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No. 385834
Previous thread:
>>382934Facebook: / Snapchat: mariahmallad
Recent: After saying she wouldn't lewd a 9 year old loli character, Momo has officially lewded a 9 year old loli character. There seems to be trouble in paradise with Momo and Vamp, seems a friend breakup is on the horizon or has already occurred since Vamp no longer followers Mariah. Momo also unsuccessfully tried to name drop at the LVLUP Expo to VAs from DBZ but got shut down and was humiliated in front of everyone in a huge room.
The basics:
>body positive, but photoshops her body and wears shapewear/corsets constantly, resorted to getting liposuction>Proven through twitteraudit that she has bought at least 20k followers.>laughably bad at making cosplays – if she's told they're bad, she falls back on her Samus/ Wicke costume and makes excuses for why she couldn't wear the new cosplay>spends very little time and effort on each costume and then claims her money is "hard-earned">claims she cosplays because she's passionate about the characters and the hobby, but is only in it for the money >does monthly "boudoir"/half-naked shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame>has to beg for money, con passes, etc. despite making over $10k per month on Patreon>known to spend chunks of her Patreon income on fancy vacations, alcohol, drugs and treating her friends while simultaneously half-assing all her cosplays>pretends to have played/know about the series she cosplays from, despite evidence proving otherwise>loiters around at booths during cons, pretending to have been invited as a guest No. 385835
File: 1495194741346.png (268.05 KB, 582x398, soundsfakebutok.png)

>>385813as much as i wish vamp has seen the light, she retweeted momo not too long ago.
No. 385836
File: 1495194895570.png (1.57 MB, 1434x2361, 20170519_075211.png)

In other news, you can now pay $40 to see koreanbbq fake grope her. Per POV set.
No. 385842
>>385835I wonder if it's not so much vamp seeing the light, but moomoo cutting her off because she's a "fame hungers leech"
I do feel bad for vamp because she does work really hard on her cosplays, and it's clear the ones she rushed that look like shit - she only did to please moomoo. she needs to drop the twerking vids, her thing is not being sexy.. it's craftsmanship.. and she should put all her focus into that:
However I think she had prioritized the wrong things, she sees her friend be so well known and have all these "fans" and she wants that too. She stopped doing it for fun and wants the fame, but since she's not getting what she feels she deserves she's miserable.
Sage for rambling
No. 385847
File: 1495197602298.png (390.53 KB, 1190x744, 1495151248761.png)

> not using one of the many beautiful artworks from last thread
disappointed, OP
No. 385851
File: 1495198886122.gif (1.84 MB, 498x278, tenor.gif)

Waiting for Vamplette to leave
No. 385858
File: 1495200505501.png (201.59 KB, 1080x1361, 20170519_092118.png)

Their instagram page is still up but there hasn't been a new post since they created it. So they may still be doing that or just no one bothered to take it down yet.
No. 385861
>>385813Good for Vamp. The first step to bettering your life is always to cut the toxic people who will only serve to drag you down out. Unlike Moomoo, you have an actual talent for cosplay Vamp and just like drawing, you can only stand to get better the more time and effort you put in. You don't have to be like Moomoo and rely on being the trashy girl who takes her clothes off for neckbeard losers. That type of fame is only short lived and won't get you anywhere or the connections that matter. Actually being able to build and model great cosplays are the ones that get you the attention that matters.
Also, a bit of advice for Moomoo's incoming Twitter meltdown: Don't engage her.
She'll lie, she'll try to play the victim, she'll lob any insult she can at you. Just remember to not engage in any of her bullshit. She is only looking to drag you down and ruin you by making herself look better. So your best bet is to just not respond and let her hang by her own noose.
No. 385874
File: 1495203260211.png (698.73 KB, 1280x720, Smiling_Titan_1.png)

>>385625I was the anon who asked for this, I feel so blessed and I love you.
>>385736She high key looks like she was drawn by Hajime Isayama. One of his scary titans.
No. 385875
File: 1495203333189.png (1.7 KB, 180x52, Momokun Cosplay LVL UP EXPO …)

Meanwhile, check out that like/dislike ratio under the Lvlup video
No. 385881
File: 1495205038871.gif (1.79 MB, 480x369, srna-blushing[1].gif)

>>385847aww i'm flattered you thought my drawing should have been used
No. 385882
Not speeds.
No. 385883
>>385880The difference with Onision is that Onion provides either a lot of milk or no milk at all. During Cuddlegates and Lolbemadgate we had threads maxing out in just one day. But when he doesn't go on big spergs the thread fills quite slowly.
While with Moomoo, she provides constant amounts of milk every day, not enough to fill a thread in one day, but a moderate amount.
No. 385891
File: 1495207873054.png (799.17 KB, 781x650, 142353523.PNG)

>Lewding Kanna
>Vamp and Momo unfollowed each other
fuck every time I think she's getting stale she just knocks over another can of worms
No. 385902
File: 1495209790104.png (250.56 KB, 974x1516, VampIsFucked.png)

So I guess you could come to the conclusion that the /r9k/ thread was actually made by Vamp, the timing is way too convenient.
No. 385903
>>385902vamp also seems to love her manga aesthetic. it's exactly the kind of picture she would use
god I hope it was real
No. 385906
>>385901Yes because I was tired of seeing a wall of text of nothing but links while leaving out juicy deets on the front page. There's s link to the previous thread, go there and then use the links there if it's
triggering you so much.
No. 385907
File: 1495211140384.png (188.58 KB, 597x763, ss (2017-05-19 at 12.24.19).pn…)

vamp liked her reply too.
No. 385922
>>385834Have to say i'm not so sure about the whole 'vamps leaving/ breaking ties' thing
Clearly smth happened but Momo will just try to walk all over her and act like nothing happened and/ or try to force Vamp via guilt trip back in her claws
(Also on the peach thing; aybe momo just wanted the peach for her site, cause she thinks she is the 'peach' part (?) )
I mean Vamp was in momos story just a few hours ago, they clearly still talk(?)
Oh man this is a mess and i hope it finally breaks lose.
No. 385928
File: 1495217158031.jpg (123.48 KB, 720x846, IMG_20170519_200050_253.jpg)

Are we going to see two bitches fighting over who is worth calling nigri senpai ?
No. 385940
File: 1495218708429.png (1.66 MB, 1240x466, 8598786502.png)

they never unfollowed each other
No. 385951
>>385950People that do this most likely don't know what this shit works or it's a bait post.
Either way, it's annoying.
No. 385955
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>>385949Thank you, Anon. I chortled.
No. 385959
File: 1495224308115.jpg (103.26 KB, 600x393, moomoo.jpg)

No. 385960
>>385949I think MooMoo is a baiter. They were hanging out last night in her Instagram story and everything seemed fine.
MooMoo calculates all her drama to give free publicity to either the person she's fighting with or herself. I'm just over this lol. Have fun with your 17th thread
No. 385962
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No. 385982
>>385962Yea what is up with her foot? Is it warped
from shooping?
No. 386050
File: 1495240621477.png (404.72 KB, 608x481, cosplaygloup.png)

I think she forgot to include the part where you improve.
No. 386051
>>386045You have access to it as an active student since they roll it into your student fees, but you don't have to be a student to purchase a community membership. I think it's like $25 a month.
/UNLV alumni fyi
No. 386053
File: 1495241243076.jpg (297.91 KB, 600x843, IMG_3445.JPG)

Reposting so we don't have to keep going back to the old thread
No. 386059
>>386050She looks so pretty on the left. She had a nice smile and she actually looked like she was in her 20s. Now she just looks like warm garbage.
Crazy what alcohol and a shit diet can do to you in a year.
No. 386062
File: 1495244316144.png (63.83 KB, 681x629, tumblr_inline_o23m79ZDZZ1s2koq…)

>>385875comments have me weak
No. 386076
>>386072I love how she says, "I don't care if anyone else doesn't like it!"
And yet the bitch has to snap on every single non-positive comment cause she does fucking care.
No. 386082
>>386081Moo reminds me of the type of friend that will do something super shitty to you then when u get upset they will act like it never happened and overwhelm you with attention and friendliness until you forget about it/forgive them…. all the while never apologizing.
I feel like if all our speculation is true and vamp really is pulling away - mariah probably senses this and is cranking it up on the attention hoping to reel her back in.
No. 386092
holy moly moomoo. thread number 17 already? damn girl that drama pies (typo and it stays) up fast donnit?
tbh i legit have no connection to cosplay at all but i find myself coming back to this thread over and over again because toxic individuals like Momo stick out in any faction of life.
i know this is a drama board but it's actually encouraging to see some anons wishing the best for Vamplette, despite past negativity. meanwhile, Momo is this constant stream of self-centered milk that at this point looks like it'll never run dry.
Mariah, you're only 21. there's still time to get yourself together girl. because holy shit. sage for blah.
>>385949haha well done anon. reminds me of the twits.
No. 386105
Blah fucking autocorrect.
No. 386106
File: 1495255176721.png (139.47 KB, 640x600, ao_up.png)

>>385949this picture finally made me realize who momo reminded me of
No. 386113
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>>386112About 3 hours ago it looks like. Comments are a mixed bag
No. 386114
File: 1495256573154.png (328.38 KB, 767x708, youknowtherhyme.png)

one more time for the people in the back
No. 386117
File: 1495256811816.png (52.98 KB, 482x298, Screen Shot 2017-05-19 at 10.0…)

>>386114from a mutual friend of mariah and i. Like really? how can you be defending her?
No. 386119
File: 1495256862695.png (142.65 KB, 750x1287, IMG_3446.PNG)

All the hate comments on IG are great
She can't keep up with deleting them
No. 386121
File: 1495256935866.png (88.33 KB, 746x531, IMG_4929.PNG)

>>386108ITS NOT ADULT KANNA BECAUSE SHE IS WEARING CHILD KANNA CLOTHING. Plus she kept doing "kawaii" poses prior to releasing the skanky photoset. This implies subconsciously she knows she is cosplaying as a fucking child. Photo related.
No. 386122
>>386116… the dragon loli is EIGHT, not in HIGH SCHOOL. the Love Live one is creepy but not pedophilic, jfc.
and she can argue about it being an ~aged up~ Kanna all she wants, she still used the outfit she wears as a child.
No. 386127
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No. 386129
File: 1495257653696.png (1.93 KB, 292x40, CALLED IT.png)

No. 386133
File: 1495257817835.png (4.02 KB, 283x105, still not lewd my dudes.png)

No. 386138
File: 1495258117851.gif (24.04 KB, 200x200, 200w_s.gif)

Oooh man she's getting roasted on IG. I'm so happy this is backfiring.
No. 386139
File: 1495258219569.png (12.3 KB, 297x450, she lied.png)

Comments are piling up quick
No. 386142
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How could she…
No. 386144
File: 1495258487800.png (41.99 KB, 606x200, Screen Shot 2017-05-20 at 12.3…)

How is showing your bare ass not lewding something up?? Regardless if it was an adult character or not
No. 386145
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No it's still up
No. 386148
File: 1495258552311.gif (476.18 KB, 350x242, giphy-16.gif)

"if you do an 8 year old in lingere you're going to hell" latest comment, I'm dying.
No. 386149
File: 1495258789970.gif (5.23 MB, 800x333, xUg5gER - Imgur.gif)

Mariah, your tears!
where's my car crying video part two? I'll pay your patreon tier for a copy
No. 386150
>>386145Dear Mariah,
If you have to censor yourself with stickers to make something instagram/facebook appropriate, IT IS A FUCKING LEWD.
No. 386152
File: 1495259173614.png (80.51 KB, 750x562, IMG_4931.PNG)

>>386145It's not the fact that she is slutting up kanna, that is upsetting. No, what is upsetting is not only is Kanna a 3rd grader, but Moomoo knows that the many disgusting pedos who knows of kanna, are the ones that will most likely purchase this set. In a sense she is okay with sexualizing children characters, especially for money. "Those thighs aren't innocent" is a good comment coming from someone okay with sexualization of children.
No. 386155
File: 1495259389424.png (414.37 KB, 1440x2049, 20170520_074704.png)

oh boy this is delicious lol
No. 386157
File: 1495259524513.gif (483.27 KB, 500x200, 30DC9FB5-47B2-4E0E-BF26-A57FEC…)

>>386155Keep em coming. Hope this doesn't stop.
No. 386159
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No. 386161
File: 1495259900196.png (30.5 KB, 375x249, likes.png)

She's just gonna play this off as "sorry you guys are mad lol but it's not lewd lol"
No. 386166
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No. 386170
>>386072Jesus Christ I could barely make a minute into this movie. I would be losing sleeping if I was Momo because this video is fucking EMBARRASSING.
I need botox from the cringing my face just had to endure.
No. 386174
File: 1495260916367.png (122.95 KB, 1440x595, 20170520_081401.png)

pancake butt
No. 386176
File: 1495261096720.png (44.19 KB, 583x417, dat lol.png)

