File: 1440750863178.png (520.7 KB, 597x579, snoozy.png)

No. 170951
File: 1440752590124.png (171.14 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-08-28-16-44-16…)>mfw her channel is entirely let's playsSo she initially had plans for KKG to have video game DIY/cosplay/make-up/OOTD videos but then got lazy and just decided to just solely churn out LPs of her sitting on her ass being boring, unfunny and bad at games.
What a surprise.
No. 170974
File: 1440759302285.png (1.45 MB, 1302x708, Hween.png)

>>170942 2013 - Went as Sailor Moon
Halloween 2015 - Going as The Moon.
No. 170977
File: 1440759827223.png (293 KB, 384x473, 34.png)

>>170974from one of her old OOTD videos ~2 years ago
tho i wonder if she did any line photoshopping on that sailor moon picture, lmao
No. 170981
File: 1440760326431.png (526.65 KB, 648x680, Screenshot 2015-08-28 06.10.56…)

No. 170994
File: 1440763101942.jpg (13.05 KB, 430x79, gitgud.JPG)

No. 170995
File: 1440763154714.jpg (16.21 KB, 599x75, gutgid.JPG)

No. 170997
File: 1440763248528.jpg (139.69 KB, 1302x1108, 1440010608504.jpg)

>>170974omg anon hahahah you killed me.
Look at her though, fuck.
Every part of her has gotten huge except for her tits. So now she's one of those unfortunate fat girls that has pretty much no cleavage whatsoever and their chest looks like a broad, flat, featureless canvas.
No. 170999
File: 1440763287548.jpg (13.73 KB, 375x74, impos.JPG)

Gonna stop now but man some of those comments are funny
No. 171029
>>171022i feel it's because of too much shine in her face, if she'd use something to make it matte it I feel it would look better? Like it just looks like she's either made from wax or she's sweating crazy, which she might be doing tbh.
Also feel like her outfit looks way 'i don't care' and with that make up it looks so off? Like she should be wearing something flattering since she actually bothered putting on that much make up and not just jeans and a T-shirt, yaknow?
Also that fucking video was just cringe from start to finish.
No. 171036
File: 1440772714002.png (1.24 MB, 1153x797, glossgrumps.png)

>>171029at first, i wanted to say they were probably sweating because of the lights, but looking at the video, only arin and suzy are super…? glossy? oily? dan, barry, and ross all look fine for the most part.
No. 171038
File: 1440773290160.png (249.2 KB, 640x275, mask.png)

>>171037I think she contours a little bit in her daily make up videos, but it was only, like, cheeks? I don't think she did much else.
Pic mildly related. Suzy's face in
>>171036 reminded me of the mask dude in Majora's Mask.
No. 171042
File: 1440774257668.gif (452.27 KB, 508x270, hms.gif)

>>171038Oh god no, the Happy Mask Salesman is one of my favourite video game characters. He's tainted now.
Imagine hearing his eerie laugh over Suzy's plastic grinning face. Terrifying.
No. 171047
>>171036I get how Danny, Ross and Barry look. It's obvious they're under lights and sweating a bit. But Suzy and Arin look like they got hit with Pledge before filming, so either they have skin that fucking bad anyway or they're so fat lights for filming made them sweat that much. Or both.
Tbh, everybody needs to have been hit with a matte powder to negate the shine. Isn't Suzy into make up? I remember hearing that somewhere…
No. 171051
File: 1440775140464.png (285.09 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-08-28-23-09-31…)

>>171040Nope, that's 100% real, all natural Suzy (apart from the fifty tonnes of make-up).
It's a screenshot from this video: got the same one when I paused at the right time. (Ignore the 'paste' button; I can't get it to go away).
No. 171075
File: 1440779245453.png (696.03 KB, 611x695, uzz.png)

>>171072nevermind I did it
this is so sad
No. 171094
File: 1440780936801.png (1.04 MB, 1403x758, Screen Shot 2015-08-28 at 11.5…)

they look so lardy… and they're not even in their 30s yet? what happened?
No. 171106
File: 1440782556363.jpg (245.33 KB, 1431x1492, IMG_20150828_132107.jpg)

Did she really spell finale wrong? Also it took the two of them hours to finish anime tiddy bejewled.
No. 171126
>>170951back when I was brainwashed enough to enjoy her, I subscribed solely hoping for DIY stuff
what a fucking bitch
No. 171204
>>171106Wow, they're seriously doing a tile-matching game let's play? That's one of the worst most boring games you could choose for your audience.
I'm not surprised Suzy would choose it for her LP since even a 5 year old can do it but I'm kind of sad to see Arin was dragged into it but I'm guessing it's because it would've been dead boring if it was just her and she wants his fans watching too.
What I'm surprised is that she choose an adult type of game, is she trying to appeal to her male audience like she's some sort of "I like gaming AND hentai" girl?
And even with Arin there it still feels like she's sucking the life out it. She really does fail as a LPer.
No. 171206
File: 1440799284295.png (124.32 KB, 520x466, 1440643991476.png)

>>171106"The Finally" holy shit
No. 171217
>>171051Ugh. So this is an actual nintendo amiibo advert?
I don't even mind that the game grumps are in it, but why is Suzy in it like she's an actual grump? She's not. If Suzy gets to be in it because she's in a few GG videos, then Holly should be in it too.
Why does Suzy have to put herself in every GG thing ever? Why can't she just let Arin have his own thing. She's got her own things. FFS she's like your one spoiled retarded younger cousin that you have to include in every activity, even the ones clearly not suitable for them, or else they'll pitch a fit.
No. 171222
File: 1440801872447.jpg (56.27 KB, 500x333, balloon-animal.jpg)

>>171075She already had very thick limbs with a small torso. Very strange proportions.
No. 171231
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No. 171248
File: 1440808434851.png (811.22 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (324).png)

No. 171252
>>171204Some fans recomend it to her and since arin has it in on his account she simply started playing and didn't even bothered to read the reviews.
No. 171256
File: 1440809151803.jpg (121 KB, 1123x703, 2ac.jpg)

>>170981>>170974She went full blown feminist stereotype huh?
Now all she needs are the cat's eye glasses and dye her hair blue to complement the side cut…
No. 171259
File: 1440809560997.png (913.63 KB, 1106x681, wlcm.png)

>>171075Welcome to Gain Grumps!
No. 171260
File: 1440809888082.png (768.96 KB, 1366x768, JFMSU.png)

When is she gonna divorce Arin and make him pay alimony?
No. 171262
File: 1440810210971.jpg (176.51 KB, 505x586, sz30.jpg)

>>171075Welcome to Gain Grumps!
No. 171265
File: 1440811121508.jpg (44.47 KB, 500x519, 1439356028873.jpg)

>>171264I agree with you anon, although it is still fun to poke fun to at.
I guess its just satisfying to see such a bitchy terrible lolcow spiral into despair.
No. 171266
File: 1440811585437.png (55.62 KB, 751x571, suzyyy.png)

kek suzy commented on the shovel knight video -trying- to be funny.
No. 171322
I'm really curious about Suzy's childhood. There's a reason she has FAS, guys. Do you think her mother was an alcoholic?
Like, what if her home life wasn't the best? What if one reason she jumped at the chance to go live with Arin was to get out of her home life? I mean, she was with Arin when he was first becoming popular on Newgrounds, right? She couldn't have known he'd be this well-known to shitty gamers and ran off to leech, right?
>>171291Off topic, but my god, that man is the sexiest thing alive. Sweet jesus.
No. 171354
File: 1440828990778.jpg (361.18 KB, 718x1226, Screenshot_2015-08-29-14-12-47…)

>>171338 you mean this LJ entry, anon?
It's pretty long, I took a screenshot of the part where he talks about them the most.
No. 171359
>>171354Hilary is his brother's gf right? The one Arin hated with a passion?
I wonder if she's still with his brother.
No. 171376
File: 1440833195008.png (902.86 KB, 662x988, awdawaw.png)

I'm sad that Suzy has potential but she just lets herself go. Their relationship seems so tired. Maybe they just don't know what to do anymore and they realized they rushed so quick into getting married.
No. 171420
File: 1440844308124.gif (10.5 KB, 730x413, 1350921422249.gif)

>>171377It would be pretty sweet to show a man sexual pleasure after he's been fucking a pig in lipstick for so long. The look on his face when he sees what a beautiful woman look like after being in the dark all this time…
No. 171427
File: 1440845960128.jpg (203.99 KB, 1076x690, datass.jpg)

She used to look so hot wtf happend?
No. 171429
>>171410that would still involve putting effort into her hair and clothes.
sweatsuit monster suzy all the way
No. 171462
>>171283Ugh, fucking scum of the earth.
I seriously hate that bullshit attempt of comedy of them. Is like the "lol so random xD" bullshit but worse.
No. 171480
>>171427What even is this body type
But yeah I agree, she was pretty cute. I kinda feel bad for her about the thyroid thing, did she flat out say she wasn't seeking treatment? They might still be adjusting her medication, which can take forever to get right.
No. 171564
File: 1440871502354.jpg (107.16 KB, 530x464, SUZAY.jpg)

from /cow/ with love
No. 171579
>>171564I actually took that screenshot and posted it here in the previous thread, but thanks for reminding us of her keksy uggoness.
I usually really like the look of pronounced canines but her teeth and smile annoys me so much for some reason.
No. 171614
>>171529This, all of this.
My cousin has thyroid issues, yet she mantains healthy just following her medication/diet/exersise echedule, and all that isn't as horrible as it sounds, like, even if you have a busy life you can still manage to run around for 20 minutes or adjust your time to eat a proper dinner and not stuffing yourself on fast food and sugary drinks.
Suzy is just being fucking lazy.
Before someone called her out, she used to post pics of sweets and fatty food she bought almost daily and then tried to convince people of "I-I'm living on just crumbs and water u guys, yet I don't seem to be loosing weigh, is my thyroid!", she's a fucking liar.
No. 171647
>>171262Her body looked flawless on the first pic.
what the fuck happened?
No. 171650
>>171643I suppose because of her violin hips she;s more of a spoon shape. Which is just a subcategory of pear shape anyway. You need bigger hips too for a pear since you can have a big butt and less pronounced hips.
you also dont need to be tiny anywhere to be a pear see: pearchan/beccabae
No. 171652
File: 1440882256542.jpg (152.77 KB, 584x584, img_9186.jpg)

>>171650yeah. her body is more like a spoon.
pear shapes are qt tho
No. 171660
>>171658I feel sad for this child.
because of his stupid parents, he's going to be bullied in school
No. 171668
>>171667poor them though.
i want to hug them
No. 171671
File: 1440884149421.jpg (182.02 KB, 800x600, batcrate.jpg)

>>171564I couldn't resist.
No. 171680
File: 1440885319812.png (390.73 KB, 500x665, tumblr_ng0x2bJqDX1rrhs85o1_500…)

>>171362Some of us like 'em tall and skinny, anon.
And the hair has never looked too bad to me. It could use a bit of extra washing, since he has said he sometimes gets a whiff of dirty hair when he turns his head too quickly, but washing too often would turn make his hair look like this all the time.
No. 171727
>>171726Not to derail any further but Stefan is trans and identifies as a woman. She really is beautiful and one of my new yt obsessions tho.
Back to Suzy now pls.
No. 171735
>>171726oo sorry about that, all I saw was this video of her's.
>>171732I also question this because what if the relationship between him and this Katie girl is just one of those first relationship in highschool kind of thing. I mean I was the same way with my ex but it was a horrible relationship. We were very lovey dovey online but he was horrible in person.
No. 171751
>>171732Funny how in Sonic 06, Arin says he was 13 when it happened, but screenshots prove he was 17 at the time.
Arin starts talking about Katie around six minutes in.
No. 171958
File: 1440950445061.jpg (336.71 KB, 1439x2056, IMG_20150830_115937.jpg)

Found this on her twitter. I'm still cringing.
No. 171978
File: 1440954253640.jpg (378.25 KB, 970x619, 1438216405328.jpg)

>>171949Try tacky and cheap 3edgy5me goffick perfume.
No. 172111
>>172055After finding out about the other girl and the very obvious relationship she had with Arin, I have a very sinking feeling that Suzy tries very hard to isolate Arin from as many people as possible and negate relationships (platonic or romantic) he has with them.
I mean, one of the theories behind Jon leaving is Suzy monopolized so much of Arin's time ("You aren't marrying Jon you're marrying ME!") and they stopped being friends. Hell, I get the feeling her and Ross don't get along. Which makes sense, he was pretty pissy when Suzy did her "BUT I WAS BULLIED TOO!!" when Holly talked about being bullied after Suzy yammered about how all da bois loved her. And after that and him being a lifeless lump during episodes he does with her (and that visible cringe during the Guild Grumps outtakes at one of her jokes) Arin and Ross haven't seemed to have done as many episodes together or spend as much time together outside of Grumps.
Idk, that may just be me being weird and reading into stuff too much but between all of that and the fact that her videos with Arin look like a really bizarre hostage situation, their relationship makes me uncomfortable.
No. 172182
The only thing though suzy has zero personality, and will never be as good as Grav3yardgirl
No. 172316
>>172164I think Barry is the most comfortable with her, they always seem to get along.
Everyone else seems super uncomfortable around her. Even her own husband
No. 172320
>>171564I showed this to my boyfriend and he couldn't believe it was real kek
She would probably look way better if she cleaned up her diet, both in skin and body
No. 172330
File: 1441029605372.png (120.4 KB, 550x137, k35hcf2.png)

