File: 1427270490475.jpg (106.12 KB, 604x604, keekerz.jpg)

No. 68134
File: 1427274110310.png (569.24 KB, 1275x891, LilKitten.png)

lol, this was what her store's domain was used for before Kiki bought it.
No. 68174
File: 1427284634371.png (395.48 KB, 1376x824, 1.png)

Oh shit, here we go. Screenshotted and keeping my eye on this because it'll definitely be deleted later.
No. 68177
>>68176Kota is in the same room as Kiki now, 100% sure
Kiki wouldn't do that without Kota's permission.. she likes drama but come on let's not believe every possible situation just because we want it to be true.
No. 68180
File: 1427285469406.gif (462.41 KB, 500x302, gimmedamilk.gif)

>>68174Holy shit, that sounds catty as fuck…
She probably isn't being sarcastic but…god, I'm so thirsty for some creamy milk right now.
No. 68201
>>68174why she didn't wrote it in nihonese this time? lol
>Kiki wouldn't do that without Kota's permissionher fame thirst knows no boundaries. As if creating a sockpuppet IG account impersonating her sister isn't creepy enough.
No. 68217
>You have no proof it's not Kota's IGWell last time I checked, Dakota don't have that dakotanyan account (neither other IG acc) listed in her official social media sites. Also, once she told Kaka she wouldn't use IG. Screencap of that tweet was posted on a previous thread. Idk if that's enough proof but whatever.
No. 68241
File: 1427293029493.jpg (66.88 KB, 500x695, O303275-ba0a4.jpg)

>>68235Not the same anon, but I remember that she had said it too.
No. 68244
>>68242In the great baleeting of PULL, it was probably lost.
But it went something like:
Kiki: You should soooo get an IG DAWG
Kota: Nah, I'll never use it.
Kiki: . . .
(Mysterious IG for Dakota appears)
No. 68245
>>68235Whoops, sorry I misread. I thought you said you
did have proof.
No. 68319
Damn, Kiki.
No. 68324
>>68244What she said and what she did are two different things. Remember that these girls are liars.
Probably just keeps claiming she doesn't have an IG to make people not think the fake ones are her, but she still wanted to follow kiki's photos on IG so she made an account that she won't post on
No. 68343
>>68341To quote Kontrakoti:
"dakotanyan uses asterisks to highlight action words like
fades out walks away blah blah. kiki does that a lot. i barely saw dakota writing that way."
No. 68626
use it fuckers
No. 68902
>>68516>>68523Yeah, exactly. She definitely does want to part with the title 'Kiki Kannibal', in one of her videos she talks about when meeting new people she's always really hoping they don't know about 'Kiki Kannibal' and her ~past~ and would rather have a "clean slate", as she puts it, basically so they don't know of all the dumb shit she's said/done. but she
knows that persona is the only thing that people know her for or care about. Most of her views/following is from people like us or people that used to be fans of her when she was a ~scene queen~. If she changed her name completely to 'Kiki Leigh' or whatever, people would just be like "Who? Just some obnoxious and arrogant vegan weeaboo? Don't care) whereas with 'Kiki Kannibal' people are like "Oh hey, it's that scene girl from years ago, nostalgia! I wonder what she's up to nowadays".
No. 68920
>>68902I think this really shows how lazy she is. If I was being ~bullied~ on the internet but still wanted attention like she does, I'd lay low for a good while and build a new persona like Kota did. People would still be able to find out since the internet never forgets, but it would be a little harder, since the people who could find out do forget. I think people would maybe even be more forgiving if she left the internet straight after scene was over and came back with a new persona at least a year later, but only if she matured or at least learned how to hide her shit personality.
I think now is a little too late to do all this, the damage is done already and being young isn't much of an excuse for her shit personality anymore.
No. 68941
>>68936>Kiki leaving Japan at the end of the month.Less than a week! IDK about you guys but I can't wait. I feel lIke Kiki is gonna have a breakdown or something on Twitter/Insta. Either that or she'll eep posting random shit and occasionally latergram some random Japanese traffic signs to make her follower think she's still there.
Kooter is probably glad she's leaving, she seems so exhausting to be around, and she can have her social life back.
No. 68990
File: 1427378228016.jpg (111.06 KB, 605x323, kekeeeki.jpg)

>>68943Yup, still there. Obviously nothing has come of it though, we know if it did she'd be tweeting about it non-stop.
Also, lol. Didn't notice this one before.
In like, all her make-up tutorials she uses Urban Decay and has said stuff like "omg I luv Urban Decay coz they're vegan n cruelty free~". She has used Make Up For Ever in them too, if I'm not mistaken.
No. 68994
>>68933Can't make any assumptions but it really is strange lol
Either way. Here's my bet: go back to US, post random vague pics, promise a new vlog that's never gonna happen and then probably have a breakdown.
No. 69008
>>68990Top kek.
She fucking used Urban Decay in her last shitty video. Way to take your own advice, Kiki! Such a true vegan!
No. 69018
>did I mention that Kathy sent death threats to an acquaintance of mine who was pregnant at the time? and wished her baby would die? all because she pointed out kooters Photoshop on tumblr.
No. 69041
>>69020Hahahahah that's hilarious, raw proof that Kaka hates people asking her about her more successful sister than her. She's so assmad.
>>69018I second this. Tell us moar.
No. 69065
>>69018>>69060This is old drama. I think they're exaggerating saying they're an acquaintance because when it happened I'm fairly sure no one said they knew them.
Basically, some tumblr user gets told she looks like Dakota, an anon we can only assume is Cathy sees it and goes mental saying she hopes she dies and that she looks like a fish.
No. 69112
>>69007>like for fucks sake Kirsten you are a grown ass woman, quit mooching off your parents and get a goddamn job..I think someone should send her/post a bunch of job listings in her area. There's no reason for her not to have one. She doesn't even do anything but stalk/screencap "haters" and "hate" sites. The pole dancing, music, store, and yt videos were things she tried just for fame/money and quit because she didn't instantly become the next big thing.
I agree with this anon
>>68941 I can definitely see a breakdown coming. She went to Japan because she wanted fame and she was bored/miserable at home. Since Japan not only didn't give her the fame and visa she wanted just for existing, but it also didn't change a single thing but where she was. I think she was even more miserable in Japan than at home, she had really nothing but complaints about the food and how people weren't kind to her.
No. 69220
>>69112She doesn't want a job. Her parents jave brainwashedvher into believing she's a supermodel celebrity goddess, there's no way she would ever get a real job.
>she had really nothing but complaints about the food and how people weren't kind to her.I feel like people didn't kiss her ass enough for being an ~exotic and foreign beauty~ so she interpreted that as them being unkind. If I had a penny for every time some ignorant weeb actually thought they would be worshipped in Japan for being white, boy I would have a lot of pennies.
No. 69223
>>68948She could very well have a breakdown. She's already got a hair trigger temper, she hates when Dakota is oushining her- and her having to leave Japan while Dakota stays is def gonna piss her off- and before she suddenly started posting about Japan on her Twitter she was having an epic rant about some guy named Chris calling her a murderer over the Danny thing and she kept posting screencap after screencap of vague myspace messages calling him a creep while saying he was a pedo and was dating a ton of other tweens while they were together. She was just posting anf posting and posting shit like HE RAPED ME IM INNOCENT HE WAS A MONSTER PEDOPHILE AND I HATED HIM etc.
Also now she claims she was 13 during the Danny fiasco, not 14.
No. 69224
>>69223Durr forgot my point-
Scott and Cathy probably sent her to Japan hoping she could start over there as a model because she was getting more and more unstable. Once she magically poofed to Japan, she stopped mentioning it and started all the ~whee I'm in Japan and everyone says I look like a young tall russian model and I got scouted nyan nyan~. Once she gets back to Florida she'll probably just sit in her room on Twitter 24/7 like before and rage out whenever someone mentions Dakota or Danny or how she's fake vegan.
No. 69230
>>69220I don't even get why she wouldn't want one by now. I think they're having some money issues since she got that a sugar daddy, she sold some of her musical equipment, and she still had the tag on her clothes in the video on sexual assault.
I think so as well. I think what an anon said in the last thread about people not liking her there since she wants to live there and has no intentions whatsoever in working. From what I've seen/heard Japan has a huge issue with neets.
>>69223This. The reason why Kiki hasn't had any meltdowns is because she was too busy trying to get fame and/or a spouse visa. You know what they say, idle hands are the devil's workshop. She'll most definitely have another meltdown when she gets back.
No. 69233
>>69230She definitely wants money, she just doesn't want to work for it. Kiki Kannibal is too good to work, don't you know that?
She doesn't have the sugar daddy anymore, jsyk. I think she had him right up until she went to the sumo thing (aka until he actually spent time with her lol) and the rest of her income was just her parents giving her money.
No. 69242
>>69233Yeah, I think so too. When she first got to Japan she was going to all these things she never would have done on her own (the foreign correspondents thing, sumo) and then it just stopped and all she was posting about was vegan food and her room. Sugar daddy got sick of her real quick.
That’s probably why she was latching on to all these others guys afterwards, so she could leech more money off them and/or have another reason to stay longer.
No. 69297
>>69065I'm not exaggerating, we're Facebook friends, she has a son a couple months older than mine, she lives like 30 miles away from me. my boyfriend and her husband have played music together. we used to talk back when it happened like 3 years ago and then I lost her number.
IIRC, she didn't post everything that Cathy sent her. I could be thinking of some other asshole that used to send her fucked up shit though. Cathy did get butthurt and tell her she looked like a fish because some other tumblr user told the girl that she looked like kooter wished she looked (she really does look like Kota's old shoops IRL)
No. 69327
File: 1427410719550.png (54.52 KB, 480x286, Screenshot_2015-03-20-18-27-27…)

her followers were (and still are) disgusting
No. 69640
>>69475I doubt that Kiki was harassed every time she went to work. Everywhere she goes old men are "creeping" on her. I'm sure it is all in her head, that even a glance or a gentle pat on the back would be deemed as harassment and be blown up. To me these are excuses as to why she cannot work.
No names of the men that harassed her show up, no police reports, no restraining orders, nothing. Just some made up story. I bet cha she worked for a week or less and had an attitude problem the whole time, didn't do any actual work and was looking for a way to get out of actually working.
No. 69658
>>69640Her idea of being harassed is guys who aren't aatractive being remotely nice to her.
So yeah I bet she got
harassed on the daily and thats why she
had to quit.
No. 69677
>>69327lol, if anything that would make people look even more in a "wtf, does that person have a picture of a girl leaking period blood as her wallpaper?!". Her followers are dumb and freakish.
Also lol:
>@cannibalizing No. 69948
>>69318I agree.
>she's a 22 year old adult and she had to bring her dad with her when she went to Japan, probably to help her through the airports and checking into the hotel.I still find this incredibly ridiculous. I get not wanting to be in a country you've never been to all by yourself, but Kota lives there so she wouldn't be alone. It's really sad that my little sister has been flying airplanes by herself since she was 11 and this 22 year old woman can't do it by herself. I know of more kids half her age that are a billion times more independent than she is since they don't need their parents escorting them everywhere.
No. 70014
>>69976Kiki and Kota's birthdays are a daY apart, one is the day afyer the other but idr which off the top of my head, so yeah they're both September babies.
Kiki was born in 1992, but has started lying about her age too, her and Kota are actuall only one year apart but since Kota got noticed in Japan they say she's 3 years younger, her turning "20" this year means Kiki is turning 23.
No. 70432
>>70212And yes, she DID complain about bills but then again she always complained a lot about everything that exists before trying to become Dakota 2.
No. 70488
>>70479She says that's what she gets called the most. People stop her IRL to ask how she gets that booty, she receives mail about it etc.
Its her most used self-compliment. Oh yeah, and her Irish lashes.
No. 70524
>>70519I'm gonna guess English isn't your first language so I'm going to spell it out: saying the article was bullshit doesn't mean that I think that every single word was a lie. I just meant it was a dumb article in general, as we all well know.
I don't even get why you're clinging to that word, the point was that we only have her word in this one interview, whereas we have tons of evidence she lives with her parents.
No. 70933
File: 1427641015890.jpg (13.98 KB, 247x204, image.jpg)

It's a Kiki thing to go hiatus for days, which sucks, because entertainment. She usually has those breakdowns over haters. Trust her to be like "I lived in Japan and haters still obsessed about me!!"
Pic wise: I found it and, was there a time she was trying to make herself like Jolie or smthg?
No. 70967
File: 1427647807595.jpg (40.19 KB, 640x260, image.jpg)

Oops forgot the image
No. 71013
>>70488Those "Irish lashes" lmfao bye
>>70933Wow she looks 40.
No. 71038
>I don't look like Heidi, Heidi looks like ME! She had plastic surgery and I didn't so that means she's trying to look like me!That is hands down
the most conceited and delusional thing I have seen anyne post.
No. 71047
>>71038Or "I look like that with no surgery therefore I'm better"
… Idk what's worse
No. 71052
>>68096>>70933There was a time when she was doing her makeup to look like Jolie too. Daddy did another photoshoot with her. Maybe someone can dig them up? She had on those black tights she tried to sell on her website for a while.
She also compared herself to Lisbeth Salander. What is with her constantly picking bi chicks?
No. 71062
>>71052I don't think she goes out of her way to compare herself to bi women, I mean gay people gross her out so I'm sure bi people do as well. A lot of people consider Angelina Jolie as one of the sexiest women so if Kiki looks like her that means she's sexy as well.
As cringeworthy as this whole thing was, at least she was aware of her harsher and mature looking features. It's a lot more cringeworthy to see her think she looks like a preteen and try to be kawaii.
No. 71063
File: 1427663862725.jpg (30.75 KB, 360x480, image.jpg)

Pls don't tell me SCOTT took these
No. 71064
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No. 71066
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No. 71127
>>71119Arched backs are actually really sexy. Large butt or not.
>>71122It really does. That's the first thing I noticed. Maybe quickly covering cellulite or something? Idk
No. 71158
File: 1427676015064.jpg (64.98 KB, 600x401, 1427663883328.jpg)

>>71064They must have cut those tiles crooked and blurry.
No. 71210
>>71127As a girl with back problems I can say it looks painful, hahah
The thing with these is that, she was underage, sharing it online and when people started talking about it, Cathy said she was doing tht because she "thought it was funny" and "she still thinks saying 'poop' is funny" etc etc that people were the wrong ones for sexualizing a young girl but… Really.
She really doesn't look like she's trying to be funny in those
No. 71472
>>71393The horrible menstruation cramps that sent her to ER every other month (she even took a couple of Polaroid selfies while she was in one!) she only could treat with Chinese medicine because western medicine simply did not know what to do with her special Kira kira ovaries
Also. She got it because she was raped and it makes your whole body go tense. According to her sexual assault video.
No. 71478
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>>71476I'd like to see them as well.
I found these when I went to look and, wow, I'd forgotten just how hideous the ~~KND Kouture~~ designs were.
No. 71495
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No. 71498
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No. 71500
File: 1427717264769.jpg (74.63 KB, 480x640, image.jpg)

(I keep forgetting to add the images, fck)
No. 71511
>>71504Dysmonerrhea is literally the medical term for menstrual cramps. She's so full of it.
Either way, I agree but in these she had extensions on back then hence the fuller hair.
No. 71532
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>>71528I wish she still uploaded photos as regularly as back then.
No. 71676
File: 1427736498947.png (283.92 KB, 473x617, bskiki.png)

Just wondering, does anyone have the other pictures from her old profile? I can only find this one.
No. 71693
>>71676I WAS wondering the same ^
She looked pretty good, in the ones with hair down and everything.
Makes me wonder if they were photoshopped?
No. 71786
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Have a few nostalgic pics.
No. 71788
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No. 71790
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No. 71791
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Lookin' old in 2008.
No. 71793
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No. 71794
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No. 71810
File: 1427741730368.png (227.29 KB, 500x360, kiki-and-koti.png)

