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No. 120260
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LOL I literally just came back from reading an article on this. Honestly, she looked convincingly black in only one photo. The rest she looked obviously white. Her face shape, facial features, etc are not black at all. And she has blue eyes. In this pic she looks like a white woman with a really burnt tan. The only thing convincing is the hair. this is serious public humiliation though, I don't think her parents are aware what kind of storm they've brewed up.
No. 120264
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>>120260tbh she doesn't even look convincingly black in that one. She's clearly a middle aged white woman in an afro.
How did this shit fly?
No. 120266
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>>120264this is the "convincingly black" photo I was talking about, I posted the above pic as one of the ones where she looks clearly white
No. 120272
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I am white but not white for racist-chans and I look sorta like her but not old and wrinkly. People have mistaken me for a biracial person many times. I dont tan or have perms btw. But still she is hilarious
>>120266 No. 120277
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i swear to god, i really didn't want to believe people could be this dumb
No. 120278
>>120277that last one killed me
>your race is what you say it is, not what society tells you it isLORD RECEIVE ME, I'M DEAD
No. 120281
>>120278They arent wrong though about the last line.
I feel that Rachel made complications for real biracial girls even harder.
No. 120282
>>120281She really fucking did. She had me convinced she was biracial for a minute too, and then i saw her face. This is the shit "black Tumblr" should get pissed off about right here.
>>120260Blacks can have blue eyes, even without being biracial.
No. 120286
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extremely, extremely, extremely rare. a baby who was born with it literally became a model star because of it, so it's one in a couple million. the chances of this lady being full black and having it are really damn suspicious. even for a biracial, it's still rare. With all her efforts in trying to be black, at most I would only guess that she was quadroon.
No. 120287
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>>120277Christ. This really is going to end up like that South Park episode.
No. 120289
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doesn't this mean that PT is a transracial as well?
No. 120291
>>120286There's this biracial guy in my class who looks otherwsie black but has bluish-green eyes. He has a little sister with green eyes, too. His older sister has dark brown eyes, though.
Both their parents are biracial too IIRC. Makes me wonder about genetics.
No. 120297
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>>120291Genetics is a funny thing. There are a few biracial twins (black&white) whom one look white while another looks black. Also, white passing POC is not that uncommon. I guess that's how this woman gets a pass. (did she claim to be biracial? that's more 'believable')
Reminds me of actress Troian Bellisario whose mother is black. I have no idea until somebody told me and I checked her wiki
No. 120301
>>120297>>120298Can confirm, am biracial and so many people do not know/think I am. I look a lot like my father and when I was little, I even had blondeish hair (that was super curly)
I have kinky hair, of course, a bit of my mother's facial features but I have a fairly 'european' face with a small nose, but yeah. I'm half-black fully. I mean, I have pictures of my mother and I together and sometimes people are like 'whoa, are you sure you're not adopted?' It's kind of annoying to me.
I know what I am, thanks. And it doesn't matter what race I am, really, and I don't care but yeah. To be told 'you're not black' because you don't look it is pretty disheartening sometimes.
No. 120304
>>120301I know thats why people who agree with
>>120277 >>120278 are stupid. I have a bit of black ancestry a long time ago but if I dont identify as black no one should tell me I'm biracial.
No. 120305
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>>120298I doubt it. Her mother looks mixed, though.
This guy, Jay Smooth is also half-black (father side)
No. 120306
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>>120297this is her mom. um yyyeeaahhhh people will label her as black. but this wasn't at all what I was expecting. she's very light skinned, she actually looks like a mulatto
No. 120307
>>120304The last line*
Society cant tell you who you are, you yourself know who you are unless you craycray like Rachel.
No. 120310
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>>120306According to her wiki, her parents are both African-American/Creole
No. 120315
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>>120314Thank you. Picture related is an Arab model. Nothing wrong with looking Arab, people think we're ugly but we're really not. Drake looks like an ugly Arab tho
No. 120321
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>>120318Why? she is a huge lolcow.
No. 120326
>>120317Arabs all over the world look different. But she unmistakenly looks Arab.
>>120320That's possible.
>>120319No I'm Arab…
Anyways lets not go offtopic and talk about her
No. 120332
>>120329Haha i know I read that in the news. The man who was questioning her father was speculating that as well. He snitched her before her parents snitched her.
>>120327It doesnt really matter xd
No. 120335
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looks like she has a biracial baby of her own
No. 120343
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>>120340Yes I'm sure. Plenty of dark skinned people be light skinned babies but this guy is just a light skinned black boy/now man.
No. 120344
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PT can learn so much from her. Poor black man just thought he was just taking a picture with this white lady. This is why…I love America.
No. 120351
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>Dolezal again spoke about the abuse she had endured as a child to the Easterner. She said she was born in a tepee, and the family hunted with bows and arrows. She also described living in South Africa.
No. 120353
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this must be the fake hate crime stuff. who would put this in their bio though, it looks unprofessional
No. 120359
"The Dolezals, it should be noted, are a family divided. Parents Lawrence and Ruthanne and brothers Ezra and Zach do not speak with their sister because, they say, she alleged abuse in the family and obtained custody of her 21-year-old brother Izaiah. Izaiah, who is black, lives with Rachel Dolezal in Spokane — and Rachel says he is her son, the family alleged.
“Izaiah always was her favorite child,” Ezra Dolezal said. “… She turned Izaiah kind of racist. Told Izaiah all this stuff about white people, made him really racist toward white people.”"
>>120351she is a blackaboo
>>120356Because racist-chans don't believe people with brown eyes/dark hair can be white. And wait what's wrong with people thinking you're Turkish?
