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No. 197629
Ashley was hanging from a rope, but somehow managed to undo it while telling us about it on tumblr. Phew, no an hero!
Another friendship has bitten the dust. Was it Jackie? It is not clear. Not sure if she has any friends left to discuss.
She has become an ASMRtist and has revealed she wears a bunny on her head and NOT a wig.
Ashley WILL have a good October 31st even if she is dressed as a fox alone.
Another birthday approaches. We will share her birthday celebrations (but we'll only be there for the free food).
Previous thread
>>155743 No. 197646
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No. 197722
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I hope it's Jackie. She's looking pretty bad lately.
No. 197735
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New instagram updates.
No. 197736
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>>197735Her arm scares the shit out of me.
No. 197737
>>197735That's a cute rabbit. The fur looks a little bit matted, but it is pretty old. My gerbils lived a really long time and started to look like that towards the end.
Also, can you guys that follow her on Instagram possibly post all of the pictures she's posted on there? Specifically the selfies, of course. Our Ash collection must grow.
No. 197738
File: 1446131759437.png (499.82 KB, 841x545, spooks.png)

>>197737All of the pictures? Is she a private account? I've followed her for so long, I can't remember. I'm posting the new ones that I don't think were in the last thread. But I can also dump my Ash collection as well.
No. 197744
>>197739No worries! You did inspire me to go hunting through her tumblr though. I know that it makes Ash's #assholegap tingle when we talk about her, but she's the craziest skelly ever.
I guess sh's 'coloring" her "hair".
No. 197748
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I hate the way she talks.
No. 197749
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No. 197751
File: 1446133734820.png (19.62 KB, 511x303, halloween.png)

Who the fuck would 'take away' her ~super special halloween plans~ of rolling around her apartment in her wheelchair in a dead fox costume screeching at her mother to buy her candy?
>answer: no one
No. 197752
File: 1446133794331.png (15.58 KB, 518x251, sigh.png)

Oh look, Ash is sending herself hate again.
No. 197754
File: 1446133901219.png (44.72 KB, 523x603, skellyfwiends.png)

There are so many other annoying self-asks from her to herself, but I'm not going to bother posting all of them. Here, have this super aggressive hangry skeleton note instead.
Sorry if it's already been posted.
No. 197769
File: 1446138853840.png (376.46 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2015-10-29-13-10-44…)

No. 197779
>>197769Dear lord save us
The skeleton is sentient
No. 197783
>>197778No The blue one was a wig, she told everyone it was dyed but it's a wig.
This looks like a really cheap wig from a Halloween store that she's cut really badly.
If she was using purple dye on her "HAIR" first she'd have to bleach it for purple to show.
That is a badly cut wig.
No. 197807
>>197769Granted that it looks healthier than her hair here
>>197736it clearly hasn't been bleached. there's absolutely no question here. it's a wig.
No. 197859
>>197782dying a synthetic wig is actually a complicated process that involves sharpie markers. I am positive she does not have the energy to attempt that.
And even then, you would not be able to achieve that level of purple with the sharpie dye method. To even get a semi-rich color, you need to start with a white or almost white wig. Oh, and purple sharpies are red dye based, and bleed like no other onto fabrics and skin. It is almost not even worth trying to dye a wig this color with this method.
No. 197902
And holy shit. So she is still purging…
No. 197912
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>>197902Sorry its been a long day.
It pisses me off that she still begs people for money just so it can go down the drain.
Also, he says she uses those electric scooters to get around the store.
>>197907He said he would try when he's not working.(He was on the clock both times)
>>197911Yes, I am super boring.
No. 197913
>>197909Target. Near the millenia mall/Orlando.
I'm not sure what location you were wanting.
No. 197933
>>197925Don't know how long you've been gone but Aly's threads are in /snow/ now;
>>>/snow/48258>>197926Do what I want.
No. 197935
>>197933Thank you. Still trying to figure this board out.
Carry on.
No. 197939
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Her friend Hank called it a wig. Ha.
No. 198023
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>>197957smells like a rotting corpse and mac & cheese vomit in here. stop self-posting you stupid fuck.
No. 198029
Hey Ash, since you are literally here right now, I thought you may like to know what's become of your competition for 'spoopy skelequeen' bet you think she's fat now, don't you?
No. 198133
>>1980295'7" and 40-something lbs? That's a BMI of 6.3-7.7. I'm pretty sceptical of that. Really interesting article though, she seems to have recovered really fast, compatatively.
Sage because irrelevant.
No. 198159
>>197977Ironically, in order to deem her uninteresting, you'd have to have
some initial interest in her, as illustrated by the fact that you keep frequenting this thread.
She's boring, predictable, etc, but we all find her interesting to some extent, even if it's mainly in a "horrible accident" kind of way.
No. 198199
>>198194There's a wheelchair at the front of the store. Our Best Buy doesn't have an electric scooter (I've never seen one that does tbh). She used the wheelchair, but instead of sitting in it she pushed it around to support herself.
>>198195She didn't buy anything. She did wander through the gaming section, for the most part. What was crazy is that it was hot as fuck, at least 95 degrees that day and she was wearing a sweatshirt. But I've got no clue how easily cold anas get
No. 198264
>>198219she can always cash disability checks at a check-cashing place, or maybe SSI gives you a card to use like SNAP. Come to think of it, she probably does have SNAP, which she uses to buy her binge food.
Also her mom might get money from the state for acting as a caregiver for a disabled person. Not sure how Fl is.
No. 198270
>>198191The Orlando fag here.
She lives in the MONTEVISTA AT "WINDERMERE" apartments (kek). Down the street from the Bubbalou's, and CVS. She hits up the target and walmart on that side of town.
No. 198317
>>198270She lives in an apartment complex that has a pool, tennis court and gym… with lovely lakes and scenery around her to explore. Yet she chooses to starve herself, rot in a recliner and whine about how she has no friends and how everyone should feel sorry for her pathetic life.
Bitch is spoiled as fuck.
No. 198338
>>198329You are doing fuck all to make your situation better, Ashley.
You're not the only person out there suffering from a mental illness, a majority don't want to live their lives that way any more and take steps to recovery.
You, however are a lazy, boring sack of bones that blames everyone else for your problems except for yourself.
No. 198342
>>198340But she's not in denial that something is wrong with her, she KNOWS she has mental illnesses because she doesn't ever fucking shut up about them. She won't get help because she has no intention of getting better and brushes it off with stupid excuses.
She'd rather exploit herself for as much attention that she can get, there's even been proof in the past that she -wanted- to be anorexic and she certainly did her best to achieve that goal.
No. 198367
File: 1446306488582.png (17.2 KB, 688x224, 1430851563225.png)

I'mma just leave this here. What a piece of work.
No. 198377
>>198368Yup and as anon posted just above yours, it -was- her personal choice to be anorexic.
She has access to all sorts of help, but nope - she's dead set on being an "e-famous anorexic" because it's just sooooo hard and inconvenient for her to buck up, swallow her pride and work at recovery.
Bitch just wants ass-gap pats, and money… lots of free money to spend on useless, banal shit that really has no value in the real world.
No. 198388
File: 1446311740033.jpg (447.25 KB, 1280x1707, last year maybe.jpg)

Why add the year? My theory is that this will truly be Ash's last year and she knows it.
No. 198394
>>198391She claims they're real tattoos. Yikes.
Also I forgot to mention that those are the worst spiders I've ever seen. It's like it gets worst as it goes further down too.
The heart with the skull in it is an old one. An Alkaline Trio symbol I guess?
No. 198404
>>198391They look like actual tattoos to me (since you can see the reflection of the skin above the ink).
I wonder how many quarters this cost
No. 198415
>>198403This. My friend's ex fiancee was a huge malingering freeloader as well, and shitsux when you our someone you're close to are also dealing with mental illness, but busting your ass to be a productive member of society. You still get looked down on by colleagues, bosses, society in general because they expect people like Ash or D (friend's ex fiancee) when the truth is that most people with mental illness actually want to live a normal life. And all this malingering and blatantly not wanting to get better just seems way more prevalent since tumblr's been around, although there was a bit of it back in the myspace epoch tbh. Sure you're garner sympathy from your tumblr stans, but there's a bigger world out there.
Anyway I wish you and your wife the best. The fact that she's even trying to be strong means a lot.
No. 198429
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No. 198467
File: 1446331653151.png (120.94 KB, 312x450, wp_ss_20151031_0001.png)

What the fuck is this?
No. 198473
>>198397Cant link directly to the pics seeing how she's underage and therefore Cheese Pizza. Try goofling HAMTARO CHAN MOTHERLESS.
The reason ash is on /pt as opposed to being a special snowflake with the other spoops is because of her past as half Chan camwhore.
No. 198488
>>198484Oh my god.
I'm going to hell.
No. 198516
>>198483Wtf? Shut the absolute fuck up, you
are Ash. I see that fucking sage.
No. 198518
>>198516Plus otherwise how would you even know she wants them filled in if you're not her? She hasn't said anything about it outside of the threads.
Just… ffs comment on your own thread but don't try to pathetically pretend you're not yourself, Ash.
No. 198547
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>>198467All joking aside its supposed to be a black widow without the "black" in it.
No. 198565
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No. 198576
>>198483>>198411>>198568>>198575I thought you were planning on wheeling around your apartment in a fox costume instead of spending Halloween on lolcow.
Was Mother Dearest mean again?
No. 198615
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>>198580Oh god you're right! I'd say its legs are still its greatest tragedy though.
>>198575Screenshots or it didn't happen because we
know that shit ain't completely public.
No. 198881
>>198781Yup. I've known people just like that, horribly manipulative when it comes to fueling their ED and/or getting money to b/p, regardless of how sweet/intelligent/upright they were otherwise.
Like, lying to their spouses, throwing tantrums, playing the sick victim card, giving empty promises, making threats, making up friends as alibi, stealing from family, emotional blackmail, etc.
No. 198887
File: 1446434345329.png (12.42 KB, 623x320, ashumscreen-0.png)

her personality is so grating. her sense of humor is not funny at all.
all her posts sound like they were written by an immature teen.
No. 198953
File: 1446470476821.jpg (206.9 KB, 361x509, ashfox.jpg)

Gee Ash, if you hate depending on someone else so badly, why don't you do something about it like get real help?
No. 198961
>>198960Two reasons:
1) to be nice
2) as an experiment to see what would happen.
Just because I am nice doesn't make me a cow. It was out of morbid curiosity.
No. 198993
>>198953Lolol she depends on people for literally everything. Her mom houses her and the government feeds her and taxis drive her and strangers send her shit. There is literally nothing she can do independently. Does she think she's dependent only when her mom drives her somewhere?
Being "independent" is a weird hang up that an ex-friend of mine with a personality disorder and burgeoning eating disorder had, too. She was obsessed with not depending on anyone for anything, but it just made her isolated and fucked up. Where does that hang up even come from, its so counter to survival.
No. 199088
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I'mma leave this here.
No. 199094
>>199088She is going to get her ass chewed out for slut shaming and std shaming her mom (yes it's a thing). I get that she doesn't like her mom. Maybe she did do some shitty stuff. But come on ash … are you fucking serious? Just get over it! You are an adult now who doesn't even need her money because you are on benefits. You don't need to talk to her or acknowledge her and yet … most of your tumblr is dedicated to talking shit on her.
And so what if your mom is anorexic? Does that make you any better? If anything I figure you would try your hardest to be nothing like your mother and get treatment and be real about it.
God … it is so hard to feel bad for her. Her personality is the most toxic thing I've ever seen.
No. 199098
>>199094You're right on a million notes, and wrong on a million notes.
You make some great points, and also fail to see points.
No. 199116
did want to have kids, though…I remember her freaking out a while back about how her ED left her infertile boohoooo. You think she wouldn't have brought kids (or at least one) into this world if she'd had the chance? And I bet she would have been 10x (at least) worse of a mother than Erika ever was, honestly. Can you even imagine having Ash as a mom?
No. 199125
>>199116Whoa…Ash as a mom? She's better off not reproducing. Even if she got to a healthy state, she's so crazy she'd pass her unfortunate genetics to her children.
Besides, if she ever got her crap together she can adopt or foster a child.
No. 199132
>>199128Well that's the male to female transgender issue all wrapped up then.
The infertility thing is a pity card.
No. 199143
File: 1446504644605.jpg (6.71 KB, 184x184, a6ec776c19747ac331984ea57f9b65…)

>>199140Yes. Just search for Hamtaro-chan.
No. 199144
File: 1446504811243.jpg (51.93 KB, 206x275, 1419560572048.jpg)

