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No. 112363
Old thread:
>>104241Twitter: link: Queen has been very active on twitter lately. Anons of twitter, please continue to pat dat ass whenever she complains about the misery of living under her gaijin parents home while they force our hime to look for an 'adult' job.
Additionally, she has been sporadically appearing on Tinychat. Britfag continues to go full aspie mode as he desperately tries to keep the Queen all to himself by insulting her regularly and showing off his microdick in chat.
Will our Queen ever make it to Japan? Will her mean gaijin parents ever stop making her so miserable? Will her dreams of being a successful sekushii idouru in Japan finally be realized? Find out in this weeks episode of Pixyteri: Haffu Nipponese Princess, Queen of Kawaii and Cosplay! She's only just begun to shine, gaijin!!
No. 112394
File: 1432788178624.jpg (39.83 KB, 434x400, image.jpg)

I feel like Chris Chan is the personification of /cow/, while pt is the personification of, well, /pt/.
This just makes me think even more that they need to get together.
No. 112430
>>112426I was thinking that as well, they can be gal pals. I was imagining them forming an idol group together omfg. And sharing each other's clothes.
I still sadly see them thinking they're too good for even that. But I really want it as well.
No. 112457
File: 1432796002783.gif (1.71 MB, 300x300, grorious.gif)

an offering to the queen
No. 112494
File: 1432809380708.png (293.65 KB, 420x447, poopin.PNG)

The poopin pose is evolving.
No. 112649
File: 1432837089460.png (11.22 KB, 72x70, ayyyyyyyyyyy.png)

Someone should suggest the Queen become a findomme. Just imagine it. She can make raunchy shoots for all of her fetishes and people'll buy them (probably some pals here ofc) and she could make good money. She could go back to buying brando, or hell, having people buy brando for her.
No. 112664
>>112654I second this.
>>112660She mentioned that to ptnr as well, it probably has a lot to do with her only ever taking baths and not washing her sexy toys.
Even without that, I feel like she's the type of person who doesn't wipe their ass properly. Wasn't there a picture of her where you could literally see skid marks on her underwear?
No. 112665
File: 1432838561764.jpg (428.88 KB, 900x748, 002766-man-out-of-cake-birthda…)

Speaking of drawing.
I want to discuss with you guys how we are going to celebrate PT's birthday.
There are at least a few among us who draw (including me). Let's draw fan arts on our beloved Queen to give them to her on her birthday!
If you have any ideas of how we should spend this glorious day, let's discuss it here. To be fair, I feel super excited about the big 30. I don't want us to fuck this beautiful day up. Everything should be perfect, so let's start planning now!
No. 112676
File: 1432840166389.jpg (27 KB, 400x400, image.jpg)

she's gonna be 30 soon. She gotta learn how to wipe that ass.
especially if she wants to do butt stuff.
No. 112690
File: 1432842131199.png (153.85 KB, 298x348, 9b0970250dbd023738ac027a7c25a0…)

>>112683Ass to vag with no condom???? Does she long for death?
No. 112693
>>112673Just France, Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal bunny
And they are sort of durkas in denial
Also they dont use the soap just the water. Ugh if only I could wash all your butts clean. Id do it for free
No. 112694
File: 1432842638629.jpg (112.17 KB, 732x1024, 4oCzt.jpg)

>>112681I think I know what picture you're talking about but I'm talking about a different one. I think this one was the one I'm thinking about.
No. 112708
>>112696I think that one was SR. I'm actually thinking of ones from the /cgl/ days… There was also the one with the plaid bodyline skirt, but those wre photoshopped in.
>>112707I think you need help.
Also flushable wipes don't break apart properly so thanks for clogging up plumping everywhere you shit.
No. 112713
File: 1432844731198.jpg (143.68 KB, 600x600, DSCF0540-600x600.JPG)

>>112704Sorry for continuing the OT-ness
In some parts of Asia - e.g. Pakistan they use a Lota to use water to rinse their butt cracks after they take a poo
No. 112719
File: 1432845050160.png (12.24 KB, 73x78, efa12188fac92b305096aee493b445…)

>>112714She celebrates by killing her parents.
No. 112732
File: 1432845683948.png (465.29 KB, 524x486, zzzzzzzzpt.png)

Didn't she wear this to a bar or am I remembering incorrectly? Lord…
No. 112762
>>112649she probably hates the idea of being a dom
she wants to be a submissive loli
No. 112766
>>112764it's just that we don't believe you
i don't remember seeing or hearing anything like this from our queen until now
No. 112776
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No. 112780
>>112776Amazing what just washing your face and wearing a little makeup can do, no?
Now give those boobies some support!
No. 112793
File: 1432849179920.jpg (242.7 KB, 568x756, 14327851525622.JPG)

>>112776Looks great! I was trying to do something with this pic too, but her hairline bothered me so much that I ended up scribbling all over her hair :(
No. 112796
>>112790I've heard it's a problem in NYC, but the 'flushable' moist toilet paper doesn't disintegrate fully like regular toilet paper so it's clogging up a lot of the city's plumbing as a result. Unless you have explosive diarrhea, there isn't a reason to clean that much more then the reg dry toilet paper.
Back on topic… link the the imagur
>>112795If I remember right there was a couple of shots with her posing with one? Not many, but there were a few.
No. 112836
FUCK ME. I tried looking for the gallery and i REGRET THIS SHIT. DIDN'T NEED TO SEE HER PUSSY BUT I DID.
No. 112852
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>>112836>>112846Wow, you guys really are newfags. Or fucking shitty lurkers.
No. 112854
File: 1432852058485.jpg (48.11 KB, 600x800, AAhFEcZ.jpg)

i wonder what people thought when they saw this
No. 112907
PT has a nice looking vagina. i hope she knows that. there are hot aidoru girls shes jealous of who have big meat curtains, and she has a nice 10/10 cute innie vagina with even lips and pale skin.
im kind of jealous not going to lie
No. 112911
File: 1432855341110.jpg (Spoiler Image,55.42 KB, 440x580, Pixyteri_from_below.jpg)

>>112876It took me like 2 seconds to go to Ed page and find it, come on now
No. 112913
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>>112907Er… Ur vag must be ugly like Rocky Dennis if you think so, poor thing.
No. 112933
>>112913PTNR said that she thought her vag was a cute loli mound…whatever that means.
I have a not so gross fat vagina like PT and it's not cute. It's chubby with thick outer lips. Gross. The only thing that's decent is she doesn't have an outie which some girls here are super insecure about. All genitals are disgusting and men don't give a shit as long as they're putting it in you.
Not to mention pixy doesn't exfoliate and she has disgusting bumps. Makes me wanna puke.
No. 112941
File: 1432859061689.jpg (Spoiler Image,456.53 KB, 3200x2400, bTEYMeb.jpg)

>>112934Loli like, with Hitler moustache, top kek
No. 113010
>>112941I never understood why she won't just shell out like 40-60 bucks to just get it waxed.
I mean she waste her money left and right for kawaii bullshit why not for a loli hairless vag.
No. 113024
>>112903>>112910quit samefagging
>>113002Seriously, nobody cares about how clean your buttholes are.
No. 113051
>>113024Aww, did I and other anon hurt your feefees, my american friend?
>>113037Dude, you sound even more desperate than Chris-chan, and he proclaimed himself a lesbian trans woman to get some pussy.
No. 113052
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Look, I drew a pretty picture of our Queen. Can we stop talking about anuses?
No. 113060
>>113054I have, and they are monster bushes.
Pt has never gotten to that point.
No. 113069
>>113052Petite? Check
Flat-chested? Check
Kawaii? Cheeeeck
Good job, Anon. You should show it to the Queen to cheer her up. She's been quiet on Twitter lately.
No. 113074
>>113073I would love to, but I was going to draw my own fan art and she can notice that they obviously were drawn by two different people.
Anyone else?
No. 113077
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I just want to see my Queen on TC again. Plz, Kami-sama, make her broadcast on the weekend.
No. 113084
>>113051>did I and other anonThat's hilariously transparent. If you're going to samefag, at least try a little harder.
>>113052The queen is going to love this, I want to see her reaction. Maybe it'll encourage her to talk more.
>>113073Maybe you could make a fake account? I've been thinking about doing that so I can interact with her with some sort of anonymity.
No. 113127
>>113125>>113122>>113097It's a fucking vag. every single fucking vag is different.
Man this ot shit is getting old and clog up the pt thread.
No. 113133
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>>113127I agree anon. Let us return to the adoration of our queen. Look, she is being subverted by the universe!
No. 113203
>>112979thank you anon… I was starting to think I was an unhygienic legbeard for not washing my pooper after every shit.
Baby wipes are good if it's messy tho.
No. 113241
File: 1432905852844.gif (1.71 MB, 505x300, wtf.gif)

>comes to check the Queen's thread
>discovers a bunch of motherfuckers discussing their shitty anuses
The fuck is wrong with you faggots?? You're on the Holy Land of the Queen!!! How could you shit up her sacred thread you fucking trolls??
Where's Admin-sama? I want those fuckers to be banned for their fucking life.
No. 113273
File: 1432911186121.jpg (205.77 KB, 821x1600, AM2LJwC_meitu_1.jpg)

I feel such guilt for meitu'ing our Queen
No. 113281
>>113274I wish admin-sama would delete all these OT shitposts about buttholes. I just want to see more of our Queen.
She's been really into old 80's-90's anime, lately. Maybe we should make a drawing of her in Ranma 1/2 or Invader Lum style. I would, but I'm a talentless hack who can't draw.
No. 113296
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>>113281I tell you hwut, we should ban those fuckers. I'm telling ya there's no way those fucking trolls shit up the sacred thread by accident, this was made on purpose.
The blasphemers should be banned!
No. 113313
File: 1432914895966.gif (1011.25 KB, 320x240, shut-the------up-o.gif)

