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No. 23176
New Kiki Kannibal thread since the other one is over post limit.
In this edition:
>Kiki talks to herself on twitter through fake accounts>buys Japanese candies and food that are definitely NOT vegan>pretends to speak Japanese fluently>shoops her forehead 5x bigger than it really isrelevant links:
No. 23186
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I can't help but wonder how her and her sister would look/be like today if they didn't have ..uh, "cool" parents. cause how many parents let their tween daughter bleach her hair, wear hooker makeup, buys her studio photography equipment for myspace selfies, manages her entire e-persona from behind the scenes etc etc.
for example, this is Kiki vs the average 14 year old
No. 23395
>>23351I thought it was
physically abusive?
No. 23452
>>23433lmao kiki
I also lol'd that she included "gelatin" in that list (the other two are milk and egg)…which were the three non vegan ingredients mentioned in the previous thread.
No. 23453
>>23433Does vegan ism even
exist in Japan? Serious question. I find it very hard to believe.
No. 23456
>>23433lol kiki you're so full of shit.
>>23453Not really.
No. 23458
>>23453Not really. This bandwagon weeaboo I used to know wanted to go to Japan but didn't want to learn the language (wat) and was hardcore vegetarian (or vegan); they're not the same, I know but I can't be arsed to remember which she was.
So of course she was complaining when she was attempting to plan for the trip that Japan hardly offered any vegan/vegetarian options. They really don't care about health as much over there as in the US.
A haffu friend of mine travels from the US and Japan often and she says that the Japanese don't worry about gluten at all or gmo/organic stuff. She was wondering why they do so much in the US today.
No. 23460
>>23439This or she saw the link someone tweeted her. "sorry! I thought it was a fake profile, will unblock now ^^"
Says the person with multiple fake accounts.
No. 23462
>>23453Not exactly, there are traditional shojin ryori, which is buddhist cuisine that is all vegan, but I'm pretty sure it's only in kyoto. Like
>>23458 said, most Japanese don't really worry about all that stuff. I watch a lot of Japanese cooking videos, and only one of them has made vegan stuff, but it's because her son is lactose intolerant. I've heard Japanese people don't get into vegetarianism/veganism, unless it's for dieting or issues like being lactose intolerant.
No. 23471
>>23462That's neat. I didn't know about that. Well maybe she found it but they're planning to stay in Tokyo(providing she ended up going), so I'm not sure how accommodating their restaurants are to vegans/veg.
When I was living there I never thought about it because I'm neither but it wasn't meat saturated meals either so it wasn't too bad.
The only thing I didn't like was the small portions. I don't mean because I'm a huge (no) American but if I wanted more, the general feeling/atmosphere was that I was fat for doing so or that they'd tease me for still being hungry. However their ramen bowls are huge.
No. 23475
>>23462>I've heard Japanese people don't get into vegetarianism/veganism, unless it's for dieting or issues like being lactose intolerant.I think it's also because veganism is largely a Buddhist monk thing, so the average person views it as a think monks/devout do.
>>23471Do you mind if I ask what kind of places you were eating at? When I went there with friends we were all surprised by how large the portions were, especially since everyone was telling us "the Japanese eat so little!"
No. 23478
>>23471Restaurants in Japan are not accommodating to vegan/vegetarianism at all. Overall the average person doesn’t really understand veganism. If you ask for a vegetarian meal they won’t serve you a big chunk of meat, but you’ll probably still get stuff made with fish-based broth, a dish with bits of meat in it, etc. There are some vegetarian places in Tokyo, but you have to search them out. The average restaurant isn’t going to have vegan/vegetarian options unless it’s an Indian restaurant or something.
I guarantee you that if Kiki ate any traditional Japanese food (with the exception of shojin ryori) while she was in Japan, she ate animal products multiple times.
No. 23482
>>23475It's been almost 7 years but let me see if I can remember haha.
I'd usually skip breakfast but I remember the toast was huge, even then I'd want a second piece.
Lunch was usually onigiri, bento, sandwich or ramen, it's all snack food stuff so I'd get at school after but ramen was filling.
Dinner was whatever the dorm made but we'd go out to American restaurants sometimes (which was weird since they tasted different) and their portions were small. TGIFriday's and Outback were small and we also went to Saizeria, a family restaurant down the street from our dorm. I'd get spaghetti but it was a small portion.
It's not bad but I guess I'm used to bigger portions in America (and the meals never came with sides unless you got a fast food set) so I never had left overs and I'd be hungry later.
Also we walked everywhere so I think that made my hunger more apparent since there was no car available. I ended up losing weight when I was there too. I wasn't overweight either prior but I did get my exercise since I was forced to walk hehe.
What restaurants did you go to? I'm curious to know what kind of portions you all had.
No. 23483
>>23478That is true. I forget a lot of the soup and ramen etc is in cooked a fish/meat stock broth. I just don't think about it.
And yes she did say there were some vegan/veg restaurants in Tokyo but they're rare and like you said even then it's not guaranteed to be what they're looking for.
No. 23487
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>>23482>we'd go out to American restaurants sometimes (which was weird since they tasted different) and their portions were smallI can see that, places like TGIFridays and Outback have humongous portions.
I don't remember any of the names, but they were more on the average Japanese side of things. Stuff like pic related, I guess isn't that huge in terms of portion sizes but I guess psychologically having so many dishes make you think there's more food. We also ate like curry dishes, udon, and once we went to a "Italian" family restaurant and the spaghetti was a fairly large portion.
No. 23491
>>23487Yeah the noodles dishes are filling. I had curry too but it was in the dorm so I could get seconds hehe.
Now that I think of it I think the spaghetti I did get was pretty filling, but the majority of it was small.
I did have some small dishes like that too but it wasn't until a few years ago in Denver that I found a traditional Japanese restaurant and it had all of those things like in your picture.
No. 23551
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"Bad sensei bad! Now I'm explaining veganism to my Japanese teacher haha! Informing and awareness is key ^^"
And yeah, some random japanese old grandpa she met online is totally a legit teacher, inbf it is jrcock.
No. 23553
>悪い先生ですよ!>warui sensei desu yo!>you're a bad teacher!Okay I can straight out tell you right now that whoever this person is they are NOT an official Japanese teacher and is likely some Japanese guy she's fucking on the side or e-dating from abroad.
This is extremely rude, informal Japanese that you would use when communicating with a close friend and most definitely NOT a teacher.
If I talked to any of my Japanese teachers like this they would probably refuse to teach me from there on.
No. 23556
>>23552I'm rolling my eyes to the back of my head, especially because people are siding with her, hopefully they're sockpuppets. She's such a fucking brat, it's fine to correct the person next time, but like this anon said
>>23553 the way she was talking to him was so fucking disrespectful if he truly is teaching her. She should be grateful someone spent their own hard earned money on her, especially when she herself doesn't fucking do actual work to make money, and youtube doesn't fucking count because talking to a camera about toilets isn't fucking work.
Seeing stuff like this makes me so happy Kota's the successful one.
No. 23559
>>23557This part I actually understand.
When I am communicating with my Japanese sensei or Japanese friends I will intentionally dumb down my English a little or arrange the syntax in a way that it's still accurate in English but more closely represents Japanese syntax just to make the conversation less stressful for them to keep up with, but actually this shouldn't a problem in written text, only speech…
No. 23562
>>23557I agree with
>>23559 but even though I do agree I can't help but feel she's doing it to sound exotic and like she's forgetting English like
>>23558 said
I'm wondering why she didn't say this in Japanese, she's supposed to be fluent desu~ Literally all she'd have to say is "あんこパンはビーガンないですよ。乳と卵が食べませんよ" They're incredibly simple statements, but I guess it shows she's not really studying as much as she claims.
No. 23566
>>23562Or something respectful like "本当にごめんなさい先生!おみやげが親切だったですがわたしはベガンです。どうぶつ食品食べません。"
I don't know if my grammar is correct there since I am still a first year student but it's still a hell of a lot more polite than "You're a bad teacher!".
Oh christ I am cringing so hard over this.
One of my Japanese teachers is actually infamous in my school for legitimately slapping a guy and refusing to teach him further because he thought he'd be cocky and begin talking to her like she was a kyabakura client.
The Japanese can be a lovely peoples but they take their keigo EXTREMELY seriously.
No. 23570
>>23566That's better than what I wrote, I'm self-studying atm so I'm not learning extra polite sentences right now. But I've been studying for about as long as Kiki has so she at least should put a sentence together like that. I seriously think this guy is just a sock puppet or friend. Why would she speak English to him anyway if she can easily put the sentence together in Japanese? I would think a teacher would encourage her to speak more Japanese
>The Japanese can be a lovely peoples but they take their keigo EXTREMELY seriously.I found that out when I was starting Japanese, as I was using really casual language trying to find language partners and I was completely ignored. I'm glad I wasn't starting out in a class setting, since I know I'd make a lot of mistakes.
No. 23579
>>23570Oh god classroom settings are fucking horrifying.
Like, my main teacher (the one that slapped a 2nd year), she is really nice and funny, but oh god is she ever a dragon.
W get set homework every week in which we have to use all of the new grammar point/vocab and kanji we've learnt in that week, and some of the comments she leaves are extremely brutal, especially when you're a first year and unsure and shy of your ability.
Like my last homework I forgot to add -san at the end of a name and she wrote in big, red pen "She isn't good enough for san!??" and called me "careless".
Still got a smiley face stamp though.
Nagai sensei you are nuts.
No. 23583
>>23579Oh god, that sounds horrifying. I was just talking about taking Japanese classes soon, when I do, I'm definitely adding "pls be gentle with me" at the end of my tests/homework. We're getting too ot, we should make a Japanese thread on /b/ bc I would love to talk more about Japanese.
Back on topic
Kiki, if you're reading here, you should go back in the thread and reread the discussion about most of Japan not giving a shit about Veganism/Vegetarianism. If this truly means so much to you, then maybe you should find some other culture to desperately seek fame from that does. Because contrary to popular belief, Japanese people aren't the most amazing, perfect people in the world. They commonly are quite ignorant/don't care about a lot of issues/things that don't affect/pertain to them like us Westerners do.
Also, I'm going to say it again, Kiki, you're a brat for being rude to your "sensei." Just because you can't eat the gift that was given to you, does not give you the right to be so fucking rude. No one owes you shit, so you have no reason to be picky when someone thinks of you and gives you something. It's okay to tell someone what you like and don't like, but appreciate it when someone spends their own money/time on you because they truly don't have to.
No. 23604
>>23551She doesn't even need a sockpuppet for this. She probably texted herself and deleted all the copies to fake a conversation.
>>23293Speaking of sockpuppets, I never got the chance to point out in the last thread, if she was in Japan ATT and only using the chatbox, how do we know it wasn't just Cathy on her account?
No. 23611
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Kiki is calling us out for using google translate, lmao, when she couldn't tell her "sensei" that what she was given wasn't vegan in Japanese. And all her Japanese tweets reeks of her getting someone to translate them for her.
No. 23621
>>23611Look at how modest you are Kiki. You know Japanese people love it when you have your head stuck up your ass, so kawaii~
Also, it's funny that a while ago she was giving advice on learning Japanese and she literally said that it's not a competition and to stay away from petty white girls.
No. 23623
>>23621She really didn't learn a thing from Kota when it comes to appealing to Japanese people. When Japan started being interested in her, she stopped tweeting about how everyone thinks she's foreign, looks like a doll, etc, because no one likes someone who's full of themselves, especially in Japan.
Kiki makes me think of the episode of South Park with the people who have hybrids that are so smug the smell their own farts.
No. 23635
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Keep being delusional, Kiki.
No. 23703
>>23641She propably thinks because tofu is not as "uncool" in Japan as here, it's easy to be a vegan there. It's a common misconception among vegetarian/vegan weeaboos.
Kiki could have just admitted to buying something wrong. Those things just happen sometimes and most people would have understood.
But no, she has to make up a weird story and stir up drama. Well, she didn't change a bit from her myspace days. She should get the coontails and claim she made invented this style again.
No. 23717
>>23636Because she's never wrong, you didn't know?
>>23716Don't forget that they think it's all one person. Only sometimes writing about "haters" in plural form. Mixing everything.
No. 23720
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>>23699Does she still think it's only one or two people…?
Either way, I'm perfectly happy but Kiki on the other hand never looks like she's genuinely having any fun etc.
No. 23725
>>23703I'm surprised she didn't stir up more drama with it. If I got something that wasn't vegetarian and ate it without thinking, I would cry. So I'm surprised Kiki didn't go on about how she accidentally ate some and cried for hours on end because her "sensei" is so evil for buying her something when he never had to.
>>23707I'll add some more:
-they both want to do nothing to improve themselves or their situation
-they both want to be delusional forever
-anyone who gives says anything that isn't "omg, ur so kawaii~" is a hater that gets blocked
>>23715Exactly, last month or so, she was all "Learning languages is not a competition" but now she's bragging about how she can speak formal and casual Japanese. I don't even get why she's bragging about it, it's so incredibly easy. Kiki, if you really want to brag about your ~totally vegan and fluent Japanese desu~ why don't you do a live stream speaking
unrehearsed Japanese. That's the only way I will be impressed with "your" Japanese skills.
No. 23732
>>23725Part of me wants to go on Twitter and challenge her to a Japanese speaking session on Tinychat as an opportunity for her to demonstrate her awesome Nipponese
Of course I would flatten her, but it's not like she'd ever agree to it anyway since we all know she can't actually speak Japanese.
I am willing bet she hasn't even covered dictionary form, te form, ta form , tai form or mashita yet.
Seriously I know this is embarrassing for everybody to see her behaving like this but as a legit Japanese language student, I cannot put my cringe into words, especially when she's doing shit like buying the same notebooks that you're required to buy for study and then watching her try to pass them off as kanji books.
No. 23736
>>23732You could try posing as a Japanese fan and tell her that all her other fans want her to live stream on nico nama. It would be funny to see bc I think she has this idea that everyone in Japan is incredibly nice, polite, and will never call her out on her shit. Culturally, Japanese people tend to be more polite, but I'm sure they're like any other human being when on the internet.
I feel you on that. I'm not in classes, but when you're trying to learn the language it's embarrassing seeing other people butcher it. If this tweet
>>23611 is a reaction to us, it's even more embarrassing bc nobody but her is pretending to be the fluent Japanese speaker. Even the weebs I've come across, who are actually interested in something from Japan, even if it is just anime, don't act like they're fluent in the language.
No. 23751
>>23744She did so well "in China" I don't know why she can't do the same with Japanese food. her comments)
No. 23752
>>23736>>23740Yeah it's weird because I'm the one that typed up the text in
>本当にごめんなさい先生!おみやげが親切だったですがわたしはベガンです。どうぶつ食品食べません。idk if the whole "lawl Google Translate" thing was in reference to me but she'd have to be pretty stupid to make that assumption given that "honto ni" is colloquial (she would know this if she really were at the level she claims) and Google won't translate "vegan" into "ビガン" automatically because it's katakana and so you have to enter it manually.
Otherwise, Google translates vegan into "完全菜食主義の" and those characters loosely translate to "principle of the entirely righteous/pure vegetarian diet" which obviously is a bit convoluted.
No. 23755
>>23752No I didn't mean anything about your sentences. I've noticed when I paste my Japanese friend's FB status that are really long, google or bing only catch the jist, even when there's proper particles it mistranslated them for some reason.
No. 23757
>>23740I understand that, that's why I don't really voice chat with my Japanese friends. But she's acting as if she's already prepared and fluent. And I'm pretty sure Kota had translators/google translate when she started.
>>23751lololololol, it was so hilarious when she posted that thinking it was Japan.
>>23752I thought it was in reference to me, because my Japanese is basic compared to yours. Plus, google translate is only good for vocabulary, if you made a sentence in it, it would be incredibly literal.
>>23754I don't have a twitter, but I'd definitely make one for it.
No. 23763
>>23744I swear a while back she answered someone seeking advice from the worldly Kira Kira about eating vegan in Japan, acting all experienced saying they had to make sure to check their labels~ Obviously not so practiced in that as she acted.
>>23725She probably didn't eat any of it yet; she was mainly concerned with taking a pic of it to make up a story around.
No. 23775
>>23762I was going to say something about that, but because I'm still a beginner, I wasn't sure if that's normal or not. I really don't get why she keeps using casual Japanese. I think formal would be the way to go, unless she's tweeting her only friend, Kota.
>>23764it's ridiculous that she still isn't aware of how fucked up peta is. But then again, she probably doesn't care and agrees with the methods they use. I wonder if Kiki is anti choice too.
No. 23843
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this is from when she played on the radio in Japan, I thought I'd share this pic as it's candid
No. 23848
>>23843I can't be the only one who thinks her body proportions are strange looking?
That outfit offends my eyes. Why wear such a busy jacket with a pure white outfit? Why pure white anyways? Makes her complexion look horrid.
She ain't ugly but, she's not helping with these outfit choices.
No. 23876
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Does anyone have the third picture? The one where she's smiling giving thumbs up in some music store with some guy?
No. 23888
>>23876I was looking for that one too, it may be on her twitter pics/media thingy. It didn't come up when I looked up "キキ・カンニバル"
Another thing did come up when I looked up her name in Japanese, apparently she tagged some blog posts/pictures with that before she decided to "learn" Japanese.
No. 23898
>>23887God, she looks so busted in those pics. I'm surprised they weren't copyright claimed. Granted, I think most people wouldn't look the best in that lighting, but I'm surprised she didn't work any angles. She spends so much time in front of cameras and most likely mirrors too, she should know them by now. Her eyeliner looks even worse candid and why are her lashes touching her eyebrows??
Also, if any of you are wondering, the tweets say "Kiki Kannibal's musical talent is amazing! By the way, her younger sister is the model Dakota Rose, ehh! Thank you for coming to the store!" and "Kiki's CD from the U.S. arrived in Japan. She has done modeling work on the side of dance musical work. She's done underground hip-hop to electro and is anticipating her major debut." Correct me if any of this is wrong.
Part of me feels like Kiki came in and started talking to this guy about herself and her music. And I think the guy took the pic with her because she made herself sound like she's important especially with the name dropping of Kota. Also what hip-hop project has Kiki ever worked on? I can't see Kiki doing hip-hop and I definitely can't see her collaborating with a hip-hop artist or any artist for that matter.
No. 24164
>>23948You know you look disgusting as fuck when Asian girls are bigger than you.
Also why would she be on a radio show in Japan, her music is shit mixed with stolen game music.
No. 24172
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>>24169The Nazi symbol is turned on it's side without the dots in the center.
Sitting straight and with the dots = a religious symbol representing auspiciousness in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.
The symbol on the dress is clearly the latter.
No. 24463
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>>24447Hey fuck you Skeletor was hench as fuck.
No. 24496
>>24295She looks so god damn horrible. Her forehead is huge, her neck is long and bony, and her makeup makes her eyes look super small and… Creepy. I really wish she'd take her ass to a salon, get some bangs cut in, and get some front framing layers too so her neck doesn't look so… Much like a chicken neck.
To;dr, bitch needs to go to an Aveda.
No. 24517
>>24295I wouldn't take health and beauty advice from someone who's a step away from being a walmart halloween prop.
Also, I thought organic raw vegans were against processed foods and supplements?
No. 24520
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I don't know if that one girl is just retarded or hopes to get something from this, Kiki praises her to heaven already for defending her BS.
No. 24564
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>>24531more like possessed
No. 24592
>>24531There's nothing that irritates me more than Kiki's, or anyone's for that matter, ~randumb and funny~ act. She isn't funny at all whatsoever, it's just obnoxious and annoying. In my opinion, Dakota was always the funny one.
It irritates me how everyone on youtube feels the need to desperately try to be funny/relatable now even though no one ever clicks on their videos in the first place for that. Kiki is one of the worst offenders of that as she makes the video 10 minutes of ~randumb~ and 1-2 minutes of informational/helpful stuff.
>>24584Seriously, I wouldn't even say shit about her if she copied Kota's hairstyle. It's exactly what she needs, bangs and shorter layers around her face to make it look less horsey.
>>24589>in 20 yearslmao, this is her in maybe 5 years, tops.
No. 24638
>>24627I'm surprised that she isn't banned from Youtuber yet. Considering how she was never the most loved person and her stealing music and art from DA is not a secret I thought people would report her.
Same with reporting videos, isn't there a rule that if you report too many times your channel will get banned for abuse? Unless they're using different accounts every time.
No. 24640
>>24638wait, sent too fast.
She was getting reported - one of the caps in her archive showed that her channel was not "standing good"? But that's all.
No. 24702
>>24657It's so incredibly strange that they stalk people like this because they said something about Kiki years ago. I feel like every normal human being would get upset about someone saying something bad about them, but no one holds onto that and obsesses over it and the person who said it for
years. Kiki and Cathy are really off the deep end. Part of me kind of wants to talk to Kiki and help her, but there's a chance I'll be stalked and added to the collection of screenshots because she doesn't think she needs help.
No. 24834
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>>24592No this is her in 5 years.
No. 24835
>>24638I did actually report one video for having stolen art in it and Youtube did actually remove it kek
That's why in some of her screenshots you can see it says her account is not in good standing.
All the other reports people sent in I guess Google ignored.
No. 25009
>>25005I've never seen that happen? But then again, I don't check her tag too often. I just don't see anyone being that much of a fan of her to make a blog dedicated to her. I think only us, barely pull, sockpuppets, and like 5 really people care about Kiki these days. And Kiki is alienating these 5 people from herself everyday with her attitude/behavior.
Also if this blog did get copyright claims, wouldn't that stop them from blogging about her? Like, if they respected her, they wouldn't post stuff she didn't want or they would give up bc what's the point in posting if it's gonna get deleted?
No. 25018
>>25017I don't really get this fan liking Kiki no matter what. I can understand liking Kota as she actually apologized, it may be half-assed but at least it's something. Kota's not really that much of an asshole anymore, where as Kiki is still an asshole that's obnoxiously pretending not to be with this love and light bullshit.
You're not missing anything in the Kiki tag, it's completely dead, the last time it was really updated was a month ago, unless you count kiki-ispurrfect sharing Kiki's recent instagram pic. I'm curious as to why Kiki doesn't use tumblr anymore, she could easily gain popularity on there. Especially if she posts old pics of her and Dakota and milk that she's Dakota's sister. She didn't mind milking it in Japan and in the past on tumblr, so why not now?
No. 25120
She should go back to doing make up videos. They weren't good but at least more interesting to watch than her talking about herself for 15 minutes.
No. 25121
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sure you were, kaka.
No. 25161
Apparently Kiki is suing someone?"Jane Doe" - isn't it the name you use when you don't know the real one? How can they sue someone like that?
No. 25177
>>25168You can see in that document that they did pay (today?) - 400$
They have few thousands of caps, the question is if court will believe it because those caps proves nothing only that people don't love her.
But even bigger question - WHO they're suing, then - what evidence they have.
Hopefully that poor person will know how to defend herself.
No. 25179
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>>25177Well, the only person I can find under Jane Doe is a Suicide Girls model which Kiki replied positive to at some YouTube videos but that's all.
No. 25190
>>25186Basically, yes.
If they don't have a real name how they want to take that person to the court? Unless they want to show the court the ~evidence~ and get that girl's IP and location to sue them again but then with all identity. But I don't know how it really works.
No. 25210
>>25190I don't know why it's "Jane" though, I know unknown people get referred as John or Jane Doe, she probably thinks it's Lain or something so she said it's a female ?
There's a similar thing in my country but they simply refer to "X", basically a crime has been done but you don't know who did it, you still have to report it and sue the person. I don't know much maybe it launch an investigation (I'm sure it's going nowhere though, especially since there's not a single person behind all the internet blogs and boards and it's complicated when the person is in a different country)
I bet nobody is going to take her seriously, it just sounds like petty highschool drama not real crimes. Nobody stole her infos or scammed someone by using her identity.
No. 25500
>>25492That's why I hope, if it's bc f online comments, that this girl will know how to defend herself.
If she's following drama, she could always ask for screenshots, evidence on here or PULL and would get tons of them. Except for copy fraud maybe but many others.
But does anyone knows what would happen if they won somehow? Hypothetically?
No. 25510
>>25500Depends, in a libel case the offender would only have to pay money that is worth the victim's monetary loss caused by the libel.
Statements made about a public person, which Kiki falls under or otherwise she wouldn't have a verified Twitter account, are exempt, even if they are untrue and harmful.
No. 25656
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>>25642about that, I randomly realized the other day why they did that.. Because if they filed copyrights under their company name (saying that Dakota's photos are "owned by Kiki Kannibal Corporation") then they wouldn't have to use their real names when filing them ("owned by Dakota Ostrenga").
When some tumblr user counter-claimed while they were doing that, Tumblr actually stopped accepting their copyright claims because they found out it was an inactive company. They stopped after a while, but I guess they figured that their real names were already out there anyway, so they started sending the copyright reports by their real names, and so tumblr started obliging by it again.
No. 25660
>>25656Does that make it legal, though?
Don't you have to have a trademark or patent in order to use a copyright claim? I'm surprised not many people are fighting them on this crap. The fact that PULL let her get away with this without much fight is ridiculous.
No. 25776
>>25660>Don't you have to have a trademark or patent in order to use a copyright claim?No. As soon as an image is created it is copywritten to the person who created it, no exceptions. If you take a picture, it's yours and you have every right to stop people illegally using it. The same laws that apply to music and movies apply to images to; it's completely illegal to save an image to your hard drive without permission, as is distributing it and so on.
For her own images, Kiki is 100% within the law and we are on the wrong side of it. The problem is she abused the DMCA takedown notices to have content that does not belong to her removed. You have to be the actual owner of the material (or able to prove it's public domain) in order to counter claim successfully. As of yet Kiki has not used images from anyone likely to counter claim.
No. 25817
>>25796>>25795So they basically brought in some random bystander who had nothing to do with lolcow or PULL or sticky drama.
~Such Buddhist~
No. 25838
>>25818Because it's not that obvious. With pirating you're stealing property that you're supposed to pay for to get it/watch it/listen. Photos of the other hand are "free".
Lack of knowledge, internet and the fact that normally people don't really care, they know that re posted photo can = more followers.
>>25817Not necessarily
>>25326 No. 25854
>>25851*have every right
Can't English today
No. 25886
>>25867Just let the forum software resend you your password and done.
>>25856I did read your post but your talk about copyright laws makes no sense in this case because pretty much everything related to Kiki that ever got copyright claimed was screenshots and not photos, the later was usually posted as link.
No. 25894
>>25886Lol no. Most of the shit Kiki had removed was stuff that rightfully belonged to her. You don't seem to realise that it doesn't matter whether the image is saved as a screenshot or saved directly. What you're arguing is the equivalent to arguing it's illegal to photocopy a hard copy of an image but fine to fax one. I'll explain again: It is illegal to make use an image, this includes screenshotting, saving the image, reuploading the image, printing the image and taking a fucking picture of the computer screen with the image on, without the owner's permission. "Using" means any use. ANY. USE.
Some of what Kiki DMCA'd did not belong to her, but the vast majority of it was legal.
Things like screenshots of tweets are dubious, because they're legally considered publications (This is why people can be arrested for tweeting certain things) so they do belong to the person who tweeted them. This is also how twitter (and pretty much every other website ever) absolves itself from responsibility of illegal content.
No. 25896
File: 1416707898594.jpg (10.03 KB, 272x185, images.jpg)

