File: 1403574979170.jpg (158.9 KB, 500x750, image.jpg)

No. 82
So if anyone is wondering why the Kiki and Kota threads got taken down, here's the gist:
Kiki whines to crowdgatherer, the host of free forums that PULL was violating their TOS. They contacted the admins giving them 48 hours to take down these threads or they will delete them themselves. They deleted what they could, but the host wasn't happy. They deleted the Kiki summary page. In a flurry of what happened they moved the Kota and Kiki thread to admin only viewing. One of the admins said this on the SR Kiki thread before it was deleted. I don't have caps but here's the link to kikis rant: No. 87
This is her? is she a scammer
No. 460
>>447>>447Top kek.
Kiki is back on forum index on PULL, and Kooter's sub forum is still accessible via google. You had one job Kiki, take you and kawaiielfdesu's shit off PULL. She can't even do that much.
No. 746
>>745Now we can confirm that the whole ~im learning
cof Chinese, look how educated i am guise~ was for the solely purpose of looking for Taobao keywords and where the "Report video" is located.
No. 1976
>>1957hmm I'm not sure how it would affect the quality but there should be tutorials/programs online to convert flv's to Mp4's or w/e formats you need it to be in.
(sorry, I'm not much of a video person either)
No. 2722
File: 1405884427827.png (48.47 KB, 638x141, BdLXRHqCQAEl4fX.png large.png)

Kiki just faved this on Twitter, seems like she is only lurking all her sites while posting nothing since her plan didn't work.
Credit to some Anon on the PULL chat.
No. 2828
File: 1405986775622.webm (9.18 MB, 320x240, 1.webm)
bullying obese girl in crash crash.
No. 2831
File: 1405988138444.webm (14.55 MB, 512x288, alien_face.webm)
dakota and kiko bitching.
No. 2845
File: 1405997758265.webm (8.64 MB, 512x288, braces.webm)
No. 2972
File: 1406101161623.webm (15.57 MB, 426x240, wut_moar_racism.webm)
one of the videos i want to post is a big one. it's 22.31MB apparently too big for this site. i keep getting:
413 Request Entity Too Large nginx
No. 2973
File: 1406101811213.webm (16.77 MB, 426x240, lesbians.webm)
No. 2974
File: 1406102054007.webm (10.6 MB, 320x240, cathystfu.webm)
No. 2980
Jfc, those videos, I can't believe I forgot just how awful they both were back in their heyday, at least now they do a better job of covering it up. So funny how far away their actual personalities are from how they're now trying to portray themselves.
>>2900How old is Dakota trying to pass herself off as again nowadays? Like 18/19? If the video is from 2008 then that means she would have supposedly been 12/13 in it. I mean we already knew they're most likely lying about their ages, but Kooter really being 20/21 and Kiki 23/24 does add up a lot more than the ages they try to give.
No. 3889
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No. 3890
>>3887This was also in the description of her vid, she removed it already tho:
Sure am tired of the death threats, posting private information, cyber stalking turning into real life stalking, and constant harassment. I've cried so much over the years from the abuse and reached out for help many times with no success due to our lacking loophole laws regarding the internet and crime, so much that all I can do now is laugh, put on a strong face and feel a bit shocked…
It's so sad and absolutely wrong that abusive people can just target however they want online and stalk, harass, taunt, and solicit violence and hate against someone because of jealousy or their own self hatred and be able to hide under their anonymous veil. There needs to be some litigation changes regarding technology and how our legal system defines these crimes and interprets them. If these actions were committed in the 3D arena, these people would be arrested immediately.
After you've been jumped in real life by people you don't know who run hate sites dedicated to you, people sending death threats, people blaming you for your own rape and posting my rape incident report when I was a minor, people posting private information on all your family members, contacting employers/clients/business partners/suppliers/boyfriends/friends, taking pictures of your home and posting it online along with your address and how many miles they are away from you, calling your home a repeated number of times, describing what you wear when they stalk you in public, hack your phone voicemail, write such obnoxious lies and solicit hate from neutral people, vandalize your home, say they're going to kill your cat and then your cat disappears - the list goes on…. the internet becomes a very unsafe, stressful place. The abuse has totally wiped away any fun the internet poses.
No. 3899
>>3890She didn't remove it, there's two new videos. One is the herbal vid and the other is a video of her lying about why she won't be on social media any more.
Also she's looking haggard as fuck these days.
No. 3904
File: 1406638879175.jpg (13.06 KB, 194x300, 1249641234332_192.jpg)

>>3887God damn! That forehead!
No. 3924
File: 1406649583440.jpg (168.32 KB, 1277x1419, Untitled-1.jpg)

She actually does look like she's legitimately ill in these new videos. I guess she took finding about PULL pretty hard. Is there any way a person can continue to convince themselves that it's just one obsessed stalker when there's a forum with literally thousands of members signed up?
It's stupid because I might actually be able to feel even the slightest of sympathies towards her because let's face it, nobody likes to have their projects shat all over and it seems like this Lilkitten debacle has been nothing short of an enormous catastrophe - no pun intended.
For everything she's done and continues to do though, she gets nothing from me.
Dakota did the right thing, even if it was the most half assed apology, she still did it.
What bugs me about her is that really anything "bad" Dakota ever did really pales in comparison to Kirsten, but I have not once seen this girl display even one inkling of regret or embarrassment for her past behaviours and behaviours of the present.
She's always harping on about inner light and karma and forgiveness and all that crystal vegan bullshit, does she even realise how hypocritical she sounds?
This is her karma. If she could pull her head out of her ass and just make a proper apology to the people she's hurt I am positive that 90% of this hate would vanish.
But of course she won't, because she's convinced herself that she never did anything wrong in the first place. I do not see a bright future for this girl.
No. 3944
>>3924Christ, that picture. Her eyes were always pretty dull (even behind the circle lenses), but now they look full-on dead. She looks like a zombie.
Whatever amount of hatred she must feel for the world is probably magnified by ten.
No. 3951
>>3944That's exactly it; she just looks completely dead behind the eyes.
I wonder if she even believes her own bullshit.
No. 3964
>>3952 Kiki herself even admitted that it was always Kota who was the stronger one when it's about dealing with people and negativity (for example she wrote something on formspring how Kota was the one defending her when some guys where unpleasant to her, she only hid behind).
Kiki should finally get help. It's a horrible life she's leading and it's about time she realized how wrong and paranoid she is. As
>>3924 wrote - if she made an apology majority of people would back off, simple as that. But she's way too paranoid and probably believes her own lies (I can't imagine anyone acting and lying all these years without actually believing what they're saying).
It's about time, Kiki. You've done a lot of shit, it's about time to admit it without turning everything around and lying.
She looks bad in these videos but no wonder - her "big awesome project she was working so hard on" didn't work out and all that meltdown on twitter - bet it's stressful.
No. 4044
File: 1406688283530.jpg (3.81 KB, 180x180, ms290.jpg)

>>3887thank god she uses "~longevity health beauty~" potions, she would look like pic related without them.
and rofl at her post about people mistaking her for a middle school kid. Sure Keekz. Sure
No. 4728
>>4546She does herself no favours in screen caps like this.
She's always had a long face so why amplify it with long straight hair and lighting up her forehead?
Dakota has a rounder face so it works. Does Kiki have no style of her own? Is she really dominated by her younger sibling?
No. 4827
File: 1407086391241.jpg (121.45 KB, 822x383, 1384213892949.jpg)

Kirsten will always remain my favourite lolcow.
How many other e-celebs can claim that their very existence has influenced to the point that it brought about the end of anothers (i.e. Danny)?
This girls life from beginning to end has been a complete trainwreck, and all by her and her families own hand.
We've all heard the rumours about how cruel and punishing Cathy is on Dakota and Kirsten when they don't live up to her highest expectations, and also rumours of how Kirsten used to chastise and deride Dakota as the fat one.
Now Dakota is the pretty, successful one. She's achieved her dreams at such a young age, has managed to construct a fairly respectable modelling career within Asia and is reeling in the honto ni ¥¥¥¥¥¥, and where is Kirsten for all this? Why kek, she's stuck at home scrimping and scraping for nickels with her shitty rip off music and failed scam store.
She tried to go to Japan in the hopes of being nanpa'd by some desperate scout and whisked away into the world of modelling just like Dakota was, because ALL Japanese like totally worship whites, right!?
And where did that end up? She had a one night stand with some unknown musician whom after only one night she managed to piss off and have him promptly dump her ass and so she left in disgrace with nothing to show for it, oh wait, except for some DJ deck she claims she was given as a gift when we all know she probably bought it herself.
Picture related, the only Final Fantasy character Kirsten will ever look like.
No. 4838
Holy fucking shit guys I have just found something huge.
Whatever anybody here reading this does, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES POST THIS TO PULL
It is clear now that Kirsten has in fact lurked the website as far back as March 2014 which is the month the directory was created.
Basically what I have found, is an enormous unsecured directory created by Kirsten uploaded to her official website, and within this directory is hundreds of screenshots of PULL, Twitter, Youtube, Encylopedia Dramatica, downloads of users images, data on users locations, private emails, PDF's containing sensitive details and fully annotated what appears to be evidence for case files and a possible suit.
This data seems to stretch back all the way to her early scene years.
Kirsten has capped and saved fucking everything.
If anybody can possibly save all of this data and upload it to a secured server out of her reach, I would do so ASAP because when she finds this it'll be gone in seconds.
This is insane. No. 4840
File: 1407097471786.jpg (238.15 KB, 767x862, 448.jpg)

She really does believe that it's all one persona and that they can speak in Japanese, Chinese, English, Russian etc.
No. 4846
File: 1407098440747.png (234.4 KB, 1277x727, Screen-Shot-2014-07-29-at-9.37…)

Guys, it looks as if the archive is being updated by Kiki every day.
This was only screenshotted 3 days ago.
No. 4848
>>4845He is no longer active on Tumblr, but either way I don't think he would keep any of this stuff to himself.
If you want to keep this up and let them keep adding to the directory, keep quiet.
No. 4850
File: 1407098717340.jpg (182.22 KB, 827x763, 10268326_10202601615898809_401…)

So there was a hidden shill on PULL.
Who was it?
No. 4851
>>4838The fuck?
She's crazy.
No. 4852
File: 1407098873443.png (205.58 KB, 1271x716, Screen-Shot-2014-07-29-at-9.36…)

She is actively browsing the PULL chatbox.
Do not, DO NOT post this PULL.
No. 4861
>>4860Looks like it's Dakota behind these reports, though.
Either that or Kiki/Cathy claiming to be her to get everything deleted.
No. 4863
>>4859No problem.
>>4860I recommend linking to instead of her site, since 1) she'll likely take it all down soon and the link will expire, and 2) she can see who is viewing what. I edited your link.
No. 4868
>>4866She does? I thought she only knew SR but then it got deleted.
If that's true, I'm surprised she hasn't archived everything in this thread too.
No. 4871
>>4869In any case, I think we should wait and see for now (or just privately link this to PULL users somehow, idk).
This is way too insane to destroy just yet.
No. 4875
File: 1407100763678.png (1.07 MB, 1280x800, Screen-Shot-2014-07-29-at-12.1…)

Anyone know her deal with this chick? There's like a bunch of nudes and caps of her saved for some reason, even though pretty much nothing in them is related to the Ostrengas from what I've seen.
Is this just one of the MySpace girls she had an e-fight with years ago?
No. 4878
>>4876It was inevitable it would get out. This chan isn't exactly private.
It doesn't matter since everything is archived.
No. 4880
>>4876Are you fucking kidding me?
Ugh, this always happens. There's always a fucking snitch and/or retard who has to ruin everything.
No. 4883
>>4878It does though because Kirsten was adding to the archive every day and now it will get shut down.
Not only that, but they didn't link to Kirsten's website, they linked directly to lolcow so now Kirsten will be aware of the site.
Way to go you little faggot.
No. 4899
This is a very interesting piece of information.
I don't know how much of it is true due to Cathy's bias, but some of you give it a read. It's a detailed account of the relationship they had with Danny Cespedes and was written whilst he was still alive. No. 4903
>>4902idk but given that so many of the files are annotated suggests that they have in mind to use them in suit.
That being said, I read in an email from Cathy that starting a suit would cost $15,000 and that they just don't have that kind of money, so idk.
Either way this is some messed up shit.
No. 4908
>Danny is in stable condition at the moment. He received an additional10k for the possession of cocaine, 5k for pot, and 10k for fleeing. Danny
was also on drugs that night. I was hoping that in the hospital someone
would have drug tested him. Shouldn’t he have also been charged with
some kind of reckless endangerment of another human when he jumped?
>What if he fell on a person?Oh my fucking god Cathy I don't even.
No. 4914
>>4904Haha oh wow, Cathy must have been using it.
Danny Cespedes was a dude that Kirsten was dating.
Cathy let Danny live with them in Kirsten's room and after a while they ended up sleeping together.
Kirsten would regularly brag about the size of his dick and how good the sex was on Stickam, but then Danny suddenly dumped her for another girl.
Kirsten was apparently heartbroken, Cathy was furious and tried to file a rape charge against him. She phoned another young girl that Cathy knew hung around with Danny, and lied to her saying that Danny had raped an infant and was on the run. She tricked this girl into having Danny meet her on the promise of sex at a mall in Florida where they live.
Danny did indeed show up, but then the cops jumped him. Whilst in handcuffs, he made a break for it and tried jumping from the top of the mall into a giant trash thing. He missed and hit the pavement instead, and then died shortly after.
There are pictures of him in his coffin floating around online.
Cathy regularly uses that she " got the last guy who messed with her family killed" as a threat against her internet detractors.
No. 4915
If I Google for "Kiki Ostrenga" or "Cathy Ostrenga" I get the same message. Dakota is fine though.
But I don't understand how a US citizen could claim to be protected by an EU law.
No. 4918
Check out this email that Laura Southworth chick sent Kirsten.
She really does have schizophrenia. No. 4920
File: 1407104424600.png (216.67 KB, 1280x731, Screen-Shot-2014-07-29-at-9.35…)

Watch out Lexipedia! They're onto you!
No. 4921
>>4918She also mentions Shmegeh and Felice in that e-mail.
I'm just imagining some Perfect Blue type shit where this Laura chick obsessively watches videos of and scrolls through the blogs of skinny, internet famous white girls and ends up pretending she's them so hard she actually believes it and loses pretty much all sense of self. It's almost depressing, to be honest.
>I do not appreciate the usage of my child porn.What the fuck
No. 4922
No. 4924
>>4922Can anybody find that users profile on PULL? Then we can find all the posts made by that user.
Holy shit what if they are found to be shit talking Kirsten and Dakota themselves through it?
No. 4927
>>4925The information in there is pretty sensitive, I don't think she'd want this shit getting out at any cost.
I think she's just not too internet savvy and didn't realise the directory was public.
No. 4931
>>4925It's the media folder for her Wordpress installation. If she protected that folder she'd break all the images etc on her entire site. So the question is why is she uploading this stuff to her site? Is she planning to do a big exposé on all her haters?
In some pictures she's using as a web proxy. Web proxies leak your IP all over the place so they're not worth using.
But in reality, IPs don't work how 99.9% of people on here and PULL think they do so there really isn't any need for her to hide her IP unless she's breaking the law.
No. 4936
File: 1407106558456.png (792.45 KB, 1920x1080, Screen-Shot-2014-07-28-at-7.02…)

Look at her fucking desktop omg D:
No. 4939
File: 1407106893367.jpg (23.82 KB, 565x318, amy.jpg)

>>4936Holy shit, she reminds me of that Amy's Bakery woman from Kitchen Nightmares.
No. 4940
>>4937I feel like a lot of this stuff might be Cathy. Who prints out stuff and takes a photo of it, apparently with an iPhone 4s?
Do we know what Kiki's current phone is? A 4s is still a good phone but also a likely hand me down to another family member.
No. 4941
File: 1407107282439.png (14.68 KB, 588x136, 3523.png)

This sounds even more funny now with her and her mom's constant stalking of sites talking about her.
No. 4943
This is like Christmas in August, seriously.
>>4927I thought that after all these years and people constantly digging up her personal info, dirt and drama she would've learned to keep stuff like that on her hard drive or an USB stick instead of uploading it to the internet. Especially onto an account that's undeniably hers. A couple of years ago people used a script to bypass the password protection on her Photobucket account. Similar stuff was found on it. After it was spread all over tumblr, the account was wiped, if I remember correctly.
>>4931> Is she planning to do a big exposé on all her haters?I wouldn't put it past her, especially since she's not only been screenshotting posts but also collecting personal info about some of the posters - she's always been vindictive as hell. The whole new age-love-light-spirituality-shit is nothing but facade. If anybody needed proof, here it is.
> If she protected that folder she'd break all the images etc on her entire site.Yes and no. Depends on how one does it. It's actually a quite simple trick to prevent people from being able to look at your directories.
>>4935It seems like the more she fades into obscurity, the more her "haters" are getting to her. Back then, she actually had a following to send after anybody who "attacked" her. That buffer seems to have worn extremely thin. Now she's just another ugly new age hipster with a Youtube channel, not a scene queen with a mass following of easily influenced teenage girls anymore. She's clearly a lot further off the rails than she was before.
> Some of the uploads on there are there since years Some of the files are old but they haven't been on her webspace before last month. Wordpress creates new folders for each month's uploads, in the format of /year/month/, e.g. /2014/07/. I assume she uploaded them all after her twitter meltdown. Whether she wanted them to be found by whoever cared enough to look for them to stir up some drama or with the plan to write an exposé about her "haters" later - who knows.
No. 4944
>>4933This is part of what I mean about people who don't know how IPs really work. This happens on Tumblr and PULL all the time and people get accused of things with zero actual evidence.
IPs are sold in large batches to ISPs. Since most ISPs only operate in one country this means that IP geolocation is very accurate on a country level. But ISPs do sometimes trade blocks so you have to keep your geo database up to date (once a month is recommended).
(Aside: Big multinationals like Amazon or Google have their own blocks that they use however they want and so their IPs can move between countries every couple of days. Geolocation totally fails on these corporate IPs.)
Since ISPs usually operate over a whole country, geolocating to a state or city level is much harder. Most likely everyone will just appear to be coming from wherever their nearest data centre is which is usually the nearest big town.
(When I lived in Scotland, Google always thought I was in Aberdeen or Edinburgh despite being 100 miles from each.)
Residential IPs are dynamic, which means every time you connect you get a different IP. To get a static IP you usually have to have a business account and pay a tiny bit extra every month. However, many residential IPs don't actually change that often because ISPs try to reallocate the same IP to each MAC address which is sort of like your modem's serial number (but isn't actually). Even if your ISP does this you can still change your IP by changing the MAC address of your modem or just unplugging your modem for a couple of days.
(BT, and most DSL based ISPs in the UK give you a new IP every time you connect. Cable based ISPs like Virgin try to reallocate to the same MAC address. Either way, nobody can ever claim to have "found your IP" since it fluctuates all the time).
So, let's say we have an IP. How do we find out where its user is?
1) The IP has to be geolocated as soon as possible, preferably as soon as the user accesses your site.
2) The IP has to be looked up in a reliable geolocation database (which basically means one of Maxmind's paid services).
3) The geolocation database has to be up to date.
4) If we get a match to a country, it's probably 99.9% accurate.
5) If we get a match to a region/city it's probably in the right vicinity but not accurate. E.g. someone detected as being from Dallas could potentially be anywhere in northern Texas or southern Oklahoma.
6) An IP's host name is also very useful as it can reveal the ISP and data centre. For business lines it can even reveal the actual business the account is registered to. Some university host names will go so far as to reveal the dorm building which is actually pretty dangerous and highly irresponsible (I'm looking at you Aberystwyth!).
I think I've rambled long enough and I still haven't even gotten started. I just remember seeing someone on PULL saying they have Felice's IP and had located it to some tiny village which is simply impossible with UK internet connections. If you want to reliably identify someone on the internet you need to honeypot them and set a cookie or something similar.
It also makes me sad when I hear MFC models think they're safe because they've blocked their state. They need to at least block their state and all adjacent states.
No. 4946
>>4945I agree but we also don't know if freeforums are using a free/inaccurate or out of date database.
I'm not saying that the user is Kiki, just that in this sort of situation a host name would have been much more useful than an old IP that was geolocated under unknown conditions.
No. 4948
File: 1407109204934.png (250.77 KB, 1280x800, Screen-Shot-2014-06-29-at-4.20…)

>>4947lol, her account is in bad standing copyright wise.
No. 4953
>>4952I've looked over almost every image and PDF uploaded to the directory and I think I can safely assert that the reason for it's existence being that Kirsten or Cathy suddenly went mad in their desire to hunt down and discover the identity of Lain i.e. the admin of PULL.
She has word documents and screencaps and images saved of all of these unrelated peoples who may potentially have even a vague connection to PULL, even from having the term "Lain" on their Tumblr or Twitter.
There's even one girl who was evidently an an ex-scene kid who's name is Lindsay and there's a screencap of Kirsten on Facebook searching "Lindsay Florida" in the search bar.
I think she's gunning for Lain so she can attempt to sue.
No. 4957
IP man again.
Since I saw that Kiki used as a proxy in some pictures I thought I'd try and demonstrate how leaky such services.
Open this link in your favourite web proxy and there's a good chance it will decloak you:'t use these shitty websites.
No. 4967
>>4936I'm pretty sure all these files were uploaded by Cathy so that she can link to them in her "lawsuit list" document shown in this screenshot.
A lot of files are very new but some of the PDFs are from 2009.
No. 4971
>>4850This "Goerge Pattent" (why does he misspell his own name?) seems like a neckbeard stalker.
He's been emailing her for years going on about how when he gets rich from trading, Kiki and Dakota will never have to worry about money again.
Also notice that it doesn't seem like Kiki has ever replied to him in all that time and he still messages her.
No. 5010
>>4995I already found screencaps of my account on PULL despite me not having posted there in over a year.
Also on some of the PDF's with the copyright claims my own Tumblr address shows up, even though I only ever reblogged images of Kota I thought were cute.
Guys, if we keep quiet about this it means a brand new batch will be uploaded to the August directory pretty soon.
I guess it's safe to say that the reason Kirsten decided to shy away from social networking and online activity isn't for her health and safety. She's actually gone legit nuts and is dedicating all of her time in trying to hunt down Lain.
No. 5041
>>5028>>5032The girl is Hilary Haywire, or more recently known as MyCherryCrush.
Her and Kirsten used to be rival scenequeens back in the Myspace era.
Hilary now works as a camgirl and sex worker and she's actually become on the most successful ones out there and is raking serious $$$$$$$$.
More hilarious that Kirsten undoubtedly looks down on her for doing sex work when Hilary is bordering on being a millionaire now.
No. 5047
>>5044Sorry for double posting.
As some anon higher in the thread found, the Ostrengas need a whole lot of money they dont have to file the suit, perhaps Kiki was hoping her lilkitten store would rack in that cash, and since its been called out for scamming/not crediting, she obviously went psycho and is now compiling all this data. I dont know why they would store all of this on a publoc directory, especially if its for a suit. None of this makes much sense to me.
No. 5054
File: 1407179139537.jpg (9.92 KB, 181x287, Buzz_Killington[1].jpg)

>>5053Do you not understand what speculation is, or something Buzz killington?
No. 5060
File: 1407179814210.jpg (23.31 KB, 599x337, BNstdbGCEAA5NWa.jpg)

>>5041She's fucking cute af, cuter than Kiki that's for sure.
No. 5063
>>5041>>5060She's on Chaturbate all the time want to tell her about Kiki's intended suit next time she's on?
No. 5068
>>5062>>5065Yeah, the image links to PT related stuff so I doubt she was even bright to stop past the site and check it our, or if she did her thread probably wasn't on the front page and she didn't realise it could go multiple pages back.
I always got the feeling that Dakota was the more computer savvy of the pair. Kirsten doesn't all that bright.
The link: No. 5073
>>5062Wow, they seem to really believe that PULL was born from a few users on Livejournal.
I never actually did believe that Dakota posted to /cgl/, not once, but it seems as if they're totally oblivious to 4chan and the fact that PULL rose from within it, despite the fact people have mentioned it candidly time and time and time again across multiple threads.
I think this goons only believe what they want to believe. They try to alter their perception of the past in order to suit their present.
EVERYBODY knows that PULL got started because of /cgl/, how can they not?
No. 5085
File: 1407184830881.jpg (97.26 KB, 500x374, koti-being-fat-hilary--large-m…)

>>5041They used to be friends before becoming rivals tho, Kiki did throw some shit like "Omg, she is copying me!!1!", started to harass her and probably never stopped stalking her from that point.
Pic related, Hilary and Dakota.
No. 5099
This whole thing is so scary. I imagine the walls of the Ostrenga house to be covered in random printouts of forums and twitter with their inane ramblings and "clues" scribbled all over them.
>>5073How can someone that's literally spent her entire life online be so clueless about internet stuff.
>>5074It's probably easier for them to believe it's just been a small number of the same people for the whole time than to acknowledge Kiki is so unlikeable that she's had large amounts and different generations of "haters" over the years.
No. 5161
>How can someone that's literally spent her entire life online be so clueless about internet stuffI really think that Kirsten is just not the sharpest crayon in the box.
To me Dakota always struck me as the intelligent one, even Kirsten admitting that Dakota was always the tough one, and even in Cathy's report on the whole affair involving Danny she states that Dakota was the only one not taken in by Danny, refused to accept him and would continuously tell them that he was going to end up hurting Kirsten.
No. 5168
File: 1407188629122.gif (1020.95 KB, 413x233, tumblr_mwogccReAg1rr3sjgo3_500…)

>>5112She's Hispanic, and I imagine she spends less time in the sun now she's older, but a lot of it just the soft lighting she uses for her vids.
No. 5177
>>5113I doubt freeforums would give anything up either.
They're basically crazy.
No. 5221
File: 1407217853075.jpg (44.13 KB, 542x456, 1405903695782.jpg)

>>5219some acute yellow fever case right here guys
No. 5291
File: 1407256597800.gif (438.85 KB, 640x360, 1405864359253.gif)

>>5281Aside from her daughter's used condoms?
No. 5358
>>5357It's pretty clear that she is stalking pretty badly, but she wasn't really trying to put it out there publicly, so I don't know.
She could argue that PULL is stalking her as well? I guess?
No. 5393
>>5391Eh, I wouldn't worry about it.
Sure it's an invasion of your friends privacy, but nothing is going to happen. Kirsten is just a beat, yowling toothless cat at this point.
No. 5404
>>5401That's true. Everything you can find by simply googling. Ostrengas put everything public, including all information while creating Kiki Kannibal Corp - anyone who would be wondering what that corp is (and it's showing quite often because they were using it to copyright claim) and google it and try to find if it's legit can simply find all their infos they put by themselves. No one stalked them or took any informations that weren't available public.
As for commenting on everything about her - that's also public. She posts public - people are able to see and comment, people are speculating because she have big history of lying, so there are doubts about what she's doing and saying.
No. 5405
>>5404Sorry for double post. But I'm wondering if she'll really try to take some legal actions, because that could bring them some problems. They were the ones breaking the law by copyright claiming things that never belonged to them like text posts or someone's photos -that's copy fraud, isn't it? Plus some could argue about the fact that Scott called people on tumblr before to threat them he'll sue them for liking and reblogging. Or the fact that they were using KKC for copyright claim while the corp itself was inactive.
These would potentially bring them problems, wouldn't they?
No. 5411
I doubt even a scumbag like Johnnie Cochran or Robert Kardasian (if he were alive) would touch a case like this. Too risky with all the counter evidence against them.
No. 5435
>>5425on the document opened in the bg, she's writing details for each post.'s planning to send the doc file to a lawyer, perhaps.
No. 5442
I got sent this extension to mass download everything at once. can't do it now since I'm on my work computer, but if anyone else wants to do it lemme know how it works out.
No. 5449
>>5435Oh shit, my prediction that they would keep uploading to the August directory was spot on.
This is amazing, they're going to keep drip feeding us dramu whilst being completely unawares.
They think they are one step ahead of us but we can see fucking everything and intercept them before they try make any moves kek
No. 5454
File: 1407345181999.png (419.69 KB, 1246x684, Screen-Shot-2014-08-05-at-10.1…)

