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No. 291537
Margo weaseled her way back onto the shores of Glorious Nippon, with funding from her mother, Margit, who apparently could give two shits about her granddaughter's safety. Ferenc remains in Venus's corner, and Zsu is on the fucking warpath against Margo after her little vexxed / drama video stunt.
The vexxed video has caused VERY little effect to Venus's rep: it hasn't broken 200K views, and the only ones who are swarming comment sections about it are Margo's regular stans.
Margo's grand Japan Plan appears to be moving into the Tetris House hostel on a staff position for free rent - she's got it saved on her wishlist, and this may be where she's staying for now as she waits for a spot to open up (because hiring someone who doesn't speak Japanese, and whose English is almost incomprehensible, seems likely.)
>>291373Margo inadvertently reveled that she was the "mostpeace91" email account all along as she runs to the small @gaming_ks insta account that tracks her antics - and promptly pretends to be both herself and Mana, mixes her and mana's tales to be one and the same, and jumps in with one of her "fan" accounts to back herself up. it's absolutely insane, and Zsu tears her a new asshole.
>>291409What's next? Margo is being ignored by Venus and YT at large, which only guarantees and uptick in crazy. How could it get crazier? Don't know, but she never lets us down.
Last thread:
>>288576Early drama of Venus leaving Margo:* READ THE THREAD BEFORE ASKING FOR AN UPDATE
* WE DON'T CARE IF VENUS EVER CHEATED (river kappa is a known liar)
*VENUS DID NOT HAVE ANY FUCKING SURGERY (again - river kappa is a known liar)
Know the Youtube rules:
*Receiving a copyright strike will put your account in bad standing and you will lose access to certain YouTube features. If you receive three copyright strikes:
- Your account will be terminated.
- All the videos uploaded to your account will be removed.
- You won't be able to create new accounts.*
No. 291538
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Just for review, because I enjoyed this story so much: Margo's mom is helping her, Mags has to be telling the truth because HER story never changes (lol) and now Venus tried to bite her finger off before stealing all of Margo's macs and money.
No. 291539
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… but also somehow on Feb 3rd, Venus was simultaneously in Tokyo, biting off Manaki's finger and stealing HIS macs and money. Oh, and Margo's imaginary finace is now financing her travels - he INSISTS that she shunt from Hamburg to London to Tokyo to live in hobo hostels.
You heard it from Margo: Venus can teleport to bite off your fingers.
No. 291543
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>>291538>>291539Reposting aunt Zsus thoughts about the finger biting incident. You are not here for Margos shit, thank you Zsu!
No. 291557
>>291538Wasn't morgue at school and when she came home Venus wasn't there not her belongings? haahhahaha
>Then I got home and saw I had no mac or moneyAlso lol at how morgue is only upset about
her macbook and money gone, not her daughter (it's not like she cared about Venus even once but if she's trying to sell the "concerned mom looking for her run away little girl" at least try being less transparent)
No. 291561
>>291559Yep. Margo merged with him on the astral pane, maybe. I wonder if that's how Venus was able to transcend space and time to launch simul-attacks on all of the fingers.
Or something. Bitch be cray.
No. 291563
>>291538"I'm happy I have my mom to help me".
Instead of showing that Margo's mother is helping her, might it be that this comment, as it was from "Manaki"s perspective, was supposed to mean "I'm happy I have my mom-in-law, Margo, to help me, Manaki."?
It would fit in with Margo's ~Venus is crazy~ narrative and the other comments made by that "Manaki" account.
No. 291564
>>291560And here we thought old Margit was a normal person. Me thinks she and grandpa Ferenc must had a lot of arging because of this.
>>291561ikr? for all we know she shares a multiple system with Manaki, margaretpalermofans, a homeless, a optician, a qualified nutritionist, a train conductor…
No. 291572
>>291567If you google mostpeace91 it takes you to twitters/Ameblo pages that seem genuine and a Yahoo!Auction that was active last week selling various household and hobby goods last week but it doesn't seem like things Venus/Manaki would be selling.
No. 291575
>>291567Agreed. I don't think the Y!J auction account in
>>291572 belongs to Manaki though, based on the account holder's location.
No. 291576
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Oh, Margo. Someone called out Mags for living vicariously through Venus for all those years. Margo doesn't understand what that means, but she disagrees with you and will tell you all about Venoos being ungrateful (new insta, no posts, no activity besides Margo Defense with poor engrish skills.)
No. 291578
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I'm still confused as to how moving out of her mother's home to live with her husband is "immature" according to Margo. Like, people are allowed to live with their spouses and move out of their parents' house when they grow up. They're allowed to decide not to go back to language school - and besides, Venus signing up and backing out secured Margo her SwissBux through August this year, and Venus knew that! AND Margo got V's tuition refunded, so she actually profited from Venus not attending school last semester.
No. 291580
>>291578It fucking kills me how she keeps trying to push the whole language school as a "university" off on so many people. Venus even posted the certificate she earned.
>>291576Oh leave it to Marge to say that someone has too many holes in their story when her tall tales are basically Swiss cheese.
No. 291592
>>291590Also, as you speak about things like Margo selling all of Venus's belongings and the items Margo claimed Venus stole, the viewer should see screenshots of this with you as a voiceover - most of this ought to be screenshots with you doing a voiceover, imo.
Anyway, not to drag you down for working on this while you're ill! But this video isn't very convincing to me, and I'm on your side.
No. 291596
>venus>Margaret wont capitalize her daughter's name but makes sure hers is full and correct.
No. 291606
>>291586This was really hard to hear and follow. Maybe next time you should lay out a time line and show how these things developed. People that know both sides of the story can break down your video. People who only heard vexxed are most likely going to think your a fangirl because the lack of evidence you showed. I would say a intro featuring yourself is good but showing screen shots with a voice over would be better.
TL:DR straight timeline plus facts only done through voice over would be easier to understand.
No. 291635
>>291634Correct me if wrong ..
If thats the case shouldn't he have his Youtube properly set to "Tokyo/Japan" if he's making money off of it ?
No. 291639
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I posted my video on margos page…. Called bully and the ban in 3…2…1
No. 291640
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Obvs for stealing MacBooks and 10000 dollars
No. 291647
>>291556Good point about parentification. It's probably because Venus has always had to be the mature one, the grown-up in the relationship with her crazy whore of a mother, that she's been able to appear this calm and collected through this ordeal.
The maggot fans who say "Oh if she'd really been abused she's be much more messed up!" can fuck right off. Victims of abuse don't have to act out to prove to any of these bottom feeders that they've actually been abused. Sure, a lot of victims end up as junkies and worse, but a lot of victims also pull themselves up by their bootstraps once they're old enough to get away from their scummy parents, and grow into functional adults never making the same mistakes their skank parents did.
No. 291650
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>>291641yeah it's not that I think she's going to
succeed anon. just that she's really on the hunt right now. what else would she put aside her favourite hobby (chimping on insta) for? the video? nah. what she's left up in public, she thinks is acceptable or a good advertisement. Pic related.
No. 291670
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Also still getting the "500" error
No. 291675
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>>291674okay, resending
I disagree. Anon is doing something constructive to help & it's not easy to wade through the metric fuckton of margo's crazy, condense it down & make a coherent video about it.
>>291629>>291632>>291670I'm still getting it, idk what's going on with that. pic attached is what I get:
No. 291688
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>>291686I'm actually making one about whether or not Margo is a good mother. It's going to have a lot of screen shots. When I say a lot I a mean… Pic related. Should be adding more still. And there will be dialogue as well
No. 291692
If some anon wants to make a video about margrot, side to side screenshots about these contradictions could be an option.
>margo being at school, venus running away vs venus being at school, margo left at home almost fingerless vs venus biting Manas's finger and stealing his macbook (rofl)
>Venus being a whore slut kyabajo serial cheater vs asexual venus rejecting margos bf's friend and blaming V of their break upand so on
No. 291695
I'm so looking forward to your project, guys! The volume of crazy you have to sift through is immense.
I'm sorry in advance if you already have it in your files, but please don't forget the domain names thay were registered by that vengeful Leech-woman: No. 291699
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^and this
No. 291701
>>291698>>291699Thank you anon!
> okadaminako etc etcdude that's so fucking creepy. Registering their legal names just in case Venus wants to open a new website those will be unavailable for her? Or use them as sockpuppet websites? Also what's up with, wasn't margo getting all angry and defensive everytime someone regarded Venus as a doll kek
btw it was even confirmed if Venus actually changed her legal name or it's just another headcanon of Margo?
No. 291703
>>291695I'm uploading a 1 minute one now with a few things. It's 12.40am here so cant stay up too long. Tomorrow I may make a better one.
But when it's uploaded it will be here No. 291707
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I tweeted Vexxed the image of Margaret confessing to being in the cheating picture and all of a sudden he is following me. Hopefully he's realised what Margarets really like.
No. 291711
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>>291708Apparently Margeret meant it in a sarcastic manner. I doubt that.
Anyway speaking of… Pig related. I have a chrome app that shows me youtuber tags.
No. 291713
>>291711>pig relatedi know that was a typo but it's hilarious hahaha
wtf is with those tags?
No. 291719
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>>291537I know he's just a smaller youtuber, but this doesn't feel good to me. There are still new people sharing the video on Twitter… hope this will drain soon into blackness
No. 291721
>>291539I seriously think margaretpalermofanpage is just a troll and should not be used as evidence or referenced. Those "mistakes" are very deliberate. They don't read like Margaret's usual fuck ups.
>>291707No, he already knew the truth. He doesn't care. He just enjoys feeding off the drama and gaining followers despite causing someone else pain. He knew doing so would boost his subscriptions. He's getting too many brainless minions spamming his page and video link without hesitation, so he has no reason to stop. He will probably come back with the revelation video when he can no longer milk the current video.
No. 291749
>>291719Yeah…284K views in 4 days ain't exactly what you call "viral." LOLLL
this lil scumbag is trying soo hard to pump up his big EXPOSED! video, it's pathetic. It's a flop, vexxy. Get over it, you're embarrassing yourself.
btw…Venus's most recent vid has 244K views after 3 days. lolll
No. 291753
>>291684Sorry, anon.. I sent it to the anon who had earlier said (s)he was making a video and asked for input to a throwaway email acct you could access in her post- I copied it down, it was ' idk if that was you, but when I tried to resend it came back 'failed due to account not existing' or something like that.
Anyway, it was screenshots of an email I sent to myself with a fake "Venus Palermo" email account I made, just to show how easy it is and that my fake email looked exactly like mange's "PROOF!"(fake) email "from Venus" talking about the weight loss surgery she "had." I think it's important since vexxy's trolls keep bleating about that fucking email being PROOF that Venus is a lying fraud & fake, bla bla fucking blah.
No. 291757
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Venus in her YT comments. LOL
Love it when she's sassy.
She's been spamming IG with kawaii selfies today too.
Meanwhile…mangerat's thundering silence continues.
No. 291774
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Margo, margaretpalermofanpage, and swiggi are here, everyone!
No. 291775
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No. 291779
>>291774oh yeah just because you can forward an email sent from a fake account it doesn't make it any legit lol
>>291775>She choose to keep making videos instead doing something useful with her life!!!1! or at least run away to some relative's household!!eleven!That's rich coming from you, margo sock #164234. You weren't the one who wanted to make a living out of it, remember? You also were the one who isolated Venoos from her relatives.
And given how she berates Manaki at every chance she has, I'm starting to believe Margrot isn't 100% butthurt about her ATM aka Venus went away but also jealous to not being able to get someone's love. Sorry if this sounds cheesy but Mana fought for Venus and does his best to keep her safe and happy, while no one gives a shit about Margo, not even his imaginary fiancé.
No. 291797
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I'm looking at the pics someone on kiwifarms posted of the hovel magrot is staying at right now, and I am about 92% sure that it's not up to snuff with safety/fire regulations in Yokohama. It looks like a DIY capsule hotel, of all flammable materials. A house of toothpicks almost. Behind each of these small curtains is a "bed".
No. 291800
>>291797Holy shit !
Well, I hope a fat person sleeps above Margo and the bed collapses … crushing her ..
No. 291809
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This is Mags' "old Japanese house" address, yeah?
Since it was a temp address, does the registration still hold? Isn't she supposed to update it? And my goodness, she really did think Manaki was trying to have a YT career and become The Venoos (which infuriated her, because Margo is The Venoos.)
No. 291815
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Yaay, Margo's up and feelin' feisty.
No. 291823
>>291753Oh, there were 2 videos made by two different people.
I'm pretty sure I have that fake Venus email XD
No. 291826
>>291774haha I am in the screenshot (cristy) XD
People keep saying things and I asked them to confirm things and they ignore me. Someone even claimed Venus stole her mother and partners accounts. I never heard of her stealing Manakis account and I very much doubt Margaret has a partner. Their statement was vague.
(XD) No. 291829
>>291827.. and? We know that.
Venus and Manaki met in person right before she turned 17; they didn't have any personal contact before she was 16. This flies in the face of both of Margo's stories: that Venoos was stalked by the evil pedo Manaki from age 13; and that Venus only knew Manaki for a few months before marrying him in a rushed visa marriage. Obviously, it's impossible for to be true - and neither of them are.
No. 291831
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Lol, the photos Margo posted on the account she set up to contact the @gaming_ks account are hilarious (@margaretpalermc). The level of deception / delusion just never ends with her. After being called out and exposed for pretending to be Manaki, she's now claiming the account is a hacker. And the compliment on her hot body? It's another brand new account, with her standard nameNumber sock title.
She's pretending to be herself, hacked, and her own stan. She must be incredibly bored.
No. 291833
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>>291831For reference: Margo used the @margaretpalermc account to report the @gaming_ks account (which has screenshots of Margo's crazy from the very beginning). Just after being blocked, she showed up with her "" insta account pretending to be both herself and Manaki, and backed herself up with her @margaretpalermofanpage account.
I'd ask where she gets the time for this nonsense, but what else does she have? Sad.
No. 291848
>>291847>>sounds like the clientele is mostly people who are in Japan living and working illegallyAgreed; between that and the fire code violations, I'm sure that place can only operate under the radar.
As far as Margo wanting a staff position there: the profile says to apply for the staff position, you need to read the page in the Japanese version. Margo has pretty much zero language skill in Japanese, so unless she can convince the owner in person to let her have a go at being staff, it's unlikely her dream of becoming mama-san to 30 other hobo women in exchange for free rent will come true.
No. 291870
>>291862While we can only guess, I think that Margo is getting money from her mother (possibly a sizeable sum for the flight, etc). As Fullscreen seem to want to sic Keemstar on Marge, I'm dubious that she'd get a payout from them. She wouldn't accept something small, remember her starting figure is $3K per month for life.
Maybe they sent her a C&D over the webshop, but then where would they address it?
I tend to think Margo shut up the webshop twice due to all the immigration talk, and is keeping mum now due to a) plans to snag a Japanese husband and b) the promise of more $$ from her mother if she is more discreet in public.
No. 291872
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>>291856Plus the idea of her getting crushed to death is a better option than having her deported. This story will finally have a happy ending.
No. 291875
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She registered alll those domains on March 18… that's the same time she was emailing Sharla & Micaela and all those jvloggers offering her services as a "Celebrity Manager," saying she could 'get exclusive deals' with Fullscreen.
All fired up & full of adrenaline, delusions of grandeur and big plans to DESTROY VEENOOS. Flush with cash too…my, how times have changed for poor ole mange. Nowadays she's scrounging for free room & board at basically a homeless shelter, in exchange for menial labor (the HORROR)
No. 291882
>>291881no, and I honestly didn't ask (
No. 291887
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All vexxed wants is attention.
No. 291900
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>>291896Are you the anon asking for screenshots?
I'm reposting mine of the fake email I sent myself from my fake 'Venus Palermo' gmail account, just to get it in this thread for anyone who wants to use it. I think it's pretty relevant right now considering how morge has been screeching about "PROOFS!"
No. 291901
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>>291900and mange's, for comparison.
No. 291905
>>291902just make the video. plug it here when it's done.
please everyone let's consider thread quality.
(multiple shitposts about thread quality) No. 291906
>>291797Where are you getting Yokohama from? The listing says it's in Tokyo, near the Jujo train station.
Also, YIKES! When I read it was 30 beds in one room I assumed it was side by side on one level, stacked cubicles like that never even occurred to me. Looks like a GD warehouse with stacked freight.
How unreal that people can live like that. I get claustrophobic anxiety just looking at it.
So, why the F does this fucking nut insist on living in Tokyo, if she has no $$$ and she can't work? Why not Europe where she could at least get a fucking job, and speaks the language??
Here's something that occurred to me the other day.. could she be staying with some poor gullible jassy-like supporter in Japan that she conned into giving her a room? Mimiimori occurred to me…Zsuzsa commented on one of the IG accounts she frequents that mims had the same #beach pic on her profile as marge's, before she went private. It would fit the same pattern as jassy: vocal supporter who suddenly goes silent right after morge arrives in a new country, and an initial pic or 2 from morge before she also goes quiet. idk, just a thought.
No. 291922
>>291906>mims had the same #beach pic on her profile as marge'sWhat an interesting tidbit. Do we know if it was it the exact same photo, or another photo of the same beach? I believe she's a Eurofag, possibly French due to the cherry bag with "cerises" written on it. Also from her selfie (now gone) it would be reasonable to call her Gallic-looking. There's nothing stopping her going to Japan and helping the Maggot (I think if she lived there she might have helped before now?). If those two are in cahoots that girl is going to regret it when Margo does something awful.
Just a thought.. maybe she will try to become Margo's new figurehead for the VA "brand". Let's face it, it's what most of those bitches crave.
No. 291923
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Venus looking cute, Tia Zsu fighting in V's corner.
Anon who was speaking with Zsu - if you won't ask her why Margo's suddenly shunning from the public eye, can you get Zsu to elaborate on what Margo is doing "behind the scenes"?
No. 291925
>>291923I decided to not ask any further.
Mostly she just told me that margo is indeed in contact with her mother and that she thinks her family is mean/stupid for not believing her and telling her to seek help.
No. 291932
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I hope the lies from that awful video aren't getting traction, I was hoping it would just be a flash in the pan.
No. 291935
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I've pretty much only seen the doxxed video, fuck am I going to sit down for hours to read through pastebins and stale threads.
I'm just wondering how do you people explain this supposed photo of her cheating in Korea?
Like is there actually any proof it is or isn't her?
No. 291940
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Margo was replying in her IG and she is full paranoia mode. If her life is in danger it's due to her own actions and where she has ended up, NOT because Venus is sending out an assassin or something.
No. 291956
>>291952Yeah for me it gives
> Venus angelic - mom
- twitter
- instagram
- youtube
- age
Nothing bad comes up unless you deliberately search for it.
>>291950I guess she wants more people to know about it since she only mentioned it before? More people will notice if it's in a video.
No. 291959
>>291952I've never searched for Venus + cheating and it's there for me.
>>291953She probably didn't want her first video with the channel back to be an ad.
No. 291961
>>291956>>291957>>291959It's also based on the content of the web pages you visit frequently. So the more everyone here says cheating, the higher it gets bumped up everyone here's search suggestions
This is like web surfing 101 guys come on
No. 291962
>>291961That's what I was thinking. I only follow her on youtube and on lolcow, I don't use IG or Twitter for it, so it makes sense that cheating comes up.
Had a bit of a laugh to myself because 'margaret river' is my first result for margaret, even though that's just a place here.
No. 291965
>>291935Margaret herself actually wrote on her Instagram, on separate occasions, that 1. The "cheating" didn't go past a drunken kiss and passing out on the bed together and 2. Venus was still a virgin when she ran away.
So what exactly makes Venus the whore of the century, based on the information Margaret gave? That shit is so tame and it seems like Venus was an emotional mess that night. She probably cried to that guy and he got confused(text messages showed HE made the first move and he apologised for it). So can we see into her mind to judge her true thoughts? No, we have to go off of her word and Manaki's willingness to forgive her. It's their issue and THEIR marriage. Margaret has no right to talk about chastity. Her vagina is like an international hostel. Venus probably had to deal with nightmares from her mom bringing boyfriends over for the night.
No. 291980
>>291965anyways to margo cheating = not being under mommy's control
Sometimes she comes off as a butthurt lover and not a worried mom when talk about venus "Why she had to run away WITH THAT MAN? why didn't go to her family instead?" "I'd marry my mom!!" and such
No. 291993
>>291935>>291939>>291955Margo's pretty well practiced in dressing like Venus, and the guy doesn't look like the same one as in the text messages. In fact this guy looks older and could have actually been Margo's bf at that time. While we can't totally trust Margo's statement, she tends to leak out the truth, even when joking.
What always strikes me about this image is how posed it is. The quilt / duvet / whatever up to reveal her backside, and the nightdress pulled up to show some thigh.
No. 292066
>>292065Yeah, it's not clear - there were a few days where margo and Venus were battling for control of the instagram, and Margo kept posting weird shit on it, and V would delete it.
Margo was obviously suspicious Venus was gaining more autonomy, that's why Margo prepared a huge "blackmail" campaign. Margo told Venus she would ruin her if she left.
However, it makes no sense for Margo to release the photo, and her initial vitriol at Venus, before Venus left - even Margo would have to see that doing so would only push Venus away faster, and damage the income Margo had control over at the time. I think Margo had the photo ready to roll the second she realized Venus was at the airport and not coming home.
No. 292069
>>292066I thought that photo was released a little before Venus escaped? Maggot was flaming mad that Manaki visited his newly wed wife. How
dare he!
No. 292070
>>292069Margo was hella mad he came to visit - enough to keep deleting the photo Venus posted of them smiling together while he was on his visit.
Margo started texting Manaki her claims of Venus cheating soon after he left Seoul; her big plan was that Manaki would dump Venus, so Venus would have no place to go. Margo sent Manaki the selfie Venus took with her friend; the faceless photo; and the text messages where Venus tells a guy she's happily married and just wants to be friends (such scandal!) Fortunately, Manaki has had Margo's number for quite some time - his visit with Venus is what finally got Venus to see how mistreated she was by her mom.
But the "cheating" photos weren't posted by Margo publicly until Venus left.
No. 292086
>>292083* They announced the breakup sometime last summer.
* Shortly after, all the videos with Mana were updated with snarky "EX boyfriend" comments, courtesy of Margo.
* Then, right before Margo took Venus to Seoul, Venus announced that they had gotten married (October 2015).
* But after they were in Seoul, "Venus" made statements about the marriage not counting / being invalid.
* Then Venus posted a happy photo of Mana coming to Seoul for a visit - but it kept being deleted, then reposted. Margo was freaking out.
* After the visit, Margo invited her boyfriend and her boyfriend's friend over for dinner (maybe for Christmas?) The photo shows Venus and the guys looking tipsy.
* In January, Venus was looking sad and wan all the time.
* By the end of the month, Venus left for Japan. Margo freaked out and started spamming Venus's feed with a bunch of "cheating" photos, and used the first person to describe Venus as a cheater who hated Mana and could give s hit about his feelings.
* Six months later: Margo is still on the rampage.
No. 292089
File: 1469494120182.png (556.53 KB, 921x588, Screen Shot 2016-07-25 at 5.47…)

