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No. 262979
Girls who thirst after mass killers, calling themselves things like "Columbiners", "Holmies", ect.
These people make me rage like no other. Anywho, post blogs, pics, ect of mass shooter fangirls.
Some notable people are…
Lynn Anne, crazy bitch from youtube who's been know to harass the families of Columbine victims and says they deserved to die. No. 262980
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No. 262981
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No. 262982
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No. 262984
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No. 262987
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This is about Adam Lanza
No. 262988
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No. 262996
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No. 263000
>>262995Name and tumblr of this woman?
>>262999Glad you're better now anon.
No. 263003
The hilarious thing is that her blog ended up in an article about Columbiners, but the writer (was it Dave Cullen? It could have been) missed that she was writing about fucking Eric Harris etc and he only posted a printscreen of her blog description ripped from Mean Girls ('How do I even begin to describe Eric Harris?' etc.)
No. 263004
>>15912>>263003Here's said article, was wrong about Cullen, though. writer missed SUCH a huge opportunity, though! The description was the least bat shit insane thing about the blog.
No. 263006
>>263005Holy shit, this is ridiculous.
What makes it funnier is that the area they are in -Highlands Ranch- is notorious around here for being filled with rich kids with too much money and time on their hands. ffs
No. 263009
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>>21100Let's not forget this
No. 263017
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No. 263018
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No. 263019
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No. 263021
>>263017I wonder what this crazy bitch would do if 2 psychos with guns just appeared and starting shooting up the place right in front of her? Would she panic and cower in fear or immediately fall in love and try to seduce the gunmen?!
>>263018> Bullying is WRONG!!>Murdering 13 people is a admirable response.This child needs psychological help!
No. 263034
>>263013Girls went insane over Richard Ramirez. One of his crazy fangirls married him and threatened to commit suicide when he was executed. They separated before he died of lymphoma though.
Because of some strange goings on during his trial and the nature of his crimes some people thought he was legitimately demonic. Rumors that he was possessed or was the devil in disguise. If his crimes were current I cannot imagine the edge on tumblr.
I just don't get this at all. A lot of these guys seem sweet and charming during interviews because they are sociopaths. There's a chilling undercurrent to that charm. There are even Jeffrey Dahmer fangirls. And he was gay. Do they think he would have wanted them?
I think if any of them really met up with their idols in some alternate universe they'd turn tail and run. The ones that don't probably deserve what they get.
No. 263096
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>>263093I've only found two, I'm sorry. I wish I saved more, but this was sooo long ago.
You wouldn't believe some of these girls and guys. I specifically remember one who was 29 at the time, married with a child and completely obsessed with Dylan K. She tattooed something along the lines of "I'll always love you Dylan" on her wrist.
Then there were girls who shooped E & D's faces on pictures next to their faces, wrote walls of text of how they want to be with them…
I even remember one who thought she had a paranormal connection with Eric and said she saw his steam reflection in the mirror when she was showering, kek.
I could go on and on, but here:
No. 263761
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Here are some more Lynn Ann accounts, for those interested. Her facebook is a bunch of Eric Harris shoops and her G+ is a bunch of rants about how everyone is jealous of her. No. 263773
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No. 263787
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No. 265663
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No. 265664
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No. 265665
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No. 265677
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There's an Eric Harris board on IMDB that's filled with stuff like pic related…
No. 265785
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No. 265791
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No. 265792
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>>265791>Model typeThis woman is a train wreck and i love it
No. 265815
>>265665Who the fuck is this bitch to call anyone ugly? Who cares if the survivors aged poorly in her opinion? If Eric didn't die that day he'd look like shit on account of being in prison for years.
>>265770Yeah, it was moved.
No. 265925
>>265677Woops, forgot the link. single one of these people talks just like Lynn Anne.
No. 265992
>>262979Ever notice these women and girls always try too hard to make themselves sound like they're not like those
other girls?
They're so fucking delusional.
They seriously believe if those shooters passed them by on the streets or in a school that they would be
different from the rest, and not just another target. Women who like these serial killers are ultra egotistical like that.
No. 266288
>>263052lol, anon! I read through this series and all the missing pages and it was really bad.
Then I'm getting through the second series and I'm fucking dying.
>Vlad Tepes>omg he's French!>They made him French even though he was Romanian/Bulgarian this comic is so bad. They have decent artist sometimes then weebs that don't draw faces!>>266244I don't think this woman has ever played Super Columbine RPG. Really just seems desperate.
No. 266885
>>265810Both Brooks Brown and Sue Klebold says otherwise. They were bullied, but they were shitty to others anyway. Like DK slapped a girl during a gym lesson.
Brooks Brown is known to be a creep and a liar/embellisher, but Sue Klebold at this point has no reason to lie. Her entire book is one big 'I fucked up so bad that my son has died as a murderer'.
No. 266888 have always been a contradiction, a duality of perpetual contrast. Ambivalence was birthed from the darkened lotus of my mama’s womb, the perfume and crystalized petals marked my existence and I was tossed into my sea of equivocal uncertainty, yet i was as confident and self assured as a wolf hunting her unsuspecting prey.
The perverse, sinful, vicious angelic nymph - the big-hearted, innocent devils mistress - A sensual, erotic womanchild with the wisdom of a high priestess, who still giggles and twirls in her pretty skirts like a princess.
A delicate Libran flower, a little ethereal wide-eyed girl in a big wild world that I find enchanting and disgusting. A hedonistic femme fatale with deadly appetites, a decadent pistol and her killer shot.
What to make of me, what to make of me. Not to say I didn’t know who I was. Oh, I knew. I was just many names, many places, maany lovers, many dreams, many shining experiences, many blazing passions that didn’t know how to fit into this one body all at once.
I have so much anarchy in my blood I can’t sleep at night. I am in love with chaos and my wild heart. There’s so much love in my heart that my poor rib cage may collapse at any given moment.. My heart is my master and I am her slave. I live by my emotions, my passions, instincts and my intuition. I am eternally, devastatingly romantic.
I’m just a girl writing her life away, her heart and soul belonging to that of a Bad Daddy so spellbinding he’d make your grandmother blush.
Eric Harris is my Twin Flame, my everlasting lover and my guide. Dimensions can never keep our eternal love and bond apart.
More bullshit here: No. 266889
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No. 267463
>>266889"I feel very kindred to Nancy Spungen, Bonnie Parker, Lana Del Rey, Demri Parrott, Anais Nin, Anna Nicole Smith, Sylvia Plath, Harley Quin, Tinkerbell, Sable Starr, Peaches Geldof and Elizabeth Taylor."
Tears of embarrassment. I feel 'em. They're coming.
3-4 years ago I was a lurker and occasional poster in the Columbine tags on Tumblr. Mostly journal quotes and documentary screenshots. It blows my mind that the Columbine and spree shooter fandoms have gained such momentum, and just how bat shit crazy these 'totally not condoning' fangirls & boys have become. These bitches make the author of "The Nobodies: A Columbine Love Story" look sane.
