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No. 376822
>>376797The thing is, I
am a feminist and his dumb ass only contributes to the horrible fucking feminists-are-SJW-feminazi stereotypes. He's obviously not a fucking feminist, he's not even an ally and he was terrible at keeping up that shtick. He couldn't even stick through the inevitable backlash meninists gave him, so he switched to Egalitarian despite one being a movement and the other being a school of thought; they aren't interchangeable.
Any decent Feminist doesn't encourage misandry and, if you do, you're just as fucking shitty as a misogynist. He just feels compelled to pile labels onto himself and take each one to the extreme. He can't eat a vegetarian diet without telling omnivores to kill themselves, he can't be against circumcision without calling men with cut dicks "broken", he tries to be an LGBTQ ally but shows zero interest in the welfare of queer/trans people, fetishizes the shit out of lesbians and bisexuals and has to make a concerted effort not to call somebody a faggot. Every vegetarian, LGBTQ person, polyamorous person and feminist cringes at the idea of him being associated with them in any fucking way,
nobody fucking wants you in their club, Greg.
So now he swings from one extreme, misandry, to the other by calling Billie and the audience cunts and bitches and basically says that Billie is used up, damaged goods because he's finished dicking her, that he only valued her for how pretty she is. He's made it known he only values women for the attention and sex they can provide him,
we knew this shit already, but last night he seriously objectified the shit out of Billie and showed his true colors on camera for all the world to see.
I don't even care if a dude says cunt or bitch, it's just knowing that when assholes like Gerg sling those words at women, they're only using gendered insults because their
intention is to hurt you as much as possible by shitting on your gender (despite the fact it never works, it's just too pathetic). Same thing with slut shaming. His full intent was to degrade and demean Billie and female anons based on our genders. Wow, what a feminist/feminazi/egalitarian. Great job, Greg, all it takes for you to slip and forget your supposed feminist or egalitarian or whatever it is now belief system is getting angry over some emails.
You can't cling onto this "IMA FEMINAZI, BOOOO MEN" facade anymore, Gerg, your actual views have broken through to the surface one to many times and are immortalized online. It's only inevitable that the tumblrina 14 year old SJWs you pander to will see the stream and see your true, narcissistic rage filled, acne riddled, sexist face.
Sage for ranting fuckery
No. 376828
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Our faces aren't symmetrical, blah, blah, blah, but has Eyenision's lid always been like this? A commenter on his new vid also noticed it.
No. 376831
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>>376828Also in the younow it seemed weird. Maybe that's why he always opens his eyes real wide? It could be bad Botox causing it to droop kek
Or it could be he has ptosis pic related
No. 376832
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>>376828looked the same way back when he barged into Sarah's stream
No. 376843
>>376835Knowing how much Gergles loves doctors I wonder if he even listened about aftercare and when to come back to get it checked.
Dude needs a lift, not botox. With how much he naturally strains his forehead and brows to appear younger and hide his caveman brow. Those poor injections are working overtime to keep those hellish caterpillars up.
No. 376846
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>>376726I felt extremely grossed out while watching this. Onion's faces were making me very uncomfortable. I wish I could talk to Billie one day and just ask her, "How could you sleep with this thing?", because he looks so gross, and although I don't consider Billie gorgeous, she's well kept and looks like she showers regularly and doesn't touch kids. For the same "salary" Gurgles was paying her she could've found a better looking and less psycho sugar daddy.
I can't believe he rated himself a 9/10 when he's only 31? 32? And looks at least 45. He looks like he's been doing meth for ten years at least. I couldn't stop looking at his teeth, they look so crooked and greyish like those old men who smell of cheap cigarettes and a dusty car. I can only imagine how his breath must smell.
And don't even get me started on those psycho expressions, like when he opened his eyes very wide or did those creepy smiles. I don't feel well. This was worse than that video of him fucking a dummy with the face of Andy Biersack.
Sage for rant
No. 376849
>>376791Here's an unlisted mirror of this cringe video if anyone is interested. It looks like Plainey's wearing a (trans points!) binder, which must feel like murder on her lactating tits.
I don't advise watching while eating since they make out with gross tongue during the video. Just a warning.
No. 376850
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Billie commented on Drew's "onision breakdown" video
No. 376857
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He's making yet another video about Billie, this time scripted, with his makeup on
No. 376859
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And he's still demanding his FAX, even though Drew showed one of the emails that apparently didn't exist, and Greg showed the other email he (greg) said didn't exist.
Drew said the others are greg repeatedly sending Billie info about taxes, how to do her taxes, reminding her to do taxes. e's not going to release them unless Billie okays it, Greg. Because he respects her, something that's beyond your understanding.
And they're still focused on the mysterious email of April 11th. Too fucking funny.
No. 376860
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He's also started using fan art as his "photo". Guess the digs about his looks compared to Drew are really getting under his pitted, infected, pustule peppered skin.
No. 376871
>>376859But Drew already posted the screenshot two days ago on the 24th, it was already out there and readily available to see… but he's still narc raging because nobody directly linked his lazy ass to it? (as Drew already explained, you can't post links in YouNow)
That's on you Grease for not paying attention, nobody else.
No. 376875
>>376872yes, and we've all agreed that she is a shit person for doing that. However we've literally just seen how greg blows up when he's angry, and if she WAS being treated like that I think the last thing on her mind would be defending those around her when it would set him off like that.
again, i don't like her. i don't agree with the things she does, but nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors.
No. 376878
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Greg thinks he's deep. So, we get an insight as to how he sees friendships and relationships: we're all either hunters. or prey.
NORMAL PEOPLE DO NOT THINK THIS WAY, GREG. Narcissists and sociopaths think this way. You are not special or superior for thinking this way. You are in error (which means: you are wrong, and interpret reality incorrectly.) What you think are FAX, are not, in fact, FAX.
No. 376881
>>376877He's going to try his hardest to make himself look as hot as he possibly can in this video, I know it.
>>376879Agree. This really shows what type of person plainey really is. If you really love someone, you would care for their well-being as well, ESPECIALLY if it was something as trivial as
smoking weed. and Billie has obviously had some shit go down in her past, but we need
trigger warnings all over for the ~space prince~
No. 376885
>>376881also decent people don't pretend to love someone and try to rake in as much sympathy as possible for being heartbroken.
>>376882i'm curious about this too because sarah and lainey were BOTH making fun of the #istandwithbillie hashtag within hours. sarah does get kind of snakey.
No. 376902
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>>376860Oh my god, is that Rex Manning?
No. 376903
>>376894If Gerg's philosophy on friendship here
>>376878 is any indication of how he's been influencing Sarah for the past three years combined with Lainey's equally fucked up ways she treats people in her life is anything to go by – I'm very much inclined to go with the latter of your thoughts.
No. 376904
>>376902Omg I thought that, too!
>oh rexy, you're so sexy! That painting needs a heavier set of brows.
sage for being an old cunt
No. 376913
>>376815At the start of the video he claims the email where he tells Billie to go back to Lainey is fake, but that has been proven to exist.
He says Lainey was crying, and then he says "she was about the cry".
He is constantly trickle-truthing and lying.
He claims the only email he would have sent would have to do with taxes. Two emails have been released and they don't mention taxes at all.
I have a feeling Drew is concerned about legal trouble because I'm certain there are more emails.
No. 376915
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Oh lord.
No. 376918
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No. 376920
>>376801> >>>/pt/res/374296.htmllink goes like this
>>374296 or this
>>>/pt/374296 No. 376921
>>376876yt anon it's done! for the huge block of text, he repeats himself so much.
No. 376932
>>376925>>376929>>376930I suspect it might have been pot that he was smelling on her.
It smells like old sweat
No. 376933
>>376929Yep, it's one of the insults he always falls back on when he can't think of anything more creative.
He said it about AJ, Social Repose and now Billie.
No. 376934
>>376926The term is "bold-faced", Anon.
But pleeeeease someone make a video with him flat out lying about the existence of this email followed immediately by him showing the email on his own damn phone.
Cause god, he made a total fool liar of himself for the world to see.
No. 376937
>>376934They are actually both acceptable terms, up Bold makes more sense.
Sage for off topic
No. 376938
>>376935I think those two emails Gerg showed on his stream were the only two aside from tax stuff.
They aren't that milky, but drew never claimed them to be. He just said Greg emailed Billie begging her to come back, which he did.
No. 376941
>>376935The only thing they "started" was posting the one email. Greg didn't even acknowledge it, clearly because he was going on as if he never sent ANY until people showed him that drew posted it. It was actually people in chat asking about emails that started it.
Tipping the cow, maybe. But it got milk
everywhere No. 376942
>>376938He did heavily imply and pretty much downright said at the end that Onision wants Billie more than Lainey which would make anyone assume he had reason to say that. I don't know I just think at this point Drew has done nothing but engage in a dick measuring contest with Onion.
I'm not saying that I disagree with Drew but I do think when it comes to arguing with Onion especially knowing how big he is on FAX it's go big or go home, imo
No. 376943
>>376922np! Sorry if there's typos, it was my first time trying to transcript something. And hearing his voice is painful enough.
>>376935But Greg was the one to start the drama? Drew just made an off-hand comment that Greg was still emailing Billie in the middle of his video. Greg was the one to blow up on twitter saying he never emailed her, so Drew replied with proof that he wasn't lying.
Also Greg outwardly lied the whole stream until someone sent him the link. And then he lost his shit. So, I mean if Greg never lied, we wouldn't have witnessed that meltdown. He brought it on himself.
No. 376945
>>376942I don't like Drew at all. He's kind of annoying and I think he's doing this 1) for attention and 2) because its the typical new bf hating and going after greasy ex bf.
i dont think we are ever going to see any more emails because i dont think there are any.
No. 376950
>>376945Drew isn't any worse than Onion and he's certainly leagues better. He's no grand prize but at least he's human. And yeah no shit he's doing it for attention- where have you been in the past Grag threads where he decimates his exes all for attention? Finally at least one of his exes is getting it back at him.
And no shit about the emails, clearly it was partially a ploy by anons/Drew being honest about what was shown/and Greg loosing his everloving shit because he's a narc.
No. 376972
shameless and undisguised; barefaced.
"a bald-faced lie"
No. 376975
>>376937Both terms are acceptable.
No. 376982
>>376945there probably are more emails. billie got really close to them, she saw a lot. otherwise narc mcfuckcuck wouldn't be narcing out so much about it.
billie seems to have a lot to say about grainey but SHE has actual anxiety and doesn't enjoy being the center of everyone's sympathy/attention. whenever drama pops up it's because someone else is standing up for her and airing the abuse themselves. last time it was ayalla.
so, with that being said, remember how greg silenced ayalla and billie by threatening to send cops to their family's house? you guys wonder why billie's trying her best to get even but also be safe?
No. 376986
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>>376965>>376967He got semi-doxxed on kiwifarms last year, but the phone number looks kinda fake to me.
No. 376995
>>376984Sadly for Taylor, there's no fucking way to do that. No matter how quickly and quietly she does it, even if she doesn't demand the child support and alimony she'd be entitled to, Gurgles won't let go that easily. I don't think she could find a lawyer good enough to make him shut up.
She'll have to knuckle up and just do it
No. 377000
>>376995I think that's a really sad situation to be in. I don't think the internet is supporting her either. So she probably does feel trapped.
>>376996I hope she gets out alive.
No. 377023
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HAHA Asked him if he has NPD
No. 377032
Posting drews response vid in case anyone missed it:
No. 377039
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One of the tax emails
No. 377048
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>goes on YouNow to make Lainey money so he can kick her to the curb
>calls her viewers idiots and fuckface
>keeps talking shit about Billie and her hygiene
>"billie is violent, she screamed at my wife"
No. 377059
>>377045This made me kek like how childish is that?
"eww shes stinky" onision, you look like a sweaty gym sock, and theres is no nastier stink then the stink of desperation which you reek of. Give it up dude.
No. 377074
>>377067I keked so hard at people asking if he had a black eye. No, kids. He's just not aging well and has probably not slept at all.
This stream was tame as fuck. Other than him talking shit about Billie, this was nothing special.
>let's make lainey some moolah>five people donate No. 377077
>>377060Haha I can hear the person recording having a chuckle and munching on popcorn hahahaha it's so cute to me for some reason
Sage for ot
No. 377079
>>377060That chuckle you make when he says "stank ass armpit, bad hygienic bitch", is everrrrything
He's adding more and more words to her title every day, and talks about her starving herself, which he "helped her with" kek
sage for ot
No. 377082
>>377062kek maybe billie left him because above all else shes too mature for him. Hes always been pathetic, I really hope we are seeing the beginning of his downfall.
I'm really horrified to learn he has kids. Tj=hose poor kids ;_;
No. 377083
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No. 377090
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>>377083Hey, faxmachine - learn to spell, once and for fucking all. You fucking narcissist.
No. 377094
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No. 377098
>>377022My God, he was so fucking vile here!
At least in the old Ustream videos he didn't cuss anyone out or called people names and shit, just interacted with his fans and sang along to his shitty music.
Yeah this is tame compared to yesterday, but damn!
No. 377101
>>377089Actually its more a brain dead defensive tactic used by idiots who have no argument
"you calling me a racist means you're the real racist"
"You calling me a narcissist makes you the real narc…narci…naricccistity smelly poopoohead"
No. 377105
>>377104He responded to me often XD I think it's coz I sent Lainey a video telling her to grow some confidence and not to live up to his standards and morals.
XD He's such a fucking cuck.
>>377100>>377104Damn, are we were all females there, so much for ~feminism~
Guess I got lucky since he was "nice" to me, and I fucking called him a cuck in the alimony question!
No. 377110
>>377105he responded to me asking if he loved Billie more because she's cuter lol
Why not just say he thinks his wife is more attractive? Why equal? Cus he knows Billie is cuter and that's why he wanted to bang her without Lainey there so badly. Also said he didn't love Billie more because he dumped her so many times and chose Lainey. Yeah cus you won't have to pay Billie child support if you dump her unlike Lainey lololol.
No. 377111
>>377104You can tell what he really thinks of his audience by the way he treats younow chat, too. He assumes
everyone is a young child that doesn't know anything about the world. That's the preconceived notion he has going in to a livestream in front of presumably his own audience.
>>377105>>377107>XDPlease stop.
No. 377118
>>377105>XDsage your shit, anon.
>>377110Imagine how much more normal he would have seemed if he was just calm and said something like "even though Billie is cute, I am more attracted to my wife" instead he goes "reeeEEEEEEE, Billie is an ugly bitch who smells, eeew"
He could have done so much damage control, but he's too damn stupid and falls for easy bait all the fucking time. It must be so exhausting being around his bullshit.
>>377116Your account name is perfection. Good job, Anon.
No. 377120
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Thanks. Mines taking ages to render
No. 377131
Fucking LULZ at his response to "Get a real job"
>Whoever said that, you can never watch tv, you can never watch movies, you can never listen to music again, they all fall under the same umbrella
Holy shit, Gerg, you ACTUALLY think you produce the same kind of content as legitimate filmmakers, showrunners and musicians? We've SEEN your shit, you delusional autist, you're an embarrassing, ugly, disgusting manchild with a camera, sperging out in your tacky fucking house, making GARBAGE fucking content and the WORST music…so bad, I wouldn't consider it music, so bad I actually thought he was doing it on purpose and it was a JOKE…I've ever fucking listened to, your "music" is like ear rape, Microdick Jones.
Oooh, but sure, the people who accuse you of being a "narccciccist" are the real ones with NPD, not you and your insane delusions of grandeur.
No. 377141
>>377133The thing is it just comes off as retarded.
I remember he did a video to "mock" people calling him a pedo by dressing up as a woman and explaining in a really stupid voice in 3rd person how hes not a pedo and i swear its so wierd and creepy i could imagine it being used as exhibit B when hes on trial for getting his followers to commit ritual suicide.
No. 377156
>>377153Here's another copy of it. already up and ready to watch
No. 377157
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Good lord his brow is not even human
No. 377161
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>>377157(although harry is cuter)
No. 377164
>>377159I'd be wary of believing what the compulsive liar says about anything at this point, he could even mean "cheating" was sitting on that guy's shoulders at a gig back in the summer when he threw a massive shitfit at her and dumped her for the 3rd time over it.
Not to mention this
>>377160 and the fact it was a poly relationship, he's the one that wanted the "trinity" is Billie's desires not as important as his? Cripes.
No. 377169
Replying to posts from previous thread
>>376761>>376767>>376764Cyr is the host on DramaAlert instead of Keem this weekend. Guest hosts choose which news to report.
Wouldn't it be grand if Cyr addressed Greg's meltdown on the show? A farmer can dream…
No. 377178
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>>377157He looks like something from star trek lol
Someone please send gurgles back to his home planet, he's unfit to live on Earth and clearly doesn't belong here!
No. 377179
>>377174he's gone in on onion before on his own
>>>/pt/334178it was just his snapchat, but he was raging.
No. 377190
>>377181I don't know why he's bothering to try and drag her name through the mud again, it didn't work the first time he tried it; even with the combined efforts of Doormat - it failed then and it's going to fail again.
Did he seriously believe he's safe to do all this shit behind his Patreon "paywall" where he thought he could bask in the validation of his supporters alone? Fuck no, haha.
No. 377194
>>377190Hes used to scaring his ex's off the internet with his harassment and sicking his fans on them. He didnt take into account that hes barely relevant now, and he has less fans than before. There are more people who hate him who will side with billie. And even his fans dont care and are sick of him talking about it.
Hes probably mad that shes getting the same amount of views some of his videos are getting with only 140k subs while he has 2 million lmao. And that she is not huddled crying in a corner cowering to stick her head out like his wife lameo would be if she got dumped. Billie's life isnt ruined and she quickly moved on and found a new boyfriend. With skye, he pretty much ruined her youtube career and she stayed away. With shiloh he ruined her music career and she also shyed off the internet for awhile. Billie however, all he did was really take her job from target and she quickly found a new job, got a new boyfriend and still has fans and a youtube channel with positive likes and decent views for how small her channel is. Hes so mad haha. He has to be reminded at how much prettier and interesting she is compared to plainey cardboard box personality lameo.
No. 377196
File: 1493274765841.png (411.87 KB, 540x488, troglodyte.png)

this water is the closest to fiji lainey will ever get
No. 377204
>>377196haha bless you anon.
>>377198I wish drew and billie would meet up in fiji next because lameo would cry so hard.
No. 377212
>>377116I like how he goes on and on about that ONE time billie screamed at lainey saying she was a fucking bitch or whatever while in the same breath calling her a disgusting druggie loser whore homewrecker stank ass armpit unhygienic dumb bitch dropout secondhand gf lying slut criminal unstable violent uncontrollable psycho who needs a dog collar with a dogshit personality piece of shit, etc.
But that one time billie yelled at lainey calling her a fucking bitch!
No. 377217
>>377213Not to mention
>Billie completely independent>Earns enough money for a trip to Europe to have fun with her boyfriend>Her boyfriend is proud of herMeanwhile
>Plainey hasn't earned shit in her sad life>Has to depend on 31-year old red toddler she calls her husband to give her some allowance>He will never take her to Fiji, he doesn't even remember she wants to goLainey, you are so #blessed
No. 377220
>>377217I like how onion even knows lameo does nothing. In the younow:
>"lainey has a patreon now. Lainey might actually do something on it…they want to."While smirking and then laughing like he knows shes useless. And he says it after seeing the comments saying lainey doesnt do anything. He can't even deny the fact she does nothing.
No. 377235
>>377111>>377118everyone get off XD-chans back they are wholesome and pure!!!
>>377168I wonder if Lainey got so upset because she secretly wished she could be free like Billie
>>377212and it was probably true, too, lol
No. 377239
File: 1493279953336.png (54.48 KB, 629x562, IMG_9097.PNG)