>>199143Another. Some have been posted in previous Ash threads.
No. 199160
>>199155>I honestly want to send her Christmas gifts this year There are fucktons of charities where you can send a donation to buy deaf/blind kids a special toy, or others for kids with illnesses who'd appreciate a gift. It's not like Ash doesn't have cash, we've seen the shit she spends it on.
Seriously, please do something more worthwhile with your money.
No. 199162
>>199160I was being a little sarcastic. I'm not actually going to give this girl a penny of my money. I've had jobs to get actual cash that I worked for not by developing issues to get money from the state.
Chill hunny but thanks for the feedback.
No. 199164
>>199162I was all confuse!!
I wouldn't even mind people sending her shit, but from past threads anons have said that if she felt their gifts weren't worthy of her attention, she'd stop writing or sthing.
It's odd that we were saying last Christmas would be her last, and here we are again… It's like a tv series that doesn't know when to end (ie "Lost").
No. 199168
>>199164It's all good hunny!
I know but let's face it this girl won't live to see the end of the decade at least. It's sad but true. Do I want her to die? HELL NO! I want her to recover and become a strong woman and live a happy life! I want her to be able to share a story one day! I really do! But by her attitude and judging by her past and current actions. It's unlikely. I have a little hope for her I do but she's honestly just bringing so many problems on herself I think she loves having them. I think she honestly loves this state and maybe not even therapy or treatment can save her. I think she's in love with being mentally ill. I mean she lets it define her, who she is. When she shouldn't. She loves it. Deep down she isn't battling it. She's loving it and loves how much it hurts her. It's masochism and sadism and whatever else.
Again Ash, please stop choosing to be this way. You know fully forward this lifestyle is all your choice. Get up and get help. Shock us all and let us give you positive attention or do you just love the negativity too much?
No. 199210
>>199179Some petty middle school shit, I'd say.
Everyone is talking about the bad stuff she's done and saying they feel bad for her mom, so Ash grasps at straws and tries to make her mom look bad. "bawwww no1 gets sympathy if I don't!!! Especially mommy!"
Which makes no sense because by posting her bullshit over the web Ashley is opening herself to criticism. Rebecca, even if she is doing less-than-reputable things, is NOT being so frustratingly vocal and ignorant about them online. Ash is making herself look really bad for posting someone's alleged "dirt" to the public.
And I say alleged because who tells their gremlin daughter, "Hey, guess what? I'm positive for like 3 STDs!"
No. 199217
>>199212Leaving medical information on an answering machine is ILLEGAL. All they can do is say who they are and ask to be called back.
Nice try though.
No. 199336
>>199209Sorry, your samefag detector is broken. Only one of those posts was mine (>>199116), and I wasn't trying to get anyone to bitch about Erika…?
>>199193Hi Ash
inb4 my Ash detector is broken
>>199217For the record, it's not illegal for a healthcare provider to do that if the patient has signed a waiver that says the provider can leave messages. There's a checkbox for that on like every form I've filled out when I've gone to see some new healthcare provider.
>>199282While this is true, anorexia doesn't completely rob you of your agency, and you're still capable of choosing to at least TRY to recover to some extent. I'm not saying that the choice or the road is easy, but it's there.
No. 199337
>>199155You can be self-aware and still have an eating disorder. It's simply called choosing to not recover.
Like you said, she has an attention-needing problem. By choosing to stay anorexic, she continues to get the attention she gets for that. If she were to recover, that specific type of attention would stop, PLUS she'd have to take on grown-up responsibilities. The pros simply outweigh the cons for her, pure and simple.
No. 199340
>>199337This is true. I actually remember her making a post about how her eating disorder didn't develop because she was scared of growing up and becoming an adult but that's the exact reason. Firstly, she didn't have to respond to that post in one of the earlier threads passively aggressively on her blog because there was a whole lot of other stuff she could have replied to but she chose to reply to that because it was right. This woman shops at Claire's a store for preteen girls mostly. She is obsessed with child and teenage toys and items in an unhealthy way. You can like to dabble with these items even into adulthood but not in the way she does. That's all she spends her money on besides her food.
Her mom doesn't have an STD at all probably. Ash just needed to make up a rumor to get her negative attention again and she's probably pissed at her mother for not giving her any attention either. My guess is Rebecca has come to accept Ashs fate and has actually found comfort in someone else who is supporting her since her daughter won't. Ash probably found out today her mom has been seeing someone probably and got mad that she's never actually had a boyfriend so she's trying to make her mom look like a whore. Nice try, Ash. Nice try but next time try harder.
No. 199382
>>199342This girl is pathetic. It's almost sad.
Almost. Let the milk flow
No. 199423
File: 1446572305019.jpg (8.1 KB, 300x168, stop romanticizing it.jpg)

>>199406So mystery. Such enigmatic.
>>199407Pic related.
No. 199436
Hey Ash.
Did you ever listen to that song I sent you? Nightmare lullaby? If you couldn't be arsed to fix the url in my ask, here it is: I'm that anon from about a dozen threads and a billion posts ago that has been, and still is, praying for you every single night. <3
No. 199437
>>199432The reasons I think she is borderline:
-using anorexia as a method of self harming
-unstable personal realtionships (loved Erika, then harassed her after Erika stopped being friend with her)
-pretends everyone has abandoned her when in reality, it's not true
-she's a bitter and angry person
and there's probably more than I am missing.
No. 199476
File: 1446584855266.gif (608.94 KB, 320x240, ghostinmypocket town.gif)

>>199473Ashley's tumblr "fan base"
No. 199501
>>199399Ash's mom was overweight in the 2008 video when you saw a glimpse of her. Her mom lost weight after Ash.
I think Ash has always had self esteem issues and it led to her eating disorder. And she found the attention of pity soothed her.
No. 199561
>>199512Yes. Increasing her caloric intake. Probably while being monitored closely by doctors., I've asked you before and you haven't answered. What is it that you think makes you so special and different that you alone among all other anorexics are completely incapable of recovering, at least to some extent? Sure, you'd have to deal with permanent health consequences, but you could increase your quality of life a hell of a lot.
No. 199575
>>199512in all technicality, my anorexia was cured over night. You'd be surprised how fast the mind can flip when it comes to this stuff. So even though people think this is a dream scenario, it can totally happen and usually does for anorexics that have a change of heart.
And honestly despite being as small as she is, she is out and about. Not a ton but she is still walking around unassisted. If she started even just eating that things she wants like cakes and frosting and fatty sugary foods, her body would take and run. The point of no return is immobility and even then recovery is possible but you have to be careful.
Once I saw my grandmother cry at my bedside and scramble to look through a bunch of printed out papers from the internet (which she didn't know how to use making her effort all the more heart felt) I flipped instantly, and after she left I went to the kitchen and ate blueberry muffins. Didn't weigh myself again until months later to make sure I was still a healthy weight. I didn't even need a recovery process, it was instant. Ash could be like this too … if she had someone like my grandmother … but from the sounds of it, her mom is never going to be that person for her. Her mother is too far into the situation to have this effect on ash. Ash is gonna need someone that is already very close and nice to her and "motherly" to a point to change her mind. That girl in the disney pictures? I could see her having a major effect on her recovery if she had a one on one intervention in person with her.
Hope she gets it. Honestly I think the only reason she is such an angry person is because she is so hungry … I know I was a bitch when I was ana.
No. 199593
File: 1446599726522.png (14.69 KB, 286x200, 1401767650714.png)

>>199575Holy shit son are you serious?
No. 199599
>>199597Ohhhh, I thought she meant Snow White or something.
No. 199604
>>199575that is INCREDIBLY atypical.
Someone as far gone as Ashley cannot just pick up a box of cookies and start eating. The stomach and digestive system has been abused for so long, that it no longer knows how to process solid food. It would send the body into shock and many people with eating disorders die from this. Refeeding syndrome is a very dangerous thing.
When the concentration camps were liberated in WWII, the prisoners wanted food but could not be given large portions because their bodies could not handle it. Many prisoners died when they were given food from well meaning soldiers.
No. 199609
Bitch is so incredibly dumb and/or misinformed.
No. 199610
>>199608Jackie's mentally retarded too. They're not friends anymore though anyway.
Yeah, I can't think of any of her friends past or present who aren't mentals.
Even Neckbeard fucked off after he was with her for a few days.
No. 199636
>>199634So the rant Ash posted about not being friends with someone anymore meant Jackie. And that Jackie is selfish and opportunistic.
Which is funny because Ash depends on EVERYONE. And didn't Jackie drive Ash down to Disney?
It's funny how everyone is her ~friend~ until it's no longer worth it for her. What a manipulative piece of crap.
No. 199645
>>199641This is true. Even friendships that went bad in the distant past I STILL think about them and see where I went wrong and where the other person went wrong. Usually it's down to drifting apart, but yeah bust ups are something I think most people would think about deeper than IT WAS THEIR FAULT.
Well, we've seen her do a Pokemon song in her therapists room, so who knows what goes on in there.
>>199642I think the anon you're talking to meant it couldn't be done overnight, like a miraculous epiphany where Ash suddenly wants to eat and get healthy.
Of course Ash could get treatment to improve her quality of life. Her disease isn't terminal and there's help there but she doesn't want to help herself.
No. 199664
>>199478>>199483It's seriously fucked up to post your binge food online, because you actively used it to harm yourself.
Are you 12 and thinking it's somehow ok to publish your self-harm to your following?
No. 199665
>>199604Refeeding syndrome is actually rare, but it is made out to be a common occurrence by those stereotypical anas on instagram who need a reason as to why they eat so little during "recovery" from their ~thuper severe anorexia~.
And don't even get me started on the good ole comparison with concentration camp liberations from 70 fucking years ago that somehow relates to medicine today how exactly?
No. 199712
>>199710As someone who has an eating disorder and has been in treatment on and off pretty extensively, I can definitely tell you that everyone is different, and also that
>>199701 didn't indicate that they were completely "okay" after they "flipped." They still had issues with food.
No. 199761
File: 1446626885246.png (1.11 MB, 1440x2435, Screenshot_2015-11-04-00-46-11…)

