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No. 185605
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>>185600>patientlyOh, lucky you
No. 185700
>>185694No fucking clue, actually. I thought it'd be best to just ignore it to save derailing the thread with a ton of stupid infighting, but now that Kenzie is confirmed boring loser, do any anons who have fantasies like PDs want to explain?
>>185696Yeah, I think I was like that when I was a kid, but for 16+ anons to be thinking that shit up is pretty weird
No. 185736
>>185700OT explaination(skip if you dont care):
I have the these kinds of daydreams and I've had them since I was young. Usually they take place in this world though and I imagine having inhuman abilities(super strength, magic, etc), but I do imagine other dimensions or worlds and visiting them. I don't have a ton of friends now and the few I have I only see a few times a month. But back in high school when I saw my friends everyday, had a boyfriend, and afterschool activities, I still had these daydreams. My home life wasnt crazy or anything. Although I did have periods where I was alone most of the day for weeks and didn't leave the house(dad at work, no where to walk, no people my age around). I usually only daydream when Im riding in a car or walking though,not when I'm busy, so it's not maladaptive daydreaming.
I guess I imagine myself as a different person because I would like to be physically stronger and more self-confident, so I imagine myself as that. I do draw though, although not as much as I should. Im still learning about different art techniques, so once I get those down I'll probably start taking stuff Ive daydreamed about and turn it into art.
No. 185764
>>185700Who knows, maybe I'm mentally ill.
I was talking to my husband the other day and he says he has the ability to basically turn his brain off and not think. I can't do that. I live with a constant, intrusive stream of thoughts that distract me from everyday life. I want to control where my mind goes. Fantasizing about a specific thing is a good way of doing that.
I used to be an artist and wanted to write children's books. Lately, I'm just not interested in drawing or writing anymore, so I've been playing lots of games. Reading fiction is another distraction that I enjoy. I'm either fantasizing, or immersing myself in someone else's fantasy. It never ends.
Sometimes I do imagine myself as a different person or try to emulate traits that I imagine I would like to have. I just don't take it to levels that would tip other people off and I am aware of social boundaries, so I get away with it. People like PD either don't understand or don't care that what they're doing makes other people uncomfortable.
No. 185765
>>185764Dude if you're using your fantasies as a means of escapism because your life is miserable and depressing then you should probably seek help. If it's a hobby of yours then it's not a problem.
Anyway back to PD.
No. 185768
>>185765Don't worry about me. I'm okay.
If fantasizing wasn't a problem to other people, we wouldn't be having this discussion in the first place. I was just answering a question.
No. 185777
Another daydream anon chiming in. I've been diagnosed with maladaptive daydreaming along with rapid cycling bipolar disorder and PTSD, to set the stage here.
The earliest instances of fantasies I can remember is elementary school. I didn't have many friends, and the friends I did have used me as the one to pick on – mostly concern-trolling like, "Oh anon, your skin just looks so bad :( You should take better care of it." "You should workout more instead of going on the computer, you're so weak :(" Looking back now I know those things were untrue, I was your average 8 year old girl but because I faced the same thing at home, I figured it must be true. I started to have fantasies in both my sleeping and waking life, oftentimes about transforming into a magical girl who was beautiful and powerful, and fighting off some demon invader in front of the whole school. Then everybody would think I was awesome!
The daydreaming often happened whenever and wherever, so I pretty much became even more socially reclusive and just sat around quietly while everyone else talked. At its worst I would even be annoyed by the presence of others trying to talk to me because they were infringing on my fantasy thoughts. This carried on until even now, but I'm a lot better at handling it; my only weak point is when I get extremely emotional, then I tune out pretty quick.
But to go so far as PD and insist these daydreams are reality… I got close, I think, but only because the fantasies were so numerous it was hard to start telling them apart. Either she has something else that's making her believe this, or she knows it's not true.
No. 186013
does claim she's ~yandere~
No. 186024
1. I'm innocent
2. I have dear Ame already. I don't want your admin.
No. 186065
File: 1443395695694.png (27.25 KB, 566x93, Screen Shot 2015-09-27 at 6.12…)

She doesn't do anything on her social medias for days, we don't fuckin do anything but really pester admin here and then THIS!? HAHAHA! Don't be mad that no one comments on your shit and you've been losing followers.
We left you alone this entire time. The fact that you KEEP coming back to lolcow shows how desperate you are for attention. Don't like it? Don't be here! No one talks to you outside of this give maybe 2 people who are over you.