Just stumbled upon this. Micropenis confirmed
No. 377240
here is the backup younow from yesterday: is onion's video on otherkin. he rages.
No. 377242
>>377238The lack of self awareness is astounding. He's a complete and total hypocrite.
>>377241You're not wrong, I didn't hear him deny that fact at all lol
No. 377244
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>>376801Onionboy should really re-think all those "ugly as fuck" insults.Greg, look in the mirror, now look at Drew, now in the mirror. Who's ugly as fuck?
Sage for being petty.
No. 377247
>>377244I'm developing a crush on this stupid idiot
He's not that smart, he's kind of into himself, but he's so cute defending billie. sage for being autistic i hate myself
No. 377249
>>377245i'm watching the younow stream as i upload it and he starts accusing billie and drew of having a shit sex life which is why they must be obsessing over him.
he admits he isn't well endowed, but he 100% believes he is a sex god lol.
No. 377257
>>377244They are both ugly, but Drew seems less prickish.
Some of you are massively overrating this guy's appearance lol
No. 377261
Stop spamming this thread with this fugly mug , we already have two fugly mugs being posted repeatedly.
>>377250Wasnt there a video in which he showed his sex toys in the basement or something like that? Im curious now lol
No. 377267
Greg going on about one time Billie called Taylor a bitch actually says a lot of good things about Billie imo. Given the environment in that house, and how Greg loves to spill everything, that was probably the worst thing she ever did to them.
Billie is young, uneducated, suffering from untreated mental health problems, and was in a chaotic environment full of fighting where she was having constant panic attacks, and the worst things they can say about her conduct is that she had bad hygiene and called Lainey a bitch, and that she took out her frustration on some pumpkins. Honestly, I think it's impressive–I couldn't have held it together that well, and I have the same disorder Billie thinks she has (panic disorder).
Compare that to all the shit Greg and Lainey have done through all the breakups… Yeah. Even if the hygiene thing is true, I think Billie still is way classier and more mature than either of them will ever be.
No. 377269
>>377267>Billie still is way classierNo. Lets just call it what it is/they are: a bunch of white trash people that behave as expected. I am sorry but if someone I was paying for screamed at me calling me a bitch while shes living at MY place with MY money, I would have slapped that bitch. Lainey and Billie are around the same age right? Seems only fair. I think the only one "classy" on that "kitchen fight" was Lainey and thats saying a lot. They are all shit-stains. (but yes Lainey and Onion are worse)
>>377268I dont think they feel "sorry" for her per se, they just feel sorry for her kid/s.
No. 377275
>>377238Sat through the whole thing and thought of someting, "everyone will see what you did to me" isn't that something shiloh said in that mental breakdown video? Do you guys think there's some truth about gregs behavior in this song?
Sage for speculation and no contribution
No. 377276
>>377269Despite what you can say about Billie's class, she seems like a sweet girl who tried to make the best of the situation. She specifically asked Gurgles to stop shouting at Lainey and Sarah.
Compare to Lainey the sour faced cunt who is manipulative and a crier all the time. Ughh.
No. 377288
>>377238crying in his tesla, lol.
this seems to spell out a position where the abuser is, in fact, the weak one. like there's some gymnastics behind it that say 'see, women are strong and they always crush their abusers, therefore if that doesn't happen they were not really being abused'. that's not how it works, greggles. be mad.
No. 377312
>>377206But I bet he knows Billies favorite anime.
No. 377324
>>377302>staying for the kid>LaineyThat's a good one. This is the woman who is a lactation consultant (supposedly) yet let her kid breastfeed without brushing his teeth until his entire mouth rotted. This kid had to have oral surgery to fix BABY TEETH.
Lainey's definitely a better parent than Onion (a wild animal would be a better parent than Onion) but she's neglectful and spends all her time crying or doing social media. It says a lot that the only picture you've seen of Troy in his natural habitat is shunted off to the side with neither parent in sight and recording equipment dangerously shoved next to his play area. For fucks sakes they had a big lighting gear pushed right next to his play table where he'd sit. All it would take was for him to fall and it'd come down on top of him.
No. 377336
File: 1493296618023.jpg (30.4 KB, 490x490, grid-cell-27984-1447873473-11.…)

>>376860taking posing tips from zoolander is a brave move.
No. 377337
>>377083Sorry for pulling something from so far back, but he actually said "we talked about how narcissistic people who call people narcissistic are"
Think about this. This is a 30 year old who just used the "I know you are but what am I" comeback. "I'm not narcissistic, you are.."
No. 377340
>>377301I think the main reason she's still with him is because being the current Greasewife is her main identity and also out of spite to both her family and the h8ers. They may have a big house and a fancy car but aside from that their lifestyle is all but luxurious: hardly any furnishings, shitty processed food all day erry day, ugly plain clothes, no outings or vacations ever, not even a decent wedding band that won't turn her finger green. I think she'd stay with him even if they have to sell the car and downgrade on the house, as long as he doesn't expect her to get a job or take responsibility.
I do think she might leave him if he were to permanently sink into obscurity. Their entire relationship is based around the internet and his internet 'fame'. She is Onision's Wife. If Greg ceases to be Onision, the basis of their relationship falls through, plus there will be no h8ers to say "I told you so".
It will probably take a long time for this to happen though, dude is like a cockroach. He'll probably find some way to get rid of her before she ever considers leaving him.
>>377304B-but anon he PAID for her so it's only fair she does those things to prove her love in return!
>>377337Coming from the same guy whose immediate response to rejection is "well ur ugly and u stink", I can't say I'm surprised.
No. 377348
Do you watch DBZ Abridged?
No. 377349
>>377235(Speculating this is the same anon from a few posts back)
Stop using "XD" dammit! And if you are, sage!
No. 377353
File: 1493301878715.png (77.55 KB, 632x606, ladyboy.png)

Kinda OT but i was looking at that ladyboy's twitter and she claimed that musician lainey is currently obsessed with is a rapist. Also her tweets are pretty ironic rn when she supports onion boy. I don't think lameo will be happy about this lmao.
No. 377355
File: 1493301932959.png (433.27 KB, 603x602, 2017-04-27.png)

he looks so fucking weird when his eyebrows aren't slouched over his eyes.
No. 377356
>>377353She's so edgy and honest, just like her idol Onision!!! U guise, it's not her fault, don't shoot the messenger!
Kys, Dani. Your photos are shit, your makeup looks like crusty sperm and your personality is by far the worst of all.
No. 377357
File: 1493302323310.png (607.08 KB, 410x595, B976FC5A-F2A4-413B-8160-A9DEAC…)

>>377346I remember that too. I'll try to find it, because he admitted that Taylor cheated on him with Greg. And that Greg cheated on Shiloh for Taylor. She and David dated for like 3-4 years and were planning a life together, and then she got her fangirl fantasy and ditched him.
She and Greg lie about dates a lot, and when someone asked when they started dating on stream, Taylor turned to him and asked "what did we decide on?" or something.
Also I found another screenshot of Taylor saying she's never been bi.
No. 377364
File: 1493302943528.png (93.13 KB, 588x742, ladyboy.png)

>>377353To add, shes going on and on about how this callmekarizma guy violated girls and took advantage of underaged girls (sound like someone?). And that anyone who supports him is terrible and just as guilty as him. But she supports lameo who is like his #1 fan. Her twitter banner is his album.
Also if what shes saying is true, that guy is fucked up.
No. 377365
>>377364She's about the most unreliable narrator who ever lived, so I
don't believe her.
No. 377383
>>377353>>377364theres literally no evidence to any of this other than her tweets. why the fuck does she expect us to believe such outrageous things? she has no receipts! for all we know she could be a psycho spreading lies for no reason. this is crazy, no one is going to believe shit.
jesus, she's obnoxious
No. 377385
File: 1493306796202.png (48.57 KB, 828x156, Screen Shot 2017-04-27 at 11.2…)

No. 377386
File: 1493307058727.png (14.3 KB, 592x109, lameo.png)

What a surprise!
No. 377387
File: 1493307231824.png (1.11 MB, 1558x862, Screen Shot 2017-04-27 at 11.3…)

No. 377398
File: 1493309704226.png (583.77 KB, 479x1014, yesgregyouropinionsarentFAAAX.…)

No. 377405
File: 1493310411772.png (260.29 KB, 390x383, cuck.png)

>>377355>>37738910 minutes + is really uncomfortable viewing. His anger mixed with feigned high-pitched giggles is nauseating.
I feel genuinely scared for those who are around him IRL. The MAHUSIVE size of his ego is way too big to actually be able to cope with the level of hypocrisy, lies, and cringe he has generated now without consequences. It would be better if he was completely unself-aware but you can tell the whole time with the fakeyfakey that he hasn't even convinced himself of the act he puts on.
He should smoke a joint and take some time to deconstruct his bullshit image that only fools a minority of pre-pubescent girls.
No. 377408
>>377406kek dont say that if onion boy sees it his ego will grow again.
No. 377415
File: 1493311370944.png (33.96 KB, 505x372, after2nightsofshaming.png)

Fucking hell, Did the past two younow outbursts just NOT happen? jfc grease
No. 377420
File: 1493312100429.png (175.34 KB, 494x587, ohshutup.png)

>>377415No proof of who sent this email to him.
No. 377429
File: 1493313003372.png (2.67 MB, 2880x590, cuckbanner.png)

>>377398his banner is so shitty, especially since he prides himself on being a website creator and graphic designer.
He should call this "a tribute to all my dollar store costumes"
No. 377441
>>377398God, it's like a sad version of Filthy Frank's banner.
Gerg, you can't hop on the Papa Franku train. Everybody already has tried (some have succeeded) in to switch over to the edgelord genre and it's already getting old and played out. Of course your old man self is realizing what the kids these days like just as it becomes un-cool.
No. 377442
>>377436His videos havent been demoted because of swearing
they have been demoted because they fall under he category of bullying and harassment you are no martyr cuckboy stop trying to make out you are being targeted unfairly you fucking shitstain.
No. 377443
>>377428>>377430iirc groggy explained that he made her work for him "editing" because her job was getting in the way of them spending time together. so less, "prostitution work" and more "culty sex ring" but sure man, if that's how you see it.
>>377436i wonder how this is going to play out because now his income relies entirely on whether people find him likable or not. so if he's a little too mean to lainey one day he might lose a lot of money. he's going to quickly realize how good he had it when his paycheck is in the hands of some 14 year old with an allowance
No. 377452
>>377440He has the strangest deep dent in the center of his forehead, as if someone got sick of his shit one day and hurled a baseball at his face.
Normally his videos are lit to disguise it but streaming reveals all.
No. 377454
>>377420I like how in his last younow accusing drew of photoshopping emails, he says he knows ways to fake emails that can make them seem real even when scrolling. It like confirms he fakes all these emails to himself and has researched ways to convince people they are real. lmao.
>>377444This shit is too creepy, he basically acts out his ex's who have left him and then he posts this shit basically siding with them for doing the right thing while at the same time insulting billie for leaving him. And his fans are like omg onion you're such a great guy!
>>377449someone should really make a video of how onion has changed his story about what billie did like eighty times in his own videos. and how at first he was blaming lameo for all their problems, now its switched cause lameo stuck around and billie left. Funny how first, lameo was the problem, then billie was the problem. It's never greg is the problem.
No. 377459
>>376962I can see it now:
Lainey-ok Troy. If John has three apples, and give Gene 2 apples, what pronouns would Gene use to thank John for the apples?
Troy- uhhhh, Xir?
sob sobruns from room
Gurg come in - Troy! Lainey is crying! How could you you piece of crap???!?
No. 377490
File: 1493321802543.png (66.26 KB, 594x398, yikes.png)

>>377488if you didnt want to search i went and checked for it, i hope that's cool. lol she's beyond embarrassing
No. 377497
File: 1493323063483.jpg (88.85 KB, 480x578, 9d39704a8c872220f483900f3286be…)

>>377238Creepy Fact: That is Billie's wig. Wonder if he makes Lainey wear it when they're having sex in the basement.
No. 377499
>>377490Ah yes that's it! thank you..
There's been more times she's said that she isn't bi than times she's said she is, looking at her when she first met Greg I'd never think in a million years she'd turn into this "agender bisexual poly emo depressed mother of two" but then again destroying lives and sucking the life out of people is what Greg does best.
No. 377501
File: 1493323550203.jpg (133.79 KB, 1280x541, damn.jpg)

DAYUM! I knew it was circling the drain, butdamn.
No. 377502
>>377499We all know that she's not actually benefiting the LGBTQ community, but it really irks me that she does more harm than good for Bisexuals (taking part in that bi visibility hashtag by posting selfies of yourself
doesn't fucking count, Plainey) by constantly whipping back and forth between "I am!", "I'm not!", "I am!" and shit. Like, rad, good job, you dumb bitch, you're feeding into the stereotype that Bisexuality=confused and experimenting.
No. 377503
File: 1493323922583.png (21.71 KB, 577x202, lameo.png)

