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No. 208348
Ashley Isaacs / ghostxperfume thread #?? –
Eternal Chair grave edition
Tumblr: Tumblr: Old thread is dead, so here's a new one.
What ever happened to that Erika thread a supposed ex made?
No. 208368
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That is literally what she does
No. 208577
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i thought ash wasn't pro-anorexia?
No. 208584
>>208577> used to be tightholy fucking shit even if they were tight they are still chidren's size
thats some fucked up shit
No. 208587
>>208577this chick is literally fucking bones holy shit.
Inb4 slowpoke: it just hit me looking at this. I don't know why it took so long but oh my god I'm freaking out.
No. 208598
>>208585We get this question multiple times every thread
the answer is no, she's not alive, she's just a spoopy screeching skeleton skin-sack piloted by small insects
No. 208608
>>208604reporting. this shit is
triggering as fuck. I hope her account gets blasted to hell.
No. 208704
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No. 208722
>>208719>>208718>>208721Point taken, but still. I don't think it's
funny you want to take a pool on it and tbh it's about as sick as her posts are that you even make those comments! So who's the better person? You or her? Wow
No. 208723
File: 1448763732446.jpg (85.97 KB, 499x381, enhanced-buzz-15019-1386109929…)

>>208722hey Ashley, just curious. What's your idea body type? Like the body that you wish you had. At what point is a woman considered fat in your eyes?
No. 208725
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No. 208726
>>208725I was just about to post this, lol.
Oh noez you guise, we've angered the charigrave queen. Guess when she dies, she can come back to haunt us.
No. 208735
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>>208722Why are you even here if you don't think this type of comment isn't funny?
Also, do you really think anyone posting here is concerned about being the "better" person? Lmao
No. 208737
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>>208725Holy shit that was fast. She must constantly have a tab open and refreshes every five seconds for a new post. How fucking vain.
No. 208739
>>208725I hope the spirits above do indeed judge me.
I don't think it was an unreasonable question for someone with such a severe disease.
I guarantee I do a lot more positive in the world than all the harm and terrible ana inspiration Ashley has caused, so don't worry Ash, I can sleep at night, no prob. ;)
No. 208740
>>208735No clearly not because I can only conclude you are all self conscious (ex: over weight) or bullied in your RL so you come on here to do it to complete strangers so of course it makes you feel better
for a moment hiding behind your "Anon" names. Also, I'm guessing you're all under the age of 20.
As to why I come here, cos I can
No. 208743
>>208741Oh! I'm sorry, did my being an adult with a college degree and proper grammar throw you off? I'm sorry.
I'll dumb it down for you better next time!
No. 208745
>>208740Omg Trashley, you are so transparent. Give it up.
Anyway, a poll is just getting stats on opinions. It's not like anyone's making money off of it you fucking dumbass.
No. 208747
>>208744It shows! Y'all are as boring as Ashley's thread has gotten
Let's make a pool when YOU'LL die? The odds are better!
No. 208751
>>208745I think they meant a betting pool. yeah, it was obviously a joke. Getting pissed off at that is like getting pissed off at the spooky skeleton jokes that always pop up in Ash threads. No point in coming here to complain.
No. 208756
>>208751I know what they meant. Read it from the start. It's not funny. I merely made a point
Everyone else got stupid ..spoiled brats hiding behind a screen
No. 208765
>>208762You're joke is oh so not humorous.
>>208763Nah, not anymore! As I said, you've all proven that this site is exactly as I thought it was. A bunch of cows hiding to make themselves feel better by cyber bullying others. Until the day ONE PERSON commits suicide and it's linked to THIS site and YOUR comments.. And you're charged with homicide or at min accessory. Well done!!
No. 208770
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>>208765Ok Ashley pls call the cops then
No. 208772
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No. 208774
>>208765See I'm still 99% convinced this is Ash. She has posted stuff like thia before on her tumblr. Maybe it's some masterful troll.
Well she's reading this either way. I don't really disagree but. This thread would probably have been buried without you replying, etc. Whoever you are.
No. 208776
>>208774 I'm NOT Ashley! Ugh! I simply read it, disagreed and made MY point and stand my ground
Anyone can check my IP if they're soo sure I'm her! I'm telling you to check it! Would Ashley say HEY, Check and see it's me posting this? I doubt it! Ffs I just think joking about when someone will do or doing a betting pool is taking it too far. Whatever her shit..she's still a person no matter what we think.
No. 208780
File: 1448767284607.jpg (38.63 KB, 544x489, 1371228681599.jpg)

stop shitting the thread with petty arguments STAY ON TOPIC
No. 208782
highlight of a thread is when someone comes on and spergs about it.
>your>dumblmao I really can't tell if you're a troll or not at this point but keep at it
No. 208798
>>208795You're right. He's probably mature enough to not bother to do it..then again..he may want to see some satisfaction of watching y'alls reactions when I PROVE I'm not her and you eat your shit for once!!
Who knows!! I prefer not to speak for other people. You'll learn that when you grown up some
No. 208820
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>this thread
No. 208821
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No. 208823
>>208821lol, I hadn't seen that one (or did you just make it? I just did
>>208820 because of this fucking thread here)
No. 208828
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>>208722Kek where do you think you are bitch
No. 208842
>>208779college education.
can't use your or you're correctly.
No. 208855
File: 1448773908100.png (190.7 KB, 400x282, thread-derailed-spidey.png)

>thanks, ash
No. 208856
Since Ash is so
triggered about my other poll, here is a new one: No. 208884
>>208864>>208868>>208875No, no. She has a "
life-threatening mental illness". That way she still sounds like a victim. Like it's not her own damn fault.
No. 208887
>>208886I'm not arguing that anorexia isn't a life-threatening illness. I'm saying that Ash is absolutely using the terminology to make herself seem like a helpless victim.
(And if you're new: the reality is that she
chose to throw herself into anorexia, and she
chose (and chooses) to not recover.)
No. 208948
>>208747>Y'all>YOU'LL capitalised>>208765>Nah>cyberbullying>capitalisation of words>>208793>capitalisation>>208798y'alls
>>208829>bitchhas sperged out about being called bitch before
Ashley confirmed.
No. 209050
>>209048That thing has god awful legs, jeez.
Lawl@proof pic. So
serious No. 209101
>>209100Ma has boney hands though
+doubt she'd defend that skin stain online. She probably thinks the internet is half the problem, considering what she found ash doing pre-ana (she wouldn't be wrong either)
No. 209112
>>209020so you're a married man who cries onto his notepad
r u hank
No. 209116
>>209103I thought those hands were man hands. An older man hands. That handwriting is a bit feminine tho.
Can't deny I thought it might be Ma Isaacs. Are her hands skele?
Whoever it is they're a tosser. We're supposed to be impressed that it has a college degree. A lot of anons here have degrees. I do but tbh it just means I was good at bullshitting when writing essays.
No. 209131
>>209124I'm still laughing at the fact she flaunted having a college degree as if it's some kind of prestigious award.
Someone call MENSA
No. 209241
>>209239It was just some wk ham beasts hand holding up a pad of paper saying "I'm not Ashley".
Ugly ass man hand with a wedding ring on.
No. 209250
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Henry you are a fucking creep.
No. 209251
>>209250This is like the weirdest thing to fetishize. Like poop and piss is bad, but I can wrap my head around it.
Are these men anorexic too?
No. 209252
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It's Hank's perv-ass old man hand.
No. 210096
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No. 210098
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>>210096Chicken scratch, chicken foot.
No. 210154
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Why don't her momma get her involuntarily locked up in a treatment facility? Dis bitch can't be reasoned with while she so damn malnourished.
No. 210376
File: 1449160004766.jpg (22.31 KB, 526x260, it's everyone's fault but mine…)

Or you grow the fuck up and realize that sometimes people are shitty for no reason (yes, even to family!) and move the fuck on.
Do you really think your family member cares that you're a skeleton now, Ash? Do you really think they care that you have no palms or cushioning fat to speak of? Do you really think they give a fuck that you've fucked up your body beyond repair? Probably not. They said a horrible thing and moved on.
You're not proving anyone wrong.
No. 210380
She thinks she's such a special snowflake and that other people don't experience the same stuff she does. Newsflash: they do. My mom is fat and calls me fat all the time even though I am not. You know what I do? I ignore it and move on with my life.
Ash should too, but nope. That won't get her attention and sympathy.
No. 210784
>>210776I have had that kind of relationship with my mother until pretty recently, and I'm in my 40s!
Ultimately I realised it was an attachment disorder issue. Then after a while I realised attachment disorder goes both ways (it's her and me both, not just me). What I had been persistently requesting and expecting all those years was never, ever going to come. I felt relief actually, and now I'm free from that cycle.
>Emotional oversharing today due to this Emily drama. No. 210922
>>210776Yep. I mean just look at Emily for example. She says one side of her is an evil nasty disordered person, and the good side, her "TRUE SELF" is the 7 year old little girl who loves her mummy and would never ever hurt her. See her post >67712
I mean that's cute and all but no you are not actually 7 years old, you are an adult with some decision making abilities.
No. 210974
>>210776I think (and often have heard from psychiatrists and psychologists)
that many ED people have a "special relationship" with their mothers.
It often leads to a kinda symbiotic relationship what at first seems like true "mother caring love" but, indeed, can be very harmful for your own individual development and personality.
(my god I sound like an armchair therapist sry)
For example, my parents broke up and I have been living with my mom til I was 16.
She concentrated on me and I conentrated on her. We both were the only thing we had.
I had friends, she had friends, but EVERY thing would be about "will my mom like it? what would she say? Rahter spend the weekend with her and not with friends, because it´s "safer""
So, I decided to cut that and moved out when I was 17. So many things have happenend and for sure I MISS MY MOM.
But I know it´s better this way.
I live on my own. I can develop MY WAY.
Become an Individual.
It hurts. Oh yes, it does. But it becomes better and I know that it was the right decision.
My mom still is angry and our relationship is not the same because we don´t stay in contact often.
I´m 21 now and love doing all on my own and simply can´t imagine doing the laundry (for example) not by myself.
Cleaning, cooking, all that stuff - I am an adult ffs! I do not know where I would be if I had not made this decision (with help from my therapist!)
My mom still would love to see me as her little girl and would like to sleep in the same bed. But no :( that is not appropriate and please, girls, make that cut, I think that is way more healthy!
Become your own person!
No. 211228
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No. 211229
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No. 211230
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No. 211250
>>211228Ash is disgusting
I bet she isn't going to mention that in her blog
No. 211266
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I sincerely hope that you rot there, you ungrateful swine.
No. 211279
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>>211275Sorry for the bad cut and paste job, but I'll post it here in case she deletes it.
No. 211283
File: 1449400455326.png (Spoiler Image,245.33 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