Hoooly filtered fuck - she looks like a wax statue.
No. 292096
>>292089She looks like one of those cafeteria hags that give you shit when you don't like their cooking….
And what the actual fuck is up with those comments…
No. 292099
every time I see that fucking face I get chills. every. fucking. time.
that face screams E V I L
No. 292103
File: 1469494793570.png (153.77 KB, 392x329, CLcap1.png)

>>292089She had always reminded me mary from clock tower.
No. 292109
Only problem is, vexxy followers are pimply-faced 14-year-old mental defectives.
No. 292110
>>292109Every 14 year old loser dreams of having a MILF slurp their cheese.. encrusted fingers, and I don't see Margo having a problem with it. As long as they do her dirty work and convince their mommy's to wire money over to her account.
>>292106Her nose is so naturally bulbous it actually took me a few to realize you did something… Jesus its a literal potato.
No. 292117
>>292116Just listening to his most recent video, apparently some Youtuber talked to a representative and they said that big channels who 'bully' smaller YouTubers may actually be taken down. I'm 99% sure this has something to do with Drama Alert/Cumstar, but Vexx probably isn't safe either, lol. Won't happen for a while, but it'll be interesting to see what happens.
Saging my shit. Just thought you guys may like to know that these wannabe drama alert people may be permabanned.
No. 292127
>>292116Scarce is as much of a scrublord like
He doesn't fact check, he reported on a 'Pokemon kidnapping' but made up a story and it resulted in a girl being bombarded with an army of his fans asking why she didn't help. He corrected it later but he's just a drama mongerer
No. 292141
>>292140She had blond hair with extensions the week before the photo was supposedly taken. However, Margo changed Venus's hair as often as she changes her own, and Venus's hair was definitely brown again shortly before or after the beginning of 2016.
Hair color aside, you still can't se the woman's face, and the PJs depicted are not the ones Venus was show wearing. The faceless woman is wearing them, and then there's another faceless photo of someone in the PJs with Venus's stuffed rabbit - which has been in Margo's sole possession since mid-January.
No. 292143
File: 1469505323878.png (67.63 KB, 322x417, Screen Shot 2016-07-25 at 8.53…)

Margo is soaking up the sympathy; this is all she's ever wanted.
I wonder when Ferenc or Zsu will tell Margit what her precious daughter has been up to.
No. 292144
File: 1469505356538.png (10.34 KB, 232x35, Screen Shot 2016-07-25 at 8.54…)

And with all of the ass licking, Margo just can't resist one more self-compliment
No. 292151
>>292095Oh even better. Kek
>>292106Oh yeah perfect!
No. 292169
>>292164That bpd person is all over Venus's comments, plugging the hate video and talking crazy.
The keem thing blew over in a week, and that thirty dude gets most of his views from fucking with keem, so all the 14 year olds will have someone new to bother by next week.
No. 292181
File: 1469512322205.jpg (66.05 KB, 1000x706, jujo.jpg)

>>292148>>291797oooh nice linkage anon. current residence confirmed for sure! of course tatami could be anywhere but we know margo, she always has to spill the info.
"I run 2 TETRIS House in Tokyo - Jujo and Asakusa
Jujo's house is guest house for tourists.
Asakusa's house is share house for Japanese residents." No. 292196
File: 1469521224425.png (89.08 KB, 492x214, margesueseveryone.png)

Venus is still getting hate comments on her newest video because of the cheeto encrusted faggot. Dumb comments include, "I just saw the video and if your mother is telling the truth, you deserve to be charged. You're a horrible person." They wouldn't be singing that tune if they knew about Maggot's crazy shit going back to 2011.
No. 292205
File: 1469527397221.jpg (13.99 KB, 364x142, svu.jpg)

>>292202Working on it. Not going to mention that massive faggot by name but I'll make it obvious who I'm talking about in my narrative when I get to the part about how easy it is to fake an email with a demonstration
and how it's stupid to take the word of a woman known for bullying just because she's someone's mom. My video editing program keeps crashing.
But if ANYONE wants to make their own video,
please do so. The more people to act as the anti-lawn gnome and the anti-lawn gnome's wannabe cheeto fingered maggot, the better.
No. 292241
File: 1469536434236.png (208.74 KB, 362x410, 8b0600c1-6c1f-48fb-b1af-25a221…)

>>292140Her hair was back to light brown just before Christmas 2015 (pic attached, from Dec. 21.)
"scandal/CHEATING!" pic allegedly was NYE, so few days later. "scandal" pic hair is very dark, almost black. As dark as the asian guy's hair, noticeable even in the poor lighting. Much darker than Venus's color at the time.
I'm pointing that out in IG and Youtube comments in response the fucking shitty teenage trolls screaming "CHEATER!" And pointing out that there is NO PROOF that the person in the GD pic is Venus. You can't even fucking see the face. WE NEED TO STRESS THIS.
Reason being- I was in the IG and YT comments earlier and the fucking trolling is OUT OF CONTROL. Seriously, I'm talking fucking GamerGate levels of vile, malicious disgusting trolling.
This is a nightmare. Malignant narcissist meets army of gaming 4chan trolls→ Flying Monkey army. It's a narcissist's wet dream. No wonder fucking maggot looks so GD smug…she's reveling in this. Like a pig in mud.
I even tweeted that Fullscreen manager guy with a link to the kid's Youtube asking tbe guy to please fucking do SOMETHING. JFC.
No. 292248
>>292241>I'm talking fucking GamerGate levels of vile, malicious disgusting trolling.>This is a nightmare. Malignant narcissist meets army of gaming 4chan trolls→ Flying Monkey army.This sounds nasty as fuck.
The last thing I'd want to see is a gamergate level of drama against venus and having fake proof as a basis. Jesus christ I hate these mob mentality based movements, this is truly disgusting. It scares me what people is capable of because a dude says it and the target is a young girl who's being labeled as a whore.
No. 292250
File: 1469540393618.jpg (1.69 MB, 3600x2160, IMG_20160726_153600.jpg)

>>291537Hihi :D I can't stop smiling for her standing up for herself! Her reply to someone on her latest video.
Sorry for the bad quality of the pic…
No. 292253
File: 1469541544589.jpg (362.74 KB, 921x591, 1456573412437.jpg)

>>292241>Her hair was back to light brown just before Christmas 2015 (pic attached, from Dec. 21.)"scandal/CHEATING!" pic allegedly was NYE, so few days later. "scandal" pic hair is very dark, almost black. As dark as the asian guy's hair, noticeable even in the poor lighting. Much darker than Venus's color at the time.Maybe Marg buyed pic related wig to fake the "cheating" pic? it's not black but could look very dark with bad lightning.
No. 292267
>>292265anon plz, clipping tool, print screen, or if you have a mac command-shift-4.
I can't believe I have to walk a person who is presumably an adult through such a basic basic computer function. Pick your dummy off the floor and learn to use a computer.
No. 292275
File: 1469547255987.png (1.09 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-07-25-23-51-35…)

