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No. 121145

old thread

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/dzmve39x62lr8xr/AAAmnUxJYhqN7t9jRufUudTPa?dl=0

Jobless and kawaii as ever! The Queen has gone into semi-hiding once again, putting an abrupt stop to the New Age of Pixyteri. Hopefully it is only a momentary lapse.

She's still active on line play.

No. 121157

File: 1434240065775.jpg (147.75 KB, 953x1064, 1391551378598.jpg)

so, what did i miss ? I see that she didn't closed her One Drive. So she really enjoys the attention huh?.

Too bad my cover was blown because of my own stupidity. Every One-Drive persmission got an ID.

No. 121167

She closed her twitter thats about it.

No. 121183

I really hate that she wears those creepy contacts all the damn time. Circle lenses generally look terrible and they look even worse without makeup. The fact that PT actually has a naturally beautiful eye color just makes it that much worse.

And I was really hoping we'd get to see her twitter meltdown on her birthday, things never go right.

No. 124421

Does anyone else have a decent amount in common with PT?

>we both are chubby

>we both like to dress younger than our age (I prefer more teenager clothes than toddler though)
>we both have yellow fever
>we both are naturally blonde/blue eyes
>we both have big boobs but no ass or waist
>we both have big, unattractive noses
>we both look older than we actually are (5 years younger than her tho)
>we both like animu and lolita
>we both hate asian girls (for the most part)
>we both still live with our parents even though we are too old to be doing it
>we both have a cat
>we both are insecure about our vaginas not being tight enough
>we both hate to work out and eat like shit
>we both like vibrators
>we both love weeaboo shit like japanese candy and stationery meant for 5 year olds in elementary school
>we both like taking baths with bath bombs and the like
>we both like playgrounds and carnival rides for little kids
>we both would ideally like to be a stay-at-home housewife type
>we both want to go to japan

That's about all I can think of, but still a good amount.

No. 124427

>we both hate asian girls (for the most part)

No. 124429

sucks to be you

No. 124435

I'm so sorry, anon.

also, pretty sure PT isn't naturally blonde.

No. 124438

Go seek a therapist. You sound pathetic af

No. 124440

Probably because Asian girls are more attractive than they are.

No. 124445

why would you ever announce you have this much in common with PT

I also find immense lol in the fact you love weeby, japan, asian crap and have yellow fever but hate asian girls. if I can make a diagnosis seems a lot like a case of, "hate em cuz you ain't them"

No. 124446

Why would you voluntarily post this in a place like lolcow. I mean, considering this entire board is based off of poking fun at pt.

No. 124448

She said she may harm herself as her birthday arrives on her LINE account because she's a "smelly old lady who will never achieve anything" and she's upset because she has a job interview and that means she'll be working all the time to pay bills if she gets the job.

Someone send her to Japan to live out her dreams, no matter how pathetic they come across, it'll give her peace at least. Like she's fucking desperate to be kawaii idol material forever.

No. 124449

I want PT to go to Japan and liveblog it on YT. It's pretty much my dream.

No. 124451


She'd seriously be in her element. The Japanese no doubt will mock her for various reasons but fuck it, she'll actually be happy for once.

No. 124453

Was that capped in the last thread?

No. 124454



PT, dressed as a maid, visits a maid café… and gets jealous of all the attention the other maids are getting.

PT trying to fit into standard Japanese clothes without the option to order even moderately plus-sized versions, and crying about it.

Keep this going…

No. 124455

Going to Japan isn't going to help her problems. Let's say she manages to go there, and then comes home, then what? She’s only going to whine more about how old she is and how she wants to be a kawaii young idoru forever and not work.

What PT wants is impossible, so she’s never going to be happy unless a.) she becomes a famous idol in Japan with her face on billboards all over the country and everyone creaming their pants over how cute and young she is or b.) she accepts that’s not going to happen and finds a more realistic dream.

No. 124456

PT at a maid cafe would be glorious. I would kill for someone to follow her around Japan with a camera.

No. 124457

PT goes to a cat café dressed in a fetish nekomimi costume and sets up her tripod. She rolls around, suggestively posing with all the cats.

No. 124460


Didn't think of it that way. I wish she'd see sense in her unrealistic dreams but convincing her otherwise is just a nightmare. Sadly think she'll be going through this phase for many more years to come. She needs serious help.

No. 124461

File: 1434763432379.jpg (132.98 KB, 640x2236, IMG_5901.jpg)

Here's the lineplay entry

No. 124466

Her threats are meaningless.

No. 124470

….why is she calling herself smelly?

No. 124471

Probably because her parents (and everyone else) call her smelly.

No. 124473

Her stomach does look smaller but I wonder how much of that is sucking it in since the rest of her looks about the same

No. 124487

mostly because they blame their uglyness to being white and not just because they are ugly and they think being a kawaii asian will solve all their problems
most weebs tend to think that way

No. 124488

she should just save up for ps

No. 124492

She seems to have indicated she was trying to lose weight and maybe she is. Maybe she's just one of those people that loses weight in the stomach first (if so she's quite lucky).

Also PT is not a natural blonde and she actually doesn't hate Asian girls.

No. 124499

I wonder what she would look like without her gigantic chin

No. 124501

I would love to see her hair styled with some VOLUME! It drives me nuts seeing how gross/plain and flat her hair looks all the time. Layers and some mousse/root boost would do her wonders! Oh and well washing it too.

No. 124510

She needs more layers. But for sure the longer hair is better than the short hair she had

No. 124513


she looks like she's lost a bit of weight recently to me

No. 124514

Still would be a fat ugly lolcow

No. 124515

File: 1434774498293.jpg (320.38 KB, 800x533, shooooop.jpg)

Plenty of people have shooped it away. It's just that they usually give her an overall face lift too.

I'm glad she's using dance as a means to loose weight. Now let's hope she doesn't stop when she hits her first plateau…

No. 124521

Hmm, she only looks marginally better. Funny thing is that the pic with her actual chin is the one that looks photoshopped. It's just so…long and pointy it doesn't seem that someone would have a chin like that

No. 124523

File: 1434775518215.png (1.27 MB, 958x637, shooooooooooooooop.png)

Eh I tried to pick one that didn't have insane amounts of shoop and might be feasible for her to get done surgically. Pixy could easily move from about a 4 to a decent 6 if she gave more of a fuck.

No. 124528

I really wish she would get PS, it would really do wonders for her and boost her self-esteem.

No. 124531

File: 1434776308079.jpg (8.86 KB, 205x219, ayumishoop.jpg)

She probably doesn't understand how common PS is in Jpop. I love Ayumi, but she has had loads of work done.

No. 124533

File: 1434776563019.jpg (322.68 KB, 720x960, adfsdfdsf.jpg)

Since were posting shoops here's one I did awhile ago when she first posted this pic. I was gonna just shoop a little bit and leave her actually looking like pixy but I was bored so I shooped to hell and back.

No. 124535

Freaky! It looks like you uggified some cute girl's picture. Poor PT really does have such a masculine face. I know she claims it doesn't bother her but you just know she'd feel so much better about herself if she had the after look. Too bad she'd never make the investment.

No. 124537

I wish PS was that simple, I don't look bad like her but I do have an ugly nose. It would be like $9000 just for my nose and that is making small changes. Now imagine around that for her nose, plus jaw/chin surgery, fillers for the lips (you have to keep up with it) and whatever else. I can see why she hasn't done it yet. It's a bit easier if your doing one thing but she needs a lot of work done. I can see it going to cost over $20,000.

No. 124538

File: 1434779068571.jpg (32.67 KB, 480x640, res_1434778927444.jpg)

I tried.

No. 124540

she looked better before

No. 124547

File: 1434781335381.jpg (96.18 KB, 720x960, drf.jpg)

No. 124548

Don't worry I'm not deluded, I've looked into a few things for myself and know what dome of this costs. That's why I called it an investment. She should have been planning and saving for this kind of work for years and then taken one of those "vacations" where they do the work and make sure you've partially recovered.

Add weight loss and hygiene to her fix it list and she could have been a semi-famous local cosplayer. A lot of her weird traits would suddenly be seen as "quirky" if she had a physical presence people could enjoy looking at.

I really don't understand how someone can be so unhappy with how they look and how their life is going and yet be so lazy and deluded.

No. 124560

File: 1434789995325.jpg (74.08 KB, 450x600, Imgp0945_small.jpg)

I don't think she is THAT ugly, she doesn't have ideal features but she can look decent if she puts effort into it. I think she can look cute in lolita or fairy kei/pop kei if she just acts normal in photos.

No. 124561

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No. 124562

she used to use a lot of shoop and either way she's still not model or idol material.

No. 124564

To be fair, most girls in the Jfashion scene shoop their photos. Yeah, she will never be good enough to be a model or idol. People were talking about her needing plastic surgery and it will help, just saying though she can still look decent without it with some effort.

No. 124566

she looks really cute here compared to usual

No. 124568

She has compared herself to Edo period artwork. It's one way she can connect herself to Japan. She's compared her nose and chin to the elongated and exaggerated features in those works. So in her mind it might actually make her think she looks more Japanese.

She claims she's always been ok with her chin. But I think she's also complained about it before. It's probably just dependent on what asspats she didn't get on a given day.

No. 124569

if i ever make my own movie. i mean, i won't have a pt but good casting goes a long way.

No. 124570

cat cafés disgust me. i guess i'm gonna sound really tumblr now but idc: you'll never see a non-perfect cat there, they're unnaturally docile and it's just fucked up in general to keep a bunch of cats indoors all the time. ot over

No. 124571

I wanna see pt go ana. That would be so fascinating.

No. 124572

they just need more pics of ugly japanese girls then. i guess you actually wont find that many fat jap girls but you'll definitely find pimply ones with cellulite and fat thighs. i personally find flawed people more attractive anyway (unless they're fat lol)

No. 124574

so basically a slim pt without magically shortened chin, a fixed nose (and nicer brows) would actually look good, maybe even with a chance to be kawaii if she knew what she was doing make-up wise. i do feel a bit sorry for her. it's not like extensive facial surgery is something you just have, even if you're rich af.

No. 124577

I don't really think plastic surgery would do much for PT. She seemed somewhat tolerant of her features and anyway, while not conventionally attractive they aren't that bad, she could definitely work with them and find a style to work with them. I actually think she has looked pretty in some of her pictures, and I don't mean pretty for PT, but actually pretty.

I think her main issue is her weight, and she does whine about this a lot, so I think that is something that actually bothers her.

And truthfully her strong features just don't work with the kawaii cutesy stuff she's into. She'd be a great classic lolita, if she wanted that, but OTT is just not for her, nevermind trying to dress up like a toddler in public.

No. 124581

Same. Like if I could donate money to guarantee that this would happen I would.

No. 124601


Every time she threatens to hurt herself, I just want to smack her. I've struggled with self-harm in the past, and she's just using it to fish for asspats the way a spoiled kid throws tantrums.

No. 124605


And there's such an easy way to fix that, but she doesn't want any part of it if it's too much work and not instant gratification (I dunno, is showering every day and wearing deodorant really that much work?)

No. 124637


Thinking the same, she needs to go to Japan for a dose of reality. Been to Japan and a lot of the girls were pretty fug, a lot of them seem to have messed up jaws from dental issues. Most girls who were into Kawaii fashion were not Kawaii.

Very very few fit the typical Kawaii look.

No. 124640

That's good though.
People need to realize not all Japanese girls are tiny twigs with flawless hair and makeup all the time. Japanese girls are real girls too… Not kawaii dolls.

No. 124657

Thats really fucked up to wish someone a ED.
Like all the years the shit I have read and people wanted her to do that's one of the worst.

No. 124658

Thats cause all those kawaii uguuu gurls ps the shit out of themselves it's just the norm thing to do.

No. 124660

her life is so fucked, what difference does it really make? she keeps threatening to kill herself all the time

No. 124663

You can always spot the weebs and guys with yellow fever who come back from Asia, because they're the ones claiming all of the women are beautiful. It's just like with every country; most are average with a handful of beautiful and uggs.

I don't think going would make PT feel better. It's not like she's average looking. She's not a lost cause but she's definitely below average, at the moment. I'd be worried about her having a break down rather than a breakthrough.

No. 124667


Exactly, I've not been to Japan yet (going this year) but I've seen enough documentaries/pictures/vlogs to know MOST aren't even that pretty.

I think I prefer it this way, because it SHATTERS weeb's hopes, dreams and expectations.

Same with the Koreans, before half of them slap on the whitening bb cream, draw on their eyeliner and get surgery they all look so different. Like asian people look like, what they are. Not cutesy living kawaii dolls.

I mean, if we all could go back in time to like idk 1600s and see these countries for ourselves, they'd look fuck all like the 'kawaii uguuu doll' bs the media spits out nowadays.

You want Japanese and Korean? You'd get them alright, just not in that form. You want culture? You'd see it, not pop videos/living dolls/animu and meiji chocolate.

But I think it'd put all the weebs off. Cos it aint cute and its just damn right 'boring'.

All my Japanese fashion magazines (yes but i like them lol) everyone of the girls are photoshopped to fuck! But it's just to fit in with the clothes. I goes to have a look at Risa Nakamura on youtube, not so dolly without the filter and lightening. But she's pretty though, so I think.

I just think that the kawaii bs is having such a stupid and unrealistic impact on idiot weebs like pt that they're beginning to believe all the shoops pics you see on taobao is what Asia is like. It's actually pretty sad tbh. I want this trend to die…

No. 124668


I don't even understand the big deal with cats per say tbh its like some "MUST" to like fucking cats

I mean if you like them then fair enough but I think they're ungrateful evil little fuckers, don't wish harm to them but just not my type of animal.

No. 124669

Cats are perfect beings.

No. 124671


Yep, they fart, sneeze, cough and period just like the rest of us.

Just that they hide it and giggle behind their hands cos kawaii

No. 124672


Nah, they're emotionless shit machines that bring gross into the house.

Cat cafes are pointless but then again kawaii and money making from gaijin so yh

No. 124674


You know, today I was out and I saw a bunch of weebs cosplaying (I think it was comiccon or something here in the UK) IDK but is it just me… Why is it always the same types of people who wear this shit.

1. Like PT, the really overweight one who wears children's clothing or lolita, squeezing themselves in those dresses, making themselves look bigger and their lunch lady arms hanging out

2. The greebo or aka greasy mosher, loud obnoxious think they know it all and always gets A's in class types who never really wear costumes but show up in hoodies and sneakers

3. Limp little girls, who look around 8 when they're 15 at the most wearing gothic looking clothes or some shit wig trying to pass it off as hatsune miku

4. fatty in tight clothes/outfit

5. anime try-hard, got the outfit right but looks a total twat in it

Anyone else noticed?

No. 124692


Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man

No. 124707


it, so, totally is.

No. 124709

Yes, but I use the general term "twats" to describe them. I hope this shit fizzles out and dies soon.

No. 124711

Anime/sci fi conventions, or people wearing ill fitting clothing?

No. 124729

sci fi conventions house a scarier breed of greasy loser than anime ever could

No. 124730

idk bout that, looks the same to me.

No. 124736

Eh, not really. With Sci fi you have older people who know how not to act like autistic screaming velociraptors. Not saying there aren't people like that but, it's rare compared to an anime con.

No. 124766

She only does that for asspats, though. She has never actually done anything to really physically harm herself. Her "scratching" is half-assed and clearly just for attention and her obesity is more a result of shitty diet and lack of physical activity than of any kind of ED.

My parents and I visited various counties in south east Asia and when we came back my mother was constantly telling everyone how beautifully slim all the women were. It was really weird because it was just not true. The teenagers were slim, but practically all the women in their mid twenties or above were quite chubby. For some reason people like to have this idealized image of a place and just ignore anything that contradicts with that. She also liked to go on and on about how friendly and trustworthy everyone was and seemed to have completely forgotten about the people who tried to swindle us…

I love my ungrateful little freeloading furry shitbag in much the same way I love our Queen. Except with the cat I can blame it on toxoplasmosis.

No. 124781

they're still autistic in another way. I've met some deeply delusional people attend sci fi/fantasy cons that have a generally older demographic. at least with weeaboos they have a chance to grow up and out of their delusions.

No. 124802

could you stop throwing the word autistic around like that? i know it's the cool thing to say on chan boards but pls it makes you sound so ignorant. butthurt over

No. 124803

go back to tumblr

No. 124806

is your autism acting up?

No. 124874

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I found some old PT photoshoots from her deviant art or what ever.

No. 124877

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No. 124879



No. 124882

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No. 124883

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No. 124884

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No. 124885

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No. 124887

File: 1434852290583.jpg (159.76 KB, 900x1257, tumblr_losyozOTs21r04fl8o1_128…)

No. 124888

File: 1434852714064.jpg (194.34 KB, 737x1069, pts view on friends.jpg)

No. 124891

File: 1434853199076.jpg (33.87 KB, 1006x175, 1316049477781.jpg)

No. 124895

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No. 124897

File: 1434854234240.png (43.91 KB, 769x402, 1316493403850.png)

No. 124898


literally the funniest shit.
she is STRUGGLING! got tired too quick hahahaha

No. 124899

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No. 124900

File: 1434854486734.jpg (64.18 KB, 450x600, 1921333.jpg)

how many bathing suits does she own???

No. 124902

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I am shockingly not completely disgusted by this.

No. 124904

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No. 124905

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No. 124908

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No. 124910

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No. 124912

honestly the hair is such a good look for her.

No. 124913

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No. 124914

File: 1434855267779.jpg (20.74 KB, 368x553, Img_0199.jpg)

No. 124915

Yea, it's a bit thin though.

No. 124916

File: 1434855379635.gif (427.93 KB, 500x322, 55.gif)


No. 124932

It's probably off topic-ish but I found this out of boredom and it's like watching a skinny version of Pixy.


No. 124933

lol Shuichi, I didn't think she was ever a yaoi fan

No. 124935

doesn't matter, it's her best look

No. 125027

She even said she hated yaoi.
kek, I think this was before the massive bleach obsession.

No. 125120

>11 years ago
Oh how time flies…she was 19 when she posted this…holy shit. I've been keeping up with her for the past 9 years, and for some reason that's what put it into perspective…

No. 125142


Holy shit is it just me or does she look like Chris-chan in this one?

No. 125320


What the fuck was that…

No. 125323

you know well what it was

No. 125393

Note to self. Don't use lolcow.farm when you're in a plane.

No. 125396

There's one where she's whining about the first anniversary of 9/11 too, so from 2002.

No. 125441

File: 1434939225841.jpg (23.92 KB, 392x243, image.jpg)

post more of these if you can holy shit

No. 125554

how long has she been single?
also. it's clear that ever since she made an internet presence she felt old

No. 125563

File: 1434956818048.jpg (342.78 KB, 720x960, 1434776563019.jpg)

added more kawaii-ness
you can thank me later

No. 125565

Well pixy you are cute with out all that crap. You are what cosplay is all for fun and being sexy. :) Would like to see more ass in your pics.

No. 125567

File: 1434957349141.jpg (69.99 KB, 534x720, KRIS-CHAN.jpg)

She dated Matt when she was 21, I believe. She was fucking/'dating' Kris (pic related, not her brother) about three years ago now, and then James was a year or so after him, though I could be wrong about the timeline.

No. 125568

File: 1434957416772.jpg (39.92 KB, 480x640, 6.jpg)

Have some stuff from my PT folder

No. 125569

File: 1434957489032.jpg (63.39 KB, 682x1023, 1323233020931.jpg)

Cute af here

No. 125570

File: 1434957521508.jpg (296.54 KB, 848x1200, 1323916410175.jpg)

Not cute here

No. 125572

File: 1434957563592.jpg (93.54 KB, 768x1024, Img_1680.jpg)

Cute again

No. 125573

File: 1434957626849.jpg (49.9 KB, 437x700, tumblr_ky5zh7Ks6A1qahd60o1_500…)

No. 125574

File: 1434957658019.jpg (43.8 KB, 374x599, she actually looks so cute her…)

No. 125575

File: 1434957696314.jpg (62.64 KB, 316x650, tumblr_lqlnqwRslg1qahd60o1_500…)

No. 125576

File: 1434957730527.jpg (66.22 KB, 465x700, tumblr_lu6iraWEpl1qahd60o1_500…)

No. 125577

File: 1434957788427.png (17.62 KB, 453x198, -=^.^= pixyteri's journal -=^.…)

Idk which of these have been posted, so I apologise if this is a repeat

No. 125578

File: 1434957894814.png (16.88 KB, 604x217, 1316491406940.png)

No. 125580

File: 1434957927965.png (23.2 KB, 777x387, at a young age she knew her da…)

No. 125581

File: 1434957986500.png (19.23 KB, 570x267, @_@ The W-E-I-R-D-N-E-S-S has …)

No. 125583

File: 1434958020329.png (38.52 KB, 727x411, 1316492733830.png)

No. 125584

File: 1434958065038.png (88.2 KB, 644x723, - - - I just want people to se…)

No. 125587

File: 1434958136517.png (220.58 KB, 331x515, 1322207997171.png)

Last one for now, I can post more if people want to see more but I don't want to clog up the thread unnecessarily

No. 125588

Wow, this shit makes me pretty sad actually. She sure fucked herself over.

No. 125590

Yeah, she was pretty normal back then. Still the PT we know and love to hate, but more mellow. She had a pretty good chance of a normal life back then.

No. 125598

I tell myself this all the time when I'm on the bus/waiting in public. But I just can't stop…

No. 125599

honestly, forcing your kid to tan 5 times a week against their will is fucking psycho. she lives in texas, she'll tan eventually

No. 125603

big bird in overalls.

No. 125605

Tonight I dreamt that PT was a professional wrestler. She was surprisingly good at it, and after the match (which she won!) we went out for ice cream.
…I spend too much time here.

No. 125606

if only she would fix dem brows :(

No. 125607

wow…sounds not delusional. sounds like a normal person actually (if you can consider being into cosplay normal but)

No. 125616

I wanna see more anon. Pixy is pretty boring lately, so this is entertaining to read (she seems a lot more lolsy in the past)

No. 125621

File: 1434965899435.png (303.14 KB, 658x632, 4th of july kimono.png)

Sure thing anon. Have some old LJ posts

No. 125622

File: 1434965924058.png (140.12 KB, 648x1124, all i see is a fat retard.png)

No. 125623

File: 1434965956392.png (131.81 KB, 570x1337, a lol and something she ignore…)

No. 125624

File: 1434965989714.jpg (70.31 KB, 505x459, 1320634641929.jpg)

No. 125625

File: 1434966024400.png (70.17 KB, 639x552, cant figure out my name.png)

No. 125626

File: 1434966057715.png (364.32 KB, 661x1530, bodyline sizes and nyon is jap…)

No. 125627

File: 1434966095909.png (133.94 KB, 503x1100, doctors say nothing is wrong w…)

No. 125628

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No. 125629

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No. 125630

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No. 125649

Her middle name is Ashley?