Oh and this too.
No. 71817
>>71791No way…
That's gotta be a reverse shoop.
She looks terrible! Those eyes…she looks like a blinding 90 year old.
No. 71839
File: 1427744165817.png (51.87 KB, 635x259, Screen Shot 2015-03-30 at 20.3…)

>>71817Nope, direct from her old-ass Buzznet. Guess it was before either of the sisters got the hang of PS.
Whatever happened to their dog? Pic related.
No. 71845
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No. 71851
File: 1427744855786.png (143.19 KB, 638x662, Screen Shot 2015-03-30 at 20.4…)

And yet today, you're a nobody and Jeffree has a successful business.
Also imagining Cathy dancing at a gig and then losing her shit. Top kek.
No. 71866
>>71851This is like looking through a time travel device. Awesome! I love internets.
I love how Kiki is so sure she was going to be famous, now she's known as Koots sister and sits at her parent's home, eating "vegan" Japanese snacks.
>flat ass No. 71881
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No. 71887
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No. 71891
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No. 71895
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No. 71897
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No. 71898
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I think she's so cute with short hair.
No. 71957
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Thanks other anon for posting while I was off drinking. We should be a team.
Have some classy Kiki back in the day.
No. 71958
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No. 71959
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And back when Kota was relegated to wearing full-body costumes while Kiki ~shone
No. 72023
File: 1427754464213.jpg (27.61 KB, 355x244, image.jpg)

"I'm not Kiki! I'm Dakota! Yeah… The background"
IDK WHERE IT GOES. Kota or Kiki thread
>>71959I really want to know what's happening in there wtf
Eitherrrr way, I SO WANT THEM TO GO ON CAMERA TOGETHER AGAIN. See if Kiki will still take over the whole thing like she did in the Kickstarter vid or nah
Also, anyone got links to a video of her wearing a bindi, talking about Dakota's age etc?
No. 72032
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>>72023 Kota was mocking kikis Halloween costume?
No. 72051
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It's really interesting to see how much Kiki changed. She had to have some kind of epiphany at some point that she was not a big deal on the internet anymore.
No. 72053
File: 1427757569131.jpg (19 KB, 400x300, tumblr_inline_mmdbw6tdAw1qzt3y…)

No. 72054
File: 1427757595972.jpg (70.76 KB, 466x699, 31542392.jpg)

Little keeks
No. 72056
>>72051Probably around the time she made a tumblr/bob hair time…?
Orrrr… When she strted making videos and learnt that she wasn't attracting as much attention?
These are my two bets, I think. Either way she said she's not "interested in the Internet anymore" and it's ok Bc if she wanted to be famous she cpuld Bc it's easy
No. 72060
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No. 72063
File: 1427758270815.jpg (134.49 KB, 640x960, image.jpg)

I need a time line on this girl, from "cute little scene kid" (early start) to "scene whore" (platinum hair) to "bullying victim" (RS) to "KND Kouture" to "I'm healing myself/au natural bob Kiki" to "Kickstarter trial" to "kawaii quirky video maker" to "people are not giving me attention? (Cat Tattoo video" to "Japan Kiki" to "Lik Kitten" to "meltdown Kiki" to "Japan Kiki Again"
No. 72129
>>71511Lmao I bet they weren't even bad at all. People like her can't be trusted to tell the truth when it comes to things that people can be sympathetic to.
Fuckin' hypochondriacs and attention whores ffs
No. 72138
>>72023Wow, she's pretty blonde.
Where's the vid for this one and
>>71959Fucking classic.
No. 72187
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No. 72191
File: 1427772127910.jpg (50.6 KB, 267x400, 10.jpg)

No updates from kockie
No. 72392
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>I thought deaf people were nice
No. 72403
File: 1427803872157.jpg (52.22 KB, 600x637, image.jpg)

Moar short hair-goodness. I liked this phase so bad! kiki: the bob or the lob. Think about it.
>>72191 OFc not. What do you expect? For her to be sincere and straigh-up say she's back in America? Nah. Gotta post a few vague pictures post-hiatus ;)
No. 72404
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No. 72415
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>>72403 am i cuter than kota yet?
No. 72444
File: 1427816620235.jpg (38.68 KB, 335x500, 5883538757a12171172962l.jpg)

Can't seem to find a better quality version of this, but remember when they used to dye their dog?
No. 72452
>>72451Of course.
Such an animal rights goddessu and "~environmentally conscious moogle of mother Earth~.
No. 72474
>>72448you can use koolaid
they probably use koolaid if theyre not fucking retarded, but they are, so maybe manic panic
No. 72803
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Some candid of 14 yo Kiki.
No. 72804
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>>72803With some school friend.
No. 72809
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>>72808Another one, the pink hair ones are all from before they moved.
No. 73019
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Why would she take a candid pic of someone sleeping? That's really creepy
No. 73020
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Dug this up on another site. Haha
No. 73022
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Hypocrite much?
No. 73035
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Cuz you know, lookin' like this is cool–not
No. 73039
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>>72939Maybe it's this kid. She could have cousins or something.
No. 73049
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No. 73156
>>73035That's actually her grandmother's room, you know, the one that took their entire family in when they went bankrupt. She rifled through her drawers and thought it'd be hilarious to literally air her laundry in public.
And she has the gall to talk about disrespect.
No. 73175
>>73159So, basically: she was a victim of her parents letting an older guy in the house (her bf), which obviously involved her having sex with him. And then claiming it was rape because she was a minor.
And then, she was a victim of being bullied for being a bitch and revealing her home address online.
No. 73312
>>73035That's actually her grandmother's room, you know, the one that took their entire family in when they went bankrupt. She rifled through her drawers and thought it'd be hilarious to literally air her laundry in public.
And she has the gall to talk about disrespect.
Who, me? I was laughing about how silly it looked. Not disrespectful.
No. 73313
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No. 73324
>>73313i really like this outfit but goddamn them legs look gross
she needs some strength training in her life
No. 73344
>>73324She claims she gets strength from the pole dancing in her room lol
I agree. Like in the Japan candids, she looked super weak/dried out
No. 73453
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"Am I kowai yet?"
No. 73482
>>73456Lol typo! it was suppose to be "kowai" but YALL got it.
She even made the pic blurrier like Kota
No. 73502
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I'm not an expert on health, but is it natural for her to be this thin? I know being vegan has it's health benefits, but does she ever eat?
No. 73523
>>73453This looks like a photo from a year ago.
Anyway, the brightness is very high.
No. 73540
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No. 73547
lets not forget oreos and most potato chips are vegan. eat too much of anything, vegan/all natural/whatever, get fat. basic science.
No. 73551
>>73540This. Thank you anon.
… Does this look healthily thin at all for anyone in here?!?!?!?
No. 73556
>>73540her thighs are bigger than the girls' next to her
also, fuck this trend of covering half your face, when they look back on their pics 10 yrs from now they're gonna wish to actually remember what they look like
No. 73558
>>73556she is standing further away than the girl in front of her
not like it even matters, when the biggest body part you have are your knee caps, you should be worried because that shit is disgusting.
No. 73616
>>73556no, theyre not
theyre thin and doughy as fuck
>>73558for real
they look disgusting
she needs to work out
No. 73867
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>>73776All I can see are her eyes and mouth. Such horrible quality.
No. 73870
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>>73867Kek so many things wrong
No. 73881
>>73870Who does she think she's fooling with this obvious photoshop?
Also, for someone who went on about how large foreheads are ~kowai~, she sure loves to cut off her forehead, cover it, and use angles to make it look smaller in every single picture.
No. 73892
>>73867Comments: "you're an angel" "harajuku alien""I love your videos!!!"
People, love yourselves…
No. 73917
>>73915Dakota is too busy trying to stay relevant to help Kiki get more attention, and even if she wasn't I think she knows that Kiki getting attention in Japan would be bad for her by association since Kiki is such a publicly immaure, selfish and spoiled crazyface.
No idea why the fuck Dakota shoops her pics tje way she does now, they wash out all her cute features completely and make her look wholly unremarkable, just like every other uguu alien baby shooped girl on the internet.
No. 74128
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No. 74132
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This was posted on some random VK page, never seen it before - is it really her in the photo?
No. 74164
>>74153 Depends on the kind of product used and how long it stayed there. 5 y.o.s have sensitive scalps and shit and someone said somewhere she used to stay with bleach on her hair for 3 hours???
Then yeah, probably
No. 74197
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>>74167It IS possible to get thin hair from contant dye and bleaching, guess why pros get teached on how to apply it without touching the scalp itself. It's not like if the pores that are including the hair follicles don't get affected by it, that's called "dye burns".
Pic related, an extreme case.
No. 74220
>>74215I wish there were. It seems awful. Including piercing an infant's ears. I had mine done (against my will obviously) and still have the holes)
You are still growing. how is it okay to dye and pierce a kid's ear? seems shitty. I dont think if this is an american thing only or not.
No. 74238
>>74220I agree as well.
Although, tbf, Kiki in the picture of her as a child just had manic panic in her hair. I don't see anything wrong with that because it's not painful and it doesn't damage your hair.
No. 74256
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>>74211no, Gwen Stefani has been doing it to her oldest son since.. ever.
No. 74387
>>74089>>74113Dakota's shoops went to shit when she got to Japan because she started doing all the same shit Japanese girls were doing to their own pics, which isvstupid because their interest in her was entirely based on her shoops. Japan isn't blind to her shooping, they like the way she did it and it fascinates them because they like the way she shooped. Even now every time she goes on TV, they always show her old 2011-2012 shoops and literally none of her uguu alien baby ones.
Now she's just doing the same shit Japanese girls do, and she pretty much never does hair or makeup tutorials anymore, which is why her popularity is fading and she isn't modeling nearly as much. She's kind of shooting herself in the foot the more she tries to look, act and shoop herself like a kawaii Japanesu desu. She should have stuck wih the style she got noticed for, after all they went apeshit over her and were willing to ignore/look over so much to sign her and she's all but abandoned her signature look.
No. 74478
>>74474This is so disturbing because she looks so, so young admitting (very childishly) to have had a STD
In a different light: YAY! Nostalgia.
No. 74551
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>embody love
>protect others
No. 74563
>>74551LMAOOO I'm so glad you brought that up. Check out the traits of an empath:
> strives for the truth (except when it includes making it seem she's in Japan)>likes adventure and freedom>intolerance to narcissism (gold)>sense the energy of the food (…Veganism?)> ignore their own needs>have a preference to PEACEFULLY resolve the problem (like in all those Twitter arguments she gets into)
>difficulty in facing other's close mindedness (BC Kiki is the least judgemental person, talking down on drinkers, smokers etc) No. 74639
>>74551I always lol when people call themselves "empaths" since it's the one "psychic ability" that you conveniently can't prove.
Also, 2015 and people still believe in this crap.
No. 74646
>>74551she's the opposite of an empath tbh and i don't know why people would want to be an empath because it actually sucks ass.
>>746392015 and people are still this close minded and stupid.
No. 74656
>>74647that's not how it works but yeah if you're going off of what you've seen in fiction.
the main thing that's funny here though is that she has NONE of the traits she stated she does. she a cold hearted shameless bitch lmao.
No. 74776
>>74551Isn't it kind of…arrogant? To label
yourself as an empath? It just seems so egotistical to me.
No. 74789
>>74776Agreed! I've seen people go like #EmpathProblems with shit like "I felt sick just by visiting my grandma in the hospital! I'm such an empath it sucks :("
It's extrenely idiotic. To say you're one in your Twitter description is the new age/hippie equivalent to tumblr girls listing their mental disorders
No. 74790
>>74776I agree. Though, basically everything she says/does comes off as arrogant. I feel like she took one of those online quizzes that are made to make you feel special/good about yourself. This website here is one of those that came up when I googled it.>Have I been labeled as “too emotional” or overly sensitive?>Are my feelings easily hurt?>Do I overeat to cope with emotional stress?I guess pt, tumblr, and many other lolcows are ~empaths~ as well.
No. 74805
>>74647empaths in fiction are different from empaths in real life. that's why it's called 'fiction'.
speaking as someone who qualifies for every trait on these lists (although I certainly don't identify as an 'empath') it really sucks, I don't know why you'd want to label yourself that. I cry at least a few times every day, I have to limit my exposure to 'emotional' images or materials. Even if it's a thirty-second animal shelter commercial, it can set off the waterworks. Reading a text about a total stranger's funeral will make me tear up. It's not just sad stuff, either, I'll cry during Disney movies and weep at weddings. I can't participate in IRL conversations revolving around certain topics such as war or abuse because I'll choke up in the middle of a sentence. being the center of attention literally drains all of my energy, I have to be drunk to even perform basic social interactions without shaking and breaking into a sweat, so I rely on alcohol pretty much every day to get me through my minimum wage slave job interactions with the public. there is no way attention-whore scene-queen kiki can possibly think that she qualifies as an 'empath', it's just another title to go along with her vegan kira-kira princess from mars image that she's desperate to cultivate. and if she did have similar reactions, you can bet she'd make a way bigger deal out of it than she does.
No. 74853
>30 second animal-shelter commercialYou'd think that, since she's in theory just like you described yourself, shed think twice before spamming PETA links with absurd animal abuse and graphic imagery like she does
And also wouldn't be the center of attention with people like she claimed she is in the boundaries video, like she has to keep people entertained etc or if she did, she'd have to rely on alcohol / which her Kira Kira upper spiritual being abhors (or so she says)
This just goes out to show how much bullshit she spews :P
In other words, I'm really sorry for you! All that you described sucks REAL bad. Hope you can feel better in the future and treat yourself so you can live a nice, fulfilling life
No. 74861
>30 second animal-shelter commercialYou'd think that, since she's in theory just like you described yourself, shed think twice before spamming PETA links with absurd animal abuse and graphic imagery like she does
And also wouldn't be the center of attention with people like she claimed she is in the boundaries video, like she has to keep people entertained etc or if she did, she'd have to rely on alcohol / which her Kira Kira upper spiritual being abhors (or so she says)
This just goes out to show how much bullshit she spews :P
In other words, I'm really sorry for you! All that you described sucks REAL bad. Hope you can feel better in the future and treat yourself so you can live a nice, fulfilling life
No. 74970
>>74861PETA just disappoints me in so many ways. Their shelters euthanized 81% percent of the animals that they took in during 2014, I can't put my trust in an organization that has that kind of hypocritical reputation…it's not surprising that Kirsten supports them, though, she never does her research thoroughly.
Also, thank you for your kind words. I'm considering seeking help in the near future for this issue. There are so many aspects of life that I feel incapable of enjoying, being 'empathic' is not the high-minded hippie cake-walk that Kikiki thinks it is. Hopefully with therapy & perhaps psychiatric assistance, I'll be able to enjoy life normally in the future.
>>74884That show is so depressing on its own. I can't even imagine marathon-ing it. I watched episodes as they aired, and even with the time in-between releases to recuperate, it was an entirely new level of heart-breaking. There was a part of me that hoped for a happy ending even up until the very last episode.
Also, random trivia: one of the heavily tattoo'd convicts that appears in an early episode of the spin-off,'Better Call Saul', is my local bartender. He's a real sweetheart.
No. 75349
>>75313How do you know?
I want To see how she keeps up the facade now
No. 75358
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Someone please tell me what's up with this boney butt. Is it normal? Do ppl look like this?
No. 75360
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Her fashion sense got so much better when you compare it to shit like this
No. 75361
>>75358I used to have a bony ass like that back in high school, idk if it's normal. my legs used to fall asleep sitting in my desk at school it was so bony…
she definitely doesn't have a bubble butt like she likes to brag about all the time
No. 75363
If she really was in Japan how come we barely saw any images of her actually IN Japan if that makes sense? Like it was all either selfies in generic rooms or videos/pictures that she wasn't in and anyone could have taken. Idk, just because it's Kiki, it seems strange. You would have thought she would have been desperate to post a ton of irrefutable "proof" of her Kira Kira no nihon sparkeru adventure.
>>75358Excuse u, don't you know Kiki has a "bubble butt" that random strangers just can't stop commenting on?
No. 75367
>>75363do you really think she left the room often? once she did, it means she'd be in the real world with no control of lightning, etc. That's why there's so little footage of her in the outer world in Japan (or ever).
All in all, there IS footage of her walking around with the "Sailor Moon tazer", going in random space expos with her man and in HER apartment, with the Tokyo tower as window sight.
She IS (or WAS?) in Japan.
And if it wasn't for Koti spilling out when Kiki leaves, shed be bragging about living in Japan until now
No. 75372
>>75349Kota said she would on her blog.
>>75363I thought for the longest time she wasn't actually there since I couldn't process the idea of someone going to a foreign country but literally doing nothing at all there. Kiki seems to be terrified of other people/the outside world considering she brought a stun gun and knife with her, and she tweeted about taking cabs a lot. She literally never leaves the house when she's at home in Florida, iirc one anon who's seen her irl before said she was always with her parents, and she did have her dad go with her to Japan the first time. It's not so hard to believe she spent all of her time doing nothing in her ~apartment~
No. 75499
>>75360You guys forget the timeframe for this. She was pretty much right on trend with everyone else at that point. I wore shit like that too, it was a thing.
>>75374Seriously. For $1,000 you, too can go to Japan.
No. 76234
If anyone Wanna watch Baby Kiki getting her hips pierced and Cathy's sexy voice indeed got a sexy, young voice! I
always picture her sounding super hysterical or smthg)
No. 76502
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No. 76517
>>76508"My beatiful middle child" was cringey. Why not "my baby" or some generic shit lol
I imagine her all over Kiki "ily my beautiful hero" and Kota just sorta watching in the corner lol (Where as Kyle in times like these btw? I do remember the sisters and both parents were in the video)
No. 76757
>>76755They all live with their grandmother (now deceased) since they went bankrupt and lost their own house.
I think he must be high functioning because he has an active Steam account, plays Warhammer 40k and donates on Patreon.
There's also a video of him conversing with Kirsten floating around.
No. 76762
>>76753I remember when the police reports of the girls calling the popoon their parents were leaked, and in it the officer wrote about how the kid was up in his room through out the entire ordeal, visibly shaken and extremely upset over all the fighting. I felt so bad for him.
I also remember the bankrupt paperwork getting leaked and Mama O claiming she needed money to buy special food for her son. I still have no idea whats that about… I really do think they're embarrassed of him tbh
No. 76764
>>76762Since he has autism, I'm guessing foods that wouldn't
trigger a sensory overload meltdown or whatever
No. 76855
File: 1428383226880.jpg (74.88 KB, 500x750, why.jpg)

