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No. 332828
-Onion's still being called out for the dirty old man that he is.
-Cyr reveals his robotic nature with definitions and meanings in a podcast.
-Ontion attacks lovable tranny Blaire White with well…what we already know about him.
-Greg tries to revive his old school comedy…and fails (seriously dude, it's not 2009-2010 anymore; just stop).
-Behind the scenes, Grinch and Skye 2.0-I mean Sarah are sharing feelings with one another.
-Blaire reveals next plan for moar Onion rage (pic shown above).
It's time to du-du-du-duel!
Previous thread:
>>>/pt/330321 No. 332832
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No. 332833
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>>332828Last night's stream is making success. I think they should have streamed it in a bigger channel (Repzion? I don't follow any of them, so not sure). I'm sure gargoyle already watched it though.
Surprisingly you can't find many bananas in the comment section …yet
Couldn't crop the pic, sorry about that
No. 332837
>>332834It is so good I don't really know what Greg is going to say or do to fight them. Maybe he's going to try to be the bigger person and not respond? Kek
I kinda want him to go out in the cold again… Total cringe. He's always an ass when he doesn't know how to react
No. 332840
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feel free to tweet this to blaire, I have a feeling onision would block too quickly
No. 332843
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>Greg and Sarah sharing feelings with one another
Ok…. I am not a bigoted person. I celebrate relationships all the time. If its straight, gay, lesbian, interracial, whatever the fuck it is. I am all for it as long as its consensual and not pedophelic or incestuous.
However, we need to stop this relationship before Sarah gets hurt by Onionfucker because, he might manipulate her and walk all over her like he did to his other girlfriends (including plain).
What do you think we should do? Does anyone have any ideas?
No. 332845
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>>332840That collar. Great stuff.
No. 332846
>>332840p e r f e c t
No. 332847
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saw this one on twitter lol
No. 332848
>>332847Make him less muscular and more flabby, then it'll be great!
Just a suggestion!
No. 332853
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No. 332855
>>332847>fax machine>fact machinelmao
also if you go through Onion's liked tweets it's mostly Billie + fans claiming he "saved" them lmao what an egomaniac
No. 332858
>>332840OMFG. If I weren't so worried about karma I'd repeatedly tweet this to him, but I'm sure he's already seen it by now since you know he be lurkin'…
No. 332859
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Yet he places wealth on his friendships
No. 332861
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Hallo. I am enjoying lunchtime and this silly sketch is all I could come up with in 5 min using my phone. If anyone wants to tweet this, pls do because i dont have an account.
No. 332865
>>332859Samefag and not too sure how Twitter works
But now I can't find this tweet.
No. 332869
>>332833Everyone needs to stop letting Repzion be this anti Onion white knight. He's a bit of a worm in this situation because he has no real use for it other than personal gain from his own words. He's a scumbag who was doing body ratings as well on his own Tumblr not even three years ago for girls the same age as Gurggles is and has admitted time after time in his own streams he only talks about subjects that will get him views solely because he is a greedy fuck who wants nothing but money. He's just taking advantage of the fact Andy nor Blaire know about this.
He also tried to leg hump on AJ just because his channel is big, he went against Onion, and they happened to live in the same state. When she turned him down he acted like a bitter faggot about it. Frankly I've wondered why he's never had a thread, he also one time asked his fans how to obtain Ricin (a lethal chemical) whilst blogging about the "beauty of suicide". Repzion is Onion going against himself just for the sake of having an enemy.
No. 332870
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No. 332880
>>332869Well Repzion did actually lie about debating Onion during one of Onion's streams. It comes up in Google's history bot and has been exposed repeatedly in the past.
Repzion is as greasy as Onion from my perspective but however anyone else views him is entirely their own.
Just my 10 cents on the matter.
No. 332898
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No. 332902
>>332901>>332900ohh it would be nice to have a onision bingo template or a "take a shot everytime onision says xxx" kind of game
No. 332905
>>332895Did people try to message Pewds about this? He does care about youtube as a platform. He made several videos addressing problems regarding youtube policies.
If people asked him to make a video explaining why it's a problem that ya 31-old guy is allowed to publish pictures of teens in their underwear and why flagging these videos doesn't seem to do anything while videos Onision complains about get taken down he
might do it.
Simply asking him to pick a fight with Onion won't work though.
No. 332910
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No. 332912
>>332911should have said "age is just a number", but I'm too lazy to fix it
No. 332919
>>332905>>332916I think contacting him would be a good idea but how? Twitter?
It's clear he doesn't like Greg but idk if he'd really address this issue..
No. 332922
>>332916yes that's even better.
I think a bunch of people would have to contact him on different channels to gain his attention. Twitter, Youtube, Mail…
One single tweet won't be enough since he probably gets 1000s of those every day.
Do you guys think Greg has some sort of old youtuber "power"? He doesn't get that many views but it's weird his videos never get taken down even though people flag them.
No. 332930
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Sarah has really lost a lot of weight… Her nickname potato-face is not so applicable now. New one? Also, who wants to bet cheapo Onion eggs on her dieting to save on food in the mansion?0
No. 332931
>>332923meh I phrased it awkwardly. Not a native speaker etc.
But when the Freelee thing went down last year some people noticed videos she flagged got taken down rather quickly while her own videos stayed up. So I thought maybe youtube gives youtubers that were there from the beginning special treatment? But honestly I have no idea how youtube works.
>>332928You mean busy writing letters from his imaginary legal representative.
No. 332932
>>332926he's got a new video up where he's playing fuck, marry, kill and is trying to make fun of the fact he's a creepy pedo
hard to watch
No. 332935
>>332931A while ago I've have said that's total BS, c'mon… Special treatment, lel. But nowadays, i really don't know. I mean Greg has been involved in so many scandals. The most recent ones being Eugenia and the whole teen thing. And not even ONE video taken down? Fishy.
I flagged him and sent a long comment asking YT why they weren't doing anything to stop a man who was obviously bullying his own teen audience and then trying to turn said teen audience against the poeole who said there was nothing wrong with sending him pictures in their underwear. How many people do you think have flagged the video(s) where he white on eugenia or tells his fans to go after Blaire?
Yes, I do think YT is protecting his ass.
I really wish PDP would do something about this… YT bends over to him
No. 332937
>>332935Fuck, hates on Eugenia*. tf is wrong with me. Gargoyle is probably
triggering the fuck out of me
No. 332941
>>332935They definitely cater to top YouTubers. I used to think it depended on their content management companies and maybe it does for some, but Onion represents himself doesn't he? No one could manage Gurg's needs better than Gurg.
And a teenager or two.
No. 332948
>>332931All is forgiven, English is not my native language either.
a spic from narco-land living in a free country.>>332941Like Shane Dawson, he's partners with Fullscreen.
>>332946Meh, I don't consider him high-end but that's just me.
No. 332956
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>>332910Aw man, I started working on one too without scrolling down.
Yours is spot on as fuck though.
No. 332958
>>332832>>332673 (last thread)
They talk about how he could abuse his power by responding to adoring fans in his forum or twitter, and exploit their admiration. Someone needs to let these four know that's how he met his wife and his ex gf to Shiloh. This isn't a position of power he could potentially abuse like some new to the drama seem to think - it's already been abused repeatedly and now Sarah is living with them.
No. 332969
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>>332967Gold comment from Cyr in response to a rabid Onion fangirl
No. 332978
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No. 332980
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He's looking more demented every day, looking more and more like a fucking serial killer!
Still fat tho!
No. 332987