>>211274Wrong anon. This time it's "I'm sorry for being human!!!"—-play again though.
No. 211285
>Be the bigger person (figuratively)lmao
Jesus christ, though. You can
really tell she's still mentally 12 here.
>We all say stuff out of anger!! Sorry for being HUMAN!! GOD!!!11>She started it!!! You can't judge me!! You don't know what I've been thru!! U dont know my lyf!!!!1111 No. 211318
>>211282Show us this comment that was so "attacking" then. Oh wait, you can't because you deleted it. I seriously doubt it was anything more than "You're too thin," which is
true, where as "too much food" was simply a malicious, horrible, and purposely
triggering thing to say.
No. 211351
>>211230I was glad to see Jackie's comments because I was afraid that she was still trying to be friends with ashley even though ashley shit all over her, as is the ashley way.
Maybe ash will hint dramatically on Tumblr that that we have no idea what terrible things that 13 year old has done. Then she can triumphantly post some benign comment the girl left as evidence that ash is the victim.
No. 211363
>>210776Maybe. My mom has always been obese, so I grew up with all the weight watcher, low-fat, low-cal, diet stuff, and my mom would talk to me for support, about her losing weight and eating less, so I ended up developing a bad relationship with food while trying to set a good example for her; picking out the middle of rolls, taking off cheese, eventually feeling guilty for eating too much and purging. I would never blame her for it though. I also had an alcoholic father, which I hear can play a genetic role in eating disorders.
No. 211375
>>211279I can't believe I used to feel sorry for this bitch. Saying that to a 13 year old child.
You're a 25 year old woman. Grow the hell up. Your eating disorder isn't an excuse for being the bitch that you are.
No. 211446
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Oh, Trashley. This is why you'll never be happy.
No. 211463
I never knew why the Ashley thread was so popular
too much of a fag to lurk, but reading this…what a fucking cocksucker.
No. 211514
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>>211509Here are some that have been posted in past threads.
No. 211516
File: 1449454943030.jpeg (200 KB, 1000x1000, image.jpeg)

>>211509And a "then and now" side-by-side so you get the full horror.
No. 211526
>>211525Quality comment right here.
But hell even her nose looks like it lost weight.
No. 211560
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I don't even have words for her anymore
No. 211568
>>211561If you take it out of context she does have a point. Even if you are young, you should be made aware that there are consequences to your actions. Being any younger than 18 does not excuse shitty behavior.
HOWEVER, this is Ashley defending herself after having told a recovering 13 year-old that she is eating "too much food". She claimed that she lashed out at her because the girl "attacked her first".
>>211279Having your recovery sabotaged are not appropriate consequences for having left one non-asskissing comment on the internet.
No. 211593
>>211560Eugh just…eugh.
Ashley, you are a bad person. Plain and simple. Nothing will changed that, no excuse about 'muh shitty childhood', 'muh ED', or 'cyberbullies!!1!' will make it okay.
You are a bad person. You always have been, and you always will be.
No. 211658
>>211637Erika's face still kept its shape though. That's why she was still pretty. Ash's face looks like someone stuck a vacuum hose in the back of her head and sucked everything inwards. It's disgusting. Everyone's allowed their own views of beauty and all, but don't compare Erika and Ashley because their looks are not at all the same.
Now, I'll admit that certain pictures flatter Ash so she looks decent, but in general, she looks grotesque. She has
potential to be cute with weight on her, but that weight is essential and without it, she is definitely ugly.
No. 211678
>>211560Oh bullshit. 13-year-olds are figuring a lot of things out. Yes, they're old enough to know when they're being hurtful, but they're still making a lot of mistakes.
That's why the teen years are notoriously brutal.
We're all supposed to be so understanding of
Ashley because "we don't know everything".
Meanwhile she doesn't have to do the same for other people, ever, ever, ever?!
I can't believe with all the cartoons and shit you idolize, you've never internalized the moral of the story ever.
No. 211692
>>211658Yeah obviously she looks like shit, hell she's worse than ugly - she's like something from a nightmare.
But she could definitely be pretty, like really pretty, with some weight on her.
>>211689I'd say at least 60lbs.
No. 211890
>>211887Hmmm…SO MYSTEROUS
No. 211939
>>211937It's just everything, man. The panties and discarded clothing lay waste on the linoleum floor. The black wad of cloth in the tub. The Hamtaro plush toy. The bracelet. The red necklace. The black headband, innocent, pure. The shine of her hair, the glow of her skin, the soft nose— all of these things have wasted away. Where are they now? And right in the middle, like a tattoo carved into her chest, the symbol of a den of perverts, teenage boys and autistic sperglords– marking this girl as nothing more than a ritualistic sacrifice to the internet hate machine.
I don't like Ash. She's a foul Hagraven rotting in her chairgrave, a screeching wraith who refuses to change. But this picture fucks me up. Everything could have been different. It's a sad sort of portal into darkness.
No. 211945
>>211939Yeahhh idk. So she was young and looking for attention… obviously, it wasn't the greatest way to do it.
I was a /b/ slut as well when I was underage… almost 9 years ago now? I got over it.
My pictures are still all over the internet and sometimes old acquaintances message me about it. I ignore it and move on.
I hold a decent job and I'm not mentally ill. I'm not a great person but I'm not anywhere near as bad as Ashley. She has no fucking excuse.
No. 211948
>>211945I'm not excusing her. I don't know if you read
>She's a foul Hagraven rotting in her chairgrave, a screeching wraith who refuses to changeBut yeah, I'm not fond of her. This picture is still sad to me. All of the /b/-chan's pictures are just sad to me. A sad cry for attention, yes; but the whole atmosphere of it all is just fucking bleak.
Glad to see you're doing well. Sage for me being autistic.
No. 211956
>>211948Yeah, sorry it kind of sounded like you blamed /b/ for ruining her life or something.
Obviously you have to have issues to post yourself naked all over the internet. It is bleak and even small, "joking" memes like "tits or gtfo" can be very damaging to young girls. It's very sad.
I guess it's the "everything could have been different" thing that confused me.
No. 211963
>>211956No, I do not blame /b/. As I said, it is Ash who refuses to change. You can't get anywhere in life by blaming your own poor choices on others. Sorry, I am a poor communicator and my ideas are dumb.
You're right, it is very sad and damaging. I guess what I meant by "everything could have been different," is if she was never drawn to doing something dangerous like this; if she had never developed an eating disorder; if her life had been normal, I guess. I just wonder a lot about what she would be like if none of this (the camwhoring, the suicide attempt, the eating disorder) had happened.
I'm not blaming the internet, but I think the attention she gets from it helps push her along her destructive path.
No. 211973
>>211969That makes me wonder; was Ash rotten to begin with, or did she degenerate into the horrible person she is today? Would she still be rotten had she not taken the path she did?
I'm sorry to keep samefagging up the thread. Just some things I've always wondered about our resident spooky.
No. 212070
>>211974All I could think when I saw that was that I'm really fucking glad that she'll never be able to do that to her own child.
I bet that Ash is reading this thread and going "omg no my reasons for starving myself and acting like a raging cunt to others are, like, soooooo much more complex and sophisticated and I'm like, such a victim here and I'm just so misunderstood by all of these idiots that surround me ;_;"
No. 212079
>>211974Exactly, all of this.
I'd go so far as to say that she was basically telling the girl to kill herself. So much for respecting TOS.
No. 212087
>>212043If this is how she thinks, it's such BS.
I know, no personal stories, but I was in a similar boat as her. Early 20s, no future in sight because my ED became my identity; I couldn't even finish my BS. For some reason I thought that I'd be more of a loser if I no longer had my ED, but I "recovered" and went back to school. Finished later than most people, but at least I finished. Worked my ass off and completed my MEng, too. I'm successful now at 26, and no one cares anymore that it took me this long.
No. 212110
>>212087/Sage for OT
Your story gives me hope anon. I hope that I can eventually do something similar.
No. 212279
File: 1449632893945.jpg (112.13 KB, 951x612, chairgrave.JPG)

>>212079I notice she deleted the pic.
That girl who thinks she's Spock keeps commenting on cows and snowflakes. Jolty's there saying how she wears baggy jeans so men don't want sex with her.
No. 212295
She had a thread made about her here but nobody gaf. She comments on Emily's posts as well. Possibly seeking attention.
No. 212323
>>212291What I don't understand is how she finds jeans that
aren't loose on her…
No. 212326
>>212325She's 5'0"
I was looking it up, and that means that (by our estimates), she weighs as much as an average 5-year-old, but is the height of an average 12-year-old.
No. 212337
File: 1449653226545.png (779.44 KB, 951x612, wat.png)