>>25894what about the video from Japan (don't remember if it was Ufuf girls?) that Kiki made an argument under and when she got fed up she removed it by sending a copyright report under Dakota's name, and it even showed up on their website?
No. 25898
>>25896That quite clearly falls under the illegal portion of claims she's made. What are you trying to do here, save face by attempting to "prove me wrong"? Are you just being a contrarian? In every single post I've made about this I've stated that Kiki using DMCA takedown notices illegally is a problem, has happened and even and outlined which specific instances are legal/illegal on her part and even why no one has done anything about it.
Seriously, what do you want?
No. 25953
>>25867hi Kelly,
email me at:
there was a snaffu with your account when I logged in to delete my footprints and the Lain account. Your account is still there, but the password got changed and I have the new one.
No. 25954
>>25953whoops, my email didn't post correct.
it is: prettyuglylittleliar (at) gmail (dot) com
No. 26049
File: 1416791115737.png (4.97 KB, 254x118, 3423.png)

How many times does she change her Twitter bio? Now she is a Final Fantasy Moogle.
No. 26067
>>26049iirc she had that moogle thing since forever
what the fuck is hachimitsukitsune? google images gave me yaoi manga, food pics and a couple of scene era Kiki photos as result
No. 26068
No. 26072
>>26067rikaikun says 蜂蜜 means honey and 狐 means fox. I know it's a nickname but I thought that honey isn't ~vegan desu desu~ but then again Kannibal isn't vegan either.
I feel like she's trying to make these nicknames catch on so she can drop the name Kiki Kannibal. She would've dropped that name a long ass time ago if it weren't for the fact people only know her as Kiki Kannibal the scene queen. tbh i don't get how she can keep that cringeworthy name, why would you keep a name you came up with in your scene phase at 14?
No. 26092
>>26086Yeah, she did that in
Japan where they most likely have never seen or even know about the racist/offensive videos of her, but she doesn't really mention it in videos/on twitter.
>>26089I don't get how she fucked up a nickname, it makes no sense in English either. I think it would make more sense instead of a nickname say "sweet like honey and sly like a fox"
No. 26140
>>26072It'll never catch on anyway.
New Japanese generation prefer using hirgana or katakana (because FOREIGN, SO COOL) text in their nicknames.
No. 26161
>>26160I had a Japanese friend whose email was "[shortened version of her own name]".
Is it really that unusual?
No. 26164
>>26161It is.
In Japan usage of pronouns and honorifics in reference to yourself is very restrictive unless the context isn't obvious.
An example being that in English you would normal say "I am cold" right? In Japanese you would just say "samui desu". Straight and to the point.
Over usage of "watashi" gives the appears of you being big-headed and overly concerned with yourself, whereas over usage of "anata" comes across as aggressive, like saying "HEY, YOU!".
Referring to yourself as chan…. urghhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooo.
You just don't do it.
You don't.
Japanese culture and society is all about being polite and reserved. You do a good job at something? You're not the one that deserves to take credit, it's those around you that enabled you to get to that point that you thank. Only other people can refer to you as chan, kun, san etc.
No. 26822
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>>26820Considering these tweets that appeared shortly after she disappeared I would guess she is on a copyrighting spree again.
No. 27036
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Can she finally stfu about buddhism.
No. 27060
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Yeah… that sounds like someone I would want to follow.
No. 27121
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>>27060She already made quite a bunch of her few actual fans angry with random blocking people.
No. 27193
>>27188Poor grandma, she has to take care of/spend all her money on these assholes who don't want to work. Kiki likes to act like she isn't trashy, but literally every single trashy person I know has them and their entire family living with the grandparents and chooses to never work/spend all their grandparents' money. I know she can't choose how her parents decide to live, but she is now a part of the problem, she's an adult, she could get a job and her
own place.
No. 27309
>>27170Yes but I meant an actual 4 year university.
>>27189Here in Florida if you complete your associate degree a university has to accept you but I'm not sure if that's how it is everywhere.
No. 27331
>>27301This is actually very sad.
I don't know anything about the grandma, but considering how much Kirsten and Dakota used to broadcast about their personal life, they didn't mention this once? Not even a "R.I.P. granny"?
Does anybody else find it weird that for all the years Kirsten has been in the public eye and all the personal details she releases in a stream on an almost daily basis that they also never mention Kyler?
Do you think Cathy and Scott instructed them not to mention him?
No. 27332
>>27318I'm British and I don't think we use the term foreclosure here.
If the grandmother's house was foreclosed, what does that mean for Cathy, Scott and Kirsten exactly?
No. 27334
File Number:
In Re The Estate Of:
The formal administration of the
TIERNEY, deceased, File Number
2013-CP-000982-O, has commenced
in the Probate Division of
the Circuit Court, Orange County,
Florida, the address of which is 425
N. Orange Avenue, Suite 340, Orlando,
FL 32801. The names and
addresses of the Personal Representative
and the Personal Representative’s
attorney are set forth below.
All creditors of the decedent, and
other persons having claims or demands
against the decedent’s estate
on whom a copy of this notice has
been served must file their claims
with this Court at the address set
forth above WITHIN THE LATER
All other creditors or persons
having claims or demands against
decedent’s estate on whom a copy
of this notice has not been served
must file their claims with this
Court at the address set forth above
The date of the first publication
of this notice is May 30, 2013.
Personal Representative:
2142 Laurel Blossom Circle
Ocoee, FL 34761
Attorney for Petitioner:
Post Office Box 771268
Winter Garden, FL 34777-1268
Phone number: (407) 656-1576
Fax number: (407) 877-9166
Florida Bar Number: 263036
May 30; June 6, 2013 13-03286W
What does this mean?
No. 27345
>>27332Foreclosure=debt enforcement/execution
Pretty much means that their grandma was in dept and her house as well as her belongings should get sold in order to pay that off.
No. 27350
File: 1417382456717.png (141.67 KB, 592x597, ostrengas.png)

>>27346Kiki did actually send a couple of slightly soppy tweets, but they basically didn't mention it.
No. 27352
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>>27036Kiki, only reblogging activist stuff doesn't make you buddhist.
No. 27355
File: 1417383054773.png (276.62 KB, 557x580, 4534.png)

She should stop using Google Translate.
No. 27382
>>27375>>27376I think that's ridiculous too.
Someone on pull said they got blocked because they commented one of her makeup tutorials saying Revlon isn't vegan. I think she just cares about the image of an innocent vegan who will never hurt anyone or anything, but she doesn't like applying it to her life. I've seen her use tonymoly products even though I'm pretty sure it hasn't be confirmed whether they test or not, but they're so かわいい~ she
has to have them and share them in her videos even though their products really aren't special.
No. 27425
File: 1417426546937.jpg (90.71 KB, 924x553, durh.JPG)

what a bitch
No. 27450
>>27430I guess you're right, but she seems to "work" surprisingly hard at trying to be internet relevant again.
Of course, not hard enough to actually be worth following in any kind of way, but she seems to put a lot of effort into her attention whoring.
No. 27456
>>27429In all honesty, I highly doubt she does anything to take care of her own cats other than maybe feed and pet them. Even though she "loves" cats, I can't see her doing any of the unpleasant jobs a cat owner has to partake in. They also have a dog and we all
know Kiki would never in a million years walk it or be caught picking up after the dog.
No. 27470
File: 1417462133256.jpg (117.19 KB, 480x609, o0480060913142828247.jpg)

We don't have a Dakota thread, so I'll just post this here:
I'm super surprised that I have seen nothing about this anywhere. She's saying something about dieting or something on this post.
(Can't read moonspeak, but get the jist from Google Translate)
では、 No. 27491
>>27488In the picture she is saying that she doesn't own a scale or care about her weight, and no matter what she eats she doesn't get fat.
I think
No. 27493
>>27470I can't translate it all, but anon is right. It says basically that she doesn't do much to keep her weight, just that she eats anything and doesn't gain.
Also, it says her body fat percentage is 13%, so they're making fun of her for being a "man" because it's so low.
No. 27512
>>23948>>23946Why are all the women (minus kiki) hiding their face with their hand?
Are they self conscious of the shape of their face? Just find it odd, cause ALL of them are doing it.
Is that a normal thing? Curious, sorry.
No. 27518
>>27516Those kind of magazines lie about the weight of their models all the time anyways, just remember how her measurments on Bravo always change.
Whatever, Dakota talk is usually in
>>98 No. 27520
File: 1417472912422.jpg (222.53 KB, 480x640, swankiss.jpg)

>>27512>>27519Apparently it is considered cute besides hidding chinlessness, the staff of the Swankiss shops do it like the whole time.
No. 27524
>>2752240 kg is pretty damn low for 162 cm.
And 162cm is in a small range but not really midget range.
Also I am pretty sure she (or the magazine) is lying about her weight.
When I was 15, I was around 162 cm tall, weighted 44 kg and I was literally skin and bones, hardly any body fat at all.
I saw those bikini pictures, she looks she is around at least 49-50 kg
No. 27535
>>27522All the other on the page are smaller in size but heavier which is likely super fake. I got a friend who is around 45kg and while I agree it's stupid to compare weight, she's way skinnier than Dakota.
Except if she's lost weight in the meantime, I think she got quite the tights in her denim outfit (she was a judge at something, I don't remember much). Just to clarify I don't think she's fat but in my opinion she's clearly lying out of her ass by saying that she's so tiny and eats whatever she wants. If that was true she would have been like that all her life and she lied before about her measurement to get scouted (oh i grew a foot magically over the summer)
No. 27646
>>27470There is no. way. in HELL she weighs that little or has that low body fat %
Just.. comparing her in any popteen photo to any of the other models is proof enough.
No. 27697
File: 1417535847295.png (12.66 KB, 577x134, 3453.png)

Oh Kiki.
No. 27742
It's annoying how every tweet Kiki makes are literally only to help herself look better or an attempt to get h8erzzz to stop like
>>27697. She never tweets about anything interesting or anything fun she's up to at the moment, we know she never does anything fun but she could lie about it. It's always stuff like:
>"look at this awesome Sailor Moon thing I wanted to buy but I realized it wasn't vegan and I'm such a dedicated vegan so I'm not going to buy it~" >compliments she made up but claim other people gave them to her >"h8erzzz i kno ur jealous of me bc i'm soooo much better thn u but u rlly need to be nice 2 me bc ~karma~ but i can still be a bitch 2 u bc i'm ~vegan and perfect~" >"look at how much i care about animals and the planet~" >"I'm super intelligent and can speak every asian language fluently after one week of studying desu~."Has she ever once tweeted about idk, going to the beach or something? Or even at least actually
playing a video game, music she enjoys listening to, or something? You'd think this ~g4m3r gurl~ would tweet about video games she's playing at the moment (other than zelda ~~~elf princess~~~ or final fantasy) or a super serious musician would share music she loves.
I know it will never happen, but I'd love for her to get actual popularity in China, Korea, or anywhere that isn't Japan. She'd hate it so much, she'd hate Japan too but she's too weeby to admit it. If she's serious about being ~environmentally friendly and vegan~ she will
hate china and constantly complain about it. But then again, she'd probably just act like China is the most environmentally friendly and vegan place in the world like she did with Japan. I don't get why she picked Asia of all places, I know Kota got fame there and she thinks she can too, but Asia don't give a fuck about vegans.
No. 28002
>>27756She said that way before Dakota even made her kotakoti tumblr in 2011. I remember cause I followed both before during that time when Dakota only had 8,000 followers of twitter (I assumed they were all fans of Kiki. Kiki had about 23,000 if I remember).
So yeah, it had nothing to do with Dakota, because it was said during the time that Kiki was still the popular one.
No. 28012
>>28002Oh, my bad then. I read it on her old tumblr, but I never paid any attention to the time it was posted.
It still doesn't really change that Kiki doesn't seem happy for Dakota and her success. No one is allowed to talk about or acknowledge Kota to her, if you try to, you're going to get blocked. Kiki rarely ever tweets to Dakota or acknowledges her, and when she does, it just seems like she's using Dakota to get attention. Have we ever seen Kiki actually congratulate Kota for an achievement? I don't think I ever have, granted I wasn't around when they both were closer
No. 28028
>>28024I didn't know about that, did the boyfriend/girlfriend leak any dirt? You could probably still get with her if you're in a band, she's still into the idea of dating a guy in a band from her thing with Jack Cash and looking at the guys she flirts with on fb. I don't know if I could really pull off cafishing her, but it could be interesting. I get the feeling if someone did catfish Kiki as a hot guy, it would be a lot like ptnr's catfishing, tons of nudes, sex talk, asskissing, and feeding her delusions. Kiki and pt are almost exactly alike in their behaviors; they're desperate for a guy to like them, delusional as hell, and don't like hearing honest opinions of them/advice on what they should do.
No. 28075
>>28048She had a good amount of friends other than Kota actually, but they were only ones she felt were equal to her, aka other popular scene queens. And apparently, she never really went out with Kota because Kota was stuck at home, shooping their pictures.
Unless this person was talking recently, Kiki definitely thinks she's too good with this vegan, fluent asian language speaker, buddhist, etc, persona she has at the moment. I feel it's a mix of paranoia and narcissism, as she also seems really scared h8erzz are going to kill her if she even leaves the house.
No. 28079
File: 1417664127582.png (360.69 KB, 372x493, calmyourshoop.png)