>>377490ooh! That explains this one. It was all just her in denial for so long! Now that she keeps saying shes still polyamorous from having that one forced relationship (but will never date anyone again). Shes totally poly guys!
Also the screencap says 39m ago, but it's old from cuddlegate, not to confuse anyone.
No. 377505
>>377501Raaaad, Granglez, you threw all your money away on "stinky-armpit-skanks" and girls with "dutty houses" just so you could lord it over them in an attempt to feel powerful, now you make about as much as somebody with a job that pays $10/hour. Hey, Lainey, Troy and Claire: fuck you. Papa Onion getting puss was the priority, fuck any chance of cool vacations and financial security. Enjoy eating cold beans out of a can.
I'll always love Drew for pointing out he got a girlfriend, had a lovely time with her in a great city, makes her smile everyday and didn't have to spend a penny on her to do so.
You do get that you're as sad as a guy who has to pay women off of Craigslist to come over, hang out with him and suck his greasy cock, Greg, right? You do get that having to pay women to hang out with you is fucking pathetic? Right? And that you'll never get to do that again? Sucker.
No. 377509
>>377504He reminds me of how Lenny Bruce would just do "stand up" that consisted of him bitching about his legal trouble to an audience at the end of his career, like, him just reading legal documents and complaining how unfair it all was to a blank faced, confused audience who'd come to hear comedy.
Meanwhile, Lenny Bruce actually
did face a witch hunt all because he cursed in public, while Gerg whining that "YOUTUBE IS UNFAIRLY PERSECUTING ME FOR CUSSING" is utter bullshit.
>doesn't he realise that makes him sound even more controlling?He's so bad at impersonating what a good, decent person sounds like. He makes it so clear that these aren't his legitimate opinions, that he doesn't actually give a shit about women's rights and is an actual abuser. It's like "I
guess this is what a normal human being would say? Right? Like, I'd hold my spouse down and scream 'YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE WAY YOU AREEE!!' in her face if she wanted to get a boob job? Yeah, that sounds good…"
No. 377510
>>377497He really is a creep. Wears the wig of his ex he abused and quotes another ex he abused. Doesn't he also wear a hat that looked like what shiloh wore before? Both who were strong enough to leave and get over him. And the abuser in this video just sounds like him. Telling the victim "it was all your fault. everythings your fault."
I feel like he is self aware of the shit he does but gets off on the idea of fooling his audience into thinking hes amazing when hes an asshole right to their face. He thinks hes so powerful.
>>377504lol what. jaclyn has said she always wanted a boob job and when she told her mom and everyone, no one was surprised and was like "i thought you would have done it sooner". But yeah, he always thinks girls only do things for the guys they are with. They are always just sex objects for men to him.
>>377508She would never cause gerg would leave her and she does everything for greg. Her whole life revolves around him. If he died, she'd have an identity crisis because thats 100% of her identity dying. Shes nothing if shes not onisions wife who became bisexual when he told her to and who became poly when he told her to. He probably told her to be agender too to attract girls for him who the fuck knows.
No. 377512
>>377504Yeah im sure lainey feels so secure with you!
Hiring and flirting with half naked actresses, praising teens who send you semi nudes, asking fans to call you sexy, telling you he doesnt love you, not caring when you leave with the kids, not remembering tahiti or ever planning to take you there, trashing your family, getting mad at your music tastes, belittling you for being anemic, vaguely bashing you and overtly bashing you in videos, ignoring you when youre jealous, forcing you to get a girlfriend for his sexual satisfaction, flirting with the girl youre jealous about, massaging her, telling said girl you love her when your marriage is in jeopardy, naked massage and cuddling against your wishes, coercing you into polyamory, coercing you into threesomes and shaming you for not being comfortable, removing you from the threesomes completely when you object to them, etc etc.
But he wont make you get surgery so he loves you and doesnt want you to be insecure :) :) :)
No. 377527
>>377504Why does he always say Jaclyn and Richie are dating? He even has to wonder aloud if they're still dating or not when, dude, they
got married ages ago. They've been married longer than they dated, they got married after only dating for a short period of time. Whenever they refer to one another, it's as "my husband", "my wife" or "my spouse". For somebody who's so obsessed with the two of them that he feels the need to bitch about Jaclyn getting a boob job ("SHE DID VIDEOS WITH ME, RICHIE, SHE'S STILL
MINE, RICHIE, HOW DARE YOU MAKE HER GET A BOOB JOB THAT SHE CLEARLY STATED SHE WANTED TO GET"), he'd know that they've been married…for, I think, close to a year now? Like, he's trying to tie in her boob job to her "recently" starting to "date" a guy when they've been married a year (hell, maybe more).
What a fucking idiot.
No. 377541
>>377429It's really inconsistent branding too. Jacksfilms has really consistent branding, his graphics aren't always the best but it's consistent and very recogniseable.
>>377501Haha wow I remember watching him fall out of the top 100, and now he's nearly out of the top 2000
>>377511how can anyone bare to watch all his videos now a days. You can love yourself as is, and you can love yourself with plastic surgery. Not very feminist of him to assume that she can't make her own decision/is so easily manipulated by a man.
>>377525he self diagnosed himself a few years ago because a fan suggested it. But most likely narcissistic sociopath.
No. 377542
>>377511Kids, don't get a boob job because then a greasy thirty something year old won't want to fap to you. Of course, by that logic, a bunch of other greasy men will fap, but Onion penis is the only peen that matters.
Omission, your channel is dying because your content is based on picking on better youtubers for stupid shit that is none of your business. Stop subtly baiting your mentally disabled audience with sinking ship and public execution metaphors.
But good on you for letting mastectomy patients know that their replacement boobs are ugly and disappoints your microdick.
No. 377548
>>377544If true; this is no surprise; the military cannot allow certain kinds of people into certain positions. You WANT a low empathy person who feels strongly about rules in combat, but they cannot be a narcissist because their ego will fuck up orders.
Any more info you could share?
No. 377555
>>377527>>377534He does that shit on purpose. He's trying to diminish the significance of their relationship to have a dig at them. It's like when he said: "Drew's ugly… I hear." as if he wasn't stalking his social media as soon as Billie started dating him. Or, when someone purposely forgets someone's name to hurt them. It's passive aggressive garbage behavior.
GREG'S WHOLE LIFE IS DRAMA, of course he watches that shit, lol. (caps at the absurdity, not you, anon) He's cut himself off from a life outside of the internet, where he can control every aspect of his life and appearance to others. NARC.
>>377544Please be real, and please pass the milk?
No. 377561
>>377556Narcissists never accept flaws, or address them. They live in a delusional world where they think MOST EVERYONE else is delusional/imperfect and unable to understand just how exceptional the narcissist is.
So, yeah, this
>he just refused to accept it because it was unpossible that the awesomest man who ever lived could be a narcissist?I really doubt he pursued legal action, though it is a right under HIPAA to request a revision of your own medical records. I don't know if that right extends to military medical records though. I'm curious what's meant by his refusal too. I'm just guessing that he did something similar to what he did in the livestream the other day, sperged at the doctor/medical records staff, accused them of being mentally ill for implying he was, and stormed out like a child.
He really is a textbook narcissist imo. I'm not a psych or anything, it's just amazing to watch. He's so far gone.
No. 377563
>>377561>>I'm curious what's meant by his refusal too. I'm just guessing that he did something similar to what he did in the livestream the other day, sperged at the doctor/medical records staff, accused them of being mentally ill for implying he was, and stormed out like a child. I would assume his goal was a higher position than the one he was allotted (MP, was it?) He was never promoted, sent into combat, never learned to fly, etc etc, and i would assume he was never cleared by medical for any of these things because they have to be careful what kind of people they hand power and bigger weapons to.
>>377544If there's anything else you can say, or would be willing to say, we'd appreciate it. You can confirm your identity to the mods without exposing yourself; we're very committed to keeping sources anonymous.
No. 377569
>>377563>I would assume his goal was a higher position than the one he was allotted (MP, was it?)Absolutely. If I recall correctly, he wanted to be in the Special Forces. When it became clear to him that his superiors weren't going to place him in that MOS, he had a narcissistic breakdown. Stripping naked in front of an officer and threatening suicide, etc. Narcs lose it when their ego is threatened.
Fortunately for the United States, the military conducts extensive personality screenings. They don't put unstable people in unstable situations. I bet he's still very butthurt that the air force wouldn't let him "Aim High or Fly-Fight-Win" LMAO.
No. 377572
>>377532>>377534It's just so easy to disprove that he's indifferent towards these "haturz" when he'd have to go out of his way to watch Jaclyn's video in the first place to know she was getting the boob job. I'm sure he could say "Oh, someone just mentioned it to me", but then it's likely he has Lainey and/or Sarah set up on laptops, checking on his designated enemies all day and that, again, shits all over him insisting that he doesn't care about them. Every single thing he does proves he cares
waaaaay too much about everything everybody else does.
>>377548I want this to be true so hard that I am choosing to trust this anon. It sounds believable, you do have to be medically cleared for certain positions and the military does seek out a certain personality type when they're giving promotions.
Blogpost, but my uncle did SpecOps in Nicaragua, Bosnia and some other places and got pretty far in his military career because he's that certain kind of functional psychopath who's less narcissistic/cruel and just incapable of empathy and doesn't really feel any sort of fear or anxiety. The man luges down the side of glaciers as a hobby, like, he's perfect for the military.
Onion, on the other hand, is so fucking narcissistic, stubborn and emotionally unstable that he'd make a terrible fucking soldier. I'm sure they were happy to have somebody volunteer and hold a gun, but no way were they going to give him any real power or say.
No. 377577
so obsessed with it that I am kind of wondering if that particular date was a shot in the dark (even though it was trolling) that actually hit something. That'd be pretty funny, if so.
No. 377579
Was just thinking about HSanon's account of how Gerg started bragging about signing up/planning on signing up for the Air Force after HS, telling people they owed him respect since he was a future United States Air Force solider who would be protecting their freedom. He was so, so amped on joining and it shows how little foresight and self awareness he has, he never put any real thought into the decision past "This will make me cool, special and people will
have to respect me."
He'd addicted to questioning experts and people in positions of authority. If a doctor tells him "We need to do this procedure", he smirks and starts questioning their medical opinion and expertise. He doesn't care that his arrogance is putting his loved ones in danger, he's far more concerned with making it clear he's the smartest guy in the room (hahahaha) by rolling his eyes and scoffing at anybody who tells him what to do/what's what.
I can so easily imagine him being told by an officer to make his bed in basic training and him crossing his arms, sneering and shooting back "Why should I? We're all just atoms and molecules, and, like, whatever, so why should
I make my bed because
you told me to? Because you're my
superior? What makes you my
Your superior?
Scoffs It's all bullshit!"
Gerg would feel so smart and edgy, but the officer would just think "Okay, this guy is not fit for the military at fucking all."
It's fucking hilarious when you think about it.
No. 377582
>>377577Unless a farmer wants to fess up that they made and sent that screenshot (it's so poorly made, I'd expect a farmer to make a way more convincing attempt if they were to actually send him something) nobody knows of the exact date that the YouNow farmer made up except for Grease himself.
He's attempting to make it sound to his fans that the emails are fake, he's so hung up on being outed as a liar.
No. 377594
>>377593I think at this point, it doesn't matter if she was a bit sweaty or not… he was always on the ready to fuck her at the drop of a hat, he couldn't even sit away from her in his videos.
That insult is about as empty as the other dozens of insults that he colorfully described her with.
No. 377596
>>377593Yes and yes. Along with admitting to forcing-I mean
having Greasewife 1.0 shower/bathe with him whenever he wanted.
No. 377599
>>377579lol, Grease would be a
nightmare to work with in any capacity whatsoever.
Narcs have an extreme love-hate relationship with authority. They defy authority because they have to be the best at everything… but they’ll also appeal to authority because it makes them feel powerful by association. Narcs often seek authoritative positions (police, military, religious leadership, etc) because they feel they can’t be questioned. They also don’t really wanna do the work required to get to that position because they’re so entitled.
It’s speculated the love-hate authority thing stems from their parents. The narc want their parents acceptance, but they also resent them. I'm always intrigued when Gurg interacts with his mom because she's clearly a narc, and did a fucking number on him.
No. 377603
>>377597hahaha v convincing tinfoil
>>377601It's painfully middle school: pick on someone for their hygiene.
No. 377613
>>377580Yeah he somehow is calling drew a liar and shit as if he made up that date. It was someone in the chat who has admitted it here LOL. Drew was sleeping while this shit was happening. And whenever anyone says drew said something, he confirms it to be true, then keeps going BUT WHERE ARE THESE EMAILS, DREW IS A LIAR. Drew showed the february email, and onion confirmed there were emails by showing them too AND another one. And drew said there were emails up until end of march about tax stuff, and onion confirmed its true and even shared one of them. BUT THE APRIL 11 EMAIL?? Drew never said there was an April 11 email so what did he lie about lmao. So much for dem FAAACTS.
>>377597Lets all remember this younow stream where he calls lameo hygienic and says she smells good. If they break up hes gonna be calling her stanky too.
>>377610i doubt she'd delete it without sending a screenshot to someone anyway. I believe that he didnt email her then, but he probably would have emailed her again in the future. Look how he still keeps contacting jaclyn glenn about every little thing when they arent even friends lmao.
No. 377618
>>377608Ahh okay, I thought you specified it was April 11th and not just April itself, my bad.
Still, Drew never said any April emails existed… I think he mentioned there was one from March though.
Considering that fake screenshot said "to me" underneath the misspelled name, is he actually implying that Billie faked and released it because nobody else would be the recipient of it but her if it says "to me".
Obviously he made it himself, I'm just wondering if that's what he's trying to imply because that's a seriously shitty thing to make up and accuse someone of; which furthers my suspicion that he created it himself.
"I'm not saying you made it Billie! See! It was someone who tried to impersonate me, lol… look at my big glaring arrow at how they spelt my name wrong! Not at the fact I'm saying it was sent to YOUR inbox, lol."
No. 377620
>>377599Yep. I was just thinking about how he'd have been
so frustrated that his superiors couldn't recognize his innate speshulness and that he'd resent the shit out of officers for telling him what to do, thus, making him feel unimportant and small (uh, welcome to the military, Gerg, where you're just one tiny cog in a giant monster of a machine), so he probably believed "If I get promoted, then I'll be big and important and
I can boss people around. They'll see! THEY'LL SEE!"
Then they were like "Fuck no, you're not qualified for jack shit, you're unstable as fuck and won't stop being an insubordinate fuckass, get the fuck outta here with this 'promotion' nonsense", he'd have just melted into a puddle of pure narc rage. I seriously doubt his stripping naked tantrum was some clever ploy to escape military duty, he just doesn't want to admit he couldn't handle authority and rejection without losing his shit like a spoiled child.
It must've been beautiful to witness in a way that's simultaneously terrifying, pathetic and hilarious. Plus, gross because you'd have seen his micropenis.
No. 377623
File: 1493338485016.png (13.52 KB, 752x78, ObviousBait.png)

OT, but I just love this kid for baiting Onion's audience in the comments with this shit.
No. 377626
>>377622It would mean he purposely took it with him during the move from the house he last lived in with Shiloh to the Mcmansion he's in now.
When you notice something an ex (especially one who you supposedly hate) left behind; the first thing you do is either sell it, give it away or trash it.
He certainly thought it was too precious to give it away to Billie to have as well.
No. 377628
>>377582I have made up a different, but extremely convincing screen shot, however I feel like it would be cowtipping to send it so… I havn't done anything with it as of rn. I wanted to
trigger him but I didn't wanna potentially put his kid in danger if he really freaked out.
No. 377629
File: 1493338869181.png (26.3 KB, 828x194, CHECKOUTMYPATREONTHO4REAL.png)

I mean, this is what happens when your audience is 99.9% kids under 18.
No. 377631
>>377628I'm near enough 90 percent convinced he made it himself, it's far too much of an amateur PS job for a farmer to have created.
Noone else but us and him would've even cared to have remembered the YouNow-farmer's trolling date to have gone to the trouble of sending that pisspoor attempt at him… that chat stream in there goes way too fast for anyone outside of us or him to have noticed it.
In fact, it wasn't until YouNow-Farmer came forward to tell us of what they did to set him off that we knew about it ourselves.
It's him, he reacted to them so strongly that they made him expose himself as a liar and he's sore about it.
No. 377639
>>377628I want this to happen so,
so much that I was about to explain how I'm sure Troy/Claire would be safe, that it'd be all good, while actually knowing perfectly well that he could absolutely end up throwing Troy through one of the cheap walls of the mcmansion while in the midst of that narc rage.
>Flings toddler son into pile of filming equipment>"FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX"Now I feel like a terrible person for being willing to shrug off his kid's safety for the sake of milk. Ugh.
No. 377645
>>377636Ohh, you're right. I remember thinking "Heheheh, she's about to cry over the possibility of Gerg continuing to email Billie!" (jesus, I'm an evil cunt), but her smol space prince brain must've seen "emails" and "why does Greg love Billie more than you", assumed these emails must've contained Greg actually admitting that and that was why she was about to burst into tears when she logged off YouNow. She obviously then ran to Gerg, sobbing "They're saying you emailed her? Telling her you loved her more??"
So much for "Greg's never lied to me, so…", she doesn't trust jack shit about that guy.
No. 377646"Help Onision get the fax he needs", I'm dying.
Sage for no contribution, just thought this was amazing.
No. 377650
>>377649Does he even know about the meme? He's too stupid to work it out on his own.
He'd just furrow that shitty fucking caveman brow of his, scoff, say "WHO USES THESE ANYMORE, WHY WOULD I WANT IT?
IDIOT", scoff some more, wing it at Lainey's head, who'd proceed to go down like a sack of potatoes, and then he'd step over her prone body, ignore the wails of his son and go play shitty vidya games for 6 hours until he noticed Lainey hadn't provided his evening "Suk mi" sesh and plate of vegetarian chik'n nuggets and kick her in the ribs until she woke up.
No. 377659
Sage for a dumb ass dream story, sorry for shitposting, buuuut…
I dreamt I robbed Greg. In the dream I had flown to onionland and was shopping in a supermarket when I saw him in the vegetable section (not buying onions though - that would have been way funnier), and started talking to him, gave him a fake name, and flirted with him (ew) until he asked me back to his house because lainey was away and he wanted some suk mi. so i hop in his expensive car and go back to his place and keep fobbing him off when he asks for sex and riling him up by telling him i can beat him at video games, losing, then insisting again i'll beat him next time. he got so angry yelling "WHY DO YOU THINK YOU CAN WIN WHEN YOU KEEP LOSING?" his face turned red af. He went to take a shower and had left his phone and wallet on the counter. I ordered myself an uber with his credit card, stole his phone and his wallet, jumped in the uber and left to go to a lake about 20 mins away. at the lake i went through his phone and there was all this weird porn on there, as well as super abusive texts to lainey. i posted it all to twitter and threw his phone in the lake, pocketed the money from his wallet and left his credit card out on a bench. i then caught a taxi to the airport and flew home to australia with his money.
i think i need a break from this drama lmfao
No. 377660
Or just basic facts typed out, printed out, cut out and glued to it.
Like, "Dinosaurs became extinct 65 million years ago", "Dolphins are not fish", "The 20th President of the United States was James A. Garfield", "Our brains do not stop developing until we are 25 years old, GREG", etc.
No. 377662
>>377431My favorite part about this is he made what, 200K+ a year for how many years? And yet he has little to no savings? If he fucking budgeted, he could have lived off his profits by making wise investments so he would never have to work again. Now he clinging to a patreon to live by which is embarrassing for someone his age.
But I guess when you're inbred, your IQ can only be so high.
No. 377663
>>377655Oh, absolutely, yes. Like, I'm sure he only knows about the blinking guy meme after she sat him down and showed him a few and it's the only one he could remember.
I'm also sure he insists some old, un-cool things
are hip with the kids like "Uhhh, kids do TOO like Marilyn Manson still, he's still HUGE, Lainey, what are you talking about. Idiot. He's so edgy…" and she just fucking cringes. Like the other day, he went "UHHH, EVERYBODY STILL USES FACEBOOK, IT'S STILL SUPER POPULAR, WHAT ARE YOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT?"
…Just like an out of touch dad.
No. 377664
>>377660This needs to happen.
He wants facts, so send him facts with the fax.
No. 377665
>>377659Holy shit. My dreams are nowhere as clear and linear and similar to actual narratives. They're like "I'm here, NOPE, I'm there, now I have a baby, the baby is a cat, but that's not weird, my cat-baby is eating my insides, this, too, is not weird, the sky is red, it's the apocalypse, I'm running, etc."
I know it's a dream, but I can just picture Gerg screaming that shit at Lainey while holding her wrists and it makes me so uncomfortable.
Sage for not contributing whatsofuckingever.
No. 377666
>>377500I'm going to armchair a bit here, but you can tell in this video
>>376815 that he is so not over her.
The way he talks about her (constantly demeaning her, calling her names, insulting her, and over clarifying how much he is over her so aggressively) plus the facial expressions/eye movement he makes while saying all of that shows just how not over her he is. He is so beyond bitter. He wanted her all along, even tried to switch to her from Lainey, and is so so buttmad it didn't work out.
So tldr; yes, the wig is probably used by him in sexual ways because it's all he has left of what he wanted.
No. 377677
>>377670You could even pick up an old model in a thrift store or a garage sale for like $10… barely anyone uses them nowadays.
I even found a couple on Ebay for around $25…
No. 377679
File: 1493343310199.png (138.53 KB, 501x518, charitymyarse.png)

No. 377681
>>377674I know the relationship contract happened the last week of December, the "evil pot smoking" happened around New Years Eve and all that batshit drama fuckery happened during the first week of January. So, yeah, it's been 4 months.
Normally, you'd still be a tad salty 4 months after a year long relationship ended, but when you think about it, they really had something more like a 3-4 month long relationship cumulatively and he's going to be
this furious over that shit for another year or two and then finally downgrade to making bitter, cunty comments on the regular for the rest of his life.
Fucking teenagers get over 3-4 month long relationships faster than Gerg does.
No. 377682
>>377662200k a year he could've bought a decent house with 2-3 years worth of income, not had a mortgage, taken trips, actually done something worth while. he's done shit. he's wasted it.
>>377679the charity of providing onion with botox? or paying his child's dental bills?
No. 377684
File: 1493343515596.gif (85.48 KB, 220x140, fuckyouGreg.gif)

>>377679I fucking love you guys.
Also, sure, Jan. Charity. Sure.
No. 377691
>>377681Exactly, the entirety of the physical time they spent together was 3-4 months in total. I don't want to shit on LD relationships because they can be lovely and work out in the best case scenarios for those who are genuinely committed… but he broke up with her nearly 6 times in that year of a LD relationship.
It was a seriously toxic relationship from the start, heck… anyone that gets into a relationship with Grease is toxic from the get-go.
>>377679This brought a huge shit-eating grin to my face.
No. 377696
>>377694wew lawd
What's the date for this one, any idea?
No. 377699
>>377694>>377696wow i really can't fucking read, the date is right there kek
need more info on this, though. it's suspicious.
No. 377701
File: 1493345123906.jpg (24.75 KB, 221x326, C7keLrzV4AEYdBf.jpg)

>>377694lord have mercy if this is true then i'll be waiting for the next liverage
would love more proof though
No. 377708
If this anon claims it's not fake… take it to Billie first and have her confirm or veto it.
Don't go spreading it around until then, otherwise it's just going to work in Grease's favour.
>>377628 Is this the email you were talking about sending?
No. 377709
File: 1493345333900.png (1.15 MB, 1080x1666, 20170428_120747.png)

Dates coincide but could just be a thorough anon
No. 377716
>>377714yeah, i went ahead and reported it asking if it could be looked into to see if it matches the posts from an anon earlier in the thread.
i feel if it was the anon from earlier, they would have at least filled us in a bit more, but could be covering tracks. then again, who knows.
No. 377720
>>377718Same, either way… we should've learnt our lesson by now from the last couple of times this has happened, best to leave the farmhands and admins to it.
We've already had someone in here today claiming to have "known him from a past life" without verification and Grease's own attempt at making a fake email, so let's not do this to ourselves.
No. 377721
>>377694Why is someone faking emails from october 2016? I also think faking emails and sending it to him is a bad idea because it builds his credibility that other people are lying about him.
Also an anon earlier wanted to fake emails, so i dont believe any shit in this thread unless it comes from billie or drew themselves.
No. 377730
File: 1493347094009.jpg (51.14 KB, 800x611, C-cwZ2LUMAAR5EP.jpg)

The same qvatar used is the same one in Gerg's fake email, and the name has been purposely hidden in these ones.
No. 377731
>>377725I don't think it's real either, honestly. It's too "perfect." and I don't think he would be dumb enough to say, "it's not just because you're pretty."
Greg told Billie he loved her. When she called him out in her video, she was obviously freshly hurt that he said he only wanted and stayed with her because she's pretty. That kind of shock leads me to believe he didn't say anything like that to her before hand.
No. 377733
>>377708yeahh, i was going to say sooner but I had to step out
my b
i've deleted them
sorry to get your hopes up anons
>>377730that's his actual avatar, I didn't make that
No. 377736
>>377735This anon just admitted to faking them
>>377733Moving on…
No. 377746
>was going to say sooner but I had to step outAlso didn't think they were that great. I do apologize though. Figured I'd just delete the imgur link and have done with it.
Sage for guilty admission
No. 377748
>>377746lmao so you had time upload the screenshots and type when you wanted to say they were made but didn't have enough time to let people know that they were fake?
bitch bye
No. 377752
>>377746Fuck you I ended up dming billie over this shit to try and confirm, Don't you ever fucking do that again god fucking damn it, Spoilt fucking milk.
Either way guys at least he didn't get a FUCKING CENT from his play buttons, motherfucker thought he was gonna get 9k donate 1k and keep the rest. Can't wait till its patreon pay day, I do wonder how much he's going to lose?
No. 377756
>>377745>makes Onion look goodlol, there is no way left for Onion to look good now. He's dug himself too deep in his own shit.
Only HE thinks those emails are important and obsesses over them. As if a couple of emails would make or break his dying career or make people not hate him for chaining girls in his basement.
We, or Drew and Billie, could make a thousand fake emails, and it would only rile up Onion more and make him flip out and embarrass himself on stream again.
No. 377769
File: 1493349905030.jpg (53.86 KB, 468x308, lol.jpg)

