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No. 214598

Last thread reached it's limit, here are all of the previous ones:

And here's the latest:

>Ember slipped up and proved she was lying about being barely able to wear size US 0 jeans by posting images of herself, wearing a very tight US size 2-8 O/S dress >>70202 >>70189 >>70225 >>70243

>Got caught running another pro-ana Twitter account where she used herself a #thinspo (again) >>71484

>Still scamming online shops out of free merchandise under the false pretense that she actually has over 12k followers on Instagram (girl can't even break 200 notes in 3 hours and none of her other social media accounts have over 1k followers)

>She is now accusing her ex boyfriend/fiance of 2-3 years of being physically abusive, which is why she dumped him (when in reality, he kicked her out of his house after seeing the sexual videos she was posting online while he was working/sleeping) >>72301 >>72312 >>72329

Links to her accounts:
https://instagram.com/embersrecovery (Main account)
https://instagram.com/embers.recovery (Food dairy)

For more info on her drama and some lulz worthy content, go here:

No. 214602

you fucked up, those thread links aren't about Ember.

No. 214603

Didn't mean to post this here. I fucked up royally but no worries, I reported the thread and requested to have to moved.

Sorry for the disturbance, /pt/.

No. 214647

Moved to >>>/snow/72728.

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