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No. 118665
Last Thread
>>68096And she is back to posting in japanese, I guess she wants to make it look like that she has to be in Japan for work and can only return home when she gets some free time.
No. 118756
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Sooooo… New video will be with boyfriend? Or she's just confirming they're together. Anyways God it's such a nice pic, I like her gaze.
No. 118757
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No. 118763
>>118757Wow like the anon in previous thread said, she jumps from not being in a relationship to being girlfriend one sided.
She's not even in Japan and finally had to admit all this content is old shit lel
No. 118765
>>118762That's what it seems like. It's super fucking creepy.
I won't believe they're dating until I see him fully conscious and showing affection towards her.
And she's not in Japan, she even said she's in Florida.
No. 118767
>>118764Yeah. He's awake long enough to rap in the car and visit places. AKA things that stimulate the brain. Around Kiki he's pretty much always passed out.
It's so hilarious that all of her content is either of him not knowing or when he's asleep. I guess he's unaware of her internet persona to look this up.
>>118762If you look at her Insta she was wearing that same outfit around the time she took the video of him passed out asleep, also the same time she took that video of him she posted recently. Some relationship they've got! Much jealous.
No. 118773
>>118767Yeah, I don't blame him for sleeping when he's stuck alone with her. Her voice is insufferable and I highly doubt she ever asks anyone even simple questions like, "how are you?" I feel like she's exactly like she is on those stickam videos and the vlogs she's posted, she just spends hours talking about herself and obnoxiously laughing at her own jokes.
>>118769I think this is exactly the case. She probably just stayed with his family after the sugar daddy dumped her. In the one video at that space thing, he literally shows no interest in her and walks away while she's trying to be funny, lol. I've heard that in Japan, people don't like pda, but he literally shows no sort of interest in her. He doesn't even seem like he's even interested in her as a friend. If I didn't know any better and saw the video, I'd just assume they were set up on a blind date, she seems like she's desperately trying to impress him and he seems like he just wants to leave.
No. 118784
>>118782That explains things.
I bet he had a one night stand and got angry when waking up to find out she made these videos. She probably threatened to upload them, while Kooter told her not to as it's scandalous.
So she eventually uploads things half a year later when the guy has forgotten she exists and Kooter is to busy to care.
No. 118808
>>118806Yeah, but don't you think she'd want to ride the fuck out of those coattails if she could?
I think her intention while in Japan was to leach off of Dakota's fame anyway.
No. 118809
>>118807omfg, She's so desperate for this to be real.
I can't believe this is happening– Glorious lolcow milk in the great PT depression.
No. 118817
>>118816It's just so sad and funny because you know she was just a hookup… American girls (
especially one's who stay in Roppongi) are an easy lay. They're targets for guys. I feel kind of bad for her because she probably believe's he's her boyfriend on some level. Just like Jack Cash.
(I'm an American girl who has spent time in Roppongi. It's not just a stereotype.)
I'd like to see a video of them together NOT filmed on the same day they fucked.
No. 118834
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Too bad she's still lying about the reason
No. 118837
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>>118812It was filmed in Japan, about 4-5 months ago.
I am surprised there is anything romantic going on between them, even if it was just a hook up while she was there. In all the other photos/ videos he seemed so disinterested, but he actually says he loved her in this video.
Very weird.
No. 118846
>>118843Yeah, I agree generally. But, this guy is roaming for ass in Roppongi.
These guys know how to get foreign girls. I just don't buy it.
No. 118851
>>118850No ones from tumblr m8
Maybe if you were actually Asian
You'd understand the shit we deal with
No. 118866
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I wonder how long it will take for this person to be deleted and blocked
No. 118870
>>118819I think so as well. I hate to sound tumblr, but really she's only using him as an accessory. Having a super kawaii nihonjin boifurendo makes her totally not racist and it's a good excuse to show off her Japanese "skills." Plus, people see relationships as a bit of a status symbol, especially if the person is super attractive/successful, and this guy is pretty hot ngl.
>>118843I do agree for the most part, but I think if it was a foreign girl who lives across the world from them, barely understands their language, and who's only going to be there for a short period of time, they would probably do the same. No sane guy would ever do that with a girl who lives in the same city or something because they're more likely to deal with the consequences.
>>118865I felt the exact same way, I thought it was just me. It was pretty hard for me to get through the video and I thought it was just because Kaka's voice/everything about her is just so grating.
No. 118875
>>118871THIS. It's disturbing to think he doesn't know anything about this and I definitely think this is the case. Why don't we ever see any selfies with him, any social media, or any sort of acknowledgement of her yt/filiming from him? Hell, every single time she talks to a guy, she feels the need to go on about love and relationships. She never did that with this guy. Just now she's calling him her boyfriend when all of this stuff was going on months ago. This just isn't right.
She said suggested that they found each other doing language exchange in the video description, someone should try digging for him on language exchange sites because this is super fucking creepy and he needs to know.
No. 118876
>>118871I agree. Why can't she post videos of them out and about, doing something interesting? They obviously left her room together at least once, but she mostly posts their private moments and him sleeping. Why? I guess so she can brag about banging her kakkoii nihonjin boyfriend.
Nearly every video/photo she posts of him is just uncomfortable to watch because they’re all so sneaky. Even the ones where they’re outside are cringey because they’re so secretive.
No. 118879
>>118807It appears he's looking at the camera around 1:50. I think he'd be able to see it, if it was so close.
It's clearly still all filmed on the one day and just a hook-up though.
No. 118884
>>118866I've got to say, she looks really old in this thumbnail. It's probably just her her laugh lines, the color of her hair, how thin her hair is, and how young he looks, but damn.
>>118872I could see that tbh, she rarely ever gets human interaction/attention and hasn't really been with anyone in years so I'm sure she's pretty desperate to keep any guy around.
No. 118892
>>118807Well that was cute! And he said "I love you"
… Could be longer. Like, a 2 min video would be a snippe of her life instead of a 10 secs one but still good. He as awake too.
No. 118943
>>118930>>118930I don't know. I've definitely taken selfies (and purikura) with japanese guys I was flirty with but not dating. I'm not sure why she chose not to. Also, wait, "two"? She's had two japanese boyfriends? What?
>>118933Nah he does actually say "aishiteru"
No. 118946
>>118943.. Aishiteru meaning? Sorry non Japanese speaker here so I really don't know what he says and I can't trust her fully haha
Also, Japanese speakers: has her Japanese improved in any way?
No. 118950
>>118946Nvm, it does mean "I'm in love with you etc".
… In addition, I believe they're together/actual relationship and that she isn't just some hookup. And that he probably wouldn't mind her posting content with him for all the internet to see
No. 118968
>>118946Her japanese is very 101 and clunky. Nothing wrong with being a beginner though.
>>118950Yeah, I don't think she'd lie about his being her boyfriend, but I do wonder how long it'll last long distance / whether he's as serious about her as she is about him.
No. 118974
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>>118807He gave permission to upload the video and seems to care for her veganism. Don't let him go, Kaka.
No. 119003
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According to her schedule, it'll be a 10-seconds snippet.
… Yay? Also girl you can stop with this "I'm a cat purr" thing now. It went from dumb to creepy
No. 119018
Naive white girls you in danger in Roppongi, especially if you think a tiny "aishiteru" from a hookup means something.
>>118850She is accessorizing him though. Nigga don't know he's being filmed in an intimate situation for the internet. Japanese people hate having their real selves plastered over the internet, especially when not clothed and in bed.
>>118934Cackling at this thought because it's true. I can't wait to see Kaka milk this one night stand for 3 more months 10 seconds at a time. At this point it seems like they hardly interacted without her pulling out her phone to record it.
No. 119026
>>119018in danger of what, getting some hot n spicy dick?
I'll definitely lurk the premises next time I'm in town.
No. 119029
>>119026dick is dick
My dream is to taste all the dicks of the rainbow.
No. 119030
>>118978Japanese people don't really say aishiteru, but it's what foreigners often learn that's how you express affection because it's closest to "I love you" where suki is just "like". But, Japanese aren't usually blunt like that.
I just don't buy it– I really don't think this relationship is real like she's making it appear.
I think some of you guys are being naive because he's a cute Japanese guy.
No. 119039
>>119033i honestly believe the country, among others, is emotionally stunted in some ways. (i do not mean this in a bad way at all, and its definitely preferable to the way america sexualization of everything is hitting younger and younger children)
but… because people arent encourage to communicate openly about anything, of course this affects their ability to portray their emotions. dating becomes a game or even a chore. of course its not only japan but… it so hard to explain as anything other than "different". basically, keekz just dont get your hopes up. take a lesson from venus
No. 119044
>>119039I was really thinking that Japan isn't a great place for her, nor is a Japanese relationship. The people who do end up living there happily and long term are kind of reserved with their feelings or not particularly overemotional, including her sister. Kiki is all about them. She's ruled by her feelings. The Japanese way of holding everything in and putting on a brave face or whatever isn't going to work out well for her. I'm sure that's part of her appeal to some Japanese though.
I really don't know about the whole "Japanese people don't like to be filmed" thing because I feel like I have seen some Japanese people being filmed doing things that would be considered embarrassing before? Is this more of a cultural norm that some don't really fall into or just one of those things that is really true? Can someone make a comparison to something similar in the US so I understand?
No. 119047
>>119044Japanese people don't like to be filmed without consent. That's why you always see pixalated faces in videos of strangers. They don't have to do that in the US.
And by filming strange things in public, what do you mean? Those videos are likely censored too, watch the faces in the background. No. 119090
>>118974Just because she says she's got permission, doesn't mean it's true. Did she ever ask Jack Cash for permission? Or how about all of those people who she screencapped and posted conversations with? I don't believe it.
>>119044This. Also, Kaka is super American (keep in mind this is a generalization here and not everyone is like this), people are more independent here while it's all about the group in Japan. One example, in America, people in public will talk on their phone or to the person next to them completely freely, this is general not everyone of course. From what I've heard in Japan, it's completely the opposite, people try to keep their voices down and tend to think about the others around them more. Kaka is definitely not like that because in some videos she filmed in public there, you can hear her being loud and obnoxious.
>>119059Seriously. Her obsession with them is the creepiest thing ever. I'm sure her and Kota have already noticed this girl, I wonder what they think of it.
>>119082Commenter. We discussed her in a thread about being old and kawaii in b. She's a 45 year old weeb who now is lying about being 20 and is literally obsessed with Kaka, Kota, and Venus, especially Kota and Kaka. She tags literally everything with kotakoti and kikikannibal and constantly tweets at/about both of them.
No. 119106
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>>119058>>119054I don't get how he seems non-traditional because he wears western clothes. Everyone in Tokyo wears western clothes. Like, how do you guys get all this from watching a less than 5 minute video of the dude?
Not defending the guy or anything, but sooper sleuthing and speculation some farmers do here is funny sometimes. Maybe it's just me.
No. 119123
>>119054>he's not your regular Jap guy because>describes everything that is a typical japanese guyway to go
most younger japanese guys are quite interested in western culture, because damn no one wanna be an otaku, and they certainly love their white women
No. 119152
>>119106Thank you! Honestly the speculation here goes so far. That she had a sugar daddy, that he's not traditional, that they broke up, etc etc etc
Really I know y'all have been missing that Kiki's milk but calm down
No. 119155
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>>119106It is most definitely not just you.
Most of the stories about lolcows are speculation and then get warped into fact after the repeated regurgitation from people that visit this site. Same with PULL. People try to pass opinions off as facts pretty regularly. It just makes me cringe because it is hard to want to read threads about cows when you see that conjecture has slowly morphed into fact.
No. 119173
>>119041I wonder what video she would make of that.
"Locals taking advantage of innoncent girls"
No. 119184
>>119054top kek you're reaching waaaay too far
and 4 months is a perfectly decent time to meet his parents, it's not a rule
come on
No. 119334
>>119320it was 3 months and they didn't start hanging out til mid march. so more like 2 and a half months assuming they were hanging out since she got there.
No. 119456
>>119423If you're white and skanky, you can easily find someone who looks cute like him.
Unfortunately most cute Japanese guys (who knows they're cute) aren't worth keeping. They're way too shallow.
No. 119457
>>119106I stress it's only speculation (a feeling I get) and based on few pics and vids. So chill, dude. I'm no Japanese culture expert and appreciate other's observations and experiences. I just think it's strange for him to drop an aishiteru and to introduce her to his parents this early, but like
>>119184 said, there's no rule to it. Imagine your cute sheltered son with a hot, exotic and passionate white American that is a DJ, model, famous youtuber and has her own (reselling) business. Maybe she's not a bad catch after all.
No. 119548
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in case anyone cares, she speaks Spanish, for having studied it for two years at college. Even though her course lasted what, 8 months?
No. 119567
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>>119548More showing off languages she can "speak." Idk about the Chinese and Korean, but the Japanese is very basic. This bitch really thought she needed to be in an intermediate class, lol.
No. 119568
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>>119567Also, she may start speaking google translate Arabic soon.
No. 119582
>>119568"What language do you suggest I learn next?"
As in "what shoe should I wear"
She makes it sounds so mundane. This chick gives 0 fucks about knowledge.
No. 119584
>>119582i know right. if you're even half way serious about the language, the decision is not gonna be pulled out of your ass.
the amount of work it takes to be decent at a language is not worth it if you dont even like the way it sounds, the country its spoken in, the culture, any of those things. she's trying hard to prove something but no one knows what. girl's got too much time
No. 119589
>>119579I understand it as well and I feel the same way. I also think you should at least wait until you can have a conversation with someone on your own in one language before you start learning another one. I see no point in learning languages if you keep moving onto another one after you learn how to form super basic sentences.
>>119582I agree. People who actually give a shit about these things don't feel the need to show it off at every chance they get. Like I get her speaking Spanish because there were people tweeting about her in Spanish. But there was no reason for her to randomly pull out Korean, Japanese, and Chinese. I am positive she doesn't really have anyone who natively speaks those languages watching her videos.
>>119584>the amount of work it takes to be decent at a language is not worth it if you dont even like the way it sounds, the country its spoken in, the culture, any of those things. This.
No. 119610
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Somehow Kiki pretending to be Dakota was Kiki's best era. Does anyone know if she's got a weave in here? The fringe looks perfect.
>>119608What's sad about that is that I genuinely believe that if Kiki had played her cards better (that is, not making a fool of herself on twitter and instagram and youtube) she probably could have booked some decent modeling jobs. I'm not saying she could be Dakota-tier, but she's still got all the right tools and she's kind of thrown it away. I can imagine her personality not fittin in well in Japan at all.
No. 119614
>>119613If that's the case, then why hasn't Japan picked Kiki up by now?
She won't make it as a model in Japan, simple as. Doesn't fit the bill, doesn't have the features or anything. Even if she did, I wouldn't imagine it going very well. I'd rather stick to Kota tyvm.
No. 119616
>>119456It's like the new thing, isn't it? "I'm white so I can get Japanese guys/girls easily ~~"
I wonder when kiki will just get bored and move on already, it's getting old and fast.
Reminds me of all the dumb girls who go after the Turkish men on holiday from the UK and cry in the magazines how they were used for foreign fetish and visa
No. 119619
Kiki is after attention in any shape or form, even down to putting up videos of her new toy boy. That's how low she's steeped.
When will she learn that youtube is for actual videos and not snippets of 'the aftermath' or drawing dumb things on that guy's face.
It doesn't make sense… I know youtube has plenty of stupid videos but christ
No. 119620
>>119614I said
>I think even after all of the failing there, she still believes that Japan would love her more than they love Kota and that they just need to be exposed to her more.It would be super hypocritical of me to say that she could be a model because I was this anon
>>119608I definitely do agree with you though.
No. 119625
>>119620Ah! I see now, sorry.
I do wonder… what her goal out of all this is though…
No. 119628
>>119625I'm really sorry if I sounded rude.
I wonder as well. I guess it's still modeling, but shouldn't she be taking more pictures for that? I don't even get why she never did that, like if I were in her shoes and wanted to model in Japan, I'd take many modeling photos and post them while there since I think it'd be more likely to get attention there? (I've heard that if you post something online, you're more likely to get people who live closer to you/in your country looking at it.)
No. 119631
>>119628I want to add:
She's like pt, she expects so much to happen but doesn't do anything at all for it.
No. 119657
>>119646I can recall someone on here saying that Kiki isn't exactly the type to do that. That it isn't her style or something.
I don't think it is either but who says, she might not do that? Get hitched, live in Japan, find modelling work or have a hafu child and try getting that into some line of work. I dunno… I could be wrong here.
But there isn't really any intention on her being in Japan. Not that there needs to be, I mean I want to go this year just to sight see, shopping and meet my penpals! Yet it's like Kiki is expecting fame, she demands it because she's useless and pretty. At least kota had some brains and got herself work.
Maybe he's just to show off while she's into this japan/kawaii fad. Since there isn't anything else… for her to do i guess.
No. 119658
>>119628No no! It's fine, honestly.
Exactly! I mean she used to take so many photos… I'd be doing that, then finding an agent or something. But then again, would it work and would anyone hire her?
Shame she isn't in the UK. She could have just opted for Drop Dead and all that urban/underground kind of modelling. She'd suit that far better than having her face appear on the latest cover of Zipper or Kera.
No. 119666
>>119658I don't think it would do anything, but it's better than her sitting around and hoping for something to work. There are so many girls much cuter than Kaka who don't really get attention in Japan. If you just look up makeup tutorials in Japanese on yt, you'll find many Kota wannabes who are a lot cuter than Kaka, but get like 5 Japanese commenters at the very most(PeachMilkyTea is a good example of this).
I just looked that company up and I definitely think she's suit that kind of modeling as well.
No. 119752
>>119747I'm just saying she's cuter than Kaka and tries to get attention in Japan but doesn't get it.
I do feel you on the yellow hair thing tho.
No. 119753
>>119747She isn't ugly, I think PM is pretty. I liked her Elsa cosplay because for some reason due to Anna/Elsa's faces, I can kind of picture them looking like that? With the odd shape noses? She just fit it perfectly and I liked how it wasn't Elsa's snow queen costume but the coronation one instead. I think she's really cute.
Again, not keen on the yellow hair.
No. 119754
>>119752She won't be it because… C'mon HOW many girls are going through the "I look like a cute doll" stage? There is tons… everything she does is merely the same as to what other girls are doing though. Nothing is new, nothing is unique.
I mean, it'd be nice if she did get attention but what would it lead to? Modelling? They've already got a ton of models who look like her… dress like her…
No. 119762
>>118851dude, i hate asian fetishists as much as the next guy (my best friend goes through that shit) but no need to go "eeeevvil white devil!!!11" lots of black and latino men fetishize asians too
thinking only whites do that is counter productive to your point
Sorry off topic
No. 119806
>>119799Wtf is this bullshit excuse that she didn't keep making videos because she didn't think people were watching them? Her videos of a consistent 20k~ views, how the fuck you're going to try and dig for asspats about your views?
Fucking cunt was just made she didn't get featured in Asia and get millions of views.
No. 119812
>>119799way to be congruent kaka
you said you stopped making videos because ~hatrzzz~ were taking your shitty advices
No. 119814
>>119568AKA dropping japanese soon
well she got some IS
friends to practice already lol
No. 119834
>>119799Wow, I can actually see her nose.
>Since my viewers are more vocal about me making videosI'm pretty sure they were always vocal about this.
This is actually one of her videos that I can actually sit all the way through and not get annoyed. She isn't trying incredibly hard to be funny/cute(although there was one part where she was trying to be cutesy), she's speaking normally, and she isn't using way too much brightness. I wonder if she listened to our critiques.
No. 119860
>i will automatically tune out any negativity, including plain honesty>i expect people to be nice to mei guess at least she's trying to shoot into her little niche again
>>119799comparing this voice with her normal voice makes me lel
No. 119867
>>119853What a bunch of bs.
Notice how this video looks a lot like Dakota's in her early kotakoti stage? Only difference is, Kiki hasn't got that same appeal.
Not buying it, I think it's a pile of my hole. Sorry.
No. 119873
>>119871Probably. But is there that many ads with Dakota in them? So far we've only seen her appearances on TV off youtube, a few commercials and her in magazines? I think she'll get more well known in the future.
I have a feeling maybe kiki works a part time job tbh. I heard she does, in a store. I think kota must have done the same back in America.
No. 119878
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>>119853This is slightly ot, but can you track people on google+? Like what's up with her wanting to post on there all of a sudden? I get she can make longer posts on there, but it's better to just get a tumblr for that because it's much more popular. I don't know a single person that actually uses google+.
I don't really get the Kota comparisons with this video? I think if she was trying to be more like Kota in this video, she'd use the angles/lighting she used in her older videos, like in this pic. It doesn't seem to me like she even tried to be attractive in this video.
>>119873Idk about ads, but she did post pictures or videos at that park Kota had an interview and took pictures with fans at. If she was just pretending she was there(I'm pretty sure they were posted when she left/was supposed to leave), I'm sure fans must've stopped them when they hung out. Kota seems pretty popular since Abi Pop and PeachMilkyTea have said that people in Japan have thought they were Kota.
I don't think so, I know she did work at a store years ago, but I think she quit to focus on music, youtube, and her store at the time.
No. 119888
>>119799jesus christ it took her that long to make a vegan video
i understand she has been searching for new ideas but veganism has been a constant in her life for many years now, so she could at least keep rolling vegan videos out, at least to maintain some online presence.
remember - social media presence doesnt guantee fame, but total absence gets you nowhere.
No. 119891
>>119873There was once a Dakota truck or train, actually it was a commercial for some cosmetic school which Dakota modeled for and they advertised on vehicles.
I just thought it would be hilarious if Kiki saw that while walking through Tokyo and started boiling inside.
No. 119917
>>119912…no she didn't ?
She toned down the lightning and the white wear
No. 120007
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>>119853this looks like a prayer. like it's a motivational speech for herself actually.
the video kind of confirms that. she looks like she could cry at any moment.
she has a vexed look on the face when talking about wellbeing and feeling good on the inside.
>We really wanna feel our best so that nothing can stop us from creating our lives and ourselves [swallowing/raised brows] her microexpressions show discomfort. she is talking about herself, she doesn't feel her best.
>i really wanna help people feel better about themselvesi want to help myself feel better
>and feel good on the inside. who doesn't want that? [quick glances to the side, blinking]again, talking about herself
plus, there are no real smiles in that video. her mouth may be smiling, the eyes aren't.
No. 120069
>>119878 she's parted/shaped her hair more like from the kiki mimeux era, unless that's an older picture? I hadn't seen it before, but then again, I don't pay attention to Dakota's sister unless I'm bored & taking it out on lolcow.
No. 120074
>>120069That's from an older video. I said if she was trying to be like Kota she'd use the lighting/angles she did in her older videos and used that pic as an example. In this video (caps here
>>120007) she doesn't seem to be trying to look her most attractive since she's not using any special angles and we can see all of her features.
No. 120092
>>120089I agree, vegan diets aren't for everyone.
But it's also not like your diet is the only factor in whether or not you look young and healthy. If you are stressed, it shows.
No. 120101
>>120089Kiki is just a moron with her diet. Even if she weren't a vegan she'd be unhealthy.
Remember that video she did about testing your spit for candida? Well, candida is yeast. She ads nutritional yeast to every. single. thing. She makes.
No. 120117
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I feel like we broke Kirsten.
No. 120148
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>>120046 I knoooow I mean
No. 120151
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It's kinda heartbreaking. I hope it isn't serious and just speculation… Maybe a bad day? PMS?
Also, I gotta say I think she looked the best in this video if compared to her other ones. Eyes vs skin contrast on point, with no overdoing. Also, she got nice teeth and lips.
No. 120166
>>120155Fucking seriously.
Her eyes are so full of sadness baww
No. 120167
>>120151I agree. I didn't want to say anything because I thought that people who go, "kiki go away." She's a lolcow and a shitty person, but I don't wish misery on her. Part of me wants her to get her shit together and stop trying to be someone she's not.
Ehh, I wouldn't say she looks the best in this video, I think she looks good in this cap
>>119878 here. But I think it's more refreshing seeing how she looks in this new video because this is what she actually looks like. I know she doesn't really shoop or anything but I think the angles/lighting she used made a huge difference from how she looks naturally. Like a lot of people thought she had a nose job recently because the lighting/angles/shoop in her old picture/videos gave the illusion she had a wider, rounder, and straighter nose.
No. 120172
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I'm sorry, but I can't feel sorry for her. Like, at all. She did this to herself. She's an adult, without any sort of tragic predisposition in life.
She's lazy, self-centered, stuck up and expects things to be handed to her because she used to be the "scene queen".
She lies to herself and everyone else. Narcissistic people can't just "get their shit together."
I think she's just stuck like this. Ya'll can hope for her happy assimilation into a normal life or whatever, but I'm gonna grab a granola bar and watch this train-wreck burnn.
No. 120190
>>120172My sentiments exactly.
You reap what you sow and Kirsten has sown enough to supply a lunar colonisation project with the oxygen produced by the resulting plants.
No. 120191
>>120117>>120007>>120166seriously? what a load of bull. you can all go back to PULL with your empath speculations and body language reading. she looked fine in the video and always does shit like look to the side and swallow. ugh. i scrolled down to see this as the first post
>>120172 and I legit thought she had a breakdown or something from the sound of it. but no. it's just a bunch of video nitpicking and random screenshots of her making faces in the middle of talking.
No. 120207
>>120191All three of those posts were making different points, pick one.
I get rolling your eyes for
>>120117, but the last one is clearly sarcastic. You have to be retarded or new to the English language to think otherwise.
And the "UGH GTFO PULL" post as you referred to was a pretty good analysis of some of her facial expressions– it's not anon's fault you thought she had a meltdown. You should probably have watched the video first before posting.
No. 120213
>>120209Pedo? Wat.
Kirsten was 14 at the time, that didn't make the dude a pedophile.
No. 120217
>>120092This so much. I'm vegetarian myself but due high workplace stress, lack of sleep and whatnot I often look pale and tired no matter how healthy and organic I eat.
sage because blogging
No. 120219
>>120213Lord, you can tell it's a PULLtard talking because they think 14 is grown and worldly. (Naturally, because most of them are about 14.)
Kiki was actually the oldest of Danny's girlfriends. He was an 18/19 year old serial rapist who fucked girls 10-14. I don't care if that's strictly 'pedophilia' or not, it's still fucking slimy and weird. When I was 18 I had absolutely no interest in messing around with tweens; there's a massive cognitive difference between a 14 year old and an 18 year old, and the only reason an 18 year old would want to date a <14 year old is if he couldn't get the attention of girls his own age (gee… I wonder why!). It's not like Kiki was remarkably mature for her age, since she STILL acts twelve.
Kiki does some lulzy things like pretend to speak seven languages and post unnecessarily personal videos, but I'm grossed out by people who poke fun at the Cespedes situation. Even if you want to dispute the credibility of her rape accusation, the dude obviously wreaked genuine havoc on that already dysfunctional family, and then went and got himself killed, which became the subject of public debate. Like, the dude had multiple tattoos of Kiki. He was fucking nuts
No. 120243
>>119567ching chong fag here. she's using traditional characters for some reason (??? she's obviously not in taiwan.) Her grammar is completely fucked up, but I think she's trying to say "I see many Chinese masses/people, I thank you!"
She may be trying to say "我多中国人看了, 谢谢!" (I have seen many Chinese people, thank you!) but I don't really see how that is important or relevant..??
Please forgive me for any mistakes I have made, I am but a 笨洋人.
No. 120246
File: 1434104005471.jpg (17.03 KB, 480x480, 11046458_1571978943057780_1649…)