C'mon Moomoo we know you're still bothered. Why else would you add your passive aggressive lol to your comments lately. If you're trying to lose weight to get back at "ur haterz", you fail at that even more then you fail at posing.
No. 386177
File: 1495261098882.png (465.27 KB, 1242x1858, IMG_7631.PNG)

Some comments from a fb post a guy made calling her out about her Kanna.
No. 386179
>>386172That part actually made me laugh. Her banner makes her appear to be a 7 from afar, and in her current form she's barely a fucking 3. And that wig kills me.
You know, she had potential. She could have been a great role model for bigger girls. She was a cute average girl. Too bad she's a patho liar, lazy cunt and hypocrite (just to start) and her party life style murdered her face.
No. 386181
>>386177except Kanna is not in the grey zone, she acts like a child and is referred to as a child by Tohru
They don't use the "actually is hundreds of years old" excuse in Kobayashi.
she's undoubtedly a child.
No. 386186
>>386122 was meant to be a reply to
>>386117 No. 386187
File: 1495261698755.jpg (151.49 KB, 1435x422, Screenshot_20170520-082704.jpg)

keep 'em coming
No. 386189
File: 1495261983238.gif (Spoiler Image,694.17 KB, 450x327, giphy (1).gif)

sage for ot but
No. 386190
File: 1495261992786.gif (916.94 KB, 480x270, giphy.gif)

I am absolutely living for this backlash.
No. 386192
File: 1495262180913.png (19.78 KB, 317x417, fatty chaser spotted.png)

I wonder how many sockpuppets she has in this comment section
No. 386196
File: 1495262268211.png (178.8 KB, 417x253, 1495182982973.png)

>>386179True that. She legitimately looks worse every day, I cannot believe she posted this video.
No. 386197
>>386192>curves for daysyes, many stacked on top of each other
( )
( )
( )
( )
No. 386198
File: 1495262371782.png (145.57 KB, 324x250, donaldtrump.png)

>>386196I guess all that sodium is killing her brain cells
No. 386204
>>386192The fact those accounts say "dude" and passive aggressively use "lol" is hilarious. If the accounts are new and only follow the cow or like three people would be icing on the cake.
>>386198 I dunno if she's doing the relatable ugly chick… or if she is drinking and doing drugs again to hide her feelings. Her face is so swollen, red and greasy and her eyes are so puffed up.
Guess that is what she does when the "haters" get to her
No. 386211
File: 1495263438423.png (1.03 MB, 1440x1361, 20170520_025320.png)

No, why must she ruin Elma. I was genuinely hoping this wouldn't happen.
No. 386214
File: 1495263577960.jpg (720.74 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_4934.JPG)

>>386196She looks like she has a massive hang over. She probably thought she looked naturally cute like this. Bring back old momo. At least old momo had a chance.
No. 386215
File: 1495263578976.png (50.68 KB, 516x510, cool kids.png)

No. 386220
File: 1495263864977.png (100.41 KB, 732x1148, IMG_4935.PNG)

>>386214This pic was posted in February of this year. How the fuck she got so damn fat now? Lay off the alcohol.
No. 386222
>>386220February was the Valentine's set where you could see her corset bursting at the seams
this was probably a repost since Feb was where the weight gain was particularly noticeable
No. 386223
File: 1495264132814.png (92.23 KB, 1440x322, 20170520_030731.png)

No. 386226
File: 1495264486974.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.93 KB, 480x480, 16584836_411810739164364_92130…)

>>386220This Valentine's Day. If it's even possible I feel like her thighs were bigger in this set than they are now? Or she just posed in really unflattering ways.
No. 386229
>>386226that poor corset
also yes the angle does make your thighs look a lot bigger +sitting makes it spread. After seeing those candid pics at events though…
No. 386232
File: 1495264948162.jpg (126.17 KB, 752x1006, IMG_4936.JPG)

>>386220When momo was a normal human being
No. 386236
>>386215>>386216>>386223>>386224Thank you anon. I had to step away from my phone for a sec. You da real mvp.
I am so glad the people on the ax page are not taking her bullshit. Seems like a couple of people who may have liked her before are making some of those comments now.
No. 386238
>>386232tbh I think she looks a lot better here
>>386220Her face is kinda terrifying without a bit of fat to fill it out as well as the tendons and shit in her neck
No. 386240
File: 1495265312930.jpg (204.14 KB, 960x960, IMG_4938.JPG)

>>386232Can't believe this is the same girl that we see before us, sexualizing children characters, drinking and partying, lying, bending over for photos- greedy. How sad.
No. 386241
File: 1495265329565.gif (Spoiler Image,998.34 KB, 500x381, 19e15c08cef025e2ab8c11acffe1b2…)

>>386232The Momo we have now seriously looks like some freakish Attack on Titan creature that ate this girl.
No. 386243
File: 1495265471413.png (441.59 KB, 370x471, ick.png)

No. 386244
>>386240All that work put into getting into shape wasted. And now she's the size of a fucking house. Must be embarrassing to stand/be with the skinny cosplayers when you're the size of three of them put together.
No matter what you say Momo no one enjoys being the fat one in the group.
No. 386245
File: 1495265627086.png (456.61 KB, 1440x1706, 20170520_093235.png)

waiting on that delicious milk
No. 386246
File: 1495265733205.png (39.15 KB, 495x527, kek.png)

No. 386247
>>386243You know, if she was actually a decent human and legitimately was happy with how she is now, it's whatever. She obviously has some serious issues with her self image tied to weight, probably that shit with her dad etc. etc. not trying to armchair.
All this fake pretend body positivity while shoving your rolls into shapewear shit
triggers me because she's undoing whatever good could have been done to embrace different sizes in cosplay. I know it's been said but it's so clear looking at these photos that she is unhealthy, unhappy, and truly abusing her platform and her body.
Sage cause rant. Sorry.
No. 386248
File: 1495265944466.jpg (Spoiler Image,16.58 KB, 400x225, 70631388.jpg)

>>386246not even a contest
No. 386251
File: 1495266326394.jpg (42.74 KB, 400x400, smug-pepe2.jpg)

>>386246>kills hair trying to be Nigiri>Notice me senpai Nigiri retweeting>Embarrasses self multiple times acting like Nigiri.That's gotta hurt.
No. 386252
File: 1495266504493.png (832.65 KB, 1080x1034, 20170520_004630.png)

No. 386253
File: 1495266710700.png (1.16 MB, 1076x1738, 2017-05-20 00.50.46.png)

No. 386254
File: 1495266849172.png (234.5 KB, 1440x883, 20170520_095308.png)

No. 386256
File: 1495267106907.png (595.66 KB, 1440x2407, 20170520_035634.png)

>>386245Apparently the milk was just what we've already seen and put out there. I'm disappointed.
No. 386259
File: 1495267500041.png (126.29 KB, 1440x933, 20170520_040325.png)

>>386253Rip in pepperoni, indeed. Look at these shares, likes and over 99 comments and counting.
No. 386260
>>386144How the fuck is she this deep in self-deception?
>>386117>comparing 16-year old teenage girls in bikini with a LITERAL SMALL CHILD AGED 8 FLASHING HER ASS IN A SEXUAL FASHION HOLY FUCK HOW DUMB CAN YOU BE BITCHAll this backlash she's receiving is just delicious. It's like she's a part of a divine tragedy, just hopping from one catastrophe to another. My best bet is that due to her popularity exploding last year and growing way too fast she got blinded by the glory, never realizing that her fans are actually greasy neckbeards and feeder fetishists. She continued to act like a complete bitch and a scam because her greasy fans would always defend her, and she had this idea that decent cosplayers and other nerds would just be btfo by her fanbase and submit to her ways. She had no idea that too many steps on a glass would break it and kept egging people on, thinking she's above them in every way. If you think back to the first thread where she came to defend herself, blowing into the catty, aggressive bitch that she was when her shit wouldn't fly here, you can see her thought pattern. I guess this Kanna drama was the last straw for a lot of people who finally grew tired of giving her a benefit of doubt or couldn't look the other way anymore.
>>386139Gotta love the "SHE'S ACTUALLY A 300 YEAR OLD SUPERNATURAL ENTITY DESPITE LOOKING LIKE A 6 YEAR OLD SO TECHNICALLY SHE'S AN ADULT!!!!" excuse every creepy pedo gives for loli porn lmao
No. 386261
File: 1495268069868.png (750.64 KB, 640x1136, IMG_8378.PNG)

Now swimsuit succubus is doing a holy cosplay like momo did
No. 386268
>>386267Nice try,Pansy
She did this to herself so why be a white knight?
No. 386270
>>386267I hate how guys think with their dicks. If you read the thread at all you'd see we talk about how horrible of a person she is, the horrible shit she does, how she treats her friends, how she lies… But oh no, boo hoo, we're clearly just bullying her for her looks.
Retard males reeee get out.
No. 386272
>>386268>>386270Literally what are you two addressing? The person in
>>386262 said "you legbeards post a selfie"
I'm not a legbeard, stupid slang for lady neckbeard(hurr so funny), I'm a dude, I don't like moo moo, I've been on this board for the past ever, I'm not going anywhere, so wtf are you going on about with your "males get out" shit.
No. 386274
>>386267I think what he was trying to say was "I'm not a legbeard. I'm a dude who happens to hate Momo
Unless he actually was trying to justify anything he says with "I have a penis so I know what I'm talking about"
It's one or the other.
No. 386276
File: 1495269270263.jpg (23.56 KB, 526x394, EX0QThN.jpg)

Will you bitches please stop replying to obvious baits/trolls/whiteknights? It does nothing else but derail the thread to hell.
No. 386279
File: 1495269507035.jpg (38.56 KB, 441x228, 1469914046238.jpg)

if you've been lurking that long, can you stfu already with the derail? No one cares about your gender. This isn't your hugbox. This thread is about hamplanet moomoocunt.
Getting back to it, I can't wait to see other bigger cosplayers slowly drop her over this kanna drama because they don't wanna associate themselves with someone like her, especially for all the bad comments she's getting.
No. 386282
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No. 386284
File: 1495270086288.png (32.92 KB, 1424x214, 20170520_044556.png)

this comment, tho. Pretty much sums up a large part of her fan base, kek.
No. 386285
File: 1495270243245.png (1.06 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5237.PNG)

"SEE WE'RE STILL FRIENDS MY DUDES. Haters don't bother me but let me prove to them otherwise how unbothered I am."
No. 386287
>>386285You can't even see her in this pic? Unless she is in her shadow.
"I only love Vamp if she's in my shadow"
No. 386290
>>386280Most people here are atrocious cunts with mental disorders but the milk on terrible cows make it worth it.
Mariah is as bad as everyone as here but she's dumb enough to make that known
No. 386292
File: 1495272162248.png (6.66 KB, 553x44, ss (2017-05-20 at 12.21.51).pn…)

starting to admit it
No. 386296
>>386211Do these people even watch the show or do they just cosplay characters that they can lewd up them without knowing nothing about them nor care for accurate representation.
Also on sidenote, I wish Momo would tell her disgusting fans to stop making innapropiate comments, even on photos that are not cosplay related. I don't like the girl, but reading the comments she gets on instagram photos make my stomach turn. If I got comments like that, I would classify them as harrassment. A decent human being doesn't write shit like
>>386284 to girls. Giving a silent acceptance to these awkward and creepy guys behaviour only makes them its ok to write and say stupid shit to girls in general without consequences. I hate her male fans, they are disgusting pigs.
No. 386299
>>386296Honestly I think it's a mixed bag. You would think that it's part of their 'job' to be familiar with the source material. Being able to pose for photos and interact with people requires at least some understanding of the character. From what I've seen of Momo it feels like she wikis things and chooses one pose based on a photo she saw and then she does nothing else.
I don't disagree with you about the comments, and I agree with the anons in last thread who theorized that being face to face with her fans this weekend really made her uncomfortable and doubtful. I would be, I am uncomfortable scrolling through the comments they post.
No. 386301
File: 1495274517272.png (183.2 KB, 1440x1095, 20170520_055953.png)

Ah yes, using the latest meme. Next level deflection, Momo.
No. 386303
File: 1495275223428.jpg (67.54 KB, 500x667, L5Bhput.jpg)

I remember why Swimsuit Succubus is so familiar to me. Before she started posting photos of herself online, she went under the name ShugarSkull. She changed it to Shugarsketch and was posting some decent art. Sadly, she stopped posting art altogether and password-protected her tumblr account.
Here's an image i found from a 2015 post from a tumblr account with her old tumblr username on the image just to clarify it was her. No. 386312
File: 1495275953739.gif (340.5 KB, 250x230, giphy-9.gif)

