File: 1509230446816.jpg (38.48 KB, 275x155, thread pic 28.jpg)

No. 457370
-Onion continues to bleed subs and keeps blaming YouTube. Says he will protest.
-Laimey completely disregards her fans opinion and dyes her hair purple and gets an undercut.
-Onion makes another Jab at Laimey (one of many) and says DDLG is predatory, this garners a reaction from BinkiePrincess and her boyfriend who are also Lames friends.
-Laimey ignores most YouNow chats because people are telling her FormanBoss is a child who donated mass amounts of money to her on YouNow.
-Lame gets heat on YouNow, people ask why Sarah is living there. Which prompts Sarah to come on the chat and ask Lame 'What is your favorite show atm", obvious distraction.
-Onion and Lamey continue to pick on their poor dog Leelu.
-Lamey no longer wants a girlfriend and says the idea of one is very unpleasant.
Social Media Links
Gregma: No. 457371
I apologize forgot to add the last thread.
>>>/pt/456654 <<<
No. 457381
>>457372>in a masklolwut
No. 457392
File: 1509235501389.png (964.42 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1859.PNG)

>>457389It's live and lookin' like a tard
No. 457393
File: 1509235545232.png (1.53 MB, 640x1136, CCEE41DD-3E6E-4FBA-B7D9-4BF5A2…)

Ewww kek
No. 457397
File: 1509235658580.jpg (182.55 KB, 765x456, im a boy i wear flannels.jpg)

When you get a haircut and become a boy again.
No. 457400
File: 1509236021837.png (135.99 KB, 2080x1184, sample.png)

>>457272>>457274I posted caps two threads ago, but here you go again I guess, this time with email confirmations. I ordered from Tena, Medtronic and Poise (but don't have an email from the latter). Everything was free.
No. 457411
File: 1509236958370.jpg (49.93 KB, 415x449, desperado.jpg)

This girl is being emo, so Lainey told her she has noticed her so she doesn't know what she's talking about. Again probably a 12 year old an. So now shes going on about why its hard to make internet friends.
No. 457415
File: 1509237068761.png (23.07 KB, 330x110, Screenshot.png)

>>45741114 thousand bars is a lot of bars.
No. 457416
File: 1509237110392.jpg (53.6 KB, 417x458, 19.jpg)

Looks like that 19 year old from Washington might be going up to the grease mansion soon.
No. 457417
File: 1509237222057.jpg (61.46 KB, 452x479, sad af.jpg)

Damn someone needs to tell this girl they aren't worth it..
No. 457420
File: 1509237381853.jpg (60.27 KB, 440x452, sadd.jpg)

>>457417How long till Laim blocks her lol.
No. 457422
File: 1509237682088.png (303.47 KB, 486x485, sara.png)

Sarah paying her dues.
No. 457423
>>457420This thread more than anything else has demonstrated how creepy girls can be when there's someone on cam
These messages are on par with those of the lonely old fat fucks who tip camgirls to smile at them
No. 457426
File: 1509237808064.jpg (34.25 KB, 419x305, new hair.jpg)

Sarah's new hair, the Billie transformation continues.
No. 457429
File: 1509237878254.jpg (145.05 KB, 1440x670, Interior_Back_Row-1440.jpg)

>>457426do they all drive the same shitty Tesla?
No. 457432
File: 1509238169699.jpg (64.25 KB, 431x482, ob fan.jpg)

This is funny cause shes making Laim so uncomfortable she instead did a story time.
No. 457437
>>457420are people seriously thinking its normal to pay someone monthly to be your friend? I like how onion and lameo dont denounce this shit. Like thats not normal or healthy and isnt a thing. Stop encouraging people to pay you to have a chance to "be your friend"
also that attempt at halloween makeup. lol. It's getting funnier to watch lameos attempts to be the walmart version of billie.
No. 457439
File: 1509239932881.jpg (59.86 KB, 566x328, burn.jpg)

Kek, she mentioned this tweet and said she had to block this person because they were just hating.
No. 457443
File: 1509241056530.png (180.63 KB, 602x424,…)

I had to do a quick shoop of
>>456637 because it reminded me too much of that JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP meme.
No. 457445
>>457392Is this suppose to be a retarded scare crow ?
I guess she's still looking for her brain. Jokes on her though, it never existed.
No. 457460
File: 1509244355268.png (23.25 KB, 640x257, IMG_4331.PNG)

No. 457461
File: 1509244381590.png (1.16 MB, 640x1136, IMG_4332.PNG)

No. 457462
File: 1509244406840.png (986.4 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4333.PNG)

No. 457465
>>457432Well…Halloween's nearly here and looking at her did cringe me the fuck out so…mission accomplished?
>>457443Kek, anon. Well done.
No. 457466
File: 1509244778558.jpg (76.4 KB, 628x594, hehe.jpg)

Some of her fans did go in, good.
No. 457468
>>457467I was literally just about to say.
You can see each side of the dashboard from their photos. Sarah is sitting shotgun next to Lainey driving.
No. 457479
>>457466We need more of this, haha.
>>457461Super obvious that they're in that Tesla.
No. 457481
File: 1509248386361.png (100.91 KB, 888x165, Screenshot.png)

>>457480sure senpai, here you go
1/2 No. 457492
File: 1509253028159.png (36.17 KB, 640x115, Screenshot.png)

>>457490this one? if so here you go, sorry senpai; No. 457494
His videos are so boring. No one is missing anything.
No. 457511
>>457466The last one is a top kek.
>>457432This girl is probably 14 at best (I hope), this is just sad. Don't spend your pocket money trying to get Lainey to notice you.
No. 457516
File: 1509270105090.png (367.38 KB, 480x800, 1477961727355.png)

>>457513Imagine how threatened Footface and Potatoface felt when Billie and Ayalla were in Onion mansion kek
No. 457523
File: 1509271092358.png (709.19 KB, 1324x968, what.png)

Wtf is on her mouth here?
Lipgloss? Its around her mouth
No. 457537
>>457420This is both depressing and disgusting.
So is Younow just where predators go to make money directly from literal children? Yeesh, and I thought Youtube was bad…
No. 457541
>>457516It’s been said a million times but it’s hilarious that Onision blew his last chance with the only attractive girl that was super in love with him and now is in a financial situation that he can’t as easily up and leave Lainey. She’s wised up and is doing everything to keep him from getting a new girl in the mix. There’s no way he walks away without looking like the bad guys which is something he can’t stand.
Sage for obvious reasons.
No. 457548
triggered Sarah, knew you had to pop out at some point
No. 457550
File: 1509283147478.jpg (23.92 KB, 558x287, Capture.JPG)

He just repeats shit like a broken record even on his sockpuppet account.
No. 457567
>>457555I hadn't spotted the 'He' until I posted. Hence deletion.
Swry boot dat!
No. 457591
File: 1509297374723.png (137.28 KB, 436x412, does it follow.png)

>>457551Who knows. It truly seems like him but I also think she would follow if she knew about Greg having a second account. She's gotta keep her eyes out for any teen girls that might take her spot as Onion's top girl.
No. 457597
File: 1509299597602.png (29.17 KB, 165x98, 1507871772498.png)

>>457443Was just waiting for this, kek
No. 457598
>>457591Why would she follow the account ? and why would he tell her that he has a secret sockpuppet account ?
Do we really know what he'd be using the account for, I mean for all we know its to pick up side chicks on the down low… Telling Lainey about a secret 4th account would probably just make her flip out and become anxious. He's such a narc that I highly doubt he even tells Lainey about any of his fake emails and accounts.
No. 457599
File: 1509300698134.jpeg (85.07 KB, 556x556, 0C10614B-6E2F-4899-9790-1310CB…)

The hair really covers his big ass head after all…
Saged for old milk
No. 457607
>>457592I'm hoping there was someone else sat nearby, maybe around the corner? Lainey and Grease are stupid af but I hope they have the common sense to watch their kids when there's equipment and loose wires around and that they don't just leave it to the flavour of the month.
>>457541Same tbh. And I love that he's stuck with Lainey, who is probably as manipulative and crazy as he is. She won't let him walk away and that's jus hilarious to me. He's spent so long manipulating girls, dragging them down and calling them out and now he's got one that will do exactly the same to him.
No. 457613
File: 1509309899646.png (1.52 MB, 640x1136, 15BD6EA6-625C-4CE3-B2D9-8660DB…)

I take it Onion-boy forgot to put on foundation…
No. 457614
>>457613God that is literally the laziest fucking misty cosplay. JUST DO THE DAMN HAIR RIGHT
Plus the unnecessary blush makeup. God, why can't she every put any effort in. Can only imagine the poor kids costumes if they got any outside of Walmart or target crap.
No. 457625
>>457618I think she mention that in her Misty video at the end if i am not wrong , what is he even suppose to be?
I bet Troy was Ash and probably Claire/Cloey Pikachu, and of course to keep the tradition Onion have to make look all taggy and fuck up as always
No. 457632
>>457618Aww I actually like Brock, then again…
>>457616Yup, that’s the one!
No. 457633
File: 1509313152929.png (1.1 MB, 1070x562, DILF makes greasy trucker cum …)

>>457616Why can't he be bothered to wash his face correctly?
Also he promotes some headphones and doesn't say it's sponsored. I'm guessing it is or he just blew $300. The rest of the time he looks through videos that he will no doubt copy write claim between jump cuts and makes the same tired excuses all while trying to be funny and failing miserably.
No. 457644
File: 1509315504439.jpeg (197.77 KB, 744x1031, 437B8228-50D2-4E43-9E48-0EB928…)

I’m gunna post some photos from younow, I also saw people capturing Onion talking about Sarah but I’m not sure how to link. Sorry for incoming spam
No. 457646
File: 1509315534159.png (1.17 MB, 750x1334, 5A8ED5D6-8000-44E9-9D4D-5333F4…)

The second person to ask about sarah
No. 457648
File: 1509315570263.png (1.2 MB, 750x1334, 959931AD-F1A5-401E-8869-B27479…)

That rando girl who is going up to the McMansion defending Onion.
No. 457649
File: 1509315627813.png (1.21 MB, 750x1334, 99958521-4196-4CC9-84B5-8163ED…)

Someone in the chat said she was defending him cause she’s going up to the Onion mansion and she said her age for some reason. She def wants the Onion dick
No. 457653
File: 1509315893755.jpg (111.7 KB, 921x639, blegh.jpg)

>>457652I hate how dependent she is…
No. 457661
File: 1509316199580.jpg (39.14 KB, 315x475, OTNdmgU.jpg)

I was lurking on crazy Tami's twitter and noticed this masterpiece for her book cover.
No. 457662
>>457659I'm guessing that's code name for Sarah.
Onion and Plain think they are oh so smart~
No. 457672
File: 1509316846092.jpeg (37.96 KB, 750x168, 7D342B58-28B0-4141-9391-101BF0…)

Onions true narc self is coming out strong in this stream
>he asked what color he should dye his hair next, and when his discordfags started complimenting his black hair he tousled it and looked at his reflection, making a weird smug face
>he said Shane wasn’t the one who ended their “friendship”, that he was, and was again making a smug ass face when his discordfags starting acting like that was the roast of the century
>just said if his fans wanted to have a triathlon to have a chance to come meet him he would be “down to do that”, all while smiling and laughing
This man actually wants to see 12 year olds fighting to see him so bad he wants to set up a actual triathlon to WATCH them compete for his attention.
Also kek at this comment & name
No. 457674
File: 1509317321614.jpg (68.32 KB, 438x417, next victim.jpg)

He read the question out loud and didn't deny it instead said for people to go watch him elsewhere.
No. 457677
File: 1509317464947.png (1.17 MB, 750x1334, 4B2FAD68-55A7-4DE6-8C6E-F4EA35…)

A lot happened at the end of the stream lol. He made himself look stupid multiple times.
No. 457679
File: 1509317493706.jpeg (29.71 KB, 750x168, B3E278E5-ED28-49FD-8F99-46C42F…)

When Gurg asked “who’s kittenspace”
No. 457682
File: 1509317552422.jpeg (162.78 KB, 750x740, 178645E7-DDB7-4867-8111-81F2E5…)

When he saw the question about the trinity, kek
No. 457683
>>457682Did anyone watching noticed how he begun speaking very fast about this?
Somethings up.
No. 457687
File: 1509317747403.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.74 KB, 303x543, 2017-10-29.jpg)

>>457676Kitten is ugly af
Btw MacnCheese follow her in Twitter
No. 457690
>>457679 was not wrong
No. 457692
File: 1509317947493.jpg (6.7 KB, 286x176, download.jpg)

>>457687instantly thought of this
No. 457698
File: 1509318329542.jpg (42.5 KB, 511x408, eyebrow.jpg)

She looks better when her eyebrows are covered up.
No. 457699
File: 1509318387527.jpg (70.89 KB, 716x280, Whcgao0.jpg)

I could see this starting paranoia with Gerg real quick. He would be one of those tards that thinks stoners are going to slip up and give trick or treaters their edibles.
No. 457703
File: 1509319023815.gif (129.28 KB, 270x360, download.gif)