>>120245Loling at "My Chinese Public" but I think you're right. Maybe she was trying to say "My hordes of Chinese fans" (huehuehue.)
Makes sense that she wouldn't know the difference between 你 and 你们. She obviously has no clue that it's almost impossible to translate Chinese literally, which is why google translate fucks it up. (I still can't get over her trying to use Traditional characters.)
This just proves that Kaka tries so hard to be ~cultured~ and ~sophisticated~, but fails miserably since she has no inherently unique ideas and lacks the intelligence to generate anything out of popular trends, not to mention being unable to speak anything other than garbled sentences of other languages spat out from google translate.
pic related: kiki
No. 120254
>>120227Because you've had your image of the situation tainted by Cathy's lies.
Danny didn't even know that Kirsten was 14 when they first started dating, he thought she was 16 and get parents both corroborated in this lie at the time believed that Kirsten going up with a "scene king" would bring them even more publicity and $$$$.
How are people already forgetting this fact?
No. 120259
>>120254You're forgetting that he didn't drop her like a hot potato once he found out her real age, that he had multiple other relationships with underage girls, and that he fell for Cathy's entrapment which involved the promise of taking drugs with a twelve year old.
Life doesn't follow the structure of having good guys and bad guys. Both of them can be shit people. Danny being shit doesn't automatically make Kiki some saint.
No. 120265
>>120261yeah, she convinced the girl of that so she could use her social media profiles to promise him sex and drugs, to get Danny to actually come to the mall where the trap was set. You utter retard.
Did you think they just jumped him by chance in a random mall? No. They convinced him he was meeting an under-age girl for sex.
No. 120271

Wow there are a few people in this thread who are obviously just pulling shit straight from their ass in an attempt to appear "in the know" or weren't even there at the time.
I was around and watching the drama unfold during at the time so I'm gonna tell you dingbats how it actually was:
When Danny and Kirsten first met Danny was had just turned 18 and Kirsten was 14 almost going 15, so hardly the fresh, innocent newly blossomed 14 year old you have in your mind. At this point she was already going clubbing and drinking every weekend and it was something she'd mention pretty frequently on her livechat and blog (this was before the *~ pure mystical vegan "cleanse your body"~* phase).
They originally encountered each other on Myspace where Danny was kind of a big thing in his own right, with people referring to him as "Mr. Myspace". After talking for a while they decided to meetup and from there it progressed onto dating.
For the entire first month and a bit of their relationship Kirsten lied to Danny about her age and instead told him that she was 17. I can only surmise that she was desperate to impress Danny (who was like, the pinnacle of her type looking at past and present boyfriends). This, as Anon stated here
>>120254, was in fact corroborated by Cathy and Scott who we all know are money grubbing fucks and probably saw dollar signs in their eyes and subsequent magazine interviews and photoshoots for "The King and Queen of Myspace teen romance".
For anybody that was around at the time knows that Kirsten's real age was already kind of a fuzzy subject because it was something she was never honest about when asked, with her profile switching back and forth between shit like 16 years old to 98 years old etc.
Danny came from a broken home. His father was in fact a convicted of sex offences against a minor and in prison, and I believe Danny was living with his aunt who had a drinking problem. Shortly after meeting and dating Kirsten, Cathy and Scott made the decision, at Kirsten's behest, to welcome Danny into their home. This was actually WHILST Danny was still under the illusion that Kirsten was 17 so it was in fact Cathy and Scott who made the decision to allow an 18 year old to live in in the home and and sleep in the bed of their 14 year old daughter.
It was also during this time that Kirsten first began sleeping with Danny regularly (condom gate). For this I have zero qualms against Danny for because at the time he honestly believed that she was 17. According to my memory it was not too long after this that a personal friend of Kirsten's told Danny that Kirsten was at the time 14 (on the cusp of 15 by this point). He flipped and left their house and vanished for 2 days and Kirsten was pretty distraught about it (according to her blogs at the time).
After 2 days he returned and talked to Kirsten , Cathy and Scott about it, and they decided to continue their relationship and to continue living there as he didn't really have anywhere else to go and was or believed he was in love with Kirsten at this point.
There is actually a diary entry written up by Danny just before he died floating around on the internet somewhere and it details his time spent dating Kirsten and the reasons for why he ended up ending the relationship. In it he comes across as a very calm, reasonable and lucid individual and a hell of a lot more likeable than the Ostrenga's who can't seem to open their mouths without lying.
Kirsten/Cathy(?) has since wiped the original copy clean from any other website, but I know there's a screencap of it lingering on PULL somewhere amongst mess that is the multiple Kiki threads. If I'm bored enough later I'll go and dig it out.
If any of you are still having trouble understanding how Danny was fooled by Kirsten about her age, well, this is how she looked about the time they started dating. I probably would have believed she was 17 too based on her appearance at the time.
>>120259The girl wasn't 12, where are you getting your fucking information from? Do you have a direct line to Cathy herself?
No. 120280
File: 1434115073509.png (242.72 KB, 1715x1188, Screen Shot 2015-06-12 at 9.16…)