No. 5457
File: 1407345982785.png (452.57 KB, 1248x706, Screen-Shot-2014-08-06-at-1.23…)

Hot damn check this out!
Kirsten was scheduled to be on Dr. Phil at one point!
>>5456I'm sure lolcow admin will do so as soon as they see this.
No. 5508
>>5505What part do you mean? PULL? Folders? Something else?
I am pretty sure nothing will happen, PULL's host doesn't give a shit, no lawyer will take Cathy serious and they wouldn't have uploaded that stuff in the first place if they didn't want somebody to see it, even if it is not us.
No. 5509
>>5437>>5436They are filing a lawsuit.
Look at the name of the doc in the background here. No. 5520
>>5448>he seems to believe that this is all Cathy's doing and that Kirsten probably doesn't even know about the files being uploaded to her website.I actually mostly get that impression too.
I think Kiki is perhaps a pussy who can't take the heat she dishes out while Cathy is some kind of overprotective momma bear.
It's pretty obvious that Cathy has been printing out and storing stuff since about 2006. It looks like more recently she has been scanning it back in to prepare this lawsuit.
While many of the screenshots are clearly taken while logged into Kiki's account, all of the screenshots of the Word document being prepared are logged in as Cathy.
So Cathy has probably asked Kiki to screenshot anything useful and Cathy will sort through it later to find the good stuff. This would explain why there are so many screenshots, some taken only seconds apart and some seemingly barely relevant.
If Kiki is/was near some kind of breakdown then Cathy has probably told her not to worry and that she will take care of everything.
No. 5535
>>5532I think that is Sticky himself, I messaged him and told him to come here.
Hello Mr. Drama, if you're here.
No. 5645
>>5642That IP belongs to (owned by IBM) which aren't a residential ISP and only seem to sell hosting services.
My guess is that it's a VPN server someone has setup on a server rented from Soft Layer. Ports 500 and 1723 are open which suggests a VPN.
No. 5671
>>5643she's doing the same with cynicalkitten. kirsten keeps screenshotting her nudes, chaturbate, instagram, tumblr etc and i think it's solely because she's a sex worker. I'm not sure if this is sounding right, but basically she, to coin their favorite term, has a personal vendetta against Adrienne because she's a sex worker??
she even went so far as to label her "Adrienne cam girl stalker" even though…kiki has found all of her online profiles and saved them to a pdf and Adrienne rarely talks about the psycho.
No. 5679
Honestly I kind of want to branch out to a few of the members who are being deliberately targeted in these screenshots/PDF's, but there's no safe way top do it without having somebody accidentally blab about it on PULL.
Somebody ought to message cynicalkitten in private and redirect her to this site, and warn her not to discuss this on PULL.
No. 5726
>>5046Cathy is fucking retarded.
Does she realise that magnitudes of people visit websites & that's how information is passed around & retained over the years?…
Websites aren't only known about by the people that make them.. therefore, making those people the ONLY people in the world who could make more websites about it.
Cathy thinks she's some pseudo lawyer. If you guys remember the infamous 'rolling stone' magazine article about kiki, it mentions cathy studying to become a lawyer until she met that deadbeat musician that helped her spawn loin fruit.
I can't believe she actually thinks this is solid information.
No. 5803
>>5802I feel dumb as hell for saying this, but for some reason I can't send messages on PULL? Everytime I try to it says I'm not allowed? I think account deletion would definitely be a good idea and I'll just stick to quietly lurking after having remade.
Dunno what else to do about her having all of my other info, though.
No. 5805
>>5799Hey CynicalKitten,
Just thought I'd let you know, absolutely do not be intimidated or worried by any of this. The Ostrengas have been doing this kind of shit for years now and it never comes to anything. Ever.
I know how scary it can be to see images of caps they've made of various personal accounts as they have done it to me in the past, but it doesn't mean shit.
They are just swinging at thin air at the moment and capping everything in an desperate attempt to locate the identity of Lain.
Also, just in case nobody stressed this to you before, keep this discovery a secret from PULL. Kirsten/Cathy is still uploading to archives regularly or so it seems and if she finds out that we know about the directories she will shut them down. The only safe place to discuss them is here :>
No. 5806
>>5800I only just saw this, my bad. But yeah, it's good that you know.
Honestly if I could I'd like to bring more people over from PULL, but we can't tell who'd talk and who wouldn't so it's just safer this way. So long as the mods know and the people being targeted that's good enough.
No. 5808
>>5804Yes, please if you could and I'll remake. I really appreciate it.
As for the other stuff, I've contemplated privating my Twitter/Insta and just not doing much with my Tumblr. Only problem is it will 1. kill my chances of becoming a GG (Gods Girl) potentially since I'm waiting to be in the next Purgatory and 2. I have a feeling she's already following me on said accounts using a fake PLUS 3. I'm afraid if I do it regardless of the former reasons, it may raise suspicion and I figure it's probably best to act like nothing has changed. Or am I being overly analytical?
No. 5813
>>5811This may help you out on getting rid of old accounts she has of you. and for anyone else who is on kiki's shit list.
No. 5829
>>5815Eh I wouldn't be worried.
Even if she did that like 99.9% of the internet would not give a shit unless you had some kind of major drama attached or like, super secret nudes, and seeing as you're a sex worker nudes aren't really a problem either. She ain't got shit.
No. 6005
File: 1407545756978.jpg (167.89 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

cynicalkitten here again.
I'm on my phone so I dunno if this will work properly but I installed a hit counter on my Tumblr earlier after deleting my Tumblr account and remaking with my URL connected to a side blog instead. Sure enough, it looks like she or Cathy is actively checking up on me. I don't even get why, considering I only said something about her ONCE in the middle of June. These people need to get a life.
No. 6065
This is hilarious, from kiki's tumblr she wrote this in 2011
"The internet RARELY creates real life success or friends. It's a video game. I can speak for ourselves when I say, we do not measure our success on internet popularity or fame." DID gain success and friends because of the internet. And now she's extremely butthurt and sick over people ruining her lilkitten plan as if it was all she had despite her "not measuring irl success from internet popularity"
No. 6068
>" If my goal was to be popular on here, I very well could do that, it’s simple, but by doing that it would take too much of my time for other things I could be putting towards my real life goals."she's been trying so hard to be popular lately though. I guess she has fully realized that she can't gain the kind of following that she used to have during her myspace days or be as famous as dakota. It's killing her.
No. 6105
>>6099I really hate her videos; she talks about nothing in them but herself.
I remember when she first published her "Dating in Japan" and I was actually looking forward to it thinking it'd be relevant to my interests on how filthy pig gaikokujin are viewed romantically in Japan and it was literally just her talking for 10 minutes how everybody wanted to fuck her and were complimenting her and calling her a Final Fantasy and a sparkling Caucasian princess.
Like, what was the point. It had shit all to do with dating in Japan.
Did she even date? I know she had a one night stand but that's not really dating now is it.
No. 6220
File: 1407626157254.jpg (172.62 KB, 581x1600, 2jfnoy9.jpg)

i was able to recover a screen shot of kiki's profile.
No. 6470
I don't even know what she is trying to talk about in this video but her attempt at pandering to Japanese is fucking gold.'s one of those people where whenever they try to speak Japanese they do so in this horribly enunciated high-pitched accent because it's what they've been exposed to through stereotyping and given that Dakota seems to speak Japanese fairly fluently now she really should know better. It's embarrassing.
No. 6479
>>6470she fucked up with the Japanese anyway.
it's 目は心の恋である not 目は心の恋です.
No. 6484
>>6482It's not all that surprising considering that since the ages of 13-14 her entire identity has been "Kiki Kannibal".
She's so wrapped up in this dead and buried personality of hers that she even refuses to switch aliases, despite knowing it would bode for future projects to not be associated with the Kannibal name. I think she doesn't even know how to be Kirsten Ostrenga any more.
She's desperate no to be forgotten but it's happening all the same.
No. 6499
>>6482>>6484She's pretty much lost her soul. It's like she's slowly turning into a mannequin.
Funny that she begins with talking about the eyes being the window to the soul and there's literally almost no light in hers.
No. 6600
>>6597Doesn't look like it, if/when they find out I'm sure we'll know about it. They're not exactly known for being discreet. You'd think with them being online 24/7 and all the constant stalking + surveillance of their "haters" that they would know by now, but they really are just that dumb.
Of course they could just be plotting some kind of retribution, but being restrained enough to keep quiet instead of having a screaming meltdown would be really out of character for them.
No. 6730
>>6710ha no, it means window
愛 means love
No. 6736
File: 1407856208484.png (17.44 KB, 634x164, laini.png)

A bit older but just to show that it isn't only Cathy being crazy.
No. 6738
>>6713God she is so unbelievably untalented.
Also, lol at the hashtags. What the hell do #korea and #hongkong have to do with a Zelda remix? She might as well have put #chingchongchinkyeyes #rice #pleaselovemeasia.
pull mods, remove that thread please ASAP
No. 7338
It only had 28 views and one reply, so.. I don't think they saw.
No. 7355
File: 1408251518162.jpg (13.9 KB, 483x418, smug-obama.jpg)

>>7345> dont call me a cunt, waah its not my faultwow PULL really is full of delicate asspained SJW
No. 7368
>>7363because if they know that we know then they'll delete everything.
but if they don't know that we know, then they'll keep updating and we can see what and who they're lurking/stalking on.
No. 7370
>>7347You were linked here, did you even bother to read the thread? There were numerous reasons posted about why not to share this on PULL.
No. 7376
File: 1408252227118.jpg (22.43 KB, 526x294, heyguise.jpg)

>>7366why are you posting things without even knowing what it is? why are you retarded?
No. 7394
>>7393no that's Adrienne.
Cherry is another cam girl, Hilary who used to be her childhood ex-friend. idk why she's stalking her, maybe her paranoia is making her think she's Lain or something.
No. 7443
>>7403I believe there are a few links to lolcow kicking around on PULL, but none in the Kirsten/Dakota sections.
I don't know whether Google is indexing the site into it's search results or not.
Honestly it's an inevitability that she will find out eventually, but I'd rather try and keep the ride going for as long as is possible.
No. 7455
>>7454Oh wow, Danilka you shit.
Why would you go ahead and create a thread on something you've JUST been linked to without bothering to read throughout it first?
This is why I knew it'd be a bad idea to link the majority of PULL members to this stuff.
No. 7480
>>7463I've temporarily unindexed the archive and this thread from search engines.
I suspect they may have already found this thread though, because they stopped updating the /2014/08/ folder on August 6. It's possible they haven't deleted anything because they know everything is out there already and just want to track IPs now. Be sure to use instead of her site when looking through the files.
No. 7481
>>7473It's a shame because some of the mods like espurr seem chill as fuck. I wish we could just poach them from PULL and leave that place to burn.
I can't even pinpoint where it started to all go wrong because I remember when I signed up it was actually pretty decent, and then it slowly degraded to shit.
>and just want to track IPs nowI have considered this myself but I think we all know we have fuck all to do with this little vendetta of theirs so they're welcome to my IP.
Does anybody here actually give a shit about them potentially tracking their IP? More logs for hogroast I say.
No. 7487
>>7483Based Admin.
I do have a query though - are you from /cgl/?
No. 7494
>>7491No, check
>>7347I (admin), removed her thread when I saw it and gave her the link to lolcow so she come talk about it here instead. She found the archive herself.
>>7492she had like 3 accounts. nyankoko, nyankola, nyannyankoko…
No. 7511
>>7326Soft Serve Central, is she fucking SERIOUS?
I've never seen anyone go at such lengths to talk about something that they're "afraid of". Something tells me our Kira Kira Pure Swan princess is secretly a fetishist or something along those lines.
No. 7515
>>7511I think it's more the lengths she'll go to talk about herself. That is literally all her videos consist of.
She never discusses education or current events or important facts or tips or advice, just me, me, me, me.
No. 7542
File: 1408316512176.png (35.74 KB, 539x205, 353.png)

>>7540Nope, it only shows pic related.
No. 7552
File: 1408318674183.jpg (44.98 KB, 828x293, wut.jpg)

>>7549>>7551here's an example
(partially erased out web urls just in case)
No. 7811
>>7679>>6484I think she doesn't want to lose all the followers from the height of her popularity in her scene days.
She's probably afraid to make a new persona & realise just how irrelevant she is when she gets basically no new followers.
She's literally retarded her mental growth at the age of 14.
No. 9077
File: 1408748189260.png (18.63 KB, 575x287, 35325.png)

She is trying too hard.
No. 9084
File: 1408751259996.jpg (99.03 KB, 466x600, kikiintwentyyears.jpg)

>>9077She is so thirsty it's embarrassing. What is she expecting to get popular in Asia for? Being Dakota's lame, crazy sister? I can imagine some Whatever Happened to Baby Jane shit going down between them in a few years time.
No. 9087
File: 1408752405529.png (20.02 KB, 583x218, 35325.png)

>>9084Well, it is easy for the average blonde gaijin to become a model in Japan and I guess that is what she aims for, therefore she is trying to get noticed by asians.
No. 9097
File: 1408754378395.png (23.39 KB, 577x277, 535.png)

>>9090She already kind of does.
No. 9104
>Each one needs her angel wings>You are an angel>On Mani hearts Mei downThe last one is complete gibberish, and since the first two translated perfectly in google translate (not reliable for asian languages), it's obvious she used it lol.
No. 10103
File: 1409006319311.png (13.76 KB, 582x131, like-you.png)

No. 10156
File: 1409046147316.png (149.32 KB, 838x641, Screen Shot 2014-08-26 at 5.38…)

kiki filed copyright claims over at, it seems…
No. 10497
File: 1409258424595.png (32.68 KB, 585x453, kiki-plz.png)

Asia senpai notice me plz.
No. 10507
>>10497Lol what happened to the inmate penpals she used to brag about? they're not kawaii anymore?
I bet all she would write is about how she's an super beautiful ~小精灵반짝 반짝 ビーガン 火星のトイレのプリンセス~ victim of oh-so-evil adult haters.
When her yellow fever is over, then she will claim how even asians used to send her harassing letters to her.
No. 10779
File: 1409490580994.png (89.74 KB, 627x498, 스크린샷 2014-08-31 오후 2.07.58.png)

Only part of Kiki's most recent rant.
>people are stalking me bawww
>collects 'papers' on them
Ok then.
No. 10802
File: 1409498944751.png (45.95 KB, 599x486, 342.png)

No. 10804
File: 1409499084419.png (80.48 KB, 589x566, 453.png)

>>10802Does she even read her own Tweets before posting…
No. 10852
>>10802>Dont follow meeeee!!!1!>still posting her entire life onlinek QiQi
>>10820she probably knows we know
No. 10860
>>10802Also, lol at "When I don't care for someone I don't look at their sites or stalk them"
So, she actually cares about her "stalkers"?
No. 11027
>>10984This one got me the most.
She makes out she is the god savior of the earth and is the almighty Kiki who invented stripes. Haha and now she tries to be noble and humble, right'o crack head.
No. 11042
>>10984Have an online persona (Kiki Kannibal - she still uses this name for such a long time, known online at least between some certain group of people), have multiple accounts where she is (or used to like on formspring and buzzfeed) writing about herself and her life, posts videos and photos of herself, used to be known scene girl and reminds people about this once in a while, had that RS article, releases music and EPs, have/had online stores and company she's promoting and using, like for example, for copyright claiming, have few k of followers, subscribers and fans. Wanted to be known for inventing those stripes and some other things she's doing online.
Seems like a public figure to me.
She's trying to appear as some poor attacked, private person with bad haters who stalks her for totally unknown reason (jealousy according to her or mental illness?)… It's pretty ironic especially since she was the one who made all information about herself public, including creating this persona and keeping it all this time.
No. 11047
>>10984haha yesss
No. 11089
>>11047Haha, yes. Didn't she try to say they all recognized her from Myspace? As if it was even a thing there. I bet she doesn't even get recognized more than once or twice a year in the US (if that), let alone Japan. Definitely of her most stupid lies, and that's saying something.
I really do think homeschooling her has stunted her in a lot of ways. She is going to be in her 30's and still at Mama Kannibal's house, writing fanfiction about herself.
No. 11097
>>11089>As if it was even a thing there.Yeah, it was not but Scene is still a thing there in some shops. list her as famous model under EMO・SCENE系モデル but I doubt that makes the average person recognise her.
No. 11100
>I doubt that makes the average person recognise her.especially when she went from this
>>2974 to this
>>3887 No. 11209
>>11168she actually tweeted this
>When I dont care for someone theres no force on earth that would ever make me look at their sites, stalk them or write hate blogs for years.idk if that confirms all that screenshot stalking was Cathy or if she's lying again.
No. 11219
>>11209i think they both equally participated in it. whereas Cathy caps 'slander' and 'libel' (i.e opinions and truth) Kirsten got personal and capped peoples' personal lives…their vendettas are the same but slightly different. Kirsten obviously cares about us
No. 11242
File: 1409597187520.png (921.08 KB, 1280x800, Screen-Shot-2014-07-29-at-12.1…)

totally not stalking people guise~
No. 11244
File: 1409597338480.png (856.4 KB, 1280x800, Screen-Shot-2014-07-29-at-12.1…)

I don't look at their sites, believe me plz~
No. 11245
File: 1409597550852.png (1.12 MB, 1280x800, Screen-Shot-2014-07-29-at-12.1…)

i'm srs~
No. 11246
File: 1409597976665.png (869.55 KB, 1280x800, Screen-Shot-2014-07-29-at-12.1…)

No. 11269
>>11257Ahh, I see.
Personally I'm surprised Kiki isn't a camgirl herself by now, because her white trash parents obviously have no problem with her being sexual (considering they let Mr Myspace live with and fuck her while she was underaged) and it would get her lots of attention, which I think is kind of the entire point, right? I mean, before Dakota got picked up as a kawaii model, what was Kiki doing? She certainly wasn't pretending to be some cute, pure princess. So why her hate for camgirls/sexworkers? Didnt most of the Myspace scene queenlets end up doing that anyway?
No. 11272
>>11269But that wouldn't fit to her current
enlightened science student new age vegan asian-kin crystal toilet purinsesu persona. She doesn't even talk about her fancy BDSM gear and pole dance anymore. Remember that, according to her parents, all those crass videos were distorted and edited by us adult haterzzzz evildoers.
No. 11274
>>11272Yeah, now. But I mean before Dakota got noticed by Japan. If that had never happened Im pretty sure Kiki would be doing overpriced cam shows
In her room at her parents house.
By the way, what made Dakota start doing the kawaii shit anyway? She used to be just as hateful and sandy as her sister and then suddenly she went from not giving a fuck about cutesy shit to all the shopping that Bravo thought was legit. Why the change?
No. 11276
File: 1409609375543.jpg (227.92 KB, 964x1286, 6cef4748jw1eji3dlvgchj20qs0zqw…)

>>11274She just changed styles. Charms had said at /cgl/ in 2012 that she had a conversation with Dakota where she said she had a big interest in ulzzang and gyaru (more so ulzzang). when you think about it, her clothes, makeup, hair style etc. are all features she took from both styles.
relavent pic example.
No. 11278
File: 1409609592185.png (77.33 KB, 969x330, !!!!.png)

look what I found, Charms and Dakota's AIM conversation from the big /cgl/ bean spilling.
No. 11333
File: 1409678168041.png (13.44 KB, 581x195, x.png)

Seems like she finally noticed where most of her male viewers are from.
No. 11336
>>11286Most of Dakota's newer looks have been very Tumblr, especially the creepyyeha tights.
She just adds more of a kogal/weeb tinge to it, while Kiki goes full "I'M AN ETHEREAL ANGEL FASHIONISTA! AM I DOING THIS RIGHT? #wings #kawaii #pale #fresh #white #angelic #deer #sad"
No. 11337
>>11333india is absolutely disgusting. i've seen blog posts from people who have gone there for vacations, thinking it will be a beautiful exotic location and adventure, only to be stunned by the fact that the ganges river is overflowing with dead bodies, even in the tourist spots. there are blogs with photo and photo from the people who had vacations there and all the bodies floating by while poor street dwellers wash their clothes and brush their teeth in the river right next to bloated corpses.
absolutely fucking disgusting
No. 11342
>>11274I actually do believe that she is legitimately into the whole kawaii-subculture. I do not believe that she wouldn't be with all the decorative pieces she buys for her room/wardrobe phone. Living like that when you have zero interest in the style would drive you mad after a while.
I am a sandy-ass bitch motherfucker but even I occasionally like to tie my hair in twintails with fluffy hair pom-poms, slide into a seifuku and dance around J-Pop.
It actually relaxes me.
No. 11344
>>11278Man Charms is such a fucking snake.
To think she still has the nerve to follow her on Twitter.
No. 11345
>>11333Keekz is that desperate to catch an asian rich guy that she's now lowering her standards to India lel
>muh spirituality I want to see how she reacts to the filth floating down Ganges river
No. 11399
>>11397Oh boy.
I guess it was babby Kiki's first online game
No. 11400
File: 1409705147387.png (230.13 KB, 475x365, learn to use a comma.png)

I'm actually taken aback by how stupid you are
No. 11401
File: 1409706113771.jpg (64.24 KB, 440x512, Bhhh5g5CEAA0EK-.jpg)

No. 11537
>>11398>>11400what did they say?
>>11361i knew they couldn't be there for only themselves. probably there for the lulz and figuring out which style to imitate (and claim to be reviving) next
No. 11605
File: 1409837917337.png (17.61 KB, 584x236, 45.png)

So Kiki is turning Buddhist now?
No. 11612
File: 1409855293830.jpg (162.13 KB, 600x900, bitch slap.jpg)

No. 11618
She's an idiot. How does she live with herself?
No. 11665
File: 1409881669291.jpg (14.92 KB, 516x201, 1896791_546331902147568_445271…)

>>11664I forgot to attach the image.
No. 11679
>>11665 That's almost obvious she made that account. What was she thinking..
And that ASL thing - so what, if she ever get sick, anything, even any deadly disease she's going to refuse treatment because they were testing on animals? Because they do on everything. Including! the medicaments she used to be getting at the hospital she was going to quite often and who knows what else she was getting. But then it was fine?
Don't get me wrong, I'm also against animal testing but come on, it's not like she was never in need and never used anything tested.
Besides Ice Bucket doesn't have to be with donating for ASL, some people are donating for different cause, for example for companies helping animals, I know bunch of people who donated for other different causes.
But of course, it requires to think.
No. 11680
>>11679Sorry for double post. But also - if they'll get enough money they'll be able to do tests and maybe come up with solution faster. Or even come up with other way to test but they would need founds because they're probably more expensive. If they wouldn't have enough money - it would take them way longer and using more animals to test to try to find anything. Which would also mean - more deaths and suffering from sick people.
She doesn't have to donate to them, it could be for anything else. But probably like someone who wrote that before - no one even nominated her and she's bitter. Plus wants attention as always.
And where she got the statistics she gave? About that 27% actually going to ASL?
No. 11681
File: 1409913489950.png (248.47 KB, 607x631, nyan.png)

>>1165One of the tags on her video
No. 11692
File: 1409940180737.jpg (87.8 KB, 480x640, 62070148.jpg)

No. 11693
File: 1409940295557.jpg (123.84 KB, 841x477, 116043720.jpg)

Anybody else remember her chola lipliner phase?
No. 11713
File: 1409952102630.png (17.94 KB, 584x161, 3523.png)

Why not signup yourself for that?
No. 11717
>>11713Spoiled white girl syndrome. No cure. :(
God I'm so happy Dakota is the famous one. I know Kiki hates Dakota inside. I'm not a huge fan of Dakota and she can be a shit publicly, but I hope Dakota stays in Japan to rub it in Kiki's aging face.
No. 11779
File: 1410006537284.png (54.36 KB, 578x544, 3523.png)

Wtf happend this time.
No. 11780
File: 1410006651532.png (723.48 KB, 1040x580, 3523.png)

"Someone", more like yourself.
No. 11784
>>11717>God I'm so happy Dakota is the famous one. I know Kiki hates Dakota inside. I'm not a huge fan of Dakota and she can be a shit publicly, but I hope Dakota stays in Japan to rub it in Kiki's aging face.haha this
Which reminds me, when Kiki visited Japan, she didn't mention anything about seeing her sister.
I mean it's kind of ooc of her not to try to ride on her sister's fame.
No. 11791
File: 1410022079617.jpg (238.25 KB, 1425x880, blue-eyes-Barbie-Dakota-Rose-k…)

>>11780Is that Dakota's bedspread?
No. 11828
File: 1410054791642.png (20.52 KB, 573x359, 3535.png)

Too much Google Translate.
No. 11971
File: 1410184681024.png (15.32 KB, 585x222, 3453.png)

Oh Kiki, being jobless and being online 24h is so much work, totally.
No. 11981
File: 1410198448666.png (250.13 KB, 1200x601, Hahahaha.png)

Wow Kiki just sprouting more bullshit. She is one to talk about catty Caucasian girls considering she is one.
No. 11982
>>11981lol wat
even by her standards this is ridiculous
No. 11985
>>11981Slightly in defence of Kirsten here but I am studying Japanese at university and there are SO MANY people (especially women) who do act like they own the Japanese language and absolutely despise and abhor the concept of anybody else learning Japanese because they "need" to be only gaikokujin in Japan.
They legit treat everybody else in the class as an enormous threat to their kawaii yume no Nihon adventure, and no surprise the bulk of these types of girls are also out-and-proud weeaboos - one of the main reasons I deliberately didn't divulge that I watched anime at the beginning of the year.
I feel so sorry for my tutors who you can just see are so tired of dealing with these Japanophile fetishists year after year.
No. 11999
>>11989Oh yeah, totally.
I actually glazed over that bit in memory of the types of people I have to cope with everyday kek
No. 12000
File: 1410212596003.jpg (9.23 KB, 400x225, code_geass_death_note_keikaku_…)

>>11988The course itself it good, and the tutors are genuinely enthusiastic and thrilled to be teaching a subject that they clearly enjoy which of course makes the lessons very fun and always impart to me some form of knowledge after each session.
The weebs on the other hand…. well, at this point the class has already segregated itself into 2 groups of people who clearly only signed up on the course not because they actually enjoy linguistics but because they're convinced Japanese Studies is their easy ticket to idoru-dom or landing themselves a bishi husbando.
The other half of the class, who like me, are legitimately fascinated by not only the language aspect of Japanese but it's culture of arts and music, military and civilian history etc., and have a genuine desire to spread the thing that enjoy so much themselves to others.
Most of the time the weebs are off in a corner of their own gabbling in pidgin Japanese:
>"watashi-chan honto ni ga kawaii da ne!??">Iie! Iie! Atashi wa ichiban kawaii-est fu fu fu"
>just like my Chinese cartoons!*sounds of native Japanese tutor slapping herself from a distance"
>"MITE MITE MAKO-SENSEIIIII! Watashi wa… ano, HAVU MANGA DESU produces English copy of Death NoteThey won't last long. Three have already dropped out after finding the course is super intensive on kana and kanji.
All according to keikaku.
No. 12018
File: 1410220242130.png (17.7 KB, 571x165, 4346.png)