>>386304You're the best, art anon. You deserve all the praise you are getting. You capture moomoo's likeness with haunting precision. Never stop.
No. 386314
File: 1495276207009.jpg (54.11 KB, 736x950, a32876abd728dd1f025a1749e63f8b…)

>>386312thanks anon! i have extremely low confidence when it comes to showing my art and i've always thought people were being nice so they don't hurt my feelings but the nice comments i'm seeing from strangers has been super encouraging!!
No. 386320
>>386301She's not even using the meme right, it's funny when you're mocking someone not trying to sound like dumbass to excuse disgusting ass hygiene
Also as for her disgusting comments, tbh while I feel like no one deserves that type of attention she kinda brought it on herself, she never reprimanded her "fan base" to not talk to her like that or her friends and if she did it was the bs spew of cosplay isn't consent when she's being filmed at a con, from iirc she's never made psas of being careful at cons or be watchful of these types of people at events, as much as sss has a dividing opinion on here, her fans don't seem as degenerate as moos, also I only think sss likes mariahs stuff for appearances she doesn't really talk to her as her other "friends" from what I've seen
No. 386323
File: 1495281860231.png (969.26 KB, 1080x1850, 20170520_195950.png)

was browsing the momokun tag in tumblr
No. 386335
File: 1495285827328.gif (1.57 MB, 640x324, 1373630365447.gif)

>>386129>showing your whole ass>not lewd loloh okay
No. 386340
said its adult so why cant people see that even tho you did nothing to change her appearance or that ur still acting like an innocent young girl in these photos that SHES AN ADULT KANNA?? ugh and now people are calling me a pedo for fapping to them :(
No. 386343
>>386341I'm sure she was full of shit as usual. She keeps trying to act like she was the shy, nerdy girl who liked anime and video games in high school. And that she got picked on because of it to make her neckbeards think "She was just like me, maybe I actually have a shot with her!"
Pics like these obviously show she was the classic jock bitch who bullied the type of girls she claimed to be. Her personality today is proof positive of it. She never stopped being a bully, she just found a new target for it.
No. 386346
>>386343I think she was somewhat like that in middle school, but then she turned into a dudebro in HS after she lost weight and started sports.
She was always really full of herself, judging by those RP forum posts.
No. 386347
>>386261That looks nothing like mariah's slutty 18 with her entire titties out. It's the exact same thing krillin wears and she even got a bald cap.
>>386298>>386282What the fuck is with this reaching for drama with sss? Milk isn't liking one post there fore it doesnt make her a "massive cow". Can you stop already? Someone clearly has a vendetta to keep posting her in every moo thread and claiming drama.
No. 386351
>>386345What is a shame is that when SSS announced getting Krilin's costume done, some of her fans said "sorry him, that costume doesn't fit you". Talk about some self entitled fans that think they own her. That's why I like susu, she can call out her fans in their own bullshit, different from Mariah. She only gets fatter by the day
>>386255Hi Trump! Didn't know you were here.
No. 386363
File: 1495294410454.jpg (90.76 KB, 500x500, 1467567314967.jpg)

>>386360>Thinking we'll fall for thisanon some of us are idiot newfags but most of us aren't
No. 386368
>>386364>>386356Yeah I never heard this one before, any caps?
>>386366Is this just a bait anon pulling shit out of their ass? I feel like someone stumbled here to feed bullshit without receipts to see if we'll swallow it.
No. 386382
>>386152Even our queen pt knows about lolita fashion.
moomoo get a little of culture, would ya.
No. 386400
>>386399i said it before,
every other character in that show is an adult titty monster, her cosplaying the loli was ridiculous.
No. 386409
>>386398Fake breasts dont flatten out when you lie down and they don't hang down like hers do either. to derail all you want but we're not going to stop discussing momo's actual obvious liposuction or her shitty pedo bait kana photos.
No. 386415
File: 1495305289459.png (1.63 MB, 1249x883, oldmoo.png)

No. 386417
File: 1495305486971.png (770.65 KB, 764x2070, 20170520_203706.png)

even her subreddit is turning on her
No. 386420
File: 1495305564112.jpg (48.07 KB, 387x315, 82xZVhM.jpg)

>>386417From another post
No. 386421
File: 1495305600217.png (204.87 KB, 588x369, 23429743.png)

Let's watch her fuck this up too
No. 386429
>>386428Considering how much weight she gained in such a short amount of time I would be extremely surprised if she didn't have stretch marks.
That being said her shit is Hella photoshopped/edited
No. 386436
File: 1495307756695.png (121.24 KB, 304x495, momokunt.png)

She's back to being Arab
No. 386456
File: 1495313817780.jpg (652.21 KB, 2480x3074, IMG_1827.JPG)

I don't get why she didn't google adult kanna or something for inspiration instead of doing a lewd shoot of regular version.
Even though fan art versions of adult Kanna aren't canon, using them as a reference would have been much better because you can still recognize Kanna, but still make it different.
No. 386459
File: 1495314087452.jpg (508.28 KB, 934x446, jXnW1Cq.jpg)

No. 386461
File: 1495314204606.jpg (15.92 KB, 560x87, qKbuJTw.jpg)

No. 386466
File: 1495314524495.png (29.31 KB, 604x775, IMG_1828.PNG)

>>386459I'm having difficulties to see any resemblance of this whatchamacallit to Mewtwo.
No. 386468
File: 1495315078698.png (299.55 KB, 1024x1458, Espeon_by_urahqyarataichou-d8h…)

>>386459>>386466Isn't it supposed to be Espeon?
No. 386482
File: 1495318594076.jpg (69.68 KB, 640x960, 18527376_1002268263237141_5804…)

god she looks terrifying
No. 386483
She got brought up because if you scroll up further, someone posted a screenie of sss liking moomoos
>>386282 post
>>386357>>386347 No. 386490
File: 1495319716822.png (149.75 KB, 750x995, IMG_4997.PNG)

>>386488Screenshot from that link
No. 386491
File: 1495319820414.png (107.04 KB, 750x988, IMG_4998.PNG)

>>386490>>386488Lay off the carbs Moomers, you fat fuck. Avacado and toast isn't going to help you. And doesn't surprise me that Vamp is crawling back to Momo. Maybe it's to hold off till she can move out.
No. 386500
File: 1495320744498.jpg (83.05 KB, 640x960, 1495318594076.jpg)

>>386482that table is doing something funny
No. 386503
>>386494She looks the same. You're telling me he had time to smooth and fix the color of her skin but not enough time to blur or remove the Nike symbol? No that's most likely raw. She looks like a meth hobo in a purple spandex sheet wrapped around her.
Just realized did she wrap the monkey tail around her mid section? It's so lumpy.
No. 386505
>>386490>>386491Unless she is playing nice until she can move out, Vamp can just go get fucked if she really fell for Moomoo's guilt tripping.
I really don't want to ever hear her bitching and complaining again about not being respected as a cosplayer and being jealous of friends who are making more money than her. She's had multiple opportunities to get away from Moomoo and her toxic bullshit and focus on making good cosplay that she is capable of, but it seems like every time she keeps crawling back to her after being a passive-aggressive bitch for a few hours. She has no one to blame but herself with this bullshit.
People were actually rooting for her to get better but nope, she just has to keep running back to Moomoo every time.
No. 386507
File: 1495321476565.png (68.62 KB, 565x837, IMG_4999.PNG)

>>386503Yes. It's not hard to retouch skin like that. It's minimal work, if you retouch photos for a living you can do this within seconds. It's not like using a liquifying tool where you gotta be careful. Looking at all of the other candids, the photographer probably smoothed out the lines on her face and that's about it. And honestly the logo on her chest, I don't think he noticed. Hell I didn't even notice until someone pointed it out.
No. 386510
>>386505Blogpost but I just recently ended a friendship with someone just like mono,
It took a lot of shit she did to me - and then all my friends and family telling me to get the fuck out already.
shes mentally manipulating vamp, putting her down then building her up. And I bet if she really did do something to her - she never apologized, just overwhelmed her with love and bff things.
She probably does it out of jealousy of some sorts….. and vamp being insecure, vulnerable and a lil desperate for attention - she's falling for it everytime.
No. 386512
File: 1495321883067.jpg (191.83 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_5001.JPG)

No. 386517
>>386510Not to mention it seems like Momo controls everything in Vamps social life now that they live together. All their friends are "mutuals", involved in same hobby they will undoubtedly run into each other, even just with their social media presences alone.
I had a friend that was like this too, except they also were very unstable due to drug use and depression, and threatened to hurt themselves multiple times when around me. Everyone has a breaking point where some sort of internal instinct kicks in and you know you need to do whatever is best for yourself, but I don't think Momo has pushed Vamp to this point yet.
No. 386519
File: 1495322257599.png (1.55 MB, 750x1334, IMG_9846.PNG)

>tfw u lewd the loli after telling everyone u weren't going to and ur entire fan base is turning against u
No. 386522
>>386513>>386515I'm just not making Vamp out to be some helpless victim who can't make a move without alerting Moomoo. She is a grown woman with her own agency and is capable of making her own choices. They just happen to be stupid choices made by someone who refuses to grow up and better themselves and are the tale signs of someone who is more interested in being rich and famous than developing a career and the skills necessary to succeed.
Despite her bitching about not being taken seriously as a cosplayer and being jealous of friends who make more money than her for doing less she has no one else to blame but herself. She has had opportunities to cut the toxic people out of her life and move on but nope, what she really wants is fame and money for not having to do much, just like the people she is bitching about.
No. 386529
>>386523No on Ian saying you have to drop all your hobbies and shit by 30. It's that by that age you are supposed to have some semblance of an idea of where you are heading, some sort of plan. You don't have the excuse of being a dumb kid/teenager who doesn't know any better. Despite this generation's attempts to stave off "adulting", it is something you will eventually have to deal with.
If Vamp has any desire to see her life made better, then the first step is cutting people like Moomoo out of her life who will only serve to drag her down into that still wanting to be a kid attitude.
No. 386530
File: 1495323133323.png (131.13 KB, 276x236, furby.png)

>>386509Please do yourself a favor and read up on domestic abuse.
It is not restricted to just one female and one male with either one treating the other like shit. Don't spread false information.
No. 386532
>>386530That's not the point. Everyone is treating Vamp like she is some helpless weak snowflake who can't do anything without Moomoo smothering her. She is a grown fucking woman who can make her own choices, ones that happen to be incredibly stupid and selfish.
I would understand if Momo was an actual physical threat to her and was threatening her with violence, then I would say that it isn't as simple as just walking away. But this treating "emotional abuse" as the same as if she was threading to kill her if she left is ridiculous. She can literally just walk away at any time she wants. But she won't because she enjoys all the spoils that come with being in Moomoo's inner circle.
No. 386535
>>386522>>386509>>386532holy shit, anon
obviously you've never been close to an emotionally abusive manipulator. It's considered abuse because it wears you down and it's not as easy as just "walking away" like you said since that person makes them seem like they're all you need, you become completely co-dependant.
as another anon said, there's no age-limit on abuse and it's not just limited to partners.
I can't believe this has to be explained to someone berating someone else for not being "adult" enough.
No. 386538
File: 1495323943771.gif (774.54 KB, 300x200, 200.gif)

