File: 1404530297497.jpg (251.31 KB, 800x272, PULL.jpg)

No. 961
File: 1404545664716.png (25.32 KB, 634x401, moe.png)

I wanted to post this on SR as soon as Moemo did this, but the admin rage banned me. Anyhow, these are her comments after deleting her account.
No. 962
File: 1404545881206.png (91.16 KB, 1204x828, moeliehoe.png)

Her getting pissy about the Photoshop is just more proof that she was white knighting herself. (Like it wasn't obvious already.)Aaaaaaaaaand she blames it on her being European. Funny how other European posters on that site don't seem to have this much trouble.
No. 967
File: 1404556822050.jpg (52.63 KB, 540x720, moemo2.jpg)

I still have some pics of her saved.
Totes not photoshopped u guise ur just jealous
No. 968
File: 1404556985961.jpg (42.79 KB, 600x800, moemo.jpg)

IT'S JUST A FILTER!! my skin is naturally kawaii and blurry
No. 970
File: 1404557791134.png (596.66 KB, 704x800, whorepride.png)

God,she has such terrible taste in everything. I'm not exaggerating when I say that she's everything I hate in a person, wrapped up into one ball of bad attitude.
No. 974
>>970kawaii offensive text so edgy desu ne.
The fun thing is she's talking shit about speshul snowflakes/kooter/… because they're shooping and whatever but she's a shooped snowflake herself
No. 978
File: 1404563081242.gif (450.33 KB, 500x270, 1397713837522.gif)

>>976>edittingEither this is a troll or it really is happening again.
No. 983
File: 1404565060512.jpg (59.47 KB, 560x600, 1358183169001.jpg)

She's back.
No. 984
>>976>>But she doesn't lie about editting?Yes she did. She was white knighting herself in the other thread claiming that she just naturally looks Photoshopped all the time.
No. 997
>>984I posted:
>>977>>980The other posts were by someone else, I'm not Moemo by the way, thought I should say that before someone accuses my opinions and posts of being her.
No. 998
>>984I'm going to go ahead and predict that retarded penis-anon is going to
"suddenly appear" again.
No. 999 thread has everything. It has your sockpuppet, it has your really stupid white knight, it has your super butthurt "MUH VALUES!!!" conservafag, it has your dramatic climax…
Basically, it's perfect for popcorn reading in so many ways.
No. 1006
>>1005I don't exactly think this is meta or debate, everyone ITT is just laughing at a website infested with tryhards.
What was it reported for, if it's okay to ask? It just sounds like someone from PULL and their friends got butthurt.
No. 1008
>>1005It may be because of the use of the banner maybe. I don't think it should be deleted. If you have to, move it to another section.
>>1006I agree with this anon. I find it hilarious that people actually reported it. Now it should definitely be kept up as a middle finger in their face.
No. 1009
>>1006>>1008I would never even consider deleting this thread or any thread like this. But the reports look like they may have been made in good faith, so I won't reveal what they said.
I've thought of a new idea for dealing with future things like this. I am going to keep this thread in this board, even if I do end up making a new board, though.
No. 1021
>>1010Plus the fact that Tharthan said he was a dude…
Also that weird rant about Californians and vowel pronunciation.
No. 1037
File: 1404605920855.jpg (107.67 KB, 500x500, goth_type_24__the_pastel_goth_…)

Pastel goth is so stupid. Subfashions that exist for a solely aesthetic reason tend to annoy me in general. Most sub fashions are influenced by a type of music, culture, or way of life. Pastel goth is a bunch of kids trying to identify with one another for reasons that don't matter. They took a fashion that is known for dark colors and added pastel colors. Clever. It's like lolita. At one point in time, lolitas who were in a specific category of loli because it fit their interests and personality. Sweet lolitas were girly and sweet, goths liked spooky stuff, classics were lady like, ect. It was also influenced by music, like Mana. Like in Kamikaze girls, there was a general feeling that they were rejecting modern culture in a way by adopting modesty and manners. Since it got popular on tumblr, the whole fashion has gotten edgy as fuck. People now feel it's a fashion and nothing else, and feel "lifestyle lolita" is elitist, where is used to almost be standard. Not that the average loli obsessed about the lifestyle, but they generally took up hobbies like sewing, tea, elegant things, ect. I remember GLB would always give tips on how to make your everyday life more loli. Now, it's all just "Lol, I smoke pot and have sex in my lolita. And fuck wearing a blouse." I also remember it was common for girls to make their own clothes. The old tea parties were the best, as lolis actually had an interest in fun ladylike things. Some people may disagree with me, but I feel as though the community has gone down in quality since tumblr.
No. 1044
>>1037I haven't been following this thread at all but I wanted to say thanks. As a goth in my teens and early adulthood I went through different sub genres but I always did my research (the internet wasn't as big back then as it was now either). I also stumbled upon Lolita because of the Jrock I listened to and I loved looking at what is now considered classical Lolita.
I love fashion groups but this pastel goth didn't seem to have any connection at all to the gothic culture so I'm glad you cleared it up because I've been so confused about it since I've seen it a lot on Tumblr.
No. 1065
>>1048>>1037I feel the same about Lolita going downhill. It just bugs me when some women are all tryhard and go on about, "I'm going to a dive bar in Lolita to get wasted and don't give a fuck!" Way to go.
Anyway, I think this is the wrong thread for this. Shouldn't this be in the tumblr one?
No. 1069
File: 1404673597970.png (21.17 KB, 601x142, Screen Shot 2014-07-06 at 8.55…)

>>1064>omg this generation is full of sluts!!>not me tho I'm pure>right, senpai? (omg a boy omg)>t-talk to me with your sexy words and sentences, senpai~ (he's mine bitches I saw him first)Oh, PULL.
It may be completely inaccurate but I'm picturing this Tharthan character as either
1. a pimply fedora who is bitter that his kawaii online waifus aren't paying attention to his wang-wang so he turned to PULL to expose their impureness
2. a conservative middle-aged man who secretly enjoys perving on troubled teenage girls online but pretends to be all morally outraged so he can still pretend to have some dignity
No. 1072
>>1069I think it's a legitimate sperg lord who wants to make himself unique. That, or he's some twenty year old weirdo who wants to make girls pure again.
>>Everything was arranged for usWhat country is he in? That doesn't sound right for the 40's if he were living in the west. He had his wife arranged to him? What?
No. 1085
>>1077He sounds like he's on a crusade.
>at least in my mind, [ignoring some dude she met at a con once is] something that can never be forgiven. Never.NEVER FORGIVE
The girl they're talking about sounds like a nasty piece of work but come on, dude.
No. 1086
File: 1404679562347.png (65.45 KB, 775x521, learn how to filter yourself.p…)

>>1085And it's not like he's contributing anything to the thread at all. This guy just likes to hear himself talk, even in his sig he has quotes of himself.
No. 1136
>>1134Someone needs to give him a warning. It's ridiculous. I under stand a little OT comments here and there but he spurs off into a whole nother issue.
Speaking of the Yuuhu thread, I wonder where that neck beard Nitropig ran off to. He probably freaked after finding out his kawaii little Asian friend ~ (whom he came all the way from Canada to meet), is a very underage 13 year old pathological lier.
No. 1138
>>1136I'm STILL wondering where his bitch ass ran off to. I'm still laughing at how he wanted proof for the false rape charges when he lives in fucking Canada while people in Yuuhi's town are coming forward, all with similar stories, and screen shots yet he goes, "If there isn't a screenshot of her saying it then it didn't happen!"
What the fuck is he expecting? Someone to have recorded the whole thing as proof? He's dumb as hell.
No. 1139
File: 1404693955920.jpg (11.53 KB, 184x184, image.jpg)

>>1138I checked his steam account (which he himself confirmed was his under the same name) and this is his profile picture. Ahahahahahaha all I can do is laugh. What a creeper.
Someone hurry up and take a screen shot incase he changes it.. (I'm on my iPod and the top button is stuck so I can take one myself)
No. 1145
>>1139I'd do it but I don't know what I'm supposed to be looking at. Something on this page? I will start calling him Nitropedo. Thank you.
No. 1146
File: 1404696532622.png (26.19 KB, 771x497, lol.png)

Meanwhile at the Beckii Cruel thread.
>everyone is just jelly!!!11
No. 1147
>>1146That stupidsexyflanders is so fucking annoying. They're always white knighting the weeaboo tryhards. "Oh she's actually really nice~
>she was very much popularUhuh yea.
No. 1164
>>1162Yea I think he is a sperg. If a spazz themselves calls him out then there's definitely something in question.
>>1159 anon were you simone or karhu09?
No. 1176
>>1164lmao I'm karhu09
>>1166Incredibly paranoid considering we don't even type the same way. How full of yourself can you get? Believing that some rando you're arguing with would waste time to make a sockpuppet…lol
>>1174What I hate most about this freak is that he goes into these long ass tangents about shit no one fucking cares about… that whole thing about vowel pronunciation really weirded me out. As a linguistics major NO LINGUIST would be so asspained that regional linguistic differences would exist. The fact that he's so analblasted about that really points to the possibility of him being a big ol' sperglord.
No. 1185
>>1181LOL. Jesus Christ there's something horribly wrong with him.
>>1183Oh my fucking god, who cares?! Nitropedo PM'd me the other day trying to get info out of me. Yuuhi was trying to figure out who I am and asked if I was this one girl. NOPE, WRONG. Whatever he sent him is useless and nothing worth wondering about.
No. 1186
>>1185Someone needs to ban hammer this bitch he literally contributes NOTHING to the thread. All he does is make people angry and drag out arguments.
>We have trolls from 4chan who are attempting to rip apart the thread, and inconsiderate individuals who will jump on anything and anybody.I'm assuming thats us? Oh hai Tharthan (: please don't come and spazz in this thread.
No. 1202
>>1186he didn't even know what 4chan was at first he had to google it now he thinks everyone disagreeing with him is an evil 4chan user from the rule-less evil impure pits of the internets ha~
hes getting on my nerves censoring other peoples posts. wtf is wrong with this guy…..
No. 1206
File: 1404715661087.png (23.29 KB, 148x160, CMqBK2AstNC3wVcCqfm5LG6k22qSue…)

if you really wanna make him sperg out comment on his dumb avatar hes obsessed with it
No. 1210
>>1207Omg is that really him? It is! WOOOOOW see this is why we need this thread here. So many lolcows on PULL.
> I would prefer if you would refrain from referring to me as an "American" Hmm how about referring to you as a fucktard? Fair enough?
(Quick! Someone call him an American. Now we know what will really set him off)
No. 1228
Damn autocorrect
No. 1229
>One is a New Englander and it is as such that one deigns it appropriate to communicate oneself in a more convoluted fashion so as to appear more intelligent than I actually am and so as to separate onself from the heaving proletarian masses>oneself>one>one>oneselfOh fuck right off.
I am from fucking Old England, as in like, the original one, and whilst it's true that we tend to make use of a more archaic vocabulary you will find nobody in the UK that actually speaks like this.
This guy is autistic to the max.
No. 1232
What bothers me about this guy, aside from EVERYTHING, is that on the yuuhi thread (on the first pages I think, when people was suspicious about nitropedo being a sockpuppet) he was like "well, you know we've had lots of sockpuppet cases here in the past", "here we expose liars and scammers blah blah blah", like dude, you're a new member, you haven't done shit, you haven't actually contributed with information or anything to ANY of the threads, you just went all pretentious in the circumcision thread, you make every fucking discussion about you and your morals and you insist on discussing purity and censoring words (seriously, WTF).
And why the fuck is he quoting himself on his signature?
No. 1234
>>1232Wtf there's a circumcision thread
But yea I agree with you. It's annoying when new users come out if the woodwork and act like they are hot shit. Tharthan obviously did not lurk the thread long enough because he could have learned how to communicate properly. He sounds like a fuckin robot half the time.
No. 1241
>>1239Idk I guess maybe but if your bf isn't a disgusting slob their shouldn't be any 'problems' really. I guess maybe if a dude feels robbed a choice or something? but I've honestly never met any men who give a crap. Idk maybe I just don't get it.
also everyone on PULL seems to get really weird and immature about sex, even the ones who claim to be open about it and against ~slut shaming~ I'm pretty sure have never really had it so idk man but right now this is blowing my mind
No. 1242
>>1236Seriously I thought the same thing. And the majority of PULL are women. What could they possibly contribute to this?
I feel like threads like that are made to see who's the most socially correct. They are incredibly one sided.
No. 1251
>>1243How is that in anyway related to PULL?
I guess since most of the userbase is women they feel theyre able to comment about babies, even if its about something women have to cause to contribute.
No. 1256
Did anyone see this thread that the sperg made:'s such a spazz and has a weird obsession with New England.
No. 1260
>>1259not anymore ;D
if anyone sees any more bullshit like that, report it. I'll fix it.
No. 1278
File: 1404821433636.png (98.61 KB, 776x376, lol.png)