>>457698>>457702made a reaction gif
No. 457713
>>457687>more winged eyelinerDoes Gargoyle have a fetish for girls who don't work with their eye/face shape? This girl's eyeliner makes her eyes look like they had a fucking disagreement and parted ways and Lainey's eyeliner makes her look like a lonely pony. And the eyebrows…god lord.
Just because it's a trend doesn't mean you have to hop on it, jeez.
No. 457719
>>457717I'm confused. Why does it just seem like your responding to yourself?
Also, kittenspace sounds like a bdsm thing like "little space" but with kitten play. Is that what her and onion will be doing at the McMansion? We will see…
No. 457726
>>457725Sorry, my apologies.
But seriously, is like the acne contagious there or something? Seems like every time a girl arrives they break out, and I'm curious to know if anyone knows why.
No. 457730
>>457726Well obviously they are young so even if they dont have acne, stress can produce outbreaks and everyone know how bad is the environment for anyone in the Greasemansion
Sage cause speculation.
No. 457731
File: 1509324024574.jpg (40.81 KB, 436x498, youyawn.jpg)

Shes live.
No. 457737
File: 1509324509059.png (7.72 KB, 352x55, Screenshot.png)

No. 457738
File: 1509324671632.jpg (37.51 KB, 418x431, sidspace.jpg)

No. 457756
File: 1509326235793.png (247.24 KB, 484x532, ft.png)

She hasn't broken 10k.
Gonna get sum premature wrinkles scowling like that.
No. 457758
File: 1509326803011.png (621.28 KB, 640x1136, IMG_4387.PNG)

So Space Kitten said she was getting out of school early all week. Is Grug and Plainey getting another underaged lesbian to come to the grease mansion?
No. 457760
She worries she's too mean to Greg. LOL
Beck had her snoot way up Looney's bum.
She said she's only eaten granola and cake all day.
Super OT, but is this Onion's mom? No. 457763
File: 1509327035125.jpg (46.35 KB, 433x464, lesbian competiton.jpg)

So Beck called that chick Ana a stalker and Laim started giggling and saying Beck was making her live.
No. 457766
File: 1509327149059.png (290.56 KB, 492x492, sFAD.png)

Someone asked Lame if she watched the Fiji video and she said she saw the thumbnail and wouldn't watch it because she could tell it would make her feel like shit.
No. 457767
File: 1509327288007.jpg (50.18 KB, 483x457, another fan cries.jpg)

She's a shitty person she knows Ana is like her biggest fan but laughs when Beck calls her a stalker. Then tells her that shes disappointed and to go to time out because she didn't know Lames favorite fucking band.
No. 457768
File: 1509327408555.jpg (51.01 KB, 474x492, bitch.jpg)

Sarah came on and she just told Sarah that Ana doesn't know her favorite band and then called her a "fake fan".
No. 457770
File: 1509327531531.jpg (42.8 KB, 460x469, kiss ass.jpg)

Well duh you live in her ass Sarah, and you're her human tissue.
No. 457771
>>457769Yeah, it's The Used or Taking back Sunday I think.
Her fan, Ana is legit fucking crazy though. I think Lainey knows how insane she is. Her twitterbio is literally her whining about making Lainey love her…
(learn 2 sage) No. 457773
>>457769She says it every broadcast.
It's one of the 12 questions she'll answer every stream.
I hate myself for knowing this.
No. 457783
File: 1509328488146.jpg (23.41 KB, 317x482, onion.JPG)

I could be wrong but wasn't he making 5k per month? It seems he might be losing money even on pateron.
No. 457785
>>457678Even if it's kind of shitty to do, I would say they have some class by not showing his face in the picture. And she did take it down, so all the same.
shrug>>457726Hot showers. Overwashing the skin. Stress. Moisturizing with something that doesn't work for their skin type. Eating like shit.
>>457731She's going to get premature wrinkles in the forehead from all the scowling/squinting and from the lack of healthy fats in her diet. You can already see them starting to take shape.
>>457778Wish her impressionable fans realized that she doesn't know/care about shit about them. She is super self-absorbed. That's not how friendship works.
>>457779She's into that hippy pseudoscience, why am I not surprised?
No. 457787
this is: also found the Onision Group page that Onion-boy created and follows on his private fb page. No one else has liked the page because no1currs. No. 457791
File: 1509331661096.png (1.38 MB, 750x1334, 70FC3A1E-F736-4A30-BC99-3B3533…)

Is it just me or is it weird Gurg has a picture of himself as his banner? Like I’ve seen people with pictures of them and friends but with Gurggle? Just him and him alone. Maybe he wishes he had clear skin like he did back then?
No. 457803
File: 1509337307803.jpg (25.49 KB, 552x202, pathetic.jpg)

Where do they find these desperate people, Laimey isn't even nice to her.
No. 457809
File: 1509338458069.jpg (86.16 KB, 779x497, sid space.jpg)

>>457808Her twitter didn't used to be private, she must be lurking.
No. 457817
File: 1509339003915.jpg (264.64 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_oledwfoffV1v6x1l5o1_128…)

>>457814I'd also be concerned with whatever she picks up and transfers from the walls in her house to their kids
No. 457821
File: 1509339460190.jpg (223.93 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_ol3gfcOnzw1v6x1l5o1_128…)

she looks more like a Sarahclone than a Billieclone. Yikes
No. 457823
File: 1509339610313.png (Spoiler Image,1.5 MB, 1920x1080, ss.png)

No. 457836
File: 1509340847636.jpg (161.74 KB, 1232x661, nasty.jpg)

This is the kind of people they allow to enter their home when they have 2 children one still an infant… Sickos no wonder Onion jumped off stream as soon as they brought her up!
No. 457852
>>457836I scrolled past the pacifier gag and felt Jesus place his hand on my shoulder, telling me to stop.
What level of "stress" does one have to be under to find sexualizing infancy/animal behaviour preferable and okay, I'm almost genuinely curious.
She might be taken though, if her description isn't just outdated, so this could get even messier.
No. 457888
>>457812Is he already trying to mould her even before she's in the mcmansion? I was a bit curious about the sudden "AGE PLAY IS GROSS" but it makes sense if it's aimed at this sloth face. Also
>Owned Kitten & Little GirlOnion senpai?
No. 457916
>>457913she's a beautiful human who needs to be free so as to get top surgery and to be with her kids. free, I say.
her earnings are going to plummet when she's not with him and he will have sucked her into looking after HIM, not him having to look after her and the kids.
No. 457920
>>457764She would look quite like a man in this screencap if not for the eye makeup. I thought trans people did everything in their power to pass as the opposite gender and despised any traits that ruined that.
Oh wait, I forgot she isn't really trans, just trendy agender bullshit of wearing gender non conforming clothing sometimes which literally every girl does.
No. 457922
>>457681So she IS a paying customer? Probably a low tier, if anything.
Kek I wonder how Becca and others can justify paying so much to onion when a teen can waltz right into the mansion just for being the right age, dressing alternative, and looking halfway decent by Greg standards.
Does Becca realize her donations will be spent on plane tickets and wooing new trinity members? She should change her username to Becca Cucksicle.
No. 457935
>>457926I think you had better read that again, anon. She wouldn't be 8 in 2011 if she's 19 now.
>>457929Ha, Veronica Lodge's eyebrows spliced with James Charles' eyebrows, I see it.
No. 457939
>she always brings up the fact that soy turns people gay.This is some alex jones shit.
anyone have videos of her saying that?
No. 457941
>>457939i think anons have made jokes before about greg's diet making him more effeminate. i've heard people making jokes about soy and hormones loads like it's a thing. i think lainey is vindictive enough to throw shit at greg she's read/heard about from here.
i'm pretty sure they both know they're in an abusive shit show of a relationship and they're bickering so much lately because they're both trying to fight for control these days
No. 457942
>>457939Check yesterday’s YouNow playbacks.
But she was saying it while also saying she was getting ready to eat tofu for dinner, so maybe she’s saying it to be funny.
No. 457952
>>457927No, i guess too much ~anxiety~ to try out or the "I don't like change"-thing she has. Lol I'm already good at finding lamebot excuses in an instant
>>457920The fact that she never goes without make up except very rare times on younow shows so much how she clearly wants to look female. It seems to me that she's afraid that people stop calling her beautiful/handsome if she went no make up cause then she'd look like a weak teenage boy or a real lesbian. Also I think she only wants to hear sexy and androgynous things about having male features like the jawline that anon
>>457925 mentioned. Not things like an actual trans would want to hear like a manly voice, a manly face etc. I think if someone outside of her tumblr fanbase said to her she looks like a man she would freak out and stop this shit, I really do. But she only hears it from delusional kids who have their own definitions of gender and call everything male/female/agender if the person wants to hear it
No. 457967
>>457965"Please don't associate the fucked up shit I do with the fucked up shit those true degenerates do"
Both are fucked up, and fantasies about beings animals and babies / kids - that cannot consent to sex.
No. 457968
>>457965You're all fucking weirdos so it doesn't really matter.
>>457821Does this girl have any good angles? She looks like ET with winged eyeliner.
No. 457981
File: 1509389609873.jpg (Spoiler Image,696.16 KB, 1600x1200, pt2017_10_30_12_43_59.jpg)

Sorry for my autism but her lips have always triggered the fuck out of me. Morbid curiosity took hold.
Does she know chapstick is a thing that both men and women use? I promise you Lainey, it's not just a ~girl thing~.
No. 457984
File: 1509389766968.png (2.61 KB, 171x90, patronus.png)

I'm disappointed. In Patreon, I'm actually impressed by Onision.
No. 457989
>>457852It's possible that her relationship status is outdated. She made a Valentine's day post and then 9 posts later is her Halloween post. That's about a post a month so they probably don't care about this blog enough to notice or care about their description
I just hope it's not like one of those middle-school "taken by a celebrity" delusions towards Greg.
No. 457994
>>457992I'm not denying that she wishes she was thin. All I'm saying is she is not and makes no effort to be. Not everybody who wishes they were thin and eats like shit has an eating disorder.
>>457993 totally agreed, you took the words out of my comment as I was typing it
No. 458003
File: 1509391207470.png (199.79 KB, 1080x1369, 20171030_131847.png)

No one post Onion boys' sock account roast yet?
No. 458007
>>458003tru luv''
if only we were so lucky
No. 458017
Lainey trying to imply she has an eating disorder or is sickly thin is very transparent. She saw Billie and Ayalla get attention from Onion for possibly having one. Same with Jaclyn. She sees Eugenia get attention on Younow, YouTube, And again from Onion. Lainey, the bland, boring, unoriginal creature that she is, sees ~le tragic smol bean~ as her ticket to fame and onions attention. Notice I don't say love.
Lainey's daddy issues manifest so clearly in her marriage to Gerg, as if her calling him "daddy" wasn't enough. She tries all the usual things to "rebel" and get him to be concerned for her since she sees his interest elsewhere.
Her young age and blind devotion to him was the first thing. Then it was being agender and trans with a sharp haircut and a flannel or cap. Then it was being bisexual followed by being poly. After Billie, she is more desperate than ever to be noticed by him again. Since she has ZERO IRL friends her age, Ayalla and Billie are her only examples to follow of what young 20 somethings are supposed to be.
Billie and Ayalla dress alternative, dye their hair, have EDS, and try to be internet famous on YouTube and Younow? Funny how she decided to do all those things at the same time and in the same year after Billie left. She does makeup on YouTube like Billie and tries to sing (half ass) on Younow like Ayalla. Its all so desperate and obvious.
No. 458020
>>457981Why am I thinking about cats' arses all of a sudden?
Obvs her resting expression is "fucking miserable." How much must she have pouted to set her mouth on a permanent downturn?
No. 458055
>>457981I honestly feel bad for you when I imagine how long you had to go through lame's insta (which is annoying in the first place) and look at her lips (eww) to make this collage
>>457991kek i love you
>>458017that's so true, lame didn't do a single of the things you listed before billie & ayalla. the constant hair dyes are of course the most obvious and embarrassing thing, how does she not see how it makes her look?
I'm not sure how long lame claims to have anxiety but allaya once did a video where she talked about having several mental disorders. I don't remember lame having anxiety before the trinity, if she already claimed to have it then it wasn't as prominent
repost for replacing missing text
No. 458057
>>457931Am anon who posted beauty tip for Wide-eyes. You don't understand. We WANT someone to snatch Grease from Lamp. That is milky. It's inevitable, so I don't really feel guilty helping it along. So if I can backseat coach these "cow affiliates" into better looking people AND better Grease-snatchers, then as far as I'm concerned it's win-win.
Unless you are wanting Lamp to keep her man.
No. 458059
>>458056he used to do so many videos calling lainey the most beautiful human being on earth or retarded shit like that before billie came, I always asked myself if he had problems with his eyes. those times are long gone lmao. now he only calls her handsome on insta posts to gain sympathy and play happy couple. at least their fanbase adapted his opinion and spams lame with compliments like she's some insanely beautiful angelic being while she has the most average and plain face you can have
>>458057lol that's the big question, we all want a new trinity for milk but we also want gurg and lame to be stuck with each other forever because they deserve it so much
No. 458060
>>458059Watching Lainey's streams tipped me over the edge, I literally dislike Taylor (a smidge) more than Grease at this point. I think it's definitely the INSANE amount of smugness and how she refuses to listen when it comes to Grease. Her blaming Billie and not her own husband, etc etc. I just can't stand her and somewhere along the way I went from wanting Greg to be stuck with her forever, to wanting to see that smug rude expression she has glued to her face disappear as she realizes every single "hater" has been right all along. I want her to have to crawl back to her family and apologize/stop acting better than them, and I want her to grow up lol
All of that seems way more pleasing to me. Because even if Greg gets rid of her, whatever teen he leaves her for won't stick around long. Then he'll be all alone which is what he hates most in the world.
It could all work out so perfect!
No. 458062
>>458060maybe we could have both! first a new trinity and them being seperated, then the teen leaves gurg after a short time, gurg is alone and tries to get back with his ex(es), lame takes him back (as she is a doormat and he manipulates her) and they are stuck again.
I can't really decide which one I hate more, gurg is an obvious asshole, lame is more subtle, but I hate her selfishness, arrogance and ignorance and her annyoing fake identity. So I guess at the moment I hate her more but it alternates kek
No. 458066
>>458062Tbh I want Grease to “reconcile” with his exes, that will be very milky! <3
I find most if not, all of the Onion-women to be lolcows solely for choosing to be with Cucky; regardless of their innocence or guilt.
Saged for incoming butthurt
No. 458072
File: 1509399905262.png (523.67 KB, 767x538, anxiety.png)

