File: 1513476309705.jpeg (100.48 KB, 750x534, 1513032466582.jpeg)

No. 475963
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>472802Facebook: Twitter: & Snapchat: mariahmallad
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her lackeys have their own thread here
>>>/snow/386826The basics:
>”body positive”, but photoshops her body. Resorted to getting liposuction to keep some semblance of figure (and failing miserably) all while lying by saying she's exercising >so laughably bad at making cosplays; gets 90% of costumes commissioned/bought and then makes gloves so she can credit herself as a talented cosplayer and claim her money is "hard-earned" >does "boudoir"/softcore porn shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame where she'll loiter around booths/other cosplayers or pretend to be a con guest>has to beg for money, con passes, or just ghosts at cons despite +$10k/month on Patreon>Spends chunks of her Patreon income on food, drugs, alcohol, etc. rather than on actual cosplay>pretends to know about the series she cosplays, despite evidence proving otherwise; will tweet profound essays to prove her expert fan knowledge>Has lewded young characters for the attention; backpedals after backlash >Goes on crazy media tirades against people like old fuckboy KBBQ, old photog, yet preaches about being nice to everyone>constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that are happening to her when she’s done the sameHighlights from the Last Thread:
>Announces on twitter that she's paid off all her family's debt like the saint she is>Hops on Nigri's dick every chance she gets; buying a sonico figure, claiming she wet the bed, christmas Ahri cosplay>Still insisting on establishing her "OC" with photoshoots in different costumes >Showing how she's turning her kitten Guzma into a POS>Shows she's done over 50 trash cosplays/photoshoots where she's made about 5>Admits she's spent $50 on a Fate mobile game>Argues she's allowed to use patreon $$ on whatever she wants when she's failing to deliver on rewards>Twitch was temp banned, her ig was temporarily gone>Claims she used to self harm for pity points No. 475967
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No. 475969
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This might be a nitpick but its annoyed me since thread one. Shes too lazy to pluck her brows to the point where even with a layer of make up and eyeshadows you can still see a thick grey undercast her drawn on brows. Its so sloppy to let your brows grow to essentially full lenght but still draw skinnier brows hoping nobody sees the black straws portruding under her crusty brows.
No. 475973
File: 1513477479264.jpg (24.32 KB, 234x121, 20171217_031912.jpg)

Her eyes freak me out
No. 475977
File: 1513480641078.jpeg (1.84 MB, 1200x1598, 7A1CE705-22DD-49E8-A37E-962700…)

Not only did she wear the same shawl for two different cosplays, they were inaccurate both times. Super Pochaco's was the most accurate of the two but still.
There's nothing wrong with repurposing items but they need to be modified to still work with the costume.
No. 475982
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No. 475984
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No. 475989
File: 1513486858840.jpeg (61.83 KB, 642x846, 56D2B4A8-5D27-4300-9849-7CE376…)

>>475982She seriously looked this photo and thought
“Yep that looks great”
No. 475991
File: 1513487386111.png (554.47 KB, 784x534, totes muslim my dudes.png)

No. 475994
>>475991I don't drink anymore, my dudes~
>>475973One of her eyes is bugging out more than the other.
No. 475997
>>475982No ass at all, fat literally spilling over the side of the bra, chicken wing arm, wig so frizzy that it looks like cheap doll hair, super granny mode activated, and her peanut head is too small for her body.
The best thing about this shot are the fake leaves behind her catching the moonlight.
No. 476000
File: 1513488734044.png (1.09 MB, 576x1024, dat fatface.png)

No. 476013
>>475982One thigh is larger than what is supposed to be an ass. Tragic.
>>475984>>476000RUN. SAVE YOURSELF.
No. 476023
>>475982Jeeeeezus her arm is huge. And what is going on with her thigh?
I like how the editor edited her backfat/bra area look smoothe enough to almost look like the bra is just shaped that way. But no bra anywhere is shaped that way.
No. 476042
File: 1513502667975.png (10.71 KB, 480x61, Screenshot 2017-12-17 at 1.23.…)

No. 476043
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No. 476091
File: 1513532589246.jpeg (54.46 KB, 750x266, 0F1D503D-4AC8-4729-80C3-DE84C5…)

Thought she didn’t drink??
No. 476093
File: 1513533071907.jpeg (349.38 KB, 2048x2048, 76E6124A-5B34-4A7F-828C-3DED08…)

>>475982Nice stache bro. Lookin like the matchmaker from Mulan
No. 476109
>>475991Holy fuck did she actually get bigger? What the actual fuck. So much for lipo and working out. Also don't understand the point of this set. Like what's the theme? Fat, ratty ass, cat lady sipping wine? I bet she did this set just so she can have something to release and thought putting on unflattering lingerie and old wig would be enough for a set. If the so-called ~ 20 sets~ she releases every month is of this quality I doubt she will keep patrons for long and it also shows what her standards for a set are.
>>476091Didn't she say not too long ago that she no longer parties because she is "shy" and no longer drinks? If she wants to lie, at least wait a few months before contradicting yourself. Jesus. And she wonders why people can't take her words seriously.
No. 476129
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No. 476130
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No. 476142
File: 1513548059496.png (161.81 KB, 720x872, Screenshot_2017-12-17-13-57-50…)

>>476139She has a gold crackle design as a accent nail. It looks shit from far away.
>>476141Its a shame she spends so much money on makeup and wastes it on shit application
No. 476144
File: 1513548388172.png (475.33 KB, 1080x642, Screenshot_20171217-170445.png)

>>476142Wobble city =/= sharp
No. 476167
File: 1513552422687.png (1.76 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171217-151203.png)

She looks so haggard
No. 476180
>>476173I dont think vampy gives a bit of a care about momo and what she's doing tbh.
If momo tries to go after/ruin dpiddy she'll have more to worry about that what vampy thinks
No. 476184
File: 1513554115720.png (772.02 KB, 720x1195, Screenshot_2017-12-17-15-40-08…)

No. 476186
File: 1513554195631.jpg (371.71 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20171217_153526.jpg)

Exciting con
No. 476200
>>476186This perfectly encapsulates Moomoo’s perceived fame. If she was half as famous and important as she claims she is, she wouldn’t have time to sit around and play UNO with all the other no names. No one is begging to get photos with her. No fans dying to meet her. You think Nigri would have the time for this if she was at a con?
Can’t wait for the bullshit “I was super busy my dudes. Got to meet sooo many fans this weekend” lies she will tell.
No. 476219
File: 1513561526968.jpg (74.21 KB, 958x640, 1455596061006.jpg)

>>475991>>476043>>476000Remember the good ole days when she could successfully fake an ass and pose like something other than a real doll?
No. 476227
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Real talk how does one's eye bags look like a scrotum
No. 476232
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No. 476234
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Inb4 catcalling video
No. 476241
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Can't wait to see the new house she'll trash up!!!
No. 476246
File: 1513570174835.jpg (332.08 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20171217_200046.jpg)

Not sure if fupa or hoodie pocket
No. 476250
File: 1513572868144.png (1.29 MB, 640x1136, IMG_0843.PNG)

After zooming in on this photo I felt my own eye bags shrivel up
No. 476263
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No. 476264
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No. 476272
>>476246It's the front of her other thigh kek
It's just positioned slightly more forward, peep her toes on the carpet
No. 476280
File: 1513595106429.png (1021.37 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2017-12-18-03-03-42…)

Look at that mouth acne
No. 476281
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No. 476282
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No. 476286
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No. 476287
>>476280What is she even doing here?
Who even takes holiday like this when there's a whole house to pack??
No. 476289
>>476287she owns like two pieces of furniture
bitch has a mostly empty house, aside from garbage
No. 476299
>>476287I wouldn't be surprised if there is a shoot she has scheduled around the decorations or something like that. She thinks traveling so far = photos that ooze professional and quality even though her and the costumes can't even keep up with that.
Watch her fly clear over there just to shoot in another mediocre hotel room bed no one can tell the difference between.
No. 476322
>>476310She pretty much only goes after guys who are already in relationships. She can’t get a guy on her own so she has to try to steal one from another girl because she is scared to death of actually having to compete with all the other women out in the dating world.
She always preaches that bullshit about “girl power” and “us ladies need to stick together and stop trying to tear each other down”, but she has no issue fucking other women over to take something from them just because she doesn’t have it. She’s always been a lying hypocritical piece of shit.
No. 476340
why does moo need a vacation from her vacation of a life?
No. 476356
>>476335She’s either getting evicted for the cats/state of the house or she’s even more dumb than I assumed. Who plans a vacation in the same month their lease is ending? I wanted to go back and see if she had tweeted anything about moving this time last year but alas, no old twitter.
>>476352Calm down Pegasus
No. 476362
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No. 476363
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No. 476364
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No. 476365
File: 1513628982102.png (446.73 KB, 720x890, Screenshot_2017-12-18-12-27-27…)

