic-sweet and OTT gothic making a come back. I fail to see how anyone in their 25-30 age range can be too old for that.
>>122251I think a part of it is because lolita is getting more and more popular, it has a larger following than ever. Maybe lolita is just not special snowflake enough for them, maybe they just have to find a new ~unique~ and ~creative~ fashion to go into. These girls can barely dress themselves without a brand full set.
No. 123310
>>123305are you the same fag who linked the venus parody because you called her awesome for that too.
she's not that funny. so i'ma say self post.
No. 129385
File: 1435618846612.jpg (51.73 KB, 720x960, 11666089_1439770273013467_4913…)

heard she was at a con this weekend so i searched it up and found this unshopped photo.
No. 129411
>>129385Wooooah what is she wearing? That's not Larme-kei, that's like a taobao top with a nightie and some pink beret. What is she thinking?
People like this need more restrictive fashions like lolita. She cannot put together an outfit on her own.
Only nicr thing is I ironically think she looks better unshooped here.
No. 129448
File: 1435627850800.jpg (134.82 KB, 720x1280, 1559267_114641185540257_891212…)

someone tattoo'd her on them…
No. 130218
>>129385"Pixielocks guide to running a successful blog", huh? Is that really the panel she ran? And she wants to say she isn't full of herself?
No. 130221
File: 1435772130355.png (26.78 KB, 546x98, rolls eyes.png)

rolls eyes
No. 130402
File: 1435797227999.png (788.34 KB, 658x574, dang.png)

those legs
No. 130447
>>130402What is she seriously wearing here? Her bodytype is unfortunate for lolita.
I used to be upset since my face was kind of angular, but I feel like that can be worked with with makeup for any girl who worries about that. You can't cover up things like her legs.
No. 130458
File: 1435808563809.jpg (122.13 KB, 1000x668, 11537247_10153298142186405_765…)

another unshopped pic
No. 130463
File: 1435809178689.jpg (97.4 KB, 540x720, image.jpg)

Unshooped she reminds me of Lecy Goranson (the actress who played Becky on "Roseanne").
No. 130464
File: 1435809332161.jpg (70.86 KB, 960x720, 305526_10151293637256405_60032…)

At least she got those gremlin teeth under control
No. 130478
File: 1435812584353.jpg (52.33 KB, 500x375, Brainygetspwnedbyhelga.jpg)

>>130456oh, boo you whore. who else would've filmed it for her? should she have hired a fucking professional camera crew?
and it's not like her mom shouted that, she said it to the person sitting next to her before the performance started. go back to gurugossiper if you want to complain over senseless things, kek.
>>130458that's a really good helga from hey arnold (pic) cosplay, i don't see what's wrong with it.
No. 131461
File: 1435932226330.jpg (67.66 KB, 720x479, 63590_10150107955806405_368972…)

No. 134662
>>134521You mean this one, right?
I genuinely don't get what she was crying about. The car breaking down seems like more of an inconvenience than anything. I could maybe sympathize if their car had broken down out on the highway or something and they'd been stranded in the middle of nowhere, but this just rubs me the wrong way for some reason.
I'm a very sensitive person who admittedly cries a lot, so I'd like to give her the benefit of the doubt, but I think it's her spoiled, flippant attitude that just kills it for me. Like when she was talking about how she won first prize, she seemed happy to win but not grateful, if that makes sense. But then again, she's still quite young and probably has a ways to mature. (Although, the amount of efame she's accumulated is probably not the best thing for someone like her at this age in terms of her spoiled outlook on life. It's actually sort of sad now that I think about it.)
No. 136792
File: 1436753227502.png (1.39 MB, 796x1266, Screen Shot 2015-07-12 at 9.05…)

only 12 notes, kek. wonder why.
the other stuff in her shop is good..
No. 139009
>>136792>>136929I think she's wearing one of them in this video.
Is it just me or are almost half her videos some type of haul? I find it kind of funny that one of her first videos was about affording lolita on a budget when she seems to shell out (her mom's?) money for whatever she wants whenever she wants it.
No. 139017
>>139010Thing is, regardless of how cute these clothes are and stuff people who actually dress like this in person look terrible. I've seen it, not as common here in the UK but I've seen people dress #kawaiiugu and it's beyond terrible.
I just… I don't even know.
No. 139569
File: 1437192536885.jpg (79.44 KB, 514x303, 1437176277411.jpg)