No. 267485
>>267231I have no idea, but the spiritual mom knows about Lynn Ann and considers her a faker, just like every other girl that says that Eric Harris is HER twin flame, lover… anything, really.
She (spiritual mom) had a meltdown when a girl came to another blogger's askbox to say that she thinks that she MIGHT be EH's twin flame. It caused drama in the Columbine community (some people defended spiritual mom, others took the opportunity to call bullshit on the twin flame idea).
Whether she truly believes in the twin flame bullshit or not, she has managed to become a ~Queen~ of Columbiners.
Side note - there's also a girl on tumblr who believes that she's a reincarnated Bonnie and that Clyde is her ghost lover. I forgot her url, though.
No. 267507
>>267485Jesus Christ – these are grown women unironically claiming ownership of a
dead murderer's love. A dead murderer they never even met, let alone knew.
I cannot even.
No. 268111
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>Don't condone what they did, just trying to understand it.
Yeah fucking right, she's a 20 year old romanticizing an underage killer from the 90s what a goddamn freak
No. 268146
>>267889Reminds me of that nutty Zeta Talk lady who claimed she could talk to aliens from Zeta Reticuli. But she choked when asked questions she obviously didn't have pre-prepared answers to.
>>268111So many of them are so young. Either they weren't born yet or were still in diapers when Columbine happened. I always thought the Columbine fandom would die off eventually. But I guess not.
No. 268437
>>268436it's like those people who try to make their friend's suicides about them.
>oh i could have helped if they just let me inno bitch fuck you.
No. 268476
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That does not sound romantic at all
No. 268478
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I don't get why some chicks fetishes are dead spree killers. Not to blog but I think people who do these killings and kill themselves should just kill themselves. I guess this is why Charles Manson got married to some dumbass 25 year old.
If he killed himself or in jail, you can't fix him! Guys who need fixing aren't worth anyone's time.
No. 268481
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No. 268501
>>268481That's the most hilarious shit ever.
I used to be a poster on the SCMRPG boards many, many years ago before it turned to shit. There was detailed information on there from a criminological, sociological and psychological point of view which many of the posters were into because it was either a real interest or something they were studying for.
Then all these fangirls turned up which you're all posting about and ruined the fucking board with topics like they usually do.
One of my favourite responses by someone towards their post-death photo was "Do you wanna know how much shit was in their pants when their asses relaxed?"
It really turned into a mess (no pun, honestly!) more fangirls joined the board and it struggled with finding people who were 'normal' and apathetic enough to moderate the threads after that.
Then it closed, so many years of good fucking discussion down the drain.
No. 268506
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No. 268635
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No. 268638
>>268622Some desperate idiot thought that would be an easy way to get a little attention from girls, didn't he? They're delusional and lonely enough to fantasize about dead guys. Got any links?
>>268635This such an obvious troll but I lol'ed!
No. 268641
No literally all he did was post porn and hit on underage girls. (One of his girlfriends who is being bombarded with asks about him) "pictures" of him. I'm not sure if these are real or the pictures he was pretending to use. There is a bunch of shit in the ericfuckingharris tag.
No. 268668
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>>268527What I think of every goddamn time I see Lynn Ann.
No. 268914
>>268436For me personally (I hope it's okay to share my thoughts because I feel they're relevant), it's not about that at all. I'm a huge masochist who's into guro, necro and all that jazz. I fantasize about hot guys raping me and slicing me up, and certain serial killers are simply able to give those fantasies a face.
There's a huge difference between fetishization and glorification. The first is solely about being sexually attracted to a person who conforms to certain points, in this case, being a despicable human being. For me, the attraction stems from my masochism, for others it might not have a proper explanation, as is often the case with kinks/paraphilias. Glorification is, well, this
>>268476. "Falling in love" with serial killers, wanting them to escape jail, not giving a shit about the victims (or even blaming them) etc, are things way beyond my understanding, so I can't really comment on it besides that I think these people have lost their grip on reality. The biggest pitfall for hybristophiles is to forget or refuse to acknowledge that serial killers are criminals who shouldn't be condoned for their crimes just because they might be good-looking/mentally ill/misunderstood, and never people to aspire to be with (whether out of desire to "fix" them or something else).
(please tell me more) No. 268929
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> catapuls eggs into your pussyThis is everything I've ever wanted.
No. 268954
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>>268914No one cares about your shitty fetish. Jfc.
No. 269198
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No. 269215
My two cents on this topic:
I don't think it's always a fetish or something (well, but it can be), but sometimes when you're reading something this brutal, specially if it's all at once, you can "disconect" it from reality. Like, it's so violent and insane and distant from your own reality that you feel like you're looking at a piece of fiction. Yeah, if it was a movie, we probably would think it was cool that the bullied ones got their revenges shooting up the school wearing black trench coats and sunglasses and shit, Tarantino stlye. We get that "rush" from it, because we know it's not real.
So I guess, for most of these girls, they still don't "get" that it's not a movie; they are not fantasizing about Gogo Yubari, but assholes that planned to murder an entire school (had their bombs worked) that were very real and most likely would kill them, too.
No. 269707
>>269701Also, I think Columbine has the biggest "fandom" because they have the biggest appeal:
>Angsty/angry teenagers full with angry/angsty diaries>revenge story (not like it was a hate crime, like Roof's, for example) >Everyone knows their musical tastes and that they liked playing vidyas and shit>"""attractiveness"" (well, at least among other mass shooters, i guess)So I guess these chicks feel closer to these guys, even if they see them as husbandos and not real life people.
No. 270299
>>266288Oh man, I'm starting to read the second one as well now and it's waaaaay worse lol.
None of these fucking characters have any resemblance to the serial killers they're based on at all.
>Delphine LaLaurie looks like an autistic hot topic weeb
>That description on Vladimir Tepes "The impaler">"He quite literally coined the phrase "Oozes sex", he will take you for the ride of your life, then ruthlessly take it from you."wut
No. 270360
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>>270321Richard Ramirez is one of the better looking serial killers, as long as his mouth closed because of dem teeth.
He's more of the uninteresting ones. Nothing too special. He was just a pretty handsome guy, albeit a psycho. I could kinda understand girls fan-girling over him, if anything.
Dahmer, Bundy, and the columbine boys are just absolutely hideous on top of being deranged.
No. 270386
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>>270374So, you think that they only way to manipulate/charm someone is by being physically attractive? Some of the most charming people i've ever met have been average/ugly.
And anyways, case in point, these girls will never be able to experience his charm. instead, they're left with this (pic related) and i really fucking fail to see how this is erotic or exciting at all.
He's grody looking. misshapen. ugly, creepy.
No. 270407
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Jeff Dahmer is attractive as well.
I like tall, goofy looking guys though.
