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No. 361386
File: 1489986932087.png (139.09 KB, 631x965, asia.png)

"I've never even been to Europe! But it's a beautiful country…"
No. 361404
>>361386Oh, Sarah, I wish I could believe this.
Nobody is questioning her sudden disinterest in Asian culture and yet she keeps talking about it.
It's like when your girlfriends swear they're over that dude they used to fuck with and yet they still feel the need to bring it up in every conversation.
It's okay, my queen, we know you still want Japan's dick.
No. 361406
File: 1489989914235.png (22.42 KB, 493x151, pixywhat.PNG)

I mean I guess it's good that she's saying that she won't pretend to be Asian anymore. But she's started doing stuff like this lately where she'll just yell about not wanting to be Miku/Yuna/Lum/whatever female character she was obsessed with even when no one brought those characters up.
No. 361483
File: 1490014653581.jpg (35.26 KB, 524x293, pray2.JPG)

Found this. Her mother had asked for prayers for her daughter. Looks like Sarah is very mentally unstable. Her poor mother.
No. 361484
File: 1490014822276.png (184.08 KB, 625x856, 54c2ef49314f06976eac2245741f26…)

>>361408She's off the wall. Do those cosplays if you want to, PT. Nowadays there are much bigger cows out there.
It's her personality what always made her a lolcow, not her not looking "how her body is telling her to be". She lost a lot of weight since then as well.
I miss her livejournal days, she was so delusional but happy. Right now she's crushed over not being asian and trying to find anything else to cling on, but it's been too many years of obsessing over it so she can't leave it behind…
No. 361505
File: 1490019732217.gif (1019.98 KB, 500x375, giphy.gif)

>>361500Honestly it reminds me a lot of Buffalo Bill and his obsession with self-transformation
No. 361533
>>361479PT goes to Glasgow WHEN?
No. 361553
>>361386>Random person: The sun is shining todayPT: YEAH WELL It shines in JAPAN TOO and I am NEVER going there, okay?
>Random person: What did you eat today?PT: Well it certainly wasn't RICE or ODANGO or ASIAN FOOD, I am NEVER eating that again!
>Random person: Wishing you well, Sarah!PT: I'm not practicing Shinto any more, and no one can make me!
>Random person: You look nice, SarahPT: I AM NEVER COSPLAYING AS YUNA AGAIN
No. 361627
>>361386>>361410These to me seem like she may be spiting her mother or something. Like she had an intervention and her mom told her she needs to cut this shit out. That or she actually went to therapy. But who knows.
I think it's funny how she is being like I WANT TO DRESS HOW I WANT. How is that pt? Normal casual fucking clothes?
No. 361667
>>361386"I've never even been to Europe! But it's a beautiful country…"
No. 361670
File: 1490067451863.png (28.55 KB, 496x236, crisis of faith.PNG)

Remember when she practiced Shinto? I guess she's going full-swing the other direction now.
No. 361672
File: 1490067620613.png (67.52 KB, 501x619, diet tipz from pixy.PNG)

She also seems much saner/in a good mood today.
No. 361697
>>361672She sounds so… normal here. Not only normal, but there's none of that usual hostility from her that you usually see.
Maybe she's gotten back on her meds recently?
No. 361702
>>361619>>361664Agree, my own mom is bipolar, although her manic phase was usually not as negative. It was more like "I know what I'm doing, you're all stupid and know nothing about ! This investment I'm about to make is sound, you'll see ! It's not me who's sick it's you cause you're all crazy"
Now I don't know if Sarah is truly bipolar or something else but she clearly suffer from something, and I'm afraid her family think she just need a lot of determination to overcome this :( Really saddens me because Sarah needs medication to have a decent shot at life like everyone else.
It's easy to label someone as crazy and cringe at their posts but she really can't help it.
No. 361807
>>361619Her mom's supposedly diagnosed bipolar. We've had these armchair discussions before in many of her threads.
>>361670Well shit, maybe she's trying to emulate Miyu again.
>working out>going all ChristianUnfortunately, it seems like it hasn't helped PT much.
>>361672Which convention is she talking about? Aww shiggy diggy, that'd be awesome to see her back on the con scene.
No. 361812
>>361386Cue PT swinging the other direction and becoming some sort of paganist/white nationalist.
Either way I'm so glad she's back. Ideally of course, this is the end of her delusions and she'll go on to have a normal life but I don't think that'll happen.
No. 361937
>>361878despite being someone who vehemently defends the legitimacy of transgender people (don't start the derail over this please), this is 100% a case of fakeboi if i ever saw it. see what
>>361500 said
No. 361974
>>361878Nope, this isn't real. It's just the delusion of the moment, much in the same way she used to push being Japanese/Asian in the past. Plus she never showed any signs of gender dysphoria before.
Poor PT, I thought she was doing better since she stopped being so delusional about her weight and seemed to have been working and going out more. I really wonder where this of all things came from, she'd been a weeb for so long I can understand her wanting to be Japanese but this? It's really out of nowhere.
No. 362043
>>36204110min of lurking on the old topic and…………
I feel bad for her I mean
Imagine how it's living inside of her head
This girl really has some mental issues, damn
No. 362059
>>361878Nah, it's just PT being PT. She's prone to delusional thinking and has extremely escapist tendencies, and as such she latches onto anything that would let her run away from reality for a bit. First it was insisting she's really Japanese, now it's this. She thinks being trans will let her be someone else.
I do think PT is deeply unsatisfied with her life and her identity, but she goes about dealing with it in really unhealthy ways. Couple that with her being legitimately mentally unstable and you have a recipe for identity crises like this.
No. 362104
File: 1490201182949.jpeg (101.33 KB, 500x670, 1457851312982.jpeg)

>>362043She has an Encyclopedia Dramatica page that will give you a decent tl;dr of her history. And her nudes.
No. 362356
File: 1490271432129.jpg (160.56 KB, 960x959, hakuteri.jpg)

>>362104wtf this is actually pretty cute, her hair only looks mussed by the wind and the outfit works nicely.
Uhh, so I read the OP and navigated to her fb profile, but she 3 days ago changed her profile pic to a cosplay of Haku (from Spirited Away) so I'm getting mixed signals. (The screencaps also have this pic but none addressed it s-so)
No. 362390
>>362043>10 min of lurking on the old topicThat is not what lurking means and please get rid of the cancerous typing style. You seem like you're 14 years old.
Just start reading Encyclopedia Dramatica pages if you're not familiar with PT and other classic original cows.
No. 363108
File: 1490447976822.jpg (442.32 KB, 682x1024, lol.jpg)

>>362104This photo is 5+ years old btw, to everyone saying she looks good.
This is the most recent, non-cosplay image of PT.
No. 363122
>>363108She looks fucking scary and demented.
Anon, I am shook.
No. 363123
>>363108i'm so upset.
i've been a big fan of PT and her craziness for god knows how many years, and seeing her go through the struggle of loosing weight was actually a nice sigh of relief, like "yeah! do it queen! turn your life around!"
…looking at her now, it just seems like everything took it's toll and she's just floating in the deep end, she looks so worn and defeated… and sunburnt…
sage for sadface
No. 363141
>>363108Does anyone recall if PT had acne when she was fat?
I don't think she's getting proper nutrition, or maybe the sweat/stress from exercising all the time is causing her to break out. I don't recall her face being this horrendous. Plus she looks…idk, tired?
No. 363160
>>363108a derm visit for a chemical peel would help her. constant sunscreen and daily moisturizer would be good too.
but she won't.
No. 363240
>>363108fffuck i am so goddamn rustled man
goddamn it sarah, just love yourself the way we do
No. 363247
I really can't blame PT for being depressed. I mean she is in her 30's, lives at home, works shitty retail jobs (never gets to move up because always fired or rage quits), never visited Japan like she dreamed, parents never encouraged her dreams in the first place (ie. even forced her to tan and bleach hair), used for sex by that greasy ex, trolled by anons online for nudes (I know it's her fault for handing them out, but still), and on top of everything she's below average physically even after losing the weight.
With that said, I actually think she could turn her life around within 3-5 years pretty easily:
See a therapist and get put on proper medication
get graduate degree in useful field and apply for higher-paying jobs away from her family
get certified in TESOL and move abroad
Use some of her income to get fillers and face peels, maybe some surgery
fix her makeup and get rid of the oversized lenses
Aaand since she'd be in a better place and look (and probably feel) better, she could easily date and marry.
Honestly, this is my dream for the queen. I'd love to see her away from her parents, because they are enabling in the worst ways possible.
No. 363288
>>363282Sage for OT/blog but plenty of docs still prescribe amphetamines (namely dexamfetamines) and amphetamine-like drugs (bupropion) for obesity treatment.
But yeah, you have to actually be obese and trying. You can't be a mere 20 pounds overweight or be a 300 pound hamchan with no prior attempts at weight loss. Or be a sudden malingerer just trying to score performance drugs.
Helps also to not have fat shit doctors who don't immediately put up defensive walls the second you mention obesity
should be medicated.
No. 363318
>>363216She's too pure and innocent to take drugs anon~ She didn't even know how to make an alcoholic beverage at that one waitress job! But it's an interesting theory to think about.
I think it's just aging tho. What
>>363194said. My mom still gets adult acne in her 50s but wouldn't in her teens/20s.
No. 363330
>>361812>>361814>>361833>>362515I can kind of see her becoming a born-again Christian with white supremacy undertones, especially if she continues to be unmedicated but somehow gets over the "gender dysphoria". It would give her a new identity and a new reason to feel superior to those non-white, non-Christian sluts. It would also greatly increase her chances of finding a (gross and probably equally crazy) man if she ever swings back around to wanting to be a sekushii housewaifu.
>>362070Most of our banners originate from her post-college period when she was in her mid to late twenties. The weight loss and weird gender stuff only started after she turned 29 or 30 IIRC. High school was a long time ago for her, and I don't think even /cgl/ was really aware of her back then.
No. 363338
>>363108Are her ugly clothes part of her fakeboi phase
>>363318A lot of people treat pills as totally different when they're from the doctor
No. 363355
>>363335Oh dang, yeah. I forgot how long ago it really was. I do remember people going back on her LJ to posts she made during or just after high school, though.
Suffice to say that PT has been acting like a teenage weeb way beyond her years as an actual teenager.
No. 363556
>>363457Same here (and in most places in the usa). They take your drivers license to monitor if you're buying enough to warrant concern/alleged meth making amounts.
Also phentermine is still a fairly common weight loss drug prescribed to people desperate enough to find the right "weight loss clinic"/doctor.
No. 363640
File: 1490635938878.jpg (476.92 KB, 682x1024, pt.jpg)

>>363108i'm sorry, this scared me so much
she has the face of someone who seriously abuses some kind of substance, it's very worrying.
No. 363740
>>361385Hey I am a giant newbie…
Does the PT in /pt/ mean pixyteri?
No. 363746
File: 1490658783531.jpg (407.04 KB, 1066x1600, IMG_5014.JPG)

>>363740Are you mentally disabled as well as being a newfag? Use common sense. God this board is diseased.
No. 363748
>>363746Anon I've noticed an influx of newfags trying to troll. Or it's one newfags.
Idk but it's getting annoying
No. 363766
File: 1490664709564.jpg (844.01 KB, 1364x1024, Pt Makeover.jpg)

>>363108>>363640I know a lot of anons think PT needs plastic surgery/fillers/botox to look decent, but if she just fixed her hair/skin/eyebrows and wore makeup, she could easily look average.
I shopped this up without removing her wrinkles (except for the furrowed brow, to show what she'd look like if she weren't making the
im pooping face in this pic) or giving her plastic surgery. Does she look like a model? No. But she looks pretty enough to find a non-weeb husbandu, land a job in ESL or beyond minimum wage, and have a happy life.
No. 363795
>>363794Thank you, I understand.
More ontopic.
>>363766 Makes her look so angry. I've seen photos of her without that weird frown, eyebrows up and more relaxed, and she looks slightly better. I wonder which expression is her natural resting face
No. 363802
File: 1490676747980.png (774.28 KB, 674x515, ptv2.png)

>>363746I always love shooping the queen.
No. 363829
File: 1490701442080.jpg (168.9 KB, 720x960, tumblr_nmthy6UbQJ1urei7do1_128…)

Guys, I'm really scared that if PT ditches her interest in Asia she will become a normie and stop doing the things for which she is The Great Pixyteri. I especially miss her videos and photoshoots because she (even if she wasn't) looked really confident on her kawaiiness and sekushiness. At least in the moment she shot them. And that really made me happy
But I understand she's 30 and it makes sense that she grows out the weeb phase at some point. And maybe that'll make her finally fit better in society, get friends and a husbando and be happy. And I want her to be happy. I'm torn. I'm praying for her to continue with the fakeboi saga
No. 363841
>>363802This is so beautiful
Unfortunately PT will probably always have thin, greasy hair unable to create such volume and thick bangs but we can dream
No. 363856
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>>363829The fakeboi saga is just getting started. Wonder if she got like "90% male" on this test
No. 363866
>>363836She did get mad and say something like "How could he choose THAT over…my beautiful skin?!" when her ex dated a black girl, though.
I can see her going down the white supremacy route if a guy she liked nudged her in that direction.
No. 363873
File: 1490723126845.jpg (368.51 KB, 600x800, pt_stylish.jpg)

>>363829She's going to be 32 this year (I'm just a couple of days older than her) and I honestly think she may be in denial about still being a colossal weaboo. I'm sure she has a lot of pressure to try and seem 'normal' (maybe an ultimatum set by her parents if she still lives with them) but she is probably dying on the inside.
>>363841I agree. When she had someone else assisting in her styling (like Miyu) they added more volume and curls to her hair or she wore a nice wig and she looked gorgeous.
>>363866Back in the /cgl/ days I had heard she went down on a black girl (and decided she wasn't bi in any shape or form). I'm guessing it was to impress or appease whichever guy she was fucking at the time, but it could have been purely gossip.
No. 364046
>>364038I don't think she was comfortable because she wants people to admire her for her natural beauty/not having to do anything.
>>364005I think this anon is right. We all know there's some underlying issues with her - yes she probably is bipolar (or something along those lines) there could be more to it too.
Plastic surgery is painful and somewhat expensive. PT has an education, but not enough work experience, to get her to a place where she can afford what everyone is suggesting for her.
1. She's going to moan about how expensive it was. She probably works a minimum wage job, or at least she's working class. She's unlikely to fork out that much money, surely if she had that much money saved up, she'd go to Japan with it?
2. It's painful, and high maintenance. She can't even keep her hygiene in check most of the time, you think that she can take care of surgery (at least to the level that is expected of her)?
Losing weight is free. Self acceptance is free. Plastic surgery is not - nor is it a guarantee that all her identity issues will be resolved from it.
No. 364081
>>364038That's because she was given a mature (her age) look. Not long after the Miyu saga she got deep into lolicon. Not that she wasn't trying to emulate underage ugu japanese girls before, but she kicked it up to 5 yeard old territory around the time she started cosplaying that bakemonogatari loli.
Pixyteri doesn't care about people's opinions, she never has. Back in her DA days so many fat fetishits sucked up to her like their goddess and she didn't give a rats ass about it. She could've sold those sekushii videos from that gigantic archive to those men and she would've made good money and felt sexy for a niche. But she couldn't accept the fact they liked her because she was fat, not because she was a true nipponese 16 year old. It pissed her off like no other.
It's a no win with PT. For her to be happy everyone would have to reenact the emperor's new clothes.
No. 364236
File: 1490829816197.jpg (117.36 KB, 600x803, 1449773779386.jpg)

She was so pretty here :(
No. 364246
>>364046Well it's kind of unrealistic that every anon here cries "plastic surgery" to fix every ugly cow. Realistically, most people don't get plastic surgery, either for financial reasons, fear of going under the knife, or because they aren't -that- distressed about their face. Most people aren't so hideous that they need plastic surgery, anyway. Simple shit like makeup/diet can fix most problems.
In PT's case, she obviously needs to get a good face-cleansing routine (I'm sure she doesn't have one still) to fix the acne, and get good at makeup. also, styling her hair. She has strong features, but she looked fine when styled by miyu.
No. 364254
>>364246Farmers have a skewed version of reality and thinks most people get plastic surgery like the whores they follow on social media.
Pt looks fine in this picture,
>>364236Like your average 4-5/10 girl, the majority of human females. There is absolutely nothing related to her appearance that can't be fixed by well fitting clothes, good hygiene, and makeup. It is her personality and hobbies that makes her such a crackpot.
No. 364479
File: 1490913200897.png (65.94 KB, 504x565, Capture.PNG)

She really seems to not be doing well right now.
No. 364489
>>364479Oh no, someone called her ma'am at a store (again) and she's taking it personally (again)
No amount of buttpats will ever make her feel better about aging.
No. 364540
File: 1490932011434.png (127.74 KB, 496x559, Untitled.png)

Here we see PT sperging out about dressing up as Yuna again.
No. 364764
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>>364540I feel kinda special. I had the vid on my fb and she commented on it and then shared. She has blessed me. She wasn't rude in the comment either.
No. 364806
File: 1491013162722.png (4.35 MB, 1707x1175, 1111.png)

You know what's sad? that while she's definitely not gorgeous she could at least look decent if she learned how to do her makeup.
No. 364911
>>364870She would look so fucking regal if she took better care of herself, not even kidding. As in red hair in an elegant updo and shit.
Rock that Habsburg jaw, PT
No. 364921
File: 1491042070738.jpg (55.83 KB, 709x508, 28k4qhl.jpg)

>>364911You reminded me of this.
That right picture isn't relevant anymore, she puts even less effort into herself now. At least before she brushed her hair and edited her pictures.
No. 364928
>>364921Jesus fuck, pls tell me the right pic is shooped. Her face looks horrifying.
LGBT actually stands for
Let's Get down to Business
To defeat the huns
No. 364936
>>364479>>364540PT pls. This is her version of a midlife crisis. She's my favorite Christmas cake, tho.
>>364921That makes me so sad, though. I know losing weight doesn't fix everything, but I was hoping that by losing weight, PT would realize her potential and start to be a bit healthier overall (taking care of her skin with actual products, maybe getting a peel or 5, getting clothes that flatter her since she can fit them, etc.), but she's kind of stagnating… If anything, it seems like she's getting worse.
No. 365077
>>364921This Victorian/lolita style suits her so well.
With her weight loss, she'd probably look even better in this style. Please return to this style PT! You are the Queen no matter, but you looked freaking gorgeous with the soft red hair and feminine clothing.
No. 365339
File: 1491190652755.png (543.01 KB, 490x590, finally she began to shine.png)

I am so proud of our Queen :')
No. 365350
File: 1491195880004.jpg (985.67 KB, 1104x1534, QZo8HkF.jpg)

No. 365352
File: 1491195940346.jpg (53.97 KB, 320x480, FMsmAAM.jpg)

Bonus Lena Dunham AU
No. 365353
>>365339Aww I'm happy for her, hopefully this is the beginning of her getting her confidence back.
>>365350This hair would actually be a realistic everyday style for her, I like it.
No. 365398
>>365341Send her a request like two weeks ago hasn't accepted me yet
But all her posts are public anyways so I don't really care
No. 365405
>>365087Fucking lol at Enid Corpus.
>behind on anime>movie PT is cosplay from is 10+ years old>>365339Aww shit!
Good for her, despite her wig looking like a horrible mess. I didn't realize Victoria Comic Con took off because I know she was assblasted a couple of years ago over not being invited as a guest. Maybe that'll change now.
No. 365842
File: 1491360265876.png (316.8 KB, 898x617, wat.png)

Oh God..
No. 365850
>>365849She's deactivated it. It's not showing up for my partner also.
She was on a crazy rampage about how her bag was turning into a dick.
No. 365853
>>365850Thanks for checking as well… I don't want to spread false info.
I sincerely hope our queen is okay.
No. 365886
File: 1491363901310.png (43.19 KB, 513x185, PixyFBDelete.png)

