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No. 137479
Previously on KKKrazyTV
>>127490Kaka is apparently moving to Japan with Taco-chan to get married and achieve her kawaii dreams. But the haters are stalking our precious Nippon vegan Bambi princess again! Will she ever be able to live her perfect Mother Earth anti-cruelty life in peace?!?
>>>>> No. 137495
>>137491>People not liking your ugly boyfriend video = being stalked now?The whole rant smacks of deflection. I wonder if it's just the reaction to the video or if something bigger happened.
>I think in her mind being stalked = still famous and relevant.This would make sense, especially since she brought up feeling 'like a Kardashian'.
No. 137506
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YOOOO she originally wrote 'last month' then deleted the Tweet and changed it to May.
She was meant to be in Japan last month?
Did she forget her own lies for a second?
No. 137524
>>137512>>137521>>137519Yeah I'ma say basically they either were not together to begin with but she's pissed bc so many people think he's ugly, or they broke up.
I'm dying laughing over here.
No. 137527
>>137521Wait wait holy shit…
I want a video of Taku and Venus' ex discussing crazy gajin girls.
No. 137533
she deleted all the Taku videos off of her yt
also the yt link in the op is wrong, it's: No. 137535
>>137419thanks anon, easier to see it's a rotten tooth in this lighting. kaka always seems to date dudes with bad hygiene. after her break with jake wolf, she said he had stank breath, and from the look on her face when they kissed, she was probably telling the truth for once, lmao.
she always seems to end up with smokers despite having always been preachy against smoking.
repostin' 'cause 2slow4auto-sage
No. 137536
>>137521Timeline anon here. Updates on Takupocalypse.
>Instagram now has no photos of Taku at all, even from Japan.>LilKitten removed blog about going to Japan/marriage goals.>Youtube videos are either privated or deleted, can't really tell as I'm no YT expert but they don't show up on her page.>All tweets referencing Taku are deleted. was just posted.
>>137529I vote this.
No. 137537
>>137506This is hilarious. So distressed with strange men coming to her house but needs to fix up her lies first.
And no, PULL did nothing. It's strictly against the rules to post personal info etc.
No. 137544
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She deleted the original Tweet again, and added in 'friends' this time.
lel Kaka, you don't have any friends.
No. 137545
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>>137538That's the thing. No one did anything. She has fabricated this whole thing. Suddenly in the few hours since she posted that video that got a lot of negative feedback on how her bf looks, she's being STALKED.
>>137542i gotchu.
No. 137546
>>137531It might be another Jack Cash situation. He thought she was just a booty call and then finds all these creepy videos/meantions of him on her SM.
Who knows if he understands that much English though.
No. 137548
>>137546She was whining "MY BOYFRIEND SAID I'M GROSSSS" in her recent video so he knows she referred to him as "boyfriend," but I'm sure he probably thought it was more like a casual boyfriend.
Either way I'm pretty sure she's just embarrassed he ug.
No. 137559
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because it was all just MR. NOBODY
No. 137565
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>>137545>wants to protect her FAMILY, friends, and boyfriend.>leaves video up of Scott's 4th of July BBQ. try.
No. 137566
>>137559hahahaha I hope she hires someone to run around outside her front yard creepin.
Sorry your little sister is more famous than you, Kiki. Keep feeding your delusions.
No. 137568
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>>137565She's so, so dumb and transparent.
No. 137574
>>137544Jus the fact she has to keep up with her own shit is proof none of that's going on.
has life threatenedtweets about it"Oh let me change that so people think I have friends"
"Oh and here because I was supposed to be in Japan around that time"
So obvious.
No. 137576
>>137573>also i kind of doubt this mass deletion is because he finally found her videos.Yeah, I agree. I think she's just ashamed that people realized he ain't cute.
Waiting for the vegan BBQ video to be removed.
No. 137587
>>137579Honestly I don't really think he's ugly, he just has fucked up teeth and was making an unfortunate face in that screenshot.
It is fun making kiki chimp out though
No. 137590
>>137579I wonder what the fuck happened now.
I'm kind of loathe to place the weight of the blame entirely on the negative comments towards Taku, but then we also know she's mentally unstable…
Nobody here said anything remotely threatening towards her, not PULL.
She's amusing to watch but nobody gives enough of a fuck to actually track her down IRL.
I'm also calling bullshit on the whole "strange man invaded my house" tale as we all know she'd have been posting about it nonstop to milk it for all it's worth when it happened.
No. 137592
how many of y'all even downvoted the video? i only watched and didn't even see any of the comments put up, even. i have such a low tolerance for her bullshit and she sounds nonsensical even alone, much less when she's trying to make conversation with someone who can't speak english
>>137575>>137580count me among the deceased after seeing this, a++++ anon
No. 137594
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>>137585We don't know they broke up, it's just speculation. They might not have, and they might not have ever been together to begin with.
I'm not sure if anyone got any caps of the tweet or blog entry saying she was going to Japan to get married but it's on this instagram photo No. 137599
>>137594The blog post basically said they're moving in together to test out if marriage would work.
>>137572I think it's scenario 2. Even in the video comments one of her ~fan~ addressed his appearance.
No. 137601
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the shade
No. 137603
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Did she delete the commemt about the stalkers coming to her houae last month? Its still showing up for me. Oh kaka caught in one of your lies. How did they stalk you if you were in Japan?
No. 137605
they were such a hontou ni kawaii couple desu… kanashii desu 。・゚(゚⊃ω⊂゚)゚・。
No. 137607
>>137603she did, but I guess it still shows up for you.
I like how she keeps implying strange men are coming to her house as if the people who frequent these websites are not teenage girls and twenty-something year old women. I'm dying.
No. 137608
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>>137603Here is a screenshot with the date and time.
No. 137615
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>>137611I was wondering why some of you are saying she was in Japan last month? She said she was back in Florida in June and was even at Disney World Orlando the last week of June, just moving back to Japan soon (probably "this week.")
No. 137621
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No. 137623
>>137620I think we all know she planned on doing that once she secured her visa.
>>137621I'm dead.
No. 137626
>>137615She said people were coming at her house last month. Then changed it to May.
But taking in account what you said..
… It's all so confusing.
No. 137628
>>137615Even so, she changed it to May.
If she arrived home in June, she would've been in Japan in May.
Eh I give up trying to keep up with her lies~
No. 137629
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>>137626According to
>>129171Dakota said she would be leaving at the end of March, which coincides with her abrupt hiatus from social media.
She suddenly came back May 31 and confirmed she was in Florida June 7, pic related. Then she went to Disney World Orlando so she was likely in Florida all of June at least.
Then last week she said she's moving back to Japan.
My guess is she changed it to May so she could be like "my parents said this happened but I was in Japan so I don't know for sure!!!"
No. 137637
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If these two morons do ever ending up shacking up and breeding they had sure as sure shit better birth the next lolcow apostle.
No. 137682
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Bitch your fucking Twitter name is "Dakota Koti", I don't think we're the ones that are obsessed.
No. 137684
>>137629"Concrete jungle"
Yeah and if you kekkon #pray4taku kaka you'll be living in concrete jungle land for a while gurl
so say ta-ta to disney, walmart and white trash u ignoramus
No. 137705
>>137498there was a video of him right
i missed it so i hope somebody saved it
i would find it funny that now she is hiding him after people found out how ugly he is
No. 137774
>>137637This pic is so right
>>137647I love u
No. 137799
>>137544This tweet looks like her changing her mind about leaving the Internet. lol
Because we all know she can't stay away.
It's funny, she keeps claiming shit right and left, like people stalking her without realizing she's the prime source of her own drama.
She will never learn to just fucking stop tweeting certain things/bring up stuff that feeds our entertainment. I guess that's why we love her.
No. 137811
>>137806She the fuck up.
Just where the fuck do you think you fucking are?
Kirsten is the unrepentant queen cunt of this website and she deserves everything she gets until she makes a concious effort to own up to her lying, her scamming, her plagiarism, and fuck, just everything,
No. 137829
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I am watching a Japanese movie right called The World of Kanako (Kawaki) by reputed director Tetsuya Nakashima and at 00:52:22 it starts playing that plagiarised music track that Kirsten stole from that Russian DJ, but I don't think it's the Russian DJ's version, I think it's playing Kirsten's plagiarised version!
No. 137830
>>137829I'm gonna cut down the section from the movie and upload it to Youtube.
I've never been the one to find shit like this so this is bizarre for me.
No. 137836
Just in case the start time doesn't function when embedded, it's at 3:49 (it didn't work, start at 3:49).
Also I just finished looking and this song doesn't seem to be officially credited anywhere.
This is interesting as the movie was released in Japan in June 2014, and Kirsten went to Japan to shill her music in November of 2013.
I think somebody legitimately stole "her" track and placed it in the movie, not knowing it was already plagiarised.
I feel like somebody should contact the original Russian DJ.
No. 137837
>>137815>agreeing with britfag>simply remarkable!1!!ha, okay.
>>137829This is juicy. I'm sure she'll see this– maybe she'll say it was "featured" in the film, kek
No. 137840
>>137837Well when she does eventually try to claim credit not am I going to spam the fuck out of Twitter and Tumblr with timestamps of this being posted prior to her posting therefore proving that she does lurk here once and fall, I'm also going to spam the fuck out of both with links to the Russian DJ's original works proving that she's a filthy thief and plagiarist.
I know Cathy and Scott lurk here for sure so I'm wondering, are you proud that your daughter is so low and lacking in morals that she has sunk to ripping off little-known artists for personal financial gain?
Are you proud that your daughter is a thief?
Then again, the track "Lucid Dreaming" is still for sale on iTunes right? Maybe we should go remind the original artist that he has a valid lawsuit on his hands.
No. 137841
>>137840My bad the tracks name isn't "Lucid Dreaming" (though that one is plagiarised for sure too).
Can anybody remember the name of the track?
No. 137849
>>137846I would expect so.
I've messaged the original artist about it on Facebook with links. Will post responses when I recieve them.
This DJ Aleksey is actually represented by a music label (WMA,, so if he so chooses he can have them sue both Kirsten and the producers of this movie.
No. 137857
>>137836I don't think it was stolen.
But I could see Kiki selling it to them as background music, and knowing that she plagiarized it not wanting to have her name attached to it in the final film.
I'm sure she planned on eventually mentioning that but now it's out there that she stole the song. It's a Japanese film so I'm sure she was all over that.
No. 137859
>>137857Good lord I never considered that…
If this is true, she is lower than I initially thought.
True scum, without talent or conscience.
No. 137868
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did this ever actually even happen
No. 137876
>>137870so like honestly…
we know this bitch has no friends, especially none she would tell about her international dating profiles. not irl, not online.
i suppose it could have been a fellow member who happened to stumble upon her profiles and knew who she was and what lolcow was which isn't impossible but it's kinda a stretch.
i feel it's more likely that it was someone at least somewhat closely associated with kiki in some way or another.
idk man this theory isn't all THAT crazy. dakota pretty clearly tries to distance herself from kiki, i wouldn't be surprised if she is trying to get her to stay away from japan.
No. 137880
>>137868The only thing I can think of is when people were trying to find him after her language exchange profiles were posted. And with people posting her address last time she was in Japan, Jrcock was going out of his way to find out where she was. I think he even posted a video tour of a room in the hotel she was staying in.
>>137870It seems plausible. Iirc the person just posted her username and seemed to have left after that. If it was one of us, I feel like they would've explained how they came across it and stayed to talk about it.
No. 137888
I am digging this familial dissent theory.
I don't know what it is with these sisters but Dakota today I feel I can relate to and I 100% support her in her kawaii endeavours if it means getting her the fuck away from her family.
Kirsten on the other hand I find utterly repulsive, more repulsive than Mira, more repulsive than OC, and that is saying A LOT.
Everything Kirsten does seems to function as a repellent, and it creeps me the fuck out how she parades herself as this pure, vegan, animal-loving angel or goodness and charity when behind the scenes we can see that she's a hateful, spiteful, lying, conniving, repugnant, obsessive, false, thieving little slagbank.
No. 137890
Timeline anon here posting an update to
>June 26th, posts an over-filtered screenshot of a text from Taku showing off new Sailor Moon goods she had delivered to his house and him saying he loves her…even though he was just in Florida. (LAST POST FROM PREVIOUS TIMELINE)>July 1st, posts video of her leftover jewelry collection…boring.>July 2nd, posts a self ask on her asklilkitten tumblr, indicating most other asks are probably self asks as well. >>130502>July 3rd, posts a "summer juicing" video. It's pretty clear she's running out of Taku footage at this point.>July 3rd, considers doing ASMR (through self-asks) and changes name of jewelry video only to change it back after realizing that was a horrible idea. >>131730>July 4th, tries to cover up her self-ask…finally. >>132410>July 5th, has some kind of breakdown >>133008>July 6th, huge rambling rant about plastic surgery despite her various shoops contradicting her opinions >>133291>July 7th, suddenly announces she will be returning to Japan to try to see if it's worth it to marry Taku >>134039 and >>134055>July 9th, makes a post half-implying she's currently in Japan (and also hanging out with Dakota, lol) >>135249>July 10th, she also got her bf (not fiance) to stop smoking! >>135938>July 10th, her 4th of July video, only really notable as it's still up despite the fact that it mainly features Scott and a pixel version of her house, even though she's so serious about protecting her family. >>135939>July 10th, she was on her period and she wants us all to know that TAKU KNOWS AND CARES >>136111>July 11th, posts a passive aggressive tweet after a fan suggested she double date with Keekz and Taku. Proceeded to delete all relics of her conversation with said fan. >>136421>July 11th, clear that she's suddenly starting to mention her sister the famous and kawaii Dakota Rose out of nowhere for fame points >>136469 >July 13th, posts new (old) vlog of she and Taku (now deleted) >>137287 and as it turns out, Taku is ugly af >>137352. The video gets a lot of dislikes and a lot of people (including fans) say her boyfriend is ugly. THIS ANGERS HER.>July 14th, Kiki deletes every photo and video of Taku or mentioning Taku under the guise of being stalked >>137430, treated like a kardashian >>137450, having people show up at her house >>137452, and may leave the internet >>137468.>July 14th, Under the guise of wanting to protect Taku and her family she decides to remove all personal media >>137545 She does not remove any content containing her family members (aforementioned Scott BBQ video) and we know she has no friends. It's interesting to note that her over-filtered text messages and such are completely untraceable and really don't really have any bearing on whether or not Taku is safe. None of it does. We can't even figure out his full first name, much less his last name. She's honestly done a pretty good job of protecting his identity to where we can't find any traces of him online.
It's also worth noting that while Kiki likes to go on and on about stalkers and harassers, it's never stopped her from posting before as long as most of the haters were just jealous. Now it's pretty clear that we're not jealous – even her fans think her boyfriend is ugly.
I don't have caps, but her fans also requested vlogs of her and Dakota since they are both now in Japan. I don't think Kiki can handle the fact that even her fans are just residual Kota fans when it used to be the other way around.
Basically, I think she's so embarrassed and pissed off that none of us are jealous, she's decided to pretend Taku never existed.
My theory is that she will marry him for a visa and dump him and possibly drag him through the mud after that.
(slightly different version of what i just posted)
No. 137891
>>137888I bet she'd be one of those mother's who would kill/poison their kids for the sympathy and attention.
>>137889ilu timeline-chan.
No. 137902
>>137890>July 6th, huge rambling rant about plastic surgery I thought this was to imply she was happy with her looks but her sister is unhappy and had surgery.
Also why does Taku's text look like it was made in photoshop or ms paint?
No. 137904
>>137902>I thought this was to imply she was happy with her looksYou can interpret it that way, but yeah the basic idea was that she is happy with her looks and no one should get PS, even though she shoops herself constantly and even erases some of her features.
>Also why does Taku's text look like it was made in photoshop or ms paint?It's actually not a text, it's from LINE messenger. She probably had a pale theme over it (in another text she has what looks like the My Melody theme which is light pink) but she proceeded to lighten it even further and add stupid cherry blossoms and shit as she feels she must do for fucking everything.
No. 137910
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>>137892found caps
(in English)
No. 137911
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with reply in English
No. 137915
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annnnd a comment on Kiki's EP, I believe. Though, I have no clue what it says.
No. 137980
>>137843>>137923it's not the snaggletooth that bothers me, but the rotten one right next to it. imperfection is one thing, nastiness is another.
>>137926i don't think admin-sama would get involved because she doesn't even when people are like "that post wasn't mine! compare the IPs to prove it!" plus if it was kooter, she would surely avoid tipping us off in the future.
No. 138000
>>137561Tbh I don't think he's THAT ugly? He's sorta on the lower end of the spectrum of average. The rotten tooth(honestly I can't see well, and it's a bad pic so I'm going your words anon)is nasty, but I thought snaggleteeth we're thought of as cute or something?
Something along the lines as teeth not being some japanese people top priority unlike in the west. Because dental care is expensive or something? Idk. If you look at some regular street snaps or candid photos of people, you'll see a lot of yellow crooked teeth and they don't care, much worse than his actually. Plus he was a smoker, so smoking + lack of care = rotten teeth.
Now, if Kaka really loved him enough to get married, she would stick by him no matter the opinions. But hey, at least he probably(?) wouldn't spent time with her crazy ass anymore.
Now as long as she doesn't PULL a Venus and bad talk the dude for no apparent reason (except for the teeth lmao erryone can see that), this situation is just fine, dandy, and hilarious in my book.
No. 138001
>>138000Dental care isnt expensive there
Its cheap
But not all countries want giant fake pearly whites like America
No. 138017
>>137980>the rotten one right next to itIt could be just a small tooth shoved back so it seems like a gap.
Seriously, I think the guy has his cute angles, especially with styled hair, but all in all he looks average. I don't care about teeth and think straight, bleached teeth (American ideal?) look kind of unnatural.
No. 138021
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>>137375>>137377I apologize for nothing.
No. 138023
>>137870nice theory
kaka keeps going "Omg someone is leaking all my info, my hotel, AND MY ADDRESS IN FLORIDA"
and who is the only one, we know for sure, has that info? kota of course
No. 138042
>>138039This is the future of America too haha.
She deleted the blog entry on lilkitten about dealing with stress. I wonder if it's because all the photos were not hers.
old video for old time's sake.
No. 138048
>>138030Really though, you actually get so pissy you have to wail "pull!!!! Tumblr!!! Fuck you for knowing things!!!" Just because one single person pointed out that your assumptions were wrong. Maybe if the fact that you stereotype whole continents weren't mentioned, despite that being the exact thing you were bitching about yourself you wouldn't have been so blinded by your teary eyed, or should i say star spangled eyes, you would have been able to understand that yeah, maybe you do need to educate yourself a little. I am all for seeing the actual tumblr ~mah
triggers~ gang chilling the fuck out, but basic human decency, and the ability to read up on a subject is not a horrible thing, contrary to what you might feel right now.
No. 138051
>>138038One of the songs she had up on soundcloud was reported and subsequently removed for violating copyright, but it was a PULL user who finally did it after some time went by without this guy making a move against her. So it was that easy to do something like that, but he wasn't the one who did the action. The language barrier really worked in her favor, I guess.
I know for a fact that two people had told him what she did, and he responded both times but did nothing. I doubt the third time's going to elicit any action from him, either.
No. 138075
>>138034I asked her a question about how her and Taku met a while back but she never answered. I'm actually really interested to know what the whole story was. I was actually kind of surprised she didn't want to answer it.
I think she only replied to compliment-oriented asks (that were not anon), and then her own self-asks on anon. She's so paranoid.
>>138074she's watching. Hi Keeks!
No. 138078
Hi Kiki, I know you're watching and I got to tell you that you NEED to make it in Japan. Like seriously, just do it like your sister, angles, kawaii desudesu clothing, no speaking videos, and marketing yourself as "ningyo Barbie's sister". Plus you're tall, skinny and stuff, you could maybe even do better than Dakota.
Learn some japanese, speak when you're asked too, and you should make it there.
No. 138086
>plus you're tall, skinny and stuff, you could maybe even do better than Dakota>you should make it thereNo shade but I can tell you don't know much about Japanese pop culture.
Being tall and skinny is not the default for success in Japan as it is Western society.
Western culture covets the elegant, slender and alien in appearance, whereas Japan rewards youth, softness and femininity.
Kirsten is way too hard in everything for her to ever be successful there. She literally looks like a yamanba, and I don't mean the fashion trend, I mean the original yamanba (i.e. mountain hag).
I've seen a couple of threads commenting on how Dakota has gained weight without realising that this is exactly what Japan likes. Definitely not obesity, but girls with a softness to them as it's reminiscent of children.
When you see those rare advertisements for diet pills and the like displaying Photoshopped images of horrendously skinny skeleton-women, you have to understand this is an absolute niche, hardly anybody actually wants to look like that.
In Japan youth is king. It's the basis for their entire pop culture over there. Kirsten looks like a hard-faced angular witch and she's only getting older, and that aside, she doesn't understand when to shut her mouth. She will never make it in Japan.
Dakota, nasolabial lines aside, does actually looks young. She looks soft and sweet and girlish (even if she has a black humour), and when she makes appearances on talk shows she smiles and she laughs and she covers her mouth whilst she does so which is a very, very traditionally feminine Japanese action.
Can you fucking imagine how Kirsten would behave on a talk show?
No. 138088
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god save kaka's horse face and five head
No. 138097
>>138088Wow. If she looked like your shoop she'd actually be youthful-looking and might have a chance in Japan.
Hell, she even looks more like Kota that way and would even be able to sell herself as the "original Barbie Elf Goddess".
>Everything my chubby, dumpy little sister has she totally learned from me desu~ :^) No. 138105
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>>138074Whoa. Her secondary account was reported. Did it contain any of her stolen music?
I don't know much about Youtube but I doubt that's what it would look like if she was the one deleting it.
No. 138114
>>138105Nah, I reckon that account didn't actually belong to Kirsten and she was the one to send in the copyright claims.
She probably only discovered it after it was posted here, kind of convenient how it got taken down less than a day after it was posted here.
Hi Kirsten. Thief.
No. 138137
>>138075She doesn't answer questions that are too similar to previous questions. She was just going to leave it at "we met in Florida and all the people who say otherwise are just haters spreading rumors!!!"
>>138086>Can you fucking imagine how Kirsten would behave on a talk show?>CAN YOU FUCKING IMAGINEOh god…
>>138122Nah, I still think that he was/is her boyfriend, I think she's just butthurt people aren't jealous now and it's painfully obvious she looks desperate for a visa since he's not bishounen.
No. 138151
and she probably won't ever
No. 138187
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ooo kiki im standing outside yo house
No. 138203
>>138200well, I'm a
37 year old Hispanic man who loves to watch her sleep every night. I have binoculars so I get real time vegan action.
No. 138218
>>138206I can answer this.
I was recently stalked, received text messages from a person who had information about me, my house, my workplace, etc. I contacted the police took it very seriously and they were arrested within a matter of days. I don't even live far from Kiki, though I don't live in the same state.
No. 138239
Because they were embedded instead of the links being posted they were unable to be archived.
Next time we post important videos like that which are at risk of disappearing we need to supply a link too to ensure archival.
No. 138297
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>>138029Wait, I was the anon that made that post. WHERE did I say Africa was a country for one, second. They DO use branches for oral hygiene its the same routine they've used for thousands of year. What is your problem I don't get it.
No. 138299
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I rest my case. Point Japanese don't care about oral hygiene simple.
No. 138300
File: 1437012863073.jpeg (8.76 KB, 194x259, images-3.jpeg)

