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No. 396612
Old thread
>>373154>Edwin posted another video response with receipts>Video of Dasha calling Mina a cunt leaked>Screenshot of Dasha supposedly soliciting someone to photoshop an app screen to frame Mina for having multiple fake accounts leaked>Edwin asks leaker to DM him>Dasha unprivated Twitter, immediately blames MinaCyr: No. 396637
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No. 396639
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She's so fucking unhealthily obsessed with Mina, it's so creepy it makes my stomach churn. Dasha, it's YOUR fault. YOU are the one who INSTIGATED all this drama in the first place. YOU are the one who wouldn't shut the fuck up about Mina for MONTHS, up to present day. YOU are the one who brought this all on yourself, accounts being fake or not. YOU are the one trying to wear Mina's skin while simultaneously being competitive and trying to outshine her in EVERYTHING. YOU are the one who's obsessed with Mina, not the other way around. YOU, Dasha, are a psychotic BITCH.
I can't even start to imagine how Dasha was in her past relationships with ex's, I feel like maybe this is a recurring theme with her, where she obsesses over girls who came before her and tries to be like and dress like them. I wish Edwin would have given us all the tea about those people who contacted him from Dasha's hometown.
No. 396643
After following all this off and on for a while, this is my theory as to what happened between everyone that led to the drama:
Dasha routinely snooped on Mina's phone while she was drunk or passed out. She dug around until she happened to find the fake accounts Mina was using (I do believe Mina was using the fake accounts). She takes a screenshot because she is a manipulative person and wants evidence to use against her at a later time if needed, and then being the impulsive person she is, she deletes her instagram profile out of anger. Cyr and Edwin find out she is the one responsible for deleting Mina's insta. Edwin later confesses this to Mina, and the two of them start to form a mutual friendship/attraction/whatever. When Dasha finds out Mina knows she deleted the instagram, she tells everyone about Mina's fake accounts. Cyr believes Dasha about the fake accounts, but Edwin either doesn't because he is infatuated with Mina, or doesn't care and still sides with Mina. Edwin is now sticking up for Mina against Dasha/Cyr in fights and this is what prompts Dasha to call Mina a cunt and threaten to kick Edwin out and ruin his life over taking Mina's side over his best friend's (i.e. her) side. Cyr is stressed out because of all the fighting and drama and cries to his brother who tells him to man up and deal with the mess created by inviting two crazy instahoes to live with him and his bff. Cyr decides that the solution is that Edwin has to go, because his taking Mina's side and sticking up for her is triggering Dasha and causing tension (because Dasha wants control over Mina without someone else there interfering). Cyr decides to blame the whole thing on his brother wanting everyone out. Cyr doesn't really want his best friend to leave, which is why he later says he was going to "try to talk to his brother and work something out" i.e. he was having second thoughts about Edwin having to leave as the solution to the mess the girls (mostly Dasha) have made. It's too late though because Edwin already feels betrayed and realizes that Cyr is completely cucked by Dasha and only cares about keeping Dasha's insanity under control so that he can play video games and get drunk in peace. Edwin decides to leave on his own terms in a dramatic way to get Cyr's attention, and Mina goes along because she trusts Edwin more than the other two. Dasha is hurt that Mina left her because she has a weird infatuation with Mina, Cyr is hurt that he lost Edwin, Edwin is hurt he lost Cyr, and Mina is…well I honestly don't think she really cares too much about any of these people. Everyone's initial hurt over what happened quickly turned into anger, insults and pettiness once they ALL started publicly airing their shit. And here we are now.
saging cause I got a little carried away.
No. 396664
Anyone who was friends with Onision for so long can't be a good person.
No. 396667
>>396643i have trouble believing mina made the fake accounts because dasha already has a history of posting those creepy mina edits on PULL and mina doesn't seem to have the personality to make all those creepy fake cyr/dasha edits on that annor lilly account.
i do think that mina did something fucked up though because she constantly looks at edwin to speak up for her to make sure what she's saying is right. she could just be nervous or a generally non-confrontational person, but i have a feeling her, dasha and cyr all fucked each other and she was down with polyamory and feels ashamed.
No. 396713
>>396662I see him very similarly to lainey, they do shitty things but it doesn't mean they're not dealing with abusive partners.
Dasha is onision the female.
No. 396717
>>396667Here are some of the reasons I am more inclined to believe Mina made and used fake accounts, mostly based off Edwin's latest video. Sorry again for the long post.
If you go back and watch Edwin's latest video, not once does he actually outright say that Mina was not responsible for creating and using the accounts. He is very careful about that. More importantly, neither does Mina. Edwin discusses his "fishy" points, however his smoking gun about Dasha having two phones, one of which has a crack in the screen similar to Mina's is quickly debunked when people point out that the phones with similar cracks are different colors; Mina's is black and Dasha's is white. Edwin seems way too organized/methodical of a person to have missed this (Not to mention he lived with both girls so he would have seen them both using their phones to note that they are different colors), which makes me think that he knew this evidence was weak but added it in there hoping people wouldn't go back in the vlogs to catch it. The rest of his points in this section of the video addressing the fake accounts really don't prove Mina's innocence, they are just an attempt to cast more suspicion over Dasha.
The other thing that bothered me about the fake account section in his video was the fact that the person who should have been there addressing it (Mina) wasn't. I know she is back home so she couldn't be there to physically film that section with him, but wouldn't it make sense for her to at least film a clip of herself with her phone discussing the fake accounts and giving her own defense to send to Edwin to add to the video since he is so hyper-focused on providing receipts and testimonials from other people (like w/Kate's texts)? The fake account issue is the ONLY thing that Dasha potentially has on Mina and I (correct me if I am wrong) don't believe I have ever actually seen Mina come out and straight up say she was not behind them.
I don't think the fake accounts are even a big deal. If Mina was using them, she should have just owned up to it. Most people (including myself) think that even if Mina was using fake accounts to comment hate or w/e on Dasha's posts as Dasha claims, that is still nowhere near as bad as some of the things Dasha has done, such as posting Mina's full name.
No. 396722
>>396717Totally agree. Mina should have just publicly owned up to it, and I have no clue why Edwin is being shady and trying to start some conspiracy theory with Dasha being behind them.
The sad thing is, if Dasha really wanted to ruin Mina's reputation, she could have just revealed this information on twitter as soon as she found out, and everyone would have been on her side. But because she decided to go all psycho and try and get revenge, she showed her true colors and her name is being dragged through the dirt.
No. 396725
>>396722Yeah I agree as well. I always thought Mina had the fake accounts as well, but I didn't think it was a big deal. Cringey, yes, but not a big deal. I mean half of the top cosplayers pay for followers as well.
I think while yes she would get some shit for admitting it, it would help in the long run. It would give dasha no more reason to sperg (THE FAKE ACCOUNTS AAAA!!! Yes Mina already owned up to it) and possible let people focus on/confront her about everything else.
No. 396732
>>396730I think if Cyr ever tried to break up with her, she would be less inclined to physical violence, but would desperately slander his name, claiming rape, abuse, cheating, etc
Or maybe she'd go for the eyes, who knows. She might not be very smart or strong, but she's malicious as fuck.
No. 396736
>>396732She'd definitely do something seriously malicious behind closed doors as well, like sleeping with his best friend or at the very least heavily implying she'd slept with his best friend. Along with the whole "I never loved you, you're pathetic/worthless/I was just waiting for something better."
Pretty much she'd just amp up whatever it is she's doing to him right now anyway.
No. 396752
>>396717the only reason i don't think it's mina is because dasha already has a history of editing things in a weird and psychotic way. that shit isn't normal behavior and dasha has proven to be a nutcase consistently. why the fuck would she say she wants to "destroy mina" and then pay for her ticket to LA. mina just doesn't strike me as a malicious person, honestly she comes off as a bit stupid and like she couldn't comprehend that level of manipulation. and only a guilty person like dasha would flip out this much about their innocence. notice how mina says dasha asked her over and over "you don't think i deleted your accounts do you?" who else but a guilty person would need to clear their anxiety by trying to make sure the other person doesn't suspect them?
i don't think mina is guiltless, i wouldn't be surprised if she had the app or fake accts but i also wouldn't be surprised if dasha found some crazy way to frame mina, or that she even posted that screencap about paying someone herself to prove it's fake so she can act like mina is trying to fuck her over. it's all projection
No. 396759
>>396753Wtf are you saying? Use punctuation next time. I had to re-read this like 10 times.
But I'm pretty sure the original poster said they screenshot that day (yesterday?) so I'm not sure what you're even on about.
No. 396763
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>>396759Either way I think its photoshopped. Dasha's avatar icons don't even line up.
No. 396786
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No. 396787
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No. 396793
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I thought Dasha had Mina blocked? she's still stalking Mina's twitter through her rabid fans
No. 396797
>>396793I find it super creepy that Dasha blocked Edwin super quick and not Mina… I mean how else will Dasha get her ideas for clothing?
Sage for ot
No. 396798
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Busy doing what? sitting on your ass (pretending to do photoshoots) while obsessively refreshing Mina's twitter?
No. 396807
>>396806Why don't you read the old thread to answer your own questions?
Sage;; for ot
No. 396815
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I l read the YouTube comments, he already said he's biased towards Mina, he doesn't really know himself if Mina is lying but I don't think he cares anyway, and I couldn't find the other comment where he said Dasha basically admitted to Mina and Cyr about her Lip injections lol.
No. 396830
>>396819what are you talking about? it's all there
>>396042 is the video response
>>396481 is the leaked video
>>396508 the screenshot
>>396517 edwin asks to be dmed
>>396543 dasha blames mina
No. 396848
I kinda want to explain Dashas psych and how it relates to her undiagnosed mental illness she DOES suffer from, without a doubt she does have one. I remember a long time ago she said she was a victim of sexual abuse, had a bad family life, she's been abused other ways too I think from ex's. I'm trying to go at it in a psychological way, but if you notice a lot of victims of sexual abuse tend to have a mental problem or something that scars them in some way. My friend was molested when he was young, and sort of acts like Dasha, he was my friend but he picked on me, and put me down to feel a confidence about himself, I never noticed his problem until someone explained to me. Those type of people are always looking at themselves like they're always being attacked, and feels like they have to justify their bad actions. They also need constant attention, they're clingy, but also cold, they posses no empathy at times too, they also experience mood swings etc. there's more too this, but I'm sure you all get the point. She needs to actually realize this, instead of denying it. It's so apparent I don't know why nobody else see's it.
No. 396856
All of them are shitty friends. Edwin made that video, publicizing it, All their stories don't match up, Dasha doesn't admit to her shit, Cyr needs to stop hiding in the corner, needs to get help with his depression, Dasha needs to get help too. No doubt if they both get therapy and help they'll significantly improve, the problem is they don't want to face that they both have problems, Edwin filmed himself crying like that was something weird as fuck to me, Mina stays quite about everything, the whole copy and style thing is such a fucking stupid ass thing to be honest, like both of them were very normal looking, and they both looked way better before adapting to the new weeabo fucking style that's out now. There's so many of these fucking people now. They copied each other. They copy other people. Like what is this self absorbed shit? They all need to shut up. Edwin added more, even though he wanted it to end, Dasha is never gonna shut up and stop throwing shade. Mina just needs to admit to her accounts, like girl it's not a big deal, at least Dasha looks fucking worse any way and she can finally fucking stop barking like a dahm chihuahua
No. 396866
>>396865They're all super weird. Who invites their boyfriends ex-girlfriend to stay with them EVER? Especially with the intention of getting into a poly relationship? Wtf.
Any why would anybody go back to stay with their ex (who cheated on them) and their new gf?
They're all either weird as fuck or have serious esteem issues…or both.
No. 396868
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Anyone think this is still going to happen?
No. 396882
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I did some lurking, on Mina's ex friend Leon, he doesn't follow Mina anymore but follows Dasha, and I looked through the his old pics, Mina looks pretty normal, less weeaboish, he cropped the original photo of them together and it seemed like shade, I think? Like idk why he would repost that photo, out of all photos, the one with Mina. Idk though, but I went though Dashas minions accounts and they were making fun of mina sucking in her cheeks and then I found the video with Leon. She talks kinda different I think, I see the sucking in cheeks thing too. But idk if it's enough to think Mina's evil or whatever. If anything maybe she just does sketchy stuff on the down low and Dasha puts her shit out there as you can obviously see. Especially with that one psycho video. Which I seen she hasn't even addressed it. but anyway its just something I wanted to share. I don't really know what this will contribute lol.
No. 396948
>>396885It's hell week you retard, stop trying to be an armchair psychologist. That is banned and derailing.
>>396910Do you have proof of this? Not that I doubt it in any way, just receipts would be nice.
No. 396985
>>396978isn't she busy at photoshoots?
also mina's been tweeting about babadook recently now dasha won't shut up about. she does this subtle copying so that if someone points it out she can be like 'mina's not the only person who's seen the babadook! mina tries to say i copy her for everything!'
No. 397032
>>396978Who cares if Dasha is singing, how is this milk?
Why did this thread turn into boohoo Dasha got abused poor bby fox? A lot of people go through shit, and you don't see them acting like total cunts.
No. 397067
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You would think they could at least get some dental work. I notice that Dashas teeth are the only ones that look good but they looked crooked and had that yellow tint back then. I'm assuming her sugar daddies probably paid for it. And she probably has left over money hidden away somewhere from selling herself to them. She buys shit and clothes that are 60 to almost 100 dollars a piece from expensive places and probably keeps it hidden from Cyr. I wonder how she even gets her money now with her so called modeling jobs.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 397132
>>396717>>396725>>396856Anons keep mentioning theories about the accounts and that it would be or would have been in Mina's best interest to admit she made them because Julia would have no reason to sperg / no drama to rely on anymore
Admitting to this would give Julia ammunition, she would sperg even harder and release an even worse, unending shitstorm onto Mina with the help of her minions, they all would feel even more in the right and on top of it all and use this as an excuse to act even shittier.
You can't really apply common sense to Julia's hypothetical reactions because she's VILE and she won't stop beating this dead horse.
No. 397217
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>>396612hey guys im gonna make a website dedicated to our good ol psycho Dasha. Reply to this if you have good screenshots. Shes the worst person Ive ever encountered. and check out these screenshots of "fan" accounts that "admire" her. The instagram accounts are shady af because they post pictures of dasha that ive never ever seen on any of her other social media platforms so im pretty sure its Dasha herself who made the accounts. "lovefordasha" and "admirationfordasha"
Im gonna start on the website soon with all the screenshots and videos of her. I really think theres enough people who see that shes goddamn aweful and ill be her karmabringer. Pettiest thing ive done but Im gonna go through it.
Update: >shes deleted admirationfordasha but whatevz i got screenshots
lets bring it on baby
No. 397235
>>397213Nice samefag. That anon was correcting your spelling
>>397182I don't really get what you were trying to tell me here (the person you responsed to).
If it's about bias about the accounts, I personally don't know or care if Mina was behind it or not. I just don't think it would be wise to feed into Dasha's rage, that's all
>Nobody is gonna give her any right to say anything else because everyone is going to move on from itShe has a lot of stans that believe her and she does influence a lot of people. She can't really be silenced. The people sceptical of her shit can grow in numbers and put pressure on her to cut it but there will always be people who eat up the lies she fabricates
No. 397236
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>>397225>>397231Starting. Getting this shit done quick man
No. 397246
>>397240I think it is highly likely Dasha has something on Mina, and it probably has to do with accounts. It's probably not a big deal though and Dasha is blowing it way out of proportion to make Mina look shady, because she literally has nothing else on her or Edwin. Dasha is way too focused on it to make me think there isn't maybe a little something there.
I mean, if Dasha has truly fabricated the entire story about the fake accts, including faking the screenshot of them from Mina's phone, if she is willing to go that far, then why stop there? Why hasn't she fabricated other things to slam Mina and Edwin for?
No. 397249
>>397247Good point, anon
Where did that video come from?
Also I love that Dasha has conveniently kept her fake mouth shut about it
No. 397250
>>397218 I mean there is a lot of proof that it's Mina's, and to be quite honest I've used it back then for my stupid accounts when I wanted exposure. You basically keep adding people to make more coin so you can get more followers, I've added friends accounts too. I mean it's not really a big deal, kind of embarrassing. But the only way you could add accounts is if you enter the account name and password, and then it takes you to a screen where you have to allow access, a lot of those insta likes insta follow apps do that. But what Mina did isn't even as bad as Dasha makes it seem. Maybe Mina was hurt because of Dashas homewrecking ass. Anybody would be mad too. But look where trying to prove the fake accounts got her. I agree her reputation is fucked now. I'm sure no ones gonna hire or make a shoot for a
problematic and immature ass girl.
No. 397252
>>397250What's the name of the app then?
I know there is plenty, but no one has recognized the one in the photo.
No. 397261
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I found this, apparently Dasha wasn't behind the edit accounts I guess, just one of her minions
No. 397266
>>397262We can agree that both use follow apps matching their likes and followers so I don't think it matters, but all the evidence leads to Mina, Mina fan accounts along with Mina liking those fan accounts pictures, I would understand she doesn't want to claim it since that shits kind of embarrassing. It's all in the archives.
>>397252 I'm gonna say 1000 followers, it looks exactly like it. Even the coins part.
No. 397273
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>>397263>>397266are you all seriously forgetting about this?? The mysterious obsessive dasha fan account that has now disappeared
No. 397286
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>>397271I don't like any of them, Dasha is psycho nutcase, Cyr seems like a depressed and pussy wiped, Mina wants Edwin t fight her battles and add herself when it's convinient to her, and Edwin is an emotional and wants attention. I found this on their favorites. Apparently Edwin knew too, probably just wants to protect Mina because he hates Dasha, like fuck I would try to frame her too with how crazy she is. It would be easy to pin on her
No. 397290
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>>397286uh no no. Charlie posted that shit out of context. Mina apologized to Dasha twice. Once in August to end the "twitter beef" and once again in December when Dasha confronted her about curiouscat questions that Mina had asked and dasha guessed were her. Mina is absolute shit at confrontation so she broke down crying bc she was right and Mina had in fact asked Dasha questions anonymously on her curious cat questioning her character. That's the story Dasha tells regarding "sitting mina down about the fake accounts" she sat her down, but about curious cat questions NOT fake accounts. Charlie is slimey af for taking me out of context as I had already explained that to her. She knows I don't believe Mina did the fake accounts hence why I quoted "fake accounts." Alright
trigger is over.
No. 397292
>>397286he puts quotes around "fake accounts" so idk why Dasha and her minions are creaming over this like it's groundbreaking lol talk about the fucking video
!!!! No. 397293
>>397290Eh Edwin! tell Mina we know!
Dasha is so transparent.
No. 397295
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>>397290I realize how mistaken I was to try to actually get through to Dasha's main minion. I mean here's charlie justifying Dasha's actions as if her being "pissed" and having "pride" makes it all ok!
No. 397297
>>397295lol "people handle things differently"
um yeah that doesn't justify slander, stalking, and harassment
It's sad because months earlier I would have sided with Dasha if she hadn't exposed herself to be such an ugly miserable bitch
No. 397300
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Found this too, apparently. Hey Edwin I was always confused to why Mina's friend was on that fake accounts list. And they were all dedicated to Mina, I still believe Mina was behind the accounts but maybe not as extensive as Dasha says. Besides Dasha already looks bad idk has she stayed quite?
No. 397303
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Dasha says she has two white phones. I guess they were both white. Ex.
No. 397304
>>397302I fucking love you dude and 99% of the audience feels the same way about not giving a fuck about the accounts
also I applaud you for having thick skin and being here lol you're cool as fuck and you and Mina seem like genuine people while Dasha always looks like a malicious cunt
No. 397320
>>397315>>397311i know, i got
triggered by charlie posting that because i feel so stupid for even trusting her. And I only difference is I'm saying shit people that seem pretty invested as opposed to my entire audience lol. At least I acknowledged lolcow in the video - she never did, one of her fans had to tell me this is the main source where she felt she was "receiving endless hate." Not saying I'm any better, i definitely took the bait.
No. 397323
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Do you know when she deleted Mina's insta? I seen this a long time ago when she said she was telling Vince about it and the dates are there but I don't know the whole time layout
No. 397325
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>>397114I know there are milkier details at hand, but I'm confused by image related. This anon originally posted this image, deleted it, and reposted the version here:
>>396763 which is strangely cropped and slightly tilted. The original image (posted here) isn't cropped at all from what I can tell, and isn't tilted either.
What was the point to the cropping/tilting of this image? It was intentional, since this one was deleted and replaced by the tilted one.
No. 397347
>>397339Before you go do you have any clue who posted the video of her narc sperging? And did anyone ever DM you about that screenshot?
>>397346He's not harassing her, he posted context to screenshots Charlie posted. That's not trying to "ruin her," she doesn't need any helping hand for that. He's also not creepily retweeting/liking/quoting tweets that mention Dasha on twitter despite having her blocked (I'm sure?) like she's doing.
No. 397353
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>>397352This was just yesterday. Dasha is still dragging their names through the dirt.
No. 397359
>>397352"searches for drama" sounds a bit like a dasha wk
he is addressing lies being told about him
that is his right and not searching for drama if it's already there and has been for months with no break whatsoever
let him stand up for himself
No. 397367
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Idk why I can't add videos on here, it's not letting me
No. 397396
>>397363my bad didn't mean to compare you
was just skeptical and thought you might have been a minion
No. 397399
>>397395agree to disagree lol some people really do pull needless bullshit on others because they are petty and miserable
I honestly don't think Mina did anything but at this point if she did no one gives a fuck
No. 397411
>>397406lol lots of flip flops in their lives
I don't really pay attention to the side characters but I'm still super annoyed at that Lettie chick. what a dumb bitch.
No. 397431
also Edwin shouldn't have to apologize for putting that psycho cunt in her place
I can't believe there are people drinking milk here while simultaneously scolding Edwin for not having some sort of perfect moral high ground.
I am living for this shit honestly. I love when manipulative pieces of shit get exposed. Dasha deserves whatever she gets. She stalked and harrassed them for months on end and wouldn't let it die.
No. 397434
>>397428I commented to him as to why Mina couldn't speak up about it and he just kept going on about Dasha and it didn't really answer my question, I really seen it in the way he typed, like very protective of her, I mean yeah I guess he would be, but I mean if Mina doesn't care why should he? I didn't really believe him about Mina and the accounts so I guess that's why he probably got
triggered. I pretty much dislike them all. I'd say 2 of the 4 keep saying one thing and do the other, and the 2 I'm talking about are the more outspoken ones that keep contradicting what they say.
No. 397437
>>397432Well good thing you aren't Edwin then
The last word doesn't really matter as long as she and her underage fans finally stop stalking, bullying, and harrassing people they've never met?
Dasha isn't that important
This seems more like a "cease and desist" kind of situation
No. 397438
>>397436Lol I think if it is all over I'm gonna miss Dasha's meltdowns but also I'd be happy for all parties that the dumb shit finally died
They are all way too old for this shit especially Dasha being older than Mina
It's embarrassing and I can't stop watching
No. 397449
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>>396612for ur amusement. made a fake acc to check up on dragsha
(also she colored her hair just like minas now, or in a very similar tone, who the fuck is surprised)
No. 397467
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>>397451more for ur a<musement, sorry for the extremity , im just filled with a lot of anger cus of this hoe :o
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>>397467more hate comments :D thats it for today tho hahahaha
>>397467please stop the a-logging,
also you need to be over 18 to post here.
No. 397492
I checked in on these threads after weeks, and I can't believe this drama is still going on based on the same shit that happened months ago. This is worse than middle school and everyone involved is an attention whore.
>>397416Lol I agree with this. I dont get why everyone here loves Mina and Edwin. They are all attention whores dragging on drama and egging dasha on. People say hes just defending himself, and dasha never shuts up about it, but making longass videos will not shut her up anyway and will give her more things to talk/rage about lmao. No one involved wants the drama to die, and their all hellbent on proving the other person is terrible/ruining them. But at the same time, they are all acting like they are above the drama and have better things to do. Haha.
I feel like Edwin and Dasha are the main people keeping this shit going, and they drag Mina and Cyr into it to defend their stances. It's actually hilarious tho. I'm sure Edwin (and probably mina/dasha too) has been posting on these threads from the beginning defending himself if hes willing to post now.
No. 397493
>>397266I checked that app and compared it.
Doesn't rly look exactly the same, the upper left corner is diff as well as the coins are not the same looking in both apps. But it does have a similar black theme at least.
No. 397501
>>397497>>397490It's like the situation with Joy Sparkles. Joy was looking for validation and attention so she kept stirring the pot until eventually she got a thread here on lolcow.
I feel like the same situation is going to happen if Edwin keeps stirring.
No. 397514
>>397512well dasha did originally try to defend herself but gave up when it didn't work 3 threads ago kek
I don't see why after 3 hours worth of vlog footage on the drama would he still feel the need to post more on here, especially when he already posted the video a few days ago and said what he had to say. Now it looks like he's just trying to get revenge rather than 'justice'. He shouldn't have been in contact with Charlie, he's a minion, allow him to minion off of his own stupidity. But you can hardly call out Dasha for contacting Minas friends if you would do that. Edwin's living for the drama, he should be making interesting videos and finding interesting locations to vlog about, not sat at home on lolcow (like us but kek) trying to fuck with Dashas life. Move on and allow her to sperg on her own then fizzle out.
No one is on Team anything here. No. 397528
>>397519I think what bugs me more are the
"farmers" deffo not 12s coughcough being like
>oh yesss daddy edwin i love u as soon as he reared his ugly head.
No. 397535
>>397514I felt like a lot of posts from the start have been Edwin/Mina defending themselves and trying to convince people of their side too (not just dasha who was likely posting here too). It was getting annoying because if you ever tried to say mina/edwin were at fault for anything, you'd immediately get jumped on by a bunch of posts saying they are faultless angels and it doesnt matter what they do because dasha is the real psycho. I abandoned this thread because i thought they were all stupid but you cant say that here without people accusing you of being dasha and trying to whiteknight edwin/mina.
Idk its been obvious hes an attention whore, and hes 27/28, feeding off this drama. He put a cut of him crying in his first video, which was cringey and i dont get why he had that on film lmao. And in both his videos he seems so excited to "expose" dasha, spent all that time looking up "receipts" to film multiple hour long videos, lurking lolcow, getting Mina to give testimonies, and he also hasnt shut up about it on twitter. Like i get right after it happened him being bitter about what happened, but hes still going at it, just like dasha is.
I feel like hes always been trying to play the "I'm a good friend who was just looking out for cyr" act, but then is plastering all his personal texts/info even when cyr hadn't been the one really saying anything and it was all dasha. Hes probably too horny for mina, that he will whiteknight her to death and wanted some romantic runaway from the evil people who are hurting us moment. I feel like Mina doesnt give a shit about edwin/cyr/dasha and just uses people for housing lmao. She seems like a quiet snake who will have other people fight her battles, while dasha is just an outward psycho. I'm sure she will jump ship from Edwin in the near future if she can get someone else to take her in or whatever the hell shes doing. Edwin and Cyr are both idiot almost 30 year olds who let 20 year old instahoes ruin their friendship, idk why they are still going on about it.
No. 397551
I was watching the video and the texts he showed between him and Cyr after the onion video got cyr to talk to him kind of pissed me off. It actually looked like cyr was trying to talk things out with him even though cyr was also being bitter about the videos, he actually said some understanding things towards Edwin and explained his feelings to him. I feel like they could have easily worked things out, but Edwin shut down the convo multiple times and demanded only to talk on the phone without dasha ever appearing, yet he had mina right there during the call and Mina butted in according to him lmao. And apparently because dasha made an appearance, he immediately hangs up, but then also says the convo ended awkwardly after they talked about him making another vlog?
Idk I feel like Edwin acted like Cyr never tried to talk things out with him, but it seemed like he was doing it right there, and they could have made up or at least be cool with each other. And in the texts its obvious Cyr is annoyed about him making a video in the first place, but then Edwin demands he make a video about "his side of the story" because Dasha made a periscope (which cyr didnt look enthusiastic about the periscope either). Lol That seems like a dumb thing to do to try to resolve the problem and just further makes it look like you're exploiting the situation for views. Everything Cyr was saying was screaming, 'im sick of this personal shit being in videos', but Edwin was too stubborn and needed to react to Dasha.
If they just talked it out without Edwin needing to make a bunch of vlogs, i think they could have been cool with each other. Even in his texts, he mentions, "I'll clear it up in the next vlog", after Cyr was obviously telling him he didnt like the videos and him using the situation for views. Cyr mentioned he just wished Edwin had talked to him before he left, and then Edwin insists Cyr should have answered his text because that was him talking, but his text just was just "is dasha okay". LOL. A normal person would send a detailed text or ask "can we talk? It's important". Not have a midnight run away session with the ex-gf turned polyamorous gf of your "best friend" to escape the evil Dasha. These people are almost 30. Just both fucking say you're sorry for your part and stop being stubborn as hell. Even if Dasha is crazy, I feel like Edwin was blaming Cyr for everything Dasha is doing, and keeps trying to act like he was always civil and tried to talk things out.
I've taught conflict resolving skills to middle schoolers who do a much better job than this group of idiots. Honestly, if I was Cyr and saw Edwin talk like that, i'd also come to conclusion hes trying to exploit it for views.
>>397547The way he was so giddy in his second video, had an intro like he was talking about a fun topic, and interviewed his own fucking mom in it just to expose Dasha was cringy as hell. He's obviously enjoying this too much.
No. 397552
>>397456wasn't saying her looks make depression impossible
I meant job wise, she looks great, she has a supportive bf(I think?), and a following that kisses her ass, and lives in LA the best place for her goals
Yet she is hell bent on bullying Mina to no end
Like girl be grateful for your life and stop shitting on passive girls because it makes you feel tough and superior
No. 397558
>>397495Or maybe most of us don't have anything against Mina lol
I'm so over anons saying that someone is white knighting just because they don't hate the same people as them
No. 397561
>>397519I agree with both of them being drama queens
though he actually seems nice while Putin is.. Putin.
No. 397564
>>397551oh god anon your summary made me laugh with how on point it is
I feel like they are both annoying as fuck for always speaking for Cyr but I don't have any sympathy for him either
No. 397572
Oh come on now, are we really going to compare Edwin 'stirring the pot' to Sasha's relentless harassment? From his (albeit 'immature' posting on this thread) posts, I see nothing that is unjust or unfair about his statements. Consider the recent Dasha 'ruining' his life sperg, he knew she had said that to him, which resulting in him later being kicked out of his apartment (which Cyrs reasoning is found to be BS as he's completely changed it twice) she claimed she didn't, made him out to be a liar/victim and pooled her minions against him, alongside continuously trashing him, he carried on making (mostly irrelevant to the drama) videos, and generally not reacting, now this video comes to light, proving Dasha did say those things, after MONTHS of 'defaming' his character and calling him a liar. ANYONE would react,and would now be smug AF and overjoyed that the psychotic behaviour that fucked with your life was undeniably revealed.
No. 397573
>>397566I'm not a fan of mina because her explanations for everything are "yeah they made me do some shit. It was weird. I didnt say anything but it was awkward, yeah." Like Edwin and her in the last video talked about how when she came she slept in Cyr and Dasha's bed and she was like 'Yeah i thought that was weird. I thought it'd only be for a few days'. And Edwin adds 'yeah they didnt even get an air mattress or anything. There really was nowhere else for her to sleep.'. Like Mina…wtf. LOL. Like she has a mouth and can speak and ask for an air mattress, buy it herself, sleep on the couch if you're uncomfortable. I feel like she was actually cool with a bunch of shit that happened, but now that theres bad blood, shes pointing out things. The other explanation is shes a mute who is unable to voice any of her requests to these people. Honestly I think shes just a user and doesnt actually care about any of them and will hop to the next person's bed in a heartbeat. She seems like she will do shady shit quietly then act dumb, so i can believe she made the fake accounts.
>>397569Yeah I honestly dont get the picking side shit. When this thread was made, i thought we were all gonna talk about how they are all cows, but then it became only one or the other side is allowed to be the cow, choose your team bullshit. How can anyone see the drama that happened and not think they all were dumb as hell during it. I especially dont get the Mina fangirling in here when this woman flew to another country to live with her ex-bf and the gf she claims he cheated on her with, then somehow was convinced into a polyamorous relationship, then hopped beds to the roommate and ran away with him and is now bunking in his place. She seems like an idiot. I dont believe Dasha just 'convinced' her to do everything. I for one dont think dasha is that powerful. Shes just a snake who needs anger management. But her "threats" to "ruin your life" are not gonna do anything. Its more like mina never rejected anything that was happening even while knowing that dasha deleted her instagram. Her response is "yeah it was weird. yeah." but she still got into a weird poly thing with them?
Does no one in this household just fucking confront each other? They all talk behind each others back and scheme things. It's like watching a terrible soap opera where everything is blown out of proportion because theres so many misunderstandings because no one talks to each other and just assumes things.
No. 397577
>>397551exactly, it's obvious cyr is really frustrated. dasha is reactionary and impulsive, but he obviously loves her and wants to be with her. i am sure he's frustrated by the whole thing. in his place, i would see dasha's actions as defensive and hurt. honestly, i do think she truly cared deeply for mina, she just had a lot of jealousy and complicated emotions and if the fake accounts thing is true, that's pretty hurtful. yes, dasha has some issues, but honestly i see a lot of myself when i was younger in her. idk i feel of the girl, i do. unpopular opinion. she isn't handling her emotions in an effective way but i genuinely think she feels hurt and attacked. and cyr wants it all to end.
maybe i am too sensitive for lolcow but i can feel empathy for every one of them, i just think they need to move past it, but dasha and edwin both just keep defending themselves and reacting and it's spun into a proper shitstorm.
i feel bad for cyr - yes dasha is reactionary and hell bent on defending herself, but i am sure he cares for her and feels protective of her. she's obviously hurt and upset. i think it's obvious she really adored mina, despite some complicated jealousy and hurt, and now edwin is painting her as this horrible anusive gf from a few private texts that don't tell the whole story.. you can make her into a villain all you want, but they all did things that were wrong, mina was obviously in it for the fame and exposure, and dasha obviously really adored her. i mean i think she really had deep feelings for her, and while she seems vicious and angry, usually people like that are just deeply hurt,
idk too sensitive for lolcow again but i think she's just been through a lot in her childhood, which was troubled, and obviously has some dysfunctional emotions and behavior.
she needs to go talk to someone and sort herself out, and everyone needs to stop going on about it. i wish she'd just say i defended myself, i was hurt, i am done, and just ignore edwin.
the whole thing is such a mess! someone is about to jump down my throat because reeee dasha is evil lol
No. 397580
>>397573I agree: They all were dumb as fuck amd not able to to confront each other poenly.
I don't get the whole texting each other regarding problems (when still living together). Don't write messages, just go over into the other room and confront the person (if the person wants that or not).
D and C said several times, they wanted Mina to leave L.A. and she just didn't react or cried and "wandered off into E's room". If I want someone who is staying in my house to leave, I make him leave. If I want to talk to someone about something, I don't set a date and time - I just do it.
In the end I think they all liked the situation til some point:
D liked to have a girlfriend/friend and be so "different" with her poly-realtionship.
C liked to cuddle with 2 really hot girls that both like him.
M liked the attention from everyone - plus "being" with a somewhat famous youtuber.
E just tagged along and from some point on was really into M.
No. 397585
>>397581I couldn't imagine living together with a couple - especially not with one that fights a lot. You're always in the middle of their fights then.
Edwin moved in with Cyr, they dreamed of "creating" together. He must have been quite jealous when "creating" was no longer Cyr's top priority but Dasha was. Then Dasha moved in with them officially. Into a very open loft with few doors and not much privacy. Imagine hearing D and C everyday: fighting - and fucking.
It would totally get on my nerves. And perhaps Edwin also felt left out, like a third wheel.
Then Cyr complains to him about the fights as well. How is Edwin (who must have not been the biggest fan of Dasha the whole time already) supposed to understand why Cyr doesn't end his relationship if they fight so much?
(What Edwin doesn't understand: There are complicated and passionate relationships like that - just don't drag other people into it.)