>Kiki Kannibal: Please buy my $400 plastic shapes so that I can spend it on adding more hair extenstions to my bleached straw hat hair. (2007)
>A stupid ignorant scene poser that claims to bring back social and popular things that people ALREADY do. Someone feed her a cheeseburger.
>TRU3$C3N3GiRL: I just did my hair! I love it, i'm so more scene than Kiki Kannbial!
>xsuicidexnailax: You are like Kiki Kannibal! Your a stupid poser that needs to get her own style and stop wasting her time trying to do something because everyone else is. (2008)
Looks like she hasn't changed at all guys
No. 76861
>>76848It got $500-something, they closed it themselves before it finished because they realized there was no way they were gonna get it before the deadline. Scott was the first to pitch in money. Cathy went turbo-psycho in the days before it closed creating a twitter to ask celebrities to donate the rest of the 20k.
It was uploaded in February, iirc, and Dakota went to Japan in May. Somewhere along the line she must have gotten the offer from Bravo, and ditched the whole musician/tour shit to go with that. Kirsten was left….. doing nothing.. except a portfolio account she opened up in hopes of musician/acting/modeling jobs. I don't think she got anything out of that either. Then on her birthday trip to Japan she tried to get deals with Japanese records/musicians…… it didn't work/never heard about it again
No. 76890
>>76757>There's also a video of him conversing with Kirsten floating aroundI remember watching that video, Cathy was in it also.
He seemed most down-to-earth out of three.
No. 76912
File: 1428391257887.jpg (49.73 KB, 500x749, Dakota_Rose_Scene_Friends.jpg)

>>76897The club she's talking about is The Social. They have 12+ shows at the venue depending on the bands playing. This image is from the same venue.
No. 76945
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>>76912omg that dude with the white face tho
Does anyone have a timeline of Kiki's boyfriends/romances? I know about her murdering Mr. Myspace (good riddance) but there are so many pictures of her with random dudes idk how many people has she been with???
No. 76967
>>76945sorry for personal blog post but
holy shit this dude looks like the one I went to high school with (same class)
he is a pothead now
No. 77007
>>76945I remember Mr MySpace and the major heart break JakeWolfCrunk (lol) and whathisname-Patakos?
Also her in the club sitting on this guys' lab: she sang with that Blood On The Dance Floor band, who are STILL notorious for going after underage girls.
Hypocritical Kiki… :) lol
No. 77461
>>76912check out kiki's left hand (particularly where the palm/wrist would be touching)
No. 77556
>>77461Coming from her? It's nothing
Anyone got the intimate convos she had to that guy that already had a She posted them with her parts blurred out but you still could read his messages that went likr "and then I could cum all over your face"
No. 77566
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She deleted the convo found nothing but some old-Kaka lulzy stuff
… Just see the comment. And the days. It's been a while she's been stealing music
No. 77567
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Sharing is caring (I'm sure many many guys hit on you by commenting on your rings)
No. 77569
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Ok kiki
No. 77571
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I'm pretty sure she still says "don't give pearl to swine" up to this day
No. 77572
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Platinum hair goodness yall love that shit
No. 77573
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No. 77582
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No. 77616
>>77613Most of her music is just her using samples, isn't it?
Also apparently she did go to school for producing music or some shit, doesn't really mean she's good tho
No. 77619
>>77616yeah, it sounds like a lot of sampled shit, but even so, i'm surprised she'd actually want to sincerely do this. it does take time looking for plugins, coming up with a beat and tune, finding the samples themselves, and deciding what effects to use. what surprises me is that she'd even have the interest enough to do this. it doesn't sound awful. that bothers me.
you don't have to be musically talented to make decent enough mixes/songs on these programs, but what i'm wondering is if she has understanding of theory and works off that, has someone else do it entirely, or just tries her best to copy other music.
i thought the audio engineering shit was a load of BS?
No. 77624
>>77613 she's stolen other shit. i remember one of her past albums she took a part from a hyuna song but it wasn't the entire thing
No. 77659
>>77656>>77652i don't think she did that, even.
>We comprehend and enjoy the technical aspect of music as well as the creative process. right, that's pretty sus. people that create music definitely shouldn't need to say "i understand composition and enjoy making it". really weird. it's like, that'd be obvious by you doing it? why are you stating that you comprehend/enjoy it? let your work speak for yourself, then
No. 77661
>>77659probably not, i just figure the shittiness of those songs was at least on her level. her soundcloud releases aren't bad at all, which is a big tip-off that something's sour in the organic raw super vegan almond milk there!
it's just a fluke someone noticed the stealing to begin with because i'm sure she figured the dude's songs were too obscure for anyone else to come across. there's probably more original work she stole that no one's stumbled across yet.
No. 77791
>>77782And something from Silent Hill I think?
I always wondered if Let's Killex was stolen. I hate this type of music normally, but for some reason I kinda like this song. It pains me to even type this.
Also I still can't get over the constantly changing bug eyes in this video and yet some people still argue Kota doesn't use AE etc.
No. 77890
>>77883>valid [UNEXPIRED ] form of identification present, regardless of age, at the time of entry for all 18+ and 21+ shows>for all 18+ and 21+ showsKiki was not at an 18+ or 21+ show. She was at a 12+ (or similar) show.
Here's an example of a 12+ show on The Social's site: No. 77899
>>77892She says she's with her mom in the post about Jeffree Star, not sure about the BOTDF one but I wouldn't be surprised if Cathy was creeping around.
Also, she has one of those black crosses on her hand to show she's underage in the BOTDF photos.
No. 77989
>>77984Idk in the following episodes of that serie, she explains how to use software and shows how to play a guitar along her sick beatz
And I agree: that was obnoxious. She pushes it too hard and far I think. The hat, the moves, the slang etc. She's not relatable and far from interesting - which are things that usually attract a large following.
No. 78148
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>>78129Cmon don't it look like the FACE of dubstep???
No. 78164
>>77791Let's Killex… or should I say Skrillex?
Damn, Kaka, is there an original bone in you?
No. 78167
>>77893There is no way Kiki and Kota are 6 years apart in age. That show was in 2008, Kiki was 15 and Kota was 14. BOTDF shows are pretty much never 18+ or 21+ because most of their audience is in the 11-16 range. They couldn't even sell shows that were 18+ because they would make no money.
Clubs thar have bars and usually do adult only shows can still host all ages shows, it depends on the bands they book. When you buy the tickets online you have to check a box that says that whiever is buying them is either at least 18 or has their parent's permission, at The venue you have to be 18 to buy or pick up will call tickets. This is legally all a venue has to do to cover their ass for 12+ shows. We know Cathy is and always was more than willing to buy her girls' way into whatever she could in the hope they would fuck their way to fame like she tried to.
No. 78169
>>78167I was a huge kiki fan girl in 2006-2007 and Kota was the same age as me for some period of time (I was about 13.)
I'm 21 now.
No. 78177
>>78164Fucking shit that's straight up video game mysic
she basically stole 70% of the song and was like "LOL its a joke u guys!!! I used his beats in my song as a joke!! It's artistry. Not bc he's super famous and I'm tryna milking on that. Or bc I lack any creativity. Also, don't ask him if I got permission to use his beats. But if you post ANYTHING about me on social media Imma copyright your ass ^_^~"
No. 78183
>>78172>before that she had no problem being 18Wrong, bitch.
I've been following her since 2010 stickam. When her kotakoti thing began and she was still relatively unknown on tumblr, I tried googling like crazy what her age was out of curiosity. I sent her anons asking, but she never replied. All that google yield were YahooAnswers pages that all said different answers. So don't make up BS that she "had no problem being 18 before Asia starting noticing her".
Ironically, those Y!A pages actually lined up with her current age claims. 8 years ago, 5 people right here said she was 12 years old. This shit is getting really old. No. 78199
>>78192…Probably because she lies about literally everything else? Subtracting a year or two from her age isn't exactly farfetched when you think about the lengths she took to edit videos of herself (shooping pics is one thing, but using AE or a similar program? That's time consuming.)
It's not like I'll claim to know the truth, but Dakota isn't exactly the most trustworthy or believable person.
No. 78215
>>78199There are college courses dedicated to learning how to properly use AE, tje facT that Dakota managed to get it working the way she did, even tlwith her wobbly mishaps is impressive. Either she's a genuis (lmfao) or she had lots of free time to learn how to use it all on her own while sitting in her room in FL. AE started getting mainstream attention in what, 2011?
And besides, she has been caught lyIng about literally everythung else- her height, weight, eyes, hair, her entire face, measurements, age (multiple times), makeup, VW burando, her past, just to name a few things. It's honestly hilarious how butthurt people get over it, saying she couldn't possibly lie about something like her age because she's so mature and changed and responsible since she moved to Grorious Nippon.
No. 78238
>>78215Thank you!!! Really, this is getting so ducking old. She is a liar. She lied about her age. Deal with it.
Also, why are we even discussing that on KIKI's theead anyway?
No. 78248
>>78128People would eat that shit up, but again she would have to promote herself till she got big enough.
Too bad she wants to be a lazy shit.
No. 78251
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>>78238Cause the real star is kota and her sister is a has been.
No. 78389
File: 1428572683782.jpg (48.09 KB, 594x318, hej.jpg)