>>27470Woah man just visited her blog. Who the fuck does she think she's fooling with this shoop job? She looks like a baby prostitute.
No. 28087
>>28079Not trying to be rude anon but, here.
>>27570Probably didn't see it.
OT: I don't think Kiki is fool enough to fall for a catfish. She seems like the type to be very cautious on who she speaks to. Or at least she will be now since its being talked about here.
Being a public imageboard is a double edged sword sometimes. People get info about lolcows but, lolcows know of anything suspicious that might go on.
No. 28095
>>28087Yeah, even though I was the one who brought up the topic of catfishing, I personally don't think I could do it. Even though she is one of the shittiest lolcows, at least out of the ones I know of, I still feel somewhat bad for her and the other lolcows. Kiki may be a shitty human being, but at the end of the day, she's still a human being. And I personally feel for her since she's all alone, afraid to leave the house, and seems to really going off the deep end because of it.
I am being really hypocritical though, because even though I feel sorry for her, I'm still entertained by her and her antics, I just can't stop watching.
No. 28104
>>28095I get it, I couldn't do it either. At the end of the day we are still human. She is too (though she comes off as a shitty one sometimes…)
I think if I did try to befriend one of the lolcows I'd probably end up not following up here. Though, I would like to be friends with them just to know what the hell goes on in their heads without the their filter in a public space.
No. 28112
>>28104Same, unless they did something really fucked up. Like if they were scamming people or something.
I've considered messaging Kiki plenty of times, because I feel she does need a friend, but I'm way too private and wouldn't like all my sites and messages being screencapped. Also, I could see her just ignoring me because I'm not a hot guy, or even a guy at all, or internet famous person she could leach off of.
No. 28125
>>28112I think she will most likely ignore you unless you kiss her ass so much it becomes sore.
Tbh, I tried talking to Kota and never expected an answer in the first place. I'd expect the same from Kiki. I think a lot of people from here have tried at least once with at least one lolcow. I still get tempted to try but, idk with Kiki, I'm kind of scared she'd put me in her weird suing folder.
No. 28132
>>28125I've heard Kota has answered some people in the past, but I can't see her doing it now for good reason, she seems like she has a lot going on. I can't see Kiki letting anyone anonymously message her ever, so chances are, you'd end up there. If you don't, by some chance end up there with her, she'll try to send her followers over to send you hate like she did with that one girl recently(wasn't she literally just trying to help Kiki with Japanese? lol). Also it would be really sad to get ignored by Kiki because we all
know she's glued to her computer/phone screen all day and has nothing better to do/no one to talk to.
>>28128I can see why people would spread all the dirt, even though I personally don't see myself doing it. A lot of lolcows are very frustrating to deal with. One thing that I've noticed about them that really bothers me is that in a lot of conversations people have with them, they never even bother asking about the other person or pretending they care, but they expect gifts, praise, etc from these same people. A lot of these people seeking dirt, have to deal with this and more for months, so I can see why they would vent their frustrations.
If you do decide to catfish her, you can use "Jun"/euthanizeallwhitepeople's pics, haha
No. 28167
>>28153That's really strange, I wonder what she did with your info. I feel like she and Cathy probably keep tabs on anyone and everyone who come into contact with them. Do you ever get paranoid she kept your info and still checks on you to this day?
I will say, your encounter with her is much better than what I've heard other encounters with her were like. When she was selling that crappy jewelry, she manipulated a bunch of girls into buying them by pretending to be their friends, listening to them talk about their problems, and saying all kinds of sweet things to them. When they finally bought her crappy jewelry and they complained about the stuff coming broken, she refused to give them refunds and made fun of them.
No. 28178
>>28167I can't imagine them wasting their efforts by keeping tabs on little ol' me. I wasn't really a threat to her or her family. That thought has never crossed my mind though. Maybe I can find the e-mail on her archive? Lol. I capped it for PULL last year, but the images on that board have since been deleted. But yeah, she was actually really nice. I kind of got disappointed because she sounded slightly interested in talking with me, and then didn't respond.
I remember that "Kouture" drama! The "company" Lovebites and Bruises started drama. and the EmoJackie thing that never really got cleared up. Good times.
>>28176That could be it. I was fairly well known on Stickam (one of the links I sent her), but definitely not e-fame status. I hope her chakras and third eye and what-have-yous all align, so she can finally see the forest for the trees before her young-adult life passes her by. You'd think with all the studying of eastern philosophy she does, she'd be more apt to go out and enjoy real experiences in the fresh air.
No. 28292
>>28207It's back up to 21.7k
She be lurk'n
No. 28299
>>28219Do they ever do account clears?
It makes me wonder how many snowflakes that buy bot followers would lose like half their followers haha.
No. 28339
File: 1417799863555.png (83.8 KB, 569x151, Untitled.png)

>>28305Huh, that's weird. Wonder why you're getting that.
No. 28374
>>28340Paying a company to make a shitload of bot accounts to follow you is a new kind of sad. I wonder how many followers/fans Kiki would have, minus the bot accounts.
Most of Kiki's fans grew up past the scene phase and are normal now. Poor Kekz.
No. 28386
File: 1417819808923.png (114.23 KB, 1196x686, fake ass bitch.png)

>>28374Here you are, everybody. As suspected, her followers are mostly inactive.
No. 28459
File: 1417877408257.png (7.48 KB, 570x112, 353.png)

Doesn't Kiki realise that she sounds like an advertisment spam bot with posting only those "vegans are better", "non-smokers are better" and PETA bullshit articles?
No. 28473
>>28459She literally copies the headlines from Facebook's Trending column :O
I wonder if she knows how PETA feels about her pets and how they murdered all those dogs?
No. 28532
>>28525Kiki most likely doesn't even pay any attention to what people tell her/say about her. She already has it in her head that she's right about anything and everything/ The second she sees someone say that she's wrong, it's an instant block, she doesn't even bother listening to why she may be wrong.
And well, they live in Florida so there wouldn't be much of a need for a coat there. But I do find it ridiculous that her and a lot of vegans say they don't eat dairy/eggs because they don't want to support the meat industry, but a lot of them do buy clothes and stuff from companies who sell/produce items made of fur/leather. I get it's a little hard to find places that do not support animal products at all and sometimes products will claim they're cruelty free when they're not. But don't act like you're so perfect if you won't put the time and energy into researching 100% cruelty free options and if you're not willing to sacrifice things in order to be 100% cruelty free. I don't have any issue with Kota using cruelty free stuff, eating non-vegan stuff, etc, because she doesn't constantly preach about it and act like she's perfect/superior for it, Kiki does.
No. 28700
>>27387>Then they test on animals. Chinese law requires it.China changed their laws after Europe banned the sale of products tested on animals, they don't require it anymore because fake human skin is cheaper anyways. is dumb either way.
No. 28869
File: 1418083255125.png (54.27 KB, 634x435, blocked.png)

Seems like she blocked jrcach! He is such a dick lol
No. 28874
>>28869he is, but i can't say that i didn't laugh really hard about it.
i'm surprised that she checks the tag, she gets fuming mad when people even
mention dakota, unless someone talks about how she's better than dakota and how she should be the famous one.
No. 28925
File: 1418096323852.gif (34.32 KB, 240x200, hurr.gif)

She probably can't even read what he said. I be she blocked him simply because he hastaged dakota.
No. 29006
>>28979There is this guy posting Dakota's videos on YouTube: Their previous channel with the same content is gone because of copyright issues. Not sure if the Monstrengas claimed copyright.
No. 29030
>>29006 shit that boogie summoning shit is so gross
worst part is Dakota is only following in Kiki's footsteps which may directly mean that Kiki ruined her internet reputation lol. she was a nice kid, she just wanted to be cool.
i'm super happy that Kiki is the bitter delusional sister and Dakota the cute gaijin gaaru
No. 29102
>>28955She's obviously picky, especially with girls. We're probably better off not being kawaii desu friends with her honestly. I mean what good could come from it? I did want to be her friend, but ultimately I just wanted to get in her head and find out how she actually works. Maybe she sensed that since she's an
empath lol.
No. 29106
>>29102I feel like now shes only going to make friends with Asians, especially Japanese people, because you know, Asians can do no wrong, they understand her ~kira kira kawaii desu spiritual buddhist raw vegan ways~, and the can help make her famous in Asia somehow. Us ugly, baka, jealous, h8er gaijin will never understand or even get the pleasure of even being acknowledged by her, as she is the
TRUE sugoi kawaii intelligent nihonjin queen of asia~
seriously, I feel like if Kiki ever got to live in Japan, even for like a month, she would pull a kanadajin3 and act like she's Japanese and that it's her
true heritiji
No. 29110
>>29106JRCock bullied her and her sister bawww~~
but obviously she blocked him quietly and didn't send her fans after him or made text walls about it because he is nihonese
No. 29128
>>29102Kiki has never had a friend in her entire life. Cathy raised her to believe the whole world is The Kiki Show and everyone else is just a bit part. She wouldn't have the first clue what to do. She doesn't want friends anyway, she only wants fans, or people she can use to elevate her status.
>>29106I doubt she even wants to be friends with asians, she just wants to use them to make her look like a nihongo crystal toukyou goddess and to try and raise her profile in asia.
No. 29150
>>29149Yeah, Lera went on for a while about something something Mexico, but Kiki would never pick such an in-kawaii spiritual home land.
If Kiki ever gives up on trying to out-success Dakota at least she has a fair shot at out-crazying Valeria
No. 29171
>>29128>Kiki has never had a friend in her entire life. Cathy raised her to believe the whole world is The Kiki Show and everyone else is just a bit part. She wouldn't have the first clue what to do. She doesn't want friends anyway, she only wants fans, or people she can use to elevate her status.True. I think if she were to get a friend, they'd have to be the "ugly" friend, like Kota was to her. Why I said they'd have to be Asian earlier is because, other than for fame, she's only "learning" the Japanese/Chinese/Korean to show off, she'd only use this "friend" to show off her ~asian~ skillzz. If she knew an east Asian, particularly Japanese, person irl, I could see her posting billions of videos of her just speaking Japanese to them, I mean she basically already does this with text conversations.
>>29129At least Kota was kinda realistic about the compliments, I just remember her saying everyone tells her she looks like a doll, which imo, is kind of a normal compliment if you're going for that look like Kota was. One of Kiki's most ridiculous, which is hard to pick because there are many, fake compliment, is when she said that someone told her she's like a mix between Time Burton and Final Fantasy. I've actually heard that comment once, but it wasn't to describe a person, it was to describe a video game. Being told you look like a doll is much more plausible than being told you're a mix between Tim Burton and Final Fantasy. (Also I find it funny Kiki gave herself plenty of Final Fantasy related compliments bc Kota used to get that
all the time on her tumblr)
I wish Kiki vlogged her stay in Japan, I would love to see her bitchface when she didn't see anyone coming up to her for her autograph, pictures, people bowing down to her, giving her compliments, etc.
No. 29251
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>>29128>>29171Seems like she had some type of "friends" (whether superficial or not) before she got super MySpace famous. I wonder what happened to them.
No. 29274
File: 1418312822319.jpg (34.76 KB, 500x388, kiki-kannibal--large-msg-12009…)

>>29251She even had some friends when she was Scene, Hilary Haywire who she stalks now thinking she is also one of the people running her hate sites, lol.
Why the friendship ended? Because of hair, Hilary got zig zag hair after a while and Kiki attacked her saying she got a copyright on every kind of hair with stripes, now that former friend is a famous alt porn star known as MyCherryCrush.
No. 29276
File: 1418315642276.jpg (23.31 KB, 599x337, BNstdbGCEAA5NWa.jpg)

>>29263They were taken after.
>>29274kek, Hilary is too busy running her own fucking business to stalk her, that fucking ego man.
Hilary is a total qt now too, way hotter than Kirsten could ever hope to be.
No. 29384
File: 1418344573019.jpg (73.88 KB, 264x278, 2urbi2v.jpg)

>>29381It's nice to see yet another long overdue Kiki meltdown. She's been way too quiet the past few months.
No. 29385
>>29382I doubt they 'snitched' on lolcow, given Kiki's reaction. Perhaps just questioned why she was linking it?
>>29383Looks like Kiki deleted a tweet too since the girl sent a second reply. Eh.
No. 29386
File: 1418344622272.jpg (85.47 KB, 669x414, followers.jpg)

Slightly OT but I remember us talking about it a while ago. You can see the exact amount of followers by hovering over the followers count.
No. 29394
>>29393*about the
I wonder how long this will go on this time, her followers already start to question her because of all the screenshots she keeps since years.
No. 29401
File: 1418346773830.gif (766.09 KB, 244x180, vrwodvY.gif)

This is what the internet was made for..
No. 29403
File: 1418347527001.png (13.56 KB, 578x89, kek.png)

I can't wait
No. 29407
File: 1418349237949.jpg (382.68 KB, 1024x1325, B4noBXcCcAAioMX.jpg large.jpg)

He even posted proof of her talking about her dead ex's dick in relation to the court case.
No. 29423
I'm really late here, but it's really annoying how she's going on and on about how sticky stalks 15 year olds. Um, Kiki, you're not 15 years old anymore, you're an adult now.
>>29403Kiki really needs to grow up, I remember saying shit like that when I was in middle school. All she needs is a smiley face at the end.
No. 29461
>>29459Well, she did have e-fame long ago, back in her myspace glory days when being a narcissistic asshole was considered cool so she could get away with it. Unfortunately for her, she doesn't have the social skills to be popular with the happy smiley youtuber new generation.
So sad she's already a washed up hasbeen at the age of 23.
No. 29494
>>29485But wasn't it proved that Kiki actually made that account of Dakota or something?
No. 29510
File: 1418413049999.png (13.21 KB, 583x100, 3234.png)

She lost it, the Rolling Stone article about her rape totally doesn't exist.
No. 29524
>>29503I don't blame them. She preaches all this shit about how mature she is, how she thinks people should let go of the negative and be all about the positive, how you shouldn't let h8urz get you down, etc, but gets into arguments on the internet with said h8urz. A lot of them were telling her that she's better than this, that she should focus on the positive, etc, and she completely blew them off.
>"you showed my rape report!!!!1!!!">shows the face and name of someone who is actually being rapedI'm sorry, but wouldn't someone who's been raped be sensitive to this stuff? She would at least block out the girl's face and name. On top of that, she's going on about people sticky "raped/molested" and giving out names and their "stories." Also, she gladly shares all of this stuff, she doesn't even seem the least bit disturbed by it because she keeps spamming twitter about it. I mean, I've never been raped, but I'm freaked out by dead things and gore. If I was trying to prove that someone was brutally murdered, I wouldn't post a picture of their dead body, I would post a death certificate or an article about it from a credible source. Why is this stuff even relevant to Kiki anyway? This isn't an argument about stickydrama, it's an argument about her. A mature person would just post actual proof against what the person is saying about them, or just ignore it, because they know who they are and have nothing to prove to anyone.
No. 29545
>>29544What would be the reason of the suspension! Harassment? But she's responding back to him? Even unblocked him just so he could talk to him again.
Dis bitch…
No. 29547
>>29546This is a picture of rape. we could report it as being sensitive for Twitter. We can start with that. I already did.
No. 29556
>>29555That kids a faglord.
Did Chris really get sued, or is this more crap Kiki made up to back up her story?
No. 29562
File: 1418429763387.png (151.15 KB, 1152x694, kakeke.png)

Oh hai Kaka remember the treasure trove full of your stalking screen shots? Remember Adrienne?
No. 29565
File: 1418430451141.png (250.95 KB, 629x800, Screen Shot 2014-12-13 at 00.2…)

You sent your lawyer screenshots of an anonymous message board? Wow, that's definitely going to come to something. Yep.
She's going full retard.
No. 29572
>>29564I remember in that video about sexual assault and rape she made, she said something along the lines of, "When I was raped, I never came out and talked about it. I had people talk about it and post about it for me." You're doing the exact same thing to this girl. Do you think she wants all this out? Do you think she wants herself and other people to remember it? This is why I can't believe this "rape" story of Kiki's, who the fuck does that? I don't know the full story, as to why sticky posted the rape broadcast, but why bring attention to it if you're against that? She won't bring attention to anything he said about
her, mostly because she knows what he's saying is true and he has evidence to prove it, she has to bring other people down who aren't even in this argument.
No. 29577
File: 1418432082518.jpg (47.5 KB, 578x415, dfgjj.JPG)

And since she learned to blur the girl's face for her site and deleted the tweet of the rape victim. I screencapped the tweet if you wanna add it to the archive or whatever.
No. 29579
File: 1418432180832.jpg (73.42 KB, 598x479, image.jpg)

What rape victims wish that their rapist had a bigger dick? @SabrinaRErdely's rape victims, that's who.
No. 29586
File: 1418433748888.png (262.32 KB, 500x322, dt.png)

Girl really is getting obsessed with lolcow.
Anyways, there ain't nothing you can do honey. It's a Chan. These things are ridiculously hard to take down, and even if you succeed, another pops back up in it's place.
No. 29591
>>29577Isn't just that more or less doing the same thing Keekz was reported for, though?
I mean it's not like any of us would get banhammered or something but it's kinda shitty for the victim.
No. 29607
>>29603Here's an html code for a widget of her tweets, including her replies. post it on your own private page then just refer to that page whenever you feel like reading her silly tweets.
No. 29609
>>29604I figured the picture was already in the archive because I'm pretty sure it was in Kiki's creepy stalker archive and like you said, not many people would see it. And my intent on posting it was to document Kiki's hypocrisy, though, I understand it is pretty hypocritical for me to post it too. I'm not trying to bring this girl down like Kiki basically was because there was literally no reason for her to bring it up in the first place. She could've just defended herself with actual evidence instead of bring a bunch of other people into it.
If anyone else thinks it's wrong for me to post it, I apologize and you can take it down. Because I'm not really sure if it's wrong either, I'm not trying to make the victim feel bad or anything, I'm trying to make Kiki feel bad for bringing the victim into it, if that makes sense.
No. 29620
File: 1418450098772.png (558.86 KB, 1331x393, Untitled.png)

Why does it say she doesn't have any I blocked? I still can see her tweets though O.o
No. 29632
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No. 29657
>>29561Fuck, it's been removed.
Can anybody tell me what was in the video?
No. 29659
>>29628Is she blocking people now?
Oh lol, she will never find my account to block since I'm haffu and only post in Japanese, and we all know how desperate she is to be accepted by people like me.
I only wish I was back in Japan so I could get a thread going about her on 2ch.
No. 29664
>>29657I believe she was talking about how she got a fever after having sex with a dude with an STD. So. She has STDs I guess.
Does anybody know exactly what/who she was talking about?
No. 29674
>>29659According to this anon
>>29585 people are already discussing dakota's sister on there. Kiki may let go of Japan when she finds out Japanese people aren't all kawaii sugoi creatures who will understand and worship her.
No. 29710
>>29709That place doesn't deserve him.
Also I want his HD, god knows what kind of treasures he has hoarded on there.
No. 29711
>>29710Say his names 3 times and he shall appear…
No. 29718
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No. 29726
>>29723Just because they say it's not allowed doesn't mean there are mandatory wordfilters.
What it means "Hey, you can use whatever kind of language you want, but if somebody kicks up a stink about it, at least we have our asses covered legally because there was a disclaimer you agreed to when you signed up that said you couldn't use that kind of language".
Do you even legal.
No. 29728
>>29726>somebody kicks up a stink about itDo you even snowflake?
They try everything to get PULL deleted and since Kiki's shitstorm the site got only one strike left until deletion and the most stupid thing would be to violate the host's rules being in this bad position with them.
No. 29732
>do you even snowflake? Ouch.
I mean you like, totally took what I said and reassembled it in a manner you thought would injure me emotionally. I'm like, so wounded right now.
And no, Freeforums isn't going to delete an entire forum on that basis, but they may discreetly issue a warning towards the sites moderator.
You really don't know much about how site moderation works do you?
No. 29738
>>29736… What?
How is me googling anything going to sort out other people's shitty English?
No. 29739
>>29736 the bit at the bottom.
You wanted "for" in that context, anon. Saying "Since 24 hours" is wrong. Or you could have said "Since -whatever time it would have been yesterday-"
No. 29741
>>29738>>29739I only wanted to show that is common. Many ESL never learn that "since" isn't used for the duration of time because of the "since" equivalent of their own language.
Whatever, back to the actual topic.
No. 29742
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Still dropping.
No. 29764
File: 1418517450164.png (77.45 KB, 773x442, dumbass.png)