No. 397588
>>397577I honestly dont think dasha is as psycho as this thread makes her out to be either, but its an unpopular opinion so i avoid saying it lmao. She doesnt give me onision evil vibes like some people are saying. I do think shes terrible at controlling her emotions, does incredibly stupid shit when she doesnt like people, and needs some extensive therapy. She honestly needs to just stop talking about mina and edwin and let it go, and it will make her look a lot better. She also needs to stop her weird shady shit vendettas against people. But honestly, i dont get how anyone finds Dasha scary or threatening. She seems like shes all talk. Like wow, she can rant on twitter about stealing/not stealing her style for ten years, sure, but I don't really see that as scary. Her biggest scheming accomplishment was deleting mina's instagram in increments. Like that is weird, and id probably end my friendship with her too. But Mina didn't. She knew about the instagram thing the whole time and didn't even speak up about it until Edwin confirmed it. And then they somehow made up about it, until more drama happened. Lol? I feel like Edwin is exaggerating the Dasha said she was going to ruin my life thing, as if hes actually scared of her. Dasha seems like she says a bunch of dumb shit when shes angry/emotional, but isnt actually gonna do much more than sperge on twitter and have lame plots of talking to your friends for info lmao. I say this because I dont think they needed to escape in the night to get away from Dasha like the dramatic shit they did, and I don't think they are so terrified of her, they could never confront her about anything. Like Mina seems to not ever speak up if she has a problem.
I also think cyr obviously has a more soft spot for her because hes dating her and has seen her be crazy, but also has seen her be nice and a good gf. I think Edwin trying to turn Cyr against Dasha and blaming her for everything because him and her started not getting along is a dumb move. I've had many friends who have terrible gf/bfs but you're not gonna convince them to leave them. They will do it in their own time or they wont. But its only going to drive a wedge between his and Cyr's friendship, which it did, because Cyr is going to defend his gf.
>>397584Mina is also in the videos and doesnt discourage Edwin. And Cyr also made a stream about it. They all are dumb as hell and aren't letting it go.
>>397585I agree that living together wasn't working. They should have just talked it out though, agreed it wasnt working, and Edwin/Mina could move out or they could decide something. Edwin complained that he "heard" cyr was going to kick him out so he left all dramatically.I would not want to befriend any of these dramatic ass people. They all just talk privately in bathrooms/on roofs and then relay the private info to the other person, then have weird dramatic plots. Like holy shit.
No. 397592
>>397587Agreed, I mean I always thought Edwin was a loser desperate to be something he will never be (YouTube famous) but posting in his own thread is beyond embarrassing, and he definitely deserves to be called out for it so I don't know why some
People on here are praising him
No. 397595
>>397592Someone posted a screencap out of context so he posted here in order to set the record straight. Would you rather he posted it on twitter, even though it would be obvious he reads lolcow anyways? But I mean, if it's against the rules, then yeah, he should be following them, I guess.
I don't know, it's kind of hard for me to shame him for making a video against her when she's been tweeting rude shit at Mina relentlessly. Maybe it's vindictive of me, but if someone went after my friend, I would have no qualms with calling them out.
No. 397596
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>Who's team are you on in the Twifight saga: New Room-Mate?
>Team Vampire or Team Werewolf?
kek i am joking… they all retarded
No. 397617
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>>397613they come from dasha, kek.
No. 397619
>>397613we come from
>i'm victim :( >i just want to clear my name>ok just one more vidya to clear my name and then i want to move on with my life because i don't care anymore>HEY LOLCOW ITS EDWIN HERE AKA BIG PAPI AND I HAVE SOME DIRT I GOT TO TELL YOU MY FRIENDS ABOUT EVIL QUEEN DASHA UR JUST GOING TO LOVE TEEHEEE[squinting intensifies]
No. 397624
>>397619I don't really get that, because he posted to clear up someone taking his texts out of context to slander him. It was impulsive, and he's probably lashing out, but I don't really see how he's the villain here considering Dasha's been running a hate campaign for months. If he continues to post here, it would definitely be weird, but for the most part the drama seems like it's been dying off now that everything has been said. Edwin makes a video pushing back, Dasha backs down, maybe it'll be peaceful now. Which would be boring ngl.
Honestly the only thing that would be interesting at this point is if Mina actually tells her side of the story, because the only way we've seen her is through Edwin-vision, which is a highly idealized version of her. She's hiding stuff, and is most likely not as sweet as she pretends to be. It would be entertaining if she sperged out herself, but she seems too calculated for that.
No. 397631
>>397621Sage but a lot of us here, like myself, have been here from thread 1. But we see through Edwin's nice guy victim bullshit, more so now than before. And it is generally frowned upon to post in your own thread to whiteknight yourself, use your own platforms to do so and allow the farmers to discuss on here. As for hijacking, this thread was hijacked by 12 yr old dasha bashas after edwin's shoutout, bringing them all by the horde to our sacred place REEEEE.
Everyone's pretty lulzy, Dasha is the worst but this doesn't mean Edwin's safe to act all chummy and
down wiv da kidz here, its cringeworthy
No. 397656
>>397613been here since the beginning. not everyone shares your opinion of REEE DASHA IS EVIL and edwin is totally jsut the victim
it's always the more biased farmers saying less biased ones are dasha minions or white knights. lol no. i can see how all of them are at fault - mina and cyr are handling it better, absolutely, but i love how lolcow of all places is so all over edwin and mina.
edwin, if you're reading here, shut the fuck up about the situation, you're just as bad as dasha. let it fucking go. cyr was right when he said you're just using this whole thing for views. and you went public first, so fuck off with the victim card shit
dasha, the only things you should actually care about defending yourself are where they call you manipulative and abusive. shut up about fake accounts and copy cat, no one cares, you made your point and never shut up about it. stop reacting to edwin or things said here
they are all so lacking in tact for being in the public eye to a degree. jesus.
No. 397665
The increase in Dasha stans is unreal. Yes, Edwin is a drama hungry mexican weiner. But he's a fucking youtuber, it's his career. The whole "Ooh but Edwin started it! Edwin kept it up!" is utter bullshit. There's 4 threads full of irrefutable, concrete evidence that Dasha not only instigated this whole drama but has kept fanning it for months. It's fucking June and she's still going on about fake accounts. Go back to thread one and read on from there. Time and time again Dasha has unwittingly outed herself as an absolute psycho hell bent on ruining Edw-ina's lives. Jesus christ in the last thread a video was leaked where Dasha outright admitted to wanting to ruin Edwin's life for sticking up for Mina whilst they were still on good terms.
That's not to say none of the others are cows - they're all milky, but Dasha is 100% the villain in this story, she's definitely always been and always will be the prize dairy cow.
She's not only filled her twitter with narc sperg rants about the pair for the past SIX months, she's been caught posting on PULL. Let's not act like Edwin is now some big pot stirrer, he's been extremely passive throughout the whole situation with few (but devastating) responses. Him posting context on here isn't stirring the pot, it's clearing his name lmao. White knighting himself sure but let's refrain from acting like he's all that milky/entertaining.
>>397661Can you not talk about newfags when not a single one of your posts are saged in this thread?
No. 397680
i went back through and cannot understand dashas priorities. she endlessly goes on about fake accounts and copy cat accusations, yet they fucking accused her of being a terrible and cruel gf. in her place i would flip shit. barely a peep, and won't shut up about stupid shit.
like yes cyr defended her and honestly it's his choice to be with her, who cares, there's more to a relationship than some moments of distress, although wow dasha. get therapy girl
i just can't believe this drama is about fake accounts and deleting instagram. like, this is wild. maybe to instahoes and yters this matters but honestly who fucking cares lol
the poly thing is crazy yeah but i can't believe mina went with it, let alone flew out to stay with them. it's fine to be distant friends with your exes and shit, idk, my ex and i would get lunch and go for drinks when his gf before me was home from school, or go to parties with her and stuff, so ishe can understand being on good terms, but this is next level crazy. i would've slept on the couch if i were her. i don't understand why she didn't just tell dasha and cyr no, and just be on good terms. she's so in it for the fame.
dasha however seriously has some obsessive tendencies about mina obviously, which i don't understand either.
it's just so fucking wild and weird and the things these people fucking care about, lol. like cyr is the only one who makes sense to me in all of this, even though he did some shitty stuff,
No. 397689
>>397665>remains unbiased>admits dasha is the worst but edwin is kinda bad>"REEEEE DASHA STANS!" ~while simultaneously insulting edwin calling him a drama hungry mexican weiner~anon R U OK?! can't decide if you're 12 or just plain autistic. (have to kek that these would be the same people who would comment "hey dasha" but seeings as that's banned have to resort to other measures.)
Stop acting like a fucking retard because other people just don't see Edwin as a saint.
No. 397707
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Apparently people are telling Dasha to kill herself. Not sure if this is true or she's just saying it to make it sound like she's getting hate for pity points. She had no issue with her minions constantly telling Mina to kill herself on her instagram.
No. 397713
>>397696People seem to be forgetting that this thread is about
all of them. Not just Dasha. They're all here for a reason. In case people forgot that this is real life: It's perfectly normal to not have an extremely biased opinion! You can think someone is absolute shit and think another is just as bad. It's not against the law. That doesn't make someone a stan or a sperg, just means their opinion is different from yours.
No. 397725
>>397621>>397665Lol just what I said would happen if you dare go against god Edwin in this thread. Immediately get called Dasha or her minions. And get told it doesnt matter what they do, dasha is worse!!!! Can people not accept the fact that they are all morons and Edwin is indeed milking this shit for views/attention?
>>397656>>397631I feel like theres a lot of us who have been here from the start, aren't dasha or her minions but gave up on calling out edwin/mina as much because this thread became biased with edwin/mina supporters. I'm glad im not the only one who sees through their bullshit and realizes EVERYONE involved is an attention whore idiot.
No one recently is ever calling Dasha innocent and flawless, but the "team edwin" people make an excuse for every action he does, so i dont know why people are assuming everyone is dasha minions in here. Since edwin is aware of this thread, i wouldn't be surprised if he is sending people to defend himself here too.
I dont get how anyone can think making these hour long videos with "reciepts", interviews with his mom (lollll), etc makes him look good. Hes nearing 30 years old for christs sake. And I dont see Dasha really "ruining his reputation". The initial drama basically died down, and she sperges about mina a shit ton, but it's not even affecting them. People already chose who they want to believe in the situation that happens MONTHS AGO. Dasha is making herself look bad by not shutting up about mina, and edwin already had said his piece. A lot of things hes accusing dasha of doing, hes doing himself.
No. 397733
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I wonder what happened. Mina hasn't been active on any social media since she left London yesterday…
No. 397753
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>>397743Also the fact that she didn't even both to cover this up, a post on her MAIN saying to follow her private account…with now the same username
No. 397781
>>397758Kind of sounds like newfags, doesn't it?
>>397733This is really good for him. Hopefully he moves on now.
No. 397802
>>397273see, i told y'all they weren't hate accounts, just cringey fan accounts.
Dasha just lies, lies, lies
No. 397817
>>397568I remember that and no I didn't accuse them of being Dasha I said they sounded like they were white knighting her and that I misstyped
I literally said it right after omg
nice reach, though
No. 397835
limecrime has the milkiest history so they might drop her altogether to avoid said milky past
No. 397839
>>397816lol those receipts constantly catch Mike and Julia in their lies and show their shitty character
I'm sure that Edwina are not perfect angelic fawns but there isn't much to back up that they are villains and I don't care to speculate when there isn't milk
No. 397843
>>397834can't tell if being sarcastic but fuck it
someone posted screen caps debunking that Dasha paid someone to frame Mina
but I think the anon thinks Dasha posted the debunking but I doubt it
Most of us hate on her but we only do when it's valid
No. 397869
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Guys, I've figured out why Dasha is a skin walker and generally crazy. Who wouldn't be with a mother like this? I present you all, Julia/Putin's mother.
Does anyone have the photo of Dasha when she had long hair, wearing a beanie like this one, and standing in the same position? I can't seem to find it, and I'd love to compare.
No. 397881
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>>397879I remember seeing this pic of her dad from when she was little that she posted on her twitter a while ago, I just went back and found it. He looks kinda similar to Cyr with the hair and clothes.
No. 397889
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>>397878Imo, I think her mom would look really good for age if she hadn't fucked herself over with cigarettes and who knows what other substances.
No. 397901
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>>397899She looks pretty good to me, mature, not into all that kawaii trendy girl bull. Girls nowadays want to look and dress like children and that astounds me.
No. 397904
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>>397899Not really. She looks a bit older and different than Dasha, maybe they have a different dad.
No. 397905
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>>397901She's finding herself.
No. 397913
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She looks so different in all of her pictures.
No. 397919
>>397916I seen this, no one can complain about Edwin they just want everyone to complain about Dasha and Dasha only. Like I've complained about her so much we don't fucking like her she's insane we all know. But when we notice Edwin and see through his facade someone gets
triggered. Gets annoying. I was even paranoid he would come in this thread again. It was bad enough dealing with Dashas minions in the other threads.
No. 398130
>>397901they're both gorgeous omg
I wish Dasha wasn't so cunty because I would probably be a fan otherwise
No. 398133
>>397905sage for double post
ignore other comment
thought this was new
(spamming) No. 398170
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>>398168Lmao I seen that and went back. I know this isn't milky but it's fucking funny, vegan vs social justice warriors. But to be fair sjws are the worst people on the internet, even their profiles are cringey "she/her" "ManTears" bullshit
No. 398176
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I don't eat animals, that's cruel. I just like to wear them.
No. 398180
>>398177She needs to take several seats with her vegan preaching when she is promoting leather goods for money on the same social platforms she promotes veganism. I gotta say Edwin did a pretty good job dragging her on that hypocrisy in his video.
Also, did anyone else catch that little jab he made about how he doesn't understand why she is even wearing the clothes Mina left behind b/c they aren't even her size. I laughed.
No. 398203
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am i reaching or does dasha's new wig look a lot like mina's natural hair?
its not 100% but considering shes an actual 'single white female' i wouldnt be surprised if that was the intention… she was even poufing it up to look like it had bangs on her snapchat
No. 398207
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They copy each other.
No. 398228
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They do copy each other. Look! Dasha sucking in her cheeks. Always thought Mina invented that.
No. 398584
I don't know if you guys have seen this, but at around 9:14 in one of Edwin's videos (titled: She's a Bad Girl) you can see Dasha hitting Cyr. Though I am aware people do this playfully, it did seem a bit heavy handed. His body language before hand was very anticipatory as well, an indication that he'd likely experienced this before and moved by reflex to guard himself (specifically his vulnerable/crotch area). I don't mean to theorize or over-analyze one tiny detail or seemingly trivial action, however I am very keen to know what you guys think. While I believe not one party in this is completely free of fault, I think Dasha in particular needs to either be held accountable or seek treatment. I don't mean to add armchair theories to this thread, but I do want to note that Dasha strongly exhibits a lot of characteristics synonymous with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. While I can't fully speak for her diagnosis, I think it is worth putting out there that her type of behavior is potentially harmful to herself and to those around her.
For further review, the APA (American Psychology Association) lists several NPD characteristics as:
1) Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from others
2) Fixated on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
3) Self-perception of being unique, superior and associated with high-status people and institutions
4) Needing constant admiration from others
5) Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
6) Exploitative of others to achieve personal gain
7) Unwilling to empathize with others' feelings, wishes, or needs
8) Intensely envious of others and the belief that others are equally envious of them
9) Pompous and arrogant demeanor
Other unlisted symptoms include aggressive defensiveness, the inability to GENUINELY acknowledge one's own faults or flaws, high reactivity to criticism or any contrary viewpoints, pathological insecurity, the tendency to project onto others qualities they are unable or unwitting to accept within themselves, self righteousness and poor interpersonal boundaries (imposing behaviors on others ranging from oppressive/exploitative to lascivious in nature).
I hope I am not breaking any community guidelines with this post but I just wanted to post this as I am very affected by situations like this, having endured and lost my family to similar circumstances (if anything, I have 20 years of experience with narcissistic abuse). It bothers me a lot to witness things like this but I am deeply intent on sharing what I know in hopes that others can avoid what my family went through.
As for Dasha and her often vindictive, grandiose and erratic behavior, I really hope her partner comes to his senses in time to prevent any further psychological damage to himself or others around him.
Video link: armchair psychology) No. 398586
>>398584are you the armchair anon from the onision threads?
sage your armchair posting
No. 398590
>>398584Are you the same bitch who kept bringing up this shit from the Onion threads?
Nigga stop, no1currs.
No. 398592
>>398584Lol thats a bit of a stretch. We have no context of why she was hitting him, and she just whacked his arm and it looked like not a big deal to anyone in the room.
I personally dont get NPD vibes from her. But she is shit at handling her anger/emotions and does crazy shit. I wouldnt try to diagnose her with your personal problems influencing what you see in someone else lmao.
>>398587His tweet about avoiding social media came after the backlash from him posting here and people not sucking his dick, so i thought that was why he took a break, but idk.
No. 398595
>>398584Damn, you are going to receive a lot of shit for this, but I agree, she's definitely narcissistic. Kind of irks me when people say she has bipolar disorder. Also judging by seeing how her mother is, it doesn't surprise me at all, because her mom probably suffers from narcissistic disorder aswell. I know a lot of daughters of narcisstic mothers become narcisstic themselves as a way to defend themselves. Imo though, I don't think it matters, once you cross the line of being a shitty person and trying to cause harm to others, whether mentally, physically, or any other way, I don't think anyone should feel sympathy for you.
As for Vincent, he deserves it after all the shit he's done to past gf's.
No. 398619
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Not what I wanted to stumble across in my explore
No. 398690
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>>398619maybe she finally found her new pet model that "looks like her" kek
No. 398704
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> Makes fun of Mina for her hair
> Gets same exact hair as Mina just slightly more brown
No. 398706
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No. 398719
>>398704I don't know if it's just her personality making her look ugly or the filters lately, but damn Dasha is looking rough.
Cyr just looks like his usual greasy beta self.
No. 398738
>>398595I think what he's done to past gfs kinda
triggered Mina to post hate from her fake accounts, under Vincent's pic with Dasha, it's like "Mina wouldn't like this" "Mina was better". But I mean Dasha was the homewrecker, who would blame her for hating her ex? I always felt she was behind them because that's something not unusual to do to me. The girl was hurt, they even commented that Cyr was a fuckboy. Which he is lmao. That just seems like something commen, and it's over the top how they make it seem.
No. 398920
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I know I'm bringing up old shit and the milk is dry, but while this thread is dead I did intensive fucking digging in my old screenshots. When dasha was first "exposing" Mina for these fake accounts!!1
1) she never showed any evidence that they were leaving hate or bullying comments? I went through a ton of them and they were just cringy edits n inspo shit
2) pic related, this always bugged me, this was the ss I took during the 1st thread, but I never thought to post. This was one of the main accounts dasha was going on about being a "fake account by Mina to booly me!" But the account had pics of dasha on it too? Saying nice things about her? Like whut? And the anonor(?)_lily account had liked a bunch of pics of dasha and dasha fan edits?
Why would fake accounts made by Mina be posting nice shit & pics of dasha w/ cyr?
And almost every "fake account to booly dasha" had pictures of TONS of girls ranging from pewdiepie's gf, to dasha, to Mina, to random instamodels?
Not only that but there were accounts listed in the ss that dasha showed claiming they were Mina's that were just clearly random fan accounts i.e. "Hotgurlsnguys" or "fakefollowers12"
Like whut?
Ps. Pic related after this, same account as pic related talking about their sister…. but Mina doesn't have a sister? Dasha does though but idk.
I just feel like a lot of the "Mina's fake accounts" were just random fans who made throwaway ig acc just to be lame fangirls
And even some of the "fake accounts" had other social media accounts and were real life people. Like some on Sasha's ss were just real girls with normal social media accounts & snapchatted regularly? With email accs, twitters, ig, & fbs?
This shit dun make no sense. Thoughts?
Saged for slight tinfoil
No. 398922
>>398920Yeah that's the main thing that I never understood about the fake accounts/booly claims. She said they were harassing and stalking her and her fans act like it was the meanest comments ever when it was just… Cringey edits and nice comments to a bunch of girls?? There was nothing mean about it?
I think that's also why she hasn't shown screencaps of the supposed harassment either tbh. It doesn't exist. If her followers were to take 15 minutes to look up the fake accounts or the few screenshots Dasha did post, they literally just look like regular Dasha/Mina fan accounts. There is no harassment.
This further solidified my theory that the fake accounts were legit and it was Mina having them just to build her social media following by having empty accounts. And then to cover her back/give them credibility she posted a couple of things on them a typical fan might post so thrust it didn't look like skeleton followers. There is nothing sinister behind it.
No. 398989
(I don't know how to sage) "you-gonna-move-or-what?" gesture towards the guy looks so rude, but it might just be me over exaggerating.
No. 399001
>>398922>>398930I agree. It just was so weird that dasha went on this big expose hate campaign over stupid throwaway accounts? I mean for god sake, dasha has made fake accounts herself, has made stupid edits/fan pics/shipping bs too? The big thing with her was that "they were leaving hate &I mean harassing comments under her (&cyrs) photos….. but she never showed any evidence of that? Like…..ever? She could have ss some of it before she announced her "exposed fake accounts!!1" evidence, and even right after when her minions descended upon the fake profiles the 2nd she posted…. none of them saw or ss any evidence of mean comments either? But like dasha just kept shouting "fake accounts!!1" even when faced with her abuse allegations and actual bad shit she did. And even though she said "they left a comment saying cyr was a fuckboy"…how would she know that? She would have to read every tiny little comment on every single one of cyr's ig photos, then somehow remember that specific comment months & months later when Mina came to visit & "she found her phone opened on the app" & correlated them. Who the fuck would remember that, he gets so many comments on ig, hundreds of thousands. And with dasha saying the left her hate comments, I just don't believe anything she says unless there's at least a ss by her or a minion or us. So… why the fuck were she and her minions acting like murder was committed? With no evidence, no one seeing anything? Just vague ass claims by dasha, she didn't even specify what the accounts said, just vague shit like "hate" "fucked up shit". I think dasha was just banking on people getting shocked by the words "fake accounts" when really, most people have them, including her & all her "friends".
And for cyr, what ever happened to "my brothers making everyone leave, he wants me to live here by himself" …..but dasha never left? Ever. Edwin didn't even know his brother had co-signed the lease until he told Edwin he had to leave. I know if I got an apartment from the jump (not became a roommate months after cyr moved in) but got an apartment with my best friend, equally shared rent & utilities, and one day they randomly said it was now "their space" and I had to leave? I'd be like wtf this is both our apartment, if you want to leave that's your choice, but this is as much my place as it is yours (so is it in a court of law, regardless if cyr's bro co-signed) & Edwin said if he knew he would have just had his mother co-sign it, but cyr never said anything until dasha wanted him kicked out. What a fucking piece of shit friend, fight all you want but that apartment is as much as Edwin's as it was cyr's & he had no right at all to command him to leave. I honestly think the whole "my brother co-signed the lease!" Was a total lie. 100% lie. Cyr changed the story after he saw Edwin was extremely hurt, then he completely dropped that narrative & never brought it up again, never stuck to it. I think he just lied to appease dasha to kick him out. I mean, come on, cyr is a fucking adult who has his own life, had previous roommates, has done dirty shit before, when the fuck has his brother ever stepped in?? Why would his brother randomly command cyr to kick out ONLY Edwin?? That makes no sense. Coincidentally when dasha is "betrayed" by Edwin and wants him kicked out, cyr's brother takes the reins on cyr's 30 year old personal life? whatthefuck.jpeg
If Edwin is reading, go back to the apartment (that's cyr's in now) and talk to the landlord, they have all original copies of leases (that Edwin would be allowed to see, as a renter), even if it's been altered since, I would take a look & see if this co-signed brother shit is BS. Plus, Edwin should've sued cyr, you can't randomly kick people out when you're both equal users and paid renters of said apt.
It's all just so fishy, shitty, makes 0 sense, & was a retarded story that was convenient to use at the time for a reason then was totally dropped.
No. 399016
>>399001This is probably going to sound stupid, and chances are I'll probably regret saying it, but what if this was all a sham? What if they were all in it together just to stir up controversy and interest?
I mean, look at how you've dissected it. Reading everything about these four looks like they're deliberately ignoring the sole solution to the problem.
Just stop talking to each other. Simple. Block one another if you can't iron out differences and call it a day.
Really, all of this shit makes me think it's all a calculated plot to drum up interest in their miserable lives.
Either way, they all need to STFU and get a grip on reality.
No. 399048
>>398890>dog food has meat.Oh anon, you'd be surprised what kind of garbage vegans feed their dogs. There are several commercially available vegan dog kibbles (especially in a place like L.A., shit like that would be easy to find) and some vegans even make their own vegan dog "food." I'm personally very interested to know if this is what Dasha's doing or not. The kibbles aren't TERRIBLE - they'll keep your dog alive, but your dog won't thrive from what I've seen. I've never seen a home cooked vegan dog diet go anywhere but south though. They need a lot of things in greater quantity than humans do. Vitamin B12, certain amino acids and minerals, etc. I'm glad at least it's a dog and not a cat. Vegan diets kill cats, slowly and painfully.
> "I'm going to impose a biologically incompatible diet on my companion animal, in the name of animal welfare!"Sage for being a
triggered vegan that feeds meat to my dog, since I'm a vegan, not a sadist.
No. 399065
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>>399043Yeah I've noticed that as well. I wouldn't even call her thin tbh. She's not fat or chubby or anything obviously, just very average and kinda box shaped in unshooped pictures
No. 399070
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Why don't you use your boyfriend? or is it because Simon is asian why you needed him for your 'aesthetic' photos
No. 399117
>>399065In her other photos I've seen she's pretty thin, I'm actually more of her shape, so I don't know what you're talking about. Model thin isn't also anorexic. Mina is more the very frail thin look to me. But models usually come in different sizes now so I mean you just seem like you're nit picking now since the milk has been dry. And yeah I'm a little
triggered because I'm also tall and more of Dashas size but saying she's not thin is kind of a reach.
No. 399146
>>399043I don't think Dasha or Mina are real models tbh. Dasha did a modeling thing for limecrime and Mina did a modeling thing do a taxidermy place. Those are the only real ones I've seen, most of the stuff they model is clothes that are given to them. Not really anything that's actual modeling. Dasha has too much fire on her to get anything real while Mina's makeup is atrocious, let's be real about that. They just look too weird for it with all the wannabe kawaii style, wigs, the sad excuse for makeup, and yet actually both shop themselves, I've seen Mina's photo shoots in AZ with cactuses, it looks odd, her face isn't really that sharp either, she has some cheek on her, I've compared her photos to eds vids she doesn't have that sinking in face as it looks. And Dashas photos in the bathroom to make her waist super thin, like no waist could be that thin unless you had a waist trainer, but that is far to much along and exadurated, she wants to look skeletal but that's too much, they're both already thin but want to look thinner from face or body, like Dasha has a round but sunkin sharp model kind of face but literally hate when she uses that stupid snow Asian app all the time and distorts it. Mina tries to shop it to make her face look thinner but she does have some cheek on her and she shops a smaller nose because as she's said before she hates her nose, but in eds videos her nose and face are completely different and it looks fine! They have big image issues, I have them too but they're both already pretty so I don't get it.
No. 399232
>>399117>I'm actually more of her shape>Model thin isn't also anorexic This makes no sense anon. All unshooped pictures of Dasha reveals that she is of average built
also sage your shit
No. 400018
Since when are ig models considered real models though? If I remember right, even VS models are looked down by super models, and catilog models are considered bottom of the barrel. So, why is Dasha always on such a high horse, when all she does is take selfies or "photoshoots" with her friends…? I mean if it's that easy, I'll get my bf to take multiple pics of me too and call it a photoshoot, lmfao.
Also, isn't Dasha too short and pudgy looking to be a real model? lol. Imo, if Mina stopped dressing like such a clown, she'd look more like a real model, she definitely has the body and height for it.
No. 400024
>>400017Yeah somewhere in the firs thread someone showed her in a Diesel ad I think?
Her first instagram that got deleted had more of her legitimate photoshoots.
No. 400027
>>399117She doesn't look anything like her shopped pictures though.. you can't judge by those.
>>399126I keep hearing people say "hate" but what does that even mean? You saw it, what was written?
No. 400028
>>400018Dahm I wouldn't say short and pudgy she's skinny, not extremely skinny like she wants to be it portrays. She's also pretty tall from what she said her height is. Mina is just a little taller. But I agree on all the modeling photoshoots thing. Mina had a regular style, like wearing American apparel clothes, stuff that suited her, her old makeup suited her and her overall look was better, mature, even the way she acts now compared to how she did before, she had a model vibe about her, like that Beckham model chick. The way she talked was what really caught me off guard, now she talks slow baby talk and she acts so different, kinda like that dumb girl voice if you know what I mean. And Dasha was regular, she also had a natural vibe and very sexy look to her, she even deleted these model photos with her long natural long blonde hair, the picture had emotion and she defiantly looked like a good model now this whole look she's trying to get bothers me , I seen her pics before, she looks way better with meat on her, she looked more curvy, it suited her, but idk why they're obsessed with looking skinny, with defined faces, big lips, the whole kawaii childish style with constant wigs and not to mention the really bad makeup of mina in particular. I feel like they both kind of fucked up their chances there's enough internet models out there.
No. 400053
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>>400028In general, no, she isn't pudgy, but next to girls who are actual model height, she looks a bit pudgy, because her neck is short, her torso isn't very long and her waist is almost the same size as her hips, which makes her look even shorter. Her arms are also a bit short, making them appear a bit fat, even though they aren't.
I'm not judging, shit, I'm shorter than her and waaay fatter, but I think she should really stop talking shit about Mina's lack of jobs, when Mina is more suited for a modeling career.
As for Dasha looking more appealing before, I agree that she looked waaay better. When I first saw that video of Vincent reading fanfics, I was like holy shit, she's HOT. I never like that sort of sexy look and don't even like blonde hair, but it really suited her. Both her and Mina could have pulled off the cute thing, if they hadn't gone overboard to the point of making it clownish, imo.
No. 400054
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>>400053Another example of Dasha looking short next to Mina.
>that underwear doesn't do her any favors either No. 400059
>>400054Mina looks really good here, though her arm looks wobbly from what I'm guessing is a sloopy shop.
>>400053 It's true, Dash'as face alone looks so wide next to Mina. I agree Dasha isn't chubby or anything either, but her proportions aren't necessarily "modelesque".
I remember the first time I saw Dasha was that fanfic reading video too, and I thought the same thing. She looked really hot without coming off as trying too hard. It's a damn shame both her and Mina became such weird, over-done, try hards. They're both pretty girls, I don't get what their dysfunction is.
No. 400082
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Edwin is back on twitter as well. I wish they would drop the act and just make whatever happened public already
No. 400188
>>400106Honestly I think the only reasons she hangs around him are
1) he's one of the few connections she has to LA and probably her best shot of getting back there and having somewhere to crash (I haven't seen her mention any other close LA friends)
2) he experienced Dasha's crazy with her
3) she knows he'll defend her no matter what and be nice to her because of how unbelievable thirsty he is
I always saw Mina as kind of aimless and not having much personality to her, like the kind of person who would jump off a bridge if all of her friends were doing it. Who the fuck follows a dude they've known for less than a month to Arizona on a holiday visa instead of just booking a flight home and saying "fuck this shit," and then continuously returns to Arizona when there's not really any modeling gigs?
No. 400252
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if you guys could pray for Dasha's wig on that table
No. 400260
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Luna? are you living there
No. 400264
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this is their floor.. They also have a full trash can near their stove with sauce on the floor with trash
No. 400272
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How long till Dasha blows a fuse with Cyr? place bets now
No. 400273
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>>400272she already replied lul
No. 400889
So kind of recap, onision is saying to Cyr he misses the old him and saying he apologized even though I guess that's not what happened, and Edwin showed up in onisions new video right like for a split second actually trying to watch what gregs saying, and Edwin is friends with Lainey. Like I don't understand I feel like Edwin is not saying anything about onision because he doesn't want bad rep, but ed entertains him responding to him and even laughs with him, like I saw that video boy, you lie, you didn't seem all that awkward talking to him, like it wasn't just Greg talking he was literally just going along with Greg. Idk if he watches his stuff since he was on gregs vids. But that disappoints me cause gregs a fucking tool saying girls that are tall are unattractive blah blah all while Mina is pretty tall, I know he put down Dasha which made Edwin feel better but really ed your going to say you didn't entertain him and go along with what he says laughing and then he insults woman, tall woman like mina. Edwins really proved to be hypocritical to me like when Dashas dumb ass insulted Mina's makeup and overlined lips and he'll go onto say "let her do what she wants with her body" then insult Dashas fake lips like you liked her lips better before and yada yada. And then onision is similar to Dasha obviously, insulting people they don't like and whatnot. But you go to him because he knew Cyr and it would probably be a stab to the back. like yeah Dasha and Cyr are toxic, but your going to another toxic person to talk about toxic things, you are evedently toxic, Mina is probably somewhat toxic since she did participate in Edwin's things, but she's mostly let's ed do all her talking so idk. But It's all stupid to me
No. 401081
>>400273i love dasha vs onion. they are both manipulative assholes trying to control cyr. its so funny seeing how much they hate each other. psychopaths smell other psychopaths.
cyr sounds weak af lol.
No. 401710
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>>401659Should be a wakeup call to her. If I were her, I'd forget about Edwin/Dasha/Cyr entirely and start all over. Sure, it'd suck, but sometimes gif related.
No. 401732
>>401659I don't think so, Edwin tweeted about bleaching his hair and she tweeted photos of them with his hair appearing freshly bleached.
I think what might be going on is she is fed up and wants to go home, so she is looking for an excuse to do so, maybe?
No. 402049
>>401892Both Mina and Dasha come off as daughters of upper middle class families and doting parents that let them do what they want to "explore and find themselves"
They're still pretty young and it's not extremely rare for well off European families to fund a large portion of their kids lifestyles through Uni/in their early 20s. They probably fund their own pocket change and call it "employed" with their parents paying for their actual expenses like flights, rent, bills, etc.
No. 402066
>>402049Do you read this thread? Dasha's parents are pretty much not present in her life and she was raised by her grandparents. Mina admitted that times were tough in her household and if she was rich you'd think she would afford her own place in LA instead of relying on Edwin and bumming around his mom's house in AZ.
You might wanna read all these threads before spinning up that rich European family fantasy.
No. 402300
>>402013this is the only answer that makes sense. with the shit they post everyday i bet they get offers to be sugar babies like every day. theres no other way they're making money, their modelling "careers" are a joke. and they can't be possibly making that much money off youtube (Cyr has a channel, edwin has a channel, neither of them are huge). so i agree with this anon saying that theres some shady business going on.
a few threads back they found dasha's pic in a dating website for sugar daddies too, i believe.
anyway, creepy dudes throw money at chicks that look like dasha alll theee timeee
No. 403342
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You can tell this bitch is seething with jealousy towards Mina when she still can't shut the fuck up about her, when even Dasha has.
No. 403345
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>>403342You know those bitches who only become friends with other bitches bc they don't like someone who used to be a common friend and all their conversations consist of is bitching and moaning about that person, that doesn't even pay attention to them? Gee I wonder who your buck tooth ass is, Letty you slimy snake.
No. 403367
>>403345I think Lettie was
triggered cause Mina posted something about girls shopping themselves to the extreme. Even tho Dasha didn't seem to react, I think because Dasha doesn't do it as much anymore(thank god). But Lettie wanted to throw shade anyway. I'm glad Dasha isn't shopping as much though. Her recent videos pics have gotten better and show how she really looks more. Like I think Mina and Dasha probably still use airbrush, but Dasha seems to have some nice skin so idk. But they're obviously both pretty I hope they get better at being comfortable in their own dahm skin and stop using those dumb Asian apps like snow and stuff.
No. 403399
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Off topic, but I found an old pic of dasha
No. 403625
File: 1498722873061.png (763.78 KB, 563x579, f24d63a05a38e28efde4bfe54ce691…)