>私の赤ちゃんな猫 "My baby cat"
>uses "baby" as adjective for some reason
>Kaka meant to say kittens
>"baby" and "cat" are two separate words here
No. 78390
>>78389I'm cringing right now at that awful Japanese. I don't get how she was in Japan and in Cat Cafes in particular, and doesn't know it's 子猫. It further proves that she truly doesn't give a shit about Japanese and didn't even bother taking advantage of being there.
She definitely spent all of her time there taking videos/pictures to post later to keep up this facade. She is so god damn pathetic.
No. 78434
>>78183I am a year older than kota and was a ~*scenie weenie*~ (unfortunately) back in those days too, so I remember a lot of scene-isms even if just vaguely. I lied about my age too, because that's what you do when you're a preteen and emo on the internet.
Her parents exploited the fuck out of her of course she looked older.
No. 78481
>>78389kitten = koneko, not akachan-na neko (If she insists on using aka-chan, then say aka-chan no neko)
speleld meccha wrong
wtf is yamanaiyo
she means yamenai? ashite yamenai -> wont stop loving ? ok
No. 78482
>>78389lol yamanai yo = "not a mountain"
ok keekz, u keep studying
No. 78570
>neko neko nyan chan ^-^I literally cringed IRL. And how the fuck can she at least somewhat grasp the concept of -na but can't figure out the difference betwen "mecha" and "meccha"?? Since she's obvs so kansai desu yo ne~
Maybe she's doing it on purpose because she knows if she changes it we'll laugh at her and she's pretending it's her speshul exotic way of writing it that makes Japanese a language all her own.
No. 78621
>>78538I imagine a similar reaction as Tila Tequila had at the ICP concert. maybe not. But all of the comments are blocked on every one of those videos. Yet, when you watch the videos, it asks you to comment if you're "into Kiki's vibe" and such. Leading me to believe it was not always blocked to comments.
I think the dubstep crowd would have chewed her up because she comes off as a bandwagoner. The same reason that everyone else gets pissy about everything she does.
No. 78693
>>78481Yamanai/yamaru= 止まる
She's trying to say "stop being so cute!"
But, language doesn't work like that..
What it really sounds like she's saying is "Truly love..Stop~"
Natives must be like wtf
No. 78792
>>78621Except it's Kiki. She'd have strted lecturing them on how when you hate on someone, you're really just hurting yourself~ also, "stop bullying me!!!"
But yes, the videos haven't always had the comments blocked, it was done because people posted about it on PULL, some comments were like "oh so you press buttons? lol" on the EP 1 video for example etc. So yes, typical Ostrenga-take-no-critics :P
I felt bad for the channel they probably thought they were doing great in featuring her because FAMOUS! Scene queen. But nope.
No. 78819
>>68096>>78796lol what
and no she tried to be famous w her music, last time she went to japan she died w someone well known and no one gave a shit. it was embarrassing.
No. 79081
>>78926That's true. Personality
and the way you present yourself on social media plays a very important role in being a musician
"Oh hey I like this dubstep pro-"
reads Kiki's Twitter meltdown"Never mind…"
I was just listening to Lovin' Ya, by Kimbra an the beat really is smthg that's…. Kiki's level (whether stolen or not). Js.
No. 79727
>>78796>>78819>>79036>>79081Lol, you guys know Kiki's dad probably does all her music for her right? He's the failed musician in the family ater all.
>inb4 but she went to college for music!Come on, since when does Kiki do anything herself. She won't even prepare her own damn vegan food and that's like her main bragging point, that she's vegan.
No. 79799
>>79743i got a controller last week. i've played with it a grand total of twice now. i can literally do everything she did in this video lol
how can she be so bad i cant take her seriously at all
No. 79813
>>79743i could barely watch 30 seconds of this. she clearly set up two tripods to film herself and then edit between the two.
imagine setting all of that up. how delusional do you have to be at her age to do any of this? AND ITS DUBSTEP. this is the lamest thing i've seen probably in my entire life.
No. 79890
>>79727Ha take tha anon! She not only can press buttons but also do absolutely very unfunny moves while being recorded by two cameras AND edit it into a 5 min video… Without leaving her room.
No. 79940
>>79743she's only as good as everything she sampled.
and even then she's not as good.
No. 80031
>>79743This is the saddest video I've ever seen in my entire life. Has she ever performed at a venue and in front of an audience that wasn't her family/the internet?
>>79799I figured what she was doing was that basic.
No. 80043
>>79743looks like she is rolling on MDMA all alone
orr found her inner nirvana or whatever empath mama
No. 80396
>>80376I highly doubt it, didn't she make fun of Kota for liking anime in the scene days? And she never talked about anime, other than that time she was talking about how dykey Sailor Mercury is, until it became trendy. Whenever she does talk about anime, or video games for that matter, that are her "favorite," it really just sounds like she's remembering anime/games that a friend/sibling liked that she never really payed attention to, if that makes sense. For example:
>When she was talking about Sailor Mercury being a dyke in the scene days, iirc she didn't even remember her name, she just referred to her as "the one with the short hair" or something along those lines.>Zelda is an "elf princess">"You know Lulu in the final fantasy games">"Anyone remember the anime name of the guy who turns into a girl when he touches hot water? I used the watch it all the time when I was young"Maybe I'm just being nitpicky but I feel like if they were actually her favorite shows/games she'd definitely know/remember this kind of stuff.
No. 80465
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No. 80466
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No. 81585
"sooo i slow down he bpm"
wow you're sooooooooooo technical, kiki.
"transitions will help guide into…"
No, shit, Kiki. She's like a freshman who took Psych 101 and starts diagnosing everyone.
No. 81636
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>>81627Wowo holy shit that is so fucking sad
She can't shred or anything
She just stands there all pathetic like and strums a few notes and omg this is the most embarrassing shit
Kiki maybe you should lrn 2 play ur own instrument hmmm??
No. 81637
>>81620Iirc she played guitar briefly in the Twiggy makeup tutorial and it wasn't anything special, it was super basic.
She definitely doesn't play anymore with those fake nails she wears though.
No. 82260
Reminds me of her stripper pole whatever gifs.
No. 82263
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No. 82297
>>81627Take this in consideration: this is a video with her old guitar, before she bought an all sparkly one in Japan… That she probably doesn't even play anymore because off her long, witchy nails.
That's what's really sad about this whole thing lol
No. 82331
>>82328 said. I don't have it handy now, but someone liked an unfiltered version from ebay if I remember correctly.
No. 82334
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>>82323Found it. The links aren't working because they're 5 years old and the auctions have ended.
No. 82465
>>82328Holy fuck that's ridiculous. Again, idk why I doubted she would have used it as a prop in the bg of her videos, like she does with the wing backpacks.
I remmeber she was asking people for a nickname to it and that was when someone came up with Kira Kira?
No. 82915
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I bet this is how kiki wakes up in Japan. XD
No. 82993
>>82915What? Shocked that she gets less than 20 views in a video? Haha
Though she doesn't look half bad. In some new videos she looks a LOT worse than that
No. 83922
>>82915 Proof that she's a master of angles. Goddamn she looks fucking bad, and we all know she's only gotten older/worse.
I love how she's been silent though, only proving she 100% left Japan while her younger sister was there doing commercials and appearances<3
No. 83935
>>83922lmaooooo this is a jealous cunt if I've ever seen one.
>anglesWhat angle? She's making an ugly face with ugly hair on a goddamn webcam. Get out of lolcow. You're not even shit talking here, this is desperate envy. I bet you're SweetnSour, or KiraKiraOstrich, or one of those other embarrassing bitches from PULL
No. 83947
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>>83935Kotas sister please chill your tits.
i know its hot in florida but you don't need to take it out on people who like your little sister better.
No. 83976
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>>83935What's funny is that I haven't been on pull in ages. Why you so mad brah?
No. 84113
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>Why you so mad>chill your tits>HI KIKII knew it. The cookie-cutter responses when you can't come up with anything to say. YAWNNN
>>83976I haven't been on PULL in ages either, but during the time I stuck around you were like the KontraKoti of the Kiki forums. Like I get it, she's a pile of shit. But there's a difference between someone who's just an anon shittalker (most of us), and a jelly like this
>>83922 you were the latter. I saw you jizzing yourself the moment a new thread popped up, phone calling places about her, gossiping about her in the chat, making fun of her looks when you look like this (I know it's a kotify, but don't even try to bring that as an excuse).
>I haven't been to pull in ages>responds to my Kiki post within the hour. No. 84151
>>84138>whitekniting KikiYeah, I'm white-knighting someone I called a pile of shit. I swear your comebacks are too predictable.
1. I never see Kiki's tweets, they give me nausea.
2. No, I'm not going to PULL with But if you want we can take it to /b/.
3. Stop saying "what's funny is.."
4. You referred to her screenshots of PULL as "stalking". If we're going by your definition, you're a major stalker.
5. The picture is from the kotify thread. You asked to be kotified.
No. 84214
>>84113sorry but holy shit your nose is gigantic
did someone enlarge it with photoshop? if not then damn gurl
No. 84268
>>84151Hey asshole I meant the PULL thread here on lolcow because guess what there are other threads here other than kiki
gasp I come to lolcow more for just Kiki. Kiki has called me a stalker on her Twitter because she thinks I spent a lot of time reporting and trying to destroy her. I dunno what I did to piss you off so much but go bitch about me someone else.
>>84151>>84185>>84214>>84224I went back to see if I could try to find the kotfied thread but I had no luck. I think someone else made that. And I didn't literally mean where did you get that picture, This troll tried to make fun of my looks when that is a really shitty edited picture, just lol.
No. 84270
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>this thread
No. 84370
>>83935Wait what, are you fucking serious? Do I seriously need to list of why she looks disgusting in that video still? You have to be trolling.
And yes you dumb bitch, there is no angle involved that's why she looks about 60. Wipe the fucking drool off your face and handle it.
I do not find Kiki pretty, and I absolutely don't in a video still where I caN FUCKING COUNT FOUR FUCKING ROWS OF WRINKLES ON THIS BITCH'S EIGHTHEAD. I'm white, I have nothing against white girls, but that's exactly what she is. She's just some lame scrawny loser who hides behinds trends and photoshop, she is a complete joke and I thought everyone on this board was smart enough to be with that.
I find her to be unappealing at best, calm your white knight shit.
No. 84374
>>84113That person isn't the original poster of the (very fucking) alleged "jelly" comment, I don't know why they responded or why they have any interest in being Koti-fied
to clarify I don't keep up w Koti or like her, I come here to lol at fucking hag-ass Skeletor for thinking she has anything anybody else wants. I think it's hilarious she was a cunt to her sister growing up and now the tables are turned, that's the only reason her name got brought up. Maybe I worded it wrong but it's a legitimate joke that my comment came from a jealous or kota-loving place.
Can't speak for the girl pictured.
No. 84389
this is worthy of asking "why you mad?" calm your shit anon, your emotions are showing.
No. 84492
>>84348Man I hope it's a photo shoot since she got scouted and all that
… Posting all the photos and/or video footage she had with Koti? …waiting till her sister "kotifies" them.
Tho her trying to learn photo and video editing before posting, including sending them to Kota for approval is a funnier image.
"Is it good now?"
Kota: "N O . Make the eyes bigger!"
"I said BIGGER!!!"
Ok I'm getting carried away
No. 84517
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Hey very old topic but I really want to talk about this one post: ANYONE believe this was 100% real? That not only Danny did not live with her buy he did shit like sneak into her house, rape her, tell her to rate his performance and once she didn't, kick her and let her on the floor as he gets to sleep in her bed??
This entire shit sounds sooo far fetched, ESPECIALLY that part. Like, she created all this huge drama just for the sake of commenting back at someone
Even in the video, everything she mentioned, she had that happened to her (literally ALL the red flags).
I never commented anything because victim-blaming and once someone claims to have been a victim of smthg, they're immune to critique or questioning of what they say (outside of a Police DP off) but… Cmon.
No. 84533
>>84517I really don't believe a single word of it. I don't think anyone does other than people who have just seen her yt video on red flags and the 5 gullible people who still support her.
Iirc, they wanted to go on Dr. Phil with StickyDrama, but sd only would agree if Danny's family would go on as well. They refused to do it after that. If they know Kiki is a victim in all of this, you'd think they wouldn't be intimidated by Danny's parents.
Another thing, why would an abuser/rapist get all kinds of tattoos for her? And why would the victim brag about the sex they had and then complain about his small dick later on? And I'm pretty sure her parents would know this was going on and instantly put an end to it. Like, they would definitely notice something was off since their daughter would be visibly uncomfortable around this guy. They would also definitely be able to tell if she was upset/in pain, especially if she was in pain from being kicked in the ribs.
No. 84566
>>84517>forcing sex>forcing sex>forcing sexwoooah this is new. this was never mentioned in Cathy's e-mails, neither was it ever mentioned that he "hung her over the 2nd story mall" if she didn't preform oral sex, or physically attacking her. I'm sure with Cathy's years of desperately trying to sue him and put him in jail, she wouldn't have left this out in her dozens of e-mails to lawyers.
I'm not one to be so insensitive with this topic, especially when talking about the female involved. But this is coming from someone who paid to create a website to mock him and call him an incestious faggot.
No. 84594
>>84566With all the public history of the Ostrengas against tDanny's family you'd think they'd at least mentioning him physically abusing her during the night? After sneaking in WITHOUT having no other member of the family (which isn't a small family!) noticing? Forcing her to give oral in public places?
It just reads as a fucking vomit of "think of all possible dramatic situations" to comment back at the girl - instead of using real facts like any normal adult would do.
About the Dr Phil case: it just proves further they're not that innocent by not wanting Danny's family there. If they weren't lying, what would they have to hide? It'd be a possibility to shame HIS family AND sd on public TV… There is, if all that was true - and, as a bonus, giving Kiki some spotlight as the ~victim~
No. 84610
>>84594well as someone who watches Dr. Phil a lot, I can see how their story would have been blown up for shock and publicity..
"teenage internet celebrity allegedly orchestrated the death of child abuse victim!? is the mother behind it? we'll see what explosive details internet journalist Chris Stone has to say about it after the break! And later.. the victim's mother is here!"
No. 84633
>>84623I abhor Kiki just as much as anyone else, but I just want to put my input about the whole Danny thing. I'm sure many people here have been in an abusive relationship in the past. I was in one when I was 16-17. He was verbally, physically and sexually abusive toward me. Tbh a lot of the things he did were so vile, But I never even told anyone but my closest friend (and even then it was years later.) I've never told my parents about the extent of the abuse. So maybe this could be a possible reason?
Then again, if he had died (shame he didn't tbh, he microwaved a kitten once) I'm sure I would be a lot more truthful about the situation. Who knows what really happened :/
Btw is Kaka still pretending she's in Japan?
No. 84651
>>84644I'm the sick fuck?? Backup, nigger. He told me he did that YEARS before I met him. I was scared to call the fucking police because he threatened to kill me if I even tried to break up with him and he wasn't opposed to hitting me or threatening me.
Jesus fuck, I was just trying to put a different perspective into the conversation, you don't need to criticize me for not calling the cops on someone who threatened to kill me.
Just FYI I grew some balls eventuall and kicked him to the curb. He tried to contact me again but I told him I would call the police if he did. Don't call me a sick fuck when you don't undertand the situation. Yes I mad.
No. 84802
>>84623And seeing as a lot of people got to know her by reading that article, you'd think she wouldn't be stupid enough to change the story told there
But I guess her need to be the ultimate victim is stronger
At first I liked the idea of putting the video up but her exaggerated "personal" intake took away all the seriousness. People like her and this kind of attitude are basically why people will not take stuff like "statutory rape" seriously.
Also, would it be so hard to just leave the dead guy off that? Focus on the experience yeah, and how to help others but don't go around detailing publicly what he did or didn't, since he can't defend himself.
No. 85112
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No. 85116
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Body pic.
A few fans (like! People that were not herself!) were saying she looked like Lana del Rey…
Now that'd have been insteresting
No. 85294