"There was already screencaps of her rants in another thread that got deleted
she literally bitches about it every day but here is further proof for you delusional pleb"
From an anon on /cgl/. Does anyone have caps of her other rants?
No. 139791
>>139785Are you fucking stupid? One skirt didnt fit, the other two did. How was she suppose to know it wasnt going to fit without trying it on? She obviously looked at the measurements since other stuff fit her.
You sound like a jealous insecure little rat, yeah. Shes spoiled and weird and i dont even like her but use your fucking brain
No. 140697
>>140459She already sold it, and at a hefty profit ($530 CAD)
Not surprised she went from obsession to 'ugh i dont even WEAR lolita that often', she's still a teenager. It's somewhat amusing that her ~speshul snowflake~ style is apparently stemming from her desire to be a fashion designer though? Fashion school is gonna eat her alive, she doesn't look fashionable, she looks like a hot mess of clashing pinks.
No. 140812
File: 1437368763341.gif (792.19 KB, 245x141, anigif_enhanced-buzz-28585-138…)

>>140697I agree, Anon. I doubt she'll have any idea how to deal with it because she's used to getting everything she wants handed to her with relatively minimal effort or repercussions. Admittedly I was jealous of her at first, but then I realized that someday the real world is going to chew her up and spit her out.
No. 143634
>>143570This. I didn't particularly like her but I kinda admired her ability to keep being obnoxious/doing what she wanted despite all the hate. lol good bye to that redeeming factor
tho ngl I would kill to see her in a reality show where she goes to fashion school and gets torn a new one. my uni isn't too far from a really famous fashion school, even the really 'artsy' fashion kids dress somewhat normal bc the point of class isn't to draw attention to urself or ur ~speshul~ outfits, it's to learn and make shit.
No. 150370
>>150346literally chill, fucking everyone does q&as. they'e good filler videos.
i thought the abipop part was really awkward.. and all the questions she chose were boring and repetitive too.
No. 150576
File: 1438642668351.jpg (369.6 KB, 1600x900, screenshot.jpg)

>>150241Her drawing made me irrationally angry.
I can't believe she's selling that as a print. Honestly, my art is slightly better than that and I still wouldn't dream of trying to sell it until I've practiced and improved a great deal.
I guess I sort of admire her confidence, but I wonder if she realizes that her work is mediocre at best.
No. 150583
>>150241On a totally unrelated note, she mentions at the beginning of the video that she has to keep it under 15 minutes because she's in trouble with Youtube. What does that mean, exactly? Does having a YT partnership mean there rules about the length of your videos, or is it something else?
Sorry for being OT, I was just curious.
No. 150636
>>150601Oh, that makes sense. Thanks for letting me know.
On a slightly more positive note, her teeth seem to be a more or less normal colour now.
No. 150799
File: 1438660132968.jpg (598.26 KB, 1284x782, peachieart.jpg)

>>150241Yeah, the Abipop thing really caught me off guard. I was fully expecting her to say Peachie because she'd done fanart for her in the past. (pic related)
I guess she found Peachie to be too much of a cheapskate for her spoiled tastes, lol.
No. 150864
>>150799Peachie's real name is Ruth?
oh lord, she lost the genetic and name lottery.
Also, that fanart is hideous.
No. 151155
>>151034god damn this girl is so subtly creepy.
I have to admit tho that I bought a dress off jillian. my greed got the better of me because it was a drea dress and the conversion rate made it like ~$100 less than the normal market price.
It came fine but it had a ton of white cat hair on it. Ick.
Some anon on /cgl/ posted this video, I think it sums up the really uniquely annoying things about this girl….
>unwarranted self confidence>ugly handmade accessory (seriously wtf is that droopy crown thing)>MUH BOYFRIEND>i INSPIRE people with my AMAZINGNESS>i was so quirky always teehee>EVERYONE LOVES ME No. 151168
>>151155glad the dress worked out :)
but ugh when people do stupid shit like cuddling pets or riding smelly crowded subways while in loltita. girl you better not try to sell that dress if you're gonna be doing that…
No. 151480
File: 1438728815721.png (878.53 KB, 900x1378, __mikumiku___by_xhellodecember…)

much cosplay, very good
No. 151481
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No. 151483
File: 1438728930117.png (29.43 KB, 1282x148, Screen Shot 2015-08-04 at 5.55…)

um.. so i guess she went to a mental health center?
No. 151484
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i wonder if she's still pansexual.
No. 151485
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No. 151488
File: 1438729000447.png (867.58 KB, 900x1353, black_holes__by_xhellodecember…)

No. 151489
File: 1438729060845.png (984.21 KB, 900x675, colder_winters__by_xhellodecem…)

forever 21 jacket, ~so punk~
No. 151491
File: 1438729160480.png (136.82 KB, 774x1032, i_think_i_saw_you__by_xhellode…)

No. 151492
File: 1438729187147.jpg (40.68 KB, 458x458, im__h_e_r_e___by_x_open_your_e…)

jillian on left.
No. 151493
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No. 151494
File: 1438729239854.jpg (81.13 KB, 640x480, so_this_is_my_life_by_xhellode…)