Vamp said she didn't like them in her Instastory though
No. 476366
File: 1513629004075.png (531.78 KB, 720x803, Screenshot_2017-12-18-12-27-40…)

So thrilled
No. 476369
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No. 476376
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>>476375i wish this was clearer itd be a good reaction image
No. 476389
File: 1513631288476.jpeg (755.48 KB, 1242x1291, 3C3293D9-640E-4899-A5CB-A31A58…)

Stay classy moo
No. 476421
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No. 476425
File: 1513637115983.png (124.03 KB, 720x516, Screenshot_2017-12-18-14-43-45…)

No. 476426
File: 1513637313951.png (581.64 KB, 720x928, Screenshot_2017-12-18-14-47-18…)

>>476423So popular its re-re-re-released lmao
No. 476434
File: 1513638167442.jpg (Spoiler Image,454.94 KB, 1926x1878, rollingstaaaart.jpg)

>>476376The original picture is really small, but I tried my best to capture Momo in her natural form.
No. 476437
>>476435don't speak for us.
>>476434fuck off. if you wanna artfag do it in the tempcow thread.
(Don't mini-mod. Report and move on.) No. 476442
>>476441i hate attention whores coming ITT and trying to get praise for shitty traced moo pics.
>uwu isn't moo fug as a drawingno. fucking. shit.
our thread is full of too much OT shit lately and we've been getting warnings, and now this shit is back. fuck. off.
No. 476462
>>476458The other is for her humongous fucking ego, it takes up at least another seat, doncha'know?
>>476442Jesus Christ, go to a proctologist already and find out what crawled up your ass and died, to make you such a raging fuckhead, geez.
No. 476469
File: 1513641666904.png (279.68 KB, 1080x1772, 20171218_155927.png)

Anon, dont cowtip.
No. 476492
File: 1513645025165.png (786.78 KB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2017-12-18-16-55-47…)

Wow much vacation a coffee shop wow
No. 476495
File: 1513645289823.jpg (620.33 KB, 2048x2048, 6E2D11E1-0146-4120-BCEA-9D7CE2…)

>>476427Sorry for potato quality but this is beyond embarassing. S H A P E L E S S
No. 476496
File: 1513645411213.jpg (115 KB, 960x807, M7211_03.jpg)

>>476495When your back fat is visible THROUGH YOUR DRESS???
No. 476502
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No. 476504
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No. 476511
>>476502Fucking gross. Did she really think that she “showed the haters”? She really does belong there.
>>476504And watch no one will show up just like conventions she is at.
No. 476514
File: 1513649281907.jpg (26.14 KB, 435x326, absolute-disgust.jpg)

>>476504>>476502Wow, what a disgusting cow. She will be with the trash as soon as her patreon bucks dries up anyway.
No. 476529
File: 1513652319856.png (69.85 KB, 720x478, Screenshot_2017-12-18-18-57-14…)

No. 476530
>>476502She knows that dogs piss on those trash bags, right?
You know she's going to be wearing the same pair of leggings her entire trip, day and night. I hope she enjoys train/garbage germs all over her ass!
No. 476532
>>476389I'm unfollowing him.
>>476425>trying to buy Broadway shows last minute>during the holidays no lessLMFAO how retarded is this bitch. I've never even been to America, and I know better.
No. 476541
File: 1513654920234.png (369.22 KB, 477x605, Screenshot 2017-12-18 at 7.40.…)

How many times is she going to admit she cried in a toy store infront of normal ass people?
No. 476542
File: 1513655070827.png (424.01 KB, 850x556, 25354117_1984332978473856_7579…)

>>476495wtf THIS was the star wars character she chose to do? Is she so dumb she didn't see the opportunity to ride the hype of the new one with a character that's right on her brand?
No. 476574
>>476562That's not Jabba, it's a sea cow thing that lays on the rocks and gets milked by Luke.
Perfect for Moo as she just sits around being the size of a cow anyway.
But I hope to god she doesn't try to slut up Star Wars, it's bad enough already.
No. 476637
File: 1513681473523.jpg (Spoiler Image,18.69 KB, 300x300, s-l300.jpg)

>>476573You can buy C-Strings for literally $4 or less dollars, which is what every other decent Chun/Cammy/Kasumi/etc cosplayer does.
No. 476643
>>476479I feel like because I'm a NYC based anon I'm especially appalled at her lack of going.. anywhere that isn't retail related? There's so much to do and all this girl does is go to chain retail. It would be one thing, for sure, if she was a foreigner but holy shit.
She looks like a frumpy Long Island young mom on pup number four here.
No. 476658
>>476643NYC anon here too. I mean, nothing wrong with wanting to go to Nintendo world, but honestly it is a tiny two level shop that is overpriced. it isn't anything special.
Of course she won't go see monuments or museums, but that's expected because she's a lazy fuck. I wonder if she'll spend more time sleeping/in a hotel than traveling since you actually need to walk in nyc to go many places.
No. 476659
>>476643To be fair I feel like more foreigners are the ones going to monuments etc while americans just go there for shopping.
Not a NYC native but from ouf capital here I mostly see foreigners visiting monuments.
No. 476664
>>476659She's not going anywhere special (cept for maybe the pokemon center) though? why buy anything from Macy's when those exist in vegas? If americans go there for shopping they usually are going to boutiques or places that are semi unique to NYC so if she was going to places like Kinokuniya, Uniqlo, etc.
She's doing the same thing she could do in LA or any other big city.
No. 476675
File: 1513704224157.jpeg (Spoiler Image,260.01 KB, 1238x1951, 24823848-BA5A-46D9-8750-20C91E…)

In the instavid she’s slapping her legs than spread her legs and starts slapping her vag, stay classy moo moo. No guy wants to fuck your nasty conch anymore.
No. 476681
File: 1513706269376.png (6.82 MB, 1242x2208, 18AED57A-2DD1-4022-B40D-FB609A…)

>doesn't know if it's pronounced atat or AT-AT (literally how it's spelled)
Biggest star wars fan guise
Also the dots on her Instagram story, god. Just get a Snapchat.
No. 476699
>>476681I want this bitch to try with real fans lol
Her “oh yeeeahaw guise I’m such a huge fan now cuz I saw last Jedi” the worst audience reviewed Star Wars since clone wars. She’s just training to cram it like she did fate for the cred, mariah YOU ARE OVER! You may still get money but you are fat and ugly now and guys are less likely to believe anything you say your just in this for the hype because you can’t love anything just because. Have fun with what is left of your money because you are fucking over. Nigri hates everyone hates you fat ugly cunt.
No. 476717
File: 1513711763103.png (1.17 MB, 720x1198, Screenshot_2017-12-19-11-24-50…)

No. 476718
File: 1513711798088.png (990.27 KB, 720x1027, Screenshot_2017-12-19-11-27-15…)

Wow a bookstore
No. 476720
>>476369Is Macys the one with the wooden escalator? That'd be neat to see.
otherwise I agree with
>>476664, she needs to stop by Kino, Uniqlo, and like Midtown comics or something for nerd factor
I'm jealous she's staying for more than one day though, there is a lot of shit to do outside of monuments
No. 476721
File: 1513712537456.png (1.12 MB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2017-12-19-11-30-39…)

She's complaining that these twofigures by Scultures COMBINED are "44 dollars" when they are not. She's mad she isn't paying broken box prices for new figures and goods
No. 476727
File: 1513712915874.png (928.91 KB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2017-12-19-11-30-53…)

>fate stay/night full collection blu-ray, 3 discs
>79.98 at the Image Anime store where she took this story
> way below retail instore pricing, some shops charging more
>50 dollars + 20 for shipping (guesstimate) if bought online
No. 476728
File: 1513713127167.png (1.12 MB, 720x1188, Screenshot_2017-12-19-11-50-02…)

No. 476729
>>476720I'm waiting on this bitch to show up at Next Level in BK.
Like seriously, there's so much uwu nerd girl sfuff going on and all she can manage is normie shit like Macy's. Not even anything in Ktown, which is literally right there..
No. 476730
>>476724You seriously need to calm the fuck down. I didn't say that she was harassing anyone at all, I said that it's
like her to do so and that's why it wouldn't be cool for her to do whatever she wanted. I didn't say that she did or would. Go for a fucking walk and breathe, ffs.
No. 476736
File: 1513714441008.png (150.43 KB, 720x924, Screenshot_2017-12-19-12-12-13…)

No. 476738
File: 1513714552883.png (350.71 KB, 720x872, Screenshot_2017-12-19-12-14-46…)

No. 476739
File: 1513714781143.png (490.94 KB, 720x932, Screenshot_2017-12-19-12-17-07…)

No. 476740
File: 1513714991921.jpg (205.65 KB, 2158x2158, nLBwX70.jpg)

>>476739shouldn't you know that, Moo?
No. 476750
>>476727That's surprising. I would always avoid Image because of how astronomical their prices were.
She's not going to care about Fate in a few months anyway, so I guess she doesn't want to commit to the price lol.
No. 476859
File: 1513741652628.png (405.26 KB, 720x798, Screenshot_2017-12-19-19-43-59…)