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she was really pretty when she was a kid
No. 85336
>>85266You can even see the change in the body shape. She was skinny-healthy instead of dried-up. Also everything you said.
She has an obsession with being an Elf in LOTR so maybe she's using the long hair and long nails, all-white everything to achieve elf status.
she indeed looked healthier/happier. It was in the start of her YT channel, back when she still got some attention (also not many people knew about her shitty scams back in the day, videos talking shit on the disabled, etc). Ok I'm reading too much into it. /stfu
No. 85683
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What is this big Hello Kitty thing Kiki is holding? It looks like a HK bucket or something.
No. 85736
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Kirsten says she is proud of her "strong features" i.e. her beak but really, it's just not a defining look for her.
Like her nose isn't even a sleek, distinguished Roman noses, like those actually look good, hers is just a big ol' Jewish hook.
She should get a nose job and return its shape similar to that of when she was a child, she looks positively angelic here.
Who'd have thought this beautiful little girl would grow up to be such a failure and a cunt.
No. 85744
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No. 85752
>>85747Fucking lol.
>compliment somebody on how cute they looked as a child
>PAEDOPHILE, PAEDOPHILEFuck off back to Tumblr you overdramatic pissjug.
No. 85755
>>85747There's nothing wrong with saying a kid looks cute.
Or you one of those freaks that think baby bath photos constitutes child pornography?
No. 85762
>>85759>Kiki isn't a failure or a cuntHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
the fuck are you on
No. 85763
>>85744>>85736>>85294I can really see why Kirsten got better treatment than Dakota.
The way her face is shaped, anyone would think she was the prettier one.
Lmao how the tables have turned
No. 85772
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Sorry if this was already posted. But it's hard to find pics of Kooti scene
No. 85775
>>85759I don't think I can judge this girl's success or say she is successful or not but
>She's trying to improve her lifestyle with positivity and Buddha enlightenmentR u new here? Or just really naive?
No. 85776
>>85755No, but notice how this person wants her to get plastic surgery to resemble the way she looked as a child more. Granted, asking them if they were a pedophile was definitely a stretch, and I knew that even before typing that out, but most people would just recommend she get a nose job. They wouldn't post a pic of her as a child when her features were still maturing and not fully developed to compare to.
There is no point in having a preference for her childhood features because she grew out of them. It's not like a fashion trend she grew out of that she can go back to.
No. 85777
>>85744Who wants to bet she will try to milk this?
>>85759>Kiki isn't a failure or a cunt.Kiki's only goal in life is fame, have any of her latest attempts for it succeeded? No. By definition, she is a failure.
And don't make me laugh saying she isn't a cunt.
>she flipped out on someone for buying her non-vegan snacks and never even bothered to thank them. She even said she wasn't grateful for them sending them the snacks>she tried to get her fans to bully a girl for simply correcting her Japanese>she shamed a girl for being a camgirl and now stalks her just because the girl told her that Native Americans are Indian.She's so positive and such a buddhist.
No. 85780
>>85776This place is composed of different humans. I'm here because yes, I do think she's hypocritical though fun to "watch" (watch her videos, Twitter whining etc).
Her buddhism is no more than an accessory as those wing backpacks, which she tried to pass as her own design - and then denied, etc.
But no. I don't HATE your precious idol.
At the same time, there are people who post her childhood pictures and say she should make herself look like that and actually hate her for their own reasons.
shrug it happens
Also, kids features are always cuter, why do you think Dakota keeps photoshopping herself younger?
No. 85781
>>85777>Kiki's only goal in life is fame, have any of her latest attempts for it succeeded? No. By definition, she is a failure. Hm, idk, I gotta say I disagree here. If that were her only goal I think she would have made herself famous through any means possible. Remember that bitch who sucked her own bloody tampon? That was desperation. kiki isn't at that level yet, which you would assume she would be if that were her only goal and her sister is fulfilling it much better than she is.
I think she's still trying to figure herself out, which is why I don't harp on her much. She's really young, a lot of people her age are still in college or trying to get there without any real aspirations besides getting a job in the field they majored in since thats what they worked 4-6 yrs for.
Nothing is ever set in stone, most people change careers every 10 yrs or around 3 times throughout their lives. I think its stupid when people say "hahaha first she wanted to do that now she's doing this!! what a loser she can't stick to one thing xD". Not many people do.
Anyway, I'm not whiteknighting her, just defending
this aspect of her personality/history because it applies to so many people in my age group. she's not a strange case.
A lot of other aspects about her are shitty though.
No. 85785
>>85780I don't get how the first two lines of your statement applies to what I said but whatever.
Whether people post her childhood pics out of hatred or adoration doesn't matter. Idc whether they post her pics or not. I just find it retarded to tell someone they should look more like they did as a kid because they can't.
Besides, the cute Dakota goes for is not meant to attract innocent admiration or platonic feelings, especially when she wears low cut tops showing off her shooped cleavage while sporting the face of a 10 yr old. (Also, this is the same board that makes fun of Japan for being obsessed with baby faced
Anyway enough of that, you can think Kiki should get plastic surgery all you want, thats your preference, I have no issue with that. Like I said before, its recommending to anyone that they should make themselves look the way they did as a pubescent child because they were more attractive then that is creepy to me.
No. 85801
>>85792>Jfc there are people out there who admire her for having been able to use her sexuality to her advantage and become a multi-millionaire.That isn't special in any way whatsoever, there are
tons of women throughout history who use their sexuality for attention and money.
No. 85853
>why do you "hate" her so badly?>I read some things on PULL but I asking from yourself personallyJesus fucking christ I fucking knew you were from PULL.
Fuck off back to the beginning of the thread or the last 3 threads we've had and come back when you've actually bothered to read them.
We're not an audiobook service.
No. 85855
>>85776I am the one that said she should get rhinoplasty to make her nose look like her childhood nose and I still stand by that.
Tbh if people are looking at others commenting on how a kid has a nice nose and the first thing they jump to is child molestation I don't think I'm the one with the sick mind.
Like, how is it you look at an image of a kid and that's the first thing you jump to?
As much as I like my own nose, I still wouldn't mind rhinoplasty to make my nose look more like my own nose as a child.
I guess I am paedo for myself?
No. 85858
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>>85785Well Gemma Ward's whole shtick was that she had the face of a child and yet she was and is a highly attractive woman with a myriad of admirers.
If you look at a kid and the first thing you think about is sex I think you need help.
That or you're an aged hag who is jealous of the attention those with younger features receive, maybe some surgery wouldn't go amiss on your own mug.
No. 85859
>>85788You literally do not have a fucking clue what you're talking about.
You're coming here and trying to lecture all of us on a horrible woman you know fuck all about.
Leave, educate yourself, and then come back when you actually have the facts.
No. 85862
>>85827>Kim Kardashian is their example of women who are able to do this and admire her for it.How is that in any way something to admire? She fucked a dude on video and used it to make money. Sorry maybe I'm not tumblr enough to believe that's something little girls or young women should look up to. Go t college, learn something, and maybe you won't end up as a washed up hag with no talent or skills. But if you want to sell your soul for money, I guess you should be looking up to Kim K.
Also whoever this "4 months on PULL" newfag is needs to back the fuck up. Read the previous threads about her. She says she's Buddhist and believes in enlightenment, but all she does is buy shit and try to make money off other people. She's a shitty person with a horrible personality and stolen music. Shes a sad figure, but she's not a Buddhist Monk.
No. 85879
>>85862sigh why is everything about tumblr or pull with you retards? Kim Kardashian is known around the world between people of different age groups, backgrounds, etc who admire her for different reasons, with
one being that she was able to use her sexuality in a way that garnered her success. Like how many better looking women are out there who have done the same and fucked better looking/more famous dudes but are nowhere? A lot of people want to do what she has been able to. I don't admire her at all nor feel like she deserves the fame she does and wish that people who actually went to college did instead.
But lets be honest here, a college degree doesn't mean shit anymore. You know how many people with degrees are out there waitressing, if they were lucky enough to find a job? I know that doesn't apply to everyone with a degree, but a significant amount do struggle (in the U.S. idk about other countries). During the recession lots of people couldn't find jobs even with 1 or 2 PhD's.
So knowing people like Kim Kardashian exist give a lot of people hope. We all know many people, including Kiki would jump on the chance to take a similar position if she knew she could.
No. 85896
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>>85858>>85855I already stated that I knew calling you a pedo was a stretch, I did as an insult, not under the impression you were a pedo. I also stated that I find it incredibly stupid for you to tell someone to get plastic surgery to resemble the way they did as a pubescent child while they are an adult. Her features were still forming then.
Also Gemma Ward doesn't look like the little girl Kota shoops her face to look like, on top of all the make up she pastes on. Kota literally tries to make herself look like a little kid, which wouldn't bother me if she also didn't dress in a way that is provocative considering the age she's trying to portray. Because then it borders on sexualizing kids.
There is nothing wrong with finding kids cute, but finding kids sexually attractive? Yes, there is something wrong with that. Telling an adult they should look more like a child so that she would become more attractive? Yes, that too
No. 85904
>>85896So I guess all the models getting baby highlights are super creepy for you, too?
No one is saying she should shrink in size, age mentality (as if she needed more), boob size and nose size to look more like a child.
All the other anon said is: look at that nose. It's a good nose. If she tried plastic to make hers more like this, she'd look pretty.
(IMHO. Everyone is entitled to have their own nose the way they want to as long as you breath)
No. 85908
The anon is using that nose as an example because it shows what a good, natural looking rhinoplasty would appear on her. It has nothing to do with relating to children or the sexualiation of children. That reaching is ridiculous and makes that person look like they're trying to derail the thread. Boo fucking hoo. Go pick a fight with masterchan/candy/ if you wanna talk about pedophilia so much fuckin creep.
No. 85919
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>>85896Gemma Ward did look like a kid though…
No. 85920
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>>85898Yeah my nose was fucking qt as a child, look at that perfect slope. Now it's a pretty defined Roman nose, which I still like, but… dat perfect slope.
I think I also look a lot like Kirsten did as a kid.
No. 85923
>>85921Wait what side are you on here because I'm on the "stop fucking sexualising children and turning everything into an argument about paedophilia" side. Or are you the dumbass that said Kirsten getting a nosejob was paedophilia?
Also yeah, she totally did look like a little girl facially, that was part of her whole hook.
No. 85928
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>>85924Her height has nothing to do with this, I said that she looked like a child facially.
No. 85933
I'm the anon who posted this ->
>>85294And this ->
>>85736 is another anon
so stfu lol nobody's a pedo
>>85747 we're just saying she looked beautiful as a kid and now she is a fucking mess.
No. 85943
>>85934>>85935Look maybe I was OtT and for that I apologise.
It's just we get a lot of people wandering in here from other sites who obviously haven't really bothered to do any research beforehand and instead of saying something a long the lines of "Hey guys I'm new. I don't know much about this girl but can you tell me a bit about why she's so despised?" instead of what you did say which was essentially "I don't know much about Kirsten beyond what I see she posts to her Instagram. She seems nice and cool and you all sound overly angry so don't call her a cunt".
No. 85954
>>85904>>85919>>85923Idk its strange for someone to want an adult to look like a little kid, like in the case with Gemma, she looks really young, so when they style her in clothes that make her look seductive, it sends the message that looking like a kid = sexy. Not just looking young. I guess thats why that baby faced spiel stuck. Thats pretty messed up.
I don't want adults to be compared to children or vice versa when it comes to physical appeal. I don't think I'm wrong for that.
This is the third time that I admit that I was out of line for using the word pedo, and that it was a stretch for me because you were only talking about the shape of her nose, not her overall appearance like that other anon mentioned. So may bad, I saw something that wasn't there.
lol at me being called a creep for that though, people use kids like that everywhere and it's jaded me somewhat.
No. 85960
>>85920You're Kirsten's sister that's been kept in the basement!!! ( like Elizabeth Olsen And Taylor Swift twin that's been doing McDonalds ads in Japan)
No. 85961
>>85954I actually appreciate the apology.
I don't like being called a paedo because I was molested for years as a kid by a close family friend. It's not something to toss around easily.
No. 85962
>>85960Shieeettt I'd like to think I'm more attractive than Kirsten, aside from the fact that I've probably got like 70lbs on her.
I wonder how much she weighs… anybody know her height?
No. 86009
>>85962Well Elizabeth O. is more attractive than Mary Kate and Ashley :P
Anyone's got more pounds than her I think tho. She never mentioned her weight.
No. 86073
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>>86015Fuck off her hair color was awesome
Back to Keekz… I love VK. And this makes me excited for getting rid of my own braces. Look at her smile back then and now!
No. 86074
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Sharing is luvin' no makeup keekz
No. 86075
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Hot Kiki with cleavage for all yo' lesboners
No. 86076
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Distorted wrist. All punk everything with leopard print. Miss it so much.
No. 86077
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No. 86078
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No. 86083
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Of all the pictures I've seen of Kirsten to date I think this is the absolute worst.
You can tell that she is trying so hard to appear sexy, but that dress hangs so pitifully off of her underfed, shapeless body. She looks like a kid playing dressup in a voluptuous mother's wardrobe.
I think the worst bit is that she actually went on to buy the dress, as I've seen it in multiple pictures since…
No. 86088
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>>86083Alternstively, I think this look with the dark brown hair and heavy, sideswept fringe was her best.
She could easily be an Instagram queen with this look.
No. 86092
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Anybody else remember that time she was bragging about getting booked for a modelling shoot, but then never, ever mentioned it again and the magazine ended up using her shots?
Also, wasn't she recently bragging about getting scouted in Japan? What happened to that?
Like, she's not even in Japan any more.
No. 86134
>>86092This is awesom! and it appears that she looked pretty good in these? In the outfit videos she looks so pale. The made-up hair, red lip and cheekbones really look good on her. And healthy
AND ALSO what someone else said about the dark brown hair big fringe phase
About the Japan scouting: someone brought up that often people get "scouted" in Japan by scams or smthg like this. So it was basically an inside joke between Kiki and Kota. But ofc, she had to make it look like she got scouted actually.
I'm still hoping she actually got scouted and her first shoot is a collaboration with Kota. Can you just imagine…
No. 86137
>>86092Also I've never ever heard about tht? Not even seen bragging-tweets regarding it orrrr the magazine shots of her (so they used them?).
Damn. It's like I find new things about this girl ever single days
She'll be the theme of my post-doctorate in social psychology
No. 86611
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Sorry if this was already posted but I don't remember seeing this pic of Kooti
No. 86626
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No. 86627
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>>86615Yeah :/
Dakota is cute but there's no need to photoshop anything. You know?
No. 86630
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dont forget this
No. 86681
>>86670Who the fuck cares.
Do you get upset when people use the word faggot,and nigger?
Get over yourself.
No. 86693
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>>86691too edgy for me sis, maybe you should gb2/b/.
No. 86698
File: 1429668132962.jpg (47.11 KB, 250x221, niggers faggots dykes beaners …)