No. 151495
File: 1438729410732.png (653.19 KB, 900x599, u_n_b_e_a_r_a_b_l__e_by_xhello…)

No. 151498
File: 1438729472079.png (45.56 KB, 1498x116, Screen Shot 2015-08-04 at 5.56…)

No. 151500
File: 1438729534566.png (11.77 KB, 354x98, Screen Shot 2015-08-04 at 5.58…)

oh, and she called herself a guy/man/dude a lot. not sure if it was a recurring joke or what.
No. 152060
>>151708She's called her mom her "best friend" in multiple vids. Is it just me or does her social circle seem kinda small, with just her mom and her bf? That's kinda sad. It's nice to be friends with your parents and everything but at that age it also kind of points to a lack of independence or socialization…
>inb4 lolita meetsThose don't really count, acquaintances /=/ good friends.
No. 152074
>>152060Maybe it's just me, but I've always found it very weird when girls call their moms their "best friends." I have a pretty strong relationship with both of my parents but they're not my "friends." Especially at that her age.
And yeah, I think her social circle DOES seem pretty small. She's not a bad person, but her attitude towards money and her personality in general seems like such a turn-off. She seems interesting but she would probably piss me off quite fast, honestly.
No. 152077
>>151168It's not like cat hair or riding the subway will somehow contaminate the dress forever, you sound ridiculous.
She should have cleaned and lint-rolled it before sending it though.
No. 152394
File: 1438826734162.gif (736.89 KB, 224x253, pqNsiM1.gif)

>>152373>I will not hesitate to bring in legal forces.Okay Cathy, you go ahead and do that.
No. 152399
File: 1438826948608.jpg (58.84 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nkdaf60s1R1rfqu8po3_500…)

>>152373you sicked your mom on us?
No. 152416
>>152412Hahahaha oh dear lord this
has to be some kind of bait, right?
No. 152417
File: 1438828600508.jpg (94.69 KB, 1504x83, kek.jpg)

>>152412Is this for real?
I'm dying.
No. 152425
File: 1438829163877.png (225.27 KB, 500x418, tumblr_m39947dH571rul2mio1_500…)

>>152424This whole situation reminds me of someone else we know…
No. 152447
>>152412This is so fucking funny because even if she were on anon, nobody talks like this on a chan. Amazing.
This is so embarrassing.
No. 152470
>>152373Looks like we dun goof'd.
Consequences will never be the same.
No. 152539
>>152373Here's an idea: Monitor your daughter's internet activity more closely and don't allow her to post things about herself? Clearly she is not mature enough to handle it.
If you are actually her mom, do some actual parenting and don't allow your child to do/post whatever she pleases online. She has obviously put things out there with poor judgement that she now regrets, all because she was given too much freedom by you.
Instead of trying to do damage control in a silly way like this, taking away her ability to build an online persona for e-fame would stop the problem.
Clearly this is a case of you not giving proper restrictions to your child. The only way to fix it is to be more involved in her internet usage.
No. 152556
>>152539>>152551Well it makes sense.
A shitty child is often the result of a shitty parent.
Baby boomers/Gen X are terrible enablers, especially with the "my child can do no wrong" mentality.
No. 152828
File: 1438880312173.gif (951.15 KB, 500x281, 1437045101654.gif)

>>152373>>152412I can definitely tell it's you who wrote these posts Mrs. Vessey. It's best for you to stay away and not comment any further before you become our laughing stock.
No. 152850
File: 1438881526431.gif (123.88 KB, 590x333, 1386318582331.gif)

>>152844Lady no one here has ever contacted your brat.
No. 152854
>>152844A 17 year old is not a "child," that is an adolescent who should be learning how to conduct herself on the internet. We don't have to hold back our opinions and criticisms just because you have to hear your daughter throw a tantrum in your ear about them every night. Either she learns to cope with negativity, or no internet.
Parenting made simple.
I really hope this is just an elaborate troll though.
No. 152860
File: 1438882327300.jpg (55.46 KB, 500x322, 1379305088849.jpg)

>>152844>implying that we bullied herDo whatever the heck you want, sweetheart, but this site won't be removed.
No. 152864
If you can't deal with criticisms and people not liking you (because, news flash! Not everyone is going to) you shouldn't try to become popular or gain some kind of real following/recognition on the internet.
Sorry, lady. It's a cruel world and even crueler online. S'just how it is.
No. 152867
>Won't limit the internet use and exposure>Doesn't expect negative comments and calls people lulzyBitch leave
No. 152871
File: 1438882725738.gif (905.61 KB, 500x280, 1438537565449.gif)

