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No. 232595
40 year old neckbeard trying to make a career out of Youtube drama news, but is too busy shoving popcorn in his mouth to do any actual research.
>Makes videos about Youtubers telling people to kill themselves and then proceeds to do the same thing.>Beat his girlfriend during a stream.>Told his fans that he didn't care about them and that he hopes they die from cancer.>Falsely accused a 62 year old man of being pedophile and almost ruined his life.>Likes to get his 13 year old fantards to harass other Youtubers and streamers.Links:
Youtube: No. 232619
Youtuber talks about his experience with Kumstar
His ED: No. 232648
I linked this thread
>>231331 on his video about venus drama and he deleted it. I told him to read the whole thing if he's going to talk about it. LOL
No. 232660
>>232659He reminds me of Spanish youtuber Dalas Review
What an asshole. Doesnt he like drama? The read the thread, jesus
No. 232672
Really want to rage?
Here he is giving a small kid a video game, then breaking it in front of the kid, making him almost cry, THEN shoving a cone of ice cream into the kids face thus making him cry. also used to be part of a troll/griefer group called F@G just youtube the name and keemstar and you'll get plenty of videos of his shitbaggary.
No. 232678
>>232675>>232677haha, you beat me by a few seconds.
I really hope that Venus overcomes this, and I think she will.
No. 232810
File: 1454879436613.png (17.31 KB, 852x132, NfUXxdv.png)

how do i imgebord?
sorry I'm retarded.
TB's reply.
No. 232864
>>232619what the fuck.
Also, if keemstar was sending all these threats and saying all this shit why didn't this guy report him to the fucking police!?
He seriously needs to spend a few years in jail.
No. 232868
>>232634this fucking made me cry hardcore.
I think I might actually hate keemstar more than I hate onision.
No. 233474
>>232672Holy shit that kid's like 4 years old. That's really just beyond retarded; it's on the level of stealing candy from a baby cartoonish villany.
I imagine, since they had permission to do this, the kid belongs to one of the idiots on or behind the camera. In which case, his dad is a total douche.
No. 233933
>>232634He sullied this guys name because according to keem he KINDA looks like the pedo in the article, but he's absolutely not wtf
also follow him on twitch, he's adorbs No. 234638
>>232619Wait, wait, wait, WAIT…
No. 234954
>>234948I think more people are against animal abuse because an animal can remain a victim forever while a human has a chance to escape, use a phone, get to the internet and get help from the police. Animals can't.
I'm against both human AND animal abuse, but i've seen horrid things happen to animals working with a vet's office, so I can understand animals getting more sympathy. Both are awful though.
No. 241439
>>241233Wow, what a big surprise. Keemstar the racist, Trump supporting, wifebeater is a rape apologist.
There's no proof of it, but he might as well also be a pedophile at this point. He obviously wants to have every scumbag quality and it's the one thing he's missing. Disgusted that he lives in my state.
No. 241547
>>232635"Taliban looking mug"
I lost my sides at that point
No. 249428
>>249409I love becky. She does her homework and she's very articulate.
I hope this has some sort of impact but I doubt it will.
Just more proof of what a dirtbag he is.
No. 249439
>>249409I don't care for YouTube drama but this was pretty informative. I feel like I've learnt something without being bored, and she didn't have to resort to cheap tactics to keep attention.
I wish more youtubers were like this.
I doubt anything will come of it, though.
No. 251455
>>251447he's such a sack of shit.
He can't handle when people call out his bullshit, pretending he's some sort of fucking mastermind lmfao.
No. 252101
I'll enjoy so much when this guy meets his downfall.
>>251447This is not what I had in mind, but fuck him for exploiting people.
No. 252182
>>252101I agree. Unfortunately it's being out-shined by the current h3h3 leafy drama.
I know this sounds fucked up, but sometimes I imagine what the fallout would be if someone just went up to him and shot him in the head. Would someone be there to take his place?
No. 257409
File: 1460177466013.jpg (75.36 KB, 600x900, CfjcQkOUIAAwT57.jpg)

Currently Keem is stiring the shit pot again, this time mixing in the big name youtuber Toby Turner (Aka tobuscus) and accusing him of raping his former friend Aprilefff 3 years ago.
Here is her tumblr post 'exposing' Toby. is long as fuck.
Attached is her 'proof' that he drugged her. Honestly, this smells like a load of shit.
No. 257410
File: 1460177523326.jpg (71.33 KB, 600x900, CfjcQuXUsAAr20B.jpg)