>>403342Surprised Limecrime is using the photos for a campaign.
The colours were photoshopped on so badly that they were leaking through.
Also, does Limecrime know they launched an ad campaign with a model with no papers? kek
No. 403680
>>403634Well, she never said that she did have papers and made a post saying that she couldn't be kicked out of California if she didn't have paper (which she deleted later on). It does seem like she doesn't have papers. It's pretty hard to get a US working visa and I really wouldn't know how she would have gotten one without an agency etc (and she always says she's not a model).
I also don't understand where on the website you saw proof that it's not photoshopped? It's the same images that have been posted here and LC has always photoshopped lip colours etc.
No. 403710
File: 1498755055254.png (133.22 KB, 225x221, 8f9c35343ac038d5421a789f3ce7e7…)

>>403634How could you look at those photos and say they aren't photoshopped? The awkward leftover colour on the backdrop aside, look at her face. On the red and purple it's especially apparent where they added colour to the wig (on the purple they didn't even bother to clean up the strands on her cheek/face)
>>403700Ah yeah that could have been how she got it. Probably got giftcards or makeup instead of cash.
She probably came originally either on a tourist visa or did manage to snag some sort of management/model visa when she first got here (remember she had a very different look so she probably could have booked some sort of contract) and once it ran out or she ended the contract she just stayed in the country.
No. 403900
File: 1498784161982.png (1.4 MB, 640x1136, IMG_5090.PNG)