>>113310MY problem is shitposters destroyng the Queen's thread with stories on how they clean their shitty buttcracks! That moment when SHITposting became a real thing!
What's YOUR problem? You think it's normal to turn the Queen's thread into… THIS?
No. 113461
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>>113460There were some nice things that happened during the Miyu Era of Pixy's life. I really wish Pixy would stop clinging to a caricature of what she like Asian looks like.
No. 113481
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>>113475I feel ya. If she just stopped being a weeb she could look so goddamn good.
No. 113484
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>>113481And one more. This is apparently off of her PB. Apparently Google's best guess for this image was 'fat weeaboo".
No. 113489
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After +24 hours of silence she finally posted up a tweet!
According to bing it says "I suffer from is. Money." So I guess she's having money problems
>>113481I think if she wasn't so invested in her delusions she'd be more attractive in general.
No. 113492
>>113489Because she's still jobless and parents won't buy her weeb stuff? OHNOES.
>I think if she wasn't so invested in her delusions she'd be more attractive in general.Probably, but that's mostly because she just does not have 'cute' features. She acts like she does.
No. 113577
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Funny thing is she kind of looks like the traditional Japanese woman.
No. 113623
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No. 113651
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>>113632I'm often confused about how young she's trying to be. She'll say that she wants to be a teenager/looks like one (even in her highschool pic she looked like a 30 year old mom) then she goes around in parks dressed as a Japanese toddler.
I think I've come to the conclusion that she wants to be a young looking, flat chested schoolgirl in her late teens that can still pass for younger because she's so tiny and cute. Like Fuuko from Clannad. In After Story she's already an adult but still looks like a child.
This way onii-chan senpai can't get into trouble for corrupting her.
Maybe I'm wrong. But it crossed my mind that she wants to be legal or close to it while still maintaining a childlike appearance or sorts. Like a body perfect for ageplay. So I don't think she wants to be a toddler. She just wants to be small and flat and cute enough to really pull off those Japanese kindergarten uniforms and cosplays of ten year old girls. Some people have brought up that she wants to be a young child. But then she can't switch to sekushi cosplays on a whim. She still wants boobs. Just smaller ones.
Sadly she does not have the type of facial features that stay youthful. So dressing in kiddie clothes just make her look much older and very awkward. She's be better suited trying a more mature style. Like sexy office worker. At this point I don't think she'll be losing weight. So she really should embrace the chub and work with it. But she goes ballistic if you even hint that she's plump, chubby or plus sized. I really wish she'd wake up from her denial. She knows she's overweight but cannot admit it unless she's looking for asspats.
No. 113661
>>113481she looks kinda like she could be kiki's older sister here.
damn. PT what the fuck is wrong with you
No. 113667
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>>113651This all.
I think she could stay a little youthful looking, definitely not little girl youthful, but she could look a couple years younger if she took better care of her appearance and wore flattering clothes/makeup. I think if she still wants to be cute, I think she should go for a more feminine look like in this pic (except with a much longer skirt). It's probably shooped, but I think she looks quite pretty in this picture.
No. 113687
>>113281/pt/ has been filled with newfags as of late.
Seriously, though. One of you bitches needs to stop talking about /pt/ on other sites. I don't know how many of you are doing it, but I've seen it several times now and on some sites with a pretty unsavory user base. (And then you whores have the nerve to complain about shit posters lol wow).
No. 113749
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I thinks she's been reading around here, or somewhere else… or britfag is being a shit head.
No. 113752
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>>113749this does not bode well
No. 113765
>>113757>>113762To be fair, the way they choose people for interviews seems pretty random at times. I've known people who shouldn't have been teaching get an interview with JET, get hired and have gone to Japan and stayed for two years. Meanwhile, their fellow JETs are complaining about how the schools are complaining to them about the shitty teacher haha.
I've also known really awesome, educated, and dedicated people apply to JET but never made it to the interview stage. For them it wasn't until they applied a second or third time that they got an interview and then even the job.
No. 113766
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Her "dreams" are things that are literally impossible. You can't go back in time and be a high school student, PT. She's going to be miserable her entire life if every one of her goals are things that could never happen.
No. 113767
>>113757>>113762To be fair, the way they choose people for interviews seems pretty random at times. I've known people who shouldn't have been teaching get an interview with JET, get hired and have gone to Japan and stayed for two years. Meanwhile, their fellow JETs are complaining about how the schools are complaining to them about the shitty teacher haha.
I've also known really awesome, educated, and dedicated people apply to JET but never made it to the interview stage. For them it wasn't until they applied a second or third time that they got an interview and then even the job.
No. 113801
>>113797I was 30 in Japan and my friends were constantly saying "you need to find a nice husband." "you're running out of time – aren't you lonely?" "No boyfriend? Do you dislike Japanese boys?" "hurry and get married."
if you plan to live there for an extended amount of time, they'll hold you to the same standard.
No. 113813
>>113811>doesn’t even really want to go to Japan??
I thought she was just going through a depressive phase when she said this. I don't think she has any other plans in life that don't include this?
No. 113819
>>113813This has been discussed a million times, is this your first PT thread? We need an FAQ or something.
PT constantly makes excuses for why she can’t go to Japan. No money, too white, too old, etc. She could have easily gone to Japan by now but she doesn’t. She doesn’t actually want to go.
No. 113853
File: 1432967875767.png (248.5 KB, 500x378, 87693752758.PNG)

Yeah, we all were newfags, but when I was a newfag I at least didn't ask stupid "Lol I'm new to PT" questions, I was just lurking around and silently studying the Queen and her dorama. That's why all those newfags really make me sick to hell.
Somebody write a fucking FAQ already, PLEASE. I would do that myself, but I'm a baka gajin and muh English bad.
No. 113858
>>113855She's a fan of Rumiko Takahashi in general. Stop being a fucking newfag and read the article on ED, THIS FUCKING INFO IS WRITTEN ON HER ED, FFS.
God, I hate newfags.
No. 113872
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>>113858I'm not a newfag, don't get your panties in a bunch. I was following Pixy when she still had a deviant art. I just don't remember every character she does and doesn't like, and I didn't want to try to do something nice for her and have her disappointed because she had a grudge against the character for whatever reason.
I contributed to the ED. You need to calm the fuck down farmer, you are obviously wayyyy too mad.
No. 113883
File: 1432970834214.jpg (174.53 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

>>113874I completely understand, fellow sister. The word of our Goddess must be spread far and wide.
Thank you for being so agreeable, I appreciate it.
Maybe we can have one big FAQ page, for all the Lolcows? Pixy would be first, of course. I agree I hate newfags, too.
No. 113927
>>113926Yeah dude, years ago. Like I said, I've been in this rodeo for a long time.
The ride never ends.
No. 113932
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No. 113935
>>113932I'm glad she knows.
Let her live.
No. 113936
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>>113931lol you are so sandy
please kill yourself
No. 113951
>>113938what are you trying to say here?
On topic: I lose my shit every time that pixy eating lemons banner shows up. Those videos have to be some of the most bizarre she's ever uploaded, and with her that's saying something.
No. 113969
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>>113481how long do you think it'll take for her to become normal
No. 113991
>>113765She gave up too quickly. She probably got butthurt right away and did the whole "too fat and white for Japan" thing then didn't attempt it again. I'm sure she was told multiple times to keep trying. But never followed through. In the back of her mind maybe she really does wish it had worked out even if she says she never wants to teach again.
I remember she had posted on the Jet forums about wanting to bring geta and yukata yo Japan. Does anyone have the link if they still exist?My internet is wonky right now and it's hard to search for anything.
I believe she was told by multiple people on the forums that geta is too heavy to bother taking along and she should save her suitcase space for necessitates. If she really wanted geta and yukata she could buy them when she got to Japan. But she shouldn't go around wearing them like casual wear because it's not common and she'd really stick out. She got really frustrated.
No. 114114
>>114107She was trying to say, "Video with lots of panty shots… So embarrassing! It's very very windy!" in that Japanese tweet.
I was side-eyeing that tweet because we all know she isn't embarrassed. I think on one of her tiny chats she was complaining about a skirt being too long for panty shots.
No. 114119
>>114107 I feel like she's really enjoying herself in those videos.
You can tell this is like her new summer routine, wait until her mom and dad goes to work and jump into your kawaii outfit and turn on the radio. like shes found a little hobby lmao
No. 114121
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No. 114164
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No. 114166
>>114165I know… I saw that and was like, fuck.
You think everyone would know this by now.
No. 114177
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No. 114186
>>114184that's what i get for being high while trying to asspat
i fucking panicked when i saw my typo. i think i laid it on too thick overall though.
No. 114194
File: 1433023706840.jpg (125.35 KB, 640x471, image.jpg)

Shit… I hope you faggots are happy.
No. 114201
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No. 114208
File: 1433024239614.gif (1.17 MB, 245x170, 1426870570-nightmare-gif.gif)

Welp, looks like she's probably not going to be on tonight.
No. 114233
>>114216But she can't. She really can't.
I feel like quite a number of us have tried to honestly be friends with her, and encourage her as well. She doesn't value anyone because all Sarah cares about is herself and her own mad world of delusions.
I love her, but I really fucking hate her too. I just wish she would use the potential she has for something.
No. 114255
>>114254self deprecating for attention/to get ass pats.
It's not like she doesn't say those things about herself, it's that she flips out when other people say it about her.
No. 114256
>>114254exactly, that was the point lol
it had the star icon next to the name btw
No. 114266
>>114262yeah i think she just changed her name but didnt log out
so then logged out and came back as fatlolita
No. 114268
File: 1433027162490.jpg (272.31 KB, 1000x512, ptshoop.jpg)

I decided to shoop her new twitter picture
No. 114269
>>114268She actually looks nice even without shooping.
Good job tho.
No. 114318
>>114312she's on here,
>>114282 is probably her
No. 114323
>>114312Ew… Never been on PULL, I'm not 13, so fuck you.
>>114320Yep, that was me, 'cause I'm really pissed off by those faggots who did this.
No. 114339
>>114336Well yeah, I really wanted to chat with PT on this weekend, i asked her to do a chat on twitter, she liked my tweet and went on chat, but someone ruined everything before I even went there, so I really am mad, and I also feel guilty for what happened to my Queen as I was the one who asked her for chat.
Ugh. Whatever. Sorry for bitching about it.
No. 114341
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No. 114350
>>114344did she go to space?
pls say space
No. 114368
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No. 114384
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No. 114386
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No. 114395
>>113766Technically it isn't impossible for someone of PT's age to go back to school (plenty of people do) and then do a study abroad session. It's not common, but it is possible. Maybe she can go to grad school or something. Either way, it would take her putting work into it and she won't.
Really a shame too because I've heard you need to apply a few times, sometimes, for teaching positions. If she had tried again she may have made it.
No. 114400
>>114384this is like really really cute.
dat shoop dough
No. 114404
>>114402Cunt? Rather infamous microdick.
>>114398Oh hai Britfag, thank you for ruining the fun, you piece of shit ♥
No. 114409
>>114407>epicThis isn't 2008, britfag.
>>114408why don't you do us all a favor and shoot yourself in the face.
No. 114411
>>114408Not really. She leaves immediately when upset in the slightest now. You either haven't caught up with her or you're britfag
you are a shitty troll and I would highly suggest you kill yourself either way
No. 114432
>>114411As soon as you put the pistol in your mouth and pull the
trigger. You're no worse than the fucking trolls feeding off PT pathetic mentality for laughs to make your own self feel better.
No. 114436
You do realize no one actually thinks PT is the kawaii goddess of cosplay, besides PT, right?
No. 114450
File: 1433046144205.jpg (71.5 KB, 718x557, pink_1433045973356.jpg)

>>114445Forgot the damn image. At this rate it wouldn't be difficult to get her to switch to chat but it might not be a good idea.
No. 114460
File: 1433047280140.jpg (101.27 KB, 500x500, Calm-DownTime.jpg)

>>114455Can we please answer questions with out getting upset for once? Even stupid questions. Everyone needs to chill.
No. 114504
>>114486Anon, do you honestly think the woman who cried when her mum yelled at her for not having a shower and stinking up the place is going to clean other peoples houses?
and besides, there is no way in hell I would be okay with a person like PT being in my home. Let alone taking pictures in a maid outfit whiling posing like she is about to shit. I can 100% say if people found out she was doing those kind of things in their homes they would sue or charge her.
No. 114521
>>114504There are "erotic" maid services. I think girls go and do actual cleaning (albeit "lighter" cleaning, though it may involve crawling around on the floor and the like)in sexy outfits.
If PT could embrace her marshmallow self she could maybe get a job like that, there must be some guys into girls like her cleaning the house in a kawaii bikini or maid outfit.
No. 114536
>>114532I definitely think her mom would be supportive about it if her weebiness made her productive. I didn't follow her then, but I'm sure her parents paid for her to get that English degree. I'm sure they knew about her plans to get in the JET program and were supportive of that, I don't think she would've gotten the degree if they weren't supportive of it. She likes to act like they were never supportive of her love of Japan, but tbh, I think they're just not supportive of the procrastinating, like you said, and the how strange it makes her dress/act. I'm sure if you showed her parents one of her better pictures, like this one
>>113484 for example, they'd most likely think she looks nice.
No. 114542
File: 1433064822574.jpg (37.82 KB, 577x166, image.jpg)

>>114536I don't understand why Pixyteri is so surprised that her parents yell at her to get a job and are disappointed in her all the time.. Honestly I think they babied her for her entire life and are finally realizing their mistake and they are trying to get her life on track.
I mean, can you imagine paying for your daughter to go to school, she got a (pretty much worthless) degree, barely tried to get any sort of teaching job and never moved out of your house. And now she's almost 30 and won't even get a minimum wage jobs. I've seen worse situations, but this is pretty sad and I don't blame them at all for tryin to make their smelly, delusional daughter get a job.
Pixyteri could go to Japan so easily but she won't. "I can't go to Japan because I'm too fat/old/ugly/ect." is all just an excuse for her to not accept the responsibilities in her life as an adult.
I feel like most of te people here don't really like her (I know some of us do, but she can be downright unpleasant) but we see her potential and we want her to succeed. She's like a Chris chan who actually has the chance of becoming something other than a sad, sad lolcow. But fucking weens and Britfag are trying to ruin it for everyone. Britfag is an emotionally manipulative tiny dicked piece of shit who is trying to keep Pixy away from any positive socialization in her life, and weens think it's just really funny to be cruel to her (omg epic!!! XD) when in reality, Pixy's best lulz are when she's in a good mood.
Anyway, I hope that we can help Pixy get her life turned around. I don't know, she may have a mental breakdown when she turns 30. But maybe she can be a pretty, stable woman with a teaching job in Japan one day. An anon can dream, can't i?
Thought I do have to wonder if employers will hire her after googling her name. O_O
No. 114545
File: 1433065420279.jpg (136.58 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