Second piece of 'proof'.
No. 258271
File: 1460368703005.jpeg (43.22 KB, 750x433, image.jpeg)

Been loving this edgier pewdiepie arch lately
No. 258620
>>258271shit like this makes me forgive myself for watching his videos when I was younger.
at least he isn't a pussy.
No. 258809
The only reason people hate him is because, and I don't mean to sound lame but, jealousy. Seriously.
He's the most popular person on YouTube with 43 million subscribers and he earned that by shrieking at games and using 12-year-old boy humor. That's why people dislike him.
Other than that though, he's done absolutely nothing wrong.
No. 258810
The only reason people hate him is because, and I don't mean to sound lame but, jealousy. Seriously.
He's the most popular person on YouTube with 43 million subscribers and he earned that by shrieking at games and using 12-year-old boy humor. That's why people dislike him.
Other than that though, he's done absolutely nothing wrong.
No. 258811
>>258747While I don't, people hate him because he's the face of everything that's wrong with the LP community; aka 10 year olds only watching and never playing games, and pandering to those 10 year olds.
Sometimes I actually feel bad for him (not so much because he's gotten ridiculously rich of it) because in his newer videos I really get the feeling he doesn't want to do this but only does it for the money and fans.
No. 259293
>>258747I really find his inflections irritating. Additionally his commentary (from what I've seen a few years ago) is relatively uninteresting to me.
But, there's nothing like witnessing Keem getting shat on by the most successful and popular youtuber. Lord knows how many cocks Keem would suck just to be in Pewd's good graces.
Anyways, semi-off topic. Apparently Katers17 came forward and accused Toby of spiking her drink with drugs, which resulted in an emergency hospital visit. And another one of the girls that came forward about Toby's Granby hands privatized her video.
I feel like this thing is getting out of hand, all these Z lister youtuber hasbeens are coming out of the woodwork to shit on him about their 'experiences' with him. Dude is a total shit bag though, so maybe he deserves all the hate even if he didn't rape her. Kek.
No. 259371
>>259333kind of want toby to get his own thread tbh
he seems like a total asslord
No. 259387
Would it go in pt or snow seeing he's not really a notable figure? I used to watch him back when lp's were becoming popular, I never expected him to be like this. Although the drugs don't come as a surprise.
No. 262321
>>258747kind of late but I just want to add that while most people do hate him because he's so obnoxious and all over the place he's also had a history of making pretty shitty jokes (i.e rape jokes, yelling racial slurs) i mean he made an entire song called "it's raping time" that was back when he still wasn't even half as popular as he is now so i suppose he cleaned up his act? there was also a video of a bunch of small name youtubers reacting to a bunch of his rape jokes and misogynistic comments but i can't find it anymore. pretty sure you can find it by doing some research though. he also got into a little drama with youtubers that disliked him before he hit it big and said that he's only doing shit for the money and he ended up apologizing.
just providing some info on why people hate him since i only ever see the "he never did anything everyone hates him for no reason!!!"
No. 267114
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>>267113their conversations right now on twitter are hilarious, the way keemstar is trying to make everything seem like two buddies joking is so pathetic
No. 267224
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that was pretty good
seriously, no one can win against idubbbz, he doesn't give enough fucks
keemstar is gonna fucking burn
No. 269732
File: 1463179034594.png (54.44 KB, 926x635, ss (2016-05-13 at 03.36.44).pn…)