For fucks sake Vamp get out already. You're better than her, and if you want to maintain some level of respect, ditch the cow. People on here were hoping to see you get that massive weight off your shoulders but you must like having unnecessary stress and drama in your life. Such disappointment.
No. 386541
>>386539you don't need to be a genius to be a sociopath, you moron
look at the evidence.
No. 386544
>>386539You have no idea what you are talking about. That is clear as crystal.
>>386537It is easy to get out of a lease if the person you sign with lets you out. If not, then it is very rough waters.
No. 386545
>>386542either way she is stuck LIVING WITH HER for probably at least a year
even if by some miracle they plan to never be in eachother's presence can you even begin to imagine how unpleasant it would be to have to stay away from home? especially if she is being emotionally abused?
pls anon
you have to be underage
there's no way a functioning adult can be this dense
No. 386547
>>386546as in look at momo's past behaviour and situations
she's been a complete bully all her life
No. 386552
This anon
>>386509>>386532>>386539has clearly never had a narcissist, a manipulator, or a psychological/emotional abuser for a friend. With them, it's either A) stick with them, or B) find yourself completely alone. It's easy to say "well why doesn't she just drop Moomoo?" when you haven't been in that situation.
Either way, until Vamplette comes out and says something about this (highly unlikely), this is all just pointless armchair psychology and we should just go back to laughing at Moomoo.
No. 386554
>>386550I'm just not making it out to be some doomsday scenario that everyone is trying to make it out to be.
Yes I understand that there are some cases where "emotional abuse" can be particularly traumatic, especially in the case of children and some adults who have not properly dealt with those types of things. Not every relationship is so easy to just walk away from, I get that, here are tons of factors that prevent people from just leaving toxic situations.
But everyone is making it seem like it it so fucking impossible for Vamp to just move on from this, equating her situation to very worse case scenario that has happened in these cases, ignoring any kind of context. They aren't married or romantically linked, they don't share finances, and despite sharing the same circle of friends those same friends hate Moomoo and actively come here to tell us how shitty a person she is so isn't like that would just turn on Vamp. If anything, they would have seen in coming way more than we have. While yes there still may be time on her lease, it isn't permanent, thus meaning she doesn't have to renew it and she can walk if she no longer wants to remain there. No one is sayingshe has to completely move out of state to get away from Moomoo, she just doesn't absolutely have to live with her.
She practically has a layup of an opportunity to better her life and start some sort of career with her cosplay and clothing line, but she wants to stick around Moomoo because "Well she buys nice things for me from time to time".
No. 386555
>>386553and you're the kind of person I want to be when I'm 30, good on you, anon, for real
I've always admired how comfortable people in their 30s are with themselves
no petty teen garbage and experimenting to "find yourself"
ur just happy and comfortable and just kinda smooth sailing
and I really admire that
sage for derail + blog
No. 386573
File: 1495328697626.png (92.39 KB, 607x891, okdude.png)

a bit late, but i remembered seeing this on my friend's status back in late april and i just thought it was worth posting since she did end up flopping her ass out in kanna
No. 386578
File: 1495329344563.png (282.15 KB, 420x420, f7e0a2caa094f2b5e84924a097fe35…)

>>386573So her intention was to lewd it up all along despite later claims that she decided not to, only to do it anyway. I love the back and forth and the outright lying.
No. 386584
File: 1495331359945.png (710.71 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170520-214759.png)

I will not tolerate even hinted ideas of child porn. Its disgusting.
No. 386601
>>386596This is very true.
I hope momo reads your comment and reflect upon it. This is true, if momo truly intends to become a great cosplayer, and wish to be a guest at many successful conventions, she should reflect on what she is doing, and realize how terrible her behavior is right now. Doing inappropriate shots while wearing child kanna clothes (basically lewding child kanna let's face it.) is not the route to go. All it's going to do is get you little to no gigs. I hope she also realizes even Nigiri doesn't do shit like that, if you look up Nigiri, you would realize she is only a promotional booth babe basically, she isn't technically a professional cosplayer by any means. Even she doesn't make slut up child characters. momo probably won't even do this, but it's highly recommended to stop and reflect.
No. 386608
File: 1495338204939.png (84.76 KB, 750x788, IMG_5030.PNG)

New video on Instagram, just of her teasing. Usually her short tease previews are mature/more of an adult sexy approach.. but this, this literally panders to pedophiles. Her approach with this is completely different from her usual sets. Fucking disgusting. I hope she goes down as the cosplayer who sexualizes child characters, also the comments are no better. Half of these people probably don't even realize this is a child she is cosplaying as.
No. 386614
File: 1495339283189.png (58.95 KB, 631x590, round 3.png)

>>386608She also just uploaded that vid to twitter.
No. 386616
>>386573>"It's weird if people look at a child that way.">"Those thighs aren't innocent."I can't tell if she's stupid and never keeps track of what she says where, or she's a lying mastermind playing some fucked up game where she's never wrong for anything she does. Both probably.
No. 386619
>>386129 and
>>386581She's a fucking moron who thinks everyone is as dumb as her.
No. 386620
File: 1495340519279.png (156.91 KB, 1440x606, 20170521_002023.png)

No. 386623
>>386620That show got some serious
problematic things going on doesn't mean that what she is doing is not sick.
No. 386627
File: 1495341403349.png (1.11 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170521-003236.png)

Posted to that AX Facebook page.
Reminds me of how she tried to pretend she didn't say she was relevant in that interview.
No. 386631
>>386630I can't wait till the sjw anime fan crew picks up on this and tears her apart.
don't disappoint me Tumblr, you've ripped into people for
much less.
No. 386634
>>386504I didn't want to watch this because I can't stand second hand embarrassment but Jesus fucking Christ I just did and she's such a twat
>OH YOU DO KNOW HIM? WELL WE WERE HAVING DINNER AND WE WERE WONDERING-you could have just asked the fucking question
No. 386637
File: 1495343870707.jpeg (142.2 KB, 1866x1458, received_1566831809996187.jpeg)

No. 386640
File: 1495344904323.gif (560.73 KB, 486x360, GpHD4YG.gif)

>>386637Idk i get fire marshall bill vibes. It looks like someone wearing a fake human face
No. 386647
File: 1495345559348.png (3.06 MB, 1440x1569, 20170521_014251.png)

What is happening on her upper arm. The editing on this looks AWFUL, and they still failed to remove a bit of the yellowing on her midsection.
No. 386651
File: 1495346445655.jpg (54.85 KB, 663x579, 1455053552503.jpg)

>>386620>a show sexualizes a child so it's okay if I do it, tooEven so, they were literally playing Twister. Kyoani always tones down the fanservice and squickiness of their adaptations.
No. 386657
File: 1495350373052.png (216.43 KB, 263x339, f96ebb51740e8b0d7d1034f14afac0…)

>>386647The editing in this photo is so bad
No. 386658
File: 1495350422379.png (74.39 KB, 333x248, Screen Shot 2017-05-21 at 2.48…)

>>386654I haven't finished the anime series yet, but I'm 99% sure Moomoo's talking about episode 6 where Kanna and her human, elementary-school-aged friend play Twister (literally). That's later followed by Kanna pinning down her friend and her friend wondering what she meant to do with her. In the manga, the diegetic suggestive content is limited to this single gag panel.
In the anime, it's not even fucking implied because Kanna just trails off in thought and the show treats her as a kid. We're talking about the same studio that animated big titted girls jumping up and down with minimal bounce. Based on Kyoani's track record and the diversion from the source material, no, it was literally two kids playing.
Moomoo is showing her ass (once again) by pretending she knows shit about things she doesn't even watch. And this time she's trying to defend sexualizing a kid (with infantilized posing and promotion) by pointing fingers at the source material. Did she just look at freaking lolicons talking about Kanna and make assumptions based on that?
Sorry for this long-ass post. I'm just annoyed that Kyoani treats Kanna as a cute kid but even normies are turning her into freakish fapbait with no respect to the show or the character.
No. 386666
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No. 386668
File: 1495353753599.png (39.51 KB, 624x233, 2c824b267863b6778a0debeb1c139c…)

How long until Mariah get's her white knights on this because she can't handle a problem like the punk bitch she is
No. 386674
File: 1495354107992.gif (1.91 MB, 180x135, 1430145464721.gif)

>>386668>I love talking to fans>followed by this: >>386669I can feel God in this thread, tonight.
No. 386676
File: 1495354388458.gif (1.19 MB, 250x224, tumblr_nwbs9xppPt1ruza0go1_250…)

>>386669holy shit she really went in
No. 386678
File: 1495354815612.jpg (160.09 KB, 527x664, SMFvtW1.jpg)

She's still @ing Momo, lol.
No. 386680
File: 1495354957935.jpg (324.32 KB, 1500x1500, 1495354818854.jpg)

Not the same anon but was watching some epic shit go down lol. This all happened in a matter of ten minutes, and Momo, ITS NOT ALL ONE FUCKING PERSON. Look at all the different people. How can you think you're not the problem?
No. 386681
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No. 386682
File: 1495354989338.jpg (285.58 KB, 1500x1500, 1495354448232.jpg)

No. 386683
File: 1495355013842.png (59.66 KB, 615x408, e2fd918420165ea5ebe2d372a092da…)

Momo you ain't gonna do shit, but be a little bitch and run away
No. 386684
File: 1495355099460.jpg (265.25 KB, 1500x1500, 1495354345426.jpg)

The biggest problem I'm having, and the reason I keep giving up on these threads, is her monetary support. Her graphtreon never changes, and if all the neckbeards banded together and cancelled their five dollar and ten dollar subscriptions that they don't even notice come off their credit cards each month, she'd be sunk. They don't get their rewards and the money amount is so little it doesn't bankrupt them to just have it come out of their accounts each month. But if they'd just shut her down…
No. 386685
>>386682"im going to sleep soundly tonight knowing mariah is on the burner for sexualizing a child"
me too emo mami me too
No. 386687
File: 1495355260062.jpg (126.4 KB, 565x596, D55rkKO.jpg)

>I love talking to my fans
>We'll talk at Fanime
I love this character arc.
No. 386692
>>386647>Hurr how can I make this photo look like all dem asian photographers take?>I know, crank up the saturation all over the photo so that it hurts your eyes to stare at her wig!!>>386666>>386668>>386669>>386678Who's this girl? Mad props to her for taking one for the team and confronting her about this.
>>386679fuck off moomoo
No. 386695
File: 1495355963021.png (331.73 KB, 720x614, Screenshot_2017-05-21-01-33-34…)

Lol I shrieked
No. 386697
File: 1495356080919.png (366.63 KB, 720x889, Screenshot_2017-05-21-01-28-05…)

Last screen shot there's so much Mariah roasting everywhere I just live for it. But like I said, I'd rather see her completely shut down instead of bouncing back from it in a day. I'm so tired of her clawing her way back up through the brimstone.
No. 386699
File: 1495356349545.jpg (472.99 KB, 537x805, qsygkE1.jpg)

>>386697I feel you. I feel like nothing seems to actually impact her money flow and image. This seems to be the biggest wave of backlash, though? But I just wanna see a big name from the cosplay scene call her out.
Also, this is my favorite meme from all these Twitter responses.
No. 386705
>>386475She marketed herself as a sexualized bit of meat ( as people have said before) so I dont think she many patron buxs heck she might even gain some tbh
she is still doing what she has always done. I doubt her follows really care who the characters are just as long as it looks lewd.
No. 386706
>>386704patience, anon
neckbeards don't care that their thicc goddess waifu is a plague to the cosplay community.
We all know they'll drop her fat ass when they realise she won't go full monty. What we're seeing her is the cosplay community she pretends to love and that keeps her ego afloat is banding together against her and I think that's beautiful.
No. 386709
File: 1495358573578.png (163.22 KB, 588x770, yes.png)

No. 386711
>>386707lol I asked my bf too since he likes thicc
he said her face was too ugly and that there was just something really off about it
He always makes jokes whenever we see something bloblike or fat that "hey look, it's momokun"
sage for blogpost I just think it's funny since he's moomoo's type
No. 386713
>>386712the point is that she has a comparatively small waist
don't kinkshame chubbychasers
fat girls need sum luv too
No. 386715
File: 1495360303596.png (2.48 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170521-114915.png)

even melonpan got more accurate shoes
No. 386729
File: 1495368704601.png (1.33 MB, 1067x1338, 20170521_070426.png)

So buying a $55 Halloween costume from Amazon and stuffing your fat jelly roles into it is cosplay now? This shit is pathetic
No. 386733
>>386729Would it kill her to learn how to lighten her brows? I get
triggered every time she does colorful/blond wigs with black eyebrows.
No. 386737
File: 1495373610898.png (893.56 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170521-093023.png)

>"Will people find their lost Patreon rewards under there?"
No. 386741
Honestly with what she earns, she could have literally googled some fanart and commissioned an adult Kanna cosplay or something, avoiding all if not most of this. And looking better than her usual shitty cosplay.
But alas, she's beyond stupid and lazy.
No. 386743
File: 1495375798289.jpg (1.11 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170521-103236.jpg)

I think she proved to everyone she's crazy, I'm just hoping a famous cosplayer will call her out. Already reported her Kanna video on instagram, everyone should do the same (a lot of her pics should be reported as nudity/pornography anyway).
Look at this face, she literally looks crazy and desperate now, holy jesus.
No. 386745
File: 1495376106081.gif (1.28 MB, 275x188, 1492837378312.gif)

>>386050Except on the right is a entirely bought cosplay. So you didn't "glo up", Mariah.
Also, the pic on the left has always looked inexplicably pretty for Moomoo standards. I finally got why. She has lips. Especially the top lip.
Anyway, I go away for just a day and now I come back and I'm currently drowning on milk. She's over.
No. 386753
>>386747I was just thinking this earlier today, I'm like man moomoo really topped nigri in one aspect and that's the "aging" up canonically child characters, but shit that looks fucking harmless compared to moo with literally doing nothing to make kanna an adult
Also yikes at yourfinalboss defending her!!!! Idk why people with decent followings are defending her literally doing pedobait (lolibody or not she's pandering to them there's absolutely no question about it) funny cause a lot of my mutuals that are friends with her are staying quiet af about this whole incident!!! I feel like it says a lot whether u choose to defend her or stay quiet if you're associated to her somehow
Super curious if steff will say anything or even "mama nigri" where's your mom now moo??? You think she gives a fuck about you
No. 386755
File: 1495379264830.jpg (76.73 KB, 500x369, Old-women-on-laptop.jpg)