What was posted shortly before she deleted.
No. 365897
>>365886i dont understand how a delusion like this can take hold so quickly. absolutely nothing in her past suggested she wanted to be a man, but all of a sudden she's basically rejecting everything she's ever enjoyed in the past
did she spend her whole hiatus on tumblr or some shit? the last time i checked in on her, she was dancing around her backyard and was beginning to lose weight. its been less than a year since then, hasn't it? what the fuck happened??
No. 365924
>>365873>>I feel bad for her mother.Same. Even though…
>>365881>>I know her family doesn't give that much if a shit.>>365886Back in the hospital…? Was she admitted before recently?
>> 31(?) years old>>Old and forgotten and my life taken from me.Scarlett Johansson is 32
Kim Kardashian is 36
>>Yes, PT, 31 is just ancient Better start saving that cosplay money for a burial plot!
>>I swear PT wants to be a shota No. 366237
>>365886>back in the hospitalNow this makes me very curious. Did she go to a mental hospital? Did she try to hurt or kill herself?
I'm really bummed she deactivated her Facebook.
No. 366242
>>366218Her relationship with that skeezy guy has always been weird. James? The guy that convinced her to do the threesome? It wouldn't surprise me if Pixy had been coerced into having sex by James multiple times. I don't know if that's outright rape, but in Pixy's batshit crazy eyes it probably is.
Last I heard, months and months ago (sorry for faggotry, I don't have our Queen on facebook so sorry if I'm not up to date) she had gone back to him. It was at the beginning of her weight loss, and when she was talking about sex being painful and doing anal with dudes, I'm pretty sure that was James.
No. 366339
>>365903Lol oh come on. Having lost weight I can say honestly your vag doesn't give a fuck. It'll stay the same
Her fucking hood and clit and whatever else didn't fucking inflate. She's just a mental retard who can't comprehend growing up. Possibly arrested development. Don't be chalking up losing weight to dropping vag to confused gender lol
No. 366355
>>365886I think her mother is mentioning that time back when someone called the police on her because she was acting suicidal and PT was emitted to the hospital.
Her mother is in a difficult situation. Legally her hands are tied and she can't force her daughter to get the mental health he needs. All she really can do it pray and nag her to get help.
No. 366379
File: 1491489348493.jpg (60.08 KB, 640x480, 280254-um-jammer-lammy-playsta…)

>>366370Oh boy you have no idea.
She got her online handle Pixy Teri from a derivation of Pixy Teriyaki, which is a Parappa the Rapper fan character she made up in her teens when she was massively obsessed with Teriyaki Yoko, an alien idol. Just by doing an image search for Teriyaki Yoko you can easily find some of her fan art for this character.
No. 366381
File: 1491489649113.jpg (50.85 KB, 433x540, realistic-self-portrait-or-it-…)

Also I don't mean to double post but I just found a self portrait PT drew a long time ago. It's a shame that her self image has been warped so severely over the years…
No. 366384
>>366339PT's clit looked pretty big to me in some of the nudes she took when she was still fat. She probably thinks it's getting bigger because when she lost weight, her outer labia got thinner and made her clit more prominent.
Another, though less likely possibility is her clit actually is getting bigger because she has an endocrine disorder or something. Her constantly infected vagina could be a sign of something amiss in that area, though it could also be that she just has really bad hygiene too.
No. 366462
>>365929>>366003PT's mom is legit nutty but her parents do care about her. Perhaps not in the best of ways all the time, but nobody is perfect. Still, they put her through college, let her live with them but still insisted on her school and working. Considering how nutty PT is and the fact that she clearly can't truly function on her own I don't think they did a terrible job of it. Tough love clearly wouldn't work on her because it hasn't so far the times her parents did seem to try (they were actually going to kick her out at some point and she didn't really do anything about it, if I recall correctly, so she got to stay). The fact that she graduated college and seems to work sometimes is actually a testament to at least some of their efforts.
After all if her parents really didn't care and were truly indulgent in their shitty parenting she'd probably be even worse than Chris-chan right now.
No. 366522
>>366361She's literally the reverse Chris chan, when he pierced himself a clit with a safety pin.
>>365897She had the biggest breakdown when her mother pulled a DNA test on her that denied any asian heritiji. Her mental health went downhill fast from there since she had no delusion to cling to anymore. That's when she started "hating" Japan. I think the shota stuff stems from self hatred and not feeling beautiful enough as a woman like with so many other fakebois.
No. 366525
>>366359The symptoms she's describing here sound so a lot like vaginismus, which is when the muscles in that area involuntarily react to objects being inserted by seizing up. This makes it painful or impossible to have sex, use tampons, etc. It can happen from infection but usually it is linked to anxiety.
The other alternative is a low positioned cervix which she thinks is some kind of growth or emerging penis. It's not unheard of for women, especially younger ones,to jump to wild conclusions when they discover it without understanding how low the cervix can get. This can be a normal variation of vaginal "depth", hormonal, part of the regular cycle, or due to prolapse. It can get close enough to the vaginal entry to get in the way.
Sage for tmi but maybe this info could get through to pt somehow and encourage her to ask an ob gyn to have a look and explain her anatomy or physical reflexes to her, because my money is on her being generally healthy and ok, at most needing help with muscle relaxation if it is vaginismus. Both conditions are pretty common.
No. 366825
>>366810>>366776sage goes in the email field, not the name field, friendly anon.
>>366789she honestly looks good here. I think she did a great job, but perhaps my love is warping my judgement.
No. 367222
File: 1491737260579.jpg (97.85 KB, 600x502, 1491574901024.jpg)

saw this on /cgl/ and got nostalgic. Look how happy our queen was…
No. 367253
I miss the queen doing lolita, she was at her cutest to me then, the long brown hair was always good on her when she actually styled it.
No. 367340
>>367222>>367227I remember this shoot. The best looking girl is actually behind PT (good strategy covering her) and some other girl taking the picture. But the queen was definitely the least ita out of all of them
Pixy quit lolita because she would only want AP, nothing fit and she stirred too much drama over it. She cried over this JSK not fitting and she complained multiple times about Bodyline (which has large sizes but in classic PT fashion she kept picking sizes too small)
No. 368012
File: 1491942131522.png (65.66 KB, 521x652, k_sr ban.png)

>>366355If you're talking about the StamRose incident with K, she didn't have a hospital stay. A few people were frustrated that they didn't because Sarah was really off her rocker that night.
If you're talking about another suicide incident, I don't remember, so carry on.
>>366381Huh. That's pretty interesting.
>>366862Agree too. I really want to take her aside and fix her wig.
>>367340AP is one of the bigger burandos, sad to say. That puts a lot of perspective on how much weight she's shed.
No. 370047
>>369956She doesn't have dysphoria and she's not Schizophrenic. She's pretending she wants to be a man because she's crazy and she wants attention. It's pretty much classic PT. This is exactly like when she was deluded into thinking she was ethnically Japanese.
She's bipolar and is more than likely going through another episode, as she tends to every now and then.
No. 370317
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>>369716I remember her getting upset over this shop back in the /CGL/ days.
No. 370321
File: 1492395029704.gif (2.71 MB, 270x360, pt gif 1.gif)

>>369716Sexy Maid-chan just for you.
No. 370428
>>370047It's more than just attention, PT has always had her issues but like
>>369956 said she's never really been this bad.
Even with her wind chime she was still generally cognizant of things around her, she just seemed like she was taking a typical weeb role play/fantasy a little too far and making it a little too public. She was at least sort of functional then too, at least more than she seems to be now.
At the very least her bipolar episodes seem to be getting more intense.
No. 370669
>>370428>still generally cognizant of things around herreally? to me, she seemed pretty enmeshed in delusional thinking and an alternate reality where her delusions literally changed the world before her eyes.
If what another anon above said was correct (that her mother ordered a DNA test to conclusively prove she wasn't of Asian heritage), then her delusion was shattered. This is when those with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (which I believe Sarah to have) are at their most vulnerable and fragile.
All of her mood swings, depression, mania, even delusions, suicide threats, yes even negative self-image, can all be narrowed down to this. If you read up on other case studies of those with NPD, you'll find some frightening similarities.
So, essentially, Sarah's problem is she's been indulged to the point where she's no longer functional in society. In my experience, NPDs never get better, only worse.
In many ways, it's relieving that she's not some form of schizophrenic, autistic, or something. Most mental disorders stem from organic or chemical alteration of the brain; in Sarah's case, she's just kind of an asshole.
No. 370704
>>370698Some are, some aren't. In the case of NPD, it's actually strictly a personality disorder. It can be co-morbid with other things like bipolar, depression, schizophrenia, stuff that exacerbates the disease, but being a Narcissist has no founding in the person's biology. There's basically no way to fix it other than different types of therapies, and most NPDs don't think there's anything wrong with them. In fact, NPDs usually get along quite fine in life. It's the other people in their lives who suffer more greatly.
For another example, sociopathy. There's nothing physically or chemically wrong with a sociopath's brain. They simply lack the ability to empathize with other things. Once again, sociopathy is a characteristic trait amongst criminals and abusers, but not all sociopaths are criminals or hurt others.
No. 371588
>>370704>For another example, sociopathy. There's nothing physically or chemically wrong with a sociopath's brainWe have a poor understanding of the brain at best. Your personality is a result of the physical structure of your brain
>See phineas gage and lobotomy clearly there is something deviant about the brains of these people, we just don't know what because our understanding of how a personality or even a conscious, self aware entity arises from the physical structure of a brain is non-existent.
Unless you believe in a soul or that personality can come from anywhere other than the brain ofc.
No. 371886
>>370713>But why does it have to be biological to count as a mental disorder?It doesn't, but disorders of organic origin are treated differently, both by drs and insurance companies. The DSM 5 + ICD10 don't use axis anymore, but it was simpler.
Axis 1 = organic disorders ex. bi-polar, depression, schizophrenia, etc.
Axis 2 = personality disorders, generally the result of ones upbringing, more nurture than nature.
often a psych will put an axis 1 dx down just so insurance will cover sessions, even if it doesn't
really apply, bc theres no evidence based treatment for PDs other than DBT and if they only give a PD dx, insurance will cover far less sessions (or none at all)
No. 372049
>>371584Been attempted before. No dice.
Only because she wanted the perfect husbando to go with her.
No. 373125
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It's wild to think about the fact that the left pic is 11 years old.
No. 373139
File: 1492670839011.jpg (85.28 KB, 728x1096, 1419572290060.jpg)

>>372191>It's always someone/something else's fault.Oh my god, this makes me wonder, has anyone made a tribute video to the Queen using Marina & the Diamonds "Primadonna Girl" before? The lyrics are perfect. I mean;
"I'm sad to the core, core, core
Every day is a chore, chore, chore
When you give, I want more, more, more
I wanna be adored"
No. 375852
File: 1493143344797.png (157.93 KB, 750x1089, IMG_3747.PNG)

Looks like she selling some junk on eBay . This is very recent …
No. 380317
File: 1493820047324.jpg (115.04 KB, 678x1024, zpslx8al5gu.jpg)

>>380182Nah it's just her being delusional. A lot of the times what she perceives is blown out of proportion. Throw in some pretty unsafe sex practices and it's not really surprising her vag got inflamed.
Anyways, have a pic of our queen being princely.
No. 380361
>>380317I'd love to see her do more Crossplay, I think she could do feminine bishounen fairly well since she tried to be so girly all the time.
That fucking wig tho. Ahhh~
No. 380919
>>361386It feels like she had some kind of bad experience with some asia-born-asians or something the way she's carrying on. These are the words of someone who's been disillusioned but still enjoys what they used to deep down.
>>361613Maybe the weight loss not instantly making her kawaii desu? She has a strong jaw that isn't going to be changed naturally after all..I feel kinda bad for her.
No. 381343
>>380863I honest to God would book a plane ticket and go to an appointment with her if she wanted me to.
>>380928I owned Fossil purse once. Never a watch. I think I'm gonna get me one now :)
No. 381359
File: 1494032725016.jpg (241.19 KB, 630x537, PT akinator.jpg)

>>374156Ohhh my god anon this is like all my christmases coming at once! True vintsge PT gold.
I remember Akinator correctly guessing PT when I played a few years ago but it seems like she's not on there any more
No. 381488
>>375852Hope she isn't planning on committing suicide or something drastic. Knew of this one person who was suicidal, they behaved strange, and sold/gave away their stuff before committing suicide.
I can't help but to worry for queen pixy
No. 381490
>>381368The thing is, Sarah will need to change her name completely. A quick google search will demolish any hopes of a normal job for her. And I don't think moving out of the home would be a good idea for her. No job, and staying with friends isn't a good idea either. The only thing left is finding a boyfriend and moving in with him.
Regardless of it all, I personally don't find her family abusive what so ever. They are stern and straight forward to her, so she can't handle critic and behaves as though its abuse. If she were my daughter I wouldn't support her dreams either. Being an idol in Japan? Taking gravure photos? No. However I am positive if Pixy suddenly wanted to seriously pursue a career as an English teacher, I guarantee you her family will support her all the way through.
No. 381503
>>381368> Also her family don't like the way she is and wants her to change. That would destroy anyone's mind. Everyone needs their parents full support in order to develop a proper and functional personality. She was denied the most basic shit, basically.This is wrong. She did get support from her family, and continues to get support from them. She lives in their house, they support her and even put her through college. That's more than a lot of people get. She wasn't denied any basic shit and while her parents are far from perfect they gave her plenty.
The problem with PT is that she needed to be pushed to do anything sensible (college, a job, etc). Had she been more functional on her own I'm sure her parents would have been fine with her silly weeb hobbies, and even if they weren't, she shouldn't need their approval for her own interests.
Or to put it another way, her brothers seem perfectly functional and seem to get along with their parents. PT is the odd one out and there's a reason for that. Yeah, few normal mortals could be understanding parents to our beloved goddess-queen but you can't downplay their efforts either.
Also at this point I think PT's best chance at stable happiness would be to marry someone and be the kawaii housewife she's always wanted to be.
No. 381512
>>375852>>381488Most of her listings mention giving stuff away to Goodwill, or stating she needs money because she doesn't have a job. Also needing to clear stuff from her house.
I wonder if the purge is to go along with her new, tomboy "lifestyle"?
No. 381517
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>>381512Thank you anon, not too worried now.
I guess she has decided to commit to being a tomboy. For dumb reasons at that. I think most of it is due to her believing she has a very masculine appearance, as well as the growth of a penis that she is hellbent about. I wonder if there is a possibility that we see a lesbian Pixyteri in the future? What a strange turn around. Chris chan is a woman, and, its pixys turn.
No. 381676
>>381555PT had a sort-of internet gf in the past, and her hatefulness towards other women tends to be exaggerated. I think she could, possibly, but she seems pretty straight.
>>381589Any idea what eating disorder? Her counting calories seemed very reasonable and PT has always had poor skin, I wouldn't think weight loss would affect her too much there.
No. 381804
>>381771She never said or at the least it wasn't someone known or connected to her, this was very early on.
>>381697She likes male attention and seems to seek them out, she's straight, especially with what
>>381794 said.
No. 381927
File: 1494191525774.jpeg (42.41 KB, 320x480, 99BF7911-FF0A-470D-ABA7-DCF884…)

Who is she taking these photos for? She should just sell these instead of letting people view for free. She would benefit with patreon.
No. 381931
File: 1494191649701.jpeg (39.43 KB, 480x320, 8B6D2B07-A740-4006-BA79-9A0C54…)

Pixy putting on a show for the spooky ghost orbs and mists under the bridge.
No. 381960
>>381927She looks good here, at least by Pixy standards - but this one
>>381931 looks like something from a serial killer's camera.
No. 382023
>>363766this is a joke, right?
better? wow. that's just cruel, haha.
No. 382059
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>>382047This had been discussed before. She doesn't have autism of any sorts. She's just lazy and delusional. She already has a degree and is able to get a job, the reason she isn't holding a job down etc. is due to her delusions of being a kawaii Japanese idol/gravure star. When someone is so fixated on such delusions, it'll destroy their chances of getting actual responsible shit done in their life.
No. 382442
>>381927At this point they seem mostly for herself and theoretically for her fans (us).
And PT could have been making bank for years if she knew how to sell herself right. A lot of chubby chasers were lusting after her for a while and she hated it. I guess she just never cared about getting money for her pictures.
No. 382528
>>381589Coming from Texas, can confirm we didn't get Medicaid expansion (and likely won't because of leadership living in the 1950's) and we have been monopolized by Blue Cross Blue Shield. It likely won't change anytime soon because our governor is a paraplegic retard focused on immigrant boogeymen. But eh. Texas. I have no doubt Sarah has insane bills, especially if she doesn't currently have a job. Even if she did have insurance, the premiums and deductibles are ridiculous (~$300/mo, $6k before it kicks in for the least expensive plan).
sage for texasfaggotry
No. 382574
>>382445This has been suggested to her. Pixy will pretty stomp on every good idea you throw at her. However, when trolls like PTNR suggest she stop shaving her bush, she's all over it. Go figure. Pixy is super paranoid and gets offended at the slightest suggestion that she should sell herself as anything but adorable and beautiful. She did once release a photobook which was hilarious. Anyways, PT might excel at the fetish market but there's no convincing her.
>>382528She does have insane bills. She's also a bit of a hypochondriac so she constantly went to the doctor feeling "ill" and dreading measurements. Our latest PT breakdown was when a female doctor told her that she was "just getting old." PT exaggerates illnesses, but definitely has disgusting sex that exposes her to real stuff. She's racked up a very large debt because of that. It's a lot of the reason why she's always in a downward spiral and so dependent on her parents.
Speaking more generally, we should probably have introduction links (maybe her ED page) in our next PT thread? Just in case newfags come around.
No. 383611
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how were these even obtained?
No. 383678
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>>369971oh my gosh looking at these again I just can't get over how nothing is done properly, like if you're ACTUALLY going to go hang around rundown parking lots etc. dancing to jpop just DOOOO ITTTTTTT DOOOOOO ITTTTTTTTTTTTTT. All the videos are like 30 seconds and 90s% of the footage is her chaecking with embarrassment to see if anyone's coming. It's obviously the entertainment part for us but how did she expect to get anywhere by NEVER actually recording anything properly ever FOR YEARS. Reminds me of keeks actually
No. 383685
>>369971I miss old PT. I wish she would still make her dancing videos and "Oops, I am so innocent ando also accidentally lewd" videos, I really liked those for some reason, they are so entrancing.
Like, she wasn't attractive by any means, but her confidence made her look sexy-ish to me. Weird.
Sage for rambling.
No. 383704
>>383689i've said it before, we'd be able to weeb out together and maybe someone could motivate her…
she's too untrusting to be someone's friend though, and she did it to herself, it's sad.
No. 383792
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>>383778Yeah oh gee, PT has some enormous balls now be running this site.
No. 383803
PT runs lolcow farm?
No. 383856
>>383834It's sad people forget Chris is 4chans baby
No. 383948
>>383834PT, like Chris, started out on 4chan. Like Chris, some of her issues stem from that. The rest is all their own doing.
>>383778I am feeling charitable and going to be nice to you, seeing as you seem like a newbie and not all on the uptake, but this board /pt/ was originally devoted to achieving and discussing all things PT related.
We are refugees from another board called Stamina Rose. SR was a place we congregated after 4chan banned singling out people for discussion.
SR went down when the admin panicked and pulled the plug after some autists went full retard, inferring from a troll's statement of PT's unusual sex games with some random possible blackmailer/Dom meant she had been forced to create underage porn with some child she babysits. (She didn't).
And now here we are, the milk has gone dry and as usual we turn on each other until it flows again.
No. 383970
File: 1494722521022.jpg (8.04 KB, 225x225, 2017-05-13-18-40-26--329091441…)