Everyone just finds random people to attack for no reason at all.
No. 1290
>>1283Um, no, that's not what happened at all. People were pointing out other German speakers were nowhere near as rude and cunty as Moemo.
Moemo is that you
No. 1301
>>1298Yes, I was lurking the thread.
BUT I doubt that Penis-chan wasn't here on his own, he posted in other threads too and can be found at Uni.
No. 1321
>>1133Jesus that was a mistake. I stupidly used "off topic" when I meant Cloud was tying to keep the thread ON topic.
Anyway, more people are ripping into Tarthan for being an asshole spewing shit that no one cares about. So that makes Simone, October, Sweetheart, karhu09, and lexipedia that blew up on his dumb shit.
No. 1323
>>1321speaking of the sperg meister he went into another angry rant at lexipedia for calling his ass out LMAO
he fucking doesn't understand that HE is the problem with the thread. the way he tries to justify his of topic posts due to "lack of new content" despite the thread only being a few fucking days old is autistic as fuck. he needs to get his ass diagnosed
No. 1324
File: 1404845980502.jpg (570.71 KB, 769x2154, th.jpg)

Compilation for people who can't be bothered digging through his posts.
No. 1328
File: 1404848258036.jpg (25.84 KB, 728x143, 435345.jpg)

Oh boy.
No. 1333
re: Lord Tharthan's Censorship Laws
I don't even care if he censors cuss words, cause I get it, not everyone uses them or likes seeing them or whatever have you. What ticks me off about him is that he censored Fire Cracker's ENTIRE post (before some mod graciously fixed it)JUST because it contained a Californian and Texan flag. You don't see anyone bashing New England or where he's from or even the east coast. He's never been here (or plans to), and no one is really talking about this anyway, so there is absolutely no reason to bring it up. Just because Yuuhi is a lying, spoiled brat doesn't mean you can piss on an entire region. Shut the fuck up about shit you have no idea about.
re: Lord Tharthan's "Lingual Expertise"
As a student of Linguistics myself, I don't see any point in being asspained about vowel pronunciation. Geographic differences exist, regional differences exist, hell, people in different pockets of the same state pronounce shit differently.
tbh I was fine with lurking the Yuuhi thread, but I made a PULL account just to call him out.
No. 1339
>>1338Oh yeah, that too.
It's a combination of things that makes sex a confusing subject for people on the autism spectrum, and as we've all seen confusion sometimes turns into anger and bitterness. Especially in the guys, for some reason.
No. 1344
>>1342>Because I started studying Japanese at an early age, I can read Katakana and to a lesser extent HiraganaLMAO That's not hard AT ALL.
I didn't even know how lulzy this sperg was.
No. 1355
>>1353i suspect it's the Than.
also, this. he thinks people are pissed about his opinions when no one really gives a fuck. his replies are gold. No. 1358
>>1329wait how do you know that's him??
is that an actual pic of him? LMFAO.
No. 1359
File: 1404875108500.jpg (7.08 KB, 148x160, tumblr_n8ermmsCqc1rylc8bo1_250…)

No. 1362
>>1360not hard when every user is the same…
i dont get his fb name. is it a joke or?? judging by his tumblr (the tags slay me) i and others think he's late teens, early 20s. on his YouTube….he actually talks like that from what i listened to. eugh.
No. 1365
File: 1404883651779.png (58.46 KB, 226x172, innocent desu.png)

>>1362omigod guys so impuuuuuure he does lets plays of japanese animu waifu games
No. 1366
>>1362I'm going for late teens; he doesn't really talk like anyone who went to college/has real world experience with dealing with different kinds of people.
The fact that he doesn't really seem to understand why people are calling him out (though it could be his sperg levels are out of control) or a sign of immaturity.
No. 1370
File: 1404887736286.png (26.76 KB, 762x651, ronnie.png)

Well, I did a bit of digging (actually just link-clicking and googling) on Milord and…
He seems to be a man by the name of Ronald "Ronnie" Larocque. This is a cap of his "company"'s website (of which he is the one and only member of apparently) giving his name and location. We all know that he's from New England, and he has hinted that he lives in Rhode Island. lists only four Ronald Larocques in RI varying in ages from 37 to 64. However, three of those Ronalds are from West Warwick and only one from Warwick Proper. If Tharthan hasn't moved since 2009, we might be talking to a snooty 64 year old geezer…on a internet gossip forum.
How creepy is that?
No. 1374
File: 1404888606222.png (8.27 KB, 760x137, Untitledvd.png)

>>1370apparently he's a self proclaimed video game designer
No. 1387
File: 1404890621147.png (9.13 KB, 619x210, Untitledkldmflk.png)

he says he doesn't live in rhode island
No. 1393
File: 1404891127357.png (66.72 KB, 781x550, uhh.png)

>>1387I could be mistaken, though I remember he wrote something about being from the last of the 13 colonies that became a state, which is Rhode Island (pic rel) and that cap of the facebook stuff you posted is about a pedo teacher from Cranston/Warwick, RI, which is why I thought that.
No. 1394
>>1393Wiki'd state histories, and I could be wrong as Maine seceded from Massachusetts and became a state much later than Rhode Island did. And knowing Tharthan, he would definitely be anal about something like that.
sigh Oh well
No. 2047
>>2043Omg I remember how she would often bring up her weight and how she was so skinny in many threads. She would also post her stats a lot. It was kind of obnoxious.
Another thing I remember is a thread where this one girl asked if people could their put their stats in spoilers (they bring it up a lot in random threads) because it made her uncomfortable even though she is recovered and could trigger other people. I mean, it sounds like a reasonable request for PULL since they are considerate with trigger warnings. but they said no and basically told her to get off the Internet if she's triggered by that. I'm pretty positive Moemo was one of them. I thought it was pretty fucked up coming from the ol hugbox.
No. 2048
>>2047Yeah, I've started to notice the thing is with PULL users is that usually the people who bring up their weight or make themselves a focal point in topics aren't actually that nice.
They're just trying to make themselves appear nicer and siphon some sort of popularity, either just within the community and the forum itself, or on the general internet (eg the ones who have links to their Tumblr in their signatures).
No. 2082
>>2080If you mean
>>2079 I didn't talk about her cup size but you did act at
No. 2170
SO everyone has had enough and it has come down to this fucking time.
No. 2180
File: 1405407448614.png (22.3 KB, 617x442, lol.png)

tryna b friends with me. rly bitch? >_>)
and he thinks i created thread about him on here for some reason??? idek.
No. 2182
>>2180Hahahah so he has lurked on here. The thing about Tharthan I've noticed, is he loves to ask questions about shit that does not matter (I guess as a means for conversation?).
Than don't flatter yourself. This thread isn't about you.
No. 2323
>>2288I have lurked PULL for a long time but never made an account. The health section is hidden unless you are a user, as it seems. I have seen her proudly mention her slim physique in other threads (probably Dakota or Venus ), not randomly, but when it was brought up as OT. Multiple times. I have only seen her post stats once, but it was not in the health section.
When ever someone brings up moemos name, white knights are sure to pop up.
No. 2324
>>2323>white knightsNo, it's just her. It's literally ALWAYS her defending herself.
She honestly believes no one can tell when she's whiteknighting herself and samefagging for some reason and it's ridiculously obnoxious.
No. 2399
>>2398That was already explained earlier, both started to namefag after being annoyed.
Not to mention that the admin already said earlier that it is multiple people in here.
No. 2434
File: 1405582465967.png (24.47 KB, 778x551, rusure-shit.png)

>>1076I never noticed it (because I usually lurk on mobile), but rusure has a very triggering photo of herself on her PULL avatar. I only noticed because someone just called her out on it hahaha. She sure is not "treating her body like a temple".
No. 2443
>>2180>foe listIs that an actual thing on PULL or…?
It sounds like you narrowly escaped him writing your name in his Death Note, good job
No. 2461
File: 1405608787571.png (52.49 KB, 778x642, 534535.png)

Found the SJW.
No. 2503
>>2498They make fun of white peoples' noses and "manly" features all the time. Like there are literally gag "gaijin nose" novelty masks the same way there are those "asian eyes" glasses.
Stop thinking everyone wants to be you, seriously.
No. 2513
>>2510Are you 12 or something?
Also, learn to use the quote function.
No. 2518
>>2515Anon you are wrong because you are referring to the people of Japan as one thing.
Every Japanese citizen has their own ideas, values, and point of view. You have a point in that there are some who want to be white because they feel it is best. However this is not true for every single person in Japan!
People feeling inferior because of their race and desire to change it, is also not exclusive to Japan. It is also not just white that people they desire to be. What if I said that there are people in America who want to be Japanese (because there are)? There are also people in other Asian countries who feel this way as well. Would you apply that same logic that you did with white people?
And don't say they have no influence, because Japan has a HUGE influence on other nations, especially in America.
Anyway this thread is not called white washing in Japan. Take what I said or leave it. I am not going to argue with you because it will derail the thread. Honestly, it just sounds like you are vengeful about what happened to you.
No. 2523
>>2520>I am saying that as a race of people, they are SHALLOW and don't embrace their own culture LIKE THEY SHOULDSTOP. GENERALIZING. YOU ARE BEING RACIST. This is why no one took you serious.
ANYWHOOO. Back to PULL. Does anyone know what happened to Tharthan? They closed the poll. So did he get the boot or what because I don't see him posting anymore.
No. 2525
>>2516They mean link the posts you're replying to so the conversation is easier to read as a third person.
It's bad posting etiquette not to and it outs you as a person who has never used the board or lurked long enough to observe the proper way to behave.
No. 2530
>>2529AHAHAHA! I see what you're hinting at anon.
I initially thought that, but they don't have the same writing tone. Plus, Tharthan wouldn't dare damage his precious puritiii , by coming to this
inconsiderate troll thread that
jumps on anybody and everybody (his words).
It would suck if he did come here because it would be impossible to shoo his conservative ass away. PULL had a hard enough time and he still isn't banned.
No. 2579
File: 1405719558652.png (95.84 KB, 800x687, PULLshit.png)

>Showing off my emaciated chest as an avatar in a forum that gets thousands of views a day is totes okay guys. It's not photoshoped so it's totes fine.
If this was one of the snowflakes who did this, they would be quick to call their shit out.
No. 2592
>>2580No one's getting their panties in a twist, it's hypocritical. I can understand if it's something that little that can't be controlled, but it is very suggestive that she is purposing making it that way. It is a huge focus of the photo.
It maybe be unintentional, but this is the kind of stuff that would be put in a spoiler FOR POSSIBLE TRIGGERS were it to be any of the people being talked about.
>>2586If you read the thread, you would see that it is not all positive. Smegeh is too guilty of posting photos that accentuate her ED. People aren't as harsh with her because they like her. It's like they excuse her for being a cool person.
No. 2603
>>2594what's her tumblr?
Curious about this chick.
(Thought it was a guy though tbh)
No. 2615
File: 1405782183073.jpg (29.58 KB, 400x400, kanye not.jpg)

Although she says she never wanted to be a thinspo, I doubt this is the case when she posts images such as:
No. 2616
File: 1405782282393.jpg (11.53 KB, 400x321, nope.jpg)

>>2615..And. I'm quite considered for her health as she looks deathly. But she doesn't seem to want to do anything about it.
No. 2617
File: 1405782338424.jpg (143.67 KB, 1280x1280, sigh.jpg)

>>2616Which is a shame because she is a pretty girl, she just chooses to harm her health this way.
No. 2631
>>2606Okay, the fuck.
How is she not being talked about if this is what she does on her tumblr.
>>2615She's obv showing of her bracelet!
> no > that is fucking thinspo What the fuck.
No. 2663
File: 1405811774727.jpg (96.35 KB, 999x710, IMG_20140719_071238.jpg)

It sounds so flakey.
No. 2849
File: 1405999271576.gif (494.01 KB, 500x259, 1404459987160.gif)

>>2848>that threadwhat in the fuck.
No. 2860
File: 1406010286402.png (24.74 KB, 968x179, sjw.png)