>>386752Thats some pretty normal slang for all young people these days.
Pic related its you
No. 386760
>>386754this, it's not "ebonics", it's just basic modern day speech ffs the anon raving about "ebonics" needs to calm down
really enjoying the shade she's getting now, you fucked up this time moomoo. Everyone's just letting their pent up rage flow free now that they got a good reason to take a shit on her.
You gotta choose your audience moomoo, you could've been a respectable cosplayer with respect, but you wanted to be a fetish jizz sock with no dignity. I hope you sleep well on that pile of patreon bucks if you still have any left after your drug/party binging
No. 386769
>>386762 Try getting multiple people to report it.
Who is that D.Va? Is it that judge Momo holds a grudge against for not voting for her Mewtwo?
No. 386779
File: 1495388808297.jpg (104.61 KB, 623x582, TGaQhN9.jpg)

No. 386781
File: 1495389405571.jpg (32.21 KB, 504x332, sure.jpg)

scrolled a few posts back. sure thing, jan
No. 386782
File: 1495389494268.png (49.76 KB, 720x438, Screenshot_2017-05-21-10-51-36…)

>>386779I saw that too. But it was posted before all the stuff went down because I follow her. Steff has always been a little vulnerable and there's been a lot of rando weirdos on the internet attacking her for the Wendy's cosplay. But maybe it's about MooMoo too but not even in a bad way. She could have been defending her Instagram story where Momo admitted some of this gets to her.
Someone whos been throwing a lot of Momo shade lately said this and it kind of struck a chord with me.
Gabby, Tasha, Krissy, kaybear, Nigri, even Vamplette didn't address or subtweets the issue trying to defend her and say she has her back. KBBQ and a few others are silent too. Nice to know that everyone thinks this is self inflicted.
No. 386786
>>386782unfortunately there have been a few mutuals between her and I that have been defending it with the same excuse as "everyone else does it"
see here>>386117
No. 386788
>>386786Uh, no. Not everyone tries to sexualize children…whoever is actually trying to defend her about it is warped. People are jacking off to her bare ass in a costume for an eight year old girl.
No this isn't an attack on you it's an attack on the people you know.
I don't care if she called it an adult version, she said if she was going to do an adult costume she would use a traditional maid costume…I though she meant black and white frilly french maid bullshit. But she needed the controversy for relevancy, and no one would know who she was cosplaying as if she did that.
No. 386790
>>386743just did. it's funny because beneath the cut ot says "partially nude or full nude photos of children" and i'm just like :^) yep, that's exactly it.
fuck you moomoo you sweaty disgusting pandering cunt. go take a fucking shower for real and love your damn self. cant fucking wait to see your lameass at fanime, cunt.
No. 386794
Sage for samefagging, but
>>386791>The everyone is doing it excuse is so lame>She has a huge followingthis. Moomoo likes to call herself a ""professional"" cosplayer, so I think she should be held to professional standards. What kind of pro cosplayer would do this to a child character, let alone post it to the internet and be proud of it?
No. 386795
File: 1495394710113.png (79.83 KB, 720x452, Screenshot_2017-05-21-12-22-45…)

I reported her Patreon. It asks for links to evidence and I've linked things she is incapable of deleting before they investigate her :) I even linked her own comments thread on her Patreon because of recurring statements like this.
December…she hasn't sent out any rewards for five. Months.
No. 386796
>>386795If enough people report her Patreon I'm sure there's enough sufficient evidence to shut it down.
I've linked places where people have said she doesn't send out her content (rewards) I've linked the Kanna thing because it's interpretation of underage pornography and I've linked her "Cumilla boudoir" set that has pretend semen on it because it's still pornographic no matter how much she denies it.
So go forth, and find in every crevice of the interwebs all the ways she does not use Patreon professionally and with integrity :)
No. 386799
>>386707my boyfriend actually used to be a big fan of Momokun, he thinks she's cute and all of that but said that cosplayers patreon is pointless.
i never understood why but I told him all the shit she has under her and how her career was built on lies (ex. her saying she's muslim plz donate cuzmy dad hates me showing my tidddies plz pay for me ugu). He was like "damn I had no clue, I just followed her because she's cute"
I think when it comes to a lot of her fanbase that aren't patrons, they simply don't know nor bother to look into her other than "wow tiddies imma click that like". It's important that big name cosplayers associated with her call her out because it'll give everyone, patron or otherwise the idea that something is truly WRONG and GROSS with momo and this isn't just some "haters gonna hate" nonsense.
No. 386801
File: 1495395822236.png (277.46 KB, 1440x879, 20170521_154105.png)

She's really loving this Spongebob meme. Somehow it's made her come off as even more annoying than usual.
No. 386803
File: 1495396347343.png (147.46 KB, 661x812, those thighs arent…)

No. 386813
>>386812rip sorry
meant to reply to
>>386810 No. 386815
>>386681Oh shit cupuucakey is the chick that Mariah called fat samus
Wtf lol
No. 386823
>>386812^^this. The self-indulgent drawfags who hijack every thread trying to one-up each other are often attention-whoring cows themselves and never get the features right because they can't get out of their cookie cutter style. It's much more hilarious to see actual traces because they highlight how awful she looks in the photo.
>>386816tbh I can understand why guys think she's cute. There's not much of a market for cosplay girls who are cute AND do porn since most of them go for the JNig "sexy and sultry porn star" style. So the more weebier neckbeards are all over her because they prefer cute over cool. They literally have nobody else to compare her to so their perspective of "cute" is warped due to the standards being nonexistent.
No. 386827
>>386825i don't see why this bothers you so much? if you want serious art, fuck off to a site for serious art. you've been given legitimate reasons. besides, as
>>386823 said, it's even better that just a simple trace of her looks so horrible because she can't even say it's made to be an unflattering caricature
if it bothers you that much, ignore the posts.
No. 386842
>>386729imo this is the cutest she's looked in a long time. the first time i scrolled past this, i thought this was one of her associated clingers. that cut/style is actually surprisingly flattering for her, as is that kind of smile.
shame things like this are one in a million and she'll never learn
No. 386844
File: 1495402532828.jpg (25.17 KB, 1017x145, BqF41ca.jpg)

No. 386852
>>386850that explains it, i was wondering why she looked way less haggard than usual - figured maybe she finally figured out how to use concealer or got a competent retoucher. the angle is flattering for her too, face-wise.
ia with other anons upthread who were saying she looks better blonde like in the android 18 cosplay (literally the only flattering thing about it…)
No. 386870
File: 1495409953768.jpg (458.76 KB, 582x625, ko2bayh.jpg)

No. 386881
File: 1495411865741.png (71.69 KB, 750x560, IMG_0902.PNG)

>>386860Moomoo's original "LMAO WHAT" tweet that sparked's rant was deleted is what I meant
No. 386883
File: 1495412925277.png (Spoiler Image,299.78 KB, 579x511, imtiredofseeingherbutthole.png)

disgusting tweet aside isn't that shot in the aot jacket part of her set of "nudes"? gg retweeting this one mariah
No. 386895
File: 1495418397566.jpg (109.61 KB, 608x657, mel.jpg)

well…at least some of the veteran cosplayers are saying something about it, cuz this is so obviously directed at Moo even though Mel is not directly calling her out.
No. 386905
File: 1495420718997.png (Spoiler Image,1.46 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2702.PNG)

"Prepare to get banned? Why would I get banned? I'm not showin' anything, I'm Gucci, I'm good. I mean, I love titty streamers, but I'm not a titty streamer myself, soo" r u sure muh riah
No. 386908
>>386905"i'm not a titty streamer"
didn't she literally lift up her shirt and flash her bra during a livestream in the thread before the last one?
No. 386911
File: 1495421165007.jpg (5.15 KB, 162x185, images (35).jpg)

>>386905She looks so much like Spike from TLBT
No. 386912
File: 1495421429420.jpg (411.05 KB, 921x543, 0wNJV7z.jpg)

No. 386913
File: 1495421581500.png (174.8 KB, 750x1334, IMG_2274.PNG)

No. 386914
>>386913Her room is so fucking filthy it is so
triggering. I hate getting my sewing nook in my apartment REMOTELY messy but its at least contained to a few square feet.. not an entire ROOM
No. 386916
File: 1495422087294.jpg (90.55 KB, 550x800, 02ac66a9e7be4e0d8354938b38f78f…)

>>386912at least pochaco fits her body type i guess…
No. 386918
File: 1495423309678.png (1.21 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2275.PNG)

No. 386919
File: 1495423533323.gif (1.36 MB, 500x281, wh.gif)

>>386913>wanting sewing cosplay tutorials from MomoShe can barely style a wig for Christ's sake
No. 386924
File: 1495424180184.png (680.65 KB, 725x507, moo.png)

at least she finally shared a non-edited momo shot
No. 386925
File: 1495424188319.png (442.23 KB, 456x810, notgoodman.png)

A prime example of why I hate certain aspects of the body pos movement or whatever. This girl wasn't always chubby or fat or genetically on the larger side. Momo has gained unhealthy weight over time from poor habits using her patrons' money. And her fans encourage it.
No. 386932
File: 1495426969334.jpg (378.94 KB, 587x660, EpxTS8l.jpg)

No. 386943
>>386941Oh my god in every Kanna photo she is grabbing her skirt "seductively" and is 1 inch from flashing her crotch…
That is so fucking disgusting to do dressed as a child holy shit.
No. 386948
>>386947She really is
Even all her friends were arguing with her on her status saying how disgusting it was and she just kept defending her nonstop.
She and other her friend were defending Momo on that Instagram pic for almost 2 days straight too it was insane.
No. 386950
File: 1495432238279.png (706.09 KB, 1004x698, wideshot.png)

>>386941she's so fucking meaty fuck
No. 386951
File: 1495432526985.png (1.74 MB, 960x1280, yeah okay.png)

thank you for going through her facebook anon
No. 386956
File: 1495433228055.jpg (159.89 KB, 550x830, pochaco.jpg)

>>386932The ears look so weird.
No. 386958
File: 1495433300251.png (964.13 KB, 621x654, c921ef8f09d014838e9247793d4b63…)

God she's so wide and the editing in this photoset is god awful
No. 386960
File: 1495433611949.jpg (389.6 KB, 871x977, Screenshot_20170522-020518.jpg)

Why would they not edit this nasty concealer on her lips ?
And the Kanna set is so boring. But of course she doesn't know how to make a picture interesting without showing her boobs or whatever (not saying that her other pictures are interesting but they are not as boring as the Kanna set)
No. 386961
File: 1495433713167.png (1.48 MB, 829x1430, 20170522_021118.png)

And the editing is soo bad they didn't even try (I like how nice the clouds and water looks in this set tho)
No. 386962
File: 1495433867399.jpg (496.23 KB, 712x991, Screenshot_20170522-021639.jpg)

And what is wrong with her boob?
Also no ass at all. I wouldn't mind about girls having no ass is just funny that she always pretends that she has a nice one
No. 386963
File: 1495433920637.jpg (792.27 KB, 833x1240, Screenshot_20170522-020902.jpg)

The editing kills me
No. 386964
File: 1495433968267.jpg (9.61 MB, 4647x5231, untitled-59-Edit.jpg)

Good thing she was wearing black, seeing as how she peed all over the ground.
No. 386965
>>386963>>386962>>386961christ the editing in these to make her look more slim are fucking awful
>>386964out of all the places by this pool she had to sit by a nasty ass drain where it looks like she shit and piss herself
No. 386966
File: 1495434235514.jpg (745.02 KB, 833x1240, 17-05-22-02-23-51-115_deco.jpg)

>>386963Let me try to unedit that for you, Mariah.
No. 386967
File: 1495434356000.png (511.02 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-05-21-23-23-32…)

>>386958Goddamn. All the lipo in the world ain't gonna fix those line backer shoulders and those sad saggy sacks of breast flesh. I call it "a wild moo emerges from the sea"
No. 386973
>>386972>>386960Has she ever seen moisturizer before? Also those concealer lips are
triggering me. Why doesn't she even apply another color on top if she wants to evoke that weeb/koreaboo tiny lip look.
No. 386988
File: 1495444512404.jpg (55.67 KB, 591x588, 894894.jpg)

vamps looks like she is being held at gunpoint. poor girl
No. 386991
>>386912casually puts the wtvr that is with goku and vegeta on it
No. 386996
File: 1495447108561.jpg (156.63 KB, 790x1086, QDKfsCo.jpg)

