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No. 384956
Previous thread:
>>319570Failed to get Japanese Citizenship. Japanese government couldn't see the value in a Canadian hick, high school drop out, with no discernible skills.
Also, while attempting to copyright claim something, confirmed her name is Miranda Constable (Something she has denied)
No. 385008
>>384956>confirmed her name is Miranda ConstableIm proud of you anon that you put that in the thread starter post.
You forget to mention, that she is now apparently unemployed.
in addition:
Twitter: Channel: No. 385009
>>384956>excepted with high chances of being cleared.Oh fuck off, Mira. Everyone knows the immigration
never tells anyone the process of their application. Stop being such a nasty looking liar. You're the one being stupid for tellling them you "quit".
Or pretending that's why, while in reality it was rejected. We know you better than you think, seeing as you've done this shit for years.
No. 385010
>>385009maybe she was referring to overall chances of people applying and that chance is actually quite high imo. It's around 2/3 of the people applying get granted citizenship and even 3/4 of those with special permanent residency (spouses I guess or so).
It's especially laughable that our beloved pure native nihonjin didnt make it.
No. 385064
>>385050I'll recap what happened just before she quit. Big-ass post ahead:
After we were joking about Mira working at a cheap, unglamorous family restaurant like Saizeriya(we were not serious), the jokes got misinterpreted and spread to PULL as fact. Soon after, a new poster showed up on PULL to defend Mira's claim that she worked in a nice restaurant. The poster said they worked close to the restaurant and had been there a few times. They said Mira had been their server before and she was professional, spoke proper Japanese and the establishment was high-end with a great buffet.
The person was very neutral, not ridiculous praising or wanting to fight with anyone. They basically said they wanted to clear things up and give her credit for being a good worker. People asked for more specifics about the restaurant, but the person just described a generic hotel buffet-style restaurant near a shopping mall and said her uniform was the same one from her videos about her job. Nothing more detailed than that. Soon, just as mild arguments on PULL began about this possibly being too much personal information, an account claiming to be Mira appears. She is upset and ENRAGED at the person who complimented her and accuses them of being a stalker/trying to ruin her, leave her alone, etc. Just an over-the-too reaction. The mod deletes the witness' post, PULL girls grovel "We're sorry, Mira!"
Then Mira does a live show, sniffling and looking tired because she says she has been crying all day(no tears, red eyes or puffiness, though) She says she had to quit her job IMMEDIATELY after she found the posts on PULL and sniffsniff* she loved that job soooooo much, but she had no choice because a ~malicious~ stalker has put her in danger. She thinks she even know who gaijin is. She goes through her usual "haters are jealous psychos and do nothing but lie about me" rant. Says "I never did anything to anybody" and claims she has to move because rent is so high, all while donations from fans start to pour in. During the show, she fully admits that she has always monitored "hate sites" because she must know at all times if people are leaking her personal information. Her minions never question her about this bombshell.
Discussion takes place here, on PULL, 2ch and KiwiFarms about the sudden stench of bullshit as not only was quitting like that so extreme, but she made over $1000 during her live show to cover travel expenses. People question her crying act, motives, her purchases that week, then doubt she quit as they consider if her live show counts as begging. Mira soon goes back to being her usual self, posting regular obnoxious crap, like she didn't just lose her job and jeopardize her citizenship application.
And now we have come to Mira declaring that her naturalization application was rejected due to not having a job….. even though a sane person who desperately wanted citizenship would have stayed at their job until they got the approval that she said she was 100% going to get.[\spoiler]
No. 385074
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Maybe y'all have seen this before, but I found "Miranda Constable's Social Networks" on this site: you click on the myspace page, it takes you to her "Mira Kanadajin" myspace page.
Just more corroborating evidence that her real name is Miranda Constable
No. 385075
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>>385074Don't close up on that purikura, it's terrifying. No. 385218
>>385064on a side note she went live before the poster claiming to be mira popped up on PULL. That post popped up while she was live and later she claimed it hasnt been her.
people have pointed out though she couldve easily written it beforehand and then just clicked on send while being live.
whyever she claims that.
No. 385293
>>385218Sorry. Thanks for reminding me about that. Yeah, the post occurred at the same time she did her live. BUT, we could not see her keyboard nor screen to see if she was on PULL, even though she was obviously browsing online.
Didn't she mumble something during the live like "Stop pretending to be me" as she was looking down at her screen?
No. 385449
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Wait, wtf? You don't get permanent residency, following a spousal visa and student visa change, just for being being married 2 months. It's not something you claim later on, like a coupon. It's a direct extension of the expired spousal visa.
No. 385514
>>385449Yeah. She is full of shit. Her timeline is
She had a spousal VISA, got divorced after 2 months.
Joined Language School to shift to a student VISA.
(According to Miranda) Then got a "special VISA" because of her divorce. (There is such a VISA but it's for people who divorce and have children, etc. Not a 2 month sham)
Per others who know her, her "Special VISA" was a second spousal VISA that she suckered into marrying.
No. 385536
>>385525Exactly, that is why the second spousal VISA is what she has (which was pretty much confirmed by others that know her). But she had previously made comments about people getting married just for a VISA were scummy. So she had to come up with some cover story.
Similar to how this job thing happened just before she was denied citizenship.
No. 385539
>>385525samefag sorry, part of my post got cut off.
i'm thinking she's talking about the temporary one she got before she got divorced.
No. 385830
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>>385449Her new reply. Now it was just ONE month?! If you wanted to keep in the past, you would have never rode out the rest of the visa you got from the marriage or claim you earned teijuusha from exploiting the divorce.
Got used to Japan and needed to stay forever and ever after one just month? Nope. You were already a burgeoning weeaboo in Canada, Miss Zombie Geisha Pokémon gyaru.
No. 385855
>>385840Well, because (*I know you are already aware):
1. She has nowhere near the viewship nor consistent monthly income from that to make it equivalent to a minimum-wage, full-time job.
2. YouTube itself does not count as an employer, only agencies that deal with content creators. She is not signed to an agency or entertainment company, which would act as her sponsor(just like any employer) and give her legitimacy.
This is the only way YouTube is considered as stable income for a visa. This is why it worked for her mortal enemy, Sharla. Other big Jvloggers depend on other jobs, and business or spousal visa.
Miranda makes peanuts compared to them. Her mysterious Canadian bank account exists for a good reason. Her eBay shop definitely wouldn't count for a viable personal business either.
No. 385961
>>385840>She can't keep up with her own liesNope, even the stupid shit: "Gaijin Tips 5: Don't wear deodorant" (This is the one were she says you magically stop stinking if you don't wear deodorant) "Gel Deodorant" (She actually says "In Japan, we stink just like anybody else")
No. 386054
>>385961Mira: able to change her both her ethnicity and DNA in a few years, then back again!
Seriously, in my decade in Japan, the deodorant section of any drugstore has always been fully stocked. Just with formulations more suitable for Japanese physiology and those darn apocrine glands. I'll never forget how hard she fought against everyone who tried to explain it to her.
>>385942Living off scrapped together funds and donations instead of monthly employment… yeah, no way.
That makes her sound like a dysfunctional charity case. Not even a lottery winner would qualify that way.
No. 386120
>>386096What a load of horse shit.
She claimed "abuse" but for that to work for the visa, she would have to have legal proof (police reports, etc)
>She has mentioned before that when she went back to Canada she was unable to understand the culture Put the fucking crack pipe down. You are already retarded, the crack isn't helping.
She had been in Japan 2 months (though recently she said only 1 moth on her twitter). You do not lose your understanding of your native culture in that amount of time, barring traumatic head injury.
Scary as this maybe, I don't think even Miranda would come up with something this pathetically retarded.
Fuck off back to you basement and go back to jerking it.
No. 386249
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>>386096I think this may very well be your worst attempt to make excuses.
>>386120Don't forget that Skeksis, Lola. She is here a lot.
No. 386595
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>>386385>desperate for foreigners to fill up their messy holesSounds like Mira at her regular gaijin nomikai. How patriotic of her! ~Kimigayo plays in background~
No. 386597
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>>386595oh god those lashes… she should really get rid of those whatever they are called. just get the regular ones that look like real lashes only bigger…
it makes her look so ridiculous
No. 386997
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>>384956spider leg lashes are back.
but could also be just an old video. and jeez she has such a diaper ass.
No. 386998
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>>386997dios mio………
but yeah it's an old video. She doesnt have bangs anymore.
No. 387015
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>>386997The return of Yzma!
Yeah, it' appears to be an older video from the same ill-fated trip.
No. 387176
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>>387171And the excessive amount of glue on those things. Either that or one of her tricks blew a load on her face.
No. 387177
>>387176You people! I'll have you know that glue dripping off false eyelashes is the biggest trend in Japan right now. Mira is always right. Very Japanese. But none of you have been to Japan!!1!
/end sperg
Lol. Damn. Why hasn't she learned to put those Party City lashes on the correct way? With her immense wealth, she should just get lash extensions.
No. 387748
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Mira seems to be sock puppeting again:
She calls out the guy that supposedly gave her $500 during her e-beg pity party.
But checking @KMrurouni twitter. He only follows 5 people, 2 of which are Mira. Also, everyone one of his tweets are nothing but praise for her or advertisements for her channel. Even "his" bio says "Check out kanadajin3 youtube channel"
On the very small chance that this dude is not a Miranda sock-puppet, this guy is beyond psychotic levels of obsessed.
No. 387750
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Example of her suspected sock puppet.
But feel free to give it a read for a few lols No. 388338
>>388203She praises him because she'll gladly take any beta orbiter she can get to defend her + give her free shit and she knows any normal person with eyes and a brain who won't stick their dick in anything, knows she's ugly as shit and has issues on top of that.
Anyone who sock puppets to their own defense is in desperate need of attention but obviously lacking it. It's lonely middle schooler on facebook talking to themselves-tier.
No. 388390
>>388345I'm not sure. This whole thing is suspicious as fuck. The dude is supposedly Norwegian and he used to Tweet in Norwegian until 2014. Then the account goes dormant until 2017 when he suddenly becomes active again, follows now one but Miranda and Miranda stuff, now only tweets in English (with similar patterns to Miranda), and only tweets about Miranda and turns the twitter in to one colossal promotional site for Miranda.
Suspicious. As. Fuck.
No. 388391
>>388390*No one
(It's early here, need caffeine.)
No. 388399
>>388390come on, you think she herself faked sticking her channel link on the (nowwegian) number plates of a car which is the car the guy is standing with in his profile pic?
No. 388401
>>388399That IS a ridiculously easy thing to photoshop. a square shape on a flat, geometric surface. It's even a 'new' sticker, to account for the BRIGHT WHITE of it.
So yeah. That sort of thing could be faked.
No. 388415
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>>388401Just five minutes in photoshop, without bothering to reverse engender the font, produces a reasonable facsimile.
No. 388542
>>388527She created sock puppet accounts to trumpet her channel and trash others channels (who were supposedly her friends)
She gives completely inaccurate information
She will respond with hostility to any one who tries to correct her, even for insignificant details.
She has donned black-face to supposedly show that racism didn't exist in Japan.
She buys incredibly cheap items (like dollar store items) and tries to sell them on ebay for 8x markup (or higher)
White girl who honestly believes that she has become ETHNICALLY Japanese (she said those specific words)
Lies about nearly everything (almost as much as Trump).
That's off the top of my head. For more info, please read the previous threads here or at
No. 388547
>>388527And even more: don't know why i went through the trouble, you won't bother reading any of it..
Oh well, can't say you weren't given a good answer
No. 388599
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so, she got a birthday present apparently.
No. 388829
>>388599Yeah, fuck rent or groceries, Mira! While honest Japanese people are WORKING long hours and trying to make ends meet, this spoiled delusional gaijin is buying toys with her fans' donations and showing them off like anyone should be impressed.
>>388782>kids on pull did to shame her imagePULL OG here. Nobody fucking did that, nothing like that was planned or tolerated and the sockpuppets were investigated thoroughly to reveal they were not affiliated with regular PULL members. Try again.
>classic behavior on pull.Lol. Where are your examples?
>white nightOh, sweet lord.
>We do it to piss them off.Who is "we"? What are you trying to say here? Make your mind up about who you are trying to be.
No. 388830
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>>388782>She didn't make any fucking sock puppets.Hilarious stuff.
No. 388907
>>388871I'm surprised she didn't use "synergy" in there.
>>388848Stop trying to make Swedish husband happen.
No. 388912
>>388848Was that before or after she was supposedly pregnant by a German guy.
Get a job.
No. 388916
>>388782Way too much proof to the contrary. If "It's all bullshit" where is the proof, other than "Miranda said so"?
Oh yes, she'd have to kill herself if she showed the proof..
No. 388986
>>388390Also noticed on the suspicious Twitter that does nothing but promote Miranda.
He always tweets about her new vids with in seconds of the video getting posted to youtube.
No. 390047
Wow. Miranda did a live (I've downloaded it and will upload and provide a link soon).
She spent about 20 minutes shitting on Micaela. Lies about the screenshots of their conversations, which are on pull and here, even says the screenshots are on the internet and proceeds to continue her "alternate facts" story.
PULL transcribed the relevant bits (but vid will soon be up:
>1:20:08 Question: Have you ever collabed with Micaela?
Absolutely not and I never want to. hmm…. I don't think she's a nice person and I'm gona say this in the.. (mumble) I don't care she sees this and all like "ouuu talking trash" but I'm gona be honest and open that…um… I don't know… she did something that was very disturbing and unprofessional to me TWICE…. If you want to know briefly, she was basically in front of my blog calling it "fan fiction" and like she's doing all of this publicly and why are you randomly watching my blog??? I was like talking about my personal experience and personal feelings and she just basically went on and on and on and I confronted her like "EXCUSE ME???(WTF face)" like and I explained because she's whining that I'm going though the…ah… (Miranda forgets what she's about to say) she said the stupidest thing right? Okay so….In Canada there's two gates at the customs. It's not like Japan. In Japan, it's foreign nationals and Japanese nationals. uuhhh…. In Canada, it's visitor and resident and it does not matter what your citizenship is. It's visitor or resident. Resident is somebody who lives in Canada for more than 3 months. Visitor is someone who is visiting, doesn't live there, who doesn't reside there. I reside in Japan, I don't reside in Canada. So of course, I go to the visitor section which is perfectly normal. If it wasn't normal, they would say not to go there. Okay? But she is complaining that I'm there and she's like "mehmehmeh" and I'm like " ….but… I..I.I'm…. wh..why…why you whining about which line I go to? At the end of the day, I went through and I did what I needed to do. like, they check my passport and they didn't say I…I… I was in the wrong line. They didn't say anything so why…… like and I..I..I…pulled up links to the government official website where it gives definition of a resident of Canada and shoved it in her face and said "HELLOOO I'm sorry like you can sit there thinking you're right all you want but look!" and so… um… you know at the end of the day, she kind of calmed down and I thought she was like really… like more calm you know but then she started to talk to somebody in Japanese about me at the end like "wheewheewhe" and like the Japanese fan was like "oh Mira just wants to hurry up and become Japanese citizen" and then she was going on and on and on.. and I don't remember in words, in detail what she said but she's doing it again like jud… make it seem like the line choice I went through in Canada had something to do with me wanting to be a Japanese citizenship or something and it's like…. so i said to her "it doesn't… I'm not talking about that! What are you talking about? Why are you going on? Why are you bickering like, you're so unprofessional… like just STOP. Stop talking about me… you know… like how could you go on and on and judge how I feel like I literally spelled it out to you IT'S A GOD DAMN FUCKEN LINE. Why do you care which line I go to like I literally just when to whatever line. like if the line said Canadian citizen, non-Canadian citizen. Obviously, I'm a Canadian citizen, I would've went to the Canadian citizen one. I don't give you shit what line I go to every fucken custom. It's like… I just went to the appropriate line! I know what resident means, I'm resident of Japan , not resident of Canada, I had to register with my bank as non-resident. uummm… my taxes are as a non-resident.. umm….. I'm not eligible for health insurance because I'm not a resident okay?
My.. My ……(unrelated story so I'm going to cut it) ….That's whole nother story but….
Yeah so like… anyways so that's the one thing that happened and you know she went off all lying about what I said to her in a message and making fun of very personal matter that…. you know I…I covered in one of my most recent videos where I talk about the untrue rumors where somebody made a video saying I was lying about the suicidal thoughts and I've talked to that person since then and we've cleared up. There seems to be some miscommunication somewhere between the line and the person agreed that they were just going to delete the video and that they're sorry. umm… but in related to that, SHE umm… made.. like I contacted her because you know… umm…. I… but the reason why I contacted her is because I wanted her to deliver a message. The message was gonna be the last message. I was really upset so I said… it was basically… I'm short phrasing it. umm… " tell so and so hope they're happy that they fucked up someone's life and how can they live with themselves that they did this like they tried to harm.." those kind of message but she started to respond so I was like oh I wasn't expecting back a response. We talked for an hour but then I was like " are you listening to me??" because I was sending her conversations of herself…..heh….. and I'm not gonna go into detail what the conversation were. The…the conversations are already on the internet. It's already.. I kinda doubt with issue but basically what she did bad was she didn't talk about the actual conversation, she cut out the parts that make her look bad and made me look like just crazy person and not only that but, she… she said in the video like the words she said was like wow, you are one TWO FACED BITCH. I'm sorry I said it and I don't care if people get angry with me on that group because it doesn't bother me anymore. you know… I'mma say what I want. I'm not a little pissy bitch who's not gonna sit here… I'm sorry for the swearing but I have to swear like umm…. going but I'm not a wimpy wah wah and not gonna hide my true feeling like if I don't like someone or someone has has done something wrong, I will either call them out for it right there in the open or I'll talk about it because I'm just telling the reality of what happened um… and you know… It's not a surprise because I called her out a few days ago on it because …you know.. another.. another incident and I'm not gonna go into that one because that involves another person and oh.. it's not me to go into further about that situation but, basically she was saying open and honest about what kind of person she is so I responded like "you're the kind of person who bitches on my blog and trash talks me and then … you know… goes behind my back and like post my suicidal conversations and kind of laughs at it and kind of twists the situation and this.. this is one thing I hate the most in this world is people who twist a situation their own fit(benefit?) like if she would've just uhhh… said the facts as it is just said this is what happened, this is the whole conversation you guys be the judge then It's you know a different thing. She's just commenting on events but she… she showed only parts that… it's complete manipulation of the audience because the audience sees "oh my god Mira's gone crazy" and then gives these reasons "oh she's just trying to get attention" BITCH NO!!! Come on get out here fucken psychopathic two faced… shit I hope she watches this. Thanks for the view bitch! Okay… yeahhh….. but anyways umm…. yeah…. fucken two faced people man there's two faced people in this world there's too many two faced people. This….This….. turn from an infomercial into like a Jerry Springer…. haha…Yeah…. but…. no… yeah I don't like two faced people you know… I will never associate with two faced people again… I'll never…. I cut people out of my life like byeeeee you know… umm…. I've cut recently some friends out of my life that you know once you start to do something that I just don't think is right you know…. it's like you don't need you know I can find different people just and I think that's the best advice you know… if you think somebody's doing something negative or they're trying to manipulate people or they're being two faced especially… no… just walk on and move on and go. There's many nice people out there you just got….. (mumble)…. yeah… That's what I have been doing
No. 390095
>>390081Mira is the type of person who has the urge to be in the spotlight at all times.
That's why she can't compliment others. Instead, she tries to bring everyone down by shitting on them behind their back
No. 390111
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>>390095Yes. And the minute someone does something she doesn't like (like she called Victor a bad friend to someone because he wasn't subbed to them on youtube. However, Victor was just not logged in) then you have "betrayed or deceived" her. You have to praise everything she does or you're a "bad friend"
No. 390114
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>>390111But, it's all because she is just too good of a person.
Miranda. this has happened to you going all the way back to before you dropped out of highschool. What is the common factor in all of this? You, honey. You're the problem.
No. 390167
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>>390151No, it wasn't. It was Miranda. First line of this screen shot from Victor's video about Unrested, when Mirand sucker him with her fake suicide crap
No. 390171
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>>390111Appears it was Miranda's Swedish friend, Erika (pandagoestokyo).
Miranda has tweetied anything to her sicne March (they used to tweet daily) and has removed her from her channel list on her youtube site.
No. 390534
>>390171But she liked a tweet from Mira on the 26th and she still followers her. It's too early to tell.
>>390491According to Mira, it was: working holiday, spouse visa, student visa, then PR, which she also referred to as special visa(she or her friend was spreading a rumor that she earned teijuusha, which is absurd). There had to have been at least one or two tourist visas in there, but her claim of Permanent Resident visa is the biggest WTF because, if she is unmarried, childless and
was working only part time, she did not meet any of the basic requirements.
No. 390606
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Hmm seems the Japanese gov. thought Miranda's living arrangements were a bit suspect as well,
Translation stolen from PULL:
Translation (Sorry, I changed the format because her Japanese is just….) :
>I received a call from Legal Affairs Bureau saying that the non-permitting document (rejection document for her naturalization) they sent as registered mail came back and they asked "Do you actually live there?" "Of course" "We'll send it again" "I'm currently in Kagoshima" "Why?" What? I can't travel? Even if I answered all these questions, I think they don't believe I live in my apartment. Then, where is my house?
>Twitter reply: Oh no….
>Miranda: When they visited my house, I remember them asking "why don't you have furniture?" I do have furniture such as couch, desk, TV, washing machine, and that is enough. I'm pissed off. Legal Affairs Bureau knows that I do youtube for living and they should have watched my videos by now.
(In Japan, registered mail must be given in person so they will not put it in the mail box. If you're not home, they will leave a slip to notify them that they will be keeping the mail in the post office )
No. 390749
>>390571I'm starting to think she might be lying about this too. She doesn't need to tell the whole world about a personal matter like that, especially if the other person is not a big YouTuber or they haven't released incriminating information publicly.
>>390606This is another think she doesn't need to share when she already looks suspicious. She's adding more fuel to the fire. But I'm pretty sure her Japanese was odd and confusing to them, so she didn't clarify she was on vacation. It's weird that they had to call her because of missed delivery, though. She must have been gone too long or ignoring the notice.
I noticed how sparsely decorated and lifeless her apartment is, always filming against a boring wall. It makes me think she either never intended to make that place a home or she is too poor. If you walk into someone's home of 3+ years, you'd expect to find more personality or color.
No. 390988
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her face is so fucked up
No. 391000
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her face also triggers me so much. fetal alcohol syndrom, deformed hydrocephaly, fucked up jaw, GREASY HAIR ALL DAY LONG
No. 391229
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>>390988>>391000That must be some family tree.
No. 391338
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Well, Miranda fucked up again.
Yeah, remember it was all Sharla's fault last time. Can't wait to see how she explains this one. She will probably try to say it was Sharla again instead of her own toxic personality
No. 391354
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>>388782Miranda apologized to the girl she used pictures of to fool PULL users. in a post she specifically said "i'm sorry for using your picture on that website". there are also screenshots of their facebook conversation where Miranda asks her to take a selfie holding up a sign that says "I'm not Mira".
No. 391411
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>>391338She all but confirmed it was Rody she drove off this time.
She tweet this a little while ago
No. 391413
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>>391411And a quick check, Guess who introduced her to "Prison Break".
No. 391434
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>>391411im not to sure about this, on IG she is roaming about how it is regarding family?
Mayber her grandmother died?
No. 391436
>>391434No, Rody used to say she was "Like a sister to him" whenever anyone questioned if the were dating.
Also, read the screen shot in
>>391338 She specifically say it's a "him"
No. 391441
>>391411>>391434so, rody dead?
ugh, i hate people that are so ~mysterious~ and dont put shit out there but instead are giving a shit ton of hints without actually saying what's going on.
No. 391444
File: 1496254305216.png (19.03 KB, 668x166, Image2.thumb.png.84cd176cfb13c…)