saw this on h3h3 reddit so I thought I'd share
No. 279742
>>279725>>279480It seems Pyro was the main lead in causing everyone to come out of the woodwork and to release shit keem tried to pull on them. It helps that Grade A supported Pyro so there are two powerhouse account going against him for once, and if it keeps up the other drama youtubers (sxephil etc) will probably talk about it as well.
Hopefully this is the beginning of the end for him. (He already deleted a video where he plays the victim card for like 20 minutes and I think it got so many dislikes and bad comments he deleted it)
No. 279782
>>279760>>279761Well I guess as long as he didn't sign any sort of NDA or agreement that he wouldn't talk bad about him then he can say whatever he wants.
Plus keem is a fucking dick. He could give a charity 50k and I'd still call him out on everything he does. One good deed doesn't cancel out an entire lifetime of BS, kek
No. 279964
>>279828"I should have motherfuckers going to war for me."
I'm not even surprised he thinks this.
No. 279978
>>279787This is the first time he's ever explicitly said he rejected the deal so I don't know why he's confused people think he got a deal from keemstar, because in the past he heavily implied he did and that's why he never trash talked him. The lack of keem is especially notable in his youtube drama video, so why wouldn't people think this was the case?
But if he's going to turn on him now.
No. 280147
>>280050Tons of youtubers have been fighting with keem for a while. I meant that pyro was a stronger
trigger/force for people to speak out more.
No. 280148
>>280147We're you not around when idubbbz released this video? It garnered 1 mill+ views within hours. It was a fucking nuke, not even keem could do his usual post critic meltdown. He basically had to take it because he couldn't refute/spin anything idubbbz said in his video. He essentially played it off as 'haha so funny thanks for poking fun at me friend'.
Pyro wouldn't have the balls to make his video if idubbbz hadn't first released his. Idubbbz was the first youtuber to successfully shit on keem so hard and so perfectly that keem couldn't respond with vitrol. Something no one had done before. This essentially opened up keem to a wave of hate on twitter from a lot of his 'fans', where he then went on a mass block spree.
No. 280320
He really does think everyone owes them his life if he says their name on his show with or without their asking.
No. 280458
>>280451and for more fun here's even an live broadcast of it: partyyyy~
No. 280465
File: 1465899983288.jpg (17.31 KB, 415x186, 2016-06-14 12_22_16-KEEM (@KEE…)

Tony defends keemtard now. I guess old people are less vindictive?
No. 280475
File: 1465906517655.png (101.25 KB, 397x494, Screen Shot 2016-06-14 at 9.11…)

so the old guy mentioned in
>>232634 and
>>233933 tweeted about kumstar today and his tweets were nice and telling people not to be mean to keemstar.
this makes me even madder because wtf the dude is so nice to forgive him
No. 280516
>>279787Stupid gnomestar. He even started talking shit behind Grade A's back.
Gnome does that when he is afraid of youtubers, but the dumb fuck can't hold his act together and obviously does not have the large sums of money he always brags about.
No. 280524
>>280512This is the weakest video yet so far.
>claims keem's done illegal shit, but didnt really explain which shit he did was illegal>uses the pyro 'face reveal' as an invasion of privacy, when the photos were already circulating online.>met him in fucking person, but didn't elaborate on his impression of who keem is in person.>makes no mention of his own countless appearances on keem's shitty streams.God I hate keem with a firey passion, but leafy is only really doing this to save his own ass since the keem ship is sinking full force. Same with grade. Both grade and leafy are scum bags who are only turning on keem to save face.
No. 280535
>>280517He just listed him as an example of homofobe people in 0:40 in his latest video, alongside Trump and Clinton.
I guess since this happened recently, Grade might be preparing his next video attacking the gnome.
No. 280605
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No. 280610
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>>280605I don't know who exactly he's talking about. If it's Grade, he already got most of his shit leaked. So he really can't do anything about him unless he's got some serious shit which I doubt.
I wouldn't be surprised if these were just empty threats. Like how he said he had "files on files" to swing back at Pyro with.
No. 280615
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>>280605By everything he means talking about imaginary money he can give to potential threats to keep them quiet.
How many subs has he lost already? Was it just because of leafy?
I really wish I can see this guy crash to the ground, he has done too much harm.
>>280610He threatened BeckyBoop, saying he had some super secret exposing video of her, and she called him out on his bluff.
And this gnome thinks of friends as minions or servants, that's why no one wants to be associated with a egotistical manchild like him.
No. 280643
>>280615A cynical part of me thinks this whole thing may have been planned/staged. He did something similar with bashur and clarababylegs.
Additionally just because he's losing a lot of subs doesn't mean he's going to be out of bussiness. The react dudes recovered all their subs and are gaining more than ever now. Same thing could happen to keem. All those tweets in the screenshots are gettibg 1k+ likes.
No. 281438
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they were my friends! (1)
No. 281440
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No. 281441
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No. 281445
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after "treatening" multiple times to have an internet offtime he's already testing the waters right now for a comeback.
No. 281446
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>>281445>majority noOh, Keem.
No. 281457
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His official statement to Philip Defranco.
No. 281462
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>>281447at first I thought he was just a giant douchebag, but the more I read his stupid rants the more I believe that he has some serious mental problems.
No. 281483
File: 1466087977175.jpg (394.94 KB, 640x914, comparisson.jpg)

