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File: 1432691123144.jpg (382.59 KB, 1000x1500, tumblr_nnqc9mzGzx1uqq258o1_128…)

No. 111353

She is the bastard offspring of Euthanizeallwhitepeople and THISISNOTJAPAN. You thought THEY were the silliest? You haven't seen BronzeBun.


BronzeBun's mission is to re-photoshop photos of pale-looking KPOP stars, basically "darkwashing" to compensate for the supposed "whitewashing" of the stars' skins.

The weird thing is that she's outraged only over the manipulation of the boys' skin complexions. All other image manipulations get a pass from here. She doesn't care that they use lenses to change their eye colors, or that they get surgery to change the shapes of their jawlines, or that they bleach their hair.

The weirdest part of this is that a huge number of Koreans are actually pale. They're certainly not orange.

Well, as you'd expect, there's a heavy overarching evaluative context that isn't Korean. It's really about American identity politics being projected on East Asia.

Bun is apparently the new Jun. See:

No. 111366

soooo basically she's just fixing the over-brightened edits that people post? i don't see anything wrong with that because they actually are whitened to paper color in pictures…

No. 111369

>>She doesn't care that they use lenses to change their eye colors, or that they get surgery to change the shapes of their jawlines, or that they bleach their hair.

yea but guy in op didn't get shit for any of that. one of his members made fun of his skintone though. it's common knowledge that koreans want to be undead white.

No. 111370

It's not really whitewashing tho. People of all colours increase the brightness/contrast in photos to hide their misshapen noses and wrinkles and acne.

No. 111375

Her corrective is to make them all orange and also to blame, guess who: "crackas"

No. 111376

>kpop fans are psycho

what else is new?

No. 111379

I have to wonder if she's actually seen the idols she's editing IRL. Like a lot of them really are pretty pale

No. 111388

well now that i've seen this i think differently. wtf.

No. 111399

aww im so sorry she hurt your white feelings by correcting overtly white washed edits of dark skinned idols back to its original colour :(

No. 111403


"your favorite evil Chinese girl darkwashing all of your faves"

If this girl is Asian at all she is half "Chinese" at best. My bet is that she is some kind of delusional Koreaboo of South American heritage tbh. I don't know why it is so difficult to understand that being fair skinned is, and has been for a long time, a desired trait in many Asian cultures. Sure, people being edited to appear more pale than they really are can be annoying (at least for me) but this shit has nothing to do with evils of "da white cishet male supremacists".

No. 111407

yeahhh that girl is white.

No. 111409

File: 1432695590595.jpg (41.47 KB, 396x549, 9ae.jpg)

>black washes asians that dont tan well
>"did i hurt your WHITE FEELINGS!?!
>did i mention i hate whites?
>because i hate whites
>i do
pppffftt lol
who cares?
stop chimping out and embarrassing yourself
aren't you an adult?

No. 111412

it's funny because they lightened their skin, their images get lightened beyond their skin whitening and she is trying to guess what color skin they're "supposed" to have

it's all bs

No. 111414

>'black washes'
lol. this is almost as kek worthy as black supermacy.
anyway, i hope you do realize that not all of us asian is as bleached as fan bingbing. i love her, but we all arent fucking white like that.
a lot of korean pop idols are fucking tan and get whitened to hell and back. fucking deal with it, you ugly fatty

No. 111416

> if you’re whitewashing your idols so they have #FFFFFF skin, you do not love them. You don’t even like them. If you loved them, you’d be able to see how beautiful and fresh their gorgeous dark skin is. It’s that simple.

lmao what

tumblr loves the oversaturated pastel blob aesthetic for their photos. i don't think people are lightening their photos because they want them to look more white (in fact i think most of them fetishize the fact that they are korean but u kno) but rather so they will match their milky pale pink grid background blog theme.

and yeah that girl looks white as hell. anyone can dig up more photos of her so we can see for sure?

No. 111425

Some Koreans look pale naturally. I would know because I've grown up around Koreans who lived in great poverty. They couldn't afford skin lightening agents. Some can be tan skinned.

I've also grown up around white people who had naturally darker skin and some who were extremely pale. They tended to have red hair

No. 111428


>us asian

Nice justification for being butt flustered, honey ♥

No. 111431

try harder to prove that dark skinned idols don't exist, you poor, poor pasty fatty

No. 111433

holy shit calm down
"black washing" was a fucking joke but its clear that flew over your head cause your anger issues

No. 111434

File: 1432698664886.png (315.56 KB, 698x581, cyberbullying.png)

is her main blog mewmii?

i ask because she reblogged this not even funny post on her darkwashing blog which is different than the rest of her posts.


she and mewmii also have the same bias (taemin) she said on her about on mewmii she is half chinese and half hawaiian/cherokee.

anyway, if it's her who is shitting up this thread by calling people fatties or whatever…lol.

No. 111435

File: 1432698766166.gif (2.87 MB, 340x332, 1426664154980.gif)

I frankly don't follow kpop, honey bun ♥

Nor do I give a shit if an idol is a darkie or sour cream

Get over yourself, princess and stop acting offended

No. 111436

wow, bitch is salty as hell

No. 111437

wow, nice double standards there!
the so called "anti-racist" is racist as hell
i bet you use the term "nigger" and "spic" alot too, right?

No. 111438

File: 1432699167968.gif (310.02 KB, 268x198, get help.gif)

"my race is better than all yours, nah-nah"
this is literally hitlers views on the world
you have the same world views as hitler, just whites as in asians

No. 111439

File: 1432699411495.jpg (19.19 KB, 360x271, womengroup.jpg)


>I don't care about race

>omg You're racist!

Should I check my privileges as well? ♥

Also, it seems Godwins Law has been initiated

No. 111440

File: 1432699494386.jpg (64.01 KB, 480x640, so chines.jpg)

Before I was just browsing the photos archive but now I'm just browsing full archive.

Mewmii and this girl are the same.


She has a full on vendetta against this girl easymind for being a koreaboo basically and posts a lot about how she's MAYO!!!!11 or whatever and will never be a model in Korea (never mind the fact that white people do get hired in Asia as models? lol). It's kind of sad and very reminiscent of Jun who would pool his followers against people for being racist/appropriating culture or whatever.

The thing is…this bitch is half asian and Chinese at that. She has about as much right to talk about Korean standards and make fun of Koreaboos as her non-asian side.

ANYWAY here's our half chinese friend here.


No. 111442

Yeah, I am not surprised if this is her trying to defend herself here

No. 111443

>being this angry

No. 111444

confirmed for using the term nigger alot
it isnt only tumblr SJW that think using the term nigger to discriminate somebody is racism

No. 111445

>using white girls as reaction images
you seem to REALLY want to be a white or black girl right now

No. 111446

teehee, raceism doesn't exist~

No. 111447

File: 1432700036216.gif (4.52 MB, 680x382, 686.gif)


>Being this self conscious about skin

You guys seem really narrow minded otherwise take this to /b/ ♥

How is your self hate and insecurity have anything to do with a koreaboo? :)

No. 111448

i can't tell what's going on in this thread.

No. 111450

you are acting like a child
people here are laughing and purposefully pissing you off so they can laugh at your angry reactions
you clearly dont understand the basic concept of trolling or the fact that the more you post here the bigger "lolcow" you will be
this is just a warning that acting like this online will eventually put you as an internet laughingstock
but don't say i didn't warn you

No. 111452

one "anti racist" thinks that everyone that isnt asian should die and that we are all SJWs for pointing out her use of the word "darkie" and "nigger"

No. 111453

/b/? but you are a lolcow, honey <3
keep crying your asian tears
they are delicious

No. 111454

I don't know because this >>111444 and >>111437 that actually said it

Otherwise this is OT

No. 111455

the only one that is self hating is you
and none of your arguements have anything but "you are this, because i said so"

No. 111456

Thanks anon.

I guess I assumed the anti-racist was the girl with the blog. I think she's just mad she doesn't actually look asian.

No. 111457

so what is "on topic" about this thread?
she is clearly a lolcow

No. 111458

File: 1432700535577.jpg (27.32 KB, 600x600, 0e9.jpg)

>TFW she ends up not even being asian

No. 111459

Are you sure you're looking at the right one? Because

No. 111462

Yeah, well, many Americans (of all races/backgrounds/complexions) find the n-word offensive. I'm white and I don't find it amusing at all. And that goofy banter is off topic, to boot.

All of that is allowed by the Rules https://lolcow.farm/rules.html …but do you have to?

No. 111463

you know what
you guys are just jealous that i'm a QT asian and you are just ugly niggers and crackers ♥

No. 111466

File: 1432701074736.jpg (22.99 KB, 250x333, azn gurl.jpg)

Yeah my money's on that. She only looks vaguely asian in pic related but it's literally only in the eyes. I could take a pic by squinting and at that angle and get the same effect. lol.

excuse u the new term is mayo

No. 111468

File: 1432701141085.jpg (69.63 KB, 758x714, 11089048_10206711051481354_553…)


She doesn't look chinese.. not at all.

so new, it hurts. have you ever been to an imageboard before?

wtf is even happening in this thread

No. 111469

Thirsty bitches the thread

No. 111470

She looks South American wtf.

No. 111471

Actually this picture she looks British as fuck.

No. 111472

I thought the same. Even if she really is half Chinese/Asian, she doesn't visibly appear so.

No. 111473

Yeah. Honestly in >>111466 I could buy her being NA but every other pic? white white mayo.

No. 111476

I'm full Chinese but I have shitloads of halfie cousins, the Chinese shows up enough that it's definitely noticeable without trying to look for it. You look actually fucking Asian if you're half Chinese, not "oh if I close one eye, squint, and close the other I vaguely see it". I bet she's just a weird looking white girl fishing for oppression points like Megan Marie.

No. 111477

File: 1432701504399.jpg (76.12 KB, 480x640, whitegurl.jpg)

She looks whiter than my Irish ass.

No. 111478

Did she shine a fucking yellow light in her face to make herself look more Asian?

No. 111480

File: 1432701970118.jpg (101.74 KB, 480x640, tumblr_no5t0hnibJ1rue60lo3_500…)

Maybe I'm just seeing shit, but she kind of looks like a not planet sized Quirky.