Lmao look who, after having come here several times and made a fool of herself, is telling one of us farmers to "go back to lolcow", so priceless.
Uuuh we're so feisty, aren't we?
(not Lesbian Warlus btw)
No. 29823
>>29562the way kaka is pronounced, it means shit in french
sry i just want to add this info into this thread because it describes it
No. 30082
>>30046She disappears and then comes back spouting some vegan Buddhist bullshit. I dunno why she even tries, we know she is cray cray.
We have discussed how many of her followers are just bots or inactive. I wonder how many people are actually tweeting her about the sticky drama "drama". If they are actual people or Kiki on another account.
No. 30084
>>30082She's beyond a joke, she has no actual fans.
She probably knows it too.
There's no option except to go full retard and she's going for it.
No. 30249
>>30245I think Kirsten and her family have a way of making themselves seem more important than they really are.
Even with Tumblr they actually managed to take it all the way to the managing director.
No. 30257
>>30227The reason why she uploaded these is because she actually posted a post about the rape on her website… its on the front page: brings me to my second point..
man that website sucks! It takes forever to load since shes busy stuffing it with shitty pics of herself
No. 30384
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says the pseudovegan
No. 30421
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She's acting like nothing happened.
I want them to fight some more.
No. 30446
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She is retarded, skinning animals alive would ruin the fur and comparing people that wear fur to child molesters is…yeah.
No. 30448
>>30446That it runs the fur is a myth. Animals being skinned alive is something that indeed occurs on disgustingly grand scale, particularly in the case of animals such as ferrets and rabbits where you can make a single cut and then pull the skin off of it in one go like a sleeve with the animal still alive and in absolute agony.
Kirsten may be a tard but to deny that this actually goes on is stupider and a massive insult to the animals that are actually suffering right now, and if you don't believe fur can be harvested with the animal all breathing you should look up how angora fur is collected.
No. 30465
>>30367>>30388Twitter's faq says they reach out to "notable" people in the media that have accounts so people know the said account is actually them. You can't apply for it.
I also learned that if her account gets reported enough and she gets enough dings against her she can permanently lose her verification.
No. 30473
>>30401Funny thing some months ago keekz had a tweet rampage about kota and her tree-hugging work ethics lol
>molesting defensless childrenyeah, hope she's not referring to herself
No. 30588
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Can we just talk about this for a minute. (And how satisfying it is to see the truth.)
No. 30653
File: 1418970141660.png (518.97 KB, 1089x528, posture.png)

>Anterior pelvic tilt is a posture problem that affects almost anyone who sits a lot. Practically, your butt sticks out and your gut protrudes. Because this is a musculoskeletal issue, no amount of fat loss will get rid of that gut. -
>sits a lot.kek
No. 30738
>>30653>Weakened/Inactive Muscles>Glutes: These are your main hip muscles which basically make up your butt.We all knew Kiki has no ass and she just claims she works out and has a really toned one, this basically confirms it.
But there is also a chance she could not actually have it, I know of a lot of girls who will constantly push their back in and ass out so people will think they have a big ass. Kiki already seems like one of those girls with all the ass shoop and stuff.
Speaking of ass shoop, dat ass shoop on the 3rd pic, it also looks like she shooped her legs too. They look like she just drew an outline of what she wanted her legs and butt to look like and then filled it in a lighter color. Also I remember in one video, she was going on about how toned she was and how she works out all the time, not just on her ass. You can tell that girl isn't toned at all whatsoever, she's just skin and bones basically. If she actually does work out, she's probably not getting any protein from that vegan diet of hers. Which, I'm not surprised by, other than just being skin and bones, she's in her early 20's and she looks much older than that.
No. 30763
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i used to think she had a big ass ha
No. 30817
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I bet if Twitter would start doing that she would throw a fit.
No. 30887
File: 1419044934068.png (25.12 KB, 586x361, 453.png)

Oh Kiki but you are doing that all the time.
No. 30888
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>>30887People call you white trash because you are white trash, that's not exactly racism because everybody calls you that every since you started whoring out yourself at MySpace, it's like claiming calling a redneck redneck is racist.
No. 30899
It's funny how this bitch thinks
she should be the one preaching about racism, pic related.
All I'm going to say is that racism is an oppression system, white people are seen as the superior race everywhere and they have never, ever been enslaved like every other race has. You can be
prejudiced towards a white person, but you cannot be
racist towards one, you fucking idiot. It really shows how sheltered she is when she tries to spout these opinions because all Kiki knows is her own little world, I doubt Kiki is even
allowed to be friends with anyone who isn't white, especially those scary black people, unless they have something to offer her.
>>30888Tbh, I'm really going to doubt she's
ever been put in that situation. Hasn't she always lived in safe, white, (upper) middle class suburban areas? This sounds like something that would happen in a movie tbh. As someone who lives in Baltimore, one of the most, if not the most dangerous cities in America, I've seen plenty of shit go down, especially racial fueled shit. In my experience,
no one brings out weapons like knives just because they don't like someone for being white, and if they did, they would've stabbed her or cut her already. The only times I've heard of knives like weapons being pulled out is when someone is trying to steal something, they feel like the other person really fucked them over, it's gang related, or the person is wrong in the head. I highly doubt you've been any of those situations Kiki, especially in
school with all the school shootings and stuff that have happened and are still happening, most schools would take precautions to stop those types of things from happening, and I highly doubt ever in your life you've come across those types of people who would do that unless you went to a school in a low-income area that's for people with dangerous minds. Sorry if I'm rambling and this is incredibly ot, I'm just saying if someone who lives in Baltimore city hasn't seen this type of shit go down, I highly doubt Kiki has in her middle class white suburban areas. I'm sure Kiki probably was called a white hoe, but that's just about it, and it most likely wasn't for no reason like Kiki is insinuating.
I would love to see Kiki react to the more safer areas in my city, if she shits herself and gets pulled out of school over being called a white hoe, imagine what else she would get terrified about. Kiki seems like the type of person to completely avoid black people because they ~so scary, racist, and violent~ towards our ~kira kira princessu desu~
No. 30902
File: 1419050928619.jpg (20.25 KB, 594x100, 345678.JPG)

Also, I'm looking through here and shout out to borderlinefemme, she was pointing out that Kiki is just pulling all this shit out of her ass, very civily. And I'm sure right after this tweet, Kiki being Kiki, decided to go through her twitter to find some incriminating stuff, post about how she's racist against white pp!!1!! :(((, and block her, lmao.
No. 30908
>>30888i agree with her on this, just because sj people have created their own definition of racism to fit their "white ppl are the mayonnaise devil!!" agenda doesn't make it correct. but really she's one to talk with her ching chong nip nong shit. she legitimately is white trash and she's only brought it on herself lol.
>>30899>white people are seen as the superior race everywherewat.
>they have never, ever been enslaved like every other race hasi guess you're being hyperbolic but it just sounds like some crazy broad generalizing. maybe in america sure, but there were plenty of "white" slaves in old timey europe. hell the word slave comes from the slavic peoples because they were enslaved. they're not exactly "people of color." i agree there's definitely institutional racism in the us, but that doesn't mean the definition of racism is suddenly different for whitey.
anyway sorry for shitting up the thread with this garbage.
No. 30910
>>30908>i agree with her on this, just because sj people have created their own definition of racism to fit their "white ppl are the mayonnaise devil!!" agenda doesn't make it correct. but really she's one to talk with her ching chong nip nong shit. she legitimately is white trash and she's only brought it on herself lol.I agree with this too, but she herself
is racist so that's why I'm criticizing her.
I meant as superior as most people see them as the most desired/attractive race. Almost everywhere light skin, light hair, light eyes are commonly seen as the most desired features. Not to say that people who aren't white cannot have those features, it's just not that common. I remember seeing, I think okcupid?, do statistics based off of the races who get the most people trying to talk to them, and whites were at the top for both men and women and blacks, particularly black women, were rarely even talked to. I apologize for the generalizing, I tend to do that a lot and I'm not thinking at the moment. I definitely do agree that it's mostly the us, that has issues with racism.
I probably shouldn't have brought up this stuff in the first place because I'm not the most articulate or knowledgeable on this topic, so I do apologize for being like Dakota's sister and talking about something I'm not educated on.
No. 30933
File: 1419078467952.png (18.59 KB, 568x298, lol.PNG)

I'm going to invalidate other peoples feelings so that I can talk about ME and MY feelings but I want everyone to heal I'm so nice haha kira kira desu
No. 30935
File: 1419079011988.png (15.43 KB, 540x181, keek.PNG)

spams her Twitter with cat pictures after having a conversation about it
No. 30938
>>30910>Almost everywhere light skin, light hair, light eyes are commonly seen as the most desired features.These aren't white features, or even that uncommon in people who aren't white. Light hair isn't that desired, light skin is desired in some places because slaves and workers are known for having darker skin, and light eyes aren't considered top-tier attractive as much as they are just a cool novelty.
I get what you're saying when it comes to the US, but I wouldn't try to talk about global issues related to race, anon.
No. 30944
>>30899You need to leave and take your shitty, ignorant opinions with you.
The word "Slave" Comes from the word "Slav" As in Slavic people. In case you didn't get the memo, they're white. Just because America's history only goes back 500 years doesn't mean the rest of the worlds is the same. You're clearly ignorant as shit about anything that ever happened outside the US. (Never mind the fact that a significant percentage of slaves during the American slave trade were white.) So don't talk about it. Shut up.
No. 31034
File: 1419097666012.png (177.63 KB, 576x523, 21421.png)

Oh Kiki, I still remember all your shoots with ~vegan faux fur~ from China. It's not like if it was hard to feel the difference between faux and real fur because real fur is atached to animal skin aka leather, if you squish the fur you feel a hard base different to faux fur that is woven fabric.
No. 31047
File: 1419100599506.jpg (8.33 KB, 184x184, 122983465290.jpg)

>>30899Your grammar is atrocious, ho.
Don't mean to hop on the shit wagon, but please, go pick up a history book before you start discussing topics you obviously have no knowledge about.
No. 31055
File: 1419103459970.png (541.2 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-12-20-13-53-33…)

I dunno where to begin with the bullshit she is sprouting now. The fact she says she has empathy for people who are abused or the crappy stained print outs she is posting to document she isn't a liar. As well as documents to prove the incidents she was "bullied" at her school. Truthfully the document from the school board looks fake. If it isn't fake is she allowed to post documents with sensitive information or slandering the school? God she is annoying as fuck.
No. 31058
>>31055This girl is nuts.
She thinks she can always prove her side with a creepy screenshot.
Her follower count is down by 30 since I last checked.
No. 31225
>>31221Eh i was considering the same.. but even her few real followers already told her to stop with the annoying tweeting and she ignored it.. doubt it will help.
For a person that's supposedly all about positivity there sure is a lot of negativity on her twitter..
No. 31504
>>31412I agree too, I think that's the most genuine video she's ever made. She stayed on topic, didn't make every single little thing about herself, and she didn't try to sound foreign/exotic.
I don't think she's genuinely interested in Japan. Why didn't she ever talk about
cultural experiences there? In the video on why she decided to learn Japanese, she never talked about being interested in aspects of the culture, the food, or even just the pop culture. She's only interested in Kota's friends, fame, and hypothetically dating a Japanese guy.
No. 31553
>>31412That's because she believes her own bullshit
She is on a spamming spree on Twitter again, this time "Omg, ALL my boyfriends raped me!"
No. 31710
File: 1419209084565.jpg (37.75 KB, 386x219, letthefollowersdrop.jpg)

>>29620Love how much her follower count dropped. She doesn't even respond to her followers tweets anymore, to busy spreading hate!
No. 31712
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>>31710And stalking us, hi Kiki!
No. 31713
File: 1419210630393.jpg (64.62 KB, 583x507, takeslolcowadvice.jpg)

>>31712You know that pisses me off.. She slams us yet takes our advice!
>>31710 No. 31715
>a favor to ask of lol [CENSORED]hahaha fuck
I fucking love how she mentioned stickydrama but cut out the sentence about why that anon wanted her reported for harassment. This is actually pretty funny.
Also, bitch needs to take a break from e-stalking and charge her fucking phone. Actually, I think taking a break from the internet is probably the best thing she could do for herself. I mean, a lot of people who don't even obsess over "hate sites" and e-fame still take breaks from the internet now and then.
No. 31718
File: 1419212658048.jpg (17.18 KB, 160x240, malnourishedkeekz.jpg)