I don't drink so I could be wrong, but is that a line of alcohol next to a couple pictures of them? Kek
No. 172331
File: 1441029738233.jpg (72.46 KB, 480x360, image.jpg)

>>172176I think she's always kinda been a discount Bunny. Like they're both into ~alt modeling~ (except Bunny has made money/been sponsored for doing it), the two-tone hair shit before Bunny got hers fixed, the collecting bird skulls etc., their style in general. Bunny isn't amazing at makeup but she pulls off the alt fashion pretty well, better than Sooz at least.
No. 172351
>>171732>>171751when suzy was around 16 they went on a break
not sure on their age difference (sorry), but could it have been a relationship during that?
No. 172352
File: 1441032665017.jpg (38.47 KB, 520x203, 6522509_f520.jpg)

>>172330Looks like bottles of Starbucks syrup
No. 172375
File: 1441035641261.png (215.27 KB, 357x482, Screen Shot 2015-08-31 at 10.3…)

your makeup looks exactly the same
No. 172376
File: 1441035668420.jpg (101.11 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_nttsvm7p3I1qils0po1_128…)

you're braindead suzy. you don't discuss any ideas
No. 172389
>>172352And this is why they are fat. I bet they put that shit on everything.
>>172351I think Katie was before Suzy. Remember when they were "on a break" Arin wrote love letters to Suzy every day for that whole year like a beta motherfucker. Why would he do that if he was seeing another girl?
>>172376Does she talk about anything except how Arin is her husband? ffs. But here we are being small minded and discussing people, so uh… I dunno.
No. 172397
>FunnyI honestly wonder sometimes if this thread was just started by bitter gg fangirls. Like yeah Suzy is getting chub and has zero makeup skills, but these threads after her etsy scam have kind of gotten nitpicky, I really don't think she's very lolcow worthy.
Also watching everyone tear down Suzy and praising the other members of GG is cringey, none of them are funny, period. Lp youtube personalities are largely crap anyway, I find it hard to believe people over 12 find any of this cancer funny.
No. 172411
>>172409English took a nosedive at the end there…
But she and the crew still got some things we can talk about
No. 172418
>>172397so? like
>>172409 said, most of the site is nitpicky. i think she's up for discussion because she's a pretty big name on youtube and she's associated with the game grumps. i don't personally hate her but i think there are mock-worthy aspects of her.
i don't think i ever would watch game grumps and i don't get what's so funny. i do find jontron funny, but i only started watching him last week.
No. 172428
>>172397Kota doesn't really do anything super lolcow worthy anymore either. Her thread is 75% "she looks terrible" and the rest is how shit she used to be before becoming a kawaii z-list celebrity in Japan. Suzy's thread is basically the same - her looks get picked on and she gets dragged for dumb shit she did in the past.
GG does suck as a whole, though.
No. 172458
>>172397>Also watching everyone tear down Suzy and praising the other members of GG is cringeyThere's not as much praise going on here for the other GG members as you seem to think; pretty much everyone here thinks Arin is a fat, childish, beta faggot, some people praise Ross, Barry and Dan but that's simply because they're better people than Arin/Suzy, but then there are also people who have said Dan is getting shitty (e.g. during the situation with the walkthrough guy).
Suzy does get shit-talked the most but it's because she deserves it by being a terrible money-grubbing person who scams people.
The general consensus is that Suzy + Arin are shit, Dan is okay most of the time, Ross is cool and Barry is a nice guy.
This might seem like black-and-white favouritism to you but it's not and you just have to realize there's a reason why everyone here generally feels the same way about Suzy/Arin and the rest of GG.
No. 172471
File: 1441045880584.jpg (73.45 KB, 1417x351, IMG_20150831_143028.jpg)

lmao she edited the title of the video but not the thumbnail
No. 172624
>>172397where the fuck did i say it was funny, lmao. i said it wasn't TOO terrible, there was one part that made me kinda laugh, that was it. jesus christ.
dan, ross, and barry are the least shitty people in the GG "company", so of course they're going to get some level of praise, but so far everyone seems to agree that the show isn't funny, arin and suzy suck, and i've seen plenty trash-talking of ALL the members in the suzy/GG general threads.
yes, i used to be a fan of game grumps years ago, but apart from the videos i see here, and the videos that randomly pop up on youtube, i don't watch them anymore.
No. 172675
>>171920>>171936E-Fame happened. When they first got started they weren't wrapped up in the company they are in now. She can't keep up managing her husband and doing her own thing. So her work suffers, her body suffers, and soon so will her marriage.
To be honest I think she is the way she is now because of the fans and the money. People are finding out she isn't great, she is just average and that's not good enough. I wouldn't be shocked that after there contract with Polaris is up she walks away.
No. 172700
>>172471>>172471Suzy is literally retarded lmao
I wonder how much FAS actually affects her intelligence
No. 172705
>>172397Nah dog. I hate both Suzy and the existence of GG. I dislike Arin and Suzy the most of course, but I'm also not a fan of Ross. But tbh thats more about his general personality than it is about him doing super shitty things. I personally find him obnoxious and whiny but lots of other anons disagree so I dont really bring it up since its a matter of opinion.
I neither enjoy or dislike Barry and Dan. Tbh they seem like alright people and I hope that one day they will be able to escape the cesspit of GGs one day and work on their own projects.
I used to watch the show in the beginning when it was just Jon and Arin but I'd mostly put it on as background noise as I got work done. But even back then I found it annoying how much they actually sucked at playing video games. Now a days I dont go out of my way to watch GG unless videos are posted in the thread.
No. 172736
File: 1441081195405.png (56.11 KB, 906x278, Screen Shot 2015-08-31 at 11.1…)

wow, just wow
No. 172737
>>172723Is it bad that I actually checked both their emails? Nothing came up, but they were business emails.
Only person dumb enough to use their business email was Pewdiepie. Still haven't seen anyone freak out about that yet.
No. 172748
File: 1441083078635.png (51.03 KB, 1068x299, tumblr_inline_ntkf7bExIu1tn3du…)

>>172744>>172745Off topic: But yes. If anyone thinks we should make a thread for him, go for it. He's said some fucked up things about 12 year-old tits, and the obvious rape jokes, etc.
No. 172762
>>172748>However, someone else could have signed up using your email address.Sounds more like someone trying to frame him or someone who thought it'd be funny.
is his business email, don't forget. The only (or one of the only) email addresses he has that is made publicly known.
Felix is annoying as fuck but I don't think he's
that dumb.
Plus, why the fuck would he cheat on Marzia? She's gorgeous.
But yeah, Suzy thread.
No. 172791
File: 1441097301592.jpg (22.75 KB, 480x360, image.jpg)

Suzy would look good if you shrunk her head a bit
No. 172792
>>172791FUCK, this is scary.
Actual fucking alien baby.
No. 172940
File: 1441130283257.jpg (120.81 KB, 1252x341, image.jpg)

why is suzy next to arin/in the middle shouldn't it be danny and arin next to each other, then the others on the outside of them? i know the banner has been like this for a long time now but it frustrates me
No. 172985
File: 1441137639450.jpg (133.33 KB, 681x685, 4358422fsae.jpg)

Suzy looking like Onision here.
No. 172996
>>172985Holy shit, she does hahahaha.
Wow. That's awful. I'm guessing that's a wig?
Her face is so fucking weird, I can't get over it.
No. 173066
>>172985that's it, she needs to chop that greasy mop and style herself a bob like this one…
That Morticia's straight hairdo makes her look even fatter on the face somehow, she needs to cut that shit up.
No. 173067
File: 1441151556943.jpg (294.43 KB, 960x540, Faith.jpg)

>>172985She kind of reminds me of Faith from Mirror's Edge with that wig and the eye makeup.
No. 173216
File: 1441169973551.jpg (35.34 KB, 415x316,…)

>>173140At least Faith has a job, is an activist who actually fights for freedom, has a complex but authentic personality, and is athletic af too…
And people actually love her.
She's more like an anti-Suzy.
No. 173265
>>173263I had the same thought…
I think anon meant she was eating baked/roasted potatoes? It's still a strange thing to do on a stream though…
No. 173283
File: 1441194447337.jpg (55.94 KB, 713x416, reaaaaaa.jpg)

New ipsy review. It looks like she slightly improved her camera angle? Its hard to see her double chin unless shes looking down/pressing her face in
No. 173363
File: 1441203340860.jpg (136.53 KB, 487x371, bjork.jpg)

>>173228But they do look pretty similar…
No. 173661
File: 1441230024750.png (155.29 KB, 508x519, kill me arin.png)

I can't finish this because looking at Suzy for too long feels like staring into the void
I need to drink
No. 173670
File: 1441230549426.png (218.9 KB, 344x482, kill me.png)

Here is another. I'm convinced she's an alien
No. 173678
File: 1441230882530.png (277.95 KB, 440x348, thumbs up.png)

>>173670>>173661These are beautiful anon, I laughed much harder than I probably should have
No. 173695
>>173428I don't think Bjork is Inuit at all. If you compare her features with Inuit people, they really don't look that similar. Plus, she's only ever said that she's Icelandic with a bit of Irish. Her features definitely look like the product of FAS to me.
It doesn't really matter though cuz she's the shit.
No. 173698
File: 1441233301496.gif (1.42 MB, 494x494, suzyintensifies.gif)

No. 173701
File: 1441233424006.jpg (77.22 KB, 1440x1080, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>173695Yeah a lot of people have suspected that Bjork has FAS for a long time now and I'm definitely one of them.
She has like, every external symptom.
No. 173705
No. 173713
So did anyone else see that Suzy retweeted this obviously traced fanart?'ll support art theft/tracing, but has no shame when she files a false DMCA.
No. 173736
File: 1441238056860.gif (1.59 MB, 300x291, the-shittening.gif)

i scared myself making this.
No. 173747
>>173745Yeah I think she's pretty cute in general. She has a unique face that suits her well.
Unlike Suzy who just looks weird, but I think that's mostly her terrible makeup.
No. 174010
>>173283She looks so similar to Arin here, with the upturned nose and the thin lips and the blobby chin/neck area. These two are going to have the most beautiful babies.
>>173698>>173736holy fucking shit anons
No. 174012
Like serious
my sides are in fucking space and they stopped thinking
No. 174121
>>173736My fucking sides
She looks like a glitchy Sims character
No. 174223
File: 1441304615190.jpg (23.38 KB, 350x237, suuuzy.jpg)

No. 174249
>>174232Downs is a human disease, this tiger is just inbred for the desired fur colour
Fake Facebook viral ~factZ~ will be the end of me
No. 174263
>>174223This tiger died i believe. Shitty ass human beings kept inbreeding it to get a white tiger, but white tigers are a genetic issue, like when someone comes out albino.
People are assholes and the tiger came out with a mentally disorder similar to downs, but had issues breathing, walking, etc and didn't live very long or well.
No. 174295
File: 1441313518444.jpg (194.24 KB, 900x771, f21969cf_b2ba41dc_3fa42be7.jpg)

>>174223Stop right there you.
I can laugh at retarded humans all day, but animals is just a new low.
Don't disrespect the unfortunate existence of this poor innocent creature.
Here, have a komodo dragon instead.
It reminds me of Suzy because neither of them has a philtrum, without make up she looks like a weird scaly thing, and it drools poison than can kill you in 20 minutes or less, kind of like her videos…
No. 174299
File: 1441314312750.jpg (26.87 KB, 639x359, 1440597916649.jpg)

>>174295So you have no sympathy for innocent humans who are born with deformaties and enjoy making fun of their unfortunate existances, but you can't handle someone making fun of a retarded animal?
No. 174307
>>174299Never heard of cynism?
I respect animals much more than people these days.
No. 174337
>>174307what an edgy opinion, 2deeo4me
>>174318animals don't have etsy. they shit in the woods.
No. 174351
>>174337>>174318if they had etsy they'd totally scam each other if it meant survival
i guess you could argue suzy is doing that but she has arin's jewtube $$$$
No. 174357
>>174318No, they eat their own young if they don't have enough money. Altruism is a human concept that MOSTLY exists within human society. Evolutionary behavioralist have several theories on why it's so predominant in humans opposed to other species.
>>174223And I'm the one who posted this retarded tiger. It's hilarious and I'm sure that tiger was getting meats and not giving a shit if people, years later, make fun of him.
(I put money instead of resources in my original post. Too busy laughing at the jewtube comment.)
No. 174369
>>174340Wow, edgy… That hurt me because reading that again I do sound 2edgy5u.
In my defense, I forgot to take my pills. Sorry.
No. 174433
File: 1441333219084.png (714.79 KB, 594x592, ?Suzy Berhow? (@mortemer) • In…)