>>332978he's incapable of dressing like an adult. he's wearing his douchey frayed jeans, a tucked in tshirt with a stretched out neckwhich is clinging to his dad belly and has the sleeve rolled up (to show those
vegitarian gunz?), the suspenders just look fucking stupid especially with that white stripe. are these his wedding suspenders or something? Can someone check LMAO?those pants are so low waisted (also accentuating the gut) making the suspenders look even more ridiculous. the patches of pubic hair styled beard made darker and more noticeable by the ig filter is the cherry on top. throw him a stupid fedora or something while he's at it.
he just makes me so mad. you know he's walking around that house thinking he looks so fucking hot and disheveled and daddy issues 1 and 2 are fawning.
No. 332995
>>332986I do agree that his "current" voice isn't
his, however, this is probably his original voice. Minus the smugness.
No. 333002
>>332996Different anon (op for the Onion video actually) I agree, Gretchen was…sexy, and that's painful to admit! Why Grease? Why?!
>>332997I'm sorry anon, I really am but… Onion was hot!
No. 333008
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>>333002are you the same anon saying that gurg was hot with long hair?
can you leave the goddamn thread already. gurg is not hot, he never was. he's always been objectively below a 5/10 and super immature + manipulative.
No. 333018
>>333008People (regardless (
trigger word) of what their guy types) are just wondering what made Onion go from
>>332995 to
>>332980 , calm the fuck down.
No. 333024
>>333020The mystery is how the fuck
did he get that way. Age and plastic surgery are beside the point.
What man in their 30's looks that old compared to Grease?
Look at Ian Somerhalder, dude's almost 40, has aged and he's still hot af.
Of course, young Onion looks like a poor man's Damon (Vampire Diaries).
No. 333026
>>333024He started out with a heavy brow, he fucked with shit to try to look young and less Neanderthal, and voila…
Why is this even a topic of discussion? It's fun to shit on his looks casually because he's so superficial and it matters so much to him, but its not like he would be more or less cancerous depending on his looks.
Ok you think he was hot before… people age differently according to genetics, lifestyle and quality of surgeon, get over it
No. 333031
>>333025Yeah, I agree. His mental state has been deteriorating along with his looks. Guess what they say is true that hate takes a toll on your body.
>He started out with a heavy brow, he fucked with shit to try to look young and less Neanderthal, and voila…Dumbass should've left his browbone alone.
No one's shitting on you for making fun of Grease. Besides, we were talking about Onion's voice changes, some mourned the loss of his "hotness" and some anon got major butthurt over it. Is that a better explanation?
I am over it, are you?
No. 333048
>>333047I promise I am - not sure how to prove it and I'm not going to ask admin to CHECK MY IP!!!!1!!!111
Like I said, feel free to ask any questions and I'll try my best to get answers. Though the previous threads seem to have the story straight as to how Sarah got into the whole mess.
No. 333051
>>333046>>333048put it this way if you're not a troll.
onion has a history of driving minors across state lines so that he can fuck them in a state where they're above the age of consent.
sarah is above the age of consent in washington.
she's lost a fuckton of weight in the short time she's been living with them.
at this point, everyone in this thread is waiting for the 'when', rather than the 'if', onion boy finally decides she's ripe for the pickin'.
your friend should be fucking worried.
also, what the fuck is sarahs parents deal?? find that out for us.
No. 333057
>>333051I figured as much, jesus christ. I wish I had figured this out when Sarah first moved - the one time a lolcow intervention would have helped!
re: sarah's parents:
- her mom is the wreck the previous threads think she is. terrible parent, totally cool with Sarah running off to live with creepers.
- her dad is in the picture but he's human garbage. Typical angry trump supporting old white guy, he missed his own son's wedding because he didn't want to leave town
- her grandma was literally the only good influence in her life but friend is p sure Sarah has fallen out of close contact with her
My friend is trying to graduate right now and get an apartment so she can ask Sarah to move in and get away from the creepfest that is the Onion brothel.
No. 333061
>>333057He's been verbally abusing her about being "too fat" since the day she moved it. She's lost 25 pounds, rapidily, in the past two months, apparently to please him. Things are looking VERY creeptastic for her. She's also been making tumblr posts that imply she's working to gain his favor against his abuse, which is how these kind of guys operate (neg a very young teen and make her work for his "forgiveness" over imaginary crimes and offenses, like her weight.)
I hope your cousin can reach out to her. She needs real friends.
No. 333062
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>>333057Please, you gotta help your friend get Sarah out of there! Lord knows how much danger and grief it would cost her living with the Onion clan. She's already beginning to feel worthless and shit for the sake of grease attention!
Y'all gotta do what you can to keep her from becoming this chick: Onion's ex-wife.
No. 333065
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>>333062Or Shiloh. His abuse of her is even documented.
OT but I wonder just how many eating disorders he's inflicted on young girls. Jesus.
No. 333069
>>333062Honestly, if I figured it out earlier, I would have been here from Day 1 tryna figure out how to get her away from the creeper compound. I've been friends with "Friend" since freshman year of college, and she's always loved Sarah so much - so second hand I always heard about how sweet she was, when she started going through her baby gay phase, how she was doing in school… it's so sad knowing that someone my friend really cherishes is getting used like this.
>>333064Friend says Sarah hasn't mentioned it. Sarah claims to be bi to her family but Friend is pretty sure she's about 98% gay. She had a lot of girl crushes in HS but I don't remember ever hearing about a BF, so I think that sort of thing would be a big deal…
No. 333071
>>333066Doubleposting, sorry! I'd be happy to drop an email here if a lolcow mod/admin wants to contact me and see if we can work out a way to provide proof. I'll be the first to say I've never met Sarah in person, as I mentioned she's my best friend's cousin so I've only had second hand access to her story.
I totally understand the skepticism, I always hated it when some troll would claim to know PT and never cough up caps/interesting info.
No. 333077
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Somewhere in the last thread someone mentioned how Bilbo was complaining about her sudden acne since staying there. Suddenly it occurred to me…
No. 333079
>>333077ugh… please don't remind me of Glyceride
>>333078beautiful. needs more zits tho
No. 333081
>>332952I may be blind but the girl in the thumbnail and at around 3:41 looks like Sharla with short and dark hair.
sage for ot
No. 333083
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No. 333094
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>>333083>>333088I want to believe, but the milk has soured too often.
No. 333105
>>333091If it is her, then she's just given the admins the Mcmansion's IP address for future reference.
If it isn't her, then they'll be put out to pasture all the same and it's one less attention-seeking troll to worry about…
It's past the 30 minute mark now and the post can't be deleted, so it's all gravy - so either way this still works out in our favor.
No. 333108
>>333102lol, not trust her family? Not trust her family to what, not confide in their best friend that their neglected teenage cousin has dropped out of school to live with a known lecher and appear in his videos?
How about some thought to the embarrassment and worry you cause your extended family by doing that shit, Sarah? Just because you live cloistered up in Castle Stockholm Syndrome cut off by Greg from any good influences doesn't mean everyone should live in self-imposed social isolation.
No. 333111
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>>333110I'm going to make popcorn with cayenne and garlic and share it with my fellow farmers while Sarah might realize that her mother is stupid and she shouldn't settle for #3 in the cult and that Grease has microdick.
Sage cause I don't want to upset anachan.
No. 333113
>>333088What "personal information"? What that anon told us is technically shit we already know about you; that your immediate family neglects/neglected you, that you're still very new to interpersonal/sexual/romantic relationships because of your young age, and that you dropped out of high school so you can feel "special and wanted" by an (well-documented) unstable, lecherous married couple.
The only new "personal information" we've been given is that you DO have family who cares about you and will take you in as soon as they can, and you should take up that offer as soon as it becomes available if you're scared of returning home to your parents.
If anything, it should please you to know that you have a cousin who adores you and wants you to live with them, instead you see all this as an attack on you because you're already being brainwashed by that creepy greasestain.
No. 333114
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No. 333117
>>333114She's making it sound much worse than it actually is, that anon hasn't shared anything with us that we didn't already know except that she has a cousin who wants to take her in when they have their own place.
You're isolating yourself, Sarah… and that's exactly what Gerg wants you to do - prove you're the strongest of that household and leave them to their miserable shitty existence, you're nothing but an object/a toy to them to mould into their own designs.
No. 333120
>>333088sarah, listen to what everyone here is saying. i know you don't think so, but 16 is a very young age. and with the internet, stuff sticks with you. you obviously read the drama, the people involved with greg will never escape scrutiny. do yourself a favor and get out while you can. it's not that bad for you yet. it will be very hard for you to do anything without your name plastered online. from getting a job, to getting into a relationship.. people will find out stuff about you easily.
don't fuck your life up for two people who don't truly care about you.
No. 333126
>>333119Yep, brainwashed.
She's basically saying that her life ambition is to become Doormat 2.0 regardless of an offer to live with someone who can actually give her legitimate stability in life.
No. 333128
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Confirmed for following the thread.
Hey Sarah. You're a god damn idiot. Go and live with your cousin instead of a pedo and his trailer trash wife who will only ruin your life before it's even begun.
No. 333131
>>333118Haha, oh shit… I remember that detil now specifically.
He went on a massive rant and dragged Lainey's sister under a bus because she likes guys with big dicks.
No. 333133
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I bet the money he pays them to manage his social media is actually just lurking all day and reporting back.
No. 333142
>>333138There's so many anti-o things though. Numerous channels, blogs, reddit posts, forums, not including the one off posts.
I just wonder how much they keep up with, and what priority it's in(lolcow seems up there with their reaction times)
No. 333143
>>333142I'd say the anti-o blogs make short work of it themselves in all honesty because they can't stop reblogging each other, so that alone would cut down a lot of her searching time and effort.
They probably spend the most time on here considering this place is akin to a live relay-chat, and probably on Twitter's live feed with an "onision" search bar open.
No. 333151
>>332978Why is there randomly a pillow in that open closet? Is that where Lainey sleeps when Billie's over?
Also, Sarah, if you're still lurking here.. get out of that house.
You saw what they did to Billie, didn't you? Turned on her the moment they didn't like something she did and blasted her on media and even tried to get her to tattoo herself to come back. Greg will do that to you too. He will suck the life out of you and leave you when you've stopped being useful.
If you're doing this for the money or the freedom of being away from your parents, it's not worth. Save every penny and get yourself a place and never look back before he ruins you too.
No. 333160
>>333158holy shit you're right, this could potentially expose any Greg posting!!
The fact she tweeted about it makes it appear fairly legit
No. 333162
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I haven't really followed this onision because he is repulsive and produces nothing of any noteworthy value, but I've got a serious question for people that have been following his antics:-
Does this nigga legit think he's able to keep some kind of harem of women/girls with no negative repercussions? How can a grown man be so retarded?
No. 333166
>>333162This is a fairly new venture for him, he started this idealistic sisterwives bullshit around February last year and it keeps biting him in the ass, but he still continues to push for it even though he has zero experience with the sociological implications of polyamory.
He used character assassination tactics to keep his mistress coming back to him and his wife is completely docile to his demands, going so far to enable and support his actions because she can't imagine her life without his money or the attention it brings her…
He purposely picks up damaged and mistreated teenagers under the pretense that he's a better "father figure" for them, when the fact is… they're too inexperienced and naive to know any better. He also uses the one woman and girls in the household to spread his gospel to keep the flow of neglected underage girls coming in, YouTube is nothing but a soapbox for him, he lacks the talent to create decent content.
That's the basic gist of it, there's a lot more detail but if you read the threads there's more to this shitshow of a circus than meets the eye.
No. 333167
>>333162In true narcissistic fashion, he loves negative attention as much as positive attention (as long as it doesn't damage his idea of his ego). So to him, it doesn't matter if there's negative backlash - it's just one more 'injustice' against him, one more thing for him to be a 'victim' in, more drama/views = more $$
It's not a matter of just thinking he can get away with something - it's knowing either outcome is a positive from his PoV.
No. 333168
>>333088So it's tomorrow morning…
I think it's so funny/sad that these people keep pretending this site doesn't exist, but constantly lurk and make subtweets so we notice them reading. They just want to get their snappy lil comments in. Everyone in the McMansion is a c o w a r d for real.
No wonder they don't ever go outside - they need to constantly be lurking social media to see what we're saying.
No. 333170
>>333160She tweeted about it AND posted about it on her Tumblr as it was happening, unless someone's hijacked both of those accounts - it's definitely her.
inb4 "They're lying, it was all photoshopped!" - La casa de la Grasa.
No. 333175
>>333088Sarah, Is that you? If it is, then I just wanted to say that I genuinely worry about you because Greg is a sociopath and he is known for exploiting women and treating them like shit.
I hope that you at least give us 'haters' a chance to see why we are worried about you because of your mental state on how you should lose more weight for him even though you were fit at the start. You are beautiful, no matter what Onion fucker or anyone says. I hope you find your way out.
Love, Shitlord.
No. 333181
>>333169>I actually wonder what it is he threatens/bribes/blackmails her with to get her to start sucking his microcock again and pretend as though nothing has happened.Me too anon. My abusive ex cleared out a savings account I inherited from my brother after his death and then used the bank statements to blackmail me into staying - I was fifteen/sixteen and they convinced me I'd be disowned if my parents found out I'd spent all of the money.
Lainey has a kids with onion, signed a prenup with who knows what it in, and he controls all of their finances and probably at least has access to all of her social media accounts. The amount of shit he has at his disposal to manipulate her is fucking terrifying. Even if he had just one of these things he'd be more than equipped to blackmail her sufficiently.
Greg is worse than my ex. Way, way worse. To put that in perspective, my ex is institutionalised and has been sectioned several times because he presents such a danger to himself and others. Mostly others though.
/sage for blog
No. 333194
>>333193And then find a way to justify it to his fans. 'I do the editing, came up with the ideas ect'.
When in reality it would just be another way to control her. It's sad that someone can be so predictable.
No. 333199
>>333189I'm honestly surprised there hasn't been more comparisons to trump.
>>333195 I agree anon. I don't trust it tbh.
No. 333205
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>>333181I think Greg genuinely hates Trump. we usually dislike people who have the same flaws as we do. This applies even more to narcissists. Look at Bill Maher. He's way more intelligent than Trump and Onion but he also has similar character traits (can dish out but can't take it, tells-it-like-it-is-attitude, manchild. He fiercely hates Trump.
>>333186Wrong… kek.
sage cause I don't want to
trigger anons who hate the Trump-talk
No. 333213
>>333207Yeah I agree the timing is too perfect.
Lets wait for the admins to confirm, I dont wanna be trolled like with what happened with the fake tweet from Lainey.
No. 333214
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>>333203Sure, you can compare Grug to everyone because he has almost every negative quality on earth. Two of the four things you listed for Clinton also apply to Trump.. The Trump-comparison is spot on because they have the same communication tactics and self image and their fans love them for the same reasons.
>> I know words, I know the best words>> He tells it like it is>> Loves to slap his name on things/girls>> Pretends to be his own spokesperson>> HONEST>> Thinks it’s funny to make bad impressions of their opponents (IT’S RUBIO/ HI I'M BLAIRE)>> Permanent red face>> Calls everyone who opposes them a hater>> Ages horribly>> Ignorant while thinking they know more than anybody else>> Constantly picking fights on twitter>> It was only a joke guys!I could go on and on and on…
>>333207Yep. Wish admin would grace us with her presence. Report the posts.
No. 333215
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Onion and Cyr when they were still friends.
I'll stop now.
No. 333224
>>333046'How worried should she be?' Acts like Sarah's cousin has never really heard of Onision.
Two posts later:'She's trying to get sarah to move in with her away from the creepy lair'
Unless you spoke to sarah's cousin in that short amount of time that you posted about moving in, then you are an obvious troll. There are also a few other things you said that don't add up to me. I apologize if you are not a troll…but I feel like you are.
No. 333225
We're looking into it.
>>333134>>333135>>333137please discuss the chat and verification info in its own thread:
>>>/ot/121003 No. 333226
File: 1483638172124.gif (1.28 MB, 500x281, tumblr_nxz3rhVCRg1sk1rjvo1_500…)

>>333223I know, I am just as nervous as you are. The results are making me nervous. I hope she isn't a troll.
No. 333228
>>333224aside from what you posted, that poster also said this only a few minutes after their initial post ITT:
>Though the previous threads seem to have the story straight as to how Sarah got into the whole mess.That's pretty quick lurking…
No. 333233
File: 1483638900447.jpg (442.36 KB, 424x536, 096578.jpg)

>>333225So while we're waiting…
someone needs to tell Lamo that red lipstick doesn't work for her.
No. 333235
>>332840god damn anon that's too fucking realistic, i think i just spit up some of my coffee.
>>332946I wouldn't even consider him to be high end YouTuber as he doesn't even make the top 100. I would assume that those channels would be the ones to be given special treatment, not people like him. He has 2M subscribers, and oddly enough, that number is kind of normal on YouTube. A lot of channels are hitting 1M subs, and all the big YouTubers have over five times that.
>>333228I feel as though this was a ploy to confirm if Sarah lurked here. idk, it's just weird.
No. 333240
File: 1483640303443.png (62.8 KB, 578x547, 1442200282892.png)

please stop spoiling the milk
i'm not sure how much more of this I can take
No. 333242
>>333233The middle of her bottom lip looks weird. Like a bump but I can't see any discoloration. Maybe it's cause as anon said here
>>333237 there may be concealer covering it
No. 333247
File: 1483642459328.png (172.59 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-01-05-13-51-48…)