…her initials are SAG?

No. 125652

Ohh I remember when she was looking for a Japanese stage name and complaining that names ending in -ko were too old-fashioned and would make her seem like a granny.
ah yes there we are

>Many of my photos already look like professional idol photos, or better
I love it when she's outright cocky like this.

Always the Ashleys, man.

No. 125685

File: 1434978467532.gif (698.6 KB, 500x281, 1391838286155.gif)

you seem like a delight.

the point is to go to a cafe and pet a cat, it's not rocket science. not everyone has the ability to own a pet.

No. 125693

yeah the suit is pretty cute and the sunglasses go well. but that hair. rukia phase? barf.

No. 125829

File: 1434994847315.jpg (66.33 KB, 500x357, pt.jpg)

I tried to do a kinda 60's editorial thing but I think I failed.

No. 125839

I feel like shooping PT. Any images in particular farmers?

No. 125841

I have heard that small house/apartment size contributed to them getting popular.

Cats are individuals. Some are douchebags, some are precious little snuggymuffins. Kind of like with people.

No. 125842

Her makeup here is so terrible. She looks like a forty something librarian

No. 125843

aw snap didn't know there were any caps of when i tried buttering up to her. it was so hard but i got a few private messages from her just rambling/venting. I wonder if i still have those

No. 125844

Her mom did a number on her. Not saying most of PT's nutso isn't PT's fault, but her mom didn't and doesn't help. I remember once, her mother got her some gift (bath salts I think) when Sarah got into a fight during vacation. I guess it was to smooth things over. A lot of that gifting and spoiling after emotional abuse teaches kids how to be dependent and entitled at the same time. Of course Sarah isn't a kid, but she thinks she is.

No. 125848

File: 1434996392411.jpg (59.44 KB, 400x300, thumbnail_47413.jpg)

or vaguely like Eric Wareheim

No. 125851

I was looking through her dropbox and found this. In some ways I expected this from the thumbnail, but I'm still horrified

No. 125852

honestly, i think the same could be said for most lolcows here. if not the mom, then the dad. we have the occasional "actual crazy" person (like asha) but a lot of the time once we get an insight on their parents (margo, kathy, etc) it's like…ah, ok.

No. 125886

where did you get that picture of Tharthan

No. 125978

She wore a yukata.
To fourth of July.
She wore a Japanese traditional outfit to an event to celebrate the independence of America
Holy shit I miss old PT. She's so crazy.

No. 125980

I wish you'd warned us she's not wearing underwear

No. 126015

File: 1435009309892.png (16.13 KB, 135x136, datface.png)

This. It doesn't help that I mistook the white slip for her underwear until she lifted it up.

No. 126046

Was she engaged? or maybe she flipped the picture but it looks like a nice ring on her left hand ring finger.

No. 126053


Our great idol 'Salad-Plate Cherry-Snow'

No. 126054

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No. 126057

I can't decide what's the worst part: the fact that she's not wearing underwear, or the fact that it looks like she's under a slide in a children's playground

No. 126072

She isn't even wearing a bra

No. 126075

Dont know if i should awww or eeeurghh

No. 126092

jaw or chin shave + lip injections + fillers for her nasolabial folds + nosejob + brow lift? it's going full kylie jenner but i could imagine it for her

No. 126112


>wearing a black metal band tee over a pinstripe button up shirt

>what the fuck is your hair doing
>what is your right hand doing

jesus this picture makes me uncomfortable, pt was upset because this guy turned her down? she really has no self esteem

No. 126119


If pt was into girls/ bisexual, my boyfriend and I would love to take a crack at her under the sheets.

Not without a few.. "changes" first though.

No. 126124

lol wow i forgot all about that picture.
He's a friend of a friend of mine, talked to him a few times before sweet guy and way smaller now than that when that pic was taken.
To his credit, he put up with alot of her shit, he wasn't into her and he just felt sorry for her, they started as friends with benefits. But then he stopped it himself and just wanted to be friends and it worked for awhile but then she got worse (mentally) for him to even keep being friends with her.

No. 126125

I think there was a time in HS where she toyed with the idea of being bi, but like all things with PT, she changed her mind and doesn't find girls attractive anymore.

No. 126157

Fellow Vic-fag?

Also, I know Kris. He is a genuinely nice bro. He also started working out a while back and his discipline really paid off. He seems happier all around with out PT in his life. I think most people end up there after they try to befriend her.

No. 126164

yes!! :D
not the one who said they would take pics of pt while she worked at montana mikes tho i wondered what happened with that :\

No. 126165

Does everyone in Victoria know each other? Is that why Pixy doesn't have friends? Because she fucked up so bad in the past?

No. 126173

I remember her tweeting about wearing a fake wedding ring before the first time she closed her twitter. I think she was just jealous of her married coworkers.

No. 126174

Anons, I'm really conflicted.
I want to befriend pt so badly, and not to fuck with her, but to actually try being her friend.
I know that she difficult to work with but I wanna try. Something in me wants to help this woman.

No. 126176

Everyone who's ever befriended PT to help her has quit. She's so self centered it's a draining chore to put up with her.

No. 126179

We've all been there.
You can't help those who don't want help.

No. 126212

Victoria has a population of about 65,000 people. My home town has a population of about 40,000 and everyone knows everyone, I wouldn't be surprised if people in Victoria all knew each other, even if it was indirectly. Especially people your own age. PT definitely has a reputation.

No. 126252

Maybe she'd be happier in a large city. She wouldn't stick out as much. Then again she'd need a decent full time job and moderate savings to move comfortably. I don't see that happening. She's buying candy scented markers and children's sticker books instead of saving up.

No. 126293

She has talked about wanting to move to Austin before but she'd have to save up and move out of her parents' home, which is unlikely to happen at this point.

No. 126298

dude, totally. i thought the same thing.

No. 126310

If you're in a certain demographic, yes. Especially as you get older, you find you know a shit ton of people in the range of +10 to -10 years from your age. Its a small city and the people here love other people's business.

Anyhow, ahoy fellow vic fag. So you probably recognize all her pic locations too. The ones that crack me up the most are the ones in the drainage ditches.

No. 126312

Dude, she can't be helped. I'm a self proclaimed "late bloomer" and I used to think she was the same. I figured she would just come out of it in her own time but we can all see that is not the case.

I'm not saying don't do it. I'd love to see someone get through to her or at least be able to befriend her so she's not so lonely. I'm just saying be prepared for crazy. She's charming and sweet when she wants to be and then the stark opposite when you cross her.

God damn I feel bad for that woman.

No. 126345

She almost looks hafu here.

No. 126442

I kind of want to add this in a tumblr set with other haffus and tag it or something so she thinks people think she's half…

No. 126463

Aww. Maybe do it if you're considering.

No. 126528

jfc I HAVE that sweater. now I have to burn it ._.

No. 126538

You should be so lucky to be as kawaii as the queen in the sweater.

No. 126539

She looks like the Joker

No. 126545

hello!!!!! lol
yes what sucks about those pics is she took a pic infront of my old middle school >.>
Patti Welder.

No. 126554

Austin is weird as fuck and her brother said that she was dressed like a weirdo when she went out in Lolita.

But seriously, it's sad she doesn't move to Austin. It's a lot more tolerant.

No. 126598

It's a shame that she's a lazy slob. If she had her shit together her brother might have helped her get a new start in a bigger city. She could be so much happier if she would at least get a foot hold in reality and stay there.

Against my better judgment I'm starting to root for her. I hope her 30th opens her eyes.

No. 126621

File: 1435127830135.jpg (24.87 KB, 299x450, 7392034.jpg.jpg)

Le sugoi kawaii desuu queen looks fairly decent compared to her current pictures. Does anybody know when this was taken? Maybe before her kawaii sugoi princess desuu days?

No. 126623

It's an old shoop

No. 126627

File: 1435128658209.jpg (163.5 KB, 768x1024, 7392034.jpg.jpg)


How's this? Too dolly? Wanted to make sure the sugoi sugoi desuu ne queen looked halfu dolly dolly like.

No. 126628


Ohh…Nicely done shop then.

No. 126635

File: 1435129819371.jpg (69.28 KB, 478x640, CopyofIMG_5409_zpsdc4b6103.jpg)

There are a couple old pics of her where she accidentally looks so cute and normal. If she'd drop the kawaii act and dress in clothes that fit she'd look so reasonable.

No. 126638


I agree, she tries way to hard to act "kawaii".

No. 126643

There is some shoop here but she looks pretty here anyway. Her eyes are really pretty.

Makeup really makes a difference on her, shame she refuses to use it.

No. 126648

Too "curvaceous"… Fix dem stumpy T rex arms

No. 126650

Kind of sad to think that she wasted most of her youth and pretty years on trying to be some kawaii aidoru. And she hasn't got many left. If she's dump this stupid unrealistic dream of being famous in Japan then she could probably be a decent young woman. (and finally get that man she been crying about not having.)

No. 126678

Why does she refuse to wear makeup? She knows Japanese girls wear makeup right?

No. 126679

There is beauty past maidenly youth, anon.

No. 126746


dat japanese

what the fuck she wanted to say with "Today is! It's Sarah. (Kyou wa! Sarah desu)"

the avatar pic looked cute tho

No. 126750

File: 1435169960567.png (394.33 KB, 640x960, IMG_2292.png)

Oh boy

No. 126754


Anyone know who she wrote to?

No. 126756

Did she try to write a letter to Kubo?! Oh my god PT just stahp

No. 126757

Judging from the picture and how bitter she is that he got married, my guess is Bleach creator Kubo Tite.

No. 126785

What did she expect? So much bitterness in just two sentences.

No. 126787

yup it was

No. 126791

what if we made a fan-thingy on a japanese site and pretend to be japanese? you think she will take the b8?

No. 126812


So britfag or some other lurking dumbass can ruin it by telling her it's a ruse? How about fuck no?

No. 126815

good point

No. 126873

Was it 'return to sender' by Kubo's people or did she just stick a stamp on it and drop it in mailbox? If the latter it was probably returned for insufficient postage.

No. 126891

Probably the latter, but our queen is taking it as a personal rejection from Kubo himself

No. 126921

I don't even get why she likes bleach so much

No. 126927

She probably thought it would be like sending a letter to Santa lel

No. 126938

At this point it's probably just laziness and preferring to spend her money on shit like scented markers. Pixy is rarely smart about things given that even cheap drugstore makeup would do worlds for her (and if she must she can easily get Japanese brands for her heritiji if she must… instead of the BS crap she's been getting at least. Someone link her to imomoko!)

No. 126941

I want her to buy some cute Etude House makeup. Dat shit is kawaii

No. 126944

Only problem is, it's Korean! Maybe if you say BoA uses it she won't realize…

No. 126946

i think it's because she thinks makeup makes you look older
it does for me anyways. but i'm shit at makeup

No. 126948

File: 1435189610857.jpg (75.93 KB, 800x595, 2014_3.jpg)

get her tolymoly
she would love it

No. 126951

Depends on how you use it. She doesn't need to do any contouring because that will age her, but using a foundation or BB cream with 'glowy' properties and some kind of mascara will do wonders for her face. She has an old looking face, but she can make herself look less like a 40-yr-old soccer mom without out too much effort.

I super want Tolymoly stuff but I is poorfag now.

No. 126964

File: 1435192155817.jpg (41.76 KB, 580x325, 0e51e-rhinoplasty_nose_job_05_…)

So thanks to the plastic surgery thread in /b/ I have discovered that PT can totally look like the kawaii aidoruu she wants to… if she goes after Korean PS techniques.

No. 126965

File: 1435192200055.jpg (57.79 KB, 632x340, 20131128172509_1.jpg)

And the other one I liked.

No. 126968

Seeing these pictures fills me with hope.

No. 126986

Man, Koreans have some dynamite jaws

No. 126992

File: 1435196412955.jpg (36.69 KB, 489x960, yumyum.jpg)

Well another post, sorry for the multiple posts, not sure how to fit everything in

No. 126994

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No. 126995

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No. 126996

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No. 126998

if pt was a guest at anime expo i would actually consider going again

No. 127000

when was the last time she even cosplayed? you kind of have to have been cosplaying well in recent time for a big convention to hire you to just show up
they get cosplayers better than her for free

No. 127003

I would legit fly out to Texas if she was a guest.

I bet all she would have to do is just ask.
Con people have to know who the queen is.

No. 127005


Holy shit she's so full of herself lol.

No. 127006

Judging by the stalls behind her… is she actually out in public in that outfit? Man points to her confidence to wear that.

No. 127007

>not letting me be a cosplay guest

She can't really be this delusional

No. 127014

Looks like a dressing room maybe

No. 127015

Bruh I would rather see PT any day over yaya tits and Jnigger.

No Pt aint the best at anything but god it would be great seeing how she reacted if she were to host a panel for cosplay or be the judge for the cosply contest.

No. 127039


No, she is. This isn't the first time she's cried about cons not inviting her as a guest. And it probably won't be the last.
She posted the same sort of rant on twitter, and a follower said she could just go to cons for fun, and she said 'nope' and wouldn't elaborate. But she's not cosplayed in ages, certainly not well enough to be a guest, and just expects to put 10% in and get 100% out of everything. It's just entitlement.

No. 127046

That feel when a corgi is a cosplay guest and not PT

No. 127084

That's the one thing I've admired about PT: she's confident as fuck. That said, it's no wonder she's known for being a loon if she goes out dressed like that regularly.

It kind of makes me wish I lived in Victoria

No. 127087

Found this video on PULL chat. I wish it was longer though.

No. 127092

File: 1435211707864.jpg (332.92 KB, 720x1677, pt-lp.jpg)

No. 127094

Oh god post those comment.

No. 127095

Shit like this takes away any/all sympathy i have for PT. I would kill for parents to pay for school once, let alone twice jfc

No. 127100

I don't know why she thinks she deserves to be a cosplay guest. Her cosplays are too half-assed and seldom fit. She couldn't even zip Kokoro's boots. And her lack of presence at conventions in recent years and online makes her look like a nobody. Sure we know who she is, but unless you know about her past and are still interested in her, she's got nothing. No Twitter, no DA, no Instagram, no submissions to cosplay sites. Nothing.

How does she expect fame without effort? It's like trying to be a famous artist by shoving all your painting in a closet.

Someone here or at Kiwi mentioned that she was once featured in a newspaper article about local cosplayers and it inflated her head a little. She thought she would become famous.

Back when she was making an effort she was too egotistical and easily butthurt. She should have taken the criticism in stride and kept trying. Even proper constructive criticism worded politely set her off on DA. If she'd wear her true size and maybe pick some characters with clothing that suited her more she'd look better. She refused to try Kurumi from Hachi Koi because she didn't think she was fat at the time.

The R Mika cosplay was all sorts of bad. And to this day I wonder how she thought it was good enough to put on DA. The wig was a lopsided mess and the outfit did not fit properly. I think it was from Ebay. It was kind of ugly. i think she had problems with the fit. Does anyone have the con pics of it? I remember hey were on CGL way back when.

No. 127103

>something hurts
is she talking about her vagina?

No. 127105

Somewhat OT but I'm curious: did we ever find out how her nudes got out? Did one of her exes leak them? I feel like I remember reading that an ex or former fuck buddy of hers did it but I can't remember/find the info and now it's bugging me.

No. 127106

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No. 127107

If you pretend to be a man on skype the hands them out willingly.

No. 127108

I think it was Kris or an older FWB of hers that leaked the first ones (I don't think James ever leaked any), then >>127107 is where the later ones have come from.

No. 127109

>I prefer men my height or a little taller.
>I'm 5'1


No. 127118

Asian men.

No. 127121

File: 1435229888111.gif (1.16 MB, 275x275, whatev.gif)

considering she has been on worst cosplay lists it's pretty ludicrous of her to expect to be invited as a cosplay guest. not to mention she doesn't make her costumes, nor wears appropriate makeup or nice wigs, and her body is never flattering to the character. but like with all things, she refuses to put in any effort but throws tantrums saying she works so hard!!! buying wigs and costumes on ebay is not hard, pt.

No. 127125

At this point, I think she's so bad she should be invited as a guest.

No. 127130

but she's the same HEIGHT as the characters she portrays. Accuracy.

No. 127132

ah, yes. reminds me of a classic

No. 127150

pretty sure the average Asian man is around 5'8-ish

No. 127153


No. 127247

I know she wore R Mika to Ikkicon years ago, and someone did get pics with her (confirming she is short) but don't have and can't find the pics.

According to Wikipedia the height of the average Japanese man is about 5'7.

Also part of the fun with cons is going with friends, and she doesn't have any now. I think she knows that any con she goes to she's likely going to attract the wrong kind of attention (though Ikki had been a good experience for her?)

No. 127261

She could easily take that really nice gesture from her parents to pay for her to learn a trade or skill to get her the money she needs to get her life together. If only she could just get over herself and work towards being better.

No. 127265

Definitely. Especially when tons of people don't have the opportunity. :/
Isn't she tired of living with her parents? I guess it works out for her right now since she's unemployed and has no money, but she's not a kid anymore. Is she going to be in the same place in the next ten years? She needs to buckle down and get some kind of job and move out. She's not getting any younger. I feel like this can only go on for so much longer without something really bad happening to her.

No. 127365

File: 1435265341897.jpg (97.62 KB, 480x720, 131935999983.jpg)

She's gone to cons alone in the past. She doesn't look like she's with anyone in pic related.

No. 127366


Damn she's a midget!

No. 127367

Her body looks so weirdly proportioned. Maybe it's because you can't see her neck that her head looks so big?

No. 127369

File: 1435266356602.jpg (37.6 KB, 277x359, 1323233290301.jpg)

I think it's a combination of the high waist of the outfit and the fact that she's looking down? Also yeah, her head is big, but it usually doesn't look this bad. Here's another pic of her in that outfit, her top half doesn't look as short

No. 127370

she looks so nice in the left picture. red hair and her natural eyes really softens her look.

No. 127371

I will never get over Pixy's red hair.

No. 127372

For sure. Her bang are really unflattering. Her forehead kinda balances out the bottom of her face, but it's probably just the angle of the picture.

No. 127373

Her face really rounded out with her weight gain.

No. 127374

She's 5'3", I think. And she's fat, so she'll look stumpier than she really is. In other photos, she does't look -that- short.

No. 127380

Cons aren't much fun alone unless you can make friends, which PT can, she just has trouble keeping them (and at this point she's likely too infamous for most TX cons… photobomber case in point.)

That's really the only good thing about her weight gain is that her chin isn't so pointy, but really if she just stopped wearing contacts, went with a light hair color and started to take care of skin properly, she'd at least start to look better.

She used to come across as pretty tall back in the day, and she would insist that she's super short. I'm 5'3" but I think she's shorter then me, but not by much. I'm also a fatty so I can say that PT is totally pushing 200+ lbs because her body looks way too much like mine when I was.

No. 127391

no, you're right. long-faced people are always advised against getting bangs for that reason.

No. 127401

her fat and her tiny t-rex arms

No. 127443

I agree. Her face looks smaller in the left picture but her eyes look huge and brilliant. That was such a good look for her.

No. 127544

File: 1435288608897.png (783.47 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-06-25-23-12-40…)

>29 years old
>still forced to go to the pool with her parents

No. 127547

>wants to live her own life
>refuses to move out of her parents' home

mmkay pt

No. 127548

Her mom still makes her tan? Hahah

No. 127583

JFC PT wear SPF 50-60 and reapply it every two hours you lazy shit.

No. 127589

Well telling her she looks nice in red hair is a mega no-no. She goes ballistic. It's a shame, because she looks nicer and the bangs are just awful. She really needs her forehead showing to balance the chin. She was so much prettier on the left. But try to convince her and you're blocked.

I seem to remember something about her complaining she wanted to be shorter because Rukia is so tiny. Not sure if she's over that now.

No. 127590

Pffft forced. It's not like she has anything better to do. Why not help your mother?

No. 127598

i bet pixy tends to be a shut in and all her mom wants to do is get her outside. she probably took it as a "OMG mom, i dunt wunna tannnn"

No. 127599

I would love to just hang by the pool with my mother all day. It sounds like great fun!

No. 127622

she's actually 5'1

No. 127628

Its a local bar called Shooters in Victoria.

No. 127637

classic pt~

No. 127650

When you guys mention 'james', are you talking about prencleeve grothsmore?

Just to confirm, I'm prencleeve.

I genuinely have no idea who any of these people are, and am not sure why I am being connected in this way.

I'm only 16 and don't really appreciate being hounded by you guys for events that happened 2-3 years ago.

I'm happy to chat with you any of you if you've got any concerns.

My friend let me know about this thread and, quite honestly, I was shocked you are still discussing this.

I did some stupid things on the EVE online forums when I used to play a few years ago.

I don't play EVE or any video games any more, and certainly aren't involved in any of this japanese stuff. That's all cleared up now and I've apologised to the people involved (taking into account I was 11-13 old years at the time)

I hope you guys can understand.



No. 127657

The only reason you were brought up at all is because some anons suspected you of being connected to Pixyteri, the woman these threads are about. For a long time she was being emotionally abused and manipulated by a guy from the UK named Rico. If you don't know this guy then whelp, our mistake.

We don't really care about the EVE stuff. I'd honestly forgotten we even discussed you in the first place. Anons here can get a bit… excitable when it comes to Pixyteri.

No. 127659

I have absolutely who either of those people are.

I'm completely against bullying against anybody for whatever reason.

No. 127660

*absolutely no idea

No. 127662

You say your friend told you about this thread…Is your friend a poster here? I would assume that you'd be directed here through a message from someone asking if you were the person we were looking for.

No. 127664

I knew it wasn't you. I felt uncomfortable with how convinced some people were but you can at least rest assured we don't really care about the EVE stuff or suspect you of being involved in this anymore.

But anyway when they say "James" they mean someone else.

No. 127665

He goes to my school - I think he just reads this thread.

It's possible he found it via googling my name as well.

No. 127666

I'm going to stop replying to this thread now.