>>138029Africans Use a tree branch that they claim makes their teeth sparkling white. Go read a book
No. 138301
>>138297Because she's probably some Tumblr autist that likes to profess all this hyperbole to make it seem like she's educated in a specific subject when the reality is she doesn't know shit all.
Also how embarrassing for her.
No. 138307
>>138300>>138297Ghanaian here.
Literally where is this happening? Don't just say "Africa" I've never heard of this shit lmao
No. 138311
>>138297>>138299>>138300you could have put this all in one post.
this is all off-topic.
No. 138313
>>138023The reason why I think it's Kota is because not only does it make sense as she visits here, she's the only one with something to gain by speeding up the truth coming out.
Pretty certain she's been tipping us off but knows how to mask her IP with a proxy.
No. 138323
>>138314agreed. if you so desperately want to talk about tooth brushing habits among different peoples, take it to /b/
or alternatively just shut up because no one cares
No. 138326
>>138314Africa branch anon isn't the one that started it to be fair, it was that Tumblr fuck.
Hell, you're probably Tumblr fuck, all salty and burning from getting schooled.
No. 138339
>>138332No, she would never ever tell him her online alias (although I do agree with what the other anon said, that she'd most likely tell him her stories about being stalked/harassed for pity). The only thing she said on those profiles is that she makes music, but she didn't share her soundcloud or anything.
I highly doubt he found out, she's just salty because people think he's ugly.
No. 138362
File: 1437023771872.jpg (65.44 KB, 343x1024, 4chan_5b3e83_5527622.jpg)

>>138029>here is a different culture's way of oral hygene, as you see it works quite well>YOUR JUST AN IGNORANT RACIST OMFGwhoever this anon is, please kill youself
No. 138381
File: 1437031093731.png (327.16 KB, 500x499, keekz.png)

>>138363Something like this?
No. 138386
>>138381such an improvement. covers up the horrible eyebrows too.
i think it'd look better if it were straight bangs though.
No. 138406
>>138398I think this is what Kiki was referrencing to. So don't act like we haven't been trying to find out info about him.
Not that I am against it. I was just suprised how everybody acted like we havent been looking him up!
No. 138440
>>138433>>138439Yeah, just an average-looking Japanese guy with a gross tooth. I don't think people would have insulted his appearance if she hadn't played up their relationship so much. It's like, we all know the two can't communicate enough for her to have any idea of his personality so his looks are all she's got and THAT is what she's bragging about?
Plus it's kind of the nature of the board to shit on anyone and everything associated with lolcows, so there's that.
No. 138441
>>138440Correction: I don't think people would have insulted his appearance
as muchDidn't mean to contradict myself with that last statement.
No. 138468
>>138417It must be why, the 4th time she does smthg like this. you really believe that gon' happen?
Though I want her to come back ssoooooon. Like the 2nd time, she made a video about not being on social media and that lasted a week or so.
No. 138518
File: 1437076122720.png (92.95 KB, 462x301, kek.png)

I just noticed that Ellen DeGeneres is following her.
Has Kaka ever mentioned it?
I thought she'd try make a big deal of it.
She's not following Kota!
No. 138610
>>138606fuck ellen
my friend has obama following her
No. 138633
>>138625>>138627It could be, but there's no way of really knowing unless Kota anonymously drops in with a link that leads us to some info about him. I mean, it's a real Japanese male name and he is a real Japanese make, so yeah it's possible his name could be Takuma.
Unless you're trying to imply Kiki is dating a Japanese racer, which I doubt. She would milk the fuck out of any guy with any kind of fame.
No. 138688
>>138625Bah, there are at least 10 names that start with Taku
All this dumb speculation is a waste of time
No. 138693
>>138631don't know why else she wouldn't be shoving it in everyone's face that ellen is following her and has never even mentioned it at all (as far as i know). i would be excited if she followed me on something. she's awesome. and kiki always needs to brag about fucking everything
she's probably the most famous person who is following her right now since she doesn't even have that many followers to begin with
No. 138695
File: 1437100629959.jpg (42.69 KB, 660x450, sato_2.jpg)