Going through my Insta stories and see this. I guess Dasha's kiddy minions are still encouraged to bully her
No. 403928
>>403906Nah I think dasha's fully pushing her minions. Remember the main instigators of the edits/posts against mina were in dasha's private group chat (charlie who did the edits was in it, and the two teen girls who obsessively tweeted about dasha and mina were in the chat as well).
I think they feel like they get validation from dasha and cyr whenever they post because they either get retweeted or it gets liked by one of the two so they keep at it.
No. 404072
>>404066Okay anon, if you wanna get technical, I was mainly generalizing it, but you really missed the point. I was basically STATING that both of them were doing shadey jabs like Mina tweeted about photoshopping, and people were like "Dasha lol" and then after that Lettie girl came in with her shady tweet about modeling. But idk it's really dumb. The fact is, they both have people that don't let things go and those people will bring up their enemy's name EVEN without anybody stirring the pot. It's just bound to happen. Someone like Mina this time made a little jab, it seemed Indirect towards Dasha, someone says lol Dasha, then Dasha posts something about being on a limecrime poster by a store then that Lettie girl probably wanted to throw some shade. It's inevitable. But it's really a dumb thing to explain. Like I'm just being realistic here. You can point out some flaws but this keeps getting repetitive. Point is, they'll still throw their little jabs but it's not major like before. Thank goodness now, Dashas doing her supposable hobby model crap and idk I think Mina is still in London I'm not sure anymore but we'll have to see what's gonna pan out from here.
No. 404176
File: 1498838117510.png (430.6 KB, 329x638, ed.png)

lol edwin looks like a fkn skeletor
No. 404375
>>404355It's an inserted form of birth control that's known for sometimes being super painful. She's had problems with it for a while now.
>>404176Edwin, the new thinspo icon
No. 404462
>>404122She has been in AZ for a while anon
she was in Edwin's latest video camping in AZ and he posted snapchats with her
No. 404513
File: 1498872640745.jpg (230.14 KB, 1680x2048, IMG_20170630_212729.jpg)