I'll just leave this here without further comment
No. 120284
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>>120280Guess I'll just drop this here then :^)
>"lied about her age and told Daniel that she was 17 years old"In 2006.
That screencap dates 2007
Kirsten is well known for being dishonest about her age.
Get btfo.
No. 120323
>>120271Fucking this.
The reason you always see so many girls in their mid 20s now who were there for the height of scene and myspace at 16/17 claiming Kiki was their age/older than them and lying about her age is because to them, she was their age. She has always been ambiguous about her age and lied about it to seem more mature or to purposely confuse people, and to those of us who were there, INCLUDING Danny, she WAS 17. It's only hard to understand in retrospect.
Should Danny have fucked a 14 yr old? No. But should Kiki's parents have let her adult boyfriend live with them and fuck in her bed KNOWING that she was 14? Fucking hell no. And as for not dropping her after he found out her real age…he did eventually. i doubt it felt it woukd be as easy as just breaking up with her and bailing, and certainly when he actually did that, he was framed for pedo rape and killed himself.
Granted he did have a history of dating younger girls (not 12, that's a lie) but so many girls lied about their age, seriously. Age of consent is 16 in Florida for those under 23 and also kind of ambiguous in cases of relationships, google florida age if consent for more info) but idk man her parents knew what was happening and could have prevented it.
Now she plays it up for sympathy like he forced her and manipulated her as if she and her family had nothing to do with it. I wonder if she realizes that the only people who ever truly manipulated and victimized her were her parents.
No. 120334
>a whole analysisthat was nothing.
what stands out is the discrepancy between her body language and what she is saying.
do you not understand human behaviour at least a little bit?
No. 120339
>fucking hell no. And as for not dropping her after he found out her real age…he did eventuallyYeah, I actually feel bad for Danny taking into consideration his situation at the time. People say "Oh but he was 18, he was an adult", but to me 18 years old is still a teen. I don't know any one person who seriously had their shit together by age 18, I know I didn't. I was still a mess when I was 18 and still kind of am.
He came from a poor Hispanic background, I know that he was allegedly bullied due to the situation with his biological father being in prison on sex offences and his home life was heavily unstable.
I think he found a sense of belonging in the scene community, but at that point the majority of people who were into scene were in their early teens. His entire friend group consisted of people who were a couple of years younger than him and that definitely contributed to his lack of emotional maturity.
I know that when he first met Kirsten he was completely besotted by her, and originally he found a secondary home in the Ostrengas. At the time it must have seemed too good to be true, a beautiful, popular girlfriend who seems to adore you, a seemingly well to do family welcoming you into their home with open arms.
I can't say I agree with him staying with Kirsten even after he found out her real age, but with having nowhere else to return to and with Kirsten, Cathy and Scott all pressuring him and making it seem like it was okay I'm not surprised he did stay with her. He was in love, or at least believed he was.
He clearly originally had a problem with her age or he wouldn't have fucked off for two days when he found out that she was indeed a minor. It obviously bothered him.
People say he's a pedophile but I don't think that's the case at all, I think he was severely lacking in any real maturity and although he may have been 18, in his head it probably still felt like he was 15/16.
I don't know how many people know this but all this stuff that Kirsten does in reference to shit like Power Rangers and Final Fantasy VII, well it was actually Danny that used to come over with old Power Rangers toys he'd find that he'd gift to Kirsten since they were "funny" and "quirky", and it was him that got her playing Final Fantasy VII, which is why Kirsten and Dakota always talk about it/uses the music in their videos but it's the only Final Fantasy game in the series they've actually played.
No. 120342
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Hey guys, I couldn't find the screencap of the diary that Danny made in reference to his time spent with Kirsten, but somebody copied and pasted the text which I have here:
"Whenever we went anywhere she had to turn it into a fucking photoshoot, where she was the only one with a camera, so other people couldn't take photos of her she couldn't get her hands on and photo-edit before they got on the internet.
She would bitch at anyone who put her photo on the internet without her permission. All her photos has to be posed and edited. She would get pissed off if anyone took a picture with their camera and start saying "don't put that online". Yes, I made a mistake, but Kiki's made many more and told many more lies in her journals that I know the truth behind. I agree with most of the horrible shit she posted about me, but despite all this horrible stuff she still writes journals saying she considers taking me back. She bitched about everyone, she's only scared of losing me because she knows I was her only true friend, the only one she didn't bitch about (but maybe she did, who knows), and now she's turned everything around on Eric. She has to pretend she's hard but all she cared about was her Myspace, when she was around real people she suddenly wasn't so big anymore. Her whole family are obsessed with the internet. I am a Myspace whore but I got where I am because I enjoy it and I like people, not because my whole family are promoting me or because I have nowhere else to go with my life. The only people she knew were people she met through me. Now she's scared because she knows she has lost them all. They think that they can take Kiki out of education and she can make a living on the internet, but they're wrong: Kiki is only well known because everyone hates her. You can't make money out of haters, but she's dilluded, and has been ever since our relationship started. All she ever talked about was Myspace, whenever anyone writes anything bad she expects us all to jump in and defend her. We got sick of it, after a while everyone she hung out with in real life stopped commenting on her stuff and backing her up against haters, so she bitched about them. She always called her haters "stalkers" and "obsessed" but she was her own hater, she was obsessed with herself and how everyone saw her. All she cared about was how our relationship was portrayed, how everyone else saw it, she didn't care about what it actually was, just how it looked to other people on the internet. People she didn't even know.I should have ended it as soon as I realised, but I liked her, and I thought she would at least show me some respect for sticking with her even when everyone turned their backs on her. It was the same with her hair, it looked good from a forward angle, but from behind it didn't look right, so we couldn't take photos of her from
behind. We'd get funny comments thrown at us in the streets, sometimes people would recognise her and call her names, she didn't fight back, she hid away, or called her dad to pick her up and spend the whole journey back bitching about how fat they were. She's posted all these journals making herself sound like the victim, when it's the other way around, she hates people, they fight back, and then she posts journals to get sympathy, when she was the one that started it. I liked the attention while I was with her, but now that we've broken up I've got even more support, I didn't realise how much she hurts people, I guess I became trapped in her world where haters are just jealous but now I realise it's more than that. She wrote that journal to cover her back, because she knew the truth would come out eventually. She pretends she wants me back because she's scared of me telling people about all the horrible stuff she's done to get where she is.
It's too late. "
No. 120345
>>120342Also this is a post that was made to PULL by a woman who actually knows Danny's mother Lourdes. In it she sheds some light on the situation:
"I joined this forum because I'm tired of seeing so many lies floating around the internet about Daniel, and the fact that Kiki has successfully ruined him image and made him look like a rapist… that is far from the truth. I am a friend of the family, my mother worked with Lourdes (Daniel's mom) for many years, I met Daniel many times and will tell the side of the story as I know it, i'll try to be brief:
Daniel met Kiki in person after they met online, (Cathy actually took Kiki to the meeting place) after meeting Kiki he quickly became obsessed with her, his mom began to worry because he started to copy her weird style (the racoon hair, makeup, clothes), his mom being an old fashioned Cuban mother was alarmed and often spoke to my mother about this so called Kiki that seemed to be a bad influence on Daniel.
I saw Daniel after he had already began a relationship with Kiki, he had changed so much I could barely recognize him, he was very quiet, and seemed very angry and was even very rude to us when he had always been a very polite and sweet guy. As the relationship progressed Daniel's mother opposed even more, and even threatened to kick Daniel out of the house if he did not stop seeing Kiki, Daniel did not listen and began sleeping over the Ostrenga house, one day my mother told me Daniel had developed a horrible rash all over his skin, it was contagious and he had gotten it from sleeping in Kiki's bed, Daniel's mom was desperate and begged Daniel to stop seeing Kiki but he continued to see her and became more and more defiant towards his mom, the rash got worse and one day Lourdes went to the Ostrenga house to speak with Kiki's parents. ~
To her surprise her parents treated her as if she was the enemy and told Lourdes she should let her son be happy and to let Daniel be with Kiki because they were young and in love, Cathy confessed that she was the one that did Daniel's hair into the hideous hairstyles and told Lourdes that Daniel could stay at their house for as long as he wanted. Lourdes thought that the only thing she could do was move away, so she started to plan to move out of the state, while she planned for the move Daniel and Kiki had a fallout (dont know why) but Daniel was kicked out of the Ostrengas house, this is when Daniel got the Kiki tatto.
Daniel returned to live with his mother and sister but Kiki began to call him and show up at his house all the time, Lourdes told her to please stay away but she kept looking for Daniel and Daniel eventually gave in and started to see Kiki, this time behind her parents back (since he was kicked out of the house her parents did not want him and kiki together anymore, i dont know the reasons for this), they would meet up at the mall, she would skip school to see him, she would sneak out at night.
Eventually her parents got fed up and threatened Daniel with statutory rape if he did not stop seeing Kiki, Kiki had initially lied about her age, although Daniel did find out her age soon after meeting and WAS aware that she was a minor, they were both consenting and even had Cathy's support!
She even gave him condoms and bought Kiki birth control, she was very aware that they were sexually active and did not mind.
Since Daniel and Kiki kept seeing each other Cathy went through with the sexual abuse suit and a restraining order was issued against Daniel (he couldnt see Kiki anymore) and this is when Lourdes and Daniel moved to North Carolina, Lourdes knew that the only way to stop the madness was to move far, far away. Soon after moving to NC, Daniel came down to Miami and was going to meet up with some girls at the mall. Daniel smoked weed, but was never known to do cocaine or any other drug.. Daniel's sister said that Daniel had bought the cocaine for a girl he planned to have sex with, the same girl he was supposed to meet at the mall.
It is still unknown how the Ostrengas found out that Daniel was at the mall, but Kiki showed up with intentions of calling the cops and having Daniel arrested (since she knew he could not be in the same place as her due to the restraining order), Kiki found Daniel at the mall and she called the cops, the cops handcuffed Daniel and found the cocaine in his pocket, Daniel had a chance to run so he ran way from the cops and in his attempt to scape stumbled over the ledge and fell off the 3 story building, Daniel did not die instantly, he lingered for two weeks at the hospital but eventually died from his injuries.
I cannot say that everything I wrote is 100% true but it is what I know from his Mother's perspective and to the best of my personal experiences with Daniel.
Lourdes is a good woman, she is so soft spoken and kind, she has never been the same since Daniel died… It breaks my heart that the internet has contributed to tainting the image of a sweet young man that made bad decisions..
Daniel had no intention of ever raping or harming Kiki, he was so in love with her He would only speak about her and about how awesome and cool she was. It makes me sick to my stomach that the Ostrengas orchestrated Daniels murder…"
No. 120399
I hate the way people scream "PEDOPHILE" at shit like a an 18 year old dating a 15 year old. It's a bit squiffy but it's not wrong, you get plenty of immature 18 year olds and older and plenty of teens younger than that who are mature as fuck for their age. Shit, I lost my virginity aged 15 and I have a friend that was 13 and we both did so with consent and responsibly using birth control.
You don't magically become a responsible adult the very second you pass 6574 days of existence, 18 year olds are still teens hence eighTEEN.
No. 120425
Why does everyone bring up that lolita book when they wanna justify someone being a pedophile? Daniel was a teenager. Only in the eyes of the law is he considered an adult.
>>120422 And I'm not the same anon you fucking retard. Your post doesn't make sense and that's that.
No. 120429
>>120271Maybe I'm reading into this wrong but I don't get how you can acknowledge that every single adult in her life utterly failed in their duty of care and still maintain that she's to blame. She (and Daniel, for that matter) acted just like thousands of teenagers all over the world act every day, the only difference being that instead of smacking some sense into her, her parents encouraged all of her stupid and dangerous behaviours. Instead of shutting down their relationship at the first hurdle, her parents were complicit in her lies. That's really, really fucked up. It seems like poor Danny's mum was the only adult to act responsibly in this entire clusterfuck.
I don't deny that she's was a manipulative little shit (and still is now) but she gets a disproportionate amount of shit for what her parents could and should have prevented and in some cases actually orchestrated.
No. 120432
>>120401The law says I should have been arrested and charged when I slept with my 16 year old boyfriend when I was 15.
Sometimes the law is an ass, you you're a blind ass cunt for following every little whim so blindly.
No. 120436
>>120422Since when was 18 "adult"?
18 year olds can't even consume alcohol in the states, how is that "adult".
I don't know anybody that considers 18 year olds actual adults. You're not even an adult biologically by 18.
>Kiki was rapedkek, that's why she'd go online and brag about how big Danny's dick was most nights huh? Back to PULL cunt.
No. 120437
>>120429You are reading into this wrong, I acknowledged a couple of times their failings i.e. "was in fact corroborated by Cathy and Scott who we all know are money grubbing fucks" and "it was in fact Cathy and Scott who made the decision to allow an 18 year old to live in in the home and and sleep in the bed of their 14 year old daughter", I don't think I actually insinuated Kirsten was to blame once in that entire post.
She was a misguided child, it was her parents responsibility to guide her and they fucked up enormously.
Doesn't change the fact though that Kirsten is an adult now and has every opportunity to come forward and correct past wrong, but she doesn't, she considers to lie, cheat, scam and steal.
No. 120452
>>120437>You are reading into this wrong,Okay good.
>I don't think I actually insinuated Kirsten was to blame once in that entire post.It was this
>If any of you are still having trouble understanding how Danny was fooled by Kirsten about her age, well, this is how she looked about the time they started dating. I probably would have believed she was 17 too based on her appearance at the time.'cause she'd never have been able to trick Danny so effectively without her parents cooperation. But my bad, you already covered it.
>Doesn't change the fact though that Kirsten is an adult now and has every opportunity to come forward and correct past wrong, but she doesn't, she considers to lie, cheat, scam and steal.Agreed.
No. 120478
>>120342 even if it wasn't Danny's post, I always thought this is how she'd act as a teen, though I'm not sure if it could've changed by now. You can agree she doesn't have any long term friendships so…
>>120399YES. I'm all about not victim blaming but damn I was pretty damn sure of myself wen I was 14/15. its not like she was 6, it was also not like she was absolutely coerced ("oh don't have access to food! Must sleep with this older men to get it"). I hated when she started spewing all sorts of absurd stories about how Danny beat her up and climbed into her window, kicked her out of her own bed after raping her, forced her to perform oral sex on the mall - as if her parents could've never suspected! Nor anyone else. Like she had never admitted he moved to her house,etc.
Either way, y'all gonna turn again prancing around this subject?
And, people who are into TEENAGERSare not pedophiles. There's an specific name for it but I can't remember it.
Pedos are into prepubescent bodies.
No. 120488
>>120427You are a teen from thirTEEN up to nineTEEN, you aren't a teen anymore starting from 20.
Guess where the TEEN from teenager comes from.
No. 120517
>>120516>who else would be this mad?Seriously!!
>>120400>>120422Shut the fuck up Kiki, and stop acting like your life was a Greek tragedy.
Go post more videos of your one-night stand.
No. 120531
>>120516Because you all are victim-blaming!
>>120517Maybe a victim of rape would be this mad?
No. 120567
>>120532Haaahahaa, looks I hit a sore spot.
Sorry you'll fuck anything for attention, Kiki. I wouldn't trade.
But we missed you here on lolcow– it's nice of you to come by and make yourself look so bitter. Keep posting, I love it.
No. 120588
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bless this thread
No. 120596
>>118665>>120588>>120579>>120567Ah, how I've missed this thread. If I could make it the image of this topic I damn would.
Also, not same anon but, Kiki (hi girl!) had to travel to the other side of the world to get laid. I think no one is jelly of that.
No. 120622
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>>120535some1 is butthurt
No. 120626
>>120531it's not like he was in his 40s
stop acting like its like that. apparently she consented and he was only a few years older. i would be worried if she consented and he was 10 years older, but their age gap wasn't that big compared to other couples
No. 120768
>>120635This! It reminds me of when an 18 year old got sued for dating a 15 year old by parents because they were lesbians. my opinion, he was lied to. He lived in a household which encouraged their behaviour, a situation that's like "I've fucked up, might as well just continue".
No. 120771
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>>120165You seem to be the only person with good eyes who commented on that video. You can tell a mile away that it's processed as fuck.
I increased the color + contrast/brightness just a tad and look what I got.
>>120007 No. 120772
File: 1434167033032.jpg (217.82 KB, 771x636, restored2.jpg)

Here's a random still.
No. 120775
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No. 120782
>>119799Tulsi is Holy Basil. Did she use that, or regular basil…?
No. 120794
>>120782I noticed that too, anon. Tulsi, or holy basil, is a different herb. She used regular basil and is calling it tulsi as that's more ~*love and light all natural herbal goddess*~.
I wonder if bitch even knows there's a difference.
No. 120897
>>120771Ok this actually looks better than the original. Maybe I have a thing for colors so idk. I prefer it to the washed out shit (though she did lowered the Lightning since the last videos).
Also. Check her Twitter, more videos with him to come
and apparently a boyfriend tag one.
I SO wanna know how it's gonna turn out.
No. 121118
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I can't wait
No. 121213
>>121204kek, I thought the same thing. I don't think she's going to do it.
Or maybe she has a prerecorded one. I though he was in Japan still– how would they even be able to film anything with him?
No. 121233
>>121226Yeah, if anything it is prerecorded. I doubt he came back to Florida with her.
I really never understood the girls who are always like "My boyfriend! My boyfriend!" all the time. I wonder if anyone else besides that one brown-nosing twitter follower
actually asked her for the tag.
At any rate, this should be fun.
Kaka regularly updating almost makes up for the void Pixy left after deleting her twitter… Almost.
No. 121238
>>121233>I really never understood the girls who are always like "My boyfriend! My boyfriend!" all the time.I've always felt like girls like that just have nothing going on in their lives but their boyfriend and/or they just see the guy/relationship as an accessory, so it's not surprising she's being like this.
I think a bunch of people actually did ask for these videos. I thought many people would be as creeped out as we were with the videos of her "bae" but the weren't. But I'm sure she just has tons of weeby preteen subscribers who want a super kawaii "relationship" with a super kawaii nihonjin like she has. (so many preteens really like obsessing over the lives/relationships of youtubers)
No. 121298
>>121240That's exactly the class of females I tend to avoid when making friends or meeting. It's fucking irritating, they can do whatever they want but not everyone wants to hear about sex lives and what they do.
I remember this girl from first year of college, I was sort of friends with her and because it was a textiles room it gets a bit too quiet from time to time and she used to openly and loudly tell us all about all the fabulous shags and bjs she'd had and done.
It made me laugh when the tutor told her to basically shut the fuck up because no one cared.
But ofc if you said any of this shit on tumblr you'd get called a 'slut shamer'
No. 121313
>>121233>I really never understood the girls who are always like "My boyfriend! My boyfriend!" all the timeAgreed, getting some azn dick is the only current achievement Kaka had so far and have to milk the fuck out of it ofc (never mentioned the whole scouting/studying ~science~ in Japan thing again)
I wonder if it is the same guy who sent her the cheesy loveletters she posted on IG.
No. 121337
>>121313>>121333Idk what to think. Like it could've been him, but at the same time this whole thing is really strange. If it was him, he must be super desperate for gaijin pussy. I really don't think he's in love with her at all because I don't think you can form a real connection with someone if you can barely understand each other.
But at the same time, I still feel that the love letter and the "lovers from another race" thing was just complete bullshit. The love letter was really random and she never spoke of this guy ever again. (Didn't she fuck Jack Cash after that love letter?) And I feel like the "lover from another race" thing was just to prove she isn't racist.
No. 121358
>>121313No, it's definitely not the same guy. Taku, according to the video she posted of them, does not know English. Certainly not enough to write poetry.
The poetry was likely from the sugar daddy figure, or a pen pal looking to hit it off with a foreign girl.
No. 121576
>>121457Yeah, I know it is. That's why I said "figure", as I don't really believe it's necessarily true myself. The pen-pal thing however, I think is much more likely.
A lot of creepy guys on those pen-pal connection websites. Getting love poetry doesn't seem far fetched to me.
>>121459I mean, it could be. It's not out of the realm of possibility with this nutty family.
No. 121601
>>121313>>121333>>121337>>121358I'm unsure, but leaning toward Taku is not the love letter guy, but only because historically, Kiki has been pretty talkative about her romances from the day they start or at least talked vaguely about romance and relationships when she was associating in some way or another with a guy. This is partially why a lot of people don't really believe that she and Taku have been together as long as she acts like, probably just from mid-March when the videos and photos came up. She never mentioned him before, even indirectly.
But they could have had an online relationship. I don't know. I think that Kiki and Taku were probably internet friends before this (met on language exchange app as she said) and when she was in Japan, they met irl and decided they liked each other irl too. I don't think it's exactly unusual for that to happen. A lot of long distance relationships happen that way, especially ones where the others are too far apart to actively visit on a regular basis. I do believe they are actually in a relationship though.
Ultimately, I think because he's hot and everyone here has yellow fever, a lot of people are pretty salty that he's dating her. You really don't know anything about him. He may hate Japanese norms and not care if he's posted in his underwear on the internet. He may be awkward as fuck and have a hard time talking to girls. He also might be a terrible person. He might not know shit about Kiki's past, but he'll find out eventually if not. And he ultimately might not care.
I also don't think she ever had a sugar daddy. I believe the mysterious alleged sugar daddy and stuff like sumo was just Scott, like last time. If I went to Japan with my dad he would probably want to go to sumo and junk.
Kiki would never need a sugar daddy – she has no desire to be independent, she lives with her parents, and her parents give her everything and support her every whim. She really has no need to fuck some guy for that like other girls do.
No. 121680
>>121601You sound very reasonable amongst all these things. People going on and on about how he must've dumped her by now or she was just a one night stand and that she had a sugar daddy before etc
I think it's much more plausible they met online an got together in real life as well and #yay haha
I've had an experience like that, myself, it's not hard.
No. 121748
>>121680Still doesn't beat the fact that she's practically just another 'I have an asian boyfriend nur nur nur' lass, though does it?
I can't wait for the yellow fever 'I have a trophy asian gf/bf' train to end.
Yeah, maybe he does like her. But I still think she's using him an an accessory.
No. 121760
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>>121365>>121387I know this is stupid but her mouth looks so gross and wormy to me. Her lips aren't even particularly fleshy and I don't normally mind the lack of a cupid's bow but in Kaka's case… ew. Maybe it's per personality shining through.
>>121395PSKoot's lips still had more shape and volume to them, though. They weren't just a pink ring around her mouth-hole.
No. 121766
>>121759When you grow up with no idea what a stable life looks like and parents insisting that you're on the right track when literally all you do is take photos/photoshop them and post them on the internet, you probably end up with a pretty poor idea of what "getting your life together is." Especially when no one ever really puts any emphasis on having to eventually make a living one day. Look at pretty much all celebrity kids.
Kiki is pretty terrible and is definitely using her Asian boyfriend for attention (whether or not she does actually like him regardless, I can't say), but I think people really don't acknowledge enough how much Scott and Cathy fucked her up via manipulation and brainwashing. Like people think "haha, so crazy" and mention the copyright claiming thing but these are people who still lived with THEIR mom (can't remember if it was Cathy's or Scott's mom) until she died. They actively encouraged lusty behavior and photos from their underage daughter/s for shreds of "fame." It does get brought up from time to time in Kota threads because she escaped and seems so much happier now, but Kiki is honestly pretty much ruined. Only thing that would help is her acknowledging how much her parents screwed her over, a reality check, and years of therapy. Even then she'll still be fucked up.
I can even forgive a lot of her behavior from way in the past because idk she was a 14 year old with no supervision and no one to tell her "no." She doesn't have even just regular old working-class "get a job you hate to pay the bills and support your family because that's life" parents. Her parents seemed to actively discourage friendships and relationships that didn't somehow make them look better. No friends to discuss life choices or give her a different perspective. No boyfriends. No role models except her sister. No wonder she wants to be her.
No. 121770
>>121748I think it's not only Kiki who's using a partner for something.
Despite some opinions on here claiming how this whole romance might be real, I don't believe they'd last longer than half a year (like for real, not how Kiki would want anyone to believe)? And I don't think he has a real interest in her.
This guy can talk with Kiki on Skype and learn English from her in order to use it to charm another westerner in Japan to massage his own ego, while Kiki's in FL and can't see anything.
And to some people who love overusing the words salty, jelly, fatty and so on… No, I'm not, but you simply can't really trust a Japanese man who tells you aishiteru after just weeks of dating and spends most of the time with you in bed (I don't believe Kiki's delusional "We go out and he makes sure the restaurant has a vegan menu" BS - knowing Kiki, there would be pictures and videos of them both in all those restaurants on her IG already to prove she's not lying). This girl with mental age of 14 is going to end up hurt so much, it's so sad.
No. 121776
>>121770I have to agree with this.
Regardless of whether or not they actually like each other, I don't seem them lasting forever and will be surprised as they do. Honestly, most relationships with a language barrier don't really work out well. There are so many things you don't think about as important until you can't communicate them. One will get tired of the other – I don't know who at this point.
Because I honestly don't think either of them have any real interest in each other, beyond the idea of dating someone from a different race. I feel if he were white and American, Kiki wouldn't be dating him, or at least wouldn't be talking about him as much, honestly. Just friends.
I don't think EVERYONE is jealous of Kiki for getting a Japanese boyfriend or whatever, but I do think a lot of people are overlooking the fact that they could actually be in a relationship because they think he's too good for her based solely on looks. The idea that they just hung out for a week and she's acting like they're dating is pretty silly. I don't deny that it's a bit strange that for the whole time she was in Japan she seemed to only really have pictures from them hanging out on a couple days, but it makes more sense that they'd be actually dating or something like it than Kiki constructing this lie – even though she's done that before, I know.
No. 121992
>>121770No one would call you "salty" or "jelly." Probably one of the most reasonable posts on /pt/ to date.
From Charms inside observations of the Kannibal family (yeah I know, lol at Charms being a reliable source), seems like Kiki was spoiled to delusion. Not only was she doted on, she was banked on by her parents. Look at how involved parents were in advertising Kiki's actions. Looks like she was chosen as the golden child. It's ironic Dakota's the one with success and Kiki's at home, fucking guys so she could tweet about her yellow fever success.
No. 122007
>>121992Kek, unfortunately there are tons of people here who throw the "salty, fat, h8r" card on the table when they disagree. It's so annoying. Some farmers are pretty immature.
And yeah, we get to see glimpses of Kiki's real personality through people like Charms– and what about that one girl that just recently tweeted about Kiki being in her Japanese class? These are some of the only people that actually have interacted with her in the real world, and have documented their experiences with her. There seems to be a pattern with her having a holier-than thou attitude.
>>121776I agree with you. I think that although Kiki is using him as an accessory to some extent, I really just believe she's infatuated with him. It seems like she becomes kind of enthralled with guys very quickly (like Jack Cash) once they give her any attention.
Also yay, new video tonight.
No. 122107
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>>122007they are also usually PULL-tards that also use the tumblr excuses "racist" and "sexist" if the cows just so happen to be colored or female and you make fun of them
No. 122174
>>122166They don't even look that pretty since its such a cloudy day.
Also I hate the way she sounds whenever she speaks Japanese. Its like she puts on this fake animu high pitched voice, and ugh. I can't take her seriously. At least Dakota sounds normal when she speaks Japanese, even when she wasn't that fluent at it.
No. 122189
>>122186Hrmm, dem technicalities.
>>122169I cannot understand what she says. If you listen, even the guy is like "…wat"
My brother in-law is Japanese and I had him listen to it. He couldn't figure it out either, kek.
No. 122221
>>122169>>122189She said "the cherry blossoms". She's speaking cutesy English
/eye roll
No. 122271
>>122174I hate it as well. She probably has the same idea I had when I was a middle school weeb, that if I acted/sounded like an anime character everyone would love me and think I'm kawaii, except she just thinks Japanese people will love her for it.
>>122260I agree. Kaka really needs to understand she's just not interesting enough to make these videos, and that being in a relationship doesn't all of a sudden make her interesting. I'm actually really interested in Japan and have watched most of gimmeaflakeman's vlogs/gopro videos of him just going about his day/riding his bike around his neighborhood in Japan (nothing interesting really goes on in these videos) which are 20 minutes at most, but I couldn't even sit through half of her boring ass video.
She really should just post videos of her and Kota hanging out because that's what people really want to see.
No. 122277
>>122166i would enjoy this video if she wasn't swinging the camera all over the place - it was nauseating.
also she says "make sure you watch in HD" but it was still shitty quality …
so yea since sakura starting in march this video is obviously very old and we can thus confirm kiki is gonna keep posting ancient artifacts
No. 122303
>>122174"Jaaaa cherri blossamas"
Yeah, pretty much. Kota isn't even fluent, she's getting good at it though but even gimmeaflakeman who's been there 20 odd years still struggles from time to time. But yeah, least kota doesn't ALWAYS do that dumb voice. But when she is being interviewed alone, kota does put that stupid animu voice on. Both her and kiki are pretty cringy.
No. 122329
>>122321It doesn't seem like Kiki has shared her social media with him anyway. Or if she did, she must have told him all about her haters/past (because of stuff like her "sexual harassment" YouTube video). And she'd have to be like "I can't follow you because people would find you".
They must have met elsewhere, I don't really know. My SO doesn't care about my online profiles and stuff since we only talk through Line, so Taku might be the same. She can safely post this stuff because he doesn't check.
Just sad that she's waving him around like an accessory, just like Venus did with her ex-boyfriend.
No. 122338
File: 1434468588313.jpg (200.98 KB, 996x648, Beautiful-Hair-Skin-and-Nails-…)

