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No. 184769
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No. 184770
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No. 184771
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More pics from PULL. Having a hard time finding much else anywhere else.
No. 184772
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No. 184773
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No. 184774
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No. 184798
>>184780I've noticed it's really common in fashion shows, I guess they only provide one pair of shoes and the model just has to wear them, whether they fit or not.
I'm more distracted by her wig, it's shiny and the color doesn't suit her.
No. 184868
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>>184856I'm one of those crazy people who really, genuinely thought that she was 20 and had just lied about her age in the scene years… But now that these Baby pictures are out (pic related, holy SHIT) I'm really starting to think that she's older.
No. 184890
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>>184769>>184770>>184772She really does suit ott sweet lolita.
No. 184909
>>184897Yup. This is probably it, added to the fact that she's just got a shit runway presence. I've done runway modeling quite a few times and I've NEVER had shoes fit from pretty much any brand - especially Japanese. They are, without fail, either way too huge or way too small. I've compared blisters from shoes with other models after shows before - not pretty. You get used to it, though.
You know what though? You have to model through that. You're getting paid to sell a product. Discomfort isnt allowed in the industry.
I mean, props to her for not looking down at her feet, I guess. That's a common mistake. But she still looks so uncomfortable and stiff! Can't believe she hasn't learned how to model through those sorts of things.
No. 184926
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>>184868Anon, that's my edit. I made her face slimmer and eyes bigger.
The original one is this one
No. 184953
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>>184937Her old shoop and this pic I think were the cutest which made her look more dolly than ever
No. 184972
>>184954I always liked this one. It was cute yet believable.
Hmmm why wont she get fillers on her smile lines, lose some weight and perhaps learn to dress better? Does bravo not give her enough money? She has so much opportunity and she's wasting it looking like a bloated sack of potatoes.
No. 184981
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No. 185022
>>184997They're related to
>>184424 and onwards, keep up.
No. 185061
File: 1443062033471.png (923.02 KB, 934x512, 1428517246666[1].png)

>>185043>Taylor looks more like Dakota shoops than DakotaShe really does. The surgery she had done is horrifying and she is creepy for stalking and trying to be Dakota. I'm just not sure who is worse looking at times.
No. 185066
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>>185061Holy shit. Nightmare fuel
No. 185096
>>185061It's only been this one time she's been caught looking this bad though, right?
I haven't seen any other candids where she looks this fucked up. Would this have been straight after she got fresh fillers or whatever it is?
do look atrocious though. She doesn't even need this shit, she's just fucking up her face.
It's like Taylor cares too much and goes overboard with her appearance whereas Dakota doesn't do enough.
No. 185099
>>184769Everyone's saying she looks "old" but she looks like a normal young woman in her 20s (inb4 hurr she's 19, pls). This is literally the most flattering, true-to-life photo I've ever seen of her in lolita and it's a damn shame she's getting nitpicked for it because she couldn't jaw shave, enlarge her eyes to the size of moons, and super filter shoop the photo first.
>>184953>>184954These look so damn stupid in comparison.
No. 185113
>>185105She makes those other people look like scrunchy-faced twees in comparison
>>184774. She looks legitimately pretty standing next to those birds.
The one is black has a straight up ZOMBIE hue going on with her skin and dead eyes.
No. 185126
>>185099But that's exactly why people react in that way; because most of the time the pictures you see of her are ones where she's shooped herself to look 13 while insisting she's younger than she really is, and when you see candids where she looks her
actual age, it's such a huge contrast.
If she didn't constantly shoop herself into loli pedo-bait or claim she's younger than her real age, people wouldn't think she looks old in her candids.
She does look her (real) age. We're just more regularly exposed to her looking like an actual child.
No. 185128
Gonna go and assume you were talking to me from the last thread (weibo translation anon here, hi).
You didn't bother me, and we can still be friends.
>>185061Taylor looks worst than Kota imo. She actually fucked with her face when Kota only PSes the shit out of hers.
No. 185129
>>185126Well I'm not trying to say she didn't have a part in setting herself up to be hyper-judged by strangers on the internet. Regardless though, that doesn't excuse peoples' unrealistic standards for what someone in their early twenties should look like. We all knew about her real age and shoop all along.
It disturbs me whenever I see posts about how she "ages like milk" when she hasn't really significantly changed in any candids we got of her in the past three years. Or that her face is "bloated" when it appears to me she has a square, round jaw that some people just naturally have. Her face is actually quite conventionally pretty by western standards, but it just seems to me we've been washed to think that the only acceptable face shape is a long, inverted triangle with big ass almond eyes and FAS-y cheeks.
Not trying to say she doesn't deserve it in a way, I just think it sucks. That's all.
No. 185137
>>185113>>185116Pretty sure they are the designers of the brand.
So they get a free pass no matter how ugly you might see them.
No. 185144
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>>185138'm loling so hard at how hard she tries to hide her chin with her hair.
Also funny that she speaks so little Japanese. I forget what her English voice sounds like.
No. 185145
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Dropping a few images
No. 185146
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>>185138Not on my phone, no, but it's not hard to find with google images.
No. 185147
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No. 185171
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No. 185176
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No. 185179
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No. 185180
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No. 185185
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No. 185186
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No. 185195
>>185192True that.
Just a heads up, Angel-Bites anon, you can get scar minimization formulated creams if you ever want to get rid of your piercings.
No. 185239
she's been looking so fucking cute lately, i'm just dying. if she has gotten fillers like the anon said she should keep getting them.
i have bad nasolabial folds too because my cheeks are so chubby, i want her to get fillers in them so i can see how it looks/if i wanna get it myself lmao
No. 185247
>>185245Actually you do, since English isn't very common in Japan you pick it up, if you like it or not and it goes especially fast if you already know a little bit. It's clear that you've never lived in a different country or know what immersion is.
I learned a new language in 4 months fluently after moving to that country, without any schooling. I already had a base knowledge of the language and it's within the same language group so that's why it's easier to pick it up so quick. Kotex has lived in Japan for 3 years IIRC, you really have to be sheltered (ie. no human contact that speaks that language) to not learn it on a conversational level at the very least by then.
No. 185256
>>184774lmao the one on the right
i dont like any of these models. dakota included
No. 185257
>>185251>Also, she lives in Tokyo, where it's really easy just to give in with people trying to speak English with you. This is simply not true, the English level of Japanese people is horrible and most are too embarrassed to speak it past a few standard sentences.
>There are expats who have live in japan for more than a decade and don't know anything besides the basics.Those most likely almost exclusively hang out with other expats in that case. I know that happens a lot, people seek each other out. And that's not immersion.
Stop trying to make it seem like some ~*amazing talent*~ for her being able to speak Japanese on a conversational level after being immersed in this language for 3 years. It's not, at the very least it's expected.
No. 185263
>This is simply not true, the English level of Japanese people is horrible and most are too embarrassed to speak it past a few standard sentences. Anon, have you been to Tokyo or any other big city in Japan? One of the biggest gripes that expats have are that Japanese people want to used botched English to talk to non-Asian foreigners rather than just use Japanese. Even when the Japanese used by the foreigner is better than their English.
>Stop trying to make it seem like some ~*amazing talent*~ for her being able to speak Japanese on a conversational level after being immersed in this language for 3 years. It's not, at the very least it's expected.When did I say that it was an amazing talent? Hell, I don't even think it is. I DO however think it takes work, and I'm at least going to put away all of the issues I have with Dakota to acknowledge that she studied hard to speak Japanese. That's literally all I am saying, is that she studied hard. Saying that just because she has been immersed means that she would have to be stupid not to speak at her level is kind of shitting on that effort.
No. 185278
File: 1443118477305.jpg (71.81 KB, 640x640, 11939307_433126953549459_75851…)

