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No. 525312
Thread Image Credit:
>>525292Previous Thread:
>>>/pt/522648Onion Thread Archives:
>>>/pt/511709Onion's Shitty New Book, Ch.1-15:
>>524864Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregma/Gurgles/Lainey's Gay Husband (abbreviated to LGH)/Shreg/Ogreg is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been rapidly declining since. Laineybot/Taylor/Lainey/Plainey/Doormat/Greg's Straight Wife (abbreviated to GSW), is a transtrender and "beauty guru" with no makeup-knowhow or personality.
On the last episode:
>Lainey went to visit her family in New Mexico with the kids>Greg sperged on twitter ALL of Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, AND Monday.>Sperged on twitter about PewDiePie being a pedophile after PDP featured Onion in a video about not-humble YouTubers >>522863>Sperged on twitter about Shane being a pedophile again >>522977 as well as in a 30-minute video >>523157>Threw shade at a Bratz doll >>523081>Sperged on twitter about not being a pedophile >>523265>Sperged on twitter at Blaire White to debate him again >>523492 and she brushed him off >>523501>Sperged in more videos about how he's not a pedophile >>523622 and >>524946>Realizing Blaire won't reciprocate his love, Ogreg instead challenges viewers via YouNow to debate >>525219 Stream summary >>525224 Anons confirm the highlight to be a farmer named Lucidia, who appears at 1:38:09 in the hooktube.For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules in the future:
- No nitpicking. /pt/ no longer has the sage function.
- Don't liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- TempCow is gone, live blogging can be done in
- Important streams will get their own threads with loosened rules.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
Gregma: No. 525338
>>525312A+++ anon, we don't deserve you.
I am so pleased that Shreg vs. Bratz doll made it into the writeup. This might be my favorite ShregSperg yet.
No. 525351
>>525338Echoed. I chuckled.
I just got around to watching the “debate”, Princess Merida fucking eviscerated Shrunk. Imagine how much more HAM she would have gone had she been given time to prepare (i.e. compile receipts)
No. 525352
>>525338Just came to post the same thing. That Bratz doll is a loose fucking whooooore.
I thought for sure Shrimp Dick was winding down to be a boring old man but this weekend+ has turned out to be Mr. Shreg's Wild Ride.
No. 525367
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Don’t know why he continues to try and revive his dead channel.
No. 525377
>>525373He was just caught off-guard, perhaps. Maybe he realized our Queen Lu was providing interesting content for him.
Either way, made this old lolcord-fag proud. Good memories, good times, good job, Lucidia.
>>525376I'm skeptical of his sperging. I wonder if he's just using the opportunity of an empty swamp trailer to sperg all day and night for views and maximum 'tism. No Space Prince & kids to beg for attention.
No. 525380
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>>525379Of COURSE he made the thumbnail like this, so that he appears to be laughing at her and she's confused. Greg, she wrecked you, and we all know you're angrily crying/jerking off about it in the bath all alone at the swamp.
No. 525388
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While her gay husband is STILL sperging and challenging the world to argue with him, Lainey is in NM, liking tweets like these.
I don't know who this person is, but it's interesting that Lainey is the only person to like this tweet so far.
No. 525393
>>525385whats so hard to understand?
greg hates when double standards work against him (if I did that!!!!), but wont give the same allowance to shane.
says he was totes a teen at 18/19, but says "its legal" and how mature his child bridges are.
it doesnt matter that you werent "impressed". with barely trying she got him to contradict himself in almost the same damn breath. and his body language alone is telling.
No. 525409
>>525385>>525390I enjoyed it and thought she was really cute and funny, but I agree. I watched it live and thought even then that the way she approached the Shane thing wasn't quite right. I wasn't really deeply offended by what Shane did, and I definitely don't think he's a pedophile for it, but it was weird. He acknowledged that and apologized for it. I think the point should've been that it was a bad joke, but what Shreg does is worse and
actually predatory. And that flinging these kind of accusations at Shane but then wimping out and saying he won't call the cops because
he didn't actually do anything wrong is bullshit.
I also wish she'd have gone harder on the kissing his underage sleeping cousin though. She brought it up after people in the chat were basically spamming it, he immediately changed the subject, and she let him wiggle out of it.
The rest of it though: brava.
No. 525410
>>525390Did you watch the whole thing?
She got him cornered several times. Even got him to admit he has no reason to call the cops on Shane because of “false allegations”. The twat even tried to use Gurg logic to try to get to her admit she was a pedo.
She did a stellar job. Far better than I could have done off-the-cuff like that. No preparation. Really the best you can hope for in these situations. Garg even started licking his wounds on camera, and tried sucking up to her by the end.
No. 525413
>>525390>>525409I kind of agree in the way that she came off as a Shane stan, but I think she a good job considering she had no time to prepare and I feel like she was trying to say that the shane things were okay, because onion does the same thing and expects not to get slandered, but it's fine for HIM to slander Shane. She was pointing out the hypocrisy. If she had said yes I agree, to even some of Shane's behaviour, then he would have taken it and ran with it.
Also my fave part was when she owned him about the tomb raider games. He tried so hard to agree with her and gave a phony example and she shut him down because she's obviously played all the games. Even when he tried to bring up duke nukem, she corrected him on the game title AND passed more of the game than him. Hahaha I'm in love.
Her and Vix are my fave.
No. 525425
Just watch the first 10 seconds:"I'm trying to turn on 10 year old boys!" -Greg
So, where's the line? With every passing day, I'm more and more starting to seriously believe Greg has fucked up desires he can't help but project on everyone else.
No. 525435
>>525425Someone shared a video with all this kind of stuff in it in the last thread.
>>524974Imagine being Onion and having a treasure trove all the stupid things you’ve said over the years out there for the public to ridicule you with, when you do stupid things and slander someone.
No. 525467
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No. 525472
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>>525467Ew wtf!! Are those liver spots on his forehead?! Fucking d i s g u s t i n g
No. 525488
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>>525466She put herself out there for us when the other people who guested were either retarded or trolling. She was the only one who made good arguments, cornered him, and really got under his skin. Impromptu 'debates' are tough, putting yourself in front of a webcam for Onision to spread your face around the internet is tough, she was probably nervous and trying to address a lot of things while not letting him slither out. You don't have to agree, but complaining about people who put themselves out there for us to get milk is counterproductive.
I for one welcome our new Irish queen.
No. 525508
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In his latest video he pokes his head out of a tent. Gold shoop material.
No. 525511
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>>525508Is . . . . is this what a greek God looks like?
No. 525517
>>525512Speaking of Mikenactor, I didn't like how onision called him fat, bald and ugly and british.
1- he's australian, onision can never tell the difference between aussies and poms.
2- the balding thing was a low blow. It pisses me off that Greg will insult everyone else's looks whether they asked for his opinion or not but when someone criticises his red scaly face, he screams that it's a disease and incurable and that people are dicks.
He can dish it out but can't take it.
Sorry for the whiteknighting, I just feel sorry for dudes that start to bald. Especially before 30. It happened to a guy I knew in his early 20s. Also, I like Mike. Hate the fact he is mates with Joy sparkle, but he's a funny guy.
No. 525522
>>525518I'm not balding though.
I'm annoyed at him for pointing out a thing that someone can't help but bitches that he can't help his rosacea when people insult it. I'm aware he takes shots at people's appearances all the time, but things like balding and burns victims are really mean. Those people can't help it.
No. 525526
>>525525It's such a shitty tactic. Lucinda ignored it, so that was good.
It's so childish though, not being able to argue the point so he resorts to name calling.
No. 525551
>>525547I pointed that out in the last thread about his childcare sperg and how he ran away from those little kids trying to take his shirt off.
Literally any other normal person would tell the kids to stop it but his mind automatically thinks it's sexual. It's funny too, because he said they were near a lake, so pulling his shirt is justifiable because they probably wanted him to go swimmimg.
Funny how judging little teen girls bodies online is okay because underwear is the 'same as a swimsuit guys' but apparently these children near a lake were pulling at his shirt because they wanted to fuck him so he RAN AWAY.
He is projecting.
No. 525552
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I appreciate what Lucidia and the farmers in his younow chat did but if he does this again, I hope farmers will stay away. There's no need for further "debate" or attention. Also notice how he says he wants to argue. Not debate.
No. 525566
>>525562It's the same vibe I get when he argues with Jaclyn Glenn. Teasing and playfully arguing at times.
He like love hates them, it's fucking weird.
No. 525571
>>525481Because she was a kid and didn't know better. I dated 2 older sleaze balls as a free spirited teen and 10 years later I realize how predatory they were.
>>525567 Me too. I honestly hope she leaves him. It will be better for her and the kids. Lainey is a cunt and I don't care what happens to her, but at least her kids will have a chance and it would be hilarious to see Greg lose it. He wouldn't be able to handle being dumped. He always has to be the dumpee
No. 525573
>>525385I agree. It was still entertaining and I think she did a good job of making him squirm, but her shane stanning is what irritated me and it's something that has bugged me for awhile across the board.
What Shane did was crossing the line. Im not defending Shreg by any means because he is the LAST person to be pointing fingers (and we all know why he is doing it) BUT: if it was Gurg that did/say the shit that Shane did, we would have no mercy and for good reason.
The difference is Shane is loved by way more people for his sense of humor and personality. I can see where he was coming from in his apology video, and I think part of the reason he has a darker sense of humor is from the trauma he experienced as a child (I know from experience because my Mom was the same way).
However, there is one point he never addressed in the Popblast video that I found weird: his argument that being into kids is like a kink, but unlike other kinks it is looked at as something disgusting and unforgivable. How is that a joke? Maybe there is some part of him that wants to understand why he was molested as a child, but being sexually attracted to kids is NOT A kink, it's a very serious mental illness.
Shane has MANY young fans, putting that kind of crap out there is not okay regardless of how anybody feels about him. Sorry for the long post, but pedos get away with shit because people are blind to the warning signs because the guilty party never seemed like somebody capable of doing something like that.
(take it to the youtubers thread) No. 525574
>>525565Not only that, he made up some argument that teens can't control their sexual desires like adults can and that made it totally okay that his male teen cousin tried to molest him/see him naked for sexual reasons.
With that retarded logic, shouldn't the cheating blame be totally placed on him and not Billie? She was just a horny teen…he was a grown 31 year old. Hmmm.
(Edited my post because i made a mistake)
No. 525581
>>525517Agreed, anon. And kind of ironic he called Mike out on being fat of all things when his own tits are getting so big he's inevitably going to borrow his straight wife's binder any minute now.
From one side of his mouth, he's trying to get sympathy for his own "real body issues" (yes, he actually used that as a tag) and make vids about how he's been struggling with his weight, and from the other he's hurling insults at people's weight and making countless videos judging his yeen fans on whether they're "curvy" or gross.
He's a disgusting piece of shit who can dish it out but can't take it.
No. 525585
>>525573Shane's jokes were in poor taste, but we are again looking at this in 2018. A lot has changed since that original video was posted in the vein of sexual exploitation of minors and just sexual crimes in general. It was a joke though. You can tinfoil and say Shane gave his cousin hush money to not come out like all the other guys out there, but I really fucking doubt that.
What irks me more than her Shane-stanning was Onions inconsistencies. He twists definitions. Why is Shreg so well-versed in the ages he is legally allowed to fuck and not the fact that sexual harassment against minors and sexual exploitation of minors is indeed a crime?Little creepy there, bud.
I would love if someone compiled good evidence against Onion to debate him in his next impromptu "debate" so that he won't be a little bitch about not having shit to back it up.
>>525583Exactly, and Shreg has barely altered the way he operates. Yeah, maybe he isn't rating minors (just because they say they're 18 and "look legal"), but he's still fucking peeping at girls and rating him. We all fucking know Shreg is rating it based on how many millimeters his little Onion peen grows when looking at it.
And he needs to stop using his fans asking for it as an excuse. Maybe be a reasonable human and not do everything some teen girls ask you to do?
No. 525589
>>525577He does this shit too so his little kid fans that watch say 'See? Greg waz just bein nice and they were being mean to himm'
They don't understand that it's a tactic.
Same as how he tries to keep a calm voice or giggles during debates all the while saying troll things. When people get mad, he acts like they are irrational.
Little kids don't understand the actual logical points in the debates and just see a calm guy with a 'screaming idiot'
And that is how Greg talks about them later to his kiddy audience.
>waaah everyone just wants to hate me when I'm just telling the truth, did you see her/him going off like a crazy person?Although those same dumb fans conveniently forget this when Greg goes on an angry sperg on twitter or makes a crazy angry rant video.
No. 525590
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>>525478Yes! She definitely got under his skin, enough where he deleted every comment praising her as fast as he could. I did try to screenshot a couple as it was happening, it was pretty comical to watch in real time.
It's telling how focused his little minions are on Lucidia, they all had to rush to Shreg's defense because she clearly threatened him.
No. 525598
>>525595In all honestly, she is a genuinely lovely person and having met her and spent time with her I cannot imagine her having made any of it up. In no way at all did I ever get an inkling that she is out to get anyone. She's a sweet kind hearted girl. Fangirling on line is very different to her actual inreal personality and demeanour.
>>525590I'm surprised he posted the stream on YouTube at all. She so clearly drags him down and belittles him in the video that it only makes him look pathetic and wrong.
Another point that was made by a guest is about his use of Blackface and using the N word, he kept saying that 'he wasn't playing a black stereotype so it wasn't racist'. He is right in that aspect that he wasn't playing a black character, however doing black face and simultaneously mocking people who get offended by black face
is racist. He then sperged out about how if people think him blacking up in the video was racist, then so is putting on a black face mask or camo paint. Firstly, people don't put on face masks with the intention to mock blackface. Secondly, how the fuck is camo paint racist, racist to whom? Leaves?
He defended the use of the N word, saying that he said 'Nitter' instead. Which is just an alternative way to say the word but the meaning was still there, yet he goes off on Pewds for having said it. The guest pointed this out that he was just using a pussy way of saying the word. He then changed his narrative and said that 'nitter' means someone who knits. Honestly, he was a mess for the whole stream.
No. 525607
>>525604Idubbbz would have to do it in a smart way, He'd have to do what we even started doing here on LC, Don't mention LGH by name at all, Even edit his video and voice clips or something. Don't give him identity but make it obvious as to who it is, But I'm sure people would guess anyway.
Though if he did a content cop on lainey and not grease at all I could see LGH being even more buttmad about not being the subject.
No. 525609
>>525599I've always been against this idea because Shreg wants it too much and frankly he's not worth Ian's time.
Extreme Tinfoil: The Pewdiepie accusations were a final hail Mary to try and grab Ian's attention, because he knows those two ate friends.
No. 525611
>>525598Not invalidating her rape at all and perhaps she's a nice girl like you say, but she comes across as extremely dumb white trash.
I know she's mentally ill, but is she slow too? Like alcohol fetal syndrome or something? Genuine question.
She's also a fan of Greg, so there's that too.
No. 525617
>>525607Holy shit, I could completely get behind a CC: Laineybot, but I don't think he'd ever do it as the wrath of tumblr would come raining down on him.
So far he's chosen very unsympathetic targets. He'd take some heat for this one but it would be glorious.
No. 525627
>>525481She got a considerable amount of money for "managing his social media". I know she probably doesn't care about youtube subs, but her channel got a ton of subs when she was on his greasy two incher and after uploading "Dear Onision" video. Otherwise, I have no idea why she didn't go for an emo/scene youtuber who actually is closer to her type instead.
>>525599Yeah how about no? Shreg doesn't deserve to get any kind of exposure. The only one who literally got buttraped out of youtube by iDubbbz was Leafyishere. I haven't noticed Ricegum bleeding out a shit ton of subs or that stupid whore Tana Mongeau whatever the fuck her last name is - she actually is, ironically, thriving on youtube. Grease could technically use that kind of massive exposure to his advantage. He can't have that.
No. 525628
>definitely not thick>onision fan over 19Hmm.
>>525623Yeah it's such a double edged sword. I want Ian to wreck him but I also don't want that cunt to get traffic to his channel.
Greg's like that blind pimple you wanna dig at, you really want to squeeze it, but you know it'll get bigger and redder if you try. It'll go away if you ignore it and leave it be.
No. 525630
>>525625Not only corrected the title but unlocked more of the game then him and called him a fucking loser for it kek
I'm not one for name calling, but it was good because he was trying to impress her.
No. 525637
File: 1527705144522.png (861.52 KB, 1077x644, beauty guru chris crocker.PNG) does a review on the ABH Soft Glam palette ($42) sent to her by Sara along with some ABH lipgloss ($16). Apparently Plainey has wanted this palette for a very long time and is so happy to finally have it.
No. 525674
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>>525552>>525660Shreg thinking he's such a mastermind with these manipulative polls kills me every time.
No. 525679
>>525653Kek I'm sure he can manage to open a yogurt container every now again. She probably just like to feel like she's needed.
With the way he's been sperging nonstop though, I wouldn't be surprised if there's dogpiss all over the house. I highly doubt he's been taking the dogs out.
No. 525696
triggers me too, even if it is just her online persona. Also, I think she is mentally handicapped. I know we like to bandy about “retard” and “autistic” as insults here (fuck knows I do it, all the fucking time) but I think she is legit.
No. 525722
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>>525717Because dudes/agender people have big, saggy, milky udders that their hellspawn will be attached to until they go to college. Seems legit.
No. 525727
>>5256372:54 "PEEENK" the way she says it makes me so irrationally angry
Why does she do this? Why? There's so many ACTUALLY talented beauty gurus on YouTube, why would people watch the review of someone who's absolutely shit at not just applying makeup but shit at reviewing it, too?
And I'll never understand her being okay with accepting so many gifts from teenagers. Jesus Christ.
No. 525736
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No. 525740
>>525736"Nifty," really?
I also highly doubt it's real, and when he realizes it isn't I'm sure he'll rage about how she should do it anyway, she's scared, blah blah
No. 525743
>>525736>youtubes PERFECT VILLAINNobody says that grease, We just think you're trash and your content is trash.
Lol trying to inflate his own ego.
No. 525753
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>>525743Jfc he's really getting off on this "villain" thing. That tweet comparing himself to Loki was pathetically hilarious.
The first definition is pretty accurate, but he definitely sees himself as some kind of charismatic supervillain that everyone loves to hate.
What a deluded dipshit. It's like a turd that someone stepped on at a picnic declaring itself a "PERFECT VILLAIN" for ruining everyone's appetites.
No. 525755
>>525637Not only is that palette filthy (maybe try to get those stains out if you're going to wave it around on camera, hello?) she's already dropped it? How do people still throw free shit at her when she turns around and neglects/resells it all.
I can't stand listening/watching more than once. I don't think she even thanked her? Even if she did so in the other video (I doubt it) or whatever, she's so fucking ungrateful and tactless.
No. 525759
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No. 525761
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He's streaming now, when I checked in I was treated to him screeching "I'm gonna put my RITTLE penis in your rittle mouth" in his best racist asian accent.
Never change, Shreg.
No. 525765
>>525736"most all"
most all of your dick is balls man
most all of what you say is illiterate
most all of your fantasies involve young teen girls
most all
most all
fucking christ if i were a narc i would at least have learned how to not look like an absolute fucking mook in public
No. 525775
>>525772He's been talking about sex nonstop for his teen harem for over 10 minutes now and the video isn't even age-gated on YT.
He goes on and on about how it's so unfair other people get away with everything, but he's getting away with murder, and tons of people report his shit.
I don't get it.
No. 525779
Ian's smart enough that he could totally figure out a way to do a CC without saying Onision or Greg. EASILY.
Hell, he could use some of the names we used for him here. Shreg & LGH would be best, imo. I actually think a CC on Onion Boy would be worse for him because a CC gets mad exposure and Onion is more detestable than ANYONE Ian's content copped. Ian ended Leafy, he could end Gregma. The only reason the CC didn't work the same on Tana & Keem is because Tana's audience is honestly stagnant (and who gives a fuck if she dropped the N-bomb – imo he only went after her bc she went after him) and for Keem, who gives a fuck about an old ass dude backstabbing people LOL
A CC on Onion Boy (maybe even featuring some of the YT'ers he's brought shit against) would be the final nail in the coffin for Gregma. A complete dossier of his dumbassery over the last decade – even if it gets him a couple of views, the majority of them would be negative and EVERYONE knows it. He's not gaining new fans at this point, he's losing them.
No. 525785
>>525779I don't have a link on hand right now, but a while back iDubbbz basically did a CC on Onion. It just wasn't labeled a CC and was on someone else's channel, probably to avoid giving him too much attention.
I'm sure with a little effort you can find it, it's been discussed before.
No. 525789
>>525736it's so funny how he loves calling himself the perfect villain (because we know he loves pretending he's on the tier of L or light or some shit)
but he has to point out "It wasn't MEEEEE that gave me this title! It was this other person" like that makes it less pathetic.
No. 525793
>>525775The only thing mentioned about yesterday was the girl who spoke about the forums but said his name too much. He also thinks any critical talk of him is inherently mean. Called haters cunts in the end as well.
Not much there, No mention of lucidia at all either.
Someone was on his periscope saying that the email with blaire was fake and that their friend wrote it? Grease went onto his browser and then periscope to ban the person directly. His tabs had a webchat in it but nothing of much interest.
No. 525803
>>525789It's just an ego boost, it has always been with him. Since he can't be an actual decent person he's going to resort to the other side for that narcissistic supply - might as well be "the perfect villain" then.
I do sometimes wonder if he ever admits to himself that he's not that great at anything ( calling yourself the perfect villain is cringy as fuck ) or that important in general. You know, having a moment of actual self awareness, not just tweeting something about it, kek.
No. 525814
>>525615Here is the video where he talked about wanting Billie to sit on his face while Lainey sucked his micro peen. to 5:25
No. 525824
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No. 525827
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>>525814This video pisses me off so bad.
He keeps blaming Billie, Taylor keeps blaming Billie. The fact of the matter is that he wanted to cheat. It's amazing he got away with it all.
No. 525831
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Realistic depiction of Shreg.
No. 525834
>>525814>I told my wife how things were going to beThis is not how a marriage is supposed to be and I really wonder if the Plain Doormat watched this and was like "He still loves me I don't care" like how she is now. This dude really
reeeally needs to not create any more kids and have his balls kicked into the bottom of the swamp.
No. 525855
>>525834but then he won’t be able to take gross pictures in boxers because his super sexy ball bulge will be gone :(
how long is lainey in new mexico for?
No. 525871
>>525854It’s pretty great because this old video still applies perfectly.
Ian said all he has to say, Onision doesn’t get any views.
No. 525879