>>212333those ARE kid pants though. You can almost see where they end on her mid-calf before the photo cuts off.
No. 212374
>>212342That's not what gets me. What gets to me is:
>I am battling a mental illness>battlingNo, you've pretty much embraced it whole-heartedly, Ash…
No. 212384
>>212087Dude, are you me? I have almost the same story - but yeah. At a certain point I realized I hit rock bottom and decided I needed to recover if I ever wanted to get anywhere and life/repair relationships w/ family and friends. I went to IP, got my BS, then my MS, and now I have a big girl job and am doing great.
Kudos to you!
No. 212464
>>212443If for no other reason than: It's always the same. Never longer, never shorter. Just getting older and tattier. Plus she can't even grow eyebrows, so I'm not sure how she'd grow a full thick head of hair.
At least the wheelchair is still in the photo. Although at this point she could probably just wear a cape and ride the breeze anywhere she wanted to go.
No. 212478
>>212468Never looked that close to her pics. Now doing quick rewind in time on site
>>212474first I've heard this
No. 212546
Two Russians are having a bitch fight on Ashley's latest picvture.
Google translated the Russian comments. Some of it doesn't make sense. Wtf is a "mustard paramedic"?
krasnenkai: Horror!
catcyan: @ krasnenkai, she is ahuenna not what you are
krasnenkai: @ catcyan I only have one question for you))) will no longer continue the discussion)) tell me, do you really think it's beautiful?
ketcyan @ krasnenkai, everyone is beautiful in their own way. And she is - especially.
ruru1703 @ catcyan hmmm did not know that walking skeletons is particularly beautiful, and if you understand what her problems as zdorovem- general horror
catcyan @ ruru1703 no accounting for tastes. And about her is fixable. Not tychte their opinions to me in the nose. Do not like - do not look.
ruru 1703 @ catcyan girl above the nose you do not poke, but you feel the need in my two cents to insert, so I decided to follow your example), it's terrible, a nightmare, you will probably age 14 so you will admire "such beauty" I hope you it will pass because in most cases it ends in tears
catcyan @ ruru1703 Note "do not poke in the nose" is directly related to you, girl. What other fucking 5 cents? Where did you find them here? Phahah what, 14 years? I'm 21, I'm a student medical school, and so believe me, I know about diseases and their consequences is MUCH more than you. Most people recover, even with this shortfall weight. And yes, it's beautiful. I believe that this thinness - it's beautiful. All holivarov enough. I sleep. Bai.
ruru 1703 @ catcyan Where I found 5 cents, and you razuy his eyes, you chtol comment written to you slipped up and insulted that? No ? Then do not dick climb) probably worthless from your honey workers of the future, just think so), come on, baby rest)
catcyan @ ruru1703 not vyёbyvaysya, slut. Learn to write normally for a start. What about "mustard paramedic" .. I actually PhD in the field of TB and pharmaceuticals, has received two grants, so shut up its ugly face and Keeping Mum. You're all in this life nothing is achieved. You want to show off in front of everyone, but nifiga you do not go out, because you're a schmuck. Trying to impose their views on others, sitting in instagramchike, will not become smarter. Remember this.
ruru1703 @ catcyan I eat, little child, and that probably is why such evil)) plus contradicts itself, "imposing your views on others the instance … blah blah blah," and what she is doing not to hurt me , you can continue to stoop to insults, showing his "education"))
ruru1703 @ catcyan and by the way in my life I made some more ("..2 Grant")
No. 212558
>>212546(All this paragraph with proper translation)
Learn to write for a start normally. About "the lousy medic". I already generally the candidate of science in the field of phthisiology and pharmaceutics, received 2 grants so stop up the ugly muzzle and be silent in a rag. You in general in this life achieved nothing. You want to show off before all, but anything at you doesn't leave, because you the schnook. Trying to impose the opinion to another, sitting in an instagramchik, you will become cleverer not. Remember it
No. 212568
>>212546catcyan @ ruru1703 not vyёbyvaysya, slut =
Translates to : don't f*ck with me, slut
No. 213426
File: 1449968292477.gif (288.93 KB, 400x225, diaf.gif)

>>212279I don't understand how she thinks she is "battling" an illness. Battling implles she is fighting it, not constantly capitalizing on the attention and bragging about being a skeleton.
No. 213442
File: 1449970854161.jpg (22.17 KB, 524x292, uh oh.JPG)

>>213439That was me. Quick google found [pic]
No. 213450
File: 1449971431870.jpg (61.99 KB, 602x573, dante.JPG)

Her gallery's all the snowflakes together! Her pics make me feel ill, but look what I found…
No. 213458
>>213435I stumbled on her account bc she kept sending other anorexics messages like "~your bones are so beautiful~" and shit like that. Then I scrolled through her page where she shared her IG.
I wasnt suprised to see her getting mentioned in this thread; she´s fucked up, in my opinion.
No. 213473

>>213465Occasionally eating safe foods is not the same as battling an illness. Plus this
>>213468Camgirl!Ash as reaction to your sage.
No. 213475
>>210776Oh piss off
Yes EDs may cause parents to treat you like a baby but thats not all its about
Growing up fucking sucks and yea we all have to do it, but when you have a mental illness too its literally paralyzing to make simple decisions
End rant
No. 213481
>>213475>its literally paralyzing to make simple decisionsFor some people.
During the worst parts of my depression, it's not paralyzing to make simple decisions, but it just takes a long time.
Of course, I'll be fair and say that
>>210776 isn't completely correct either.
>ED girls are always obsessed with their mummies and how family "should" always comfort them and that tough love is soooo cruelThat's also only true for some people. It seems to be more popular among Instagram ED girls. The ED forums I've browsed had very few people like that.
No. 213487
These fucking 'armchair' doctors like to label what's what. Lolcow is fucking filled with them.
No one has a right above anyone else to say what's difficult and what's not.
No. 213492
>>213485She's not naked and she's not in a seductive pose (not really, at least). It's pretty much just a picture of a girl in skin-colored clothing.
If the admin wants to spoiler it though, that's up to their discretion.
No. 213497
File: 1449985124771.jpg (Spoiler Image,43.96 KB, 652x505, AC631B3.jpg)

>>213492As a reference, this is the top she was wearing. Skimpy, but it covers her nip-nips, so I think I'm safe.
Spoilering though because… okay this one might be crossing the fine line.
No. 213516
>>213465Just because she hasn't died yet doesn't mean she is actually fighting. If she was fighting, she wouldn't be spending her time posting vain photos of herself bragging about how thin she is.
I don't know how Ash and her followers don't get it. She is going to have a heart attack and die. She is in a wheelchair because of her own vanity and self-obsession. If she wasn't so vane and self-obsessed, I think she would at least not brag so much and take vain selfies where she is clearly proud of how she looks.
No. 213801
>>213450lol at Dante
Seriously though, Jesus Christ Almighty, dat facehugger sternum gets me every fuckin' time; even Ashley's didn't look that bad in the last photo where you could see it.
No. 214198
File: 1450109339842.jpg (225.63 KB, 473x1280, 1419360639966.jpg)

>>214189Not vegan, so she must pick and choose.
No. 214200
>>214189Oh I see. What a terrible way to live.
>>214194>>214198That's all stuff that makes its way promptly into the toilet. Anon is saying that she only lets herself properly digest and obtain nourishment from vegan things.
No. 214207
>>214205Safe foods are foods that one feels okay with eating and digesting.
Binge foods are those one will eat in a frenzy without thinking. In her case, it's okay that it's non-vegan because she's going to throw it up.
If you're mistaking Ash for being vegan, don't. She's not. Vegan foods are just considered "healthier," which is probably why her safe foods are vegan.
No. 214211
>>214208I was giving a description to add emphasis, not to lecture or educate you.
But look, the short of it is:
Ash eats meat.It doesn't matter whether it's only binge food or not, Ash eats meat. She's not a vegan, even if she chooses the vegan alternatives sometimes. (Just like eating gluten-free doesn't mean I can't eat gluten, or drinking diet soda doesn't mean I'm on a diet, etc.)
No. 214244
File: 1450116367825.png (381.36 KB, 400x590, thelmandlouisekek.png)

No. 214282
>>214276You don't need everyone here to hold your hand and watch with you do you anon? Unless lil ol Ash scares you
No. 214342
>>214244>WHY A I SO PALE?You really need to ask that?
Remember the hand holding video she made with Erika. Jus' sayin.
No. 214345
I think it's the pic angle there's nothing there
No. 214481
File: 1450156235633.png (53.61 KB, 484x484, lookhumanclothing.png)

>>214244The savior of the hour should've gotten this tshirt instead of that watch.
No. 214497
>>214490Is macrobiotic still a thing? That always seemed like a better option than veganism to me. Like, if I inherited stacks of cash I'd have my own macrobiotic chef because I love pulses, would love to do away with dairy but I'm too fucking lazy to learn to cook.
Veganism's a trend right now amirite? I hate when that happens.
No. 214501
>>214497Shit. I also wanted to ask about @betsey11onnie
She comments really over gushing comments on some of our snowflakes' igs. Does anyone know her? Not being rude, but is she a bit retarded?
No. 214795
File: 1450247933298.jpg (23.2 KB, 524x217, bpd.jpg)

Well… at least she's aware of this flaw in her personality. Even if she laughs at it like it's a joke.
She's misinformed about lanugo too. She thinks only certain people have a "gene" to make it…
No. 214807
>>214795Who is she kidding? She's covered in lanugo, all you have to do is zoom into her photos
shudders to see it.
No. 214814
File: 1450255131995.jpg (12.57 KB, 230x230, hypertrichosis.jpg)

>>214795Yup, she's talking about the genetic mutation Congenital hypertrichosis lanuginosa where people grow hair all over their bodies. NOT the lanugo you get with EDs, like YOU got with yours, Ash.
No. 214938
File: 1450293630997.jpeg (931.34 KB, 1096x1920, image.jpeg)

Is it just me, or does this woman look very similar to Ash, perhaps as she was in that middle period of developing anorexia? I did a double-take when I stumbled across it.
No. 214943
>>214942YES, seriously. People shriek and moan about how recovery from anorexia means you have to have a 'healthy' BMI.
No, most long-term anorectics become just at a very low yet functional weight. BMI 12, 14, shit. You can live like that for years while still being able to walk, travel, anything. It obviously isn't a healthy ideal but you'll still be visibly very ill, yet not rotting alone in a chairgrave. Fucking hell.
Man, Ash could look like that girl if she gained as little as 10 lbs, maybe. She could probably walk and get even more attention from horrified passerbys. Give it some thought.
No. 214945
>>214938Is that Peter Coffin's
sex doll wife?
No. 214963
>>21496012 strikes me as the extreme lower limit. I'd put Ash at around 9 or 10. I think even that would make a huge difference in her functionality considering how long she's spent the way she is. Kind of irrelevant I guess, though.
>>214945Haha, Ashleigh was the other person I thought of immediately when I saw the picture… It's the way she tilts her head and the glasses, and those sharp beady little eyes. The Jew nose is all Ash, though. But I would actually 100% believe is was either one of them. It's like lolcow pareidolia.
No. 215096
>>215086I think that's because we've only seen her at ages 16/17 and 24/25, and they're basically polar opposites. One's a bulimic, but healthy-weight girl who showed off her body to strangers, and the other is an emaciated, whiny corpse who requests presents from strangers instead.
Makes me wish I knew what happened in the years she was gone.
I mean, we've put the pictures side-by-side to see that they're the same person, but that's as far as it goes.
It might also be because people who use her for thinspiration often don't know about her past.
No. 215108
This was the picture I posted:'m hoping admin just deleted it because it wasn't spoilered, and that I won't get in trouble for posting the link.
No. 215123
>>215105I knew it was something like that, but I was curious because of what anon said about it being sad.
>>215108Ah, thanks! That's one of the pics I found on google, thought the one posted was a different one I didn't find.
It's so eerie to see how she used to be versus what she's like now. I can't see her getting better. She's pretty much dead already, all that's left is for her to properly collapse & be buried.
No. 215348
File: 1450446514088.png (21.3 KB, 541x512, hh0543.png)

all ash wants is a binge/purge buddy. she has no intentions of surviving.
No. 215364
>>215360Gonna have to download that and enhance some screenshots. Her face looks pretty spoopy in the 7-11 one. Pale as death in the Disney one too.
Funny that she sits in the backseat. How old was she there, 18/19? Fuck.
No. 215368
File: 1450457031662.png (1000.15 KB, 1242x2208, image.png)