Holy shit. Everyone stop being such sensitive little bitches.
Just take it back to PULL.
No. 86705
>>86690Sexist nigger
>>86693What a stupid reaction image. I've been following my Queen since the Golden Age, so go back to PULL and post your dolled up mongoloid face on "we're more kawaii than Dakota" threads.
We sacrificed a shitty admin at StaminaRose for an influx of PULL and SJWs. I had thought we had reached our Promised Land. We farm the land, we reap what we sow and our crops become diseased with locusts! I demand the murder of first borns!
No. 86786
>>86075There's no way you're not Kiki. I am a stone cold lesbian and I will never like this dumbfuck, nor would anything that didn't suffer the brain damage of owning a penis. Straight dudes only like her because she's an extreme attention whore and easy to manipulate.
This picture isn't remotely hot, and that burn tool cleavage is embarrassing. Squidward in a bleached out funeral outfit can't get no luv from me.
On that note I think Kiki is legit hiding behind her "trauuuumaaasss" because she knows that she will always be living in the shadow of her Myspace era, and she needs something to blame for her failures. And before anyone says anything, I and millions of other people have been through the exact same or worse traumas and they face their shit and live.
She's just half-assing everything because she's embarrassed of who she is.
No. 86805
>>86793I thought that at first but it read so much like Cathy or Kiki's horrible humor and seemed more like a self post.
I'm suspicious of anyone that posts her face.
No. 86892
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>>86786Oh god yes, I was gonna say.
I am lazybeings too and Kirsten is like my idea of a fucking nightmare woman.
She's insecure, very obviously clingy, vapid, unintelligent with zero motivation or real ambition, nor does she understand the value of hard work.
Every time I see that dried-up hagraven face my vagina shrivels up inside itself.
No. 86911
but of course, she cant do anything that other people suggest, because that would mean she is not original or unique kawaii desoooo
No. 86948
>>86092Someone should ask her about the jap scouting and where we can see the photos.
(most likely get blocked by asking though)
No. 86960
>>86915Oh god that was you lol
It really works, two for you.
No. 87276
>>87270I think it was more along the lines of
shoops self to vaguely resemble Angelina Jolie "people tell me I look like angelina jolie!!!"
No. 87520
>>87517Would this be the sugar daddy that she thought she could trap by getting pregnant from him so she could become a japaroo princess?
Or one of kotas friends that had to babysit kaka?
No. 87618
>>87570Thats one crazy plot twist.
Not that crazy though. I can so see mama kaka making sure her womanchild baby shine brighter than kota. Kaka would still give them money, and not turn her back on her trashy family.
No. 87756
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>>87632Anon was phishing.
But, this thread. It's about Kaka.
No. 87763
>>68096>>86915looool lazybins against Kiki Kannibal.
I never understood why she was OBSESSED with people who lezzed out on her; none of those women physically assaulted her? I mean you can't choose your sexuality obv but you'd think she'd had more empathy for the women that respected her enough to accept no as an answer and be nice to them.
that type of straight girl sucks and you all know exactly what i am talking about.
No. 87767
>>87763I think at that age it's common to think it's funny to call people dykes/fags/queers and constantly tease people by calling them lesbos and faggots. It feels edgy when you're like, 12 and are likely to have no grasp on sexuality yourself. Thus it's easy at a young age to develop this complex and be really insecure of your sexuality and feel afraid to express anything that can be considered "gay!!! ew!!!" by other 14 year olds lol. It helps them fit in to be like "ew! I'm not a dyke like _____" It's just basic kid immaturity and herd mentality.
Well and Kiki is just incredibly self obsessed. Everyone wants her. We're all gross Kiki-obsessed fiends.
No. 87949
>>87813That's so cruel you bet she's taking screenshots of it to send to her lawyer as "online threat"
And also for future Twitter pity parties "haters planning to get me abducted by
inserts "yakuza" in kanji srsly fearing for my life"
No. 87950
>>87763Person who posted the photo with cleavage here haha
Tbh I thought Kota was the one obsessed with lesbians being over her? Did Kiki ever claimed smthg like that or?
Also some girls really seem to be into Koti in the other thread so I figured you guys would be into Kiki too for some reason. sorry if I offended y'all :P
No. 87952
>>87950Yeah, Dakota seemed like the more homophobic one.
I noticed in the old videos Dakota would make jokes about gay people and Kiki wouldn't really go along with them, but never told her to stop either.
She did say "I'm not the lesbian in the family" just to rile Dakota up once, though.
No. 88091
She would never let go of her previous 'fame'.
No. 88095
>>87953She did talk on the video about the disturbing lack of bondaries experience she had on her job when one of her coworkers called her kinky Kiki, as if they were actively trying to copulate with her or smthg
Girl gotta chill
No. 88971
>>88931>>88958But I thought Kira Kira sama was already practically fluent in Japanese???
lol, if she really was "studying" I guess it could have been a three month course or something? Her parents probably couldn't afford to bankroll her for a whole year.
No. 89015
>>89013Kaka will try to ride kotas coattails.
Man I hope kota makes it big time.
No. 89029
>>89018This. Once Kaka realize that model agencies aren't interested on her and guys over there only see her as a living onahole, she's going to ditch the whole
kawaii japanesu BDSM angelic ivory vegan elf DJ and come back with some other new "interest"
No. 92086
>>91314I lurked them and the fanblog claimed to not understand how to use tumblr and posted pictures of kiki in full on eight-head mode and called her beautiful.
until that person posts proof of who they are i am 100% positive that is Cathy Ostrenga.
No. 92418
>>92140Nah i dont think Dakota ever wanted to be a high fashion model. She's a lot more like "catalog" model etc
Damn Kaka still MIA???
No. 92419
Can you post the link? I ain't finding it
No. 92469
>>92454You say "that's it" but this is a huge gig for a model of Dakota's status.
Getting the backing of Samsung completely officiates her as a legitimate model now once and for all. It's enormous.
No. 92862
>>92822I honestly think she just wants everyone to think she's living in Japan permanently now and is waiting until she goes back to start posting again, with the excuse of "omg you guys I've just been soooo busy with studying and vague secret projects". Though I guess that doesn't explain why she just isn't posting indoor selfies, random Asian shit and stolen photos instead, like she was before her trip last year.
I'm kind of hoping Dakota's Samsung contract has caused her to finally lose it though. Maybe she was convinced she was going to get a sugar daddy/moderingu contract when she went over there and is super devastated it didn't happen. Or perhaps she's had a bust up with her parents over them not paying for her to stay there for longer.
No. 92869
>>92862i have to disagree with this idea that she's waiting to go back to japan. how is she going to go back? who's going to pay for it? i think scott and cathy would pay for one trip/stay but not multiple ones. kiki probably makes money from all her stuff, but definitely not enough to move to a different country and live there. she couldn't even have the nice things she has if she didn't live with her parents. i'm fairly certain she's thinking of a good excuse to have "decided to move back to the usa" or maybe she's going to try to make it in another (cheaper) country like korea or china.
she could also have just decided to abandon the kiki kannibal name and identity as we have all suggested, although that's quite unlikely.
No. 92879
Also she's definitely waiting to go to Japan again to keep up the facade. The only way she'd settle for somewhere like China or Korea, is if Kota had an interest in them and/or if one of those countries give her attention, which will never happen. She only wants Japan because she wants to one-up Kota, she thinks she'll be worshiped for being Kota's more kawaii older sister there, and she wants to seem special/interesting on the internet.
No. 92987
>>92958I think she did get a reality check going to Japan - didn’t she say that people were rude to her or something? It’s probably not that they were rude, it’s just that they were treating her like everyone else and not giving her special treatment. I think Keeks was honestly expecting to walk down the street and be drowning in positive attention and modeling contracts, but that didn’t happen at all. She’s a nobody.
But this is Kiki we’re talking about, and I don’t expect that she’ll give up that easily. Maybe these last few weeks since coming back from Japan, she’s temporarily considered becoming a mature adult but that probably won’t last long. I get the feeling she thinks that that by accepting the truth, it’s ~giving in to the haters~ so it will probably just motivate more her to concoct some other plan.
No. 93145
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>>93135nigger, stfu. where the hell are you pulling that from? there's literally never been anything in the existence of the internet that says she's any older than she claims. go back to the Kotex thread with that ring-round BS.
No. 93146
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>>93020I chuckled heartily, anon.
No. 93194
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>>93145Kaka its okay that you're 25,and that your younger sister is better off in life than you.
No. 93399
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>>93390they do look more than 4 years apart. while kaka ages quite fast, kota seems to have the benjamin buttons (especially in the shooped pics).
No. 93412
>>93401no idea if it's her mother's influence or whatnot, that creates her bad personality traits, which affect others and clearly herself. not being at peace with a lot of things does take a toll on looks.
i really don't know what her goal in life is at this point. these whole YT videos, onlineshops, electro music things can't be more than stuff she does on the side. if i were her, i'd get a steady job or go back to uni and further my education, y'know, do something truly productive in life.
No. 93428
>>93399Jesus fucking christ that limp-dick hair Kirsten's sporting is doing her NO favours.
No. 94631
>>94613Same here. I wonder what she's up to since she doesn't have a job, friends, genuine hobbies, genuine interests, or any other social media she really goes on other than twitter, that we know of, of course. She's definitely searching for another sugar daddy to pay for another trip to Japan. But I don't thinks she's coming up with any new schemes, what else is there for her to do to achieve fame? She's tried almost everything, modeling, music, acting, "comedy," and being a shop owner. The only thing I could think of is maybe writing a book since everyone seems to be doing that nowadays.
It's highly unlikely, but what if she did decide to get off the internet? Someone should post a comment on her ig about how she's not in Japan or something and see how long it takes for her to delete the comment and block you.
No. 94635
>>93399I don't know that this really proves anything about their ages either way.
Kota was always trying to look older in the Myspace days, while Kiki's current look doesn't suit her at all and ages her badly. Eh.
Still wondering where Kiki is now. Maybe she really is having a breakdown.
Girl needs to get on Periscope or some shit, since streaming was part of what got her famous in the first place.
No. 94889
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>>94872I think she uses multiple apps/sites to meet/talk to potential Japanese sugar daddies since pic related is definitely Line and this is not Line (I'm assuming it's Hellotalk?). I don't know if someone would ask to switch from one messenger to another. I think all of us Japanese, and maybe Chinese and Korean, studying/speaking anons should keep an eye out for her on these types of sites/apps.
No. 94904
>>94896Oh, okay. I guess it would make sense anyway since Line is pretty huge in Japan and they can keep everything on one app.
>>94899That's Kiki for you. Though, she probably called him it again to emasculate him or something, but it does sound ridiculous if you think about using a female insult against a man in English.
No. 94933
>>94631the best thing for her to do, would be to just make a 180. to do something real with her life. i really hope for her sake, that that is exactly what she is doing right now, instead of keeping to follow some fantasy of getting famous or whatever her plan was.
that would actually be something worthy of respect.
No. 95110
>>95081Yup I think so
Even if she's having jobs she could post pics like 'at work!1!!1!'
No. 101018
>>95306> copyrighting schedulei lol'd
10am DJ tiem
11am - 11pm wallow in self pity
No. 102421
>>100981I think none of them want Kiki because she's so wrecked in the face and has no tits/ass. She has nothing to offer a SD.
On another note, has anyone else realized what a complete loser Kiki is? Think about it: she won't work, has no friends, guys can't stand her, she has the maturity level of a 12 year old, she's not funny or cool and literally all she does is sit on her flat ass browsing the web and take pictures of her snack foods for IG (though not so much lately). It's really baffling how she is convinced she's such hot shit.
No. 102429
>>102426Guys I think we need professional help
No. 102441
>>102423I wouldn't call Kota "normal" just because she has a job and supports herself and keeps her life out of the internet's eye. For a while there she had no friends except Kiki and Charms, and in that backstage vid of the Popteen soot she was just off in a corner buried in her phone. Plus, if she really does like ojisans like she says she does, that could indicate some daddy issues. For those who don't kow, ojisan means uncle but has a different connotation than just "I like older guys", but I'm not sure how to accurately explain it in English, sorry.
The fact is, since Dakota really only posts about her work on her blog and is only ever seen when she's working, there's no way to gauge her social life, or if she even has one. But still, I think it's reaching to say she's now "normal" just because she no longer broadcasts her personal life online.
No. 102561
>>102523It's a whole new level of wtf to steal other people's food photos and post them as if they were
your food photos on Instagram. Like, really she was there. There was no need for that. I wonder if this blogger found out? Like, I'd majorly creeped out
I would understand if she wanted to share (Kiki sharing smthg helpful with followers ha ha) some interesting recipe like "look what I found on this blog! Super delicious just tried mine". But she straight up posted like "look wut I Cooke ^_^"
waits for followers begging the recipes and vegan videos (I can imagine its smthg she gets off to)
No. 102752
>>102561You'd be surprised at how often people do that, another lolcow bowbeauty24(she's a creepy&awkward 30 year old woman trying to be a preteen on youtube and hardcore copies bethany mota) she posted someone else's pictures of donuts and said her friend made them and that they were inspired by google, lol. It's fucking weird, but I guess it's understandable since Kiki and this girl both have no friends/rarely get any sort of social interaction so they feel the need to try to impress random strangers online.
>>102733Me too, I miss her, she's one of my favorite lolcows. She's most likely just at home having a mental breakdown and trying to figure out what to do next.
No. 104251
>>104249I think it was always this shabby. And I don't remember the lilkitten drama being added at all. I think the page has been the exact same for years now since no one cared enough to update it.
Since you brought it up, I think we should update the page since she's gone and giving us nothing to talk about.
No. 104284
>>104273It's a shame she can't go back to school, make friends and maybe get a degree to go live in Japan like any other person would? But nope, pure lazy.
The trends will end, her sister will move on, Kiki can't stay at home living with her parents forever, she'll actually need to do something with her life and by the time she knows it, she'll be in her fourties all that wasted effort was for literally nothing.
No. 104286
>>102523Her Instagram's probably full of even more stolen shit, just no one's found the original pictures yet.
Also interesting how she posted the stolen picture during the time she was supposedly in Japan. Why steal someone else's boring Japanese food photo when you can easily go and take your own?
No. 104382
>>104273It indeed feels like so. Even her fans are thinking that as well. Before people knew she was using the net bc she was liking pictures on Instagram and whatnot. Now, it's nothing?
Omg I also dreamt that she had started a new persona and she had green hair.
No. 104954
>>104937One can only dream that this is indeed the correct scenario.
I mean, I don't like Kirsten at all - my feelings are almost bordering on hate. Of every woman I've encountered to date it's her that I award with having maintained the highest level of ire I've ever bestowed upon anybody.
As a person I find her morally reprehensible and physically repulsive to the point where I'm starting to believe that old adage about ugly showing through in your features over time.
That being said, I would be delighted to see her turn over a new leaf and find her happiness within an area that has a genuine interest and not just some "in-the-moment" hipster bullshit she's bandwagoning, but I honestly can not see that happening. Ever. She's just too, gross. She's can't change at this point.
No. 104977
>>104954Kiki could never change. Too much backstory, greed and drama surrounding her. It's so bad, even her sister dove off, across the globe to get away from her. Don't blame kota in the slightest.
Not just kota but the 'kawaii aidoru' thing is growing, its IN right now. Kiki just wants to latch her claws on to it but she's getting absolutely nowhere.
Not sure if any Japanese guy would marry her, well actually, if one married Mira then one probably would. But then get rid of her sorry ass. She's probably TRY and model over there but I can't see it going far. She'd be a stay at home wife/mother which caused drama online at how perfect her 'hafu' child is and that she's going to make it a 'dolly aidoru' just like auntie kota!
I can see that happening. But I doubt anyone would give a shit to know about her life in Japan at that point. I don't think anyone will care about aidoru or people making 'living in japan' videos in 50 years from now.
If that did happen, the kid's would be trying to hide its horrid mother's history. Bad rep right away.
Not going to happen.
Kiki needs to find her own thing, she just gives up too easily. I heard that she actually works in a store, I remember some article about her I found stated how she was up at silly hours of the morning making jewellery/blogging and slaving away at store all day working. Wouldn't surprise me.
Overall, nah, she can't change and she'll never change.
No. 105004
>>104937I definitely think this is what happened. I think if he stayed with her, she'd be tweeting about being in love and shit. I don't think she'll delete the pictures/videos of him because she still wants a kawaii boifurendo to show off.
>>104954I agree and feel the exact same way about her.
No. 105024
>>104977>the 'kawaii aidoru' thing is growing, its IN right nowit is not. it is dying.
idk why people act like Japanese men are so different than any other men. They're just men…you can sucker any kind of man into marrying you if you really want that. Kiki is honestly pretty (despite being sickly looking and skinny with shit fashion sense) so it's really not surprising to me that guys like her.
But I get annoyed with people thinking Kiki is at all interested in actually marrying a Japanese man/having a hafu child and all that. She's NEVER been that type….she's not a weeb. She could not give a shit in the long run if her husband is Japanese, just cares if he can be used in some way or another.
I think she just finally got sick of everything and dropped it. She probably has an alternate username and is starting over as we speak…but she's going to get tired of having no followers and she'll go public with it soon enough or return to mmmkikikannibal.
No. 105029
>>105024Yeah she just looks kind of silly in kawaii styles that don't suit her.
It reminds me of how mature faced people who are beautiful look off when they cosplay anime girls drawn in a cutesy, young style
No. 105042
>>105024Nah, I'm not convinced in the slightest. I don't trust this girl at all. Not after the case with Mr Myspace, laughing about his death on stickam then dancing laughing.
It's because having a Japanese boyfriend in the 'kawaii' world makes you 'superior' than everyone else. It's ridiculous, men are men. But I feel like girls like this just want to use them as an accessory. Same with koreaboos.