Currently sperging her ~Takano Project~
No. 476860
File: 1513741701575.png (180.17 KB, 714x937, Screenshot_2017-12-19-19-44-23…)

Full of respect and dignity
No. 476861
File: 1513741849831.png (1.18 MB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2017-12-19-19-43-08…)

No. 476870
>>476860>>476865pov of white dick (relatable to audience) going in to moomoo's momo
i feel gross for typing that, i appologize.
No. 476893
>>476718For the 14K monthly that she gets she has NO fashion style whatsoever holy shit
I don't give a shit if its winter, you can be both warm and stylish, what a sloppy bitch
No. 476897
File: 1513758604798.jpg (388.65 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20171220_002657.jpg)

No. 476898
File: 1513758632892.png (131.5 KB, 720x792, Screenshot_2017-12-20-00-26-04…)

No. 476899
File: 1513758707097.png (396.87 KB, 720x927, Screenshot_2017-12-20-00-27-29…)

Yes that second picture is her lying on her hotel bed with her grungy shoes
No. 476900
File: 1513758727977.png (255.89 KB, 720x726, Screenshot_2017-12-20-00-26-12…)

No. 476903
>>476900Is anyone really buying this? She's such a goddamn fake and it's so cringe worthy seeing her post this. I guess Moomoo has to pretend she's a hardcore fan of the latest Star Wars to cling to any relevancy she still has before her Patreon tanks.
Who wants to bet she bullied kids for liking Star Wars when she was in school since she's given others crap for being into nerdy activities…
No. 476906
File: 1513763993362.png (908.72 KB, 715x928, Screenshot_2017-12-20-01-55-52…)

No. 476931
>walk around new york city all day>holding the railing of a subway car has enough germs to like it to handshaking 12k+ people without washing >subway cars are cleaned with a hose>sidewalks carry residual of the above and more Ladies and gentlemen, wading in your own filth.
I literally make people take their shoes off before they come into my apartment and INSTANTLY shower and change when I get home after being exposed to this grime all day. I can't even imagine what shit she's now tracked into her bed.
No. 476939
>>476935that's a bummer fam
someone said they had a bladder problem or some shit
jnig was like omg my brother had/has that
then moo was like OMG DID HE WEAR (some diaper thing?) I HAD TO WEAR THAT TOO
its at the very end of the last thread
No. 476965
File: 1513793973246.png (384.55 KB, 720x809, Screenshot_2017-12-20-10-09-34…)

It's weird that no one mentioned the fact that she was at Hunniecon with DPiddy and suddenly she ups and goes to New York with no mentioned plans, and he's there with her…maybe she is a hoe lol like an escort or something, or just really thirsty for dick, but it's a strange coincidence.
Unless she played pool in Vegas but she posted this tweet after she landed in NYC.
No. 476980
File: 1513797628948.jpg (307.16 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20171220_111942.jpg)

What is this
No. 477015
File: 1513806011237.png (1.14 MB, 720x1199, Screenshot_2017-12-20-13-36-18…)

In public she did this then coughed like h3h3
No. 477016
File: 1513806040665.png (929.09 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2017-12-20-13-36-54…)

No. 477017
File: 1513806167227.jpg (289.61 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20171220_134209.jpg)

>>477016Buying this uglyass shirt
No. 477018
File: 1513806202017.jpg (Spoiler Image,396.13 KB, 1538x2048, IMG_20171220_134200.jpg)

Cursed image
No. 477022
File: 1513806984726.png (1.05 MB, 1079x1476, Screenshot_2017-12-20-13-59-39…)

She looks like that someone's single frumpy aunt who chain smokes and owns 10 cats.
No. 477023
File: 1513807014105.png (888.15 KB, 716x1024, Screenshot_2017-12-20-13-55-50…)

No. 477027
>>477024>>477026that's our Moomoo, the
biggest fan of everything and anything
No. 477032
File: 1513809358681.png (170.86 KB, 750x1087, IMG_2434.PNG)

I swear, she has to be the only person that would walk up to some army guys and ask for a picture. It's not a con Mooriah. This is just more "peace and love everywhere thank you for those who serve and protect!!!" crap.
No. 477040
>>477032I have a strong hunch the one on the right was thinking something like, "can this be over already?"
>>477039considering all the tantrums she's thrown, she may as well be a child lmao
No. 477048
>>477032Every thing about her just seems so fake and disingenuous. Like she is just putting up a front because she thinks it will make people like her.
Also lol at the guy on the right. Dude looks like “What the fuck does this loud fat bitch want?”
No. 477050
>>476973She does this shit with literally everything. She always has to be like “Like lol I’m totally obsessed with this thing now and the biggest fan ever/always secretly been a fan but was always bullied for liking it in the past. Lol you guys would totally watch me stream me doing/watching this, right?”
Come to find out that the only reason she is pretending to be so obsessed is because Nigri made a passing mention about it and she practically wants to wear her skin so she’ll say anything to seem relateable to her.
No. 477053
>>477022It wasn't even that cold here today.
>>477032People literally do this all the time and I don't get it.
I worked in WTC and the reason these soldiers are there is to do security checks. Newsflash: they can't do it while you're taking kawaii uwu thx pictures.
We've had two terrorist attacks in sixty something days - people die and it fucks up the day for everyone else. Take your fucking selfie somewhere else. She's as bad as people who have selfie sticks at the memorial pools at the old WTC site.
Sage for NYC fuckery.
No. 477057
File: 1513814547817.gif (262.88 KB, 500x545, 1505117912267.gif)

>>476980goddamn her face got so fat
No. 477061
>>477058I was honestly thinking this too. Only because when she went to LA like what a month ago? And she wore a full face a makeup, and that's hideous blonde wig on the plane right there and while she was getting a massage. Maybe she's trying not to be in cos-mode 24/7 for once. Just wonder why she'd pick now when she's doing "photo shoots" in NYC to start.
Also speaking of the blonde wig, I noticed her new shoot (Hollywood Hills) the wig was long then it was cut in another picture? Wonder if she's making a whole homage to her blonde wig and that she's finally trashing it for the new year. That would be the greatest Christmas gift of all.
Sage for extensive tinfoil
No. 477077
>>477032Another case of Moomoo wanting validation for how much she loves this world & everyone in it because she's such a genuine, caring and amazing person who truly understands.
This is worse than her story about the kid with a Torchic plush and her moment of happiness noticing it.
No. 477080
>>477077Seriously. Every other day its “Omg we should all just love each other. I don’t understand how anyone can hate someone. I just want to give everyone a big hug and tell them it’s all going to be okay”
Just fuck off with that fake, saccharine over the top bullshit.
No. 477084
>>476980shes gonna wear those garbage touched legging the entire time, i just knew it
>>476984her looks are constantly on a downward spiral, despite tire flips my dude
no wonder shes reusing old sets
No. 477086
>>476994Not that it matters, but she's 22 now. Just FYI.
>>477015This type of cringe could be felt in another continent. Jesus christ.
>>477017>dragging the shirt on the floorw h y
No. 477100
>>477022tbh thats basically her goal anon
>>477028just proves her bandwagon ass even further. i have this sitting in a box unplayed (i just like musou, im probably as much of a fate fag as moo aka barely but for a longer time period)
>>477032this is super gross…
No. 477116
File: 1513832528890.jpg (241.35 KB, 1365x2048, IMG_20171220_210032.jpg)

Slight retouching amirite
No. 477120
File: 1513832949894.png (531.08 KB, 720x934, Screenshot_2017-12-20-21-05-25…)

Nice ripoff
No. 477125
>>477117up the buttcrack, as usual
>>477120ugh hers is gonna look like shit tho
No. 477132
File: 1513833937433.jpeg (193 KB, 749x1151, 15E44200-029E-464F-B54A-B2D8FB…)

How she saving face about completely stealing a character. “This is my super original character who looks exactly like the milk party girl just cosplaying as the milk party girl but she is totally not the milk party girl, my dudes!”
She had to steal the nickname lolcow gave her, ffs. Her alcohol brined and for salted a brain doesn’t have the processing the power to come up with a simple name for herself, much less an actual character.
Also: Scope the back fat completely enveloping her bra band. Kek
No. 477134
File: 1513834044834.png (168.56 KB, 516x386, Screen Shot 2017-12-21 at 12.2…)

>>477116Sage for nitpicking, but couldn't they make the smoothing transition a bit more subtle??
No. 477136
File: 1513834798202.png (1.41 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171221-073838.png)

>>477015how is she so HUGE
No. 477138
File: 1513835792538.png (2.01 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171221-075510.png)

totally keto my dudes
No. 477157
File: 1513850253470.png (1.75 MB, 1770x1316, ggg.PNG)