>>525736I'll probably regret saying this because Sunday will come and it'll be true, but I get the vibe this is fake. Its just like those Shane emails, someone made up a fake email account using Shanes real name and Onision jumped at the opportunity to say Shane still thinks about him. Its like the love starved Chris-Chan willing to believe every girl contacting him via email or messenger is for real, and not a troll hoping to ruin his life.
Either Greg really thinks people care about him, or hes just really stupid. Like that time some troll baited him with a PETA sponsorship. They played that con out for a couple of weeks. Saying they'd like for him to be a voice for them, then they werent sure because they heard about what he did to his turtle. Greg pleaded for the sponsorship and it was back on, then (fake)PETA said that they heard about how many times animal services&welfare had been called on him. And it finally ended with a Skype call.
No. 525942
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OT but he's been gaining and losing the same 10 twitter followers for the last hour. any farmers know twitter stats better than me? is he replacing followers or is it a weird glitch?
No. 525977
>>525867>>525882she credits him for figuring out she was bi and telling her she is and that's how she came out. Clearly she is a moron.
Also, I feel bad for you anons who think shes currently thinking of leaving him just because shes in new mexico. It's cute how you still have hope for her. Shes still going to come right back and be an annoying bitch who defends everything onion does and enables him.
No. 526003
>>525994>>525977In no way do I think Lainey is a good person, nor do I think it's likely she'll leave, the only reason I want her to leave is towatch Greg go crazy and see what other hoe moves in and the crazy hijinks will continue.
Lainey is boring.
No. 526127
File: 1527792952120.png (2.17 MB, 2565x1267, dysphoria.png)