>>383704Am I the only one that almost entirely blames that cunt PTNR for PT going into hiding? Again, I don't blame PT for being untrusting of others and fearful of making friends. I blame that clap infested whore PTNR, primarily. I do believe the milk would still be flowing if that cow-tipping bitch hadn't pulled the shit she did for "lulz". In addition to that, it was just plain cruel. I mean, have some human decency (and this coming from myself, a person who enjoys the folly of cows as much as anyone).
No. 384062
>>384037PTNR basically catfished/trolled PT during some of her quiet times. Iirc, the first time PTNR went as an Asian man interested in PT. This was when the growing out her pubes thing happened, along with dying her hair with coffee. They also got nudes (supposedly unprovoked). The most recent time, PTNR posed as someone in the medical field. This is who PT asked about futanari being real, and gave her newest nudes showing her deflated breasts.
PTNR used to post on SR (or was it MaxFag) and then went to KF when the board went down.
No. 384067
>>384062Shit the fuck.
I agree with you, base off this, I think they spoiled the milk for us all.
No. 384124
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>>383778Holy shit bitch you dumb
No. 384133
>>383778mad tinfoil mate, what are you on?>>384124
fora temer
No. 384409
>>384242In their defense, PTNR did stromgly encourage PT to go see a doctor about her obvious issues with her lady parts (e.g. them being swollen and inflamed). Still, PTNR did this by posing as a doctor of some sort, so I guess it is 6 of one and half dozen of the other.
For some reason, PT seemed pretty terrified of seeing a gyno. Who knows why. Not sure if the gyno was the doctor who told her some of her physical problems were just because she was getting older.
No. 384416
File: 1494856808279.jpg (Spoiler Image,79.23 KB, 481x659, lGYe0OK.jpg)

Have you guys ever seen the French fashion girl Jeanne Damas? She reminds me so much of what PT would look like had she been born pretty. She has similar features but prettier
No. 384446
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>>384409Oh come off it. PTNR never actually gave two solid fucks about PT. She gave her "doctor advice" to get in deep and dig dirt on PT. Fuck PTNR for being such a cruel, attention seeking cunt. The resulting "lulz" and information she gathered about PT was not worth the method of obtaining them. Reminds me of all the vicious mean girls back in high school. They'd pick on the retards for laughs. And yes, I do realize that I am perusing the mishaps of retards on lolcow. But the laughs i get on this site are the result of what the cows have done themselves, not because some internet bully obtained dirt through subterfuge.
I still blame PTNR for sending the Queen into hiding. That experience that she put PT through would seriously fuck up anyone. Evil bitch.
No. 384489
>>384456>I am confident many of you have done the same. I have never done any of that. Sorry that youre so stupid to do something like that. If such pictures are posted online, I just think it's laughable.
And traumatizing? Highly embarrassing, yes. Traumatizing? No. Especially not for Pixy, with all the other pictures and videos that she put out there by herself.
No. 384504
>>384489Well I am so very glad that perfect people like you exist in the world. Where would we be without people with impeccable judgment, pure as the driven snow? I'm so sorry for my mistakes and lapse of good judgment. Which nunnery can I contact so that I may seek your invaluable counsel?
Actually, fuck that. You sound like a cunty bitch.
No. 384527
>>384446PT went into hiding for two major events:
K calling suicide hotline about Pixy's normal "I'm going to kill myself" tweets.
Now a long debated issue of how much trolling is too much trolling won't be answered today. PTNR was never discovered, so I'm sure Pixy never went into hiding because of her.
No. 384536
>>384527How the hell would anyone know that PT didn't find out about PTNR? Hell, she's been mentioned countless times in previous PT threads on this site alone. Do you honestly believe PT doesn't know how to use the interwebs?
I agree about Britfag though, yes, that too was a major contributing factor. In a lesser extent, in my opinion, also the suicide threat.
No. 384538
It's PT with fuller lips. That's it.
No. 385453
>>385436Yes, I have been guilty of being young and dumb, no doubt. The point is, I was very lucky the recipients were not cruel enough to plaster them all over the Internet.
I feel bad for PT because she was exploited by a vicious troll who wasn't so kind.
No. 385798
File: 1495179512696.gif (1.16 MB, 275x275, whatev.gif)

>>385453lol it's like you know nothing about pt. pt had nudes all over the internet far before ptnr entered the scene. she didn't fucking care about the nudes, she wasn't ashamed, they weren't mistakes of her youth or any other bullshit you people are trying to push. she was only ever terrified of her mother catching her being a slut again and getting in trouble after she was busted the first time.
>>384446you're an idiot and you need to chill.
No. 385803
were can i see those nudes?
No. 385829
>>385518Yes, she was talking/whining to someone on one of her social media accounts about how her life sucks. When asspatted she said there were nudes out and people judged her for it. Also she mentioned it to one guy she was in contact via the internet that men found her nudes and lost interest or something (could have possibly been PTNR this was said to.)
All this is lost im the mists of 4tome and forum purges.
No. 386049
>>385798There's a difference though, between showing pics of your vag to a supposed "doctor" the nudes she chose to put on the web.
Also, PTNR had PT do humiliating things for her, like growing her bush out, shaving it into a Hitler stash, hurr durr, and then laughing about it when she complied with her requests like a trained monkey. Yes, everyone can say she humilates herself on a regular basis, but there is a a world of difference between doing it on her own terms and being exploited for laughs.
No. 386065
>>386049Dude Yes, PT is the Queen, I agree, and I do know much about her. I just happen to disagree with you, oh grand high priestess of all that is PT.
Please, send her a request for a nude. Post it to this thread. I will wait.
No. 386094
>>386056This. PTNR did some cow tipping, but nothing to really cause this dry spell. I'm pretty sure the biggest source of our dry spell is from the Brit fag. I can confirm that PT will just randomly send you nudes if you're pleasant enough to her without
triggering her. PT has mental issues, but she's not slow.
No. 386168
File: 1495260383813.jpg (56.48 KB, 500x283, 1355017665134.jpg)

>>386100Drug-addicted ana stripper turned self-posting tripfag cgl cosplayer turned attention whore /fit/ denizen who tried to makeover PT as one of her messiah complex projects. Miyu wanted to tote PT's ~inner beauty~, meanwhile she was getting collagen injections and implants.
She's not known or referenced outside cgl, and was only ever known for one cosplay.
Pic related.
Seagulls say JNig replaced her.
They say she married some guy from /soc/ and now she's living a normal life. Which translates to she wised up and kept her crazy and preachiness off the internet.
I don't recall what the exact reason was for PT and Miyu's falling out. I only know that Miyu sought out PT to do that photoshoot. I found a post where some anon claimed PT invited Miyu out to a festival and Miyu bailed for being sick and PT got angry and called her a bitch. Then Miyu distanced herself.
Miyu never intended to be PT's friend, she wanted to be famous for
fixing Pixy and when it became obvious it wasn't going to happen easily (if at all), she bailed. PT wasn't wrong to distrust her intentions.
I remember Miyu dishing out unwanted advices on cgl before people finally told her to fuck off and stop acting like an expert.
No. 388343
>>383970I'm a dinosaur who witness PT pre-golden age and once knew her from the texas comm. The damage had been done LONG before PTNR. She has been consistantly ripped apart since around 2007. Before lolcow there were plenty of people like PTNR spilling dirt, people becoming her friend for a couple years only to dump every little thing they had (even no0ds for a few of those romantically involved that made their way to us). People would call her parents, send her work her noods, send parents her noods, send death threats and accusations to her family, call the cops on her and have them sent to her home, mass pizza deliveries, cruel pranks etc…PT was always pretty deluded, but the 10 years of constant harassment and bullying was partly what further entrenched her into her own fantasies and delusions. I think if she had gone quiet online and gotten into therapy earlier, she's have had a chance. But her disposition combined with the online shit, man this bitch had NO chance.
No. 388346
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>>388343as one dinosaur to another, thank you for shedding some light for these pt newfriends.
No. 392111
>>388343That actually makes me really really sad for PT.
Did PT ever hurt anyone during these times, or did her cosplay ignorance garner all of this negative attention? Maybe becoming the reason why she got that much more attached, to prove bullies wrong?
That's so terrible about the constant fake friends and then the sexual humiliation being spread to her family and work. Even a normal person after all of that would require serious therapy and support…
No. 393444
>>388388Before lolita pt cosplayed a lot and was in in comms for that. I remember one of the first bouts of her drama was her believing she
was Orihime from Bleach and always cosplaying as her. Then for some reason she started saying she was actually Rukia and started identifying as Rukia and her character traits.
No. 395865
>>393811I love that you really didn't change her face shape! This is one of my favorite edits easily. The warm tone in her hair makes her look younger and contrasts her light eyes beautifully. Defining her brows slightly, getting a good mascara, and a simple BB cream would look so good on her. I don't know how she be such a weeb but not want to mess with any of their skincare/makeup brands, especially when the packaging is the cutest ever? Minimal makeup is still innocent if she's still on that purity tip.
I miss the Queen …
No. 401030
>>3996871. We're oldfags
2. She's provided us with endless lulz. Her new photoshoots were like x-mas when we gathered on /cgl/ to rip on them.
3. Her tinychat was beyond fun.
4. When a cow hits rock bottom you suddenly feel the urge to nurse it back to health.
5. Trolls fucked with her to no end, including tallying up her med bills when "K" called the police on her fake suicide threats. Troll remorse? The closest you'd ever get.
I could write a novel on the strange fascination we've had with PT over the years.
No. 401145
>>401119For JET you need either a Bachelor’s degree or a 3-year teaching certificate. PT was eligible because she had a degree.
I'm fairly sure it was her interview that got her rejected, I was online friends with her at the time and I strongly advised her not to go full weeb with it (have had multiple friends be accepted for JET and all of them said that the obvious weebs get rejected), but she was completely shocked and offended by that advice and said that of COURSE she'd tell them all about how much she loved anime/cosplay/kimono etc because the interviewer would be "impressed by how much she knows about Japanese culture" and told me I didn't know what I was talking about.
No. 402551
>>401300PT was a very good student as far as I'm aware, it's one of those random little quirks of hers that impresses me.
>>401104Thank you for this.
No. 402912
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>>401203I remember the JET forum telling her she probably wouldn't be accepted on the first try, so I am sure she got rejected the first try and just gave up.
I really really wish I could find that thread again. If another farmer capped it or can find it, that would be a fantastic blast to the past.
No. 403003
File: 1498601664285.png (1.35 MB, 596x1018, 343qtqqvqq.png)

>>402972Still taking saucy cosplay pics in random places.
I wish she wouldn't keep deleting her FB, I'd love to hear what she's doing other than the photoshoots. I really do want her to be happy and live a nice life. She's given us so much with all her glory.
No. 403008
File: 1498602734056.png (2.7 MB, 1189x1012, 65beb5e5.png)

>>403005Yeah, there is still potential in her. She doesn't seem to have any stretchmarks on her stomach either, really lucky considering how much she ballooned up.
And have a bonus pic because I think it's cute.
No. 403011
>>403005How did she lose all this weight? Does she have an ED or did she do it correctly?
Sage cause I'm new to the Queen, I'm sure this is a pointless question just curious.
No. 403012
I have always had this doubt… how come a A+ brilliant student always behaves like this in her spare time? Lol
She's like a mystery to me haha
No. 403060
>>403003>>403008Pt is looking fantastic! Thanks for sharing anon. I especially like that she's allowing herself to tan and have a natural hair color. Also, doesn't appear to be dressing like a shota/loli anymore. 10/10 A+
>>403003I really hope that PT finds happiness in life too anon! Most cows are annoying and rage-inducing, but for some reason, PT is incredibly likable.
>>403012>>She's like a mystery to me hahaSame!
No. 407309
File: 1499314694236.jpg (122.76 KB, 500x684, 1329475768168.jpg)

I do wonder if Sarah suffers from some sort of prolonged identity crisis.
First she thinks she's haifu.
Now she thinks she's becoming a man?
Also those times she thought she was Orihime or Rukia.
I'm sure she stopped cosplaying as Orihime though because of the red hair.
IIRC, that guy she was fucking (Chris?), was in love with some redhead stripper and that pissed Sarah off.
That's why she'd never go back to red hair.
No. 415696
File: 1500936378331.png (709.12 KB, 707x1000, 1500097255660.png)

Part of me wants PT to discover Made in Abyss. It seems like it would be the perfect fuel to her escapist fire. It's even got a shota.
No. 418506
File: 1501692232440.jpg (176.53 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600.jpg)

Our queen is selling her mangled kingdom hearts cosplay. The description lists the reasoning as: "I'm only selling this because I don't have a job and I need money to pay off my bills."
The cuffs on the pants are mangled, and the zipper is broken/missing from the black jacket. She still wants $65 for it. No. 422920
>>418506She must have lost her job at the sporting good store. That's a real shame. Our Queen isn't doing so well. I wish she would give us updates on Facebook.
Does anyone check her Skype?
No. 429526
File: 1503888179808.jpg (38.92 KB, 536x445, kris.JPG)

Kris, PT's brother made an update! Praise the Lord our Queen still lives!
No. 430901
>>361385she looks like a slovenly, matronly middle aged woman.
cant we just leave her alone
No. 430903
>>407309She's delusional, histrionic and chronically dependent probably.
If she has not made much progress over the years then her future's pretty bleak.
No. 431023
File: 1504192150322.png (913.57 KB, 533x975, keepshining.png)

>>430901>>430903You shut the fuck up and leave the queen alone!
Though in all seriousness she's been doing really well lately. She's a healthy weight and she doesn't overshare on social media anymore. I know she's still pretty immature and naive on how the real world works but considering how she used to be I think she's made some great strides. Everyone here is rooting for her.
No. 490251
>>392111the really sad part is when you see the bullies. the people who take it too far. they are exactly like pixy. its like the are jealous of the cows for doing what they are afraid to do. seeing one of cwc farmers really cemented it. autism.
there was a pixy update at kiwi.
(necro) No. 518005
File: 1526213118778.png (631.9 KB, 800x1263, pixyupdate.png)

Digging this thread up just to let everyone know that Pixy is still alive and is selling off the last parts of her cosplays on eBay.
She hasn't updated anything new to her photobucket account, as far as I can tell. Her FB is still deactivated and I can't find any activity on her accounts.
I hope she's okay.
No. 518632
>>518579Is her profile photo or status still weeby or is she normal now?
I wonder if she got mental help, hope she’s doing better!
No. 518649
I don't really read her threads, but she just seems like a basic bitchy slag.
People find PT interesting because she would say and do weird shit even though she wasn't mentally retarded or crazy (at the time, though most people thought she might have bpd)
Momo ain't close to shining
No. 518847
>>518775Yeah, her desire to be kawaii was the source of her purity. She wasn't trying to rope in neckbeards. She just wanted to be cute and animu.
Well anyway, I hope she is doing OK nowadays, she has been pretty lowkey for quite awhile.
No. 518985
>>518861Are we talking about the same Moo that wears the same outfit for literally a month? That stanky ass Moo or a different delusional one?
I think Moo is PT level when it comes to being gross but PT will always be better because she changed for the better while Moo will always look, act and smell like garbage.
No. 519073
>>518985>>518335Momokun will never, ever be our Queen no matter how many threads she has or how much milk she produces. This board is called /pt/ not /mk/.
Momokun is eclipsed by Pixy's shine.
No. 519074
>>518005Truly the end of an era. With all her cosplay/lolita/weeby things sold of, that'll mean Pixysama is officially normie-tier again. Well, she'll always be a weeb a little, but accepting that she no longer likes to cosplay and no longer wants to do photoshoots in those outfits anymore is still a pretty big step.
It's a little bittersweet to see her moving on like this. Kind of like seeing your child grow up and move out, venturing out into the world all by themselves. Hope she continues taking care of herself and that things are going very well for her
No. 519120
File: 1526461081947.jpg (627.67 KB, 2022x1434, 1359586261364.jpg)

>>519077thanks spoony
>>518335I feel like Pixyteri is one of those cows that could have only existed in the mid 2000s, very similar to Chris-chan. If she was found today, she wouldn't be considered very remarkable, just like Chris chan wouldn't be. Sure, they are both mentally ill chubby weirdos with weird nudes on the internet, a troubled home life, and severe delusions about themselves. But I can count on both hands the number of people like that I'm friends with on Facebook alone.
Even so, there was something about her that captivated us. Maybe it was her stubborn steadfastness that she was really Japanese and destined for stardom; maybe it was her delusions about her body and cosplaying abilities, maybe it was the sad reality that she ate an entire cookie cake for her 26th birthday and had no real friends to share it with. Maybe it's because, in retrospect, Pixyteri was a relatively harmless person who was relentlessly bullied over the internet for years for entertainment.
There was something special about Pixy that kept us coming back.
No one will ever surpass PT just like no one will ever surpass Chris chan; it's just impossible to achieve that level of notoriety, that level of constant trolling, or that level of delusion anymore. Pixyteri existed in a time where the internet was a much stranger, much darker, and in some ways more naive place. In retrospect, Pixyteri was a relatively innocent person whose mental health issues rarely affected anyone outside of her own sphere (until the very end, with her weird playground pictures.) Now, all of our cows are pedophiles, scammers, drugs addicts or animal abusers.
It's because of this that, as well as the fact Pixyteri is an infinitely more sympathetic character, Momokun will never be PT. There will never be another PT again.
So, I guess we should have listened to Pixy all those years ago; she was really just beginning to shine.
No. 519134
>>519120All of this just makes me wish someone had saved the videos or made them into a documentary. I remember when I could check her photobucket weekly for new dance videos…
Maybe that’s best though, so Sara can move past this all. Her livestreams were great, glad I got in on that at least.
No. 519326
>>519120Agree, I'd add that nowadays anyone and everyone tries to be the next weird thing, go on Dr Phil show or that barcroft tv Youtube channel.
Japanese fashion and cosplay grew much more mainstream nowadays so nobody would bat an eyelash at a lone girl trying to do gravure and cosplay.
Pixy had such a unique personality, she didn't insult or bully anyone, just wanted to do her own thang, so people were ultimately drawn to her and wanted to take her under their wing, only to be mistreated and rejected by the queen.
So there was a sort of sweet and sour feel to her, she wasn't pretending to be nice like Momokun but she wasn't a good friend for sure.
No. 534027
File: 1529668817001.jpg (59.53 KB, 480x360, DSCN1832_zpsvedv5iwu.jpg)

Our queen is alive!
She's still skinny.
And no pooping pose in her most recent photobucket uploads.
No. 534081
File: 1529680453535.jpg (19.2 KB, 337x450, 1350200662906.jpg)

>>534027Probably an unpopular opinion but I really want her to wear some classic lolita again, it was one of her best looks even when she was fat.
I know she thinks she isn't capable of being feminine after years of being harassed, but the little boy thing truly doesn't suit her.
No. 534082
>>534027Be still, my heart.
tbh, she looks good at this weight and i do agree with anon
>>534081 that she can pull off classic lolita and look nice. Sadly, she's still doing the weird boy cosplay bs.
No. 534083
>>534081Ah the infamous photo people use to prove that PT can be pretty. She hates this look and it was done by a former friend.
Pixy, last time we discussed her seemed to be going through some genuine dysmorphia. PTNR (a troll) said pixy thought sex hurt and preferred anal and that her clit was growing into a penis. We all knew she'd lose it when she turned 30 and sure enough she went into her shouta phase. The phase just allowed her to be greasier than ever. I'm sure she's just suffering extreme self-confidence issues, but trying to style PT into being beautiful was a dream for most anons in the day. When someone actually attempted it, PT would use them for free stuff, hate the style and continue on her greasy weeb ways. I wonder if she's sworn off Japan?
No. 534088
File: 1529682049700.jpg (118.2 KB, 768x1024, miyu.jpg)

>>534083>she hates this look and it was done by a former friendI thought that was the Miyu photoset saga? Pic related. The lolita was done by a friend too? Weird how she would hate the look considering she voluntarily wore sweet lolita years after that photo, albeit poorly.
No. 534091
>>534088Not all lolita. The white dress was a friend's dress and the entire look was created by a friend. So that particular picture, look and photo was done by a friend. Whenever Pixy was told how beautiful she looked in it she would get mad, say she hates red hair and that the look wasn't "her." The rest of the sweet lolita was all her.
And Miyu tried the same with the photo you referenced. She said that Pixy used her for circle lenses and free stuff then went on to say she hated the looks Miyu created for her. Pixy hates anything that looks good on her.
No. 534245
File: 1529704756053.jpg (19.82 KB, 275x158, 1426056617127.jpg)