No. 186069
>>186063>>1860651. I've lost no followers, only gained in fact. Sorry to disappoint
2. I don't crave attention. I'm only trying to clear my name and stop you lolcowchans from slandering me. So when I spot incorrect info, I correct it as politely as possible.
No. 186072
>>186070I don't wish to sound ah what's the word…um…braggy ? No. Narcissistic; I don't mean to sound narcissistic so please don't take this on that way. But I have in fact gained followers on instagram, with nothing to do with lolcow. Just to correct the previous statements:
>>186063 and
>>186070 No. 186085
>>186080For the record, this is not me. I do not swear.
>>186077I don't anonymously hate myself. But I will try to take your suggestion; however it does bother me to see my name being dragged through dirt
No. 186113
>>186108Thank you
>>186110My name is Luna. That's really all there is to it.
No. 186114
>>186070Nah she's been going down on followers for both at a rate of maybe one a day. especially since the other thread is dead. I mean come on Luna, you can lie about so many things but not something that is plainly observable on your sites.
>>186069Slandering you? Bitch where else besides here do we mention you? Please, point it out aside from the 2 people that commented on your shit awhile ago. I mean for gods sake you posted a picture of a box cutter? Just a fucking box cutter with no description just fucking BEGGING that someone would ask you about it. You are the worst case of attention seeking I've ever seen. If you don't crave attention so much why don't you leave the site? I mean after all were all lying about it right? Were just a bunch of no good anons trying to ruin your idoru career right? So then get over it. Gonna play into your fantasy for a bit: If you truly are an idol then understand that people will always talk shit. if you can't handle us pointing out when you lie imagine when your ~famous~
No. 186125
>>186124well he's obviously real, he's been in pictures.
But woah… what's up with his twitter?
No. 186127
>>186124jesus christ, that can't be his twitter.
the hell is up with the spam of letters and numbers?
there's only one normal tweet made by him on that account, which is "Hi!"
kinda creeping me tf out
No. 186128
>>186127sorry to double post
after looking at the spam/bot-looking posts, they were all posted at the exact same time.
11:41 feb 19 2014
it's gotta be some kind of bot thing, plus his twitter seems to be inactive.
No. 186131
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tfw she says she's princess doll but she's no pixyteri
step down satan
No. 186138
All of PD's posts in
>>182101 are now marked in pink.
No. 186152
>>186149No, I'm not going to contact anyone.
Also, I don't think she "needs help". I think she knows exactly what she was doing.
No. 186153
>>186147Hooooooollly shit, like the
entire last thread is pink..
No. 186155
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jfc this whole thread is so bizarre what the fuck is this girl even trying to do
No. 186157
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mfw i remembered that we found her mom's facebook
No. 186162
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Christ. I don't think she's mentally ill or anything, I think she's just a really big attention whore, but it's pretty disturbing that she would go that far.
>tfw you got into a keyboard war with kenzie
No. 186180
Wait, she posted
The fuck…
No. 186191
Daaaaang, thanks for unveiling which were her posts. I feel like I can sleep tonight rofl. I'm
>>185006 and I felt like perhaps I was selecting maybe too many. But it seems I was closer to too few, wow!
No. 186193
>>186180Yes, she did. I did not mark that by mistake.
>>186186She has like 6 posts outside of her own threads. A few of the posts are irrelevant, so I won't link those, but here are some funny ones in Ashley's thread:
>>157219>So why are you friends with an other lolcow, "princess doll", on facebook?>>157220>How does it feel being part of the lolherd? No. 186207
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This is honestly unbelievable. I truly can't believe this is happening.
Kenzie, you should really take a breather from the internet for a while.
No. 186224
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This is gold.
I was thinking what kind of person would do things like this. I came to two conclusions.
1. She has multiple personalities. Not probable.
2. She's hungry for attention and being incredibly insecure at the same time. That leads to the point she rushes to say the mean things herself to avoid any other to say them. Like people who have gained weight would say "Yeah I know I'm fat" to prevent anybody else point that out so they don't feel as bad.
When she is her own worst enemy she doesn't have to really bother about negative feedback when she is the one giving it. When she is her own worst enemy she has the 'control' over hate boards when she's the only one posting.
This kind of behavior must be exhausting. Imagine how you'd firstly dress up, make up, update your social media. Then you'd go it through wondering "What would mean people say about this?" and post it all to lolcow. It's not only a frigging daily job but actually not improving her insecurity at all. She's actually feeding it herself.