>>138625Taco-kun looks nothing like Takuma Sato.
No. 138733
>>138722oh shit
dakota pls, give us information. despite everything you know we all like you more than kiki. [
No. 138738
File: 1437105316263.png (164.82 KB, 800x1280, tmp_22339-Screenshot_2015-07-1…)

>>138722No she didn't.
She did, however, follow a bunch of animal-rights-whatever accounts.
No. 138739
>>138722>>138734yeah, where did this come from?
>>138695i don't think that anon was insinuating kiki was dating takuma sato, i think they were just kinda naming one popular japanese person they know with a name that has "taku" in it.
No. 138810
>>138695this person is actually attractive and has relatively good teeth
definitely not taco
No. 138824
Literally all of her followers are either farmers, PULLtards, Dakota residual fans or nostalgic people who remember her from the scene days. Only the above groups of people could be "stalking" her, none of which I've seen make any threats to her recently. NO ONE has made threats here, neither have they on PULL, Dakota fans normally kiss her ass, being her sister and all and we're left with people who used to know her from the scene days. Why in the name of ever-loving FUCK, does she not let go of two thousand and fucking six/seven? It would help her so much to get rid of that 'Kannibal' shit and start again. She rambles on about how she's so enlightened. No, sorry. You haven't let go of the past and literally everything you do is centred around YOURSELF AS A FAMOUS PERSON, WHEN YOU ARE NOT.
If she dropped all that she'd actually have friends, but fame and attention is clearly more important than lasting relationships.
KAKA, WE KNOW YOU LURK HERE, OKAY? NO ONE IS ACTUALLY WANTING TO HURT YOU. Stop claiming people are out to hunt you down, no one cares enough to do that. Most of us just like drama, and you give us it. It's like a Z-List celebrity magazine, really. If you expect the entirety of the internet to bow down before you and not to give you negative comments on your videos, you may as well get the fuck off the internet already - opinions will be split.
I miss the 2012 Kiki who did all those recipe and make-up videos. Was convinced she would continue that as she started again recently but again, she just can't be bothered and would rather start dramu.
Trend-hopping nobody.
No. 138827
>>138824Just to add, at this point she is just fucking retarded. I had hope in 2012 she actually changed from all that negative stuff but literally all she has done this year after apparently having an amazing time in Japan is now take everything back and "deprive" (lol) us of an insight into her personal life.
I at one point defended her on PULL, a whole fucking lot actually, and tried to be friends with her, but I've realised as soon as she sees that anyone so much as knows about any of these "hate sites" and references them, she'll block and delete you. Kiki, problem here is that unfortunately the people who are your "fans", are all people who found out about you through these sites… If you continue with the 'Kannibal' bullshit, you're ONLY going to be associating with "us".
She doesn't even talk to anyone where she lives in Florida, has admitted that numerous times, only talks to people who know her as 'Kiki Kannibal' through social media, except now apparently everyone is a horrible jealous stalker. What she means is all her followers are jelly stalkers. So she tries to escape to Japan through 'Kirlios' or whatever, fails and AHH WOMAN JUST GET OFF THE INTERNET YOU FUCKING CRETIN.
No. 138829
>>138827…And good luck to her finding an actual career where her employer won't search her legal name to perform background checks before hiring. Damn idiot. Her parents actually fuelled this and have ruined her life. Dakota only narrowly escaped because she really was just in the background of all the drama and you could argue that Kiki had a massive negative influence on her, which caused her to say the racist, homophobic stuff. While you can forgive Dakota because she made a public apology (to an extent), there is NO hope for Kiki unless she completely reinvents herself.
The reason she can't reinvent herself? She has no real-life friends so would have zero followers, would be embarrassed about knowing no one in her hometown, so won't ever do it. She'll hold onto the irrelevant "Kiki Kannibal" forever.
No. 138858
>>138854Kiki the Bollywood star? i'm liking it
now how do you spell Kiki Kannibal in Hindi…
No. 138864
>>138844She really did mention a guitar teacher but apparently she gave that up in order to have long-ass nail-claws. Goes out to show how devoted to music she is.
And yes, same here. She could do just so much stuff with all the opportunities money brings, it's a waste.
No. 138867
>>138864Exactly and with her follower count aswell, but she is STRIVING to gain jap fan base. I doubt it would have worked for her in back during 2010 tbh. Kota with less back story, it worked I guess and features ect
Kiki should just go back to school and work her way up to something, do music on the side but she half-asses everything. One minute she's a vegan spiritualist talking about mushroom powder, then a model, then a musician, then a designer… fucking hell kaka make your mind up!
No. 138869
>>138827Pfft, kaka will never change. You know I first found out about kaka in 2006, I was on IMVU and I remember the emo thing was pretty fresh and rising. Kaka had pictures all over the place, I did wonder who she was but meh. I had no idea who kota was until living doll era when I saw her old pics, immediately I was like "OH HER!" lol.
That's when I found out all the drama about kaka/kota on every site known to man. People's personal experiences with them, danny ect and nah, kaka will never change. Even in 2012 I knew she wouldn't change, I could tell she was trying to rip off her sister because of their sudden style change and kaka looking similar to kota. It's all bs.
It'll be hard for her to find a proper job, just type up her name on google and pages of her life right there. It's nothing to be proud of.
She should just go back to making make up videos, juice videos or something. At least those were KINDA decent.
But nope, she wants a piece of that tarento too lmao
No. 138871
>>138812If you think that's bad, she only started following those other accounts like this year. Before that she was only following Kooter.
Someone asked her once why she didn't follow anyone else and she said she didn't care what anyone else had to say, lawl.
No. 138873
>>138871I genuinely think she only followed Kotex because she wanted rid of all the "negative influences" in her life, so unfollowed anyone she wasn't close to. She was always on about how people suck her into negative things and with her "change" came getting rid of all those people.
Like I get it, she does have a right to do that and I understand how you may want to clear out your friends/following lists on various sites but by doing so she's isolating herself from making new friends. She just shows and proves she has no friends because y'know, personally I'd tend to follow my friends on sites like anyone else… Unless I had none. She acts like not having friends is a choice and led her to become this higher being but I honestly think she just doesn't get on with anyone and is confused so tends to isolate herself. It's probably a mental disorder.
No. 138876
>>138844When has she ever used that guitar? I've only seen her use it 2 times, the first time she was showing off in a makeup tutorial and the second time she was literally pretending to play it.
I definitely agree that she'd suit a rocker girl persona though. In one of the earlier threads I said she should copy Courtney Love, it would be perfect for her because:
1.) She doesn't really have to put any effort into being good at singing/guitar.
2.) Courtney's style would actually suit her a lot.
and 3.) 90's/Grunge is in right now.
>>138871When did she say this?
Last time someone asked her why she doesn't follow anyone other than Kota she said that she "doesn't collect people" and that haters would stalk anyone she follows.
No. 138881
>>138878I wondered this as well you know. The pair of them, kota and kaka. I did at one point think they could both have some sort of illness, obv they wouldn't be able to see it. We can though.
Kota not as much… unless she is milking barbie face as her persona and its just a fuck about then okay. But if she actually believes she looks that way, something isn't right. I doubt kota as much, I see kota more as socially awkward with little fashion sense but striving to be successful in nippon.
Kaka is the biggest worry, I truly do think she has something wrong with her tbh.
Funny, their brother is mentally ill aswell. Must be an ostrenga trait lolin
No. 138883
>>138881I think Kota's awkwardness points towards her being more self aware. She seems afraid she'll fuck up so she doesn't know how to behave. Kiki is incapable of seeing the fault lying with her, and has no self awareness at all. I honestly don't think the thought
>Maybe it's mehas ever crossed her mind.
No. 138892
>>138884I don't think she's autistic at all. And I don't think she has anything really wrong with her naturally, I think it's her lifestyle and the way she was raised.
>>138889I think that really is the case. Kota was the first one to be vegan, the first one to grow out her natural hair, the first one to mention gaming/Final Fantasy, the first one to go on about loving Sailor Moon/majical girl anime, she was probably the first one to get into kawaii fashion, and we all know she was the first one to be interested in Asia/Chinese/Japanese.
No. 138895
>>138869for a while, when she disappeared the last time, i thought, she might actually turn her life around and do something meaningful/start being an adult. but she never did.
jfc, what's wrong with her.
No. 139111
>>139097I don't think she'll say anything about it but if she does, she'll probably just bring it back to herself and the way haters are always bullying her family
but I do think she's secretly happy about it. I think Kiki would like nothing more than for Kota's Nippon career to go down the train so she's forced to move back to Florida and live in her older sister's shadow once again
No. 139125
>>139111hell, forget wanting kooter to be back in her shadow again, kaka's probably just desperate for company again
nobody else puts up with kaka besides the fuckboys who've just wanted her for tail
she shuts down the few people interested in befriending her because of her paranoid delusions
speaking of which, did anyone see that redhead girl on twitter sent kaka a picture she said she'd commissioned to have drawn to give to her in japan because she thought they'd meet up? sad
No. 139180
>>139174we were talking about her in the last kaka thread. kaka and this girl had exchanged a few tweets; the girl then said she was going to be in japan, and wanted to coordinate a meet-up with kaka.
but then kaka went on a tirade and blocked the girl, writing tweets like "if you associate with anyone who uses hate sites, i can't meet up with you." kaka deleted the tweets later
that's why you see the girl upset in the third tweet down
No. 139202
>>139188yeah, a couple days after kaka went on a tirade about this girl, there was something similar that happened with another person on twitter. kaka blocked someone who claimed she'd sent an e-mail to take down kaka's encyclopedia dramatica article. she was frantic about being mistakenly blocked for only defending kaka.
i think it must've been like your situation; doesn't matter what you said, she just sees what site you're on/who you're conversing with and assumes you're a hater. she could see someone arguing with a hater~ in her defense and still block the person just for talking with them probably
No. 139653
>>139589I still have her on Instagram and Twitter and to my suprise she hasn't blocked me yet!
Do you hear that Kiki, Im still here.. watching your everystep, you paranoid victim scum ;P
No. 139691
>>139585She will never quit the internet.
I reckon she'll keep the same weeb persona because Kota, but she'll stay in Florida. I don't see her bringing up Taku much again.
No. 139718
>>139691I would bet cash money she's looking for a new Jap guy to latch onto, so that when she goes back to Japan with Scott, she can pretend it didn't work out with Taku (bonus points if she claims he abused her somehow) and this
handsome new Jap guy was there to sweep her off her feet because he was so overtaken with her exotic skeletal beauty and fell in love at first sight.
No. 139720
>>139625Yeah, she won't leave permanently. She doesn't have friends or seem to go out much at all so the internet is pretty much all she has.
She's entirely caught up in everything anyone says about her on the internet - this is made very evident by how quickly videos/links/sites/tweets/pictures of hers are taken down after anons on here post them. It's like she devotes almost all of her time to lurking her threads on here, on PULL and probably searching around Tumblr and other sites just keeping tabs.
She tries to make it seem like she doesn't let the 'haters' get to her and that she ~surrounds herself with positivity~ but it's so goddamn clear that she's utterly paranoid and encourages herself to let it affect her by actively seeking the hate.
I also think the whole "I can't leave the internet because people will hunt me down irl" thing is bullshit. Like another anon said, I'm fairly sure no one actually wants to physically hurt her. We are just here for the keks. If she well and truly stopped
trying to be an ~internet celebrity~, publicly showcasing herself and her (uneventful) life online, people would get bored, give up and forget. Alas, she craves the attention and thus continues to provide us with fodder.
No. 139736
>>139727It's no life to live tbh, most girls her age are living it up/travelling/studying and having fun.
Kaka is just in her lair, festering away behind her laptop and being weird.
No. 139762
>>139754One more thing that comes to mind is that Cathy, Scott and herself need to go through some serious therapy. I can't help but feel sorry for Dakota for being dragged into this awful mindframe where she always feels inadequate (she stated that she compares herself often to other girls on her old Tumblr) and I doubt anyone else can be blamed other than Cathy and secondly, Kiki.
I mean, they both got taken out of school permanently, and I know for a fact it wasn't because they got bulled, because why would they both have been taken out? They could have put them to a different school to get away from the bullies and that would have been it. I had a similar situation where I had to drop out of school at a young age, but guess what? I fucking repeated the year where I didn't know anyone and didn't give up. They got taken out to fuel their parents' quest for them to have internet/real life fame. Restarting their education would have been the normal person's answer but nah, they allowed them both to become awful racist, homophobic cunts.
Good for Dakota. I get the feeling she realised what she was doing was making her unhappy and planned her escape to being a model years ago… Probably when she started to grow her hair out. Happy for her because in a way even though she lied about the Photoshop and about a billion other things, lets be fair, she mentioned she rarely sleeps and it must have taken years to master Photoshop and AE so she did actually gain many skills and use them for profit. I remember her mentioning on her formspring that she likes being in the background with Kiki as the centre of attention… She totally had her little plan, worked behind the scenes and it worked.
No. 139771
>>139764I doubt she was really friends with her if they fell out over a set of VW horns…
I just think Dakota is all fucked up and continues to act awkward because her parents, along with Kiki, have taught her to be solitary and view herself above others when she doesn't really feel that way, as shown on her blog. She's just insecure because of how she was brought up. Not defending her, just my opinion and the point is I think Kiki is a cunt and influenced her.
No. 139796
>>139625Off topic but Felice left the internet because debt collectors are after her. She owes alotttaaa money.
As for Kiki, if she's so worried about stalkers, she can easily change her online persona (drop Kiki Kannibal - it's time to grow up girl) and make her shit private. Then she can choose who follows her and whatnot, she'd have full control! Her recent rant about forgiveness seriously made me laugh, because she still hasn't forgiven the h8erz from the Myspace days. Like can you imagine the weight that she's carrying, still having crap from years ago hanging over her head? MOVE ON, KIKI. Practice what you preach!
No. 139830
>>139814Careless spending, when she was living at her friend's place, Maja, she racked up a huge credit card bill. Then Fel decided to become a ~gamer~ and she bought hella expensive TV's and gaming accessories and shit. She lives in the middle of nowhere now, and Maja has debt collectors show up at her place looking for Felice.
Felice also owes a bunch of customers money, from her many many scams/online stores.
No. 139909
>>139830Felice was the best lolcow. I seriously miss that stupid cunt.
I really want people to find her secret blog. You know she has one.
No. 139931
Kaka's Jane Doe lawsuit has been withdrawn recently because of a conflict between the plaintiff (Kaka/Scott) and the lawyer. Enter case number 2014-CA-010662-O.
No. 139961
File: 1437262845206.png (141.29 KB, 827x1057, download.png)