No. 120365
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>>120352She actually told people it's her son
No. 120366
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No. 120374
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>>120359>racist-chans don't believe people with brown eyes/dark hair can be whitenot true. Hitler was obsessed with the original Snow White movie and look at her. the major reason anon is doubted is probably because they have olive skin, like that girl. it's a much bigger factor than hair/eye color.
No. 120379
>>120377Probably not whatever board you're referring to. i'm excluding the retarded blonde fetishists who think only Nordics are white when I say this btw.
>>120373you left out the white skin part. skin + features.
No. 120382
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>>120380Audrey Tautou. French. Black hair, dark brown eyes
No. 120414
>>120407>>120396Race is more concrete compared to gender, but its still sort of a social construct, in a way. Your race is, for the most part, defined by bone structure and skin tone, but the identification for some people gets changed throughout their lifetime because they are mixed or don't look like a typical race. When viewing legal documents on identification of individuals, you can see that things start to merge and "grey" areas come about here and there. Although race is known to be identified via bone structure and skin tone, there is still a grey line in some areas.
Gender and sex are two different things. Sex is biological, gender is more of a socially constructed identification of the self.
I hope this is understandable; I'm pretty tired and probably shouldn't have posted until I was more awake.
No. 120419
>>120409Oh man you are gonna get btfo one day by people who don't understand terminology.
I tried to explain this to some meninist dude one day and got told to "go back to Tumblr" kek
No. 120435
>>120409But people do have biological, chromosomal differences between what we define as "male" and "female," and if there's a deviation somewhere that's how intersexed "genders" come to be.
If you're saying that the chromosomal difference is there but the constructed labels that we assign to gender aren't real, then how is it any different than an asian individual getting plastic surgery to look white, or vice versa? If all that matters is looks, then why is it a big deal for a white person to kink their hair and make themselves darker? Yes, there are chromosomal differences between race, but many would argue that race is a construct as well.
I don't see how it's a weak argument.
No. 120446
>>120435Chromosomal difference isn't what defines sex in the first place, this is a really common misconception. The definition we use (XX = female, XY = male) only holds true for mammals. Birds use completely different chromosomes, ZW and ZZ, where the double is actually male.
The only definition of sex that holds true for every single species on the planet is how your sex cells (Sperm and egg) Behave. If you have large and immobile sex cells, you're female. If you have small and mobile, you're male. That's all there is to it.
No. 120455
>>120450Not meant to you.
Meant for all the anons who complain about this genderfucked/racefucked issue.
No. 120456
>>120446>only holds true for mammalsI understand that, but in this case we are talking about humans, not birds or fish.
What about the other half of what I said?
>>120440Hank Hill you silly bastard.
No. 120467
>>120456Well, it's not what defines sex in any species including humans. Neither are looks. An intersex person is called that because they have secondary SEXual characteristics from both sexes. But their actual sex would be defined by what gametes they produce.
Realistically speaking, if humans were actually taxonomically classified properly race as an idea wouldn't exist. The different races of people would be defined as entirely different species. A real scientific definition doesn't really exist atm, because it offends to many people - they're starting to realise it's basically a way of saying species without the offensive connotations. So yeah, in a way you're right, the definition we have of race currently is just a construct. But it's not because differences between ethnicities of people don't exist, it's because we're not allowed to acknowledge them.
No. 120493
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>>120252Somewhat related, this guy has been trolling SJW's related to transracial shit in the UK. Shit's hilarious. No. 120515
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I just gotta say, this is probably this most civil thread discussing race and gender I've seen on lolcow.
No. 120527
>>120504lol I personally dont think I look half black but many others do. It's probably because of my tan skin and 3c hair. I have a grandma who looks sorta black though but I dont think that makes me black. Many people would say this model looks black
>>120315 but I personally think she looks Arab, just like me. Also you're being off-topic.
No. 120537
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This is making me dead though!
No. 120561
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I've been kind of torn when it comes to this.
To start off, I come from a position where I think being trans-ethic is bullshit, and totally support the idea of being transgendered.
Transgender - James
I was trying to find someone on Youtube (Willam made fun of them for being super pale and having corn for teeth, but I can't find them. James something? I'm going to use male pronouns because I don't know the current situation). He made a video a couple of months ago about deciding to go through with transitioning - he was personally happy with being androgynous, having a female face and a boy body. However he received abuse in public for looking the way he did, so he made the decision to transition to just be like whatever I'm a woman.
Transgendered - Jazz
Jazz is a child who displayed transgendered tendencies as a child, refusing to wear boy clothes and wanting to be referred using female pronouns. A child can recognise their gender as young as 3 I think?
Genderfuck - transgendered vs drag queen?
Sorry for the lack of FtM references, because there are less of them. 1/3 transgendered people are biological females, this could be because there is more pressure for men to be masculine and not be like women. Women can be masculine and not be shit on as much as a man being feminine, so that line is kinda blurred.
Something that's not blurred is being in drag and being transgendered. This can be seen in Willam v.s. Carmen Carrera. Willam is in drag for money, Carmen saw herself on drag race and said something along the lines of "that isn't me" when she realised she was transgendered.
It makes COMPLETE logical sense that if you can identify as another gender you can identify with another race. However it doesn't take into consideration of culture and history. (shit i'm getting bored of writing this)
ergh I'm gonna cut it short by a few points, which may mean something or nothing.
- A Brazilian man completely reconstructed his face to look Korean, people gave a shit about him for 2 minutes
- there something off about someone white wanting to be black considering the history. she's riding on the coat tails of being african american, without having to go through the struggle. this makes her a racist.
- Gender is a spectrum, that is pretty simple and personal. Race is not just biology but also includes cultural history.
No. 120584
>>120544Not the same anon you're responding, but I'm going to refer to myself as that from now on.