>>386993Pic related.
I checked to see if there were any Super Pochaco headphones out there and there isn't. So it's pretty obvious moomoo had to buy Sonico's. We all know she's not talented enough to make headphones from scratch kek.
I'd love to see fans point out the headphones after this travesty is done.
No. 386999
File: 1495449054990.png (1.31 MB, 640x1136, IMG_8674.PNG)

No. 387005
File: 1495456824458.png (984.13 KB, 640x1136, IMG_8842.PNG)

Reposting slit momo to hide your Janna pics hmmm?
No. 387007
File: 1495456872666.png (891.11 KB, 640x1136, IMG_8843.PNG)

Now she's tryna say it's a busty version??
No. 387012
>>387007Bitch all of your costumes pretty much say "did in one night"
eyeroll o really couldn't tell
No. 387014
>>387007this was probably my favourite of hef costumes tbh
this and wicke
I thought they were pretty flattering on her
idk why she's been making such terrible choice in characters lately - although I guess it's because she doesn't really play games or watch anime to find something that isn't plastered all over the internet for flavour-of-the-month
No. 387017
>>387011Mei and Wicke are literally the only costumes she's come close to being canon. And then she went to Patreon and lewded them in non-canonical ways for those beta-bucks.
>>387014I wouldn't consider this flattering at all considering that in other photos the top always looks like her under-armpit fat is pushing it down and the OC design the character is extremely slender and almost child-like
No. 387023
>>387014The funny thing, those weren't flattering irl, she had to wear shapewear, photoshop her selfies, and had to dinosaur arm the whole con in lilith because she doesn't know what fashion tape is and how to make a proper corset/bunny suit that stays up, and the bats on the leggings were messy af
Also ot but holy shit I never noticed how big nanasushibear is till she posted the pic of them as morrigan and lilith, how did moo rise in weight so quickly it hasn't even been a whole year since that con…. and lol at her reposting pics where she looks good and everyone looks like shit
cough what a fucking bitch.. a real friend would photoshop you and themselves if they're gonna ps lol
No. 387026
>>387007>busty lilith>implying she's not just alt color morrigan with the wrong wig at this pointbitch, lilith is a delicious pear girl with huge thighs. keep your fat tits outta her cosplay.
>shit 'bunny suit'> poorly made batman logo tights>ugly rainboot lookin shithoney, we know.
No. 387035
>>387031great for artists or actually skilled cosplayers
I think it's opened up a lot of opportunities for people but a platform that powerful will always be abused in one way another.
There are cosplayers using it to release proper cosplay breakdowns, tutorials and help sessions too. It's not always bad
No. 387038
>>387035It's the same shit with artists too. Even the shitty ones have patreons.
We're derailing here, though. Sage your shit.
Moomoo will always be lazy. Her posting throwbacks are simply throwbacks from when she farted out a hint of a damn to give about her cosplays.
No. 387041
>>387035i also think Patreon is a useful idea for artists to live off of their original art, which they come up with and realize themselves. but what MooMoo and other "cosplay models/Patreon models" are doing has fuckall to do with that. modeling is a profession that can be really tough, but it's hardly an art. hell, cosplay is barely an art itself; it's more of a craft since it revolves around producing someone else's designs. i wish Patreon would unclassify "modeling" and "lewd" content accounts (i'm aware they won't because of neckbeard buxx). i really wonder how many "cosplayers" and "models" would stay there if patreon just said "original and/or educational content only, if you really want to show off your costumes, put them on a mannequin".
sage for OT
No. 387045
>>387032Except most of the cosplayers I know doing this
>>387030 actually are working full time on top of meeting their Patreon goals so your argument is irrelevant…not every cosplayer using Patreon is literally living off neckbeard money like Moo is
No. 387057
File: 1495474368112.jpg (134.9 KB, 681x1024, tumblr_n8umytY1mw1t62z92o1_128…)

>>386803She's coming for PT's gig
No. 387065
File: 1495477769723.jpg (75.07 KB, 640x480, taruko-pochaco-sonico.jpg)

>>386916Super Taruko is probably closer tbh but better than deluding herself into thinking sonico is an acceptable option here
No. 387066
>>386912mariah who are you trying to fool these are so blatantly bought
>>386941kek at her using her lucoa wig to try and hide the curve of her back to make herself look thinner even though everyone can still see her fupa
kanna however: deliberately doing childlike poses (even with the most dead eyes possible) and then doing sexually suggestive? where is the adult bitch you didn't even try
No. 387067
File: 1495478612468.jpg (75.35 KB, 720x960, 18581581_1081566468654968_8362…)

"Professional cosplayer" my ass
No. 387069
>>387067today on: what wig did mariah reuse
again who is she trying to fool with those blunt af ends it's so obvious she's been butchering an old wig into this mess
No. 387072
>>387011The most offensive to me was
>shampoo wig MisatoSomeone specifically signed up for the 100 tier on Patreon to commission that shit and she didn't even try. I like how on her Patreon it now says the costume must cost $100 or less or pay me more.
No. 387076
>>386916pochaco would still have huge meat sacks if she wasn't fat tho. unlike moomoo, she's more Taruko like
>>387065 said.
No. 387081
>>387074jnig already ruined Sonico. They're like Nitro+ Studio's mascots. I always thought Sonico was cute as fuck, and her music albums are really nice, but the fans are really cringy. I don't know too much about the other 2 but it's part of the marshmallow girls hype train.
sage for OT
No. 387087
File: 1495482672171.png (1.14 MB, 1025x1074, 20170522_154914.png)

>the goddess of thicc and beauty.
No. 387090
File: 1495483338047.png (2.38 MB, 1440x1900, 20170522_155913.png)

>>387067Okay she legitimately is an idiot, the before of this wig looked closer to the source than her 'after' styling. She just has to trim the bangs and such. But my wig styling skills are improving mah dudes.
No. 387093
>>387090are those pigtails even the same as the last wig shot? the ends look way longer even though the placement of the clips is higher and they're curled
this is super susp to me
No. 387094
>>387093I think
>>387090 is the wig before Moomoo "styled" it.
No. 387096
>>387094oh my god i didn't even read the before part
moomoo what the fuck have you done this wig would've been so simple to get pochaco's style from and you majorly fucked it up
No. 387098
File: 1495484833198.jpg (94.26 KB, 600x600, FIGURE-007057[1].jpg)

>>387090here's full shots of the design for reference. she's totally retarded.
No. 387102
File: 1495486192783.jpg (60.64 KB, 600x607, CRWHSqLUYAAAqZc.jpg)

"Super Taruko, who is described as a bit more dour and delusional." So a perfect match for moo
No. 387105
>>387102looks like a fat old grannie
so fitting.
No. 387106
File: 1495486946795.jpg (71.25 KB, 600x450, absolutely disgusting.jpg)

>>386941That Kanna shit is disgusting, the only reason a child would be posed like she's doing is for CP and I'm sure Moo knows it.
No. 387107
File: 1495487193293.png (476.69 KB, 1053x750, 2017-05-22 16.05.45.png)

No. 387109
File: 1495487629520.png (832.69 KB, 1440x1756, 20170522_171140.png)

She seriously encourages her disgusting fans, she retweets all the disgusting shit they say. I have no sympathy for her, at all.
No. 387112
File: 1495488293274.png (360.54 KB, 344x499, tR1cnbO.png)

No. 387114
File: 1495488508232.png (402.76 KB, 1440x1620, 20170522_171200.png)

please, no.
No. 387117
File: 1495488743873.jpg (81.28 KB, 960x848, FB_IMG_1495488647350.jpg)

Legit thought she was a midget when I scrolled past this.
No. 387120
>>387117seems like a bad angle for the girl on the rights face.
Moomoo arms dont look huge in this pic is it fairly old?
No. 387121
>>387107lol at her desperate attempts at trying to "take back" shit like Moomoo and Momokunt. Like she is embracing being thought of as a piece of shit and owning up to it. You know that deep down she is absolutely seething and wants it all to go away. But it is so synonymous with her reputation that she has no hope of dodging it, so she thinks by embracing the hate that it will change public perception of her.
Guess what Moomoo, it doesn't. Everyone still thinks you are disgusting pedophile, a shitty cosplayer and a lying, two faced piece of shit who constantly causes drama wherever you go. But sure, continue to gunk that by being like "lol, I guess I'm Momokunt now" will change anything.
No. 387129
The ponytails looked just like the picture before what on earth did she do holy shit
No. 387130
>>387099Everything looked better in the before picture all she had to do was cut some of the bang and ad a bit more curl to the wig.
How do you fuck up so badly
No. 387131
File: 1495490623587.jpg (628.8 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_6062.JPG)

Looks like she has stretch marks on her arms now
No. 387135
File: 1495491084178.jpg (420.81 KB, 758x1051, IMG_9569.JPG)

>>387131I will never understand how she thought that this was a good costume with it being so see through. There are also a couple different choices of underwear she could have worn instead that would have helped.
Those stretch marks are really dark. Doesn't that mean they're recent?
>u keep blowin up moo. No. 387142
File: 1495493586270.jpg (16.25 KB, 234x231, 1495320744498~2.jpg)

>>386500Christ. She looks alien.
No. 387144
>>387142ayy lmao
She says she's Arab yet looks like pork. Isn't pork Haram? Shame on you.
No. 387145
File: 1495494110772.jpg (23.5 KB, 387x421, 1447227191429.jpg)

>>387114Leave my franchise alone
No. 387151
>>387114Star Wars is fucking SACRED and you would fucking NEVER look good as Padmae. She should do fucking Jabba or the Rancor.
Sage for fucking ragefag
No. 387152
>>387131rofl holy shit
her arm is almost as thick as her head
No. 387161
File: 1495496046864.png (42.72 KB, 612x252, she probably sat on it.png)

No. 387163
File: 1495496696067.png (1.7 MB, 1334x750, IMG_0332.PNG)

>>387131Those are fresh marks too
No. 387165
>>387114oh of course this dumb whore would cosplay from the prequels.
sage for being a faggot.
No. 387168
>>387131She looks like she's about to be hit by a car, but is too dead inside to care.
Think she'll get lipo on her arms next?
No. 387169
>>387167oh sorry
my bad
I didn't see them going downwards behind the arm
I was wondering why it seemed like she wasn't getting any marks
I picked up a bit of weight from medication and there were stretchmarks appearing everywhere - not nearly as much gain as moo though
would love to see her completely 100% unedited to see if they're anywhere else and how bad
sage for blog
No. 387172
>>387109Of course she does! She's just as disgusting as they are and likely sees no problem with that behavior, as long as it gets her attention and money.
Also laughed until I choked when I saw the reply to
>>387107 by one of her sperglord fans saying "aaaw! your not disgusting :)". Keep riding her fupa and maybe one day she'll fuck you.
No. 387178
File: 1495501095760.jpg (79.84 KB, 500x563, thotbgone.jpg)

>Dat Lucoa video when they show her underboob scars from her reduction
>Kanna set where she's sitting on her knees and looks like she's wearing a muumuu while implying she'll lift her skirt
No. 387179
File: 1495501232085.jpg (Spoiler Image,529.95 KB, 2048x1365, wincing.jpg)

>>387131tracing moomoo is fun
No. 387180
>>387166>>387165I honestly think the only reason she is even saying Padme is because Loonie also chose Padme and we know both lurk here…
The only reason I see cosplayers choose Padme is her extensive costume line…Moo has 0 talent to recreate any of those
No. 387192
File: 1495502648922.png (533.11 KB, 459x612, 1462177694575.png)

Oh god I was scrolling past her Lucoa photos and my mom was here and asked "who is this girl? is she pregnant?"
No. 387203
>>387200You act as if moomoo knows anything about the characters she chooses, let alone cares.
She just choose something she can milk for money that's easy to make and hides her fat rolls that's similar to jnig. Why do you think 99 percent of her cosplays involve the ability to wear her poor busting at the seams waist trainer?
No. 387232
File: 1495509671854.png (947.69 KB, 1263x889, hhhheyyyy gaiizz.png)

Drew some fanart of the ~thicc ecchi goddessu~
No. 387238
File: 1495511222911.jpg (625.78 KB, 816x590, dn9sKKa.jpg)

No. 387240
File: 1495511392633.jpg (61.86 KB, 657x314, euShRix.jpg)

prepare urself
No. 387308
>>386993Shit, didn't notice the little pointing bits, my bad.
But yeah, she's a lazy bitch so what did you expect?
No. 387309
>>387156She sported a Hijab to a Trump event about a year ago but has shut up about it then. She has Lebanese heritage so she technically counts as an Arab, so my best guess is that she thought Arab=Muslim.
>>387274fucking shit moomoo you make 15k a month you can afford a decent $300 serger to finish your seams, it doesn't completely prevent this but helps out a lot.
No. 387320
File: 1495523831882.png (106.67 KB, 268x246, 345345.png)

