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No. 483902
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>481708Facebook: Twitter: & Snapchat: mariahmallad
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her lackeys have their own thread here
>>>/snow/386826The basics:
>”body positive”, but photoshops her body. Resorted to getting liposuction to keep some semblance of figure (and failing miserably) all while lying by saying she's exercising >so laughably bad at making cosplays; gets 90% of costumes commissioned/bought and then makes gloves so she can credit herself as a talented cosplayer and claim her money is "hard-earned" >does "boudoir"/softcore porn shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame where she'll loiter around booths/other cosplayers or pretend to be a con guest>has to beg for money, con passes, or just ghosts at cons despite +$10k/month on Patreon>Spends chunks of her Patreon income on food, drugs, alcohol, etc. rather than on actual cosplay>pretends to know about the series she cosplays, despite evidence proving otherwise; will tweet profound essays to prove her expert fan knowledge>Has lewded young characters for the attention; backpedals after backlash >Goes on crazy media tirades against people like old fuckboy KBBQ, old photog, yet preaches about being nice to everyone>constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that are happening to her when she’s done the sameRecent Events:
>shoots a Red Riding Hood set with her vet. Vet owns a wolf dog named Segoni. Despite giving Moo explicit instructions, Moo raised her hand up ("to give a pat on the head like good doggy"), Segoni chomped at her, she looked away and he bit her on the arm. The "warning bite" looks worse and worse everyday. >mystery surrounds Fan Expo, held in Peru. Anon posts caps from a private group where the attendees expressed negative opinions about inviting a complete train wreck to their country. >Mariah said her Red Riding Hood was "inspired" by MyOppa, a French boutique. She commissioned Castle Corsetry to made a Party City dupe instead of being original or commissioning from the original boutique. >talked about blepharoplasty surgery, look out for this>continues to have an opinion about shit she has 0 knowledge about>streamed while working on RoadHog, lulz ensue when she attempts MULTIPLE TIMES to clear up the school fiasco. She ends up mumbling, going in circles and dropping the issue before it being brought up again. Had a "I LUV MUH BODAY" rant >ALA is tomorrow, Jan. 25th, ARE YOU READY!? No. 483910
>>483906I'm so ready for that to happen. Or at least contact that anon back about her not being enrolled at the moment.
We all know she's not enrolled, just waiting for a shitty apology video.
No email field, can't sage.
No. 483912
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From FB
No. 483913
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No. 483914
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No. 483915
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No. 483916
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No. 483917
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No. 483922
>>483909We can always use it for the next thread.
>>483915This looks fucking
dreadful. The middle is so…odd. It makes her look like she has the body proportions of a midget.
No. 483933
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Guarantee MooMoo got the wolf idea from JNig. Assuming they’re friends on FB Mooriah sees more BTS or what is up with Nig. Obvi hopped on the idea first and jess got photos back from her photog slower. Typical moo needs better ideas instead of copying her from her MIA cosplay mom.
I’ve been debating on making a huge post board of Moo following JNig in her footsteps… or rather trying to be a mirror image of JNig.
No. 483939
>>483933Red Riding Hood and wolves isn't a very original idea and there's an ad on Facebook about taking pictures with "real wolves" and costumes so while she could've gotten it from JNig, it's also just as likely she got it from elsewhere.
It's not original, in any case. I would be interested to see any of Moo's shoots next to all the people she copied.
No. 483941
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is this a hellboy gauntlet?
No. 483944
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>the wolves lead her to safety
>looks like she’s pushing wolf away
No. 483974
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>>483973Well, she is a big girl anon
No. 483976
>>483915oh NOOOOOOOO girl your middle was a mistake
also holding my hood up such a top model
>>483914>>483916>>483933 No. 483985
>>483984>>483983cause jnig probably did several shots and picked a good one. moo probably only got a handful of different shots and used whatever she got cause she' lazy and there's no poon in it anyways.
No. 483990
>>483915I feel like the long loose boots are what killed the outfit. I think black leggings and an ankle boot would have been more appropriate. I don’t thibk the outfit itself is all that bad. But she didn’t compliment the outfit at all.
Should have done something else with the wig. But I know she just wants to cover her rapidly growing moon face.
No. 483993
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They're both still following eachother on instagram but I feel like not being facebook friends is a lot more telling
No. 483996
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Her second Modred sword came in
No. 484001
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>>483915why is this so funny
No. 484006
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>>484001majinbum has no chance against long moo
No. 484008
>>483933I'm not gonna lie, jnig's photo looks cool. Mariah's is so all over the place. She has no idea how to pose or style herself. She looks like a frumpy midget with those boots and she's hideous. Mooriah actually thinks that having two wolves or wolf-hybrids is enough to save this photoshoot, but it's a mess.
I feel bad for the wolves and their trainer wasting their time for this pig.
No. 484022
>>484019I understand looking up to someone and feeling inspired by them but Mooriah straight up copies Nigri. It's almost sad.
Nigri does Roadhog - Mooriah does Roadhog
Nigri does shoots in random Halloween costumes - Mooriah does shoots in random Halloween costumes
Nigri has a shoot with a wolf dog- Mooriah has a shoot with a wolf dog
Nigri makes "quirky" faces - Mooriah makes the same faces
Like the fuck. If she wants to copy her cosmom so bad why doesn't she copy the good things about her? Why doesn't she work out and train every day like her? Why doesn't she start making her own cosplay and props like her? Why doesn't she actually act professional like her?
No. 484025
>>484024I hate the word "thicc". It's so dumb. I hate it when guys call me that in my photos because of my proportions. It's just yuck. It's even worse because guys will call anything with boobs "thicc". They don't know the difference between "thicc" and fat.
And for the record, she is fat
No. 484045
File: 1516851642534.png (1.11 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180125-113615.png)

was fucking around on ig and ended up on square noodles' ig somehow and this is what welcomed me, i can't stop laughing
No. 484059
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No. 484061
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No. 484062
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No. 484068
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>>484067Coincidentally it's around con week that these "friends" come out the woodworks
No. 484072
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just searching momokun on twitter has been a delight tbh.
No. 484089
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Tomorrow's event she's attendi-I mean was INVITED to
No. 484093
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No. 484097
>>484093is eating that much cardio, cause it gets ur heartrate up?
>>484094she used to ride his dick all the time (i dont think literally, but i think she tried)
No. 484107
File: 1516860337260.png (127.48 KB, 476x1268, How to treat fans 101.png)

Oh FUCK yeah she's sharing those screens I took from her talking down to people on Patreon. I was worried halfway through the video she wasn't going to bring it up, but she did and alllll the glorious ways she talks. For anyone needing a copy, here it is.
No. 484110
>>484100I thought that too. Must be all of that Chinese and Japanese she's studied, because that was a very advanced word to use.
How embarrassing.
No. 484117
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No. 484119
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No. 484120
>>484116well those aren't moos afaik, but still there's much less rice in those so the cream cheese probably evens it out.
(also the japanese totally eat that kind of sushi, just like 4 pieces at a time)
No. 484126
>>484117it looks so bad at this angle, and what the fuck is with her eyebrow
god if you look at one half of her face then the other its really bizarre
No. 484127
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>>484117I’m assuming this is an update for the beekeeper wig which is still…not correct at all? also inb4 she’s worn it 3 times and she still hasn’t finished the netting or whatever weird ass worbla
No. 484129
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>wish I had more time on it
Well, bitch, if you didn't paint with dry acrylic you'd have time to make 2 costumes..
No. 484132
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Fresh off the presses you guys. Here ya go.
Good to know she practically posted all of these to social media. No. 484135
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No. 484138
>Enjoy ! A video will be releasing soon as well!She said that too.
No. 484139
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wulf u no wey? mur mur lost
No. 484140
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is her lash falling off?!?
No. 484142
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>>484139when u see a new idea to stea
No. 484143
>>484134she kept this one so everyone would compare to the shopped one and say WOW SHE DOESN'T SHOP HER BODY AT ALL MY DUDES
there, i cracked the code
No. 484144
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>>484140i cant believe this
No. 484145
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man she so big that it looks like a fucking regular dog
No. 484147
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>>484142wen nigri no wcw u on instuhgrum
No. 484150
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when youre suspicious of which con roomie told on you not doing your homework
No. 484156
>>484153>>484152Im waiting on that video, but Im guessing itll be out after ALA, but Im guessing only :20 are cut from her Instagram one.
>>484154You dont have to sage anymore on PT.
No. 484157
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I circled these but did she redo her Mei boots? Is she actually going to do classic Mei again?
No. 484158
>>484156Awesome thanks
>>484145>>484134She's riding heavy on those boots. The posture is so bad I'm somewhat surprised she didn't at least bruise her ankles.
No. 484159
>>484155Probably not over Jessica, but this Masked Babe chick has 11K subs and a twitter. Her school is already notified about her, so that is a possibility too for the breakdown to be about that. I would love, tbh, if the DBZ people make fun of her again, but probably not because she's not going to be dressing as Go-Ho and instead a REAL character this time.
I hope she tries to upstage VampyBitMe because if she tries to do that to an actual guest it will be a little bit of a shitstorm probably.
No. 484160
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No. 484162
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>>4841602/2 to see the wigs on the side better
>roadhog>bee keeper Mei>full coat classic Mei No. 484163
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>>4841623/3 sorry I want you to see the full room
No. 484177
>>484176UM it wasn't even proportionate and she's gunna act like it'll fit now lmao
That would be her thinking, yes. More wig doesn't excuse the fact that she made the "helmet" wrong
No. 484189
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No. 484192
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Under a JNig video on Twitter
No. 484196
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Congrats. Not even nerd culture celebrities want to associate with you. LOL.
No. 484198
File: 1516867292922.png (90.77 KB, 1166x657, SERIOUSLY.png)