Funny thing is this bitch isn't even warm toned, so any attempts at "tanning" (she's doing it wrong) is obvious.
No. 120585
>>120581White is most attractive race.
I rest my case.
No. 120586
No. 120590
>>120582That post is quoting
>>120446 and
>>120467 who is pretty clearly an anti-science SJW.
No. 120599
>>120590Oh my God you are retarded. SJW hate the idea of any solid definition of race and the idea of biological sex, why they fuck would they believe any of this this? This is all stuff you could go and find on the front page of /pol/ right now.
3/10 for taking me on a ruse cruise and getting me to reply.
No. 120602
>>120585Dumb, unintelligent person decided to visit today.
Will post every attractive ethnic person I can find, jerk.
No. 120604
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No. 120605
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No. 120607
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No. 120608
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No. 120610
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No. 120613
>>120599>>120446 is basically saying that "there's no real definition of sex".
>>120467 appears to be the same the same anon and says that difference races are separate species. That's not SJW but consolidates their anti-science position.
There are also posts above those where multiple anons claim that gender is a social construct.
Next time read the whole thread to see what arguments have been happening before you unleash the insults.
Admittedly it's hard to discern which anon is which when the timestamps are only accurate to an hour, but at the time it was pretty clearly 1-2 SJWs.
No. 120615
>>120570I was that anon you coon
I'm just OK'd your ass because I dont care
No. 120616
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>>120612People who see whites as being more attracted are brainwashed idiots who watch too much tv, or people obsessed with 'holly-weird'.
White women age faster than anyone else also. Just because white women (especially here on lolcow) as a majority are attention whores who wish everyone will bow down and kiss their ass (via social media) doesn't mean there aren't attractive ethnics around. I'm so Sick of whites thinking they are the sh** everywhere they go.
No. 120618
> what is personal taste?Its fine for someone to
think whites are the most attractive, because they have the features that person is attracted too. Same goes for someone who thinks another race of people would be the most attractive.
I'm tired of retards on both sides going "white women da prettiest, no u fag black women is". Both of y'all need to not fucking shove your tastes down everyones throat and not derail.
No. 120624
>>120612>>120616Whiteness isn't what people consider attractive, it's neotenism that the human eye perceives as attractive. Caucasian and Asian females are more likely to have neotenous features, therefore that's where the whole stereotype of "whites are more attractive" comes into play. Features of neoteny are: large and lighter colored eyes (even black babies have blue eyes when born), prominant limbal rings, smooth and healthy looking skin, and smaller facial features. Lighter skin is also perceived as neotenous, as babies usually start out having less pigment and gradually gaining more pigment, which I guess could be considered more of a "white" trait, even though asians and middle eastern people can have light skin.
People are attracted to people they perceive as young and healthy, which is why PT for instance is not usually considered childlike or pretty, because she isn't healthy looking nor neotenous. It's also why
>>120616 is perceived as unattractive. She has large, disproportionate features, unhealthy looking skin, and weird-shaped eyes. She doesn't look young or healthy.
No. 120627
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>>120616wow, white women are all old hags? jeeze, good work warding off racist-chan by being the other side of the racist coin
totally not hypocritical
No. 120631
>>120618THANK YOU
i want all these idiots to leave this site and drown in their self-hatred somewhere else
nobody is inherently more attractive just because their race. if anyone thinks otherwise maybe you should kill yourself
No. 120633
>>120621It's fucking derailing you dumb cunt. The thread is about this transnigger bitch, not about our personal preferences on races.
This is /pt/ where we laugh at dumb bitches. If you want a free-for-all, go to /b/
No. 120639
>>120637>>120636>>120634all of you should kill yourself
stop de-railing with your "aaaaa evil whiteys ahhhhh white devil boogeyman ahhh" jesus. take your self loathing to another place that gives a damn
No. 120642
>>120634wow, someone is experiencing asspain
we dont care about your "fighting racism" crap. you are derailing the thread
No. 120644
>>120641https:/ /
No. 120645
>>120641>all you whiteys are racist>says niggersstop samefagging
nobody is buying it
leave and stop derailing it you cazy, delusional hag
No. 120646
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>>120515Great, you jinxed it. Now look the retarded shitstorm we have.
This is why we can't have nice things. I might as well throw fuel on the fire.
No. 120648
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>>120624Then this person should be attractive because she has a literal babyface.
No. 120652
>>120648Her face is disproportionate, her eyes are beady, and her skin looks like shit.
>>120608>>120605have neotenous faces, for instance.
No. 120653
>>120624Her eyes are actually incredibly large, negro.
It's one of the freakish parts of her. Think of Attack on Titan.
No. 120657
>>120653you too loli
take your ugly ass face somewhere else
you arent helping anyone
No. 120658
>>120656why do these idiots even try? it's 99%
"emergerd white is best"
"nu bitc, is black"
"asian is like animu ther4 is bes"
No. 120667
>>120657Not loli. Who was that bitch again?
And sorry Anon I was originally responding to. I thought you meant Pixy's eyes were small, not that woman in the photo.
Looks like we have another tumblr v. … well who doesn't tumblr fight with?
Can we laugh at OP's cow again? It was going pretty well for awhile.
No. 120682
>>120677>>120634WHICH ONE OF YOU IS BAITING?!?
What kind of faggorty is this? Get over your ideas of the Master Race, it failed.
And other anon, stfu about your lack of privilege. It isn't you against whitey. Your perceived antagonism against that there pale is skin is probably your own lack of talent. Go away, tumblr.
Don't you faggots have middle ground? You're either constipated or having the runs in /pt/.
No. 120694
>>120691What really rubs me the wrong way is that does she REALLY need to "identify as black"? She could kink her hair, tan, do all the shit she does now but still be honest that she's white. Though I guess if you're a whitey the hair and tanning would get you labeled as racist. And light skin black women who say I'm white, I'm white have been ridiculed for years both inside and outside their communities.