Is this girl for real?
No. 2861
>>2860Idk, some of the things she's saying are legit social issues, though she definitely needs to get off her high horse.
Also, I bet she's white (or some other variation of not Japanese) but honestly doesn't think she's directly contradicting her own logic by using a username like "Candy-chan".
No. 2891
>>2863a lot of sjws seem to think they have a special understanding of the world which means they can do weeb things like have their name in japanese or something kawaii and tumblr themes etc but if someone else did they would bitch about/ """side eye""" them
like 'don't appropriate other cultures but i want to be a kawaii magical gurl toooo'
No. 3303
>>2891Right? I remember when Avril Lavigne released that "Hello Kitty" video a bunch of them were getting their panties in a wad and accusing her of being a racist and appropriating Japanese culture and people. Even though their own blogs were full of Japanese and kawaii shit. Somehow it's ok for them to plaster porn stills of Japanese girls everywhere but it's awful and racist when a singer wears colorful outfits and dances around in Japan?
When some actual Japanese people said they didn't care and no one in Japan cared or thought it was racist they pretty much straight up said they were "brainwashed". Because obviously the silly slant-eyes are too stupid to know when they're being oppressed and need their tumblrina saviours to educate them.
No. 3429
>>3303Not really related but for some reason your comment reminded me of those creeper pics of Japanese schoolgirls that tumblr for some reason is perfectly okay with. Like schoolgirls from the back or under skirt shots or whatever. I'm sure some of them are probably staged shoots but I'm doubtful that they all are, and they get like 50k notes. That and the trend of having random Asian girls as your icon picture. It's all pretty fucking creepy.
>>3427That comment… the autism is real.
No. 3636
>>3427I'm 99% sure the girl in the picture was born and raised in England, so uh. Or does that not count because she's Asian?
>implying the English courts didn't just copy anything the French did No. 5834
File: 1407517692940.png (136.71 KB, 879x696, 2014-08-08 19.05.22.png)

That guys completely retarded. Can't believe pull still deals with him
No. 5844
>>5834Oh, man. So many members want him gone. I just flipped in that Sabina thread. It's so fucking annoying. He doesn't contribute and he's pretentious as fuck. Like, why are you here, bro.
And it's funny how he says a "small handful" of people who don't like him. No, it's a good majority. The poll from a few weeks ago was at 70-something % of 80-something people.
No. 5849
>>5834I'm still surprised he's hanging around. I blame the dumb fuck members who were screaming about mods power tripping and SJWs being idiots ruining that plan.
>>5847I can't stand Candy. She and hoglee are two of the most annoying people on that site, holy shit. Fucks SJWs. I actually used to like October because she actually stood up for herself against cunts like OrangeCitrus but now? She's nuts! She flies off the handle at the drop of a dime and keeps picking fights with people.
No. 5852
>>5847Exactly. People just made it into one big mess, like, "THIS SHOULDA BEEN HANDLED BEHIND THE SCENES. YOU'RE NOT RUNNING THE FORUM THE WAY I WANT." Wat. Honestly, I was one of(if not, THE) person who suggested the voting system. I think it's fair that it involves all the members that have seen problems but not problems mentioned in the Rules. Cool, you don't think it should be handled that way, but why ruin it for those who agree and want that person gone?
>>5849Oh, god. I'm not even gonna get into October.
eye roll No. 6000
>>5879This so much. It seems like most of the PULL users try soooo hard to be as pc as possible, but just end up being annoying as fuck. I will always remember everybody jumping at my throat for a simple, dumb joke I made in the Pixitery thread. And I mean, we're talking fuckin' Pixitery here, who is pretty much a walking joke on her own. But no, everybody had to play the "you're
*-shaming!" card, and how they don't think it's right to comment on anybody's appareance, which is so hypocritical on so many levels. OrangeCitrus truly was the worst offender, but the vast majority of the people there are just butthurt wannabe-snowflakes SWJs of the worst kind.
No. 6016
>>5879I hate Tharthan (or w/e the fuck his name is)
I'm convinced he has some form of autism, as autistic people tend to become completely obsessed with something that really interests THEM & no one else.
For him it's apparently flags & english.
if he doesn't have autism well…
he's still an annoying cunt either way.
No. 6019
>>6000I remember that, I think. Some fatass got super butthurt and went, "There's a lot of mean comments about weight!! :(" It's fucking Pixyteri, for fuck's sake. She world renown for being as fat whale. I can't believe how butthurt they get over fucking nothing. Call someone ghetto who's certainly acting and dressing the part? " DAT'S RAYCIS!!!" even when some of the people calling them as such
are black. Call someone a whale? "WAAAAHHH!!! YOU'RE BODY SHAMING!!!!" If I knew hoglee, Candy-chan, redchild, girl in the PT thread with the fat girl icon IRL, I would be so fucking embarrassed to be associate with them.
>>6016I hate him too. He's just as bad as the SJW's on the annoying as fuck level over there. He claims he's not an aspie but even Normal Impaired asked him… And that's quite sad. I did laugh when he got super offended by that question. Lol
No. 6042
>>6016i say autism or asperger's syndrome.
1.he has no sense of humor
2.he sounds like a fucking robot
or maybe he's just an idiot trying to look like some fucking smartass and make us an impression
No. 6051
>>6047fat fedora detected.
>>6042hmm you're right, I think it's more likely aspergers.
No. 6079
>>6077 You know we said that PULL would be better off without orange citrus but people like Tharthan took her place instead. It is like a hydra. You can cut one head off, but two more will come any way.
As for October, I don't know what happened. I use to really enjoy her posts. Hopefully this is a phase or something.
No. 6093
>>6090>>6090To make it simple:
It started when Apple quit, people were talking about what to do next with PULL (aka searching new mods). Normal said to not make Kelly an admin because she doesn't trust her since she loved to bring up old threads again for no real only to spread her "important" opinions, she also would brag about how many likes her posts got, making homophobic remarks and other snowflake-like stuff but later deleted those posts with her mod powers, it would show in the mod logs. Whatever, Normal did feel she wasn't taken serious and after that there was an 300+ posts long discussion just about why Kelly shouldn't be made a admin.
No. 6096
I remember when PULL first started there here wannabe snowflakes branching off into separate groups for idols and models. Orange, the read haired asian and Spoodoodle were in it for internet fame.
>>6095People fought in the facebook group and it leaked over to PULL. Dramu
No. 6267
>>6110Can we discuss Lain for a minute?
I really hate how she shows up every four months just to complain about the forum she created. The host sucks, the drama annoys her, the gossip bores her, the users bother her. Then STEP DOWN, you stupid bitch, it's not like you did that much after setting the forum up anyway.
And now her request to merge lolcow and PULL in the suggestions thread… Hell no, bitch. You keep your SJWs and speshul snowflakes.
No. 6322
>>6319Does anyone have a link to this video where she describes being
No. 6344
>>6332That's not what a badcop is. The badcop is just the scary guy who enforces the same rules as the goodcop. They're the intimidation basically. Pull needs someone who doesn't give a shit when the members go "Wahh wahh!" and stands by their decisions, and takes the flack that the other mods can't handle getting.
>>6331This is why most forums have a the moderators are never wrong / arguing with mods in public = a warning or a ban rules.
No. 6345
>>6333Because Lain is 1. the one who makes the final decision on who will turn mod and 2. she is the only one that can demote them when going batshit.
And if you don't care, why do you even complain about in the first place, it's not like if anons couldn't contact the mods without an account. If you got time for reading all that BS you sure will have few seconds for pushing a button.
No. 6350
>>6332That's not bad cop, that's
dirty cop… The cop that pretends to be abiding by the law but uses their powers to do bad. That is what Orange was.
No. 6356
>>6348Orange banned people for personal reasons and abused her powers like no tomorrow. She's not a badcop, she was just a powerhungry bitch.
>And I feel as if we do that now we'd 100% get called shit mods and abusing powers and hur hur u don't kno how 2 do ur jobWhy do you /care/ what they think? You're the mod, you get the final say. The members either have to deal with it, or leave. And if they leave, good riddance. You'd lose the SJW and whiny oversensitive fucks and actually gain a good userbase. Lose the pushover mentality, it's a bad thing when you're supposed to be enforcing rules.
This is what I hate about PULL. Everyone's so obsessed over protecting their ~image~, even the mod team to the point where it takes priority over rule enforcing. That's why PULL's a hugbox shithole.
No. 6363
>>6361> it's just that I don't want a bunch of people screaming that PULL mods are all orangeWhy does it matter what they think as long as you know you're not?
> and fucking up my personal life. I already had one member shit up my inbox on PULL and Facebook so I'd rather not go through that again.Then ban that motherfucker for harassment and stop linking your profiles together.
No. 6367
>>6366It's fucking Normal Impaired, isn't it?
Is the admin team looking for applicants? I'd gladly apply since I'm quite blunt and don't fuck around when it comes to rule breakers.
No. 6368
>>6366That FB group was a bad idea anyway, linking something like PULL to something that could be traced to you IRL. You guys should've just banned her from PULL.
Lol. Normal Impaired. Bitch is cray.
No. 6373
>>6367>>6368Ding ding you're both correct. She used to still complain about me in chat for shit she made up, and even went so far as to say my bf cheating on me was my fault. like lmfao bitch what are you even on?
Well it wasn't really for all members, it was for the main ones that contributed a lot + mods. Just ones that were pretty chill and offered a lot of info. But this was made a loooong time ago, before I was even a mod I think. and right now we're gonna see how the "good cop/bad cop" thing works out but shoot me a message (I'm espurr if you didn't know) and we'll chat it over.
No. 6643
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found this
No. 6644
>>6643Wow Tharthan's made friends
Didn't know he had whiteknights
No. 6668
>>6646Agree. He always goes OT talking about irelevant stuff. I think he learned his lesson and now behaves like a good boy but he's still not very welcomed there. He doesn't know how do these forums actually work. You don't reply to every single member if you have nothing to say.
Not to mention that he ruined Yuuhi Takahiro thread talking about "purity", himself and shit. What an attention whore
No. 6679
He never contributes anything to the forum and just chats about pointless things with other member, maybe trying to make a conversation. It's just so annoying and uninteresting to read
No. 6689
>>6685Oh, I did when the thread was made about banning him. However, it's not relevant in any other thread, so I won't derail threads just complaining about him on PULL, because that's pointless.
I'm just saying, I hope he slips up and gets banned.
No. 6696
>>6692Saw you on the chat. Can't say batch when it was just one user spewing the "This is an expose site"
We all know we go there to talk about snowflakes and there behavior. Sure some people see the light with snow flakes and we only had one instance with Mira where our proof actually helped cause a shit storm but no real downfall… then again Mira is stupid and transparent so it is not like that was hard to prove.
No. 6698
>>6692I'm sorry for finding Pull when it's still a tumblr. I NEVER participated in the forum until late 2012. Don't blame me for the way it had become, because I also had to deal with the change.
And you're right about the cancer too^^ I've got a swelling living inside me, but I'm sure I've got more life than you do!
Sorry for posting here lolcow^^ I usually just lurk here, but your member provoked me first on the PULL chat
No. 6701
>>6692 >>6699Just heard from a member that the start of PULL was since the PULL tumblr and I think she's right.
Before parts of cgl moved to the PULL tumblr it wasn't even called PULL. Cgl only counts as the ancestor of PULL. So why are you angry that I found PULL at the tumblr era?
About the cancer, I was just being sarcastic because I coincidently have a good tumor and it was used as a curse word against me^^
No. 6706
>>6701>> Didn't know cows were that retardedWell I've got retardation inside of me, but I'm sure I've got more brain than you do ^^
Go ahead, go whine on PULL about the evil-doers farmers for calling you out on your shit!
No. 6715
>>6711Excuse me? People are accusing me of things without clarifying what and now I look retarded for looking for answers?
Just answer my questions and I'll leave. I just want to know what "shit" I'm doing and why farmers feel the need to mention me here.
No. 6719
>>6715>>6717You're annoying. That's it. You and your lot from tumblr stopped the original userbase of the site from using it how it was intended.
>"Yeah we're an expose site not just a stupid gossip site! Look at how morally superior we are! Yeah we're actually doing good things by protecting people from these evil snowflakes!"No. You're a gossip site that was made to bitch about petty e-celeb drama.
You drove out the main admin and made it so we had to resort to having people like Orange as mods, now there's a whole flock of SJW members who get up in arms if you call someone hideously obese fat.
No. 6725
>>6708>>6715>>6716 know what really is embarrassing?
Fat girls uploading DIY hair tutorials to Youtube.
Now leave before I dox you for real.
No. 6727
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PULL users have become a parody unto themselves.
No. 6729
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No. 6732
>>6729lol it's funny XD pull members calling each other out. wasn't it supposed to be "exposing liars" site?
>>6725so what, she's fat and i guess you use it as an insult? grow up, it's lame.
when ppl get called out for their looks=WRONG
when ppl get called out for shit they've done=RIGHT
No. 6744
>>6727>>6729Sorry for not knowing or caring about farmers and cows.
Why are you posting the chat btw? It's that farmer that went to bitch on the chat first and decided to post about me later.
No. 6776
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>>6762The best part is how smug he was a few hours ago.
No. 6780
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>>6777>>6759>>6762>>6759He also apparently started crying irl.
Sorry for the triple post. I have the good parts of the chat capped.
It went on for hours though so there are like 35 uncombined ones and I don't want to flood the thread.
No. 6786
>>6776IMO Tharthan sounds like Jrcach:
sounds like a fucking robot;
rants about stupid shit;
has no sense of humor;
thinks that people who call him out are "butthurt".
No. 6787
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>>6785i sincerely hope he finds some friends
No. 6795
You know, I think I agree with Espurr at this point (if that's who Anon6781 was). Leaving PULL was probably the best option.
So, yeah, I did some pretty lulzworthy things out of foolishness. I like lulz too sometimes, I can get that. But what do you guys personally not like about what I did? I know you guys aren't really all that humanitarian, but maybe you can tell me what was the most "messed up" thing about what I did? So I can improve myself in the future.
I'm not here to try and defend myself. I don't really care anymore. I plan on just going back to what I was doing after this, but I just want this lolcow stuff to be resolved first. I thought about just ignoring it and just fade into obscurity, but I have decided I want to try something before I do that: see what the biggest issues with what I have done are and try to correct them.
(There is one correction I would like to make to some of the posts here though: I really am 17. That's true. Just wanted to make that clear. You can think what you want though, idk. You can think I'm some 40 year old man in Gimli Canada for all I care.)
I know some of you are probably going to say "…stop being a lolcow, then". That's fair enough, but if I truly am a "lolcow", I would like to know what I have done that was facepalm-worthy enough to get you guys to point it out on here, so I can avoid doing it again in the future.
Alternatively, if you think I'm here for some other reason than what I said, or to just bother you guys, then you are perfectly free to just ignore me in hopes that I go away. Trust me, I will happily oblige. That will be the perfect oppurtunity for me to fade back into obscurity so I can go about what I was doing before I joined PULL and not have to worry about any carry-over stuff.
The choice is yours. I personally prefer you go with the former, but it's up to you.
No. 6800
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>>6795tl;dr cry somewhere else.
We are not as nice as pull.
No. 6803
File: 1407873918151.jpg (94.67 KB, 662x610, jq2ih2.jpg)