I know we're all about that Sarah drama right now, but gergles made it to the front page of Reddit on the /r/iamverysmart. Many comments are telling of his antics, the pedophilia, wife abuse, etc.
I am glad word is getting around that greeeeeg is scummy af.
No. 333251
>>333242It's probably another cold sore. She gets them alarmingly often. Sage for blogpost but I've gotten coldsores since I was little but never at the rate she does. Stress or being sick can cause them most often but usually some abreva can clear them up before they really turn into sores so you think onion would invest in some.
Also just to add cold sores are different than genital herpies but can be transmitted as herpies if it comes in contact with genitals. So usually you just want to stay away from oral or kissing from the moment you feel a tingle till it is completely gone (contrary to most beliefs it's at its most contagious when it's scabing) and since we all know onion demands sex 24/7 and has so many AWSOME threesomes whenever Billie visits it's probably safe to say at least one of them does have herpies
Also you never want to use lipstick or really any lip product other than a cold sore treatment when you have a break out. That's fucking nasty and probably the reason she's having so many breakouts
No. 333253
>>333233Why did she make a big deal about chopping even more of her hair off, just to wear beanies 24/7 afterwards?
Logic just doesn't exist in that household.
No. 333260
>>333251I don't want to give you attention about this, but I must. HSV-1 (cold sores) is the same fucking virus as genital herpes, it just lays dormant in a different part of your body.
You and lainey have herpes, any doctor will say the same. You're not any less gross than anyone else.
No. 333263
>>333260Cold sores are indeed HSV-1 yes but herpies is the virus HSV-2. Different areas, different sore type, less contagious, less likely to contract when the virus is dormant.
They are pretty much the same but different strains. Also why oral herpies and cold sores are not the same thing.
Not wanting to derail the thread with herpies talk just wanting to point out how gross she's being by not taking care of her outbreaks
No. 333264
>>333263You're almost correct except HSV-1 is oral herpes. And for fuck's sake it's spelled herpes.
Saged, we all know the McMansion is riddled with disease.
No. 333274
The user who posted the following comments
>>333046>>333048>>333057>>333069>>333071>>333076is a real Farmer and we have been able to confirm who she is and that she is indeed friends with Sarah's cousin.
>>333088was most likely posted by Sarah.
(I hope this also marks the end of the herpes derail.)
No. 333276
File: 1483648412432.gif (1 MB, 340x250, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.gif)

No. 333279
File: 1483648477592.gif (652.63 KB, 500x275, giphy.gif)

The milk is real?
No. 333282
>>333274Brilliant, thank you Admin.
Hey "cousin-anon" if you're still around, do you think you can share any information with us that we're not privvy to? Like, if she hasn't already managed to sever your friendship with her cousin - has Sarah ever discussed what actually goes on in that household and what it is she's exactly doing there?
No. 333287
>>333263You can get HSV-1 in the genital region too, and if super unlucky HSV-2 orally. The latter is more virulent and tends to cause worse outbreaks. Both are herpes. I mean, there's quite a lot of herpes viruses, but those are the two involved when you get spots around your dick and your doctor says "you have herpes". Sorry that half the population including probably your grandma has herpes.
The virus lays dormant in nerve cells but occasionally can shed and cause blisters/lesions. Stress can contribute to your body being unable to hold it back and cause outbreaks. It's plausible to say that very frequent outbreaks could be due to chronic stress, although it can also be just the difference between people's immune systems.
Transmission rates are surprisingly low, even without prophylactic use, so while herpes is ridiculously common, you can be in a relationship with someone for a long time and still not get it. So we can't conclude that it came from or has been given to Greg just because Taylor has it.
Herpes is rampant in nursing homes. Just felt like mentioning that for lulz
Like the repetitive makeup comments, I feel focussing on cold sores instead of people's voluntary character flaws and moral transgressions is besides the point and undermines the noble work we're doing here at lolcow
sage to avoid infection
(stop) No. 333291
>>333285Ah, okay.. I sort of overlooked it as Sarah seemed really offended and denied it, then I realized she's been caught lying before (owning a Tumblr account) and the fact that is the only thing that actually made her fly off the handle.
When Grease finds out she's exposed the household's IP to the public, he is gonna throw an almighty shitfit.
No. 333294
File: 1483649148466.gif (480.85 KB, 500x275, ariel-cry-cute-cute-gif-eyes-F…)

I will take that as a "she posts all the time"
No. 333301
>>333293>>333295>>333298True. She is now banned. However, losing anonymity privileges is really intended as a penalty for the first 9 global rules, and is not guaranteed even then. Outing people just for being under 18 conflicts with the idea of an anonymous imageboard and the spirit of the rules. (TL;DR It's more of a don't ask, don't tell)
Also, we're not going to punish Sarah for spilling the milk many people in the Onision threads have been begging for by specifically asking members of the household to post.
No. 333302
>>333274Welp Sarah if you're reading please don't isolate yourself further from your family. I don't know what happened in your immediate family but what I do know from that cousin-anon is that you clearly still have extended family members who care about you.
You don't seem like you're in a good place if your Tumblr/Twitter posts are anything to go by. I'd take up on that accommodation your cousin is offering if I were you, it might be your only ticket out of that hell-hole. Take a look through our threads at what Greg has done to his previous wives/girlfriends, friends and his manipulation tactics. Everyone who has escaped from Greg did so MISERABLE. Not to mention they were broke, suffered from mental illnesses and had no job prospects or future after years of being financially dependent on him, emotionally (and sometimes physically) abused by him and being isolated from friends/family. Even if there is a tiny doubt in your mind, look up the signs of an abuser and gtfo of there.
You are NOT our target, Greg is. I know this might feel like an attack on you because we're talking about Greg (and you happen to live with him) but it's not, people here have shown genuine concern for you because you're underage and you seem nice. I'm sure if you needed advice on how to escape quietly or how to deal with the aftermath, the girls here would be more than happy to give it to you. Multiple anons above even admitted to being in similar situations to you before which means that they escaped and overcame their trauma, you can too.
It's not too late.
No. 333303
No. 333305
>>333303I wouldn't get too excited, it's not like "cousin-chan" has delivered us any new miik yet.
And if Sarah has contacted her cousin to whine about her friend, we won't be getting any new milk or information again if they break off the friendship with her over this.
No. 333314
>>333305At least it's not fake like Milk Anon.
BTW, where is cousin-chan? I hope she comes back tonight so we can ask her about anything that she knows about the whole situation involving Sarah.
No. 333317
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No. 333321
>>332978Such a laughable picture… It has it all: man boobs, visible gut, outfit catering to Hot Topic 12-year-olds…
Oh yeah, and that micropenis! You'd think the bottom half of that outfit belonged to a woman, there's no sign of a penis anywhere.
No. 333326
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No. 333329
File: 1483652657453.png (205.93 KB, 573x351, Screen Shot 2017-01-05 at 21.4…)

This is what I like to call irony
No. 333333
File: 1483652844826.png (324.05 KB, 1848x1280, Screen Shot 2017-01-05 at 21.3…)

Third time posting because I kept using the wrong version of the screenshot.
I was going through Onision topics on Reddit and found a gem. I always thought when Daddy Cuck fell from grace he'd be swept aside, forgotten and he'd crawl into bed with incels but they don't even want him.
Sage because off-topic/spam posting this.
No. 333335
She's bragged plenty of times before that she's a "freak in the sheets" behind her shy personality… for someone that's not a "sexual person" she sure as heck is obsessed with it as much as her slimy husband is.
No. 333338
File: 1483653306842.png (292.34 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170105-165237.png)

Tinfoiling here but I wonder if omission is trying to get his ip changed after sarah's fuck up.
No. 333339
File: 1483653425575.jpg (24.81 KB, 500x433, gtrf.jpg)

>>333333You are the chosen one
>>333330Didn't her ex go to some drama tumblr and talk about how they had sex all the time? Granted it could be just another jealous ex that wants to brand her as a whore, but, she also apparently had sex with onion the first day they met. She doesn't strike me as,
ahem "sexually dormant" in the words of Grill. Just a 30 year old, rain soaked, dog-shit-and-dirt caked doormat you might find on the stoop of a dilapidated soup kitchen or a Scientology prison camp.
No. 333340

>>333320That sounds fucking scary. It heavily reminds me of this one online webseries called Kraina Grzybów (Mushroom Land). Especially the music video Ballada w Rytmie Dżins.
Agatha = Sarah
Karoline = Lainey
Jeansman = Greg
This post would also make more sense if you look at one of the theories of this webshow:The Kidnapping/Rape/Abuse theory: According to this theory, the Jeansman is some sort of pedophile and/or cult leader who has kidnapped Agatha (and probably Caroline as well) and is sexually or mentally abusing her; Smile Guide, therefore, is a symbolic record of her abuse. This particular theory has a lot of different permutations: the Jeansman could be a lone pervert who has kidnapped the girls himself for his own sick pleasure, or he could be a member (or even leader) of a larger cult-like group which Caroline and Agatha have been brainwashed into joining, with the videos perhaps serving as the group’s propaganda.
sage for it does not make sense
No. 333343
>>333333>>333336>>333337There are a few incels from that sub-reddit who are active on this site because of the thread they have in /snow and someone tipped them off to it, it was only a matter of time before they latched onto Greasestain as the Lord of Incels.
Don't be surprised if they start adopting his mannerisms as pick-up tips.
No. 333347
>>333341I'm not a fan of speculation I'm afraid, so I'm not going to attempt to read between the lines that she's bragging about her sex life to somehow hide her true ~innocent, sexless and pure~ personality.
I'm just going by what evidence there already is out there, and she seems obsessed with sex through what she's always posted on both her Tumblr and Twitter.
No. 333349
>>333344She can still read the threads, she just will no longer be able to participate in them - which will cut down on the drama mongering if she was ever involved in it in the past.
>>333348The admin will be able to figure it out if she does come back, they were able to keep track of Kiki after all.
No. 333350
>>333343They don't want him though - the OP was down voted and a comment calling him scum was upvoted. He's a social pariah and rejected by even the lowest of the low.
Anyone want a bet he'd #literally shoot up a public place when he gets the boot?
>>333338He's had problems with comcast in the past, as much as I'd like this to be the case. I don't think he'd have too much bother getting them to change his IP. He's probably over his bill by a pennies worth and he's frothing at the mouth over it down the phone.
No. 333351
>>333350Not as much fun to think about, but you're probably right.
Regardless I'm sure everyone in that house is pretty miserable right now.
No. 333354
>>333350Seriously, everyone that uses comcast has problems with comcast. They're a shit-tier megacorporation. Besides, they use dynamic IP (at least in my experience) and changing your IP is as easy as unplugging your modem for a few minutes.
>He's probably over his bill by a pennies worth and he's frothing at the mouth over it down the phone.Most likely something like that. Picturing Grease screaming WORTHLESS CUNT BITCH at some poor, underpaid, doesn't give a shit Comcast employee working out of Manila gives me the warm fuzzies.
No. 333356
>>333350Huh… that's so strange, you'd think they'd look up to him as some kind of PUA Messiah who reinforces their ideas that to get laid; you have to treat girls and women like shit.
Whew Greaselord, even your own kind doesn't want you.
No. 333363
>>333358Ah yes, I did see examples of that when other "incels" entered their domain and confessed to not being virgins and were just currently single.
Back to Greasestain anyway… I'm now waiting for Sarah to start updating her Tumblr with reblogs of uninspirational quotes and memes relating to grovelling, self-depreciation and begging for forgiveness from Daddy Onion.
No. 333365
>>333363I feel bad for her. This is why she needs to leave, because she is manipulated by lainey and gurg and they are emotionally abusing her to hell.
That couple makes me sick.
No. 333366
File: 1483656230490.png (142.15 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Someone snitched…
No. 333372
>>333371Unfortunately, this has been going on since the earlier threads… there are quite a few anons here that crosspost back and forth between here and there, I think they feel their "loyalties" still reside with Stevie as their blog is what attracted them here in the first place.
But I agree, this habit should of stopped a long time ago… I can't speak on behalf of all anons here; but I feel some of us really don't want anything to do with her or DSSCTM for that matter.
No. 333376
>>333372I get that we're all on the same page when it comes to Onion but why report everything we do here?
Also, our posts have been reported to Kiwi Farms too.
No. 333389
>>333376I really wouldn't know, force of habit maybe? My only guess is that they feel anything related to Gerg must be shared at all costs, I can't really think of any other reason.
It's not like the development was worth sharing anyway, it just confirmed shit we already knew and it's just nice to now have their household's IP under lolcow's staffs radar.
>>333387Pretty much.
No. 333398
>>333387I don't get it either. Anons were speculating that she's losing weight because of Gerp, that she's their new sister wife, etc and she gets riled up over being called a nanny and actually having a relative that cares for her enough to consider moving her out of that place?
I thought relatives giving a shit about you was a good thing.
No. 333400
File: 1483659425436.jpg (48.07 KB, 640x640, 10375825_1104857286226311_3476…)