No. 111481

Exactly this. Any time anyone says they are as much as half Chinese (or Korean or Japanese), you can TELL if they are. I feel like she chose to be half Chinese instead of Korean so that people wouldn't immediately call her on appropriation since she's so into kpop.

Also she picked the most generic native American to be. Like yeah there are definitely actual Cherokee people don't get me wrong, but it's kind of become one of those white girl "I'm totes part Cherokee" things because so many Americans are some tiny percentage Cherokee. And as for Hawaiian? She doesn't look remotely Polynesian either.

That azn eyeliner wing.

No. 111482

It looks like she's edited the colour of her own skin, especially around her eyes. Either that or she's jaundiced as hell.

No. 111483

File: 1432702304215.png (456.92 KB, 525x466, kek.png)

No. 111484

File: 1432702372850.png (1.42 MB, 960x640, Uncanny.png)

No. 111487

jfc does she only have that fucking slytherin shirt

amaze. there are definitely some pics that look way more like quirk though.

No. 111489

File: 1432702600879.jpg (67.97 KB, 400x750, whiteassnow.jpg)

People seem to have this idea where if you're Asian, it's okay to be a massive weeb (looking at you, Berry). Chinese is the new fad because it's still East Asian but not as suspicious as Japanese or Korean, which have usually been the kawaii lied about ones. Plus the oppression points are always a bonus.

Even if she were Asian, she's still completely white passing. No more oppresion points 4 u.

No. 111490

File: 1432702645956.jpg (54.5 KB, 500x375, blondie.jpg)

she had blonde hair a while ago.

No. 111492

there's really no doubt in my mind that this girl is actually completely white.

No. 111495

File: 1432702863539.png (1.3 MB, 960x640, fwoop.png)

But they are oddly similar… however, looking at her, it seems to me she has oily skin

No. 111496

*the look oddly similar

No. 111498

File: 1432703104443.png (1.44 MB, 1023x610, 1428972424966.png)

No. 111500

about a year ago she was posting mainly cosplay/anime shit. (i skipped to page 40ish of her selfie tag.)

confirmed for wannabe asian.

No. 111503

its funny that her blog is in french

No. 111505

sorry but what does someone whose south american look like? It's like the most racially diverse continent along with central america, so I figured there was no typical look

No. 111508

File: 1432704195028.png (416.25 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nozt5uC8Tu1u3ppvso1_540…)

No. 111510

so they are wearing shirts with that band on them? ok…

this seems off topic.

No. 111515

you know damn well that the point was that their faces are whiter than the screen you're looking at

No. 111516

xiumin literally looks whiter than the lolcow background

No. 111519

File: 1432704962280.jpg (639.79 KB, 1847x1473, dfwr.jpg)

Kai and Tao get made fun of all the time within their group because they're "dark" but they all look practically the same shade

also compare >>111508 to this

No. 111521

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No. 111522

not to be OT but xiumin is so good looking

No. 111525

i feel like someone is going to call kai an orange oompaa loompa but like… i am a south asian and i share the same skin colour as kai. so this isnt reaching.

No. 111528

Her heritage is completely British Isles, and she's yellowing her own skin in her newer photos.

No. 111529

cute boys

No. 111536

They probably meant mestizo. I don't expect them to know better tbh

No. 111537

Lol you stupid, bitch? Gooks have been whitening themselves long before white people ever came along. It has nothing to do with white people and our beauty ideals. Most of our magazines darken pale girls anyhow you stupid fuck.

No. 111539

She just looks like a mexican to me.

No. 111540

Using racial slurs to be 3edgey5me aren't we? XD

No. 111541

Holy shit, this is her?

No. 111544

yep. white gurl

No. 111546

File: 1432707998318.jpg (245.38 KB, 857x1280, 1422423469741.jpg)

Hmmm, I will continue to say it.
Nigger nigger nigger gook gook gook chink chink chink

No. 111550

It's the naive/quirky logic of young tumblrinas that hurts my brain to read. For example:

Is she a "tanned East Asian"? Who doesn't find her skin appealing? (Korean entertainment firms?) What makes it so "important?"

No. 111552

I think Bun's project would be more fun without all the stupid identity politics layered all over it. She could just colorize the boys and let the orange-faced photos speak for themselves.

No. 111556

I agree, the Chinese have very dominant genes. It should show more on her as a biracial.

No. 111557

she looks central or south american

No. 111558

Not that I'm defending this girl because for all we know she really is a liar, but that whole "oh, mixed people always look like more like ___" or "___ genes are more dominant" is total BS. Genetics don't know what race is. There are a lot of mixed race people who look completely asian, some who look completely white, and some who look in between. It's dependent on our perceptions of "race" as a category that isn't even real.

No. 111559

True that, but this bitch really looks 0% Asian.

No. 111564

File: 1432711899157.png (4.91 KB, 418x170, tan.png)


No. 111567

This and this.
Even if her Chinese genes weren't dominant, with her having at least one totally Chinese parent you would be able to tell at least a little I think.

Either way, she can't be saying things like >>111564 because frankly I doubt the average person would assume she was east Asian. She needs to check her privilege lel.

No. 111585

Why does she strive to make her project sound so ~#high mindedミ★ highfalutin? Her About page opens with this style that’s like a doctoral dissertation by some radical left critical theorist: "A prevalent reoccurrence within kpop circles is the horrible practice of editing out the skintones of idols…" It’s as if she’s basing her project on American-style identity politics. Why can’t she just say, I’m a white British teen and proud koreaboo ♥ ♥ who likes to colorise the bleached out photos that the Korean production companies release? Why bother making it sound all heavy and intellectual?

No. 111588

because sjws take everything they do too seriously.

she also has to say things like >>111564 to remind you how asian she is in case you forgot so it doesn't seem racist of her to make a blog like that.

because she's totally asian.

she's chinese but never really mentions anything specifically about china, just asians in general or koreans.

No. 111589

File: 1432716370985.gif (999.49 KB, 250x251, 1422416572414.gif)


Presumably because she's deluded herself into thinking she's a honorary korean for having supposedly chinese descent and thinks what she's doing is absurdly important, an attempt to combat the evil white man from defiling her precious korean idols

As you can tell however, she's white as fuck

No. 111590

She looks like some of my Mexican friends, actually. I HIGHLY doubt she's Asian at all. And if she is she must really hate one of her parents to hold all this animosity towards white people.

P.S. some Koreans are naturally pale and some aren't. What she's doing as someone who isn't Korean is being just as racist by assuming they're all brown.

No. 111597

Word. Great post.

No. 111598


And there are many of us who never even think about all this skin tone bullshit. Out of Exo, who doesn’t love Kai??? I’ve never thought about his complexion, or Lay’s or Suho’s or anyone’s.

No. 111599

File: 1432721388770.jpg (184.07 KB, 1280x694, Korea_KPOP_World_Festival_13.j…)

Is Kai's skin tone really such an issue? I don't see much difference in this pic. And, anyway, he seems to be getting enough attention and love. Maybe fans like all shades of KPOP. I never noticed any difference, but if I had, it never would have occurred to me that this slight melatonin difference would ever matter to anyone. Some people are so sensitive!

No. 111603

File: 1432721744469.jpg (84.41 KB, 400x600, tumblr_noyz0z3SMK1uqq258o1_400…)

Also, Bun seems to believe that she can change a KPOP image from unnatural to natural just be changing the skin tone. This image is an example product of her "darkwashing" but it still doesn't look like a natural Korean guy – the makeup, the hairstyling, the face shape, the lighting… it's all completely unnatural. Sooooo?

No. 111608

honestly he looks orange. i don't know if it's because of all the orange surrounding him or what. but he looks like he got a spray tan rather than that just being his natural color.

his contacts creep me out.

No. 111610

I for one am fucking thrilled that Jun formerly of euthanizeallwhitepeople has returned to tumblr! I've missed the bile, the misplaced anger the flawed logic the blind rage aimed at white girls. Bless his/her heart, so glad they've decided things have cooled down enough to pop their head over the barricades again.

At first this blog was interesting, because colorism is actually a huge thing across Asia …. I've seen pictures of idols where you can see the white make up on their hands and arms… Yuck. I thought the attempts at "correcting" the color was a bit amateurish but whatever…. However when this blogger started going after the girl that objected to the colorization that things got really interesting and hilarious.

All the old Jun-isms where there, calling her Mayo, calling her ugly making colorism about white people (been going on for centuries before east Asia has much contact with whitey) bringing out cracker etc etc classic Jun and euthanizeallwhitepeople

Welcome back junnie-bunnie I will be watching your half baked illogical bullshit with great mirth

No. 111611

Yeah. Certainly not natural Korean looks.

No. 111612

isnt it actually asian culture to want to be pale? in every asian culture i know of, being pale is ideal because it shows you don't work in the fields. is this tumblr bitch going to say geisha paint themselves white to look like caucasians? come the fuck on.

No. 111621

what if it is jun?
…it actually did cross my mind that it could be. even though i know that's ridiculous.

much more likely a wannabe.



No. 111638

Wow. So self hating of her.

No. 111643

Why can't people look pale if they want too?
Fucking tumblr

No. 111646

the idea in Asian culture that if youre tan that means youre poor and dirty is kind of sad because a lot of people cant make their skin lighter no matter what they do.

it seems white people have grown out of this mentality a long time ago but a lot of non-whites(even black people) have this concept that dark skin=poor.

No. 111648

Interesting to see that This Is Not Japan blog came out with a "light skin" vs. "dark skin" post shortly after we started this thread today.
I've long suspected that many of their posts are actually oblique responses to what we're talking about here.

No. 111664

I think it's funny how TINJ insists to use "mayo" when Japanese people are number 1 at drenching food in mayo. This coming from a Japanese girl lol.

No. 111679

Pretty much what >>111567 said. She claimed she's HALF, like if she said she were 1/16 or 1/8 or something, maybe I'd believe it, but no way do I believe half. She looks suspiciously white for ~half Chinese, quarter Cherokee, quarter Hawaiian~

No. 111681

Kai is the one on the far right, yeah? Because he's fine as fuck

No. 111703

Gotta love it when chinks think they know who is or who isnt white. She doesnt look white, she looks like a chink halfbreed. White my actual white ass. White people dont look like that

No. 111704

That boy's the only one in that picture worthy of a double-take. Lord almighty.