>>477156whoops dropped my sage
I bought it because it covers the winter chub pretty well, assuming that's why she got it too.
No. 477162
File: 1513856846712.png (183.36 KB, 720x944, Screenshot_2017-12-21-03-42-03…)

Puke sperge incoming
No. 477163
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No. 477164
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No. 477165
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No. 477166
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No. 477167
File: 1513857052556.png (75.18 KB, 720x505, Screenshot_2017-12-21-03-42-30…)

No. 477168
File: 1513857844945.png (99.5 KB, 720x599, Screenshot_2017-12-21-04-02-41…)

Lancer? Not Archer?
No. 477172
>>477167oh fuck off
>>477170she's too stupid to realize it's more than a surface level pull
No. 477173
File: 1513860838223.png (414.06 KB, 914x263, Nice try moo.PNG)

>>477163If you go to the Type Moon wikia page on Maiya…
No. 477194
File: 1513871777067.jpeg (53.6 KB, 640x398, image.jpeg)

>>477172>>477185I think it's because of the hips. She's definitely not the first to think so as it was all over Twitter/4chan/Reddit yesterday. Moo is just trying to think that she so clever~~
No. 477205
>>477163>>477164>>477165>>477166Everyone in Fate is fucked up to some degree. That's pretty much the point of Fate/Zero- to explain why everything is fucked up. It's about how they all react based on all this shit that's happened to them.
Also Artoria never had a problem with being king. Mordred didn't want to "save her from suffering", he just wanted to be king because he felt he deserved it for being Artoria's son. Artoria refused because Mordred didn't have the capacity to be king.
Of course Moo just wants to spit out the wiki to make people believe that she cares.
No. 477220
File: 1513880829222.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.47 MB, 1242x2001, 3C4A220D-4752-485C-B6EF-1329BF…)

That moment a lolcow “non sw” ends up in a bimbofication porn tumblr.
I’m weezing.
No. 477231
>>477228Exactly. Tumblr is a mess. Whoever is running those bimbo acccts need to step down ASAP.
Moo is not a bimbo. She’s a fat-ho.
Sage for going off topic.
No. 477246
File: 1513886701937.png (346.31 KB, 720x730, Screenshot_2017-12-21-12-01-06…)

I know this is a meme and I might be reaching/sensitive but sometimes I consider what she's said I thepay and think she's a fag hag who doesn't respect gay people.
No. 477248
File: 1513886726399.png (186.15 KB, 720x953, Screenshot_2017-12-21-12-01-37…)

No. 477252
File: 1513887163305.png (275.99 KB, 788x411, Screenshot 2017-12-21 at 12.12…)

We all knew it'd come to this…
No. 477286
does this bitch even know what it means to work hard? She's right about one thing: she doesn't work on cosplay every day or does any work every day. She does NO WORK! It must be nice to be all high and mighty when you don't do anything yourself. She doesn't make cosplays every day because she instead spends 3 minutes to pay someone else to do it and make them work every day so you can keep her neckbeard money rolling. She's absolutely disgusting. She doesn't know what it means to work hard. No Mar Mar, buying costumes on eBay and asking another person to shoot you and edit you (blur out every jelly roll) while you just lay there doing the same 4 poses is not HARD WORK. A brain dead monkey can literally do what you do. The only difference is the brain dead monkey will still have original ideas.
No. 477290
>>477257I had to read that three times. She writes like someone just starting to learn English.
The fact that she thinks one has the luxury of going about their work, which is their sole source of income, "casually" speaks volumes over how incredibly spoiled she was raised.
No. 477293
>>477288>>477287>>477265I doubt that she even knows about Carrie Fisher's death. She's that kind of airhead.
>>477260Next thread title right there.
No. 477304
File: 1513891198780.png (1011.57 KB, 1137x980, makeashirtmomoidareyou.png)

This whole OC bullshit drove me up the wall tbh and I can't get over it somehow.
It's a real dumb thing to do, even for her standards.
No. 477308
>>477252Jabba and Leia crossover.
I'm disappointed and disgusted, but I'm not surprised. Some form of Slave Leia is like a requirement for coshoes.
No. 477310
>>477304Beautiful work.
The OC thing was the final straw for me, and yet no one outside of here really seems to care. She's had a few comments here and there but she just gets a free pass once again.
No. 477313
>>477304Can't wait for Momo to steal your art and print it on shirts so she and her cos-friends can wear it to the next con again.
Paying to get a drawing making fun of you printed on like 10 shirts so you and your buddies can wear it is still the most pathetic thing. She must've spent nearly a hundred bucks on that. Wonder if those people kept their shirts, too.
No. 477317
>>477308This costume choice makes it so painfully obvious she just wants to slob around half naked for neckbeards. Maybe also some deluded thirst to be a geek sex symbol herself.
She claimed in her tweets it was the NEW film that peeked her interest in Star Wars, so wanting to cosplay a certain female protagonist from TLJ would be slightly more believable.
But no. Instead she goes for a different character from a trilogy she claims didn't even like and obviously isn't familiar with at all. Because it's slutty.
No. 477345
>>477318Wow, I don't remember her paying for express shipping. Holy shit, that makes it even more sad. The anon's drawing could've been funny and self aware if Momo had kept it as a tweet or something, but the whole paying massive dosh and getting people to wear these shirts was just playing herself.
>>477328Momo likes to think she's edgy by being a contrarian, even if she's never watched the series. Watch her do a 180 once 4.0 comes out and is the new hot shit.
No. 477346
>>477162"Don't bash things you hate, just promote ~love~"
"What about this thing you hate?"
"Oh no, fuck that I'll always bash it."
I swear, Mooriah could write a book on how to be a hypocrite in less than 50 words and it would be a best seller. She's obnoxious.
No. 477369
File: 1513906719210.png (1.33 MB, 710x1171, Screenshot_2017-12-21-17-36-26…)

Its their last night apparently
No. 477370
File: 1513906764266.png (1.31 MB, 720x1196, Screenshot_2017-12-21-17-36-17…)

No. 477377
File: 1513909365607.jpg (23.51 KB, 600x600, regina-george-fetch-meme.jpg)

Stop trying to make mar mar happen
No. 477381
File: 1513910721042.png (1.14 MB, 720x982, Screenshot_2017-12-21-18-43-18…)

No. 477387
File: 1513911213032.jpg (70.28 KB, 499x499, xemocutterx.jpg)

guys I found her super serious self harm scars she totally wasn't lying at all
No. 477389
File: 1513911257335.png (531.13 KB, 720x934, Screenshot_2017-12-21-18-48-41…)

>>477386Shes also sitting on a pole
No. 477390
File: 1513911445627.png (162.38 KB, 449x514, Screenshot 2017-12-21 at 6.56.…)

No. 477391
>>477386i agree
>>477389shit, good eye. this explains why her hips look better i guess.
>>477387guzma abuse
No. 477407
File: 1513916006375.jpeg (87.8 KB, 750x513, 89EFF13C-6351-4D7E-90C9-D25D6B…)

No. 477408
File: 1513916132370.png (354.75 KB, 720x901, Screenshot_2017-12-21-20-12-39…)

>>477407Must be why she cakes on makeup, wears a blonde wig and talks like her?
No. 477411
>>477369>>477370God Vamp isn't the most attractive girl in the world but next to Moo she is so significantly the cuter of the two. That really had to say something.
>>477372>>477377One of her patrons or clingy fan was calling her that on IG or Twitter or something, I think in the last thread, I don't mind anon(s) using it and trying to retake it or whatever, but that's just me.
No. 477412
>>477409Messica Migri
ya know, cause she's a fucking mess.
No. 477416
File: 1513917112700.jpg (57.48 KB, 474x531, IMG_20171221_202916.jpg)

I was hoping she'd upload the other photo with her mouth open but this'll do
No. 477428
File: 1513922423991.jpg (36.79 KB, 275x275, 1459729923447.jpg)

>>477423speaking of first thread came across this. she said it a year ago and literally nothing has changed. in fact she got worse
keep giving the milk moomoo~ <3
No. 477433
File: 1513924916065.png (672.13 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2017-12-21-22-34-18…)

So hilarious gaiz
No. 477434
File: 1513925323096.png (199.86 KB, 720x954, Screenshot_2017-12-21-22-45-23…)

No. 477439
File: 1513926848882.png (1.07 MB, 698x1188, Screenshot_2017-11-16-02-23-32…)

No. 477531
>>477530thank you.
that's why 'reverse trap' exists. which is a girl who looks like a guy, like haruhi from ouran host club.
No. 477539
>>477536Please sage that shit. No1curr.
>>477517Not only that, but the way that she said it is like the time she made a racist "inside joke between friends".
No. 477546
File: 1513956655075.png (906.28 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2017-12-22-07-26-32…)