>>333399That's juicy bruh
No. 333406
File: 1483659657163.png (48.05 KB, 1335x461, heh.png)

>>333399She isn't hiding being employed by him that well if she publically announced in the space of two posts that she received her first debit card and is learning how to edit.
No. 333410
File: 1483659993962.png (169.49 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

this bitch ring a bell? There are multiple posts they post from us.
No. 333414
File: 1483660424184.png (26.8 KB, 698x397, satander.png)

>>333409I'm not sure if it changes from bank to bank, but I found that Santander says she can have one on the condition it's a joint account with their parent or guardian.
And this site says you have to be 18.
No. 333415
File: 1483660674523.jpg (18.41 KB, 403x389, really.jpg)

lmao, I want to know what kind of sane human being can follow a thread like this involving themselves, not put the fucking dots together and get out before their life is ruined. Really Sarah?
No. 333422
File: 1483662513436.png (23.14 KB, 1055x413, records.png)

So I'm in the UK but I just had a five minute Google around Washington state public records. Found this when I searched for Troy Avaroe. (Nothing for Claire Avaroe)
All actual information is behind a paywall. My question is that surely if they actually did have the second baby, wouldn't their birth certificate be easy enough to find?
No. 333431
>>333425No, I think their marriage records are under Avaroe, that's why I searched it. See 'Possible relations'. Greg has used that name before
>>333428I assumed that their records would be linked since she is named on his birth certificate.
No. 333434
>>333431>>333425I really don't think Gergles would allow Lainey to not change her name. She is HIS now after all.
I do agree that it looks more like a "similar results" thing as it doesn't actually say Troy in the results. Possible they are linked but then I'd expect bandaid's info to be linked under the mother as well. All speculation mind you.
No. 333448
>>333445I think a lot of his fans don't really care to explore his demented persona outside of YouTube because they're too young to understand it. Some of the ones I've encountered are completely oblivious to his personal life and background and only really know of what he's like through his videos… so they think of him as nothing more just an "actor".
The rest are purposely ignorant because they idolize him.
No. 333465
>>333463His name
is Troy, it's confirmed on Lamo's grandpa's obituary.
No. 333467
>>333252That's cold, anon.
I still laughed though.
No. 333488
>>333486he talks about how putting effort into your appearance makes you pretty, tells one girl to fill in her eyebrows, compliments majority of the girls who have makeup on…
yet he still talks shit about girls who wear makeup?? ok greg
No. 333499
>>333490You sure? 'Cause his name was plastered everywhere on his sites and in MySpace (dude even have a site containing his full name as an url). The only reason he changed locations was bc he was in the military at the time.
>>333492Lainey isn't as racist as Greg, there's your answer.
No. 333503
>>333486i had to do a double take at 1:13 because I thought it was lainey
>this person looks like a young Hank Green, so I'm gonna say 'not pretty'lmao he's not even trying to hide the fact he isn't even attracted by her anymore
No. 333504
File: 1483676214996.png (3.62 MB, 1427x885,…)

>>333503fuckin lel thank you for catching this
No. 333505
>>333445Oh totally.
I typed in onision in tumblr search and there's many (hilariously titled) anti onion blogs.
Sarah, Lainey, and Billie pop up.
That shit will be forever, they will never not be associated with him. I can't imagine a worse fate in Internet land (I can, but you know what I mean)
No. 333507
Saged for OT but I found some old Onion poetry. It's…yeah, there you go.
(Advice: scroll from the top first.) No. 333512
File: 1483679016478.png (33.81 KB, 436x953, whatthefuck.png)

>>333507Is this for real, anon? Because what the actual fuck is going on here…?
No. 333517
>>333512God I hope so, this is exactly the way I pictured his inner thoughts.
He's such a creep.
No. 333518
>>333512Dude, I don't fucking know; NONE of his poems make any sense!
Also, Onion thinks he's the sexiest man alive!
Keyword: thinks No. 333523
>>333518Oh my fucking kek.
>"(by women) brilliant, weird, fascinating, a genius, jerk, intense, passionate, extreme, interesting, deep, crazy, funny, hilarious, cool
>(by boys) freak, weird, ass, moron, idiot, jackass, ignorant, smartass, deep, crazy, funny, fag, gay, hardcore, cool No. 333537
>>333518>Clothing: Dark, Loose & Calm>I enjoy, above many things, wearing dark clothing, specifically black. It is so calm to me as I feel solid, untouchable, strong in black ~ I could peer at a wall for an hour as if I was staring right through it, believing the wall was nothing but sand, about to fall… nothing can get to me in black… hair is to Sampson, as long coats, light/loose clothes, and darkness in every thread, is to me.I just.
I hate him so much.
No. 333538
>>333534Shoe size.
Flips out on sister-in-law for saying she missed her ex's big d.
Tells fans size doesn't matter.
Goes for teens who don't have much experience with dick and, therefore, probably don't know how his compares relatively to others.
No. 333540
>>333534With all of his self-obsessed drivel I'm surprised he held that fact back.
>>333538All the telltale signs of micro-dick.
No. 333542
>>333537Was fully expecting another paragraph about how wearing a leather trenchcoat makes him feel like he's in Death Note, he has fedora in his soul. And considering he still dresses like shit (>>332978), his taste hasn't improved since he wrote this.
I'm always so impressed, not only by the extent of Greg's trashery, but by just how long he's managed to remain trash. He's like the worst 13 year old that just kept getting bigger and uglier.
No. 333547
File: 1483684700971.png (803.39 KB, 750x1334, IMG_5576.PNG)

Just saw this in Lainey's liked on twitter
No. 333548
>>333545I'm not sure what you want us to say about it? Shiloh was pretty much a bitch to everyone whilst she was with Grease and he fucked her over, there's nothing really in there that we don't already know about.
>>333547She's had that Tweet liked for over a week now, same ol' shit with her.
No. 333550
>>333546I just checked out her Twitter, the guy she's with now looks like he has a strong back and a hefty dick.
He's also pretty hot to boot, good for her; a much better upgrade to Microdick McFlabbytits.
No. 333556
>>333554And to think, the girls/women under Grease's thumb in that household could have all those things too if they got the fuck away from him.
Instead, every morning they're treated to the sight of a flabby, aging, greasy, spastic, sleazy manchild who screams in everyone's faces all day long on social media and when he's not doing that; he demands "SUK MI!" before getting back online to rate underage girls bodies.
Incredible, such fulfilling lives spent serving a narcissistic sociopath in exchange for Iphones and Nendoroid toys.
No. 333562
>>333555To be honest, I don't think she's even ~that~ interested in the furry fandom by the looks of it, she'd stand out at a convention or furmeet like a sore thumb… not in a bad way; she just looks like she cares too much about her appearance (more interested in makeup and fashion… and with music, books and movies in general rather than in an obsessive sense) than the average autistic furfag you see hanging around at those places, she probably just thinks the art is cute.
When I last saw photos of the last place she was living at, the decor looked pretty contemporary. semi-classy and normal; usually there's at least a few telltale signs around of a weeaboo/gamer/furry lifestyle if someone was really into those things.
(saged for unimportant ramblings and theories)
No. 333566
File: 1483691087861.gif (37.08 KB, 213x200, 200_s.gif)

>>333518>Mental Conditions: Nonefucking LOL
No. 333571
File: 1483692774493.png (207.7 KB, 2094x862, whateven.png)

Speaking of Oniscum being the best author ever, I wonder how often he tells him 13 year old fans to go and buy/rate his book for him? I can't handle this, oh my god. Some of the posts are honest, but come the fuck on.
No. 333573
>>333571yeah, he made this video reading the short, non-thought out reviews.
most of the one star reviews sound like people who don't even know half of the things gerg has done. all they know is that they read a shit book.
No. 333576
Lol no he used George Takei's
oh my and shoved his fingers down her throat while explaining how seminal fluid is expelled (sorta). only works on computers though, feel free to transcribe tho!
No. 333577
>>333574I meant to reply
>>333576to you!
No. 333583
>>333582Never said it was a masterpiece.
I said that it was comedic/Funny if you have not seen many other of his videos.
No. 333595
>>333590This is getting way ot. But someone suffering from an illness shouldn't be made to feel guilty for it and give up their hobbies/job. Get a grip.
If someone is influenced by a youtuber to become anorexic then the problem was already there to begin with and would have manifested anyway.
No. 333597
>>333595It's not influencing someone to become anorexic, it's only making them think it's okay to be anorexic. Read properly.
If she announced and admitted her problem saying it was unhealthy and wrong to her audience then I wouldn't have as much of a problem.
No. 333608
>>333596because the video was not funny at all; it was tacky and clearly meant to cause hurt and embarrassment towards her. and eugenia probably knows quite clearly that she's underweight, but anorexia is a disease and it's not just a case of bullying someone into gaining weight. she doesnt listen because she doesnt have to to trolls on the internet who think this sort of shit is 'beneficial'.
sage for ot and stupidity.
No. 333612
>>333580Valid points, anon.
An interesting point Cyr made about himself is that Gerg at any time could of claimed back the money he spent on him as business expenses, but he didn't.
Is he making Billie pay back her debt to him as well? I'm sure as heck he alluded to that when she returned, if that's the case… how can she pay back the debt if she's not employed by him?
She would have to claim taxes (she's over 18) if she was employed by him before he dumped her, she was claiming to be earning about $11 an hour from him which amount to something over a grand a month… as far as I know, even being on minimum wage, you still have to pay taxes.
The lot of the are tax evading under that roof, and it would be helpful if a more financially savvy anon could start putting the numbers together for us, he's basically paying them under the table and not claiming them as his employees.
No. 333617
>>333611I don't know either, there was no milk given to us in the first place, we knew all about the shit that cousin-chan told us months ago… the only thing that amused us was that Babba Sarah came on here to throw her toys out of the pram about (not) being a nanny and the farmhands have her IP address because she's easily baited.
There's no "milk" to be "spoiled" if there was no milk to begin with; dumb child.
No. 333622
>>333616>>Also why exactly is he growing a beard? Is he actually trying to look like a man?He's basically "reinventing" himself because he's been caught with underaged photos, the same way he's changed his stance on "feminism" because he couldn't keep up with the lie.
It's guilt, but rather than owning up to it - he'd rather disguise it behind something else that's equally as superficial.
"I can be anything I want to be" - is his motto after all.
No. 333634
>>333632If you replace the names with Onion, Laney and Sarah this already sounds like a thing that could happen. jfc get out while you can idiot.
>Homolka had befriended a then 15-year-old girl. On June 7, 1991, Homolka invited the teen, referred to as "Jane Doe" in the ensuing trials, for a "girls' night out." After an evening of shopping and dining, Homolka began to ply "Jane Doe" with alcohol laced with Halcion.After "Jane Doe" lost consciousness, Homolka called Bernardo to tell him his surprise wedding gift was ready. They undressed the girl, and Bernardo videotaped Homolka as she raped the girl before Bernardo vaginally and anally penetrated her. The next morning, the teenager was nauseated. She believed her vomiting was due to having drunk alcohol for the first time. She did not realize she had been violated.
She was invited back to Port Dalhousie in August, this time to "spend the night". In a replay of what had happened to Karla's sister, Tammy Homolka, "Jane Doe," whose identity remains protected by law, stopped breathing after she was drugged and Bernardo had begun to rape her. Homolka called 911 for help but called back a few minutes later to say that "everything is all right." The ambulance was recalled without follow-up.
No. 333636
>>333634Yeah anon, I'm very much aware of the Scarborough Rapist case, hahaha.
When I mentioned the other two high profile serial killer couples in this post
>>333628 it's interesting to note how all three women (Karla included) completely blamed everything solely on their partners by saying they were manipulated and threatened into the acts… so yes, I agree with you that Greaseball and Doormat share a lot of characteristics between them all.
We can be thankful at least that they're both benign with their mental disorders at this point, though his mental state is deteriorating rapidly as each year goes by.
No. 333640
>>333631Oh no someone has a different opinion to me. Better report them and get them banned hehehe
So… taxes, eh? It'd be funny if that's how he went down. Kinda like getting Al Capone for tax evasion… and also kind of like Ken Hovind the creationist dude who got pinged on taxes too. Cult leaders and mobsters.
No. 333644
>>333641I don't think I've heard of Ken Hovind before, I'll have to have a good read of that one.
Thanks anon.
It is interesting how the thread has started derailing pretty much non-stop since
>>333580 (this anon) made their post and has been going through the same motions since then. The attempts are pretty futile though if they think that other anons are new to this shit and will magically forget to talk about (or notice) that some very valid questions have come into light.
No. 333646
btw, just in case other anons have missed those posts amidst the sea of derailing.
>>333580>>333612>>333615>>333623ur welcum.
(saged for referencing posts)
No. 333649
>>333646I'm not American, so I have to ask: is there a way to see if he pays his taxes or not? I think that could be easily verified online
>>333624So people can't say the word fancy anymore? Don't be retarded
No. 333652
>>333646Don't miss these tax evasion posts anons. We're onto something here, look at all the shit posting.
>>333615>>333612>>333580Sage because repetitive but trying to help catalogue posts that matter.
No. 333659
>>333612>>333580>>333652While I'm certainly not Cousin-Chan or anything, I had a brief look into Washington state's income tax laws.
Lo and behold, there is no income tax in Washington state.
There is however business and occupation and/or public utility tax.
However much Gerg needs to pay is based on his gross income.
Naturally the latter tax does not apply, however the former does in his case as he runs a business.
Going by the taxing for "Entertainers" he is required to file under the "WAC 458-20-224"
Otherwise known as "Service & Other Activities B&O"
Here's the link to the appropriate tax for the aforementioned on the official governmental website; No. 333665
File: 1483712973203.png (71.44 KB, 525x816, TaxEvasionMaybe.PNG)