>who is wil wheaton?
No. 484205
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I wanted to shoop one of her photos because I haven't done one in a while and I finally understand why all of her shooped photos come back shitty. You basically have to melt her body into a skinny blob and then shoop the human features back onto it.
Watermark because she posted the last shoop I did of her (one of her bikini Samus ones) on her twitter.
No. 484223
>>483981>Just double checked and I have both of them so it's not a privacy thingIt's worth noting that if both of them have their friends list set to private, it doesn't matter if you have them both as friends. They won't show up on each other's mutuals.
I don't know if that's the case, since I'm not friends with either of them, but it's not something you can rule out just based on being friends with both of them.
No. 484231
>>484074nope, different anon
are you sure your instagram isn't just fucked anon? I can view the link fine
No. 484245
>>484241How dare you, anon!
That's from working out!
No. 484248
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>>484151She's still following her on IG though, I think you may have overlooked it unless Jessica recently re-added moo after y'all outed her
No. 484277
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remember that she’s totally a big lotr fan and it has nothing to do with Nigri y’all
No. 484307
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>>484300>>484224except I can see mutuals for both of them???
No. 484323
>>484315stop trying to sage, read the sticky.
>>484316that's stupid. obviously someone who's been pushed out by moo would be the first to dish about her.
No. 484339
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Milk incoming. (Hopefully)
I’m an artist myself and this shit disgusts me (“oh I’m gonna steal someone’s original design!!”) and I messaged the original designer of the red riding hood on Facebook and she’s pissed too.
No. 484344
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>>484339this milk is delicious anon
No. 484348
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A larger version of the picture, sure enough, so inspired my dudes!
No. 484352
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>>484351I’m like legitimately seriously angry about this. If this MO-chan is willing to, I’m gonna try and help her every step of the way if I can/have to.
No. 484356
>>484341Didn't she say that she proceeds from these prints were going to a charity? I'm just thinking she might try to use that as a way to explain it's not really "profiting" off a stolen design.
Also Jesus now that I see the original I realize it wasn't just the skirt constantly getting caught on something and showing the petti.
No. 484357
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>>484352the milk
it sustains me
No. 484362
>>484359Nobody likes to see a smaller designer get ripped off when Moo is supposed to be all about supporting the 'community muh dudes'. Her and Castle Corsetry took one look at the costume & didn't think twice about how the artist would feel about having her work replicated.
She fucked up this time.
No. 484367
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She’s too busy sucking up to fakku (since Susu and bunny are sponsored by them?) to care about the little people.
No. 484374
>>484364>>484365I have no idea why but I was under the impression that they had gotten some sort of permission from the artist to create this design. How the fuck is she going to talk her way out of this one??? You can’t come with that bullshit “inspired” because it’s literally exactly the same other than the buckles are shaped differently. These two are fucking stupid.
Also really glad the actual artist is stepping up and saying it was stolen so she can’t claim it’s ok like with the milk party thing and the artist didn’t care
No. 484376
>>484361Tempted to tweet them both bc this is a big issue as most cosplayers ask permission first. Momokun also went out of her way to not tag or link to the original designer, which really should have been a warning sign. But.
She got away with it with Milk Party and went 2/2 and got caught.
No. 484394
>>484352>>484351>>484348maybe suggest for them to make a post about it since moo is notorious for deleting comments
it will help signal boost more to post to her own followers
No. 484403
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good ol mariah slappin her thighs and screaming like a special needs child No. 484416
File: 1516924427725.png (63.06 KB, 723x569, moodunfuckedup.png)

Holy fuck this is the shittiest lie to date.
No. 484417
just because you dont hear back from the original design and your rip off is more expensive DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE EXCUSE TO LITERALLY RIP OFF AN ENTIRE DESIGN. both her and CC can sit the fuck down about this
No. 484425
File: 1516924831140.png (58.4 KB, 433x781, opparesponse.png)

>>484422The email she sent My Oppa which is vague as fuck.
No. 484430
File: 1516925174125.png (55.53 KB, 626x684, 4I8Glqr.png)

Incoming guilt message from Castle Corsetry.
No. 484438
>>484430>no one owns their designs everWhat is she talking about. I know its on a way bigger scale but many of the top design houses in the fashion studio ACTUALLY DO OWN designs that their brand is known for and can/ have taken legal action against others for replicating it.
Its not simply a basic red riding hood lolita dress. It is an EXACT COPY of MO's design. Down to the leather "bodice" and the open skirt showing the frilly petticoat
No. 484448
>>484430I think most importantly this shows Castle Corsetry throwing Moo under a bus: Moo bugged her to make it but they ~insisted~ that Moo contact My Oppa first.
Scum attracts scum.
No. 484450
>>484444The industry being made of shit like this doesn't make it right GDI. I had a design stolen by a friend. To my face she said she was inspired by me and to the class she was inspired by someone else.
This shit really makes me mad.
No. 484453
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No. 484454
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No. 484457
File: 1516925952040.jpg (57.19 KB, 1024x768, abidas[1].jpg)

hi guys do you like my totally original design inspired by adidas? no one actually owns their designs ever, right?
No. 484459
File: 1516926090721.png (406.93 KB, 933x773, Wqet1Qr.png)

Fuck me the backpedalling is too much.
No. 484461
>>484453What point is this bitch actually trying to make here right now
You don’t own brown buckled corsets, or red capes, or petticoats. No one is fucking saying that you embicile. It’s taking all these pieces and arranging them in a specific unique way and making a new outfit/costume and then you BLATANTLY copying it down to every detail. Someone take her original designs and sell quick mass produced copies and then see how she changes her tune.
And let’s be real. Even if it’s legal or some shit, why do you defend it? Rise above that behavior if you take your craft seriously. Why would you, someone who claims to be passionate about this craft, intentionally do this shit? She saw a change to make money and she took it. This argument of hers is so stupid I’m rolling lmao she’s just like yeah I stole it but eeeeeveryone does it guys what’s the biggie
Have you no shame or pride in your work… lmao
No. 484462
>>484453This makes her look like she doesn't know what makes designs unique like a goddamn idiot. "She didn't invent lolita red riding hood" of course not but then you didn't have to steal the main design elements from her outfit then.
I wonder if this will spread to the rest of the community or focus on Moo
No. 484463
File: 1516926217667.png (403.88 KB, 943x761, ZYwP2OO.png)

My Oppa is the thief here guys, not Castle or Moomookunt.
No. 484468
No. 484471
>>484465All of this makes me even happier their fundraiser to make a show for themselves crapped out hard.
Tonight's the DBZ shit, right? Did our special cow get all dressed up or is she slumming it up in her usual stankwear?
No. 484474
>>484454No one is saying that MO invented those things. But those things in conjunction together is her DESIGN which she does own. Just because smaller companies can get away with knock offs doesn't make it right, wtf.
Also she is starting to throw Momo under the bus lol. Seems like Moo went to CC first with the "inspiration" before ever contacing MO. OOPS @Moo
No. 484475
File: 1516926637100.jpg (489.51 KB, 600x899, baby__the_stars_shine_bright_b…)

>>484440she can fuck off because if she was REALLY replicating a random lolita red riding hood she would 100% sure end up making something like the girl from the right since it's a set from BTSSB
No. 484479
>>484463lmao wow
she just blatantly admitted she doesn't care about stealing designs as long as she gets paid
No. 484482
>>484477Add that to the fact CC clearly had dollar signs in her eyes, its really quite obvious neither of them respect another designer's design/ hard work.
Shame on both of them tbh
No. 484485
>>484484Shit, everyone should tag her in a tweet asking for cheap commissions from other seamstresses of her work.
“Can anyone make a direct replica of this work by @castlecorsetry for me for 1/4 the price? It’s all just unoriginal designs anyways right?”
She can’t get mad, right? Because this is the exact behavior she’s defending.
No. 484486
File: 1516927125104.png (70.13 KB, 939x761, 8PK9EiR.png)

The ignorance is too much.
No. 484488
>>484486I TOLD HER!!!!!
That’s like being an accomplice to a murder and standing there while they’re doing it saying “hey man you should really stop”
No. 484489
>>484486Uh… basically:
“My Oppa should respond to every single person who sends her a vague email if she doesn’t want her designs stolen”
This girl is too much
No. 484494
>>484457Giggling to the heavens
>>484454>>484453They can't be fucking serious. Anyone with eyes can
see the differences between these and My Oppa's design. Moo's costume looks more like My Oppa's. She even SAID that it was inspired by theirs! Castle Corsetry is a cunt for this bullshit.
No. 484501
>>484486holy shit what a cunt! how is she going to try and blame My oppa for HER theft just because they didn't reply back? that doesn't make it right! also telling Moo to contact My oppa first doesn't make it right either.
these people are certified fucking idiots
No. 484505
File: 1516927721329.jpeg (317.46 KB, 750x664, CACE5EDA-E33A-4C26-8669-9025D1…)

so she’s paying enough attention to all of this to like CCs replies but too busy to say anything
No. 484510
File: 1516927854584.png (178.31 KB, 561x342, vamp.PNG)

