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No. 461060
Where we left off in main thread:
- Greg made a cringy video about DDLG wearing adult diapers that a farmer sent him for his birthday.
- Lainey and her awful makeup videos are still keeping Sarah's presence in the Grease Mansion a secret.
- A DDLG fan who lives nearby and potential new trinity member with oddly far apart eyes, kittenspace, stopped by for a day of Olive Garden and shopping with Plainey.
- Standard tantrums on Lainey's squinty eyed Younow and Greg's barely-attended Periscope, nothing special to report.
- Some in-thread infighting about Gerg's previous exes and how everything he touches turns to shit.
During the downtime in Tempcow:
- Lainey finds out about JG/Social Repose breakup, gets incredibly smug about it on Younow despite having stayed with a husband who smacks her hands away when she reaches for him, and receives minor social media backlash. #justlaineythings
- Greg and his HiImASociopath sock account go on a colossal twenty-tweet "Jaclyn apologize to me now REEEE" tantrum, receives absolutely no good feedback with even long-time Discord asslickers telling him to back off. Big bruiser Becca heavily moderates his stream chats to create a fax-based echo chamber.
Expect more narc rage and doormat willful ignorance to come. Winter always seems to bring the milk.
Previous thread >457370
Gregma: No. 461061
>>461060Admin requested this be added to all future threads. copied from
>>459989For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules in the future:
- No nitpicking, not even saged. We all know how terrible they look and there's no need to spam up an already fast moving thread with redundant nitpicking or arguing who's the prettier ex or hopeful. If something is outrageously terrible, you can of course comment on it, but we don't need 100 comments per thread just rehashing the same complaints about hair, skin and makeup.
- Don't liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates. Important streams will get their own threads with loosened rules like
>>>/pt/412863- Sage is there to 1. not bump a thread to the front page (useless in Onision threads since they're always on top anyway) and 2. to allow users to hide these posts via our custom feature. Sage does not mean you can break rules.
Let's try to make these threads enjoyable for all farmers, even the ones new to Onision drama.
No. 461069
>>461065Damn this thing is like 20 minutes.
Can I get some cliff notes?
No. 461072
>>461069there are timestamps as well but tl;dr greg is whiteknighting for mod "lassie" because he pays him $50 bucks a month
This is the same creep that people think leaked nudes or something, he even talks dirty to 100% underaged patreons as a joke.
I'm sure parents wouldn't be happy about this shit. This is much worse than the forums.
No. 461078
A few things are changing in Onision threads. All these changes are made on a trial basis and will be adapted according to our users' needs.
Onision threads have a very high turmover and make it hard for newcomers to follow new and old drama. However, we understand that there's a need to discuss speculation, the many many people only marginally involved with the drama, old news, and appearances. Even shitposting has its place, but when there's hundreds of comments during high octane milk events, things get messy.
Our solution: Please use this thread on Tempcow for all your not-quite-relevant posts. seeing it this way: Instead of making saged comments, take some of them to the discussion thread. This includes:
- blogging
- unfounded speculation
- nitpicking
Some simple rules to follow:
- Post new drama in the main thread on Lolcow first.
- The Tempcow thread will only be moderated for violations of serious rules like doxxing, harassment, and so on - if it devolves too much, we'll close it.
No. 461089
File: 1509998543647.png (301.25 KB, 1748x762, onisionbreakuptweets.png)

>>461077thanks man I always fuck that up
Quick repost from tempcow of all of Greg's twitter sperg on the breakout.
No. 461096
>>460850>Is it normal to remember the exact day it happened and label it a "cursed day" like its some fucked up holiday that you celebrate with misery ?i mean shes still married to him and reminded of it everytime she looks at this thread and probably specific things in their house so lol
basically that situation is not normal in the first place.
No. 461105
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Before a greasy shower, ew.
No. 461141
>>461132That and they must be with him at ALL times.
”If I’m playing video games, I
want her to be playing with me. If I shower, I
want her in the shower with me.” - Onision 2010
No. 461142
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>>461089It's obvious he's been so butthurt that Jaclyn chose ~an abuser!!11~ over him. Why does he have to make everything about himself? Babies drowning, concert hall being blown up, hurricanes, and jaclyns relationship. Lainey is such a doormat, no one would feel comfortable having their husband obsessive and sperg on Twitter over someone else's break up and he's so repetitive and boisterous about it. Demanding apologies and shit. And when did Jaclyn ever "attack" and "make fun" of Ayalla? Did that actually happen? Or is onion logic? Jaclyn doesn't like me = she's attacking an abuse victim that I'm hiding behind!!!
Can someone with twitter respond to his tweets, just repost that video Ayalla made calling Greg out for attacking her, crying, and telling Greg to stop and it's scaring her. That'd be perfect.
>social repose is an evil ABUSERRRR!!1>onions been accused of abuse by every single ex girlfriend and almost every friend and his friends friends ever in his life>you attacking Ayalla! An abuse victim!!1>onion attacked Ayalla so much she had to make a public video demanding he stop>and attempted a smear campaign against every ex most recently Billie>onion abuses girls 10x worse than SP cheating on chicks>onion: you can apologize to me now guise>???>profit No. 461203
>>461113Ewww she doesn't look smug in this picture, more like caught off guard and dreading the hell that's about to come.
Also hilarious how in a previous stream, she said "I barely come up to his shoulder" and she's practically at his nose. Of course, this must've been taken before he took off those 3" foam heeled middle schooler sneakers.
No. 461208
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>>461089Damn even other Youtubers are telling him off for this one.
No. 461211
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Holy shit, I don't know if this has been posted previously (I don't think so) but Onision is down to one channel making money. He doesn't get adsense from any of his other channels except his Onisionspeaks channel anymore, atleast according to Socialblade.
No. 461220
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>>461219>>461216also what the fuck happened November first. did he buy another round of fake subs?
No. 461221
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>>461220wait, can you buy views too?
No. 461236
>>461235so you took each video, added up its total views (to date), divided it by the uploads to come to that conclusion?
do you have the raw data? we could spin up a google doc with excel that can easily track this if it's a reference anons want in the future.
No. 461242
>>461237the subscriber thing I could understand because
>muh glitchbut youtube doesn't award free views, especially not 1000x his daily normal rate. not sure why socialblade reflects a smaller number, but there are a few analytic tracking websites that agree with
>>461221>>461238I plan on being hungover tomorrow and have most of the week off, might take it upon myself. it's easier to explain in charts/graphs than solid number. would also deal a wealth of damage to his psyche when he stumbles on this new thread and sees it tbh
No. 461246
>>461060 Thank you, anon!
Lainey, you're husband is a shit person attacking someone mercilessly and you're okay with sleeping next to him at night. So that means you support him and his bullshit, dumbfuck.
No. 461259
>>461220What channel is this ?
Non of the channels I've checked on Social Blade show any of this … SB says they've all been steadily losing subs with maybe tiny spurts of gaining 30 subs, and non of them said he gained a random 1mil views either ..
No. 461270
>>461089Was just about the post the middle tweet of his opinion on abusers and those who protect them.
The. Fucking. Irony.
No. 461273
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>>461259his main Onision channel
> speaks
> uhohbro
> reference, shanedawson on the same day. deleted and reposted to clarify, maybe YT did have a glitch that day
No. 461275
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>>461273That's weird, because SocialBlade doesn't show any spikes at all on the main channel:
No. 461277
>>461142>It's obvious he's been so butthurt that Jaclyn chose ~an abuser!!11~ over him. I guess that what he and social repose have in common
>Why does he have to make everything about himself?Come on if you know anything about onision you already know the answer to this question. In his world he is the most important thing and EVERYTHING centers around him. I feel sorry for his kids.
No. 461302
>>461301live chat here to satisfy admin
> post greasiest shit in this thread pls
No. 461318
>>461242Blessed art thou among Anons.
I'm very much interested in what you've gathered together along with the result of your findings.
Give ol' Onion a further bullet, eh?
No. 461324
>>461310No large Youtuber will give him the time of day, and would more then likely just ignore him if he tried starting drama.
Seems Freelee might be taking the higher road and just ignoring his bullshit, and for once I think Jaclyn might ignore him too or at least for a while. If he's reading this though, I hope he goes after Kiki. That'd be the greatest Christmas gift too all. Two narcs raging it out.
Lainey will never leave Greg. That would mean moving back into her parents and having her Youtube career die. ( We all know Greg will slander her and/or spill all her secrets to ruin her channel ) Half of her fans seem like retards that want into the trinity just to get with Greg. Beside, Lainey gets paid every time Greg is mean to her.
>>461315I'm still skeptical of this whole "demonetization" thing and just how honest he is about it. He's a manipulative prick who I wouldn't put it past him to lie about how bad it is, just to squeeze more money from fans. Sure, his re-uploads will be an auto demonetized no doubt ( not that those get many views anyways ).
I could see him using his main (Onision ) just because its really not getting many views to really make even a dime off of. Plus if it blew up in his face he could claim it was all a act and a joke because its not on the speaks channel.
No. 461326
>>461220Lol this reminds me of his IRS video where he cried about putting his money into "work". Is this what he means? That every year he's bought subs? If true, what a colossal dumbass.
Instead of getting an agent, professional camera men, writers, PR firms, to help him make videos that earn subs and views on their own merit, he buys them. For his ego, to create the image that he's successful and competitive with other youtubers, etc. Its all smoke and mirrors with onion ever since a dumb video he made went viral as a fluke.
No. 461331
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Lmao ok greg
No. 461348
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Not like I feel bad for onion but it's pretty hilarious that he'll never be able to get away from plainy.
No. 461351
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By the way, did that kittenspace girl leave yet?
No. 461363
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>>461351every single time i see this chick i think of that movie
No. 461381
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>>461348So Footface is the new Overly Attached Girlfriend meme?
No. 461384
>>461383If you read between the lines, when she says she doesn't want to discuss things publicly with onionboi, what shes saying is that every time shes had arguments or disagreements with Grugly on twitter, he goes full tilt and makes her asshole bloody and doesn't let up until she ends up crying.
She likes her butthole non-bloody, and her eyes dry and non-teary
No. 461386
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not sure if this was posted before but her eyeliner finally touched her eyebrow
No. 461393
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>>461386I’m an amateur myself but holy shit! Kek
No. 461401
>>461383It would make sense if her husband also did not cause drama and talk about it every second. But he does. So her never speaking out against it seems like shes supporting it. And its not like she goes, talks to him, then he apologizes for his behavior and stops doing it. He just keeps doing it. Which then raises the question if you DO have a problem with your husband doing these things and he STILL DOES them on the daily, then why are you not angry about it and just accepting it?
And we know she doesn't talk to him about things because shes admitted it. Shes said she feels like she cant talk to onion about serious things, she avoids shane dawson's conspiracy videos because they are too real, she doesnt watch onion's videos that she wont agree with because it might make her upset and chooses to live in the dark about his thoughts, and she constantly says she wants to avoid confrontation. Does this sound like someone who is talking to their husband and having an actual conversation about things and working towards a solution? No. She also never reaches out to people her husband hurts and apologizes to them or anything. She lied her ass off about how she cant find a way to privately contact jaclyn. Yeah because she blocked her. She definitely could find a way. And not like she apologized in the past to her as he berated her boobs for ten years. Not like she privately reached out to eugenia and apologized for her husbands behavior. Shes condoning and enabling it AND supports it. She can stop denying it now if shes going to do nothing about it. Shes the biggest liar, even a bigger liar than onion.
No. 461426
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Onion’s mom sent him this on his forums for his upcoming birthday
Got it from tempcow from a previous nonnie
No. 461431
>>461401You are probably right about how doormat seems to handle things. There is no proof that she isn't angry about things, or that she never tries to talk sense into him (as irrational as she herself is!), however. I love gossiping as much as any farmer here but it's worth thinking about how we don't see all aspects of these people's lives. We see what they end up broadcasting to the internet.
On another note, I don't think it's reasonable to expect someone to change/fix their s.o. though. Similarly, I don't agree with holding someone responsible for their s.o.'s views. They're extremely co-dependent but I still view them as two separate entities, ideologically. One can love someone without agreeing with them on certain things. Sure, whom you associate yourself with does say something about you but friendships and romantic relationships usually run deeper than politics. It's possible to love someone to the point where you see past their shitty opinions/character traits. Personally can't see how Gargamel is appealing in any way but Lainey was probably groomed early on. Kind of a rabbit hole situation, trying to understand their bond. Lots of mind games there, for sure. Don't know how she was before Grinch but she definitely grew up to be a pretty awful human.
IMO Lamp's big issue is that she doesn't stand up for herself and uses her sensitivity as a shield, ironically. I personally don't judge her for not somehow making Grease shut up about his drama shit, though. The instances where I've seen him break his fake character on video frightened me… and he has no way of harming me. I can imagine how it might be for Lamp who lives with him. It doesn't shock me that she stays out of his way.
Not saying she's this blameless, non-smug angel. She is quite far from it. I just think it's not her job to make Gerg a tactful person.
No. 461440
>>461437Nah, she wrote ''It's Onision's birthday on November 11th. Because fans submit photos through his website,, and he posts the ones he likes, Moira is submitting this one.''
So it's even worse, she supports and encourages it.
No. 461447
>>461431No its not reasonable to expect someone to change their SO, and hes never going to change. And when you realize that, you leave. Shes realized that, and shes chosen to stay and just ignore the problems. I also think the love excuse is bullshit and her biggest problem. She thinks love is the most important thing in the world and will step over anyone, her friends, family, her own kids to keep onion and appease him. Thats not healthy and she needs to realize that. She thinks she has him all figured out and she can control the situation because she just has to tell him "no" and appease him in anyway to make him stay.
Kids learn what relationships should look like and how to act from adults around them. This is what she is teaching her kids every day at their most vulnerable parts of life. They are learning how to deal with emotions right now from lainey and greg by seeing how THEY deal with emotions. Thats how they are going to deal with emotions in the future. Let that sink in.
Its also true that you become similar to people you hang out with. She basically only hangs out with onion and any other terrible people that can stand him, and no surprise, she has become terrible. I'm sorry but there is no way in hell I could sit there and watch a SO, whether i love him or not, insult my family friends, and even strangers to the point where they are in tears REPEATEDLY for YEARS, and not say one single thing to them EVEN IN PRIVATE to console them. That makes you a bitch. Sorry. She finds keeping onion happy and pretending shes never wrong more important.
No. 461449
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I love how he doesn’t hide his sock puppet accounts at all hahaha. Gurg, your discord fags are outing you! Watch out
No. 461454
>>461449I didn't think it was Grease (just some obsessed fan) until I noticed that he follows all the same accounts as him and also his discorders interact with this account.
But to me, it doesn't make sense, because of this logic:
He claims to be honest to EVERYONE including his discord fags.
This account VEHEMENTLY denies that this is Greg
So if his discord suck ups know for sure that it's his sock puppet account, how do they let him off the hook for straight up lying?!?
So that's why part of me thinks it might just be some unhealthily obsessed loser.
No. 461459
>>461454>expecting logicfrom onion discordfagsAnon, pls. They let him off the hook all the fucking time.
>>461105I love how generic are his compliments to Lamo. He doesn't even try with his lovebombing. Awesome is a great word to call your friend after you had a blast at a gig or Mario Kart. Shouldn't your.soulmate deserve something more and descriptive? Well unless you're a John Green psycho and think that everything is either awesum or le suck.
Billy is "fucking pretty", but lamo is just awesome. K.
No. 461463
>>461459>>461462Yeah that makes a lot of sense. Then how do we think he justifies it to himself??
Cause I've always had the mindset that he actually believes he's this brutally honest person and that's why he's such a narcissist.. But if he is using this account and lying about it, that means even HE knows the "BRUTAL HONESTY" spiel is all an act.
No. 461467
>>461463In his mind, he can do no wrong. It doesn't matter what the reality is, whatever
he decides is true, is true. That's why he's a narcissist. Even if he lies, he will come up with a justification for why it's okay and necessary.
No. 461499
>>461489Honestly it pisses me off since lameo majored in psychology. She probably doesnt even know a damn thing about child development since she probably did the bare minimum for her degree. She and greg think her kids arent going to remember anything and wont be affected by shit thats happening in their house since they are so young. Its been proven that even infants can be affected by and remember traumatic events that happened to them. Kids are actually very perceptive and notice things A LOT. They are definitely noticing all these fights happening, all these women being brought in, their mother being depressed (these kids 100% going to have mental issues in the future guaranteed) and theres no doubt that onion probably has insulted her in front of the kids. Troy is almost kindergarten age. To think hes too dumb to pick up on this shit is laughable. Also to have him tossed around to new caregivers every year who are given the job to pay more attention to him than his own mom.
If they dont send their kids to school and attempt to homeschool them, there really is zero hope of a good outcome. Completely isolated with no good adult role models (at least at school you have teachers, social workers, counselors, friends parents, other mentors) to take place of their shitty narcissistic parents, good luck.
No. 461520
>>461499I am in full belief that she used that essay writing service that was sponsoring onion around the same time as she got her degree.
I dunno how she could do a full degree and still not know one thing about the subject.
No. 461554
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>>461351>>461359I'm not so sure she didn't stay now tbh
No. 461562
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>>461560posted on tempcow, but here is the No. 461565
>>461560>>461562This is kinda awful. She got him
so many gifts, cups, a lamp, so many sweaters and stuff and all he got her for her birthday were some cheap clothes from Target after bitching about how she didn't even need them.
No. 461571
>>461560I hate to say it but this is the first video I've seen where they are somewhat convincing as a couple. Gerg isn't being an ungrateful, obnoxious jackass at least.
Still, the sex toy and Harry Potter role play implications were forced and unnecessary
No. 461572
>>461562Calls herself girl in video titles, but god forbid anyone calls her that. What a fucking idiot.
And wow they sure struggle financially.
No. 461575
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it’s so funny how whatever farmers do Grease immediately tries to copy it.. we post ~just plainey things~ and he posts a video on the same subject. His resentment for Footface is really coming out
No. 461576
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>>461571>>461573>>461562She got him a set of leather cuffs and a leash. He seemed surprised and said "you want a
leash??" and she says "yuup". She also got him a book of coupons for sex.
No. 461577
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Sorry I know this is super old news but did Billie get the Lillie ship tattoo during the ehole saga (this photo is old)? I completely missed that if she did. That totally sucks if she did.
No. 461590
everything she got drowns him and makes him look even smaller than the manlet he is.
also he acts like he's taking the piss out of Lainey when he's saying she got the wrong size and "I'm not fat, mmmmkay???" like a douche. difference is, Lainey told you her size and you got different sizes in everything. you told her your size, she got that size, and it's too big because you're an insecure tiny human.
he's so torn between not wanting to be fat (L size) and wanting to be tall (L size), and he can't decide which is worse.
No. 461597
>>461576> coupons for sexHoly late stage capitalism, batman, that's
No. 461601
>>461454in b4 muh multiple personalities
or in after, im new
No. 461611
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>>461454I know the Twitter username is different but the handles are practically the same. I don't doubt that account is Gurg, and it doesn't help the icon is L from Death Note which is someone he thinks is similar to him.
No. 461624
>>461598Coupon - Worth one 69 position
Grug - "Maybe you could just give me a blowjob?"
No. 461625
>>461611Um, there's really no question that this and the Sociopath accounts are both his.
Grease, I'm just loving how you made your sock puppet private due to "haters"… An honest Youtuber would just admit that he needs to make multiple Twitter accounts for self-validation because he literally has no friends. Even Tomato hasn't been jumping on your dick lately.
No. 461644
File: 1510096013656.jpeg (133.27 KB, 750x874, EB5912A9-62F3-49C4-8619-E5B7BF…)