No. 186235
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I ticked way too many reports. Non-Kenzie anons must've been really bored to have posted in that thread, or in these cases:
>I think she's cute but I can't find myself to hate her.
>She seems like a nice person. Cringy and weeby as fuck, but still nice, and surprisingly level-headed for someone who pretends she's the eternally 12 years old princess of a made-up country.I hope she achieves her kawaii weaboo aidoru goals
A bit blind and retarded.
The Ash thread posts
>>186193 are amusing, but the entire show is incredibly sad.
No. 186280
>>186149I love seeing posts like this. I know some cows tend to throw themselves at us and beg for it, but I like when we understand this is kind of creepy masochistic and bizarre. Even as a troll, it's a clear sign of some mental illness here. I can't imagine writing so much negative shit about yourself just to get attention. There's something deeper going on here.
My theory is she wants to be like Kota and be sent into internet cow infamy from our salt. She needs to learn negative attention is seriously not better than no attention. We may talk about a lot of cows, some of them pretty, but this board isn't what I'd call a good place and being here =/= famous.
No. 186282
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Kenzie chan,
You're not cute whatsoever but you have a close resemblance to Winona Rider and you could be really stunning if you copied her look.
Also, for the sake of your future, drop your attention seeking game here. You might think you're safe, but having all of this negative stuff about you will harm your future self worth.
Imagine being in love and your significant other digs up your embarrassing past, you think they wouldn't look past flagrantly neurotic behaviour and come to negative conclusions?
Don't do this to yourself, please get your face off the Internet and move on before you bite off more than you can chew.
Quite literally, you can do so much for yourself than this.
No. 186296
>>186292I think you are right. She has already started the persecution, the FB was probably deleted by herself in order to frame the Farm for 'stalking' and 'harassing'. Next step will be staging fake 'Farm Raids'.
Bitch doesn't even know that's not what we do here. Our rule has always been Observe and Report Back.
What was interesting to read in the other thread was that the negatives were mostly coming from herself. Most of the other people were discussing and analysing the content. She kept herding Farmers back to hating on her, which most people didn't do. People were saying positive things.
Kudos to the anons who called it early.
No. 186352
>>185694I guess I kind of understand her. Take everything I say with a grain of salt though- after an anon mentioned that PD may be Aspie in the last thread I looked it up for myself and I'm 99% sure I'm Aspie. My boyfriend agrees completely. Oh well.
At the end of the day, its's fun. I have low self esteem, so it's nice to imagine that I'm something bigger and better than myself. It's nice to pretend that I'm actually important and that I should dress up, look pretty, and act properly. I guess I kind of use it to cope with depression too- it gives me a goal that's fun to achieve. However, I lose interest/ drive quickly, so these phases (I say phases because I have several different interests that I'll completely dive into, with different appearances and thought processes) only last maybe two or three weeks before I switch. It's kind of like my hobbies are in rotation instead of all part of me at once. I'll end it there so I don't get too OT. I guess ask me any questions you want.
No. 186480
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>>186138>mfwThis is amazing. I didn't even know someone would be so desperate for attention she decides to make herself into a lolcow. Like, who the fuck would want to be a lolcow?
No. 186710
>>186576I feel almost like she was being harsh to get anons to defend her.
>>182365 stood out to me a lot.
>also lol'd like fuck at her calling aaron/hobopony a beta orbiter and posting her bf's full name No. 186749
>>186710I feel bad for aaron/hobopony, but he's escaped a world of crazy there since he used to go out with her.
Seemed like they were childhood friends or something from old pics.
I take back my initial evaluation, I think he must have been the one to ditch her, in hindsight…that or he called her out and she blew up at him.
Either way, poor guy.
No. 186802
Wow, its super weird how she set herself up for such negative attention, posting the threads in the first place and insulting herself. If she wanted people to be cruel about her, does that mean she's enjoying all this right now?
>>186292Shit, that's a really good point. Removes the 0.001% doubt that I had it could be some freaky stalker from her area.
No. 186814
>>186802Maybe she's genuinely some sort of masochist and enjoys humiliation. Somehow it wouldn't surprise me.
Ever since the reveal put things into perspective she seems downright weird.
No. 186826
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>>186115hey Kenzie can you answer a question for me
Why does your Amazon wishlist say Kenzie if you're ~~obviously~~ Luna No. 186858
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I don't think Kenzie does the princess thing in real life, I think she was just trying to get attention for her persona "Luna Lee Swiizka" so she could sell things on Etsy or get people to buy from her wishlist. I don't think she expected Luna Lee Swiizka to ever be associated with Kenzie Lee Ankrom/Randall.