Jfc her boobs are flopping out all over the place. You know she's aware of it because she checks hetself out in the viewfinder all the time. So strange for someone with such terrible dysphoria.
No. 526157
>>526150Because Tammy is the primary narcissist of the fucked up family tree, and narcs make up their own worldview out of whatever works out best for them and their ego.
Tammy support what she likes and can identify with, and with her black and white thinking, anything that falls outside that is BAD. She like weed, and the supernatural woo shit tells her she has magic powers and control over people, so she likes all of that. She's never questioned her gender, so she doesnt understand why anyone would or could, because everyone is just a reflection of her.
No. 526162
File: 1527795759376.png (296.49 KB, 1410x1539, virtuous Shreg.png)

Guess who's awake and back to randomly virtue signaling again?
No. 526163
>>526130Did anyone else catch that Lainey said one year she was a "Space Princess"
confirmed space prince since childhood kek
No. 526164
File: 1527795864948.png (660.18 KB, 800x800, imnotracist.png)

No. 526166
File: 1527796064654.png (1.53 MB, 1440x1896, butthurt.png)

Kek of course he was super butthurt about Christine Sydelko's tweet. Any bets on how long it will take for him to start haranguing her for a "debate"?
No. 526167
File: 1527796127107.png (522.21 KB, 1088x863, BigotOnion.png)

More racist shit from the totally not racist Gregma.
No. 526174
>>526167>i feel sorry for people who use skin colour as an identity, you are a personThen why did you harp on about wishing Lainey was more mixed race?
He genuinely is more racist and homophobic when he tries to whiteknight I swear.
No. 526177
>>526169Yeah there was one pic where she's wearing pastel yellow hoodie and just because it had stripes it was emo apparently
Everything was sooo emo and sooo scene
No. 526184
File: 1527798148662.png (1.67 MB, 1808x1026, Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at 1.22…)

>>526177I don't know why she would be selling this one. Seems perfect.
No. 526187
File: 1527798298606.png (581.24 KB, 945x430, oranges in socks.png)

>>526104I now understand why she wants breast surgery. Just look at that elongated & too far apart cleavage.
After breast feeding those two kids for way too long, Im positive that when she takes her t-shirt and sports bra off her breasts look like two oranges in a couple of socks.
(nitpicking) No. 526193
>>526128If anything, it shows she was spoiled enough to get a new sleeping bag to reflect her new interest. Also, I think licensed ones cost more.
I ain't watchin the vid to see sleeping bags if they're pictured
No. 526197
File: 1527798940133.png (213.37 KB, 644x211, 6497585.PNG)

I'll admit I was hyped for that "haters debate" he had. But now I realize we/they/ gave him a bunch of content that hes going to continue to feed off of, especially if he makes these debates with randos a weekly thing. If he does do another next week, we've all come to the conclusion to avoid it, right?
No. 526206
>>526106Could be. In her Androgynous lookbook video at around 6:30 she shade looks the same as in the recent video.
Though when I saw the makeup video, I thought that shirt looked awfully familiar and immediately assumed she could have taken a photo of her shirt for Poshmark with flash or different lighting.
>>526104It's sad how close she used to be with her mom and after getting married to the swamp monster she barely gets a one time visit like this one.
>>526162Why did he exclude black people and white people? Does he forget there are, I dunno, more races?
No. 526209
File: 1527802218894.jpg (104.55 KB, 817x420, shirts.jpg)

>>526206I can see why that got your attention but when I looked closely at the video and compared it to the one she sold the pattern is different. In the one from poshmark there is mostly green around the last 2/3 letters of the first dance and more of the darker pattern under the second dance. The one she sold was a small, so did she upsize or does she buy stuff without considering what she already has?
No. 526211
>>526104Notice how she gets noticeably excited to tell the story of the gecko costume and how she was ~bullied?
Lainey looooooves being a victim. She relishes in it. She was pretty calm explaining happy memories like all the elaborate Halloween costumes and cheer outfits and gym leotards and special sleeping bags her loving parents lavished her with as a child. But her voice and body language changes dramatically as she gushes about her famous gecko costume and how mean the other kids were and how she walked home all by herself.
It sucks for a kid to go through something like that but it's weird how hyped Lainey gets when she has the chance to talk about bad shit that has happened to her. She, on some level, deliberately seeks out abuse. Like getting back with her high school bf who showed her underwear photos to her whole school. Greg certainly found his match in her
No. 526221
>>526220I imagined the same thing, and the cherry on top would be—-
as he finishes his spergfest he awkwardly tries to flip the coffin over like a badass and it falls over on top of his legs.
No. 526222
File: 1527804052542.png (1.9 MB, 1622x904, Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at 23.0…)

>>526104>Look at the eyebrows! It looks like GregKEK
No. 526226
File: 1527804608941.png (3.51 MB, 1242x2208, 00925BE6-6D71-49ED-B5A1-B0EF51…)

>>526209I know this DGD shirt talk is becoming a bit much, but the tie dye pattern is different on each shirt.
Maybe she missed the shirt after selling it, since apparently she really likes DGD. All I know is, this shirt is probably gonna be for sale again eventually.
No. 526285
>>526235I think it's the same reason she pushes being so smol and anemic. She can't get asspats or attention from having a special talent or skill because she's basic and lazy. Being helples or bullied or being a minority (trans and gay) will gain her sympathy, however. She knows being an average white girl with no makeup skills, no sense of humor, no creativity, etc does nothing to set her apart so she finds quick and easy ways to get the attention she wants.
Never forget
>where's my sympathy?! No. 526331
File: 1527820068126.png (1.62 MB, 1110x832, wow - so boi.png)

Wow, that caked on makeup makes her look so much like a boy!
No. 526332
File: 1527820161429.jpeg (414.35 KB, 750x1024, 5A170DA4-6C98-449E-AF0A-C77F38…)

Found this on Twitter. Someone talking to Geg’s dad
No. 526334
File: 1527820220776.jpg (631.61 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180531_202858.jpg)

Guess her dysphoria magically eases up when she leaves her house
No. 526360
>>526349People who know onision will know of the claims.
People who know his dad will not.
The venn diagram of those 2 groups of people (people who know onision and people who know his dad) most likely do not intersect. Why rattle the hornet's nest when the status quo is fine?
What parent would want to sue their child? Especially when he is probably a victim of his mother vendetta to alienate his children from him. That's speculation obvi. Assuming his vindictive streak was either learned or passed down from his mother. This would make him her flying monkey, the type of behavior common in narcs.
His mother has had a lot of boyfriends. Can't seem to make them stay, though.
No. 526367
>>526343The thing that bothers me about Lainey saying her family doesn't know is that there's so many loose ends: her sister Lauren knows and probably told the family, her family probably watches her videos and follows her social media, there was a video Lainey uploaded where she went shopping with her grandma ( and I'm pretty sure she mentions how gay she is in front of her while they're shopping.
No. 526376
>>526235Ive heard it way to many times where somebody comes out to their family and wait for the shock and awe, and everyone says "yeah, we knew already"
Taylor thinks shes hiding it really well or that her family are idiots. And its not so much that they all know that shes gay or agender or demi-boy or whatever the fuck shes calling herself this week. Her family knows that shes confused and playing with her outward presentation of what she feels is her gender/sexuality. I mean she hasnt really done anything to prove her status.
If she was a gay guy Id tell her "suck a cock already or shut up"
No. 526383
File: 1527824811100.jpg (563.31 KB, 960x1440, p184017_b_v8_aa.jpg)

>"Eventually I got over the fear of dying, and instead adopted a fear of aliens. I was in second grade and our teacher put on a video about dinasaurs and what they would look like if they were combined with a human.
>I don’t know why our teacher thought terrifying imagery was appropriate for such an inexperienced and fearful mind like mine, but many nights after I had a very difficult time climbing into my bunk bed resting above the washer, dryer & water heater (yes, I lived in a 5 x 7 laundry room much of my childhood)."WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT
Is he saying Dinosaurs traumatized him as a child?
No. 526412
File: 1527830273341.jpg (41.02 KB, 373x281, 56393498.JPG)

Is this Walmart version of Sam Elliot Grongs stepdad, or just one of Tamis many boyfriends?
He doesnt seem the least bit amused that this old man is kissing his mommy.
Everyone is so awkward and cringey it makes me uncomfortable. No. 526425
File: 1527832504111.png (239.17 KB, 1406x1307, ffs Shreg.png)

Shreg and his sycophants have apparently been working overtime to flag videos that threaten his fragile manhood.
It's especially hilarious that this was flagged it for "bullying". It was a video about how Shane and Pewdiepie may end up suing Shreg for false allegations about pedophilia. Shreg's been literally harassing these guys on YT and Twitter for nearly a week, yet the people discussing it are getting their shit taken down. Wtf. How is Shreg still on any of these platforms?
No. 526436
>>526425I think we need to go CSI on this shit and see who the fuck grease is paying off because there is no way he can do what he does on all platforms without some sort of money under the table.
Even him gaining twitch partnership was sus as hell considering he streams across platforms which is simply not allowed.
No. 526446
>>526439OT as fuck but the high concentration of white blood cells in foreskin is actually thought to increase likelihood of HIV transmission, since these are the cells that HIV uses to replicate during the initial stages of infection. TL;DR circumcision might actually help fight the spread of AIDS.
I’m not even pro-circumcision but it’s almost impressive how wrong LGH is about practically everything he talks about.
No. 526463
>>526446That's actually very interesting anon, thanks for sharing!
But yeah this is just.. impressively retarded. Up there with 'pubes stop you from fully penetrating'
No. 526488
File: 1527858113211.jpg (275.78 KB, 1080x980, Onieadipus.jpg)

>>526472This tweet mentions his complex and the user was blocked for it. It's clearly a sore spot for him.
No. 526502
File: 1527862191596.jpg (852.26 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20180601_220333.jpg)

It's sad how Lainey tries to convince us that she was so unique and different as a little kid, it's blatantly obvious from her photos that she was a normal cute kid and grew up into an awkward but still cute daggy teen.
She seemed so normal and happy in her pictures, like they were photos of any average american girl.
But she's trying to hard to rewrite history and show how edgy and emo she was.
For example, look at Billie's highschool photos, she still had crazy dyed scene hair and piercings and black eye makeup. She was the typical rebellious teen.
I feel like Lainey is trying to be like 'me too!' When the only thing 'emo' was her straightened hair. She didn't even have eyeliner.
I know the emo stuff seems nitpicky, but there's other things she tries to insinuate like the fireman bullshit and just because she had boy halloween costumes/a sleeping bag that wasn't pink, she uses these small details to create a whole story so she doesn't seem boring.
Anyway I honestly think the whole Billie thing (although her own fault as well as Greg's) fucked her up big time and she's trying so hard to be something she isn't.
Had the Billie saga not happened, she would either still be your basic white girl, OR she'd be skin walking the next girl the Greg cheated/swooned over.
Side by side references of Lainey and Billie around the same age.
Some might argue that Billie's family was more open minded, hence she was allowed piercings/dyed hair, but honestly I think a lot of this 'I was a crazy emo boiii' shit is fabricated.
No. 526505
File: 1527862596826.jpg (27.33 KB, 240x282, apparel.bestof[1].jpg)

>>526502Lainey looked like she shopped at Delia's not sure if Delia's is still around but it was more quirky cute than emo.
Image is related, delias 2007
No. 526507
>>526505She definitely looks like she has those kind of clothes.
It's hilarious because in the bottom right pic of the comparisons, that's the part in the video where she says the emo/scene phase started.
She actually says 'Scene kids for life!' Uhhhh no.
You look like a regular little girl Lainey. Nothing remotely 'scene' about that photo.
No. 526591
File: 1527878491850.png (295.71 KB, 1440x1193, Shreg needs cash.png)