>>292253Margs hair looked like this during that time very dark like the picture
No. 292281
>>292278I honestly don't think that her nose is that bad, it's just that the rest of her features are so small that it stands out, same with her ears.
Hell, even her eyebrows aren't very long. Venus' face is balanced out by her huge eyes, but the only other 'big' feature Margo has is her ears. She has a small, puckered downturned mouth, short brows, small eyes and her wrinkles look exceptionally long on her face. She's very disproportionate, and her 5head doesn't help either.
No. 292282
>>292278>>292276>>292279Calling Margo ugly isn't exactly stellar contribution guys, you don't actually need to post every time you 'react' to a picture. With so much actual milk and behaviour to discuss, PULL-tier nitpicking is pathetic.
Talk about how Margit and Ferenc probably argue over Margo or something, anything!
No. 292330
File: 1469563914343.png (567.13 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-07-26-16-11-22…)

Oh. Oh god.
No. 292332
>>292331samefag BUT does it mean we will see the nice place she stays right now?
She looks drunk - can't wait to see this train wreck jesus christ
No. 292346
File: 1469568909938.jpg (25.79 KB, 417x428, mags2.JPG)

>>292344This is so unnecessary
No. 292362
File: 1469575119087.png (3.73 MB, 2001x1125, image.png)

Too many maggots
No. 292405
File: 1469587577462.jpg (117.2 KB, 1073x1200, margo64.jpg)

I took a few caps to look at the airbnb background and happened to catch these two. They say quite a lot about Margo's view of relationships.
No. 292412
>>292248It's the last thing I'd want to see too, but it's happening. Right now. Look at Venus's YT comments - the cyberbullying is at GamerGate level. It's massive and it's vicious. This vexxed kid is a gamer. He's plugged into that community, gamers & 4chan dwellers and you know how huge that is (Pew die pie etc. - 5M views/per vid huge.)
>>292280If you really want to help, spend some time in V's YT comments. It's painful & disgusting but still… answer every troll comment screeching "CHEATER!" "Stole from your own mother!" "LIAR! Been lying to us the whole time!" "CHEATED ON YOUR HUSBAND!" "FRAUD!" "Illegally stole your mom's channel!" etc. etc. by calmly and concisely refuting each one. Like, where is the PROOF that person in that 'cheating!' pic is Venus? You can't see the face, even partially. Point out that that is the one & only "proof" of CHEATING they have, and how fucking ridiculous and lame that is.
Point out that if margo felt the channel was "illegally stolen," all she'd have to do is contact Youtube's legal dept. No lawsuit required, just an email. Stress that Youtube's legal dept. does not allow someone to just step in & delete a person from the channel's ownership as these dolts keep screaming about. Repeat that Youtube granted full ownership of the channel to Venus, 100% legally.
>>292288I don't think "just ignoring the trolls" is an option here. This shit is reaching Venus's very young & naive fanbase and they are confused and scared, and asking a lot of questions (read the YT comments.) This shit is damaging Venus's reputation and "ignoring it" will only let it get bigger & worse & more damaging. It must be refuted, not ignored.
No. 292420
>>292415Yeah I do, actually. Not arguing but debunking. Getting some facts out there.
at least it's something.
you're damn sure not gonna make a difference just xitting on your ass in lolcow.
No. 292439
File: 1469598879580.jpg (114.2 KB, 890x843, abused2.jpg)

>>292425Agreed, but the 13 year old faggots need to give up. All they're doing is defending a child abusing, narcissistic old hag that loves bullying teenage girls because she's threatened by their looks.
No. 292442
File: 1469600844433.png (879.02 KB, 860x481, abused3.png)

>>292440It's from that video Venus accidentally uploaded back when they were living in London. If the idiots defending Maggot saw this shit, they'd probably fuck off.
No. 292445
>>292439I believe Margaret is an abusive fuck, but the elbow scratches look like she fell down or had a simple accident.
I don't know what the older, indented scars are from though. Those look like from glass, sharp object or from an animal.
No. 292448
File: 1469604016612.jpg (73.79 KB, 1400x884, margo65.jpg)

Margo uses the present tense so it turns out this isn't her old dorm, it's her current one?
No. 292452
>>292449Bwahahaha I noticed that too
Wonder how long it's been since she had a Starbucks? lol marrrge
I bet she is living at that homeless shelter/hostel with 2 bathrooms for 60 beds and one washing machine available (no dryer tho)
No. 292458
File: 1469607022964.jpg (293.95 KB, 1800x1347, margo66.jpg)

>>292452100% can confirm she made it at roughly the location of this green marker in this very room and that very hostel. Her use of the present tense confirms she's there now. Address already posted at
>>292181. More "proofs" to follow (lol).
No. 292459
>>292445Nope, those are nail marks. If you press your nails into your skin, the marks will look almost the same. The only difference is that you wont scratch your skin that badly because you are not a raging narcissist trying to hurt another person.
You're right about the animal part, that's exactly how an enraged narcissist acts.
No. 292462
File: 1469607362083.jpg (268.43 KB, 2125x1198, margo67.jpg)

First let's look at the green chart / calendar in the background, behind the computer monitor. It matches the type and position of the one behind the wood counter here
>>292458 (except that it has been updated for this year).
The wood counter appears to be a reception and is pretty empty in the hostel pic, but now has a computer monitor facing inwards to it, and a computer strapped to the outside of the plywood counter. The mirror is blocking the view of the kitchen in this pic…
No. 292464
File: 1469607545442.jpg (298.52 KB, 2125x1198, margo68.jpg)

>>292462Now let's look at when the mirror moves. We see to the right, past the edge of the counter to a white kitchen island with some cupboards facing outwards, into the passage area that runs between it and the plywood reception counter. beyond the island / cupboards lies the kitchen.
No. 292466
>>292464oh and we see the same white curtain at the right hand end of the counter as in
>>292458. We also see the white island / cupboards and the same cupboard handles.
While I normally would only hunt Margo for fun, she's back in Japan now and I think it's
very worth knowing where she lives… which we now 100% do.
No. 292473
File: 1469613636314.png (23.71 KB, 568x108, Screen Shot 2016-07-27 at 7.57…)

I'm not lurking on Marge's insta much. Is this comment new or old? (she is longtime marge supporter queen juhina). Not super important I guess.
No. 292476
>>292458>>292462>>292464Anon you are a star.
mange confirmed at the 30 cubicle/room 1 bathroom/30 cubicles plywood palace. No wonder she's bummed. hahaha
No. 292477
>>292468Junk food diet + alcohol(maybe) + poor sleep (those curtained cubicles-gahhhh)
>>292473this little bitch was all up in V's IG comments pushing vexxfag's video ("watch this guys!" [link]) and crowing about how happy she was that poor margaret was FINALLY getting some support!
>>292467So is that p!ywood thing like a makeshift desk? lolll this is too delicious.
No. 292478
File: 1469618378851.png (1.46 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160727-071313.png)

No. 292479
File: 1469618624791.png (1.26 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160713-214852.png)

sorry marge
No. 292507
File: 1469627874556.png (1.61 MB, 1334x750, image.png)

>>292342Wow yt is suggesting me that cheetotards video as next… wtf
Btw, is she holding a toilet slipper here…?
No. 292511
>>292439I don't want to play it down or anything, but are we sure those are scars?
They look a bit like the dents you get after resting your arm on the edge of a table for too long or something.
Again, not trying to dismiss it, it's just hard to see with the image quality.
No. 292512
>>292502Forget the video, she should show grandma the closeup of that screencap. Those are clearly fucking fresh nail marks anon. No one is clumsy enough that they mark themselves up that many times (how?!) I don't think they are scars; but they had to have been fresh or they wouldn't show up so damn clearly
This woman makes me sick. Manhandling her daughter and bleeding her dry to make money. She doesn't deserve to be a mother
No. 292513
>>292511Those are nail scars. Not going to blog, but you can do this to someone if you dig their nails into them really hard and really fast. Even if you do it to yourself lightly, you'll have the same mark shape but lighter if you're feeling adventurous. The bottom scabbed ones were obviously done much harder and longer.
>>292512I agree. Aunt Zsu really should see this so she can show her. This is really the only damning evidence we have of the physical abuse Margaret Palermo, the most evil mother on the Internet inflicted upon Venus.
No. 292515
>>292478It's clearly been visually tweaked a bit, but this style is really nice on her. Her makeup skills improved too.
That shirt looks like it's Manaki's! Like a mens shirt and not a night shirt.
No. 292525
File: 1469635319558.jpeg (128.99 KB, 750x992, image.jpeg)

No. 292526
File: 1469635351854.jpeg (115.04 KB, 750x916, image.jpeg)

>>292525Pt 2 of the chat.
No. 292549
>>292525Why did she cover the cell service/bars ? And geez Margo charge you damn phone ..
Just a fun theory : Thats Vexx she's talking to and he wants his second suckings.
No. 292550
>>292478This is going to piss someone off but… Does Venus look more and more ''asian'' as she spends time in Japan?
And i don't mean she's turning into another race but i'm talking about her style makeup, hair etc.
She looks quite nice like this.
It's hilarious she becomes prettier being away from Margo while Marg looks even more insane then she used to
No. 292561
File: 1469650563119.jpg (110.73 KB, 591x446, creepyfuckinpedo.JPG)

I'm so sick of this creepy fucking bitch
No. 292569
>>292561The thing that gets me laughing is that, if Margo created this channel for pedo shit - wouldn't that make MARGO the dangerous pedo procurer? How is it Venus's fault, then?
(NJM got ignored and shut down when she tried to make her pedo Venus channel dream come true; the butthurt is strong)
No. 292574
>>292529one e anon, margo isn't crazy enough to suddenly turn lesb
>>292561I'm internally raging about her trying to perpetuate the lolita fashion = lolita book shit even though it's not even the main part of the post
and like, who the fuck do you think margo's followers are besides children and middle aged men? is it just fine when the roles are reversed or what
No. 292580
File: 1469656751338.png (341.76 KB, 599x815, 160727_233823.png)

At least one guy who knows the words to describe her ugliness.
No. 292584
>>292579She's such a parasite. She licks Margul's ass, dreams of Venus working for her and harasses that poor old grandpa Ferenc with her porn things.
She should be cursed with an illness that makes her vagina mega itchy and that makes her arms too short to be able to scratch herself.
No. 292618
>>292545I like to imagine this is azlabyrinth taking a trip to JP to meet his love and have a shag on a dormitory bed. Fanciful idea surely… He's very used to Margo-isms though.
Whoever this is, I tend to think she has a real "date" due to her bragging like this. Otherwise she tends to refer to things generally, like being invited for pizza in a London hovel by her fiancé.
No. 292621
File: 1469668649402.jpg (153.36 KB, 1400x773, glenda1.jpg)

>>292561She literally needs to be put down. To me she seems to have schizoaffective disorder but her preoccupations with sex and pedophilia are horrific. I hope no child in her family has ever been allowed near her.
No. 292650
File: 1469684827355.png (752.92 KB, 750x1334, image.png)

Sounds legit
No. 292654
>>292650With how there seems to be more stupid people in the world than smart, you can say anything about Venus at this point and they'll still believe it. Fucking sickening.
>>292651These clothes ages her so badly and she looked like she was in her 50s when she was only 20 in that wedding photo. She's 41 going on 65.
No. 292664
She has to do whatever Venus does, to prove she's not old, more beautiful, more interesting and more sexy than her daughter. All of which are patently untrue - and the fact that she can only copy, never create, shows who the real creative force is and always was, Venus.
No. 292668
>>292651hashtag #cute
And why is this fucking nut dressed is all black/long sleeves in late July?
No. 292671
>>292668just looked it up–temperature in Tokyo is 90 degrees every. day. All week.
No. 292673
>>292668Not the be the stan but black isn't that hot if it's airy, and her sleeves are hella airy, and her skirt is hella short.
source: went though an 'omg so goffic XD' period and wore similar stuff. it's practical, but tacky as fuck for her age. Her big toes look swollen and cut off from blood, which is the worst thing for me.
No. 292678
>>292651I have two questions about this photo.
1. What is she attempting to do with her right hand?
2. Who the hell is taking the photo?
No. 292679
>>292673did you wear tops with big foofy long sleeves and tiny floral prints when you were goth? LOL
Looks like what my grandma wears to go shopping at Walmart.
No. 292681
File: 1469705440433.png (179.8 KB, 448x420, cde9f1f4-ce37-42bc-87a3-964c9a…)

No. 292682
File: 1469705481872.png (281.05 KB, 490x482, 8e8495b8-8a02-49c8-a0b5-d05d03…)

No. 292683
>>292673Swollen toes and a varicose vein cluster on her left leg. Right one will soon follow. I'm sure the hatred coursing through her bloodstream is painful. Da Real Venoos needs to get some compression socks and orthopedic granny sneakers before continuing her hobo trek.
>>292677That's right. As infuriating as those little middle school bastards are, Venus will inevitably come out on top. It was scary at first, but people are bravely wading through the ocean of stupid to debunk lies in the Youtube/IG comments and I see more Youtube rebuttal videos coming out. It seems lowcow, PULL and KiwiFarms simultaneously have their own collaborative videos in the works too.
No. 292689
File: 1469708292020.jpg (249.75 KB, 1080x1645, F3CNdof.jpg)

>>292687I believe its this one. Margaret posted hers several hours later. Sumikko Gurashi is popular right now but there are no coincidences with with Ol' Maggie. Her "sexy tengu" selfie also followed soon after Venus posted her own (well-received)glamour shot, a sudden contrast with her typical string of bizzaro pics. Margaret's always "I can do that too!" when Venus gets praise.
No. 292693
is she consciously doing this, or just too whacked out to realize wtf she's doing at this point? Cause this is some creepy SWF shit right here.
No. 292699
File: 1469712453547.jpg (499.48 KB, 1104x1534, pt2016_07_28_14_26_36.jpg)

I bet Maggot is salty as fuck with these numbers
No. 292701
>>292697She has a "fiance" too! Totally not invented to compete with her daughter's doting husband. He is better than pedophile, transgender haafu Manaki. Except this boy is younger and cooler, just like all Margaret's past boyfriends.
Only Mags can scoop up the young ones. She needs to absorb their life essence or she will die.
No. 292702
>>292699Hahaha! Manaki doesn't even have to try or publicize himself and he easily surpassed her.
It would be nice to see more of his personality, though. I don't believe he ever wanted to be a Youtube or Instagram star like Margaret claimed.
No. 292713
>>292478Love this look, it's less of a "uguuu kawaii" and more tongue-in-cheek cute.
>>292550Well she's living in Japan, the influence is big.
No. 292745
>>292741Agreed, also the "Venus is an asexual virgin" and now the imaginary fiancé bs
>See, Venoos? I can have someone else in my life too! are you jealoos?Sage for reaching, but let's just hope that Margo didn't made innapropiate things to Venus too on the guise of "motherly love". Sharing everything, even the same bed with a lonely horny woman who tends to relate everything to sex doesn't sound alright.
No. 292749
>>292478>>292550No I agree too anon. She does try to look more Asian and it is annoying but she gets away with it because half this forum licks her ass as do her followers. But then again how many Japanese try to look western?
Both fetishize each other tbf. Just remember Venus looks looking like that picture and her try-hard Asian pictures in person. Not being salty because she doesn't she looks more downsy like her mother.
Also the Asians who try looking Western were all born with dark ass eyes, dark hair so don't worry about it. They can wish and dream all they want but they'll never be either.
No. 292751
File: 1469729077205.png (13.42 KB, 351x84, c0e858cba2757d1c7cb040ef7aa404…)