Somebody should give her an award for being the world's biggest hypocrite.
No. 12252
>>12226She appears few times for less than a second lol.
Also fucking Yoko Ono and her voice.
No. 12293
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Oh you.
No. 12765
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>>12745All only because some random person wanted to help her with her japanese.
No. 12766
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No. 12787
File: 1410551089269.png (9.66 KB, 579x116, 353.png)

She is nuts, she basicly accuses people( that don't follow her but want to help) of being the writter of hate sites.
No. 12788
>>12786I read the post but not the tweet.
Is the girl actually Japanese, or was she just helping Kirsten with her moonspeak? I say because lately Lauryn has gona nuts trying to learn Korean and Japanese.
No. 12793
>>12788Some woman that studies japanese language at an university, she seems to think the person is Hachi from PULL while being from the US, Hachi is from Europe.
Whatever, now she is back to posting relationship advice in Google Translate japanese.
No. 12795
>>12766Yes Kiki, I'm sure so many people want help with their lifestyle from a shut in compulsive liar.
I feel like we're watching her slowly lose her mind.
Btw, people that can speak Japanese, how coherent is she exactly?
No. 12823
>>12795She's using way too much kanji for her to be able to pretend that she's fluent.
Most beginners will still be using kana exclusively, stuff like typing わたし in lieu of 私, but she's blasting out some JLPT N1 tier characters. It's pretty glaringly obvious she's using a translator.
I get the impression she believes the more convoluted and complicated the characters are the more authentic she appears. I'm studying Japanese at university myself and even I can't make heads nor tails of most of her tweets because of the overuse of kanji.
This isn't a Japanese newspaper Kirsten. holy shit.
No. 12826
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>>12812Too late already, she even thinks she is stickydrama since he was the only one publishing her private documents.
No. 12860
File: 1410582117886.gif (921.29 KB, 320x224, 1401080496102.gif)

So basically Kirsten is jealous and fearful of every other women. I bet if it were a guy she sure would be tweeting creepy and stupid compliments to him and talking nonstop about her imaginary new lover.
No. 12869
>>12847I can confirm that girl isn't SweetandSour…not sure about Dion. Somehow that doesn't surprise me Kiki has screenshots of Dion's Facebook.
>>12846I would crack up if she actually did this. Maybe then people can see what a shitty person she really is.
No. 12921
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>>12869The girl doesn't even know wtf is going on.
No. 12927
>>12847She can't access my Facebook because I'm not 18 yet (not indexed in search engines. She would actually have to know me AND my full name). She has screenshot my Google+ and Klout. Now that I think about it, Klout was still somehow linked to my main twitter even though I changed my user, she would've had it then.
>>12850God, I'm so elusive. Kiki I'm right here. I've even listed my tumblr, twitter, and blogger in my sig for you!! I've been awaiting your call!
Sorry to disappoint, lad, but I'm not Lindsay. Dion is actually my middle name. You're not quite far off, I live in South Carolina. I did message the supplier though, won't lie about that.
No. 12931
I made an archive of her Twitter, just in case she backpedals. - with replies
No. 12975
File: 1410646623424.gif (991.78 KB, 500x270, 95609803_o.gif)

>this whole thread
No. 12989
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No. 13021
>>13020Huh? It's not like if it wasn't written on her Twitter that she "learns"
cough Google Translate
cough japanese, chinese and korean.
No. 13180
File: 1410790842389.png (469.63 KB, 512x512, kaC1EsWC.png)

Iron chains are so kawaii desu~
No. 13181
Chains for a raging bitch
No. 13323
File: 1410871038332.png (323.68 KB, 576x556, 3325.png)

Why would anyone still want these from her when you can get them for few bucks at Claire's since ages.
No. 13411
>>13395you probably didn't sent an extensive dox of yourself along your question. so Kaka could stalk you easily just in case she decided you're the
crazy-female-lesbian-hater-from-7-years-ago of the week
No. 13442
>>13440I also want to know, anon. She always claim she's
sooo busy working and studying! (kek) Supposedly, their father earns good money from doing tech stuff, so she might just be bumming around the house sipping jasmine tea stalking girls without worrying about getting an actual work. IDK.
I sometimes think monstrengas are receiving some gov handouts for Kyler and they blow it in useless stuff for Kaka instead. That, and Kota doesn't send them money anymore, but that's just me and my crazy theory.
No. 13444
>>13442I remember during their scene phase that they were poor and evicted from their home at one point. (Heard it from encyclopedia dramatica) I'm so curious where they are getting their money from.
Does Kiki have a sugar daddy? She's the type to put herself out there and paste herself on websites, I wouldn't be surprised if she found one online.
No. 13461
>>13455I can try. What would you like to know?
(I've only every seen her around a few times.)
No. 13464
>>13461how different did she looked without all the light/shoop?
did she have makeup on?
how does she talk in public?
how was she rude to the cashier?
did she dress like a kawaii dominatrix?
No. 13469
>>13440her itunes music.
website adsense.
she once mentioned doing retail work.
in the archive there's a pdf that mentions Kiki made approximately $250 per month on her jewelry back in 2007. she actually had booming popularity back then, so now lilkitten must only be getting half of that at best.
No. 13474
>>13464Well her skin isn't perfect.
She looks sickly. She's thin, but not Kawaii goddess thin.
She doesn't talk like she does in her videos, she's a bit bitch when she talks.
She's one of those people where if you work some sort of customer services job you're beneath her.
Yeah she wore her Kawaii clothes. (which to each their own)
>>13465She was just really snarky to the poor woman, and talked down to her.
The other times that I've seen her she was whining to her mom on how she NEEDED something like a fucking brat.
That's all I really have. Sorry its not much.
No. 13476
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>>13475sorry double post, here it is.
No. 13477
>>13475>>13476She has a slight tan and her hair is a dark blonde color, and along with some more wrinkles around the eyes and mouth.
I guess all the stress is from fighting the internet hate machine with kiki.
No. 13515
>>13474Don't worry anon, thank you! No wonder she doesn't have any friends.
I don't think she's working outside home anymore, not even part time. For what I can see in several name files, her screenshotting rampages took place at normal work times (10:00 am, 12:00, 13:00 pm, 1:00 am). Idk about the USA, but here where I live regular retail employees often aren't allowed to use their cellphones at all, let alone browsing internet for personal purposes.
No. 13540
>>13536I love how she selectively forgets about how her
lovely spiritual Asian countries aren't very ~vegan pro animal rights~ places, especially China. But hey, she's a flaming Chinaboo, so ying yang fish, snake wine and other horrible stuff must be also haters 'n' stalkers inventions, right?
Kiki sounds just like those stupid weebs denying Japan war crimes.
No. 13553
Dakota is looking legit qt these days. Kirsten on the other hand looks like a yamanba, and I don't mean the fashion either.
No. 13556
>>13553>>13554Every time someone says Kota is cute, it makes me think of the syndrome/effect where someone looks good in photos you see and since you're so used to looking at edited versions of them, it distorts your reality on what they actually look like.
That's pretty much why I don't think Kota looks nearly as good as what people say. I knew what she looked like in her scene phase and as a normally dressed teen so her photo shopped pictures never convinced me. She created this illusion everyone is buying. I feel like she is an example of how in the later years, we don't need to pay attractive models with amazing facial structures and physique, just average people with photoshopped bigger eyes, smaller faces, and slimmer body.
No. 13562
>>13556No. Kota doesn't look good in photoshopped photos. She looks like a disfigured troll. I'm talking about her candid shots. As much as she photoshops, I thought she was a complete troll, but she's a cute kid. She's like 20 right?
And another thing I'm always confused about people who talk about her looking "average." Dakota is not a high fashion model. She will not ever be a high fashioned model. She doesn't have that degree of beauty. Sure she's no Gemma Ward, but I don't see Dakota doing high profile work like super models. Dakota does a lot of teen magazine stuff and basic catalog shots.
She's part of Tsbusa's (sic) candy doll ads, but that crap is basic drugstore make up that looks like it's as quality as Lip Smuckers in the US. It's not surprising she can do catalog stuff with a modest youtube following. I've seen plenty of soccer mom's types in many clothing catalogs so I'm zero percent surprised she can do decent in Japan with an established internet image.
Also remember, Japanese standards are not American. Many Japanese would find the high cheekbone, Angelina Jolie-types to be harsh and unattractive unless they have a wider world view. Cute and simple make it in Japan and non Photoshop Dakota is fairly okay looking. Plain and natural have a better standing in Japan fashion industry.
No. 13563
File: 1411007151988.png (312.92 KB, 480x334, 4.png)

>>13559I found this pic while googling comparison images to what she looks like unedited. It's also a fair picture since it's not like a bad angle of her, its actually her.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and I respect yours anon, I just think she is very subpar in looking like an ethereal angel (which is her brand) in comparison to regular models. The fact that she's a gaijin in Japan who tries to look kawaii is her main selling point. I believe any other modelling opportunity to bring her career up is just a chain reaction from fashion editors who are bamboozled by her photos. They don't realize they need a sweatshop of chinese workers editing all of Kota's photos til their eyes go blind from staring at the screen too much and their hand falls off from severe carpal tunnel.
No. 13564
File: 1411007610815.jpg (129.16 KB, 1165x836, dakota-rose-255462684.jpg)

They photo shopped her asymmetrically and now her left jaw is bigger than her right jaw
No. 13565
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>>13563I saw this show with Dakota. In good lighting she can look cute. You may think average, plain or whatever, but it's not most people would think she was ugly. She can look a bit pug like in bad lighting and smiling (which is why I think she has constant bitch face.) She's still a believable catalog model.
No. 13567
>>13556Some of her photoshopped images are fucking awful, while other enhance her features without looking ridiculous.
Even without the photoshop, she does have a very symmetrical face and small features.
I don't think she is the most beautiful girl ever, no, but her face is aesthetically pleasing.
No. 13568
File: 1411008250178.jpg (22.42 KB, 640x450, kota-koti.jpg)

>>13565>>13567Of course she's decent looking, then she wouldn't be a model to begin with. It's the fact that she got her work to begin with because the fashion editors thought she looked like this.
No. 13569
File: 1411008546736.jpg (243.72 KB, 800x1046, img-sm-kotakoti-real-face-1722…)

She should just get jaw surgery if they're going to keep photo shopping her face.
No. 13570
File: 1411008790032.jpg (483.71 KB, 1200x1600, wp-1204502094.jpg)

They photoshopped her face weird too. It looks like a man you put eyelashes and hearts on through those purikura japanese editor apps.
No. 13571
File: 1411009162988.jpg (257.48 KB, 1155x754, kotakoti-seems-legit-160268773…)

My two favorite gay men.
No. 13574
>>13565Looking at that picture on the right…
Does anyone know if that video of her on that korean makeup/talk show is still floating around? I have no luck finding it.
No. 13593
>>13591It make sense. Unless I missed something,I don't recall anything recent related to Dakota?
There were only some pics from the myspace forums with her name on it and vague claims of people
harrasing Dakota's employers , but nothing else.
99% archive was about Kiki. I mean, if my two daughers were being
abused online as Cathy claims, why only she just focus in only one?
BTW, when was the last time Kota went back to America?
No. 13595
>>13593>>PULL when Dakota posts something new"omg! she looks so cute! that looks so good on her, I wish she'd smile more! ah I'm glad she's happy, SLAY Koti, SLAY"
>>PULL when Kiki posts something new"look what that pasty hook-nose, has-been posted now. She's so delusional! Why does she even try? her 15 minutes are up. She's making up compliments about herself again, like anyone would ever say something like that to her, lol, she's losing it!"
No. 13604
>>13595anon from
>>13593IDK why you quoted me, for "anything recent related to Dakota" I meant no screencaps about her on the latest lawsuit archives.
No. 13624
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So weed is her medicine and she writes about in japanese, doesn't she know how hard Japan's laws are regarding it?
No. 13625
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>>13624The instagram pic is a convo with some old japanese dude btw.
No. 13628
File: 1411045919313.jpg (400.54 KB, 1471x953, tumblr_m4ih8oJfxi1rwnqgzo1_128…)

>>13562I never thought Dakota could potentially have high fashion potential until I saw her shoot from Vogue Japan.
Obviously she's never going to do catwalk, but I was very impressed with this shot. She's wearing normal makeup and you can tell that they haven't really retouched her features and I think she looks just like Lara Stone in it.
No. 13635
>>13625She should become friends with Jrcach
Lolcow would explode
No. 13636
>>13624>>13629>>13631>>13632Oh the irony. She once called a girl on IG "Wake & Bake Queen" Let me se if I still can find the screencaps.
>>13628I actually expected she'd land more high fashion gigs after that.
No. 13652
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No. 13672
File: 1411076893556.png (53.35 KB, 578x586, 56456.png)

>So many gifts from fans!
>I dress like a bride everyday!
Oh Kiki.
No. 13680
File: 1411077875965.jpeg (52.26 KB, 605x288, 1411068755721.jpeg)

>don't use Google Translate>uses Google TranslateYou only get that bold question mark in that font when you copy and paste from Google Translate kek
No. 13682
>>13667Well, this thread isn't about PULL either, but that didn't stop you. My shitty posts aren't derailing the thread any more than your shitty posts. Plus this board is slow as hell, no one cares.
>>13672Haha "flower infused gifts?" what?
These tweets are actually pretty depressing, I'm imagining her sat alone at a birthday table with a manic look on her face muttering to herself "I'm so glad you could all make it!", "More organic vegan jasmine tea, Sakura-san?", "What's that? I'm far more kawaii and talented than my stupid lame sister? Oh you!"
No. 13684
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>>13663different anon here, according to Lain PULL gets an average of 10,000 unique visitors per day
No. 13719
File: 1411087539209.png (9.01 KB, 581x112, 5353.png)

She really seems to fall quickly for that old japanese dude.
No. 13720
>>13719Shall I bring some popcorn for the
"disgusting men all are pigs!!!" shitstorm to come?
No. 13746
File: 1411093284606.jpg (379.86 KB, 740x463, Dakota-Koti-Ostrenga-Unphotosh…)

>>13564>>13565she is actually asymmetrical in real life. Her eye sockets are incredibly lopsided/uneven. You can see this best in those photos she did for that one fashion store when she first started out.
Her jaw is also slightly asymmetrical, and this is a big reason why she always tilts her head at the same angles.
photo highly related (the one on the far right)
No. 13851
File: 1411148855374.png (33.63 KB, 573x497, 35325.png)

I am pretty sure she has zero friends, one day after her bday and instead of throwing a party she is busy spamming her results of stupid personality tests.
No. 13880
>>13871Mira 2.0
she later might change her handle to froridajin
No. 13916
>>13880I doubt it; Kirsten doesn't like to acknowledge that she's American remember? It isn't unique and snowflakey enough for her.
No, she 1/5th Irish, 1/5th Swedish, 1/5th blah blah blah whatever it was she pulled out of her ass.
No. 13920
>>13916Ah you're right anon, I completely forgot that.
Wasn't kirsten into tarot, auras,astrology and all that stuff? I wonder why she hasn't unearthed some imaginary long lost royal ancient asian past life yet hah.
No. 13933
>>13920>> 1/5 lol it's actually 11
French, Irish, Polish, English, Welsh, Scottish, Dutch, German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian.
No. 13995
>>13933lol wtf
I'm 1/4th Scottish and the rest English but I don't go around telling people that shit. I was born on the British Isles therefore I am British. Kirsten was born in American therefore she is American. Why can't she accept this? Fucking German, Danish, Irish etc. my ass.
No. 14009
>>13933Lmao I remember Kootie did the same thing. "I'm 1/4 Swedish, 1/8 British, 1/2 English, 1/5 Irish, 1/4 Welsh, 1/6 French, and 1/3 European."
They're so stupid… Typical dumb American sisters.
No. 14017
>>14009I do that when people ask, but it's because I'm my family's genealogist. Like, I've spent years reading through books of old deeds and vital records, tracking down wills, translating and transcribing original documents, etc. Guess that's what happens in a relatively new country made up mostly of immigrants.
It seems so out of place in this screenshot, though. (europian?? lol) She seems like the kind of girl who would swear that her g-g-g-grandmother was a Cherokee princess.
No. 14042
Like, I'm British, half English, half Scottish and if I had an American try to tell me that they were English or whatever I would lose my shit in front of them.
Like no, your heritage might be English but you are American. You were born in America.
No. 14043
>>14040although I agree with the rest of your point, Irish can be both an ethnicity and nationality.
Nationality is the country you're a citizen of, ethnicity is where you ancestors came from, national origin is the country you were born in.
No. 14054
>>14040So much this. I'm an Amerimutt and I don't list out everything I'm mixed with unless they specifically ask since I imagine it's embarrassing. I just say the 3 main races when someone
specifically inquires. It annoys the fuck out of me when one of my fellow countrymen goes on about how they're Irish, French, and whatnot. No, you are American. You were born in America as were your parents. Stop going on about this Italian bullshit.
No. 14064
>>14043Shut the fuck up Irish is not an ethnicity. Everyone in Europe, is the same mutt mix because we've been invading each other for thousands upon thousands of years. The British Isles and Ireland in particular because we were invaded by pretty much every single power in Europe. There is probably not a single person who can actually trace their heritage back without finding that their ancestors not from their country of origin in the UK.
Why you would say Irish in particular is an ethnicity whilst the rest of Europe isn't, despite there being much more genetically isolated populations is beyond me.
No. 14102
>>14064uh.. I only said Irish because you were talking about Irish. I never said the rest of Europe wasn't lmao, what even? If Irish isn't an ethnicity, then I'd like to know what the hell you call one then? Do ethnicities even exist?
I said I agreed with you that it's stupid to list 11 countries when your only connection to them is your 16x great grandmother's birthplace. But don't say ignorant bs like "Irish isn't an ethnicity" or "everyone in Europe is the same mutt mix"
No. 14125
>>14102We don't say Irish is an ethnicity because genetically they are but people who originate from the British Isles (or at least I mean our ancestors invaded from another part of Europe and bummed around here fucking and building shit).
We are not ethnically English.
We are not ethnically Scottish.
We are not ethnically Welsh.
We are ethnically British.
It's like a Japanese person trying to argue that they are ethnically Honshu, when Honshu is just a landmass within Japan. Of course they are still Japanese.
No. 14294
I'm formally studying Japanese and I did not know this.
No. 14546
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No. 14852
File: 1411694326595.png (527.28 KB, 568x564, Blurry.png)

New Twitter with her supposedly speaking Korean. Also blurry ass instagram picture. Can anyone confirm it's legit Korean or she is just using Google translator. Also I feel like something is off with the new picture…or is it just me?
No. 14883
>>14852Can be because of her huge forehead and the fact that she edited her face smaller? It looks like she shaved big portion of it, especially compared to her other photos, where she have smaller eyes, longer face and bigger jaw and chin.
She's basically trying to copy that alien look.
No. 14915
>>14852looks like keeks went mental using the line app face editor jfc she looks so awkward in this
i cannot stand the whole white girl pretending to be a supah kawaii desu animu character it's just so WEIRD i don't get the appeal…
No. 14920
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No. 14923
File: 1411750190657.png (31.87 KB, 389x300, yellowfever.png)

lol, stay thirsty kirsten.
apparently she's "learning" three (asian ofc) languages at once, which is stupid as fuck because she's obviously just going to end up not be able to speak any of them remotely well. this whole "speak all the azn ching chong languages!!!1" does nothing but make her look stupid and desperate.
it's kind of sad how many of her followers are actually buying her ethereal moonspeak goddess act.
No. 14927
File: 1411752304050.png (12 KB, 580x135, 5253.png)

Yeah, because you totally leave the house so often or at all.
No. 14962
It is not against the law to stop for animals. It things like having that are the reason for why the drive behind you legally has to leave a breaking distance between your cars for if you have to suddenly stop, say in the case that an animal is in the road.
You're telling me if a deer is in the road you're supposed to drive on through it?
No. 14967
>>14962Sorry, I just assumed the laws in the US were the same as they are here. Basically you're at fault if you make an emergency stop if it's not actually an emergency. Unless hitting the animal is going to kill you then it's not considered an emergency.
>You're telling me if a deer is in the road you're supposed to drive on through it?If slamming on your breaks or swerving to avoid it are the only other options, then yes. Killing an animal is better than endangering the lives of other people.
No. 14972
>>14967You do realize how big some deer are right?
You do realize that people have died hittig deer?
No. 14975
>>14972Well, yeah, like I said it's a case by case thing. If it looks like hitting the deer (Or whatever animal) is going to kill you then you take evasive action. Otherwise you just drive on through.
No. 14992
File: 1411773021766.png (548.51 KB, 1044x584, 35325.png)

So azn desu.
No. 14993
>>14992I wonder if that really is a sweet red bean paste with chestnuts and if she really enjoys that type of food.
I say this because a lot of "Asian" food Americans know have been Americanized to cater to our taste buds. True Asian food are much different than what we know. They use different parts of animals and different plants. A lot of times (and I am not saying all the time) unless it is cuisine you have grown up with, not many Americans are use to true Asian Cuisine. It also varies with location as well, I am sorry if I offend by lumping all Asian countries together.
I wonder if Kiki actually eats sweet red bean paste with chestnuts or Daikon radishes, or Taro root or she just puts up a from to seem desu kawaii!
No. 15111
File: 1411797075499.jpg (65.35 KB, 382x396, Dina-Leopard-alien-faced-blogg…)

>>15101iirc, that's Dina Leopard, one of whatever the chinese equivalent of an ulzzang is. Anyway, she's terrifying.
No. 15113
File: 1411797263625.jpg (81.59 KB, 440x586, wang jia yun.jpg)

>>15111An other honorable mention in the contest of who can be the kawaii-est asian photoshop queen is Wang Jia Yun.
One day Kirsten may decide to try to join their ranks.
No. 15133
File: 1411821769568.jpg (60.78 KB, 499x654, dinaleopard08.jpg)

>>15111Fuck, so I Googled her expecting to find a picture of her without makeup and shoop looking like a totally normal Asian chick and this is a real picture so supposedly she has had quite a bit of surgery and a massive fuck off chin implant, but the rest she just enhances with makeup + editing.
No. 15230
>>15225>>15228Please See
>>4852>>4876So glad to be called out on something that has already been leaked. It's not like it hasn't already happened. Jesus chill the fuck out.
No. 15237
Oh right, and I'm the stupid one…right. It was a small mistake but it's the damage was done two months ago. The admins already backed up the archive so we would still have the information if Kiki deleted the information. But if you want to make an mole hill and keep insulting me with bad grammar go right ahead.
No. 15238
>>15237No. Actually, I typed it exactly how it was intended. As in, the stupid you own. As in YOUR stupid actions. As in, YOUR shitposts. If you can't make sense of that, no wonder you are so damn thick that you see nothing wrong with your shitposting.
Please go back to PULL. I promise you won't be missed.
No. 15247
>>15242diff person just throwing my two cents in here but idk why this needs to turn into an argument lol…..
you're in the wrong
it's pretty obvs that people DON'T want keeks seeing this thread or else it WOULD be on PULL for everyone else to see
in fact this would just be on PULL
just admit the mistake was made and move on jfc
No. 15282
>>15256speaking of
can we make a thread about lauryn?
she is the lulziest member of pull perhaps excepting OC.
i used to observe her tumblr but she jumps bandwagons every couple of months and changes her url along with.
No. 15286
>>15282She isn't a member of PULL anymore since ages tho, she even asked Espurr to delete her shit but she refused.
>>15284She is invading the Tumblr "kawaii" tags lately but she changes her URL like how others change their underwear.
No. 15296
File: 1411880358229.jpg (103.03 KB, 760x507, 04snzvx.jpg)

Lauryn Lawler is an obsessed psycho who thinks snowflakes like Kiki, Dakota and Mila Mortice are celebrities, and she would do anything to talk to them. Her favorite tactic is throwing anyone under a bus to make herself look favorable to whoever she's ass-licking at that particular moment. She was a member of PULL on and off and has serious bipolar disorder where one day she's all TEAM PULL insulting snowflakes and making fun of them. But the second she sees a chance to kiss up to a snowflake, she's all "they bullied me too, let's be friends!".
No. 15346
File: 1411903699087.jpg (101.87 KB, 500x750, tumblr_nc1cxyXpvf1tr38gso1_500…)

>>15288I'm surprised. She looks pretty good now that she's not trying to be a Dakota clone
No. 15423
File: 1411928528233.png (52.48 KB, 577x535, 53453.png)

Kiki stfu please.
No. 15433
magical chinese herbs again, kiki?
No. 15688
>>15580>>It's incredibly obvious she only preaches it to silence the "haters,"Exactly, she gives these "advice" rants where she talks as if she's speaking to a group of horribly victimized young girls going through severe cyberbullying. None of her followers seem to gain anything from this because that's not what they follow her for. Which means the only motive for the rants is for the haters to read it and feel bad or whatever.
Either way, she uses the word "hate" extremely loosely, and I think on purpose to exaggerate.
No. 15693
File: 1412083527019.png (388.9 KB, 1022x611, 4635.png)

The shit she does on the pole doesn't even need any skills and lol @ calling her hater stalking room "my office" like if it was her job.
No. 15701
>>15605Hah, I would love it she secretly had a huge soft spot for disabled people, à la Sue Sylvester. Doesn't the elusive third Ostrenga sibling have autism or something? Or have I remembered that completely wrong?
>>15693I love how defensive she's being before anyone even mentioned the pole.
No. 15795
File: 1412127346770.png (54.35 KB, 575x579, 4353.png)

Seems like that japanese dude dumped her, she started a shitstorm on her Twitter as expected.
No. 15796
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>>15795Kiki, you aren't a minor anymore…
No. 15799
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>>15797Seems like she did nudes for him.
No. 15843
>>15832Technically 2 but that isn't a lot by far. The only problem I see is how
quick she is to have sex with someone.
No. 15846
>>15425>☮☯✿❤❤may my words create love may they be beautiful and lovely✿✿❤✿✿✿☮☯>>15795>PUT YOUR DICK IN A PRESS — I WISH WE COULD CHOP THEIR DICKSSSSSSS OFFSUCH BEAUTIFUL AND LOVELY WORDS KEEKZ!!!
500 says her powered by solar plexus video turns out to be about how everybody's raping her.
No. 15849
She's probably mad because guys find young-looking girls attractive and she's aged too much to have that appeal anymore.
>>15821>>15826sorry I really didn't know you could do that with vids :\
No. 15939
File: 1412183566276.png (9.69 KB, 582x114, 4534.png)

>"putting off some work"
No. 15960
File: 1412193555085.png (9.41 KB, 580x138, 3432.png)

>>15939Expect a 1 hour long video where she rants about guys.
No. 15970
>>15939i can't even with her anymore
kiki, you sound like the biggest pile of useless self absorbed trash. no one thinks you're important anymore, please stop.
also gonna bet some guy said she looked like a grandma (with all of that kira kira angeliku lace she and washed out colors she wears) and that's why she's ranting about young girls
lol stay mad keeks
No. 15984
>>15981On top of that, she comes off clingy and desperate. Not too long ago she hooked up with a guy, wrote "I love Kiki" on him when he was sleeping, and posted a picture of it. When he got upset with her about it, she just acted like he was being irrational.
I don't think being easy is really the problem, I feel like Kiki just instantly clings onto any attractive guy who gives her attention and assumes they're in love/in a relationship. And I can kinda get why, imagine how much time she just spends alone on her computer. She has no friends and she doesn't even have Dakota to hang out with anymore.
No. 15991
>>15984Wasn't that guy a sort of famous singer (?) in Japan? She'll probably ruin his reputation.
>>15990No, anon. Don't you realise how busy Kiki is with her ~work~ and ~spirituality~?
I feel kinda bad for her to lose her only friend, if only she wasn't such a pile of shit.
No. 15993
File: 1412212196431.jpg (104.49 KB, 260x390, 472091_10150921012412318_16243…)