No. 270420
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>>270360I guess it's a matter of opinion, but I don't think any of these guys (Bundy, Dahmer, Klebold or Harris) were what one would call "hideous". Harris and Klebold were at that gangly age that a lot of high school guys go through. And both Bundy and Dahmer took some scary pictures, but mostly they just looked like average Joes.
Now, you want physically hideous, look up Ottis Toole (pic related). I wonder if HE had any fan girls? (Since apparently homosexuality doesn't matter to these women.)
No. 270433
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>>270407How about one of the worst mass killers ever, Stalin? There are whole blogs about him. Just hear this:
>>270374He was a sociopath, and that's precisely what sociopaths are known for.
I know 'sociopath' isn't a really diagnostic criteria, but I knew one once, a guy with "anti-social personality disorder" who was extremely violent, but at the same time strangely magnetic. With people he knew exactly how to hit all the right buttons in all the right spots, everybody thought he was just such a great guy, even though we knew what he did. He was extremely dangerous though, and I'm glad I got away from him. Wouldn't surprise me if he's in prison right now.
No. 270464
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>>262983Because Pekka-Eric Auvinen is cute af?
No. 271244
>>262986>Lynn Ann listened eagerly as Eric quietly voiced, “I need somewhere to stay for a while and as my number one fan, I know you can keep a secret. Do you think you can convince your mom to let me stay here and keep this just between us?” Honored by the title of being his number one fan, Lynn Ann nodded at him while responding, “Anything for you, Eric.” >Lynn Ann felt a satisfaction unlike any other when Eric admitted, “I always read everything you post online about me.”>To some, Lynn Ann’s obsession with him would seem daunting and downright creepy, but Eric found it quite charming, and he admired the girl’s devotion to him as well as her unwavering beliefs in his views and morals. Her volunteered determination to defend him against those who were in disagreement over his actions also made Eric value her all the more, and at seventeen years of age, Eric found Lynn Ann’s maturity to be well beyond her years, possibly exceeding his own at times. No. 272916
>>270360Young Dahmer and Bundy were pretty good looking, objectively speaking. Plus apparently they had some charm to them.
Ignoring all the teenagers here, I think older women like this shit because the men are safe (either being dead or locked up in prison). It's like a celebrity crush except he's even less likely to break your heart. Plus they get to imagine he's some hurt loner that they could nurse back to happiness or some shit.
Overall a stupid fucking fetish.
No. 272919
>>272916Regardless of physical attractiveness, I think it's quite common that serial killers are able to be charming. They look for traits in people that they can exploit and flatter. Think of how narcissists can be so charismatic and charming.
Maybe it's because films and media portray such killers as being loners, socially awkward etc when in the reality they are more likely to be that family man who everyone can have a joke with who you sawv attending the local fete!
No. 272985
>>270360It's a shame such a good face was wasted on such a psycho.
>>270374As I recall, Bundy's decent looks made people be less suspicious of him. While it's true that charm and good looks aren't always related it does help. An unattractive person who is charming can do just as well as a person who is attractive. Even better if the attractive person has nothing but looks going for them.
But why are guys like John Wayne Gacy, Dennis Rader and David Berkowitz not really romanticized? Gacy looks like a creep anyway, Rader looks like a stereotypical suburban dad and Berkowitz looks like some low IQ grocery delivery boy.
I don't think it's looks alone. But they may help sometimes. But there's some fantasy that goes along with the whole thing. I never really thought about it much. But think of how many kids hate their school. I know I hated mine. Maybe these girls deep down have a fantasy of their school being Columbined? I don't know. I never got the fascination. Other famous cases of school shootings don't get the romance attached as much. These girls aren't masturbating to that Amish school shooting from a few years back.
>>270380I also think what is considered attractive has changed a bit in the last few decades. Bundy's face is acceptable enough. And he doesn't look like a serial killer. Although we see him in a different light because we know what he did. Back then people who didn't know viewed him differently.
No. 273012
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>>272916I never understand people and the media calling Bundy good looking. He had a unibrow and most of the time looked like a hobo. Even as a teenager he wasn't shit. I think the thing that made him seem most approachable and safe was that he was a law student, because you wouldn't think someone who is well educated and has something going for him would do this. I saw on a recent interview of a victim that during the first conversation he introduced himself as a law student on his way to uni.
No. 273054
>>273012He plucked his eyebrows later on, and he certainly didn't look like a hobo when he was young, that was part of his appeal, he looked clean cut and all that. He was a decently attractive man (not super gorgeous or anything) that used his charms to get by.
Aside from his personality charms he also sometimes pretended to be handicapped and in need of help to lure victims (like wearing a cast and then needing help getting something in his car). Tricks like that don't really depend on looks, just on the chance of his target being a nice person.
>>272985I think Dahmer was the real waste, he was legit hot in his youth.
No. 273346
>>270360They fixed his teeth in prison I think.
I read about him and his childhood was disturbing. Not shocking he turned out to be an absolute psycho.
No. 273393
>>273334He did not have a "normal" childhood.
He had distant parents, and parents that paid no mind to his odd behaviors. His younger brother had the normal childhood, which is why his younger brother turned out to be a success. Dahmer lived alone in his family home towards the end of his high school years, leaving him to his thoughts and desires. He was an alcoholic and chronic drug abuser as well, constantly drunk at school.
Yes normal childhood indeed.
No. 273872
>>273710>>273819I thought it was just a matter of "being born with it" or "your surroudings made you like that", the first being the psychos and the latter, the sociopaths.
That would explain why psychopaths usually know how to act socially, they just lack emotions and empathy, but know how to act since they where raised right; and sociopaths become violent and without empathy for others because their lives, especially early ones, where a clusterfuck of shit.
That's what I always heard, but I'm no specialist, so…
No. 274275
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No. 274276
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No. 274277
File: 1464594015259.png (712.84 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_o7vskjOMMR1tgb6wyo2_128…) anyone seen this "true crime confessions" Tumblr?
No. 282983
There are few times I wish death upon others (unless they're animal abusers, sexual predators, or, y'know, murderers and psycho-/sociopaths like the ones these pieces of human scum fetishize).
I truly wish people like this had never been born. Infantile women and 12-year olds who act like they ~*luuurve*~ this shit because they think it makes them cool or intriguing are a whole other level of vile. It's ironic, because there's no doubt in my mind that these same people would shit themselves and bawl for mercy were they put in the same setting they oh so love to romanticize. It's further ironic, because if anyone deserves to be slaughtered and ridden of on this earth for the benefit of its inhabitants, it would be these degenerates.
(Especially that hideous abomination who harassed actual survivors - possibly what made my blood boil more than anything else on here. Looked to be in her 40s on top of that, what the fuck.)
There's a difference between finding something intriguing and full-on fetishizing it for the sake of ~*edge*~ points. Personally I found the case of Adam Lanza quite intriguing given the whole being refused treatment for his Aspergers diagnosis by his gun-loving mother (who became his first kill, oh the irony) because I think the relationship between his untreated diagnoses and his secluded way of living and background in relation to what he did is interesting and worth consideration. I will also admit that I find him somewhat aesthetically cute in a Tim Burton-esque sort of way.