>>152844>She has done absolutely nothing wrongThere's always going to be people who will love and others will hate, you have to accept that fact.
If you think that your daughter deserves all of the positivity, then you're TOO immature to be a parent.
Take parenting classes for god's sake.
No. 152876
>>152844Everyone else already said everything important so I'll just add
>an entire site dedicated to harassing herTop kek.
No. 152880
File: 1438883555429.jpg (72.32 KB, 758x758, 11401461_10153289666806405_658…)

So… her mum took all her lame as fuck photos.
Also guess we know where she got dat nose from.
No. 152886
File: 1438884001862.jpg (66.45 KB, 600x600, go home bitch.jpg)

>>152876I love when cows post here and think this is an entire
website dedicated to them
Like bitch, get over yourself, you're nothing compared to our dear Queen
No. 152904
>>152854This. Also, I think this was mentioned earlier in the thread but by this age Jillian should be learning about prioritizing her spending and differentiating between the things she wants and the things she needs. There's noting wrong with having an expensive hobby, but like
>>140992 mentioned before, 'accidentally' ordering an over-priced pair of socks is just ridiculous. As a lolita, I know how easy it can be to get caught up in the hype, but I can also tell you that it's honestly a lot more gratifying to hold off for the dresses you really want rather than impulsively pouncing on anything that remotely interests you. This is also a important skill for her to learn for her future.
On completely different note, I honestly think Jillian seems to have a fairly decent sense of humor towards herself, all things considered. That is also important and something I can respect.
No. 153023
File: 1438893407326.png (2.14 MB, 1826x886, Screen Shot 2015-08-06 at 3.33…)

her house.. i guess they don't have a lot of money since her mom is a photographer.
No. 153039
>>153023Are you being sarcastic? Sorry, I genuinely can't tell.
That house looks pretty nice imo. I also live in Canada (in a different province, though) and that house is much larger than the average houses where I live, and I am in a major city. Plus, it seems to be fairly new and the yard looks pretty big. In my city, you'd probably be looking at upwards of 350 000$ for a house like that. (Granted, the housing market is probably different in PEI)
No. 153070
File: 1438895818334.jpg (38.5 KB, 604x403, 1910193_28176046404_8379_n.jpg)

>>153024I think this her father
No. 153075
File: 1438896118157.png (328.08 KB, 542x928, twitter.png)

No. 153092
>>153075Damn, she really plasters her real name all over the internet. Her mom should have taught her better.
Oh wait.
No. 153181
File: 1438904561827.gif (986.88 KB, 500x255, 1433462890954.gif)

>She sent her mom after us
>Her mom tried to samefag but forgot to clear her name field
>Her mom in general
This is all fucking gold!
No. 153184
>>152844don't get too full of yourself. She's not the only person on here, & her thread's one of the least popular ones.
Anyway, I think we've found the
problem No. 153260
File: 1438908890297.jpg (168.18 KB, 800x639, NekoJill.jpg)