lol I'm watching lameo's latest younow moments and I burst out laughing at one where she's being asked why she's fidgeting. the continuous clicking noises are hilarious when you imagine she does this cause of the stuff onion put her through: I finally found a way to reupload moments from younow so let me know if you have a request. every way to avoid them having traffic is good.
sage for being very late
No. 458073
>>457965Pet play is just as weird as DDLG, if not worse. There's also a clear intersection between the two. Just accept that your kink is fucked up, even if it's not illegal between two consenting adults.
>>458066Nah, especially not Skye, and even Shiloh could be excused. Narcs know how to lure people in and tell them what they want to hear.
No. 458089
File: 1509401814428.png (772.01 KB, 1011x751, Screenshot.png)

he's live on twitch and whoever said it pegged him, devil's night and he's dressed as joker
No. 458092
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>>458090one of them is analoveslainey kek
No. 458100
File: 1509403239010.png (23.97 KB, 324x304, Screenshot.png)

>>458093aside from oversexualized conversation with minors, not usually. but his sockpuppet joined and is typing.
No. 458116
>>458100>whatami25125Is that gerg trying to proove that he does not own a sockpupper account?
No. 458128
>>457747one time greg made fun of lainey for "howling like a wolf" during childbirth with the most disgusting side eye. I'll cite the source if it matters, but I rly don't want to dig through their videos.
i hate her but it fucks me up her biggest life accomplishment is something legit (in terms of her giving birth successfully the way she chose, not how she actually is as a mother unfortunately) that is probably the biggest gift she could give a partner, and her partner shuts her the fuck down constantly. probably low key complains about her vagina not recovering to what it was before. it doesn't excuse her trans shit or whatever, but anyone saying that lainey "preys on young girls" is an absolute fuckwit that doesn't know how abusive relationships work. she needs to put her foot down and not be complicit, but you're giving a child bride way too much credit.
No. 458131
>>458068Eh, she’s less of a cow than the others. Reading from her old blogs (before Onion), she kinda knew what she was getting into.
>”Please go back to the kind and gentle person I once knew!”Girl, that man was never gentle. Glad you snapped out of it!
>>458084>Her first everything Please don’t tell me that included her v-card loss as well. Now I truly feel bad for her, no one deserves to lose their virginity to Onion.
I guess that explains her “excitement” about him in his early vids… ew.
No. 458139
File: 1509409547769.gif (811.98 KB, 402x300, giphy.gif)

>>458089joker?! he looks like a washed up old man chaperoning a middle school dance in the 80s
No. 458144
>>458084i feel like skye definitely didnt know what she was getting into. It was more of a typical abusive relationship that you don't know the dude is abusive until you are stuck in the relationship and she was young, he had no internet presence and she never saw him do this shit before. Even shiloh probably didnt completely know what she was getting into because it was during his time with her, that all the drama and shit really came out, and you could clearly see he was a complete ass.
Although shiloh made stupid decisions, she was young and it didnt last very long. Unlike lameo, who yes was young, but now shes 23 and she just watches him hurt people and doesnt care while keeping a smug grin when she "wins" aka loses in the end. If people werent convinced after shiloh, the whole adrienne and billie shit should pretty much seal the deal. I dont know how anyone can even give him anymore excuses. Also why lameo is completely despicable and a disgusting human being and why people probably hate her just as much if not more than him. She just sits by and lets her husband treat people like garbage and joins in then acts like a victim and sides with him and acts as if the young girls were all out to get her and the evil ones and her husband does no wrong. Gross.
Idk how hes going to get any good looking idiot to take lameo's place, but whoever it is has to be a horrid person. Which in a way is nice because lameo will finally get screwed over by someone as terrible as her and she will have let the girl walk right into her house.
No. 458148
>>458141>>458144Exactly! Cyr said he had bronchitis and was having coughing fits and onion wouldn't take him so skye actually did and cyr said onion was butthurt.
Onion also didn't start attacking people until skye and the divorce then went full on psycho because it made him money slandering her and now others
No. 458160
File: 1509411443738.jpg (11.13 KB, 236x294, 2945d4252bab508744ed6be97c2314…)

>>458129not that anon but I had to check too
>One is about playing as property non verbally, the other is about shitting yourself…I just don't understand how they can deny that they were into these things considering the people lainey associates with, the "daddy stuff" and the collars
either way it's kind of OT.
No. 458170
>>458155This is so true. I also was just watching the old stream of onion storming into Sarahs room 8 months ago, and it was all because "Lainey was crying". That whole shit was a damn mess and presumably all started by Lainey.
Also, Lainey is the one stalkery enough to comb through Billie's instagram photos on her 2nd account to find pics of her on a guys shoulders and holding his hand so she didn't lose balance. (~so scandalous~). This led to one of their fights or breakups or whatever, I lose track. She also was the one who looked through Billie's phone and found her talking about smoking weed too right?
This is why I dont believe her bullshit that she doesn't stalk Billie online obsessively. She obviously knows where to look because she was always looking for shit to get her in trouble because she wanted to be queen bee in the trinity and be the "good one" if she couldn't be the pretty or talented or interesting one.
No. 458176
File: 1509412479869.jpg (79.5 KB, 887x440, Splice the movie IRL.jpg)

Just sayin'…
No. 458177
File: 1509412659521.jpg (50.44 KB, 446x503, youyawn.jpg)

She's live.
No. 458179
>>458177Instant Foreman raging
Hilarious shit
No. 458192
File: 1509413749136.png (11.37 KB, 78x77, Screenshot.png)

YouNow's thumbnail for her stream is on point. #blessed
No. 458197
File: 1509414013102.jpg (86.72 KB, 600x800, IMG_0013.JPG)

Rare preggo photo of lame.
No. 458200
File: 1509414113292.jpg (51.69 KB, 463x464, sid ana.jpg)

Its embarrassing to see these 2 pedos competing over Lame. Also they both share something in common with Grease they don't really like chocolate.
No. 458201
File: 1509414225965.jpg (5.8 KB, 252x108, youywan.jpg)

#12, good.
No. 458202
File: 1509414259706.jpg (15.56 KB, 382x85, fug.JPG)

>>458200These people are insane…like they are youtubers they aren't famous celebrities not that it would make it any better, plus she ignored this message anyway
No. 458203
File: 1509414308443.jpg (16.36 KB, 171x197, number 1.jpg)

>>458201Jaclyn is number one which pushed Laimey to 13, kek.
No. 458209
why did she just look at her phone and go "no" with a disgusted look. did a farmer upset her with
>>458176 nudes?
No. 458223
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"I hate this one." Gee I wonder why.
No. 458224
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No. 458225
File: 1509416049622.jpg (66.4 KB, 460x431, new trinity.jpg)

I foresee Billie 2.0 she seems to be really comfortable and inserts herself in the middle of lame and onions conversations. Also why aren't gergs letters bold?
No. 458231
File: 1509416282566.png (376.96 KB, 483x482, crylain.png)

Dumping some that I snagged.
No. 458233
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No. 458234
File: 1509416456994.png (309.41 KB, 490x484, perfect.png)

No. 458235
File: 1509416512493.png (224.41 KB, 265x446, laincow.png)

No. 458237
File: 1509416534127.png (317.15 KB, 484x484, rough.png)

No. 458242
File: 1509416933745.png (9.79 KB, 395x94, kek.PNG)

the dude that was talking lainey up about NM said this in JG's younow
No. 458244
>>458242I wonder how paranoid it makes Taylor and Gurg that there are always people watching them that don't genuinely like them.
But I guess to be like them your shame would have to be a zero long ago, so maybe it doesn't bother them at all.
No. 458249
>>458248yea I agree, it has too. Her demeanor literally changes wand you can tell when someone struck a nerve.
It's just confusing, I was surprised she said that when she plays like "I'm so smol and fragile" but then has a rude bitchy attitude with her fans but then you can tell when she's obviously about to sperg.
No. 458250
>>458249She jumped the shark long ago.
Her fans are unfortunately too young and impressionable to notice and some may be dumb enough not to care.
No. 458253
>>458237She straight up looks like a dude here. Like a 12 year old boy who just started his emo phase.
Almost like an ugly crankgameplays that ethan kid who hangs with markiplier
No. 458254
>>458136>>458137Oh god really?! I am sorry (Skye)… :(
>>458140Fine, have it your way anon.
No. 458257
>>458148Maybe he feared something was (probably) going on between them, may have also had to with the abrupt decision to leave her due to his autistic paranoia. Not defending him, just tinfoil.
>>458151He once said Skye was was his
biggest inspiration, and by
once I meant frequently.
No. 458262
>>458257Plus they were never left alone Greg would always leave skye at home to film videos when she wasn't in them, and if he felt threatened by him he wouldn't have him stay there even before the Shiloh shit.
He left skye for one reason and that was 17 year old pussy.
No. 458269
>>458265Whoa, this is getting interesting!
Did the
friendship ever end well or did Skye and Shiloh ended up being bitches to each other?
This may have explained his “I don’t like threesomes” video then, the girls were originally supposed to be part of the trinity but it never happened.
No. 458283
>>458276I see, she was brainwashed, just like how she slandered AJ. Guess Lainey can’t use
that excuse next time she packs her bags for good.
No. 458284
>>458283Yeah she felt bad for the things she said about AJ for sure and regretted her actions at the time.
Grease literally drove shiloh crazy, But also crazy insecure but unlike lainey, Shiloh got away and her mother kept her away from him.
But lainey LOVES being a manipulative mean bitch even to her own fans that lick her cunt all day.
No. 458297
>>458292I’d kill to read what was censored in that letter!
>>458293Wow… at least take
some responsibility. Gawddamn
No. 458313
>>458307Hi Sarah.
No, I only suffer through fifteen minutes or so of her stream and then release myself from that torture.
No. 458323
>>458315if he hated skye after a while, think about how thoroughly he must hate taylor and how that manifests in their private life. i'm sure it'll come to physical abuse soon if it hasn't already. taylor so clearly has lost the game. she's got nothing. she's pretty ugly, boring, unintelligent, a horrible person, and yet, i feel so, so, very sorry for her knowing how toxic it must be to live around a man you want to be loved by, who wants nothing to do with you and can't even, or doesn't even care to hide it, publicly, even when his finances depend on cultivating the myth of him being a sweet, loyal, sentimental husband. a man who thinks you're ugly, boring, etc and shows his feelings for her readily to his audience. she has to know that, on some level, she has nothing to offer, and that it'd be best for everyone for her to just slink away into the shadows and out of greg the gooch's life. the worst part is that EVERY one of his exes has been waaaay too good for him and had too much to offer. taylor just can't compete. in a way, her npd may be the only thing preventing her from offing herself. i know i would in her situation. sad.
No. 458325
File: 1509429676610.jpg (340.62 KB, 1200x908, lame in a meme.jpg)

No. 458339
>>457992pro-ana shit doesn't mean u have an actual eating disorder though, it means you're exploiting others for attention though
>>458169it says alot when someone insists they're not into age play but their fans are very obviously influenced to be into age play because of them
No. 458341
>>458284dont pretend shiloh didnt help greg fake their dead baby lol
shiloh did all sorts of horrible shit under gregs influence and because of how fame driven she was with greg she went along with some crazy shit, that's why greg probably misses her and saw some parts of her in billie …
No. 458385
>>458380I forgot what Skye's sister was like. She was also a suicide girl wasn't she? idk if she still is. That's actually creepy how similar she is to Shiloh.
The video is a reupload, not from onions channel.
No. 458388
>>458385WOAH. I've seen pictures of her, but I wasn't around for the Skye days and never saw any of the videos with her in them.
She makes the same expressions and the resemblance in looks is uncanny. I've always believed the "Grease screamed her name during sex" thing and now I get why he went for Shiloh. How awful for Skye that her husband turned out to be such a shitty person. I can't imagine how awful she must have felt worrying that her husband wanted her little baby sister :(
No. 458392
File: 1509441856921.gif (403.93 KB, 540x540, Sarah Detected.gif)