>>484504vamplette left a review too
No. 484515
File: 1516927937393.jpg (233.23 KB, 993x921, momokunt.jpg)

>>484507What a daft cow, she actually deleted it. So much for "supporting smaller creators"
No. 484517
>>484510Vamp, you pussy.
Man, this is going to be one wild ALA, keep signal boosting, everyone! Be sure it is getting to ALA groups as well!
No. 484519
File: 1516928034398.jpeg (269.24 KB, 750x770, 35817646-6EFD-4648-B642-474A29…)

let momos tweet remind us, supporting good companies is a process!!
No. 484520
File: 1516928037179.png (44.99 KB, 808x433, powerhouse.png)

I know we aren't talking about Patreon right now, but Moo is clearly teaching her Patreons about linguistics. Lol.
No. 484521
File: 1516928134973.png (795.94 KB, 1168x1014, Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at 2.44…)

>>484510>>484506>>484504pasting more proof, there are quite a few
No. 484526
File: 1516928212819.png (55.33 KB, 1222x346, Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at 2.56…)

>>484521now she disabled reviews
No. 484529
File: 1516928230028.png (1011.57 KB, 503x2007, stealingcow.png)

>>484507Too bad Moo, we have caps.
No. 484539
>>484537oops thanks
I even edited out friends
No. 484546
File: 1516928950675.png (22.78 KB, 323x400, cuntycorsetry.png)

>>484544lol nah she said to me it would be perfectly fine to steal her OC shit
No. 484555
>>484549Their reaction as a whole is proof how unprofessional they both are. Any legit business with morals would fully take a more mature approach to art theft accusations.
But we didn't see that at all.
No. 484560
>>484552Corset is a prime example of a flying monkey and Moo is the narcissist pulling the strings.
Blaming everyone else for what happened, in this case My Oppa, while herself and Moo are just innocent. Fucking cunts.
No. 484565
>>484564oh shit, you're right
can anyone else confirm?
No. 484573
>>484565It’s gone. When I search for them, I get a bunch of people sharing how moo and cc stole MP’s design.
CC must be getting some extreme heat.
No. 484577
File: 1516929980677.jpg (60.47 KB, 1398x598, CCfb.jpg)

CC page not there when i tried going to the fb page through their website
No. 484578
File: 1516930000065.png (219.31 KB, 407x580, BOOOOOOOI.png)

looking up castle corsetry for me doesn't show any results either and only shows posts of it being mentioned, where as the pages tab has no result as well lmao it's gone
No. 484587
>>484582its because the costhot community is full of nothing but asslickers who just want their connections and more followers.
but at the end of the day the "normal folk" out number these fucking greedy assholes, so keep signal boosting it and put heat on everyone who is defending this shit
No. 484588
File: 1516930446677.jpeg (25.84 KB, 500x121, 4454C299-4FA0-4B78-AF34-8F5FAB…)

Holy shit we downed Castle Corsetry
We’re winning this so far!
No. 484589
>>484283lol no, ask her if she liked the part with the talking trees or whatever
the shit that they cut out of the movies and were i dropped the books and never turned back
No. 484593
>>484590look, i dont like lotr
i swear something in that shitty forest was cut
but thats neither here nor there
i apologize for my ignorance
this milk im catching up on is way better than any lotr shit
cc on suicide watch
i hope kbbq and that guy who just came back are smiling from heaven
No. 484595
>>484552This bitch is so fucking stupid. She said that she is a small business and by giving her one star review you're making it hard for her. DOES SHE NOT SEE THE HYPOCRISY THERE? myoppa is a small business as well and by knocking HER fucking design off she is making it hard for her as well.
Also by that logik I can just take anything let's say moomoos fucking ""OC"" sell the same fucking keychains bc Cowgirls are not original. What the fuck (and yeah moomoos oc might be a bad example because it is a rip off already couldn't think if anything else because moomoo isn't very original)
No. 484596
>>484588It's just a blip. They're keeping a low profile and just waiting for this to blow over.
What needs to happen is My Oppa needs to respond or make some kind of statement, if not take outright legal action over this, and it needs to gain enough traction from a wider audience to open up the discussion about what degree of "inspiration" is acceptable or not. If we really want the tide towards moo to change, this needs to be something big enough for other artists to realize that it's actually a business risk to work with her and public opinion towards her isn't just 'lol she's fat' and more 'wow, she's a terrible person to pick on an indie artist and silence them with deleted comments and bans.' That second opinion has to be the one that people recognize her for first.
I have a gut feeling that moo isn't going to go out with a bang. She's gonna go out with slowly dwindling patreon followers and social media numbers because she creates fewer and fewer cosplays from fewer and fewer people willing to work with her because of the overwhelming bad press she brings with her due to her shit morals. Like another anon mentioned, this isn't going to be the last, but I think it has the potential to be the one that deals a significant blow to her character to the public eye.
No. 484610
File: 1516932186723.png (469.98 KB, 626x626, Screenshot 2018-01-25 at 6.02.…)

No. 484626
File: 1516932670243.png (241.03 KB, 982x882, Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at 4.10…)

>>484621when I filter by newest
No. 484628
File: 1516932685957.png (164.07 KB, 952x606, nope.png)

>>484621>>484624it isn't there for me either
No. 484631
File: 1516932908984.png (70.79 KB, 306x218, A17319A6-DDF6-41E8-B515-2D16AA…)

Hopefully not cow tipping, but I reported Momokuns fb page for “harassing me or someone I know” and submitted for facebook report review since she’s literally harassing My Oppa with all this dumb shit.
Wonder wow many it would take for momokuns page to go down next?
No. 484633
>>484609She will regret this con so bad. We Latinos don’t have hang ups to say how it is. Remember when Jnig went to Chile(I think, can’t remember!) and the men in special were telling abusive things about her boobs, making her really uncomfortable?
It will be worse to Maria because she is also fat and a bitch. She better off cancelling her appearance. She will regret all her life choices till that day. May be the rude wake up call she needs to put her shit together and become a better person.
Latino men treat fat women(actually we women in general, Latin America is a shit show when it comes to our rights here) like shit. Heck, even if you’re slightly ugly and not what they like you can end up single for the rest of your life and mocked.
She will be going feeling like she is hot shit, but will return feeling like a total shit. Just wait. I know my people.
No. 484644
>>484608I'm not from the US so if people could maybe post the fraud post in Cosplay groups?
I might post it in an international group still gotta check the rules though since it's mainly a selfie group so idk about that.
Or maybe name me some good groups I don't mind doing it myself then. It just might look weird since I'm not from the US.
(This isn't considered cowtipping right?)
No. 484648
File: 1516933444137.jpeg (31.89 KB, 499x275, EACCD71D-BA80-451C-B04E-FD3054…)

>>484643Post the link to the groups I should share the shit to, I’ll join them and do it.
No. 484653
>>484442Moo expects people to just give her things. She has no idea how to speak with anyone who actually commissions designs. it's so ridiculous.
>>484463jfc, this person is a cunt and a cow themself.
No. 484658
File: 1516934682526.jpeg (510.92 KB, 750x884, 2470D8DA-EEBA-4D71-8977-F803A8…)

No. 484661
File: 1516934871392.png (4.7 MB, 750x1334, 2E53DCBB-1654-4CAE-A952-6DA442…)

No. 484663
File: 1516935136219.jpg (98.24 KB, 350x463, mumu.jpg)

Hi guys, did you miss out on Moo's super cool key chains because they sold out too quickly? Did you try messaging her for a key chain even though it said SOLD OUT in big bold letters? Did that haughty bitch never answer you back??
Don't worry! I've got just the thing. I'm selling these totally original key chains with my totally original cow girl OC MuMu on them!!!
Now before you say I stole this, let me explain you a thing. You see, cow girls are totally not a unique concept at all. Pink hair? Also not unique! Just google pink hair. See what I mean? All those bitches with pink hair on there were actually copying ME.
Anyways, I'll make these key chains through some chinese aliexpress seller for half the cost and 1/8 the quality.
Hurry! Only 50 in stock!
No. 484664
File: 1516935138622.jpeg (539.76 KB, 1237x1742, 8C395D77-918D-4BED-B7F5-475881…)

She reposted. Keep going, Molly!
No. 484666
>>484659I think an anon is the past thread say they did report her for fraud because she still had the discord labeled under one of her tiers and Patreon basically told them "Sorry, no refunds".
Plus even if it did get reported, she would just make another one and act like nothings wrong just like she did with her twitter.
Nothing will happen cause Patreon gives no fucks.
No. 484670
>>484659>>484662It's because non-patrons reporting someone's patreon isnt going to do anything.
According to what Patreon sees: Most of her patrons are fine with waiting/not getting their rewards so she's not 'scamming' anyone.
It's the patron's who only have the 'right' to report. The better idea is to message openly upset patrons and suggest that THEY report her. REMEMBER: one or two people dont count it would have to be more. So even if she has 1000 people reporting her: If only 3 of them are actual patrons it just looks like a smear campaign
No. 484683
File: 1516936396865.png (2.85 MB, 750x1334, A34C41F3-42F9-45A0-AE75-74F042…)

she was flopping around her giant moomoo phone charm in this also from this view I’m p sure she’s rewearing her lil red boots
No. 484685
File: 1516936475125.jpeg (60.24 KB, 540x960, EF27004C-C2C4-400D-AD98-1215F1…)