I personally think that you should all stop harassing Pixyteri if this woman is going through personal issues right now.

I can't tell you what do, but I don't want to be implicated in this any further.


No. 127667

No one here actually harasses her, we just observe and discuss. The reason you came into focus is some of us were looking for someone who IS harassing her, and apparently blackmailing her.

No. 127694

You were only brought up because of the slight maybe that you might be connected to UK fag Rico.

The James they referred to later in in this post was the James that pt had a fwb with for a little whilewhile a couple years ago.

No. 127699

File: 1435326826477.jpg (73.89 KB, 444x245, kotified.jpg)

Overshooped her.
idk what happened to the resolution.

No. 127700

Now all her facial features look too big for her face and she looks less flattering now. You guys have shit taste.

No. 127709

File: 1435329340879.jpg (134 KB, 720x960, 1434237299384.jpg)

My beautiful haffu queen <3

No. 127711

>im the only one allowed troll her :(
no, fuck you James. You abusive faggot, you keep her from living an actual life because you have some weird obsession with her. I know you are
Britfag and your toll attempts are pathetic
And just straight up rude. We are harassing her? Your the one who makes multiple sock accounts just to call her fat and ugly and old. 90% of the girls in this thread feel bad
For PT and even buy her things with real money. MUCH HARASSMENT!!1 no, you just can't handle the fact that your penis is so small not even PT herself would ever want it
we practically worship her here and your sad attempts to make her only for you are borderline creepy. If anything YOU should stop harassing PT and GET A LIFE because we are all pretty much her personal asskissers and buy her things on her wish list all the time

No. 127718

He sounds sorta like A-Log or Bluespike on 'roids. James is the A-log/Bluespike of Pixyteri, Totemokawaii is the A-log/Bluespike of Venus, Kontrakoti is the A-log/Bluespike of Kotakoti… Each of the lolcows have one it seems.

No. 127719

Fucking this. She would rather be doing what? Staying inside re-watching 'Ranma 1/2' while pretending to be Japanese?

No. 127720

Actually. I'm not sure if James is britfag
or this is britfag pretending to be James
I can't even tell anymore because he is so obsessed with her
I for one, find it weird that a friend was on here, probably a regular poster. So by jame's logic. His friend is harassing her
James, really?

No. 127723

Completely agreed. I don’t think that James is actually britfag myself, but it’s a really weird coincidence that he just happened to show up here and just happens to have a friend that reads these particular threads. lolcow doesn’t even show up when you google his name, so it’s not as though anyone could have stumbled upon it.

It’s either britfag pretending to be James, or James’ friend is britfag.

No. 127725

My friend found this thread when he was googling 'prencleeve grothsmore'. This thread came up on the final page of the search results.

I have absolutely no idea who any of these people are, and I can't stress enough that I'm completely against bullying of any kind.

No. 127729


Well this is an interesting turn of events.

Why are you the only person in Rico Macanda's Google+ circle? I'm not casting any suspicion on you I'm just genuinely curious.

When we were trying to figure out Rico's real identity and make him to stop harassing pixy it seemed like you were the key to bringing him to justice.

No. 127730

Could you please send me a link?

If this person is genuinely trying to connect himself to me without my permission, I'm concerned - especially if he is bullying this woman.

No. 127732


Don't worry, I've found it. I've removed him from my G+

I don't even use my G+, and he seemed to have friended an outdated google account that I haven't touched for years.

No. 127736

Alright, I've done a search through my inbox to see why on earth I was a G+ connection with him.

I found an email dating back 3 years ago:

It appears he played EVE Online and was trying to scam me (in the game) to get me to join his game guild.


No. 127737

If this guy is a genuine bully, I'm happy to try and give you guys more information if I can find it.

No. 127743

For those of you who don't know, Goonwaffe is a guild/clan in EVE Online.

A person with Rico's email was telling me that he was a part of the guild and could get me in if I convinced him.

No. 127744

>I'm going to stop replying to this thread now.


No. 127746


No. 127747


And by the way your friend couldn't have found this thread while he was googling for "prencleeve grothsmore" because your first post is the first place "prencleeve grothsmore" shows up anywhere in this entire thread

No. 127748

why'd you want to join goonwaffe

No. 127749

elementary my dear watson.

No. 127750

it directs you to the other thread. he probably came to the new thread from there. i don't think he's britfag, tbh.

No. 127752


This "Rico" guy basically pretended to have a long distance relationship with her to get a bunch of weird/humilating videos of her doing things like fellating corndogs and then leak them. He's a scumbag. Any info would be appreciated.

No. 127753

>It appears he played EVE Online and was trying to scam me

Yup. That sounds about right.

If you have any more information on Rico please don't hesitate to post it.

Most(all?) of us here do genuinely want to make him stop abusing pixyteri.

No. 127754

I can't find anything other than this email.

Though I don't have any more info on this guy in particular, I know quite a bit about the group he was attached to.

Goonwaffe, in EVE, was notorious for being the 'griefing' guild. The guild that annoyed everybody (a few cases of real life harassment here and there).

They're also a guild that is made up almost entirely of regular posters on Something Awful.

If Rico was a member of Goonwaffe (which his email suggests), then it's more than likely he's a member of SA (you have to pay $10 to get an SA account).

No. 127757

Even after rejecting his offer, he came back and emailed me again.


No. 127758

I know I sounded a bit weird (this was a 13 year old, extreme marxist version of me).

No. 127759

what a fucking weirdo this guy is.

No. 127760

Wow. What a little douche bag. (rico, not you.)

No. 127761

you were thirteen. it doesn't even really seem weird. he sounds weird.

No. 127762

Is there a way to search members of the EVE forum by email?

No. 127763


No, you'd have to find out his EVE character name (he only contacted me by email as far as I'm aware, so I don't know what that is).

No. 127780

Thanks for the info, you are a cool dude. Rico is a piece of shit.

No. 127822

dude, im sorry for everyone accusing you of being rico
its just that he is such a huge asshole (as you can tell) who thinks he is a TTLY L33T HAXXOR and EBIN TWOLL douchbag. he has been harassing pixy for years and he keeps trying to keep pixy from having a social life and has groomed her for years into an abusive relationship
james, your a cool guy. and its good that you actually care about pixy's well being unlike rico
welcome to the farms BTW

No. 127826

File: 1435344286799.png (106.36 KB, 555x455, LOL-I-TROLL-YOU-1.png)

>maximum lol
>his "i was trolling you all along" attitude
>wats a yoodlum??
>you answered in ok? LOL I TROLL YOU, HYSTERICAL
we need s fucking rico thread
is he twelve? fucking bluespike was wittier than him. and that kid was 13
this guy it the definition of tryhard unfunny troll

No. 127831

Bless you, James! Thanks for the screens.

Which level of English does one need to understand to being able to play EVE? Maybe macandarico didn't troll but was genuinely just some African kid or am I naive?

No. 127847

Nah, he was trolling. He went into a Tinychat PT was doing ages ago and he had no problem typing in normal perfect english.

No. 127849

did he still do all the "LOLZ EBIN TROLL I TROLL U LOLOLOLOL" crap when he got mad?

No. 127859

Not that I saw. He just told PT to stop doing tinychats because everyone was just trolling her. At least that was the only time I ever saw him in there.

No. 127868

He is typing relatively "normal" english here

No. 127902

>final page

omg seriously is your friend britfag?

No. 127918

No one here abuses or harasses pixyteri. In fact, people on here get really mad if there's any sign that people are trolling pixyteri.

Pixyteri is a famous (or infamous) cosplayer who posts often about her life online, dance videos, and other cute pictures. We like to watch and discuss pixyteri and her updates, and we know she's sensitive and doesn't like trolls and will no longer make videos if she gets upset, so we try to keep people from upsetting her.

There's this guy from Bath(?), in the UK who's been going by the name of Rico. He's been harassing and emotionally abusing PT and we want him to stop bullying her. If you know anybody like that, please tell them to kindly fuck off. Or better yet, tell us who he is.

No. 127919

unrelated to the subject at hand but…

>you've been pedoed

is nobody else curious about the purpose of that email folder?

No. 127930

I wondered why Rica was being so quiet. He was busy laughing at how he accidentally pushed the blame to someone else.

I do still questions though, such as didn't multiple people claim to try and contact James on Twitter? Why not respond then and clear this up?

No. 127991

It's only a matter of time before Rico is doxed.

No. 128003

HIS GMAIL IS macandarico@gmail.com

what do we do with this info?

No. 128006

i'm certain it's his last name

No. 128007


TBH it kind of reminds me of Cogs. Cogs is from a different part of the UK though…

No. 128008

macanda i mean

No. 128014

so a whole place in Britain act like 12 year old ebin trolls?
because that sounds like a hellhole

No. 128018


I'm probably just stating the obvious here but I'm guessing he used Rico Macanda as a pseudonym when he was an ebin goon 'troll' pretending to be ESL or whatever and decided to just reuse it with PT. Hence why it sounds foreign.

Pretty much all he seems to have done is try to pull a Bluespike/Pandahalo/Ivy/Kacey/Jackie/Catherine/Every other epic ween Chris-Chan gf troll except with Pixy

He seems like a huge abusive cunt and I'd love if we could work out who he is but I don't think we're any closer tbh

No. 128026

does anybody have any other accounts that rico uses?
it would be alot of help on me gathering info for finding out who he is

No. 128028

Don't forget it's all linked to one tweet we don't know the context of. We need recent info on him, otherwise it's a dead end even with the kind help of James.

No. 128063

>dead end


We've got more info on Rico than ever. We now know he is/was a goonwaffe EVE scammer which could turn out to be an important lead.

He'll be driven from hole eventually. Or maybe pt will just kick him to the curb. Don't forget she's capable of telling him to go to hell and defying him.

No. 128069

His kik is Rucomac

No. 128074

im digging and his skype may or may not be assemblesoppor

No. 128099

Why do you think it might be him?

No. 128106

because i was looking through this sites archives and when a girl tried to prove that she had him and his friend on skype it said that username

No. 128137

James you are like an angel sent by God.

Sorry that so many people here were partially stalking you thinking you could be Rico, it's just we've been after this guy for a while and you were literally the only lead we found after like, 2-3 years.

No. 128141

Could you pls link the post?

Maybe it's just the right time for pixy to drop some information on him. Tickle something out of her!

No. 128179

File: 1435421533901.jpg (44.75 KB, 631x261, franics?.jpg)


Search engines yield nothing on assemblesoppor but it is a real skype ID, leading to one "Franics Black" from London.

I assume Franics = typo on Francis

No. 128192

Errington Road, Maida Vale, London, W9
what may be his number>> 020 8960 7644
that or it just so happens to be someone named franics black in london uk

No. 128229


Don't jump the gun. This is all based on a Skype ID from an old post somewhere in an unknown thread.

>>128074 needs to wake up and link the damn thread already

No. 128398

it's in the old thread
when james was being targeted one anon said she talked to britfag and explained that james was a different person
they asked for proof and she posted his skype username
if it isn't in this thread it's probably in the previous one
sorry, i don't have time to spend every minute of everyday here to answer your question immediately

No. 128399

oh fuck, i think that may be wrong
i am still looking
there are about three people in london called francis black

No. 128403

if anyone knows how to get a hold of him please let me know and maybe we can figure out something on tinychat
i'll tell to whoever on there a plan if they are willing to help out and ask him something

No. 128436

I wonder how much control Rico really has over pt? I have a suspicion that he comes here and makes up shit about himself just to fuck with us.

Does he truly have access to any of her accounts? Is he a manipulative mastermind or just some low-grade troll who occasionally gets pt to do something just because she has no self esteem?

I think he's more than likely some random little bitch-ass with no particular power over anything.

He still must burn of course. I'm merely thinking out loud.

No. 128453

I see you're point. If he had real control would he need to troll her chats and twitter? All he achieves is getting PT more asspats from everyone.

No. 128476

No. 128480


No. 128481

somebody please make the little hop from 00:12 a gif oh god

No. 128482

I just realised there are left and right buttons. This is too much holy shit

No. 128483

This make me believe she is very ill or is high off her face, shes got crazy eyes.

No. 128487

that resounding thud when she jumps~

No. 128493

>This make me believe she is very ill or is high off her face, shes got crazy eyes.

Hey, fuck you. I clicked on that video expecting to see bugged out PCP eyes or some shit but there's really nothing unusual going on with her eyes.

I feel cheated.

No. 128496

File: 1435482453957.png (103.51 KB, 300x231, ksajfd.png)

Are you sure about that

No. 128532

pt always makes me think of this

No. 128571

I apologize for being slow, but what evidence is there that Britfag was the one trolling the tinychats (as opposed to some other troll)?
Was it just that the guy was from UK? How was that determined?

No. 128586

File: 1435505509781.jpg (16.36 KB, 640x352, Gummo.1997.DVDRip.XviD-DiSSOLV…)

She reminds me of the developmentally disabled girl from Gummo.

No. 128588

someone here must have a SA account, I imagine going on SA and searching forums would be a good shout, since we know Rico is a goon

No. 128589

Has Rico got a history of harassment/stalking in general, or just on this Pixy girl?

Earlier today, I had a call to my personal mobile from a private number asking about my Dad's business.

I found it weird for two reasons:
1) I get this private call only a few days after my first post on this thread.
2) I've never had any calls relating to my Dad's work on my personal phone before.

The guy speaking definitely had a British accent. He was asking about fibreglass roofing, that he had found my number on the internet - why would my number be attached to my Dad's business?

I'm a little concerned now.

No. 128590


The nature he was harassing her was pretty bad so I wouldn't put it past him to bother you. Was the number that called you blocked? Can't see why someone professional would call you instead of your father regarding business. Your father's business number is probably readily available for actual clients.

No. 128594

It wasn't blocked, it was just a private number (i.e. they paid to hide their caller id).

It felt very odd. If it was just a business call, I might have dismissed it as a mixup, but the combination of the private number and timing makes it seem very fishy.

I gave him my Dad's number (which is, as you say, readily available on the business website).

No. 128597


If anything else happens, let us know. He probably wouldn't fuck with you too bad, he's more into picking on mentally ill hypersexual weaboos. You seem aware enough to know when something is fishy. He lurks here though apparently so he probably knows you were our lead in finding his info.

No. 128601

I thought the audio was a bit too difficult to hear from her speakers so I decided to quickly make an attempt at adding the music she's playing in the original video for the full queen experience. <3

No. 128603


Do you remember those shitty old porn ads of half naked women that would dance on your desktop if you downloaded it? I'd pay for one but with pixy's dances from the onedrive. Imagine alt tabing to check something and pt is just dancing on your desktop.

No. 128606

This is so meta

No. 128611

doing the devils rejects dance

No. 128615

if she likes that she could start listening to die antwoord lol

No. 128618

a tiny, kawaii, high pitched 30+ year old woman? I don't know if she'd love her or hate her.

No. 128620


That is a fishy phonecall.

But Rico is a weak and cowardly internet troll. The only reason he has such an impact on pixyteri's life is because she's an extremely, extremely, -EXTREMELY- vulnerable person.

I don't think he'd get very far at all if he tried to troll you or your dad.

No. 128640

No. 128644

No. 128656


I was going to post that video right now

uguu kawaii dirty tenisu booru desuu =^.^=

No. 128680


Probably a school of some sort? I dunno. It looks like my old high school.

No. 128697

File: 1435521989805.png (1 MB, 800x647, Bench_Lounging_by_pixyteriyaki…)

I'm fairly certain that's a school, she used to do photo shoots there in the past. This looks like the same place.

No. 128701

Armpit sweat. It must be 90 where she lives, why wear a long sleeved shirt in the summer?

The only reasoning I can see for these dance videos is that if she keeps it up for a while, she may lose maybe 2 pounds since she's moving more than normal. Other than that, I foresee ankle issues in the future.

No. 128705

Is she mentally challenged?

No. 128708

She's shameless and delusional at least

No. 128718

She's been on meds for bipolar disorder, some speculate it could be borderline. She mentioned in Tinychat that she sees a psychiatrist

No. 128759

You should ask your dad if this person really called/what he wanted and if he left any information on him (name, contact), just in case.

No. 128762

File: 1435527344116.jpg (58.6 KB, 479x444, run.jpg)


cho kawaii.

No. 128887

this is actually cute af

No. 128952

She looks like a grumpy lunch lady with a shitty wig on

No. 128963

it was a guy with a small dick jerking off and having the huge "i trololololololol you #kiwifarms 4 lyfe!!!1" and when someone checked his IP he was in the UK
it HAD to be him or british weens are drawn to pixy like flies on shit

No. 128971


Sorry, but that seems like it could be anybody. That's the only "evidence" there is that Britfag has done any trolling?
I'm as desperate as anyone to find him, but I'm not convinced he has posted or been in TC at all. Why would he bother?

No. 128979

aww, i'm so sorry james. that you have to put of with that unfunny faggot. just ignore him or call him out, i'm 100% sure that he will spill all his spaghetti and freak out. tell him that you know it's him

No. 128982


No. 129002

well he accused her of child molestation. Then got all butthurt when people took him seriously and told everybody they were "weens" for taking a serious crime seriously and how he totes trolled us all for believing it.
i would post links but i would just suggest to read the pixyteri threads on kiwifarms (search the child moslestation allegation specifically) for all the info and links. since there are way too goddamn many to post.
and he said that he was pretending to be her "husbando" for YEARS and there are tweets of pixy complaining that "he sent her something in the mail, he promised" and "stupid british mailing system"

No. 129006

also, why i think he is still at is is when someone on lineplay made an account called "britishwoman best" that called her a pure old white woman. the account has made no activity since then nor before that comment so they basically made the account to say that

No. 129019

Wait this just makes me wonder, why doesn't she put good quality audio over her videos to begin with? Why does she just settle for shitty quiet, far off audio?
I guess this is rhetorical. I know it's because she's a retard.

No. 129023

File: 1435550307883.png (230.65 KB, 447x359, XOxbfP4.png)

Why's she got such a gross pancake ass :C

No. 129032


Ahhhh, thanks. I didn't realize all that was in her kiwi thread. They can be hard to sift through. I'll go catch up.

No. 129063

That little shuffle 2:26-2:32 in the first video is killing me!

No. 129109

It's also old af, it's from her dA days if you didn't notice the file name. She was probably around 25 back then. She has gotten REALLY crazy in the last few years.

No. 129137

That entire video is 100% derpface, especially when she's tossing the tennis ball around.

No. 129139

It's so hard to believe she's not mentally retarded when you see videos like this

No. 129223

What building is she dancing at? PT, those aren't big mirrors, those are windows. I hope it's something like a lobby at the bottom floor and not some poor worker's office.

I can just imagine, someone has an office there, probably dealing with their boss wanting a bunch of reports done by Thursday. Suddenly, while the boss is still hounding the poor worker, PT pigeon-toes up to the building and starts shaking her ass at the glass, lip-synching at tripod-san.


>I don't know, sir. Oh god, why is she bending over like that?

No. 129256


her videos like this one, in which she does random crap without music or dancing, creep the hell out of me. they have a creepypasta vibe, like a lighter version of "normal porn for normal people".

No. 129307

It's a school >>128697

No. 129308

No. 129309

Pixy vids with ahegao face when?

No. 129310

She should watch some tank9 videos if she wants to dance to different genres. The same movements all the time just won't do.

No. 129329

What the fuck did I just watch?

No. 129336

bystanders must have thought they were possessed

No. 129342

Industrial Dance how it is typical to EBM and similar electronic music.

No. 129345

Oh god, these lyrics. They are partly (incorrect) German. http://www.songtexte.com/songtext/centhron/dreckstuck-23824c8f.html Translation of the parts: "you dirty whore, I want to see you on your knees. you dirty whore, never ever falling asleep IN (<-what) you. you shall understand the pain within me." sO dEEp deSu. but I doubt PT will like the sound.

also, that girl's way less skilled than the guy

No. 129359

File: 1435616072908.jpg (5.87 KB, 232x208, 1434429524555.jpg)

Those lyrics are hilarious.
looking back at the glorious age of the tinychats, I think she mentioned liking Rammstein so this aestethic might even appeal to her

No. 129360

the girl in this video is awful.
the guy is alright, but only because his movements look crisp in comparison to hers.
tbh it looks like he's doing shitty techpara at a lower bpm.

No. 129362


my cat literally jumped at the first scream omg

No. 129391

Omg this is almost as cringeworthy as PT's awful dance "moves"

No. 129461

File: 1435629067942.jpg (36.93 KB, 400x400, 409.jpg)

No. 129510

why does she make so many of these videos?
i am looking through the dropbox and these are everywhere

No. 129516

PT's dance moves remind me of this woman's dance moves.


No. 129529

You shouldn't have to pull bikini bottoms up over your fupa, PT you enormous ham shit.

No. 129541

Ugh its so annoying her shoulder straps keep slipping.
is her tampon string hanging out at :39???

No. 129544


That sure is a Tampon string.

No. 129548

Her shoulder straps keep slipping because the outfit is too small for her. She can't wear it any lower because she's too fat, so the whole thing is riding high and so the straps are too short

God, she seems to want to be a gamer gurl so bad

No. 129550

honestly, her boobs look amazing. if she just got a different face, and got into strength training… she'd look so good. why pt why

No. 129563

Yeah it definitely is.

I wonder what he parents say when they walk in to her facing away from the tv while "playing video games" in a long sleeve shirt and swimsuit bottoms?

No. 129568


I imagine either sheer embarrassment or they're so used to how she acts that they just give up on even questioning it lol.

No. 129596

the guy is alright, i've seen him on tv before doing some sort of funny video dancing while doing daily stuff like checking out at the grocery store. the girl is…not so good.

No. 129598

Sorry I'm new to the queen, but does she live alone or in parents house or what?

No. 129600

She lives with her parents

No. 129602

have you not seen her nude? her tits are kind of sad. they're pretty big right now because she's at her largest, but still…no bueno.

No. 129604

it's sad i'm more distressed over how she turned off her ps3 rather than her tampon string being visible..

No. 129619


The character she picked… is … is that how she sees herself?
She did her hair the same way… does she honestly see herself as a kawaii and sexushy school girl?

No. 129631

Has anyone tried adding a caption to these videos? Does PT get notified?

No. 129632

File: 1435659875768.jpg (1.16 MB, 2132x3200, 1322908188994.jpg)

Kokoro? Yeah, she's cosplayed her a couple of times. I don't have a pic of the proper one she did where she can't even zip the boot up, but she did her hair like her's one Halloween
>I couldn't decide whether to post a flattering picture or an unflattering one

No. 129639

her face/hair… actually look kinda good here? maybe because of the blurriness

No. 129641

she used to care about her appearance.