No. 186865
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>>186826She's lurking so hard. It doesn't say "Kenzie" on her wishlist anymore.
No. 186888
>>186292This. Another thing that is worth pointing out that the pink posts stopped immediately when Admin posted to the thread. This is weird because the poster had been so active and so mean prior Admin post.
If there would've been someone so active stalker and mean person, do you think he/she would've stopped when someone thinks they're Kenzie? Hell no. The poster would take full advance of it, pretending to be her and bumping the thread to the heights. It would've been like a god's gift to him/her.
But no. It stopped immediately. As if someone got scared. This speaks volumes.
No. 186892
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>>186858I don't think so, she seems like a weirdo in her highschool… I don't think she's as crazy IRL, but there's definitely something "off" about her. In this youtube video her AP class did (really cringy stuff): Everyone's dressed pretty normal yet she's still dressed like anime princess. While everyone is supposed to be acting natural, she's just by herself kinda zoned out, not even pretending to look at her phone.
No. 186893
>>186858For me it seems she knows how ridiculous her princess stuff is. She has like online personality so apart from herself she can safely say mean things about that said personality - it's not her irl.
What I think has happened:
>She wants attention>She's too insecure to get attention for herself as a person.>She creates some kind of imaginary personality/comedy character of herself.>People will like or hate the character, not her so she is "safe".>She notices nobody cares>She lurks here, maybe is a fan of some lolcows and sees the potential.>She starts making 'the character' a lolcow to get attention, support and pity follows>Fast forward to this. No. 186955
>>186892lmao she looks so awkward
poor dear
No. 186958
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>>186892She strikes me as "that one kid" who likes anime way too much and is always trying to hang out with the "popular girls" and falling flat on her face. I bet people pity-talk to her sometimes and she thinks they're friends.
No. 186999
File: 1443551342464.png (371.23 KB, 262x686, ac29d85932114285ce4a3c779459ea…)

i had to zoom out to 25% to take this picture.
there are more than what is shown.
she's literally obsessed with herself.
No. 187011
>>186999Someone has to be. Nobody else gives af.
3edgy with the scissors tho. Made me afraid.
No. 187034
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She's so buttmad. What a fucking loser.
No. 187038
>>187026Dat tag abuse is the reason why she's "gaining" followers (even though I have more followers than she does and I'm a nobody who doesn't tag anything.) It's honestly the same thing every other ugly girl does on instagram just so they can get enough likes to feel better about themselves.
Btw Kenzie, that wig is super gross. You said it's from Walmart? Get help.
>>187034she lurks sooooooooo hard. maybe even more than kiki.
No. 187047
>>186892I was sick homeschooled before high school, but I never remember phones not being banned from use in class.. even the weird edgekids wouldn't do that.
Is this a new thing? Is she breaking rules? Is it allowed in high schools?
>Those old bodyline socks tho. No. 187403
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>>186999I remember being a bit of a self absorbed teen back in the day, I think a lot of teen girls are.
But this is a bit much, she goes so far to try and slander herself for popularity, then posts hundreds of photos of herself on every kind of media she can.
Kenzie is going to be one self righteous and pompous little twat when she gets older
No. 187407
>>187400I don't think she really knows.
When she said something along the lines of: "this girl is actually cunning and clever" in reference to herself - I think that's what she really thinks.
I do think she has very low self esteem and that's what has
triggered the delusion of being clever or cunning. She really thinks she's being a troll. Like 'lol I just planned this guiz you played into it exactly how I expected look how smart I am!'
It is all certainly an attempt for attention/to remedy her very low self esteem… but she doesn't realize how retarded that is.
I don't think she has any significant disorders. Though this is coming from someone with a cluster B, so maybe my analysis isn't as objective as I believe.
If I had to chalk this up to anything, it's that mommy and daddy probably didn't or don't properly acknowledge her.
No. 187444
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>>187407She seems to get along with her mom. Maybe she's just a spoiled fucking brat at home and bullied at school.
No. 187446
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Hahaha she looks like she weighs about 135-140lbs. What's her target weight? 150?
No. 187449
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>>187446She failed at being a wannabe aidoru lolcow, so now she's trying to be a fake recovery lolcow?!
Go the fuck outside, PD. Get off the internet.
No. 187468
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>>187465I don't think she expected it to end up like this, though.