>>391441No, he's not dead. How the hell did you jump to that?
Here's some more detail.
No. 391460
>>391444so best friend of 4 years.. thats rody, right?
how does she manage to fuck it up over and over again (please dont answer it's obviously a rhetorical question)
No. 391468
>>391454Looking for pity points from her subs. Maybe hoping for a payoff on her next e-begging vid.
>>391459Fair enough..
No. 391478
File: 1496258984391.jpg (47.51 KB, 473x676, Clipboard0122.jpg)

and word is in she needs a new camera …
No. 391482
File: 1496259173698.png (191.44 KB, 366x500, 1494005661629.png)

>>391478wait… is she just showing off an old camera to pity-cry before going live crying how hard her life is soon?
because it's not the same one as this one, is it?
so crying over broken equipment on social media: check
crying over friendship drama on social media: check
next step: crying live to get people to donate to her.
No. 391486
File: 1496259386947.jpg (53.58 KB, 610x661, dadadad.jpg)

>>391444it's obvious that it's rody.
"big manga kiss" is deleted.
No. 391625
>>391482that does look like the same camera though, you can even see the P part of Panasonic on it.
I hate to indirectly defend mira but you're making it hard not to.
No. 391629
>>391486In her live, she said Rody had to go back home from the ryokan unexpectedly(I don't think she gave a reason) and then she deleted all pictures from the trip. So, yep. Seems to confirm it was him.
But WHY is she telling everyone something that could be used against her to further taint her image? This is something she should have not told anyone if she wanted to save face. Too many times that she has cried "A friend left me because they think I was backstabbing them!" Like, c'mon. That record is not normal.
No. 391736
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No. 391859
File: 1496330915820.jpg (86.12 KB, 631x627, selfaware.jpg)

>>391736She might finally be getting the hint
No. 392090
>>391754She could have been prescribed antibiotics though. If she bugged the doctor enough to give her something to make her feel better that's what they would do. That's why we have such high rates of antibiotic resistant bacteria, prescribing antibiotics for fucking everything.
Sage because irrelevant
No. 392185
>>392115I don't know how many times people have to tell you newfags to put your goddamn sage in the email field.
Fucking god.
No. 392242
File: 1496422584590.png (20.1 KB, 618x107, 5931582377183__(50).png.bf557f…)

And the pity-party will start soon. Expect e-begging links.
No. 392535
File: 1496472766653.jpg (330.33 KB, 1242x1687, r1t3SKo.jpg)

Mira has it all figured out! Anyone who criticizes her on 2ch is simply a jealous Japanese-American! Wow, she was really firing on all cylinders to come up with that.
Just what is her deal with attaching Japanese-Americans and haafu?
>>392524Was that before or after she hacked up
a wad of mucous in his face? Sexy.
No. 392573
>>392543She had a lady boner for the far-right element of 2ch for a while and tried to pander to them with things like defense of yasukuni and "keep Japan Japanese" sentiments. When she started claiming SHE was Japanese and could speak for Japan, those same people got mad and she started calling them neo-nazis and racists. NOW she believes anyone arguing against is not
real Japanese and someone in in her 2ch thread keeps claiming real Japanese support her and that critics must be bitter Koreans. Note that comments that support her on 2ch are extremely rare.
No. 392602
File: 1496490354473.jpg (129.82 KB, 1259x690, Clipboard019776.jpg)

currently she is live on twitch with tykosam, ranting while drunk about how bras in japan dont fit her. otherwise it's boring crap.
I cant be assed to record it. No. 392603
File: 1496490418096.jpg (94.29 KB, 932x714, dadadadadad.jpg)

>>392602why is tykosam so fat and stereotypical fat ugly lazy gaijin in japan?
quote mira: "let the donations come in, mira will strip"
No. 392739
>>392603Raising money for the "cause" to send Tkyosam on vacation (Seriously, that's what it was for).
Well, Miranda is with her own kind now. Loud, obnoxious gaijin trying to scam money.
No. 392888
>>392602She really surrounds herself with people exactly like her: dumb, obnoxious, awkward, sloppy gaijin who can't assimilate nor blend with normal Japanese people. The random stray Japanese they manage to find are outcasts and nerds that are desperate for friends.
Wow. Right after Tkyosam goes off about how horrible Islam is(Bet she won't say a thing), Mira returns from the toilet to announce what a massive shit she had.
No. 392929
>>392913How do you know he has a gf?
Mira's ass got bigger, though. Hard not to look at it if it's gyrating in his face. She also took a dump during that time… Maybe she was beckoning him with her backed-up farts too.
I skipped around that video a lot. Is that white dude (tin-foil hat time)Swedish? What if all those dudes are part of Mira's sweaty nerd visa harem?
barf No. 392935
Im retarded and recorded it without audio.
No. 393071
>>392937"Do not stop guessing what went wrong. It's personal, and by avoiding going into detail, I can spin some much needed drama and get some hits. I let my best friend down. I was on wrong, negative path and acted accordingly, for which I should be forgiven. I am truly sorry I am facing repercussions for my gross behaviour. We fought, and I generously tried to say sorry for the fight, though not for the behaviour that caused it. After actually dealing with consequences for my actions for once, I realized I would have to put more effort into getting my way. I am truly sorry for the fight, and nothing else. I'm sorry my friend is standing up for himself. People make mistakes in life- not me, obviously. And it is important that we sit down and think over these mistakes, such as why blocking me was wrong. Learn how you can be a better friend to me. I have so much I need to say to him. I I I, me me me, I don't care how he feels, so long as I get my way. For you guys out there, I want you to take these words AT the beginning of the video to heart, because I'm incapable of even crafting a competent apology in my own words that's not a non-apology. It is truly the most important life lesson; because I said so, and no one else's opinion on the matter counts, certainly not Rodi's. I have just now, after 27 years of life, figured out what most people learn at age five. Money, Gifts, Fame, Fortune… I can use friendship to get all of them, there for it has to be the most valuable, right?"
No. 393074
>>393071Scary, an actual realization that she doesn't deal with the consequences of her actions and she tries to shove blame off on others.
Hey, if you had done that 4 years or so ago, you wouldn't be in the shit hole you are now.
No. 393081
>>393079Where did you hear that "she's" seriously depressed and thinking about suicide?
If you want us to stop, Miranda, at least use the right pronouns for once.
No. 393084
>>393074D'oh. Just realized
>>393071 was a FTFY type post. Sorry, a little slow today..
No. 393087
>>393079Oh yeah, she looked thoroughly depressed and suicidal on Tkyosam's e-beg stream..
She tried the suicidal scam once before, no one bought it except Unrested. He won't fall for it again.
No. 393103
>>393079Lol, Mira. Threatening suicide every time you do something stupid and selfish. It's a great act of deflection. You're so manipulative.
What are you going to do when something out of your control happens, like you get cancer or your parents get hurt/die? Save your crocodile tears and think about someone else for a change. It's unbelievable how self-absorbed you are.
No. 393118
>>393079>She's seriously depressed and thinking about taking her own life over this shit. again?
didnt look too depressed in that livestream with sam.
No. 393184
File: 1496626715061.jpg (73.7 KB, 320x225, IOr47oj.jpg)

>>393169You're not losing your chance to get into her pants, you nasty gaijin.
No. 393251
>>393169Ok but like
>>im so sorry i must be the worst friend >> i let you down that makes me want to kill myselfIs all textbook abuse/manipulation techniques. It's just another way to play the victim, without taking any steps towards actually solving, or even recognizing the issue.
Its a way of changing the issue from
>>I hurt you and you are justified in your reactionTo
>>i hurt you, im literally hitler, i am the scum of the world In short: making it all about YOU again, while forcing the victem of your shitty behavior to have to put aside their VALID ISSUES and say "no, you're not THAT bad."
Add on to that suicide threats? Making another person feel guilt for standing up for themself. Holding another person hostage with YOUR actions they have no actual control over?
And wooow. 'Shes' even worce a person thsn I thought.
No. 393292
>>393169So, you know her personally? So, where was the depression and suicidal behavior during Tkyosams e-beg twitch stream?
Dancing, drinking, laughing. Not exactly symptons of depression.
No. 393315
>>393300You clearly have no empathy for Rody then. You are only thinking about how it effects you personally. He clearly told her multiple times for over a year to stop it. He was being emotionally battered with BS. But he stuck with her because he saw her as a fun foreign friend. He even put up with the rumors of "Mira and Rody are totally fucking."
Clearly not caring for over a year then him finally being fed up because Mira can never change her toxic behavior of trying to destroy other peoples lives or dragging them down. He is DONE.
Then Mira over here not even letting him think. He probably would never have blocked her if she would have given him time to breath. But she filled his inbox on every account with BS sob stories. When he didn't buy it, she attacked him and said he was the piece of shit in the equation.
No, fuck that noise
No. 393317
>>393300You should learn to use punctuation, asshole. Again, focusing on MIRA's feelings only. Not a care in the world for the person that was actually hurt by her action. It's just more "I'm sorry if you feel I hurt you but…"
Another "friend" that knows EXACTLY what she is thinking and feeling at every moment. Amazing! This is either Miranda or one of her autistic sweaty betas thinking he has a chance with her. Pssst… nothing will come of it, dude!
Rody: Stand your ground and stay far away from this emotional manipulation!
No. 393319
>>393300Again, if you are so scared and worried about her, why are you whining on here are no trying to get her professiinal help?
Also, you again dodged the question about her behavior on Tkyosam's e-begging twitch stream. A 7 hour stream with Miranda dancing, drinking, laughing, taking an enormous shit (her own words).
That isn't depressed behavior is it?
No. 393324
>>393315Ok, but heres the thing? We don't HAVE to know Miranda to know her behavior is manipulative and toxic. Even <s>you</s> she doesn't have to know it. MOST people who are manipulators don't sit down and cackle evily to themselves over how they're next going to abuse some one. It's just behaviour they've picked up over the years that they never stopped to think about how gross it is.
Without even using any names, you could take this to a therapist and say
>>Person X has hurt person Y.>>Person X admits to having hurt prson Y.>>Person X says that having "failed" person Y as a friend makes them want to kill thmself.Just that much alone checks all the abuse checkmarks. And these are things Miranda herself has said! Oh. All except the suicide threat– that came from you, "'"Anon"'" Ψ( ̄∇ ̄)Ψ
>>The reason why it hurts her is because she's unable to say sorry for it. Ok, listen up, because this may be hard for you to understand. Her being unable to apologize? Should not be the issue. SHE hurt HIM. What she wants doesn't matter any more in their relatioship. "The reason it hurts" should be "I fucked up and lost a friend," not "He wont let me appologize!" Again, these are classic abuser traits. If she ever wanted to make it up to him, she would respect his space, and stop berrating him with attempts to "'"appologize."'"
No. 393349
>>393324was supposed to be directed at
>>393300My bad
No. 393372
>>393371Again, it doesn't matter if we know them or not. Miranda's behaviour, from an objective standpoint, is disgusting, manipulative, and borderline abusive. And that's coming directly from what MIRANDA chooses to to share with us.
Whatever his reasons for dumping her gross ass, they had to have been justified.
No. 393399
>>393371point is you throw a pity party at how rody abandoned you over failing him. he will be viewed as the bad guy in the public eye for abandoning you without knowing anything further about the issue.
Miranda, that's all you ever do. You make a mistake and then you make yourself the victim.
If you feel like shit: good. Youre the culprit.
It's the same if I would just go ahead and slap you in the face real hard then start crying about how bad my hand hurts and looking at you for empathy. Like what? No.
Stop the bullshit. And dont try to disguiser yourself as dearest "friend" of yourself each and every time because it is embarrassing af.
No. 393572
File: 1496709645772.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170606-023609.png)

Miranda Constable, you're one obnoxious animal.
And you don't learn, do you?
Such victim. Wow.
Just accept it and look for professional help finally.
I feel so bad for Rodi. No wonder he blocked her everywhere. She probably turns into stalker-tier as she tried with bii spamming him with a shit ton of text and screenshot. Don't give in, Rodi. You're finally free!
No. 393585
>>393398Yeah, his real name is Lodhi, but he never uses original spelling probably to avoid confusion with Japanese speakers. Mira and many others write his name as Rody. The man himself goes by Rodi on YouTube. I think he's fine with either spelling since he doesn't seem to correct anyone.
>>393572STOOOOOP, Mira! You're digging your own grave blabbing on and on about yourself. Rodi doesn't want to drag this out in public! Have some respect. Aren't you JAPANESE? Japanese people, especially YouTubers and small celebrities, don't publicize personal squabbles like this.
No. 393609
>>393572Yep, This whole thing is only important to her because she isn't getting what she wants.
Everything she writes is all about her. If you look at that instagram post and read the comments, the anger is building and the narrative is becoming "Look how mean he was to me"
He will be the next Sharla/Rachel to Miranda in a few more days..
No. 393625
>>393621Mind that advise from that anon, Miranda.
Because that would be the only mature thing to do.
No. 393659
File: 1496728805818.jpg (194.36 KB, 1224x1585, sJdvBYz.jpg)

And here she goes. Not like YOU! We need some old school Linkin Park as the background music. Don't know if "you" is Rodi, or everyone else with the common sense not to air our dirty laundry on Twitter.
Holy shit, Mira.
No. 393675
File: 1496732489363.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170606-085848.png)

Jfc how can your English be so bad.
Also dat prominent mustache
No. 393758
File: 1496762412215.jpg (222.45 KB, 1242x1755, w3GjXV1.jpg)

Uh, oh. I think Mira has found Rodi's replacement! This guy looks phenomenal.
No. 393789
>>393675Intersting, we post about her incredibly selfish behavior, and she posts this.
"I know I'm selfish, you should love me because I'm selfish"
That's not the way it works honey. Selfish people tend to end up with only themselves because no one will put up with that shit for long. No relationship can be about one person.
No. 393943
>>393300 I don't know who this "friend" of Mira/Rodi is or whatever, but if you're really a "friend" then you should be dragging Mira's stubborn ass to therapy or SOMETHING. She should be able to afford it right? She's been fanning herself with yen bills in past videos lmao. Anyways, she needs helps and to stay away from the internet. As seen in the past, her behavior is not normal nor healthy.
Also, not sure how you can defend her behavior now, she's making an ass out of herself, so do her a favor and tell her to stop publicly telling everyone her problems like a 13 year old and to handle this privately. It's like watching a train wreck. If Otherwise, if Rodi cut her off, then she needs to respect that as AN ADULT, not trying to guilt him or get her white knights to spam his accounts. So far, Rodi has been the bigger adult in this and hasn't publicly said anything, right now he's a victim.
No. 393987
File: 1496795852150.jpg (133.27 KB, 1242x1498, TAABeXu.jpg)

I don't believe he had a technical problem, but he isn't exactly lying.
No. 394154
>>385051Late to the party, but I just love how Vexxed overnight went from an unknown nobody with no viewers to a lolcow that can be instantly recognized at the mention of gynecomastia.
He wanted so badly to be internet-famous for slandering other youtubers. Too bad the only interesting content he has to offer is his gravity-deying titties.
No. 394374
File: 1496883392739.png (1.34 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170608-025617.png)

Pretty sure she has a brain aneurysm, because I have no other explanation for how bad her English is
No. 394419
File: 1496892287467.jpg (208.32 KB, 1234x1583, VkrqUn6.jpg)

Jesus Weeaboo Christ… Going home and still keeping up that "so Japanese I can't remember anything from 5 years ago!" If you're really that brain damaged, and you mysteriously can not stay at your parents house(why?), how about asking your damn family for help finding a hotel? It would take minutes to arrange something.
>>394263Girl, the namefagging.
But at least this time, your perspective on how she emotionally manipulates people and turns them into the enemy after she does something wrong is totally relevant.
No. 394453
>>394263Lmao holy shit is this the same Kat that got used by Mira during the sockpuppet drama?
Kat pls post screenshots of her insanity.
No. 394479
File: 1496904561981.gif (7.33 MB, 574x323, ThatsBait.gif)