When is this girl going up to grease mansion??? Hurry up already.
No. 461652
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new grease for what its worth No. 461656
>>461652"Christians use parts of the bible they like so they can reaffirm their own judgement of others while completely ignoring other parts of the bible that don't quite fit with their personal agenda and don't make them look very good." All the while "Irony" was just on screen in big letters.
Gurg, you're an absolute muppet
No. 461664
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>>461576He keeps looking weirder, as time goes on. It's like he's morphing into a goblin.
No. 461669
>>461652>How can you ignore the entire world, for the sake of your FEELINGS?Yeah, Lainey. How?
I think it is only a matter of time where you'll watch all Onion videos and not be able to discern if he's talking about himself or his wife anymore. We're at least halfway there.
Can someone upload his thank you video on the main channel? I'm curious about the TV one too, not sure if anyone uploaded it yet.
No. 461671
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Our spaceprince got her binder.
Pic taken from her privated patreon Insta
No. 461681
>>461677Jaclyn said she/her when talking about Lainey, which makes her transphobic apparently.
I think her and someone else also talked about how there are only two genders.
No. 461693
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my weird poly friend shared this on fb, and all the bad ones reminded me of onion
>>461682lol i can see the faces in some of them
No. 461713
File: 1510109294323.jpeg (259.27 KB, 800x641, 77DFB5DC-4455-45D5-9959-B12963…)

>>461693It seems you could find a lot of posts applicable to the Onions, but the one you posted is spot on.
No. 461714
File: 1510109335917.png (319.77 KB, 750x1334, 78CE67F4-DF6F-4BAA-8875-80624F…)

Someone from tempcow suggested I post this here. I really think this is Gerg or some 12 year old who thinks Gerg is cool enough to impersonate.
No. 461717
>>461690Lainey must be really good at controlling the situation if Greg hasn’t JUMPED on the opportunity to bring in this new girl.
It’s been said before (and definitely displayed with the Billie fiasco) but Lainey
seems to be pretty good at manipulation to get what’s she wants and keep Greg.
How much longer can she stave off onion’s thirst for someone new?
Part of me think he’s gotten old and can’t be as reckless anymore (especially with the financial burden of kids).
No. 461720
>>461714I think this isn't him, I think it's some child who gets a power trip from pretending to be Grease and is just soaking up all the attention. Otherwise he'd do/tweet something to show he isn't Grease but he loves having people believe he is.
Can't see his tweets last I checked though because he went private
No. 461729
>>461717I feel like the whole I Betrayed My Wife saga is the closest Onion has ever had to come to admitting wrongdoing. He was hoping he could get away with it and blame it on Lainey, but this was a more obvious transgression than previous, and his audience is less naive and eager to believe everything he says.
Not fully getting away with that (having to make videos saying he cheated even though he tried very hard to say he didn't afterwards, having Billie's side come out the way it did, having Lainey and Billie get all the pity and not him) showed him he can't just do this shit publicly without thinking any more. Lainey "won" that situation (what a prize, to stay with Gurgly. Lucky lady!), and Onion has been making up for it ever since, trying to prove that he's the loving partner and loyal husband he sells himself as. He's terrible at it, so his uncaring self shows through, but he's been trying harder than usual.
I don't think it'll last much longer though. He needs attention and sympathy, and he's not getting enough of either at the moment. He just needs to find some way to make it Lainey's fault and he's out of there. As soon as he can figure out how to lay the blame on her, he is gone.
Unfortunately for him, the groundwork has already been laid. Last time he tried to blame Lainey and everyone saw through it and told him he was a piece of shit. It'll be very hard to do the same thing again with different results.
I'm interested to see how he'll try desperately to make it work though. It'll be a show no matter what happens, and I doubt his subscriber count will live through it this time. He doesn't have enough loyal tweens left to be pulling big asshole stunts.
Sage for sperging.
No. 461730
>>461717What if he's only giving Lainey the illusion of control while secretly seeking out his own side chick of choice behind her back.
He could be using his fake twitter accounts and "business trips" as a means to cheat. Why would he actually bother anymore with that poly shit if Lainey calls the shots. ALSO, if those side chicks turn on him and screen shot the convos to post here or where ever, he can claim bullshit because its "not his account". Screenshots have fucked him over one too many times.
No. 461732
>>461717Greg hasnt brought in a new girl because he cant get a new girl. Most people dont want to give up their lives to go to washington and be the plaything for a married couple and have to babysit their kids half the time. No sane person wants to be the next billie. And now he has no fame and money to offer them. See how quickly he jumps on any chance, like he wanted to bring vix over, macncheese, etc but they all fail.
Also lamey is more popular than him now. He probably wants to find someone who will help him reclaim his fame aka someone popular, but thats also never happening. She's not some master manipulator who can control gerg, although she thinks that. If Billie had said dump lameo and i will move in with you and marry you, he would have left her in a nanosecond, but no one wants to do that except the foot.
No. 461742
File: 1510119043879.png (1.62 MB, 2372x1724, pleasegivememilk.png)

From the SR thread of the girl involved with their drama, her best friend has made contact with our favorite grease lord. What will cometh from this anons?
No. 461789
File: 1510149584798.gif (750.99 KB, 500x270, giphy-7.gif)

>>461774His reaction is revolting. I knew that onion was a scum bag but this is some next level shit.
No. 461834
>>461774what an actual fucking LOSER. 32 year old immature UGLY TIRED looking mess. making asinine comments on a relationship he had NO PART IN.
like what the actual fuck. And those fucking sad pathetic drain-on-the-economy retarded cunts that are his 'fans' should be ashamed of themselves too. i hope the fat bitch Becca watches, i hope they all do. And when they all deal with the fucking karma of associating with the Internet's Biggest Joke i hope they never live it down. i hope to god someone at Becca's university makes fun of her for spending her fucking loan on a 32 year old pedophile.
I mean what is Onion boy at with these streams and statements. Sorry but who fucking cares about your opinion? Both parties involved fucking hate you, no one gives two fucks. Is he that up his own ass? Hey greg, you can't even tell the truth about your own shitstain of a wife being a transtrender, ignorant, dumb as shit doormat. you can't admit that your dad has never had allegations made against him, just your spiteful mum who couldn't even be fucked with you when you went to live at your dads!!! YOU WENT. and you were all butthurt he had a new wife, boohoooooooo. Then you beat the fuck out of your dad cause you were being an ignorant asshole to his wife who had to put up with your retarded self. Big old fuck up head. No friends. Then you run home to your momma again and the cycle of her abuse continues. come on gerg speak on it mr honesty!
no one owes him a fucking apology. what in the absolute fuck. just because you know someone does not mean you get to take the winnings if you called who was going to dump who and what for. god you're so fucking dumb!!!
greg is so starved of having a good time this is what gets him off. i hope this faggot can at least resonate with us when the dumb cunt contradicts himself all the time and we laugh.
i'm so happy he's miserable. yet, i bet he's jealous they're both single and he isn't waaaaah
No. 461835
>>461774and who gives a fuck if shiloh cheated on you greg, that entire relationship started off on you cheating on your wife.
ever heard that relationships are built on trust. it's not a corporation and the two parties don't need to sign a legal document because fucking each other monetarily should be the last thing on two lovers minds. YOU SPINELESS FUCK
No. 461842
>>461774This made me fucking rage. What a fucking cunt manlet with a dicklet.
So fucking salty that Jaclyn doesn't wanna shove her vagina in his face like the poopwhore gingerbeck.
No. 461845
File: 1510170769849.png (196.4 KB, 586x480, Screen Shot 2017-11-08 at 11.4…)

Dear Greg,
Someone is fucking with you. You want to believe there's a YT conspiracy against you that's taking your subscriber counts and views. So, here is one tailor-made plot, guaranteed to pique your interest in blaming anything but yourself for the demise of your "career". If you respond, milk will be gotten.
Anyone smarter than Greg (i.e. a lot of folks)
No. 461855
>>461774I love how fake he is when he's asking about who broke up. He was just waiting for his gaggle of discord grills to bring it up.
He knew who broke up, what a 5 year old pretending to not know.
No. 461857
File: 1510172770414.png (1.6 MB, 640x1136, C23027B5-07A6-4427-90DA-A589F7…)

You’re getting too old for this.
No. 461858
File: 1510172860355.png (1.81 MB, 640x1136, 54B86232-7120-4C86-AA30-549858…)

>>461857“Big massive cock”
No. 461916
File: 1510185273739.png (3.23 MB, 1536x2048, B0F66A95-FEBD-45D6-B5F7-DC5010…)

For anyone who cares, yes Lainey and kittenspace did meet up
No. 461951
File: 1510193055530.jpg (1.34 MB, 1080x1920, LbfM6mg.jpg)

>>461941And Ayalla just said she's 5'6. He's 5'9 at best.
And don't try to be like "They're wearing heels!" Billie's height matches up to where it always is on Onion. And Lainey's height, for that matter, who is the same height as Billie.
No. 461959
>>461951It wouldn't matter if they were wearing heels given that Onion wears them himself.
But also remember that he hypocritically chastises women for wearing high heels, so it's unlikely that they felt comfortable enough to wear them around him.
No. 461970
File: 1510196126485.png (537.48 KB, 1024x553, expectationsvsreality.png)

>>461916I can only imagine how cringe their meetup was, you can very much tell when someone is not what their pictures are.
They must have been so disappointed.
No. 461975
>>461970Wow, with this comparison I only just realized
1. She has one of those filters on that are supposed to make you look pretty and she still looks ugly
2. How overlined her lips are
She's fug
No. 461976
File: 1510196543350.png (212.28 KB, 451x322, expectationsvsreality.png)

>>461970I don't understand how these girls can look completely different in their IG. Baited.
No. 461982
>>461972<every picture I see of her, her eyes stray a little further from eachother
She needs Peter Griffin
No. 461999
>>461994It's a government agency, anon…it's going to take a while.
That said, I wonder if anyone managed to get Greg investigated for medicaid fraud, and if he and Taylor are declaring their Patreonbux as income. If they aren't and the IRS doesn't already know it, then the IRS will fuck them a hell of a lot harder if they find out.
No. 462007
File: 1510201761799.jpg (372.26 KB, 720x1280, b0uEk3R.jpg)

No. 462021
File: 1510204204018.jpg (49.05 KB, 600x800, emo-dad-22891-1257438303-107.j…)

>>461857This is so embarrassing what the fuck. Not only is that a really bad cosplay, he looks so fucking old. Ugh, please Grease, please at least cosplay anime characters I don't like next time, and don't start ruining my favorites.
>>461752It's so annoying. But then it's not like she ever had an own personality. She always likes what she thinks she is supposed to like so Grease doesn't leave her. Plush she tries to be what she thinks is 'hip with the kids' now, since that's her audience and the people who pay her money. Thinking about it, Laimey has almost as much of an identity crisis this other cow Mira.
No. 462040
>>461576>>461916Good to know onions putting that leash to good use
>"see guys being chained up is totally normal!1!"Also isnt it supposed to belong to taylor or is he mocking her or somting
Much dom onion
No. 462052
File: 1510210946289.png (549.13 KB, 600x800, 123.png)

>>462021Everyone uses this image to reference the Onion, so i thought i would make it official. Sorry for the nightmares.
No. 462117
>>462115When a barely alive anorexic like Eugenia manages to display more energy than you, reevaluations of your life needs to happen.
Lainey is so deflated people probably use her as background noise when they go to sleep. She doesn't even greet fans that have been with her for a year, only a handful of her most stanning Patreons.
No. 462155
>>462154i dont get it. she wasnt even his first wife, let alone girlfriend lmao
also dying at his fucking hair/face in that thumbnail. and his lips are so huge.
No. 462158
File: 1510255877326.png (299.2 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-11-10-06-28-38…)

No. 462159
File: 1510255962319.png (309.17 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-11-10-06-28-24…)

No. 462179
>>462154This is probably the cringiest video they've put out. 6 minutes in they're both "joking" about how Greg betrayed Lainey and broke her, as a blanketed attempt at self-awareness. Hahahaha we have such a great relationship, we're like a stand-up special.
Greg has a really lazy eyelid still.
Also Lainey never takes out the trash because she's too weak. Greg intercepts that she's not to weak to suck a dick upside down while she gets her vag or ass eaten or something.
No. 462216
File: 1510270061127.jpg (338.06 KB, 640x994, IMG_0438.JPG)

Sarah is liking jaclyn's tweets
No. 462222
>>462212>>462215>>462220Yeah, no, guys, it's fine.
He was attractive - or made himself look attractive via the help of majikul video editan - for a while, hence him luring in someone as pretty as Billie. But it's never been his looks that were the issue.
I think we can all agree, however, that as of 2017, he is a nasty, flabby, rosacea-ridden, greasy piece of garbage.
No. 462223
File: 1510272121401.png (755.7 KB, 754x634, 34123432.png)

>>462222nah, he was always a greasy neanderthal lookin' mother fucker
No. 462225
File: 1510272178479.png (288.28 KB, 698x292, 139048.png)

Too much Botox when??? Those eyebrows are trying to go to heaven.
Grease really absorbed our digs about Taylor, because now he's using them passive-aggressively. Or maybe he's just always thought those things about her… Calling her a sham, saying she had life in her eyes before, etc…
No. 462232
>>462227On the left, he's either about to speak or he's doing his Blue Steel impression where he sucks in his cheeks, which requires a bit of a gap between jaws, and his jaw juts a bit from that.
On the right he's smiling close-mouthed, possibly clenching his jaw but at the least closing it completely. The sort of smile you make when you've practiced human facial expressions in the mirror and this is the best you can do.
Look at those dead derpy eyes.
No. 462234
File: 1510273755210.jpg (35.83 KB, 251x251, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…)

>>462231Holy shit it fucking does! Thank you anon I can't stop laughing
No. 462244
>>462154Is he trying to be likeable on her channel in hopes he can get her fanbase to like him again? Lol seems so not genuine but like hes trying to act like hes some guy who has changed and learned from his past.
Meanwhile lainey looks like shes trying to re-enact a shane/ryland video. They insult each other and take jabs in their videos but you know they actually like each other and its all in good fun unlike lamey and onion. But her reactions now are like shane's "true" "drag me" "me!"
Is anyone else just bored of lameo and onion? I feel like they are not gonna break up since onion is not ever gonna convince a girl thats actually attractive to replace her. And lamey is just gonna ignore anything bad he does because all it takes is him saying one bullshit lovey thing to make her fawn over him. Shits boring now. All the "milk" is just lameo with her fidget spinners scowling and acting smug and onion promoting patreon.
No. 462246
File: 1510276635359.png (173.62 KB, 458x367, 20171109_171202.png)