No. 187582
>>187407Totally agree with you. We were some part of her elaborate fantasy she constructed. She created a feedback loop for herself to generate attention. She wanted to feel 'smarter' than the average Farmer by setting herself up as the puppetmaster.
>>187444The Queen Mother of Invitea??
No. 187640
>>187638She's friends with Emma too. All of Ashley's friends are confirmed for lurking.
Kenzie's going to keep stirring the pot, I bet. She'll regret this in a few years.
No. 188015
>>188000Did Kenzie doe this? I didn't know anything about her family nor do I care. It sounds like info she'd like to see up there.
Kenzie, GTFO. Someone revert the page to it's original form.
No. 188302
>>187660>>187698I fixed it #sorrynotsorry
Screw you lolcowchans
No. 188304
File: 1443964483762.png (69.75 KB, 658x517, wp_ss_20151004_0001.png)

Now leave me alone before I sue ❤
No. 188313
>>188304It will be interesting to see how she will gather enough evidence for a case if she wants to sue for slander.
(Especially as many of the slandering comments on here are from PD herself)
To sue for slander you have to gather enough evidence that proves they are guilty of it. It is necessary to prove their slanderous statements are all lies. Seeing as you were the one who did most of the Slandering PD, I highly doubt you will have enough evidence to take this to court.
You will need to prove the other person did harm to you by damaging your reputation. Seeing as the only reputation that has acually been damaged is a fake online persona… I don't think any judge will consider this slander.
Documentation of the way in which your life has been negatively affected is also required. Acquiring written statements from witnesses who were present when the slanderous activity took place is also necessary.
You will need to hire a lawyer that specializes in defamation lawsuits.
(That's gonna cost money)
You will be more likely to win your case if you sue for the right reasons. Suing simply to get money from and revenge on the other person is not a smart idea.
So, sure, go ahead PD, try and gather enough evidence. I'm sure it will be…. interesting to see how this plays out.
(All info taken from here so you know I'm not making it up)
No. 188318
>>188316 Protect Yourself Against Cyberstalking
Review what online information exists about you and keep it to a minimum
Regularly change your e-mail and passwords for key online accounts and keep them safe
Review all your privacy and security settings
Avoid public forums
Ensure that your computer and mobile devices have updated antispyware software installed and turned on
Ensure your wireless hub/router has security turned on.
Unless you are using a secure web page, do not send or receive private information when using public WiFi
Limit the personal and financial information you share on or offline
Educate friends, family and work colleagues into the risks
…. Pretty sure you did half of that stuff to yourself by posting here. You started the thread on yourself. Most of the nasty comments are from you. The admin has more than enough evidence to fight against you if you somehow do manage to take this to court.
Give up now PD. Nobody stalks you. Nobody cares enough about you to bother
No. 188319
>>188318I didn't do anything to myself ❤
And if you don't care, then leave me alone and stop stalking me, it's that simple. You stupid lolcowchan brats could've been fine, but you had to go create a slanderous fake wiki page with tons of false info and derogatory comments. Disgusting!!! Stupid!!! Just leave me alone and we won't have issues. ❤
No. 188320
>>188319Didn't do anything to yourself?
You Posted Yourself Here! Everything that has occured from that is now your fault! You would have remained unknown if you hadn't posted the topic about yourself!
Leave you alone and we won't have issues? Threatening me now along with Admin-sama? Did I ruffle your jimmies?
No. 188323
>>188320I! Didn't! Post! Myself! Here!
No. 188324
>>188323We will learn when you prove you didn't post yourself here. Admin-sama has given pretty solid evidence against you, so we're more than likely going to believe you did make the post about yourself.
If you can prove to us you didn't do it, then we "stalkers" will learn
No. 188330
>>188329Please enlighten us. What lies have been spread?
Make a list.
No. 188331
>>1883301.i didn't post myself
2. I didn't insult myself
3. I don't have autism
4. My birthday isn't February 24th or even in the year 1997
5. My ex is not a beta orbiter
6. My current boyfriend is not ANYTHING you idiots said
(idk if I skipped anything. I'm tired. Idk.)
No. 188337
>>188331>>keeps posting when you can simply just stop posting, get a new alias and let the thread die(don't worry about loosing followers, you didn't have any anyway)
>claims to not have autism or is not plain stupidOk princess….
No. 188339
>>188336Well to be fair that does make it more likely we will believe Admin-Sama.
This is undoubtedly not what you wish to hear, but I think the best thing for you to do is to leave it alone.