>>458330Just because Sarah lurking is a meme now.
No. 458394
>>458385holy fuck how has no one pointed out that billie looks legit just like her
i know a lot of her asslickers are here but billie has a pig/pug/fat girl face, so do "netunesa" and shiloh (even tho i love her now). he just a type burned in his little pea brain. what is weird is that lainey has NEVER once looked like this or acted like this, why did he settle with her before he was all broke and fucked up ???
No. 458396
File: 1509444316624.jpg (201.37 KB, 721x480, nina-hagen-quotes.jpg)

>>458176She reminds me of Nina Hagen
No. 458398

>>458385>>458388Never saw Skyes baby sis before.
Immediately I thought she looked like a younger, brunette version of Onionbois mom.
It makes sense now why he wanted to bang his Skyes sis, she reminded him of mommy.
No. 458404
>>458341at least with shiloh when you think about it, shes only one year older than lameo, and this happened 5 years ago. She was 17-19 when all the drama happened. Also she was more famous and had more potential before onion helped ruin her career. But she obviously has mental health issues and being with onion boy didnt help her crazy.
I feel like i'd still feel sympathy for lameo if she bailed out by her teens. Being a 23 year old and mother of two though is just inexcusable. She was also a complete nobody and clearly did it for fame and money and is exploiting her fans and enables all of onion's behavior. I've never seen any of his ex's just roll over and let him do what he wants even to their own family and friends to the extent that is lameo. Everything about her is just horrible. I cant find one redeeming quality in lameo.
No. 458409
onion is so sick in the head for holding on to this barely legal teen type. I'm soo curious what went wrong in his youth that he's so obsessed with them. He gives me serial killer vibes, a lot of them always go for the same type of women.
>>458404I agree, lameo is a shit person the way she let onion cut her off from her family and friends, treating them like shit online and for keeping her kids in one household with him. She doesnt mature at all. Of course, normally you could say she's in an abusive relationship and being manipulated, but she is also online all the time and hears the truth about her husband on a daily basis.
No. 458414
>>458206Lame is stupid enough to think that. Also, if you have anemia you feel like shit all the time, I've had in when I still was in college and I was incredibly tired all day, it's a thing you definitely want to get rid of. Lame isn't anemic, at least not in a severe way. Nobody would voluntarily keep that condition just for sympathy, she exaggerates.
>>458200She looks like shit here and way older than 23, kek. Her choice of clothes is awful for that haircolor.
No. 458415
>>458193Kek, I remember AmazingPhil doing that video and he just asked fans to send him links to clothes and bought them himself.
But that's too classy for Lainey of course.
No. 458417
File: 1509452392250.webm (6.22 MB, 320x240, its_inside_the_room.webm)
>>458392That gif cracked me up. It also inspired me.
I hope its okay I borrowed it to flesh out the video.
No. 458436
File: 1509461553497.png (169.11 KB, 1136x640, D6225FD3-8554-4777-8AE3-1E2035…)

>>458402Not only did he creeped her out, he verbally abused her as well for standing up to him.
No. 458437
>>458436i dont need a link but where is this text from lmao the writing is so bad holy shit
is this his fucking livejournal or something
No. 458441
File: 1509462869945.jpg (28.43 KB, 401x300, pissdrinker.jpg)

>>458437if you think that's bad you should read his military diary, his writing style is like a narcissistic, self important 14 year old boy who is attempting to write a life biography, logging every and any event in his days like it has any meaning to it.
No. 458445
File: 1509466028954.jpeg (126.83 KB, 1080x1080, 86FA8C9D-EB45-4DC7-8C81-EF2D2B…)

Oh noes! We’ve been outed as a hate blog guys, run… RUNN!!!! But seriously, they’re trying to take us down kek and way to out yourself that you lurk here, Greg.
No. 458451
>>458446>>458448Wait, why? She hasn’t been on the web since 2013, and probably looks different now compared to her younger years.
Unless, you’re worried about Onion…?
No. 458481
>>458479Thats a good point
I never heard much about Skyes sister before this thread
I may do some digging now
Suicide Girls you say ehh?
No. 458482
go back to your discord
No. 458485
>>458481That's not cool why blast her old shit like this
I get there's no milk but this is sad.
No. 458522
File: 1509478156431.png (629.38 KB, 480x555, lameinsta.png)

lame in boy-mode is so disgusting
No. 458524
>>458522Literally since an anon posted on here saying Lamecunt always wears makeup so how is that masculine, idiotbot is now drowning the internet with her bare footface.
Could you be any more pathetically obvious Taylor. Ugly cum rag.
No. 458531
File: 1509479492420.png (1.98 MB, 1053x793, boi.png)

>>458528I agree with you on the no make up but it's not the bare face that disgusts me but the haircut, clothes, and posing. Her new pics remind me of that phase she had in 2016 where she made cringey boy poses.
Actually most of the time I prefer her eyes without make up because I hate her winged eyeliner.
No. 458539
>>458522tbh i think this is an improvement, her makeup is fucking atrocious
i am so beyond confused why she does her eyebrows like she does tho because from this it looks like she has a pretty decent natural shape
i know, i know, beautysperging, but honestly i feel like plain could look so much better than she does and i don't understand why she seems to want to look like garbage??? she clearly lurks, i'm just so baffled as to how she justifies the way she looks
No. 458583
>>458578this is hilarious, anons had already moved on, just the complaining made it blow up. posting your twitter here is actually attention whoring
>>458580I think so too, it's too old stuff and the remaining fans are mostly young and don't know drama that's older than billie drama
No. 458596
>>458594This is your final warning to stop posting about yourself. Anyone who's interested can DM you.
Please move on, everyone.
No. 458612
>>458605this is hilarious
can upload-anon upload lame's new roast video?
No. 458615
File: 1509484557213.png (80.43 KB, 802x164, Screenshot.png)

>>458614literally was just doing it. another mirror No. 458620
>>458604Wait, Alicia was here? Dafuq?!
For some reason I always suspected the Altamirano family was lurking. The troll page and thread are gone too.
No. 458623
File: 1509484824318.png (104.88 KB, 898x158, Screenshot.png)

new onision vid as well No. 458627
File: 1509485035297.jpg (72.37 KB, 887x678, cap.JPG)

uh oh incoming ana chan Lainey for the next week cause someone called her a skeleton
No. 458630
File: 1509485316672.png (703.73 KB, 989x596, lame.png)

>>458615that comment
>do you have a problem with my lack of gender?reminds me of these vine cringe compilations of tumblr special snowflakes, it would fit in so well
No. 458633
>>458627Fucking lol look how happy she is to be called thin. This woman is so vapid. Shes gonna complete her muchie transformation soon. All lying about anemia and "im losing so much weight ;(" she is so annoying.
This thread has become nothing but lainey and now her sad channel reminds me of Suzy who is a snowflake. Its so boring to watch
No. 458643
>>458621Not if I wanted to completely erase my existence from Onion’s life and forget being once married to a greasy narc-sociopath.
But now that I think about it, is it possible that Alicia herself was sperging about Skye not having a ~sekrit child~ here and sperged about the occult discussion from the temp page awhile ago?
Really odd…
No. 458644
File: 1509486548195.png (256.03 KB, 1231x447, Screenshot.png)

>>458640originally I speculated it might be promotional, because the name of the product was included in the title and the description of the video, but on Amazon pic related is what comes up for search. the one he bought is actually less than half the price
No. 458646
>>458645Idk man, even Shiloh doesn’t lurk here nor asks about constantly being brought up.
I bet they kekked about Gregma’s recent diaper-fetish though!
No. 458648
File: 1509487245341.png (162.11 KB, 640x463, gifts.png)

looking at his twitter it's possible that he got it as a birthday gift. it makes me so mad that they get so much expensive shit from fans since they started ebegging while they are producing the most boring, half-assed, repetitive and annoying content and have been dicks to people for years
No. 458667
File: 1509490092072.jpg (20.12 KB, 798x120, younow.JPG)

suspicious as fuck lol
No. 458674
File: 1509490572952.jpg (40.37 KB, 1230x239, kek.JPG)

Midnight blue is the next color. I wonder where she happened to get that idea from? no idea.
No. 458696
File: 1509492774753.png (244.19 KB, 476x473, help.png)

>>458692wasn't milky but i took a screenshot of lame calling him cause she's an idiot who can't do anything herself. is it really so hard to push ctrl+alt+del to close the browser?
>>458695i love how he ignores everything she says just to get out of the room as soon as possible
No. 458703
>>458700I feel so much second hand embarrassment watching that.
Imagine your petty fights airing for all of the internet to watch.
No. 458711
File: 1509494508065.jpeg (39.03 KB, 600x750, 20485131-78FA-43BA-919A-441E72…)

>>458690If “HSanon” (
coghSomeGuy827probablycough) was correct in saying Grease was trying to shut down Skye’s interwebz career because she was starting to “talk too much” (one anon back in the temp thread said she used to chat with people on tinychat) or something. Other than that, who the fuck knows anymore.
No. 458746
>>458736And Lame constantly shoving “it’s they/them!” down our throats when we no longer or don’t believe her at all.
I bet our Tumblr sisters are jelly they don’t get this much attention.
>>458742No one posted personal info, calm the fuck down Skye.
No. 458749
File: 1509503708527.png (2.37 MB, 640x1136, 75B523DB-A334-472B-988A-A9245D…)

Ew. 32 going on 50
No. 458760
File: 1509505948410.png (337.05 KB, 750x1334, C2A76A00-DF72-419C-BED1-D22F74…)

Sage for no milk but man he’s really trying to push that he’s 6 foot but we all know him and painey are the same height.
Also look who retweeted it lol
No. 458764
File: 1509507685476.png (181.51 KB, 640x1136, 3996F456-AF7C-4335-85B3-959592…)

New poll: a simple “no” would’ve sufficed.
No. 458774
File: 1509510706437.jpg (575.17 KB, 1418x2471, Screenshot_20171031-213019.jpg)

No. 458780
>>458774Someone linked her that video that was linked here yesterday.
>I don't read the commentsSeems like the reason she "doesn't read" them is because people are telling her to credit her "inspiration".
No. 458807
>>458725>>lainey not condoning this behavior is irresponsible and predatory as fuckDude I get what you mean but you're saying the literal opposite. She should 'condemn' it, 'condone' means to approve of it.
Lainey absolutely is condoning their saggy nudes. I have no idea why as Greg is into 2D Harley hentai, not the kind of naked shots you'd see on the cctv of a care home for Downs sufferers.
No. 458817
>>458760Lol he makes it so obvious that he lies about his height. If he was tall enough not to be embarrassed of himself he wouldn't see the need to convince everyone so often that he's his imaginary 5,11. Also using Tom Cruise for comparison, a guy who is generally used as an example for short guys? Thank you gurgles, I love to laugh about your insecurities you manlet. The funny thing is he would be even shorter if his head wasn't so huge.
Both him and Lame have the habit to say things so often that their fans believe them: being honest, being tall, being smol, being skinny, being gay…
No. 458818
File: 1509529218260.jpg (90.06 KB, 406x750, onionshort 2.jpg)

>>458817With an estimated 3 inches for lamo's kitten wedges, the height difference between them is 6 inches max - making him 5'9 at most.
And I'm being really fucking generous here, I'm letting him keep the inch he gains from those dress shoes with height insoles.
6 feet kek
No. 458819
File: 1509529313871.jpg (86.57 KB, 732x743, onionshort.jpg)

Close up pic where they're slouching less during their wedding.
Why the fuck do they have such bad postures?
No. 458823
File: 1509531466367.jpg (17.03 KB, 236x316, 537e4c16bc95208a0afe2c7b34206a…)

>>458818Y'know for a secret wedding they planned behind the backs of Taylor's rents, there is a shocking amount of effort put into this!
I mean look at the cakes, I'm sure they had to pre-order sunflower cakes from walmart weeks if not months before hand for that kind of workmanship.
And his suit, wow he must have scoured the every tux rental place in Washington to find that perfect fit of the hem is dragging on the floor.
Let's not forget onion's hair. Damn, he must have booked some fancy celebrity hair stylist that couldn't even finish blow drying his hair before he was called off to another red carpet event.
They're legit couple goals! How I hope one day my boyfriend will also propose to me with an equally beautiful 2 dollar costume jewelry ring that will turn my finger black.
No. 458825
>>458821I was about to say that. The problem is he would have had to admit that the pants were too long and that is a thing that doesn't exist in his perception
>>458823You're killing me anon.
The haircut is almost as awful as his current one, 100% self cut. He was really trying to impress his child bride kek
No. 458831
>>458818If Lainey wasn't such a scumbag, I'd feel bad for her. This is her getting married to the big celebrity she'd been pining after, and its just a cheap affair where her "celebrity" doesn't even own his own suit and everything looks like it was bought at the dollar store.
But hey, now she scams children out of money, sits on her ass all day putting on makeup, and refuses to use her psychology degree to actually help people. I guess you reap what you sow. Have fun being married to a pedophile.
No. 458832
>>458604How is that possible to confirm?
If it was her it would be nice if she could've spilt some old milk about how much grease was lusting after her during his marriage to her sister..
No. 458833
File: 1509536921820.jpg (45.65 KB, 685x678, waardenburg.JPG)