No. 129643

File: 1435667321372.jpg (31.26 KB, 319x480, PT kokoro.jpg)

lol at the music
She's obviously making some of these videos while her parents are home. Why won't she just do it in her room with the door closed and wear an earpiece for the music? All her parents will hear is her stomping around a bit, but they won't hear kawaii music or see her flashing her panties. The way she goes about this almost makes it look like she wants to get caught.

Gotcha covered, sis

No. 129658

Ahahahha beautiful

No. 129659

i have, but they look great in clothing/SOME support. she could get male attention if she didn't take off her clothes. i'm sure with how they look she could find some dude and draw him in with the way they look in clothing, and by the time he's emotionally invested, when he sees her flappy tits, he'll be totally fine with them.

No. 129682

Why isn't our Queen losing weight from all this dancing?

No. 129684

>minimal movement
>rehydrate with sweet tea

No. 129694

Because the light cardio that she's doing can't combat the terrible crap she puts into her body all day. It's probably helping her stamina a little bit, at least, but yeah, just exercising without changing your terrible eating habits (or at the very least eating LESS of the crap) won't make you lose weight.

No. 129700

I like it. BBW, without a lot of visible rolls and flab.

No. 129717

She is getting minimal amounts of activity at best. That isn't even professional dancing, more like bouncing around, pigeontoed at that. She would have to seriously do some legit dance routines or exercises (on top of not eating like shit) to properly lose weight. I wouldn't even call what she does actual dancing.

No. 129721

No. 129723

No. 129751

1) The creaking of the floor is annoying
2) There is literally no dancing in this, she's just moving around
3) LOL at that old picture of her blonde and tan on the wall

No. 129758


I don't get why she just doesn't rearrange her room, make it more 'kawaii' & spacious and just dance in there instead of being so awkward in public or downstairs peeking around the corner every 3 minutes to check if nobody will see her. It ruins every single video she does.

No. 129794

Did she just get up in the middle of playing Harvest Moon and decide it was kawaii dansu time?

>that pigeon-toed running

No. 129797

She doesn't have any space in her room, her floor is covered in her stuff

No. 129817

Why not tidy her room or get some shelves for that stuff?

No. 129821

Are you new to PT? She's not going to do that until her mother nags her to. And even if she did clean up, the stuff has to go SOMEWHERE, and there's just too much useless shit to fit in her room to give her space to dance

No. 129904

Define "ruins"…

No. 130093

because she's extremely lazy and gross.

No. 130097

File: 1435740644704.jpg (168.68 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

No. 130099


Her constant self loathing and whining about not being able to live the idol life in Japan is no wonder why she doesn't have any friends. No matter how much you convince her on how to put her life back in order she just repeats the same shit.

No. 130101

The “maid” part cracks me up. Does she seriously have aspirations of going to Japan and being a kawaii maid? Does she honestly think this is a reasonable life goal? Does she really think “kawaii maid” is an actual career in Japan? PT is hilarious.

No. 130102

she sounds like a caricature of herself. did someone get into her account? there's no way this is really pt. is she just being sarcastic?

No. 130108


She keeps talking about stomach pain and feeling sick, maybe her gut is actually just a giant tumor

No. 130110

That or her stomach is constantly filled with utter shit.. imagine how bloated and uncomfortable she must be with the amount she eats each day.

No. 130112

sooo funny. she's a full-blooded weeb. despite how much she prides herself in knowing about and loving japan she really does think anime is a realistic depiction of japan.

No. 130115

Who is the one that is taking all these photos of PT?

No. 130119

>I'll never be aidoru in glorious Nippon
>I'll never be anime
>I'll never get married
>itai itai itai
She's so predictable.

Tripod-san >>128644
Sometimes fuckbuddies, but those generally don't last more than a single photoshoot. Even guys whose dick she's sucking can't stand to be around her for long.

No. 130132

It's like those fat lady in bloomers lawn ornaments.

No. 130178


"Dribbles" commented on this post 11 times. Chill out, dude.

No. 130183

It's just so hard for me to understand that PT is a 30 year old woman acting this way. It's like she has a developmental disability.

No. 130204

lol Dribbles told her to go back to elegant lolita fashion. Stop trying to actually help Dribbles, it's more fun to feed into her delusions

No. 130315

Everyone has these struggles in their 20s, she just never was confronted with reality by her parents.

No. 130356

I really want to add her on Line Play, but I never find her… how come you have her on LP?

No. 130364

What do you mean? Just search her name and add her.

No. 130624

Her dreams are completly unrealistic to begin with (being an idol in Japan), and she's too lazy to even begin to try. I mean, as stupid as other weeaboo lolcows are, most of them even make the effort to shoop pictures, get some decent recording, save money/use parents' money to go to Japan… The Queen is even too kawaii for that.

If you're in your twenties and still want to be a perfect aidoru/maid in Japan while doing nothing at all to even try to accomplish any of your unrealistic epxectations, clearly there's something wrong with you.

No. 130676

anyone know if pt has a fetlife? and if not….why?

No. 130694

Pt could go to japan if she wanted, its not inpossiblely expensive

No. 130695

What these people don't realise, however, is that Japan is really a hyperconservative nation where this shit is even less acceptable than in the US

No. 130749

Because that is for impure sluts, anon.

B-but hentai! And gravure! Clearly they'd LOVE her over there! She's just an innocent young girl exploring her sexuality, anon~

No. 130847

i don't understand what she expects
for a agent from japan to just pick her out of the blue and take her to japan to live the kawaii life?

No. 130857

That is exactly what she expects.

No. 130885

Guys! PT's facebook…! She reactivated it!

No. 130886


No. 130889

File: 1435881972945.png (28.46 KB, 503x565, 1.PNG)

No. 130890


No. 130893

File: 1435882207861.png (28.49 KB, 241x862, Nothing can be more true..png)

lol no. :P i welcomed her back already

No. 130895

What a glorious day!
Let's pray Britfag or stupid trolls won't ruin the fun this time, sisters

No. 130896


No. 130902

File: 1435882595199.jpg (49.07 KB, 363x994, sdfsdf.jpg)

>30 years old

No. 130919

Having a week of horrible luck, car won't start for work, come inside, PT FB IS BACK BABY!

The goddess returns in my hour of need!

No. 130921


She talks like asif she's a 12 year old who's not allowed to put things on the Internet, but she's 30. She seriously needs to put her foot down with how her mother acts.

No. 130925

I kinda think maybe her mum doesn't really want her to grow up. The other day she posted about not being able to decline going to the pool because it'd upset her mum and she needed pixy to carry her things. What kind of parent thinks it's okay to control the decisions of their adult child like that?

No. 130929

File: 1435883899709.jpg (287.35 KB, 683x1024, 1408271130354.jpg)


Yeah, part of me feels like PTs mom is probably crazy too. People don't turn into kawaii queens of this caliber naturally. I've met a few crazy mothers that try to control their adult children, shit is weird and creepy. Not trying to say PT isn't responsible but I don't think she became this way by herself.

No. 130930

On the contrary, that seems kind of normal. I'm of the opinion that if you're living with your parents for free, you need to do things to placate them, and ensure that they're happy. It's just the right thing to do.
My mother gets so depressed she can barely leave the house sometimes, so whenever she runs errands or wants to go to the pool or the beach or a restaurant somewhere, she drags me along and gets very upset if I don't go. It's something very simple I can do to make her life better. If I had other plans, then we would work around them together.
I just don't think that's unusual. Not to sound like a dick, but that's just being respectful to your parents.
Her 'my mother won't let me make a YouTube!' sounds like bullshit, though – or perhaps it's not 'my mother won't let me,' and more 'my mother would be extremely disappointed by me making a channel where I prance around half-nude and humiliating myself to a vast public forum.'
Almost every time we hear from the parents of lolcows, we always hear of them filtered through the hateful perception of their insane spawn. I always imagine the parents being worried and normal. I think this is definitely true in the case of dear PT.

No. 130934

That's true, and I totally get what you're saying. It would also be pretty hard not to snap at PT because you know she's the type to leave all the dishes and laundry out for her mother to clean even though PT sits on her butt all day.

No. 130938

No anon, its fucking weird.

No. 130941

File: 1435884554868.jpg (82.18 KB, 527x543, cocks.jpg)

Go get famous baby

No. 130945



No. 130946

I agree with most of this. I’m sure her mother is a little crazy since there’s no way PT turned out this way 100% on her own, but I think it’s exaggerated.

Pixy is still mentally stuck at 14 years old, so of course she only talks about her parents when they’re being unfair meanies who won’t let her do anything. She still has the ungrateful, immature mindset of most teenagers. Not to mention if she’s not going to act like an adult, I’m sure her parents aren’t going to treat her like one…I wouldn't if I were them.

No. 130948

I don't want to sound like a dick either, but your mum isn't normal. You've just said yourself in your post that she has severe depression. Like cripplingly severe depression. How you can say that in the same breath as saying what she does is normal and usual I do not understand. Normal parents respect their children's agency past a certain age, especially with things like non essential leisure activities.

Getting upset 'cause your kid wont help you run errands (Groceries, laundry, shit like that) they're going to benefit from is one thing, making them come to the pool to be your pack mule is another.

No. 130975

Really? You think it's 'fucking weird' for a mother to not have involvement in her daughter's life when she's 30 years old and still mooching off of her with absolutely no responsibilities? What would be 'normal,' just letting her rot in her room all day, only coming out to make humiliating videos to post on the Internet? Is it 'normal' to let your daughter let up massive debt in retarded cosplay shit – which you then have to try to pay off – and still pay your daughter's every expense, including the simple cost of food and utilities?
I'm actually disgusted by these comments saying her mother is somehow 'controlling' or 'abusive.' I'm fucking appalled that you can't see through her perspective, and that you'd be so uncaring for your parents that you think it's normal to completely ignore them while mooching off of them.
I'm not defending PT, I'm fucking lambasting her, and I have nothing but pity for her mother.

I'm not going to go into my personal history, but the depression is a new event which started when we were in a very bad car accident three months ago. It was silly of me to reference that in my post, because that isn't the normal situation, so it invalidates my point kind of. Still, what I described is what I have always done, and what most other people that I speak to do. I guess it's because I'm from an ethnic background, but I wouldn't dream of doing something to upset my parents. It's not suffering from 'abuse' or 'toxicity,' it's just being a good person.

>Getting upset 'cause your kid wont help you run errands (Groceries, laundry, shit like that) they're going to benefit from is one thing, making them come to the pool to be your pack mule is another.

This is how I imagine that exchange happening. PT's mother asks her to get the fuck out of her room and go to the pool with her, hoping to benefit PT in the process as they do something enjoyable together. PT is a whiny cunt and refuses, staring absently at her computer. PT's mother makes up some kind of excuse like 'but you need to carry my things!' to try to guilt her into coming. PT still refuses, and her mother gets upset at the fact that her daughter is a fucking shut-in failure. PT can't tolerate dealing with her mother's emotions and accepts going to the pool with great reluctance.
This is an extreme counterexample, but you seriously have to think about what really goes on in their interactions, because I don't believe a word any of these cows say. Just think about Ashley and her mother in the eating disorder threads.

This is a long-winded post, so TL;DR – don't trust anything PT says, and take every interaction she described with a grain of salt, imagining the perspective of everyone involved with her situation.

No. 131022

you seem upset

No. 131028


Like I'm more excited for her birthday than mine.

No. 131029

I think you're probably right on the exchange going something like that, but I reckon debbie's motivations are a little less noble. We know from outside sources that Debbie is a mental. We know she has bi-polar disorder as well.

I reckon she's one of those mothers really concerned with her family being "Normal" and Pixy totally ruins that for her. The whole thing with the obsessive tanning and blonde hair, and being ashamed of Pixy for almost everything she does. (granted - PT engages pretty shameful behaviour) I just really get the impression from the limited bits of interaction we've seen that Debbie never started treating Sarah more like an adult. Way back when when she was actually a semi-decent lolita, with red hair, if she'd had some acceptance from her parents - not encouragement - just acceptance that she's an adult who's allowed to choose her own hobbies and interests however stupid they seem, she might not have turned out so crazy. I don't think any of her choices have ever really been viewed as valid by her parents.

but y'know, this is mainly conjecture.

No. 131071

File: 1435890128277.jpg (136.94 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

Oh my god, shut up and take it to /b/ you fucking cunts. PIXYTERI IS BACK ON FACEBOOK!

No. 131074

she wont be able to handle the fact that she is thirty now, lol

No. 131080

File: 1435890290622.jpg (162.68 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

No. 131082

File: 1435890378423.jpg (242.27 KB, 684x960, image.jpg)

I'm going to be out of the country for our queens birthday :,(

No. 131088

>not flying all the way to victoria, texas just to wish her a happy birthday instead

No. 131097

I know anon, what the fuck is wrong with me :(

Is anyone going to try to give/make her something for her birthday?

No. 131142

>I've been really busy lately


No. 131146

Damn, I'm assuming that's her living room. Mama PT seems like a neat freak. I like how clean it is in contrast with Sarah's sty.

No. 131150

>me time

No. 131200

your entire life is 'me time', PT

No. 131207

Speaking of Rammstein, the lead singer released his solo album where all of his songs are English. I think PT would get a kick out of this song since she mentioned loving Rammstein:

No. 131217

Kek, are you new?

If so she needs someone to put their foot down in her life seeing as shes just a big womanchild.

No. 131220

Bruh maybe you're the odd one out.

No. 131225

when is her bday

No. 131237

I've noticed that too. Her house is pretty nice actually and always very neat, her room aside.

No. 131282

Every time PT fucks up her parents have to bail her out. PT goes to school and does nothing with her degree? Parents pay. PT goes to the ER? Parents pay. PT gives out her nudes and they get posted online? Parents hire a laywer to try to remove them. PT can't get a job because her tits and ass are all over the internet? Parents support her.
I completely understand her mom trying to stop PT from sabotage herself and her adult life YET AGAIN.
Also I honestly wonder how much of the stuff PT says Debbie is ~forcing~ her to do is actually happening. Did Debbie demand PT tan at the pool or was Debbie babysitting PT so she can't go out flashing her vagina on a playground and get arrested. PT said her parents treated her like a slave when they wanted her to wash dishes for fuck's sake.

No. 131328

I think that her parents have realized PT can’t make reasonable decisions on her own and has already fucked up her life, so they are trying to help put her on a decent path by “forcing” her to get a job, help out around the house, bathe, etc.

PT thinks her life is absolute hell because her parents want her to get a job and do some chores around the house. Maybe they do “force” her to do certain things, but it’s probably just because they’re frustrated with her and are trying to do SOMETHING to help, and not because they’re ~meanies who don’t want her to fulfill her dreams~ like PT thinks.

No. 131335

When did her Parent's get a lawyer to get the nudes down?

No. 131361

I've been following pixyteri since back when CGL first discovered her and I really agree with you. Not that PT isn't at fault for her behavior too but I seriously think she would greatly benefit from getting away from her mom. being in that house is seriously not doing her any good.

No. 131372

File: 1435914246529.png (514.46 KB, 640x960, image.PNG)

No. 131375

Wait, what?

No. 131379

Yoooooo. Is she an alcoholic now…?

No. 131381

I'm pretty sure she's exaggerating, but even so, it's not like PT to self medicate like that

No. 131405

That'd be the end of her.

No. 131406

When I search her name it keeps saying "there's no user with that name", that's why I'm asking

No. 131413

search "pixyteri" and it should come up. a lot of people search yune kisuke or whatever she has for her "name" but that's just her display name, not her username.

No. 131414

She's not an alcoholic. She just had a drink.

When she says "I can't give up or stop" I think she means "I can't give up or stop working out."

No. 131493

All of this. People forget that PT is not an adult at all, and can't do anything for herself unless she wants to, and the shit she wants to do is a waste of time.

No. 131561

She needs to realise that her name comes with a lot of very potentially precious renown. If she plays her cards right she could be e-famous far more than she already is by playing into the chub cosplayer crowd and those creepy DA guys

but noooooOOOOO she has to pretend she's a siye 4 12 year old.

No. 131636

File: 1435950400093.png (232.9 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2015-07-03-14-04-36…)

No. 131822

What is with the creepy stiff hand and arm movements?

No. 131928

Hey… Is her Facebook gone or did she unfriend me? ;(

No. 131948

Still up, she posted something about asking a manga artist how to draw hands. I'd screencap, but I'm on my phone rn

No. 132230

File: 1436040794547.jpg (121.19 KB, 720x960, IMG_2306.jpg)

No. 132231

File: 1436040861699.png (466.44 KB, 640x960, IMG_2307.png)

Sheesh, she's so bitter.
Nothing is good enough, is it?

No. 132234

This picture is creeping me out.
>but who was hand

No. 132235

Yeesh, she doesn't know how good she has it.

No. 132247

whats in her hand

No. 132248

It looks like a crawfish.

No. 132250

Why is she so… greasy?

No. 132252

File: 1436044928250.jpg (60.53 KB, 843x614, blancanieves-y-los-siete-enani…)

No. 132253

Jesus she looks old here.

No. 132255

Aren't those drippy necklaces exspensive as fuck?

No. 132258

Old, sweaty or stinky pixy, I don't care. The only thing I want her to change is her attitude so she'll be somewhat realistically happy.

No. 132264


In every picture I've seen, her face has had a sort of matronly look about it.

Facial blemishes aside, she looks better in that picture than she has in a lot of others.

No. 132294

File: 1436052433409.jpg (166.22 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

she just posted this on lineplay

No. 132295

File: 1436052488010.jpg (167.98 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)


lol looks like someone flagged the image - which one of you was it?

No. 132297

>if it zips it fits

No. 132300


Dem workout lines.

No. 132305

I'm sure there are expensive brands that make them, but you can also get a necklace like this at Hot Topic for, like, $10.

No. 132309

What are workout lines?

No. 132312

Kind of an inside joke. Back during her dA days, she upload a picture of herself in a bikini and she had these weird fatty bulges underneath her boobs. Someone made a comment about it and Pixy's excuse was that they were "workout lines."

No. 132313

The way she dresses with how old she looks just…no

No. 132318

>being this new

No. 132324

File: 1436057032572.jpg (106.16 KB, 666x1288, workoutlines.jpg)

it's worth bringing this classic back for posterity.

No. 132328

Okay, who the fuck reported PT's lineplay account, she got banned for obscenity

No. 132332

Was scrolling too fast. Thought you said she was banned for obesity.

No. 132350

oh man, that is gonna piss her off. She actually paid money for a lot of digital items on that account.

No. 132352

She's still on my line play. Where does it say she was banned?

No. 132354

Probably fucking Britfag

No. 132355

File: 1436058996351.png (10.6 KB, 462x116, pixy banned.png)

No. 132360

>i’m the least obscene person!
>posts photos of herself flashing her underwear at a children’s playground while dressed as a japanese elementary school student

No. 132362


Oh come on, I just downloaded it :<

No. 132376

File: 1436060464117.png (341.58 KB, 443x1017, pixy swimsuit.png)

laura needs to respect the queen

No. 132391

Laura is cunt and I hope she got blocked. Facebook is our final connection with the queen.

No. 132392

She looks pretty cute here! Has she lost weight?

No. 132393

she's from efagz so it's to be expected

No. 132395

I think all the "dancing" and lack of money to buy junk food is paying off. She looks better.

No. 132401

File: 1436062514021.jpg (120.02 KB, 638x635, image.jpg)

Pixy posted this
Oh the irony

No. 132446

She does look like she's lost some weight, good for her.

No. 132455

there wasn't even any self pityin this post

anyway PT's looking good

No. 132560

Fuck yes, pixy. She has my support. Take this easy salad recipe and slowly take it on: http://www.primaverakitchen.com/quick-easy-bean-salad/
She seems to have some sort of motivation - it must not be ruined.

No. 132690

They didn't ban her. They removed her post - I know this because she wrote a post right after it saying that she was banned.
I just checked, and that one was removed, but she's posted a 4th of July one

No. 132708

It's Texas in July. So it's probably hotter than the surface of the sun. But if you're gonna take pics and post them at least wipe down a little first. She looks like she just emerged from a bucket of Crisco.

No. 132931

She always looks so greasy! It being July matters not.

No. 132940

Is anyone else having a hard time navigating through pt onedrive, everytime i click next the arrows disappear on me.

No. 132953

holy crap! why is she so greasy? i mean more than usual

No. 133083

>Long sleeve shirt

I know it can probably get chillier at night, but she's not dressed in layers here. PT is just dumb.

No. 133395

File: 1436229888929.png (98.7 KB, 536x465, Untitled.png)

Never change, PT.

No. 133417

File: 1436232100140.gif (928.25 KB, 500x281, wrong-opinion1.gif)

god bless pt.

No. 133451

File: 1436234789590.png (68.09 KB, 510x595, ptyouoldasshitnigga.png)


No. 133459

>>133451 because you look hoe and dress like a 12 year old hoe. Its not that hard.

No. 133470

File: 1436235858019.jpg (1.23 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20150706_222233.jpg)

Just a little PT fanart sketch.

No. 133471

she needs more lines in her face

No. 133473


She looks like PT, but cuter here. Kuddos

No. 133487

You should send that to her

No. 133488


What you're saying is far from Pixy and Debbie's situation. You seem to be supporting your mother in a time of need, anon. She needs you there to act as crutch while she deals with her depression. If anything your mother is expecting you to act like an adult, not a child, like what debbie is doing to Pixyteri.

Now to beat a dead horse -

Debbie's treatment of Sarah is a mixture of Sarah's entitlement and Debbie's bipolar. It's the right mixture for a perfect storm. While I think Debbie doesn't exactly want Sarah to stay in pubescent stages, she does thinks that are counter productive to growing up. I only say this because I'm positive Debs and Sarah have a co-dependant relationship and it's extremely unhealthy. Debbie would never throw Pixy out and screams at her for not acting like an adult, not being able to pay her bills and smelling bad. However, Debbie is enabling despite her being frustrated with the outlandish behavior of Sarah. She loves her daughter and doesn't want to hurt her by throwing her out. By all reason and logic, it's easy to believe Sarah would NOT make it out there and land up prostituting. But what's even more damaging to Sarah is how Debbie treats her. She fucking devalues her, pays her bills which in turn allows her to spend money on junk and supports almost all her expenses. Debbie does it out of love, but she definitely lays on the guilt like it's going to motivate Sarah to get out there on her own. Meanwhile, it only makes her feel depressed and defeated.