>>139931HA OH MY GOD
>Jane Doe’s identity, residence, and citizenship are unknown at this time. OSTRENGAintends to seek immediate discovery from the various website hosts, to determine the
identity of Jane Doe.
No. 139977
>>139961>>139963This is amazing.
I bet the lawyer was like "…You can sue a bunch of anonymous people on the internet for saying mean (and true) things about you."
No. 139981
File: 1437263866160.jpg (199.55 KB, 838x925, sadsad.jpg)

No. 139991
>>139981This is so funny.
She's so creepy tho
No. 139998
>>139989No, I'm telling you to lurk a little more because your newfag is showing.
Kek = lol
No. 140014
File: 1437265468844.png (46.04 KB, 692x322, Capture.PNG)

Did she really get to have all camgirls under the name "Lil Kitten" taken down to ~*~*purify*~*~ her brand? I bet you they don't even know that Kiki exists and she just threw them in to get taken down as well.
Pardon me if I'm missing something big though, I'm kinda drunk.
No. 140025
>>140014they've probably had those names a lot longer than kiki's had her fail shop.
It's a pretty porny name in general tbh.
No. 140035
>>139981>A successful lawyer sits in his office>He is about to finish up for the day when he receives an email>his eyes skim over the title>OSTRENGA>he sighs>"jesus fucking christ" he mutters involuntarily>he pours some nearby scotch into a glass in preparation>it almost overflows>He reads the first paragraph>glass is half empty…>JANE DOE>he rests his face in his handsWHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!?
Seriously I don't know how to end it, but I felt compelled to write the first part.
No. 140036
>>140035I have no idea but the Kannibal/Ostrenga saga is undoubtedly THE best drama to ever grace the internet.
PT will always be our queen, but she's been fully milked and now she's just sad and depressive imo.
I want Kirsten to be crowned our princess; the fucking party never ends with her and her cuckoo family.
No. 140057
File: 1437268811995.jpg (107.53 KB, 1148x507, Gandalf-the-white-gandalf-2509…)

>>140039Run Shadowfax, show us the meaning of haste!
No. 140077
File: 1437271062379.png (123.21 KB, 694x575, temporary injunction.png)

No. 140089
File: 1437271285431.jpg (22.65 KB, 184x621, 34.jpg)

Stumbled upon this photo.
No. 140090
>>140069im waitin for this asshole's reply
sigh sigh sighin'
No. 140092
>>140089You know, 20 years from now when kaka is worn out and still on the internet gazing at her glory days from 2006
she;ll come across these monstrosities and just grab her revolver and blast her brains out
No. 140139
>>139961>>140026The links aren't working for me.
>>139981I am shocked these are the only people Kaka is trying to charge for "defamation".
By the looks of the folder that was leaked last year, it looked like she was going after a bunch more people but who knows.
No. 140157
>>140006That's because the only conflict it could be other than not paying the bill is that there is no case. All the details that the alleged "stalkers" had were things she posted on social media on her own. I think that paired with people bullying her boyfriend made her just delete fucking everything. She probably half-realized there was no case against pretend stalkers if the only things she can claim they knew about were things she posted.
I'm sure she will find a new lawyer who doesn't know the history of this shit and try to appeal to them to take their case, but until they drop "kiki kannibal corporation" or anything related to the name "kiki kannibal" 1. no one will take them seriously and 2. people they try to appeal to will always be a quick google search away from the truth.
they're all a bunch of idiots.
No. 140176
File: 1437278470469.gif (634.05 KB, 300x100, kiki-crazed.gif)

No. 140298
>>140271well, she is not asha tier mentally ill.
it just seems like she has a faulty personality.
No. 140440
>>139980In WoW there are two factions and chat between them is filtered.
"Kek" and "Bur" are the two ways the game "translates" LOL to the other faction.
Then I guess it caught on. Kek
No. 140551
>>140494I know what you mean
add to that, her need to constantly be the victim and her spewing divine wisdom (forgive thise that have hurt you!!!) only to contradict herself in minutes
No. 140580
>>140547it won't be for a long time. like pt, she will be living with her parents until they die.
and then she will probably get the house and inherit all their debt, so that'll be cool.
No. 140618
>>140583>:)>half assed mom jokes>Luv><3Confirmed for 10 year old retard.
Lol get a load of this mad newfag. Cant handle the heat, so you had to samefag. Babby's first time on the chan huh? Kill yourself.
No. 140675
File: 1437355486568.jpg (210.74 KB, 640x964, image.jpg)

In case anyone was curious as to why Kiki and Kota's subforums have vanished from PULL
No. 140677
File: 1437355566105.jpg (229.62 KB, 640x988, image.jpg)

>>140675lolz keeks, you can't just vanish from the internet quite so easily.
No. 140759
>>140642I am no poet, just a simple wee farmer tending to thy cattle.
This PULL thing surprises me a little. Do you think Kaka payed off Kelly?
No. 140793
File: 1437367017541.jpg (7.84 KB, 300x100, pray for taku.jpg)

No. 140803
>>140798Indeed, because fortunately our Admin isn't so fucking retarded that she hands out full administrative privileges to any old member like PULL does.
Hell, I even got offered an admin position shortly before the OC drama and the forum went to shit completely.
Has anybody overruled the idea that Kelly was actually an Ostrenga the whole time?
No. 140809
>>140803That's funny, I requested to admin several times and they ignored me completely. OG too. But whatever, they
obviously know what they're doing, right?
I doubt Kelly is an Ostrenga, cause she would've had that shit done with looooooong ago. She's just a weak little bitch who caved.
No. 140814
>>140794yeah, i'm actually surprised.
is kiki even aware that this site even exists?
because it's strange for her to go on a tyrant against a pretty dead website at this point, other than a few SJWs
No. 140886
File: 1437395026873.jpg (140.65 KB, 750x1101, image.jpg)

>>140874Different anon here
This one? (From December 2014)
No. 140888
File: 1437395436856.jpg (129.77 KB, 750x1037, image.jpg)

>>140886Browsing through her tweets is pretty nostalgic. Nothing but drama, lol
No. 140890
File: 1437395750113.jpg (67.81 KB, 750x555, image.jpg)

While we await more and new juicy sauce from the hot dog queen, let's take a trip down hypocrite-memory-lane.
She tweeted this before posting TONS of Daniel shit all over her Twitter
No. 140904
>>140580sage because OT
I recently learned that you don't actually inherit other people's debts. If collectors come knocking you can tell them to fuck off.
I know this spoils the potential milk but I thought it was an interesting fact. I always thought debt would be inherited.
No. 140929
>>140794>I expect this will be visited back upon Kirsten in the futureif only we could say the same of kelly, smh.
it's really a shame to think this could've been prevented if she was removed as an admin earlier. who gives a fuck if she did a lot for the site in the past. once you stop being active, it's only fair that the admin or mod status be forfeited. i've seen enough people with mod powers turn on boards to know that's a good preventive measure even if something like that can't be predicted.
No. 140970
File: 1437412065552.png (1.63 MB, 1600x900, burnbook.png)

Guys. This scene is too perfect. It's really Kiki. No. 140990
>>140886Yup that one. She also used the screenshot from PULL as seen in
>>140888and then tried to throw in a few printed out threats from 2009 to make it look like "we are such terrible people" lol.
No. 141014
>>141010Are you for real?
Actually read the threads, or read her Encylopedia Dramatica page if you want some kind of summary of her shitty antics.
No. 141026
>>141018in case you actually mean it,
off the top of my head: she's a total peter coffin on twitter.
other than that
- she tried to sell cheap shit way overpriced (for example in that jewelry onlineshop, or later that tao bao wing rucksack).
- copies music/art(for her old website) without the artists permission.
- makes up stories about being sexually harrassed in japan and being stalked at home
and there are so many little things that make her even more of a lolcow, like the sockpuppets or sending herself asks on her blog.
No. 141032
>>141029It's probably just Kiki trying to use an imageboard for the first time.
Casually trying to blend in and get info.
No. 141041
>>141038>>141039>>141040Lol I was using the memes to call
>>141000>>141010a troll but okay.
No. 141107
>>141091Yeah, it was a big mistake on their part. I'm not sure who else were admin at the time she was put in charge, I think just Lain and Kelly? I'm missing someone, I'm sure.
I'm still pretty peeved about the Kiki/Kota threads. I wish Kelly would come and explain herself.
No. 141146
>>141137Deletion logs show the activity originated from her IP address.
It's an unmitigated fact that it was Kelly at this point, we just don't know why.
No. 141373
>>141365Well, it
was started by catty teen&twenty-somethings to gossip about other girls on the Internet, soooo
No. 141907
File: 1437524897923.gif (937.84 KB, 337x244, dansu.gif)

>>141873Anyone got any updates on Kiki? Taku? Fond memories?
I'm thirsting for new Kiki content.
No. 141943
>>141933She did I can't even put it against her tbh. It's not like, getting lip fillers or a nose job.
No. 141947
File: 1437528653707.jpg (17.5 KB, 320x184, image.jpg)

Kiki before braces if anyone's interested! Her upper maxillar changed a lot.
No. 141949
File: 1437528753460.jpg (32.35 KB, 443x332, image.jpg)

Another one. (Her upper lips used to be turned inward and now they aren't anymore)
No. 141956
>>141943I think it's the same since it's still considered a cosmetic procedure. I don't think she can really preach about loving your imperfections and not following beauty standards if she got her teeth fixed for cosmetic reasons.
>>141947Her teeth really didn't look bad at all. I was expecting her to have really jacked up teeth since she seemed to hide them.
No. 141962
>>141956In the US a lot of parents make their kids get braces even if you don't really need them that much. Mine did. In fact, all of my friends had them at some point. It's such a social norm here that nobody really considers it a "procedure". Idk how it is viewed other places though.
>>141933I agree, that thing needs some serious updating. So many wonderful things to add.
No. 141963
Especially in middle-upper class towns and families… One person gets somethign done and suddenly that kid/parent is like omg you should totes see the orthodontist it's totally ~not a ripoff
No. 141966
>>141960Ehh, it still doesn't seem to bad. I'm probably just saying this because people have incredibly jacked up teeth where I live. I'm pretty sure a lot of the people I know would say her teeth were perfect.
>>141962I live in the US as well and I don't think I've ever met a single person who's had braces. Majority of the people I know have been told they should get braces, but they just don't have the money to.
No. 141969
>>141962In the UK nobody gets braces unless there is a real medical need.
Occasionally teenagers will request them for cosmetic purposes but even then the family will have to be middle to upper class as they're damn fucking expensive.
I'm trying to get some now as I have severe overcrowding and it's costing me a couple of grand bloo bloo
Because of my overcrowding I should have been given them on the NHS but these days they will overlook cases such as mine as a cost saving measure. Cunts.
No. 141976
>>141972Yeah, and who can afford insurance? Only the upper-middle and upper classes.
I was born into a working class family and so I'm shit out of luck even though I was supposed to be entitled to free braces because of my overcrowding.
No. 141979
>>141956My family wasn't upper (or even middle class). My parent never finished highschool, I lived in a trailer park and I still somehow got braces.
Dentists will make it seem like you NEED them in the US. My teeth were always strait, but I had a bit of an overbite. I didn't really need them but my parents still felt like it was necessary.
No. 142003
>>141999mine as well. And my teeth moved part of the way back after, even with wearing my retainers
(sage bc off topic)
No. 142004
>>142003Yeah, braces in the USA are FUCKING expensive as shit. It's just more important to have them over here I guess. Idk where these other people are getting their info from about American orthodontics. kek
Did Dakota have braces too, or just Kiki?
No. 142025
>>142016I know it doesn't. $5k is, like, £3k.
Still more expensive.
No. 142031
File: 1437538840413.png (12.42 KB, 559x121, 00_55.png)