No. 215506
File: 1450482900540.jpg (63.23 KB, 743x436, wat.jpg)

what the heck does she mean by this?
No. 215556
>>215506>>215531She's saying these are the cards she's been delt in life and so she's playing them. It is what it is, good or bad
Some things don't need to be over analyzed guys
No. 215559
>She's saying these are the cards she's been delt in life and so she's playing them.But they aren't. I know eating disorders aren't exactly a choice, but at the end of the day, she's actively choosing not to recover. It's not as if it's something beyond her control.
>Some things don't need to be over analyzed guysShe
literally said that she "would never force recovery upon herself". I don't understand how that's over-analyzing, but alright.
No. 215573
>>oh you know, just go with the flow and ~let things happen~No.
Same bullshit excuse so many anas use, *"but if I'm not ~ready~ for recovery it won't work anyway!"
It's a known fact that improper nutrition can impact the brain in a way that makes so many people unable to make sound, rational decisions like that, to even be able to imagine that they would want a different state of being.
No. 215963
File: 1450596936109.jpg (96.36 KB, 525x556, wah wah wah.jpg)

I will never understand her preference for looking like a dumb bitch rather than just explain shit.
I do get that she doesn't owe us an explanation, but honestly, why let yourself look stupid for no reason? Especially when you clearly think you can explain yourself but are just choosing not to?
(Note: Please note the wording. I realize Ash can never explain herself away because at the end of the day, she is a stupid brat who is not battling shit, but she seems to truly and honestly think differently.)
No. 215982
File: 1450613879249.png (100.59 KB, 612x380, screen-shot-2012-10-30-at-1-24…)

>>215368This is all I see from that image.
No. 215983
>>215963She does it on purpose so she can get away with saying she's trying really hard, and that's why you should buy her binge food.
I thought everyone knew this by now considering the exact same move in her asks has been done countless of times in her previous threads.
No. 216020
>>215983We know this from our speculation, not her confirmation. As I said, why let herself look stupid for no reason? Even if she didn't want to tell the truth, she could
easily lie and say she binges to go against her ED. This is clearly about more than just binge food.
I think
>>215980 is more on point. It's her way to claim power and control, not just to get binge food.
No. 216315
>>216020Yeah, I agree with you on this actually.. but like you said, it's just our interpretation in the end.
I used to think she was an interesting and fun pet-psychological "project" to examine for the first year I was made aware of her, now I just feel the same way as
>>216277 about it all.
No. 216337
>>216277Maybe you're just too 'incoherent' yourself to understand..?
Everything she's said has made sense to any human with basic understanding.
Yeah, we may not AGREE with anything she's said, but that doesn't mean that it's beyond comprehension..
No. 216496
>>216337Good god your typing style is so fucking obvious that this is just pathetic at this point. Just go enjoy your Gengar plush before it reeks of vomit or ammonia and stop trying to whiteknight yourself.
(As a note though, being readable does not mean something makes sense. A human with basic understanding knows what you are saying, but they also will realize that you're out of your damn mind. Like anon said, every thought you have is irrational. For example, defending yourself for attacking a 13-year-old and telling her to commit indirect suicide? Not exactly a rational response to
No. 216539
File: 1450777720996.jpg (66.1 KB, 1001x357, 121.JPG)

>>216532pic related posted 107 weeks ago, so she's 39 now.
No. 216573
>>216572 here.
Nevermind, didn't see this:
>>216539 No. 217526
File: 1451154399007.jpg (162.94 KB, 1080x1080, 12394217_935203209893312_52762…)

I enjoy how Ash blurred out the lanugo on her face in this one. Particularly evident on her upper lip.
No. 217946
File: 1451285610379.jpg (283.39 KB, 1080x1080, spoopy_shoop.jpg)

>>21752630 min in photoshop later…..
and as a side note, she has literally no eyelashes left. I had to give her transplants.
No. 217949
File: 1451287588464.png (76.12 KB, 1880x636, spike.png)

>>216801That thread created quite a traffic spike.
No. 217998
>>217959That's about reddit, not lolcow.
>>217983Yeah sure it is, Ashley.
No. 218001
>>217999Wow ash, would it help to alog you?
Cause I'm your age and in Japan right now enjoying the new year….except for the five seconds it takes me to check this thread at 1am, jap time :^)
No. 218002
>>217999Wow ash, would it help to alog you?
Cause I'm your age and in Japan right now enjoying the new year….except for the five seconds it takes me to check this thread at 1am, jap time :^)
No. 218033
>>218008It get dry in the 'winter'.
Just because it's still rather warm, the humidity is lower.
No. 218041
File: 1451337108180.png (58.96 KB, 718x363, Screen Shot 2015-12-28 at 4.11…)

No. 218048
File: 1451340678684.png (270.88 KB, 555x643, ensurequiche.png)

that post made me curious, so i googled vegan nutritional drinks, found this disgusting ensure recipe
No. 218056
File: 1451342219179.png (48.22 KB, 259x238, florida's always muggy you cra…)

>>218033This is a "low humidity day" for Florida…Face it fam we're in the swamp zone.
No. 218300
>>217999? Did you mean to reply to me?
>>218190I still can't believe there is that much traffic on this goddamn website.
No. 218478
File: 1451453625441.png (68.99 KB, 684x394, Screen Shot 2015-12-30 at 12.3…)

Ash is having a bitchfit in the comment section of her latest Instagram picture. Posts this Tumblr post in response. Classic Ash. No. 218510
>>218508Point exactly.
>>218500 if you understood the context that the word was used in, maybe this might not be so difficult..
No. 218511
>>218509You already assumed you knew the situation, assumed you knew Ash was in the wrong, blahblah which is why you posted here in the first place lol
To be regarded as funny for bringing up the Japanese food, as if it's even related. Your thinking process is broken, sorry :(
No. 218513
>>218510>>218511Ash pls
I was replying to the post and the post alone, not the instagram situation. Objectively, the word "skinny" is not the equivalent of being called "fat". Try and twist it however you want but that's the fact.
But since you want to bring the "situation" up, I read that too. Look who's assuming now.
Some innocent bystander wondered why you were so "skinny" (omg
trigger warning) and got caught up in your bullshit web of BPD as a result. There is absolutely no way for you to play the victim here. Go back to throwing up.
I'm not even "trying to be funny" here. I genuinely dislike you. I can't even feel sorry for you anymore.
You do nothing but rot in your chairgrave, leech off your "abusive" mother and followers while going from person to person and hurting them as much as you possibly can once they've outlived their usefulness.
You lost your right to any kind of sympathy the moment you took your mental illness out on other people and
still refused to get help for it.
No. 218537
>>218513Thats the point I was trying to make, pls.
The fact that society allows 'skinny' to be accepted, when still used negatively.
IE: 'why is she so SKINNY?'
But oh ho! If fat replaced that word, do you realize how many white knights would be all over it?
IE: 'why is she so FAT?'
You know perfectly well where I am coming from.
No. 218560
Someone can say it in an insulting manner, but it's still not the equivalent of calling someone 'fat', which is why people would give you a lot more shit for calling someone fat than they would for calling people 'skinny'.
You can bitch and whine about how "unfair" that is all you want, but you won't manage to change anything.
>>218537You're being pretty generous by actually calling that shit you just spewed a "point".
The problem here is that you're taking a harmless sentence ("Why is she so skinny?") and you're placing the emphasis on the word "skinny", which would make it sound insulting.
But, over the internet, there's no way of knowing if the person who asked that meant it in a bitchy way or as a genuine question. There's a lot more chance that they meant it as a genuine question, and in fact, the person who called you skinny added "I'm asking out curiosity not insult btw" so you're pretty much guaranteed it
was a genuine question, but you automatically get defensive when there's no need for it.
>You know perfectly well where I am coming from.No, Ash. No, I don't. Because I don't starve myself to the point where I'm not capable of thinking straight anymore.
Your thinking is fucked. That's not even me trying to be insulting, that's basic science. Fuck, it's basic common sense, actually.
Also that's not how you sage No. 218592
>>218537>You know perfectly well where I am coming from.Well, I can guess - an extremely compromised CNS, lethally malnourished and only partially functional as a result.
Seriously, what you're saying is this:
People shouldn't comment on the physical appearance of others! It's WRONG and people SHOULDN'T do it! EXCEPT anyone who fucking feels like it as long as they have justified it to themselves with ridiculous arguments like "two wrongs make a right" and "she did it first, waaaah!" THEN it's totally okay to do!
You can't cherry-pick only the justifications YOU like, though. There can be many others - for the greater good, to educate more people, to give tough love in the hope that it's the kick in the ass someone needs to get their life in order. Etc. Etc. Etc. Anyone can make any comment about appearance then, as long as they have self-justified with any version (including shitty, childish ones) of "logic" they want to employ. You want to use your rule of "she did it first" then you have to deal with the fact that anyone else can use equally shitty justifications to do what they want and then not be "wrong" at all.
Besides, that person who asked about you being so skinny can at least get the benefit of the doubt - there is a chance they asked innocently, even if it ended up being a bit rude. They might not have realized it was rude, they might have had no idea why it would be triggeirng to you - I'd assume that's the case anyway, otherwise they would KNOW you suffer from anorexia and wouldn't be asking about your physical appearance.
YOU, however, did it in retaliation, with malice and intent to hurt. You have clearly stated you think people should never never comment on someone's appearance because it's hurtful. So you 100% intentionally aimed to do something hurtful to someone. PLUS you said in your post it was someone who also had an ED so… You know full well for most with an ED skinny is a goal, fat is a fear. You took it a step further, trying to hurt even more by picking at the fears of someone with an ED. God damn, that's cold.
If you want to be a cunt, dude, have the fuck at it. But don't go on and on about "kindness is endless" and talking about how people should behave and how it's SO bad and pathetic that places like lolcow make fun of people and are mean. You CLEARLY enjoy being a cunt. You skip the high road in favor of being nasty. You invent playground-level logic in order to pursue hurting someone. You fucking love it.
No. 218594
>>218525Nailed it.
Even if it was an insult, which it wasn't, that doesn't excuse getting down in the mud with the rest of the pigs just because "they did it first".
But obviously from the context it wasn't an insult. Is it an insult to ask why someone's in a wheelchair? Is it an insult to ask how someone got a particularly noticeable scar? It's just a question.
Of course, as established, Ash is incapable of thinking clearly AND she doesn't answer questions honestly, so it's no wonder one small question caused such a clusterfuck in her brain.
No. 218606
File: 1451498983375.jpg (73.47 KB, 528x778, yeah okay.jpg)