Also I'm sad to hear these degenerates ruined the forum where this was discussed by people who truly found it interesting - that would've been great to take part of. Has any of the info collected on there been saved and documented on some other platform? I'm thinking LiveJournal etc.
I hope to dear god there's no-one over here masturbating to Anton Lundin Pettersson. He was a racist who went to a school in a neighborhood with a lot of immigrants wearing a Darth Vader mask while slaughtering students and teachers with a fucking sword. I don't want this fetishizing murderers shit anywhere near my country but because a lot of them are apparently from Finland I'm feeling discouraged. He also wasn't conventionally unattractive, either.
What the fuck, world.
No. 283049
>>283031nice contribution to the thread, dipshit.
post something actually relevant or fuck off.
No. 283125
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>>282983In my own experience with the true crime side of Tumblr, I've found that most of them steer clear of race/hate-related killers or only focus on the act of killing itself or how "tortured" the killer was.
Even as attractive as Anders Breivik is (compared to someone like Adam Lanza), he never gets any attention unless it's for normal reasons or someone just agrees with his political views.
No. 283133
>>283125I don't know, a lot of them I see are racist and there were definitely some more race based killings at Columbine that these cunts likely fap over.
I think the fact that Breivik is still alive takes away some of the romance, actually.
>>282983I agree with you, these edgy bitches are so fucking annoying and stupid.
No. 283162
>>282983Comparing yourself to these fucknuts makes you sound like a special snowflake, noone cares about why you feel superior to them and noone cares about why you're "intrigued" by murderers… this thread isn't about you, it's about hybristophilia.
>>There are few times I wish death upon others Another fucking edgelord, you sound like you share more in common with them than you realize.
No. 283243
There's a fine line between finding something intriguing and fetishizing it - as several people in this thread have pointed out, and I wanted to further point at the distinction between the two.
I apologize if my comparison between the two put too much of a strain on your cognitive capabilities. :^)
Considering there are tons of people on this site wanting fatties/OC/people who disagree with them to die I doubt me wanting rid of people who fetishize murderers and harass survivors makes me any ~*edgier*~ than the aforementioned. But you know, whatever helps you sleep at night.
That aside, I feel like the edge appeal wouldn't be the only factor drawing in these people, especially given that several of them are fucking old and have kids. How do they even get that "far" in life with this kind of obsession? As in, are actually able to form interpersonal relationships and function to some degree in modern society. No matter how you look at it, this kind of fixation seems crippling, both psychologically and practically.
Several people on this thread have pointed out the appeal in people who are dead and thus can't reject them, but that in combination with the edge appeal (and a small bit of genuine interest- maybe) would hardly be the only things feeding into this fetish. Most of these murderers are also below average in looks, but I guess the ~*troubled*~ shit and actually acting on it goes a long way for the fangirls - I feel like there's something missing, though.
No. 283271
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>>283125doesn't seem to be the case with dylann roof fags.
No. 283325
>>268501Omg you too? I had a feeling these people truly do ruin everything they touch.
I tried to start a Restorative Justice community online one time, and all our awesome discussion basically got ruined because these chicks were trying to get involved.
Its hard to think of specific examples because there was so much crazy shit. But essentially, they would get mad and chimp the fuck out when we had to point out concepts like, "Restorative Justice would not have excused your crush's actions. Please discuss your BS somewhere else."
Eventually, the drama and accusations that we were assholes because these chicks kept trying to hang around us made us end our public internet presence.
No. 283382
>>282983 god columbiners fucking disgust me and i really, really hope one day some of them do find themselves in a school shooting.
when i was in highschool there were so many shooting threats for my first 2/3 years that usually 10-ish police cars were on campus at any given time- i went to a real fucking big school, granted- and it's scary as shit to go through that and not know if you'd live or die on a given day because some emo edgelord might have a gun.
it's kinda cool to read about serial killers, i find jeffrey dahmer particularly interesting, but god i'd never jerk it to serial killer stories like these girls do with all the columbine-esque shit.
>>283243>That aside, I feel like the edge appeal wouldn't be the only factor drawing in these peopledont underestimate how much people are drawn in by edge, especially people of the tumblr variety.
i wouldnt be surprised if these columbiners said their attraction/obsession "isnt their fault" because they have some kind of tragic mental illness that causes them to fantasize about literal murderers.
No. 283472
>>283243Shut the fuck up already, nobody cares about your opinion and nobody cares about how fucking cute you find Adam Lanza to be.
You are no different to them.
No. 283475
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>>262979I had a period a few years where I watched a lot of Columbine documentaries, read a bunch of news articles and stuff about it, etc. I just kind of found it interesting, don't know why. I still find it interesting. It's weird
Sage for slight blog post, have some more retarded Columbiner bullshit
No. 283500
>>283472…are you done? stop bringing up meaningless shit that was mentioned days ago. no1curr about how
triggered you are by someone else's old input, you're clogging up the thread for no reason other than to piss yourself so either shut up or post something relevant.
back on topic.
No. 283711
>>283617I am not sure if I have or not, however, having hung out with the trying to be edgy crowd in high school, occasionally hearing that one of these sickos is "totally hawt" makes you wonder.
I think you are right that they keep it under wraps, but of course, things tend to slip out if you know someone long enough.
No. 295012
>>263004I remember hearing about that, I live in the local area and all most people had to say was less about the Columbiners and more about the fact that a CFA, an American no less had a shooting plot on Canadian soil.
There was a suspected third person who was gonna join them but bailed and reported it at the last second. So the story goes anyways. The Canadian killed himself but the girl was sent back to Chicago and I think she faced charges there.
No. 295216
>>295064holy shit, i used to follow her on tumblr. remembered seeing a reblog about Adam Lanza's untreated Aspergers but couldn't remember what blog it was that reblogged it. maybe it was hers, then.
i follow one of those girls on IG, wait lemme check
No. 295469
>>295292she does have a beautiful face. Her body is meh, but she's gorgeous so what does she need a nice body for, anyway.
More on topic, I remember following her tumblr. She posted a lot of generic serial killer type things. fantasy tragic princess fairy doll pink tinged flower and trailer park photos. typical –soft edgy– tumblr style. she seems like she's growing out of it a bit, from the looks of her recent photos on instagram in the past couple months
No. 295539
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>>295217Oh I know this girl, I would have never expected to see her on lolcow. She's a huge cow, I used to follow her but the dd/lg stuff and edgy posts, mixed with her horrible attitude towards her own fans, made me go no no.
She's not ugly but neither pretty as she wants people to believe she is, she shoops, filters and uses angles quite a lot.