So basically braces cost a maximum of $340 USD in the UK versus $5000 USD in the US
No. 142066
>>142031Uh, no Anon.
Just pointing this out now as a Brit because it seems like you guys have this impression that the NHS is really efficient and true to its word but if a doctor/dentist thinks it can get away with not having to fork out some NHS £££ on a treatment they will wave you away with lies and excuses.
Getting braces on the NHS as an adult is like… it's so diffulcult its like not even a thing, and even if they DO agree to give you them which usually involves months of pestering them you usually face around a 3-5 year waiting list during which they hope that people will get so fed up that they pay for private, which they usually do.
I could take a picture of my teeth right now and guaranteed every American in this thread will be horrified at how I was not given braces as a child when that image you posted quite clearly states that braces on children are free when there is orthodontic need.
Well friends, the NHS fucking lies, so yeah, braces do usually end up being extremely expensive, from around £2500 all the way upto £7000.
It's like I went to an NHS dental teaching hospital with severe pain from my badly impacted wisdom teeth. I've had x-rays on them 3 years ago and they are literally sideways in my jaw but the 'veteran" dentist that examined me looked in my mouth for 1 minute and told me my pain was probably from grinding my teeth from stress and sent me away with a leaflet on how to not grind my teeth.
Now I know this is bullshit because I'm a fucking mouth breather. The only time my teeth grind is when I'm stuffing my maw.
Pain got so bad I eventually paid private, got some x-rays done and wow, surprise, surprise, my impacted wisdom teeth have dug holes into the sides of my molars which are infected.
Fuck the NHS. NHS dentistry in the country is a fucking shambles.
No. 142069
>>142066Also sorry for the tl;dr but I want people to know that it is not as straight forward here as it sounds.
Some people get really lucky and obviously it depends on your location and whether you get a compassionate dentist or a money-grubbing fuckbucket but overall NHS dentistry in this country is at an all time low.
No. 142076
>>142070That's pretty shitty anon. Wish you could've had the opportunity to get braces as a child, I bet it feels awful to have your mouth feel all busted'n shit. I feel pretty grateful that my parents made the financial sacrifice for me early on.
I think we can all just agree braces are fucking expensive anywhere you are.
No. 142086
>>142076Jeez, not that anon and I had braces and I find the braces talk boring.
My parents were poor and had no dental insurance and still put all 4 kids in braces. I had lower ones because literally one tooth was slightly crooked. I'm canadian but I'm pretty sure most Americans thinks not fixing your kids' teeth is borderline abusive, as well. so most people get braces.
No. 142089
>>142076No. Wtf. Why is there a discussion about braces in the KIKI thread. This thread derailing is what people are complaining about in the survey in /meta/
Take it to /b/. Stop being a fuckwad thinking this is a good place to go OT. A little is fine but this has become the entire last few posts.
Not even
>>142070, just agreeing
No. 142125
>>141977Different anon but for the fixed appliances I would have been 3k, but I picked clear so it was 4k. Where are you getting them done so cheaply at (area in UK)?
Not sure if I'm just being presumptuous but are they a reputable clinic and not just an inexperienced dentist, rather than ortho, doing it? Because the shitty ones I went to for quotes were doing 2k ones and my shitty dentist who didn't know what he was doing and admitted it offered to do it for 2.5k, and loads of sites online saying "get straight teeth for cheap!" 'cause it's all bullshit, just letting you know I would do your research before jumping in.
No. 142137
>>142066This, I had two impacted wisdom teeth on the lower jaw and they just wanted to put me under, remove them both, then the top ones as well "because routine y'know, and you won't have to come back" despite having no issues with the top ones. I asked for braces so I didn't have to face the risks of tooth extractions (fucked nerves and all that) and they just choose the retarded option so I left. The dentist was so fucking angry as well because I questioned it. I've had even private dentists drill holes that weren't needed and shove fillings in to practice on. I even got told I needed a root canal when I was a kid and refused to have it done because I didn't believe it. Turns out the dentist had slowly been drilling into the same tooth every visit for no fucking reason and then ran away to Greece…
Btw for anyone wondering the NHS never do braces for anyone over the age of 18 - if your teeth are fucked you have to make sure you ask before you're 18 or they'll refuse and tell you that you should be able to afford it yourself.
The NHS really are cunts, unless you find a good ortho clinic who accept both NHS and private patients.
No. 142144
>>142135This. I shouldn't have to rummage through tedious nonsense about dentistry just to find news of, or just a mentioning of Kiki,
in Kiki's thread.
No. 142172
>>142163Not that anon, but how is it stupid or seeming 'defensive' to expect discussion on a thread to pretty much almost exclusively be relevant to the topic? It was to start with and then you guys completely went off track with no mention of Kaka for a good ~30 posts.
All this text and the only thing we got from it was "Did Kirsten have braces once?" "Yes".
No. 142183
>>142137That fucking sucks Anon but even so I'm actually kind of relieved that somebody else knows what I'm doing talking about.
I'm finally getting braces now, paid for by myself, and my dentist lady is a lovely Sverige lady who's decided she's actually going to save one of my wisdom teeth and turn it on its side into its proper position yay
The other one is trashed sadly but still, good outcome for me.
No. 142186
>>142185Could u please use your brain for once? Its called Relevance and Braces are not relevant here at all, dingus.
U need me to open a braces threat in /b for you or can u handle it?
No. 142219
>>142186As if they'll listen to you if you can't even spell.
Inb4 SAMe FAgGinG
No. 142223
>>142186You're welcome to use make one but nobody is going to use it.
You don't have to go and make a new thread every fucking time a little offtopic banter starts to occur. It finishes quickly and will case altogether once the drama resumes.
This is not sodding PULL, we don't need a protocol for every damn thread ask stop trying to make some.
No. 142231
>>142223 because these:
>>142227>>142137>>142125>>142126>>142066And so on are ~so relevant~
Wtf does the nhs has to with Kiki who lives/lived in America at the time? Anon isn't being rude to tell you guys to move the discussion someplace else? This is how autosages happen and we have to make new unneeded and unnecessary threads.
Make a Brit thread or something in /b/, please? Since you said the other anon is aggressive.
If I were to be a newcomer to Kiki's shenanigans, I don't want to wade through random talking about their healthcare problems. If Kiki is dead for now, allow her thread to die out.
When New info comes along someone will revive the thread, but that can't happen if it's automated because it won't reach the front page.
This anon,
>>142099 , who I assume is the same anon who you guys called rude is right.
No. 142232
>>142231I wanted to add on, just because Venus wears Bodyline, does that make it a Bodyline general? No?
Just because OC claims she's schizophrenic, does that make it a mental health general?
Just because Aly has a terrible ED, does that give anons the right to show their powerlevels, and reveal their whole backstories? (We're anon fora reason guys.)
No. 142233
>>142227Thanks Anon, I was planning to get the grey metal ones anyway since they're the cheapest and I'm on a limited budget x
(also the NHS is reactive now as opposed to proactive which is cheaper at the present but turns more expensive as people that would have otherwise needed treatment grow up and develop all sorts of problems that could have been fixed in youth)
No. 142235
>>142232>>142231>>142228Okay I see your point.
I'll make a Britfag thread on /b/ in a bit.
No. 142454
File: 1437596520971.gif (485.19 KB, 250x170, i don't dip out.gif)

nothing new yet, huh?
even her fans are pretty boring. only a few of them tweeting anything at her and it's all the same "i wish you would come back, those haters are so mean!"
pls come back kiki.
No. 142574
>>142454she's my favorite lolcow, so I'm always sad when she has these little tantrums.
But, she can't stay away. It hasn't been that long of a break anyways.
No. 142577
>>142576"Go ahead and do it, I'll be back. I ALWAYS come back."
Kaka right there
No. 142711
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>>141949Kiki looked so much more lively and FUN when she had her platinum blonde weave era. Now she looks like a boring sick granny with limp dishwater hair and doily gowns.
Praying that she comes back from her "break" with a better look for herself. Step your game up bitch I might even stan you a bit.
No. 142720
>>142711that's her natural color and I like it. platinum was cool too
t. kiki fan
No. 142725
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how come her lashes in the photo are so black compared to her hair color? And they look so fake too, as if she was wearing mascara…liar!
No. 142740
>>142734Why? It's not like anon said they were prostitutes, she wasn't even blaiming the kids. It's not like it was little Kaka or Kota fault. Most kids just do whatever their parents tell them to, even if it doesn't seem right.
I wouldn't be surprised if both needed to go through deprograming like ex-cult members before they ever got psychological help. Their parents really fucked with their minds in a similar method that cult leaders do.
No. 142743
>>142725They're probably close to her hair color in all actuality, maybe a little more brown towards the base, but I highly doubt they're straight-up black.
(pulling from the fact that there's ~Irish blood~ in my mix of exotic whitebread and that we both have the same natural hair color.)
No. 142810
This was her best era since switching from her scene thing: right after: started to fuck up. Why doesn't she go back to that? It's like she's keeping her personality back to be an innocent weeb. She had something before and her videos were interesting, but she goes on about how everyone harasses her and all I can feel from the recent videos is negativity. She's copying Dakota so much now when the videos I linked above were working so well for her.
No. 142819
File: 1437647228053.jpg (182.79 KB, 500x903, image.jpg)

This is heavily edited and they could use obvious improvement, but see how much better she looks with eyebrows? These aren't even blended very naturally and they still make her so much better. It balances out the five head. Fiveheads are only high fashion when you look good.
No. 142839
File: 1437649603715.jpg (362.04 KB, 1208x604, kirsten.jpg)

>>142819Her brows there are kind of drag queen-esque, but I do agree that styling and filling them in would frame her face a lot better.
That, a fringe of some sort and some layers to give some volume to her current limp mop is all she needs really. A colour change could help too.
No. 142842
>>142839kind of gives her a zooey deschanel vibe
an improvement at least.
No. 142845
>>142839damn those are some of her worst brows ever on the left
maybe she doesn't want bangs because Dakota has them i guess
No. 142853
>>142839It stated first and foremost that they needed obvious improvement lol.
They are too spermy there, and the tails are too long and round, but drag queen or nah it still probes that even with horrendous eyebrows she looked better than she does now. The fact that she spends so much time on that droopy eye style and none on bringing color to her cheeks or her brows is just retarded.
No. 143128
>>142810These were good.
Still, it was when Kota wasn't as famous as now. It's like, The more famous Kota is, the more boring Kiki gets
(I had my hopes up with the BBQ vlog. It was, smthg different. Idk)
No. 143190
>>143128Someone should tell her BBQ'd food has toxins in it so she needs to take her antioxidant pill. Because of the coal charring it.
I remember she used to use make up brands (Tony Moloy, or Moly not sure cba Googling, being one example) that had parabens in them and she was claiming to be "all natural". I don't think she actually knows what she's talking about a lot of the time as the stuff she uses tends to be garbage if you're going for a natural lifestyle.
No. 143625
>>142857>>142850>>142855I've never really found her physically attractive. She has always had a bitchy face but it's even worse today than it was back then, it's almost like her real self is starting to shine through her skin.
It's amusing that she professes love and harmony when her face looks like she's ready to shank you.
That aside, because of the veganism she looks pale, drawn and angry. Not even a good pale either, like a pallid, sickliness.
It's like, I'm a vegetarian, but you can easily be veg and get all of the nutrients you need.
Vitamin D is a big one that vegans needs to watch out since they no longer consume eggs, butter, cheese or milk, children reared on strict vegan diets have been known to develop rickets because of this.
I have never met a vegan that didn't look ill and like they could collapse at any moment.
No. 143638
>>143635Idk I have a friend that's a nutritionist and she has really instilled into me how dangerous a long-term vegan diet is for humans.
Apparently most vegans will not encounter any problems within the first 3-5 years but it's after that point that the body will begin displaying signs of malnutrition.
Speaking of, anybody else noticed how thin and lank Kirsten's hair is since she became vegan full time?
No. 143666
>>143638I get what you mean and I believe you are correct, I just don't think all vegans end up looking like Kiki. idk
Kiki reminds me lf Wendy from Breaking Bad
And her hair is repulsive. It looks super thin, dry and damaged. I can hear the tangles stuck in a hairbrush just by looking at it
No. 143672
>>143666Oh I don't think they all are going to end up looking like Kirsten, and whilst I admire the sacrifices that vegans make I think there's only so long you can keep it up before your body eventually becomes depleted in minerals and it begins having a negative impact.
Every vegan I know, Kirsten included, is daily gobbling down a tonne of supplements to replace the ones they're not getting from meat and dairy products, but everybody knows you can't substitute a supplement for the real thing. Eventually your body is going to start catabolising it from your tissues and bones.
No. 143677
>>143638>>143666Didn't she stop dyeing it? That probably adds to it looking thin and lanky. My hair's going through the same because I had to quit peroxide.
She should just cut it every once a while and invest in some good hair goo.
No. 143702
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Check out this lulz from Kiki's old Tumblr
No. 143704
File: 1437758151536.jpg (259.11 KB, 750x1049, image.jpg)

>>I remember back when I was 15-16 years old whenever someone would attack me I was so vicious back. I was spewing what the haters were throwing at me right back to them. I realized very quickly that, that is what those types of people wanted… for me to become like them, for me to become angry, hateful and vicious like themHasn't changed one bit. Fucking lol.
No. 143721
>>143705>I'm still hopeful that I will one day find-bump into some genuine people to share my life with and have fun with.Is it dumb for me to feel
slightly bad for her since she has absolutely no friends and she knows it?
No. 143722
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Damn, her real nose is massive… No wonder she abuses lightning in her photos.
No. 143730
File: 1437760882805.jpg (93.24 KB, 982x448, Untitled-1.jpg)