I only say all this because my mother is a bit like Debbie. Of course not batshit insane, but then again I'm not at all like Sarah. My mother would constantly try and pay my bills, encourage me to move home when I was having financial problems, but she also threw it a lot in my face. Trying not to turn this into me, but I can sort of understand Sarah. When you're given an opportunity to blow your money on bullshit, you do it, not realizing the real satisfaction comes from being independent. It's hard to fathom less stuff will eventually lead you to more happiness, but your own home is worth a billion dollars. Even if it's technically worth 100k.

No. 133490

not like what Debbie is doing to Sarah*

No. 133602

I can't wait to see this.

No. 133612

Is she wearing boot covers over her bare feet?

No. 133614

Yea that's her feet.

No. 133616

The facial expressions are the best part.

No. 133622

I will say I'm a bit jealous of how little cellulite she has. Cottage cheese thighs run in my family, even on my 95lbs older sister.

No. 133627

Did someone shoop her hips wider in this pic? Usually she'd very top/middle heavy and has no hips whatsoever. Maybe it's just the pose?

No. 133629

Wow she is so greasy looking

No. 133634

It's a weird feeling to be envious of PT. The other day I was stunned by how quickly she's losing her stomach fat. So jelly; when I gain the fat goes straight there and it's the last place it leaves. She needs to do something ridiculous to put the universe back in order.

No. 133653

File: 1436251575940.jpg (167.05 KB, 774x1032, no_edits_by_pixyteriyaki-d4go6…)

It's the pose, and I believe she's wearing shapewear underneath too

No. 133654

File: 1436251660853.jpg (160.71 KB, 729x1096, the_heart_by_pixyteriyaki-d4go…)

Gosh, she's adorable here

No. 133670

She really does looks cute in that outfit at that size. The only problem is the straps digging into her shoulders.

No. 133674

File: 1436254715457.jpg (193.49 KB, 900x1353, hotaru_by_pixyteriyaki-d4gnoj0…)

Yeah, I think bunny suits are surprisingly flattering on her

No. 133679

She also seems to be pretty stretch mark free. PT got lucky in some ways.

No. 133683

She thinks her dancing is working out yet she barely moves. It's just creepy bouncing, like a sad jello.
If anything she may be losing weight because she can't afford to eat chinese buffet every day now that she's unemployed (even though it's what her heretiji wants). It's nice to see her admitting she needs to lose weight rather than just screaming that she is thin and clothes are just made wrong.

No. 133693

We have PT's address. Someone gift her a Walmart Beauty Box subscription so she can learn how to take care of her face.

No. 133699

I have a better idea: Japanese skincare and make up. She'll dig this shit and will finally put some sun protection on before these sun spots escalate.

No. 133714

>I deserve to be better because it was my favorite childhood film
>implying nobody else had this as their favorite film ever
Oh PT you're right, you're just so amazingly special.

I agree with this. I don't envy Debbie for having to put up with Sarah, but it's partially her own fault. She yoyos between yelling at her to become an independent adult and babying her. Some kids develop independence on their own regardless of their parents' coddling but Sarah is not one of those. Debbie has a loud bark but no bite, so Sarah has learnt that no matter what she does she will always have a home and people to pay her bills for her. There's no real incentive to grow up, especially since she apparently has no sense of shame. I think Debbie should start charging her daughter rent even if it's just a little. Maybe raise it incrementally. Push Sarah to get off her ass, find another job/get edumacated, and learn to provide for herself even if she's still doing it in her parents' home.

I wonder what would happen if Debbie was no longer around and PT only had to deal with her father. Would he kick her out?

No. 133716

And by "father" I mean the husband of her mother whose chin she inherited despite not being at all related to him on the count of having a mysterious Japanese windchime salesman father, of course.

No. 133744

> I used to sing to "I'm Alive"…
For such a fan I'm surprised she doesn't know that's not the song title, but of course no one knows more or better than PT.

No. 133752

What does she think she deserves exactly?

No. 133763

To be a beloved, ethereal princess simply because she draws breath, of course!

No. 133775

File: 1436281158227.jpg (20.34 KB, 375x542, CEqNrh4UUAMAOOl.jpg)

>tfw wanting to friend the queen on Facebook but not sure how to without seeming like a creeper.

No. 133786

Haha right, PT. She'd throw a ginormous fit if she ever went to one of the Last Unicorn screening tour events. There were a ton of hardcore fans–even gasp ones that read the book!

No. 133796

You're right.
>wearing heels to make her legs less stumpy
>clean, styled hair

No. 133806

Same. I messaged her and told her I loved her cosplay etc, but she doesn't check her "other messages" folder

No. 133832

File: 1436292927967.png (122.04 KB, 398x309, 1432979263481.png)


The feels, anon. I too contacted her on Skype, but after she just sent me a simple 'thanks' i got all flustered and that was that.

No. 133877

File: 1436299038862.jpg (207.18 KB, 900x1265, got_me_down_by_pixyteriyaki-d3…)

Well most of the time

No. 133883

Just add her. The most she can do is not accept your request

No. 134004

Her knee looks bruised. She usually has a lot of leg bruises. I used to wonder why but then I saw how many times she was kneeling or laying on a hardwood floor in her videos. My knees get wrecked from that. If something rolls under my bed I have to go get a cushion to kneel on.

Anyway, her face looks really pretty in this pic. She really should stick to more mature womanly looks and ditch the 13 year old Japanese schoolgirl thing.

No. 134140

Fat people always seem to have random bruises all over their legs. What's up with that?

No. 134147

She actually looks.. better?

No. 134148

Bad circulation

No. 134160

Anemia or poor nutrition, as well as just getting older or having translucent skin can cause you to bruise easier. For PT I'm sure it's probably just bad diet

No. 134266

It could be a form of self-mutilation seeing her instable state?
I often hit my legs really hard when I get very frustrated, luckily people think I'm just really clumsy.

No. 134279

Nah, her bruises are on the joints so it's probably just from putting too much pressure on them in her uncomfortable poses. I used to do the same thing (hitting my legs) but It was always on the top of my thighs.

No. 134284

PT just throws her phone on the ground when she's upset. Then she picks it back up and posts about it.

No. 134300

File: 1436339812110.jpg (180.19 KB, 900x1258, 1331333549159.jpg)

I'm pretty sure it's just from kneeling on the ground, guys. I think those shots were taken in her garage which has a hard concrete floor, and the fishnets rubbing on her knees would cause the redness, like carpetburn.

No. 134328

She might also be prone to bruising due to shit diet. She might be lacking in iron since I doubt she eats enough leafy greens or quality meat. They don't come in kawaii enough packaging :(

No. 134438

Make her arms a little bit thinner, give her more of a smile, then send it to her.

No. 134441

I'm personally just really clumsy. I bump against my bed, chair, and bedside table. Like a few weeks ago i banged my knee on the corner of my bed side table so hard that it started bleeding.

No. 134892

File: 1436419005379.jpg (82.82 KB, 1075x685, _20150709_063716.JPG)

It seems it while be a while before our Queen graces peasants with new glorious butt shots. :(

No. 134894

And now i see why one should not type on ones phone when tired. :(
Sorry for shitty grammar. ASHAMED

No. 134959

Why is everything conspiring against us?! WE'RE SO CLOSE!

But really, it sounds like she just needs a new memory card. Maybe even take the current one out and put it back in. Mine likes to give me shit from time to time and that's always fixed the error.

No. 135010


Sounds like someone needs a birthday present! I wish we could somehow arrange to finance a nice camera for her in exchange for maintaining her twitter again. PT patrons. She is an artiste.

No. 135015

>Camera committed suicide.
Couldn't handle the awkward shame.

No. 135107

Perhaps we should. Hell, I'd donate 5-10 dollars for our queen to get a new camera for her birthday. Why not.

No. 135243

I highly doubt she wants to be reminded she's 30 in a few weeks

No. 135265

File: 1436479108175.png (3.01 MB, 1528x1024, pixy.png)

attempted to make some subtle changes for our queen.

No. 135273

That picture had already been shooped by Miyu and it looked fine, you made it look like Venus shooped it.

No. 135380

File: 1436485994213.jpg (159.66 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

No. 135551

I'm glad she's taking this relatively well. Isn't LINE Japanese? She could easily have gone the "Japanese people think my body is profane abloobloobloo" route but instead she's bouncing back like nothing happened.

No. 135583

File: 1436525398435.jpg (6.68 KB, 250x242, 1429358445161.jpg)

it's true

No. 135587

is it just me or has she lost weight?

No. 135588

What's the deal with so many people sharing a lot of qualities with the lolcows they follow? Fat loser weeaboos follow PT, foreveralone nerds follow chris, wannabe idorus follow venus, ED-and-in-denial girls follow what's her skeleton.

No. 135591

Misery loves company, I guess.
People feel better when they see someone worse off than themselves.

I've never been a weeb tho. Some of us are just cunts who like to have a good laugh.

No. 135593

>I've never been a weeb tho.

No. 135606

Look at her arms and that barrel stomach. She hasn't lost weight a bit.

No. 135797

Are you kidding, this is like psychology 101 - people see their insecurities in others. I'm not anywhere close to physically similar to PT, but I will admit mentally I've had my "I wish I could be an adored aidoru/cosplayer" weeaboo moments. So I can sympathize enough with that, and recognize in myself that it's such a stupid thing to desire/pursue, and make fun of her for actually doing it.

It's your typical "I hate that person because unconsciously I'm jealous and/or unconsciously I see the things I am insecure about myself in them"

No. 135798

I meant subconsciously, not unconsciously (lel)
Adding to that, it's why nerds pick on other types of nerds - for example, I'm a lolita, so I know in the lolita community people HATE furries or ageplayers. Because they are insecure about being seen as "weird" in lolita, so they lash out at other "weird" communities. Personally I feel like we're all fuckin weirdos, and I hold no resentment or judgment against furries/ageplayers…

Does that make sense?

No. 135843

File: 1436569187740.jpg (91.33 KB, 536x600, FIG-IPN-3203.jpg)

Pic related. It made me think of you guys.

No. 135853

Wow, the accuracy. This could be semi official merch.

No. 135855

Chin isn't big enough.

No. 135901

>Are you kidding, this is like psychology 101
can we have a rule where people are no longer allowed to pretend to be psychologists on this board

No. 135995

In the last many years, I've tried to explain my obsession with Pixyteri to various people in my life and always come up short. They just assume she is retarded and that I am a sicko for being enamored with her story (neither of which is completely false).

Does anyone else have this problem? Is this really so weird? I know some people here say they laugh about cows with their partners or parents.

I consider lolcow boards on par with reading a tabloid…

On-topic: Pixy is posting her dance videos on Facebook but claims to only be selecting ones that aren't embarrassing!

No. 136002

I've only told my immediate family about her and only because we have our own PT. My mom's reaction was mainly 'tell me if someone fixes her so we know what to do'.

Is there any way to get a mirror for the Facebook videos? I don't want to make an account just to watch her be…herself.

No. 136003

Dear god…I can’t imagine what videos PT considers embarrassing if she thinks the usual ones aren’t. They must be horrifying.

No. 136004

She posted the one in the "nothing kawaii to see here" lolcow banner, can't fucking breathe.

No. 136005

link pls

No. 136008


Is her Facebook private? She's just posting selections of dancing videos from her one drive, so nothing new.

No. 136009

I tried to show a video of pixy dancing to my boyfriend, but he closed the window immediately. I realize not everyone wants to laugh at pixy

No. 136010

I love PT because I love drama. She causes so much drama for herself and over exaggerates all her problems. It's fun to watch.

No. 136013

I've compared it to tabloids too, actually. Just some random weird person on the internet I'm amused by. Luckily, almost all my friends are also at least vaguely amused by her, but they definitely don't find it as captivating as I do haha

No. 136017

I can't help but like how awkward her public dancing videos are. That constant looking to the side to check to see if nobody is around while she acts kawaii lol.

No. 136019

File: 1436588615075.jpg (238.69 KB, 720x1235, PhotoGrid_1436588449217.jpg)

Facebook has changed it's settings so that you have to have an account to view people's accounts, even if it's public. Only exceptions are accounts for public figures/fansites and businesses. Otherwise when you visit it looks like the attached picture.

No. 136021

I see following these forums and blogs as kind of like watching reality tv, but more interactive. Sitting in front of a tv can't hold my attention unless I'm stoned off my ass, but the format of internet drama kind of sucks me in.

No. 136022

File: 1436589438837.jpg (154.67 KB, 1278x1793, FB_IMG_1436589300781.jpg)

Your hair is all fucked up, Pixy.

No. 136023

File: 1436589483860.jpg (219.43 KB, 1536x2048, FB_IMG_1436589309502.jpg)

No. 136052

File: 1436592442079.png (437.49 KB, 853x480, 23455.png)

No. 136131

File: 1436611921630.png (1.05 MB, 1343x740, pt.png)

No. 136138

I don't know why she's so against makeup and taking care of her skin. Even 16 year old nihonjins wear makeup. Not wearing makeup only makes you look younger when you're ACTUALLY super young and have the skin to pull it off. It's really obvious she never bothers with sun protection either, even though she hates tanning and always whines about her wrinkles. She's ridiculously illogical.

Oh, and that randomly placed rilakkuma clip hanging there limply is super depressing as well.

No. 136140

So desperate to get to nippon, she swam there

No. 136233

>Debbie does it out of love, but she definitely lays on the guilt like it's going to motivate Sarah to get out there on her own. Meanwhile, it only makes her feel depressed and defeated.

Sorry to have to also beat the dead horse, but as someone with a narcissistic parent that is not love. Parents who give their children "gifts" or pay bills for them and then later hang these favors over their head to make them feel ungrateful, devalued, and dependent are NOT doing it out of love. They are doing it out of a need to feel in complete control of their child. It's disgusting behavior, and it clearly has taken a toll on PT.

No. 136298

This!!! you hit the nail on the head here!

No. 136301

Goddamn it anon! You just caused me to make the most inhuman squawking sounds!

No. 136475

It's the same reason she doesn't want to practice or work on anything, she thinks she's perfect and kawaii just as she is. She thinks she shouldn't have to do a goddamn thing for people to think she's an innocent sex goddess.

No. 136477

yeah i’ve always found it really weird that she’s so obsessed with youth but puts absolutely zero effort into looking younger/preventing aging, like skincare, sunscreen, or makeup. but that’s PT for you, she never puts effort into anything.

No. 136490

same. fucking lol

No. 136749

I think she looks really good here, her butt looks fantastic.
Does anybody know where Sarah gets her bunny suits from?
I can't imagine ever finding one with corset boning in it online… But I feel like she would look pretty good in one of those.

No. 136868

File: 1436765521300.png (518.75 KB, 1516x558, ebay.png)

Looks like she's trying to make some cash

No. 136871

So anons, who is taking one for he team and getting this?

No. 136874


She's also got a stinky old pair of shoes up for those of you who are dying to find out what her feet smell like

No. 136892

>Fancy paper dolls set
>Stretched to hell and back

No. 137016

Looking through her feedback
>sold makeup
>her art books

No. 137019


I'm so close to smelling the queens stretched out brand dresses.
so so close

No. 137111

No. 137288

I'm not familiar with all of whom Pixy has cosplayed but I think she'd make a kinda cute Windows XP-tan, if she used a bit of makeup and didn't get anything too tight. It's just too bad that she seems a bit crazy about only wanting to cosplay characters the same height as herself, it really limits her a lot. Not that her lack of skill and passion doesn't do that for her already.

No. 137291

File: 1436853436845.jpg (462.69 KB, 1090x1333, ptscreen.jpg)

No. 137296

Really wish people would shut the fuck up with lame critiques we have all heard a million times. It's nothing she hasn't heard before.

Fucks like that are what keep driving her away and why we can't have nice things.

I don't think she only cosplays characters her height but it seems to be a weird preoccupation with her, in that no matter how shit the cosplay is she thinks she's super authentic and realistic to the character because she's the same height. She just uses it as a justification, I guess.

No. 137301

Ah okay that makes sense, still seems like such an odd thing to fixate on. Then again this is pixy, pretty much everything about her odd at the very least.

No. 137302

Can newfags just fucking stop criticising our queen? The more you criticize her, the less milk she will produce. Her birthday meltdown will be hilarious enough without edgy assholes ruining everything.

Also, how pathetic is it when you feel the need to insult a mentally ill, delusional 30 year old woman? Does it make people feel better about themselves? Fucking weens.

No. 137313

Oh my gosh, Pixy's avatar on LP is wearing the yukata I bought her after the blog incident earlier. I feel so blessed to have been recognized by our goddess.

Also, Pixy just posted a new journal. I'd cap it if I knew how and wasn't too lazy to look it up.

No. 137314

File: 1436857815067.png (240.75 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-07-14-03-05-45…)

The doodle wouldn't load for me.

No. 137315

File: 1436858086755.webm (2.53 MB, 640x360, The Legend of the Nightblade.w…)

So not that guy, but maybe someone is trolling people that want to see PT? I mean that is an angle, not one I like or would use, but it could be one.

No. 137317

File: 1436859781126.png (1.43 MB, 1080x1920, pt_the_manatee.png)


No worries, I got it

No. 137318

That is the best art she has drawn

No. 137330

Does she wear those shitty contact lenses to bed?

No. 137331

If by blog, she means her LP journal, she does realize she has to follow the rules right? Because minors and such? Or some people who are not into our queen doesn't want to she her "weight loss". Imo, it should matter what people post, just ignore and move on. I wish there was a way to tell PT that she has to follow the rules or face consequences without getting blocked. sigh

Guessing that the corgi person is new to PT, it's sad to see people trying not realizing they are wasting their time.
And someone please tell me she doesn't wear those contacts to bed….

No. 137337

she's becoming self-aware! it's like all those years of research are finally reaching a conclusion. i'm witnessing an evolutionary process

No. 137345

I'm pretty sure she's referring to comments like she got in >>137291 when she says she can post what she wants and if you don't like it you should delete it, not that post of her weight loss or whatever

No. 137355

Ohhhh my bad guys. Sorry!
However, my point still stands, mad when she was banned, but I guess we're pass that….

I really want to comment and tell her 30 doesn't mean her life is over(unless she makes it that way), but I'mma wait after her bday

Also, since i dont trust myself to do this because I'm a fuck up, can someone attempt to tell that corgi guy to leave her be before she runs away?

No. 137363

I used to think that the best thing for PT was to get off the Internet, but there is SO much out there about her now, what's the point?
I'm not sure she is getting much in the way of non-familial socialization at all, so I vote being online and getting asspats makes her feel better or what is the point of it?

No. 137379

I think at this point she not only needs to get off the internet but actually change her name and possibly move out of Victoria. It would take a lot of change, effort and money (quite frankly, even for a normal person, much less PT).

No. 137389

Now that you mention it, XP-tan would be a pretty good fit for her. Now I want to see this so fucking bad T_T

No. 137441

File: 1436892636954.jpg (120.91 KB, 534x701, image.jpg)

Who wants to start a gofund me for pixy surgery?

No. 137448

File: 1436893797428.jpg (26.13 KB, 480x684, image.jpg)

XP-tan is perfect for PT holy shit, especially given her personality

No. 137540

It would also make her take out those stupid circle lenses and show of her gorgeous blue eyes. She even has the corded off hair that PT has fallen so in love with since Kokoro. It's pretty much the prefect cosplay for her I think, but I worry she'd look her up and see that the estimated height is somewhere between 5'5"-5'9" and just go, "Nope, she's too tall and that's not kawaii."

No. 137606

Okay, that drawing is actually pretty cool

No. 137638


>"Otherwise I'll just stop writing or playing line play all together."

is it just me, or is she aware that there're people who are still following her for the lulz and being nice to her so that she supplies them with milk and directly threatening them?


No. 137662

>> 137638

No. 137663

I don't think it's the height she's going to have a problem with, it's the weight. XP-tan is clearly heavy

No. 137664

Your newfag is showing. She's always known boards like this exist. She's even come into PT threads on /cgl/ and chatted with us. The fact that people follow her for dramu and lulz is nothing unknown to her

No. 137725

Not new at all to Pixy. I know that she knows these boards exist, but reading it at the time seemed like it was targeted specifically for the people like us who watch her. I doubt it was, but it popped into my head and made me laugh.

No. 137757

If Ou read a few messages down, another anon said she was referring to that corgi person from the bed picture journal.
Now in this journal comments, people asked if she reported him, and I think it was either her or someone else that did.

A little ot rant, but why don't people read some of the thread before they comment? It save the thread a lot of messages from repeating the same things over and over, and information that is different won't be hidden in the flood of repetitive comments. Usually if people read, it's right above them. Biggest offender thread is Berry's.

No. 137758


No. 138020

File: 1436964146768.jpg (134.9 KB, 681x1024, DSCN1280-001_zps08f8a929.jpg)

This. Practically everyone in Victoria knows who she is and you get all her antics when you google her full name. If she (or her parents) wanted her to start over she'd need to change her surname, move to bumfuck nowhere with no cosplay/weeb scene and completely take away her internet access. Maybe then she'd be able to have a normal life. Of course even in that situation her personality would get in the way and her past would probably end up biting in her in the ass, somehow. She certainly doesn’t seem to think there is anything wrong with it.

>imagine being Bob Normal from Bumfuck, TX

>meet sexy 30-year-old single lady Sarah Beauxguil, a saucy curvy lady very secure in her sexuality who wants to settle down and become a cute little housewife
>fast-forward to ten years later, when you and your lovely wife Sarah Normal have built yourselves a beautiful little family with ten wonderful kids
>but then you find that Sarah has been spending quite a lot of time on the internet, chatting under the name "pixyteri"
>google "pixyteri" and this comes up
>what do

Honestly I still think she should just admit to herself that she’s fat and start camming as a BBW.

No. 138056

>Honestly I still think she should just admit to herself that she’s fat and start camming as a BBW.

seriously. she could buy all the things she wants while getting all the attention she craves. it's madness she hasn't done it, but at the same time i kind of respect her for not doing it (despite the fact that she basically does it for free)? pt is so perplexing.

No. 138064

>meet sexy 30-year-old single lady Sarah Beauxguil, a saucy curvy lady very secure in her sexuality who wants to settle down and become a cute little housewife

If she were on a reality TV show or something, I think this would be a fine with this being her introduction.