More caps
These are from her 14 minute video on ~natural~ beauty advice
No. 122339
File: 1434468619832.jpg (220.97 KB, 996x648, Beautiful-Hair-Skin-and-Nails-…)

No. 122340
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No. 122341
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No. 122344
File: 1434468858859.jpg (263.28 KB, 1083x645, Beautiful-Hair-Skin-and-Nails-…)

No. 122347
File: 1434468995176.jpg (241.25 KB, 1083x645, Beautiful-Hair-Skin-and-Nails-…)

No. 122353
>>122345kiki sighted
But this is the last anyway unless you guys would like another over-bright video to be inspected
No. 122354
>>122317I'm sure he does. In the video he took a picture of the cherry blossoms probably so he can upload it to his twitter, ig, or something. And Kiki confirmed that they met on a language exchange app, that kind of counts as social media.
>>122329I don't think she would ever in a million years share her social media with anyone she knew irl. People that know her irl could share real dirt on her and she's super paranoid about people knowing the truth about her. And I definitely don't see her ever sharing it with him, especially after the Jack Cash thing. Whether or not he knows he's being filmed, I don't think anyone would want intimate videos of them being posted like that for the entire world to see, especially with someone with a reputation like hers.
No. 122371
>>122353i think anon meant that this is quite spammy.
for stuff like that it's better to make a collage and condense it to one post. especially for comparison's sake, when you have a "before" and "after" pic. in this case the differences aren't even that noticeable. she looks just as shit in the brightened images as in the darker ones.
No. 122382
>>122317pretty sure he does.
quite possibly a kota fan/acquaintance.
someone japanese speaking might be able to find him.
No. 122407
File: 1434478356489.jpg (18.2 KB, 479x149, image.jpg)

Sure U will, Kaka! Cant wait :)
No. 122410
File: 1434478509433.jpg (61.86 KB, 960x640, image.jpg)

I dont mean to spam anything but could anon try sort out the brightness in this cap? I mean, The nose is looking ok Now?
No. 122452
>>122410from this angle she looks like a a bald guy.
>>122407No way she can be that stupid. She already said she was back in Florida.
This is getting totally pathetic and embarrassing.
No. 122582
File: 1434500188324.jpg (1.25 MB, 1900x1836, TheNoseKnows!.jpg)

>>122410There wasn't much to work with in this video, but I can tell you it's likely filtered. You notice that blurry crosshatch brush-stroke like pattern in my edit? I didn't use a filter effect, only changes in brightness and colors. If you look closely the brush stroke pattern is there in the original too. She put a flattering filter on it but after editing, you can still see her sixhead highlights and the light hitting her wide bridge - indicating the hump is jutting out, not flat as she'd like you to believe.
No. 122583
File: 1434500432050.jpg (2.11 MB, 1450x3698, resized.jpg)

>>122371Alright, how's this? I focused on restoring color and didn't have to edit much. As you said, it looks just as shit in the before. I guess the filters just can't hide reality anymore.
How old is she supposed to be?
No. 122595
>>122582>I can tell you it's likely filteredNO fucking shit. You can just fucking look at it and tell it's filtered. Who even cares?
You fags and the Kota PS fags are so annoying. Pretty much everyone on the internet uses filters and photoshop now.
No. 122660
>>122582>>122583Hey thanks! That was helpful! :) sometimes I need to remember what she actually looks like. With other youtubers you get the flattering filters, but their face is basically the same (if that makes sense!)
As for Kiki, it doesn't happen! 2012 videos, one face, 2014/2015 super different face and then back to 2012 face… Like, how!?
Thank you for the comparisons ^_^
No. 122699
About Me
Looking to practice Japanese, Chinese and Korean language! Video chatting, pen pals and international friendships! I would also like to meet people in other countries to hang out with when I visit in my travels. ^^
I am an audio engineer and designer. I play many instruments and enjoy expressing myself in any creative medium. I am a vegan and care for animals and our planet.
In My Own Words
What Would My Friends Say About Me?
sick humor, passionate, gentle angel / mischievous devil haha!
What Do I Find Sexy?
empathy, kindness, compassion, courage
Language Want To Learn
Japanese, Chinese, Korean
Years Learning Foreign Language
I have been learning Japanese, Mandarin Chinese and Korean for almost a year ^^
Have You Lived Overseas? For How Long?
Japan for a few months
I Would Like Traveling To…
Asia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, South, Singapore, Thailand, Australia, Europe
What I Like To Do On Vacation
Active & Explore
No. 122704
File: 1434512999995.jpg (78.08 KB, 492x512, interpals.jpg)

She's "learning" French and Swedish, too.
No. 122737
>>122722There are no 13 year olds on myspace, it's 2015
Anyway, I don't know what your comment is referring to; kiki's melon remark in question, or my post.
No. 122738
>>122704hey Kaka memorizing the basic phrasebook doesn't count as leaning a language
>People to hang out when I visit in my travelshope you're not carrying your taser and knife for it
No. 122753
>>122723She's just looking for guys to date, other than Korean, Japanese, and Korean guys, she also says she wants to talk with white guys on here
>>122700. Why else would she wanna talk to people who most likely don't natively speak the language she wants to "learn" to speak?
I'm really not surprised that she only wants male partners. What good would a girl friend be for her? I mean a kawaii boyfriend is something she can show off like an accessory, even if the girl is a kawaii asian accessory for her as well, she would be competition for attention. She deletes and blocks people for positive comments about her own sister, if she can't put up with her own sister getting attention and not her, she wouldn't be able to put up with a friend getting the attention.
No. 122762
>>122753Also, she really shouldn't have bothered with coming up with a new online alias for these language exchange sites if she was just going to post pictures she has on twitter/ig. Someone could easily find all of her social media and this site just by doing an image search on them.
>>122760I think so as well.
No. 122808
>>122764to be honest, since kota replied "DEAD", i thought it was an inside joke about how skinny white girls get scouted all the time.
don't know why i immediately thought that but i did.
i don't think she really ever planned to follow up on it.
No. 122866
>>122865Oh, I missed this
>>122699 earlier
No. 123003
>>122939This comment should be a banner.
>>122924I would (and I think I speak for a majority of anons here) actually
love to watch someone try to get a hold of him and see if they're actually dating. It's not any of my business at all, but the potential drama makes my mouth water.
No. 123021
>>123007So true! The guy I met on friendsinjapan even told me he goes for foreign women, we're fiends but even he tries to flirt with me but I always laugh it off and just say im not interested but he's a nice fellow other than that. But he told me, guys basically just want gaijin pussy and to try out their eigo. That's about it really. I got it out of him, he kept flirting and I eventually said "Alright, tell me what's the deal?" and I managed to squeeze it out until he just admitted what he and guys like himself are up to.
I mean, I'm not bothered what he does or other guys like him. I just practice Japanese with him, that's it. So meh, fair enough.
No. 123026
>>123003Same here.
>>123007Omfg, it would be super hilarious if someone catfished him with Kota's pics and he took the bait.
>lots of those guys on these penpal sites are talking to more than one girl. what makes kiki special nothing really. much more sweeter and cuter foreign girls on there.This. Plus, I'm sure a good amount of those cuter, sweeter foreign girls speak better Japanese and aren't narcissistic. No one wants to talk to someone who talks about nothing other than themselves and can't say anything but super basic phrases.
No. 123071
>>120323>>120271she lied about her age during her scene years, which is unsurprising because everyone did it. her real age has been confirmed by the police report and matches what she portrays now.
No. 123074
>>123026Fairly certain he would recognize Kota. She's not like super famous but she's recognizable to a lot of people, especially someone who is "dating" her oneechan.
To be honest though I think you guys are coming off kinda jelly. She IS cuter than a lot of people on WF and those type sites and she SEEMS sweet (but immature) online to those who didn't know her before.
What are you going to even do if you can get a conversation with him on WF etc? I think he would get a bit suspicious if a bunch of you started messaging him.
No. 123077
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>Kids: I can't wait to have themOh man she gon' start poking holes in condoms soon :^)
No. 123082
>>123078Hmm? How would finding his profile mean that she blocks me?
>go on about her dayAs if Kiki doesn't have a fucking fit about everything, like a child.
No. 123085
>>123023Maybe it's the 45kg
>>123077. Also, what does "Involved" in a relationship mean? Involved with Taku?
No. 123120
>>123115what do you guys think then..?
looks like him
No. 123122
File: 1434583678361.jpg (143.83 KB, 524x1051, taku2.jpg)

