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No. 226447
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No. 226509
>>226496i'm glad it got deleted just because it was a cesspool.
it brings me a certain amount of joy whenever I consider the amount of lulz that were harvested from its userbase, though. I mean, OrangeCitrus, Mila, ToxicTears…I think Peachmilky was on there for a while as well, too, even though she has the sense to keep her head down and avoid rising to cow-tier.
No. 226646
>>226619ToxicTears was def. a member of PULL in the past. I remember seeing her post to the 'photoshop me!' thread or something like that. She was much thinner then, but you could tell that her pics were edited to hell and back anyways.
She tried to be visibly 'nice' in threads, but her posts always rubbed me the wrong way somehow. She was trying to cultivate the 'goth Dakota Rose 2.0' persona at the time, so her idea of this was to make every post painfully, unrealistically 'nicey' and saccharine.
No. 230457
>>230420Some of what
>>230454 mentioned and also being anon on here gives them a chance to air out whatever edgelord they have left in them after posting on PULL.
No. 230535
>>230408What is the point? These PULL members aren't remotely milky. You are just really butthurt that you are getting called out for repeatedly whining about "oh those PULL members being non-edge by contradicting themselves" on the Ahri thread. Seriously. You take up so much of the Ahri thread by whining about PULL. Stop diluting the milk. And your allegations are probably not even on point anyway. lol I'm sure plenty more people use both sites. And again, calling them out will do just what exactly?
>>227364I think there is one somewhere in /snow/.
No. 230546
>>230535>stop diluting the milknot
>>230408 but you do realize there's been no milk on Skyleigh for like a month now, right? she's been gone and literally all that's left is water. the threads on both sites are useless unless she comes back and produces milk again.
But yeah none of the PULL users are cows unless being immature edgelords is cow worthy now.
No. 230551
>>230550does reading PULL physically tire anyone else out?
Every thread is a drag to read. Everyone's either undercover whiteknights or just there to feel better about themselves.
No. 230554
>>230553There are/were PULL members who use(d) their real faces as their avatars too.
I thought that being associated with bitching about people on the internet was a bad thing.
No. 230555
>>230546If there is no milk, then the thread should just be without milk, not be filled with ppl nit-picking and trying to be hip by using "being from PULL" as an insult left and right whenever someone says something humane. Oh right we aren't humane here because we are all edgy as fuck.
It's just really a weak and stupid insult. People need to stop trying to make it a thing. lol
No. 236267
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Jesus these sperglords are getting way out of hand. Chill, bitch. Not everyone is a ~master seamstress~ like you.
>>236260PULL members have to make EVERYTHING about themselves. Every thread has at least one post that says "I'm ____ and…"
No. 236478
>>236328Pull was born from tumblr not cgl ….
Anyways I agree that nowadays the farmers from half chan and tumblr both suck and have become too pc and SJWish.
No. 237554
>>237534Yeah, basically. Asia is probably one of the
worst places to go to for any sort of cosmetology school except for maybe nails. I don't get why any westerner would want to go to Japan of all places to study makeup. Their makeup styles looks like shit to everyone but weeaboos. Only Asian faces can make that work. European schools (I heard you have to go to a uni) that offer cosmetology as a major do it the best.
No. 237660
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Apparently she's trans now?
No. 237671
If anyone's still interested, here's the Living Anime thread on cgl she replied to some of the comments on it on her tumblr here:>>237526>>237534>>237554This is what she said on her tumblr in regards to makeup school & Japan
>I want to train in Japan since that is where I wish to live and work one day and I feel training there would just make more sense.>I don’t want to move to Japan because of anime. I barely watch anime anymore. I like the culture No. 239335
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Why do pullerinas always post shit like this? No one gives a shit if you "would follow ____ if they ____".