Funny how when someone does sarcastically called Ash fat, she just agrees with them (even if indirectly). Rather than going on a tirade about how offense the word is.
So much for skinny being as insulting of a word as fat.
(Though apparently she's prefers the word "thin" as shown here: But honestly fuck her preferences. :) )
No. 218659
File: 1451510284620.png (301.35 KB, 512x386, mwK5X.png)

As much of a piece of shit this girl can be, I still feel so awful that her life is terrible and will be cut short. She never personally did anything to me that really makes me angry, and I've refrained from giving my $0.02 but I really wish she could delete her online self and nourish her poor brain. I doubt her mother is as god awful as Ashley makes her out to be but I couldn't imagine being in her moms place. My mom is a very sweet and generous woman, but being up against someone else's mental illness in the same house every single day turned her into a stranger. Stress does strange things to peoples personalities. And I know that she's some awful cunt to/for a lot of people, but man its honestly upsetting to take a step back and lool at this chick and realize like fuck man, she is dying. And it doesn't change the fact that she's dying even if its her own will and actions that are causing it. Maybe its my drug use talking here but I'm very sad for her. Carry on though folks, I love reading this thread and anger fuels me.
No. 218706
>>218688Yeah, she's super proud of her destroyed body. Why else would she post shit like
>>208577 and NOT be pro anorexia?
No. 218854
File: 1451546034747.jpg (21.69 KB, 526x260, xox.jpg)

Remember this?
Yeah, shut the fuck up Ashley.
No. 218855
>>218659Same, fam. Same.
Except you have to realize that Ash is jut a shitty person, too.
No. 218860
>>218659>I still feel so awful that her life is terribleHonestly, as a generally empathetic person myself,
why? She did it all to herself, and she's not trying to make her life any better.
Now, if she were genuinely trying to make her life better and shitty circumstances just kept happening, I'd understand and be right behind you (or even ahead of you) in feeling bad for her. But as things stand now, I have no sympathy for her. It's good that her life will be cut short because it's going to be shitty 'til the very end, because
that's how she wants it to be. No. 218901
File: 1451581403228.jpg (39.55 KB, 495x657, lol.JPG)

Fuck this.
Having people point these things out can be positive. Like if someone stinks because they don't use deodorant, tell them they smell bad so they use deodorant.
You can't LIVE through life without getting comments at school. It toughens you up. There's NEVER going to be a time when people don't pass comment. It's life. Like war, it's part of life that's always going to be there.
No. 218908
>>218594I never thought I'd defend Ash, but I can at least empathise with her on this.
I have a bad burn scar on one of my arms. It can get irritating answering questions about it, especially from total strangers on the street which feels sort of intrusive and rude. The thing is, people aren't to trying to be rude. They're concerned/interested/shocked and trying to understand. I would much rather answer a few badly worded questions than deal with people who are disgusted and avoid me. Gotta put it in perspective Ash.
No. 218917
File: 1451586669270.png (16.7 KB, 284x155, lolz.png)

Ahahaha, she really does fancy herself as a Nihilist.
No. 218918
>>218908If people find out someone's diabetic or epileptic or w/e (something not physical) they ask questions. I think they want to understand. If you see someone like Ashley you're shocked/concerned/feel bad and it's natural to want to understand what's going on.
Tbh, physical flaws or deformities only register with me for a second. Obviously there's an illness or been an accident - none of my business.
Scars here from decades of cutting, but keep them hidden. I cba to explain what it's about and it's boring. I could understand people wanting to get their head around it and wouldn't feel offended if it was mentioned, just really bored.
>>218917>fresh startLOL
No. 218919
>>218901WTF, but it's OK for HER to do it as long as it's in retaliation for something someone said to her.
So basically, she can do whatever she wants, no apologies, and everyone else should walk on eggshells around her.
Fuck this bitch. She hasn't earned the right to be treated like a diva.
No. 219052
File: 1451669515004.jpg (40.12 KB, 720x494, IMG_20160101_112926.jpg)

Hey Ashley, maybe you should stop being a leech and take care of yourself. You ungrateful twat.
Work that through your underdeveloped mush pile that is your brain.
No. 219078
File: 1451677463891.png (382.41 KB, 512x512, avatar_95db354604b3_512.png)

>>219052I don't understand why she freaks out so much and whines like a little girl whenever her mother leaves her if she hates her so much??? Like, wouldn't she celebrate instead?
No. 219079
>>219078I hate to join the crowd but… bpd.
"I hate you BUT don't leave me!"
No. 219340
File: 1451797738563.jpg (60.1 KB, 820x420, et_glowing_finger.jpg)

>>219304Except she uses her finger to purge
No. 219394
>>219393I'd imagine her thread would die down and she'd pretty much be forgotten about.
The banner of her might be taken down, but that's pretty much it, I would imagine.
The thread isn't up to try and 'teach her a lesson'. We're not PULL, and she's way too far gone to learn any kind of lesson at this point, anyway. The thread is only really here because she's interesting to watch in a morbid kind of way.
No. 219396
>>219393I obviously can't speak for anyone else here, but when she does die, I wouldn't feel a thing as I'm just an observer… the comparison would be similar to how I don't feel a thing about any deceased celebrity who had no redeeming qualities, hasn't contributed anything to society and led their lives not giving a shit about anyone else but themselves.
There would be no rejoicing from me, just apathy.
Her friends will do the mourning for her… I personally don't mourn or celebrate selfish people.
No. 219397
It's really fucked up to celebrate someone's death, so I don't think anyone except maybe the biggest edgelords would do that, but as much as I'd want to feel bad for her, she knows she's killing herself, she's a shitty person who abuses anyone close to her, and she's never contributed even a little towards anything at all.
As harsh as it sounds, I really don't think there's anything anyone could miss about her. If there is, she keeps it a very well-kept secret.
It depresses me when I think that maybe if she'd gotten help back when she was Hamtaro-chan, things could've been different, but it's basically a living death she's experiencing at this point and she clearly doesn't want to change that.
No. 219400
>>219393>>"If you say that this thread is up so she would eventually wake up and see what she's doing to herself an and other people … well. For me it seems like she doesn't even moderately try to think what people are trying to say to her so that's months of good duties in vain."The majority of people who cared and pitied her came to a standstill by the second thread made about her. Sometimes there's an odd anon that will appear at times (usually those who are new to her history and present state) now and then - but it doesn't take long for them to learn about her if they're interested enough to stick around.
Occasionally, she will have one of her new and disposable friends check this topic out and blindly white-knight her, but they're few and far between.
Otherwise, I think the majority of anons here are just in to observe the trainwreck, they know her patterns and idiosyncrasies well enough to know that nothing is going to change about her, so they're past the point of trying.
No. 219412
>>219399In the beginning it might feel terrible, but eventually you get used to it. Some anorexics even feel happy and high because of restricting.
Actually, most eating disorder sufferers that get close to Ashley's size, eat around 1000 calories. You'd think that they'd eat 200, but apparently not. When you get to such a low weight, it gets more difficult, it are mostly the heavier people who restrict to low numbers like 200.
No. 219454
>>219423>>219451I feel her mom would be absolutely devastated, having to wait so long for her only child to find some peace.
I've always believed her ma thinks the world of her, the surroundings they live in, the constant hand and foot, the fun trips out whenever she can afford to from her shitty jobs.
I think her mom will be grieving the most out of anyone in Ashley's whole fucking small world.
No. 219464
>>218901Yeah, but it's also just polite to not say things like that about people. But I'm just a complete pussy anyway tbh.
>>219023To be fair, some people can give advice but still not be able to help themselves. But everything should be taken with a grain of salt.
>>219393Probably just shake my head and move on. There's nothing good to say about her or her death.
>>219454This is really sad.
No. 219512
>>219454Ehh… I (dis)agree to a point. I do think you're right that her mom cares about her, but I don't think she "thinks the world of her." I think, if anything, she thinks the world of who her daughter used to be.
At this point, she's just trying to recapture a daughter that she lost a long time ago. That's why she tries to take care of her and take her out and all that. And I believe Ash that they probably fight a lot, though of course it's probably all initiated by Ashley herself.
Her mother is already grieving, and she will only grieve harder when Ashley dies.
No. 219530
File: 1451854509367.png (14.19 KB, 547x296, 885496.png)