>>143729My picture didn't post for some reason.
No. 143731
>>143625You do realise that most people get their Vitamin D from sunlight, right?
You might be thinking of B12 or Iodine.
No. 143732
>>143625meh i think vegans can swing a few different ways:
1) sickly and pale as you said
2) ED patients going "look i eat food!!" but stil adhering to a super restrictive diet
3) chubbychans pretending to maintain some semblance of health (dont forget, vegan junkfood has just as much if not more calories than regular)
No. 143733
>>143730They still look like 2 completely different noses to me.
Her nose bridge still looks skinny and sharp compared to the left picture. The only thing similar in those pictures is that her nose is still crooked in the left picture.
No. 143737
>>143733I think it's because one picture was taken with a 2007 webcam and the other, a HD camera with better quality. I've found this kind of thing makes a difference
And also she's standing much closer to the webcam, which only widens her nose.
No. 143738
>you do realise that most people get their Vitamin D from sunlight, right?Incorrect.
That may have been the case a 50 years ago, but due to rapid developments in technology and the fact that laborious work has shifted from outdoors working in the streets or fields to indoors where we slave away at desks we are no longer obtaining enough vitamin D through sun exposure alone, especially if you live in a colder climate (we don't all live in warm countries with few clouds Anon).
Most people in my country are getting up for work in the morning and travelling there in semi-darkness, staying in all day working in darkness, then by the time they leave again it's starting to get dark again. I have friends who in live far in the northern part of Sweden and they tend to only get 3-4 hours of decent sunlight a day if they're lucky.
This is why companies are now being pressure to add vitamin D to breads and cereals, and excess to milks, butters and cheeses because rates of rickets are beginning to soar.
No. 143739
>>143733Then you're not looking hard enough.
Light from a monitor or lamp is illuminating her face in the first photo, casting light across the full bridge of her nose and accentuating it.
The second one has been filmed in poor lighting conditions so barely any light is touching the bridge of her nose and having it the impression of it being thinner.
No. 143743
>>143625Vitamin D is not that difficult to get. Most vegans lack B12, but you can easily take a supplement.
There's tons of perfectly healthy, non-crazy vegans out there, you just don't notice them very much.
No. 143744
>>143743Why are you taking this personally? I never once said that all vegans were crazy.
Let me guess, you're vegan so you're taking this discussion as a personal attack?
No. 144182
File: 1437842349822.jpg (100.07 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg)

Keeks was making a strange face in one of her videos so I wanted to share it.
No. 144186
>>144182Kaka makes strange faces more often than she makes normal ones, e.g.
>>140042 &
>>140164 No. 144250
>>144186It's part of her oh-so quirky legit personality
>>144182LOL my Tumblrina side was hella annoyed at this video, when she kids started talking about the sign-holder job. (Some people legit need a job, Kiki)
No. 144490
>>143721you sort of feel bad until you realise that the main problem is probably herself & her obsession with pushing everyone away/finding fault in everyone.
Also her mum is probably fucking awkward if she brings any friends over.
No. 144511
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>>144481yess she's like the cheap white trash version
No. 144546
File: 1437874427359.jpg (62.63 KB, 640x508, image.jpg)

Gotta say guys, I'm loving all these new Dakota's Sister banners! This shit had me dying!
No. 144701
>>144619Tyra looks evil, idk what it is about her but shes so off and reserved
her and kaka have that in common at least
No. 144931
>>144860Both the Kiki and Kota threads are being pretty quiet lately, it makes me bored and sad.
So, is she just gonna pretend Tako doesn't exist anymore? Even if she still plans to marry him for a visa, she'll probably not post or mention anything about him again now that she knows he's not as attractive as she thought he was.
No. 144968
>>144922At the time I posted that it was actually on the top already so whatever.
>>144931I think she's going to make a random post about either their breakup or their marriage. That's gonna be the next post whatever it is.
No. 144992
>>144989 again
I just wanna add this, I honestly feel like the only way Kiki has any chance of a normal, healthy life is if she's declared a defendant adult, taken away from her parents and put into some intensive, long term therapy and treatment for her paranoia and delusions. Kota is an ass, but no doubt getting out of the Monstrenga dungeon worked well for her, even if she is letting herself go. But anyway my point is, Scott and Cathy should not be allowed to care for anyone. Kiki and Kota might have actually had a shot at good, happy lives except for them.
No. 144996
>>144984That's why Kota is way more likable than Kiki. Kota knows that Japan isn't interested in drama like this.
The biggest cultural "rule" in Japan is to NOT get involved. If someone says or does something you don't like, you ignore it. Even if it's at your workspace. Unless it's something serious like actual assault, and not just trolls online.
Kiki is so full of drama. She shits her own drama, chases her own tail and blames other people while playing the victim.
If this wasn't how she was like, I think she'd be so much further in life, maybe even a model somewhere. But she's just stuck in the past with what I'm guessing some kind of weird mental illness that prevents her from seeing reality (any guesses?).
But on the other hand, she does provide us with milk, so can't really hate her for it. She's just messed up in the head, and I think seeing her own sister successful in Japan made things so much worse for her.
No. 145020
>>144996>stuck in the past with what I'm guessing some kind of weird mental illness that prevents her from seeing reality (any guesses?).I think it's just what comes from being groomed by shitty, fame hungry shameless white trash like Scott and Cathy since birth. They probably convinced her that she's so perfect and gorgeous and fame worthy that everyone is out to get her, rape her, and tear her down any time she leaves the house.
Kiki is far more delusional that most "errmagerrd, erryone is stalking me cuz I'm so e-faymus!!!" Snowflakes. She has breakdowns over anonymous opinions of shit that shouldn't even matter to her. She never leaves her house, and apparently she can't do anything without one or both of her parents. She seems codependent as fuck, with no idea how to be functional outside of her own little bubble at all.
I'm not a shrink so I don't want to armchair diagnose anything, but I don't think it's anything she was born with or predisposed to, IMHO I think it's just what her failure parents have done to her.
No. 145056
>>145023i think dakota was more self aware about how crazy her parents were
and kiki is there still believing that they are perfectly sane and everyone else is crazy
No. 145094
>>145056As much as I despise Kota for her past sheningans and current shit (still photoshopping, still trying to make people believe she looks like her photos, her try-hard TV performances, etc etc), I'll always think it's cool as shit that she managed to just ignore the haters (aka us, lol) and the negativity. She might be depressed about it, but at least she doesn't put it out there. Kiki is just batshit insane.
tl;dr, I prefer Kota because she can keep her shit together, while her sister is just mentally losing it over and over again.
Even though they grew up together, I feel like Kota is different and smarter than Kiki (although they are both stupid as fuck).
No. 145187
>>145056It's because Cathy & Scott are probably her most avid supporters.
Kota apparently constantly got shat on by her mom, was put down as the 'fat, ugly sister' for most of her childhood, and I think originally developed her eating disorder/bdd to cope with this.
Kiki has constantly been held up as the gold standard of beauty and success in the family, without ever having to try for it. Cathy is probably Kiki's most avid fangirl. If she turned against her own mom, not only would she be biting the hand that literally feeds her (as well as buys all the expensive crap she wants in order to show off) but also would be isolating herself from the one person in her life who's still telling her that she's got a chance marketing herself as a blogger/'e-celebrity'.
she wasn't wrong to compare herself to Kim K. she probably thinks that one good scandal is all she needs to launch her career into the spotlight & then reel in the fame and fortune…
but she's far too prideful to ever actually make a sex tape. at least for now.
No. 145192
>>145187apparently constantly got shat on by her mom, was put down as the 'fat, ugly sister' for most of her childhood
I've heard this a lot but is there anything close to proof of this?
Kiki peaked at age 6-14 because she had a more mature face on a child while Kota had a fat round face. When they lost their baby fat, Kiki just ended up looking manly and old. It's obvious Kiki knew she was hotter back then (and still thinks she is now kek) but did their parents actually treat Kota like shit?
No. 145193
>>145192I've said this loads of times before but I was friends with somebody who was friends with Dakota and Dakota used to talk to her about how Cathy was mentally, and occasionally physically, abusive towards her and that Kirsten and Scott would just stand by and pretend nothing was happening.
It got so bad that Dakota very almost moved in with this friend to get away from the abuse but then like a month later she got her break with Bravo and left for Japan.
Also I'm sick of people coming into threads and saying "where da proof, where da proof" because I must have told people this like 7 times already.
No. 145290
>>145193> I'm sick of people coming into threads and saying "where da proof, where da proof" because I must have told people this like 7 times already.well, where IS the proof?
saying something over and over (on an anon imageboard no less) doesnt = proof
No. 145309
>>145233>>145245Yes, it was her that told me but in a bit more detail when I asked her about it like half a year later.
Charms never actually told /cgl/ about the physical abuse though, only that Cathy was "awful" and verbally abusive. When she told me I was astounded and got a wave of troll's remorse.
>>145290Well maybe if you weren't such a fucking newfag you would have been around when all the caps got posted to /cgl/ in the first place.
No. 145328
>>145280holy shit fucking retarded newfag
this shit is such fucking old news
No. 145609
>>145187>>145192>>145193>>145309You'd think this would be incentive for Kota to give a fuck about her career enough to do some cardio and stand up straight, but I guess not. She'll probably end up marrying some older gaijin pussy hunter to say in Japan just so she doesn't have to go back to her shit parents.
Beside that though, this is the Kiki thread. Take the Kotachat to the Kota thread.
No. 145701
>>145094despite all the lolcow stuff i have a little respect for Kota for making her own career through self-promotion and moving countries at a fairly young age
both of which Kiki has failed to do
No. 145765
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No. 145914
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>>145838Do you think Kota made that weird art all herself? I didn't think she was so advanced at art during that time to do it completely her own.
No. 146170
>>145914Backgrounds are stock images, probably pulled from Google, but yeah I believed she did the art of the girls herself. They're actually not that good to anybody that works with photoshop, but I get that if you're not really arty they probably look advanced. Her anatomy is fucked.
They bear an uncanny resemblance to the way she used to shoop herself. Girl obviously had severe issues at the time.
There was a Japanese interview conducted in her apartment where she had some of her sketches lying about wasn't there?
No. 146171
>>145914>>146170Also, dat pillow shading.
First sure sign of an amateur.
No. 146173
>>146170Yeah, I saw that video too. Her drawing style hasn't changed at all and I have a feeling she'll be using that disasters for her clothing line.
fuckin' burn it
No. 146248
>>146246Audrey Kawasaki.
Her technique is great but fuck every single one of her girls have the exact same face, even the rare boys.
No. 146478
File: 1438166807192.jpg (122.19 KB, 500x811, KND_MUGGO_SHOT._SHOP.KIKIKANNI…)

>>146173Been there, done that. They already tried with their KND Kouture apparel that was hideous and then tried it again with those bat shirts. If she ever wanted to do something of her own she would probably come up with something to distance herself from Kiki.
No. 146514
>>146165No doubt she looked at Kiki's high cheek bones for the facial features.
The art is strange but I like it.
No. 146515
File: 1438185464178.jpg (202.72 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

One of Kota's drawings in the background. I like her coloring technique. I would like one of her drawings but I don't think she draws much anymore.
No. 146561
>>146515she looks so hot wtf is wrong with her now
jesus christ
No. 146569
>>146516I agree. I can't look at it for more than a few seconds because its ugliness is so unsettling. Don't quit your day job, Koots.
>>146546>>146561Platinum hair and bold makeup really suits her best. Sure it's a little drag queenish but let's be honest, Kiki might as well be a drag queen with her features and personality. She needs to find another subculture where being loud and obnoxious (both inside and out) is trendy rather than trying to force herself into this serene mother earth crystal persona.
No. 146572
random but i was looking at OP pic and was thinking "wow does FBI really cover things like this?"
well the answer is no not really…
>>146569> She needs to find another subculture where being loud and obnoxious (both inside and out) is trendy dragqueen it is then, for ms kiki
No. 146866
File: 1438221614707.jpg (403.19 KB, 2400x2228, knd1.jpg)

>>146546When she had her own style it suited her quite well, then she she began copying kooters every move. Seriously kota started growing out her natural color, then kiki did. Kota started wearing asian fashion, keeks followed. It doesn't suit her at all and she just looks like a dull blob
No. 146885
>>146866I agree with you. She's plain and boring. Don't forget to mention that limp, lifeless hair she has.
When you watch her YouTube vids, like Learning Japanese with my Cat.. You can tell she isn't a happy person–at all. Just faking it like she always does.
No. 146893
File: 1438223513695.jpg (18.8 KB, 224x201, image.jpg)

Did you guys see this pic before? Sorry if it's a repost
No. 147126
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>>147098Found another. I think she looked better with just platinum blonde hair. But growing out of the phase isn't bad.
No. 147152
File: 1438272473032.jpg (57.16 KB, 409x545, 529036_295887150484157_1147587…)

Is this Kaka?
No. 147155
>>147152think she. she loves her (dakota's) floral shoes
and that leather jacket
No. 147157
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No. 147158
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No. 147159
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No. 147160
File: 1438273100239.jpg (54 KB, 365x500, Dakota-Rose-Twitter.jpg-3.jpg)

No. 147162
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No. 147163
File: 1438273334113.png (302.77 KB, 284x545, 1s.png)

From her old shop
No. 147174
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No. 147176
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No. 147177
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No. 147179
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No. 147183
File: 1438275968421.webm (1.77 MB, 640x360, HUMAN KITTEN - YouTube.webm)
No. 147186
File: 1438276611361.webm (3.43 MB, 320x240, Emma UK - YouTube.webm)
No. 147200
This one
>>147160 isn't Kirsten.
No. 147399
>>147396The thin girls put the fatties down to up the skinnies
fatties put down skinnies
it's never ending jfc
No. 147426
>>147165How would her pelvis be pushing into your forehead…?
And how sharp do you think tendons get?
I'm pretty sure even Ash's wouldn't hurt you that bad and that's assuming the girl has her legs clamped around your head and not just, y'know, spread.
No. 147506
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Those goofy glasses.
No. 147536
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No. 147546
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No. 147591
>>147429I'm 5'7" and 132lbs, hardly a landwhale.
Are you some Auschwitz mode dame convinced anything above 90lbs is obese? Kirsten DOES look unpleasantly thin in terms of sexual activity.
>>147426Clearly you've never gone down on a hungry skelly.
No. 147634
>>147600I wish I could find a quote of her slut-shaming or something…
Cause you know, it looks like she's spittin' up jizz. I think that'd be great
No. 148270
File: 1438392204325.jpg (47.31 KB, 320x480, image.jpg)

I know this isn't the Kotex thread but I noticed Kaka & Kotex never had good bangs, ever.
No. 148275
File: 1438392590299.gif (7.38 KB, 601x62, butiful.gif)