Gross. He's selling his Polar bear and Mario hats, and a few old costumes. Who in their right mind would want something that's been on or near his greasy head? And you just know none of this shot has been washed.
His Patreon has been losing money consistently since his week-long tantrum. Looks like he's starting to panic.
No. 526597
>>526568Honestly I think a lot of it is the way she holds herself.
She has sleepy eyes and the eyebrows have improved, they don't make her as pissed off looking, but combine the thin mouth with the constant squinting and it makes her look like a bitch.
Venus has a tiny mouth and still manages to look smiley. Lainey just needs to smile more, get rid of the angry heavy drag makeup and stop hunching and squinting.
I'm not white knitghting because I truly loathe her whiny attitude and space boi shit, but I don't think she's ugly. She will however become worse if she keeps slathering her face in unflattering makeup, and eating nothing of nutritional value.
I doubt she exercises either, I bet Greg and her don't leave the computer unless it's to fuck or feed the kids.
No exercise, shit diet and lack of sunlight is why she looks like a corpse and he looks like a skinnyfat human rash.
No. 526602
>>526591I just imagined Sam, Becca or Amber sniffing the newly purchased Mario hat kek
Whoever bought it is sad.
How much did he charge for it? You can probably get one of those plush nintendo hats for like 10 dollars on ebay or aliexpress.
No. 526611
File: 1527879868736.png (1.91 MB, 1440x2776, Greasy Grocer.png)

>>526602Surprisingly, he's only asking 9.99. The usb mic cracked me up though. Who would buy that? The description:
>I don’t care what you do with this, put it up your butt or something. Voice has a bit of lag, just so you know. So don’t listen to your own voice and talk at the same time, otherwise it’ll get weird. I also personally think, despite being barely used, this mic sucks, have fun!Wtf.
No. 526618
File: 1527880586709.png (1.02 MB, 1433x2110, what the fuck.png)

I happened to screenshot this in the the chat in Shregg's "debate". If this is true, it's appalling.
He has no systems in place to make sure people are posting their own pics and if they are of age.
Of course his minions put the onus on minors to police themselves.
How about you stop rating the attractiveness of young women, you absolute fuck?
I hope he gets nailed to the wall for this and his false allegations. I can't believe he's been allowed to get away with this shit for so long.
No. 526619
>>526611He should be charging $5 tops for the mario hat. It's cheap china shit, it's old and used.
Also wtf!? The mic is shit and laggy apparently, but he's selling it for close to 30 bucks! I understand you gotta pay for shipping, but even
he admits it's terrible, why such a high price?
No. 526620
>>526616It's because he's
honest anon!
Honestly I wouldn't be suprised if it's completely fucked and he's put that there as a disclaimer so if the person tries to get a refund or complain he can say I TOLD YOU IT WAS SHIT.
No. 526622
>>526609I think thick brows could still look nice and make her look younger, she just needs to not draw them so dark and insta/angular/pointed and more of a straighter softer shape.
I agree on the most part, instagram eyebrows are fucking ugly.
No. 526629
>>526618I absolutely fucking hate how his minions victim blame, Ol' grease can do no fucking wrong to these people. If he did a livestream raping someone they'd still use their fucked up mental gymnastics to blame the victim.
God he is such a rat.
No. 526640
File: 1527883194764.png (1.26 MB, 1440x2062, uhoh bro.png)

It's so satisfying watching him lose patrons. 2 weeks ago he was around $4100 and 1100 patrons. His spergout seems to have brought a few people to their senses.
Hopefully his weekly "debates" will lose him a few hundred more as people start to see the true, unfiltered Shreg come out.
No. 526667
>>526502she looks like every single basic bitch i went to hs with, and im around onions age
is being basic timeless?
No. 526683
>>526502Imagine if Sam had been in Billie's place and Billie had never existed in the poly shitshow.
Lainey would be trying to grow out her hair, getting extensions, trying to make artwork/be more of a gamer, and wear tank tops with jeans like Sam.
Imagine any of the other poly possibilities. Lainey would have skinwalked them all.
No. 526685
>>526581Exactly, if our swamp prince wasn't geographically isolated I would say her family should butt in more so she isnt living in Onions echochamber. Her family is really the only hope she has. They honestly must feel like walking on eggshells because one misstep and shreg is sperging on twitter or making inflammatory videos all about Swamp Prince's abusive (read normal) childhood at the hands of whichever family member fucked up. Or like in the case of her sister Lauren sharing private intimate information.
>>526622I hate that you can usually see the line on the inner part of her brow. I hate instagram brows so fucking much, of course that's a personal preference but still.
>>526629Like Greg's mental gymnastics about raping the Andy Biersack doll isn't creepy or some shit. He said something to the affect that it was a doll not actually Andy Biersack, but its like dude you raped a doll with Andy Biersacks face printed on a piece of paper taped to the face. If anyone else did that to an Onion doll he would be livid, kinda like how the picture of Blair White fucking him
triggered him so hard. You could use onion logic though and just say its on your comedy channel.
No. 526694
>>526683Remember how Lainey wanted to have game sessions like Greg did
is that still on her patreon rewards
No. 526703
File: 1527890887736.jpeg (36.39 KB, 500x617, 083F37F8-8A84-42A3-B293-3E3691…)

>>526167>>526446Pathophysfag here to the mucosa in the foreskin, it gives HIV easier access to infect. According to this article its a specific type of cell in the penile mucosa that has receptors for HIV.
Either way, since Shreg is so ~*~good with google~*~, why can’t he just find FAX for his obviously false claims?
No. 526710
File: 1527892233220.png (1.16 MB, 1440x2139, Victim blaming Shreg.png)

Shreg has been victim-blaming for years and his disgusting minions mindlessly echo him to get brownie points. It's so disturbing.
Here's a little blast from the past where Shreg tells his teen audience that they need to wear shorts under their skirts - and if they don't take his advice they have NO right to complain about creeps putting their crotches on the internet for everyone to see.
He sure loves to tell POC, the Trans community and women what they should do, say and feel because he is ofc an expert on all these things. No. 526712
File: 1527892564714.jpeg (60.66 KB, 750x405, 586CE15B-2194-4D68-8BAF-E1F129…)

>>526622She says she makes them thicker to look more masculine, even though most guys don’t do anything at all to their eyebrows, much less put makeup on them. In her deleted girlfriend does my makeup video with Maya, Maya told her she had feminine eyebrows. Laundry got
triggered and said she had “agender eyebrows” like a fucking moron.
Literally the only time her eyebrows ever looks decent and nice was when Selena did them for her, like in her original How I Do My Makeup video.
No. 526714
File: 1527892612763.png (316.18 KB, 1440x2669, Princebot.png)

>>526694It is! For the low price of $50, you can play a game for an hour with someone who doesn't enjoy gaming.
And for $75, you can listen to her complain over Skype!
No. 526728
>>525577Replying to an old post but
Doesn't he say "you sound like
so-and-so" a lot, though? I recall that he said that someguy sounded like Seth Rogan.
Like he can't come up with any new compliments so he uses the same one over and over.
No. 526756
File: 1527902190855.png (202.45 KB, 1440x850, ffs.png)

He's nothing guize. Send over asspats STAT!
No. 526786
>>526502>>526505This style is way better than that emo/scene style. Guess it's personal opinion, but scene gives me so much second hand embarrassment. Having pictures of yourself being fresh and cute would be a lot nicer to look at than being a desperate try hard.
Anyways, I wish Lainey would mature past the point of thinking she needs to be "special." There's nothing wrong with being basic as long as you have fun. Greg is a fucking disease because you know all these insecurities are fueled by his expectations, wants and fantasies and she's just too young and gullible to understand what she wants for herself. But she's so knee deep in his shit that she's trying to rewrite her childhood.
No. 526798
File: 1527908603527.png (1.43 MB, 1440x2006, Tesla.png)

I don't know what the deal is with Shreg and Toby Turner, but I found this pretty amusing because the entire video was Toby going on and on Teslas and how cool all their features are.
Must be eating Shreg up inside a bit that he used to have TWO, but through his own actions he managed to lose both of them. But sure, we all believe you're super humble (and not cocky) now and you have no use for material things kek
No. 526815
>>526814He was saying on his stream today that he felt passive for the past few days and pretty sad. He also said he wasn't looking forward to the blaire white debate because he had been thinking.
He was quite meek.
No. 526827
>>526704Sam wasn't an official harem member but you have to be joking if you think he wasn't trying intially to get her into the poly shit or at least fuck her.
>lets her move in to be a camera man and then says later he never needed a camera person>hugs all the time>hugs on lap >her pregnant dream was a compliment apparently He got rid of her as soon as he knew Lainey wouldn't play threesomes. All that kid hitting, her kissing him shit he didn't care about.
Greg said 'ewww she's not my type' but that's what he does with everyone/everything he doesn't want to be associated or accused of.
No. 526840
>>526830I don't think they shared that many interests, Grug only started playing videogames to jump to the wandagoon (Sam apparently does enjoy them and KNOW how to play)
Onion only knows the basics of anime so I don't think they talked a lot about anime since the ones he saw are about 10 years old and the others probably are hentai.
And the sense of humour yes at first they did have the same, but Sam jokes take a huge part on them kicking her out ( for retweeting those St.Valentin things about them, and making him watch Aldii videos)
So yeah, I believed at first she pretended to be at the same level has him to liked him, but with the time she showed what make her laugh for real and hurt his feeling.
Yes,she was brought to be part of the Trinity but he realized she just wasn't worth all the trouble.
That's why I say I don't consider her has part of the "harem" or that Lainey would skinwalker her.
No. 526843
>>526830Yeah. His attraction to Billie was mostly her looks, with a tiny bit of weeb thrown in.
His attraction to Sam was interests.
To be honest anyone that is slightly attractive/not completely boring is more appealing than Lainey. That's why he likes young girls. I have no doubt he likes the way they look, but mostly he likes them young because he's a manchild and wants to be kept entertained.
If he hadn't gotten Lainey pregnant, you can be sure he would have had another teen girlfriend by now. The fact he was able to get Billie and pulled all that shit with Sam was impressive alone.
Disgusting but impressive.
No. 526848
>>526840Shit tier 10 year old anime doesn't mean he doesn't watch anime anon.
He was already getting ready to kick her out because Lainey wanted it.
All the cheerios/aldii/shit joke stuff added fuel to the fire, but I don't reckon he would have given two shits about a lot of that if Lainey had benn compliant and agreed to bringing Sam into the threeway. As soon as Greg realised he wasn't getting that pussy, Sam was of no use being there.
She apparently 'swatted' his kid and tried to kiss him, but he ignored it for some time. For most people that would be a deal breaker. If Lainey and Sam both got along to give him suck mi's and three ways, he'd probably let Sam kick his children for all he cares lol
No. 526850
File: 1527926182989.png (59.28 KB, 715x536, Screenshot-2018-6-2 Onision ( …)