>>6795>>6801Also if you don't intuitively know that sending someone this many messages is a BAD IDEA. There's no helping you.
No. 6806
>>6804No he did.
Sorry I wasn't clear, I was calling him out, not you anon.
I think he said since 2006?
Point is he was being overdramatic when he said "all my life! Ruined by PULL! Boo hoohoo"
No. 6808
File: 1407874337417.png (55.7 KB, 548x458, chat 22.png)

>>6801He latched on because he has no friends irl.
No. 6809
>>6788He's actually 17 years old, and throughout the argument in the chatbox he kept claiming that he wouldn't leave until every trace of his name was removed from PULL and all his posts to "protect his identity".
When suggested he simply choose a new user name he reveals that he has been using the name Tharthan since 2006…. when he was 9 years old.
I think this guy is legit autistic.
No. 6810
>>6798Well, I only came here to ask what it was that was particularly dumb so I can avoid being in this situation in the future.
In regard to contribution, I suppose that's fair enough. I didn't contribute any new information.
But I wasn't talking about PULL, though. Like I said, I think it's probably indeed better for me not to be a part of that site. I was asking, in general, what was it that I did that was derp?
>>6800Didn't come to cry.
>>6801Well, I don't plan on going back to PULL at this point anyways. I'm only here right now to see what the issues with me were so I can try and correct them.
>>6803Yeah, that was dumb on my part. True enough.
>>6808Well, I do. It's just they're all busy with stuff during the summer.
I suppose I should probably take that as a hint that I should be busy with stuff too, I guess.
No. 6814
>>6813Well dude, it's kind of hard not to assume because you are displaying quite literally every symptom of mid to high functioning aspergers.
I have a sperg friend who's a pleasant and decent enough guy and seriously, you behave and talk just like him.
No. 6818
>>6814I dunno. I've only met one person before that I am aware of that had aspergers.
The biggest thing I noticed is that he wasn't very social, and he wasn't a fan of have conversation subjects changed on him.
He was a bit awkward to be honest. Nothing wrong with him being him, but I'm just saying.
No. 6821
>>6818Oh, whoops.
Asperger's and having.
No. 6823
>>6822I've already said I haven't come here to argue stuff with you.
You can think what you want.
What I want to know is what stuff I was doing before could I fix to avoid having a similar issue to this one in the future.
No. 6824
>>6810You are missing the point here.
What you did on PULL is relevant. You basically did everything wrong and when we point it out you can't just stick your fingers in your ears and say "lalala I'm not going back to pull so none of this matters!"
And I know they mentioned this in the chat. STOP REPLYING TO EVERYONE. That's what creates your annoyingly long as fuck posts that have little to no actual content.
No. 6825
>>6818>struggle to make and maintain friendships>not understand the unwritten 'social rules' that most of us pick up without thinking. For example, they may stand too close to another person, or start an inappropriate topic of conversationfind other people unpredictable and confusing
>become withdrawn and seem uninterested in other people, appearing almost aloofbehave in what may seem an inappropriate manner.
Sorry dude, but this sounds about right.
No. 6826
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>>6823They've told you, we've told you.
The problem is that you don't listen.
In case you are so dense that you've forgotten, here is one of the MANY MANY reasons you were (justly) banned.
No. 6827
File: 1407875550891.png (56.32 KB, 548x458, chat 08.png)

>>6826>>6823And that two hour rage mode? Should have constituted a ban instantly since it was after multiple warnings anyway.
They've pointed it out to you and all you did was argue with them.
We aren't here to coddle you and tell you how to make it all better.
No. 6828
>>6826So what you're saying is that I bite troll bait too often when I should just be ignoring it?
>>6827I don't really expect chan users who were loling at dumb things I chose to do to sympathise with me.
No, I just asked anyone who was interested in doing so if they could tell me what was wrong with what I had done.
No. 6830
>>6828What part of that was troll bait? She's telling you why you were banned.
Listening might have saved you from being kicked off your beloved forum.
No. 6833
>>6831You really think that EVERYONE who disagreed with you were trolls?
Spoiler: most people either disagreed or tolerated. Not saying there weren't exceptions, but I'm talking about the majority.
Some of the people that argued with you have been on the forums for far longer than you. Do you think they created those accounts with the anticipation that you would show up so they could troll you? Come on, now you can't be this dense.
You even throw out your wiktionary link whenever anyone brings up that old saying:
“The first time someone calls you a horse you punch him in the nose, the second time someone calls you a horse you call him a jerk, but the third time someone calls you a horse, well then perhaps it's time to go shopping for a saddle."
No. 6834
>>6833Nowhere near the majority of people, but there clearly were a good few.
My point was that I sort of caught on to that they were just trying to grind my gears, but I ignored my intuition and kept responding to them.
No. 6835
>>6834Holy shit it was 80 percent of people that wanted you off the site! There was a public vote! And that percent got higher the longer you stayed! You are just delusional at this point. And no one was grinding your gears. We didn't know how to handle you and we tried talking about how to deal and people wanted to know what was up. But like a creeper you stalked the form and chat to see if you were mentioned. Hell when you wake up the first thing you probably do is scroll up and see if you were mentioned. You are not listening. Get off lolcow. We are not PULL. Get over it. The only person who can solve your issues is YOU! Not people on an anon site who dislike you for good causes.
Get a clue and leave!
No. 6836
>>6834Yes, the majority actually. Enough to even have a thread where almost everyone was in agreement.
You have no idea how many times you were reported by individual members do you? kek if you did you wouldn't still think you had anybody who really wanted you there.
Where are all of the people defending you if you supposedly have all these members that want you back so bad? Oh right, because they don't exist.
Protip: When someone tells you to stop talking, that's not a troll. They literally want you to close your mouth.
Trolls want you to keep talking so they can make fun of you.
You can't pin the blame for your banishment on anyone but yourself for not listening to the community.
No. 6839
>>6776Pretty sure he literally has nothing else to do all day.
No. 6842
File: 1407877036848.png (183.4 KB, 400x240, 0VEU3x6.png)

>>6840Go play Mii Life or something.
Your Mii's like you more than anyone on PULL or here.
And until you realize that you have already been told what you did wrong (yet are still in denial) they will be your only friends.
>Tartan: That's my Mii on the left, my Mii's son Blue in the middle and my Mii's wife Lily on the right. No. 6845
>>6839I'm actually a terrible procrastinator. PULL has eaten up so much of my time that I have a wicked big backlog.
>>6842That game gets a little bland if you play it too long.
And, like I said, I have friends. It's just they are all busy during the Summer, making me the odd one out I guess.
No. 6850
>>6845I'm going to bet that there is a reason that you aren't included in ANY of their summer plans. If they exist at all.
(hint: it's your attitude)
No. 6855
>>6847Fair enough.
>>6850Well a particular person comes to mind actually now that you say that, and I can more or less safely assume that you are probably right.
No. 6864
>>6860My voice got deeper around puberty. I don't know what else to say.
It used to sound like this: you look at my videos from before 2008, you'll see that I was clearly a kid back then.
No. 6865
>>6861Same. I'm done.
I'm going to go to work and live my life outside of the internet for a while (and away from Tharthan's dramalama aspie-ness).
No. 6938
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dat butthurt
No. 8458
>>8453hm i have to agree. that makeup and photoshop looks like shit. i hope she'll grow out of this and create a decent looking internet persona.
sorry megan. when you grow up you'll understand.
No. 8466
File: 1408616482041.jpg (188.95 KB, 625x937, 3ca21d4228cc7e8224f342889d4d14…)