>>534027I gasped when I saw that this thread was updated.
What's the link for her Photobucket again?
No. 534318
>>534216She's cosplayed Ness and Paula in the past and seems to genuinely be a Mother fan so it probably is Lucas.
Bless our queen
No. 534324
>>534081People were trying to turn her into a female CWC, I think.
Convincing her she’s really a little boy on the inside.
She was a shit person for a while but some people take this stuff way too far.
No. 534364
>>534361People putting thoughts in her head about being masculine and having a dick.
Lol, okay, anon. People getting close to her just to manipulate her and confuse her is the same thing.
No. 534381
>>534318We don’t derserve her.
She’s the only shining light of cosplay we have left after moomoo took the front page.
No. 534588
>>534364Pixy started the fakeboi stuff after losing a lot of weight and gaining a more masculine body shape. This combined with the fact she hit 30 and her body is becoming less feminine due to hormones, she couldn't handle her self image and did it by herself. If I had to armchair speculate, I'd guess being called a whore regularly by her mother made her resent being a woman also. ALSO her Japanese delusion was shattered by a DNA test, something we weren't involved at all, so she had to find a new weird thing. ALSO her working a traditionally outdoorsy job may have contributed to it.
People telling her she has a jay Leno chin didn't turn her into an anime gayboy.
No. 534589
File: 1529755440802.png (133.93 KB, 505x593, PixyDick.png)

>>534364From what I recall, I'm with the other farmer that no one did that. PT slept around and did some questionable sexual things and as a result had issues with her body. I remember her talking about how she had issues with her vagina and it didn't feel right and how if she put something into it, it felt like it was being pushed back out so in her mental condition she assumed something was growing in it and immediately thought she was growing a penis.
To anyone else you'd think you just had a condition you needed to go to the doctor for but someone with PT's mind that's not the case.
No one tried to convince her of this that I remember, especially not gulls or farmers. In fact people were doing the opposite.
Cap courtesy of KF.
No. 534590
>>534381Moomoo makes me miss Pixy so fucking much. It's sad to think if Pixy had come around now instead of the mid 2000s, she'd have made a career out of her deviant cosplay.
She'd be less of a cunt than momo too
No. 534592
>>534590She could always pull a CWC and capitalize on her notoriety at conventions like he has recently. He got invited as a guest, had his own panel, and met a ton of genuinely nice people that wanted to meet him.
I'd love to see the same happen to PT if she does the same thing. She's one of the few originals left from back in the day and she could easily be a cosplay guest just off the nostalgia alone.
No. 534594
>>534592Part of me wants to believe she's gotten better and that's why we don't hear much from her. Maybe she has a normal life now and got away from lolcowdom? Maybe cosplay is a reasonable hobby now and she's not spending all her money on it / wearing it everywhere.
I mean it can't be true considering the last thing we heard about was the penis thing, and she'd started dating that asshole again. Kris? It bugs me soo much not knowing what Pixy is up to lol.
She stopped going to conventions when she lost all her friends, I wonder if she'd even go alone if she was invited.
No. 534603
>>534594I doubt she'll ever become "normal".
Not if she continues living with her batshit crazy mother.
And after seeing that last thread I'm starting to believe the crazy stuff PT's mom did to her.
No. 534864
>>534618Me too, but the penis thing came after she left the internet. Her final shut down was when her fucking former friend "K" (another fat ita) called 911 after Pixy was trying to get ass pats on twitter and low key threatening cutting herself. Sarah's former sister in law came by and said that it put huge financial strain on Sarah and the family.
The only trolling we know of came from Britfag, who we knew little about and milked PT when she belonged to us and PTNR, a troll who milked her for nudes over the years (she didn't try hard). PTNR said that Pixy was terrified of Britfag and that he had "something on her." We never figured out what that was. PTNR said Pixy developed an eating disorder to lose weight and constantly complained about UTIs and dropped most of the deets on Sarah's sudden obsession with being a boy. The strange thing is that it's not just gender dysmorphia but delusion that she's growing a penis which is concerning and not your Lainey fakeboi bullshit.
Judging from my PT fangirl knowledge, I'm guessing
>>534588 is probably the most accurate. That along side her probably having STDs caused the idea of something being "pushed" out of her. This happened when she turned 30 so it's obvious that she decided that being an idol was out of reach so thought being a boy was more attainable? PTNR said PT wanted to lose weight to be more Loli. Other than Britfag (because we don't know what he said to her), I don't think trolls contributed to PT's penis delusions.
No. 535054
>>534864I think PTNR was actively encouraging her to see a doctor about whatever was happening but she refused. I don't believe any undercover trolls were encouraging her to do anything except get help - the exception being the britfag kid with his ~undercover BDSM club~ and bullshit claims that PT molested a child.
Dark days indeed. I feel so bad for her, she must be losing her mind with the new bullshit concerning her mom.
No. 535096
>>535054Was PTNR the one who had to stop talking to Pixy, because their girlfriend found Pixy noods on their computer and freaked out about cheating?
If it was that "troll" then yeah, they made a big effort to make Pixy go to her doctor because they thought she had a prolapsed uterus. Pixy said the doctor said "that's just what happens when you get old." Pixy's obviously full of shit and didn't actually talk to a Dr.
No. 535381
File: 1529898492884.jpg (22.28 KB, 319x480, DSCN1889-001_zps3ocasakf.jpg)

New non cosplay photo
No. 535382
File: 1529898890220.jpg (28.82 KB, 319x480, DSCN1908_zps9q9uhoyv.jpg)

>>535381Actually after further review I think it may be cosplay. Either way, it's new photos.
No. 535403
>>535382The choppy wig(?) really suggests cosplay
I'd love to see her in some mature styling, feminine or masculine, maybe wither Bayonetta or Professor Oak but we know she would never cope with a older characters.
It's embarrassing to admit but I worry a lot about pixy, especially how much I hope she isn't still avoiding the dr if something is going on downstairs to worry her
No. 535454
>>535446For the love of God do not Google uterine prolapse, basically the muscles and ligaments holding it in place wear down, and it falls out.
(I'd sage if I could sorry)
No. 535470
>>535403I think so many of us feel the same.
Many of us once laughed at her, but feel a lot of empathy for her now.
No. 535485
>>535054Yeah. PTNR seemed to really dislike Pixy, but enjoyed dropping deets so put up with her constant need for ass pats and walked on egg shells. She also tried desperately to get her to see the doctor about her vag problems. She worked really hard to give Pixy good advice at times. She said that Pixy would usually only listen to the horrible advice such as growing out a bush because that's very Japanese. Sarah seems to have this filter that only let's trolls through and rejects honest advice.
Britfag never communicated with any of us. It was some other anons that claimed child molestation. The incident got the two guys involved scared and the admin shut down Staminarose because of it.
>>535096I think you're thinking of a guy who dropped all the awkward Pixy videos, like the ones used in the banners here.
…Man, I've followed Pixy way too closely over the years…
No. 535501
File: 1529940628355.jpg (154.76 KB, 1404x1000, 6b407c043378874e81c6c2704ffb2a…)

>>535381I've never watched this anime, but is it the green haired kid she's trying to cosplay?
Do you think she is making a return?
Seems like she left off where we last saw her, cosplaying boys and probably still thinking she has a penis.
No. 535545
File: 1529946614185.png (615.54 KB, 1080x1080, Izuku_Midoriya_headshot.png)

>>535381>>535501I think it's more likely a poor attempt at Midoriya, notice the freckles.
No. 555033
File: 1532813176257.png (6.44 MB, 3200x1066, 33C5446F-F98B-4369-8F6B-76E652…)

Here’s an edit of our glorious queen, concealed the dark circles, smile lines and down turned shadows from the ends of her mouth. Took away the frown and raised the brows a bit, pt has really nice shaped eyes and with a bit make up she could really look great.
No. 555044
File: 1532814256040.png (5.85 MB, 3200x1600, 0A88F5E3-DA13-4D82-8844-FF89BE…)

Another edit of our queen(necromancy)
No. 555153
File: 1532837947459.png (9.2 MB, 3200x1600, FF995073-7038-4391-9023-546EFB…)

No. 555384
File: 1532910921198.jpg (32.11 KB, 320x480, DSCN2077_zpsrwflmgjx.jpg)

Oh pixy…. Lol
No. 555385
File: 1532911061518.jpg (28.54 KB, 320x480, DSCN2043_zps9wl7cdd3.jpg)

She's posted more photos to her ohotobucket.
She looks like she's still into pokemon, and her "tomboy" stuff
No. 558550
File: 1533566353637.png (529.62 KB, 570x1001, 285vqp 39478tovqcjerp.png)

Does anyone know if she drinks heavily or something? I know she doesn't really have any sort of skincare routine, but she looks really rough for only being in her early 30's. Or maybe it's from being in the sun too much?
>still poopin'
No. 558598
File: 1533576468422.jpeg (74.85 KB, 750x581, 1BE7F6A0-681E-49F1-BCEA-112D89…)

>>558550>Does anyone know if she drinks heavily or something?Come on anon. If you were Pixy, wouldnt you drink heavily?
No. 558650
File: 1533591527761.jpg (66.58 KB, 720x960, 1350190971503.jpg)

>>558550I think it's her natural look to look older than she is. Pixyteri has always looked like somebody's soccer mom, even when she was a teenager.
No. 560468
>>558550So, is the only place she posts "publicly" now her photobucket?
I find it so strange that she posts her cosplay photos there. Does she do it for herself? Or her low-key fans?
I guess people can have hobbies just for themselves. I don't know
No. 560540
File: 1534128272572.jpg (42.29 KB, 576x386, 25c28c033d3e6c163ff67d3c5abd72…)

>>560468I think the only reason she uses PB for social media is no one can rag on her, Like look at every time she opened her FB you would have old and new fags bombard her with bullshit. The queen just wants to shine man.
>>560422Please stop this asshattery.
No. 610240
File: 1544068620396.jpg (607.38 KB, 730x1024, PT kawaii.jpg)

PT is still poopin. She uploaded some new photos to her photobucket…some of them look sad.
No. 610324
File: 1544082322128.jpg (567.16 KB, 730x1024, Poopin.jpg)

No. 610329
>>610240oh god, pixy i love you girl but you look so hard and there's so much you could do to soften your appearance that it physically hurts me.
so happy to see pictures of the queen.
No. 610333
>>610324 She looks so normal. This could be a picture of a normal woman in work out clothes taken by her colleagues from the Christmas charity walk-a-thon.
It is heartbreaking that PT wasn't born a decade later. She would have been the most perfect costhot.
If she would have embraced being chubby and not been so openly abrasive she could have been a proto Mariah.
What I hope for her now is that she at least has a supportive love in her life.
No. 611832
>>611811sorry to sound stupid but i didn't know you could go bald from wearing wigs, that can't be very common? it's not as though she's old enough for it to be hormonal–feels bad, like this tomboy/masc thing is happening regardless of anyone's advice or efforts to move her in a different direction.
i've seen this said but is pixy really that hard to get along with? i have this dream of taking her under my wing and helping her out.
No. 611836
>>611832it's not super common, but not exactly rare either. you can read up on it, but i'll greentext some key points
>sweat on the scalp can't evaporate while wigs are on and can break down the keratin in hair follicles
>using tapes, pins etc to secure the wig can pull or damage the hair in those areas, causing it to grow in thin overtime
>simply putting your hair up to put it under a wig can pull it out in certain areas (generally on the forehead) which causes hair thinning as wellthere are even more issues with lacefronts and extensions because of the glue, but the issues above are for standard cosplay wigs.
No. 611841
i feel like people blame sun damage or her cosplay wigs for how bad she looks, but some people just have terrible genetics and age poorly, and she is one of them.
>>611832if you don't say exactly the right thing, which you never will, she gets pissed and doesn't talk to you as exemplified by the many other people who expressed the exact sentiment you have
No. 617350
>>534088Pixy must have some serious bdd. How the hell do you look at this (honestly pretty) image and think 'I look bad here' but
>>610324 is just dandy? Mind boggling and frankly, fucking tragic.
No. 637229
File: 1549419597700.png (820.78 KB, 640x1136, BB65381C-425C-4C5A-B976-DD09AE…)

when i was swiping looking 4 ladylove last night, i found PT or someone claiming to be her on okcupid studying nursing in Baton Rouge it really be her?
No. 637237

>>637234quick background check
(5a Don't post personal information that leads to real life harassment. ) No. 641738
>>555153oh jesus i look like the edited pixy
i mean its better than looking like her unedited but jesus christ
(no1curr) No. 646195
File: 1552591518344.png (1.59 MB, 732x1024, 1552588535479.png)

New cosplay from the Queen?
No. 646198
>>646195>>646195 YES!
Where did you find this beaut of a photo? Is there more?
Are there updates on her?
Is our Queen OK? Is she still dancing? I hope she is doing fine. I want to see her thrive.
No. 646201
File: 1552591826907.png (1.12 MB, 729x1024, 1552588911879.png)

>>646195Saw her topic on KF had been updated. Someone says it's a shota character from GeGeGe no Kitarō?
No. 646203
File: 1552591939643.png (1.38 MB, 733x1024, 1552588359764.png)

They're from her photobucket and I won't spam them all but not much has changed. She still does some artistic shots followed by the good ol' fashioned classics.
No. 646318
File: 1552627332323.jpg (170.22 KB, 720x720, ge-ge-ge-no-kitaro-yokai-kaiju…)

>>646203>>646201>>646195She's cosplaying Kitaro, the title character.
No. 646346
>>646203wow, that's actually a really pretty photo. i wonder what pt is up to, what kind of job she's working, any friends she has, how her home life is. wonder if she still takes all these photos by her lonesome as she used to. my queen~!
thanks for posting, anon~
No. 646353
File: 1552643162994.jpg (359.67 KB, 668x863, a83833011b12a44207ca3ed80a75a3…)

Did she ever do a lewed uguu~ sekushii photoshoot in her sora cosplay?
No. 646954
>>646942They're probably using those kinds of characters/personas as escapism. Being an adult woman is often boring, toilsome, and filled with body-related stress, so what's the opposite of it? Being a young boy running around with Disney characters, I guess.
Speaking of which I hope PT is feeling better about her age and body these days, especially since she's apparently staying healthy and keeping the weight off. She was having some worrying medical issues before that were making her say she was "becoming a boy", would be nice if we could find out if she was ever treated and got better.
No. 649169
>>646201she hasn’t aged the slightest
I wonder when will she ever decide to retire completely from cosplaying
No. 650389
>>646203Does anyone know if PT is still just relying on her trusty self timer and tripod? This is a really pretty backdrop but the face and cropping screams "I'll give a genuine goofy smile before someone sees me!". I'd really love to see what kinds of shots a photographer, one that actually knows what looks best instead of an orbiter creep with a DSLR, could create for her.
On the other hand she's a solitary creature with particular opinions on her own looks, she might just enjoy being in control of everything herself.
No. 652523
>>652419Anon, this goes back literal YEARS.
I dunno if you can even find the archive her that which is our Queen.
No. 663367
File: 1558487584028.jpg (54.68 KB, 522x449, prayers.JPG)

From Mama Debbie's page. I wonder what this is about.
No. 672224
File: 1561252316151.gif (468.09 KB, 200x265, 1329359896178.gif)

I was going through some of my PC files, and I realized that I had a lot of stuff saved from back in the /cgl/ days that I never got rid of.
This even has a comic of when, iirc, everyone thought Sarah was pregnant for some reason. for no milk)
No. 691610
File: 1566249739456.jpg (99.54 KB, 595x598, pixy1.JPG)

She has updated her photobucket.
She's gaining her weight back (At least her face looks better from it)
She's still running around in crossplays
She's still the same old pixyteri
Long Live the Queen
No. 691657
File: 1566262547479.jpg (116.19 KB, 770x1080, prepooping.jpg)

Planning her next pooping pose
No. 691960
>>691657Trying to figure out what she is trying to cosplay because the random life vest is throwing me off
Also a tan and lighter hair suits her but we all know this already
>>691610Her photography and poses are still better than Moomoo's and it's just her and a tripod.
Too bad she won't try to pursue patreon, make money, and live her Nippon dreams
No. 692121
>>692011PT has
heart though. She will always have heart.
As an aside, I am unsure who she is cosplaying, does someone know?
No. 692150
File: 1566397486356.jpg (131.57 KB, 771x1080, garage.jpg)

Safety First!
… her poor neighbors.
No. 692181
>>692151I was not saying Moomoo is a better cow than PT, just that I don't see PT being a succesful costhot by which I mean supported by many randoms. Sorry if that was not what
>>691960 meant.
Of course PT is much more fun. Though TBH it would be nice if she either learned how to flatter herself with the right cosplay or moved on. I feel bad for her when she posts ugly photos of herself to the net.
No. 692189
File: 1566408764541.jpeg (51.94 KB, 337x450, 76E34A8C-5264-4DC9-980C-6294E7…)

>>692181Oh I misunderstood, sorry about that. You are right though, sadly our queen could never flatter herself the right way, and when she did (pic related) she ended up hating it.. A lot of it came from her delusions of being a kawaii japanese school girl. She truly could look nice but she refused for a long time.
No. 697543
File: 1567657598436.jpg (94.12 KB, 680x1024, 139721413837.jpg)

>>691610My oldfag is so old that this photoset would've gotten comments lambasting her for being a hamplanet several years back. Yet today we have costhots like Moo who are almost 300 pounds and twice this size even with lipo being propped up as thicc queens.
Times have changed.
No. 713514
>>713513No, he was too shy to talk during the skype call. She invited over 10 guys into it. Only after it was just me and him did he actually say something he was like
"What do I do now? Do I leave? Do I stay and talk to you?"
No. 713523
>>713516I did tell her that we both wanted to meet her, and we always discussed about inviting her to our wedding. I am a puerto rican and I have a lot of handsome cousins, I would have introduced her if she had come.
But, after she disappeared she stopped responding to my texts :(
No. 713573
>>713512That’s sweet anon. Congrats to you two.
I’m not sure she’s on FB anymore but you could try that way to contact her. Otherwise I’m not sure unless you still live in that area and run into her.
No. 713609
>>713573I never lived in texas, but he did at the time but never met her due to being so shy around women. She isn't on FB, but I did leave her mother a message to send to her, because I did bring up how we met at my wedding and thanked her even if she wasn't there.
I just wanted her to know how she strangely affected my life longterm, for the better and how much I appreciated our friendship for what it was to me.
I tried to tet her after my wedding, but I think she might have me blocked. :( I think she might have thought I was a troll, but all the times we spoke on the phone and on skype I was never really one of those.
I was there for her when she let me be. I know ppl talk mad shit about Sarah, but she was really a very sweet person – she even sent me a cute little gift during christmas once.
No. 713684
File: 1570136561882.png (232.13 KB, 1920x1080, skype.png)

>>713682 this is my last message to her on skype.
No. 713686
File: 1570136770003.jpg (469.9 KB, 1080x2280, 20191003_170430.jpg)

>>713682Text I sent her a few days after my wedding.
No. 713691
File: 1570137043073.png (222.48 KB, 1920x1080, convo.png)

>>713682us on facebook, i hovered over the text to show the last date we actually spoke.
No. 713702
File: 1570138150481.png (187.44 KB, 1920x1080, yousoldit.png)

>>713682proof that we spoke back even in 2013. i dont have any other proof because aim is gone and my years of skypelogs is gone too.
I can see why you asked for proof, but just because you don't know who I am it doesn't mean that she did not have private friends.
No. 713862
>>713682my husband was pretty handsome, but he never did the cam until he met me. he was very reclusive, very awkward and was afraid of being doxxed hardcore back then. he told me he only ever spoke to sarah, even sorta, through text.
he said she was kind of extreme for him and the night we met he had no idea why she invited him, lol.
>>713512Kind of a reach for 'wholesome' tbh. The truth is you had a superficial internet friendship with her. It's a bit weird to have wanted her at your wedding just bc she invited the guy you happened to form a relationship with into a skype chat. A chat she probably doesn't want to attach any positive connotations to because while you profited, she was treated rudely.
Good for you though, I guess.
No. 713878
>>713512Congrats anon! Weird internet couple origin stories are the best, hope marriage goes well.
I wish PT would find her autistic weeb soulmate, but it seems that door has closed.
No. 719050
File: 1571146986875.jpg (137.65 KB, 769x1080, DSCN9045_zpsvvrqatgi.jpg)