Maybe I'm a slowpoke but I don't believe I've ever seen these images posted.
No. 185300
>>185282She does look cute. She's pretty anyway but this looks cute because of the angle, making her eyes look bigger and light fluffy filter. I'm just saying is all lol
No. 185328
>>185263Anon in Japan here.
This anon is right. I even live in the country and I still manage to get around without a great knowledge of Japanese. Kinda sucks, but it's doable.
No. 185329
>>185328Why are you guys so amazed over kota's Japanese? She's in the public eye, obv she needs to learn and being there 3 years.
Gimmeaflakeman has been there over 20 years and can speak it well.
Practice, include yourself with natives and practice. Anyone can do it.
But people DO seem to treat Japanese like this special ass language. Like only the higher ups can achieve it when its just like any other language I guess.
Japan has been getting special treatment for a while now.
No. 185344
>>185338No, it's just irritating how people need to give Japanese the thumbs up because it's "trendy" right now. That's why it's annoying. People DO act like it's something special.
Kota speaks it well but like I said she's in the public eye, so she has to because she lives and works in Japan. Four years ago she was probably reading bloody romaji on a piece of paper stuck above her mirror while she was filming herself.
No. 185345
>>185338Kota puts an accent on when she speaks Japanese though? Her natural voice is deep as hell.
That video, recently where she was on the bus or train with that black guy and some white guy from America. She switched to English "Oh my god, seriouslyyyyyyy" and it was like wow…
Only when she's talking to other Japanese does she put the ugu voice on. But most people do I think, just comes with the language. Victor does it, Mira does it ect. Suppose it's the same if you learn Turkish/French/Spanish/Italian. You just DO accents.
No. 185346
>>185339I get why Jrcach compared the two though. Kota has the special "dolly face" and kaka has the oval western girl face.
Hence why kaka wouldn't suit modelling in Japan.
No. 185352
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>>185346Yeh. I totally understand what he means. It's just hilarious to me that the expression on a tanuki statue really does remind me of Kota's shops.
No. 185363
>>185284>>185279>>185186>>184768i'm so confused
what does she really look like normally?
her face seems to completely do a 180 every other day
No. 185364
>>185345It's actually common yeah.
When i speak English my voice is higher then when i speak Dutch
No. 185377
>>1851712011 was the best lip-period
>>185147I've never seen this. I like the nose shoop here.
>>185176I actually like this. Might be because her lips look full and pretty human-like
>>185186I like this one. Gives off a 'ulzzang' vibe. They should of shooped the lipcolor too though jfc. looks like an inflamed butthole.
>>185281Her hair looks so healthy here. I wish I knew what hair products she used for this event.
No. 185451
>>185446Who is that dude with Kota?
Kota looks pretty cute here btw.
No. 185461
>>185446they were posted in the last thread.
>>185451a trans model/actor/musician who is part Japanese. I am not even sure which pronouns to use, since they appear to be more in the realm of in between and ok with still portraying the male image (albeit with long hair).
No. 185493
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No. 185519
>>185404lol oh! awkward…
>>185454she just doesn't shoop herself right, that's the problem… what's the point of photoshopping your photos if you want to make yourself look uglier?
No. 185526
>>185523Honestly, what you suggested would make me like her a lot more. I don't think that we'll ever get an apology (her agency will discourage her, definitely) but she could still make videos that show her being cute and likable.
She's vegetarian - maybe she can show a few food options in Tokyo or make a video guide.
She's a model - she could do a "day in my life" video that shows the process of getting ready, being on set, etc.
She's a gamer - she could record on her PS4 and do some streaming?
She could do another outfit video, or she could go to interesting places in Japan like the fox or cat islands and show that sort of stuff off.
She could do a video on current fashion trends in Japan and how to pull them off. She's part of Popteen, so I feel like she's qualified or could get some help from other models.
She could do a haul video of the cute things that she's bought in Japan, or some of her top make-up picks.
She could go to a maid cafe like Abi and dress up as one of the maids. Hell, Tokyo is PACKED with adorable cafes and character tie-ins. There's definitely something cute she can show off within a 5 minute walk of her apartment. If she's holding the camera she doesn't even need to show her face.
I just listed like… ten ideas. And yet she hasn't uploaded a video in months.
It disappoints me because she has SO MANY opportunities to make herself human, likable, and actually create interesting content. We all know that she is great at editing, so I think she has it in her to make really great and interesting videos. Not to mention it's in her best interest to do this, because then she makes money and increases her ever-waning relevancy.
No. 185527
>>185526>>It disappoints me because she has SO MANY opportunities to make herself human, likable, and actually create interesting content. We all know that she is great at editing, so I think she has it in her to make really great and interesting videos. Not to mention it's in her best interest to do this, because then she makes money and increases her ever-waning relevancy.Well said. Even though her real face is VERY different from her selfies, she is (in my opinion at least) an attractive girl, and she's a trendsetter (scene shit, living doll shit, etc) who has a lot of potential to make herself interesting. She would know what works (editing, music, etc) If she could own up to her mistakes and her purposed lies, I don't think a lot of people would still dislike her. I also think she could make a lot of money doing genuine videos like that.
No. 185562
>>185537Nah, she won't tell us. Dako-chan wants to be the ONLY white token kawaii model in Popteen. No 1 else can compare kek
I doubt she'll make many more videos
No. 185564
>>185558I feel like it takes so much time for her to do all that filming, editing etc, that it's simply not worth it.
As long as she's still getting at least some modelling gigs (which she is, as much as people say her career is tanking), there's no point in putting that much effort into something that will only have minimal gains. A little extra money?
No. 185570
>>185566She would probably need the companies permission to do that, and they probably don't want some low tier model spilling all the details of the stuff that goes on 'behind the scenes'.
And they probably keep a close eye on her social media. A lot of entertainment related jobs don't let their employees do whatever they like on Youtube, so 'vloggy' type videos might not work out with her contract .
No. 185586
>>185564Wouldn't say she's tanking but she is not as big as she was in 2012. She's cute, she's basic and is employed because kawaii/bravo thus a few models that may like her I guess. Marketed herself well and ta-da job at teen girls magazine plus a few modelling gigs on the side. How quaint.
But again, she's still not as big as she was. No one really cares anymore I don't think and we make a fuss obv because we're following her career I guess.
No. 185588
>>185564Plus, I DO wonder where she would be (apart from cathy's basement and kaka drama) if she hadn't gone to Japan. I do not think Dakota's life is all that glamorous. I truly think we only feel like it is because what's put out there and what we're seeing. Pretty pictures, here and there. But that's about it plus some TV appearances.
I think it's because she's foreign and has this "look" in her shoops that make us want to follow her still. Also cos she's kaka's baby alien sister.
No. 185893
>>185526if she did ANY of those things, she could reach a bigger fanbase
honestly she should quit being a bum and do some shit
if shes serious about anything we it doesnt seem liek she is
she plays video games ffs she could reach so many more disgusting old men - err… people - by doing a stream or some shit
No. 185897
>>185201Anyone remember how /cgl/ lost their shit when this came out? And PULL?
I couldn't believe it.
No. 185898
>>185893She won't though! Why can't everyone just accept that kota will not do any of these things.
I stated it before on here. She gets everything served to her on a plate for free!
She always had and always will.
No. 185904
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>>185892Looks like she cut her fringe short.
She looks cute.
No. 185910
>>185904Actually it might just look short because it's curled a little. My bad.
Still, it looks better than the boring flat + past the eyebrows front fringe all the weeaboo snowflakes have.
She has nice brows in my opinion, I hate it when she hides them behind her wall fringe.
No. 185911
>>185910I noticed that too. Her brows are quite nice, they're a nice shape. Not sure about the hair though, but I thought she looked nice with curly shorter hair (when she has no extensions in) she was on a tv show where she had that style. Looked nice! She should stick with that I think.
I think it's a change instead of the straight hair and hiding behind bangs. Every weeb has that style and if I'm honest it's boring.
Dakota is a model (shocking). She's in magazines, it's GOOD for her to change around with her style. It's interesting and fun!
If only she'd drop the fucking alien pictures. Get rid of that hideous banner on her Ameblo, CHANGE IT. CHANGE EVERYTHING. Start a new with a cute girly persona and just begin giving herself a new thing.
"Hi I'm Dakota Rose, let me show you my apartment!"
or "Hi I'm Dakota Rose, today I'll be explaining how you can work in Japan!"
I know this bitch can do it. If she's got THIS far then surely to god, she can improve herself and give her career that extra push. Start engaging with Jvloggers, start maybe getting back into art/illustration realising a little Dako-tako-octi girl character as her own mascot!
Just give herself that BOOST.
She has all these opportunities, she should start using them. Even Taylor R is trying to make herself more interesting online. Kota should start doing the same.
No. 185913
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>>185904She walked for punyus
LQ pics
No. 185915
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No. 185926
>>185913>>185914>>185915>>185918This somehow looks like it would have been slightly awkward for some reason. Did you watch it, anon?
She looks relatively nice though, after seeing the BTSSB show pics. Her face doesn't look bloated and she looks a little thinner all 'round.
No doubt she'll be looking all puffed out again next week though.
No. 186008
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>>184768So i got bored and began making this in kisekae pochi 2
in memory of circa 2011-2012
No. 186019
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HD ish pics
No. 186022
>>186008Wow, anon. I usually make porn with it when I'm bored. Very nice.
Those were the days tbh
No. 186043
>>186039It's Kiki. Dakota's sister trying to copy her.
from left to right: Venus Angelic, Yukapon, Kiki Kannibal, Kotakoti (and the real unshooped Dakota Rose behind), Pixyteri.
No. 186174
>>186008Hmmmm… from left to right:
Venus, Yukapon, Dakota, (again Kota and sister…? idk) and our queen.
No. 186176
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I was looking at crap on amazon, found this and thought of you guys~
No. 186201
>>1851712011-2012 pls come back
>>185150not really taboo, just unusual/rare. Foreigners get a lot more leeway, I'm sure they realize that there are cultural differences and facial piercings are more common in western societies
>>185187depends on the person, but I had the same piercings and while there are tiny scars, you'd have to be really close to notice.
No. 186285
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No. 186286
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No. 186287
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No. 186288
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No. 186299
>>186284Who is the person who constantly updates this thread with her upcoming appearances? Farmers wouldn't give a fuck about her sad little gigs unless they produced milk after.
I smell Kooter…
No. 186325
How sad that's not her real face
No. 186326
>>186285Waot. JetJ? Is she going to model for every lolita brand?
>BTSSB>Innocent WorldAnd now JetJ?
No. 186363
>>185278Is it just me or does she kind of look like asherbee in these ones?
Like if asherbee got a make over.
No. 186547
>>186334Pfft, she got a birthday cake back before she went to Japan with the "18" candle thing sticking out. Surely she's not that hard done to, what with a roof over her head, ton of cash off her folks, pets (including a chinchilla) and mother covering up her ass.
She's ite'
No. 186669
>>185589I don't know anon, if you say that she wants to be famous by the laziest way possible, then surely that would be just by youtubing herself pretending to eat different Japanese candy or whatever.
I know she's not being booked a million times a day, so I don't knnow what she's doing with her time. Maybe she's having a hard time keeping up with looking the part? Maybe she's actually spending time with people her own age irl? Maybe she's even just spending time alone, and not being obsessed with the internet, for once in her life.
I want her to do well, I believe she wants to keep the fame train rolling, but if she really was the laziest kind of famewhore still she would be doing something tacky for hits right now.
>>186334Everything on Japanese tv is hyper scripted, and she didn't accidentally lapse into English, I'm not sure it was genuine surprise anon. But it was cute to see some emotions from her.
>>186660I hope she does. Honestly, Cathy seems like the type to fake cancer or even hire a lawyer to get Kota to pitch in with money or to try to get Kota to help Kiki or whatever, but I want Kota to just move on from that shitshow.
No. 186712
>>186669Lol it's funny how everyone hated kota and now everyone is "omg u so beautiful omg u changed"
No. 186718
>>185521Just watched it to the end.
Nah, it didn't seem that heart rendering. She DID do acting, she's probably acting there. She is OBVIOUSLY touched but I doubt she would have actually cried. Japanese are known for their politeness and ostrengas are known for their lies.
No. 186759
>>186752"Looking around at the large crowd before her, Dako-chan felt her eyes begin to sting although she didn't wipe them in fear of smudging her false eyelashes, instead Dako-chan fought the coming tears away and smiled on at Japan. She had come so very far in her three years here, first having to photoshop all her former pictures and edit each video. Dako-chan never thought this would ever be possible, she had gone from living in the shadow of her evil sister and cruel mother to a glamorous life here in Japan. Where everything was served on a plate free for her, oh but that was all a part of being white here in Japan. You were given only the best, Dako-chan realized she was now a queen. No other fucker looked like her there in the crowd, not in Popteen or even held that Barbie aesthetic that she owned. It was all so too much… So when Dako-chan tried to speak and her voice quavered, she fought the tears again and thanked everyone.
From that moment on Dako-chan knew good things were ahead of her. Her own clothing line, more guest shows and kawaii clothes. She was living the dream every other weeb wanted to live, all thanks to her DSLR camera and photoshop. But most importantly her idiotic big sister's coattails.
Dako-chan lived happily ever after, she eventually married a very famous actor from Japan where they bought a fancy apartment and had two hafu children. Dako-chan still models from time to time, she's now got her two children modelling. They had it easy of course, just like their mother.
Dako-chan lived a great life, with no lesbian peadophiles and fat ugly cougars chasing after her.
Well… unless you count her big sister and mother from time to time calling on Skype of course… Dako-chan tolerates them. But now only from afar.
No. 186770
>looking around at the large crowd before her, Dako-chan felt her eyes begin to sting although she didn't wipe them in fear of smudging her false eyelashes, instead Dako-chan fought the coming tears away and smiled on at JapanNow that's what I call a run-on sentence.
I really want to read through this and correct all of the grammatical and punctual errors.
No. 186773
>>186770its 3am
please correct me grammar-chan cos i cba
No. 186774
>>186759TBH tho
why isn't there Dakota Rose fanfiction? Didn't someone say they were going to make a kaka comic? I'm surprised kota has no ff
she's a kawaii queen
she deserves fanfiction
No. 186847
>>186829not all short people are fat
it makes sense to have weight requirements for runway modeling, but height seems a bit arbitrary
No. 186867
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Dako's book for sale. how different she already looks from then.
No. 186870
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No. 186887
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thought you guys might like it
No. 186889
>>186887thank you anon, this is lovely
A+ kek
No. 186920
>>186887"that's why her forehead is so big"
perfect, anon.
No. 186923
File: 1443524327343.jpg (111.54 KB, 1034x1035, Screenshot_2015-09-29-11-57-31…)

Okay but why
No. 186924
File: 1443524413230.jpg (134.54 KB, 1052x1052, Screenshot_2015-09-29-11-59-10…)

No. 186927
>>186923"I don't wear circle lenses"
Fucking l o l
No. 186933
File: 1443526664539.png (477.28 KB, 600x601, unshoop1.png)

>>186923shooped off her overdrawn lips and unbloated her eyes.
No. 186936
>>186928They could be, but she's only just posted them on Instagram.
Maybe she's got decent extensions in, her agency could've gotten mad about her cutting her hair and paid for them.
No. 186951
>>186933So much better.
I'd like to see a gif of the difference.
No. 186997
File: 1443551047311.jpg (63.37 KB, 599x706, CQChTFjVAAAebjB.jpg)

No. 187036
>>186986Each to their own. I wear a jacket, like many other people here. Last night was really windy and kinda cold.
Her sweater isn't even thick. But I think she freezes easily like me.. Plus she had pics of herself in jackets in hot weather a lot earlier.
No. 187067
>>187006I don't understand how half of you find her shoops (unless they're her original kotakoti pics from 2012) even though… most just make me go "who believes this shit?"
No. 187096
>>187067I'm baffled by it too. She looks legitimately retarded in that shoop. I keep getting tard vibes off quite a few of her recent shoops.
Show that photo to your average normalfag and I guarantee the reactions will be great.
No. 187299
>>187298Kaka should get with this guy, lol.
Also when did Kota criticize meat eaters?
No. 187301
>>187299I was thinking the same thing haha.
Apparently she was discussing being a vegetarian and was told by the panel that it's unbelievable. She retorted that eating meat is unbelievable. No idea what show.
No. 187331
>>187301Probably to shock Japan into thinking she's even more unique and speshul.
lol or maybe she's pushing Japan into stocking up on vegan shit so kaka will be satisfied that nippon is catering more for vegans
No. 187521
File: 1443673122011.gif (396.4 KB, 292x283, tumblr_mt11q2uQo01r2sec6o2_400…)

We are always curious how Japanese respond to Dakota. So, I found this kind of interesting. Check out the reviews: Translate, but seems to get the point across)
>with a lot make of whether to flame of whether overall there is an uncomfortable feeling photos, cute Satisfaction is lower and I think with.
>I think I know when to expand the cover photo, but the under eye area of the eye line has become a larger shift was cosmetic. And over there is sooo uncomfortable,
was all the pages all this makeup in.
>Dakota's is a great liar. I am writing I "this face, !! It's not CG" in cover red characters in the book, but if you search the past of Mr. Dakota, you immediately know is I is changing the face with Fotosho. Even now photos, and when you see one by one properly, the face is always different. Even though normally the cute child, with strange makeup, it can Huge eyes with Fotosho and after effects, you can reduce the nose, you are changing the lips of form. It something is regrettable.
>Bad reputation enough to cringe, Caucasian model this upstart lower-born discrimination ideologist. Also there is only the following value 100 yen in this the book off.
And videos and television appearances during, but I think still photos is a thing that CG if someone else state. Of it is favorable impression of high Japanese gal us. Unpleasant book. No value. (They're saying that you can buy this book for 100 yen at Book off, used)
>Though sooo cute, why this strange eye makeup? It has already been commented, but I also to this eye line
was remember the intense "discomfort".
(Maybe this is why she backed off with the eyeliner.)
No. 187628
>>187521 I was bored, so I translated the reviews.
2 stars "Different from her web photos"
>I bought this because I thought her photos on the web were really cute!
>But, I was like "huh?" when I saw how different her face is from her web photos.
>I remember her legs being much slimmer, too.
>It's clear when you zoom into the cover photo, but her lower eyelid is shifted way down with make-up. Not only does that look super strange, she uses the same make-up in all the photos in the book.
>It's probably to make her eyes look bigger, but I think she'd be plenty cute with normal make-up so I would have liked to see natural make-up.
1 star "('・Д・)」"
>I know her from the internet. I bought this hoping it would have photos from that era, but I was disappointed. ('∀`; )
>There are many photos with unnatural-looking make-up, and I do think she's cute, but this was a let down. My favorite photos of her are the small ones used in her hairstyle tutorials, lol.
No. 187629
>>187628More review translations:
1 star "('・Д・)」"
>I know her from the internet. I bought this hoping it would have photos from that era, but I was disappointed. ('∀`; )>There are many photos with unnatural-looking make-up, and I do think she's cute, but this was a let down. My favorite photos of her are the small ones used in her hairstyle tutorials, lol.1 star "Nothing but lies"
>I know Dakota from her online days as a Living Barbie. Dakota is a huge liar.>The cover has red text declaring "this face isn't CG!!", but if you search for Dakota's past, you can tell right away she changes her face with photoshop. Even in her current photos, if you look at each one carefully, her face is always changing. She's a cute girl, yet she uses strange make-up, enlargening her eyes with Photoshop and After Effects, shrinking her nose, changing the shape of her lips. It's kind of a shame.>Apparently her true age is 20-23, too.>I don't think it's wrong for her to use colored contact lenses, but she lies and says she doesn't.>Her Vivian Westwoods are all fakes she bought from a cheap Chinese site called Taobao, too. Her non-Vivian items are also from Taobao.>She's uploaded many hairstyle tutorials on Youtube, but she didn't come up with those styles. That's fine and all, but isn't it kind of wrong for her to talk about them like they were her ideas?>In the book interview, she says her middle name "Rose" means "love," but "rose" just means a flower. Also, in many other interviews, she says she's been watching Japanese anime since the age of 5, but in this book, she says age 12-13. She also says she doesn't study Japanese, but in Ufufu girls, she says she does study Japanese.>For about a year, she stole pictures from a blogger called Xiaxue for her own use.>When I searched Dakota's history, there were many videos of her and her older sister Kiki Kannibal mocking asians, blacks, and gays.>In her early days, she was noticed by the Chinese media so she matched her Photoshop style to Chinese trends, but when she started getting noticed by Japan, she immediately began ignoring her Chinese and Korean fans. It seems she now ignores her American and Latin fans.1 star "All lies. A fantasy book about a ficticious person"
>A book starring a racist white model with a cringe-inducingly bad reputation, hyped up by the lower masses.>Not even worth 100 yen at Book Off.>If she looks completely different in her photos compared to her video and TV appearances, she may as well be CG.>Japanese Gal-kei have more charisma than her.>A putrid book. Worthless. No. 187630
>>187629Thanks for this anon!
>For about a year, she stole pictures from a blogger called Xiaxue for her own use.I don't remember this though? I could only find someone claiming Kota had stolen Xiaxue's blog background.
No. 187685
File: 1443742359376.jpg (127.78 KB, 700x638, img1560488835986.jpg)