Our queen has a ghost following her around! Maybe it's the spirit of a young, handsome Japanese man who only wants to make Pixy his waifu, but is sadly denied her sexy oppai by the cruel reality of death. <\3
(I'm tired, sorry.)
Also, her birthday is July 29th, right? I'm going to be out of the country for it ;~; so sad.
No. 114548
>>114542I agree and feel the exact same way you do, anon.
No. 114565
>>114542>Anyway, I hope that we can help Pixy get her life turned around. I don't know, she may have a mental breakdown when she turns 30. But maybe she can be a pretty, stable woman with a teaching job in Japan one day.I'm honestly not sure she will turn her life around at this point, because she's so detached from reality desperate for things that are literally impossible, let alone unrealistic. She wants to be a young girl in Japan that does nothing but sit around being kawaii and point blank refuses to accept anything else. She even see's the fact that she isn't a kawaii aidoru as some sort of conspiracy, deliberately set up to "hurt" her, instead of accepting that everyone gets older and very, very, few people make money purely off their looks.
She's also said she doesn't want to be a teacher, she wants to be a student (in what, I don't really know). I assume because being a teacher isn't young and kawaii enough for her.
No. 114577
>>114177I swear, sometimes I want to put her into a cannon and fire her towards Japan like in an old cartoon. With the amount of whining she does about Japan I think part of her still wants to go.
She just knows that fantasy Japan and real Japan are two different places. It's hard for her to fully reconcile this. Especially with her age obsession.
No. 114662
File: 1433087362223.png (442.54 KB, 558x525, Bikini comparison.png)

>>114093I tried to compare her to one of her older bikini photoshoots.
No. 114689
>>114542Getting an English degree can pretty much be a dead end unless you have a plan laid out. It sounds like she had the credentials to teach in Texas, so that's cool. If she pursued that, she has something. Her problem is she refuses to get something she may not like NOW so that it will help her get something she will like LATER. Basically, like many have said, she doesn't know how to adult. I think a lot of people can relate to working at a job in the past or presently to help move yourself toward a future goal/job/point. You acknowledge that it is temporary and you strive harder to get out of the situation as quickly as you can.
Aside from teaching, there are careers you can obtain with an English degree that do have a decent salary: like copywriting. She may have to do some self-study, but it's a job that can be quite rewarding. It doesn't have to be a "forever job" either.
She could get some classes at a community center and get certified to work as a desk clerk at a hospital – it's a semester of classes and then you are trained to basically work as a secretary at a hospital, setting up appointments and getting patients to their correct rooms. Starting salary there is about 32,000 a year or more depending on where you live.
It's really a moot point because she doesn't want to grow up. She wants to have the life she had in her late teens and early 20's where she went to work for 4 hours, came home and hung out with friends. I get it. being an adult can be both tiring and boring, but that's only if you make it that way.
Work hard, save your vacation days and money and you can go on a vacation to a place of interest AND get paid due to vacation/personal days.
I don't think Pixy will adult up. I don't think she ever will unless her family really lays down an ultimatum on her; but if her mother is as old fashioned as people claim she is, I'm sure they'll just continue to verbally hound her to get a job instead of force her to get a job–any job.
No. 114695
File: 1433092792937.gif (941.66 KB, 600x338, giphy.gif)

>>114689>work hard>PTIt is sad that she completely wasted a degree though
No. 114702
>>114546Which is why all her problems would be solved if she became a camwhore/clip model.
Seriously. She would probably make enough to move out of her house and buy extra amounts of weeaboo crap she doesn't need.
As far as chubby girls go she's not that bad looking. I see a lot of chubby girls in the amateur porn world and all of them look absolutely garbage compared to PT. I'm not just saying that because I'm a farmer, I'm saying that because it's true. She may be chubby and her face may be unconventional but she is far better looking than some of the whales out there.
And believe it or not, her personality helps. She's mobilized us to follow her every move and asspat her. Imagine what she could do to an audience of horny chubby chasers with extra-disposable income.
She's an idiot, plain and simple.
No. 114714
>>114712exactly. i dont even get it.
im wondering if it might be britfag? or whoever she is in a secret relationship with?
i remember when i was pining over a dude, i didnt want to do that paywhore stuff because i was scared he'd think bad of me. or if she's in a weird one-sided relationship with someone who wouldn't want her to? its such a waste of her potential
No. 114828
File: 1433114521186.jpg (117.81 KB, 576x1024, image.jpg)

Ran into this girl's photo on Twitter, looks like Pixi if she actually tried to look nice
No. 114850
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No. 114890
File: 1433122921372.png (23.73 KB, 584x158, 546574.PNG)

No. 114899
File: 1433123761552.png (41.54 KB, 582x284, 546574.PNG)

No. 114910
File: 1433125420404.jpg (46.59 KB, 574x343, pttwitter.jpg)

Welp. She's gone.
No. 114915
>>114910psh, pugs are way cuter.
And dammit.
No. 114921
>>114911everyone seems to forget that pixy's one of those people with very few, if any real friends because she's so unstable. her life isn't like she imagined it should be, so she constantly solicits advice from anon (for attention) and then
completely fucking disregards all of it. nothing ever fits her lazy worldview so she ignores all of it.
you can't fix people like that without the
No. 114926
>>114910Ughhhh!!! I was just drawing a fan art to cheer her up!
My Queen, plz don't leave us!
No. 114955
oh no, I missed it all.
Dang, I hope she comes back.
>>114953I think he was. He's such a fucking dick, I want to crush his skull with my thumb.
No. 114966
File: 1433130586503.gif (491.3 KB, 500x220, 1393157933148.gif)

>>114167>>114166>>114164But there's a cap somewhere from her old twitter with her laughing about his older one of her.
Oh pixy never stop being dumb.
No. 114973
>>114702>>114712>>114714I know this is dumb to enough ask knowing that she might just block the person, but has anyone just outright asked her if she would be into being a camgirl. Talk it up about her being able to do whatever she wants for money and never having to work hard again?????
Lets be real though shes never leaving that house.
No. 114974
File: 1433132221549.jpg (50.83 KB, 500x667, tumblr_lpjkw1E7m01qcpg1p.jpg)

No. 114978
File: 1433132545161.gif (482.79 KB, 500x221, MSJeiTO.gif)

GFD im gone for the weekend and she shuts down her fucking twitter. Waaaay to go you tiny dick fag fuck.
For now all her stuff is still up and working, but I hope people have been saving everything in case she decide to go back in to hiding and delete everything.
No. 114992
File: 1433134290083.gif (484.63 KB, 500x270, 9876544567886.gif)

It's gone…
No. 114996
File: 1433134765837.gif (979.2 KB, 500x283, 2213213213.gif)

Our lord has left us.
No. 115008
File: 1433136610611.jpg (313.9 KB, 1000x508, tumblr_noh13j9Tn61taa1z6o6_128…)

>>114929Oh kami-sama please, I wanted to see how she'd act on her birthday. Also goddamn it, I hate that people (or her own bipolar condition, whatever) chased her off again.
No. 115047
File: 1433143628659.jpg (39.26 KB, 500x281, image.jpg)

So this is what death feels like. . .
No. 115051
File: 1433144244047.jpg (62.04 KB, 500x246, image.jpg)

I am shocked. My queen, please return.
No. 115054
File: 1433144489870.jpg (360.15 KB, 682x1024, image.jpg)

>>115035Speak for yourself. I don't hate her…I hope I can continue watching her antics for years to come, and I hope that includes her getting married and making a living off her online presence. There are celebrities I think are shit people but I am still a fan of their work…I think of Pixy in the same way.
No. 115056
File: 1433144736069.png (484.46 KB, 720x483, pt.png)

i can't believe this happened the same night i decided to make a mini idol video thing using some of her maid clips. i was hoping this might cheer her up a little. IF she's gone for good this time it may be a suitable farewell at least. No. 115061
File: 1433146149370.jpg (613.57 KB, 682x1024, ptshoop.jpg)

>>115054this picture was just begging to be shooped
No. 115074
>>115035I actually do wish her well. PT can be…vexing at times and there is a lot to criticize about her, but I would be happy if she got her shit together, found a Japanese guy and lived out her animu dream life in Japan. Really.
I may make fun of her sometimes but I don't hate her at all.
No. 115098
>>115026If it wasn't her own eggshell issues then they totally ruined it. All these stupid PT noobs who don't understand that you aren't supposed to tip over the lolcow. Just let it graze in the field and treat it gently.
I'm sad that she's gone. I was hoping having new internet friends would help her out. She seemed so happy in some of those chats. But when I saw the tweets getting more and more dark and self loathing I knew we were in the danger zone. Something pushed her over the edge and now she's gone. Maybe britfag was responsible.
I'll admit I wanted to see how she'd handle the big 3-0. It might actually be worse for her without a place to vent since she doesn't seem to have much in the way of real life friends to lean on.
No. 115141
>>115056This is super cute, good work, anon.
Though, it may be good she didn't see the video, on tinychat she was talking about how she hated Kyary and how Kyary didn't deserve the fame she has.
No. 115150
>>115056>tfw you won't get to see the queen shine anymoreThis video made me happy and painfully sad at the same time. Maybe we should make more of these.
Also please tell me everyone has been saving the videos from the dropbox and the onedrive.
No. 115165
>>115054I think that's what
>>115035 meant, you're referring to her life events as "antics" which means you don't think she'll recover and try to lead a vaguely normal life.
>>115058I added her on skype, and she's currently online
No. 115169
>>115056I've alwys thought Sarah's smile was p cute
I like this video, thanks, anon
No. 115180
File: 1433177154435.jpg (53.26 KB, 1037x389, image.jpg)

>>115165What she does IS considered antics. How is that bad?
And recover from what? Being a weeb is not a disease. She obviously likes dressing up and taking photos/videos more than anything else in her life. I don't think she should keep chasing meaningless part-time jobs to pay bills when she could make money doing what she loves. Imagine how much fucking confidence she would get receiving her first check from youtube ads or something. She sold a book of her cosplay photos on ebay a while back and people snatched them right up! She has true fans! And every celebrity, especially internet ones, has haters…that will never stop.
I want her to get a thick skin and focus on the people who do want her to be successful. Yes, I want her to be around for a long time for my selfish reasons, because she amuses me…but I have never trolled her or said something mean to her, ever… and I've been following her since /CGL/.
Some of us have been watching her for so many years, it's hard to imagine not knowing how she is or what is going on in her life.
No. 115187
File: 1433177954770.gif (1.13 MB, 529x432, 1343187127648.gif)

>>115056This is perfect and doesn't make her look autistic at all.
Really fucking kawaii.
No. 115201
>>115180she clearly does have something mentally wrong with her, since she's been seeing a psychiatrist. Hannah Minxx was a giant weeaboo too, but she got off the internet and is living her life.
Everyone here wants to feed into her delusions because it amuses us, we along with everyone else is perpetuating her delusions. The trolls are right as fuck, but we're selfish as fuck for letting her believe this shit.
My personal belief that she is to narcissistic to kill herself.
I'm trying to say that real friends would give her the truth, anything beyond that is egging her on for our selfish amusement whether we have good intentions or not.
No. 115205
>>115187(not the anon who made the video)
Can you imagine non-autistic video made of her vids? Let's be fair, that anon made a great job.
No. 115206
>>115201Problem is that anyone who tells her the truth, stops being her friend. She puts up with her parents because they pay for everything, but as its said before, she has no friends anymore and it's mostly because she refuses to have common sense about anything. Even with Japan, it took awhile for her to realize that she couldn;t just go and become an idol, or live life like in an anime, which is why Japan is an escapist fantasy for her, and not a goal anymore.
Farmers probably aren't doing the best thing possible giving her asspats, but whether or not it could be an eventual step in the right direction for her to get her shit together.
No. 115377
File: 1433200642652.jpg (6.25 KB, 569x66, macandarico.jpg)