No. 111707

Not Aryan white obviously but she looks like some sort of generic European mutt. Dark hair + dark eyes =/= Asian and that's literally all she has going for the Asian claim, her features are whiter than snow.

No. 111718

She looks eurasian. Turkic. And.guess what? Turks were originally chinks. White women with dark hair and dark eyes look different. I know because i have dark eyes and dark hair.

No. 111725

File: 1432737767387.gif (35.09 KB, 466x463, ethnicgroups.gif)

So maybe there's like a SLIGHT chance she is descended from a white-passing minority group in China. But if her lineage is from Turkey (or another eastern european country) then why wouldn't she say she's ethnically Eastern European?

Because face it, this chick wants to be Asian so hard. I have family from the Ukraine but that doesn't mean I say I'm from fucking Asia.

No. 111745

Turkic=/= turkey
Didnt you know that recently in the past 500 years people like to make up countries? With turkic I mean chinks, not durka sandniggers. Also again wrong, geographically turkey is in the "middle east" mostly. There is 10% chance she is from Kazakhstan or an uygur chinese woman, 90% chance her mum or dad is a Han Chinese from China.

No. 111746

Because Turkey is generally considered part of the Middle East.

No. 111747

Also, you're not from Asia but from Svetlanaland(eastern europee)

No. 111748

Also this. They even used to be a part of Syria which is an Arab country. Turkic=/turkey

No. 111750

AAAAAND people from Turkey are TurkISH. Like the delight.

No. 111756

No, Kai is the one in the back whose head is obscuring the stem of the last P in KPOP. He's got Elvis eyes.

No. 111770

fuck off mayoburger

No. 111788

No. 111790

There's a 90% chance her parent is a Han Chinese? Erm no. She looks fucking white dude. Have you ever been to China and seen the people there?
Never said I was from Asia. I am not from Asia. I am not Asian.

Lol I love how you just answered your own post 4 times in a row

No. 111797

I really don't understand this conversation, I'd take her for a half. Considering all the friends I've had, some look full, neither, or none. (have to agree she looks really British though)
Just considering people like ベッキー, if she wasn't famous most people would probably think she's fully foreign.

No. 111799

File: 1432744803941.jpg (242.93 KB, 1302x1400, hathaway1f713.jpg)

You're right, I read that wrong. I thought you said "I am from Ukraine but that doesn't mean I say I'm from fucking Asia". My bad, but you did imply that Ukraine is an Asian country which it is not. I have been in China once and I have seen people who are half Chinese. Genes are amazing so azn white biracials can look either white or asian or in between and that homegirl is in the between range. That you think that she looks white is a funny joke though. Pic related; a white woman with brown eyes and brown hair.

No. 111800

File: 1432744881281.jpg (182.09 KB, 630x703, lol.jpg)

>she looks really british

No. 111802

File: 1432744994608.jpg (125.24 KB, 1300x957, woman-staring-8993499.jpg)

In ten years this will be white. LOLOLOL. Also pic related looks vaguely like that girl.

No. 111804

He's adorable, my god.

No. 111809

I assume you haven't seen common Brits. Tons of women with quiet broad facial features and dark hair/eyes.
That aside, I can accept her being half, but she's still a koreaboo.

No. 111812

Is she doing a thing with her lips like partially puckering them?

No. 111813

File: 1432745257680.jpg (473.83 KB, 2000x1000, o-LILY-COLLINS-facebook.jpg)

And in the pic related is how they look like. Not like that >>111802 or that >>111490

No. 111815

What? Bekki definitely looks half/half in the most split down the middle way possible.

No. 111817

Jesus christ, you're desperate.

No. 111820

Lol I love people who cannot think of better arguments.

No. 111821

File: 1432745555020.jpg (24.4 KB, 460x276, x.jpg)

you're welcome, british woman.

No. 111826

File: 1432745711064.png (83.67 KB, 618x577, lily-allen-no-makeup.png)

All fat people look Asian. Pic related; skinny Lilly Allen

No. 111840

Did I hit a weak spot or something? I said she really reminds me of a British woman, especially in >>111440, but I never said I'd rule out her being half. I'm half myself so I feel for her, still sad she's a total weeb.

No. 111844

Brown eyed and dark haired white women, and dark women (Asian, black ect) are so ugly please dont compare them to white girls!

No. 111850

Kai has tanned skin, like Tao. But they're not orange hahahah

No. 111854

maybe the chinese one is her grandma so she says she's chinese haha

No. 111857

OT but look at Tao, he's like 'I should be at home but no these bitches made me come to this shitty festival'

No. 111858

she's obsessed with Kai LOLLLLL

No. 111879

See the thing is, I would totally support a Korean living in Korea who is shamed for having their naturally tanned skin and pressured into bleaching it to fit this ideal model of what Koreans are supposed to look like. I could understand them and other East Asians or South east Asians who are the biggest supporters of the Hallyu Wave trying to combat against white washing.

Not because having light skin is wrong, but because there is nothing wrong with having tan skin and it shouldn't be treated as such.

Same thing with monolids, how can people who naturally have them shame others for it? They're beautiful just like double eyelids, it's a shame that so many people get the surgery for bigger looking eyes.

No. 111882

No. 111883

his own group members are the assholes who poke fun at that, while it may be light hearted, some people who have Kai's skin color and look up to the other members making fun of him may take it personally and want to bleach their skin

No. 111887

>I've seen pictures of idols where you can see the white make up on their hands and arms… Yuck

wait seriously?

No. 111891

I agree. But why make this into an obsession if you're a British koreaboo teen who just really wants to indulge in KPOP fandom? Why try to layer a veneer of serious activism on top of that?

No. 111903

What I like about this >>111879 post is that it locates the values, desires and activism within East Asia itself. It was refreshing and I very much appreciated it.

Too often, we see blogs like Euthanizeallwhitepeople, ThisisnotJapan and this BronzeBun thing are not really coming from within East Asia but rather from the very America-centric tumblrina SJW subculture.

There are many Tumblr blogs published from within East Asia. They just never seem to wade into this faux-intellectual left style of the American blogs.

No. 111905

When you come across tedious, repetitive, pedantic activism on Tumblr you find, almost 100% of the time, that it's from North America. So, when I saw this bronzebun blog, I could tell right away that it wasn't really an East Asian perspective.

No. 111919

>"Activism" against racism
>constantly uses the term "darkie" "cracker" "mayo" and "nigger"
Great activism there bro, you fight those damn, dirty racists and show that chinks are the only people that can get discriminated
For their race
(Sorry if OT)

No. 111926

Who? What? Huh?

No. 111928

The person that is spray painting pictures of
Pop singers because they are being whitewashed apparently

No. 112085

File: 1432761353666.jpg (12.69 KB, 442x526, sadkeanu.jpg)

whoever is in here trying to say "she totally looks half what are you talking about, she doesn't look white AT ALLL" is clearly butthurt.

if enough people think she looks white, aka most of this thread, she is white-passing if not completely white. enough people raised their eyebrows when she said she was chinese to go find other pictures to confirm. you know?

i would like to find an entry where she addressed the privilege she had as a white passing person. that would make me like her a LITTLE more. but i have seen so many white girls pretending to be asian on tumblr it's kind of surprising.

i agree with this anon, and feel that it's sort of not her place to talk about issues facing dark-skinned asian women considering she does not appear to be a dark-skinned asian woman and lives in new york, not korea or china.

i guess i also can't believe that she as really experienced that kind of discrimination, not having lived in a mainly-asian country or appearing mainly asian. i feel like if she lived in china people would just assume she's a foreigner – and rightly so, because she is. i don't think they'd have anything to say about her skintone.

and furthermore…if she were an openly white girl doing this blog project, i think a lot of asian sjws would skewer her and talk about how it's racist to assume any of them don't want to be pale or maybe they are naturally pale etc etc and how she has no RIGHT.

but yeah i'm fairly certain the desire to be pale (at least in japan and korea) has been around before white people were even a thing. not to mention white people didn't really have the same effect on east asia as they did with other parts of the world lol.

ot but isnt keanu part chinese and part hawaiian too?

No. 112186

This is my favorite Bun post.
She’s so comfortable in her made up identity and so pleased with her own "activism."

No. 112190

Probably some butthurt white person based on how many racial slurs they like to cram into one sentence. It feels like a new racist-chan is lurking.

I highly doubt she acknowledges the fact that she's white passing at all. She makes posts about ~DON'T FETISHIZE ME I'M SO ASIANNNN~, I wonder if she's deluded like PT is and sees herself as some tiny monolidded oppressed Chinese girl.

And yeah, Keanu Reeves is but very marginally IIRC.

No. 112194

Why the fuck are you pulling images of models as if those girls aren't like the top 1% when it comes to looks in Britain? Brits are fucking hideous and in some cases, even more trashy than Amerilards. Their features aren't indicative of anything the country has to offer in terms of genetics or facial features at all

No. 112213

No. 112227

I love the fact that this
was archived.

Note the girl behind Kai who's having technical problems with her camera. She totally missed the brilliant moment.

No. 112233

i was getting pixy levels of desperation to be asian
i think its because she takes those "fat girl" angles to make her look thinner, so i guess she is trying to get opression points so if anybody calls her ugly or fat, she can just go "OMG UR RACIST"
and to tell you the truth, i bet she was racist-chan this whole time

No. 112240

um wtf dark haired dark eyed women are fucking beautiful just look at >>111813

are you valeria? lmfao.

No. 112243

Yeah, but how does she think she's gonna score points by constantly fat shaming girls she doesn't even know? That's one of the weirdest quirks in this case.

No. 112289

Skin gets makeup. Hair gets bleach. Are the two really so different?

No. 112294

it's simple, because she hates being fat
she is in such incredible denial about it that she cannot help herself but shit on them so she can trick people into thinking that she must be skinny

No. 112305

she has posted full body shots in the past (go to her selfie tag, go back to like page 40+) and she is definitely not skinny lol.

No. 112340

Oh. I've seen this tumblr.
She's half right though. I'd say when it comes to Koreans based off the few that I know…it's pretty common that they have somewhat darker skin tones. By darker what I mean is just lighter than what is shown in pictures. Not really dark brown or anything. Yellow. Asians are yellow toned. The thing though is that yes, most of them are photoshopped ghost white.