>>123115The rest of his profile
No. 123132
>>123115On this guys profile it says his name is Suguru and the picture didn't look much like the guy in Kirsten's vids.
I don't think it's him.
No. 123135
>>123132Could be his first name, with Taku-something being his last name, because in Japan a lot of people go by their last name or nickname of their last name except close friends.
I think he looks similar to the most recent vid. Hard to tell when we are comparing one blurryish photo to oversaturated videos.
No. 123138
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It's difficult to tell because of the lack of photos from that other guy.
No. 123144
>>123138They look the same. Just different lighting.
I found an empty Google+ account that may be his. I wonder when the account was made. I don't know anything about Google+ No. 123150
>>123144Could be his. You pretty much get a Google+ account for signing up on anything associated with Google (gmail, blogger, youtube, etc), and up until like a year or two ago it was hard to delete it without deleting every other account you had.
Which doesn't really mean anything except he probably has one but doesn't use it like everyone else who has any kind of Google account.
No. 123152
>>123142Well, I bet suguru-san-chan-kun whatever the fuck thought he was in for a real treat when he glanced upon keekz profile.
Tapped his fingers, smiled at his screen, those little eyes of his creasing up with delight at foreign pussy.
Bet he thought he won the fucking lottery lol
No. 123154
>>123138best i could find ;<
looks like him i was like "sure this is the dude"
but yeah angles, lighting ect ect kota kota
i tried not to be like "all japs look the same" i mean they don't obviously but yeah… you get my drift ..
No. 123155
>>123115"Relationship: single"
either he's not logged in for a long, long time or…
No. 123161
>>123153dude, me too. Nobody gives a fuck about Google+, I wish they'd stop trying to make that shit happen.
>>123157I 100% believe he actually has no idea Kiki and him are "boyfriend and girlfriend" now.
No. 123172
>>123162How's that, if you don't mind me asking? Someone going to attempt contact? If so– right on.
>>123163It's fair to give someone the benefit of the doubt. I didn't believe it from the start, only because I've seen this happen before.
Not only that, but we've seen how quickly she falls in love with guys, and how willing she is to flat-out lie about things that will boost her image.
No. 123178
>>123163They probably were dating when she was in Tokyo, but now hes out and looking for new blood.
Also, new video tonight right? I wonder what wonderful vegan recipes Kaka will give us tonight.
No. 123181
>>123172I gave her the benefit of the doubt only because a lot of ultra-long-distance relationships are like this, where it's just a bunch of pictures being slowly posted since their last visit, but I know how she is. I thought they were dating but I definitely didn't think he knew anything about the pictures/videos/her past and I didn't think it would last long.
IF someone is going to contact Taku can we please discuss it here first before just bombarding him with messages?
No. 123184
>>123181I think discussing here before contacting is a good idea. Dude didn't do anything wrong and probably has no idea who Kiki is. Let's not harass him online only due to his association with Kiki.
If anything, a sudden influx of messages could scare him away and there will be no info to be had.
No. 123187
>>123181>>123184tbh, idk if anyone wants to go through the effort of contacting him. Not saying anyone won't, but it'll definitely take a little effort on our part. His English is not good, and I think the only real way to get to him is through that language website. So, I don't imagine many farmers would just start to bombard him with messages or anything.
Likely, whoever is going to contact him will keep us all updated (I would hope).
Just like with pt, milking the cow take fineness and teamwork. I think most of us are on the same page.
No. 123189
>>123181Hm… what would we say?
"Btw pal, your 'gf' or whatever she is has uploaded countless videos of you and is using you as an accessory to fulfil her yellow fever while the trends still in?"
"Her last boyfriend kinda died because of her?"
"She's a cunt js"
No. 123198
>>123193Top kek.
If we fuck this up someone do this for the lulz
No. 123202
>>123196Get a fake picture of some pale, russian, baby-faced, kawaii ass girl and create the perfect profile then message him
say you're going to tokyo this summer, you're looking for 'fun', like final fantasy and azn cock
he'll give in
No. 123204
>>123135Okay but I'm a Japanese studies student, I've been to Japan and know a lot about Japanese culture and it's history in general and Taku is not a family name.
Taku can mean home (宅) or desk (卓), and probably a billion other objects, but to my knowledge Taku is neither a forename or surname in Japan.
Honestly it's Kirsten is probably referring to him as Taku as a nickname. It's probably a nickname or something, hell it could even short for Otaku or some shit. Guy could be really big on his trains or his One Piece.
>>123138Those are not the same two people guys. It's easy to think Asian people look the same when you're not around them frequently.
No. 123206
>>123204thank you for letting us know you're a japanese student o wise one
and yeah probably but we can ALWAYS find out and see ~~~
No. 123211
>>123203"Hora mofo are u pushin ur toothpick up kaka's growler?"
I think someone should, I'm not doing it lol.
No. 123213
>>123206#I'm only saying because yeah, educationally I do have more credentials when it comes to this stuff and I'm letting you know that Taku isn't a name in Japan, at least to my knowledge. I mean it could potentially be some old ass archaic name but it probably isn't, watevs.
Anyway, a long the nickname route, "Takuru" is a name in Japan, so maybe you could work a long that angle?
>>123209I wasn't addressing you directly, I was addressing lolcow in general. Get your head out of your ass.
Also if you do travel to South Korea you should already know that Japanese and South Koreans are wildly different in their appearances once you become familiar with them.
No. 123216
>>123204>>123213>educationally I do have more credentialslike?
Anyway, another Japanese studies student here. I think most people here are already aware that Taku is a nickname.
And those two picture absolutely look like the same person. Please don't do the whole "You guys just think Asians all look alike" stuff. Most people here are not total idiots.
Please don't make me post the "different lighting and angles" gif. Come on.
No. 123218
>>123213No shit to both those points, Sherlock. What the fuck does that have to do with anything?
"oh anon knows what Koreans look like but bet they can't tell Japanese apart!"
No. 123219
>>123204I feel that it's a different guy as well. Nose and eyebrows shape do not match, but it's still worth a shot. It's not going to hurt to ask politely.
Maybe you guys can find another match on Worldfriends. Filter age by 20 to 30 years old.
No. 123222
Whether it's him or not someone should still message him so we can find out either way. Maybe pose as a friend of Kiki's or something like that.
No. 123224
>>123216I know anon was just saying that to make a point about the name though. But it is annoying when people always jump the "I'VE BEEN TO JAPAN, K GUYS! I FUCKIN' KNOW, I KNOW JAPAN—I KNOW MORE DAN U!" train.
coff mira
coffBut yeah.
Also, Koreans and Japanese DO look very different. My god.
No. 123225
>like?Well I graduate next year, so soon to be a degree.
I guess TEFL certification kind of counts. Or at least I want to believe it does kek
>and those two picture absolutely look like the same personDude, they really don't, they have a totally different nose for starters, I think you just want to believe it does but I'm telling you, you guys are going to totally end up harassing some random, innocent dude and nothing will come of it.
Don't get caught up in the frenzy and resume a proper search.
No. 123228
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>>123138honestly he looks a lot different in pic related than guy on the left but they are the same person.
but pic related looks like WF pic imo.
No. 123236
>>123224Nobody said that. I think you should try reading it again.
>>123225Nobody is harassing anybody. Nobody is planning on harassing anybody. Calm down.
Although I want to bang my head repeatedly on my desk at your posts– I'll just say congrats on the soon to have degree.
Everybody just breath, jesus.
No. 123243
>calm downBut I'm not mad, I'm just trying to advise in the search and steer people into the right direction and away from the wrong one :l
>I'll just say congrats on the soon to have degreeI could still fail but ty ty.
No. 123244
>>123242why is japan so special anyway
its becoming such a weeby thing to study and take interest in that i feel like a weeb even just by looking at the atlas and seeing japan
No. 123245
>>123242No it's your problem for interpreting it that way and letting yourself get asspained over it.
>>123244Exactly, the only people that get riled over people saying they've visited are generally weebs who think it's some kind of magical Pocky anime land i.e.
>>123242 No. 123246
Wouldn't he have a more stylish photo? He's a bit fashion conscient and has a smartphone. So no way he'd take the next best pixelated profile pic like
No. 123260
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friendly reminder this was posted only a few days before she and taku were in videos and photos together.
No. 123268
>>123265hahahahahahhahahah to be honest though…
she seemed to be in the same apartment throughout her whole stay despite moving out at one point.
No. 123270
>>123265You know what, I've been thinking about it for a while now.
Someone, good at drawing, should do a manga/comic about kota and kiki. Except make it slightly different, alter it a little otherwise kiki and her copyrights will 'sue u' cos yeah it's what she does.
But yeah, two out of control teen girls. One is a douche and the other is super douche.
One gets famous and the other is striving for fame, as time goes by super douche is getting so desperate for fame. Crying over her sister's yt videos, interviews and modelling pictures. Then conquers up a plan to become famous again.
Meets up with old men, young boys and ofc this is her POV in this story. So we gotta put up with her whiny ass the entire time.
In the end, some ass from the net who claimed to be douche's 'fan' gets an old video of douche and super douche's 'o so racist' video and it leaks all over the place, everything fucks up, douche has a breakdown and super douche just ends up in a mental institution.
it'd end with her sat there all frail, head down, hair a mess, dressed in a hospital down strapped to a chair with a UV or something in her arm
and the end panel, the very end one is where she laughs, staring right at you all crazy and shouting "I WILL BE FAMOUS AGAIN, JUST YOU WAIT"
it'd be a totally good manga ehehehe
No. 123271
>>123007Kiki is at least on some level aware of that. When she would go on Stickam she talked about how guys picking up girls online usually talked to several girls at a time and she seemed a little insecure about it. She gave out advice about not meeting guys online yet that's how she met her boyfriend so she doesn't practice what she preaches. Maybe she thinks because she is Kira Kira shiny gaijin in Japan she's immune to it happening but lol the miles between FL and Japan should only make it easier. She's probably aware and just using him to look like she has a boyfriend.
I wonder if Kiki's going to pretend to be into video games again because of the FFVII remake that was announced.
No. 123277
>>123265the plot thickens…
>>123270Jacktoass should do it. She's fuckin great.
No. 123315
>>123313Japanese university aka language school.
not to victim blame but if she dressed like that when she went to class what would she expect.
No. 123320
>>123317Kirsten is probably taking shit again but honestly your attitude is garbage.
You can be walking around naked and it is still not okay for anybody to lay they hands on it or sexually harass you.
No. 123326
>>123315Can she even go to language school without a student visa?
I love that she referred to is as university just like she referred to her community college as university.
No. 123328
>>123313dat one shirt
dat one outfit
was kaka in japan one day
No. 123329
>>123320Nobody thinks it's alright for men to sexually harass women because of the way that they dress. We can all agree on that, right? I think you misinterpreted anon's post (and anon worded it poorly anyways).
But, you can't ignore the way that the world is. Japan is a little bit of a backwards country when it comes to women. If you go out dressed like that, people WILL assume you're a prostitute/an easy lay. Men can be total pigs about that shit, anywhere in the world. You have to protect yourself (even if it's not ideal) and not be totally naive; and I honestly just think Kirsten is naive.
>>123328you forgot the white one
No. 123334
>>123333oh god this. I wonder what she wore to the temple that one time when she saw the hot monk.
only seen a few outfits of hers from this trip and none of them were appropriate…
No. 123341
>>123339she does look like she has a butt but it's because she has like scoliosis or something where her back curves soooo much.
but anyway the thing with the video is literally everyone was opposed to her reporting the guy and called her "bad news" except for the Chinese, which she had to throw in there of course because she's learning Chinese.
I also feel like no matter how retarded you are you're not going to literally ask some girl to suck your dick in the front row of class, so I don't really believe it.
No. 123348
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Omg guiz
No. 123351
>>123336Her head would roll.
No. 123361
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you guys don't know if she really dressed like this to school or temples. when you're alone filming yourself, you can dress how you want. in all of her candid pictures she dressed alright.
No. 123374
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i completely believe all of her "sexual harassment" stories. i've seen way too many creepy guys lusting after and stalking her online. with the old latino men, that creepy scottish guy, the "George Patent" weirdo from the archive etc etc it's not difficult to imagine the same things happening irl. the problem is, venting it online as often as she does gives a really wrong idea. look at these three videos together… jfc. and she has this notion that every time something bad happens to her, she has to go on the internet and warn/give advice about it ?? but it just seems like an excuse to tell the world about it. this is something you vent out to your mom/sister, boyfriend, close friends. not online. i haven't even been following her for so long and can already think of around 5 times where she's vented about sexual harassment on twitter and youtube.
actually, i wonder how many times Kotex has been sexually harassed and she only told the appropriate people.
No. 123413
>>123360omg thissss!!! she makes japanese sound really disgusting
gosh, she's so obsessed with sex, that she has to make up stories about how she's always sexually harrassed. no wonder she spent so much time with that japanese guy in bed.
No. 123417
>>123413I don't think anyone is in a position to say whether it was true or untrue.
I think she probably has an attractive aura, and I think she's probably flirty - whether she's intentionally being flirty or not.
No. 123446
>>123360maybe, like an unfortunate number of weebs, she learns japanese from anime or tv shows. or dakota and her friends.
i really really loathe that fake voice a lot of girls put on. have you heard kurebayashi's voice? as if her appearance isnt a glaring eyesore… her voice.
No. 123500
>>123374Not to mentioned the tumblr feminist do-gooders will back her up one hundred percent anyways.
Japanese university? The fuck did she ever go to a Japanese university?
God, all she ever talks about is getting sexually harassed. It's actually getting depressing as fuck.
No. 123528
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>>123500Exactly! You're suppose to always believe the victim but goddamn look at picture related and the stuff she wrote down. I'm sorry but that all sounds way movie-sy. Or like while she was editing the video she thought "hey I'll add these details that never happened"
No. 123530
>>123528I'd be called a cunt for saying this but, I'm beginning to think she's making these harassment videos because she just wants attention. From anywhere and anyone who'll feel sorry for her.
No, I don't think it's about the way she dresses. Although if she is at a formal place, the outfits she wear should be toned down a little (it's purely just common sense and politeness) but no, not saying it's about what she's wearing. But Kiki being joyous self, how would we know what she's like in person? The way she presents herself? Then comes on the net and just talks any old shit. It's always happening to 'her' and yeah I do believe she has been harassed here and there. It's happened to myself, happens to a lot of young women (even old ones).
But all I see now is nitpicking. Nitpicking how bad things are for her when she steps out the house, how terrible guys treat her and how we should ALL feel sorry for her.
Not saying what those guys do is right, but you know like when you get two siblings for e/g and they keep fighting… One sibling is always running to mummy saying "Mummy he did this- he did that-" and eventually after a period of time, the mother is gonna get a little agitated because the kid keeps running to her over the same old shit and eventually it starts getting so stupid, so picky because it's over dumb shit? That's Kiki.
Same shit, different day. I don't get why she just doesn't contact authorities or something. I dunno. I guess in Japan it'd be harder with language barriers and all. Statements and shit…
It's just annoying how she's playing the 'poor me' role. Now that her luck is dying, she's dried up and boring. Kiki is looking for any route to boost her status up again. If anything, she should stay away from the net and move on with her life. She will NEVER have that era like she once did ever again. Too much bad shit.
I don't get why this girl can't learn? Learn and just be happy, move on, do her own thing. Quit the Japanese bullshit and go back to school. If she REALLY IS serious about working/living in Japan, get a BA and find work there after it. IDK just something!
Sad thing is, she'll keep doing this. I'm surprised she isn't exhausted. If I was her, I'd never show my face on the internet again.
No. 123630
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Was there only one tweet from Kiki about the Australian man who sexually harassed her? I thought there was more but I could be mistaking.
No. 123639
>>123630I reckon it was only these one… Only furthering the point that it's all a lie and he probably just hit on her and tried to flirt (because it's KIKI. Come on… Issuing against horrible gaijin sexual harassment
and being fawned over by niponese natives for being such a great hero while also being the victim because the clearly-jealous-mean Australian women hated her? That's like, a perfect scene for a Kiki's Twitter pity party)
No. 123684
>>123630It's pretty interesting that she posted these two videos on the exact same day: definitely think she also filmed this video that day as well.
I feel like she did make this story up after seeing that article because everything has to be about her.
No. 123693
>>123639>>123684I ask because I swore she talked about the guy hitting on her on the airplane but maybe I am getting mixed up with the article.
>>123684It wouldn't surprise me.
No. 123705
>>123658She's always lying in bed because she's a lazy jobless fuck. If Kiki was in the UK I'd bet she'd be on of those bone idle girls who just sponge off benefits, claim she's a good person and just leach off her parents.
I know, when you start your twenties things are difficult for some people and some don't know what they're doing. But Kiki isn't even trying, the bitch is just lazy.
No. 123706
>>123666Imagine if kiki did get preggers to taku-chan-san-sama
No. 123741
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>>123313totally talking to herself here… that "russian" account just screams Kiki!
No. 123742
>>123738All of this.
Plus her Japanese is super basic, so she wouldn't be able to go to a Japanese university. I think Kota would've mentioned Kaka going to school in Japan in that one ameblo post if it was true.
Idk if she is studying science, but it could be plausible, she never really mentioned taking that Japanese class. I mean she said something about the Japanese classes at her school, but she never actually said she was taking a class or anything. I do think she would talk about it constantly because it would be the only thing actually going on in her life.
No. 123746
>>123741Ugh girls who talk like Kiki does in this comment are so fucking naive. It is totally not right to blame the victim and it's totally not right to harass someone based on what they wear, but it still happens. It's always going to happen. Just because something is wrong and fucked up does not mean it's never going to happen.
She should know by now that as a woman, you have to make a choice. You WILL be harassed, you WILL be hit on or catcalled, so do you want to dress more conservatively and avoid a lot of it? "If I go out dressing like this, what should I expect, and what should I do about it?"
She dresses in what is typically considered a sexually provocative manner which is totally fine but she has to understand the implications of that. I'm a feminist but I'm also realistic.
No. 123748
>>123730"Mary sue of the Internet" thank you! Thank you that was the exact expression I was looking for to describe her. It's cringey that she thinks of herself like this - like, truly
>>123741I thought she wasn't going the haters in? Well, I love how this sounds exactly like any tumblrina feminist speech.
And yes, of course it'd be either herself or she only allowed this comment because it's a one-sentence comment to which she can respond in this very brave and heroic manner right before blocking the person. And any other hater who talks about her clothes, inconsistent attitude or overall logic
No. 123749
>>123741>I'M A VICTIM.Of course it is Kiki. She has to approve all of her comments, doesn't she? (idk if it's still that way)
If so, this is completely staged. She was probably reading the board and saw we were calling her out on her stupid outfits. She wants them easy sjw points.
>>123746>I'm a feminist but I'm also realistic.Yeah, we need more of these. People get so passionate about this and only see/hear what they want to, completely ignoring reality.
No. 123750
>>123742Yeah seriously. You can't go to most foreign universities without speaking the language. Especially for something like science. Things like philosophy and art are a bit more passable. She would be totally lost in an all-Japanese science class, and considering she dropped intermediate Japanese after a day or two according to that Twitter girl she's no where near where she would need to be to do much more than sight-seeing and language school.
If she goes to UCF there's a language exchange in Chiba but I don't think she would have even qualified for it…
>Must have completed Intermediate Japanese Language II by the start date of their exchange>Must be registered full time while participating in the exchange>Must be a junior or senior at the time of exchangeThe only other Japan exchange available in spring is Engineering, and while it has more lax language requirements, it still requires the student to be a junior or senior…and I frankly don't see Kiki as an engineering student, considering she's never mentioned engineering ever. If she is though, good on her.
Every other school in Orlando is a community college or vocational school, not a university.
So uh tldr she might or might not be in school in America, but probably not, and it seems like she definitely just went to language school for 3 months and wanted to say she was an exchange student to get more views and attention.
No. 123753
>>123750She doesn't have you BA. If I remember correctly she only went a semester to UCF and dropped.
She only has her AA from Valencia.
Also lmfao she would never be able to pass the japanese class at UCF its hard as fuck.
No. 123755
>>123741She actually made a screenshot of this comment and tweeted it.'t just be satisfied making the comment…had to tell everyone she did.
No. 123761
>>123750Not defending Kaka because I'm sure she's full of shit either way, but there are universities in Japan that have classes/programs in English. It’s possible to go to a university in Japan without understanding/speaking a word of Japanese.
But considering she was only there for three months she was definitely just at a language school.
No. 123763
>>123753Honestly, regardless of the difficulty, most people would not be able to pass an Intermediate II Japanese class after only a year of studying, even properly. When I took French in school I had to take it like so:
Beginners French 1, Beginners French 2, Conversational French, Intermediate French 1, Intermediate French 2, Advanced French 1, Advanced French 2, and various literature classes in addition to that. This is a typical university language learning model. It would take at least two years for her to finish Intermediate Japanese II on this kind of schedule, but….we know she didn't do that. She's not even going to university.
It's so unrealistic that she would have qualified for this exchange program, honestly. Should've just been honest and said she was in a language school…there's no shame.
>>123755Well at least dressed appropriately for school, I guess.
The whole thing screams ATTENTION!!!!!!!!I NEED ATTENTION!!!!!!!
>>123761It's possible but even the most unrelated-to-language exchange programs suggest you know at least basic Japanese – enough to get around. Kiki knows what the average weeb knows. Probably less.
Like I said though, the only non-language exchange for any university in Orlando available in the spring semester is engineering, which Kiki is probably not a student of.
No. 123907
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No. 123914
>>123907why did she post this?
I feel like she would be against diamonds being as she's all love-and-light, love others, etc.
No. 123968
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>>122864Just because someone can name a dialect doesn't mean they speak it (see Kiki above)
Most people don't really lie about knowing Chinese, though. (Most people not attentionwhores.) It's a difficult language, you can't exactly just pull it out of your ass.
>>123528This part sounds completely fucking made up. Not that she was ever at a university, of course. She would have taken pictures in the classroom and wore a schoolgirl uniform!
No. 124000
>>1195679 days late, but:
"My Korean Language audience, thank you", I wasn't aware her audience was the Korean Language itself, and also lol, mixing up intimate/informal with formal…. Only the Ostrengas!
No. 124007
>>123746"IF it's not for sale don't advertise".
I'm getting tired of this so called sexual freedom feminists holler and shout for. Men as humans DESIRE and Crave sex. Human nature. Men HAVE SEX, for a woman to dress SEXUAL, they are enticing men for attention. Women only dress sexual when they want attention. However, get angry when the person that gives them that attention isn't who they are "attracted" to. If a woman is going to walk around in skimpy underwear she's doing so for the approval of men. Why can't feminist be realistic and instead of flinging their vaginas in everyones face, fight for real issues like the fact that people in today's west don't take women serious intellectually anymore because the only thing women are good for is SEX. Do educated professional some dress in bikinis and over sexualized style clothes to work?
Men rape women MORE in this generation because of how over sexualized the women are in this time. The rape states rise and yet women still want the right to walk around nude like idiots because "tee-hee it's fun guise. "
Knowing the whole story is a lie. But, she's the type of moron to bend over in short skirts and lick her lips when someone FINALLY notices her. Shes a walking invitation to drama, she wants EVERYONE to look at her. She has no modesty, no intelligence, just a selfie taking narcissist with no other purpose for being on the internet only for desperate "likes". This girl has a problem and her indoctrination is clouding her judgment.
Learn what CAUSE and EFFECT is, then you will understand that every faction requires a CONSEQUENCE.
No. 124017
>>124007>Men rape women MORE in this generation because of how over sexualized the women are in this timeThat's it. This topic on this forum has been steadily leaning to this, and now it's gotten there. This is prime victim blaming.
You're a victim blamer. Period. You can't word this any way else except "it's the women's fault men are doing this". This isn't about "cause and effect", you're literally using the "asking for it" excuse, right here:
>Men HAVE SEX, for a woman to dress SEXUAL, they are enticing men for attention.Men are NOT basic animals who attack every bikini clad they see, you stupid bitch. I bet you're one of those muslims running around this board aren't you??
No. 124021
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>>124007>Women only dress sexual when they want attentionwhy don't you go chug on some clorox? you don't belong in this time and age.
No. 124027
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>>124021See this, your eel on your way. By your post I realize you aren't a critical thinker.
No. 124044
>>124021I think dressing sexual can, well it does DRAW attention obviously, it doesn't mean they're LOOKING for attention.
I mean people will look if you've got something a bit flashy on, guy or girl. But it's not saying "come touch me" or "molest me".
I'm getting tired of the "women are sluts if they look like this or that"
and ones who go off at home they can wear what ever they want and ram it down everyone elses throat, to gain a fanbase and get approval from 'feminist bloggers' it's so annoying nowadays.
Like guys just wear what the fuck you want, fuck what people say, fuck the labels, fuck the feminists. Just wear damn whatever you want.
No. 124046
>>124007I'm the anon you replied to but I'm just going to put it out there that I disagree with a lot of what you said. I should just sleep and let it go but I'm just gonna stumble through this.
While you suggest she seduced him ("she" being any girl, "him" being any aggressor) by wearing a certain outfit and got mad when he responded, I suggest that she was simply naive. Though some may call both victim blaming, I feel I am placing blame more on societal conditioning.
Unfortunately, we don't live in a world where people don't judge a book by its cover. People DO read certain looks in certain ways. That's honestly the reason most appearance-based subcultures exist – to challenge societal expectations of certain people who do not fit the mold of what is standard. Eventually the perception of an image will change, but first the image must be challenged.
I do not think ANY woman goes out with the desire to be molested, raped, or creeped on, and I do not believe ANY man grows up with the intention of becoming an abuser. I believe that because of our – not to get too tumblr in here – patriarchal society, men (and more conservative women) have been programmed since birth to code certain outfits and styles et cetera as "seductive" or "slutty" and it always has been that way. Hemlines get shorter, necklines get deeper, and before it was ever about revealing skin, it was about the type of fabrics that were used. More liberated women (and men) will understand their intentions behind breaking a social norm and will proceed to do so with caution, but some will optimistically expect that all other people will intuitively understand their intention and continue to act on their best behavior. Furthermore, others will pick up on a trend they like aesthetically and not even remotely think about it further than that.
The way women dress has historically been tied with their sexuality. The initial POINT of dressing provocatively is to challenge those ideals. But by people who do not understand all of the factors playing in to why something is a trend, she will be percieved as an object there to take sexual advantage of. To that type of person, she will be percieved as someone who is, as you put it, "dressing in a seductive way to get attention."
It is in no way ACCEPTABLE for ANYONE to assume something about the consent of a person based on something they are wearing. BUT it happens. People in a patriarchal society are conditioned to think that a woman is purposely suggesting their consent based on clothing choices.
RAPISTS will rape people REGARDLESS of their appearance and clothing choices, but this guy was, as far as we know, not a rapist. This guy was a douchebag, and he likely would make assumptions based on things like clothing. And again, that is totally wrong, but unfortunately women have to go out into the world with their guard all the way up unless they are wearing a sheet because men are fucking creepy. My initial comment could have been worded better, but I never intended to blame the victim.
No. 124047
>>124046Exactly, rapists rape because they're rapists. They rape men, women, kids, older women, trans ect
It's just because they're rapists.
No. 124049
>>124048Luckily enough for myself, I don't live in a bad neighbourhood and don't intend to visit any either. Thanks for the tip though.
Again, so it's the "what you're wearing " thing. Like I said, it'll DRAW attention at the most. But someone will rape or molest you because they're cunts. Just how it is.
Like someone else just said, it's been tied in that the way you dress in a certain way can mean "ur askin for it". How people have been programmed.
No one is 'asking for it' because they dress a certain way. Those that think that way, I just think they're ignorant at the most. But this topic has two sides in my opinion.
No. 124053
>>124046Again, I never said ALL women ALL men. Please understand that small things cause BIG problems and dressing like a hooker will not end Rape.
And so far no one can disprove that rape has increased in the past decade. Modesty is frowned upon, and whoredom is praised. We are headed to a social decline, intelligence isn't showing off your parts. Intelligent people, scientists, professors etc. don't walk around in the nude. You can either wake up and see what's happening or keep doing what your brainwashed to do. There is an agenda, and a collapse afoot. The lack of intellect is the problem, I knew barely anyone would be smart enough to understand.
No. 124060
>>124007Rape carried out by a stranger is very rare, most rape is done by someone who is acquainted with the victim in some way. It's not based on the way someone dresses, it's done based on the perpetrators accessibility to that person and the likelihood that he wont get caught.
Rape is also tied to culture. Rape carried out by strangers is very rare in the west because we are very much against rape and teach our children not to do it. Islamic culture teaches that it's acceptable to rape none-Muslim women, which is why most of these kinds of rapes are done my Muslims in Europe and are carried out based on how the victim dresses. This proves that rape can be reduced based on how we teach out children and how out culture treats it. Women in Western societies also don't face stigma if they have been raped, while most primitive cultures put blame on the victim and she might get disowned by her family or stoned to death. This means that White women are more likely to report rape because they aren't frightened of the repercussions. This makes it seem as though the rape rates in the West are high, but really, those are only the incidences that are reported. It's far more common in other cultures, but women in the west aren't afraid to go to the police.
No. 124105
>>123528sorry if somebody pointed it before but isn't that the outfit of her ~MAH HAIR IS GETTING BLONDE THANKS TO MY ELF ANCESTRY~
obvious wig pic?
No. 124115
>>124105Thank you for asking the real important questions anon! Everyone else: stop derailing this shit.
But yes it is! Do you remember how blonde it looked? Pretty different from how the mousey color of her hair in these recently posted videos. It must've been either a wig or some sort of trick (sun, using chamomile - some say it work- etc) that she wanted to use as a "oh super special thing happening to me NATURALLY because I was born like this!"
No. 124130
File: 1434729970090.png (2.16 MB, 1272x1058, 7654324567.png)