Venus got her Twitter back!
No. 292754
>>292751HAHAHAHA yaaaay!!! Bet she filled out the new verified form to get it back
>>292752Because Margo has been camping on it for 7 months, and used it to link to all of her own accounts
No. 292757
>>292755Interesting point, it's crazy late night / early a.m. there, and Venus isn't a late night poster.
Unless Fullscreen posted it for her, it's almost noon in California.
No. 292761
File: 1469729356452.png (439.02 KB, 909x617, Screen Shot 2016-07-28 at 11.0…)

Hacker, or Margo, it's still inked to Margo's accounts
No. 292763
File: 1469729455358.png (487.8 KB, 1048x571, Screen Shot 2016-07-28 at 11.1…)

Ok, just changed to link to Mana's account?
No. 292768
>>292765Honestly I think most people just want to see Venus success to rub it into Margo's face.
As for me personally. I just think Venus is a normal girl, nothing too special, but also not a bad person. And I'm just happy to know she's away from old Margs because said person is the real weirdo. And i wouldn't wish it upon anyone to have a mother like that.
No. 292771
>>292770Uh, Manaki likes all the same shit Venus does. I don't think he's "frustrated" by anything.
Anyway, make a Venus thread if you want to expound on Venus being your cow.
No. 292774
>>292772idk where you got that I was upset, I was just pointing out that Venus used to be a cow, but now things have come to light, Marg is the cow.
A Venus thread would probably, now, belong in /snow.
No. 292792
>>292765>Am I the only oneIf you ever find yourself typing this, then no you are not the only one.
Honestly this post reads nitpicky but you are entitled to your opinion and I respect that, no one is silencing you. However if you would like to continue this discussion with other like minded folks like you(which I'm sure there are), then go ahead and create a new thread in /snow/
No. 292799
>>292781Wow…she's up crazy late if it really is her, like 3am her time. idk…
Manaki sometimes works nights so I guess she could be up tweeting w/him but still, the whole thing seems quite odd to me.
No. 292816 girl wants to be friend with Venus, Maddie Ziegler and… Margoat. And Margot rt all tweets the girl posts, hasn't replied a single time. someone screencap this?
No. 292818
File: 1469744446811.png (66.08 KB, 648x260, Screen Shot 2016-07-28 at 3.19…)

Margo is also a massive fan of Trump. The endorsement everyone was after.
No. 292826
File: 1469746523599.jpeg (285.69 KB, 1317x1580, image.jpeg)

>>292816Magrot still has Venus' Twitter account linked on her profile.
No. 292831
>>292828>>292826Still can't get verified though, even with the rule relaxation over the past few weeks - giving birth to a minor YT celeb doesn't make you a "person of public interest" which has got to be
killing her inside.
No. 292834
>>292833Ah, the mark of every insecure person - constant barking about how "real" and "interesting" and "intelligent" they are.
Margo, if you were famoos, all you'd have to say is your name (like Venus!)
No. 292836
>>292834It's funny because in
every video she does now she mentions her full name. She's so nit picky about how she wants everyone to call her Margaret and not Margo. I'd fucking hate to have an old lady name like hers.
No. 292853
>>292848they probably expected posts like
>look at those rilakkuma condoms that just arrived hehehe~ uwur>Today's video is a strip poker with manaki!!If they want to keep those matters private so be it. No need to feed the depraved curiosity of people like njm
No. 292930
File: 1469809517917.png (107.9 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2016-07-29-18-21-26…)

No. 292937
>>292932I admire the restraint Venus has shown in this mess. She's only 19 and didn't learn that kind of composure by example but it's been 6 months with no end in sight. Standing up for herself isn't the same thing as stirring up drama.
>>292936I'm wondering what kind of screencaps Venus has of crazy threats Margo sent directly to her…
No. 292940
>>292930YES VENUS.
Would the anon with the Dropbox send her it or is that a bit creepy?
Also "KUWTP" Kek
No. 292944
>>292930looks like she deleted this and replaced it with
I'll make a video explaining the drama.
Send evidence/opinions/other contributions to
Thank you!
too bad. it was perfectly worded before.
No. 292946
>>292942Okay never mind I underestimated the amount of shit there is, I gathered from the first 3 threads since she ran away, I'll send her those.
Anyone is free to continue from there
No. 292963
Dropbox anon here. I separated the Margo shots into one folder, and will send it to Venus along with links to the accounts that track Margo's crazy.
Can someone let me know if this stupid thing works this time? I have no idea wtf was going on with the other link, some people could get in and others couldn't even though it was public to whoever had the link. No. 292965
>>292963It works for me
Very good collection you have here, great job anon
No. 292970
>>292968Yeah, that. I'm terrible at wording things. I really do hope that her video about the truth with proof and everything else clears the air. In turn, I hope this fucking ruins
any credibility that Hexed faggot has left (not that he ever had any to begin with).
No. 292972
>>292931>>292936Her initial statement sounded like she was going to address the vexxfag video, not maggot's entire history of crayyy.
So, allegations of "stealing the channel," the fucking weightloss surgery, "CHEATING!" "lying to her fans," etc. Don't remember what all crap was in there.
I really hope she's doing this with Fullscreen's help.
No. 292982
>>292930''Keeping up with the Palermo's''
Ok fuck it she's adorable
No. 292983
>>292930after all the bad things that has been said about her is this a good moment to tell her side of the story since nobody wanted to talk to her.
thank god for dropbox anon!
>>292963I wonder if and how mags will answer about this.
No. 292984
File: 1469826962163.png (34.83 KB, 301x223, Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 2.14…)

Margo woke as snakey today. Stalking is just love, y'all.
… but then Manaki really loves Venoos, right, Margo? If he stalked her for so long?
No. 292985
>>292984The festering maggot still hasn't learned how to disguise her posts yet. Bitch is fucking deranged and needs to be sent to a hospital's psych ward.
Stalking is never okay and doesn't mean it's "love." It's sick obsessive behavior, Midge. Those two will never have a relationship again and Venus is better off without. Maggot did everything she could to push her away for good.
No. 292988
I think I'm worried that Venus may still sugar coat things in attempt to not hurt or bash her mother too much.
>>292984From Canada ? Leave my country alone Margs, we don't like you …
>>292984 No. 292989
I think I'm worried that Venus may still sugar coat things in attempt to not hurt or bash her mother too much.
>>292984From Canada ? Leave my country alone Margs, we don't like you …
>>292984 No. 292995
>>292985To add to that, there's seriously people on there asking someone "what is a normal parent????" are you
fucking kidding me?! It's everything the flesh eating maggot isn't!
No. 293000
File: 1469838754313.png (76.36 KB, 698x473, 160730_022145.png)

>> Venoos is lying!
No. 293001
File: 1469838908189.png (154.52 KB, 815x569, 160730_022236.png)

Oh poor thing! Do you fear the consequences of V's version of the story? Eat that Morge!
No. 293004
>>292959V didn't prove the story 'how I ran away from home' vid, yet her direct and clear telling helps to indicate it's truth.
I'm late to the party but good on yas all for sending stuff in. It will be really interesting if she addresses the bruises and scrapes images.
No. 293031
>>293024>>293023>>293006>>293005>>293004>>293003If your discussion is on topic don't use sage.
Please stop misusing it.
No. 293032
File: 1469858240209.png (25.96 KB, 314x125, Screen Shot 2016-07-29 at 10.5…)

>>292984As a follow up, Margo/snakey replied once again, but deleted the comment she replied to (I think it said something like "no parent who loves their child would do this to them" or something similar).
No. 293034
>>293032Note, that Margo just "gets emotional", you can't get mad at her, guize.
But when Venus does something like, oh, happened to be holding a dog that wriggled right out of her arms when she was a kid, she's a psychopath. Can't be an accident, oh no.
No. 293043
>>293032Oh yeah, return of the "she was just UPSET when she said those things! Cause WORRIED MOM!!" argument.
Someone's gettin nervous over there in the Plywood Palace…
No. 293048
File: 1469863629708.png (40.21 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160730-030558.png)

So anyway… whatever happened to @mimiimori aka hamburg jassy #2?
- Vocal marge supporter
- lurked & posted here and liked to taunt lolcow with her little buddies on IG
- went silent just after marge arrived in a new country.
She also went private but according to Zsu she had a pic of the same #beach marge posted on her IG right around then.
Hasn't been heard of since.
Welp, seems she done deleted that account, lolll
Speculation: she was the "friend" mangot conned into letting her crash with when she got to Japan (lives in/near Nazuma?) and she got burned, just like jassy. Now she's #ghosted.
No. 293050
File: 1469864145226.png (368.92 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160730-030546.png)

…and maggot & her stans do seem to be getting just a tiny bit nervous. Circling the wagons you might say. Rallying the troops.
Sensing a looming "EXPOSURE," mange??
Note the (now deleted) comments from poor ol @mimii.
No. 293051
>>293048Well, we DID try to tell her.
Anyway: mimi, if you'd like to let us know what happened, people will be sympathetic and supportive of you. I hope you're okay, the cycle of being in thrall to a narcissist is very shattering for people who have never experienced such a thing before. It starts with love bombing, ends with monumental rage the moment you dare to stop giving whatever they want. We'll be here for you when you're ready.
No. 293055
>>293053he's too busy fapping to the airport nude to write anything
>>293050uh, Venus requested screencaps because you either edited captions or deleted every hateful comments?
No. 293056
>>293050chu sounds
especially nervous. Magrot's lies are going to get exposed to a much wider audience (thanks to that faggot "journalist") and he's scared. Midge doesn't sound too certain either. She brought this shit upon herself by being a total cunt to her own child on fucking
social media to a shitton of people. What the fuck did she think was going to happen? Everything the river hay has done backfired immensely.
No. 293058
>>293056Mags sent chu on a little mission over to the @gaming_ks account, to bring up this ~totemo legit~ idea they have about Venus being a liar if she needs screenshots from fans. They haven't figured out that what she's asking for is copies of Margo's public rants, which all get deleted.
I expect chu to show up on some of the other accounts as well.
I know this is hoping too much - but god, wouldn't it be amazing if Margo had freaked out on some media b-roll on Venus, and V had that in her pocket? Like, if Mags got caught on tape before / between an interview or my Strange Addiction with her real face on? / fantasy
No. 293059
>>293053I hope his wife/gf found out about his online activity and castrates that fat fuck. His devotion to Maggot is so inappropriate and creepy.
Oh, man. I hope Venus is afraid to be thorough and detailed as possible with this. She doesn't need to resort to insults or unqualified psychoanalysis like Margaret. The cold, bare facts are brutal enough.
No. 293064
>>293058I also hope for the "secret footage" to exist too anon. Anything will do, so long as it shows how Margo really is.
Re. These minions of Margo's will really do anything for her won't they. The thing is, Margo's words on insta are her own… she can delete all she wants but she still wrote those things publicly and a ton of people saw them. A lot of those young kids will take the caps as seriously as they will fake emails.
No. 293074
>>293071Would be nice. The old hag giving up and taking herself to the river, joining all the other kappas to never be seen again.
And what the fuck are chu and the maggot talking about
>>293050 saying Venus "admitting" anything? She didn't admit shit!. They're delusional as fuck and are looking for things that aren't even there. I wish this soul sucking old hag would just fuck off. She's not going to stop this shit so long as she has suckers that will blindly believe her deranged drunken ramblings. With the way she dragged out her divorce with her ex-husband (probably so he couldn't legally remarry but he sure showed her ass), who knows how long the old coot will be doing this shit.
No. 293078
File: 1469872792661.png (1.16 MB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160730-053222.png)

Venus thanks you for your emails.
No. 293079
File: 1469873160593.png (12.28 KB, 584x34, Screen Shot 2016-07-30 at 8.02…)

>>293076>>293048Okay I'm going to get on board with you that she has really deleted. I can see only references to her with her usual name (pic is from a moment ago) yet her comments appear to be gone.
Interesting theory that she might be residing in Numazu. Worth a thought at least.
No. 293080
>>293078now I'm curious about her video about this situation.
And of course wonder how mags will react to this.
No. 293081
File: 1469873327857.png (87.01 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160730-060217.png)

>>293076Yeah. She made another account with the name @mimisnow with the same posts, followers etc. still private, with a bio that said 'You know NOTHING' or some shit. Then today it looks like this: 0 posts, 0 followers, no bio.
Hi, mimsy!
No. 293084
File: 1469873734606.jpg (89.19 KB, 1400x1039, mimii-cerises.jpg)

>>293081Dang, you know I had her selfie in my collection but I haven't found it… yet.
Sakura you crazy bitch. Pic is what makes me believe she's a French-speaker.
No. 293097
File: 1469884312628.png (572 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-07-30-09-10-07…)

No. 293107
>>293099Agree. whether it's your style or not, at least it's consistent.
With maggot's influence it was disjointed, schizophrenic, and trashy as hell. A reflection of the dirty maggot herself.
No. 293134
File: 1469901029957.png (117.06 KB, 590x602, 2…)

from gaming_ks insta
kek more like he never existed
No. 293135
>>293130I just really hope she brings more to the table then just those screen shots these forums have collected and has her own sort of evidence and what not. It wont look good if she only uses our screenshots to backup her claims. If Margo/Vexx army wouldn't take it from us, they wont take it from her either. I do hope she doesn't find herself overwhelmed by everything.
>>293134No Marg, he never existed … and if you can afford flying around the world you can indeed afford court, you just prefer stalking your child around Japan in hopes you'll get control over her again and 100% the income back rather then a 50/50 cut.
No. 293153
File: 1469908636998.png (24.88 KB, 346x444, duh.png)

Uh, that was to prove how someone easily can forge a fake email
Is the gmail anon here? this dumb cunt just reported you to Venus hah.
No. 293154
>>293153I think Venus knows better than to listen to to NJM.
Also, I sent an email to Venus's management about NJM's fake Venus channel while it was up. They're aware of her lunacy.
No. 293155
File: 1469909053693.png (29.85 KB, 316x171, Screen Shot 2016-07-30 at 1.02…)

… and NJM has a sock telling Margo it's all that anon's fault about the emails. She on a roll again.
No. 293159
File: 1469911489611.png (143.38 KB, 640x328, 937f7d72-2872-4d6c-9322-6536cb…)