PD is obviously a persona. Perhaps she needs to take a break from the internet. Allow the rumours to fade away. You're not really helping yourself by constantly posting and keeping this thread alive.
Maybe it is time to ignore this website and move on
No. 188348
>i don't have autismHow do you know?
>My ex is not a beta orbiterThey're your words, Kenzie. Oh wait, you totally didn't post any of those pink marked posts, huh
>My current boyfriend is not ANYTHING you idiots saidlol k
I'm sure as soon as you two break up, you'll be posting all about what a 'beta orbiter' he is
>>188345Yeah, you can tell by her social media that she's trying to jump on all the lolcow bandwagons like fanfiction and recovery instagram tags in a desperate ploy to stay relevant
Kenzie, once this last thread hits bump limit, the only people who will remember or give a shit about it anymore will be your future employers. Congrats <3
No. 188349
>>188345Forreal, does she not realize how many cows have threatened that with no ground lol
PD nobody is afraid of your empty threats, I feel severe secondhand embarrassment for you coming on here and insisting you know better. This is the same old song and dance for us, you twat. Just stop posting.
No. 188351
>>188310>reputation damage you need to have a reputation to begin with. Also it won't help your case that they will be able to trace your IP in the original post of these forums. So warning you here, only go to the police if you are %100 sure you didn't post the op. Which judging by your "screencap wasabi theme" stunt I don't think you'll risk it.
>>188315Okay yeah, I'm making bets, PD is NEVER going to go to the police. Also kenzie, What slander are they going to care about? That we know you are making up a country? That you are lying about your name? I mean we aren't really doing anything bad on here. It's not like we're telling you to kill yourself or saying you are a terrorist. The police will ask for your real name and real place of birth. And if you are willing to lie to them about that why would they care about this report? You'll tell them we started the thread then they will get the ip of your phone and all computers in the house and know the truth eventually. You are never going to get the police involved.
>>188316I like how you are just now acting creeped out that someone called you out on insta for being too relaxed. AHAHA! you are not clever.
>>188319We were leaving you alone. Someone helpfully tried to tell you to stop being an idiot online. Thats it. We haven;t contacted you aside from what … 1 person?
>>188323remember how I suggested you make a video of you using your computer to post on lolcow? Remember how you never did that in your video but rather went on some rant about how everyone is dumb? Yeah … we still have no proof you didn't post. And the more you try and half ass debunk it the more we realize you did. Get some good evidence.
>>188329And this is what it all comes down to. You were not posting here for awhile and we stopped caring. Your thread was dying. No one cared because you are a legitimately boring person. If you wouldn't have posted we would have all forgoten about you and the original thread. We all agreed you are not worthy of an ED page, we don't care about it. But you do. Thats why you can't stop posting even though it will benefit you.
Good bye kenzie. No one cares.
No. 188358
>>188354One person posted it. Almost everyone on here thought you did it because no one on here cares about you enough to make an ED page. One person on here was bored and did it and no one really agrees with it
People on here that don't agree with the page:
>>188208>>188040>>188191>>188015>>188000Just drop it kenzie seriously. You want to be an idol right? How are you going to deal with tabloids? How are you going to deal with anyone saying bad things about you? Cause thats what happens. You doing this is just weird and embarrassing. your twitter is full of you talking to yourself about lolcow, just give it up.
No. 188360
>>188327The thread was borderline dying. This is why she's "chimping out" and "threatening to sue". It was seriously on it's way out and I noticed it got behind a page or so after I requested someone edit it back to it normal. (Deleting it would be ideal if that's possible and I've never attempted it on ED, however. Pretty sure she made it herself)
She just wants us to have more to talk about with her so she doesn't fade into obscurity. All lolcow threads get bumped when something big occurs and she knows what she's trying to milk. This is sad this is as big as it gets.
No. 188369
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>>188310>>188312>>188316>>188319>>188323>>188329>>188331>>188354>Im going to sue you>I didn't post myself here>My ex is not a beta orbiternigga pls
No. 188380
>>188366OK but at least one of the people (jotography) hates lolcow / is a minor cow and is autistic herself, so Kenzie stfu.
The people commenting on your instagram are actually. trying. to. help. Listen to them don't block them, you severe dumbass.
No. 188395
>>188372What? Nah, I just thought it was funny she bitches so much about 'lolcowchans' on her instagram yet blocks anyone who replies to her about it and thinks they actually give a shit.
Calm your paranoia there, anon. Kenzie isn't allowed to post here anymore without identifying herself in the name field.