Suddenly a wild Pixy appears
No. 719051
File: 1571147134815.jpg (100.95 KB, 769x1080, DSCN3102_zpsvgsrxkd5.jpg)

Her face is looking loads better.
No. 719086
>>719050wtf….did she grow her leg hair out for a cosplay?
>>719051she legit looks to be around 45 years old here.
No. 719915
File: 1571370569597.jpg (47.25 KB, 504x461, COW.JPG)

Found the identity of the Anon. She left a message on Debbie's fb.
Jesus Fucking Christ what an idiot. You never contact her mother.
No. 719916
>>719915lmao, that's the anon? with the
handsome husband and all that. no wonder she wouldn't stfu about her wedding i wonder if anyone other than their parents were there.
why did she even contact sarah's mom, she hates this stuff.
No. 720025
File: 1571419661266.jpg (34.74 KB, 484x204, pooping.JPG)

Um… I'm not sure she just has bipolar disorder.
No. 720031
>>720025>>720025Holy shit, laughed so hard, started choking. Pooping in the grass.
I feel for her mother but Pt is a grown woman; you can take her to see doctors but you can't force compliance. Plus, bipolar disease isnt something you just treat and it gets better. Its a process of finding what works and combining it with therapy. Sorry Momma Guilbeaux, know it's rough.
No. 720034
>>719915Lmaooooo "pretty handsome". I feel bad for laughing at your delusions
>>720025Poor PT. Hopefully she's getting help. Never understood why her mom always gotta throw her name out like that.
No. 720045
anons: its so good to see she's doing well! her skin cleared up! she's losing weight! maybe she's moving on!
>>720025im literally l o l, pt is truly the epitome of a lolcow even down to the cow patties
No. 720047
>>720025Now what i want to know is if shes referring to pixys cosplay or if shes literally caught her naked taking dumps outside.
God what mother posts this about their daughter.
No. 720081
>>719915lol ok that is definitely not the hot dude I remember from Pixy's chat it was some Asian model guy.
>>720025Debbie is such an asshole. I can't imagine a world where I'd post that shit about about my child on a public page.
No. 720808
>>720464I ended up looking and yeah, you were right. I really wish it was photoshopped though as some sort of horrible parody because wow.
Who would publicly post this about their child when it's obvious Pixy isn't mentally well? I mean I feel sorry for her parents having to deal with years of her delusions but her literally believing she was conceived due to some mystery Japanese man who left a windchime as a sign, then thinking she was growing a penis and becoming a man, and now this? That's not bipolar, that's something far more serious.
No. 721423
>>720808Yeah, prancing around the neighborhood naked and taking shits in the yard does not sound like bipolar. I've only heard of people doing things like that when they have severe autism, intellectual disability, or schizophrenia. The kind of stuff that removes your ability to comprehend social norms.
Fucking hell, I can't believe this is real. I hope Pixy gets the help she needs, whatever that may be.
No. 724310
File: 1572568287083.jpg (117.71 KB, 930x599, debbie is a fucking loony.jpg)

Gonna break ranks here, but I always thought that Debbie was the real crazy and that she made Sarah's problems worse. Remember that letter she sent the woman about fucking the woman's husband or some shit? Calling Pixy a cumdumpster?
I don't know. I think she's nuts and if anyone is shitting in the grass it's probs Debbie but whatever.
No. 725361
>>724310I agree. That women in that family are bat shit crazy.
Do you have anymore photos in reference to this incident?
No. 725375
>>725365There’s a couple parts I just couldn’t make out, so it might not all make sense but I tried.
I have something to get off my chest. I can imagine the story your dearly departed husband [to your/you obviously] then I came on to your husband. Here’s what happened.
I saw him up town and said I had something for you. He told me to bring it by. I did and [knoced? Maybe meant to say knocked?] I hollered to come in and came out of the bedroom to the living room in underwear. He even said you should see your face it’s bright red. He tried to come onto me and I got out of there. Why would he do such a thing to your cousin? I never spoke to him after that. I would never cheat on Michael. He is my husband, lover and friend.
So if you want to believe that old cheater in your life you are free to do so but you are blind to him.
He was on, maybe you knew it and just ignored it.
No. 767969
File: 1586271707309.jpg (Spoiler Image,35.65 KB, 450x600, 1.jpg)

Poor Pixy.
No. 767970
File: 1586271774061.jpg (Spoiler Image,15.7 KB, 322x650, 2.JPG)

No. 767971
File: 1586271845973.jpg (Spoiler Image,21.61 KB, 350x581, 3.jpg)

No. 767972
File: 1586271898324.jpg (Spoiler Image,21.51 KB, 500x431, 5.jpg)

No. 767973
File: 1586271957288.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.45 KB, 600x450, 6.jpg)

No. 767974
File: 1586272012365.jpg (Spoiler Image,37.12 KB, 600x559, 7.jpg)

No. 767975
File: 1586272086769.jpg (Spoiler Image,30.24 KB, 734x500, 8.jpg)

No. 767976
File: 1586272132021.jpg (Spoiler Image,18.62 KB, 443x550, 9.jpg)

No. 767977
File: 1586272194450.jpg (Spoiler Image,16.13 KB, 450x600, 10.jpg)

No. 767978
File: 1586272250739.jpg (Spoiler Image,17.93 KB, 450x600, 11.jpg)

No. 767979
File: 1586272295847.jpg (Spoiler Image,13.18 KB, 450x600, 12.jpg)

No. 767980
File: 1586272346652.jpg (Spoiler Image,15.28 KB, 450x600, 13.jpg)

No. 767982
>>767975>>767974>>767973Yet again I'm torn between wishing I had our queen's confidence and wanting to delete those pictures because I don't want anyone making fun of her.
Pixy wyd girl.
No. 767994
>>767977We live in an age where Pixy has a million times better butt than MomoKun.
Why is she giving these out for free?!?! She needs a fans only.
>>767969She was aging like milk, but she's looking good here. Her hair looks really nice on her and washed.
>>767982Some of them are cursed, but she's always been our Queen. Let us go down with the ship.
No. 768244
>>768227>>768229I had this issue too, are you anons trying to view on mobile? Try on a computer and you should be able to see them when you hover over the pictures.
I’m actually not sure these are new? A couple I feel like I’ve seen before and her hair is blonde and she looks younger.
No. 768282
>>768227Does anybody even have any idea as to how/what she's doing since
>>720025? It sounds like she's really been deteriorating; she might be the first person in history whose mental health got worse after leaving the internet
No. 768338
File: 1586483525641.jpeg (3.32 MB, 1985x2788, 62A1F96F-D4F8-4B3D-84A7-5764F5…)

Our queen is still posting
No. 768339
File: 1586483684305.jpeg (4.18 MB, 2080x2922, 48E128E7-10D9-4A40-9DB3-B62661…)

No. 768342
File: 1586484319725.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1870x2623, CAEACD53-5351-4CE3-82A2-9F08B3…)

This is the most recent
It seems she’s gaining the weight back
No. 768614
>>768342This outfit kind of suits her ngl
>>768608It's so weird that she's basically gone off the grid but still regularly uploads pics. That can't be the only place she goes online, right? Perhaps she's taking advantage of anonymity on discord or reddit or something.
No. 770061
>>768614She probably has no choice if her mom is still screeching things publicly like how the 'shitting outside needs to stop' lmao
People used to cowtip on her all the time, usually "well-meaningly", so if she had any public presence it'd undoubtedly get back to her mother. Since I can only assume she still has 0 real independence, her mother likely controls all of her internet access etc, so Sarah has to keep things confined.
I'm more than certain we'd all host her with open arms here, but I'm also absolutely 200% certain some """concerned""" users would do exactly that.
No. 770243
File: 1587391938062.png (104.13 KB, 560x809, shot.png)

I guess she's reactivated her Facebook.
No. 770278
File: 1587399979294.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1125x1506, F1E10955-B899-4DF6-BD51-8DA2CE…)

No. 770301
>>767969Guilty pleasure confession but does anyone else like to merch stalk what Pixy has in the background of her photos? I love her FFX obsession. She's got the Yuna wall scroll, a figure of Auron, Paine from X-2, Chobits, and I think I see a Fiona figure from Shrek? Lol, I love our queen.
Also does anyone else think Pixy looks pretty good for her 30s? I admire her body's skin and she's really not hugely fat like what some people hype. As another anon mentioned we have fatter cows making coin these days, it's crazy to think that 10 years ago people were acting like being a fat cosplayer online meant your life was over. Today, everyone has an onlyfans.
>>770061Her mom's a fucking psychotic bitch though and I can see why Pixy grew to be as stunted as she is. Bipolar or not, no caring parent would humiliate their child by screaming on the internet all of the embarrassing things they do
>>720025. IMO I think the "pooping on the grass" thing is something her crazy mom made up for sympathy attention or is exaggerating (maybe bc we call her famous squat pose the "pooping pose" that her mom caught on and uses it to shame her). It reminds me of that video of Pixy's stream years ago when she was crying on camera as her batshit mom paced up and down the house berating her for random shit and saying she stinks. I'm not gonna trust the unhinged account of some broad who writes letters to rivals over their deceased husbands
>>724310. That woman is unwell and has done a disservice to her daughter.
>>770285The word is psychosomatic, but yeah. I wouldn't doubt that Pixy tends to self-diagnose and spiral over minor ailments. That's probably what being criticized and gaslit by people does to a mind.
No. 770323
File: 1587411616674.png (634.67 KB, 1154x1046, 2020.04.20.png)

No. 770324
File: 1587411777744.png (117.52 KB, 1118x411, response.png)

>>770243Response to this.
No. 770381
File: 1587422451585.jpeg (622.45 KB, 1242x1299, 86E4EE37-440E-4B66-841A-592874…)

Didn’t realize I was still friends with her on Facebook…
Looks like she’s having a mid life crisis rn.
No. 770382
>>770381If Japan is so important to her then she might as well take out a loan and do it up. If she hasn't saved up to go once now that she's in her thirties she'll probably never. I'm sad for her, but she did make her bed in the case of employment and money. Disneyland isn't even expensive comparatively.
Lmao I thought she was panicking because she was sick. Nah, just having a weeby meltdown. She never changes.
No. 770389
File: 1587424826235.jpeg (134.48 KB, 640x960, 62E5EE30-6167-43EA-BD19-5AAA9C…)

Did she gain weight
No. 770397
>>770061 and agree with you entirely. Honestly it'd slipped from my memory how utterly batshit her mother really is until seeing the shit outside thing.
Lol funny how so many users were WKing against Maggot for Venus, and it turns out a lot of what she said about Venus may not have even been outrageous lies like we thought… Meanwhile, we're barely batting an eyelash at the visibly more psycho mother of PT.
Different times, though, and PT's mother is definitely less in the online spotlight to be showcased in that way. Honestly, I think part of what I love about PT the most is it brings us back to a simpler time of classic cows, where they didn't have to be crazy in a malicious or morally corrupt way… PT is utterly harmless, even sweet at times. If she'd been brought up on LC these days, she'd of never taken off.
Well, in lieu of her being able to get proper mental health etc, I for one welcome her onlyfans IG twitter stardom if she could make a full return to the internet. I'm actually surprised she never got picked up by weird fetishists in her DA days, if the gulls from /cgl/ don't count kek..
No. 770409
>>770381I imagine it's sometimes her mom, trying to tell her to grow up. "You're too old to fantasize about that, you're too old to do that if you haven't already, be realistic" which is honestly pretty shitty cause you can do things at any time.
That or it's just her missing being a teen like the protagonists in her animes. Could be both though.
No. 770412
>>770409I suspect her mom emotionally abuses her and then gaslights about what she said later. I've seen mothers of daughters act this way. Their daughters lash out about seemingly random things but it's actually the topics their mothers were harassing them about hours prior and it just weighs that heavily on their mind. No doubt PT has some mental illness but I think most people would have mental problems under the guardianship of some "parents" out there. Her mom probably destroyed her self-esteem which is why she doesn't seem to have any respect for herself.
>>770397I want more psycho Debbie antics. She sounds like she's got a
victim-complex and is probably a narcissist. I'm hoping she'll slip up more online and expose herself. It wouldn't vindicate PT of everything she's ever done but it sure would explain a lot.
No. 770425
>>770381This shit again? We knew she wasn't doing so hot but it's depressing to have confirmation straight from the queen's mouth that nothing changed.
>>770382She doesn't actually want to go to Japan, it's just a fixation/mantra at this point. She's had multiple opportunities to go in the past and turned them down. She already admitted awhile ago in a rare moment of lucidity that she doesn't want to go because she knows it's not the end all be all.
>>770285Yeah, the "I'm hurting" stuff isnt new, she used to go on about hurting even in her peak. She is a hypochondriac too, remember going to the ER all the because her "tummy hurting" and "pleursy" and going into tons of debt because of it?
No. 770477
>>770397 Well, as a loyal subject of the Queen,Pixyteri had some real admirers. Unfortunately their attention was the most unwelcome because they mentioned her chubby physique. This enraged our Queenship, hence the lack of fuwa fuwa themed boudoir shots with Tripod-kun.
She couldn't stand any mention of her being anything but a lithe fairy. Her fits were legendary. In addition to this, she was a romantic who was more interested in having a boyfriend than getting mass attention. Had she embraced being a cute fat cosplayer with a sunny disposition who knows how far she would have made it…
No. 770496
File: 1587471028459.jpeg (109.54 KB, 1125x970, AADC5372-DA9C-407E-965A-C5D72B…)

No. 770516
>>770499Since coming back she's basically been in pure panic mode. She's almost always like this when active on facebook, though.
Some of the stuff she's freaking out about (ie "Don't hurt me for liking Disney at my age", "Who says I can't travel now that I'm over a certain age ???") is exactly the same stuff she was freaking out over years ago. I assume that no amount of asspatting will be enough to sate her this time either.
You'd think a return to Facebook would mean she's gotten a little better and wants to branch out more, but it almost seems like she likes to use Facebook when she's feeling particularly terrible and wants to spiral.
No. 770638
>>770518The severity of her mental issues means no time and distance from social media is going to help though. Like
>>770525 said she needs serious help, which she's never going to get living with her ass backwards equally psychotic mom. PT's issues go far beyond depression/anxiety/bipolar, she has a sustained history of paranoia and delusions that combined with recent behavior (wandering around naked and shitting outside???) sound more like schizophrenia than anything else. People still act like she's perfectly cognizant of her actions when she's obviously not. She is nowhere near as functional as she was a decade ago. Typical onset for schizophrenia in women is late 20s/early 30s, which is right when she started going rapidly downhill and stopped being a funny lovable cow and started being genuinely concerning.
No. 770654
File: 1587563926876.jpeg (989.49 KB, 1125x1642, 78DD728D-4A45-4468-A08D-84BF3C…)

No. 770656
File: 1587565607846.jpeg (820.42 KB, 1125x1421, 4EC284AF-9AF4-4FDB-86AD-B88EEA…)

No. 770675
>>770278>>770654WHO HURT THE QUEEN
>>770656>>770658Holy fucking shit just in time for isolation shut down
No. 770703
File: 1587580034374.jpeg (190.63 KB, 1125x675, F43750D4-3AD9-4C96-9F0B-AF8F52…)

No. 770715
File: 1587583847989.jpeg (186.83 KB, 850x960, 3A57EF47-D52E-4AE0-8CDA-4EFE83…)

So our queen has been busy honing her painting skills while away from most of social media. This is why she takes pictures of the most random things and uploads them, she’s using them as reference. This makes me sad, she has talent and can possibly make a living if she played her cards right but she’s still stuck in this mindset that she’s not good enough. She doesn’t currently have a job and is still at home with her parents. Her love of cosplay has lessened.
No. 770723
File: 1587586047259.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1125x1317, 3F3C113B-55A7-4C7F-9B28-C873FC…)

No. 770729
>>770715>she has talent and can possibly make a living if she played her cards rightWhat talent? If the pic related in your post is supposed to showcase it, I don't really see it… I don't remember her photobucket url so maybe I have missed something and am wrong.
Wasn't she writing a book a few years ago? What happened with that?
No. 770819
File: 1587639942616.jpg (212.11 KB, 1365x838, Screenshot_2020-04-23_060408.j…)

New symptom
No. 770824
>>770773Not everybody have the will to drag tripod san around and take millions pictures of themselves.
She's more dedicated to her thing than most cosplayers I know tbh.
I don't think it the lack of effort. She's far from lazy. She even have a degree ffs. It's too bad she never got the help she would have needed ten years ago to nip all this shit in the bud. It's kinda sad.
No. 770866
File: 1587669138927.jpeg (282.43 KB, 1125x724, 910918FA-3027-4CF8-9CD5-893530…)

No. 770985
File: 1587707544475.png (61.82 KB, 1084x355, Screen Shot 2020-04-24.png)

What a weird thing to care about
No. 771011
>>771003Probably why she’s more depressed and/or manic. She’s resigned herself to being an adult.
>>770715I saw a lot of her work on FB and there are a few look like a he could sell her art if she practiced more. She’s kinda stuck on drawing anime.
Her replies have been nice and she’s engaged, which is surprising since last time she was lashing out a lot.
No. 771048
File: 1587766300985.png (857.96 KB, 1158x5236, ithurts.png)

No. 771055
File: 1587769386502.jpg (48.92 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1587601148804.jpg)

The side notes on her sketches are bizarre
No. 771080
File: 1587780086050.jpg (52.27 KB, 388x500, 71aa544cc13ed2a7ab8952a4402dfb…)

>>771060She still draws like an 11 yr old weeb..which is interesting since most weebs tend to get better with age.
No. 771091
>>771056>>771055These make me worried that she might be schizophrenic or something…talking about hiding from invaders? And someone raping her? It seems like she's having delusions.
I hope the queen is okay but it really doesn't seem like she is.
No. 771097
>>771091I wouldn't take the scribbles seriously, as they could represent just random silly thoughts of the drawn character, not actual delusions.
Although tbh I find "I'm white and that's good" a bit odd.
No. 771118
>>771091I'm also troubled by these updates– I know she has a history of delusional behavior and speech before but this seems much more disjointed and schizotypal, it's worrying
or maybe she's just really in her own head right now? would love to see the queen get psychiatric help one day but it will assuredly never happen
No. 771148
>>771143Even if you assume Debbie was lying/exaggerating (which is possible), her delusions/paranoia have gotten a lot worse. This
>>771048 exchange makes me think that it's possible she doesn't actually even have an infection if the ER just told her it was anxiety. If she's been "itching and burning" for months and they're just giving her cream for it then there's probably nothing even there and they're just giving it to her because there's literally nothing they can do. The UTI seems to be recent and completely unrelated.
No. 771149
>>771148I agree. It looks like she has been to the doctor a decent amount of times. From what I remember the recent postings are worse than she was before. I mean last time she was thinking she was growing a dick, but I guess at the time ~trans~ was trending so it didn't raise too many brows…
We're used to delusional here but this is getting different.
No. 771151
>>771097I think the "I'm white and that's good" thing could be one of two things:
1) crazy mother used to feed her tanning pills sega, so could be cope against that
2) (more likely), trying to accept she's not japanese idoru, as mother/shitty therapists/whatever have tried to explain to her
No. 771152
>>771151On that note, I think we're getting a little overboard with the schizo or schizophrenic tinfoiling.
Yes, she's different than she was. However, my fellow anons, you have to consider she's been 'hidden'/isolated this entire time because she's having it pushed on her that she has to 'get better'.
I don't doubt she's mentally stunted/ill in other regards, but all these things that look like delusional/nonsensical rants from her are probably direct responses to her mother/therapy/whatever naysaying her young idoru beginning to shine fantasies.
Even if they didn't help the 'pooping in the yard' ala debbie, she did apparently attend some therapy, where they likely attempted to dismantle those things and convince her otherwise.
No. 771157
>>771115This is true. As someone who speaks to her enough, it is sometimes hard to see where the blur between reality and fiction begins with her when she talks about things.
She is constantly worried about being sick with something or anything and dying, she believes her family hates her and wants her dead. She feels as though she has to tip-toe around having any interaction with them. She will constantly jump from worrying about her parents not loving her to worrying that she will be raped if she leaves her home… She has flashes of normalcy before tumbling back down into a state of paranoia. She has moments where she seems pretty cognative, then there are moments she mentally regresses into some child who literally doesn't know what to do.
I hope she is able to find help. I think her parents are so tired of dealing with it that they aren't doing the best job of taking care of her or helping her.
No. 771164
File: 1587837663856.jpg (315.48 KB, 1079x1294, Screenshot_20200425-105449_Fac…)