No. 8482
>>8478hey, I'm no sjw, believe me, I just saw hachi contributed a lot on there & didn't see any posts indicating she would be leaving so it seemed odd that her account was suddenly gone; I thought something must have happened.
But, if she left to do more thing irl, then that's good for her.
No. 8488
LOL How do I think i'm black; actually died at that. And
>>8457 >>8458 don't worry that was me in my weeb phase, I've grown out of that.
>>8472 I'm not a snowflake for having been a weeb a year or so back; I don't think OC is a saint, sure she was acting irrationally on PULL banning peeps left right and centre, the sjw crap was annoying. But I don't see a big deal with her camming. Anyhow, that's about all I have to say :)
No. 8509
i don't really know much about the members as snowflakes so maybe i should keep my mouth shut XD
i just hate seeing mebers on forum acting all so fucking sweet and all, chattig with each other but then they come here to talk shit about each other. eugh..
No. 8510
>>8508I need this shirt in my life.
>>8507Oh lord, you wasn't being fascist. Noelle?
No. 8514
>>8510haha, you called me noelle? XD nope, she's probably crying on jrcock's shoulder (or dick) atm. lolcow is a scary ugugu place,remember?
idk man i just feel like PULL is a place where people unite to expose liars, not expose each other lol.if that makes sense. idk it'd be better if everyone on pull was anon so we could discuiss slowflakes', not members' shit.
No. 9132
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"Especially not with Venus's voice"!!
LOL because she does exactly the same. This girl is the shittiest Venus wannabee I've ever seen I have no fucking idea what she's doing on PULL
No. 9892
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>PULL censored the word 'slut'
Is slut a TRIGGER word now? In that case they should censor fat, suicide and everything else deemed ~offensive and triggering~. It sure is tumblr in there.
No. 10509
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KFC getting slayed
No. 10516
>>10515oh give me a fuckin break. i was talking about how she picks out the stupidest shit or shit that isn't there. like how she is obsessed with talking about kikis "short torso". she will bring it up out of nowhere and keep talking about it even when no one cares.
people piss me off with having there stupid face up there, like why? this isn't tumblr. what are you doing. stop trying to be cute.
No. 10526
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>>10521you're an idiot. i already said i was specifically talking to this girl about the stupid things she picks. go back to whoring out ur shitty tumblr on pull pls.
No. 10556
>>10535Simone, why do you come here to complain about shit you don't like on PULL, instead of talking about it there? Do you realize that it's kinda dumb coming here being all like: "look at what that stupid user said against me lol" while still keeping on posting there? What do you expect, us patting your shoulder and be like "Ikr? Such a loser!"?? Seriously, I can't stand you PULL members coming here to complain about shit on PULL you don't like. You've got your own forum, and if you can't express yourself the way you want there in 'cause you're afraid of being labeled not kawaii and desu enough, that's your fuckin' problem. SO piss off.
Btw, KFC was right and you're a dumbass.
No. 10570
>>10509simone is my waifu
keep doing what you're doing, you're the chemo curing PULL
No. 10571
>>10556Personally, I like simone because I love to see PULL members get BTFO'd. They're a lot of dumb, fake bitches and it's entertaining as fuck when they get told. I don't really care why she posts here, even if it's to get whiteknights or whatever.
PULL members are lolcows in themselves.
tl;dr: kfc pls go
No. 10575
>>10573Nope, not her. I am
>>10571, though
No. 10579
>>10576um, wow. i didn't even know about those "attempts."
for some reason, the version i have in mind involves her fighting with some other tumblr blogger, overdosing and being rescued by her husband and him posting on her "truth blog" to let people know what happened. because that totally makes sense. the internet has to know. the internet cares. yup.
her tumblr name had "ostrenga" in it somewhere if i remember correctly… ughhh. so much drama, so many snowflakes, so many truth bloggers who turn out to be snowflakes and cause even more drama. i lost track.
No. 10590
>>10587 lol internet slowly becoming the land of paranoia
eats popcorn love this like the third time someone been accussed of self posting
>>10583 shut the fuck up. tho i follow her soundcloud so we
>>10582 thats a muzzy for you
No. 10616
>>10610Unless you are KFC or someone else she shat on, I literally don't see any reason to be bothered. She occasionally provides content and calls out retards. What's not to like?
Plus, she spews all the hate she wants on the forum instead of pretending to be a kawaii desu pure-hearted girl who ~only wants the truth~.
I'd see your point if it actually was one of the posters who act disingenuous and would definitely do the very thing you're complaining about, but I don't think simone fits that criteria.
No. 10619
>>10616Again, I'm not KFC and hell no she hasn't shat of me or anything, snce I've never had any direct exchange with her, at least that I know of. The thing is, she comes off as annoying and condescending, plus nobody gives a shit about the irrelevant small fits among them PULL users, so why would she post it here, if not for gaining attention? That's a pretty snowflakey move to me. Plus, that KFC chick was right to call her out, what she wrote was hypocritical as fuck. So in the end I wouldn't give a crap about this Simone that all of you seem to be so into, if she didn't come here to fish for whiteknights.
No. 10657
>>10556bc i go to pull bc it's hilarious and entertaining???
what do you want me to do make a call out thread to talk shit in on pull? i don't even think that's allowed and people would get butthurt as fuck. that's why i bring it here BECAUSE IT"S FUNNY. it's stupid to keep it going in the threads on pull bc everyone will get pissed.
i just go with the flow and say what i want at the moment.
i don't see why you all think you can talk shit about all these bitches but nobody can talk shit about you or else you all start getting ur feelings hurt.
No. 10659
>>10619you do know this is a thread about pull right?
to, you know, post things about pull and things that happen in pull.
wtf did you think this thread was?
No. 10660
>>10658lmfao. i never complained about anyone on here nitpicking.
why do you keep trying to bring up what i said to that dumb girl on pull. did i go too far sayin she was ugly? she made herself an easy target by havin her stupid pic up like shes cute. so that didn't help.
No. 10664
>>10619yes, i am annoying. the person who was the first to call out one of the most annoying fucked up users on pull bc everyone else wouldn't say shit until i did. obviously you just mad bc either ur kfc or that bitch with the dumb picture of herself wearing that black hobo coat or something that i said was ugly.
idk why you are so annoyed about me bringing things from pull here. that's how the tharthan bullshit began which was hilarious. he even ended up crying by the end of it lmao :'D
hm…wonder why no one seemed to care then?
No. 10670
>>10667yea. anonomously attention whoring. i could understand what you're trying to say if i had links to accounts or pictures of myself on my profile, but srsly, what would be the point of attention whoring if no one knows who tf you are?
tharthan wasn't attention whoring. he was just being a sperg lord.
No. 10673
File: 1409391171770.jpg (23.74 KB, 500x341, tumblr_mlleyrM3kZ1qj760fo1_r1_…)

>>10671i try to be as kawaii as possible in every aspect of my life. the fact that you noticed this means i am on the right path. arigatou gozaimasu. here is a picture of me. if i type more question marks and elipses i'll turn full anime one day…….. wish me luck anon chan. V.V)
No. 10681
>>10664Yeah, 'cause these girls would totally have an italian IP, I'm sure.
I just happen to find you annoying, rude and stupid on PULL (which I only lurk btw) and especially here. But please Simone, keep embarassing yourself "anonymously" (I guess you've got the definition of "anonymous" wrong) for our viewing pleasure. You're so unfunny and dumb it's actually pretty entertaining.
No. 10682
>>10673Simone you're fucking cancer. Gtfo you're making yourself look foolish.
So noble of you to "call out" someone who hasn't even logged on since May.
No. 10695
>>10694Sorry, deleted and reposted because of some errors I made.
I know, it just drives me freakin' nuts. That site is pure gossip at this point. I don't know if it was ever "good". I just like to follow Dakota's career, and I'm shit at moonspeak.
No. 10710
>>10693Pretty sure the majority of that thread is people speaking fondly of her and saying she doesn't copy Dakota.
Can you not read?
And Taylor is a copycat. Get over it.
No. 10771
>>10757I will when I become a member. Oh sorry did I hurt your feelings?
Taylor is another Dakota clone. Go fangirl somewhere else or stop getting your knickers in a wad over a shitty eceleb.
No. 10792
>>10788>You can say: which she does "for" about a year,No you can't. You need a "Has" In there for it to be correct, because otherwise it'd be future tense, and because of the subject we know that it's past tense.
That aside, Moemo uses the word since (and a lot of other words) in a very specific and unnatural manner.
>Kokokim cat shirt right after Dakota did model it at an event.Coupled with the posters inability to admit the fact they're wrong, their know it all attitude and the fact another anon was called out as being Moemo by two different anons over in the Dakota thread whilst using exactly the same argument.
Go the fuck away Moemo. If you're trying to be incognito by only posting on Anonymous websites you're doing a shit job. Maybe if you stop having such a shit attitude you'll be able to make friends with some people with English as a first language and improve your shitty English.
No. 10794
>>10781How many times have people pointed out your incorrect usage of 'since'… for the love of god sort it out.
>>10792>If you're trying to be incognito by only posting on Anonymous websites you're doing a shit job.I really hope she doesn't think she's going unnoticed. She always posted things from cgl on PULL and acted like they were exclusives anyway.
No. 10795
>>10791Right, Dakota is the only one who could possibly own either of those items.
Lookbook doesn't real
Tumblr doesn't real
Fashion magazines don't real
Taobao doesn't real
Only Dakota
No. 10807
>>10791You're wrong here. It had been pointed out and proved that Taylor posted a photo wearing that shirt way before Dakota showed up wearing it at event. So no, just because they wear similar clothes sometimes does not mean she's copying her.
There are some similarities that really looks like copying but not everything and seriously, sometimes it's getting ridiculous.
No. 10813
>>10796No, Moemo. In this instance "On" Is more like a substitute for "using" , as in:
>I am on the toilet>I am on a bike>I am on the computerLast one being especially relevant as that's why we say we're on a website. We're on the computer, on a website.
Please don't try and call people out on their English, I know you liked to do this on PULL but yours is barely passable. Don't teach your shitty habits to other ESL people.
No. 11059
>>10787And fucking thank you.
>>10781Run-on sentence much?
No. 12145
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Any thoughts on SweetandSour? Seems like a bit of a retarded bitch.
No. 12178
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>>12174I suspect this, too. Apparently they haven't uploaded more screencaps to the archive either
No. 12215
>>12212But what next? Just a lawyer won't be able to do anything with lame caps and accounts of random people they stalked.
I mean, they could try to fool followers on twitter with mixing those caps before and claiming some bullshit about the posts count but in court they need way more and prove it properly, that trick won't work there. The judge and others will need actual proofs and who are they going to go after actually?
The only one I can think about right now is crowdgather since they haven't removed PULL when they wanted them to do that but that's basically all. They don't have anything about anyone else.
No. 18552
>>6725" know what really is embarrassing?
Fat girls uploading DIY hair tutorials to Youtube.
Now leave before I dox you for real."
Lol, I didn't notice this post until someone asked me today. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it's not me^^
Good luck doxing me btw. I live in a small town, so the bigger cities around show up instead XD
No. 18556
>>18555I don't remember who explained in the Pull chat that the people discussed here were cows and the members here are milking the drama or something. That's why they're farmers? Too long ago sorry.
I don't feel special at all, just funny someone thought he/she found me and called me fat. Hilarious!
No. 18566
>>18562Did you respond to the wrong comment?
Actually, I don't care about you guys and had stopped coming here since Simone got a warning.If someone didn't ask me about that comment in the PULL chat today, I wouldn't be here.
I just wanted to leave a message for the idiot who thought he/she found me and didn't even know about the failing XD
I do respect that you don't want someone who's uninterested in your board to post here and thus would leave it alone until that dumbass show up.
But I don't see why I can't mention lolcow on PULL, if you have a whole thread dedicated to us^^
Have a nice day~ and I'm going to openly lurk here for a while!
No. 18568
>>18566The fact that you scrolled through thousands of comments to find that one comment and then felt that you HAD to reply to it anyway just goes to show how insecure you are.
Absolutely disgusting.
Not get out you chink bitch.
No. 18580
>>18568Isn't it better to just ignore me if you don't want me here?
Web browsers comes with a search function btw. I did hit miss 2 times, got lazy and asked for directions in the chat afterwards.
Applauds You guessed right^^ I'm insecure, but who isn't?
P.S.: Just ignore me and I'll leave on my own. Respond to me if you wanna entertain me.
Yawns No. 18590
>>18568If you're going to lurk, it means you're not posting.
Hurry up and start fucking lurking.
No. 19190
>>19117>>19176I remember one of the few times I visited PULL people noticed Dakota's lips looked like she bites them and suspected that she does it on purpose to look like a BJD.
What the fuck, man.
No. 19210
>>18552Dude, why would you revive this thread? Do you WANT people to talk shit about PULL members?
Seriously, just let it die.
No. 19212
>>19210It's been 4 days ago. For 4 days no one wrote anything about this, which means this topic was on a good way to slowly die.
Better to just really let it go even if it was silent about this for few days.
No. 19216
>>19206I've never seen nitpicking quite as bad as PULL on here, but I guess any bitch site is going to have lots of it.
My point was that yeah, it's not really anything out of the ordinary for PULL
No. 20666
>>20544>strawmanning this hard to make a moot pointNope, Yolandi is cool as fuck.
Unlike blackface, "nigger" is generally considered an offensive term everywhere. I'm pretty sure "kaffir" is, too.
No. 20673
>>20667Sorry, but your country isn't South Africa, and they don't magically share the same values just because you put them under a collective blanket of "Not America".
Anon's post isn't even just coming out of a "different culture" context like the two examples you gave, they obviously meant to be offensive and speak derisively of black people because they consider them murderers and rapists and SA has supposedly gotten shittier.
To be honest, there's really no shielding things with "No it's just not considered racist in their culture!!" in this specific case.
No. 20681
>>20673>>"nigger" is generally considered an offensive term everywhere.>>that's not true, my country for example>>NO FUK U IS STILL RACIST CUZ MY OPINIONNigger nigger nigger lol nigger
Go back to tumblr and cry about teh n word there, no one here cares.
And whites in SA have every right to be angry about all the rapes and farm murders. The government wants them to stay, but does nothing to protect them. Them leaving has caused a massive brain drain in SA. Also, No. 20685
>>20682Literally no one is arguing about the plight of SA. That poster was just being racist while complaining about racism, and some faggot is trying to defend them.
There's no way that they just "didn't know" or they didn't mean to use the term "nigger" derisively in the first place, which makes them a hypocrite.
No. 20722
>>20692The very fact you're on a website like this demonstrates that you are most certainly not low-functioning.
I used to work with children with aspergers, speech impediments, severe learning difficulties etc. and if you were low functioning I doubt you'd be able to demonstrate yourself so articulately let alone grasp the concept of "lmao" and use it within context.
No. 20908
>>20784I didn't consider this before, but perhaps Tardchan was diagnosed with a disorder on the autistic spectrum, and he doesn't want to accept it because he problems with the word "autism".
Well Tardchan, am I right?
No. 21417
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Oh the irony…
No. 21418
>>21417Don't mean to derail, but jesus fucking christ that eyeliner-an-inch-away-from-the-actual-fucking-eye thing all these snowflakey weebs do pisses me off so much.
I presume they think it makes their eyes look bigger, but it just looks painfully retarded.
No. 21419
>>21418I really don't understand how they can't see how stupid that looks.
Blame Michelle Phan?
No. 21442
File: 1415220677741.jpg (35.06 KB, 890x250, candy.jpg)