here are some of the reasons why there is no doubt in my mind that she is lying:
>i was in a sexual harrassment case with an australian man [lots of blinking, looking left, long pauses]
she is making this up.
these same behaviours repeat throughout the first half of the video.
she is more often looking away from the cam than into it while talking.
>…to put his hands on me and tell me to touch him…[licks lips]
it's a sexual gesture. this shows her own attraction to what she is describing.
>…right in the first row of class [breathes through teeth, sudden loud UHH, giggling]
a lot of dismissive gestures. indicates lying.
[shuts eyes for a long time]
gesture of her subconsciously retreating from her statement, since, again, she knows it's untrue.
>…than the few other interesting scenarios that unfolded itself
[mistakes in articulation, stuttering]
she wasn't sure whether she could make up more than one scenario.
-> no signs of emotional trouble by the supposed harrassment (she appears more distraught in the smoothie video she posted prior)
-> talks in a very monotone casual manner, which shows indifference
-> tries to look appealing: flattering cam-angle, keeps readjusting it, checking herself out like in a mirror, plus the filters she added
the latter half of the video is just affected nonsense. this doesn't fit at all. how are we supposed to take her seriously?
No. 124206
>>124131actually child rape in Britain is on the rise, not because of "more reporting", the opposite actually. a large portion of the rural population thinks its okay to rape kids and will ever protect their relatives/family members against abuse allegations, and in Britain it is so hard to convict a child rapist (even more so in Canada and the US though)
this is off topic, but yeah, don't overestimate the numbers. kiki is probably lying but rape is a huge problem because people are beginning not to see it as a serious issue anymore (due to ppl like kiki)
No. 124207
>>124137>>124139>>124140>>124141ok what im saying is how can they know there are more rapes.
for example:
year 1: 100 rapes and only 20 people report it. n
year 2: 100 rapes and 99 people report it
news channel: RAPE INCREASING!!!
No. 124245
>>124130You're my favorite anon ever! Thank you for existing you beautiful person <3
I have read somewhere that the blinking and looking away was a giveaway of a lie and also the giggly gestures but I could never put it more eloquent and explanatory than you did :D
(As we all suspected, now confirmed by expression-reading-anon, this whole video was a sad excuse for attention and DAMN YOU Kiki! Stop spoiling the path for real victims)
I have watched other videos of people talking about sexual harassment - one of the youtubers was even talking about experiences they had and it is a completely different level.
No. 124250
>>124207I think it's also because sex education is somewhat getting better in general, and it is easier for people to identify it as being rape. There also the depiction of rape in media too? Sorry for being OT
I think the reason that I would disbelieve her is that it was too perfect, the girls hate her and the guys can't help themselves but to defend her. Didn't she have a video talking about how she was bullied at school like this too?
No. 124252
File: 1434740388995.gif (1015.94 KB, 390x329, Awbb8TM.gif)

I though something exciting happened when I saw all these new posts.
No. 124296
File: 1434743644187.jpg (14.78 KB, 532x98, Untitled.jpg)

Well she did say right here that shes posting from Florida! BTW did she tweet @USA? lol
No. 124321
>>124309>taboobless u anon
But seriously, most of her shit looks cheap as fuck.
Why spend an asston on a few items of clothing, instead of a little on a whole wardrobe of cheap clothes to show off her ~unique style~? Oh wait, it's Kaka. She never does anything sensible.
No. 124388
>>124309I know the wing backpacks (YOU KNOW THE ONE) is from eBay, so is the cat bag the wings pins etc.
Now you go to stuff like, the Jenny Fax Jacket, super expensive. The horrendous white dresses are also kinda pricey idk.
She used to wear a lot of American Apparel typical tumblr stuff back in the day BUT I guess they were too easy for the commoners to find… So she had to resort to buying expensive horrible stuff no one else wears because ~unique.
Dakota used to be the real Taobao Queen, tbh
No. 124396
>>124395Where did she get the white wing bag from tho? I only ever see the blue/pink and black one?
Her new style is weird, its always white or black with angel wings ugh
No. 124399
>>124396Why anon, you can get it from!
There's a shop that will customize them in whatever color you want. She worked with that shop to offer the all-white version but claimed it was her own design and screwed herself.
No. 124459
should be *tough, fucking autoshit
No. 124485
>>124482Come on, we already got the thread back on topic.
Please, as much as it pains you, just ignore those comments from hours ago and how about we talk about Kiki. There are SOOO many threads dedicated to this shit, take it to one of them.
No. 124598
>>124482First of all you didn't read the links that were posted. Also I didn't directly say because women dress like hookers they are going to get raped. Your low IQ is keeping you from comprehending the point of my post.
The rapes in India,and africa are due to racism, infiltration, religion, and class.
The women in africa are raped daily for the so called advancements you idiots use, also for religious persecution. Christian africans are persecuted by their muslim slave traders. There is a very high prostitution rate in india. If the man refuses to pay there are times instead he will rape and kill instead of making the payment. Most of the men in india see the poorer women as animals and do as they please.
Men that rape in the west rape in order to fulfill their sexual fantasies and having a sex slave. Have never watched a murder case? So you ignore the physiological analysis of the killers when provided with the evidence that that watch excessive pornography, child porn, and involve in strange fetishes.
You are the most pointless person in he entire thread, and telling someone to kill themselves because of your own stupidity makes you an extreme low life. People like you are why there is violence and hate in the world. You'd probably should back of the internet loser. You think you sound edgy and cool but you are a prime example of hypocrisy.
No. 124715
>>124628Yah. So.
My most recent lolcow fantasy is that some Australian colleagues (like, she mentioned an "Aussie girl" she helped on buying vegan food in Japanese - because she's always just so good and helpful! And fluent!) making a response video like "bitch what are you on about? None of that happened" with a bonus of footage/pics/stories with her making an ass of herself (speaking Japanese, being inappropriate in public, trying to shove veganism down everyone's throat, talking about herself nonstop because narcissism) and that's going to be a happy time when this thread won't ever be derailed because everyone will be too busy laughing
looks outside my window, sighing No. 124755
>>124750Yes, she linked to the archive a while back.
Then someone on Twitter asked why she would link to a ~hater site~ and Kiki went off on them saying that the person must be one of the haters or whatever.
No. 124758
>>124755Yea, one(or both) of them totally does.
Remember that awful white-knighting one of them did a few days ago? So funny.
No. 124760
>>124758There's no proof that was them.
Truly the only proof is that she linked the archive. The fact that they are constantly checking for copyright infringements and shit leads me to believe they know about everywhere she's mentioned.
No. 124767
>>124755That tweet exchange was some classic Kiki.
The girl who tweeted actually sounded like she was concerned about Kiki getting hate, like she was on her side. But Kiki had to be all sassy in response like "you stole my files, you're giving me easy access. thanks >:)".
Iirc, the girl then said she didn't use lolcow and Kiki replied "then how do you know it's a hate site lol". Er, just because you know what a website is doesn't mean you use it…? Even by Ostrenga standards that was dumb as shit.
No. 124771
File: 1434836341512.jpg (71.77 KB, 640x558, image.jpg)

>>124769Image related. Forgot it. My bad.
>>124767Most of her followers loss is due to dumb shit like this. Like when he started attacking a random German girl and threatened to make a video proving the girl was a hater - which was literally untrue. Therefore, funny Af.
….I wish she'd done this video.
No. 124792
>>124773My thoughts exactly.
Whether they are dating or not, it is way soon for her to be talking so openly about wedding dresses and shit. They aren't even engaged. They haven't even been dating a long enough time where she should be concerned about them not being engaged. They have literally been dating for 6 months AT MAX assuming they have been dating since she stepped foot into Tokyo, but more likely as other anons pointed out, 3 or 4 months, most of them where they were not even physically together.
She's not really even hiding the fact that she's in it for a spouse visa.
No. 124811
just looks like she is trying to get all access to japan by marrying this guy
No. 124820
>>124792And if they ARE engaged, I have to say that guy is probably aware of the fact that it's pretty much all for the benefits. If he isn't, he will find out soon enough. Very rarely does a marriage that happens this quickly ever work out, especially when at least one of the people is like Kiki – needy and fixated on her appearance.
When she starts whining because he won't support her like mommy and daddy did, when Tokyo isn't heaven when you're there longer than a few months, when she has to get a real job…we'll see it all fall apart. Just hope she doesn't have kids before then since she "can't wait to have them."
Not even trying to be a hater, but this is just a stupid stunt and transparent attention grab. She's so open about literally everything else including her history with abuse that the fact that she would be so secretive about an engagement if it had actually happened is laughable. She would post pictures of the ring. She would be down our throats PROVING TO THE HATERSSS that they're really in a relationship and he really loves her.
Honestly when she made that "diamond ring" tweet yesterday my first thought was, "ah, here we go. Wedding talk." even though it wasn't about her wedding.
No. 124822
File: 1434846652528.gif (1.56 MB, 275x210, 1415383974319.gif)

>>124750 she does lurk, This looks like her to me. Also her tweets are a weird way of her "answering back". You guess are stroking her ego every time you comment about her. Your giving her a lot of attention.
No. 124827
>>124820Agreed, Anon totally agree.
You know what my mother used to say? You only get to know someone you're dating better when you're living with them.
Her and pretty boy don't live together, probably don't know that much about each other either. Language barriers, apart from his cock and her tits, that's the only main thing they know about one another. Plus various bands, fav colour, basics ect.
Like you said, when he has to go out to work and when she has to actually get off her lazy ass and find a job to make a living, without her folks. It's going to be an absolute fucking bitch.
Hell, I bet she'll even pester her poor sister who wants nothing to do with her and has her own life now. For cash and probably to no doubt try leeching some 'modelling jobs' because kiki will be so desperate to have her ugly mug on the cover of Popteen or Vivi.
It's ridiculous, you see this stupid shit in British magazines like 'Take a break' all the time, dumb blonde English bird marries a Turkish man she met on holiday because he made her fall with a few words, married her in a month then got a visa to go live in the UK. Week later, he fucks off and leaves her.
Cept' it seems most of these weeby girls go over, find some poor Japanese guy and preach to their followers that it's 'tru luv' then get married for visa.
Either she's trying to conquer up a plan to get full access to live in Japan by going through this guy, so she can find work in Japan and boost up her name again or— actually I can't even think of any other reason. That's how low I think of her.
I don't think he loves her either. I mean, they don't even say 'aishiteru' to their own race of women that often, despite being in love with them (could be wrong btw) but it does sound like it's all a huge con. He's in it for something and she definitely is. People just don't want to see it because they're so far up Kiki's ass they can't even smell her own shit.
If she did have kids to this guy, let's just say if she DID then no doubt would she start preaching how "wonderful they are because they're hafu" then make a video, holding up her baby and then would try pushing the poor thing into modelling or something. Anything I bet to make a few bucks off it. Since she knows the hafu deal is an advantage, asian and white especially.
It won't last forever. I can see her getting all worked up with this guy at some point if they did get married, he'd fuck off and she'd just be stranded in the middle. Probably go back home to America or if she was THAT determined to stay in Japan, idk hostess or something. I dunno.
It won't work tho
No. 124829
>>124820Plus, there isn't anything for kiki to really do in Tokyo. If she's actually trying to go for modelling, then why not go through an agent? She's fucked everything up for herself anyway, the bad reputation and her old appearance. She isn't model material anyway.
Housewife? Pfft.
Teacher? Even more pfft.
Aside from visiting/sightseeing, kiki has no purpose living in Japan. Nothing there for her.
No. 124832
>>124771"But it's so trendy and cool being with a Japanese, everybody is doin' it".
The 90's brainwashing is this gen, and she's doing it for attention. Not for love. She wants to be a housewife so she can sit on the internet everyday posting about how awesome life is in japan not having to work. I can already see it play out if it did go her way. I know what she's doing, you are helping her every time you seem to "care". it gives her the motivation to keep trying.
No. 124833
>>124832We all know what she's doing, her followers don't see it though.
She wants to play Mira, hey omg if kaka does get married maybe Mira and her will meet. It'd be funny if her and Mira were pals secretly and Mira will telling kaka all the details.
"Yea, just keep bangin' him and act cute"
"Omg rly?"
"Mhm, yh its so easy, i mean how hard can it be for us y'kno? we're kawaii and white so yh easy"
"Omg ty mira ily"
No. 124836
>>124834I don't know, but I wondered why she found it necessary to even post it.
She has all the signs of a narcissist it;s a terrible trait for a human to have. Let her be and she will reap what she sows. No. 124837
>>124822I don't think this looks like her? The hair maybe but her lips look totally different? Like in the gif both lips are super full
im sure she wishes her lips looked this nice
No. 124840
File: 1434849161230.jpg (28.88 KB, 268x210, Kiki-Kannibal-demolitionvenom-…)