>>15991Not a famous singer but quite known within the underground rock scene, it's not like if he wasn't known for running around with scene sluts anyways.
No. 16119
>>16118I was just thinking the same thing but I think it's the camera angle- she has her head turned down slightly while looking up at a camera placed somewhat above her to make her look smaller.
kind of ironic that she's talking about sexual assault and young girls while still trying to do the whole fetishy young girl thing
she needs to get a life
No. 16125
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>>16116Jesus fucking christ, Kiki. What happened? She looks so old.
No. 16129
File: 1412287163612.png (857.26 KB, 1598x685, 1j0uav.png)

>>16127Kiki does whatever she wants, she even made a whole website slandering him and his family when the case started again.
No. 16132
>>16131make people wonder if Kiki was raped**
I can't even English
No. 16133
File: 1412287924999.jpg (16.62 KB, 323x210, Capture.JPG)

>>16125I think it's mostly her lifestyle taking its toll on her and the harsh lighting that's make her look older. She looks a billion times better in this screencap I took/at 6:10.
No. 16139
>>16134Also agree with this. I can believe her in some things, she seemed really genuine and honest. I feel sorry for her.
Their behavior besides this is a completely different story.
Also her make up looks like a mess in this video. It's a bit weird since it's always very well put on, maybe it's because she put less effort in it because the topic was stressful?
But it could be something different, totally not related, just thinking. I tend to put way too much thought into details.
No. 16169
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>>16141She is busy retweeting the pityparty comments, that's all.
No. 16227
File: 1412300878752.png (45.59 KB, 505x596, stickydrama.png)

As friendly reminder.
No. 16244
>>16240>He also promised her and they shook hands onthis that he would not have sex with her until she was at least 16
hm? it contradicts
>>16228 where they admit keekz was lying about her age
No. 16246
>>16240Jesus Christ….the whole situation is a mess. But it's funny Kristen used the same exact sentences in her video that Kathy used in her email.
"Danny spent time grooming not only Kirsten, but her autistic brother Kyler, her sister Dakota, me and my husband, Scott."
Interesting they use the same exact wording in two difference times…maybe like it was rehearsed.
Also if Danny was pressuring Kiki to have unprotected sex why carry a condom around with him? In the police report it saids Danny pulled out a condom and masterbated in it…doesn't make any sense.
>>16244Has a point. The sentence contradicts what the police report saids on Kristen's age. Besides wasn't it said Kiki lied about her age?
All of this seems kinda fishy.
No. 16271
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So throwing pityparties for her are smart, huh?
No. 16275
>>16266I also think so.
I've never seen anyone lying for so long, so much without actually believing what they're saying.
I think it could be that her parents were and are always repeating the same all the time to convince themselves and Kiki that they're always the only victims to the point that Kiki already believed and in her head it's true. And that's why she's using the same sentences as Cathy - hearing something endlessly makes you just remember that. I can imagine Cathy sitting down with her endlessly repeating like in mantras that it's only other people who are at fault.
And I agree with your first sentence 100% - I'll never be able to take her completely seriously until she'll own up and apologize.
No. 16309
>>16187not saying she's not a total narcissist.
it's just a slightly different form of ego trip. when she was fourteen or whatever and a ~scene queen~ she had hordes of hot-topic sceneyweenies constantly giving her attention and worship. her ego was based on her fans, and the idea that she could sic 'em on whoever offended her. now that she's lost dat mass appeal, her ego has to be based on the idea that her intellect and beauty are far above and beyond that of plebian comprehension.
No. 16356
File: 1412365746506.png (18.5 KB, 587x241, 4534.png)

Now she goes attentionwhoring with rape stories, great, not.
No. 16362
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>>16358She is spewing so much bullshit.
No. 16366
>>16356Just what we need, her ego getting large from the attention.
>>16358Of course she is getting pissy people are throwing logic her way.
>>16362That is total bullshit…she is taking this way too far.
No. 16372
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>>16366>>16368I am amazed how she can believe her own BS, it's not like if her myspace profile with the faked age wouldn't be in
No. 16380
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>>16378Even with bad waist shoop.
No. 16383
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>>16380Not to mention that she did look like everything but a 13yo.
No. 16386
File: 1412368137140.png (913.7 KB, 1273x677, 12q8atea.png)

>>16385sorry, clicked post without uloading the pic. look at this in full size and look at the myspace PM of the blonde girl.
No. 16388
>>16386Wow, I guess this clinches that it really was her then.
>>16387Wow you have horrible taste.
She looks like malnourished club trash.
No. 16396
File: 1412369500157.png (49.48 KB, 132x195, del.png)

>>16385>>16386>>16388shit. it's all coming together. I always had doubt it was really them because this fucked up beyond all reason.
>>KFC receives an ask from Orlando under a tumblr account with Danny's picture as the avatar.
>>Same web host as Kirsten and Dakotas' websites. With paid extra for GoDaddy to block their info from whois tracking.
>>Pictures of Daniel, pictures of his brother and sister, mugshots of his aunt and father.
>>a list of names of all the underage girls Daniel had sex with, which I highly doubt was made public, but can be found in Cathy's pdf letter to lawyer.
>>Kiki's written humor of misspellings like "kept hur at my sissa house for tree wks", can frequently be found using it on her instagram, twitter and youtube.
>>Pic related. A printed screenshot of a myspace private message between "Nick" (Cathy) and a blonde girl who replied "he fingered me", also cited on the pdf to lawyer. Similar screenshot prints with encircled areas can found on their archive *NOTE: I once read that Cathy made a fake profile of a boy in order to message a girl on myspace to get info on Daniel, I guess that's the one.
>>the website also lead to a youtube devoted to uploading pictures of Daniel trying on Kiki's clothes with titles like "faggot in girl clothes" No. 16443
I found this. I don't know how biased or truthful it is, but it contains the part where it says Cathy contacted the blonde girl who in the screenshot appears to in fact be "Malice Millionaire" pretending to be a boy, so there is at least some confirmed truth to it.
"Mid-way through Kirsten's scene queen "career" she encountered Daniel De Jesus Cespedes, also known as Mr. Myspace.
Daniel is something of a big name on the Myspace scene and although Kirsten and Danny already seem to have something of an attraction towards each other, Cathy and Scott encouraged their relationship heavily in the beginning, believing that Kirsten would garner more fame and celebrity were she to hook up with another "big name".
In the beginning Kirsten and Cathy lied to Daniel about her age, alleging herself to be 2 years older than she really was and thus above the legal age of consent. It is unknown at what point in the relationship that Kirstens real age was revealed. It's thought that she did this in order to seem more mature and appealing to Daniel.
Daniels grandmother, with whom Danny was living with, heavily disapproved of the relationship from the beginning as she seemed to instinctively know that Kirsten and her entire family were bad news. It was also Kirsten and Cathy's idea to bleach his hair and then dye racoon stripe for which his grandmother was very upset about.
Daniel and Kirsten were spending a lot of time together, and for a period Daniel even moved in with Ostrengas. Cathy and Scott allowed Daniel to sleep in Kirstens room. It was common knowledge by that point that they were sleeping together, evidenced by Kirsten regularly bragging about the size of his penis and how good he was in bed on Stickam.
Some way down the line Daniel seemed to be becoming distanced from Kirsten, put off by her childish and immature antics and overall bitchiness. Before he died he had complained to friends about Kirsten and her families desperation for fame and their ugly attitude towards other people, something he was unaware of in the beginning relationship.
Daniel breaks up with Kirsten.
Kirsten is distraught, Cathy is furious and somewhere around this time it is said that Daniel began seeing other girls, some of which may or may not have been underage. This has never actually been confirmed.
Cathy, enraged over the spurn of her daughter, decides to take revenge and files a report against Daniel for rape charges. After this she begins spreading gossip around the area that Daniel is a Paedophile and that he lied to Kirsten saying that he was younger than what he was and that he is in fact a rapist. This is heavily in dispute because on Daniels Myspace page his real age had always been published for the world for see, something Kirsten and Cathy would have definitely seen for themselves.
Upon hearing that there is a warrant for his arrest, Daniel lies low for a while in order to avoid the police and evade arrest.
Cathy, in another malicious move, contacts a young female she knows to be a friend of Daniel (Malice Millionaire, another girl who was involved in the scene movement) and convinces her to set Daniel up, convincing the girl that Daniel had raped a baby/toddler.
Malice Millionaire contacts Daniel and arranges to have him meet her at the Aventura Mall, Florida, promising him sex.
Danny arrives and a short while later the police appear and handcuff him.
Daniel is found to have a wrap of cocaine on his person.
What happens next is in dispute, but apparently whilst an officer was dealing with papers a gust of wind blew them from his hands and Daniel saw his chance and took it.
He ran to the rooftop of the mall and seeing a skip/dumpster below him, attempted to jump and land into it.
He misses and hits the concrete instead.
Daniel spends the next 3 months in coma being kept alive by breathing apparatus and a feeding tube before being legally pronounced brain dead. He is buried later that week.
Daniels grandmother files charges against the Ostrengas and the state.
The Ostrengas shortly after declare themselves legally bankrupt and the case is put on hold for a number of years."
No. 16451
Here's another, I think this one is more credible.
"I joined this forum because I'm tired of seeing so many lies floating around the internet about Daniel, and the fact that Kiki has successfully ruined him image and made him look like a rapist… that is far from the truth. I am a friend of the family, my mother worked with Lourdes (Daniel's mom) for many years, I met Daniel many times and will tell the side of the story as I know it, i'll try to be brief:
Daniel met Kiki in person after they met online, (Cathy actually took Kiki to the meeting place) after meeting Kiki he quickly became obsessed with her, his mom began to worry because he started to copy her weird style (the racoon hair, makeup, clothes), his mom being an old fashioned Cuban mother was alarmed and often spoke to my mother about this so called Kiki that seemed to be a bad influence on Daniel. I saw Daniel after he had already began a relationship with Kiki, he had changed so much I could barely recognize him, he was very quiet, and seemed very angry and was even very rude to us when he had always been a very polite and sweet guy. As the relationship progressed Daniel's mother opposed even more, and even threatened to kick Daniel out of the house if he did not stop seeing Kiki, Daniel did not listen and began sleeping over the Ostrenga house, one day my mother told me Daniel had developed a horrible rash all over his skin, it was contagious and he had gotten it from sleeping in Kiki's bed, Daniel's mom was desperate and begged Daniel to stop seeing Kiki but he continued to see her and became more and more defiant towards his mom, the rash got worse and one day Lourdes went to the Ostrenga house to speak with Kiki's parents. To her surprise her parents treated her as if she was the enemy and told Lourdes she should let her son be happy and to let Daniel be with Kiki because they were young and in love, Cathy confessed that she was the one that did Daniel's hair into the hideous hairstyles and told Lourdes that Daniel could stay at their house for as long as he wanted. Lourdes thought that the only thing she could do was move away, so she started to plan to move out of the state, while she planned for the move Daniel and Kiki had a fallout (dont know why) but Daniel was kicked out of the Ostrengas house, this is when Daniel got the Kiki tattoo, Daniel returned to live with his mother and sister but Kiki began to call him and show up at his house all the time, Lourdes told her to please stay away but she kept looking for Daniel and Daniel eventually gave in and started to see Kiki, this time behind her parents back (since he was kicked out of the house her parents did not want him and kiki together anymore, i dont know the reasons for this), they would meet up at the mall, she would skip school to see him, she would sneak out at night, eventually her parents got fed up and threatened Daniel with statutory rape if he did not stop seeing Kiki, Kiki had initially lied about her age, although Daniel did find out her age soon after meeting and WAS aware that she was a minor, they were both consenting and even had Cathy's support! She even gave him condoms and bought Kiki birth control, she was very aware that they were sexually active and did not mind. Since Daniel and Kiki kept seeing each other Cathy went through with the sexual abuse suit and a restraining order was issued against Daniel (he couldnt see Kiki anymore) and this is when Lourdes and Daniel moved to North Carolina, Lourdes knew that the only way to stop the madness was to move far, far away. Soon after moving to NC, Daniel came down to Miami and was going to meet up with some girls at the mall. Daniel smoked weed, but was never known to do cocaine or any other drug.. Daniel's sister said that Daniel had bought the cocaine for a girl he planned to have sex with, the same girl he was supposed to meet at the mall. It is still unknown how the Ostrengas found out that Daniel was at the mall, but Kiki showed up with intentions of calling the cops and having Daniel arrested (since she knew he could not be in the same place as her due to the restraining order), Kiki found Daniel at the mall and she called the cops, the cops handcuffed Daniel and found the cocaine in his pocket, Daniel had a chance to run so he ran way from the cops and in his attempt to scape stumbled over the ledge and fell off the 3 story building, Daniel did not die instantly, he lingered for two weeks at the hospital but eventually died from his injuries. I cannot say that everything I wrote is 100% true but it is what I know from his Mother's perspective and to the best of my personal experiences with Daniel. Lourdes is a good woman, she is so soft spoken and kind, she has never been the same since Daniel died… It breaks my heart that the internet has contributed to tainting the image of a sweet young man that made bad decisions.. Daniel had no intention of ever raping or harming Kiki, he was so in love with her He would only speak about her and about how awesome and cool she was. It makes me sick to my stomach that the Ostrengas orchestrated Daniels murder…
I found this image of a quote by Cathy…it truly sickens me to know she is such a heartless woman, she played a pivotal role in Daniel's death… and BRAGS about it
The quote says: "All the times we've turned around and fought. Put it this way: one of the guys is actually dead. So i suggest you leave my family alone - Cathy Ostrenga"
No. 16461
File: 1412379803782.png (620.94 KB, 450x655, 1407039944349.png)

>you don't like what I like>YOU MUST BE FATkek no, it's more to do with the fact that the girl has like 0% muscle definition so she just looks skinnyfat and flabby. Das shits gross.
No. 16482
>>16443This sounds too detailed to be all a lie.
That and it concurs directly with the story in
>>16451, aside from the time it took for Daniel to be pronounced legally dead.
No. 16494
fuck my tablet for being an android.
No. 16520
>>16518Stickam actually. I've been trying to look for 2 other statements that sided with Daniel not being the incestious pedophile demon rapist she's painting him to be, but can't find them.
To my knowledge one of them was a statement of one of the girls involved who said Cathy had tricked her into luring Daniel to the mall with the lie that he raped a small child, and that the girl had cried a lot ever since his death because she felt responsible. I thought it might have been Malice Millionaire but I can't find anything on her, so I guess not.
The second was from somebody that was talking about how she bragged about his dick and the sex they had on stickam, but stopped after people began calling her a slut.
No. 16521
found another tid-bit.
"Kiki claims to be the Scene Queen of Myspace. She says that she is 14, but sometimes 15. Some say shes even 17 pretending to be 14 to be popular. But how can she be 14 if Dakota is 14? They are sisters, after all. They're both pathetic fakes. No one knows if she is a fake and Matthew star [Kiki's ex best friend] claims that her parents run her myspace and she is not allowed to go on it, because they use her and Dakota to promote their tacky jewelry business."
This is on Kikis boyfriend's Myspace,no it wasnt a fake. Here's proof:
"Whenever we went anywhere she had to turn it into a fucking photoshoot,
where she was the only one with a camera, so other people couldn't take
photos of her she couldn't get her hands on and photo-edit before they got
on the internet.
She would bitch at anyone who put her photo on the internet without her
permission. All her photos has to be posed and edited. She would get pissed
off if anyone took a picture with their camera and start saying "don't put
that online". Yes, I made a mistake, but Kiki's made many more and told many
more lies in her journals that I know the truth behind. I agree with most of
the horrible shit she posted about me, but despite all this horrible stuff
she still writes journals saying she considers taking me back. She bitched
about everyone, she's only scared of losing me because she knows I was her
only true friend, the only one she didn't bitch about (but maybe she did,
who knows), and now she's turned everything around on Eric. She has to
pretend she's hard but all she cared about was her Myspace, when she was
around real people she suddenly wasn't so big anymore. Her whole family are
obsessed with the internet. I am a Myspace whore but I got where I am
because I enjoy it and I like people, not because my whole family are
promoting me or because I have nowhere else to go with my life. The only
people she knew were people she met through me. Now she's scared because she
knows she has lost them all. They think that they can take Kiki out of
education and she can make a living on the internet, but they're wrong: Kiki
is only well known because everyone hates her. You can't make money out of
haters, but she's dilluded, and has been ever since our relationship
started. All she ever talked about was Myspace, whenever anyone writes
anything bad she expects us all to jump in and defend her. We got sick of
it, after a while everyone she hung out with in real life stopped commenting
on her stuff and backing her up against haters, so she bitched about them.
She always called her haters "stalkers" and "obsessed" but she was her own
hater, she was obsessed with herself and how everyone saw her. All she cared
about was how our relationship was portrayed, how everyone else saw it, she
didn't care about what it actually was, just how it looked to other people
on the internet. People she didn't even know.I should have ended it as soon
as I realised, but I liked her, and I thought she would at least show me
some respect for sticking with her even when everyone turned their backs on
her. It was the same with her hair, it looked good from a forward angle, but
from behind it didn't look right, so we couldn't take photos of her from
behind. We'd get funny comments thrown at us in the streets, sometimes
people would recognise her and call her names, she didn't fight back, she
hid away, or called her dad to pick her up and spend the whole journey back
bitching about how fat they were. She's posted all these journals making
herself sound like the victim, when it's the other way around, she hates
people, they fight back, and then she posts journals to get sympathy, when
she was the one that started it. I liked the attention while I was with her,
but now that we've broken up I've got even more support, I didn't realise
how much she hurts people, I guess I became trapped in her world where
haters are just jealous but now I realise it's more than that. She wrote
that journal to cover her back, because she knew the truth would come out
eventually. She pretends she wants me back because she's scared of me
telling people about all the horrible stuff she's done to get where she is.
It's too late. "
No. 16522
File: 1412425945571.jpg (20.5 KB, 376x500, 4164464515a6969375859l.jpg)

>>16520Well, the two made billion photos like this one together and I am pretty sure she would look totally unconfortable on all if he actually did something bad to her, plus they are even further proof that her new rape claims are bs.
No. 16527
File: 1412428141231.png (16.24 KB, 575x159, 455.png)

So she basicly says everybody should always only believe the side of the girl that claims that she got raped, because people totally never lie for revenge.
No. 16600
>>16526Can we trust the evidence Chris Stone has?
>>16529She has gone way too far with this. I agree with you she is doing it just to gain attention.
PULL has become useless and watered down where most are believing this bullshit.
We need some solid evidence and put it somewhere where everyone can see she is a lying two faced bitch.
No. 16603
>>16601There is a thread about that website already since it was first created. There were many other threads too that included even more police reports regarding the Ostrengas but they had to get removed for "stalking" during her shitstorm against the site's host.
>>16600The same evidence can be found in Kiki and Cathy's stalking folder, in there are even more documents showing that Kiki's current claims are bullshit.
No. 16604
File: 1412439393149.jpg (38.51 KB, 500x333, 13_yo_kiki.jpg)

No. 16631
File: 1412453536009.jpg (26.54 KB, 500x500, 1379702622608.jpg)

>>16594That's like, your opinion man.
No. 16633
File: 1412454180201.jpeg (20.28 KB, 258x400, green-32553166714.jpeg)

>>16594Yeah brah, that's just your opinion, real women have curves
No. 16634
File: 1412454343742.jpg (38.52 KB, 500x864, 1379705120823.jpg)

>>16633There's a huge difference between some juiced up harpy and just being reasonably physically fit.
I have no idea why the second some of you a physically fit women you lose your shit. Insecure much?
No. 16639
>>16636Why "was", the thread about the website is still online. Kiki doesn't have any fans anymore besides 3 SJW that are just as retarded as her and guys that hope to get into her pants. Don't forget that her followers are mostly bought.
No. 16654
File: 1412470596670.jpg (41.15 KB, 403x604, 1328837374065.jpg)

>>16648>>16634 isn't thin, she's bulky and gross. Thick, beefy women are not attractive. Her waist should be smaller than her hips, at least, in order to pass the world wide female beauty standard. Her body should be soft instead of bulky. Lifting weights doesn't make up for your over eating, it just makes you look like a greasy little guido dwarf. Bulging calves are not womanly in any frame of the term. Picture related, it's what an attractive woman looks like. Soft and feminine, now stop bitching about women who look better than you. Only a select group of men find that shit attractive, they're like fat fetishists.
No. 16659
File: 1412472519675.jpg (119.63 KB, 683x1024, 1341269825633.jpg)

>>16654That girl in pic looks like she has an eating disorder tbh.
I don't mind thin, but you need some muscle tone to go along with it like pic related.
That girl is just gross and malnourished.
No. 16670
>>16657You're the one who started it by bitching at everyone who thought
>>16383 looked good. You then went on to cry about why you think your body type is better and posted
>>16461 along with other examples of what you wish men found attractive. She's not thin enough for those abbs, it's so weird looking. It looks like a chubby girl drew abbs on. And it's in her upper body, wft?
>>Wimminz who aren't fat and beefy like me r malnourished Keep telling yourself that. Thick isn't cute, no matter what Opera tells you.
No. 16691
>>16138Kiki is like a radicalized version of pixyteri. They both are somewhat "trapped" by their batshit crazy mothers and can't seem to actually live their own lives, and move out.
Kiki is the product of batshit crazy parents completely fucking up her self-image, self-worth, and self-esteem. Grade-A lousy parenting on their part.
No. 16760
>>16736I know right.
Alright let's get this thread back on topic. Kiki has been quiet the past few days. I wonder what she is up to now.
No. 16792
File: 1412553964260.jpg (43.82 KB, 255x640, kiki's_originality.jpg)

I love to dig for old evidence against her.
No. 16793
File: 1412554505118.jpg (112.66 KB, 620x508, ruth.jpg)

>>16792One of the OCs she made with Dakota for her shop.
No. 16795
File: 1412554729012.jpg (42.9 KB, 240x639, koti's_originality.jpg)

>>16792Both loved to copy Audrey.
No. 16797
File: 1412555543149.jpg (37.74 KB, 333x500, again_14_yo_kiki.jpg)

…my eyes.
No. 16804
File: 1412558732478.jpg (478.83 KB, 1600x1600, maxresdefault.jpg)

>>16793lol Dakota's art always seemed to consist of caricature-like portraits that all look like her with stolen google photos used as backgrounds. When her looks changed, so did her art style to match.
No. 16807
File: 1412559727585.png (806.75 KB, 2016x1047, ko.png)

1: Make a crappy anorexic caricature of yourself
2: Use an ebay vanity photo as background
3: Print it and sell it for $500
ONE OF THE HANDS HAS 6 FINGERS, shit like this would struggle to rake in even $10 at dA
No. 16808
File: 1412559822432.jpg (390.23 KB, 1978x1052, 500.jpg)

No. 16810
File: 1412561057283.jpg (108.49 KB, 1023x661, shorts.jpg)

>>16809Probably not, she even sold overpriced Levis jeans as own work.
No. 16813
>>16804Fucking hell Dakota it's アイドル, not いどる.
I thought she totes loved Japan since 4eva? You think she would at least know the difference between hiragana and katana, and she forgot the ア/あ.
To anybody that can read moon it says "eedoru" which doesn't mean shit.
No. 16814
lol this was during the time Kiki wouldn't shut up about having big plans that would blow everyone's mind, which ended up being some iTunes music under the name "Kiki Mimiuex", I was just now going to post a screenshot of the 100% negative reviews of people saying she can't sing for shit and ripped off some other musician, but it looks like she removed it from iTunes. You can still listen here (warning: lyrics are incomprehensible) here's this never before seen video I just stumbled on No. 16838
File: 1412601676639.png (10.47 KB, 582x128, 454.png)

She is back to retweeting compliments about how she changed people's lifes.
No. 16839
>>16814wow…no…sense of rhythm at ALLLLLLLLLLLL
How can you not sing to a beat?
No. 16853
File: 1412609362570.jpg (28.41 KB, 500x375, kiki_without_shoop.jpg)

>>16850They can't do much since if they would do something, even more people would think they are crazy with ALWAYS claiming it is one single person doing this since 2007.
No. 16854
>>16853 Theoretically. But you know how crazy they can be. Kiki didn't hesitate to threaten that girl and none of her "fans" reacted, they were "poor Kiki bad haters". I'm sure that if they ever posted about this and came out with that stalking, they would be like with her tweet, how "haters runs away after you find their identity" - trying to make it look like they're trying to get the justice and collecting evidence and doing what "haters were doing to them" (even if it's totally different since both Kiki and Dakota are online figures that connects all of their accounts and were actively trying to get noticed, in this case it's looking for any connections and trying to find anons around the net, jumping on people that maybe these are the ones they're looking for)
Even just having them silently lurking - it's enough to creep the hell out of me. I can imagine them waiting for someone they're stalking to slip and use it against them like "look everyone, haters are in fact bad/weak/have mental illness/unhappy with their lives/ect as I told you before" - she did that before with retweeting one of the pull's member's depressed tweet, didn't she.
No. 16855
>>16854Like mentioned before:
Kiki only got a handful of fans
cough crazy SJW
cough these days when excluding all the billion sockpuppet accounts that she uses to compliment herself. Everything Kiki does is basicly like an adult having a teaparty with dolls that get treated as human beings, it may be creepy but it doesn't affect anybody's life.
No. 16858
>>16855I still remember how they were tweeting all these famous people and the fact that they've got RS article. I can imagine them trying to get noticed again as "Ex Scene Queen fighting with haters!"
But this all could be just my fucked up mind. They just stress me out so much sometimes. They're collecting all of this for a reason, I guess (but they were not using all these prints they were collecting for years before, so I don't know anymore).
You know, this type of people is impossible to understand and predict what they could do.
No. 16862
File: 1412616610065.png (258.75 KB, 600x467, full.png)

Thank you based anon for bringing the whole Kiki Mimiuex thing to our attention. I'd never even seen these pictures before.
No. 16865
File: 1412618523755.png (19.2 KB, 583x235, 3543.png)

Seems like she is talking about herself again because…well.
No. 16871
File: 1412619529740.jpg (24.2 KB, 368x500, more_fully_clothes_14_yo_kiki.…)

>>16865Like all her accessories that are made from real leather where she claims the designers made a ~vegan version~ only for her.
No. 16872
>>16856I think lawyer-san told them to be quiet about their stalking rampages
>>16862ayy lmao
No. 16877
lol someone on PULL once tried to write the lyrics to that
"everyone is drawn a-sea
a little bear, look like me
everyone looks so down
you sweet things, do the frown
boys out, always a flare
let me teach you a lesson, yeah
a, b, negative o, o, o
there's blood at the store let's go
a, b, positive o, o, o
there's pulsing ready to blow
you, me, person don't know
everyone could be in the show
trip, trip, trip, rock
got the equivalent bonus flop
xylophone, ricky
it's such a shame, you don't even get paid
you're pretty beat and so clever
got my favorite boy in my tail-bone ever
don't like it, draw my fiver
oh, when you touch me it makes me quiver
walk by near don't see a reflexion
oh you're pale skin, i love your complexion
drip, drip, drip
No. 16886
File: 1412626271251.png (25.52 KB, 578x284, 32423.png)

