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File: 1440304539377.jpg (52.76 KB, 533x263, moustache.jpg)

No. 167393

No. 167395


And guess what? His brother's daughter goes to a dancing school in Manahawkin, New Jersey.



No. 167418

I think we've already proven enough she's not a new yorker

No. 167431

File: 1440309960917.jpg (46.91 KB, 312x470, unnamed (13).jpg)

Where are ur tatas burry

No. 167434

Idk about directly doing it to posters here but she's been at it since about two years ago

No. 167440


I just said it because she recently was mentioning it again

No. 167442

it looks like she's been doing it more recently though loool

No. 167443

*more often

No. 167444

I am not sure if she has a mustache. I think it's just the shadows behind her protruding lips. People with big lips have that prob

No. 167460

Moved to >>>/snow/2.

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