No. 124846
>>124827If I understand spouse visas correctly – they pick either of their home countries to stay in, get married there, and the one who isn't a citizen immigrates and gets a spouse visa.
What if Taku wants an American spouse visa? What if they are both trying to play each other for greencards? Kek.
No. 124847
>>124846There is that. But Kiki would pout, kick and scream that she wants to live in le nippon.
But yeah, there is that aha.
We all kno the bitch wants to live in Tokyo, haul herself up in an apartment and never come out
No. 124849
>>124840This is why I don't believe
>>124822 is her. Lips are too thick tbh.
Also the outfit isn't very Kiki new imo since this is from like the end of last year. I remember when it was posted.
>>124836 She was posting it because other anons were accusing her of being Liana. But obviously she could have just posted a picture or not at all, so idk.
Either way you can't really tell from the picture, looks like a white girl.
No. 124851
>>124836"She has all the signs of a narcissist it;s a terrible trait for a human to have. Let her be and she will reap what she sows."
Exactly, Anon, exactly.
No. 124853
File: 1434849800738.png (1.13 MB, 993x654, vacay.png)

taku is in flerda.
(or she's staging a pic because why would he take a photo of her on the phone ordering room service?)
No. 124854
>>124852It's her alright, probably on a lazy day. Cruising all the hate while she's bored.
She even had the nerve to smirk lmao
No. 124856
>>124853Doesn't look like her room… Unless she is out somewhere in a hotel and making bs up.
I swear, Kiki is mentally ill you know. Lie after lie.
Yeah, probably in Florida to see what a nice place it is before he marries her for visa lmfao
No. 124864
>>124862Lolin if he is there then why hasn't she made a video yet? nah, he back in Japan I bet.
If he was though, probably meeting his wonderful new inlaws… Ostrengas… Thrilling.
No. 124867
MOST YOUTUBERS/BLOGGERS DO THAT SHIT! "Hey guys im here with —-" or "my other half–" and "my bf—"
Kiki? NOPE, it's all done in secret. I get maybe they want privacy but c'monnnnnn… I thought she wanted her fanbase to growwww, people to love her and cherish her being! Cos after all we HAVE to know about what she gets up to…
sigh No. 124868
>>124861>>124863I don't think she was insinuating she's wearing it to bed. She's ordering room service. So she's just wearing it.
In hotels the phone is always by the bed.
The important thing to take away from this is that she's insinuating that Taku is with her in Orlando.
Have been to that hotel and can confirm it's really Orlando.
>>124865Exactly. It's silly. Even just a selfie of them together would have made more sense for a post with that hashtag.
And it's not like it's hard to stage a getaway to Disney World when live like next to Disney World.
No. 124876
Even that would have been better. But nope, Kiki wants to show off her glam rags. How wonderful and kira kira she is.
No. 124922
>>124853>>124901I was actually just thinking earlier how it's kinda interesting they seem to be in a two-bed room.
I looked up prices: $900 a night for club-level with one bed. Lowest price room is still over $500 and has two beds. So I guess that's why.
Why waste that much money when you live in the same city?
No. 124943
>>124926I've been thinking this for a while. I started feeling this way when she started calling him her bae/bf, was posting videos that are obviously from the same 2 days she was definitely with him for, and posting videos where it's incredibly obvious she was sneaking her filming. I have no doubt she lurks here and knows that we find this whole thing suspicious.
If you need proof she definitely lurks here, I posted a screenshot of her fb in the last thread at night and her fb was deleted by the morning.
No. 124944
>>124822this fuckin post lol
no this is not kiki this is some girl in another thread trying to prove she isn't liliana Judd
No. 124949
>>124944…I literally just said that it's some chick from the Liana Judd thread
It's some fucking anon from the Liana Judd thread, who made a gif of themselves, and also posted another picture soon after, to prove that they weren't Liana Judd
Do. You. Understand?
Are your comprehension skills not fully developed, poor thing
No. 124958
>>124955> Saying it's someone from another thread isn't proof just b/c you're too lazy to go look in the other thread
> if it isn't so whatWhen your whole point was getting mad at me that I was stating for a fact it wasn't keeks, and you were getting upset about me being right
ok fatty-chan. go get a snack. do some breathing exorcises.
No. 124959
>>124958Are you retarded? How does my opinion of that being her make me Fat? Seriously shut the hell up. You sound like a deranged vapid twat waffle.
You didn't prove it wasn't her and insulting me isn't proof either dummy.
No. 124960
>>124959I'm literally laughing at how mad you're getting
Calm down fatty-chan, do some breathers.
No. 124963
>>124959it's not her shut the fuck up
why would the gif say "i'm not liana, lolcow"
are you fucking sutpid?
No. 124997
File: 1434864023223.jpg (184.3 KB, 500x719, tumblr_m3akixBy3B1r99rvv.jpg)

>>124822also that sweater looks familiar…
(not saying it is kota btw, but knowing how kaka steal everything she can, i wouldn't be surprised if she's wearing the clothes kota left in america lol)
No. 125002
>>124822only reason i dont think this is kiki is because this girl doesn't have her nails done. kiki is too high maintenance to not have her nails done
>>124853i'll only believe it when i see pictures of both of them in disney world at florida. otherwise, nah. also wouldn't it be funny if taku is there with kiki and they're sharing a hotel room with kathy and scott?
No. 125008
File: 1434865749239.jpg (48.59 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Her nails are not always "done".
No. 125009
File: 1434865830926.jpg (63.54 KB, 609x610, 1mwbeh-l-610x610-jacket-cat ja…)

No. 125011
File: 1434866006621.jpg (77 KB, 604x604, XDpFIcSSEmA.jpg)

No. 125023
>>125020as established by
>>124922 a single-bed room would have been $400 extra dollars so they could just save the money and not use one bed if they wanted.
not that i believe he's there or anything.
No. 125039
>>125038>What kind of delusional bitch uses the tag vacaywitbae and not have her bae in it?A really self-centered one.
Also one who doesn't actually have a bae but wants the haters to believe she does.
No. 125071
>>125068The area is pretty clear and even if she bloated/blew up and shopped it, it wouldn't magically have thinner and more lines. Argue all you want, but I see what I see and you see what you see.
The one Kota is wearing also looks to be of thicker fabric
No. 125085
>>125077We are different anons btw
In case you thought I was just being very persistent
No. 125087
File: 1434890451374.jpg (11.43 KB, 275x205, image.jpg)

>>124822Not Kiki.
Another picture
No. 125110
>>125090>Notice the girls real nails are longer than the other girls.Tbf, in one pic her right hand is showing and in the other one her left hand is showing. Idk about you guys, but I really like having long nails so when my nails break, I usually just clip the broken ones and keep other nails long, so that girl/Kaka could be like me in that aspect. In this gif
>>124822 you can see her pinky nail is much longer than the others.
No. 125119
>>125110As much as the milk would be delish tha Kaka was sat at home, talking shit on random LolCow threads wearing Koots clothes.. I don't think that girl is Kaka. Lips are too plump, hairs too dark.
In before anyone says; I do still think Kaka would be doing that.. Just she wouldn't photograph herself
No. 125125
File: 1434899449081.png (150.83 KB, 174x367, 232.png)

>>124822>>124826>>124838>>124840>>124849>>124854>>125090>>125110>>125118>>125119You guys are too used to her shoops because Kiki's chin isn't short (she even used to have an underbite in her scenne days, pic related) and at an angle like this it should be even longer plus she got a dimple on her nosetip.
>>123361>>123528 No. 125134
File: 1434900163512.jpg (108.43 KB, 640x844, image.jpg)

Kaka, no.
No. 125227
>>125143exactly. there's no way she took this photo. it's clearly a selfie. so instead of AT LEAST taking a photo of him, she posted an obvious selfie.
kiki girl it's easier to just ignore the haters instead of trying to dig yourself deeper into this.
this will backfire so badly.
No. 125254
>>125125I'm sorry, but this isn't convincing me. This photo you provided kaka has her lips pursed with teeth separated. Of course it looks longer. The girls nose isn't even included in the gif. You can barely see the top of this girls lip. In the gif that girls jaw isn't that short, (camera angled low head held upward).
But I won't continue with it, its still evident she lurks the thread. She follows up with everything you all say.
No. 125262
>>125254um guys can i pls jump in
why does this matter? js
No. 125263
>>125134A year and they'll have split
it wont last
No. 125348
>>125330If he was muscular and built he'd be alright. But he's just the usual Japanese guy to me, looks a bit like my friend. Thin, pale and asian. Not that there is anything up with that, if that's what you like then cool.
Idk maybe because he's got that school boy youthful look about him which is what makes him attractive…
No. 125402
File: 1434934023979.gif (3.87 MB, 346x234, Cat vs cat-in-the-box.gif)

>>125262It doesn't, just wanted to blow her cover..
No. 125419
File: 1434935926361.jpg (116.51 KB, 977x557, eyebrows.jpg)

She really needs to fill them in.
No. 125427
>>125419dem blur
dem filters
No. 125557
>>125549I guess she's going back to trying to get attention here because Japan didn't want her. I feel like if she was still trying to get attention in Japan, she'd add in the song title/her name in Katakana to the title and add have a Japanese description.
Also for someone with her ~bae~ who came all the way over from Japan to see her, she's really active online today.
No. 125571
File: 1434957542958.png (49 KB, 557x299, tags.PNG)

>>125549It's really not that interesting, but if any of you guys are curious, here are the tags for this video. I've been looking at a lot of her video tags and I'm really surprised she hasn't ever spammed her tags with Japanese. The only thing kind of interesting in her tags was that her "learning Japanese with my cat" video was tagged as "american in japan" even though it's obvious she's in her room at home and some videos are tagged as "lolita".
>>125560I feel the exact same way. I really hate how thick and dark her eyeliner is, it looked good in the scene days but it's way too harsh for the kawaii innocent little girl look she's trying to go for. It just makes her harsh features look even harsher.
No. 125601
File: 1434960876537.png (50.33 KB, 1010x682, the truth about the pink rose …)

No. 125639
>>125263nice try, kaka.
This is basically coffin/kimi kobayashi all over again (except for the one-time sex). She might start impersonating him online soon.
No. 125646
>>125549Kaka. The slicked back hair is for few but I know you have your friend PS to help you out however, covering your mouth to dhow off your rings is awkward af.
Follow these steps: once you're done with Photoshopping your skin and eyes, pose with the hands off your mouth and then proceed to draw attention to your Cupid-bow absent plump lips. Work that pout. After that, use one of your sock accounts to say how you look like Megan Fox/Angelina Jolie there, respond to this comment and watch your desperate followers trying to get your attention by agreeing to it.
Next week, make a vlog saying how you totally were mistaken for Megan Fox (because Jolie is old now ew) when you were with you were out with bae at Florida.
/You're welcome!
/I'm a better Kaka than Kaka herself
>>125601Aw! They're back! <3 you 100% nailed it.
No. 125647
>>125549This isn't too bad, but it's not fantastic either. Random shit you'd find if you clicked around on bandcamp long enough/10
It could've been big when seapunk, chiptunes and vaporwave were important. Too bad Kiki can't into networking or aesthetic appeal.
No. 125655
File: 1434975944347.png (1.21 MB, 913x690,…)

Farmers I got this.
This is the grainy version. There's also the final version that has been smoothened.
No. 125656
File: 1434976021131.png (1.89 MB, 852x989, slick-cherb-done-2.png)

Kaka 2
No. 125659
File: 1434976223694.png (2.05 MB, 1000x989, slick-mirror-done-1-final-grai…)

>>125658Kaka 4
>Post discardedNooo
No. 125661
File: 1434976324515.png (1.56 MB, 1000x897, slick1-smaller-rainbow-final-g…)

>>125659Kaka 5
She looks so dried up.
No. 125665
File: 1434976468685.png (1.89 MB, 1000x989, slick2-waves-final-grain.png)

>>125661Kaka 6/last
No. 125676
File: 1434977893646.gif (900.44 KB, 500x375, tyra-banks-birthday-gif-3.gif)

>>125661i think she had tyra in mind
No. 125681
>>125557She's definitely trying to get herself back out there again. I think she hopes with her new style people may now recognize her or that she's some 'reformed angel' like her new style gives off.
I've noticed she has is doing exactly what her sister did. You know "THE PHOTOS" the whole 2011/2012 doll thing? How kota had a series of them before she gave up and took up to grainy/meitu shit iphone pictures? She's doing that.
The persona pictures is what I like to call them. Makes em' look 'professional' and like they're somebodies at the most. Guess her sister is a somebody now ofc, but kiki has to copy her. Same eye make up, into kawaii but only difference is she's trying to be the new grimes and it ain't happening.
This is how desperate she is.
God help if the internet was gone tomorrow, the poor cow would be heartbroken.
No. 125683
>>125679Nah, I think the sunglasses one is actually quite nice. Let's remember though, they're all an illusion. Just like Dakota's were.
Plus, it ruins it because kiki is such a shit head.
No. 125686
>>125421Yeah, the 'look at me I have big eyes and I'm kawaii' look, defo.
It works for her sister cos baby face, baby faces do wonders and kiki has that long face
No. 125689
File: 1434978599603.jpg (21.94 KB, 412x900, dsquared-2-ruffle-collar-sleev…)

Buying expensive shit again, huh
No. 125690
>>125689where is this from? (cant make out the label)
is it a cheap chink knock off or some selfridges shit?
No. 125705
>>125697I'm personally offended because these expensive clothes are incredibly horrendous. Like, you're petit and you have money. Kate Spade that shit, bitch!
Btwwww, where did you all found these?
No. 125714
File: 1434982240851.jpg (34.9 KB, 264x363, url.jpg)

>>125655Ahh. the famous Ostrenga house wall.
Never forget.
No. 125730
File: 1434985088058.jpg (32.03 KB, 512x512, _do3LNaF.jpg)

Patio model
No. 125733
>>125716Oh pls dont. She's like Tumblr's muse. It's too much to Kiki being compared to her
>>125730Ugh I hate this. This is awful. Just the fact she chose it as an avatar. Just, NO.
>>125714Yes! It's a classic. If only these walls could speak… Is Scott still taking her pictures?
No. 125735
>>125679i… like them too.
if anyone is hating its because they don't take fancy pics like this
No. 125752
>>125734I wonder if it's Taku-channnn taking those pictures..
Ha, she'll probably send these to her sister and ask whether they're Bravo model material.
She doesn't have the height to model anyway. I know kota didn't but her baby face was all she needed and slim built.
If kiki DID have her sister's face, the cathy then she would have more look.
I mean, can anybody picture Kiki in Popteen or Kera? -__-
A ton of dolly looking girls and you've got long oogabooga next to you? lol
No. 125763
>>125752"Hey Taku! What did you do during your vacations in Florida?"
"Took pictures of my girlfriend posing in the hotel an next to her house"
No. 125769
File: 1434988901552.jpg (95.13 KB, 640x747, image.jpg)

Don't stop Kiki!!! Try harder!
No. 125793
>>125789I SAW IT! It was a huge lengthy response on how she had so many projects IRL and didn't worry about the internet anymore nor was interested in it either haha
>>125784She did but I guess they were suppose to be customized somewhere. Why didn't she just took a picture of their wrists together wearing the bracelet? Or a selfie with him?
Typical couple stuff…?
.. Nvm >:)
No. 125827
File: 1434994714614.jpg (30.36 KB, 550x412, disney-s-yacht-club-resort.jpg)