>>394263so you're definitely trolling, right? to use the exact same name in the e-mail field, and synonyms for "osaka" and "cat" while namefagging on an anon board.
>>394263 No. 394492
>>394485or someone (mira) is obsessed with making it seem like she is.
it could honestly go either way.
No. 394526
File: 1496919489434.jpg (205.19 KB, 700x349, ITried.jpg)

No. 394545
File: 1496926059818.jpg (116.44 KB, 660x660, IMG_6075.JPG)

>>394526How can we make this creature beautiful?
No. 394550
File: 1496928910214.jpg (229.1 KB, 1241x1937, jntRJ2h.jpg)

Guess who's back in her own 2ch thread?
Her most current posts: No. 394814
>>394787Love at 2:35 He mentions her best friend at the time and says "It's weird all 4 years I've know her, her "best friend" keeps changing."
Miranda is so obvious in the shit she does, but she thinks she's clever.
I made a copy of this vid, just in case it goes missing. I don't mind Rodi getting the views. After putting up with her psychotic ass, he deserves something.
No. 394817
>>394787She lies and says she "broke up" with her boyfriend to try and bang Rodi. So, she was planning to cheat on her current boyfriend but Rodi wasn't into it. Also on the screen shots. She claims Rodi wanted her, but just didn't want to admit it.
She is a piece of shit and delusional.
No. 394831
File: 1496977194997.jpg (119.18 KB, 939x600, hej3daimon2.jpg)

Miranda was trying to fuck Rodi behind this guy's back.
No. 394838
File: 1496978713962.jpg (25.78 KB, 480x360, 29527312.jpg)

>>394787That's ok. It's been backed up by several folks: No. 394846
File: 1496979670394.jpg (314.94 KB, 1920x1080, rodiss1.jpg)

>>394842Yeah, looking at the screens shots from Rodi's vid, she was lying to the ugly Swede and Rodi and her "best friend" that was texting Rodi.
No. 394847
>>394787KEK he bought her pajamas when she sat there at his house in her underwear.
That's one hell of a rejection and she still didn't get it.
No. 394849
File: 1496979766124.jpg (262.58 KB, 1920x1080, Rodiss2.jpg)

>>394846Second screen shot. Can't wait for Miranda's "Rodi and my ex-best friend had a conspiracy to try and make me look bad.."
No. 394920
>>394899That's not all! She was mirroring several traits of his. Think about all the changes and causes she took up to form her new identity. Here are some I noticed:
As you mentioned, she is "forgetting English". English is Rodi's 3rd language and he's still insecure about his skill. Oh, now Mira is too!
Second, she starts talking frequently about haafu and Japan-born people with foreign parents. That's also a personal experience of Rodi's but she has to one-up him like she has experienced the same discrimination all her life and everyone is sooooo racist against her.
Third, she starts claiming she is Japanese after only living in Japan a few years. Despite being born in Japan and actually having Japanese blood, being seen as true Japanese is still an issue for Rodi. Mira has to hijack his struggle once again.
Fourth, her sudden interest in Islam, Muslim cultures and even photoshopping her mug with a hijab like it was Halloween. She even says men and women are not meant to be equal because she is so conservative. Meanwhile, she shits all over a pretty liberal Muslim man just trying to follow basic Islamic social rules, like not drinking or touching unrelated females.
Lastly, I'm going out on a limb, where did this sudden Justin Bieber interest come from? Well, Rodi is a JB fan and even got his hair cut like him one time. I wouldn't put it past her.
I know it's abused here and people don't like armchair psychologists, but can someone with experience in mental health tell me how she is NOT BPD as fuck? The checklist is full.
>>394914If she lived in her beloved Saudi Arabia, she would definitely be in big trouble for all of this. She would get prison time and many lashes.
No. 395033
>>394787>she was sleeping in her underwear>it was disgusting!And then the absolute madman tops it of with buying her a pajama the same night. I have no words left, only laughter!
And, of course, in true mira fashion she is absolutely oblivious to that a-bomb of a rejection and follows it up with lies about breaking up with her boyfriend only to get dealt another obvious statement of romantical disinterest by Rody. That video is too great!
No. 395046
>>394920Agreed with all except:
>As you mentioned, she is "forgetting English"She started pulling that shit a few months after landing in Japan, before she met Rodi
No. 395187
>>395033I give Rodi all the props for actually buying her a pyjama. You know exactly how many guys would've just fucked her, and here's this guy who is so freaking decent he makes her wear proper clothes.
Good guy and all the keks for us, 10/10.
No. 395225
File: 1497063644304.png (67.43 KB, 640x516, kanadajin.png)

Looks like the duo might be coming back.
Rodi just cant resist
No. 395332
>>395223Oh, hi, random stranger. Lol
Mira is exploiting the benefits of the last marriage by her "special visa". Now fuck off to smelly gaijin hovel and scarf down more pizza.
>>395225Maybe he just wanted have closure to let her know he won't keep a grudge or talk negatively about her in the future. Just meeting doesn't mean they will go back to the way they were. She won't change and he can't compromise his beliefs. His family might already know what happened too.
But it's possible she can act convincingly enough to make him believe that she will behave herself… crap. Rodi, be careful, man. She does that to so many guys.
No. 395335
File: 1497093948527.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170610-132357.png)

Another live stream.. I have visitors, so I can't watch not record
No. 395355
File: 1497100204713.jpg (88.93 KB, 850x477, uhoh.jpg)

>>395335when she tried to link it on youtube
No. 395364
>>395361I've been watching this for a little while now and it's the most boring thing I've ever seen.
The only thing she does is ask for people to subscribe, to like her facebook page, to create a Twitch account and she constantly asks for donations.
She took a shot of whisky and acted drunk-ish almost immediately. She asked the viewers to pay for her pizza.
She's been looking at her phone the whole time and she's getting kinda ignored by the two guys.
They're just sitting on their *ss, doing nothing basically.
No. 395370
>>395337What language are you trying to speak?
Eyebrow stamps and 13-year old goth eyeliner… Nobody suggested either of those looks to her.
Hey, Mira:
Soft, natural eyebrow. Preferably with gradation(not the Instagram kind). A combination of powder-type and brow mascara works nicely.
NO bottom liner unless it is a soft brown accent. Winged liner should be angled upward on your eye type, NOT DOWN.
Your blush is contoured too low, not blended and it looks like you're trying to be 16. That blush style also fell out of fashion a while ago. Try luminizing blush.
I will say, I liked your outfit tonight.
>>395364I was mesmerized by Sams ever-expanding gut. That sight alone was more interesting than watching the three of them mindlessly banter. He's like Peter Griffin's unwashed cousin.
Hm… I wonder which websites Mira was checking.
No. 395460
>>395370why did you get so easily offended? were you under the impression that i like her looks?? i just thought it was funny how she changed her looks after reading all of this.
ps - i'm not mira.
(sage OT posts) No. 395549
>>395460Lol. You're a weirdo.
Who was able to finish watching the entire Tkyosam 35 years old-and-still-don't-have-my-shit-together fundraiser? During the bore-fest, they managed to make fun of black people, autistim, used gay as an insult and JOKED ABOUT WOMEN RAPING MEN. Yes, there is no doubt they are referencing the accusations against Mira's predatory behavior with Rodi. Sam and Mira are two peas in a filthy pod. Disgusting.
This is just an unconfirmed rumor, but a new user from PULL claimed that Tkyosam falsified university documents to get his job, which thereby secured his visa. I don't know such an uncouth, immature slob would manage to stay so long otherwise.
No. 395550
>>395549I had to keep turning it off. It would sort of cycle through long boring periods of nothing happening, into something painfully insulting to humanity as a whole. Any time Sam started to say something halfway possibly interesting, he'd derail it with "… it's gonna rape my ass" or something equally racist or otherwise insulting. At one point he went off on a story about how he was riding his bike around in the summer without a shirt on and a police officer pulled him over, and he just started screaming "THIS IS AMERICA, I CAN DO WHAT I WANT." Jesus christ, even if he's not serious, he's so painfully awkward and disgusting.
The rape jokes were 100% about Rodi. That's what they think about that. It's all a joke to them.
I'd like to know more about this falsified documents rumor. Does anyone have any sources or anything of that nature?
No. 395556
File: 1497152367329.jpg (152.67 KB, 1242x1135, vsl3Ia7.jpg)

>>395550'm sorry, this is the only source I saw about that rumor. It could be a troll, or one of the many expats he has pissed off in Japan. He has made a lot of adversaries for being so rude and embarrassingly immature.
We can also add jokes about incest and pedophilia ("my dad") to Tkyosam's list of gross behavior that Mira endorses.
I didn't think she could go any lower, but here she is taking shots at Rodi being victimized by a woman and laughing with that slovenly creature at male sexual harassment and assault in general.
No. 395589
>>395563Is this Slobberin' Sam or Molestin' Mira? Just put your name in the name field, asshole. Is spineless Simon also with the party?
I actually do know quite a lot about the both of you scammers. I don't know how many times you fools have to be told that several people here also live in Japan and the community is a lot smaller than you think. Gossip travels fast and you're bound to piss off another gaijin friend soon.
No. 395594
>>395549>>395550I stayed for less than an hour I think.
Here are a few quotes from our non-Japanese girl :
"I don't have any friends".
"Somebody pay for my pizza! Somebody paid for me last time!"
"Just give me money directly".
"10 dollars and I'll answer"
"I want 30 dollars for the dance guys".
Classy Mira as always. This basically sums-up most of her interventions throughout the live stream.
Also, I'd like to add that very cringy moment when TokyoSam asked in the special request box of the pizza delivery compagny to do a kabedon upon arrival.
He also added in Japanese "if you don't do it, I'll kill you".
And of course, Mira laughed.
No. 395617
File: 1497192669893.jpg (190.1 KB, 1242x1935, uSRUmg0.jpg)

I found yet another account Mira has made where she subjects unsuspecting English-learners to her sub-par and often downright wrong English corrections.
In the image above, this is how she answers a Brazilian asking for critique of their English skill. No. 395693
>>395556I'm fine treating it as a rumor until there's actual proof, but it is very believable. I can't imagine someone like him being able to finish university. He can barely hold down a job and pay his bills as it is.
He and Mira are a good fit for one another. Unintelligent, unattractive, unemployed or working dead-end jobs, bad at Japanese despite years of living in the country, no taste, no friends, no future aside from e-begging and scraping at the bottom of the barrel on YouTube. It would be sad, except they're both narcissistic too.
No. 395813
File: 1497239635503.jpg (Spoiler Image,50.46 KB, 640x480, Snapshot (1).jpg)

>>395589Actually I was just replying to your 'weirdo' comment.
No. 395881
File: 1497252277581.png (1.55 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2252.PNG)

>>395813I was let down that you were indeed not my canahonjin waifu
How could you-??
But you're still annoying,Miranda
No. 395926
File: 1497278051539.jpg (229.05 KB, 862x437, miraaaaa.jpg)

>>395889trying to fix this goblin face is way more fun than it should be. probably because you know going in that there is no solution, so you can just do whatever.
No. 395930
File: 1497280107289.jpg (222.67 KB, 837x437, kanadajin3.jpg)

idk if that's better or worse
No. 395931
File: 1497280370257.jpg (Spoiler Image,11.14 KB, 272x181, vxrFXiY.jpg)

>>395882Damn, Mira. Calm down. Maybe guzzle down a few biiru and snuggle into Sam's clammy bosom to collect your thoughts?
>>395889She became Ms. Swan!
It's difficult to work on her eyes because the droop also comes from her low brow bone.
No. 395964
File: 1497290111189.jpeg (11.43 KB, 412x357, 815333F0-0271-45C7-82AE-2C2B06…)

Can you guys please stop trying to fix Mira in photoshop? Just realize she's too fucking messed up, it's never gonna work.
No. 396203
>>396123In this video he says "anal queen" at the start.
While he is talking he keeps touching her and plays with her hair randomly. this video he puts his arm around her and keeps it for a while. this is the anal sex video. It is only 22 seconds long. He grabs her and said today we are going to talk about safe anal sex. No. 396208
>>396207Lol, no. He's not attracted to Mira because she's ugly as sin compared to the women he COULD get. Perhaps he liked her personality once upon a time or thought she would be a fun friend, but he was never attracted to her in the sense of a relationship else he would have fucked her already or welcomed her advances already. She was a bro, at most. But then she ruined any aspect of him liking her personality too by letting her crazy run wild.
All this stuff about 'But what about Rodi talking about sex on cameraaa!' is the kind of ridiculous wishful thinking shit Mira would pull out of her ass - he was talking about sex for videos and playing up for the camera. It's not a sign he likes her. He's a youtuber who wants to make interesting vids.
It's like saying someone who playfights with their bro in a youtube vid would be alright with that bro punching him in the face. Nope.
He doesn't want to fuck Mira. Why is this even a question
No. 396230
>>396228D-chan was angry because she wanted to date Rodi, but Miranda told her not to pursue him, because she was interested in him.
Yes, we may never know without more information, but if history has taught us anything, it's that Miranda will pitch her 'friends' under the bus in a heart beat if it can make her look even slightly better, and that MIRANDA is the habitual liar.
No. 396235
File: 1497366972348.png (56 KB, 822x378, jhdgfh.png)

>>396213from the comments
No. 396236
>>396235>he uploaded a video that had some statements that I needed to publically respond too bitch, where?
You where the only one continously bitching about the whole issue publicly from minute one.
>people who dont care about privacyHow does it feel being busy projecting, Miranda?
>I had to >I needed to Miranda, you are just a piece of trash and you will always be.
No. 396280
File: 1497375135244.gif (614.02 KB, 745x638, Unbenannt-1.gif)

>>396203thank you so much for pointing this out.
No. 396339
>>396328oh lawdy, I get actually
triggered af by the small size of the banners, but any other anon can feel free to use it as banner inspiration lmao
No. 396382
>>396255And if you believe what Miranda has to say, then I have a bridge to sell.
Not to mention: There's a special place in hell reserved for people who take the word of sexual harassers over that of their victims.
No. 396407
>>396216Not really. She chucked her "best friend" D-Chan under the bus. Blames it all on her. Says she sent "old" text to him. Which is bullshit. It was a current convo between Rodi and D-chan that he posted.
Everything was either D-Chan's fault for lying and sending "old text" or Rodi "misunderstood".
Even though she says "I messed up", she did not accept ANY responsibility for her actions.
No. 396420
>>396407Since Miranda reads here. Here is some advice for you:'s basic, common sense for the rest of the world, but you obviously don't know it.
Especially: "Don't shift part of the blame onto someone or something else in an attempt to reduce responsibility."
No. 396430
>>396420I dont think the point is that she wouldnt know how to do it.
Either she is oblivious enough to actually think it is another one's fault, or she feels so ashamed she is not able to take the blame.
In that sense she has the emotional intelligence of a preschooler, which doesnt surprise me the least.
No. 396496
>>396440She still claims that D-Chan is responsible for the misunderstanding with Rodi because "she sent him old texts"
>She responded in a couple of the comments that if D-chan sent those or not he was still upset that she was not letting him go outside.So, first she claimed they were old texts, then when that is disproven she changes the story to that.
Also, She didn't cover Rodi having to put the camera bag between them. Which total blows away her claim that it was about her not wanting him to go to the city without him. Or her lie that there weren't any rooms left at the Manga Kissa.
Rodi is the more believable party here. There are tons of holes in Miranda's "explanation".
Did you even watch Rodi's video? I would like to read the comments on Miranda's, but she's been deleting any that point out her contradictions.
No. 396498
>>396440There's also the fact that Miranda insinuated that D-Chan was a liar.
Toward the end of her vid with the "I'm not going to call my friend a liar" comment.
Which Miranda is basically saying D-Chan is a liar, I'm just not going to call her that.
No. 396519
>>396504Nope, what she said at 10:50 on her video was there was something that was "so digustingly untrue. I'm not going to call my friend a liar" the goes with her "I was drunk, I don't remember" bullshit.
The thing you are referring to is at 10:30 with the nebulous comment that she claims she didn't lie about, but she also hasn't broken up with her boyfriend, so I'm don't think that was it either.
No. 396522
>>396504To expand on what was said in
>>396519. Rodi mentioned in his video that he talked with her boyfriend after, so He knows she's full of shit.
Here's a link to Rodi's video: in her video she says "If you haven't seen his video, good" Yeah, because it's better for her if you can't see how she's lying.
No. 396606
>>396504You're saying that D-Chan made this whole thing up and sabotaged Rodi and Miranda's relationship because she wasn't the first one told something?
That smells like bullshit. Rodi is a more trustworthy source than Miranda and the conversations he posted in his video are far more believable than anything Miranda said.
No. 396607
>>396550So, the stuff from Rodi has facts, names, screenshots. Miranda makes a vague claim that you can't even show is what she is referring to.
Gee, why does everyone believe Rodi over her [/sarcasm]
No. 396622
>>396618It wasn't "after 4 years". She had been doing shit like that for 4 years and Rodi finally reach the end of his rope.
Why would she get into a relationship? Because she was bored, people do that all the time. Being in a relationship doesn't always equal being "in love".
Why would her boyfriend stay? Why did her boyfriend in Canada stay with her after she admitted to fucking another guy? Some people are stupid.
No. 396625
>>396618Damn, you sure are desperate to WK Miranda.
Can I ask why?
No. 396651
>>396618>Why would she even get into a relationship with someone if she liked him. Because hoe is life.
>Why would her boyfriend stay with her if she told everyone they broke up?Low self-esteem, obviously. Just like Robbie!
>>396625>>396636Don't forget: Mira is capable of writing in coherent English when she feels like it.
No. 396930
>>396636It very well could be, I was just trying to give the "Hi Miranda" thing a rest.
>>396636>Don't forget: Mira is capable of writing in coherent English when she feels like it.Yes she is.
Also interesting how they have vanished after bringing up the fact that her boyfriend in Canada stayed with her after she admitted to fucking another guy. (Kind of shot that whole "Why would her boyfriend stay with her if she told everyone they broke up" excuse out of the water
No. 397036
File: 1497506214036.png (311.81 KB, 1210x1297, IMG_0736.PNG)

Just saw this in the comments from scotts video, I wonder if they hashed it out and that's why he took the video down. (They're going back and forth in the comments about this) Well it's back up so I don't think they did. I think this rody incident is the reason it's back up, He probably felt bad until she got exposed again.
No. 397087
File: 1497526170509.jpg (440.97 KB, 1242x2087, u0xuuT5.jpg)

>>397036I just read their exchange. Holy fuck, does she project and go to extremes!
No. 397090
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No. 397091
File: 1497526374640.jpg (424.39 KB, 1240x1964, AePr1AX.jpg)

No. 397204
File: 1497559131540.png (464.31 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170615-223724.png)

>>397141No Rodi!!! Don't give in!!
No. 397205
>>397204This is exactly what I'm talking about.
Someone needs to tell this guy she's not worth it.
What is it about Japan that mindfucks people this much? Does there need to be a study?
No. 397324
File: 1497572678318.jpg (96.53 KB, 355x500, mirandaconstablenagayama.thumb…)