Only someone who isn't Asian would deny that Koreans (like most other Asians) are yellow toned with SOME even being bronze tanned looking. It's not rare or uncommon but isn't all of them either. Does that make sense? So, setting that side.

I think the girl who runs that tumblr looks flat out white herself. But regardless of her ethnicity, the reaction she's getting out of people is interesting. Too bad she'll probably be outted as full white/not Asian even in the slightest and then delete shortly after just like every other asian-fanbase angering tumblr that comes about.

No. 112342

Uhm. There are many many pale Koreans. In terms of light/dark, it's essentially the same range as Europeans.

No. 112395

I need clarification on Bun's theory of Who, When and How. Who is doing the whitewashing? At what point (When) in the production/release/presentation of an image does it become whitewashed? How is the whitewashing done?

Maybe she's answered these questions already and I'm just not looking in the right places. Or maybe she keeps it all sort of ambiguous (as with her national identity). I don't know. Do any of you know?

1) Are the boys whitewashing themselves using makeup or whatever?
2) Are their production agencies whitewashing them with makeup or photo editing?
3) Are their fans taking non-whitewashed original sources and whitewashing them to post to Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram?

1) Is it happening in the dressing room where makeup artists prepare the boys?
2) Is it happening in the photo sessions where photographers and art directors capture the boys' images?
3) Is it happening in the photo editing process?

1) Is it done with makeup?
2) Is it done with lighting?
3) Is it done with photo editing?
4) All of the above?

What is Bun alleging? Sorry if I've just not paid enough attention. Hope these questions aren't too tedious!

No. 112399

File: 1432788894379.jpg (52.78 KB, 343x500, 43105271.jpg)

yeah, i get you. But i don't really think the editing choice of brightening a image to hell and back is "them trying to be white" as Bun is trying to make it out to be so she can push her dumb "evil white devils!!!1" agenda
they over-use the brightening effect because you pretty much blur all their imperfections and usually noses with light.
the last time asia tried the "western look" they ended up looking like pic related

No. 112400

File: 1432788934961.png (9.68 KB, 434x277, saltysalterson.png)

why do tumblrinas??? put questionmarks???? in the middle of???? sentences????? where it makes no???? sense????

No. 112401

Actually I think most of us agree that kpop idols(and other celebrities of color) are whitewashed.

What most people are reacting to is BronzeBun's blatant white-lookingness, the way she harassed some random "mayo" koreaboo, and generally her attitude all around.

I don't really take issue with the blog itself although yeah the colorations are a bit amateur, who cares. The girl behind it is pretty lol.

There's cultural emphasis put on Asian people to be paler, with darker ones being made fun of. So there's a combination of makeup, skin lightening, etc plus photoshop, lightening, and editing, to make them look paler.

It's honestly mainly Koreans (either themselves or their producers/managers/magazine editors) doing most of the lightening. The fanbase who is making edits and icons aren't really lightening them because they find pale attractive, for the most part, but rather because the washed out pastel aesthetic is hip and popular on tumblr etc. You see the same thing with food and flowers, it's not really limited to kpop idols.

It's definitely a real cultural issue but she is kind of implying that non-Asians are the ones who are doing most of it.

I was JUST thinking that. I hate this trend and I wish they would stop.

No. 112406

Look at her skin in these photos:

>>111477 & >>111483 vs >>111489 & >>111490

She yellowwashes herself.

No. 112407

do you have any credible sources that you can link that show that asians are pushed to do that. i don't know much about other cultures so i never heard of this, it isn't because i don't believe you, its just that i have never heard of this until now

No. 112409

she is so white, it hurts

No. 112412

I'm in Asia. It's real and widespread and historical. I wish I had time to find concrete sources.

No. 112414

I mean if you google "Asian whitening" you can see a slice of what I'm talking about. There are tons of whitening creams/masks on the market. Even if you buy a mask meant for moisturizing or something unrelated it probably has a whitening agent just because the push toward being paler is so desired.

It's one of those things that is incredibly common and ingrained in Asian culture that you can find a lot of articles about it. As for like proper studies and scholarly resources and shit you're on your own as I don't really have the energy to plow through any of that.

But it's very real.

No. 112417

No. 112425

Yes, that's Southeast Asia. But the same kind of stuff is marketed in East Asia (even though there are more pale people in the north).

No. 112438

I feel like only a non-Asian person would assume that Asian whitening is a result of European standards of beauty.

No. 112450

I wanted to spot-check to see where her followers come from. My method was to start at the bottom of the Notes below this post
and just check the first ten from the bottom.

USA - Black

USA?? - Vietnamese

Canada - Black


Obviously not Asian

Name is "Brenna." Blogs all in English

sarina. 21. mixed latina

Blake, Asexual Panromantic. Demigirl, she/her pronouns. I like funny things and good looking people.


Location:Chicago, USA

So, this systematic sample comes up with all young females, and all of those who gave locations were living North America.

My point is that Bun's community is not Korean, not Chinese and not even in East Asia or even from East Asia. It's a young, female American community.

There are thousands of cool people from Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan, and HK on Tumblr. I know because I'm in East Asia and I develop online communities for regional users (including via Tumblr). I'm not bragging or trying to sound awesome or cool. It just happens to be the case. Most users are from Korea, then Japan, then China, then USA, then Taiwan.

When we evaluate Tumblrina bullshit, a key indicator is a blogger's audience. These American koreaboo girls think that they're KPOP idols' best friends. Notice that no real Korean people follow her. That's a big clue right there.

No. 112452

I used to know a woman who was Filipino-American. When she visited family, she would make sure to bring her own toiletries. There were so many products with "bonus" whitening that she didn't trust anything.

No. 112458

In conclusion, Mewsii/BronzeBun is contributing to the fetishization of Korean culture by Tumblrinas by neatly packaging it and reselling it with a "now 50% less racism" label to appeal to them.

No. 112461

this is not surprising at all.

none of these Asian sjw bloggers have an actual Asian audience. in fact it seems like most of the people who send messages to them (including jun and thisisnotjapan) are actual people from Japan/Korean/china saying they're being ridiculous.

also this

No. 112464

Yes, I think this is our conclusion. This pretty much nails it.

No. 112467

I've started going through her followers, too. LOTS of black people, huh.

No. 112468

They use this fabricated facade of East Asian "activism" to hide their own koreaboo/weeaboo-ism and make it feel guilt-free for their koreaboo/weeaboo followers. Jun used the same tactic as Bun. Jun took it to a much more sociopathic level, but the modus operandi was the same. Guilt-free weeb/koreaboo-ism.

No. 112469

that's another thing. seems like black sjws will follow literally every non-white person doing this kind of shit.

and sjws of all colors will reblog tons of black-tumblr stuff as if it applies to them lol.

No. 112471

Here is my issue with it. Asians whitening themselves has nothing to do with white people. It isn't done because white people are racist and forced them, they've been doing it since ancient times because no one wanted to look like a farmer. The idea behind her blog is that it's racist for Kpop stars to be whitened and that they do it to look like white people, but that's not true.

No. 112508

No. 112512

we should show them her constant use of "Darkie" and "N**ger" when she was here at the beginning of the thread LOL

No. 112513

"I'm not white!!!1, I swear!!!"

No. 112516

in eastern societies before they even came in contact with whitey the people who went out and worked all day that were tan proved that they must be poor
the lighter skinned ones stayed in alot meaning they were born in wealth because they could sit inside all day
this "white-wash" thing has been going on before they ever seen whites
as a matter of fact in western society it's the opposite, being tan means you go on vacations alot and being pale meant that you had to stay inside and work
if anything western society is telling them to tan more

No. 112517

No. 112519

Omg, this one is more Jun than Bun:

No. 112520

But, we see here whitesupremacykpop correcting some of Jun's bullshit. So whitesupremacykpop is clearly not euthanizeallwhitepeople.


No. 112539

it is not "whitewashing". it is only whitewashing if it is done to make them look caucasian. it is asian culture and aesthetics to be pale long before white people. yes they are photoshopping and using bleaching creams, but you can't call it whitewashing, because they aren't trying to be white people, they just want to be pale asian royalty.

No. 112554

When EXO M came to Barcelona I took photos of them and as some of the photos were dark I had to brighten them up and ended up looking like if they were really pale. Sometimes it's because of the lighting, and sometimes it's because what >>112539 said, being pale/having Snow White's skin in Asian is considered as a social status thing which I think is something dumb, but I'm not going to argue with the ones who think that because everybody has their own preferences. Some 'masters' of fansites don't edit their skins which I think it's cool, and some of them edit them as if they were vampires or ghosts. It's not difficult to see when the photo has been brightened or the skin whitened.
Anyways I think it's ridiculous to darken the skins in photos that have been whitened/brightened if you're not a pro using Photoshop, it looks like they use Meitu XiuXiu because their skins are orange or a shade which is not theirs.

No. 112565

No. 112594

No. 112598

Wow, the "bronze" tumblrina mob really came after easyxmind with torches and pitchforks. She had to go into hiding.

No. 112600

She should also make a video showing us how she literally turns herself yellow.

No. 112605

File: 1432832433458.jpg (72.25 KB, 500x500, easyxmind.jpg)

An American girl named Mercedes who blogs as rapgodjaehyo.tumblr (a self described 19yo "bisexual genderqueer socialist latinx") read easyxmind’s expression this way: "when ur white and u want to be a model in korea but the dirty sjws keep reminding u that koreans are actually people of color and dont have white skin"


No. 112621


No. 112716

rapgodjaehyo's blog is cancer. i can't believe people act like this over the age of 12.

No. 112811

File: 1432850166937.png (709.02 KB, 540x540, bad edit.png)

I think the argument they're trying to make is that you can edit a photo by changing it's contrast without making the people in them look like ghosts

I am pale and regularly brighten my photographs and make sure my skin doesn't look unnaturally bright

Besides, when you have good quality cameras, this shouldn't be that big of an issue

Some Kpop fans do focus on lightening the skin as much as possible as you can see in the edit posted above, where they missed a section of his neck and left it as it was originally in >>111521

Does that mean that everyone who lightens skin does it because they want them to resemble a different race? No, that would be incredibly faulty thinking when its obvious that people like them because of the fact that they look Korean.

Many, like many Koreans themselves have said, prefer lighter skin, so they lighten the skin on their images because they think it looks better.