>>187635It came out mid-2013, anon. Tbh I think that she looks her best in it, since she's well-dressed (probably by a stylist since we all know she can't dress herself) and wasn't in charge of editing. I'm considering dropping $10 to get a used copy.
It seems like she does do the super overdrawn make-up though, so maybe that's what people are referring to?
No. 187711
>>187629In the book interview, she says her middle name "Rose" means "love," but "rose" just means a flower.
Rose is one of the more popular English loan words, how the hell could she think the Japanese would be so stupid as to not know what it means?
No. 187736
>>187726maybe its a bit of a mistranslation/understanding?
a rose is a symbol of love, you know like a red rose on valentines day
No. 187780
File: 1443778530062.png (1.59 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-02-10-33-40…)

Has anyone got their own screenshot of this show? I wanna see if she's shopped this post (we know she has, it'll be interesting to see how much)
No. 187798
File: 1443782218596.jpg (86.59 KB, 640x640, 12080661_551837901634106_18465…)

A couple more photos posted online.
No. 187799
File: 1443782238720.jpg (85.81 KB, 640x640, 12081208_1714683905474080_5415…)

No. 187800
File: 1443782250469.jpg (197.38 KB, 640x480, IMGP2044.jpg)

No. 187801
File: 1443782343372.png (283.42 KB, 705x336, dakota.png)

I wonder if she listened to our criticisms.
No. 187802
File: 1443784459556.png (3.59 MB, 1246x1278, oklol.png)

No. 187805
File: 1443785520551.png (834.08 KB, 630x644, dunnowhat.png)

her chin looks so big
No. 187806
File: 1443785642589.png (335.42 KB, 480x534, justsad.png)

No. 187840
>>187796This video got taken down for some reason… Here's a new one. Her outfit comes in around 00:29:00. She comes in at 1:09:21ish if you want to see the whole segment, or 1:10:30 if you just want to see her draw/talk afterwards.
I think she looks cute - I totally want whatever plaid set she's wearing. It's cute as fuck.
>>187801Interesting she wanted to put the number "19" on this, just like her supposed "age". Haha.
No. 187847
File: 1443800743358.jpg (184.1 KB, 700x480, naomi-ena.jpg)

>>187842Yup! Her name is Naomi Watanabe. She has her own brand called Punyus - all clothes come in both normal and plus sizes. She got her fame from impersonating Beyonce, weirdly enough. I think she's fucking hilarious/awesome. I know a lot of farmers don't like her because of how fat she is, but I think it's cool that she has found her own success despite her size. That's not easy to do in Japan.
Sage for OT.
No. 187977
>>185278 photo has lens correction and professional portrait lighting whereas
>>185279 was taken no a wide angle (phone) camera that distorts her face under normal indoor fluorescent lighting that casts shadows beneath her eyes. So The first is actually a more accurate portrayal of her, if a bit more carefully styled.
No. 187990
File: 1443844631328.png (800.51 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-10-03-04-56-23…)

When was the last time she wrote in English?
No. 187991
File: 1443844719499.jpg (178.6 KB, 1052x1054, Screenshot_2015-10-03-04-57-23…)

No. 188061
>>187986Yeah but she's an ugu dolly goddess so its okay
Japanese are impressed that not only is she a doll but can draw too!
No. 188084
>>187978But by doing stuff on youtube should could expand her fanbase, maybe get sponsors, etc..
>>Her western fanbase has never done her any favors, so I don't see how appealing to them would behoove her.Why not appeal to both? It seems silly to alienate one fanbase when you could appeal to both and have a bigger fanbase. Plus she gets alot of comments from western fans.
No. 188109
File: 1443900685351.jpg (40 KB, 600x493, tumblr_nvnq9d0Jrq1s27rh1o1_128…)

No. 188114
>>188109why did she blur out the side part in her bangs lol
lurking here too much?
No. 188170
its silly really because god help the japs sell her out one day
(but ofc that will NEVER happen)
No. 188361
>>187847I don't understand the hate just because she's "fat" what the fuck even
>inb4 weeeh u tumblrina u just fattt and self conscioussss keep telling urself datcry all you want but hating on someone because "hurr fat" makes you look like a retard, also a secret fatty but there are many secret fatties here. And ana-chans,body dysmorphia-chans,…seriously.
But to be honest i think Naomi is ok she seems funny and happy and comfortable with herself. That's nice to see.
No. 188364
>>188359I still say they're trying and forcing Japan to make Dakota the next Rola.
>>188361Also I don't get it either? she's far from fat! especially not with fucking Naomi next to her lookin' like fem budda
No. 188370
>>188359wish we had hq, this is painful to my eyes. i can't watch it.
240p?? what year is it???
>>187847i think she is so cute.
well.. fat japanese people (plus she dresses herself right and wears nice makeup) might seem cuter than the lardy gross looking americans we have :(
No. 188386
>>188374Gonna be honest, if this was telly in the UK and Dakota was sat there. Doll pics popping up on the screen, the presenters would go "Is that actually you?" and "You don't look like them"
I'm amazed how Japanese just go with it…
No. 188387
>>188374thank you anon!!
sometimes i think she's pretty and other times she doesn't look pretty to me and i can't figure out why.
she looks so ugly in
>>184768to me.
No. 188389
No. 188391
>>188388It's so so true. Here they would say "Dakota, you don't really look like you do sat down now?"
Japanese people… fucking hell.
No. 188402
>>188396i mean i guess that's true in america too.
they photoshop the fuck out of celebrities on magazine covers and of models and stuff but nobody really says anything about how they look in real life to their faces if they appear on tv. guess out of respect.
No. 188407
>>188402It's true but Dakota messes with her features, you can just tell. like you just KNOW and because it's her aswell.
But again, Japan for you. They all shoop the fuck out of each other and even Risa Nakamura looks basic without shoop in person.
No. 188411
>>188408still can't believe risa is 27
but kota is 22 and yui kanno is 30 odd
syeah kawaii and wakai xo
No. 188415
It's weird :| she looks alright sometimes and others… its… kota what happened
No. 188429
>>188422>>188423Sounds like either a fake ID or something someone shooped up.
I believe Kota is around 20-23 but no way is she 28; that's pushing it.
How old would Kiki be then? 30+? I mean, Kirsten looks haggard sometimes, but come on…
No. 188431
>>188430Dakota definitely ISN'T 30 and she doesn't look 30 at all like wow that's pushing it far there i know you guys always throw "haggard" and "old" even on 12yo girls but that's exaggerating there.
Tho Kirsten would be 30+ then and seriously no i know she really DOES look haggard/old sometimes but no way.
No. 188433
>>188429I think I remember what it was now, but forgive me if I get some of the details wrong. It was on an older PULL thread.
I'm almost positive it was either drivers license or passport. I think she showed it off specifically because this is when she was just about to go to Japan or something. The numbers were partially obscured on it or it was slanted in a way that was hard to read, but PULL managed to get "1987" out of it.
She is definitely late 20's. Dakota is NOT that young if you've been following her this long. Just because someone dresses kawaii doesn't make them automatically 22 or something. If you asked me the age of people like Misako Aoki, I'd guess maybe your range too, but remember she's in her 30's. She is 28 years old and her receding hairline, really plain facelines, and other features reflect it. It wasn't always so severe when she was younger.
No. 188447
>>188435I miss old kota
It was her best era style-wise,shoop-wise, i was obsessed with her back then a bit bc all of her life seemed so interesting and kawaii and i made a plan of her bedroom and try to be as kawaii as her haha…Sad weeby me days.
Seriously i miss it now she's really boring and bland and she used to be source of drama on cgl and it was kinda fun.
No. 188450
>>188448I know what you mean, they're shit and she knows it but it was all for self promotion.
I know Peachymilk makes similar videos but idk… I can't get into them.
No. 188452
>>188414Wat. To be pushing 30 now she'd have to be 20+ in the MySpace years.
I do think she's older than she claims, but that's definitely too high.
No. 188454
File: 1443980943971.jpg (543.75 KB, 1000x690, 643100907.jpg)

I try.
No. 188459
>>188433>She is definitely late 20'sIt's not definite at all. You've provided zero proof.
There're many things that've circulated around here/PULL that suggest she's born in 1993, but never have I seen anything indicating she's nearing 30.
No. 188461
File: 1443981663717.jpg (Spoiler Image,69.32 KB, 613x480, imagFFFe.jpg)

Who knows this girl? stupid purple hurts my eyes, but it's cute photo. I'm sorry I had to talk about Dakota, but I just want to know what you think about it.
No. 188463
>>188461god dammit
why do people think it's a good idea to post their face
No. 188464
>>188461No one knows you and no one cares.
No. 188470
>>188461Fucking self poster go away
why do people EVEN think it's an actual good idea to post their ugly faces HERE.
For the love of everything kawaii stop.
You just look retarded and no one will compliment you.
No. 188501
>>188461Well, if you really want to know what a image board full of judgemental assholes thinks, I'll tell ya.
-I think your hair is dry as shit and you tried to hide it with that terrible filter. Invest in some fucking hair serum and a ceramic straightener.
-your bangs look a bit crooked, therefore not kawaii uguu. But this isn't really a big deal.
-I think your nose is weird and big. It has an odd indent in the middle that makes it look pig like.
-I think this filter does you absolutely no justice. you look like a slutty smurf on acid with a thin ass prince mustache. (I'm assuming it's like, skin. But it looks like a teenage mexican boy mustache at a quick glance.)
-I think you need braces cause your bottom teeth look like they're about to start throwing up gang signs.
-I think you don't suit this style. But it's okay, none of the ugly ass ho's on here do either. Including myself. I'm ugly as shit girl, so don't feel bad. You're basic white bitch tho with a bad nose. If you grew out your bangs and styled yourself in more of a Ulzang kpop-y style you'd be cyoot. Take my advice bitch, admire the dolly style from afar but do not partake. You look dumb. Stoppit.
No. 188515
File: 1443990410832.jpg (11.41 KB, 251x242, 1400961574709.jpg)

>>188513>see this is a post of judgemental bitches>obviously pathetic selfpost>'baaawww i am offended noooww'I don't even think you're ugly but you are stupid as fuck though. Or a child. Probably the second.
No. 188536
>>188531do any of these girls hang out with each other?
i feel like if i were in their place i would be desperate for other american friends because i might feel alone. especially how they all have similar interests and stuff.
No. 188540
>>188539Mmm, I doubt kota cares much for friends. I think she has certain people close to her and that's it but even those aren't close close to her. Just… at a nice reach. Just enough for them NOT to know about her personal bits and bobs.
Dakota probably knows about Yuka and doesn't want to get caught up with her. Remember when Mira tried sucking up to kaka? Kaka backfired. Ostrengas don't want to mix with the other cows.
But if it's Risa Nakamura, Yui Kanno or Yula Yula Dakota WILL probably hang with the due to a popularity boost. Other than that, nah.
No. 188542
>>188540it's kind of sad she has no close friends but i wonder why.
i wonder if people just don't want to be friends with her or if it's her choice
No. 188545
>>188543yeah this is kind of ignorant/rude of her.
i think she thinks most of the haters are in america (same with kiki) even though what they say about her in japanese forums and japanese tweet about her seem to be so much worse than what is said about her in english. she thinks she can escape that all by only speaking to a specific audience. but that audience makes fun of her too lol
No. 188553
>>188546I agree, I have Japanese female friends and to be honest I speak to the males more because they have more personality than the girls.
The girls just seem to be "kawaii!" and looking cute
But it's boring after 5 minutes… I like personality and funny people
No. 188560
File: 1443994711197.jpg (126.11 KB, 580x581, ShockBlast-Audrey-Kawasaki-wor…)