Check this out. She is bitching at Rodi because his video was uploaded by someone else. He obviously reported one, but someone else uploaded it. He doesn't seem that concerned, but she is constantly texting him to report any time she sees it.
Also, Her video is still up on her channel. If it's all over with, why would she leave her's up, and hassle Rodi because other people are uploading his?
(Also, It's been uploaded by about 5 people on youtube now, plus, plus google drive, It's not going away Miranda..)
No. 397337
>>397334Yes. And in Rodi's video, he talked about why he blocked her, because after he said he didn't want to talk about it, she kept going. 25 times, then he blocked her.
She keep on texting him every time she sees a copy is still up, He'll realize that she is no different and hasn't learned anything.
(Tinfoil area: Provided this wasn't all a setup to churn up drama views.. I do think it was real, personally. But I would be surprised either)
No. 397549
>>397499That's quite a plan, Mira.
>>397516No, he's just a student who is barely learning Japanese. A kid, basically. She must have met him at one of the numerous gaijin parties she attends. She's probably holding on the the remaining benefits of her last marriage visa by exploiting the loopholes.
>>397534He admitted to wanting to network with up-and-coming YouTubers to help his own channel, but he already seemed to like hanging out with foreigners. On the surface, she would not appear too different from the average 20-something partying foreigner in Tokyo. I can see how she could be fun and spontaneous person that is a change from typical Japanese people he usually lives and works with. Also, he probably has a high tolerance for atypical people since he knows how it feels to be an outsider as both half Japanese and a Muslim. I just don't think he realized the baggage she came with until it was too late.
No. 397565
someone dropped this in the discord. Not sure of when these were or if these are even real
sage for speculation No. 397574
>>397565Lol. That's 100% Mira.
God. She never stops talking about haters and what they say about her, to any person she befriends. She bombards them all with the same texts, screenshots and complaints.
Mira: try acting like a REAL Japanese person and keep your self-made personal shit to yourself and handle it BY YOURSELF!
No. 397589
File: 1497614976927.jpg (244.54 KB, 1230x1769, SjujT6s.jpg)

Here comes the lovebombing. Reminds me of our favorite rosacea-afflicted narcissist, Onision.
> till death do us part
What in the Hell?!
No. 397599
>>397565lol she really just can't stop talking about the same shit like a broken record. no wonder she's constantly alienating friends, imagine getting MULTIPLE voicemails like that, just going on and on…
gotta say I'm impressed tho, when she starts talking like a yankee mom her japanese is the best it's ever been.
No. 397800
>>397599could you translate some parts for people not speaking japanese? tbh I dont really think it's milky.
And it sounds like it could be as well someone holding the phone on computer speakers while playing one of her japanese videos. or idk just lay an audio "on phone" filter over it.
No. 397815
>>397800Stolen from PULL (I can't speak Japanese)
It's just a whole lot of whining. She keeps insisting she doesn't make sock puppet accounts and the usual "blah-blah".
She really drunk and slurring around the 2:44 mark. I think someone better at Japanese should figure that part out. I got a little lost.
She rants about being bullied.
If I understand the latter half correctly she is ranting about a site that stalks her (stalker mitai sito aru shi ni…) I believe she continues to complain about this.
It seemed like 90% **tching about her being treated unfairly. I'm sorry I've never attempted to translate before and I found her Japanese really hard to understand for some reason.
Toward the end there is a lot of mention of parents and kids, but I didn't quite understand the context.
No. 397941
>>397815Also stolen from PULL:
Translation of Miranda's voicemail. I only listen through it twice because it's so cringy and sorry if there are typos and wrong translations.
I don't know why you are trying to get involved with me but can you stop e-mailing me? It's becoming a nuisance. I'm not trying to get into your business and I'm not interested in your private photos AT ALL. If it's not you then it must be someone from the hate forum just like you! it must be, right?! Everyone is making accounts on that hate forum to criticize me and they create a white knight account copying my spelling mistakes .Others are like "ohhh it must be Mira" and they just get hyped up about it. They are just trolling each other.
Audio cut because it's 1 min voicemailNormal people should be able to realize that youtubers are not interested in those kinds of websites, no need to go on those websites, and no need to argue with people using those websites.
Audio CutThe reason is because the haters are criticizing me and also creates rumors about me. I have NEVER in my life created a sock-puppet account and NEVER created an account for those kind of websites. To put it simply, I don't want to give those websites my personal e-mail and I don't have the time to create a fake account and even talk to you lol!
Audio CutThe reason why I'm speaking in Japanese is like I said before, you guys say "OH, Mira's Japanese sucks". If you guys think my Japanese sucks why don't you speak it? Huh, you guys can't lol! Haters always say " her Japanese is bad" and criticize me but in reality, the haters are the ones who can't speak Japanese at all. I even mentioned in a video but the haters can't even speak Japanese and they are trying to bully me because they have no self-confidence.
Audio CutI'm not criticizing people who can't speak Japanese well but I don't understand why these people are criticizing others.
Audio CutIt was the same for a woman who created multiple accounts to talk to me about my visa status. When I answered her questions, she seems to not understand my answers and it was really frustrating! I already answered! I'm permanent residence, end of story. That should be the end but those people are still creating multiple accounts saying "but Mira is…. blah blah…". Well, why don't you guys say that to Legal Affairs Bureau or Ministry of Justice. I don't have the time to argue.
Audio CutThey make multiple accounts and I block them every time and they go over to the hate forum to say "oh I found this comment". That's a lie, they didn't find it, they found it because they are the one writing it. They always say it like they "found" it but the haters are….
Audio CutEven among the haters, the hates are not confident enough to say it out loud but instead comment in the back… I don't know but it's the hater's world. Haters just create rumors and spread them across the internet and on top of that criticize people. When the conversation becomes boring, they make an account saying "don't criticize Mira!!!!" and everyone thinks it Mira and say " oh it's Mira, she's so crazy". It's just the haters creating multiple accounts. So if you really think….
Audio CutBecause you're involved in those hate forum, they are getting into your head and if you really have a stalker like you said, it must be someone from the hate forum. It's the same for the second woman, but I messaged her parents that your daughter is on the internet trying to get my personal information and spreading rumors about me. That is the truth and I wasn't trying to stalk her but I needed to stop her and the message was asking to stop her. If I had a kid and the other kid ……
Audio CutIt's the same in school but if I had a kid and the other kid punched my kid, then telling their parent is the only way.
Audio Cut There is a 1 min limit so the conversation may be cut out but if you can't reply back in Japanese then I will be blocking you. I don't want to spend my time on people like you. Before you criticize my Japanese, why don't you speak Japanese??? I have videos covering this topic so if you forget what I said, watch that video again and again.
Audio Cut(In English) I'm a little bit confused why you are online judging my Japanese to be slower if you can't actually understand it.
Audio CutMaybe you shouldn't be joining into judging people online for the language skills when you don't actually know it. Sorry if my voice sounds weird, I'm drunk right now. I'm drunk right now hanging out with other youtubers not sitting online hating on other people like the people on the website that you associate with.
Audio Cut No. 398165
File: 1497742565679.png (184.02 KB, 815x462, 594543aa96367__(79).thumb.png.…)

Heh. She's in Osaka….. On her Instagram she's following a temporary employment agency that introduces people to Kyabakura jobs in Osaka.
No. 398626
File: 1497884369881.png (92.21 KB, 630x736, lola.png)

Did anyone notice her info is open to public
No. 398725
File: 1497903945055.png (Spoiler Image,743.13 KB, 604x602, Screen Shot 2017-06-19 at 4.18…)

so kawaii
No. 398956
File: 1497961425601.png (448.55 KB, 640x700, liar.png)

Well, look who has a patreon. It's Ms. "Everyone who uses Patreon are liars and thieves".
But, of course, because she did it, "it's different". No. 398972
>>398956People should do like they did to Onision. Sign up, pledge an amount and pull it just before it charges or get a pre-paid Visa gift card with no money on it and enter that as you CC. and it will just void it when there isn't any money on it.
She'd probably freak out even more than Onision does. Then you could repost her "private" Twitter and blog stuff.
Not sure if she could be as quick with the Twitter block button if she is accepting payment for access.
No. 399018
>>398956Just keeps getting sadder. I hear Mira lurks on here so I'll just say this:
Honey, give it up already.
As for Rodi, I'd say I'd be sad, but I knew as soon as I saw his video about what Mira was up to that it was all going to end up this way.
These people literally have lives others would KILL for and they waste them doing this transparent shit.
What is it about Japan that inspires such idiocy? What other country in the world mindfucks people this much?
No. 399570
>>398956The cheapest membership tier is $10. Damn, not even hobos ask for that much! What's wrong, Mira? Running outta sugar daddies??
I'm starting to not trust Rodi, yet he doesn't seem like a bad person. I don't subscribe to that 'tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are' nonsense. I assume that maybe for him she's just a fun person to be around and might think it's a waste to give up his long-time friendship with her.
No. 399619
>>399058Well, considering that she miraculously found all of the footage from her Kagoshima trip on her pc. Footage that she claimed 1) was on the camera's internal memory, not an SD card, 2) she had not transferred to her pc (see her non-apology vid to Rodi).
Yet, as stated she "found" video that she never transferred to her pc on her pc.
Gods be praised it's a miracle!
This was all a bullshit setup to get view/patreon money
No. 400200
>>400083It does sound stupid. As if immigration is going to believe a bumbling foreigner or take pity that they suddenly "forgot" their own culture they were raised in. In fact they might try to get her out faster if she is so mentally disabled she forgot a whole lifetime in just half a decade.
It must suck for her. She doesn't fit in anywhere. She didn't fit in growing up in Canada because she was a high school punk weeb who hated everyone. Now she doesn't fit in Japan and has to hang out with the foreigners she shit talks.
No. 400280
What makes it impossible to tell is if they gave her the PR visa so soon, then divorced visa-kun 2.0 because there is no way she'd be still there AND single (if she is seeing that Swedish guy – we don't know).
I can get the vibe 100% she had no friends or was that chick who had her fake clique that all abandoned her or they all left school the same time (or got pregnant). Who the fuck knows, but I can tell she went to Japan, got TONS of compliments JUST because she is a white woman (that happens to even below average lookers going to Japan), her ego was boosted without the understanding of what was going on and then stayed thinking she is a god.
People didn't like her in Canada for her shitty personality – not like her looks was bringing all the boy to the yard — ahem….
So she went and made a new one, but she forgets that she has to CHANGE her behaviour or it will follow her like it has in Japan. Which is why you don't see her with Japanese people because she does not BEHAVE like a Japanese person, or what Japanese people find comfortable. She's too loud, too opinionated, massive ego, unlady-like, and KY.
She cannot hold onto a Japanese guy or friends because she's too めんどくさい. So there she is, trying to be the "exotic" foreigner, unable to change her destructive behaviours because she ran from her problems home rather than FIX them. And it is catching up to her, for everyone to see.
//rant off
No. 401050
File: 1498195106961.gif (1.83 MB, 320x240, I-dont-believe-you.gif)

>>401041>trust me on this oneReceipts booboo, or gtfo
No. 401096
>>401085>Men and women can't be that close and not want to fuck."I'm a skank with no self-control, therefore everyone else is too!"
Man, your boyfriends must hate you. You probably get jealous if they even interact with their female family members too much.
No. 401147
File: 1498222215449.jpg (101.62 KB, 368x645, RIJT.jpg.8abeef1b1993ace04c5f0…)

Well, Rodi and Miranada got busted lying again. (Shocking, I know..)
Both of the, during their "fight" said they had been "Best friend for 4 years". There was this comment from Rodi on one of Victor's (Gimmeabreakman) videos about the Miranda/Sharla thing.
Comment date July 3, 2014.
If you read it, he doesn't know her personally. He only knows her from her vids and "Unsubscribed" to her due to her idiocy.
That will be exactly 3 years in a couple of weeks. They couldn't even keep the story straight for their sob story.
No. 401159
>>401155In his "TRUTH about Kanadajin3" vid he flat-out said that he initially only started hanging out with her for views/subs.
So, not out of the realm of possibility.
No. 401271
File: 1498244588588.jpg (180.33 KB, 1563x764, header.jpg)

>>401217Yeah, it's really him. He used to spell it that way. Still has it like that in his header
No. 401276
File: 1498245508213.jpg (42.45 KB, 1267x278, 1.jpg)

>>401271And before anyone asks, yes, you can change it on Youtube See Example here and next
No. 401302
Wow! "A day in a car IN JAPAN" Seriously.. Vidme link.
No. 401365
File: 1498256155317.png (198.82 KB, 407x427, Screen Shot 0029-06-23 at 7.44…)

No. 401398
>>401392Now come on, that's taking it a bit far….
He's not THAT bad ;) HAH who am I kidding?!
No. 401437
>>401365I've never seen anyone this ugly good lord.
Mira, you do not belong in the public eye.
No. 401604
But how could someone stand such an insufferable cunt who looks like the dude from The Goonies
No. 401627
>>384956Hi everybody! I know I'm not the only dangerhair here, and I'm in a bit of a pickle. I bleached + dyed my hair magenta (using Punky Colour) a few months back and I was just gonna let it wash out on its own but it doesn't seem to be doing it as quickly as I had wanted. Are there any home remedies to getting it out I haven't heard of*, or should I go with the professional approach? Or should I just wait longer? Or just bleach it again?
It's about half washed out, half pink still. I need it 100% out because I'm going to do it yellow by the end of the summer. Thanks in advance laydees
*I tried mixing vitamin C powder with my shampoo and leaving it for a few hours because I saw it on YouTube. It didn't work as well as I would have liked, but a lot of color came out, but I used Emergen-C (I don't know if that was what I was supposed to use) and only did it once.
>>401597I'm downloading it now, will post as soon as I re-upload. If you notice. Mira steps away to "tweet" and every time she does, a "donation" comes in,
When the "Give Mira a kiss" request comes in, Rodi takes her phone away.
Also, the one Requesting the kiss is the "norwegian guy" that does nothing but talk about how great Mira is, and like all her vids and was the one who supposed pledge the $120 to the Patreon.
Plus, he tipped 20 Norwegian krone for the kiss, which is a little more than $2 U.S.
No. 401629
>>401597I'm downloading it now, will post as soon as I re-upload. If you notice. Mira steps away to "tweet" and every time she does, a "donation" comes in,
When the "Give Mira a kiss" request comes in, Rodi takes her phone away.
Also, the one Requesting the kiss is the "norwegian guy" that does nothing but talk about how great Mira is, and like all her vids and was the one who supposed pledge the $120 to the Patreon.
Plus, he tipped 20 Norwegian krone for the kiss, which is a little more than $2 U.S.
No. 401753
File: 1498336097069.png (434.92 KB, 815x543, wtfmlmao.thumb.png.008114f6a10…)

Anyone want to place bet on how long it will be before Miranda just becomes a camwhore?
No. 401952
File: 1498368481582.jpg (5.2 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1969.JPG)

The money shot.
No. 401960
>>401952Look at how he's kissing her. On the cheek, like a family member. His entire body is as far away from her as he can manage, and he's craning his neck to even barely get his lips close enough.
And still, she grins like a gargoyle, like she's won something.
No. 401985
File: 1498377192249.jpg (815.95 KB, 1342x1550, 3985410.jpg)

>>401957A rough approximation
No. 401987
>>401952Rodi, are you being held a hostage? Blink three times in the next broadcast if you need rescue.
I thought he was a total asshole for going back to her, but there is another uncomfortable feeling about this. I really wonder what she said to him to get him to return. It can't be just about money and subscribers.
No. 402040
>>401987Though, if you notice, he always has a male friend/relative with them now. Like a Chaperone. (This past live, the Car video, etc.)
He won't be alone with her in private.
(Side note, after a week and tons of begging, they have a total of 5 patrons and $158 pledged. $120 of which is suspect)
No. 402074
>>401739the beginning is already hilarious af
>where are all the people at… I tweeted it out… ?top kek
No. 402075
>>401987>Rodi, are you being held a hostage? Blink three times in the next broadcast if you need fucking kek
>Maybe she threatened to kill herself? Idkding ding DING JACKPOT
No. 402193
>>402090Yes she has threatenec suicide before. It's well document. Unrested fell for it, beca0use he has had loved ones commit suicide. She then sent screenshots to friends laughing about how he fell for it.
She is an amoral piece of shit.
No. 402333
>>402059I really think that could be it. She's so rotten, but if he isn't actually a shithead himself, then maybe he has an intense fear that she will actually do it and it would be his fault. They've had 4(?) years together and he has probably seen her during many emotional crying fits, drunken threats and paranoid proclamations.
The only other possible scenario I thought of would be her having evidence of him helping to make sockpuppets, though I admit that's reaching.
Thank you guys for bringing attention to the fact that he has chaperones with him in every recent appearance. That changes my perspective a lot, even though I wish Rodi could open his eyes and realize he is not responsible for her behavior. I get the feeling maybe Rodi has experienced depression or very low points in his own life, and like Scott, he is vulnerable.
No. 402631
File: 1498537100204.jpg (306.32 KB, 1236x1777, jMiPj5c.jpg)

More Islam talk and obsessive PULL-browsing from Mira. Now she is insinuating that she is reading the Koran and ready to convert. If she promised to convert to Islam, could this be a reason Rodi let her back into his life?
I for one support Mira in a full niqab, never to view her grotesque and exaggerated facial expressions ever again.
No. 403208
File: 1498633328928.png (153.37 KB, 1242x654, IMG_1002.PNG)

It really does seem like she converted to Islam. And she wrote the word dua in her tweet, which means prayer in arabic (I think)
No. 403247
File: 1498649786728.png (141.92 KB, 750x1111, IMG_6743.PNG)

>>398956She's making $158 a month on this. Some desperate ass dude is donating $120 a month for her ~most exclusive~ package.
No. 403250
>>403208Oh, no. She hasn't converted and never will. She just wants to make everyone think that she may. The oppressed "white Japanese" identity didn't work out, so now she wants to be part of the oppressed minority du jour, Muslims.
And let's face it. She will never give up alcohol.
No. 403310
>>403208Homuhgod this can't be real.
So I guess she's a muslismaboo now? Islamaboo? Let's face it this probs wouldn't happen if Lohdi didn't exist in her life. Waiting for hijab selfies.
No. 403330 link to her new vid. No drama, but worth some lulz for complete stupidity.
It's about Plant stores in Japan. She also informs us of these exotic tools called "rakes" and "brooms" that are popular in Japan. (Seriously, she actually says brooms are popular in Japan)
No. 403643
>>403330>>403330Pots are popular in japan too!
I have never seen a more useless video. Christ Miranda please just upload something interesting.
No. 403806
File: 1498770929887.jpg (757.62 KB, 1720x911, 2017-06-29 23.15.17.jpg)

No. 403897
>>403806Converting to Islam is very easy actually so I do believe she legitimately has converted. Although she really doesn't have to wear a headscarf/be modest looking? I'm Muslim myself and have my hair out. Seems a bit extreme of her to change like that over a day.
Sage for blogpost-ish
No. 403901
>>403897Nothing wrong with converting to Islam/being Muslim provided that your intentions are pure.
Hers are not. She knows that she will never be Japanese (by naturalization or any other means) she is now just another foreigner in Japan. Nothing special.
Now, she has to move on to something else to make her "different" and "special".
Remember her "Insult Japan, insult me" bullshit video? She can't claim being "Japanese" now. Read that instagram, in the comments she's already started the "Insult my religion, insult me" crap (Her religion of 2 whole days.)
No. 403999
File: 1498797567807.jpg (234.51 KB, 1242x1607, 9hgxhno.jpg)

The last time she played dress up, she claimed she was still atheist! Has she mentioned Allah or belief in a single god at all? There was no transition period of becoming monotheist or her expressing a new theological view. It was just " Hey, guys! Look how much I like Islam! How about that visa, Rodi?" while having drinking parties with men who are not related to her and shaking her ass for for donations just weeks ago.
No. 404056
File: 1498811158289.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1920, 2017-06-30 08.10.33.png)

>>404044>converting to Muslim for attention and to get into a mans pants. This is so offensiveto whom? clearly not to you, since you dont even know the religion is called "islam" while followers of this religion are called muslims.
and no, not WK (nor muslim). that comment was just too ignorant and dumb to ignore.
saw that shit on twitter and came here to see if she finally lost her mind.
Im not really sure if it's (only) for followers.
She seems to really like to be provocative and to offend people and then be like "WAHT!? THIS IS ME AND MY LIFE" although it's only superficial. She seems to pick up and adopt the most offensive shit.
Let's hope she is dumb enough to joins ISIS and meets the same fate as other Women (and young girls) who joined it. Being stoned to death or shot because they tried fleeing the sex slavery.
No. 404057
File: 1498811184916.png (781.95 KB, 1080x1920, 2017-06-30 08.12.52.png)