>>333659My investigations have led me further
Onion appears to have closed an account 8/6/2013 according to the Department of Revenue, Washington.
Forgive me as I'm not an American, but it appears he's dodging his shit.
No. 333675
>>333612He called Billie a "contractor" in one of his "we broke up and got back together" type videos. I forgot which one, but I'll find it for you if you want me to, just let me know.
What I take from that is he's hired her as an independent contractor. That absolves him of any responsibility, tax-wise, since he's not required to withhold taxable earnings or report them. Independent contractors have to deduct and file their own taxes quarterly, and that would be 100% Billie or Sarah's responsibility. And that's a lot of bureaucratic slugwork for a 19 or 16 year old to understand, in my opinion. No. 333676
>>333675He's a sole proprietor which doesn't absolve him of regular tax reports.
However since he has "employees", whoever he deems the person responsible as his shield before the IRS would be held accountable. Not him.
Greasy snake.
No. 333677
File: 1483717737913.png (261.12 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Sarah confirmed Sicescan.
No. 333678
>>333475I believe this theory now more than ever.
Grease's ideal plan is probably to turn the McMansion into a camp for young wannabe YouTube stars. He "trains" Billie and Sarah by including them in videos, they make him $$$, the cycle continues. Lainey's clearly not charming or hot enough to be part of this, so she's just the lounging housewife figure.
What do you guys think??
No. 333680
>>333677When was this tweet?
I don't see it by scrolling through her twitter for the past couple of days.
No. 333684
File: 1483719632353.jpeg (14.89 KB, 275x147, image.jpeg)

Onion is so dead. Being a tax dodger is LITERALLY one of the worst and most dishonest things you can do. Befitting of a micropeen.
No. 333687
>>333684You just know he's not being 100% BROOTALY HONEST with his taxes. And I'm sorry, but there has to be something against a 16 year old being a full live in nanny.
I wish cousin anon would come back, but I do think Sarah was successful in contacting her cousin about her friend posting here.
No. 333690
File: 1483722078285.jpg (51.84 KB, 500x500, 9842439.jpg)

Sarah has gone off the deep end and now it's too late…..
It's too fucking late….
No. 333709
>>333705That's why I'm suddenly suspicious of all the posts saying that she's drunken the kool-aid.
How is a two year old tweet from a 14 year old suddenly evidence?
No. 333711 I'm confused,he admits most of his wrong doings in this video (granted tries to defend some of it) but still, how can anyone watch this and not think he's terrible? how does he have so many subscribers and crazy fans??
also, what kind of man would make light of cheating on his wife? (pay attention to how much he downplays a full body massage)
No. 333718
>>333703>>333705>>333707>>333709The post was intended to be sarcastic, and rather interesting to say the least.
As far as we know, no one (except Grease) is following Sicesca.
No. 333721
>>333716their address for both houses has been on the internet for a while. I don't think anyone has even dared to go near either of them.
>>333719they know but they can't share
because the only rule that she's broken is that she's underage.
No. 333728
>>333726You forgot your tag.
Point is: if it's the same IP that could mean Onion has posted in his own thread which is very milky
No. 333744
>>333742If that's true, it's been hidden pretty well. There's lots of recent news about a 12 year old who committed suicide on Facebook Live, but I can't find anything about a suicide connected to the forum.
Sage for useless post.
No. 333747
>>333742yeah, nothing to do with onision
No. 333763
>>333724Who are you even talking to?
>>333737>>The Egocast 1 week ago "I guess physically developed is more important to him than mentally developed."He nailed that. So did Onion.
>>333762That's what I said, anon.
No. 333848
File: 1483754135093.png (86.04 KB, 640x1136, image.png)

Gargoyle 2017
No. 333852
>>333848Is this a response to people saying he secretly likes the people he talks about on his channel, because he claimed that if you're paying so much attention to someone then you must like them or else you wouldn't talk about or watch them.
Because by that logic you really really like teeny boppers, Shane, Cyr and Blare… but mostly teeny boppers.
No. 333863
>>333861Dr.Phil, PLEASE !
Sadly he's probably to much of a puss and rather hide behind a camera where he can control everything.
No. 333876
>>333868onion doing a maury intro video would also be great.
let's just have him do a daytime tv circuit.
No. 333890
>>333883Different anon here, but I say we need to send many emails with as much information and links as possible to start. The more they get, the better. Dr. Phil would definitely have him on if his team saw this shit.
And to Onion: show us how right you are in all of this being good and school Dr. Phil. You're just trying to show how brutally honest and helpful you are, right?
No. 333900
>>333883lol not really, that's why I asked. But I can probably find some to get an idea of what to say.
>>333890This anon speaks wisely.
No. 333901
>>333898I predict
this happening after Onion has been outed on stage…
No. 333904
>>333903Forgot to say that if anyone is unwilling to give out the personal information forms require, you can just tweet. @DrPhil or @TheDrPhilShow for this show. I just feel like this one is the most likely to take it, particularly because of Sarah.
I do have an idea of what I'll submit, but I'd rather not post it yet, especially when I want to make sure it's all correct and sourced well.
No. 333920
>>333917He'd do it if he was low on youtube bucks and desperate for some drama I'd bet, but its true he wouldn't do shows where he ACTUALLY has to come up with logical reasons for his behavior, rather than spouting nonsense ("facts") and sweeping shit under the rug, whilst passive aggressively denying various allegations in unrelated videos.
Dude seems like a micro manager to me, there's always some juicy drama, always a reason to bring it up in all his videos, he just loves the feeling of control over an audience.
Makes sense with the cult-like religion and all.
No. 333921
>>333917Yeah because he's really averse to negative attention and the money it brings
The real reason to not do it is because it'll give him more views not less.
The only TV show I want to see this guy appear on is To Catch A Predator… or maybe Air Crash Investigations
No. 333927
>>333926I don't think anyone is under the delusion that Greg is the worst thing out there - not by far. But while we can't affect the terrible shit that happens to many kids, we could potentially affect the terrible shit that happens to HIS kids, and the kids he manipulates into meeting/fucking him.
If Greg was the worst in the world, it would be a pretty charmed existence. He's not even a drop in the "awful people" bucket. He's just the shitty person we could actually affect/stop/whatever.
No. 333940
>>333938It's possible, yes.
Thinking about it now, it doesn't matter whether or not we discuss it on here or Discord… he would still be in shit for not declaring those girls as his employees for the whole 2016 fiscal year - he would still have to pay up either way and we all know by now that the real way to hurt him is through his pocket.
He's basically a jew-lord.
No. 333953
>>333951>>333879>>333890If he wanted to do something like this, he would have done it a long time ago with a submission that includes screenshots/videos that heavily lean in his favour. If he was actually interested in being on tv he'd be living in LA and taking jobs doing game shows and minor roles like a bunch of other youtubers.
But he's not, he generally purchases houses in secluded areas and his only interaction with the public is his youtube channel. Do you honestly think he'd appear on a tv show where he'd be made a fool of, that he's not able to edit carefully, where he has no control on the direction of the conversation or where he'll be forced to appear without his cakey makeup and 10 filters? Absolutely not. Even if he were to do something like this, he certainly wouldn't let a group of people opposed to him write his submission. You need consent before writing one on behalf of someone else and there's no way Grease will give consent to anything any of you have written.
This idea is really childish everyone, jfc please stop.
No. 333958
>>333953Totally agree anon. Even though it would make me weak with happiness to witness Gurg get his ass handed to him by Jeremy Kyle or roasted by Dr Phil, this fuckwit has to rely on what can be called 'the magibon effect' Careful editing and flattering angles are important. If he went on tv it would be like the first time everyone witnessed Koti in the flesh. Shocking and rashy and so aged and different from his photos. His steady flow of teen pussy would dry to a crusty halt.
However…if it were an ideal world where this fucker actually thought he could pull it off and outsmart Dr Phil I could imagine what would happen. He would either storm off stage or be made to look like a total retard, and then he would make a heap of whiny videos on how they 'set him up' or DR PHIL IS NOT AS BROOTALLY HONEST AS ME' to go into damage control and try to salvage the last of his leftover fanbase.
Sage for shitty long post, I don't know why I got so talkative.
No. 333978
File: 1483811163961.jpg (14.68 KB, 699x224, laineysarah.jpg)

No. 333995
>>333978that tweet is very old, considering Lainey's name and avatar have changed since this.
Can you and
>>333677 stop posting screenshots of out of context tweets that aren't on their immediate timeline that also conveniently crops out when they posted the tweet?
It derails and tricks people into thinking it's recent developments when it's actually old, curdled milk.
No. 334027
>>334007Calling it now, Onion boy's trying to distract from the tax topic.
Sage for tinfoil hattery.
No. 334039
>>334036It wouldn't surprise me. Poor kids will probably never get a fun vacation and he will never pick up on their interests and hobbies because he's too self absorbed. You just know those kids are going to grow up to be fucked up, possibly awful people with these two as parents. A psychotic emotionally abusive father that's constantly bringing young women home to fuck, and a mother that never stands up for herself… GREAT role models, eh?
I hope Lainey isn't one of those psychos that wants to raise their kid *~agender~*
No. 334050
>>334049I mean, his Speaks channel is listed as 2140.
Maybe he's too irrelevant for them to even notice him anymore or to take him seriously.
No. 334070
File: 1483825633126.jpg (964.44 KB, 640x2210, IMG_9610.JPG)

No. 334076
File: 1483827468412.png (438.03 KB, 1206x1152, Screen Shot 14.png)

Well, seems like Lainey has accepted Billie back for now.
No. 334079
>>334028No need to bring it up - let him or his flying monkeys derail all they like. All the ground work on that is going to take place away from this thread and has already begun. Just because we're not talking about it, doesn't mean we've forgotten. We're not fucking goldfish.
Hi Greg. Feel free to apologise and remove all your creep videos anytime now to save yourself. All it takes is to stop using your influence to exploit teenagers.
No. 334080
>>334076Why does she continue lying to herself that she likes dudes?
Also if she's ~agender~ who goes by they/them how is she gay? If she's both genders or neither then wouldn't she not be gay?
No. 334085
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No. 334092
>>334076Lol. Billie comes to house. lain unfollows her posts depressing stuff. Billie leaves. Lainey follows her and tweets at her as if she likes her. okay lainey.
Yeah, at this point, I don't give a shit what happens to anyone in that house. I feel bad for their kids, but oh well. Hopefully they find good people in their lives to make up for their terrible parents.
>>334085Onion just wants people to watch his videos for being ~controversial~. Too bad this drama became dull and no one cares.
>>334070Good luck. Your best hope is him not putting you in yet another video like he did to the other girl. Maybe one day YT will care and actually do something.
No. 334097
She's practically the very definition of a Tumblrina stereotype at this point, and she's as bad as her husband is when it comes to trying to cover her contradictory ass whenever she's called out on her bullshit.
It's been a ruse since she first chopped her hair off; Grease needs her to lure in the teenagers who are more likely to be involved in threesomes (he thinks all bisexuals are easy) even if they were never initially attracted to him… he's had enough experience in manipulating young girls to have it almost honed into a skill at this point; which is why Sarah isn't safe with them whatever sexual orientation she tells them she is.
Grease is too old for teenagers now, he could try bringing in her straight groupies but Doormat would never allow it, if shes not allowed in on it - then she doesn't want competition on her territory and the last thing Grease probably wants is her handing him some divorce papers over adultery… if they're both cheating on each other with mutual permission, that kind of evens things out and makes them feel that they're both winners.
In other words, doormats gonna keep on doormatting.
No. 334098
File: 1483830679566.jpg (108.67 KB, 851x531, gerp.jpg)