Who was this?
No. 115404
File: 1433202798022.jpg (9.99 KB, 300x204, itshappening.jpg)

>>115377>>115394omg I hope it's true
No. 115406
Also this: there, but the only follower is from the UK.
No. 115410
File: 1433203433836.jpeg (23.39 KB, 420x420, bob.jpeg)

>>115406Also he has one guy in his circle, one James O. Gibson who lives in the UK. No. 115415
File: 1433203592740.jpeg (498.67 KB, 1708x964, bob.jpeg)

>>115410 this guy is stationed in Bristol…. just up the road from Bath in the UK.
No. 115420
File: 1433203845798.gif (524.1 KB, 500x279, cheer.gif)

I believe in you crafty anons! Doxx this shitter!
No. 115422
James O. Gibson is into politics heavily.
He used to post a lot on the Guardian site No. 115426
File: 1433204283648.jpeg (337.34 KB, 1920x1080, bob.jpeg)

>>115422I found a Youtube video of his where you can visibly some of his Steam friendslist. Rico and James are friends we can potentially nail him with this, we just need to find a connection.
Some profiles I've found included in the screenshot, they're all in the UK: No. 115431
But there's nothing on it :(
I'm starting to think Rico is short for something.. No. 115432
File: 1433204913945.gif (1 MB, 350x191, NnoGhN1.gif)

No. 115435
>>115434Yeah, and I think Macanda as a surname has African origins, whereas we saw from the avatar PT made of Rico in Soul Calibur that he's white.
The plot thickens.
No. 115440
>>115438I don't think so.
It'd be pretty easy for Admin-kun to check a list of visitors and find an IP originating from the Somerset/South West area of the UK, but they've got this vow thing to protect users identities.
tbh I think Rico should be the exception but whatevs.
No. 115444
File: 1433205665638.jpg (28.66 KB, 436x436, 10403154_954823407911138_52226…)

There is actually a Rico living in Bath, Somerset, but he's not exactly white. No. 115447
File: 1433205707651.jpg (278.55 KB, 1535x878, 1431055201757.jpg)

>>115444For reference, this is the avatar PT made of Rico.
No. 115450
File: 1433205836772.jpg (407.87 KB, 400x264, wr577.jpg)

>>115445>>115445C-can it be true? Admin-sama is going to help Save The Queen?
No. 115456
>>115447you cant really go by this as rico likely sent pt fake pics. also this doesn't look like the guy who was flashing his dick and talking shit in tiny chat.
anyone have screen caps of that guy? i remember he looked like he had a short almost buzzed haircut and unibrow. he did indeed look like he might be of some other ethnic origin, not fully white. he looked middle eastern, or, as the name rico suggests, hispanic.
No. 115457
>>115449Yes, before this happens every info has to be checked he provides online bc he'll be creeped out and delete his stuff. I couldn't find more than
I was mainly checking for bbw content but that's unlikely to find on steam profiles.
No. 115459
>>115444hard to tell from the pic but the short hair makes me think this might be the guy i mentioned seeing in tinychat
>>115456though the guy in tiny chat looked like a pale basement dwelling creep, and this guy looks like he is more normal.
No. 115464
File: 1433206877965.jpg (38.17 KB, 746x495, lol.jpg)

Why is it so unlikely Rico is a black dude though?
No. 115468
Another friend of James, comments a lot on Japan/video game stuff on YT: a strange coincidence that this guy who is friends with (possibly) Rico is also friends with people who are into the same stuff PT likes.
No. 115470
>>115469ahhh shit sonnnnn
No. 115471
>>115470>>115469The name Rico Macanda definitely means something. I don't know if it's a real name but there's something "in" there.
I wonder if Rico is reading this sweating bullets and trying to hastily delete everything connected to him.
No. 115474
File: 1433207539876.jpg (55.09 KB, 644x463, missingsomeone.jpg)

>>115469Fuck. With this few info it's PULL level speculation though.
Let me just add this twitter post where she's hinting at "missing someone", one day later she mentioned Macandarico with a <3.
No. 115489
>>115006Its never ogre, you fool!
give it time.
No. 115495
>>115444He looks fairly white to me. It's just a shitty photo with bad foreground lighting. He also looks consistent with what pt described in tinychat. Shadowy, sunglasses, can't really tell his hair color. Of course it could be a coincidence.
>>115469Wait a minute… Rucomac…. Ruco… Look at your keyboards, qwertyfags. Guess what U is right next to?
No. 115499
File: 1433212048812.jpg (78.82 KB, 720x720, 944101_636160276411354_1700616…)

>>115495This guy is friends with school kids. I don't think he's the Rico we're searching for. Also his interests are zero weebish, rather "normal".
No. 115500
File: 1433212214628.jpg (522.29 KB, 1903x1445, ricospizza.jpg)

This has had to be Rico's inspiration for a nickname.
No. 115554
File: 1433220074998.gif (85.62 KB, 194x192, 1416547435949.gif)

A new era where we free our Queen from the clutches of her oppressor and publicly shame him! This is be beginning of a glorious day!
No. 115585
>>115581Ok, I must have misread that someone found more connecting them. It's still a place to start. I can't sit here and do nothing for pt.
I found the 1 screencap at
>>101111 would have been helpful if anon had posted more. I've archived James comments from the guardian just in case they suddenly start to
disappear. Link is No. 115589
>>115585It’s totally possible it’s him. This guy seems to like video games, which PT also likes so there’s at least something in common there. I don’t want to incriminate an innocent guy though so we should be careful.
Looking at James’ liked videos on Youtube, he might play these games:
Call of Duty
Half Life
He also seems to like rap. Might be things worth noting in case someone comes across stuff that Rico is interested in.
And he also liked this video, lol: No. 115593
I was looking for more writing samples to analyze and noticed the linked Youtube account
>>115427 is connected to a different twitter account than the one posted at
>>115461 One's name is James B. Gibson, while the political twitter posted is a James O. Gibson.
No. 115595
He's still going by James O. Gibson on Youtube but uses James Brant Gibson on the 2nd twitter.
No. 115599
>>115589The 2nd twitter account has a few mutuals that are into that stuff. I screencaped his friends list just in case it becomes private.
2nd twitter archived at it and the youtube (both with different middle initals) are connected are archived at I'm doing all of this right.
No. 115603
File: 1433229246837.png (32.07 KB, 376x152, 2543r.png)

>>115599Weird that he has two different middle initials listed on different places. The second twitter account is definitely him though. This has the same username as the second twitter but same picture as James O.: No. 115608
>>115603I know, it looks suspicious but I could see someone wanting to keep their personal interests far away from a political account that most people know them by. It could actually be something but with only one tweet on the 2nd account there's nothing to go by.
>>115577I've been going back and forth on these for over an hour but without a larger sample of Rico's writing it's impossible to tell if they're the same guy. The writing style is similar, proper English yet a casualness to the wording, and both have a 'matter of fact - this is how it is' tone, but a lot of guys could type like this.
Is kik anon still around? It would help if they could verify whether or not the writings are similar to the way Rico wrote or provide more screenshots.
Other than that I don't think I have anything else to offer. Sorry everyone, I feel like I let you and PT down.
No. 115610
File: 1433231195658.png (32.14 KB, 647x104, 295847.png)

>>115608Can you post what you have of Rico's writing for future comparisons?
Also, this James person appears to be really young (I guess ’98 is his birth year). I’m not convinced that this guy is actually Rico/britfag.
No. 115614
>>115610Yeah the ages are also an issues. Things look suspicious but a lot of important things don't seem to be adding up. So unless there's multiple people in on this and "Rico" is the ring leader, it looks like James is in the clear for the moment.
So far the only sample of Rico's writing that I'm aware of is a kik screenshot at
>>101111Has anyone tried digging up the twitter that had Rico's name in the handle or has it been gone for too long?
No. 115617
>>115610>I’m not convinced that this guy is actually Rico/britfag.He's suspiciously close to Bath and the only guy in one Rico Macanda's circle. If he isn't Rico it's still very possible he knows him.
>So far the only sample of Rico's writing that I'm aware of is a kik screenshot at >>101111Didn't somebody post screencaps of a conversation with "pt" where it seemed somebody was badly impersonating her and they theorized it was Rico?
No. 115620
>>115617Yeah it was on Skype. You can see that one at
>>101132 I don't know if it can be used as a sample though since he's trying to impersonate PT.
No. 115670
File: 1433248068965.png (Spoiler Image,305.62 KB, 810x642, Screen Shot 2015-05-15 at 18.0…)

forgot to mark NSFW
No. 115707
File: 1433255829874.png (405.62 KB, 809x641, Screen Shot 2015-05-15 at 17.5…)

>>115693idk how many people were taking screenshots and I wasn't feeling the need to get every newuser until the dicks, even then what's the point really? not likely to be rico imo. anyways I'm looking.
No. 115713
>>115704>>115707>>115709Gah, we need a timeline with proper evidence or something.
Thanks for
>>115707, anon.
No. 115716
Wouldn't it be crazy if Rico was the Queen's alternate personality
>>115709That's why I have my reservations as well. Didn't someone say the only person who could get IPs from a TC was whoever created the room? And you know Pixy can't/won't do something like that and share the info.
No. 115779
File: 1433270572612.png (62.93 KB, 509x552, 1431074348723.png)

>>115469james o gibson (from Rico's Google+ page) has a lot of people in his circle that seem like /pol/tards. lots of political memes, etc.
i used to dabble in /pol/ culture and they DO tend to make up names for themselves. i wouldn't be surprised if Rico Macanda was an alias of some sort. he's probably white like PT made his avatar white.
but its possible that rico is… done for? i mean he may have stopped talking to her and that is that? however i dont know. based on her actions i do think someone is holding her back from something.
she has skype, yeah? how about one of us befriends her and prods for more info on rico?
No. 115802
>>115785Shit, i had no idea she was in so deep. its def an abusive relationship. maybe contact her on line? is their PMing on line?
>>115789no you can't. :(
anyone check any of the other lolcow forums/boards to see if there is any group of dudes out there trolling her privately with this rico shit?
No. 115807
File: 1433272956701.jpg (23.28 KB, 360x212, uk.jpg)

>>115779If Rico Macanda is an alias that was indeed Rico, why would he use an alias to add rl friends on google+ like James? You don't mix up your troll alias with rl business. It's more likely they're just online friends. So they probably hang around the places James is active on. Both bonded over being British and maybe being /pol/fags. I don't know how common whiteknights are on /pol/ but it would fit Rico's self image (>>101111).
>>115800If this particular James was Rico it would be stupid af to add your troll alias on google+.
No. 115842
>>115779/pol/ack here. It's highly unlikely a self-proclaimed Marxist who posts SJW-tier comments on the Guardian would knowingly befriend anyone from /pol/.
>but its possible that rico is… done for? He's not done for until he's doxxed into oblivion.
No. 115858
>>115842I didn't read his comments on guardian. I just looked at his friends list.
Does pixy play any MMOs?
No. 115867
>>115858>Does pixy play any MMOs?Not that I know. Maybe Lineplay if that counts?
Here's a nasty idea: if the leads on Rico go completely cold, threaten to dox James O. Gibson with the assumption that he is Rico. That might make him talkative. Shit like that should only be done as a desperate last resort however.
No. 115882
>>115871the james she was obsessed over was someone she knew irl. he was younger than her but i think they had classes of some kind together, or just met at a con or something equally weeby.
britfag she only knows online, so he connected to her through some sort of social media. kik, skype, twitter etc.
No. 116024
>>116003this probably seems like our best bet. i've went through about 5 threads and looked at peoples profiles of everyone in the threads and they're all not from the UK so far
has pt been linked to this thread/does she know about it? i didn't get to see the other TCs but didn't someone link to this thread
No. 116036
>>116031this really thickens the plot.
anyone wanna google those skype IDs and see where they lead, or should i do it?
No. 116042
>>116038He is too autistic to be britfag.
Perhaps britfag/rico is targeting autists on the internet, and thats why rico added james' on google+? maybe pixy is just another conquest for him
No. 116052
File: 1433293076244.jpg (27.83 KB, 213x395, sperg.JPG)