>>16885Speaking of dicks, she is quite late with jumping onto the Sam Pepper bashing train.
No. 16906
>>16877The ??? is something about "teaching you a lesson".
No. 16909
>>16902Actually a cock cage is a type of chastity belt. Chastity belts arent just for women. You can find a wide variety just not cock cages.
Alright enough OT stuff. It doesn't surprise me Kiki is jumping on the wagon to bash Sam Pepper.
No. 16943
>>16939Eh, it was only a matter of time tbh.
We might get an influx of new members familiar with the drama at least.
No. 16963
>>16959Is that the only reason? When I posted it a few weeks on the chat box at PULL a lot of people on here bitched me out, posted screenshots of me doing it and threw hissy fits.
(This is sweetandsour btw)
No. 16971
>>16943Great. Now we're going to have EVEN MORE whiny SJWs arguing about every little thing and every little opinion they hold.
/cgl/ ok, but when we link lolcow on PULL we're going to attract some really sensitive people here.
No. 16972
>>16970Even if they have your IP they can't do diddly with it. People freak out about IPs a lot, but the fact that IPs are static and at best only show which town you're in, makes it difficult to pinpoint a person, not to mention you could just disconnect your modem for 8 hours or so and get a new IP anyway.
IPs don't really mean much unless that person is planning on physically going to your town to find you, and even that would be difficult.
No. 16982
File: 1412696521441.png (232.3 KB, 1366x666, 353.png)

>>16981She is even too stupid for deleting shit, her whole website is gone besides the main page.
No. 16983
>>16982Seems like she freaked out and went to remove everything.
But yes, that means she didn't know about lolcow but stalks or tumblr tag or PULL or both (most likely both).
But that's weird. She didn't know it's public? Why posting it in the first place?
>>16972I know but it's not about IP but them just stalking blogs. You know, how "truth bloggers" used to post that they were lurking their blogs and everything. I haven't seen anyone posting about this since a long while so I'm wondering if they still spend hours there.
No. 16991
File: 1412699609860.png (6.5 KB, 579x93, 3432.png)

Seems like she thinks adding random japanese in answers to non-japanese speakers makes her appear more japanese, huh?
"I have been studying nihongo for so long, I can't english anymore!!1!"
No. 17008
>>17002She broke the law also with her store, yet she had a tantrum. She could be again tweeting about haters stalking her and finding her private stuff (which is a lie obv, since it was public but it's the same when she claimed that haters "leaked" infos that in fact were available for everyone).
And I know that it's not right but is this stalking public accounts breaking the law?
They're actually lucky they never came across anyone with enough power to take their actions against them. Stealing, plagiarism, copy fraud, using inactive company to copy claim/again - copy fraud ect is not that small thing, isn't it?
And it actually came to my mind how they endangered Dakota in this if they are the ones using her name to copy claim sometimes.
No. 17013
>>17010I see. But isn't it the same as with how people are capping her accounts, like her tweets ect? That's also storing data, isn't it?
I'm sorry I'm kind of ignorant when it comes to things like this.
No. 17014
>>17010I don't know where you got that information from.
If a Facebook profile is in the public domain than persistent viewing is most certainly not illegal providing you don't persistently contact the person with unsolicited and undesired information.
And no, because the data was uploaded into a public domain accessible by all it isn't to illegal to view nor download unless you decides to copyright every single piece of information contained in the files, which of course would takes years and $$$$.
>>17013No it's not illegal.
No. 17015
>>17014Ok, then it's cleared.
So in these archives there's even anything that shows she's breaking the law? Because it shows how big of hypocrite and obsessed she is (she or her mother but it still goes mostly to her account) but I don't recall anything that would be breaking the law.
No. 17019
>>17017I think the Data Protection Act is a UK thing. I don't know about the US but I can't find anything for a "Data Protection Regulation".
>>17015Not breaking the law but I believe this Adrienne girl could potentially obtain a restraining order if she really wanted to take it that far.
No. 17022
File: 1412709246220.png (753.61 KB, 1920x1080, fdsfsdf.png)

Don't know if anybody actually noticed this but I was just looking over the files again briefly, and well I guess this confirms it.
No. 17031
>>17023Somehow I have the feeling (for a while now tbh) that they would plan to sue crowdgather. They didn't remove PULL when they were supposed to, so they started collecting caps of every post possible of all members to show the owner that they're "breaking the rules" or something.
PULL is their biggest issue after all. With tumblr they can just copy claim, there are not a lot of blogs about them, they do't know (yet?) about lolcow. It would be simply impossible to sue all the members, since they're all around the world and they don't even know their real, personal data to do so. Even if they've stalked the hell out of them and gathered some, it's still impossible to sue all of them. At least I hope I'm right and they won't go THAT crazy to somehow try to do that - since they think it's all one person.
No. 17032
File: 1412710709089.png (74.3 KB, 961x171, 34535.png)

>>17030I love me some crazy Cathy.
No. 17033
I guess they don't know about Baginya.
Russian forum with a thread on Dakota that has 245,647 views and includes Kiki's nudes. No. 17035
File: 1412711154236.png (40.93 KB, 930x416, 34535.png)

>>17031Seems like they already wanted to do this but don't have the money.
No. 17037
>>17035-Didn't have the money-
PULL's tumblr don't exists since 2012, so it's old. There must be the reason why the file have "2014" in the title, right? Maybe Dakota makes enough to send something to them to save?
And oh come on. Cray cray. All they would have to do to get the peace would be just owning up finally and just stop with the madness. People would back of. Is it that hard to get? I know that apparently yes, but it's so simple.
No. 17044
File: 1412712434516.png (1.22 MB, 1920x1200, Screen-Shot-2014-07-27-at-9.59…)

>>17041They made tons of screenshots of her Tumblr as well as her private FB account.
No. 17049
>>17038Well, she went back home for New Years Eve, now she seems too busy but I don't think she broke the contact with them completely. It's also in her interest to have these down because they're exposing her.
>>17039Ostrengas thinks that everything except
I love you I want to be like you
You inspire me is harassment. You can see how illogical and crazy they can be.
I remember seeing in that archive a cap of a post with candid photo of Dakota from event taken by some fan - they capped that post but without the link to the tweet the photo came from. Who knows why? The first thought was to make it look like members are actually stalking her. They also had caps of only parts of the posts, not the whole things.
It's impossible to know what they're planning but I'm trying to avoid using normal logic here. They see everything as harassment. I'm sure they wish the whole PULL was gone, too much commenting and posting about their, so they could be trying to make up lies again.
>>17048I'm not so sure but everyone was talking about her stealing someone's art from DA without even asking and the fact that she called herself a designer when she was only reselling stuff, which also got counted that she claims she made them.
No. 17052
>>17050Ok, but what exactly? Art like
>>17049 said?
No. 17054
>>17052Also, her little gif images.
You know, usual Ostrenga stuff, like how Dakota uses music and pictures without credits and actually makes money off of it. All of these people could sue them, if they really saw fit to do so.
No. 17055
>>17049Yeah but she doesn't want to have anything to do with Kiki's bullshit anymore as it seems.
Remember when Kiki was said to visit her? Dakota lost no single word about Kiki being with her and there also were no proof photos, plus that she copyright claimed the works of the brands Dakota worked for wasn't the best idea, not hard to lose a job over that.
No. 17056
File: 1412713927698.png (2.01 MB, 2263x1270, lilkitten.png)

They stole an artwork from someone on DA, edited the color and used it as background. The artist was contacted and replied that they did not give permission for her to use it.
More than the act of taking the image without permission, I screen capped this little part from her website that implies that she owns the "design, layout, look, appearance & graphics".
No. 17057
>>17055That's true but remember that Kiki also removed a comment on IG where someone said something nice about Dakota, she seems to want all attention on her only. If she wrote anything about Dakota she would get comments about her. As for Kota not mentioning, it would make people want to look for her sister and they would find something and I doubt she now wants any attention regarding her past which Kiki's reputation would bring again.
So with this not mentioning each other I'm not that fast to jump in conclusion that they don't want to have anything to do with each other. I find it just understandable.
No. 17063
>>17059But still could be milking money from her.
That's all pure speculation of course. Just that year in the file gave me the idea that they could finally do that so that's why they titled it like this.
>>17061Kiki fails a big time. I don't know how some people thinks she has changed. I wish her the best but I don't see her getting better until she stops with what she's doing and come clean with her past - that includes letting it go, stop stalking people and move on from talking about it.
Dakota did it very well and good for her. Now she's getting noticed and works, have better life and where Kiki is.
No. 17065
>>17064Where did you get that from. There's absolutely no indication about that.
Anyways, for me that's useless speculating about if she cut herself from them or not because no one knows.
I'm now just wondering if they plan to do something with that lawsuit. Going to such trouble to search and cap posts to just keep it without doing anything?
But still the big question is why they've uploaded all these files in public space on her blog in the first place if they've later freaked out that people have found them, which means they did't want anyone to see them.
No. 17066
>>17065Not the anon you're replying to, but Kota hasn't posted anything about going back to the states for a while or receiving stuff from her family (a year ago?) and Keeks barely mentioned her when she was in Japan.
But yeah we really don't know how is their relationship irl.
No. 17070
>>17068She got a working visa and as long as she got a job it can get expanded.
I think she wants to keep her public image and private life seperate these days, a lot of people asked her regarding that ring that she wears since a while but no one ever got an answer.
No. 17072
>>17070That's understandable.
Tbh I think every one, or at least me, is aware that Dakota is the more intelligent of the two.
No. 17073
>>17067I don't remember that. I only remember her posting that photo with the eye patch while she was there and later Kiki mentioning that she brought a friend with her from Japan. But that's all, nothing about her stuff. My memory could be failing me though.
>>17068I think he could be the one she's living with in her apartment. That roommate she's mentioning once in a while. At the same time when she wrote that that roommate went for a while to his/her parents she started wearing her ring like all the time, even during photoshoots. Some people speculated it's a promise ring. But no one knows actually.
She really stopped writing about him a while ago. But that's also understandable, people observe her, she's a model, public figure so it would bring unnecessary attention. Plus she seems like a pretty private person.
No. 17082
>>17080also Cathy apparently had some
unique taste in clothing
>>16800 No. 17084
File: 1412724023962.png (40.08 KB, 1308x245, cathy.png)

>>17080I'm curious about Cathy too. Kiki has a stalker from the stickam days that you can see pdf files of in the archive called "George Pattent" and he made an account on PULL mentioning that if he had the money to get Kiki and Dakota away from their money, he would, but a mod banned him before he can say why. Theres also the claims of physical abuse by Charms. And the multiple statements from everyone who got close enough to Kiki or Dakota that always seem to complain that their mother controls everything. Like this one
>>Matthew star [Kiki's ex best friend] claims that her parents run her myspace and she is not allowed to go on it, because they use her and Dakota to promote their tacky jewelry business. No. 17085
>>17080yeah, i love to make fun of Dakota because of her creepy photoshopped face but it seems like she's largely moved past the Kiki-influenced awful person she used to be and it's relieving to see her at least doing
something better with herself. She's still far from perfect, but between the two Ostrenga sisters she'll probably be the one who is better off in the long run. I can't see Kiki making it to age 40 without having some sort of crippling addiction or mental illness that she'll have to struggle through. Dakota seems like she'll end up with a decent career in fashion or something.
No. 17108
>>17103FYI PULL is protected under As mentioned here
>>17023 the users and posts they're trying to use to build their case aren't even valid.
No. 17130
File: 1412773744876.png (7.21 KB, 538x123, 32432.png)

The lolcow user removed the post about the files but that one starveanartist gives US now the fault for having a backup and refuses to remove the posts to get attention with them.
No. 17131
>>17130Because of people like this we can't have nice things in the world. Without lolcow there would be NO archive, so it baffles me that they treat this that way. It's way easier to remove link or download -> reupload the archive without lol's name in it to post instead of changing the URL of a forum or locking the entire thread, because of someone like that, which btw without this thread again that archive wouldn't exist. People pisses me off sometimes so much.
Anyways, just thought about that cap of Cathy's email about attorney. What she would like to sue tumblr for? For not removing blogs when they ask for? They did. Not all right away but there were many blogs removed because of Ostrengas, posts disappearing in the matter of minutes or hours sometimes. It's obvious tumblr support won't react immediately and remove every single thing they want all the time because 1. it's illegal, 2. that would mean that tumblr wouldn't even exist if people started to demand removing everything they want just because they don't like someone else.
Even if they had money for attorney who, logically thinking, would take a case like that?
No. 17135
File: 1412777772561.jpg (30.85 KB, 500x315, dance-pants-off--large-msg-125…)

I just found this image and I mentally vomiting knowing that Scott likely conducted this shoot…
No. 17136
File: 1412778170280.png (9.79 KB, 499x172, 343.png)

>>17131I told this that person too and she is more of a cunt than Kiki.
Nobody at PULL linked to lolcow in any of her threads besides right when this retard posted the link on Tumblr and even that got quickly removed.
No. 17138
>>17136JFC what a baby. Some people should stay away from the internet and I bet they're not easy going irl either.
In this kind of cases Ostrengas' copy claiming comes in handy lol
>>17135Tbh nothing move and surprises me moves me from them anymore.
No. 17139
>>17138Wow, I can't English.
"Nothing from them moves nor surprises me anymore".
No. 17141
>>16963Still wonder why it was so stupid to be blasting this all over the internet?
I wish we could find a way to keep PULL from here. I don't believe for a second this person "just happened" to stumble across lolcow and make that blog. A majority of PULL users are dense as fuck and for fuck's sake, OC was an admin there for ages.
No. 17147
>>17145Not wrong because the person claims it was in the forums, not the chat.
>>17146…you know, the password would be posted here but it would get rid of people trying to access the archive from sources outside of here.
No. 17150
>>17147I am pretty damn sure they're not going to get technical. It's a forum.
And the water is already tainted.
>>17148We aren't scared. It's obvs that you aren't a regular if you're asking this. We observe without interfering.
No. 17151
>>17144>>17146>>17147People like the dumb bitch who posted the links on her Tumblr and the retards from PULL would see no problem broadcasting the password for everyone to see.
I think it'd be best if it was just password-protected for the time being, though. At least until the unintentional "moles" calm down and fuck off.
No. 17155
>>17154>Having some members from PULL here could be useful and was useful before, wasn't it? Lmao, when was it ever useful? Except for the mods, everyone on that shitty website is fucking stupid and an attention whore/lolcow in the making themselves.
I'd rather deal with waifufaggots from Unichan than idiot cunts from PULL. At least Unifags know not to shit where they eat.
No. 17157
File: 1412781652726.png (7.57 KB, 526x142, 3534.png)

No. 17165
>>17155You sound like some "particular people":
Few members = Entire forum.
I'm not even a PULL's member myself and I do see how shitty it sometimes is but come on.
I can see it as being useful and it can help having people from there lurking here. Haven't some anons from here contacted mods before to have something taken down?
As for the person from tumblr. Idiot is an idiot you won't be able to cooperate with them.
No. 17168
>>17167The person i have in mind is (apparently) born in Germany, has an iPhone like in the screenshot and has been antagonising PULL/free lice for years. Unfortunately that's not enough to prove it so I'm doing some digging
Also if I'm not mistaken that screenshot was meant to "expose" lolcowfarm's main blog? looks like the bottom note was an accidental reblog to the wrong account, or am I missing something?
No. 17191
>>17165You are literally calling it "useful" for cleaning up its own shit it smeared on the floor and walls.
How do you not see how that there would be nothing to take down if PULL members had never known about lolcow to begin with?
>I'm not even a PULL's member myselfSure, anon
No. 17196
>>17191Lol believe in what you want. I used to be member but quit a while ago. I'm not going to try to make you believe, there's no need for that.
You're again making it all that PULL is like one person, as if members are the same. How about just stop and cooperate? Some screw up but some are willing to work things out and help and are following rules what they can and shouldn't post.
You won't get rid of idiots because they're not only on PULL but everywhere.
>>17187She really is. They're not tweeting each other at all these days. They used to do that before quite often.
No. 17209
>>17204People will come to lolcow and people do lurk here if you like it or not. I prefer to just think that it is possible to stay in good terms with at least those, even very few, good members who would happen to be able to help if others screwed up, than insulting and jumping on everyone who are also members there.
And no, I'm not going to go back there because I have reasons why I left but at the same time I can see other things than just the shit some members are pulling.
But ok, think whatever you want not going to argue anymore.
No. 17213
>>17211Thread was made about her here on lolcow. Someone linked to an old blog, within minutes old blog is deleted.
She's the only person who still tags #kotakoti in relation to #freelice
She's apparently German or whatever, and starveanartists' screenshot was set to German.
She's an artist, so the blog name makes sense too.
No. 17238
File: 1412798405776.png (5.58 KB, 583x93, 435.png)

…I am confused.
No. 17246
>>17180That and the Tumblr name provides more evidence since Liana considers herself an artist and photographer.
It's fucking her, and I am willing to bet money she came and made that thread on her earlier.
No. 17287
>>17240I find it funny how she calls us all degenerate scumbags, then proceeds to link to our site 3 times and recommend people check it.
Should be a banner or something.
No. 17290
>>17091>>17104They can't do shit. Don't worry about it. The archive, site, and domain will all stay up.
There is no point to password protecting or hiding the archive. I'm surprised it took them this long to realize it existed.
No. 17294
>>17289It seems like it was Cathy who uploaded the files. At
>>17022 you can see that her user account is getting used while writting the lawsuit file that links to the Kiki archive files.
No. 17316
>>17315I used to be pretty net savvy when I was a kid, got into building my won websites using HTML/CSS at a young age (12 or so) so I knew that it was possible to access what would otherwise be inaccessible content through a direct link and then working backwards towards it's home folder, i.e. right click a random image on the site, get the direct link, paste is and go backwards from the URL.
About a year ago I decided to check if I could access Dakota's site content through it's directories and lo and behold I could. Didn't occur to me to check Kirsten's site until a while later but I deliberately didn't tell anybody within the community for reasons such as what's just happened on Tumblr.
I didn't really check them often, mostly because it was boring (although one time on Kirsten's site I found a shitload of unseen product/modelling images of that old, shitty jewelry she used to sell). One night I was bored and procrastinating on an essay so I checked Kirsten's page on a whim, and what a coincidence because she had uploaded her little shrine just a mere day or so prior to me finding it.
No. 17317
>>17306Then from now on everyone knows that it's better to save whatever you find or someone shares right away, since it can be potentially removed by them.
And that archive is not that hard to find. People in general shares links to photos if the side they've found them on have these links. It's totally accessible for everyone and very easy to google. Why they didn't check it before posting is beyond me.
I'm still trying to figure out who they want to sue with that lawsuit they're writing or already wrote. Christ? Crowdgarther? Ttumblr? Every single person they're stalking? Some particular ones? Just can't understand.
They should just get some big bright message "Go away. You're irrelevant and destroying your own life".
No. 17319
>>17316Ahah I did the exact same thing (Also super interested in HTML and CSS at a young age too, now a web developper). I'm no white hat hacker but I knew this trick because it just shows me if the host has any security installed, if the wp prefix is still on and the path not secured at least I know they didn't do jack shit.
Didn't surprise me for Dakota's page since well she's an amateur, I checked her pics and it was tons of pixel art, pretty boring. I hoped to find a raw pic of her face before editing because it would have been pretty interesting.
No. 17323
>>17320It was in this thread: and this: but most photos had been removed, no surprises here. But you can go check it in the archive on Dakota's blog from March 2013.
And you can even find the HQ version of her first interview in her archive.
No. 17337
File: 1412894659082.png (10.2 KB, 579x136, 3423.png)

She is trying to kiss jrcach's ass now, AHAHAHA.
No. 17339
>>17337 I don't know if I find it more funny or scary.
Scary because 1 - they both have problems and a combination of them two could be a disaster and 2 - if Kiki suddenly did something what wasn't his so called advice or didn't do what he wants - read he would take something as offensive - he could take her as a new target and we know how she is in this kind of situations. Or other way around and Ostrengas would go after him. Both sides don't know the limits.
In short - this is a very bad idea for them two to have anything to do with each other.
No. 17341
>>17340I don't think I want to know how it will end. Both crazy, stalkerish and harassing. What a couple.
And lol how it suits her tweet.
>>17238 No. 17344
File: 1412902488142.png (11.32 KB, 570x211, 3532.png)

Her switching between japanese, chinese, korean and english all the time to get noticed is annoying as fuck.
No. 17427
>>17354For sure not boring lol
And remember how earlier here it has been talked about how Dakota and Kiki haven't been tweeting publicly in a long while? That she's probably trying to distance herself from them? Kiki just did.
I can't.
No. 17472
File: 1412975266395.png (8.06 KB, 583x99, 3434.png)

>>17427Funny how she suddenly tweets Dakota after it was discussed here. I feel sorry for Dakota having such an imature big sister.
No. 17479
File: 1412976949864.jpg (39.3 KB, 600x800, BzkTrDMCQAAefyU.jpg)

>>17478And regarding shooting, she was talking about guns.
No. 17490
>>17489Sorry for double post but about Kiki's replying to this particular tweet - still very weird and doesn't match to anything she's preaching. Even if the gun is fake, saint vegan, throwing left and right about love, peace and all that positiveness, and she chose this tweet.
Not surprising tho since so many things she's preaching and actually doing contradicts themselves.
No. 17491
File: 1412978526883.jpg (22.83 KB, 360x270, img62087176.jpg)

>>17488 . The pistol is an airsoft gun and since that photo was taken in her bedroom she probably goes to some airsoft shooting hall. This is a very popular model for that in Japan after all.
No. 17577
>>17306Right, but that's just how the Internet works. This is a public site so this was always the case.
If you find something secret, then either keep it entirely to private channels or download and save it in its entirety before discussing it in public.
No. 17579
>>17577Yes, that's true, especially in this case it's the best to save everything you find that could potentially get removed before posting.
And this tweet: Spot on. We don't know what she's doing in her not online life but it seems she's just big talking but does she actually do what she's preaching about? Like when she "helped" that swan she posted about on IG in such dramatic way - turned out completely unnecessary and could be dangerous as some members on PULL wrote about that place and approaching swans like that one. But she bragged about this in the way we saw.
Just - stop stealing, stop bringing the past, stop attacking everyone, stop stalking - move on - and actually become a good person.
No. 17598
File: 1413075244399.jpg (62.78 KB, 620x350, No-Poor-Trigger-Discipline-620…)

>>17596people holding any kind of firearm without proper trigger discipline get on my nerves
end of offtopic
No. 17661
File: 1413129479538.png (28.51 KB, 529x466, 766.png)

>>17240Danilka is getting annoying af.
No. 17664
File: 1413131465219.gif (90.96 KB, 451x285, tumblr_n5zq39Nqeg1sedjuto1_500…)

>>17661so much butthurt kek
>hurr I have evidence mods knew about the index!!1! so what?
No. 17667
>>17661What a stupid bint
"I was screamed at for posting the link. They assumed I had gotten it from them, the
superior lolcow users. No. I found it on my own. They told me that I was retarded for posting it. I told them that I had never been warned not to (I hadn’t. PULL had nothing to say about it and I’d never seen lolcow before in my life).
So the degenerates there harassed me until I gave up trying to defend myself. I let it go."
This is golden. PULL, never change.
No. 17668
>>17665no, I'm the mod that told her. When I removed her thread I had to PM her an explanation. Rather than explain the whole story I just linked her here to read why. She read all the "go die" shit and came back to ask if PULL was affiliated to with lolcow, and I said no.
Then when the archive was linked to Kiki's general thread and tumblr, there was no use hiding it anymore, so we agreed not to remove it that time. But Danilka made a comment on there saying that she that the mods knew all along but deleted her posts.. I don't really remember the exact wording, but it sounded like something you wouldn't want to Ostrengas knowing. So I removed her comment and again PM explaining why. She was nice and accepted my apology for removing her posts twice, but now she's going off on tumblr.
The other mods don't even know what she's talking about because I was the only one that handled the situation.
No. 17669
>>17668You told her and then she went on lolcow
" A moderator directed me to another forum ( And people went APESHIT on me there. I was called all manner of things. C
nt, btch, r*tard (the last word more often than the others). I tried to be civil and defend myself. When that didn’t work, I tried reporting said posts. But again, not to be. Lolcow will not remove posts unless they contain violent or extremely obscene content. So these unmoderated scumbags get to go there and troll and rag as much as they like. "
This is hilarious.
No. 17670
>>17669I want to send her an ask calling her a retarded, pissy cunt but she'd just use that to fuel her victim complex and probably throw in some claims that she's being sent death threats or something.
What a dumb bitch.
No. 17692
>>17691we can read.
the point being made is that you're an idiot for thinking that posting it to PULL 'for discussion' was a bright idea. Kiki already infiltrated those forums. why would you want to alert her?
please gtfo.
No. 17701
>>17695nah, it's still about Kiki.
although I like how you pretend that PULL users are somehow not motivated by that same 'selfish need to laugh at another's expense' when I've seen way worse comments posted on PULL than ever on lolcow or stamina rose.
i'm just here to marvel at her narcissistic delusions.
yours are pretty incredible, too.
No. 17704
File: 1413148067882.jpeg (42.02 KB, 790x168, ffdsffgfd.jpeg)

>>17703and laugh at dakota's first runway once
No. 17712
>>17708>do it to my face>my blog is openYour blog isn't your face you stupid bint, it's just as anonymous as any other imageboard. Or are you REALLY an anime character and that's your actual face?
Also anyone who sends her an ask on her blog, you deserve to get your IP tracked because that's something she would do if she had half a braincell left rattling around in there.
Not that someone's IP would do anything, but it could scare them.
No. 17734
>>17720Good idea let's get this thread back on track. What do you mean she noticed it? Don't you think she took all except the main page down so she can take down the archive?
No. 17738
File: 1413163246825.jpg (33.78 KB, 600x375, my-face-when-lkew8f.jpg)

>>17730"putting up a fight" is not going to make any of these anons back down. If you haven't noticed they're intentionally calling you the things you called "horrible" because now they know it upsets you.
No. 17742
>>17740Ahhhhh gotcha. Thank you for clarifying. Yeah that makes sense, she would want to do it right away and not a week later. It is curious behavior.
I've noticed she has been quiet on Twitter as well, God knows what she is up to.
No. 17754
File: 1413170298821.jpg (186.91 KB, 800x923, 1374637275189.jpg)

>>17730Want me to come knocking at your door, bitch?
No. 17755
File: 1413170585646.jpeg (40.72 KB, 571x221, guuuuuuuuurrl.jpeg)

>being this dense
No. 17757
>>17755Can't she just accept the fact she fucked up and posted something she wasn't suppose to? Is it that fucking difficult?
Let it go. Jfc.
No. 17758
File: 1413170926877.jpg (57.86 KB, 566x613, 1335679775012.jpg)