>>293153That was me, hahaha
Glenda's sweating since she was outed (again) in YT comments as the one who made that channel w/V's old vids & promoted as fetish p0rn. Now she's backpedaling hard. She's on her IG tagging everyone to say "it wasn't meee!!!" LOL
And the old freak is totally clueless about how SM works.
No. 293160
File: 1469911588419.png (386.37 KB, 640x909, 7ea4786d-d9dc-47ab-a5a5-b40f82…)

It wasn't me! It WASN'T MEEE!!
>commenter: quit tagging me, freak
No. 293161
>>293159OMG, did she seriously tag me?? She blocked me months ago for outing her as Glenda and proving she was behind the channel! And now she wants me on her defense squad?? Too funny.
Guess what, Glinda? I also reported you to Venus's management (for copyright violations) and the US authorities (for your claims of insider knowledge of the child sex trade.) I think you wanna back off here.
No. 293165
File: 1469914314479.png (758.58 KB, 1200x1920, Screenshot_20160730-171707.png)

2(NJM posts are irrelevant to the thread. If you want to talk about her, start a thread in snow.)
No. 293167
>>293165Lol she's so dumb she thinks we're a bunch of middle aged men? Oh please, it's well known that we're women. Maggot sounds like she'd be best friends with this nut job only if she didn't want to make money off of Venus too. Crazy and stupid (Maggot, NJM, VexFag) all really do attract one another. If only that old cunt weren't so damn psychotic and hellbent on ruining her daughter's life, Venus would never have to deal with this shit.
>>293134>I left him~It's kinda hard to leave someone when they never existed, isn't it? She realized it was going to be too hard to make it convincing.
No. 293186
>>293119We're here to talk about Maggot number one, and about Venus as she
relates to Maggot. When we talk about Venus, this is generally considered a support thread for her - support for her new life and escape from Maggot. If you want a thread to talk about Venus' photoshops, video choices, sex life or just being a weeb, there is /snow/ or the jvloggers thread. Sgaed for lateness.
No. 293188
>>293140>>293151snakey also makes the same english mistakes, and is around just before or after margo. we have never found info to contradict our claim.
snakey makes statements that are far fetched even for a rabid supporter, like that Margo and Venus and Manaki should all move in together and make YT money off Venus as a team. That unhinged shit is straight from the mind of Margo. snakey gives Margo an outlet to sperg while looking like she's behaving herself, publicly.
No. 293233
>>293232Again - there's already been proof in the threads that snakey is Margo. Not sure why this is such a bone to pick.
Margo does indeed have several insane stans. Snakey is not one of them.
No. 293235
>>293228 >>293230
Not saying Snakey it's not her, just pointing out English mistakes are not proof since many non native speakers tend to make the same English mistakes according to their first or even other languages they speak. I've seen this "English mistakes" proof card used by many before and most of the times this is a not a very valid one.
No. 293244
>>293233Did snakey ever speak in first person, rather than conveniently appearing when Margaret logged out?
(Not saying it's not her. I just failed to find a screenshot of such a moment.)
No. 293254
>>293232>>293233>>293239We don't have proof and let's be real, unless we see Margo's accounts (or hear it direct from a verified minion) we never will have. I tend to be cautious about assuming things as fact in this thread and have argued vigorously against several collective assumptions that later turned out to be false.
There is a pretty strong overlay between snakey and Margo and I've seen enough of the timing and wording to accept that it's most likely her.
That said, I agree we should try to stick with what's real.
>>293244I don't recall any first person talk but that's just anecdotal from me.
No. 293265
File: 1469974099217.jpg (104.88 KB, 1200x763, margo70.jpg)

No. 293267
>>293265lmao mags says she worked at McD?? When did this happen?
oh mags ….
No. 293274
jfc. It's not that fucking important.
No. 293275
File: 1469980336070.png (273.08 KB, 360x483, Screen Shot 2016-07-22 at 9.20…)

Meanwhile back at the Plywood Palace, it's bedtime. the maggot climbs into her cubicle for the night, comtemplating the 6,824 views on her last video compared to VENOOS's 130K and 524K on hers.
Wonders WHY the world remains blind to her BRILLIANCE and the evil of VENOOS.
and seeeeethes
No. 293280
File: 1469982886699.png (41.51 KB, 280x152, bYW5rAk.png)

>>293155Speaking of socks
This one is confirmed as NJM (on the @gaming_ks IG)
No. 293281
Just looked at Manaki's latest photo and the entire comment section is people arguing? I never watched the shitty drama video, did he talk about Manaki too or some shit?
>>293277It clearly does to you given how buttmad you are about it. I'm not gonna not talk about something I want to talk about just because your ass hurts.
No. 293282
File: 1469982939286.png (70.97 KB, 980x202, 130fcc38-8c17-46ba-a139-ebbf06…)

She's back in the same comment thread:
No. 293283
File: 1469983098196.png (227.25 KB, 1024x402, e74099c7-9b5b-454e-894b-023dd2…)

…with the same weird bizarre lines she used on grandpa ferenc's IG when she was outed there.
100% crayyy, confirmed
No. 293284
>>293281I know & it's pretty sad. Trolls comment on his IG about "Venus CHEATING" all the time (and have for months btw) and that starts a war. Lately it's been one in particular, @astr0phe that's been on a roll.
Manaki's lookin kind of badass on his motorbike tho, I have to say.
No. 293287
>>293284I didn't realise that was the same guy shitting up Venus' posts also. What a douche canoe.
Manaki seems like a pretty cool guy tbh.
No. 293288
File: 1469985729737.jpg (25.75 KB, 550x412, henhouse-doug-nests.jpg)

>>293275it's a handful of hay and a wire mesh away from being a chicken coop
No. 293303
>>293293Yea people on Pull people found his old Twitter and I remember them saying he does graphic design and illustration. Don't know if it was just a hobby or he took a coarse in it but he had some good stuff.
He was really good so I wonder if he helped with the tshirt designs. There's a pic of Venus head on his body and he's holding a graphic tablet.
No. 293312
File: 1470000813426.png (933.81 KB, 1574x948, image.png)

And to think that this shit was only a year ago. Margaret Palermo, the woman who probably gave her daughter suicide threats on the fucking daily. And won't let the Xiaorishu drama go that she started
No. 293315
>>293283According to:
>>292624, you can't post about NJM anymore.
Similarly, can you guys stop shitting up the thread with posts about psycho followers. Nobody gives a shit.
No. 293335
File: 1470016224077.jpg (89.56 KB, 1200x762, margo71.jpg)

c'mon rich Japanese men, buy this sexy lady a dress.
No. 293338
>>293300Venus isn't going to need any more info than she has, and she's not going to touch on this kind of trivia anyway. Don't bother sending her more.
I'm not the one posting them but socks are arguably of
some interest right now because just about everyone's using them instead of their real accounts. But they have to have something interesting to say to make it worth posting them here. NJM's trying to start shit using one, snakey's just saying random shit - difference. Snakey's still of interest right now because it's 99% sure of being Margo, and snakey says a few things Margo would never say in public, but most of it remains guff.
No. 293355
>>293335This is exactly the kind of shit she used to splurge on back when she was living large on Venus's dime, LOL
Dumb bitch, why is she wandering around trying on clothes anyway, if she has NO MONEY? And yeah, that FACE..
No. 293363
File: 1470028377151.jpg (18.79 KB, 173x489, vintageadidas.jpg)

>>293359shed a tear for when Adidas dresses were fresh af and chavs weren't invented yet.
No. 293364
>>293335That dress is fucking
hideous as is her off balance face. Her nose is the fucking focal point. Does anyone else think that she's posting this shit to try and garner sympathy so one of her 13 year old edge lords will somehow send her money? Just me?
Anyway, part of it feels good knowing that she can't steal Venus' money to waste on this trashy shit. Forever euro trash.
No. 293373
>>293364bwahahaha, no more shopping hauls 4U, mangey!
>>293365Yeah, that plus she has to answer Venus's cute ootd post yesterday, just to show errbody that she's WAY HOTTER THAN VENOOS!
No. 293380
>>293374>>293378I know, lolll
she's looking all gorgeous and happy, going on a date with her hubby.
Burrnnn, maggot. BURRRNNNN
No. 293385
File: 1470037880080.png (115.75 KB, 189x342, 44f24b16-2ad0-4aef-95dd-78743b…)

mange stop tryna compete with your 19-year-old daughter. Just STOP
No. 293395
File: 1470041335325.jpg (234.95 KB, 1788x1188, firenoodles.jpg)

>>293390it does look discoloured on that side of her face (even up to her eye), but unless she ever tells us, how will we know? It's not like that vid where the bruises on her arms are obvious.
No. 293399
>>293335She looks the way potatoes looked during the great Irish famine, Jesus. All desiccated and not food grade.
>>293396Nah, her abuse would be utterly random, just like her (non)sense of style.
No. 293400
File: 1470046504004.jpg (49.09 KB, 600x150, potatos.jpg)

>>293399forgot pic for reference: normal potato on the left, Margaret Palermo on the right.
No. 293409
File: 1470057111946.jpg (136.15 KB, 340x361, face of fear.jpg)

>>293361And on top of that, she looks as if she has a mouth full of sperm that she isn't quite sure what to do with. I heard she likes trash, so I added some trash effects.
No. 293421
>>293418A very pissed-off man at that!
My guess: V posts cute ootd pic. Marge needs to one-up her of course, just like with the one-eye-covered pic, the plushie in the background pic etc. etc. Don't know if she is even aware that she is doing this but it's creepy as fuck.
Anyway, mange unfortunately doesn't have any sexxyy outfits in her 2 suitcases at the hovel (just shapeless black ninja outfits, baggy t shirts & flower-print granny tops, boo!) so she makes it a point in her daily roaming the streets of Tokyo (who tf even knows what this loon DOES all day) to stop into a store & snap mirror selfies in some "slinky" lil numbers, just to show the world thes SHE'S the hot one, bitches.
And this
>>293335 is the best she could do, apparently. Lolmarrge
No. 293444
>>293441As some Swiss anons have shared, the benefits that Margo has been receiving (monthly stipend up until the child is 25, as long as they are in school and live with the parent) requires that Margo send proof of Venus residing with her, and of Venus's school enrollment.
In January, Margo was able to show Venus was enrolled for the upcoming semester in language school, and that Venus lived with her. That covered her monthly stipends through August. But to continue those funds, Margo has to prove Venus lives with her, and show Venus's school enrollment for Fall 2016.
No. 293449
>>293445I don't know about Switzerland, but in order to prove your residency in the states you need to provide an ID with your current address on it; your name on an apartment lease; your name on the utility bills; or 1-2 pieces of "official" mail sent to you at your current mailing address (like something medical, or official transcripts, or a cell phone bill, etc.)
They had been living in AirBnBs for quite some time, but they weren't hopping around like Margo has been; they rented their place in Seoul from at least Nov through February (Venus said she paid Feb rent for Margo, and Margo just threw it away to chase her down in Japan.) So they used to stay places long enough to get a few things changed to their current address, like bank statements and cell phone bills.
In theory, Margo could sign up for a new cell plan under Venus's name, and make Tetris House the current address to "prove" Venus's residence. But i don't think she has the money for an extra cell plan or to pay tuition under Venus's name - and if the Swiss are overseeing things correctly, Venus is already registered as living with her spouse for marriage paperwork, not her mother.
No. 293453
>>293452Sure, Margo could do a lot of things. Don't quote me on this, because I've never been an international student, but I believe a confirmation form is sent for all government benefits - i.e., if Margo sent a fake letter saying Venus is enrolled somewhere, the benefits office should send a form requesting confirmation with the institution.
People like to act like government benefits just get handed out willy nilly, but it actually takes a fuckton of continuous paperwork. Shooped copies of anything wouldn't be enough in all likelihood - they probably need proof of payment sent from the school to the benefits office, not proof from the individual.
No. 293463
>>293445Your child does not have to live with you. They only have to be <26 and in an approved form of training or education. The system. seems to rely on
you providing info to update them about your child's status, then when the last update runs out you must provide a new on or you are collecting the benefit illegally. Tbh Margo can easily fake the document she needs.
No. 293465
>>293453Is this Swiss info? I feel Margo could evade this issue due to being in Asia, making it complicated with several languages involved.
>>293452She likely can and she will at least try it.
No. 293466
>>293464We'd been basing this on Venus definitely having enrolled and paid tuition in January for the upcoming semester; the language schools I've used have worked on the semester system.
Swiss anons might want to weigh in, but in other countries, when applying for aid or benefits, you need to update the paperwork by semester.
So Margo's benefits should have been updated from January until the upcoming Fall semester. Benefits checks are cut on the first of the month (sometimes on both the first and the 15th) - we've often seem Margo with sudden funds around the first - plane tickets, hotels instead of hostels, etc. And if Margo doesn't pull some scam and forge the benefits paperwork, August 1st should have been the last disbursement.
No. 293472
>>293466Yes, Margo definitely has to update the Swiss authorities when each document runs out, and has to provide the new one. Actually if the enrolments are not back-to-back I think even the holiday break between would not be covered by the benefit, so she kept Venus constantly enrolled for that reason.
Venus is not unkind and perhaps paid for 6 months of school and apartment rent for Margo? But she didn't explicitly say how long. Perhaps she will provide firm info in her coming video.
We can't say for sure that August is the date then. The concept of a 'Fall semester' is a US one. And despite Margo's misuse of the word University (even brainwashing Venus into thinking it was), they were in private language schools, where semesters don't often apply. When I looked at language study abroad (not Japan or Korea) the courses just roll on and on in blocks.
I do believe Margo will at least attempt to falsify the study info and if she has an earlier enrolment document from either Japan or Korea on file it won't be hard for her to pull off. Venus doesn't have to be living with her and we never did get hard confirm from a Swiss anon whether Venus' marriage cancels the benefit. Even if it does, the Swiss authorities won't know till Margo tells them.
No. 293480
>>293477yes me too. I don't know if marriage ends it or not. I think it would take papers to prove it and that would be rather vindictive of Venus.
but Venus never showed any sign that she wanted to starve Margo or make her homeless. after all she left Margo with a new apartment, rent paid, course paid, visa fees paid… many items. enough for Margo to have stayed in Korea and worked out her new life.
No. 293481
File: 1470107108899.jpg (74.2 KB, 1200x759, margo72.jpg)