>>125769>I bet whoever was customizing the Disney bracelets blah blahNo, girl, you're really not that interesting. It's likely all printed out automatically and then someone just sticks the bracelets in the box, along with hundreds of others. I seriously doubt they pay that much attention.
>>125784I was thinking that, but the text does look the same in other people's photos.
No. 125847
>>125836I was thinking the same thing.
>>125793>Why didn't she just took a picture of their wrists together wearing the bracelet?Precisely. Because he's not there.
No. 125865
>>125861 Bet the other was her dad's lol
only man she'll ever need
No. 125869
>>125867No. She thinks she's too good for porn. And she is, frankly…porn is gross.
But she might become an escort if she's not one already.
No. 125876
>>125869I watch porn sometimes, just sometimes. It's more funny than a turn on tbh.
She'd be better at porn probably than modelling in Japan. Plus, she's white too. Plenty of old jiji and business jiji would adore putting their christmas tree light up her growler.
White, blue eyes and light hair. They'd love her!
No. 125879
>>125867Tbh, if I only knew about her from the scene days, I'd assume she's a camgirl/pornstar right now.
But no, like the other anon said, she thinks she's too good for it.
No. 125906
>>125896 said, she's like 15. i doubt he cares. we all make stupid mistakes, she just also happened to be a myspace whore. not trying to white knight, i just get annoyed when people bring up old shit in this way when the people involved are like 22 now.
i don't even know if i could see her doing nude modeling or gravure. i really think she thinks she's too good for all of it. she's just going to keep trying to push her music career until she gets married and can leech off someone else.
if her husband isn't going to be taku, it's going to be someone else.
No. 125909
>>125906Anon pointed out they'd never seen her topless so I guess other was just trying to… Help?
Idk, I also dislike it. She was 15. Child porn guys. And they (the breasts) probably look different by now. For better or worse? We may never know..
No. 125923
>>125909it was on google images, seriously just type in 'kiki topless' and it comes up instantly :|
so yeah, kiki is quick enough to point out copyrights but if that is the case she should get those kinds of pictures off there too
not saying its her fault, just saying get them taken the hell down or report whoever it was that leaked them
its all im saying
No. 125931
>>125926Hopefully, if that were to ever happen with Kiki, I hope it doesn't. Like, I wouldn't want her modelling there. I just wouldn't, I don't like her or her image. Kota I can put up with, but she's got an alright face. She is a little bit likeable. Even if her punchline she uses on Japanese tv is corny.
Kiki would just stir shit up. I can imagine one of the models not getting on with her and Kiki causing up a storm on social media.
No. 125951
>>125923Its still child porn, doesn't matter if you can google it.
And just for arguments sake I did google it and went to the website it was on, and its ED. Not even the Ostrenga Lawyers can remove pictures from there. (They've tried I'm sure)
No. 125974
>>125951all bad shit happens to kiki
oh well
No. 126025
>>126009I know, sitting by her sister's side and telling the everyone in the dressing room how she sucked the camera man's cock or something stupid.
Pissing off the popular models and stamping her feet when she wants to do things her way. Kota be standing there all awkward, hugging on Yula's arm like "iku ne?"
No. 126109
>>126106not surprising, lol.
instead of posting photos of disneyworld and her bae, she's steady posting her photoshoot to instagram and twitter.
why not save those for another week when she's not doing anything?
you CAN customize those bracelets to say whatever name you want (obviously, or they wouldn't say nyan) and they don't even have to have separate information on them other than a different name (so parents can get them for their kids, for instance) so i'm fairly certain she just went with a family member (would say friend if i believed she had friends) and customized it to say taku.
you have to customize them about a week ahead of time though so this has been planned for at least that long.
No. 126175
File: 1435031839885.gif (56.81 KB, 290x290, Mickey-Laughing-85812.gif)

>>125769This dumb cunt is playing up having Taku at Disney.
And seeing how it's one of the busiest months down here she's having to pay full price for everything. Two adult tickets for one day is $223.66, and that's on top of her hotel stay.
Laughing all the way while she puts her parents further in debt for her lies.
No. 126187
>>126175Well, she had no problem asking them to bankroll her extended stay apartment in Roppongi and three (completely useless) months of language school, so it's not that surprising. On top of everything else they've paid for over the years. I have no doubt she makes some money from youtube and her various "projects" but it couldn't be enough to fund all of that and also her expensive as fuck clothes and music equipment.
I'd have a lot more respect for her even living with her parents if she were otherwise funding all her travel and shit but lol, there's no way.
>>126185This. But I don't think they get a discount on the hotel which was more expensive than the passes anyway.
No. 126190
File: 1435034220273.jpg (48.27 KB, 541x538, tmp_3902-1434900163512~2161677…)

You know, if someone with an iphone really wanted to reverse image search that selfie of Taku, they could just download the Normalize app and remove the IG filter. I would, but it isn't available for Android.
No. 126194
>>126188not that he would or anything, he doesn't even have any social media that we can find, but it's funny she didn't even take a pic of them holding hands or something lame like that. she's probably not there with a guy (unless it's her dad) because she would otherwise be staging a bunch of "could be tako" pics.
like, seriously…she had no problem broadcasting many intimate videos of them INCLUDING a video of him in his underwear that may or may not have been taken right after they fucked, but she can't even post innocent photos where they're smiling and hanging out and being a couple? not even a vague "is that even his hand???" hand holding pic??
just a selfie that HE took, that she obviously put a filter over just so we couldn't reverse image search it (she tried this method before with the guitar, a cup of green tea, and a street). it makes no sense. he would have to be one WEIRD guy who gets off on being put online in his underwear for this to be legitimate.
so I'm pretty certain he's not there, they aren't dating, and he has no idea about this. if someone could find his penpal profile we could confirm this.
No. 126201
>>126185The passes don't come cheap. For my family of 3 its 1.5k. Dont get me wrong it really pays off in a week, but I doubt she has one. Why would she need one with no friends to go with.
Also yes you get a deal on rooms but not during the summer/christmas week when it's the busiest time.
But yeah this would be her first time trying to up hold her lie.
No. 126208
File: 1435035626967.jpg (81.5 KB, 612x612, image.jpg)

>>126190I downloaded Normalize and this is the best it could do. It's literally just a single slider where one side clears it up and the other turns it straight up green, kinda pissed I paid $0.99 for it actually.
I just ran it through Tineye, I'm not good at reverse image searching so maybe someone else can do something with it.
No. 126218
File: 1435036216122.jpg (82.44 KB, 629x342, image.jpg)

>>126199I went ahead and tried Nornalize on this one too, it did fuck all. Sorry, guys. At least now we know the app is worthless.
No. 126230
File: 1435036861573.png (49.57 KB, 589x299, ghkjk.PNG)

No. 126242
>>126238She only wants her feeble minded followers to
think she is with Taku, the reality is she's alone in FL pretending that some Jap guy she banged while she was visiting her sister in Tokyo is her BF/fiancé to make her "haterz" jealous and "prove" how much she loves Japan/Japanese guys and always has.
No. 126251
>>126250if you like at pictures of her from back in the day when she was just thin vs pics since she started saying she has a booty/kira kira stripper elf she definitely tries really hard to show off her ass.
There's probably some level of shoop and how she chooses to dress now, but it's a combo of her already curved spine and her intense arching. Go watch the video where she talks about bathroom spiders and booty and you'll see what I mean.
No. 126284
>>126271I feel like if she's gonna try to portray this whole ~geeky gamer girl~ persona, she could at least make a steam account and get her brother to use it for her or borrow her brother/Kota's games/console(s) for background props in her pictures/videos. I wonder as well. I feel like if she just honest about who she is, she'd be much more likable.
>>126277I thought he was cute as well before, and he's still not a bad looking guy imo, he's just average looking.
>>126282She also says she plays Legend of Zelda, some of her songs have stolen video game music (like the one song which "samples" a song from Silent Hill 2), and on her fb there was a decent amount of games on her likes(mostly music/party games). Idk, I feel like she just said that to not get any backlash because she hypes up her "love" of gaming but if you asked her anything about her "all time favorite" games, she wouldn't be able to tell you anything except for general shit everyone knows about the games.
No. 126291
I bet she only knows about this shit because of her brother, who likes video games (and she made fun of him because of it on stickcam)
No. 126294
>>126291One anon earlier in the thread said that Danny showed her Final Fantasy.
I feel like she really started going on about how much she loves Final Fantasy/gaming in general because Kota was getting all sorts of comments about how she looks like a Final Fantasy character on her tumblr (I think she even replied to one FF comment she got saying she was going to replay the games).
No. 126303
>>126254One of her haul videos circa 2012 she wears jeans shorts and you can see her back arch. Then she kind of adjusts it. So yeah, her posture is horrible.
And there's probably some shoop going on (besides eyes, skin etc. the usual.)
Y'all think she edited her nose/jaw as well?
No. 126314
>>126239>>126259>>126284Don't forget the
Zelda Elf Princess makeup tutorial and
Tim Burton meets FF compliment lmao
No. 126355
File: 1435072942306.jpg (210.42 KB, 1124x1376, Untitled-4.jpg)

>>126303She definitely edits her nose. Her nose is thinner, crooked, and a lot sharper, but in her old pictures/videos it's wider, shorter, rounder, and straighter.
No. 126385
>>126355Yes, I also noticed that. She probably edits it a lot in pictures. Especially in these new HD ones.
Too much for someone who accepts themselves "more and more everyday"
Either way, I was weirded out because you'd think with the slicked back hairstyle her nose would just become much more visible.
>>126362 TRU. I'm actually hella jelly of that.
No. 126496
>>126479The thing about Tandem is that it requires Facebook to log in, but she DID have Facebook when she met Taku. If we can find him still on the app we can also find his Facebook.
I downloaded one called HelloTalk but the photos are too small and it seems like you can only use one. I looked up a few usernames of people who could've been him on Twitter and Insta but nothing. There was one profile with the name "taku" and the profile picture was a cat, which screamed Keeks to me. Haha.
I don't have Facebook anymore so I can't look around many other apps it seems.
No. 126516
>>126515She needs tips from her sister - say what you want about Kota but her brows always look on point.
Speaking of which, someone rec me some good products for light brows like hers.
No. 126519
>>126479I guess Tandem is iOS only because I can't find it on Android.
What kind of phone does Kiki have?
No. 126546
>>126291It's sad that I thought:
Of course this bitch would be Clerith.
No. 126573
File: 1435117306029.jpg (262.68 KB, 1920x810, image.jpg)

Brow Wiz is the fucking shit. I know it's $20 and if you're a poorfag like me that may be steep, but I promise it's fucking worth it.
I also like Milani's brow pen in light brown as my cheaper alternative. It's not perfect, but it gets the job done and has alright staying power. (My mom gave it to me as a gift, but I think I will repurchase.)
Anyway, I really love how Kiki is both pretending to have liked any of the Final Fantasy games as a child and also that she is interested in the FF7 remake (like, a full week after it had been announced.)
I have the feeling that she's just trying to leech off Dakota's (or her older brother, or Danny's) interests for "trendy fame" once again. Kiki has no original ideas, not does she have any sort of unique substance to her. She simply grabs on to any idea she thinks will make her more popular.
Btw Kiki, you can't speak Chinese, Japanese nor Korean worth a shit. You are horribly vapid and you are far from model material, no matter how lovely you portray yourself to be.
No. 126590
File: 1435118822026.jpg (176.51 KB, 768x1024, image.jpg)

And she's back to her bat shit crazy PETAism
No. 126667
>>126590"I post helpful videos regularly now! loljk just as long as the footage with my hookup last them I'll be too busy tweeting my activism"
Either way. Keep going Keekz. Don't forget to post the horrific graphic scenes of animal abuse, too. It'll boost your popularity.
No. 126749
No. 126760
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No. 126779
>>126748That frame's giving me a seizure. I like that she says "you rike?" to him at one point lmao
You can tell that they can't verbally communicate much at all
No. 126833
File: 1435181982538.jpg (139.43 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

>>126780Yes, and reading the description makes me wonder if she's like this 24/7 (stopping by any sort of mirror/reflection to self-admire/show-off)* or it was just an excuse for her sloppy camera.
… Andddddd she's going back there haha
* honestly, in another side of the world, in a expensive-ass hotel… MUH BUTT MUH HAIR… My boyfriend.. MY FACE…
No. 126834
sorry this is old but stumbled on it on youtube
so cringeworthy
damn kiki
coulda been cute like dakota's outfit videos but nah, you had to add your quirk. it didnt work for you girl No. 126846
>>126748"Ew, we're next that dirty building! I hate that building!"
–Kira Kira Princess of Love & Light
No. 126847
>>126780Yeah but Asian guys honestly eat that shit up.
I dated a Korean guy who constantly wanted me to call him oppa in a cutesy voice.
No. 126855
File: 1435183937382.jpg (23.27 KB, 640x173, image.jpg)

I love backhanded comments
No. 126862
Thats clearly a different hotel room from the other video she posted with her and Taku, but she's wearing the same exact outfit? Her life confuses me.
>>126833Why not do vlogs of both of them at Disneyworld? Why wait until you're back in Japan? Such LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIES
No. 126870
>>126862Yeah like they fucked, she stop a bit to film herself and they went out to see hotel rooms?
Or maybe she just repeated outfits.
I just wish she'd shown her shoes so I knew exactly what I want to destroy. The "CLOCK! CLOCK!" Every time she takes a step is awful
No. 126943
>>126884I like how the exact song was mentioned just a few days ago and magically appears~
>>126870I'd believe the whole repeating outfits if that black mesh top wasn't the only fucking thing she ever wears. Its just weird for someone who says they're so into fashion.
No. 126969
>>126967I understood it as "don't worry Kiki we like looking at your booty/beauty as much as you (like looking at yourself)"
But yeah, you're right. Nvm, then guys.
No. 126970
>>126834Aaaahh this video goddamn. I love it, it's so cringey. The clothes are so bad. But, like wearable bad, unlike now.
I can't chose what "outfit video" style is worse (this or the most recent ones)
No. 126984
>>125714kek @ the wall that has seen some shit
What is that cheap stuff, stucco?
No. 126987
File: 1435195986238.jpg (320.29 KB, 1200x1800, image.jpg)

Didn't she use to do a lot of toning/strengthening exercise? Pilates, yoga and pole dancing? … It's not working lol girl if you're gonna brag about your body, better have one worth of it
Can someone make a comparison with the lastests pics she took? (…butt wise, especially?)
No. 127074
File: 1435207609207.jpg (221.72 KB, 500x504, Booty-Booty-Booty.jpg)

Idk what she thinks having an ass looks like but she definitely doesn't have one. Not even when she edits herself one. She got a flat, sloping ass irl. Does she not know what real booty looks like?
Take notes bitch!
No. 127086
File: 1435210163731.png (268.97 KB, 605x445,…)

>>127061>>127065Kaka has bad posture.
No. 127117
>>127076what is it about her that makes her so unappealing, anon? is it the fact that her face looks like a vagrant's makeshift paper-bag, shit-stained panties? is it because her unforgettable beak once starred as dustin hoffman's hook hand in the 1991 feature film,'hook'? what is it, exactly, anon?
>>127077dude, yes. no wonder why her ass looks like mr potato head's signature schnoz (not the red button one. the other one.)
>>127115erm, how are they high test? 'high test' legs are not soft. those are super soft legs. high test legs have no shape to them in the hip area, and are incredibly lean.
No. 127128
>>127065>>127061Thank you! :D
I'm usually not harsh about people's appearances but…
GIRL you really wanna draw attention to that? Say people stop you to ask how you got that "booty"? You really wanna pass these photos as believable? Who you think you're foolin'?
No. 127129
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Using comedy movies references won't make your bragging cute or believable. Stop talking.
No. 127136
>>127128No problem! :)
I think she fixates on her butt because she's gotten a couple of compliments on it, they got to her head, and she thinks it's her best feature. It may seem unbelievable that she would get compliments on it after looking at how it really looks, but I've gotten compliments on my butt plenty of times and I have a pancake ass and swayback just like she does. I don't believe she's ever gotten, "zomg bubble butt!" compliments or anyone asking what workouts she does for her butt like she claims, but I'm sure some people(most likely guys) have said she has a nice butt.
No. 127141
>>126834it's so bad she does the exact same movements and poses as dakota
theres about 20x of the same kind of video on yt by wannabee weebettes its so sad
No. 127143
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What's the source of this banner?
No. 127149
File: 1435235879592.png (528.4 KB, 851x800, Screen Shot 2015-06-25 at 7.30…)

uhm ok kaka
No. 127163
>>127149The first person other than Kota she ever follows and it's a store she literally just slammed?
I don't understand.
No. 127171
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>>127149It's so she can DM them (though I thought they changed this recently?)
No. 127207
File: 1435247358368.jpg (123.29 KB, 640x844, image.jpg)

"Copyright offices"
"It's an important matter"
= I wrote some dumb shit there when I was a teen
No. 127219
File: 1435248330890.jpg (30.85 KB, 500x315, dance-pants-off--large-msg-125…)

>You really are showing yourself up posting derogatory photographs of yourself like this on the internet. Ten years time, when you look back, will you be proud of yourself, or just ashamed? I'd stop while you're ahead if I were you, because trust me darling, it doesn't look good. No decent, respectful guy is going to want you after you have put yourself about so much. Scene-pah, grow up. Before you start having a go at me, no I'm not some 'fat obsessed and jealous hater'. Infact I am completely the opposite, and if you knew who I am, you'd know that I don't need to be jealous of other people. Just, do yourself a favor, stop posting half naked photos, makes you seem very self absorbed, and figure out your real talents. Cute diamonds and bats and bikinis aint gonna get you an amazing job or a life. Infact, I'm pretty sure, judging by your attitudes on life and the way you present yourself, you dont really have a life or have any respect for yourself for that matter. Those who comment your photos saying they are amazing, are completely fooling themselves and you, therefore making your ego even higher. Yes, you are a pretty girl, I aint gonna deny that, but don't ruin yourself. Just go out, get some proper friends instead of internet friends, go to a gig or something, and enjoy teenage life what you've got left of it, because trust me, you'll regret it. No. 127252
File: 1435253094135.png (34.63 KB, 875x297, aliums.png)

>>127207now i'm going through her buzzfeed and, you guise, look at this
>i believe in aliens.because she is fucking is one. it is so obvious now, especially in comparison with this pic
>>127086 No. 127262
>>127257so like…did Taku go home?
Did he just fly in from Tokyo to Orlando for the weekend? She really wants us to believe that?
No. 127277
>>127207Buzznet hasn't been responding because NO-ONE FUCKING CARES ABOUT BUZZNET ANY MORE, NOT EVEN THEM.
Stop living in the past, Kaka.
No. 127281
>>127207She probably wants to get rid of her Buzznet but can't since they had/ have some sort of contract thing.
I guess Kaka is growing up and finally realizing her existence is just an embarrassment.
No. 127345
>>127129and she wants to be a model
No. 127562
I feel like the main reason Dakota got noticed in Japan is so the universe can shit on Kiki in the most scathing way.
I mean think about it- the better Dakota does, the more we know it pisses Kiki off. She's younger, not as skinny, her hair is thin as fuck, she's not considered as "pretty" as Kiki, yet she's doing a million times better than Kiki and is an actual model who gets to be on TV, meanwhile Kiki still lives with her parents in Florida and has to lie about a casual hookup being a serious relationship and Dakota couldn't care less.
Now, if anyone else had been In Dakota's place, Kiki would be talking mad shit all over the place, but since it's her sister she really can't say anything negative about Dakota without catching shit for it from the entire internet and probably her parents too, since Dakota is now their cash cow. I'm not saying Kiki hates her sister, but I guarantee she's insanely jealous, her "fat, ugly" little sister who used to hang out in her shadow now has everything she ever wanted handed to her, and she can't even keep an SO for longer than a few days.
It's like the greatest cosmic joke on Kiki ever.
No. 128058
>>127562yeah it was pretty smart of dakota to just let her dumb sister fuck up her childhood, because kikis fanbase obsessed over dakota once she started releasing pictures. and dakota held out for a MUCH less obnoxious trend than scene.
don't know why kiki can't just fabricate a new trendy persona rather than being an extremely lame copycat of her sister though.
No. 129195
>>127545my japanese is so crap and i understood all of that
shows how crap her japanese is