Not only that, to assume that by Koreans wanting light skin = Koreans wanting to be white dismisses the fact that there are white people who don't have light skin. It also ignores Korean history involving light skin (poor farmers = out in the sun all day, so they became dark, royalty/rich = pale), that there are Koreans who don't want anything to do with white people, and Koreans who lighten their skin out of pressure to conform not because they want to, much less than because they want to look white in a place where the population of white people is incredibly small.

No. 112864

I don’t normally mess with KPOP images, but just made that "bad edit" of Chen and Xuimin (looking super-pale) as a joke after reading this thread. It was intentionally "bad."

The proximate source was indeed this >>111521 However, it has to be noted that >>111521 was NOT the "original" photo but rather the orange-ized edit produced and blogged by the notorious BronzeBun.

BronzeBun’s source probably looked like this:

I know that my one-off edit was a joke, but, who are the evil editors being talked about in >>112811 ?

This takes us back to this question: >>112395

And why do you focus so much on "edits," anyway? Isn’t it a combination of makeup, lighting, etc? See: >>112401

No. 112883

File: 1432853490560.gif (87.01 KB, 500x533, Michael-Jackson-Bad-michael-ja…)

super BAD

No. 112886

you can be a model and not be a certain race
there are plenty of black models in america. Bun, plz. this thread is about you. if you wanna make one for this chick then make one. don't get OT

No. 112887

BUT these models that want to be a model in Korea because they think they are white desu IS stupid. but let them go there and fail miserably, don't get all butthurt. just pointing that out to make it clear

No. 112894

Maybe this the story of self-hating koreaboos at war with other self-hating koreaboos?

No. 112901

Is BronzeBun reacting to the KPOP industry? Or is she reacting to KPOP fans?

No. 112962

I don't really notice this. I see a lot of black Tumblr users follow other none-whites only if they speak about racism as it applies to black people. For example, the whole shadism thing is pretty well know within the black community, which is what Bronze talks about. On the other hand, you never see black people follow or reblog anything from a none-white that involves facing racism from none-white people (even though it's very common.) They would probably ignore a Korean who complained about facing discrimination in Japan, yet they applaud a Chinese-American girl who talks about shadism.

No. 112966


Not the anon you're replying too, but I've noticed a mixture of both. A lot of the "black tumblr" blogs i follow will reblog any issue that a non white faces. and then others will only care about issues that only havr to do with blacks like shadism and stuff.

No. 112968

Neither. She's reacting to Tumblr's vendetta against anything white.

No. 113124

Whitesupremacykpop and bronzebun appear to be aligned in the way they both recognize that shade-ism is at play in KPOP. And they both focus on the way that this shade-ism is expressed either deliberately or unconsciously by people who edit KPOP photos. They're against that. But it seems like their tumblr re-activism isn't pointed at KPOP's Korean producers, managers, or magazine editors. The bad guys appear to be fans who edit photos in an amateur way for their own blogs.

Somehow, it's a big concern for North American Tumblrinas of color (TOC). BronzeBun looks white, but can claim TOC membership thanks to some non-white heredity.

We can only gather that they really just hate other non-Korean fans, especially the white non-Korean fans. I mean, that’s who they go after. Signal boost, dogpile and then nearly dox poor easyxmind, and so on.

So, this is like trying to mobilize serious activism against white girls who love EXO. Imagine if that was your life's mission.

Whitesupremacykpop/bronzebun’s "important" activism is to kick against a great oppressor. And, in this case, that great oppressor turns out to be the existence of little white fangirls on Tumblr. Whitesupremacykpop/bronzebun’s re-activism has a chorus of young sistahs backing it all up. It must give them encouragement, a feeling of — Yeah, right on and righteousness comrades.

No. 113153


this site can answer some of those questions I think

No. 113154

I think it depends, the black bloggers I follow post and reblog about issues that face all communities within the U.S. and abroad because they see it as supporting each other. Most Latino, Middle Eastern Asian bloggers I follow come across tend to stick to issues facing their communities, sometimes delving in to other ethnic groups' issues if they can relate (colorism).

No. 113163

I disagree, it seems like everyone on dumblr reblog/follow blacks for no reason other than them being black. They feel that blacks are "teh most oppressed" or whatever and so they have final say on all things race related.

No. 113204

Funny thing about these Tumblr busybodies who pester other users about "colorism" in KPOP is that they don't seem to have any followers in South Korea.

Their crusade seems confined to an American echo chamber.

No. 113224

Is there an anti-colorism movement building from within South Korea? Or is this just Americans projecting their own brand of correctness on them?

No. 113541

I remember listening to Yoon Mi Rae’s "Black Happiness" where she talks about growing up in Korea having dark skin

No. 113545

its more of a social norm for years even before whites had any sort of influence. it used to mean that if you were pale you were rich and never had to work outside, and if you were more tan it means you worked outside more and were poor
the thing is that the EVIL WHITE DEVIL!!!1 had nothing to do with it, whites aren't some elite group that controls every country in the planet 100% all the time like the illuminati, but SJWs seem to try too hard to push that belief.

No. 113547

so "whitewashing" is really just a shitty iphone picture effect..
they do that to blur the shit out of their imperfections, not because they want to look white, i never see a asian girl go "oh man, i wish i was white" do you have anything that shows that people WANT to look white
because it seems that they are just doing that to cover their blemishes

No. 113548

Well she's half black and was told to deny it by execs. It's probably more accepted now, provided she otherwise looks "Korean" enough.

This is why I tend to use "light" instead of "white" even though the latter is what's used in Asia. Asians don't want to look European. They want to look Asian. With light skin. That's it.

No. 113549

sometimes I think it's because a lot of white people themselves who travel to Korea say that when Koreans have plastic surgery that involves having double eyelids, a higher nose bridge; dying their hair lighter colors, wearing contacts and lightening their skin, that they're trying to look white like them.

I've come across many blog posts that say "I was approached by all these Koreans wanting to touch me or come talk to me because I was white" when it necessarily isn't about that at all.

I read some comment on an article that said its similar to how some white people think that anime characters are white because of the way they are drawn. They're placing their ideals onto others.

It's not as though white people are attempting to look latino, middle eastern, asian or black when they have certain procedures done like tanning, bigger butts, less body hair, etc.

If people said Koreans highly value Korean beauty and left it at that, other peoples race wouldn't be brought into it.

No. 113567


I disagree, there is a more traditional Korean beauty aesthetic that doesn't involve double eyelids, a higher nose bridge etc. Among older folks, those are not ideal. It's more the younger kids who have been influenced by western media.

No. 113579


They just want to be seen as attractive. They think lighter hair colours/double eye lids/whatever else looks attractive.

Just like white people in the U.S are starting to find big butts hot. It doesn't mean they want to look black or Spanish, it just means they want to look hot.

Not everything is about wanting to look like another race, dude.

No. 113594

I never said that was all there was to the Korean aesthetic, I'm talking about foreigners, specifically white people, who say that Koreans get those surgeries to look like them.

Thats why I said:
>If people said Koreans highly value Korean beauty and left it at that, other peoples race wouldn't be brought into it.

No. 113950


Case in point

Now, what about the term "whitewashing"? How much do you wanna bet that it was coined by Americans and originally had something to do with US racial politics, not just photo filtering apps. Let’s see…

(US racial politics)

(US racial politics)

(US racial politics)

(Seems to be all about racially white people)

No. 113953

So, what's our consensus regarding how the term "white" is being used by these SJW KPOP blogs?

Are they taking about lightness of tone? Or are they talking about people of European descent?

Is Korean whitewashing about racism or not?

Is there any relation between Korean whitewashing and American whitewashing?

It seems to me that BronzeBun and the dontwhitewashKPOP blogger can't help but want to keep the distinction murky. It's kind of a Korean thing but also something that all our SJW POC friends can get revved up about. Not an either/or but a both/and.

No. 113958

"White" in Korean culture means "light." "White" in sjw culture always means "caucasian."

It would be silly to think that BronzeBun and co didn't know about asian whitening being a thing or even perhaps the origin, but of course she will frame it in such a way that white devil can be blamed and non-asian people of color can bandwagon alongside. So it's kind of a 50/50 split at best.

No. 113961

What are the Korean (language) equivalents of whitewashing, shadism and colorism?

I tried searching Google for 케이팝 and 인종 차별주의 together.

KPOP 케이팝
racism 인종 차별주의

Found lots of recent references to TMZ mocking EXID Junghwa's English. And various references to the use of blackface in Korean entertainment. For example:

My Korean isn’t very good. I wonder if it’s even possible to find anything written by Koreans in Korean regarding the bleaching of KPOP skin tone.

No. 113963

I'm sure you can find something but honestly probably not much. Lightwashing/lightening is so common just in everyday life that the lightening of kpop idols probably doesn't even register as strange with most Koreans.

No. 113966

It seems like it's kind of similar to how tanning is in the US. People do talk about "orange" fake tan as if they look alienlike so they will talk about ghosty white people, but generally we don't see a lot of criticism of tan skin in our media. We don't even really notice it unless someone is super pale. We don't really think of why tan is seen as healthy/beautiful, it just kind of "is."

Knowing that it comes from the idea that you get out a lot or go on vacations etc vs the average American sedentary/indoors lifestyle does put an interesting spin on things but there isn't much more to analyze beyond that. It doesn't really matter in the long run, someone might make a comment about how pale or sick you look and that's it.

BronzeBun definitely is insinuating that media whitewashing of Korean stars is related to race but it really isn't. It isn't like whitewashing of black or latina/o stars in the US where it truly is racial. If anything white-centric media tends to keep Asian stars their natural tone because slightly tan is appealing to us,

I mean I am mainly talking about America obviously as that is my frame of reference and we aren't a white-only country or anything but you kinda know the state of race relations here. I am white but I know a little about whitening etc due to interest in Asian culture and some Asian relatives (by marriage)…but my insight is not the end all or anything.

No. 113990


Yes, that's a useful point. The blogs related to supposed "whitewashing" in KPOP associate it with US racial politics through constant insinuation. They might not even be conscious of it, but far left echo chamber re-activists in America have learned a lot from the far right echo chamber re-activists. Political insinuendo is a key tool at either pole's toolbox. It really is just like "truthiness."