>>147634I tried having a look for something and I couldn't find anything but man this was so funny I had to share
No. 148960
>>148796At the time I was so mad that my parents wouldn't let me dye my hair/get choppy scene layers and piercings at 14, I thought they were being so lame and overprotective.
Now I'm so thankful they didn't let that happen.
No. 149879
File: 1438573235105.jpg (47.67 KB, 500x333, image.jpg)

Who do you think this guy is in the pic? Danny?
No. 150729
File: 1438654931315.jpg (35.87 KB, 500x375, image.jpg)

Have you guys seen this pic before?
I stumbled on it & wanted to share.
Huh, glasses can make anyone appear a little smarter.
No. 150839
File: 1438663702920.jpg (253.99 KB, 599x816, shotsfired.jpg)

Kiki has fired shots at Mira!
No. 150842
>>150839Holy shit kaka is fucking INSANE…Mira didn't even say anything bad about Dakota and even Insulted her
own appearance in comparison to Dakotas
No. 150845
>>150842Right? Mira is annoying as fuck, but seriously, Kirsten?
She literally said "
I don't care if she edits her videos".
She's fucking loopy.
No. 150847
File: 1438664544983.png (16.96 KB, 590x110, kekk.png)

holy fucking shit guys, it's raining. The drought is over!
No. 150851
>>150848Oop, sorry guys, disregard that.
It was just OP's link that isn't working.
Her YouTube is still up.
No. 150884
>>150847Mira wasn't even hating.
Holy fuck Kaka can't even be friends with her fellow cows because she's so self centered!
No. 150887
>>150839> 1 year agoJesus christ, did she scour the internet looking for any "hate" she could find? Get a fuckin' life Kirsten.
God I think Mira is annoying af but Kaka is just crazy. I am convinced she is messed up in the head. She really needs therapy and maybe a trip to the nut house.
No. 150914
No. 150917
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No. 150920
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No. 150923
File: 1438672647910.png (68.62 KB, 587x465, aa.png)

Kaka is online too
No. 150928
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>>150924Yeah, she's paranoid as fuck.
No. 150930
File: 1438673364394.png (34.34 KB, 581x241, gg.png)

I don't mean to fucking spam the thread, just want to get all of Kaka's tweets before they disappear.
No. 150942
File: 1438673987763.png (68.95 KB, 587x438, mira.png)

Another shot from Mira's replies for context.
She actually tried to take the high road here imo.
Good for her, but she's reallyyyy playing with fire trying to make friends with Kiki.
No. 150946
>>150930Am I the only one who thinks its pathetic how Kaka was apparently stalking Mira's twitter or something for her to have noticed her tweet like that? So obviously even though she "left" she's been silently stalking and building up to another mental breakdown.
That's some serious crazy showing there, Kaka.
No. 150948
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No. 150949
>>150946mira tweeted at kaka, duh. damn some of you fools are blind as fuck and can't follow for shit lol

No. 150952
>>150951bet u cum to that huh?

No. 150953
>>150938like the time kota apologized and u fucks still groping on , ok lol

No. 150954
>>150949damn, chill
>>150948I feel like she's almost back pedaling a little because of her aggressive tone.
>>150952Yeah Kiki, we jack off to your bald spots.
No. 150955
>>150954lmao why when someone disses your bs its automatically kaka? aw don't cry

No. 150960
>>150954ps stop leading the thread astray with slanted info - omgzzz kaka was stalking mira11!!1 fuckin open ur eyes and look at the bigger picture dumb ass
fuck some of u try to slant info to get ur rocks off on kaka

No. 150962
nice comeback,
ok ur like 5
go eat some more twinkles and vomit ur feelings

No. 150963
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No. 150964
>>150960I can't read what you've typed. Calm down, and maybe come back when you're finished typing like a sjw having a panic attack.
>>150963HNNGGGgg baldyyy
No. 150968
>>150964You sound salty.

No. 150969
>>150967check my IP dumb fuck
damn this thread is so fucking lame now
correlation doesn prove causation damn
all u are fuckin paranoid

No. 150970
File: 1438675651052.jpg (520.48 KB, 585x1044, mira00.jpg)

No. 150979
cuz no one wants to be on ur side LOL

No. 150988
File: 1438676997501.png (51.42 KB, 587x325, awsosad.png)

Not very zen of you, Kaka.
No. 150993
>>150988i want to know what contribution this bitch is currently making
does she realize the only people who watch or pay attention to any of her shit are like 25% living doll/dakota wannabees and 75% farmers and PULLtards making fun of her ass
No. 151002
>>150993I want to know as well.
Isn't she supposed to be in Japan right now with her bae? Someone should ask her about it. I wonder if she'll pretend she's there or make up some bullshit excuse as to why she isn't there.
No. 151005
>>150963As much as I think she looks nice here, she needs to invest in some wigs, and stop stressing over small shit.
I'm sure Kotex doesn't care about Mira says, sarcastic or not. So why should she?
Her hair is already thin, so maybe if she stops stressing more hair wouldn't fall out.
No. 151013
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>>151008tbh she should play up the androgyny thing. why the hell not.
she reminds me a lot of stella rose stclair. except stella is infinitely more interesting.
No. 151014
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Her eyes must be green as fuck she reads this site probably hourly
No. 151015
>>151013I definitely see the comparison with the arched eyebrows and long thin nose
to be honest I'd like to see Keekz try a style that doesn't involve an entire container of eyeshadow and 5 pairs of false lashes
No. 151020
>>151005u guys have literally been sayin her hair is balding and fallin out for years, i think shed be bald by now
salty hoe

No. 151022
>>151008tbh when I first saw her I assumed she was transgender.
I think it would be really interesting looking if she did do the whole androgynous thing.
>>151016Most likely, I bet she keeps her threads open 24/7.
No. 151023
>>150930idk what she's getting at here.
She's the one constantly giving 'hate sites' views from her crazy stalking/screencapping
No. 151024
>>151014I love this
>They're all jealous haters with no life and contribute nothing of value to anything! rhetoric. 'cause I for one am living it up.
No. 151025
>>151024lol really and what exactly is Keekz doing?
posting videos and photos online while living off her parents and having no real career goals outside of becoming a Japanese housewife
yeah i'd take my life over hers any day to be honest
No. 151028
>>151024Right? It's really laughable how she insists we all have no lives and will amount to nothing, while I'm over here working my ass off pulling in that $$ and going to school for my RN AND enjoying my life, friends, and family. To me she's just a train wreck that I can't stop watching.
But. What can she say she's doing/ has done? Besides a long list of failures. I don't think being the reason your ex is dead would look good on a résumé, js Kaka. I would feel sorry for her, but I know she deserves all she has coming to her lol
No. 151053
>>150988"They're paying for their own behavior by having really crappy lives, mental states and karma"
"We're living our lives"
LOL she scours the internet, for god knows how many hours a day, for any sign of hate towards her to get it removed. That's no life, Kaka.
No. 151061
>>151024>>151024It's funny when you as a farmer, are working two part time jobs, study at university, go to language classes on the side, run an online store to make extra dolla, has got trips booked for next year with pals, has happy family, has good life and you get told by this slapper "u got no lyf"
kaka pls
No. 151063
>>151025You know what makes me laugh, now that kaka's two minutes of fame is over she's just like any other girl on the web. Now that the scene era has passed, she has nothing left to cling on to and gets jelly cos there is new girls, prettier, talented and more interesting who shit on kaka
kaka u have been forgotten let it go pls
No. 151073
File: 1438691103817.png (190.85 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-04-08-23-25…)

Not sure Mira will see this but..
No. 151166
File: 1438704097176.png (422.6 KB, 597x583, uh.png)

Why is Kaka suddenly retweeting a bunch of Japanese comedy shit from TV shows
Is she really trying to copy Kota and get a gig on these types of shows
No. 151214
No. 151216
>>151214LOL i love your reply
I have a strong urge to edit a pic of kaka Kardashian right now
No. 151217
>>151166Hey Kirsten, just FYI in the future if you want to actually make it convincing that you speak Japanese when we all know you don't, the Japanese don't type "LOL", they use "wwwww" after the kanji for laughter = 笑う /warau.
Legit only a year one student and even I know this. Goddamn Kaka keep up.
No. 151220
>>151205I don't even believe she really loves animals.
She seems to love cats and that's about it.
All this free-time and she could be out volunteering at shelters or charities, but instead she's sitting indoors tapping away on her slave-labour produced Mac covered in Tony Moly products, which are known to test on animals, uploading shit videos like her giving water to a swan which she conveniently had filmed.
Something like that, you don't fucking film it, you just do it you know?
What does Kirsten actually do for animals?
No. 151226
>>151225That's brilliant Anon! Great work LOL
Reminds me of the twilight zone
No. 151271
>>151175She has to now because of
>>151002Guess she forgot she "left" because she was "moving to Japan next month to try living with bae", now we're gonna get a stream of Japanese tweets and pics tagged in kanji on her IG.
No. 151276
File: 1438713912563.jpg (52.76 KB, 600x400, KeezKardashian.jpg)

No. 151278
>>151271Which she didn't start doing until after that anon mentioned it, lol.
Hi, Kiki!
No. 151283
>>151220This. I don't even think she really loves cats all that much either tbh, I think it's mostly because everyone on the internet loves cats these days. I don't think she's ever gone on and on about loving cats in the scene days like she does now.
I think she thinks animals are cute and love petting them but I don't think her love goes anywhere beyond that. I can't see her doing any of the work that comes with owning a pet.
The only thing she really does for animals is signs online petitions and preaches online about veganism/animal rights.
I'm looking through her ig, she apparently went to "volunteer" at a wolf sanctuary. I'm pretty sure she was literally doing what someone said she'd be doing in one of the earlier threads if she did decide to volunteer, which is literally just go to play with the animals and not do any work since she said she was 5" heels in the comments. also adopted a tiger apparently: No. 151309
File: 1438716335279.png (420.42 KB, 616x762, Capture.PNG)