When Lame got triggered that he used to call her girl/she, Gerg looked like he wanted to end her.
No. 462254
File: 1510279455564.png (1.46 MB, 1066x809, ashellofaman.png)

He looks fucking rough. Like he's sick/not sleeping.
No. 462277
>>462254It's makeup. From every angle the shading is the same pretty much. Plus; no rosacea. Dead give away
He just couldn't be bothered to take off the eyeliner properly or looking like he did 3 days worth of speed was the go-to for the day
No. 462306
File: 1510285059138.png (341.31 KB, 719x1033, 20171109_213506.png)

You can't control him Gerg he's paying you not the other way around. Why do these people continue to be his "friend"?
No. 462311
>>462301It's OK cause they fuck a lot
so do they only do anal
since she's a boy now
No. 462332
>>462306Tomato tweets at every popular youtuber in hopes of fame. Not like that 1k to collab with onision really helped his channel.
i like how people used to be "scared" of onion lashing at them. Now hes just that annoying guy that is always angry at something and wont go away and everyone knows that no one likes him.
>>462312of course, onion will never take responsibility for his own failing channels. it was all pewdiepie!
No. 462339
File: 1510288899633.jpg (29.46 KB, 477x477, old.jpg)

>>462332I like how the SR drama basically gave Onision his final push into irrelevancy. I had forgetten what it was like to get real milk instead of 1200 posts about Laineys makeup or onion shitting on someone on Twitter. Onions content has always been shit, now it's recycled shit, and even his drama is weak.
He has become: pic related.
No. 462341
File: 1510289283462.gif (2.27 MB, 480x270, giphy.gif)

>>462249If you listen closely, you can hear The Sound of Silence playing softly in the background whenever he looks at lame
No. 462343
File: 1510289452192.jpg (94.56 KB, 500x719, WIN_20171109_224857 (2).JPG)

Our SpacePrince posted this on Snapchat, as if she doesn't lead people on to continue this fake gay shit.
No. 462347
>>462339For real. SR and jaclyn gave the best milk we've had in a long time. Everyone was even expectant of onion drama with the situation but his "reply" to it all was lackluster. I couldnt care to really watch it. The foot has officially made onion boring as hell. Now they are trying to roleplay "cute couple" on youtube but theres a million better ones and no one cares.
>>462343>i take that kind of stuff seriously and i don't casually date>Has a new crush every day. Lameo oh so serious about them!! "Be serious" about giving up your life to move in with me and my psychopath husband and two kids! None of that casual stuff. Idgaf about your life and dreams tho.
No. 462358
>>462349You're talking to the girl who started her relationship with "I will marry you!!" and getting proposed barely after meeting.
She just expects everyone to give up their lives to fully devote themselves to her when she wont do the same. How are they going to decide if its serious when youve only talked online?
Also she doesnt want a gf and shes probably playing onion boy for as long as possible so he will be nice to her while she pretends shes looking for a gf
No. 462375
File: 1510295614095.png (891.38 KB, 1136x640, 9E9DC599-BF7D-46FC-A79C-2D0398…)

I’m pretty sure those are bruises on her neck and not hickeys.
No. 462416
>>462378We should be happy that Footface enjoys "taking intense punishment" and Onionboi is able to use her as his sudo rape fantasy release.
I remember reading a story about the BTK serial killer, they surmised that the reason he stopped killing for so long and then started back up decades later was because his wife allowed him to do all the deviant sexual things to her, but once she was diagnosed with cancer and got really sick, and was unable to satisfie his perverted sexual urges, that required BTK to go out and find release with the unsuspecting people/victims of his town.
You should all thank your lucky stars that Footface endures (and probably enjoys) Gregs abuse, and we dont have to worry about him sneaking into our homes and doing horrible thing to us.
No. 462452
>>462375yeah that is way too big to be a hickey, and is in a weird spot too. unless he was biting her from behind or something in one spot repeatedly to cause a cluster.
Not consistent with collars or anything encircling the neck either.
No. 462457
>>462452Ive seen that kind of bruise before
if someone grips the side of your neck, not to choke you but to sort of hold you and guide you in a direction they want you to move, or to keep you in place, griping your neck tightly like that can cause that type of bruising
No. 462462
>>462375That's totally a hickey- at least a few in the same spot. They've both (at least Gerg has) been sporting big, dark ones in the past few uploads.
Besides, if it were anything more serious than "muh kink" then Gerg would've made sure she was covered up. They've got too much to prove to the "haturs".
No. 462470
File: 1510322717690.png (68.47 KB, 436x484, totallynotrecruitingunder18sth…)

lyrics from his new "Daddy Song"
No. 462518
>>462511I wonder what he refers to them as …
> Lainey can you shut that little bitch up, its interrupting my fap session. Like I really wonder if he refers to them as annoying objects, or like they're someone else's child you hear screaming at a walmart.
No. 462521
>>462455Can you imagine the shitstorm Onion would go on if she got some from fans in the mail? He'd probably tell her that's as bad as cheating and complain about how his fans are disrespecting his wife's gender (because dudes obviously can't use them too)
God I'd love to see it, just them getting bombarded with dildos and all kinds of weird shit because they wanna brodcast being so "kinky"
No. 462560
File: 1510344666096.png (943.56 KB, 1080x1920, 20171110_200139.png)

This is it. It's happening. Greg started seeping over to other areas of my life. I can never escape this waking hell.(no1curr)
No. 462562
>>462366i think she never had much personality to begin with and went with whatever the group she hung out with was doing. her lack of personality/insecurity gave her the "anxiety" she's always talking about, and she has a major persecution complex too. she is the type to fuck a close friend's ex and go eat in the counselor's room because "everyone hates her."
greg always liked the outcast/emo girl but lainey never was that, she was also a conformist and did whatever would make her blend in. only now is she trying to say she was a weirdo/unique/outcast because that is what she thinks greg wants, like all of his exes were. if you took her away from him that would all change. that is why they work together, because she is always trying to please him and feed his ego.
also it's funny to imagine that lainey's personality is only noticeable for being "gay." can anyone name anything she likes or is good at? all her videos are always on who she would date, being gay, and wanting to be a top streamer
No. 462563
File: 1510345381870.gif (1.99 MB, 488x274, bitchwhat.gif)

>>462470Ew wtf? Well lainey better watch out, Guess grease has eyes for his own daughter…and calls her bitch repeatedly…
No. 462564
File: 1510346010582.png (347.82 KB, 719x687, 20171110_143136.png)

How long until Onion "dumps" Stepanka for associating with Jaclyn?
No. 462588
>>462470What the actual fuck.
Did he just write out lyrics or did he actually compose a song?!
No. 462628 shitting on onions attempted veganism
this guy is kind of a shill for his site but idk i think hes on point
(use the YouTube field) No. 462652
File: 1510384656797.png (573.56 KB, 1158x1044, Screen Shot 2017-11-10 at 11.1…)

No. 462695
>>462652Fucking kek !
>( SOCIAL RETARD ) - SO how old are you
>( GIRL ) - I'll be 18 in March
> ( ONISON ) - Thank you for stoping a predator !!!( Has went after at least 4 barely legals just this year and started dating his wife before she was 18 )
I can't be the only one to find it funny how that girl was alright with being a home wrecker till SR got blasted by the internet.
No. 462721
File: 1510417882944.jpeg (79.75 KB, 640x195, ACC81177-32F0-4B01-B312-B52101…)

>>462684At least someone gets it.
>>462685Archive video to be more precise.
No. 462750
File: 1510431733463.png (221.75 KB, 441x469, the foot.png)

The foot is on YouNow any milk will be posted here, potential sperging on Tempcow.
No. 462791
>>462661I don't actually know who he is, i just searched onision most recent and saw it
>i starved myself because whats a portion>>462686greg just wants less competition for illegal puss
No. 462883
>>462726The property is worth probably even less considering all of the damage there has to be inside and out from Gurg’s “job”. You can see how damaged the carpet is alone just watching their videos. Any potential buyer would definitely haggle the price due to all of the repairs that will have to be made.
>>462753They’re “friends”.
I have a feeling they will eventually only let their super high paying Patreons see them.
No. 462893
File: 1510488669408.png (51.04 KB, 643x520, notapedophileimeanephebophile.…)

what is up with onion tweeting about his dating history and age gaps again? did someone
trigger him?
No. 462898
>>462893This actually makes me concerned…
Maybe he and Laimey have reeled in another poor teenager into their sick relationship and he's doing a preemptive strike against the upcoming accusations.
I dunno, maybe he just got
triggered by some random tweet. Sure hope that's the case.
No. 462899
>>462893ladies and gentlemen, meet onion, the arbiter of what's creepy and what's not in relationships.
No. 462910
>>462908yeah he probably counts the "now 23" in as if she weren't 17 when they got together or as if that didn't count anymore. his manipulation with words is getting worse and worse.
So his tweet basically means that he's totally ok with someone being for instance 45 years old and banging an 18 year old if her parents are older than him. i think he doesn't understand the problem that a much older person has much more life experience and can easily influence and manipulate and fuck up the younger person.
No. 462970
File: 1510519343341.png (292.71 KB, 1256x1396, Screen Shot 2017-11-12 at 3.40…)

did anyone else catch this from a couple days ago? i thought poopbeck was earning onion's forgiveness but i guess not…
No. 462971
File: 1510519524828.png (19.14 KB, 733x163, rosacea.png)

He is seriously butt hurt over people making fun of his rosacea and going on his infamous twitter rants.
No. 462979
File: 1510521109542.png (57.3 KB, 736x550, parentadv.png)

Onision is dishing out parental advice.
No. 462981
File: 1510521268141.png (317.26 KB, 719x527, 20171112_150714.png)

Both his wife and his friend Madison do exclusive photoshoots. He's always trying to diss the people around him.
No. 462982
File: 1510521351608.png (69.1 KB, 719x322, 20171112_151012.png)

Bitch.. You won't judge age gaps because your getting close to middle age and you know you love teenagers. When this marriage is over and he continues to age he will still go after teenagers.
No. 463003
File: 1510523110567.png (20.21 KB, 691x214, remember.PNG)

is he dreaming of getting back on top again? kek
No. 463007
>>462979Im sure he wont be the "because i said so" parent. He will be the one who goes on and on about how hes right and its THE FAX.
And please shut up onion. You admit to verbally abusing your wife. If you dont see that as "violence" especially if you are also doing it to your young kids, then gtfo.
>>463003hes a narc. Of course he thinks he will make it back on top of again and that everyone will regret insulting him and want to fawn over him since hes popular again! No way is he accepting this is his downfall. Also why i think hes okay with lameo being popular and lovebombing her and shit. Hes probably hoping if she makes it big, he will ride off her popularity then can get non-ugly girls to want to touch his peepee again.
No. 463009
>>463007yeah it's just so hard to believe that he actually thinks that it isn't the end of his online career because it's so fucking obvious that his time is over. sometimes I wish he would have a little bit of self-awareness, just a little bit to function like a normal human. I can only agree that this
>>462339 is exactly him
No. 463017
>>463011That was such a load of shit that he kept making a big deal and pointing to the ONE incident where billie called lamey a "fucking bitch" i think it was. And note how he never mentioned another incident of this. It was always that one time. Then he admits he insults lamey and calls her a cunt and even worse shit all the time. Just look how he talked about blaire in that video with non-stop insults. He definitely has done that to lameo.
But yeah, its okay if he does it. But Billie as a teen called her a fucking bitch ONCE. The horror!
No. 463101
>>462971Onion, you're missing the point as always. you asked teen girls for half naked pics. then you went on camera and said shit like: "she looks like shrek!!! oh my god you're soooo fat". you're fanbase is very young and frankly doesn't know better. you took advantage of it and used them to get $$$ and to bully them. those teen girls probably are already super insecure about their bodies. making fun of them and telling them that they're ugly could fuck with their head. especially since they clearly admired you and you were rating them like animals.
now, you're a grown ass man. you're almost 40. you're marrid and have kids. yet you cry when people on the internet make fun of your face. you're too old for that shit. you should know better. you're not an impressionable/sensitive teen girl. you're a grown ass man that can't handle being roasted. different things. tl;dr ur 2 old for that shit. grow tf up or log tf off
>your children will see that you refuse to resort to violence, they will see you utilize more intelligent alternatives […]is it just me or does this sound like he's still bitter because he got his ass kicked in high school…? like i'm pretty sure its been confirmed. and it always happened in the "books" he wrote (that were all self-insert fanfic about his high school years). anyone else thinks this is lil sensitive onision still bitter about his high school years getting his ass kicked? i mean, you shouldn't do it. but it sounds to me like he's still very angry about it.
>>462970i'll never understand the onion flakes. they always end up fighting with him at some point or another. so they know that he's a dick. but they still refuse to listen to anyone that tells them "hey onision is a dick you shouldn't support him". whats with the masochism? even tomato has fought onionboy
No. 463135
>>463121she is psycho. Its creepy how similar lameo and onion are. Both of them talk about their ex's for the rest of eternity.
No. 463140
>>463121yeah we get it lame, you read the fucking thread
>>463138because its billies fault. it what? it everything.
No. 463142
>>463138I can’t confirm this, but I think it’s a hate/jealousy obsession, not a love one. Speaking as someone who is also insane, I think that Billie represents everything that Lainey is not, and Lainey resents her and also admires her for it. Lainey wants to
be Billie. But she can’t be her. So she obsesses over Billie, and tells herself that she hates Billie; but in reality, she hates herself for not being her.
Lainey obsesses over Billies appearance because Lainey’s husband was more attracted to Billie than his own wife. Lainey obsesses over Billie’s free lifestyle because Lainey is chained to her husband and children. Lainey obsesses over Billie because she hates that she can’t be her. I think that Billie is also the root of Plainey’s “Ana chan” adventures as well.
Lainey never loved Billie. Lainey hates that she can’t be Billie. She would peel off Billie’s skin and walk around in it if she could.
No. 463144
>>463142Sorry for double posting, but I forgot to mention: Lainey copies Billie’s haircolors and hobbies (makeup videos, music) because she wants to have the attention of Grease again. Lainey thinks that if she can be more like Billie, or even if she can be better than Billie, that her husband will love her again and everything will be okay in her life again. She projects her unhappiness with herself and her marriage and how her husband treats her onto Billie.
Sorry for all the speculation anons. That’s just what I see.
No. 463145
File: 1510544817587.png (495.38 KB, 704x550, sad.png)

No. 463151
There was someone defending Taylor hardcore on the Social Repose thread, wonder who it was…:
No. 463159
>>463145It just looks like a mass of whiteheads. The only way to do this trend right is to not do it at all.
>>463151This was so bizarre to read. I'm sure it was posted by one of her stans.
No. 463171
File: 1510549461133.png (175 KB, 397x412, braindead fans.png)

Jaclyn looked for Foots message on IG and said the message was sweet. But of course Lames brain dead fans are pronoun policing. Lame keeps referring to herself as breadstick and other objects when it comes to pronouns, they're a joke to her.
No. 463214
File: 1510558408079.png (19.18 KB, 587x190, 21FA4019-B1F8-476E-AD66-18CAA8…)

Found this on Richie’s thread…
No. 463247
File: 1510571172427.jpeg (316.23 KB, 2896x2312, D6E1AA0B-DFD0-49AA-B65B-37BBBD…)

They were so obviously fake can’t believe no one has pointed out yet how his picture icon changes shapes and size all in the same screenshot
No. 463249
File: 1510571555275.png (966.01 KB, 1407x802, comp.png)

>>463171She can't expect anyone to respect her pronouns when she doesn't do it herself.
No. 463266
>>463249It is beyond irritating how people continuously point out her use of 'girlfriend' in video titles and streaming in '#girls' on YouNow and yet she still screams 'respect my pronouns!' She has also stated on more than one occasion that she is fine with any pronouns.
It is a manipulation tactic, nothing more. It has nothing to do with 'muh dysphoria'.
No. 463287
>>463266I get using “girlfriend” to get clicks or because that’s what a tag is called but EVEN IN THE VIDEO she does stuff to call herself a girl.
In the girlfriend buys my outfit one, she points to a “king” sweater for onision and then one that says “wifey,” which seems like it’s for her.
It wouldn’t even be an big deal if she didn’t harass people about using her pronouns all the time and indirectly hurt genuine trans people by transtrending. It’s embarrassing.
No. 463291
>>463287I don't get using the tag for views. If your gender is something you feel strongly about and want people to respect and to not mistake it, you wouldn't do that shit. Its like if a trans person who is mtf was calling themselves a guy all the time and titling everything as boyfriend/husband instead of wife/girlfriend. They wouldn't do that because they don't want people to call them that. And it's already hard for people to accept trans people. Lamey has no problem being called a girl or wife or whatever. She gives no shits and just screams about it to keep up her super speshul status. It was telling when everyone she was close to at one point was always like "lamey lets people close to her call her she". Lmao what bullcrap is that.
The fact she always has to mention she's agender and gay is what makes it fake as hell. She knows she's full of crap and doesn't look like she's trying to present masculine when she always has a full face of makeup and dresses girly. So no one would know she's agender. Same with being gay. She never dated a girl for real and isn't dating one but feels the need to mention her gayness all the time. And god forbid people think she's STRAIGHT. The horror. She's like the opposite of a homophobe who always makes sure to tell people they are straight and that gays are gross, because they are actually gay and in denial. Lamey is straight and in denial.
No. 463292
>>463287nobody would care about her stupid pronouns if she would stop bitching.
>>463291thinking like lame I'd say the wifey thing could be explained by her being a gay guy (yikes) that takes the role of the wife in the marriage. cause actual gay couples often have a "man" and a "woman" in the relationship. she often claims to be a guy but never to be a girl, so that must be the reason. God I hate her. I think the more likely thing is that she doesn't really consider herself as not female so she keeps using these terms cause if she had gender dysphoria they would bother her.
No. 463345
>>463101did anyone actually buy his books
i kind of want to read them, but w/o paying money gnomesayin
No. 463356
File: 1510605340461.jpeg (115.88 KB, 1102x972, C746AE2B-1C5D-4B24-BBA5-4B3B51…)