Holy shit the photoshop is so bad. How does she think this looks good? I can't wait for the actual unedited pics to come out.
No. 404752
>>404513She posted one a vid on snap and some pics I don't think she photoshopped these this time. You can kinda tell when they're photoshopped by blurred pixels and so on.
>>404643 there were two light sources, that's what some photographers do. Idk how you can even photoshop that or what the point would be but I think it's just reaching
>>404462 no she's currently in London. The one Edwin released was probably older clips because they went camping some time ago. Even their blue face mask was for some time. I know that they were saying they were having complications, maybe Mina's trying to raise money to go back to az seeing as Edwin just got his new place and he said he couldn't wait to see her, then he tweeted stuff that he was upset. So I'm sure it's that. She'll get better modeling gigs in London though.
No. 404827
File: 1498910856467.jpg (87.09 KB, 960x1200, IMG_1410.JPG)

Wow staying quiet & graceful pays off, Mina is the champ in all of this. If this is any indication, Her modeling career is going to take off in a big way I can tell
No. 404987
File: 1498939018570.jpg (337.92 KB, 999x438, dasha.jpg)

>>404513lmao @ dasha trying to do the whole skinny thicc look when she actually is quite blocky in the body and doesn't have much of a booty.
No. 405027
>>405017Lmfao, that anon didn't call her fat. They said she was blocky, and she is blocky affffffff, ahahhahah. Stop getting so
triggered over someone's opinion on another persons blocky square rectangle body.
Dasha is a spongebob ass bitch, deal with it.
No. 405029
>>404827It really bothers me that she isn't wearing shoes.
Sage for nitpick.
No. 405068
>>405027Actually anon, I did say it struck a fucking cord with me because if your retard mind couldn't see, they're were like a few people saying it, even "fat" "chunky" etc. you're too you clearly haven't spent a lot of time outside to see that they're is different forms of skinny, it did "
trigger" me because I'm not exactly skinny as they are, but that's also basically calling someone like me fat. You're telling me to deal with her having a "spongebob" body when your ass missed the point I don't care if her body is square. I was stating that they're still skinny regardless of there dahm body shape, like you're pushing the agenda of them being Chunky and fat, no where did I say she didn't have a squarish body, I was just saying that she ISN'T fat. I agreed that she did look like she edited a little, with the screenshot of her snap someone sent her from when she was wearing a tight red dress and she did show to be wider but her butt wasn't flat. I'm honestly stating facts of what I've seen. I don't like Dasha because of her personality and the horrible things she's done and never addressed but I'm not gonna be reaching for something like someone's weight just because. Sage for being a
triggered anon.
No. 405099
File: 1498946791548.png (1.55 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4114.PNG)

>>405068Same fag but here's the picture I mean. She's still skinny, she's not doing that pose she was in that photo shoot to make your butt look big. Lilly Collins also has a square type body. it's not a bad thing like the anons make it seem. Dasha just edits hers. I know I'm bigger and have a square type like them, and people are doing waist trainers now to achieve that body. It's just shaming that type of body that I don't agree with. If you can see her back looks normal her other than curved in. I know there are immature anons here that won't get my point, nowhere did I say she didn't have a square body, I'm just saying it's not bad, what is bad is that she edits it, because everyone wants that Kylie Jenner body when Kylie used to be square type as well. Dasha is trying to be apart of the new norm when she should be at least happy for the body she has. I know she advocates for body positivity but is it really advocating when she has to be ashamed of her own body type lots of other people like me have.
No. 405167
>>405080That's not always true. I knew someone who broke vertabre(sp?) in his neck and spine and it took a bit of physical therapy but be's able to walk.
Sage for semi-blog
No. 405435
Dasha deleted her curiouscat again a couple of days ago. Probably got mad at all the questions regarding her being a leather-loving "vegan"
>>405068will someone please ban gibberish-english blogchan
No. 405653
File: 1499023767953.jpg (114 KB, 960x960, P7.jpg)

>>405647Agreed, anon. Not quite sure why she traded this old look for a more kawaii weeaboo one.
No. 405682
File: 1499028792490.png (459.77 KB, 803x541, 46565.png)

Even though Putin has managed to shut up about Mina on twitter for a while now, she still encourages her fans - sorry, her friends - to bully Mina for her looks. What a good ~feminist~ role model she is
No. 405780
>>405653It didn't attract enough of a fanbase
You need to be bright and cutesie with minimal make up while simultaneously packed with the shit.
It's just the trends going around. Sort of like that early 2000's cheap looking apparel
No. 405966
>>405922Not the anon you replied to but I don't think they were saying Mina was a completely innocent party. It's just that Dasha was/is the one continuing to bring forth the drama and even if she isn't the one openly posting stuff anymore, she's still actively liking posts and (presumably) still sperging in her group chat of her core fans and egging them on to keep posting.
imo she just took a step back because there were actual receipts against her posted whereas her 'receipts' against mina was just the photo of the fake accounts, her threats of having more proof were all empty (I think that's also why she reached out to all of Mina's friends, she was hoping for them to give her the proof she said she had). Plus if she kept posting/sperging then the video of her calling Mina a cunt would have spread around more and as a model you can't have that sort of shit associated with your brand. Right now she can still pull the whole "oh mina/edwin were mean first!!"
No. 406062
Warning: huge post with run-on sentences incoming.
It's just kinda blowing my mind that people are still going "but Mina did this", "but Dasha stopped I think she's over it ". Dasha is fucking terrifying. I don't trust that she's over anything, and I don't trust that she doesn't still read here. lets look at what Mina has done and why I don't care about it:
Accepted invitation to L.A. from cyr and Dasha with the motivation to sleep with idubz apparently? Saw it as a free ride to L.A. instead of a lure to a nightmare.
"Apologized" to Dasha so she wouldn't be excluded from YouTube circles even though Dasha was the other woman and it's natural to harbor resentment.
At one point made fake accounts that commented on Dashas things, which wasn't really proven to be hateful messages, as there is pretty much no proof or tell me if I'm wrong? Also highly suspect since Dasha makes very similar photo collages. Still unsure about this whole thing.
Can't really think of anything else.
Now let's look at what Dasha has done:
Dyed and cut her hair and dressed like Mina before they had met, while telling people she just met that she's befriending Mina just to ruin her life.
Invites Mina over for the sole purpose of fucking with her. Deletes her Instagram many times while playing dumb or tearfully saying that she didn't do it. Insists Mina sleeps in the bed with Cyr and her and repeatedly puts her in uncomfortable situations, all of which she controls. Gets everyone drunk while staying sober.
Both Cyr and Dasha get angry and yell at Mina when she doesn't want to do what they say or gets uncomfortable.
Generally Dasha has proven to relinquish and require complete control over others.
She is abusive to Cyr proven through texts "I was just going to fuck you and leave" and through telling Edwin that she's going to make Cyr "suicidal"
Upon knowing Mina found out that she was the one because Edwin told her, becomes so enraged she says she is going to ruin Edwin's life. Like she's had her toy taken away. What more would she have done if Mina hadn't found out?
Next, she smiles as Cyr comes up with a bullshit lie that Edwin needs to leave, because of his brother or whatever.
Both unable to take the abuse from Dasha, knowing that when things don't go her way she is explosive and even dangerous, Edwin and Mina leave.
Then Dasha just loses it. She's mentally transfixed on Mina for whatever reason, one day she loves her and forgives her, other days she's a "British cunt". Cannot stop sperging every day, encourages underage followers to make photo manips and bully the shit out of Mina. Where is that video of her calling Mina a cunt even from? Perhaps private video sessions with minions? Who are still on the Mina hate train?
Dasha uses photos of Mina that were unreleased to photoshop to look uglier, posts them on PULL saying this is what Mina really looks like. Mina has not released the unedited shots herself so it must have been Dasha who had access to Minas phone. I find this particularly disturbing because it took a ton of effort and time.
Dasha has been badmouthing Mina to everyone, messaging people on twitter to trying to get them on her side. Apparently even badmouthing Mina to agencies/photographers/brands in L.A. to sabotage her career.
And to top off the crazy, Dasha started calling herself Baby Fox which is what Cyr called Mina when they were dating.
I don't know how anyone can still care about what Mina has done. Mina is an idiot but idk if she even matters, because Dasha's wrath alone has taken center stage. I don't know if anyone as unhinged as Dasha is capable of stopping. Which is why I think she's doing it in private.
Sorry again for the huge post. I know this is old milk but I feel like people are glossing over it.
No. 406180
File: 1499124571124.jpg (1.26 MB, 1080x1080, image-2017-07-03-19-28-14.jpg)

Mina keeps fucking up her hair. This looks so bad.
No. 406268
>>406180She would look stunning if she had an Audrey Hepburn haircut (color too) and took out her contacts and eyelashes and stopped overlining her lips. She kind of looks like Lily Collins, so I think that look would be amazing.
But, here we are with some failed dye job and fake freckles. Oh, the potential.
No. 406273
>>406268Yeah, I don't know why she always wants to wear contacts, it looks a lot better when she doesn't.
I just want to shake both her and Dasha. They could both look so good if they just stayed with their more natural looks. (Dasha with her blonde hair, Mina with her sleek natural hair)
No. 406328
File: 1499146580982.jpg (271.53 KB, 1920x1080, TropicThunder_SimpleJack.jpg)

>>406318And yet she insists on having freckles that resemble Simple Jack's.
No. 406464
>>405966She liked someone's comment calling her beautiful and perfect and Mina bulimic and fake
Whether or not it's true that's a fucked up thing to expose about someone or make fun of
She is a fucking demon
No. 406488
File: 1499182430970.jpg (205.56 KB, 718x425, DashaTheSkinwalkerStrikesAgain…)

Can someone explain why Dasha is always obsessive with twinning or being a skin walker?? She use to dress the same with that Lindsey girl, then Mina and now this chick. What is with that?
No. 406734
>>406492I feel bad because that pigss girl is only 17 and doesn't seem like a bad person.
Dasha just preys on pretty girls with large internet followings to grow her fanbase and make herself look more likable despite all the milk she oozes.
Hijacking other people's aesthetics is all she has going for her.
She has even admitted herself that she spends a lot of time on instagram lurking other girls profiles and tries to befriend them.
I can't stand her. I'll support Mina's creative endeavors just to spite that cunt.
No. 406735
>>406062I read all of this post and I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.
>At one point made fake accounts that commented on Dashas things, which wasn't really proven to be hateful messages, as there is pretty much no proof or tell me if I'm wrong? Also highly suspect since Dasha makes very similar photo collages. Still unsure about this whole thing.EXACTLY, I don't think anyone on the 4 dasha/mina threads has posted any proof of those accounts "harrassing" Dasha.
No. 406858
>>406822Yeah, I bet Mina talks a ton of shit behind the scenes. Edwin probably wouldn't have made videos about the drama if she wasn't collaborating on it. The smartest thing Mina did was keep quiet and have Edwin do the talking for her, because he's arguably charismatic and well spoken, whereas she can barely string a sentence together.
If Dasha had any sort of impulse control, she could have just posted her side of the story in a clear and concise way, and she probably wouldn't have gotten so much backlash. I don't know if it's because she's lazy or because she really has no dirt on them, but her way of going about things is really strange. Sperging out and bashing them on twitter and curiouscat doesn't exactly make you look like the good guy.
IMO, both of the girls come across as really stupid. Mina is braindead and Dasha's like a neanderthal. And neither of them can function as adults without a man taking care of them. It's embarrassing.
No. 407315
File: 1499315787123.png (614.31 KB, 835x526, copy2.png)

No. 407317
File: 1499315825896.png (536.4 KB, 830x559, copy1.png)

She's not creative, just reinventing the wheel.
No. 407347
>>407317kek. I don't get why people act like Mina is this creative visionary who's about to take the modeling world by storm post-Putin. Her entire aesthetic consists of mismatched insta trends, the ~cutesy smol~ personality she plays up in videos and tweets is boring, and the shoots she's done show a generic insta thot, not the next hot thing in modeling.
If Mina genuinely wants to be taken seriously as a model she should 100% stay in London, LA probably isn't sustainable for her money wise, and if she decides to move in with Edwin she's doomed to shoots like that shitty taxidermy one where they didn't even bother styling her, and probably 10 people saw outside of her internet following. She's already done so much more in the few weeks she's been in London than in the months she was hiding out in Edwin's mom's basement, and she looks happier and less like she's putting on that fake cutesy personality where she was always slurring her words. Stay in London girl, forget all about Skeletor, Putin, and the alcoholic ghost of Cyr.
No. 407418
No one said your hair color makes you creative. So many people have colored hair that it should pretty much be a given that no one thinks Mina invented teal hair. lol sorry that had to be explained to you, though.
>>407392Yeah I would never want to know any of these people in real life. Hopefully all of the cringe will stop over time as they get older.
No. 407453
>>407418Right? Their style is nothing alike aside from having the same color hair.. The only reason Dasha was called out for copying was because she would wear the same outfits too, and because of her weird obsession with Mina. If you're going to try and find milk on someone,
at least make sure it's legitimate.
>>407400Yeah, seriously.. I can't deal with girls who think they're so cute and require all attention to be on them, which is how Mina acts in Edwin's videos. And Dasha is just legitimately a scary person, I have a feeling that if you slight her in the smallest way, she would turn on you so fast. Who would want to be friends with someone who's going to make your life hell?
No. 407562
File: 1499368937977.jpg (76.15 KB, 779x611, Capture.JPG)

>>407561Since anon forgot they were on a fucking image board
No. 407630
>>407543Fucking newfags "still waiting on receipts" for proving Mina's ….creativity? Nigga plz
Lurk moar
No. 407775
File: 1499416298555.png (938.43 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1987.PNG)

does anyone know if Dasha is actually bi/gay? in the first livestream she kept insisting she didn't like Mina romantically in the poly relationship but she keeps casually mentioning fancying girls? can't tell if she's actually bi or just ~soft queer-baiting because it makes me look more feminist~ Lol
(Pic related)
No. 407896
>>407862Idk how that's proof it's reaching based on one party, the guy that Cyr went to hang out with is some Indian guy having drama with Tariq nasheed a
problematic person accusing everyone of being a white supremacist. Even Edwin himself says stuff about him. They were trolling tariq because he called everyone there at the YouTube convention a WS. And Cyr even talks to jack films still. He went to a party that he just has hung out quietly at, every one made a video saying fuck Tariq because they kept getting harassed online by him. Like idk why you're trying to make that point when it's not there, I see Cyr as a person who pops up whenever he's in the mood not because he's sinister because the other youtubers he associates with arnt really bad and they also all know each other too. But cyr always looks depressed no matter what so I can't tell his emotions, but other than that I think Edwin's videos are boring, I wonder how he's gonna do it without Mina since most of his comments on the vid are about "where's Mina" and other Mina comments. But he did however put her in and it was kind of awkward too like she just randomly shows up. And she just sounds so awkward. without people in his vlogs mainly Mina he wouldn't have anything.
No. 407984
>>407862I doubt Edwin is genuinely close friends with a lot of the people that appear in his vlogs aside from the regulars. He just primarily hangs out with people from YouTube so it's plastered all over social media while Cyr hangs out with people from the local coffee shop, Dasha and the few Youtubers he's been friends with for years like jacksfilms. Cyr just doesn't seem to care about networking or YouTube in general anymore with his slow move to twitch, while Edwin's all about it.
Also sketch shit does go down in YouTube parties all the time, they're just better at hiding it because they know when the cameras are always on and they all have an image to protect.
No. 408085
File: 1499478303311.jpg (138.3 KB, 675x1200, DEAzOxqXsAAVtKB.jpg)

Mina looks really good now with her hair straightened. Also, it looks like she isn't shopping herself these days.
No. 408086
File: 1499478372000.jpg (172.76 KB, 939x1200, DEE0XKgXkAA9EV0.jpg)

What do you guys think? Looks natural to me.
No. 408114
File: 1499482800664.jpg (444.2 KB, 700x895, 1499478372000.jpg)

>>408086straightened is so much better. I know she probably never would because it's "boring" but Mina would look so, so stunning with just a regular ashy brown haircolor. or at least I think so anyway. shitty shoop related.
No. 408133
File: 1499484446525.jpg (14.78 KB, 300x300, bell-mina-image.jpg)

>>408114Agreed. Around this time last year before shit went down she had a super cute haircut and colour. This kawaii trend needs to die
No. 408207
>>408114ow man, when i opened this thread i saw this pic and thought she looked great. then i realized this was a shoop…
i like unnatural hair colors but i do think that the brown looks better. mina picked a color that looks good on a handful of people: and i'm not sure she's one of them.
thanks for the shoop anon i'd probably disagree with you if i hadn't seen it.
No. 408215
File: 1499510375531.png (115.83 KB, 750x913, IMG_5124.PNG)

Mina took some pics with a homeless looking fashion that looks so tacky and so tumblr hipster Kanye west shit, Im sick of tumblr models. And I remember Mina's shopping. She used to do it so much but I recently stopped a lot. Maybe she felt so insecure to do it back then, she even shopped this pic where it looks like Dasha and her face shape. Like I hated it so much I'm glad she's not doing it as much though but as for her modeling and clothing choices, they're still questionable. Along with her Tumblr model friends, that girl she was with was ultra annoying oh god. Even the clothes were horrid what the fuck. I'm tired of these people honestly. They try so hard to be deep and real and artsy but Mina will adapt her attitude and style towards them. I just cringe. I don't really care if anyone has a different opinion than me. But I don't see Mina moving very high in modeling with her recent changes, even though they're extremely better than before. She's still an insta Tumblr thotty model with that slobbish achoholic kind of immature princess attitude. I know that Mina is always seen drinking, I know it's normal for people her age but really it's not a clean slate for her if she's still kind of trashy. Feel free to disagree but sad that it's the norm to be like this. She could do greater things but she still seems like that princess dim wit.
No. 408226
File: 1499513587818.png (20.36 KB, 528x204, retweet.png)

I find it hilarious that she retweets this. She just has to remind everyone that she's not destitute even though her boyfriend has to work as a part time barista to make ends meet.
No. 408251
>>408215anon are you high? that's some top rambling right there
>>408226I really wish we could figure out where she gets her money from. Her modelling jobs have largely all been really small sponsorships aside from LC.
No. 408380
>>408282She hasn't logged on her account in a year. And even if she does do escorting, who cares?
>>408215Models often hit "retirement" age by 23-24. She's 20 right? She may not care about being a model at all, probably just uses it as a source of income here and there. In her live video, it didn't seem like she was a model in that establishment she was at, more like just hanging around and drinking their alcohol.
No. 408480
>>408380imo I don't judge escorts or sex workers because that in itself is a job that isn't so easy like everyone seems to imply or even romanticize online
I've seen that site she was on before and the premise is that it's an exchange of money for dates not sex or anything else unless they decide that on their own
I wouldn't put it past Dasha to do the latter but I don't hate her for it. I do think it's shitty of her to do it while dating Cyr, though. She might not use THAT site or account anymore but I remember those texts from Cyr whining about her leaving to see a rich guy.
No. 408576
>>408544I don't think she did it to "look like Dasha"
She was shopping her face the same way before she ever met Dasha or Cyr
Plus Dasha's face is pretty wide and flat
Just saying
No. 409364
File: 1499743131405.png (102.58 KB, 628x834, wtfdasha.PNG)