>>484684Momos message to my oppa
No. 484686
>>484679Intentionally spelling My Oppa's name wrong to keep her from getting tagged/searchable.
And in her instagram post she just said "MyOppa", you can't search keywords on IG, and she didn't tag her because she KNEW that MO would be mad. god mariah you're so transparent with your shit
No. 484688
>>484684So why not, when she couldnt get a response from My Oppa, have a completely unique dress designed and made instead in that time frame? Why did the dress for the shoot have to be that specific one.
Not getting a reply doesn't mean you're allowed to do whatever you like.
No. 484690
File: 1516936689560.jpg (1.57 MB, 2072x3072, mokunt.jpg)

anything I should add before I spread this around?
No. 484696
File: 1516937026240.png (2.71 MB, 750x1334, D445CF52-C72B-441F-BA59-AAAB2F…)

No. 484699
>>484686I hope myoppa has a translator or so so they know how fucking rude this message is.
I hope she does not back down.
On a side nit "MyOpa" as Momo said sounds so weird in German kek "Opa" means Grandpa so yeah
But hey moomoo is a tripple major so she must me right!
No. 484700
>>484438>La tenue du petit chaperon rouge crée pour le défilé des contes 2014You don't own the design you made for a fucking FASHION SHOW
>>484442The email was ignored because all the info was on the site already.
I bet Moo paid like $350 and doesn't understand how Euros work. "I paid more than 330 I didn't get it cheap!!!"
No. 484716
>>484684She literally has English/Engrish on the item page, and it's easy as fuck to translate now since it isn't the 90s internet anymore. You are just being a lazy fucking bitch, like usual.
NOW I wish you would kill yourself.
>>484699Whoever is talking to MyOpa, I have a friend who is French and would probably be glad to help re-translate it for more accuracy.
No. 484718
File: 1516937981182.jpg (396.41 KB, 744x677, pinterest.jpg)

>>484689a cursory pinterest post gives you some designs she could have stolen bits from and made something original but no she had to copy everything about it.
it would be one thing if she had only changed some stuff about it but the fact that it's LITERALLY the same design down to every ruffle, belt, belt closure style, etc??? She could have done SO many things to 'rip off' the design without just copying it wholesale but she's not even THAT smart.
No. 484722
File: 1516938266659.png (2.82 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180126-044022.png)

I don't know if anyone noticed but she has been on the phone for almost an hour when taking this screenshot and making the FB post. Probably talking shit kek
No. 484725
File: 1516938433431.png (1.14 MB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2018-01-25-19-43-06…)

Found out why she really was interested in Fakku. Antares is wearing a cosplay to the panel they're holding
No. 484733
>>484520dammit you shouldve dropped this after the opa stuff died down hahaha
dOgS hAvE mItOcHrOnDiA!
No. 484741
File: 1516939630345.png (22.17 KB, 427x163, 1507756755010.png)

Remember this snippit? HUMBLE COSPLAYER ALERT
No. 484742
>>484663bless up chinamen
and lbr the quality will be like 1/3 of moos lmao
No. 484743
File: 1516939868825.jpg (181.84 KB, 933x694, IMG_1379.JPG)

>>484430>Unfortunately, no one in the fashion industry owns their own designs and they get stolen all of the time :( >even though I recognize that this is a shitty situation that happens to designers, I'm still gonna do it even as a designer Oh my god? Lmfao
No. 484748
>>484689MO's FB post with preorders is full of anglos crying about muh how much in usd how tot buy?!?
I bet they get shit like hers all the time. I'd ignore them too.
No. 484752
>>484684So her logic is….. she copied someone else's design because they didn't respond??? Mooriah can't even bother responding to most of her patrons unless they kiss her ass or diss her ass. And she complains about response time?
How is MO-chan not responding to her an excuse for copying??
No. 484754
>>484752Because she had a deadline for this set, my dude! If people can't be professional with her, why should she be professional herself!
Bitch, you could of fucking come up with another costume for that shoot, and you fucking went to Castle Corsetry first to have it knocked off anyway, according to your super special supportive business buddy there.
No. 484773
>>484772Dude, Im saying if I had a different account, a throwaway account, I wouldn't be here asking. Calm down. I already said I changed my mind about it being posted.
No. 484774
File: 1516942510119.png (1.04 MB, 720x1199, Screenshot_2018-01-25-20-47-47…)

Lightened. Acne is really kicking up must be that pregame homework
No. 484777
>>484563I agree but I think the issue here is her defense of the choice to take a fellow fashion designer’s design.
This isn’t like taking an official design like for cosplay to cosplay, for example.
I’ve seen cosplays based off ideas (Steampunk Sailor Moon, Lolita MLP etc) and no one owns those ideas but if you create your own specific design (I make a corset with leaves and buckles in a certain color) and someone takes that or makes a knock-off, it is stealing.
I can see her point but this isn’t the same issue.
No. 484780
>>484776my favorite was the guy who was like is it morally wrong? yeah. but legally? NO. LEAVE HER ALONEEEEE
just admitting to defending her shit ethics, apparently that's not a deal breaker lmao
No. 484784
>>484780her fucking neckbeards are some of the stupidest people. i guess it makes sense, considering who they worship.
my fav was someone saying that because they've never heard of my oppo its not stealing
No. 484789
File: 1516943916185.png (57.03 KB, 750x377, autumn witch.png)

Dont copy my generic witch outfit to wear for fun on Halloween, but hey, dont mind me stealing a design for profit lmao
No. 484796
File: 1516944627838.png (59.35 KB, 781x425, jfc.png)

Jfc.. Her fanbase is the most dumb I have seen in years.
No. 484801
File: 1516945084112.jpg (340.61 KB, 1619x1080, GitxRVn.jpg)

No. 484804
>>484799There is a very fine line with people recreating outfits, even so much as cosplaying a design. As far as creating and selling it, it depends on the company becuase some dont really do anything but others (like blizzard) do try to crack down on people selling their designs.
The main issue is, theres a difference between Disney having a dress made for a movie (and not selling the exact dress design because they dont target that sorta thing for adults), and My Oppa who DOES sell the dresses they make to support themselves and CC coming to come take it to make a profit/Moo stealing the concept to profit off her patreon sets. MO clearly is type to care about their stuff being stolen, so at the end of the day, youre at the mercy of the person you took the design for
No. 484808
>>484802Thank you. Somehow that is over the head of people. Public domain character /=/ a designer putting their personal spin on a character's described canon outfit.
How hard it is to get others to understand this? Im shcoked at how dumb these adults are.
No. 484810
>>484799Absolutely not. This analogy doesn't make sense. Cosplaying Cinderella is cosplaying Cinderella. Not only is it public domain but it's a cartoon drawing of a fucking dress. People make their own interpretive designs. That's like saying Disney should sue all Cinderella cosplayers.
The difference is that this costume is someone's original interpretive design of lolita red Riding Hood. Someone designed this dress and it is their own creative design. They own the rights to it. Mariah stole someone's own original interpretive design. Not the character Red Riding Hood , which in Mariah's demented mind is probably how she's twisting this "omg I totally stole Red Riding Hood the fairy tale character you're right guys you got me."
No. Its about the dress someone designed and created, and is selling on their own store. Its highly frowned upon for people to waltz into a wedding dress store, take pics of gowns they like in the changing rooms, and have someone else make it cheaper. That's exactly what this is.
No. 484811
File: 1516945590761.png (4.27 MB, 750x1334, D947F9B6-8937-4ABE-87B4-F2DFEB…)

take a moment to compare a behind the scenes look of her Cosplay mom with wolves vs momos
No. 484814
>>484690Don't forget Chun Li and Velma!
Both shoots were completely ripped off from other cosplayers
No. 484817
>>484811Tbh, about 4 years ago I really hated Jessica, but she has a selling point [that everyone is trying to follow to get money now], but she's come a long way from simple costhot creations. She's learned to craft her own stuff, she does model well, she photographs well in and out of sets.
How can Moo have a rolemodel like this and yet not pick up a single damn bit of hard work? I don't get it.
No. 484819
>>484804>>484799Oh oops I misread the question and thought it was about ppl who sell/cosplay disney dresses and moo
who stole a design. Nvm disregard my paragraph
No. 484820
File: 1516946009063.png (891.38 KB, 1053x475, Screen Shot 2018-01-25 at 9.52…)

Just leaving this here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 484825
>>484811This is so much more badass. I hate myself for having a pro-Nigri moment.
>>484817Moo isn't really inspired by Nigri, she just wants the fame that Nigri has. She would have grown up a little by now if she actually did try to save face every now and then like her "cosplay mom".
No. 484827
>>484820Original text, you know, in case anything gets lost in translation or whatever.
8-Propriété intellectuelle
My Oppa© est une marque déposée
Toutes créations, illustrations, photographies et images, reproduites sur le site sont protégées au titre du droit d'auteur, droit des marques, et droit à l’image, et ce pour le monde entier.
Toutes utilisations ou reproductions sont interdites sauf autorisation de My Oppa.
9-Modification des CGV.
My Oppa se réserve le droit de modifier à tout moment les conditions générales de vente.
Pour toutes questions ou remarques n'hésitez pas à envoyer un message à:
This seems pretty clear cut to me. I especially like how My Oppa includes the term "the whole world." It's almost like she's an actual business owner who knows how to cover her ass and follow through with due diligence.
No. 484828
File: 1516946716669.jpg (472.05 KB, 1008x1008, MummiesSkin.jpg)