>>377682He reminds me of a simpleton who wins millions at the lottery, and instead of putting it in a savings account or simply investing wisely in it… they blow it all within a year.
No. 377773
>>377593I've always wonder how they manage to take so many baths together and have sex every other hour when they have a toddler? Do they leave him alone?
Sage for OT
No. 377779
File: 1493351207813.gif (1.19 MB, 250x224, tumblr_nwbs9xppPt1ruza0go1_250…)

>>377777oh shit i hoped he'd come out with more info.
but fuck, those poor kids.
No. 377785
>>377773>implying sperg lasts longer than 30 secondsI mean…I'd say it's easy.
As a parent that would look to have a quickie every now and then, I'd wait until mine napped before having our "us" time. Turn his camera on, have the baby monitor with me, all is fine.
But since we're talking about Gerg, they seem more like the types to put them in a playpen and/or crib whether awake or asleep and just walk off……a lot. Like when they want to do something, they just put them somewhere constantly instead of waiting for the free moment.
>>377780True, but then there's the babies with colic that constantly cry, which is a whole different ballpark if it's not diagnosed. Toddlers? Yeah, they'll have temper tantrums, but most crying has subsided and they're learning to communicate more with words.
No. 377786
>>377777They invited Greg to come on their podcast!
Too bad he's a pussy who doesn't even @ Drew when talking about him, he'll never have the courage to confront him in a face-to-face discussion like a grown man.
No. 377788
>>377777Listening to it and nearly finished, these guys barely know -anything- about Grease, they just know him through his video content and practically nothing about his background history… I rolled my eyes way too many times to be honest, too much playing devil's advocate because of the lack of actual information on him.
It was pretty tame and boring really except for the comment about his kids crying.
No. 377797
>>377791I'm glad that Drew didn't let go of the fact he lied about the emails at least, there was no logic to his meltdown… he could've either of admitted that yes; he emailed Billie for tax purposes and left it at that or if he wanted to still deny their existence; just shrugged it off when Drew first insinuated he did.
I'm leaning with him on this one that Lainey knew nothing about them, that reaction from him was completely unnecessary… but narcs are just gonna narc I guess.
No. 377800
>>377787He is so universally hated by many groups/communities that it's not even funny. It's extremely pathetic. He can't even be tolerated by those who use the same labels he claims to be under and support. Much easier to list how many people do like him: himself, plainey, himself, his hardcore fans which are mostly younger teens that don't know better and have yet to grow up and realize their mistake, probably some really speshul adults, and himself.
That's about it, and ever since the beginning of this year, it's been going nowhere but downhill for him. Add in his YT advertiser meltdowns that he believes is only targeting him because PewDiePie caused it or some shit, yeah….people are seeing the real side to him, and it's a mess. It's great.
No. 377801
File: 1493353361771.gif (1.27 MB, 300x210, 1418955926267.gif)

>>377083Jeez what a greasy fuckstain, late to the party but goddamn gerg you're literally the toxic avenger compared to the average person. Ew.
No. 377803
>>377785>But since we're talking about Gerg, they seem more like the types to put them in a playpen and/or crib whether awake or asleep and just walk off……a lot. Like when they want to do something, they just put them somewhere constantly instead of waiting for the free moment.Oh, yeah, I totally get the impression that that's what they do. Gerg doesn't care about anybody but himself and his needs and having them met
right now. I do remember someone saying something about Lainey being the kind of mother who goes way overboard with spoiling Troy and that he rules their house, like, she just gives into his every whim, e.g. continuing to breastfeed him because
he wants to, whenever
he wants to. I know that's a part of attachment parenting, but with her it's more a general attitude of "Whatever the little prince desires", even if it's not good for him, like, rotting out his teeth. So you've got one parent who's a helicopter mom and gives into his every demand because she's a lonely, sad woman whose husband neglects her emotionally and she's looking to her kids to fill that void (that's a LOT to demand from kids, they've basically been born with a job: to fulfill your emotional needs) and then another parent who may be physically present, but is emotionally absent and any attention he gives them is likely negative, so he ignores them for long stretches of time unless he's screaming at them for something that's most likely age appropriate.
That, right there, is the recipe for a Narcissist. That's how Gerg was created, HSanon specifically detailed how his mother would go from blasting him with praise, telling him he was fucking
amazing and he could do no wrong, then flipping on a dime and screaming at him that he was a worthless idiot. His mom's behavior has been split into two parents now: Lainey gushing at Troy that he's the
absolute best and is fucking infallible and then Greg only emotionally present when he's raging…and we've seen how much he loves spitting out insults when he's raging.
Those kids are going to be beyond fucked, we have a narcissist in the making already, their parenting (from what we can see) is going to create a self centered monster with an unstable sense of self and self esteem. I'm sure Greg's going to be especially hard on Troy, he really hates other men (which he mistakes as "feminism") and views all males as competition for attention and affection.
They're bound to fuck up Claire; Lainey is a terrible example with her completely submitting to a bullying, toxic, controlling piece of shit and Greg will end up convincing his daughter that women serve a basic purpose, they're objects who exist to provide attention and sex and need to be aesthetically pleasing or they're stupid cows. I've seen what happens to women who are raised to believe their only worth is their bodies, that sex is used as currency. It's fucking
Sage for long as fuuuuuck rant.
No. 377805
>>377777Those other guys besides drew are giving onion too much credit. Idk whats up with these dudes on youtube thinking onion is actually a marketing genius and its all acting. You can tell when hes acting and when hes not. And his personal life shit isnt acting. His wife lameo is actually miserable and he actually did ask to chain billie in the basement.
Also the guy who says having onion as a dad is better than foster care. That's not how CPS works. You only get put in foster care if there is no family that will take care of you. Kids are always prioritized to stay with their parents first, then close relatives, before foster care is every considered. Sorry it just irks me when people talk like if you call CPS you're gonna just straight up get taken away from your parents and put into foster care.
>theres no evidence that hes not a good father.LOL.
No. 377808
File: 1493354138862.jpg (76.84 KB, 651x776, Capture.JPG)

>>377797>I'm leaning with him on this one that Lainey knew nothing about themMe too. His reaction just screams guilty. He was flailing left and right in pure panic.
I'd bet my salary that Onision himself sent this shopped cap to his wife.
No. 377811
>>377777I didn't see that bit of the livestream where Gerg shits on Billie for being a high school drop out and it reminded me that he's gone in on her for that before. He
really loves that insult, he really is stuck on the idea that if you don't graduate high school, you're fucking dirt. It's so eye-roll inducing because, uhhh, I thought school was a fucking waste of time, Gerg? Also, his beloved, can-do-no-wrong Kurt Cobain was a HS drop out.
Wut!? Gerg!? Contradictions!?
It just irritates me because I dropped out due to undiagnosed and, thus, unmedicated ADHD, got my GED, went onto college (with the help of meds) and did fine. Same with my boyfriend. Like, he's a 32 year old with a HS diploma, a failed military career, no fucking work experience under his belt and a crashing and burning YouTube career. Billie is 19 years old, she's got time to get her shit together and do things with her life, you can't shit on a 19 year old for dicking around a bit before getting serious, that's what that age is
for. Better that she gets some fuckery out of her system now instead of being in her 30's, when it
matters, and being a fucking mess like him.
What an ass.
No. 377812
>>377808He probably insisted she ask for screenshots to be emailed and went on and on about evidence and screenshots and how legit the emails should be just so he could send her obviously fake emails/screenshots to further her THE INTERNET IS AGAINST US IM THE ONLY TRUTH mentality so he can get her to agree to a poly relationship in the near future. Also why hes acting so "protective" against her and angry against billie. See, I hate billie now and I'm always going to side with you even if we bring a new girl in!
Lainey is pretty dumb, so I expect a new girl by the end of this year the latest.
>>377811 I love how he compares billie being a high school dropout to how lameo is college educated therefore lameo is better. While he sits there with no college degree, never reads books, and has a job that requires no education. He never cared about the HS dropout shit when he was dating her, but now its an insult haha.
No. 377813
>>377805Agreed, it was pretty fucking annoying listening to them playing devil's advocate every few minutes based on what little they actually know about him.
It didn't need to be drawn out for as long as it did but they couldn't stop insisting that he's just acting and playing his audience. They even admitted that they had no proof to think otherwise because they know nothing about him outside of his video channel… if they had disclosed that at the start of the podcast, they wouldn't be lamenting over wasting the whole podcast talking about him.
Without Drew's commentary, I wouldn't of even fucking bothered.
No. 377814
>>377597No shit
I don't know why some anons are acknowledging it? It's just a stupid kid tier insult. He can't actually think of anything on the fly. It's always:
-you smell bad
-you're stupid/retarded
-such a bitch/cunt/asshole
No. 377815
>>377813Yeah, I was practically smashing my head between my hands. You two have a guy there who's followed Greg's career for years, is dating his ex and has heard A LOT of insider information and is embroiled in Greg drama, he's TELLING YOU what's up with Onion, he's TELLING YOU he's seen the emails and texts that reveal how fucked he is and yet y'all wanna sit back and go "Yeeah, noo, but maaaybe that's just acting, maaaybe that's just how it seems…"
Fucking a, why wouldn't you stop, listen to Drew and go "Well, fuck, I need to look into this guy some more, from what you've told me, he sounds fucking insane!", like, jeeeesus.
No. 377819
>>377814Kinda OT, but you reminded me how Blaire White was a "stupid bleached blonde fucking cunt" when, uh, Blaire White is a brunette? I'm pretty sure, multiple times, throughout that anti-Blaire White rant, he used "bleached blonde bimbo" as an insult. It was fucking baffling. Like, he's reacting to the video and still insists her hair is bleached blonde. Also called her "plastic" because it's clear she's gotten plastic surgery and it's like, well, fucking durr, Gerg, she's a trans woman.
No. 377822
>>377815They didn't even know he had more than one channel, they sounded confused as heck when Drew explained that he uses one for entertainment purposes and another two for personal discussion.
Like what the fuck, guys… how can you even make an "informed opinion" that he's just acting and playing his audience when you have no clue about him other than "hurrdurrr, he's just another Keemstar, he's just a dick… we can't really say what he's like in person, we don't know." then basically waste a whole hour repeating the same shit whilst playing Devil's Advocate for him.
I'm never doing that again, that completely wasted my time.
No. 377823
>>377818I don't know how anybody could believe Gerg is anything approaching that good of an actor. He demonstrated his acting abilities for us before and they were 1. fucking horrible and 2. his staged anger was stilted and fake as fuck compared to the times we've seen him genuinely raging, like with the Blaire White response video and the recent livestream. It tells me they were so uninformed and ignorant regarding Greg that they shouldn't have even been playing devil's advocate, they shouldn't have expressed ANY opinions on a guy they admitted they have a very basic understanding of.
Must've been really frustrating for Drew, good thing he had that joint.
No. 377830
>>377815A lot of people think like them.
I have few friends who used to watch Onion (kind of forgot, lost interest later) and once there was a discussion about him. I told them what I knew about him and they were all like "nooo he is not like that he is just an epic trolle xDD, you don't get it"
Though these podcast fuckers have a guy whose gf experienced first-hand what a psycho onion is and they still think it's all a big joke or some shit. "Oh his kids constantly cry? It must be just one of his genius trolling plans XD"
I don't get why so many people are in denial about him.
No. 377832
File: 1493358316018.png (44.61 KB, 501x380, fuckingcrybabies.png)