That pandering white guilt
No. 409433
>>409412It's weird for her to say stuff like that. She obviously doesn't have black friends. How could you when you spout off things like "they're not from this planet!!" "they're the superior race!" calling black people gods and stuff. It's another form of racism, it's not the kind where you hate another race, it's lumping all black women together as though they all look alike and are all these wondrous inhuman creatures.
Racial fetishism is pretty common unfortunately. It's also super cringy, hopefully someone sets her straight.
No. 409465
File: 1499781218643.png (1.62 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1080.PNG)

Lol @ Putin thinking she looks ANYTHING like padme. So fucking cringey, you look like you belong in the 80s with that hairstyle bruh.
No. 409469
>>409364Wouldn't this offensive towards asians? I wonder what her friend - Simon, right? - feels about this.
>>409465Lmao @ her drawing on Natalie Portman's moles and thinking she looks anywhere near her
No. 409497
File: 1499796128175.jpg (589.23 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_1085.JPG)

Something about Dasha's face structure reminds me of Neanderthals
No. 409522
>>409497Seriously. She looks bad with this hairstyle.
Anyone see Cyrs snap of the puppy and his apartment? It is completely messy and gross. Why the hell don't they ever clean up? It's not like they have anything else to do.
No. 409533
File: 1499802528218.png (2 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1107.PNG)

>>409522Holy fuck, they are filthy. You'd think they'd keep the place clean considering that's where they film and shit, disgusting.
No. 409535
>>409364As someone who is half black, this is vomit inducing, doesn't impress me and comes across as fake as fuck.
Honestly it makes me think she wouldn't know how to interact with a black person and wouldn't be able to see past skin colour.
Sorry Dasha but my skin colour doesn't exist to make you seem like a humanitarian bitch. Get your square face off my skin.
No. 409536
File: 1499803211052.jpg (101.01 KB, 736x954, 24832d0b8aa7d61b15598f13eb51bb…)

>>409497She looks like one of the Hartley Hooligans.
>>409535She's that person who always asks to touch black people's hair.
No. 409537
>>409533wtf I thought it was a dirty balcony from the thumbnail but it's actually inside the apartment?
They pay such a high rent for this place and yet they keep it in this state….that's awful.
No. 409542
>>409497I definitely see it. Her head shape is really weird, almost like it's too flat. And the receding hair line isn't helping her look either.
>>409533Someone needs to save this dog omg.
No. 409545
>>408282>>408251Her family is rich I believe. She's been to Disneyland twice recently and 400 dollars of makeup…
Also sugar daddies possibly
No. 409550
>>409533Why the fuck is the dog confined to a fucking cage.
Does dasha only take him out to flaunt him on IG or SC
No. 409552
File: 1499806700222.jpg (421.73 KB, 1079x1770, _20170711_225701.JPG)

>>409550I mean look at the poor thing, she definitely only takes it out of its cage to take pictures with
No. 409554
>>409552It's interesting that she is okay with crating her dog when she's big on PETA, and they're very much against that.. goes to show that she's consistently a hypocrite.
No. 409564
>>409558Peta is shit but dasha has backed them up before but my issue is not only the cage but knowing that there's a high chance the dog is neglected by dasha when cyr is out.
When dasha is out trying to be an art hoe I can only imagine that she lives the poor thing in the cage for hours on end and a cage seems very out if her so ~vegan~ mindset.
No. 409570
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>>409563Ok first of all she's NOT my girl. You can literally look it up I didn't want to type it because it was a lot I have to provide proof for everything even though a simple human being has the capability of searching things up. Sorry that for some reason you can't apparently. But here, and there's more, I've done it for all 3 of my dogs. Friends have done it, even dog trainers recommend it. I came at you Not to defend Dasha but because what you said was really stupid without knowing about crates, crates can be abused though if not used properly, I don't want to semi-blog either and explain furthermore because I personally know it's not bad, and PETA is full of shit and anal when it comes to these things, even feeding animals non meat. thete are vegans out there crazy enough not to feed their dog what's natural to them all because they want everything in their lives to be "cruelty free"
No. 409573
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>>409561I'm not good at the shopping, but if Mina had her darker eyes she would look better. Her makeup is weird tho, I just wish she were more natural since it fits her
No. 409575
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>>409573I used Facetune I couldn't really fix her eye color but it's definitely a fix from the lizard eyes.
No. 409589
>>409563Hey, I'm a vet tech and dog trainer, so I feel qualified to address this crate issue.
Crates are neither good nor bad as a whole - it just depends on the dog. Sometimes dogs find them comforting, sometimes they find them confining and they exacerbate behaviour problems. I don't know Dasha's dog obviously, but it seems well adjusted from what I've seen on video. The crate is quite large for a dog that size. As long as it isn't confined in there constantly, I don't see an issue. She could very well still be house training the dog and using the crate for that reason. It's honestly a bit large for what I'd recommend for house training, but like I said before, it depends on the dog. That size might be working just fine for all I know.
>>409577>I don't like Dasha, but I don't see anything wrong with the crate.That's where I stand also. Since Dasha probably reads here, I'd advise to leave the crate door open once the dog is house trained and let the dog choose whether it wants to use it or not. But seriously, the dog seems fine. Dasha's nuts but she's not an animal abuser.
Also, fuck PETA. PETA does some very shady shit, and has supported the euthanasia of pit bull type dogs nationwide. They did half-ass apologize for that recently, but they continue to euthanize most of the dogs in their shelter's care (especially bully breeds.) I'm vegan even, but fuck PETA.
>>409588>The one thing I'll be pissed at is if she feeds her dog vegan too, that would be seriously irresponsible. I wonder if someone asked her yet.I'd love to know this too. If she's feeding it a vegan kibble that's fortified to AAFCO standards, that should be fine. A home cooked vegan diet is hella dangerous though.
No. 409599
>>409594Honestly, vegan diets do work for some dogs. As long as they're fortified to AAFCO standards, as I stated before. Dasha's dog in particular is very far removed from wild dogs from a genetic standpoint. As long as it's getting the recommended vitamin and mineral levels, a vegan diet might work just fine.
Dogs are individuals though, and vary considerably. My dog resembles wild dogs quite in a bit, physically. She hunts independently and of her own volition. I did try feeding her a vegan kibble (specifically V-Dog if you're curious) for a while. She didn't thrive. It was difficult for her to eat enough of it to maintain her weight - she's extremely active. When eating a vegan kibble, she hunted more. Once I switched her back to an omnivorous diet, she stopped hunting. I mean, she still hunts, but she doesn't kill, just chases. I feel guilty for subjecting her to a vegan diet, as short as that experiment was. I don't understand imposing a biologically incompatible diet on a dog in the name of "animal welfare." But I HAVE seen small dogs do well on a vegan diet. Just not medium-large active type dogs. My dog is from hunting lines even, so it's ridiculous to think she'd thrive as a vegan.
tl;dr - Dogs are genetically diverse. Vegan diets work for some and not others. As long as w/e Dasha feeds her dog adheres to AAFCO standards, I'm satisfied that she's trying her best to meet her dog's needs.
No. 409610
>>409600Where exactly is that illegal? Pretty sure it's not
Ps sage your shit
No. 409616
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Dasha trying to befriend other females on Instagram. Why Ayalla tho?
No. 409747
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It never stops
No. 409748
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No. 409750
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Said image from vlog, but I don't understand why the minions go out of their way to watch the clickbaity vlogs for Putin
No. 409772
>>409750wtf @ your caption microsalad
um you actually did watch the vlog
got screenshots of someone you've never met so you can bully them
and will probably continue to give them more views by watching future blogs to get approval from a psychopath
what idiocy
>>409755Mina isn't the best at makeup but I still find her really beautiful despite that. I can only imagine how jealous Dasha will be when Mina's makeup evolves and doesn't look like shit anymore lol.
>>409758lol I swear we're all gonna be on this thread still by 2018 bc Dasha will never stop
>>409762seriously I would have probably been a Dasha stan if not for her showing her true evil petty ass colors
No. 409778
>>409748Dasha you are a snake, not for the makeup but for literally saying to Cyr's friends that you were planning on ruining Mina's life and even used your own boyfriend as a pawn to do it.
It backfired, though. You showed everyone what you really are. An insane jealous bitch.
No. 409792
>>409778You would think that she would stop with that by now. I can't believe how many people are still behind her and are helping her to bully someone that has done nothing to her (at least not in recent months).
>>409772Same, I don't like her makeup but at least she doesn't need constant photoshop like Dasha. And also doesn't live in a trash hole.
No. 409844
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Here we go again. Onision vs Onision 2.0
No. 409849
>>409752I don't think you're crazy at all, I've thought the exact same thing this whole time.
Why else would you invite your boyfriend's ex to come live with you and then start a "poly" relationship with them? And then spend months stalking everything they do once they realize how psycho you are?
No. 409992
>>409906Yeah Greg is probably trying to get fan points for coming for Dasha. Too bad most us know they are both pieces of shit.
I think it's more likely that Edwin just talks to Lainey here and there and she tells Onion everything. I agree with you on the Mina thing, she doesn't seem like the malicious person Dasha wants us to think she is.
If anything Dasha and Edwin were the ones doing the most while Cyr and Mina passively accepted it and tried to stay as involved at a minimum.
Doesn't matter though because the fact remains that Dasha is a jealous bitch and all of this drama was shat out from her creepy skin wearing tendencies.
No. 409997
>>409992We'll I didn't say anything about skin wearing, Dasha actually dresses different tbh, I think the whole style thing was stupid, theyre just like friends that like the same shit, Mina wears her wigs all the time now because of her and it was a bad change, personally Mina's style is a little less compared to Dasha who seems to have a lot of clothes but who knows where Dasha gets all that money from. I was just stating Mina's character, she most likely did bad shit in the past, the fake accounts some other shadey stuff, and having Edwin fight her battles etc. she's human, but Dasha is out to antagonize her, even though it was mostly Edwin doing all the talking. Like really? You only go after one person when the one who did and exposed way more was Edwin, he's the one who chose to let the drama out. Like why is Mina taking all the heat, she isnt really trying. It's fucked.
No. 409998
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Wtf? Why does she treat her fans that way. This bitch..
No. 410002
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>>409750This reminded me of Edwin's and Mina's friend kait, idk if she's friends with Cyr ever since the Drama bomb message. But in this screencap she's like "there's no limit to the lips" it's funny kait always seems to make fun of things that Mina and Dasha do, idk if it wasn't her intention, I'm sure it wasn't, but it's funny.
No. 410013
>>409823She might like it but she still looks fucking stupid. Do you know what site you're on or is this just Edwin unable to contain his Mina boner?
>>409994Yeah, it's funny how he tries to distance himself from them publically yet DMs Lainey on the low. And in his videos he said he was uncomfortable talking to Greg and I don't think he included a clip (like he did most segments) probably because in the actual stream he was smiling and laughing with Greg.
No. 410020
>>409823It's almost like you forgot you were on lolcow and didn't see that the thread title mentions Mina as well.
>>409906Cyr needs to get his shit together. I pity him up to a point, but he's eventually going to have to address the drama and people in his life.
No. 410045
>>409823her makeup looks terrible period, my point was that a trasha fan took the time out of their day to screencap it and dasha our vegan feminist activist laughed with the bullies like the rolemodel she strives to be
>>409875they're both conventionally pretty and lean but only enough to be insta models that edit all their photos. Luckily dasha is in LA where it isnt that uncommon to see someone looking so ridiculously beat with their nipples hanging outand the minecraft eyebrows with kylie fillers.
>>409890I wouldn't say friends since it seems like plainey just texted him once and was like "I'm on your side" Edwin guesting on younow looked bad but Idon't think he actually talks to onion at all
>>409994 I think edwin wanted someone to listen and understand. Onion was also a friend of cyr for years and grease did point one thing out that's pretty much RIGHT. He's fought we cyr so many times it was an on and off friendship but out of nowhere cyr cuts off contact and onion blames dasha. And seeing what happened to edwin over a stupid instagram account he might be right.
No. 410049
>>410047the logic of dasha fans
>be-friend your boyfriend's ex girlfriend>subtly copy photoshoots for months before knowing said ex>somehow convince ex to come out to LA because FRIENDSHIP>brag to all of boyfriend's friends about how you totally want to ruin his ex girlfriends life>ex arrives and it turns out you made no arrangements for her so she had to sleep in bed with you and your boyfriend who is her ex lol>convince said girl into a poly relationship with you and her ex because nothing will totally go wrong>while she is sleeping in your own bed you delete her instagram account which directly affects her job as a insta hoe model>tell your boyfriends roomate and best friend about what you did>under pressure he tells said GUEST in the apartment>it's time to ruin his life and get him kicked out and potentially ruin his shitty youtube career lolbut all these undisputible facts are okay because dasha allegedly says mina made "hate" accounts, which were actually cringey fan accounts of herand her ex but still
No. 410099
>>410078Ok, you're going after me not having proper sentences when even my vocabulary is beyond you, I'm not trying to be perfect, I'm not making chapter posts, you're assuming now, I'm actually replying to the same anon who's actually putting words in my mouth, apparently I have said that I thought Dasha was ok, even though I did not, I'm not allowed to fucking correct now? Jesus Christ, when you don't have a fucking point, you go after my sentencing. You truly are a nit picking retard, maybe stay on topic and actually read throughly or don't read it at all. I made statements, my statements were taken out of context and twisted. I'm not gonna argue with a random anon about something stupid especially since you brought it upon yourself to make assumptions. Way to go, now stay on topic with the 4 people of this thread and stop nit picking some bullshit.
No. 410214
>>410200I doubt it. She never said that is has papers and has always deflected questions with comments like these:
>>371605>>371516And Edwin said so and I don't know why he'd make it up tbh.
No. 410236
>>410099Anon stop taking everything so fucking seriously it's lolcow not some personal character attack. Either get yourself back on your meds or wait until puberty is over to post here.
>>409748Why do people like Dasha & Onion have wildly blind fans? I swear both of them could murder a baby and the reactions would be something along the lines of "yAS QUEEN SLAY" "Omg but that baby cried, how are they supposed to react?" "Well yes but the baby actually sicked on them!"
No. 410285
>>410272The assumption of saying edwin knowing illegals for being Mexican is YIKES
he paid rent with cyr and from what it seems dasha has been freeloading on the apartment from the very beginning, remember that her main concern with a potential breakup was ending up homeless because she is not self sufficient.
And dasha has a rich family back in Austria, she came to LA for the art hoe modelling dream.
Let's not forget that it was dasha trying to leak minas immigration info and leaked her name that revealed she was bi racial, I wonder why ?
No. 410318
>>410285I said that because Edwin has lived primarily in border states, which is where a lot of immigrants from Central and South America settle down (like my parents did) It's unlikely none of his relatives are or were illegal at some point, but even if none were since he lived in Arizona, California and Mexico he must have made friends with people who had undocumented parents or were undocumented themselves. My point was he should know better.
And Mina has always been open about having a tourist visa hasn't she? For her name you can also check twitter, Mina tweeted someone that her name was Yasmina in June 2016 so her name wasn't a big secret. Dasha shouldn't have leaked her last name just for safety's sake though and respected that Mina prefers to go by Mina like Dasha prefers Julia, but Dasha never really sees logic when it comes to Mina.
She's also never claimed to be biracial, anons just thought that because of her name when she could just have parents that wanted a ~unique~ name. She could be but she's never said so, Edwin always calls her white and if she were biracial I think she would own it instead of hiding it since on social media it's cool to be anything but white right now.
No. 410341
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Even Edwin doesn't know when Mina's coming back. She seems to be loving it back there with all her weirdo trendy friends. Idk why she would want to go back tho she'll be isolated again and her personality changes when she's around Edwin and his friends. Edwin hasn't really been posting videos either.
No. 410343
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Anyone seen Putin's Snapchat lately? It's hilarious how bad she wants Simon and how badly he doesn't want her, lmfaooo.
Also lol @ Simon not being able to hide how bad it is to live with the Russian prostitute
No. 410483
File: 1499995125666.png (1.11 MB, 1019x955, itsbabydash no makeup.png)