she looks like a grandma here. also the filename was "nekojill" kek
No. 153354
>>152844I'm 17, Jillian is not a child any more than I am. She has explicitly stated in a previous video that she knows people talk about her but does not care. When you put yourself out there, you should expect a reaction. You can't force it to be positive or negative - if you want attention, you should accept it when it comes, or stop doing attention-getting ventures like running a blog and/or youtube channel. You can't police peoples reactions. Especially if she is interested in going into a creative field like fashion, not everything she puts out there will get a positive reception…
She seems to have really low self confidence if her whole self worth is built up on what random people online think of her.
The best response is to read what people are saying and either laugh about the inaccuracies in what they say, don't give a crap about it or try to grow from it. Disengage from yourself and try to understand what/why they are saying without taking personal offence (this coming from someone who gets posted to secrets sites like this sometimes) and it makes the experience a lot easier. Now I will admit, people on sites like lolcow are drama-mongering assholes, it's best to just ignore what they say - because the only people who would actually give a crap about the accusations here "her mother buys her clothes" "people suck up to her too much" are just catty jealous bitches.
No offence guys, but it is true.
No. 153423
>>152373>I will not hesitate to bring in legal forceskek
>>153260(ngl, I actually think this is pretty cute)
No. 153441
>>153427She was born in 1998 so I think she would have been 12. Depending on the maturity level of the child, that's still pretty young to have an account on such a huge, open social media platform though. (Although I suppose it also comes down to a matter of opinion.)
When I was that age I was still begging my mom to sign and fax the permission form that would allow me to chat on Neopets.
No. 153444
>>153441>Born in 1998Ugggh… Yeah, I see what you mean.
And yeah, haha. I was on livejournal when I was 17 and Facebook, Twitter, etc, didn't even exist. It was only livejournal and Myspace. And I didn't have a Myspace. I wasn't into social media for a long time because I was too busy hanging out with irl friends like a normal person.
No. 153447
>>153441Parents lately really don't know or don't seem to care at all. I see people on youtube all the time commenting with "I just turned 10!!"
Like…what? Holyshit, why are you here? There's so much racy shit online and it's easier to access than when I was a teenager in the early 2000s. Parents are idiots. My mom gave me a curfew and I was only allowed to access certain websites until I was 18. I mainly stuck to yahoo groups and talked about anime and videogames with other people though. Kids today are doing nudes on snapchat…
No. 153451
>>153441>internet usage when I was 12Oh man, I remember getting SCREAMED at if I wasn't off the computer by 8/9pm. My parents would check the history. And back in the dial-up days, there was only one cable in the center of our house next to the kitchen. Not only did I not get a lot of time with the internet, but I was watched at any given time. There was no chance for me to sneak on the internet and cheat around with the rules. And if I did get caught doing something fishy, I was either punished or shamed to death.
When Myspace began when I was in high school, my parents didn't give a single fuck about any online drama I had. They would blame me even if I didn't start shit, and told me that if I couldn't handle the computer that they would take it away.
THAT was parenting, and it stopped me from doing a lot of retarded things. Obv I broke the rules when I could and said retarded shit sometimes, but it taught me lessons.
No. 153539
>>153451Haha, yeah. You sound like you grew up in the same time period as me. When pcs first became a thing. I had DSL. Anyway. dont wanna get too off topic, but back then we didn't have hackers getting underage nudes off facebook and snapchat like we do now.
Kids need to be smacked so hard. Parents don't know how to ban them from their pcs and give them cellphones/ipads/etc way too young. My niece got a tablet at 4 years old. WHY?
No. 153902
>>153901just because she put it up doesn't mean anyone's gonna buy it. the stock is still full on both of her art prints.
see, there are some efamous people who could draw a stick figure and still sell tons of prints. jillian isn't even efamous imo, no one buys her shit. except for one fattychan bought a pin from her.
No. 153970
>>153961I actually think the birthday look she has going on here is kind of cute. Obviously it's not something you would wear in real life, but the addition of bright colours is a lot more interesting to look at than her typical explosion of pastel pink.
Also, you can see the reflection of her setup in the balloons.
No. 154113
>>154102Ha. That's sort of funny because in one of her videos (I think it was Confidence in Lolita one) she mentions that she's jealous of Peachie because 'she was able to get so many subscribers just by being herself'.
Did anyone here actually see her panel? I'm sort of curious about it now. I'm actually surprised she didn't record and upload it.
No. 154679
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lmao I was hoping someone would make a secret!
No. 154686
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No. 154740
>>152844>Jillian has been posting her own pictures Well, Ms Vessey, I actually wasn't worried about what Jillian did or didn't do until she reblogged one of my pics from my Tumblr, gave me no credit for it and implied to all her followers that it was hers. That showed to me that she was only interested in boosting herself over others at others expense. While I never called her out about it or spoke about it on any of the forums I'm telling you now so that you can see why people have an issue with the things your daughter does.
You'll probably deny that the stealing even occurred and that it isn't that big a deal, but it was my work and my idea. Having someone appropriate it is pretty shitty.
No. 156816
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No. 157182
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>>155426>>155427>>156283>>156376I dont know why you guys dislike posting this stuff about Jillian. People on lolcow dox people all the god damn time.