>>457687She looks like pic related
Does she have the same Waardenburg Syndrome I wonder?
No. 458836
>>458818The fluffy style of his hair also gives him a strategic inch at least. and his overly long pants disguise the heel at the bottom. his pants bunch up just at the heel to hide his shoes. haven't we seen him with overly long pantlegs before? i think they were some jeans, just dragging on the floor and anons were wondering why he'd style himself so shitty.
His perpetual "big" hairstyle, high heels, long pants to hide those heels, very few shoes he's willing to wear, petite foot size…he's a manlet alright.
Onion lives in oniony layers of denial, his whole life is self-delusion. So he even fools himself (not just fans) into thinking he's close to 6 ft. He never goes to the doctor too…he never has to face facts.
>when will they learn No. 458841
>>458823Hah, but this wasn't the secret wedding. This is the one Taylor's parents were invited to and it was planned one year after.
Secret wedding supposedly occurred in some mud near river bank.
Their whole wedding story belongs to /r/sadcringe
No. 458843
File: 1509540549390.jpg (39.16 KB, 460x561, 9iZzwHv.jpg)

no, she doesn't have the nose, the light eye color, or the white strand of hair at the front. You should google a little before making wild speculations.
No. 458895
File: 1509553959406.png (585.67 KB, 1882x922, wouldulookatthisidiot.png)

>>458855you're reaching too far
Anyways, I got this video in my recommended on YT and noticed a familiar face fighting with people in the comments..
(if anyone wants a link -
No. 458911
>>458895Watching the video just reminds me of how fucked up Billiegate is in terms of their kids, and how fucked up Lainey's teenbaiting is overall.
Honestly, in another universe Lainey and Greg might very well be one of those couples where the dude rapes and murders young girls and the wife lures them in.
No. 458912
>>458895Why hasn’t this girl been flown in yet? She seems like onion’s type (pretty/alt, young, has low-paying job that she hates), plus she’s already into YouTube so she could be the camera person he “needs” so much.
Lainey’s liked a lot of her stuff on SM too.
Anyone have any theories?
Sage for semi-relevance
No. 458920
File: 1509559239181.jpg (47.25 KB, 762x474, cap.JPG)

Did he really just ruin Plainey's pikachu not even a day after Halloween? he's also wearing Lainey's wig, beanie, and pikachu jacket in the video (fucking kek that he fits into it when he claims to be so much bigger than her) I love how he shows her complete disrespect yet she still kisses the ground when he walks by.
No. 458925
>>458920For fucks sake..
can you imagine their kids looking out the window and seeing daddy murdering their toys with knives and guns..
Those kids are fucked.
No. 458943
>>458819Because they sit on the computer all day.
I feel bad they almost look happy in this pic.
No. 458953
File: 1509562913911.jpeg (32.66 KB, 324x294, 71EFC978-A3BD-4D42-8C39-3EAE16…)

>>458819Ok but wtf is Lainey’s hair
No. 458968
>>458959And Plainey had to let Onion's mom pick how her hairstyle is gonna look.
weird shit
No. 458971
File: 1509564114694.jpg (130.92 KB, 802x834, Untitled.jpg)

>>458819he looks like he smells of week-old sweat and piss
No. 458975
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This could have been you Bilbo
No. 458992
>>458920lol the jacket is not even THAT tight. This shows lame's not as skinny as she claims and he's not as big
>>458925As a kid it would have made my cry if someone did that to a plushie, I hope their kids don't get to see this shit
>>458968why? she is such a doormat, i would never let someone decide how i look on my wedding
>>458976the fact that he was already rich during that time makes it way worse, if normal people had a wedding like that you would think 'okay, they don't have the money' but he was a youtube celebrity
No. 458995
File: 1509566122724.png (27.89 KB, 691x350, dieblabla.png)

i was almost too bored to even post his repetitive bullshit tweets. almost. he's turning into a robot.
No. 458996
File: 1509566413180.png (8.37 KB, 697x136, reply.png)

>>458995samefag, this is actually a very good question but the edgelord won't give an answer to it cause all he wants is attention and to piss people off
No. 459002
File: 1509567601523.jpg (46.77 KB, 500x670, VzVnY2d.jpg)

I think this is more accurate
No. 459005
>>459002Gregs so against alcohol, I wonder if that's even wine in those glasses. Probably fucking ice tea considering Lainey also wasn't old enough to drink at her own wedding kek.
"Sorry Dear, we can't afford to break the law even on our special day."
No. 459007
File: 1509568469026.jpeg (51.91 KB, 640x476, 08C58821-A4F6-41BA-B9E6-CF7A04…)

>>458998I was just about to post that!
No. 459008
>>458898He could have gotten a really pretty silver ring or one of those hypoallergenic or "kind to skin" ones. He probably spent more on buying the tacky, shit ring and then replacing it when it got too green than it would have cost for a nice silver one. There are decent silver engagement rings with nice stones that run cheap. It's the gold/diamond combo that gets ramped up in price, whether it's fake or not.
>>458985It looks like they were forced into it at the last minute.
>>458995God forbid people grieve, especially when Greasemonkey had to deal with the awful, unfair consequences of his completely innocent tax evasion! Everybody knows sympathy and empathy only matter when it benefits him!
No. 459010
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>>459007Inb4 Alicia gets butthurt
No. 459015
File: 1509568985362.jpg (120.62 KB, 400x300, 7Tg6CNH.jpg)

>>459007Why does he purse his fucking lips so much? Smile asshole it's your wedding.
No. 459016
File: 1509569025343.jpeg (57.98 KB, 600x600, 756089EA-4CAA-4F30-ACFE-3C6FF3…)

>>459014If anyone cares about what her wedding band looked like, it’s the same band she had until divorce saga.
No. 459017
>>459010Bless you anon
The sad thing is he actually looks genuinely pleased. Like yeah he's all smug and whatever but way less fake then the smiles in his wedding to Taylor. Plus looks like they did it somewhere else see then home. Cheap but still. His mom definitely looks happy, any pictures of her and Taylor? even outside of their wedding?
No. 459019
>>459007how old was he at his first wedding?
>>459011lol that's so true
No. 459023
File: 1509569650241.jpg (115.09 KB, 580x386, cfh4sxM.jpg)

>>459020Tami posted this last year on her twitter, wonder if she still feels that way…
No. 459034
>>459025>>459023I wonder if Greg is manipulating their relationship to keep Lainey isolated. Like telling her that his family doesn't like her, or deliberately saying things his Mom would dislike about Lainey.
Wouldn't doubt it tbh.
No. 459052
File: 1509573473638.png (170.64 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_2017-11-01-15-51-54…)

No. 459054
File: 1509573801146.png (86.59 KB, 640x1136, IMG_3703.PNG)

>>459023Highly doubt that is actually his Mom' so Twitter since this was the first tweet.
No. 459055
>>459052Oh someone is in high asslicking mood today.
>some girl with barely any followingI see she has the onion mindset too. "I am worth more because I have more followers than you."
Sorry Billie 2.0, Lainey will never invite you to the mansion. You should make yourself visible to Onion more so he forces her to invite you.
No. 459058
File: 1509574904212.png (98.62 KB, 259x211, thumbnail.png)

new onision vid. too bad he only likes about 5 different films and tv shows so he has to redo the same costumes over and over again. No. 459065
>>459063It’s new, on YouTube.
>>459058Not surprising he didn’t watch the 1989 Batman movie.
No. 459072
>>459068cough harley quinn
coughAt least, that's my guess.
No. 459073
>>459068People like Onision love The Joker because he's a "brilliant villain" who is so "charming" and "coy".
In reality The Joker is brash, very far from charming and rushes into things too fast. He's a sociopath.
No. 459074
>>459065>Not surprising he didn’t watch the 1989 Batman movie.if he was a actual batman fan he'd know the burton movies. I bet he ~doesn't have time~ to watch. this ignorant fuck.
>>459068he thinks he is sexy as a joker
No. 459076
>>459068The joker is a crazy asshole with a huge internet following, and a lot of people love him as a character.
Gurg wants to be that. He probably knows that he's fucked up and crazy, deep down inside. He thinks he can play off his traits well and people will love it like they love the joker. The only problem is, the Joker is a fun character cuz he's fake. He doesnt hurt real people. Onion hurts real people with his crazy shit, so nobody likes him. Gurg's too stupid and narcissistic to figure that part out, though.
No. 459091
>>459073I liked The Joker character-wise, and to think I once fell for Onion’s “personification” as a fan makes me hate myself a little more.
Saged for geek rage
>>459074Not that it’s enough but he
does know of the 90’s Batman cartoon, so there’s that.
>>459082If ya wanna go on that route, that dress blatantly screams “fuck me!” and I have a feeling the “consummation of the marriage” happened on the same day (I had that feeling ever since I first laid my eyes on Gregma’s first wedding pics).
No. 459106
>>459094aldii's video of his "feminism" was what introduced me to onision, died laughing while watching.
Now I guess they have more material now, lol.
No. 459121
>>459119greg appeared in chat
a younow ambassador showed up while she was discussing relationships. dont know what a younow ambassador is.
she's talking about change since she first started dating onion
No. 459131
>>459121>taken from the younow websiteWho?
Ambassadors are passionate members of the YouNow community. They act as guides for other users.
Ambassadors are here to help new users make the most out of their YouNow experience. They can answer your questions and give advice about anything and everything, including:
Earning coins
Giving gifts
Leveling up
No. 459140
>>459136I can't wait until she stops nursing and her unhealthy diet makes her gain a bunch of weight.
Even though I ate horrible unhealthy crap to produce I still lost a ton of weight breastfeeding, slowly started to get it back after I stopped but I'm eating a lot healthier now again. She'll balloon up I hope.
Anons ask about Sarah! Spam the chat if you have to
No. 459144
>>459141"almost all my friends are trans or nonbinary"
bitch where??
No. 459145
>>459142Yeah haven't been blocked yet but it's trying, mate.
I play it safe for milk.
No. 459149
>>459148It's pretty amusing watching her eyes dart back and forth wildly when she's reading stuff she doesn't want to answer.
Did anyone catch this stuff about how she doesn't "identify" as male and that she basically just wants a sharper jawline and a deeper voice?
No. 459155
im so
triggered holy shit
No. 459164
>>459091sage for OT but how does that dress scream "fuck me?" it's just a plain, fairly conservative cheap wedding gown
where tf are you from where that's a scandalous dress
No. 459166
>>459164It’s not that it’s scandalous, it’s just that…it’s “easier” to take off. Think who bought the dress ‘cause it sure wasn’t her family.
Though I’m probably just reaching so just ignore me.
No. 459174
>>458885kitten admitted to having autism but no mention of any other
I wish i was joking
>>459016skye is the prettiest girl grease has ever been with, she didn't even wear any makeup? She had this charm about her you could see in grease's old skits and her old channel
No. 459175
File: 1509588482878.png (49.38 KB, 728x235, Screen Shot 2017-11-01 at 10.0…)

Did he throw a tantrum and go on a deleting spree because Youtube wont pay him for re-uploads ? Or for having the same video uploaded twice on two different channels.
Like damn, I thought he liked keeping all the videos up for bragging right.
>" see, I earned youtube 500,000,000 million views"
No. 459180
File: 1509589730613.jpg (228.05 KB, 850x477, fuckyouuuu.jpg)

No. 459195
>>459192Except he's a child who can't handle anyone except for him having control or else he'll throw a tantrum and go sulk. He would be a
nightmare to work with, especially in something collaborative like film/creative industry.
No. 459197
File: 1509593002567.jpeg (62.46 KB, 799x764, D8C12F40-5238-43BB-8754-294536…)

>>459190>>459193Guess Toenail was never loved enough and Gregma probably knew she she sucked as a wife so why bother having a nice reception (at least it’s outside!)
Yet ol’ Blue Eyes remains best wife
No. 459216
File: 1509595695573.jpg (208.73 KB, 800x764, goMeihuaTemp_mh1509595676444.j…)

>>459197Was curious to see what she'd look like with makeup on and the other anons were right. Old blue eyes was the best looking of the bunch.
No. 459225
>>459221That and she probably didn’t know how to wear makeup well. (tbh it looks like she’s wearing pink eyeshadow here)
>>459216Damn, giving an Amy Lee
-vibe here. Nice!
No. 459227
File: 1509596659396.jpg (18.01 KB, 217x188, skye.jpg)