Comparison on the like dislike ratio between the last video keemstar was in (top) and the first video the new temp replacement is in (bottom).
I wonder if there would be less dislikes on the bottom one if it weren't for the official message from keemstar in the video. There's also less views on the bottom one too though.
No. 281502
>>281462This stupid ass grown man does not grasp the simple idea of people who talk shit get hit. How the fuck does he expect to have real friends, whatever that concept means for him, if he pushes people in front of the bus all the time, and is know to be not worthy of anyone's trust. He swatted one of his "friends"! He is an absolute monster.
Keeping aside the fact that he is a racist an homophobic biggot, his reactions expecting sympathy from people completely ridiculous, since he can't feel sympathy for anyone else. Maybe he should move to Popcorn Gnomeland and never come back to the Internet.
No. 282865
>>282782keemtard is such a cow. He's still losing subs daily and what does he do? create new drama with another Youtuber. His apologize was stupid and fake as ever, it's even a wonder that Josh accepted it at first.
btw, apparently GradeA will release a Video about keem today.
No. 282876
>>282865I'm so excited about that.
Also, despite making 2 polls on twitter, where the majority of the people voted against Keemgnome coming back, he can't be a single day off the internet. He didn't appear in one video of Drama Alert, but kept acting like a teen on twitter. He is so dependant on the attention he gets, like he was neglected as a kid or something. Not attempting to make a diagnose or something, but he keeps talking about them in a way or another. Maybe he was picked on as a kid, and wants to de-victimize himself by picking on younger people to feel stronger.
I do not have degrees on psychology o SJWology, so just disregard this as a wild guess.
No. 282910
>>282905>That part with the crying grandpa.It just broke my heart.
This man is an asshole, plain and simple.
No. 282912
>>282910It breaks my heart every single time.
Neither of them has addressed the fact that keem also offered money to Grade so he wouldn't do a video about him. Grade wanted to secure his parents wellbeing with that money, but in the end he saw beyong the bullshit.
>>282905Becky Boop now praised Grade in the comment section after she made an exposed video on Grade insulting an underage Reddit Mod.
Youtubers are hardly reliable but I still enjoy Grade's videos.
No. 282978
>>282975stepped down my ass. That fucking cockroach is still pulling the strings behind dramaalert, waiting for the situation to calm down and then he will make a comeback like always.
I wonder if youtubes new rules will help? If they're serious about this, it could really terminate his fucking channel once for all(and some other crap channels too)
No. 283030
>>282923This. Didn't he even make a comment on idubbbz Video back then defending keem?
I like some of Grades videos and I wish he would stay out of the whole ~drama~ he said he wants to stay out of.
He is a massive hypocrite.
It just disappointing, because first when he used the phrase 'Make youtube great again', he used it to spread awareness of youtubes copyright issue. But now he just uses it to push his own agenda.
No. 283149
>>283041yeah, this is why I'm iffy on grade.
If anything it seems like he's the one jumping on the bandwagon for views since he was nestled comfortably in keem's asshole not too long ago.
and to not even mention idubbz as the first call-out video, Idubbz is undoubtedly the one that got the ball rolling.
He's acting like he, pyro and leafy are the holy trinity (bcoz omg suuu many subz) going to bring down keem and Grade's fellating himself as the killing blow.
No. 283154
>>283149Yeah, grade is a bit of a cow himself. He's had multiple reddit melt downs and can see himself do no wrong. It's funny how most people lick his ass hole and praise him as they shovel his shit willingly down their throats.
The most irritating part I find about him are the FUCKING ESSAYS he writes in response to simple topics. I probably wouldn't be able to stand him in person, he seems like the type that won't shut up because he likes the sound of his own voice.
No. 283249
>>283245Honestly, I'm skeptical of Bashur. If you havent been following Bashur's drama since the beginning you'd take his side. But he's been on the keem dick for a while… and had even teamed up with keem to fuck Clarababylegs over so she'd come back to him. The whole crazy 'reveal' of her being a gold digger to him was staged and they planned it in advanced. There's a full recording of the convo on youtube, but this guy breaks it down. BASHUR helped fuck his ex over so that she would come back go him. And the way he talks about it in the call is fucking creepy.
Even if you're keem's bottom bitch, you don't go to that level of fucked up without having fucked up selfish reasons of your own.
Further more, not long after, he was dragging his former youtube collegue's in the mud having keem harass them and their SO's through twitter.
Bashur will always be a manipulator to me, and I see this as an opportunity to wash himself of the fucked up things he did with keem.
No. 283272
>>283249I partially agree with you.
But it seems like Bashur is sort of broken. Only crazy and or abused people want to take revenge on their exes. I'm not saying he doesn't know what he is doing, but he is obviously weakminded, and that's why keemstar probably wanted to work with him.
No. 283372
>>283249I've been following it since the beginning, and my take on it has always been, "this guy with agoraphobia DUE to his charges has been had by this fucker, conditioned to owe him and lick his feet." He was being PAID by Keem to produce content because he wanted to quit and get a regular job, and when he realized that he was a pawn he couldn't say anything. He couldn't say anything because they now shared fans, Bashur's fans have been sucking the keemkunt ever since his innocence was proven, since the Clara-gold-digger video, and since the "look at what a nice guy I am, I'm going to pay Bashur extra! (So he can't go against me,) I saved your YT God, kids." Since Keem has acted as a platform for Bashur to prove himself as innocent, he can retract it just as easily and people will believe him. Now that many huge YT people are going against Daniel Keem there's an opening for Bashur to tell the truth, to hopefully get his fan's trust before Keem goes mad with lack of power and "exposes" not only him, but everyone else he has "files on top of files" on.
I consider Bashur a bit gross for the non physical relationship he had when he was younger, but almost everything shitty that happened to him since his drama stated is because Keem had a leash on him by the nuts. I can release a little bit of anger due to that.
No. 283401
>>283154Late, but I agree, I was a bit disappointed when he crapped all over Mark.
But the Youtube drama is getting so annoying..
No. 284655
>>284582Anon, most of the people involved in this shit are just in it to make money. They dont give a shit if what they say is true or not, as long as it fits the popular narrative that will get them views.
Grade would have never addressed keem as an issue on youtube if it hadn't become popular. But to makeup the time lost, he had to spin some of the info to look like he had the most incriminating 'evidence' of keem being a bad person.
I hate keem more than most e-celebs out there, but grade is a special kind of cunt.
No. 285054
File: 1467226323920.png (72.07 KB, 588x608, keemthegnome.png)