Also a small chart I made of Jillian near the beginning of her LACE drama in case she became some huge lolcow. She hasn't really but I'll dump it here for fun if anyone wants
No. 159207
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About the LACE video.
If it wasn't about "deleting the evidence", then why didn't she just disable the comments?
No. 159212
>>159207Ok but how did she even find Carly's post? As far as i know Carly didn't tag it anything that would have popped up on Jillians radar, so either
1) jillian is following the girl that parodied her (not likely seeing how she flounced after the parody got popular)
2) a "friend" showed jillian
3) she saw it on cgl.
I'm pretty sure the last one is most likely tbh, this wasn't responded to too lon after the original screenshot was posted on /cgl. But you know, Jillian's only been on cgl ~3 times~ because its just for ~meanie lolis~
>argue with people who are already set on disliking usBitch youtube comments are the cesspit of the internet. If you don't want to argue with people, don't. Ignore it or disable the comments. In fact, arguing with people who dislike you has especially gotten you in trouble here kek.
>hi jillian's mom No. 159528
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>>159207her response was fucking legendary tho
No. 161118
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She… She really doesn't think she's a part of the problem.
No. 161252
>>161152>>161152100% agreed. Anyone remember when Caroline's nudes were posted on /b/ with her personal info? Anyone remember the private lj posts bitching after meet ups? Anyone remember girls flaunting their hard-to-get brand and insulting anyone who wore Bodyline? The community is nothing like it used to be, it's much more watered down and newb-friendly. In some ways I think it's great, but to see these girls (Stephanie Christina is Cadney btw) who have been in the community for, like, 2 years complain about negativity makes me so bitter. Everything is easier, and everyone is nicer.
Idiots like Jillian and Kate/girlyhoot are the ones ruining things and making them negative. I'm happy over here with my modest wardrobe, friendly local community, and non-popular tumblr. It's the girls who need constant attention who make everything negative. It's the girls who throw huge hissy fits over someone disagreeing them who make everything negative.
No. 161486
>>161433omg bitch used box bleach. Drug store box bleach is literally the worst shit you can use on your hair. There's no way to control the formula and the fews times I used them as a dumb teenager, I ruined my hair and had to chop it off from frying it.
This girl should not be giving out any hair advice. And she didn't even color strip her hair. She just bleached right over it.
No. 161488
>>161433How does she manage to have gross roots after just dyeing her hair?
>>161484What do you want to bet she doesn't even use proper cosmetic glitter?
No. 161493
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From Jillian's Tumblr
No. 161504
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Why does she have fans and why are they so stupid?
The OP was obviously talking about the box bleach dye, not the manic panic.
No. 161527
>>161504>I always somehow mix it wrong and fry my hair all crispy n nasty?????>mix it wronglolwut? Is she just trying to save face? Or does she honestly not realize that bleaching her entire head of hair to hell and back over and over again will result in massive damage? It really doesn't take a genius or even a hair stylist to figure that one out.
>>161482Apologies for being OT, but why is Cadney even a Kawaii Ambassador in the first place? As far as I can tell she doesn't really do much?
Also, I saw her post about bodyline as well. Is she sure she didn't accidentally choose the wrong size because she clearly states that she was drunk when she ordered it?
No. 161633
>>161623I realized 30 minutes is on the side of normal, I imagine she does what you said. What an idiot, a conditioning mask is like, what, $2 at Sally's? And toner is like $10 including developer, I even get a kawaii uguu rose-tinted one.
This girl bothers me so much. And her trying to teach her underage "fans" how to do stuff like this when she just doesn't know what she's doing… Girl, please, just take a break, reflect on yourself. I want you to succeed but you're not gonna do it like this.
No. 161684
>>161433Damn, that… "blonde" is just kind of disgustingly yellow. She really should've at least tried using silver shampoo or conditioner.
Also loving how her roots are still kinda visible so the hair color looks really dirty.
No. 161832
>>161118>OMG I AGREEbitch you said yourself you left lolita, why are you trying to act like you're still one of us?
smh she needs to figure out if she's in or out, her constantly trying to act like she's still part of the club (talking about lolita, complaining about not buying dresses, etc) while actively shitting on it is getting irritating.
No. 162139
>>161619Ah, I see what you mean. When I first read the comment I thought she was talking about the drug store box dyes like she used in the video, but now I realize she was probably referring to the Manic Panic developers and the like. So yeah, you're probably right. lol
Still, 'mixing' is probably the least of her problems. The idea was cute, but her hair looks pretty grungy and nasty.
No. 162222
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jane commented this on her insta, kek.
also jillian only gets 3 to 10 comments whenever she posts a selfie lol
No. 162248
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>>162239Couldn't handle the efame, wanted a new job, go to uni and realised she actually has to be an adult and pay rent + bills instead of funding her Lolita lifestyle courtesy of mommy & daddy letting her live at home for free.
No. 162250
>>162239She seemingly suddenly quit lolita immediately before/during a trip to Japan (despite buying like 8 bags worth of AP?)
She cites that she was being stalked/had a weird obsessed fan online, and I think that person was outed and it was proved MF was telling the truth. Afaik she's been pretty quiet about leaving lolita.
>>162248Aaaaand you posted this as I was typing. It does seem like she was being treated really strangely online, to me her videos/the Deerstalker videos kind of made jokes about e-fame and people took it too seriously and viewed her that way?
She never really bothered me tbh, it's that dude in Deerstalker that drives me crazy.