>>31716Yes. You hit the nail on the head there.
She's an ex-"scene queen". There was a lot of drama around her when she was scene (she has an ED page all about it) but basically scene died, her fans grew out of their phase and her sister became the famous one, so I guess she just went batshit crazy not having anyone to kiss her ass anymore.
No. 31721
>>31713kiki and other lolcows always complain about us "hate sites" but tbh we give them the best advice they ever get bc everyone around them enables and never criticizes them. if it weren't for our h8er advice, less people would like them, they'd get
actual hate/harassment, and they wouldn't get as much attention. Kiki would be completely irrelevant if it weren't for us, we're the only ones paying attention to her and the 5 people who like her would've been long gone without us telling her to acknowledge them and stuff.
>>31716i was re-watching her most recent vids and she looks like she hasn't been getting any sleep; she looks awful and her eyes have really deep bags under them. i get why, she has to constantly worry about how a bunch of random strangers on the internet perceive her and what they're going to post about her. which is why she really should get off the internet and just delete everything, "bullying" will never stop, especially on the internet where people can be anonymous. once you post something on the internet, even if you delete it and it's hard to find, it's still out there forever for anyone to talk about it or interpret it. the only solution to this is acknowledging, apologizing for, and changing your actions or just getting off the internet entirely. all shes doing at the moment is fighting something she will never win with.
No. 31722
>>31718This so much.
Honestly with the way things are going,I think she should just step away from everything. Like, disassociate herself with that "Kiki Kannibal"-persona or whatever, reconnect with the real world for a bit, wait for maybe three or four years before stepping back into the internet, and maybe (if she's ready by then) repackage herself as just an average beauty blogger or something and see where life takes her from there.
No. 31725
>>31721lol @ her Tweeting Ashe Maree/Ixnay on the Oddk.
Doesn't she hate sex workers? She obviously has a personal bias against them because I've seen her talk trash about them in the past and even not so long ago when tweeting at this girl who was a sex worker but openly displayed her dislike of her.
No. 31726
>>31715i love how she cut out the reason and censored the name too, lol. kiki, here's some advice, it's really telling you
know we're right about you when you are hiding all of this stuff. for example, when jonah hill was filmed calling that paparazzi guy a faggot, he didn't try to hide it or get it completely removed off the internet. love him or hate him, he went on tv, acknowledged what he did was wrong, apologized, and i think he even had the clip show on tv. even kota acknowledged and apologized for her actions(even though it was a pretty bs apology). i know kiki will never do this, but i'd gain so much actual respect for her if she did.
>>31722i don't even get why she won't get rid of the name at all, it sounds stupid and cringeworthy, especially with how mature she looks. and it's associated with so much negativity which isn't what this new persona is all about.
>>31725she does, her username was yourlittlekitten or something like that, who yes, she did take inspo for the name of lilkitten from. this girl and her nudes are in kiki's creepy screencap collection just for telling her that native americans aren't indians. i'm assuming kiki is planning on taking her into court and showing the courtroom her nudes to prove why she's a shitty person and a bully who deserves to go to jail for daring to tell princess kiki she's wrong.
No. 31727
>>31723P. sure karma caught up with her a while back.
She's a visible ageing Z-list nobody, ex-scene queen of drama with a lengthy history failed relationships + a death of which she and her family have been implicated as being heavily involved with who now spends her days babbling about space-veganism, cats and how the world is stalking her/out to get her (but it's really just one person k) whilst hoarding what must be thousands of pages of what is actually useless "evidence" (although surprisingly accessible since they manage to dig through it quickly to post to Twitter when need be), rotting away in Florida whilst her previously ugly duckling sister who she openly bullied is away living Kirsten's dreams being a reasonably famous kawaii as shit model, and for fucking Popteen no less, walking catwalks and doing shoots for various magazines every week. I mean, she even got her purikura, she really hit the big time? And I'm pleased for her too, Dakota is sooooooooooo much more relatable and likeable.
But really, it's the fate she's spun for herself, and she knows how bad it is, she just hasn't accepted it yet.
Honestly if you didn't know who she was or her history you'd assume she was a schizophrenic.
No. 31728
>>31726Yeah but there was another sex worker girl she was shitty to on Twitter.
Like, the language she used was REALLY passive aggressive, saying stuff to her a long the lines of "Well I wouldn't expect people in YOUR line of work to understand this".
It was vomit-inducing, especially considering Kirsten only ever got to the position she did in her scene days through photographically whoring herself out, albeit barely clothed (with the exception of the nudes).
You can tell she really thinks she's above sex workers, and I bet it makes her blood boil that Hilary is a sex worker now but is making bank and is arguably more well known now as MyCherryCrush than Kirsten ever was.
No. 31729
>i don't even get why she won't get rid of the name at allI know exactly why.
I used to have Tumblr account with a fairly sizeable following that went into the thousands, however a long the way I acquired a stalker who at one point was making me legit fear for my safety and no matter what I did I couldn't rid him.
What I liked about the Tumblr was that because of my follower count, when I wanted to make a personal post, people actually read my posts and listened, and through this I felt validated and acknowledged.
I was loathe to abandon that connection to the world, especially at a point where I felt isolated and alone.
Even I bit the bullet and deleted it, losing every follower in the process, but I moved onto a new one and regained my anonymity in the process. Now even though I only have about 132 followers and most of my personal stuff goes largely ignored, I'm actually happier.
I think Kirsten is terrified of losing this pseudo-connection she's built up (I say pseudo because we know a lot of her followers are paid fakes) because she knows IRL she's a nobody who has nothing, and her Twitter account is the only way she can possibly cling to a remnant of her past from when she was actually "known" and actually liked by people.
If she started again she would have nothing because girls like her on the internet are a dime a dozen.
She even tried starting a Tumblr account over on with like zero references to the name kikikannibal and her shit always got a pathetic amount of notes. Nobody knew who she was and nobody gave a shit.
She's an addict.
No. 31734
>>31730Yep but I don't think she's ready to give up the "mantle" of kikikannibal since it's her last tie to any fame she might have had.
Her entire identity at this point is merely "kikikannibal", not Kirsten Ostrenga.
No. 31739
>>31712>>31723Same fag here. Just give it up Kiki. You can put us and StickyDrama in a bad light but you will have to live with the guilt of what you have done. People will learn the truth and give you less attention, and you can't blame us, Sticky or even Daniel. It will all be on you. Keep whining and bitching how you are the victim and you can never do wrong but this will catch up with you, in fact it somewhat really has as stated in
Go ahead and get mad I posted this. In fact I dare you to screen cap this and post it on your Twitter. You can't do shit.
No. 31748
>>31728i don't know about that one, i just know of littlekitten and hilary. she was shitty to littlekitten too, it was incredibly uncalled for and she was insinuating lk was uneducated because of it. she was like "being educated and learning about things is really handy when you need to tell haters off," even though kiki literally copied and pasted from a website and accidentally left the source link in her reply to lk.
it's ridiculous how against sex workers for what you said about her whoring herself out and because she sleeps with basically any guy she finds attractive instantly. she's just like pt, she can dress as provocative, sleep with anyone and everyone she wants to, and still be a pure maiden desu, but when another girl does the same, she's a slut.
>>31729i get that, when i was 17, i used to have a tumblr, that wasn't very popular but i did get attention/asspats from it. i was acting like a huge autistic lolcow and was talked about briefly on a thread, so i just apologized, immediately deleted my tumblr, and asked for the thread to be removed. i just still don't get it, after i was shown how much of an ass i was making of myself, i took their advice and changed quickly. kiki still acts like one, even though she reads all the constructive criticism we are giving her. i'm starting to think kiki does this stuff on purpose because negative attention is better than no attention in her book. i mean, if i wanted to be an e-celeb like kiki does now, i'd just start fresh, acknowledge the past when asked about it, listen to and consider all criticism given, and focus on making high quality content, which is what kiki and all public figures
should be doing. kiki wouldn't even need to delete her persona, she could just publicly apologize and make an effort to change or even just forget about what people are saying and focus on making good content. if she put all of her time and effort into her content, a good number of people would forget about what an asshole she is for a bit and enjoy her content.
No. 31763
>>31748kiki, since i know you're reading here, you should really listen to our advice here. if it weren't for ~anonymous h8erz~ "stalking" me on ~hate sites~, i'd be just like you and everyone else discussed on here. after having people be honest with me for once, i completely got off my computer for a while, started leaving the house more, and started being more productive. and kiki, you really need that more than ever. myself and i think a lot of other ~h8erz~ would love to see you get better and actually do something worthwhile with your life, it's much so much better than spending all of your time on the internet paranoid about what people are saying about you and how they perceive you. i mean, you're obviously not happy and have no idea who you truly are at the moment. it would greatly benefit you to get off the internet, spend time working on and finding yourself instead of trying to be like kota. i was watching your videos on japan and just by the tone of your voice and body language, i could tell you weren't actually interested in japan and you don't have to be. but in your japan vlogs, you immediately perk up when you started talking about the cats/cat cafes and all the attention you got. why not volunteer with animals, work for an organization to help animals, etc? you obviously do love animals and i feel you'd be much happier being proactive in helping them than trying to be like your sister.
idk, i know she isn't going to consider or even read what i wrote, but i really do hope she will.
No. 31932
>>31924i'm the exlolcow anon who wrote the advice for her, i know she'll never change, but i just keep holding out hope that she will. she reminds me of my aunt who is manic depressive, it wouldn't surprise me if i heard that kiki was calling dakota at insane hours telling her that stickydrama, or any other h8ers, were trying to kill her or something like that, which is what my aunt used to do. i'm not even trying to joke about this, i genuinely think she's gotten to that point or lower. with her shit diet, lack of human interaction, her mother feeding her delusions, all the time she spends on the internet, and never leaving the house, there's no way she's mentally stable.
>>31929i think dakota's not like this because it's never been about her ever. kiki is like this because she grew up being the favorite, she was the beautiful, skinny sister while dakota was the fat, ugly sister. kiki was never told she is wrong about anything, cathy makes her believe she's a perfect little angel who could never do anything wrong. cathy would go through hell and back to make sure kiki gets justice when someone even dares to criticize her. cathy would most likely do the same for dakota, but i feel like it's primarily just to cover her and kiki's asses. i believe charms when she said that dakota was abused by cathy, i don't get why she'd lie about it, and it makes sense as to why dakota decided to become a model in japan even though she knew she wouldn't look like her shoops and that she wouldn't be good at it, she wanted to get as far away as possible from that family. kota was smart enough to get that this is not normal, i'm sure she got that notion either from reading what people were saying online or observing friends' lives and comparing them to her own.
No. 31937
Kirsten's life is clearly shit and obviously pretty miserable but she's just such a horrible, terrible person that I can't bring myself to feel sorry for her. She really deserves every piece of it.
Like she thinks she's a good person because she's (supposedly?) an animal lover, and it's like, okay, cool, you don't hate animals, but isn't that like a bare minimum requirement anyway?
It's like when "Nice Guys" trying to argue their merit being that they're a "nice" "guy" and it's like, well aren't you supposed to be anyway? How does that make you special?
To be honest I don't think Kirsten is as big an animal lover as she claims. I volunteer at my local Animal Welfare at weekends, whenever I have objects to donate I always give the good stuff to the lesser known animal charities, I donate to those animal food bins every week and I have rescued countless animals over the years from kittens to a puppy to injured birds and even reptiles, but because I browse and contribute to this site she would undoubtedly claim that I'm a horrible, hateful person with "negative energy" and "twisted karma"?
When was the last time Kirsten actually Tweeted about volunteering at an animal shelter or charity or do anything that didn't provide her with some dumb photo opportunity? Like the swans in the park? No, instead she sits on deformed ass every day buying mochi off eBay and adding more bollocks to her little hater shrine, no doubt this post will end up in the pile.
No. 31942
>>31937even though i cannot help but feel sorry for her, i do get why you cannot. there are times when i get so frustrated with her, i'm just like, "fuck her, she truly deserves everything she has right now." but i don't know, i can't help but feel bad for people, even if they're incredibly shitty human beings, at the end of the day, they're still human.
i feel like she loves the fun parts about having animals, i mean, like i said earlier here
>>31763 in her japan vlog about the cats and cat cafe, there was a spark of happiness when she was talking about the cats. she was like, "in japan… OMFG CAT CAFES!" she sounded pretty meh when she was actually talking about japan. when you watch/listen to people talking about their experience of being in a place they love, you can just hear the happiness in their voice when they just say the name of it.
that all being said, even though i can tell she loves cats, i highly doubt she would clean their litter boxes or any of the other gross work that comes with having animals. doesn't she have a fluffy cat? i have one too, and i have to constantly trim his butt and sometimes even clean it, it's the worst if the cat gets diarrhea. i can't see kiki ever taking care of that, i could see her just keeping the cat as far away from her as possible and just waiting until someone else takes care of it. she also crosses me as the type of vegan/vegetarian to try and convert animals to vegan/vegetarian too. and like you said, kiki doesn't seem to actually volunteer at all. she's a lot like the people who did the als ice bucket challenge, wear (insert color here) for (insert awareness here), and just talk about issues on the internet instead of actually being proactive in the cause. she doesn't even need to get off her ass for it, she could find some charities and donate to/promote them or find some online stores who donate to good causes.
No. 31946
>>31937Yeah, I volunteer at weekends too, at an animal sanctuary, and she reminds me of the occasional fucktards that come in and are perfectly happy to do the fun things (moving rabbits and guinea pigs, feeding animals, etc) but don't bother mucking out the stables and hutches or tidying up after themselves.
Just the other week we had a group of five Kikis who left everyone else to clean up after their arses while they went to pet the rabbits.
No. 31954
>>31946Yeah when I was able to volunteer at our local shelter more frequently, I always got annoyed by the Kikis who didn't mind playing with the cats dogs or rabbits, but when it came to actual help work like cleaning the kennels/cat boxes, rehabilitating the abused dogs, or the slow process of getting stray cats to trust humans, they had nothing to do with it. Kiki would be there for play time, but when it came to real work, she wouldn't be down for it. At least that's how I see it. And that's shitty. I spent most of my time with the dogs, bathing them, playing with them, cleaning out their kennels, just showing them human kindness because God knows they need to know that not every human in the world will hurt them, and I've watched many Kikis come, play, then leave. But she doesn't care about their futures, as long as she can brag and preach, I suppose she figures she's doing her 'part.'
Like the least she could do is make things to donate to shelters. She can make so much crap for herself, does she not know how easy it is to make cat beds from scraps, at the least?
She's the worst kind of person. I tend to go off a lot about these cows on here, but if there's one thing I find disgusting it's people who use animals for sympathy and attention.
No. 32005
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No. 32012
>>31954Fucking yes. It really bugged the shit out of me because it's such a small place and the owners (who are brilliant) had to deal with all this shit they didn't do that everyone else didn't have time to finish, and they barely have time to sit down as is, on top of having jobs their own.
Hahaha sorry if this is really off-topic now, it winds me up so badly when these fuckers are all "omg i looove animals~ doing my part" and are more of a hindrance than anything, do shit like try and pick up the rabbit that's terrified of everyone without trying to get her to be more comfortable, stupid shit like that.
Aaaanyway, in other news, Kiki's getting her e-lawyer on us all. I wonder if this post will be screencapped. If Kiki's lawyer is reading this, yes, we are in fact jealous h8er e-terrorists who just want to hinder Princess Kiki's magical kira-kira quest for e-fame
No. 32013
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>>32012And I dropped my fucking pic
No. 32058
>>32057Yeah, I think it's pretty hard to get someone sectioned to begin with, like people were saying on the Ashley thread.
Also how the fuck are you meant to explain that to the institution? "Yeah so I follow this person on twitter and talk about her with other people on the internet"
No. 32068
>>32058>Also how the fuck are you meant to explain that to the institution? "Yeah so I follow this person on twitter and talk about her with other people on the internet"that part made me giggle. i think if you had to explain that to the institution, they'd probably think
you were the one who needed to be put in an institution.
i don't think reporting them would even work if there was video evidence, unless they're in the act of physically harming themselves or others. i wouldn't report these people unless they get to that point because when they do, it probably wouldn't be taken seriously. if you look at onision, he has filmed so much fucked up shit, like his girlfriend having a mental breakdown, and nothing has ever happened to him, t least that i know of.
No. 32190
>>32189oh, she's talking about this person, don't recognize them as being any PULL user or truth blogger?
No. 32386
>>32336Thanks bae. :*
>>32366Lain's not in high school. Nor is she into Japanese stuff afaik.
But apparently I am….? And that I've been on "hate sites" since 2011 (PULL didn't exist in 2011 iirc). Kinda sux because if she actually knew who I was (like she claims she does) she'd know that I acquired tumblr in the summer of 2012 and months later (around August-November) did I find out who
Dakota was. I thought Kirsten was the evil ugly sister tbh.
And I'm not jealous of Kota lmao. I think she threw that in because I like Dakota and never liked her? Praise the Buddha she got away from Kirsten and the psycho brigade. I only glance at PULL to see her new shoots and the terrible shoops.
And this whole "she must lead a crappy life" bit can go. At least I actually go out, socialize, and seek an education instead of sitting on my flat ass trying to sue anonymous people who don't fall for your delusional antics. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Where does she come up with this shit? What drugs are she on? I want what she's having, and more, please!
No. 32413
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Did she get StickyDrama's Twitter account suspended again?
No. 32468
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Excuse me. But rape in her case is short for statutory rape, correct? She gets to use that word because Daniel lied and said he was 2 years younger than he was, right? He never physically hurt her?
So why is she calling him her "attacker"
No. 32479
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Buhahahahahaha keep twisting the truth Keez. I think she was referring to a PULL member contacting the department of business months ago. I dont think anything became of it though.
No. 32481
>>32479õōh is she talking about SweetnSour?
I seriously can't tell if I'm mixed up, or if it's Kiki who's mixing people with events and interests that don't match to them ??
No. 32572
>>32529From my knowledge she lied about her age. Her parents willfully gave him consent to live and sleep with her. This causes a grey area which might make what he did Legal.
The mom knew as she as collecting their used condoms. Kiki and Kathy only claimed rape after they broke up. Then they entrapped him (it's what it's legally called) and he committed suicide by jumping (I believe accidental).
If anything Kiki is more guilty than Dan is. Especially after she made that slander website when his parents were filing a lawsuit against them.
Kiki is only milking the 'rape victim' title because she's an attention whore.
No. 32688
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Oh no, she's onto us, you guise!
No. 32689
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No. 32691
>>32688You know what? I wonder if the real reason why she goes so apeshit over this Danny stuff and rants on and on about how toxic we are and how pure she is, is because she feels guilty over his death?
It's a long shot but just a thought.
I mean I'm pretty sure she's incapable of feeling guilt cause that would mean she has a conscience but still I wonder.
No. 32692
She makes everyone else feel bad for her fuck ups.
No. 32736
>>32725she doesn't need to, she's already ~fluent~
lol probably not, she's the queen of half-assing things and not sticking to anything. when she realizes something's too hard, she just pretends it isn't and halfasses it. for example, she steals music, art, tries to take credit for designing/making other peoples' products, she completely quit making yt videos on a schedule, she pretends products she uses/consumes are 100% vegan and cruelty free, etc.
i'm positive she's quit by now but she will definitely still get japanese people to translate what she wants to tweet/say and pretend she's still at it.
No. 32774
>>32772>it does because is more proof for Cathy abusing her daughtersUm. What? You're very confused.
There is no "more proof", Chris was talking about an old police report from 2010 that everyone already saw. It was Kiki and Cathy getting into a fight over Kiki's phone and Kiki pulled her hair and scratched her. The police were called for a stupid reason, to settle the fight or something. The only reason Chris mentioned it is because the report contained grandma's name, that's all. It has nothing to do with abuse and isn't proof of anything.
No. 32780
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Nobody commented on how kiki would like a coat made of human skin, she sure is the humanitarian pure Buddist
No. 32802
Well if Kirsten has any shred of credibility left in relation to her "musical talent" that just went down the shitter.
Caught directly ripping most if not all of her shit from a lesser known Russian artist.
Compare these:
Original's Plagiarism No. 32804
>>32802Holy crap!!
I think the best bet is trying to contact the original artist on youtube with links to her crap.
No. 32808
>>32802i always knew she was stealing music because it was the general consensus. but i never bothered to actually sit down and compare the songs bc i'm not into the style of music. but holy shit, i listened to some of dj alexy's song and decided to open kiki's song thinking it wouldn't automatically play and i'd play it after finishing the song, and i didn't even
notice kiki's song started until dj alexy's song finished and the music didn't stop.
>>32804 pull user, i think dion, already contacted him. he didn't do anything about it except call her names
No. 32809
>>32802Is that the artist that Dion posted the screenshots of his reaction on PULL?
lmao my Russian is really bad, but I know that in the screenshot he called her a пизда, which means cunt.
No. 32810
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>>32479>most of them have wild imaginations to make up for their gloom lives, so they make up stories in their headslol@all this projection when the only one actually obsessed with Keek's narcissistic ass is herself.
>your life is gloom No. 32819
>>32810it's ridiculous that kiki thinks she has room to talk about our "shitty lives." i would say most, if not all of us, have school and/or a job, social lives, etc, unlike
someone we know. i don't want to hear "wah!!!1!! i was threatened at school by (gasp) blck ppl!!!!1!!" or any other excuses. the world is not supposed to be a happy, sunshine place, and you, and everyone else for that matter, are NOT entitled to that. everyone gets/is supposed to have shit thrown their way in life, it's what builds you as a person. and unless you are rich or actually disabled, you have no excuse to hide away from the world and never contribute to society.
sorry for getting ot
back on topic, kiki, you're acting like we spend our entire lives doing nothing but watching you and talking about you, it only takes a few seconds/minutes to post/read most of this stuff. at most, i could see someone spending an hour, maybe 2, tops reading about your bs and that's only if they're completely new to you. no one really talks about you, on days you give us shit to talk about, the most we'd probably spend on you is a half hour. you're just a hot mess we check up on when we're bored.
No. 32831
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Can anybody read Russian? This is what the guy said about her.
No. 32850
>>32831Here's the best I can do. Put (?) on words I don't know.
First cap: link
Second cap: you cunt (?)!
No. 32879
>>32841>>32843She didn't remove it, I reported on behalf of the original artist about 30 minutes ago.
I guess Souncdloud moves fast.
Now to report it to iTunes and Youtube.
No. 32887
>>32877i knew about idoru has dakota's artwork on it, but i don't see dakota being gone as an excuse to not have interesting cover art. if you look at a lot of bands/artists from the 80's-90's album/single/promotional artwork, it's all interesting, yet simple to make, especially by today's standards. i could easily whip up some artwork for her singles/albums in 5 minutes tops and i by no means am an artist or even have much of an eye for art.
i was reading reviews of kiki's music and i think this sums up her entire music project:
>" Kiki claims that this is dubstep, but I don't see the resemblance. It's nothing more a teenage girl's vanity project. This is the kind of thing I might have done in 8th grade on an afternoon after school, listened to a year later, and deleted out of embarrassment."so i guess that's why kiki never uses anything other than selfies to promote her music.
No. 32896
>>32889I remember when Kirsten first uploaded this track and I felt embarrassed listening to it because I actually thought it was good, but knowing that she ripped the whole thing makes me feel a tad better.
Still though, she really need to be careful. This kind of thing could get her into a whole lot of trouble and land her in court.
With the kind of reputation she has, how could she be so stupid as to actually go and directly plagiarise music like this? She's disgusting, I wonder if she even feels shame or embarrassment for getting caught trying to leech yet another person's hard work.
I guess after the music gig failed she thought she could hop onto Dakota's coattails and ride that instead, but then not even Japan fucking wanted her. What will she do next?
No. 32909
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her music reminds me of this.
No. 33015
>>33014She couldn't get a real job. She'd have to apply, have a decent resume, and real references. Which is too much work for her.
Also with all the background checks, I'm sure no one would hire her.
If possible, she'd probably get a job, then spend all her time on twitter talking about how she's the best employee and everyone is just jealous. Give it a week before Keeks blasts twitter with stories about how her boss is bullying her for making her do actual work.
No. 33024
>>33017she probably is, or at least will be soon. one anon said that they seem to be having financial issues as kiki sold all of her music gear on ebay.
it's weird to me she'd much rather sell all of her musical equipment than get a job so she won't have to sell anything.
No. 33073
>>330332/3 cases Kiki complained on being the victim.
If you work retail, especially restocking, you're required to be able to lift things.
I honestly wouldn't believe Kiki either because I feel with her past 1. She's making it up 2. Why not call the cops?
No. 33085
>>33084My nigga, whoever is paying their Florida employee 7.50 an hr is breaking the law. Google "minimum wage florida" it is in fact 7.93 and it's been in effect since January of this year.
>>33059Yeah, but $8 is the closest rounded number, and what most employers will give you anyway. At least that's my experience in retail and cashier jobs.
No. 33088
>>33038Link to her store?>>33087
>>33087Seems like more then a year
No. 33222
i was the anon who wrote
>>33024 idk what her store is, the one anon who posted about it never gave it out
No. 33344
>>33341technically yes, it was since she was 14? and he was 19. but she did lie about her age to him in the first place and cathy/scott allowed it all after finding out his age.
when she talks about it, she acts like he forced her to do it and forced himself on her. even though the entire time it was happening she was bragging about all the sex she had with him and talking about how little his dick is.
No. 33380
>>33375i feel you, i'm sure if she does acknowledge it, it'll be justified by "he's a terrible person and deserves it!!1!!" i felt like i was being a little nitpicky because i get wanting someone to suffer for their horrible crimes, but this goes against the whole *~love&light~* bs she preaches. i'm sure she does wish us ~h8rz~ will get raped too for being big bullies to her.
>>33376and no problem, anon!
No. 33383
>>33380yeah no. you weren't nitpicky at all. no one
deserves rape. If she tries to justify this, it'll only show just how sick she really is. and just wait til twitter feminists catch wind of this lmao…
he's an animal abuser. i myself would love to beat his ass, but he doesn't deserve rape. she's fucking despicable, mate.
No. 33384
>>33383lmao you're too kind and merciful for this earth, anon.
Everytime I see someone imprisoned for a crime like animal abuse, pedophilia, etc. The first thing I comfort myself with is the hope that he'll be repeatedly gang raped throughout his life in prison. I see nothing wrong with this. Bad things happen to bad people, tough titty.
No. 33394
>>33384…nah. it's still a shitty thought.
at the most, they'd probably be murdered without a second thought.
No. 33824
>>33822When did this huge obsession with cats even start? I know it's petty to say this, but I feel like the massive obsession with cats everyone seems to have is because it's trendy. I'm not saying that these people are lying about liking cats, that's just stupid, but if it weren't for it being trendy, people wouldn't be constantly posting about them online. Same thing with social anxiety, anxiety disorders in general, depression, etc, if it weren't for tumblr making them trendy, people wouldn't be going on and on about "having" these disorders. Speaking of that, I'm surprised Kiki hasn't jumped on the social anxiety/anxiety disorder bandwagon yet.
Back on topic, how does Kiki feel knowing that cats are not and could never live on a vegan diet?? I'm really glad Cathy/Scott don't seem to be vegans at all, I feel like Kiki would try to make the animals in their house all vegan.
No. 33870
>>33824I've asked vegetarians about their pets eating meat and their excuse is always something like "well it's natural for them".
They tend to believe that humans are herbivores and use the myth that human intestines are too long for a carnivore while ignoring that they're also too short for a herbivore.
No. 34427
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No. 34439
>>34427Silly Kaka and her wigs lol
Hot damn, her followers are dumb.
No. 34443
>>34439how do you know it's a wig???
i'm not really good with spotting this stuff. i think it's her real hair with how little she's got of it. i have hair as thin as hers and if i was gonna wear a wig to pretend i have long healthy hair, i'd wear one thicker than my real hair.
No. 34449
>longer and blonderwho are you trying to fool keeka
anyone remembers dakota's "~dry shampoo changed my hair color lolololol~" excuse?
No. 34467
>>34452For me it's the left strand and how it bends that makes me think it's a wig, but maybe that's what you meant by clumps ?
I have several medium/low quality wigs and whenever they're slightly curled, they tend to curve up wildly while I'm sure her real hair is too tired to curl like this.
Even though it's funny how nobody commented on the obvious "Look at my boobs, wait let me pretend to show off something else".
No. 34476
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Who the fuck does she think she is fooling? Give it a break Keez.
>>34467Yeah its completely obvious she took the picture to show off her boobs though its a weird shot. It took me a moment to figure out what angle she took it from. She has her stomach covered up weirdly.
No. 34478
>>34476it's ridiculous that she's acting like she has copper undertones in her hair. girl, your hair is green toned, green is the complete opposite from red, green based dyes are what people use to get
rid of copper/red tones in hair, you fucking idiot. anyway, i know that your hair can get lighter from the sunlight, but when does this bitch ever go out in the sun? she lives in florida, if she actually left the house, we all would know.
if she was going to lie about her hair color, she probably shouldn't have posted a picture recently where her hair is pretty brown.
No. 34530
>>34427What confuses me is that she posts pictures of herself wearing acrylic nails and a wig and says shit like "my hair and nails are so healthy because of my vegan diet~~~ =^___^="
I wonder if the reason she's wearing a wig in that photo despite that being pretty much her hair length is because the bottom of her hair is full of split ends? If she wanted to grow her hair long quickly she probably didn't bother getting her hair trimmed now and then even if it looks better.
No. 34570
>>34565Wow, calm down. I wasn't asking whether she was wearing a wig, I know it's apparent. I just wondered why she was going to such great lengths to promote veganism when she half-asses it herself.
As for the fact her hair is shit, yeah, it is, but she's posted pictures on her Instagram of her full length of hair without wearing a wig before, so what I don't get is why she'd bother making such a shitty attempt to hide it without even deleting the picture of her real hair.
No. 34583
>>34577Because her hair looks pretty shitty in and hair this dark doesn't suddenly turn blonde.
No. 34586
>>34577I know it's a shit quality photo but her hair in the photo you're talking about ( is pretty shit too.
Also having seen it again, the bottom of her hair looks weird, like it's either being air-dryed and not completely dry yet or like she's shopped it, so maybe the ends of her hair are that shit she photoshopped them? Maybe I'm reading too far into it.
No. 34599
Is it just me or is her hair in the newest picture here shorter than this picture? might be the angle she is sitting or how the picture is being taken but it is strange her hair suddenly got blonder and shorter.
No. 34611
>>34606Yeah, and since Dakota also has issues with thinning hair I think that the veganism is unrelated to hair loss as
>>34570 suggested. Though I won't say she looks like the picture of health or anything.
I think that this is definitely a wig or at the very least, her hair has been dyed and some extensions attached. Her hair's not getting blonder by eating a vegan diet…that doesn't even make sense. Easiest explanation is that she didn't think that anyone would notice, just as has been the case with her plagiarized music and taking credit for other people's designs with her "brand." She can just delete any comments calling her out on it and pretend it didn't happen….as usual.
No. 34612
>>34599I don't want to be one of those people talking about themselves in a lolcow thread but my hair is just a few inches longer than hers and when I sit down it rests on my lap, too. Maybe it's the skirt or whatever she's wearing in the second picture that throws you off?
It kinda looks like she's arching her back in the second one to make it look longer though, which is funny as fuck.
Also I'm surprised nobody has spoken about that shitty hooker outfit she's wearing in the "blonde" photo.
No. 34617
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I was scrolling through her IG and this caught my eye- granted, my Japanese is shit but doesn't it say "doll's face"? As in, not the way shes trying to use it.
also lol at the comments
No. 34618
>>34612>Also I'm surprised nobody has spoken about that shitty hooker outfit she's wearing in the "blonde" photo.I think we're just used to it. Though I will say it's funny she was talking shit to one ~h8er~ for being a cam girl when she constantly shows off her body for attention.
>>34617Not to defend her, but I've seen those go around on tumblr. I've noticed mostly people who aren't good at Japanese or use google translate feel the need to make them.
No. 34630
>38w agoMaybe. I feefeel like she -would- be the type to claim she became fluent in one year ~becuz she's so in love with Japan and Japanese culture & language!!!~
>and yet she still said ”悪い先生だよ!" to her Japanese teacher for sending her nonvegan snacks. If she knew even the first thing about Japanese culture (or any Asian culture), she would know how important it is to be respectful and thankful, and that veganism doesn't even really exist in Japan at all. Which makes it sooomuch more obvious that her interest is only because of Dakota's lucky break. She doesn't care about Japan, she just wants to make money for being pretty because she believes she is too good to work for a living. Typical white trash mindset.
>>sorry for any typos, shitty android tablet plus oxycodone yey No. 34638
>>34630>If she knew even the first thing about Japanese culture (or any Asian culture), she would know how important it is to be respectful and thankfulExactly, I don't think she even knows that saying, "you're welcome," is considered arrogant, in Japanese.
>Which makes it sooomuch more obvious that her interest is only because of Dakota's lucky break. She doesn't care about Japan, she just wants to make money for being pretty because she believes she is too good to work for a living. THIS. I think another reason Kiki, and many other snowflakes go for Japan, who don't even care about the pop culture like average weebs, is because it's an exotic country and a first world one. They can still be special snowflakes, speak a different language (or google translate it), and be all exotic, but they don't really have to go out of their comfort zones. They wouldn't go somewhere like India, which is infamous for the Ganges River.
I hate to sound like one of those sjw types, but Kiki really only has this interest in Japan/China/Korea to seem exotic. She's done plenty of Asian inspired shoots even in her scene days, if she was so ~genuinely~ interested, she would have learned about the languages/cultures sooner and never would've said the racist shit she did about Asians. I still think Kota is the only one of the two genuinely interested in Japan/Asia, Kiki's just interested for, like you said, fame, and to be perceived as exotic/intelligent.
No. 34646
>>34638>Exactly, I don't think she even knows that saying, "you're welcome," is considered arrogant, in Japanese. OR that you're not even.rrally supposed to be too receptive to praise, you're supposed to be humble and thank others for helping you to get that achievement.
Kiki is way too arrogant and self centered for the Japanese. I see her as one of those loud, whiny gaijin complaining about how things there are so much more weird and different than back home and why can't they do things
my way so I feel more comfortable!!! Kiki is the center of her own conceited little universe.
Japanese culture puts the needs of others before one's own. If you're staying the night as a guest in someone's home, you get to bathe first which usually is for the eldest in the household.
No. 34651
>>34640True. I feel like Japan will probably fizzle out sooner or later. I think it may be fizzling out now, I may be wrong, Japan seemed to get a lot more popularity in recent years due to the living doll trend, which is dead now. And I've noticed the views of some kawaii yotubers going drastically down, the was one girl I watched who has over 100,000 views on her older videos and now can't even get over like 12,000 views.
>>34646>Kiki is way too arrogant and self centered for the Japanese. I kinda wanna see her other conversations with Japanese people. I remember trying to do language exchange with Japanese people when I started learning and I ignorantly spoke how I would normally in English(ie, incredibly casual, no name suffixes, overuse of 私 and あなた). I was ignored for the most part, I think only 1 or 2 people answered me. I can't imagine how often Kiki gets ignored or people just get tired of her shit. It would make sense, if she was talking to more Japanese people now she'd be posting screencaps of her dull conversations left and right. Whatever happened to her "sensei?" I'm sure after he read ”悪い先生だよ!" he was done. Even if she wasn't so rude in language, I'm sure her Japanese "friends" would be really upset by her posting their private conversations without their permission.
>>34648>God, I read this and instantly imagined Kiki going "if my stupid, fat, ugly little sister gets this much attention, imagine how they would treat a goddess like me!"She's probably saying this exact phrase right now as she stalks Kota's twitter and thinks up her new plan to get famous.
No. 34652
File: 1419810844051.jpg (161.59 KB, 422x1294, B612-2014-12-13-23-32-46.jpg)