>>17755Oh fffffffffffffff
This retard need her own thread. Lolcow in every frame of the term. And why did she post it on PULL if it's SO PERSONAL OMG GUYZ
No. 17766
>>17760I think it's kiki, kota or mummy dearest.
I simply refuse to believe otherwise since it would imply that sandy ass PULL user is really that retarded. Nobody's that dumb.
No. 17791
>>17579omg you linked my tweet i feel ~ famous ~
that's the vibe i get off of her too. she always rants and raves about 'be kind~' 'no h8''u don't know mah story'
yet in the same breath advocates siccing her meager fans on anyone who just…doesn't like her.
>Just stop stealing, stop bringing up the past, stop attacking everyone, stop talking, move on and actually become a good personshe can't do that. her past is what made her and she's still trying to use it to garner attention and no one gives a fuck. she resorts to stalking because no one really cares about her imo
No. 17799
>>17791yeah, I've found your tweet totally perfect in her situation. I would fav it but I don't want Kiki or Cathy stalking the hell out of me but at least could share it here.
I don't know honestly. She's contradicting herself all the time that it's impossible to even guess what's going on in her head. It's a huge mess.
No. 17841
>>2831damn kota lookin hella cute here.
also lol, its obviously kiki's influence making her say that bullshit, it's not even really offensive just dumb shit spouted by teenagers
remember when it was a huge deal back when koti was tryna get to japan? lolol and everyone asked for an apology then bashed the apology when they got it
No. 17853
>>17841I still legit believe Dakota is in the closet.
I mean, she might not be now she's in Japan.
She's at least bisexual. I get major dyke vibes off of her.
No. 17856
>>17844This exactly
"gomennasai minna but it wasn't my kawaii godess self's fault uguu"
But yeah it's part Kiki's fault and we all did stupid shit when we were young.
No. 17861
I'm not into guessing someone's sexuality over how they look or act, besides don't even care. She just could be tomboyish, likes to act like a badass, same as many other girls. Doesn't matter to me.
>>17856Plus "Haterzz are editing my photos saying itz me doing this! It's all lies by haterz and it was a comedy and it was all because I was harassed by lesbians but it doesn't matter that old dudez are saying even worse things so yeah IF you felt offended then sorry kinda"
Basically it was really a shit. But at least something, compared to her sister. So people are not really touching that apology thing these days.
Speaking of her sister, now every time she's silent for days I'm thinking it's not a good sign. Is she just again reading one of those spiritual books or trying to come up with another idea that will fail or sucking up to someone who would take her to glorious nippon or again stalking every single person that was unlucky to get noticed by them?
No. 17874
>>17853You know what, I never really thought about it, but that would make a whole lot of sense. Either that or all the stuff that's gone down with Kiki over the years where guys are concerned has traumatised her.
Does anyone else remember a video from years ago where Kiki and Dakota were hanging in a hotel room dicking around with a bunch of scene guys who must have been around 15-19 ish? My memory's pretty hazy. If they're telling the truth about their ages then Dakota would have probably only been around 10-12. Idk, I've never heard anyone mention it since and I'm curious about the context of it. At the time everyone thought they were older so it didn't seem quite as inappropriate.
No. 17879
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No. 17880
>>17858Since when did boyish = lesbianism?
I am pretty much the definition of a feminine archetype and I'm still a huge fucking dyke, only difference being I like to look pretty and delicate whilst doing it.
Nah, something about Dakota screams "I like grills". I can't put my finger on it, maybe it's because I like women myself, my gaydar is going crazy.
No. 17881
>>17874I like Dakota now but I still believe she's lying through her teeth about her age, but I don't blame her one bit for it because her career depends on it.
In that scenario who wouldn't lie?
No. 17895
>>17894Except literally every other piece of evidence says otherwise.
>anyone's who's read the archiveNigga I am the one that brought the drama to /cgl/ in the first place and uncovered there little "comedy routine" videos, don't talk to me about archives.
No. 17896
>>17894She Tweeted images of her driving and regularly talked about driving before she got into this living doll shit.
The incident report form the police which has been confirmed as being legit states she was 15 years olds in 2010 with her birthday being in 1993.
Even past interviews confirm her age at the time as what it really was.
Driving at age 14? I don't think so.
No. 17898
File: 1413311813535.jpg (135.54 KB, 574x730, Dakota_Age.jpg)

>>17896Not in 2010 my bad, the date isn't on the P.R that I can see but it is confirmed in other police reports.
>okay miss, what's your name>Kirsten>Okay Kristen, got itDon't forget the police report was taken at night too, he probably couldn't see their eyes properly or forgot to write it down so took a wild guess
Every other piece of information on that report is accurate from there address to Cathy's birthdate.
No. 17899
File: 1413311978872.png (391.55 KB, 1280x828, bdulva.png)

>>17897On the police report they even misspelled her named as "Dokota".
It does happen.
No. 17900
File: 1413312144253.jpg (126.37 KB, 1600x1316, dabhjaaeh.jpg)

>>17897Even her fucking school data supports that she is lying about her age.
No. 17901
File: 1413312201695.jpg (30 KB, 1008x170, nabhlaaeh.jpg)

>>17897Driving aged 13.
Okay then.
No. 17902
File: 1413312241785.jpg (32.31 KB, 500x410, oabhaaaeh.jpg)

>>17897Acting as a background character drinking pretend beer for a student commercial, aged 13.
Okay then.
No. 17903
File: 1413312271073.jpg (20.62 KB, 333x369, nabhaaaeh.jpg)

The numbers "18" on her cake in 2011.
Okay then.
No. 17907
>>17898>>17899>>17900>>17901>>17902>>17903OMG STOP FUCKING SPAMMING
Look at this pdf, it was sent on February 2011, the message said what is written below was sent 3 years prior. Meaning in 2008, Cathy said this
"The only one who saw past his deceit was my daughter Dakota who is now 12"
The police reports are invalid. Why the fuck would you excuse every single mistake on that report, except their age? "uh yuh, they misunderstood her name, misspelled it on another report, wild-guessed her eye color, but age? totez accurate. That classmates account is obviously fake. anyone can make an account there with any school, any name, any year. You can't see the candle on that picture. Oh yeah, she was already 18 during that beer commercial, she must be like 25 by now. God I hate having to explain simple shit to the radically stupid
No. 17921
>>17907And the multiple tweets and photos of her driving?
>THEY'RE FAKE TOO OMG WHY DON'T U GUYS GETS ITKirsten in the past always used to state that Dakota was one year younger than her, then all of a sudden it turned into 3 years younger as soon as Dakota began getting interest in Japan.
No. 17922
File: 1413320736794.jpg (23.22 KB, 500x293, nabhiaaeh.jpg)

>can't see the candleYes you can.
No. 17923
File: 1413321462874.jpg (143.83 KB, 981x675, fsdfsd.jpg)

Buzznet interview with her that states she was 18 in 2011, making her 21 tosay which coincides with every other bit of evidence.
No. 17924
File: 1413321712124.jpg (33.97 KB, 550x367, 544483_395537273827588_7829049…)

>>17923Photo posted to Twitter in a year where she would have now been 14 as she is claiming today.
No. 17928
>>17925If her youtube said she was underage, then she would not be able to receive the money from youtube ads. that's a valid reason to put she's older.
>>17924that pictures is not her, and was never posted to her twitter.
>>17923No, that doesn't coincide with anything because people were claiming she was 18 in 2012, not 2011. It doesn't even coincide with your own claims because the date on that buzznet is Dec. 2010 and the candle that you say says "18" was posted on Sep. 2011.
No. 17929
>>17927LOL you're actually getting answers to your invalid points, but you don't explain a reason for the pdf and quote here
>>17907was Cathy already grooming Dakota for kawaii underage stardom in 2008?
No. 17930
>>17927It's not evidence though, is it? It's a bunch of dubious at best, completely false at worse bullshit.
Let's say all of this is true, what about her passport? You honestly think she's going to risk forging a document she's
regularly using to travel abroad with - and even if she has a real passport, being caught with a fake would still land her in prison - All to prove her age to a bunch of completely inconsequential people online? She's already fooled the agencies if she's lying, why the fuck would she give a shit about us?
No. 17931
>>17929With Cathy nothing would surprise me at this point.
Technically her and Scott were grooming them both since birth. They're obsessed with fame.
No. 17932
>>17928Then why she later changed her age to underage and it didn't affect her channel and was fine? Doesn't make sense.
And again, don't expect from everyone to believe what they're saying. Fool me once - shame on you, fool me twice - shame on me.
Nothing proves anything. Really? This topic over again? Which always ends with the same because no one provides LEGIT and real evidence which is basically impossible to get?
No. 17933
>>17931does this kind of dumb really exist?
>>17932You're not allowed to change your age on youtube. She simply hid the section where it says the age associated with the account and then manually typed her real age onto her description.
Every "evidence" you've spammed so far has been flawed, unoffical, from a fake account, or some unconfirmed bs you read on the internet. I'm telling you that not even your own claims are matching up. You're bringing up screenshots from things that suggest she's 21, 22, 24, over 25. None of them are consistent.
No. 17934
>>17931>>With Cathy nothing would surprise me at this point.Cathy told a lawyer on the Cespedes case in 2008 that Dakota was 1 year younger than she really is so that 5 years later in case people found this sensitive file that they would read it and think that Dakota really is as young as she portrays herself for the career as a model that she would achieve in 2012.
Cathy is one sly bitch
No. 17936
>>17935Guys, stop. Dakota has thousands of fake accounts on every website since the scene days. I first found out about her in 2007 because of a fake account. This is as dumb as when people took that fake MM account seriously.
I created a fake account on classmates once because you had to have an account to see inside and I didn't want to put my real details. I literally made up a fake name, randomly clicked a year and put some school I've never heard of, and the account was made.
>>2004 wasn't the graduation year, it was the year she got pulled out of highschool by Cathy and Scott.
you're fucking making that up.
No. 17937
>>17930But at
>>17923 she showed the interviewer her passport to proof her age so it is obvious she had a fake one at some point. I am trying to find the screenshot of the interviewer saying so.
No. 17938
>>17936I screwed up and somehow ended up linking back at the admin and forgetting to greentext? sorry. I meant:
>>17920>>wasn't the graduation year, it was the year she got pulled out of highschool by Cathy and're fucking making that up.
No. 17940
>>17938>>17936Dakota and Kirsten were pulled out of traditional school and homeschooled though.
We know this as fact.
No. 17942
File: 1413325132362.jpg (43.17 KB, 600x329, msg-118151671496.jpg)

Some childhood (pre 2003) Kiki & Dakota pics.
No. 17950
File: 1413331220872.jpg (151.93 KB, 508x576, wut.jpg)

this looks like one hell of a transformation.
No. 17955
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>>17942The ones with a mess of hair are from somewhere 2005 I think, because this is one of the "older" photos she posted when she joined Myspace.
No. 17958
File: 1413333306520.jpg (71.66 KB, 500x750, kiki-kannibal--large-msg-11944…)

>>17957And some friened of Kiki said back than that she is 11/12 at those.
No. 17969
File: 1413336928233.jpg (247.75 KB, 500x748, dakota-rose-age-umm-8.jpg)

>>17966It actually is her when she was 8.
No. 17970
File: 1413337490833.jpg (58.78 KB, 500x750, omg-ew-lmao-wtf-kiki--large-ms…)

Found this on Buzznet
No. 18025
>>17968if this
>>17969 is her when she was 8, then when did she have time to have hair that long, that blond, and be that fat?
No. 18029
File: 1413393481943.jpg (115.05 KB, 333x500, dakotaandkiki.jpg)

>>18025She always had a that fat face without tons of shoop when she was younger.
No. 18032
File: 1413393807810.jpg (49 KB, 500x375, kiki-kannibal-dakota-rose-youn…)

>>18029Another one, with totallly vegan churros.
No. 18043
>>18032They didn't become vegan until they were teens. They were vegetarians before
>>18025Kiki's hair is red and you're wondering how Dakota got blond? hair dye obviously. It may not be when she was 8 (she actually looks a bit older to me). She started myspace at age 11, so anywhere around 9 or 10.
No. 18102
File: 1413465268537.png (43.46 KB, 385x454, 35634.png)

>>18096I love how she comments with her fake Dakota account there.
Whatever, it seems like it was another japanese dude she planned to have as sugar daddy but again was somebody who only wanted to that in exchange for sexual services. Kiki, nobody wants to bring you to Japan for free.
No. 18104
>>18102I call it fake. Where it could be? It doesn't look like it's on Twitter, Youtube, FB, IG, LINE, then where? And that fake Dakota account. And why she blocked her username?
Seems like Kiki is just bored and can't stand lack of attention, so she bragged about another "perv harassing her" to again show of, how she's "dealing" with it.
But telling someone to die? She - who's only preaching about positivity and ignoring negativity? About making your life better? About improving yourself spiritually?
What a piece of hypocrisy.
Troll or not. She making this up like many other things or not. Showing this so people can see clearly how much of bullshit she's producing and not living up to it? I'm surprised it takes so long for these few last followers to finally see that.
No. 18111
Funny how now she's playing the ~virgin princess angel maiden of virtue against sexual harrassement~ she blurred their names, but that time she was sexting to the dude who already had a relationship, Kiki blurred one of her messages and the guy's name out of the screencaps, but left gf's name uncensored.
>>18108That would just prove how desperate and jealous is Kiki. Bravo even could get involved, since she's compromising their employee's social media.
Anyways, I think Dakota might have changed her passwords since this incident
>>17058 No. 18114
>>18112Nothing about the whole family surprises me anymore so I'm open to all options. She's desperate lying hypocrite - there are no limits to how far she can go, like how
>>18111mentioned these caps where she shamed the girl. No limits.
No. 18117
File: 1413476962396.jpg (45.95 KB, 640x640, 10727461_275864359279214_43805…)

>>18114She is still going on about this, this time with a different dude and judging by the texts she is obviously sexting them.
No. 18128
>>18118>random messagessuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure
>all pervs of the world cannot resist me!!!1! btw look how ~omniglot~ I am!!How convenient those pervs write moonspeak. Why not portuguese or polish or russian or hebrew or afrikaans?
No. 18130
>>18128I'm so tempted to comment in a language she for sure doesn't know. Would she be that cocky too, then?
Seems like she knows that people are not buying her "married Japanese men hitting on her on the street" and all these stories, especially since people found out it was a lie -posting images from google to pretend she's in Japan- so now she tries this tactic.
No. 18133
File: 1413483766304.jpg (71.14 KB, 509x587, 7.JPG)

She keeps posting on and on about this.
Must have been highlight of the week for her
No. 18146
>>18145Kiki herself said that she made this Instagram account "for her sister", Dakota herself said in one of her YouTube videos that she doesn't use Instagram.
Also why should she censor the username of somebody that apparently harasses girls when she always claims that you should open speak about the people that harass you? Makes no sense unless she has to hide something and like mentioned before it is not the first time that she is the one who starts to sext a guy and then cries harassment.
No. 18147
>>18145What's PULL got to do with this?
Everyone knows Kiki is a fantasist liar.
No. 18152
>>18146well that's a different thing. if she has something to hide about how it got to that point then, ok. but I'm talking about the anons that say she outright fabricated the whole thing and made up the conversation.
>>18147the reason I left PULL is because it was ridiculous how much they did this. literally every single thing she posted they immediately said was a lie without proof lol.
i see you guys here say "nothing surprises me anymore" when you say that she faked the convo and is talking to herself through a Kota sockpuppet. but anon. remember that she had some schizophrenic woman "Laura Southworth" after her for months? remember the nasty old men in the "crazy fanboy" thread? if crazy shit like that happens to her, then why is it so hard to believe that some Japanese guy sent her pervy messages?
No. 18157
>>18152Man, you don't half ramble.
> literally every single thing she posted they immediately said was a lie without proof lol.Look, she's been caught lying a hundred times before. Therefore it's hard to trust, better to assume she's lying.
We're nothing like PULL so stop embarrassing yourself. What are you doing on these sites if you're defending these people?
No. 18161
>>18152I'm the person who wrote that but you forgot that I also wrote that I'm open to all options. I do realize that some of the things she's saying are true.
But I am going to doubt her because we know how she's making herself the only victim all the time and how much she's able to lie.
You're really wondering why some people don't believe her? After everything she pulled before? Really? Maybe it's fine for you but I'm definitely not going to take everything she says as a fact right away. Have seen enough from her to doubt her.
No. 18162
>>18157I'm not defending them. I've posted a shit ton against them on this thread, so don't come at me with your newfag shit.
She was caught posted travel pictures off of google on her instagram. Anything else?
I hate this bitch as much as the next guy. but i can imagine her reading these and feeling better about herself because the jelly haters think it's too good to be true that she's getting creepy messages.
No. 18165
>>18164lmao I meant you were calling ME newfag.
>>You don't seem to know what site your are on my dear.and yeah. ANYTHING ELSE?
No. 18169
>>18167How dumb are you?
That anon quoted
>>18162, which was a response to
It was in
>>18155 that you were called a newfag.
No. 18171
>>18162Yes, the fact that she posted images from google, dates that were not matching making it look like she was all the time at home and not what she claimed along with stories how Japanese guys were hitting on her. Hard for you to get that people are doubting her?
I always feel half sorry, half feel they deserve it, for people who takes everything for granted never doubting even a bit, especially knowing the history of lies and the whole thing. Suit yourself. Don't expect everyone to do the same.
No. 18179
>>18177She could do that because of the lack of attention. For me if it was a really serious issue I wouldn't be posting comments like she did along with Sailor Moon's pics to show of how she's "dealing" with those guys. This looks like another bragging -not first not last-. Of course it could really happen to her but I'm still skeptical.
It sometimes feels like a slap in the face when you believe someone and later turns out they were just lying piece of you know what. It happened also in her case before.
I can imagine her being more frustrated that people don't believe rather than feeling highly of herself tho But who knows.
No. 18282
File: 1413576786514.png (21.04 KB, 579x116, Screen Shot 2014-10-17 at 21.1…)

Who does she think she's kidding…
No. 18283
>>18282All the things she was saying before was cringy but, that just took the cake. Who the hell does this? It's not even like she's taking formal classes or anything. She probably watches videos on youtube that teaches words and thinks that is "learning".
Just…I can't understand this girl. It's like she is forever stuck a 13 year old.
No. 18287
>>18282>No one understand how hard is to forget you mother tongue you use everyday when still living in your native country, guise!Cathy: Kirsten, dinner's ready!
Keekz: 現在不會了,媽媽!我發短信給變態!! ( ゚ Д゚)
Cashier: That'll be 6 dollars 20 cents please
Keekz: あなたは、あなた醜い雌犬私に多くのお金を要求する勇気はありません!!!
No. 18291
>>18282kek, this is fucking hilarious.
Been studying Japanese formally for over a year now and even when my native teacher shoots me a question I find myself pausing and eto'ing and ano'ing whilst trying to process the correct response in proper syntax and grammar.
No. 18300
>>18293She's wants to be Dakota so bad, it's almost scary.
I would love to see her walking down the street and strike up a conversation in Japanese with her. See how fast that'd go to shit.
No. 18310
>>18282i'm rolling my eyes all the way to the back of my head rn. too bad stickam isn't a thing anymore, and she won't do live video chats bc it'll show her true colors. i would
love to see her try to speak japanese without the help of native speakers, google translate, or dictionaries. it really irritates me bc i've been teaching myself much longer than she has and all of a sudden she's "fluent?" i know she isn't, but the way she's acting is incredibly annoying and insulting to people who
actually have an interest in learning a language, not just fame or a kawaii nipponese boifurendo.
No. 18313
File: 1413597089232.png (2.62 MB, 2637x674, delete.png)

age timeline
No. 18320
>>18310I bet it pisses Dakota off to see Kiki bandwagon jumping like that.
Dakota became so good with the language, because she actually MOVED there and immersed herself in the actual culture. That is actually the quickest (albeit scariest) way to learn any language.
No. 18329
>>18320I'm sure it does really annoy her. They, or just Cathy idk, used to harass girls with similar looks to Kota's on tumblr all the time. I'm sure she's annoyed seeing Kiki directly trying to copy her. But then again, I don't think Dakota ever acknowledges her own sister's existence at all. I could see Kiki desperately messaging Kota, asking for favors, and Kota doesn't even read them. On top of that, she doesn't ever have to worry about Kiki getting any sort of popularity in Japan, or Asia in general for that matter. lbr here, Kiki isn't cute or youthful looking enough to make it in Asia, she has no talent(unless half-assing everything, stealing content, and pressing buttons on a soundboard is talent), and a shitty personality on top ofthat.
No. 18332
>>18329>They, or just Cathy idk, used to harass girls with similar looks to Kota's on tumblr all the timeDeets on this?
Agree with the rest of your post, by the way. I want to say that Kiki could become a model because she has a somewhat more chiseled, defined face than Dakota, but models are basically walking clothes-hangers and Kiki would completely disregard that and probably try to make everything about herself or complain that certain clothes are ugly or make her look fat
No. 18335
>>18332I don't remember the drama too clearly, but I'm pretty sure this is the thread on it: agree that Kiki has more of a model build than Kota does, but I think she's really short so I don't know how much work she would get. I really think if she kept the bleach blond hair and the scene-ish look, she could be an alternative model. Her natural hair color, her thick cat eyes(am i the only one who hates her thick eyeliner that takes up all her eyelid space?), and all this white kira kira kawaii stuff does her no favors at all whatsoever.
No. 18338
>>18332>>18335Does anybody else remember that time Cathy messaged a pregnant girl on Tumblr on Anon saying she looked something a long the lines of "Michael Jackson with a fish face" because somebody had commented that the girl looks more like Dakota's shoops naturally than Dakota does in real life.
The girl happened to have statcounter installed and the Ask had come from Coral Springs, Florida lol
No. 18339
File: 1413629612009.jpg (91.34 KB, 480x640,…)

>>18335I have to be the only one that thinks Kirsten was never real model material.
A lot of people seem to forget that just being thin isn't any where near enough when it comes to modelling. Forgetting Kirsten's face for the moment she just doesn't have the correct build. Yes she's thin, but she doesn't possess a lithe, sweeping elegance.
To me she looks awkward and malnourished, and as of more recent she's beginning to look a little flabby. I'm sure that vegan diet is doing her no good, she always looks pale and drawn in her new videos.
No. 18341
File: 1413634846665.png (9.89 KB, 583x133, 3546.png)

Never knew Google Translate was a native japanese.
No. 18343
File: 1413637081996.jpg (30.22 KB, 484x640, 8.jpg)

Images like this make me cringe.
She looks like one of those women in their late 30's who desperately struggle to cling to their fading youth by playing dress up with the young, hip kids fashion movements.
No. 18344
File: 1413637516103.jpg (452.07 KB, 1244x1740, fsdfs.jpg)

Any one remember how Kirsten and Dakota used to exclusively follow only each other?
I guess Dakota really has moved on. How sad for Kirsten.
No. 18350
>>18344Is that Ashe Maree following them both, or just someone using her pic?
Seems weird that she would follow them unless she's in it for the lulz too.
No. 18354
File: 1413640973137.jpg (282.27 KB, 1440x640, 27.jpg)

Remember when Kirsten was bragging to Twitter about how she went to some photo shoot, and then afterwards she never mentioned it again and the finished shots never materialised?
I wonder what happened with that.
Sounds like they might have canned her shots and never published them in the end.
No. 18360
>>18354Damn, now I'm really starting to notice what
>>18339 said about her body.
She looks like she didn't eat much in puberty but kept growing taller. She's banana/rectangle shaped, like PT, but not a fatty.
No. 18364
I'm actually quite impressed by her look there
>>18354 Where are these photos from btw? I've seen only the selfie one before.
There's also a thread on PULL about this.
I can imagine her getting pissed that the photos weren't exactly how she wanted so she "copy claimed" them or threatened the director lol Or whatever.
But I don't think she's a model material for one and the most important (imo) reason - attitude. She have a horrible awful one and it must be a pain in ass to work with her/accompanying parent. And she does not look good, fresh anymore, she looks tired and sickly. I don't know if it's that paranoia and stress doing this to her or diet or what.
>>18344She moved on quite long while ago actually.
No. 18367
File: 1413650500273.png (67.72 KB, 1115x817, 23iwcic.png)

>s-someone in Florida supports my daughters too! right? right???
No. 18376
File: 1413659897287.png (14.63 KB, 575x163, 2353.png)

Kiki is on the way to her glorious Nippon, let's wait and see if it is Google Image Search results again.
No. 18378
File: 1413661559814.png (87.51 KB, 610x514, Screen Shot 2014-10-18 at 20.4…)

Says the ex scene queen.
No. 18380
File: 1413661921800.jpg (264.23 KB, 500x819, Kiki-Kannibal-demolitionvenom-…)

O look she forget how to English.
>Neon with degrading slurs print on the boobs and bum?
No. 18385
>>18378your wardrobe is anything but refined Keekz. Shut up
No. 18386
File: 1413662486984.png (6.57 KB, 581x86, 32532.png)

>>18382>Kiki>RococoSounds like she really tries to hard to be her sister after she modeled for brands.
No. 18387
>>18378It's literally only a few stores selling the clothing she seems to be complaining about (eg shopjeen, Nasty Gal, Dolls Kill, etc). Does she just look at whatever has lots of notes on Tumblr and think "This is what EVERYONE must be wearing"? Because I'm honestly starting to think she does.
>hating on cyberDidn't she try to sell these really hideous "cyber sunglasses" that could literally put someone's eye out way back in her Kiki Kannibal Kouture days? lmao
No. 18393
>>18376No, don't tell me she's going there. Maybe she was just walking around the airport wishing she would get noticed? Or made that up, which wouldn't be anything new anyways.
She don't have anything to offer to be noticed in any country. No dedication, no hard work, everything she ever tried to do sooner or later failed mostly because she was just too lazy and did things in a half assed way not doing everything from scratch.
Just being white and hypocritically preaching won't make her successful.
No. 18395
>>18380Oh, the irony.
No. 18399
>>18396Maybe she could be talking about her previous experience? Just thinking because - just imagine again all tweets and posts how she was getting ~hit on by everyone everywhere~ and ~stopped on a street/people recognizing her~, everything ~in Japan~ and all that.
Not again.
>>18398Interesting, not impossible idea.
No. 18400
>>18376Kiki no Mars no Purinsesu no Nihongo Monogatari: The Road to JrCock edition
No. 18404
>>18364I remember her uploading these pictures to another photo website that wasn't very popular. i think it was called like lockerz or something. she had gone to L.A for a photoshoot and posted those with a couple of other pictures of her surroundings.
imo she probably came out as bad and unlike her pictures as kooters did in her first shoots.
No. 18406
File: 1413667755333.jpg (20.4 KB, 274x400, Kiki-kannibal-2.jpg)

About the modeling thing, in 2011 when "kotakoti" was just starting out, she tried to become a model in the states and even tweeted about meeting a model scout who said she was 'so tall and looked just like her pictures'. but then never talked about it again. But then when she went viral in early 2012 she started watermarking her pictures with her website, where she advertised a clear "CONTACT ME" button with an e-mail for business enquires. I'm sure she must have gotten several offers cause I would even see them in the comments on her website, she must have ignored the ones from countries she wasn't interested in and waited for Japan.
If Kiki had done the same during the peak of her popularity in like 2008 when she looked like the pic here, she could have at least gotten some good offers. Not offers to Japan, but something decent at least.
Her popularity basically went to waste on drama, boyfriends, and her shop, and now she's too old and unoriginal to try again.
No. 18412
File: 1413669582868.jpg (49.96 KB, 457x960, 01c80a15bb_84467255_o2.jpg)

I was never into Kiki's scene days, so I'm going to just share some photos of her that I randomly found that I think are interesting (and that I haven't seen before).
No. 18413
File: 1413669597440.jpg (55.75 KB, 510x957, 02eaee4834_84467375_o2 (1).jpg)

No. 18415
File: 1413669691970.jpg (62.55 KB, 500x753, 325a9985c7_84467391_o2.jpg)

No. 18416
File: 1413669786982.jpg (69.01 KB, 427x688, 8e9095615a_74558123_o2.jpg)

No. 18417
File: 1413670080614.jpg (63.44 KB, 503x960, efdcef190d_84467258_o2.jpg)

No. 18418
File: 1413670218110.jpg (102.62 KB, 500x750, large (8).jpg)

No. 18419
File: 1413670272354.jpg (51.26 KB, 500x609, b82d4d126b_59530720_o2.jpg)