>>199747Try to become healthy and you can find the one who will love you and want to touch you all the time.
No. 199791
>>199703>>199710You guys have never heard of the abc? ana, bulimia, the compulsive over eating?
I was ana, didn't eat anything, wanted to convince my family I was better so i would binge in front of them then go throw it up after I felt bad about it. Then after my grandma gave me an intervention I over ate myself into obesity. Now that I am a normal weight I hate myself. a lot. When I said I was better over night I meant in my restraint of food … not my self control or self worth.
When I say it "stopped overnight" I meant that that day I suddenly stopped counting calories and weighing myself 5 times a day. And even though I still have a lot of mental shit and still had an unhealthy obsession with food while gaining weight … I would choose morbid obesity over ana anytime.
and btw feeding sickness is kinda bull in most cases. for ash yeah it may happen. also, I doubt ahs is binging and purging or if she does it is on a rare occasion. even if you vomit right after eating your body still maintains 40% of the cal. let alone after 30 mins, when it retains 60%. So lets say she is binging and purging on occasion, that alone has prepped her stomach for normal food and she wouldn't get feeding sickness.
No. 199793
>>199791Actually, you're incorrect about that process of food digestion.
You are also incorrect about the absorbing of calories. Also coming into play is that every physical body is different.
No. 199794
>>199787This. I mean your experience doesn't speak for everyone.
I get where you're coming from, but it's a little patronizing and you're basically implying that you'll ~suffer for the rest of your life~ and anyone who doesn't to that extent is a fake wannabe. I guess that's kind of mean of me but I can't phrase it better right now.
My point is, recovery, including mental, IS possible and it happens differently for everyone.
No. 199823
>>199812>humans are social creatures. We need to be shown love, affection, given cuddles, and more romantic lovey dovey stuff.I hate that shit though.
>>199819She doesn't seem to get that people are nice to her because they pity her. A pity fuck would be stretching it a long, long way
>>199820No, that was a cry for attention. She was reflecting on what it's like when pets die, even though Adam is very much alive.
>>199822Ash actually has good taste in women.
No. 199824
>>199821(Just defending here.)
[Tiffany] actually texted quite a few times drunk/high with messages that didn't really make any comprehension possible. She went to raves quite often, and even invited me to a few. I obviously wouldn't have been able to attend very long, but she actually really wanted me to go. After I have her the bracelet in return for her gift to me, she just started acting weird. She also switched jobs and asked her to-workers to let me know, and asked me to visit her at work. She was a server at a restaurant- but the venue she worked at caused me anxiety to visit, because it was more of a 'bar and drinking' atmosphere. I'm not posting this on my blog because I feel like I'll just get hounded there. The majority of my followers are new, and don't really know of my old 'ghostxperfume' account. Say whatever, but that's the story, and I'm done here.
No. 199826
>>199824*gave her
Fucking autocorrect.
Also, we haven't spoken since. I'm not sure if she works at the same restaurant anymore.
No. 199843
>>199824Typical Ashley. Nothing is ever her fault. No way would it be "tiffany didn't want to be in my life because I am a horrible spoopy skelecunt who uses and abuses people"
Its "oh she did drugs and ofc my anxiety"
Do not even begin to believe the shit that ashley comes up with. She is always speaking about the ~real truth~ and how none of us know anything but she refuses to ever talk about it
She looooves coming to this site (she has been since her first ever thread!) because she looooves the attention. She will come here, defend herself, try to get on the good side of a few farmers, and then leave again.
She will never tell anyone the truth/real story/whatever
She will never be a good person
She will continue to use and exploit people
And then she will die.
No. 199845
>>199843She will never tell anyone the truth/real story/whatever
TBH though, she doesn't really have to.
No. 199846
>>199831Sorry, Ash, but if you really don't like being here, then why are you… here? Why have you responded multiple times in this thread, watching it like a hawk?
I really wish you could get better, Ash. You deserve it. You're probably going to reply to me with some snarky comment, but really. You need help, and you need to get better.
No. 199847
>>199845No, you're right.
But when someone says something about ashley, and she says "YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING YOU DONT KNOW THE REAL TRUTH YOULL ALL FIND OUT ONE DAY" then where does that leave everyone?
No. 199849
>>199848You're right, I forgot about how often she used to reply in the earlier threads.
And you say that you 'hate this place more than anything'?
No. 199853
>>199849Yeah, and she wont get better. She refuses to get better. Dr fucking Phill was going to help her and she refused him. She does not WANT to get better. She wants to sit around and post ~kawaii~ pictures, ruin her poor mother's life, and get people to buy her things on her wishlist/send her money while she withers away.
She has been stuck in a 15/16 year old mentality for the last 8-9 years.
No. 199877
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>Well, her ‘thought process’ was quite a bit for me to handle mentally. It was almost like taking care of a small child. I had to constantly be there at any given time, or else I was deemed 'unfair, toxic, a bully, selfish’, just to name a few. I won’t, however, say that she is to blame for her actions. Actually, the majority of the time I’m not even sure if she was aware of what she was saying. We would get into an argument, the next day apologizing, and it just starting all over again.
>As fucked as it sounds, I do miss being there for her, though. The feeling of being 'needed’ by someone can sometimes be a positive one. We still communicate through other outlets, and I still consider her a friend- just not quite what it used to be.
I can't fault her for this tbh.
No. 199888
>>199887If Ash got better, she could finally have real life friends. Not "friends". But actual friends. And she could get a job, be independent, live away from her mom, etc.
Ash, isn't all of the above enough to
want to get better? Wouldn't having a REAL life be so much better than wasting away in your chairgrave?
You'd actually be able to go to Japan. To walk around the country and enjoy every second of it.
No. 199896
>>199891There are a few videos of her on insta and tumblr, and it certainly seems so.
(Sorry, I don't have any links)
No. 199925
>>199877Yeah, it's
never your fault, Ash… Everyone else always lets you down.
No. 199933
>>199932I have bad news for you.
Ash is a high skeleton demon.
It wasn't a dream, anon. No. 199934
>>199929Thanks! Ash isn't following her anymore.
After looking at her profile, she does look kind of… Slow? I'm not sure how to put it. How old is she?
No. 199946
>>199932I once dreamt that I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and there was this horrible zombie Ash thing in the corridor, lurching at me. I ended up stabbing it in the head repeatedly.
I didn't visit these threads for a while after that.
No. 199985
>>199972If you want to save her stay out of her threads, the attention is just making her worse.
Though I wish It was against the rules to have severely ill/disabled cows I think Ash is much past savingTBH.
It breaks my heart to see young girls lives fucked up by ED's, but unlike Aly, without her ED Ash would still be a lolcow so I think she's fair game.
No. 199986
>>199972We are not Ash's therapy. She wants someone to save her? Maybe she should save herself an seek actual help. We aren't here to help her work on her communication skills. We are here to observe the spooky skeleton.
What the fuck is with all these fucking moralfags?
No. 200047
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>>200023We've never said anything to her face. We haven't done anything to offend her upfront. If she lurks here and cares about what we have to say, that's her problem, not ours.
>giving her sympathyShe's dying because she let herself get like this. As someone with an uncontrollable chronic illness, it's
PROBLEMATIC of you to assume that "oh she cant help it!!!!!! she totally couldnt have saved herself before she turned spoopy!!"
No. 200159
>>199972This isn't tumblr.
This is lolcow.
We are here for the milk.
Now gtfo.
No. 200200
>>200138>>200144Do you really think she sees a doctor regularly? I'm not being sarcastic, I'm honestly wondering. I'd think she'd want to stay as far away from doctors and hospitals and shit as possible, for fear of being involuntarily committed. It seems like it'd be a huge liability issue for a primary care physician to take her on as a patient, with her being so adamant about continuing down the spoopy road to death. Unless she's actually in
hospice, how could a doctor in good conscience continue regularly seeing a patient who's in Ash's condition and not force them into treatment/hospital/whatever, either by saying that they'd refuse to see her otherwise or by actually using the legal system to make her receive compulsory treatment? Seriously, how is this situation even happening? I don't fucking understand.
No. 200237
>>200231What are you talking about? As far as we know, she's gone inpatient
once, ~8 or 9 years ago. That's not even beginning to put forth an effort.
No. 200239
>>200200Hospice, now there's an interesting theory. If she's been put on hospice-at-home, she's probably been given 6 months to live. (At least, that's how it worked with my grandfather.)
However, they also have at-home-nurse programs that are similar to hospice, just less frequent. As in, the nurse will still shower the person a couple of times a week and make them food or clean if necessary, but they only come once or twice a week instead of every day.
No. 200313
>>200274Maybe she takes supplements like potassium, etc. If she binges and purges she def. needs electrolytes.
I never heard about the home health care thing before, anyone got proof?
No. 200324
>>200323Ash is the one lolcow I am truly torn about. She has prove time and time again she is a horrible person. She has said racist stuff toward black people before. She's only friends with people who have ED's themselves. And when her friends no longer serve a purpose, she moves on.
On the other hand, underneath all the hate, manipulation and twisted thinking is a human being who has feelings.
No. 200334
>>200329Yeah, I know that. I was going to say she must be afraid of pain but then realized that would be very stupid to say because she must in constant agony already. And she stubbornly keeps it that way.
>>200331I know they're pretty hit-and-miss but I felt like Ashley might have an easier time dying from them considering she's already fucked. But I'm hardly a medical expert so I could be totally wrong.
No. 200347
>>200334>>200331>>200326With herion overdoses, usually you just.. fall asleep (nod off) and never wake up. It happened to my friend a few months ago. He and his girlfriend shot up and laid down in bed. Both of them nodded off. When the girlfriend woke up.. my friend was cold, blue and dead.
I'd really, really like to get you a new wig for Christmas, Ash. Do you have an amazon wishlist or anything? I just want you to stop wearing that ratty brown one.
No. 200350
>>200347Yeah, that's why I thought it might be nice for her rather than dealing with a heart attack or something. If you actually want to buy Ash something here's her wishlist as advertised on her tumblr. But she's already spoiled enough, and didn't ask for a new wig.
Meanwhile I wish she was less of a crazy cunt because I would actually have a lot of common interests with her.
No. 200352
File: 1446735662066.png (48.54 KB, 465x157, pls dont taint perfume.PNG)

>>200350Jesus christ I found this in her wishlist. Perfume is one of my only life passions and happy things for me. Please brain do not start associating Perfume with Ash
No. 200358
>>200347That's sad.
In my uncle's case, he was alive but because he OD'd at a party, no one wanted to help him and he died on the way to the hospital.
My mom is a nurse and has told me about some of the OD's she's dealt with. Most of the cases involved throwing up because the body wants to get rid of the poision.
No. 200383
>>200376Do not resuscitate (DNR) and other advance directives
Q3: Legally, if a person is active under hospice services should there be a physician order for "DNR?"
A3: Patients do not need to have a DNR order signed at the time of their enrollment into hospice. Often, physicians rely on hospice to get a DNR order because they are reluctant to hold the discussion with patients themselves. If DNR were a legal requirement, referrals to hospice would be postponed and length of hospital stay would be even more dismal than it already is. However, staff should work at whatever speed the patient and family will accept to get a DNR order signed after enrollment.
No. 200418
>>200415A new crop to exploit
>>200416she can spend the money she uses to binge to get herself a wig.
No. 200419
>>200418Speaking of her wigs, that purple "hair dye" she used on her own "hair" washed out really quickly.
I don't understand why she doesn't buy a new one similar to the one she wears but isn't a decade old.
No. 200428
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No. 200429
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No. 200435
>>200429Normalcy. Yes, fuck that. Manners though, I rate highly.
Yes, I like ~the horror~ of life, but I also like Beatrix Potter and Charlie Brown.
What a cunt.
No. 200521
>>200413I was new to her once. I thought no way she would last six months. She's only gotten worse and worse and it's been over two years.
I don't try to guess how long she'll last anymore.
There should be one of those yes/no websites for "Is Ashley Isaacs still alive?" That's all I want to know.
No. 200527
>>200521This girl is obviously doing a lot of things to keep herself alive. I don't know what it could mean but sounds to me like she could want to actually live a long life but at the same time I doubt that.
Even then if she truly wanted to die she would just be able to stop getting those nurse visits or whatever right?
I don't know it's all confusing.
No. 200545
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Too many newfags in this thread, gtfo.
No. 200595
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Ash posted this on the guts-spilling-over tumblr. So then why does she always use her mom as an excuse for her shitty behavior? How can she post these things and not see her hypocrisy?
No. 200679
>>200429She has to realise not all of her anons are farmers. She is being rude to people who actually like her or feel sympathy.
Like others, I felt sympathy until seeing her nasty personality.
No. 200724
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>>200595don't forget how ~mysterious~ she is
No. 200859
>>200724She has said in the past, countless times, that she seriously has NO IDEA what drove her to anorexia. She didn't even use the excuse that it could be for several reasons, she literally said that she couldn't and can't remember the reason why.
There's no mystery about it at all, she's already confessed that she can't remember how she got here, she's fucking with people for sympathy and gifts by using her mom as the catalyst when the truth is, she's boring as fuck.
No. 200876
>>200872Are you new here?
She constantly berates and blames her mother for her sickness whenever she has a bunch of new followers, it's a cycle.
They then feel sorry for her and buy her shit off her wishlist, this works for her until those new followers learn about her from this site and the gifts and attention cease for a while.
She then deletes her blog, makes a new one and the process starts all over again.
Scroll up halfway up this page and you'll have noobs even admitting they want to buy her shit with more experienced anons telling them NO.
This is like the 16th thread about her on here.
No. 200889
>>200878Here's a welcome gift to all your new followers, Ash!
thread #10:
>>99602thread #9:
>>94146thread #8:
>>89979thread #7
>>81899thread #6:
>>76718thread #5:
>>66250thread #4:
>>40939thread #3:
>>34685thread #2:
>>32362thread #1:
>>21279Some great screencaps in there, especially the ones that were taken of your FB before you went on a deletion spree! Tsk tsk, your poor mother doesn't deserve the shit you say about her for ass-gap pats from randos.
No. 201036
>>200876Sorry, I thought someone meant something else by the word fraud. I already knew all of that. I was confused because it was early for me when I Read that.
>>201032That's what some of us are wondering. She is rumored to have nursing help but still for her body to survive in this state for so long she must be doing other things.
Also, anyone find it weird how she's always wearing short sleeves when people with EDs who are really thin are always cold regardless of the outside weather. I know she lives in Florida and that maybe it but it always seems like she wears short sleeves everywhere she goes. Hmm.
No. 201147
>>200416>>201071Yada yada, there are a lot of disgusting things we have to deal with but simply ignore; dog shit on the pavement, etc.
I'd rather you noobs donate wigs to children going through chemo or something instead.
No. 201185
>>201148Holy shit:
"Her family only reported Caro's death to the media a month afterward, on 29 December 2010. Caro died in Paris and is buried in the Cimetière du Montparnasse.[6][7] On 18 January 2011, it was reported that Caro's mother had killed herself during the previous week."
No. 201210
>>201202This is probably what ash aspires to. She wants to be pitied and seen as so sad and sorrowful in death.
There is nothing sad about people who have the opportunity to get help but refuse to make the effort. It's not just mental illness.
No. 201215
>>201206There is honestly only so much a legal guardian or spouse can do in these situations. If someone outright refuses medical care, then no medical care can be administered.
In order to get a mentally ill person committed against their will, they need to pose an immediate threat to the general public. I believe you can also get a 48-72 hour hold placed on persona against their will, but it is nowhere near long enough to be beneficial for someone suffering from such a severe eating disorder.
>>201208American healthcare is fucking ridiculous price wise plus she ended up traveling to Portugal for treatment.
No. 201260
>>201251I think her dad left the family. He was there until she was at least 4, maybe a bit older. After that, we don't know.
And yes, Ash, I know you think that makes you mysterious, but I'm going to have to quote another anon's thoughts:
>>200734 No. 201474
File: 1446947425842.jpeg (30.36 KB, 750x239, image.jpeg)