>>404056what friend is she talking about anyway?
No. 404060
>>404058wait, what?
Rodi is muslim?
No. 404089
>>365300>>365383>>365432>alcohol isnt halal>>392602>>392603>"sexy" dancing for donation money too>>396280>Anal Queen>>398725>at least not muslim-modest>>401753>>401952nothing about her is modest or ever will be.
And that's just something Ive picked out from this thread (and three things I remembered from last thread)…
No. 404107
>>404060Yes, he has made a few videos about it. He is definitely one of the very moderate followers(I had a Pakistani Muslim friend who was also very liberal and loose like that, so it's not unusual), but he would not be around Mira and her friends when they drank. And although Rodi made a lot of dumb sexual jokes and references, he didn't like talking about his own sexuality or history. There were little things like that that he showed.
>>404071This is what I don't get. She got into this Islam obsession to impress Rodi but not only is Rodi moderate, hijab is not required in Pakistan and Rodi has never encouraged it. Not only that, the Pakistani girls that do wear hijab and/or abaya have freedom for very trendy and beautiful styles. Just why did Mira think Saudi style was better when she is the furthest thing from modest or devout? She's now claiming she only wears it during prayer but poses around with it like a Halloween costume.
No. 404306
Wonder how good of "freinds" she'll stay with Tkyosam considering hims comments about Islam on his twitch stream he di with her at the beginning of the month.
Sam's opinion of Islam, the people who follow it and Islamic dress styles can be found at 04:48:12 into the archived video of the vacation telethon @ - Some of the better quotes:
04:48:12 "But I do think Islam is a bullshit religion."
04:48:17 "I think anyone practicing it is legitly [sic] a retard."
04:49:08 "Islam is a cancer."
No. 404380
File: 1498863488233.png (28.32 KB, 593x248, ab.png)

Curious to see if Tkyosam has the balls to reply(cowtipping, attention whoring)
No. 404517
File: 1498872879854.jpg (249.41 KB, 1242x1909, auUwk9G.jpg)

Did you guys know that if you think Mira's sudden conversion to Islam is insincere and a desperate attention stunt, you are RACIST?
Everyone knows there are white Muslims and white converts. That's not the problem. This person never mentioned race and didn't criticize about Islam itself.
No. 404592
She posted a picture she drew of some birds with Islamic scripture on her IG.
If she wants to convert to Islam, and has got to the stage of converting where she is seriously wearing a hijab, maybe she should actually study the religion and realize in Islam it is forbidden to draw beings or animate creatures, let alone portray them alongside Islamic scripture. No. 404698
>>404517She needs to make that trip to the UAE/KSA stat.
Maybe that will finally wake her up. If it doesn't, then nothing will.
No. 404753
>>404592She drew the birds and the scripture apparently means 'God created you to be couples', as in husband and wife.
Strong trying to hint at Rodi. All of this is about snagging him, trying to convince him to be with her. The fuck is wrong with this psycho bitch.
No. 404799
>>404592Oh, shit. It's already gone. Think she'll try to draw anime-style Muhammad?
She tried and failed miserably to convince Japanese that she is one of them. If she thought criticism from 2ch was harsh, just wait until she experiences the wrath of hardline Muslims when she commits another faux pas concerning Islam. Japanese right wingers, who are mostly all talk and no bite, have nothing on a religious fanatic who fears no earthly law.
No. 404801
>>404799it's only gone cause shes reading here, get real anon
did anyone save it, i kinda wanna see
No. 404807
File: 1498905285761.png (879.96 KB, 1148x747, k34783447.png)

>>404799>>404801It's not gone as far as I can see, unless i have the wrong thing somehow
No. 405289
>>404592Muslim scholars have differing interpretations about that and most Islamic countries are not strict with it. Even Saudi Arabian clerics bitching about comic books being evil couldn't stop a Jeddah Comic Con from happening. However, they all agree that is depictions of Allah, Muhammad and representations of idoltry are haram. These days, there are many cartoons, illustrated books and comics by Muslim artists.
Inspirational quotes from the Qur-an with illustrations of birds or nature are pretty common.
I'm not trying to white knight the faker here, but she at least won't be stoned to death for something like this. I'm pretty sure she will more get in trouble with inappropriate sexual behavior or adultry soon. I really wonder if she has had a consultation with an imam and if they could discover her creepy motives.
No. 405409
File: 1498988865065.jpg (115.33 KB, 1242x1315, 5jPfBEk.jpg)

Not only is she terrible with idioms and slang, she can't post a famous quote correctly.
It's "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
Anyway, what the Hell happened to that boyfriend Swedish Simon? There's no way he should still be with her given her dangerous infatuation with Rodi, but she has managed to string a few sad guys along for a while before.
No. 405422
File: 1498992287420.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1920, 2017-07-02 05.36.26.png)

I actually support her converting to islam. With Hijab and sunglasses she actually looks less hideous.
No. 405449
>>405422Unless Turkish form, she should not have ANY hair showing. It is not good upon the eyes of Islamic Allah. It is haram.
I bet she eats pork on the weekends.
No. 405530
>>405496Wearing kohl eyeliner is not haram, both males and females may wear it so long as it does not draw attention. It is permissible to wear makeup for your husband, not public eye.
But she brings gunnah among herself.
No. 405879
File: 1499058810185.jpg (344.45 KB, 1242x1272, dMRugNf.jpg)

Count them all!
>They are disrespecting >Their disrespecting >They're disrespecting How is that possible?!
>>405866I have seen others notice this too, which is common with women with certain personality disorders. They latch on to a new partner or desired person and mold their identity around them. I knew a girl just like that who I witnessed go through three big, boyfriend-related identity changes in just a few years.
Mira also had the Swedish phase for a bit but she seems to have ditched that interest completely. Mira, are you going to randomly post Swedish on your Twitter to prove me wrong?
No. 406408
>>405879oh god, miranda constable… never change.
for thou may keep us our daily milk flowing..
No. 406572
File: 1499201211798.png (190.31 KB, 586x431, rodi.png)

Still wanting that Rodi peen.
No. 406877
File: 1499276302961.png (190.15 KB, 815x525, bruh.thumb.png.724cef0f851aab3…)

Looks like Rodi is finally realizing the truth
No. 406887
File: 1499277430708.png (20.98 KB, 630x252, bullshit.png)

And right on schedule, here we go with this bullshit again.
Come on Miranda, at least change things up every now and again. Don't be so pathetically predictable.
No. 406889
>>406877lol is dat some suicide threat or what
rip joint patreon
No. 406896
File: 1499278196494.jpg (2 MB, 1000x1333, IMG_0147.JPG)

>>405013That's so dumb. I'm glad I'm not religious. Does anyone remember Bunny Alexander? She converted to Islam for a while…Mira should get tips from her
No. 406974
File: 1499285477457.png (31.93 KB, 622x321, bm.png)

Well, The milk is coming.
First Mira posted the suicide BS and then this.
(Apologies, this will take a couple of post for all the screenshots)
No. 406982
File: 1499285748796.png (170.14 KB, 1080x823, IMG_20170705_222843.png.8a194a…)

>>406977>>406977And then he posted this in the comments.
In the video, after he says "Because I have a Girlfriend and you" The audio is muted. Which is most likely to "censored" part he was referring to.
No. 407021
>>406977Fuck I am cringing so hard. It sounds like Rodi tried really hard not to come out and say it (probably bc he knows that she didn't want it public, maybe he didn't either), so his last resort was to say "no, because we're both committed to something…" and then when Mira tried to say they are both committed to god, he gave it up and just came right out and said he has a gf.
Side note, I know you can convert to Islam and all that jazz, but this just seems so fucked up on Mira's part. When she is trying so hard to relate to Rodi like "oh we are both Muslim! we are both committed to god!", bitch you have been committed to god and Muslim for like two days…it's so painfully obviously a cringeworthy play for Rodi's attention. Ew.
No. 407030
File: 1499289937762.png (106.16 KB, 316x500, IMG_20170705_230853.thumb.png.…)

Oh man, the milk just keeps flowing.
A "Friend" or Miranda hacked into her account to post that she couldn't get in touch with her (trying to imply suicide).
Which, as usual, was bullshit.
No. 407035
File: 1499290408663.jpg (230.81 KB, 1080x1920, hewasbleed.jpg)

>>407030>>407031How do so many cows not realise that faking/threatening suicide to manipulate people is a) always really fucking obvious, and b) not okay or acceptable in any situation ever? It's not like it's that difficult of a concept to understand.
"IF HE HURTS HER!" well, tbh Definitely Not Mira-chan, if Mira did kill herself because Rodi has a girlfriend, it would have nothing to do with Rodi. He didn't hurt her. He's not responsible for her mental health. How Mira thinks this will make Rodi like her again is beyond me.
No. 407036
File: 1499290437212.jpg (52.51 KB, 500x385, mm.jpg)

>>406977Wish I could watch this with sound shiiiet
Milk's coming!
No. 407040
>>407024He definitely said "I have a wife"
So Rodi is married AND have girlfriend ?!
No. 407042
File: 1499290940448.png (504.54 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20170705-165014.png…)

>>406984You have no idea how right you are.
No. 407044
>>407040Could be, or he could have got married recently and said "I have a girlfriend" and then corrected it?
No idea which. Either way, he is very awkwardly and obviously not into Mira. Lmao.
No. 407051
>>407048For real though, who are we supposed to think the "friend" who "broke into" her account and the "friend" in the taxi are?
She literally has zero friends now that Rodi has seen the light, and suddenly there are two people who care this much about her? Nah. Try to be more realistic Mira.
No. 407064
>>407060thanks anon.
>>407063for real. and it's very obvious from the way he's talking that she knew all this and was going after that dick. it makes her look really fucking terrible. like worse than usual lmao.
No. 407066
>>407060Sage for tinfoil hat and going way too deep into this.
To me it sounds like he says "I have a life, and…but…"
So the full sentence would be "No, because I have a girlfriend, I have a life, and…but…"
He is obviously very flustered in this exchange. It sounds like he is trying to steer Mira away from this whole dating talk, which makes sense, as he's made his position very clear, and now she is pushing it again.
Before this he says they both have "commitments", which Mira tries to turn into commitments to god, but Rody quickly corrects to him having a girlfriend and a life.
I think that she wanted too much from him in terms of time and effort, when he was dating someone else. She very obviously (and embarrassingly) wanted to be more than his friend, and I think she demanded too much of his time and resources were spent with her. He's saying that he has other commitments that come before her and he always will. She tries to turn that into a cutesy "teehee yeah we both are super Muslim!" thing and he shuts it down.
That being said, I can't see why he would have bothered to "mute" it if he just said he has a life. Perhaps he thought it was too harsh or something. But yeah, that's where this theory falls down.
No. 407079
>>407070Jesus, yeah. If my husband was hanging around with a woman who so blatantly disrespected our relationship and was all over him all the time in public I'd be really unhappy too. ESpecially as he seems to be keeping his relationship status deliberately ambiguous up to now.
Mira is such a nice attention hungry cow, trying to ruin her best friend's relationship just because she can't handle being around a man who doesn't want her at all.
No. 407083
File: 1499296170584.png (87.99 KB, 844x638, JqBN6KH.png)

Even Rodi has learned not to fall for her "suicide" bullshit.
No. 407085
>>407083when even your biggest enabler isn't buying it any more it's time to throw in the towel.
genuinely surprised any of her fans still fall for her shit.
No. 407098
>>407087there's a reason we get taught about the boy who cried wolf. she has faked it so many times that of course no one will believe her or sympathise with her.
her mental health is her own responsibility, and if she wanted help she should have thought about that before alienating all her friends and crying wolf over and over to guilt trip people into forgiving her shitty behavior.
funny how when she was making other people feel like shit and trying to ruin their careers she didn't give a single fuck about their feelings, but whenever she fucks up and whines about it everyone is supposed to come running.
she's trash and she has brought this indifference and solitude on herself.
No. 407108
>>407105Yeah, but she's reacting to it in the worst way possible. She's only going to cause herself more embarrassment.
She needs to just get off the internet for a while.
No. 407110
>>407107I have to admit, I would like to see her rebound..
>>407108Yeah i completely agree was bbeing really immature about it to begin with esp when she thought she could win rodi by converting to islam. It's clear she doesn't have much experience, self control or common sense.
No. 407111
>>407110rodi would too i bet, kek
so what happened to the sweed
No. 407112
File: 1499299383694.png (43.79 KB, 835x269, rodiwife.png)

>>407040Nope, that wasn't it.
No. 407121
File: 1499300091463.gif (3.37 MB, 480x270, 67y.gif)

>>407112I hope she makes a false allegations video
No. 407128
>>407123no doubt it will be.
the first videos after "suicide attempts" are always the milkiest.
remember the mess of an "apology" after the Rachel and Sharla drama? this next video is bound to be gold.
I'm betting on her saying Rodi lead her on and was so mean to her that he lead her to be suicidal!!!! and she is so thankful for her imaginary friends who saved her!!!
No. 407151
>>406982she doesn't need a religion this girl needs serious psychiatric care, seriously
Although the religion may help, it's fucking insulting she's using islam for her own needs rather than actually wanting to know more about Allah
No. 407156
>>407119You're right about that, ask James Iha. On the 1:16 mark, I know he meant life but I swear he is literally saying WIFE.
BTW did Mira break up with Simon?? You would think at a time like this she would try going to him for comfort. I wonder if he found out she was cheating and broke up.
No. 407170
File: 1499302950469.gif (2.07 MB, 400x212, tenor.gif)

>>406977>>406982whispers thank you, Rodi… thank you… thank you thank you thank you… may Allah bless you …
No. 407171
>>407169>>407159let's not get derailed in this glorious milky moment, okay?
If someone has info on that: please open up a thread in OT about it, and you can link it here, but please.
contenance my anons, contenance.
let's not get caught up in something so banally.
No. 407179
>>407171sorry, tried to sage that shit but fair point
although it's a little baity of me because I want Mira to make that video and we get all the milk
No. 407195
>>406982We told you, Rodi! But you finally confirmed the truth. I wonder how much his girlfriend had seen of Rodi and Mira's online antics? Maybe she just recently saw the extent of Mira's activity and wanted to beat her ass. She must have been horrified.
>>407114He didn't lie. He wanted everyone to know that he has a girlfriend so there is no confusion. Don't forget that he has a girlfriend, possibly Muslim, and the Muslim community watching him and he could be a major trouble with them. The muted part is DEFINITELY about Mira's visa husband and possibly Swedish doormat boyfriend as well.
Swedish bf seems to disappeared completely…
>>407030>>407031Hahahaha! This is exactly her writing style. Sockpuppet Queen, never change.
The stupidity of her fans never ceases to amaze me. You know, if you feel your friend is in great danger, you contact the police. Yes,
>>407088 , even in Japan they will do a wellness check and Japanese people do call the police/ambulance for help when someone is making serious threats. Obviously Mira's mystery hacker friends took their sweet time getting help to her, so they weren't that concerned.
>>407146I agree. I don't think it's possible for her NOT to have BPD. It's a textbook case. I just don't understand why her parents haven't brought her back home for care unless she gave them Hell and they couldn't handle her. It's disturbing that she says they watch her all of videos/live shows and her read posts.
No. 407201
>The muted part is DEFINITELY about Mira's visa husband Yeah, I've been listening to the boosted audio several times now. He is saying "(something)husband."
Could be "nice husband, white husband". But I'm 99% positive it is husband.
No. 407204
>>407201I was gonna tinfoil about this earlier but didn't have the time, now it doesn't sound like tinfoil anymore LOL
He does say "we are both committed", after all.
And it's not "to God", as Mira said.
Yeah, Visa husband confirmed.
No. 407212
>>407201Good fucking call.
No wonder Mira is much more unhinged than if she just got rejected by a man she knew was unavailable.
Her precious Visa Husband just got exposed, and it's all her own fault. She had so many chances to stop hitting obnoxious Rodi and making him uncomfortable and trying to show them doing coupley things together. He told her not to, and she could have stopped any time.
Even last week when their friendship "ended" it seemed like Rodi was happy to move on without exposing her. She could have left it at that, but she needs the male attention so badly that she grovelled until he came back, then hit on him AGAIN and brought this shitstorm on herself. Hilariously poetic.
No. 407216
File: 1499306054160.png (38.57 KB, 503x527, status.png)

seems like no one posted this.
No. 407222
>>407216Mira, your MO is pretending to be friends with people and then posting shit about them? Is it really that shocking that it happens?
You had plenty of chances to respect Rodi's boundaries and relationship and you consistently chose not to. How's that for "best friend" behavior?
No. 407244
>>407231What old video? Do you mean Rodi's first one busting her out?
If so, it's on about 5 on youtube, and 4 or 5 on vidme, some people saved it to their google drives, etc. It's everywhere.
No. 407251
File: 1499308316977.png (556.4 KB, 615x882, miramus.png)

Bet went won't be seeing this video any time soon.
No. 407253
File: 1499308533122.png (111.76 KB, 1070x747, Untitled.png)

Swedish bf simultaneously making valid points while proving he is a doormat by defending Mira…you know the one who played him…I mean he clearly knows Mira cheated since he read Rodi's comment.
No. 407255
>>407251>WhyRody's dick
>WhenLike four days ago
>How?You suddenly started saying you're muslim and wearing a headscarf
>WhereIN JAPAN!!!!
No. 407295
File: 1499312402092.png (352.87 KB, 851x477, WeWuz.PNG)

Has anyone seen Black Pigeon Speaks videos? He doesn't seem to care for her too much, lol
No. 407343
File: 1499322247206.png (236.54 KB, 750x1026, IMG_3617.PNG)

No. 407348
>>407346That's interesting. I've not seen Muslim women wear wigs instead of hijab, even Muslim cosplayers, so I don't think it's a thing in Islam. I'm no expert though.
Regardless, pretty sure that Mira has just cast Islam to the wayside now that the objective of getting Rody's penis is gone. We all knew that was her only reason for "converting".
No. 407351
>>407253If Simon, was/is her boyfriend, why does he not seem to care about how she has used and publicly humiliated him?! He acts like he was a uninvolved third party when it was his fucking girlfriend lusting after another man and even changing her religion to steal him from his girlfriend!
Lol. Look at all the 0 subscriber, no video content accounts popping up. Her actual fans are fucking creepy little shits, though. They're repeating over and over that she has no responsibility for her behavior and it is excusable because she is in "love". Basically "Who hasn't done crazy things when they're in love! Mira did nothing wrong" and "You're cruel and the worst human on Earth for not submitting to her sexual predation!" Imagine if the roles were reversed and Rodi wouldn't stop harassing her with unwanted sexual advances and brazenly disrespecting her boyfriend. Or he suddenly wanted to become Canadian and always felt like a white man inside. Nobody would defend him. Her followers are awful.
Isn't it crazy how Mira can make public accusations, type unlimited attention-starved posts about personal drama and even post private messages but Rodi is not allowed to defend himself? Why do they always give Mira a free pass to do and say anything?
No. 407354
File: 1499325244425.png (214.12 KB, 587x310, Screen Shot 2017-07-06 at 4.11…)

Hmm, interesting.
I am pretty sure this isn't Rodi - even more sure based on that she couldn't show a full screenshot. I don't know if it's just someone else or Mira herself (as we know she loves to make alt accounts!).
Just feels like another one of her attempts at playing victim.
No. 407361
File: 1499326022407.png (31.17 KB, 612x133, Screen Shot 2017-07-06 at 4.25…)

so i was just having a look at the likes and replies to her shit about Rody, and this account is one that replied…
noticed it didn't have many followers and isn't following many people either.
No. 407362
File: 1499326136715.png (893.75 KB, 928x703, Screen Shot 2017-07-06 at 4.25…)