uhh, i don't think anon meant take more naps, ash…
No. 219712
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No. 219733
>>219712Um how dare u and that anon not respect that ASH is BATTLING A MENTAL ILLNESS. BATTLING SO HARD.
Sure its hard to find time for this battle in between harassing children, screaming Into the night and passing out on her vomit slathered toiletgrave but she totally is.
No. 219734
>>219733You forgot keeping up with penpals, always the penpals… her one true contribution to society!
If her fucking lazy mother would just pack her bones into the back seat of the car and take her to the post office.
No. 219738
She had been in the bathroom for hours now. The last rays of sunlight slipped below the rooftops and darkness has settled across town like a diseased fog.
Hours, pressed against the edge of the bathtub, futilely pushing back as though she could sink into the grout.
She could stay here a thousand years and never find the strength to turn on the lights despite the creeping shadows and what they could contain.
Her mind keeps playing back the same awful scene over and over, no matter how hard she tries to shove it out. The hollow clacking sounds.
That face.
The silence is shattered by a screech, followed by a high keening wail from down the hall. A moment later it is joined by the polite alarm of a fridge door left open.
The kitchen. She knows where it is, and that it won't stay there long. She quickly lurches forwards, snaps the lights on and slams the door then slides down it to the floor, panting, to listen.
The wailing has quieted to croaky sobs and sniffing and soon fades back into silence.
She strains to hear more, pressing her ear to the wood and begging her heart to stop its thudding. Its almost imperceptible at first but it slowly picks up volume.
Scraaaaaaaape clickclickclickclack
Scraaaaaaaaaaape clickclackclick
Definitely getting louder, closer. She cringes away from the door as the monstrosity draws closer.
Scraaaaaaaaaape. ClickclickclickclAck.
Ragged sobs catch and tear her throat and a low moan escapes her as she hears dry bony fingers scrabble at the door and the acid smell of bile drifts beneath the door as the foul spectre without unhinged its cavernous jaws.
"Hey, take me to target. I want to buy some candy and fritos"
Ash's mother begins to sob.
No. 219739
>>219399>>219412Yeah, it seems like Ash has more or less been maintaining her weight for a while (at least I didn't see any drastic shifts in pictures from the last couple of years), so she must digest a certain amount.
When someone digests only 200 cals, they obviously lose weight, because it's way under their BMR, and the body has to get a LOT of energy from other sources, which in the case of lack of body fat will come from muscles like the heart.
When you have enough fat and muscle storages and are generally pretty healthy, you can survive on 200 cals for a while, but someone in Ash's condition can't.
No. 219742
>>219738GTFO Junji Ito, you're not allowed in here!
(That was morbidly hilarious, well done!)
No. 219752
>>219738An angry but commanding voice sounds out;
"Can you just shut the fucking fridge door after you?"
An unearthly and guttural tone sounds back with "NO MOTHER! I HAVE A RIGHT TO, I AM DYING HERE! I DON'T TELL YOU WHAT TO DO!"
No. 219768
>>219739>>219757Yes, Ashley eats something. But eating only safe foods and leftover binge calories does
not count as "battling" an eating disorder. It's just living (well, dying) with it. That's my major problem with her saying she's battling an eating disorder. Safe foods do not count in recovery, which is the true battling of an eating disorder.
No. 219774
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No. 219973
>>219911If only Ash could pick it out:
"You're fat and jealous : )" or
"I proved my point"
No. 219981
>>219977Pay for my therapy, skeletor.
I don't even care if you gain weight, you'll be disgusting either way. You really are just like a zoo display, a train wreck, a temporary amusement.
The only reason I'd be upset if you 'recovered' is because there'd be less to laugh about. It doesn't make me feel bad to know I'm finding amusing in someone who made herself the pit of the joke. Over and over and over again.
No. 220006
>>219977Uh… No, Ash. We would be sincerely happy for you if you gained weight and made an effort to actually battle your anorexia through inpatient treatment – and to most importantly treat your BPD so you can understand how distorted your reality truly is.
I keep wishing you'll really try. I know you feel like you can't, but we're all rooting for you.
No. 220027
>>219774Yes Ash, people are clearly jealous of you - we would all love to stink of vomit, feel our own organs failing and and sleep for over 16 hours a day, just screeching at teenagers on the internet in between.
So jealous of you.
No. 220028
>>219977It wouldn't matter to us if you gained weight or not, nothing is ever gonna change your shitty personality and aura of hatred.
You're a lost cause.
No. 220033
>>219977Everyone here has given up on the possibility of you recovering, but I think most of us want you to deep down. Yknow, if you actually did get help and gain weight, the overwhelming majority of people would praise you for it. Even here, we may still criticise you for the horrible things you've done and continue to do but I can't imagine anyone in their right mind making fun of you for genuinely recovering.
If I didn't know the kind of person you are I'd suggest that you delete all of your social networks and stay away from anywhere that talks about you so that you can pick up the pieces of your life. However in your case you might actually benefit or at least get enjoyment from the attention you'd get from getting help through something like dr phil.
No. 220084
>>219977Have you even read all your threads, Ashley? We WANT you to recover so you stop being a rotten skeleton cunt. Most of us will be HAPPY you actually did something positive in your life and actually took the initiative to better yourself. Sure, there are cunts here that will make fun of your personality either way, but guess what: THAT'S reality! You need to accept that not everyone is nice, and brush it off!! You're batshit insane because you have 0 nutrients in your brain, that's why you keep fucking up- time, after time, after time. If you would recover, you would have SO much energy. You would have more clarity in your mind. You will be less hangry. You could go out for longer periods of time, you could walk, you could even go to Japan without fucking exploding in the plane. You are literally wasting your only chance at getting some sort of positive change in your life on baseless fears that you'll be made fun of because you recovered. Newsflash: only rotten ana cunts would do that. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH HEALTHY PEOPLE! If you stay surrounded by mentally ill and suicidal people you will wish nothing else for yourself but that. You need a complete life overhaul, not only for yourself but your surroundings too. Stop being so afraid of change. Lolcow isn't an excuse to just stay there stagnating on your chair grave. Ashley, you ran out of excuses.
No. 220107
>Dumb shit + sageI think you mean
Sage :^)
>>220098Nah, Ash was Hamtaro-chan.
I wonder if Cracky ended up more or less fucked up than Ash is now.
I don't think I know of any -chan who hasn't ended up fucked up
No. 220117
>>220113Yeah. Kids being left unsupervised on the internet always ends up tragically.
Jessi Slaughter is a tumblrina with gender identity issues, Loli-chan from the OC/unichan threads is a bipolar camgirl, Kiki is… well, Kiki.
sage for OT No. 220332
>>220311Yeah, fair point.
Her parents should've made sure she wasn't doing dumb shit on the internet, though.
Although, yeah, I'm sure her dad was the biggest problem. I'm glad he's gone, too. What a piece of shit.
No. 220595
>>220570Rooting for her is more than useless. You root for her and she deliberately acts out and does something harmful to herself like binge-purge or restricts. Its her little haha fuck you ill do what I want kick because she thinks its somehow effective.
She belongs in a hospice.
No. 220603
File: 1452167637046.jpg (128.9 KB, 1024x768, home sweet ash.jpg)

>>220595>She belongs in a hospice.She'll get there too. Her mom has been building up self-esteem with her breast augmentation and other things we probably don't know about. Imagine finding a nice enough man but being terrified to let him come over because of the grim specter of chairdeath lurking right around the corner.
The sad reality is that she can't help Ash. Ash resists all help after all, this would interfere with her internet asspats and eternally being 12. She has to go for her mom's overall happiness.
No. 220703
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No. 220801
>I'm trying to slowly figure out how Ash has stayed alive this long.People with personalities like her live solely off of hate.
No. 221007
File: 1452362962386.jpg (272.92 KB, 529x506, okash.jpg)

Caption: I just want this year to end, tbh.
No. 221032
>>221007She draws those eyebrows on, so she has a choice: put them on her face like a normal person, or tilt them down to the sides for maximum sad effect.
Everything about her is so manipulative & contrived.
No. 221063
>>221055>>221053That's a general pic of her but I think the best one is the one where they are at Cheesecake Factory celebrating Mother's Day….at you know, the place where she gets so ~
triggered~ But has the audacity to beg for gift cards for there
No. 221067
>>221063This one?[Sorry, my comp has an issue with right clicking and saving photos]
No. 221070
>>221067Yessss anon.
Now that I think about it, I conjure up the skeletal image of her father (definitely due to drugs) and see how she is an even blend of the two.
No. 221266
>>221255Jesus tapdancing christ, you're right.
I don't even know the woman and I feel pretty terrible for her.
Seriously, what is Ash actually doing with her life other than spewing bile and making people miserable? Fucking pathetic.
No. 221267
>>221157No, it's her personality and poor life decisions that fucked her up.
No. 221285
>>221267>>221279That was me and I'm not Ashley and I'm not defending her. Obviously, her bad choices, idiocy, and bitchiness fucked her life up. I was just saying that based on what she has told us (which is probably lies), her mom seems worse (to her, at least). She constantly bitches about her mom and I haven't see her mention her dad anywhere except
>>221271, I assume she hates her mom more and blames her for her eating disorder.
No. 221437
File: 1452544181116.png (31.82 KB, 303x334, jackie.png)

Poor Jackie.
No. 221444
>>221437There's more you didn't include.
"i_miss_lacey_2009@never2old2recover I just don't know who my true friends are, that actually want to be in my life, and those who only want to be in it for a brief time, Ashley wiped me out of so much money, I tried so hard to help her recover , she only wanted me to be her friend , and nobody else's"
No. 221484
Fuck me!
I like Jackie. I often want to get in touch with her and be nice to her.
> I tried so hard to help her recover , she only wanted me to be her friend , and nobody else'sIt's obvious this is how Ash operates. The thing about when she sperged out because Erika had to drive home and she was all OMG SOMEONE WAS WATCHING ME/STALKING ME AND YOU LEFT ME ALONE!!!11 was all because she wanted to keep Erika for herself.
People are NOT possessions, Ashley.
Fuck, when you think you've heard it all and Ash couldn't be more disgusting there's MORE.
No. 221487
>>221484Jackie is way too innocent. That other person is manipulating her too.
>I'm your friend at leastSure you are.
No. 221531
>>221519I'm pretty sure she's a farmer, but idk anything about her either. Maybe anon took issue with the phrasing.
>I'm your friend at leastcould be interpreted in a manipulative light, if you're seeing it as her way of implying that nobody likes Jackie but her. That's a little reaching imo, but maybe i don't know the whole story.
No. 221534
>>221271>he wanted little to do with megee I wonder why
just look at how do you treat your mother, Ash.
No. 221626
>>221609Ash, you know your mom controls your SSI for the most part. All those Dollar Store gifts for your IG giveaways? You're in no position to splash out on others.
At best Jackie got a pack of Lisa Frank stickers and strong whiff of your puke breath.
No. 221640
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>>221609>>221616So, guys, do you think Ash will ever learn how to sage?
No. 221646
>>221255I've never wanted to fight a skeleton so much.
Ash's mom must have practically zero self-esteem. Her shitty daughter blames everything on her, but stills has the shrivelled balls to demand to be taken out and bought things, and then insults and belittles mom when she's trying to have even a little bit of positivity.
Fuck you, Ashley. I hope your vomitchair swallows you and no one hears your screams.
No. 221659
>>221603If Jackie has a cognitive or developmental disability then taking advantage of her or manipulating her for her own gain was straight up abusive. No matter how pitiful Ash makes herself look she's a manipulative psycho.
Rebecca should put her in a care facility and try to salvage some kind of a life.
No. 221663
>>221659The consensus was that Jackie was a little mentally slow, which makes the situation a hundred times worse. That's a new low, evne for Ash. I guess she's hellbent on using people until the day she dies.
I wonder what Rebecca thinks of her daughter.
No. 221674
I feel so sorry for Rebecca. Can you imagine being abused by Ashley's father and raising this child alone, only to have her grow up to spit hatred back in Rebecca's face? No matter what anyone says, we will never truly know the full story, but the entire situation is so depressing to me. I come here to read up and see if she's even still alive.
I know she's a hateful being, but I can't even fathom what type of feelings you could possibly hold inside to be such a bitch day after day. I drink the milk just like the rest of us, but it's a sad situation all around and it saddens me to see things like
>>221055. Sometimes I wonder if Ashley just wants to kill herself but is too chicken, so she maintains and instead spreads her hatred all around since that's all she feels inside.
TL;DR The life of this cow and those around her must be unbearably depressing.
No. 221875
>>221672Im sure she is eligible for a skilled nursing facility or nursing home already.
And Ash goes on and on about her poor, horrible mother and her poor, horrible life yet Rebecca hasn't kicked Ash out or sent her away.
No. 222040
>>221873Her sister mentioned lolcow when she commented what a cunt Ashley is on Ash's ig, so Jackie probably knows.
It was good to hear that Rebecca left the whiny bitch at home over Christmas while she went away. About time she had some respite.
No. 222089
>>222085You don't want to be, but you will because Trashley always tries to manipulate potential friends and then fucks them over. Everyone has had the same fate.
When so many people disappear just to keep their own sanity intact, do you really have to ever wonder why this bitch is "lonely"?
No. 222114
>>222111Anon, I've been
mentioned before and was once again
notified by others I was mentioned now. Don't be such a dumbass. You know how it works
No. 222308
File: 1452893564749.jpeg (82.85 KB, 989x624, image.jpeg)