>we should a tread
No. 21445
>>21444no a tread.
I think the admins should just ban everyone with "candy" in their name the second they join.
No. 21602
File: 1415259619070.png (122.79 KB, 619x569, Screenshot (7).png)

I only looked at the first page. But at least Totemo kept her opinion
No. 21603
>>21599yeah i hate that.
"kids" like her get posted on PULL all the time and members make fun of them but since Haillie is the member of PULL she's "on the safe side". she's a total snowflake imo
No. 21605
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No. 21607
File: 1415260490866.png (83.58 KB, 793x377, b.png)

>I joined this forum to find out more stuff about the Bodyline contest, I'm totally innocent desu
>Makes fun of some russian chick's shitty make up
No. 21608
File: 1415260568013.jpg (100.48 KB, 960x960, 10639556_907384229314408_61956…)

guise,pls stop calling her a kid. she's like 15 or 16
No. 21609
File: 1415260697641.png (727.21 KB, 749x1033, wat.png)

Reminds me of OC
No. 21619
These days she seems to have moved away from the living doll image to a 'sexier' one.
Exhibit A: her amazing dance cover teaser, complete with her gut spilling out. No. 21621
File: 1415277321673.png (564.03 KB, 1011x609, Screen Shot 2014-11-06 at 12.3…)

No. 21633
File: 1415284685838.png (754.88 KB, 1008x601, 111.png)

No. 21635
File: 1415284855120.png (748.79 KB, 1018x585, wtffff.png)

>Blondes have more fun right?
Okay bitch, but don't complain when a man will treat you like a whore because you act like one.
No. 21639
>>21635>>21633so innocent
very kawaii
just a kid, guys
No. 21641
File: 1415285481365.png (428.83 KB, 542x817, Screen Shot 2014-11-06 at 14.4…)

>>21635>>21638Her weaves tho
No. 21651
File: 1415291715102.jpg (52.94 KB, 468x594, naomi.jpg)

>>21641lol why does she wear a weave? isn't that only for black girls and Hollywood actresses? It seems so vain for her to do that, why not keep her normal hair?
No. 21655
>>21651Well if her real hair is as rekt as it looks in
>>21635 I don't blame her.
No. 21932
>>21590Never seen that happen?
No. 21942
>>21639I'm calling it now:
It's all an act.
No. 21943
>>21634Whenever something becomes extremely popular, like J-Pop has, the hipsters (i.e. 90% of kids today) think that they're above it, and move onto something else that is quite popular but not ''as'' popular as the prior thing.
They're just poseurs. And quite the bore.
No. 21945
>>2194390% of kids on the internet.
I think the majority of kids I meet irl are pretty basic.
No. 27213
File: 1417288546877.png (27.22 KB, 777x494, wtf.png)

please tell me it's a fucking troll
No. 27218
File: 1417291247936.jpg (39.17 KB, 540x405, sayanouta.jpg)

>>21944>>27217she totally does desu~
No. 27231
>>27218Her eyeliner actually fucking looks like that
I'm dying
No. 27326
>>27314I know but I went to AX 2014 this year, and I didnt hear any announcement of them coming.
I think PULL user meant Japan Expo ??
No. 27329
>>21651LOL anon. You're really cute. Many people have shitty hair - it doesn't need to be curly afro hair, just extremely thin/short/frizzy/prone to breakage
>>21657>calling non-blacks "normal people"I'm not even a SJW but what the hell
No. 44185
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No. 44186
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No. 44187
File: 1422422854858.png (972.15 KB, 998x606, mint.png)

kawaii desu!
No. 44197>Okay I need you guys to listen up🚨Haters gonna hate QuQ There's a lot off would that get upset with Internet hate. You guys need to realize a few things. 1 Do they really know you? Have they sat down and talked with you and experienced life with you? No your family and friends have. So call bullshit on it because they don't know shiet! 2. These people hating on you are probably hurting inside way more than you are. If they're spewing negativity onto the Internet about you imagine something must've caused that negative energy, if you really want to solve things with them ask what's making them feel like they -need- to hate on someone else to make themselves feel better. Because there could be something completely unrelated behind it. 3. What are these people gonna do? Bet you 200/10 they won't do shit in person lol. They're hiding behind screens and if they were really concerned they would say it to you personally and be mature about it~ 4. Talk shit get hit. If you're nice and kind to these people what're they gonna say? "She was nice to me when I was being a lil bitch hoe?" LOL seriously karma's gonna bite them in the ass some day QuQ 5. YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS LOVE YOU SO THEY SHOULD HAVE THE MOST IMPORTANT OPINION. Take your family and friends advice not a stranger or someone you met via Internet! 6. Misery loves company. Don't give them what they want! Just show how happy you are and that's honestly the best way you can handle the situation!! 💕 But to those people hating on me or others, fuck you all I'm happy and you're not bothering me one bit!! I do wish the best for you in life since you are hurting inside Im sure, but you need to pick up your feet and stop wasting your time on people you don't like and start putting it towards things you do! Be happy and stop focusing on the negatives QuQ 💕 I love all of you guys and wish the best for everyone! Don't listen to haters, because if they were in league I would "report for noob" because they are literally noobs in your life if that makes sense. ANYWAY ILY STAY HAPPY!!! ₍₍ ( ๑॔˃◡ ˂๑॓)◞
This sounds sooo fake.
No. 44229
>>44211I think this is a post by a girl that had a thread made about her on PULL. Reportedly she and op of that thread are trying/tried to make up?
idek man
No. 44611
>>44501Okay so from what I heard, it moved from /cgl/ to tumblr so they could talk shit, and gossip about Kooter without being a clear nuisance to the board or something.
So gossip board
Then more snowflakes popped in, and then it turned from talking about Kooter to exposing/talking shit.
Now, like cgl, it's infested with sjws and attention whores, where they discuss their high and mightyness with the disguise of exposing snowflakes.
With more rational people scattered around.
No. 44658
>>44611Pretty much. It seems like there's a few trying to "fix it" but it's all an utter failure. You cut off one SJW another grows in it's place. A nasty roach infestation.
Although there's always been faggots on that board, Orange Citrus was the one who really brought it down, I think.
No. 45229
File: 1422733127951.png (173.77 KB, 780x681, stfu.png)

God she's so annoying.
No. 45296
>>45289Since I could remember, like 2 years ago. People post themselves "kotified" and that's ok. People post confessions about themselves. People can compare themselves to snowflakes since ever and bring up their face/height/weight.. if people make a thread on themselves, it's not ok. It's… weird.
No. 45410
>>45409Forgot to add:
There's definitely not a rule about being allowed to self post. Pretty sure that milkysky was one of the people who had a good amount of posts but got banned after she self-posted.
No. 45427
File: 1422772599635.png (17.89 KB, 784x429, pull.png)

No. 45429
File: 1422772745758.png (14.89 KB, 795x389, pulll.png)

>>45427These posts contribute nothing to the thread, can they just stfu…
No. 45430
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No. 45432
File: 1422773113359.png (20.19 KB, 768x273, munch.png)

> I sleep with the same bear I got when I was hospitalized as a child
>I have attachment issues
>I am extremely impulsive which has not only caused problems with relationships but also with the law
>I don't like friends coming to my house because I feel like they would judge me
wow. poor thing… much depression. very special.
No. 45438
File: 1422775956776.gif (1.24 MB, 290x189, 1421714366407.gif)

>>45430I'll take "shit that never happened" for 200 Alex
No. 45468
File: 1422784217041.png (143.05 KB, 1150x582, wtf.png)

This chat though, Jesus fucking Christ
No. 45490
>>45430Who the fuck would lie this hard on PULL?
Is she expecting to get status and esteem?
>my boyfriend got my half sister pregnant o.o">o.o" No. 45493
>>45468meow is just like "fuck this shit I'm outta here"
>he'd make me a baby just to have sex with himWtf does that even mean? I read it 4 times & still don't understand.
He lured her into sex saying it was to try for a baby?
No. 45522
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No. 45533
>>45468Eh well this is embarrassing. Usually I criticize idiots from the forum who come in here to defend themselves just to make it worse but I wanna clear up that I WAS about two glasses too many to be on the chat. But that didn't seem to stop ME! So me being whiny sensitive and stupid turnt said something dumb that will be on the interwebs 4ever.
Sorry if I made anyone in the chat feel uncomfortable though. I was hoping it'd be one of those things nobody remembered… it wasn't.
No. 45535
>>45533Imo you're just making dumb excuses but we all want to make confessions once in a while so it's understandable. Just saying that you shouldn't feel embarrassed for wanting to talk to people about stuff that bothers you.
You're still my favourite PULL member ,Crackie.
No. 45539
>>45535Aww ilu2 anon. I'll just be more careful about the stupid shit I say in the chat from now on.
>>45537Candy-chan is that you?
No. 45558
>>21590it's because people assume anyone under 15 is retarded by default so "iT CANT BE HER FAULT! SHES SO YOUNG!!@@@"
smfh i wasnt in a shitty weeb phase like this when i was 14
No. 45561
>>45558Nobody really praises her anymore. Now they just talk about how awkward it is that she's posting pr0nz at 16/17.
It is dumb that they protected her in the first place but it seems some of the members are being less cringe. Only slightly.
No. 45661
>>45438 It could be possible. I've had classmates like that before but they never bragged about their accomplishments.
I hate it when people derail a thread to talk about themselves in a way that doesn't contribute to the thread at all. That doesn't count as a form of self posting?
No. 45667
>>45661And no I'm not talking about the confessions thread, I was talking about another subject where they derail just to brag.
Well at least the confessions thread is an outlet.
No. 45671
>>45667Depends on the content of the post, something like talking about the own experience or viewsaren't selfposts until they are completely OT spam about themself or links to the poster's sites.
For example, in case of a thread about a dance video:
Pointing out what is wrong based on what user X learned wouldn't be a selfpost, user X posting a video of themself doing it better would be a selfpost.
No. 45685
>>45661>>45667>>45671Well, if y'all are still talking about this
>>45429 , then I've already removed all of those posts + a handful of other OT posts from kuronekotopianist. But I'm personally keeping up the posts on the 10 conffession's thread because it's too lolsworthy to remove.
No. 45813
>>45735Love it when they say "I have the same body/face/looks as Dakota"
No. 46996
>>46972This video makes me cringe a lot because I did this makeup when I was in my delusional living doll phase. I actually went out like that, there is photo evidence of it (cringes).
I was thinking that you just brought back that video from 2012 to early 2013, but this video was actually quite recent? I thought that white eyeliner mess was a kinda trendy experiment and the general consensus was that it was an awful look that we should never do ever again.
No. 47252
File: 1423345382439.jpg (94.62 KB, 512x512, image.jpg)

i remeber someone on PULL saying that only japanese girls can do duck face because its part of their "culture" ???
No. 47434
File: 1423417347273.png (38.7 KB, 780x603, ruire.png)

''multicoloured hair, long and slender fingers, dainty and small wrists, shapely and sexy legs, bib boobs, pale skin''
No. 47479
File: 1423421781337.png (42.02 KB, 759x502, 21ffb917dba32448026f611d21b7ba…)

>>47434>>47473I'm so sick of this girl already
No. 47487
File: 1423422931486.png (8.82 KB, 603x118, 74dc91e4a209039f35a0ad8353fe38…)

Kaninchen and Prince called her out
No. 47493
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No. 47503
>>47493>i am such a thoughtful and wise person>let me join this gossip and shittalk forum>but i have no idea why i've joined since i am so innocent and good teeheelolcow material confirmed
did she post her tumblr or something
someone should fish it out of her
No. 47505
>>47504aw too bad
so much cow potential
No. 47506
>>47505Should've nourished it.
Just imagine PULL members sarcastically complimenting a narcissistic lolcow and massaging their egos to milk more kek-worthy material out of them.
No. 47508
>>47506I would've but got there to late. I love a bit of milk from daft cows.
Her profile say's she's 27 right'o then.
No. 47519
>>47517OMG wtffffffffffffffff
she must be an emo or scene kid, even though it's long gone.
No. 47532
>>47525>Member since: February 14, 2014wat.
I didn't even know this site was still going. Are members even that active anymore?
No. 47538
File: 1423428123301.jpg (43.94 KB, 499x750, 48005227.jpg)