>>187986i think an anon has said it before but, isnt her 'style' kind of a rip-off of audrey kawasaki? imo, yes i think it is.
No. 188563
>>188559Exactly, she probably thinks "fuck off you're not using me or making a mockery out of me."
I can't blame her really, espesh with a dumb fuck sister and mother. I do feel for kota in a way.
No. 188586
>>188459>1993Then where is your proof? All I've ever heard from that 1993 number is that it was provided by her herself. Kota and Kiki are notorious for spouting off lies about their ages so it shouldn't be trusted. The 1987 one was one she tried to cover up. Most of PULL was in disbelief over it in that particular thread too, but that's what it spelled out.
But anyway, you say earlier 20's, I say pushing 30. No matter what, though, the point is she's older than what she says she is. She'll lie over it because her job in Japan really depends on the idea she's youthful. If I'm right about nearing 30, or even if you're right about her being in her mid 20's or so, 25 is considered past their prime.
No. 188589
>>188586Where is your proof though? You still didn't actually tell us where the 1987 came from other than PULL, which is one of the worst sources ever, packed with pointless speculation. What video? What image? Show us.
As others have said, if Kota's 'pushing 30', what does that make Kiki? She looks horrible but there's no way she's over 30.
No. 188629
File: 1444022679885.png (249.61 KB, 432x291, dakotadesu.png)

This styling was the absolute worst.
No. 188630
Some of you were asking when she said she was a vegetarian on TV.
Here's one time she did. No. 188660
File: 1444029611694.jpg (22.6 KB, 636x358, 18e5ssjsx25kcjpg.jpg)

>>188631That's Minami Minegishi, a member of akb48
No. 188672
>>188589That is why I asked if anyone else had proof or remembered the thread, anon. I do not have it and I'd still like to know if anyone else here remembers the 1987 number.
Why are you deflecting when I say where is your 1993 proof if it's so plentiful? Why don't you show yours? Get it out if this bothers you so much and you have so much proof of it. Are you Kiki and am I angering you by inferring you and your sister aren't little eternal 18 year olds?
Kiki for sure is pushing 30 or is it. I don't get why you're trying so hard to prove she's some 24 year old or something. Kiki and Kota have been balding and their faces are weathered without Photoshop.
No. 188683
File: 1444035626875.jpg (57.31 KB, 640x640, 055b0649f4e1bb233317d9f1bf3984…)

Does anyone know who the guy in this is? He's pretty cute.
Also, I don't remember looking like this for any photoshoot or anything. Does anyone know the context of the photo?
No. 188712
File: 1444043510193.jpg (61.88 KB, 600x800, CQhfet-UwAAqSlR.jpg)

No. 188714
File: 1444043733403.png (529.41 KB, 852x436, dakota23.png)

You can see every extension taped in.
No. 188720
I get she was trying to be Tinkerbell(?) and her hair up in a bun was kind of essential for that look but jeez, couldn't whoever who did her hair have at least tried to strategically place parts of her real hair over them so they didn't look so obvious?
Who am I kidding, she probably did this herself.
No. 188734
>>188712I think the Tinker bell look is SO much better than the Cinderella look.
It's funny because in the July issue of Popteen there was sections about each model in the magazine. They were all asked "Who was your favourite Disney princess or Disney film?"
Only Kota and another girl said "None"
No. 188769
>>188740Ah, he's very attractive.
Halfu men always tend to be super tall and get the best of both ethnicities.
No. 188776
>>188714and the baldness between her bangs and her hair.
guys i think she only ever looks good when the quality of the vids and pics are super shitty
see how the bald spot is all blurry? imagine if it weren't. that's all you would be able to see. and if her nasal folds weren't blurry as well or her extensions.
No. 188791
GOD hahahahaahahaahah. wow
No. 188812
>>188806Alright aggro-chan, for people who don't know much about cosmetic procedures it's easy to lump botox and fillers together since they're both non-surgical injections that alter ones looks.
For anyone who's interested, fillers add artificial fat for volume (eg. Kylie Jenner got it in her lips, can be used to fill out wrinkles and folds) whereas Botox is a liquid that temporarily paralyses muscles and tightens everything up. Botox prevents wrinkles from forming with facial expression eg. frown lines or crows feet around the eyes.
Botox can be used to slim the jawline as it tightens the chewing muscles and they waste away a little because they aren't working so hard. Maybe Kota should do this to get that ridiculous upside down triangle look she shoops herself with.
No. 188813
>aggro-chanUh, are you okay? I wasn't being aggressive at all.
What's with all these hyper-angry or over-sensitive people plaguing lolcow at the moment?
Also I don't understand your post at all, somebody talked about how Dakota should get botox in her upper lip so that she no longer has to draw it on any more and I just corrected them saying them meant fillers.
No. 188814
>>188806>>188812No, botox and fillers. Fillers to add volume to the lip, botox to get rid of the pronounced cupids bow and give it the shape that she shoops it with. It relaxes the muscles of the upper lip, you only need 3-4 units to achieve it, and it gives the upper lip a more uniform slope.
What the second anon is describing is botox for the masseters. DO NOT DO THIS. Yes, it slims the jaw line but you end up with jowls because you have no more muscle to support your cheeks.
No. 188815
File: 1444070614796.png (22.46 KB, 125x69, Screen Shot 2015-10-05 at 2.42…)

>>188813I didn't need to be corrected. Look at all of Dakota's shoops. She pulls her upper lip/cupid's bow up from it's original position. She wouldn't be able to get this retarded shape just by filling her real lips, she would need to change her cupid's bow a little slightly, which is what botox would do. It's too prominent right now and if she tried filling her lips it would become even more pronounced. Look at the way she shoops them, then look at her real lips. A lot of doctors don't do this, most don't. I know Kylie got this done (in addition to fillers), as well as other people in the industry.
I feel like in this picture, it illustrates quite clearly what I mean… she draws over her cupids bow because it's retarded. I'm wondering why she doesn't just raise it with a little bit of botox. She would only need a few units, it would be very cheap…
No. 188818
>>188815K, but why are you so mad tho.
You gotta go through life experiencing minor disagreements every now and again, and if you fly into an ape-rage every time you do encounter you're not going to be able to get very far.
No. 188919
File: 1444096646359.jpg (103.88 KB, 1277x715, gross.JPG)

>>188714here is an even clearer screencap from the side. I don't think she even has enough natural hair thickness to cover up that tape. It looks like they tried, but obviously failed. They should have tried to cover it up with a flower crown or something.
No. 188928
>>188818im not mad, you're mad. kek…
>>188819>>188821i agree, but it would look a lot less stupid than her drawing all over her upper lip
>>188824idk i just checked her instagram and holy crap she's aged so poorly….
No. 188944
>>188919oh, wow…that's really embarrassing. Like, I actually feel bad for her.
It's too bad they couldn't do anything to hide those clips.
No. 188980
File: 1444120339652.jpg (75.54 KB, 480x640, 12074678_640593666042943_13954…)

Her lip make-up looks so ridiculous when she doesn't get to shoop it
No. 188981
File: 1444120397479.jpg (70.67 KB, 480x640, 12122848_640593682709608_64347…)

Don't try to hide your tiny lips, it looks stupid. Get injections
No. 189005
File: 1444129026854.jpg (80.09 KB, 300x450, 144405560764311600.jpg)

Japanese are more critical in my opinion than a western audience: No. 189011
File: 1444129527424.png (7.32 KB, 848x163, gull-chans.png)

>>189005KEK. Is this person really saying what I think they're saying? The Japanese are aware of /cgl/?
No. 189014
>>189005She's fat, her cheeks/chin are big, she doesn't look anything like her pictures, just a normal white girl, go back to your country, she doesn't look good in that outfit, please appear on TV anymore, etc etc etc
Wow and here I was thinking japanese people liked her lol
No. 189015
>>189014^^^ Here's another thread…
I think it's people who are into kawaii and dolls that worship her
No. 189018
>>189016Probably and probably not. But you can't blame them though, it's like they've been lied to in a sense while kota marketed herself so some are shocked af at this reveal.
But it's taken them THIS long to actually realize? Christ. Did anyone ever realize something just didn't add up or one of kota's eyes were a little off? Anyone who actually believes she looks like that must be a total tard. It was always, ALWAYS obvious photoshop since the beginning.
No. 189027
File: 1444136494851.png (424.59 KB, 545x608, 816a3c92bcc97a41efd381c5810f20…)

>>189026Pretty much this. She's chub and has a huge chin but because her shoops are so tall and skinny, she's making her real self look ginormous in comparison.
No. 189028
>>189027But to be honest though, even though kota doesn't look like her pictures at least she looks comfortable in her weight. She isn't stick thin and she isn't chubby. she's just "comfortable". Maybe she's happy like that?
Remember they're only employing her due to her image being a barbie doll and her face. Bravo doesn't seem interested in her body at all.
It's all about her image.
She isn't a cat walk model and I think kota accepted that a long time ago.
No. 189132
>>189120Doll look obviously, if she really wanted to look it in person she'd get her ass to the gym. Again it's all about the barbie image. Japan is paying her to dish out that image whether she looks dolly or not in person. Bravo knows shes basic as fuck but because of the name she's gave herself, they'll milk her dry until Japan is sick the fuck to death of seeing her. Course, kota will keep doing it because it's keeping a roof over her head, away from her bat shit crazy family and money obviously. Plus she loves cute shit and dolly image gives her kawaii stuff. She knows she can get away with it? Most Japanese models edit their pictures and that gives kota the excuse to do so.
She isn't even big guys. For all we know in years to come she may pack up and leave Japan for America. Dakota Rose, her image is just paying her. It's a job.
No. 189611
>>189605Comments from this thread votes
WTF about her is a "Real Barbie"
+601 votes
I get a bad personality vibe, so I can't support her
+381 votes
Looks cuter than usual. Maybe it's the angle, but her chin doesn't stand out as much
Just as I thought, that's how she looks in reality, even though she looks like a doll in her selfies
+522 votes
Yep, no photoshop, no Barbie (。-_-。) Not cute. Go back to America already!
+362 votes
She's no fairie type. This is a disgrace to Tinkerbell. Barbie, too. And she's so rugged-looking…
+491 votes
Dakota Rose really looks like a doll in her edited pics. But without the edits, her body type is like any average girl's.
+581 votes
After seeing this, I just can't think of her as cute
(two photos comparing a candid shot with her photoshopped pic)
No. 189612
>>189611+265 votes
Sorry. I don't really like her…
+386 votes
I wish they'd stop calling her Real Barbie! She's not like Barbie at all!
+176 votes
Watching her makes me realize you need more than just a cute face. It's important to be well-spoken.
+303 votes
Her face is completely different lol. She edits the hell out of her selfies for sure.
+224 votes
She should never have appeared on TV. Her first TV appearance was a shocker. Like, "THAT'S the Real Barbie?"
+98 votes
She's cute, but her photos are a scam. Go home.
+233 votes
Her arms and legs are bigger than expected. Completely different from their super skinny appearance in her edited blog photos. Isn't she embarrassed?
+121 votes
She should go on a diet. Her face and body are unbalanced.
+171 votes
She's white, but she looks like someone who's trying to look white. Why is that?
+84 votes
Small face, fat ankles
+119 votes
The way she talks makes me hate her. Bad personality.
In her variety show appearances, she's expressionless whenever the camera cuts to her. It makes me want to stop watching. I wish she wouldn't appear at all.
No. 189613
>>189612+112 votes
There are plenty of cuter Japanese girls with slimmer legs
+14 votes
Looks so-so cute this time.
But without any photo edits, her skeletal structure makes her look fat
+17 votes
We get one of these every 10 years. 10 years ago, it was Leah Dizon. She probably came to Japan because she couldn't make it in America.
+19 votes
There's plenty of white girls exactly on her level. Isn't she embarrassed by the Real Barbie label? lol
+7 votes
Her legs are so thick, they're pushing the limits of thick legs. She's a model?
+28 votes
She really looks like she has fatty potential. Her jaw is huge, too, so if she got fat, she'd be like a sumo wrestler.
+41 votes
Too much photoshop. I've hated her since her and her sister were posting videos, pulling the corner of their eyes to mock asians and telling lesbians to die.
+15 votes
Pretty ruggedly-built and has a granny face
+11 votes
She looks like she'd be pretty strong. Like she could clothesline 20 people at once
+1 vote
Oh, she's still around
No. 189656
>>189630radish legs?
did they her legs "daikon ashi"? bc it says here that's very insulting No. 189661
File: 1444267330468.jpg (266.32 KB, 943x629, 1365569021272.jpg)

Anyone see this on PULL?:
>You guys are wondering why she cannot befriend any of the other Popteen models and pity her for them 'ignoring' her. The fact is that Dakota seems to be a really rude and self-centered person. My friend is a model in one of the show she worked for as well and she told me that Dakota never talks with any other models, AT ALL. She looks always very upset and annoyed. Actually i met her in the backstage, while waiting for my friend to pack herself and leave the building. I've seen many of the famous models leaving, they all looked tired (the show was few hours long so they were pretty much working non stop the entire day) but none of them had that kind of look on their face that Dakota did. She looked at me as if she immediately assumed she is way better than me and just in general it was easy to tell that she isn't a good person. I'm pretty new on this forum so I don't know how much do you guys know about her but I just wanted to add that she is super short irl and she smokes quiet a lot
>I did, she walked right next to me and i also looked at her for a moment when she was saying goodbye to her manager and chose the taxi. I really don't like the way she always has that really fake smile around the people she works for but whenever she isn't around them she looks just really full of hate for everyone. Among all those models I've seen there (who were most of the time way way more famous than her) she was the only one who looked so fake, as if she never smiles in a genuine way.Oh and in case if any of you think she is actually famous here (in Tokyo) - she isn't lol When she was on the stage none screamed or reacted in any kind of way. Normally on this kind of fashion show Japanese girls are pretty loud and crazy whenever any famous female model is on the stage so yeah, that probably tells a lot. To Japanese she is pretty much just another random white model that appears sometimes on the purikura machines or morning tv shows, nothing more than that.
No. 189664
>>189661She sounds like she's still a scene queen in lolita clothing.
Also is that pic shooped or are her eyes actually a little wonky?
No. 189670
File: 1444269807759.jpg (19.39 KB, 275x239, 1426301679343.jpg)