Keeping up the hobo wardrobe. Tshirt and (no doubt) those jeans which are ripped af.
No. 293483
>>293480I wonder if she still has child support payments coming in from ex hubby, like until V turns 21? Whether govt bennies, child support, mommy koncz or whatever, she seems to have basic living expenses (bare bones- $18/nite, haha) taken care of but spending $$ has clearly run out. Love how she's still hashtagging everything #Japantrip like she's on some kind of extended vacation instead of holed up in a rock bottom hostel in Tokyo with nowhere else to go.
>>293434No, it's gotta be something new, not her old stuff. She used to be constantly shopping & bringing home hauls of new crap. Like a magpie or a perpetual teenager, gotra be shiny & new. She must be so chapped she can't do that anymore, lol.
No. 293504
>>293497I love that she's such a train wreck and will never have anything resembling a happy, contented life, but poor Venus. Imagine living with an abusive lunatic who doesn't just scream and go berserk, but who spends every penny you earn on random crap and more crap.
Maggot is like a skinny dependapotamus.
No. 293545
File: 1470138809639.jpg (39.76 KB, 227x222, Photo.jpg)

No. 293547
File: 1470140784171.jpg (29.91 KB, 500x432, holyshit.jpg)

>>293545I so thought this is a real Penis at first.
No. 293562
File: 1470149069192.png (842.84 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-08-02-10-42-53…)

Morgues bed for the night?
No. 293577
File: 1470153652134.png (30.67 KB, 1051x318, lol.PNG)

so I saw this on the Tokyo shared room/housing Craigslist. It made me think of Margo.
No. 293581
File: 1470155787743.png (193.09 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2016-08-02-12-35-14…)

No. 293587
File: 1470157208174.jpg (29.53 KB, 308x185, poorfactoryworker.jpg)

From the abandoned couch pic…Manaki is poor and living off the youtube money that Venus didn't even earn for months because of Margo.
>>293584>>293585That's some gross emotional manipulation. She was trying her hardest to get inside that house to squat and never leave :/
No. 293593
>>293577It does sound like her, I remember back to how she emailed Sharla and the other Jvloggers offering to be their manager. Margo is very good at marketing herself and offering such enticing deals such as " Let me stay for free and I will clean up after myself as payment". Like clearly when staying at someone else's house their the ones who have to pick up your dishes and empty pizza boxes.
- Sarcasm …
No. 293595
File: 1470161460606.jpg (1.12 MB, 1079x2003, Screenshot_20160802-110933.jpg)

Had she been up all night? It's the return of manic margo! (Also, she claims to have been invited to japan… by someone who won't let her stay with them, apparently)
No. 293597
>>293581A commenter wrote the original caption had to do with Venus's feeling "her soul getting called from the nether".
It must be like salt in her wounds assembling those screenshots for the video. Many of them she hasn't seen before.
I wish she had someone besides her husband to talk to. She is completely isolated and alone with her thoughts while Manaki is at work.
>>293595Is Margaret claiming she is in Japan to pick up the rest of her belongings and get more "proof" fir court?
No. 293603
File: 1470163145319.jpg (98.14 KB, 1350x242, Screenshot_20160802-113651.jpg)

Mags claiming that $15k a month is a low estimate for what venus makes. So she and margo weren't really broke, they just shared single rooms because they like each other so much. Definitely not a money saving plan.
No. 293607
File: 1470163987787.jpg (212.86 KB, 455x672, Screenshot_20160802-115014.jpg)

Check margo's fly new style: grey roots and black gloves in the middle of a sweltering tokyo summer. God, I'm so glad venus isn't being styled by this schizo anymore. Mags probably thinks she looks like Jackie O,and not like the Chinese grandmas who wear gardening gloves while they pick through piles of recycling for extra cash.
No. 293648
File: 1470170671789.png (51.72 KB, 420x217, Screenshot_2016-08-02-15-30-45…)

>>293644This is the comment I saw.
No. 293662
File: 1470172572441.png (22.53 KB, 344x352, stuff.png)

>>293648I remembered I saved a screenshot, this is what I saw, the way they speak makes me laugh.
No. 293669
File: 1470174975616.jpg (134.85 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg)

look who's commenting on venus' insta!
No. 293672
>>293668Badass ninja milf meets Madonna?
Someone help me here??
No. 293678
>>293668She's a CLASSY hooker, not some floppy you gives handys behind the Dennys dumpster for parfaits (she totally does.)
On a more serious note, margo truly thinks she has great style, exquisite taste, and a flair for being fashion forward. You saw her jacking up venus's style all the time, including melting her hair when it suited one of margo's whims. She thinks she looks enviably fashionable, and not at all like a new York bag woman.
No. 293679
>>293595"You are VERY MEAN LIAR PERSON" loll marge. Your english is shittier than ever.
"then as well SUING. We are at THE BEGINNING"
Bring it on, b!tch. Details, give us DETAILS…
* found a lawyer yet?
* what is the basis for your suit? Specifics? WHAT IS YOUR CASE?
* what court will you file in? What jurisdiction? What country?
* who are you getting legal advice from?
C'mon marge…your fans wanna know. Spill!
No. 293680
>>293674oh, ok. thanks.
There's some history there with maggot, yes?
No. 293686
>>293685The pee video, yeah
The /cgl/ rebeccablack archives should have all of that
No. 293688
fucking lol, we called it several threads ago
>>293581>she let me sleep in the rain in front of her housemore like you were camping outside spying on them. Maybe if you weren't such narc manipulative nosy bitch, they would invite you to sleep indoors.
>>293595but wasn't her imaginary fiancé who invited her to England and Japan?
>morge>vexxfagI guess it's some undercover farmer
>>293685Yes, she did. Some say it even could qualify as CP distribution, is that true?
No. 293696
>>293595>BULLIES her mother!sez morge, after the MASSIVE CYBERBULLYING campaign unleashed on Venus by her & her lies, via fake 'EXPOSED!' video.
How is ANYONE taking this shit seriously anymore? HOW??
No. 293697
>>293581>>293595sooo bitter.
No. 293698
>>293581Venus and Manaki made an evil narcissistic mad woman sleep out in the rain? I mean, they should be
begging the person behind all Venus' stress and woes into her home! It's not like Magrot wants to kidnap or kill Venus, right???? Seriously, the bitch deserved it because it's her own fault that she's homeless.
>>293595And Maggot is once again back to fucking
thanking people for harassing her own daughter! Anyone who says, "But they both did wrong in this drama! Venus isn't innocent either!" needs to shut the fuck up. After everything we've seen, Venus is clearly the victim in this situation. There's no way she instigated any of this, all she wanted to do was live with her husband and become an adult.
>>293597Agreed. I sent Venus some screenshots too and they were pretty awful, but she needs to know the horrible things Maggot said about her and all the lies she's been spreading. I know she's upset and it's horrible, but hopefully she can get through it. Maggot's latest bullying campaign already put Venus at the end of her rope with that nutcase. I think her seeing those screenshots will be enough reason to never want to have anything to do with her for the rest of her life.
No. 293707
File: 1470186474340.png (17.92 KB, 500x84, Screenshot_2016-08-02-19-55-22…)

Ugh This is exactly what I was saying, this is going to end up looking like the Marina Joyce case. Venus is fine at her home with her husbando, it's not the first time her video looks low quality she's not in a rush, if people keep overreacting to every damn detail or keep claiming everything as a proof this will lose credibility, mass paranoia is the last thing you want.
No. 293713
File: 1470188443806.jpg (48.81 KB, 620x349, z1NsYTN.jpg)

>>293676>>293681Not the same anon but she means this screw from Prisoner. Ausfag reference.
>>293595Rubbing my hands with glee at the return of the public Maggot.
No. 293717
>>293713Me too, cause she's PISSED. Her latest #Plan to DESTROY VENOOS has failed, just like every previous one. Vexxfag trolls are drifting away, vexxfag has been outed as a fraud along with his fake-ass video and Venus has gained 21,500+ new subs since morge's lil hitpiece came out on 1/20. Plus YT pulled the plug on her false copyright claims so she can't touch the channel anymore. And she's flat broke.
hahaha, morge. seeeethe
No. 293718
File: 1470189828527.png (36.08 KB, 670x131, Screen Shot 2016-08-02 at 6.52…)

About those MASSIVE EARNINGS Margo claims Venus makes: if she got 600k views per week, after YT and Fullscreen takes their cut, she makes somewhere between $1-3k per week. That's somewhere between $42,000 and $150,000 per year, which is obviously wildly varied, and doesn't account for the number of viewers with adblock - and doesn't consider taxes being paid on that money.
Margo, these "estimates" you get from social blade aren't anywhere close to reality and you know it. Social blade gives a range based on the maximum POTENTIAL income - not accounting for the cut you give YT and a management network, assumes you're advertisers are all paying top dollar, and that all of your subscribers are watching every video. The point of social blade is to get people pumped about the POTENTIAL to earn money, in the same way all those stupid multi-level marketing scams crow about your POTENTIAL to make $$$$ every month - which only happens for 1-5% of all the salespeople.
Venus is making a respectable salary for a 19 year old with no education or work experience - but living on $40-50k a year in Tokyo is the furthest thing from "living rich". Although I suppose it might seem that way to a homeless crazy woman.
No. 293719
File: 1470189976814.png (29.5 KB, 388x190, Screenshot_2016-08-02-20-59-58…)

>>293662It's a farmer using Mimii's username haha.
No. 293727
File: 1470193356220.png (70.67 KB, 621x384, 6EGvOeo.png)

Screenshot from long ago but I just find it funny how Margs made fun 6 months ago or Venus "poor kitchen" and now she's the hobo who tries to get sympathy for being a broke ass bitch. Karma hit hard on this one
No. 293732
>>293718Thank you for the insight anon!
We can assume Margo must be making like 10-20 dollars per week from YT haha
No. 293737
File: 1470197205642.png (38.28 KB, 316x223, Screen Shot 2016-08-02 at 9.01…)

OMFG, Margo thinks $90 is a lot of money for a dress.
When you're 12, yes, a $90 dress is a lot of money to you. But when you're an established adult in the first world, that's a completely normal price for a dress.
Didn't she used to splurge $1000k+ of Venus's money on hideous no-name "designer" handbags? Now THAT is a lot of money, especially for some tacky no name shit that's not even practical. Oh how the delusional have been brought to earth.
No. 293738
File: 1470197391216.png (235.78 KB, 318x385, Screen Shot 2016-08-02 at 9.01…)

Also, I'm starting a gallery of Margo's followers: note the crazy eye trend
la_vie_en_ross, who is the new chu_face
No. 293741
File: 1470197509261.png (35.83 KB, 120x127, Screen Shot 2016-08-02 at 9.01…)

sandra666219, who knows for a fact that 99/100 child abuse claims are fake, her friend told her and showed her all of the reports, ever
(I think Crazy Eyes #2864322 here misunderstood the stat of 99 of 100 claims lacking sufficient evidence; kids don't wear body cams 24/7 and telling on their parents means a beating)
No. 293746
>>293688Yes. Yuka was underage and her genitals were visible? That's CP. What it comes down to, is that if you take the legal definition and don't even interpret it too widely, this vile maggot is a child porn distributor, and a pedo.
>>293704>homeschooling her>You will become useless trash like your dear mama, Weenoos. If it's the last thing I do!>>293714Yes, that mensa (and satanist?) level of genius is working out really well for her. Maybe she has some sort of prion disease? You know, Mad Cow?
>>293727>bye bye spouse visaLike she even knows enough Japanese or English to convince immigration officers of anything. The people working there have literally seen it ALL, they can spot a vindictive lunatic trying to give them extra work for no reason a mile away.
I love this milkbath! <3
No. 293750
>>293747Whoa where is this salt coming from?
I'm sure he's been helping her plenty behind the scenes.
No. 293751
>>293737She thinks spending $90 on a dress on a whim is WAY TOO MUCH, and yet she spent $85 on foundation, $61 for an eyeshadow
quad, over $1,000 for an ugly tacky ass fuck handbag and $500 for the matching wallet on Venus' dime which in her mind is alriiiiiiiiight.
Fucking loon lmao
No. 293755
>>293581If what Mags is saying here is true, what it would seem to imply is that she found Venus and Manaki's (old?) apartment and was FUCKING WAITING OUTSIDE like the creepy stalker she is, and Venus had to call the cops to make her leave…? Not sure if my Maggot-to-English skills are working.
If this is the case, it was probably less of Venus not inviting her in because Mags is emotionally abusive as some anons have speculated, and more that Venus actually felt physically unsafe.
Shit, this is getting darker and darker…poor kid must feel like she's in a Junji Ito manga, god knows Mags is pretty much straight off the pages of one.
No. 293761
>>293750I don't think the guy's done much to help.
How about an official statement of some kind from fucking Fullscreen, refuting mange's repeated public accusations that Venus "STOLE THE CHANNEL"?
His client has been the target of cyberbullying on a massive scale for TWO FUCKING WEEKS now and the guy has done NOTHING publicly. Venus has apparently been left to piece together a response of some kind on her own, with no help or support that I can see.
Maybe I'm wrong but I've seen no evidence of support from Fullscreen and this shit has been going on for two fucking weeks now.
And the guy is doing NOTHING with the shop. Her merch has so much potential, and they're doing NOTHING with it. Fuck this guy and Fullscreen too.
No. 293777
>>293603The woman who handled the finances for 6 years, seeing the actual youtube checks come in and put them into accounts, who should have all the bank receipts, depends on Socialblade to estimate a abdurdly high revenue… Is it possible she is not lying, but so crazy that she convinced herself it's true? $15,000 is such an insane number considering how those two lived.
>>293669I'd love it if all the girls that were harassed by Margaret befriended Venus, even on a superficial level. A couple have already expressed that they support Venus now, so imagine the steam that would spout from Margaret's ears if they all got together.
No. 293818
>>293788Also: On Venus' IG, her recent picture got 553 likes(and climbing) in less than 8 minutes. Margarine is lucky to get half that in a week.
There is no damn way she can compete.
No. 293823
File: 1470234765702.png (4.73 MB, 1560x1820, Sin título.png)

>>293778Ask and ye shall receive
No. 293833
>>293823That's beautiful, anon. The hottest she has ever looked!
Definitely needs to be used for the next thread.
(Possibly)OT but Manaki is in drag again on his IG. Venus's fans love it. I hope Mango sees.
No. 293839
File: 1470238353332.gif (775.1 KB, 250x200, 1470238186963.gif)

>>293818Maybe she should break out that little green number again, that might get her some attention.
No. 293868
File: 1470253015411.jpg (49.14 KB, 312x324, questionable.jpg)

We all know the kinds of things Margo has been saying publicly but I am curious to see if Venus will share some of these emails in her video. I'm seriously doubting they were nice lol.
No. 293869
File: 1470253371817.png (52.12 KB, 317x302, Screen Shot 2016-08-03 at 12.4…)

More mags rant. She's back on "viral photo! 200 videos! all mine!"
No. 293870
File: 1470253429413.png (49.95 KB, 307x318, Screen Shot 2016-08-03 at 12.4…)

The return of azlabyrinth, to defend his goddessu with google translate
No. 293871
>>293870"I didn't take her things"
Yes, you did. You took them from storage, and you sold them. You stole them, and you sold them to fund your stalking. You don't have a leg to stand on here.
No. 293874
File: 1470253709873.jpg (56.83 KB, 434x337, Margo - 'viral'.jpg)