No. 188398
Just check the timestamps of all that's been going on. Kenzie is NOT that interesting to get all these replies within the course of three hours suddenly.
>>188000 to
>>188015 there is at least a day between, which is more normal for /pt/.
>>188354 who is Kenzie being "Luna" and
>>188356 immediately insulting herself a literal minute later.
No. 188499
>>188498I feel like if I was the target of this site I would do what luna claimed to do; lurk threads and try to use the critiques to get better. Even if the whole place blew up with lies about me I would still carry on and ignore it for the most part. It's really all you can do. Most of this site is just differing opinions anyway. As long as you are happy and not bringing other people down who cares what the people here have to say about you?
But alas, I'm not a lolcow. I don't have the mind of a lolcow. To a lolcow this is just another opportunity to get attention and play the victim.
No. 188519
>>188491Shut up and stop bumping the thread if you fucking don't want your retarded looking bitch ass retard face on the front page so fucking bad. You really are a dipshit opportunist little spoiled kid. You threaten to sue for things that you can't even sue for in an attempt to what? Defend your character that you ruined yourself by samefagging insults to make it look like you have more, "haters" than you actually have? You don't have any idea what you're talking about, and you haven't had a hard day in your life. You're fucking mentally ill and if this were any other chan you'd be eaten alive. Get on some fucking medication retard, stop making problems for yourself, stop playing the victim, stop being an opportunistic little shit, stop being thirsty for empathy and sympathy, stop looking for any and all attention you can get and THEN this will be a start for you.
You're nothing special. You are just like every fucking one else in this world and there is no reason why anyone would give a shit about you more than anybody else. Your ideas are shit, your personality is shit, and you're mentally ill to the point of WANTING to have people talking shit on you. Get off the internet and go to a therapist, I'm sure your family has the means to get you to one. I'm sure you have friends, and live in a first world country. Shut the fuck up and eat your gruel like the rest of us you retarded bitch.
No. 188805
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>>188779>>you poor low IQ anonThat projecting
But seriously, if you're equating anon's choice of swear words as being an indicator of a low IQ (there's no correlation btw! Look it up!), that actually speaks more of your IQ (making generalisations like that) than theirs.
No. 188820
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>>188800Give it a year and a half and you'll be working at McDonalds. Two years and you'll be knocked up.
No. 188888
>>188884You can't be 12 for a sixth time. You couldn't even for a second time. You had your chance to be 12, it was when you were actually 12.
Accept that you look the age you are, perhaps a little older due to your more mature features, and move on.
Those who accept themselves and work with it will always look more fortunate than those who can be seen desperately pretending. Women who cling to their youth that hard are cringey.
No. 188903
>>188899>>188900Also I'm not replying any further. You obviously lack the ability to form any sort of actual reply beyond a basic 'nuh-uh!' response.
You really are so boring and pathetic, Kenzie.
No. 189079
>>189043No, go ahead, keep replying with utter nonsense. The more you reply, the more you fill up the thread and the sooner it will be full and die. Then you will have no relevance here or anywhere for that matter.
Ya know, I'm going to be honest, I had my doubts that the main thread was you. But with each passing moment of the reveal you are getting worse and worse and proving that you did it through your own dumb actions. You can't leave this site alone because you can't live without the attention you get from it. You blocked me because I told you it was bad to constantly talk about lolcow outside of here. You blocked me, then deleted your latest tweet about lolcow. Because yeah, it looks creepy as hell to just talk to yourself about lolcow on twitter when we don't give that big a shit about you.
These replies your doing, why? Like seriously why? You know no one is going to read it and say, "oh hey! she said no you didn't and nuh-uh and I'm totally twelve and have an idol career …. must be right!" You're doing it to keep the attention alive as long as possible. Prove us wrong, and go away.
No. 189090
>>189043It's okay Kenzie. I can't speak for the others, but I understand. Clinging to the idea that you're "forever 12" is basically all you have to live for. Even though you are obviously to old to be 12 and probably never got to look 12. You litterally have nothing to show for your life at this point and appear to have no realistic future goals. All you have is pretending to be a little kid. You're boyfriend already said he doesn't want to marry you. I imagine he'll leave you soon because unless you're giving him some good pussy then there is no incentive to stick around unless he thinks you're retarded and he feels bad for you.
Either way Kenzie, keep replying and posting nonsense because that way this thread will disappear, along with any attention you had and any significance you had here will also vanish.
