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No. 247796

Does anyone think Ashley ever hit 100 pounds? I mean back when she was like 16-17 years old….

No. 247802

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Back in the Hamtaro days, probably.

I don't think this needed a new thread, though.

No. 247808

I was just curious because what others thought, since she was cute back in her Hamtara days, now she is just a spooky looking skeleton. It is sad she turned into someone so ugly looking inside and out

No. 247810

Wow her makeup is a mess.

No. 247814


This is probably what every my chemical romance fangirl anon looks like on lolcow.

No. 247815

So salty.

No. 247816

Lol her whole life is a mess now

No. 247829

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She was trying to imitate fellow camwhore Cracky-chan. It looked as stupid as it did on her originally.

No. 247839

Why are there 2 threads with the exact same op pic? When you litterally could have asked this in the other thread?

No. 247840

Why so salty about a band that doesn't even exist anymore?

Also OP, this did not need a new thread. Thanks for clogging up /pt/ with your autism, both of you.

No. 247841

Because anon is completely retarded.

No. 247852

Please use the Ashley thread. >>245724

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