No. 526855
>>526850>wahhh I'm so rude and selfish to my own dogs even though they are so kindLol. What about your wife and kids?
Jokes aside, this shows how he needs to be alone and not relationship hop. It's too late now, because he has children in the mix. He's always stimulated by people. If he was alone he might be able to self reflect and grow as a person. Probably still a cringey loser of a person, but at least he'd have life experience.
I mean, not now, he's too far gone and crazy, but had he not used girlfriends for entertainment all his life, and had an actual education, he could of been a different person, and not an absolute selfish manchild.
OR…this is just some bullshit to try and convince people he's 'changing' and I'm looking way too hard into this shitty twitter status.
No. 526857
>>526850Geez, Lainey hasn't been gone
that long and he's already crying about the dogs because it's the only thing left in the household apart from himself.
Wonder if he's going to divorce Lainey for one of the dogs.
No. 526859
>>526850Well, we called it. He's been ignoring those poor dogs. He sucks so much.
Also, I have to wonder of this apologizing and groveling to his fans has anything to do with the fact that he's hemmorhaging patrons. He's lost another 100 patrons and $500 more since this afternoon. I haven't seen his #'s this low in months.
No. 526862
>>526858Exactly! She was obviously suck mi material. Not sure why that random anon keeps saying she's not his taste/didn't really like her.
Any girl in the past could have been maybe dismissed as an actor for his crap skits, but these days he only shells out money for plane tickets if there's some hope of pussy. That's why he was so adamant that Vix come over to be his camera person despite her not even knowing how to use a camera.
No. 526864
>>526798If only Greg wasn't our closest link to Neaderthals. Had he been smart he would have 1. Had a CPA do his taxes for him. 2. In turn he probably wouldn't have invested so much fucking money into crap for his "business"
3. Instead of doing that he could have invested in busineses besides his own to help pad him for his inevitable decline.
No. 526867
File: 1527927880613.png (576.27 KB, 1440x2774, early access.png)

Early access? Isn't this a few years too late, Shreg? You've made this video 100 times. Trying to capture your previous numbers isn't going to work now, no matter how much you pretend to care. Plus, I thought all your viewers were adults in their thirties? Is this for their parents?
Banana video incoming in 3..2..1
No. 526870
>>526798It's funny that he's started sucking up to Toby considering he just apparently made things right with Jacklyn and acted as though he thought he finally had a chance with her now. That and apparently one reason he hated social repose was for how he treated women and Jacklyn
Man this guy really has no morals, ideology or loyalty does he? His entire life and personality is an act, he and Lainey really do deserve each other
No. 526872
File: 1527928255700.png (126.56 KB, 1440x571, poor leelu.png)

…and this is why he suddenly cares about his dogs.
Btw he's already deleted the dog tweet and the promise to be more positive.
No. 526873
>>526872Nek minit he starts skinwalking Andy.
I legitimately don't understand this whole I'm gay for Andy biersack bullshit.
You can admire someone of the same sex and still be straight.
He sounds like those retarded straight girls that say they would turn gay for Ruby Rose or Pink.
No. 526878
>>526875Yeah I know, I just find it baffling that he tries to put on this homosexual ruse when it's transparent as fuck.
Anyone even mentions anal or penises and he's like ewwwwww let alone anal with a woman.
No. 526886
>>526878It worked well when him and Cyr were friends and made all their videos together. He would make videos about being "bicurious" or whatever and some skits involved Greg "loving" Cyr in character. Kissing Shane also brought a ton of watchers so he probably thinks "gay=views". Which yes it does in some cases but that's not really even what helped him previously. Anyone who kissed Shane would have gotten more views/subs/interest from his fanbase at the time regardless of gender. And while kids got more hyped by shipping Cyr and Greg, his popularity with Cyr was based more their content. Like queerbaiting helps but it doesn't create a sustainable fanbase on its own. You're supposed to get them interested and keep them coming
Not to mention there's no point trying that with Andy cause Andy's base is music fans, not fans of skits like Cyr and Shane's base was, Andy doesn't play into this at all so there are no cross-promotions, Greg basically called Andy a fame whore so Andy's super fans who'd actually check out anyone famous who has had an interaction with him would see that and blacklist Greg. Greg needs to find someone else and make his content better if he wants this to work (the latter's not gonna happen though)
No. 526946
>>526886I think Onion boy has never grasped the concept of Youtube being a stepping stone for a "real" career, kind of like unknown actors / actresses have been doing less paid jobs like waiting on people and such until they finally got a foothold in the movie industry.
Onion boy just got comfortable with what he was doing because it was paying off for the moment and others Youtubers were willing to colaborate with him back then. But due to his lack of knowledge and education when it comes to finances, economy and friendship and his limited perspective regarding Youtube business, he never worked out a plan for the future.
It's baffling how he has such a limited mindset. He's been thinking that he would be rich, famous, young and attractive to teens / tweens forever. His messed up youth and him being mentally and emotionally stunted may play a major role in this, but by now it's really time to leave that sinking ship of a failed Youtube career.
If he was any other person on this planet, it would be devastating to see him grasp at straws and getting his life back in order. Unfortunately he's praying on t(w)eens who are worse off than him because he knows that he isn't educated enough to earn the money he earns on Patreon when doing a regular 9 to 5. Even though he would spend time away from his family then. lol
Would sage for no news here.
No. 526947
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>>526834>>526941Link to Social Reject thread too
>>>/snow/417732Also we have now entered the Sad Gurg phase of his narcissistic cycle. He retweeted Andy Biersack saying, "I’m consistently impressed by how nice of a guy my dog is.", so now Onion's talking about his dog.
I'm willing to bet he changed his icon again cause he's still massively embarrassed about his hair. Really scrambling to be _anything_ likable at this point.
No. 526966
>>526947I was re-reading the thread from Jan 2018 and his behavior hasn't changed one bit.
Freak out -> regret/say he'll do better -> lovebomb -> slowly fall back into old habits -> repeat.
For all he says "I'm sorry, I'll promise I'll do better, waaaaaahh" he really is a one-trick pony.
No. 526996
>>526986Plus she's malnourished as fuck. Given her shit diet and the fact she's still breastfeeding—until recently,
both kids—I'd be more surprised if she still had a full, healthy head of hair. When you're breastfeeding, your body prioritizes your kids over you. Your milk leeches all the nutrients it needs. It's why kids in third world countries whose mother is breastfeeding them can still be healthy while the mother is weak and undernourished. Laimey eats like a damn toddler. She gags and whines when eating
real food, even though mUh VeGeTaRiAn. Her kids will be fine, at least 'til they're done nursing and they're eating food full-time, when they'll pick up their parents' shitty eating habits. But Lainey's health and appearance will continue to suffer until she realizes it's not smol or cute to eat like a fucking idiot.
No. 527004
>>526966From patreon– boy is he cycling FAST
"But this message, it has a promise for the future… for a long time I've been sitting in a dark place, brewing over what was, frustrated over a future so undecided… but I've come to realize that life is not about what happens to you… it's about what you make happen for others, the impact you have.
I want to be a better creator for all of you. I want to be a more positive influence & when you think of me, I want you to smile.
It's time for me to put an end to a part of myself that I should have let go of 10 years ago. I want all that is left of me to be what people consider their favorite parts of me.
Chibi Derf, Emo Charlie, Dale, Panda God & just happy ole me… they have not been around enough, so I want to let you know, I'm working to make my Patreon a happier/healthier place than ever for you guys.
I am so glad you have given me the chance to create what I love. I'm so happy what I create has impacted a lot of you positively.
Thank you for being such an impactful part of my life."
No. 527009
>>527004Ugh, here come more crap unfunny skits which with his lame characters that will get no views and he'll soon get angry about it on twitter and people will respond and he'll get mad about them and make spergy angry videos about haters and then lose followers, and the cry and act remorseful.
Rinse, lather, repeat.
No. 527010
>>526993This. I would love to see that.
Hell, I hate to give the cunt views or traffic but I'd love to see even Dr phil rip him a new one.
Mind you all sorts of crazies get fans and publicity from Dr phil so it probably wouldnt be a good idea.
No. 527020
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a little late on this one, but in lainey's old pics video, she's clearly not a "smol bean" compared to her mom, who is clearly smaller than her
No. 527033
>>527031But anon, that would mean she would have to choose something and get uwu anxiety for it ~
In all seriousness, she's too stupid to understand that if she's a man and likes girls she's anything but gay ffs.
No. 527055
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>>527020Why is she pushing such an obvious lie? She's reaching Dakota levels of denial
No. 527060
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As far as I can tell, he's sold 3 greasy hats. Somehow his DVD of "Hall Pass"(KEK- how fitting) isn't getting any action.
I can only assume someone was in dire need of biodiesel for their car and and thought Shreg's greasy hats could supply them with years of fuel. It's easier than going to fast food places and asking for their extra fry oil.
No. 527068
File: 1527972052825.png (341.28 KB, 1440x447, It's Shreg's fault guize.png)