She liked this picture, it makes me kinda sad, is this how she feels?
(Pixy doesnt smoke pot, she has tried it)
No. 771166
>>771055>>771056>>771164Am I weird for thinking our Queen is aesthetic as fuck?
Anywho, I'm a little sad that Pixy isn't doing so well and is resurging, but at least it seems like a justified time for it what during a pandemic. Tons of people are attention whoring on the internet right now. Not saying I condone it but I guess her whinging is sort of in line with what most people are doing so it seems less extreme than how her meltdowns usually are. I'm sure isolating with Debbie is a treat and a half too.
No. 771181
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No. 771215
>>771152She hasn't been "isolated." Just because she hasn't had a social media presence doesnt mean she has been locked in the Debbie dungeon force fed diet and tanning pills without seeing another soul for the last 5 years. She was still socializing with family/friends/dick on tindr and even randos online here and there. She worked (unsuccessfully) a bit too. Her growing detachment from reality started before she disappeared anyway.
>>771181That art is genuinely cute. I hope selling stuff gives her something to work towards.
No. 774935
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Interesting weight stats that others have speculated about over the years.
No. 775766
>>770243Is it whightknighty of me to not think she's not, at least deliberately lying about being sick all the time?
I think in her weird dick growing fascination phase it really seemed like the symptoms of a thyroid disorder but I don't think she ever got diagnosed so who knows.
>>770301Yep, I totally do the merch thing too.
I'm so envious that pt legit owns a physical copy of the english version of Earthbound, it's crazy rare and expensive now.
No. 775872
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good for her, i guess
No. 775909
>>775766She definitely seemed serious about some of her illnesses. I don't think she was lying either. Whether or not the illnesses were real is another discussion but she consistently seemed to genuinely believe she was sick.
>>775872Hope she loses what she wants to lose, her weight loss and sudden awareness of her weight issues seemed relatively normal. I was a bit dismayed to see this thread bumped and her recent issues but I hope she's back on track again.
No. 776017
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PT's new set has some classic poopin' posin'
No. 776054
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She's made a couple of posts like this recently and it makes me worried for her. It seems like her mom doesn't even allow her to cut her hair the way she wants. She needs to get out of there.
No. 776747
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Anyone else think her problems like this are just… and I mean literally just attention seeking? She posted a few weeks ago about wanting attention. I almost feel like when she doesnt get enough asspats, she starts with this crap. I just find it hard to believe her "symptoms" have been going on like this unchecked…
No. 776938
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I really do suspect our Queen might have a real hormone problem. She’s never been particularly hirsute and yet she’s got a pretty thick moustache here. I think the doctors might actually be gaslighting her and chalking every single thing up to anxiety.
No. 776941
>>776938Doctors are more likely to blame everything on her weight and tell her to lose some pounds to see if that improves her
There's a lot of women who aren't believed when they report facial hair because they often wax or shave it off to keep up social appearances, so doctors think they're exaggerating about peach fuzz and look no further into it. It's a problem.
No. 777256
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From Sunday. Deleted yesterday. Concerning.
No. 778990
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The mental image of her throwing a temper tantrum about running a simple errand is unsettling. The more she posts the more I am convinced she is somewhere on the autism spectrum.
No. 779066
>>778990My sympathy for Sarah always disappears when she says shit like this.
It's Chris-Chan levels of entitlement, except Sarah doesn't have developmental/intellectual disabilities.
It's not even a "I get extremely anxious doing X", it's her whining about doing basic shit. If she wants to be in control she should move out.
No. 779119
>>778990 cmon sarah. every post since you came back is always about how much pain you are in/how much of a slave you are. i think if someone offered her a place to stay legit, she would get upset by having to do work at home while the owners are away.
she doesn't even really do her hobbies now, so what does she actually do?
No. 779260
>>779122That's not surprising, but she certainly has the mental facilities and ability to at least have some awareness and change her situation.
She's not autistic or someone like Chris Chan, yet she shares the same entitled mindset. It's not even what she complains about, but how she complains about it.
I've had conversations with Pixy in the past, and she's very much always had a one upper type of personality and wants to been seen as a
victim (which she very much was to an extent a decade ago). She also only every wanted too direct conversation to herself.
Not to armchair, but the way she talked back then, and even now reminds me of people I know with bpd.
But like Chris Chan, it's not the autism that makes him a shitty person.
No. 779297
>>779260>>779264Sarah was apparently diagnosed?
>>720025Honestly, Pixy is definitely not neural typical. She needs a full team of mental health guidance and lives in a shit state. Her family somewhat tries from what we've heard from her sane former sister in law.
No. 779380
>>779297NTA but she had been seeing a shrink and was on meds, I believe, for a while. As you said she lives in a shit state for healthcare so treatment was always in flux. A bpd would not surprise me because her mother was diagnosed as such andshe was on meds and all that. Unfortunately I don't think she'd have an easy time getting medical help at this point unless her parents paid out a ton of money and they've had financial issues in the past, I doubt they could afford that.
I am of the belief that she likely has both bpd and autism though.
No. 779989
>>637347Newfag who just binged PTs ED and OneDrive but OF COURSE she’s a fucking Leo! Totally explains her stubbornly clinging to the “I’m hot and skinny” delusion, as well as her inability to stay off the internet, and her addiction to taking pics of herself… because her ego needs validation. Leo’s are a whole different breed man. Wish I had that false confidence.
Sorry for the astro-faggotry
No. 780377
File: 1592273627349.webm (1.39 MB, 1280x720, average_week_night_at_the_guil…)
from kiwifarms
No. 780387
>>780377perfect look at a completely dysfunctional, codependent family. sucks to be pixy, she should have escaped the first time the opportunity presented itself.
covid and riots are making the crazy a lot crazier. ngl i feel bad for her but also want to kick her ass at the same time.
No. 780399
>>780377God this is just so sad. Like, legitimately very sad. We had all hoped her break from the internet would help her improve herself, but she's regressed it seems. It's a sad situation for PT and her family.
I do kind of wonder if being in an assisted living/facility place would actually make her happier in general (along with professional help of course), just because then she'd be away from her parents? But then again, she always has something to complain about that's 'hurting her', which you KNOW would continue no matter where she's living.
No. 780401
>>780399there was some weird stuff happening in the vid, like her dad says this is killing me which she hears and then repeats 'please don't kill me'–this kind of call and response is really common in enmeshed families. then debbie, who is frankly garbage starts in on her, yes, pixy is maddening but her mother knows how to wind her up, it's pretty sadistic. pixy sounds on the verge of hysteria.
the person i feel for is pixy's dad, too old for this shit. debbie is a shit cunt of a mother, fuck her.
it looked like they were watching a 24/7 news channel, sure that's not helping.
No. 780490
>>780475Debbie is a big reason why PT is so fucked up, in addition to being a big fuck up herself. Telling some neighbor she fucked their long dead husband or whatever that was a while back, telling PT she's a smelly bitch for not bathing, and also for a long time just enabling PT to do whatever she wanted to, until it's gotten to this point and PT is just a mess.
Granted PT was always a mess since the /cgl/ days, but it was never like this, you could actually have a conversation with her back then, from everything I hear and see now she's kinda secluded and only interacts with Debbie and her dad, that's not healthy.
No. 780534
>>780460Debbie fucked her mentally ill child good. I mean anon summed it up perfectly
>>780490 but there's also a time where Debbie's mom found /cgl/'s thread (one of hundreds on Sarah) and were interacting with anons. People didn't realize how mentally ill PT was and would send her nudes to her family members, which furthered Deb's slut shaming of PT. Deb calls her daughter some of the most vile names possible. And yeah, Sarah is pretty gross, but it's not like Sarah was stuffing shit into her ass for bucks like Mariah. It was PT's business, or any anon that would request nudes I guess? Either way, it was fucked anons would call the police for Sarah's suicide baiting (which she does almost regularly and never means it), and harassing family members. It's one of the reasons you get insta banned if you mess with a cow. I think the internet was one place Sarah ran to for refuge and we ruined it. I used to go to her tinychats and despite her being obsessed with herself, it was fun! Despite being insufferable, PT never hurt anyone really.
That video isn't surprising. I see plenty of dysfunctional homes have this level of lunacy on a daily basis. I grew up in a household that was like this. Sad thing is, if Pixy were to move out, she'd probably have a good relationship with her mother. As long as both were medicated that is.
No. 780562
>>780534It was one of pixy's brother's gfs that found the thread on /cgl/ and posted
I think she tripfagged under Nyan
No. 780563
I thought Pixy was getting better because she was off the internet for a while. Sad to see that she seems to be getting worse. I hope she could live in a group home or something.
>>770870Ot but you need talent and skill to be very successful at something such as sports. You could do ok by just having one. I don't think Pixy has either.
No. 780575
>>780562Nyan did post every now and again. And she's Sarah's sister in law, or was. She's divorced and last time she was on the farms said she had wiped her hands clean of the entire insane family.
Pixy's mom came in one night on /cgl/. A lot of anons spammed her daughters nudes and she never came back.
No. 781711
>>780377It almost sounds like she thinks she's being physically attacked right at that moment?
I can't believe their neighbours hasn't called in a welfare check if she's always crying and screaming like that.
>>781445Well, since she is crying "I'm not schizo" I think her parents are at least aware that she might be. Why they haven't tried to section her is beyond me.
Then again her mum isn't… normal either.
No. 786170
toxic Leos act like that. It's not normal Leo behavior.
(autistic necro) No. 787104
>>780377sage for kinda dead thread, but maybe Sarah
would do better away from her parents? They both always seemed like the kind of parents to dismiss and tease a kid for being weird and different instead of actually helping them level out.
Maybe she keeps screaming about not wanting to die and beeing free, clinging to Japan as a fantasy escape land bc she's never lived away from her ignorant asshole parents? Granted, it would have to be some kind of facility, I don't think for one sec she should be alone in her own apartment or house unsupervised… especially not with internet access.
No. 788712
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I'm worried
No. 788723
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Pixy had a pretty big fight with her parents over running an errand to pickup cool whip. She sent me a screenshot of a conversation with her Mother. I really want to see her get out of that hell house
No. 788736
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No. 788738
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No. 788760
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Sorry for all the posting but She said she's getting kicked out
No. 788762
>>788760I kind of doubt Debbie actually would kick her out. She seems to enjoy clipping pixy’s wings by using her as a punching bag. It really is a fucked up codependent household. I do want her out of there, but I worry what living alone would look like for her.
So close to her birthday too. Poor Sarah.
No. 788772
>>788712>>788723>>788736This hurts to read. I know anons think she's overreacting, but I've been in a household where I felt completely controlled by my mother and it gets to the point where even running small errands for her and being expected to do for her makes you want to die because you realize how trapped you are, and how any potential you had was wasted because you can't escape.
I highly doubt Debbie is kicking her out, though. Debbie knows PT has nowhere to go, she's just escalating the drama because PT won't do what she wants. It's a form of humiliation and control, and it's awful. Not that PT is harmless, and it sounds like her mother is frustrated, too, but they're both just hurting each other at this point…
No. 788791
>>788703Buy the most senseless garbage you can think of. I was there when she started a fund for Japan and said she was also going to use the money to buy Japanese junk to make her happy so it got shut down.
So many anons have dreamed of helping her, making her look cute and some even managed to get into her life which is why you have those kind of decent Miyu pics and the legendary red hair white dress lolita dress where she looks really, really nice.
She's a weird, tacky weeb. It'll be her money, she can use it as she pleases. I wanna subscribe to her patreon!
No. 788793
>>788772I don't think it's out of the ordinary to expect your grown daughter who lives rent free to help you with errands sometimes, that's just being considerate. Sarah likely does nothing and feigns illness whenever she's asked to pick up a sock, but her parents suck for ignoring her mental problems for so long and letting it get this bad.
Debbie seems like one of those parents who thinks her mentally ill child just needs a "swift kick in the pants" to get going.
No. 788798
>>788793We all saw how calm Sarah's dad was and how insane Deb is and makes Sarah even more insane.
And no, Deb has forced Sarah to see doctors and has been angry that they haven't treated her for her bipolar. As every story, it's always a mix. Sarah is mistreated and exaggerates her victimhood. She's incredibly mentally ill and while her mom tries to help her with financial support and encouraging her to see therapy and medication, she also is unnecessarily cruel in the things she says. It's out of frustration because Sarah is entitled, spoiled, childish and dramatic. But that's why you don't have family members as care takers. As someone said up thread, Sarah needs to live in a group home. Unfortunately they don't have a type of group home that would be at her level. Sarah is functioning, but dependent. She suffers from severe, undiagnosed phobias and delusions along with a persecution complex. I think inpatient would be good for her, but fucking Texas's healthcare system is such garbage.
No. 788807
>>788798I thought Debbie only started getting her mental help within the last couple of years? Sarah's gotta be like 34 by now. She's obviously gotten worse, but there's no way they didn't have plenty of warning signs when she was younger. I think her parents downplayed her illness as something she'd grow out of, ignored it, and now they don't know how to handle her. Her mom is probably frustrated and takes it out on Sarah.
A group home would actually be a good idea, but I doubt they can afford it. Sarah really needs a lot of help and it's not cheap.
No. 788810
>>788807Blogging but applicable. I know someone who suffers from Bipolar and Schizophrenia with a kid. She was advised that she needed a care taker after she disappeared for 24 hours. I think Sarah could probably qualify for income housing, food stamps and a care taker with wellness checks. I don't think shit stain Victoria, TX would have all that for her, but it's an option in a lot of US cities. Sarah can work and can even hold down a job. If she managed to get medicated I bet she'd only need wellness checks.
Right now, the only meds that have been reported are anti depressants. She needs a cocktail of mood stabilizers.
Have you ever seen a group home that isn't for severely disabled, autistic, non-functioning adults? Sarah wouldn't meet the criteria I think. Especially because she functions so well with people other than her parents in real life. The question isn't sarcastic, I mean are there group homes like that? I have no idea if Sarah has others like her that are taken care of. If she did that would be great.
No. 788819
>>788810Didn't her mom say she was diagnosed as bipolar? I'm not sure what the criteria is for disability benefits in Texas.
From all of her facebook posts from the last couple years, she constantly talks about feeling sick and wanting to kill herself. I disagree she functions well with other people, even in her old chats she was quick to block people if they didn't praise her enough. It doesn't seem like she has real friendships, besides the people who comment because they obviously feel bad for her. She might have been able to hold down a job before, but bipolar gets worse without treatment.
I don't know if there's a group home like what you mentioned, but it would definitely do her a lot of good to be away from her parents and under professional care.
No. 788847
>>788822She was posting about wanting to commit suicide and apparently someone concerned called the police on her. She said they made her feel embarrassed but I'm certain that was more the Situations doing
>>788798She's said to me before that her Dad is an alcoholic who just sits by and does nothing
No. 788878
>>787104>>788819They're from the deep south. They would never commit PT to a facility because that would be admitting something is seriously wrong with her. They can handle a bipolar diagnosis because plenty of people with bipolar can take medication/therapy and go on to live fairly normal lives. They can't handle the idea she might be something worse like schizophrenia or autism which means she would be dependent on them or a caretaker her entire life, so they reject the idea and instead try to force her to be normal by pretending she's just being lazy and treat her like complete dogshit instead. They've been doing it to her for over 30 years now and to accept any other diagnosis would mean accepting that they abused her and failed utterly as parents. They won't.
Pixy is not functional enough to advocate for herself anymore. She can't pick up and move out because she has 0 resources and is incapable of holding down a job for more than 2 weeks. She's too deluded about her own mental state to get help from a health professional. She needs a case worker but without her parents to act as guidance it will never happen.
No. 788879
>>788712"Please don't post this anywhere"
No. 788934
>>788880This. It's a special circle of hell when someone is having regular screaming meltdowns that should by all rights require hospitalisation, but burning out on them quickly and becoming ineligible for crisis care before anything useful can be done.
There's a level of mental health needs somewhere between "seeing a therapist" and "on a locked ward" that just has zero treatment options in a lot of places. It appears that Victoria, TX is one of those places.
sage for MH sperging.
No. 788993
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Anyone else see this and know what’s going on?
No. 789020
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No. 789028
>>789020Wow what the fuck
She threw a glass at her dad? No wonder they called the cops, I don't know what she expected her parents to do if she was starting to get violent. Honestly the police should have just had her taken away by ambulance to the hospital for mental health observation, they probably would have been able to get her in with an in-hospitsl psychologist and put her on some meds.
No. 789035
>>789028Pretty unlikely the cops would do that, they'd just see it as a domestic violence situation and I don't think a hospital would take her for something like that, PT is unwell but not to that degree. Unfortunately, as another anon said, PT is a level between the "average" person with mental illness and someone who should be in a padded cell, and unfortunately there are few to no resources for people like that. She needs serious treatment but I doubt her family could afford it.
This situation is awful, plus the issue is both PT and her mother are crazy so they're both probably at fault and just driving each other insane.
No. 789051
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I cropped it so it's readable. I asked her whom said she would explode and for the photo.
No. 789058
>>789051Wow. So she really did get kicked out and now they're cutting her off support-wise. Where is she going to go at this point?
I wish they would have just done the right thing and gotten her admitted somewhere with professionals that could help her.
No. 789060
>>789051That’s…really fucking sad.
What does her mom mean in the top message, where she says she “should be happy to go since she has food and a place to live”? Does that mean she already has a place to go?
No. 789062
>>789060it took me a second to work out too - I'm pretty sure Debbie is telling her "this better not become an issue. You should be happy to go [to the store for groceries] since you have food and a place to live [with us]". Pixy asks for a "list" like immediately after which makes me think it was a shopping list.
The timestamp comes up again between the first part of the texts and the second half, making me think that they had an argument about Pixy going to the store again which escalated to a confrontation that involved police hours later. Then Debbie passive-aggressively texted Pixy telling her she's turning off her phone after she'd been kicked out.
No. 789065
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No. 789071
>>789062That makes sense. Or not, because it seems like Pixy didn’t want go to the store for some reason, and somehow this escalated into her throwing a glass at her dad, both her and her mom posting about the argument on the internet, and now she’s being threatened with cops, getting kicked out and whatever else.
I feel like a lot of this story is missing, but even so, it’s clear that the entire family needs therapy.
No. 789080
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>>789065Because the best thing to do when you're kicking out someone prone to severe anxiety outbreaks is give them more things to freak out about. No wonder Sarah feels like she's going to die. This is ridiculous. At this point I'm pinning her mental state entirely on Deb. Fuck this and fuck her.
Sarah could very well have had a chance in this world. She has a college degree with a fairly versatile minor. If she had the right people in life providing guidance, she would probably be a reasonably self sufficient eccentric at this point. Where the fuck is Sarah's support system? Fuck Texas, man. Fuck.
No. 789095
>>789065How about you get your own groceries, Deb, you fucking huge fat cunt?
I know Pixy should have chores and blah blah blah, but they're just treating her like a child. Instead they should be checking jobs she's applied to, making her write in a journal during anxiety prone times, encouraging hygiene for her depression. Fuck these yokels.
And Debbie does treat Pixy like an errand girl. That's why codependent mom/daughter relationships are so god damn
toxic. Debbie is so entitled and Pixy rebels. Chores aren't because a child owes you, it's to prepare them for work ethnics when they start a job. And before someone defends dumbass deb remember her FB drama of telling a woman she fucked her husband before he died and kept harassing that poor widow.
No. 789103
>>789080>>789095Is it just me or I sort of feel for her family though?? Not to shit on our queen, and her mom is also probably awful, but imagine having your kid being at home mooching off and having nothing to show for it after 30 years? Does Pixy even have a job at this point?
I’d be pretty mad if my kid who spread nudes online, claimed her dad wasn’t her dad, did nothing but buy cosplay stuff and barely worked didn’t even feel like running errands for her parents. What does she even contributes to her household? Maybe her parents are still working and/or tired of doing everything (considering how Pixy was often looking greasy and got yelled at by her mom for not showering, I doubt she’s exactly a clean freak around the house)
We’re talking about an adult woman here, albeit probably on the spectrum. Yeah being kicked out of a place sucks, and they should give her a month at least, but you don’t get in a physical fight with someone and get away with it because they hurt your feelings. Were her parents verbally
abusive? Yeah surely, but she’s over 30 and physically attacked them. Being out of this house is the best thing for her anyway.
No. 789113
>>789103I agree anon.
I do think her parents could have made more of an effort to help her when she was younger, since the amount of delusions and phobias she talked about were clearly abnormal, but I can't fault them completely. I don't think they understood just how delusional she was. Debbie's posted some indicators of trying to get her mental help, but I doubt Sarah's open to it at all now.
It's not entitled to ask your adult child who contributes nothing to do a few chores. Realistically, Sarah probably does nothing but sleep, eat, and take pictures. You can't mooch off your family and then say you're a slave when they ask you to get groceries. I do think she's sick, but I think she also exaggerates a lot to get her way and not help her family. They're probably tired of it.
No. 789117
It seems like in the last 5 or so years she hasn’t changed at all, apart from losing weight. I don’t ever remember her posting on FB about therapy, or meds, or even anything positive - it’s almost always complaining and relentless negativity about getting old or not being Japanese. She hasn’t made any progress because she hasn’t made any effort - when she did have some sort of doctor, she complained about them too, and they were never mentioned again. She doesn’t have a job or anything - what does she even do all day? Why didn’t she just go to the store??
After everything that’s gone on, I think I’d be done too. You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped.
No. 789121
>>789077Thank you for the updates anon, really hoping she doesn't do anything stupid. Pixy was being an asshole but throwing mentally ill people to the curb doesn't usually improve their mental illness.
At least she's got her car I guess.
No. 789139
>>789103I think it's a complicated situation but I lean more towards not feeling bad for her family. Her mother provokes her into her fits and everyone seems more content to air everything on Facebook than actually do something.
Yes, Pixy is a mooch but there's more to what's going on with her than just bipolar her mother publicly raged at a doctor for not curing (says a lot about Debbie right there). Pixy thought she was Japanese with a different father, she thought she was growing a dick, she's hyper-sexual, and her mind is visibly deteriorating with the years.
Her family up until now doesn't seem like they've made much effort to really address what's going on because they still treat her like a "normal" adult child and expect her to behave like one. When in reality Pixy would probably thrive more in some sort of medically assisted living area.
No. 789140
>>789138I remember that she dressed inappropriately somehow, and was talking about how “hot” the male students were. Even then, she seemed to think she was in some kind of anime.
She doesn’t seem to have any understanding of what is appropriate in different circumstances.
No. 789166
>>789138>>789140I’m no expert but imo what she may need would be a strict schedule but being able to live on her own, maybe with roommates to help manage the rent and force her to handle chores.
She’s functioning enough, or was, to get a degree and get a proper job, or at least her Home Depot job. Many people manage to live on their own or with roommates even with entry level jobs.
She’d need basic directions like clean laundry on Sunday, get to work everyday, maybe report back to her parents, but it’d lessen the burden on everyone and routine can be good for people on the spectrum.
The problem with Pt is that she refuses help and refuses to try, because people with serious mental disabilities still manage to live by themselves to some degree. She can obviously learn how to do things and pass interviews on her own. She’s just averse to any help and spends her time crying that she’s not a young Japanese high schooler, like it’s magically going to change on its own.
No. 789176
She is either 35 or just turned 36 and does not work or help out around the house. She is eating all of their food and has her car and phone paid for as well. I am honestly happy they finally kicked her ass out.
No. 789181
>>789128Heard back from pixy. She's okay. She's at a hotel. Scared and not wanting to go back home.
She'll look into applying to jobs and find housing.
She says she may be facing assault charges. So we will see.
No. 789194
>>789188I hope so too but I think it's unlikely. Unless she manages to get a good job asap (unlikely, due to her mental illness, spotty work history, and the current economic/pandemic situation) she can't get mental health care. Even if she did land a job I don't think she'd be able to afford it right away anyway. I'm guessing she's using whatever meager savings she has on the hotel but I hope she can get into a women's shelter or something soon, otherwise she will end up homeless.
PT is absolutely a difficult person and it's understandable that her parents are angry and want her out but this isn't the way to do it, she's far too sick to just be thrown out into the world. I predict (or maybe just hope) they will let her back, otherwise she's going to end up a poor homeless lady ranting about Japan on a street corner.
No. 789202
>>789103>>789117It's really hard to improve or start intensive therapy when your home environment is unsupportive/unsafe. Basics like housing and food are great, but mental health issues need mental and emotional support. Her family just wants her to be normal, and she's not. They don't have the capability to be supportive when they're stuck in their own grievances regarding the reality of PT.
PT needs to feel safe and understood for anyone to help crack her skewed reality. Until then, there's nothing motivating her to try and change.
No. 789211
>>789202Right on the money. She has multiple issues going on and it's not realistic to expect her to "contribute" or "better herself" when she's both delusional and emotionally unstable. Even for people much better off than our queen, therapy is difficult, with may ups and downs, and it takes a long time to make substantial progress. She has no support system outside of her parents who berate her; any progress she would theoretically make in therapy to help her process her issues and develop some stability would immediately be undone by Debbie's
abusive behavior.
>>789204 This is retarded. Incarceration is not rehabilitative, especially for mentally ill people. Especially county jail in f'ing Texas, which is where she would go if convicted (and probably stay while waiting for her trial because Debbie is a vindictive broke ass bitch who would never bail her out).
No. 789219
>>789207Ahh yes. Throwing a clearly mentally ill person out is quite the wake up call. Especially when said mentally ill person is partly the fault of the parents.
Tf is wrong with you? I hope you never have children.
No. 789255
>>789236Super 8 hotels are so gross. She's probably using the little credit she has if any to stay there. Fuck, Debbie. She handed everything to Sarah, then suddenly kicks her out when she has no learned life skills. I don't care if Sarah is an adult. It's not like Sarah is a drug addict. She's just nuts. You can kick your
toxic drug addled kid out, not your mentally ill daughter that has been 100% dependent.
And Debbie has added to her mental illness. She berates her and creates an incident into a melt down. There's never any excuse to call your daughter a cum dumpster, scream about their hygiene and all the other nasty shit you wouldn't even say to someone you hated.
No. 789269
>>789211I agree that throwing PT in jail is overkill and certainly not the best. However, if the choice is between that and becoming homeless, jail might be better if it will get her to take medication.
Hopefully she'll be able to somehow get herself to make use of any women's shelter resources though. She really does need to be medicated though. I don't think a therapist would even be able to help with the state that she's currently in.
No. 789273
>>789272In this situation. I cant help but feel that things just came to a head.. especially with Pixy getting physically violent with her folks. I do hope Pixy does find somewhere to stay - a shelter perhaps. It seems that her family home is too
toxic. SO returning there might not be overall good for her.
No. 789297
>>789273It's been a while since I really followed Sarah, but she was definitely exaggerating a lot of the shit about her parents being
toxic. Her claims about her dad not being her dad and her mom making her take tanning pills are just outrageous. She exaggerates pretty much every interaction with people and even said the police called her "old and a dumbass."
Her parents suck for not taking her illness seriously enough when she was younger, but she's obviously gotten much worse over the years and they probably don't know what to do now. I really think they thought it was just a weird phase she'd grow out of.
No. 789321
File: 1596524445634.jpeg (454.48 KB, 640x977, 172C3F0A-CE10-4C81-BDAD-84896F…)