Some fucking crybaby went whining to onion about people who tweet against him. His fans go out of there fucking way to instigate fights and keep fights going. Christ.
No. 377836
>>377832If Grease ever took his own advice, Nickelodeon would've sued him by now.
My suggestion would be to pre-emotively block his more obsessive fans like this one, it really saves a lot of time and hassle. If you're on Twitter yourself, you'll notice which ones are the usual suspects because they'll purposely zone in and target anyone who dares speak up against their cuck lord.
Replying back to them just gives them any excuse to file a harassment claim against you and get your account locked up.
No. 377837
>>377830>I don't get why so many people are in denial about him.Because he's such a caricature of a person.
Frankly, it's hard NOT to think "this guy can't be for real".
No. 377841
I'd heard about this fucko for years and just thought 'eh'.
Some of my cows were in a dry spell, I was seeking fresh milk so tra la la - wandered in and holy shitballs.
Grug is basically unexplainable until you go down the hole yourself. Ridiculous hilarious pathetic never ending three ring shitshow.
No. 377842
>>377837I'm relatively new to gurg and his drama, and I can tell you that reading some of this shit with his past exes (Skype, Shiloh) and experiencing the voice-mails/videos of how he has been in the past
…I still am having issues believing anyone could be like this. I mean, I know he is, I watched the younow breakdown live….but. It's pretty insane for a person to comprehend for a bit.
No. 377861
>>377835I support Billie because I want her to be the antagonist Onision deserves. All of his other exes basically disappeared from the internet after he ran their names through the mud.
Sure, she is dumb for getting involved with this monster (repeatedly), but I remember being 19 too. I know I would be attracted to the money, the PNW, the pseudo-celebrity; I would have made the exact same mistake. That and other aspects of her personality make me indentify with her.
I want to see what she can do. I want her to destroy Greg's career and I want to see her succeed without him. I've been following his shit for years and his story needs a hero.
No. 377870
>>377420Nobody sent this, you narcissist.
In other news, I have some ideas for shit to send to their P.O. box:
Glitter bomb, abuse pamphlets, mental illness and narcissism pamphlets, Fiji brochures, dog turds if you're nasty, and boxes of nothing but packing peanuts and more empty boxes to unwrap.
No. 377886
>>377885At first I was really thinking Billie was a bitch and out of line for yelling that…
But as I learn more about Lainey, I really can see why someone would loser their temper with her.
No. 377892
>>377886I mean, just imagine being in Billie's situation: you're a 19 year old girl without much life experience in a "poly" relationship with these two adult-children who are constantly playing tug of war with you, you're being pressured to take sides, you're getting sent home, you're being brought back, you're hearing you're all in a poly relationship one day, the next it's just you and Plainey or you and Gerg, then you get accused of being a homewrecker due to
their marriage problems and the choices Gurg made, Gerg is blasting private details about the drama in the house online and you're getting hate, whenever you try to ignore all the drama and go along with your Unicorn role, Plainey starts with her passive aggressive, manipulative, cunty nonsense because she's actually not into you whatsoever and is insanely insecure and jealous of you being with her husband when you're JUST trying to go along with the poly plan, you get dumped for sitting on some dudes shoulders, brought back, then you're threatened with being dumped and sent home if you ever smoke weed, Greg accuses you of having anorexia because you're not eating enough and harasses you for it, you're dealing with Gerg's narc rage and abusive insults, you're witnessing him slinging abuse at his wife, Sarah, dogs and, most likely his kids, and…to top it all off…you have a fucking anxiety disorder that isn't being treated in any way since Gerg+Lainey have forbidden you from smoking pot, which you use medicinally, and Greg is so anti-medical science, he harasses you for even thinking that you
have a diagnosed anxiety disorder and, thus, you can't go get prescribed benzos or Zoloft or
something to treat your anxiety and supplement the medicinal marijuana you're forbidden from smoking anymore.
Imagine alllll that stress going on while you have that anxiety disorder, imagine dealing with Lainey and/or Greg's stupid, petty drama for the millionth time.
Would you finally break and scream "YOU'RE A STUCK UP BITCH!" at Lainey?
I know, for fucking sure, I would and it'd probably be cathartic as fuck.
No. 377893
>>377636I think someone like Greg is incapable of actually feeling love. The fact of the matter is,
he wanted Billie more than Lainey, that's why he was so ready and willing to ditch his wife and kids to run off with her. Then Billie dropped his ass and he keeps trying to spin it like the opposite is true. What a fag.
No. 377898
>>377890Thank you for confirming you're a cheese pizza vegetarian, Greg. We all pretty much knew it already, but you just went out of your way to show us, in detail, how shit your diet is.
I'm not even hating on the actual diet because I, too, used to be a vegetarian who only ate processed, instant shit, but I was trying to set rules for myself so I couldn't eat shit like McDonalds, I wanted to lose weight, I wasn't screaming at omnivores for being horrible people and using a fucking diet to make myself feel superior while telling everyone who eats meat they're going to die of cancer when processed food has been proven to be a leading cause of colon cancer.
Seriously, if you want to eat like this, it's fine, obviously,
it's your fucking life, but you better be a fucking nutritional wizard who's insanely educated on vegetarianism with a pristine diet that's filled to the brim with fresh produce, legumes, etc. and doesn't give themselves a pass for eating gelatin if you even want to slight get away with lecturing strangers and placing yourself on a pedestal morally.
No. 377899
>>377895Because Lainey and him are the laziest fucks to ever slither across this Earth. They cook everything in the microwave, they probably only use the stovetop to heat up soup or ramen occasionally, it's like they're still eating a college kid diet. There are two small children who're living on this trash, as well. Yikes.
$20 bucks says Troy ends up only being 5'4 because of malnutrition, like some kid from North Korea during the Arduous March, and Gerg never loves him because being a short man is shameful and pathetic in his narc eyes.
No. 377901
>>377890Oh my god, i'm seriously horrified. They had what, one or two bags of frozen vegetables?
I feel so fucking bad for their poor kids. They're going to grow up with all kinds of problem considering their diets and their parents are both toxic. It's all processed garbage, and they're RICH. If you let your kids eat primarily processed food when YOU CAN AFFORD BETTER, you're a fucking retard.
How can you willingly eat like this when you have two houses? How can Lainey and Onion be this fucking useless as parents and as human beings? I'm so incredibly disgusted by both of them.
No. 377902
>>377890uh so he says he's not sure if he will be able to afford some of that food for long.. that's a load of bullshit. Unless he is eating multiple packages of fake meat per day, that shit isn't THAT expensive for anyone who actually has an above minimum wage job.
I know this because I have less money than him and I eat vegetarian junk food maybe two to three times a week, which is not that little in my judgement.
No. 377905
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>>377890isn't this a bunch of bottled water in his fridge? why isn't he just filtering water? he has two fridges but none with a water filter? for the self righteous asshole that he tries to be, he's not doing a good job with all the plastic waste that he's producing.
No. 377906
>>377902>>377901I fucking hate knowing that he's twisted "muh views! muh subs!" into
"You guys, I'm going to end up living in a van in a Wal Mart parking lot, my FAMILY with my NEWBORN and TODDLER SON, are going to be raised as street urchins who pickpocket to survive…all because YouTube has unfairly targeted me. ONLY YOU CAN HELP ME FROM DYING, DESTITUTE, UNDER A BRIDGE! Giving me money from your parents credit cards is not stealing, it's borrowing, it's fine, do it. BE A HERO."
His career is torpedoing, there's no doubt about that, but he's still got a year or more until it hits rock bottom and, even when that happens, he can still scrape some extra cash from YT/Patreon. He has THREE houses, two expensive cars, his wife (despite her horrific online reputation and zero work experience) could get a job, he could do
some kind of freelancing, like editing other people's videos.
His "Guess I won't be eating this much longer,
siiiiiiigh" act is infuriating, not only due to how bullshit it is, but because he's stealing one of my only sources of joy in this wasteland of a life, his crashing and burning e-career, by twisting it into yet another way to manipulate his audience. Fuck you, Greg.
No. 377911
>>377892Not to be devil's advocate here but Lainey was probably already getting pissed with her because she was realizing that Billie was there only for Greg, not for her.
Also you talk of a "19 year old girl" and Lainey who is what, 21? you make it sound like Lainey is 40 and poor innocent Billie is but just a child! Remember that she and Greg had the same amount of blame for trying to split that family , it wasnt just Greg. Billie lied to Blamey and tried to fuck her over by literally fucking her husband (who again was also to blame).
This all can be solved in 3 steps:
1) Billie needs to stop fucking youtubers for exposure and $$$, and go back to her Target job or at least get a fucking education.
2) Blamey needs to divorce Onion, move back with her parents and start anew.
3) Onion needs to leave YT forever and find a real job.
inb4 they all end up working at target.
No. 377912
>>377905i was wondering about this… is this like a normal thing to do in america? i thought you guys had filters and stuff that you could get installed?
someone should tweet this at him saying if he wants to save the environment so much (considering he mentions in this video that the meat industry is bad for the environment) why is he wasting so much plastic
No. 377915
>>377911You completely missed the fucking point of that entire post.
The point was not "BILLIE'S AN INNOCENT ANGEL, BLESS HER HEART, THAT POOR CHILD", the point was "Imagine being an average 19 year old with an anxiety disorder who's thrown into that fucking mess of a marriage, home and situation and not be able to medicate your anxiety: you'd probably snap and scream that somebody was a bitch, too."
No. 377916
>>377890holy SHIT 99% of their shit was processed food, ready to eat after heating it up, and the only fresh thing they had/he showed was bananas and he said they looked disgusting.
Goddamn. It looks more like a refrigerator from a frat house than the one from a family of 4. then again this is the US so its not like you can call CPS because they eat like that lol
No. 377918
>>377915Youre the idiot for thinking she has "anxiety disorder". Can you be more naive or oblivious? She threw herself into that fucking mess, no one did and no one forced her to do it. She was the one jumping on Onion's boy below average penis , taking advantage that Blamey had left with the kid(s). She was the one that went back to their shitty lives even after they broke up with her repeatedly.
Then when Onion boy disposes of her for the 29595303th time she goes and jumps on the next youtuber's dick that will give her the time of the day, while posting a million pics on ig and twitter with her kawaii ugu tongue-out-peace-sign pose.
>>377899The Onions think that just because it says "vegan/vegetarian" that makes it automatically healthy. Lamey should check more the stuff that shes eating because since she sbreastfeeding a lot of it can end up in her milk.
No. 377932
>>376732Drew's patreon is pretty nice actually, he gives his patrons his own phone number so they can talk. He sends postcards, physical ones(which might cost a lot to send). That's really sweet of him and pretty unique.
On another note, how mad do you guys think Onion would be if he saw that Drew is in mint shape? You know, considering he has the VEGETARIAAN BODAAYY, yet he can't do a single real pushup. Drew is out there doing backflips while taking hits from the bong and fucking onions oneitis. I bet that makes Onision so fucking mad.
>tfw a ugly fucking hippie druggie with a second hand super pretty geef is in better shape than you, the almighty vegetarian ARMY TRAINED GOD KING ONION whoms 6months post-partum court cuck Plainey is also in a better shape than OnionIT'S HARD TO BE ONISION OKAY
No. 377952
>>377918>Youre the idiot for thinking she has "anxiety disorder". Can you be more naive or oblivious? She threw herself into that fucking mess, no one did and no one forced her to do it.Not that other anon, but I'm pretty sure she was diagnosed professionally as bipolar and Onion boi is like anti-psychotic meds + didn't even believe she was bipolar in one of his post break up videos.
I'm assuming which means he subtly convinced her to not take meds when she was visiting/skipped doses at best and at worst she wasn't taking them at all. I'm sure his love bombing quelled any suspicion she had about how wrong it was of him to do that. Like given how anxiety works I'm sure she was afraid of the typical being rejected or something Onion did like playing fucked up mind games of "no one will love you as much as we do, we put up with all your transgressions who else is gonna do that?" since the only time she told them to fuck off for treating her like shit was due to Ayalla. While she may have jumped at the chance of being e-famous, no one deserves to be abused. At worst what did she ever do, call Lainey a bitch? Nothing she has done warranted either of those two to treat her like that, even if she was there for the money you can't just abuse someone just because you were stupid enough to pay someone almost 10k just to have them around you for the convenience of sex.
No. 377955
>>377932>That's really sweet of himI think Drew
is pretty sweet-natured, from what little I have seen. I also like the he has no qualms about defending his lady's honor, which I think is a nice quality in a boyfriend. Compare and contrast his treatment of Billie, with Greg's treatment of Taylor.
Drew: supportive and kind.
Greg: has zero qualms about throwing Taylor under a bus on multiple and different occasions to suit his own convenience and/or make himself look good.
No. 377957
>>377890I feel like he broke the lens on purpose or it was just an old and already broken lens to try and garner sympathy.
"I can't have this anymore cause I'm broke. People want to know what I eat as a vegetarian cause they want to start being one too." That's bullshit. I'm not vegan/vegetarian but even I know all that is the equivalent of a normal persons processed shitty diet. Like where's the fresh veggies and fruits? They're cheaper and better than frozen or canned. And you can use a lot of veggies to substitute as a meat, like hand making bean burgers or using eggplants, etc. There's thousands of recipes but honestly they're both lazy piles of shit who refuses to learn how to cook or wants to take the time to cook. I guess buying fiji water is the next best thing than actually going there. Like I am seriously sick of this "we're so poor, we're barely suriving" bullshit. He wants fucking $15,000 per month to "survive". I know people who live off $2,500 a month and are doing fine. He just doesn't want to go get a job and to have someone else boss him around and Lainey's too busy crying all the damn time to go get one. It's all bullshit. Every last bit of it. I hope he loses money and is forced to sell his houses/cars and downgrade and he and Lainey both have to get a job.
On the note of all the bottled water, water from the tap differs everywhere in the US. City water can be full of chemicals where it's not drinkable and then well water can be full of dirt. And then you have places like Flint. So it's a bit normal to have bottled water. But that doesn't mean it's not common to do it everywhere. I'm sure Onion's water is fine but he wants to pretend to live a luxurious lifestyle and drink fancy water. If the tap water in his house did have a bad taste, he could easily get a filter like a Britta. But that'd require them to fill up each time and that's just too much work.
No. 377960
>>377958Agreed, frozen etc are better as fresh veg often starts to degrade and lose nutrition during transit. HOWEVER, that being said, they showed hardly any veg so it's unlikely they're even eating much of it anyway. I also find it quite sad that they clearly force their kids to be veggie… kids can be vegetarian, but only if you understand how to supplement their diet so they'll develop properly.
Did anyone else catch the whole "my dogs eat meat!!" Wasn't there some whole thing a while ago about the dogs being vegetarian or something stupid? I might be wrong.
No. 377989
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>>377984You mean a 6 pack?
No. 378012
>>377932Drew is, like, the epitome of what teen girls want to bone. I'd have fucking swooned like a maiden if I'd seen him when I was 16-19 years old. Now, I see a kid, so it's not really appealing, but I love that he's that unconventionally hot skater dude who just seems really sweet and goofy and good natured, like, you'd totally sit in a parking lot together at 2am on a summer night, smoke a bowl, laugh like idiots, he'd try to teach you how to ollie and then you makeout…that kinda dude. Teen girls
fucking love that kinda dude.
Greg, on the other hand…I mean, we can see some teen girls want to fuck him, but they're creaming over a highly filtered, shooped, foundation slathered, botox'd version of a 32 year old troll who berates them and guilt trips them into taking his side or they're "gullible idiots". The average teen girl does NOT want Greg's dick anywhere near them, but, good god, that's all he fucking wants in life.
Nope. Sorry, not sorry, Greg, Drew's gonna swoop in on his board and sweep up all the pretty teen chicks. LOL BE MAD.
No. 378013
>>377890>cant afford a new $800 camera lens he supposedly broke himself>still filming with a perfectly fine camera/lens.Omgah greg is literally dying. Must go to his patreon to donate
>opens giant cupboard FULL of food>we might not be able to afford this food for long! But i need all these fake meat products to live!Back in my day vegetarians didnt need to eat fake meat products for every meal. They could eat healthy food with normal food products. You just dont eat meat. But omgah precious talented greg will die if i dont provide him money to stock up his giant cupboard full of food to the brim!
>opens TWO fridges full of even more food.>stuffs fridge full of Fiji brand waterThis is just unnecessary what youtube is doing to this guy. He has a family!
>wastes a jar of peanut butter to rub on his face for "comedy".This guy is going to starve. Donate to his patreon!
No. 378014
>>377890He makes this all too easy for us, we know he's been eating frozen, ready-made, processed meals for the longest time which is why he and his wife look like complete shit. Lainey has to take supplements and this was the diet they put Billie on which made her break out and feel lethargic all the time.
Then he goes and does this in an attempt to look superior because of his "vegetarian" diet but ends up validating a lot of anons suspicions about him to begin with.
Buy fresh produce, pick up a book, learn to cook and start making your own fucking meals, you lazy fucks.
No. 378021
>>378017I assume lameo and gergles talked to her and convinced her she should visit, and she was cool with youtubers and shit so she said why not we can collab. Then lameo kept "flirting" with her and gerg realized she was very attractive and forced lameo to ask her out. And she was single so she said yes. She probably didnt have this mad LOVE YOU FOREVER SOULMATE LOVE, but had a normal oh shes cute i wouldnt mind dating her and seeing how things go vibe.
Then it was obvious gerg also wanted her and he was being the nice one to her while lameo was acting bitchy towards her. He kept telling her he was going to convince lameo this should be a threesome and basically forcing it. And she was the outsider to their marriage, so she wasnt going to dictate the rules to their marriage so she let him do what he wanted to do because she wouldnt mind a poly relationship since she liked both of them. And he kept promising her all these extraordinary things like cosmetology school, a car, etc. So everytime theyd kick her out and she knew it was wrong, she probably thought oh well i'll be able to live out my dream if i stay with them, so it's not that bad and we can work it out.
But then gerg went batshit insane lmao.
Also today is Billie's birthday. Shes officially 20 now. What a nice birthday week of your psycho ex's insulting you :).
No. 378027
>>378025I doubt billie was really in love with either of them lmao. Gerg is king of saying he loves you one day after meeting you. She probably liked lameo at first. But it was obvious lameo was cockblocking onion so he got super mad at lameo and praised billie, and demonized lameo to his audience and to billie. And in turn lameo was blaming billie for gerg being mean to her and seething with anger/jealousy around her for "ruining" their marriage. You could tell how lameo probably treated her from her tweets after cuddlegate. For gerg, it was always i want to work things out but i dont know if i can forgive him. For billie, "i hope she feels awful" "i have no regards for her feelings after what she did" "i would never forgive her". Those feelings obviously didnt go away when they made up multiple times. It probably turned into billie siding more and more with gerg cause he was the one being nice to her, and they'd always drag her back in whenever she decided she'd stay out of their marriage.
But somehow its all billie's fault haha.
No. 378050
>>377890Jesus christ, I'm not surprised but I am disgusted.
I had a "vegetarian" phase when I was a teenager, but even I didn't eat that bad - I ate real food, just no meat.
Even comparing to how I eat NOW his diet is atrocious. My fridge and freezer is stocked with ingredients, not pre-made food.
Echoing the "poor kids" sentiment here.
Also notice the protein powder jab at lainey, lol
No. 378051
>>378044That's why his skin looks the way it does. His body is filled with toxins from never pooping, the poop toxins are leeching out of his face.
lol at bottled water, doesn't he live in Kent or Tacoma or some shit? What's wrong with underground natural spring water? Tons of people in Fiji can't even get clean drinking water. Processed fake meat product and processed water in plastic bottles and poop bacteria oozing from his skin. Much helth planit vaguhtarun
No. 378064
>>378055This is fucking hilarious. I hope he gets into some serious trouble and talk about karma with Lainey's phone! This milk tastes delicious. CRY, ONION!
Now if only Moomookunt and Asherbee can get their karma served for treating people like shit too.
No. 378066
>>378049Keeps telling billie to move on with their life and making bs like her views "double" when she talks about us. Billie has not said one word about you. The only thing that mentioned you was her sock post on depop. lmao. Meanwhile you guys made 3+ livestreams about her, 5000+ tweets about her, etc.
Poor plaineys IPHONE 7 broke. wahhhh wahhh. Get a cheaper phone dumb bitch.
>>378055Did anything significant happen in 2015 that makes us think he actually fudged his taxes? Funny how he was so on top of billie about this tax shit hahahaa.
No. 378069
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No. 378087
>>378070That's pretty much every one of his videos now. And hes mentioned his suicide in like every video but still acts like keemstar saying hes manipulating his fans about that is total bs. Right.
Isnt it great? If you become his patreon you get his videos which are about him begging you to become his patreon one day early! And in his words this is his BEST content hes EVER MADE. Lmao.
>>378080Even the IRS are surprised this irrelevant manchild is still making money to afford this splurge of shit. Jk.
No. 378099
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May 1st is gonna be a milky day. I'm so excited!
No. 378100
>>378091Dont forget the videos where he tells people to stop complaining unless they are a starving child in africa. He also made a video saying send me this video if i ever complain about my life, but his fans conveniently forgot about that too.
>>378094i think he pretends to never remember that lameo wants to go to fiji to fuck with her. There is no way he would not remember that by now if shes always talking about it, or he really is the worst listener ever.
>>378097idk who hes talking about either. Is he talking about drew mentioning his kids in that one video and podcast where he said like one line about them and didnt say anything bad other than they probably hate you. Onion uses lameo and his kids as a shield for everything. You can't say anything bad about me because then you are attacking lameo/my kids and that makes you awful!!!
No. 378104
>>378103Which is why he made up that fake email himself so he can act like people are faking emails and he never sent any, ignoring the fact he did and showed them himself.
I really hope one day he fucks over lameo extraordinarily to the point where she gets super angry for putting up with his shit for this long only to be thrown away and reveals all the bs hes been doing for years.
No. 378105
>>378095Yup, business car to only be driven to his business house "studio" to film with other youtube celebrities (pfffft) After a long day at the business house studio he drives businesss car back home, which is also a business house studio because he also films there all the time. Everything's a write off because Grug above the law stupid = audit party times.
Unless he's bullshitting for attention. Odd timing after the other days email fiasco.
No. 378106
>>378103yea but he kinda ruined that by proving they were real himself on the livestream
>>378099im not familiar with patreon, but what happens after every month? + do people get the money at the end of the month or as soon as people pledge
No. 378107
>>378092You can actually hear the desperation in his voice, I don't think he's that good of an actor. I think he's screaming inside.
It felt almost frantic, his lies and bullshit were spewed out so quickly and he just…he does genuinely seem to be panicking.
I do NOT think he's about to end up living in a tent city with his wife and children, he was bitching about money issues with one breathe and then in the next is listing ALLLLLL the extravagant shit he fucking bought and could absolutely sell.
Also, Lainey, get a fucking Android or something, don't whine about not being able to afford a phone that's close to $1000. I don't even HAVE a phone, it's just not a priority in terms of finances, you gotta do that when you're tightening your belts. I still predict they'll bawwwwww about not having brand new iPhones like total fucking assholes, though.
No. 378108
>>378092On the kids stuff:
The Stoned Young Brits podcast really
triggered him. As Drew hoped it would. Lol love how that kid keeps trolling him and pushing his buttons
I knew he would be too much of a pussy to accept their call to come and talk to them directly, this indirect jab at them is pathetic.
No. 378111
>>378106Patreon payments are delivered to creators on the 1st of each month. Unless the patrons' cards have insufficient funds or they cancel payment. Most people on Patreon never see the full amount pledged because of dropped pledges.
>>378105He used H&R Block though, he should be audit proof! LMFAO
No. 378115
>>378112She has no spine, but if he fucks her over and villainized her after all the shit she did for him, it can build some unforseen anger in her which will cause her to burst and want to get back at him for ruining her life and making her waste her life on him. But honestly, she will probably still be pining to get him back and she will be waiting around for him to dump the new girl so she could get back with him. Shes kind of hopeless. It's kind of depressing because i saw a old tweet from her saying: "I wasted all of my high school years being mistreated by my significant other & I can't tell you how badly I regret it."
That's going to be her if she ever gets dumped by onion but 100x worse.
No. 378120
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>>377679be mad and stay mad bbbb…bitch
No. 378122
>>377966Premade meals that only need to be popped in the over and bottled water. These fucker are on a whole new level of lazy if they can't even just invest in a filtered water jug and just refill it to save on money..
>>377996Even if so I wouldn't be surprised if he has a backup one anyways. Plus most youtubers have more then one camera for filming, but I'm sure now that he's "soo broke" he'll pretend he doesn't have anything for back up/spares.
>>378092Listen to that sad piano music playing in the background LMFAO.
At this point I'm surprised he just doesn't accept the deal to go on Dr.Phil just to get some attention and temporary fame for that. Then make 1000 videos shit taking Dr.Phil. I remember him tweeting that he was invited on the show. . . ( didn't he ? )
No. 378123
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videos where he rates the attractiveness of subs
"i feel bad" bitch where
No. 378125
>>378122imagine the potential milk, if he did in fact were to accept going to dr.Phil. it will be of the most pure quality and premium, but knowing onionsun he will likely not do so because "he above that" poor grug must be sad being such an unstable mess. He should probably be crowned the king of lol.cow I know we already have a beautiful everlasting queen but doesn't a queen need a king?
sage for unrelated bullshit, sorry
No. 378131
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>>378051He does take shits, anon…
(From the spider music video)
No. 378134
>>378125Glorious ! It would be sweeter then strawberry milk.
His patrons should spam him with this idea.
No. 378136
>>378131I feel like those are kid skids. I mean, whoever shits up that toilet doesn't do much flushing and while I wouldn't put it past Grog to dump and run small kids are nutritious for leaving floaters.
Also fucking gross. lol
No. 378150
>>378136>small kids are nutritious for leaving floaterskek
also I got to say I agree with onion on the discussion of his kids. I think making wild accusations with no real proof (not saying everyone does this) is kind of low. I've seen some really awful things said about the kids in past threads and it makes us all look bad. Fair enough critique their parenting but I really think people should be more careful about how they talk about the kids
sage for personal opinion
No. 378154
>>377861he literally disclosed her darkest secrets. I think what he did to billie over weed was the worst thing he had ever done…
The e-net remembers greg…
No. 378157
>>378146idk when it happened. But im sure billie was confused/frustrated by being thrown in that mess of a relationship and having all the blame/responsibility put on her for destroying or keeping their marriage. Prior to billie, onion and lameo have had like 4 years of dealing with their own bs and problems, and were used to their own mindgame bullshit. Billie was probably not used to it, and it was probably confusing when one person is saying one thing secretly to you while the dude who seems to be commanding the relationship and yelling at his wife is saying another. Idk why they'd expect her to act perfectly in that situation. I think regardless of what she did, she'd always be made the bad guy in the end because lameo wants to believe greg is good and pin the blame on her and greg will side with whoever will stick with his crazy.
>>378155eh i think it will go down eventually after a couple of months. It's good that his youtube views are still dying, because that means he wont be gaining many new fans, and many old fans will grow out of him and want to spend money on other people they support. Also if patreon ever dies, then he will still have low views on youtube + no patreon money. I dont really care about the patreon shit and am more hoping his views never go up on youtube.
No. 378161
>>378154yeah, it was super fucking revolting. the whole time he was going on about her eating disorder live i was cringing. he really has no empathy for anyone at all, fucking narcs man. this is an old-ass man telling the world about this teenage girl's eating disorder, chastising her for lying about starving herself (clear indication he has NO idea how EDs work) and mocking her for stuffing her face in response. I feel horrible for billie.
i never understood his stupid hang-up about her lying about stuff like that. what is he going to be like with his kids? if i found out my partner had lied about smoking weed or starving themselves, i would feel awful for creating a space in which they didn't feel comfortable telling me, or felt they HAD to lie to me. greg just can't see past it being a fucking personal attack because the entire world revolves around him
No. 378162
>>377915I think it's well documented that billie went with the inention of being there for greg, social repose spilled the details about how greg was planning to leave lamey for billie, and lainey confirmed they were planning to be together.
I'm pretty sure the only thing stopping them was greg when he realized his bananas were on space prince's side.
In the beginning it was an affair for billie but towards the end she did endure abuse and I don't blame her for fighting her away out of it.
I just don't believe she didn't have other plans in the beginning.
No. 378163
>>377811>32 year HS graduate with a:>failed military career>no work experience>Failed YouTube careerEmma Blackery called him the laughingstock of Youtube for a reason. I remember his reply to her comment was something like "well i did want to be a comedian and make people laugh, so i must be doing something right."
If the fool opened a dictionary he'd see that being a laughingstock
isn't a good thing. Is he too fucking dense to realize that people aren't laughing with him, they're laughing AT him? When he fades into obscurity, people will simply find something else to laugh at.
No. 378164
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No. 378170
>>377835>If you go back to the CuddleGate 1.0 threads, she was a gold digging whore who took advantage of Onion pressuring an abused Plainey>Implies Taylor is a victimI think not, anon. Unlike Billie, both Taylor and Gerg are well past their teens - two adults with children. Taylor chooses to be a doormat and she enjoys
playing the victim. She's a spineless emo-tard who manipulates just as much as gerg does. I have zero sympathy for her. Billie's alright in my book.
No. 378178
>>378150But really the only thing he said is they cry a lot. its not like he said they beat their kids or their kids are monsters who act up all the time or saying they are going to grow up to be awful people.
If hes going to talk about anything thats been said he needs to only talk about what drew had directly said not what random people (lolcow and twitter) are saying because then all hes doing is feeding the trolls. And from what I can tell almost everything Drew said was proven true other than his kids crying but he wasnt attacking them like greg is making it out to be. Drew said he emailed billie saying he wanted her back. He did. Drew said he emailed her about taxes. He did. Drew never said anything about an april email that was trolls and thats what greg is choosing to focus on.
No. 378187
>>378170Exactly. While Lainey is 21 and that isn't much, numerically, in terms of an age difference with Billie's 18 or 19 years, I remember how big of a difference 21 was compared to 18-19 for me, you make big leaps and bounds in the matter of a single year around that age. Hell, we roasted a 21 year old guy friend
constantly for dating an 18 year high schooler, we saw it as
weird. When you've just finished HS and haven't really gained any life experience yet, you're on a completely different level of maturity in comparison to a 21 year old who's likely moved out, gone to college, had more serious relationships, etc.
Lainey deals with shit with the maturity of a 15 year old asshole emo kid, but she's definitely less…naive, I guess you'd call it. She's lived with Gerg's lovebombing, manipulation, verbal abuse, lies and gaslighting for
five fucking years and has developed her own unhealthy, manipulative methods for mindfuckery (mostly passive aggressive shit, which can drive anybody fucking insane after awhile), whereas Billie is like "An e-famous couple with money wants to fly me out, give me money, my own e-fame and have sex with me, sounds cool!"
Like, shit, I don't care how opportunistic her intentions were in the beginning, no 18 year old is gonna walk into that disaster of a marriage and be anywhere near mentally and emotionally prepared to deal with their toxic version of a relationship.
I know Billie had her own experience with toxic relationships before Gerg and Plainey, I know she dated that pedophile dude, but she was straight up groomed and taken advantage of in that situation and victims of sexual predators are far more likely to end up in another abusive situation later on because they've, sadly, been taught to view that shit as the norm.
Also, I absolutely believe she has an anxiety disorder and I don't see how it's ridiculous in the least to believe her. Tons of people have anxiety disorders, Generalized Anxiety Disorder is actually insanely common.
No. 378194
File: 1493415323065.png (2.39 MB, 750x1334, IMG_3403.PNG)