Finally in Jnigs body.
God making this reminded me how ugly jnigs face is
No. 484830
File: 1516947021088.png (69.5 KB, 507x866, moothethief.PNG)

The salt continues. Is there any place left to actually review/put on blast CC's bullshit? seems all reviews everywhere are disabled, but I could be wrong.
No. 484834
>>484830She couldn't get it one place, so she went to another seller/maker.
That logic is so stupid. You do that for shit like laundry supplies are Target and Walmart. Not a specilized, one of a kind, made to order fucking thing.Someone commented somewhere about how if the seller didn't want their stuff stolen they should have it in supply all the time and actually REPLY to people. If she didn't reply its her fault her shit is being stolen. Wtf.
No. 484838
>>484817I hated Jessica too back in the day on cgl when she did nothing but bikini + ears = COSPLAY
but look at how much more she has done since then…. meanwhile Moo just gets worse lol
No. 484840
File: 1516947435924.png (316.81 KB, 480x600, cyfugjcncnc.png)

As a little side note of the My Oppa disaster.
Has anyone seen the preview of Vamp's Jeanne? Looks actually nice compared to the same shitty mei costumes than Moomoo is gonna bring to ALA.
No. 484841
File: 1516947518390.jpg (399.45 KB, 813x759, TotallynotMyOppa.jpg)

Totally original design dont steal
No. 484842
>>484840Shame about her nose, but this has potential.
You guys know her nose is gonna ruin it, don't judge me.
No. 484844
File: 1516947877817.jpeg (534.05 KB, 750x1037, 5AD35E68-787E-47C3-B738-A85D95…)

the vip treatment was basically free sunglasses and sitting on a balcony in gaming chairs?
No. 484849
>>484844I’m sure she was frantically checking Facebook the entire time and was completely miserable.
Also as usual she is trying to act like she had the red carpet rolled out for her and she was this important invited guest when they practically giving away “invitations”. She always has to overhype literally any time she has any kind of interaction with anyone with some kind of noteriety.
No. 484856
File: 1516949878936.jpeg (80.84 KB, 646x556, 1FEDA1EB-D27F-4B24-B65E-7F2E7A…)

i haven’t caught up yet on these momo threads (the milk is endless with this cow), but just saw this and had a laugh.
No. 484861
>>484820Bless you
This should be added to the Molly post that’s going around
No. 484863
File: 1516950447887.png (211.37 KB, 593x797, Capture.PNG)

>>484854this is the callout original. the responses are upthread. small start perhaps dunno where else to post this shit. Also, I would think a simple Cease/Desist from My Oppa would suffice because MooMoo is making money off it- doesn't matter if she donates it to the fuckin poor or snorts it up her nose- it's still profiting. Or am I wrong here?
No. 484881
File: 1516957592257.jpg (4.31 MB, 4071x2500, Wonderlard.jpg)

Its really not that hard to make her look like a semi-attractive human female…
Why can't her photogs do it
No. 484882
File: 1516957622376.gif (1.3 MB, 1719x1239, Wonderlard.gif)

No. 484892
>>484883Who hurt you
>>484887>>484890Thanks friends
>>484891Several comments back, someone mentioned there was an obvious divide in her fans when releasing this set. Half of them like this sorta thing, the ""pretty"" momokun that they can take home to their mothers, and the other half only want lewds.
So it actually makes sense, but isn't a sustainable business model coz shes just not smart enough to balance two different identities like that.
No. 484900
File: 1516964811554.jpeg (469.5 KB, 1818x1818, E26856B5-95E0-4B62-B441-56FC12…)

I gave a shot at editing her, inspired by edit hating anon.
No. 484904
>>484785I was referencing CC in my post, sorry if that was confusing.
As for her Moana drawing it’s kinda like her Cow “OC”. If she paid for it then she had the rights to the design to cosplay right? Se commissioned the artist for a design so then she could cosplay that. Then she would give the artist credit as well - in theory.
That’s how I understand some artists give their designs away, kind of like Adoptables. But I think that may be a separate issue.
No. 484905
File: 1516967284171.png (7.56 MB, 2072x5346, fuckenthief.png)

There, I did it. Not as well as the other anon, sorry.
No. 484908
>>484905Wasn't both Mei bikinis made by CC?
Overall nice work anon I enjoyed your bits of sarcasm.
No. 484912
File: 1516970074042.jpeg (241.69 KB, 750x678, 9F4FEFC8-9F31-4350-8EF5-9CA39A…)

teehee so embarrassing unlike all of this my oppa stuff
No. 484937
File: 1516979868207.jpeg (951.99 KB, 1242x1243, 2311D4AE-2E8C-47B3-BA13-21823D…)

Her life would be so much easier if she stopped trying to lie her way out of shit lollllll
No. 484941
File: 1516980336605.jpg (69.95 KB, 634x253, linguisticsmydude.jpg)

>>484937Well this only proves that our insipid heifer waddled onto the actual dress page and sent her inquiry to the email meant for sending My Oppa your measurements after you bought an outfit reservation from her.
So you know Moo, you kind of triple fucked up and once again didn't bother with doing any kind of research or follow up.
-Thanks to your pal CC though we know this is all a front anyway though so hey, good job.
No. 484942
>>484941Good lord, what an idiot! So Moo and CC both tried to throw the blame on MyOppa for not responding, but Mariah couldn't even email the correct address. How can you say its the designer's fault for not replying back when you don't even use the right email address?????????????
good find anon
No. 484944
>>484939So…she messaged the wrong email, gave no details about when she’d need it or her measurements, did not follow up in the month she “waited” for a response, and somehow this is MO’s fault THEY copied her design? Why can’t she ever just take the L just once and say yes I fucked up, I’m sorry. It’s ok to be wrong moo. Just let go of whatever you’re holding on to and apologize.
And as far as Castle Corsetry goes, why couldn’t they say no to moo? Why not suggest/create a red riding hood design that did not copy MO? They’re both shit lmao. No integrity. No class.
No. 484948
>>484938They're dumb and try to protect her with dumb arguments:
>it's not copying because the character is public domain!!It still is copying because she asked specifically for that outfit from the owner of the design then to someone else to recreate it. She HAD THE INTENTION of copying the design. Being "inspired" by a design means you're only taking elements of a design and then changing it up to your tastes.
>b-but she's not selling the design. It's just for the shoot!B-b-but she's making MONEY off of the photo sets is she not? Because I'm sure it's a patreon reward at the least, if she's not selling them per photo. By making money off someone else's design and also not giving them proper recognition, it takes away an opportunity for a company to make new customers.
>but she mentioned them in her postsYes she did but not on all of them and also she did not tag them to link them to the photo. She only does this when she has other intentions. For example, she didn't tag photographers she had beef with. It was an obvious attempt to take away a chance for them to make new followers.
So professional Moo
No. 484952
>>484948Mooriah deserves her stans, they're as ignorant and disgusting as she is. And when all she has left is them, THEN maybe she'll finally feel some remorse for the way she's acted.
Who am I kidding, bitch thinks she's flawless.
No. 484957
Honestly, as great as all these finds are here's what it is:
We all know that Moo is a stealing bitch with no creative bone in her body. I'm sure at some level some fans know this but don't want to admit it. We can give all the evidence in the world that Moo is at fault, but nothing is going to happen unless serious action is taken by the creator. It's like the stupid milk party all over again, as soon as the creator said they didn't care it was all over. She got away with it. She was able to sell keychains for god sake.
Except this time the creator actually DOES care. And right now the only voice that matters is My Oppa's. SO THEY NEED TO SPEAK UP!!! If they don't hold Moo to the fire she's going to get away with it once again. She stole the design, but if My Oppa doesn't get on her, it's gonna fade out.
Because right now it's us arguing against her brain dead fans who act just like her. They argue all day and night and then as soon as you slap them with the indisputable facts they go, "Omg who has time to waste trying to catch my precious Mariah in a lie, you all seriously needs to get lives."
All this evidence we've found we need to give to My Oppa so she can come at Moo, not all her dumb ass fans who will always twist the subject to their favor. It keeps getting twisted to "well Red Ridinghood is public domain so it doesn't matter, she put inspired by so if doesn't matter, it's My Oppas fault for not getting back to her." Which as we all know is bullshit.
No. 484961
>>484957What needs to happen is big names calling this shit out, instead her asslickers are just defending her. People need to continue to raise hell/ signal boost this and put pressure for people to make a comment about it.
Taking her to court would be the best ending, but copyright suits are hard to win no matter the situation, so don't hold your breath for it to be the end game here. My Oppa needs to make a public statement denouncing this on her own SM, and its up to the people/ community to turn the heat up.
No. 484969
>>484941I swear. The more information that gets revealed, the shittier Moomoo ends up looking. She obviously made no attempt to go through the proper channels. Not only did she email the wrong address, but she made no specifications whatsoever. No actual time frame, no measurements, no budget. She just sent some random email expecting the person to immediately answer back. Not to mention she simply could have just made a reservation and put her shoot on hold until she could get the costume properly made.
And it’s incredible shitty that she is trying to put this on MyOppa because “Well you didn’t answer me fast enough, so obviously I had to steal your design without crediting”. What in the actual fuck. You don’t get to steal someone’s design just because they didn’t answer you back in a shittly written, almost spam like email that conveyed nothing more than “Make this for me”.
She is just such an unprofessional shithead. She really expects people to take her seriously when she does shit like this?
No. 484970
>>484966>Mother of Top Models-Reigning Nerd Queen/Reality TV Original-Tolkien enthusiastWell then! Moo isn't just trying to suck up to Mommy with her LOTR ramblings, she's trying to suck up to this chick too!
She's live on FB right now fam, lets educate this bitch.
No. 484972
>>484971Adrienne Curry is a joke at this point in time, does anyone take her seriously?
We need commentators who focus on this sort of thing to pick it up. What about that lolita Youtuber who did those videos about Kelley Eden?
No. 484985
File: 1516987613359.png (165.61 KB, 750x1334, 0AEC4E03-8466-493B-9314-BDCF30…)