Was looking through old Onion files and saw this one. It makes one wonder how many other things Shreg has pressured his straight doormat into doing that she didn't want to do.
Remember her weeklong sperg about how happy and free she felt without wearing makeup? And how she abrubtly stopped that after he saw her looking like a little dude, bare-faced in her newly bought prom suit?
No. 527071
>>527061He's still trying to lure in Jaclyn, it seems.
>>527062My thought exactly. lol!
sO mUcH mAnLy - sO mUcH sExY
(Onion, in case you're reading, it's IRONY!)
No. 527074
>>527070Knowing how much of a narc he is, we should prepare ourselves for the latter. I can imagine him being like at McDonald's: "Most everyone here is a fat Walmart shopper
spits in burger" and at only night time sperging how hard his life is and how creepy Shane Dawson is still popular though kek.
No. 527084
>>527083eh, she's back home, i dont think she's copying him.
…but i wonder how much bitching about greg from the both of them was cut out ;)
No. 527099
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>>527083So smol~~ uwu bean
Just because you say it all the time, doesn't make it true, Lamey.
No. 527102
>>527100"I was such an emo in high school mkay" is slowly becoming the new "I'm a smol fragile bean". I wouldn't be surprised if she was about as emo as she is gay right now.
>>527101Speaking of which, does anyone know if she said during a livestream of when she would be back home to the greasy swamp?
No. 527109
>>527083A couple of things:
Lainey isn’t acting like a transtrending douche. Amazing! We know she’s still thinking it, but you don’t hear her typical annoying catch phrases and constant reminders. She seems more, dare I say it, likable here? This video to me is just further confirmation that if she got out of Swamp trailer and hung out with other people more, she wouldn’t be so deep in delusion as she is now, and she might even wake up and see what a toxic manipulator Greg has been.
She never fucking even mentions why she doesn’t go to the cook out with her ex coach, they just end up back at Red Lobster. So her content is still rushed garbage that even SHE isn’t watching.
Selena seems so good for her. I think she misses having a close girl friend. One her age that isn’t just agreeing with every stupid thing she says.
No. 527114
>>527109Her behaviour is great case study of what isolation does to people. When you have no hobbies or job or friends but a lot of time to think you are focusing on the smallest bs about yourself. On top of that she did that at her teen years.
I really hope that when she returns she would remeber that nice feeling of kinda 'normal life' and would not sink again into space swamp mentality.
>>527112Never gonna happen. He said that his dark creepy unique mind will scare and doom any specialist.
No. 527125
>>527121I don't know what the truth is about his dad, but when Shreg goes on and on telling irrelevant, unnecessary details that have nothing to do with the story it's almost always a sign that he's fabricating things to sound more truthful and "HONEST".
A good example of this is the ridiculous story about the mean lady dr. who "accused him of cheating", he even took the time to tell us what freeway exit her office was on, and gave unnecessary details about the color of his pee. It's so transparent, and an obvious tell of his.
No. 527126
>>527121His logic is ridiculous and hilarious. He doesn't believe his dad publicly said Shreg was lying because "dads don't typically do that"?? But apparently he thinks dads typically molest children, because somehow
that's more believable? What.
No. 527127
>>5271211:25 Shreg- "If I was a father"
Also he's saying a father should never say their son is lying because family?
No. 527132
>>527127I just don't get this. Does he still think he can hide the fact he's a father? Is he just desperate to 'hide' his fatherhood? If he is trying to hide it, does he think anyone that watches him somehow doesn't know he's got two kids?
What a strange, strange little man.
No. 527135
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Ugh, looks like it's actually happening…
No. 527138
>>527121Anyone catch that he tells us exactly who his dad violated?
He tries to talk in these hypotheticals and “someone’s” that he ends up giving away exactly what he’s trying to hide.
I don’t doubt his dad is a creepy guy. But some things are maybe just not necessary for the public to know?
And legitimately this would be the only video to evoke pity from me for Gronk. There is a lot of evidence that he was psychologically scarred from the absence of his father. Tami did some not so great things to him too, not to the point of molesting him but they were damn well questionable.
No. 527162
>>527147 He seems to consider himself liberal but doesn't really follow any specific principles until they serve him in any given moment. Hates Trump, loves guns, is pro-choice, SJW minus the basic respect for women or empathy for other humans…
Regardless of anyone's opinion on Blaire, she has WAY more of an understanding of politics than Greg does and has sat down and had pretty interesting discussions holding her own with some really intelligent people. So I'm looking forward to her making him look like a moron… I'm picturing her asking him basic history questions, and him squirming and deflecting around his ignorance.
No. 527179
>>527176Both engage late-night tweet spergs and boast about their "high" IQ and popularity as well, although at least Trump doesn't immediately delete his chimpouts.
Trying to avoid politics here, as Shreg is a bipartisan issue, bu there are actually
a lot of comparisons that could be made, interestingly. Both tend to make everything about them, do a lot of finger-pointing and also say a ton of contradictory statements that are easily fact-checked.
This should be pretty entertaining as the few political tweets I've seen from Shreg made it apparent he has a very loose grasp on politics, law and the way the world workd but it doesn't stop him from sharting out his idiot opinions.
I forsee him Googling a lot of definitions tomorrow to try and derail to make himself look "logical" instead of "dumb as a stump".
No. 527182
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>>527020>she's clearly not a "smol bean" compared to her mom, who is clearly smaller than herBitch needs to get acquainted with what an ACTUAL smol bean looks like. Exhibit A: Brooke 'Dodger' Lawson from the Cooptional Podcast. Lawson is about 5 feet. Plainey is NOT that.
No. 527202
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Greg's streaming on YouNow right now. He streams his Discord chats because he can't handle the public without his Patrons giggling and WKing him.
He's been name dropping a shitload of other people, Edwin, Cyr, Tobuscus, etc.
No. 527247
>>527083Just getting around to watching Lainey's "reconnecting with my best friend" video and I'm dying at how she's trying so hard to capture the vibe of a Shane video while her gay husband is at home sperging about him.
The whole running around and pointing at things saying "ME!" and "that's YOU" about every random thing she sees, with the quick edits. I'm glad she's having fun but she has no personality of her own.
At home it's all self-absorption, reacting to Shreg and gender crises, now that she's free it's like she doesn't know how to act unless she's skinwalking someone else or reliving her youth.
No. 527251
>>527121Greg: A while ago I was at Panera Bread with an ex-girlfriend and my spouse.
Which ex girlfriend?
Shiloh? Fuck no, Lainey wouldnt allow it, and I feel would be physically afraid of Shiloh. Plus Shiloh would never accept that invitaion.
Hannah? Nope. Greg hasnt even been in the same room as her, why would she come down out for lunch with Lainey and Greg? Gregs relationship with Hannah consisted of him jerking off to her Skype calls for a month.
Adrienne? She seems like a nice girl, and maybe the letter she wrote trying to mend fences was real, but Lainey wouldnt allow it. Any other woman around Greg is a threat.
Billie? My best guess is her. And Greg should of said "OUR current girlfriend at the time" since techically she is an ex now, but wasnt at that time.
I think Gregs trying to play mind games by insinuatng that this information and photos of his father only recently came to light, and that this incident at Panera Bread happened just days or weeks ago, and hopes the "haters" have a stroke trying to figure out which ex-girlfriend would still be willing to break bread with him and Lainey. But Im sure its been a few years that photos and his fathers full name have been floating around the internet.
In a round about way hes trying to throw Billie under the bus for revealing his fathers info and photo.
No. 527252
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I applaud him for being able to keep that slice of onion out of camera frame until he needed it for the teary eyed outro. I never saw it.
No. 527256
>>527135Not holding my breath, but I hope she leaves the "debate" with "oh yeah and before I leave I wanna let you know that Shane has a C&D and any mention of him after this debate will lead to him [insert whatever legal thing he can do], okay bye!", better if she just shows up to tell him this and leaves.
>>527121Around 12:30 he says his father was violated as a child, is this him assuming things or has he said this before because this is the first I'm hearing of this?
No. 527262
>>527256What I got from this video there was nothing substantial enough to validate any claims he makes. It all sounds like heresy and I’m not saying that sexual abuse claims shouldn’t be taken serious but going by how he likes to create these scenarios from thin air I’m very sceptical about his father being a molester. There was also an anon here on a few occasions who even stated that they knew his sisters often spent time with their dad, i believe there were pictures posted of their father attending one of his sisters flight license graduation. So who knows tbh, I take anything he says as a lie nowadays.
I’m sure his mother probably put a ton of bad crap in his head about his dad.
No. 527275
>>527004God this is so sad. When he asks his fans what they like about him or want to see of him he can only come up with his shitty characters and him being "happy" as almost a side note (also happy isn't a character trait but you know). Pretty typical among people like him, not knowing who they are. Except the average person with a personality disorder or any issues with self-identity tends to not be Onision. There is so much to feel sorry for with Greg but
most all his problems are self imposed or easy fixes if he just listened or developed as a human
No. 527276
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No. 527283
>>527121Firstly, we already knew who his father was. None of his exes "leaked" the information so this was just a way for him to get a dig at whoever this "ex" is. Secondly, the way he disowns his own children is so sick to me. I know it's been mentioned before but the way he said "if I were a father" as if he didn't have children just really shocked me. He also goes on to mention that fathers shouldn't talk shit about their sons on the internet but we all know he made that video in a nappy mocking his children.
Every time I think I can't hate this man more, he does something to make that happen.
No. 527287
>>527276SHE CAME ON TO ME!
Srsly tho, if only this were real…
No. 527290
>>527283>He also goes on to mention that fathers shouldn't talk shit about their sons on the internetThis is amazing to me. Greg's father has kept silent for many years, despite reprehensible claims by Greg, and broke his silence in direct response to someone answering him. He also didn't say anything other than that Greg was lying (which he almost assuredly was and is). I mean, the guy has been pretty patient, and has apparently moved on from Greg and his awful mother. Greg's sisters are involved with him as well. So fathers shouldn't defend themselves against sons who are saying scurrilous things about them, but it is perfectly OK for sons to say scurrilous things. Got it.
Greg saying that his father also molested Greg's sister is reprehensible, regardless of the truth of the matter. Either it is true and he is throwing stuff out there to smear his father that his sister may not be ready to deal with (as she still has a relationship with her father); or it is a lie, and he is smearing his father, which is contemptible on the face of it. Either way he is a POS, and exactly what he did to Taylor and Billie. Gotta say I really like how family and blood is so important to him, except when it isn't.
No. 527292
>>527290Slightly off topic but does anyone know if Billie and Ayalla are still close?
>>527292Goddammit Keith you may as well have just said "Regards" and pressed enter.
worth the potential ban honestly
No. 527295
>>527251>Greg: A while ago I was at Panera Bread with an ex-girlfriend and my spouse.Which ex girlfriend?
Let's do process of elimination.
Start with location 1st
Follow up with IF;THEN statements
The ex gf, where is she located?
If Onision had to downgrade his cars and house because of $$$, then Onision cannot afford to fly in anyone, let alone an ex gf
Then the ex must be local enough to drive.
AJ (adrienne) actually lives in Seattle. 1 hour away. But Onision just dragged her dad 1 month ago.
If Onision publicly slandered AJ's dad for rape, then AJ is not going to have a friendly reunion with Shregg.
Who else is there?
KittenSpace. Remember how she actually said in chat in laineys younow how she was excited to meet up? And later was sad when she was ignoring her in chat?
Kittenspace was poly or into bdsm.
And kittenspace lives localy to them. She lives in WA.
Also, recall how Maya came by for like, a day, one day, and Greg chassed her away immediately with his pedo creepy old man moves, but somehow both Lainey and Shregg count 3 hours as a relationship kek.
If Lainey went on a date with Kittenspace (as they planned), then Greg would call that an ex-girlfriend. Because Shregg is stupid, and needs to exaggerate everything in his life to make himself seem more interesting or inportant, or lie about being social, because he has no friends.
No real friends anyways.
(To be perfectly frank, i do not think even Lainey and Greg are friends.
Which is a shame for a married couple. Being a good friend to your spouse is just as important as being a romantic partner.)
But hey, we just all here for the train wreck that is their lives
No. 527298
>>527020Oh this pic pisses me off
Get the fuck outta here Taylor, with your "ima smol bean, not a tol green bean" shit
The graduation picture. Taytay could say she was wearing heels, so she is taller.
But the Cheerleading pic blows this "my mom is taller than me" bullshit out of the water. Taylor is wearing sneakers. Sneakers are not heels, and cheerleading sneakers are certainly not platform shoes.
Taylor's mom (in the Cheerleading picture) would have has to be wearing any variety of shoe here, but even if she chose flats, most all cute flats (that are not cheap quality, Tay tays daddy has oodles of lawyer bucks) will have a small heel that is bigger than a walmart flip flop, but at or smaller than 1 inch.
Meaning that sneakers and the flats would elevate the ladies to about similar height.
Hell, the mother could always be wearing heels or wedges for all we know. That would make Taylor as big as the jolly green giant in comparison!
No. 527300
>>527020I fucking despise these graduation photos
Her family looks so happy and proud of her while she was secretly planning on stealing their money and leaving to live with and marry a man they'd never met. This fucking cunt has no right to show these photos off and be so proud of them
No. 527304
>screeches about bigotry>intentionally deadnames a transwoman Ok.
>>527290Would not be shocked if crazy Tami just filled his head with nonsense, Onion is the only man who will never leave her. I also like how he can compartmentalize naked massages from his mother and say they weren't sexual, but can't apply the same logic to Shane joking around with his cousin.
No. 527326
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So I'm guessing June 5th is when she goes back to Washington.
Or, if we're lucky, goes to some place that's away from LGH.
No. 527342
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>>527326Thats really sad. Her going back to the swamp house
As much as i despise so many things she does and says and thinks, ultimately she takes care of those kids 100fold more than greaseball greg does
Its been so positive for her to be in the sun again in HER OWN homeland. Not shelved in a dank and dreary moist cold trailer.
Its been so good for the children and her to be around her family and her friends. In all the time they've been together, Gregma has never allowed her to be away from him for so long.
I hate the foot and her non-binary agendered 1 dimesional personality trait, but its the healthiest shes ever been in over half a decade.
Greg is like cancer to her, she only gets better when he's been removed from her
No. 527352
>>527350Well of course he wouldn't care. He'd be thrilled if she never came back home. The only one who's fighting for the marriage is Plainey because that's her entire identity when she's not trying to pretend to be a straight fakeboi.
If Lainey said she wasn't coming home and keeping the kids with her, Onion would have their stuff packed in 24 hours and someone lured into the newly vacant bedroom in 48.
No. 527363
>>527121Im confused,
Greg is recounting information his mother gave him about his father. He never really says his mother but we all know how he likes to skirt around names or their relation to him and will just say "this person" but its obvious hes telling us stories that his mother told him.
>and additonally on top of that. He was on a motorcycle at one point of his life and because he chose to wear the helmet and not her, she died.What?! His mom died and came back to life?
No. 527367
>>527342No way, no if he doesn't have another teen bride line up, if he doesn't have one he will be relieve for one day and then he will start to lovebomb her, threaten her with kill himself, and finally insulting and threaten her to revel her deepest secrets.
He won't let her go on her own terms, besides he doesn't know how to be alone.
No. 527378
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Did he just pull a Lainey and do a housecleaning vlog? Can any Patreonfags hook us up?
I'm curious how bad the house got in Lainey's absense. I can only imagine the amount of dog turds everywhere. My guess is it's less of a "declutter" amd more of a "Oh shit, Lainey's coming back soon and this place is destroyed and full of flies".
No. 527382
>>527376Or he'll use his vagueness as a way to derail or steer the arguement off to something he can control.
>Your mom told you that your dad walked in on his cousin jerking off and then had sex with him<I didnt say my mom told me that, I said "a person in my family did"
>You insinuated it was your mom<show me where I said it was my mom, show me the proof, FAXXXXXXXXXX!
No. 527384
>>527378You think hes going to bury Leelu in the backyard or just chuck her in the dumpster out back?
Because you just KNOW something happened to Leelu after all that 'I love my dogs' BS last night.
No. 527389
>>527367>no if he doesn't have another teen bride line upAll the relations that we are privy to are tightly grouped together. Greg needs a girl in the batters box ready to go before he dumps whatever current g/f or wife he has at the moment.
Has he gone more than a month without a girlfriend or the beginning stages of wooing a girl?
No. 527398
>>527299That claim is pretty sketchy. He made that one video of all the girlfriend's he had including ones from elementary school. There's also his own writing about other relationships>A boy I got in a fight with in the second grade… he died in fourth grade.If he doesn't remember anything before age 11 how does he remember elementary school girlfriends and a kid that died?
No. 527399
>>527398Honestly, the easy answer would just to say "He's lying!" but knowing Greg… The longer things remain in the past, the more twisted and stretched from the truth they become each time he tells it. It could be that he also made these things up and honestly believes it to be 100% truth, just like he believes
everything that comes out of his mouth is truth.
No. 527407
>>527399Could it be half: hes maliciously making up lies
and half: he honestly cant remember things so he fills in the blanks with things that work for him.
Remember Sam saying that she had to sit Greg down and show him by writing out equations how old he was on that exact day.
Maybe he has shit memory, that big cranium is filled with water.
No. 527411
Blaire debate is starting anons's on her channel, not his, so Youtubes safe right?
No. 527413
>>527406He said in the About My Father video that his mother had men came in and out of his life repeatedly, his mother dated a lot and was married and divorced 3 times.
His need to always be in a relationship (even if its unhealthy) was learned by watching his mom run through a line of men.
No. 527416
>>527415He's started with ass licking to make it look like he's the bigger person, and now on to the Trump talk.
( Are we gonna discuss this is the livestream thread or is that for youknow shit only?)
No. 527425
>>527421>>527422Same as ^
But just be clear I didn’t say Robbie to be spiteful. That’s just how I know them, I forget to say blaire it feels weird but w/e
No. 527449
>>527422not to sound like a sjw or some shit, but by your logic, how can you use “they” in reference to her and not be weirded out?
is it really hard to just say her name online? nobody gives a shit how you reference her offline.
anyway i hate that Blaire is giving Greg this attention and sick satisfaction that he’s better than her because of his political opinions being liberal (even if he doesn’t understand them). Many people don’t like Blaire for these reasons, and it’s making Greg seem “right” to people who would have same opinions as him.. Annoying.
No. 527495
>>527494Same. He can act civil all he wants now but this change of heart thing has happened with him many many times and it always ends with him getting
triggered and going back to being the same insufferable cunt he always is.
No. 527502
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He contradicts himself within minutes of himself.
He says hes way to busy "working" to watch YouTube videos.
And here he is sitting in his garage listening to Blaire read off her superchats for an hour.
No. 527503
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No. 527504
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No. 527506
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No. 527508
File: 1528067089724.png (835.26 KB, 1063x662, really.PNG)