>>407361so i checked the profile, and it's just a huge Mira advertisement? the only thing they post are retweets from Mira, their literal bio is "check out kanadajin3's awesome japan videos", and they have liked every one of Mira's posts that i checked.
interesting. lol.
No. 407376
File: 1499327770845.png (46.87 KB, 294x124, Screen Shot 2017-07-06 at 4.54…)

Most people here have probably already read the texts on Rodi's vid, so I'm sage-ing this, but thought this was interesting. Definitely shows that Mira would get upset if Rodi would talk about his girlfriend or their future with her. What a great best friend/sister!
No. 407387
>>407358*Same poster.
I was wrong. I just checked his Instagram and it IS real. Oh, shit Rodi. You're an idiot. His post does not warrant police intervention at all and Mira is stupid as usual, but Rodi is taunting her with all the dirt he knows and that does not help him.
>>407361>>407362We have been talking about KMruroni for a long time. He is very suspicious but looks like an real guy who used to post normal content until he started posting 100% Mira. Nobody know why he changed but Mira has had her share of scary, friendless online guys that are devoted to her.
No. 407389
>>407387he really posted that? dude is a straight up moron.
i agree that there's nothing in there that police will take an interest in, but he's just giving Mira ammo to victimize herself, which we all know she will do at any opportunity.
No. 407396
File: 1499332327631.jpg (203.67 KB, 347x1497, Miranda.jpg)

Watching that smug, shit-eating grin slide off her face as she realizes what Rodi's making her say on Camera is amazing.
You can see how cocky she is– Her usual attitude of "I'm going to lie, I'm going to say what I think will make him fuck me, see what a good Muslim I am? Take me Rodi. Take me in front of this camera and GOD."
And then her face shifting into confusion as he leads her away from solid ground, away from her practiced lies. "No Miranda, this isn't about god."
And then that moment of "This isn't how I wanted you to fuck me."
No. 407399
>>407397Sounds like the kind of rumour Miranda would want to spread.
No. 407402
File: 1499333008923.jpg (Spoiler Image,203.08 KB, 760x596, MirandaSuckingRodisDick.jpg)

>>407397Rodi has never shown anything other than disgust at the idea of getting sexual with Mira.
Naah. I don't buy it.
No. 407403
>>407397I definitely don't believe this.
He always just seems weird and uncomfortable around her. And all the messages we've seen between them, and all the public shit Mira posted apologising point to her being in the wrong and pursuing him after being told no multiple times.
No. 407408
>>407407Sorry, we already determined the photos and the account to be authentic, at least initially.
The going question now is if the account is STILL in the possession of a Norwegian, or if Miranda somehow got her hands on it.
No. 407414
>>407395I do have that thought in the back of my mind but for now, it just seems like Rodi is very stupid and irresponsible instead of scheming along with her.
>>407397That's a good suggestion, but didn't he refer to Mira as his gf on his Instagram? Or maybe it's easier for him to say girlfriend rather than admit they are FWB.
>>407397Rodi? I think if that was the case, she would have released that bit of information already. She would win and those of us that had sympathy for Rodi would give up. If she says they had been intimate before, she could convincingly prove that he led her on.
I know there were times where Mira tried to manipulate bookings so she could be alone with Rodi but in all of their other trips and videos, didn't they always have another friend around with them off-camera?
No. 407445
File: 1499342920914.gif (1.75 MB, 240x160, tTBWPrv.gif)

Oh, miranda constable our anal queen
never change
never change
No. 407476
File: 1499349097961.jpg (6.68 KB, 267x189, images (1).jpg)

I understand why he would be afraid…
Imagine this hovering over you, staring at you while you sleep.
No. 407490
>>407466>>407467I also dont feel it's really blackmailing.
It's more of a "stop behaving so bad or youre getting a slap on the hand!".
If she isnt able to comprehend any other way. I can see why he is desperated.
No. 407492
>>407462>put in holdingit's more probably they put
her in a mental institution or a psych evaluation to see if she is a danger to other people or herself.
No. 407497
>>407492Or you know…finally deport her ass. She's a fucking lunatic, I don't understand how some people are defending her in the comments. She acts like one of those creepy guys that can't take "no" for an answer. This girl is seriously unhinged.
Sage for mini rant
No. 407515
File: 1499361143670.png (126.79 KB, 837x261, sheeeeeeeeeeet.png)

she deleted the rodi screenshot she had on twitter after i commented then blocked me, bitch if you reading you chose religion for dick and still got friend-zoned and pushed back with a 10ft pole
No. 407524
>>407463No, it is not blackmail by any definition. He is simply saying, "if you lie and try and make this into something it isn't, I will post the truth"
So she going to going to the police and say "He says if I lie and try to cover my ass and slander or libel him, he will post the truth. Arrest him!" ?
Come the fuck on.
No. 407525
>Come the fuck on.cringe
also sage your shit
but nah its not blackmail. blackmail involves money
No. 407536
>>407525Not that anon but why is "come the fuck on" cringeworthy? Pretty much all britfags say that shit lol
Also it's not extortion if that's what you were getting at, money's not involved but it's still not a crime.
No. 407547
>Pretty much all britfags say that shit lol im a britfag myself and no we dont.
also, if youre not that anon, how do you know they are a 'britfag'? hmm.
anyway. it looks stupid to try and get all edge-lordy and huffy in a post like that. trying to be big on the internet. so, yeah, i cringed
and definition of blackmail involves money i thought, googling the definition seems to agree. i dont really know though, but its not blackmail at least
No. 407563
>>407463it's not blackmail if he knows her history of playing the victim. He did the smart thing to put his cards on the table first to avoid shit from her part.
He maybe says he doesn't know who she really is, but he knows enough.
No. 407568
File: 1499370426243.png (192.69 KB, 815x458, Screenshot_(7).thumb.png.eb322…)

All Right. Rodi has sprouted a pair of testicles.
Swedish cuck-boy tried to act tough and Rodi bitch slapped his ass down. Love it.
No. 407573
>>407547>>407536>>407525Who fucking cares, get back on topic, brats.
>>407568I don't get how he could have tolerated her ass for four years. Can you imagine fighting off sexual harassment (by Quasimodo no less) probably on a daily basis for that long? Ugh. I don't get why he doesn't release the dirt that he has on her since she has already started making him out to be the bad guy.
No. 407593
Account DoudemoMIRA posted 4hrs ago she has no relationships, and is commenting on Rodi's current upload. Funny how
>>407253 he is defending her at the same time. So what's the deal?
I'm on two different device so no ss. I don't even know if that's Mira. This feels like copy and paste of her old comments on original upload tbh.
No. 407597
File: 1499373852393.png (45.38 KB, 824x324, jekdQLk.png)

Wow! Miranda's lapdog, Lola is not even defending her this time. That is something!
No. 407600
>>407573I don't know. At the end of the video, you can tell he cares about her and is very upset by her actions. Or he is an amazing actor.
I think Mira just ruined the best friendship she would ever have in her life.
No. 407602
>>407594Mira: I was at work
Reply: So now you're lying about losing your job for the Patreon?
No. 407607
File: 1499375098944.jpg (364.31 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_3356.JPG)

>>407593Here ya go fam
I can't believe how full of bullshit this tiny FAS child is full of
No. 407610
>>407597This reads more like she's fact-gathering for Miranda, than 'not defending'. "How do you do my fellow Mira-hater. Say, have you considered not uploading what you have on her? I ask for no reason at all."
>>407547I believe blackmail typically involves money, but doesn't have to. It's making any gain, OR any forced loss on another. So, say "Sleep with me, or I'll let you fail my class," would be blackmail, even though there's no money directly involved. "Let my little Jessica lead the School play or I'll tell everyone you bought your door wreath instead of hand making it like the rest of the neighborhood." Or whatever.
No. 407611
>you breached my trust, Rodi!Unlike all the times Mira booked single rooms against Rodi's wishes, unlike the times she sexually harassed him touching him, trying to sleep up close, walking round half naked in his apartment, unlike the time she promised to be friends but then asked to fuck 2 weeks later?
Oh yes. It is RODI who breached HER trust! Fer sure.
No. 407613
File: 1499375993997.jpg (241.46 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_3361.JPG)

>>407607Anddddd her comments under the previous comment she posted (bc ppl were calling her out)
Sorry for sloppiness I'm in a hurry
No. 407614
>>407613>I am enjoying my life just fine.THATS WHY U TRIED TO KILL URSELF LESS THAN 24HRS AGO LOL
fucking fake ass bitch
No. 407673
File: 1499389702943.jpg (208.55 KB, 1234x1362, HnwXTgU.jpg)

>>407568This little shit…
Look at the way he writes! Look familiar? He has been helping her with sockpuppets here and on a PULL. I just know it. Most certainly, the person besides Lola who keeps claiming to be her friend and knows every detail of her life like it was recited to them. Fuck you, you lost Hanson brother. Simon, your name mentioned in association with Mira/kanadajin3 will not disappear off the internet as long as you are a fucking enabler and doormat. Your fuck buddy is mentally ill and constantly lies and starts drama. SHE hurts and betrays her friends first. If you actually cared about her, you would take her to the psychiatrist (look up Borderline Personality Disorder, kid) to get her properly diagnosed and started on therapy. You really think she has experienced this unimaginable amount of drama since she was a teen by sheer bad luck? A normal person threatens suicide every time she gets in trouble or has a big argument? A normal person changes best friends and identies that often?
>>407597Amazingly, Lola has recovered from her offensive attempts at broken English! Is it a miracle? Wow, her buddy Mira has temporarily recovered her English skills as well. Must be voodoo. I don't believe Lola has seen the light, though.
>>407599The only Japanese person she has specifically targeted was Magurokatsuo/maguroeater since he(and his wife?) frequently challenged her in public. She found pictures of his child and family and wanted to get revenge, but he didn't seem to care.
I know I called Rodi an idiot earlier for his Instagram post, but I would probably do the same thing if I was that fed up. Maybe he doesn't want to be Mr. Nice Guy anymore since he got berated for being so spineless before. He was so damn stupid for associating with her this long, but I support gangsta Rodi right now.
No. 407680
>>407614Seriously, this is why you can't believe her. She did it for sympathy points.
>>407673>I support gangsta Rodi right now.Same
No. 407691
File: 1499393462760.png (7.51 KB, 215x235, download.png)

>>407684That thing is 4 months old and was a reupload of a previous vid.
No. 407721
>>407709As Miranda can never admit to being wrong about anything. She will keep it up for a little while since she already posted, repeatedly, that it wasn't for Rodi.
She drag it out for a week or so and then drop it.
No. 407773
>>407732This, basically.
She's received way too much positive attention, and just exactly the right kind of 'negative' attention that she feeds of of with this newest stunt. Literally the only thing now is if she can keep herself from sinning on camera, and how she'll act around Tkyosam. That means no more drunk vlogs!
But yeah. It's a new shield she can hide behind. "You're not criticizing me and my behavior, you just HATE MY RELIGION."
No. 407776
>>407030Old news, but
>>this is Mira's friend>>I broke into her account>>How do I contact Rody??Bitch. You can hack someone's ANYTHING account and look at their message exchanges, but you can't figure out how to contact someone?
No. 407795
File: 1499428749897.jpg (198 KB, 1242x1324, 3xcI2ZP.jpg)

Rody confirms Mira was texting that creep from Norway.
Haha! Watch out for that user runningbear/runningbear SF. That is not only a grown man writing like that, but he has crazy eyes and a voice like fucking Spongebob Squarepants. I expect to see more of him, screaming kindergarten insults in Mira's honor.
No. 407827
>>407732She will either continue to try to be the better Muslim than Rodi, or drop it in a week. I wonder which it will be. She's too crazy to tell.
>>407740 and stupid enough to not reaize it makes her stand out in a negative light to Japanese.
No. 407970
>>407740oh my god if this happens, it will be like watching a car crash go up in flames
You are right about that holy shit
No. 408169
File: 1499489476663.png (41.38 KB, 665x175, okelydokely.png)

More people coming out of the wood work who met Mira and expose her true self.
No. 408174
>>407740I really don't think so. As long I have lived in Japan, average Japanese are not going to be more suspicious of her due to the conversion. At least not yet. They don't see hijab and automatically think "terrorist". They are used to all the Pakistani, Indian, Indonesian and Asian Muslims. The thing that is alarming about her is being able to stay this long in Japan with no merit, education or professional skills. The people I know assume Yakuza connections before Islamic terrorist for foreigners with suspicious visa status and income, although questionable visa status PLUS new conversion to Islam could set off alarms.
>>407969I can see her becoming totally immersed in the rituals and being able to discuss passages with others at length, but not having her heart into it at all. Like she'll repeat the things that make her sound like a righteous, well-versed Muslim to impress the community while still not (privately) believing in God or that Muhammad is real. I don't believe that part is real for her but the sense of belonging and identity is addictive. Her next move may be to gain cult status as White Japanese Muslim YouTuber activist leader. But the entertaining thing about that is she is bound to clash with someone or make a faux pas soon when she is acting like like little Miss Know-it-all. The reaction from Muslims will be so much worse than 2chan.
No. 408267
>>408243It's not that uncommon for more casual Muslim women to pick and choose when they wear hijab in public, only wearing it some of the time.
Mira is still ridiculous for everything to do with this though
No. 408310
File: 1499534798098.png (446.38 KB, 782x410, Mira.png)

Rodi is live on Youtube with a stream called "Drama" right now. He is eating and waiting for likes(?) or something before "the real show begins" .
Mira is live on Twitch in Hijab talking about Hijabs.
No. 408333
>>408310Another anon here recently said that hijabs usually make people look even better because it frames their facial features, but Mira somehow manages to be fugly in them. That is so fucking true, omfg. And her eyebrows….. What the fuck
Mira take the hijab off, you're using it to get some dick not get closer to Allah. It's offensive to muslims seriously stop it
No. 408345
>>408325Rodi in Japan
LOL. He's p quiet still. I'm waiting for some milk…I wish there was a live chat but I don't see one?
No. 408349
>>408348Well that was lame…
I guess I'll go watch Mira's stream if its still on
No. 408417
>>403897But she wants people to SEE. Hijab is very obvious visual thing to show how she is now soooo muslim.
I thought she couldn't get any worse but here we are.
No. 408538
>>408169>>408234Im so glad I'm not the only one annoyed by this.
It goes "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."
No. 408542
File: 1499571341161.png (1.77 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170709-052357.png)

>>408310I take everything back I said about Miranda Constable looking good in hijab
No. 408561
>>408522Yeah, this is just her drag persona, complete with 5 layers of makeup and oversized lashes.
What is surprising is that in Rodi's live, he admitted he is no longer a practicing Muslim, although he adheres the many of the moral beliefs such as no alcohol/drugs or pork. So why did Mira go so extreme in order to impress him? He's half Pakistani, but she shows no interest in that side of him and instead romanticized super strict Saudi Arabia.
No. 408570
>>408561Pakistan is just like Saudi Arabia, actually. They really have a hard-on for hardcore fundamentalism there.
Just ask the Ahmadis, Bengalis, etc. Islamists have held major sway for decades there.
No. 408601
>>408570What I mean is, she wanted to get close to HIM but chooses to latch on obsessively to another country he didn't seem to care about. I know Saudi Arabia is the origin of Islam and Mecca, etc, but it also has the most famous examples of oppression against women/sharia law. I guess I answer my own question: Mira loves controversy. But how does that connect directly to Rodi? I've never seen him express any praise or interest in SA, nor hardline conservative views.
>>408565It's possible the girl probably doesn't choose to wear hijab and Mira looks even more foolish.
No. 408660
>>408634>i will take your____ then and have the MOST ____possibleIt's the Miranda Constable formula!
Did you guys see the screenshots of KMrurouni comments that Naruru recently posted on PULL? "He" suddenly became very coherent and verbose, using the same tone Mira and socks use so often. If Mira is not in control of that account, then "Kristian Mathisen" is definitely responsible for all the sockpuppets. I don't know what happened between his last normal Norwegian post on December 6, 2014 and the reactivated account Mira-only content on March 5th of this year, but it's scary to think he is a real person who has been white knighting her aggressively this whole time.
No. 408693
File: 1499620345016.jpg (96.93 KB, 1003x348, Screenshot_20170709-180728.jpg)

Rodi's teets are dry. Disliked and unsubscribed.
No. 408706
>>408512I know right? She tormented Rodi because she couldn't handle his "No, go away I have a girl friend"
then tried to pin her fake suicide attempt on Rodi. Yes that's very nice.
Other than that me like many others are waiting for her to publicly show she hasn't changed. Just a few short weeks ago she was shaking her ass on cam for attention and drinking nearly every night. And what about her bathing videos where she was start naked, just using double sided tape so her hair stays on her nipples. I'm sure she wont be taking those videos down.
No. 408827
>>408542LMAO the way her mouth closes over her fucked up teeth/jawline/facial structure makes her look like she's permanently sucking on a lollipop, but in reality it's her inbred genes
No. 408852
>>408832Oh yes, she is on the "I'm more Muslim that Muslims" now. Spreading bullshit wherever she goes.
On her last Twitch actually saying "I got hit on by soooo many Muslim guys in Roppongi!" Trying the middle school strategy of trying to make Rodi "jealous".
Also, claims she went to shin okubo which is "Korea Town" and claimed that there aren't anyomre Koreans or Korean shops. It all Muslims (again with "muslims" as a race) and muslim shops.
However a quick youtube search by upload date shows as little as 4 days ago, it's still "Korea Town".
Muslims take over must have happened really fast, eh Miranda?
No. 408857
File: 1499644229946.png (72.39 KB, 1080x442, Screenshot_2017-07-09-20-47-41…)

She sowwy ?
No. 408876
>>408857when u realize none of ur manipulation tactics are working so you have to resort to apologizing
poor mira, this must hurt
No. 408995
>>408857All this to spite Rodi, she wants to out do him in Islam. The funny thing is, getting someone else to convert to Islam is held in the highest regard. As long as she is converted, he wins lol
Rodi - 1
Mira - 0
Poor Mira, just floating around culturally appropriating for dick, in a different country, with a different religion and having different ethnicity.
Not only that but her lip can't stretch over her buck teeth.
No. 409018
>>409013She doesn't have any options.
Rodi is far above her league in terms of looks and personality (from what we know anyway), and he befriended her so she thought she had a chance, and pushed it even when he told her she didn't.
It's not like she can get anything else at this point - even if her looks didn't turn people off, she is known to be a bitter, hateful person and all of that is out there forever and easy to find.
So it's not Rodi over any other dude, realistically it's Rodi, or someone Mira believes she is too good for (an older guy, a guy whose looks/personality are more on par with hers), or no one at all. She chose Rodi, and he didn't choose her lmao.
No. 409047
File: 1499678674587.jpg (199.74 KB, 901x1200, DEWM9ziUQAA8Tsf.jpg)

New pic on Twitter of her alone in a train.
Where did the hijab go?
No. 409111
>>409018That's probably part of it. The main reason is her selfishness and ego.
She wanted him and just cannot accept that he wasn't falling all over himself for the opportunity to have her.
She's that self deluded.
No. 409576
>>409538>>409557Jesus Christ give me a break. I wonder what made them have the change in heart.. or how long it'll last.
Tbtuesday with this video.
No. 409586
File: 1499810579219.png (389.15 KB, 627x472, horrible.png)