10 instastories of her and Vamp throwing candy into each others mouth
No. 477547
>>477540Here's the issue:
momo SHOULD care that she offended someone. Even if she wasnt sincere she could have said 'Sorry if my joke hurt you'. The issue is instead of apologizing she immediately throws the blame to someone else cause she's 'totes full of loving and caring my dudes'
If she stuck to her 'post-kanna era' mentality where she was trying to
trigger SJWs or whatever then no one would care but she's been spouting nothing but 'love n peace for everyone and never say mean things or bully u guyz lol' for a straight month now so she should at least know how to apologize even if she doesnt give a fuck.
No. 477548
File: 1513956819587.png (135.78 KB, 720x635, Screenshot_2017-12-22-07-32-08…)

No. 477549
File: 1513956861982.png (139.86 KB, 720x931, Screenshot_2017-12-22-07-31-56…)

No. 477556
>>477547The person wasn't even offended (and I don't think they were even trans)–they were giving Momo a headsup about something that could be misconstrued as hurtful or offfensive. Like, she didn't even say "oh, thanks for letting me know" or considered that she's not in a private discussion when she tweets shit out to 25k people. Jnig and other softcore models who are actual professionals about their work and image are careful about what they say and post (generally).
>>477551Lmao, that's a "lemon party". "Lemons" in fanfics refer to smut.
No. 477563
File: 1513960289573.png (186.69 KB, 720x943, Screenshot_2017-12-22-08-27-26…)

No. 477564
File: 1513960322447.png (200.88 KB, 720x929, Screenshot_2017-12-22-08-27-50…)

No. 477567
File: 1513960405489.png (206.83 KB, 720x928, Screenshot_2017-12-22-08-27-56…)

No. 477568
File: 1513960432788.png (159.2 KB, 720x878, Screenshot_2017-12-22-08-28-05…)

No. 477572
File: 1513960667269.png (518.56 KB, 720x1026, Screenshot_2017-12-22-08-36-07…)

No. 477573
>>477564>>477567>>477568Wow… she actually ended up acting mature about it. I'm actually blown away.
Unfortunately, knowing Moo, she'll do the exact same thing tomorrow and not act mature about it because she's manic/high on cocaine/whatever drives this nutcase.
No. 477586
>>477549Gross. Does she really think we need to know
all of her sexual fantasies?
No. 477605
>>477548>hidden fees>probably didn't know you have to PAY for those mini bottles of boozeSo…She didn't read any of the ToS or anything attached to her bill or acceptance of the tickets? What a fucking bitch. Probably hoping they will give her free shit or upgrade her for the 'trouble' by yelling at them like a child on Twitter. She tried this shit with HP too and then stopped @-tagging them, but still putting their name in her stats because they weren't going to give her anything for free.
She's already a middle-aged white cunt with 4 kids and a husband already on his second marriage with her and he knows he downgraded.
No. 477611
>>477604Seriously. All the shit she has been spewing these last few weeks and her constantly being up her own ass about how “We should all love each other. I don’t understand how someone can hate. Don’t bully other people”, and then she says some shit like this? “Oh, well that word doesn’t affect me. So it holds no weight”. But your fat ass knows not to use the word “nigger” despite you not being black, therefore “not affecting you”.
It shouldn’t matter if you aren’t part of an affected group. You should have sense enough to know not to use specific words or least listen to people when they tell you that what you said can be considered offensive. Instead of just being like “Lol don’t curr. Not a trap” and always trying to clap back at everyone who calls you out.
This is like her Kanna shit all over again, her trying to be edgy and all “Lol at all the SJWs getting pissy with me cause I hurt their pwecious feefees”. She really needs to grow the fuck up.
No. 477617
>>477609It’s a good start but I don’t recall Moo ever kissing her ass so it’s not like it will matter. It’s like
>>477613 said. She needs to lose jnig in order for it to really hit.
No. 477641
File: 1513987379331.png (7.54 KB, 530x130, cb878d74c260fc6ebc837801a99820…)

>>477635We can use tripcodes now?
No. 477646
>>477641Sometimes it glitches, so instead of the correct "farmhand" title, it comes out looking like a tripcode
(As you saw it just happened again god dammit)
No. 477659
File: 1513993935145.png (125.15 KB, 475x440, Screenshot 2017-12-22 at 5.51.…)

Did breathing NYC air make her more retarded?
No. 477666
>>477659lmao stupid fucking cow thinks she can apply this to herself.
No. It doesn’t work for you, mooriah. Also your own “call outs” and “clap backs” put you on an even worse level, hypocrite.
No. 477668
File: 1514000247187.jpg (Spoiler Image,90.67 KB, 852x852, u md.jpg)

>>477548Guess she wasn't really
to fly then
>>477567>sorry i used words that i dont understandThis is gonna be here new out when people cry about her saying something.
No. 477678
File: 1514004153215.png (839.28 KB, 720x1199, Screenshot_2017-12-22-20-37-49…)

>goal is to sign and deliver these in two days
>"when I said I was going to come back I was going to come back hard"
No. 477681
File: 1514004394350.png (955.27 KB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2017-12-22-20-37-39…)

>>477678I know she's backed up but Jnig has never had this many? Is she a year's worth now?
No. 477686
File: 1514004812385.png (224.26 KB, 720x790, Screenshot_2017-12-22-20-50-22…)

No. 477687
File: 1514004875032.png (438.08 KB, 720x822, Screenshot_2017-12-22-20-51-33…)

>>477683I know but its just funny when she tries to be serious and fails
No. 477688
File: 1514004900787.png (494.16 KB, 720x945, Screenshot_2017-12-22-20-51-12…)

No. 477689
File: 1514005008755.png (959.78 KB, 720x933, Screenshot_2017-12-22-20-50-44…)

Overhead shot
No. 477708
>>4771340/10 thought this was an asshole
Also, one these touristy pictures only confirm one thing that astounds me continually about Moo… how is she not crucified by her "followers" for posting these unflattering/no makeup photos? I KNOW my selfie game is only strong because I know my flattering angles and have strong makeup skills but… she doesn't even try… yet her "followers" never even comment on it? It's so bizarre. You see these kind of unflattering images of REAL celebs in magazines absolutely TEARING them to shreds for looking like normal humans; yet she does it and her mouthbreather followers eat it up.
It's both infuriating and mindboggling. Like, I want to say "holy shit put some effort into your appearance" but at the same time; she doesn't receive any criticism from her "fans" about it… so why would she?
No. 477714
>>477708This actually says a lot of your own self confidence anon.
You seek acceptance through "perfect angles" and "make up skills" and are enraged by the fact that moo doesn't need any of that to get people to follow.
It's really an insight to those who post here to be honest.
I've always lurked because I wondered about her and what she does.
Careful anon, your insecurities are showing.
Does anyone else feel like this??
Maybe, they feel like they have to go through such lengths to gain any traction in the community and all she does is bare it all and reaps reward?
I always had suspicions that's why people were here but now… I'm super curious.
No. 477719
>>477714I think most farmer hate her because she’s the absolute worst and gets away with everything
>doxxes and acts like a bitch: gets away with it>lies about creating a character: gets away with it>is paid to be beautiful but is actually fat and ugly: gets away with it>shows people her filthy home:gets away with it>terrible at making cosplay and steals credit: gets away with itI see what anon is saying. It’s weird how people find such a mess attractive.
>skin: broken out, eyebags>face: bloated, fat nose, no lips>hair: fried to shit, never styled, bad cut>body: fat and misshappen from lipo>ass: broad and flatWhat is sad is she just shows that the most worth a woman can have is a willingness to sell her body. She supercedes actual beautiful, good natured, talented people because of that.
No. 477728
File: 1514021151034.png (813.72 KB, 720x1173, Screenshot_2017-12-23-01-04-16…)

Prepare for lulz:
>They find out that Guzma's parasite is from his mother's milk
>Says that she hopes everyone will learn from her mistakes when buying from a breeder.
>frustrated over health costs and the breeder guy denying the parasites. Plans on sending bills to said breeder guy and possibly taking legal action basing it on her contract that apparently said she was buying a "healthy kitten"
>went to breeders place and said she could smell the stool from outside. Mother cat was in a too small kennel and the litter boxes were "overfilled with stool"
>the breeder apparently took the first kitten he was selling to her and its eye was scabbed over with puss. Said to her he can just wash it off and actually took the kitten away to the bathroom to do so infront of her. She was apparently taken aback by this
>Guzma passed the parasite to Jaeda. Guzma is on his 2nd week of meds and Jaeda her 1st.
>apparently never had a cat with worms.
And now is when we audibly wonder if she saw this many red flags why didn't she call animal control nor stop the transaction?
No. 477729
File: 1514021305195.png (853.68 KB, 720x1189, Screenshot_2017-12-23-01-11-19…)