Someone wrote this on Ash's latest Instagram update.
No. 201484
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>>201482Not that she doesn't interact with the vk perverts. Maybe this is hank?
No. 201493
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Ash, your mom can spend her money on whatever she wants. It's HERS.
No. 201513
>>201494Apparently she used her inheritance. I don't know why Ash called it her "dead father's money" though. Is he supposed to be doing something with it from the grave?
As this point, it is Rebecca's money and honestly (as cold as it sounds) has nothing to do with the father/grandfather anymore.
Get the fuck over it Ash. Stop with this bullshit of trying to make your mother look bad because we're all
so over it, and we're never going to believe you or support you in it.
No. 201514
>>201493When you are so self-involved
you binge/purge all of the food
you spend all of your single mom's money
you act like its nothing
sips winebut that's none of my business
No. 201515
>>201493Awwrr, little babba Ashy wishes her momma spent more money than she already does on her instead.
Ash, you're gonna be 30 in 3 or 4 years time, even back at 21 years of age… you don't get a say in what you mother does with her own life.
Because, GASP! You are supposed to be sorting your own life out, get off your momma's dead, augmented teet already.
No. 201540
>>201537Or you could stop acting like an attention-starved child and self-posting in your own lolcow threads. I get that your e-fame has faded somewhat recently, but that doesn't mean you should come here to keep stirring the pot. Because really, that's what you're doing. Why don't
you just keep to yourself?
No. 201565
>>201541and bitch, please
all you CAN do is just sit there and rot away :)
No. 201571
>>201565Feel better? Cum yet?
I hope your repercussions visit you sooner rather than later.
No. 201576
>>201531God this is just sad. Thank goodness your mother actually has a life. Imagine if she didn't have to escape from your rotting, shrieking self! You'd have nothing to bitch about.
I'm glad your mother knows enough to go out and do what she wants to do, rather than letting herself be as miserable as you are.
No. 201579
>>201541lol ~accusations~.
Everything is oh so dramatic in spoopyland.
No. 201585
>>201572It's truly pathetic that you're a grown ass woman looking for sympathy going wah wah wah my mommy does what she wants to with things that's none of my business, as though you're some neglected child. Newsflash ash, you're a grown ass woman who CHOOSES to act like a spoiled brat. It's disgusting and grew old a long time ago, nobody is amused, take that from a former follower who got sick of your bullshit whining.
And no ash nobody is cumming in relation to you, pretty sure nobody here has a thing for a half dead spoopy skeleton. Get over yourself, you're seriously so narcissistic. I am repulsed.
>inb4 so meanIdgaf.
No. 201614
>>201531Why are you whining? you put this stuff out there for everyone to see. There is no expectation of privacy on a publc website.
If you don't want us to talk about you, then don't give us anything to talk about. Simple as that.
No. 201625
>>201592Earth to ashley!! Are you self-aware? Is your mind on Mars? Wake the fuck up, Ashley. You're dead. You say you want to live- but you're not living right now. You're dead. You wanted to romanticize your ~downfall~ and pretend to be a ghost? Congratulations. You are one! You live the same thing EVERY DAY. The same rituals, the same voices, the same actions. They say people who commit suicide end up as cursed ghosts, stuck in the place where they killed themselves, living out their most painful memories over and over again for eternity. But it seems… you're already living that now. But! You still cling on to life. Secretly, you wish you could get your first job, drive yourself to places. You want to be TOUCHED… you want to be LOVED. You desire these things, yet you stay standing still, frozen in fear. You've let every single opportunity slip past your fingers. Why? Because you are afraid of change. This goes deeper than healthy adipose cells nourishing your dying, decomposing body. This is why you remain rotting, frozen in time. And this is why you'll die, not ever knowing the happiness of greener pastures that lie beyond your chair grave.
No. 201690
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>>201688bahahahaha okay ash
No. 201697
File: 1447013837978.jpg (33.7 KB, 300x222, jason-and-the-argonauts-battli…)

>this thread
No. 201702
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>>201531You really do need to nourish your brain you fucking 12 y.o. Edgelord
No. 201704
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No. 201709
>>201680Some people enjoy getting all worked up. It's a sick thrill to them. As long as its contained within venting, it's probably okay.
>>201688Oh please, Ashley. No one has made any threats against you. We're just not buying into your bullshit.
No. 201914
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No. 201924
>>201918Are you lost?
Also being ill doesn't mean you're suddenly excused for being a shitty person.
No. 201926
>>201918Not lukzy?
-camwhored on 4chan underage
-resurfaced after forced hospitalization after suicide attempt, became spoopy
-starts some tumblr blogs, says racist stuff about black people
-Latches on to friends who all have ED's. Slowly but surely, each friendship ends because Ash can't get anything out of them anymore (such as car rides, binge food, etc)
-Starts drama on IG for not cropping out her friend's face when she asked politely
-Whines that she's poor but buys weeb crap and spent $75 on Japanese food which she then binged and purged on, all while making cutesy photos out of the food
-Whines about how selfish and abusive her mom is, despite her mom letting Ash stay with her and providing for her
And there's lots more I am leaving out, I'm sure. She certainly IS a lolcow.
No. 201934
>>201918No remorse, just relief and sadness for her mother.
Being severely anorexic isn't THE thing that makes Ashly lulzy. There are thousands of lulzy anorexics. It's the whole package that makes her a cow.
No. 201951
>>201918This sums up all of Ash's hubris, right here. "I'M SICK SO NO ONE SHOULD EVER MAKE FUN OF ME." She deliberately stays sick as a defense mechanism against self-improvement. If she's healthy she has no way to get people to pity her, which is the only way someone would ever tolerate her (and not for long, either, as evidenced by Erika, Jackie, etc etc).
Also I like how she turned it from "my mom is whore who is getting a second boob job!" to "PITY ME I have to care for a family member after SURGERY. I AM SO BRAVE."
Good god she is awful.
No. 201952
>>201918Actually, people do make fun of cancer patients who have easily curable cancer but refuse to get treatment for it. See: Steve Jobs, Christian Scientists, Jehovah's Witnesses.
That's what you are, Ash. You are a cancer patient with the easiest of curable tumors who refuses to see a doctor, because you like to attention that comes with being sick. I wonder if anyone's ever identified Munchausen's as the root of a person's eating disorder?
No. 202008
>>202004This was explained about 10 posts ago, learn to read
>it's getting so lame hereAsh threads have been here for a very long time.
No. 202020
>>202004She's not only a lolcow, she's /pt tier lolcow not just a /snow flake because of her history of being underage camgirl.
>>202019We've been pondering this for the past year
No. 202021
>>202008still lame
>>202019and yes!how and why? more disturbing than funny forreal
No. 202023
>>202021No one is really saying that this is a laughing matter, but as it often is in frustrating times, a sort of dark humor arises when you don't know how to react anymore. If there legit are people who wishes harm on ashley herr, then it's clear that they need help. I think this whole situation, the threads, the "yelling" and calling her out is a reaction to the whole "following someone for a long time makes you feel like you kinda know them", and after seeing ashley treat herself, and others, like she has for such a long time AND the fact that we know she reads all this shit… I mean, to me it's baffling really. How she hasn't figured out yet, that literally ALL her (spoken) wishes are within reach, if she only realized what most people her (our) age do. You need to become your own adult. That's how you make it through. School? Work? Love life? Recovery? You gotta realize that everyone on this fucking planet is winging it, and those who make it, who are truly independent, are those who became their own adult and took responsibility of their life. My childhood was shitty too ash, and school wasn't exactly a great time, but i got myself out. You can't rely on other people for your happiness, and that's not a sad thing. You seem to like videogames. Pretend life is like a game, you gotta feed to live, and you gotta grind to get the gold. Please ashley, make a god damn change for yourself.
No. 202025
>>202021>still lameThen why keep posting in this thread?
>and yes!how and why?If you weren't such a newfag you'd know people have tried to get her help.
No. 202031
>>202023Please listen to me:
I am in a standstill.
I am not trying to come up with excuses for pity, for gifts, for attention. I am simply just being me right now. Living life better than I have been (do not judge my appearance. I am not a damn book.) by enjoying small things I haven't been able to in a while. Things will be slow. But don't ever act like you're above me. Because you aren't. We are all humans. Please treat me like one. All I can do is learn from mistakes. Want to talk further? Message me. Later.
No. 202053
>>202047Dreams aren't foolproof. You struggle a lot to reach your goal. It's not easy. Doing the right thing is almost never easy. It's really hard to work toward the things you want in life. They are called goals for a reason.
You say you're in a standstill. A standstill of what? Lots of people are. You have to keep pushing through it. All you have to do is ask for help. If you ask for help, you will get it. You just don't want help. You don't want to be expected to do anything. You don't want to grow up. You don't want to live.
No. 202055
>>202026It looks like a court can do up to 6 months, and that can be extended in court
>Within 72 hours, the patient must be released or the facility must file a petition for involuntary placement.>A psychiatrist or clinical psychologist must approve the patient’s release.She can get put into IIP FOR 6 MONTHS AT LEAST
No. 202058
>>202052Well then, Ash, what
are you doing? Please enlighten us. Because we we can see is you wasting away and blaming others for the problems you refuse to seek help for.
Oh, is it not our business what you are doing? Then don't get angry when we discuss your very public life.
No. 202059
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>>202057For now, this is all I have. It'll happen though.
No. 202063
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>>202059Doesn't this fit our thread a little better?
Gotta say, emaciated Christian Bale is hot af but that's just because I fetishize male weakness and suffering.
No. 202080
>>202068It's her bullshit "lifestyle choice".
She hasn't got the bottle for it. She'd have to do as she'd told. She'd have to go through some tough shit. She thinks it's easier to decompose in her chairgrave.
No. 202088
>>202082She isn't doing shit. It's all a thinly veiled farce to keep people off her back and keep the gifts and ass pats flowing. She's such an attention whore with no redeeming qualities, all she has is her illness to catch a person's eye. And even that is boring, there are so many spoopy skeletons on sns.
>>202031Are you asking people not to judge your state of health by your appearance or asking people not to simply judge who you are based on the way you look?
Because 1. You aren't the picture of health, any idiot can tell you that your appearance means imminent death, and 2. Most people here don't judge you on your appearance, they judge you on your shitty behavior and attitude and the negative effect you have on others you call your friends
No. 202092
>>201918When she dies, she won't have the ability to con people out of their money anymore and hurt others with her deranged sense of what friendships should be.
I'd say that's a massive plus really if she does.
No. 202098
>>201956There are literally thousands of people dying every day and a lot of them don't have a single mean streak in their bodies.
Your comment is moot as shit.
No. 202105
>>202101Haha, she's been saying that since thread #1 and she's appeared in every single one since.
I'm sure we're up to about thread #14 or so.
No. 202112
>>201952It happens yes. I was diagnosed with Munchausen's, and I did have AN for a few years. Definitely was part of my ED at any rate, along with other issues. It was easier and more effective than a lot of the shit I've done to gain medical attention. It's something I am very ashamed of but what the hell, I'm anonymous.
Sage for off topic.
No. 202134
>>202120I needed this. You really don't have a clue how some posts like this impact me.
Oh, and to those bitching about me coming on here, I do so not to stir any pots- MAYBE CONTAINING MACARONI. But to stand up for myself when I can. And sometimes it's easier to communicate to those who actually want to know here.. Or something. Idk.
No. 202153
>>202149I've been considering it actually. Seems like a fun job.
>>202152She has so many followers she could probably talk to though. If she got better she wouldn't have this depression, this loneliness, and could have quality friends and maybe even a nice relationship.
No. 202154
>>202047MY dream is to go to college, become an RN, and help children. I don't need a fool-proof plan to achieve that because I am right now because I'm working hard for what I want.
And guess what? My dream when I was a 13 year old weeb was to go to Japan, at least once, and guess what? My 'fool-proof' plan worked for me 3 times so far, wanna know what my 'fool-proof' plan was, spoop? Work hard and earn my way there myself, and oh my gosh what do you know, I'm getting there. I'm MAKING it happen because I WANT it. And after I get my RN? I'll make even more dreams come true by working for it. And my life sucked until I worked my ass off and did/got myself the things I wanted because I MADE myself, I won't let my shitty upbringing hold me back.
>inb4 bloggingI can't stand this entitled spoop, there's no excuse for being the way she is. No excuse.
You're fucking lazy, gdi.
No. 202156
>>202134Honestly Ash I'm unapologetic about making fun of some things you do, but like if there was a thread about me somewhere you can bet your last dollar I'd be all over it and self-posting 24/7. So I don't see why other anons are bitching about this when they'd do the same as well.
I mean your previous post was right, part of our fascination with you is your ED but how is that going for you so far? Not so well, right? We're strangers, we're not giving you the type of attention you need. Or the attention that anyone needs, it's not real.
No. 202160
>>202143Then why is your blog public…?
Why are you expecting fairness and kindness from us?
No. 202161
I just fucked this link up, probably will again
>>>/snow/56263She's posting this shit everywhere. Stop it, Ash. Go watch a cartoon or sth.
No. 202165
>>202147Explain why you keep on posting if you don't want to be here then.
You've been on your own threads since the start.
No. 202166
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>>202156I think a lot of anons would let it be because this is pretty much the standpoint of mine personally.
No. 202168
>>202167You've talked in the past about sitting on your toilet a lot, is that how you prefer to purge? Taking a load of laxatives and shitting your guts out before it has time to digest?
I did that once, through a stomach virus and lost a lot of weight within two weeks…
Do you use a lot of diaper cream for your sore ass?
No. 202175
>>202171I just feel for her. I like gossip and snark, but I can't be a complete heartless bitch and taunt someone who is dying. I hope Ashley realizes her life is worth more than her eating disorder and will make another attempt at recovery.
/moralfag out
No. 202201
>>202052NO. This is another bullshit defense mechanism. "You don't know me" is another way of saying "I don't want to examine that about myself."
Stop. Bullshitting. Yourself.
No. 202221
>>202216I don't think so. She might have some similar disorder but Munchausen's disease sufferers specifically seek medical attention, and it doesn't look like she does.
Actually, I'm not sure whether I was diagnosed with Munchausen's specifically, or just a general factitious disorder.
No. 202241
>>202201>>202176>>202171>>202160>>202139>>202137>>202092>>202088>>202058>>202048Why is this thread suddenly getting down right sadistic? You guys are hating a person who already hates themselves, do you not get that? Do you seriously think someone who is knowingly slowly killing themselves cares about free money and gifts? No they fucking dont! So fucking sue them if they actually try and get out of the house to enjoy life every now and then. You guys are talking to her like shes some fake ana like ember. She obviously is not! She isn't doing this for other reasons , she is legitimately trying to get better and you guys bitching at her like this isn't helping, but even in the face of it all she can say, "Hey … guys … this isn't neccesary. I'm honestly trying and I really don't need this shit anymore could you please stop?" and what do ya do? call her a lazy skelly who is selfish and hates everyone. And despite all the self hating she's been through she still has the guts to stand up to you and say, "hey now, I really don't deserve that"
I know you can make it ash. You've already made it through so much and you are being pretty open and honest right now. The hope is seriously overflowing, even if you don't see it right now. You can make it. Don't listen to these people talking about your death like it's already in the papers because as much as they like to think they know you … they dont.
No. 202248
>>202245you are saying she is self posting and pretending to be other people responding on here siding with her. I'm saying, those people siding with her might not actually be her and might actually genuinely care about her. Are you missing something?
>>202246>wake up you sheeplesure I'm the dramatic one here?
Listen, I hated her at first too. I honestly didn't understand why she was acting so mean about her mom… then it dawned on me, I don't fuckin know her. So I talked to her and she ended up being really nice and just a regular ole person who just so happens to hate herself, something I think a lot of people her might actually understand as well. on a side note, how the hell is that last line even trying to be poetic, you compare drama to milk, there is no drama here … just someone in a lot of fucking pain.
No. 202249
>>202241>Do you seriously think someone who is knowingly slowly killing themselves cares about free money and gifts?Y-yes? She has a wishlist and brags about what's she's gotten. Even when you're dying (even by your own hands), you can't focus on that 24/7.
>she is legitimately trying to get betterREALLY? Do tell me how you figure that? The most she claims is that she's doing things that make her happy. That's not going to fix the fact that she's dying.
I do give kudos to Ashley for defending herself, but until she puts on actual weight, I absolutely refuse to believe that she is trying to get better.
>>202243I'll give you credit that Admin has pointed out self-posting in the past. However, in that case, it was because the lolcow made her own thread about herself and then stirred up the drama. Ash is not doing that, so Admin has no reason to point it out.
No. 202251
>>202241>she is legitimately trying to get betterThen she needs to fucking prove it. Show some real proof
for once in her pitiful fucking existence that she is really trying to help herself.
>you are being pretty open and honest right now. That is a gigantic crock of shit and you damn well know it. Every other sentence out of her mouth regarding what she's really doing to improve her situation is evasive and vague because news flash you autist, she isn't doing anything.
Don't you think that if someone like Ashley was getting real, honest to god, hardcore treatment finally, she would be shouting it from the roofs tops to prove all the big meanies on here wrong?
No. 202256
>>202251Why does she need to prove herself? Are you buying her things? Like, she is her own woman, by your standards you don't seem to care if she dies, why care if she gets better? She doesn't need to prove things to a thread that is dedicated to shitting on her. And nah, when someone tries to get better they are quiet about it for awhile incase they relapse and disappoint everyone. not everyone does this but some people are so afraid they will fail they don't let people know when they succeed.
>>202252It is really fucking hard to get close to people with this bad of ana. It is so hard to deal with, gets annoying very fast and tiring for those who try and help. It isn't easy for anyone. Was she mean to people? Yeah prolly. She was most likely very hard to handle because this disorder is taking her over. But do you seriously think this is helping?
>>202254>>202247Someone doesn't hate someone as much as I do? Must be retarded. Screw anyone for trying to be nice to people.
Yeah I don't hate her, so? Does this lack of social empathy help you very much in real life?
No. 202262
>>202256Wanorexic detected
No. 202266
File: 1447140270634.jpg (32.55 KB, 488x330, uh oh.JPG)