This is so unfortunate, I kind of liked the new kid.
I'm tired of this narcissistic gnome.
A minute ago he claimed that his response video was coming out soon.
No. 285605
>>285432Thank you.
>>28545025% "Clip taken out of context, it was comedy, it was a character"
24% "I'm being backstabbed"
50% "Grade A under A is a liar"
0,5% "I'm sorry, I screwed up (refering to Total Biscuit and wanting to report his death)"
0,5% Audio: "Hi, this is Keemstar's girlfriend and he has never abused me or my child in any way"
0% Evidence
No. 285608
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No. 286065
>>285430I only listened to about the first 10mins or so but he's a piece of shit. He's not clearing anything up or providing proof of anything.
It makes me salty when people are incapable of accepting responsibility for their actions. He just blames everyone else, or makes excuses for why he did those things.
"okay I called alex a nigger.. b-but he was racist first wehhhhh!!"
No. 286090
>>286016I verbally said "what a fucking piece of shit Keem is" and he is. What the fuck kind of shit is that?
Keem you manchild, go and be a proper father for a change.
No. 292255
File: 1469542023872.png (254.62 KB, 387x404, 2016-07-26 16_03_57-KEEM (@KEE…)

Guys he's gonna quit!!
(…probably not. I expect his comeback in less than 2 days)
No. 292381
File: 1469582207910.png (9.58 KB, 388x159, 2016-07-27 03_09_13-KEEM (@KEE…)

Keemstar comeback!! already!!
(who's surprise?)