>>189664her eyes are really noticeably uneven. Like, one eye socket is lower than the other. She usually tries to correct this with makeup and the angle in which she hold her head/poses.
No. 189680
File: 1444271554956.jpg (16.43 KB, 168x250, 1420301260363.jpg)

>>189656the japs are so creative with their insults
No. 189683
File: 1444272078294.gif (597.38 KB, 264x380, Kotakoti_Dakota_Ostrenga_Totem…)

>>189670Oh, wow. I never even noticed her melting eye in this picture or any others except this one.
It really is super jarring when you actually focus on it.
I think the right side of her face (her left) looks quite attractive, at least in your picture.
If you cover her lower down eye, she looks nice. But if you cover the other one she looks really odd. Like reminiscent of those gross huge-forehead, true alien shoops she was doing of herself when she was spoopy, the ones in the gallery(?) with Kiki next to their 'art'.
Maybe then she was actually shooping her normal eye to be aligned with her droopy eye and that's why they looked so fucking weird.
No. 189693
File: 1444274137734.jpg (93.04 KB, 790x555, 1427771044portfolio_wide2_CAND…)

Sorry if slowpoke, but I have never seen this picture of her. She look so much better with dark hair, jfc.
No. 189701
>>189698Would that be about the nosejob Kota apparently got?
I thought I heard they both got nosejobs. During school or something.
Then again, Kaka still has a beak.
No. 189702
File: 1444274840912.jpg (13.39 KB, 236x275, f3b4e0499545ebe419dbf4745f4344…)

>>189700I was thinking about the hafu façade as well. But yeah, I guess you are right about the anglo shit. I'm just so sad now because I keep picturing Kooters with darker hair and I am mad she won't ever do it :(
Some talented shooper anon, pls make this pic of her with darker hair, it would make this sad anon so happy for like 5 seconds
No. 189746
File: 1444281708306.jpg (574.37 KB, 1735x1173, tryhard.jpg)

>>189613>+171 votesShe's white, but she looks like someone who's trying to look white. Why is that?
>+17 votesWe get one of these every 10 years. 10 years ago, it was Leah Dizon. She probably came to Japan because she couldn't make it in America.
LOL these are hilarious! She does look like a white girl trying too hard to look like those fashionable preppy girls. I tried including pics that somewhat kinda looks like her kawaii school girl style.
No. 189793
>>189763Way longer than that
Probably back to her scene days
No. 189921
>>189917Wait, what?
How did she make Mari cry?
No. 189969
>>189921>>189917There's no clip of it anymore but irc Akemi brought up Mari's affair and how she cannot stand women that cheat. At that time when the affair was huge news tons of media waited outside Mari's apartment for weeks, causing trouble for other residents, one being Akemi. She made Mari apologize and bow to her on tv for causing such a scene.
Here are some screenshots: for OT
No. 190007
I mean KStew is my waifu but so yay at the mention but I'm confused
No. 190067
>>190006Hahaha holy fuck, I was staring at that selfie last night trying to figure out who it reminded me of. That's it. Thanks, Anon.
I really don't care for kirsten stewart (her face bothers me), but I don't actually mind that picture of dakota.
Now that I think of it, they both have that kind of mouth breather resting face. Like resting bitch face, but instead of looking like a bitch they look like that mouth breathing guy from hey Arnold.
No. 190410
>>190409Lots of selfish people have kids (like her own parents), and lots of pregnant woman continue to disregard life of said child and smoke.
Hoping she's more proactive in preventative measures. Stop a problem before it happens, that way no guilt rides with it.
No. 190414
>>189613"+112 votes
There are plenty of cuter Japanese girls with slimmer legs"
Kek, most of japanese girls are uglier than Dakota
No. 190434
>>190414If we're being realistic 'most girls' are uglier than Dakota. She's not absolutely repulsive and if she hadn't lied about her looks I honestly think more people would have liked her.
Anyway you're comparing a quantifying word with a percentile word. There are 'plenty' (hundreds) of Japanese girls cuter than Dakota but I would venture to agree that Dakota is cuter than most (more than half) of the girls in Japan.
Then again not everyone wants to be a model so there's probably a large number of cuter girls who have aspirations higher than that.
No. 190636
>>189037One gets "mom arms" when gaining weight. She wasn't always like that.
She really could drop a few lbs, just around 10~15? it's not like she's obese, but 10~15lbs would make a huge difference.
She doesn't work out for a single minute.. really flabby.
No. 191187
File: 1444572407620.png (1.16 MB, 1074x1077, 2015-10-11 10.04.47.png)

No. 191188
File: 1444572431479.png (1.1 MB, 1076x1078, 2015-10-11 10.05.38.png)

No. 191207
>>189627this, most of the comments were realistic but the comments about how her legs are fat wat. Like no, not even.
I agree that maybe she looks ""fat"" in comparison of her photoshopped picture but wth. I agree with the comment saying she looks like many other white girls and how her body is similar to average japanese girls. She's "cute" but average cute,nothing spectacular or dolly.
No. 191217
>>191207For a model she is fat sorry to tell you. She is not average because the average model is slim. Skinny is average basically.
I wish people would stop sugarcoating it, if she was a regular person on the street nobody would be calling her fat and you would have a point by saying she's average. But she is a model so she has to meet a higher standard.
Stand kooter next to a normal girl she'll look ok but next to another model she looks like a chub.
No. 191219
>>191217As a model she is fat, as a normal girl shes average and cute.
If she put effort into doing workouts and eating better she'd probably look better next to thew models unshooped.
But her problem is she spends all her time on the shoop. Less shoop more sweat is what she needs.
No. 191243
File: 1444590071582.jpg (469.6 KB, 976x749, 2015-10-11 14.59.37.jpg)

No. 191244
File: 1444590091098.jpg (562.67 KB, 1007x754, 2015-10-11 15.00.10.jpg)

No. 191267
>>191187lmao wtf
she looks like when you squeeze the sides of a barbie's head and she gets a fish face
No. 191287
>>191187Why would you even upload this… kota if you think you can override risa
pls fink agen
No. 191305
File: 1444600890630.png (887.09 KB, 915x435, dakota.png.866dd8fcf3cee6fa145…)

No. 191306
File: 1444600910450.png (306.69 KB, 743x285, 242bf9f.thumb.png.52dce938bd09…)

No. 191315
>>191306she's that really fat blonde blob, right?
good thing she has changed.
she shouldn't be drifting into that 'weight class' again lol.
and it currently looks like it might happen.
No. 191321
>>189763>>189750i had no idea she smokes. that's not kawaii desu
how do we know this? are there pictures?
this makes the weird smoking isn't cute photo of kaka and kota even funnier to me
No. 191337
>>191305left: a toddler
right: a turnip that fell onto a red eyebrow pencil
No. 191349
>>191347Her chin isn't even
huge, it's just because she doesn't take care of herself and her face looks chubby. It looks a bit like if she gains any more weight she'll have a double chin.
No. 191358
>>191342please look at when she turns her head, the amount of hair she's missing from behind her ear?????
her legs are big…
No. 191454
File: 1444662351160.jpg (744.99 KB, 952x1406, Dakota-Koti-Ostrenga-KotaKoti-…)

I just miss this era of her so much…
And this era in general where drama and milk was flowing in abundance with Venus Angelic and Felice anf Mila's shenanigans and there was all these parody tumblrs and it was a good time…
it feels so boring now.
No. 191475
>>191472i've never seen anything like that. even on thin-haired people.
there has to be some sort of illness involved or something? i don't get it
No. 191480
File: 1444669999369.jpeg (39.85 KB, 450x391, hAcRbja1truBLIP_9YO5f_35.jpeg)

>>189015>I think it's people who are into kawaii and dolls that worship herThink again. Comments saying she's cute/that they like her have a lot of dislikes and a lot of negative comments have more likes.
>She's cute, but she seems to have a terrible personality>They go so far to praise her, but she's really not beautiful>Seems like this? (picture of some guy who had surgery )>I hate this girl's character. It makes me sick.>In a still image she's cute, but in motion I don't like her>Her chin is concaved/crooked>She is an entirely different person on Youtube and television>When she first appeared on tv she spoke casually and was quite conceited lol. However, she's become a little plump, her skin is dirty and she's not a beautiful girl. In a still image she's very cute, but she's such a disappointment. (And I think they mention her chin is a little crooked again. )>The Japanese hate this girl, huh? ( 300+ likes, 8 dislikes )>Isn't she ugly? (referring to pic related )>She girl is a bundle of lies>Who?>Why do you think she's cute? She has a criminal record, she's lied about her age, her videos are questionable, on Youtube together with her sister they put up videos of them despising Japanese people and similar videos and I see nothing but a terrible personality. (also something about how she couldn't sell to Americans, so she came to Japan because she's white and said she could sell there. Also mentioning about about her intentions going to South Korea seemed to be that she wanted to be an idol ). She's disgusting! >Isn't she actually 27?Sorry if these aren't translated perfectly, I'm still learning.
There are several comments about her chin kek
No. 191482
>>191476Kaka's may be thin but she seems to at least have a full head of hair.
I think she may have Alopecia, stress, and/or her hair's falling out due to all the stuff that's done to/put in it on a regular basis.
I was also thinking that maybe she could be one of those people who pull out their hair when they're stressed. But if that were the case, she'd probably pull out hair in less noticeable areas.
No. 191491
>>191480The top comment in
>>189015says "I don't think I'd like her"
also, to add the most recent article about koti in girl's talk the comment
> "Real barbie? Where?" (+754, -15)lol they aren't buying her shit anymore
No. 191495
>>191491Another comment translation'm just going to do the ones with a lot of + on it
> So shooped (+1044, -15)> "So Shooped" isn't Dakota's face really scary? (+1016, -19)> Hirose Suzu is definitely saying shit about Dakota in some other account of hers lol (+1194, -33)> Dakota shoops too much so I'm always shocked when I see her on TV (+1540, -45) No. 191497
>>191491Just translating a few more from this page as well
>I want whoever wrote "Real Barbie" to resign! She's not Barbie at all!>It would be good if she went on a diet. Her face and body are unbalanced. >Huh? Where's Tinkerbell?>Her cheekbones are amazing>She only looks good in photos>Her face is small, but her ankle is fat>Why is she no longer active in America? Is it because her reception in Japan is good?>She has such ugly qualities. Her chin is also strong, so if she gains weight she looks like she'd become a sumo grand champion. ( this translation is a little rough, sorry ).There's also a comment about her using a lot of photoshop and that her sister and her made videos about discriminating Asians as well as telling lesbians to die. It seems someone includes this in almost every page about her.
No. 191499
>>191495>>191497they're so vicious lol
and kota and kaka think LOLCOW is terrible. why don't they listen to what their beloved japanese are saying
No. 191500
>>191497Tbh I have to wonder if some of this isn't commented from us/people from cgl etc.
Though it seems the Japanese are on board, things like mentioning her history/really old videos seem more like farmers trying to spread the word.
No. 191505
>>191500You have to be in Japan in order to make comments or sign up. But anon is right, Japanese are starting to agree about things and slowly pick up on kota's looks.
But that doesn't mean she won't loose popularity, people still like dakota.
No. 191511
File: 1444675770918.jpeg (35.27 KB, 500x500, pvVeCIht67SmXVs_ftLV1_151.jpeg)

>>191497Thank you, fellow translator-anon. I'll add a few more
>She photoshops so much that her bangs have become blurred ( +433 -7 )>I don't like either, I don't think they're cute. ( +136 -13 )>But both of them aren't cute… ( +153 -30 )>Dakota's face looks different in pictures and television (ー ー;) ( +326 -4 ) >The Dakota Rose who made fun of Japanese people with her sister ( +723 -20 ) >Trash&Garbage (+295 -12 )>Both are malicious. I want them to disappear from the world of show business. ( +154 -10 )>She uses photoshop ( +231 -5 )>She's an old lady (+202 -3)I wish I could translate it properly, but there's one about the devil talking about Dakota's chin and dubbing her Crooked/Concave Rose.
No. 191513
>>191506Well you've got to be realistic. Dakota isn't going to loose her fans over night and probably never will, not now. Some people genuine like her because she's cute and that's all there is to it. No personality and cute.
The Japanese seem to like that.
You'll get Japanese who will bash her behind the screen but never say it to kota's face and kota probably reads that shit. But she's so hard faced, she will keep shooping and shooping whether they like it or not.
No. 191538
Sorry I'm on mobile… don't know if this has been posted, but notice how she does the same poses/covers mostly her chin
No. 191642
File: 1444714367452.jpg (2.59 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg)

Make-up vs no make-up
Or shall I say, "no make-up"
No. 191644
File: 1444714472878.jpg (1.44 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg)

>>191642Nice circle lenses, kota
No. 191652
File: 1444715735121.jpg (1.78 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg)