>>151166What a coincidence she's literally tweeting videos of the same exact guy Kota was recently at that event with.
Also she tweeted about Taku
Translation: "Ta-chan and I are watching this video~ lol great fun"
No. 151315
>>151283Hahaha I think it was me that said that.
It surprises me absolutely fucking 0% that she 'volunteered' just to be all "omg I'm princess mononoke lol!!111"
I don't really know what volunteering at a wolf sanctuary would involve, but I'm pretty sure it'd be hard as fuck to do it in 5" heels. But of course, putting actual effort into something isn't kawaii.
Adopting an animal is pretty cool and everything, but don't her parents give her the money?
I agree with the other anons in this thread. I think she likes animals because they're cute and fluffy, but she doesn't really 'love' them, as in, be willing to put any real effort into improving their wellbeing, she just plays it all up as part of her mother nature vegan elf goddess desu persona
No. 151332
>>151166 Pretty much yeah. Kaka is doing everything in her power still to 'be famous in nippon' like her lil sister even though kota is fading slowly anyway, be real who gives a fuck about her?
Kaka's Japanese is shit, she's probably got that Rikaikun app on and just uploading anything to gain Japanese followers.
Japanese aren't interested in her. Kaka has nothing to offer Japan.
No. 151333
>>151325There's no way she would've actually done that. Keeks, we know you're lurking, who are you trying to fool with bullshit like that?
As an anon further up in this thread said, I'm sure she's completely fine with brands like Tony Moly and Etude House testing on animals because Korean brands are trendy right now
No. 151334
>>151325I could never picture kaka's ugly mug on top model plus she's short as fuck
>>151333Yeah, anything kawaii and to do with asia then it's 'totally acceptable'
No. 151351
>>151315I don't know either, but I'm assuming it would just be what you'd do with dogs like walking them, cleaning up after them(lol we know kira kira isn't going to be doing any of that), etc. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if she just went for a photoshoot outside of the gate. I highly doubt she actually went in there with them, it would be retarded for her to go in and try to deal with animals much bigger/stronger than her in 5" heels.
Yeah, the adopting thing doesn't really count because while it may be her idea, it's their money.
No. 151355
>>151333I thought Tony Moly didn't test on animals?
At least, that's what's on their sign at the retail store where I work.
No. 151357
>>151353Yeah, I thought that all along. I know the pair of them interact, it's obvious they do. I bet Mira told kaka all about how to get here and there with Taku since Mira has done it herself.
Kaka probably thinks Mira is a greasy cunt but would use her (cos that is what monstrengas do) to get where she wants.
If they did then easily, Mira would start introducing kaka into her videos and kaka would fuck everything off then start making Japan videos once living there with #pray4taku
I can already guess what is bound to happen.
But there WILL be people who recognize kaka from her scene days and the odd person who throws in hate in the comment section about kaka's scene days and the asian hate video.
Let's hope kaka doesn't get on the bad side of BIG jvloggers. I can also picture her trying to lick Victor's ass and Rachel & Jun's ass too. But fuck with them, they get a piece of her history and she'd be done for lol.
But since kaka is such a hardfaced cunt, she'd just go a head and keep doing it anyway.
No. 151367
>>151357>Let's hope kaka doesn't get on the bad side of BIG jvloggersIt would be inevitable if she attempted to go down that road I think.
Victor would murder her.
No. 151375
>>151371It'd be hilarious because he'd drag kota into it too… "Her sister is called Dakota Rose, modelled in Japan and is… uh famous for being a living doll?"
"But she hardly even looks like her pictures?!"
and the comments egging him on
brings tomoko "Ah hai hai! Very bootiful but does not look ryke a pictature?"
No. 151391
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>>151366Kaka in tha kersmerss
>>151371Yeah this would be funny.
I bet Kaka would really try to take over the video if they ever did.
But, I doubt it will happen. Kiki's wayyyy too paranoid. No way she'd interact with a suspected "hater"
No. 151418
>>151394LOL yeah exactly! And I don't believe she would "volunteer" at the Wolf Sanctuary. Maybe she would pet them and give them a treat or something who knows! But she could volunteer at an animal shelter for cats & dogs. However, she has a ton of time stalking the internet about every little thing pertaining to her or her sister.. When would she have time to "volunteer"?
She's very delusional and uses animals/veganism/Buddhism to think she's better than everyone else.
Kiki, since you're stalking here's a tip! Just claiming you're a Buddhist doesn't make you a good person, Kaka. That's just like someone going to church, it doesn't automatically make you a good person.
Kaka you're the reason your life sucks & you hide behind claiming you're a rape victim. Uh.. You were in your bra and underwear while daddy photographs you for money. Disgusting.
No. 151422
>>151419I heard something like that too.
China has different regulations than the US and Canada so it's a mystery if they test on animals or not. I'll dig up some information and post it.
No. 151426
>>151394>>151418Exactly. If she actually worked for her money, maybe I'd respect her a little for adopting a tiger, but she doesn't seem to be willing to put enough effort into anything to actually keep a job, which is why I doubt she did much at the wolf sanctuary either. Even her attempts at regaining e-fame are half-assed.
I think what she should do is actually use the money her parents provide her with to get an education (lol kiki we know you aren't studying shit), get a job, and use her
own money for her charities, her super kawaii Sailor Moon merch, her tacky white bondage gear, ~irish heritage~ false lashes, etc.
but we all know that's never gonna happen
which is why I have no sympathy for her. I know her shit mum and internet drama at 14 (or whatever age she actually was idk) must've screwed her up, but at this point she's really just sitting at home tweeting and blaming the ~haturzz~ for the fact that she's slowly going insane. She's kind of done this to herself.
No. 151428
No. 151433
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>>151422it differs depending on which sites you check.
for example search "Tony Moly animal testing" on google and you find multiple bloggers claiming they test on animals.
but in official u.s. retailers, pic related.
No. 151447
>>151375I wish!!!! But cathy would sue in a blink
They got so upset when duncan mentioned kota for like 2.5 seconds lol
No. 151542
>>151536keking at her tweet to Kota.
Wonder if she'll even acknowledge it.
No. 151621
>>151426Exactly! And she acted like it was no big deal when she got an STD when she was 15 (not sure of the age exactly). Christopher Stone uploaded the vid called Kiki Klamydia.
regardless she was like "whatevs". I'm thinking "really?? -.-"
No. 151628
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Once a victim always a victim (
insert violin)
>>151621Kiki Klamydia, I forgot about that. That should be the title of her next thread.
No. 151629
>I volunteer at an animal shelter and the amount of people that come and think its just playing with animals is insane. Then they realize its WORK and just don't show up again. The owners/ people that have been there for years told me they don't even bother trying to remember names of people unless they show up for a month or so.My nigga.
The amount of people I've seen come and go because they think 'volunteering at an animal shelter' means 'petting animals' and get a huge shock when they realize that caring for living, breathing things takes work.
It gets fucking annoying when everyone else has to do all the extra work they haven't done because they're too busy playing with the animals buuuuuut that's not really relevant
If I saw a volunteer come in with 5" heels I'd probably be pretty pissed off, honestly. I know some people are so used to heels they can do a lot of stuff in them but I find it very hard to believe that she wouldn't have worn something a little easier to do things in if she was planning on doing actual work.
No. 151632
do feel a little bad for her, but I've seen people who have been fucked up worse for being unsupervised online at a young age (I'm thinking of Jessi Slaughter and maybe Loli-chan from the OC thread) and are trying to make something of themselves or at least aren't chasing e-fame again
Like holy shit Kiki, let it go. You'd have thought she'd have learned that if you're looking for fame, people
are going to talk shit about you.
If she was
actually famous, she'd learn what a
real stalker was like. Hint, Kiki: People who screencap your twitter and laugh at you are
not stalkers.
No. 151675
>>151632This is exactly why Kiki and Kota will never be famous, the Ostrengas don't seem to realize that even when people are talking shit about you, they're still talking about you. most of what got Dakota where she is now was shit talk, for a long time there were consecutive Dakota threads on /cgl/, PULL was created because of her, people searched her and watched her vids and followed her Tumblr because they wanted to see what she would do next that they could rip apart and chat about.
The Monstrengas think that in order for Kiki and Kota to be famous, there can't be any negative discussion about them anywhere or else it'll ruin everything when really the only reason they're not completely forgotten is because of /cgl/ and PULL and now lolcow. They panic and delete/copyright every little thing as soon as one of them makes an ass of themselves online and try to erase it and act like it never happened. They need to just stop and let people talk, hell even tripwhores on 4chan know that bad publicity is still publicity, that's why spoony, maryjane, charms and all the other chanwhores from /cgl/ and /soc/ got so much attention despite being so boring and plain.
No. 151678
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Kiki plz.
No. 151680
No. 151682
99% of them being mentioned on the internet is negative. without that, nobody would be talking about them at all. and that's the opposite of what they want? they're fucking stupid.
also they don't understand that's one of the reasons they're being laughed at. for being psychotic paranoid idiots.
get rid of the fact that they look up every mention of their name and similar behavior, and get rid of all of the negative attention she is getting from doing so, what would actually be left?
No. 151685
>>151309oooh kaka just remembered she
have a boyfriend lol
No. 151688
>>151682They talk so much shit about being ~stalked by haterz~ but they don't realize that we are the only reason they even have followers. Dakota might have had a chance at being bigger in Japan, except when she first got there and they put her on TV and started comparing her to her Bravo and Tumblr pics, the Monstrengas started copying claiming shit they didn't even own on YT to get it taken down. Dakota even tried to copyright claim her Japan debut video (which she didn't even own) so she could edit it and re upload her version to her channel the way she wanted it (which got deleted because of a real copyright claim). I wouldn't be surprised to learn Cathy and Scott discouraged her from doing TV because Japanese people were pointing out how se looks nothing like her pics. If she had just stuck with it and stayed on TV her language skills might be much better, her interactions wouldn't be so awkward and she might even be more well known outside of Popteen readers and pervy old men.
It's like they think they own everything that has them in it and they can just sue anyone who says what they don't like about it.
No. 151698
>>151685More like, she just remembered she pretended to move to Japan to live with Taku in order to prepare for marriage~~
I figured she would find a new Jap bae since she flipped shit and deleted every trace of him just because we said he was ugly. We know she's not gonna give up on trying to get into Japan as long as Dakota is there. At least she finally realized she can't just show up and land a modeling contract (and it only took 3 trips!).
Idk why she hasn't just married se guy in the DL already just to get a visa like Mira, unless she really needs a guy she can flaunt and show off that badly. On the off chance she actually
is in Japan currently, I bet it's not with Taku, and she's looking for a Japanese husband and when she finds one, she can claim it didn't work with Taku/he started being mean to her or w.e her warped victim complex spits out.
No. 151744
>>151533lol @ "Real Princess Mononoke" caption
nice weebish reasons to be there, Kaka
No. 151866
She's fucking mental, omg.
Pushing away even the people that
do like her. She has seriously lost her mind.
No. 151875
>>150988>they're paying for their own behavior by having really crappy lives, mental states & karma>we're living our lives & they're dedicating theirs to writing hate fantasies>they don't contribute to society>>151014>conspiracy theories>>150948>shift/focus energy elsewhereThe lack of self-awareness is astounding.
>>151203Same. They could be best frenemies and it would be glorious.
No. 151961
>>137623you need to prove you're living together doing married things or japan takes your visa away.
(of course they never check up on these things. it would take a phone call to immigration like what was done to that hostess/dansou rein girl.)
No. 152031
>>151628Lol "abused online"? One girl tried to help get a nude of her taken down from a site & Kaka freaked. So people DO like her but she pushes everyone away and claims to be the victim
i suspect she WANTS people to keep "abusing her" so she gets attention as a victim. sounds like the girl wanted to help kaka and no rape victim wishes he was better in bed. caught you in your lies kaka
No. 152034
>>151661dont forget that bullshit about respecting her boundaries lol
gtfo the internet keeks
we know your lurking
No. 152043
>>152026>Plus she's basically wishing bad karma on everyone who even reads something on a "hate site" she automatically assumes everyone hates her.I find it ridiculous that she seems to think everyone hates her but she's not the problem, no, everyone else is.
>>152031>i suspect she WANTS people to keep "abusing her" so she gets attention as a victim.I'm also starting to feel that way as well. I'm sure if this site was taken down and everyone stopped talking about her, she'd just make up some other reason as to why she's a victim or just keep saying that people are bullying/harassing her on the internet. (I guess the latter scenario is more likely because she did try to say that people from here came to her house recently and she was saying people were trying to fight her or something like that during her lilkitten episode)
No. 152069
>>152026The way she talks though "lowlives that don't have a say in society", "green eyed (?) monsters" etc
It's so far fetched, you can tel she's trying really really hard to "verbally humiliate" the haters
No. 152071
>>151309well her japanese hasnt gotten any better
long sentences =/= good japanese
No. 152080
>>152069She must think everyone here is like her and is incredibly desperate to prove something to everyone. What I mean is she gets so upset over a lot of the stuff we say because she
knows it's true. No one is getting upset over what she's saying because other than the fact it's laughable that she's accusing others of being lowlifes who don't contribute to society, we know what she's saying is bullshit/we don't give a shit about what she thinks.
No. 152085
>>152081Wow I almost feel sorry for her.
She's so paranoid. She'll never be able to make any friends because she'll be questioning their motives, or think they're trying to get inside info from her or something. How sad..
No. 152107
>>152086Kirsten would never submit an untouched, unedited photo of herself.
Every single aspect of her life has to be edited in some way. Nothing about this woman is real.
No. 152111
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>>152069green eyed monster you say…
No. 152112
>>150942Eeeeeeeh kaka is nuts, but I wouldn't put it past mira to be contributing to hate sites. She is legitimately insane.
I actually think kaka's "you play both sides of the fence" statement is pretty accurate since mira victimizes herself all the time before and after stirring shit.
They are both fucking nuts. Which equals hilarity.
No. 152114
>>151875Yeah, Kiki would look down on PT for being a stupid weeabo, and PT would think Kaka was a total whore. It'd be great.
No. 152116
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>>152111haters better step the fuck back
No. 152119
>>152081She does that sometimes. I think she tracks ip's that come directly from lolcow/PULL so she can block them immediately.
I've never commented on or followed any of her accounts and she still managed to block me. She hasn't got me on insta yet, so I try never to click any links from here.
And she thinks
we're crazy.
No. 152123
>>151979It's cool they had spare wellies, but yeah, that just sounds like a genuine mistake. Like, if someone showed up to volunteer in toms I'd probably just think "holy fuck those things are gonna get ruined"
But if someone showed up in 5" heels, call me judgmental, but I'd immediately assume they're not planning on putting any effort into it. Like who the fuck does manual labour in heels?
Don't most of these places have lots of grass and dirt? It'd be pretty funny if she kept getting her heels stuck in the ground.
No. 152134
>>152120If someone can get it the right size. I tried with
>>151276 but failed.
No. 152156
>>152123On top of the heels thing, her outfit doesn't look like the kind of outfit someone would wear while doing manual labor. It looks more like something someone wear on a night out. And I bet she was wearing her ugly jewelry and a full face of makeup on top of that.
I'm one of those people who are really into fashion/makeup and would wear a full face of makeup+heels just to go on a few errands and even I find it ridiculous that she's dressed like that just to volunteer.
No. 152191
>>152043Absolutely agree with you. She's a very lonely girl with no real friends. So in order for her to feel special, she plays the victim card. And you can tell her fake crying too on her rape help video. We know the truth.
Do I hate her? No. Do I hate her lies and playing victim? Yes.
No. 152196
>>152080Instead of posting ridiculous accusations, she can contribute to society herself. Food pantrys and soup kitchens are in need of people to help. Actually doing something; not posting an edited photo of her for Mercy for Animals with flowers in her hair. Yes they look nice in her hair, but there's no photos of her feeding animals, bathing them, walking dogs, whatever.
She is so desperate for attention that she lacks from having genuine friendships.
I hope she gets the therapy she needs.
No. 152285
>>152196She doesn't know what caring sensitive people actually do. She could also use her money to feed starving children, and try to give to needy people in neighborhoods. She wont because she doesn't really care. She cares about LIKES and being famous for nothing. if it isn't all about her she won't bother. It has to be a photo shoot as well. She doesn't have priorities in line because she isn't a REAL person. She's trapped in her own narcissistic tumblrina conceited false reality. Shes trying so hard to be liked and admired by people when in return she's rude, shallow and nasty. Now where is logic to be found?
She only thinks posting about Veganism (which honestly is annoying, sorry guys), animals (that aren't hers, where are her animals???),and re-posting other peoples vines. BO-RING. the only thing interesting about her is to see how she reacts to LOLCOW, lol, that's it!
No. 152338
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No. 152386
>>152285Agreed. She's nasty and bullies other people while trying to cover her tracks.
She really disgusts me. She doesn't give a shit about other people, nor who she harms.
She's very cold inside.
No. 152432
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I know this isn't the kota thread but her shoulders look really big for her head
Odd stuff going on here
No. 152438
>>152432Omg what
No. 152458
>>152432wtf. is the graphic designer a family member so they're really cheap/too scared to fire them?
This is horrendous.
No. 152462
>>152432i know we're talking about a kota pic in kiki's thread but wow who is responsible for this
did they photoshop the thing going on with her upper lip too
No. 152464
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>>152462Lmao yes the edited her top lip away. Her lips look like these type of dolls.
No. 152508
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the keekster giving legal advice
No. 152511
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No. 152538
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>implying she's one of the most popular girls online
Yeah, okay Kaka, keep dreaming.
No. 152543
>>152538>other pop girlsKEK
Without us, you wouldn't be anything.