No. 162273
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>>162248If she loved lolita, but it was becoming such a chore for her because of her online persona, why didn't she just… oh, I don't know… keep wearing it, but stop having a presence in the online community? I can't help but seriously question why these girls were even in lolita in the first place if they jump ship when they decide they don't want to deal with e-fame? Unless your main motivation for wearing it was to impress strangers online, why do you need to be part of the cyber community to wear it? It's so annoying how these girls baww about having to quit something they love, when they don't at all, all they have to do is not post pictures online or blog. There you go, problem solved. Obviously, they weren't that dedicated if they cant be in the hobby without the asspats. Good riddance. I like MF, but I can't stand this kind of attitude.
No. 162300
>>162273>>162248>If she loved lolita, but it was becoming such a chore for her because of her online persona, why didn't she just… oh, I don't know… keep wearing it, but stop having a presence in the online community?I always thought Jillian and MF were basically one and the same here. They're both so completely fake because they strove really hard to become lolita icons but act like they didn't ~want that~. Jillian wanted to be a sweet lolita Youtube personality and MF loved being Deerstalkers little darling. The moment they saw the downside of being e-famous (being criticized on anon boards, not being as private as an individual and people approaching you on the streets, some people getting clingy), they both freaked the fuck out and threw lolita and the community under the bus.
Like, what do you expect? MF exaggerated a few cases she had because she's a "shy" individual (don't become a fucking Youtube personality then) and Jillian takes every opportunity now to call us all bullies. They should be grateful lolitas aren't the type of common Youtuber that sends death threats or rape threats. Literally, all these types ever have to say are lolitas are "stalkers" and "bullies". These boards just call out your stupidity.
I ironically hate some of the saltier nature of lolita, but I DON'T put myself out there. I don't go plastering myself all over CoF and tumblr, ignore drama when it gets to be too much, and just enjoy the hobby as it should be. Why is that so hard for these whiny attention seekers?
No. 162371
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>>162370fuck dropped my pic
No. 162385
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No. 162573
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No. 162583
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honestly her princessy magical girl look is cute, but i frickin loved this
No. 162586
>>162574This. I hate Jillian as much as the next person, but let's not get middle school about this.
>>162573New to the drama, where is anyone bringing her mom into it? The closest I ever see is people who say her mom probably pays for her brand.
No. 162611
>>162573>going after my momlamo, her choice of words is hilarious.
We didn't 'go after' your mom, she literally came to us.
No. 162615
>>162300>They should be grateful lolitas aren't the type of common Youtuber that sends death threats or rape threats. Literally, all these types ever have to say are lolitas are "stalkers" and "bullies".THIS SO HARD
I can't stand how much these people inflate everything into stalking and cyber bullying when they don't even know what it truly looks like. There are girls receive rape and death threats, have everyone they know IRL fucked with, have their jobs gone after, get hacked, have private nudes leaked, get told to kill themselves, and more over nothing that remotely deserves it, and often times they deal with this on a very large scale. It's completely insulting to those who truly have their lives effected by real online harassment and stalking for these girls to act so victimized and baww about how they had to quit their beloved fashion because of how awful we all are, when pretty much all the hate they get is only on BtB, /cgl/, and here, and everyone else loves them and gives them constant asspats. They're lucky that all the negativity toward them is contained almost entirely to those three sites, all known for drama and saltiness, and it hardly leaks outside of them if at all.
No. 162628
>>162586Her mom selfposted and told us to stop bullying jillian. Then she forgot to clear her email and name fields and responded to herself pretending to be another supportive mom.
In order:
>>152373>>152412>>152844 No. 162630
>>152871>If you think that your daughter deserves all of the positivity, then you're TOO immature to be a parent. Not to whiteknight Jillian's mom, but it would be pretty fucked up for a parent whose kid vlogged to actively think they didn't deserve any positive reaction they got, what is wrong with you? Y'all need to stop acting like you know the right way to raise people's children when from the sounds of things you clearly would raise a kid with mad mommy issues yourself, most likely.
She's not even whiteknighting Jillian that hard, especially considering she's her mom. Her fans go way harder. She's just defending her daughter because people are talking shit about her, only an absolute shit parent wouldn't be upset by seeing a page like this. Yeah, it would be way better to keep her mouth shut, obviously, but all of you guys acting like you have all the answers to how to handle the internet as a parent are fucking clueless and wouldn't know the first thing to do with a kid.
No. 162633
>>162574yes, all of us are posting her old pics. all of us. every single person here.
her old deviantart stuff was all posted by one person, and
>>162385 was posted by one person. that's two people in total.
No. 162649
>>162628I wonder if the person pretending to be another concerned mother was actually her or someone pretending to samefag as her for the lulz. Top kek, either way.
Honestly, if I had a kid and they wanted to be a vlogger or whatever, there would be an hour long talk where I drilled into their head that not everyone is going to like them and if they wanted an online presence, they had to accept that. We're all talking shit among ourselves, Jillian doesn't have to come here and look. Its not like we're actually contacting her or getting up in her business IRL.
No. 162676