>>410468She wears a heap. Look at this screengrab of her without makeup and tell me that she is a natural beauty lol. She looks like a ghoul lol. Plus Dasha is 1000x more psycho than Mina. I don't mind Mina's personality. I honestly don't even think she should meet cow criteria since she is very un milk-y. Oh and sage for the princess above and others like her that think that everything should be fucking saged.
No. 410635
>>410619That's exactly what she does, she uploaded a makeup tutorial on her twitter and the only thing that didn't come out that bad was the lipstick and original foundation base, the eyeshadow was horrendous and her bronzer wasn't blended at all.
The three eyebrow products she uses are way too dark, and them being straight, thick and long just makes her forehead look even wider than it already is. If she shaped them just a tiny bit and laid off the pomade she might start looking human again instead of approaching Neanderthal forehead. The tied back hairstyle with the baby hairs slicked down also isn't doing her any favors, she needs bangs or a side part to cover that unforutunate hairline.
No. 410641
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>>410635What Neanderthal forehead?! She has no such thing anon
No. 410642
>>410641christ people here are nitpicky, it kinda makes me wanna become a cow to see what people can find wrong with my face
sage for blog
No. 410661
>>410645I don't personally think she is pretty at all. If she is considered pretty, then I must be a fucking supermodel… and I'm not a supermodel. She has an odd faceshape and while her nose is attractive, her eyes are sunken and her lips protrude in an unattractive way. She looked pretty before all the work she has had done and before the dark hair, but now she looks gross.
I wonder what she would do if alcohol was not vegan… lol
No. 410672
>>410642QQ moar pls
>leave brittney al0oOne She looks like a Neanderthal. Whether it's the way she photoshops herself or if it's her actual head shape, it looks fucking weird. I have no pity for this bitch and will point out what I see. Nitpicking would be what she does to Mina, mocking the way she does her eyebrows etc. If Putin has the balls to insult other peoples looks, she shouldn't be a little bitch when people do it to her.
No. 410676
>>410645Anon, it might surprise you, but beauty is subjective. GASP.
Maybe ask your teacher what subjectivity is when you return to school from summer break?
No. 410776
>>410676Not the anon you were responding to, but nitpicking is now a bannable offense and what they said is absolutely true. Not sure how it would make someone underage, it should be the other way round if anything.
>>410760Yes, it's strange
No. 410799
>>410776That anon is underage and it's VERY obvious. I didn't point it out because of what they said, but because of the way they type and the way that anon continues to reply to posts on this thread. Either way, my point STILL stands, beauty is subjective and surprise surprise, not everyone is going to find Dasha attractive.
>nitpicking is now a bannable offense You know what's also banned? Being underage.
thnx Edwin, for bringing all these butt hurt newbs to the thread.
No. 410869
>>410826Fucking top kek.
>stop with your immature assumptions>goes on to assume I'm the anon arguing about makeup lmaoI've never mentioned makeup because I don't give a fuck.
>>409462>>409465>>409497>>409533>>410292>>410343Are all my posts.
>maybe instead of focusing on Dasha and her looksWhile you've been arguing about her looks and makeup for how many days now? Lmfao
>how about talking about recent events and stuffThat's hilarious, because I'm the one who has been posting the bit of milk there's been, while you've been….. arguing about looks and makeup, l o l
>you seem to be stapled on one thingReread above for some self awareness, lmfao
>>410835Nice samefag. Now stop shitposting and sperging all over the thread just because people disagree with you.
No. 410882
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On a scale from thirsty to so obvious, how bad do you think Dasha wants Simons D?
Not going to go back and find it, but lol at the anon who called it about Dasha going on a mini rant about her and Simon just being friends.
"I know that a lot of you think that me and Simon are a thing, but Simons just one of my really good friends. He's not.. he never.. we never.. noo"
lolok Dasha, because he doesn't let you, but you make it so obvious how ready you are to open your smelly Russian crotch for him
No. 411011
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Wooow she just can't stop talking about them, can she? And yet she complains about negativity lmao.
No. 411017
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>>411011Jeez pretty girls can make ugly faces. Dasha doesn't seem to care about it though. But I agree she should really stop. But then again her friend screenshotted these, and I'm sure Edwin and Mina talk about the drama on the down low. But the difference is Dashas friends keep exposing her unintentionally lol. Btw I got this pic from that babydashtrash, expect I can't find her anymore, one of Dashas minions finally deleted her account.
No. 411045
>>410882These brows are horrendous. Look how far apart they are.
Anyways I do think she has a thing for Simon but is going to downplay it as "I'm just a k00L girl with boy frands" until shit goes down.
I feel like she's with cyr because of financial reasons at this point and cyr needs her as much as she needs a place to stay. For some reason I doubt dasha is willing to settle anywhere out of LA city because she wants the luxurious lifestyle. I mean she complains about not being in West Hollywood lol
No. 411060
>>411045Yeah, her brows make her face look wider and moon shaped imo
The way she stands really close to him makes it seem like she wants skin to skin contact with him really bad, it makes me uncomfortable for Simon. I think it's funny how she thinks that she comes off as friendly, the fact that she keeps mentioning how they're just friends makes it more obvious how bad she wants him. She's definitely bored of Cyr's greasy dick.
No. 411671
>>411448Yeah, she claimed he was bi in one of her introduction posts showing off her new toy. The interesting thing is that his social media has dick on the brain.
He talks about Cyr but not her.
No. 411690
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Bitch shut up you got a bf
No. 411699
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Putin on Snapchat, wearing Simons shirt, asking if she can keep it, and saying she loves him. I can't tell if her thirst is reaching new levels or if they actually have something going on?
I could of swore Simon had a wet one for Vincent, but maybe he is attracted to Dasha's Neander-brow?
No. 411701
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>>411699I don't ship it, but I hope she cheats on Cyr, he deserved the karma. I also hope Simon turns out to be Mina #2 and is only fucking with Dasha to get to Vincent. I can't wait for milk to start pouring in, blah aha
No. 411704
>>411701Aren't Dasha and Vincent poly?
Maybe they let him into their relationship as replacement for Mina.
No. 411708
File: 1500312258334.png (1.12 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1155.PNG)

Lel "Simon I look like someone I would date" then proceeds to zoom in on Simon, lmao. Dasha I think Simon gets it, he just don't kurrrrr. If Vincent who's actually attracted to you won't give you the D, do you really think a guy that isn't attracted to you and clearly swings the other way will?
Vincent go get ur girl, she's sexually harassing your #1 fanboy
No. 411743
>>411721She's been doing this more or less since Simon became a thing on her social media. First she fishes for attention saying Simon is single and available to anyone, then the spammy flirtposts began.
He's literally just another toy to occupy her long days in the apartment.
No. 411842
She says she's not dating Simon, but it's so obvious it is Simon? She literally spent all morning in his bed wearing his shirt, with nothing under?
Dasha no one cares that you're poly amorous. The only reason anyone criticizes you in that aspect is because you're a hypocrite.
>it bothers me because it's seen as weird and unnatural by society
Lol ok, that's what you did with the Onision situation
>I'm not a jealous person, I'm the leeeast jealous person
Lol ok skinwalker, someone who isn't jealous doesn't spends months ranting about a girl her bf dated, EVERY single day. Tries to ruin her job opportunities, deletes her source of income, and tries to rob her identity.
>bUt BUT the FaKE accOunTS!!!1
Noooo oooone caaaares, except for your pre-teen fans.
But hey, thanks for proving everyone right. We all knew that you wouldn't be able to last that long not talking about Mina.
>inb4 stahp whiteknighting Onision
Idgaf about Onision
>inb4 Mina talks about Dasha to her friends!!!11
No one gives a fuck is Mina talks shit about Dasha to her friends in PRIVATE, anon.
No. 411876
>>411842Not whiteknighting Dasha at all, she's fucked up bad but she didn't mention Mina or the fake accounts in the ig rant, she did briefly mention a girl she dated in an unhealthy poly situation that was probably Mina but didn't go into detail or name her. She's actually been pretty good about backing off publicly recently. It's a little too late but at least it stopped for now.
And Onision's shit was weird and unnatural because it was all kinds of fucked up, going after him over that is probably one of the only good things she's done.
No. 411880
>>411876>not whiteknighting>continues to whiteknightHer last mention of Mina was 6 days ago
>>409748 which is hardly a long time
No. 411938
>>411876She's already said before that Mina told Vincent that if they broke up, Vincent could date her. She's said this multiple times actually, where have you been?
I didn't ask whether Onision's poly relationship was unnatural or not, I could give less of a fuck. The only reason Dasha got called out from the start for being poly was because she was being a hypocrite. I was addressing HER, because she's complaining about people judging her. She's clearly still lurking lolcow, because it's been a LONG time since she's mentioned being in a poly relationship, so she wouldn't be getting comments about it on her social media accounts. Where else would she be getting
triggered from?
>going after him over that is probably the only good thing she's doneNo one is talking about her beef with Onision in general, learn to read anon.
>>411880I don't think you know what whiteknighting even means, newb.
No. 411950
>>411842wasn't it speculated that she had a brief falling out with lindsey after they most likely had a threesome, and then she accused lindsey of flirting with cyr (jealousy)
they're friends again now but at one point lindsey white knighted for mina and called dasha a bully lol
No. 411951
>>411950Yeah, but she wouldn't be referring to Lyndsey on her ig story, because they're friends again
Unless they had another falling out? I'm pretty sure she's talking about Mina tho
No. 411952
>>411938^Same anon, my apologies
>>411880thought you were talking to me. Should've checked before sperging all over the place. Timeout corner for me
No. 411966
>>411940receipts please
that sounds hilarious
No. 411983
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>>411966Lol, Dasha's compliments are so fake.
No. 411989
>>411977I thought about that too lol but it's barely a drag so idc
>>411981I think Mina's personality is sincere tbh but just speculating. Side note since you mentioned Depp: Johnny Derp is what my bff and I call Cyr. lol
>>411983Dude, does Cyr ever get uncomfortable by the amount of times Dasha has said to someone "I would leave Cyr for you" ??? Like I get that she's "poly" but it seems out of line and no one seems to care just because it's only girls flirting.
>>411701But like really I hope either of these things happen lmao
No. 412004
>>411990That rant was so ridiculous. I get her point, but it's so exaggerated.
She goes from saying, "I'm a bad texter, sometime I don't text back for 2 days." and then says that men are never bad texters and that's just an excuse…
I've been in a relationship for 2 years and my boyfriend doesn't always text back immediately because he has a life and doesn't like texting.
If texting back is your main source of affection, then you've got serious issues.
No. 412041
>>412005That was a joke, she was just trying to seem interesting and like she has a sense of humor for Simon
>>412004She's such a try hard. She only goes on lame rants like that to try and seem relatable. She doesn't come off as genuine imo
No. 412186
As much as I hate Dashas ranting, what she said was relatable, to be anyway. I'm not gonna over analyze what she's said though, I don't think there's bad intention for that. I most of the time think Dasha just trolls her friends and fucks with them, that's also not a big deal, but on the terms with Cyr, do you think it's because Cyr acts like an old grandpa he seems like he has no energy and he looks like he's probably been working too. Maybe he has a job, and since Simon is younger and more full of life and less full, Dasha probably hovers around him because Cyr is like an old man. But thats what both of them get for not dating a person their own age. They would be a lot better off dating someone their own age too. And more off the topic, Edwin still doesn't know when Mina's coming back, he released videos but they're really shitty basically saying he can't make videos, and Mina was the main part of his videos, even showing a slideshow of Mina in his videos. And Mina still seems to dress really bad and do bad makeup still, I just really hate it, she has so much potential but she still chooses the kawaii style. And I'm just going off her recent pic on insta. I guess I just don't feel for these people.
No. 412206
File: 1500407957037.jpg (342.01 KB, 1080x537, IMG_20170718_155630-1.jpg)

Did anyone catch this?
No. 412322
>>412206I did think it was funny that Dasha posted 2 photos from that set, right after Mina posted about having a shoot on Snapchat. Almost like saying that she's getting more work than Mina.
On a side not, I really liked how that short blonde wig looked on Mina. I just wish she'd stop putting eyeliner on her inner corners like that and maybe use different eyelashes. Idk much about makeup, all I know is that something about the way she does her eyes really throws me off
No. 412340
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I wish Mina would stick with a more mature style and natural eyes instead of those weird contacts, this little kawaii style is really annoying. Like I cant stand it, this girl could look good with a mature style, but she chooses this.
No. 412349
File: 1500419702584.png (98.16 KB, 750x888, IMG_1167.PNG)

I get so
triggered when people say Cyr looks like Johnny Depp. Like, no he doesn't. Stop feeding this dudes ego just because he has high cheekbones.
>>412327When it comes to Dasha copying Mina, it's hard to say what's a reach or not, because she's completely psycho. I do agree that this time she wasn't trying to imitate though. If it would have been a selfie in the same angle, with the same wig, maybe… but this one seems like a coincidence bc it was taken by a photographer. Plus, I think that's Dasha's real hair and not a wig? I can't really tell, feel free to correct me I'm wrong.
Also, are you insinuating that Mina shooped her photos with high cheekbones bc of Dasha? Because Mina has been sucking her cheeks in waaay before Dasha came into the picture. I think that's just Mina's personal obsession. They DID start shooping there pics like crazy when they started hanging out, but I think that was because they were friends. It seems like they were trying to get more E fame with those photos they were taking together, dressing alike, etc.
>>412329Thanks captain obvious
No. 412386
>>412353Mmm it's not that, I'm
Not sure if you heard of it but, you tend to be attracted to someone who relates to your father/mother. That's why there's terms like "daddy issues" and stuff like that. Maybe her dad has the character like Cyr too, closed off and depressive. I wouldn't dwelve into what she posted too far. Idk why she decided to post of her family all of a sudden, we don't know what happens to her pap. But as for her mom she looks like a drug addict.
No. 413587
>>412186Mina could pull off any look if she just took out those contacts.
>>412255I know I'm not a doctor but I agree. It just seems so blatantly obvious to most of us watching.
>>412322It's the blue contacts for sure.
>>412329They really don't. Judging by the first threads on here, I think Dasha was influenced by Mina in the beginning and definitely was in skinwalking territory. But now I think they are both just doing their own thing style wise. Also, to the perspective of
people who "dress normal," they probably look exactly the same for liking kawaii shit.
>>412349Dasha is a natural blonde with fine hair. The curly black hair is either wig or perm/dye.
>>413577I assume it's financial but for all we know it could be something relating to her home life.
No. 413995
File: 1500585104731.png (1020.89 KB, 750x1334, IMG_8646.PNG)

She either has been lurking or just had a short moment of self awareness
No. 414154
>>413995she retweeted one of her minions jokingly comparing her to lord farquaad before snapping this.
>>414034I feel like she loves the idea of "twinning" with another girl and doing everything together based off her relationships with Mina and ex friend turned friend again Lyndsay. I don't know if it's because she's infatuated with them or if she's just obsessive, but I could see it stemming from attraction. She genuinely seemed heartbroken over Mina and ready to take her back in the first periscope before everything came out, but it could've been an act.
No. 414313
>>413587Thank you for shedding light on something no one on this thread would have known if it wasn't for you anon. You're the only one who knew Dasha's real hair was blonde, but dyed black. Also, thanks for reiterating what I already said about it possibly being her REAL hair and not a wig.
>>414034Can you imagine how
triggered Dasha would get if Cyr constantly said he was going to leave her for other people? He would never hear the end of it.
>>414165They shouldn't be talking about issues like that if they really don't care. It just comes off as extremely fake and insincere, like when Dasha goes on her sjw rants. Her rant the other day about not waiting for a guy to text you back or my favorite, the rant about black people being so awesomezzz on twitter the other day.
No. 414426
>>414178>>414270I know the milk is dry but sage your shit.
Sage for not contributing.
No. 414614
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Okay, maybe I just want to see this but….Skinwalker Part II: The Electric Skinaloo? I swear I've never seen Dasha post black and white pictures, and then four days after her (maybe) friend Lyndsay posts these black and white shots, Dasha does too? Her outfit is even kind of similar.
No. 414615
File: 1500683914444.png (381.1 KB, 523x837, dasha linds 2.png)

>>414614Part II: Part 2. These gross me the fuck out for whatever reason. I wish we could speculate that the arm is Simon's but by the yeti-worthy amount of hair, I'm gonna say it's Cyr's.
No. 414674
File: 1500705592134.png (2.62 MB, 1440x2441, 20170721_233702.png)

Dasha is trying to lick toopoors ass now
No. 414873
>>414727She was taking black/white "artsy" photos of his wolverine arms a couple days ago….
>>414615I am hoping her kawaii style dies as well.
No. 414915
>>414909for those that can't watch, she got detained at LAX airport
- broke her bag
- went through all her shit in suitcases
- went through her phone (she didn't know she had the right to refuse)
- interrogated (for whatever reason) for hours not allowed to make calls
- full body search (2 women)
- rude humor from interrogators making fun of other people for praying etc.
turns out the only reason they locked her in a room for several hours was over a fucking return ticket
No. 415117
File: 1500829510785.png (2.03 MB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_20170723-125300.png)

I feel bad that Mina had to go through that, but I was really distracted by her eyeliner the whole time she was talking. Also Edwin has such first world problems "ohhh ppl dont get me they keep telling me 2 ger a job :("
He says he doesn't know how to vlog without Mina. He knows he isn't interesting enough on his own to get views and now that he doesn't have Cyr to leech off of then he SHOULD get a job instead of whining. He's 30 and living in hus mother's house. OBVIOUSLY youtube isn't paying the bills. It's hilarious that he seems to think he's too good for a "9 to 5 job". He needs to grow the fuck up.
No. 415158
File: 1500839144962.png (51.85 KB, 480x326, Screenshot_2017-07-23-15-38-34…)

Possible subtweet towards edwin in regards to their latest video ?
No. 415188
>>415125I know, a lot of us are actually struggling students, we can't rely on any other income than what we can make themselves, I mean what happened to Mina is sad, but honestly Mina can't just linger on someone just because he needs her for YouTube videos and friendship and all that. A lot of us go through harder than what he does, just because he can't put more videos anymore and all that. It bugs me, he can cry and be upset, but it seems like an unhealthy friendship for Mina especially since she has no one else to socialize with but Edwin, she'll usually just socialize with his friends time to time, but she needs her own space too, emotional support is nice but Edwin needs to see the real world too, I've seen a lot of people give up on a lot because times are hard right now, especially trying to do things on your own. Edwin needs to wake up and realize it, and his thumbnail seemed like clickbait along with the sad music. Like it felt like he was trying to get sympathy views.
No. 415211
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Professional Skinwalker Episode 10283733
No. 415212
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No. 415235
>>415215At least Dasha isn't ranting about Edwin anymore, but she's still doing her annoying vegan rants, I don't think the rants were about anyone in particular other than her ex who she just ranted about, she seems to be throwing some shade at him lately. But I like this normal look on her better than that whole kawaii look. When her and Mina dresses alike, it rememded me of that one episode about the adult baby girl. Like Dasha has been sticking with a mature look know and occasionally wearing her childish clothes. Hopefully her mentality matures too, and thank fucking goodness we haven't heard anymore of fake accounts and Edwin blah blah. But moreover to Edwin, he needs to grow up too, he's like almost 30 I think, a lot of us have made sacrifices and nothing is handed to us. He can't expect to get anywhere without working hard for it. Sometimes really you do have to work hard, if Mina is the only thing keeping him sane and keeping his channel alive, then he needs to reevaluate himself and take a mental check, Mina has other friends and different opertunities where she is, she can't just be isolated with Edwin, it would get sad and boring, I just notice all Mina does is take pictures there anyway, what else can she do in AZ? You know it's not a life you want to live. But I think Mina confirmed her and Edwin are a thing from her recent post, so maybe that's why she wants to be with him, but I think Mina also needs to get a job too, modeling can only help her so much, but not enough.
No. 415283
>>415273Ughhhh IG hoes bug the fuck out of me. Making excuses to be naked and sexualize themselves, then victimize themselves when theyre sexualized by the wrong person, and say "it's my body" like yeah hoe, but it's very inappropriate around children, doing sexual things around children, and it does make people uncomfortable, people's comfort matters too, I know they're not hurting anyone by being naked and sexualizing themselves, but honestly, I don't know know if anyone else feels me on this, but nowadays you can't tell people anything because theyll victimize themselves and be offended, especially people saying they want to be naked for empowerment and want to be a hoe for empowerment, but doesn't anyone find that like an excuse? What should empore you is what you can do for others and what you can contribute to he world and your talent, and so on, if showing off your nipples is the only thing you can really feel so strongly over, then your priorities are so fucking fucked up, there's people talking about suicide and how another persons worth matters, the. Theirs other people with their 1st world problems, like showing skin, is that really all these self centered pieces of shit cares about. I'm annoyed of these people. Sorry for ranting but it infuriates me
No. 415407
>>415398Probably still reads here, maybe he only read the first anon and didn't read that it was about her ex.
>>415403It's definitely strange to me that Mina got "karma" commented on her IG by accounts with Dasha's face as their icon. The comments are deleted now but there's a reply calling out one of the "karma" comments and the user who commented it had the username @foxmillk but already deactivated their account. It's feels a little too convenient for the name to fit Dasha's whole fox thing, have a Dasha icon and deactivate once people saw it. I know she has psycho minions but I feel like even they know it would just make her look bad, and Dasha said before Edwin brought it up that it wasn't even about Mina.
I feel like it's either Edwin trying to revive drama, or someone with a Dasha hate boner trying to provoke sperging. Could also be Dasha and her minions but I don't know, I think at least Dasha would know it just makes her look bad.
No. 415409
>>415117I AM
TRIGGERED her eyeliner trying to drive to LA
No. 415416
File: 1500885223719.png (119.63 KB, 750x971, IMG_5914.PNG)