Shits's fucked.
No. 120703
>>120602All races have their beautiful women, but I'm really only into white/Asian girls.
Arabs r 2 hairy for me.
No. 120708
>>120616As a Jew, a lot of white people reject us even though we have similar features. Jews are just whites with some nose and ears.
I'm only attracted to whites/asians, as I said. There are beautiful black and latina women though.
No. 120709
>>120634Dude, you're the one who started this with your ratchet white girl anger. No one was saying that black people are ugly. There's a stereotype that black women are jealous of white women, and it's not entirely unearned. White girls never feel the need to compare themselves to black girls out of the blue and it's very rare that I've seen it happen.
Everywhere I've ever been that has black women goes into a rampage anytime a white woman is mentioned. All the fucking time.
No. 120713
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STOP FUCKING DERAILING THE THREAD JUST BECAUSE SOME RACIALLY SENSITIVE ASSWHIPE TOOK AN EASY, ONE SENTENCE BAIT. Just stop replying already and they'll shut up. Look, this bitch has spoken again
No. 120721
>>120711You're a pathetic, Tumblr-esque nigger.
Do I state my claim properly?
if you're so offended by being called white.
Go take your privilege card elsewhere.
No. 120728
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>>120721>>120677Betty page aged fast, she quit after a while because she started to look haggard. You are a dunce. Marylin monroe wasn't natural in any way either. so hush
No. 120734
>>120728Omg people get unattractive as they age?
They didn't have shoop back then, though, you sound like a jelly.
No. 120735
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No. 120748
>>120747lmfao…alright, put the bitch through the ringer and make her feel true black feels of oppression.
what the fuck kind of feels make you feel like you are a different ethnicity?
No. 120749
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>>120728I'm pretty sure everyone ages. Perhaps you've watched too much anime so you think asians look like they're 12 forever in their life?? Marilyn monroe always looked gorgeous. She had a tiny nose surgery. wow she's so "fake" lmao
No. 120750
>>120747Hey now, I ain't tumblr. Wiggers and weaboos are just funny as fuck with a touch of delusional.
And before anyone gets into an appropriation battle of "wits," it goes both ways. Black people and Mexicans (I'm an ole spic), do not appreciate you using over-enunciated, "proper" English. In ze ghetto it's called "talking white" and it'll get your ass kicked.
^Yes, yes, white is norm, blah blah oppression, but tell that to all the white kids I saw get beat down on a daily basis for being a "white pussy."
No. 120754
>>120749ok we get it. white women are hot and everyone else looks like shit, and non-white person who is pretty is trying to look white. why do you feel the need to keep trying to prove something that is told to everyone from the day they are pushed out of their moms sex hole?
>>120748Shes kind of like a black wannabe version of ahripop. if ahri had the money im sure she would move to some remoted area, get plastic surgery and start pretending to be half korean.
No. 120756
>>120754I never said that wtf you really seem insecure. nobody said non-white women looked like shit. i was trying to prove that marilyn monroe is not fake. Also,
>why do you feel the need to keep trying to prove something that is told to everyone from the day they are pushed out of their moms sex hole?Yeah, no. I disagree. Tons of people I know think black women are more beautiful and etc. Not everyone thinks that white women look "better"
No. 120758
>>120754you're insecure as fucking hell. to think that what set all this bullshit off was this little comment
>>120585 shows your feelings are as fragile as flower.
No. 120763
>>120755I'm Mexican with a bean picker Dad and a bare-foot and pregnant mother with some half-white Hispanic "academics" and they're always posting fucking appropriation articles and "privilege" shit while they make about 10x as much as my father has without doing a portion of the work. He was denied education because he had field work to do on the farm, since he was the oldest and never felt sorry for himself. Meanwhile, these "I only drink fine whiskey" minorities whine about their lack of privilege on a daily basis. They make us minorities seem like we feel sorry for ourselves and are bitter as fuck. Tumblr goes around talking about how hard it is being a person of color without any regard for their own culture and the richness it comes with.
You can talk about privilege and oppression on an institutional level because it exists inherit in Western and especially American culture, but SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH THE BITTERNESS. It's like their angry they didn't get the winning lottery ticket. They turn a very real thing into a pity party and have no regard for how lucky they've been. I grew up poor, in the ghetto and I have a pretty god-damn good life.
No. 120767
>>120763amen anon. like what about mental illnesses? how can they say "IM MORE OPPRESSED THAN YOUUU" without even knowing the background of the person? like what if that person has mental illnesses, etc?
tumblr fucking pisses me off. I hope things are okay with your family anon
No. 120770
>>120767oops i repeated some words
No. 120776
>>120767Thanks. They're just being Mexican and my father managed to start up his own business. Because I went to college, apparently I'm a master of BUSINESS THINGS, so I have to help out. You know what I'M BITTER ABOUT, fucking Mexicans expect family to help out no matter what the sacrifice and my white friends are like "oh, I don't like my brother so I haven't talked to him in years." "Wait…you CAN DO THAT! I hate my brother and I just lent him 20 bucks." Stupid fucking Mexicans.
Anyways back on topic - Hasn't anyone mentioned black-face? Because (for you non-Amerifags) it's a big fucking deal here. Look up minstrel shows or just take a gander of fine American craftmanship:^This was totally PC here at one point!
So essentially this woman thinks that a black person amounts to frizzed out 80s hair, balding, greasy make-up and burnt skin. That's harsh.
No. 120777
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I feel if someone is a wigga or wishes they were black its easier for them to transform into a black person then it is for a weeaboo to become asian.
ive never seen a weeaboo who successfully looked Asian even with plastic surgery/makeup but ive seen a lot of black lovers who look full black or mixed after transforming.