No. 295540
>>295539*as pretty as
No. 295612
>>295530She has two tattoos on her forearms- one is the logo from the movie "the Virgin Suicides", the other is from the movie… you guessed it! Lolita. Dumb idea for tattoos if you ask me. Her hair looks healthy and thick. she
seems to have nice skin. She just has a cute babydoll face, but i've never seen her in person. She's definitely not ugly. A bit unique. But she seems to know how to work camera angles, so.
Isn't she Italian?
No. 295618
>>295612Reeks of self post MO.
1. Insult yourself with inane shit
>her tattoos are dumb" 2. Compliments self
>pretty hair, skin. unique!! 3. End with a question to keep discussion about self going.
>Isn't she Italian (+1 for not saying Asian) No. 295696
>>295217>>295292She looks below-average, people have really shit standards on this board I swear. Just the other day we had a few anons that said they wanted to fuck greasy onision.
>>295469>>295481>>295612Fuck off with your self-posting, you're average as fuck - accept it, you'll appreciate life a lot more.
No. 295707
>>295292no problem, fam.
i've never really had an opinion on her before, only we liked a lot of similar things and i liked her pics and the stuff she reblogged so i followed her. (inb4 basic nymphette lana wannabe)
when i dug up her instagram i noticed a post with a drawing that some artist drew of her that really rubbed me the wrong way. it didn't show any gratitude or happiness about it whatsoever, literally just 'me by xxx'. even if she thanked them before or whatever, it just comes across as really ungrateful and dismissive to me.
being ungrateful and passive doesn't make you interesting or ~mystic~. it just makes you look like an entitled brat who doesn't appreciate other people taking time out of their day to give you something/try to make you happy.
idk maybe i'm overreacting but it really really really irks me when people don't show appreciation for other people's kindness.
No. 295734
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>>295217So, I already thought she shoops because I followed her Flickr and her face was kind of different (>>295539), but I googled her name + flickr and this came up. It's from Weheartit. The facial structure looks the same, the nose is bigger but has the same shape. Could this be her without shoop?
No. 295737
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>>295735Compared with a 100% sure old photo
No. 295779
>>295734>>295735>>295737she's not particularly pretty nor painfully ugly. if she didn't show a bad attitude and didn't photoshop so badly/ work angles so much to act like she's hot shit then nobody would care.
people like this only do themselves a disservice by acting this way. accept you're average and embrace it. there's no need to show a bad attitude over a false sense of confidence based on edits, filters and angles. there's never a need for a shitty attitude, really.
No. 295781
>>295774Uuum not really, I'm the anon who posted "If this is not a selfpost I swear to God" and also posted the pics, and nothing more. Instead… I'm pretty positive that it's always the same person who keeps defending her and samefagging. Luna, is that you?
Anyway, yes she's a scam, but we can also talk about how she romanticises murderers for edgy points and is imitated by her dumb ass followers who kiss her "cherub chubby lil bloody angel Sad bbygirl" shtick. Or, like another anon said, her rude attitude and ungratefulness even when people spend time drawing her (photoshopped) image. It's like she thinks it's people's duty to worship her so she doesn't need to show respect or be grateful
No. 296193
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I'd let young Stalin fuck the shit out of me if that counts.
No. 296254
>>296221>waaaaahhhh!!!!Still not seeing anyone here saying Lee Malvo's blacksnake ain't too bookoo…
In fact, Richard Ramirez looks pretty Anglo…
Your move, tumblrtrash.
No. 296277
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>anons being this triggered over someone pointing out a small instance of racism on a board specifically designed to poke fun at hypocritical dumbasses and cringefestskek no need to be assblasted about it. wouldn't you lot be proud of shit like that anyway?
>preference>implying all black people look the sameyou don't need to be a tumblrtard to realize that that's retarded. all you need is a functioning brain and a basic set of morals. but maybe that was asking too much.
moreover, there's no need to clog up the thread any more with your butthurt. but, you've already latched onto this, so, do go on!
No. 296282
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>>295734>>295735>>295737is there any way to see traces of the edits in her pics? based on these before ones it seems like a given that she shoops but i don't really see any traces of it in the pics themselves..
can anyone point out traces of the PS? how do you avoid that stuff showing?
No. 296285
>>296282I don't know how to show traces but you can see it's the same person, just look at the eyebrows, the eye shape, the eye color, even the same eye makeup. If you compare the pic you posted with
>>295735 yeah it's harder to believe but if you compare it with
>>295737 (that it's her for a fact, it's from one of her old profiles) you can see they're the same person. The moonface is the reason why she doesn't post full frontal pics, always three quarters or low res frontal pics in which the hair cover the sides of the face. Regarding the nose, either she's a master of ps or had a nose job. Anyway she never posts group photos, one of the red flags of somethingtohide-ness. I really don't know.
No. 296289
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>>296285yeah i know for a fact she does edit; i was just curious as to if there were any visible proof like bent background stuff or anything like that. one of the reasons i didn't know she did PS until she came up here was because i could never see any glaring proof in her pics. now that i've seen the before ones, i know better.
right after i posted that photo i looked at her IG again and noticed pic related. doesn't her hair bend rather sharply right beside her nose tip? like next to it but slightly above; like she made it pointier then angled it up just a little.
idk guess i'm just used to the more obvious PS snowflakes so this one boggled my mind a little.
No. 296325
>>296289No, it's just two layers of hair. The canopy is pointing to the right and the hair underneath is falling straight down.
Her skin is too doll-like for it to be unedited but she's not obvious about it.
No. 296329
>>296289Luna knows better than, for example, Dakota that made shoops completely unbelievable by shaping into an alien. Luna looks legit because her shoops are believable and her folowers wouldn't look for ps traces.
That said, it may be. The tip of the nose looks blurry on the right, and on the left there's a weird darker line that goes down to the columella… contouring maybe?
No. 296330
continue from
>>296329Because the difference from
>>295737 to
>>296289 is too much, the nose is completely ps product or she had a nose job. But I know for a fact that Italian surgeons are not that good to make such an awesome job. No, I believe that no surgeon could do that, shaping a potato nose into that shape is hard to believe. Surgery noses don't look like that. Or maybe she had one, but still shoops, raises the tip and such. I would pay to see her irl
No. 296865
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Honestly the only person who killed another person/may have killed another person (they never found solid proof) who I think is attractive is Sid Vicious. Honestly …..damm
No. 296887
>>296816While I think I know what you meant, with exceptions, killers ARE normal people, normal people are killers. It's not like jails and prisons are full of the fringe of society with no relationships or family, no, it's by and large normal people who happened to stab someone to death.
If you watch some true crime shows, you often hear descriptions like "family man" or "loving mother" about twenty minutes before you learn they poisoned their spouse to death.
No. 297048
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>>297039waaaaaaah the hot girls don't like me! I'll never get laiiiid!
No. 297252
>>297040Lol that's very true. It's no wonder none of the women he wanted talked to him and why would they? He dressed like a faggot, had a terrible personality and expected everyone to come to him and put no effort into socializing. The way he
behaved screamed creep. Even if he did manage to get a hot blonde, there never would've been paradise in that relationship.