Check out Trashley's latest self ask!
Poor creature still hasn't grasped the concept of subtlety.
No. 222330
>>222323but like. you're wrong. I'm sorry. I am so sorry that you're so wrong with what you sent to Ashley. It's honestly embarrassing how wrong you are, and I'm kind of upset for you and hope you realize how wrong you are so you never do this again. I am just so sorry, for you. I guess, you don't like fucking read this thread correctly and need the skill of actually understanding what we are saying.
The cycle of being friends with Ash, is just an old cycle that's been happening since she got her threads on here. Ash, fucking abuses her friends. Yes, abuses them. She mistreats, uses, bullies, and does a whole lot of other shit to them. I mean it is honestly pathetic. No other words to describe it. These people out of their own heart and kindness come into Ash's life, and try to bring her happiness and joy. How the fuck do you bring that into Ash's life though? Have you not read her posts? She let's a fucking eating disorder and other mental disorder(s) dictate her life. She let's her eating disorder and mental disorder(s) define her meaning of existence. It's sad. Because, eating disorders are curable. (GASP?!?! WHAT THEY ARE?!?!) Why, yes they are. A simple google search can tell you how and show you living proof of people who overcame it. Ash, doesn't want help and she wants to be miserable/depressed/sad. (Sorry, Ashly-cakes yuh do). I mean I would love to be friends with Ash, but I don't have time for her to go purge after we eat $70 of Japanese food together. I mean doesn't purging take like a lot of time, but she's probably an expert can set a world record wtf do I know. Plus, why do I want to sit around and watch one of my friends die and abuse themselves. (Yes, Ash abuses herself I'm sorry to inform all of you who think Ash is a saint, but Ash abuses herself by simply existing. Not seeking treatment when people are literally screaming and yelling at you on here and tumblr that you need to is kind of abusing yourself. Especially, when it's obvious Ash sees how worst she is getting. Can she get any worst though. Lol, sorry for my long parentheses). Anyway, so these people come into Ash's life with GOOD INTENTIONS. I'm sure the conversations they have will eventually lead to them asking, Ash to get help. (I mean you'd have to be fucking blind not to realize unhealthy, Ash is.) Ash, of course probably freaks out and throws a tantrum. (Sad, for a 25 yr old WOMAN… who acts like a 8 yr old girl to throw a tantrum. Okay, I need to stop with the parentheses I sorry.) Then, she probably cuts them off and starts stirring shit up about them on her social media accounts. Making herself look like the fucking Pope himself….. but honestly…… no one's believing it. I mean after the first time it was probably like, yeah, alright, fuck them Ash fuck them! Then, after it happens a few more times we were all like, uhhh…… maybe it's Ash's fault for not being able to hold a steady friendship?? >.> Am I right or am I right?
I mean no one wants to watch their friend die. No one wants to see their friend in pain. These people came to her! Out of their own free will! Not judging her for her skelly appearance!!! They did. Then, Ash fucking shits on them and let's them go. Then, they will post about how horrible Ash can be, and Ash of course thinks she's Mother Teresa and a victim to everything so she's gotta blast them back 1000% worse with lies and other fable shit. I mean, she isn't fooling no one anymore. We see through you guys. So Secret_livez/Ash's new victim (I mean friend) I pray for you. (Though, I think you have an ED like Ash so I'm praying extra hard for you). To see the light. I know you'll eventually ask Ash, to get help. Because you don't want to see your best friend fucking die, do you? I just hope you understand it will end badly. To this new anon defending Ash. Use energy to go help people at an eating disorder clinic or somewhere else with people who are honestly looking into getting better. Don't waste it being on here trying to convince us – because we know the truth about her. Ash, is an open book – left open by mistake for the world to see. You just choose to see something else.
I want Ash to get better and have friends, but this girl has let her words and whatever else effect her past the point of her wanting recovery. It's a ticking time bomb to death. It's sad. Because, people always try to come into Ash's life one way or another, but it always ends bad. The only person who can put up with it is Rebecca. #FreeRebecca2k16. I doubt she'll put up with it much longer. (Please, don't yell at your mom tonight Ash when she gets off. Give her a fucking break.)
Okay, alright I'm done typing all this. I honestly was just bored as hell and needed something to do while my phone was charging lol. Sorry, for the long semi-essay, y'all. I use parentheses way too damn much. I need to stop. I honestly don't even know what I wrote makes sense I zoned out so many times. Ahh, being bored and waiting to go out at night and see your friends. No, shade. I mean I got the friends who recovered from their ED and go out at night and not locked in their apartment all fucking day and night. BUT HEY what do we know, right? We just live outside in the real world unlike some people. Fuck tumblr. Okay, I am honestly done now. Excuse me if this wasn't relevant. Bye.
No. 222349
>>222347LOL I honestly don't care what you
think.. Ashley and I know the
truth and I also have the text proof you crave
No. 222355
>>222351Cos of
CUNTS like
YOU who are no better than her!
No. 222357
>>222355Oooooh, the old "I'm right and I can prove it, but ya'll are such big mean poopie heads that I won't!" story.
You are full of shit.
No. 222360
>>222357Have you ever thought about not being an asshole and
maybe you'd get what you want? Instead you act just like the person you trash. Makes you her EQUAL! Good luck with that and playing the same immature games as them. Cya
No. 222377
>>*~I'm only posting once~*>>continues to post 21938 times cow confirmed
Jesus, woman, you are 39 years old, and you act like
>>222355>>222139>>222118>>222110>>222090 No. 222380
File: 1452915733239.jpeg (37.94 KB, 336x406, image.jpeg)

>>222360Well, bye-bye sugar! And not a minute too soon…,
No. 222443
>>222349Holy fuck you are no better than any if these girls. You're pulling the same bullshit that Ashley does. "I can prove I'm right but I won't out of sheer stubbornness!"
Wait, she does the two-dot ellipsis just like Ashley too. Is this Ashley pretending to be secret livez?
No. 222461
File: 1452966805746.jpg (115.38 KB, 1024x1046, 1451018026778.jpg)

>>222340>>222349>>222355>>222360ayy lmao this powdered milk just got tastier.
No. 222534
File: 1452989995248.jpg (198.5 KB, 524x840, IMG_20160116_181844.jpg)

Nobody taking credit?
No. 222541
>>222534How the fuck did these things become a fad again? They were dull af the first time around.
How long until she casts it aside for being too needy and she feels like its carer? It won't buy you binge food, Ashley.
I'd those pixels have any sense her "friend" will an hero after only one poop pile.
No. 222611
Well guys, how long until the vomit demon dies? Is this year the last? Or is her hatred enough to fuel her "life" eternally?
No. 222613
>>222611'Vomit demon' is pretty harsh,
and thats a pretty fucked question
No. 222629
>>222613No, "vomit demon" is pretty accurate.
And also no, that's a pretty reasonable question, considering how shocking it is that she's made it this long. She's the living dead at this point, so of course we're all going to wonder when she's going to be just dead.
No. 222718
>>222611wow. you're probably the one who should leave.
How many times, and over how many years, has that same exact question been asked? and she's still alive. be funny or shut up.
No. 222763
>>222725i promise, i have no desire to hurt or use jackie. I'm quiet 99% of the time, but as a social worker, its really hard for me to stay silent when i see someone vulnerable being taken advantage of.
i know i can't do much, but if she just wants a friend to talk to, id much rather it be me than ash.
i didn't realize how bad it was until she gave me those dollar amounts, that made me sad/mad, but at least they've cut ties now. (i hope it stays that way).
I'm really tempted to show ash's IG to my clinical supervisor at work. Idk how i'd explain how i know of her, but i want to know why/how she's not involuntarily hospitalized (duh, we all want to know that). We hospitalize people against their will in much less extreme situations here in NY, so wtf?
think its because the majority of involuntary admissions are for psychotic disorders, like schizophrenia, psychotic disorder NOS, etc. the patients are considered "psychotic" and "lacking the capacity and insight needed" to understand their situation, or make appropriate choices regarding their care. But EDs are often seen as a choice, at least on some level, and if the patient is able to explain that they understand their situation and the consequences of not accepting treatment, its hard to say they "lack capacity".
ok, sorry for the rant, i've just been thinking about that for a bit. ill go back to my laundry and lurking now.
No. 222777
>>222773I got that impression as well, that getting Baker Acted is pretty easy to do.
Plus Ash's so called therapist/psych could involuntarily commit her.
No. 222780
>>222779Hi Ash
>>222777she doesn't have one
No. 222784
File: 1453063244158.jpeg (24.81 KB, 356x437, 1449165976977.jpeg)