No. 477731
>>477728She always does this I'm a manic episode at like 5am. I'm sure the cats will be fine and treating worms or other parasites goes pretty fast usually idk why this is dragging out. Also why didn't she think the other cat would get it that's how parasites work if you don't keep the cats separately.
She honestly doesn't need to have animals she has zero knowledge just like sewing she has zero knowledge
No. 477732
>>477728Oh god that's fucking disgusting. Both of her cats have worms and im pretty sure her cats ass have been in her face, bed sheets, clothes at one point, so fucking nasty.
didnt she at one point swear that the breeder she got her cat from was good? you just dont go to a cat place one day suddenly and everything is trash. lmao you fucking suck momo. you knew this house was shit, but only decided to say something when it cost you money
>>477729moomoo bitch isnt gonna mention it on her main because she knows all her followers will think she's more disgusting then she is
No. 477737
>>477715>>477714Weird sentiments for someone posting on a website where people are regularly ripped a new asshole about their appearance. No one taught me that; that's literally the society we live in. Wrong or right, that's the fact of the matter. We, as a society, judge people based on appearance. Especially people in fields of work that center primarily around their appearances. (Models, sex workers, etc)
This isn't a jealousy thing. I don't want to be Moo. I just seriously don't understand how someone with no redeemable qualities receives more praise than people who actually spend a lot of time and energy into excelling in HER PARTICULAR FIELD OF WORK.
Fuck off with your "your insecurities" bullshit lmao. Of course everyone who posts on here has insecurities. Every human being on earth does. Sage your fucking holier than thou samefagging.
No. 477741
>>477728cat fags on suicide watch
jk but seriously im
triggered and furious
mariah i know you read this fucking thread, if youre serious actually do something about this supposed breeder.
also theres no way vamps cats arent sick too. you better pay for their fucking medical, or your cats will never get better.
No. 477742
>>477739Exactly. She probably won't post caps of the full conversation with the breeder either. They'll be cropped out conveniently like she did with KBBQ on twitter.
Remember when she was saying she texted the breeders every single day cause they were best friends or some shit? Suspicious.
No. 477743
File: 1514024312165.png (395.62 KB, 720x727, Screenshot_2017-12-23-02-15-58…)

No. 477745
File: 1514024472326.png (906.74 KB, 720x1180, Screenshot_2017-12-23-02-20-23…)

No. 477747
File: 1514026087189.png (769.67 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2017-12-23-02-46-51…)

She been bent over 3 times during this ad
No. 477748
File: 1514026455724.png (47.21 KB, 450x403, Screenshot 2017-12-23 at 2.53.…)

No. 477752
File: 1514028218361.png (179.67 KB, 588x426, trash.png)

Why not just make it easier on yourself and suck and lick a real dick Momo, you trashy piece of shit. This entire preview is disgusting, if you want to suck dick so bad and look like an actual porn star, just go ahead and just do it.
No. 477756
File: 1514029225028.png (557.41 KB, 720x1186, Screenshot_2017-12-23-03-38-12…)

No. 477764
>>477752"I want to be a person people look up to. inspire them blablabla"
omfg moomoo is just a worthless piece of trash
No. 477769
File: 1514037998392.jpg (410.68 KB, 2048x2048, 033B2CD3-0E38-4D3B-A93C-3C328C…)

>>477752For those who wonder how bad it is and havent seen the video.
No. 477770
>>477728I remember everyone telling her to go get a healthy adult cat from a crowded shelter but still going to get her fancy designer cat anyway.
Hope it was worth it. Even if it was a shit decision on Moo's end hopefully the breeder didn't fuck up anything else for the kitty.
No. 477785
>he can become aware of his mistakes and grow from them.Fucking kek.
She is the least self aware person I know. Doesn't she realize that she does the same shit that Liui Aquino did? She runs around trying to preach positivity and yet she's the reason why multiple people aren't even in the scene anymore. She's running around blackmailing people, threatening to hurt people, and doxxing people she doesn't like. She has no right to think even for a minute that she doesn't do those things. Wirru's post could apply to her very accurately. She is a disappointment to the community because she started off preaching positivity. I would even argue that she gained a lot of fans in the beginning because she was preaching positivity, especially body positivity. But look what she has become. She got lipo, she's a bully, and she's a liar. Those are not the qualities of someone who promotes positivity.
Mariah I know you lurk here and I hope that you would grow and learn from your mistakes. I say this as someone who used to be a fan and is deeply disappointed in your actions. You have yet to apologize for your actions and even apologize to those you've hurt. You're always talking about being the bigger person but you never are. All you've done in any opportunity to redeem yourself is say what you think people want to hear and immediately back pedal, or give a backhanded apology where you're not admitting you're wrong. You're someone people look up to and you have a big responsibility. Trust me when I say that day by day more and more people are turning away from you and disappointed by you because of what you've become…. or maybe this is the real you all along and you lied your way into it all.
No. 477792
File: 1514045938070.jpg (Spoiler Image,212.16 KB, 2896x2896, 20171223_101754.jpg)

Turtle sneeze is her go-to "sexy face"
No. 477797
>>477785Kek anyone who has been with us since thread one already knew what garbage she was.
You all were just too mesmerised by her tits and her fake body positivity when you should have been looking at who she was before this all happened. I don't even think she knew who the fuck Jessica Nigri was before she became a cosplayer, I followed her for a year and never once heard her mention it, even when Nigri debuted (sp?) her Vegeta cosplay. We were both Vegeta trash back then lol.
When I knew her Twitter handle before the cosplay fame she was just a toxic cunt, so desperate for attention she leaked her own nudes.
Then again after reading some of the comments on her Reddit, her fans don't care because she's just a really good jerk off session to them.
She's still trash and will continue to be trash. Don't be so sad about it.
No. 477811
>>477725Anon so
triggered hahahha
(You were caught, my friend) No. 477813
File: 1514051344074.jpg (5.7 KB, 162x185, Spike_in_The_Land_Before_Time.…)

>>477792Leaked pics of momokun's aheago shoot
No. 477814
File: 1514051420827.png (267.75 KB, 456x418, totes muslim.png)

No. 477816
File: 1514052012113.png (307.3 KB, 421x580, oc donut steele.png)

No. 477817
File: 1514052091675.jpeg (111.77 KB, 1236x693, 5CB6BDBB-02CB-490B-9512-549ED7…)

She looks like a real cow here lmao
No. 477818
File: 1514052174340.jpeg (91.64 KB, 1241x681, 03C7E547-7991-40E9-AD02-EAD4B7…)

>>477817Also uploaded a second twitter preview where she drops a bunch of broken candy out of her mouth in yet another disgusting attempt to be Jnig
No. 477821
>>477806But does that one even count? Nathan Deluca was the one who got her invited (probably to fuck her). The con itself didn't go out of their way to invite her. If Nathan didn't get her invited she would have never been invited.
Man if she ever went to Japan, Korea, or China to cosplay, people would avoid her like the plague.
No. 477825
File: 1514053710057.png (369.32 KB, 750x1334, 0072E1B9-299E-4F83-B4CE-541968…)

No. 477826
File: 1514055247680.png (768.72 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20171223-135239.png)

she looks so fucking o l d
No. 477827
File: 1514055287395.jpg (599.83 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171223-115425.jpg)

No. 477829
>>477821Yeah I can’t remember exactly, whether she asked to be on Nathan’s table or if Nathan invited her, but the con itself did not invite her. But apparently she had a “terrible” time Bc she kept calling kbbq while he was at blizzcon (both cons happened at the same time)
So she didn’t event get invited out to an international con, she wormed and probably made it seem like she got invited, gross
No. 477830
I give it 3-4 months before dildos make it into the mix. I think she'll be able to hold her audience with that but she'll need to increase the dildo weirdness (tentacle, animal, large size) to avoid outright fucking.
No. 477850
File: 1514064877299.png (105.88 KB, 720x549, Screenshot_2017-12-23-13-32-45…)

I'm sorry you think you're this important lol
No. 477853
>>477851because she isn't classy and she always needs an excuse to not give people what they paid for. And with the way she acts and how cheap she is I suspect she is always broke.
She has to commission and buy her cosplays, buy her friends, booze, drugs, designer kitten mill cats, food, moving, cosmetic surgeries, vet bills, car, school (if that is true), buying followers and the speculated fake paetron numbers. Am I missing anything anons?
No. 477858
File: 1514069475097.png (6.9 MB, 1242x2208, ADFFB1FE-44C9-475A-9499-4DDE50…)

Such a youthful face…
No. 477866
File: 1514071468265.png (863.9 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2017-12-23-15-19-34…)

Looks like Miso Tokki's grandmother
No. 477867
>>477551>>477616>the insanely old lemonparty memevs
>weird fanfic slang made by teenagersAnon I think the person you're replying to has been browsing the internet much longer than you have. Lemonparty was the NSFW precursor to SFW rickrolling.
No. 477872
>>477851She doesn't all of it herself either. I heard that Vamp and her mom sign a lot of these for her. It really makes me wonder at that point why she still insists she works super hard when she doesn't even do all the work herself.
I'm waiting for the day she messes with the wrong person within the community and gets a Liui Aquino style post from a famous cosplayer. She knows she's not untouchable. That's why she tries to kiss up to anyone with a following.
No. 477879
>>477795having backed up prints is a good scam. if people drop their pledge before they receive the item, they risk her not sending shit out of spite.
mailman lost it my dudes, sorry
No. 477880
File: 1514076780156.png (1.06 MB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2017-12-23-16-45-42…)