Real talk there has to be something going on with her thyroid (I thought she was faking it because how the fuck do doctors get it wrong this long?) because her Instagram is showing thin Suzy and her videos (I know they film ahead of time) got her looking like a solid 225.
No. 174438
File: 1441333480854.jpg (135.54 KB, 960x720, may7th.jpg)

>>174437this is the picture
No. 174613
File: 1441373723204.jpg (89.63 KB, 536x538, 11121401_900583226698442_72356…)

I remember going through her IG awhile ago and I found this picture of her and I love it
No. 174627
>>174613Yeah, it's been posted here before.
Everyone agreed she looks immensely better.
Minimal eye make-up + volume in your hair, Suzy.
Those two things could improve your appearance tenfold.
(though shedding a few kilos wouldn't do any harm either).
No. 174702
>>174438I actually really like Holly's hair in that style. Also isnt the guy in the red shirt one of the Normal Boots guys who also appeared on their channel? Or is that not him (I'm sorry I only know ProJared and Jontron)
I was trying to find it but I remember this coming up before anyways post in which she says her and markiplier look alike one where she says they're siblings
obviously both were not meant to be serious but eh
No. 174770
>>174765Pretty sure she does.
I'm a socal anon, and we are having a hell of heatwave right now too. While I don't go out of my way to walk around in the sun unless I need to, I always put on spf in the mornings.
No. 174781
File: 1441391216256.jpg (115.02 KB, 1263x790, IMG_20150904_142610.jpg)

tfw you don't have a philtrum
No. 174799
>>174754Well then, that explains why her skin looks like utter shit without make-up on.
She'll pay the full price for that in a few years to come.
No. 174808
>>174433Do you really think its thyroid issues though? My mom has had thyroid problems for a number of years and she hasn't gained any weight from it, quite the opposite actually. But she eats healthy and exercises on a daily basis.
This video was posted in the last thread and at somepoint Arin is asked if they've done anything interesting while in Texas, and he just goes on and on about the food that he's eaten. He was listing some major junk foods and it sounded like he was eating them multiple times a day. So if she eats anything like he does then she's just a fatty using her thyroid as a convenient excuse.
No. 175012
>>174698Bitch went full tumblr now.
Next she's going to make a tutorial about flower crowns.
No. 175205
>>175183Whoops, dumb moment; totally forgot to quote the post I was replying to, which was
>>174913>>175198Exactly. Anon was basically saying
>haha you live in one of the many countries that use a more modern and efficient system of measurement, what a faggot No. 175279
>>175276Ffs, this is what we're talking about when we say she's using her 'thyroid' as an excuse and is actually so fat because she eats like shit.
I love the implication that there were multiple layers of donuts…she's complaining but there's still four left, wtf???
She's such a fucking fatass. Put your thyroid card away, Suzy. How dare you try and play that shit and post this at the same time.
No. 175282
File: 1441479986028.png (693.18 KB, 934x596, MUH THYROID!!.png)

>>175276Also please cap as well as link next time, anon. For convenience.
No. 175319
File: 1441483340124.png (331.38 KB, 525x425, Untitled.png)

>>174698Is just me or does her chest area look very red and irritated?
No. 175323
File: 1441483619151.png (751.95 KB, 1102x368, suz.png)

>that tangent between the eyebrow and eyeliner
>ugggggh no why its killing me
No. 175329
>>175319Arin suckin too hard on those titties.
The lack of color of her bottom lip makes her chin look super long.
No. 175333
>>175319Yeah, it looks pretty rashy. She probably gets acne on her chest but it's hard to judge from that picture.
I've also figured out why her chest looks so broad and canvas-like; it's a combination of her having small boobs with no visible cleavage and also that her collarbones don't protrude in the
slightest. They're totally invisible and tucked away under all that pudge. They weren't even visible when she was thin either.
I know all people are built differently and blah blah, but it looks so odd to me. She has to many features that are strange-looking, too smoothed out or simply not there.
>>175323Wow, you can really see the intensity of the contour from that angle in the left pic.
She looks fucking dirty, jesus.
>>175332Actually cackled.
No. 175381
File: 1441498861960.png (882.97 KB, 685x756, 4a881ff7c20aafed94f259817b5379…)

is it just me or does she look better here?
probably because she's wearing something that doesn't look like complete fucking garbage. imo she'd look a lot better if she didn't wear flare jeans, an ugly hoodie and those ugly ass shirts.
lots of shop on her face probs, but she'd do a complete 180 if she got a bob cut, bangs and had on more feme clothes.
No. 175384
>>175381Her make up also doesn't look crazy.
She should wear waist clinching things more often
No. 175506
>>174433Is she wearing flared jeans under that dress?
Also, bitch is fat. She might have a medical issues, but it wouldnt make her gain over 50 pounds.
No. 175795
File: 1441574759883.png (819 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (348).png)

do all girls look like this without makeup
No. 175797
File: 1441574853691.png (975.8 KB, 965x643, suzy5.PNG)

Suzy is not Mexican.
Suzy has nothing to do with Mexican culture or celebrations.
Suzy is going to monetize a video appropriating Mexican culture.
Suzy is scum.
Sidenote, I'm excited to see her fumble her way through trying to explain what Dia de los Muertos is about and half-ass read the wikipedia article, pretending she's celebrated it all her life.
No. 175801
>>175797the comments made me so pissed.
i was surprised her ignorant ass didn't say halloween, but i'm curious to see how her racist ass deals with this tutorial.
i loathe suzy even more now
No. 175807
>>175803because if done right, they look beautiful.
>>175797>>175801>>175804>>175805the tumblrstat is on full blast in this thread, jesus christ
No. 175816
>>175808I had to look it up and now I'm wishing I didn't. fucking pronounces it correctly and he dropped out of high school.
No. 175817
>>175807Amen. Fucking hell, so many people
triggered in this thread
No. 175820
>>175807>>175817Because Suzy is a white ass girl turning a Mexican holiday into a Halloween costume and profiting from it. And also lying, pretending she actually celebrates the holiday.
She's racist scum. Why would you defend her anon :^)
No. 175821
>>175811you might as well be getting your panties in a bunch over someone wearing a crucifix even though they aren't particularly religious.
>"nasty ass white girls">not tumblrlmao good 1
No. 175823
>>175820suzy is an obnoxious cunt for a million reasons
but if you're getting this worked up over her appropriating a holiday, you need to rethink your life lol
No. 175826
>>175824lupe, why aren't you doing my dishes
what do you think i pay you 3 dollars an hour for
No. 175834
File: 1441577954202.png (1.11 MB, 948x614, mykie.PNG)

This will be the whole Mykie sitaution all over again oh boy.
I can't WAIT til Suzy rants about how people are being racist to her for being white.
No. 175838
File: 1441578033652.png (953.71 KB, 1054x683, 3b8a22997.png)

>>175835Woops I forgot to add the file
No. 175849
this is funny as fuck
No. 175857
>>175849What did you do to make her block you?
Just wondering haha
No. 175866
File: 1441580811427.png (666.03 KB, 603x561, Sparksy (@sparksygrams) • Inst…)

I really do think she has a binge and purge problem. There is no way even with ps she looks like this in natural light but like the queen of ham in some of the unboxings.
No. 175876
>You disagree with me therefore you must like SuzyNo, I just don't give a shit about "OMG CULTURAL APPROPRIATION". Go make a tumblr post about it if you want people to agree she's "omg so racist" just for doing a stupid, ugly looking "makeup tutorial"
She does plenty of stuff that's retardedly funny and actually worth talking about. Stop looking for an excuse to laugh at her and still feel like you're morally superior. This is the whole "A-Logging" bullshit all over again.
No. 175910
>>175905Or maybe this website has tons of contributors involved that don't belong to one single hivemind?
Let me just say, talking shit about Suzy, let alone anyone on this site, doesn't put anyone on "higher moral ground", if anything it does the opposite. I know personally I'm not here to feed my own ego or feel some sort of reassurance/boost of self esteem. I can't speak for every one though.
What is specifically wrong with what Suzy just did was the fact that she is not Mexican (just listening to Suzy speak Spanish made me want to scream), and has never celebrated Dia de Los Muertos in her life, yet thinks she is keeping the culture "alive" through some makeup tutorial. I also take issue that she's turning calaveras into a Halloween costume and profiting off of it via YouTube ads.
Suzy fucked up, and is now trying to manipulate the situation so she's the victim.
This also isn't the first time Suzy has fucked up with someone else's culture. Suzy basically fetishizes everything Japanese, dresses up as a Geisha every time she's in Japan, and doesn't correct people when they think she's Japanese (or some form of east Asian). She even goes to the length of comparing pictures of herself and Markiplier (who is half Korean) saying that they are practically siblings, thus further tricking fans into believing she's Asian.
Suzy is white. She's not Mexican, and she's certainly not Asian. I don't care that she's white, I care that she desperately tries to be something else, flat out lies to the internet, and makes money off of cultures that she's not apart of. She's a total scam artist. Just look at her etsy, christ. This isn't just about about Suzy "appreciating" culture, it's about easy money.
ALL of her makeup tutorials for Halloween are uninspired and lazy, and I'm positive we won't see any improvements in the future.
No. 175914
>>175910Did you miss the part when I said not everybody? So I'm not able to say that I can see a genral pattern in this sight?
Anyway, many people haven't celebrated holidays before talking about it, wearing facial paint, or just practicing what they read. That's just how stuff works. If some people see something that they like, researched or not, they'll copy it.
As I said, she didn't claim the culture or anything, and seriously?
She has never said she was Spanish/Latina. If she has, I want to see and I'll take It back.
It pissed you off when she spoke Spanish? So no one who is seriously learning the language can speak it? She never claimed to be learning the language.
Shes not taking anything from that holiday what so ever. And is just doing a tutorial on it, I honestly don't see anything wrong with it.
With the Japanese thing, I'm pretty iffy about that since we all know she's a major weeb, but if her fans want to believe she's Asian and her looks are not a production of her FAS well so be it.
But I don't want a say in that since I have no proof of her family ancestry.
(copy and pasted so I can eaten since the discussion is pretty OT.)
No. 175943
File: 1441592685011.png (183.25 KB, 574x520, stupid naive poc's.png)

>>175854do ya seriously think we mexicans are so sensitive, ignorant and delicate that we can't let others enjoy our culture??? Uh? Is that what you're trying to say?
"Dun look at them Mexicanos they'll get maaad!"
Stop with yer white guilt darling, Dia de los Muertos is supposed to be a fiesta, a celebration in honor of those fortunate souls that are gone and don't have to deal with your ~cultural appropiashum~ bullshit anymore, jeez, exposure is a good think in culture, the more people celebrate and acknowledge it, the better, get your head out of your ass.
Of all the shitty things Suzy has done, this is fucking inoffensive. A shame that she didn't upload the video fearing the Tumblr backlash tho. Fucking coward.
No. 175952
File: 1441593713553.jpg (614.76 KB, 1536x2048, Alien Isolation HD.jpg)

>>175950Are you blind? It looks greasy as fuck.
Also the acne scars are pretty noticeable on that gargantuan forehead of hers.
No. 175962
>>175959This is an old photo from years ago, she got worse since then.
Like, know she looks like this
>>170981 and that's with make up on.
No. 175965
>>175952i zoomed in and i saw mustache and nose hair
closes tab slowly
No. 176018
File: 1441600592053.jpg (34.84 KB, 640x242, image.jpg)

People legitimately believe Suzy's Asian / half Asian lmao
No. 176032
>>176018This person is pretty much saying that FAS = Asian features which is really hilarious but also really shitty lmao
also where does this person live in they think Suzy looks so ~exotic~? Staten Island? Alabama???
No. 176036
File: 1441606591697.jpg (22.09 KB, 600x299, fff.jpg)

>>176032Like I vaguely understand where people get this assumption? Because her none existent nose bridge and the lack of those eye creases. But personally I've never thought she looked Asian at all.
No. 176037
File: 1441606725137.jpg (338.87 KB, 1275x1257, image.jpg)

Ok but are we not going to talk about this? Arin looks like the fucking Burns alien. Does he wear circle lenses too now?
No. 176220
File: 1441647652960.png (620.07 KB, 959x621, suzzzz.PNG)

>>176203Because she does shit like this.
No. 176224
File: 1441647753944.png (906.03 KB, 955x629, suzyy.PNG)