>>463268>>463271>>463270This is a raw screenshot apart from them scribbling out their photo, in this one screenshot from their conversations his icons are inconsistent. There’s no reason they should be warped like that
No. 463365
>>463363I wish he'd write another horrible book so I could listen to her funny readings again
>>463361yes he has and he refuses to go see a doctor because doctors are evil. he tries to treat it with random bullshit he finds online.
oh speaking of onion and health issues, remember when he made that clickbait video about the ~tumor~ on his back? he loves to exaggerate with things that aren't even worth to get checked professionally obviously
No. 463367
File: 1510608351302.png (18.32 KB, 644x239, important question.PNG)

his polls are becoming ridiculous
No. 463368
File: 1510608753555.png (85.9 KB, 267x260, 1506172134098.png)

>>463359His face looks like it's melting. Is it really just rosacea doing this? I'd have thought he was on drugs.
No. 463373
>>463368His caved-in brow is probably because of botox. Don't understand how his forehead could get that frozen otherwise.
His skin on the other hand, don't know. Maybe all the years of make up has finally taken it's toll? He doesn't strike me as someone who's big on skin care.
No. 463391
File: 1510613390603.png (50.49 KB, 719x239, 20171113_164829.png)

Lol Repzion with Onions ass licker? Is this the final straw for Onion or will he not say shit because Tomato pays him?
No. 463398
>>463396>Gurgmeister such an underrated nickname for him
>>463391it's only a matter of time that he breaks with tomato. I wonder how much he pays him on patreon. it takes a lot to make onion not sperg about something you did wrong in his opinion for such a long period
No. 463407
File: 1510615302940.png (637.85 KB, 607x907, gergtoma.png)

here it comes!
No. 463412
>>463407Lol Tomato is so thirsty for youtube fame. He's already shown he has no integrity by collabing with creeps like Greg and Toby. Now he's showing he has no loyalty either.
The beautifully ironic thing is that it's his desperation for dat sweet e-fame that turns a lot of people off.
No. 463413
File: 1510615685052.png (27.78 KB, 696x313, gergtoma2.png)

This is gonna be a good day.
No. 463416
File: 1510616024713.png (74.52 KB, 618x494, friendship with onision ended,…)

wonder how he'll react to this
No. 463424
File: 1510616358361.png (10.81 KB, 253x222, Screenshot.png)

this is where he currently stands as far as patrons/money is concerned, wonder how much it will drop when he removes tomato assliquette
No. 463425
>>463416Spinless indeed…
I don't personally think we'll get all that much milk seeing as Tomatobuttlick is so willing to lick his arse hole even when the Gerg is mad.
No. 463429
>>463424no wonder hes such a cheap ass and wont turn on the heat and makes taylor take money from literal children
like to me thats a lot of money but i live in a shitty apartment not a mcmansion with two kids and a spouse
No. 463438
File: 1510617609529.png (30.63 KB, 640x184, IMG_3730.PNG)

Greg confirmed?
No. 463440
>>463433oh yeah, good point.
>>463434i wonder more about his kids
No. 463444
File: 1510618081784.png (11.94 KB, 550x128, sdfb.png)

I guess this kinda confirms that Greg is disgusted by her giant, veiny, deflated knockers…
Must be why she wants top surgery.
No. 463447
>>463407How dare Repzion try ruin Onions marriage! Who does he think he is?!
That's Onions job.
(Btw Onion, divorce records are public documents)
No. 463448
>>463438It's so pathetic to imagine him hopping onto a sockpuppet account during a fight to try to back himself up. So pathetic that now I am 100% convinced that this is him because Gurg's the only person on Earth who would do something so sad.
>>463444Lol, wasn't he trying to suck MooMookun's dick just the other week? She's infamous on here for her giant boob veins, and we know he lurks. I guess this and that post where he shoved pillows into his pants to replicate Moomoo's weird thigh fat deposits confirms that relationship went nowhere fast.
No. 463462
File: 1510620750801.png (16.98 KB, 655x207, matogurg.png)

Tomato is apparently dead to Onision now.
No. 463466
didnt they literally just say theyre only together for sex basically
also is his wallet dead to u gurg or
No. 463467
>>463462This is such high school bullshit.
"You can't be friends with someone I don't like and doesn't like me!".
Holy shit, fucking grow up Gregma.
No. 463468
File: 1510621001189.png (175.71 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1871.PNG)

Looks like he's chiming in with his sock puppet again
No. 463471
>>463467I mean
that's his prerogative
but of course onion goes for the temper tantrum on twitter and shit
cant wait to see the youtube video
No. 463473
File: 1510621292123.png (15.3 KB, 581x218, onion.png)

>you dont screw with family!
>dates a 17 year old behind her family's back and is appalled that someone dare tell her family about it
Someone telling your in-laws about you shouldnt ruin your life. They should already know about you.
No. 463484
File: 1510621616072.png (17.42 KB, 576x144, mato.PNG)

this may have already been posted but oh my god look at mato boy's pinned tweet. he's so desperate
No. 463485
File: 1510621681603.jpg (160.75 KB, 1080x612, Screenshot_20171114-010549.jpg)

He just had to get ~legal~ in there kek. Taylor was barely legal Gurg.
No. 463486
File: 1510621696913.png (157.02 KB, 750x1334, 74D1CE20-37E8-488C-9F5A-BE6020…)

almost a year ago, you almost left her and your children for billie who was 18 at the time
No. 463508
File: 1510622405431.jpg (199.17 KB, 1053x660, Screenshot_20171114-011821.jpg)

Emo cuck is quoting Nine Inch Nails songs now. Grow up Gregma.
No. 463516
File: 1510622804148.png (26.35 KB, 303x435, topkek.png)

Onion unfollowed tomato. Top kek.
No. 463526
>>463473He is so glad to finally have an excuse to "justifiably" get rid of this tick.
>>463501Tomato wanted to exchange money for fame. This is a normal, equal, balanced transaction. Greg hated it all the way through.
No. 463530
>>463511lamey probably thinks its romantic because he called her his world. LOL. Shes a dumbass. He was going to leave you a year ago for a whole new world.
>>463516>>463523lol and tomato acted all smug about how him and onion can disagree and its all fine. We all told him it would implode in his face.
No. 463533
>>463511I can mentalky picture their romantic #goals Olive Garden anniversary dinner already. They sit across from each other. The nearby door keeps swinging open as members of staff come and go, wafting over their table. They both crouch into their own phones, alerting all of Twitter what a great relationship they’re in while avoiding eye contact. Lainey looks up from her phone around at the other couples in the reastaurant; holding hands, kissing, etc. She reaches out and places her hand atop Greg’s. He firmly brushes it off his hand and off the table. The waiter arrives, “hi guys can I get you anything?”. Hurt by Greg’s rejection, Lainey almost reflexively corrects her pronouns to the waiter before catchin* herself. “Ya I’m vegan so have you got any plain tortilla wraps and cans of beans? Cause I’ll have that. And don’t give me a plate, I’ll eat it off the table. She’ll have the same.” Greg says, several decibels louder than necessary. “Ok. Anything else?,” greg ignores, already engrossed in his discord chat, so the waiter turns to Lainey, “ma’am?”
Ok I don’t know why I wrote that so I’m going to stop there
No. 463534
>>463486OH NOOOOO onion hates me, it's the end of the WORLD
onion is gil gunderson from the simpsons
No. 463544
>>463526I genuinely think Gerg has an Oedipus complex. Up his mother's ass who gave him nude massages, and hates 99% of men.
Notice he tolerates Becca a lot more than tomato even though shes fat, wears makeup, is ugly, and British. All things he hates. But he can handle it as long as shes not man.
Which makes Lainey talking about transitioning hilarious. Greg was actually honest when he said, if he wanted to be with a man, he would.
No. 463549
>>463535>”MY PRONOUNS ARE THEY SHITLORD”Is what Lainey very nearly proudly screamed, before remembering about her Anxiety. She instead rolls her eyes and tweets @Onision “um the waiter is being homophobic”. Lainey hears the ping on Greg’s phone as he stares at it… and continues staring at it. No response. She tries agin “on a date with @onision when the waiter misgenders me #unlit”. Again the ping, this time Greg swipes the alert away, irritated. At this point the fans start chipping in to alert Greg that his wife is attempting to communicate with him.
The food arrives. The avaroes whip out their cameras and play nice to get some footage. Greg’s phone pings again as he’s swinging Taylor’s arm loudly explaining to the camera “Lainey is MAKINg me do this”, but this time, he perks up.
“Jaclyn Glenn has uploaded a new video!” The phone says.
No. 463554
File: 1510625802031.png (172.02 KB, 587x455, onision.PNG)

He's back at it again with this shit
No. 463555
>>463549Peep dat Jacqueline Green, though.
>>463554Now this is what one calls
desperately trying to stay relevant.
No. 463566
>>463554I he's so caring, why did it take HIM over 8 hours to mention it? Isn't he supposed to be a super popular youtuber in his own head? Why didn't he bring attention to it earlier, since he has a large platform? Why isn't he linking to any sites to donate or help in some way?
It's almost like he doesn't actually care and just wants to feel superior…
No. 463570
>>463566He had much more pressing matters to attend to than addressing death!! Someone
wrapped his arm around a guy he doesn't like! That's like 40 earthquakes AND a shooting combined.
No. 463581
>>463554Yes Greg, it is human nature to care more about tragedies that affect the people around you or those who share a similar cultural background to you rather than one that affects people who you have nothing to do with.. if there were to be an earthquake in Washington that kills thousands of people I bet you would be more shocked and empathetic towards those victims rather than ones from a country you have no relation to wether you would admit it or not.
As for tragedies such as the Manchester bombings, the USA has a long history with Britain in many ways and British Americans make up one of the biggest population percentages therefore when that happened more people found a way to connect themselves to Britian more so than a country like Iraq, a country that the US hasn't had the best relations with and Iraqi Americans are a very small minority so the majority of Americans aren't going to bat an eye to something happening there, I thought you claimed to be a man of logic?
No. 463627
File: 1510641673066.png (49.69 KB, 800x450, 297186308.png)

>>463554Reposting for relevancy
No. 463632
>>463544We think alike.
Except that I'd ascribe him the Jungian Puer Aeternus complex instead of the Freudian Oedipus complex.
Ultimately it's the same shit in a different package. Mommy issues.
No. 463636
File: 1510644082680.jpg (1.07 MB, 1920x1920, 2017-11-14 18.22.59.jpg)

More confirmations that it's just greg spurging.
No. 463637
File: 1510644117964.png (168.54 KB, 294x299, nolkk.PNG)

ok this has been bothering me. plain claimed to be a 3.5 in youth at adidas, which would be like really still super tiny. her foot looks like an 8 at least, to me. i'm a 5.5, and a 3.5 in adidas youth would still be too small. a 4 fits me, and and she DEF isnt a 5.5.
any other kinda small footed ladies agree? her lies about this, and her weight, have been bugging me
No. 463638
File: 1510644347119.png (238.77 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2017-11-14-18-16-44…)

Fuck, this was supposed to be the other one. On my phone again guys, sozaboutit. But yes, for sure def a puppet account belonging to onion boy.
No. 463644
File: 1510645627194.png (1.03 MB, 709x1070, Screenshot.png)

>>463638is this skye? if so is this kek?
No. 463648
>>463637This kind of unmilky shit goes on tempcow.
Please post your irrelevant anatomical observations here: No. 463711
>>463644is he wearing a flame sweater tucked into fucking tripp pants
holy shit i bet onion would still dress like this if he could find this stuff and think he was still sexy and on trend
No. 463741
>>463554He's so stupid and uninformed it's astounding. There are most definitely people and news outlets talking about this event. Especially scientists. All types of scientists, who ironically, won't be tweeting or discussing it online, because of the Trump Era gag order preventing scientists from speaking out about anything remotely related to climate change. But yeah, people care greg, they just aren't all up in social media because there are more important things than tweeting lol. They discuss things with other people in person. Something he can't do because he's surrounded by 4 children and only speaks to 1 of them, mostly by only texts, kek.
(Source, know scientist)
No. 463754
>>463668Yeah pretty much, watch his “how I lost my virginity” video.
>>463717I second this! (Though I have a feeling we could probably see those for free on his old sites)
No. 463786
File: 1510679783019.png (218.23 KB, 719x939, 20171114_111531.png)

No. 463795
>>463771I bet he deleted the whole account because we were onto him..
No. 463796
>>463786Five years huh? Yeah, five years wasted providing the haturz wrong that is. Your current marriage is boring.
I wonder what he and best wife did for their 5-year anniversary come to think of it.
No. 463811
File: 1510682755544.png (16.27 KB, 654x200, kys.png)

Like I said: unhinged
No. 463813
File: 1510682890244.png (65.89 KB, 677x388, beckpoopdeck.png)

No. 463820
File: 1510683911578.gif (7.45 MB, 480x262, 3D43F6D1-759F-4336-B086-80A8E3…)

Delicious, up next tomato should collab with social repose for the ultimate narc rage
No. 463823
>>463813>>463822I’m starting to
really believe these people are trolls/infiltrators tbh.
>>463810I was actually talking about his previous 5-year marriage, hence “best wife” (which Taylor isn’t).
No. 463836
File: 1510686668822.png (372.83 KB, 719x665, 20171114_130916.png)

Imagine Onion getting cucked by Repzion? I am aware I gave her a view I just really wanted to see what she ate, to be such a "smol bean". She's sloppy as hell cooking.
No. 463852
File: 1510689027968.png (210.68 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1882.PNG)

His fan/discord fag? Wanting to show support to tomato but afraid of onion backlash.
No. 463853
File: 1510689064332.png (83.52 KB, 269x247, over.PNG)

>>463844I had a good laugh about his melodramatic thumbnail
No. 463865
>>463853>>463864He TRULY thinks he's analyzing people, and he's got THE TRUTH.
He's in deep, man. Greg, you're a moron. Never change.
No. 463884
>>463813Did he save this just to use it as ammunition when the chance arises? Seems like something he'd do.
>>463852I love how Tomato treats Greg like a toddler screaming and kicking because he's hungry or something, and he's just waiting for his tantrum to blow over.
No. 463888
File: 1510692339822.png (14.59 KB, 437x81, Screenshot 2017-11-14 at 3.45.…)

No. 463890
File: 1510692422287.png (23.58 KB, 580x145, Screenshot 2017-11-14 at 3.46.…)

what a cuck
No. 463893
god this video is gross and poor quality
No. 463896
>>463890I low key think tomato is secretly a big ol troll that's worked his way into being inter,inked with gregs life and is now killing him with kindness because he knows it's exactly the opposite of what Greg wants to happen. So Gurgles is sperging out twice as bad because he wants a reaction from tomato and instead he's being sweet as a pea and Greg other patrons are actively siding with him instead.
Please let this be the case and for tomato to come spill some major milk at some point. I'd honestly love him.
No. 463904
>>463896I can't decide if Tomato is the nicest guy I've seen or the fakest. Sometimes he seems genuine, sometimes his comments and laughs seems forced.
I'm hoping it's a mix of the two and he comes and spills some milk tho
No. 463914
>>463864Oh, he's gonna let people know the truth is he ?
If he doesn't let Becca know she's a fat cunt,if not then he's a dishonest turd withholding the "truth".
Man, every time I think he can't get anymore petty or buttmad then he is, he comes out with some absurd video and 9 tweet tantrum piece. Never change Gregma.
No. 463919
>>463864i realize this is the smallest thing, but that picture he is sperging about (the accurate portrait one), that picture doesn't even portray rosacea lmao. like if it did his entire face would be tomato red. it shows his caveman brow, psycho eyes, acne, etc.
so "incurable skin disease" my ass.
No. 463921
>>463919He's so
triggered by that picture that I hope more art anons/ art accounts do accurate pictures of him and tweet at him with it.
No. 463923
>>463889Honestly, the video was good and enjoyable.
I feel bad how uninformed she was during her first pregnancy and birth. I'm not interested in children and I feel like I know more than she did. Who doesn't do research when they're pregnant though? I guess it was because she's so young and because of Greg's influence.
She could do really well as a mommy vlogger. It's to the point and nicely done tbh. Also, if anyone ever doubted that they had two children (which no one really does anymore), here you go.
No. 463925
>>463864I hate his exaggerated use of "most +x"
>most certainly>most any>most everyone he sounds like an idiot
>>463889tbh lame is so much more relatable and less annoying when she talks about personal stuff like this. She needs to drop the agender spaceprince bullshit asap, I almost get the feeling she's not always an awful bitch in vids like this but then I watch her stream and I'm back to hating her immediately lol. however, this video was at least watchable
No. 463927
Whats funny is lameo agreed with his logic about tomato (you cant talk to somebody that i hate and hurt me!!!!), but she expects people to overlook that shes married to onion and say shes not involved with his drama!! So which is it? You cant have it both ways.
>>463889the exploitation of kids is coming guys.
>>463925maybe i just cant ignore all the times ive seen her be a condescending smug bitch, but even when shes telling her story she sounds condescending. Shes just not likeable to me at all.
No. 463930
File: 1510695861397.png (10.24 KB, 587x90, onion.png)