>Sage because she just needs to me moved to snowflakes ffs
>SageOh, Ash. When will you learn to sage?
No. 222796
>>222779>how about you like.. Read older threads>you shouldn't just think 'calling someone' on her is >going to miraculously fix everything?I've read every thread, and i never said i was going to "call someone", i just don't understand how it was allowed to get this far. Does FL not have mobile crisis units? ACT teams? (assertive community treatment), AOT/OPC orders? (court ordered assisted outpatient treatment/outpatient commitment). or is it that nobody actually cares enough to call them for her/you. Note I said for you, not on you.
And i don't think anything is going to "miraculously fix" ash/you, either.
No. 222798
>>222797i know APS has been called, but maybe they are too overwhelmed considering how many elderly people are in FL, and its probably not the type of call they're used to. The Dept of mental health, or whatever FL calls it, might actually respond.
But no worries ash, I'm not calling anyone on you. i make enough calls.
No. 222799
>>222797basically when i want to get shit done, and I'm dealing with gov't agencies, if 1 doesn't do their job, i'll call another. If APS didn't follow up, mobile crisis can, or an ACT team will.
Fortunately or unfortunately, ash is not on my caseload, i guess it depends how you look at it.
No. 222808
>>222779Ash, quit jerking yourself off. Nobody wants to 'call anyone on you'. We all know you'll never get better. Nobody gives a shit anymore because we all know you're as good as dead.
It would be nice if you somehow managed to maintain a healthy weight, got a job and learned to develop and maintain healthy, stable relationships, but you can't be bothered putting in the effort. You'd rather bitch and whine and play the victim until you eventually rot away.
The only benefit of getting you into some kind of care would be that your poor mother wouldn't have to put up with you anymore.
No. 222811
>>222718Maybe you should be funny or shut up :^) because you're not doing either or them, pukelord.
>>222779Yes, we know that we've tried to get Trashley help before. She still needs help. Even admin himself says she should stay on pt.
No. 222818
>>222813>they both rely on each other?it will be interesting to see, when Ash does die, if Rebecca can still afford to live where she does. If she can't, she was collecting disability $$ from Ash. Or maybe she'll finally be free to move in with a guy and won't need that apt anymore.
>>222801>I'm not convinced Ashley's problem is solely ED.>Something is just way off.i've always thought the same, something just does not add up/make sense. Though if you starve and puke for long enough, your body might not be able to absorb nutrients properly, which is why i think the palliative care theory is plausible. I don't think we'll ever really know the truth.
Hey Ash, since you're responding tonight, what do you want to be remembered for most?? or do you want to be immediately forgotten? Have you and mom discussed what you want for/on a gravestone? I'm not being sarcastic at all. If i was as close to death as you are, I would make my wishes for my funeral and gravestone known.
No. 222919
>>222534She's going to throw it away soon just like her other friends. That thing cannot buy her binge food or kawaii trinkets.
>>222541apparently 90's is back
No. 223119
File: 1453161909178.png (456.16 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-01-18-19-02-36…)

says how much she lies and hates her
randomly on ig
>>then wants to go with her to lush
No. 223172
>>223164Yeah, but I think anon was just addressing why Tamagotchis became a thing again, which doesn't involve Ash.
But I don't agree. I think people from the 90s are in a weird era where they can see all of their old toys on the internet, and remember the carefree feeling of childhood, feel nostalgia, and want to try to regain that carefree feeling. Thus, old toys are brought back into fashion.
No. 223190
>>223119These chicks could be used to define borderline rn.
If hot water could give ash dangerous blood pressure, how long do you guys think its been since she bathed?
Could she still sweat?
What does she smell like?
I mean I know it would be vomit-based but how bad is it?
Does she have her own teeth or rotten stumps and dentures?
What's under that wig?
No. 223240
>>223190I can answer for the teeth. She just has rotten stumps and gaps. As far as I can tell, they haven't given her dentures. When she opens her mouth in videos, you can see the hollowness indicating she has no side teeth. Her front teeth are extremely curved from purging.
>>223234No, it was the other way around.
No. 223247
>>223240You have no proof of her teeth tho.
Hell, I could come here and post she smells like cotton candy and that wouldn't make it tru.
>>223241 Mckenzie and ash haven't ever fought?? Once again, proof is nice
No. 223267
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>>223172I was the anon who asked about Tamagotchis.
Yeah, it's weird to me that the 90s are a "thing" atm because I'm old and it seems like only a blink ago. Of all the decades though, the 90s were piss poor. Those tattoo choker plastic things, Tamagotchis, Furbys, awful films…
>>223213I imagine she smells of piss. Her kidneys must fail and she pees the recliner. The Ash lvl bulimic I know smells bad, but it something I can't place. I imagine it must be vomit and cheap soap. She pees her bed every night so there's a hint of ammonia.
No. 223273
>>223247look at pics and video or in person! she has the 4 in the front top zero in the back
>>223241 no Ash trash talks Mckenzie all the time. If I post proof then I might as not be an anon
No. 223275
>>223268I want her to hurry up and do whatever she's going to do. If she really doesn't want to recover and wants to die, this has to be the most melodramatic, drawn out suicide ever.
If she can recover, I wish she'd just stop fucking around and get to that.
Just fucking do something. This isn't life.
No. 223279
>>223278I think you're right about that.
The thing with borderlines, she will never run out of ailments to claim and never run out of people/situations to blame.
No. 223288
>>223268No. I want her to stop treating vulnerable people like ATM machines/shit.
I don't even care if she chooses to rot or recover. I don't know Jackie or any of the other "friends" she's used, but nobody deserves to be treated the way she treats them just because she thinks that being on the verge of death excuses her from her shitty behaviour.
No. 223298
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>>223291Her new minions never learn, do they.
No. 223363
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>>223323Fucking wat
Ash you literally can't eat better mentally when you're this malnourished. You can't improve your brain until you feed it.
No. 223364
>>223363Get better. Not eat better.
But do eat better you crazy fucking bonelord.
No. 223394
>>223392It's so sad Rebecca's only 50. She's spent her late 30s/all 40s looking after Ash. Hasn't been able to have a proper relationship with a man, hasn't been able to see bands, hasn't been able to have a life.
>>223393Duh, I didn't think she'd need consent for an aol account. Sticking to her first email address is Ashley all over. She hasn't changed at. all.
No. 223395
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kek we all know what a liar she is
No. 223406
>>223404She's got a man too. Personally I think she has a little
sugar daddy on the side but I don't have proof
No. 223412
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>>223399Grown daughter has tantrum because her mom has a boyfriend and took a holiday.
Wow, she's at an age when most people are getting degrees, getting married, having kids and buying homes, am her entire life is social media and hurting herself to punish her mother for not babying her.
No. 223415
>>223412Thing is she isn't punishing Rebecca. That's what Ashley
wants us to think. They can't be without each other irl and can't go an hour without each other
No. 223419
>>223418Hmmm. Who dis be making claims without the proof?????
Fucking put up your proof then if your gonna keep bragging about it.
No. 223422
>>223419You can't always give visual proof idiot!
No. 223435
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Oh you did??? So you can lurk right Ash?
No. 223436
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Right, NO WAY you're sneaky kek
You just get caught cos you suck at it
No. 223444
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What is going on here
No. 223455
>>223445So give proof of some things by screenshot, then we'd also have reason to believe you about other claims about what you saw in person.
wtf did she do to you? are you okay?
No. 223456
>>223452Okay. Shitloads of posts were deleted. What did I miss?
No. 223461
>>223213I work in a forensic mortuary and perform autopsies. Severe anorexics smell like strong ammonia and a squirt of cheap perfume which is what decomposing bodies smell like. I've had a "fresh" one before (died in ICU, put in hospital morgue, transfered to my morgue, therefore no decomposition) so the smell would of been very close to what is was in life.
PS the Coroner will order an autopsy an Ash when she dies (unless the US law is vastly different) as they need to determine what she died from be it renal failure, infarction, seizure etc. Anorexia is never a
cause of death medically speaking.
No. 223464
>>223458That's the one
>>223438 was in response to
>>223460got tired of her 2 year old baby tantrums
No. 223472
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>>223435>>223434>>223436>>223438>>223445>>223452Who is this? What posts were deleted? What's going on?
>>223461>>223213God dammit, now I smell old people.
No. 223478
>>223470My boyfriend went into an apprenticeship at a funeral directors after leaving school, but had to give it up because he couldn't deal with the children.
Sage for OT, but moar of this plz
>>223475>>223476 No. 223484
>>223477Hi Ashley. Maybe you shouldn't be a triple A cunt to people and you wouldn't worry about people selling you out?
>>223481Again, if she weren't such a nasty chair skelly she wouldn't push people from friends -→ enemies so constantly, frequently, and effectively. She does it to herself. She deserves it.
No. 223489
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No. 223495
>>223477>>223481Haha, go purge bonelord. You
belong in a hospital.
No. 223498
>>223491kek no way!
>>223493guilt trip or factual karma?
No. 223504
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No. 223518
>>223515love when farmers finally believe the
other anons
No. 223528
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This thread is beautiful.
No. 223530
>>223526all she can do is get her white knights to attack you on ig
>>223527she'll never change. In her words "No one held a gun to your head. You choose what you want to believe."
No. 223535
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>>223513We're gonna have to delay that threat, Jamie. Ash dropped her phone behind the toilet and can't reach it. Sorry about the delay.
No. 223537
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>>208348 Lol (last comment)… Is that a reference to when ash attacked that 13 yr old girl?
No. 223543
>>223537>>223537holy shit.. that's her
No. 223548
Bundle of twigs wrapped in poorly decorated leather in the vague shape of a human limb and powered by hate and cockroaches.
Same dif.
No. 223566
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>tfw your post started this shit storm.
No. 223590
File: 1453259774712.png (324.28 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-01-19-21-07-06…)

Looks like Jackie is looking for a new bff lkfhcbpxgddudufogdf lol
No. 223741
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No. 223902
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>>223890She's so special.
No. 223954
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No. 223966
>>223961If actual real fiber doesn't reach her intestines, then she's probably constipated to the moon and back.
Fiber absorbing water is what makes things go smoothly.
No. 223970
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No. 223975
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>>223946I got all the caps (two more to follow).
No. 224002
Sooo, is Jamie secret lives or an undercover farmer or both?
No. 224015
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OH LOOK! Now she has 3 amazon lists! Someone needs some jewelry not from Claires and stuff for her new house
No. 224022
>>224020Ashley (mom) Isaacs
Dish moar about Becky.
No. 224033
>>224032>they competeAshley's winning.
>in his 20sThat must be awkward for her.
No. 224034
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No. 224043
>>224040Are you Jackie's sister? I'm sorry about what happened. Jackie seems like a sweetheart although I've never spoken to her.
I don't think there are many more people out there that still have contact with Ashley.
No. 224064
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No. 224067
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No. 224069
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No. 224082
>>224077The Ashley thread goes on forever kek
>>224080She trash talks everyone cos she thinks she's better than us
No. 224083
>>224072Erika stuck me as more of a confused drama queen. I believe she wanted to recover from her ED, and the $ was used for that. What happened with the stroke/guts I think was really her other mental illnesses.
I don't think she was a scammer, unless there were stacks of other gofuckme accounts we didn't know about (apart from the main one).
W/e Erika can get on with her life. Jackie's more vulnerable than any of the others she's fucked over, so I'd defend her any way I could.
No. 224088
>>224084Didn't know about those. The only issue I had after a while was how her husband was working but was (apparently) a twat. She complained she couldn't buy anything for her daughter's birthday BUT SHE STILL STAYED WITH HER HUSBAND who (apparently spent all the money).
That's what pissed me off.
I actually do miss her in a weird way. I still can't think of her as being on the same lvl as Ashley.
I could never ask strangers for cash and find it weird when others do. I even only loan, like £10 for 24 hours from my closest friend if I'm desperate and ALWAYS give it back. idk, I can't get my head around having the conscience that allows a person to rip another off. /musing
No. 224097
>>224095If you're who I
think you are..she def doesn't like you