he didn't bother to clean the crusty toothpaste off the sink. He made a comment when cleaning Lainey's "studio" that she needs to pick up after herself more.
No. 527509
>>527508why the hell is the garbage can
on the counter?
No. 527515
File: 1528067690158.png (1.77 MB, 1381x1371, wow.png)

>>527486Holy shit. The garage and bedroom looked like a hoarders nest. You can tell those are the only rooms he's used this week.
And did anyone spot Leelu? Not a sign of her from what I can tell. After his cryptic tweets I'm starting to genuinely get concerned.
No. 527521
File: 1528068005788.jpg (626.45 KB, 978x978, pray4leelu .jpg)

>>527384Shregg gave away nibbles because he couldn't handle taking care of him alone (gave away nibbles once he bagged lainey).
Sgregg cannot take care of 3 doggies for 2 weeks.
If he had the cash still, my guess is the dogs were boarded amd kenneled somewhere.
But most likely, he locked the dogs in one room with tile or laminate, because i cannot think that he left the dogs to roam around the whole house. What? Is Shregg really going to walk 3 dogs 3 times a day and wait for them to shit? Nope. If he let the dogs alone inside, then there is pee pee and poo poo all over their carpets.
They were in reality chain up outside to be free to pee and poo whenever. And he probably went days without feeding or watering them.
Greg is a self absorbed narcissist who only worries about himself. Hes not going to think about dogs he don't even want.
We should have been praying for Leelu this whole time lol aww no.
No. 527529
File: 1528068703627.png (1.98 MB, 1898x1066, Screen Shot 2018-06-03 at 7.29…)

>>527521She's right there, seven seconds into the cleaning video
Still weird how he's acting though, but he might just wants to 'impress' Andy Biersack.
No. 527537
File: 1528069500531.png (3.1 MB, 2208x1242, 94767DE2-E6BE-4192-BC1A-786D82…)

Meanwhile, Lainey uploaded another video from NM, and even there she somehow forgets to clip kids out of the videos. She edits these, jump cuts galore and the part you see the kid has really zero value to the video, so it really seems intentional.
No. 527544
>>527519I am astounded by all the people on Twitter thinking Shreg has actually changed. This is his how he operates, this is part of his cycle. He'll be back to screeching about his haters, YouTube and the YouTubers he's jealous of within a week.
He has been hemmorhaging subs and more importantly, Patrons during this latest spergout. His Patreon is down almost $1000 from last month at this time.
He's not capable of actual empathy, he doesn't care about anything other than what can move him ahead, or what affects him. Don't get Shregged guys.
We've all fallen for it at one time because we want to believe, but this twunt is never going to change.
No. 527548
>>527543I thought that a vid more than 10 minutes long has the possibility of having
two ads on them, or longer ads and more money from. Something like that. IIRC videos less than 10 minutes can get monitized as well.
No. 527550
>>527544I’m skeptical, and I feel like when Lainey comes back he will get comfortable again, but I would love it if he actually grew up. Despite any gross fascination anyone here has with him, it would be the best for his family. We all gotta grow up someday.
He’s definitely running out of time and chances as far as his channel and popularity are concerned.
No. 527558
>>527546I get it. I'm just having flashbacks of getting suckered in by his "I've been so immature by censoring reasonable criticism, I'm unblocking everyone!" video.
He can be pretty convincing, but it was only a few short days ago he was raging at everyone and hurling insults and accusations like confetti.
Normal people don't change on a dime overnight like this. He's proven over and over again that he has no real insight unless it benefits him.
Didn't mean to single you out though anon, it would be great if he actually did have an epiphany and all we really can do is wait and see.
No. 527594
File: 1528076497741.gif (1.64 MB, 320x244,

People can tell when you're a weak person and take advantage of it. Lainey has been a bottom all her life and that's part of the reason no one liked her and picked on her all through her school years. Even her little sister slaps her around with no repercussions.
No. 527606
>>527533This is the saddest thing ive ever seen, and we've all seen Onion bois saggy ass and teeny pecker
Poor Leelu, he really just lives to shit on anything, including defenseless animals. Including Reptar. Like, who kills their pet? Reptar went the way of babies left in a hot car by their fathers that don't want them.
Anon, this endless loop with the music is genius. Depressing and sad, but genius. Shows the entirety of Onisions compassion for life
No. 527633
>>527632i'd delete my own
>>527597but it's been posted longer than 30 mins, farmhand pls
No. 527641
>>527619>The reality is.. The majority of my audience is like 16-19Bless you, anon. He's been lying about this for years and I actually gasped when I heard him outright admit it.
Remember, Shreg, just
yesterday you said ALL lies are "evil". You've lied about this to protect your reputation and at the end of the stream you lied again about it because you can't keep your lies straight at this point.
But you fucking said it, it's on video and there's no going back now. You're deliberately showing Hentai and talking about very inappropriate subjects on your discord and streams to people who you
know are minors. And you continue to rate the bodies of children with absolutely no safeguards in place other than putting the responsibility on
minors to police themselves. There are no excuses now.
No. 527643
File: 1528084112033.png (1.68 MB, 1440x1750, Reptar tragedy.png)

>>527612I don't remember an apology, but he did take a picture of himself crying for maximum sympathy.
Also he used it as an excuse to screech about vegetarianism in a tweet.
>Onision kills one turtle on accident: End of world.You kill hundreds of animals monthly with your diet: Meh.
No. 527647
File: 1528085104648.png (339.89 KB, 1431x2062, I'm a fuckwit, I'm a fuckwit.p…)

Jfc Shreg is so predictable. After he did that cutting video it became so obvious he's trying to recapture his glory years where he actually got views.
Literally called this yesterday
>>526867 .
We called his inevitable spergout from downsizing into the Swamp Trailer, we called his reaction to Swamp Prom. He's so transparent and predictable it's hilarious.
No. 527649
File: 1528085216272.jpg (850.88 KB, 1054x1674, Reptar we hardly knew thee.jpg)

>>527612>>527643Did Greg apologize? Would it even matter?
This is what he plunked on top of Reptar and left him unguarded and unchecked. For hours. In the Sun. Not shade. Full on sun.
They live for decades and he disposed of it in less than a year. Considering his past track record with the chickens and the dog from his farm he let die from neglect, I'd say Onision is proven to be no friend of the animals.
He even killed that deer, you know, that one time (oh Lucidia, how you zinged him, it was all amazing).
No. 527657
>>527649Onion logic: Being an animal adapted to desert climates makes it immune from being cooked.
What a huge tard. He should not have any living beings in his charge.
No. 527679
File: 1528090851709.png (165.63 KB, 1440x873, Good girl.png)

First off, I hope this is true. 2nd: if this little angel crapped on his pillow, it's probably because he's been sperging for a week and neglecting to take the poor thing outside for walks.
Thirdly, why the fuck does he think saying "mean things" to his dogs is funny? He's most likely been either yelling at them or ignoring them since Lainey has been gone.
No. 527747
>>527745yea so they cant fight him off.
also his head looks way too big for his body. i bet he gets a headache when he nods.
No. 527779
File: 1528125932477.png (1.28 MB, 1440x2560, 20180604_112528.png)

No. 527801
>>527679This isn't funny or cute, it's just gross. When you've had a dog as long as he's had Leelu and you have land to spare, your dog should be housebroken. It's not like it even has to wait for walks since he's at home 24/7 and he could just let it into the yard to go to the bathroom. Either the dog isn't healthy and having accidents or Greg's lazy ass can't be bothered to train the dog.
I feel like it's probably a cycle of bullshit being Grugly's dog. He probably never trains them and never cleans the messes up to avoid the scent. Then he probably gets mad that they've crapped in the house. Then he treats them like shit. Rinse, repeat.
>>527746That's really sad.
No. 527831
File: 1528138084055.png (417.01 KB, 431x420, lamao_face.png)

Look at his caveman brow and his nose! I can't, my sides. The longer I look at "it", the uglier it gets.
First I even thought, it was shooped.
No. 527846
>>527779Oh wow, assigned male comics? But Lainey is assigned female? Why not follow a page that fits them? Wouldn't it be
triggering to see people talk about how they wished they were born female?
No. 527847
>>527846"Assigned Male" follows trans/nonbinary issues all around, but in the most strawman and pompous way possible.
Like Lamey.
No. 527848
File: 1528141690741.jpg (331.5 KB, 1028x567, Botoxed Beauties.jpg)