>>34583Hmmmmm actually I have hair that's colour is naturally somewhere between Kirsten and Dakota's hair colour and when I add my favourite filter to it it turns this colour, which actually looks the same colour as it does in her shot, so in this case I do believe it's just a filter.
No. 34653
>>34617It does indeed.
The particle の is indicative of possession, not description.
No. 34833
>>34826what's with her obsessing with her ass? i don't get it. is it normal to obsess over a body part you think is "good" this much? i understand if you worked hard for it to look better, but she just uses photoshop to achieve a butt
kiki maybe your ass is getting "bigger" because you do nothing but sit on it all day. that's even if it is getting bigger, i'd bet money that she's still emaciated looking.
No. 34874
File: 1419869789162.png (541.73 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2014-12-29-11-10-22…)

Girl please. You aren't fooling anyone. I doubt you magically get a bigger ass and breast from maca.I wouldn't put it pass her to get cosmetic work on her ass and boobs and say "look from my diet and the natural herbs and supplements i eat i got a bigger boobs and ass!"
No. 34879
>>34874would it even be possible for her to even just gain weight in her boobs and butt? i know it's true for curvier, hourglass shaped
girls, but i feel like kiki's body is pretty stunted because of her shitty diet. even if they naturally don't have big boobs or a big butt, normally, after puberty women get larger hips/thighs because our bodies are able/ready to hold babies. >>23843 here her legs look like they could be someone's arms*. i'd be surprised if she actually gets periods. speaking of how emaciated kiki looks, i think it would be funny to get her and pt on supersize vs. superskinny.
*it's annoying how i have to say "hourglass shaped" after curvy because now curvy equates to obese.
No. 34881
>>34879ugh, sorry for the italics
>>34880lmao me too
No. 34882
>>34874dat random norman reedus fangirling in the middle
basic bitch
No. 34884
>>34874last post, but since i noticed this tweet:
>@wwwbigbaldhead ahhhh! Will you be coming back to Tokyo? 本当に会いたいよー!>< I wanna say hiiii! Cat cafeに行きましょう!it's ridiculous how she feels the need to shoehorn in Japanese to her tweets to people who speak english. it just screams, "HEY I SPEAK JAPANESE DESU DESU DESU!!!11!! GIVE ME ATTENTION I AM SUPER SPESHUL!" i feel like this tweet is just another one to insinuate that she lives in japan.
>>34882tbh, i feel like she just keeps track of celebrities posting about japan. she was all over cole sprouse's dick a while ago when he posted about being in japan. she never acknowledged him before that. she's probably too ~busy~ to watch the walking dead just like she's too ~busy~ to play video games, but she still totes is obsessed with them both.
>>34883it's weird for me, i consider hers brown but my boyfriend, who has the exact same color as hers, i consider his dark blond. the reason being, is that in the sun, his hair can get really light, like almost to a white blond. kiki never leaves the house so her hair will always be brown in my book. if that makes sense
No. 34923
>>34884>@wwwbigbaldhead ahhhh! Will you be coming back to Tokyo? 本当に会いたいよー!><
>I wanna say hiiii! Cat cafeに行きましょう!Lol, I bet this is the extent of her language skills- basic phrases and single word. Otherwise she would have surely written "cat cafe" in ~kanji~ or at least kana. "猫カフェ".
>putting 'yo' at the end of everythingPlease. That and 'ne' at the end of every sentence don't make basic weeby phrasebook moonspeak sound an more casal or natural. Actually, it makes it more obvious. Japanese don't yo/ne every single thing.
>"coming back to Tokyo">implying she is in TokyoHow sad.
No. 34926
File: 1419880542150.jpg (170.75 KB, 500x529, tumblr_m6vnrlJmQq1ray85eo4_500…)

>>34913Blonde=/=Light Hair
Natural blonde and red hair turns darker when growing older because the eumelanin in the hair increases.
The hair in her childhood pictures isn't blonde but light brown, blonde kids of that age usually have almost white hair.
No. 34929
>>34923she seriously reminds me of myself when i started learning, i would put yo and ne after everything even though i had no idea what it even meant. dear kiki, when you put yo, at the end of a phrase, you're telling them something new and that they already don't know. if norman reedus even gave a shit and could speak japanese, i'm pretty sure he would already know that you wanted to meet him.
also it really irks me whenever she talks about meeting people in japan, it's
always about cat cafes, nothing else. it really shows that's all there is to japan for her.
it really is sad that she has to pretend to live in japan, kota never had to because she
made that a reality. that's another thing that irks me about her and a lot of other people, fake an extravagant life/personality than actually work for it, and when she does "work" it's incredibly half-assed because she feels she
deserves all this stuff without any work.
No. 35268
File: 1419925854589.gif (1.91 MB, 625x341, anigif_enhanced-2171-141347308…)

>>35264I got your underage peen right here, Mr.Sticky sir.
No. 35291
>>35267i don't find it weird because none of them have work, friends, school, etc, to tend to. kiki likes to claim she has all of these things, but looking at her, you can tell she doesn't do anything but sit on the computer all day. cathy does it too and i think their brother may also join in to help since i'm pretty sure some of the screenshots were taken on his user account on their computer(s). i would love to be a fly on the wall in the ostrenga household.
also does anyone know what's up with their brother? i know he's autistic, but that's about it. i wonder if he is the only normal one in the family because he isn't desperately trying to get fame and i don't think he's ever gotten involved in her shit even in the stickam days. and what i mean by that is, i don't think i've ever heard his voice in the background of her stickam rants about h8rz like i would with cathy and dakota. then again, i've heard they do their best to hide him because he's autistic.
No. 35303
>>35291There was a video somewhere where Kiki makes fun of Kyler.
You can see that the dude is autistic but the ironic thing is he still sounds way more normal than her. I'd rather hang out with him than with Kaka.
No. 35305
File: 1419929373969.jpg (93.96 KB, 711x599, image.jpg)

Have a big can of this Mr Stickydrama
No. 35314
>>35303really? i get they are siblings, and siblings are assholes to each other especially when they're younger, but trying to publicly degrade your own sibling is fucking cold, especially on the internet.
do you remember what she said about him?
i would want to hang around kiki/cathy just to see the insanity for myself, but i'd probably get tired of it really quick and try to hang out with kyler instead. kiki and cathy seem the type to get upset about small things, cause a scene, yell at whoever they feel caused the thing to happen, and constantly complain about it the entire time. like i feel it would be impossible to have any sort of good time around them
No. 35345
File: 1419931058947.jpg (6.92 KB, 280x180, kyler.jpg)

>>35327there aren't any pictures of him, but here's a icon i found from the only video he was in, to my knowledge at least. (he's the brown haired guy) kiki/cathy took down the video and the screenshots from it
No. 35372
>>35351i hope for his sake cathy wasn't there… this is making me hate them both even more. if only we could get kyler out of that house too. kyler should become a kawaii model/blogger too, then there would be 2 ostrengas living kiki's dreams in japan while kiki just sits at home all day googling pictures of japan to post on her instagram to insinuate that she's there and google translating japanese
>>35354my bad! i never thought to look there, i just checked out youku where i first saw the video, which if any of you guys weren't aware already, it completely cleared of all of her videos from the scene days. all there is, is a slideshow of pictures of her.
No. 35417
>>35385i feel you, i'm surprised it and her tumblr still up. they both have such cringeworthy shit on them like this gem:
>"People have asked us if we were Russian more than a few times. On Friday we were at Bebe, and the girl working there asked us if we were Russian. Noo, wait, she insisted that we were. She said we were too pretty and walked through the store so calmly and with thought that she had to say we were Russian. She was Spanish and she was pretty too so we all had a little chat-a-r00nie at the counter. it's pretty cool when pretty girls can get together and admire each other without getting catty, mhmmm! Lately, idk what it is but people have been walking, no wait, trotting quickly, up to my sister and me wanting to talk to us especially older ladies. They think we are some kind of models and ask us if we know this agency or that one. Dayum, i need to be lookin' into some things i haven't really considered. It feels rather good I must admit. ;]" No. 35429
>>35425i'm going through all of her posts and there are a lot more where that came from, which isn't surprising. it's sad that all of this stuff was posted 2008-2009 and almost 7/8 years later, she's still the exact same kiki, but more insane/cringeworthy.
kiki can't hold in her feelings about herself. kota, even though she used to act like an ass, i think learned about modesty after she got in japan, or she at least learned to keep it in. i personally feel kota did this stuff because she wanted to project that image to people. it really shows how insecure she was because she was heavily photoshopping herself to look like a supermodel at the time also. kiki never really had to shoop herself, she did, but it's not needed for her to feel pretty. the tweets/posts she makes/made about how everyone thinks she's so amazing is more to brag about how she's better than everyone else and to get more compliments.
No. 35445
>>35264Lol, sorry Sticky, this board is populated almost entirely by catty, gross young adult females.
Are there actually any males on this board?
No. 35447
>>35445I know Kyler's full name is Kyler Phoenix Ostrenga, he likes Warhammer 40k and he has a Steam account but that's about it. I never tried to get involved with the guy, he seems like he has it bad enough.
I wonder if Scott and Cathy hide him away during social gatherings.
No. 35453
No. 35471
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Some random notes:
Before PULL, there used to be another truth blog dedicated to Felice and Aly, but candidly posted things about Dakota (this was late 2011) and the person had posted a tinypic video of them talking about their uncle with diabetes. One of them said "I hope he dies". I tried looking for the video a while later, but it was deleted/taken down. There was also another video of Kiki, Dakota and Cathy talking about freckles and the first Asian Victoria's Secret angel. In it Cathy told Dakota that she reminds her of an Asian girl.
In March 2012 when Dakota went viral I looked her name up on google trends cause I was curious about what countries were googling her the most. It listed many foreign countries. When I tried "kiki kannibal" the top hit was Orlando, FL, and some minor places like the UK and Australia.
>>35372Yeah, Cathy was in it. And in her underwear.
No. 35473
>>35471>There was also another video of Kiki, Dakota and Cathy talking about freckles and the first Asian Victoria's Secret angel. In it Cathy told Dakota that she reminds her of an Asian girl. what's up with cathy saying dakota looks like asian girls? i remember in the tumblr days kota would always say that cathy called her "gogo" like in kill bill. i guess because kota seemed to always be interested in asia, cathy would say that. i've heard of people telling lolitas particularly that they look like "japanese dolls" so i guess it's kind of the same thing
>When I tried "kiki kannibal" the top hit was Orlando, FL, and some minor places like the UK and Australiai just looked at the google trends and it's still like that for kiki, and miami was right under orlando
>Yeah, Cathy was in it. And in her underwear.ew, i'm assuming the pic is related, though i'm more curious as to what is on the tv? it looks like an atari game or something
No. 35518
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I can't imagine Kiki going to some LARP, all the real fur and such.
No. 35528
>>35518yo silly Kaka, medieval times weren't vegan.
>>35520She's already one. With color changing hair and eyes included
No. 35531
>>35518i could see her getting really pissed off about it, if she even left the house to go.
>>35528and she constantly has people come up to her and fawn over her ~exotic~ looks. don't get me started on guys, she can't even leave the house because guys get into fights over her. if my grammar, writing, punctuation, etc, didn't suck, i'd love to write a kiki mary sue fanfic, lol.
this is slightly ot, has anyone ever made lolcows on the sims? i know people have made pt on the sims plenty of times. i would love to make all the lolcows live together on the sims to simulate how they would interact with each other.
No. 35532
>>35465Google Alerts? Hello 10 years ago?
>>35518Always some new trend for her to fawn over but not actually be involved with…
No. 35568
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No. 35599
>>35596She probably thinks she's the only young blue-eyed, white, thin woman in Florida lol
in her little delusional world, everyone else is fat, old, ugly and non white.
No. 35602
>>35372Kyler likes to play video games (from wwhat little info I know about him).
I think he should become a famous paid video game player, or start his own Twitch channel and become famous.
No. 35659
>>35596it's probably due to cathy. and if she really was the only white person in her school or some store clerk was just trying to flatter her to make a sale, she may have been told once that she looks ~exotic.~ many people will obsess over compliments/things that happened once an act like it happens all the time, ie, kiki is also one of those bitches that go "omg i just got carded! everyone think i'm so young like they think i'm in middle school!!11!!1!" (yes, this is shit she has actually said)
>>35635lol why would there be? on this site, almost all the lolcows posted are women, and who loves to gossip the most about women? other women.
No. 35679
>>35659I can understand Dakota being assumed to be younger than she is (I mean, shit, she already claims to be just that and people don't bat an eye) and possibly thought to be ~*~exotic~*~ because she makes herself look that way and pulls it off without it looking too suss that she's altered her features to oblivion (I'm talking moreso about irl with make-up rather than online with PS.) But Kiki? Nope.
How old does Kiki claim herself to be again? I'm fairly sure it was that she's one year older than Dakota. And since Kota says she's born in 1995, which we all know isn't true, that would make Kirsten born in 1994. I'm born in 1993 and I've always thought she looked a couple years older than me. Especially in the scene days. It was obvious.
No. 35680
>>35635Yeah, I'm a guy.
PS: It's about time Twitter brought back your account. I missed you.
No. 35694
>>35679i personally believe kota's age but i do agree with you, kota has a really round face, softer features, and i think her mannerisms make her look younger. she seems so awkward and insecure with her mannerisms, just like a lot of younger teenagers. if kota told me that she was 16/17, maybe even 15, i'd believe her.
kiki, well, looks really busted up, her hair is really thin(kota's is too but kiki's looks terrible bc of her receding hairline and refusal to style it), her features are very harsh, and she dresses provocatively. if i saw her irl and knew nothing about her, i'd assume she's in her 30's tbh.
No. 35720
>>35659Other women and gays, which Sticky is lol
srsy though bitchy gays are the best.
No. 35726
>>35691Yeah, that's what I thought. I was just wondering what year she claims to have been born in nowadays. I dunno if she's posted it anywhere, I've only heard she said somewhere about her being one year older than Dakota.
>>35694Do you really? I've seen tonnes of stuff proving that she's really born in 1993 like documents and such, but I think the most decisive thing for me was certain photos/videos that were posted in years where, if she were born in the year she says she is, she would be like 11/12 and she clearly looks around 14/15.
No. 35764
>>35726Yeah, idk, i just don't really care if she's older tbh. if she is older, i can get her for wanting to lie about her age, the kotakoti persona was for her to live out her fantasies and she's spent her youth in kiki's shadow. she's making up for the youth she has lost, and i can seriously relate to that.
i'm a bit of a kota stan, so i apologize, i just can't hate her or even criticize her anymore. i'm sure if someone else was lying about their age, i'd be all over them.
No. 35898
>>35892this board is pretty chill, so you can go as far as you like with your humor/personality. personally, i think you're funny, it's really funny to me how kiki and cathy take everything you say so seriously and get so pissed off at your jokes. i bet cathy has already screencapped your post saying that she would brain aneurysm if you blew kyler and sent it to their lawyer, saying that you're now sexually harassing her son.
>>35893another plus to being a dakota stan, is that it's most likely really enraging kiki seeing people, for the most part, give her a pass on the shit she's done and have nothing but nice things to say about her now.
No. 36002
>>35893Can you explain why you and other people put such emphasis on Cathy being crazy?
All we've seen from her since Dakota went viral in 2012 (which is how long most of us have been following them) is create this blog and tweet celebrities for money. I don't think she's made any other appearances since then.
With you name dropping her so often and the George Pattent guy saying on PULL that he planned to finance Kiki and Dakota to get away from her, I'm curious if she's really that bad?
No. 36030
>>36002Way before Kota went viral, Cathy showed her true colors (Sticky won't let me lie about it) Her and her husband actively encouraged Kiki's attentionwhoring, from letting her dress like trailer park stripper to whiteknight her everytime she was discussed. Some anon from /cgl/ unearthed from internet wayback machine her (iirc) stickydrama posts. Let me see if still I can find that thread archived.
sorry for my shitty english, I haven't sleep for days
No. 36213
>>36210But of course! I've updated the PULL topic, and here is the direct download link: do not hesitate to request the file here or on PULL again, because I know that Zalil limits downloads. I use the Russian site because the Ostrengas use illegitimate DMCA requests to suppress the information in that archive, but if anyone knows of a better site–i.e. in English, without any download limit, which will ignore DMCA requests–please let me know.
No. 36219
>>36206>>36207Hey Sticky, I wanted to ask.
A way while back when we were battling the Ostrengas over Youtube I used to host one of the primary channels.
I fought the DMCA claims repeatedly and for the most part I was successful right up until the channel was deleted.
I always gave my correct name and address because I knew I had nothing to fear from a bunch of rednecks a million miles away, but in multiple claims from Scott/Cathy? they wrote in their reports that they attempted contact at my address and that the property was vacant and I had given a false address.
I've seen them try this with at least two other people, including the stoner dude on Youtube who got DMCA'd for laughing at Kirsten's shitty music, but I don't doubt they've probably done it to a lot more.
Because you have a legal background could you explain the purpose of them lying and saying my property was vacant?
No. 36261
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>>36248I don't think it would have still worked. Kiki's popularity on MySpace was probably due to other 13-16 year olds who idolized her because they wished their parents would let them be scene like her. At least I remember the endless amount of wannabe kids who took pictures of themselves with crappy cameras, highlight hair clips, awful eyeliner and some hello kitty necklace to try to fit in.
No. 36454
>>36213>but if anyone knows of a better site–i.e. in English, without any download limit, which will ignore DMCA requests–please let me know.Here you go:>>36268>Legally no website can ignore a DMCA claimYou can if the website is hosted in a country that does not acknowledge the DMCA.
No. 36477
File: 1420255004907.jpg (118.31 KB, 680x457, 16.jpg)