No. 120778
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sorry for giving in to this, but I wanted to show racist-chan there are ugly and beautiful people of every race, so the "white people are best/worst" shit is completely stupid both ways.
>>120616and as I was searching for these pictures I saw this photo when I searched "ugly white people". You must have googled that along with "beautiful black people" when posting these pictures. Lol you're a joke, 0/10.
No. 120779
>>120777I have seen some weeaboos that looked asian with makeup.
this thread reminds me of this
No. 120784
>>120777Probably because:
1. Africans have a great deal of genetic diversity;
2. Many famous Blacks or glamorized blacks are American. African-Americans usually have white ancestry and it's my guess why this woman could claim she's black in the first place.
Went to a school with a large Native American population and many of them could pass for Asian, especially if they had a round face. My best bud has ZERO Asian roots and she's confused for Asian by Natives from the East coast.
No. 120788
>>120785But she gets confused for Asian by OTHER NATIVE AMERICANS.
I, myself, don't think I would confuse an Asian for Native American, but I can see how some people could consider like traits. In a Forensic Anthropology class I took, for the sake of identification, bone structure of Asians and Natives are both classified as "Mongoloid." How PC that is, I dunno. I also know that a Mexican will be classified as White. Remember this is with bone identification only, not DNA analysis.
No. 120797
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This thread is bad and all of you should feel bad. I didn't know that that this type of shitslinging was allowed in /pt/.
By the way, Native Americans look Asian because they came from fucking Asia. Not that long ago, either (relatively speaking.)
Is this what happens when PT goes underground for a while?
No. 120799
>>120789I'm aware of this. Mexicans are racist as fuck when people don't have European features. Like Native Americans, Native Mexicans are a small community in Mexico, so yeah, you're right. Indians (the ones with the dot) are also classified as Caucasoid. Just saying that bone structure can often lead to Asians being thought of as Native. What is consi…ah fuck, I don't even know why I'm talking about this. Even I don't care.
More about this bitch - I wonder how many rumors floated around this bitch by the black community she so passionately represents, because as some of the first comments in the thread say - she looks like your basic white bitch.
No. 120822
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The Guardian is actually DEFENDING this shit.
No. 120829
>>120709Then maybe you should travel to every single place people exist within this universe to get a better idea of what white people are like. I'm white myself but I have been acquaintances with other white girls who make fun of black girls they don't even know by comparing their looks to their own.
>hahaha look at her _________, why is it like that??I also think that is one of the reasons black girls tell white people, especially white girls not to touch their hair, because they're looking at how strange it is compared to theirs.
No. 120833
>>120831yep, I think it's why they have a specific look to them that has them be easily identified as Latinos to people who are around different types of ethnic groups
recently I was recommended a makeup channel and came across the woman in the vid. I immediately thought she was Latina, but saw comments on one of her other channels where people said her ethnic background was African-American, and looked it up to see. She's from the Dominican Republic (in the Caribbean) but a lot of people cannot tell. Latinos may not have a specific look to them, but certain things in my eyes gives it away
No. 120849
>>120838When I one time was looking at genealogical DNA tests (i.e. find out your general background) they seemed to generally stick to the 4-5 main races (the *oids) and everything inbetween was ethnicity.
I bet many blacks in the west are almost as much Caucasoid as Negroid which would be why mixed kids always look more "black" than white (i.e. the black parent is already very mixed).
But as a partial rebuttal to
>>120528, if you look for some conservative articles against Jenner many of them are along the lines of "being a woman means growing up dealing with XYZ" which is pretty much the same argument progressives use against transethnicity.
No. 120866
>>120833To be fair, the Dominican Republic is pretty mixed, and has a big mix of Natives(Tainos, Arawaks in general, but even that's Not really a pure race), Hispanics/Latinos, Whites, and blacks (slaves). To me she is racially ambiguous. And Idk if Latin is a race anyway? Correct me if I am wrong, but a Latino/a isn't someone who descends from the Latin regions or live in the Latin regions in Europe(therefore making them white?)
And then in the western world Hispanic and Latin wouldn't be a race, as they can be indigenous, white, black, somewhat asian, or mixed? So HER viewers could be right….
On topic, I don't agree with transethnicity in the slightest. The adoption kind? Definitely. Her case? No. People say to do away with race, but scientist have found different biological features in the body due to where our ascendant lived. Of course as we move around, studies will change, but for now we still have all the *oids.
It wouldn't be surprising to me if she uses the one drop rule. Also, isn't saying you feel black kind of offensive? Idk, but just because hung out with a bunch of them when you were younger (especially when her parents were white not black) doesn't mean you face the same struggles or goals as most black people. You also probably don't have the same ancestors as the blacks, meaning you share no biological features as them either.
Anyway, tbh currently and back then in the past, you could have said race was just a sub-type of human, and ethnic groups were where the subtypes lived and interacted in. As time go on, and in America where everyone is about 1/something that will soon not be the case.
No. 120887
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No. 120905
>>120869Aborigines are their own thing. Also the woman used is obviously older, ugly or not, which seems a bit unfair.
>>120891I'm not entirely sure this thread will end well.
No. 120930
>>120927She already did. She said that she doesnt consider her parents her parents and she still identifies as a black Shaneequa
– Christ LORD the IRONY
No. 120945
>>120578That's pretty funny, because I get mistaken for being Mexican sometimes and I'm half Japanese half White.
People are just bad at telling apart races.
No. 120946
>>120944Lol your nigger brains are incapable of comprehending this sentence:
No. 120957
>>120833She has nigger influence but…she isn't a "nigger" she is latina. But she can call herself whatever she want. Gorgeous girl though, regardless.