That aint no way for a youth Mayor of Bristol to behave tsk
No. 116058
>>116053This is really interesting.
My initial thought before we uncovered more was that James was Rico and PT never saw him because it would be very obvious that he was a kid.
Screenshot the comment for reference.
No. 116066
>>116065holy shit
these evefags definitely deserve a thread of their own
No. 116071
>>116042>He is too autistic to be britfag.That lolcow grade pastebin suggests James is deceitful and extremely obsessive, which I'd say are traits he shares in common with Rico.
It looks like that Eve incident also taught him to use separate identities for the various shit he does. And he idolizes fucking goons of all people.
I think it's still somewhere within the realm of possibility that he could be Rico.
No. 116074
>>116073This is amazing. Looks like he's one of Eve's prime lolcows.
It says he's 13 as of 2012, but that doesn't sound right to me. How old is he now? I feel like he's at least 18. lovely folks of the internet,
>I am Prencleeve Grothsmore, also known as Sir P. Grothsmore, also known as jjjggg50, also known as Lord Graphite - The Conquerer of Palestine…. You get the idea.
>I am here today to give you Test Alliance peoples a one time offer. Break up your alliance and friendship with the Goonswarm Federation and I will spare you in my attack against every single Goon-allied corp and alliance in New Eden. Do not feel obliged to accept this lovely offer, however ignoring this offer will result in the termination of your space alliance.
>I have a plan - it will work! Me and my coalition of spy networks will bring you down if you refuse to break away from the Clusterfuck and/or the Goonswarm Federation. I'm not some mad man shouting his demands down a toilet - I am serious.
>You have 42 days to meet my demands - on the 43rd day, preparations will begin to collapse you and all the other alliances which refuse to break away from the Goons. No. 116078
File: 1433295225723.png (27.33 KB, 135x159, how is this 13.png)

>>116072>Eve goonsAnd general SA goons circa 2012, but yeah it seems like he might not be idolizing them anymore.
Incidentally, he seriously doesn't look 13.
No. 116228
>>116225I don't think we have even confirmed that they know each other.
That said, I don't think many people met/know of PT outside of /cgl/ on 4chan these days. So unless we find some link into cosplay or cons perhaps idk it's just speculation.
No. 116406
>>116049I remember some anon saying that Rico and PT met over something Hetalia-related.
We keep mixing up names and shit, it's hard to keep it straight for people.
No. 116416
>>116406I think Rico = James
James is pretending to be a guy named Rico who is older than Pixy, and they met on /a/ a long time ago over something Hetalia-related.
James didn't want to reveal his real identity because he was only 13, so he lied about his age/name to Pixy.
It's James. I'm sure it is.
No. 116494
There's someone over at kiwi farms doing a Q&A about PT.
Starts this page, about half way down. No. 116604
>>116494This could all be bullshit though.
Fuck even I can say I live in Vic. TX and know pt.
Whatever happened to our Vic fag? The one that showed proof, but got "sick" and never got to see the queen in action while she waited tables.
No. 116775
>>116416But Hetalia was never discussed on /a/. In all the years I've been there I've seen maybe two threads that died rapidly due to lack of interest and usual fujoshit accusations.
Personally I do have friends I made on /a/, but it only happened because at the time we had endless generals and continued our activity on other sites as well, so exchanging info over time was easier.
I do think I remember a thread where PT posted, however I'm not sure if it was her or someone impersonating her. IIRC it was something like a (rare) convention or 3DPD (cosplay) thread.
No. 116790
>>116725I'm trying to remember what pics she posted. I'm thinking Rukia but I might be wrong. It probably doesn't matter. I saw the thread but I can't recall what was on it.
I haven't been on /a/ a lot. I can see why Hetalia wouldn't be all that popular there though. If she met Britfag over Hetalia it may have been on another forum. It was during her phase when she wanted to cosplay female Japan right? Maybe check popular Hetalia communities and see if there are any old posts from her? She may have briefly joined one in the past. Maybe Britfag was searching for lolworthy Hetalia fangirls to mess with at the time.
No. 116875
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Looks like she's still active on her Line Play at least.
No. 116915
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>>116875god she looks like shit
No. 116946
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>>116930She has her moments. All in the past. And because of other people.
No. 116947
>>116775I seriously doubt PT and Rico/James met on /a/ directly.
The only reason it's interesting that James has a connection to /a/ is because it means there was a greater chance that he was exposed to PT in some way. I think it’s more likely that James (if it’s him) saw some PT antics on /a/ or /cgl/ and then later contacted her through Twitter or something.
No. 116958
>>116950our queen lose weight. kek
I do root for her though.
No. 116960
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I've been lurkin around here and catching up on The Queen and I started binge reading her LJ
No. 116962
>>116958>our queen lose weight. kekWhen she's motivated and seriously trying she really does melt the pounds off like butter.
With her twitter gone and Rico possibly running scared she's harder to troll and demotivate. I think she's got a chance.
No. 116965
>>116947I don't believe they met on /a/ either, absolutely. I also find it unlikely that he was there for that one thread: could have happened, but what are the chances? In any case, I think we need to be cautious with this James guy: I hope I'm wrong, but so far the whole thing seems really forced to me. I'll be surprise if he turns out to be Rico.
>>116962>When she's motivated and seriously trying she really does melt the pounds off like butter. Huh. She's been slowly but constantly gaining weight since her DA days… When did she lose weight?
No. 116972
And speaking of Rico, I think my nasty ideas is looking more and more viable.
Just contact James and say "hey, we think you might be Rico so we're just going to blame you for everything he's done to pt and dox you. If you aren't Rico now would be a real good time to say so. And also spill the beans on him".
>>116965>When did she lose weight?Her weight always yoyos with her level of effort. I thought it was pretty obvious?
No. 116992
>>116975>Doxxing is not necessary at this point. Threatening to connect his address and phone number to Rico is a little different.
>All this is based on is a tweet with a <3.What about James being the only person in Rico Macanda's g+ circle, hinting that he learned to use and cover up multiple identities after the EVE fiasco, living right next to Bath, and being into weeb shit?
I'm not saying he has to be Rico but it's based on more than just a <3.
No. 117007
>>116960>>116963Not funny, but this post was the first time I ever saw PT and I thought she looked really good here then she posted this I lol'd and lol'd
No. 117009
>>116972I see no problem with this. At least he's getting a heads up. Others don't get that luxury, they just get doxed.
I agree, he either is Rico or he is/was friends with him. He either flushes out the rat or we do. Just make sure you're protecting yourself.
No. 117025
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>>117001>desperation.webmI have no clue how the EVE world works but it seems he's/he was (it's all in the embarassing past now as stated by himself) a master troll, banned from several servers and boards. He has made infinite socket puppets/aliases to do so. I just see no personal motivation to troll pt. All connections made this far could just be coincidences (the most convincing one being Rico Macanda → RucoMac) just like his avatar (pic related) and
No. 117031
>>117025You’re right, he has no real motive to fuck with PT. I’ve been digging stuff up on him and while he seems like a dumbass, he doesn’t seem to be that malicious. Just a dumb spergy kid doing dumb spergy kid things.
There has to be some connection between them though. And the avatar thing is pretty funny, I didn’t notice that.
If no one else does it first I’ll make a twitter account and ask James about Rico using this story
>>116478 No. 117035
>>117025Maybe he isn't trolling her?
The kid was 13 when he met her. He's clearly lying to PT about his age/name, that much we know. He's probably some dumb 13 year old kid, who probably thinks he can't do better than PT. Probably because he spends all day trolling on Eve.
Also, maybe he just does it for the nudes. Maybe he's a chubby chaser. It doesn't necessarily have to be malicious. He could be abusing her in a non-trolly way, controlling her because he's into that and has an abusive personality? I mean, he is very young and young people are often bratty, spoiled and emotionally manipulative in their first relationships.
No. 117042
>>117039Don't forget we're getting her neko wet rn because she's into attention. She just needs to leave vague hints to get 30+ posts about it just like with her muddy car accident.
>>117036Yeah, it's pretty hopeless at this point, especially without any kind of proof. Admin-kun can't provide any insight into suspicious IP addresses and theoretically no master plan is not monitored by him.
No. 117063
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>>117059>11 july 2008when do passports expire again? she never used this. that's pretty sad, getting your passport is the 1st biggest excitement of planning a trip.
No. 117095
>>117042>Yeah, it's pretty hopeless at this point, especially without any kind of proofNot really. We know James is connected to Rico somehow. Just twist his arm until he squeals.
Hell, want to really put the fear of god into him? Threaten to tell his parents.
No. 117103
>>117081>>117084a lot of people don't realize they're being controlled/manipulated rather than in a consenting and healthy dom/sub relationship as sad as that is, especially if they don't have much experience in it, as I believe is the case with Pixy. I think there's a part of her that likes the abuse and doesn't see it as a problem but I don't think there's any aftercare.
>>117099Also, we have NO actual proof that this kid is actually Rico, and it's starting to bother me that we've got all these photos posted up here implicating him when he is a minor.
No. 117116
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>>117063Man I've been reading her 08 post and she seems so normal.
No. 117125
>>117099Yeah, there are people who get off on humiliation but they also give consent to it. It's the way she acted after it happened, I don't belive she gave him permission to call her things that gets you blocked on her social media.
But like someone else said, I think she likes him and is so use to hearing this kind of stuff from others, and maybe any attention is good attention, that she doesn't understand it's abuse.
Take it with a grain of sand though. None of us have been sitting beside her when they chat and none of us really knows what's been said or what was okayed beforehand. It's just as a dom myself, I would feel like shit if I found out my sub was online complaining about the way I treated him.
No. 117199
>>117095>>117101The only thing that would threaten him at this point of his life would be disturbing his "political ambitions". I think it's just a justice-for-all-people-phase and he'd somehow ruin it himself or lose interest. If he'd be serious about it he's dumb enough for leaving behind so many fucking traces on the Internet. He even was proudly stalking someone from EVE himself. His posts give off a super arrogant tone. To some extend he's autistic with a thick coat of superiority complex.
Still, as I tend to believe he's not really connected we should just get in touch with him on a neutral ground. Let's invite him to a tinychat and ask him stuff? He'd find this thread though.
>>117103>Also, we have NO actual proof that this kid is actually Rico, and it's starting to bother me that we've got all these photos posted up here implicating him when he is a minor.Yes, maybe all posts with personal information should be deleted since it's against this board's rules.
No. 117210
>>117199I don't think he's Rico. He may be connected though. Or it could be coincidence. For all we know he's just some kid who got too autistic with EVE online.
His connection to Rico Macanda might mean nothing. If he knows the real britfag he may not even be involved or know what happened.
I checked the Google+ and it's suspect. Who knows if it's his real name. It's not like Google+ makes sure you use your real name.
If you google the name Macanda you'll see a lot of African people with that name. However France comes up a lot too. With people who look white, latin or mixed. The Philippines comes up too.
So who knows if it's britfag's name or not. It's possible and wouldn't be out of the question. We don't know his background. But I'm thinking it's a pseudonym. He couldn't be so stupid as to use his real name. If this came back and bit him in the ass years from now it could be bad for him and cause problems with employment.
Anyway, I just got up. I hope it wasn't rambly. my brain is still activating.
No. 117213
File: 1433513680231.jpg (350.22 KB, 1536x2048, pt_rangiku.jpg)