So, they clearly depend on American POC warriors for encouragement. Even if they can't make this explicitly into a racial thing, at least they can push all the right buttons to make it feel like one.

You really do need a mob of dittoheads to click Like and to help you signal boost and bully the people who publicly dispute the concepts you cling to.

Anyway, we can safely assume that there's no attempt in this American SJW community to try to communicate with people in the industry in Korea.

No. 113994

Tan is fine here. So I don't know where she gets off saying that it's not and we want to mayonnaiseify anyone who isn't whitey Mcwhite colored. It's more of a problem when the person is a lot darker and the media lightens them to make them more "appealing".

It's just too easy to pick on the fans editing and reblogging the photos and then equate it to racial politics in the US. It just shows you how "progressive" they really are. They still can't see outside of their little bubble no matter how much they try to convince everyone otherwise. If they were really into activism for whitewashed photos they'd attempt some kind of contact with the industry to voice their concerns. It's like those tumblrinas who complain about cultural appropriation but never go after the companies that mass produce bindis and war bonnets ect… You'll just occasionally see a post asking you to boycott some tacky hipster wear from Urban Outfitters. But never any collective effort to go after the source. They go after other tumblr users who post pics instead.

No. 114006

Looking at the very first posts in dontwhitewashkpop.tumblr's Archive to try to figure out whether this whole thing was about supposed "racism" from the start. Sure enough. Look at the first text post in November 2013:


It's supposed to be all about racism.

— 1 year ago with 1 note
#racism #whitewashing #kpop #exo #exo k #exo m #shinee

No. 114065

Owner of the dontwhitewashkpop blog here. first of all, I'm not american. I'm not korean either but I've lived in korea for quite some time.
I don't think colorism in korea is racism, that wouldn't even make sense, but I do think it does come off kinda racist for white people elsewhere to subscribe to the idea that koreans (and other non white people) are more attractive if they are paler.
I didn't make my blog to fix colorism in korea, I made it to reach out to fans on tumblr only.
I hate seeing edits that are edited to be so white (white as in the color, not the race lol) that you can barely see their facial features so I wanted a way to point it out so maybe it would become less popular.

No. 114070

File: 1433011864140.jpg (38.84 KB, 400x267, tumblr_nou5jdAOdh1uqq258o1_400…)

Koreans are totally orange u guise.

No. 114073

Fair enough, actually. I hate seeing edits of anyone, any race, where it's edited to be so white that you can't see their facial features. What's the point of that?

No. 114074

If she's going to darken their skin to how they should look, shouldn't she have a reference pic of how it naturally looks, if they aren't naturally super pale?

No. 114087

The thing about most tumblr sjw is that they have americentric views, believing that that oppression suffered by certain populations in the U.S. will be viewed exactly the same across the world.

First of all, every nation/ethnic group/culture has a different history. Dark skinned people were not enslaved in every single country, nor were they viewed as less then, so they did not have to go through lifetimes of feeling as though they had to change to somehow be considered worthy.

Now, there are countries where being dark skinned is undesirable if you are someone from that same ethnic group. A lot of east and south east Asians admire black celebrities, however, they would not want to look like that because in their eyes, their ethnic group is most beautiful when they are pale. They don't apply the same standards toe everyone, especially people who are naturally like that.

I understand if sjw feel it's fucked up for East/South East Asians to feel pressure to conform, since In the U.S. people are taught to value individuality and to have self confidence in ones own uniqueness ("be a leader not a follower") and to own their "flaws" which is why we see so many campaigns (Dove) and blogs dedicated to self love targeting obesity, dark skin, kinky hair, stretch, scars, etc.

However, not every place is going to view things this way, and there is nothing wrong with that. Not every Korean person thinks that having light skin is ideal, nor does each one want that for themselves, however, if the majority do find that to be ideal than why shame them into wanting to look what they find beautiful.

In the U.S. huge tits were considered ideal (now people are embracing small boobs as well) and girls were getting implants as soon as they graduated. People risk skin cancer to get tans. People fry their hair bleaching it. People wear contacts. People get lipo. People remove ribs for a smaller waist. People get butt implants.

Why is skin whitening viewed as too drastic when it comes to Koreans though? It's like telling them they don't have a right to change themselves if they want to when the people themselves do not see anything wrong with it. In fact, they feel worse for having to remain in a state they're unhappy with in a place where plastic surgery is not always looked down on.

Also, by whitewashing I do think they mean lightening of the skin when it applies to skin alone, though many seem to use it when they apply to people who have had multiple procedures that drastically change their appearance into a supposedly more European one.

Skin lightening doesn't have to do with race in Korea (at least most of the time, there are people who do want to look European, but those are also the ones who get more procedures done to try and achieve that), it has to do with beauty standards.

Lighter skin on Koreans = more attractive.

No. 114094

Not that I support her, but the before images she uses have idols that have already gone through skin whitening. If you look at idols before their debut and after, there you can see a difference.

No. 114096

I can see your point

No. 114132

>Tan is fine here.
That's sort of what I was getting at..pale is fine here in the US. Tan or at least some color is "preferred" but no one is like ostracizing you if you're pale or have freckles.

I agree with all of this.

>Also, by whitewashing I do think they mean lightening of the skin when it applies to skin alone, though many seem to use it when they apply to people who have had multiple procedures that drastically change their appearance into a supposedly more European one.

And this is perfectly understandable to me, even if it is often wrong. Korea is a country that normalizes plastic surgery even moreso than America, so I think it's even more telling when sjws choose the one thing having to do with color/potentially race to go after.

No. 114292

File: 1433029375284.jpg (146.03 KB, 620x349, OompaLoompa2.jpg)

Ahhhhhh, okay, I’m getting it. Hence the focus on "edits."

You and Bun are not out to criticize/pester/change the KPOP intustry. Your blogs turn all of that activist energy on other fans within the Tumblr universe. Right?

But, but…
Image lightening is created first of all by the idols own skin care, the entertainment houses’ producers, makeup staff, lighting professionals/photographers, then the media companies, and then maybe further lightened by amateurs such as fans on Tumblr. It still begs the question: How can you (or Bun) actually know just by looking at a .JPG, .PNG or .GIF file how much of the lightening was caused by the fans? A lot of the images come from sources that can be found on the web. Why can’t Bun just go get the originals instead of turning lightened 2nd-generation edits orange?

And, even if you can show that a fan on Tumblr lightened her images, how can you just assume racist intent and knowingly get a crowd of Tumblr POC to express contempt for her? Your own fans are sort of addicted to expressing contempt for other users.

No. 114463

"Whitewashing" is a real word, it's not just some racial BS that Tumblr made up. Say you take an overexposed photo, that picture would be "whitewashed". Or, say that you wash your pants in bleach by accident. Your pants would be whitewashed. Tumblr loves to strip words of their original meaning, just like they did with trigger warnings.

No. 114466

Isn't editing someones pictures kind of an asshole thing to do in Korea? I'm not Korean, but I've heard that Photoshopping is very common there and that you can get caught up in some drama if you post someones unedited photo without their consent.

No. 114474

more like if you don't edit pictures you're an asshole. if someone regularly shoops themselves with a small nose and you post a photo of them with their actual big nose, you're the one in the wrong.

No. 114588

sorry I don't know how to reply to a specific reply, but I don't know why you keep grouping me wiht this Bun person, I have never spoken to her and I don't know anything about her. I was under the impression that she was only editing pictures that have been edited to be whitewashed, but if she's editing non edited pictures because she thinks they're paler because of makeup or something I can't really support that. I don't know what she does though, I only ever went on her blog twice and I saw the video of how she did it and found it interesting.
I only ever reblog photos that I can tell have been lightened by a fan, either because I have seen the original or because it's so blatantly obvious. I'm not going to criticize anyone for wearing too pale bb cream, so. I think if you look at my blog you will agree that it's really obvious that the pictures have been edited by a fan. even if an official photo has been made paler, they're done well, these arn't.
and for your last point, most of the time I repost the edits, so that whoever made them doesn't get hate for them, because it's about the edit, not the person, in which case the intent doesn't matter. I admit though I sometimes reblog cause I'm lazy or I'm annoyed by the editor because they always do it or because they claim not to do it when they quite clearly do. that's just me being bitter, though.

No. 114595

If I were Bun, I'd work from the original version rather than from a whitewashed edit.

No. 114666

this whole paragraph proves you must be bun, nobody would care THIS much about being called bun if she wasn't actually bun

No. 114680

No. 114686

yes that whole paragraph was written by me, dontwhitewashkpop and it was a response to the guy who posted the pic of the oompaloompa… I'm sorry I just don't understand how posting on this forum works lol.

No. 115327

No. 116152

Oh, Christ. Have a look at Bun's latest posts. This was never about photography, face creams, or anything actually East Asian. It's all about Americans of color screaming "racism, racism, racism."

Mind you, race matters, but not in every context. They're reaching.


No. 116155

Bun is now talking about "white tears." Where have we heard that before?

She's a self-hating, stupid, white-as-paper, fake-Chinese koreaboo.

No. 116188

No. 116219

haha, she just got actually dragged.

she'll ignore it. it makes her look bad.

No. 116234

Wtf she doesn't even look asian.
>Double folds
>Thick eyebrows
>White skin with a reddish hue
>Thick lips
>Wide nose

She looks south American or native American, but definitely not a Asian.

No. 116239

A lot of Asians do have double eyelids, thick brows, wide nose and thick lips though. You probably only seen a few East Asian irl

No. 116240

I've seen a lot of Chinese people irl and she looks nothing like them. She doesn't even look like a half-Chinese. She just looks white.

No. 116243

>She doesn't even look like a half-Chinese

Google Alexa Chung and Chloe Bennet

No. 116247

>Alexa Chung
Nigga please her father is only half Chinese and her mother is English. And Chloe Bennet has distinct Asian features. This Bronzebun bitch looks just white with Mexican genes at best.

No. 116250

I didn't say she has to be half-Chinese. It's just your view of how a Chinese should look like is very narrow

No. 116251

By she, I mean Bronzebun

No. 116252

Mexican is a race?