Debbie posted this on Pixy’s wall.
No. 789327
>>789321What is Deb trying to prove to the public? That she's a warm, caring mother who wants her daughter back? Warm people don't vague REEE on Facebook. I feel like that black heart is more telling than she'd like.
>>789272That's my thing too. While absolutely Pixy needs to work on herself and get professional help, Deb has made it nearly impossible for her to prioritize her own mental health due to this extra burden of having to cope with her narcissism. Pixy's not seeing the situation clearly either, but one feeds the other.
This is a period of time in the US where even skilled, well-adjusted adults are experiencing financial difficulty and job insecurity and her mom just used it as a power move.
Any anon saying Pixy deserves this, could you tell me what it's like living in 2009? Can I go with you? 2020 is looking real grim. Pixyteri isn't just a weird entitled weeb girl anymore. She's an isolated woman riddled with anxiety. At this stage of her life, she's much closer to Little Edie Beale than Momokun.
No. 789329
>>789211>>789327This. Not sure why some anons are acting like PT is just a lazy mooch or something, she's quite literally experiencing a psychotic break with delusions and hallucinations. She is seriously mentally ill and needs partial hospitalization or maybe even full on inpatient, not jail. She isn't 2010 PT anymore.
And Debbie deserves 0 sympathy. Her daughter being mentally ill isn't news to her, but in typical dumbshit hick fashion she tried to sweep it under the rug and proceeded to emotionally abuse PT like she's a particularly stubborn child until she "acted right." That doesn't actually work with ANY mental illness, let alone something as severe as whatever PT has (whether it's anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia or something else entirely). If Debbie gave two shits she could've easily googled that, as well as support groups for parents of mentally ill adult children - a plethora of them exist. But she never did the bare minimum to understand what was wrong with her daughter in the thirty-odd years of her existence.
No. 789330
>>789303the fuck? There's never been evidence that either of them ever hit pixy?????
Debbie's a cunt but if Pixy was being beaten she would have said. She told us about her mom forcing her to bathe, her sex diaries, the foursomes, the illegal tanning and dieting pills, that weird shit about talcum powder in this thread, but she's never even suggested that her parents hit her.
I feel immensely for Pixy but not because she's a fucking battered woman lmfao - she was clearly the one who escalated this to violence after YEARS of passive-aggressive insults from Debbie. Doesn't make Debbie's shit correct but Pixy wasn't protecting herself lmfao, the anon talking to Pixy even said she was the one who escalated it to violence.
>>789077>So the first fight yesterday was pixy not wanting to go to the store. Debbie was insulting her and pixy had enough. Pixy pulled Debbie's hair. Debbie threw her out.I agree with everyone saying that Pixy needs to get away from Debbie to get better, its just depressing this is the way it happens. She should have been forced into visiting mental health services YEARS ago. She's been worryingly insane ever since she hit 30 and dropped all the weeb shit. However, it's been obvious for years that Debbie enables Pixy's behaviour, normal families try to help their problem children, not force their brother into a promise where he'll look after them after the parents die. I dunno if that arrangement with Kris is still a thing but I always found it fucked up - they all knew how insane pixy was 10+ years ago, and their solution was to have family members spy on her online posts and report back.
I've never liked Debbie and her weird pageant parenting when Pixy was a kid definitely fucked her up. But Debbie being a cunt and a bad parent doesn't mean that Pixy gets to live there indefinitely, unemployed, doing nothing but going more and more insane on facebook.
>>789329This. Especially the dumbshit hick "if nobody knows our problems they dont exist" part. Even now, Debbie's trying to punish Pixy like a stubborn child. Wouldn't surprise me if she drops the assault charge after a couple days, if she's even officially pressed charges (might be a lie she told pixy). She thought Pixy was like a 14 year old who can be scared straight by the cops, but she wouldn't want the public knowing Good Momma Guilbeaux pressed charges against her own flesh and blood.
No. 789342
>>789340I felt it was clear that anon didn't literally mean neurotypical "normal," but that they expect her to have much more independence than she may ever be capable of achieving. And they have always pressured her to have a job, her ability to hold one down is certainly one of the things she's verbally abused for.
Pixy is autistic enough that a sudden unexpected demand could absolutely send her into a meltdown. Pathological demand avoidance is a common profile of higher functioning autism.
No. 789353
>>789297The tanning pills were real. PT's former friend from that time as well as others who have known her have corroborated. More than exaggerate, Sarah interprets things to be violent and is more of a mental illness issue than attention seeking. When she said the cops called her old and a dumbass it could have been a police officer saying she's in her 30s and should be lucky she's allowed to live with her parents at that age. When saying dumbass, they might have been understanding of what Debbie was saying.
Debbie isn't passive aggressive, she's out right vile. We all heard when debbie was screaming at PT to shower and that even dogs and cats clean themselves. Sure, Sarah played up her crying for the camera, but Deb had no idea and went on like a psychopath. Having a smelly daughter must be frustrating, but screaming it across the house like some invalid fat fuck is not going to get your daughter to practice better hygiene.
>>789350Sarah never dropped the weeb shit. She was forced to. Her parents thought it would help her Japanese delusions. While it seemed like a genuine effort to remove a
toxic hobby that was causing identity issues, it made her spiral down. Dumbass hicks didn't consult a therapist or understand why Sarah was such a weeb. It was an escape and was a point of focus that turned out to be not so
toxic. Sarah is nuts because her brain, not because of Japan. They removed all access to social media and recruited her poor sister in law to help. I know this sounds good in theory but they didn't attempt to fill these voids they were creating in Sarah's life. I mean she was into fishing for a bit and tanned with blonde hair so I think she gave up and tried to accommodate for awhile, but it came crashing down.
No. 789397
>>789330>But Debbie being a cunt and a bad parent doesn't mean that Pixy gets to live there indefinitely, unemployed, doing nothing but going more and more insane on facebook. I totally agree with this. Do people here think that Pixy is going to do nothing for the rest of her life?
Does Pixy think she is going to just live at home doing nothing for the rest of her life?>>789330
No. 789429
File: 1596593044834.jpg (152.03 KB, 1440x2464, Screenshot_2020-08-04_210222.j…)

Annnndddddd…. she's back at home. JFC!
No. 789435
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Pixy home
No. 789436
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Pixy home part 2
No. 789437
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Pixy home part 3
No. 789440
>>789342This. I know autism is a meme on the internet thanks to the likes of CWC (kek), but Pixy's definitely on the spectrum. Her parents treat her like she's neurotypical and she's not; she needed early intervention, meetings with behavioral therapists, continuing evaluations with psychiatrists– you know, typical things that loving parents provide to their child when they realize something's up. I know autism is so under-diagnosed in women, but goodness. Better late than never.
You can't just treat an autistic person like they're neurotypical and then get mad when they don't act like it. They won't always respond to seemingly innocuous things in a way that is "normal" because they
have autism. You hit the nail on the head with the mention of pathological demand avoidance. She fits that profile perfectly, though I understand it's not well-defined or agreed upon by relevant professionals.
No. 789451
>>789424This. Most of the things she says are distorted and twisted so far out of reality that I’m not sure how much they even relate to the truth sometimes.
And yet she is capable of lucidity and speaking sense when she wants to, as evidenced by the texts above.
I’m not really encouraged by the fact that she went home…but at least her parents didn’t pursue the assault charge. It would have ruined her chances of getting work (and getting out of there) even more.
No. 789456
>>789455So they should just let a crazy violent person be around them in their own home?
I get that Pixy has issues but for gods sake, she should be admitted or something
No. 789458
>>789456No they should stop provoking her and then playing
victim when she acts out, it's like poking an angry dog and getting mad when it bites you
No. 789461
>>789272That projection.
Pixy is probably on the spectrum which is something people are born with.
No. 789465
>>789462She's already back.
>>789464I don't think anyone can really fault them for not wanting her around after that, but they share blame in that. You're right though, they should be trying to help her get admitted.
No. 789474
>>789270Based queen.
On a serious note though:
>>788791I'm pretty sure if PT started a gofundme to help with her finding a cheapy little apartment I think it'd be somewhat successful. Hell, even a patreon could work. She could maybe do shitty little webcomics ala chris chan that stupid trolls or those with nostalgia could pay to get every month and if she does move out she could ease back into cosplaying or at least enjoying her weeb shit free of debbie's demon screeching. I do think our queen's too old to realistically have a normal job at this point without working some shitty miminum wage that can barely support her. If she saves that disability check and gets a lil' outside help, I think she could move out the only "downside" would be wellness checks but, in her case, it'd do her some good to know there's a person who comes every month to keep her in check. Sure she could be a bum every other day but for that one, she'd at least have to pretend to be normal.
No. 789483
>>789436>>789437I would be surprised that her parents let her back in the house so soon but I'd imagine Debbie was getting more than a few comments on Facebook about throwing Pixy out during a pandemic with 15 min notice. I mean she left without her meds..
I hope she can get disability and any psych evaluation is going to show just how many issues she has. Maybe they can set her up with a nice assisted living facility or something where she has her own place but there's medical staff on hand to make sure she's going to therapy and taking her meds.
No. 789484
>>789477She had been painting actual, non-anime canvas paintings not so long ago, and people had expressed interest in buying them, iirc.
>>789483Actually have to wonder how much good those meds were doing her, considering what happened.
No. 789551
>>789484I thought PT was on anti-depression meds, which wouldn't really help her with whatever issue she really has (autism, schizophrenia, both, or even something else). I'm glad she's back at home but she needs some very serious intervention and treatment. She has shown herself capable of basic things like going to school and holding down a job (at least for a while, I do recall some people saying she was a competent worker when she was at Target) so I think with the right therapy/meds she could absolutely do it. I hope our beloved queen gets better.
And yeah a patreon or something would be a great idea. Maybe the person in contact with her can recommend it? Or she could at least try to sell some of her art, maybe. She'll be the future Van Gogh.
No. 789583
>>789551She's not going to get better until she's out of her parents' house; meds can only do so much when she's trapped in an environment that unhealthy.
It would be great if she could get on disability, move out, receive assistance from a part-time carer, take some life skills classes, and get enrolled in some sort of job program, but the chances of her managing to escape seem low.
>>789556That's a shame. I'd be willing to buy an original for sure
No. 789605
File: 1596723531942.png (141.38 KB, 1546x252, 123.png)