>Ranting about how she only sees good things about the cosplay community and women lifting each other up. Forgot to mention that shecreated a gigantic hug box and blocks anyone with a brain who holds her accountable for her actions
>recorded herself sitting by herself moving the end of a Sharpie near her mouth on a MeMeMe print, snickering fellatio joke wow funny
>selling her new video release for 50 dollar tier
No. 477883
>>477867It's from 2002, yes I actually checked, but I remember lemon being used for lesbian fanfic roughly the same time period. Apparently it's taken from an 80s anime.
… so I don't know. I thought people didn't use that term anymore at all.
>>477868Yikes. Is that Vamp? I seriously don't know. I guess her nose doesn't look like Vamp's…
No. 477891
>>477382honestly this bitch looks so shapely sometimes. I wish I knew my angles half as well as she does and I'm not 200lbs.
and yet in her shooped lewd shit she looks enormous. idgi.
No. 477895
>>477880She must not have any kind of conscience if she can just flat out ignore all the bullying she does to other women in the cosplay community. How she always has to clap back at any girl who tries to call her out. The fact that she is the biggest cancer in not just the cosplay community, but others as well.
Like, she is just completely up her own ass and lives in her own little world where nothing is ever her fault, everyone hates her for no reason and she is a beacon of positivity that everyone loves and worships.
I shudder to think what kinds of delusions go on in her head.
No. 477904
File: 1514087673235.png (495.72 KB, 720x907, Screenshot_2017-12-23-19-52-38…)

Nice stay at home mom cosplay
No. 477905
File: 1514087698197.png (348.79 KB, 720x941, Screenshot_2017-12-23-19-53-02…)

No. 477907
File: 1514088229058.png (1.49 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2017-12-24-06-58-57…)

this was my first time watching her instastory. i cannot believe how insane she is. in the span of a few minutes she' talking abiut flutes, how to play them, to… idk. i forgot. she looks and sounds insane. i'm new to this thread but eithet she's on some kind of uppers or she's manic, like mentally ill. it's really sad to watch.
sage bc wow.
No. 477920
File: 1514091780198.png (1.36 MB, 750x1334, 96029A6F-44BE-4AA3-A1E6-CEA4B6…)

Making that annoying fucking kissy noise she always does at Jaeda, pets her, then starts pretending to squeeze her nipple on the print. Wtf is wrong with this bitch she’s wild
No. 477921
>>477920i hope shes just drunk
sounds a bit much even for her tbh
No. 477943
File: 1514100521671.png (689.21 KB, 720x1190, Screenshot_2017-12-23-23-25-18…)

>puts up lights and snowflakes all over
No. 477947
>>477907Her insta stories just seem like her trying to be that "lol so randum" type of person and humor, which is why she makes like 20 a day talking about random ass shit.
That or she has to take advantage of every bandwagon as it starts (seriously, i thought she didnt like star wars)
No. 477968
File: 1514135481894.jpg (16.03 KB, 430x319, 1511507553507.jpg)

>>477907>has job based on appearance>puts out instastories looking this haggardIs she too big to fail or some shit? How does she get away with this? Sage because we've been asking this shit for months but I really don't get it.
No. 477976
File: 1514140309663.jpeg (142.12 KB, 712x1028, BE5B7904-24F6-49CC-91FC-F3963B…)

our beautiful thicc goddess, here
I watermarked it, in case when moo ever gets butthurt she puts it on a shirt and sells it, just like the previous drawanon.
No. 477989
>>477911She better do sexy Jabba because slave leia would be more then an insult. Jabba fits her better and actually would be a compliment lol
Saged for stupidity
No. 477991
File: 1514148837540.png (627.67 KB, 720x805, Screenshot_2017-12-24-12-52-02…)

No. 477993
File: 1514149027311.png (89.75 KB, 720x586, Screenshot_2017-12-24-12-55-07…)

Are you kidding me?
No. 477994
File: 1514149058163.png (63.2 KB, 720x433, Screenshot_2017-12-24-12-55-15…)

No. 477997
File: 1514149828566.png (332.27 KB, 720x930, Screenshot_2017-12-24-13-09-04…)

No. 478001
>This is her secret to making herself believe she's a size smallBuy a small bikini bottom with laces on the side so as long as she can still tie it she can be a size small.
Seems legit.
No. 478008
File: 1514151023325.jpg (Spoiler Image,591.33 KB, 1386x1352, Screen Shot 2017-12-24 at 1.27…)

No. 478012
File: 1514151564045.jpeg (550.18 KB, 750x1228, 7A71CFA7-6423-48F3-B4F2-4556FB…)

>>478005Nooo please don’t leave. It totally isn’t like we don’t all have public access to her ig!
Your unsaged sperging is worth your uploads!
No. 478015
File: 1514152881961.png (29.38 KB, 532x532, IMG_1427.PNG)

>>477991>that Mei cosplayer The ego. My lord.
No. 478016
File: 1514152974353.png (361.6 KB, 720x875, Screenshot_2017-12-24-14-01-20…)

No. 478037
File: 1514158992166.png (935.17 KB, 720x1165, Screenshot_2017-12-24-15-40-09…)

>finished Xmas shopping. Apparently family does not celebrate Xmas
>might be on Twitch. Said she wanted to wear Super Pochaco but would be "a bad idea Mariah"
No. 478038
File: 1514159110001.png (156.96 KB, 720x939, Screenshot_2017-12-24-15-43-56…)

No. 478039
File: 1514159261291.png (335.2 KB, 720x936, Screenshot_2017-12-24-15-46-38…)

No. 478052
>>478038Momo has spoken. Time to ditch anyone who struggles with present buying.
>handmadeWe all saw your Black Widow cosplay. No one wants anything handmade by you Momo.
No. 478059
>>478038God. Just fuck off. She literally tries to take anything and make it seem like she is better than everyone. “UNLIKE YOU LOSERS, IM A TRUE FRIEND WHO ALWAYS KNOWS WHAT TO GET FOR MY FRIENDS”.
Like, it’s not even something worth bragging about. It’s just her being up her own ass and thinking she is “such a good person who cares soooo much about her friends”. Just shut the fuck up.
No. 478065
File: 1514164128666.png (839.31 KB, 720x1197, Screenshot_2017-12-24-16-56-46…)

Making cat cookies
No. 478069
File: 1514167591926.png (1.13 MB, 720x1182, Screenshot_2017-12-24-17-31-35…)

No. 478076
>>478072TBH some real no names get invited to South American cons. There's a couple of people from the cali scene who dont even have 2k followers that were flown out to one last year so tbh unless the con also has giant names it really doesnt mean much.
It's pretty often that small cons will ask people they know are desperate or cheap to come to their cons to be their 'main line' guest to promote the con more than actually thinking the person is any good but how many times in these past 2 years has momo 'totally been a guest my dudes' only for it to turn out to be a lie
No. 478080
>>478059Her only friend is Vamp. How hard can buying the person who live with be.
I missed a word, but it still feels suitable.
No. 478084
File: 1514178617375.png (675.49 KB, 924x617, Screenshot 2017-12-24 at 9.09.…)

Mar Mar stop taking photos this is blinding and makes so sense to edit a photo this way
No. 478088
File: 1514179690094.png (635.02 KB, 720x951, Screenshot_2017-12-24-21-26-48…)

No. 478099
>>478084Can we stop with the "Mar Mar" already? It ain't gonna catch on.
>>478088Why does she always exaggerate everything like this?
No. 478100
File: 1514188858356.jpg (Spoiler Image,57.89 KB, 748x931, 625685452.jpg)

>>477907why does she look so much like jessi's vagina
No. 478117
File: 1514214010618.jpeg (172.25 KB, 640x820, 62F193DC-7E32-4207-84E1-6334A1…)

She wrote afterwards that people suck on that recent quoted retweet … she’s so spoiled, I actually feel sorry for vamp that she has such an unthankful friend as mariah
No. 478123
>>478095>>478101Jesus I'm jealous then
Movie didn't matter, it was just the only movie at my place that would look anywhere near that empty
No. 478138
>>478133In Nevada it is open carry without a license. So for a taser it isn't farfetched to just get it.
The only trouble she'll get into is bringing it into casinos and convention centers. She would be kicked out real quick by police or actual security faster than she can guzzle pho.
No. 478140
File: 1514239147533.png (690.71 KB, 720x1187, Screenshot_2017-12-25-13-56-52…)