>>120956Shut up pasty cracker faggot
>nigger logic: you can say cracker but you cant say nigger No. 120981
>>120973Ok shut up and I'm not even that anon. Get out if you get so
triggered easily.
No. 120989
>>120981Don't dictate to me what to do. I obviously cannot dictate to you. Telling me to leave serves no purpose.
I will stay as I please. How about you get out if you can't handle people who don't like idiots?
No. 121030
File: 1434224312549.jpg (146.19 KB, 1286x697, bitch.jpg) out these videos! In the first video she looks like an oompaloompa white woman, in the second one she looks biracial.
But she is a very disgusting person for not acknowledging her good parents. She honestly should kill herself before she does interviews because if she is going on Oprah etc..more transracials will exist.
No. 121047
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No. 121087
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No. 121101
>“I spent a lot of time in Mississippi, so when I saw that rope, I knew what it was.”Talking about a noose she supposedly found outside her house.
>“At 12, he [her son-brother] still distinguishes himself as the only black kid as his school actually being raised by a black parent.”
>“I asked my son yesterday if he is all ready for seventh grade. Without hesitation, he said, ‘Ya, pretty much. I’ve got basically everything except white privilege.’”This one's straight out of Tumblr. lol
>“People who have not felt the lash of centuries of oppression beating down on their backs tell us to keep calm and carry on.”
>Her jobs have included “ethnic hair stylist.” No. 121117
>>121087Idk why this makes me so fucking angry but it does. Fuck this pretend black woman acting like she knows what it's like to be my race. Wtf is this.
Also her acting like all white people treat black people like spectacles to watch, fuck off. Also being so sensitive you can't go and enjoy a movie without thinking everyone is looking at you, how egotistical can you get?
No. 121177
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I'm not real sure what's going on here. It's like the closet cosplay version of African folk dress.
No. 121185
>>120310Creole people can be mixed with white (usually French or Spanish), Native American and African American (descendants of slaves), so her parents are probably biracial in one way or another.
>>120312Biracial look Latino because most Latino people are, by some percentage, biracial. Lots of mixing between indigenous peoples of South and Mesoamerica and Spanish European and African slaves.
>>121177She looks so white in this photo. I'm really surprised the NAACP didn't ask for some sort of proof regarding her ethnicity. Scholarship programs do it all the time.
No. 121473
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No. 121485
>>121473>you can show up but you can't talk, voice your own concerns, be in any of the photos or really do anything except brandish your white guilt.what the fuck kind of protest put forth these 'guidelines'?
>capitalizing Blackall of the people who I have seen who do this are fucking batshit crazy. why is this?
No. 121492
>>121473why is everything only about black people for fucks sake
what about asians? do they not exist?
No. 121533
>>121485tbh I would feel this way too if I was Black and while peacefully protesting and sharing my experiences, a white person tries to talk over me about what its like for Black people. Not saying this happened to the people that put this forth, but I have seen it all too many times where people considered to be part of the dominant group speaking on behalf of the marginalized group about their experiences, often times to them. In case you find this hard to believe, heres an example thats even more common, straight cisgendered people talking about what the LGBT community experiences, calling themselves allies and then not letting their voices be heard when the person themselves wants to speak. Thats why you see so many gay and trans people correcting people because some straight and cisgendered people assume they know just as much as them.
>all of the people who I have seen who do this are fucking batshit crazy. why is this?Um… bud this isn't a new pheonmenon, hundreds, if not thousands of scholarly articles/journals capitalize Black, as they do every other race they talk about. Lol have you never had to read anything outside of these threads? Asian, Latino, Caucasian and Native American are all capitalized as well.
No. 121537
>>121535I dont think theyre the most oppressed. (race cant make you the "most oppressed" lmao)
i just dont understand why people only talk about racism toward black people (most of the time).
No. 121577
>>121537I think its because for the most part, in places where there isn't a strong Asian presence, like NYC or Cali, most don't really seem to have strong ties to their culture.
Most Asians are on par with white people in terms of SES and I think aside from that, the pressure to assimilate has them mimicking white people or only wanting to associate with white people. A lot of Asians reject their culture, making fun of it and their own features to separate themselves from it and have whites look at them as being different and more like them.
Asians who have the opportunity to be around many Asians probably don't face as much discrimination because of how much support they have in terms of racial related issues. Alongside their SES, they likely don't feel as though they have things to protest over as frequently or openly as black, lgbt, immigrants, or muslims do (I used the latter 3 to compare different types of discrimination protested over).
Also, in the U.S. the type of discrimination face today seems to be much more about being the model minority or being submissive. It's dangerous for Asians for sure, but I wonder how many actually disagree with or see this as negative. On the other hand, blacks and muslims are seen as dangerous, which is not only harmful for them, but something they disagree with, which is apparent by their protests.
No. 121582
>>120750>Black people and Mexicans (I'm an ole spic), do not appreciate you using over-enunciated, "proper" English. In ze ghetto it's called "talking white" and it'll get your ass kicked.lmao no. I've lived around black people in a shitty area all my life, and that literally never happens. Maybe because there aren't any Mexicans around.
>zethe fuck?
You can talk how you want, literally no one gives a single fuck. We aren't living in fucking mud houses, we have TV and we know how people on television talk. Like I said, maybe that's a Mexican thing, so don't speak for other races.
>Yes, yes, white is norm, blah blah oppression, but tell that to all the white kids I saw get beat down on a daily basis for being a "white pussy."So glad I didn't live around spics
>>120749loli Marilyn was best Marilyn
No. 121588
>>121586It sounds like east st. louis lol
>>121587Nah I think a 7th grader would totally say that. I know some middle school siblings of friends who joke about tumblr phrases like that
No. 121590
>>121473The fuck? What is this from?