>>293869And just as a reminder, this is the "viral" photo Mags is talking about…
No. 293875
File: 1470253748311.jpg (62.19 KB, 515x348, Margo - i took this photo.jpg)

>>293874… which she claims to have taken herself
No. 293884
>>293883Disassociation is extremely common in abused children. Also, once Margo decided to butt into Venus's work, V stopped doing cute j-pop stuff and started having the "blank" look Margo thought was "doll-like" and great pedobait. Venus probably wore that look around Margo a lot in order to keep the peace - no reaction means the narc can project whatever they want.
Margo crows about how she created Venus's brand, but all she did is run it completely off course into total creep territory for a couple years. You can see Venus veering back onto her "cute" brand under her own power. Uber kawaii might not be everyone's cup of tea, but that's what Venus likes - and it couldn't be further from what Margo thought was popular.
No. 293891
>>293871they were left behind by venus knowingly, there was no theft there.
what margo is discounting (of course) though is all the money she got from venus over time, and even the money and things that venus left behind.
No. 293896
>>293891>>they were left behind by venus knowingly, there was no theft there.When you leave something behind knowingly, it doesn't automatically go up for grabs. Like, if you leave a jacket at your friend's house, it doesn't belong to your friend now. Sorry to get pedantic, but what you said isn't true.
IF Venus told her mom to take whatever she wanted, then it's not theft. But we don't know that she did so, and Margo certainly would have said she had permission if that was the case. In stead, Margo got majorly defensive and said Venus "
basically threw them[the clothing]" which means Margo interpreted Venus not specifically forbidding Mags to take her things as throwing the items away.
No. 293906
>>293883Sorry for the comparison but remember some animals play dead around predators to avoid being attacked?
well I guess it was something like that between Venus and the lizard woman
No. 293921
>>293916Venus has never "claimed" physical abuse. That whole discussion is a red herring and a distraction from the very real and obvious EMOTIONAL ABUSE she has suffered, visibly and publicly for the past 6 months, on IG. And assuredly throughout her teen years, bc this shit did not appear out of nowhere in February.
Emotional manipulation and abuse is EVERY BIT as destructive as physical abuse, even more so for some. Continually bringing up this whole "omg, bruises! she WAS abused!" discussion you are distracting from and discrediting the very real ABUSE this girl has suffered at the hands of her narcmomfromhell. And opening the subject up for ridicule and doubt by fuckwads like @margaretpalermo and her stans.
No. 293923
>>293874>>293875Yeah, this is NOT a kid who is enjoying herself in these pics. She looks miserable. And lost.
She was basically a trained animal act that margo paraded around, right from the start. Utterly disgraceful and disgusting.
No. 293925
>>293922Abuse is not measurable in bruises.
Abuse does not = bruises.
Psychological and emotional abuse leaves no physical marks but is EVERY BIT as harmful, even devastating for some.
No. 293927
>>293926Well yeah, it kind of is.
But w/e..
No. 293928
>>293916Hmmmm, mimii.. seems more invested in hating on lolcow than caping for maggot at this point.
So what's up with that, mimsy? Why so salty? Who did you wrong at lolcow? And why not just come here & air your grievances instead of posting on your IG? You obviously read here.
No. 293930
>>293919Something like that did happen (aside from the mac book, swarovski etc).
Venus posted a cute pic of herself not long after she moved to japan in a skirt. Margs bitterly commented on it saying it was her skirt.
Meanwhile, those swiss bux must have came in because Mags has brand new sushi pics up.
No. 293931
>>293930Well of course she does.
Venus posted a food pic captioned 'sushi' so mommy must post one too! A BETTER one (in her lizard brain anyway.)
Is she even aware that she's doing this, like CONSTANTLY swf'ing her daughter like a fucking psycho freak??
No. 293973
>>293896you realise venus and manaki had months to go through that tokyo storage and decide what they wanted, right? what they left for margo, they did not want - clearly.
of all the actual, real things to talk about, talking about margo "stealing" venus' clothes and toys from the storage is just exaggeration and a bit hysterical.
No. 293977
>>293974The sound is SO BAD. Her engrish is SO BAD. Her continuous ASMR attempt is SO BAD - it's like nails on a goddamn chalkboard.
And, once again - Venus did a kids ring kit, recently. And how many other people have done the kids makeup specifically? Margo couldn't come up with an original concept if her life depended on it.
Also, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane has never been closer to real life than it was here.
No. 293978
File: 1470292441527.jpg (30.93 KB, 597x172, 100layers.jpg)

>>293974And there's a promise of more to come!
No. 293979
File: 1470292518754.png (587.96 KB, 846x434, Screen Shot 2016-08-03 at 11.3…)

Whatever Happened to Baby Margit?
No. 293980
File: 1470292656533.png (589.38 KB, 847x429, Screen Shot 2016-08-03 at 11.3…)

sO RaNdUmB ~kawaii~
No. 293981
File: 1470292821406.png (472.33 KB, 995x547, seperated at birth.png)

>>293979Baby Jane still has the better nose though.
No. 293982
>>293974Lmfao. This kind of video makes Dick Nose look even more insane. An old lady playing around with kids makeup to do a trend that the teenagers and 20-somethings are doing. This would be fine if she actually
looked young but she looks 20 years older than her age. This is just plain sad.
No. 293984
File: 1470293240526.png (1.25 MB, 1273x689, Screen Shot 2016-08-04 at 07.3…)

Margo sucking up the life essence of those younger than her
No. 293985
File: 1470293511518.png (611.22 KB, 847x428, Screen Shot 2016-08-03 at 11.3…)

Margo possibly regretting the choices that have brought her so low… nah, is venoos's fault. Obviously, Venoos forced her to do this insane routine that makes her look old and desperate, or else Margo will be thrown and die.
No. 293986
>>293982Seriously. This poor wasted slagheap wants to be a BIG YOUTUBER soo badly. Show the world that SHE was the creative genius and driving force behind Venus Angelic! But she has NO creativity, NO ideas, ZERO skills and NO APPEAL. And she's 100% delusional to top it all off.
Screencaps and reviews please, bc I honestly can't even bring myself to watch. She's trying to be funny & lighthearted & endearing again, isn't she? Is she really doing that fucking ASMR thing again? Like her speech isn't already creepy enough??
No. 293994
File: 1470294404540.png (628.69 KB, 846x431, Screen Shot 2016-08-03 at 11.3…)

I know the… "challenge" (cringe) involves looking terrible and mugging. But it only looks cute / appealing / fun when the person doing it doesn't look like they should be singing "I've Written a Letter to Daddy"
No. 293997
>>293991The one by Grav3ardgirl? 4M views in 1 week? is doing these right now. All the young hip popular Youtubers. Which poor deluded maggs wants DESPERATELY to be one of.
No. 293998
>>293997Margo uses Grav3ardgirl as a tag on her videos (along with pewdipie, jennamarbles, and of course VENOOS)
She is so, so desperate to be BEEEG YOOTOOBEAR.
No. 293999
>>293974>>293979>>293980>>293994HOLD ME I'M SCAAAREDDD
I haven't even watched the thing and I'm cringing SO HARD right now
No. 294004
File: 1470296429258.png (264.41 KB, 783x468, 118ec9f1-0fe0-441a-8ba6-df25d8…)

>>293993just for you, anon.
No. 294006
>>294004Thank you, honey. I didn't feel like sleeping tonight anyway.
Omfg… There's wrinkles on wrinkles.
No. 294010
File: 1470297018165.jpg (55.77 KB, 604x340, dolls.jpg)

Margo seems is somehow gaining more traction than usual with this one.
Lots of people who think she's a fun older lady that gives no fucks rather than an obsessive stalker. Partially you wish that V had Keemtard-style stans to spam responses all of the praise on Margo's video, except then that would just be VENOOS BOOLY ME ammo
>>293883>>293884>>293906>disassociationNot to be a dick, but given that this is Venus' "Dolly" period, could she maybe not be just imitating a doll like look?
No. 294011
>>294006Hey I'm not sleeping NOBODY ELSE is either.
And I still haven't even watched the GD thing. That's how traumatized I am.
No. 294012
File: 1470297127308.jpg (16.05 KB, 255x169, 1441299990734.jpg)

>>294009I agree, I want to watch her descent into insanity.
No. 294013
>>294002Yeah, that would be one
coin-operated shower with
intermittent hot water for 60 people, to be specific. KEKKK
from a review:
Only one shower (which required 100 yen for 10min, and inconsitent hot water) No. 294020
>>294010>gaining more traction than usual with this onebit early to be making that assessment, don't you think?
>you wish that V had Keemtard-style stans to spam responses all of the praise um, no actually I don't. What I wish is for her to be ignored and relegated to the dustbin of YT where she belongs. Bc that is what she'd haate so much more.
And "all the praise"? where? LOL
You seem to be massively overoptimistic here.
No. 294026
>>294025There's no "evidence" there, just cringe. And laughs. At the maggot, not with her. And the satisfaction of watching her sloowlyyy circling the drain.
What ARE you on about, anyway?
No. 294027
>>293265her arm and hand look so manly…
>>293613>>293614>>293668she's wearing gloves so she won't leave finger prints when she breaks into V and Manaki's apartment
No. 294028
>>294009Agreed, she can really deliver gold with some of her videos. Never forget the Hater Song!
>>294016I'm sure it was sold long ago.
No. 294030
>>294010>imitating a doll like lookI always thought those photos looked a lot like the 'living doll' sex fetish thing that was happening at the time. Girls were posting photos of themselves to fetish sites asking if they looked like those realistic love dolls.
At the time I wondered if Venus knew what the photos looked like, looking back Margo definitely knew what she was getting Venus to pose as.
No. 294035
>>294033What "case?"
are you smoking the same shit as marge?
No. 294036
>>294032Me either. With how overpriced children's makeup is, I can't believe this hobo spent $37 on it. What a great use of her final Swissbux payment!
Jesus, and I thought the beauty kits for little girls at Claire's was steep.
No. 294038
- gaining TRACTION!
- all that PRAISE!
- LOTS of people think she's a FUN older lady!
bitch, where?
No. 294042
>>294012What's up with people who report cows on whatever services they are using? Chris now has two strikes because of weens like this. let the milk flow free.
Margendo is trying to get people to watch her stupid channel. Chances are someone outside of us may report her. If so there's nothing we can do. But we should not be the ones damning up the milk river.
No. 294045
>>294035I'm not going to underestimate how far she will go or how long she will drag this out. She dragged her ex-husband for 10 fucking years during the divorce. Bitch is already on her second stalking tour. You honestly think she will give that poor girl some peace? Just because Margaret's claims are weak shit doesn't mean she won't try if someone gives her the money to go through with it.
>>294042It was just a question. I don't think anyone here will report her, nor will I.
No. 294047
File: 1470312611025.jpg (250.67 KB, 1291x1800, margo73.jpg)

poor mimii's being going apeshit; we've failed to notice her open letter to us. I guess margo's not the only one who narc rages. she seems to have gotten a gift sent from margo in japan (fan and candy).
also she's going after zsu about that beach pic (she's correct though, it's clearly not the same beach).
No. 294048
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>>294047she's unhinged, perhaps would like to beat venus herself.
No. 294050
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>>294048keeps indicting herself.
also look who appear to be friends again. say it's not so, Jassy.
No. 294051
>>294048The utterly dumb thing about this is that Venus never showed any bruises to the public, nor did she ever talk about them in her running away video. The bruises that were seen in that old video just happened to be there in the frame. It was an anon here (and probably on Pull too) who were bringing them up, not Venus.
Do you get that, mimii you dummy?
No. 294052
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>>293335Her slav genes are showing
No. 294053
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I see she didn't mention Elodie Koyama Morabito.
No. 294054
>>294053>>294047btw her fan selfie matches the last one she posted, which I seem to have misplaced for now.
but I'm not convinced mimii's in Japan. the sweets and fan mean nothing: Margo likely will have sent them.
No. 294056
Poor thing has been literally jumping up & down screaming "notice me, LSA! I WANNA FIGHT!" on IG for like 15 hours now. So yay mimsy, you finally got noticed.
I loved the part where she was like "I only made this account to help a poor bullying victim! I never DREAMED it would attract SO MUCH ATTENTION!"
- 1 hour later "hello? anyone out there?"
- 2 hours later "oh yeah? how about THIS?"
No. 294057
>>294041the sushi dinner points to her at least getting a free meal from him at his restaurant, and probably begging him to stay. from the video background it's an old house so it
could be his, but the tetris house is an old house too.
No. 294058
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Btw mimii you dumb bitch, Venus has never spoken publicly about whether she slept that night in bed with that guy. and if she did, it's between her and Manaki. Who even takes a photo of their child like that anyway? A creep, that's who.
Who fucking cares about your insane 'proofs'. You are burning up, Margo style.
No. 294060
>>294051Yeah, that plus nobody fucking cares whether you think Venus was "really" abused or not, mimsii.
Like where did this dipshit get the idea that HER OPINIONS were so GD important, anyway?
No. 294062
>>294057WAY too many assumptions here. Where do you see any evidence that there was even another person there? Besides marge saying so, I mean(eyeroll.) And where are you getting that she must be back at the chef's place?" I thought the guy stopped listing the place after magggs left, and didn't she say something about the house being "dismantled" or something?
I don't know how some of you come up with this shit.
No. 294063
>>294062margo said that (the demolition), not him. he did delist his place for a bit although I didn't check back in to see if he relisted it. his account stayed up last I looked.
I tend to think she shot the latest vid at the tetris house, not at his house.
the guy's a sushi chef, and the last times she posted sushi dinners it was with him. he's sympathetic to her (we know this for sure from the reply he wrote to an anon here) so why wouldn't he be generous to her? he's done so before for margo and for other guests
No. 294064
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>>293992I'm late on this … but she's not only mimicking Venus, she looks to be mocking her actual recent makeup changes. I'm looking through this vid in detail and she has these facial expressions… my god. She's incredibly pleased with herself, feeling her satanist powers?
No. 294065
>>294064No matter how vindictive she is trying to be, joke's still on her. Venus has the youth, the total look (coordinated clothes, furniture), and the filters to pull it off.
magrot is just a sad heap of wrinkles covered in Toys 'R Us fingerpaints. She's like the leftovers of someone's stripmall facelift.
No. 294071
>>294061No, I think they were talking about Venus using that Youtube stuff in her defense "if this case happens," i.e. if mange SUES.
>>294033And here, "there's NO TELLING what she'll do to drag this out."
>>294045I'm just tired of this lame-ass threat of "Imma SUE VENOOS" being thrown out by morge. The bitch has no clue what she'd even "sue Venus" FOR, for starters. She's run out of fake copyright claims so it's obvious she has no fucking copyrights, on the videos or the name VA for that matter. So what's she gonna take her to court for, stealing "HER idea" when Venus was 14? Some verbal "agreement" she had with a teenager about sharing channel ownership? Riiight marge. Good luck with that one.
She has nothing. ZERO. Please don't give this loon & her empty threats credibility, okay?
No. 294073
>>294068Would you fucking stop with this "pic OF HER DAUGHTER" in bed next to a guy?
damn, I feel like I'm talking to some 12-year-old troll in Venus's YT comments here.
Fuck. outta. here. with this shit.
No. 294078
>>294072Totally agree with this.
Except the part about Venus "living in fear" every time she leaves the house. The maggot would like to think she has that kind of power over Venus, definitely. That's one of the things a sick fuck like her feeds on, power and control. I'm just not willing to buy into it anymore tho. And I hope Venus isn't either.
No. 294086
>>291537Oh gosh this mimi person is so freaking annoying, behaving like she's the centre of everything while she's not.
Mimi, your pictures are not that interesting, nor your blubbering about what liar Venus is. who do you think you are to think you're entitled to say that Venus wasn't abused emotionally, huh?
Back to topic: I might be over-critical but margo's new video seems to me like mocking Venus for her makeup. geez, it's aimed on children, this make up case isn't meant for daily use in an adult life.
It's annoying to watch her.
No. 294091
File: 1470326338895.png (1.89 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20160804-115541.png)