Wait. When searching for images I came across this. When did she cosplay Rangiku? She usually hates it whenever some mentions booby characters that she should try.
No. 117228
>>113805I think after. IIRC the JET stuff happened before I really started following PT but I was there during the substituting fiasco when she wore inappropriate clothing to class, drew shitty animu on the whiteboard and hinted at being attracted to her male students on twitter.
>>113991Yeah, she was talking about wanting to wear a kimono/yukata around and people told her this wasn't really something people do outside of festivals and certain ceremonies. They were (ever so politely) dashing her weeb dreams and she flounced from the thread.
Remember when she said she'd stop supporting the LGBT community because she didn't win the sexy costume contest at a gay bar? The JET people didn't pat her ass and tell her how kawaii she was and I bet that is why she doesn't want to have anything to do with them anymore.
No. 117277
>>117262Someone should do this.
In the long run its for her own good.
No. 117296
>>117284Age spots? Like, liver spots? Really? Man, some of you farmers view on people over 20 are ridiculous.
She lives in Texas, they're probably sun spots, or maybe freckles.
No. 117319
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Its so weird to think she worked somewhere so normal back in the day. No. 117323
File: 1433533612595.png (66.34 KB, 642x406, wowmmo.png)

What if she meet Rico on WOW.
Back in the day she used to play, and she still might play. Not to mention that there are some sick fucks who play WOW.
No. 117329
>>117323Another post about WOW.
Guess she played with her brother and Kate. No. 117357
no but really, there was a thread here like less than 20 days ago that apparently britfag has access to all her accounts and lurks here
it makes sense that rico wouldn't be his real name/persona/email. it also makes sense that she didn't 'meet' him - imo he actively sought her out after reading about her somewhere
there was also a guy who said he was leaking her nudes after catfishing her into getting them - this was backed up by some OTHER dude also claiming he pretended to be a perfect bf to PT and got nudes and lulz from her.
it's kinda like how loads of people used to pretend to be friends with chris-chan just in order to get more videos and confessions out of him
No. 117362
>>117360Her having no money has never stopped her from buying stuff like brand and other shit she doesn't need. I still think someone should ask her on line and make sure she doesn't play unless someone has the cap of her saying that.
Eh maybe someone paid for her, I had a guy pay for my account 6 plus years.
No. 117373
Going through more of her LJ and this one guy almost always leaves a comment.
LJ No. 117382
File: 1433545513662.jpg (44.25 KB, 341x512, New Camera!.JPG)

>>117373so wait, is this him?
No. 117391
>>117382Yep thats him.
I think he's single, and has been around for years….what if britfag isn't really from the UK at all.
I know it's a stretch but I don't think finding out more about this guy could hurt.
No. 117397
File: 1433547692685.jpg (153.15 KB, 768x512, mattbree small.jpg)

>>117382>>117391I thought she has never seen Rico. He posted quite a few pictures of himself on his journal. Also found this, looked like pixy for a moment.
No. 117399
File: 1433547779175.png (28.92 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-06-06-01-40-28…)

Can't find her on line play
No. 117401
>>117397Pfffft it really does.
No. 117403
>>117391>>117397>>117399guys, he knows her passwords
what if he is getting worried now and deleting her lineplay because of this?
he brought this up himself, taking attention for pixy to himself is only gonna make it worse. also, he looks like a manlet
No. 117407
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It's still there.
No. 117422
File: 1433550446357.jpg (38.82 KB, 400x300, Factory_Automation_Robotics_Pa…)

>>117262>We have nothing to go on except for a teenager who won't speak to usHas anyone actually tried to speak to him besides one person pretending to be somebody he knows?
I mean shit, if I were him I wouldn't respond to that either. I'd assume it was some spam or scam.
And what the fuck do you mean my request looks automated?
No. 117474
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Isn't Matt her ex though? This is from his LJ lmao
No. 117579
>>117494Quite new to PT drama, I didn't know she had lived away from her parents!
Can anybody give a little more info?
No. 117582
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No. 117585
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No. 117591
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>>117585all good choices, but wizard is the best husbando. someone get pt animal parade, posthaste~
No. 117716
>>117228I remember the costume contest at the gay bar. She was Snow White and immediately started going off about how she was sexier than the drag queens. It was ridiculous. PT really needs to start eating humble pie daily. It's not all about her. she needs to realise that the world doesn't exist to make you feel good about yourself.
She was probably spoiled too much because she was the youngest and only daughter. Spoiling kids, especially girls, too much is a bad idea. They grow up thinking the world owes them a scepter and crown. Then when they finally get slapped with reality they usually can't handle not being catered to anymore.
No. 117865
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No. 117868
>>117865It's like she never got her shit together after her teenage years and has been living her life in a perpetual mid life crisis mode.
Many people go out on that internal quest to find the answers on who they are, how they fit into the world and what they are meant to be. It's almost as if she just latched on to all her answers come from anime & Japan and when they didn't fill the void inside her to make her whole she threw a tantrum instead of moving onto the next fad.
Each time anime & Japan 'fail' her expected answer system she just falls further into this self loathing delusional world she has constructed in her head. It's like Perfect Blue meets Cell starring Pixyteri.
No. 117931
>>117582At least it's not bedbugs or roaches.
Shame she won't see it or she could set up one of these:, when we had fleas, I set up dishes of plain water in my room and still caught some.
Getting any that you see hanging around is easiest if you keep a roll of tape handy and trap them with pieces of that.
No. 117943
>>117941I've seen her room, yeah it's messy, but she lives with her parents who I'm sure don't let her keep it "dirty," like they would force her to do her laundry and stuff at least monthly.
But anyway, I'm just saying. Fleas don't usually attach to humans and certainly not enough to cause an infestation, in this country anyway. It's more likely it's from her cat.
No. 118137
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>>118008>>118112Nyan popped up in an older thread a while ago, see:
>>98436>>98448>>98462She didn't say exactly why she and her husband split up, but did say that aside from him the entire Guilbeaux family hates her. Probably because she's too sane or something.
Also funfax when I googled Sarah's full name this image is one of the first things I saw. I didn't even have to click her ED page to find out about her questionable side. She'll really have to change her name if she ever wants a halfway decent job…
No. 118165
Aw, I always like Nyan as well, she seemed like a really nice, genuine person. I'm glad she's away from all the insanity of that family.
No. 118505
>>118500But you visit lolcow on it, you idiot. If a large majority of the people who visit lolcow also look at her ED, it'll come up in the searches. It's not just based on what you google, but the websites you look at and what the other people who look at those websites look at.
>(Even then information could linked to your IP could be cached on their end)The information is also linked to any gmail accounts that you have.
No. 118655
>>118641Except you're forgetting that what PT is interested in doing is impossible for her. She has a worthless degree because she lost interest in teaching (not kawaii enough because of dress codes boo) and never seemed to have interest in writing. She did enjoy drawing for a time, but stopped once she found out that people were mean and weren't going to asspat her shit art, rather then improving. She also straight up stopped caring about her looks so there goes ever being a successful cosplayer (and frankly right now would be the best time for her to try; she'd have to accept and market her self as plus size however…) and that's not even getting into the fact she doesn't seem to know how to sew or sculpt very well either.
Besides being a cam girl, what else does she have any relative skill in that she would be remotely interested in?
No. 118656
>>113481it pisses me off because she could be pretty even with her weight or face shape but she chooses to dress in clothes that dont fit her features.
No. 118660
>>118656That's a pretty old photo, I'm pretty sure that's around the time the right pic
>>114662 was taken. It's definitely from her dA days, when she was a lot thinner
No. 118678
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>>118655It really is a shame that she refuses to accept her weight and gets so mad when she's called chubby. Yet she has those moments of clarity where she realises she is indeed overweight. People have even showed her how it can be kawaii, like Kurumi from Hachi Koi. I believer her response was that she wasn't that fat.
In her mind kawaii=tiny Japanese schoolgirl in cute outfits. No matter what we do she will never go the plus sized BBW route. She just won't face reality and work with what she's got.
No. 118800
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No. 118801
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No. 118802
File: 1433826633139.jpg (142.42 KB, 720x960, фото111.JPG)

My Queen is so beautiful in her pre birthday depression ♥
No. 118886
>>118830I don't think some people realize what a pain in the ass she must be to work with. 3 different jobs and not 1 friend? Anal bitches make friends on the job.
Legit question; if no one likes her, where does she get her references? Some applications don't allow you to use relatives.
No. 118895
>>118801She has such a piss poor attitude about everything.
The anime wasn't the reason her friends left, they were tired of being kicked around by her.
I feel infinitely bad for her dad…parents work so hard to give their children some peace. And he has to live with her excuses.
I literally want her to burn her anime stuff on her 30th birthday and turn into a productive zombie.
No. 118903
>>118800so her dad can't retire cuz he has to pay for her medication?
that SHOULD be a major wake up call to get your life on track ffs.
just out on interest does anyone know what shes on?
No. 118924
>>118886You can still list managers and co workers; it's not uncommon to share phone numbers with coworkers in a retail setting moreso to see if someone can cover a shift, etc. Not to mention, not every place calls your references either. She might not have friends but she probably has coworkers she doesn't completely hate or hate her.
>>118905It's partially because she's never been good enough at anything to get real validation. She's never really tried to be good enough at anything either and expects praise for lackluster effort. She's also always been a big girl, but she's never owned that fact completely and has always tried to squeeze into clothes two sizes too small. Delusional may not be the best word for her, but she's rarely completely honest with herself and accepting of certain truths. She tries to fake confidence and when you do that, the facade will frequently crumble.
No. 118935
>>118924I think her thought process about the clothes goes something more like this
>Oh no I look fat>But if I can fit into these clothes, people can't call me fat, because they're normal/small sized clothes>Procedes to buy and struggle into clothes way to small for herShe does it on purpose to "prove" she's average/small, not because she's actually convinced herself she's not fat. She's way to vocal about things fitting her/not fitting her and labels upsetting her for it to be something she's actually convinced of.
That's my theory anyway.
No. 118944
>>118935No that's a pretty good theory and seems sound for Pixy logic. I do think there is a way to still build up her confidence, only thing is it would involve her dressing her age and size. Not the easiest, but still possible if you know how to shop.
>>118940If they got her an apartment they'd still have to support her because she can't keep a decent job for too long.
>>118941It was a real goal for her at one point, but I think it's turned into something like her Japan dream, something her to daydream about but never actually do because it would involve having real responsibilities. It's why she just wants to get married now.
No. 118959
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Popped up on my FB. Still making her rounds…
No. 119300
File: 1433900689064.jpg (37.09 KB, 400x447, sad.jpg)

i miss her
No. 119396
>>119388I think she looks just as good with the dark brown/black hair as she does with the red, I think it looks nice (but still natural) with her pale complexion. She just needs to make more of an effort with the rest of her appearance like in
>>113461 >>113481
>>113484The blonde is absolutely awful on her though.
No. 119410
>>119396I'll agree on
>>113461 That's the only time I thought she looked really nice with dark hair. I thought it was a wig though.
No. 119462
>>119263Excuse you there is no weight gain, those are just lumps from working out.
>>119300Same. Brb sacrificing all the imported mochi and 4L Bodyline meido costumes in the hope that she'll come back to grace us with her presence on her birthday.
No. 119495
>>119410It is a wig. Pixy has thin white girl hair so she kind of needs to keep it clean in order for it to look nice at any color. I'm trying to find a good photo of it, but I didn't think she looked bad when she cosplayed Marle from Chrono
Trigger. She just needs warm toned hair colors, because she's warmed toned. (The one with the wig looks cool toned, but I think that's because of shoop.)
>>119381You'd think she might try going back to this considering it ended up in the EGL bible didn't it? She considers it an accomplishment after all…
No. 119761
File: 1433987639339.jpg (159.31 KB, 495x642, shit.jpg)