Her family came over for a little but but now shes harassing her cats alone
No. 478142
>>478133She is likely to get drunk and rowdy while waving it around at some point so you do have something there…
But there's always the chance it will get lost forever in one of the many garbage piles in her house.
No. 478146
>>478143Oh fuck off. and it's just a taser. Don't turn this thread into some anti gun law bullshit.
>>478140Did Vamp spend xmas with her family or alone with moo cow?
No. 478148
File: 1514241158199.jpg (361.34 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20171225_143118.jpg)

>>478146That or she's working. She's a manager.
No. 478149
File: 1514241702895.png (334.57 KB, 470x603, Screenshot 2017-12-25 at 2.40.…)

No. 478150
File: 1514242001827.png (812.18 KB, 720x1010, Screenshot_2017-12-25-14-44-31…)

>went to NYC with Vamp
>no photo with Vamp for Xmas
>alone on Xmas
No. 478154
>>478140>harassing sick cats>>478146>americanswew lass
>>478150This is depressing.
Also, those are her same clothes she was wearing in NYC.
No. 478157
File: 1514244641145.jpg (56.2 KB, 489x750, IMG_0817.JPG)

>>478150>Star Wars sweaterHoe will never be able to resist a hype train.
Watch her cosplay EVA again whenever the next movie comes out.
No. 478158
File: 1514245220480.png (1.13 MB, 720x1192, Screenshot_2017-12-25-15-27-12…)

Tinfoil: Mariah is losing money
No. 478159
File: 1514245723070.webm (214.67 KB, 894x1080, please-god-no-momo_Scene-1.web…)
>>478140reposting for relevance.
No. 478161
File: 1514246025883.jpeg (298.24 KB, 750x817, 50E5EBEB-8046-488E-8B76-F6AFB8…)

Dear god her stomach looks so unnatural
No. 478162
File: 1514246100456.png (443.03 KB, 720x767, Screenshot_2017-12-25-15-53-36…)

No. 478163
File: 1514246160158.jpeg (267.99 KB, 750x776, 4530A0E2-7D0F-4010-98E3-8B7B8E…)

Stop fucking bullying cats. 99% of them don’t like being handled like this. She thinks it’s cute when Guzma gets really upset and smacks her, but he’s distressed. I’m sure this cat was probably just as upset.
No. 478172
>>478158Lmao! Workaholic????? All you do is sit on your ass eating garbage. You never work on cosplay until days before the con, or you get your cosplays commissioned. Shut the fuck up you dumb cow.
>>478166Stop fucking using mar mar. You should stupid
No. 478177
File: 1514249967342.jpeg (Spoiler Image,86.71 KB, 750x841, 5EF20787-ADEC-47D3-A89C-A7831D…)

This video is so grotesque.
She moves in such a dumpy, graceless way. Her flabby, pale body in motion is sickening to look at.
Her facial expressions and her erratic behavior make her seem like a special needs child which adds a whole other layer of disturbing.
No. 478179
File: 1514250480024.jpeg (Spoiler Image,94.33 KB, 750x721, 90D3E451-C670-44A7-B5E7-47F6F7…)

Looks like she’s squatting for a dump
No. 478181
File: 1514250822092.jpeg (101.88 KB, 750x821, 26BE27EF-1DD1-4672-B287-EAEDA1…)

>>478179Sad little cheeks on full display
No. 478182
File: 1514250976442.jpeg (108.7 KB, 750x802, EFFD6949-6D42-4EEA-8E6C-306091…)

This video is a treasure trove of cringe
No. 478184
>workaholicWhat work do you do? Within the past month… no the past year, all you've done is put on the same 3 lingerie and put a wig on to do photoshoots that only require and hour or two of your time. None of which you edit yourself and are late on constantly. You've made no more than 50% on all of your cosplays besides your Yoko which was a week worth of work at most. You spend a third of your time going out of state for a con or another motel photoshoot. You are backlogged on most of your rewards because you keep holding them off to travel or party.
So tell me Mooriah, what work do you do again?
No. 478185
File: 1514252045356.jpeg (302.65 KB, 2048x2048, E845A992-0F92-4511-BB12-4550B5…)

>>478180Quite literally.
Maybe Mariah should have come up with a pig-girl OC instead of a cow since she actually looks like a sow.
No. 478186
>MarmarStop it.
>>478185The likeness is uncanny. Desperate neckbeards will find anything attractive.
No. 478195
File: 1514254282917.png (330.27 KB, 586x327, Capture.PNG)

>>478182That miso girl seems so weirded out and uncomfortable throughout the video, it looks like she'd literally rather be anywhere else
No. 478198
>>478138lmao there is no way in hell that any casino security would even notice she had it unless she was brandishing it. they don't even check all employee bags, there is absolutely no one at the door at any casino checking purses.
>>478158that's beyond tinfoil at this point, it's just not visibly concrete yet
>>478182>>478185this has got to be the most ultimate poopin pose, she is truly coming into her destiny as PT Mark II
No. 478207
>>478206ok, but all i can think of is mar mar luvs chinks and thats a bit much. gotta give her the last name.
mar mar drinks?
cant wait to see her totes legit jar jar oc
No. 478209
File: 1514261285056.jpg (33.16 KB, 500x517, pE0ce8l.jpg)

Surprised Moo hasn't jumped all over Chun Li’s Akiman Training DLC outfit. But then I remember she'd never be able to pull off a waist trainer underneath
No. 478211
File: 1514261361753.png (726.89 KB, 2010x1938, hoechaco.png)

Hoechako Christmas card. Merry Christmas, y'all.
No. 478218
>>478215Yeah, also I thought this person said they were taking their precious ig stories elsewhere.
We all know how much Mooriah hates the drawings, why should people stop drawing her and displaying where she’s always lurking
No. 478223
File: 1514263768665.jpeg (64.87 KB, 394x406, 2922D407-ED7F-401B-8807-9ABB36…)

>>478219I’m just gonna start ignoring your whining.
Which is what you should do when you see any art on here bc you’re obviously in the minority. People aren’t going to stop posting caricatures.
No. 478234
>>478217Wasn't Mariah but okay. Just thought it was weird he was going off about Saber and her family. I don't get the martyrdom thing, is he trying to say her whole family is a bunch of losers too?
To the anons saying "stop making Mar Mar happen", I've been going through the last two threads but I can't find the screenshot, Moomoo was going on some rant a few weeks ago about leeches and one of her friends, possibly Nicoletters? I really wish I could find it, she said "ooh you tell em, Mar Mar!"
Clearly anon is making fun of the fact that it IS a thing.
No. 478243
File: 1514269905058.jpeg (553.46 KB, 750x1220, 171463A4-D87B-4F7D-9A2C-AE88BA…)

She seems to be home alone with her cats. She complained about needing a special brownie to fall asleep, showin off that shes going to arizona, texas, anaheim, peru, and mexico. Says ALA, Fanime, Katsucon, and AnimeExpo are all for sure cons shes going to.
No. 478252
File: 1514273903564.png (484.92 KB, 485x405, leg proportions.png)

No. 478253
File: 1514274804558.png (670.42 KB, 883x492, notolipo.png)

>>478161>>478167Yikes. Really do need to be careful with lipo. Moo, I love how body positive you are with all the photoshop. You really do love your body, don't you?
No. 478261
File: 1514281723429.jpg (113.22 KB, 1024x569, square-watermelons.jpg)

>>478253Her breasts here remind me of [pic related].
No. 478280
>>478183I’m starting to think that this person is Mariah herself.
Please stop you’re making a fool of yourself.
No. 478288
>>478287no anon, marmar isn't acceptable because
1. a fan called her that, and some anon is just using it cause they think it sounds dumb. why would we be calling her a term of endearment her fan called her does actually sound stupid, but it makes the person saying it sound stupid, not moo.
No. 478290
File: 1514303223152.png (Spoiler Image,266.63 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20171226-174250.png)

Why does she keep making derp faces while trying to look sexy?
No. 478294
>>478289there are multiple people who think it's fucking stupid, anon, sorry to spoil your fun.
this thread is full of too much garbage, shit art anons being attention whores for no reason, cunts refusing to get in line. i hope we move to snow. moo is boring anyways, nothing has happened in months it's just, do a shit cosplay, do shitty IG stories, "omg love and peace", be a fat cunt, repeat.
No. 478305
>>478304Fuck I forgot to sage.
But seriously stop the infighting. If people want to bitch about shit, stop bitching back at them.
No. 478318
>>478304Stop the infighting. As long as art anons are not derailing on purpose or promoting their art page I believe it is fine. This is an image board after all. Plus it's been proven that art anons bother her. Examples: hiring someone to redraw the picture of her as nude Mei covering herself with a blanket and covered in wrinkle, making shirts trying to show that it doesn't bother her [it obviously bothers her], and her passive aggressive responses to people posting them as comments.
This thread is not a fighting ground amongst farmers. It's made to find and discuss Momokun milk and hope to even find milk so damning she will finally quit being a tumor within the community and leave.
No. 478330
>>478329not all of it is saged you fuckwit.
idgaf if i get banned, but please, they cause more drama than they're worth.
(come on)