These are the lessons the onions are teaching their kids.
No. 463934
File: 1510696687104.png (399.46 KB, 690x471, marriageofthecentury.PNG)

No. 463948
>>463935>>463934>he is gentle, he is caringHAHAHA nice imagination there lameo.
It's always people who post these longass paragraphs about how great their relationship is that have the worst ones. Reminds me of with the SR drama, how lexi (the girl SR cheated with who had a bf) had that longass paragraph on their instagram about how amazing her bf is and shit. Meanwhile cheating on him.
No. 463965
File: 1510701607398.png (310.38 KB, 475x479, flag.png)

>>463963no anon, she't so gay that she's wrapped in a gay flag right now, don't you see that? she's so GAY
No. 463969
File: 1510701830984.jpg (8.22 KB, 304x104, lolonion.jpg)

>>461060not my best work but whatever
No. 463973
>>463935gentle? he destroys your children's toys on film.
caring? i'll give her that cuz he does care a lot about fucking 18 year olds.
generous? never been to fiji even at the peak of his wealth, only eats at olive garden when the line is short enough.
funny? his desperate attempts to look young are pretty humorous.
beautiful? you squint all the time bitch get some glasses and take a closer look at him and then at your fucking life lmaooo
No. 463975
>>463864Why is he talking like this? He's such a faggot. Greg, you HAVE done these things and worse for your entire life, so get fucked, you moron.
I hope that someone makes a mashup vid showing you getting pegged and liking it, I hope that you get psoriasis, I hope that you get buried under a pile of people who don't own fax machines, and I really hope that you lose all your money.
What a cringeworthy piece of shit he is. Take a seat, old man. You look like your back hurts.
No. 463978
>>463864Poor, poor, misunderstood Gregory. The perpetual victim. We drove him to finally embracing his villainy, y'all! It's obviously
all our fault! I mean, a 32 year-old man with an incurable skin disease couldn't
possibly be held accountable for his own actions. That's inhumane!
No. 463984
>>463978wheres that old man yelling at cloud pic
you and your 5 fans arent intimidating gerg.
No. 463986
>>463979Onision's kids are going to try and stand up for themselves and get mom to see from their point of view and Lobocop is just gonna be like
"oh, i'm not getting involved in this. i don't control your father. stop misgendering me."
God save those poor children
No. 463997
File: 1510704565393.jpg (116.6 KB, 970x728, onionyell.jpg)

No. 464004
>>463979The moms name is Elaine, too, can you believe that? This really is a vision of the Avaroes future.
Worst part of this video is there’s every chance the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree. Doesn’t it sound an lot like Greg to whip out the camera during a (usually private) family event, film other people he says he loves (but is also better than) in a distressed state and then upload it to YouTube? Troy and Claire may well end up narcs, too.
No. 464005
File: 1510705570528.jpg (11.91 KB, 275x177, DFdxay6WAAQZDy3.jpg)

>>464004Could only find low resolution
No. 464008
>>464005i assume you meant to reply to my post and not the last one
but jesus christ what a baby
No. 464026
>>464018Sorry kids mommy can't read you a bedtime story tonight I need to go take a shower with your father. Don't kill yourselves while your unsupervised!
"B-but mommy I-"
DID YOU JUST MISGENDER ME??? -screech- Sarah! Get in here and watch them!!"
"But you Called yourself momm-
But for real I so truly hope Sarah is there to watch their kids with all the time they seem to leave them completely alone. God bless them if she isn't living there.
No. 464028
>>464000kekd hard. i love that meme, thanks anon!
>>464026Yeah they let a minor watch their kids most of the time. A mentally-fucked up minor at that.
Also lets not forget that Lamey's "AWSUM MOMMY SKILLZ" let Troy's teeth rot.
>>463923 this anon HAS to be one of those two cunts, no way a normal person would think that bitch would do great as a "mommy vlogger"
No. 464031
I'm actually surprised he didn't rant on about how smelly Mato was like he did with all the other x-friends.
>>464028DaddyOfive tier family vloggin.
No. 464032
>>464028honestly I felt sad for her more than anything in that video, i wouldn't say she'd make a great mommy vlogger, but it just made me feel bad.
I imagine she'd love to talk about her kids and take adorable family photos and be mommy vlogger - but shes so stuck in trying to appeal to that teenage crowd and her husband that she can't. it probably causes her to resent her kids a bit too, theyre the one thing that isn't ~relatabulll~ to the teens. no wonder she's in a constant identity crisis, shes not true to who she is or what she wants.
damn, stuff like that makes me feel bad for her, but thankfully that feeling doesnt stay long
No. 464034
>>464018>>464026lameo and onion are horrible parents. The whole time they've been parents they've had a live in nanny or people staying over taking care of their kids when they aren't. People they barely know too, and young teens. Even thought they are IN THE SAME HOUSE. THEY DONT LEAVE. They cant bother to watch their own kids if they dont have to.
Lameo and onion are condescending narcissistic rude bitches. Like people who give lameo a pass, have you heard her speak? She AGREES with onion on almost everything, shes just a snake so she has more tact not to announce it so she can play the victim card and play dumb. Behind closed doors, she agrees with him, eggs him on and tells him how great and wonderful he is while he harasses people. And she always looks smug as fuck and HAPPY that he is harassing people. Shes one of those dumb bitches who likes when their husband is mean to everyone except them. The only time she went against him was, surprise, when he was siding with billie over her. Once he picked her side, smugass condescending bitch came out again.
No. 464038
>>463864holy shit he is completely off his fucking rocker
i smell a meltdown
No. 464039
>>463916i like how he didn't go with her for the last-minute doctor's appt she had to confirm that she was going into labour
"he is gentle, he is caring, he is generous…"
No. 464050
>>463554so why hasnt he complained about todays shooting or whatever
inconsistent faggot
inb4 he sees this and looks up what to tweet
No. 464070
File: 1510714117684.jpeg (490.65 KB, 1280x720, 75787CE1-1C43-46FC-8020-BB07B8…)

What happened to ? Or was it only a month subscription …
It was beautiful…
No. 464075
>>463864>I am going to expose you >I am going to expose FAXX and hurt you by making fun of your looks >No more Mr. Nice Guy next year!So you’re going to do the same shit next year like you’re doing now? Kek
Bring. It. On.
No. 464076
File: 1510714576950.jpg (68.91 KB, 693x500, autistic child fingerpainting.…)

>>464070just looks like the owner removed the index page.
No. 464109
File: 1510718428182.png (1.92 MB, 640x1136, 6595EEFC-95E2-445A-A8CF-05CE1D…)

They fucking went to Red Robin’s for their anniversary?! Fucking lel
No. 464119
>>463864that music tho
you are the weakest link. goodbye!
No. 464134
File: 1510724352288.gif (915.28 KB, 245x285, yeahokgreg.gif)

>>463864… wait.. so nitpicking someone you don't like for their appearance while not doing the same to your friends is hypocrisy (says the guy with no friends, lel) … but doing it out of retaliation is Maximum Honesty?
Didn't most people make fun of his skin in retaliation for his shallowness in picking on random innocent girls' appearance?
I don't get what's made him flip his lid now, that pic was ages ago. Who
triggered him this time?
No. 464135
File: 1510725085261.jpeg (244.23 KB, 640x743, C30653F0-90A4-4095-9483-4EA985…)

>>464118…to prove this marriage is better than the last?
No. 464136
>>463813Fuck, imagine giving money and attention to a passive aggressive dick who catalogues everything you do that pisses him off, for use later.
>>463882My personal theory is that he uses tape to keep his sagging brow from covering his eyes. He's doing his best to drag those brows upwards, but the inside edges of them are holding on to the top of his nose for dear life.
No. 464153
File: 1510728039461.png (2.41 MB, 1136x640, 7EBD63A8-E3E9-4F83-A5E7-CD0106…)

>>464136>>464140Oh come on guys, his browbone’s not
that bad!
No. 464161
>>464153no wonder he treats women like shit
looking like a fucking neanderthal
No. 464181
File: 1510740928192.png (439.19 KB, 965x666, UxMjM5Mjc3MDI.png)

>>463864So Grugly is basically saying that hes going to be EVEN MORE of a cunt, come 2018.
No. 464203
>>464109>>464118As a much older anon, this is so true. You go to red robin for your 3 month anniversary, not a 5 year wedding anniversary, which is a huge milestone.
You are so totally right though, why waste money on celebrating a relationship you don't want to be in? Obviously Greg doesn't want to be celebrating lol. Relationship goals! (Sarcasm, they have the worst relationship ever seen).
>>464083>>464139Shit, even I would tune back in if Onision started cheating again. I'd click all the videos and let all the ads play, just as long as the cheating was super obvious and it was dragged out, like last time. Bonus if he draws up homemade divorce papers. (In all seriousness, he's probably been pushing Lamey to make all her own income so that when he gives her divorce papers, she can't claim any alimony because she's making so much money.)
Once again, Greg, if you cheat and put it all over your videos again like before (like shi and billie), hell yea I'll click all the videos again. Repeatedly.
But only if it's new girls and new drama, milking old ex girlfriend drama is getting shallow and pedantic.
(We are tired of footface and we want a new girl now!! Toss out the old smelly used-up boot, and bring in some fresh meat. She only makes you look older, kids and wife and all…)
No. 464209
File: 1510754871442.png (82.81 KB, 719x504, 20171115_080454.png)

Ah yes on his Anniversary he's thinking about Billlaayyyyyy yet again. He can't let go, Lamey you will never be number one. Also this fucking idiots still doesn't understand that Billie didn't consent, and he lied about it not being sexual FACTS!
No. 464211
>>464194I don't know anon, I've never heard anyone speak like that. Most people just use "almost".
It's more likely that Onion is just an idiot and he thinks phrasing things that way makes him sound smarter.
(Protip Onion: it doesn't.)
No. 464212
>>464211its part of his manipulative speech
if anyone challenges something he says about "whatever" and hes proven wrong, he can say "I say MOST, not all, so I am right"
As long as he puts the "most" into one of his statements he has some wiggle room when his facts are proven incorrect.
No. 464213
>>464181I don't even see how he's going to be more of a cunt. Doesn't he ALWAYS go off how he "doesn't hold back" and doing so would be "dishonest"?
And what FAX can he have against drawings?!
"This isn't me, it's a drawing. Here are the fax: I can tell by the pixels and having seen a number of shoops in my day"
No. 464219
>>464217Ive wondered about that when it comes to Greg.
Do you think he truly doesnt think hes all these things he rails against… liars, predator, hypocrites and so on. Or does he know hes all those things and deliberately puts on his mask every day
No. 464223
>>464211That’s fair, I’ve heard/seen a fair few Americans say it so thought I’d throw it out there.
>>464212 says sounds pretty solid though.
No. 464224
>>464209Wait … Is this referring SR's cheating ?
What does consent even have to do with what Richie did. That home wrecker consented and encouraged Richie to cheat. Billie didn't consent to anything, and cried for him to leave her alone…
Wish I could see Complainey's souring face when she reads him tweeting about Billie on their anniversary, and how she should have consented to being chained. I love that he also leaves out the " consensual "liar tattoo" " Orange spray tan" and "green hair". You know, all the truly manipulative abusive bits.
No. 464226
>>463864Wow, talk about 3edgy5u, greg.
Seriously, though.. how much longer before he snaps and murders his whole family?
No. 464227
>>464224he might be referencing the hollywood scandal shit.
>>464213hes just going to do the same shit. Everyones bored of him. Hence the old man yelling at cloud shit. He rehashes the same shit over and over again. The only thing thats worth watching is if he divorces foot, but hes too ugly, old, and not relevant to get a replacement.
No. 464236
File: 1510761034984.jpg (189.81 KB, 1341x485, 81jUKtEiE0L._SL1500_.jpg)

>>464228The area around his eyes and to a lesser degree around his mouth never looks as red and blistery as the rest of his face. It almost looks like the part of your face you would smear a beauty mud mask on.
I wonder if he started having some kind of mild skin problem on his face, and being the narcissist he is, thought he could fix it himself. He probably used a cheap shitty medicated face mask and disregarded the directions on the box…"hmmm, the directions says to leave it on for 20 minutes, and apply only once a day. I bet it will do even better if I leave it on for 2 hours, and apply it 3 times a day"
He thought he knew best when dealing with his taxes, and now the IRS is fucking him in the ass
He thought he knew best when the YouTube Adpocalypse happened and started deleting videos, changing titles and tags, then monetizing his main channel with a pay wall.
He thought he knew best when he has a mild case of acne on his face, and now he looks like an irritated hemorrhoid when hes not wearing make up.
No. 464243
File: 1510763504947.png (16.62 KB, 455x282, tumblr_inline_ozb4srw0lv1qmuq7…)

>>464238He is being honest about hating his wife Lamey, I just totally realized it, this 2 day twitter sperg is all about his hate towards Lamey.
He is angry and upset that he has been married for 5 years with 2 kids, a huge stack of bills, and no ad revenue like before, or fame, his notoriety has dried up and crusted (like his pimple face or lainey herpey lip).
He is displacing his anger and hatred of his wife and life onto other things. He is transferring his rage of his anniversary onto "outsiders" and truth bombs, because he cannot make another video on how unsupportive or terrible Lame is being to him (because of her younow and patreon $$$).
This image is from onisiondrama. It helps to visualize onions relationships (haven't seen it on these threads). Lainey, you in danger girl, your time is almost up, and soon he'll go back to talking to another 16 year old fan, and when she turns 17, will go off to "work" in her state while getting an apartment close to her school so her parents don't find out.
At least, that's how it seems.
No. 464245
File: 1510763545233.png (230.09 KB, 586x331, 67884755.PNG)

>>464241Are people still able to hate tweet him? I know both troll accounts I used to fuck with him are still blocked. I'll see the occasion passive aggressive tweet someone makes towards him, even a out right hate tweet, but Im sure he blocks them immediately.
No. 464248
>>464246was this the time he was hiding his face with a full on stocking mask?
his excuse was the studio lights were damaging his skin so he needed to protect it with the masks
No. 464250
>>464241Wouldn't it just be splendid if he did.
If this was the case, then we should make all "hate/troll" accounts themed after other cows. Make them as real looking as possible and have him insulting other cows instead.
Someone make a Kaka and Vicki Shingles or w.e her name is accounts. ( Or even go thru his actual fans and use their pics. )
No. 464251
>>464245I speculated he may try to go down his block list or something. Or maybe go to people's YouTube channels and mock them based on what he sees on their channel.
I could be wrong, I just dont understand who his new video could be directed at and what kind of videos he plans on doing.
No. 464262
>>463864Basically all of his narcissism is highlighted here. He thinks he was very nice by his own standards because he cared a bit about other people emotions (Probably forced himself to pretend to care for the patreon bux) and then has the gall to say the drawing of him being pegged is too horrible to show, but constantly record stuff of himself with fake stupid boobs or fucking a blowup doll of another youtuber. Talk about double standards.
I don't know who can take his seriously at this point. I can't wait for his teenagers fanbase to wisen up and realize how lame he sounds.
No. 464264
File: 1510767552887.png (12.15 KB, 584x109, lameo.png)

When you continue becoming your husband
Also we all know she actually thinks she can sing. She constantly sings badly on her streams.
No. 464276
>>464264Lame might fit in with the current music trends (shit )…. So Lame would fit in just find if she did do music. She could even make a mock nya cat, but instead replace "Nya" with "gay". Honestly though, I don't even know how any of these Youtubers get popular with how shitty their music is.
RiceGum sounds like he's choking on peanut butter, Jake Paul sounds like an autistic weird al wannabe, Rebecca Black is just garbage, SR is a auto tuned emo and Onion boy just sounds like a screeching frog.
Youtube music / musicians are crap and they never get signed.
No. 464281
>>464209the "free ps4 games, food and jacuzzi" is in such bad taste here. spacey and weinstein victims were comped meals too, so what?
>>464251i was a little hyped for an even edgier gurg since it's fun to watch him dig himself into a hole, but tbh i thought the video was just reactionary "i'm so good and you're all bad" bullshit, and after getting it out of his system he'd go back to the same old
No. 464284
>>464276None of those people got popular for their music. Rebecca black was a meme, jake paul's brothers with logan paul who was already famous, ricegum was a streamer and is now popular for disstracks, not actual music ability.
Also, no. Lameo does not fit in with music trends. What are you even talking about? She badly sings to emo songs. Youtubers making music isn't popular. It's just a thing big youtubers always seem to do, just like writing a book. No one actually likes their music. They just support it because they are fans of the youtuber.
>>464277and yet he calls a drawing of blaire fucking him "rape". uh huh.
No. 464291
>>463954someone asked how greg proposed but idk if she answered
the video wasnt working so i left right away
No. 464292
i dont understand how he cant act like a victim when he lives in hipster state and drives a tesla. you can get junk food without cheese. it's not hard at all.
Sorry for ranting, he's infuriating
No. 464298
File: 1510773856080.jpeg (91.03 KB, 1080x1077, CBE56EC4-38CE-48AB-99D1-881AFE…)