Probably, I don't blame her. After everything she's pulled, I'd run and hide too.
No. 105044
>>105024I agree, and she has no interest in marrying a Japanese man and becoming a housewife. But I could see her doing what Mira did and marrying one so she can get permanent residency. I don't get why people would think she wants to marry and have kids with a Japanese man. Kiki has never had any interest in any guy that isn't white until she decided to be "interested" in Asia. If you look at her fb likes/comments, you'll just see a bunch of white guys with tattoos, some have swoopy hair, and they're all in bands/play music.
She probably does have an alternate username as well, I'm gonna try and find it. It most likely has "nyan" in it.
No. 105070
>>105042not convinced about what? i feel you misunderstood my post. i know why weebs want japanese (or any east asian) boyfriends, and i know why kiki would want one (as i said before, she only cares if she could use him in some way or another). but i don't know why people think it's some huge accomplishment to have an asian boyfriend, or "can't believe" she could get a japanese guy. without knowing anything about her, she is a passably attractive white girl with the means to travel and her sister is a model, so i mean…i could see the appeal on a purely shallow level.
but she's never wanted to be a housewife, and i don't think she's ever even talked about wanting kids. she just wants to be famous. she's would only want a spouse visa for as long as it took to get some fame where she could stay there without it, then bail, not become a dramatic mommy blogger or whatever.
>>105044true, her type is definitely "white scene boy." disregarding danny (who was latino but still fit her "type"), there's jack cash (who was half asian) and her last alleged bf, both who could be chalked up to her sudden interest in asia. i mean i've dated guys who i didn't initially think were my type but the timing of when she got into asian dick is kinda….
No. 105466
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>>105463Oh, wait, wrong account. But they have the same name, wtf?? And for sOme reasonthe real Kiki acct wasn't showing up as a search result on my phone…
No. 105480
damnit, English, you got me again. Brb, going to study more.
No. 108543
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>>108529Spamming herself with obvious sockpuppet accounts that are all talking about her modeling in Japan.
No. 108549
>>106758rip dakota's sister
>>108547I'd also love to see more candid pictures of her, but I think if she were modeling the pictures would be touched up and shooped a ton because she isn't kawaii at all. I definitely don't think she's modeling, I think she's just having a mental breakdown and trying to find a new sugar daddy to take her back to Japan.
No. 108571
>>108569Do you know me or something..? I don't really consider anonymous imageboards to be social media. :s but maybe I could take a break from posting as well, because all I seem to do is infuriate everyone I try to talk to.
sage for OT
No. 108587
>>108571Different anon. No one is infuriated.
But if you're feeling sensitive, this may not be a good place to post either tbh. If you show a weak side, you'll get eaten up here.
Not trying to scare you off, just letting you know. Don't take things to heart sage-anon.
No. 108735
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You know… I saw that Nice & Easy hair dye advert on telly the other day featuring Christina Hendricks and jesus christ.. Kiki looks a lot like her but without the rounder face, tits and red hair…
No. 108813
>>108810Nah, I see what you mean. I see it too… But difference is, she's a model and Kiki isn't.
No. 108875
>>108735>>108810I see it in both of them. Honestly, Kiki could be attractive like these two women but she just chooses not to. She'd much rather cling onto 2012 tumblr trends and the idea that she can be famous and kawaii like Kota is.
Speaking of that, it's really ridiculous that she's always thought of herself as this trendsetter but she's still wearing the same trends from 3 years ago. I wasn't following her in the scene days, but she seemed much more creative with fashion then. A lot of the things she wore, I wouldn't associate with scene fashion. But now literally everything she wears just makes me think of 2012 tumblr. She must've actually liked scene fashion and/or she's gotten incredibly lazy.
No. 108881
>>108875Seriously. I don't understand why she doesn't know how to get into Tumblr trends, she's an attractive white girl, it's not fucking hard.
Buy babydoll/nymphet clothes, take outfit pics, lower the contrast on the photos and make them brighter so it's certified #pale, show off how thin you are whenever possible, take grainy webcam photos, follow blogs with specific themes, have a blog aesthetic.
There literally comes a point where people will buy you things just because they like you/your blog.
Is she too lazy for even that?
No. 108939
>>108885Tbh even the drama that comes with being Kiki Kannibal and/or Dakota's washed up, former scene queen sister could work in her favor. She'd already have a following of former scene kids who could never live up to her "greatness", but now with a brand new aesthetic for them to endlessly copy and worship. She'd even have a fuckhuge host of drama pre-packaged for people to talk about, resulting in infamy.
She's either fucking incompetent and stupid, or too lazy to look into what she needs to do if she wants that e-fame. My vote is a mix of both.
Kiki, if you're reading this (and you obviously are), literally all you need to do is step your shit up and abandon your lame Instagram and YT videos. No one pays attention to those things unless you're already famous, or an insanely voluptuous gymbunny (when it comes to Instagram).
No. 109001
>>108881Please don't get her ideas. I personally think it's time for Kiki to pack it in and get a full time job (if she doesn't have one) then forget about even being online famous.
It's too late for her. She's already well into her twenties, there is nothing for her to do. No other trend suits her apart from that scene look which is dead. I would never buy anything from her either, due to the scamming and bs. She ruined it for herself. Plus don't even get me started about her ex boyfriend Danny and the "lol ur dead ur dead" live on stickam laughing.
I just think she just leave the internet, keep matters private and move on.
No. 109013
>>109001I don't think it's too late for her, she's only turning 22 this year. I think the grunge and more vintage styles would suit her, but she wants to do the kawaii innocent little girl look.
I will agree, her reputation is ruined, but I don't think that would stop her from getting fame. There are many people with shitty reputations that still have fans. I think if anything, she'd ruin her fame for herself with her shitty personality. She's already lost so many stans because they dared to politely correct her or she just thought they were suspicious for some insane reason.
I think she should give up and become a productive member of society. But at the same time, I just want her to stay online so I can watch her fail.
No. 109023
>>109013She's actually turning 23 this year. Possibly yeah, grunge styles would suit her at best. The kawaii innocent little girl look, it's overplayed, it's slowly dying. It'll be flat on its face in a couple of years time. Again, like people have said, kiki doesn't suit it.
Exactly, it's herself. Kiki would just run right into herself and that'll be that.
I just want her to be like everyone else, go back to school or work and just chill the hell out. I mean, if she REALLY wants to go to Japan and live there. She could just work on side, go back to school and earn a degree. It's what I'm doing and a lot of other young people.
Plenty of time left.
Hell, she could even take a fashion or design degree, do something with that and look at Tokyo internships. But she won't.
She expects everyone to love her, to dish her modelling jobs for free and cash. She needs to get up and go earn it properly.
Yeah, okay kota DID market herself and create a name. But kota is only just starting out, this is just the beginning and if she plays her cards right then maybe it'll turn out well for her. Not wanting to see the girl fail, I just hope what's she is doing works out.
Kiki isn't as lucky. She got her fame once, but I am not too sure she'll be as deserving for a second round.
No. 110755
well, she acts like dakota didn't do any work to get to where she is in a sense. yeah, she got incredibly lucky, but i feel like a lot of people forget her internet presence post-scene and pre-japan. she actually interacted with people and did put effort into her photos and photoshopping. it may not be everyone's idea of "work" but kiki hasn't really made a brand of herself outside of the dated kiki kannibal.
>>110751she was quite pretty then. really nice teeth.
but she just SEEMS stupid. you know? stupid and self-important.
what even is this rambly video? where's it from?
- she talks about how she was a mallrat w pink hair at age 12.
- wanted to be an actress 4 ever, started studying theatre since she was 8 (lmao).
- ripped her pinky toenail off as a kid while watching mary poppins
- said she speaks spanish? then she says a few simple phrases.
- talks about how her retail job sucked. used to think that people washed clothes before putting them back on the floor lol. then how they get tags back? lel. tells some retail stories. this takes up a large part of the video.
- complains about eating out costing so much then goes on to say she orders like 3 entrees when she goes out to eat. lol? "hope it doesn't catch up to me when i'm older." now it seems like she doesn't eat much at all…
- talking about dj shit idk, i think she said a person told her to be the best bedroom dj? then she can rock it out? idk.
- shoe on head. she didn't actually do it. shout outs.
- messing around on the piano for a few seconds.
No. 110779
>>110761Honestly, I've said it many times before, she IS pretty. She just looks very sick these days and I'm not even thinking it's entirely how she styles herself, but rather stress and undernourishment. The style doesn't really help of course and it washes her out but in her videos from a few years ago you can really see how much more alive she looks.
Part of me wants to watch her fail but the other part of me hopes she left the internet for good and is getting her life together. I think it's kind of toxic for her.
No. 110787
>>110781no shit I said 2012 lol i meant new video as in no one's ever seen it aside from the people who saw it live.
>>110779i don't think it's malnourishment or stress. i think she was under the same stress and diet back then. i think it's just that she washes the shit out of pictures and videos with bright light, making herself look super sickly pale you know when people say "you look sick and pale". a little warm red color in her videos would make any of them look healthier.
No. 110855
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>>110787This, in her candid pictures she didn't look sickly pale at all, she just looks "I don't leave the house" pale. Really the only thing that would be considered unhealthy looking about her to some people is how thin she is.
The only reason she looked good then was good angles/lighting and the only reason she looks bad now is shitty angles/lighting. Nothing else has really changed since that stickam video but the lighting and angles she uses. Do I need to remind you of what she looks like without the lighting and angles?
>>110790It's really irritating. Though, I can't blame her, she has no friends and nothing going on in her life.
Random question, but does anyone email her? I wonder if she's completely taking a break from being Kiki Kannibal or if she still talks to her fans (if she actually does use that email to talk to fans) behind the scenes.
No. 111172
>>110787Er, except I have personally seen that video before and I didn't see it live.
It was uploaded elsewhere in the past.
There's also a section missing from it where people ask in regards to Dakota's real age and she spazzes out like "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU PEOPLE, I HAVE PEOPLE DRIVING PAST MY HOUSE AND WATCHING ME".
No. 111212
GUYS go to this video form 2:00 - 2:30 they're discussing beauty standards in Asia and the guy in a sweater goes "yeah HUGE foreheads are considered beautiful and a sign of wealth in Asia" was right all along! $200 she became a beauty celebrity, beauty pageant kinda girl in Japan because of her forehead
No. 111729
>>111705That's what we are all wondering! lol
99% of the people were like "she needs a break from the Internet" and now that she's taking it everyone is like "Kaka cum back :c
No. 113865
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So I was looking up her name on twitter to see if there were any updates on her and I found these tweets, I thought they were interesting. A while back when she was giving advice about learning Japanese, she told people to stay away from white girls or something, it may have something to do with this class she took.
No. 113876
>>113873"it was too easy, that's why I left."
She always has a similar excuse. She's always "too good" at anything so she gives up before she even starts.
No. 113897
>>113865I want to add, if this was exactly or over a year ago, that was when she posted that "Learning Japanese with my cat" video, where she was literally just badly reciting Japanese phrases like, YoroshikUUU oneGAIIIshimasUUUUUU."
>>113882I want to know more as well. I tried digging through twitter more to see if anyone else posted about it, but couldn't find anything. I'm sure someone else has posted about it, since it seems like someone must've told this girl about it. I know if I saw someone irl who's famous/popular, even if I didn't follow them or care for them, I'd post about it and probably also try to sneak a picture of them. I would love it if someone did sneak a picture of her.
No. 113917
>>113865> A while back when she was giving advice about learning Japanese, she told people to stay away from white girls or something.Yeah, that was such a random thing to come out with, it had to have been
triggered by something. I really hope it's true anyway, it definitely sounds like something she would do. I guess she was expecting to waltz in and have everyone fawn over her and her sugoi nihongo skills.
I really want to know what she's up to now, anyway. I think she's probably still super butthurt her trip to Japan didn't pan out the way she wanted and is brooding over it. A bunch of her instagram followers were convinced she was "living in Japan now" so I guess she doesn't want to spoil the illusion.
No. 113982
>>113917I could definitely see that. I feel like she came in the class acting weeby as fuck as well. Since some guy called her a weeb and it doesn't seem like any of the people in that class actually follow her, we would've heard about this a long time ago if that were the case. I think if anyone in that class did, they would feel the same way as we feel about her "interest" in Japan. I mean, who the fuck goes to Japan, or any other country for that matter, and barely posts any picture of the actual country?
I want to know as well, I think it's that and I feel like that Japanese guy probably broke up with her on top of that. She constantly fails and she seems to always get right back up afterwards, I mean, after the lilkitten drama, she went straight back to twitter a week later. I feel like whatever happened must've been really awful for her to be gone like this. I feel like if she was still with this guy, she'd probably post a lot about being in love or something.
Actually, now thinking about it, maybe it wasn't the guy, did she ever post about being in love with this guy? Usually, she's really quick to go on about how she's so in love, but I don't think she ever showed any sort of affection towards this guy. idk
Anyway, I think she's spoiling the illusion already. I'm sure majority of the people who follow her, follow Kota, so they probably did see Kota saying she was going to leave Japan at the end of the month. And then she happens to go quiet after the month ends.
No. 114810
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>>113917What if the teacher was a white woman and she suggested her to take elementary level classes? lmao
I just found caps of the tweets in the first thread.
>>113989lmao, I could definitely see that.
No. 114835
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lmaaaaooo just noticed that kaka was obviously copying kota's old makeup style (circa 2011) while she was in japan. If it works for kota it must also work for her rite
No. 114884
>>114835It worked for kota but it won't work for kaka tho
why? style is played out and its been done plus doesn't suit her as well as kota
i think kaka should go back to being a tanned blonde thing she looked good back then with glitter and hello kitty
im sorry but i cant picture her landing on rakuten or liz lisa any time soon
kaka please go find ur own thing
No. 114950
>>114884I agree. I think harsh makeup like that only works in pictures/videos tbh.
I still think she should either, go grunge, get into pinup style, go back to copying Lana Del Rey, or some other style where her harsh features would work. Kawaii just makes her look a lot older than what she is imo.
No. 114972
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>>114967It really is.
I think I've said this before, but she seems to mentally be stuck in the scene days with her RaNdUmB and "quirky" sense of humor/act. I bet she probably still likes this picture
No. 115022
>>115018I do agree with you for the most part. I don't think she can become a model almost anywhere though. I could see her doing alternative modeling or modeling for some small stores, but that's really it. She's way too short for modeling. Other than that, she doesn't have the right personality for modeling. I can see her getting upset with every little thing and being super picky about who she'd work for. Like if someone used products that weren't vegan/cruelty-free on her, she'd probably have a meltdown. I could also see her being like Taylor and turning down jobs just because she doesn't personally like the look they want for her.
I think she can really succeed with anything she's tried if she stuck with them. Even lilkitten could have succeeded, if she just kept her cool and kept going on with it, I'm sure there would be people stupid enough to buy stuff from her.
No. 115025
>>114959Yet the bitch cries about people not respecting
her boundaries
If they have done that to kaka she'd be like OMG DEY RAPED MEEEE I'M A VICTIM HELP PLZ!!!!1!
No. 115095
>>115018I wouldn't want to save her in the first place.
She's never apologised nor shown an inkling of remorse for any of the crap she's pulled, from the racism to the stalking to lies and plagiarism, and yet she has the gall to accuse people like US of being the bad guys when she had like a fucking 3GB cache of users info and data and screencaps on her little failed blog.
I have never in all my years heard her say "whoops guys sorry I fucked up, my bad", so she can burn.
She deserves this.
No. 115147
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>>111280Damn, Dakota's sister is at it again..
No. 115158
>>115147Kek she is still lurking PULL then?
No. 115215
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are the sleeping people in her videos drugged or something? why don't they wake up from her scratching a marker on them?
oh god i missed kiki so much. she's my fav lolcow forever
No. 115252
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>>114959I feel like this video is simply the following of this 3 months old one : Mustache looks exactly the same… Shirt is the same…
No. 115269
>>115147heh? she removed that video, but not the first one I posted. Why not that one too?
>>115171I posted the link to that video 6 days ago. Damn, she keeps up with these threads even while supposedly away from the internet
No. 115329
>>115252I think you're right.
>>115267Tbh, I don't think so. I don't even think he was her "bae" to begin with. If she was actually in a relationship with him, she wouldn't be sneaky about filming him. Plus with every other guy she ever talked to, she immediately starts going on about love and sometimes the things that the guy does for her (like the one post about the guy writing a love letter for her), she never did it with this guy. She was going on about sexy monks or something, when she first started posting these videos of him.
No. 115633
>>115329Yup, she's full of shit. If she wanted to show off her ~bae~ why not take videos of the two of them together, doing something together or just…being awake? Instead she’s mostly just posted photos and video that she snuck of him while he was asleep.
I find it really sad that she couldn’t find a single thing to do in Japan, not even with another person.
No. 115708
>>115672Mentioned here
>>115215I say everyone should like and demand the video. It'll be fun to watch her squirm as she makes up an excuse to not do it.