Here, have some comedy gold.
Dakota had had 3 size photos in Popteen (I will post the old ones, quoting this post.
Let's compare them all.
1) 40 KG
2) 40,3 KG
3) 45,5 KG (damn, koti)
1) 80 CM
2) 84,8 CM (LOL)
3) 81,1 CM
1) 54 CM
2) 54,5 CM
3) 60,7 CM
1) 81 CM
2) 83 CM
3) 88 CM (wat)
1) 37 CM
2) 40,6 CM
3) 41 CM (probably more like 45)
Look at the last photo. Nice thighs, koti. It's super obvious she gained a lot of weight. I know Popteen lies about measurements, but these are pretty consistent with each other if she gained. Not like they only magically gave her a huge bust.
No. 191666
>>191652Her thighs are still touching despite her bowing her knees way out and posing hard as fuck. I wouldn't doubt she's sucking in her gut like a mofo and shaded her tummy with makeup.
Get your lazy ass on a treadmill, Dakota. Once all your hair finally falls out and your age starts to show, your manager will find another desperate underaged Anglo weeb to fuck.
No. 191668
>>191652>Weight:>1) 40 KG>2) 40,3 KG>3) 45,5 KG (damn, koti)
>88.18lbs>88.84lbs>100.31lbsWhat a total crock of shit, and how much weight do you have to gain for your agency, who is willing to lie about your weight, to say you gained 15 pounds in the magazine? Wow. They must have had no other choice, this was probably all they thought they could get away with.
>>191657To you or might not be much of a difference, to an agency it could be all the difference in the world. Some models lose contracts over gaining 3cm in the wrong place.
No. 191728
>>191652>I was too skinny before so this weight is goodkek
Curious about the interview on the right
No. 191758
File: 1444728053739.jpg (3.13 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg)

>>191728Are you able tontranslate the whole thing?
No. 191759
File: 1444728081803.jpg (1.26 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg)

Bonus: koters in jeans
No. 191772
>>191759Yeah she does not look good in jeans.
Stick with skirts that cover your thighs, Koots.
No. 191783
>>191758Q: strengths and weaknesses?
A: strength - dependable , weakness- short tempered
Q: what do you do with body hair?
A:nothing, it's blonde so it doesn't stand out
Q:how much do you sleep a day?
A: 0~5 hours
Q:how do you sleep?
A: i don't move at all like a dead body.
Q: what do you do when you wake up?
A: brush hair, put in ponytail, brush teeth.
Q:aave you ever been in a fight with a friend?
A: yeah, I have. i left it like that (don't rly get the answer sorry)
Q:what's your type?
A: not too showy, black hair, natural.
Q: what's your longest and shortest relationship?
A:longest 2 years, shortest a year.
Q:when you argue how do you make up?
A: i apologize even if i'm not wrong because i hate arguing.
Q:tell us a scary experience you've had/
A: when i was 18 i woke up in front of myself, out of body experience. i was scared so i screamed.
No. 191788
>>191783>>Q: what do you do with body hair?>>A:nothing, it's blonde so it doesn't stand outshe's lucky that way, I was cursed with black body hair everywhere
but I do remember one of her first photoshoots where she was standing in front of the sunlight and we could see inches long blonde hair sticking out from her legs. that should be a reason for her to shave her legs, at least
No. 191791
File: 1444731335521.jpg (1.17 MB, 1856x1553, fsdffs.jpg)

Ooooooh fuck, I fucking found it, a direct copy of the original apology.
Here they are, the original and the one suspected to have been edited by Cathy/Scott at a later date, with text compared:
No. 191792
>this was nearly 2 years agochanged to
>this was over 2 years agoFucking kek.
No. 191793
>>191783>Q: what do you do when you wake up?>A: […] brush teethLies.
>Q: have you ever been in a fight with a friend?>A: yeah, I have. I left it like thatI think she might mean that she didn't resolve it and they just stopped being friends maybe.
Possibly a reference to Charms?
>>191788Oh wow, source? I don't think I've seen that.
Yeah, she is lucky for that. Shaving sucks and if you have dark body hair even one day of stubble is noticeable. Fuck you, Kootz.
No. 191828
>>191759Am i the ONLY ONE that likes her thighs and find her legs nice/slim/average and not chubby at all?!
Yeah she is fat for a MODEL guys exaggerate she isnt chubby except in the stomach and face tho.
No. 191835
>>191833Exactly. I agree, her weight is fine. She just has a bit more weight than the Japanese models but kota could easy loose it but we all know she's a lazy ass.
Again, she shoops and set herself up for this. It's her own fault at the end of the day, I get she had to market herself in order to get anywhere in life and fool people. But you reap what you sow.
No. 191842
>>191538whenever the one girl started having a giggle fit, lol that bitchy look kota gave her
she looks so annoyed
>>191652lol soon she's gonna be PT. she seems like she would have the same body type if she weighed as much as her.
she's definitely gaining weight
everyone try making this pose (feet together, thighs apart, on high heels/tiptoes) and see how much of a difference it actually makes. she must look so much worse. plus i'm sure there's even photoshop.
No. 191931
>>191928agree. looking good is her JOB. she's responsible for how her body looks. part of the job is eating right and exercising.
she just sucks at her job then.
No. 192195
File: 1444804649033.jpg (48.71 KB, 511x581, lčl.JPG)

lmao da fug
No. 192202
File: 1444805104094.jpg (90.01 KB, 432x261, trouts with fringes.jpg)

>>191305Ain't no denying they're sisters.
No. 192269
>>192243if youre not that anon why are you getting so
triggered on their behalf? relax, put the computer down and go find something productive to be mad about.
No. 192297
>>192188The fuck. Wheres her neck? Wtf was that sound at the end?
Kota you make it move obvious when you dont move that you are trying to after effect yoyrself.
No. 192306
>>192195this screenshot in particular is terrifying
she looks like one of those albino models with huge lips. not in a good way
No. 192335
>>192195>>192188can't wait to see it lol she thinks she looks cute in this??? why would she post this??
i can't tell what video editing program it is but (i've never owned a mac) does the adobe logo with the 4 on it mean she has four adobe programs open?
she looks like an alien fetus throughout the whole preview so she had to have shopped it some way.
No. 192426
>>192195Yeah, she has to go through the process of getting her angle right so making her eyes look bigger and chin smaller.
Kota has to pale her self out as much as possible so the point where we only see background/eyes/mouth and hair.
She then must edit and keep still af so it makes editing easier on AE.
She's gotta upload some cheesy anime music and get kawaii text.
Reverse some crappy kawaii hairstyle she has seen in some magazine.
Why can't she just do cutesy hairstyle with her new shorter hair anyway? We all know she's got extensions in. It'd just be a change.
No. 192572
File: 1444856051146.jpg (14.54 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg)

>>192482Not that anon, but nah, she is technically a blonde. I took three years of cosmetology, for reference.
No. 192725
File: 1444882190347.png (312.61 KB, 750x479, tmp_3731-Kotakoti_quotes2-1471…)

>>191791Reading Kootie's original apology does kind of make me feel for her, but then I see pic related and remember she said all the shit she did because she wanted to, not because she was "bullied" or "pressured". That apology was nothing but a face saving gesture in the first place.
No. 192781
>>192777You are forgetting that this is the girl who has been frying her hair dying it every colour under the sun since she was like 12.
I'm not surprised if she's tired of it now and wants to grow out healthy, natural hair without the bullshit of root maintenance and protection serums.
No. 192797
>>192776whoah whoah whoah anon that's crazy talk!!!
but i agree… like… she has naturally blonde hair and japan loves it. sure she lies about tons of other things (her eyes, for one) but whats wrong with keeping her natural hair. jeez you guys
No. 192861
>>192852to me it sounded like "ah-choo…nyaaaaa"
kawaii animu koti 24/7
No. 192862
>>192845Me too, anon. Me too.
>>192843>she was a stupid kid! Everyone does stupid stuff at that age!!!Idk about you but when I was 12-16 I didn't go around calling people faggot, nigger, pedophile lesbian and insulting them for so much as complimenting me at every single turn. Nor did anyone else I knew, and it's not something I ran into on a regular basis. Dakota and Kiki did it because they're cunts who believed- and still do believe that they're better than everyone else, and other people only exist to worship them and give them things. Dakota hasn't changed into some sweet, kawaii angel. She just learned that she had to hide her nasty personality so she can stay in Japan and keep making money as a """model""".
No. 192865
>>192817>>192840>>192862>>192864The only reason anyone likes Dakota now is because she's a kawaii moderu in glorious Nippon despite being fat, lazy and plain as fuck and the makes them think they have a chance at the same. Or that by somehow ignoring literally everything from before Japan noticed her and saying how cute she looks (when let's be honest, if it were
anyone else she would be torn apart) that koti will notice them.
It baffles me how people are willing to completely forget literally anything as long as you can be attractive or cute and pretend to be polite.
No. 192884
>>192865I agree, it's because kota got there first. Sorry, but she did. She was the one who collected that "living dorru" crown and shooped herself into something Japan would go "wow" at.
Peachymilktea and Kittyphina try, try and try to be like kota. But it's been done, Japan already has a barbie. That's why Venus won't get popularity over there.
No. 192905
>>192901She's fat for a model, to the point where they have to lie about all her measurements and can't put her in jeans. Don't start beating this dead horse again.
>>192884This. Why if they have a Dakota, would they want another one? Beckii and Magibon got noticed by Japan by doing their own thing, and Dakota too. So why would trying to be a clone of them get you anywhere when thy already have the original? Make up your own gimmick.
No. 192913
>>192907You are confusing pop culture models with high fashion models.
Pop culture models, especially Asian ones, have wildly different standards there and it's totally acceptable to have a little bit of chub on you.
No. 192924
>>192913yea its pretty niche
a lot of the pop culture models are tiny or chubby in the right places or something that gives them youthful appeal
No. 192955
>>192843>she seems to have toned down a lotBitch where?
All she's learned to do is close her mouth.
No. 192995
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No. 192996
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No. 192997
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No. 192998
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No. 193007
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No. 193012
File: 1444962409325.png (1.23 MB, 661x846, sdff.png)

No. 193017
File: 1444962939399.png (714.9 KB, 837x474, bawd.png)

I know we already covered Tinkerbell, but I found another vid where you can see her other side clearly and it looks…well…
See for yourself. No. 193018
File: 1444962964749.png (675.26 KB, 840x452, bawd2.png)

No. 193019
File: 1444963012458.png (720.9 KB, 842x471, bawd3.png)

Like, the stylist should be fired for that updo.
It makes her look really bad. I actually feel terrible for her to be seen like that.
No. 193021
>>193017>>193018>>193019jesus fuck
just give her a tinkerbell wig or something similar
No. 193030
File: 1444966028791.png (562.71 KB, 561x730, grosskota.png)

>>193012Holy shit, what is going on with her arm and chest? Her shitty diet and lifestyle has truly ruined her body. Disgusting.
No. 193038
>>193030I have no idea what I'm supposed to be looking at, looks like a healthy arm and chest to me. Am I supposed to be seeing solid bone or something and you have a problem with the lack thereof?
Also imo kota looks hella cute with a bit more meat, she looks soft.
No. 193042
>>193030Anon Im kinda confused on what you are trying to point out here?
I kinda think she looks cute here. Not like a model. But cute in a better than average way.
No. 193062
>>192955are you fucking retarded? Thats exactly the reason she has toned down.
Face it farmers, you are never getting good quality milk from this cow again. Every few weeks you will get some keks from her unedited photos but that's it.
No. 193131
File: 1444996054623.jpg (74.63 KB, 700x1000, dootdoot.jpg)

>>193128thank you, reasonable skelly.
No. 193143
>>192998tbh this pic looks cut and paste. i know its not lol but they look so unnatural and awkward together
>>193030i dont see anything
>>193142are u ok
No. 193178
>>193161Uh, don't you mean dermatology…?
Anatomy/physiology really has nothing to do with identifying skin disorders, and I don't blame anon for not knowing about them. It's not really common knowledge.
No. 193210
>>193202Sorry, I'm
>>193178, I don't think she has anything going on with her skin either, I was just trying to point out that anon doesn't know what they're talking about.
No. 193214
File: 1445018720059.png (358.23 KB, 584x581, Screen Shot 2015-10-16 at 19.0…)

Anyway more dark-haired Kota. I quite like it, but she needs to fill in her brows at least a little darker.
No. 193219
>>193030tbh in england most girls look like this
this is the average brit body
No. 193228
a few days ago i commented "加工しすぎてやばいw" and she blocked me today
anyway theres this
>>193214seems like she listened to our thread lol
now if only kaka would
No. 193290
>>193214Yes, Kota, hear my pleading
You can start with darker wigs
Now it's just a matter of time when she'll dye her own hair
No. 193312
File: 1445040263915.jpg (39.16 KB, 640x637, image.jpg)

>>193288… To have a white space between her iri and the circle lens? Ok…
I know what circle lenses are for, geez, I'm saying that the color doesn't reach her iris so you can see a lot of white space between the end of her iris, and the inside of the lens.
No. 193319
>>193312Are you the same anon from
>>193030 ?
No. 193428
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No. 193429
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No. 193432
File: 1445070778767.png (1.27 MB, 768x1024, dakotawa.png)