>>387274lol, got too big for the cosplay i guess? it's ripping.
No. 387323
>>387126It's the angle. Look at Moomoo's heel. Her legs are spread fairly wide (heh) and her knee is pointed away from the camera. The overall effect is that her leg looks much shorter than it really is. Vamp's leg looks normal because it's straight out in front of her.
>>387135>I will never understand how she thought that this was a good costume with it being so see through.The first step to understanding is to realize that Moomoo gives zero fucks about quality.
No. 387337
File: 1495531180149.png (75.2 KB, 266x174, Screenshot_2017-05-23-02-15-53…)

That double chin thoooo.
Shes barely responsive and looks tired as fuck. Either the negativity all weekend got to her or she's high.
No. 387338
File: 1495531201136.png (60.15 KB, 198x167, Screenshot_2017-05-23-02-13-55…)

No. 387340
File: 1495532726642.png (322.3 KB, 504x308, moomoo.png)

No. 387342
File: 1495533887598.png (329.37 KB, 517x313, dem chins.png)

No. 387343
File: 1495534043123.png (382.84 KB, 739x328, ew.png)

No. 387346
File: 1495534313515.png (203.15 KB, 323x327, ew.png)

>"tell me this isn't adorable."
No. 387347
File: 1495534398483.png (168.09 KB, 316x279, ew.png)

>>387346also all the comments are congratulating her on her "six pack"
No. 387349
>>387347It looks uncomfortable and way too small for her
"six pack" these people have never seen a sixpack, have they? Those are small fatrolls/loose skin, jesus
No. 387352
>>387347alright this delusion needs to stop. it's an endless loop. the fans feed her delusions that she's healthy, built and "thicc" when she's obese.
she delude the fans into thinking she gives a shit about characters, goes to the gym 4 times a week and she is in good shape.
Momo and her fans are actively making me dislike people who encourage momos lifestyle and glorifying obesity because "muh thicc goddess" Stop using thicc because your too insecure about liking fat,obese women
Sage because rant
No. 387355
File: 1495538254382.png (88.11 KB, 629x579, Screen-Shot.PNG)

>Good decisions
No. 387356
>>387354>>387351I watch the anime. The whole thing with Kanna is she wants to go to school, and everyone in her class loves her because she is kawaii and talented. When she goes to school, she is FULL human…so using the dragon excuse is a total cop-out.
First day of school, class pet notices Kanna getting all the attention, gets jealous, challenges Kanna, makes Kanna cry, and feels so bad she is super nice to her and wants to be best friends with her.
Yes, the anime does make it a little weird the way they animate the girls' affection for Kanna…using little heart icons insinuating the girl is in love with her.
To me? I just took it as this girl was lonely and friendless and now she has a cute best friend.
Momo is disgusting.
No. 387368
File: 1495541505911.jpg (Spoiler Image,443.01 KB, 1660x1660, IMG_6837.JPG)

Apparently MooMoo can't tell the difference between crude humor and actual sexualization of a child…
No. 387369
>>387368Y I K E S……. here's the deal if you see a child and see that child interact with someone similar to them in a loving way and your first immediate reaction/response is to find the intimacy and sexuality between THOSE CHILDREN, there's something mentally and grossly wrong with you
Moomoo the fucking pedo pandering to other pedos
asuka voice disgusting
No. 387370
>>387356exactly, or even if it were to be taken as more of a childish crush it would be perfectly fine.
i get that the manga can sometimes be a little dodgy in terms of how it portrays kanna and riko's friendship and plays for laughs but even to call it "sexualising" is a huge reach. and besides, the show is way, waaay more to toned down to the point that there's pretty much nothing like that at all.
and, i mean, she's citing ~the show sexualises her!!1!!~ as her excuse, right? id like her to find just one example of this, really
No. 387376
File: 1495544896824.png (143.2 KB, 746x893, 20170523_150420.png)

checked on that reddit thread anon posted
more evidence for patreon report
No. 387379
File: 1495545009855.jpg (65.16 KB, 504x802, crooked momo.JPG)

This shitposting page appears to be filled with r9k, but it has a decently large following and they've been shitting all over moomoo since the Kanna drop. Its so weird to see her just floating around my feeds on tumblr and Facebook when I never have before.
sage for not being actual news and blogposting
No. 387383
>>387380i agree that she's kinda like lotte in that neither of them were actually significantly pretty (charms was simply thin and well-kept, momo was quasi-athletic and weighed a reasonable amount with the same turtle face) but in the light of how they look recently their past appearence tends to look better.
sage for OT
No. 387391
Charms was superpretty before. Mariah was only less ugly than she is now. She was never hot to begin with.
No. 387396
>>387337The fat is spreading since the belly reserves are gone. Called it, she's going to look like Patrick star soon.
Looks like gym, my dudes.
By gym I mean ice cream buffet.
No. 387402
>>387345>working on a topwhat it looks like
>bought spandex turtle neck>cut off sleeves>cropped>cut out tit window>pretending to sewit's not even hemmed anywhere. fucking shit, you can't tell me that this is serious. is she serious? are these people serious?
No. 387449
File: 1495558028961.jpg (101.02 KB, 640x342, umyse2yg.jpg)

i have been wondering what her face reminds me of ever since she's started gaining in the area. and it just dawned on me.
her face is turning into foreverkaiyln. all she needs is to start mouth breathing and she's set
No. 387452
File: 1495558504927.png (19.27 KB, 390x470, f4292710b3cfc96e30ea9b2f45de6b…)

>>387449damn anon, legit tears here
No. 387453
File: 1495558690762.jpg (85.26 KB, 800x800, c4160b86a976c0c6d3e995eefda842…)

>>387346does anybody else think she looks like Rachel Bloom? Sage for OT
No. 387457
File: 1495560199616.jpg (261.28 KB, 1267x671, ss (2017-05-23 at 10.22.47).jp…)

looking through the video and wtf is this indentation on the back of her knee
No. 387458
It really won't be long until she's full Kailyn-tier.
No. 387459
>>387457Her legs are so fat she literally gets rolls behind her knees.
Also It's been mentioned a thousand time sbefore but holy shit those arms are the size of her head.
No. 387472
File: 1495562535493.png (1.5 MB, 1440x1438, 20170522_160651.png)

Man she really is trying to bury it. Wtf is wrong with her legs in this picture, does she have cellulite in her calves?
No. 387488
File: 1495564067455.gif (1.81 MB, 410x230, mistake.gif)

>>387373I cringed so hard at this. Just why.
No. 387490
File: 1495564221690.jpg (213.84 KB, 383x530, 1397084293587.jpg)

That keyhole top makes her look overstuffed…doesn't she have a shirt to pattern off of? It ain't hard my dude
No. 387492
File: 1495564571301.png (864.93 KB, 720x1097, Screenshot_2017-05-23-11-34-50…)

No. 387502
File: 1495567572317.png (1.82 MB, 750x1334, IMG_2287.PNG)

Why though
No. 387514
>>387338>>387342>>387340I love that these double chins are more than enough proof that got lipo done. How else would it be possible to have such a prominent double chin and have a "flat" tummy. It boggles my mind that she didn't just lose it naturally because it would've made her more proportionate looking. If she stopped drinking and eating out all the time it would shed 10 pounds off.
It's already clear that all the lipo she had done on her body is becoming undone. If you don't change your lifestyle no amount of surgery can keep your weight down.
No. 387525
>>387521you're a fucking idiot anon, are you 12? show this to one of your parents or normie friends and tell us what they say.
it is definitely fanservice, it's not sex, but it is 100% sexual. you just finished saying you don't watch much anime but this is definitely not kids just playing together. watch a clip from non non biyori vs that one and you'll see what I mean.
No. 387538
>>387536As much as I like the show (and Kyoani's downplay of the creepy shit in the manga [it's more explicit, believe it or not]), yeah, the series isn't innocent about how it treats Kanna and Shouta (literally all Lucoa's character does is shove her tits into a 9 year old boy's face).
It's fucking weird that cosplayers are jumping onto this series, and how many normies have latched onto it. Within an otaku circles, Maid Dragon is a lot more acceptable, I get that. But those comments on the Youtube upload of the Twister scene are fucking nasty. And those are the same people Momo is rubbing simulative cum on her tits and gaining weight for…
No. 387545
File: 1495576007898.png (523.53 KB, 550x712, lol.png)

I just had to
No. 387546
File: 1495576296250.png (677.23 KB, 1331x951, justcosplaymydudes.png)

just cosplay my dudes!! lol
No. 387574
File: 1495581687595.png (506.14 KB, 1165x735, wat.png)

>>387571You have to be fucking kidding
No. 387616
>>387543you did here:
>because even kids playing can't be seen just kids simply playing together anymore.and here:
>I don't see things from perverted point as you do. No. 387625
>>387620It's almost as if she will become irrelevant if she isn't constantly shoving her tits in everyone's face.
But please Moomoo, continue to bitch about how guys don't take you seriously and don't treat you with respect. I don't think they can hear you while you are shoving your flappy pancake tits stuffed into a push up bra into their faces.
No. 387635
>>387623>>387624lmfao yes…because Japanese culture is all otaku. This is derailing but holy shit do you realize that otakus are frowned upon in Japan and real Japanese culture is not represented by anime…
also, not all anime is bad even to this day. The new season of AoT is good, and there have been plenty of story driven shows that aren't fan service.
No. 387637
File: 1495592259232.png (122.78 KB, 500x350, y1rq52j.png)

>>387635holy shit the levels of autism are way too damn high
No. 387641
File: 1495592730083.jpg (17.77 KB, 180x257, QGzfw6x.jpg)

>>387637not that anon, but how is that autistic? that's an honest and fair assessment of things. japan is so much more than anime and anime weirdos are seen as weirdos there. AoT is a good example, or if you want to get even farther away from anything child appropriate and sexual, go watch something like Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans or Thunderbolt, which have people willingly chopping off their limbs and sending children to be war machines and shit ffs
tho i gotta say, if momo keeps going in the direction she is, she'd make a great haro cosplay
No. 387643
she should cosplay that think from akira.
No. 387648
File: 1495593182229.gif (15.5 KB, 309x372, Ryu_0079_a.gif)

>>387641>>387643She should probably just cosplay Ryu tbh. Pic related.
Also, inb4 she says shes a ~huge Gundam fan~ and that Gundam is ~her childhood~
No. 387650
File: 1495593333485.jpg (138.53 KB, 1600x1227, 9XH2STS.jpg)

>>387648or virtue, it already has her proportions kek. just imagine it made out of shittily painted cardboard with her tits sticking out of it
No. 387653
>>387645no one said anything about prime-time. i personally don't think any time is appropriate for sexualized children to air on tv drawn or otherwise.
also, you're part of the derailing cause you're so set on defending yourself.
No. 387660
>>387605She's going to end up doing 2B because people don't want her to. She's all about being petty and trying to one up everyone.
I hope she does 2B, because you know it'll be a disaster if she tries to make or buy it. If she tries to make it, it'll look like garbage because there are details that she'll overlook and the dress will be a floppy mess since she'll use the wrong fabric. If she buys it, it won't fit her properly due to the cut of the dress and it being made in China somewhere. She'll have to get the biggest size to fit her linebacker shoulders into it.
Sage for wanting Momo to cosplay 2B so it'll be an absolute disaster.
No. 387666
>>387660tbh this is my mentality too. i want her to try and cosplay more things because people will realize how shit she is. if anything i want to goad her into doing more detailed shit and trying to convince her that she can do armor because people realized how shitty her camilla was which is why i think she tried remaking it.
I want to see her fail spectacularly because especially now that it's con season proper she wont be able to hide that bullshit. Last year even though her costumes werent great they were a LOT better than the stuff she's been pumping out now and either she's gonna stop going to cons or she'll have to wear things that will just give us more and more proof of how shitty her costumes are.
No. 387669
File: 1495596325439.jpg (121.06 KB, 736x515, a655414243a341ae6696b7b82d73bc…)

>>387666I agree! I think we should be trying to push her more into monster girl territory. There's a ton of sexualized monster girls with really detailed outfits/armor. Pic related.
No. 387696
File: 1495600248100.jpg (261.34 KB, 750x937, 2017-05-24_06.24.53.jpg)

Can we please discuss this terrible photoshop?
No. 387698
File: 1495600631748.jpg (62.36 KB, 500x398, turtletots2017-500x398.jpg)

Found her next cosplay she will try to sex up.
No. 387704
>>387696I like how she posting all of this "happy anniversary overwatch!" all over her Facebook yet the bitch only played like..5hours of it?
Sage for slight autism and ot
No. 387705
File: 1495603158878.png (505.67 KB, 883x578, 18556002_1887181161522372_2002…)

>>387545OT but this is from my post, I truly feel blessed for being immortalised in this chronicle of milk <3
No. 387706
File: 1495603386427.png (990.23 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1084.PNG)