Death thread, guize.
Talking about your mother's vagina and breasts on tumblr is pretty disgusting but who am I to judge.
~sips wine~
No. 202269
>>202256Not the anon you were replying to, but I too have a complex relationship with Ash's life/death.
As in, if she were to die, I'd think, "Whelp, that's somewhat sad" but move on rather quickly because fuck, she did it to herself, and she knew that was the only thing that would happen if she didn't recover.
But if she were to attempt recovery, I'd love to cheer her on. I'd love to see her go live a fulfilling life. Because in the end, I think a lot of her shitty personality
is actually a result of the anorexia.
No. 202271
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>>202266>get a fucking live or maybe yours will be taken from youcareful y'all, crypt keeper gonna getcha
No. 202273
She pulls this bullshit often. She comes here and wants to talk to us, then goes to complain about us on tumblr. Then someone sees her post and comes here to defend her. Christ.
>>202271Thanks Miss Skeletal.
No. 202274
>>202266I mean, yeah it was fucked up for us to bring up her grandpa but all that the anons were discussing was the weirdness that she had never mentioned him and yet was somehow she was so close to him. No one insulted him in any way. It just seemed odd.
The fact that she tries to make it look like we were bullying her over losing a grandpa is truly the disgusting thing here.
No. 202275
>>202266more bullshit defense mechanism.
I'm really excited to see what other family members she is ostensibly close to as they die off and she claims to have really given a shit.
Can you imagine the pity cards she'd pull if her mom died in a freak boob-job surgery accident? MY MOM IS DEAD SHE IS THE ONLY PERSON WHO LOVED ME AND WHO UNDERSTOOD ME
goes on deleting spree of every shitty thing she ever said about her mom No. 202276
>>202266"get a fucking life or maybe yours will be taken from you"
Yeah Ash that's really good advice, maybe you should follow it?
No. 202316
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No. 202541
I feel bad for this girl, honestly. This is what happens when your illness takes over and runs your life, and the only contact you have with other people is online. You become angry and twisted.
Ashley, you have to stop. You have to get off the internet, stop posting publicly, stop coming to this thread. Social media is a trap for you and it's making you worse. I know how addictive it is, especially since this is your connection to the outside world and it's become a huge part of your life. It's so unhealthy for you though. How often do you think of checking this thread? Or what people are saying on your instagram photos? How much of social media consumes your life? You need to remove yourself. You don't have to prove anything to anybody, and you don't have to try and come up with sarcastic remarks all day. Just remove yourself from this.
You need real help. I'm not going to judge you for what's happened in the past, and I think it's kind of shitty for people to say "nothing traumatic has ever happened to her". Nobody knows that for sure, nobody knows what she's going through. 100% agree with other posts here saying she probably has BPD, because she exaggerates and seeks attention from people she knows don't even like her. It's a sickness and she's not getting any better by being here.
Take yourself off of the internet Ashley, seriously. Focus on yourself, on recovering. Work on your relationships. You know why people end up leaving you? Because you think only of yourself and your own feelings. That's not always bad. In your state, you have to think of what's good for you and do what's good for your own health. But that doesn't mean you can disregard your friends' or family's feelings, or that your feelings are any more important because you're sick. You'll never have meaningful relationships if you keep acting this way.
You can get better. Remove yourself from the internet, and get out of your mom's apartment. It's a bad space for you, and you're emotionally and mentally stunted right now because you're keeping yourself in a bad place. You can recover, you can go to Japan, you can be happy. You have to take yourself out of these toxic environments first though and work on yourself. Stop giving power to other people and take it back for yourself. Get some real help.
No. 202549
>>202366Better than the Eugenia Cooney one, imho.
I still pray for Ash, even if she resents me.
No. 202576
>>202550>I don't know how much you think SSI pays but it pays at max, $733 a month.Thats actually exactly what I assumed Ash gets in SSI. Her mom is a waitress, and didn't someone recently post the rent in their complex is 700-1300?, SSI + waitress at Chili's? =rent in a decent gated complex with a pool, gym, and tennis court. and extra $ for utilities, gas, and random useless junk for Ash.
No. 202590
>>202576It's complicated because you can't also have more tha 2k in resources at anyone time, so how would that even work if Ash's mom is the rep payee?
>>202580I agree her mom is doing all that stuff for her but I don't know if automatically eligible also means automatic enrollment.
And there's still the problem of continuing disability reviews and the fact that you need to see a doctor to keep proving you're unfit for work. Normally reviews are every 5 years, but can be shorter or longer depending on what the judge said at the disability hearing.
No. 202610
>>202607That's not SSI. That's SSDI, I believe. Separate programs. SSI has a max payment of seven hundred-ish a month.
SSDI = work credits
SSI = no work credits + income based
No. 202659
File: 1447216105371.jpg (77.1 KB, 370x700, lol.JPG)