No. 138115

PT should go on Love, Lust or Run

No. 138130

Judging by her hair this is probably one of those days where her mom walks in and says even dogs take a bath, Sarah

No. 138132

She's holding onto that ladder or whatever the fuck it is and still doing a slight poop squat. Is it really that difficult to stand with your legs spread without squatting?? Jesus

No. 138150

File: 1436986275837.jpg (59.96 KB, 976x652, insta.jpg)

i'm making a proyect about the queen for uni i just wanted to share

No. 138163

>R C H
>L O L
>C O W

You're welcome anon

No. 138172

Does he suffer from dwarfism?

No. 138230

He actually looks a lot like PT

No. 138268

File: 1437007610791.png (489.22 KB, 960x717, 1366929558150.png)

Since sarah reopened her Fb i haven't been here in awhile…..
>looks at thread
>pic related
guess it was for the best…..

No. 138274

Well she is the queen of awkward poses after all.

The thing is, she's well aware of the "I'm poopin'" thing. On her DA people always commented that it looked like a poop pose. She'd just get mad and say something about it being sexy. So she doesn't believe it looks the way it does to us. She's seeing this pose in a completely different way than we do.

She's probably trying to emulate a pose that she sees in other girls photos and is doing it very poorly. It's worse from the back, because she's trying to show off her ass at a very unflattering angle for her body type. She needs to learn fat girl angles if she wants to do that.

No. 138346

File: 1437020457457.gif (164.19 KB, 300x300, 52cc44a622ed3.gif)

thats the thing, there are plenty of cute anime girls but pixy refuses to believe she is a skinny anime loli
hell, there are even chubby anime lolis too (pic related) if she REALLY insisted on cosplaying as them
she is just too delusional

No. 138347

*refuses to believe she isnt a skinny anime loli
oops, i done fucked up my point

No. 138364

File: 1437024639154.jpg (46.85 KB, 500x740, 1939790_10152057361076144_1445…)

Her not-manga stuff is actually not half bad. In fact, she paints much like Lucian Freud who's arguably one of the best living artists.

Pic related, Pt's art

No. 138365

sadly in her ebay she apparently sold her tablet not too long ago
she is a pretty decent artist but she completely throws it away for trying to be a idol and crap

No. 138388

Well she WAS into incest, right?

No. 138389

Wow how depressing she could of had real talent if she did non anime art, unless she traced it.

No. 138391


Wow, personally I think this is awesome. Definitely reminiscent of Lucien Freud. I like the distinctive style and the colours in the skin.


Yeah right. What the actual fuck, PT. She's a pretty good artist and has a lot of potential and room for improvement - and she spends the majority of her time wiggling spasmodically, pouting and flashing her panties in front of a camera.

No. 138487

File: 1437068303433.jpg (260.83 KB, 403x600, The Moaning Sarah.jpg)


The Year Is 2020
>Sarah Guilbeaux has just won The Turner Prize for the 2nd time
>Hailed globally, celebrated in mainstream media and critically acclaimed
>jellyfats on lolcow cry
>Some farmers try and be happy for PT
>PT gets so rich she buys Japan
>Becomes the Kawaii Queen Of Japan
>Fucks a new japanese hosuto every night
>Pt readies herself to accept a solo exhibition in every room National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
>She holds a Q&A with the media to talk about her newest expressionist painting "I'm just beginning to shine"
> Member of the press pipes up, it's a pasty white girl in her early twenties
>The pasty white girl dressed head to toe in Lolita looking like a swollen long toddler in a cheap shiny pastel wig begins to speak in english

>"Sarah! You need to take a bath immediately! You STINK!"

>PT is #triggered

>She shits in her hands and smears it over most of her paintings
>Squawking in broken Japanese she screams like an Orangutan "BAKA! BAKA! BAKA~!!!"
>The media get everything on camera the clip goes viral
>The Turner Prize goes to Sarah Guilbeaux for the 3rd year for her performance art
>Owns China now too

No. 138508

plot twist: pt is an ancient demon. can we find depictions of her from other places in the world throughout history?

No. 138509

lol I would die happy if that could happen.

That would be kinda cool.

No. 138512

Would it be possible to convince PT to go back into art?

No. 138514

It would be nice if someone could.

No. 138516

They both have really unfortunate proportions. Can you imagine what their kids could have looked like?

No. 138531

Hmm, I can see her accepting commissions or selling things, I think that would encourage her if anyone's got the spare cash

No. 138546

Pretty sure she recently said she thinks she's "too young" to be an illustrator. She definitley thinks any career that isn't about being cute and youthful is for "old people"' which is why she throws such a tantrum when anyone mentions her being a teacher.

No. 138768

File: 1437107631370.jpg (67.58 KB, 640x480, 1353890790959.jpg)

like this

No. 138846

New favourite theory. It would explain why she's so enthralling.

No. 139660

bumping my queen to page one!

No. 139667

File: 1437222300556.jpg (37.51 KB, 506x297, future.JPG)

No. 139726

File: 1437238007470.jpg (88.9 KB, 400x400, seemslegit.jpg)

No. 139730

love memes
tope de kek

No. 139904

File: 1437258062812.png (44.9 KB, 487x394, FPD.PNG)

>"If she leaves me negative feedback, so be it, but I don't think it would be fair considering how busy I've been and how I honestly forgot."

No. 139911

File: 1437258418556.png (23.26 KB, 481x248, prodancer.PNG)

Is she legit trying to become a "pro" dancer?
>Practicing 9-10 dance moves at one
How the fuck even?

No. 139924


That means the queen will soon bless us with her marvelous dance moves!

No. 139928

No. 139933

I feel so honored! My Queen liked, commented and replied to a random cat vid I posted on FB.

No. 139936


I've got to make a Facebook, i need to talk to the queen.

No. 139937

I died laughing when she stopped dancing when a vehicle drove by.
I'm downloading the video so others that don't have facebook can watch it. I'll link it here when I'm finished.

No. 140044

Come on PT. Just apologize.

No. 140048

"nothing I can't do" aka "Just beginning to shine"

No. 140052

Yeah, this punched me in the giggledick how she's saying she's so 'honest' when she sells things. Well I bought an outfit off her, and she didn't feel the need to tell me before I paid or before she shipped it out that the hooks on the back of the skirt above the zipper were broken. She wrote a little note and sent it with the outfit, but didn't tell me beforehand. She's full of it, I don't feel bad if she gets negative feedback lol

No. 140133

it makes zero fucking sense.

She has no formal dance training, and even if she did, you don't practice 10 different dances at the same time. You focus on 3-4 max.

No. 140172

I know I'm going to be labelled as a heretic for saying this, but her dancing videos are beginning to bore me. It's the same routine: PT clumsily stomping around to either some rap or kawaii anime theme, either trying to be sexy or cute and occasionally flashing us.

No. 140173

me too. i'm actually getting bored of pt. i rarely even check her thread anymore.

No. 140180

I check the thread because I like to read other people's comments on her shit and I don't have LinePlay either. I have PT on Facebook so I don't need it for that though.

No. 140192

I'm new to PT but how do I watch PT's videos and dancing videos without becoming her friend on either Facebook or lineplay?

No. 140194

Apart from the ones that are public on her drobox/my drive, I don't think there's a way

No. 140243

I think PT may have blocked me in the past because I don't see her show up when I search for her on Facebook. :(

No. 140250

File: 1437292764472.png (536.53 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-07-19-09-46-52…)

No. 140251

File: 1437292843710.png (2.95 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-07-19-09-47-00…)

No. 140258

No. 140259


What a cute little panda plush. PT seems like such a troubled soul. No matter how full of it she may seem, I feel sorry for her. Like I want to give her a hug damn…

No. 140287

File: 1437303196993.gif (985.43 KB, 500x278, 1418785940331.gif)

>people at the bar said mean things
Did some drunken hicks just insult OUR QUEEN

No. 140289

This made me sad

No. 140290

Just asking and curious, but how many of you here actually care for PT feelings? How many just think she's a curiosity? How many of you think she's lame? How many of you think she's cool? All of the above? Thank you.

No. 140291

All of the above. I love to laugh at her, but that doesn't mean she's not a human being with feelings, you know? She's never done anything explicitly wrong AFAIK, she's just a cringy, possibly mentally disordered womanchild.
I get annoyed when people outside of communities like Lolcow insult her. Rude motherfuckers don't know the queen like we do.

No. 140299

I'm more than happy to take the piss out of fat people, weaboos, laziness and attention seeking all day long, but pixy still strikes me as generally likable despite all her silliness, and she seems very vulnerable which automatically makes me want to protect her a little

No. 140300

For me she's mostly a curiosity I've gotten rather attached to over the years. I don't LIKE her but I'm fascinated by her and have become rather protective, so like >>140291 said when outsiders insult her it pisses me off. Only her true followers are allowed to call her a fat pathetic womanchild!

No. 140306

Honestly, I actually really care about her. I guess because I know what it's like to let yourself down and be lonely. There are some things she does that are troublesome and she needs to change, however, I admire her ability to be herself and keep trying.
I do try to become her friend. I hope that by becoming her friend she'll have a little more happiness in her life, so she'll be able to pick herself up a little. If she confided in me I'd never share it with you guys.
I want to do well with her and push her towards success in a gentle, kind way. She's so depressed, it's understandable why she fails a lot. It's why she doesn't keep her hair clean, buys what she doesn't need, and over eats. She's so unhappy most of the time that she relies on the quick buzz of eating something she likes or buying something she likes. I think she can't plan for the future because she puts so much effort into just trying to make it through the day.
I think she needs a real, true friend. Somebody that won't give up on her or spoil her privacy the moment things go south. She needs somebody she can truly lean on, so that she doesn't have to bare the burden of everything alone. It sucks not to have a single friend.
Her day to day life must be miserable. Every time she opens her eyes in the morning she sees nothing but the result of her failure. She's at home, she can't make enough money to leave. She's fat, she never lost the weight she wanted to lose. Her wardrobe barely fits, she's 30 and she's still never been the vision of kawaii that she's wanted to achieve. She goes to her job, it means nothing because it's not what she's dreamt of her whole life. Every day she has to face the fact that she failed herself in every aspect of her life. Imagine dealing with that when you have no one to talk to and no one to brighten your day?
She did it to herself, yes, but it's still miserable.

No. 140312

You are so kind. This is actually really sweet.
>tfw no super nice anon friend in my life

No. 140355

I'll be your anon friend, anonchan.

No. 140396

I've been following her so long that I can't help but root for her
I brought this up to her years ago, but she wasn't receptive at all, but I really think she would benefit greatly from DBT -→
I wonder if she'd do it if money wasn't an issue…

No. 140400

Someone open a fat fetish cafe disguised as a maid cafe. Employ PT but never tell her it's actually a fat fetish cafe.

No. 140410

I reckon a gofundme or patreon would work well for her in order to visit Japan. If we could see her visit the country she has longed to explore, her happiness would be a great thing to see.

No. 140414

She fascinates me but I do care a lot about her. I would love to be her friend and help her but I doubt that would happen.

No. 140420

Years ago it was Curiousity.

Now I just flat out care about PT. I cheer for her. In fact, I wish I could be her friend. I would asspat her all day if it meant she was happy and could continue to believe in her dreams (whether you think that is right or wrong I know varies for people).

When PT is happy, upbeat, and optimistic, it actually cheers me up.

No. 140428

Do this, spread it out to other sites, we gotta fund PT's dreams

No. 140442


We could suggest it to PT to set one up for herself, anyone else doing it is a risk, the money wouldn't even reach her most likely as there are plenty asshats out there who would love to trick her.

No. 140476

But would PT go to Japan alone as a tourist?

Its one thing going there to teach/as a job. But traveling alone.. is kinda different.

No. 140477


Financing a trip to Japan has been suggested many times. She's even been offered support a few times and lodging. She won't go, though. She says she doesn't want to go alone or with friends, but with her lover or some shit. She also claims she is too old. It may have been a real dream once, but now it's just an anime fantasy and she won't risk running that.

No. 140479

I could see her going a year to teach in Japan. Maybe to get it out of her system. I dont think 30 is too old. Given it isnt like she has a career/job atm. She would just have to apply to many programs though, instead of just one.

No. 140480

I'm sure I'm not the only one to suggest this, but I think PT should try to get an old Chinese sugardaddy/boyfriend.

I know she loves the japs, but I think she is desperate enough to rebel against her beloved nippon for any asian. There are so many more chinese in the U.S. and it would be a lot easier than waiting for her sushi prince to appear.

No. 140481

I think she would go alone. She is comfortable going to places alone. With a tripod. Dressed as a toddler. With a sippy cup. In public.

I honestly think only the shadiest program would accept her given her internet history. Unless she legally changes her name.

OT but I saw a bitch at the zoo yestserday wearing a kimono and geta sandals and clutching a butterfly-print umbrella. She was a white brunette of course. Her boyfriend looked mixed (not asian, like mexican or indian or something) and was wearing a grey suit. How bizarre.

No. 140490


PT's mentioned this several times and we've talked about it several time, but unless someone here is a good looking guy that's ready to hook up with her and go to Japan with her she isn't going even if she is given the money no strings attached. Going with a lover is a must for her.

Besides, it's been speculated the she doesn't really want to go because she knows it's not the fairytale land she fantasizes it to be and if she goes her delusion will be broken.

No. 140535

She's said many times she refuses to be a teacher and would "rather be a student". Being a teacher just doesn't align with her kawaii youthful anime fantasies.

No. 140546

how many times do we have to explain this…

No. 140561

see, people need to stop feeling sorry for her. She has been told time and time again how to fix her situation, but anything outside of her pampered and spoiled "comfort zone" freaks her out and she refuses to make any changes. It is partially her fault and partially her parent's fault.

I went through something similar after graduating college. I thought I would be able to move back home and save some money up, etc. etc. But my mother saw through that and knew it would only cause more troubles in the long run and wouldn't allow it. I am eternally grateful that she forced me to get my own place.

Also, has anyone tried to explain to pt that it is hard as hell to try and work at maid cafes on certain visas? I know it can be done, but there is often a lot of jumping through hoops to get approval.

No. 140569

Didnt Pixy apply for the Jet program? Got interviewed but didnt get in? SO I think that at one point she was thinking of teaching. But gave up after rejection.

No. 140572

giving up on that was the stupidest thing she has done.

A LOT of people get rejected on the first try. It really depends on how many openings that have int he program VS. how many applicants. Also, she should have tried applying to other language schools. There are a ton to choose from and some even better than what JET offers.

No. 140680

Sadly, PT probably won't go be a teacher, or an artist, or anything really. The most she'll do is maybe drop a few pounds from dancing around, and maybe find another part time job to fund her junk food and nippon nicknacks.

She's basically checked out, and at this point i honestly think 30 is a little too old to have a revelation. It's not the end of the world, but PT seems stuck in her ways, and unless theres a rich Japanese guy out there who's into smelly overweight white girls, i doubt she'll leave her parents house.

No. 140703

Call me an optimist. But Im hoping that when pixy turns 30 that she WILL get her act together. That she will start to apply to more professional jobs.. even in other cities if need be. And finally move out of her parents house.

She could even try the teach abroad thing again. But she might consider herself to old for that. I am kinda curious if people teach abroad in their 30s.. or if it is it something most do in one's 20s.

No. 140805

She is obviously crazy but i do consider her feelings
she isn't like chris chan or nick bate where chris tried to run over somebody or nick being a fucked up shit fetish pedophile
she hasn't really done anything bad, so she doesn't really deserve all the shit trolls put her through, like accusing her of raping a toddler for laughs or being her fake online boyfriend for a year just for trolling.

No. 140834

i agree. i feel for her. she's a mess, and she's so pitiful. she can be a bitch, but i'd imagine with how she feels like shit about herself, she'd be cranky all the time.

No. 140863

Honestly? She's not a real person to me. Her shit is so abstract that she's more like a character in a TV show. I empathise with her to the extent that I would a TV character, but I can't empathise with her like I would a person I know

She's not going to go. We've discussed this to hell and back. Seriously, newfags need to lurk moar before they post

I can't see her doing that at all, tbh. It's just not how PT works.

No. 140870

PT is going to Austin tomorrow for her brother's birthday. Too bad she won't use it as a chance to find a job. I'm sure her brother might be willing to let her stay with him if it meant her achieving a bit of independence. I'm sure she would feel better away from her mother also.
Just a thought.

No. 140871

yeah, but that might just be because she's not male, no offense. testosterone makes you more physical/agressive, so crazy guys are crazy in different ways than crazy girls. i hope no one feels the need to tell me that there are exceptions. goes without saying. still

No. 140875

However women are like cats. They will prey on the weak for enjoyment.

No. 140883

cats don't do that

No. 140887

Ot: Idk if cats do what the anon said.exactly, but there are some instances where a cat may hunt prey, and before they kill.them they'll toss it around and play with it for a little while before eating it, or simply leaving it out there to rot. I'm not sure if that's what that anon was referring to.

On topic: I have been thinking a lot about this.lately, stemming from my own personal mindset, but what will half of these lolcows do when their parents die?

I mean, PT's family doesn't hate her, so I guess she can achieve a bit of help, but she doesn't what to do things for herself(pay bills, get a job). She's too proud for a sugardady porn even, and is too stubborn to listen to advice. Then, when she gets herself into a pickle, she blames herself yet says that people are so rude and mean. She also has burnt most of her personal bridges(that we knew of though, except her family).

I mean, it's good she tries to find jobs, after reading she ran under the table crying because customers were yelling at her (Is that what happened? I can't remember.), I can't say much for her work ethics either.

I want PT to fo better, and stop feeling sorry for herself, how to help her without getting mad is hard.

No. 140889


Testosterone makes you less aggressive and more emotionally stable. Lrn2science.

No. 140899

I believe she mentioned once that her parents are leaving her the house and likely most of their savings. Her brothers are completely functional while she isn't, so they don't need it and everyone knows PT is the crazy one there. While I doubt her parents have that much saved (didn't they file for bankruptcy a while back?) it is something and if she can sell the house she'd have more than enough for an apartment and some money for a while. This is also assuming she goes back to work soon, though I imagine she is the kind of person who will live paycheck to paycheck with no savings.

After a while though I have to think she'll move in with one of her brothers.

No. 140926

For some people, hitting that milestone might be the kick in the pants to make them re-evaluate and change their life. But for someone like PT who seems to just get more dejected after setbacks rather than use them as motivation to do better, I can see her just going more downhill instead.

No. 140962

I feel bad for PT and it's hard to watch. I place a lot of value on youth and it's hard to accept myself growing older and I'm especially afraid of the big 3-0. However, she seems to place her entire worth on her youth and after not accomplishing her goals in her 20s that's such a sad and heartbreaking place to be. I wish someone was able to reach through to her and straighten her life out. I honestly imagine seeing her doing the same shit in another 10 years but being much worse off. It'll be a complete shock if she changes and I'd be truly happy for her if she did, but I honestly don't believe she'll try.

No. 140984

I am pretty sure she did do a gofundme a long time ago (I'm thinking dA days) and got publicly called out on it because she was buying kawaii shit left and right. I wasn't following her back then, but I remember seeing caps of it on /cgl/.

No. 140988

Doesn't make men any less of assholes

No. 141186

File: 1437438731889.jpg (26.9 KB, 800x480, CJ4zT7uUEAAn_Zf.jpg large.jpg)

No. 141284

If the nose was just a bit less pointy and wider then it would be 100% accurate.

No. 141285

File: 1437443796827.png (21.64 KB, 499x242, pt.png)

No. 141288

Why can't she just pursue camgirling as a profession instead?

No. 141291

Never change PT
How can a person be so deluded

No. 141301

Cats play with weak things all the time and then either get bored or kill it. Maybe your cat is just super fucking lazy.

No. 141322

I love how she's so fixated on size numbers that she forgets that she's short and therefore she's plus sized at her current weight and measurements

No. 141347


She's not claiming to be an 8-10 here, right? She's saying that those aren't plus sizes… and that those are her goal… but she's not there yet… so no one should call her plus size?

There should be a course in PT logic.

No. 141348

8-10 is her goal
I think 16 is her current

No. 141355

File: 1437450088548.jpeg (14.04 KB, 300x450, 900.jpeg)

If there's one thing PT doesn't give up on it's her delusions. I know it's been beat to death but a lot of PT's issue would be solved by joining reality. There's a nitch market for everything, even in Japan (see picture). I'm sure there's some creepy ass guy just waiting to discover his anime loving, blue eyed, overweight, white, dream girl online.

No. 141367

I'm not even following pt but her status showed up in my feed because someone I know irl commented on her plus sized status. I feel so spooked.

No. 141374

That doesn't sound right. I think she's probably at a 12 now since she's short.

No. 141375

I'm wagering 14. 16 was probably where she was at. She did lose some weight as shown on Facebook in the skirt pic.

No. 141377

Idk, I'm about as short as she is and I used to be about a 10-12. She's not that much bigger than I was back then.

No. 141378

implying shes a size 10 at the least lol girl has to be an 18.
That of course does not mean that she wont be a 10 or 8 if she works hard but whatever the tags on her clothes say….they're lying to her.

No. 141379

because she will be called fat and will cry about it on cam and it will get ugly real fast
she has no backbone or peace in her mind about her current state of being.

No. 141380

She didn't say she was a size 10, you retard

No. 141381

i was always under the assumption that she was way bigger in real life. someone who is a size 12/14 is a lot smaller than she is (well not that small but you catch my drift)

fuck off

No. 141385

Why in the world would you think she was "way bigger" irl? And no, 12-14 is probably accurate for her size right now.

No. 141389

She has to be a 16 in jeans because she can wear American Eagle jeans from the mall (unless she orders them online and then they go up to 18) but she is probably an size 18 in the bust since most free size asian tops stop at 50 inches

No. 141392

File: 1437454374982.jpg (197.08 KB, 1188x1600, $_57[1].JPG)

I don't think so. I own pic related too, it's about 36-38 inches on the bust if you're stretching it a bit but not too much. She seems to fill it out, but not stretch it out completely. I'd say she's somewhere around a 40 inch bust, definitely nowhere near a 50 inch bust. Y'all be overestimating her measurements and weight.

No. 141458

I'm guessing it would all depend on the height. If you're taller then you could look smaller as a size 14 compared to somebody shorter than you.

No. 141459

PT is short, something like 5'1". She's not size 16 or over, she'd have to be be much bigger to be a size that big.

No. 141483

IS TODAY THE DAY??? The big 3-0???