>multicolored hair, long and slender fingers, dainty and small wrists, shapely and sexy legs, big boobs, pale skin
No. 47582
>>45533>>45468All levels of fucking crazy.
Are you that same faggot who whined about the cam girl getting abortion?
God I hope you never reproduce, you're pathetic.
No. 47637
>>47509You are PULL's chemo.
You guys should just keep her around as a personal lolcow. She can be the mascot.
No. 47667
>>47520This bitch and her chairs. I've seen my 8 year old niece say more poignant things.
That was so bad. So bad. I want more. That was pixy-teri level cringe…
No. 47689
>>47687kek. happy birthday to her then.
anyway she's back on the thread
No. 47763
>>47582Cracker's one of the few I like so I can't really hate her for this.
>>47710Tumblr seems to be breeding a new snowflake that revolves around white-guilt. All of these white chicks desperately trying to convince us that they're anything but caucasian. Not saying it's okay, just that more and more white girls are claiming to be something they're not so they can join the special world of being oppressed.
Am I doing something wrong? Nothing pops up when I search Ruire's name.
No. 47785
>>47773For sure. People always wanna say they're like 1/64 Cherokee or list all the fractions of their nationalities. It's like, I guess it's cool if you're proud of your heritage, but it would be even cooler if these people actually wanted to learn about these cultures instead of just claiming fractions of the nationalities to sound cool.
I feel like Ruire is just a really dedicated troll… Entertaining either way.
No. 47925
>>47788In all fairness, it's fairly common in this day and age to have a bajillian ethnicities mixed in. I just feel like it's unfair to get mad at them for just naming off what they are.
That being said, it's still a pointless thread.
No. 47979
>>47925yeah no.
If your mum's chinese & you're dad's german, then by all means, proclaim it.
But no one gives a shit where your grandparents or anyone else in your family came from, & unless specifically asks, it's snowflakey to bring it up.
You sure as hell don't need to write a shopping list of all the microscopic amounts of ethnicities in the mix.
No. 48001
it's snowflakey when you brag about it to the point where it sounds fake
No. 51270
File: 1424308430895.jpg (44.14 KB, 785x293, backtotumblr.jpg)

I seriously can't stand this user. Is she trying to be the PC police? She's been pulling this shit in three threads I'm posting in already.
No. 51436
>>51336Ah, okay. I don't do that. Hate it when the users use their own pictures as avatars and put links to their shitty KAWAII UGUU blogs and what not. Like why would we give a shit, we're there to discuss snowflakes. PULL isn't a typical social media site. I kinda feel like those who do it come there for attention/ass-licking, pretty much potential small snowflakes.
Why wouldn't they wanna hide their identity?
No. 51454
File: 1424341162084.png (111.92 KB, 771x529, titanicromance.png)

Mintscribbles is annoying as hell. She talks about herself like people care. No1curr, girl.
Kaluwa's getting grating with her romantic pedo bull. You can't say something on PULL without someone offended.
No. 51460
>>51436That's annoying too and I think that's the reason why they do it. I've seen many people give these girls attention and praise for their looks, especially in the past years. They probably want a piece of the attention and immunity from criticism on there, like Lauryn had.
I still don't get why you'd post you face on pull or any sort of site where you're being catty/talking shit about someone else. If people you know find it, they're going to think less of you, and strangers will want nothing to do with you. Plus a lot of these girls can dish it out but can't take it, being personal on these sites is going to make you a target.
No. 51468
>>51465oh my god are you talking about shrike? (she's changed her name to something different but idk if she even still visits pull)
Fuck I hated her so much.
No. 51470
>>51467I can't believe I used to believe whatever crap flew out of Moemo's mouth because she always seemed sure and 100% correct. Then my friend found her blog and bitch is a tumblr basic ita, pretending to be part japanese. She was basically a huge weeaboo, I don't know how she managed to hide her power level like this.
We loled forever when she said rtbu is as good as brand then left the board.
No. 51482
>>51468yes! i remembered her name started with shi or something! she was such an annoying little wannabe loli and people went out of their way to protect her from different words and stuff because she was so innocent desu~~. it was kinda cute at first, but then it just turned so irritating. jesus.
does anybody remember the one chick who pretended to be a model in japan who knew some people who knew dakota and she used to spew so much shit about her, and everybody believed her? oh god how i wanted to believe
No. 51800
>>51448I found it even more hilarious when the users say "The users on this board are way prettier than Venusangelic or other snowflakes." They don't hesitate to compliment the beauty of other users but rip on snowflakes even when they have similar levels of beauty.
What's so bad about looking average? A lot of models look plain without the angles and make up.
No. 51809
>>51520Thanks, I'll do that.
>>51532Yeah, I saw that thread. She posted ugly ass pics of herself in shitty cosplay and then posted more pics of characters she could cosplay with her real hair. It felt like /cgl/, except people were attempting to tell her it would look like shit in the nicest way possible.
No. 51815
File: 1424395329386.jpg (40.23 KB, 811x348, KILLITWITHFIRE.jpg)

What the fuck is this avatar? Mintscribbles is soon to become the next little snowflake.
No. 51838
File: 1424396961329.jpg (94.36 KB, 640x640, 10958248_1557643631185709_1890…)

>>51815That shit gave me a heartattack when I saw it on PULL. Here's another fucking picture from her instagram.
No. 52050
Ruire's post though
>>'I see it as more of a parasite than a baby'>>' i have a phobia of pregnant people'>>'have an abortion and save a child who is already living'Yes what a great idea, kill your own baby so you can adopt someone elses, fucking logic. No. 52053
File: 1424439231858.png (176.35 KB, 1190x508, Screen Shot 2015-02-20.png)

Speaking of mintscribbles
No. 52060
File: 1424442529175.jpg (65.24 KB, 785x535, okbitch.jpg)

>>52053Pandai got so snark when they were called out on being really off topic by talking about fawn make up on JNig's cosplay thread.
No. 52091
>>52050It's not a fucking baby you sperg.
Like I can't even with these PULLtards but I hate people like you even more who legit think a random collection of cells that cannot think, feel pain or survive outside of the body is on par with a newly delivered 8 month old human child.
No. 52177
File: 1424472960844.jpg (35.3 KB, 480x270, image.jpg)

>>52165You gonna take that shit Ruire?
No. 52195
>>52165 Hahahaha, I'm not Ruire, I'm SnuggleBear. I'm not white knighting for Ruire, but I felt the hostility was sort of uncalled for.
Now, I like SC don't get me wrong, but I honestly saw Ru doing nothing wrong. She give her opinion (and examples).
Okay she said in the General section instead of the snowflake section, so what? At least she tries to stay on topic, and hey I didn't see her posting about herself on the Snowflakes' sections so who is she hurting exactly?
No. 52209
File: 1424476668271.gif (406.99 KB, 245x300, ohhh.gif)

>>52184Here it is in gif form.
No. 52584
>>52558Woah what did I do now? Say a reply was uncalled for? Say that I didn't see anything Ru did wrong? I honestly don't understand. I actually try to keep myself and behavior from the sjw mindset, so to hear that I'm considered one is kind of funny. Hah
>>52576What did she lie about? I never saw anything like that. Annoying? Fine, but may you please point out where she lied? I might have missed it somewhere.
No. 52604
>>52587Hm. I feel like this is a That than instance again–She may be annoying, but I don't think she broke any rules.
>>52589Oh well–What did she lie about then? Sorry if I missed it, I just thought that certain response (like the person above me said I think) was kind of aggressive. I didn't really mean to get on anyone's bad side–heh.
No. 52611
>>52604Very similar to Tharthan actually. Both flooded and spammed the shit out of threads talking about their selves for no reason. In Ruire's case she has no intention of having an interest in to what the forum is actually about, just as an opportunity to talk about herself and how she's
special and has otherworldly beauty. She keeps making threads for no reason about shit that automatically have to be locked by mods as they are a load of rubbish.
No. 52626
>>52604Said she knew some programming, but when faced with questions about basic programming(in the languages she "knew", she knew nothing. She tried to cover it up with more lies until eventually she said, "I forgot".
There were more lies and excuses. Just scroll up.
No. 52861
>>47520 is just a game,
A game of Musical Chairs.
Every person has a chair or two or three.
A chair that represents shelter, food, clothing, and love.
Everything a child is entitled to is with that chair.
Children are given chairs,
But then they wear, or sometimes even break.
Some children share chairs with others,
For there are not enough to go around.
Children without chairs wander.
Looking with hope for a chair to sit.
Children walk past chairs,
Whose owners have put signs of "Reserved" or labeled it "Mine".
Some children come across broken chairs,
Whose child was not lucky enough to walk away.
Sometimes I sit and wonder,
Why with all the wanting children,
Would someone not give them a chair?
These children all deserve a chair.
But life is a game of musical chairs.
Some of us win.
The rest? Just lose…
No. 55672
>>55664It is strange. I feel like some of the users have this "I hate you but I want to be you" mentality about snowflakes. Totemokawaii slags off Venus a lot but she constantly compared her face to hers at one point. She said it looked similar to Venus's and tried her makeup tips at first or something.
She made that cringey signature saying "I am an ass but not the freshly pink cherub kind" or some stupid crap like that. Then said "I don't care if you're offended. I really don't care." All the sudden she backpedaled and said how sorry she was in the signature because someone threatened to dox her ass and she suddenly didn't feel invincible anymore. She started saying how she never meant to be a bitch while being a bitch lol.
My friend who knows her irl said she even tried to imitate Venus at one point.
No. 55673
>>54487Is she the one that posts with an Asuka avatar?
If so, what else can you expect from people who actually like that character?
No. 55689
File: 1425161265934.png (2.08 KB, 384x94, wow.PNG)