>>464209Lmao I can’t with this mongoloid
>I love my spouse:)>BILLAYYYY REEEEEEEEEE No. 464299
>>464209If consent is consent, then all he need say is that he had it.
Adding in "free PS4 games/hand delivered food & a jacuzzi" has nothing to do with the consent. In fact, one might construe that as him giving the girl gifts to try to manipulate and indebt her into giving back sexual favors. But alright.
Also why can't this creep just get over her? He has a wife, an anniversary, and children. So gross.
No. 464318
File: 1510778242469.png (58.62 KB, 563x407, age.png)

We already know the answer to that, but I bet he won't be honest about it. Probably gonna show some pictures with 5 layers of make-up on, and/or heavily photoshoped pics.
No. 464341
File: 1510780526933.png (1.55 MB, 1242x2208, 4C5CF4B9-2814-42F5-8BB3-300D46…)

Here we go again
No. 464358
File: 1510781956040.png (1.02 MB, 1809x917, onionrice.png)

lol look at Onision jumping on the 10 min trend.
Also nice Mr Burns mole on the forehead.
No. 464374
>>464358I guess Grease doesn’t understand the concept of “growing up” and that Shane can’t always be the “cute adorable emo” forever. Talk about being stuck in the past kek
>he’s let himself go ever since he’s started dating men!Nah Cuckman, he just learned to accept his “obesity” and that not everyone can make it in Hollywood (or “Hollyweird” if you watch his conspiracy videos). Oh and I take it you forgot about his podcasts outside of YouTube, how could you since you pretty much stalk his every move!
No. 464381
>>464358lol who cares if you think he glowed up or not? Hes one of the old youtubers still making original content/ideas and doing well, he has a better relationship than onion ever will, he was smart and didnt splurge all his money to live in a mansion and own a tesla so hes not going to go bankrupt in the future like you will when your career dies, and hes well-liked by most people and can collab with almost anyone he wants, and he never has problems getting sponsored for a video. But he got a lil chubby and thats all that matters right?
Lol in the video, onion tries to say shane's old content was good but now his videos are terrible and he puts no effort in them. Shane actually looks like he puts effort and plans out his videos. I used to not like him, but find myself watching his videos a lot because he actually makes entertaining shit. Onion makes the same crud he always has and does it with no effort. Hes so jealous of shane haha.
No. 464387
File: 1510787051385.png (1.54 MB, 1136x640, 23E58802-5A6B-4D28-979E-2B1DE2…)

If you look very closely ignoring the filters and horror music, you just might see his mask cracking off.
No. 464390
>>464389Gurg just said that the only reason he still has the 2 teslas is because they are the best electric cars and all other electric cars are shit.
ok… still doesn't explain why you just don't sell them tho.
No. 464391
File: 1510787671348.jpg (37.98 KB, 269x522, g.jpg)

>>463935they truly are a gem in the youtube couples hall of fame
No. 464410
>>464374Typical Greg angry when someone stops or does something that makes them physically unattractive to him. He 100% wanted to fuck Shane in the past, and he's been bitter ever since that even though Shane made him question his sexuality, Shane never felt the same towards him. Then Shane comes out as Bi and Greg spergs that he helped him understand this part of himself but the reality is e was probably the reason Shane was so hesitant to explore his interest in men for a long time. Gregs creepy Obsessive ass scared him away. Now how dare Shane get into a happy and healthy relationship with a man and let himself become more masculine looking instead of the feminine young emo boy Onision popped boners over.
Almost wish Shane wasn't such a kind person and that he would catfish Onion to expose him for all kinds of shit, he could totally pull it off.
No. 464418
>>464243That’s a fucking brilliant graph. I love graphs and that one is fantastic at making its point.
>>464209Holy total lack of self awareness Batman.
No. 464429
File: 1510793382566.png (29.29 KB, 782x307, gimmemoneyformoping.png)

Plain is on younow
No. 464431
>>464429I just got her to say on stream that she's tried to take stuff down online multiple times before that didn't work :') let's start guessing!!
she's talking about us right now kek
No. 464483
File: 1510801288722.png (768.8 KB, 1266x534, muh world guys.png)

Look at all that love she is definitley Onions world lol, shit edit because him looking at her with rage is funny.
No. 464505
>>464153he eats directly out of cans, look in the background
neanderthal confirmed
No. 464507
File: 1510807254836.jpeg (119.43 KB, 750x848, E09A782F-6E43-43B8-9FE2-23997D…)

>>464483I legitimately almost made the same thing today. You can see how annoyed he is with his current situation all the time in their videos.
No. 464514
File: 1510810645524.png (448.63 KB, 1182x926, 1ihiu.png)

Gregma just tweeted out some full-blown bullshit (what else is new?)
No. 464523
>>464514What a fucking surprise that this streak of diarrhea decides to play devils advocate now, when so many cunts are being dragged for assault
Nice attempt at diversion tactics grug, you fucking stain
No. 464530
>>464523But he is so much better than all those abusers because his abuse is not illegal!
How dare you compare him to criminals! That's something only the IRS can do.
No. 464532
>>464514[YouTuber Is TOO Bluntly Honest About Previous Girlfriend (#1) – 3:04 to 3:45
"…but we loved Billie. Or so we thought we loved her, she's a chronic liar. So how can you really love that person? To be blunt, she's a beautiful woman and obviously if she looked like her ugly friend Ayalla. we would not have put up with her this long. I'm sorry, that's a little bit too much of blunt truth but that's the way it is. Billie is super attractive. If they switched bodies, we would dump Ayalla way faster. Shit, I just got too real. But guess what? You guys are just the same. When you see a burn victim, you don't think, "Gee whiz, I wonder if they have a great personality. Maybe I should ask them on a date." No. You think that about a hot chick who walks in the room. You go "Wow, they're beautiful. I wanna ask them on a date." And that's exactly my point, we are superficial beings and I just laid down a truth that a lot of you can't handle but it's still the goddamn truth. So, we've put up with Billie this long because she's really attractive. And despite her lying to us repeatedly and betraying us repeatedly, we kept going back for more."
[YouTuber Is TOO Bluntly Honest About Previous Girlfriend (#2)] - 12:28 to 13:06
"I did say that we only put up with her for so long because she was so attractive and this isn't the ugliness about me, this is the ugliness about the world. Do you think we'd put up with her lying, her cheating, her homewrecking, her betrayal, her illegal activity if she looked like this person? (He puts up an image of a fat person) Of course not. The moment they did anything wrong, we'd be like "Get out of our lives!" Because we don't even like looking at them. So yeah, be upset at the world, not me. I'm literally just someone telling you how the majority of the world is. And let's be honest, Billie, if I looked like this (He puts up an image of a nerd) you probably wouldn't even talk to me, you definitely wouldn't date me. So, again, stop living in your fake reality where you're just this magical person who can love the ugliest of ducklings because that's not true. Sometimes in order to be real, you have to admit how fake you are. And you, Billie, need to admit it."
No. 464537
>>464532Goddamnit, he is such a shallow person. I forgot about how much in necessary detail he went there. On top of already constantly being shallow prior to this.
It's really annoying that he's the 'face of rosacea' on YT, because people are making fun of it by default, because of who he is ( hopefully, they wouldn't do that to someone who deals with this shit, because it's all levels fucked up the more it progresses ) - but he has it coming. He can rationalise it by "I don't make fun of things people cant help", but that's never been fucking true.
Sorry for the rant - just frustrated he ruins everything, couldn't he break both of his legs instead?
No. 464551
File: 1510819822843.png (59.45 KB, 854x480, Screenshot_2017-11-16-08-51-27…)

>>464543Samefag, here's a tweet from a few days ago, where he completely out of the blue, unprovoked, and without any context or prompt whatsoever, tries to assure us (read: himself) that he totally would not like to be younger because resons, nope, not at all, trust him.
Like a used car salesman who suddenly tells you you totally shouldn't be worried about the brakes while you were talking about the color.
No. 464556
>>464551Kek, holy shit. He's such a moron. He's doing
everything to appear younger. Of course he would love to be younger. If anyone, he would. Gosh, Gerg how you can type down these things is baffling.
No. 464570
>>464537I'd never make fun of anyone's appearance if it wasn't Gurg. He has it coming because he insults other people's appearance constantly out of the blue, he uses it like an argument sometimes to like "lol u ugly, so you're wrong".
He cares about the insults to, which is really funny and that's why people continue.
No. 464572
File: 1510823131159.png (182.99 KB, 708x624, D3F6ADD1-116C-4F14-9001-1F9BC9…)

>>464542Not to mention that it’s probably genetic. Welp, that explains the ugly eyebrows!
No. 464578
>>464574>>464576>>464577Could you please explain to me if baldness is exclusively through the mothers or fathers genes?
Thank you in advance
No. 464580
>>464578Google it and leave me alone, I'm drunk.
>>4645661) Taylor's already a significantly younger person than he is
2) He already cheated on her with an even younger person than she is
3) God save his toddler daughter
No. 464583
>>464580He's going to never let her daughter have any fun at all when she's getting into her teens. He'll be so hyper protective of her just because he's so interested in teensex he'll think all other boys her age will be in it for the exact same thing.
No doubt he'll be thrilled when her daughter starts bringing friends into the house for sleepovers.
shivers No. 464595
>>464583>>464591He will either be overprotective like his mother, or bail out of the picture as his father.
We have seen indications of both, and he shows no tendencies towards self-awareness that would make him choose his own path.
Place your bets, anons. Will he abandon his kids, or will he dominate them?
No. 464597
>>464578>>464577This is right, mother’s genes, expressed in men, so the best sample of the genes he possibly has is by looking at his mother’s brothers. But not his mother’s father, if that makes sense.
>>464595I almost wish abandonment, for their sake and to avoid creating school shooters through the sheer frustration of growing up under his thumb, but abandonment leads to issues too, especially if your mom is someone like Lainey.
No. 464600
>>464595I'm gonna go with a little from column A, a little from column B.
I get the impression he'll neglect the fuck out of them until they want to go hang out with friends or something, and then he'll get super overprotective. None of the sacrifices of parenting and all of the control.
No. 464611
>>464601I think it's the opposite.
He is currently ignoring them, and almost abandoned them during Billie saga. He will keep doing it until they grow up into young teenagers who start forming their own opinions.
By that time he will grow old and have no chance into luring new fanbase as he has aged as shit. Then he will turn to his teenage children and try to dominate and manipulate them so he can live through them. He will try to make them into puppets to re-gain popularity. Something similar to Margo and Venus.
This can be avoided if Taylor wisens up and plays her cards right. But I lost all hope that she won't continue being a doormat and protect her children from their crazy narc father.
No. 464615
>>464611I agree. Right now he's sticking to the whole "KIDS CAN'T CONSENT!" bullshit, but you know his kid is what, 4 years old? Pretty sure that kid is going to be on YouTube, watching surprise egg openings and minecraft videos.. It won't be long until he changes his stance to "my kid WANTS to be in videos! I AM HIS GUARDIAN AND I CONSENT!!!!!!"
I'm calling it.
No. 464619
>>464611They definitely have the potential to turn into one of those couples where the husband is a paedo rapist murderer and the wife is just like “let me lure dem girls in 4 u honey, I don’t mind honest!!1!”
Sage for spec
No. 464620
>>464615Anyone have bets on how old he thinks a kid should be to concent?
You have to 13 to be on YouTube by its rule so that could be his measuring stick but I DOUBT he will be on with enough viewership at 41…
No. 464623
>>464500>>464498He probably does have a mild case of Roseca, but his hygiene-grooming habits like, exacerbated it to a very, very aged case. Pretty sure he doesn't follow a proper skin care routine.
Also, per Shilohs old videos (now deleted), during a Q&A, Greg's skin issues came up. Greg has
horrible BACNE, which was brought up by Shis friend in the video.
Greg also has facial acne, and very often chest acne(per any LOOK AT MY FLABBY BODY!!!! video). It's because he uses terrible, liquid soap to bathe with, and those crappy plastic loofahs (per his Skye Era video of him in tubs). I'd go so far to say he is a person who washes his body first, then shampoos and conditions his hair last, leaving the residue on his body, causing more breakouts.
Liquid soaps regularly have too many emollients and fragrance for sensitive skin, and a plastic mesh loofah does not exfoliate skin, which causes zits. Add his hours long hot shower to the mix, and bam, Zit City, population, Gregory.
(If I recall correctly (it's been 4 years so yeah), they also discussed his (gag) penis size. It was very small errect, between 3-4 inches, and a small, thin girth. Like, they couldn't use condoms because it would slip off his (urg gag) penis. The other girl would prod shi for answers, she didn't scream oh Greg is small, the girl would coax out answers, wanna make that clear. Wish the vid wasn't deleted, but ehh, at least I saw them).
No. 464628
>>464620There are kids way younger than 13 years old with channels on YouTube. Trust me, my child loves YouTube and I have to listen to that shit more than I care to admit. I don't know the whole legality of it, but I'm sure Gregma is looking into it.
It's terrifying because a huge chunk of YouTube's viewers are little kids and to think that he could use his own children to make money honestly isn't that far-fetched. He's probably going through the mental gymnastics right now to try to justify it.
No. 464630
>>464537>Sorry for the rant - just frustrated he ruins everything, couldn't he break both of his legs instead?Maybe he could break both of his arm instead? His mom could come take care of him kek is just a thread, I recommend reading the entire post for maximum, um, lolz.
No. 464631
>>464615>>464620I think he doesn't want them now because he knows they would take spotlight from him. He is playing a role of an edgy emo and he doesn't want attention to be taken away from him. That's the whole reason he is keeping them secret, not to protect them but because he wants to be in the center of spotlight and because the fact that he is a father of two doesn't work with his image.
Now, he is trying his best to still look like a boy instead of a father in his 30s, and he still has people who buy into his image (although those numbers are way smaller than before), In the relatively near future, it will stop working, and teens won't care about a 40 year old clown stuck in 2008.
This is where he will turn to his children. He will use them as his puppets but at the same time he will try to force himself to the spotlight. He will train them so he can live through them, but at the same time he will feel huge jealousy and despise them for being young.
No. 464642
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i thought everyone was being over the top speculating that he'd creep on his own daughter, but this is really on his mind wow
No. 464668
>>464625I use a damp muslin cloth for my face, soft enough to intensely massage the dead skin off without ripping it to shreds. After a few months doing it twice a day my skin is like new.
>>464644You seriously use dish scourers for your skin? You must be made of iron or s/t that would tear mine off
sage for obvious skincare OT
No. 464671
>>464642Omg I just had the worst thought
>Fast forward 16 years>Hey Cloey let me give you a full body massage<But dad…
>No buts, take your clothes off<Dad I'm not sure…
>It's completely natural, remember the Bible Cloey? Adam and Eve did it, Noah did it in the ark. It's what God wants us to do. No. 464687
>>464671he’d be those creepy dads on maury and steve wilkos show who manipulate their daughters into being in a relationship with them and the mother (lameo) will put the blame on the daughter and pretend she didn’t know anything
fake or not, there’s people like that out there
No. 464695
>>464659hes probably remembering billie and raging, and trying to pretend the foot is what he wants in life. Also hes probably riding high on the "we won" mentality since jaclyn and richie broke up and he wants to pretend his relationship is better.
>>464671Man i hope their kids can find good friends and adult mentors to replace their shitty immature parents. Their going to see that everyone around them doesn't have psycho parents like them who put their whole life and sexcapades online and realize its not normal. Probably grow up hating onion, and hating lamey because she will continue to pick onion over her kids because she'd rather not be alone and have to grow up. It really sucks because there was hope that lamey would be the sane one, but we now know shes not at all. They cant even have one sane parent.
No. 464711
>>464659It's his way of showing the internet how he is so much better than social repose, how he'd a loving husband with a happy family and he was right about the crying emo.
It can't be just me who noticed how happy he seems since he was "proven right once again" with the whole social Exposed thing.
No. 464724
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Bite the hand that feeds… it's amazing he can use that sentence but not apply it to his own life with patreon and youtube. Muppet.
No. 464732
>>464687This fills me with dread. Imagine that Cloey will turn out to be a very attractive girl.
Imagine she will look like Billie.
No. 464751
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New video(s), explains the gray wig. Oh and the death note “series” he was working on.
No. 464789
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>>464756God he's suuuuch a dipshit.
Sufferegettes weren't feminists, they weren't pro choice and they didn't want full equality.
Men (and some gross ass women) believed that women couldn't and shouldn't be trusted to vote because women were too flighty and dumb to think for themselves and form their own opinions
just like you, GRUG.
They simply believed that if government made laws and if women had to obey those laws, then women should be part of the process of making those laws. You know, taxation without representation? Yeah?
Stop calling yourself a feminist. You are a moron and an embarrassment and you know fuck all about the women's movement. You are everything that all women despise, and if you were hit by a massive semi truck going 90 miles an hour and your guts exploded out of your body tomorrow, I would bust out serious River Dance jigs and send a trophy to the driver.
Fuck off.
(learn 2 sage) No. 464790
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>>How can cheating on my spouse even happen when we're both in the house together all the time??
>>Sleeps with Billie while his pregnant wife cries in another room
Also, he brings up GingerBecks and how he can't have fucked her while she was on the toilet. No one accused you of fucking her on the toilet, Greg. We suspect you gave her a trial run while she was at the house for a few days and found her not to your liking.
No. 464792
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>>464790More sperging about how people are caring about the wrong thing - now he thinks people SHOULD pay attention to earthquake victims, and not sexual assault victims. Hmmm, wonder why.
No. 464794
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>>464724I swear he talks about feminism because he's trying to deflect from how sexist and shitty he is toward women. Same way he's like ewwwww teens daddy kink adult babies, to deflect from his gross sex life and ephebophilia. Thing is, he's actually a fucking idiot and knows nothings about feminism, so he ends up victim-blaming and slut-shaming anyway.
Dunno if y'all are familiar with that trash bag, Roy Moore, but Al Franken was recently accused of sexual misconduct and this tweet from Moore reminded me SOOO much of Grease.
No. 464798
>>464724also stop letting black ppl vote i guess
what a weirdo
No. 464808
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I still don't buy into Lame and her gender confusion, I think people called her a manly foot face she just took on this fake boy persona. Which makes her binding video incredibly cringey and a tiny bit sad. Does anyone actually believe this dysphoria bullshit? She even cried in her video.
No. 464817
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>>464794Such feminism indeed! Talk about being
triggered over fucking hair.
No. 464837
Onion Boi screaming about anti feminists while claiming to be a male feminist.
Since the core of feminism is equal opportunities and treatment for all (both men and women traditionally), that means Greg should be feminist enough to want Taylor to have the opportunities and treatment as himself.
Therefore by this logic, since Greg got a woman for his trinity, and originally said he does not want Lainey with another man ever, well, feminist Greg should rectify that. If to him the most beautiful thing is 2 biological female together, then Lainey should get to enjoy 2 biological males together. (The video I'm Polyamorous but don't click that without adblocker)
Onision should apologize to the Internet for saying and beleving such anti-feminist antiquated views.
Greg should allow and encourage Lainey to have a romantic and sexual relationship with another man that is not Greg himself. That is the only true way he could ever truthfully say
and show that he is a true feminist.
No. 464861
>>464851It’s a general heuristic that only gives an indication of particular genes, not all causes of male baldness especially as unusual as teenage baldness. Anon anecdotes aside, if you want to guess if and when Onion goes bald from common genetic causes, the statistically best bet is to look at his maternal uncles.
He could also lose hair to autoimmune causes, though that’s more likely to happen to Lainey from the trauma of living with Greg.
It would be poetic justice after defeminising Shiloh by shaving her hair if he got alopecia.
No. 464927
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>>464896There's this , but it seems that there is a ton of hidden/unlisted/private videos.
No. 464933
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isn’t this the stalker chick? not sure if it’s milky but i felt like checking up Lameo’s twitter for anything
No. 464944
File: 1510896591664.png (237.47 KB, 1055x1228, 20171116_222702.png)