No. 189232
>>189090Wow. You really have nothing better to do than pick on a High Schooler? Because apparently by the time you were in high school you had 3 diplomas to show for your life? Literally no High Schooler has anything substantial to show for their lives because they have been in school there whole life. And do you not understand how relationships work? Your significant other has to have an incentive to stay with you instead of, you know, liking you for your personality? You're just trying to make a girl feel bad for doing what she likes to do. It's just plain bullying and you're only doing it because you can be anonymous. You're pathetic.
Kenzie, you keep being twelve and doing what you want to do. Don't listen to these jerks.
No. 189380
>>189232>>189289Think it was a friend confirming with "kenzie".
Granted not that it was a big mystery that her real name was kenzie but eh.
No. 189558
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>>189555Hey "Luna", I'm seriously wondering this. If you didn't want the farm to
trigger you and spread lies then why did you want to become a lolcow in the first place?
And are you really serious about becoming an idol?
No. 189559
>>189558I didn't make myself a lolcow
And I do very much want to be an idol. But if that doesn't work out I do have backup plans.
No. 189560
If I were in your shoes, I would stop posting and just not come back to lolcow for a while. Maybe get more serious about your cosplaying, singing, and dancing or whatever.
Trying to convince strangers of who you are and what you're doing is a waste of time. Also, most the farm doesn't really give a shit about you defending yourself.
No. 189582
>>189556>youtubeeveryone gets youtube spam, it's likely not us
>twitterHA! implying anyone bothers to interact with your twitter, look at all those replies, retweets and faves you get! oh wait…also half your followers are followback spam accounts, nice going, great fanbase
>instagramone anon tried to actually help you on there and that was it…? wow, such hate, much defence needed
No. 189615
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>>189608Here's your proof, lolcowchan. Not to mention the hoards of dislikes on my videos that didn't exist before this lolcow crap c: There's ton of proof.
No. 190035
>>190030>wah wah wah I am totally leaving lolcow you guys, for real!!!Whatever, Kenzie. Surely all that just means is that we 'won', since we've been telling you to fuck off for awhile now, you boring weeb.
Or at least it would if you weren't going to lurk to hell and back and probably be posting here again within the month.
Come back when you're 30, or twelve for the 19th time, and show us how much further your 'idol career' has gotten than PT.
No. 190059
>>190030So you screen capped a few farmers … how does that prove you didn't post yourself here? You never proved you didn't post yourself here. Granted I'm relieved she won't be posting here anymore. But god damn how is she convinced she provided proof? Against what? Like "See people on lolcow don't like me!" Yeah no shit. Cause you posted yourself here like a bitch. Which you still haven't provided proof you didn't post here damn girl.
It think she was convinced she would be like PT. Tons of people talking about her behind her back but giving her tons of ass pats to her face and on her page and a few haters commenting so she could play the victim. Difference between you and PT though is … she is actually entertaining.
No. 190085
>>190030>>You can't hold up in a battle of wits, you can't argue against logic or proof.Yeah 97% of the people that contributed in this thread has forgotten about it by now. Posting one screencap, and taking one anon (1!) message that wasn't even made in response to it as "proof" that we (lolcow as one collective hivemind - you realise that the people on here are many and so have different opinions to each other right?) can't logic nor "hold up in a battle of wits" is beyond nonsensical. Seriously, the leaps you make in your logic are ridiculous! That's why most of us have stopped responding to this thread.
But, seeing as you want a response to the screencap, I see six accounts in it from various social media sites. The sengoku youtube person, and the apeshitto twitter person don't necessarily sound like hate to me, but whatever. The other 4 are clearly trolls, from whom you took the bait. As far as hate goes, these are really tame. If you can't handle it, block and ignore. But if you couldn't handle "hate" at that weak of a level, you probably should work on your confidence/self-esteem. These wouldn't bother you if you weren't insecure - and yes, the fact that you considered these bad is a sign of insecurity. But you're young, so maybe step back a bit from the internet while you work on yourself - seriously! If you want an idol career, this kind of tame shit should not get under your skin that easily.
No. 191110
Just in case anyone missed it and still somehow isn't convinced she made the posts: a few weeks ago she came into the chat as herself, answering questions etc., using the exact same IP and device she used to make a significant percentage of the self-posts.
>>189232 was more likely a friend, and not her, but she probably linked the thread to them.
No. 194980
>>194470Apparently she removed all the stuff.
Also, funny shit she calls herself Luna Lee, as there's a pretty famous gayageum player online with the same name.