that was information worthy to post thx
No. 55699
>>55698Nah, nekosama
would've fit mintscribbles tho
No. 56015
>>56012>Why the devil are you still gossiping about me? How often do I have to I have to type !lolcow and !prettyuglylittleliar and search my name to make sure that you aren't slandering my name?AHAHAHAHA WOW. Is this
really happening?
No. 56016
>>56015Is what really happening, exactly? I heard lolcow mentioned in a news article I read, so I decided to check back. Then I found the aforelinked nonsense.
Can you people seriously never give up randomly bringing me up?
No. 56018
>>56017I haven't done it much, but I do it once in a blue moon. It just so happened that, this time, people were bringing me up again for no reason.
It's a little eyebrow-raising, y'know? As to why people never give up on this stuff.
No. 56033
>>56026The article in question didn't directly link to, but it did reference it. I can only remember that the line "___ was ___ed by the 'lolcow' community" (lolcow may have been written in italics or with quotation marks, but I know for sure that it was referencing based on the context.
I'm going to go look for it.
No. 56034
>>56018Well, you haven't given up searching yourself. Don't you have anything better to do in new england or wherever the hell you claim to live?
We could use a laugh though, so do please stick around.
>>56015tfw I thought you were paraphrasing
No. 56036
>>56034If you don't think I live in New England, why don't I just ask admin to check my IP? Though I would very much appreciate if they didn't say the exact state that I am from, rather instead just confirming that I am indeed from New England.
>>56035I don't get the reference, or was that just supposed to be indicative of a generic "Are you serious why are you here get out plz"? Or, perhaps a "*groan"?
No. 56044
>>56042Frankly, I think it's more the way that text comes across to people as opposed to actual verbal conversation.
Had I met many of the people I talked to on PULL and here in real life, I am 60% sure that people would have gotten a different impression of me than they did.
>>56043Oh come now, that's nonsense. I haven't been on here at all for a few months, and people were still bringing me up. I highly doubt it would stop if I just never checked back.
No. 56053
>>56044If I met you in real life I would slap some sense into you.
You might think people possess no beef with you irl but I'm willing to bet money everybody secretly hates and laughs at you begins your back.
Nobody respects your dude; you don't even respect yourself.
No. 56055
>>56052Your language?
Don't make me laugh. English hasn't belonged to England since the divide happened so many years ago. No country today has any more right of ownership of the language than any other country that has a populace that speaks it. No standardised variant of the English language today is "truer" to the English of the past than any other. Modern RP and General American are both rubbish dialects, particularly speaking, because they both seem to be designed with the purpose of stamping out every other dialect aside from themselves.
Your country is currently infested with chavs and other lowly types. Any good that England once had is slowly weakening to a point that I'd reckon in about 100 years the whole of the United Kingdom won't be able to distinguish "th"s from "f"s.
>>56053You only assume that because you've never met me in real life. Contrary to you suppositions, I'm actually doing quite fine and (as has been the case since about four years ago, when I entered high school) I have several particularly good friends, and plenty of normal, standard friends.
No. 56057
>>56056I'm not self-obsessed, just particularly cautious. If I were to go out and get a job somewhere, and someone were to discover my alias, and then find this stuff and conclude "This guy is far more trouble than he might be worth. No way I'm hiring him", that wouldn't be good for me now would it?
I've already stated that I'm no saint, and that I make more mistakes than I frankly should at this point (regarding things that I shouldn't be messing up in the first place).
The only thing I am worried about is how society is going to develop in the future, and whether or not I should just go half (only visiting certain websites and watching certain programmes) or full hermit (literal, age-old hermit) at least in regards to politics, if not other things.
No. 56058
>>56057Whoops, I meant:
*worried about right now
*worried about
No. 56059
>>56057In hindsight, this makes me sound like some conspiracy theorist madman.
The thing is, I'm not sure how else to better describe my concerns.
How about:
Society is moving in a direction that is equivalent to riding on a horse that doesn't like you. It's booting off with its hooves everyone that isn't willing to side with any particular political party, and is instead saying "If you aren't with me, then you are against me" and the like.
No. 56061
>>56059Nope. That sounds retarded too.
Just scratch that little rant that I was giving off of the record, if you wish.
I seem to be too tired to not sound retarded when describing deep-seated concerns.
No. 56063
>>56061You kind of remind me of a younger version of myself.
Get out of here while you still can, seriously.
No. 56064
>>56062I checked PULL afterwards.
I tried logging in (because I'm not used to there not being markers in forums when someone is banned), but I was still permabanned (as I assumed).
I was just searching for posts to see if I was mentioned any further than the search engine detailed. Because the search engine couldn't be bothered to check the entire site as the command entailed. Though perhaps I was just doing it completely wrong…
Anyway, I was actually trying to go into the chatroom on the portal page anonymously and make a comment, but it seems that my IP is blocked for that chatroom.
>>56063Well, I mean… until all of my (physical) health issues that developed near the end of 2013 and Summer of 2014 are treated and finished, I'm having a bit of a hard time seriously thinking about projects that I was dedicating much of my time in the past to.
No. 56065
"treated and all cleared up" not "treated and finished" (what does the latter even mean?)
"I will" not "I'm".
My bad.
I probably shouldn't be posting at 11 PM.
No. 56067
>>56066I don't have asperger's or autism, but I do have severe anxiety issues, and the tendency to brood more than is healthy.
The only social situations that I really ever seem to have problems with are in forum environments online.
In other places online, as well as my normal life offline. I don't have these problems.
No. 56076
>>56073Are you, perhaps, more softspoken in real life? Or shy?
I personally am very outgoing. I'm the type that mediates quarrels and disputes, as well as the one who cracks a joke to lighten the mood if things get too tense when they shouldn't really be.
My best friend, a fellow who is far more well-rounded than I will ever be, who is now everyone's favourite pal (an amazing shift from when I first met him), I met in freshman year in Gym class, and I went right up to him, (who at the time was quite a quiet fellow), and asked him "What's up, man?" in a cheerful voice. We had lunch that day, and we got to know each other more, and since then we have been (and continue to be) very good friends.
I assume that most people I run into in my daily life see me as "the kind and upbeat guy", as well as "the commedian". That's what I've gathered from discussions, anyway.
No. 56080
>>56055Did I touch a nerve?
Face it, you're nothing but a British I'm imposter and a caricature at that. You're salty because you're nothing more that a filthy, self important mutt.
Literally every one of your posts is I, I, I, me, me, me. You're incapable of discussing anything other than yourself because you have no personality, now get the fuck out you mongrel.
No. 56081
>>56080I'm British? Oh, sorry..
a British?
Well, this is news to me!
See, here I thought that being born in and living in North America my whole life, my parents also having been born and having lived in North America for their whole lives, plus the fact that New England succeeded from England hundreds of years ago, made it quite impossible for me to be British.
Thank you, O Legendary Wizard Anon, for being able to magically change recorded history and make me British. You have indeed impressed me with you otherworldly magic. All hail Wizard Anon.
No. 56083
My bad.
Blame my Britishness.
No. 56084
Must be that darned Britishness again, amirite?
No. 56086
>>56081>>56083>>56084See I'm typing on a phone so I don't care when autocorrect fucks up for me because I'm not autistic unlike you who will go back and try to address every little typo.
Nice how you dodged the rest of my post though, like a true autist :^}
No. 56087
File: 1425272226820.jpg (55.09 KB, 543x398, image.jpg)

Is this Tardtan or whatever coming to defend his ~ le supreme gentleman ~ lifestyle in the PULL thread again? I thought he was banhammered?
You're a privy little guttershite and a pompous ass. I honestly don't understand why you think you belong in a gossip community, especially one full of girls. Hoping to snag a gf with your fedora cred?
I've said it once and I'll say it again. Your pretentious fucking bullshit has no place here. Get out of our seekrit club, you shit filled cockmaster.
No. 56088
>>56086Surely, surely.
You know what, Anon, you're right. Everyone who is concerned about proper grammar and spelling
is autistic.
By Jove! Why didn't I realise this before. It makes perfect sense.
In fact, anyone that shows any modicum of effort in doing absolutely anything at all whatsoever is autistic as well. That logically follow from the previous point, y'see.
Thank you for showing me the light, Anon. I can't thank you enough.
>>56087I'm not pathetic enough to resort to sockpuppeting.
For the rest of your post, it all just smacks of "baby throwing its toys out of stroller", so I'm not going to bother responding to it.
Alternatively, it could just be trolling. But if it were, why would it be so pathetically obvious?
No, I will expect better of you, and just figure that you are but a whining infant rather than a troll.
No. 56090
Sorry, it's the autism.
>>56089No doubt.
No. 56100
>>56099Somebody make a Tharthan thread so we can slander him more kek
Bye autist.
No. 56145
>>56044If you said half of the things you said online to me irl, I would probably I've you this ducked up look, and leave.
Listen Than, you're a follow, IF we had more info on or cared enough you would have a tread. Reason why you're getting mentioned often? Well you were literally one the biggest cringe and laughstock of PULL and somewhat lolcow.
No. 56276
>>56275oh ya, I know a lot of dutch people and you guys are unusually blunt and honest (if you think my dress looks like shit, you'll tell me) but being a cunt is a whole different thing.
There's a difference between genuinely thinking my dress looks bad, and saying that just to hurt me.
No. 56306
>>56041If you're anything like online in real life I can 100% guarantee you people make fun of you behind your back, and your humor, but believe what you want.
This is gold tho. Hope you entertain this thread for a while.
No. 56329
Seems our lil autist baby isn't as pure as he wants women to be, ofc
He likes schoolgirl and incest, not to mention animal crossing… it turns out he's just as disliked here as he is there. No. 56330
File: 1425324727306.png (140.34 KB, 1040x560, tharthanmash.png)

He responded to my fakku thread, are you ashamed of your schoolgirl fetish? Is that why you didn't register with the username Tharthan?
No. 56335
>>56330Well, now, if it isn't evident to you that I don't care about what you think of me by this point, then I don't know what to say.
I like childhood friend and other similar genres because of the closeness between the characters. They aren't complete strangers, unlike is often the case.
I like schoolgirl H manga because… they're hot? I don't know what else to say.
I frankly wish that I didn't have any particular fetishes, but like I said: I'm no saint.
P.S. What I like sexually tends to be somewhat opposite of what I actually desire in life. So I often like corruption manga, for instance, even though I find it sick and evil in real life.
No. 56336
>>56335*is often the case in other H mangas
Also, props for delving into my sexual interests, guys. Glad to see that you have nothing better to do.
No. 56338
>>56335"Similr genre" I don't think INCEST is similiar to old friends having sex bruh.
Also you're a lil shit and you know that m8, constantly jumping on everyone for having things as piecred ears or waering fucking BOOTS while you're watching a little kid take it up the ass.
No. 56342
>>56338Little kid? I don't subscribe to lolicon, sicko.
Also, how isn't it similar to it? These are fictional manga that depict two characters out of nowhere having sex. At least with those two genres, there's guaranteed to be some connection already.
No. 56344
>>56342Dude, you have a -51 reputation on that site and you're also hated on lolcow and pull.
How do you not understand that there's something wrong with you?
No. 56347
>>56308 you're not japanese, give it up.
No. 56349
Tharthan you are seriously disliked.
Everyone thinks you're an idiot.
Pls see this thread if you didn't already understand that you're an idiot. No. 56350
>>56345Young school girls? I don't like young school girls. If someone is an a senior in high school and a schoolgirl, I think that's a bit different from young school girls.
Video game animal characters are a bit iffy for me, but I draw the line at that. Furries (and their culture) make me a bit sick, honestly.
Anyways, I don't know why you care about my sexual fetishes.
No. 56354
>>56351Video game characters. Not dogs. Bit of difference. Otherwise anyone that liked such a video game character would be considered a zoophiliac. 'Cept they aren't. At all.
And, again, I don't like lolicon. So I don't know where you got that from. OH WAIT, you pulled it out of your backside in an attempt to defame me. Good job! :D
Also, I speak ill about anyone who does things like that. Their gender doesn't matter.
I question whether you use illicit drugs or just have stuff clogging up your ears. Because you never seem to hear anything that anyone says.
Odd, that.
No. 56358
>>56357Banned where? From PULL. Yeah, I don't really care.
I'm not getting ticked off, I'm just surprised that you would bother going into my personal business.
If you think that I'm out to get attention, wouldn't you just be feeding that?
Seems pretty stupid to me.
No. 56361
But if you don't like me so much, why not just ignore me.
I wasn't actually planning on coming back after this, even though I said that I would check to see if my name was used again.
I check for that stuff because when I communicate with my friends online, I use my alias (as do they, usually).
If you hadn't been bringing me up so much, I wouldn't have complained about it.
Don't you have better things to do than pick on a banned user of a site that you visit who has views that are contrary to yours?
There are far better people to gossip about than me.
No. 56362
>>56361Bruh you're the funniest thing I've ever seen on lolcow and PULL.
also wah wah they're talking about me, better go shove my fat fucking face into the thread and tell them to stop making fun of me while I add more fuel to the fire.
This isn't even gossip, it's just looking at a public profile of yours and laughing at you.
No. 56363
>>56018>It's a little eyebrow-raising, y'know? As to why people never give up on this stuff.your existence is eyebrow-raising. that's why people were still talking about you, because they can't believe you're for real this way.
>>56076>I assume that most people I run into in my daily life see me as "the kind and upbeat guy", as well as "the commedian".more like *the comedy
also, i know two guys with asperger's who consider themselves outgoing because they love being part of the group, unaware of the moments when their way of socializing is repelling people. so thinking of yourself like that doesn't exclude the possibility of you being on the spectrum
No. 56364
File: 1425327826578.png (77.58 KB, 1167x392, rhodeisland.png)

>>56036 >Though I would very much appreciate if they didn't say the exact state that I am from, rather instead just confirming that I am indeed from New England.Hey bby I see that you're from Rhode Island.
No. 56365
>>56363Possibilities are possibilities. I could actually be a cicada that magically has the ability to type on a keyboard.
It doesn't really matter, does it?
Anyways, I'm done with you clowns. I have other things to do.
No. 56367
File: 1425328372074.jpg (34.12 KB, 1165x294, oh hay.JPG)

oh noes thartan, why'd you delete your account? everyone's already seen it and now you've lost all your fapping favorites for nothing :(
No. 56370
File: 1425328667899.jpg (28.51 KB, 481x269, grantham.JPG)

>>56367nevermind, grantham~ glad to see everything's still intact for you!
No. 56378
>>56274The noises I just made were not human.
Good show Anon, I mean Tharthan.
No. 56381
File: 1425331480329.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.92 MB, 980x1400, 001.jpg)

One of his favourites is a fucking furry Animal Crossing rape doujin of lawd so much for that "purity" kekekekekek
No. 56390
>>56381Put that under a spoiler tag, mate.
This is why we cant have nice things.
No. 56392
>>56390This isn't fucking PULL.
If you're worried about NSFW don't browse here in the first place.
No. 56393
>>56381Added spoiler.
>>56392It is generally recommended to spoiler any graphic/NSFW content. See the rules page if you need clarification.
No. 56468
>>56364So it's okay if another American dies but not New Englander's?
This dude is so autistic that he almost makes Asha seem normal. His obsession with himself and the northeast is definitely a clear sign of autism.
Also, the irony that native Americans are actually the true original Americans makes me lol
No. 56669
>>56292''I'm from Osaka''
Moemo is the biggest weeaboo of all time.
No. 56681
This thread has autosaged.
New thread
>>56667 No. 56769
Did thar say masturbation was "impure"?
How the hell does he expect people to deal with horniness? Chastity belts?
Oh my god. I just had a great idea.
Anon, add BDSM to his favorites.
Also, pics?
I want to see how he explains his own jerking off if he thinks its wrong for everybody else to.