No. 141486

I'm 90% sure she lies about her height to look more azn

No. 141488

File: 1437472358313.png (12.03 KB, 511x112, pt1.png)

No. 141489

File: 1437472390537.png (100.54 KB, 508x350, pt2.png)

No. 141490

File: 1437472479444.png (510.34 KB, 508x616, pt3.png)

No. 141492

girl how hard are you sucking it in

No. 141493

When is PT's birthday?

No. 141495

Yeah, really.
Dat strained/unnatural posture.

No. 141502

People have seen her in person and said she's even shorter than they expected, actually. She looks around the 5 foot mark in >>131082 and >>127365 too. I'm inclined to believe her about her height.

No. 141504

Given the fact that it's a straight cut skirt, if it was actually that much bigger on her, it wouldn't stay up like it does in the second picture. She's definitely sucking in

No. 141505

i've read pt is 5'2".

No. 141506

I've read anywhere between 5'0" and 5'3".

No. 141512


PT reminds me of that midget in the wheel chair off Eastenders (britfags you shud kno)

No. 141514

File: 1437477881486.jpg (153.17 KB, 618x443, large.jpg)


(lisa hammond) PT's long lost twin

No. 141520

Do you think Ben actually killed Lucy?

No. 141567

I think she's a fat white bitch thats mad because not even her white privileges can give her a better life.

No. 141570


Nah, I reckon it was all the ghosts of albert square who came and sucked the life out of lucy's horrible little self. Glad she died, she was gorgeous tho but I hated her character. Creepy how her and peter actually looked alike in rl.

No. 141581

C'mon PT. Its been like 3 weeks of work and now you want to give up because some asshole told you were too big? Use that as motivation.

No. 141582

What do you think our queen orders from Panda Express?

No. 141597

Didn't she say she wanted to move to Austin? And IIRC she gets along very well with the Austin-based brother. I think if she did move in with him for a short time while looking for a job and her own place she could get her shit together. She needs to get away from her mother and be exposed to more different people. Her idea of reality has been completely warped by anime/the internet and the only people she really spends time with IRL are her parents. She needs to be around people her own age.

She has only been getting worse and worse with no improvements whatsoever for years now. I don't like to say it, but I'm not optimistic about her future.

I can imagine her staying with her parents for at least another decade and them eventually having her diagnosed with something so she'll get government benefits after they're gone. She'll probably end up being one of those weird smelly old ladies stocking shelves at Walmart while muttering to herself.

No. 141598

I agree, I think people overestimate her size. She's big, but she's certainly not as huge as an 18, especially at her (very short) height. I'm guessing at her biggest she was a 14-16 or so, and she seems to carry a lot of her weight on top so maybe slightly larger there.

I remember some people who saw her irl said she was very short, more than expected and not as fat as she was in some pictures (though, if I recall correctly, the anon who said that saw her while she was working at Target so she was likely fully covered and wearing something that fit, which makes all the difference).

Glad she's losing some weight though, small steps are good.

No. 141605


Because of her body shape and her height, something like 10lbs on her is going to look different than someone who's 4-5 inches taller.

No. 141622

So would PT accept the friend request of someone who kind of just made a Line Play account that day or is she smarter and more cautious than that?

No. 141634

plus, Austin is all about "weirdness," I think she would be more accepted there.

No. 141643

File: 1437495415053.jpg (25.2 KB, 400x267, Pix_happy_birthday_cake.jpg)

July 29th, according to her ED. Mark your calendars!

No. 141651

Depends on her mood, really. Usually she accepts everyone but sometimes she's more aware/paranoid and (rightfully) suspects everyone of being a troll. If she hasn't been trolled or insulted too recently she'll probably accept you.

No. 141679

Anyone knows if PT accepts facebook requests?

No. 141724


Anyone know the link to her Amazon wish list? Sounds fucking weird, but I want to buy her a birthday gift to soften the blow.

She just seems so sad this year…

No. 141729

No. 141747

She made a status about getting an influx of friend requests and being suspicious and not knowing who to trust the other day. I'd hold off for now.

No. 141748

File: 1437508211296.jpg (46.5 KB, 558x572, what pixyteri wants for her bi…)

Page 4 of her wish list.

No. 141757

See, I don't know if getting presents will soften the blow, or make it worse because people are acknowledging that she's turning 30.

No. 141774

Nah, I reckon the instant gratification will cheer her right up. At least for the day, before she slumps back into the self-loathing.
I can't imagine anyone has bought her anything on her wishlist. She'd be ecstatic to know someone is willing to spend money on her.
If you do buy her something though, be sure to let us know. There's so many amazing gifts to choose from! (>>141748)

No. 141775

Weirdest Amazon wishlist I've ever seen.
It's like… a bunch of Japanese kids stuff (books/CDs) then weaboo stuff, then a bunch of Vagina Tightening stuff, then weaboo stuff then sex toys….

It's just awkward as hell to look at.

No. 141781


If you want to get her a present.. Maybe avoid any of her Japanese learning related stuff (since she may be in the woe is me, Im 30 and Ill never go there feels). Also avoid any of her sex stuff.. cause that would be creepy.

But I actually think it might be a good thing. It isnt like she has any friends aside from her folks and bro. SO having someone send her a gift somehow.. is kinda nice.

No. 141784

PT logic at work. Size 16 is a plus size as far as I know. Unless they upped it to 18 now because America is getting fatter and they don't want to hurt fatty feelings.

It is what it is PT. Did you find it in the plus size section? If so then it's a plus size. I think maybe she's admitting to being a size 16 here and doesn't want to consider it plus.

She'll be a size 8-10 when she can zip it without busting the zipper or making it fit with some bad alterations. If it's "comfy" i.e. it zips and doesn't cut off her ability to breathe, then she's finally an 8-10. And people are gong to tell her she still looks fat because she isn't really the size she's wearing. In the back of her mind she must know this.

At her height she will still look chunky at that size. She isn't taking her height into account here. She'll look a lot better that's for sure. But she won't escape the "you're fat" comments from some people. If she thinks she's going to look like a tiny Japanese schoolgirl at that size she's crazy.

No. 141789

She's not 16 or over, that's far too big for her size at her current weight. The comment about 16 and over is about how she doesn't like the term 'plus sized', she mentions it in the comments. She's a 14 max atm.

No. 141809

I kinda have a fetish for trashy fat asians.

No. 141825

So it seems like PT doesn't have third party address sharing enabled on her wishlist. Does anyone know her address on ED is still correct, also how freaked out do you think she would be if if she got something from her wishlist when technically she doesn't allow for that because of the hidden address?

No. 141841

omg anon, if you did this, that would be so awesome

No. 141843

Well I definitely want to, but I'm worried I'm scare the queen into hiding from stalkers or something. So I'm mostly just waiting for confirmation of the address and to hear what others have to say about scaring her. Part of me thinks she'd more excited to get something for free than worried about the intentions of the person who sent it though.

No. 141862


pt is fat and that woman is muscular

No. 141884

If she's not sharing the address then the list is for personal reference and I think she might be weirded out. I wouldn't want anything to cause her to drop off the radar again. We wouldn't want her to quit Facebook and Lineplay.

At some time wasn't she using a PO box? I might be thinking of someone else. Or she might not have it anymore because I know her mom was complaining some time ago about the Chinese princess sticker book she ordered.

No. 141900

File: 1437524232805.png (672.49 KB, 684x672, pt.png)

it's edited bc it's from cgl

No. 141903

She was using a PO Box for a while so that she could hide her purchases from her parents. Don’t know if she still has it though.

No. 141940

File: 1437528222077.jpg (250.5 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

I wonder how much it pissed her off that one of her gents I tags would be "dark skin"

No. 141941

Goddammit autocorrect, *hentai tags

No. 141945

Why is she mad????

No. 141955


Well they do look like a bunch of twats so no wonder why she's not laughing.

No. 141964

You realize the photoshooped face is just a joke right

No. 141980


Ask, and ye shall receive: "Also I had Panda Express for dinner and I couldn't even finish my meal. I had two entrees (Orange chicken, mixed veggies, and fried rice) and i couldn't finish the rice. It tastes gross to me I think I like their chow mein better. Yuck!"

No. 141983

File: 1437534139534.png (516.38 KB, 490x774, pt4.png)


And the post it came from

No. 141984

Probably because they're all dressed nicely in clothes that she could never fit into and she's getting old and she has no friends etc. etc.

No. 141985

What thread?

No. 141988

By two entrees, does she mean two main meals? Because that's what I understand the US usage of entree to mean, whereas the rest of the world uses it to mean something like an appetizer.

And if so, why do so many Americans get more than one entree? Leftover Chinese is disgusting to me even when reheated, and I know most people share that sentiment.

No. 141993

I know she's probably sucking in and stuff, but it really does look like she's actually losing weight. I'm proud of her, even if she is wasting her time training to be an idol or whatever it is that she's doing now.

No. 142007


Next time you reheat Chinese, try putting it in the oven, or a toaster over, instead of the microwave! It's much better that way

No. 142009


I hope you're not including rice in that tip because you can literally kill yourself eating reheated rice.

I did it one morning after a night drinking.
Had a hangover, forgot about the rule, reheated the rice, ate the rice and was puking and shitting myself for the next 2 days.

No. 142011

No, definitely don't do that, but it works great for chicken, noodles, etc

No. 142014

I've reheated rice for literally years and have never once gotten food poisoning from that. I didn't even know that was a thing until you mentioned it

No. 142015

…wat? I've reheated so much Chinese food and rice in the microwave my whole life, no problem. You just have to not let the rice sit at room temperature ever.

No. 142017

Do not discuss this on this board. When stamina rose planned to send her flowers PT saw that shit, flipped out, and deleted her twitter. If you guys make her delete her FB or line I'm going to be pissed.

No. 142018

It's really only bad to reheat rice is you've left it sitting for a long time before putting it in the fridge.

Does anyone know how much weight PT has lost since she started her dance routines? If she does an hour a day, even if it's just her typical flapping, I can image he works up quite a sweat. I hope she's been drinking enough fluids and isn't just losing water weight and not dehydrating.

No. 142020


Unless you guys are reheating the rice to like molten lava temperatures I wouldn't even risk it.

Seriously, it's like playing Russian Roulette. You'd be better off just eating it cold.

No. 142021

Re-hydrating. Sorry my dumb.

No. 142022

>You'd be better off just eating it cold.
That sounds like an even worse idea. The best way to get around this is to not order more Chinese than you can eat, i.e. one entree

No. 142028

It's not about how much you reheat it… The spores grow into bacteria when the rice is left at room temperature, so all you need to do is avoid your rice sitting around. It should go straight from hot, to your plate, to the fridge.

sage for off topic

No. 142032

I'm >>141825 and I don't plan to send her anything now because it feels too risky. Seeing what others had to same makes me think she'd be scared rather than happy, and that's the opposite of what I want.

It's no safer eating it cold than it is to reheat it. The only things that matters is how long it sat out after it was cooked and how you store it. If you left your rice sit at room temp for more than an hour after cooking it then there's a higher risk of getting sick if it was contaminated to start with. Basically just store it in the fridge as soon as you're done eating and you should never have any issues unless you let it sit for more than a day or two.

No. 142034

At Panda Express you can get 1 main food (usually a meat or stir-fry) and rice, which is called a bowl.
Or I'd say the usual which is 2 "entree" & one side of rice. Like 1 orange chicken & 1 beef & broccoli.
The portions aren't too generous but I personally do tend to get the bowl size since it's quite filling.

No. 142045

How damn hard is she tugging on those shorts that the waist just has some slack when not being pulled on? Jesus PT trying to make the world belive that she lost 30lbs in a month.

No. 142046

Her meal was almost 1000 calories, according to the nutrition info on the Panda Express website. The rice is 520, the chicken is 380 and the veges are 80. Even if she didn't finish the rice, that was probably 700-800 calories in one meal.

No. 142047

Pretty hard. She skirt in >>141490 doesn't fall down when she lets go either, so she's being delusional about how much weight she's lost again.

No. 142048

I have thunder thighs so this is how all skirts cut like this fit me regardless.
Same with the shorts. Waists are always gaping on me because I have to fit to my thighs.

No. 142050

That's nice, but PT's weight distribution is likely different from yours. Don't turn into another 32-inch-waist-chan.

No. 142052

The shorts don't look baggy on her legs at all despite the gap at her waist though.

No. 142055

Just a thought, I wonder if these clothes have been washed recently. You know how you can wear a pair of pants once and they fit great but then they get baggy as fuck? Wonder if that's partially to blame here.

No. 142075

>I hope you're not including rice in that tip because you can literally kill yourself eating reheated rice.

What kind of fucked up plague infected rice isn't safe to reheat?

I'm calling bullshit.

No. 142081

No. 142085

File: 1437544386870.gif (1.68 MB, 254x275, 1481.gif)

this is amazing

No. 142091


No. 142093

nine minutes of her putting on a kimono
because why the fuck not?

No. 142096

PT is a source of confusion for me. In the vid >>142091 references, she's scoping out for cars/people going by and stops when they do. Yet she can post all this on YouTube.

I know we've all been mindboggled by her and this has been discussed but DAMN.

Oh glorious Queen, help me to understand you.

No. 142100

Well … she's getting some exercise. So good on her.

No. 142101

She's singing

No. 142102

It's a bit different putting something on the internet versus being seen in real life. Take this site for instance a lot of the people here are cunts and wouldn't say half the things they write to someone's face.

No. 142103

i especially like how she didn't even bother to dub the audio over with the actual song so you can hear the heavy wind and her feet hitting the pavement

No. 142104

I saw this and immediately thought of PT

No. 142105

File: 1437546987614.jpg (38.53 KB, 321x314, Youtubecalledit.jpg)

These covers are something else.

No. 142106

she has a cute voice…

No. 142107

No. 142113



No. 142114

She actually has a beautiful voice. I wonder how she would sound when she sings more confidently and louder.

I like that pic at 0:50 she actually looks very good there.

No. 142115

File: 1437550216559.jpg (483.31 KB, 500x250, 34hudmv.jpg)


Oh, what a glorious day!

No. 142121

To be fair, the clothing she normally wears is so tight on her that she probably wouldn't be even able to fit her hand in there. The fact that she can peel the waistband away from her body at all indicates she's lost weight. Hopefully it's not just water weight. You can do it, PT!


No. 142127

This dress doesn't look too bad on her.

No. 142129

It's a high school cheerleader's uniform.

No. 142132

That's because it's actually her size as opposed to being skin-tight and emphasizing her belly. Just a one-off though. She'll never learn to wear things that properly fit her. She's in denial of her real dress size.

No. 142143

True, I was just surprised that she didn't wear a smaller one, because let's be honest it wouldn't have been hard to find.

No. 142147

She's officially thrown all the fucks to the wind and going full on Queen just a week before her 30th. Well played PT!

No. 142234

I wonder how high we can get her views/likes if we all pull together? Let's show our Queen how much we love her!

No. 142236

Am I the only one who doesn't see PT's weight loss? maybe it's because she has a lot to lose, IDK.

No. 142259

Subscribed to her YouTube channel earlier, checking my subscriptions feed before bed and I will grow old and die before I finish scrolling through all her video uploads today

No. 142268

I don't really see it either. Her arms and legs are pretty much the same. I think that she's putting on clothes that are bigger on her so that she can say that "it doesn't fit any more" a long with a lot of sucking in and stretching.

If we take her weight loss on face value she would have lost about 15-20 lbs, that amount would be super obvious.

In the related video - assuming it's been taken recently I'd think that she's gained weight.

No. 142272

I subscribed too and almost immediately regretted it because of the my subscriptions list. Hopefully it's just because the channel is new and the actual updates won't be quite so immense

No. 142281

She just posted another new vid on her youtube…it's amazing

No. 142295

She bashes me for saying she should make one but ends up doing it anyway


No. 142298

File: 1437581008647.gif (6.32 MB, 300x329, tipsy.gif)

No. 142303

sexy af

No. 142304

Maybe this is just my hopeful thinking but it looks like she did lose a bit in her stomach area, she was getting pretty huge for a while there and she looks a bit less large there now.

No. 142314

File: 1437582050341.gif (3.65 MB, 300x424, 2stepwithme.gif)

No. 142434

i hope she dances like that in the club.

No. 142469

That's exactly why I didn't subscribe. She already bombards my Facebook newsfeed, I didn't want to have to scroll through my youtube subscriptions to find something I want to watch too

Same. Remember when she complained that she didn't win a Halloween costume competition even though she danced sexy?

No. 142477

I wonder if pixyteri has underlying thyroid issues…

No. 142479

thank you for answering my long awaited prayer anon

No. 142489

I can't figure out exactly what it is that makes her dance moves comedy. It's bizarre.

No. 142495

She reminds me of Dawn French when she's comedy dancing

No. 142760

I'm new to PT but i really like this video with the setting and the music. I wish she had more videos like this

No. 142769

Kinda reminds me of my zumba class…lmao

No. 142814

I finally braced myself and listened to one of her karaoke cuts and she's surprisingly good. Vocal lessons to help strengthen and stabilize her voice and she could actually get some work.

It's a shame; the potential and desire was there but she never had the ambition (or looks) to achieve it.

No. 142829

I like this
Obviously isnt not great but theres something innocently bad about it. Like a kid.
Do people even make their own mvs anymore? If they do, they are just mikus or girls being overtly and unnecessarily sexy, and i dont need to watch amateurs if i wanna see that

No. 142870

Looks Smooks. We all know she looks way better with makeup when she uses it. It's all about the ambition she doesn't have.

No. 143093

me neither. People are so paranoid about their food. Why waste rice? so long as it was kept properly it's ok to heat it up again.

No. 143224


Please be trolling, this is one of the cringiest things she's made, it's not even bad in a cute way, it's just fucking bad period. I guess it's not as bad as smacking her ass while dressed as a toddler in a playground, but still.

She's a grown ass overweight whale impersonating a cute petite 17 year old here, there's nothing childlike about it.

No. 143255

Yeeees! I am trained in music (although not voice) and she did not sound good at all.

No. 143302

Uh, that's not her singing

No. 143306

Yeah lol, I don't know how that anon could think it was her or that it doesn't sound good when it's a clearly a professional Japanese singer.

No. 143313

I don't think anyone was even remarking on the music.

No. 143432

this is her SECOND gangnam style video. What is with these videos being taken in the driveway of her house, outside, during the day? Do they not have neighbors? She's always constantly looking around to see if someone is looking at her in fear, but she keeps doing it. And the stopping to look around saps any of the confidence out of these videos that could be there. Like, if she was more confident and forceful she could probably be coordinated and might be genuinely entertaining, instead of ironically entertaining.

No. 143434

shes so jiggly

No. 143441

This is actually better than her first video. The gallop part of the dance is not that fucking hard, Sarah. She looks like she's doing whatever that Russian jig thing is, particularly in the first video. It came across my fb feed and I fucking choked on what I was eating.

No. 143447

Fucking gross

No. 143453

>"pour some sauce on me"

No. 143456

File: 1437716213632.jpg (16.09 KB, 480x314, image.jpg)

No. 143462

The outfit is sooooo unflattering that all I could pay attention to was the bra attempt ion to hold her boobs in.
Like, I could see her recording this to watch herself and see what she needs to work on, but it's not something that should be posted online. Even not considering how bad the outfit is (and even if it was a skinny girl, that bra is not supportive enough for the size of her boobs), the dancing is just awkward and bad!

No. 143466

steps on her kimono lol

No. 143471

her voice is not at all what i expected.

No. 143475

Spastic arm movements as always

No. 143480

she's uploading videos like crazy, wtf, it's a little weird. why does she have such an obsession with filming herself? she must've had some of these vids saved up for a bit…

also love her mom(?) yelling in the background lol

No. 143487

WTF is this? She thinks she can wave a fan around and turn and act like it's Japanese dance? I don't know much about Japanese dance, but I can tell that this is nothing close to it. This looks like the spastic dancing I used to do when I was like 3 and called it "doing ballet"

No. 143488

You can tell she's really into this dancing thing. I like that. Keep going, PT-sama!

No. 143496

She barely does the actual signature Gangnam Style dance and when she does do it its totally off. I've seen children do that dance better.

No. 143527

Puts Hyuna to shame.

No. 143528

> She looks like she's doing whatever that Russian jig thing is
Exactly what I thought. Christ, and I thought my co-ordination was bad.

No. 143539

File: 1437730725784.png (427.67 KB, 720x540, 1408265934474.png)

No. 143573

Oops, my bad. I was thinking you guys were talking about that stupid cover song PT did. That did not sound good at all.

No. 143611

is this supposed to be a Let's Play or something? Wtf. It's just video of her sitting on the ground playing Earthbound. No commentary and a shit view of the screen while her mom seems to be yelling actual nonsense somewhere in the background. She gets more bizarre by the second.

No. 143747

She should really avoid choker necklaces, they make her already short neck look even shorter.

I'm glad she's exercising (as…awkward as her dancing may be) though. Good for her.

Also goddamn PT is a potential goldmine, there are guys that would pay for her to do all this shit (and all the nudes and blah blah) and yet she refuses to monetize on that. Just imagine all the kawaii shit and sex toys she could buy with that.

No. 143748

Can people stop with the thumbs down for her videos? We should be encouraging her here, like them please.

No. 143750

I seriously doubt it's any of us that are thumbs-down-ing

No. 143755

I've been thumbs upping every video I've clicked on of hers. We want to coax her out of hiding, not scare her away.
I would like to believe all farmers respect and cherish their queen, but that, unfortunately, is not the case.

No. 143759

i think it's supposed to be one of those things where you watch a cute girl doing everyday stuff? i don't know how to describe it.
all of PT's videos seem to be like that - it's something that cute, non-obese girls make money off of. PT, on the other hand, is graceless, fat and unkempt.

No. 143760

I guess it's supposed to be some sort of voyeuristic fetish thing?

No. 143762

Maybe she's been filming in her driveway hoping that someone from a scouting agency will see her kawaii dance moves and sign her

No. 143763

Does she have a necklace or is that just a fat fold on her neck?

No. 143787

come on, she's not THAT fat. it's a choker.

No. 143799

Did she just ruin one of my favorite songs? Yes, yes she did.

No. 143803


If only she had the ears like chi did. And her white dress.

No. 143804

Really? One of your 'favorite' songs is that easily ruined? How do you function.

Besides, if it was really your favorite you should feel blessed the queen has enhanced it for you in this way. It's got her seal of approval.