There is so much going on in this post to unpack.
The hilarious irony of Ash complaining that she has to take care of her mother like she's a child while simultaneously complaining that her mom does not treat her like a child by taking her everywhere.
The fact that she's bitching about her mom not taking her out over a year ago, tries to pre-empt criticism by claiming disability, completely ignores the fact that she had a whole fucking year durinh which she could become non-disabled and thus not have to rely on her mom the next year.
Says her mom hates her being alive but ignores the fact that her mom lets her live with her and can't take her out because she'll be WORKING to care for her.
No. 202668
>>202659>>202660Hahah oh wow this is just too rich.
I just had to take care of my bf for around two weeks after he got appendicitis and had to have emergency surgery. He was fine, and then an hour later, I thought he was going to die. I had to clean up his vomit, listen to his dry heaves (OMG SO TRAUMATIZING), get him dressed while he was lying on the ground writhing in agony, practically drag him out to the car, get him to the hospital, wait there shitting myself while they tried to figure out what was wrong with him, spend two days in the hospital sleeping in a chair, and then spend the next week administering his pain meds around the clock and helping him out in every way possible. And you know what? I'm fucking glad. It was grueling for both of us (mostly for him, I'm sure), but I'm immensely relieved that he didn't have to go through it alone.
Yeah, so I wasn't taking care of someone I hate, but still. I've been dealing with an ED for most of my life, I'm on disability, and I have a lot of other physical and mental health problems. None of those things prevents you from being a decent fucking human being. Taking care of other people is part of life. You do it and hope that someone will do the same for you if you ever need them to. I don't believe Ash's mom is the she-beast of pure evil that Ash portrays her to be, and it's pathetic that Ash acting so fucking put upon by her mom's surgery.
Oh, and guess what I did on my birthday? FUCKING NOTHING! I was sick and felt like shit, I'd just been in the hospital, and no one took
me to fucking Disneyland, or anywhere for that matter. I bought myself my own goddamn present. And guess what I did on the birthday before that? NOTHING! I literally never get taken anywhere like Disneyland. My bf and I have been on ONE whole vacation in nearly a decade, and we saved up and waited for years to go on it.
My mom hates me being alive, too! She calls me all kinds of awful shit when we fight and it breaks my heart, but I still love her, I just know I have to keep my distance to protect myself. If something were to happen to her (or if she decided to get a boob job, lol - that would be so out of character for her), I'd put all of our past arguments aside and do whatever I could to care for her, because I'm her fucking daughter. She sacrificed a lot to give me a life, and I'm not going to piss it away.
Ash, you're choosing to live a life of misery and hatred. You don't have to do this. A lot of things about your situation may not be able to be changed or "fixed," but you can change your attitude and the way you react to things. That's really all you can control - you can't control other people, but you can control how you react to them. I know this won't get through to you, but damn, it pisses me off, because I KNOW you could at least improve your situation a LITTLE bit, no matter how far gone you are. I'm sorry for ranting and talking about myself too much here, but this just really fucking ticks me off. Yeah, Ash, you do need to grow the fuck up. Newsflash: most of those adults with restrictions/limitations don't act like you do. They DEAL WITH IT. They make the most of their lives, given those restrictions. You could do that, too, if you wanted to, but it seems like you'd rather just wallow in self-pity.
No. 202670
>>202659You do realize that your mother takes care of you like a child, right Ash? And has taken care of you your entire life?
I don't think your mom can control whether or not she works on your birthday. I had a working mother growing up, and the birthdays I had where she wasn't working were very few and far between. I only ever had one birthday party, when I was eight years old. You should be grateful that your mother
is working for your ungrateful ass.
Maybe you should like, I don't know, stop blaming your mother for everything? Take a cab? You're right, you are an ungrateful bitch, she's your mother. And you're whining because you have to help her and she has to work on your birthday and has probably no choice in it if she wants to keep her job?
You are hangry as fuck. You're the only one who is putting limitations on yourself. Don't try to pretend that you're disabled and it's not even your fault. You don't have to be in a wheelchair.
Grow the fuck up.
No. 202672
>>202659lmfao because the 25 years she spent raising an ugrateful shithead is the same as you making sure she has access to the r.r., food, and meds for 2 weeks.
you are dramatic as fuck ashley. get a grip.
No. 202681
>>202668I agree with you a lot, especially:
>You don't have to do this. A lot of things about your situation may not be able to be changed or "fixed," but you can change your attitude and the way you react to things. That's really all you can control - you can't control other people, but you can control how you react to them.One thing I have to disagree with though is the fact that you're saying she should be grateful for her mother. I also don't think Ash's mom is as awful as she tries to portray, but there are plenty of cases where it's just best to be apart.
My mother and I have hated each other since I was a child. She's no longer a part of my life. That's just the way it has to be. If Ash really hated her mother that much, she would have found a way to get out. As far as we know, Ash never even tried to move out of her mother's house. She stuck around for a reason, and it wasn't always because she was physically unable to care for herself. She couldn't have been as emaciated as she is now when she turned 18, considering she was a healthy weight at 17.
Lastly, I want to agree with the poster I'm replying to again about birthdays. I know you may have been planning this since last year, Ash, but good god. You have every right to be disappointed, but there is no need to be so melodramatic. You're fucking 24-going-on-25. Birthdays aren't as big of a deal at our age, okay?
How about you take care of your mother and then ask her if you two can reschedule whatever plans you had? You know, like a reasonable person.
No. 202716
>>202659When I read that part about
"basically having to take care of a child" I was stunned for a second that Ash would possess so much self-awareness, but then I realized that she's actually talking about the other way around.
The pure irony, Jesus.
No. 202717
File: 1447244003349.png (504.56 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-11-11-07-07-46…)

>#personal #rant #lolcow #just stop #online bullying
Ashley shut the fuck up you're a grown ass woman whether you wanna admit it or not you aren't some helpless child, my mom has to work on my birthday every year and I'm younger than you, God if she's such a let down for you do something for yourself for Christ's sake.
The only reason you're helpless is because you refuse to get help, which is YOUR OWN FAULT, SURPRISE. I've been there with an ED and I chose to get the fuck over it and get better, for myself and my quality of life. God you're such a self entitled whiny bitch, I try to tell myself every time it's your ED fucking with your brain, but God damn it's hard.
No. 202721
>>202717Lmfao if they were lies they wouldn't
trigger you to go so hard when it comes to "defending yourself."
You always target the comments that hit close to home, the ones that sting because you know they're true. You ain't deep girl, you're so transparent.
No. 202725
>>202717Also, like seriously you're a grown woman, not a child. You can celebrate your birthday within a huge time interval, any time in the whole month in my book, so stfu about her taking the day to work and earn money as the single head of the household who actually has to work for their money—not sit around all day on their piss baby blog like, ya know, you.
So sorry to say, your time you set aside isn't valuable because to be frank, a disabled person like you isn't doing to much to contribute to society while bedridden.
Pretty sure you were just gonna go to Disneyland anyway so you can ask for a refund for that or w/e you supposedly already spent money on. It's not even your birthday yet, chill.
No. 202727
>>202681Yeah, true about her mother. We don't know the full story, and her mom really could be toxic. However, Ash is so dependent on her that it's not like she can distance herself from her mom even if she wants to.
And yeah, about birthdays again, I just remembered that, on my last birthday, my mom was on the other side of the country visiting my brother, too. We celebrated like a week early. Big deal.
>>202716Same - I read it at first like Ash was saying that her mom was "exhausted from basically having to take care of a child, but never.. Never getting a thank you." Yep, Ash, it seems like you hit the nail on the head there, but it's not
you having to take care of a "child." Even if you wanted to, how on earth would you even be physically able to?
Also, a proper ellipsis contains
three dots. Your writing blows, Ash.
>>20271799.99% of posts on here are lies? Top kek. Nice try. Your life involves us because you're choosing to make it public. You have public social media accounts where you document your slow suicide. If you don't want anyone else to see that shit or comment on it, fucking make it private for god's sake.
Also, I'm curious - what kind of physical work is Ash even capable of doing? Lifting a pill bottle? And how the fuck does she think she has an "income" when, to my knowledge, she's never worked a day in her life? Is she just counting gubment benefits? Being a spoopy is not a fucking job. And why on earth would anyone want to share their money with someone who will just flush it down the toilet?
No. 202741
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No. 202744
>>202694Yeah, I haven't spoken to my mother in 8.5 years. I can't see anything ever changing that, and that's okay.
And if you never talk to your mother again, that's okay too. People are going to tell you otherwise (maybe they already have), but you did what's best for you.
No. 202768
>>202766That's it. That's the show.
Spot on, anon. Also don't forget how she's sooooooo sad and all alone because she never has friends.
She could have friends if she didn't use and abuse others.
No. 202808
>>202766>effectively encouraging us to assume the rest who said you had to care about her life? Who said you had to fill in blanks about her life? She's not making you assume anything, she wants to be left alone but you try not going to a site that is constantly talking about you … oh wait … there isn't a site constantly talking about you …
>>202727So you're saying that because we made her our target that it's on her to completely erase herself off the internet? Why do you use social media? Why do you have a facebook or otherwise? Because it is nice and fun and allows you to connect to people. Same with her tumblr. "But were allowed to talk as much shit as we want and it's her fault" yae okay
>>202717I like how when I told people on here that I got over not counting calories and weighing myself 20 times a day and stopped being ana practically over night everyone on here barked about how I was "never truly anorexic" but when ash doesn't recover when you like her to it's all her fault cause she is a stupid bitch. This thread makes no damn sense.
>>202659And once again everyone is complaining, "but ash why do you read these threads?! If you don't like it don't go here! Meanwhile we're going to stalk your tumblr and screencap everything and extensively discuss it and type in all caps so she knows how angry we are for having to read her shit… No one sees the irony in this as well?
No. 202815
File: 1447262155767.gif (2.31 MB, 390x277, laughter.gif)

>>202804>>202808>>202813Lmao Ash, if you were trying to be the 'bigger person' you wouldn't have made a text post about us and sent your skeleton army here to white knight for you
No. 202896
>>202804You have Whole Foods gift cards on there with the caption
"No, I do NOT get food stamps, so these help tremendously", and another with
"So I can pick out groceries- just thought of this to help with food!" so don't even pretend.
No. 202939
File: 1447272083401.png (251.02 KB, 494x483, haaaaaaa.png)

No Ash, you need the socks that say "SPOILED DEPENDANT BRAT".
At least then you can get away with saying that you find irony funny.
Methinks, you're too fucking stupid to understand what irony is though, and probably want those socks because you feel they reflect you best.
No. 203050
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Is this Jackie's sister?
No. 203114
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She's on an Aly-esque delete spree.
No. 203127
File: 1447309732746.gif (464.54 KB, 500x222, stop.gif)

>>203099>Nothing more to say.See you again tomorrow, Ash.
No. 203213
>>203114Gia, Erika and now Jackie have all claimed to have given her gifts of food only for her to binge and purge them, Gia and Erika have both driven her around in their cars to places to buy binge food, and Jackie seems to have done the same but by post instead.
Fucking get off your lazy, bony ass and buy your own shit, Ash.
Stop using your potential friends to feed your addiction, you're worse than a heroin addict, I swear.
No. 203216
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>>203050Another one slipped through.
No. 203220
File: 1447343223226.jpg (87.55 KB, 528x548, omg the lies waaahhh.jpg)