This comment on Laineys binder video smells like a Gerg sock account. Sounds exactly like it could come from him and he's made comments about people not changing too much in a relationship.
No. 464945
>>464896That video banner is so laughable.
Best part is brunette chick is dancing and being a typical music video chick, and footface is just laying their like a wooden mannequin. because she doesnt know how to interact with other human beings that arent Grugly or her two kids
No. 464953
File: 1510897795764.png (113.11 KB, 750x1334, 0A945574-94C6-47D8-89D5-596353…)

he’s having one of his twitter rants about gender and sex and being called transphobic on the day his wife posted a video wearing a binder.. i wonder if they’re having a fight about the foot’s gender
No. 464956
File: 1510898148896.png (84.47 KB, 764x338, Screen Shot 2017-11-16 at 9.48…)

I made a backup of his FAAAAAAAXXX About Blaire video
>>parody drawings are literally illegal>>men are regularly voted off the island when they're CAST OUT OF SOCIETY>>this is RAW TRUTH people>>based on HOARDS of DATA>>did you know it's literally impossible to be a conservative and also a member of the lgbt community? FAX. >>So Blaire's a LIAR - how can she possibly be lgbt and conservative? >>Bam! So much raw truth!OMG he's legit retarded. No. 464963
>>464944I think if my husband created a bisexual polyamorous loophole to the marriage in order to gaslight me into letting him fuck other women while I was pregnant with his second child, after giving up my youth to him, I'd stop giving any fucks about his preferences too.
Growing a spine and leaving him would be more respectable though.
>Greg should have been notified of Lainey's dysphoria long agoOh that is so him.
No. 464965
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No. 464966
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>>464965I think they are fighting cause Lame called him Queer, hilarious.
No. 464967
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And i quote "Lainey implied im queer"
No. 464968
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No. 464969
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No. 464971
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No. 464972
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Lmao he read this out loud did his narc laugh and grunted loudly.
No. 464973
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HE LAUGHED when he read this
No. 464975
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Greg pointed out she has eggs
No. 464979
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I don't think she even knows what she's trying to say at this point… is she calling them straight or naw?
No. 464980
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Cyr said Onion had freaked out once when he accused Cyr and his friend of being gay because they were wrestling. Onion has always been homophobic that'll never change.
No. 464981
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"PLEASE try and be tumblr for me, babe. Pansexual?"
No. 464983
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No. 465001
>>464996I think he's close enough to be included in Tacoma which would be
> it would be pierce sheriff east, which would be this one
> No. 465014
>>464983Why is he wearing a top two sizes too small for him?
I wonder if he thinks it makes his shoulders look broader.. in reality it makes his head look even more inflated than usual.
No. 465018
>>464971>>464969Lol honestly lameo is horrible too. Shes telling onion what his sexuality should be? Like if I was a male and dated a female who later changed her gender, i would not appreciate them trying to tell me what my sexuality is just to fit their new gender label. Lameo, you are a girl to him. If you go full-blown male and actually take steps to look male, he wont be attracted to you.
And what happened to lameo "if i have a problem, i will talk to him in private!!!". See how bullshit she is? She only brings things up publicly if it affects her.
No. 465022
>>465021They are both throwing hissy fits. She was responding and yelling at him in chat instead of talking privately with him like she claims she does when she disagrees. And they are both dumbasses because they are so focused on labeling things. What does it matter if he wants to label himself as heterosexual? She argues that she can label herself nonbinary while doing anything and if anyone dares say shes not they are invalidating her label! Shes just a hypocrite. They've been married for five years, but she cares if he calls his relationship straight or gay or not?
I mean i guess it's karma. Lameo is his creation, and acts just like him now. Obsessed with definitions and labels and thinks shes right about everything while not knowing what shes talking about. Hilarious how just yesterday he was pretending he "loved her" and was so "god damn happy" and now they are fighting again.
No. 465031
File: 1510904831484.jpg (51.16 KB, 600x755, 3edbd5dba.jpg)

I saw this photo in some other chan, and I think Ive been lurking the lolcow onion threads too much because I immediately saw Lainey and Greg in the photo
Stalin = Onionboy wearing one of his fake unfunny mustaches
Hitler = her current fake agender space prince persona and shitty haircut (also wearing a fake mustache)
No. 465042
File: 1510907631367.png (640.41 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171117-090808.png)

He decided that it's less gay to not be her daddy anymore..
No. 465069
File: 1510913177652.png (166.94 KB, 400x257, ha.png)

>>465042He will never ben less gay anymore, this is forever now.
No. 465080
>>465079I can already picture it.
"Guys, I'm sorry, me and my husband are getting a divorce. I thought I could make this work, but when push came to shove - no pun - I realised I'm not gay."
>cue a new teenage chick a month afterwards No. 465093
>>464973Lmao this is all so great, I hope this is one of the final nails in the coffin for their marriage. Onion must be so done with her, I mean I'd be too. He doesn't take her serious cause he always considered her as a female.
>>464981Do they ever talk about this shit offline? kek. This sounds like they are talking about it the first time. So honey what about pansexuality?
No. 465109
>>465106Sage goes in email field, newfag.
You guys are being too optimistic, the onions aren't breaking up any time soon.
No. 465112
>the onions aren't breaking up any time soon.I think so too, Onion is earning money from her Laineybot channel and she brings in fresh new fans
But I hope she keeps insinuating he's homo to make him rage more.
No. 465115
>>465083It would actually be really smart. If he's looking for a get-away card, this could eventually be it.
>>465109Let us dream, anon.
>>465112>But I hope she keeps insinuating he's homo to make him rage more.Same. That shit was beyond hilarious. They should really talk more about how he's now a gay/queer/at least pansexual please? man.
No. 465116
File: 1510924434917.png (1.38 MB, 1432x864, Untitled.png)

.. is she a man now? I can't keep up with her tumblr bullshit.
No. 465119
>>465047You're not the only one wondering. Apparently now she's a man and they're gay together.
No. 465120
>>465116LMAO, he made his bed, and now he has to lie in it. Either he says Lamey is still a woman and outs himself as a "transphobe" (even tho Lamey's not trans but whatever) or he says Lamey's a man/non-binary and he admits he's not in a heterosexual relationship.
OR, the dreaded third option. They get a divorce and end their crazily unhealthy relationship. We all know that won't happen, though, because that would make sense and actually be good for their kids.
No. 465124
>>464968For the first time ever, I agree with Greg.
Gender = identity
Sex = biology
Lainey hasnt had SRS, a breast reduction, or hormones. She presents as a woman. She's given birth to two children. Her family and Greg's family refer to her as "she". She's a woman. Period.
Her agender shit is just a fancy name for her LARPing as a man when the mood strikes.
No. 465127
>>464968But that's not what Greg is saying. By Gregs definition bullshit Blaire White is a MALE cause she has a dick and produces sperm. Even though Blaire presents as female.
I think Onion got
triggered by the binder cause he in fact told the truth for once in his life: he's straight. He doesn't wanna suck dick.
No. 465129
>>465127Yeah, and even if she actually thinks she's "gay (spoiler, sheisn't and dosen't), there are straight people who have gay sex, and gay people who have straight sex, and neither one changes the gay or straight person's actual orientation. Her thinking it does is incredibly dumb and downright presumptuous on so many levels. You don't get to tell people their own sexual alignment. She's actually made me agree with Greg
and I don't like that at all. So fuck you very much, Taylor.
No. 465131
>>465124Oh, for sure, he's right. I have agreed with him several times ( granted I would be hard pressed to say on what because it happens SO rarely and it's been 10 years after all ). If you're just blindly hating everything that comes out of someone's mouth you lose all sense of objectivity.
That said, I find the whole situation hilarious. I'm going to re-watch the video for the third time because I can't stop laughing. I can't even fully grasp she's in chat CAPS LOCKING HIM with this bullshit. LMAO, congrats on your gay relationship, Gerg.
No. 465133
>>465131Fucking same anon
Onision is my favourite cow 5ever because he has literally no sense of shame. I am his age and the thought of arguing with my partner online while teenagers type I AM NOT CHOOSING SIDES GUYZ in chat is what my nightmares are made of…
I fucking hope Taylors dumbass tumblr fans will not let go of onion being in a gay relationship because he will flip his shit eventually and it's gonna be bautiful.
No. 465141
>>465139Lainey is such an idiot. She's so caught up in being "trans" that she doesn't know which way is up anymore.
By her own definitions, male and male is gay. She, however, claims to be agender. That can't be gay.
And how can she then be ~sooOOOOooOOOO gay~ for girls, if she's now a man? By her own words, you have to be female and with females to be gay.
Pick one Lainey. You're not both.
No. 465143
Wait wait wait wait wait, just woke up, and Onision is Gay for Men?????
Like, so, Lainey is a boy now forever, and she is in a relationship with Greg, so Greg is Gay now?? Or is it that Lamey is gender fluid, so Gregory is gay man 50% of the time then???
>>465121Actually, you can get divorced over anything, but Onision listing "FRAUD" would look so much better than "Irreconcilable Differences". Your honor, my spouse knowingly misrepresented their sexual orientation and gender, divorce and no money for you!!
Him and Lamey having a public disagreement/argument is good for the soul. I support it, so I gave them the clicks/views, and encourage more spite and strife in their marriage.
Yes Greg, come to the dark side…..let the hate flow through you…..
No. 465144
>>465137Or does a expose video exposing Lainey for pretending to be gay/agender/trans for attention, thus keeping his straight status and making Lainey the villain. Again.
If he's keeping record of any or every time his Discord members piss him off, just imagine how thick his record/file for Lainey is.
Eat his cake and have it too.
No. 465145
>>465137>>465139>>465130Laineys whole gender identity has made me so confused. If she thought shes male, wouldnt carrying 2 children be excruciatingly painful mentally? To have her WOMB grow with a child, to have her breasts grow and produce milk… to birth it out of her vagina.
I feel like at this point Grug is just humouring her.. using 'my wifes agender' to get oppression points or something.
Dose Grug touch her boobs during sex? Or does he suck her clit like a dick?
Omg..does she peg him??!
Does she know that just because she likes wearing pants and button downs doesn't mean shes a guy…its just that she likes wearing pants and button downs.
I feel like a grandma not understanding how the times are changing.
No. 465146
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The funny part is Lainey probably thinks this was just a typical couples argument, teehee! Without realizing stuff like this is what pushes Greg closer to the door or another woman.
Didnt cuddlegate happen RIGHT AFTER Lainey started dressing in her boy costumes? That should really tell her something.
Pic related: how Lame and Billie looked around the time cuddlegate happened. No wonder Greg couldn't keep his dick contained.
No. 465149
>>465147I think she would just say that makes her bisexual.
To sum it up. Foot is now a man. A bisexual man. Onion is gay. They're arguing about this while being married for 5 years and having 2 children.
It's glorious, let it happen more.
No. 465155
>>465147I think the way foot uses trans is a bit weird but technically she would be right cause: agender falls under the category of nonbinary, and nonbinary falls under the trans umbrella
she is not saying she is trans as in "I am a boy" she is saying she is agender and therefor trans. It's fucking stupid. That's why she didn't say Greg is homosexual but told him he is "queer" or flexible or whatever…. It's dumb and she only does it cause she knows greg has to be careful not to
invalidate her because otherwise people would come down on him FAST
No. 465163
>>465124>>465141She's just full of lies and bullshit, guess it's hard keeping her story straight if she has a new gender or sexuality every other day.
In no world she's actually gay or even bi.
Which actual gay person walks through stores, picks up everything in rainbow colors and goes "omg you guiz, I'm like SO GAY" I really don't get how no LGBT activist calls her out on her bullshit.
She's mocking a whole community and her stupid fanbase just does the same.
I wonder if she even realizes that only these ugly, little girls are interested in her. Does she have any male fans? I can't imagine that any grown man would think she's good looking or even keep up with her ~non binary, agender, transgender, SO GAY except for Greg, space prince~ attitude.
No. 465166
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>>465145>does she peg himiirc he did mention wanting to be fingred or rimmed or something in a vid, maybe last year?
No. 465170
>>464736Who knows? Genetics can be truly surprising, anon…
>>464790>>464792What's up Greg? Guilty conscience? The way he's reacting to this is weird, as if it touches him on a personal level.
Oh, wait… It does.
>>464972Loving this. Their public fights are always hilarious
No. 465172
>>465133I disagree here.
I think this whole thing is ridiculous and easily explained in a way that all parties can be happy.
Lainey does not identify with her biological sex, so she's in some way, somewhere on the non-cis spectrum. She is and will forever be a biological female though. Even if her eggs stop working, she's still a biological female(as in sex = female).
She is now trying to force HER definition of greg's sexuality back onto him. His "Sex"uality. Not "Gender"ality.
It would be ludicrus to deny that sexuality is very much based on procreation and biological factors.
At the very least, greg is someone who is attracted tho those of the female SEX. Doesn't matter what they identify as. They an never change their sex, no matter how much surgery and makeup they use… and the sex is the anchor in Greg's sexuality.
Lainey is being a bigot by telling Greg he cannot be straight, when it is in fact his attraction to her sex that enables him to be attracted to Lainey.
Remember how it was seen as bigoted to tell gay people that they are just straight people in denial ? Well its that. just reverse.
No. 465193
>>465189I honestly think you’re right, and I have to admit the first time I saw her in her binder I thought, “wow, she actually looks thin.” Not ana-chan thin like she wants us to think, but slender.
She hasn’t ever been fat, but the cow tits just have a way of making her LOOK so much bigger.
No. 465201
>>465017>Onision discussing definitions of sex, gender and orientation>Lainey: You are invalidating nb's people identity!>Comment section gets filled with "I'm so sorry Lainey" by her sycophants.
>Onision: And people are saying "I'm sorry Lainey", here is the thing: Why are we sorry on having a discussion on definitions? Why would you feel bad for Lainey in this discussion? Lainey said that I would come online and you guys would rip me apart. She was like "Good luck, you are gonna get ripped apart when you go online and talk about this">I mean I'm the one getting ripped apart. Is it because I am male? Is it because I am bigger than the average person? Why are we immediately sorry for Lainey? Are we somehow biased in this? What happened to Lainey that didn't happen to me?lol, he stole her victim act and tried to use it for his advantage
what a shitshow
No. 465204
>>465116Ohhhh I'm loving this so much.
Grease must constantly be making fun of and demeaning her LGBT confusion for her to lash out like this all of a sudden. In the past, he's "joked" with her that she's a sham and not a true agender space prince. He reads our posts, and concludes that she's just a dumb transtrender. Thus, causing her to double down on her gayness, and even publicly. She wants to show him that she's not a sham, but that would mean that Grease is a dick sucker.
No. 465205
>>465204Wonder if his video "threatening" "the truth" and to "not be nice anymore" applies to Lameo.
Because SHE could REALLY use a hard dose of troof.
No. 465221
>>465201Lol him always using lameo as the "victim" and you cant get mad at me because its an attack on lameo and she is innnocent and perfect!! act is totally backfiring on him.
In his whole debate with her, hes so dumb. Hes actually partially right, but he focuses on googling definitions and the baby making aspect. She is biologically female, and lameo doesnt even admit that. She actually says shes not female. Like what crack is she on? You are biologically female, even if you are identifying as something else.
She told him that if he doesnt identify as anything not hetero then hes "invalidating her identity". Right there shes invalidating HIS identity. He could have made a good point there but hes a moron. He married her when she wasnt an agender space prince, and stayed with her as an agender space prince. She looks THE SAME as when they got married (just older and more footer). She wears a ton of feminine makeup and clothes, and acts FEMININE. Its not like shes taking hormones thats changing her appearance. The only difference is she gets boy haircuts sometimes and wears "guy" clothes once in a blue moon. To then say that makes your husband gay for dating you is fucking laughable. And the fact she cares more about labeling her relationship just shows how weak their relationship is.
Like imagine if this was a different actual loving couple. And the girl comes out as nonbinary, and their partner stays with them regardless because they love their partner and its not like their partner is going to transition physically. But then the nonbinary person keeps screaming at their partner that they HAVE TO identify as gay now. Thats fucking stupid and inconsiderate.
No. 465242
>>465141What if lame isn't talking about girls when she says she's ohemgee so gay and is actually saying she's gay for boys as a tranny boy, and that's why she doesn't ever get girlfriend's?
I doubt that's the truth but it's the only thing that makes this sound logical at all
No. 465258
File: 1510944235542.png (142.32 KB, 750x1334, 7C6C91AB-6DD1-4AD7-BAAE-C465DF…)