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>>162663GO FIND PEACE!!!!
No. 162731
>>162719>>162729I genuinely don't know whether to believe this is a troll or real. I'll bite, anyway.
There is absolutely nothing you can legally do about this. There's nothing illegal about us reposting pictures your daughter publicly uploaded and making fun of her. Don't you think that if that were the case, the millions of others who get shit online would do the exact same thing? What laws do you think we're breaking?
>calling Comcast.Christ lady, what do you think they can do? Even if we were breaking laws, Comcast itself can't take down the site, the most they would do is tell you to call the cops. They don't have the authority to shut down websites.
No. 162736
>>162667Oh god, I want to see this so bad
Is it true someone posted her address? I scrolled, but didn't see it.
No. 162745
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>>162719>>162729HAHAHAHHA THIS SHIT.
You can't pay for stupidity like this.
Call fucking Comcast. Please.
No. 162760
>>162758if this is a troll it's the GOAT bro
if it isn't, it's still the GOAT
No. 162762
>>162749because it's nothing like her other posts. the other ones were long and drawn out. and its 2:30 am where she lives.
>>162757you're in canada..
whatta troll
>>162760they're not trying hard enough lmao its kinda lame
No. 162766
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>>162757wait if you're supposed to be jillian's mom why did you spell your own last name wrong
it's vessey not vassey
No. 162768
>>162766Because its not her. Somebody already brought that up
>>162762stop taking the bait yall are lame
No. 162770
>>162768pls calm, I didn't see the other replies before mine because I was typing my post when theirs went up.
also would like to mention that there is no Comcast in Canada
>>162719 No. 162772
Wow guys, I'm not really sure what to say. First of all, that person is NOT my mom. I'm truly at a loss for words that you feel the need to bring her into this and pretend to be her just to make a fool out of her. Pretty fucking pathetic, even for you. Also, can someone please explain this bizarre obsession with me? I get that it's because you don't like me for a variety of reasons, but that's the part I'm confused about. Why invest this much energy and emotion in someone you don't even like? What do you have to gain besides feeling better about yourself temporarily for bringing someone you don't even know down? It's one thing to casually mention you don't like them and why, then leave it at that, but to have a page like this up, where you dig up old photos and discuss me like this is TMZ and I'm one of the Kardashians, or something. I will admit it's been flattering, but now it's just getting sad. You can try to justify it by saying it's the internet and to be expected all you want, but that doesn't make it okay or any less depressing. I guess I can just take solace in the fact that I'm happy, and don't need to spend this much of my time hating on some random teenager I'll probably never meet.
Welp, I guess that's all I have to say. I know this won't change anyone's mind, but I just needed to say my piece.
No. 162774
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>>162772>I'm one of the KardashiansHi Kiki
No. 162782
>>162630I agree. I think she's just an honest-to-goodness ignorant mom on the internet that saw her pastel baby getting shit talked on a website. It's kind of fun to watch, but I prefer the drama stay in the lolita sphere. I'd like to know how many of your parents even understand the concept of anonymous trash talking boards like this. I'd be surprised if even a handful of your parents would be okay with it or wouldn't have some form of repulsion to it.
I don't really like pulling unrelated people into lolita drama and roasting them unless they're really related to the drama at hand (boyfriends/girlfriends, family members, coworkers, etc.) Since they're sort of normies, of course they'll be shocked.
What I really want is for Jillian to take a stand for herself on what's happening here or see her reaction to all this. I feel like she keeps dodging it or is actually scared to. Maybe she's cried to her mom about it multiple times if this is what her mom is doing? I wouldn't be surprised since she called her up over the Cat's Tea Party dress and probably more minor things.
No. 162792
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No. 162795
How do you prove which posts are yours? I posted
>>162729>>162719I want to fess up because I agree that it just makes us stupid since it's obviously fake.. Help? I'm going to sleep since its 1am but I'll respond tomorrow.
No. 162797
>>162784There's only one sentence with too many commas, and people type worse when they're emotional
>>162776So, you'll call out people supposedly imitating Jillian, but not yourself. At 2 AM. Curious…
No. 162812
>>162795You add what we call a tripcode, which is when you put # in front of what you want your password to be right next to your name in the field. You'll have a number next to your name that one you have, like the sample name I gave you.
… I'm teaching Jillian's mom how to Chan. This is an interesting night.
No. 162825
>>162819What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
No. 162836
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No. 162857
new thread
>>162848stop imitating people, it's not funny. go to sleep.
and if people are still trying to make it funny, ignore them.
No. 163000
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is nobody gonna talk about this weird as fuck chin shoop
No. 169561
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I dont know if its just me because I come to lolcow, but when I google Pixielocks her lolcow page is on the front page of the results
No. 217171
i think its past your bedtime, piss off otherwise santa wont be bringing you any presents!
No. 217220
>>217169Unlike something like getting a degree from college, beauty school experience is not that impressive. Some schools really are there to just get you the hours you need to do the test and rely on you figuring it out yourself. Most of the time people start by doing their own hair anyways so you just learn by practicing.
It also does not help that people who go through schooling use that as an excuse to fuck their hair up. Charms is an example of someone who does this but a lot of hairdressers are the same way.
No. 217263
This thread is old. Please use
>>>/snow/25169 instead.