God i fucking hate this bitch she feels absolutely no remorse for this
No. 484990
>>484941ok, what's even more hilarious, the email for measurements is taken from this page you know what info you can find on the page? Literally the answer to her fucking question. Scroll down and you'll see the available timeslots for this dress. Which are currently filled for the next 6 months, as it seems.
So honestly, she's either dumb or pulled this shit this knowingly, because she saw she can't order the dress on short notice.
No. 484995
>>484985This dumb cunt doesn’t seem to get it. Yes, there are characters who are public domain. But designs still fall under copyright law. It’s why anyone who is looking to make a Little Mermaid movie can’t have an Ariel with red hair. Or a Wizard of Oz Dorthy with ruby slippers. Yes the characters are public domain, but those specific designs are under copyright law, as it is their specific version of the characters.
Seriously, fuck her for trying to put this all on the shop owner who didn’t do anything wrong. Not answering your shitty email fast enough is not an excuse to steal her design and try to claim it as your own. This isn’t among the shittiest things she has done and it fucking sucks that she is seemingly being allowed to get away with it because some dipshits want to see her naked.
No. 484997
>>484985This dumb cunt doesn’t seem to get it. Yes, there are characters who are public domain. But designs still fall under copyright law. It’s why anyone who is looking to make a Little Mermaid movie can’t have an Ariel with red hair. Or a Wizard of Oz Dorthy with ruby slippers. Yes the characters are public domain, but those specific designs are under copyright law, as it is their specific version of the characters.
Seriously, fuck her for trying to put this all on the shop owner who didn’t do anything wrong. Not answering your shitty email fast enough is not an excuse to steal her design and try to claim it as your own. This isn’t among the shittiest things she has done and it fucking sucks that she is seemingly being allowed to get away with it because some dipshits want to see her naked.
No. 485021
File: 1516995016511.png (283.67 KB, 750x1334, 2D1B644E-359E-490E-B7AE-672D28…)

Holy shit this Adrianne curry dude is really pissing me off. He is just straight up supporting stealing other people’s work. He’s not even trying to sugar coat it, just saying that you should be flattered when other people steal your work. These are the kinds of people that support her.
No. 485026
File: 1516995627073.png (9.63 MB, 2072x6722, fuckenthief.png)

No. 485035
File: 1516996286677.png (266.97 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180126-134943.png)

Its ok to steal as long as it's not from her
No. 485038
File: 1516996442671.png (159.31 KB, 559x339, vamp_review.png)

No point in even feeling sorry for Vamplette, she made it loud and clear she'll be on Momokunt's side till the end.
No. 485048
File: 1516997028582.jpg (173.97 KB, 720x1081, 1491340029976.jpg)

I remember the first time I ever realized Moo was a thief was during the Velma thing.
We all complained about the wig being too long and the clothes not matching or not being accurate and its because she was rushed to release the set before this smaller cosplayer released hers
It was a downhill slope after that. Did she ever do something like that before this? Like on record? I was trying to find more "theft" stuff in the threads
No. 485050
File: 1516997054353.png (9.55 MB, 2072x6722, fuckenthief.png)

Last edit from me, but feel free to take over if needed.
No. 485055
File: 1516997473721.png (3.09 MB, 750x1334, 96675A92-AC4F-4F16-B8E0-BFC5EF…)

Red nose? Check
weird darker top lip? Check
Beekeeper Mei roll out
No. 485056
File: 1516997666998.png (1.52 MB, 750x1334, 818F791F-F29A-46E5-8CD7-FE62D0…)

mfw ppl catch me stealing someone else’s work and I try to claim I’m being harassed because of it
No. 485058
File: 1516997936709.jpeg (32.33 KB, 356x195, F56E3B8F-5EB4-4003-B448-F1E73E…)

I’m going to vector that shitty cow keychain into a large 2000x2000 file and post it here for people to do whatever with it.
Make shitty shirts, shitter version keychains, whatever.
I’ll play both sized of the keychain too, so do whatever. Give me a few to make it.
Fuck this cunt.
No. 485062
File: 1516998278846.jpg (86.11 KB, 492x512, sgvfghrzhg.jpg)

>>485055Those glasses with that wig… I just…
No. 485063
>>485021Is this how she going to grab at anything relevancy? Curry is a cow in her own rights, so I cant be THAT surprised.
What a BS arguement though. Who has ever though cosplay is stealing? Literally NO ONE. Closest I've ever seen was Funi's debacle with FANART years back.
Imma quote the one person why Adrianne even HAD a career
You steal from the best, and make it YOUR OWN.
CC and Moo straight copied and changed little to naught. It's stealing, it's immoral, it's legally punishable.
No. 485067
File: 1516999354964.png (5.66 MB, 2048x2732, 3A44FEDB-6722-4836-ACAE-858F80…)

Gonna leave out the armband so it makes it hentai party cow again lmao
No. 485071
>>485023Won in the sense that no one is going to do fuck all about it, and it will disappear in another week and she will continue being awful.
I honestly hope some of the smear campaigns in this thread will go through and be passed around enough for people like Yaya and Nigri to notice it.
No offense to lolcow, but this is one cow that deserves to be tipped.
No. 485087
File: 1517002156372.png (1.67 MB, 2048x2732, D2F0F89A-E9A6-43A8-A652-5B0CD4…)

Be free to use this and post it everywhere, other side coming soon.
Edit anything, I don’t give a fuck, and if you guys want the bigger file (like 6000x4000) let me know.
No. 485090
>>485059That's a great idea. I'm going to ALA tomorrow so I could probably make some makeshift ribbons with the icon that says on it " proud art thieve " or something wittier for future cons in case if I can't for tomorrow
I have so many ideas and it's time to take this bitch down
No. 485095
>>485069This artist ripped the logo off another website as well. I forget which thread it was in, but she copied the eyes and style exactly. I’ll have to search for it.
Moo’s buddies are always the worst of the worst
No. 485107
File: 1517003545919.jpg (81.94 KB, 659x485, my oppa.jpg)

Sounds like My Oppa is willing to fight back! Just got this response from her!
No. 485121
>>483902>>485110Try it out, it gives us more options.
Next thing you know theres' like 90 edits of this picture, kek
Also I was the one who made the vector, can anyone add like a cute banner that says "Hentai cow from milk party"? or something? I can, but I'm not really good with typed out things. This way when other people see this image, they'll immediately think of the hentai cow.
No. 485127
File: 1517004142462.png (403.73 KB, 849x805, mooshirt.png)

Can't wait my dudez.
No. 485134
>>485119I hope you're being sarcastic, but in case you aren't:
You don't need to excplicitly get someone registered to own the copyright. If you made it, you own it.
No. 485138
File: 1517004415645.gif (863.87 KB, 245x245, anna.gif)

>>485058I would love to print postcards of all the different versions of Milk Party at ALA but…
1. Don't want to hand out lewd material when children will be present
2. Put money into anything concerning Moo.
But the con is pretty small so there is a good chance she would see them. UGH so torn. I want to tear her fat ass in two.
No. 485140
>>485087>>485127Put a milk party logo under it. Or else it just looks like you're supporting momo.
i can do it later if no one else doea
No. 485141
File: 1517004537812.png (905.69 KB, 743x754, berrus2.png)

Oh shit. Guys, I think I missed posting this. Sorry! Its old too.
No. 485160
>>485153Seeing as our cow didn't let anything as pesky as an item being sold out, or moral integrity, from holding her back from her dream photoshoot, we're going to be seeing some hot Hutt on Hutt action soon.
She'll probably dump it during SDCC or another ComicCon since she's too chicken shit to go to one herself. She'd be a very small, fat, fish in a very big pond at a place with hardcore costumers present.
No. 485165
File: 1517005455836.png (87.67 KB, 485x601, support.png)

Hey guys, might seem stupid but I think sending My Oppa a message just to let her know you support will be a huge confidence boost for her in all this mess. Especially considering the people who support Moo and how nasty they can be.
No. 485178
It needs to go somewhere. Don't forget to hashtag the hell out of it. Tumblr loves to rip apart cosplayers who do stuff like this. Luckily she's not doing blackface because holy shit. It would get more attention on top of that.
No. 485179
File: 1517006446183.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1818x2144, 49315446-8C53-4A39-BF7B-51D92C…)