No. 143814

maybe it's time to get good taste

No. 143821

Hahaha, another incident where she tries to avoid being seen by a passing car.

No. 143829

Can a Victoria fag or an anon more educated about our queen than I please educate me on where/what this area is exactly?

No. 143879

I think someone said that it was under a bridge.

No. 143895

File: 1437784275502.gif (1.83 MB, 629x354, pt Dance.gif)

No. 143902

File: 1437785951800.png (1.96 MB, 2352x672, 43545.png)

I'm almost positive it's somewhere in the Victoria youth sports complex/skate park.

If you look at some of her videos (Like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUGIVuSf8qA, during 0:36 and on) you can see structures with blue roofs. The sports complex has the same color/style roofing.

The area also has the same rim around the concrete, and fencing.
(Someone make a walk through of the park, you can see it here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VNacYB0xV8)

I can't imagine that it would be to busy during school hours, which makes it a prime location for her.
I feel like a fucking detective.

No. 143908

Bless you, anon. That is some A+ detective work.

If that does actually turn out to be the case then I feel more embarrassed for the queen than I think I ever have been before.

No. 143930

>>I can't imagine that it would be to busy during school hours, which makes it a prime location for her.

except it is the middle of the summer and school is out on summer vacation.

No. 143935

Rule of thumb for life; if PT likes it, it's shit. It's just a generic anime opening dood

No. 143982

You can just kill yourself, if you can't appreciate the queens dance moves.

No. 144042

Maybe she's going to try to get into the sexy gamer girl thing.

No. 144043

Seriously she dances like a fat retarded walrus

No. 144059

A kawaii fat retarded walrus

No. 144066

Our kawaii, fat, retarded walrus. Never forget that we should be grateful for every gift that out queen chooses to bestow upon us even if they are personally revolting.

No. 144157

File: 1437837998963.png (32.85 KB, 500x257, ptfb.png)


No. 144158

File: 1437838098250.png (19.73 KB, 491x125, ptfb1.png)

No. 144168

nice to see her doing something constructive and actually working towards a goal.

No. 144174

someone was posting her youtube videos on cgl the other day

No. 144179

Ehh, I'm not really sure I'd classify weeb dancing as constructive. She'd be much better off putting all that effort into finding a (sensible) career, even learning Japanese would be a better use of her time. At least she might lose some weight from it, I guess.

No. 144189

Compared to a lot of stuff she does her dancing is pretty constructive and yeah, she's losing some weight and getting some exercise.

No. 144192

I'm glad she's not giving up.
The fact that she is out there in the Texas heat doing so many dancing videos makes me hopeful.
She has a goal, and I hope she keeps working towards it.

No. 144223

I like PT's dancing. It makes me smile, actually.

No. 144231

Right? Even though she's so goofy it's kind of strangely endearing. Like watching a child at play.

No. 144244

A "special" child at play

No. 144298

File: 1437852068536.jpg (239.26 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg)

I'd smoke PT out

No. 144306

File: 1437852302886.gif (3.71 MB, 474x266, ptttt.gif)


I think this is one of my favourites.
>lots of stomping
>trips over feet multiple times
>wafting fart away dance moves
>dat swimsuit
>waves to airplane
>music ends abruptly at end of video, then
>no kawaii to see here

No. 144319

She's a kawaii retarded manatee. >>137317

No. 144331

fast food and alcohol dont smell like ass like marijuana does tho so

No. 144336

I love these, it looks like PT's knee buckled and she's trying to catch herself gracefully. Bless this woman.

I'd have to disagree.

No. 144339

I don't like smoking (it smells soooo fucking bad holy shit) but I would do it with PT in a fucking heartbeat. For some reason it really surprises me that's something she'd be into.

No. 144341

Smoking every know and then is fine but I fucking hate potheads.

No. 144372

i'd smoke some og kush with PT n have a shitload of pizza in a heartbeat

i think it's the same as is the case with every addiction (except about 98% less violence) - you get burned out, you want more, you get into a pattern. but i'd take a pothead over a methhead anyday

No. 144376

I wouldn't take either of them wtf. I lived in a house of theiving lying asshole depressed potheads for a year. Yeah never going near the "miracle plant" again.

No. 144382

Does PT smoke pot? I never saw any indications that she did, weird. It seems so out of character for her, same with drinking.

No. 144393

oh jesus, sometimes I swear this woman is more like watching a train wreck than watching an actual train wreck would be. SO MUCH WOBBLING… RANDOM BULGES… AWKWARD CLUMSY DANCE MOVES… ATTEMPTS AT "SEXY" THAT FEEL LIKE SEEING YOUR OWN MOTHER DO IT… THE CONSTANT GLANCING AROUND. What would you do if there WAS somebody walking by pixy? YOU ARE JUMPING AROUND IN A TOO-SMALL SWIMSUIT WITH NO CLOTHES IN RANGE.

No. 144401

oh dang, I'm the one who posted the screenshot. I'm pretty casual, I'll smoke a bowl or do an ovens-worth of vaping (which doesn't smell) after work to unwind similar to having a drink.
Sometimes on my days off I'll go crazy and have TWO bowls and watch anime, I'd love to do that with PT. or just talk to her. Like about her life, her goals, her family, etc. no judgement.

No. 144409

I believe she said she tried it once when she was younger.

No. 144422

What is the project about? Is it like a psycho analysis about her? DETAILS!

No. 144480

good luck with that dream lool

No. 144512

File: 1437871061914.png (278.76 KB, 488x559, pt5.png)

How much would you pay to have a peek?

No. 144517

Like $50. I'd love to read the queen's totally unfiltered rants.

No. 144518

that's a beautiful self-portrait, lack of neck-chan

No. 144642

No. 144648

That last one looks like it was filmed later in the evening, around 6pm or so. I hope kids were at home eating their dinner, instead of around her when she filmed it

No. 144803

If she wasn't filming it, I'd probably just think it was someone with an intellectual disability and ask my kid if they wanted to get ice cream as a tactful way of diverting their attention.

No. 144907

when I was in Japan, they were surprised I wasn't tall, blonde, and blue eyed model. I'm just a short, red haired girl, that looks like a kid. Irony.

No. 144914

I just don't understand how she can do this sort of stuff in broad daylight, in public places…

She doesn't glance around nearly as much in this video, but seriously, what would she even do if someone saw her? Like if she stopped dancing it would make what she's doing any less weird?

No. 144915

second video at 00:26 she lifts her leg a little an it sounds like she farts.
Kek, she makes me feel like a child all over again.

No. 144916

Watching this really reminded me of how disturbing PT's situation is. I've seen her other dance videos and laughed but this is actually horrific jfc

No. 144943

I wonder if there's anyone inside the building because you can't see in but if anyone was inside they could see out

No. 144964

Considering how paranoid she is about getting caught (she is always looking around) I have to think she had a pretty good idea she'd be alone there, especially as she is in a bikini.

No. 145008

you just gotta admire that persistence tho
if she put in half as much time instead of trying to be kawaii into an actual hobby (like sewing, painting or something)
she would be a professional by now and making steady money

No. 145046

She must watch these before uploading them online, right? You can't even hear the music she is playing. How and why?

No. 145063

Naw, I think she's just far too clumsy to make it as a professional artisan

No. 145065

At 1:48 she pulls up her bikini top and almost flashes her tits

No. 145091

She really should invest in a bigger bikini bottom. That fat fold under her stomach looks disgusting and I feel like nobody should be seeing that

No. 145099

No. 145200

For anyone that said she has a nice singing voice.
I found having >>142298 on my screen at the same time added to the hilarity.

No. 145219

>those last two videos on the list
I'm so fucking confused

No. 145238

I'm pretty sure she's cosplaying (!) Lei Fang from DoA and in the last two videos she's trying to imitate her lose pose, as seen here.
Fucking lol'd at her being startled in the last one.

No. 145242

>tfw the glory days of /cgl/ are over

No. 145326

In the last one is she…going through labor or something?

No. 145364

Looks like she's trying really hard to suck her stomach in

No. 145427

No. 145451

And then she goes and rubs her tits and you are reminded that she's cray cray.

No. 145652

her gut is huge nowadays

No. 145894

Does a new thread need to be made?
Either this one is in sage now or it keeps getting weirdly lost in the pages.

No. 145910


No idea, I've got this shit bookmarked

No. 145912

It's possible other people might be saging their replies, but the past few posts have bumped it fine.

No. 145937

Is it just me or does she look like she's lost weight here? Her gut looks a little less prominent and her legs seem slimmer to me.
It could just be the fact that she's wearing clothes that fit her (slightly) better, but I dunno, she looks smaller to me compared to how she looks in the onedrive/dropbox videos.
Maybe all the dancing she's apparently doing is really paying off.

No. 145943

I think it's MOSTLY the fact that she's wearing a top that actually covers her/is flattering and SLIGHTLY due to all the jumping up and down "dancing" lately that must be more exercise than she's done for the past… ever.

I remember reading about the woman who holds the guinness record for losing the most weight (this was back in like 1999) and she started by simply clapping her hands in rhythm, since she was too fat to do anything else, but it was enough exertion to get her body started, you know? Like, PT isn't doing much actual exercise/cardio, but it's probably more than her body is used to so it helps…

No. 146028

File: 1438108909249.jpg (61.32 KB, 723x960, 11822705_10153252753176144_577…)

>Why does life always have to hurt. Why do I have to cry every week. I just want to be happy but I'll never find it. I turn 30 tomorrow and will remain a failure.
>This is what I wore to Oil Can Harry's bar in Austin.

No. 146076

ffs pt what is that

No. 146087

Is that her gut or her fupa you can see the outline of through the shorts?

No. 146090

Oh god, so many things wrong with this outfit…

No. 146091

File: 1438113316811.jpg (50.65 KB, 618x960, 11754438_10153252753181144_420…)

My guess is fupa

No. 146093

Her birthday is tomorrow?! AAHHHH AMAZING

No. 146094

So apparently Oilcan Harry's is a
>Boisterous, spacious gay dance club with theme nights & a weekly late-night drag show, plus a patio.
Jesus fuck, PT.

No. 146095

File: 1438113418857.jpg (85.99 KB, 720x960, 11751449_10153252753171144_314…)

No. 146098

When you can't get laid by a drunk Texas redneck at bartime, you know it's time to give up.

No. 146101

Not gonna lie. She looks cute in this pic.

No. 146102

I hate that song but shes looking slightly thinner.

No. 146104

Of course she couldn't get laid, she went to a gay bar

No. 146106

She does have a man in drag like features, it could be possible however the camel toe gives it away

No. 146109

Yeah, she'd never pass

No. 146112

I'd have to disagree with you

No. 146116

Are you blind…

No. 146128

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No. 146140

File: 1438116790113.gif (362.2 KB, 720x960, PT1.gif)

I tried shooping, too, but I don't think I'm very good at it, yet hahaha

No. 146191

It's so sad that she's going to be 30 and she still wears these five-year old girl hair accessories like no one thinks it's cute

No. 146195

File: 1438123894192.jpg (22.29 KB, 518x132, homeless.jpg)

No. 146208

Typical fear. Debbie had already she never would. But times have changed. Who knows.

No. 146212

idk now the she is turning 30 I can actually see it happen

No. 146214

I bet PT is one of those bitches who go to gay bars, hit on men, get upset when hit on by girls and ends the night by ranting how no man wants her

No. 146215

What makes you think so anon? I'm curious.

Oh lawd.

No. 146218

she's probably an annoying drunk too, trying extra hard to be cute and/or sexy. I see her as an arm clinger drunk

No. 146224

Been there. She gets very clingy when drunk.

No. 146231

Instead of March Madness we should have the Annual Pixyeri Shooping Tournament

No. 146232

30 is pretty much the "aight get your ass outta here"-age if you still live at home.

No. 146238

Also assuming she acts more drunk than she is or she over drinks?

No. 146252

Did she ever say why she got fired from every waitress job she has had recently?

What does she do there that she didn't do at Home Depot? Or did Home Depot just not give a fuck?

No. 146265

File: 1438130818285.png (1.17 MB, 712x847, LOL SHE IS 30.PNG)

She totally looks like she is 18 or 21 you gais

No. 146271

The Chinese place she got fired within days, I think it's because she just fucked up so much with orders and upset customers.

The second one she quit, I believe she was bitching about no one liking her at her job so she just got up and left.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

No. 146298

lol, why did she go to a gar bar of all places

No. 146316

I'm under the impression, based on how much she got away with at HD, they honestly thought she was special needs.

No. 146325

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On the other hand

No. 146339

The brother she visits in Austin is gay so probably just because that's his scene.

No. 146340

File: 1438139924876.jpg (164.75 KB, 849x844, 22lol.jpg)

No. 146342

Isn't that age-guesser thing somewhat random?

No. 146355

Yes, very random. It's not a good indicator like an actual human survey.

No. 146358

Yeah it sucks, I have used different photos of myself and I got ages from 11-70.

No. 146379

Whos hyped for her birthday, and who thinks brittinydickfuck will mess shit up?

No. 146388

he will probably comment on her facebook that she is old and fat, then cry into his V for Vendetta mask about how kiwi-sempai doesn't notice him anymore or his ebic trolling schemes

No. 146395


I also bet that hes the asshole who has been leaving the fat YouTube comments.

No. 146397

>he will probably comment on her facebook

Then he's a fucking retard and his ass will be ours.

No. 146442

File: 1438154338035.png (51.36 KB, 144x188, 39485uf.png)

The holy day is upon us.

No. 146444

Found the male pt

No. 146454

File: 1438159616447.jpg (111.27 KB, 1024x584, giantcookiecake4.jpg)


I wonder if this is the same gay bar where she decided to stop supporting LGBT rights because they didn't vote her "sexiest costume" despite her doing a sexy dance on stage. Or was that one in Victoria?

I wouldn't be surprised.

No. 146458

Protip to up her view count: Youtube counts any page refresh as a unique view up until 300 views. After that the views will not increase with re-visits or refreshes. So at the very least you can spam F5 on a few of her videos to help increase her exposure and possibly encourage her to keep going!

No. 146460

I'm fairly certain that gay bar with the Halloween party was in Victoria. She seems to go to gay bars somewhat frequently for a girl (woman?) who only experimented with bisexual experiences years ago.

No. 146482

how many calories does a normal, healthy meal have? idk what these numbers mean.

No. 146483

Someone PT's size should only be consuming 1500 calories the entire day, max.

No. 146484

I believe it's recommended that most people eat 2000 calories to sustain their weight, 1500 to lose it healthily. She may have eaten half her daily caloric intake in one meal

No. 146486

It's suggested at being 2000cal per person, but it really depends on your height, weight, and amount of exercise you do.

You have your BMR http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/
which is how many calories you need if you stayed in bed all day and wanted to keep the same weight.

But I'd estimate a good meal would be 350-500

No. 146488

Wtf does any of this have to do with rice
Jfc iisnt this general practice for ANY food? Dont leave prepared food or perishables sitting around in the open if you plan on consuming it?

No. 146527


No. 146533

She was Snow White and got all butt hurt that the winners were drag queens.

The costume wasn't bad. But I doubt she could really win when up against drag queens in a gay bar. They probably had some outrageous costumes. She should have known better. But PT logic.

No. 146660

She is bitter as fuck today.

No. 146668

Share some screen caps with us, pal! I'm not her FB friend…

No. 146678

File: 1438207686603.jpg (25.84 KB, 521x172, bitter1.JPG)

No. 146680

File: 1438207737427.jpg (52.37 KB, 486x454, bitter2.JPG)

No. 146682

Doesn't seem unusual to me, but maybe that's because I'm used to seeing angsty 30 year olds. At least she's working out.

No. 146683

File: 1438207801111.jpg (39.08 KB, 517x450, bitter3.JPG)

No. 146691

By 'working out' I think she just means dancing. I doubt she'll dance hard enough to work off that ~300cal cupcake.

No. 146692

File: 1438208229555.png (20.44 KB, 516x280, pt.png)


No. 146693

Yeah. But even burning 100 cals would be better than 0. I remember when she bought prepackaged mochi,would eat the whole package in one go, and then whine about the gain.

No. 146694

No bday meltdown? I'm surprised.

No. 146698

its only 4pm there.

No. 146699

>you guys WILL pay dearly for what you have done
>I'd also sue anyone who's ever called me a weaboo

I love her, she's like Chris-Chan but better. Happy Birthday, Queen!

No. 146701

someone comment and tell her happy birthday!

No. 146703

I'm glad I chose not to wish her a happy birthday

No. 146704

She sounds like an angsty 14 year old who doesn't understand how the world works.

>i'll sue EVERYONE!!!!!!

No. 146706

People have already done that on some of her other posts, I don't think she's going to take it well

No. 146707

Like I said, bitter as fuck today.

No. 146722

She complains about being fat and old and then complains about shoops showing the potential she has to look not so fat and old (if she tried).

No. 146733

Holy fuck this is kaka in 8 years

No. 146734

She accepted my friend request along with 160 other people

No. 146737

same here

No. 146738

What a bitter old fat weeaboo

No. 146743

she is OUR bitter old fat weeaboo

No. 146746

Do you think there'd be any way at all to cheer her up for her birthday?
I think bringing attention to it might bring her down more.

No. 146748

I doubt it. Leaving her be is probably the best.

No. 146752

One anon was thinking of buying her a present from her Amazon wishlist but I don't think they went through with it.
A shame, I'm sure that would have really cheered her up.
Maybe someone who cares enough/has disposable income could gift her something on LINE Play or something? Or if there are any artfags here willing to draw her something nice?

No. 146770

The milk that cow is producing today is tasty

No. 146790

someone should get her some anal bleach.

No. 146795

I bought her the dress and weeby cat suit attached with nice words. Hope she likes them and that other people didn't buy her the same shit because it was fucking expensive

No. 146798

The people that pander to this dried up fat old weeaboo are just as delusional as she is(USER HAS BEEN EXECUTED)

No. 146802

Oh shit, way to go, anon!
Might seem like a dumb question but is it something from Line Play or something real from Amazon? If the latter, links? I wanna see so's I can recognize her wearing it in the future.
And honestly, I don't think anyone else is going to buy her anything, so I think you're good.

Remember where you are. Show respect.

No. 146812


No. 146822

Let the heads roll of those who dare blaspheme Her Majesty.

No. 146827

Enjoy your stay in hell.

No. 146833

So toasty and warm with plenty of tasty milk

No. 146857

That was me.
I decided not to because she didn't have her account set up to auto share/fill in her shipping info so I would have had to get it of ED. I suspect she would have been more upset than happy and I didn't want to risk scaring her into hiding again. That said, if she'd allowed for third party address sharing then I would 100% get her something.

No. 146861

aidoru pixyteri knows that the show must always go on! look how she kept lip sync on point and kept groovin better then the akb48 girls

No. 146874

This. A part of me really wants to make Pixy one of my vocal pedagogy projects. Then, I remember what an awful idea that is if only because I'd be exposing myself to some of her less stable followers.

No. 146895

File: 1438223662137.png (172.59 KB, 640x400, DCz7Jj0.png)

Kek she wants to sue anyone who has called her a weeaboo.
God bless the Queen.

No. 146918

i hope no tears are being shed by the queen on her birthday.

i wonder if we'll be getting a b-day edition idoru vid

right? mte.

No. 146924

Sorry if this has been posted before–but have you guys seen the video she posted on YouTube of her playing Earthbound?


You can hear plenty of Mama Debi yelling about random stuff throughout this.

No. 146926

"Mom can you be quiet?!"

It's so bewildering that this 30 year old woman is yelling at her mother to be quiet in her own house. Jfc.

No. 146938

She seems so lonely in the video- almost like the camera is her friend. Poor sweet Queen.

No. 146940

PK hentai means that when asked what her favorite thing in the world is at the beginning, she typed hentai
also she named one of the characters Kubo, so she still has a crush on the bleach creator.
also, she named the other two characters kris and scott
who is scott?

No. 146941

The milk is going to be very tasty when her mom throws her out on her worthless ass she can make her little dance vids from a cardboard box

No. 146962

I think Scott is her other brother, the one that got married.

No. 146964


Hi Britfag. You're retarded enough to think PT reads these threads? Impressive.

No. 146968

File: 1438234525936.jpg (128.92 KB, 946x933, PTDOA1.jpg)

Lol okay.

No. 146981

oh my god those thighs are fuckin gross

No. 146987

Oh dear. Did she have some kawaii copyrighted music playing in the background? I'd think a poor shot of her screen as she sat right in front of it playing wouldn't be an issue. Maybe it was the fact that she was in her underwear. Although I think she'd really blow up more if it was deemed inappropriate for that reason.

I'm wondering if she's attempting to get into the sexy gamer girl thing. I'm sure that there's a market for BBW gamer girls. But she needs to be entertaining and not so blatantly in your face with the panty shots. It's like some weird version of cleavage cam. It's only good for guys that need to fap. If she wants any sort of following she needs to be entertaining.

I don't get it. She wants attention. But she also wants guys to like her for more than just sex and complains that she'll never be a kawaii housewife. Then she does things like this.

No. 146988

You shits can leave.

I think she might have slept through most of her birthday, that or she has a some what normal sleep schedule.

No. 146989

If she did sleep through it I can understand why. I hope she feels better in the morning.

No. 146993

File: 1438236114154.jpg (54.69 KB, 527x450, ptCap.JPG)

posted 42 min ago. Nothing salty

No. 147041

File: 1438241533441.png (90.96 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-07-30-15-15-37…)

M-my queen!
I feel blessed.

No. 147049

>ugh mooooooom I'm filming myself playing videogames in my underwear and you're ruining it!

No. 147101


You lucky son of a bitch, I've been sending her hearts daily for weeks and nothing

No. 147110

File: 1438259306198.png (101.41 KB, 640x960, heh.PNG)

Get on my level

No. 147115

File: 1438260699019.png (223.24 KB, 638x356, vqlldh.png)

I-it's not like I'm jealous or anything.

No. 147139

Fuck…when will I earn this much of the queen's love? ಥ_ಥ

No. 147175

Pedantic nitpick - that Japanese comment means "I'll do my best," when I'm sure what the person meant to say was "Do your best!" god damn weebs don't even know the language…

No. 147190

How is lineplay different than gaia online?

No. 147192


Personally I think it's much cuter.

No. 147253

File: 1438283798104.jpg (113.12 KB, 567x720, image.jpg)

Just now saw this. Anyone have stories of our queen trying out for a team?

No. 479199

Well me have to lover the videos and the way she has fun and very cute would do here a lot.

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