She just now posted this, poor Venus I hope she's okay…
No. 294092
>>294091I bet she saw some comments of mags which she didn't expected to see from her own mother?
I can recall some really awful things.
Poor V, things are still very difficult, but she already did a great so so far, I hope she doesn't give up!
>btw she looks pretty cute in this pic tho No. 294093
File: 1470326811849.png (1.78 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-08-04-12-06-10…)

She updated her caption.
No. 294095
File: 1470326859353.png (491.04 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2016-08-04-12-04-46…)

She's trapped inside her house. She's terrified of Margo.
No. 294113
>>294039>>294023The paranoia is strong
>>294092This was my first thought too
I hope she doesn't dwell on it too long publicly, as horrible and inhuman as that is to say. V's classy way of repressing dramu online gives her extra moral high ground, and some of her fickle fans might lose interest if she isn't constantly peppy.
No. 294115
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I just want to adopt her and get her far, far away from Margot :(
No. 294118
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>>294117well meanwhile on manaki's Insta.
No. 294123
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No. 294127
>>294115Mana is in this pic with her, and that's his hand with the little scab.
As far as rampant speculation goes - aren't they both REALLY into Gudetama? The super depressed and lazy egg? They could both be joking, they have a weird sense of humor.
No. 294130
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>>294115Here's the full photo - V and Mana are both holding a plushie; I think they're just messing around (and responding to everyone who thought they had a fight.)
V's posting schedule seems to have moved into the deep night / very early morning house - I wonder if she moved her sleep schedule to match his night shift. Might as well, since Margo is there stalking her, making sure Mana is the only company V has.
No. 294144
>>294141yes indeed those didn't last.
Her frienship with Ana ended due a petty fight about some picture of them together, and later (spoiler alert) margo chimed in claiming that Ana
iz bullin us, you know, the usual.
No. 294147
>>294141They can't all be wrong. It was mostly due to her mother I think and I think the impact Margo has made on Venus may have caused her to be a bit… off with people? Maybe I don't know.
I don't really feel that sorry for Venus. I don't know why I just don't cry my eyes out like most of her white knights are doing or feel the need to pet her precious little head. I just see her as a girl who had a controlling mother and ran off with her husband. Shit tons of teenagers did it before and probably had it worse off too behind closed doors. Good for them though.
I just think Venus is so pampered and treasured I don't even see why. She's nothing special in my opinion. Not jelly or trying to be "salty" just don't see the appeal.
No. 294158
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>>294156Someone pointed out that very same reasonable observation on Margos IG and got attacked by that bpd.hide kid. It's a mess and dragged on some more.
No. 294167
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Margo's up
No. 294168
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She had to stalk Mana. It was for her protection. Lots of people who are left by their bully psychopath abusers track them to their new house and antagonize them. It's all on psychopathyawareness blog /s
No. 294169
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Margo thanks her Flying Monkeys, for she is only poor mama whose macbook was "stolen".
But if that's all it is, Margo - what about her being a psychopath? A screamer asperger abuser? Is that not happening anymore? Did your mom tell you to cut that shit out?
No. 294173
>>294168all she cares about is the goddamn useless macbook and her moniez, fucking pathetic.
If I were Wenoos I'd just put it on the sidewalk for margo to come pick it up and hope that bitch finally shut the fuck up about it.
No. 294175
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>>294167Damn, this person got right under Margo's skin by implying Venus and Mags have love for each other
No. 294176
>>294175Daughter moves in with her husband, and leaves you with a semester of paid tuition, a month's rent paid, and around $10k in electronics (mac desktop, $5k camera, 4-5 top of the line iphone / andriod phones)? "She kick me out with nothing!"
No, dumbass - you lit your own life on fire to stalk your kid, burned up all the assets she kindly left for you as you had your strop, and you have nothing because that's apparently what you wanted.
No. 294177
File: 1470357227746.png (549.2 KB, 923x583, Screen Shot 2016-08-04 at 5.32…)

Oooh, another WaxFaceFilter repost!
Margo, you look ridiculous. She promises another retarded video, tho.
No. 294178
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>>294177Wow, so beautiful! So natural!
No. 294186
>>294123This is the same shitty argument people make over and over. It's like your house is on fire and you call the fire department to put it out, but there's that one asshole neighbor who's house isn't on fire shouting, "ALL HOUSES MATTER, NOT JUST YOURS!!"
>>294167Maggot always mistakes compassion and comments not attacking Venus as "bullying." Can't Magrot just die so this story will finally have a happy ending?
Venus' latest IG posts are just heartbreaking. I really wish she'd talk to her aunt Zsu so she'd have a good maternal figure in her life.
No. 294189
>>294177Whats with the #myfacehurts? Does she relize she looks like she is made of wax?
In her youtubes comments one person asked her to do a "100 layer" challenge. Mags said it would be up within 24 hours.
Maybe we should all make requests for videos. The woman obviously cant think them up on her own.
(I would screen cap it for you but Im on a mobile device).
No. 294191
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"Hearing my lies repeated back to me is pure poetry. Thank you."
No. 294203
>>294199She's over the limit, but getting held back for it is a total crapshoot.
You are technically allowed only 180 days out of 365 total days in Japan on a tourist visa (so, you can get two 90 visas legally in a year). If immigration begins to notice your consecutive "visits", they can stamp your passport specially that will allow you only one more entry before you're banned for a year. A person coming in on multiple back to back tourist visas is suspected of doing illegal work.
Margo is abusing the tourist visa system, but someone at immigration has to give shit about it. It's really down to the individual immigration officer whether someone gets back in on a tourist visa, unless they've got warrants or a ban.
No. 294207
>>294205Well, she and V arrived to live I think in March 2015, or around then? So they stayed from 3/15 - 10/15, when Margo's visa was up and she hauled Venus away to Korea (there was a short break in the summer when they went to Paris; they needed to leave to renew the tourist visas). Then Margo came back in late January this year, left in May, and came back in July.
So in the last year and a half, Margo has left Japan for a little under 6 months, when added up. The longest continuous stretch was Seoul between October 2015 and January of this year.
So in the 2 months she wasn't in Seoul or Japan, she was in: London, Beijing, Vancouver, possibly the US, Hamburg, Paris and Budapest.
No. 294223
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Shots fired by Venus
Heat-seeking guided STARBUCKS missile-→ srtaight to the blackened shriveled heart of the festering maggot. Kill shot, lol
When was the last time you set foot in a Starbucks, mange? Used to be a daily thing, remember? hahaha
Message from Venus: hell no she's not terrified to go out. You no longer have that power, mange. Suck itt
No. 294224
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more slayage: new cute outfit. How you like dat, maggool?
Living well is the best revenge.
No. 294230
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No. 294238
Like a GD third eye. Now I can't unsee it, hahaha.
The tip of her bulbous nose is reflecting light like a mf too. Like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.
No. 294242
>>294227>to be fair>not to be racist but>no offence butYou know that if you have to preface a statement like that, it's going to be the opposite, right?
YouTube should never have been a job, it shouldn't have been more than a coincidentally lucrative hobby. A normal mom would have supported her while still giving her a stable life, a school to go to. A normal mom would have continued her own job, instead of trying to cash in on an income as fickle and unstable as that of an underage YouTuber. There's nothing "fair" about an old hag trying to leech on the daughter she's been abusing forever.
No. 294243
>>294237>>294232Dyes like Directions are vegetable based and condition without damaging. I kept my hair blue for several years and the only 'frying' was the trips to the salon to have my roots touched up and it's still in fantastic condition. Sage for blogpost but just wanted to clarify dyeing isn't always damaging.
Personally i think her current look is adorable but honestly, she's finally got the freedom to make her own choices so good for her
No. 294252
>>294242That's always bugged me about the living doll days when Marg bragged in an interview how 'they' hoped to live solely off the income. Pretty sure that's a red flag right there that a single parent has every intention to quit their job and live off cash coming in from shoving their underaged daughter in front of a camera.
I mean no one thinks half those Toddler & Tiara girls mothers are good mothers for subjecting their daughters to routine spray tans and putting more makeup on them than most adults in an attempt to make them look more 'grown' then get them to grind and writhe suggestively on stage for cash. How is that flat out bad parenting but some people still think Marge is some how an amazing mother and Venus is a spoiled child who dared run away from home to another country with her husband?
No. 294256
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mira no
No. 294291
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>>294254I checked last night when it was supposed to be due. Nothing. I checked today and still nothing. Real professional there Margo.
No. 294293
>>294286idk, her Japanese seems pretty decent to me. And living with a native Japanese speaker she's getting lots of practice and no doubt improving rapidly. Just look at how much better her English has gotten, just in the past few months.
I think you're being overly pessimistic here. The things holding her back from getting out & making friends would be her introversion & shyness plus NO social skills/experience on how to relate to other people thanks to youknowwho.
No. 294296
>>294288True, but here's the thing: maggs' little band of whackjob supporters is tiny, like mimiisuck, chuchu, azloser and that la_vie_en_whatever at this point. And it's not getting any bigger, even after that "interview" she had such high hopes for. In fact her IG likes are going back down after a (very brief) spike and her comments are too- and half of them is the same 2 or 3 trolls arguing with people.
tl;dr maggs is goin downnn like the Titanic and I am HERE for it.
No. 294301
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>>294288>>294297This is when mimiisuck was last heard from on V's IG, her little "venus was totally not abused you guys!" spew.
she runned away straight back to the safe haven of maggot's page after this and hasn't dared to poke her lil nose out since.
No. 294308
File: 1470438716609.jpg (557.6 KB, 1386x1215, Screenshot_20160805-160936.jpg)

Mags is awake; claims her videos are clever comedy too high brow for us all de hahters to understand
No. 294309
File: 1470438833801.jpg (278.22 KB, 1384x528, Screenshot_20160805-161231.jpg)

Margaret is a refined and classy wooman! Weenus is the immature one! Mags breaking her whole sock theater today.
No. 294321
>>294308Some fun #'s for you, margoool:
- maggs YT views for the past month (least to most recent:) 15K, 15K, 27K, 28K, 10K and 3K
- Venus's views for the past month:
206K, 171K, 192K, 143K, 220K, 226K, 549K, 146K and 123K
Read em and weep, mange. (hint: people don't fucking like you)
No. 294322
>>294288yeah she reads here and rages at us
>>294050 and
>>294047. she's a baby margo. she also appeared in the thread before last namefagging as 'Sakura' to rage directly at us.
>MimimorlinI didn't know about that particular one, thanks. It is always interesting to know her name changes. always keep track of them when you see them happen and bookmark the new name.
No. 294325
File: 1470442529594.png (1.55 MB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160805-192437.png)

>>294306Do tell…
mange's newest superfan @la_vie_in_ross is an aspiring youtuber named Elsa Diaz, from Chile. All her shit is en espanol. Makeup hauls, aliexpress victoria's secret hauls, etc. And she's your standard basic b!tch, low-rent asF.
I don't see anything about a husband, Japanese or otherwise tho.
No. 294328
File: 1470442696910.png (1.8 MB, 1920x1200, Screenshot_20160805-192927.png)

here's a vlog from her palatial abode in Chile. I'm digging that purple eyeshadow, man.
Wonder why she's glommed onto marge the hungarian hobo so hard?
No. 294330
>>294328Like several other stans, she wants to be YT "famous" and will glom onto anyone who has slightly more views to make it happen.
Anyway, fuck this bitch. Let's move on.
No. 294336
>>294325>>294328>>294330@la_vie_in_chile is a #grungegirl tho. #nirvana #aliceinchains too. Maybe that's the mange connection- metal. hamburg jassy is a big AC/DC fan as I recall, in fact marge commented on her pics of the AC/DC show she went to. Said something about sending her a DM. That post is gone now, as is the "roadtrippin" one jassy posted as proof back when she was talking to us about her marge experience. #margoscrubbed
and @mimiisucks follows la_vie_in_chile on IG. LOL
@mimii trying so hard to get a lil group going but it just never seems to get off the ground. poor girl
No. 294350
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This has got to be a joke. What kind of sicko would make a Marge fan club and state that she is "sooooo kawaii"?? And those pics of Mange are all decorated cutesy style. I am laughing my ass off right now.
No. 294352
>>294286Oh, I speak from similar experience(expat in Japan/introvert) and I used to live in her area too. There are many young Japanese women with husbands working long hours that really want to make friends with international people, but they are too shy to introduce themselves and are afraid to use English/confront a non-Japanese speaker. Many of them have travelled or studied abroad too. Community functions and activities are a good chance for them to talk to you. I'm positive Manaki's work must have a company party or picnic for workers' families, so she definitely should not hesitate to go.
Venus is cute, polite, can get around by herself and doesn't seem loud/strange in public, so that makes her less intimidating for Japanese. She just needs to read the air and sometimes be the one to break the ice. Her Japanese is good enough where it won't be a problem in friendly conversation. The more she goes out and does errands, more people will become familiar her and eventually try to make small talk. Like store employees anid elderly people.
It's true she should see a therapist, though. It's not hard to find a center, as most cities have at least one mental health clinic(some facilities are very plush and modern), but it's still kind if a hush-hush subject here. It's like a family issue, not something discussed so openly. Housewives and mothers seem more likely to see someone, but it's starting to change where talk of anxiety and depression isn't as taboo anymore. Larger cities employ many foreign and English-speaking counselors these days and some offer Skype sessions, so she can always find someone she is comfortable with.
No. 294368
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#pokemongo #redbull
I am jung wooman yet?
No. 294369
>>294368Side note: isn't that a macbook? Isn't she toootally broke, and her only macbook was "stolen"?
I think a lot of people would love to be as "broke" as Margo, who doesn't work, has multiple iPhones, a macbook,and travels to 6+ countries within 6 months. Poor Margo, with nothing at all.
God, she must've stolen a FORTUNE from V.
No. 294371
>>294369She has had a macbook for a while. You can see glimpses of it in the pudding hair dye video.
My theory is she got it with the storage stuff and unbricked it.