I know Ash lurks here, but I'm placing my bets now:
1. The video tells us nothing new.
2. She just claims again that Jackie flew down here for Disney World alone
3. She makes herself out to be the victim
Bonus points if she claims to never have b/ped on food that Jackie bought her.
No. 203236
>>203213Why did these people think it was a good idea to send her food in the first place? If they knew anything about binge eating they would know that is THE LAST thing you wanna do and it will actually encourage her to binge and purge. Like giving cookie monster cookies; the fuck you think was gonna happen?
Also, where and when did ash ever call jackie retarded?
No. 203240
>>203235It's the BPD/narcissism. Only her feelings matter and it's always everyone else's fault. If she hurts someone else it doesn't count because she's the
most hurt. It's extreme mental gymnastics the way her mind works.
No. 203243
>>203237There was a post from ghostxperfume where ash said she and Erika fed eachother expired Halloween peeps. I imagine what happened next was akin to a coprophilia fetish porno.
No. 203254
>>203230Did you not read
>>203213 Jackie is not the first friend that Ash has fucked over, it's a reoccurring habit of hers.
Gia and Erika were really mistreated by Ash in comparison though, being called "retarded" by Ash is tame compared to how she reacted with those two.
No. 203257
>>203236Have you had a loved one with an addiction? It sucks and you
will be manipulated at some point. You can't win with them, you just stop putting up with their bullshit or cut off contact completely. If you buy a junkie heroin you know exactly what they're going to do but Ash's thing is to seek pity and claim she's "trying" to eat or that she has no groceries at all thanks to her horrible mother (see amazon wishlist). It's manipulative af.
Food addicts have the advantage of actually needing food to survive so if you cut them off they can threaten to starve to death. And with Ash she's two meals away from that so it's believable. It's easy to lie about what the food is for and give people false hope.
Look how many of Ash's online followers sent food or gift cards "because groceries are running low." All the people buying her food genuinely thought they were helping until they caught on and stopped. I'll see bulimics on IG talk about doing the same thing to their families to guilt trip them into buying them binge food even when they know they have a history of b/p.
No. 203289
>>203220This post is like…I can see her brain having a breakdown as she types it. "I'll make a video of the TRUTH and that will SHOW THEM ALL"
Its like watching the unhinged villain breakdown at the end of a movie or something. She's literally incapable of processing criticism against herself. Her brain is grasping at any defense it can find to avoid introspection.
Honestly even if she gains weight, she's probably gonna be like this forever. Personality disorders are pretty ingrained and hard to treat. Can you imagine having to work with someone like her? She'll be that crazy co-worker everyone hates because she stirs up drama unnecessarily and goes off for no reason.
No. 203290
>>203283Yeah, I guess if the quack therapist fills out forms that would be it. I've been on disability for almost ten years and it's not an easy process. The CDR's are nearly the same as if you were applying for the first time. Each doctor gets about 14 pages of forms to fill out, plus Ash would get a 16 page RFC form, and then either Ash's mom or someone else she knows would each get long forms to fill out.
I'm all for people getting disability if they truly need it, but Ash is a waste since she refuses to get real help.
No. 203293
>>203069Jackie didn't fly to see her. I DM'd Jackie a long time ago bc i felt like she was vulnerable and should be warned about getting involved with Ash. She said she felt bad for Ash. She also said her family takes that vacation like every year (they prob have a time share) and it wasn't just to disney, they went to Atlantis in the Bahamas too. They wouldn't throw in a few days at Atlantis if she went to FL just to visit Ash.
Im glad they're not friends anymore, Ash was taking advantage of Jackie and probably verbally/emotionally abusing her too. I hope Jackie stays away from Ash in the future.
No. 203308
>>203300Guess I missed something. What's the "biggest lie ever"? That her friends bought her binge food? Also,
>implying that Ash doesn't keep stirring the pot herself>implying that it isn't Ash herself who is (nearly) "expired">"Only my opinion matters"Top fucking kek, Ash.
No. 203309
>>203295Disability is fucking weird. I have heard stories of people who were legitimately very disabled and had to keep appealing and went through years of shit only to get denied benefits in the end. But then some people get approved right away. The application requires statements from doctors and shit, so maybe it depends on how convincing they are in what they say about how disabled the person in question is. IDK. And you can't get disability benefits for anorexia forever - you have to be suffering symptoms so bad that they interfere with your ability to work, so if you get treatment and recover, no more benefits. That seems like a bit of an incentive to
not try to recover, though, TBH…
No. 203312
>>203220The melodrama of it all. She's totally insane but thinks she's so smart and in control.
It's like the way she addresses her 'fame' in some posts, as if it's something to be proud of but really everyone either pities her or laughs at her and neither of those are things to be happy about. It'd be sad if she wasn't such a bitch.
No. 203316
>>203309Yeah, it took two years for my case to be approved. It sucks but I have no alternative. I'll never be able to work again. And I've only been reviewed once and it's so anxiety inducing and scary.
It pisses me off Ash gets disability for something she refuses to get help for. If she won't get help, she should not be getting anything! The rest of us have to continue seeing drs, adhering to treatment/meds, etc. And here she is, getting a free ride for not having to do anything at all.
No. 203343
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>>203342If I were them, I wouldn't bother. Why bother seething over some skelly bitch when the best revenge against her is to just live your life independently and forget she exists. eventually ash will just (finish) wasting away kek
No. 203344
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I miss this gif
No. 203354
I'm procrastinating on work I don't want to do. Full transcript of the video:
Hello everybody, um, I just thought I would do a video just about uh, I guess, what has been going on, um. I don't even really know where to begin with anything, um. The, uh, incident that happened between me and, uh, a woman that I'm not firends with, um, anymore, is between me and her. And, uh, I am actually a bit disappointed that she chose to make this public and make me out to be a bad person and I'm not. Um, a lot of things that have been going around the, uh, the internet are falsified and um, you know, I thought this video was going to be very long but, uh, I'm gonna cut it short because I don't owe an apology to anybody and, um, you know, I know what's true and, uh, I know in my heart that I'm a good person and I haven't done probably a good amount of the things that, uh, I've been accused for. So uh, I'm not really gonna say sorry here, I'm just gonna keep going on about my life, living day to day, and, uh, you know, enjoying what I can. If you personally have any questions you want to ask me, you can hit me up on my blog, uh, you know how to get in contact with me, and, um, thats about all there is to say. So, uh, have a good day, uh, enjoy it while you can because tomorrow is not a promise, so, um, peace out.
No. 203365
>>203354LMAO, well that's one of the odds that
>>203220 won on.
There's is no "truth" just her prety much demanding that everyone should believe her because she's "right" with absolutely no proof that she is.
1. Jackie hasn't said shit about her all over the internet, I don't even think she posts here because there's been no bean-spilling.
2. Jackie's sister is the one who called her out on her bullshit.
3.You can't just say "everything is falsified because I SAY SO! Everyone else is wrong because I SAY SO! My opinion matters more than everyone elses in the world because I SAY SO!" she's totally suffering from delusions of grandeur here.
4. "Abloo Bloo Bloo, I might die tomorrow - I hope not before my birthday!"
Also she's already deleted the post that
>>203220 screencapped.
No. 203414
>>203309How the doctor words things on the disability application definitely matters. You can't "get disability for anorexia forever", but at this point, Ash has definitely done irreversible damage to her bones and probably organs. So even if she recovered, she still might be able to claim she's unable to work.
>if you get treatment and recover, no more benefits. That seems like a bit of an incentive to not try to recoverThere are a lot of disincentives for people receiving benefits to not work, its extremely fucked up.
No. 203418
>>203414Yeah, there are definitely plenty of incentives not to get better, I mean that free cash flow and being a baby bitch forever sounds sweet, but it's nothing compared to actually living life and going/seeing new places.
I'm a BPD/AN fag too btw.
No. 203451
File: 1447378539769.jpg (Spoiler Image,206.14 KB, 800x447, sexy-skelly.jpg)

>>203429Pic related, leaked photo of Ash in some sexy lingerie.
No. 203480
>>203451Oh look, she "dyed" her hair
cough blonde!
No. 203573
>>203569What with these influx of people who can barely even read the thread before asking stupid questions?
Of course she isnt happy. She wants to die. She believes she will die soon. We believe she will die soon.
No. 203579
>>203365Excuse me, I was right about two things. We learned nothing new, AND Ashley made herself out to be a victim. She just repeated everything she's already said, and then she had the audacity to blame Jackie for spreading information about their unfriending. As someone else said, I learned about that shit on Ashley's blog.
The thing that gets to me is the idea of "I'm right and I know that and that's all that matters." Like, no, Ash. This is what you're leaving behind. You're going to die soon. You should clear your name while you still can. Otherwise you're just leaving behind the idea that you were a terrible person–to the people here, to your mother, and to all of your ex-friends. The
only person who might say otherwise is Jackie, and that's because she's too nice to you for her own good. Clear your name while you still can if you honestly think you're a good person.
No. 203582
File: 1447432217702.jpeg (37.83 KB, 346x342, image.jpeg)

Rare photo of Ashley not throwing a temper tantrum and enjoying something that isn't bingeing/purging.
No. 203625
>>203581She could get help for her personality disorder. It's entirely possible.
Speaking as someone with BPD, yes, you can learn how to not be such a crazy, unstable asshole. Or at least to recognize negative behavior and thought patterns and try to change them.
Ash just doesn't want to change.
No. 203627
>>203625I never said she couldn't. I just know she won't, and everyone here thinks the same thing. This is how she'll be, this is how she'll stay until she dies.
No one should bother being nice to her. She now has a small list of people who are ex-friends because Trashley has ruined every relationship she's ever had. I wonder if she was difficult as a kid and that's why her dad left.
No. 203630
File: 1447449649185.png (54.05 KB, 657x388, Screen Shot 2015-11-13 at 4.16…)

This post made me feel pretty weird. When I was little and lived with my grandmother, I would always wake up with bruises on my legs, back, and hips. She would tell me it was the spirits laying their hands on me to protect me from the evil ones as I slept.
Obviously, when I was older, I found out that it's just something that happens when you're very thin – your bones protruding through bruise your skin with the pressure of your body laying on top, with level of severity increasing with your weight loss.
Way to evoke the nostalgia, Ash.
No. 203665
>>203663So if their first kid was born then diagnosed schizophrenic as a child, the parents thought it was a good idea to have another???
In an AMA, the father says both kids have chromosomal depletions but supposedly the drs don't know how that's affecting their kids.
No. 203715
>>203695I know I'm flogging a dead horse here, but putting this out to Ash:
It's very unlikely you will travel to Japan if you don't recover, so aim lower for now.
You love cosplay. You buy bits for outfits. You want to go to a cosplay convention. If you attempted to get yourself healthiER, you could do it. This isn't beyond reach. You don't have to get to a safe BMI within a year or w/e, but it's HIGHLY LIKELY you could attend a convention if your health improved.
Unless your interest in cosplay isn't as huge as you say, why isn't THAT something to aim for?
Personal info: I've been in a situation where I thought something which seemed an enormous step for me was IMPOSSIBLE. I booked tickets 9 months in advance, train tickets, booked a hotel room. All my savings. For those 9 months I tried every single hour to get myself well. It was fucking difficult and even up to the week I was due to go I thought I'd fuck it off. I DIDN'T. I wanted to see this event MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE ON EARTH and I did it.
You could do it too. You'll be thinking Oh but I'm different. No you're not. The buzz you get from going will maybe even encourage you to HELP YOURSELF to do more.
You're almost 25. You lost your teen years/early 20s to severe illness. You can either sit there feeling sorry for yourself and angry at the world or WORK ON YOURSELF FOR YOU. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed (or w/e you say), but it'd be worth it if for ONE DAY OF YOUR LIFE you gained some REAL PLEASURE.
Think about it.
No. 203726
>>203720Well, that's really sad then because she won't do things she could be capable of doing. She said she's at a standstill. Everyone would be if their life was the same old routine.
She doesn't have to rot, which is what she's doing. If she isn't willing to make an effort to do something she'd love to then there you go. Nothing more to say. Life will be as it is for her now until she dies and regrets never reclaiming her life again.
No. 203858
File: 1447532165713.jpg (64.23 KB, 455x765, psycho.JPG)

"my savior"
wtf. Ash meets a tumblr follower once and this person is her "savior." That is insane. Ash, this is exactly why you can't keep any friends.
No. 203879
>your borderline is showing.I was thinking the same thing. Holy shit, I know a lot of people play up their gushing over people on tumblr, but jesus christ
>she's beautiful and funny and perfect>She's my damn savior>#BFFsThat's a pretty fucking intense way to feel about someone you just met unless you have BPD
No. 203892
I'd almost feel bad for her, but as with anyone with a personality disorder, she doesn't really deserve any sympathy when she refuses to get help and decides to live her life abusing people and feeling sorry for herself.
Ash, I know you're reading this. Please get your shit sorted out.
No. 203903
File: 1447541277995.jpg (135.44 KB, 930x583, really.JPG)