>>36464Candid electronic image of comrade admin.
No. 36497
>>36468it's probably because yotube/google isn't aware of it yet. i subscribe to many channels that upload episodes of tv shows, music, clips from shows/movies, etc, but they aren't taken down because they either flip the image, add a watermark/filter over it, and/or don't tag/title it. like, kota just recently got music taken out of her "thanks for subscribing" outfits video and changed to mozart, lol. i think kota never said what music was in her videos because she didn't want it taken down.
i think kiki's videos also stay up because doesn't steal content by well known people. if she posted a song from one of the more popular artists today, she would immediately get the video taken down/the audio take out of the video. (i know from firsthand experience, since i've tried uploading a music video that wasn't on youtube and the second i uploaded it, it was muted)
i think if you want to get kiki's videos taken down, you'd have to notify the content creators she steals from so they can take action. but i'm not really an expert on this, what i'm saying is based off of what i think/have noticed.
No. 36927
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"Happy new year" Video of driving by the Tokyo tower
No. 36929
File: 1420361602125.jpg (176.29 KB, 1032x609, 2.jpg)

also kek.
We know you're in Florida girl.
No. 36957
wow, kiki is really dumb. it's quite obvious she definitely did steal the video from somewhere and isn't in japan. i just watched the video, if it was her video, it was so incredibly brief, you know if it was her, she'd be using her fluent ~japanese desu~ skills in the video. if she actually was in japan, we would've heard all about the flight, we would've gotten tweets about how all the japanese men won't stop stalking her, etc etc, just like how it was the first, and only time she went there. she's acting the exact same way she did the times where she'd post pictures and such and insinuate that she's in japan, ie, not speaking about it or acknowledging it. if you don't get that last bit, i mean, like she won't go out and say, "i'm in japan," but she'll insinuate it, just like she's doing here.
also she just posted a picture of vegan muffins in tokyo. kiki keep fooling yourself into thinking japan gives a shit about vegans. they only keep vegan shit in the more popular areas because westerners are into that shit.
No. 36962
>>36960exactly. i'm positive the vegan bullshit is only for foreigners, it's quite obvious because every vegan item i've seen in japan has a big "VEGAN" in english while mostly everything else about the food/drink is in japanese.
i won't believe she's actually in japan unless she posts a picture with kota and today's newspaper in an area where you can obviously tell it's japan, not just in a room or something.
No. 37097
>>37085no, i feel the same way, but in my experience using japanese keyboard input things, they do automatically make everything into kanji. but i think with kiki, it's just to show off, she wants to seem like she's already fluent and she thinks more kanji=more fluent. but i think anyone who studies it can tell even with all the kanji, she isn't good with japanese. her speaking patterns are really weird, like the first sentence is polite, the second is casual, and then it goes back to polite.
>>37089i do too! i think if she didn't have an image to worry about or have to deal with them when she needs her visa renewed, she would've told kiki off or at least sly dug her a long ass time ago. i feel so bad that kota has to deal with this, other than having an asshole like kiki trying to milk off her success, kiki is really humiliating and will make her look bad just by being her sister.
No. 37102
>>37097Almost all Japanese IMEs only do that when you tap the spacebar to change hilighted kana into kanji, you pick which you Want from the popup menu.
Is Kiki realistically any sort of threat for Dakota's image?? Even with her keeping quiet and laying as low as possible, Kiki coukd still ruin her career if she got it into her head to do so, not just by being a raging cunt herself, but also by exposing all those videos and pics that put Dakota in a bad light that the Ostrengas had taken down when /cgl/ was trying to ruin her.
I wonder if Kiki is really that much of a selfish cunt? "If I can't be famous then neither should she!"? I wonder if the Ostrengas planned it, made sure to buffer all the "Dakota Rose Exposed FAKE LIAR" stuff so she could get noticed enough to pave the Way for Kiki's big Japanese debut? Or maybe the parents are just so shitty they replaced Kiki as the favored daughter and just tolerate her now while they wait for Kota's yen to come rolling into Florida?
No. 37109
>>37099i would love it if kota posted on here about kiki, it probably would never happen but i still have hopes for it.
>>37102someone earlier said that people were talking about kiki on 2ch? or some other japanese forum. and there's so much shit on kiki that people could easily dig up. then again, kota isn't that popular and kiki isn't cute or likeable enough for japan. i don't know if kiki would ever do all that though, i think no matter how much she fails, she'll still be delusional enough to think there's a chance of her being popular again.
i think kiki is still the favorite, every plan of hers to get popularity in asia like kota has failed but cathy and scott keep spending money they don't have on these plans of hers. they still are trying to sue people over talking about her on the internet.
>>37103dakota doesn't seem to have any friends in florida, except she did have charms but charms had to air out kota's dirty laundry on cgl. and the most recent time kota actually acknowledged kiki was when she had to go home to renew her visa.
>>37106>maybe she only goes back and pretends to be nice to them instead of cutting them out completely so they don't go and try to ruin her.she definitely does. if not, kiki will murder dakota in her sleep and wear her skin.
No. 37130
>>37127i know cathy would never let them do it publicly though because it would make them look bad
even though i fail to see how there could be anything that would really make them look even worse because the ostrenga name is pretty much a byword for internet drama by now.
No. 37133
>>37122She should do sone side project modeling in S.Korea while she waits for her visa to renew. She wouldn't have tocgo back to bumfuck FL if she did that. Then again, SK is only second rate cute compared to grorious nippon.
btw, why would it take so long for a work visa to renew? Seems like a huge inconvenience for, yaknow, any job. Unless it was only an entertainment visa… idk
No. 37147
>>37085There is. I'm a Japanese student and one of the first things we're taught by our native Japanese teachers is that if you don't know a kanji or how to use it correctly, don't use it period.
In our Japanese homework we actually get marked down if our teacher sees that we've used a kanji she knows for a fact we don't know it because it's cheating.
Kirsten's would get really shit grades if she pulled this shit in my degree, and some of the stuff she's using is like JLPT1 so there's no way she really knows them and Japanese people will be able to tell immediately too.
No. 37206
>>37147if she was a serious learner, i could get her using the kanji. i use kanji i don't know in conversations to make sure i get used to seeing it. when i do use a kanji i don't know, i draw it in a notebook, and every time i forget it and have to look it up, i draw it again. but i can't see kiki doing anything like that. if you ever asked her on the spot to say something in japanese she would probably say, "私はキキ・カンニバーですよ~~~!私はダコタ・ローズの姉ですよ~~~。私は猫が大好きですね~~~~~!私はビーガンの食べ物を食べるよ~~~。” emphasis on the u sounds, the yo's, and ne's.
>>37192yeah and kota was the one who started it.
>>37199i think a little more would be good because kiki is irritating as hell. i had a friend like kiki and one day, i just went psycho on her for doing something little and just beat the shit out of her. scarily enough, it felt really good. i don't condone violence, but i think kota would feel pretty good if she beat the shit out of kiki and it would probably scare kiki enough to stop trying to ride on her fame.
it looks like kiki read what i said earlier about how if she really was in japan, she would say it instead of insinuating it. but this is still not proof enough, try again, kiki.
No. 37210
>>37206>2 day old makeupFucking ew, though it's obviously bullshit.
She's still failed to show herself in Tokyo properly, this doesn't show anything.
No. 37213
>>37210>Fucking ew, though it's obviously bullshit.for someone all about taking care of your body, hair, nails, etc, it's weird she'd admit that. granted, she has done worse shit to herself, like in one video she posted, she literally took circle lenses straight out of the bottle things you get them in and put them in her eyes.
>She's still failed to show herself in Tokyo properly, this doesn't show anything.however, it does show how far she will go to make people think she's in ~japan~ by wearing a coat in florida.
No. 37228
>>37224kaka has nerves of steel holy shit.
once i put in lenses after soaking them for only i think 4 hours or so and i was crying goddamn.
No. 37229
>>37228i was slightly wrong, she did put them in a case, but kept the solution from the bottle.
and i feel the same way. i never used the solution that the lenses came in but i used to be really careless with my circle lenses/regular lenses and now i have dry eye. so it really makes me cringe seeing people put their eyes through this shit. if kiki does this, i'm wondering what kota's eyes are like. i doubt she, or kiki for that matter, have ever been to an eye doctor before.
No. 37287 Maybe she's actually visiting Koots.
Still need to see the face though.
No. 37293
File: 1420437167340.png (773.05 KB, 1031x566, FakeandGay.png)

>>37275Actually I see long brown hair last minute in the left hand corner, or am I just crazy? Could it be Kota?
>>37287Funny how she stops the video right as the ticket is dispersed. Why not show her hand grab the ticket as some proof? For all we know she got Kota to shoot these videos and send them to Kiki.
>>37288Why be so secretive about filming. If I was in a foreign country I would show myself with background showing I am in the country not some random snippets that could be filmed any where.
Why not actually show she is in Japan instead of being really vague about it. Make the "haterz" eat our words? Or is this some elaborate scheme Kiki?
Pic related. I believe it when I see it.
No. 37296
>>37293I like how she says "my apartment" and not "my hotel room" implying she's living there/staying there for an extended period of time.
Maybe she is, who knows, but man it's weird that she didn't make some huge announcement about it.
No. 37298
File: 1420437873496.png (117.21 KB, 1271x574, Weather.png)

She was bitching about how cold it is in Japan, but during the day Japan is maybe 10 degrees cooler than Florida. I wouldn't call that much of a difference. Now at night there is 15 degree difference but is that enough for her to Tweet how different Japan is from Florida weather wise? Something doesn't seem right.
No. 37305
>>37179People sure jump to a lot of conclusions.
No one seems to have any actual proof.
No. 37306
>>37298I would kill for those temperatures. It's -7 here now and it feels like -26.
Bitch should stop bitching over nothing.
No. 37340
i still don't believe she's in japan. she could be getting this stuff from the first, and only time she was in japan, her "japanese friends," and/or kota. i wanna see today's newspaper and some follow-me-around type vlogs, then i'll believe it.
it's really sad she always feels she has to have what kota has. this is kinda ot, but i mean, when have they ever been different from each other? besides their personalities, they haven't really. like kota becomes a vegan first, kiki now has to become one, kota has an interest in sailor moon, now kiki has one, kota has an interest in japan, now kiki all of a sudden develops one, kota becomes a popular model in japan, now kiki has to be one, and so on. i understand them having some things in common because kota literally is kiki's only friend, but this is ridiculous. i think whenever kota does something or develops an interest into something "unusual," kiki just sees it as another thing to use to be trendy and different.
No. 37357
>>37340Kota said she would like to try cosplay…As much as I don't want her to- I want her sister to try it even less
Pls no
I also don't believe that she is in Japan. Everything is so carefully cut and filmed to never really show anything in her two new videos
No. 37364
>>37357it would be hilarious and really sad imo if kiki tried cosplaying because she'd spend all this time and money on a cosplay just to sit alone in her room in it. while kota would most likely be doing it for photoshoots, promotional stuff, cons, etc. also it would be a huge mess since i'm pretty sure kiki would cosplay as the cutest characters, like madoka from madoka magika or usagi in sailor moon. or jnig it and do a sexy kyubey or sexy link.
>I also don't believe that she is in Japan. Everything is so carefully cut and filmed to never really show anything in her two new videosexactly, if she was actually there she'd have nothing to hide.
also for someone who "cares" about animals and the environment she is one of the most materialistic people i've come across. it's always about what she
has, and the more disgusting thing about this is she never worked a day in her life for this stuff. she's essentially bragging about what her parents'/the government bought her
No. 37386
>>37298I was going to say this. The weather in Florida is fairly similar to Tokyo. Not exactly the same or anything but close enough to where it wouldn't be a dramatic change she wasn't prepared for.
Instead of saying "yay, I'm so happy to be in Japan visiting my sister!" she's gotta complain.
No. 37388
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She is probably in Japan to be the spokes model for this ramen
No. 37474
>>37293I knew a weeby vegan girl who went to study in Japan and bragged to everyone back home about how totemo oishii desu yo all the kawaii Japanese tabemono was, and then a little while later her flatmate made a post about how hard it was to find cage free eggs where they were living. when ppl asked why a couple of vegans would need eggs she claimed that it was 'still vegan' as long as it's 'cage or cruelty/hormone free'.
sooo kiki coukd just be another bullshit vegetarian pretending to be vegan. we already know she eats things that contain milk and eggs.
No. 37476
>>37474well she could also be eating like how i did when i first decided to become a vegetarian at 13. all i really ate was french fries and other snacks/sides. kiki looks a lot like i did when i was eating like that. i bet her nails under those fake ones are purple like mine were.
it's plausible, i've only seen japanese snacks that are vegan. and with food even if they say it's "vegan/vegetarian" chances are it has some sort of fish in it. or kiki's just really fucking delusional (well she's delusional either way tbh) and wants to believe that japan is vegan and everyone who says it isn't is a h8er.
No. 37583
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It sort of looks like pepper spray, but what do I know.
No. 37585
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I think it's more likely pepper spray. Anyway, would be silly to say one when it's the other, so I don't know.
No. 37586
File: 1420500510209.gif (39.02 KB, 600x600, lipstick-taser-stun-gun-guard-…)

>>37585Nevermind, I found it.
No. 37608
File: 1420503361064.png (1.15 MB, 1236x565, hair vs hair.png)

A comparison of her hair from yesterday's video versus a picture she look of her blonde elf princess hair from a week ago. I know the angle is different and so is the lighting by side by side it's completely obvious the one from a week ago is a wig. The evidence that Kiki is a lying fake cunt.
No. 37618
>>37615The only thing I could find said that it violates the minor offense act, if used.
And speculation that foreigners would be treated harshly for using them because they are foreigners.
No. 37640
>>37608It looks even more obviously plastic in the thumbnail.
I'm imagining her aiming her camera at her chest but her hair looking way too scraggly in the photo for her to pull the "look at my luscious vegan elf locks" excuse so she grabs some shitty plastic party wig she has lying round so she can finally post her titty picture.
No. 37719
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>>37702but isn't she the one lusting after 日本人男性のちんぽ?
No. 37721
>>37608now that you mention it. I totally see it.
The way the wig sits on her body is just unnatural for her real hair. It's way too lanky to sit that way.
No. 37727
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>>37724>>37726nah, it's def kiki. you can tell from the mouth. Tbf, they both have pretty much the same hair colour (although for some reason kiki's always looks oily to me..)
No. 37812
File: 1420564362623.jpg (101 KB, 578x512, lol.jpg)

she deleted my comment, but did not block me. I thought the two went hand in hand?
No. 37843
>>37812Lol. Come on anon you should know better than to post anything that puts Kiki in a bad light. She is a perfect elf goddness that can do no wrong.
rolls eyes What i don't get is why she deleted your comment but not the one above it about asking if she just attached a key chain to the taser.
No. 37855
>>37850i'll admit i'm slightly jealous of that tbh, it must be nice to be able to travel and have all kinds of stuff without having to work a day in your life for it. granted, it's most likely going to end at some point and kiki is going to hit hard with it.
it's saddening that she isn't even traveling (if she even
is traveling, i still think she's faking it) for a cultural experience, it's all just for the hope of becoming famous.
No. 37859
>>37853i've wondered, what's so special about kiki to cathy and scott? like if kiki were my daughter, she'd be forced to get a job by now. she may be the skinnier sister, but that's about it. she has nothing else other than that. i personally think kota's really adorable with and without shoop, she doesn't create a lot of drama, she knows when to keep her mouth shut, and she definitely seems to be a much harder worker. plus, kiki's aging like milk, so that makes her less likely to get fame, especially in asia, unless she wants infamy.
No. 37862
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>>37608Idk if this has been mentioned yet. The hair lightening is easily done in photoshop. I made this real quick for comparison.
No. 37863
>>37859>>37859Three words: poor white trash.
Cathy was studying to be a lawyer when she married Scott, and she thought he was gonna be some bigshot musician. Then when their plan went down the toilet and they had Kiki, they figured that if they groomed her and whored her out enough and made her believe that she truly does DESERVE to be rich and famous just for being alive, then it'll magically happen. Ignorant rednecks have this logic about their kids and i truly do not understand it. I'm from Jax, FL and my entire life my family told me bullshit that basically boiled down to "get knocked up so you can marry a guy to take care of you". It was like that EVERYWHERE. Nobody seemed to believe they could improve their own lives unless someone rich stepped in and handed them money to pay all their bills and fix all their problems. Imagine an entire town of people so stupid and immature that they can't do anything but make excuses, complain about the government opressing them (when a significant number of them were on welfare/EBT/SSI), and whine about how much they deserve but ust don't get because the greedy rich people are hogging itvall for themselves.
They're pigs, plain and simple. Lazy, entitled pigs.
No. 37865
>>37816some of her followers are young or just really naive :P
>>37817I guess she doesn't want people to know it's just a $25 item with a charm attached. it has to be speshull.
>>37843let's see if she deletes it today. we know she's lurkin.
No. 37880
>>37862It's not just the color of the hair but the texture and how it lays. Its like
>>37640 said her looks like plastic.
>>37870I think that anon was being sarcastic.
No. 37882
File: 1420575942601.jpg (124.69 KB, 962x512, 1420575234948.jpg)