>>334093He pretty much looks creepy as fuck.
No. 334116
File: 1483835915870.png (351.78 KB, 480x1353, gerg.png)

I found this comic so I shooped it into onion irl
No. 334124
>>334123meh, I just left her out because there were only two girls in the original pic. Also figured she'd more likely be watching the kids but now I don't know since Sarah
is the nanny after all.
No. 334128
>>334127Didn't Dawson post his YT rewind video recently ( reasons he wasn't in it )? Talking about his body image issues, how he feels fat and how he's going to try to be more positive…and this fucking hobo looking grease lord goes and makes a video like this?
I'm pissed and I don't even like Dawson much.
No. 334131
>>334127siiiiighnot only do the people that hate him not like the video, but his fans hate it because of him ripping on Shane Dawson's body when he has an eating disorder and bdd.
And good job Grease, you compared two good looking, gut sucking pics to candids of Shane. Stop fucking with peoples' perception.
No. 334139
File: 1483840463317.png (149.86 KB, 222x422, image.png)

Yeah Greg, you're much sexier than Shane; I bet your junk's bigger too.
No. 334152
>>334135Exactly. Sage, because he really pissed me off and I'm going to hurl out some cusswords - sorry, anons.
Gergles, you lurk here, right? You're pretty much obsessed with your "haterrrzz" ( everyone with a rational thought who disagrees with you ).
How are you 31 years old and making videos about "guessing girl's ages" - how can you be 31 and refuse to take down a video in which you put a 13 year old child - not to mention other people who have asked you to take down theirs? HOW?
I won't even go into the whole underwear/underage/pool shit again.
How can you be so jealous and such a miserable fuck that you post a video like this
>>334127 ,
knowing what Dawson uploaded - because don't tell me he doesn't obsessively stalk him/his videos.
Possible tax evasion,
constant lies,
constant BS
for years - does he even have 1 % of remorse?
Fuck you and fuck everyone in that hell hole house ( except for those two poor children ), you cringy stupid narcissistic deranged hobo.
No. 334173
File: 1483846326491.jpg (18.25 KB, 384x487, greenfairie.jpg)

>>334164Do you still like comfy sweatpants?
No. 334176
>>334139Part of me believes he stuffs his pants to draw the attention away from his bulging gut.
>>334171He almost looks like he has a pair of perky small tiddies in that shot.. He should make them giggle for views … Maybe then I'd actually finish one of his videos.
No. 334178
Cyr sent out 20+ snapchat videos going off about Onion and his creepy ass teenager videos
> He can say it's legal all he wants, but just because something is legal doesn't necessarily mean that it's not fucking creepy.
> What he's doing is he's using his standard of beauty as a 31 year old man to "help" increase the self esteem of impressionable teenagers.
> When your only valid argument is "it's legal" and the only people defending him are impressionable young teenagers that's not something I'm willing to associate with.
> Almost every single creator in the community sees him for what it is, every person with their head screwed onto their fucking shoulder sees him for what it is.
> It's fucking weird and it's unnecessary. He makes a lot of money off this, he makes thousands of dollars off of this … and he makes money off the drama as well.
> I mean even I'm fucking weird, I have a - I have a white privilege cooking show, but even I have a sense of morality.
> Anyways, I can't stop any of you from watching him. That's not necessarily my goal, I just wanted to show it for what it was.
> There's no space for argument here. I stand by what I say because it's 100% morally fucking correct.
> Few of you who are saying "oh that's mean he saved my life, he taught me to be beautiful" - to his fucking standard.
> Who the fuck is he, as a 31 year old man, to set the standard … to tell anyone how they should look or feel about themselves?
> You want to hear my standard? You're only going to hear it once: be as healthy as you can possibly be and wear whatever the fuck you want. If anyone doesn't like you for that, then you can actually tell them to fuck off.
> Let me put things into perspective for you real quick, so pay close attention.
> A man that has been on this planet for over 30 years telling a teenager, who is impressionable, how they should look and how they should dress -
> - is the same as a man in his 50s saying, "Hey kiddo, why are you wearing a turtleneck? You look like a pussy. Also you should get some meat on those bones."
> Well hey sir how about you fuck off because you're two generations older than me. Except the teenagers in this circumstance can't defend themselves because they can't think for themselves.
> "Oh but they asked him to do this, they asked him to make these videos about him." That's a fucking pathetic argument. Pathetic.
> And for those of you saying I'm salty - yes, I'm salty. I'm very salty about actually having friends and the majority of the youtube community stand behind me.
> It's amazing the things you can do and the friends you can make when you're not a fucking creepy asshole.
> I just want to make people laugh, I suppose, but sometimes I just get worked up about things.
No. 334187
File: 1483851646936.png (14.47 KB, 701x155, misogyny.png)

Please tell me this is real and not someone from here trolling.
No. 334193
>>334187Lolcow is offensive to us SJWs, I'm
Lol fuck off
No. 334198
File: 1483856996775.png (77.69 KB, 640x641, IMG_3117.PNG)

Cyr's posts are refreshing.
No. 334214
File: 1483869222617.png (287.61 KB, 592x450, topkek.PNG)

Honestly, the #OnisionFacts was one of the only good things that came out of this shit show (In case you didn't know: Onision is a fact machine that'll rek you)
No. 334219
File: 1483872725338.png (2.22 MB, 2435x1964, Blaire vs Onion.png)

reposting from a drawthread where I was asked to draw Blaire "giving it" to Onion
No. 334225
File: 1483880770913.jpeg (25.51 KB, 800x450, vanityfair_toronto-internation…)

>>334222He's an equally bad beard grower.
No. 334260
File: 1483896474882.png (49.17 KB, 948x244, Screen Shot 2017-01-08 at 12.1…)

>>332828My state puts up Case Information online when you're charged with a crime, so I thought Washington would do the same with their cases so I found Greg's criminal record lol
It doesn't have the charges unfortunately, but he has a long record.
No. 334261
File: 1483896630187.png (34.34 KB, 951x141, Screen Shot 2017-01-08 at 12.1…)

>>334260Heres the cases he was involved in before he changed his last name as well. One of them is the case for divorcing Skye but thats thats the only one I could find more information about
If anyone can figure out the charges involved with all these cases I would love to know lol
No. 334266
>>334263>>334262One of the cases under the last name Daniel is his divorce, I forgot which one but I clicked on one of the links and it brought me to a LINX page about the case. Each case is separate so unless Greg divorced from her like…eight times… only one of them is his divorce, and the rest are unknown.
The one in 1993, however, I think is something involving Domestic Violence because in the docket information it mentioned domestic violence. Let me see if I can get screenshots one second.
No. 334270
File: 1483897780489.png (76.69 KB, 1008x324, Screen Shot 2017-01-08 at 12.4…)

>>334269Okay so as far as I can tell this case and the one before it both involve his divorce.
So two of the cases where his last name is still Daniel, involve his divorce.
No. 334276
>>334260(This is regarding the first screenshot for those of you who don't know how to follow threads.)
Defendant, name change, defendant, defendant, defendant, defendant.
Those case numbers suck. Sometimes, they have prefixes which tell you what kind of case it is like TR for traffic or CC for civil or DR for domestic relations…
He also seems to have a lot of problems with different companies whose services he uses (Those landscapers, Comcast, when he leased that car way back when, etc.) Wonder if some of those are civil suits by the companies to collect.
No. 334278
>>334274Right after the "I Betrayed My Wife Saga" and this video was posted the day after the case date
So it might be a restraining order?
No. 334284
>>3342803rd digit is 0, tho, so nope.
First two are for the year -> 16
No. 334297
File: 1483902089130.png (103.56 KB, 255x209, what the hell.PNG)

…after all the shit everyone gave him for doing creepy shit like rating underage bodies he still makes a video about whether or not these girls are jailbait or not.
No. 334301
>>334299He needs to stop before people ACTUALLY start investing his ass.
Is this what you want Greggy? You wanna go to jail? Cool, get the cops rt!
No. 334306
>>334303I second that!
Any lawyers/prosecutors in the house err, farm?
No. 334318
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No. 334322
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No. 334334
File: 1483907821533.jpg (154.27 KB, 750x931, 56a60044-5fd3-41a0-8822-6c5ab8…)

Billie posted this on tumblr.
No. 334340
File: 1483908530451.png (73.76 KB, 750x417, IMG_9362.PNG)

>>daily reminder of how COOL, MATURE, WELL ADJUSTED, and SMART adult onision fans are
No. 334341
File: 1483908567553.png (60.52 KB, 736x431, IMG_9363.PNG)

also ?
No. 334367
File: 1483912570060.jpg (137.82 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg)

>>334322Dear god that screen shot looks like a criminal suspect amber alert shot …
No. 334374
File: 1483913977850.png (165.91 KB, 1139x520, noooooooooooo.png)

I feel like CPS definitely needs to check out Greg's fandom as whole, especially since this grown man-child can't see anything disturbing about any of this
No. 334396
File: 1483918953021.png (1.61 MB, 935x602,…)

He just can't fucking let go can he.
No. 334397
>>334318what happened to i only have sex if i love them?
>>334334well greg will make sure you have no job so you can sit at home and wait for him to want to fuck you. This guys self-proclaimed dream vacation is his couch. I never understood why "adventurous" billie went for greg who barely leaves his house.
No. 334400
>>334395Or just someone associated with him, it did get awfully suspicious when he just randomly popped up in the thread and got exclusively involved with them.
At least now we know in future to always get an admin or farmhand to verify anyone who claims to have any Onion milk.
No. 334405
>>334398If he can't be bothered to wash his hair, I doubt he'd be bothered to wash his clothes
The shirt looks like the upper half of a kid's onesie anyway so it suits him and the whole situation quite well
No. 334406
File: 1483919971368.png (1.44 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170108-185806.png)

>>334405>>334398It really accentuates the dad flab.
No. 334420
>>334417the only thing I can think of that could be plausible is if she wasn't very far along in the pregnancy, but iirc they broke up in 2010 so she would've been showing by 2011.
honestly I just don't believe Skye was ever pregnant by him.
No. 334428
>>334422Sorry, just red your message after I posted.
Though I wonder, why does she have a thread here when she hasn't been in the public eye for 4 years now? The only snowflake-y about her is she's a weeaboo.
No. 334432
>>334428Because we have some very spergy anons in here that just won't let it go; even going to the trouble of creating threads about someone roleplaying her "love child" as if it's proof she does have a child.
>>>/snow/201127(saging because this is the last time I'm saying anything remotely to do with this autistic nonsense.)
But yes, please use the threads in relation to Skye about all this crap, it just clutters and derails these threads otherwise.
No. 334438
New video by our favorite narcissistic dimwit.
>>334343Nah it's because Blaire called him out for trying to look like a 16 year old so now he's going for the "mature" pedo look.
OT: I just listened to the podcast with Blaire and these other guys. They make a pizza gate joke somewhere in the middle. Does she actually believe in this nonsense?
No. 334444
>>334438>>334394I think onion has embraced being a cow, people are no longer watching his videos because they enjoy his content, but to watch the freak show that he and all associated with him are.
I'm pissed at YouTube as a platform, money is important I suppose and that's that.
No. 334467
>>334460JFC I was hoping it was his mom or a sock but she's a real person.
>>334464Maybe they're related?
No. 334469
>>334444Yeah i dont think hes even trying to be likeable anymore. Hes so invested in his im the most brutally honest controversial drama youtuber. he gives 0 shits about making good content that his fans would like and just wants to make what will get him the most views.
I watched an older video of his and i could see how some young tweens would find him likeable since he at least tried to be nice then. Idk how anyone who comes across one of his recent videos first would ever find him likeable.
Theres a reason shane is still relevant and has increased his channel a ton since the old days, while onion is slowly dying. Shane is just actually a likeable person where onion is one of the fakest people on youtube.
No. 334473
>>334469Not to mention he throws every opportunity that comes his way to success. Yeah, he ain't gonna last much longer.
Besides the fact he's burnt every bridge with everyone else.
No. 334483
>>334479He probably didnt assume that. he just wanted billie back so thats what he was telling her and lainey is dumb enough to fall for it. I have no hope left for her because shes just a living puppet.
Onion's emotions are so fake. He moves onto the next person with 0 emotion for the person he supposedly "loves/loved"
No. 334498
File: 1483938241556.png (78.36 KB, 273x232, who.png)