No. 116532

File: 1433374020154.png (625.19 KB, 532x634, dasracis.png)

so basically there was some drama with some kpop guy saying he preferred pale skin and a bunch of stans defended him but of course the sjws were like NOPE THAT'S RACIST and it became a whole thing.

bun/mewmii is now being called racist for calling the guy a "tiny ass ching chong" "yellow bastard" "chink." she's claiming she is being called "not really chinese" because she's half chinese. i'm sure the people saying she's not really chinese are saying so because she looks WHITE not because she's actually chinese.

also she is saying she never said that. so idk where this started.

i picked this entry to post because i wanna say, girl stop reblogging this pic, it's not even cute.

No. 116549

Alexa Chung is 3/8ths Chinese, so nearly
Not sure why people think half asian/half white people can't look fully white? I've seen it many times.
I'm pretty sure this girl thrives off this shit. Holy fuck.
>bun/mewmii is now being called racist for calling the guy a "tiny ass ching chong" "yellow bastard" "chink."
kek. I don't even know where to begin… what a disaster she is.

No. 116568

>"tiny ass ching chong" "yellow bastard" "chink."
ok, so she even hates asians now? is there a race this chick DOESN'T hate?

No. 116571

she said she didn't say those things but others accused her of it.

but i mean i'm not sure why someone would go on someone's tumblr and say "this doesn't excuse you for calling him a chink" or whatever.

not sure what happened. but anyway she's trying to be like "i'm innocent because i'm chinese," which i can't tell if it means "i'm chinese so i would never say that" or "since i'm chinese it's OK."

No. 116576

Alexa Chung's eyes are "white" for sure; big, close-set and blue. However, her facial bone structure has a blobbiness that would be seen more among Asians. Also, her nose bridge is not as well defined in frontal shots and her nose is wide! Not to mention her lips are very full. While sure there are some white people who have features like this, they are more commonly found in Asians.

I agree Alexa looks very white but there is a distinct Asianness to her features. I've seen some mixed people who looked completely white, like a girl who was a ginger but 1/4 Japanese. But I think people who are 1/2 will definitely look more mixed.

No. 116594

man who cares if she's half or not, or if half chinese can look full white. it's not like it's impressive to be part chinese. SHE looks white. the biggest issue is she tries to include herself on korean issues while not being any part korean.

it's that she uses the fact that she's chinese like a shield to act like she's impervious to any criticism.

No. 116599

Yes, exactly.

No. 116601

This is just bizarre. Seconded for he looks orange.
A lot of people on tumblr do fan edits because the white and black aesthetic is really crisp and it looks clean. I prefer it too. It has nothing to do with evil crackers. I've seen idols live and honestly people don't give a shit about what colour they are. That happens within their own Korean culture mostly and existed way before white colonizers anyway.

No. 116603

So, what lightening is she correcting? Who are the evil whitewashers that are her enemies? She says she searches for the darkest versions on Google and then makes them darker. The framing could easily be shifted this way: She finds the more normal photos via Google and then turns them orange.

No. 116608

she hasn't really established an enemy. one minute it's tumblr the next minute it's korea. who knows?

At first I took it as she was working from the darkest pictures and editing them lighter, but I realize now she makes color swatches from the darkest pics and lightens tumblr saturated pics.

No. 116612

I can't find all that tiny ass ching chong stuff. Could you guys share a link? Thanks.

No. 116621

it's on her main blog, mewmii.tumblr.com



it goes back from page 1 at least 6 or 7 pages. she mainly seems to be arguing she didn't say it but then she just keeps talking about how chinese she is like it matters.

No. 116624

She really uses her fake identity without any hesitation. "I'm Chinese, bitch."

Someone needs to photoshop her all super-saturated yellow with that line in big, bold letters.

No. 116627

File: 1433387718270.jpg (18.43 KB, 500x374, 520971.jpg)

No. 116637

File: 1433389842023.png (314.5 KB, 400x750, chink.png)

No. 116638

>>116637 was supposed to be >>116624
but I forgot what I was doing.

No. 116640

She's too fat to be Chinese. She's clearly genetically half whale.

No. 116642

File: 1433390408470.png (320.42 KB, 480x640, chinesebitch.png)

No. 116655

File: 1433398161448.png (218.04 KB, 500x281, tumblr_npeoxymJZQ1rj44wjo1_500…)

No. 116656

Wait, wait, whaaaat?
Can anyone un-pack all that for us? What is this girl playing at??

No. 116658

it's meant to be sarcastic.

No. 116661

adding on, I get how it could be confusing as she doesn't really look Asian, so you wouldn't know to take it seriously or not unless you know SHE'S CHINESE GUYS.

she posts the worst selfies. she looks like she just got out the shower and threw on the same damn slytherin shirt in all of them. and the reblogs like 5 or 6 at a time.

No. 117140

I want to be cool on Tumblr
I'll be whatever Tumblr wants me to be
Should I be black? Okay, I am.
Should I be Chinese? Okay, let's say I am totes Chinese. As long as you'll like me that way.
Should I be male or female?
Just let me know which is cooler.
How about if my gender is all confused and ambiguous?
You'll love that, right?
I'll be whatever is cool.

No. 117141

Oh, and when I say "totes," it's not short for "totally." It means totemo. Coz, I'm also Japanese, bitch!

No. 117142

Make sure you're disabled too. Or else you have no right to nag about being unprivileged.

No. 117143

Yes, I'm differently abled, and…

I want to be cool on Tumblr
I'll be whatever Tumblr wants me to be
Should I be black? Okay, I am.
Should I be Chinese? Okay, let's say I am totes Chinese. As long as you'll like me that way.
Should I be male or female?
Just let me know which is cooler.
How about if my gender is all confused and ambiguous?
You'll love that, right?
I'll be whatever is cool.

No. 117145

Here's something:

These social justice tumblrinas have all these identities that are righteous and good, and they love to express contempt for another group of identities that are said to be evil and bad. And, well…

There is one class of identity that is often treated very badly but never gets any protection from the SJW tumblrinas. That is, old people. Anyone over 30 can be freely disparaged, ridiculed, maligned, slandered, and worse. It's all good to them. They don't kick against "age-ism." If you engage in age shaming, the SJW's will just let it happen.

You can be a disabled, Chinese, black, Muslim female transgendered fat person and get their full support as long as you're young.

Don't get old. If you get old, you are a gross piece of fucking shit who should go die.

No. 117150

Let's also note that if Bun claims "Chinese" identity, and she's obviously mixed (even if we take her at her word regarding the Chinese part of her DNA). Maybe she's got some Cherokee or something in there, too. But is she not part Euro/white/caucasian? She never seems to identify that way. Can't she say, "I'm white, bitch" just as easily as she let's loose with "I'm Chinese, bitch"?

All these North American scum tumblrina girls with mixed race love to lean on their non-white backgrounds. What do they talk about, though, when they're at a family gathering with their white relatives?

No. 117152

She says she is half-Chinese, 1/4 Cherokee, 1/4 Hawaiian.

She posts a bit about Native American appropriation but pretty much nothing about Hawaii (which is a huge deal if you ARE Hawaiian). She doesn't mention anything about China/her Chinese roots except to say WELL I'M ASIAN in reference to KOREAN shit.

No. 117394


Who the hell are you to tell someone how they should identify? If you're not white passing, then of course you will identify with the other race since that is how strangers will identify you.

No. 117438

Lol, Anon she is white passing in most of her pictures. Sometimes you'll never notice she is TOTES PART ASIAN GUIS!!(nothing else depending on what she wants to talk about)

No. 117440

can someone here without a tumblr send her an ask asking what does traditional things she do with her family? what is her chinese name and etc etc? if she can speak in mandarin or not? i want to see what answer she comes out with lol

No. 117531

not every chinese immigrant does traditional shit. kinda racist. she doesn't really need to talk about any of her heritage ever or be all about it, and she doesn't really, except for using her chinese heritage as a free pass to talk about korea, which is shitty.

No. 117572

Of course they can freely choose how to identify. Maybe you missed the point. Bun claims zero white heritage, so we can put her case aside for a moment. Instead, let's generalize. Any tumblrina who's half white and half Asian will always opt to be seen as Asian, especially on Tumblr, even if they grew up 100% with the white side of the family. There's no benefit on Tumblr to claiming white heritage. It's only a liability, a detriment.

She's not Korean. Never been to Korea. Probably doesn't know anyone in the KPOP industry. Bun is a poseur and a busybody.

No. 117573

And how does her alleged half-Chinese-American-ness give her a license to speak for Korea?

No. 117574

kek, that's what I was wondering. The yellow fever on lolcow is hilarious.

No. 117632

> "The yellow fever on lolcow is hilarious."

No. 117637

Let's see Bun-chan come over here to East Asia and try to blend in. And see how grateful the locals are for her stupid "darkwashing" talents. They'll beatify/canonize her as if she's the Chinese Mother Theresa…


No. 117643

yeah seriously, don't know what that anon was talking about. definitely doesn't apply to this thread at least.

No. 117719

but it's true. lots of anons on here kiss to much asian ass because they are ~perfecto animu princessu~
OT though

No. 117721

Asians trying to be paler is the equivalent of white people trying to be tan.
It's their appearance, their choice. People like this should suicide because I bet the original celebrities would be pissed.

No. 117723

I'm also white washing all of the pictures she edited for fun

No. 117796

Where? Cite examples. I honestly haven't seen it.

No. 117937

Yeah, well, she who smelled it most likely dealt it. And what’s "animu"? Something like "faceuu"?

No. 117940

>what's "animu"
man, I hate when people pretend not to know shit to seem like a kool kid.

No. 117942

File: 1433662162640.jpg (241.43 KB, 518x619, 311.jpg)

No. 117945

Has it occurred to anyone else that BronzeBun/mewmii could just be a cleverly wry parody of an SJW/koreaboo tumblog? Maybe we’re all like i-don’t-get-it types who take Onion articles seriously. Maybe we’ve all been played like fiddles.

No. 117949

Oh, come on. Give me a break. Who ever heard of an American koreaboo tumblrina making up an entirely fake East Asian identity?

No. 117950

File: 1433663444525.jpg (90.21 KB, 612x612, 11184481_467234036779286_14447…)

No. 117953

No. 121310

You know, the new craze is "transracial identity." Maybe that's what Bun has.