Why did Anon delete?
>hesitant to post this but here's some proof to back up this anon :P
No. 37893
>>37863i agree with you, i'm around a lot of people like that too.
i find it really ridiculous that they thought and still think that being a musician makes a lot of money, especially these days where people don't really buy music. my bf is in a pretty popular band that tours quite frequently, but they still barely make anything. i've seen more popular bands beg people to buy merch just so they can eat. unless you're a radio friendly pop artist, you're not going to be making enough to live.
No. 37915
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I hate to sound like I'm white-knighting, but I don't think their parents are that devious. I actually believe it when Kiki says she never looked for fame in the beginning, it just came to her (and then she seized and milked it). Kiki posted a printed screenshot of what looked like a girl from her school sending her a myspace PM in 2006. I bet that in the early days before the coon-tails she was probably a regular myspace kid with only school friends added. But when she was taken out of school she started adding strangers and signing up for whore trains. I remember reading online ages ago about a person that said they had to unfriend her because she wouldn't stop posting whore train bulletins all the time.
How she got so popular to the point of "myspace famous scene queen" is easily explained. Her parents obviously let her dye her hair crazy colors since she was a toddler (hence neon-haired baby pics on her instagram). I bet 90% of the reason she was bullied in school is because she looked like this (pic related) when she was in school. That's practically an invitation for bullying and unwanted attention. But on the internet it made her cool and stand out. Take crazy scene hair, and 3000+ myspace friends, and bam. She was myspace famous. She probably seized it because she no doubt liked the popularity. Her parents probably helicoptered over her and monitored her internet presence like most parents do, but ended up becoming a little involved.
I don't believe the BS that her parents "groomed her" and "whored her out". I know they're assholes but that sounds really offensive for a parent, especially since it's not true.
No. 37917
>>37893I have a friend whose garage band just got signed, they were going around bragging about all the shit they were gonna buy and "G5 trips to Amsterdam" and all that, thrn when they got their royaly checks from their itunes album sales their checks averaged out to like $50 a person (band of 5) because they didn't read the fucking contract they signed.
Most people don't know that when you sign that contract, you give the rights to your music to the label and producers to sell for you and they make all the money while you get all the 'fame'. The real money in music is in the business side of it, the production and management.
No. 37970
>>37945>>37951tbh, if scott taught her a thing or two about music, she'd most likely be popular. my bf's band is a thrash revival band and they're popular with older people as well as younger people. i think ______ revival type stuff would really work because older people feel nostalgic and a lot of younger people are fascinated with the past. lana del rey has acquired a lot of popularity, i know of a lot of older people who love her just as much as younger people. and since she's looking for popularity in japan to top kota, a lot of japanese people, as well as people from other countries for that matter, are interested in america, i'm sure they'd find a revival of vintage american music much more interesting than generic dubstep. i've noticed my bf's band at least has some japanese fans as well as other countries and they haven't toured anywhere other than canada and the us, unlike kiki who has been played on a japanese radio station and no one cared.
also, she wouldn't need any creativity for that, i'm sure scott could just let her use his old band's songs. granted, she'd need friends for a band but she could just play guitar, she already has one lying around probably covered in dust.
No. 37989
@mmmkikikannibal: 美味しそうね〜 look guys I'm in a exotic foreign land and all I can take pictures of is stupid containers of shit that I could probably find in an Asian market store in Florida
No. 37997
>>37989i seriously hope she isn't in japan because this is literally pathetic. she's literally grasping at straws on what to post about, not like she wasn't like that in the first place. she's definitely not there or just really could not care less about cultural experiences and is just sitting in her "apartment" doing the exact same things she does at home, ie, just stalk "hate" forums/h8erz all day and screencap everything.
>美味しそうね〜this and a lot of other things she's posted in japanese, is pretty much proof kiki doesn't socialize with japanese people at all, or at least doesn't pay attention to their language/what they're saying. idk about any other japanese learners in the thread, but i've never seen the kanji for おいしい used, especially by japanese people in everyday conversation. my japanese input ime suggests the kanji for almost every word but it has never suggested i use the kanji for words like おいしい or かわいい.
kiki, every single word doesn't have to be in kanji, if you wanna use kanji so bad speak chinese. oh, i forgot, china isn't ~kira kira kawaii~ enough for you, it has to be japan so you can milk all of kota's fame and then one up her.
>>37995definitely kota did, i bet kiki was begging her to send some so she can prove to the h8erz she totes lives in japan.
No. 37998
Lmao Kirsten definitely isn't in Japan and
>>37989 proves it:
1. She cut her nails recently (momo-ten anyone?).
2. That's the same wooden floor from her Galaxy Dress & Haul video.
Pls, Kirsten. Try harder.
No. 38002
>>38000Thanks haha, but now that I compare the photos, either her nails have sporadic growth spurts or she's posting photos from her initial trip (or older pics in general). The momo-ten nails look trimmed n' tidy whereas these are fuckin claws.
The wood was throwing me for a loop though. She blurs her photos so much you can vaguely see the slats.
>Inb4 she claims I'm her stalker of 8yrsI've got a photographic memory of sorts. I remember minor details.
No. 38005
>>37989guess nobody is gonna point out her typo so i will:
>美味しい~so totemo fluent desho~
No. 38006
>>38002i think she just wears fake nails. in the candid pics of her, you can tell that girl isn't healthy, she looks emaciated and really old for being what, 22.
>>38003ahhh, sorry, i don't use twitter. i just haven't seen it in conversations before or in any japanese video games i've played. the amount of kanji she uses is unusual to me.
>>38005that one flew right over my head, haha. she's going to change it now that you pointed it out!
No. 38009
>>38006yeah probs. doesnt change the fact that she still did it and people saw it. i cant help but wonder if any of her fans actually speak or study japanese, and if they just choose not to say anything.
also her japanese is awkward as fuck. in addition to being either obviously 3rd party translated or basic phrasebook shit.
No. 38017
>>38009some of them will speak japanese to her but it's very basic sentences. it could've went over their heads, i think a lot of people don't really look for these things, myself definitely included. i was more worried about he kanji than the missing i.
>>38011i got what you were saying and it's cool. i'm glad you corrected me, it means i need to pay more attention when i study.
No. 38061
>>38042she probably thinks そう is 100% equivalent to so, because そうです/そうだ translate to "that is so." she could think it could also mean the so that is synonymous with "very"
>>38046who are these bloggers? i have an ameba but i only follow kota on it tbh :S wouldn't ne be more likely used in a conversation?
>>38052i get what you're saying, i was playing the original animal crossing in japanese and it threw me off because it had no kanji in it. but overuse of kanji is a little weird to me, granted i talk mostly to other girls in japanese so it might just be a more feminine way of speaking because kana is a lot more cutesy looking. idk tho, i'm self taught so i'm obviously not the most advanced speaker, haha.
>>38057she really does, we know she reads here, i wonder why she hasn't cut back on the usage of it. is she really that stubborn?
No. 38064
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>>37997Yeah but, do you know what does suggest using the kanji for おいしい?
Google Translate does kek
It's also worth noting that she fucked up her i-keiyoshi.
If she really was fluent at Japanese she would have noticed this.
No. 38073
>>38006I just want to point out that if kiki was really unhealthy her nails would not grow out that long. I have poor health due to having an ED. While I still try to eat and take multis and HSN pills my nails cannot grow very long. Also those nails look nothing like fake nails.
she doesnt really look emaciated either a typical junk food eating 'vegan'
No. 38077
>>38073she may look normal in a video with filters on it that was taken by her, but she looks unhealthy to me in these candid photos
>>23843 >>23936
>>23946 >>23948
No. 38085
File: 1420606275528.jpg (174.75 KB, 659x914, 1420501737426.jpg)

I hope the people who've provided sources and images in this thread don't mind me using them at my new Tumblr (I say new, it's an old one I havethat I cleaned out and currently has 1648 followers).
If anybody wants to come and watch Kirsten buttmad as all hell:
http://asbestus.tumblr.comWho wants to place bets for when the fake DMCA claims come rolling in? Then again, I guess if she's busy in Japan, maybe not right?
No. 38108
>>38106Katakana, not Hiragana.
Using Kana English words is really common in advertising, ect.
Sure, they have a different word for milk (牛乳), but it makes more sense to use ミルク in this context. The two are pretty much just as commonly used.
But, in this particular case, because the milk is not strictly from a cow, it is not appropriate to use the traditional Japanese word for "milk".
Almonds are not native to Japan, so the word is アーモンド there as well. There is no Kanji/traditional Japanese word equivalent for this.
I hope that makes sense anon. Sorry or the OT.
No. 38140
>>38106Well for Japanese people using English words (even when written in katakana) is considered cool, that's why they use a lot of katakana words rather than the traditionally japanese words. Just like kitchen is written is used in katakana now rather than the real japanese word.
It's pretty funny though, but as a foreigner in japan it makes it easier.
No. 38211
>>38182not only that, you can see her purple suitcase right beside the bed. plus the fact that that room isnt styled like an apartnent. its obiously a hotel room. i het shes either visiting dakota now or just postin fuckloads of random latergrams from when she did previously, or else why would she just randomly start doing it? an attention whore like her would normally make a huge deal about ~moving to Japan~.
BTW, that bed setup reminds me of a love motel.
No. 38216
>>38180>>38182>>38195There's no way she's living in Japan, if she is there at all she's just visiting. Otherwise, she would have made a huge ordeal out of it- she would have made a twitter announcement in broken Japanesr mixed with English, and proceeded to post pics and vids of her ticket, the plane, all her shit packed up in boxes, an apartment video when she got there, etc. As much as she claim she LOOVES JAPAN, she would have made a huge deal about actually moving there so she could rub in everyone's faces.
The way she's doing it now, she's trying to casually incinuate that she's BEEN living there for some time by posting random, unspecific shit, when in reality, she was in Florida just a few short days ago.
No. 38221
mmmkikikannibal: I great (^ з ^) - ☆
And yo I'm really happy you can see it's very obvious that this is a trolling message and not really a message to her couple followers. Anybody here with work and saving could go to Japan and not have to be a cancerous leech .
No. 38222
>>38221>>38221LOL she put よ at the end, AGAIN.
Also why would she use 本当に instead of とっても?
No. 38227
>>38221I love how she never replies to the people who are asking her if she's living in Japan now. Instead of just being like "Oh, no! I'm just visiting!" she
wants people to assume. She's so transparent.
No. 38230
>>38222it makes sense to use 本当に its more often used than とっても imho
but, 「素晴らしいね」just sounds so awkward
「すごくきれいじゃない?」would sound better lol
keeks pls
No. 38231
>>38085so, i was reading through your tumblr and i saw in the one post about her shitty japanese you linked the "learning japanese with my cat" video and i'm cringing at it right now. her pronunciation shouldn't be that shitty, kota lived in their house when she started making videos speaking japanese (granted, it was google translate japanese but from what i remember her pronunciation was fine). she could just ask kota for advice for learning japanese and pronunciation tips. i wonder if kota doesn't support kiki learning japanese and trying to get famous in japan. kiki's japanese wouldn't be such a hot mess if she would help.
>>38216i still don't believe she's there, even with all these pictures. or at least, i don't want to believe, like this anon said
>>38195 she doesn't give a shit about japan. i don't even think she's a weeb, i've seen weebs go to japan and they would flood their social media with all sorts of pictures of japan, even if it is just anime stuff. actually, i think any normal person would flood their social media with pictures if they went to another country. the only stuff she's really bragged about in japan are material items that she can get in america. it's just more proof she's just using japan to be special and to get fame.
idk the idea just really upsets me, she gets a trip to japn, without working for it, and doesn't even give a shit about the country.
>>38230such fluent dEYsOOOO YOnEH~
No. 38234
>>38231That's why I said "If she's there at all, she's just visiting.". I 100% beleive that Cathy and Scott would spend money they don't have just to send Kirsten to Japan (or worse, nag Dakota into paying for it with her money) thinking that all she has to do is
be there and the Japanese will trip over themselves to shower her with money and attention.
No. 38235
I agree with the whole "she should drop the 'kikikannibal' persona. She could reinvent herself with a new persona that caters more to Japan. For examPle, if she started going by her middle name, Leigh, she could write it In kana as レイ and it would totes sound like she has a kawaii Japanese name!. Hell, even 'Kiki Leigh'
「キキ レイ」 would sound like "ki-kirei" and "kirei" means 'beautiful'. She could milk that to death.
Hey Kiki, if you're lurking and reading this, do it. The "KikiKannibal" shit is far too old and worn out. Its time for a new start, or else Japan is only gonna see your skanky tryhard crap from back in the day, and that is NOT what they are into. Just do what Kota did, leave the past In the past, move on, and become someone better.
No. 38236
>>38235Oh no, don't give her any ideas. She would snap that up in an instant.
I thought Leigh was pronounced 'lee' though. Is it actually 'lay'?
No. 38238
>>38236I would actually be happy if she does. I wouldn't mind at all! And why not, it even sounds cute.
Idk, that's how I read it. I have a friend whose middle name is "Lea" pronounced "Lee", but with "Leigh" the -eigh makes it sound like "lay" to me.
No. 38245
>>38233true, i think it's more that, it truly boggles my mind how anyone can go to a foreign and not have anything to post about.
>>38234sorry anon, i think i read it wrong!
>>38235i think that name sounds much cuter, but idk if it'd cater to japan. i think japanese people would be more interested in an american with an american name. since it is more exotic to them, like kota speaks like a rough man and japanese people seem to find it fascinating even though it's pretty common in the us.
>>38240i agree with what this anon said
>>38241 plus, like myself and a lot of other people have been saying, kiki just isn't cute. without shoop kota is still cute, she'd got a round face, a cute nose, nice hair/skin tone, pretty blue eyes, etc. kiki may have blue eyes and pale skin, but she looks old, unhealthy, she has a beak nose, a massive forehead that she refuses to cover with bangs, etc. plus, she's way too narcissistic for japan. she can't resist showing off what she has, what she knows, how many compliments she gets by everyone, etc. i mean, just saying "you're welcome," in japanese is considered douchey, you're supposed to say "i should be the one thanking you," instead.
No. 38267
>>38250Hmmm wonder if it is this place
Somerset Azabu East Tokyo
And curiously enough they call it an "apartment"
No. 38282
>>38108Yes, sorry. I misspoke.
Thank you for clarification.
>>38140Yes! My family moves there in July, so I am trying to learn as much as possible.
Thank you both.
No. 38297
File: 1420662260230.jpg (8.86 KB, 312x235, 43322_1102251727003809887_STD.…)

>>38282To me, it looks like the Tokyo prince hotel.
Sorry for potato quality pic. But, beds in some rooms look the same. The view distance of the Tokyo tower is the same. There aren't so many hotels so close to the structure like this one is. I think you've nailed it, anon.
No. 38298
>>38292she wasn't all that hush about her ~music debut~ she posted all about going on a radio station and how girls in japan recognized her and shit like that.
i have some theories, if she actually is there:
>stalking kota at work so she can be a kawaii popteen model too>sucking&fucking tons of asian diq right now in hopes of getting a spouse visa>running around telling everyone that she's kota's sister and giving people her crappy music like she did last timeand i got nothing else, if she even is there, she's definitely not having any cultural experiences there or we would've heard all about it. if she's such a ~spiritual buddhist~ you'd think she'd at least go to a temple or something.
one really good idea, that wouldn't get her popularity in japan, but it would here, is selling items from japan you can't get here in america. the store would've never worked out in the first place because she was selling shit that's sold all over the internet.
No. 38339
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>>38297>>38244I used to live in the area, and I don’t think it’s either of these. I think she is in Shirokane or Minami-Azabu or something.
Not defending her because I think she’s terrible, but there are lots of short term apartments and sharehouses that will let you rent for as little as a few weeks.
She definitely isn’t living there for an extended period of time though, and it’s really annoying how she’s trying to make people believe she is.
No. 38340
>>38292I don't even remember her second time?
I still don't believe she's there this time tbh.
No. 38343
>>38340i think they were talking about her second plan on becoming famous!
and i do't believe it either. i probably wouldn't even believe it if she posted a video vlogging in japan, unless i see something that proves she's there at this moment in time.
No. 38444
>>38235please don't give her ideas anon
she'll stalk you to hell and back just like she did to Youlikkitten
No. 38469 of keks. what the hell is that laugh?, i didn't know you could become a weeaboo at that age. NyAaaaAAHh XDXXXD right back at you, weeabitch
No. 38472
>>38469she's laughing bc she's proovin da h8rzzz wrong~~~~
that second video though, she makes me think of that one annoying video of the bitch in a group of cosplayers filming people saying "nya" to them for what feels like an hour. which is what she probably does that to japnese people because she's ~totemo kawaii DEYSOOYOOONEEE~ i also wouldn't be surprised if she tries to speak with an incredibly high pitched voice too. tbh i'm slightly surprised little-miss-i'm-not-racist-i-love-asian-dick would post this sort of video, i feel like a sjw, but the high pitched nya thing seems a little racist. idk when people act like that it gives me the impression that they're a total weeb and think japanese people are kawaii anime characters. idk racist or not it's still annoying
dakota, if ur reading (probably not lol bc u have a job and could not care less about ur sister) pls punch ur sister in the face, all of us on lolcow will worship u for it, or at least i would. i would send kota money just to do it tbh.
No. 38475
>>38469I'm dying of second hand embarassment over here
If she is alone in the first just imagine someone standing at a train station filming and laughing to herself
The videos are so…cringeworthy aah
No. 38478
>>38474more of a reason to do it! part of me kinda wants to message her in japanese on her ameblo asking her to do it lol.
i wonder if kota has ever hit kiki before or at least got revenge on her while she was sleeping. i know when i got pissed off at my siblings growing up i'd do that. kota has way more of a reason to fight/get revenge on kiki than i had with my siblings.
No. 38479
>>38478Yeah, I mean jesus christ, Cathy always favored her for Kiki, and Kiki treated her as her fat ugly tagalong little sister.
Then Kota made it big, and all of a sudden, Kiki's trying to leech off of her fame when she was treating her like shit not a few years ago.
No. 38484
File: 1420724062473.jpg (139.71 KB, 1242x723, kudanshita chidorigafuchi.jpg)

No. 38486
mmmkikikannibal: I'm beautiful scenery ~
Pretty view ^^ example of why she could never get famous in Japan, she is not very humble
No. 38492
File: 1420730479681.jpg (282.16 KB, 1271x683, minato.jpg)

>>38484This is my guess where she is staying.
No. 38494
File: 1420730824654.jpg (128.43 KB, 1241x614, jinbocho eki.jpg)

>>38484Jimbocho station, Tokyo Metro Hanzomon line
No. 38495
>>38494But, all of the stations in the Hanzomon line looks like that
but it supports the theory
>>38484 has that she's in Kudanshita
since Kudanshita is the station before Jimbocho so (and the endline of Hanzomon line is Nagatsuta ; as seen on the first few seconds of the video)
No. 38502
File: 1420732958125.png (483.35 KB, 485x680, Screen Shot 2015-01-09 at 12.5…)

>>38499In any case, it still proves that she went to Kudanshita (
>>38484 ) since the station layout is pretty much similar to Jimbocho's since its in the same line
but what the fuck was she even doing there anyway? There's nothing in Kudanshita/Jinbocho except old books and the yasukuni shrine. She ain't weaboo enough to know about the shrine, it seems lol
She should try harder and fucking at least go to shibuya goddamn
But, her hotel can't be in Kudanshita/Jimbocho since it's too far away from tokyo tower (see image)
No. 38511
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>>38502>>38494my mistake sorry anon it is jimbocho 神保町
screenshot shows the last 2 characters
>>38504this anon is right tho hahaha
No. 39701
God, she's trying so fucking hard to sound native. Using 3 ending particles and always writing "dayo" is so goddamn rude, like she's trying to lecture others/forcing them to agree with her.