No. 193434
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No. 193435
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No. 193519
>>193272In sweden people actually say this. "Make" or like "she's really "maked"
It's a huge pet peeve of mine.
No. 193563
>>193442Yup, tape ftw!
>>193518I'd believe it. She looks hammered, plus she let someone take a pic of her without makeup on (even if she did have them blur her to hell and back).
No. 193570
>>193312I dont even think that is sclera tho… Plz calm down. U are beingautistically nitpicky
Zomg guys kotas iris are sooo tiny trolololol
No. 193586
>>193434Her INTENSE blurring from the thumbnail is really obvious here. It looks awful.
>>193435She looks super haggard here. No wonder she's blurring to death.
No. 193611
>>192160It's not perfect but I don't have much experience with GIMP so best I could do
>>193214Wow, a good step forward, now if she only stopped shopping her pics like an alien.
>>193428I like her here, she looks cute
No. 193635
>>193428She looks like she's in pain and really didn't want this pic taken lol.
>>193434>>193442Looks like red-eye auto correction gone wrong?
No. 193742
>>193673lol no i dont think rumi kanda is kawaii enough for kota
though the AV route seems to be next in line once she is more washed up
No. 193776
>>193769It's so fake it makes me cringe. Who the fuck would keep handbags in your kitchen counter next to the heating place ? She just wanted to show off her things.
Also to me it confirms two things:
- She definitely reads everything we write here. Just when people where complaining she didn't made any new video for one year and wrote a list of suggestions, BAM house tour video
- She's definitely living on someone's money and I'm starting to believe she's really married to someone in Bravo. There's no way she could afford a nice, modern and big apartment in the center of Tokyo (I bet rent is about 150 000y/month if not more) and all that crap with small commercial modeling contracts. There was like 30 pairs of brand shoes, I saw some Swankiss and Liz Lisa.
No. 193779
This is why us Britfags get sensible chuckles whenever non-Brits talk about how much they love the "British accent" and how English people sound so refined.
There are 56 different accents in England alone, and those are only the officially recognised ones, and the vast majority of them are not entirely pleasant to listen to either.
No. 193780
File: 1445174296153.png (722.88 KB, 1280x717, adasda.png)

I'm sure it's just funny angles but her head looks absolutely enormous at 3:53.
Also Dakota, you really should have adjusted the vibrancy and colour balance on this one to a warmer hue. The cold tones make you look really washed out.
No. 193782
>>193776>She's definitely living on someone's money Apartment probably costs more but I believe she gets a ton of presents sent to her from fans, as well as money from Youtube.
I can't even watch this, she's trying not to move her face and eyes and mouth outside of the guidelines.
I forwarded around and saw pictures of her with her friends but not Kaka…
No. 193783
File: 1445174878844.jpg (56.54 KB, 650x433, image.jpg)

>>193769Pretty interesting to watch, I like how minimal it is. Too bad the overdrawn lips and no eye makeup make her look like a demented child that's just eaten a ice lolly. I genuinely think she's trying to make herself look like a toddler.
Her apartment definitley doesn't look like there's a guy living there, both the beds look like singles as well. Has she ever said she lives in the centre of Tokyo? Because apartments like an hour or so away from the centre aren't that expensive compared to a lot of other large cities.
Definitley not discounting that someone could be bankrolling her though.
No. 193789
>>193785Japanese men would pay Kota
not to fuck them.
No. 193790
>>193776I thought the same. I think it's a nice, I love the white theme (I am into white theme too) but it got on my nerves constantly either seeing her face in photo frames, Sailor Moon merch and cats. Seriously, it looked over done.
Plus the make up bags near the cooker though? Jesus christ kota, you've got a pretty apartment. Don't go setting it alight!
I think she reads things on here too. She must do.
Her voice and lips were cringeworthy. I know people do a bit of an 'accent' when they talk in Japanese. But kota's is weird and not cute. Especially when you know her English voice is gruff and deep.
I think it's nice how her fans send her gifts and shit though. I think Dakota really did look up to Audrey Kitching back in her scene days, remember when AK would do those apartment tours? She'd have her pictures on walls, mixed combo of random things that didn't go but still kept it cutesy? I think kota is trying to be like that too. Especially in that NHK apartment tour (its taken down now) but it was where we saw her sketch designs in her old apartment. It was a few months back or so.
I think she could possibly be either married in secret (not living with them) or fucking someone. OR doing something else on the side we don't know about.
No. 193792
File: 1445175475217.png (703.83 KB, 1067x628, kek.png)

Aye it's the Audrey Kawasaki print that farmers claimed she sent back to Kaka after a ~fight~
This goes to show that what we post here about the sister's relationship is purely speculation and we will never know what they're truly like together. No more silly rumors please, unless you have solid proof.
No. 193793
>>193782Yeah, I noticed that too. Lot's of pictures of herself, a few of her friends, but no trace of kacka. Kind of surprising, considering how close they used to be. I mean, I guess it isn't really surprising, as we know things are awkward between them. But it just kinda confirms it.
I reallllly want to know what the situation is with her and the rest of the ostrengas. I'd also love to know what she really thinks about Kiki's desperate visa chasing.
No. 193798
>>193792Only one person ever said that though?
Everything else about them fighting online was pretty legit, especially with the unfollows and these magical leaks of Kaka profiles before each breakdown.
>>193796This, it's the sole reason she's actually still in Japan. Like those videos with her in a bath with the old man?
No. 193803
>>193781I was thinking the same. Every video I see of apartments in Japan, people do their best to make it look cute. But they can't do that much to it cos yh. Reasons.
Compared to how big her bedroom was in America… it must have been a shocker for her when she first arrived there years back,
No. 193837
File: 1445182342484.png (24.03 KB, 738x155, 210000101.png)

>>193769Her lips move in such a freakish manner, it's quite unsettling.
I don't understand Moonspeak so all I have to focus on is her distorted face.
From caption though:
>I suck at translating. Next video I will film in English. Sorry.>I am basically just complaining about the problems I had moving. I moved this year in March.>A lot of buildings do not accept "celebrities" or people in the entertainment industry over here. Understandable…but infuriating.It's nice that she's planning on doing a video in English next, considering she used to give no fucks about her English-speaking audience, or really just anyone that wasn't Japanese.
Also this comment caught me off guard a little bit.
It seems quite…honest? And polite?
Strange to see from Kota. I feel like a couple of years ago when she making vids before, this kind of comment would be one she'd not approve/delete or at least definitely not respond to.
Also lol at Beckii and Abi's comments already.
No. 193838
File: 1445182448907.jpg (56.17 KB, 1536x310, image.jpg)

Why is it so hard for her to get a balance between puckered butthole and smeary blown out vagina. Just do your lips normally Kota.
No. 193847
>>193837Why are you so surprised that over the last 5 years she's actually grown up and matured?
I never understood why people treat present Dakota like some kind of proverbial witch when we hardly get a window into her life as it is.
No. 193853
>these are my real lips! I just used to cover them with makeup, teeheeNext thing you know she'll claim she always wore lenses to make her eyes look smaller before she went to Japan and "stopped wearing lenses". Jfc.
>>193847>>193848Lol shut up Dakota. Grown up and matured eh? That's why she still lies and deletes shit constantly, and keeps trying to subtly "prove" shit to us farmers. If she was so happy and grown up she would be worrying about whitening her teeth and losin weight and nt sitting on her ass lurking lolcow trying to sabotage her sister.
No. 193855
>>193847Cos that's all we know since her and kaka. She doesn't let us into her life anymore so people assume the worst. Who knows, it could all be an act or maybe not.
It's like Venus people know she's an asshole but still treat her like a queen.
No. 193860
>>193847I actually am one of those people that believe she has matured somewhat (maybe not completely) and seems more genuine than she did a couple of years ago.
It just surprised me because it's something we're not used to seeing.
What surprised me more was the honesty rather than the politeness, really. That's one thing she's never really done. She's constantly lying about every aspect of her appearance, she'd usually try to act like her lips are like that ~naturally~ in some way or stay silent and not respond at all.
No. 193861
>>193776My theory is that she's threatened by Taylor because if anything I think it's Taylor who reads this thread and does everything we want Dakota to do (keeping up with videos, apt tours, vlogs of what she can record while working).
Maybe it's both too (reading the thread and threatened by taytay) because it wasnt until Taylor started doing everything we wanted kooter to do until Dakota probably recorded this.
I'm also laughing hardcore at that octave drop on the bit that wasnt recorded with the rest at the end there. If you're gonna pretend your voice sounds like that stay consistent you idiot. Also most people have seen you on TV and you dont sound like that then either so why even bother?????
If she just acted even SLIGTHLY more natural instead of being fake all the time people would like her and I think it's that reason that even with plastic surgery Japan is gonna steadily jump over to Taylor.
No. 193862
>>193856I don't believe it, and there's a very simple reason why:
You're telling me that moving away from her asshole family and living on her own made her grow up and mature? Sure, that might be believable, except you're talking about a girl who never had to work or even finish school and was taught that she deserves everything on a silver platter and that she's better than everyone else.
THEN send her to Japan, give her a modeling contract and watch as the Japanese bend over to ignore her obvious lies just because of their disgusting Anglo fucktoy fetish- how would that make her more mature or grown up?
She still basically doesn't have to work, everything is handed to her and she doesn't even have to put any real work into her appearance or job, no matter what she does they'll still cater to her because ~blonde white and blue eyes so exotic desu~.
I don't believe that having everything she always thought she deserved for nothing handed to her for nothing has made her grow up. She's still a compulsive liar and photoshop/AE addict.
No. 193870
>>193861It's weird isn't it? Taylor isn't as popular as Dakota though. I know Taylor is a spoilt little bastard but I like how she is slightly more honest than Dakota.
I think Dakota has created this illusion for herself so badly that she MUST keep on top of it. So like Taylor showed pictures of her weight gain as a kid, Dakota would never show anything like that. She just wouldn't because A) embarrassing and god help what the japs over on girlschannel would say about her. B) Must obtain barbie doll cos barbies never put on weight and C) too smug do any of that shit.
It's just not her. We'll only ever see the perfection in her life. Never the flaws.
No. 193882
>>193870Well Dakota's got time over Taylor but Taytay already has a contract with zipper I think? She's also deeper in the actual modelling world compared to 'public face' Kooter who gets in a lot of things where they can use her name but she'll never be in a legit fashion show where they dont name every model.
Even though Taylor is loaded I dont think she necessarily lets that affect her. Even in her videos talking about vegetarian and gluten-free options I never felt like she was talking down to me (see: the Ostrenga method of 'if you dont do what we do it's gross/wrong') and honestly I dont care about plastic surgery at all and I honestly hope Taylor dethrones dakota because she's a better influence and seems to actually put effort and try.
Sure she has it easier because she's spoiled (which she doesnt even flaunt her money cause she still spends wisely and could easily go overboard) but she seems to put effort into looking nice (working out/knowing how to dress) compared to Dakota who it's as cute, doesnt work as hard and is literally handed her jobs because of her shoops.
No. 193883
>>193877To add to that, the girl PURPOSELY gained too many cms on her waist so that she'd be sent home. The main girl in the documentary suddenly retracted her feelings and said that the producers of the documentary cast their experience in a negative light, but… Just watching it you can tell that both girls are absolutely miserable.
The modeling industry is tough. A lot of people think that it's just getting into clothes and being kawaii and sitting around getting your photos taken. It's not like that at all. You have to be "on" all the time and even then, you're going to be rejected a LOT. Once you get a job, it's full of really, really long days on your feet. Not even that, but posing and such takes a lot of practice to get good at because what looks good is different for everyone. Then on top of that you're in the public eye and people can shit on you all they want. (Not saying Kooter doesn't deserve it; she definitely does.)
Also, I shudder thinking about how catty Japanese models would be… Especially to foreigners.
I guess to some people it doesn't seem too bad, but once you do it you realize how draining it can be. Obviously she's not digging ditches or doing rocket science, but there's still an exhausting element to it.
No. 193885
>>193861>>193870And they should, in my opinion.
Taylor is everything Kota wants to/shoops herself to be. She's like the Dakota that should have been.
She's pretty, thin and in shape, healthy, honest, seems friendly, actually puts effort into the modelling stuff, has long
thick and real hair, seems to have an actual personality, etc. etc.
I mean, the whole copying Kota thing in itself is kind of dumb and she should just ~be herself~ or whatever (also stop with those god-awful cheek fillers), but she really is a better Kota than Kota herself.
No. 193887
>>193880I actually like it… :3(
It at least makes her stand out somewhat from all the other weebs that dress in all kawaii shit 24/7. She'd be more boring and generic I think if she switched completely to cute girly stuff.
No. 193889
>>193887TBH I like it too, but it's not about what
we like- it's what Japan likes. And kawaii dolly uguu will beat 90's tomboy by a landslide every day of the week.
No. 193894
>>193891Basically that her computer broke for a really long time, and that it took her 6 hours to fix it, but she got it working again.
She said she "forgot about YouTube" because she was always on her phone… Yeah, okay.
No. 193896
>>193769Wow this proves she does massive editing.
She films the video in the room with the hello kitty bed pillows, but when she tours that room, you see there is almost no good lighting in thre
No. 193900
>>193897I asked a japanese teen girl on hellotalk what she thought of taylor and she said "Kawaii kunai" so nah
tay aint cute apparently because "her face is too long"
No. 193902
>>193885I have to agree. Taylor does have quite a few awkward moments but her personality is very likable and she has interesting content. She is also leagues ahead in the living doll department compared to Dakota who only fits that look with shoops or when wearing lolita.
I would actually really like to see Taylor in lolita, if she wore a longer dress I think she would look stunning.
>>193888This so much, it is such a thing to aim to look very young now and taylor could easily pass for 21-23. If she keeps doing workout and nutrition videos that would help her a lot, plus some makeup videos probably wouldn't hurt.
No. 193903
>>193901Also proves she uses google translate because its pronounced
Hantoshi ijou
But google translate audio function awkwardly reads it as hanto shiijou
No. 193905
>>193900A singular girl thinking taylor's face is too long vs entire groups who hate dakota's entire head to toe appearance. Ok.
Dakota's real appearance would never get her anywhere which is why she's ALWAYS shooped. Push comes to shove they could shoop tay's face shorter and she'd still have the advantage of still looking as cute irl.
No. 193906
>>19390Lol wow you really cant winwith asians
Faces are either too fat or too long
No. 193911
>>193909And even then, wouldn't doing a video in English be just as difficult, because she would have to put Japanese subtitles on it?
So not only is her spoken Japanese so poor she can't script her own videos without google translate, she probably has someone else subtitle them for her too. Wow.
No. 193916
>>193906I don't want to be a cunt but the majority of Japanese females aren't that 'kawaii' anyway. SOME alright yeah but the nice features. But most look average.
Don't get me started about the monkey ass looking men.
No. 193924
>>193909>>193911I trust you guys don't know any first-generation immigrants? Everyone learns language at a different pace, for some people it takes a year but for some it might take ten. My roommate and her mother came here 5 years ago and her mom, with a full time job, still struggles severely with English and has her daughter help her a lot because she's still learning. Fluency in any language is not easy and Japanese is a big jump.
Not saying Kota is some kind of amazing angel but cut her some slack about her speaking levels. Except for when she brags about how good her nipponese is; then we can lay into her.
No. 193925
File: 1445189020022.jpg (15.72 KB, 192x320, i320.jpg)