Wonder how much Miranda would go for?
Welcome Miranda to your new religion,
have fun in the UAE!
No. 409590
>>409582"denounce the stems"? Even when she's actually trying to sound educated she sounds like a moron.
And sorry, Miranda, but even if wearing backface somehow wasn't racist all by itself, your little 'documentary' still would be. For you, a white <s>potato</s> woman to not believe the HUNDREDS OF ACTUAL BLACK PEOPLE LIVING IN JAPAN on the topic of racism in Japan? would be racist. "Haha, those silly black people… they SAY this is what they're experiencing, but we all know that it can't be trusted until VERIFIED by pure, logical WHITE experiences."
Not to mention, had you actually gone through with it, your results could have either been "Nope, no racism here!" which would have been both wrong and racist, or "YEP. LOOK AT THE RACISM EVERYONE" Which SURPRISINGLY STILL WOULD HAVE BEEN RACIST OF YOU. Embodying the White Savior trope is, surprisingly, not a good way to combat racism.
You idiot potato.
No. 409903
>>409590It's like that dude who pretended to be a chick online and was like OMG THE HARASSMENT STORIES WERE TRUE and now everyone is woke cause a dude said it
eat shit mira
No. 409934
File: 1499889834861.png (72.52 KB, 634x413, rodi.png)

And she still wants that Rodi dick. Damn, buy a dildo Miranda (They sell them at Don Quijote, so they probably have them all over the place.)
Then you can have the added bonus of doing a "Dildos…. IN JAPAN" video. Or "Rubbing one out..IN JAPAN"
Feel free to use those.
No. 410005
File: 1499899074726.jpg (76.03 KB, 430x663, 20170712_233411.jpg)

>>409934I would totally watch a video with that title ngl
No. 410012
>>409934sex shops IN JAPAN video fucking when mira
do it in hijjab
No. 410872
>>410807Then you have no understanding of what a sociopath is
Being a shitty person /=/ sociopathy
So sick of you retards calling every cow a sociopath
No. 410963
File: 1500084256263.png (83.62 KB, 750x524, IMG_3563.PNG)

Guise stahp derailing; in-fighting is saddening
Here have a pic of Mira destroying my beautiful country's restaurants with her face.
Super muslim, much hookah
No. 410968
File: 1500085444360.png (1.26 MB, 1334x750, IMG_3581.PNG)

She said the reason she's "wearing this thing more" in her latest twitch stream Q&A was bc "a creepy guy followed me for a few blocks! I know it! People follow me ALL the timeee… I was like is this motherfucker following me? So I did a 360…. I mean 180…. and he stopped and I walked the other way….. and that's what made me wanna wear this more on my head…weird"
I swear to allah she was trying her hardest the whole stream to speak in some form of broken Arab-English, like an Arab immigrant living in Canada for a few years. Just like when she would do broken English with a jap accent.
This is her weirdest identity crisis so far.
No. 411084
File: 1500120175693.png (1.72 MB, 1080x1920, 2017-07-15 00.28.34.png)

>>410968How can a human being be so desastrous at putting on eyebrows?
Miranda, I have an advice for you: please just use eyebrow powder instead of a pencil. It looks way smoother and is easier to apply..
No. 411146
File: 1500138335966.png (3.52 MB, 1932x1040, Untitlesd.png)

>>411084it's not only her eyebrows…
on top of her face already being asymmetrical, her makeup is completely asymetrical too.
It looks like each half of her face is resembling to different make up styles.
(sage for make up sperging)
No. 411160
File: 1500140562242.png (105.18 KB, 585x909, 5969d1f19f171__(110).png.a6ac4…)

Check it out, less than a month and Miranda is now an Islamic expert.
Give her another week or so and she will be an Imam. Women can't be Imams? Not to worry, Miranda now says what is or is not haram.
No. 411176
>>410968weird is right.
whats wrong with her? is it because she knows she will never get JP citizenship so she has to go back to the drawing board for a new identity lmao
No. 411197
>>411160I like this Azeem Ahmed..
this was the nicest way ever to say "Im done with your shit, girl"
No. 411202
File: 1500152374325.jpg (256.02 KB, 2161x1440, rachel-dolezal-today-show-6161…)

how come Miranda is the Rachel Dolezal of youtube??????????
No. 411204
>>411160I bet she doesn't know that majority of Sunni Islamic scholars from al-Qaeda ones to the liberal western ones don't really appreciate KSA version of Islam for various reasons.
It is also funny that she claims she is "not still learning" but clearly has no clue what makes things haraam in Islam because the general rules are actually quite simple and usually among the first things people learn when starting to express interest in Islam. Or she has no clue how shisha and soft drinks work. Or both.
No. 411206
>>411204The way she looks at Islam and justifies her behavior in contrast to religious rules makes you think "what kinda of BS did she make up about Japan".
Because everything she has done is Haram.
No. 411289
>>411160That didn't take her long!
She is truly the most unlikeable, arrogant YouTuber I have ever seen. Her track record is unreal. Mira is an expert about every subject and she is never wrong!
>>411176It seems her identity changes every few years, so she was due for a new obsession. Give this Muslim phase 2-4 years. She will have a new style and accent by then. My bets are on Rastafarian Mira.
No. 411667
>>411664Wait… I saw Mira today with an ISIS terrorist, you guise! Totally!
nice story,
bro sis.
Proof or it didnt happen.
No. 411668
>>411664'A brown man', that isn't racist to point out a defining characteristic of someone. He's the white guy with the red hair, the black guy with dyed blonde hair, the brown guy with the face tattoo.
don't be so fucking PC on an anon board, worse things have been said and it's not racist to say what someones skin colour is.
Also proof pls, no proof = most likely full of shit.
No. 411931
Remember that "friend" who very recently "hacked into her social media account" but somehow couldn't get rodis basic contact info…. even though he has several social media accounts that are easily accessible through Mira's and her messages? The same "friend" who sent ANOTHER IRL "friend" to check on ~suicidal Mira "sent in a taxi to check on Mira at her home".
…..the same "friend" who no one heard of, Mira never acknowledged, Mira posted within 3 or so hours of her "friend hacking her account" saying nothing acknowledging this, with Mira just casually posting, no mention of the "friend in the taxi", deleted all the posts, the friend who has no social media of their own or a name…. the same "friend" who typed just like Mira and quote: "HOW DO I CONTACT RODI THIS IS HIS FAULT IF HE HAS DONE ANYTHING TO HURT HER ILL…..!!!!111" esp. when Mira had posted just a few hours before this "friend" and she hadn't been missing or posted anything bad, no "friends" were attempting to contact her previously on social media….. just her "friends" are sooo close to Mira they telepathically know she's sucidal while she's just posting normal statuses, within the hour of rodi posting his video, couldn't get in contact with her for 50 min, "hacked" into her facebook, sent a friend in a taxi to her apartment, & within 120 minutes mira got access back to her facebook and was just sperging as usual. Best friends. Don't forget the updates too! "Mira is still alive for now! -this is def Mira's friend btw!!"
>Mira doesn't post for 3 hours on FB>totally gonna kill herself>friends pop out of nowhere>hack, track down, and drive to her home>stop her from certain death >BEST FRIENDS FOR LIFEMira's sockpuppets have crossed from the online world to IRL, wow.
No. 411932
>>411675Lol When did that happen? SS of post? Jfc. That's like if a farmer said they ran into tuna on the train to grand central, sat next to her and saw texts specifically to her dealer trying to buy while simultaneously on tumblr begging for PayPal donations for food. Perfect timing.
And then everybody slow clapped.
I remember when Mira claimed she had to wear a hat and sunglasses bc IRL "stalkers" following her in japan after she was exposed a few years ago. What was that about?? Shoulda gone straight to r/quityourbullshit
No. 412209
File: 1500408088759.jpg (197.39 KB, 945x940, Clipboard01232.jpg)

I guess she thinks she still has a chance with Rodi… or maybe she tries to marry a muslim japanese citizen this way.
No. 412222
>>412209lol @ she already bought like a dozen scarves
has she even been muslim two weeks yet
No. 412247
>>412230And THAT's the country that Justin "gay friendly and proud!" Trudeau sent billions in military aid to.
That's the same country that everyone the world over seems to love.
But when it's a guy like the "anti-Trump"?
Giant Meteor 2020 plz.
Now that I got that out of my system, of course Mira won't talk about it.
That would imply it's more than just a means of getting attention.
No. 412440
>>412421 They came to her channel for Japan, not religion. It would be a miracle that she stays with this because she loves her alcohol and sex. She'll either leave or she'll get a price on her head from that religion of tolerance she adopted.
I can see where she is coming from, I almost went down the same path, but when I learned about, which means they're allowed to lie to spread their faith and achieve control, I started looking at things logically. They have been doing this for centuries. More than 50% of Muslims want homosexuality to be illegal and punished by death (of that responded, a 'no answer' speaks volumes of what their answer is).
There are no rights in Islam, they are lies spread to spread their faith. Those who leave Islam is fit for death, and if she was so worried about her "haters" before, wait for the Muslim haters to judge and want to correct her behaviour, or face death. WELCOME TO ISLAM MIRANDA!
No. 412512
File: 1500439193890.jpg (65.84 KB, 700x349, edit.jpg)

when in rome
No. 412532
File: 1500443599688.jpg (113.57 KB, 382x1024, IMG_3692.JPG)

Comments for this:
>>410963She's not learning anymore, she's such a master that she can pick and choose what she follows. And what is up with her buying all these millions of head scarves? Does she think Islam is all about the headscarves? Pulling a Bunny Alexander? Covering all that butterface? Perfect disguise from stalkerz? Attention whoring? Bc 95% of all her "Islam" pics and posts are solely about fucking headscarves.
No. 412533
File: 1500443790581.png (103.26 KB, 548x992, IMG_3689.PNG)

She also went to travel somewhere? To some random place that's not Dubai to meet with some secret friend. I find this impossible as we all know the only friends mira has are brand new accounts with disposable emails and bad grammar.
No. 412536
>>412533>short road trip>"short"BITCH YOU ARE SUPPOSEDLY ON A FUCKING PLANE
maybe she is going to suck that fanboys dick who paid her to have rodi kiss her on the cheek
No. 412538
>>412532This is so fucking cringey.
I guess she will immediately be an expert in every culture/religion she chooses to fuck with, not just Japanese!
When she corrects/argues with people who have grown up/spent years in the culture she's trying to become, it's always awful. Like when she argues with Japanese people in her video comments.
No. 412543
File: 1500445379994.jpg (126.6 KB, 544x920, image.jpg)

>>412536She "can't tell" but meeting "a friend" ….cough…..cough.
I assume these are some poor strangers from the airport who pity Mira for her special needs and took a pic with her so she looks more extoique~
Top kek at her being the palest and still insisting on wear a headscarf.
>Mira meeting friends>Mira>friends that aren't made up>surejan.gif No. 412649
>>412543Does anyone know who those two are (Like, do they have a youtube channel, etc)
Bet they would love to see Miranda's blackface.
No. 413498
>>41394There are so many ways it could go. Everyone was expecting her to go full house wife but surprised us with going full Muslim. You really can't guess with Mira
Weeb>>Punk>>Japanese>>Slutty party girl>>Gayru>>Muslim
It really depends on who she obsesses with
No. 413521
She made it onto pol guys:'s shit but it's funny how
triggered they are
No. 413649
>>413521>'immigrants have been coming to Japan for thousands of years'lol did mira really fucking say this
nevermind, i already know the answer is yes without watching
>Leave her alone, she's already punished enough by god with those looks. >white people are ruining japan>D..does she not know Japan isolated itself twice?>Japan, you need to rake your leaves.>These "Jvloggers" or whatever the fuck they are called are disgusting. The nigger along with there nigger loving friends ones in particular are the worst. They shill videos like "do japanese girls like black guys" or "dating in japan while back". Thankfully any decent Japanese women stick to their own while only the lower tier trash go outside their race.i scrolled and no mention of her new muslim life
No. 413729
>>413494It seems this purple haired girl will be her new "best friend", so Mira should gnaw on her culture like a hyena.
>>413498Also raver and Sweden-aboo for a few months last year.
No. 413815
>>413521>Leave her alone, she's already punished enough by god with those looks. top kek
otherwise that thread was bad quality. they didnt even pick up her recent turn to islam.
No. 414389
File: 1500651823564.jpg (554.26 KB, 1242x1581, aBMkMmH.jpg)

Mira is now appropriating Eastern European grandmothers?! This is awful. "Allah, please send me a man!"
Pretty sure that sheer skirts are haram if you choose to adhere to the Islamic dress code. I've never in my life seen a Muslim woman pick and choose in this way. If they wear hijab, they don't wear sheer or revealing skirts. If they wear sheer skirts, they don't wear hijab outside of religious service or occasion.
No. 414434
File: 1500656937347.png (211.73 KB, 482x228, yikes.PNG)

Opened her page to see how many views her video had gotten and yikes.
No. 414460
>>414398^She's pulling a Lindsay Lohan after converting to Islam.
How is Mira going to juggle backwoods Canadian, forced Japanese and "Arabic" accents? She said she will still go to the beach and onsen (without hijab), so what the Hell is her rule for modesty? Why can't she Google "Summer Hijab style/夏ヒジャーブ系" and put together a fashionable, lightweight ensemble? Didn't she claim to have a guaranteed new job opportunity through YouTube after "quitting" at the restaurant? There is too much contradiction and I can't believe some Muslims continue to praise her.
No. 414489
File: 1500661586971.png (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 884x2019, 1.png)

The most logical comment goes to …
No. 414545
>>414514far from it. Rodi already has a gf. The first fight he was pissed because every time he hung out with Mira it was an attempt to jump on his dick. With her Japanese residency being rejected she was becoming more desperate to stay in Japan. So she started to sexually harass Rodi more.
Rodi pulled a "You need to find Jesus!" kidding, he said find religion. But Mira being dense and desprate took it as "If I be muslim he will like more more than his girl friend."
Rodi got sooooo creeped out by her obsessive and desperate behavior he wanted nothing to do with it.
Mira now has to pretend to be super Muslim because now she is scared people will call her out on changing her whole identity to try to sleep with a man who already has a girl friend. She will keep it up until her next identity crisis.
No. 414546
>>414541Sage for opinion
But Mira isn't Muslim. Googling a religion for a week and wearing scarves on your head doesn't count.
No. 414567
>>414541lmfao if that's the case that he made her do it would be hilarious. He made her kill her channel as a prove of being worth his friendship.
What an idiot Mira is
No. 414611
>>414387"Smash that like button"
Isn't that what Rodi says?! Fucking skin-walker.
>>414438"I prayed to god to show me who the haters were, and I started dropping subs"
This bitch can't be real. Isn't this some sort of blasphemy?
So she is currently in Canada and being as secretive as ever. It has to be visa-related. She could have at least made up a story about missing her family and she was finally able to save up enough money to see them. She's so damn weird.
No. 414637
File: 1500690212840.webm (2.84 MB, 480x256, pol finds muslim gf.webm)
I am very jealous of muslims because they have no feminism in their society. I don't really like anything else about them, but a society without feminism, where men and women are both in proper places, and the family structure is working, is so attractive to me that I greatly envy them.
I am reasonably attractive guy and have a decent career, but I'm not dating, having kids, or looking to get married until feminist divorce laws are fixed, and feminism in general isn't so out of control.
I would have rather been born as a muslim in Afghanistan or Pakistan, the birthplace of the world, beautiful landscape, and most importantly no feminism.
I am a white male from America though, I would never be accepted into their society, I understand it's something that you have to be born into.
My question is, how much longer do you think I'll have to wait until muslims become the majority in European countries, and then we can vote to abolish feminism? I'm eagerly waiting for them to take over Europe, they already seem to be half way there in some countries like Germany or UK.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 414639
>>414637To add: I used to get mad when I saw white girls converting to Islam, but now I'm happy, I'd rather have muslims than feminists.
The girls who think they can be muslim and feminist at the same time are on a next level of retarded though, they need to get killed by real muslims.
No. 414645
>>414387This is the first time I don't have words. I really just don't know what to say watching through this.
I guess that cows that hop on the muslim train are the stupidest people I've ever seen and do it for e-fame obviously. There's no respect for the religion nor any idea what they're doing outside putting on a hijab.
This just shows she has real mental health issues to me and everything she does is for fame. Japan was a big thing for a while, but now she's gotta lust over some other "superior" foreign nation.
>>414637>>414639Definitely go to those countries. You're clearly missing out. Don't come back or the feminists might touch you.
No. 414650
>>414637>>414639You're going to die alone. Just get some dick already. You guys are all in the closet anyway.
>>414647She is trying to act like it is Islamophobes ditching her but I believe it is fair amount of people sick of her attention-grabbing, offensive bullshit. She is already deleting comments from MUSLIMS calling her out for her fake conversion and hijab cosplay. If she were a genuine and humble person, this would not be an issue.
No. 414697
File: 1500712575461.jpg (143.53 KB, 748x274, 1500684693871.jpg)

>>414626>Poor chick has an IQ of roughly 80. She is in way over her head.>Fucking hilarious, she is the most hated Japanese vloger alive too. All she does is cause problems for other foreigners living in Japan.>This chick is insane. She's literally doing this for attention, like most White women who convert to Islam>Fuck kanadajin, all she does is stir up drama. I have unironically wanted her to die ever since she lied about attempting suicide just to hear Unrested apologize for some shit he didn't do.>shes a muslim woman now? than that means i can brutally rape her with no consequences>She's just very confused and very isolated. White girl in Japan, who can't hang around with other whites anymore. She is desperetely looking for acceptance.>White girl from canada in japan who is a muslim. you might as well be an ethiopian cave painter from alaska>determined her religion by playing with an advanced fidget spinner>Imagine how mentally unstable you have to be to want to move to an entirely new country and give up your family because you like Anime.>mid way she starts speaking with a mock sandnigger accent>I thought my monitor was fucking up but her face really is oddly prominently asymmetrical. FAS huh? I know what those people look like, that's not the full story. She have a stroke at some point?>I went to HIROSHIMA>This is exactly the kind of girl that Chad should be pounding dumb ideas out of. >I UH BECAME MUSLIM BECAUSE UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH>How long until she blows herself up in Shibuya?
>she has some sort of clinical identity disorder. It isn't even the fact that she tries to justify being japanese one minute then a muslim the next; she literally changes how she pronounces words and uses different mannerisms when she is in each different 'character' to suit. halfway through this video she started talking like my town indian, previous videos she tries to sound like a jap speaking engrish, its all so tiresome
>if the point of the veil is to preserve a woman's modesty and protect them from men, why do these women always wear make-up>good luck whore, you've sold yourself for approval yet again, this time I bet it'll totally work!>i became a muslim because im ugly and have a lazy eye
>So basically she is a Muslim out of convenience? Japanese people won't accept her no matter how good her Japanese is and how much she tries to fit in Japanese society. Muslims won't accept her because she is not devout and is very disingenuous about being as Muslim. She has no friends and others do not really care for her. She is probably one of the most pathetic people I have ever seen. No. 414707
>>414462>she isn't going to have much if a youtube income now she didnt have a reasonable youtube income for months or years.
she also was never able to live off from youtube.
No. 414734
>>414637y'know the ironic thing is a lot of arabs view themselves as white in the middle east or just don't care about race (unless you're black which most view as lesser) and would actually accept you
i think you're just some robot living out a fantasy and are too afraid to even carry out
No. 414744
File: 1500739281031.jpg (306.85 KB, 1242x1562, iihQBhJ.jpg)

>>414735What's up, Yazeed? You know she doesn't stick with one identity for long, right?
This dude is sucking up to her right now and trying to get Muslims to support her with comments and retweets. The surge of Arabic on her page from these horny guys is obnoxious.
However, please take her away from Japan, Yazeed. This turkey is done.
No. 414753
>>414747people now leave that are tired of her shit.
muslim subscribers will later leave when theyre tired.
That is her agenda. Everyone grows tired of her mental idiocy.
In the last 4 hours alone she dropped another ~800 subscribers.
No. 414812
File: 1500755342709.png (113.31 KB, 769x902, 2017-07-22 22_26_25-(176) WHY …)