>>789590lol someone's been asking this question every few years but this is the first time I've actually looked into it. Yes PixyJessie/Chibi-Jessie and Pixyteri are the same person. This angelfire ( ) links to an old geocities page for "PixyJessie" and the url leads here - she signed off as Sarah Guilbeaux when she closed the site down.
No. 789616
>>789605Cool, ty for the confirmation, maybe I’ll see if I can find any records from back then…
I’ve never inquired about this before, but I’m sure others who knew her back then have had to try to connect the dots. I knew her pretty well, which is why I’m surprised that she turned out like this, compared to all the other weird girls in the late 90s Pokemon community… she wasn’t obsessive/delusional in her weeabooism. There were just no red flags back then.
Which means that even if I did find stuff like our old chatlogs it’d probably be pretty boring.
No. 789626
>>789618A lot of mentally ill people can come across as normal for short periods of time, outside of swing periods or in certain situations. I spoke to her when she was well known for some of her outrageous behaviors and thoughts (and we now know it was legit mental illness) and she still came across as pretty normal and even sweet, as long as her
trigger topics weren't brought up. Plus I remember former coworkers or people who knew her briefly said she seemed fine in person.
No. 789898
>>789854She also used to hide from her manager and from customers while on the clock. One time she posted about hiding from a customer under a table. I have no doubt that her parents are handling her mental
illness poorly, but we probably shouldn’t take her at her word for everything. Back when she wanted to be a Japanese teenage gravure idol she would often cry about people in her life calling her an ugly old white hag, when probably all they said was that she wasn’t a Japanese highschooler. She projects her own insecurities on what people say to her and reacts very badly to anyone asking her to do anything she doesn’t want to do, like her job or household chores.
No. 789948
>>789902I know another anon said Sarah's friend confirmed the tanning pills, does anyone else remember that or have a screencap? I remember Sarah talking about it, but it always sounded like an obviously bogus claim and I don't remember anyone backing it up.
The whole shower drama thing on Sarah's stream actually made me feel bad for Debbie. It felt like she had asked her nicely to bathe several times before and finally just lost it out of frustration.
No. 789962
>>789943I feel bad of she was denied disability, but doesn't she need (for lack of a better term, I don't know what you'd call it) a doctor's note to show the state what reasons you have for not being able to work?
I really wish she could find something that w po uld work for her. I would say something as easy as a call center or a quiet library job, but I know that probably wouldn't work seeing she has issues following directions, which is…pretty much all jobs.
No. 790037
>>789948I don't have any caps but I remember someone else confirming the tanning pills thing. Plus PT's former sister in law said Debbie was nuts, iirc, as have other people. It's sort of a known thing. Doesn't excuse PT completely but it certainly doesn't help.
>>790003Yeah that was PT. She applied but I don't know if she ever got an interview or anything. That would be the last type of job she should ever get.
No. 790697
Probably no one cares, but I'm a dinosaur who used to follow PT in the /cgl/ days. I haven't checked on her for years but I'm a psychologist now IRL and I'll give my two pence after reading this thread.
- If PT has any kind of diagnosis, it's probably accurate. Whoever saw her would have had access to all of her medical files as well as to her herself to assess. They would have considered alternative diagnoses.
Anything here has to be pure conjecture. We only see part of PT.
- that being said, it's popular here but I don't see any evidence that she has an ASD (autism).
- there is evidence that her parents are abusive and her mother is confirmed to be bipolar.
- I think PT has a history of/tendency to gravitate towards abusive relationships. I know that back in the day she had a couple of truly horrible boyfriends, and her parents are awful.
- I think a lot of her behaviour can be explained by her being in a long-term abusive environment.
- it's genuinely hard to tell if her posts are genuine delusions or attempts at seeking attention. You'd have to talk to her irl to find out whether she actually BELIEVES that stuff, or is just saying it as a cry for help.
- if she is bipolar, delusions can be a symptom.
- if she is bipolar, that might help explain her irregular internet presence (getting back on Facebook while in a manic and delusional episode, 'disappearing' while stable or low)
- she definitely has some sort of health anxiety going on (could also be considered under the bipolar dx) and the 'burning skin' thing in particular sounds psychosomatic.
- the UTIs could be part of this or related to abuse. If her mother often tells her she smells, she could be over-cleaning/using harmful products and causing infections this way.
In conc, it's really hard to tell how mentally ill she really is while she's still in what seems to be a super abusive situation.
Also she pretty clearly seems to have PCOS and if a doctor seriously told her her 'downstairs issues' were caused by age they are either awful or didn't read her info and assumed she's 20 years older than she is.
No. 790761
>>790697PT disappeared from the internet because her parents forced her to stop, or otherwise severely limited her access to it. She may have (but I'm not 100% sure) also been on meds that could have steadied her behavior for a little while. However I do think she is likely bipolar and may have been diagnosed as such.
I think the doctor comment (about her "downstairs issues" being a result of age) is likely her making shit up or misinterpreting reality because of her constant hyperfixation on her age and being old and all that. I don't think it was ever true.
Regarding what she may have said irl vs. online, from what I remember a lot of people rather consistently said she came across as normal, if sort of shy/quiet. She certainly had friendly relationships with other people at various times in her life and was able to come across as normal. Then again I also heard some people say she was a weirdo (though to be fair, irl weebs usually are). I don't think she has ever said anything really strange or delusional to people she spoke to irl, other than possibly her parents, and I think they only heard about some of the weird stuff (like the windchime) by reading it online.
No. 791201
File: 1597816772893.png (643.06 KB, 2022x2048, Screenshot_20200818-225647.png)

Guilbeaux Baggins deleted this post on Sarah's wall today (and who knows how many others). More caps to follow.
No. 791202
File: 1597816904341.png (557.04 KB, 1151x2048, Screenshot_20200818-225538.png)

Replaced by this post, which is much more sane.
No. 791203
File: 1597816980092.png (630.96 KB, 1634x2048, Screenshot_20200818-225323.png)

Round it out with some ranting on Debbie's timeline.
No. 791207
File: 1597818123602.jpeg (140 KB, 750x1094, 9A1AEE9C-C322-4C4E-9061-E2A201…)

>>791203Went to check it out myself and yikes. Sounds like she’s saying Sarah attacked her dad too.
No. 791218
>>791201>>791207Wait, so not only did Sarah get the police called on her again.. her mother also snitched on Sarah's FRIENDS to get them in legal trouble as well?
I thought she was scummy for posting all this publicly but that's even worse and particularly vindictive. I mean anyone with a brain can see that Sarah is mentally unwell and when you antagonize and provoke someone mentally ill, most of the time they react violently. They should have gotten her into a developmentally delayed program and set up with independent living facilities.
Sarah has no clue how to find her own place because she's always been at home and the fact that she's trying to get disability should be a huge sign that she's not a typical woman and needs more help than her parents are willing to give, especially Debbie who clearly has her own issues.
No. 791279
File: 1597851599163.jpeg (184.76 KB, 640x893, C542BEC9-2F8A-415A-B714-817DE8…)

I fell asleep after seeing Debbie post these on her wall
No. 791280
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No. 791281
File: 1597851684601.jpeg (81.3 KB, 640x380, FBECF870-887F-4226-975C-8488F4…)

No. 791299
File: 1597854530926.png (725.61 KB, 1252x2048, Screenshot_20200819-092129.png)

Debbie is fucked up.
No. 791300
File: 1597854572256.png (896.75 KB, 1463x2048, Screenshot_20200819-092230.png)

No. 791301
File: 1597854596066.png (763.96 KB, 1415x2048, Screenshot_20200819-092540.png)

No. 791302
File: 1597854690805.png (494.46 KB, 2048x1958, Screenshot_20200819-092631.png)

When you just can't find the right words. Note that many of Debbie's comments have a similar edit history.
No. 791324
>>791201I don’t know how to feel about any of this. Sure, Debbie is a raving
abusive loon, but if Sarah really did get violent again after everything that happened last time, then…I don’t know what to say. It’s all just a repeat of last time, almost word for word. Didn’t she learn anything?
And what did she spend these last two weeks doing, if not looking for a job or getting help or disability or whatever else she said she was going to do…?
I’m not completely unsympathetic to her, but on the other hand, she never seems to do anything constructive to help herself, so…
No. 791337
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No. 791338
File: 1597865582326.png (13.78 KB, 497x191, debbiedowner.png)

It's clear Pixy is dealing with mental issues, and I don't doubt that it's been taxing on those around her, but for her own parent to seemingly enjoy gas-lighting her own daughter it's really hard to feel any sort of sympathy when Debbie is probably part of the big reason why Pixy has these big ups and downs.
No. 791339
>>791337Then why don’t you take her to mental facility yourself you stuck up cunt? You’ve dealt with her for many years and you know how bad things are getting with her. Instead of doing the right thing for her and actually get the help that she deserves you treat her like a monster and made sure that everyone is afraid of her and make yourself the
victim. Yes she should move out and get a job at this point but obviously something is wrong with her that’s preventing her to do so which is why she should be on social security to help her in the mean time or go to a facility that can get her back into society at her pace. Obviously this psycho bitch of a mother doesn’t know shit about mental health and does absolutely nothing but to make her suffer and give her a high expectation that is impossible to reach with this kind of mental block. All she’s done is teasing the gorilla in the monkey house to the point where it throws shit at them. Fuck you Deb. This is what you get for not putting your foot down early and to allow her mental state to spiral out of control to this point. Also thanks a lot for pressing charges on her since now it’s gonna more impossible for her to get a job due to possibly felony charges. I’d say Deb shot herself in the foot on that one since all of this could’ve been avoided if she actually took care of her daughter and be compassionate with her illness.
No. 791348
>>791346That is a shame. Even if PT is willing to get the help and finally be on her own her family is gonna knock her down. With them taking her to court even though she doesn’t have any money it’s gonna ruin her big time. It’s not like she’s a drug addict or an alcoholic who blew money on shit and would steal stuff to get the money. She’s already at rock bottom and is having a hard time getting herself up with her family pointing fingers at her and treat her like a dog to kick around. I suggest she should make a patreon and do things to make her happy like making videos to remind us the good old days. Hell even do onlyfans if she wants. Anything to get away from that family. She may be the queen of the lolcow back in those days but right now she deserves so much more and to be in a good environment where she can get support and not have to deal with
toxic people.
No. 791349
>>791348Agree. Debbie rails against her, but doesn't really want her to be independent at all. She's been sending her horrible messages all night and day, including demanding that she return home with a cop to pick up all her stuff immediately, but return her laptop to them. They seem to have her phone?
She's clearly just tormenting her. My mom is the same and it is absolutely enough to make you crazy.
No. 791354
>>791352If she is smoking pot on top of already being mentally ill and possibly taking meds, then that might at least partly explain why she keeps lashing out. If she wants a job, she needs to quit that.
I also wonder if this “friend” isn’t another fuck buddy or someone just using her. She seems to have a history of both things, sadly.
No. 791383
File: 1597885921458.jpeg (43.83 KB, 640x388, 526AE88E-FF95-4294-8751-BC23CD…)

Okay Debbie
No. 791409
>>791401Even if it seems that PT doesn't take anyone's advice and blames the whole world she's beyond help at this point to actually have the function to listen. It all comes from enabling her bad behavior that led down to harsh punishments such as having no job, no actual friends, lives at home, and worse mental condition. Theres no gray line on how to handle the situation. In the earlier days Its either kissing her ass so Deb doesn't have to deal with her outbursts or treating her like dog shit as she's fed up with her selfish daughter. Now that she's halfway to her 40's it's gone too deep to get out and instead of Deb doing the right thing such as taking responsibility and to make things right for the both of them such as getting PT and herself some serious help with intense therapy she just had to lash out immaturely and acts even more psychotic than her daughter. I get it comes from having to deal with a daughter like that for many years but lets not forget that she's part of the problem and it looks like she doesn't follow through what the doctors recommend as she doesn't see herself as the issue and she's the
victim of a bad egg. Her daughter doesn't automatically becomes a failure at birth as it take good parenting to make it right. But in Deb's case she's the big failure in this situation and she's the one who should be ashamed of for knocking down a person who is already down and be gleeful about it. It goes to show what kind of a mother she is and where PT gets her insanity from. The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
No. 791410
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I honestly have no words for this but least its good to know where the paranoia comes from.
No. 791411
>>791383>>791338>>791300>>791281>>791280>>791279>>791207>>791201>>791202>>791203>>791302>>791410How could such a put-together saint ever wind up with such a screw up daughter? /s
This woman talks about her own flesh and blood so antagonistically. I hate her whole "WAH I LIVE IN FEAaAARrrR!"schtick. Everyone knows PT is fucking harmless, unless evidently, one backs her into a corner with screaming fits. With how psychotic and beastly her mother acts on the internet, I can only imagine how much of a monster she is to behold in real life. She's a narcissist, she can't even take criticism about blasting her daughter on social media without deflecting, "WELL U TAKE HER THEN," or "WELL THE DRs KNOW DA TROOTh!" What a giant asshole.
No. 791416
>>791401Imagine believing that Deb is the
victim of the mentally ill daughter she failed to raise right and get help for when she was young.
There are parents who have to deal with so much worse on a day to day, never ending basis and hold it together because they're responsible adults. Pixy, like another anon said, is a virtually harmless and presumably autistic weeaboo who understandably lashes out when backed into a corner by a raging lunatic with a vendetta over not getting miracle whip. Deb hated Sarah from the start, this isn't a case of her being a kind, devoted mother loving Sarah unconditionally and then having a mental stress break one day, she had plenty of opportunity in 35 years to force Sarah into help or put her somewhere where she would be taken care of, and she didn't. She has no one to blame but herself for who Sarah is and any grievances she has with her. Deb is a bitch and yeah, I feel bad for Sarah. She has no life skills because she wasn't raised properly.
No. 791420
>>791416>>791401They're both dicks.
Debbie isn't the greatest parent, and clearly PT's other siblings managed to live by themselves despite having a lunatic mother.
But it's also frankly a pain to have such a delusional retarded daughter that won't get a job, won't do basic chores around the house, take cringy pics in public parks and is probably the laugh of the neighbourhood.
Also, Debbie is totally in the wrong for blasting everything on social media but her dad isn't any better because he's also involved in Sarah's upbringing.
I don't exactly fault them for not dealing with Sarah's behaviour appropriately considering they're probably not educated on the matter. And Sarah's not straight up autistic or have visible mental problems so she pretty falls into a gray area where people think she's an asshole (which is also kind of true considering she's never really wanted to accept anyone's help and is kind of a vindictive self-centered assholed on her own)
No. 791428
>>791420You don't have to be educated to know when someone is mentally ill, and PT clearly is, there's no way they can miss it at this point (in that clip of her screaming at her dad I think she says "I'm not schizo!" which obviously means that idea has been floating around). It's actually also common sense not to suddenly throw out your crazy, non-functional offspring out of the house, much less when there's a pandemic and the economy is screwed up. Plus Debbie has been diagnosed with mental illness and is on meds, so it's not like they don't know anything about it.
This isn't to say PT isn't difficult, she very clearly is, but this just isn't the proper way to handle her. I do agree that her father is to blame too.
No. 791472
>>791443oh fuck off. it would be one thing if Deb were a good person who did her best but that's obviously not the case
>>791428she definitely needs to be sectioned or something. she can clearly sort of function but without support I have no idea how she can get it together.
No. 791481
>>791443Why is it so farfetched to believe that maybe her parents treated her male siblings better?
Look up golden children and scapegoats.
Why is her family not being supportive proof that she's "violent"? Do you realize that even if her sibling felt sorry for her, they couldn't get away with taking her in lest infuriating Deb by undermining her? If anything, that proves Deb is manipulative and got the entire family to hate Pixy despite she herself never having been violent towards any of them, that is, until Deb pushed her to desperately act out when her living situation was being yanked from underneath her during a fucking pandemic.
That woman hates her daughter whose worst crime is being a mentally unwell failure to launch. PT isn't an alcoholic, or a junkie, or a criminal–yet there are parents out there whose children have those sorts of serious issues and yet they still are loving and understanding. That woman HATES her own daughter just because she's immature, and it's not like Deb didn't have a part to play in that. It's sick and disgusting, bitch has got a
victim complex because she enabled her daughter to work spotty part time and likes to dress as Nippon characters. Wahhhhh. I'm playing the world's smallest fucking violin.
I don't have sympathy for retards who poke the bear with unstable people and then get a shocked Pikachu face when they retaliate. Doubly so when parents raise their children to be dependent, insecure, and anxious yet get shocked pikachu face when they turn out to be unproductive adults.
No. 791500
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Do you really love her?
No. 791503
>>791500>I love my daughter, it's just that–Lmao omg Deb shut the fuck up and stop putting your foot in your mouth.
You know how we always make fun of lolcows and say how they'd ruin a daughter if they one instead of a son? Deb is that kind of lolcow.
No. 791504
>>791500No you don’t you fat lard. You never loved your daughter as you just want someone to project your flaws. I just hope she doesn’t crawl back to her and be her own person for once. I’m starting to think the reason why we are seeing pt as a delusional person. All the weeb shit and the Japanese culture was her escapism from having to deal with a tragic family life. Can’t blame her though if I have a family like that I would love to be in la la land and not deal with this bullshit. If she would still have support from friends and outside family life would be so much easier but unfortunately Sarah’s too stubborn to change as she’s too much into her own comfort zone and believes nothing will ever be enough for her family.
>>791501Thank god in heaven! At least PT can be able to have peace without having her mother commenting on her page like a petty high schooler.
No. 791523
>>791507Her father was going to turn her into a burger and eat her, yeah. She also believed she was growing a dick.
Sarah has serious mental illness. Her parents are managing it terribly, but they didn’t cause it by their behavior. Bad parenting doesn’t make people actively delusional in that way.
They should have done a lot more to get her help/make sure she stayed on meds/figured out some kind of supported living plan for her, though. They are reaping what they sowed right now.
No. 791524
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>>791496That doesn’t sound like a bad idea since the milk keeps on flowing.
No. 791526
>>791507>>791523In their sort of defense (along with people who don't think she's not severely ill now), PT was somewhat functional for years and that doesn't necessarily fit with the typical notion of severe mental illness. PT went to school, got a degree (and got good grades from what I recall), and did sort of hold down jobs and all that sort of stuff, until she progressively got worse and worse. It was easy to say a lot of her previous "quirks" were just that, her being an immature and overly imaginative weeb instead of someone with serious emerging illness and delusions. TO make it worse, care and treatment is very expensive and they likely can't afford it, plus since PT can't hold down a job she can't get insurance.
Still at this point the way they are treating her is really incredibly and obviously wrong, especially when bitch Deb posts shit like
>>791524 No. 791533
>>791523Stressful environments often
trigger worse delusions or bouts of mental illness
No. 791536
>>791523>Bad parenting doesn’t make people actively delusional in that wayactually trauma and even just high stress environments are some of the main
triggers for schizophrenia in people who are at risk for developing it. Not saying that shes schitzo but its absolutely true that an environment like
>>791410 would
trigger her mental illness if she was predisposed. Maybe they aren't the direct "cause" of her having issues but they certainly compounded and amplified her illness.
No. 791538
>>791526I do think she's mentally ill and has gotten progressively worse over the years, but a lot of the crazy stuff she used to post just seemed like she was trying to get attention. She would post stuff like "why am I too old to do x" and get a bunch of asspats telling her she's not too old to do anything. Again and again.
She always did seem immature and delusional, but so do a lot of awkward weebs. I think her parents also probably thought she exaggerated for attention. They always did seem to care for her by putting her through college and letting her live at home for so long.
No. 791557
>>791546I really don't think they would have let Sarah live there that long just for appearances. They could have been done with her after she finished college and told her to move out, which would have been totally normal when she was 22.
Sarah did admit to throwing a glass container at her dad. I think her parents have done a lot for her and they're just fed up.
No. 791563
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>>791524To follow up with the post
No. 791575
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>>791569Few of her friends did comment and three people shared Debs post about loving her sons more
No. 791587
>>791354She's probably lashing out because she's stuck in a home with someone who's constantly torturing her and doesn't know how to deal with it in a healthy way because she's basically a teen stuck in an adult's body.
>>791400At least Terry's family genuinely tried to help him. Debbie seems to thrive off of this drama and need Sarah around as a punching bag. Wouldn't be surprised if this Facebook rant is performative and she'd take Sarah back in an instant.
No. 791597
>>791239Weed is a terrible idea for someone's whose grip on reality is already tenuous and whom suffers from severe paranoia already.
>>791337Debbie sounds just as whacked out and paranoid as Sarah. What a fucked up family. Texas small town hicks ruining each others lives.
No. 791600
>>791410>>791563Debbie is an absolute cunt. Pixy is already paranoid and suffers from delusions and I'm starting to suspect that Debbie actively tries to provoke that. She gets some sick thrill out of pushing Pixy to the limits and then running to Facebook for pity or to gloat.
Like damn, Pixy is already out of the house, what more do you want?
No. 791630
>>791563Sorry this isn't a healthy-minded adult typing, this is a petty teenage-brained loser thinking she's winning somehow by sticking it to her own mentally ill daughter.
I thought Deb was a narcissist, but even narcissts tend to be more self-aware and would realize dunking their kids like this on social media would make them look super bad. All must not be well in the Guilbeaux abode if Deb is resorting to blasting to her three acquaintances on facebook for validation, contrary to what she'd like others to believe.
No. 791692
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God this cunt is unsufferable. Leave your damn daughter alone as she's not doing anything to you anymore. If I were PT I would file a restraining order against her family.
No. 791697
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No. 791698
>>791692"I physically assaulted my parents and I need a restraining order against my mom"
Clearly anon you should go to law school
No. 791730
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>>789454ok but see pic
>>789484Years ago back when I used facebook I offered to buy her art or commission her but she reacted like I was lying and was offended until I sent her some of my own art.
I don't remember perfectly and didn't screencap because I'd feel like an asshole but she went on to explain she doesn't think she's good enough to sell her art so she probably still feels this way.
I felt heartbroken that other people might have made her feel that insecure about her artstyle.