>>176222But especially this.
No. 176234
>>176222>>176220Mark must be creeped out by this, surely…I mean holy fuck.
She didn't even write it in a way that it seems like a joke; hence people's comments taking it seriously and being shocked.
>Sibling time with my brother>See the family resemblance?>in front of the same background for school photosShe knows that sentence implies they went to the same school as siblings.
It's seriously creepy of her though.
I bet she didn't even correct them or comment saying "I was just joking guys!".
Even if she did she still initially insinuated with the pictures that she's Asian by comparing herself to a half-Korean man.
She wants people to think she's Asian so bad.
No. 176278
>>176037I'm not sure why, but the fact she does that dramatic winged eyeliner ALL THE TIME pisses me off.
Maybe it helps her feel like she is truly part asian like her long lost sibling markiplier
No. 176318
>>176224This makeup really emphasizes how inbred she looks.
There's just so much real estate on her face. Especially between her nose and mouth and between her eyes.
No. 176373
File: 1441661458380.webm (4.51 MB, 768x576, TOPKEK.webm)
>>175952>FilenameHoly shit my sides, fucking beautiful
No. 176446
>>172713someone should let nintendo know cuz nintendo is super uptight about keeping all of their content kid friendly.
>>173661careful, anon. you don't wanna drink so much that your kid has fas.
No. 176480
>>176478Mark is too good of a person to run off with Suzy tbh, and too attractive for ayy lmao.
If anyone would hit up Suzy post-divorce, it'd be Barry. He seems to be like Suzy's personal assistant and the only person not tired of her bullshit.
No. 176489
>>176478>implying anyone will want Suzy besides the one guy that she knew when she was jail bait.If they do get divorced she will talk about how terrible the marriage was. How he would abuse her or not care enough for her.
Barry might still work with her but hitting her up for sex. I doubt it.
Heads up the average relationship of a marriage is 15.9 years including courtship. So what we got like what 3-5 years left?
No. 176526
>>176490Curious, why do you think he's disgusting?
Ugly? well that's just personal preference. He isn't my type, but he isn't an eyesore imo.
No. 176539
>>176446I don't want to bring another Suzy into this world so don't worry
>>176489Yeahhh this for sure. Mark is waaay out of her league, not just in looks, but also in being a decent person as far as I know. I've watched KKG eps where they play games together and their chemistry is really awkward. You can tell Suzy is eager to spend time with him and you can read that as you like, but Mark just doesn't seem like he's into hanging out with her.
Also I would love to see the Grumps drama become like The Room with Arin yelling about how he never hit Suzy
>oh hi danny No. 176555
>>175820She does so much shit that's sacreligious for so many different cultures and you choose this one to get fanny flustered about?
-Making cheapo inaccurate rosaries and using them for decoration instead of prayer
-sticking hamsas on rosaries and other weird shit that doesn't make any sense
-crosses everywhere
-uses the bodies of dead things to decorate shit
"Mexican" isn't a race, it's a nationality, one that's growing in size in the US and its culture is starting to mingle with US culture. New cultures are seen as "cool" and "unique" to younger people. Of course tumblrites will want to celebrate this instead of boring old patriarchalcisheterowhitenonotherkin halloween, it's not a surprise.
No. 176568
>>176489>Heads up the average relationship of a marriage is 15.9 years including courtship. So what we got like what 3-5 years left?I read here it was much longer. Apparently it's between 25-40 years NOT including courtship. Suzy and Arin will get divorced but I hardly think you could consider them an average couple or use average statistics. I think we might have to wait until Game Grumps dies down before we see a divorce. I wouldn't hold my breath.
No. 176569
File: 1441684403360.jpg (158.87 KB, 550x327, Book_of_Life_Emberd_html.jpg)

>>175943Bless. But don't go saying that on tumblr.
No. 176624
>>176564I also thought they looked suspiciously like fake tattoos.
What the fuck, seriously though? That's pathetic. How was she going to turn that into a make-up tutorial when all she did was slap on some temporary tattoos and fill in around her eye with black eye shadow? Is she joking?
She's so fucking lazy and it aggravates me that she thought this would be a sufficient and worthy tutorial where she's actually teaching people something with her own skills (!).
Y'know, I'm thinking she planned to never actually make a tutorial video to upload, knew she would get comments about 'cultural appropriation' and she just wanted it to seem by the Instagram picture that she did it all herself with make-up.
There's just no way you could make a tutorial out of that.
No. 177197
>>175838Lol @ cultural appreciation. God, could Suzy ever get out of her teen try-hard phase? She has such a…white person view on culture. She acts like a child claiming that all cultures need to SHAAARE. Oh the entitlement.
Anyways, half of my family lives in Mexico and I don't think any of them would think twice about Dia del los muertos "appropriation" stuff. They're all practicing catholics so to many Mexicans, the day is something incredibly different to what tumblrinas think. Usually, family will light a candle, say a prayer or visit a grave. If white girls wanna paint themselves up and act like they're suddenly so in tune with sacred spirits they certainly can without offending many Mexicans. We honestly aren't as private as Native Americans (whose ceremonies come with repercussions if viewed by outsiders). Dia Del Los Muertos in my family is merely like a happier version of a funeral reception where you eat and talk about your loved ones. There's nothing exotic about it. Most activists who complain about the commercialization of the holiday are usually third generations who don't really practice the day traditionally anyways. They're just finding another reason to be mad at whitey. The day is pretty inclusive of all people as long as you can honor the ones you love that have passed on.
It's like what many Japanese think about weaboos obsession with Geishas. It's not really offensive when a girl is in costume; it's offensive when a white girl thinks the most valuable think about Japanese culture (rich in Shinto and Buddhist traditions) is being a rich man's prostitute. If you truly want to appreciate Mexican culture, don't pick and choose the gaudiest representation with zero context and expect people to take you seriously when you say you've always practiced it. You're only offending others because you look like a clown, not because you're stealing anything important from the culture.
No. 177207
>>177203Having sex with clients =/= Prostitution
From what I understand, the sexual aspect is/was purely secondary to the actual practice and it'd be retarded to just call them "rich men's prostitutes".
>"le romanticization maymay, you just don't understand nipponese culture!!!"Yeah, nah.
No. 177215
>>177207money in exchange for eventual sex…hmm I wish they had a word for that…OH YEAH IT'S CALLED PROSTITUTION. Just because Geishas provided the full girlfriend experience doesn't make the sex for money any less significant. They weren't your average brothel sex worker, but they were sex workers. There's a reason why Geishas were only women. Don't be so naive. They were groomed in fine arts and intellectual studies because they were meant to service the nobility.
U must b mad and u must be white, bro. It's always white bitches that go around acting like Geishas were such a noble profession. There's a lot of interesting shit about Japanese history. Pick up a fucking book, kid, instead of watching your Memoirs of a Geisha dvd.
No. 177220
>>177216Yeah, I never understood this whole "Buy a thing and read instructions!"
If you're going to advertise making a home made gift, it should be more home made.
No. 177223
File: 1441779376637.jpg (9.85 KB, 331x333, manugga.jpg)

>>177215>u mad cuz u white>white bitches>kiddon't be so angry anon, it's just a forum on the internet
No. 177225
>>177215>There's a reason why Geishas were only women. …The first geisha were men. They were called Taikomochi.
With every post, you expose yourself as more and more retarded.
And I'm not white at all, I'm a black girl. I'm just not a fucking idiot like you. Please go.
>"M-M-Memoirs of A Geisha"Stop projecting. Nobody here cares about that shit movie except you and PT.
No. 177227
>>177215>It's always white bitches that go around acting like Geishas were such a noble professionWhat the
fuck are you babbling about?
Go home.
No. 177229
File: 1441780152264.gif (1.08 MB, 255x182, 1422306595016.gif)

No. 177230
File: 1441780174806.png (712.42 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2015-09-09-14-24-31…)

>Winged eyeliner
>"Strong eyebrows and smokey eye"
>"Makeup of the day"
You mean makeup of every fucking day.
No. 177232
>>177231I guess it's hard to suck in her gut and hold a flattering angle for longer than a few seconds for a selfie.
She seems to have kind of shit Quasimodo-esque posture when she's sitting in her videos too which adds to her looking like a fat slob.
She looks better in
>>177230 than in her videos but she kind of looks trans, kek.
No. 177240
>>177235Right? I mean, honestly there's nothing really wrong with doing your make-up similarly all the time if you're comfortable with it and aren't big on changing or experimenting but you can't do the paint same shit on your face every single day and call yourself a ~beauty guru~ and think you're good enough to produce make-up tutorials that are all similar bar the outrageous ones that no one will actually do on themselves (eg. the retarded deer one
and even that one had the same fucking Cleopatra cat eye bullshit).
No. 177241
>>177240Can't paint the same shit on*
Sorry I'm retarded.
No. 177366
>>177237>>177338I know, I mean they never look that great and always look very obviously drawn on but this is a bit of a new low in terms of the effort she put into them to at least look passable.
What is that huge chunk not filled in on her left brow (our right) towards the tail?
I've noticed her leave it like that before, it's all jagged and looks fucking terrible.
"Beauty Guru", jfc.
No. 177407
File: 1441821053132.jpg (77.51 KB, 880x743, IMG_20150909_134947.jpg)

>tfw you use your scam money to buy beauty products and make a haul video for it
No. 177419
File: 1441821920734.jpg (112.62 KB, 1433x746, IMG_20150909_140321.jpg)

She's describing how good this face mask smells and says "it's really hard for me not to try and eat it!" lmao
No. 177441
>>175543You've never had bacon donuts? They're fantastic.
They sound weird at first, but think of it this way:
Maple Logs + Maple cured bacon
No. 177461
>>177407>>177419Just watched this video. Looks like she's dragging, not sure. It just felt very blah like "time to make a video" for the sake of views.
I honestly think a lot of her early reviews (mostly before game grumps fame) were pretty good, and her energy was high, but she always looks so lifeless now. I don't feel the passion in her videos, the new tutorials are lazy as fuck, and her reviews feel forced. Probably just doing it for the youtube money at this point.
No. 177465
>>177461Well yeah, because tha haturz stopped her from making money off that calavera tutorial, she had to whip up something quick to get her YT money.
It's obviously rushed, she just picked out a few things from her bathroom to show off and also praise birchbox to high heaven.
Remember when she had a daily upload schedule? Lmao.
No. 177513
File: 1441835235255.png (937.82 KB, 973x622, suzu.PNG)

Wow so creative. Totally not different from her normal makeup.
No. 177565
>>177230i feel sad for girls who cake on makeup everyday like suzy
>inb4 I DO IT FOR MEEE IM CONFIDENT! I DONT CARE ABOUT GUYS!!!!!!!!!I'm a girl but if you're not confident in natural makeup then you're insecure as fuck. unless you have a style where heavy makeup needs to be applied (ex: gyaru)
No. 177616
File: 1441845861087.jpg (121 KB, 1433x741, IMG_20150909_140338.jpg)

No. 177619
>~i'm not like other girlzzzz~>girls who do dramatic makeup are so insecure>except gyarusSo you're saying you have to fit a certain fashion subculture to a T or else you're insecure for wearing heavy makeup? wat
Also, does that mean Suzy is a-ok seeing as she wants to be goth so badly? That's a style where heavy makeup is usually applied.
I know she doesn't listen to the music, whateverinb4 'you probably cake makeup on', I suck with makeup and I get the impression you do, too. It's ok, anon. I'm here for you. No. 177695
>>177586Internalized _____ doesnt exist.
and i guess i found the feminist lol
No. 177696
>>177565true tbh
triggered tons of girls by saying that though it's hilarious
No. 177750
>>177695Except it does. Look at all the girls turning on each other and going "I'm not like those other girls!!!"
Why though? What the hell is wrong with being a woman? So many women want to impress the men by not being like them other gurls and it's bullshit.
Whether you wear no makeup, light or heavy makeup, it has zero to do with your insecurities. Stop projecting.
No. 177764
File: 1441855967497.jpg (9.78 KB, 197x200, 897866785.jpg)

>>177698>caking on foundation if you have acne ISN'T FOR YOURSELFAs someone who had genetic cystic acne, fuck you if it doesn't mean precisely that.
Foundation is the difference between me looking tired/dirty to others from looking like I have normal, pretty skin that reflects how much I try to fucking take care of it while it resists my efforts.
It's not a reflection of -my- personal confidence if other people look at me and judge me for shit that I bloody can't control. I'm confident in MANY aspects of my life, but you can't tell me to fuck myself just because I want to look attractive and healthy when my body can't naturally do it. I don't have to be okay with how my acne looks just like how you don't have to be okay with having a lady 'stache or brunette hair when you really want to be blonde, for instance.
For the record:
>I have tried antibiotics; acne persisted>Topical creams with antibiotics; acne persisted>Strict skin regimens and diet changes; persisted>my own mom is 60 and still gets acneThe only thing I haven't tried is Accutane and that's because it's a fucking CHEMO drug that my insurance denied me for and is too expensive to pay out of pocket.
Replied to the b8/10
No. 177794
File: 1441861080749.jpg (39.94 KB, 392x411, 1395621450670.jpg)

>>177698>anon can't into makeup and looks like she was hit by the ugly stick from birth>tries foundation ONCE>looks like shit because she doesn't know how to apply it>feels bad>goes on imageboards and insults girls who can actually figure out makeup because they must be "ttly unconfident!!" and "insecure omg"Fucking kek.
No. 177833
File: 1441868895613.jpg (267.13 KB, 718x1086, Screenshot_2015-09-10-14-55-03…)

Alright guys, that's enough derailment for one day.
Suzy retweeted someone saying they wanted these dresses.
Of course she'd love something so hideously tacky.
No. 177876
File: 1441885548004.png (52.29 KB, 672x333, mariomaker.png)