No. 297255
>>295735>>295737Holy shit this is crazy. I knew there was something hidden behind that cringy personality of hers. She claims she's over adam lanza and is obsessed with cowboys and countryside americana now for whatever the fuck reason. Her phases are neverending.
It's very interesting looking at her old flickr and traces of her unflattering days on google. From Luna Blokar to Luna Mia Selene. Lmao someone should expose her. I bet she would be terrified. No wonder she keeps changing her links periodically. She even took pics with that one boyfriend of hers and put them up on social media all the time. I wonder how he felt about her shooping? He probably realized what a piece of shit she was which is why they broke up.
>>295775Bout time someone said it. Funny thing is she's not even a natural blonde no matter how hard she tries to say it's "a dark sandy blonde". Her roots are a medium ashy brown. She's such an awful liar.
>>295781Luna's english is shitty. You'd know when it's her.
No. 297281
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>>295735Ok this is her. I was more skeptical about the smiling one because she never smiles in pictures so I couldn't make a comparison, but I saw this.
I still can't wrap my head about it, how the fuck does she change her nose so drastically without making it obvious.
No. 297299
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>>297281It really is her. I found a load of names she used to go by before she really got a following. Google image search luna lisbon, lunavonteese, lovelygun, and lolitaguns. If you click visit page on some of those, you can find even more and more pictures.
No. 297300
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Wait a minute, if this was posted in 2010 and her (abandoned) lookbook profile says she's 23… Her tumblr description says she's only 23 right now! Is she lying about her age???
No. 297414
>>297299>>297300Now I see the resemblance with
>>295734 . Anon you have some detective superpowers here, I didn't even know where to start, except for the three old pics I already uploaded and made a reverse image search but found nothing much.
When I followed her I remember all the girls in the comment section saying stuff like "I'm so depressed because you're so beautiful and I don't look like this", and seeing this makes my gears grind because she makes herself look impossibly beautiful to make her followers feel bad when she actually looks nothing like her photoshopped persona, but they don't know this. What's even the point in shooping so hard, whenever they pay you a compliment you can't feel good because it's not really you in the picture.
By the way her nose looked… fat? Is it possible that it depended on the weight, and with the weight loss the nose kind of reduced itself?
No. 297440
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>>270420Okay I know this is a 3 month old comment, kinda catching up on this thread but. Gotta say, I'm a fan of Toole and he was quite adorable to me in his younger years.. When I say fan I'm not entirely sure what I mean, I feel like I 'm a self aware hybristophiliac in some aspects? I don't know..I know it's disgusting, wrong, I don't want to do any cutesy dating things with murderers, not even talk to them to be completely honest. I just love observing/learning of them but find them attractive in a fucked up way.
>Pic related THIS is the Ottis Toole I choose to remember No. 297452
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>>297414It could change slightly, but not as much as that. Her nose is SUCH a huge difference and she's still close to that body size if you check her instagram. If you look at her Luna Blokar and Luna Lisbon flickr pages you can see the progressive shoop before she became good at hiding it. Some of the pics are blurred to hell. Who knows, she could have gotten a nose job from the world's godliest surgeon but it's most likely just shoop since her face shape and nose are inconsistent if you look closely, including in her recent photos. This is easy to spot because she uploads so many damn photos in the same angles and hasn't switched up her poses for years.
No. 297453
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>>297452Can't forget that jaw comparison.
No. 297463
>>297452I can't believe I used to be jealous of this thing. It's not like she's ugly or anything, she's just… painfully average.
And that's almost Kota levels of shooping, Jesus Christ. How insecure you have to be to morph yourself into another person just for virtual likes.
No. 297468
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>>297463She was an attention seeker from the very beginning since she felt the need to post her face everywhere online even before she started to photoshop. She must have thought she was hot shit and realized that she isn't when no one gave her the time of day. What bothers me the most is that she gives attitude to people on tumblr and askfm and generally has this holier than thou attitude.
I don't understand why girls like this can't hide their tracks properly either. It's obvious that she tried because some of her old social media pages were deleted but not all of them. She finally got her wish for people to constantly kiss her ass though.
No. 297710
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do you think god stays in heaven because he, too, lives in fear of what he's created here on earth?
No. 297958
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>>297710god has abandoned us, anon
No. 298885
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No. 298886
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No. 298903
>>298886Oh for the love,
This is painful.
No. 299694
>>296282If you look at the part of her chin by her lips, I think you can see it. Why are her eyelashes so freakishly long?
Anyway I think I used to follow this girl on tumblr aaaaages ago. I don't think she was a hybristophile then, or I wouldn't have followed her. I don't know. I think I saved a few pics of her hair because I wanted mine that colour, but they were kind of ddlg implied so I chickened out when showing the hairdresser. Never did go blonde, whatever.
She always seemed so pretentious, which serial killer is she obsessed with again?
No. 299696
>>297048hahaha what was that in reply to? I think the guy is very unattractive, so I'd like to see what he thought was ugly.
Then again, so many ugly guys have high standards. Reality check time, maybe?
No. 300191
>>299694She gets lash extensions. She has a general interest in true crime but the killer she was most obsessed with recently was Adam Lanza. She later took it back and said she was just "interested in the case" but she exclusively reblogged him and it was obvious she had some sort of romantic thing for him.
She changed her tumblr and instagram links again shortly after we posted about her. She is fishy af. Does anyone know what her new links are?
No. 300273
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And of course her shoop becomes more and more ridiculous. You wish you looked like this, Luna.
No. 302494
>>263012Liking Hitler is understandable. He's a historical leader. Most of the people venerated ITT are small time.
Roof is cute though.
No. 305765
This isn't a new phenomenon at all, but it's super interesting seeing how it is existing online right now. Extra interesting seeing the anons here talking about their own attractions to serial killers.
But yeah, none of this is tumblr specific. It's not even a thing where tumblr acts as a catalyst, it literally just gives people outside of this group a VERY detailed look in.
Richard Ramirez had a gang of groupies who would hang outside the courtroom during his trial (you can see a vid here: ). And this is only a tiny subsection of the admirers he had. There are reports of whole rows of seats being taken up during Bundy's trial by fan girls who would giggle every time he looked at them or walked past. Manson's groupies are beyond well documented. Dahmer, Bianchi, even John Wayne Gacy and Son of Sam had flocks of admirers. These are just a few examples but it's almost guaranteed that when a serial/spree killer has a lot of media coverage around them a bunch of admirers are going to appear.