>>334394>this looks like someone I care about greatly, so…Who is he talking about?
No. 334520
File: 1483944146663.png (488.17 KB, 580x449, billiereally.PNG)

>>334516well, considering Billie ignored this
>>334076from Lainey and liked the following, the only thing I know is I'm pretty sure she likes Onion more than Plain lmao.
No. 334523
>>334521that tumblr isn't used as much as her account.
No. 334536
>>334523>>334521Some old ones are and
No. 334545
File: 1483951420744.jpg (100.79 KB, 598x606, gergler.jpg)

No. 334548
File: 1483951695354.jpg (29.08 KB, 612x162, yes.jpg)

>>334547Was just about to post.
No. 334550
File: 1483952161711.jpg (63.71 KB, 606x194, lolohgod.jpg)

>>334549This is a comments one of Grease's fantard left under his video. You can only read the section I marked, it gave me a good laugh…and a major cringe.
No. 334556
>>334550The problem with the argument that you would see a person like this at the swimming pool or beach is that it's a public place, not a bedroom.
Believe it or not, most girls don't lounge around in their bra and undies. These girls weren't getting ready to go to the beach or pool. They took off their clothes to take what I would call intimate pictures of themselves. The added writing his name on their body is a baby form of branding.
Girls at pool or beach, public setting.
Girls in their room, private intimate setting. Context is huge.
No. 334557
>>334556I'm pretty sure that Greg's mom being in a New Age cult and him never getting banned videos on YT go hand in hand. I don't think Sicesca is a valid religion but I still think there are enough New Age nuts in California who don't care.
He's just a byproduct of it and now he's aging. He has a microdick and neanderthal brow but Mummy's special massage skills get him a free platform.
No. 334565
>>334563I've noticed a trend recently where he'll start off these types of videos with 'People have made a topic' rather than 'I asked you to send in x/y/x' as if that makes him look better in any way.
If there was a group of young girls at a swimming pool (he loves the swimming pool analogy after all) and they were calling out to people and asking for someone to rate their bodies, people would look at you like you were mad if you were all: "I'LL DO IT. I VOLUNTEER."
Shit's creepy, gurg.
No. 334570
>>334557>>334561>>334563I'm really relieved you guys understand what I'm saying.
There is a huge difference between a couple of teen posting themselves at the beach or pool, saying hey look how great this was I had a lot of fun!
Verses a girl who stripped down to her bra and undies, wrote a 30 year old man's online moniker on them, and asked if he finds their bodies attractive or healthy.
He isn't a doctor of any sort, he has zero credentials.
The children continue to do it because no one has told them it's wrong.
And I get he's a ephebophile, not a pedophile, but these are still closely related to child porn.
The child doesn't have to be nude, have lewd things done to them, etc for it to be child porn. A child dressed up in…adult wear…is considered child pornography.
His logic is seriously flawed and he's spreading false information. Honestly all of these underage girls are victims whether they know it or not.
No. 334573
>>334545>>334547He once threatened an anti-o through anonymous asks. Apparently said anti-o was gonna reveal "heavy stuff" about Onion but never came forward and disappeared.
Their name was Cumision…
No. 334577
>>334573Well, there was "heavy stuff" in the past. A female who went under the username "VenitaSpeaks" claimed to have a lot of info = teenage girls that Gergle had inappropriate conversations with, supposedly approached her with their confessions and it was "under investigation".
Of course nothing came out of it and most people didn't believe it after a while.
No. 334579
File: 1483967331413.png (1.12 MB, 1247x769, animu.png)

Lmao posting animu references to FMA which bilbo is watching. They are prob hardcore messaging each other all the time. Onion nor bilbo were never posting this much about animu until they got together. Hes never once shared an interest in anything lainey likes lmao. And bilbo didn even bother to like lainey's tweet to her, but she obsessively likes onions tweets. Yeah. Lainey is in 2nd/3rd place to onion. And lainey isnt even on bilbo's radar.
No. 334584
File: 1483968445682.png (725.07 KB, 650x835, onionfogle.png)

If any of you know who Jared Fogle is.
No. 334589
>>334584He's the dude from the old subway commercials who claimed eating subs helped him lose weight (dunno if that's true or not but whatever).
Though I think this should be next thread's picture, it also has "animal corpses" inside the sub lmao.
No. 334592
>>334570The thing is … what you've said is completely fucking obvious - but that's the point. The phrase "it goes without saying" exists for a reason: no one should have to explain this shit to Greg, or anyone else for that matter, because it's totally fucking obvious to anyone who isn't a) a cunt, or b) a manipulative fucker like Grease who likes to say, "Hey, I'm just being brootalee honest and literal and using definitions, that makes me a fact machine that you can't argue with." Like Cyr says, he's like a robot in that way. And that's great for robots, but we're not robots, we're humans.
The paradox of that is, it can be hard to explain something that "goes without saying," but you did it brilliantly.
There's a reason why sending pictures of yourself, in your underwear (or just various states of undress), in your bedroom (or any private setting, making the context of the photo intimate), is considered SEXTING, whereas sending a photo of yourself in a bikini at a public pool IS NOT. BECAUSE THE TWO ARE DIFFERENT. AND MOST PEOPLE DON'T NEED THAT EXPLAINING TO THEM.
Sorry for sperging, but Jesus Christ I hate this false equivalence bullshit that his fantards have now latched on to like it actually fucking means anything.
No. 334595
>>334589The subway diet was/is real if you actually get more than bread, meat, and cheese, but it's also ludicrously expensive and inconvenient to eat subway 3x a day.
Sage for ot
No. 334599
>>334590>>334591I didn't know he was a convicted pedo, interesting.
>>334595Yeah, 6 bucks for a small sub (in a meal) isn't much really.
No. 334601
File: 1483975084630.jpeg (48.02 KB, 640x640, image.jpeg)

Saged for ot
Onion looks like a female version of Marilyn Monroe
No. 334609
File: 1483976905774.png (760.08 KB, 1136x640, image.png)

>>334603>>334605>>334606It was the strong widow's peak and Onion's hairstyle at the time that gave the impression.
No. 334618
>>334614It's already been posted, anon:
>>334438 but I agree that dude
is better looking than Andy Biersack (this coming from an AB fan)
No. 334626
>>334577She was full of shit. She did all those videos after she had her stomach stapled. She's still around over at She deleted anything having to do with Greg when it passed a few years and was obvious that she was a liar. It was self-promotion and I doubt anyone told her anything.
No. 334627
>>334614It's probably because plainly likes placebo (or she has posted their lyrics in the past) and anything she likes he has to make fun of.
Also, fuck you gurg! Brian is a babe. you cave man looking, embodiment of human garbage.
No. 334628
>>334626Of course it was all BS. I agree that it was done for self-promotion.
This was also the time when EO was still on FB/group and between moving to Tumblr and I even asked about the situation several times. They either ignored it or wen't "oh we don't know, might kinda be true, best to let officials handle it" - it was embarrassing and showed how full of shit EO can be.
No. 334629
>>334628I've read a few posts; even OnisionDrama was supporting her.
>>334626That lying cunt.
No. 334630
>>334625Let's find their picture and post it to the onision forum with a "rate me" caption.
Hey, it's a shit idea but it's an idea.
No. 334634
>>334628EO got called out for the FB group because "the ranting community" thought it was petty. Instead of having a backbone and saying they have a right to be petty they just said FB page had different admins and shut it down.
Sage because I know there's an EO thread in /snow but I can't find it in the catalog.
No. 334644
File: 1483985440241.jpg (149.21 KB, 416x361, 47836785623408.jpg)

>>334622He's trying really hard to come across as bi-romantic or whatever he calls himself these days. Talking about wanting to bang leafy, quoting gay guy's compliments on twitter, now this.
He probably wants to deflect from rating-gate
>>How could I find 13-year olds attractive if my only true love is Andy Biersack!!!!?He posted a gif on twitter that shows a girl running towards a guy and a girl and falling into the girls arms.
Don't know how to post the gif so I had to describe it.Lainey + Bilbo.
Except that's not how their relationship works. At all.
No. 334645
I thought it was relatable to him because he thinks he's the guy in the picture that is watching two small schoolgirls make out.
No. 334647
>>334644This is why I can't stand it when people in all seriousness call him a cuck. It's not an insult to him - he probably enjoys hearing it in some twisted sense, because it deceives people. What a great guy that Gergle is for understanding his wife wanted a GF! NOOOO.
It's Plankton who's the 'cuck' and after Bilbo is long gone, she's going to be the third wheel to some other girl.
No. 334654
>>334646yeah but that's exactly how he wants his fans to interpret the situation. Poor Gregma is the third wheel, allowing his wife to find true love. And because he's SUCH A GOOD PERSON he happily stands by.
In reality Lainey is standing by while Greg is digging her grave.
Right now he's sperging about the Meryl Streep incident and how good actors are good actors because facts are facts #onionlogic
Never mind Streep mentioned Carrie Fisher in her speech whom he mocked on twitter.
>>334650>>334652stop ._.
No. 334658
>>334655Still doesn't mean he hates it - only that he's perpetuating the image he created. It's in his favor for people to see him as a cuck rather than a husband who at least in the beginning pretty much had to work very hard to ease his wife into actually having threesomes.
So I guess agree to disagree on that one, lol.
No. 334662
>>334656Well, you know how that works.
He's not into guys, he can only really love one person, he only has sex for love, he dislikes body modifications, bisexuals are cheaters, trans people aren't really trans unless they fully transition, he's not a liar, he's a feminist, he's goiing to quit making videos rating his fans…
I mean, he's not a liar. He just changes his mind a lot. Really guys.
No. 334664
>>334659All this started back in January '16… it was shortly after Billie's first ever visit that he adopted all this "feminist, race ally, sexually open and acceptance" Tumblr bullshit that contradicted his true nature.
It's just a ploy to lure in a demographic that wasn't already bored of his usual racist, misogynistic bullshit… his subscribers were drying up before he found a way to tap into a demographic outside of his own for once.
No. 334665
know he's into teenage girls. I said he's trying to create a bisexual image so people are less likely to believe he's into young girls. That's not the same thing as saying he's really bisexual.
I mean he does have some issues regarding his hate-boner for Baire but that's another story.
No. 334668
>>334666>>334667Yeah except that's what everyone was saying from the beginning until
>>334656 derailed. You must feel as intellectually superior as Greg.
No. 334669
>>334668Cry moar.
>>334656 never even derailed, they were being sarcastic and they saged.
>>334657He tried the same when he got butthurt about not being taken seriously as a "comedian" and tried to run contests for good reviews on Facebook and it backfired.
No. 334671
>>334670How is saying "well he used to claim he's not attracted to guys" making a point when my point
>>334654 was that he's only
pretending to be bi to distract people from the fact that he's into young girls in the first place?
No. 334673
>>334671My post was originally intended to be sarcastic, get it? Sar-cas-tic. And it was on point with his previous "claims".
At least
>>334669 gets it. I'm sorry you failed to see that.
No. 334676
File: 1483989989090.png (82.14 KB, 788x226, xx.PNG)

one of my fav things is looking back at old onion tweets, like even from 6 months ago, and pointing out the hypocrisy
No. 334677
>>334673Imagine: I get the joke, that's why I continued it
>>334659 but then you and other anons started stating the obvious as if anyone was arguing Greg was really bi so I assumed you were being serious after all. But whatever. I hope you enjoy feeling superior.
No. 334679
>>334677Do you remember what you've just said?>>334668
Also, no one's feeling
superior here, that's all on you. Maybe it's time for you to take a break. Onion
does make people go mental after all for awhile.
No. 334680
File: 1483990962709.png (1.4 MB, 901x1212, zz.PNG)