IT'S ALMOST ASHLEY'S BIRTHDAY (if you hadn't already gathered).
No. 203905
>>203903Either one of two things will happen:
1. She'll complain she didn't do anything/get anything
2. I managed to have fun on my birthday despite a family member having surgery
No. 203912
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>>203858I give it 3 months.
No. 203955
>>203930Pull the other one, it's got bells on it.
This is board where you're anonymous, nothing is gonna get traced back to you.
Not nice to attempt to tease.
No. 203970
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Nevar4get Erika I.
No. 203973
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hope someone is following her, or gets in! I wanna see what sad puppy Ash found this time
No. 203976
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No. 203982
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Whoever the twitter girl is I'm appalled she wastes NHS money pouring her Fotisip down the drain.
No. 203985
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>>203983They're friends on insta
No. 203986
>>203858Okay, guys look closely at the chest region that's showing on the picture. It looks like it might be boney. Her hair also looks brittle and thin. She may also have an ED…
Also, guys look on posts Ash is tagged in on Instagram. The first one with the child in the fox costume is posted by some grown woman with kids and a husband. I wonder if it's a family member of Ash she follows Ash. Her name is em_chicken.
No. 203991
>>203986Oh that's definitely a prominent chest bone.
Big shock. What is it with tumblr anas only befriending other anas? Sure they relate to each other but… nvm I get it. Reinforcement or something.
No. 203994
>>203992I'd say it's obviously this person secret_livez/secretlivez76
>>203965cause what are the odds that 1 day before Ash posts her "omg savior" secre_livez posts how excited she is and only 1 person likes it, and it's… ashley! The secret_livez tumblr only has like 5 things on it, so why would ash follow/like it if not for that?
No. 204004
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Also, she seems to only live a "ride" away from ash sooo
No. 204007
Skellys gotta skelly together.
No. 204055
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jesus christ, what the FUCK.
No. 204061
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No. 204145
>>204136That's a common symptom of a couple personality disorders (namely BPD but sometimes NPD, to no a couple).
I don't think she has a PD, however I'm not surprised that her severe ED is giving her delusional and black/white thinking like that
No. 204147
>>204145I disagree. Here are the symptoms of borderline:
Fear of abandonment - check. "wah wah no one likes me"
Unstable or changing relationships - check. She's ruined every relationship she's had.
Unstable self-image; struggles with identity or sense of self - check
Impulsive or self-damaging behaviors (e.g., excessive spending, unsafe sex, substance abuse, reckless driving, binge eating). - anorexia and purging, check.
Suicidal behavior or self-injury - anorexia is a form of self harm, plus she had a suicide attempt when her mom found out about the camwhoring on 4chan
Varied or random mood swings - check
Constant feelings of worthlessness or sadness - check. Ash writes about this all the time.
Problems with anger, including frequent loss of temper or physical fights - check. She has a snotty attitude and is an angry and bitter person
Stress-related paranoia or loss of contact with reality - blames everyone else for her problems and not herself, and is incapable of telling the truth. She doesn't live in the real world, that's for sure.
No. 204155
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>>204154Gasp, nobody cares!
No. 204160
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>>204155Yeah, you're right. Sorry.
I guess it's just scary realizing how close I was to becoming to Ash.
No. 204170
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>>204162Nope, not Erika. Just another BPD anon.
No. 204174
>>204154Oh god this is not Girl Interrupted don't fucking self-diagnose yourself with general symptoms. As Lisa said, "That's everyone."
(I fucking hate BPD because everyone with even slight problems tries to diagnose themselves with it. It's like a horoscope; the symptoms are just too general, and people don't seem to get that. For example, you shoplifted once? Gasp! It's a symptom checked off the list! Fuck that noise.)
>>204160Then get some damn psychiatric help. I
highly doubt you have BPD but good lord, if you do,
work on it. No. 204185
>>204178Oh definitely, and with Ash, I understand. All of those symptoms are taken to an extreme and it is pretty clear with her. So I'm not raging over that.
It's people with mild issues trying to diagnose themselves with BPD that makes me rage. You just cannot diagnose yourself with a personality disorder because you're not at an objective standpoint.
(I mean, someone I know tried to say she had BPD just because she was a bit of a slut as a teenager and had self-harmed like twice. That's how ridiculous it gets. Just because something
feels extreme doesn't mean it's objectively and
actually extreme.)
No. 204196
>>204143Oh anon, I used to feel Sad too, back when I first became aware of her. But after watching her repeat the same scenarios ad nauseum while violently rejecting any offer of help that would require her to put forth ANY effort, I realize she chose this life. She's embracing it like a lover.
So I figure she deserves the scorn.
No. 204199
>>204195I'm so sorry, anon. I have two aunts (thankfully not a parent) with BPD. One of them's an alcoholic and a binge eater and the other is an alcoholic and a sex addict. Both of them are irresponsible overspenders and master manipulators. I completely cut ties with them around 10 years ago because I couldn't handle the emotional trauma they were putting everyone through. They've abused pretty much everyone in our family, including their own nonagenarian mother (I'll never forgive them for fucking with my grandma like they have), and I don't think I could handle even being in the same room with them now. I can understand that mental illness may make them behave poorly, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let them off the hook for the shit they pull.
It's not hard to see why BPD is seen as being "untreatable" a lot of the time or why people with BPD are often regarded as being monsters. I know some people with BPD have success with dialectical behavioral therapy, but you have to get them to agree to enter, stay in, and participate in treatment first…
No. 204205
>>204199Yeah getting them to realize that they have a problem in the first place is the hardest part. My mom has been told by multiple therapists, including the family councilor when her first marriage failed, my therapist, my IP treatment team, my sister's therapist, her multiple therapists, that she has it and every time she stops seeing them or refuses to do family therapy anymore because they're ~obviously~ an idiot and bpd is so extreme and she can't have it.
If Ash wasn't confined to her chair grave I'm certain she'd do some crazy shit like trash Ember's car or physically harm her mother (I wouldn't be shocked if she isn't trying now) The real reason she won't recover is because it makes an excellent emotional manipulation chip, because it's totally everyone else's fault that she is this way and if she dies everyone will feel bad that they killed her.
Bpd comes in two flavors, self harm and harming others. Ash is definitely the harming others type.
No. 204248
>>204205>>204229Sorry for personalblogging, but this all just hits so close to home. Neither of my aunts seems to understand that
they are the problem. Like a lot of these lolcows, they think that the problem lies in everyone else, despite the fact that they're the common denominators in all of the explosive fights and failed relationships. And they know how to act innocent and victimized to get people to side with them instead of seeing that they're the abusers, not the abused. They fuck over everyone who tries to help them. They're both past 60 now, and, from the stories I've heard, they've been doing this all their lives, yet I have no faith whatsoever that they'll ever wake up and realize that they need help learning how to change their behavior. I wish I had some sort of advice to offer here for those who have destructive BPD individuals in their lives, but, like I said, I just had to cut and run.
No. 204254
>>204248Ptsd anon here. You really have to set boundaries and keep them no matter how much of a fit they throw. I still see my mom 3 or 4 times a year but if she starts acting up I tell her the conversation is going nowhere and I have to leave and will be back in a while, then walk out and ignore any fits. The coming back part of telling her is important so that she doesn't go completely off the wall with her abandonment issues but it's equally important to ignore the theatrics and threats. I will also only see her on my grounds and she visits me, not the other way around.
I really only talk to her because she has my sister.
No. 204279
>>204273Mhmm, when things get a bit too hot for her, she'll bail on her current blog and make a new one again… this is her third blog so far and she also has an alternative account for vague-posting which helps in collecting new followers as well.
It's a cycle, and unless she seeks medical help, it's not a cycle that's gonna stop any time soon.
Bitch is doomed to repeat the same mistakes in life, over and over and over again.
No. 204339
>>204160#1: how is she alive
#2: no seriously, how is her heart still beating with how fucked her blood calcium must be
#3: why hasn't someone, anyone, taken a look at this wretch and hospitalized her. if I saw her in public I'd call an ambulance.
No. 204348
>>204339Why don't you guys hospitalise her? I see you saying she'll die all day long, but why aren't you guys actually trying to get her into some force feeding? It's obviously what she needs.
Also what a bitch her mother is for not getting her into forcefeeding wtf she's letting her child die
No. 204363
>>204362I meant to add involuntarily inpatient.
Yes you can sign out AMA but I am pretty sure you can't sign out AMA when involuntarily committed.
No. 204398
>>204369as a kid who was incredibly difficult and had tons of problems, my parents split up because of it and i never knew that until a few years ago.
however, it wasnt MY fault, moreso it was their fault for being unable to handle a child with issues (and not doing anything about it, i was never disciplined or treated)
people dont get that sometimes the kid is what causes it, even though its not the kids fault.
No. 204415
>>204408Me too. Went into hospital last month with cellulitis and neck abscess, came out with an implanted loop recorder due to have ventricular tachycardia in my sleep. Now I have to have an EP study and possible ablation, argh.
Ash must need to drink a lot of caffiene, no doubt her hearts a mess. Especially combined with the binging/purging.
Legit does Ash purge if she can barely stand up? that has to be awkward.
No. 204424
File: 1447639503375.jpg (172.95 KB, 692x388, topkek.jpg)

Look at the tags, lol.
No. 204457
I just like basically like found out my mother was poor so my grandfather chipped in to help her buy presents for me
Like omg what a cunt
No. 204498
>>204424She sure is making a HUGE last effort to ensure that she will get gifts off random strangers for her birthday.
How fucking contradictory is this post of hers… You are not okay with your mother not using her own money for your birthday, but you're A-OK with accepting gifts from strangers off the internet.
Can't you see through your own bullshit? Do you even think before typing?
No. 204501
File: 1447647666473.png (5.93 KB, 439x73, hahaha.png)

It begins!!!
No. 204542
>>204535You'll probably find the post she made in one of the earlier threads.
She basically said that a doctor or paediatrician looked her over when she was a little girl and found physical trauma in regards to her anus.
No. 204543
>>204535I remember this. Something about having a red/swollen butthole and going to be seen by a doctor over it, then something something sexually abused.
At least 90% of BPDers report being abused, but because they are viewed as being over the top/dramatic apparently their reporting isn't always considered reliable.
No. 204550
>>204547She was definitely claiming her mother did it to her.
At that point I don't think any of us had any information about her father back then, it wasn't until she made her vague-blog that she began posting confessions about him and how he hit her pregnant mother and spanked her with her clothes off as a toddler.
No. 204646
>>204495Yes there is, but Ash can't exercise and Ash doesn't abuse laxatives or else she wouldn't complain about not pooping.
So either she takes diuretics or she does throw up but instead of using the toilet since she can't stand by herself, maybe she lays down and uses containers, IDK.
No. 204711
File: 1447700488723.jpg (192.14 KB, 473x1280, 1419009807223.jpg)

Laxatives don't negate any calories consumed so it's technically not a method of "purging" (albeit being named as such in diagnostic manuals), which she must be aware of.
She may still take them to be able to poop though, depending on how messed up her digestive tract is.
A bunch of binge/purgers throw up in containers, bowls, or even empty bottles, which they empty later on, especially when they don't live alone. Remember the binge pic Erika posted on MPA that contained her giant "purge bowl"?
Ash has specifically referred to a toilet on multiple occasions though, and to "throwing up bile" (pic related).
No. 204753
>>204711Ashley ruined this sticker pack for me. Every time I open Ailis and see the sticker pack I see ash vomiting Sushi.
Thanks, ash.
No. 204807
>>204799Of course she didn't. She isn't nice. She doesn't try to be nice. She wants pity and sympathy and wants everyone to think she's allowed to be angry and bitter because of all the so called rude messages, which are probably self asks.
Ive sent her messages too and she never answered them because they weren't mean, and I was the one that offered to be penpals with her but she never answered me back. I wanted to see what would happen if we became penpals but whatever, like..what would we write about, if she'd acknowledge anything I've sent her, etc. Ah well, her loss.
No. 204826
>>204799>>204807I sent her a message as well, basically saying I thought having a friend may help through hard times and I'd like to get to know her and be there for her. I will admit that I'm new to her threads and don't know much about her past, but I feel sorry for her. It doesn't matter how bitter she's been; no one should have to feel andnlive their lives the way she is. I want to see her improve and not only want a better life, but see it happen.
I wish she would reply to me. She really is unhappy, guys. I hope she has at least someone supportive in her life to lean on. she's human, you know?
TL;DR Ash won't reply to my message about friendship and I'm sad.
No. 204831
>>204826I suspect you're trolling, but if you're really new to Ashley and cba to read the 14 threads from the beginning (I wouldn't blame you), here is the lowdown:
Ashley only wants friends who send her free stuff. Don't expect a thank you if you do.
If she gets an obsessive girl crush on you, expect it to end within 3months and then she'll talk shit about you on her tumblr and maybe give you late night anon phone calls.
All friends get fucked over eventually.
She shouldn't have to live the way she does but she chooses to.
Tl;dr She's a user and doesn't gaf about anyone. She plays on her illness for pity = free food. Don't fall for it.
No. 204868
>>204840Wow, that is such a retarded thing to say.
Maybe your pen pals don't have money either? Maybe it doesn't fucking matter whether they buy you anything because that's not what friendship is about? Holy shit.
No wonder you don't have any friends Ash.
No. 204870
>>204831lmao i actually gave her the benefit of the doubt and then this
No. 204908
>>204899I have been around ED boards for
years and did not know this was a thing. Holy fuck. Gross (since I imagine most people end up with splatter all of themselves).
Though yes, you might very well be right.
No. 204920
>>197769her body is so gross
; _ ; makes me want to eat mcdonalds
No. 205057

>>204908Well, she'd be leaning way over with her head by her knees, so it wouldn't splatter that much. No more than some nasty diarrhea.
(Sorry if I gave anyone ITT any ideas.)
No. 205071
>>205057>>205060>>205059>>205067Oh shit I thought it was a girl passed out from purging but she's legit dead.
Stomach ripped open from violent purging, she was only 19. Damn.
No. 205092
File: 1447802760286.jpeg (Spoiler Image,120.96 KB, 532x540, image.jpeg)

>>205067Sorry about that, anon.
No. 205101
File: 1447803970290.jpg (79.52 KB, 500x711, ash.jpg)

Omg guys Ash has successfully seduced her 'savior'.
No. 205107
>>205092Didn't bother me personally but ye.
>>205083Mm, I'd associate it less with nice words like cleaning and clearing. It's usually used in a context of mass removal of something considered "bad", but in more of a… Well, less nice way, I guess.
No. 205140
>>205083In English the word purging actually has stronger connotations towards the massive removal of an objects or peoples, i.e. "the nazi's purged Germany of Jewish infestation".
It can also mean to clean, but that's the weaker/secondary connotation.
No. 205141
File: 1447809278163.png (793.36 KB, 874x549, rude.PNG)

A commenter asked Ash how her mom was doing and Ash couldn't even think outside of herself for five seconds to actually answer the question. Instead she just answered it as though the commenter asked how Ash was doing.
No. 205266
>>204819Exactly, mommy won't allow her to see poor ol' gramps but there's no excuse to not write to him or fucking give him a phone call. If you REALLY cared about someone you would go to any length to get into contact with them…
Internet penpals moar important.
No. 205271
>>205060How the fuck does someone eat that much food?! I don't eat more than than one full meal a day with a small breakfast and small lunch…
What the actual fuck?!
No. 205277
>>205271..Because they have mental disorders?
Fucking retard.