There's different theories about why this happens, but interviewing a sample of women with this fetish showed that most of them had suffered extreme trauma, either through abusive relationships or childhood abuse and that some people for some reason (which could be either through complex traumatic experience, or lack of support/repeated retraumatization after the trauma is over, or anything else) end up with this phillia as an extreme maladaptive coping mechanism. This lines up with a lot of research and anecdotal evidence from extreme abuse survivors who can obsessively re-play aspects of their trauma (e.g: searching out partners like their abuser, getting into dangerous situations similar to those in which their trauma happened, being so used to the abusive relationship they are unable to handle a healthy one). One psychoanalytical theory posits that part of this attraction is that these super violent men can be seen as protectors. Kind of like, if you have experienced extreme violence in your life then your brain crosses some wires and first normalizes it, then sees aligning yourself with and appeasing an extremely violent person as a way to keep yourself safe from future violence. Another part of this is that these groupies appear mostly when these prisoners are behind bars, again adding another layer of safety for the admirer.
(of course, there are more reasons than just complex traumatic stress for this, and even then this isn't a topic that is well researched. All the formal evidence is from small sample sizes and a LOT of the conclusions that I have read have been hilariously outdated and not sociologically informed psychonalytic nonsense)
No. 306147
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>>297440lmao good taste faggot
No. 308122
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>>308096I don't see the connection you're trying to make.
>an anorexic autistic mass shooterHe probably didn't even have Asperger's, but you can devolve any person to a few words to scorn their existence. To what do you think you would be reduced?
No. 308133
>>308122Well at least I know I, for one, won't be going down as a mass shooter. Or someone who looks up fucking fan fictions of mass shooters cuz ~so edgy~
But he was anorexic and he was a mass shooter. Whether or not he was autistic doesn't matter, he still had a profound mental disorder (because duh if you're gonna go out and kill people, you're definitely not normal).
No. 308235
>>308181>guy looks like he just sharted himself to the next dimension in like every single pictureI laughed, but you can't deny he has attractive, masculine facial features
>>308166I sleep well at night too, thinking of a homicidal skeleton. :)
No. 308551
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I wonder why she deleted her Instagram.
No. 322411
>>297468I'm literally mindblown right now…I used to be so jelous of her, I couldn't even look at her pictures without feeling bad about my own self. I never thought about the fact that she may be shopping but now it seems so obvious I literally feel like a fool! At the same it feels strangely refreshing to know I was feeling so bad about myself for no reason, thanks for finally speaking the truth about her lolcow!
On the other hand I recall the time when she posted this one selfie - she cut a photo of her, pasted it on a pastel gradient background and added some kind of halo around her head (if I recall correctly). I remember seeing it for the first time and I was like "what…what is going on with her jawline?" because it was really blurry and kind of…bumby? Looked like a very bad liquify tool job to me, I was almost surprised that no one else noticed it. I would show you the picture but it was on her tumblr which doesn't exist at the moment (I guess?).
No. 323631
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>>295707I did some drawings of her and the last ones I did she send me some cute messages and tagged me all over everytime she re posted it, so at least she is grateful of people drawing her…
Its really weird seeing her old self… but I still think she looks pretty, obviously her angle game is too strong but in some selfies I can see her non photoshoped old face. I guess her weight loss changed her face a lot but I can tell her nose still has that shape in the tip.
No. 329490
>>323631but she hasnt even lost that much weight shes still very big. her face wouldnt have changed as much as it did and weight loss doesnt warp your facial features like that lmfao. maybe stop ass kissing with your trashy art.
>>323937>>324824more like you're being retarded and paranoid about nothing. relax
No. 377180
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why does this dumb bitch keeping changing all her social media links and names? smells like she's running from something. maybe someone called her out on her shitty photoshop.
all these photos were taken recently and around the same time. she is INCREDIBLY inconsistent with her photoshopping. she even edited her hair ends pink for one photo with the highlight tool from fucking Ribbet for some reason and you could see the pink brush residue around her hair.
what the fuck is up with her shooping her cheekbones into a god damn triangle and only on select photos? sometimes she keeps her saggy, doughy jowls and sometimes she gets rid of them. she has a thousand face shapes and dont even get me started on this bitches half bulbous, half suddenly sharp nose. also she does not know if she wants her jaw line to be high or low lmfao
No. 382565
>>377180she went from publicly " joking " claiming adam lanza was her ex bf who killed himself to some weird personification of a wannabe Luli from Hick
she has 0 authenticity even if she has beautiful hair
No. 408568
>>408528this thread is about people like you, not for people like you.
sage your retarded shit.
No. 408756
>>408645Usually everyone in the hybristophilia comm is into a wide range of murderers and shooters. For instance there's a large Nazi hybristophilia comm on tumblr, but I've seen many of them expressing a love for Dylann Roof and James Holmes too. It's one big ugly hybristophilia orgy.
The good thing is that these people are full of self loathing, depressed, miserable, usually friendless, and really hate themselves. Occasionally you get a narc (many people in the Nazi fandom come under this umbrella) with strangely elevated self esteem and self worth.
This is a Paul Bernardo fetishist. love manipulating people into feeling sorry for them.
No. 408762
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To me the worst hybristophiliac is the fat gofick bitch named Jessika aka thedeathmerchant, who is in a relationship with Bobby Ray Gilbert, a double murderer who she defends at every turn because 'the victims owed him money'. She also defends him smashing other inmates skulls for the exact same reason. reason she's the biggest cow in the TCC is because she's a grown ass woman with a teenage son, and thinks she's the queen of the true crime community, simply for being married to a violent inmate who leeches off her for money orders while declaring their undying love (no conjugal visits allowed).
She used to be known for starting drama with Bobby's ex girlfriend on facebook, seeing as Bobby is apparently seen as something of a 'celebrity' among prison wives.
She makes a living by promoting Bobby's terrible pencil drawings and marketing her collection of shanks to her dumb teenage followers.
No. 408775
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>>408771Samefagging, I almost forgot how bad she looks without shoop
No. 408777
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>>408775I've also found an old pic from when she was still learning how to photoshop, and man that obvious jaw shave
No. 408875
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Obviously someone told me about it.
No. 408888
>>408875whoever told you is an idiot. if they were really looking out for you they wouldn't jump the gun like that. the thread was bumped literally just today, and i bet you if they hadn't said anything it would've been dead in a day and no one would've cared.
the person who told you is probably the same one who wrote the post kek
No. 408896
>>408875You're almost 40, married with a child, and here you are trying to clear your name on lolcow. If that's not pathetic then I don't know what is, don't you have anything better to do like uh, raise your child? Or fuck your husband? Oh wait lol, you can't.
Nobody here is shocked at the fact you are married to a killer, they just think you're a desperate old hag who nobody on the outside would want to fuck anyway.
And why do you even care about trying to preserve your reputation to a bunch of strangers on the internet? It's not like you even had one to begin with.
Leave already, you bored ass bitch.