"broken" iphone, everybody
No. 378200
>>378193But he's greasy …
Wouldn't it have a similar affect as accutane ? it'd slurp up all the moisture in his skin and maybe help clear up his acne ?
Though for all we know he already drinks her tears.
No. 378214
>>378012>Drew is, like, the epitome of what teen girls want to bone.Yeah he is lol.
>>378017It makes sense in relation to her history with headcases; Gurg was just a natural progression of that. Good thing she met Drew. I'm pretty sure he reached out to her first?
No. 378215
File: 1493417020852.png (13.49 KB, 587x89, jaclyn.png)

Idk why her and SR fall for bait so easily. Onion wants to make views off them responding. He probably noticed his SR video response got 100k views.
No. 378217
>>378194in one of his recent vids judging his fans looks (where he calls sarah plain), he said one of them looked like their former nanny, Selena. My question is why do they hire nannies when lainey is a stay-at-home mom? She never went to a physical college and doesnt work. With no hobbies, job, or school what does she do all day.
Gerg has his "work" excuse so he probably sees them once a week. but honestly, the less the kids are around him the better
No. 378218
>>378197can you stop self posting already. It's getting on my last damn nerve.
>>378215Eh I imagine she gets quite a lot of views from doing it too.
No. 378219
File: 1493417360296.png (131 KB, 283x211, Screen Shot 2017-04-28 at 5.55…)

>>378204Or just send a pinata full of shit with the request that he does a video bashing it open.
No. 378227
>>378100re: fiji
he really is the worst listener though - i remember reading adrienne's account of how he basically has conversations with himself, constantly talking over people and cutting them off even when he asked them something. it is equally possible he's doing it to be a cunt though lol
No. 378240
>>378206Not in the US but you'd have one hell of a time convincing my government a SECOND tesla was a necessary business expense. Especially for what he does. If he claimed the house and car as business expenses and the IRS is similar to our governing bodies, he's hooped. Assuming of course the audit is real in the first place.
>>378136I think he and Taylor Elaine Avaroe just constantly have the shits. All they eat is processed food or taco bell, how does that add up to anything else?
No. 378245
>>378187>I remember how big of a difference 21 was compared to 18-19 for me, you make big leaps and bounds in the matter of a single year around that age.Isn't Lainey 22-23? But yeah different ages confer different stages mentally and emotionally, or least that's how it's
supposed to be. The Onion's are perpetually mentally and emotionally stunted, so the company they keep comes as no surprise.
No. 378260
File: 1493422303345.png (593.07 KB, 735x565, gerg.PNG)

>>377890I love that he mentions all these vegan products in the video and makes SURE to point out they're VEGAN!!! after people on Twitter started shitting on him for _not_ being vegan, despite using the ethical/environmental argument in support of vegetarianism, i.e. making sure everyone knows he's superior. Cheese gives him "chest pains" – but only with pizza? Most of the fake meat products he mentioned still have dairy and eggs in them (Loma Linda Prime Stakes & Fried Chik'n, Campbell's Vegetarian Vegetable soup, MorningStar Farms corn dogs, Feel Good Foods egg rolls, Boca burgers, Quorn chik'n & cheese cutlets, bean & cheese burritos, Buenatural tamales…). Onion, you haven't done your research if you really think the dairy and egg industries are better than meat. Plus Frosted Mini-Wheats have fucking gelatin in them, which isn't even vegetarian. WHERE ARE THE FAX?
But we all know Gerg and Plainey are too lazy and/or stupid to actually check the label, and they don't really _care_ anyway. They're only vegetarians to appear morally superior to us plebs. Gergles says, "And let's not even go into the environment argument!" and then shows us a fridge full of expensive plastic bottles of water. Fucking moron.
I also love when he rips off his shirt to show us his VEGETARIAN BODEEEEHHH and his man boobs jiggle.
sage 4 annoying vegan
No. 378264
>>378260Agree with you on all of this. Greg doesn't respond to anything about that topic though. Lainey isn't vegetarian though.
>>378254Yeah, but Washington/ Seattle has great water. And a water filter would be much better.
No. 378267
>>378260Oh my fucking sweet jesus Maria magdalena shit penis alpaca whore god
Someone make this a banner
No. 378268
>>378092Baaaw he's being audited? Cri moar. And he completely
lies about Drew/Billie and the emails without mentioning their names. Pitiful.
No. 378272
>>377890>That's right, my undershirt was a Nirvana shirt. I am now kewl.Nirvana is the least ~underground band ever, as evidenced by the fact that you literally bought that shirt at Target, Grease.
You reek of desperation and Kurt Cobain would have hated you.
No. 378276
File: 1493424101257.png (812.63 KB, 1136x640, IMG_4082.PNG)

>>378260Did someone say "vegetarian BODEEEH!!!!!"?
No. 378283
>>378264>Greg doesn't respond to anything about that topic though.Another example of his ability to dish it out/inability to take it. Can you imagine how much more annoying he'd be if he were actually vegan though? Because he can't just, like, casually "be" something or believe in something, he's the very
best at it, and the best for doing it.
No. 378290
File: 1493424976379.png (44.12 KB, 574x203, tweet.png)

>>378005Tweeting him factual videos on NPD
No. 378295
>>378287sage your self promotion
>>378290Yeeees! Give him the FAX! I was the one who told him he had NPD live on younow lol, I've been hoping he'll address it because i just KNOW he googled the definition and symptoms after he sperged and tweeted about it. i can just see it now, gurg pacing the room and frantically reading out the symptoms he reads, yelling about how he doesn't have them…
No. 378296
File: 1493425239271.gif (417.57 KB, 500x281, dad-bod.gif)

No. 378300
>>378296The last thing Lainey sees before she loses consciousness.
(god, that's dark… but eerily possible…)
No. 378310
>>378304XD-chan i wanna be friends you warm my cold heart
No. 378312
File: 1493425910190.gif (3.71 MB, 480x270, gerg1.gif)

Even he looks slightly ashamed.
No. 378313
File: 1493425941867.gif (2.42 MB, 480x270, gerg2.gif)

No. 378342
>>378131OMFG TAKE THE TIME TO CLEAN YOUR FUCKING TOILET, what the flying fuck is wrong with you??? That shit hasn't been properly cleaned in months by the looks of it, I'm so
triggered rn
No. 378348
>>378334i recorded it on my phone very shittily, I'm posting it now
>>378344he stopped
No. 378350
>>378344it's done. he said, "how do i turn this off" or something.
i captured as many moments as i could: No. 378354
He's just getting on Lainey's YouNow to talk shit about their fans, distracting from the drama around him. He always does this, he did it with the "I betrayed my wife"-series to make money and distract from the real drama going on.
And he might get a high from seeing his own face and being able to call people ignant fuckers when people can't really talk back.
>>378347Someone asked "is Onision and UhOhBro the same person?" and he said "did someone really just ask me that, how do i log off this thing"
No. 378357
last time, someone on kiwifarm posted the full thing. hopefully we got that too. i was too lazy getting out of bed in the middle of the night just to record for you fuckers lmao. i was just able to record the last 6 minutes or something.
No. 378358
File: 1493427980481.png (72.92 KB, 884x246, uhohbronobodycares.png)

No. 378365
File: 1493428150972.png (303.32 KB, 720x1280, 2017-04-29 00.48.42.png)

also cristy ella why are you so annoying jesus christ
like at least hide the trails or something
No. 378369
>>378365overall that livestream was a tad boring compared to the other ones. i am glad he wasn't going hard on Billie this time though. He should have stuck around longer. 4/10.
Why did you leave, Grugly? You're not FIGHTING FOR LOVE!
No. 378372
File: 1493428538527.png (960.29 KB, 1247x879, water.png)

No. 378373
This livestream was boring as hell. He was mostly in control and didn't sperg out like he did in the first. My husband walked in on it when he was screaming "give me some faaaax" and got spooked.
sage for rl
No. 378375
>>378373the only funny thing was when somone asked if he can buy greg's love with patreon and greg went on about how it doesnt matter if some cant afford it and that you absolutely cant buy love, but nonetheless, yes he could do it, no you shouldnt, yes you should, no you shouldnt. and so on.
also the other thing when he talked about his inner voice before doing comedy videos.
idk i enjoyed it lol-wise.
No. 378377
File: 1493428882210.jpg (69.11 KB, 810x509, magma.jpg)

>>378338Don't forget that his speshul snowflake graduated "magma" cum laude. Too bad she didn't learn basic literacy while she was there - but she's so much better than a HS dropout, right Greg?
No. 378380
>>378375He talks to himself a lot. He loves the sound of his own voice.
>>378376He probably doesn't get on too well IRL. He can't selectively choose who he interacts with to screen for doormats/teen girls. I bet everyone IRL finds him intolerable
No. 378382
File: 1493429112372.png (453.78 KB, 783x766, zumiez.PNG)

Someone asked if they could buy his hoodie and he said yes, send him $100 on PayPal..
>$34.97 at Zumiez
>>Greg shops at Zumiez
No. 378390
File: 1493429380901.png (167.12 KB, 500x500, Magmar.png)

>>378377>>378377 Whenever I see that tweet, this is what I think of.
No. 378392
>"I kept fantasizing about having a brain aneurism today. I was like, that’s such a fucking easy way out because nobody blames you, you know? You just, like, fucking die."
>Says it's okay that he's manipulative and a hypocrite, because everyone is!
>Says he calls Plainey is spouse now because people were giving him shit about it… not because it's respectful to his wife
>Bitches to/about his fans who aren't paying him
>"Some said, 'if I became a Patron, will you love me?' Don't buy my love. … I mean, you y-yeah. You'll buy my love, but-"
>Googles if he's making his hair greasy by washing it every day
>"Tried to claim divorce as a tax deduction because my ex-wife was pursuing me for my business. She wanted 50% of my business. And I was like, well that's a business expense, defending my business. And the IRS disagreed, so that's why I got audited in 2011"
>Loses it when someone suggests he didn't go to college
>Someone suggests he work on indie films. He makes excuses as to why he's lazy and unsuccessful beyond the internet, saying YouTube saved him some killing himself (blah blah blah).
>Says he has visual hallucinations on a previous acne med. They said it wasn't the acne meds.
>Compares being an isolated, misanthropic, bitter prick YouTuber to being a millionaire stock broker who works at home on their computer.
>Says he doesn't care about money (LOLOL)
>Got discharged because he didn't step on a worm and kill the rabbit (old news whatever)
>Brings up Cyr, rewrites the story of how he "dumped him" as if he was the calm, rational one. Nothing new.
that's pretty much it
No. 378395
>>378392Only new info was about his 2011 audit, really. He wasn't really biting today.
I do think it's hilarious, though, that he took that acne med before that gave him hallucinations (or altered perception or whatever) and then was told that the meds don't do that. He's actually just fucked, lol
No. 378407
>>378403I got a bachelor, worked for 3 years and then quit when I got preggers. Havent worked since then. Unlike Blamey I really do want to work again but I want to be with my kids until they are old enough they can take care of themselves.
Blamey has nannies and yet she doesnt work? Shes being a lazy bitch, absolutely no excuse to do either one or the other. Where were the nannies when her kids were getting fucked up teeth? I hope they got fired.
No. 378418
File: 1493431775522.gif (1.86 MB, 700x306, keks.gif)

>>378402That's perfect. He really is that 3edgy5u tryhard middle aged dad.
No. 378428
>>378426Oh okay, thanks, I had no idea that was a prase. Googled it and it all makes sense now.
Sage for pointless post. (sorry!)
No. 378430
>>378420go back to school, because apparently you are unable to read.
>>378414i fucking knew there would be some kind of retards who neither know what magna cum lauda actually means nor are really able to read that old font and therefore not understood your piece of art.
No. 378431
File: 1493433356118.png (180.74 KB, 1080x996, Whatfreshhell.png)

Oh geez, what now?
No. 378439
>>378432ooOOOooohoohohoooooo hOOOOOO!!!
>>378436he made that vid about being gyneosexual or whatever, and he seriously seems to like crossdressing. perhaps he's autogynephilic (i can't spell)
No. 378443
>>378436sage for kinda o/t and blogpost
fuck a guy i used to "see" had an impregnation fetish. i think it's common in people who love to be in power / manipulate others. come to think of it, this guy told me he loved me after like one date too, was a stage five clinger but yelled at me in front of my friends when i did something that indirectly inconvenienced him in a small way. there's something about narcissistic and power-hungry people that makes them pop a million boners for putting babies in people.
No. 378450
>>378444And Lainey is the only one who was dumb enough to have his kids. I don't think it's a matter of wanting to reconcile but the backlash. Also the biggest doormat.
Greg tries to "reconcile" over and over again with every woman he is with to set up new ridiculous rules/boundaries, keep them on their toes and make them afraid to lose him. It's narc mind games. Eventually the women leave, not Greg.
No. 378460
>>378365Was just reading though and saw this. Kind of bummed I missed the stream.
haha thats not even my younow. My younow is do have my picture though. Weird.
No. 378463
File: 1493439807600.jpg (36.54 KB, 320x240, Cz59.jpg)

>>378296 >>378312
he looks like this thing
No. 378471
File: 1493442544571.png (106.77 KB, 640x845, IMG_0736.PNG)

DISGUSTING. And this facial expression is so fucking cringey.
I hate people who post shit like this with pity party captions, expecting people to compliment them because they're sooo brave.
No. 378473
>>378471Behold! Filtered and burry, shot with a top of the line iPhone and still looks like potato quality
No. 378476
File: 1493442917407.png (137.93 KB, 640x805, IMG_0735.PNG)