No. 18420
File: 1413670339398.jpg (36.83 KB, 480x720,

No. 18421
File: 1413670483623.jpg (71.73 KB, 444x640, large (11).jpg)

No. 18422
File: 1413670510658.jpg (66.76 KB, 494x720, large (14).jpg)

Her style was always really interesting.
No. 18423
File: 1413670570905.jpg (119.21 KB, 467x700, large (15).jpg)

No. 18424
File: 1413670674488.jpg (128.79 KB, 429x750, large (1).jpg)

No. 18425
File: 1413670766947.jpg (30.5 KB, 256x400, large (13).jpg)

No. 18426
File: 1413670822433.jpg (77.76 KB, 500x750, large (19).jpg)

No. 18427
File: 1413670919526.jpg (23.69 KB, 316x400, kiki-kannibal1.jpg)

No. 18428
File: 1413670964489.jpg (124.5 KB, 326x500, kiki-kannibal--large-msg-12599…)

No. 18429
File: 1413671011154.jpg (40.81 KB, 500x691, naturallllla-hairrrrr-hahahaha…)

No. 18430
>>18406that's why i feel as if kota is
genuinely interested in japan. i'm sure she has gotten many, many better opportunities in other countries, but she chose japan.
kiki just chooses japan and asia because kota did and it worked for her. i really don't think she's actually interested in the language or culture. it's all just an image thing.
No. 18431
File: 1413671078354.jpg (121.51 KB, 467x700, large.jpg)

No. 18432
File: 1413671122381.jpg (86.17 KB, 500x677, Kiki Kannibal 12.jpg)

Not even sure if this is her.
No. 18433
File: 1413671172241.jpg (30.77 KB, 272x400, kiki-kannibal-3.jpg)

No. 18434
File: 1413671236317.jpg (66.88 KB, 500x695, O303275-ba0a4.jpg)

No. 18435
File: 1413671286642.jpg (45.7 KB, 500x650, large (16).jpg)

No. 18436
It is depressing watching her going from
>>18415 >>18425 to
>>3887 No. 18437
File: 1413671380449.jpg (136.77 KB, 500x750, kiki-kannibal--large-msg-12017…)

No. 18439
File: 1413671418758.jpg (43.36 KB, 403x604, large (4).jpg)

No. 18440
File: 1413671456377.jpg (33.04 KB, 307x400, kiki-kannibal.jpg)

No. 18441
File: 1413671504124.jpg (52.19 KB, 333x500, large (12).jpg)

No. 18442
File: 1413671671210.jpg (77.57 KB, 500x797, large (6).jpg)

No. 18444
File: 1413672057046.jpg (82.65 KB, 500x1590, kotakotinormaleyes.jpg)

Excuse the weird edit, I had just never seen this picture before.
No. 18447
File: 1413672349301.jpg (119.9 KB, 333x500, ki.jpg)

>>18444that's this picture
No. 18448
File: 1413672552512.jpg (159.46 KB, 470x700, 0937_d820.jpg)

No. 18449
File: 1413672936916.jpg (40.64 KB, 404x600, 104543259.jpg)

No. 18451
>>18415>>18431Not gonna lie, I really love these two pictures of her. She needs to learn how to work her bangs again and stop with the shitty cat eyeliner. She looked best in this period imo. Too bad if she tried recreating it now she'd probably just look washed up and old.
Also does anyone know where that jacket from
>>18431 is from?
No. 18518
>>18487If this is true, it will be a total trainwreck since day 1. And her features are too harsh for lolita.
I bet she will try to mix frill monsters with harnesses, chains spikes, cat themed shit and that goddamn angel wing backpack and all those granny clothes from her failed recent phases.
No. 19038
File: 1413998111627.png (29.19 KB, 591x204, socks.png)

A lot of flights to Italy lately…
I think I saw this exact same tweet like 5 times already.
No. 19055
File: 1414004056655.png (46.28 KB, 283x379, XtmKv2K.png)

Kiki added Taiwan to the country list of her Twitter.
No. 19058
>>19038How do sockpupets work anyway?
You pay for cca hundred of them and they tweet you with same questions or something?
No. 19071
Maybe they just payed to get fake accounts that they're automatic/someone else is managing?
Because would they be that dumb to post two exactly the same tweets from different accounts, both looking completely fakes (come on - 0 following, 0 followers, those very few tweets makes no sense, same as description)? Maybe it's really someone else just getting money and doing very half assed job?
And every time she goes silent like that I'm expecting either - another fail, another bragging or another "this hater harasses me since always"/stalking.
I'm very curious if she actually went somewhere or made that airport thing up.
>>19055She's so desperate I can't even.
No. 19080
>>19077So basically this proves that theory going around for a while - that a big percent of her followers are just fakes/bought.
They could be more subtle with that tbh
No. 19102
>>19038HOLY SHIT
I never believed it, I thought being an ex-scene queen and have a famous sister meant she got enough attention, but shit that's desperation.
I can attest that you can get these fakes at Fiverr, I once tried it by paying someone $5 to see how it would work on my youtube, and all the comments were clearly fake and all started the same way. ex. "I love ___ because…."
No. 19106
File: 1414032194682.png (85.21 KB, 577x586, 32224.png)

She obviously got nothing to do irl if shitty psycho tests are the only thing that she can talk about, she is spamming her whole twitter.
No. 19108
File: 1414032387051.jpg (68.39 KB, 640x640, 10729414_1558680187684510_1889…)

And some selfie saying in Google Translate japanese she is always thinking about her (imaginary) lover.
No. 19110
File: 1414033168250.gif (650.21 KB, 400x240, tumblr_msjzfeRR6h1ry376eo1_400…)

>>19108She's slowly but surely morphing into the ghost from the film Mama.
No. 19141
File: 1414042066479.png (565.32 KB, 1030x560, KikiLies.png)

I have a hard time believing Kiki's hair naturally turns red in the sun. I don't remember her claiming to have Irish heritage. It's doubtful she goes outside at all.
No. 19165
>>191601. Wrong thread. Take it to PULL's if you want
2. Why? Because she's one of those very few active members who left and are not turning SJW and a mod that is still actually doing her job?
>>19116But doesn't she actually have a big forehead?
At least this photo is way better than her last one
>>14852THIS is fiveheads shop lol Or more like shrinking her face so much it ended up looking like this.
No. 19188
>>19178Omg this. I bet she will.
>>19162And of course what was i thinking.
No. 19193
File: 1414081824048.jpg (196.84 KB, 640x640, Untitled-1.jpg)

>>19108Anybody's hair is going to start looking vaguely red when you put a red filter over it.
No. 19209
File: 1414089522188.png (14.51 KB, 578x210, kiki_goes_politics.png)

Since the psycho test told her result is usually politicans, it seems like she wants to get into politics now.
She is so easy to manipulate, she probably even believes in horoscopes.
No. 19211
>>19209As someone with an interest in politics, I can promise you she will get bored after a day or too. Not even people who pay attention find them "interesting" we just watch them to decide who we agree with more.
Also, I'd like to know what debate she was actually watching… pretty sure she just put cspan on in the background while taking selfies.
How special she is…
No. 19375
File: 1414167157792.png (683.35 KB, 1058x575, 6456.png)

But at a previous photo of them it was quite obvious they are fake, she tries too hard.
No. 19425
>>19108I know I'm kinda late on this but I was looking at her instagram and saw her comments on this picture. Someone asked her about her skincare routine and suggested she make a video on it. And she tells them she cannot make a public video because she has so many ~obsessive stalker h8erz~ that take her advice but still try to ruin her life.
this is kinda ot but Kiki reminds me a lot of my uncle, he's constantly writing letters to my family members talking about how everyone else ruined his life and how it all went wrong for him. I feel like Kiki probably does that to Dakota, or at least thinks that Kota's success ruined her life in some way. With her helpless, innocent victim complex and all the time she spends alone obsessing over everything, I know she has to feel that way at least a little towards Kota. We all know she feels that way towards us ~h8erz~ It's funny she thinks we're ~h8erz~ when I think a lot of us would love to see her better herself and turn her life around like Kota did.
I apologize for ranting.
No. 19448
>>19425OMG she really did that! I don't know which I'm doing harder: laughing or face palming.
How many people wanted to see her video and sent her their emails - not counting fake accounts that writes comments to her, maybe 5 or so? And if I was them I would never send her my real email. So she could stalk the hell out of me? (we know she's acting paranoid even about her fans after all) No thank you.
And I don't even want to know her "secrets", she doesn't even look like someone I would ask for advice about this. There are many way better youtubers and bloggers out there who looks and acts like people you could turn to for tips. Kiki is not one of them. Everything about her is far from being reliable.
And as if there was no 10000 other beauty websites, blogs and videos about this.
No. 19450
File: 1414240910733.jpg (218.59 KB, 684x500, katie.jpg)

Man. She's had legions of haters for the past 8 years. Every year a new generation of them, and she still thinks she's not part of the problem. People just do this to her because they're all mentally ill and "painfully jealous"
This pic is of a scene queen who was much prettier and more popular than her at the time. Yet never had haters and successfully moved on with her life. With the exception of obsessive fans who still stalk her.
No. 19451
>>19450Lots of people do. If they're decent people and don't do anything bad then the amount of people who don't like them (because let's not fool ourselves, there's not a single person who's liked by everyone) often goes unnoticed and they can even be successful.
But this is Kiki and co. - as someone wrote before - she actually should be lucky that she's not more known because I don't know how she would deal then with the attention and even more people not liking her (if you're not completely ignorant it is easy to see her shenanigans). I can't see her getting any better now, used to, but not anymore, she's way too delusional.
No. 19471
>>19448Hang on, if she really WAS all about "lite and lurv" she wouldn't give a fuck who was using her mystical Chinese herb beauty knowledge.
Like anybody needs your advice anyway Kirsten, it's not like you're particularly youthful or healthy looking.
No. 19474
>>19471Not the first and not the last example of her hypocrisy and acting this way.
Same when she's preaching how people should stop negativity and improve themselves but yet sees the enemy in everyone and don't see that people do move on (see ie this:
>>19456 can't move on, sees everyone as the same people)and even if they were using her tips, so what? Isn't it the way to help people? If someone don't like her most likely they won't listen to her "tips" anyways but if they do - it's a way to show she actually have something interesting and useful to say, which would help her image.
And it's not like it's the first video she's posted like that. What about exercise video? What about tutorials? What about cooking videos? These were fine to post? So she wants to keep her "beauty tips" a secret?
No. 19476
>>19473Gurl you are talking to the person who first exposed OC, provided numerous PT chat caps over the years and first found Kirsten's little stash.
I'm namefagging so it's easier to find my responses in a thread.
Can't handle it? Leave you little faggot.
No. 19488
>>19484>forgetting to remove nameI did it on purpose, but ok.
The name is actually a good thing, I'll know which posts to ignore.
No. 19492
>>19375so much radiance guys
>dat pinky slanted nail tipk
No. 19503
>>19474she'll give her 'beauty secrets' to a random german lady at the airport but not the internet.
they are TOO SECRET.
No. 19505
>>19476Nobody cares how many lolcow points you have, dude
I understood why you'd use it when it was on /b/ or even on the pt thread but why here and on the chris thread?
No. 19507
>>19503Her uber secrut beauty secruuuts are probably some droll shit like facial exercises and honey facials.
Which reminds me, I should open a thread on b for makeup and shit
No. 19512
>>19502Except that Dakota was smart enough to have a proper attitude about this. She did not mention her ~haters~ besides her cleaning the air post and then moved on. Kiki have done nothing besides writing rant posts and pushing blame around away from herself.
Plus Dakota offers something people could follow her for. Could be edits, fashion, videos or something. What Kiki have to offer?
If she's really trying to use it (~haters make you famous~), she's failing again - nothing in her following changed since years, only going down.
Only having ~haters~ and ranting won't make people interested.
Time for her to wake up and look at her live and move on.
No. 19518
One thing that really bothers me about Kiki, other than harping on ~h8erz~ and the past 24/7, she's trying to get famous but for what? All of her attempts to get famous for a real reason have been half assed and short lived. She seems to have this mindset that if something she does doesn't catch on instantly, it's not worth her time. Take for example music, she made some music
years ago, it didn't catch on so she kind of just stopped making it. Fast forward to when she went to Japan, she starts tweeting about her music because she thinks it will catch on in Japan. It doesn't and after Japan, we don't really hear about music from her for a while.
tbh I genuinely don't see why Kiki is having such a hard time getting popularity. If I were her, I'd put together outfit and styling videos on a schedule, I'd also have more "photoshoots."
No. 19526
>>19507I don't believe for a fucking second that "facial exercises" are actually beneficial to your aesthetics.
People seem to forget that skin isn't like muscle. It doesn't nourish and grow from repeated use; no, skin is like paper.
Once you crumple it, you're going to get a few permanent creases. Continue crumpling it your entire life and that's how you get wrinkles.
It's exactly the same as any other skin on your body. If you get fat and it stretches it out it will never go back to being as taut as it once was. That's what you're doing when you're doing these facial exercises, you're stretching and pulling on the skin.
Don't do facial exercises if you want to appear young guys, it legit ages you faster.
If you want your face to remain youthful the best thing you can do is stay out of the sun, always wear sunblock, drink your required amount of water daily and avoid excessive facial expression.
I know that last one sounds absurd but it's true that that your wrinkles come from pulling expressions over your lifetime, just like crumpling up paper.
No. 19538
>>19518>>19528Exactly. She thinks that she deserves everything and is the best at everything she touches but it's just illusion her parents are feeding her with. She doesn't put any real effort and hard work in anything. It's hard to believe she even have any real talent by what we see and how badly she does things. Or is really just so lazy.
No one (besides those very few people who still follows her) wants to follow and support someone who does nothing, does not do things properly, praising herself all the time, constantly whining and ranting. She gives absolutely nothing that people would be interested in.
That's weird tbh since she went to different schools (I do count community colleges as schools you can learn something in) she's got some education but can't use it properly or was just a bad student.
No. 19542
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>>19538I think she behaves irl just as she does online. Even when "helping" others, she always had to talk about it in a condescending tone. On top of that, often she treat her fans like shit.
Pic very related.
No. 19551
>>19542Agree, I also think she does. Hence why she don't have friends. Who likes people like that?
She can be very annoying for people online - imagine how it must be for people irl.
No. 19559
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This picture looks blurry as hell bit this doesnt surprise me.
No. 19561
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>>19559Blurring skin to hell and back is her most treasured beauty secret
No. 19562
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disappearing nose
No. 19566
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>>19530I meant like her really old outfit videos where you can see the entire outfit in frame, pic related. A lot of her outfits were hideous as hell, pic also related, but I like a lot of pieces she owns and some outfits she has styled were really nice. She needs to stop going overboard with throwing a bunch of random ott pices together.
No. 19583
>>19579I feel like Kota and Kiki both really suck at styling but are better at coordinating things when they're together. When Kota was in America, both of them put together much better coords. It seems like Kota sucks with colors and Kiki fails to realize you can't throw together a bunch of bold/trendy pieces without it looking ridiculous.
Kiki, if you're reading this, here are some style tips: 1, White won't look good on you unless you leave the house and get some color on your skin. All it's doing it washing you out and making you look older than you already do. 2, Harnesses and chokers don't go with everything. 3, Stick to one bold/trend piece and keep the rest of the outfit simple.
I seriously can't believe she doesn't get this yet, this is basic information.
No. 19585
>>19584In her earlier outfit videos, some of her
"outfits" were literally "sexy school uniform" costumes you can buy on Amazon.
No. 19597
>>19595Everybody w/ common sense
>"straight long hair doesn't look good on you"Kaka:
>"b-but muh vegan hair gainz" No. 19608
File: 1414383260515.jpg (215.13 KB, 560x700, Patrick_Star_by_Brushcommander…)

>mfw Keeka means "hysterical" in Maori
No. 19715
>>19701i guess it's an interest, it's not the first time she's talked about space and a while back she was talking about studying the space policy in japanese and how it was sad(this tweet just
had to be written in japanese). i'm not sure if it's a real interest or something to use to seem enlightened or whatever.
now i'm thinking about her japanese tweets. i know in order to learn a language, you must use it. but what's the point of her tweets in japanese? i don't think anyone in japan cares, except jrcock, and nothing she says in japanese is even worth tweeting. i know i've been guilty of posting in japanese, but i've done it to find people who are interested in japanese too and i definitely don't think she's trying to find people with a common interest.
No. 19766
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She doesn't understand the difference between a high forehead and a receding hairline.
No. 19767
>High foreheads are considered beautiful in korean society!>Beauty standards made by the society are evil and not true!!11!So she basicly just called herself ugly.
No. 19770
>>19767>high intelligencenot enough intelligence to realize that she just contradicted herself.
i definitely think she's reading here now, we were just discussing how she should get bangs. and i was the anon that said she'd act like pt about it, and she basically is. just because some people look good with large foreheads, doesn't mean you do, kiki. keep being delusional though
No. 19773
>>19771How do you know how often they're visiting there?
She often doesn't react right away takes her a while. And I don't remember anyone mentioning it at least not recently there. Pretty sure she is lurking since she's lurking everywhere people even mention her ~recently or years ago~ Maybe took her that long to come up with what to write-failed-contradicted herself.
Not everyone looks good with big forehead and she really would look better with bangs. It does not make her face look smaller but maybe she's glad she doesn't have to edit it bigger like some snowflakes.
She's not the one that should talk about embracing your features since she edits the hell out of her photos including making her face smaller.
No. 19779
>>19773i think it's plausible she could be reacting to us and/or pull. i think pull has talked about how her hair doesn't look good on her a long while back, and we all know she like to harp on stuff from the past.
it irritates me how she basically gets rid of her nose in videos and pictures. i understand using lights and stuff to soften your nose/features, as i have an ugly white person nose too, but she's going way too far with it. i also find it ridiculous of her to talk about embracing her forehead when she literally cuts it out of many pictures and videos.
No. 19781
>>19774But do you have access to it? Unless you're the admin who have the access I don't think anyone can know how often they're visiting. I know that there's a statcounter in use which we could see in the cap from Lain before but I don't recall anyone saying anything about the amount of her visits.
Not saying they're not because I'm sure they do btw
>>19779The hair topic is going on for a while so yes probably had been somewhere also on PULL before plus could on here.
And exactly - that editing almost making invisible cutting out but now preached about embracing.
No. 19789
>>19786If it's from her then fine.
>>19785>>19787This. The posts from tumblr had been removed though, I don't know if copy claimed or the user removed them her/himself but for sure she saw that since she freaked out and removed her archive, remember? So she had to see it and it's pretty obvious she checked also the link to lol. Plus lol had been mentioned on PULL so if she's lurking there and she does as we know she could check it.
Pretty sure she knows about here already.
With all her stalking it would be weird if she didn't since lol's links were posted in places she's for sure visiting.
No. 19793
>>19792>>19791?? Maybe it's about other post, recently I went to her tag and some posts were missing. Maybe from it's really that girl who removed them herself can't remember.
I know there isn't but the lol had been mentioned. Knowing how much she can stalk we can't be sure she didn't check it.
I don't know if it's possible to check who's visiting here to see if they were on lolcow but we don't know how often and when she's checking tags and the rest - remember how someone with lolcow's tumblr replied to that posts about archives? We don't know if she didn't see that.
She's spending so much time online everything's possible.
No. 19799
>>19798She's been doing this since years, old habits die hard. Somehow can't imagine she'll just simply move on while 3 or 4 months ago they were religiously stalking and capping everything to the new level of creepiness with few thousands caps -uploaded, who knows how many were not-
Would be perfect for her to move on but we can see she can't, she could just add chasing to her list.
Just noticed but she removed "owner" from her twitter description: "owner of"
No. 19802
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She was probably responding to this
No. 19806
>>19800Who knows she doesn't? I don't want to lie but if my memory is not fooling me not that long ago some posts from her fan blog had been copy claimed by her? I don't know about Dakota's posts since I don't visit her tags anymore and they probably don't care about her anymore (the caps were only about Kiki, non for Kota after all) and there's not that much to copy claim anyways, plus maybe finally they realized that if they ever pissed some ~wrong~ person off they could get sued and ended up in jail for copy fraud + using inactive company.
Not taking the caps of lolcow - I'm sure someone wrote about this before - that it could be because they're trying to match users and find people to stalk and on lolcow it's impossible since everyone is anon.
But I agree about that PULL takes less effort that's why probably she's focusing mostly on there.
Her tweets could be caused not by PULL nor lolcow but
>>19802In fact it's all pure speculation after all. We can't be sure about any of these, only they know.
No. 19866
>>19859But there's an option to check via country visitors are from: "Recent visitors map" or "Country/State/City/IP" and then just check for US.
That's at least how it seems to be working and is possible to check if they've been there.
I didn't know that it restarts but what exactly? I have proper -I think- data for it and just adds people who visited but nothing gets lots. It saves visits from the last 3 days or only particular amount of views (only 25 pages of visits in Recent Pageload Activity)
But I'm not the best in checking in statcounter just things I'm able to check but I don't know if they're correct if it's really restarting.
No. 19886
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Friend, more like yourself.
No. 19887
>>19886I don't use instagram, but don't people usually tag their friends when they receive presents from them? I know they do on facebook.
Granted, her 'friend' might not have instagram, but I'd think she'd at least mention her friend by name.
No. 19905
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>>19886>gave me many teasAh souuu keeka san.
No. 19910
>>19887It is not the first time some 'asian friend" bought her teas but last time it wasn't somebody taiwanese.
Plus you can get those in pretty much every asia shop.
No. 19911
File: 1414618870319.jpg (874.37 KB, 1945x2054, copyright 3.jpg)

still lurks and they
still respond to her claims because i got one not too long ago.
>>all works owned and created by… um no.
No. 19915
>>19911As I've expected. Not as much as used to but still active around.
And what's with that part from Tumblr Support about the warning and the chance to remove posts, if not then they'll remove them by themselves? Do they really send warning emails before removing? Because I've never met with this before. It was always immediate removal, no warning. People were getting warnings only if their entire blogs were about to be removed.
And exactly, that "owned and created" part always makes me want to flip the table.
Seriously one day they'll mess up with the wrong person and will have troubles for that. They do "swear under penalty" while sending DMCA that they own everything they claim they do, which is a lie.
No. 19922
>>19915yeah i was quite shocked when i got that because i was like "yo, i had a chance to save myself." (i was on vacation) mhm, i remember when they gave no warning whatsoever and just took shit down…idk if this is new, or they just do that with the Ostrengas because of 2012-13.
i'm waiting for them to mess with the wrong person. i want their comeuppance to happen and fast.
No. 20150
>>20142Compared both posts (with the cap posted here) she reposted that just to add that she likes red beans? What's the point?
And for sure showing her car's emblem was so necessary, the focus is on it more than on mochi.
No. 20180
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Found this little gem. Sure shows how much the tables have turned
No. 20248
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Well. Dakota looked like this in 2009..
No. 20269
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Didn't expect this as her halloween cosplay after her last rant about people that dress like sluts.
No. 20365
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No. 20369
>>20365it's the chola lipliner lol, i can't even get it off of her in photoshop.
i'm pretty sure she had a rhinoplasty though
No. 20400
>>20369Her nose is still pretty much the same as when she was a scene kid but you shouldn't forget that noses change a bit when you are older (not to mention the bad shoop at the nosetip).
Plus this is not the Dakota thread.
No. 20414
>>20397Why it's obvious they're stolen? I know she's using other people's stuff all the time but that doesn't mean that everything.
They do have a lot of free time so they could decorate their house and do that.
No. 20423
>>20420Maybe I'm blind but I don't see big black guy? Besides what about neighbors? A friend? Just because someone is in the video or at their place doesn't mean they have to be related. You can see other people around in the video, most likely simply their neighbors.
And the way it's edited I don't know what you mean by this but remember they're paranoid so could just want to avoid showing their house too much - but even then it would be weird for them to show even a part of their house since they're so paranoid but who can understand them?-
Anyways if someone recognize that or can find the "source" if it's in fact stolen then fine but even if I know she's stealing I'm not going to assume right away that she stole this too.
No. 20468
>>20457>>20466Yes, would be good to have a link? Not saying I don't believe because we know how she's making up stuff but if you claim you saw that before would be good to post that. Just writing about something won't do much.
Besides remember that's Kiki, it's just another opportunity to show of how ~amazing, creative and generous~ being she is. Maybe really went and did that just to have something to show of with.
>>20462Have a point but yet, it's not impossible.
But if you really saw the original video - post it and I was proved wrong, taking back my speculations and it's another example how desperate she is. Until then I give it a doubt (maybe it's just my wishful thinking that she's capable of posting original, not stolen, not old already posted before content).
No. 20558
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Besides the asian food, why does she always feel the need to "secretly" show off things like jewelry, backpack, etc. It is annoying as fuck.
No. 20561
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No. 20570
>>20558It's a way to promote her shitty store
>OMG KIRA KIRA SAN WHERE DID YOU GOT THAT?? >at rirukitteru dotu comu desu~ arigatou for asking ^^I really don't know that much about industrialized asian foods aside Glico snacks, mooncakes and nori, me thinks those are the equivalent of junk food, but IDK. I also wonder if these products are actually vegan.
>>20565thank you!
No. 20687
>>20570I could be wrong, but I've read online that vegetarianism and veganism isn't commonly understood in Japan.* If something seems like it would be vegan/vegetarian, chances are it has fish oil or something like that in it. All of the Japanese foods I've seen in my local grocery store, aren't vegan/vegetarian, unless it's Americanized stuff. It wouldn't be the first time she claimed something was vegan and it actually wasn't.
*This could have changed though, because I remember asking my friend from Japan about vegetarian foods and she knew what it was. And I've seen some pictures of Japanese foods marked as Vegan.
No. 20691
>>20558This ->>>20570 and so people will comment and compliment and ask about this. She's getting attention because of this.
New selfie: with the other one she posted before: shaving maybe or just the angle? Probably both.
No. 20752
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>>20150Now she is saying that with the red beans is a typo…
No. 20803
>>20798Because there are "types" of vegetarianism.
For example pescatarian and semi vegetarian/flexitarian are eating fishes.
Only lacto-ovo-vegetarians don't eat any type of meat.
No. 20804
>>20798>>20803You're both retards, from the thing you're replying to
>they have a section in the freezer with 'no-meat meat' productsAs in, quorn fishcakes. Simulated fish.
No. 21019
>>21009Buddhist asian here. Usually monks and the extreme-ish Buddhists go vegan. Regular people can be whatever depending on where they are and how they're raised.
Personally, I'm somewhere between vegetarian and omnivore, so those "meatless" meat stuff is nice when you don't want straight up beef or pork. Those fishballs are junk, though. Good junk, but junk.
No. 21023
>>20903You'd be surprised at how many people do. Whenever I tell people that I'm a vegetarian, they ask me if I eat fish, or assume I just don't eat red meat.
>>21009I'm sure Kiki thinks that all of Asia is like that tbh. I remember she was going on about how Japan is so ~Vegan friendly desu~ when she went to Japan the first and lbr only time
No. 21030
>>20903>>21023 Exactly. The same in my situation. And lots of people who calls themselves vegetarians but don't have any problem with eating fishes. Personally I don't really understand this but it's considered as one of the types of vegetarianism.
More on topic - JRC tweeted Kiki again.
No. 21077
>>21030It's because a lot of people either consider the fish to be "lower" life forms than cows or pigs or chickens for example, if they're doing it for moral reasons then they don't feel like they're taking the life of an animal with a conscious.
And if they're doing it for health reasons, there are many reasons why chicken, beef, and pork are less healthy than fish. Fish isn't always considered a "meat".
I'm a pescetarian and usually people refer to me as a vegetarian because it's a common word and it's normal for people to restrict meat from a diet but still include fish, enough so that they will ask about it like
>>21023 said.
Also, there's nothing attention-seeking about being vegetarian. That's so stupid. I don't go around telling people I'm vegetarian unless they happen to ask about my diet when they notice I eat mostly vegetables or ask me if I want something and I turn it down because there's meat in it. Anything would be attention-seeking if you just go around advertising it. It's not a big deal to be vegetarian and no one ever thinks it's quirky or interesting about me. They just assume that my diet and the fact that I'm slender go hand-in-hand and leave it at that. A lot of fit women are vegetarian.
No. 21130
>>21077I always distinguish between the good vegetarians and the bad.
The good kind comes over for dinner, tells me in advance that they don't eat meat and don't expect from me that i make a special meal, just that i set a couple of the veggies apart for them and they can mix it in with their own meat replacement or eat only veggies with whatever i made (Rice, potatoes, ect)
Now the bad kind whines when you make a meal for a group of meat eaters and you just give them the same thing but without the meat, because they expected you to make a special veggie deluxe meal, just for them. Even though when you go to a dinner party they organised you don't expected them to grill meat just for you..
No. 21138
>>21033, I meant people who think they're superior because they're ~helping the environment and animals~. Ie, Kiki, Onision, and Anthony from Smosh + his gf Guest aka Kalel. I know it's mostly vegans, but if I'm not mistaken, Onision is just a vegetarian.
No. 21139
>>21138Anthony? seriously? I wouldn't have expected him to play the 'betta than u' card.
Onision & kiki on the other hand are the living embodiment of trash.
No. 21140
>>21138actually, after reading about 'kalel' on the smosh wiki, she sounds a bit, dare I say, snowflakey.
>She changed her name to Kalel after Superman's real name Kal'El.
>On her QueenBeeuty channel, Kalel lied about her being in her third year of college, she was only in her first semester. She said she lied about this because she wanted to be a role model for her viewers.
>As of 2013, Kalel has started to eat vegan, although she has since become simply a vegetarian as she was finding it too hard to give up dairy products.(but she posted some blog entry saying eating dairy/meat causes disease? lol)
idk, this probably isn't the right place for this but anyway.
No. 21142
>>21139Literally just the other day he compared eating meat to the holocaust on twitter. It's gone now, but you can see more douchebaggery on his twitter. I think Guest is rubbing off on him.
>>21140I feel like Guest and Kiki should be bffs.
>they both are really trashy and gross, ie, Kiki's period blood picture and Guest shit herself/on her floor because she was too lazy and decided to tell everyone about it.>they are both are basic as hell, but think they're the most fashionable and superior to everyone else>they think they are relevant but really they're only known as Anthony's girlfriend and Kota's sister (which is why I'm calling Kalel, "Guest," as she will always be Anthony's +1 to events and such)>they both are incredibly materialistic and only care about their imagesI could go on for hours, but it would be too OT. I think there should be a thread on Guest and a new one on Kiki as this one is becoming way too long.
No. 21146
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>>15114Does resemble Kota a bit actually
No. 21148
>>15796Yeah… because being 18 with a 16 year old girl is strange?
At 16 my boyfriend was 20, and still the mental gap was too large. (Men are indeed way behind in development compared to women)
Maybe she is just bitter she got some (older) loser, rather than going for someone older who has some stability, and a future.
Or maybe this is just my Scandinavian thinking, that an age gap is a good thing.
No. 21149
>>15797With her last comment, being 18 as a male must fucking suck… You can ONLY have sex with people born the same year. (Or if you're lucky, some older chick you forget to tell your age). I doubt if someone has sex with his 16 year old girlfriend at 18, that it means he'll turn into a 45 year old pedophile.
The fuck her logic?
No. 21205
>>21174I will admit I stole the nickname that people on GuruGossip call her but it truly fits. I feel like we should do the same as some people on pull and just refer to Kiki as Kota's sister or make up an even better nickname. story is somewhere at the end, but if you don't feel like listening here's a rundown from my memory:
>shane tells an embarrassing story about how Anthony catching him with a girdle or something>even though they were ending the podcast and Anthony insisted she didn't tell the story, Guest feels the need to tell this story to show off to Shane or whatever(if you weren't aware she used to hardcore stalk Shane before she got Anthony)>so she was in her own words, "busy" doing something and she really had to poop but didn't feel like going>she decided to go to the bathroom after pooping a little shit pebble in her pants but doesn't realize she shit herself>the shit pebble falls on the bathroom floor but she still doesn't notice it and goes back to doing whatever>anthony comes over, tries to use the bathroom and notices the shit on the floor >he goes over and asks her if it was her shit on the floor and it makes her feel humiliatedThis was early on in their relationship and it's shocking to see that he stayed with her after seeing what a gross bitch she is.
I'll try getting all the info I can and making a thread about her today/asap. I wouldn't want to derail the thread anymore.
No. 21629
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Seems like she is trying to jump on the nymphet fad.
"b3b3 d0ll sw4gg sw3rv3"
…oh Kiki, so classy.
No. 21661
>>21629oh god, i'm kind of hoping for this. she'll be another pt, an older looking woman trying to look like a "sexy" child. it's ironic she was talking about how older men shouldn't prey on young girls, but she's literally sexualizing said young girls.
on a side note, i never thought i'd see her with any kind of hairstyle like this or her hair even done at all. she really needs to get some volume in her hair. i'm imagining that irl she looks like a woman in her late 30's, whose hair is thinning, trying to be kawaii. that anon who has seen her irl should get candid pictures of her, i'm dying to see how ridiculous she looks irl
No. 21663
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>>21661To be fair, her hair even looked thinning when she was a kid.
No. 21664
File: 1415297761806.jpg (91.19 KB, 634x779, rl7eNpa.jpg)