>>119470doing some sort of special tinychat thing for her birthday sounds fun
No. 119770
>>119763She would make so much money if she decided to cater to the demographic that would actually pay for this kind of thing.
Also her videos give me anxiety with the way she looks around to make sure she won't get caught.
No. 119777
>>119763Oh my godddd isn't that the song from Perfect Blue?
The Queen should just accept her fate as Mima
No. 119784
>>119778Rhythm can be learned and grace… well it helps when you have some natural grace, but you can practice it rs but it's mostly because she is enjoying herself, which is actually more important.
>>119780Yeah… even the basics of a jazz class would help her.
No. 119809
File: 1433999955906.jpg (65.4 KB, 581x421, ptvspoledancer.jpg)

>>119763Her outfit and physique reminds me of the fat pole dancer from Britain's Got Talent pole dancer is a little bigger, but she's far stronger and more coordinated.
No. 120072
File: 1434055996251.png (485.91 KB, 665x406, Queen.png)

Her dance videos are a gold mine.
No. 120079
File: 1434056475324.png (95.27 KB, 269x239, kawaiiidoru.png)

>>120078Nippon needs to get their act together and see who the real idoru is.
No. 120082
File: 1434056553081.png (84.51 KB, 246x187, pt.PNG)

>>120079Wait, this one is better.
No. 120211
>>120206like weight gain/loss?
I don't think it's an ED in anyway. I think it's more likely effects of medication or current mental disorders (e.g. depression).
Binge eaters generally don't like people knowing what they eat or how often.
No. 120524
File: 1434139885864.jpg (144.03 KB, 720x960, image.jpg)

No. 120525
File: 1434139920041.jpg (50.63 KB, 640x442, image.jpg)

No. 120795
>>120702I hate to disagree on the Queen's thread, but I think she'd take the money.
The bitchfit and hiding away would definitely come in addition to that.
Stupid idea or not, I bet internet perverts would be paying for dem awkward panty shots. There's a community lying in wait for our Queen that would shower her with monies. Can you imagine what those weirdos, who jack off to her awkward infant teddy bear video, would pay for a pair of her used panties. The streaked ones would sell for $$$$.
Don't worry, I ain't doing anything or setting anything up. I just dream is all.
No. 120817
File: 1434173138158.png (334.46 KB, 348x622, 39578p.png)

Truly there is nothing hotter than a fat girl in an ill-fitting Winnie the Pooh kigurumi doing sexy poses in a bathroom.!2432&authkey=!AnjyVDUGlqFX_a4&v=3 No. 120826
>>120817She looks like she's lifting her leg to pee at the beginning, which is only made funnier considering she starts crawling next to the cat litter box at the end.
>>120821Sounds like it.
No. 120859
File: 1434185717312.png (1.45 MB, 1077x1621, 2015-06-13 09.53.19.png)

No. 120984
>>120977link plz?
I'm s lazy asshole.
No. 121017
File: 1434222421897.gif (997.41 KB, 499x250, 36oNf7A.gif)

>>120035she thinks is makes her look like this im guessing
No. 121018
>>120084GUYS GUYS
lets make a nico nico account and post her videos on it under the dance tag
i wonder if they will ironically like her too
No. 121120
File: 1434234725732.png (400.02 KB, 338x495, butiam.png)

No. 121125
File: 1434234989007.jpg (38.34 KB, 543x538, a5PL6oO_700b.jpg)

it's so awesome how everything evolve after i did the initial leak.
Everything is so nice and our queen is enjoying the audience.
No. 121139
>>121125Messiah-sama, we are forever grateful. We realize your drop of holy videos correlated with the return of our Queen, but truly, you brought us and our Queen great joy.
Praise be, Webm-sama.
No. 121140
File: 1434236757657.jpg (129.73 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

Woah there, Pixy
No. 121142
File: 1434236793981.jpg (175.85 KB, 720x960, image.jpg)

No. 121229
File: 1434260385222.jpg (199.92 KB, 720x960, 1434236793981.jpg)

I drew some on her
No. 121235
File: 1434262544178.jpg (50.78 KB, 480x640, image.jpg)

kek, I love doing these
No. 121248
File: 1434270169405.jpeg (145.02 KB, 720x960, ea27acda_o.jpeg)

>>121142I didn't do much because she is perf.
No. 121250
File: 1434270623903.gif (76.83 KB, 225x300, 63bef20c_o.gif)

No. 121251
File: 1434270666163.gif (70.98 KB, 225x300, 788f23f1_o.gif)

No. 121254
I just smoked a bowl like 30 min ago, this is fuckin trippy.
No. 121305
File: 1434294332877.jpg (82.13 KB, 720x960, res_1434294265836.jpg)

>>121142Nothing super drastic, but eh.
No. 121308
File: 1434294655625.jpg (53.52 KB, 445x679, 1411179754032.jpg)

>>121267>>121266>>121251>>121250How did you do this? Why did you do this?
No. 121410
File: 1434312070566.png (648.79 KB, 720x960, 001.png)

I messed with Pixys picture on SAI for no real reason. Tried to make her more kawaii but not too kawaii.
No. 121567
File: 1434334344472.jpg (171.01 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

No. 121575
>>121567Let's assume she'll get the burger place job… will she get free food?
A career at target can't be that bad.
No. 121630
>>121550why are her eyes all fucked up here? i mean, i can move my eye independently from the other one but i wouldn't post a pic of me doing it.
i've since gathered that she doesn't want to work, she doesn't want to try to do anything – even find a boyfriend. she thinks everything will just come to her, which isn't the case.
i believe that sarah could find everything in life that she is looking for, but all she has to do is look and try. i cannot contemplate why she doesn't wanna do that?
how long is she gunna make bad dancing vids, pics of her vaguely-looking like she's suckin dick before she realizes she needs to do shit?
i care about sarah, a lot. i just wish she could just try a little.
No. 121636
>>121630Her eyes look fucked up because that picture is shopped.
PT doesn't put effort into anything, ever. She hasn't for years, and I doubt that's going to change any time soon.
No. 121718
>>121575I know someone who was a floor manager at Target. She hated it and eventually left because it was nowhere near worth it (and getting worse, in Walmart like ways.)
I don't have Lineplay, but can someone see if they can encourage her into Torrid's current model search? It would mean she would have to admit to being plus size (which she is) but at least it's more in line with what she wants, even despite all the dumbness that can be easily googled.
No. 121724
>>121630She's only gotten worse, anon. Years ago she managed to get a Bachelors degree, apply for JET, make her own costumes and attend cons, and even moved out to live with a boyfriend (who unfortunately turned out to be an asshole). If you'd ask her to do any of these things now she's cry about you trying to suck out her lifeblood or something. It's not that she just needs to grow up and learn, she's actively regressing.
>>121718Modeling would be a nice opportunity but she'll never admit to being plus sized and probably wouldn't be able to take directions on set. Can you imagine her trying to make pooping poses or pulling duckfaces during the shoots? And then storming off in a huff when the photographer tells her those things look retarded?
That is, if they even want her. I assume they're looking for fatties with cuter faces.
No. 121758
>>121740>>121718>ModelingSometimes you guys are really delusional.
She really IS unfortunate looking. If she were skinny you guys would still criticize her. It's not a matter of not being cute enough for kawaii fashion, she's just really not cute at all. She has some nice features but a lot of uggos do.
She can't be a model, even a plus size one. We already know she won't admit to being plus size but there are tons of of girls out there who are cuter, care more about their appearance, and love fashion/observe actual models enough to know how to pose who they would pick over her.
She needs to face reality and get a real job in an office.
>>121746I don't deny there's something wrong with her, but she's not autistic or something where she can't tell what she's doing with her life is childish. I truly believe she can 100% see what her life is and acknowledge it's pathetic for lack of a better word.
She's struggling to cope with the fact that none of her dreams came true by the time she was 30, because all of her dreams were just too unattainable to her – to be anime, to be an idol, to be a famous cosplayer, etc. On top of that, because her dreams didn't come true, she is dealing with the fact that she doesn't even have the normalfag excuse of "well I was focused on my career" or "well I started a family."
This kind of extreme denial and coping happens in quite a lot of people of a certain age. Everyone copes differently, but they just usually end up drinking a lot or going out and getting knocked up, but many others do actively regress as well – they just don't regress into kawaii loli mode because that's not what they're into.
tldr; she's probably got some form of mental illness but that's probably not what's causing all this.
No. 121765
>>121758As much as I love and worship our Queen I have to agree that she's just straight-up unfortunate looking. I mean, look at this
>>121142Her eyes are cute (even more so without those stupid lenses) but she has a witchy nose, thin granny lips and ginormous chin. Her face is just really bottom-heavy. She can look nice with makeup but only at certain angles with certain lighting. Of course models don't look perfect 100% of the time but the effort to make Sarah look decent just wouldn't be worth it at all.
She also doesn't have a good body type for modeling. Most of the plus-size models I see are hourglasses or pears who still have a defined waist and nice hips. PT is apple-shaped with the gut of a middle-aged man, little t-rexy mom arms and deflated pancake boobs.
She needs to give up on trying to make a living off of her appearance. Unless she's willing to go the BBW humiliation fetish route, it's never going to happen.
No. 121867
File: 1434393558838.jpg (4.63 MB, 2400x3200, burnthewitch.jpg)

>>121848Are you totally positive this is a nice nose?
No. 121868
>>121829She def thinks that modeling is 'easy' and that's why she wants to do it.
>>121867Anon did say 'bottom half'. FOr her it would include the tip, which is most of what's bad.
No. 122004
File: 1434403462263.jpg (220.57 KB, 640x1452, image.jpg)

Spending her money on scented markers and whining how she can't get a job using her "cuteness".
No. 122025
>>121140Takes a bad pic of herself and posts this. Brilliant.
It's times like this that I lament that she isn't the internet's greatest troll.
No. 122042
File: 1434408188411.jpg (61.8 KB, 500x375, image.jpg)

>>122021Woo hoo look at that blubber fly
No. 122045
>>122044don't you have to be at a healthy weight to give blood though?
Or at least not obese or underweight.
No. 122056
File: 1434409768936.jpg (5.31 MB, 2400x3200, uguuuDSCN9167_zps097d3c83.jpg)

>>122045I cannot speak for 'murrica but here in Germany, you just may not be underweight/below 60kg as they would take too much plasma from you then.
As long as you are disease-free and got no health issues affecting your blood or inner organs, being overweight seems to be ok as they use the plasma for cosmetics mainly anyway. I've seen some regulars at the plasma center being at least a size 18 or more.
But her psycho meds and heavy usage of pain killers would render her useless, these are not allowed. Being on the pill is fine (and joint and slight skin issues as well - I got these and may donate as long as I won't take any medication for them.)
tl;dr - she's not too fat but on drugs, so no moneys for her. pic to make up for the OT.
No. 122058
File: 1434410009529.jpg (5.16 MB, 3200x2400, mentalDSCN2758_zpsa3826a8b.jpg)