One of Skye's comedy sketches turned out to be Onions real future mother of his kis.
No. 459242
>>459239she is literally the sole reason onion ever had fans. she comes off endearing as fuck, dated humor and all, even if you took out her adorable laughing. onion only had fans post Skye because his drama was notorious, that's it. it was hate following.
billie looks like her, a lot. based on how otherworldly gracefully she has dealt with onion and his nonstop abuse i am convinced she is a goddess
No. 459251
>>459239Best wife indeed.
Lame will never be anything even remotely like this. She doesn't even know how to pander to anyone but confused girls.
No. 459254
>>459239Just binged watch Skye's videos, you can really tell she had a big influence on onion's old content. It's a shame she got run off the internet, I think she could've been big and probably would've overtook onion eventually lol.
saged for skye whiteknighting.
No. 459260
File: 1509601989809.png (312.57 KB, 1127x971, Screenshot.png)

>>459258>>459256it was months ago, but trails exist. you can find a few searching the titles. such as No. 459270
File: 1509602815819.png (202.82 KB, 534x268, Screenshot.png)

>>459266time has escaped me, but it's been easily a year since I've seen that playlist personally. but looking for the videos, I kek'd a bit. sorry for shitty shooping, not at desktop atm
No. 459289
>>459270Kek fucking liver spots man, too bad he’s not as smart as Mr. Burns.
Tbh I actually enjoyed watching his old videos regardless of being a “hater”, it’s what got me into the fandom post-Shiloh. I’m not even sure if I should feel sad or dgaf.
No. 459290
ok fuck I forgot to sage and link the last post, so this is my last drunkpost on lolcow tonight. insert copy/paste
fuck deleted my previous comment because I assumed something that was on youtube 7-8 years he would have surely reuploaded by now, but no the original was on his channel.
he fortold his future in this one, around -2:00 on the video he foretold his future ..several years in the past. anyone who says this is a new fetish should be educated tbh
the link to my reupload is No. 459296
File: 1509604870228.png (32.09 KB, 1085x296, Capture.PNG)

>>459294I'm not sure the wayback machine covers media files from youtube since youtube provides it's own archive wayback for developers, but I will do my best for you. from the beginning of time.
No. 459336
>>459332I highly doubt he would have selfposted anywhere else. I assure you there are fans of his who downloaded his videos and reuploaded, they will be found. it will take time but people will find them.
>>459334I'm not skye, I don't think the person I'm talking to is either. stop Sarahposting
No. 459341
>>459052Basically every famewhore who licks lameo and onions asshole and defends their clearly terrible behavior.
They can't be terrible! They have views and subs and befriending them can help me, so they are totally good people. You people with no subs are bad!!!!! No popular people are terrible! You know nothing about their lives they plaster all over the internet and tell you everything about, but i do because i have subs and i dm them a few times! How dare you judge them on the shit they've put out all over the internet! You're not allowed to judge people with a lot of subs!
Then if the table ever gets flipped on them, they finally realize oh its a problem! I was personally affected so NOW it matters!
btw before anyone gets
triggered 'they' as in onion and lameo.
No. 459348
>>459338Calm your tits, Sarah!
From the looks of it though, Skye’s wedding must’ve had a goffick themed wedding (no thanks to Onion)
No. 459368
>>459346more or less. I'm hoping to make a mirror of everything he's done in time. unfortunately I have to host it on my own domains for now.
the entirety of the wayback machine for his youtube channel sorted by YEARMODATIME format is available here: am working toward a rubyonrails solution to ripping and storing his/her current streams and archiving those as well.
No. 459389
>>459377I meant that if you’re trying to be on the safe side with these files before they’re watchable to the public?
As for a domain name, well… (why not? Domain’s outdated)
No. 459392
File: 1509611456309.png (32.43 KB, 1285x284, Screenshot.png)

>>459389this is why greg abandoned his faith
No. 459398
>>459387That would be a great idea! I mean, we got a Lainey site after all (with or without poll).
>>459392He was too cheap to believe in Sicesca… kek
No. 459400
>>459395Again, good idea!
But aren’t his claims frivolous anyway despite the country origin?
No. 459409
>>459406Even if the videos became unlisted on
It’s been a year and Anons haven’t gotten their videos taken off, I’m sure you’ll be fine.for now.
As for me, I may have to do some research on dmca.
No. 459543
File: 1509644989395.png (1.01 MB, 640x1136, A292F915-18BE-44A2-837E-372C14…)

Gregma researches on how to become a successful twitch streamer…on his own merit and goes full racist on an Asian kid (despite once living in South Korea).
No. 459575
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No. 459577
File: 1509650094371.png (127.34 KB, 997x374, first.png)

this is the third time this video has shown up in this thread, stop shilling your video dude
reposted for proof and sage
No. 459578
>>459575Lol it's hilarious he lies about his height considering he screams make-up, plastic surgery etc are lying.
Also nobody sperg but this type of hair would look so much better on lainey, i don't understand why she won't grow it out it makes her face look less long.
No. 459587
>>459575it's so much funnier now how he spergs so hard about tall women being masculine and women wearing heels (apparently because it's unhealthy, but we all know the real reason).
keep being an insecure little manlet, gurgles.
No. 459604
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>>459599It might be fun to send him some Magnum condoms. Although, it's not like the guy would use them anyway. Is there such a thing as XS condoms?
No. 459638
>>78260Sorry for something very old, but can we please appreciate the moment when Taylor states that only onion thinks she is bi, and she did not?
Video is pretty hillarious and some new people might dont know about it.
No. 459640
>>459638lol and her recent statement
> i feel like i used to be way more into guys than i am nowyes because your husband brainwashed you
No. 459645
File: 1509661308640.png (27.83 KB, 690x287, safersexwithonion.png)

>>459643oh nevermind, he made this tweet when he was about 30 years old. took me a while to find it. so he clearly still thinks like that.
No. 459659
File: 1509662588777.jpg (22.68 KB, 370x307, goffic.jpg)

from lame's new vid. so he was dressed full school shooter in high school? I normally wouldn't say anything but he has the fitting personality too
and kek at the way too long sleeves
No. 459660
He probably does, probably tells Lainey he can't do anything for her because she'll "ovulate" if she's turned on too much to get out of eating her out too. He claims she doesn't want him to do anything and prefers to just lay there like a cum bucket after all.
No. 459662
>>459659I bet the reason he only shops at hot topic is because he's so bitter about being too tiny to fit in any actual adult clothes. Makes sense, shop at a store aimed at teens to get clothes that fit better. Not only does it fulfill his need to look lpyoung and hip but hides how tiny he is.
Has anyone ever asked Jacylyn Glenn about his height? She'd know and seems more then willing to take shots at him
No. 459672
>>459659You know what doesn't happen when you're 6'0? Too long of sleeves, even when you size up.
Fucking embarrassing midget piece of shit.
No. 459673
>>459670yeah right because it's so unusual that it's announced here
she said that it's especially cold today, so onion's not heating the house kek
No. 459677
File: 1509664414932.png (350.64 KB, 478x479, cold.png)

>>459675that's apparently not enough for our smol bean
No. 459682
File: 1509664670199.png (319.19 KB, 476x468, grannielame.png)

now she 100 % looks like a grandma
No. 459692
>>459677back to the wings, i see
bless u cappers cause i cant tolerate these people enough to watch myself
No. 459695
>>459681>There are hundreds of thousands of birthdays happening today, so why should anyone care about just one. Genius, anon. I'd love to see him "logic" out of this one.
Then again we have already seen him go back on his own preaching when it came to deaths of the celebs he cared about.
No. 459703
>>459692I'm going to bed soon so lame's boring ass may help me getting tired
she just said she's 107 lbs, probably has already been discussed but i don't believe her when her and onion already lie about their shoe sizes and his height. Girls usually deduct a few pounds (sorry, not all, but we're talking about lame)
No. 459710
>>459704I’m sure she will just say she’s over them in a few days. Lainey’s “crushes” are as juvenile as the ones kids have in elementary school. She’s a real yawn fest.
Also, thanks anons that put themselves through the torture of documenting YouNow. Just can’t subject myself to that agony today.
No. 459749
File: 1509673721321.gif (97.56 KB, 275x275, sarahdetected.gif)

>>459747i knew this would come in handy
No. 459752
>>459749Sarah is a kidnapped child with abusive parents apparently and will also never be pretty lol. Billie is a fame whore with a stupid lisp. Lainey is a predator. And skye is still fucking ugly =)
Hilarious and gross tho! Sarah is a child and should be banned from commenting and being discussed IMHO. But yay for your Sarah memes! Keep mocking a literal child. It's cool and not against the rules at all.
No. 459755
>>459752>not against the rules at all.It isn't; Sarah is old enough to be discussed.
Stop sperging about who's the prettier ex please, everyone.
No. 459760
>>459738I'm a newfag, but people said that was the second wedding for family, not the secret wedding.
She prob didn't let him pull out kek
No. 459762
>>459747uhh… maybe she doesn't want "relevance". not everyone wants to be a fucking e-celeb
>those 10 yeart old videos are outdatedno shit
No. 459770
>>459767She said something along the lines of “I can’t wait for it to be the weekend so I can have a fun time”
But that could be unrelated.
No. 459798
>>459756>using the word literally in every post.Onion, please.
>>459749Sarah is gonna sperg after seeing this meme kek
No. 459812
File: 1509681733403.png (77.19 KB, 857x168, grampa-and-granddaughter.png)