>>121485>all of the people who I have seen who do this are fucking batshit crazy. why is this?Are you retarded? It's a race, people capitalize races. Black as a race is capitalized, black as a color or anything else is not.
>>121492Pretty sure it was a Black event, hun. Come on, I know it's hard to connect dots, but this isn't a stretch.
>>121533This, I can also agree with. But something about the way that's delivered puts a really bad taste in my mouth and sounds assholeish as fuck.
No. 121647
>>121642If you look up the law apparently it's only for treason and terrorism. A lot of countries have similar laws.
To go even more off topic, this is why some old people hate being called "citizens". "British subjects" had rights merely by being born or naturalised under a British monarch whereas "citizenship" implies that the rights are given by the government.
No. 122272
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>>120335turns out this baby really was hers. the one of the left here is her biological son
No. 122292
>>122272I wonder if she's jealous that her son is blacker than her.
Also apparently her paintings are fake as well. She ripped off other artists.
I hope she gets sued by everyone she took advantage of.
No. 122426
>>122378Totemo does not have pale skin though. She is brown.
>>122288She hangs out with black women too.
No. 123289
>>123241tbh she should get her own reality show at this point
It's a media circus and she's probably reveling in every moment of the limelight
No. 123291
>>122335yeah but you know they were specifically talking about racial oppression, within the U.S. which has a unique history concerning the relationship between racial groups. It's like if a disabled person says that they're being mistreated because they're disabled and a gay person says, "yeah, well what about me and
my problems?"
No one is denying you have them, but that person was talking specifically about what they face as a
disabled person.
Asians and blacks are not the same, so they won't be treated the same even though some people (sjw) like to use the umbrella term poc as though they're all the same because they're not white and as a result the subordinate group who is oppressed. It doesn't work like that.
I do realize what you're trying to say, people consistently forget to mention Asians when talking about racial discrimination (probably because of model minority stereotype and the overall high SES). Though someone can come back at you and remind you that even then you still don't face as much discrimination as blacks, and neither blacks nor asians face as much discrimination as native americans.
No. 123467
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This chick needs some serious help, jfc she is a hot mess
No. 123484
>>123467truest amazon woman
she says she has no biological proof her parents are her real parents
she says she was not necessarily born in a teepee BUT the origins of her birth are not certain (to her)
well damn woman, none of us are witnesses to our own births.
No. 123536
>>121533Notice that when they do this, however, they don't capitalize 'White'–just 'Black'. And also, no, it's not part of any academic tradition to capitalize 'Black' unless your idea of 'academic' is 'this came from tumblr & got 100,000 reblogs! TOTES LEGIT.'
You wouldn't capitalize white, you would capitalize 'Irish' or 'German'. You wouldn't capitalize black, you would capitalize 'African' or 'African-American'. And no scholarly article would use 'black' when they could use either of the above. See how this works? now gtfo off the internet and go read a book so that you can actually have some 'scholarly articles' to reference in the future.
No. 123553
>>121537Pretty sure there's a bit of social class that go into it. Back when boats and boats of poor Asian workers came into the US, they were most definitely discriminated against and oppressed. Now, many of the Asians immigrating to the U.S. are middle and upper-class, people who are already educated.
Black people, however, have had a history of oppression and little economic opportunity to move up, and a big factor now is the lack of decent education black people have access to here. Their neighborhood school is going to be shit because of poor funding because they have low test scores but can't bring those test scores up because of no money for better materials.
If you're Asian, chances are you're not being systematically put at a disadvantage in life, and blamed for it. That's why we're still on racism towards black people.
No. 123776
>>123536Scholarly articles capitalize White when they use Black in the same sentence, specifically when they don't know the specific ethnic background of those involved. Not every Black person is an African American or African. No matter how far back their roots go to Africa, many Black people have roots all over the world and don't have to know much about Africa.
Race isn't only related to where your people originate from, nor what you look like or where you are located, but America has a very simplified version of what race is (Asia is huge, including Middle Easterners, Indians and South/East Asians and yet they are all considered the same by U.S. standards of race).
White Americans don't call themselves European-Americans, they say White or Caucasian despite not all deriving from the Caucus region. When they speak about other White people, like those born and raised outside of predominantly White countries, they're called White.
White isn't a simple descriptor of skin color, if that were the case than mos East Asians with pale skin would be considered white.
I'm not as a dedicated tumblr user as you seem to be, and am only referring to the scholarly articles I have read. I found it odd that they were being capitalized at one point as well and my professor ended up explaining how it was being used as a descriptor of race where European, African, African American couldn't be used.
I was kind of repetitive here but I hope I explained my reasoning behind why I disagree with you sufficiently.
No. 123889
>>123808I'm talking about the articles I read, and said that my professor explained why it was done, not because you asked but to mention that you aren't the only one that found that odd.
What you were saying it doesn't happen outside of tumblr, I provided you with info that contradicted that.
Anyway I shouldn't have bothered with this seeing as how the info is readily available online and completely dismiss everything else just because I mentioned "muh" professor's explanation.
No. 123944
>>123894honestly like she seems to just enjoy making herself the victim in EVERYTHING
she's lied about:
having cervical cancer
living in Africa
being whipped with a baboon whip
having nooses mailed to her
her brothers being her sons
some random black guy being her guy
I mean she only started with the I'M BLACK thing after she sued Howard U for discriminating against her…for being white. (She got her case thrown out btw.)