Considering this picture upload-worthy and yet she asks herself why people think she's retarded…
No. 122072
>>122069 (yes, it's THAT gallery again)
well they are phallic and the smell would be an improvement?
No. 122078
>>122075yeah that was part of my point. - as long as Debby isn't completely stupid AND PT would actually tell that she is donating plasma there is no way she could keep up the sharade of <OMG I'm on the edge of dying I cannot search for a legit job today>
if she would not tell it on the other hand and hide the scar/bandage you get from it she would not even have to fake being tired a lot, huh.
No. 122079
>>122076somebody tell her she is already working parttime for her parents - as a shopping assistant due being sent to the store almost every day
I totally would glitz her resume with that for the Target re-application
No. 122097
>>122084I actually believed PT when she said she worked out.
The problem is, she never worked out enough to make up for all the food she was eating (and the types of food, tons of refined carbs if I recall). A lot of people still have the idea that you can eat whatever you want as long as you exercise and she was clearly one of them, now that she's super sensitive about any perceived criticism you can't tell her otherwise.
No. 122098
>>122068I didn't say it was part time, I said that she could claim it was. You can't see her saying she's going to work, donate some life blood, and then go filming more videos? That's perfect for her, as long as she could keep it up…obviously it wouldn't work for long it is PT. It would give her time to look for a real job while while still getting to fuck off.
>>122075I don't know how it is anywhere else but as long you pass their basic examination here they don't care about how often you go to the doctor or your medical complaints. If you say there's nothing wrong they take you at your word.
No. 122103
>>122101i think she isn't actually doing it for exercise, it just so happens it's giving her exercise
i think she is doing it to become an idol if any bi name exects just so happen to come across one of her videos and hire her as a japanese idol
No. 122229
>>122021>>122057What gets me is that she's happily jumping around in her underwear with the music blasting, but still nervous about people seeing her. Even if she ran to hide in a corner I'm pretty sure the pile of clothes and cutesy Japanese music would tip people off that there's something going on.
Wouldn't it be a lot more stealthy to have an earpiece for the music and then edit it into the video later? It would also make for much better sound quality.
>>122061Are those bra and bloomers in the corner the ones she wore in
>>122021? Did she actually change into a different bra right there in that creepy tunnel thing? Clearly our Queen is above shame.
>>122098Wow, really? Where I live they require you to sign a form declaring you're 100% safe every time you give blood/plasma and I think you're required to get tested every year or so. They also don't pay for blood/plasma because that would stimulate people to lie about their drug intake/illnesses just to get the money. Here you just get gratitude and a glass of orange juice.
No. 122385
>>122297It really bothers me that she so obviously doesn't know the lyrics to any of the songs, but she lip syncs anyway (Japanese and English).
I know that she'll never actually put effort into anything, but… she's taken hours of dancing videos at this point. Why wasn't there any point where she considered learning the song, learning a dance, or putting any effort into choreography? She truly just thinks that everything she does (in any capacity) is perfect and cute and sexy without trying or effort. I know she realizes to some extent what an embarrassment she is, but how has it NEVER translated to making any effort?????
No. 122387
>>122385Because she's a product of the Special Snowflake Generation who literally think that everything they do is amazing and if anyone says otherwise (including professionals and experts or people who just have more experience in general) is just jealous.
I mean the fact that she's given up on certain things does indicate she knows she's crap, but she never wants to put more effort then she believes she has to because she's naturally talented. (At nothing, besides being fat.)
No. 122399
File: 1434477286973.gif (593.46 KB, 291x378, pt05.gif)

No. 122425
File: 1434480051134.jpg (115.23 KB, 765x1024, sarah12_zps1615a48f.jpg)

Can I take a moment to declare my admiration for everyone here? While all the other sites trickle down information about the queen days or even weeks later, there's always someone here with the newest updates. This says a lot about the lack of devotion elsewhere and I appreciate everyone here who is helping to keep PT's dreams alive.
No. 122436
>>122385Not only does she not know lyrics, she constantly makes pouty faces and is on the look out for anyone to catch her. Her movements are all awkward too, but that goes without saying.
I wonder if she's just that fail when it comes to this or if she's trying to act weirdly awkward on purpose. I think it's a bit of both. A lot of Asian videos have girls acting kind of awkward/clumsy/hesitant because it's apparently supposed to be cute or something. PT seems to be trying to do that but obviously it ends up all wrong.
No. 122441
File: 1434482851338.png (163.03 KB, 413x451, 1423236738802.png)

>>122297>completely unmatched dancing during the talking part>pigeon-toed dancing, sandals flopping about>being fat with no ass, yet still dancing to baby got back and recording it>dancing to the nyanners cover of baby got backI don't know which is the worst part about this video.
No. 122456
>>122451It's from a photoshoot PT did with Miyu. This
>>113484 is also from the same shoot.
No. 122546
File: 1434494244464.jpg (285.11 KB, 640x1689, youtried.jpg)

No. 122580
>>122069>>122072fuck I want those ice cream markers, where did she get them?
I wouldn't abuse them by sticking them up my asshole like she would either.
No. 122599
File: 1434501619499.gif (306.79 KB, 300x152, ezgif-3867530725.gif)

>>122399i did a thing and made a banner
No. 122604
>>122600I can't handle this.
And I'm also really starting to get annoyed with the fake pigeon toe thing.
No. 122615
File: 1434503109117.jpg (43.36 KB, 632x385, akb48dance.jpg)

There are plenty of videos online that teaches J-pop dance routines. If she followed them and practiced them enough, it would make for a decent workout and she'd look better in her videos.
(image source:
No. 122621
File: 1434503955038.jpg (50.59 KB, 632x385, morningmusumedance.jpg)

>>122615Actually AKB48 is probably too current for her. She might like a classic Morning Musume dance routine. No. 122649
File: 1434506076874.gif (655.88 KB, 243x200, 1375310243689.gif)

I really care about Pixy but if she can't handle criticism or try to improve without getting emotional its really hard to help her. Even when you give her the materials to improve and great advice, she'd rather try to be something that she obviously isn't.
>>122399>mfw No. 122672
ok now i'm trapped forever watching her old videos, it's so fucking mesmerizing.
i'm always make me amazed how she does this ~uguu so hard to eat this but so good~ (trying to be erokawaii), like, who are you fooling? u can probably eat that shit in 20 secs No. 122687
>>122672always makes me amazed* geez that was stupid of me
>>122681i think she kinda wants to make an innuendo of some sort, and at the same time be like "i'm soo ~kawaii~, my tiny mouth can't even hold this much food tee hee" or some shit like that
No. 122748
File: 1434520348058.png (474.18 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-06-17-01-44-40…)

so she just posted on lineplay about how she keeps feeling pinches when nothing is there, and this fucker comes in with this. is there any way to get rid of this comment before pixy sees it? because this shit could get her to delete her lineplay.
No. 122751
>>122097She worked out but only for like 20 mins at a time twice a week. When she had her first twitter she tweeted that she was going to the gym then 45 mins later tweeted that she just finished a long post-workout bath. You're right about her diet though. She thinks rice is health food because it's nipponese.
>>122397She's size 8 but buys size 7 geta and shit on ebay and flips out when they don't fit. once she messaged a chinese/japanese seller asking if too-small shoes could still fit her feet and they called her fat lmao. they made her cry
>>122615She shouldn't HAVE to practice though! People should just love how cute and sexy she is naturally without needing to try at all!
No. 122776
>>121567No matter where she gets a job she'll whine about how mean they are to her. Nothing is going to change.
>>121580Kawaii haffu aidoru working in Japan. Never going to happen. Even if she was younger, with her face and body type it just isn't a reality. She's still under the impression that she's cute in a youthful way. She isn't. She has strong, mature features. They're not the best features and she's certainly not gorgeous. But she's perfectly capable of looking pretty when she's dressed and styled in a way that suits her features and body type.
If she wants to be cute she should try something like sexy chubby office lady instead of tiny kawaii desu anime highschooler. But she won't allow the world to call her chubby, fat, plump ect…
I still fail to understand how she's supposed to be noticed for her "talents" and "cuteness" when her internet presence is so low. There are plenty of men who would pay for her videos and pictures. But they'd be into her because of her weight. So that will never happen. Which is a shame. Because if she wants to be noticed for her talents, interests and cuteness that's the only way it's ever going to happen.
No. 122832
It's not exactly gangsta rap, but she's trying to do conventional/"club" sexy dancing in
>>119841 which resulted in these glorious poses:
>>120079>>120082I honestly think her trying to be explicitly sexy is even worse than the idol-style innocent sexiness. Those jiggles. Those faces.
No. 122836
>>122523I'd love to see one of her neighbours get featured in a kawaii dance video.
>>122546>>122548>>122748She is being haunted by The Beetus.
No. 122894
>>122776>They're not the best features and she's certainly not gorgeous. But she's perfectly capable of looking pretty when she's dressed and styled in a way that suits her features and body type.If she wants to be cute she should try something like sexy chubby office lady instead of tiny kawaii desu anime highschooler.Assuming she kept her weight down to fit into it, I think PT would have done really well with super classic lolita. Her features at best could be really handsome with the right makeup and hair, and she'd have that good "old fashioned" look for it.
Had she embraced her chubbiness she could have actually done shit, possibly even in Japan (c'mon, there must be some Japanese guys into weird chubby white women). Now it's too late I think.
No. 122898
>>122894Everything with PT is that if she just accepted the truth about herself and taken care of her body as a result she'd have been able to go much further then she has. With marshmallow bodies growing in popularity in Japan, PT could be all over that, accept she's hagrid as fuck (and would probably need to have her jaw shaved anyway.)
Best she'd be able to do (and basically does now anyway) is cam girl stuff. Monetizing is just the last step now for her.
No. 122932
She actually took our advice and taking the
choreography into account now. You can see she's watching youtube and trying to mimic it.
I can see her getting better at these dance videos now. No. 123000
>>122911Where is she even filming these? I assumed it was abandoned building or something, somewhere where she'd have privacy. What's the point filming somewhere so grotty if she's still getting spotted lol. Imagine if you were just out for a walk and came across a solitary, obese 30 year old woman dressed in baby clothes, flapping around to squeaky Japanese music.
Also, is it just me, or do the dirty vans type shoes in the corner look too big to be hers?
No. 123004
File: 1434569575176.jpg (41.56 KB, 556x365, wtf-are-you-doin-.jpg)

>>123000Have you ever seen those wall ball courts at parks? I think she in one of those. but it still brings foot traffic.I bet that person did get a surprise when they walked passed it. I bet they were slowly approaching it because of the weird music and was meet face to face with that mess. lmao
No. 123006
>>122879This is glorious. Look at that passion.
>>123002Nah man, I'm out on that one. I want her to provide milk, but not by promoting her in Japan. It's already embarrassing enough when American weebs go over there as it is.
No. 123062
File: 1434574745089.jpg (748.49 KB, 500x201, what.jpg)

>>122932Wait.. does she lurk here or is it just a coincidence that she's watching choreography vids now? I thought someone said she refused to check sites like this.
No. 123093
>>123087Because she is completely delusional and over-sensitive and doesn't want to read terrible stuff about herself?
She has always refused to read threads about herself. Occasionally, years ago, she would be linked something and go see a 4chan thread and rage hard. No way she could contain herself reading the stuff people write here. She doesn't look at her ED or any threads and she blocks anyone that says anything mean to her. She desperately tries to seal herself off from criticism - she'd never read through this crap.
No. 123391
>>123389Why can't we have nice things?
I'd like to be showered with her sweet dance attempts.
No. 123510
File: 1434636796715.gif (1.02 MB, 520x375, 1367719628760.gif)

We need some emergency asspatting ASAP!
No. 123783
>>122748>british woman>british>britfucking britfag
what a party pooper
what's his problem?
No. 123786
File: 1434668518186.jpg (66.79 KB, 850x471, 1433178444138.jpg)

>>122750if anything he tries too hard
he wants pixy all to himself
he is like the fun police
No. 123796
>>123002i was thinking of making accounts on japanese websites and just posting her videos there
i just want to see what japanese people think of her
No. 123799
File: 1434670371133.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-06-18-19-22-20…)

We we warned of this yesterday and here we are now. Congrats everybody.
Seriously, go PAT HER ASS until it's sore.
No. 123803
>>123799THATS IT
im downloading lineplay just for this reason
hopefully she wont find find it every more weird and close it :/
No. 123856
>>123799Look at her face. She knows that her ass is about to get kissed off.
Also, the lighting in this picture is really bad…
No. 123983
File: 1434701414407.png (72.16 KB, 287x510, pixytoddler.png)

>>123525>>123708It seems she ended up wearing it lol
No. 124001
>>123957They called her a pig and laughed at her. I saw the thread when it was up. But i didn't know that she knew about it.
>>123995Yeah it was Gelboro. She got immensely butthurt because the pics were flagged for being tagged as Asian. That really set her off. She expected asspats and didn't get them. Plus they flat out said she wasn't Asian.
No. 124112
>>123008TFW you see really piss poor dancing and terrible feet and you want to just reach through the screen and correct their feet. #dancerproblems
>>123825It really is though. I wish she would go without circle lenses more often. Not only are they really bad for your eyes with regular use, but her natural eye colour is just fine.