Gerg, you're like 35. That ship has long sailed.
Also, you can tell he's driving while taking selfies by the reflection in his glasses. Fucking idiot.
No. 378481
>>378430A shooped image on the internet is proof of the school she went to? kek
>>378420If her online college has a twitter, I'm sure they'd love to be tweeted the screenshots of their special "magma" graduate grooming a 14yo little girl.
No. 378482
>>378471He claimed in the YouNow to have tried EVERYTHING to fix his acne. Yes, everything except eating
real food, not the overprocessed, expensive, convenience garbage he eats at every meal.
But he said he's glad he has shit skin and isn't well-endowed (micropenis confirmed?); otherwise he'd be an
even worse person. No. 378484
>>378377It's funny cause in lameo's younow a little while ago (like a week ago), someone asked if she was going to get a masters and she said she might get a masters and go back to school but shes taking a break for now.
But gerg just basically admitted lameo's true intentions OR is saying what he wants lameo to do which is she just got a bachelors for a bachelors and shes not going to work.
>>378385I think he dresses like what he thinks jensen ackles from supernatural dresses like. But he cant pull it off, and he buys shit clothing. LOL.
No. 378485
>>378471"Behold, bad skin, premature wrinkles, totally obvious failed nose job and acne, do I look young guyyzzz?"
Ugh he is literally closer to being 40 than he is to being 20 yet here he is seeking validation from his mostly underage/teenage fans like an insecure manchild.. (where is his top lip?)
Also, what's with the totally "I'm so vulnerable plz compliment me" expression?
No. 378490
>>377292lol I'm just caching up with this on Vidme, and he shits on everyone armchair diagnosing him because they don't have the proper "education". Shame he wasted thousands of dollars on the education of his
magma cum laude >>378377 do-nothing house frau.
No. 378498
File: 1493445779719.png (38.79 KB, 474x372, wut.png)

So I was trying to find the address to their new house and found loan documents and look at Lainey's terrible lazy ass signature. Her kids are lucky, they'll have an easy time forging that one.
No. 378499
>>378495He has 2 fucking Teslas the greedy pig.
Space Prince needs the second one just incase Gregums isn't home (is at the totally necessary second house to record his pornos with Andy dolls) and she needs to grab more frozen stir fry meals to make for Greggy.
No. 378501
>>378498Does anyone know the story behind that shitty ass surname? "Avaroe" not even 1000 people have that name in the USA.
I'm going to assume he just made it up, his surname whilst he was in the military was Daniel.
No. 378502
File: 1493446614694.png (964.69 KB, 1251x620, avaroe.png)

>>378501idk. it really fits them though.
No. 378503
>>378502LOL that is perfect!
I think it's the same story as how he came up with "Onision" - he just put random letters together.. Avaroe is so trashy, hence I'm not surprised it's the name of a trash can brand.
No. 378504
>>378495i hate how they're putting on this ~poor, starving family, struggling to make ends meet, barely have enough food for everyone~ act. they live in a huge house (and another for making videos), with a fucking tesla in the driveway. Expensive ass items, phones, and whatever they waste their money on. acting like they don't know when their next meal will be for pity online.
i thought people starving in Africa are the only ones suffering greg? according to his own words he shouldn't have the right to complain.
can't wait till patreon fails them both and he realizes without youtube he amounts to nothing. no one likes a one trick pony gerg
No. 378509
>>378499>>378504Woops, just realized I forgot "food" in my post like a dumbass.
But yeah, it is really, really pathetic how they are acting like they are actually poor. And it is incredibly insulting to people who actually DO struggle despite working full time/multiple jobs?
I get that they are both essentially trailer trash, but even now they still have more money than most people. Plus Lainey has a loving family to fall back on and Greg bought what, another house for his mom? Between both families, the kids will always be taken care of so it is super pathetic to drag them into the reason they need patreons.
All they really care about is the fact they can't blow money on burando water and shitty canned food.
No. 378510
File: 1493448243571.png (129.78 KB, 640x1136, IMG_5065.PNG)

>>378501I think he just added the E for flair
No. 378524
>>378272Gerg's ~SUPES ALT~ persona reminds me of his attitude towards vegetarianism: Shoves it in everybody's face and tries to use it to feel superior, but refuses to expend any real energy on looking into it and doing it well and wants the asspats for doing a shit job. .
Like, if Nirvana and Marilyn Manson are the most underground music EVAR in Greg's mind, I'm guessing The Pixies and The Misfits would fucking blow his mind away. Meanwhile, 14 year olds in Kansas are like "Yeah, I'm over them already". He can't be fucked to actually dig for good music, just "Where dem asspats at, I love Kurt Cobain".
>>378397I laughed 1000x harder at the Anon scoffing/groaning at Gerg trying to be funny with his "I'm TWITCHING, you guys!" comment than at anything Gerg has ever said. So much for his PROFESSIONAL COMEDIAN aspirations.
No. 378526
>>378520I really don't want to talk about their 20 damn names again. It's exhausting. I guess that's the point. Fuck you Gruel.
From what I understand changing your name is pretty easy and you most likely won't get turned down. People have changed their names to some seriously weird shit. I assume he had to go to the DMV, sit and wait, and do some paperwork. I'm not sure if he's ever formally changed his name, though. Maybe when he got married to Taylor. He can essentially go by whatever name he wants. A few extra steps to get it official on his documents.
>>378524I really don't understand the Nirvana shit either. He would have been like 6 years old when Nevermind came out and 9 when the band ended. For people like my parents, stereotypical gen x'rs and alternative youths when Nirvana came out, it makes sense to be all "Yeah Nirvana rox" nowadays. Greg is too young for that. Considering the "music" he makes, I wonder if he listens to music at all. I'm not sure if someone so devoid of feeling and completely detached from reality could get fulfillment out of listening to music. Least of all Nirvana. It's probably just noise to him. That's why his music is so shit. I should sage for tinfoil now.
No. 378527
File: 1493452810907.jpg (40.47 KB, 650x354, Capture.JPG)

>A…anyone? P…please?
Obviously nobody will since you shat on everybody you ever collabed with. But keep begging.
No. 378528
>>378526He does listen to music, but it's either very mainstream alternative or
shiiiiittttyy emo bands and, somewhere along the way, he got it into his head that his taste in music was super impressive, probably due to basic bitch, idiot 13 year olds who have just discovered Nirvana telling he's soooo cool for knowing about Kurt Cobain and Andy Biersack…god, sorry to any anons who are also fans of Black Veiled Brides, but the fact Onionsun fangirls over them and shit, it's so cringey, they're such a shit band.
I want to glue him to a chair, Freddy Lounds style, and be like "Here, we'll cover the basics, this is Leonard Cohen. This is the Velvet Underground and, also, Nico. This is Elliott Smith" and etcetera until he stops gushing about the worst fucking bands ever and develops something resembling taste.
No. 378529
>>378512Man I'm now going through her "red flag of a narcissist" playlist and onion has so damn many of them.
Not diagnosing, but even if he isn't he's clearly fucked up to all hell and probably abusive.
sage for offtopic
No. 378533
>>378530Blogpost, but my ex was a narc (somehow not as bad as Gerg, thank god) and his narc freakouts were very, very similar to what we saw on the livestream. That almost shrill voice, body vibrating with pure rage, my ex would punch shit around him…like, Greg smacking his hands together gave me the feeling he wanted to lash out at some shit and couldn't because he was on camera. My ex once punched his rearview mirror while driving, broke it, cut his hand, bled all over his white American Apparel pants and shrieked at me "YOU RUINED MY PANTS!!!
Also, that way Gerg berated the audience with "C'MON, SHOW THEM TO ME, SHOW ME THE EMAILS, GIMME THEM, GIMME THE EMAILS, GIVE ME THE EMAILS…", just repeating himself quickly and loudly so as to stress out, intimidate and hopefully, confuse, his opponents, my ex would do that. "HOW DID I CHEAT ON YOU? WHERE'S THE PROOF? HOW? WHEN? WHY WOULD YOU EVEN THINK THAT, WHERE'S THE PROOF, WHERE IS IT, I COULD ACCUSE YOU OF THE SAME. DID YOU? DID YOU? DID YOU?" and then you're like "Fuuuuck, okay, fine, I'll drop it, fucking christ, sorry." At least, that's what they hope you'll do.
Gerg's so textbook, it's baffling.
No. 378536
>>378533>Gerg's so textbook, it's baffling.Seriously, the playlist I mentioned before is 44 flags in a playlist. I'm on #15 and it matches Onion to a T.
Not only that but I've flipped ahead to glance at all the other flags and pretty much every one matches.
Let this be a warning to anyone trying to get involved with onision - he WILL try to actively ruin your life, especially if you reject him.
But, I think ultimately he's a coward. Notice how the only two women that make him rage as hard as we've ever seen (Blaire and Billie) are the ones who outright rejected him and showed strength (or at least defiance) in the face of his childish behavior.
No. 378537
>>378529Her red flag #6 about their being an unusual amount of crazy people in their life (onion LOL) basically explains billie coming into the relationship.
>They like to always drag in a third person. They like to triangulate.>If they can get you two to fight over them, then that's a huge ego boost.>It gets the attention off of them. If they cheated on you and now they've come back into your life, they will tell you 'hey i loved you but this other woman, she was crazy, she was bipolar, she was an addict, she was a liar, she threw herself at me.' Now the wife is going to be all focused on the girlfriend who is the reason why the narcissist cheated and not the narcissist. Tell me thats not lameo, billie, and onion. lmao.
No. 378540
>>378538Well, I'll say "recently". Pretty much anyone who rejects him gets the full brunt of his anger - any ex, social repose, shane dawson, etc
Which just shows how incredibly immature and nuts he is. Usually when you have a friendship fallout, you say something like "we drifted apart", "our lives got too busy", "our interests didn't match anymore".
But for him ANY ended relationship immediately him saying "they stunk" "they were a bitch/cunt", "they were abusive".
It's so typical.
No. 378542
>>378535Oh, no, he was a full grown man, 25, and that was, like, 1% of his fuckery. The guy was diagnosed NPD and wouldn't deal with it, refused to go to therapy. Ugh, the worst.
Sorry, for further blogposting. Done.
No. 378569
File: 1493460602643.png (420.55 KB, 720x664, insanegerg.png)