Something like this look okay? I’m not very creative, I need ideas people.
No. 485190
>>485183Great idea!
Changed it to:
Support the
milk party!
Should I put Taropun in small letters since hes the original creator of milk party?
No. 485193
>>485130>>485048If I remember correctly, The girl on the right shot with Magliris Photography (friends of Moo) and Mariah found out about the shoot from the photographer so she threw together a quick Velma so that it would make the other cosplayer look bad. It was in previously threads and they had beef with each other. So its not really a stretch. Both photoshoots were shot at Photo Bang Bang in Las Vegas, with the exact same props and sets.
I'm pretty sure the other cosplayer has made claims about Mariah stealing this photoshoot on purpose too
No. 485194
This timeline doesn't add up and I need help finding this particular instastory from the archives
Anyone remember this?
>>462422This is on November 10th. She claims to have contacted My Oppa the 2nd of November (see her screen of the email she sent). She went to Castle Corsetry for a collab and signed paperwork with Square Noodles that day. She also went out with him because he was having a hard time. They went to a spa.
If she waited for a month, why did she go to Castle Corsetry IN NOVEMBER? She waited a whole 8 days? Something's wrong with this.
No. 485200
File: 1517008406108.png (1.75 MB, 750x1334, 0D0E4CE2-E8A9-488C-9B0F-57F618…)

Months later and she still can’t come up with another pose other than holding the hat and hasn’t gotten a loose suit like she said she was going to.
No. 485202
File: 1517008501636.jpeg (628.63 KB, 750x954, 726B303A-B7F8-41F9-A475-C62C74…)

No. 485207
File: 1517008756526.png (216.64 KB, 619x699, Screenshot 2018-01-26 at 3.18.…)

Before anyone counters with "what about the bunny suit in her recent instastory"
She was "inspired" December.
No. 485208
File: 1517008871590.png (231.39 KB, 388x366, Screen Shot 2018-01-27 at 1.20…)

so I'm making a gif of all the times she holds her hand up to her hat/hair and this happened while I was aligning and I laughed a lot
No. 485210
>>485194GOOD CATCH.
Castle admitted that moo went to her before her ever going to oppa, so we already know they were talking about it before she sent that email. I wasn’t believing the one month wait thing because moo is way too impatient to wait a whole month. It’s clear she only contacted oppa to please castle.
No. 485211
File: 1517009044588.gif (3.1 MB, 288x288, powerofthotpatrol.gif)

Twitter anons, this is sockpuppet 'Molly' Sakura_Tea_Chan.
Fuck me this was a great bombshell to drop on Moo. It started off as a bundle of tweets about the art theft, then making the arranged photo about My Oppa's design vs the shit tier one, before taking it to Facebook to speak with the salty Corsetry where then I got banned TWICE after making two posts. Must have upset some kids.
Twitter is the best way to keep this ball going, notice how useless her army is there? Not one white knight has appeared to defend her in the most viral post.
You know for a fact this has dampered her ALA weekend, she's more quiet than usual too.
No. 485218
File: 1517009507418.png (1.37 MB, 2048x2732, 54BCB91A-301D-486C-AA63-758209…)

Please make some trash accounts to host this pic on different websites… gonna post this on red bubble and DeviantArt in a sec.
No. 485219
>>485218Thank you!!! This looks amazing, I am so willing to give out cheaper charms of this to my friends in goodie bags and slap stickers of this across LA
I also loved how you added Milk Party's author trademark name on the metal clasp
No. 485226
>>485224No. I understand what you guys are doing, but I don't think that's going to work at all because its very obvious that someone did it for the purpose of trying to catch her in a lie. Especially since they can track it back here with some digging. Her fanbase is too blind to care if you made it. She will say she did and they will believe her and the art community wouldn't be on your side either since it came from her first. Regardless of how she views stealing, all in all, we lose this one.
But if you makes you feel good to post it and buy actual pieces of merchandise of this, go ahead.
No. 485235
File: 1517011424928.gif (4.43 MB, 600x600, the-momo-pose.gif)

idk how to not make gifs look like shit but close enough
No. 485244
>>485243I saw. My phone updated the page late. Lol Definitely gonna slap this on a shirt.
>>485241I'm dead. Lmao
No. 485247
>>485237It should say taropun somehwere in english I think. A lof of people are lazy as fuck. Would make it easier for them to find him.
Other than that this looks perfect
No. 485271
File: 1517014486711.jpeg (1.68 MB, 2048x1340, 29FA89F2-5D21-4CEB-999C-2FDC7B…)

Drawing anon here.
I’m going to be using this website to order the charms. Because I want nobody bitching about profit etc etc (Mostly talking about momofans) I’m going to post the PSD and make a tutorial on how to order them. Should be fairly simple so if some one wants to order a bunch/give them away/ do a money split, that’ll be fine too.
The only downside to this website is you’ve gotta create a PSD file for them to print out the charm, but that’s fine leave it to me and I’ll make one anyone can use.
You can also choose what size you want the charm to be, if you want it gloss, etc etc and you can only order one charm at a time if you want too. Pretty nice.
No. 485282
File: 1517015690835.png (173.41 KB, 576x472, pinky1.png)

>>485277That we use our Twitters for the greater good and not just shitposting?
No. 485288
File: 1517016171657.png (542.5 KB, 739x663, moo666.png)

666 Likes and counting.
No. 485289
Sucks it took her ripping from a small business to get people to notice what’s going on.
No. 485290
>>485289It does suck. Some of the replies are "I told you so".
On what level of stupid do you have to be to believe Moo is a great and respectful cosplayer? Time for the normies to finally wake up and see it's not at all about her appearance. She's just a shitty person, inside and out.
No. 485296
File: 1517017089489.png (624.87 KB, 750x1334, CB1D1800-AA9E-41CE-8607-696524…)

Completely ignoring the shit storm
No. 485302
File: 1517017508247.png (601.34 KB, 619x605, Screen Shot 2018-01-26 at 5.32…)

A fan of hers posted this pic of her and Vamp.
Gotta ask, is ALA all white walls? Cause if so I still haven't seen a pic of her inside yet….
No. 485304
File: 1517017568910.jpg (100 KB, 720x960, 26992133_10210919720296001_122…)

>>485302look at her face. she's not there.
No. 485339
File: 1517020773018.png (2.27 MB, 2928x4408, the post 1.png)

okay, the image is a few posts long its hard to get everything and im not very good at this lol. I feel very "graphic design is my passion" right now and im terribly sorry if this doesnt come out right
No. 485341
File: 1517020811461.png (3.17 MB, 2928x4408, the post 2.png)

pt 2
No. 485342
File: 1517020840260.png (4.4 MB, 2928x4408, the post 3.png)

pt 3 and still working on it.
No. 485348
>>485058wouldn't be better to do it with this
>>484663 version tho? since it's from a farmer and momo won't be able to complain because its TOTES NOT THE SAME
No. 485350
File: 1517021896881.png (283.67 KB, 599x457, steff.png)

>>485344Think this is about the Moomoo situation?
No. 485357
File: 1517022271618.jpeg (167.25 KB, 750x848, E5EDCD2E-00AB-4A12-97A5-9C8E41…)

>>485356Whoops dropped my image
No. 485361
>>485358Seriously. Stop counting on Nigri to call out Mariah. Its shitty that she follows mariah and talks to her, but it's not her responsibility to tap mariah on the nose and say BAD.
The smart thing for Jnig to do for this is to ignore it to be honest. Why mess up your cred for shitty mariah when you can just slowly fade out the picture
No. 485364
File: 1517022816723.png (2.28 MB, 2928x4408, the post 4.png)

almost done
No. 485380
File: 1517024228586.jpg (516.19 KB, 874x3158, IMG_20180127_113407.jpg)

Not sure if anyone's seen MyOppa's comment on Momokun's page but she's being so much more graceful than what this sow actually deserves.
No. 485400
>>485380Im wondering if her message directly to Moo included asking for any damages. Im very, very curious. Im sad that she isn't outright saying she is going to do something and instead is just sad to see someone stealing a design.
Like.. Come on My Oppa. You can do this. We have your back.
No. 485407
>>485404Posted what?
Also, I @'d IvyDoomKitty. She's been outspoken about Moo before. I hope she jumps on this.
No. 485426
File: 1517027248097.png (590.65 KB, 443x711, Screenshot_2018-01-26-20-24-42…)

No. 485429
File: 1517027321879.png (127.33 KB, 961x951, pussy.png)

They are running out of counterarguments when you bring up more copyright talk.
No. 485436
File: 1517028176917.png (85.75 KB, 935x595, baby.png)

Its funny how loose cannon people get when you call them 'sweetheart' 'baby' or 'kid' in an argument. Its hilarious in video games, but actual discussions it even more entertaining.
we are nothing more than a mob mentality group crying wolf. Keep that in mind, guys.
No. 485437
File: 1517028220337.png (861.3 KB, 720x1191, Screenshot_2018-01-26-20-39-57…)