Video should be ready shortly. No. 459813
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>>459807>mfw Gergles made IMDB pages for all the nobodies in his low-tier videosEven his dogs! lmao Hey Greg, I’m on IMDB credited for an actual indie film, does that make me an actress now? My fucking sides
No. 459819
>>459807Gergles is really out here pretending to be actually talented. The fact that he made his page so fucking detailed.
No. 459821
>>459812They were happy, sharing kisses and wishing they were together in high school (abait highly impossible kek). Gee, I wonder what
triggered this ordeal?
>Desperate emo girlAccurate, Grease.
No. 459824
>>459822Ah, tbh I was hoping this current thread would
trigger them. Well, New Meat and The Onions should be on their best behavior; you don’t know who else might be watching.
No. 459825
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I know its been said over and over..
No. 459827
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ew that fucking awkward kiss/makeout at the end. I bet Grease did that because he either A) misses when lainey was an actual girl B) fantasizes about her being high school aged C) both lmao
No. 459850
>>459812That comment on her dating and then ruining a group of friends is interesting. Sorry if I've missed some elaboration on that somewhere. I absolutely understand teenage idiocy knows no bounds, but it makes me think Complainey has been tearing other girls down for other men's mistakes for longer than I figured.
Why does she think "Tiny Taylor" is cringe-worthy when she's pulling this smol fragile prince bean shit years (and experiences, like having two actual smol bean babies) later?
And this mother/wife/human onahole to her husband constantly ew-ing at looking feminine lmao
>>459827Gotta fake it to make those Patreon bucks.
No. 459860
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>>459827haha I thought the same a ls you anon. Plainey actually looks better with that cheap wig than her own hair, makes her face look younger anf less foot-y
Gerg was probably like "Oh wow now I remember when I actually used to get turned on by you"
No. 459869
>>459848Oh really lame? To me you didn't seem so miserable when your married your MALE youtube idol. She's trying to convince everyone that she was one of these depressed, lonely and ~different~ emo kids struggling being still in the closet when in reality she was the most average you can get and a cheerleader kek.
>>459827I couldn't watch the end, gross. They do this all the time. He's probably really happy to see her hiding the space prince hair under a feminine wig for one time
No. 459870
>>459848After marrying onion she sperged about how she was so happy and the happiest shes ever been and was miserable before. Now shes changed it to i was miserable before realizing i was gay! Really? She realizes sexuality only matters in terms of relationships, right? What happy gay relationship has she even had that shes sooo happy now? How do her fans not see she truly believes gay is a personality and changes her or something, and she makes a mockery of actual LGBT people.
>>459850What a surprise lameo wrecked friendships and threw her friends aside for dudes in the past? Well good thing shes grown up and changed…oh wait…nope.
No. 459871
>>459827I'm starting to worry he actually just loves her. I have seen no evidence to suggest otherwise since the Billie saga.
As much as I want him to hate her I don't think he does.
Also she looks so much better in the blonde wig than now with her blue hair slice.
No. 459872
>>459871He totally loves her. Thats why he cheated on her with Billie multiple times and has been trying to bring new girls ever since! Yeah remember when he gave zero fucks about her and signed his kids away and didnt care she was divorcing him until billie rejected him? Yeah people in love experience 0 heartbreak after almost losing their wife!
Onion capable of love? HAHAHA. He "falls in love" and tells them i love you after knowing someone for like a day. Hes being nicer to her because they are obviously planning to bring a new plaything for him in and shes making him money while hes tanking. She dances like a monkey for him and does everything he asks. You have to feed your pets once inawhile.
No. 459875
>>459871>I'm starting to worry he actually just loves her. I have seen no evidence to suggest otherwise since the Billie saga. lmao, come on anon.
Love doesn't mean getting turned on because your fakeboi wife put a wig that makes her look more feminine.
Also after Billie saga, there has been tons of evidence.
No. 459878
>>459875That thumbnail just reminded me how much better she looked with that brunette hair color. If she had THAT color and grew it to her shoulders or longer, and maybe did some soft curls occasionally she'd look MUCH better.
Also to beat the dead horse again, I can't WAIT for the day she realizes her way-too-extremely-long winged liner is as bad as her old brows
No. 459888
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>>459887she also made this tweet that was deleted after
No. 459889
>>459881The onions can act as smug as they like but at least Jaclyn/Richie had the sense to end their relationship when it got fucked up.
Lainey is still with the man who cheated on her and was willing to abandon her/their kids for an 18 year old
No. 459893
>>459879Actually looking forward to it. You just know it's going to be
really spergalicious.
No. 459894
>>459848>I used think I was straightI don't know everyone's experience, but who actually honest to god thinks they're straight when they're not? Usually you'd notice you're attracted to people your gender and then maybe try to suppress or deny it to yourself. Sounds so fake.
>>459871>Onion>Genuinely loving anyoneAnon, please. Have you seen them interact?
No. 459896
>>459887>>459888if he did cheat, SR is really laying it on thick rn on his own twitter.
onion is gonna have a field day with this. i can already see the smug 'i told u so me and my waifu's marriage is perf' tweets incoming. honestly, im so bored of lainey bullshit rn that im hanging out for it.
No. 459908
>>459887Sucks, but she should have kept this private because now Onions gonna take aim at her. Jaclyn should have just said they broke up without hinting at the reason why .
Cue " 3 videos and 79 tweets from Grug "
No. 459912
>>459887i feel kinda bad for jaclyn, she always seems to be attracted to jackasses. on younow she said richie was a jealous guy and that she liked it but it's actually a red flag that someone's is or is thinking of cheating
wonder if gregs gonna make a move on jaclyn now
No. 459932
>>459920THIS. Jaclyn loves to think of herself of being oh so intelligent and wise but ended up with a cheater tryhard like SR, and didnt expect him to cheat on her? please.
Onion-boy, don't disappoint us pls. Ill be waiting for your HA-HA videos about the situation.
Who here thinks he will 100% take Jaclyn's side, butter her up, in order to make her be his friend again?
No. 459936
>>459929Anon you know he can't do that. We have a situation where he was right (at least about SR being a cheater), he can't just not say anything about it kek
>>459932I do but she wouldn't take him back as a friend. So I expect him to first take her side, then see that she's not reacting like he wishes, and finally hating her again
No. 459940
>>459936>>459937Shes a famewhore, so she would have two options regarding onion : a) ignore him completely and move on (to search for a new youtuber she can fuck for fame) or b) acknowledge him and ask for forgiveness, telling him " you were right and i was wrong pls be on my side again" because this would definitely add to the drama/ get her more views.
I bet it will be option b. Mark my words my dear anons
No. 459954
>>459940We don't even know for sure that SR cheated.
And even if he did and Onion was right about that, it doesn't change his disgusting behaviour towards her. She'd be a total idiot becoming friends with him again.
No. 459989
For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules in the future:
- No nitpicking, not even saged. We all know how terrible they look and there's no need to spam up an already fast moving thread with redundant nitpicking or arguing who's the prettier ex or hopeful. If something is outrageously terrible, you can of course comment on it, but we don't need 100 comments per thread just rehashing the same complaints about hair, skin and makeup.
- Don't liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates. Important streams will get their own threads with loosened rules like
>>>/pt/412863- Sage is there to 1. not bump a thread to the front page (useless in Onision threads since they're always on top anyway) and 2. to allow users to hide these posts via our custom feature. Sage does not mean you can break rules.
Let's try to make these threads enjoyable for all farmers, even the ones new to Onision drama.
No. 459996
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No. 459999
>>459989I'm sure this rules will only improve the thread, thanks.
Personally, I've been guilty of liveblog streams, obviously I won't continue, instead I'll be posting long post at the end of the liveshows because I know how fucking painfull it is to watch spaceprince.
No. 460019
>>459998Edited in, thank you.
Whoever makes the next thread, please include
>>459989 if you can. Otherwise I'll add it when I see the new thread. Thanks!
No. 460020
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lol this melodramatic thumbnail
>>459996why can't he just leave cyr alone? he hasn't tweeted back at onion since his sperg out that ended their friendship
No. 460042
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>>460020speaking of his patreon, has anyone noticed how his earning are as low as they were back when he started? i added a line in paint for easier comparison in the pic
No. 460045
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Just noticed this shit. He needs 10,000$ to get a new computer? what kind of a computer is going to cost this much?? and with all the unnecessary trash he's been buying and bragging about, it's amazing he hasn't bought a new computer yet…
he must be lying.
No. 460047
>>460045Considering the video and sounded quality of his videos hasn’t improved in years, I’d say a faster computer is the last thing he needs to be focusing on.
He’s one of the only youtubers I can think of that’s been creating “content” for nearly 10 years and yet his technical quality stays the same.
Quantity does not equal quality, gurg.
No. 460054
>>460045>>460047From the kind of PC parts he sold his computers always feature top of the line server processors, huge amounts of RAM (upwards of 32GB), premium motherboards, multiple graphic cards and expensive multi-monitor setups (that he uses for video editing lmao).
So yes, for Greaselord a new PC must cost a few grand.
No. 460069
>>460045>he must be lyingOf course he is. Dude even lies about his "business investments"
to the IRS. Of course he's lying to his teen fans.
No. 460073
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>>460071lamey and onionboy
No. 460090
>>460045They have like 5 editing stations and eighty computers already. And even if he wanted a new computer, you dont need to spend more than 1-2k MAX and thats pushing it for a really good computer.
>>460073HAH. Accurate.
>>460076She was typical basic white cheerleader who does all the basic shit but dabbles into emo/scene stuff to be trendy and cool. She probably just copied whatever the people she was friends with liked just like she does now. So shes exactly the same except now she doesnt do flips. And look at her smug face when she says all the guys wanted to date her. Hahaha. Yes what a sad emo kid who was living a miserable life being straight and without onion!
No. 460098
>>46004530 shirts lmao, if i was a patron i would be very unhappy about that, there is no way to tell if you'd get something out of it. you could be paying for someone else's shirt.
>i would do more, but I'm pretty sure I'd get super confusedwhat? oh yeah you were already confused about the UK charging import tax when you tried to send a 3ds to that fan one time. he is such an idiot, just thinking about that again makes me so angry that it hurts
No. 460103
>>459958He said he had an online relationship with her. Don't think they met in person. And I'm not convinced it even happened, since Hannah has never been around to defend herself since she left the internet.
I'm also pretty sure Hannah would be a huge cow herself if she stuck around long enough.
No. 460125
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this is actually the same thing
No. 460137
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prize for the laziest youtuber goes to…
No. 460150
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>>460149this made me keke a little bit. not live bloging, sorry admin!
No. 460155
>>460028said, I agree with this tinfoil. he's trying to felch cyr for viewers.
also I'm honestly surprised there has been no comment about SR yet tbh
No. 460170
sorry for the caps but im just so disgusted and angry he's lying and i bet his dumbass fans dont even remember that stream where he talked about his perfectly fine machine
No. 460178
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Incoming shit video…
No. 460183
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OT, but Onion is going to milk the shit out of this and get on some kind of "FACTS" high. Is there a Social Repose thread? I think he's a cow himself.
No. 460194
>>460188What is hilarious to me (actually maybe it's more infuriating than hilarious) is that his brain dead fans are screaming at anyone who questions his financial problems: "The tv was already broke idiot!!! Read the description!!!"
Um, no one cares that the tv was broken by his child. It's the fact that if he's broke he had no business buying an expensive tv like that at all.
No. 460197
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She's live streaming, not going to live blog unless she says something milky. Will post a highlight post.
No. 460210
>>460198prob relies on breaking shit cause hes so fucking inept at video ideas
>>460194>his brain dead fans are screaming at anyone who questions his financial problems: "The tv was already broke idiot!!! Read the description!!!" thats how you can tell theyre literal children who dont have their own money
No. 460224
>>460221She didn't say anything, she was just in the stream for a few minutes. Lane is also watching.
I think they're waiting for her to say something about Jaclyn/ SR. (off-topic but Jaclyn started following Ayalla, which might be why she was there)
No. 460232
>>460221all she did was give 10 likes and i checked the profile to see if it was fake and it wasn’t,
i wish i capped it but her fans were spamming the chat
No. 460234
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someone made this comment and then decided to end the broadcast
No. 460244
>>460190They have a 1 year old and 4 year old. How the hell did they break the tv? Why are they not being watched? Do they just prop them up in front of the tv for hours at a time not even watching them so they can go livestream and do other pointless shit under the pretense of "im protecting the kids from the internet!! so instead of having them in the room with me, i decide to ignore them for hours at a time! PROTECTION!!!!"
>>460202Its like she forgot she was cheated on for months. Hilarious, right?!! At least Jaclyn chose to break up with him and not defend his actions like the idiot you are! Lameo is straight up misogynistic piece of shit.
No. 460274
>>460271I authored this solely
>>460263I was making light that he will take the JG/SR shit and sperg about it because he "warned" one and sperged about the other. we all know that is who taylor was texting, and I am sure he is calculating a video as we speak. I want the spergout to happen, and we all know it will. my post had nothing to do with taylor or her tweets, simply that she was the red herring that notified him
No. 460295
>>460270did you bother to read
>>459989 ?
No. 460338 it just me, or has the milk gone so sour that this has turned into a cheese aficionado thread?
Will onion-milk ever return to this forsaken place, or will it become the eternal battleground of two sides of the same coin (never/always) flipping?
-Just a thirsty anon prepared to be banned
No. 460343
>>460338I think even though there isn't blatant milk yet, we can still sit comfortably knowing greasecow is our investment and every time it's time to bank, we get tons of milk. It's just his nature, to be a milky creature. He's just hiding behind his online asslickers but at the end of the day, he'll turn off his computer and start panicking once he sees his beloved foot's face.
It's just about patience and observation currently, does the tin-foil in me think something is gonna happen? Definitely.
The ideal situation would be if it wasn't intended/fake milk.
No. 460354
>>460343Thank you anon. I would like to risk my ability to post here to give you a thanks.
If it helps my chances at all, I am typing this second sentence, which surely means my post is somewhat less shitty.
On a different subject, I sometimes wonder if any other anons have noticed onion's growing resemblance to the Bogdanovs, but perhaps that is just a nitpick.
In hopes of my post having some validity, I will say this:
I think the mods here are very talented and intelligent!
No. 460361
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>>460354this post is a nitpick, but welcome to our frey non the less
No. 460387
>>460338Honestly, I wouldn't mind if this thread went on autosage for bit, at least until some Grade A milk came along.
I'm honestly a bit disappointed at the way these threads have been handled and how mods have pretty much let it devolve into a such a shitshow of nitpicking/infighting/ot madness/ self posting/blogposting/discord fags/ etc.
(Same as anon above, it was nice while it lasted)
No. 460390
>>460354You're just speaking for a few others who probably feel the same. I think Onion is bound to burst sometime soon, I don't think being stagnant with a manfoot wife is going to be the permanent situation. These threads will explode sooner or later.
We have plenty of things to look forward to in the meantime: his reaction to JG's breakup, and Cyr coming back to YouTube, there is moomoo drama out there somewhere and the discord fags are still shelling out money (and that will dry up very soon)
Just a matter of patience and belief that our best investment will produce milk soon
No. 460407
>>460390thb I don't even care about Greg anymore. His spergouts are usually predictable, he constantly contradicts himself and he is hated by so many youtubers that hating on him isn't really fun anymore.
What I want to see is Lameo fucking crash. Not only is she a disgusting transtrender who ridiculizes the LGBT community; she is a vapid, boring, stupid dumb bitch who ignores her fans, treats them like shit and takes away money from underage viewers. She's a giant hypocrite who hides behind the whole "oh I'm such an innocent smol bean" persona, acting like a goddamn victim all the time. I'm so glad people are starting to call her out on it. Fuck Plainey.
No. 460409
>>460407Same. Onion got what was coming to him anyways. Youtube career failing, IRS debt, known as the pedo of Youtube, stuck with a manly wife etc…
Plainey on the other hand is too smug. I wish Onion starts sucking up to Jaclyn again. Or brings a new trinity to the house. I would love to see new cuddlegate saga where Plain is forced to stream for money while Onion is fucking with "her girlfriend" in the other room.
No. 460413
>>460404shes mentioned weighted blanket before and wants it for anxiety of course. Shes got to prove her anxiety by getting every object she thinks helps anxiety. Her fidget spinners are not enough!
>>460407Yeah I turned from extremely disliking onion and wanting to watch his demise to disliking lameo more, and I'd rather see her smug face go away. Onion is already predictable and hated by everyone and his channels are tanking. Lameo somehow just gets a pass for being the "victim" of gerg's while everyone ignores as she giddly smiles while taking preteen money, demonizing the teen girls onion cheats on her with, and defending/enabling all his bad behavior. I'd hate her less if she would go back into hiding, but shes trying to cash in on e-fame by being a terrible human just like her husband. Everyone rags on onion about talking about money problems, but lameo always mentions lack of money too while shes also living in a mansion driving teslas, getting tattoos and whatever else she wants and begging for likes on younow. No one calls her out on her shit. Didn't people hate Joy for exploiting her fans and lying about her situation? I think lameo is way worse.
No. 460423
>>460404In her video about her 'anxiety' she talks about the diff ways she copes, blanket, app…bla bla.
Bitch wouldn't know anxiety if it farted in her face.
No. 460598
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>>460574why would you watch his boring "comedy" anyways
No. 460610
>>460598I ask myself the same thing from time to time…
>>460599Yeah, my local college has weekend classes and criminal law was kind of required for my degree.
Saged for college talk
No. 460636
>>460632Me too.
There's that idea or what if a thread was made in /snow, like the one that was created to keep discussion of their (irrelevant) fans off this board
No. 460642
>>460637Different anon, but he was never vegan anyway, didn't he eat cupcakes and gelatine sweets in videos ?
His chest pains are likely just caused by his junk diet. That is if he actually gets them and they're not just an excuse.
>>460640I feel a new one in /snow would be easiest
No. 460655
>>460634is this a fucking joke
who admits to stuff like that non-anon
No. 460658
>>460653thanks anon, i hope it'll be successful
>>460655well he needs some really convincing reasons to stop eating vegan after all his efforts with his instagram food account kek
No. 460661
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>>460649samfag, it's on his onisionspeaks channel
No. 460665
>>460661So, he's blaming someone else for his own choices ?
Is he sure that chest pain wasn't just heart burn from eating beans and processed crap all the time … Like just take a Tums if its that bad. Beans tend to give me heart burn too, thus why I just avoid eating them all that often.
No. 460674
>>460673I think Freelee is an idiot but Onision is even a bigger idiot for going to her AND failing to even follow her advice. I saw once what Freelee is eating and it sure ain't what he's been posting on his instagram.
If only he would eat properly like every normal vegan you see on youtube he would be fine.
He's just making excuses.
No. 460678
>>460661>>460663eww his hair! so greasy
>>460674she should examine his insta account and roast him, he's a total joke
No. 460681
>>460661he's criticizing her for not being consistent kek
i had to stop the video when the piano music, black and white and glitch effects started. can't believe he's still doing that
No. 460687
>>460686Isn't she always?
>>460661He looks like a wax doll from the 80s.
No. 460689
>>460663This video is agonizingly long, but you can see the mask start to slip around the halfway point. He starts talking somewhat aggressively about how she was ruining his health, despite not following her advice.
I wonder if Lamey even noticed how Freelee “poisoned” her husband. They’re husband and wife but she seems/acts clueless about half of his content.
No. 460690
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>>460663his hair is really weird
i guess the color correction he does post-processing his videos really looks weird on his natural hair color because it looks white
No. 460694
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>>460663LOL at ~5:50 in the video he talks about having problems with fapping and dicking plainey
No. 460696
>>460695-his body is "used to" vegetarianism
-he got pains while stretching and fapping apparently because of lack of protein
-he listened to freelee without doing research himself so its her fault
-freelee has fake tits which makes her "inconsistent" and he apparently nagged her about it because she stopped talking to him
-you can only be vegan if you pass a whole course about it
-vegan gains told him he needs supplements but he refused and claims veganism will make you disabled if you were a lifelong meat eater
-at the end he once again complains that freelee needs to address how dare she have fake tits and be vegan
No. 460701
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>>460698>Says he doesn’t care about the morality of the good of the planet or about what happens to the animals, so much as his own health.Never forget the onion rant at lameo for eating fish when she was saying it was for anemia. Talk about consistency huh!
No. 460709
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kek at this comment from younow. would post it in the other thread but tempcow isn't working
No. 460710
>>460703he probably knows hes a shit vegan. he just wants an excuse so he can go back to eating what he wants and to start drama with freelee for views.
>>460709Living with your parents at 23 is better than living with onion boy. Also its not weird to still live with your parents in your early twenties. Of course a 13 year old wouldnt understand. It's a good way to save money too. Lameo should have stayed with her parents longer. Maybe she would be less of the failure she is.
No. 460714
>>460703He even admits to blatantly disregarding the advice he is critising.
Freelee’s diet advice is a disaster but he didn’t even try it. And if you’re not going to have a kajillion bananas, then why not have more protein? It’s not hard.
Vegan Gains, a guy who clearly has enough protein, was right about supplements - you have to take B12. But he doesn’t like supplements?! Why, because they look like medication?
Both vegans were stupid to give him advice, because he will never listen to anyone else’s knowledge and make everything he touches look bad, even worse than what Freelee or Vegan Gains do themselves. I’m not even vegan and it makes me mad.
He is also so difficult to watch because he’s so annoying. I made it 3 mins. It was like a marathon.
No. 460715
>>460712But she had her while Onion was outright cheating with Billie.
Lainey got all happy about SR/Jaclyn cheating scandal, but she also might have gotten reminded what a loser she it
No. 460716
>>460712That's weird then why consider a day cursed in the month your daughter was born? Maybe it has to do with Cloey somehow which is extremely depressing.
Tinfoil but maybe their ddlg thing started because Lainey is one of those women who are insanely jealous of their own children, perhaps having a baby girl made her realize that one day she's gonna have this little girl in her house that's young and pretty while she's old and Onions not interested anymore and she started this whole ddlg thing to compete with her infant daughter for his attention. I mean obviously the kid isn't competing at all but maybe Lainey is worried he's gonna be Moreno interested in his own daughter one day than her. Probably just a crazy idea but who knows
No. 460722
>>460716>>311587Billie, Ayalla and Sarah were all at their house a year ago.
The next day (Nov 5) Lainey was all sad and depressed if you guys remember this
>>311635 picture. So it's probably related to that.
No. 460729
>>460696>-he got pains while stretching and fapping apparently because of lack of proteinsomeone tell him to eat his cum
i think he's stupid enough to do it, but he's too scared of homos
No. 460732
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>>460722jesus christ, this is a few posts below her sad b&w pic
i cant believe these two are in a relationship
No. 460747
File: 1509838028160.png (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 750x1334, F21220B5-C292-46A0-A0F6-B3D564…)