>>378476i like how he's implying he doesn't look like a 40 year old creep that hangs out next to high schools so he can check out teen girl asses
>>378501I'm pretty sure he changed his legal name because he was constantly doxed. He used to be gregory daniel jackson back in 2009. Also it is known that he loves to create fake names (such as onision, and he named his ex wife tantaga instead of skye, and also he had a fake name for his wife's sister, etc.) so that's probably what he did.
And to add to that - I remember back in the day he said he chose the name onision because when he googled it nothing came up, so he probably tried to google an obscure last name.
No. 378571
>>378570He used to play his "misunderstood victim" role better before.
Now he just rages on camera
No. 378573
>>378572Well, the idea is ultimately his patreon will backfire, and by then he will have alienated any of his remaining fans that weren't and still couldn't support him financially.
Maybe by this point, the final nail in the coffin would be YouTube somehow removing his channels in their entirety during their purge (which will happen eventually)
He WILL sell his house, and one of his cars. I'm very sure that some anon will reach out to lameo's parents so they can take her in, and she will probably take up the offer and grease will have to pay alimony again, while working at odd jobs like cutting footage for other people on Craigslist.
Either that or he gets arrested/kills himself, which seems unlikely
No. 378575
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No. 378579
>>378498Taylor probably gave up memorizing their last name because Greg changes it on a whim.
>We're changing our surname to Xakdhilum now.>Yes, daddy>>378503Avaroe sounds like a made up porn surname. Like,
Avery Avaroe or something.
No. 378580
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remember when he cut his bangs and looked even more emo.
ps. GREG: emo ended in like 2007. Get over it
No. 378598
>>377244pretty eyes pretty mouth pretty boy
old man greg doesn't have a chance in hell against baby face drew
No. 378604
>>377511he honestly can't see that he is a cunt.
he also can't say the word patreon.
he's also a stupid shit.
why do you care what jaclyn does with her body, greg? fuck off forever.
No. 378607
>>378589>greg singing along to a mix of pop songs >bad jazzy piano in the background>terrible flat singing, hard to listen to>interpreting pop song lyrics literally… constant asking "ha ha what are they TALKING about?">Drake is stupid! Wow Rebecca Black is terrible! Nobody is as smart as me!>one weak edgy joke about incestI can't believe people paid for this shit. This is one of the worst things I've ever seen. Don't even bother.
How does he not see why his channel is dying…
No. 378608
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>>378537There are several other red flags worth noting, but first we gotta tackle an important issue about speculating over someone's mental illnesses.
Of course it's wrong and even sometimes dangerous to diagnose someone without being a certified mental health professional. This is specially true when the person has mental or personality disorders that primarily affect them and only secondarily, indirectly other people – or it doesn't affect others at all. Armchair psychology is no joke.
What we're dealing with here, however, is a person whose personality disorder not only directly affects other people, but is one that thrives in abuse and requires it in order to function. Still, harmful as it may be, it doesn't quite justify doing armchair psychology, but that's not all. The fact that he not only is chronically abusive, but also refuses to seek help, nullifies any possibility of psychiatric intervention. One could say it almost makes it valid to seek a non-professional diagnose, but it doesn't really. Or at least it wouldn't if he didn't still exert a strong influence in a considerable amount of teenagers (at least a few hundred). And is (or is supposed to be) parenting at least one child.
Consider that diagnosing him (or getting the closest to it a layman can) as a narcissist brings some advantages. One of them is being able to predict his phases in order to warn his close ones or whoever wishes to enter his inner circle. The other one is using Onision as a form of raising awareness about Narcissistic Personality Disorder so that hopefully actual mental health professionals with Youtube channels, such as Dr. Ross Rosenberg and Dr. Craig Malkin (both of which have made a number of videos on narcissism before), hear about him and decide to make a professional analysis on him (which would reach an even greater audience, helping victims of confirmed narcs). Granted, it'd still be a remote diagnosis at best, but it would be enough to ultimately end his career, thus greatly reducing the range of his damage.
I said all this because I got banned for doing armchair psychology here during the Onision Hellweek. For the aforementioned reasons, I get it. Also for aforementioned reasons, I hope people get why it's necessary.
Now, let's get to the redflags:
Narcissists like to create nicknames, monikers and/or artistic names for themselves and refer to themselves on third person using them. They do that as a form of distinguishing their true self from their false self (see more on true self and false below). Example: Onision, Fact Machine, etc, etc.
Negative Attention Seeking:
While Gregory prefers positive attention for being hassle-free for a narc, negative attention also does it for him. If he manages to astonish, impress or infatuate people, he seems himself as a god. But if he manages to annoy, anger or disgust people, he sees himself as a dark god, a demon. ANY attention is good attention, if it's directed to the false self and away from his supply (more on supply below). When he makes videos shitting on other youtubers, voicing blatantly offensive opinions, generating cheap controversy or just insulting people, he still obtains empowerment from "haters". Basically anything objectionable he intentionally does is rewarded by those very objections. And when he doesn't intentionally do it, he tries to pretend that he did as part of a plan, through retconning (see more on retconning below). Example: His videos on cutting, anorexia, obesity, his videos and tweets attacking PewDiePie, IDubbbz and other bigger Youtubers, etc. etc.
Pronoun Density:
Gregory uses an unusual amount of "I"s, "Me"s, "My"s, and "Mine" and the more he experiences validation, the more pronouns he uses. Example, his communication with his fans, especially on the claims that he helped them overcome issues "I'M very glad that MY videos helped .
Pathological Narcissists have no sense of personal continuity, so they create a retroactive continuity (retcon) to fix his narratives. This means that they don't see their past actions as being made by the same person as he is now. In other words, a narc is unable to feel accountable for anything he did (but he can still understand the concept of accountability, despite never experiencing it personally). That also means that they can create false past self-assessments, changing the motivations behind every past action to fit their ego's needs. In practice, they can make others (and sometimes themselves) believe that a past error was actually intentional, that a malicious act or remark was actually well-meaning and even change the boredom he felt when being with someone into memories of true excitement. He can remember what he thought, felt and experienced the way it suits his present self. Example: Often he loses his shit on his videos or livestreams, he tries to hint that his freakouts were just an act and/or that the entire drama started by his impulsive acts were all just a ploy he carefully weaved to get more views (both of which he did two livestreams ago). Another example is when he says that some video that endangered his reputation was just comedy "because it was tagged as comedy in the description", etc.
A narcissist defines the source of stimuli that empowers his false self as supply. People, situations and interactions that feed his dysfunctional ego through the false self are all called supply. When his supply is threatened to a level where he cannot keep abusing it, the narcissist enters the hoovering phase. It's called hoovering because, just like a hoover (another name for vacuum cleaner), it's a phase whose objective is to suck his supply back in and trap them inside the filth. During that phase, a narcissist attempts to appear to have changed, appearing kind, gentle, affectionate and benevolent. This façade not only is false in every level, meant to lower the victims defense through hope of a better future in the relationship, but eventually leads to potentially even worse abuse (because a narc charges tenfold for anything he does to cater to someone else). An interesting thing in the way that Greg did that in January, when he promised to only show positivity, to never start drama in his channel again and started dressing like a meek, effeminate, preppy child (even changing his voice and haircut accordingly for a while), but he also attempted another typical post-critical state response: He contacted Billie about taxes. This is what I call cellphone retrieving, which is when an abuser contacts his victim again pretending to have a simple, practical and reasonable request that has nothing to do with their relationship. In the book The Gift of Fear, security specialist Gavin De Becker mentions this technique as a very commonly used one by abusers.
Loan Sharking:
Narcissists and other abusive people (ranging from neurotic boyfriends to rapists) frequently perform what seems to be acts of kindness and generosity to score new victims. They do that either to remove suspicions of their harmful intent or to make their victims feel in debt with them (like a loan shark). Narcissists, psychopaths and sociopaths are unable to experience empathy or anything that would encourage them to be genuinely kind to anyone, so they always do it with ulterior motivations. Narcissists also do that to show off their wealth and generosity. You can quickly tell the difference between true generosity and narcissistic "generosity" when you disobey a narc or stop being his source of supply. That's when the narcissist brings back each and every single good thing he has done for you, referring to them as a "waste" of time, money and/or energy. Examples on Greg abound, from the way he kept throwing on Cyr's face all the equipment he bought him to the thousands of dollars that Greg "wasted" on Billie, etc.
Easily Bored:
Sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists have a few things in common. One of them is that they are affected by a constant, inordinate ennui. Ennui is a level of boredom so unbearable that, combined with the total lack of empathy of narcissists, leads to seeking the most immoral, dangerous, abusive or simply cruel forms of excitement. A person with NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) often seeks to torment and abuse other people without any provocation just because they're bored. Narcissists are so intensely and easily bored that their attention span is almost that of a person with ADD/ADHD, with the difference that it shifts to incredible levels of focus when something or someone relates directly to him. This is why narcissists perform poorly at school, don't listen to anyone that's not talking about him, can barely read anything that's not directly related to them or their false self, etc. Examples: Greg can't read long texts because (his words) "they're booooriiiiing", hasn't read any book since high school and gets bored watching videos of his adversaries that aren't, directly and from start to finish, all about him. That's perhaps the reason behind him editing his own videos to convey a frantic pace. This is why individuals with NPD, during conversations, are very keen on shift-responses, where they respond to any attempt to change the subject by trying to connect the subject to him or just change back to the last topic most related to his false self.
Hiding in dark humour:
Narcissists have no sense of humour per se. Their post-traumatic constant unconscious state of anger makes them incapable of experiencing any pleasure or joy that's not directly related to fueling their disfigured ego. The only joy they feel is when something puts them above others, including by putting others down through humiliation and degradation. This is why sadistic dark humour makes narcissists laugh the most. Rape "jokes", pedophilia puns, racist "humour", suicide-related comedy and essentially any humour at the expense of someone and in detriment to their human dignity are their favorite form of comedy. This is also the way they find to attack their enemies without revealing their bitter, vindictive and grudgy true self. Their true self has stopped developing emotionally at the age of around 4 years old due to childhood trauma, constant abuse and systematic efforts to curtail his spontaneous individual development, so it's fragile, mostly hollow and a constant prey for overwhelming feelings of insignificance. This is why narcissists develop a false self that's eternally craving desperately for validation and warped, fanatical praise, blind obedience or crippling fear. NPD individuals cannot generate any self-worth and are entirely dependent on the effects of their false self on others for that end. This very condition of slaves for validation makes them hate everyone (especially their close ones) like a drug addict hates the drug he can't quit and toils to afford.
There are other red flags, but I'll mention them briefly because the post's way too long already:
- Constant penetrating eye contact: An attempt to keep the person focusing on them at all times
- Eternally serious expression: (typical of male narcissists) Unless they're losing ground or trying to play the martyr card, narcs keep a stone face. Both because they're lost inside their constant ploys to obtain supply and because they think it makes them seem more in control.
- Ever (radically) changing wardrobe: Narcs do that to draw attention, keep what they believe to be their "aura of unpredictability" and to appeal to new demographics.
- Impulsive, ostentatious purchases: Expensive acquisitions add to the narcissist's status and they brag about them. This is also why their finances and priorities are in constant disarray.
- Pseudo-supernatural aura: Narcs tend to cultivate and associate themselves with mystical, esoterical or metaphysical beliefs and ideas, distorting them to fit their interests or making them up entirely. They do that to elevate themselves above others and, of course, to attract gullible people to exploit and abuse.
I'm sure you all can see examples of all those bulletpoints in Gregory's past and present self.
There are other observations to be made, but this post is way too long and I'm not sure anyone would even read this far, let alone read beyond what I already wrote. Oh, and narcs do pretend to criticize and mock themselves for strategic reasons, so don't buy Gregory's claims that he's not a narc because he engages in occasional (disingenuous) self-deprecation. He does that mostly to fish for compliments, instill remorse on his victims when he makes mistakes and as an attempt to dispel others' suspicions of his egomania. I might write more later, if you guys want. There's a lot to talk about the phases that narcissists go through that, once understood, allow us to maybe control him. I just need a break from writing.
No. 378612
>>378610LOL omg you're right
He hates Lainey doing anything he wouldn't do tbh. And some that he would do, too.
No. 378613
>>378608Samefag but I meant I'mma sage my post, not you should sage yours.
>>378571i reckon he's about to lose it completely, any day now
No. 378617
>>378608Thanks for writing this up; it was really interesting. I am pretty interested in the differences between sociopaths and narcs, if you can bring yourself to write that up. I get that there is a lot of co-morbidity and overlap between the Cluster B disorders, but I am unsure what makes Greg a narc rather than a sociopath.
Anyway, thanks, and I did read the whole thing.
No. 378621
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>>378608Thanks, I appreciate that. Took a long time to write that, done some research on it for months. There's a lot more to talk about, but we'll see if there's a demand for more content so that I won't crowd the thread with information that's only relevant for one or two people.
Sorry for the grammar and syntax mistakes, I was writing inbetween interacting with my spouse.
>>378617I haven't researched anything about sociopaths as far as I remember, but specialists that compare narcissists with sociopaths seem to differentiate them based on objectives. Narcissists are like trains: They have their self-serving objectives and will crush whoever gets in the way. Sociopaths are like homing missiles: They will, from the moment they start moving until the moment they hit their target, seek out their victims and bypass any and every obstacle to reach them. A narcissist can be a sociopath and vice-versa, but the former is interested only on his own aggrandizement and the latter is interested in the abasement of others. One stops at nothing to put himself at the highest, the other stops at nothing to put others at the lowest.
No. 378626
>>378625He does have a couple of tattoos related to Lainey (and she shares the same ones in the same locations), one on his ankle and one on his side… I think one marks the day they met and another the day they married.
The two on his opposing wrists are what he settled on for Shiloh, he was meant to get her name tattooed but he chickened out and got "Remember … Love" instead, apparently he never told her he was going to change his mind on it, so she ended up getting "Gregory" on the back of her neck and deeply regrets it.
No. 378627
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Onion somehow thinks begging for money for his shitty videos makes him a hero.
No. 378629
>>378095Exactly what I think happened. He tried to hound Billie to do her taxes as if that'd save him, but he's just so stupid. Few company executives have their own fucking "business car."
I'm geeking out that this is a perfect example of hubris kek.
No. 378657
>>378655Lol, you cannot "CONTROL" your emotions, Grug. That's you trying to control everything again.
What you control is your reaction
TO those emotions. No one but you makes you freak out when you hear something you don't like, or aren't getting your way. It's not a one to one relationship where someone hurts your feelings, and you HAVE to hurt them back. That's a decision on your part. It might be a split second one, but it's your job as an adult to learn how to stretch that second out a little bit at a time, until you're not reacting like a child when someone upsets you.
No. 378666
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Says the guy who tries to alienate all of his partners from their families.
No. 378669
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>>378666He's just one big contradiction. Pic related.
No. 378673
>>378672She actively betrays and shits on her family, so he probably didn't have to argue too hard.
It probably wasn't hard to convince 17 year old Taylor that it was her and Greg against the world, but by the time her marriage is in shambles and her family is actively trying to help her and she runs to Greg to reveal their help plans, well fuck her.
No. 378674
>>378641He's anti-social, he doesn't like interacting with people unless they benefit him in some way or have something to offer him.
He hid behind Shiloh at a party one time, and has tried to get every single one of his girlfriends/wives to dump their friends too… unless people idolise him and give him the utmost respect and attention without question; he wants nothing to do with them - the feeling is never mutual.
No. 378676
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>USAF Veteran
We know (he claims) he was honorably discharged for "chronic depression," but does anyone actually know the extent of his military career? What did he do? For how long? What was his rank?
>Straight Edge
Wonder if he ever takes ibuprofen or prescription drugs? Drinks caffeine? Promiscuous sex is part of it too, and that's pretty subjective, but his version of polyamory looks to me like just a ploy to fuck teenagers on the side without people saying he's being promiscuous. Also, he eats gelatin, so he's definitely not vegetarian.
Plus he knows fuck all about punk and is certainly not involved in that subculture or scene whatsoever, so this is hilarious to me.
Gerg's incessant need to label himself and everyone else (preps vs. goths!!1!) is so middle school.
No. 378682
>>378680Body armor comes in different grades, some are really light… it's not like he's wearing a military grade Kevlar vest over his clothes every time he walks out of the door.
I've no reason not to believe Drew or Billie, especially as she was around him for a significant amount of time, so…
No. 378686
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So embarrassing—especially knowing he's in his 30s.
No. 378704
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>>378688For anyone who doesnt want to watch the whole video, these were her texts with onion she showed.
How does anyone put up with him? Hes insufferable.
No. 378710
>>378704"But muh logic"
"Your 'logic' makes no sense, because it bears no relation to actual reality"
"y u no accept my logic"
"because it's conjecture and not logic at all"
"[bunch of bullshit about how she doesn't love herself, because Greg doesn't listen and insists his false reality is true]"
No. 378711
>>378704>You're not responding to the logic>There is no logic>>There is, I just introduced you to itkekkkk this guy…
>>378707I agree. With women, they are mostly harmless, just damaging themselves or their own reputation. Greg is a totally different species, he's in turbo mode and out to get anyone who disagrees with him. He's gonna go from borderline crazy to dangerous real soon.
>>378709Remember anon, he used to be against body modification, because it was "sullying the natural body" or some shit
No. 378712
>>378704"You're not responding to the logic."
lmao, he clearly doesn't understand what the word logic actually means, fuck off faxman
No. 378713
>>378704He provoked her into making a video for him, just to get her to make a video mentioning him, thus giving him more visibility. I get that she was vulnerable, but she played Abusion's game and lost. THe whole point wasn't to make sense, he can damage control the hypocrisy of his statements later; what he wanted was to cause a reaction all the while sounding like such a good guy for being accepting of others' appearance.
In order to effectively counterattack a narc, you don't aim for him – all that he believes others can see is his false self, an armor. You aim for his supply, the things and people he "possesses", and you do that in a clever manner.
No. 378725
>>378713I didnt want her to make a video because thats what he wanted, but I thought her video was pretty well done. I just like that she put the clip of him talking about how saggy tits are disgusting LOL. But onion…that's their natural selves. The only way they could not be saggy would probably be if they got a breast lift.
I wish more people who made anti-onion vids, if you're gonna make one at all (better if you dont really), would splice up his contradictory clips together. Because really, you dont have to comment or say anything. He contradicts himself and his hypocrisy shows from his own videos. But he has like 8 million videos and his new fans wont watch them all.
>>378722In a livestream with jaclyn and SR the other day, SR was talking about how he has a theory that onion has a crush on jaclyn and thats why hes not that harsh to her, blahblah. I think its still in the moments on jaclyn's younow if anyone wants to see.
No. 378731
>>378728It's "I would never ALLOW someone I date to get a boob job". He thinks his permission is something valid and true, something that has any meaning over another adult's life.
Greg: people have agency. WOMEN have agency, even while they're in a relationship. That means they have control over their own lives and decisions. Their spouse or partner does not have the ability to permit or deny them things. They can make joint decisions, but when it comes to her own life, her own body - she is the ultimate arbiter over what happens to it. This includes surgery, elective or otherwise.
How is it so hard for Botox Boy to understand that a feeeeemale is capable of deciding on a cosmetic procedure for herself? You get botox because you want it, Greg. Jaclyn got boobs because she wanted them. Get over it.
No. 378735
>>378570he is so psychotic. he's beyond help. his mentality never got past the age of eleven.
i can't even watch this shit, don't need to see greg 'breaking it down' since he is dumb as a fucking pudding.
No. 378737
>>378728She didn't even have to go through the trouble of trying to reason with him to begin with by saying "I know you hate Richie, but…" she should of just stopped him there and said, "Hey guess what, it's none of your business how I live my life, worry about your own family and stop believing that everyone has to live up to your standards; chew on that logic, you creepy fuck." then blocked him.
I don't understand why people try to be "polite" to him when he shows them little respect in the first place, carrying on a conversation with him just makes him think that his opinion is worth listening to.
No. 378739
>>378570What a complete nutball. Classic "Reject before I can get rejected" shit.
Plus added manipulation of "if you abandon me you're shit and trash and stupid".
No. 378749
lol @ 'patrons' w/e faggot
No. 378753
I honestly dont understand these supposed friends of lameo (selena, mercades, sarah, other insta hoes). Does everyone just tiptoe around and ignore the fact that gerg is psycho when they talk to her? LOL. Like you really dont see anything wrong with what hes done (CHEATED ON HER. WANTED TO LEAVE HER AND HIS KIDS. TOLD HER HE WISHES HE WASNT MARRIED TO HER) and how hes treated lainey and his ex's, and you still go on supporting him?
Like I've had friends in shit relationships and of course i cant force them to get out no matter how much i reason with them, but I will atleast be straight up and tell them theyre dating crazy and its their choice or whatever, but im not gonna act oblivious to the fact their spouse is abusive and manipulative to them. And act supportive of the psycho spouse/gf/bf on twitter and deny/lie for the psycho. But you got mercades who is acting all kind and nice to onion saying she wants to go back and visit them and all this bullshit. You got sarah defending the whole psycho act, while at the same time trying to play both sides, knowing he is crazy. Is she too scared to tell lameo her husband is actually as crazy as everyone thinks because lameo might dump her as a friend or is she really that young and oblivious? Idk She must not be your actual best friend then lmao. Selena is like MIA. Idek if they have that good of a relationship anymore or if they are more like acquaintances now and she doesnt want to get involved, but she lived there for a good while and she was lameo's best friend before. And it feels like every girl lameo talks to on twitter talks about having past abusive relationships, but they are fans of onion.
Like its so bizarre to me that they see their friend suffering, and they not only dont do anything about it, but they enable it and her delusions by agreeing with her and him that what hes doing is normal behavior and its all the haters being crazy. Thats so fucking harmful to her to pretend its normal and deflect all his problems onto other shit. Does no one say actually what hes doing is not normal behavior and this isnt what a normal relationship is like and he should not treat you like this, and i cant support someone like that, but i can support you or some shit like that. Like I get that she probably will shun anyone who hates greg from the beginning, but these are her longterm friends.
No. 378757
>>378704What a cunt. 'You're not responding to the logic.' 'I just introduced you to [the logic]' or however I'm supposed to have written that.
He is so useless. Absolutely. On every level. Greg, you aren't even intelligent. Anyone can put you in your place. A toddler could do it.
No. 378758
>>378621My s/o has ASPD, if you want to compare notes at any time about sociopathy I left my email for you.
Thanks for the longpost, I can see a lot of what you've said in Greg's videos. The issue is that we don't see what's past that. He may be a very good actor, we might not know how he is with his kids, or while he's alone with Taylor – or maybe he is self-aware and thinks it's a hook to his channel? Who knows. If we could have some more vlogs to go off of then we could solidify things. I know we have first and second hand accounts of his behavior, but seeing it would be so much more helpful. Why do youtubers that he's collabed with never vlog around him? I think I've seen him in one vlog in ten years. I think that's odd.
No. 378759
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>>378741Didn't I mention it within each of the points I made? If not, sure, I can elaborate on it.
Narcissism is actually a form of post-traumatic coping mechanism developed by childhood abuse. That abuse can be either overtly violent or an implicit violence against the child's spontaneous personality development. As it occurs with other post-traumatic conditions, such as PTSD, individuals with NPD experience a constant urge to lash back at the original abuse. Being obviously unable to counterattack against a period of abuse that already happened, their reactive impulse becomes aimless for their entire life. That results in an endless, unwavering, ever present yet repressed fury directed at everything and anything that could possibly get out of their control or illusion thereof.
Narcissists may attempt to lie to themselves about being able to control it by making what seems to be displays of rage with the alleged intent to intimidate, impress and impose respect. They also do it as part of a virtue signaling routine, showcasing a "righteous fury" to act like a defender of exalted values (in Greg's case, feminism, vegetarianism, anti-establishment counter-culture, family values, etc).
Narcissists hate children, for various reasons. The number one reason is that they remind them of their own true self, an atrophied child whose development was halted by trauma and mistreatment. Another big reason is because they are harder to control and predict than adults and teenagers. They also hate children because they get attention more easily than any adult narcissist could ever dream of obtaining. They terrify children with anger fits in order to keep them from being themselves and compete with them at all times. That's what a narcissist father looks like.
The pent up anger is so dominant and enthralling inside a narcissist that it keeps them from experiencing any empathy. As it has been proven scientifically, anger lowers our ability to care about the feelings of others. Being constantly irate is the reason why NPD individuals are unable to feel any sympathy, kindness, guilt or remorse for anyone. The only two constant feelings inside this kind of person are anger and vacuity, and they're so powerful that it takes away the ability to feel any joy in life, including sexual pleasure, if they're not directly connected to fueling their insatiable and all-consuming delusions of grandiosity. This is why narcissists experience manic phases where they engage in buffoonery and hectic behavior with the sole purpose to attract attention. This is likely the origin of videos like his "I'm a banana" video and every spastic video he ever uploaded. It may very well be repressed anger channeled into what seems to be zany, clownish euphoria to get eyes on him. Same for his obsessive working routine; the only way a narcissist can be (and they not rarely are) workaholic is if his work surrounds nothing but him and him alone. His face, his name, his ideas, his whims. Making videos from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to bed, galvanized by nothing but ravenous anger and harrowing emptiness. When he's consciously not angry, even when he thinks he's feeling good, his tone, gaze and speech patterns betray an underlying spiteful anger gushing out from his psychological scars.
Like I said in my huge first post, whenever their fits of rage backfire and harm their reputation, narcs retcon them into being "acting" destined to confuse their targets. By seeming unpredictable, narcissists make it harder for their targets to defend themselves. Uncertainty is one of the keys to their success in dominating their spouses, through a dynamic that alternates idealization (lovebombing) and devaluation. You can bet that rage fits help keeping their spouses and children on their toes about their next move.
I'm editing and expanding my post (>>378608) to correct grammar and syntax and adding more red flags and content. I might make a thread about it or a blog post, whatever's more useful for you people. Narcissists are predictable and, if Greg is indeed a narc, we can stop him based on knowing how they work.
No. 378770
>>378414"Magma cum latte," Jesus, I nearly choked on my food snort-laughing!!
>>378764I believe an anon in a recent thread said that Gregma said years ago that he knew what he was doing when it came to controlling and manipulating people like a master criminal. But that implies that Gregma doesn't have a self-image that he believes in together with who he really is inside his head, which, with Narcs, he may rarely - if ever - be consciously aware of.
Basically, Narcs have this thing about 'winning' everything, which is why you can't engage in normal, reciprocal conversation, because they see EVERYTHING as a battle of wills to be won or lost. But really, all they're 'winning' is the hatred and loathing of everyone they've treated like shit; even Lainey - just because she's stayed doesn't mean she loves him, so he hasn't 'won' with her either.
No. 378773
>>378741They know they're acting abusively, don't care and pretend to have the perfect justification for it. All narcisists know that what they do is wrong, understand the concept of empathy, of caring about people's feelings, of being merciful and sharing emotions, but don't personally experience any of these things. Their understanding of these emotions is second hand and abstract. By default, however, they rationalize that they're different because they're superior, not because they're broken.
>but to some script in his head. Exactly. Gavin De Becker, in his book The Gift of Fear, refers to abusive individuals as scriptwriters, because when they talk to people, they're not reacting to what they say, but rather following a script they wrote in their own heads. This is how they put words in their victims mouth, distort whatever they say and strawman their victim's perspective. Narcissists fit this category because they're all inherently abusive. They might probe us to know what we wanna hear so they can say it, but when in situations of conflict, there is only their script and nothing we say can fundamentally change it.
No. 378794
File: 1493514286292.png (16.48 KB, 581x133, ugh.png)

I fucking knew it. That didn't take long at all, did it? Fuck off Jaclyn… you're not getting an ounce of sympathy out of me for this because he'll do it again and again and again and again. She's doing this shit to pull in the views by generating drama between them both as much as he is.
No. 378802
I find odd is that anyone is willing to bang him, as he's gross on multiple levels– physically, mentally, emotionally, etc.
No. 378805
That's why he was raging so hard awhile back about Plainey's sister supposedly dumping a guy because he had a small penis. LOL
No. 378809
>>378805Here ya go
>>377239 and Gerg has recently confirmed it himself too.
He has a tiny peepee… remember when he was spazzing around in his yard in just his boxers and looked like he stuffed them? How embarrassing.
No. 378812
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Hopefully this shoop isn't late to the party.
>>378805Lets not forget that winter video where he's in his underwear and it's obviously stuffed with a sock
No. 378818
>>378804>>378803>>378805You guys are overreaching now. She was asked if he had a BIG dick and she said "nah". She didnt say it was little or anything. Dont you think any of his other exes would have said something about it already? I think hes more like "normal-sized", thats why he said hes not "well-endowed".
thanks for making me think of this dumbass' dick btw lol yuck
No. 378827
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>>378812So…if he has the same gross flabby ~vegetarian BODEEEH~ for almost 10 years now, does that mean he's *~immortal~*?
No. 378843
>>378831Was it Latisse? If so, shit's like $120 a month. HOW WILL HE SURVIVE?
Gregma was making like $200k a year at some point, wasn't he? He could have saved and invested, and he'd be just fine once his YouTube "career" inevitably died. Now he's begging for shekels to feed his family. Fucking LOL. No one to blame but himself.