i bet lainey is crying right now kek i wonder if she’s still going to do a YouNow stream “had a bad day, cheer me up with a volcano please”
No. 465264
File: 1510944978149.jpg (38.49 KB, 574x206, ha.jpg)

When he said no more Mr. Nice guy, I bet Laim didn't think it applied to her.
No. 465266
>>465262If she did then she wouldn't be doing any of this retarded ~*~so gay bless up~*~ shit that defines her entire existence.
>>465264Trouble in paradise? :)
Taylor must have hit a deep nerve by calling him gay or homoflexible or w/e
No. 465269
>>465264I am going to stock up on booze.
today is going to be a wild ride.
bless up.
No. 465278
>>465269inshallah, anon, inshallah.
>>465272Dunno, they fight all the time, Greg's reluctant to initiate divorce (especially if he doesn't have another girl lined up, and Taylor's such a doormat that wouldn't leave even if Greg fucked a girl and made her watch. I mean, maybe calling him gay will push him over the edge, but it's doubtful…
No. 465285
>>465283It's especially ridiculous since when he shows his Googled definitions, he goes by the first thing that's on top.
Which is often a Wikipedia blurb.
No. 465302
File: 1510947509715.png (333.95 KB, 719x807, bb03b9171ee7075406cf662c8d855b…)

>>465264Wouldnt be the first time. But every day she loves him more!
No. 465304
>>465302Can't see this on her twitter.. Did she delete or is this old milk?
cause if she tweeted that onion must be fuming cause he HATES when she rants in twitter lmao he fucking hatd her for subtweeting shit about billie and him during the height of cuddlegate
No. 465307
>>465302I honestly wonder what goes through her pea brain. I mean, did she think essentially (and arrogantly) telling her straight spouse she knew his orientation better than he did, and that his identity was wrong, was going to go over well with a shithead like Greg? I mean all of this, down to the last detail, was completely forseeable, and Greg has even flatly said what he is and isn't in terms of his sexuality. I honestly don't get why she thought he'd be all "Oh you're right, I am totes gay now!!"
On the other hand, seeing him sperg out about it, and seeing Taylor use his own tactics against him has brought tears of joy to my day.
No. 465315
You know whats funny. Lameo is anal about onion labeling their relationship accurately. But i remember when people said shouldnt she be pansexual since she said she would date someone nonbinary or trans or whatever, and she said she prefers to label it as bisexual. But bisexual is only about two genders. But shes so concerned that onion doesnt want to be "gay" for his obviously feminine wife hahaha.
>>465267Can you imagine her mom hearing this argument. "Mom why cant my husband understand hes gay now for dating me????"
>>465301he had to google what pseudoscience means. i laughed.
>>465302but remember that one time billie called her a fucking bitch?! Onion is an angel compared to that!
No. 465334
File: 1510952072672.jpg (15.85 KB, 360x240, 1478827901246.jpg)

>> plainey says her and gerggles aren't in a heterosexual relationships
>> tags their videos together as "boyfriend and girlfriend"
No. 465335
>>465327Remember when she got BPD confused with bipolar disorder?
Remember when her husband was sponsored by an online essay writing service?
No. 465340
>>465311It’s so funny to me that he does this, he has no idea how googling the simplest words, terms, and concepts is just fucking embarrassing.
But Lainey only knows anything about sex and gender from Tumblr, her education didn’t help her much there and routinely she balks at the idea of sex as a biological construct, like many Tumblrites do.
No. 465341
>>465333At this point I want them to suffer equally. Greg's overtly a monster, but Taylor's a horrible human being too, she just manages to disguise it better and deflect from criticism with her crying/oppressed GAY technique. I almost want to see her go down harder than Greg; at least Greg's continuous fuckups are entertaining, and he makes some form of effort to create actual content, and nobody takes him seriously anymore so he's mostly harmless. Taylor actually has a sizable and growing audience, despite doing nothing but sitting around acting smug, and she provides endless material to anti-LGBT types.
Plus, as soon as Taylor's gone, we get to watch Greg start dating again, which is always entertaining.
No. 465344
>>465341I can't wait for taylor to fall off that fake LGBT pedestal of hers, absolutely agree anon.
Fuck that bitch
No. 465347
>>465340>>465327>>465335People think psych majors learn all this tumblr shit? Even in a gender psych class i took, they taught sex = biology. gender = social. And she cant even grasp that basic concept. Shes learning everything off tumblr and watching youtubers she wants to copy. Thats why shes never consistent with what she does and has been making it up as she goes along.
What you should have learned is that BPD = borderline personality disorder. Not bipolar. If there was an extra class on all the nonbinary shit, its not happening in a shitty online program thats not even teaching you what BPD is.
>>465333>>465341I also think lameo needs to be taken down a peg or two. Shes smug as fuck right now, which is why she feels more "powerful" and can argue that gerg is gay to him. She has more fans than him at this point. At least every sane person knows gerg is awful by now, but lameo is given a hardpass and all her terrible shit is getting ignored. You could see she felt smug and knows shes more popular than him with how she told him if he does online everyone will agree with her about the gender crap, and they did. Onion's fanbase is truly so dead. Lameo is getting these fake snowflake bitches who need to be special as fans with her agender bull.
Their marriage has dragged on for way too long and all because these narcissists think they deserve the best. Gerg and lameo know they are stuck with each other and dont even like each other. Gerg cant leave until he finds a replacement who is a young alternative-looking attractive teen who will give up their life to be his new doormat, which he is unable to because his popularity died and very few people are as horrible as lameo while also being a doormat. Lameo cant leave until SHE finds a replacement who is rich and has youtube fame and will let her sit on her ass all day and take care of her while also being an edgy-alternative attractive GUY, which she cant because who is going to do that when shes horrible, getting uglier by the day and has two kids with onion boy.
No. 465353
File: 1510954339108.png (25.64 KB, 587x95, Screen Shot 2017-11-17 at 1.31…)

It's all roses and sunshine in the Onion house once more, just in time for his MiL to visit
No. 465377
>>465353congrats on your gay relationship onion.
and is he still trying to make "flucking" happen?
No. 465384
File: 1510958662946.png (204.99 KB, 1066x389, Onion_eugenia.png)

So, he said that he wouldn't make any more Eugenia videos after she asked him straight out not to… but he's reuploading the videos to his encore channel to try to make a few bucks out of it. Yuck.
No. 465387
File: 1510958943979.png (2.64 MB, 1136x640, 200188CA-CA96-4FEC-BAA6-CA9C86…)

I kekked.
No. 465406
File: 1510962743076.png (637.97 KB, 895x837, Lame_ursula.png)

This was fun to make, I think
>>465399 is right that he'll hate the other one most but I can just post this in the new thread anyway if its not thread pic. Finally got to make it, image has been stuck in my head for a few threads now.
No. 465408
>>465406speaking as
>>465392I would be comfortable with either. top kek anon
No. 465418
Whoever makes the next thread, please include the tempcow link at the top. Thanks.
It might change from the current thread, so here's the board. No. 465426
File: 1510967182075.jpg (214.31 KB, 1078x837, threa pic.jpg)

>>465406Added a little something, yay or nay?
No. 465448
File: 1510972243399.png (331.28 KB, 576x608, ha.gaaaaaaay.png)

Looks like onion is already embracing his new 'gay' status.
No. 465449
File: 1510972249680.jpeg (357.15 KB, 599x864, 778BACEA-FBDB-4A98-9F4A-DB9856…)

>>465447 I forgot to upload image.
No. 465452
>>465449Onion needs to see this, we all know how
triggered he gets when he sees "rape" drawings of himself.
No. 465453
>>465452Come to think of it … I should do another one with Richies head.
That would truly
trigger him more then Lainey.
No. 465480
>>46544910/10 anon this is perfect
>>465454ahh we love a throwbaack onion drama
No. 465534
>>465449This is so beautiful anon, so fucking beautiful. You even got the acne right! I'm crying. It's perfect. They also consistently have that same expression all the time, Greg is stuck making faces at the other 3rd grader girls because he likes them, and Taylor is a squinting granny because she's too insecure to wear her glasses.
Billie does look like a cherub here in relations to Lameo sunken in sick face.
>>465454Ha ha, he can't see say shit because he's made so many videos about how it's impossible to rape your wife or any girl whose had sex before. Lainey is simply doing a ??? Zoop! in his booty, because he can't do the same to her from behind, you know, because it's not long enough to reach.
No. 465549
>>465548prob never, because then everyone would know he stuffs his boxers.
unless he does a Mike Matei and skews the angle and measure tape to hide that he has a small pee pee.
No. 465573
File: 1511011852337.jpg (12.83 KB, 297x162, twitter.jpg)

he removed "husband of laineybot" from his twitter bio kek
No. 465582
>>465573wounded little bitch. Probably still licking his wounds from last night.
>>465578How in the fuck has she not told her parents … But yet threw a fake celebration for "coming out". I hope Greg drags her, and we have a incoming twitter battle tonight.
No. 465588
File: 1511019832623.png (118.07 KB, 1190x500, 1.png)

No. 465589
File: 1511019870086.png (132.68 KB, 1178x612, 2.png)

No. 465591
File: 1511020463159.jpg (1.45 MB, 480x266, kHdd6mu.jpg)

When I see this
>>465449I think of this
No. 465594
>>465588>>465589I mean… he's the one pressing girls to get pregnant with him so? Like? He's not a slave of breeding. Also how many times he posts shit how family is the most important hurr dur.
Poor guy suffers so much, the only solution is to an hero
No. 465606
>>4655891. Lots of gay people have biological children. Either they got a surrogate to carry their sperm/egg or they had children the old fashioned way before they realized they were gay. Gay people breed too.
2. Onion, you have fucking children. You are also a "slave" to the nuclear family biological norm.
What the fuck is he even trying to say here? Is he just trying to make being gay seem cool to himself so he can accept it easier when Lamey pegs him?
No. 465616
File: 1511027252989.png (210.37 KB, 1004x1258, Screen Shot 2017-11-18 at 12.4…)

is this what he meant when he said "no more restraints"?
biased twitter polls
No. 465618
File: 1511028051990.jpeg (345.07 KB, 700x495, 8EADC969-9098-4512-8101-A74FB9…)

Lainey raping him wouldn’t bother him all that much, but someone he hates would.
No. 465620
File: 1511028687188.jpg (15.11 KB, 259x194, 1482451238325.jpg)

>>465618you're a gift
someone please tweet this to him, he's already raging on twitter rn
No. 465621
File: 1511029125887.jpeg (282.12 KB, 619x1083, 743B29A4-70AF-4C84-8BAC-CDD067…)

Just wanted to keep this lovely transphobic statement here
No. 465624
>>465621I have done one half of this tweet. one of my arms is nearly all-black.
I'll use the word nigger where and when I want. not because of the tattooing, but because I feel like it.
No. 465626
File: 1511029721333.jpg (42.71 KB, 577x226, barf.jpg)

Try not to puke challenge.
No. 465632
>>465630Yea if he was actually in love he wouldn't give a shit what other people thought about his relationship.
But if he admits he's in a gay/queer relationship that means no more teenage girls will line up for him.
No. 465633
File: 1511030905119.jpg (79.78 KB, 1078x308, wow love.jpg)

Gerg is miserable, this marriage is horrible.
No. 465643
>>465630not to defend Gregma, but tbf, if I were dating someone who not only threw themselves into this tumblr demifemmequeerboi bullshit and tried to drag me into it, I wouldn't have any of it. It's one thing to get caught up in a stupid pop culture trend and another to force unwilling participants into it.
>>465633The expression of a man who's wondering where it all went wrong
No. 465649
File: 1511033822126.jpeg (60.01 KB, 640x220, 4CEF44FC-6F96-4378-B22D-523FA9…)

>>465588>>465600Nothing’s ever changed!
>>465594He tried to an hero 10 years ago but (the thought of) best wife stopped him unfortunately.
No. 465662
File: 1511038399307.png (136.36 KB, 545x320, uiIf95W.png)

speaking of Blaire, isn't he transphobic for never using her preferred pronouns of she/her? he always uses they/them
No. 465664
>>465655very simple answer, Lainey is and was never LGBT, She's a straight cis woman who was bullied by her own husband into this "bi and agender" shit but she embraced it because after all, It makes LGBT teens/fans fall over themselves for her and send her money and gifts for nothing in return. She found the upside to it and now her ego is inflated and she has become as much as a narc as grease she feels she can bully him and tell him what his orientation is, Much like he did to her.
Its amusing as fuck.
But still, Grease is on the downfall we all know this but I'm cringing lainey is gaining popularity, She's not going to be too happy once other youtubers start (and they will) calling her out on her fake ass bullshit and using her viewers.
It will be glorious.
No. 465667
File: 1511039378612.png (37.39 KB, 525x354, IN3D4Kx.png)

greggypoo sounds angry. his frustration makes me laugh. we all know it comes from him being sick and tired of his boring wife. break up already, i can't wait for the milk.
No. 465668
File: 1511039469366.png (53.2 KB, 549x308, Screen Shot 2017-11-18 at 4.07…)

Damn, every time Lainey's family comes over he always has a twitter tantrum x5.
No. 465669
File: 1511039490005.png (28.55 KB, 524x278, QDz1hvh.png)

Does he think transwomen don't get raped? lol what a dickhead
No. 465673
File: 1511039885684.png (16.29 KB, 532x124, zuUqBKa.png)

He literally did put a sock in his underwear… is he getting alzheimers already?
No. 465678
>>465667I just checked as well, Holy shit he is sperging the fuck out.
Also I dunno if you capped it, But he was getting mad about a new song being released and how dumb and redundant it is. Could he possibly know about shi's new track being put up (Check temp thread for link, The song pretty damn good actually)
No. 465679
File: 1511040251653.png (25.03 KB, 509x214, edgey.png)

Don't cut yourself on all that edge Gurg
No. 465682
File: 1511040625555.png (120.07 KB, 649x186, dgedfgrege.png)

Would anyone be kind enough to reupload this video?