No. 485439
>>485406Exactly. I'm sick of people saying that Red Riding Hood is a public domain character. That's not the point. If she was cosplaying naruto or something who has a specific canon cosplay, it's understandable why she would need an exact replica. However, if she wanted to cosplay naruto in a fan designed costume, she would usually have to ask the creator of the fan design for permission. It's generally a rule in cosplay to always ask artists for permission when you're doing a fan design by the artist.
What makes this situation worse is that it also involves an actual product someone is selling. It's a person literally selling THEIR OWN PERSONAL design for a character. On top of that, Mariah is selling photos of herself in the design someone made themselves. SHES PROFITTING OFF OF SOMEBODY ELSE'S WORK.
Is she fucking stupid?
No. 485447
>>485439You know a good explanation of this is that fan artist that did the (iirc) the cheongsam or the magical girl outfits for the characters in OW, I can’t remember if it was spreepicky that stole the designs and tired to sell it as their own, when the artist was already in partnership with another taobao like cosplay selling site where they got her permission and pay her for it
Basically what moomoo is doing is that, didn’t wait or actually talk to the supplier for the outfit, wanted it ASAP because she needs to be the best and first so sought out someone who’s shady, it’s like what people say about her lipo doctors not caring she has multiple procedures in a short amount of time it’s the money that matters
Also has anyone tried @‘ing that dva cosplayer in the post that actually wanted to confront moo at con but she hid the whole day lol
No. 485448
File: 1517030184050.png (428.3 KB, 524x574, hated.png)

How does it feel to be absolutely hated Moo?
No. 485456
File: 1517032195609.jpeg (122.85 KB, 746x1200, 193CCDCA-4DF2-4EB2-AC8E-DFD06E…)

a side profile
No. 485457
File: 1517032266604.jpeg (63.77 KB, 308x408, 6070CA95-9119-49EA-9F1A-B7F9A0…)

This thread has been so incredible guys.
It’s like we’ve finally managed to collectively concentrate all of our hate together into one massive blow and now we’re doing some damage.
Next thing I think is to get some of those keychains or other random merch with that lolcow version of the design and post pictures of it around.. I think thatll be the best way.
Should we delete the file here though and only release it when we get some physical merch?
No. 485461
File: 1517032700150.jpeg (70.05 KB, 687x260, 29041B33-11CA-4222-B61B-0FF4A4…)

Also I hope everyone else is kek’ing at the idea and fact momo tries to “make up” for all her basically-porn shoots, and tries with this one as a “non lewd one”… and this literally fucks up more than she ever has before(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 485463
>>485456When will a good Elias mask happen? this looks so lumpy and fake. There ARE good skull masks out there how come no one can do HIM right?? This looks like it was made with model magic geeze
sorry nerd rage
No. 485468
>>485450Have anyone here with twitter thought of posting about this situation in any of Jessica Nigri’srecent posts or keep spamming her on her other social media websites so she can be proud of her art stealing cosdaughter? I think, specially now that Nigri is working more on building her costumes would make her aware that this bitch could commission Nigri’s stuff with CC Andy what’s is happening is the biggest proof of it?
Sorry for bad English :(
No. 485471
>>485466this is different, because it was part of a trend bodyposipanda started called #donthatetheshake
there are plenty of ripoffs she did but thats just reaching
No. 485476
>>485361Momo is the ONLY one who considers Nigri her 'cosmom' Theyre not even that great friends. Jessica obviously doesnt give a shit about momo. HELL momo hasnt even been in any of Jessica's 'WCW' spams. If you had someone shitty in your general friend group would you want to be expected to do something about it???
If you wanna @ her because you're doing the same to other big cosplayers? FINE. But dont act like JNig and Moo have any kind of special or deep relationship cause you're just feeding the moocow's ego and delusions
No. 485481
File: 1517034111125.jpeg (181.18 KB, 900x1200, 6D1F6C54-F755-4707-AE66-F1AB51…)

scale of 1 to 10 how sober is she? kek also since Jessica loves furries here she goes
No. 485486
File: 1517034285225.png (1.23 MB, 750x1334, 16CAAC32-BEC6-4A6E-B3C4-1DE023…)

Holy shit that’s a huge bitch
No. 485487
>>485481Holy, that is one of the nicest furry outfits I have seen in a long time. Kudos to the maker!
>>485484No, silly anon. For not being a NICE furry. lol
No. 485505
>>485489no one doesn't believe she's 193, it's that we can't believe she's ONLY 193
>>485503go back like two threads, the caps were already provided.
No. 485506
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I was looking for something to masturbate to on PornHub and this hambeast shows up in an ad. Fastest way for me to dry up. Forgive me if this has been posted before.
No. 485514
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she looks dead inside
No. 485519
File: 1517036936143.png (185.03 KB, 750x1334, 3AE5665A-023F-4CA9-886E-5AA028…)

Trying to pretend like she never explicitly made fun of someone for being a furry a couple weeks ago
No. 485522
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No. 485523
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No. 485527
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A bunch of people are commenting on this picture saying how she did such a great job making this, they can’t wait to see the cosplay, etc. This is why you can’t be vague and need to credit shit, because now people seem to think she’s somehow capable of creating that
No. 485541
File: 1517038290028.jpeg (414.48 KB, 750x754, CF1EE263-7023-4682-9976-1C1D4A…)

Sprinkle some muh good person on your timeline to distract from the growing number of likes and retweets on that big thread about you going around
No. 485547
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She looks like the female version of Cory Spazkid.
No. 485559
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No. 485563
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>>485557 don't know what her numbers were before it started.
No. 485566
>>485564Yeah. Im looking at maybe being out of work for a few months due to an injury and the checks I get for leave are going to have to go somewhere else, but you bet your ass I will help any way I can otherwise. I have a throwaway twitter too and a tumblr for anything we need shared and Im saving all sets released by direct download.
I do want to say though, she is starting to give sets only in messages. She did this with her fairy and scarecrow. Im wondering if this might be her new way of distributing them, but funny thing is that a lot of people have commented on there about not getting them even though they paid those tiers.
She told me, via twitter on a now blocked account, that she has someone else who handles her Patreon and who replies to messages on there. I highly doubt that because if so, they should be fired. On my new one Ive sent a message 10 days ago. No replies yet and Ive tried twice since using flattering terms to see if that would get attention. So she won't reply to compliments either. Only slander and accusations of withholding content.
No. 485571
>>485538This is perfect. Next thread pic please.
Also, it was an honour to be part of this beautiful common effort to expose Mariah's trash ethics. Love you all anons.
No. 485572
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with all this red stuff i just…
>when your vet look so cool the shoot should have been with her not with you
No. 485580
File: 1517059532686.png (7.53 KB, 276x135, 2000 likes.PNG)

still going strong
No. 485589
File: 1517061850359.jpg (80.11 KB, 1400x2100, Momokun_Camilla_Alive_Alf-14[1…)

>>485585i don't think they did. their main website has no pictures of moo either. i checked wayback machine for the main site and no changes involving moo at all. i don't blame them though, mariah's pics look nowhere as nice to their other pics because moo is so awkward looking (pic related)
No. 485598
>>485334>>485335>>485337>>485340Also Alyson too, she might be a cow herself but she's still a big name and on top of that she absolutely despises Mariah
>>485572This looks really great, I gotta say.
No. 485602
>>485576Almost did. You guys almost aren’t an anon alive for suggesting to also spamming Nigri. I kinda understood the idea, to pressure Nigri to unfollow the cow at once, but I agree with you, wrong time because of the release of her doc, but also perfect time to remind her that she has a big moo moo stain still hoping for some of her attention.
It’s funny that just because of Nigri doc people here went from hating her to white knight and stan her so hard
No. 485606
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>>485559So moo AND her friends all hate giving credit i guess. This skull was bought from etsy and if i read her tweet I would have assumed he made it. Obviously they added the headdress and LEDs for eyes but that's about the same amount of work moo puts into her costumes. (horns are an option on the etsy as well)
No. 485615
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Meme aside, will this be another Kanna debate for her? 8 yr old body thats 1000+ vs 9 yr old that looks 18+
No. 485616
File: 1517069132758.png (2.09 MB, 750x1334, 14E50F71-809D-4364-A239-7FA0CF…)

>>485606I dunno I think the fangs look shittier on this one
No. 485618
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>>485616Also whoever’s talkin in this clip it sounds like they’re saying “our friend Danny does the horns so he can do them for you as well” conforming Danny do as new Asian propmaster supreme?
No. 485628
>>485613i can't find the 2k one, only one with 300~
can you link it please?
No. 485636
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Did anyone else know that Mariah copied Jess with the fairy shoot too? I swear she's just about ready to cut off Jnig's skin and wear it as her own. Too bad she won't fit.
No. 485637
File: 1517073200025.jpeg (723.35 KB, 1242x2035, 9AB3D4F8-643C-41A9-91E3-730A2C…)

>>485606It looks like her friends are more interested in taking credit than telling her who really made it. I think every time her irl friends call her out for something she just drops them and finds new people who will put up with it instead of fixing her shit personality
No. 485647
>>485641My apologies, I misunderstood.
How is the next thread coming along? We're almost at a hard lock for the thread.
No. 485676
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she’s Awake, give me roadslob
No. 485829
File: 1517164953563.jpg (471.88 KB, 1080x1990, Screenshot_20180128-102645.jpg)