Such a youthful face even with tons of blur.
No. 21672
>>21629There is something that really bugs me about her braids in this picture. It's weird how tight and very little frizz there is much like in
>>21663. Of course she photoshopped the hell out of the picture to make her hair look perfect but I can't imagine how long it would take to photoshop every stray hair.
No. 21684
>>17856thank fucking god that i wasn't popular on the internet when i was a teenager. because god knows i've said some stupid shit.
i think Dakota was actually really ashamed/scared she could like girls
so cute
would wife
No. 21704
>>21663it looks like her hair has thinned a lot, since she was a child. her braids there look much thicker than her braids here
>>21629 >>21695the thick eyeliner that covers her entire lid is what bothers me the most. it only really looks good on certain people and she's not one of them. also if she wants asia to notice her, wouldn't she want to show off her double eyelids? or is she trying to look haffu?
No. 21706
>>21699It doesn't at all, she really is delusional.
LOL, whatever Kookoo
No. 21752
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>>21699hahahaha is this bitch serious
ophthalmologists would be jumping on her to examine her eyes if it were true
No. 21793
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Kirsten is actually becoming her mother jesus christ this is terrifying.
No. 21808
I haven't been following her when she was at stickam and scene (I have actually never heard about her before Dakota's dolly fad started) so I don't know how she used to act, so does anyone know if it's true what lolumad wrote on PULL?'ve never heard about that "mmm" part but I was always wondering why she came up with that.
She's so creepy. If it is true then damn I don't have any hopes for her to get any better unless she'll get professional help.
No. 21813
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>>21808I didn't follow all her drama when she was a scene kid but she always was obsessed with her boyfriends even after they brokeup and oh, back then she even claimed that Jake stalks and harasses her when he actually didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore, pic related, her mental breakdown after he left her and got a new gf.
No. 21835
>>21813I've seen that before. But the fact that she could go stalking and copying ex's girlfriend? Not unexpected but still creepy as hell. If that is true I feel sorry for anyone who ever had any contact with her irl and online because she could be stalking the crap out of them even if it was years ago.
>>21824Please no. Not everyone can have kids because of different reasons which cannot be controlled so maybe not? Literally people like them shouldn't have kids. Kirsten is an example what can happen if you're irresponsible, crazy parent. Who knows how she would be behaving and what she would be doing now if her parents were responsible and took a good care of rising her properly.
No. 21885
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Said the woman that calls girls sluts for wearing skimpy clothes.
No. 21900
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Kiki plz, your actions couldn't be less buddhist.
No. 21965
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>>21964If she got knocked up, she'd probably get it aborted and try to plant a baby-tree with the fetus.
You know, cause she's like mother earth.
No. 22000
>>21986We could but I think it'd be a few years from now.
Maybe we could start a dead pool? A… baby pool lel
No. 22001
>>21965I was gonna say something about where the hell Kirsten being able to find a guy to knock her up in the first place but then I remembered it actually sounds like she sleeps around easily.
Like that Jack Cash guy, she'd only met him face to face for a couple of hours and hopped into his bed pretty fucking fast.
No. 22043
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…it's obvious that she doesn't read what's in all the asian food she eats, there is sweetened condensed milk in the mochis she eats.
No. 22052
>>22043I had a hunch she didn't. Also, she uses quite a few makeup products that test on animals/aren't confirmed on whether they test on animals or not.
Also, I'm rolling my eyes all the way to the back of my head. I'm not saying that there isn't cruelty in the meat industry at all whatsoever. But peta and other organizations like to dramatize it all. Farmers actually help cows out, because one, they're incredibly klutzy animals and if they fed their calves themselves they most likely would end up hurting them. Two, there's all kinds of bacteria on their udders which could get the baby calves sick. Three, a lot of vegans like to say that Cows cry for their calves after they're taken, and they do, but they completely forget about them after they're given food. Four, I've heard it really hurts to have milk build up for women, I'm sure it's the same for cows. And finally, actually farmers are abusing their animals, it's their livelihood. My great grandmother owned a farm, and even when she was a little old lady, she'd go out in blizzards, storms, etc, just to make sure that the animals were safe.
And on the subject of eating meat in general, if it weren't for people being interested in consuming animal products, these animals would die out due to overpopulation just like deer would if it weren't for hunting season.
Kiki, face it, you don't know shit about what you're talking about. All you're doing is making incredibly biased opinions based off of vegan propaganda and making yourself look like even more of an asshole than you already have.
No. 22054
>>22052Militant vegans act like all farms are horrible places. Factory farms tend to be, but it's absolutely unfair to group smaller farms into the same category. Small farmers care about their animals, like you said, because they can't afford not to. I know for a fact that my great-grandpa worked hard every day of the week from sunrise to sunset to keep his animals well cared for, and that he loved his mules more than his kids.
>>22043What's with all the anti-milk propaganda lately?
No. 22057
>>22054>What's with all the anti-milk propaganda lately?I know what you mean, I've seen some pretty stupid things regarding dairy products. Milk isn't really all too good for you, usually because of the hormones and general lactose intolerance. Obvious shit right?
Although with Kiki being the massive weeb she is, she must know that in Japan they have all sorts of milk based candy and drinks? Like combinations which aren't common in western foods? I sometimes avoid some of these things since the idea of it kinda curdles my stomach.
No. 22093
Just gonna butt in here because boyfriend is a forester and conservationist and he was explaining to me yesterday that there is an enormous issue with deer at the moment in that due to the fact that we've killed off an abundance of their natural predators (especially in the UK as we have no bears or wolves any more), deer are breeding at any uncontrollable rate and absolutely decimating forests by eating pretty much everything. It becomes extremely difficult to go out and plant a new crop of saplings to replace some old trees that have been cut down because the deer just come a long and eat them all, so every year or two they allow hunters to go into the forests and cull them otherwise the populations would spiral out of control and it would completely fuck over the local ecosystem.
No. 22102
>>22052You're talking about farmers, remember that the products we're buying in supermarkets and most places are coming from mass production. Where cows are kept in very small spaces, force bred (because as human women - they produce milk to feed their kids not just because) and then milked just to have everything repeat. They die after only few years because of constant breeding (plus could count in the stress and living conditions) then when they're too weak they just gets killed for meat.
It's wonderful that your great grandmother was taking a good care of her cows but it's not a norm, I know farmers who were not giving a crap about their animals and it's not a secret, only to get as much product possible, nothing more (and definitely not happening in mass production).
Just a thought.
I know that Kiki is one of the biggest hypocrites of all time and she gets all crazy with things she's saying but in here I can't pick a fault in her vegan talk (except for bragging and repeating how ~wonderful human being she is for eating vegan cookies~ which could be doing just to show off).
But yeah the other things are true which had been pointed out - like the milk added to the products she probably don't even know about or make up -
No. 22104
>>22088No worries. You were right about the deer stuff.
>>22093True but that's a wild population that breeds on its own. Livestock generally isn't allowed to breed on its own - males and females are housed separately. So while this is definitely true for deer and other prey animals that are missing their natural predator, it's not the case for domestic cows or pigs.
>>22096To be fair, that's because they were bred that way. Wild bovines don't produce milk indefinitely.
The regular milking also stimulates the production of more milk. If cows having painful udders was this huge ethical issue it could easily be resolved by just not force-breeding and milking them anymore. I wouldn't say that the very act of keeping cattle is inherently animal abuse but it's not like we're doing them some huge favour.
> - cows and farms No. 22105
>>22102But anyways, going back to strictly Kiki (I'm trying to avoid as much as possible talking about vege topics because there's almost never the point of agreement and everyone knows better than other ending up angry and insulting) I find it interesting to read what that member on PULL writes about Kiki from stickam/scene time.
I don't believe she changed, more like just switched tactics and fads she's jumping on, keeping insults to herself instead of talking in front of the cam but inside she's the same. Who knows how she would act if stickam was still going on or other live shows.
Anyone remember anything from that time to share? It's interesting to read and compare.
No. 22107
>>22106I'm not sure but I think someone wrote about this before that she was all looking down at people and was rude when that someone saw her in a store? I guess this is how she's acting irl around people, could also explain her lack of friends.
Can't imagine how she would be acting around guys though.
Every time I'm thinking about her reaction on ~haters~ and comments it's either crying that her ~being perfect vegan kira kira princess~ don't work and people are not buying it or throwing a tantrum.
No. 22109
>>22102I'm aware of that, I'm actually a vegetarian partially for that reason. I'm just saying that there are ways you can get ethically get animal products, it's much more expensive but it's worth it for what you're getting. I think Kiki just needs to stop acting like she's perfect and that even her farts are ~environmentally conscious and friendly.~ I wonder if she's aware that on her flight to the ~groriosu land of nippon~ many birds most likely died. No matter what we do, we impact the environment/animals in some way, so it's irritating when people act pretentious over being conscious of the environment.
>>22105I doubt she's changed too, everything about this persona of hers is just so contrived. If she actually changed, she would just own up to what she's said and done in the past.
>>22107I'm sure she talks shit about other girls with guys, Kiki strikes me as the "not like other girls," type of girls. It's funny how Kiki talks shit on that one pull user who's a sex worker, but she'll basically fuck any white guy with a swoop/that makes music. I remember when her likes/comments on fb were public, all the guys were white, most of them had swoops, and were in a band. And if you look on her twitter, she used to tweet Christopher Drew and she kind of recently tweeted Cole Sprouse, asking them to go on dates with her and hitting on them. Her taste in men from the scene days has definitely not changed one bit.
No. 22138
>>22109Agree with you. But I'm not that sure about that getting ethical animal products - I know that lots of companies who claim they're "ethical" are just simply lying just to gain customers, it's hard if sometimes not impossible to check/be sure about that. Plus even when animals are being treated better it still includes for example forced breeding which personally and most vegans, I guess finds repulsing anyways and it's one of the things they're against, which is understandable imo
But you're right that she should just stop with that attitude, she's not better, she's not special, no one is and that's true that even if we don't want to we still affect environment in one way or another, so we're not saint and will never be. Including her.
And again you're right - I'll never be able to see her as a changed person until she'll actually own up.
I totally forgot about her tweeting those guys. And she's the one laughing at other girls? What a joke. Not funny.
No. 22139
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>>22105Both Dakota, Kiki AND Cathy were online at Stickam the day it closed last year and they both acted as retarded as they did as scene kids.
No. 22149
>>22139I am so disappointed I've missed that. I've seen posts on PULL about this. The person who took caps and posted wrote that Dakota was not acting like a kawaii doll like she's portraying these days and we can see also her text in these caps.
But I didn't know that Cathy was there too.
I understand being carefree and joking around but there are limits when it becomes tasteless.
No. 22152
>>22138I agree with that, it's especially harder with beauty/skin/health products. And I also can understand when vegans get upset about forced breeding and other issues, when Kiki and a lot of other people do it, they just come off as assholes. Especially with Kiki, I just have a hard time believing she actually can feel empathy towards other living beings.
She's really shooting herself in the foot when she acts like a saint who cares for animals and such, because everyone will notice when she does something hypocritical to that. Dakota's a vegan too, if she used a product that tests on animals or something, no one would treat her like we do Kiki because she doesn't shove it down everyone's throats and act like she's too perfect.
I don't mind people being strong about opinions, in all honesty, I've come off extreme about some of my opinions. But Kiki can't handle being told she's wrong, when it's pointed out she's being a hypocrite, and all the other stuff that come with it. Another reason why I refuse to believe she's mature now.
No. 22160
>>22152Yes, you're totally right in everything you wrote.
And actually following this topic, her new tweet: "Anyone know of any thigh high animal friendly boots for slim thighs? All the boots I've tried are too big ><"
Is it possible to check if she's lurking here at all?
I don't understand why people would want to follow her, since not all of her followers are fakes, she's so boring. She have only few topics she's talking about over and over again. If she was giving advises, tips, writing about some things happening in life (not only about eating vegan everything or getting hit on) or anything! I don't even feel like checking her posts anymore because it's all the time the same.
She used to post more interesting tweets in the past.
No. 22165
>>16654She's cute, but she doesn't have enough breasts (and probably ass) To fit male's definition of beauty.
Looks like an anorexic cutie.
No. 22167
>>22160It would be funny if she did tweet that in response of
>>22115 also
oh my legs are so long and thin normal shoes are too big for me!! No. 22176
>>22160She really needs to get out of the house and actually experience life. She has nothing relevant to say because she hasn't had enough experiences to make an opinion or anything. I think that's why she never discusses anything about issues other than animal rights, she knows nothing of what's actually going on in the world surrounding her.
I really don't get why she isn't striving to get a job or at least leave the house. Doesn't she feel like she's just wasting her life and youth away?
No. 22182
>>22165>>22168I still don't get why there are so many people who think that the male perception of what beauty is is the be all and end all.
Like when people say "That's no attractive! Men don't find that attractive!", who gives a fuck about what men think? You think I'm squatting every night for some man?
Bitches you should be existing for yourselves, christ get some confidence.
No. 22184
>>22177I knew that she worked at one point in time, but I never knew she actually moved out and stopped working when Dakota got Japan's interest. I guess she noticed Dakota's success, felt she needed to put Dakota back in her place, and try to get more popularity.
>>22182I feel the exact same way!
No. 22185
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>>22184I think it was back when she shooped herself like pic related, she had quite the long hiatus back then.
No. 22187
>>22177IIRC, she even tweeted about rednecks praising her clothes or something along these lines.
As if she weren't one.
No. 22188
>>22186>>22185Dakota learnt to shoop way before Kirsten did and it was actually her that taught Kirsten in the first place, which leads me to believe that it may have been Dakota that shooped these at the time, especially given that they're pretty similar to how she was shooping her face at the time.
I know Dakota used to do all of Kirsten's shooping for her back in their scene days. Seems Dakota was always more of a doer than a taker.
No. 22197
>>22163Why do you think I'm her?
>>22188How do you know? I've always heard it was other way around.
No. 22234
>>22197>>22208That and the fact that it was Dakota that created all that shitty PS artwork of emaciated divas, which despite her lack of technical knowledge demonstrated a relatively proficient grasp with the software.
But lol no, Kirsten doesn't know how to do anything for herself. Everything that she is has just been copied off of another person.
No. 22272
>>22244You're observant (I didn't even know I'm making these) I did left but wanted to check what's happening, saw that discussion and wanted to write.
And actually here are some interesting stuff being posted.
>>22208>>22234Never knew that. That's sad and selfish, unless Dakota was fine with that.
No. 22485
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No. 22486
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>>22485It's hilarious that Kiki is the one referring to Beyonce as racist when she hasn't ever owned up to the racist shit she's done, pic related.
Someone should tweet this gif at her in response, lmao
No. 22500
>>22485Kiki, just because you hear white bitch everywhere because it obviously relates to you, it doesn't mean it is in the lyrics which actually were:
"Like I couldn't do it for you like that wack bitch could."
No. 22618
>>22589>>22588hahaha i wish she hadn't because Beyonce fans would've slayed the fuck out of her. I would've loved to see her dumb ass recover from an attack like that.
(once, some girl had tweeted that Beyonce wasn't even attractive and people had @ her so much she deactivated within 5 minutes #iconic)
No. 22621
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>>22618I don't find Beyonce attractive and honestly can't see why so, SO many people think she's good looking or even super hot sex icon. I wouldn't tweet about it publicly because that's just bitchy. I really don't like Beyonce's music nor her appearance though. She's so overrated that it makes me dislike her. My honest opinion is that she's a glorified fattie like Kim Kardashian. Just because they store it in "all the right places" doesn't make them seem any less gluttonous in my mind. I know most men would disagree…it's just my perspective though.
No. 22628
>>22621>>22624You guys… You're not alone, I've always felt the same as you, but never said anything because everyone I know just loves her. I don't like her music, I think she looks manly, and have you seen her without makeup? Jesus she looks like your basic black bitch with lighter skin.
I didn't know Jay-Z was abusive, they always come off as lovey dovey. I don't keep up with her, can you guys give me anymore deets?
No. 22634
>>22628inb4 someone replies like a fourteen year old with the ur jealouz dey rich rebuttal
Every single time. Can never just understand that maybe some of us don't like certain things or people.
No. 22656
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"見て見てください!(^з^)-☆日本のビーガンのおつまみはあるよ〜 漢字を勉強しているよ 動物から物を食べることが出来ません"
Basicly again how totally vegan all her japanese food is because in Japan everybody is obviously vegan and she never would eat anything that comes from animals and that she studies kanji.
No. 22664
>>22656I'm far from fluent in Japanese, and I'm 100% positive she's getting someone fluent in Japanese to translate this stuff for her. But to me, if it was written in English, it would sounds like something ForeverKailyn would write with her just randomly adding in that she studies kanji. Is Kiki going to randomly tell everyone her birthday, her mom's age, etc, now? What I'm reading is, "You see, You see! These are Japanese Vegan snacks~ I am studying Kanji I cannot eat anything that comes from animals" I know it is relevant to the picture that she's studying kanji, but it's just so random. She could've just said "漢字を勉強しますよ。このビーガンおつまみは美味しいね!
>>22660Seriously, she never had an interest in Japan until Kota got popularity. I always felt as if Kota was genuinely interested in Japan as she picked Japan over everywhere else. Someone else mentioned she also used to have anime plushies, but Kiki made fun of her for it. I think Kota said all the racist shit because she was desperately trying to impress Kiki.
>>22661lmao, she's totally reading here since she's trying so hard to prove she's totally vegan desu~
No. 22675
>>22653To be fair, I'm sure there would be a lot of people who would clamor and make a disturbance to look at ~Beyonce's~ baby. At this point, why don't rich and famous people just give birth in their homes/private medical facility?
I didn't know that Beyonce was actively doing the whole ~feminism~ thing. it always seemed like she was just on about how ~independent~ she is and sjws took that and ran.
No. 22677
>>22675If I had just spent several hours in labor, the last thing I'd feel like dealing with is some stuck up twat with her race card, holier than thou self barring my family from seeing my child. She's a cunt and her ugly child could drop dead tomorrow, for all that I care.
Yeah, everyone and their Mother is doing feminism now. Even if they don't actively take part in any feminist causes or movements. Being a feminist nowadays just means identifying yourself as one, yet not actually proving it. Or, just blindly assigning incorrect behavior to the term a la Tumblr or gross bitches like turd skin up there.
No. 22678
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>>22661she also has those jelly things, and aren't most/all jellies made from gelatin (made from connective tissues of animals)? gg Kiki
No. 22682
>>22677LMAO, you bitches are cray, I love your brutal honesty.
Now someone please tell me about the Jay-Z being abusive towards her. Last I heard her sister beat the shit out of him in an elevator.
No. 22728
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Guys, I am studying Japanese at university formally and I have this book that the entire year had to buy when JP Books came past the city to sell their stock.
Just FYI it's not even a fucking kanji book, it's just a goddamn gridded notebook for practising kana/kanji.
You ain't fooling me Kirsten you little basic bitch.
No. 22729
>I don't find Beyonce attractive Guys, she's a singer, her job is her voice not her looks.
She's not a model and your opinion on her appearance is irrelevant. What does it matter to you whether or not people like a thing you do not like?
No. 22732
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>>22729It's obviously part of her job you faggot.
If she was ugly as fuck, nobody buy her shit no matter how talented she was.
That's the entertainment industry– you have to have it all.
No. 22738
>>22734But that's my point, that's exactly what is wrong with the music industry and this bizarre standard has even corrupted the acting sector as well.
Speaking as a Brit it's so bizarre when I watch American dramas because all of the actors are these perfect, coiffed little pseudo models and a lot of them can't act for shit as compared with UK actors where a lot of them are genuinely fucking ugly but can at least act, and the point of it is that it reflects a true comparison with the UK peoples so you're able to relate to it more because let's be honest, a lot of us are truly hideous.
The American actors creep me out because it's like the ultimate denial.
Even though the majority of the states is actually obese they're still hiring these actors en masse as if to say "SEE, WE'RE PRETTY, WE'RE BEAUTIFUL, LOOK AT HOW BEAUTIFUL OUR ACTORS ARE. NOPE, NO ENDEMIC HERE".
No. 22745
>>22738>>22734>>22729You do realize that the fame and success of these celebrities has little to do with their talent (or lack thereof,) but rather their connections to the secret society that controls the media from the shadows?
Bey and Britney were both hand chosen and groomed to be ultra-sexualized kittens to be used and farmed by the elite? They don't write their own music. They don't decide what goes in their videos. They probably don't decide what to even say, honestly. The Illuminati programmed them to portray what the elite want (desensitization to violence, rape, murder) to be normalized in the public's eye.
tinfoil hat No. 22830
>>22738Delusional Brits continue to astound me.
No, the majority of the US is not obese. About 1/4 of them are and it's roughly the same for the UK.
Eurofags think that everyone in America looks like the stereotype…herp derp I saw it on the internet so it must be true, right?
And to
>>22729 I was
>>22621 and like I said I don't like her music either. I don't like the way she sings. I wouldn't call it talent, so much as skill. Talent is something you're mostly born with and skill is something you acquire by working at it. Yeah anyone can sing until they become skilled. I don't think she sounds good at all and I don't respect her as a singer because she's not doing it out of love for music so much as she is selfishly corrupting an art in order to harvest a profit. Defiling the name of music like so many others today.
Don't make me laugh about "being a singer is her job" though because we all know that most people in that "profession" can't actually sing. Look at Taylor Swift. She's completely tone-deaf.
No. 22845
>>22830Why is it every time somebody points something that's consistent in America some American gets butthurt and takes it as a personal attack?
Bitch I am not calling you directly fat, I'm saying your kinsmen are.
And the UK is fat as fuck too, but it's something we display regularly in our media, we don't try to cover it up like it's not happening period.
No. 22919
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>>22906Shut up fatty.
Also guuuuyyyyyyys, we need a new thread. 2k is a lot already, we should set a limit, like 800 posts, then we make a new thread.
No. 23016
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>>23003Beyonc is a reptillian