I mean even her paintings of black suffering are plagiarized from movie stills and other artists!
she just seems like a pathological liar imo
No. 123961
>>123889My personal experience has been that I have never seen this capitalization used in a published academic article.
you claim that your personal experience has been just the opposite, but until you actually back up these claims with verified sources from accredited authors, I have nothing other than your assurance to make me rethink my position.
if there are so many articles out there which use this capitalization, it would be no issue to find one to refer me to, rather than cite your professor as an authority and hope to god I take your word for it–because if this
is common practice, I certainly have never seen it in print. Either we have really different ideas of what a 'scholarly article' constitutes, or this is a recently developed practices that just got particularly popular amongst civil rights bloggers, but you haven't presented strong enough evidence for either conclusion to be drawn.
No. 124216
>>123980As A white person I wouldn't care.
Go ahead be white.
No. 124227
>Changing your vangina to a disgusting fucked up fake penis is not the same as claiming to be something you're not and living a fairytale lie. Changing your vagina to a fucked up fake penis is living a fairytale lie that you have a real penis, and worse because you can't even go back after that.
>They actually ARE considered male after that. Only some of them are sometimes. Obviously dolezal's community considered her black enough.
No. 124293
I dont give a fuck what transpeople do
No. 124323
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>>123961But I wasn't citing my professor as an authority, as I said before I mentioned him to use his explanation as to why it's used that way in certain circumstances.
You're right, maybe our interpretations of what constitutes as scholarly articles differ though. Here, I pulled up some examples from the Academic Search Complete database, they are peer reviewed. I only typed in Black, White in the search bar.
I can post some screencaps of the results page. The majority capitalized Black and White.
Here are some titles you can easily look up though:
"Black-White variations in the lagged reciprocal relationship between religiosity and perceived control."
Here's the abstract: This national longitudinal data-based multi-population LISREL study, the most comprehensive assessment to date of racial variations in the (in)congruity between religiosity and perceived control, gauges variation among Black and White Americans in the lagged reciprocal relationship between religiosity dimensions and mastery. Racial variation in thereciprocalreligiosity-perceived control relationship has hitherto gone un-addressed. Prior investigations have also typically utilised cross-sectional samples – often from regional or age-specific populations. The observedpublicreligiosity-mastery relationship over time exhibits signs ofmutual reinforcementamong Blacks: public religiosity enhances Blacks’ subsequent mastery, while prior mastery borderline-significantly enhances their public religiosity. Thesubjectivereligiosity-mastery relationship among Whites evinces a marginallycountervailingpattern: Subjective religiositydiminishesWhites’ mastery, while mastery borderline-significantly enhances their subjective religiosity. The inordinately positive public religiosity-effect on Blacks’ mastery notably constitutes solid support for the “resource compensation” perspective on the impact of religiosity on mastery across dominant and subordinate groups. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
Article: "Perceived risk for breast cancer and its relationship to mammography in Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites."
abstract: A challenge for health behavior science is to develop theory and best practices that take cultural diversity into account. Using data from Black, Hispanic, and White respondents to the 2003 Health Information National Trends Survey, we examined racial/ethnic differences in: (1) breast cancer risk perceptions/worry; (2) the associations between perceived risk/worry and ever having received a mammogram; and (3) perceived risk/worry and having had at least 2 mammograms over a 4-year period (consecutive mammography). Compared to White race/ethnicity, Black race/ethnicity was associated with lower perceived absolute risk and comparative risk for developing cancer. For the sample as a whole, higher perceived risk (both absolute risk and comparative risk) and worry predicted greater odds of mammography use; however, this was not true for Hispanics. In stratified analyses, perceived risk and worry were not associated with mammography use for either Hispanics or Blacks whereas they were for Whites; however, this interaction effect was significant only for Hispanics vs. Whites. Results support the need for formative research to identify determinants of health behavior prior to cancer prevention message planning for diverse audiences in order to accommodate racial/ethnic differences not only in the level of perceived risk, but also the association between risk perception to behavior change in that community. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
article:"Exploring differences in self-rated health among Blacks, Whites, Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans."
abstract: Objectives. Self-rated health (SRH) is a robust predictor of subsequent health and mortality. Although age, gender, and race differences in SRH have been explored, less work has examined ethnic differences, particularly in the US. Design. The current study uses representative data from six Chicago communities to compare levels and determinants of fair–poor health for Blacks, Whites, Mexicans, and Puerto Ricans (n=1311). Results. Mexicans and Puerto Ricans were at least three times more likely to report fair or poor health than Whites, while African-Americans were over twice as likely. In adjusted logistic regression models, only Mexicans remain significantly more likely to report fair–poor health than Whites (OR = 4.3, CI = 1.8–9.8). However, this effect disappears when controlling for acculturation. No variable predicted poor subjective health for all groups, though depression was associated with poor health for most. Conclusion. Together, these analyses suggest that the single item measure of SRH might not be appropriate for comparing health status across members of different race/ethnic groups. More research is needed to understand what factors influence how an individual perceives his or her health. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
article:"Marital Well-Being Over Time Among Black and White Americans: The First Seven Years."
abstract: We examined patterns of marital well-being over the first 7 years of marriage and whether factors connected to early marital well-being during year 1 impacted marital well-being over time. Data were collected as part of a longitudinal panel study following 199 Black American and 174 White American during the first 7 years of marriage. Multilevel growth curve modeling revealed that race, income, and premarital child affected husbands' marital well-being in year 1. Education, wives' employment status, and divorced parents influenced wives' marital well-being at year 1. After accounting for differences in these early marital conditions, having a child before marriage was significant in predicting the rates of change over time for husbands. Divorced parents affected the rate of change in marital well-being for wives. The findings suggest that as couples settle into their marriages, risk factors have fewer consequences on marital well-being. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
No. 124352
>>124325Let blacks and brown people be white if they want to
I secretly want to be white
No. 124467
>>124450>>124400So tl;dr: 'its a matter of preference', then?