I love how she implies she is totally fluent enough to be in a relationship with a Japanese guy as if we did not all see him speaking English. I am sure most of their communication was in English.
No. 115790
>>115633I agree. Though she does have like 2 videos of him awake, but he doesn't even look aware of what's going on. They're at some space related thing.
>>115708I think we should demand it as well, other than the fact the guy would most likely refuse. If she actually goes through with it, imagine how much of a hot mess her Japanese will be.
Ikr, I love how she even mentions that at all like speaking two languages would even bother anyone, she's just trying to make sure everyone knows she totes speaks Japanese.
I definitely think she didn't even bother with Japanese the entire trip tbh, her Japanese would've greatly improved if that were the case. Like I think she only said basic things in Japanese, but she never bothered trying to communicate with someone there. Like you mentioned, her ~bae~ was speaking English to her. If I was in her position, I'd insist he speak nothing but Japanese even if I couldn't understand a word of it.
No. 115803
"come on dakota put on this bunny mascot suit and dance while i talk to the camera and do weird shit
maniacle cackle, snort No. 116343
>>116342Anyone wanna investigate? I think this video is either:
1. Actually in Japan from when she was there and she's now in Florida.
2. She is back in the US, Cathy has let this guy stay in the family home, posting videos she just took and has flipped the video to make it appear that the car is right-hand drive.
Forgive me if I'm stupid but this is just my observation.
No. 116346
>>116343I think this was just a video from when she was there. I think it would be illegal for him to drive since I've heard if you go somewhere where they drive on the opposite side of the road, you have to get a new license there even if you already have one in your own country. I could be wrong though, but even Kota has said she has a license in America and wants to get one in Japan.
I don't think he would ever visit her in America since I really don't think they're dating. I know she met his family and all, but she could've just been staying with them after her sugar daddy stopped paying for the place she was staying at. In that video at that space thing, he looked so bored and even walked away when she was trying to be funny.
>>116334Also is it just me or does she really seem to be sneaking her filming here? Like her camera keeps going down after each short clip.
No. 116375
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Seems she is desperate for YouTube views again because her life depends on it money wise.
No. 116510
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>>116375>One formal videoDoes that mean she's going to do a vlog type thing? I wonder how she'll pull that off since we're going to notice her background is her room back at home. Unless she was planning this thing for months and did these videos while she was in Japan. And even if she did that, we'd still know because she only had a couple outfits there.
No. 116511
>>116375she's just going to become yet another jvlogger. boringggg. but it'll be funny because she doesn't know what she's talking about, like mira.
she's fully intending to live in japan and may even be there now, though she definitely left for a while since kota said she was going to. she's either in florida or has been in florida for the past couple months and is on her way back to japan.
the guy in the video may be her boyfriend, idk, but that video was probably from her last trip, and not super recent. he is wearing the same outfit he was wearing in the museum. kind of like he was wearing the same outfit in the two sleeping videos. it's possible he's just super-minimalist but since he's not traveling and would likely have all his clothes there idk, i feel like there would be evidence he wears other clothes lol.
i will agree with the other anon…it always seems like she's sneaking video. i don't think it's a serious relationship and i think she knows that so she sneaks.
with that said she keeps talking blatantly about her boyfriend on twitter and shit so i'm sure he knows by now that she refers to him as such and posts videos and nothing has happened yet. but, we don't know what's going on behind the scenes – if he's asking her to stop with that or what. kiki would not pull down a video that got her attention even if it did infringe someone else's privacy.
idk man idk.
No. 116523
she would have to actually work to be able to release 2 videos a week on a regular schedule.
if she does start it, i imagine it'll last a max two weeks.
No. 116542
>>116526She didn't have as many lies to potentially cover up back then, and she actually was doing some stuff. She knew we knew she lived in Florida, she was just trying to be a dubstep artist and a vegan and that was basically all she talked about.
Now she's got to convince us she is living in Japan longterm, tell us what she's actually doing there (and it can't be modeling or something because people would ask her for photos), explain why even though she's in Japan she's not hanging out with her sister, and she has this may-or-may-not-be boyfriend.
She's not even really doing anything. That's the thing. People followed her because she was a scene queen, then she was into fashion/music/vegan/fashion/music/crystals, now she's just literally hanging out in Japan. She's not serious about her music or anything and in fact sold all her equipment. All she's really talked about doing lately is learning Japanese (which we know she isn't any good at) and living in Japan despite not giving a fuck about even as much as something like Akiba like other weebs. So I'm just curious what exactly she's going to claim she's doing with her time.
I could see her making a bunch of videos in a hotel in Japan and posting them over the course of a few months but at a rate of two videos per week she is bound to run out. What is she even going to talk about? She can't talk about "dating in Japan" since she has a boyfriend, she can post more videos from cat cafes I guess, but she won't even do as much as namedrop vegan restaurants for her followers. She's literally doing nothing.
No. 116551
>>116542This. She's tried making videos once a week last after the lilkitten thing and literally all she talked about was poop and bathrooms. She knows nothing about Japan and literally has no interest in the country so I don't see her becoming a jvlogger at all tbh.
>>116545She has on her personal facebook that she lives in Japan. She doesn't outright say it on twitter because she knows people will point it out, she just ignores all the comments asking about her living there. I'm pretty sure she also got Kota to edit her blog post that said when she was leaving because now the post says nothing about her.
No. 116555
>>116545Probably because she never mentioned when she was leaving Japan, avoided all questions about how long she’s going to be in Japan, and never responds to anyone when they ask her if she’s living there. She spent her entire trip trying to make it sound like she’s living there long term.
Plus she’s been quiet for ages, probably because she doesn’t want to post anything that will make it obvious she’s back in Florida. If she wasn’t trying to convince people, she would just be posting as normal.
No. 116558
>>116545I guess everyone here is just used to her constantly lying about everything :P
I'm looking at her retweeting other people's tweets praising her and it reminds me of one of the interviews Lorde did when Royals just got known and she was like "yeah I'm still getting used to Twitter etiquette, my friend say we are not suppose
To retweet people's appraisal at you. You'd just fav"
Like, thank you. Kiki, take notes
No. 116593
>>116551looool. i didn't know that kota edited the blog.
i just feel like any normal person who just moved to a new country would be taking/posting HELLA pictures, EVERYWHERE. i know i would and i'm not even a "take pictures of everything" person. especially if she was so bent on proving haters wrong. it's pretty clear it's all a lie.
wish we had some inside source but she has no friends lmao.
No. 116616
>>116523I have a theory: Keekz didn't post a lot while she was in Japan right? But I bet she took a fuck ton of pictures and "daily life" kind of videos and has been amassing them to slowly upload to social media to stretch out her ~I live in Japan~ bs, and that's why she's been off social media for a little while. Or maybe she's setting up her room to look like it's in Japan to film videos in.
She's so delusional I don't even know.
No. 116650
>>116593I feel like after Kota made that blog post, she got really salty made this tweet
>>68174 to get back at Kota. Since that tweet was removed pretty quickly and I know after that I found out that Kota edited her blog post.
>>116622I wonder as well. I definitely think something happened there and she had another mental breakdown, so she decided to stay off the internet for a while. I think she decided to not go on the internet and vent her feelings because she wanted to keep up this facade that she has this perfect life in Japan or some shit.
No. 116665
>>116653>>116650>>68174hahaha, I saw when she posted that and at the time it was weird/random considering she never followed up on it and never wants to talk about Dakota anyway. Now it seems a lot more ill-intentioned.
People who think Dakota and Kiki don't have some kind of strained relationship are crazy. I wouldn't say they hate each other, and I'm sure Dakota felt obligated to hang out with her while she was in Japan, but they don't seem nearly as close as they used to.
I mean, Kiki was there for 3 months and as far as we know, they only hung out like once. They never took photos together. I know Kota potentially has weird contract things where she can't have her picture taken but even things like a picture of the table where they're eating together, picture of their feet, something like that. I'm not mega close to my brother but if he lived in a foreign country that I happened to be visiting for 3 months I would probably be trying to hang out more than once, or at least see if he could show me around.
A timeline:
>She hung out with her sugar daddy for the first ~month>Stayed at an extended-stay apartment/hotel claiming it was her new apartment.>Some people suggest it could have just been Scott since he had gone with her last time.>Went to do really lame stuff like a press conference for something she never expressed interest in, sumo wrestling, etc.>Switched hotels, made tweets about being alone in Tokyo (implying no one was with her, no sugar daddy, no Scott, no Kota)>Talked about a hot monk.>Around this point she posted a video on instagram of some Japanese guy. It was deleted. He was a jewelry designer. NOT her bae.>Despite never mentioning him even indirectly before, started posting videos with her BAE, Tako-chan.>There are only two distinct outfits he has been documented wearing in 4 different super-short videos that seem to be from the same day and taken sneakily/while he was sleeping.>Also during this time, she met his family (which seems strange to me to meet them so fast but whatev)>Hung out with Kota at least once for her birthday.>Kota made a blog entry about it saying Kiki would be leaving at the end of the month, which it no longer says.>Kiki made a passive aggressive tweet offering to do a Q&A about Kota.>Kiki posted about cats and stuff and then dropped off the face of the earth around the time she was supposed to leave Japan, only to come back 2 months later with videos about her boyfriend and promises of new videos.There are a few videos taken shaky-cam style of her surroundings implying she was with another person but it could have been Kota or Taku. What a boring trip.
Love how she calls him "-chan" like he's a little boy/girl lol.
No. 116668
>>116665This. And I don't think they even hung out the first time she went to Japan. She was on twitter asking tons of questions like where the "punk" scene is (she thinks she was punk in the scene days and that people would recognize her, lol) when she literally has a sister who lives there and could easily tell her.
Also I still think she was just staying with his family after the sugar daddy left her. Like you said, it seems way too fast for him to introduce her to his family like that and watching the videos of him with her, he just doesn't seem interested in her at all whatsoever.
>>116667 No. 116676
>>116665>>116669same anon as these…worth mentioning:
according to instagram, she had just left her previous hotel at the beginning of february.
the next few days she posts pics and videos from the same day (rilakkuma videos) and a picture of matcha soup that has been proven as stolen from some blog. the end of february she spammed some sailor moon crap, one of those pics is proven stolen from kota's blog.
first video with taku is march 13, the first video where she drew the moustache on his face and picture with his family is 5 days later on march 17. 2 days later she posts another video of him sleeping (in his underwear…wtf) on march 19.
the other videos of him with drawings on his face/in the car are posted after that. the "boondock sainted da bae" video corresponds with previous moustache video and the "trap queen" video he's got the same outfit on as the family photo and museum video.
there's no real indication that she even saw him after march 19th other than her mentioning it later/posting old videos.
kiki posted the passive aggressive tweet on march 25. this is shortly before she was scheduled to leave according to dakota and her disappearance.
>>116672I was actually just thinking of this. I was thinking what if she just like went on airbnb after getting kicked out of her nice hotel arrangement and found this? lolol.
there's actually no real indication she even slept with him. just videos of him sleeping on a bed and all the videos are taken while he's sleeping…
No. 116692
>>116685That's true.
No. 116694
>>116633>posts about animal rights, which I don't think a fake would care aboutSince Kiki has always posted a crapton about animal rights, wouldn't any remotely decent catfish also do so?
All the friends seem very random too, I'm not really convinced that this is her real profile.
No. 116718
>>116691I thought -chan was reserved for young children (either gender) or a cute term for girls, -kun is for men.
I don't speak Japanese tho, just watch the animes. It doesn't seem like any guys over the age of like 14 are referred to with -chan unless the person doing it is trying to talk down to them.
No. 116766
>>116724ok i think this is all very subjective and depends who you hang out with.'
i hear kun used plenty around my friends. maybe because they are men. maybe girls dont call their male friends kun, but i definitely hear the word. theyre definitely not gonna say chan or san amongst men
No. 117038
>>117030I get the impression he's always either bored, passed out drunk or simply uninterested by her. Maybe he just shies away from social media.
Idk, there isn't much to say when he has only been seen sleeping, walking away from her at the space thing or singing rap music… Without even looking at her like "haha we are making a music video"
No. 117104
doesn't she pretty much always one-sidedly decide she's in a relationship with a guy without him knowing about it and then get mad when he's like "hey…no."
No. 117200
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"Life in Japan"
Oh my fucking god, is she for real?
She was there for THREE MONTHS only, and all she did was staying in a hotel room, sleeping with some Japanese manwhore who has already moved on.
Bitch doesn't know shit about living in Japan.
No. 117201
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>>117200I kind of actually want a video like that, to see how awfully inaccurate it will be, and how "GLORIOUS NIPPON" she will make it out as.
And I hope she does this boyfriend tag, I guess we all want to know more (even if she'll obviously lie about stuff).
No. 117243
>>117200but anon, she lives there now. she's there as we speak with her japanese boyfurendo.
>inb4 she claims she has the special secret gaijin visa mira has that allows you to live there permanently while not having a jobi'm torn. i want to laugh at her life in japan videos but i feel like i would just be raging the whole time. she should stick to her vegan stuff.
No. 117261
>>117257Her fans will probably be like "Take us on a video tour around the vegan friendly side of Tokyo!"
And she'll be all "Err… Did someone say they wanna see a video about my harness? I think someone said that. I'm going with that."
No. 117265
>>117264"people remembered my zomg striped hair myspace days"
yes because myspace was ever relevant in japan
No. 117287
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>>117265But scene was until few years ago, pic related.
No. 117298
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>>117291I was looking for the tweets on the wayback machine since there was no way I was gonna go all the way through her twitter looking for them and found these gems, lmao
No. 117301
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>>117298found the tweets, didn't realize I could just look up "mmmkikikannibal scene" on twitter to find them. Idk why it says one of the tweets was made in March of last year though
No. 118047
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$20 She'll try to make it look like she JUST came back from Japan
No. 118050
>>118047tokyo is fucking awesome with tons of shit to do and i 99.9% guarantee she sat in her room the whole time, not enjoying anything the city has to offer, wallowing in her narcissism indoors, wondering why no one caters to her beauty and complaining the japanese dont cater to her special needs.
thats why she's sooo grateful to be back in FL. no one with pitiful self esteem escapes their hometown and suddenly finds themselves abroad. no, your pre-existing issues follow you wherever you escape to.
No. 118056
>>118050This is sad to say, okay but does anyone ever remember Brat dolls? If so, what about the Tokyo-go-go range? Okay, yeah. I was a fan and I had those. I liked the idea of Tokyo because of those dolls, yeah, sad.
Point is.. IF I WERE IN KEEZ SHOES. I'd have been absolutely fucking ecstatic! You're in Tokyo for gods sake! SO MUCH TO DO AND SO MUCH TO SEE. Yet, she's sat there drawing faces on some random dude! Christ.
Fuck it, I'm going later this year anyway. But oh my god, why do people get these opportunities and fucking waste them?! Honestly, it's annoying.
ALSO how did she get to know this guy btw?
No. 118057
>>118047'concrete jungle'
speaks for its self
No. 118058
>>117200It's just because the japan fad is in atm and kiki cannot not be part of it, s'yeah and having a lolicon sister helps boost it up too
No. 118072
>Hell, she could even take a fashion or design degree, do something with that and look at Tokyo internships. But she won't.That's kind of a stretch. To get an internship she'd need to be completely fluent in Japanese (which takes years), and even then there would be issues with visas and the fact that applying for internships/jobs in japan is a completely different system.
>But kota is only just starting out, this is just the beginning and if she plays her cards right then maybe it'll turn out well for her. Not wanting to see the girl fail, I just hope what's she is doing works out.Lmao "Starting out" is a salty understatement. Dakota's had too many modeling jobs, television appearances, interviews and campaign deals under her belt to be called "starting out". She's not just stock gaijin model– her product is her name as much as her physicality. In that sense, the success she's garnered is actually extremely unusual. Seeing all this a year ago I was under the impression that she'd actually peak too soon and fade into obscurity within the year, but she's actually been doing well enough lately that I doubt it.
No. 118103
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>>118047Part of me is surprised she said anything negative about Japan and part of me feels like she's only saying it as an excuse when everyone notices she's at home in the video she's supposedly posting Tuesday.
Granted, she was kinda hinting that she didn't like Japan with that this tweet and she did complain a bit about some things.
I wonder if she's going to say she turned down being a model there because she missed home so much as well. Someone should ask her what ever happened to being "scouted."
>>118079I think so as well. I was expecting her to post tons of google translate Japanese when she came back, but I think she may even be quitting with that. I think if she was still trying to speak Japanese, she would've tried to reply to that one Japanese person who posted about her since she can't resist showing off.
No. 118419
>>118057>>118047dearest kiki,
tokyo is actually really fucking unique in that if you need to only step a few blocks outside the major shopping districts and wam bam you are in a quaint quiet neighborhood or even, whoah imagine this, a park. there are some nice parks and shrines since you are so spiritual buddhist earth mama. but alas you did god knows what in your 3 months there.
No. 120899
why would you put such a private video like this one youtube? step in making your relationship fail from the start.