No. 409033
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There used to be a real cunt of a Hybristophiliac in the Columbine section of the TCC on Tumblr which I'm in, his name handle was columbine0bsession and he was basically a short fat podgy white boy from Essex with Nazi ideals who was fixated on shooting up his school
Basically he started dating a girl also in the TCC but was 'so not for anything he stood for !1!!' she was also a fat white girl (mysticcatfury or something on tumblr) and theyd never even met but were 'in love'
Anyway they broke up and the fat little shit got the cops called on him and his school was notified, lol
He also thought Dylan & Eric were Gods and once he shot up his school and killed himself he would be in his true form
Attached is the pic of him, lol
This is pretty much what everyone in the TCC looks like
No. 410838
>>408821On her old lookbook page she is borderline obese. She's still fat but i think shes lost a little bit of weight since she learned how to shoop and got instagram famous.
>>408645You're free to open a discussion about holmies instead of bitching about what the majority of people want to talk about. It's a general thread, not what you want to discuss. Go back to PULL.
>>408567Lol… fam….
No. 537195
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So I don’t know if anyone’s been following what’s been going on with Bobby Ray Gilbert and thedeathmerchant and truecrimehothouse but basically Bobby found out thedeathmerchant was not only catfishing him, lying about being married to him, but also schilling his artwork for obscene amounts of money and not putting any of it on his books.
He then created a tumblr which was taken down almost immediately exposing her and no one got screencaps. She deleted all her social media and Alina (truecrimehothouse) has been suspiciously quiet. Fortunately someone in contact with him has been typing out his letters exposing Jessica (thedeathmerchant) and truecrimehothouse for both being fatty goth Chan liars. I took screen caps because it’s pretty juicy. Jessika and tchh have been the “Gatekeepers” of anything and everything true crime tumblr.
Beware, lots of posts coming.
No. 537196
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No. 537197
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No. 537198
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No. 537199
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No. 537201
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No. 537202
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No. 537203
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“Im not goth nor am I fat” lol ok Jessika
No. 537204
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No. 537205
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No. 537208
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The more in-depth expose
No. 537209
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No. 537210
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No. 537212
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No. 537214
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No. 537215
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No. 537216
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No. 537217
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No. 537218
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No. 537220
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No. 537221
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No. 537223
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No. 537224
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No. 537225
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No. 537291
>>537271Because Alina and Jessika are literally the biggest true crime cows on earth parading themselves as educators and advocates as if they are any better than columbiners or the tj lane stans. She has been contacted as a direct source by books, magazines, websites etc and some leading expert in crime and prison history because she supposedly harbors these inside connections when really she’s just another jailhouse cumrag. The same thing she preached AGAINST on her blog daily.
I don’t agree with the idea of “murderibilia” and murders making money off weapons or shitty art just because of who they are. But Jessika literally is cat fishing some poor random chick who doesn’t even know her photos are being passed around death row for jerk off material in order to DATE (yes, she doesn’t just use these men for money, she’s actually physically and emotionally attracted to them) and then make money to support her support her obese ass and teenager kid.
The guy who wrote those posts is a dickrag joke hillbilly who happened to get spotlighted on MSNBC lock up and caught jessikas attention.
Neither are victims but damn it’s a big fucking scandal and may have been better fit for the edgelord thread but exposing Jessika is definitely worth a post.
No. 537303
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i used to look up to jessika when i was but an impressionable dumbass teenager without a developed sense of dignity. she and TCHH always seemed untouchable. this is the delicious milk i didn’t know i needed
No. 555297
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>>268481Shit, this made me remember that I used to have these kind of fantasies with serial killers from movies and even fantasies with the actors from the movie Elephant (which is about 2 school shooters) when I was a teenager. I was one of these people and I just remembered.
Is there any kind of psychological issue that causes this?
Is this normal among young girls?
No. 555331
>>555323exactly. they intentionally cast actors that are at least easy to look at even if they're not the peak of conventional hotness, and they write them relatable enough that you care about watching the story, they're not gonna write someone with 0 sympathetic or positive qualities because it would be unwatchable. they're not going to make a movie about a killer that's butt ugly, retardedly dumb, unexceptionally cruel, autistic, and boring, because no one would watch it except the types of cows in this thread.
the scary hybristos are the ones that go for legitimately repulsive looking killers, killers with no known humanizing or sympathetic qualities, and they're not really interested in guys who haven't done fucked up things. the cruelty is the main or only thing they're interested in, rather than being interested in a character who is otherwise attractive to you in addition to being a killer.
if the only time you're attracted to a killer is when they're fictional, sympathetic, attractive, and especially all of the above, i don't think you have much to worry about at all.
these types of cows are so far beyond women who have a lot of normal crushes and one or two killers that have tangible attractive qualities.
No. 588466
>>588450Tj lane is a known and out homosexual. He sells girls addresses to other inmates and has a “daddy” that handles all his mail. Girls have been forging letters and shit from him
For years.
No. 597011
>>589029According to Death Merchant and TCHH. I don't believe it.
I have ran in to them numerous times on different platforms and block them every time.
I have multiple pages I admin on FB and I have deleted her twice now after she wanted to come at me about a school shooter I have written to for over 4 years now.
I was just like "shut up Jessika, you fat catfishing whore." I was over TCHH and Death Merchant thinking they were untouchable.
No. 597018
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>>589029>TJ IS SUCH A CUTE UWU*~I wish it was a better quality pic, it's quite blurry.
No. 597105
>>597011>school shooter I have written to for over 4 years now.Barry?
>>597098Since that goofy faked voicemail idk why they'd believe anything else is real. It's all as credible as "the ghost of bundy/ramirez/dahmer says I'm his one and only uwuu"
>>597018Bullshit till proven otherwise
No. 691840
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Necroing the thread to post some russian thot with a phone case that depicts a Kerch school shooter. No. 691958
File: 1566341584749.jpg (72.86 KB, 1181x530, EBI2_yhUwAMwUgl.jpg)

I want to know what deranged women will be writing these new handsome boys. Could you imagine seeing one of their faces or names tattooed on some psycho's tits?
No. 692112
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>>691958 kek that's not the dayton shooter, that's some random kid who shares his name
but honestly the other two guys look so similar, im not surprised poltards actually believe in false flags
No. 785279
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Have non of y’all heard of Sammy Klebold? She’s got a fuck ton of columbine related tattoos and has artists draw her with Dylan klebold, she poses with tons of guns and has the FBI all up in her shit.(selfpost)
No. 785607
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>>785279Is this the same person? How fucking embarrassing.
No. 785710
>>785607All shooters are fucking cringe. Randy Stair sperged and cringed around but they still sold him all those shotguns and shells.
The FBI needs to be up in this stupid cow's shit but until she commits a crime it's just cries for help. What can be done.
No. 787880
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Yea that’s her
knew her before she started wearing all the weird furry shit back on Facebook.
Originally found out about her through /k/
No. 787888
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>>787880wow, so she is like the second coming of Bonnie/Mrs Eric Harris (wonder what this crazy bitch is up to, by the way) except she believes that Dylan is her ~spiritual husband uwu~ instead.
Any more milk on this Sammy sperg?