>>193911Personally, I've always thought Dakota memorized sentences for her videos. The way she speaks sounds like she's been practicing a speech, and her action (to me at least) look rehearsed as well.
>>193916No you aren't a cunt anon. It's true.
No one is really considered cute in Japan lol unless they're Japanese themselves, if Taylor went against an ugly Japanese girl for some modelling thing, they would screech for the Japanese girl.
No. 193926
File: 1445189170261.jpg (30.81 KB, 450x304, 535px-10.jpg)

>>193925Not saying they're all ugly obviously not. I mean like any country the cute and pretty are going to be famous/public eye. But weebs and otaku need to understand that this… yes this i.e picture ain't no sailor moon shit
No. 193930
She probably fucking will aswell bless her kokoro
No. 193932
>>193847I just can't get past the fact that she lied on TV about her eyes while wearing circle lenses
Shit like that is why I can't really find her likable
No. 193944
>that's why she still liesReally? How? When?
>and deletes shit constantlyLike?
>and keeps trying to subtly "prove" shit to us farmerslol no she fucking doesn't that's an unfounded rumour that started here and you know it
>If she was so happy and grown up she would be worrying about whitening her teeth and losin weightHer weight is fine and her teeth are absolutely fine. You sound like an ana-chan.
>and nt sitting on her ass lurking lolcow trying to sabotage her sisterkek, another baseless rumour.
I get that this is lolcow but you are SO jealous of this girl and it couldn't be more obvious. You're fucking obsessed lel
No. 193945
Dakota's weight is not 'fine'. No matter what you say she is too overweight for the modelling scene. Even BEFORE she recently put on more weight she was too big the the popteen beach shoots (hence why she's constantly covering her stomach and in the running shot is noticeably bigger than everyone else.
This is a thread about how kooter is a lolcow if you wanna go pretend she's your kawaii skinny elf goddess-chan go elsewhere.
No. 193950
>>193932Isn't that what all these chicks do, though? They're lying cunts. Kota's baggage is just even more visible to us as westerners.
That might literally be why she's still getting jobs and interviews and shit, too.
No. 193951
>>193945>>193946You're dumb and don't understand that Western modelling=/=Asian modelling. They're two completely different standards.
I'm sorry you missed out on your dream to be a kawaii leeving dull idoru but that's just the way the news goes babe.
No. 193952
>>193944and you're starting to sound like a crazy ostrenga
>SO jealousyeah like i'm jealous of her thinning hair and deep laugh lines and tree trunk legs
No. 193953
>>193952You sound it.
Nobody who isn't jealous of somebody spends that much time trying to meticulously tear somebody's appearance apart, especially somebody they've never even met.
No. 193954
>>193926>>193925>>193916>>193921But you guys do realize the same is true for western countries, right?
I don't even want to get that one photo an anon posted of Megan Marie with her friends when she was in middle/high school. Most people in the world are fucking hideous, but they're so used to it/skilled at filtering the local populace's ugliness, they don't even realize it.
Dakota is above average compared to most of the inbred-looking, mannish hamplanets from America or Britland.
No. 193957
>>193953i haven't even posted in this thread since before her video was posted.
sorry can you tell every anon apart?
not everyone that likes to shit talk someone is jealous of them. i know i'm not jealous of the people i shit talk. i would never want to be in dakota's place. she gets laughed at on a daily basis by both english speakers and japanese speakers. who would want that?
No. 193958
>>193957Shittalking is NOT the same as shitting on somebody's appearance.
Here on lolcow we're supposed to rag on people for the things they can change, not the things they can't. Crapping on Dakota for her hair and face puts you firmly in PULL territory.
We're supposed to have higher standards jeez.
No. 193959
>>193958seriously? are you aware of how much is talked about her thinning hair here and how many screen caps there are of it?
or how much her body is talked about?
just scroll up it's literally right there
No. 193961
>>193944>Really? How? When?-lenses
-where she is from
-not to mention how she claims there are not pics of her with her family past the age of 7
I get it, Kota is your waifu but goddamn you can calm down any time now.
No. 193964
>>193951lol Never wanted to be an idol and Dakota isnt an idol so I dont see how that even makes sense. You can act all high and mighty until someone actually proves you wrong huh?
You can be a chubby idol but nah you cant really be a chubby model without the levels of shoop and whatever trick dakota is using. you think the other girls are 2/3 the size of Dakota for funsies????
Ok delusion-chan
No. 193968
>>193966Kek, I'm probably the biggest oldfag out of all of lolcow in terms of -chan status.
Maybe I'm just getting too old for the rampant cattiness.
I like to see people punished for their shitty actions, not for stuff they cannot help nor change.
No. 193973
>>193970i was gonna ask,
why are none of her pictures hung up on the wall?
the one kiki gave her used to be up
No. 193974
>>193970lets hope she never leaks on that tho
p.s kota wear super thick pads or good tampon when you're on the blob
dont be a dirty bitch like your sister and bleed all over the place
No. 193975
>>193973cos kaka is below her :^)
where she belongs kek
No. 193976
>>193970Her sofa is really, really nice, but I'd be terrified of staining it… White gets super dirty super fast regardless.
I thought her house was pretty cute, but I did find it kind of obnoxious that she was just trying to show off her VW stuff by putting them next to the oven… wtf. I bet you she got them for cheap at Closet Child too, kek. They do look real for once, tho. I think that's the only true VW she owns.
No. 193978
>>193972I agree, it's boring as fuck. I'm not a kota fan either but I'm tired of always seeing "she fat" or "her hair this tho" I mean we ALL know and kota knows herself.
It's boring seeing the same mean ass comments. I'm not white knighting her kawaii jenner lookin' ass but it does get boring.
No. 193979
>>193973Japanese landlords are very, VERY strict regarding modifications made to their rental apartment, and this includes not placing anything on the walls.
This is why you will very rarely see pictures/photos/mirrors on walls, they all buy standing mirrors for this reason.
>>193978This p. much.
No. 193980
I thought that too! When I saw the VW bag I tought "Jesus kota, you finally shelled out and actually bought an authentic viv?"
Yeah, I find how vain she is quite… a bit disturbing. Pictures of her face all over the place. Kota thinkin' she's the queen of Shiba apparently but okay.
But yeah… I'd be scared of getting the sofa dirty too D:
No. 193982
You'd think what with the key money business they'd be a bit more lenient too.
No. 193990
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>>193984They remind me of that blonde bitchy manager from Bratz Rock Angels as a kid.
No. 193994
>>193990Holy shit that fucking show, nostalgia bomb.
I remember coming in and watching it for time-fodder when I came in back from highschool. It was actually pretty good I thinl.
No. 193996
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and kaka
jfc the pair of them look like those horrid ass twins
No. 193997
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>>193990but seriously though, kota's lips do look very tsubasa like
No. 194002
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>>193996I actually think that photo has been shooped by somebody to make her uglier.
This is the original and let's face it,
>>193996 is amusing but those are not her features at all.
No. 194005
>>193988Er, it's not just a Japanese thing but yeah.
>>193997They're similar but Kota has made hers rounder, hence the blow-up doll comments. Her top lip is drawn/edited crazily high.
No. 194006
>>194002oh okay i see they made her nose bigger.
we all know their photos aren't real anyway
No. 194016
>>193983Yea i though so too. I was wondering why she would be given that place.
Or in the unlikely event its her/her parents money, why she wants 2br….
Im kinda jelly of it tbh
No. 194017
>>194016i'm so confused why she has a 2 bedroom with two beds.
she for sure lives by herself?
No. 194047
>>194032 <<< it ain't on youtube so I had to post link.
This is Dakota's FIRST apartment tour with NHK
No. 194052
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a picture somewhere of Kaka saying she gave Dakota a bunch of Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor shit? Yet in her apartment video she points out that the Cardcaptor goods were from fans? If I'm wrong, I'll delete this comment.
No. 194061
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>>194052So I ended up finding the picture. On twitter she claimed Kaka gave her the Cardcaptor goods, but in the video these are apparently from her fans.
No. 194062
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>>194052No you're right, I actually checked her insta and the photo was there but only had tags, so I checked twitter and lo and behold Google translate at least gave us the gist. And I'm pretty sure you don't mix up 'sister' and 'fans' in Japanese, the words aren't even close.
No. 194066
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>>194063>Either it was a touching gift from your sister when you were sick, or nice gifts from fans.Can't wait to see if Dakota deletes the video and changes the text. Just in case though, here's a better screenshot.
No. 194076
>>194074How does that make her a cunt?
The enemy of our enemy is our FRIEND goddamnit.
Dakota you fucking beauty, kiss me.
No. 194087
>>193780I'm not convinced she has gotten any fillers or anything,
but her face is giving the botox lady vibe.
No. 194095
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No. 194097
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>>194095It's like the wannabe popular girls kissing up to the popular girl and wishing they could be friends
No. 194106
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No. 194120
>>194115The kawaii white girl in Japan YouTube community has been thirsty for years to befriend Kota and collab with her but she doesn't seem interested in being friends.
Ive noticed most of them have all done stuff with each other at some point.
No. 194124
>>194116Yeah but anon, despite what she's gained and been given she's also created a shit name for herself and even the Japanese are catching on to it now. Just go look over on Girlschannel.
She isn't as big as she was, c'mon. I'm not dissing her or anything but I will be honest and say, Dakota was not as huge as she was in 2012 when the whole kawaii world went ape shit.
She's popular among those who are into cute fashion, internet and Japan. Obv she'll seem popular if you look her up every day and follow her.
But she's not as big as Risa Nakamura, Lena, Leah ect. She COULD be but no where near as big.
Risa has already claimed the doll look, Japanese find her endearing. Leah was sexy fucker. Rola was an annoying but yet kawaii hafu Japan liked and Lena had those beauty spots.
Dakota is every weeb living doll or otaku loli's wet dream (thus old japanese perv). They CRAVE to have her attention and be her.
But it's been done.
Japan has a barbie doll and that's it.
No. 194126
>>194120No because Dakota is smart enough to know that they'll drag her down, use her and just become baggage. I mean I don't blame her though, it's effort having to do collabs and interviews with people you don't give a shit about despite only sharing an interest in Japanese fashion and cute shit.
I mean… Abi, Beckii, Himezawa, Mira ect would probably LOVE to have Dakota in one of their videos and talk to her. It won't happen. Yuka had the DELIGHT of meeting Dakota and obv, Dakota ain't interested in being tomodachi with her.
They literally ALL leech off each other. It's just that Dakota beat them to it with the dolly thing when it wasn't as popular and had the right 'look'.
Himezawa was too late plus she's too lanky and has an ugly fucking nose.
Peachymilktea, cute kind girl. But her face isn't… it doesn't have that baby face appeal.
TaylorR… MAYBE. But too tall, eyes are brown (if they were blue then yh).
Venus, too late. Isn't that dolly, as average as Dakota but she didn't take the right route when she went viral and has a stupid mother.
Beckii… didn't last.
Abi-pop… won't happen, Japan isn't interested.
Dakota did it at the right time, had tricks up her sleeve, sister had drama she could benefit from thus followers already. She had a good starting point for all this shit basically.
No. 194129
>>194125I think it's finding the right "niche" which is different and appealing enough to gain a following. But so many things have been done, nowadays it's difficult.
If you want to be a model and get some popularity in Japan. Just fucking get a contract like a normal person (if you got da luk obv) and start an online somehow.
Thing is the barbie title BELONGS to Dakota. Dolls are cute, kawaii and pretty.
What else could you latch onto which is like a doll and could gain you popularity in Japan?
That's why this is difficult. Finding that right identity which is different from anyone elses.
Japan isn't interested in skeletal models, 90s tom boy fashion, goffik grunge.
It has to be sweet and nice.
But everything has already been done.
No. 194143
>>194124The japanese are not just catching on. They probably know for a while. But like any celebrity in any country there is a shite tonne of trash talk about them and just as many obsessed baka fangirls. Take the kardashians people literally worship them and others see them for the retarded pueces of shit they are.
Trust me, its not like dakota actually had the wool over their eyes for any stretch of the imagination. And its not like celebrity gossip sites actually stop the person from getting gigs (unless its some crazy scandal)
No. 194146
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Guys calm down she still mentioned gifts from sister
No. 194148
>>194145Because no matter how kawaii japan is, english will always be a bigger audience. By speaking only in japanes for a long time in social media and her videos, i think she was trying to maintain some sort of exclusivity orrrrr trying to escape and do her own thing for herself.
In any case, using english more will only expand her audience
No. 194155
>>193769ok, there is no way she lives close to central Tokyo and can afford a two bedroom apartment with all appliances and a huge bathroom. She has to live AT LEAST an hour train ride away (more than likely more than that).
Although, she could have a sugardaddy footing the apartment rent bill.
But seriously, why does she need two bedrooms?