Did anyone watch the livestream? Suzy went on a massive rant about Nintendo and her Mario Maker video. She said she'd never play a nintendo game again blah blah
No. 177877
>>177876I didn't know about the video she made before reading this.
Did they actually give her early access to film her playing it or to review it or what?
She clearly must've gotten something wrong and not followed certain rules.
No. 177891
>>177876>>177877I have a strong feeling that Nintendo gave the code to game grumps for their show and in her stupid little brain that equated to "I'm a grump let me use it on my channel" I mean looking it up it made it's way thru IGN and Polaris channels.
In the mean time here is a "new" table flip.
No. 177977
File: 1441911965991.png (28.76 KB, 300x302, ahegao.png)

>>177419>>177616Is she being a massive weeb and trying to do the hentai ahegao face?
No. 177993
>>177764Are you on birth control?
I found that my skin cleared up once I went on it, it's been known to help reduce acne. I do still get breakouts, but my skin is like the clearest it has ever been.
No. 178037
>>177709>you disagree with me SO YOU HAVE INTERNALIZED MYSOGNYSince when did tumblrinas invaded lolcow?
>>177750>>177752stop samefagging
No. 178041
>>177565The girls on this board are all teens and feminists.
they're going to go apeshit over you because THATS SEXIST!!!!!!!!! and shit like that.
it's best to not say this kind of thing in pt
No. 178044
>>177750What the fuck is wrong with women trying to impress men?
Not all women do things for themselves and not all women wear makeup because they're confident.
that's bullshit.
No. 178048
File: 1441919537846.jpg (350.45 KB, 900x900, 7cb69de88cf8d12240f8e400cc4027…)

>>177794>implying you know anon to say this thingHoly shit, lolcow has gone downhill.
No. 178051
>>177619I'm that anon and I never said i wasnt like other girls you fucking dumbass.
I mentionned i was a girl because if i was a guy, you guys would have gone APESHIT and "OMG NOBODY CARES ABOUT WHAT GUYS THINK OMGGG SEXISM"
I don't think im different or special so fuck off
No. 178054
File: 1441920174025.jpg (96.92 KB, 906x598, bitch-n-beta.jpg)

Suzy must hate looking at her old body, but she keeps reposting old photos of her and Arin. Arin is so freakin unattractive…
No. 178057
>>178053Stop derailing the thread and let it go.
>>178054Suzy looked so slim here
No. 178058
>>178056LOL!! I think he's trying to do the codec thing, but he just looks skinny and awkward. He's a really hideous Snake. And Suzy's wig is pretty bad, but they're both young, so whatever, i guess?
It's funny Suzy posted this 5 days ago as if she's remembering the 'good times.'
No. 178063
File: 1441920699404.jpg (100.51 KB, 933x601, nicetry.jpg)

This fanart someone drew for them.
>Thin suzy
>buff Arin
haha that's fanart alright.
No. 178067
File: 1441920991772.jpg (49.33 KB, 599x601, ArinandSuzygoasthemselvesforha…)

Look at them from last Halloween. As an Addams family fan, this annoys me so much. They look NOTHING like Gomez and Morticia. Morticia as ruby red or blood red lipstick and heavily shadowed eyes. Suzy is wearing her SAME everyday winged eyeliner and nude lipstick makeup.
Arin's hair isn't slicked back. And Gomez would never wear that suit. They both fail miserably.
No. 178071
>>178067Thanks :P
Agreed, The dress is a little too light to be like Morticias. The eye make up could maybe be forgiven in this on snuzzys behalf, but not having red lipstick is a fucking disgrace if shes trying to be Morticia.
No. 178085
File: 1441921897221.jpg (99.27 KB, 906x595, nope.jpg)

Someone came into my job this week wearing this shirt. I felt embarrassed for them. What's worse is they weren't the first. A lot of young teens ( people usually 16 and under) wearing GG shirts would come in with their parents.
I'm sure Jon is glad he got away from this.
No. 178090
>>178085i think jon is glad he's not in gg anymore.
i mean it's shit and they tolerated their fans to doxx some poor guys.
No. 178119
File: 1441924600639.jpg (58.25 KB, 600x600, IMG_20150831_223312.jpg)

>>178095I have a friend who likes gamegrumps and Suzy. I don't wanna piss in her oatmeal and tell her about how super shitty they are, because I'm afraid it'd hurt her feelings. She even got an undercut recently
No. 178346
File: 1441965930273.jpg (559.8 KB, 2200x2111, Fotor_144196486375659.jpg)

Such a gamur gurlll~
>"Arrriiin take a pic of me in bed looking sad about Metal Gear"
>"Only if you promise to not make me be in any more of your unboxing videos"
>"No, take the picture"
No. 178347
File: 1441966390081.gif (499.07 KB, 500x212, bf1200f8469f88c257d55de66ca460…)

>>178346There's a reason why she wears hoodies as everyday 'ware'.
No. 178355
>>178347Yeah I think you nailed it there.
I noticed 'ware' also, lol. She really is dim.
No. 178500 video is so awkward now she's a) fat and b) in game grumps.
"I think if I was in an episode of Game Grumps, it'd be very bland and dull and you guys would get sick of me." Well, she's not wrong.
No. 178507
File: 1442004603608.png (207.01 KB, 396x338, fathead.png)

>>178500Her talking about being into "fashion" and how she will never just wear jeans and a t-shirt.
Like bitch thats all you wear now.
No. 178688
>>178346Ok, suzy is a stupid bitch and all, but let's stop using the 'gamer gurl~~~" insult. that shit was invented by basement dweller guys who still think female gamers are some kind of myth. I work at a fucking video game STORE and went out still in uniform for lunch and some guy at the cafe i was ordering at asked me if I was gamer for reals after I told him where I worked. (He asked me. I didn't just bring up, but he saw my uniform.)
It was really insulting since guys never get the "omg you're not a real gamer!" bullshit thrown at them. Suzy sucks ass and is a casual gamer for sure, but she's still a gamer. she isn't fake in that aspect at least. She is still a lying, scheming cunt though.
No. 178810
>>178806I'm from FL too, but I've never seen it.
Maybe cause I live in central fl.
No. 178813
>>178768>It never happened to me so it doesn't existcome on girl, just because it doesn't happen on a wide scale, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I bet you think street harassment is made up too. Don't be one of those people.
(Sorry, but that shit pisses me off when people act like it's a myth or a thing that never happens)
Back to Suzy: Do you think she will recruit any new game grump members since she seems to be the self proclaimed leader now?
No. 178820
File: 1442041050600.png (95.65 KB, 620x457, d40e92ab7feb4be82f48120038c1f2…)

this is fucking disgusting, i wanna puke from looking. wtf is wrong with her?
No. 178843
>>178819Agreed. The reason it exists is because games got very popular with men. So some female decided to pretend to like games so they could get with hot guys they liked thinking they were so unique~~ the reason this stereotype doesn't exist for men is because there would be such a minority of guys who would start playing games to get a females attention since they probably already play them.
Also not saying women can't genuinely like games or that girls didn't get into them when it became popular, because it totally did happen. But that's just my idea of why this phenomenon exists
No. 178882
>>178820What the FUCK.
I stupidly looked at the whole gallery of step by step pictures she uploaded on imgur of the zit popping process…now I want to vomit. Not kidding, I legitimately feel slightly nauseous.
>I usually get 1 crazy zit before my period each month and I guess this month in particular was crazy stressful resulting in this monster!Wtf? Not trying to be one of those people that are like ~periods are gross eww~ but this whole post is just enitrely TMI.
Nasty bitch.
No. 178919
>>178882She's "not like other gurls" and has no problem with being gross!
So progressiv!
Also I think we now know why she has terrible skin
No. 178920
>>178918>I get photoshopped on naked bodies all the time>all the timeIs that supposed to be her bragging?
Also I've never seen these supposed photoshopped nudes and I've lurked quite a few GG related threads on various imageboards and such.
The only ones I've seen posted are
>>166017 and the behind shot of some random (obviously black/latina/darker skinned) woman bent over that happened to have black and blonde hair and is clearly not her. None of them are photoshopped though.
Also don't know where or why she's looking to find these 'pictures'.
No. 179078
>>178918She must miss all the creepy pictures fans draw of all the guys having sex with each other.
The only one I remember being posted that was an edit were in the first thread
>>59034>>59606And here's the one that
>>178920 brought up
>>59134 No. 179169
File: 1442106508355.jpg (36.28 KB, 631x400, 01.jpg)

>>178918Well, i actually agree with a lot of the comments that this happens a lot to women, but not really with guys. Arin and Jon had creepy fans, but drawings are less creepy than real life photoshop your head onto a nude body.
No. 179194
File: 1442108895784.jpg (23.32 KB, 629x311, i-was-only-pretending-to-be-re…)

>>179189rofl that guy back peddling so hard.
No. 179208
File: 1442113579314.jpg (Spoiler Image,46.91 KB, 778x778, WQghln3.jpg)

>>178820"a fun collage to remember it by!"
No. 179261
File: 1442122808542.jpg (Spoiler Image,327.11 KB, 1067x1600, 1494903 - Game_Grumps Suzy_Ber…)

>>179078>>178920's some lazy fakes in there. Some don't even try to blend the skin colors or match angles. Then you got this shit…
No. 179263
File: 1442123747117.png (320.75 KB, 512x512, 1454562 - Game_Grumps Suzy_Ber…)

>>179261Holy shit these shoops are killing me.
No. 179266
File: 1442124078494.png (Spoiler Image,624.98 KB, 1024x683, 1308329 - Game_Grumps Suzy_Ber…)

She looks like a fucking potato.
I feel sorry for whoever fapped to this.
No. 179378
File: 1442162527792.jpg (Spoiler Image,147.95 KB, 1280x1071, 1412835 - Arin_Hanson Game_Gru…)

Why would someone do a crayola colored pencil illustration of anime Arin and Suzy porking
No. 179396
>>179378S-someone had to get their material together, sit down, think about it, and draw it.
Think about it.
People actually spend time making these.
No. 179468
File: 1442182571069.jpg (286.63 KB, 1151x1671, _20150913_181522.JPG)

>>179460suzy pls just let me nut into your crayola scented cooch
No. 179766
File: 1442256615828.jpg (23.61 KB, 434x455, IMG_20150914_143620.jpg)

No. 179768
File: 1442256670929.jpg (17.83 KB, 292x377, IMG_20150914_145044.jpg)

No. 179772
File: 1442256914618.jpg (69.4 KB, 1280x720, torture.jpg)

>>179766>>179745I wanted to like this, but Arin is a gigantic man baby who thinks putting on makeup is comparative to torture. Please.
No. 179774
File: 1442258482742.jpg (10.46 KB, 691x151, Clipboard02.jpg)

Haha, this one comment.
No. 179869
File: 1442271524672.jpg (9.73 KB, 236x177, 764f14d9085c10a1bcff0ca9cd2aaa…)

Didn't he used to wear makeup though?
No. 179877
File: 1442274270311.jpg (20.09 KB, 348x322, PQH5D.jpg)

I'm laughing my ass off at this video
No. 179905
Suzy didn't sound completely fake, but she was annoying. Seems about right.
>>179902Whoa when did he talk about that?
No. 179923
>>179745I didn't hate this. They seemed cute, relaxed even, like a couple should be. Funny how
>>179869 is right but I think he doesn't like suzy's makeup. She lays it thick.
>>179905He mentioned it before in several episodes. He doesn't know if he would have become straight or gay depending on how things in his life have turned out. It was actually a good conversation. Turned into an ep of him and Dan wondering if being gay is a mix of being born with it and life events. Wish I could find it.
No. 179926
File: 1442288853876.jpg (106.88 KB, 1336x838, image.jpg)

>>179745That was pretty cute, that was definitely the first time they've actually almost seemed like a normal couple. But geez, Suzy does not look good in profile, I don't think I could watch a video of myself looking like that and be ok with it.
No. 179941
>>179926I know tons of people who have this profile, both thin and fat.
IMO you guys are being kind of idealistic about what she should look like at her age. Is she a model? No, but iirc she isn't trying to be. She has the profile of an average woman.
No. 179944
File: 1442296052718.png (114.82 KB, 1018x665, mm.PNG)

>>179941>Is she a model? No, but iirc she isn't trying to be.Come again?
No. 179946
>>179942Yeah nah, you're being a cunt and I'm not Suzy.
Having a slight double chin in your late twenties because you have a short jaw and neck isn't some SJW body positivity scam, it's just basic biology in action. Especially if a small weight gain has happened. Sorry if you don't think this isn't extremely common.
No. 179947
>>179943>call out an unreasonable, deluded view>whiteknightingCool.
>24 inch waistSo how old is this profile?
No. 179948
File: 1442296424114.png (3.8 KB, 196x151, mm2.PNG)

>>179947>So how old is this profile?Wow good thing you can see the last time she signed in was literally five days ago! :-) No. 179949
>>179948Again, that's neat. Guess I'll take back my recall that I thought she wasn't a model.
But again, what does that have to do with the biological fact that people with shorter lower jaws and necks are more likely to have this kind of profile? She could alternatively just stay away from profile glamour shots.
No. 179952
File: 1442297386475.jpg (118.38 KB, 921x580, that-edge.jpg)