>>334676samefagging but more hypocrisy. it seems like meeting your child fans at a convention is more pedophilic than rating the bodies of underage girls. ok pal
No. 334683
>>334677>>334679Come on, guys.
>>334680I've said in one of my older posts that he might as well start eating meat on cam while chugging down a bottle of booze.
Have Bilbo dancing in the background with a bag of pot. Then the circle of bullshit is finally going to be complete.
No. 334685
>>334679I could go on but I'm fine with blaming Greg, as we all should.
>>334680Why does he think it's a good idea to blame others of his own perversions? He's only drawing more attention to the topic. The urge to project must be strong…
No. 334686
File: 1483991655224.jpg (45.76 KB, 391x145, 747825.jpg)

I don't even dare to click the link
No. 334693
>>334684But you find plenty of them half your age that you DO find attractive, you nonce.
I swear, the only people that he knows who are stupid and will eat this shit up are his fans.
No. 334694
>>334684Did gergles forget how old he was? 15.5 so almost 16 is half his age. He dated 17 year olds only cause it was almost legal. And he keeps posting videos arguing that girls underage are obviously attractive but you cant tell their age from a picture. Uh huh.
For a brootally honest youtuber, he sure lied on almost every question.
No. 334695
>>334688To add, #6 he says, on a friend, he would call the cops immediately. All fine and great, but still stands that when it's his own ass, it's nooope to the cops.
#13 - sometimes. Yeah,
sometimes he's attracted to younger looking people. Sometimes.
#16 - kinda speechless, lol.
#20 - that one was hilarious, only it's reversed, it's Plankton who's in the shower.
#24 - LMAO. I bet he has a map with legal ages of consent in his work room drawer ( not that the image isn't burnt into his mind by now )
But of course this
>>334689 No. 334696
File: 1483992891499.png (29.74 KB, 806x146, what.PNG)

>>334684Found out what kind of male fans Gurgles has.
No. 334698
>>334686It's nothing special. It's how Gergle's day was after AJ didn't want to suk him.
( A video with him acting bored + the chick being super into reality TV and trying to make it interesting. He ends up drowning himself out of boredom, because it's not a Gergle "comedy" if someone doesn't fake die )
+ most likely pondering how he wants to bang the chick in the video if he already hasn't.
No. 334700
>>334696The amount of fans that I've seen go into explicit detail about how paedophilia is A-OK is astounding, disgustingly so.
He really is attracting them now, they're all coming out of the woodwork.
No. 334701
>>334696Onions male fans are even more disturbing than the 13 year old girls. I crossed paths with one of them in the comment section when the Cyr thing went down. Wish I had taken screenshots…
>>334698Sounds cringy though. It's weird I'm so obsessed with Onion but I hardly ever watched any of his videos because they're just too cringy.
No. 334703
>>334701I talked to one over 2 years ago for quite a while. It came up that he was his fan because he talked about vegetarianism constantly. It got to a point where he would rage if someone talked about killing a fly. So, fast-forward to a few months later, this guy randomly says he had chicken for dinner because he's trying this keto diet for gym.
Saged for semi-blog, but it does show that his fans are pretty bat-shit.
No. 334706
File: 1483994714514.jpg (96.8 KB, 592x496, ger.jpg)

It doesn't matter whether or not my friends have the same political view as me. Good friends are good friends, opinions don't change that.
No, wait, that would be crazy.
No. 334709
>>334706Didn't he bitched at Ronnie Radke for following Chris because of what happed with Rihanna?
But it's ok cuz he can change his mind, fuck off haturzzz!!!!
>>334706I want Daddy Don to notice him…
No. 334934
>>334929I'm only at a minute but I already had to pause from laughing too much. Now, Gergle, THIS is comedy ( and a sad reality ).
SR should really make more of these.
No. 335167
File: 1483998535007.png (3.19 MB, 1439x774,…)

>Why is this photo even here? Maybe lose like, fifteen or twenty pounds and come back. No. 335197
File: 1484000085092.png (299.36 KB, 1136x640, image.png)

>>334935His eyebrows piss me off! I've never seen eyebrows extend
that long, wtf?! Fuckin' Neanderthal
No. 335210
File: 1484002948605.png (343.05 KB, 668x377, ltrlly.png)

>>335167I already thought this was funny and then this happened.
Love Richie
No. 335215
File: 1484004034376.jpg (54.6 KB, 832x434, germ.jpg)

>>335209Will you look at that.
Since he loves taking people out of context and attacking them, I'd love for someone to take this out of context ( I mean, there's no context to begin with, just random fan pictures, but you know what I mean )
Gerg made a video titled I love you, using pictures of his fans.
We see him saluting while there's a gun being pointed at a black doll's head.
This looks racist, so Onision is racist.
You're literally wrong for getting offended if you think otherwise.
No. 335220
File: 1484004968812.png (365.08 KB, 1242x1792, IMG_8717.PNG)

Well Billie is definitely into sketchy old men with beards.
Sage for unimportance
No. 335230
>>335225in their house, greg has a giant chalkboard with the following house rules:
> not allowed to talk to cis men> not allowed to pick your own gf> not allowed to break up with said gf> not allowed to "vent" on twitter> allowed to eat fish but im going to be very disappointed with every bite> no money of your own, just ask and i'll decide if it's something worth buyingbillie
> allowed to smoke pot> allowed to tattoo your body the way you see fit> allowed to keep best friend> allowed to "vent" on tumblr> veganism is an option sweetie> here's $1800 a month, tax free No. 335231
>>335224Thats what i was thinking when he started growing it out. Im like I wonder if billie made a comment about facial hair being hot, so he started growing it out.
>>335221its sad how obvious she is that she doesnt care about lameo. I rmr when lameo would be all "billie didnt even see my tweets about her :(" She sees every tweet by onion and likes them frequently. Gives 0 shits about lameo.
No. 335234
File: 1484007270938.png (39.89 KB, 934x281, onion minor court.png)

>>334260>>334261If you use the Washington court info page you can search by the case details and the case type, but it doesn't really provide any more info for the small cases. Pic related, added the case types (nothing very exciting)
If you want to search for yourself: No. 335236
File: 1484007352317.png (60.37 KB, 1373x718, onion superior court.png)

>>334260>>334261>>335234The superior court cases have more info, but it's just his divorce and an ancient domestic violence case involving his parents and siblings.
More info on divorce case: No. 335242
>>335235love that logic there
No. 335244
>>335243He's so controlling. It's like he's interrogating her
>> I haven't seen you drink Ensure in months either. I would know, I regularly pick up your discarded beverages.C R E E P
No. 335245
>>335243I have to convince myself that this is scripted because otherwise I would have to believe that he's an even bigger sociopath than I imagined and that's saying a lot.
BUT IT'S PROBABLY NOT FAKE and it pissed me off. Seriously, Plankton, fuck you for staying and breeding with this man.
I can't even imagine this fight face to face. He'd probably lose it and get physical, that's why he's doing it via Twitter.
No. 335248
>>let's be honest, you suck at consuming healthy food consistently. If you ate more, like me, you wouldn't have this problem.>> I haven't see you take an iron supplement in months & you know I never take them yet am still in great shape.Because Grease in such a great shape and oh so healthy
>>335245I don't think it's fake because Lainey keeps referring to a conversation they had in private in which they agreed she should eat fish. It seems like Gurg spontaneously decided to humiliate her publicly and went for it.
The way he throws in those passive aggressive remarks.
>>I discard YOUR beverages>>I buy YOUR foodFucking psycho socio something… This really made me mad.
No. 335249
>>335244That seemed like he was also insulting her for not throwing away her garbage.
I also like how hes so fucking creepy saying hes been keeping tabs on what shes eating and how many bottles are being used. wtf.
>when I met you, you were way heavier than you are now & you were vegetarian then… argument: destroyed.kek. WAY heavier.
No. 335266
File: 1484011885911.png (100.78 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_oj8v2lS6En1w1x0gno1_128…)

I lurked but I didn't see anyone post this but this…this really isn't good.
(the pic is from an anti-o blog btw)
No. 335268
>>335255Wow, she used to be allowed to be much more mouthy with him; you can see how much their relationship has broken down since then (and it was bad then.) He'd NEVER allow her to publicly disagree with him like this now.
And the whole thing is just him acting childish and morally superior over NOTHING - she even says HE is the one who suggested eating fish; it sounds like she's seriously anemic and needs the most compact source of iron / protein available. Word to the wise, greg: eating 1 lb of meat is way, way easier than eating 5 lbs of fucking kale to get your iron, and more calorically dense for someone desperately trying to keep weight on.
Also, way to publicly gaslight your wife (i.e. tell her to eat fish, then criticize her publicly for doing it) and highlight how controlling you are. You track her food; she has to have your permission to eat something she desperately needs to maintain a very basic standard of health; you track everything she eats so you can harangue her about it later when you choose. She's a fucking adult, she can eat whatever she wants, take whatever vitamins she wants, drink as many ensures as she wants. She may have been a child when you groomed her, but she was never your child, and she's not a child any more. Mind your own fucking business - her food intake isn't your business just because you're married. You don't own her.
No. 335269
>>335256>yet am still in great shapeKEK
>>335251>I see a person who consistently takes the convenient route over taking responsibility & committing to doing the right thing.Onion isn't even vegan, even though he knows that it causes unnecessary suffering. He's admitted that he's vegetarian because it's more convenient to him than being vegan. How can he call Lainey out if he's doing the same thing? I guess it's typical for him to be a hypocrite about everything. Sage for old news.
No. 335274
>>335269Haven't seen the video and not going to,
but judging by what he's wearing in the thumbnail, he's on another "oh look it's time for me to shit all over the musicians Lainey loves because she's showing affection to other men" kick and he's starting by imitating Twenty One Pilots?
(I could be wrong obviously)
No. 335278
>>335255>>335256>>335254>>335253>>335252omg they hate each other so much
i have yet to see such an unhappy couple still married
thats crazy
No. 335286
File: 1484017392063.jpg (126.12 KB, 821x661, grekles.jpg)

>>335285>>335261quick little pencil drawing. I even did it in colour!
No. 335302
>>335256>>335269onion literally says in this video (at 4m20s) "if you tell a person not to eat fish, you could be telling them not to live as long, and that is a ridiculous thing to tell someone" (he found some infographic that said people who eat fish live longer than vegans)
kind of ironic considering he dragged lainey for not eating fish………
No. 335304
>>335286This is fucking perfect nice job anon
Look forward to anymore you do!
No. 335345
>>335329Link, it just finished processing:
Go to an hour and 30 minutes in for lols No. 335361
File: 1484035126749.png (348.18 KB, 575x1131, tumblr_o2b2e5jmsl1r1kiq7o1_128…)

fucking kek. Onion boy has the ugliest face yet he still has the balls to talk shit about make up when he uses it.
but he sure loves when Billbo wears it.
No. 335365
Don't you know it's impossible to like your girl with or without makeup?
You can only like them one way or another.
No. 335369
File: 1484035672434.png (31.36 KB, 422x590, tumblr_oj1co6uQb31u943too2_500…)

"not gross. all my fans are LEGAL."
No. 335373
File: 1484038141993.png (81.69 KB, 680x477, tumblr_nbngrbK4m21svcq4oo4_128…)

Grease, your insecurities are showing.
No. 335377
>>335376>>335246Samefagging for postscript: Additionally; in a (not so) ironic turn of events - Billie has now recently ditched being a vegan for years and has switched to a vegetarian diet to impress Grease.
Fancy that.
No. 335388
I'm wondering if he also has Sarah on this same Ensure "diet" for her to have lost 25-30lbs in less than 4 months.
For someone who claims to be so against eating disorders, he sure knows how to instill and encourage them in the girls under his roof.
No. 335391
>>3346842:55 "i dont find people half my age to be attractive"
No because then they are still "too old" for onion boy XD
No. 335392
File: 1484047643761.jpg (59.2 KB, 720x960, 11709563_922322494481154_38894…)

this just showed up on my fb feed and given the recent discussion i had a good chortle.
No. 335394
>>334614>tfw hes suppoedly talking about molko(hes got a wierd mouth, smashed nose, looks like a drug addict) you just hear gregory describing himself and being bitter.But the bit that killed me was
"this emo-reject man child"
oh onion boy, now we know you projecting!
No. 335396
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>>335394 I wonder whether this was a dig at Lamo since she listens to Placebo. I mean does Greg really not know who Brian Molko is?
He might also be pandering to his young audience. Placebo is 90s music. Most of Onion's fans weren't even born when they were playing their first concerts.
Molko >>> Biersack anytime.
No. 335405
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No. 335406
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Yes. Bless.
No. 335408
>>335387Seriously. They're gross too. I drank them after a drug addiction, because I spent all my money on drugs and not food. Eat a fucking vegetable or some fruit, doormat.
No. 335412
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JFC this idiot needs to get a clue.