Her muzzie video is blowing up right now with Muslims giving her praise. the like/dislike bar is on a roller coaster back and forth.
No. 414951
>>414906They Muslim community will be supportive up until she continues arguing with them.
The problem with the Muslim community is they are very nitpicking because there is no flexibility with Islam.
Take for example her sheer skirt in her IG while she is wearing the hijab. She already has people nitpicking at her for her choices.
She has entered the wrong community because they will be on her case all the time for all the wrongs she will continue to do.
As she continues to argue with the Muslim community as she has and sprout false claims and try to pick and choose what she wants, she will actually end up OFFENDING them as she has already on several occasions.
She has dug herself a rabbit hole.
No. 415035
>>415014OT but out of curiosity, what's with BPD people and putting on these wacky, random-as-fuck fake personalities? luna does this too
>>415030shit, if mira's gonna ditch being wapanese and take on a new image, why not something a little more glamorous? i can't really imagine thinking a random hijabi woman off the street with a thick accent is suddenly ##GOALLZZ
No. 415047
File: 1500793527481.png (145.28 KB, 1891x523, image.png)

>>414812She's been getting a good deal of attention from 4chan too…
No. 415060
>>414708>>414710>>415027my bad, i thought in the "truth" video he said "i have a wife" but he says "i have a girlfriend".
now it's clear why she is still so desperate. she waits until they break up. And thinks if she can make up to him until then, he will finally slide his asian dick inside her.
No. 415066
>>415027He isn't but it seems he is serious enough about his current gf that he is looking forward to it. He must have mentioned that to Mira. That would explain why Mira was so creepily alluding to marriage and soulmates towards the end.
>>415035It's a common behavior called Mirroring. It's an extreme attempt to connect and be accepted/praised by someone, as well as have them build an attachment to you.
>>415063So how do YOU know? How does she NOT smash every box of the checklist of criteria to a pulp? We've already had several people with BPD clock her and recognize her distinct behavior.
No. 415075
>>415066mirroring is not a psychopathological behavior though, it's something everyone does. Ever met new people and you really like them and noticed you started picking up habits or speech patterns?
I will refrain from furthering the BPD discussion though. It doesnt matter anyway.
No. 415087
>>415075I never claimed it was psychopathic behavior in itself. It's the DEGREE which BPD sufferers display this behavior that is a hallmark of their disorder, as well as a few other personality disorders.
Yes it does matter because you are arguing about something you clearly don't understand while you negate the first-hand experience from posters with BPD. Sounds very familiar…
No. 415115
File: 1500829056958.jpg (236.6 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170723-185443.jpg)

>>415087>Yes it does matter because blablablait doesnt matter because it is derailing the thread, anon. and that's the last thing im going to say about this matter.
>image on others news our new "muslim sister" is showing her hair again on social media. so
>>415062 will come sooner than expected I guess.
No. 415123
File: 1500830819508.jpg (31.34 KB, 300x360, welcome2theclub.JPG)

>>415115good god, the comments on her most recent IG comments are so creepy, you just see what kind if cult this entire Islam thing is. Now they are ass kissing her but damn I just wait until she fuck up with those people for the first time. This will be hilarious.
No. 415157
>>414735>[our] plan>implying we do anything more than shitpost about how much we hate this bitchlol fuck off, and take miranda with you
No. 415163
>>415066>MirroringThe only problem I have with this is that she is not mirroring anyone but a camera. Do you think she talks like that in real life? I feel like she is the kind to avoid using Japanese as much as possible, so probably…
I don't really watch her anymore, let alone with other people. I assume she keeps her Engrish persona up with other anglos.
No. 415190
File: 1500846886832.jpg (6.75 KB, 267x189, Download.jpg)

>>415172as christianity is not the same everywhere (from amish to protestant there is a wide range) islam isnt the same everywhere. in islam there are sunnites, schiites, alevis… for some it's fine as long as you dont show hair and skin, anything else doesnt matter. the stricter forms require (if the rules are suppossed to be followed accordingly) not to show any body forms. and then there are the extremists who only see a chador, niqab or burka as haram enough.
in saudi arabia it is required for women (foreigners included) to wear a
abaya and for muslim women the headscarf is required too (image related). Clothes must not be too tight, see through or showing skin at any part of the body besides hands and eyes.
>twelve things women in saudi arabia can't do>1. Go anywhere without a male chaperone>2. Drive a car>3. Wear clothes or makeup that "show off their beauty">4. Interact with men>5. Go for a swim>6. Compete freely in sports>7. Try on clothes when shopping>8. Entering a cemetery>9. Reading an uncensored fashion magazine>10. Buying a Barbie>11. Working in a lingerie shop>12. Open a bank account without her husband's permission No. 415193
>>415123Nothing creepy about welcoming someone to a religion, Anon. Anyone from any religion would welcome a new believer. Stop reaching.
But I agree, maybe she will fuck up and people will start dragging her
No. 415546
File: 1500915929515.jpg (104.32 KB, 964x730, muslimira.jpg)

Muslim people are showing them mad photoshop skillz on Twitter
No. 415576
>>415546One, I don't know why it's creepy since it's a guy.
Two, wow… they made her eyes symmetrical and fixed everything else with her face. They even fixed her eye brows. So that's what she would look like without the birth defects.
No. 415839
>>415546how can one man be so amazing at fixing her fucked up face
but the rest of his shop skills are laughable
No. 415907
>>415906even mira isnt that fucking stupid
its more like she forced herself to believe he was meaning that
No. 415908
File: 1500970409031.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.24 KB, 675x1200, CVe22uE.jpg)

>>415839He didn't edit the original. She posted it on her Twitter, edited with some photo app. ^
I CAN NOT make sense of her hijab style! It's swings so wildly from matronly and dressed for a snow storm, to a scarf loosely thrown on her head with her hair all over the place.
No. 415936
>>415908>I CAN NOT make sense of her hijab style! It's swings so wildly from matronly and dressed for a snow storm, to a scarf loosely thrown on her head with her hair all over the place.Most likely because she only wears it for vids and Instagram.
Notice how she has no video of her wandering around with it in public, only a few quick instagrams.
When it's on "matronly" she took the time to put it on and check. When she is out with her "friends" or in public, she throws it on really quick for the pic, and then take it back off.
She needs to keep the illusion up.
Since I've posted this and she reads here, she will probably throw together a vid in public while she is in Canada. She isn't going to do any public hijab wearing vids in Japan.
No. 415955
>>415936I've been atheist for most of my life and even I feel offended by how disrespectful she is being with her morphing hijab. It's just so rude and stupid not to decide on something inbetween and stick with it. She's denying that there is mostly a cultural aspect of hijab and she is is not putting any thought into what it means for those women, where hijab usually represents their personal covenant with Allah.
The only way she can get more bonkers is to adopt an Arabic name, which she will add to her fake Japanese name.
No. 416005
File: 1501006166074.jpg (43.36 KB, 300x100, mirabanner.jpg)

>>415546I thought this edit was banner worthy
No. 416028
>>416025anon, chill.
its not forbidden to wear hijab in japan
No. 416049
>>416018Since when is Toronto in northern Ontario?
Because she's in Toronto. (Insta with her friend at the CN tower)
So, you're going to have to come up with some proof, because the facts known so far point to you being full of shit.
No. 416216
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No. 416217
File: 1501053211643.jpg (162.12 KB, 930x447, welcome.jpg)

Even on pics non-related to her new faith, there's nothing but comments like these. I wonder how she feels about it.
No. 416220
>>416216welcome to THE islam
>>416217she probably bought them
No. 416237
File: 1501060689932.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170726-110949.png)

Such halal
No. 416238
File: 1501060779660.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170726-111920.png)

No. 416248
>>416237>>416238Sage'd for not anything new, but does anyone have any idea why she chose a career that heaving emphasizes her appearance so much?
Does she think she is attractive? There are plenty of below average looking people who do great by not making their face their main asset. I wonder if it's because she doesn't have any other strengths, so her looks (as strange as they are) are her best point.
It's just so odd to me that she posts her face so much, I think she really must think she has a naturally pretty face and I don't understand where she got that idea.
No. 416321
>>416216OT but what's the "sa" "sasa" things in a weird font? it's after iiishadx and 7woii posts
>>416220but if she was gonna buy comments wouldn't she go for something looks-based? she's p shallow, so i imagine she'd prefer to have them tell her she's beautiful rather than these generic welcomes to allahu akbar
No. 416332
File: 1501089299957.png (2.09 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1761[1].PNG)

>>416329No. Sorry. It was on her Instagram story.
No. 416426
>>416324lmao @ her own family being sick of her shit
and her crying she wants to go home can be taken as "i am one with japan" or "to my true home saudi"
>>416397you misunderstood where to go post, its on her insta or yt not her, shill-kun
No. 416470
>>416345Nothing says "I'm serious about my religion" like a stupid filter and comical voice.
Is she for real?! Japan is not your country. It's your misbegotten residence. I'm not actually anti-Islam, but real Japanese are not Muslim and never will be. It's just a cold hard fact. Japanese who become Muslim give up their Japanese identity.
No. 416636
>>416594Sorry, that's not what I meant. I live in Japan and know firsthand Japanese are cool with Muslims. Average Japanese are not threatened and I don't know a single Japanese who rages against them like in my home country. There is also no ban against Muslims to gain citizenship or even worship freely. It's just that Muslims will always be the other, always treated like a foreigner, and being Muslim or from another Abrahamic religion further separates someone from normal Japanese. They will always be different and being white and Muslim is a double whammy when it comes to being accepted as real Japanese. Mira is just really crazy to think she can be both and Japanese will see her exactly the same as them.
A white non-citizen woman claiming she is not only proud Japanese, but also a Muslim convert in Japan is beyond weird. Japanese will ask why she rejected Shintoism or Buddhism if she is true Japanese, because those traditions deeply shaped Japanese culture. The majority of Japanese will say they personally have no religion, but they do not hesitate to participate Shinto or Buddhist rituals. Mira, if she is strict, is not supposed to participate in the rituals anymore(although many open-minded Muslims break that rule), so she erased a strong link to Japan. Therefore, she can not really be "proud Japanese".
No. 416637
File: 1501159345128.png (270.13 KB, 349x500, 20170724_144210.thumb.png.1eb3…)

>>416626Yep. Her new vid (
At 0:53 hijab. At 0:56 no hijab and a sheer dress and sleeveless. However, the location is the same spot as this pic. Hijab and jacket.
We already knew this was a load of horseshit and just another "trend" for her, but, it's fun when there is proof.
No. 416638
File: 1501159870048.png (109.06 KB, 318x500, miracherrypicking.thumb.png.88…)

Stolen from PULL:
Miranada is now the arbiter of what is and is not Halal.
Someone asked if the gravy on the poutine she was eating was halal
To which she replies that "it doesn't matter if the Meat is Halal because in foreign countries it's hard to find" and "lots of people eat non-halal meat (her Japanese is weird)
Which is funny considering most muslims will eat Vegan food or at most Kosher if they can't find Halal. And having Canadian cousins I know that Halal is everywhere in Canada. So it's weird..
No. 416640
File: 1501159874458.jpg (59.7 KB, 853x421, thatsnothowyouwearit.jpg)

I have never seen a muslim woman wearing her hijab like that.
No. 416653
Canada sell halal meat everywhere from grocery stores to restaurants and corner stores. It's incredibly common for consumers in Ontario and Quebec (two biggest provinces) to expect or request halal options. In downtown Toronto, there would even be advertisements in the windows of stores or restaurants to advertise halal friendly products.
No. 416677
File: 1501175143655.jpg (18.76 KB, 300x325, cartmanretarded-resized.jpg)

>>416640Sweet fuck her face looks like debilitating autism which got hit by a car
No. 416694
>>416637Apart from the rest of her general autism. She started her video with a shot out of the window of the plane during take off. How fucking original.
Everyone and their grandmother starts their stupid videos like that. Seriously, just pull up any "trip" video on youtube and it will start that way. (One exception is if it's a Disney World/Disneyland trip, there's a high chance it will have the Disney logo first, then the out the window of the plane shot).
I honestly don't think this girl has had an original thought in her life. She is always jumping on some bandwagon.
(Sage for rant)
No. 416696
>>416694I think that what she's doing with her life is quite original in itself. Not in a positive way though.
(Sage for not contributing)
No. 416732
File: 1501187880695.gif (440.1 KB, 245x209, MrV3Ska.gif)

>>416640Aaah! Kill it with fire before it spits venom at you!
No. 416966
>>416640That hijab looks like a carpet surrounding her face with the way she put it on.
This woman is about as Muslim as a pack of bacon.
No. 416972
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She's an alcoholic. She's NOT gonna stop drinking.
She's been riding the cock-carousel for years, and now she wants to become a muslim nun?
I'm so glad she's not in Japan right now.
by supporting islam, miranda promotes female genital mutilation and throwing gay people off roof-tops.
No. 416988
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>it's absolutely not because of Rodi you guise!
Sure jan
No. 417042
File: 1501262734648.png (291.24 KB, 627x555, money.png)

Wow, check out that monthly income from her Youtube.
She's always bragging about how much money the "haterz" give her.
No. 417049
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>>417042>>417047this is how much it is in yen
No. 417065
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Here's another flat-out lie from Miranda (Surprising, I know).
Religious vids can be (and tons are) monetized. Hell, there are even religious Ads that run on Youtube.
No. 417192
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>>416653>>416687Is she actually lying or is she just a stupid ignorant lazy cunt?
The world may never know…
No. 417202
>>417196rodi had gf and she didnt respect that and pulled tons of crap
he told her she needed religion and she took that as "you need my religion i barely practice" and now shes trying to be the best muzlim evar
presumably out of spite to rodi and for the followers
No. 417249
>>417189It's almost the same currently because, neither group is aggressive about proselytizing here in public and because of past bans and persecution against Christians/Catholics in Japan, most Catholics have been low-key. They aren't the type to protest or cause a public nuisance with doomsday prophecies or other nonsense. The majority of Muslims in Japan are Asian and familiar with Japanese social attitudes so they usually blend in. What is most important to Japanese is work ethic and ability to compromise for Japanese ways, which Muslims in Japan have been able to do.
But personally, I noticed a shift among Japanese (men specifically) about growing concern over Islam gaining more influence or possible threats from Islamic countries. It's just not the hate-filled, super paranoid vitriol you see elsewhere but it's clearly influenced by Western allies and distrust of the Trump administration.
The Buddhist cults(there are so many) and chongryon are viewed with more suspicion because of actual terrorism and espionage in Japan!
No. 417276
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This bitch… I'm not even religious.. I don't even care about any religon… But how on Earth can you be so hypocritical and retarded to start wearing something like a hijab as fashion statement and put it on and off like it doesn't mean anything. Sooner or later she will get murdered by some fanatic Muslim.
No. 417288
>>417265Oh, I definitely think so and it may also have something to do with the reputation among his Muslim family or community, since he is a "bad" Muslim. I don't put any psychological tricks past her. She could be exploiting a vulnerability (his standing amongst Muslims) and trying to hurt him like "See, I'm a better Muslim than you now, Rodi!".
She is always this way. Remember the timing of when she started to claim she was Japanese and knew more about Japan than natives. It was after the first influx of negative attention due to the sockpuppet exposure. So many people were telling her "You are not Japanese, so don't state your opinions as facts or spread misinformation." Proving her videos/posts were worthless due to being a newly-arrived, illiterate foreigner was especially prevalent on PULL and she was always so angry when it was mentioned. Pretty soon, she starts claiming that she is Japanese just to justify her bad research and warped views, as well as defend her terrible English skills.
No. 417326
>>417315>>417316>>417317Miranda stop this.
Anyway. Lodhi's gf must have had the patience of a saint to not have confronted Mira. Maybe he told her to try and be unbothered because Mira is mentally disabled so she pities her.
No. 417327
>>417315>>417317HOW is she a better person than before? She didn't change her arrogant attitude or lust for attention at all!
Nice spelling, btw. I really trust a lazy person like you.
No. 417345
>>417316Oh man, finally got Mira to reply to me.
You didn't even read what I wrote, lol.
No. 417413
>>417317Silly Miranda. No ruel against it per youtube. you are not allowed. Show some screenshots, because youtube's rulesvsay you are a liar.
(Yes anons, I know she'll never reply. I just like having the proof of her lies out there)
No. 417494
>>417331Okay, it's just a troll. Try to be more subtle next time, anon. Mira is not 100% retard, all the time. It's more like 80% of the time.
Did you guys see that Mira appears to have dyed her hair black and has thick black eyebrows now? Is she copying Arabic makeup style too?!
No. 417557
>>417494Congrats! :) You are the only one who didn't get a hard on just because "Mira" was here. How are people this easily trolled and then exited about it.
Anyway, what is all this anal stuff about? Please enlighten me someone.
No. 417861
>>417856>Im going to talk about the drama between me and kanadajin3 waht
top kek
what even is that, chrissy
No. 417910
>>417856Fake how? The thumbnail pic? Fake, obv.
The story, yeah, that's real.
No. 417955
>>417872Holy crap, where did you get that video from? XD I'm laughing my ass off, her "nope" at the end ahahaha
How delusional can you be Miranda?
No. 418020
File: 1501546015414.png (1.26 MB, 1080x1920, 2017-08-01 02.01.01.png)

native canadian american or pure muslim japanese, miranda, what is it?
No. 418026
>>418020this girl just likes being stupid. then again it's miranda queen of misinformation…cause that's a medicine wheel, NOT a dreamcatcher lol
(saged for not adding anything)
No. 418027
>>418023>small inuit city in the north of ontariowasnt that part of her story when she tried to make it up that her
ancestors were actually native and so on
No. 418031
>>418030>what I researchedkek
proof or gtfo jfc
No. 418085
>>418042 >>418034
>>418026Miranda doesn't have a good enough vocabulary and grammar, moreover she is unable to see herself as anything but perfect remember. You call people Miranda over very little information, once again, I called her a moron – which she is.
No. 418180
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>>418023>>418034 KMbaloney?
You're quick to insult the intelligence of posters for not knowing information that she has not publicly and CLEARLY admitted. Then, you whine about "you people" making judgements over little information. Make up your mind.
So, Ojibwe, right? Having Native blood is not that uncommon, especially where she is from. Personally, I don't think it's a stretch to believe she has it. I guess other people expect a tan-skinned Pocahontas with deep respect for ancestors. I don't know about Canada but in the U.S., some tribes require as little as 1/16th blood quantum percentage for tribal membership and some are even based on whether you just have documentation of tribal ancestors. It can get pretty loose.
Despite all that, Mira has not made the First Nations claim nor professed that she is proud of her rumored heritage! Never. There was no word of this until "someone" started making the rounds online, claiming she was Ojibwe and from a reservation. That was also around the same time she started posting about wanting to learn Ojibwe language and commenting on Ojibwe culture videos on YouTube. What a coincidence.
>>418085Why are you pretending to be of superior intelligence when your punctuation is a travesty? You should be ashamed of yourself. FYI: Mira/Miranda is also an insult here. Hope it drives you crazy.
No. 418195
>>418023NO, she was born in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario and moved to Sudbury around age 12. (From Miranda's boyfriends blog, which was confirmed by Miranda)
Sault Ste Marie does have a native population of about 9%. Not exactly an "Inuit village".
So, come up with some proof or fuck off.
No. 418258
>>418234Joke's on her, in Canada none of those things are cool.
But I guess she can sell first nations to outsiders like the rest of the country does so whatever. Miranada is a true canuck.
No. 418286
>>418260Not mad at all. Retard-san said in
>>418023 that:
>She was born in some small Inuit cityShe was not born in Sudbury, she was born in Sault Ste. Marie. Just stating facts.
No. 418403
>>417597Uhhm, excusse me we just gang stalk and harass people, not try and get them to join terrorist cells
come on, fam, you have to admit it would be funny