Suzy is so boring.
>muh new spooky board
>i'm so edgy you guys
No. 179954
>>179953Suzy is NOT Asian. Suzy has FAS and has let herself go by gorging herself with donuts while blaming an easily treatable condition. she's a model and her YT channel is based all around her appearance, that gives us every right to call her out on her shit looks.
Her skin is aged to hell, covered in acne scars and zits that she loves to pop because she is too lazy to take care of her face, let alone the rest of her body.
I don't know why you seem to take personal offense to someone saying she looks like shit.
No. 179955
>>179954>Suzy is not asianThe point, dear anon, is that people with flat faces, lack of jaw, and short necks tend to have those profiles. I equated hers to asians because they're the group who most commonly have those characteristics, but I've seen it on thin white people as well. And other races in fact.
The acne thing is also another factor you don't really know about. I've known people who've gone to extreme lengths to take care of their acne skin (antibiotics + topicals, bc, diet changes) yet their acne is genetic or hormonal and even with treatments they're stuck with it. Idrk if Suzy has done any of that, but it seems kind of unfair to assume she bathes in makeup grease and chocolate every night to be stuck with unfortunate skin.
It's not that I'm offended by what you're saying, but it just seems unreasonable and kind of harsh.
No. 179957
>>179955If you go up in the thread a bit, you'll find a review of an ipsy bag or something where she says she rarely uses sunscreen.
She lives in fucking CA, but her location doesn't matter honestly, she flat out stated she doesn't regularly use sun protection on her skin.
All this from a woman trying to be a beauty guru. And it's been made clear that enjoys popping her pimples, and that shit leads to scarring, no matter how skilled you are. Girl doesn't take care of her skin, it's been made clear throughout all of these threads.
No. 179958
>>179957Yeah the lotion thing is kind of retarded. I'll give you that.
But lots of people are guilty of pimple popping, even "gurus." Some derms even pop pimples with comedone tools (it's not the same as using unsterile fingers, but still).
Tbh if you've gone years without seeing a day of clear skin, the popping doesn't really seem to matter. It just makes the pimples flatter to cover with foundation.
Regardless, the way she takes care (or doesn't) of her skin is different than her genetic predisposition to a shitty neckline and double chin.
No. 179959
>>179953>>179955>>179958Stop defending Suzy. It's been said. She calls herself a beauty and makeup guru and makes a living off her appearance, before she became a Grump and started leeching off Arin. Her appearance is what she pinpoints, so she's fair game to be mocked and critiqued.
She eats shit, doesn't use sunscreen, and doesn't work out. She did this to herself. Stop defending her.
No. 179962
>>179959>implying I'm defending Suzy I thought I've made it clear, multiple times now, that the issue is you girls assuming a certain genetic profile is due to fatness and not because it's just predispositioned to look a certain way.
If you would at least admit that I'd fuck off entirely. You're the one bringing up other unrelated shit like her acne and skin "guru"ness that I frankly don't care about.
>>179960>get outta here with your stinkin' reasonability! I just woke up in the middle of the night, went on my phone, lurked here like I usually do, and happened upon something ignorant that I thought needed to be pointed out. I'm willing to let it go anon, are you?
No. 179965
File: 1442300841747.jpg (313.94 KB, 960x1084, image.jpg)

>>179926Mostly it's her forehead that bothers me in profile, it just seems like it makes her hairline look awful. Personally, I thought her hair looked best like this.
No. 179971
>>179965>>179965She looked awesome there, but now since she's fatter, that hairstyle may not look so good on her anymore. If she tries to emulate it now, I'm sure it wouldn't look so great on her anymore.
She may need to add more volume or something.
No. 180012
>>179952In all seriousness, I've never heard of anything good coming from Ouija boards and I like to research a lot of paranormal activities and things like this. They're sort of unanimously considered a bad thing and create some terrifying experiences. Can anyone confirm any bad experiences themselves?
This is funny to me, though. Like the other comments, it'd be funny if Suzy opens some "portal to hell" and "spooks up the grump house". This coming from her followers even is funny to me.
No. 180016
>>179965Bangs definitely help her forehead situation.
>>179972They probably hate him but are glad they'll never have to support Suzy again, long as the jewtube bucks don't run out.
No. 180020
You really shouldn't believe in stuff like that, it just makes you more anxious. The most that's ever happened to me when I was over at some friend's for a sleepover was that the board would magically tell them and their closest friends that the guys they liked were secretly into them when they had their fingers on the piece, while it stayed completely silent when my friend and I did.
No. 180059
>>180056For the most part, yes. I'm 125 pounds and i have just a little gap, but my thighs do still rub together because welp, that's where all my fat goes, but my upper body and arms are skinny. It's all how your distribution is.
I'm sick of these air heads obsessing over thigh gaps.
No. 180157
If she were honestly as concerned or worried about this condition that she has then, as an adult as she so claims to be, would be taking the most necessary steps such as diet and exercise to help themselves. She is so concerned in wallowing in self pity and getting so many compliments i begin to wonder if she even WANTS to get fixed. People keep saying how beautiful, strong, special she is because of this "ailment" she has. All she has to do is realize that it's not impossible and you can't blame a disease on weight all of the time. I have PCOS, and people claim how tough it is to lose weight with it, but I lost 12 pounds in 9 months eating healthy and exercising, so I never buy the medical excuses unless it's something physically debilitating. She is lazy, enjoys her donuts, soda and eating out, and not exercising. That is why she is overweight, not her stupid thyroid.
No. 180201
File: 1442354372634.png (908.52 KB, 955x618, suzyquiet.PNG)

Be prepared, guys.
No. 180229
>>179962>the issue is you girls assuming a certain genetic profile is due to fatness and not because it's just predispositioned to look a certain wayI mean… look at
>>179965 the chin-neck merge is definitely because of how fat she got.
No. 180372
File: 1442424558001.jpg (41.05 KB, 1440x271, IMG_20150916_132824.jpg)

No. 180401
>>180400Why is she not wearing pants? Why is she so bad at even fake acting on purpose?
WHY ARE THEY ADVERTISING FOR LOOT CRATE? This is the most cringey shit.
No. 180407
File: 1442430348005.png (510.8 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2015-09-16-15h04m52s05…)

No. 180422
>>180400That fucking shilling are you kidding me…
How greedy can you get? Arin is seriously destroying the Gamegrumps name with this jewery, and all in the name of $$$.
No. 180515
File: 1442457888760.jpg (197.22 KB, 1432x1404, IMG_20150916_224422.jpg)

is this person high
No. 180544
>>180405Yeah, I actually found some of her bits slightly funny for once, which is surprising seeing as whenever I watch her I think "here we go, more unfunny shittery".
She usually tries too hard when trying to emulate the type of over-the-top, blatant humor Arin and the other guys do in the ad videos, but she seemed more…natural here?
I still don't like Suzy but she got a smile from me (begrudgingly).
>>180422I agree with this though.
They think straight up saying "yeah, we're getting paid for this!" in a comedic way makes it okay, but it really doesn't. It kind of comes off even more obnoxious to me for some reason.
No. 180560
File: 1442462342851.jpg (204.87 KB, 1427x1928, IMG_20150916_235835.jpg)

No. 180568
>>180560What the fuck, why'd she get so offended?
That's not even really a personal question in my opinion.
People ask others that are childless and have a S.O. or are married that question all the time. Maybe it's just me but it doesn't seem out of line.
Maybe one of them is infertile? I can't think of why else she would get so disgruntled.
No. 180583
File: 1442469343979.jpg (9.46 KB, 762x123, hah.jpg)

someone posted this comment on a collegehumor video called "Every beauty vlogger ever"
Kind of hilarious.
No. 180677
File: 1442505474815.png (110.57 KB, 1077x676, Screenshot_2015-09-17-17-55-53…)

Well,at least she is kind of self aware i guess?
No. 180900
File: 1442539278026.jpg (161.63 KB, 927x592, ss (2015-09-17 at 06.21.20).jp…)

No. 180929
>>180560It's a super personal question, but you have to love how rude she is at first when her ass isn't being directly kissed, and then she's super nice when the fan realizes they pissed off Kween Grumples and bows down to her instantly.
A+ public relations, Scuzy.
No. 183338
File: 1442696390692.png (768.55 KB, 720x1280, suzy.png)

>>177230I tried so hard and got so far
No. 183384
File: 1442700929760.gif (702.09 KB, 719x719, extrememakeover.gif)

>>183338ngl i haven't looked at suzy's mug for a while, so i didn't see too much of a difference, but comparing them side-by-side just…wow. she needs to take this picture to a plastic surgeon stat.
here's the comparison in a handy gif form
No. 183456
File: 1442717770297.jpg (103.98 KB, 422x750, tumblr_nuxeusScLB1tbwop0o1_500…)

I found a fat suzy clone on tumblr
No. 183552
File: 1442738926607.jpg (195.27 KB, 917x586, ss (2015-09-17 at 06.21.20).jp…)

Ughh she looks like shes molding
No. 183554
File: 1442739123721.png (17.57 KB, 608x131, ss (2015-09-20 at 01.51.40).pn…)

No. 183564
File: 1442742852238.png (913.92 KB, 1355x659, mort2.png)

>>180354all those awkward face poses wtf
No. 183583
>>183554She probably would've done a 'sexy' version if she wasn't fat now.
She'd look blubbery and disgusting and she knows it.
No. 183587
>>183554"I wanna be the real deal"
No. 183615
>>183586He worded for Cyndago who were probably most well known for their skits with Markiplier. I think Markiplier lived with them too? Some of the Game grumps have done videos with them as well (I know of Ross and Dan being in videos at least).
Daniel was a member and he committed suicide, so now Cyndago are split up, and Markiplier is on a break.
No. 183757
>>183553>>183694I've thought the opposite, if Barry has had a crush on her… he really is the only person who doesn't seem to be completely awkward around her on camera. I mean…
This video is weird. And her application skills are awful, even with a twitchy Arin.
No. 183759
File: 1442782063074.jpg (3.83 MB, 4537x4725, a man removing a plaster repre…)

>You should def do a Siouxsie sioux one!!pls no
No. 183760
File: 1442782254005.jpg (92.64 KB, 960x1044, p16422wu38v.jpg)

>>183759Problem is Suzy's look is nearly Siouxsie Sioux. She'd still fuck it up, or wonder who the hell this person is.
No. 183761
>>183760I wonder if she knows who Siouxsie Sioux is
You know, being ~so goff~ and all
No. 183768
>>183764I want to give her the benefit of the doubt that she's at least somewhat aware of her, but maybe I'm just worried I end up like one of those ~omg super spooky~ kids that jump up and start asking Bauhaus trivia whenever anyone even mentions liking the goth aesthetic, idk
sage for getting OT
No. 183776
>>183768Eh as long as you aren't a judgemental prick you'd be okay. Some people are willing to learn.
And then you have Suzy who wants to be right about everything. All she'd kind of need to do is watch the Pixiwoo tutorial on it.
No. 183854
>>178688And it's insulting as fuck to girls who are truly gamers that have to deal with the attention seeking game gurl whores.
get over yourself
>it's bad to use gamer gurl>it's okay to call guys basement dwellersgo back to tumblr
No. 183858
>>179208I regret clicking on this holy shit
who the fuck does that?
No. 183868
>>183461I bet this girl is a SJW and a feminist and calls herself trans
No. 183891
>>183619I really feel bad for people like Mark who are really down to earth and just wanna do what they love, but insane fans want to stalk them. Like, leave the guy alone.
I dont really care for Pewdiepie's videos, but he does a lot of charity work, which is great. He's in LA right now and because of some of their vlogs, I guess stans found out the house they're staying while in LA and left a package on their doorstep. Like who thinks that's okay?
No. 183914
>>183911you need to wear primer to protect your skin; most foundations have comedogenic ingredients so try ones that affect your skin less.
korres makes an amazing brightening rose scrub that saved my skin as i wear foundation every day too.
No. 183986
>>183914Is it okay if I mix my primer with my foundation or base because they're both liquid? When mixed, the primer lightens the other to a shade I can wear without it looking bad (pale skin sucks when trying to find matching make up ;_; )
doesn't mixing the two essentially make a bb cream or something?
(polite sage bc this is kind of OT)
No. 184145
>>171262you know if she were in the middle of these two weights she would look perf
in my personal opinion
such a shame
No. 184236
File: 1442884653168.jpg (50.55 KB, 306x419, 24831AAD00000578-2901810-image…)