This day, last year Greg tweeted this hahaha
No. 460761
>>460747Lol this time last year Onion had a fairly hot gf, loads of cash and 3 succesful youtube channels.
Now he has a wife that won't allow a ~trinity~ again, an ongoing IRS investigation and 5 failing youtube channels.
Anons shouldn't complain about the lack of milk. We've witnessed his downfall over the past 12 months. And once his narc brain realises that he's fucked the milk will be plentiful. This is just the quiet before the storm.
No. 460772
>>460761Yes, and quite honestly I am enjoying having the focus be on Taylor for now. It was SO irritating watching the threads defend her for so long. Taylor LOVED IT when everyone tried to "save" her from Grease. And she loved it because of this reason right here:
Grease LOVES being the "big bad wolf" so to speak. It was probably a huge turn on for a predator like him to "steal" teenaged Taylor away from her parents and poison her young mind against them. He loves that sort of thing, playing the hero and going against the world with his "true love" (ex. Shiloh)
So when the whole world was trying to save Taylor from him, when anons were constantly worrying about her and when crazy lunatics were messaging her family, he felt EXCITED. Because to him, in his mind, he was playing a game against the public and her parents to keep his new "prize" and isolate her and win this twisted game of his.
Here's why I believe he got turned on by people trying to save Taylor from him. I believe this because Taylor herself LOVED IT when people tried to "help" her. She loved it because A) she could run to Greg with it and complain and he would get all defensive and "care" about her and B) she loved it because it allowed her to give the snarky little sarcastic responses that she SO MISSES giving (ex. in her video about her tumblr she seemed so gleeful when she had posted a pic a few years ago giving some tumblr anon the finger bc they were worried about Greg abusing her) She likes getting to dismiss people and be a rude little a**hole BUT she absolutely does not want people to stop worrying about her. She thrives on that. (Which is why she's trying desperately to pretend she's anorexic bc Greg might believe it and give her attention when in reality it's the breastfeeding that has her at the weight she's at bc her diet is crap)
So yeah, I don't care one bit that the thread is "dry" in regards to Grease. We have plenty of time to enjoy his incoming IRS meltdowns and post-Lamp drama. I am just soaking up Taylor's sour expression as she attempts to navigate no longer being the "innocent little young victim child bride" and she resents his new young victims getting SO much attention in the role she used to love being in. It's a masterpiece.
No. 460773
>>460761>Anons shouldn't complain about the lack of milk. We've witnessed his downfall over the past 12 months. I think that’s the cruellest part of his downfall. Fact is, fans or haters, having people watching him at all feeds his ego. It’s becoming such a slow, boring burn that even his haters aren’t gonna hang around to watch it. Can you imagine this thread fizzling out, anti-onion blogs becoming merely outdated archives, you forget about it all.
In five years time, you check in on Onision to find maybe 10,000 inactive subscribers left. His recent videos are getting a max of 1,000 views, more like 10 at times. He’s become more and more desperate and it shows, but he’s of course making the exact same content. Except finally nobody is listening. He’s spent the past five years shouting into the void.
No. 460783
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Part 1 of more insight into Lainey's cursed day. Looks like the funky bunch filmed something together, with I'm guessing… no Lainey.
No. 460784
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Part 2 of Lainey's cursed day. Ayalla in Greg's bedroom showing off her "proud tummy"? Wasn't Lainey pregnant? That'd probably piss me off too.
No. 460788
>>460785It was actually the video "GREG (10 Things I Hate)" where the three girls, minus lainey, "roast" the things they don't like about Greg. I'd link it but I dont want to give Greg $$.
Videos pretty long and looks like they used the entire house to film it. So pregnant Lainey is locked up somewhere, forced to keep quiet with the baby while Greg plays with his younger versions?
Also, Lainey used to star in a lot of the 10 Things I Hate series so it would probably a stab to be literally replaced by Billie.
Billie left a couple days after the 4th to Seattle with Ayalla and there were some Instagram pics of her saying her friend (ayalla) was there for her during bad times.
Me thinks maybe this was around when her and Billie hooked up.
No. 460844
Lainey really is mentally warped. Shes convinced herself that she was hurt because Billie slept with someone else, as if THAT was why she was hurt. When, really, she could give 1000x less of a fuck if Billie would have "cheated" with a random guy or Ayalla or something.
She was hurt because the person was Greg. She was jealous someone else fucked Greg. Deep inside she knows it hurt because didnt reject Billie and that she was completely removed from the orgies. And that demonstrated that she was never the intended focus at all for Billie and Greg, and that they were wanting to remove her from the picture sexually ever since cuddlegate.
Greg in particular, since he got impatient with Laineys "negativity" and her being jealous and halting things. Lainey spoke about how Billie and Greg would get mad and "hurt" whenever she said she didn't want to have a 3way with them. They got sick of having to coax her into bed so they (Billie and Greg) could fuck. I wouldn't even be surprised if Billie and Greg planned for Greg to lay down the new terms. How convenient, Greg says its gonna be a real trinity, not just Lainey and Billie or Greg and Lainey, but also Greg and Billie, and then the same day, Billie takes him upstairs to fuck.
Point is, Billie was an easy scapegoat for Plaineys pain over the fact that Greg orchestrated a long con that ended with him fucking a 19 year old in their bed. I hope one day Lainey lets that sink in.
No. 460850
>>460696But…. Beans are full of protein … wtf, thats all he ate was beans.
>100g Beans = roughly 20g protein. This fucking retard couldn't even do research to back his argument about why it didn't work. Like Onion, wheres the facts ? That so called pain in his chest is nothing more then heart burn which is an easy fix.
>>460819I've never been cheated on or dealt with anything like it…
Is it normal to remember the exact day it happened and label it a "cursed day" like its some fucked up holiday that you celebrate with misery ?
No. 460870
>>460782>anons are policingHi! I was the only anon asked for the post to be deleted. It would be a shame which is why i suggested it be deleted. People can do whatever they want but if you want to be smart don't discuss where the cows lurk. I mean you can but wouldn't that be the opposite of what you want?
>>460844I don't understand how his fans call billie the cheater and not greg. It was both of them at the least.
Even if billie was after greasecock from the very beginning (which i believe), it wouldn't change the fact greg was OK with it.
Do all his retarded fans ignore laineys tweets about the truth?
>i never wanted a gf>greg wanted me to have a gf>he said he was going to be with hersocial repose even confirmed this!
No. 460884
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sage for tinfoil but greg has to know that this lassie guy is a repcord neckbeard so why would he bring back someone who solicited nudes from barley legal teens….
This is getting super creepy on patreon/discord.
No. 460924
>>460783What is it with cows and liking to be drenched in blood? Must be a cluster B thing.
>>460850I don't know, people deal with stuff differently, but what isn't normal is to mark that day as a cursed day while still being married to the cheater. That's just fucked up.
No. 461000
It would be great if this can be reuploaded but vintage Onion is to hilarious not to share.
It’s so bizarre to go through old threads and see how little him and Lame’s relationship has changed.
>>77576 No. 461003
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>>460994Only looking at these gifs makes me so uncomfortable. This makes me think that he does this on a regular basis but controls it on camera except rare moments likes these