Woah, Mina has some balls now. She actually tweeted something towards Dasha, I'm actually surprised. Even though this time Dashas tweet wasn't directly at her lol. Even Edwin started it too, now there's really going to be milk
No. 415420
>>415418she seems like she is very abusive to girls(and people in general) who don't fit in line with her expectations
maybe Mina is the only person she publicly hates right now but judging by her behavior towards her alone she doesn't promote girl love
insults her looks, nitpicks actions, intimidates, sends autistic army after her etc
plus when she is "nice" it comes off as desperate and insincere
No. 415439
File: 1500889949656.png (53.49 KB, 704x385, wait.png)

hey guys correct me if I'm wrong but I've read all 4 threads and I'm pretty sure no one posted Putin's address. wtf
No. 415441
>>415418I think Mina just
triggered herself this time. And for a change, Dasha was talking directly to Edwin not really saying anything about Mina. And Dasha wasn't saying anything bad in particular. Idk why Dasha decided to talk about her ex, that he was a jerk to her or whatever. But Dasha seems to be moving on to other girls, and her style changed too. Like it's all around surprising to me. It bothers me that cyrs out of the picture more. But that universal angel girl hung out with them both that day. I feel like Cyr probably has a real job now he's not talking about, that Dasha just goes on to visit Simon and spends her time with her roommates and Lynsey. I'm wondering if Mina's getting a job or modeling, I see that Edwin is not getting a job anytime soon tho.
No. 415442
File: 1500890238362.png (617.31 KB, 724x889, wait.png)

>>415439also it seems like she actually has been subtweeting after all
this person's reply is so stupid
there is no concrete proof that the deer shoot was a throwback like dasha claims in the caption so way to reach
meanwhile her instagram is xbabyfox / itsbabyfox when there are fucking receipts of Mina calling herself that in 2016 while dating Cyr lmao I fucking can't
No. 415447
>>415446oh my bad. that person is just a rude fan then.
>>415445ya Edwin's behavior on here was cringey looking back on it but I understood why he felt the need to fight fire with fire
(not condoning, just saying I get it lol)
No. 415502
>>415445Yeah I remember the shoutout but when did he ever say he was going to make a hate site
Dasha playing victim is fucking ironic. Like others have said it's always dasha and Edwin starting shit but for different reasons.
Dasha is a spoiled psychotic cunt and Edwin is a overly sensitive YouTube vlogger struggling to make 10 dollars per video
No. 415563
File: 1500917837491.png (591.12 KB, 915x540, egh.png)

I feel like Edwin just manipulated his viewers in that last video in order to get more donations on his Patreon just to buy a ticket to see Mina. Like, does anybody else have Onion/Billie vibes with this? Like I get he's at least EMOTIONAL but that doesn't take away the fact that a 30 y.o. man having a relationship with a 20 y.o. from another country. Any mature person would want the best for their girl and can see that this clearly is only beneficial for one side (her being his fucktoy).
Thinking back on the video maybe the TSA lady that encouraged her to call her mom instead of Edwin was just looking out for her own best interests. And the TSA folks did say Edwin was "being nosy".
No. 415581
>>415577He's been long-time friends with Cyr who is close to 30. I know that's not evidence enough but he did show in a vlog his college degree. In no way is he 21.
>turned 21 or something recently.That was Mina.
No. 415589
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>>415584That's a fun fact, thanks website.
No. 415695
File: 1500936315084.png (78.38 KB, 734x601, IMG_5917.PNG)

Ok guys, is it just me or does it seem Edwin's trying to reach for some drama. Like I'm surprised Dasha hasn't really responded, and what she tweeted to him wasn't even half as bad as she used to before. And people are like "oh no Edwin don't listen to her we love you keep being positive" blah blah. But dude, you're the one who made the assumption and dragged it out. You're trying to draw out her anger and got Mina in the mix making her assume too. He probably wants that drama again for views. But really, the dude is the. Only one right now still bitter about it, not surprised since he has a lot of free time and was being a crybaby about his channel. Edwin is so annoying to me.
No. 415703
>>415695I like how all his fans are saying shit like she needs to stop being so obsessed with you guys, she's bringing up drama, but as much of an annoying b
** Dasha is, Edwin seems to be bringing up stuff himself, I get that he was saying he has no friends similar to him in AZ he was complaining about his friends and how he's so different from them, and how he has a lot of free time, like why doesn't this annoying little shit have a job he's like 27 and cried because Mina can't do YouTube videos with him with his clickbaitish shit. DUDE GROW UP. I agree that he's poking at the demon maybe to get "inspiration" for another video. But Dashas just obsessed with her own weird shit, like her vegan rants and simon, her dog, and some weird lesbian stuff with some random girls, she quieted down about them finally despite her minions being annoying posting about the drama to get recognition from Dasha, but Edwin's such a dahm baby.
No. 415748
File: 1500942199555.png (1.42 MB, 1440x2442, 20170724_172054.png)

>dasha shit talks ex
>hanging out with sickbrain on Instagram story (old friend in exes circle)
>tristan on Instagram is no longer filling sickbrain and she no longer follows him (they were best friends)
No. 415764
>>415534maybe not to appease Edwin but more that she easily assumed Dasha was stirring the pot because she usually does and because she trusts Edwin's word, so yeah I don't fault her for that
>>415563Jesus Christ. This is actually my least favorite photo of Mina's. Tbh she is legit one of the cutest people I've ever seen but she is so good at looking stupid somehow lol.
No. 415769
>>415748I couldn't care less about her talking shit about an ex, glad she's finally moved on from
triggering herself over Edwin.
>>415764Girl has a lot of growing up to do if she trusts Edwin's word 100%.
No. 415831
I just see Dasha hanging out with her old insta hoe friends, like Dasha and Mina have a lot of friends, they don't need to focus on the drama, it's dumb how Edwin made Mina think that the tweet was about Mina lol. When I look at Edwin's tweets now, I'm just thinking like how dumb is he. And his fans are just gassing him up like "sorry Edwin she'll never stop talking about the drama" "she's still bringing up the drama" and all that. But this time, the guy was wrong, I mean the dude is bored, looking for inspiration for vids now that Mina's gone, he's trying to look for money and shit, and his tweets kinda remind me of Dashas old ranting. Like dude, you're 27, you live for drama too, you entertained onion a sociopath. Like idk how anyone can believe Edwin doesn't want drama when he even involves himself in it. Cyr doesn't even do that, cyrs just a weirdo edgelord who seems depressed but at least he keeps to himself, Dasha is annoying with her vegan rants, that's all she rants about now, a long with her ex lol. But at least she seems to be making improvements from dressing like a kid and actually doing things proper for her age. And Mina is better off just not involving herself in drama, and Edwin. I look back at Edwin's drama videos, he really was throwing in random things in defense of Mina aside from the proof of Dashas mean ways. But his defense for Mina would go as far to frame dash and go reaching for anything to just be against her. He just seems to manipulate Mina into feeling sorry for him since he did defend her with all his videos. He's not as "mature" as he would have you believe. I'm just annoyed of the guy, even more than dasha, and Dasha is a vegan nazi babbling nut.
No. 416185
>>415814Haha her wig is cute and she modeled for a brand in it. js
But I feel you on the rest of this post.
>>415973They really don't even seem like a couple to me. They seem like roommates. I doubt she is even attracted to him anymore.
No. 416222
Pretty sure she and Cyr are heading towards a breakup soon. She's returning to clubbing, going out with her friends and going back to her insta thot roots and while there's nothing wrong with that (way better than that kawaii bullshit) an alcoholic stay at home boyfriend who doesn't go out with her and doesn't bang her probably won't fit into that lifestyle. I don't think she'll go for Simon though, I think
>>416202 is right in saying he's her gay bff. At least someone's taking care of the dog once she inevitably leaves.
No. 416352
File: 1501093558034.png (1.78 MB, 1116x812, 1a.png)

Meanwhile, Mina is finding substantial modeling gigs back at home – isn't this so much better than that random taxidermy photoshoot? I am 100% sure now that she's stuck at home she'll get over Edwin in a couple months. Eat shit, Edwin.
No. 416355
>>416352There's something about her posture in the white outfit that makes me think she has a fupa which I know isn't the case. Why did the photog use that shot?
Looks pretty tho.
No. 416412
File: 1501109233560.png (130.58 KB, 750x845, IMG_5940.PNG)

Very clever of Edwin to use a pic of them both crying and looking pathetic. It's an easy tactic to make people feel sorry for him, meanwhile there's people in more complicated situations who can't see their loved ones, their own family, fathers, mothers etc.
No. 416422
>>416421Anon I'm pretty sure
>>415563 should confirm that they're dating.
No. 416472
File: 1501120295211.gif (957.72 KB, 230x229, tumblr_m7yuuxydWU1qe6chco3_250…)

>>416461esp if he's living at home and ostensibly not paying bills/rent, that's like what…two month's worth of min wage work? i'm not surprised begging was end game but its still second hand cringe
No. 416576
>>416222there's no way dasha would let her vegan cred go like that. she's gonna take the doge.
>>416352She is so gorgeous when her makeup isn't messed up.
>>416421they're dating. and he's raising money to go to the uk. I think said fundraiser is kind of insulting to ppl facing actual adversity lol but w/e.
>>416483I think Dasha became more self aware and probably felt like shit after she was exposed or w/e and decided to rekindle old friendships like Lyndsay and Luna. Weird how her psycho ass has become more likable than Edwin who I was originally rooting for lmao.
No. 416632
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>>415211She's leveling up. I wonder if she asked to wear the dress so she could look even more like this girl's clone.
No. 416764
File: 1501191879575.png (141.53 KB, 750x765, IMG_5954.PNG)

I'm gonna be same fagging two more times cause Idk how to do a collage of it. But they're basically arguing with a girl who only asked a simple curious question, she wasn't in any way being mean about it, it's what other people are wondering too, yet they get defensive. But you Edwin easily attacks people, he annoys the fuck out of me, before I didn't really like Dasha for being mean from eds whole story, but aside from the messages showing Dashas relationship. Stuff he said didn't match up since most of it was him talking for Mina and defending her, he's just a fucking tool. And idk how else to explain him but he's fucking pisses me off more than ever. Dasha I don't really care for anymore, she justs posts Simon and Guy fieri memes. She's not really trying to be in drama anymore compared to edwin.
No. 416766
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>>416764Same fag, this is the question she asked and they went off on her
No. 416769
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>>416766I'm glad I caught it cause they deleted the comments, seems to be an insecurity of theirs since they had to act so defensive if it. It's how Edwin usually is too, I've seen how he responds to people, and it's totally shitty like how dare you talk to someone like you're much higher than them and everyone else is peasants to you, it makes me mad cause he's such an annoying piece of shit
No. 416793
>>416784It's not a degree… as someone here in the past clarified, the UK works differently. BLUF: it's a high school diploma with a heavy concentration on performing arts. As for the defensive attitudes towards a simple question… it just goes to show you there might be trouble in paradise in the future… Mina comes across as a fickle and fair-weather friend, so any continuing ties she has to Edwin for the next 6 months will eventually have to come through Edwin's own efforts…
but I mean more than likely she'll meet a hot guy in the UK and lose interest in Edwin.
No. 416804
File: 1501195267812.png (161.37 KB, 750x883, IMG_5956.PNG)

>>416784They act like they're that famous tho, they're gonna do a meetup along with Mina's "channel launch" oh please… they're funding all that, Mina just got herself a vlogging camera, who knows if Mina isn't prostituting too, modeling for something little like that doesn't make you a substantial amount of money. idk they both bugged me more than before I can't believe I ever felt sympathy for them with the whole Dasha thing, looks like they probably exadurated it for views, along with Edwin feeling the satifaction of demonizing Dasha and having himself be a victim. Like he's using his emotional distress for gains. He's a sketchy guy and I can't believe he went on here to check up on everything, and people were happy he was on here. A grown man like him who has to go on lolcow to defend himself and Mina, along with checking up what people are saying, he's obsessive and has deep insecurity issues, especially mentally. Not even Cyr does that, and Dasha doesn't seem to be on here trying to clear her name, it would have been noticeable, even Mina, I wonder if she cringed when hearin Edwin actually goes on here contributing. Honestly fuck this guy.
No. 416811
File: 1501196774921.jpg (473.06 KB, 1936x1936, IMG_5961.JPG)

This pisses me off. Look at Edwin's supporters pressuring other people to donate while others have their own lives to focus on and have their own expenses. Money can go so easily and they act like people have a lot of it. Edwin's response "play nice y'all" at least say that "it's ok everyone has their own lives and own expenses" instead of asking that bitch to donate and thinking of herself highly after she donated, like really edwin, you get mad a Dashas fans when your own fans are harassing each other. I don't even see Dashas fans on Edwin's or Mina's page anymore, only that one time when someone said karma. And also Mina needs to focus on her medical expenses because her teeth are a big deal, if she wants to keep them nice, they can severely hurt you. Instead she's focusing on edwins and his desperation for money.
No. 416830
File: 1501199791389.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170728-095412.png)

Still no sign of Cyr
No. 416840
>>416461its like 1k from LAX to london, another 1k to get back?
even then the e begging is annoying. Get a job edwin
No. 416917
>>416865No he's still cringey, a big tool, using his own cry baby character to his benefit, even if that account is dedicated to talking about Kenna, he still got super defensive over a simple comment, I sure as hell don't use my real profile to address any
problematic thing to someone doing
problematic things, you get harassed by there fans, and besides, she said what we were all thinking, I'm not against her having that profile, but Edwin's always defensive to things pertaining to him, he just wants everyone attacking Dasha only but when it comes to him and his character flaws and his fake personality, and someone catches it, he'll go off even if it's small, I've seen it a lot to know. And his defense against Mina, even if she's the one in the wrong or something's don't make sense, like the fake accounts. Ya'll know it had something to do with Mina, but Edwin's also a psycho nut, he justs hides it better, Dasha you can easily tell cause she's explosive. But surprisingly she ignores him like he's dirt on her shoes, I half expected her to do another rant on him, but thank god she learned that nothing goods gonna come from that. Along with Edwin saying that he was gonna do another vid on her if she kept talking. He probably would have liked that to since his failing YouTube career.
No. 416921
Anyone else completely and utterly disgusted about the fact that Mina is actually WITH Edwin? Like WHYYYYY, I get that you have low self esteem, but you can do soOooOoo much better. Idk, just imagining Edwin put his gross bony pervert fingers on Mina makes my stomach churn.
Mina, I 100% assure you that you can find SO MANY other guys that would be just as nice to you as Edwin is, AND they'd most likely not be an overly emotional nearly 30 year old who has no job, still lives with mom, and dyes his hair retarded colors like a pre-pubescent teen. Like, WHY?! I just don't get it, why are you waistline your time and energy on someone who's going nowhere in life and needs YOU as emotional support, when you're almost 10 years younger. FUCKING DUMP HIM and forget about him. Clean yourself too, why would you let that thing touch you.
>>416916Lol, you are a newfag, you've been on here since THIS thread. Your posts are all distinguishable, I can pick you out so easily because of your annoying 14 year old-esque way of typing, and you haven't been on any of the other threads. Also, shut the fuck up about nitpicking already, when majority of your posts on this thread are about Mina's makeup.
(infighting) No. 416923
>>416921They've probably been fucking since the moment they started hanging out after Dasha went fucking crazy when they all lived together. Maybe Dasha was right in those claims that Mina would sleep in Edwin's bed and make out with him.
Dude, Mina's probably mad crushing right now… but that shit fades away in time… and distance. Like I said, I hope they don't reach their goal in $2k, that's gonna be bullshit. Don't let that grease blonde taco eat your taco, Mina. It's gross.
No. 416924
>>416882She goes by @nsfwmongeau now, Cyr and Simon still follow her but it looks like Dasha doesn't.
>>416833You could hear Cyr's voice in one of her snaps a night or two ago playing video games with her.
No. 416935
>>416921I'm not even talking about Mina's makeup? Are you the fucking Farmhand that you absolutely know everything you are picking a fight with me for no reason, I can dish out all my posts on here. For ex
>>416804 this one is mine
>>416412 also this one, want me to pick out more? Get off your high horse too anon, you don't even sage either. It's pathetic that you have to fight with me a random anon, that's actually focusing on the situation instead of assuming my age and picking fights, stop what you're doing, and get back on topic before the farmhand gets involved. I will not fight anymore on irrelevant issues.
(infighting) No. 416976
>>416882>>416924She hasn't posted about Julia in a while either. I hope they're on bad terms so maybe Dashas main stan will spill some delicious milk
>>416935Different anon but you need to understand that when you write like a retarded teenager people will react to your posts. You also post way too frequently. Lurk more, learn to write, stop posting your every thought, don't get pubertal when you get criticized and you'll blend in perfectly
No. 416996
>>416764I think that people got fooled by Dasha's drama and were led to think that Mina and Edwin are the "good guys" when actually I've always felt major snake vibes from all of them.
"Umm i have a job, ppl asked for this soooo" …So you're meeting him because "people wanted it"? Pathetic. Keep grasping at those straws. At least Dasha doesn't e-beg.
No. 417007
>>416935Is this not the underage anon who got temp banned for nit-picking/derailing/overall sperging whenever called out. Can we not.
>>416830This is creepy as fuck. Maybe Dasha is actively trying to get Cyr to dump her? I know that sounds detrimental to her but what else could she be trying? It's striking me as an onion and plainey situation.
No. 417072
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Guys, seriously. This thread goes to shit when you start attacking eachother. Let's focus on the shitheads this forum was dedicated to.
>Visitor visas are nonimmigrant visas for persons who want to enter the United States temporarily for business (visa category B-1), tourism, pleasure or visiting (visa category B-2), or a combination of both purposes (B-1/B-2).
Based on Edwin's writing… was Mina applying for a different visa besides B-2? Like was she applying for a B-1? Maybe that was why TSA was giving her such a hard fucking time. I get she's ditzy af but damn girl.
Also can we fucking report this shitty fundraiser coz seeing all those tweens donating cash they are never gonna see again makes me sad af.
No. 417091
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>>417007I never got banned anon can you not, I said I wasn't even going to keep fighting on some irrelevant bull. Anyway, the description of their donation page. Idk how you would need money to make more vlogs, and launch Mina's channel, they act like if they're really well known and famous, yet they're begging for scraps. I wonder what type of YouTube videos Mina will make too. But really this whole thing they're doing, they make it seem like it's a reunion for the fans and other projects when you can really see through this pathetic facade.
No. 417162
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>>417132Dunno how to make a thread, but would this work?
No. 417163
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>>417162Haha I had similar In mind too, but yours is actually way better lol