>>184234DIf anon but I'm trying so hard to lose weight. A vid that was posted awhile ago that had Suzy looking very porky reminded me of when I was over 200 lbs. Suzy does look better with a fully face, but her arms are gross. If she curled her hair and gave it more body, she'd also look less gross.
And actually right now, I think Suzy's body type/shape is a bit like Tanya Burr's, a much more successful beauty youtuber. Tanya's not really 'fat' but makes very bad fashion choices (it's happening less, but that might also be because she lost some weight for her wedding…) by not dressing to her body type and picking things that just aren't flattering.
No. 184288
>>184246which is sad because he's fucking gross looking, sorry.
i only know of these people from this thread but it sucks she has a shitty marriage and he may not be open about not wanting to be with her. like she's not THAT fucking bad, she's just not at all fit to be a youtube personality, and should eat better.
but he's not exactly a prize so i don't get it…
No. 184326
File: 1442899814731.jpg (186.93 KB, 651x875, suzy just shut up.jpg)

holy shit how gullible is this bitch
No. 184363
>>184326I didn't understand until I read "links to breast cancer and deodorant"
Kek what the hell bitch, why does she believe everything she reads and tries to act like such a hippy? And then pounds of makeup on her face which is terrible for her skin??
Speaking of aluminum free deodorants, anyone have any suggestions? I have the Tom's right now but I'd like to try something else in the future when I run out. I wear aluminum free for the fact that aluminum causes those horrible yellow stains in clothes.
>be lolita>gotta protect that burando No. 184365
>>184363OT but is aluminum
really what causes those stains? I thought it was just sweat!
>tfw so many white shirts ruined No. 184380
>>184363I thought the same thing; she cares about the apparent 'links to breast cancer' when the chances of actually getting cancer from deodorant is likely extremely, extremely slim, yet she stuffs her face with garbage 24/7, does nothing lose weight and gives no fucks about the very probable health issues she can obtain from that.
Fuck, she is dumb.
No. 184386
File: 1442911334305.jpg (250.94 KB, 1431x1600, cbd-3_product-shot_email.jpg)

>>184363I occasionally use this brand from the recommendation from a friend (who uses it in conjunction with another organic deodorant that I can't remember. She uses Crystal at night and the other one during the day. In a fursuit at a con in the dead heat of summer no less.) I specifically have the one in the middle which is a bit weird… you have to wet it before application. I find it's not that strong (so I've switch back to Dove for the time being) but the other formulas might be better.
>>184380If Suzy was smart she'd also stop using all the carcinogenic makeup she has and find her skin would likely look a lot better for it, since she's such shit at skin care. With how much she cakes on, she's more likely to get cancer from that. I swear she's like the teenagers who come into the store I work at (I work at a major US chain of beauty stores) who don't want to be told that the best way to deal with their acne isn't a full coverage foundation but a decent skin care regime.
>>183564I also finally watched this. Dammit Suzy, you should have used a gel eyeliner or a cream shadow as a base around the eye before the powder shadow. It's patchy as fuck (and if you look at caps of Quiet, it's darker and smokier around her eyes) which you could also have avoided by laying down a taupe shade first and then the black. Fuck, even using a goddamn eye primer would have helped. Why is she so bad?
No. 184517
>>184508I'm thinking about it. I've wanted to do a cosplay make up channel for awhile, in part because I'm medium skin toned and they are very lacking on YT (everyone is either white, sometimes with fake tan, or very dark brown or they suck at make up) and also because of shit like Suzy.
I did search for some other Quiet tutorials and… one was old (from when clips of Quiet were first revealed) so she can have a pass for lack of resources and the other… is technically better because she did some of the things I mentioned but she was sort of back lit the whole time and good shots of the make up were filtered selfies. And it was still patchy looking in the video itself but that's probably because she used the dumb sponge applicators. This shit ain't hard!
No. 184614
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Thanks everyone for the advice on aluminum free deodorant !
No. 184623
File: 1442961297979.jpg (82.03 KB, 930x595, what.jpg)

>>184517Are you hispanic like me? I have olive tone skin with a slight tan and almost all the tan YT makeup gurus are fake tanned bitches and I kind of want to see some actual dark skinned people without fake bronzer. Haha. If you ever do it, I'll seek you out.
Getting back on track, now Suzy is using other users on instagram to promote her overpriced garbage jewelry. Why do people still give her money??
No. 184639
File: 1442963363476.jpg (63.25 KB, 980x490, landscape-1429904352-getty-kyl…)

>>184623I'm actually South Asian, but I get mistaken for Hispanic all the time (and disappointed look from every Spanish speaking person for betraying my not-culture). I'm pretty yellow toned actually for being South Asian, and that's mostly on my Dad's side.
>>184624>>184626Actually it's probably because of Kylie Jenner. Add in wanting to look edgy and you get too much contouring as well as weird hair colors.
No. 184662
>>184656Oh yeah but the chick in
>>184623 is def going for a gothier Kylie Jenner look.
No. 184687
>>184679Especially since it's becoming passe now. Strobing (aka highlighting to almost stupid degrees) is where it's at currently.
Suzy could never do strobe make up. Her skin is shit and she's greasy enough.
No. 184717
>>184708How boring and basic do you have to be to follow instagram makeup trends? damn these bitches
>>184715Maybe? It makes her eyes look more fas-y though.
No. 184858
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>>184857And I forgot the pic.
No. 185004
>>184962Not familiar with this Dodger chick, but she needs to have someone fix her brows. She's pretty cute, but she'd look 11/10 with a better brow shape.
It's a wonder girls like her don't have more followers/press when you have the usual attention whores like Jnig and Anita making headlines everywhere. And then it's an even bigger wonder how Suzy gets attention…
No. 185012
>>185004It's probably because she's not an attention whore. Or has an e-famous boyfriend/husband whose fame she can leech off of.
Dodger does the Friendzone streams for Polaris a lot (which is where the Danny/Dodger ship came from) and you can tell she just never really makes things about her in that kind of setting.
No. 185016
>>185004She would look better with thicker brows tbh, but her personality is cute and I like her a lot.
It's because people like Jnigger and Anita are all people wanna talk about and actual cool women in gaming get brushed off because they arent causing drama.
No. 185290
File: 1443120167625.jpg (289.6 KB, 1440x2016, IMG_20150924_144131.jpg)

No. 185292
>>185290lol those lips look nasty
My sister does them like that and thinks no one notices. We just don't say anything to her face.
No. 185302
>>185295I guess I'm seeing it as: If they look this bad in a photo, they look 10x worse in real life. Her upper lip is really defined and she can't hide that ridge.
My sister's overdrawing looks believable in photos and he gets tons of compliments on her ~*flawless*~ makeup, but irl it just looks awful. Some people just can't pull it off due to lip shape. Myself included.
Maybe if Suzy didn't go so far past her natural lip it wouldn't look as weird.
No. 185311
File: 1443124029740.jpg (51.19 KB, 221x300, review_nmbc2_1a-1.jpg)

>>185303I honestly would respect suzy if she came clean about her FAS and stop trying to pretend she's asian/icelandic/mixed etc. She looks like pic related
No. 185321
File: 1443127088896.jpg (58.77 KB, 598x577, perfect-ifyouremoveSuzy.jpg)

One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn't belong.
No. 185334
File: 1443128684121.jpg (26 KB, 600x300, shutupfaggot.jpg)

>>185326Not that anon, but that wasn't an insult? She was making a hypothesis. tbh Finnish people are known to drink heavily, I wouldn't be surprised if her guess is true.
Oh, yeah and go back to tumblr
No. 185396
File: 1443143269119.jpg (129.58 KB, 658x1109, fe6f8145627d38a3ad24a417dc8d29…)

>>185341Her skin is that bad tho that a tinted moisturizer/bb cream would do much in the way of coverage. I wanna say in an old video she was using the Smashbox BB cream, but that brand isn't the most non-comedogenic…
Fuck if she got into a mineral make up during the summer she'd look loads better. Can she just get into Korean makeup since her husband like KPop so much? She'd look load better since their make up is meant to look… not stupid.
Also personally I do heavy make up during the summer, but I work at a make up store, so I kind of have to.
No. 185428
File: 1443151229773.png (339.29 KB, 915x557, lilniggaknowswhatisup.png)

I hate her fans they always go to her side
No. 185431
File: 1443152971997.png (994.61 KB, 911x552, ?Suzy Berhow? (@mortemer) • In…)

She is also terrible at brush care
No. 185433
>>185293>>185322She's wearing all that heavy make-up
plus fake eyelashes. Fucking how and why?
I would be dying to take all that shit off as soon as I put it on, especially in summer.
Fuck that.
No. 185435
>>185431>it came apart after washing it for the third timeWhy does the handle look like she's had it for years then?…
The paint looks like it's cracked and about to start flaking off.
Seriously, it looks like my mum's blush brush that she's kept for
years (I know, gross).
No. 185489
You know what makes me rage more than Suzy? How Arin wont NUT THE FUCK UP LIKE A REAL MAN AND JUST TELL HER FUCKING "NO!!!!!" ALREADY!!! Jesus FUCK man it's been like 10 years almost you spineless FUCK, just tell her NO this is my thing, I'm gonna animate and do whatever the fuck I feel like, go kick rocks if you don't like it, SORRY you suck so much at life you have to ride my ass to claim any type of success… She doesn't add anything special to GG, not that it's a special show to begin with, but COME ON, how everyone tiptoes around Arin and Suzy makes me damn surprised how they haven't encountered a single person in 8+ years that hasn't said, "Hey Arin, you should probably stand up for yourself and tell your girlfriend no."
I've had to tell my bros that shit SO many times, and if they don't listen it almost always bites them in the ass really hard. It hurts them more than the initial guilt they would have felt if they stood up for themselves. Fucking Arin, you piece of shit, I would bitch slap him so God damn hard if I was his friend and he let his girl just shit all over his life like he does.
Truly the definition of a spineless fuck.
No. 185528
It looks like she drew on Venom's scars with a sharpie. Why would she do her shitty Egyptian cat eye with this??
No. 185604
>>185524god fucking damn, she seriously does that tacky winged liner and heavy lined corner for EVERYTHING, doesn't she?
like good god, do something different, especially for """"cosplay"""
No. 185622
>>185524This looks like shit.
It's her regular make-up routine except she added a contact, an eyepatch, the shrapnel and some shitty scars,
Why did she use black eyeliner for the scars instead of a light (slightly reddish) brown…? Scars aren't fucking black, Suzy.
It made the use of rigid collodion pretty much pointless. Even with the effect of them looking sunken and carved, they still don't look like scars because they're fucking
She didn't try to draw them on even slightly realistically. No effort at all.
I've seen children's face paint with more realistic scars.
No. 185649
>>185524Did anyone else notice her say "My Crazy Life" when referring to that KVD palette?
It's "Mi Vida Loca".
Why did she say it in English.
How did this bitch think she was going to make a calavera makeup tutorial and "honor" Mexican culture if she can't even say basic shit in Spanish.
I have no words.
No. 185653
File: 1443259216828.jpg (123.84 KB, 917x585, ss (2015-09-26 at 02.19.40).jp…)

No. 185661
>>185653>scene queenNothing about this is particularly 'scene' apart from the septum piercing and I'm pretty sure it's fake because I've never seen or heard of her ever having one in any old pics or posts.
But yes, Suzy. We remember when you were thin and cute.
Why don't you stop posting 'flashback' pictures, obviously lamenting over the fact that you used to be attractive and are now fat with shit skin and actually do something about it.
No. 185703
File: 1443286503541.jpg (60.8 KB, 700x1049, 4bbfc8d693ca4.jpg)

>>185661she definitely had a septum piercing at one point. she talks about it briefly here around 3:10 pic related. i'm kind of ashamed i know this off the top of my head.
No. 185808
>>185703Is this definitely Suzy? She looks like Jean here.
That's a compliment.
No. 185819
>>185808Yeah its def suzy. Its from one of her few paid gigs as a model and I believe this one in particular was from Hot Topic.
>>185703Its okay anon, I knew that as well. Used to like watching Suzy videos before she became a narcissistic jew
No. 185970
File: 1443381212119.png (1.38 MB, 1080x1212, Screenshot_2015-09-27-21-06-20…)

No. 185985
File: 1443383504660.png (1.17 MB, 1078x1065, Screenshot_2015-09-27-21-48-40…)

>>185968I'm sorry but her dad looks american to me
No. 186087
>>185973Google icelandic people, she looks nothing like them. Neither does Bjork. Native Americans don't look like that either.
I know Bjork is from Iceland and Suzy might have Icelandic blood in her family, but their unique facial features definitely look like FAS.
No. 186195
>>185985after seeing her parents, I really don't think her fucked up face is because of FAS
that shit is genetic
No. 186208
>>186205Even if she did why do we care, again? I'm confused as to why there's so much "EEEHHEEE SUZY HAS FAS"
Like, if she did or she didn't, either way it wouldn't be her fault.
No. 186218
>>186208She doesn't have FAS. Watch videos of people who actually have FAS. Suzy doesn't behave that way.
also, Suzy is above average height and chubby, most people with FAS are stunted in growth.
It's just a joke.
No. 186236
>>186208No one would hate on her for having FAS, but people hate on her because she won't admit it. She loves saying she's mixed native or Asian or part chinese or something and it's like "bitch, you're 100% white"
Nothing wrong with being white, but she loves to have people say "omg, Suzy are you asian?? Your eyes look so asian. Are you Mark's sister??"
No. 186240
File: 1443427689775.jpg (167 KB, 919x587, ss (2015-09-28 at 01.08.01).jp…)

so shes at Disney land for the millionth time
No. 186247
File: 1443430355690.png (20.55 KB, 94x81, 1437943845599.png)