No. 121400

you really have some insecure problems.
most of korean idols are pale because they think pale is more attractive. cry me a fucking river.
here in america, tan skin is considered more attractive. why be offended about it?
and lol @ calling everyone "pasty fatty"

No. 121401

File: 1434311380491.jpg (18.78 KB, 275x255, 1429416632046.jpg)

being offended at words like "darkie" and "nigger"

No. 121403

please leave

No. 121404

she has a very masculine face

No. 121407

There's nothing wrong with whitening skin though like who cares, it's their choice?
Some people use whitening products while others tan themselves. Also it's not whitewashing because they want to look pale, not be caucasian.

No. 121411

I agree. it's fucking annoying

No. 121412

Big butts were considered hot in the US long time ago though. it's not a recent thing.

No. 121610

oh, honey.. not everyone can be pretty i guess.

No. 121665

They really is sofa king butt ugly as all fuck.

No. 121666

Some of her "restorations" just don't seem right at all. For example…
… I don't think that Key has naturally purple skin. Wtf.

No. 121747

i met her at new york comic con like two years ago and i think she was following me on tumblr for a while

she took my photo and it was really awkward? she mentioned something random about my looks while we had small talk, something along the lines of my skin tone and it was really uncomfortable

i think she was dressed as rei and it was completely horrifying for me to see that she has her own thread on lolcow because like, i knew she was kind of unusual, but..not this bad?

No. 121856

I notice that you and she both do this thing? This thing where you put question marks at the end of statements?

No. 121860

Not that anon but having question mark at the end of statement is not that unusual (even in speaking form)

No. 121922

yeah, it's actually how i speak verbally, my inflection on words and how i end sentences really just sounds like questions too, i guess.

is it wrong or weird to do that?

No. 121942

He looks like he walked into a post.

No. 121945

It makes you sound like a valley girl.

No. 122018

why do you feel as though you can tell people what to feel offended about

>calls girl a gold digging slut

>she gets offended
>xD ha! getting mad over being called a gold digging slut

if only 1 type of group is being called that, why the fuck wouldn't they get mad over it

No. 122020

not by pop culture which tends to follow trends and what the majority feels

thats why shows always had women going: "does my butt look big? oh no!"

No. 122306

You know what’s fun? Watch this. We can put rising intonation question marks at the end of all of Bronzie’s heavily academic-sounding About message:

> A prevalent reoccurrence within kpop circles is the horrible practice of editing out the skintones of idols???

> so I’m here to bring them back to life???

> Why is this harmful???

> Colorism is a big problem in Korea???

> with darker Koreans going through drastic measures to lighten their skin to meet beauty standards, set in place by European beauty standards???

> By taking away their color, you’re reinforcing this idea that they’re not as pretty with their natural skintone???

> This doesn’t impact the idols???

> Oh, but it does???


No. 122349

Every time I see the '???' I think of those Tomodatchis that raise the pitch of their voices after every sentence

No. 122557

The unspoken assumption in the Bun world is that Western fans of KPOP are bad. East Asian fans are good. KPOP industry people depend on Bun for protection from Western fans.

I don't think any of it is true in the real world. We could ask Taemin if he values Bun's bronzing protectiveness. He'll have no idea what we're talking about. The supposed issue of Western injustices committed against KPOP industry people exists only in the minds of Tumblrinas.

No. 122562

She's one of those cosplay/anime freaks. All this is only to be expected.

No. 122578

If you look at these two consecutive posts, perfectly juxtaposed…
…you see that Bun assumes membership in two incommensurable (and often opposed) Tumblr universes: 1) social justice posing with no sense of humor and 2) phantasmagorical costume play with no connection whatsoever to real world concerns. Obviously, Bun's silly heart is with the latter group. So, why layer on a veneer of social justice? I reckon that it gives her protection, a license to pretend to be East Asian. The cosplay is the pretense. The SJ warrior layer is the permit.

(Btw, she's the white American girl in the cosplay pic pretending to be a Japanese schoolgirl. It's really perverse..)

No. 122581

"animu" isn't a word in any language.

No. 122613

And neither is 'princessu'. What's your point?

No. 122646

do i need to explain that i used the term to mock weeaboos and their obsession with thinking anime=every asian person
since you didn't get the joke i'm going to assume it's because you are one of them

No. 122780

Definitely not into anime. Not into cosplay. For that matter not into プリクラ or たまごっち or 漫画。I live in East Asia, but I'm a grownup. So, you assumed incorrectly. Here in Japan, nobody says "animu." Not even mockingly.

No. 122782

are you new to the internet? it's a joke.

No. 122784

File: 1434530596086.gif (994.88 KB, 320x253, nfbrrii.gif)


No. 122790

Haha. No. Been on the internet for so many years, maybe longer than you've been alive. But, I don't really know the weeaboo world, so I guess I don't know weeaboo insults. "Animu" is an insult to weeaboos, I gather. Maybe it's an age gap. People of my generation don't end statements with rising intonation, either.

Anyway, I doubt that there are weeaboos using lolcowchan. And not much "yellow fever" here, either. If you think it's at play, please consider that you may be projecting.

No. 122792

And, I can assure you, that if you say "animu" to any native here in Japan, they won't understand you. So, ironically, the people who ARE actually Japanese can't understand your insult to non-Japanese who pretend to know more about Japanese than you do. The entire world of meaning will be lost here. Come over and visit. Try calling people animu. See their blank faces in response.

No. 122793

Man, chill out.

No. 122794


I'm fine.

No. 122796

Funny, some people are. You approach them with clarity and to them it just sounds "un-chill."

When you grow up, you'll learn that it's possible to be clear and relaxed at the same time.

No. 122798

File: 1434534034894.jpg (47.23 KB, 630x473, stop-posting.jpg)

No. 122799

To clarify, anon wasn't saying "animu" is a word in the Japanese language.
Weeaboos like to add "u" at the end of every word to make it sound more "Japanese" (think of "desu" and how it's meant to be pronounced "dess" with like a soft "u"? weeaboos take this to a whole other level)
The joke is that even though anime is properly pronounced with an "ee", your average ignorant weeb will probably add an "u" at the end.
On that note, no one really uses the term "animu" or attributes it to Japan except when they're joking. It's a form of ironic, and somewhat cynical humor. Unless you are autistic, this shouldn't be hard to understand.
>I doubt there are weeaboos using lolcowchan.
This is a mistake. A lot of us are from the 4chan board /cgl/, which stands for Cosplay and EGL, which basically means Weeaboo Central.

No. 122803

Ok, we got it. You're very mature and very knowledgeable on Japan. The only thing is that nobody was ever suggesting that 'animu' was used in Japan.

>Anyway, I doubt that there are weeaboos using lolcowchan.

I got news for you on two fronts.

No. 122806

File: 1434534804736.png (55.86 KB, 446x400, laughing lolitas.png)

ITT: Sperg doesn't understand something, embarrasses themselves on an anonymous forum by trying to sound superior, and mistakenly thinks people are mocking them for being mature and grown-up

No. 122809

NO WEEABOOS ALLOWED here on the lolcow.

No. 122812

I'm mostly ignorant of weeaboo culture, so it doesn't surprise me that some inside jokes are lost on me, especially if ending with u is meant to be ironic rather than just wrong. Got it now, though. Brilliant.

No. 122817

That's awesome. Haha!

No. 122819

do you have autism

No. 122820

No, but nice try!

Are you half Chinese and half Hawaiian/Cherokee?

No. 122821

Have you ever actually been assessed though? I'm totally serious.

No. 122825


>and not much "yellow fever" here, either

You're such an adorable newfag

No. 122826

Topic is >>111353

No. 122827

Give some links as evidence or shut the fuck up.

No. 122829

No. 122830

I'm not even joking at this point. Please get yourself checked for autism.
This is some of the least neurotypical shit I've ever read online.

No. 122833

T-Thartan? Is that you? Has ye rose from the ashes of autismu?

No. 122834

So, this is what you seriously (without humor) do? You visit anonymous forums and judge other participant's place on the autism spectrum? Does their level of neurotypicality validate or invalidate their insights?

No. 122837

She’s fetishizing and infantilizing East Asian girls in this post via her pedophillic school girl impersonation. It’s gross and not okay.

No. 122840

Tharthan pls

No. 122845

I had to google Tharthan. I see the main connection – kinda old school writing style. Anyway, no.

BTW, I tried accessing FAKKU.net from the Tharthan thread, but that site can't be accessed from Japan. Instead we get an error message: 「申し訳ありませんが、FAKKUはお住まいの地域ではご利用いただけません。」

I can see that it's "All About Hentai!" Funny that it's not accessible from Japan, just like weeaboo insults aren't accessible to people who aren't American teens.

No. 122850

>Japan is now banning its own pornographic content repackaged for baka gaijin
tippity top kek

No. 122858

It is funny, but it seems like the site owner is blocking it from Japan. This kind of content is widely accessible from Japanese sites. It's like gaijin blocking it from Japanese. Maybe it's for copyright reasons.

No. 123342

Jun said that he was half Japanese and half Korean. He was neither. And maybe not even male.

Rachel Dolezal said that she was black. She wasn't.

Bun/mewmii says that she's Chinese. I don't buy it.

No. 129260

She really is sofa king boring with her feelings of victimization over fake Asian ID:

No. 131402

Really? A mature person actually living and working in East Asia might never have heard of weeaboos putting down other weeaboos, a goofy subculture that only exists among American teens. Somebody may be long on the internet – maybe longer than some of us have been alive – but just not especially hip to the weeaboo internet. From out in East Asia itself, your American cosplay/anime/whatever battles don't really register. You seem to be battling over who gets to be at the top of that pathetic heap and who doesn't. Don't flatter yourselves by claiming that you represent the entire internet or the entire world.

No. 131407

The subject herself (Bun the bronzer) has been same fagging here, i.e., engaging in shameless sock puppetry.
Fuck this whole thread. So boring.

No. 298245

This could be…

No. 300181

Looks hapa to me (as a fellow hapa). That said, aren't there plenty of k-pop MVs with White models in it?

No. 300182

>All these North American scum tumblrina girls with mixed race love to lean on their non-white backgrounds.
Because White is the standard, obviously.

No. 300227

>a goofy subculture that only exists among American teens.

are you an idiot? not the entire western world is american. some of the most prolific weeaboos are european, for example.

No. 303577

I've been 5 feet away from B.A.P
They looked pretty pale to me. I'm sure a lot of the time pictures aren't white washing it's just the lighting or the flash on the camera.

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