Sad this heffa needs to be reminded to credit other people's work by the person who took the photo no less.
No. 387710
File: 1495604526374.png (221.52 KB, 470x364, 349f6ced-3efe-4d60-a2bc-8266d6…)

>>387690The thigh in the back doesn't even look like it belongs to her body
I'm seriously confused looking at this picture
No. 387716
File: 1495610289047.png (129.91 KB, 750x1025, IMG_8172.PNG)

I hope this truly is her downfall since these pics are being posted around
No. 387726
File: 1495616736804.png (219.32 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-05-24-02-01-15…)

>>387716Got this from the same page. She really charged people to meet her like she thought she was famous enough for that? And then she bailed? LMAO.This bitch is a joke.
No. 387734
>>387733I agree the op could've used a much worse picture
like cum on tits Camilla or those god awful Lala pics with nothing but whipped cream
No. 387742
>>387739literally everyone has unflattering pictures of themselves - especially if it's a still from a video
not that I find her attractive but you can't really compare the two images fairly. She's undeniably sunk very low the last couple of months but that doesn't mean she was never attractive.
Not to mention attacking someone for how they look is completely grade school tier
can we get back to judging her for her awful decisions and pettiness?
No. 387745
>>387743She probably wouldn't have stretch marks if she had put the beer and the fork down. I don't have stretch marks because I'm not a disgusting pig and I know how to eat and exercise.
This isn't a hugbox
No. 387756
>>387742I agree with what you have said. However she earns like 15k you'd think she'd hire a photographer to make her look her best or hire a make up artist for a shoot, or take posing lessons etc. If she was making way less I might let her off but she earns a ton and does everything like she has no money
No real excuse when you earn that much a month that the paid content you put out still has bad angles etc. I can except in on insta and social media but not paid content lol
No. 387774
>>387762Genetics are the biggest factor. I've got stretch marks on my knees thanks to a normal growth spurt during puberty, yet my mom has none anywhere, despite gaining something like 60 pounds while pregnant. And I've got a naturally rail-thin friend whose back makes him look like a Roots extra from all the gnarly scars - again, stretch marks caused by a growth spurt during puberty - and a friend that blew up like a balloon in her early teens yet only has some very small stretch marks on her underarms near her armpits and on her hips.
Please don't misunderstand what I'm saying. Obviously getting fat will make you more likely to have stretch marks, because your skin is, well,
stretching.And fyi the moisturizing thing is a myth with little to no scientific backing. Meta study for reference - No. 387775
File: 1495637156641.png (94.85 KB, 632x511, 1.PNG)

No. 387776
File: 1495637213830.png (482.97 KB, 637x547, 1.PNG)

>>387775This was one year ago… Comparing her body then and now is pretty sad.
No. 387777
>>387764Same. I'm thin and have them on my inner thighs and the backs of my legs because I hit a late growth spurt.
Obviously Moomoo has them because she's a fucking idiot and can't control her eating habits, but the anons who think only fatties have stretch marks are fools.
No. 387778
File: 1495637576267.jpg (264.63 KB, 386x720, IMG_2076.JPG)

>>387776I hate the way her hair was styled in this (reminds me of that awful Gohan wig), it's a mess compared to the actual hairstyle in the game.
No. 387792
File: 1495638515842.jpg (64.82 KB, 587x497, 84168494.jpg)

Go die in a fire momo
No. 387810
>>387792She STILL doesn't get it. People were upset she went and did lewds of Kanna, but it seemed like a huge portion of people were only mad because she said she wouldn't, then didn't.
Also this is a terrible excuse like
>>387801 said. Just because a source material does some fucked up shit doesn't mean you get away with doing fucked up shit too.
No. 387812
File: 1495640082899.png (799.79 KB, 640x1136, IMG_9305.PNG)

No. 387814
File: 1495640343966.png (53.66 KB, 632x334, asdsad.PNG)

No. 387816
File: 1495640428689.jpg (58.2 KB, 582x389, 894848948.jpg)

here we go guise, she will feel like queen of the word after jnig defended her
No. 387823
>>387816my friend is already sucking jnigs dick in the replies… what do i do, i wanna die seriously… why does she have to be so naive.
sage for crying
No. 387826
>>387813I like when she slips and accidentally lets her true colors shine bright.
>>387814She reminds me of Shad fans that will always say that being disgusted by pedophilia means you're a SJW.
>>387815More like, "someone is not a disgusting human being that would stoop so low to sexualize children because they have some morals and awareness? SJW!"
No. 387829
File: 1495641281251.png (93.6 KB, 632x462, 1.PNG)

No. 387832
>>387825The passive aggressiveness. Notice how she's acting so bitchy only because the other person is a girl.
Meanwhile 9999 neckbeards are typing some nasty shit under her pictures, calling her the worst names and all, and then she's all cool my dudes
No. 387836
>>387792I don't even get if you actually believed this series had content that was pedophilia or inappropriate why choose to cosplay from it. Like have some fucking self respect. And ofc now J.Nig is hopping onto it.
This makes Momo look even worse.
"The series does it so I can do it." Disgusting.
No. 387841
File: 1495642086277.png (243.72 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170524-120508.png)

No. 387845
>>387816i don't really think this is her defending moomoo unless she's making a joke out of it? all it really does is call attention to how moomoo didn't even try to alter kanna's design to look older
>>3877921) absolutely disgusting
2) kek at her calling it a comic really shows how she's more dudebro than actual weeb fan
3) panel highlights how it's not ok for humans and tohru recognises it? it's blatant lolibait that also says hey don't fucking do this because lolicons need to be told not to
last time on moomoo doesn't consume the content she's apparently a fan of so obviously the meaning of it goes completely over her head: dbz
this time: maidragon
No. 387847
File: 1495642763399.jpg (131.8 KB, 728x1101, q007.jpg)

samefag as
>>387845 but i looked up what
>>387844 was talking about and would you look at that Sweet Context
No. 387848
File: 1495642782891.png (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 1440x2041, Context needed.png)

>>387792>>387795Here's your context.
No. 387864
>>387792Tohru: It's not okay!
Moomoo: see it says its okay right here!!
Can she actually not read I'm legit asking.
No. 387865
File: 1495645026569.gif (489.16 KB, 500x302, jayzd.gif)

i'm not religious but i'm praying for something (aside from herself) to ruin her shitty career for good. she's starting to be right up there with onion in terms of shittiness.
>>387829>>387830this shit is downright embarrassing tbh, she's clearly buttmad. how is shit like this not absolutely destroying her rep? all of her friends are okay with her indirectly calling someone else a faggot lol? then again, i guess mariah doesn't have friends (as evidenced by the past couple threads), and her rep is already shitty. i do wish she'd just fall off the face of the internet already, though.
No. 387879
File: 1495646418292.jpg (89.58 KB, 959x959, FB_IMG_1495645675079.jpg)

Looks like the dog can't breathe
No. 387880
File: 1495646471446.jpg (57.96 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1495645901002.jpg)

No. 387881
>>387823>>387866Sage and get rid of your friends.
>>387862And diabetes.
No. 387891
File: 1495646956790.png (62.19 KB, 216x219, tumblr_inline_n8toj8p3a31qbpcv…)

>>387880Ironic she's wearing a "Getting Fit For Cosplay" shirt when the bitch doesn't do shit to get fit besides stuffing herself with crap every day.
No. 387904
>>387899This whole kanna shit makes me sick.
Thanks Moomoo, your actions are really justifying my hate for you.
No. 387913
>>387908I guess things never change for her. She is still the fat, cringey anime girl who shits on all the pretty girls and lies to herself that she is somehow better than them. All the insults are coming back and she instantly goes back to her bitchy passive-aggressive behavior because she has nothing else.
So much for her "Be careful who you make fun of in high school, they might come back to make you regret it" bullshit. She is still the same loser she was back then, just now she has been outed as a disgusting pedophile who looks for excuses to sexualize children characters.
No. 387921
File: 1495650174149.png (2.1 KB, 318x23, lel.png)

I decided to DM her about the Kanna thing and got this as a reply. how edgy
No. 387926
>>387921Why wont you be her friend and try to get some money off of her
Hell, that's what I wanna do
No. 387927
>>387921Wow. Fuck you Moomoo. You know most people cosplay because they love the character or the series. Or because they want to be part of the community that shares their interests that they can bond over.
But not you Moomoo of course. You're the edgelord wannabe teenager who does it to spite others because you hate yourself and your disgusting body because daddy didn't love you enough.
No. 387940
>>387933So since she wasn't having sex on camera, it wasn't lewd and wasn't porn? jfc Moomoo you idiot.
>I am a women>with a women's body No. 387941
>>387921because pedophilia is totally hilarious, right?
sick retard…
No. 387946
>>387933Oh damn I almost feel like she's referencing me here, I tweeted her saying that Kanna is a child with a childs body, and that she was condoning the sexualisation of an eight year old
>I am a women No. 387947
>>387921Momo didn't do it to piss of the sjw's. Her original plan was to buy a cheap dress online, throw it on and show her ass like other cosplays. She was ubber excited to be thinking about the sweet bucks to come from it. But people told her not to lewd the loli dragon. But uh oh… she already took lewd pics and she never made a dragon maid dress like she back peddled on.
Mmmn… but she's so lazy. She already paid the photographer for her lewd Kanna pics to. Oh well, maybe no one will notice <3 they only come for her porn anyway.
Posts*everyone shits on her for being a pedo.
*she gets offended
*tries to prove a child is a slut and being a pedophile is okay.
*gets shit on more for taking things out of context and being creepier
* gets more offended and butthurt. Her feelings reach full shadow the edge hog high and reverts to the maturity of a teenager. Says she was doing a troll cosplay
* actually wasn't trolling and is stuffing her face full of salty food and booze because it got to her. She starts to bloat. Had a hangover for days
*knows she fucked up and literally tries to bury her mistake with posts over a year old and titty pics.
If she was actually trolling guys, she would be working on her next Kanna cosplay, not Lucoa. She is too much of a pussy to do another loli cosplay.
No. 387950
>>387933this is such shit.
people gave the same backlash when that cosplay deviant bitch did a set for yotsuba. of course if you're dressing in a cosplay of a child people are going to associate you with the child. the only "pass" momo gets is that she's too fat to even really look like the character so most of her fans are just fapping to her fat ass and not the aspect of the character at all.
No. 387951
>>387933dressing like a child on a hotel bed while slowly taking off the dress and showing bare ass isn't sexual at all. It's totally cute. It's even cuter that in that POV you can pretend your the oniichan about to touch me <3
fuck off you dumb cow. And you already condoned pedophilla by saying it's okay because Kanna is sexually active you perv
No. 387954
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>>387952Good to know she's not getting away with this
No. 387960
>>387958she doesn't believe she was wrong. she's just gonna keep getting those sweet sweaty neckbeard bux so she could care less. she only cares about hate cause she's an insecure cunt, that's why she's showing off her fat body that she's clearly unhappy with. that's why she's so sexual, she needs people to validate her body since she's unhappy with it.
i know not everyone is like this, but it's clear she is.
No. 387965
>>387933Maybe she meant that she's the size of two women. Or ate two
fat women to get to the size that she is.
No. 387967
File: 1495652574021.gif (1.72 MB, 498x207, tenor-2.gif)

>>387958Clearly her smirking like she's won while lifting her skirt and "Sorry" plays is her 'oh so clever' way of saying she's not going to ever admit she's wrong or apologize. It would be so simple too, maybe even rehab her image a bit to actually admit she's wrong even once.
She's getting progressively more angry though, the style of her tweets has descended into a period after every word for emphasis territory.
No. 387968
>>387817I sent in some pretty convincing arguments but no dice.
Honestly I don't think they will shut her down because of the commission they get, and the commission they're getting off of all cosplayers. They probably make bank so why shut them down.
It's such a sad, flawed system when sex sells more than what the platform was originally based on. Art and artists. Being naked is not an artform I don't care.
No. 387972
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>>387970good point. here's the full conversation.
context, i sent this to her before i found this thread and knew about her full shittiness, so i basically tried to give her a friendly hint but she completely missed where i was coming from
No. 387977
File: 1495653243104.png (463.77 KB, 720x615, Screenshot_2017-05-24-12-06-35…)

MooMoo go to rehab. The drugs you're on are making you age so fast you ugly mug this is just so entertaining.
No. 387980
File: 1495653324704.png (229.43 KB, 720x916, Screenshot_2017-05-24-12-07-21…)

Also you don't link anything here. Screencaps or GTFO. Moomookun has a nasty habit of deleting her blowups and backtracking everything she says.
No. 387989
>>387977 throwing on the only good cosplay you have that was made by someone else and saying "fuck you" to a mirror while looking yourself dead in the eyes.
Yes Momo, go fuck yourself