>>186218Not everyone with FAS is cognitively or behaviorally impaired, though, severity can differ a lot. I had a girl in my biochemistry classes in uni who had it, and she was totally normal aside from looking weird.
>mfw FAS came up in a toxicology lecture and the professor was obviously trying very hard to avoid eye contact with the girl No. 186269
File: 1443435333087.jpg (71.33 KB, 600x365, 09fadd98737fc7948603c2bce72d9e…)

Is it too mean to say Suzy looks like a Who from the live action version of How the Grinch Stole Christmas?
No. 186786
>>185649This actually really bothered me as I follow another goth Youtuber (who's pretty fucking amazing at make up, even if it's very outlandish for most people) who pronounces it right even though she's Mexican and doesn't know a lot of Spanish. I'm pretty sure Google Translate can give the right pronunciations for it.
>>185964Suzy's main problem at being shit at everything is that she doesn't get better at anything by actually trying. She doesn't ever do anything different with her make up besides maybe using different colors. She doesn't seem to follow any make up trends at all and as a beauty guru you should at least try to follow them, even if your aesthetic is niche (because guess what? Fall and winter trends include very dark lips this year! Deep purples that look nearly black, if not actually black! On perfected skin with minimal eye make up usually! And that's from a simple google search.) And that's just make up, never mind painting or gaming…
No. 186805
>>186798Not a problem! If I were to hold anything against her it would be that she likes Lime Crime products, but I think that's mostly because she's been lucky with them. She def prefers and uses Sugar Pill more. I feel like Youtubers have been less inclined to mention LC now compared to about a year ago.
Back to Suzy and Disney… has she ever mentioned going to Bats Day? You know, the thing that Disney does for goths?
No. 186810
>>186807Hmm well, I guess it might depend on what you need. I'm the same anon from above with a medium skin tone and one youtuber I do like quite a bit (she's gotten much better over her time on YT since now she doesn't use 10 colors on her lids for a look anymore) is Anchal. It helps she's actually a makeup artist.
I'll go through my sub list and see who else I can rec.
No. 186839
File: 1443494651316.png (832.35 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (427).png)

>>185524she puts the solid in solid snake
No. 186881
>>186839>those black scarsIsn't she supposed to be good with makeup? I have a few scars on my knees and they're supposed to look light pinkish and more flesh color.
>>186845Photoshop it!
No. 186891
>>186859If she does have some form of FAS, it's also likely she doesn't even know. I'm sure most women wouldn't willingly admit they drank while pregnant.
does FAS start forming when you drink at any time during pregnancy? maybe her mom drank before finding out she was even pregnant, and it's all an accident.
No. 186896
>>186891I'd like to see some pics of Suzy's siblings because I know she has a ton. Just to see if it REALLY is genetic. But it seems she only takes pics with Jean.
Facially, she's the poster-child for FAS. She's said she's had chronic depression and anxiety. She doesn't seem the brightest, very tiny vocabulary, spelling errors galore, etc. She and Arin both have shit attention spans, but Arin has actually been diagnosed with ADHD.
No. 187136
>>186249I know grown ass adults with passes that go every weekend
I haven't been since 1998 and I've lived in Orange County all my life
No. 187137
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No. 187303
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No. 187304
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No. 187353
>>187350But now he can be the samurai he's always wished he was
>>187137Ew she looks like a used car salesman
No. 187354
>>186891I've read conflicting info on how much alcohol will actually lead to FAS. Some places say that so much as a drink can lead to it, others say you have to drink a LOT for it to be a possibility. I think someone did remark that Suzys mom had the hallmarks of an alcoholic because she has a red nose etc but I don't know how true that is.
I guess there's also a thing called fetal alcohol effects (FAE) which is FAS to a lesser extent, and the kids are more intelligent. Suzy isn't a genius but she's not as dumb as someone like forever Kailyn (who is a suspected FAStard and gets disability money). So maybe she has FAE.
No. 187388
File: 1443638775958.png (855.02 KB, 661x807, hashtagcurvy.png)

what a fucking joke
also another amazing example of why Suzy looks like an alien
No. 187393
>>187354I don't think fas affects your intellect at all? Ally & Sally are also suspected of having fas and they're definitely not retarded.
In foreverkailyn's case, I think she's just stupid due to the fact her mom homeschooled her and she doesn't seem to care about that stuff.
No. 187396
>>187388I don't mind this pic, actually. Definitely less ugly than usual.
She looks like one of those shitty FB "Bones are for dogs, meat is for men" images with drawings of pin-up girls with like the SLIGHTEST hint of fat rolls or guts (in stark contrast to the people posting them). Might just be the pose.
No. 187406
>>187393Nah retardation can be a symptom of FAS. Alcohol does the most damage to the nervous system and brain. But it's a spectrum disorder, so some FAStards are going to actually be retarded, and some are only going to
look retarded.
No. 187409
>>187396It's old. She has bangs and there's no blonde in her hair. And she looks a lot younger.
I feel most sorry for her boobs looking at this. She's got nothing there and even with weight gain, your boobs just grow in proportional size.
No. 187412
File: 1443646610354.jpg (57.87 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nvia81fGS01qils0po1_540…)

> #Florida #curvygirl #curvy #mortem3r #Mortemer #iwouldratherbebigboss
she's been posting these today. Maybe as a way to cope with becoming fat?
No. 187429
File: 1443648428378.jpg (144.9 KB, 1200x945, bettie-page-reveals.jpg)

>>187412Probably. Or "proof" that she was always been a bit thick/skinny fat.
Or she's trying to get someone to compare her to Bettie Page, which is the vibe I'm getting from these images rn.
>>187422Probably just trying to justify the use of the word now since it's generally used by fatter girls. She can just say "Look! I've always been curvy!" even though she never had the boobs, ass, or hips that the look usually has.
No. 187434
File: 1443651244778.jpg (17.86 KB, 300x450, 300x300.jpg)

I dunno what your guys definition of curvy is but isn't it when you have visible curves? She does have curves here, even now when shes chubby shes still technically "curvy"
No. 187435
File: 1443651513175.gif (1.97 MB, 245x250, tumblr_n542zuXF6Y1r6ka55o2_r1_…)

Also what is this, she looks good
No. 187438
File: 1443652076978.jpg (14.88 KB, 236x386, tumblr_niznu5t9e11qhhyepo1_250…)

>>187434"Curves" traditionally means an hourglass figure. Hourglass means you have a ten inch or more difference between the bust and the waist and the waist and the hip. Suzy in that pic is at best a pear shape, which yes is the shape you want if you don't have an hourglass. If you look at any old photo of her she's not curvy; in fact most of her old modeling photos emphasized how slim she was.
The term curvy is used much more loosely now, but she's going for it now because she's fat.
>>187435It's washed out to hide imperfections and wrinkles and make her use of circle lenses not look weird. Why else do you think Insta has filters?
No. 187477
File: 1443660626340.jpg (27.28 KB, 313x469, CDIYdHvW4AAIMmZ.jpg)

>>187451She likely waist trained but yeah. That kind of shape is what should be thought of when saying curvy, at least in the West. Have one more from Google Images because Suzy never looked like this.
No. 187504
File: 1443669419243.jpg (75.52 KB, 900x506, modelruthcrillysvlogarticleher…)

>>187502No. Having wide set doesn't mean you have a mental deformity. Here have another youtuber who is actually a model, who's eyes are fairly wide set.
No. 187505
>>187504this proves nothing.
also this model is ugly af.
No. 187508
File: 1443669992432.jpg (657.57 KB, 936x1249,…)

>>187505Welcome to former high fashion models? Very few are conventionally beautiful. She photographs well. And was slim (she's since had a baby.)
Otherwise fucking Amanda Seyfried who famously has wide set eyes.
No. 187514
File: 1443671393439.jpg (132.25 KB, 600x801, Kate-Moss-Eleven-Paris-SS14-Cr…)

>>187505Different anon chiming in.
Kate Moss
No. 187515
File: 1443671460847.jpg (37.31 KB, 800x500, header_image.jpg)

Gemma Ward
No. 187517
File: 1443671713774.jpg (549.06 KB, 2880x1800, Miranda-Kerr-Net-Worth.jpg)

Miranda Kerr
No. 187524
>>187523I don't think Suzy cares one way or another how her videos with him turn out, she only sees dollar signs when she looks at Arin.
Her video quality has been shit since they got the grump office space. I guess with all the money they were raking in she realized she didn't have to try anymore, as long as she latched herself to this brand.
No. 187602
File: 1443718562361.jpg (102.1 KB, 540x675, tumblr_nvjv0sYpMb1qils0po1_540…)

I think she looks good here.
No. 187623
File: 1443728209495.jpg (39.73 KB, 519x649, suzy.jpg)

>>187602Wow, this is probably the most normal and attractive I've ever seen her look. The first couple times I scrolled past I thought it was some random model from a magazine or something. Her eyes still strike me as being proportionally too small and wide-set for her face, but I totally agree that she looks nice here.
I tried to do a really quick and simple shoop on this.
No. 187713
>>187623Good shoop!
>>187636Agreed. She had a weird and unique face and she could be an alt type beauty kind of like Graveyardgirl, but Suzy's personality ruins any likability for her. She's so forced and fake. The way too much eyeliner doesn't help either.
No. 188104
File: 1443898816820.jpg (76.57 KB, 734x1041, ffasfa.jpg)

>>188096That fucking wonky lamp is bugging the hell out of me, I want to break into her house specifically to straighten it.
No. 188117
>>188111I mean. It's not, but I guess that's the joke.
A 36 year old man playing a 15 year old. LOL so funny am I right?!?!?! /s
No. 188144
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>>188127>>188129i wouldn't be surprised if she even starts contouring in some collarbones
No. 188228
>>188096This is hard to get through. Her voice and the whoring of her shit gaming channel. Not to mention
>>188104How old is her channel anyway ? Like 2-3 months old? She only gets view when other people are on. She can't hold a channel on her own.
No. 188246
File: 1443944792126.png (1.15 MB, 1079x1073, Screenshot_2015-10-04-09-44-37…)

No. 188265
>>188249Lily Cole is gorgeous and that's the most unflattering picture of Maisie Williams.
Wide-set eyes generally look quite strikingly attractive, but they
can obviously look messed up and inbred-esque if they're ridiculously far apart.
No. 188291
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quick photoshop I did after seeing a picture of suze in the last thread.
Yes I'm aware it's a little wonky, it was more of an experiment than a serious task.
No. 188297
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>>188291That's terrifying. Not that I did much better using one of those Asian beauty apps
No. 188343
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>>188291Why did you make the nose smaller? It's already too small for her gigantic face. These straight, thin brows look like trash too wtf is going on with those lmao.
Please never photoshop anything again. The whole thing is terrible and these proportions are fucked. Made that bitch look like 2d
No. 188346
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people like this exist…
No. 188350
>>188346Just a typical, lonely Lets Play Fan.
Lets Play Fans are insane I tell you
No. 188596
>>188350they really are
I remember seeing this one beta as fuck looking guy at AX who asked Suzy for a hug twice in a row and just floated around and kept talking to her
>>188595That's a good question, I've always wondered why LPs seem to attract so many crazy ass people
what 2 minute sketch?
No. 188605
>>188596Not that anon but he did a bit on it where he said how only idiots watch LPs. Basically trolled the fuck out of them. He proceeded to get death threats and he had 2 more little bits on it the next 2 days saying more how they're idiots.
>>188595I feel like most people who watch them are probably just really young and immature. Lots of 12-15 year olds.
No. 188627
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Here we go.
No. 188628
>>188605It's crazy though. I started playing videogames around 10/11 years old (1996) but the gamers now a days seem like you can't say anything bad about games or LPlayers (like pewdiepie, mark, etc) or you get sent hate mail. Look what happened when Arin used a guide for Sonic adventure 2 and his fans went after the writer of the guide because Arin and Danny kept saying it was bullshit.
Being young isn't an excuse. Parents need to be more aware of what their kids are doing online because sending death threats to another person over a video game is not normal behavior.
No. 188665
>>188663right? he is a lizard-man, and really not an engaging actor.
the more obsessed tumblr became with him, the less obsessed i became with tumblr
No. 188670
>>188663>>188665Everyone has different preferences maybe. I know that's hard to swallow. Let's not derail the thread
>>188659I keep thinking the same. She is suddenly giving up meat to appeal to 'fans.' Maybe she thinks not eating meat will help with her weight loss?
No. 188681
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>>188678well i was mistaken
No. 188682
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Heres another mental illness she apparently has and totally not joked about in one of her videos:
No. 188699
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>>188291Why did you change her eyes to a completely different color?
No. 188700
>>188681Bitch, you fucking can!
Stop whining, looking for asspats and pity and do something about it.
Exercise and eat decently healthy. That's it.
Stop fucking chowing down on donuts and drinking full sugar coke. You post about eating garbage and then blame your weight gain on your (UNTREATED) thyroid.
Just fucking have some restraint and motivation. Jesus fuck.