>>527831That botox brow fuck its sliding down more and more. Funny how Onision still can afford a fresh round of botox. So poor guiez!! My aass
>>527679>>527746>>527801Who wants to have an animal abuser as their partner? Who goes out looking for that sort of thing in a person? Who wants to date a person who mistreats small animals?
Is that who Lainey really wants as their life partner?? Lainey does care for animals, not saying she doesn't. But I think that says a lot more about her tbh, her willingness to be blind. To be passive and overlook a shitty thing a shitty person is doing.
Why would anyone ever be Onisions fan after knowing how he treats animals? Ass screaming on how meat eaters should die, because he needs something to offset his shitty treatment of animals. Fuck off with that.
Have Gregs old wrinkled brow
No. 527850
>>527848Good god he was even uglier before he found the high contrast vanity filters. He looks like a retarded shark.
>>527847The comic also centers around 11 year olds. 11 year old trans children. And is supposed to be targeted AT children. Yes its as creepy as it sounds. It has a huge thread on KF.
No. 527853
File: 1528143217876.png (975.92 KB, 1440x1031, retarded shark.png)

>>527850>He looks like a retarded sharkKek I just googled "retarded shark" for fun and this came up. It's uncanny, anon.
No. 527857
File: 1528144065457.png (1.25 MB, 1440x2340, Shreg's apology tour.png)

Shreg just made his apology tour vide, complete with his weird fake deep voice. No. 527858
File: 1528144311851.png (1.6 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180604-120321.png)

damn i obviously have no idea what emo is…
No. 527862
>>527857Watching this through I can't help but think these apologies would have been a lot more sincere and believable if he hadn't taken the last half of the video to tell everyone that they need to stop bringing any of this up now. A lot of this shit happened in the last month, your "if I'm wrong I'm sorry" isn't going to silence critism.
Also, nice touch making yourself into a a victim at the end, claiming that "most no one" gets more hate online than you.
That's not true, and you bring this shit on yourself with your aggressive, angry spergs you dipshit.
No. 527864
>>527850Christ, I thought all I'd get from seeing that "assigned male" nonsense was a laugh at the expense of her fake trans-ness but nope, just more examples of her fetishizing being a small, young boy. Disgusting
>>527858I wonder what bands hipster, oh I'm sorry,
emo Lainey listened to here or the totally emo styles they loved. Now I'm not someone who likes the idea of excluding someone from being emo/goth based on music preference, and I understand being a kid who'd love to dress emo but can't for one reason or another, but Lainey doesn't have any indication of ever being emo or wishing they could be. She was a preppy, popular girl who got the boys and lead a very average life. The edgiest thing she ever did was watch Greg and Shane, but she started when that humour was acceptable and everyone watched/knew Shane. At the time I'd even say Shane was much edgier than Greg if you didn't count personal life. There's nothing really wrong with being average but for whatever reason Lainey just can't accept her true self as being unique or good enough.
No. 527886
File: 1528148280180.jpg (342.39 KB, 1080x1712, IMG_20180604_183813.jpg)

>>527882Oh, just reverse image searched the image, stolen image
No. 527889
>>527885>>527886You actually think the story is real and the photo was from Greg?
Can I email you about some money Id like to transfer to your bank account from Nigeria?
No. 527905
File: 1528150232095.png (5.03 KB, 586x72, satire.png)

>>527857"satire" in the tags so he can say "it was just a prank" when he later decides to be a psycho.
No. 527908
>>527857It's pretty /evil/ how he expolits people's wilingness to give people the benefit of the doubt over and over and over. And sick. But mostly evil.
>> He also hasn't apologized for everything, tried to make things right, and he focused more on trying to paint any future scrutiny as haters preventing him from changing than actual acknowledgement of his shitty behaviour. It opens him up to later saying "what's the point in changing if people are still going to call me the villain"This. If his behavior is the haters fault, wouldn't that make him the haters' puppet? (This is a rhetorical question, obviously. We already know the answer is in practice.) Dance, puppet, dance. lol.
No. 527925
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Smol bean.
No. 527935
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No. 527938
>>527936Amazon, you never have to leave the house.
I have a question to the anons here. I know Greg has done the fake "Ive learned my lesson, Ill be a better man now" thing many times before. But could Laineys absence be a big part of this epiphany? Does she somehow feed his craziness. I know shes always said she doesnt follow YouTube drama, and when her fans and haters ask her about "this or that" drama going on concerning her husband and other people, or just drama going on between other TY people, she says she doest like it and doesnt follow it, but I distinctly remember Greg saying that Lainey came to him with the rape allegations that happened between Amber and Real Stream News. That showed to me that she closely follows even the most peripheral players that orbit Onision, so she must follow the bigger drama.
I guess what Im asking is, when Lainey is home is she whispering in his ear and stirring up shit.
No. 527945
>>527938I think Greg is enough of a self-saboteur on his own, look at his track record before Lainey.
But if you pay attention to his "deBaTeS", every time his phone goes off, it's Lainey informing him about something he missed– like Jeff Holiday's few videos on Onision, for example.
For someone who's so "anti-drama" and "my husband's drama is his own business", she's sure got her beak right in there.
No. 527975
>>527964"I am anti-drama"
"my husband's drama is his own business"
>passes on gossip to her husband given to her by her sycophants No. 527984
File: 1528162087600.png (168.17 KB, 442x458, bemad.png)

>>527862Yeah, it seems so insincere.
He's been berating, bullying and downright tormenting folks for the better part of his YouTube career. So sorry Gronk if people aren't willing to immediately accept your nice-guy persona just because you say so. Not to mention that he's slandered people and committed egregious defamation. He should have been slapped with a lolsuit long, long ago.
Or maybe he did get a C&D and that's what finally shut him up and smacked him back into reality.
No. 527996
File: 1528164613968.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1242x1865, 1B5E6C61-0176-48E1-AE96-5DECE1…)

Looks like someone’s been lurking.
No. 528016
>>527996ugh his back looks like an undercooked chicken
ALSO WHY DOES HE DO THIS??? We talk shit. He posts some contrarian shit on social media. O BOY U SURE SHOWED US GREG
No. 528039
>>528030Awh there really is no need to be so mercilessly cruel…..
The mosquitoes have higher standards than that cretin.
No. 528102
File: 1528201095909.png (382.4 KB, 550x624, gymnastics.png)

We haven't seen Lainey do any gymnastics since Billy was there. It's gotta suck for her heading back to Greg; knowing she's going to be isolated again.
No. 528103
>>528102i'd love to see her move for a change,
it's just a matter of time before she goes back to being a corpse.
No. 528104
File: 1528201696532.png (304.23 KB, 552x648, love bombing.png)

And here is Greg's new video. Looks like he's back to love bombing his husband. No. 528107
>>527996he's all flexin and pushing his back up to make it look like he DOESNT have a tiny boy body… and making it obvious he lurks hard here. which is an ego thing. same ol fragile breakfast sauage weener boy body.
waves you sure are lucky there are gullible people in the world. there's never a shortage of that.
No. 528114
>>5281040 jokes
where are the jokes?
No. 528121
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>>528104Didnt he make one of those stupid marriage contracts with Sk that she couldnt go past a certain weight during the marriage?
No. 528152
>>527996Those ain't muscles. Those are bones.
Yeesh. Take some yoga classes.
No. 528160
>>528121>>528143A skinny pact to maintain attraction to each other in the marriage.
Sarcastically, wow how healthy to place conditions on your love
Even in 2010, listen to his lingual/mental gymnastics to dance around the definition of a lie
Because, listen to how he has a truth pact with Skye. How he needs to be truthful upfront. But he sure didn't tell Skye he was courting Shiloh
Look at the date of this video. May 1, 2010
He started to tall to Shiloh somewhere around July 2010. Left Skye for Shiloh by December 2010.
When Greg starts putting conditions on his "love" (HA! HE IS INCAPABLE OF LOVE) is when Greg is looking for a way to exit the relationship.
So, im going to assume that in July-August hes going to ramp up his search for his next 16 year old child bride, you know, by applying his own past actions.
Also, he's talking about physical attraction in the marriage. How can be be attracted to what the foot has become?? Physically i mean. Like, a young cheerleader minor who aged up and popped out two tots, and had them all suck the life out of her. How can he be attracted to that???
He's not
No. 528192
>>528143I’m sure he doesn’t love fat people but this seems to be more about having someone basing EVERY aspect of their life to appeasing and focusing attention on him. Be thin, be attractive for me. Don’t disappoint me or “let me down” in ANY way. If you get fat outside your control or like Shiloh are just naturally a little larger that’s sort of okay but if you eat an extra cookie without thinking about how it might affect ME then it’s bad.
I’m not saying he isn’t shallow but I think it’s more about the control and attention than anything else.
No. 528193
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No. 528211
>>528102I wonder if Lainey cares if her friends misgender her. That Cassandra girl in the vid referred to Lainey as "her".
>>528204I know what you mean anon. She does look happier, but it could be that she always gets excited when she does gymnastics. I don't really watch her content, but I have seen every time she got to practice her tumbling and she genuinely looks happy. Also, Her fans were eating it up. She would probably do better if she talked more about her cheerleading/gymnastic days, but that would probably go against her whole space prince emo boy aesthetic that she had in the past or whatever.
No. 528213
File: 1528232155847.png (206.9 KB, 1440x937, Fuckwit.png)

So Shreg gets to rile up his unstable, impressionable fanbase by repeatedly hurling horrible false accusations about people he's jealous of, put out a weak apology and then just step aside and be free of guilt and responsibility while they do his dirty work for him.
He wants people to quit bringing up his own transgressions while allowing his rabid sycophants to continue to slander Shane. What an absolute scumbag.
No. 528218
>>528213I mean even the apology he made directly to Shane was weak, to begin with. He said I'm sorry but then right after he was like "BUT IF I'M RIGHT I DON'T KNOW" even when during the debate he let it slip that it was false allegations which is why he can't go to the police and report him. He does a shit job at faking humility.
>>527905 pointed out that he tagged satire so I'm not surprised he's not even trying to control his fans because he doesn't believe he should be apologizing for anything.
No. 528239
>>527996Since when has he started to steal Social Repose's ideas?
I thought LGH regards him as his archenemy, but apparently he's good enough for ripping off ideas. kek
Native American headdress when?
No. 528247
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There's hope, anons, there's hope.
No. 528248
File: 1528236805800.png (86.43 KB, 551x526, not_again.png)

Triple posting, but will there ever be an end to this?
No. 528254
>>528248Jfc when will he leave her alone? Same with Shane, he spent so long stirring up his fans about her by pretending he was concerned, now he thinks he can profit by doing these "positive" videos and shirking all responsibility for his rabid fanbase.
No one is asking for these videos, leave her alone you sick fuck.
No. 528279
File: 1528240441852.jpg (26.54 KB, 333x309, 2_21_2018.jpg)

>>528247Im not sure how Patreon works or what his patron levels work but how is it that hes got over 110 less patrons and hes still in the mid 3K range.
I screenshot this on Feb 21 as a reminder for myself to watch how much it went down or up as the weeks and months went on.
No. 528282
File: 1528240819514.jpg (39.88 KB, 734x434, 3645541.JPG)

Hanging out with old childhood friends, having a good time,and what does Lamey do to ruin the mood?
"Cassandra used to beat me up"
"remember when you would beat me up?"
"you beat me up at that one competion remember"
>forever a victim
No. 528356
>>528239Lawd can you imagine? People would tear him a new one for cultural appropriation and his new BFF Blaire White will come to his defence bleating about how cultural appropriation isn’t a thing and anyone who thinks it is need to go be a
triggered sjw on tumblr. It has potential.
No. 528399
>>528392I can't agree that she'd have a decent following. I don't think she has the right personality for it. She's much too bland for it.
LGH got popular on blind luck - he loves to think it was talent, but no. No. He came in when the 'lolz randomz' humor was popular. If he were new and "tried making it" today it would never happen in a million years.
No. 528409
>>528399It was on the shoulders of The Amazing Atheist who popularized "Murder Eaters." TAA responded to that video and had at least one more response (The "every time Onision posts a video, I'm going to order a burger from McDonalds" video). The banana video would never have been as popular as it was without that initial boost.
IIRC. It was a long ass time ago. lol.
No. 528418
File: 1528264255264.png (4.69 MB, 1440x2773, WTF.png)

Shreg hasn't managed to sell much, but he has added a bunch of items, including this gross party city beard for $7.99 which he displayed next to this disgusting glob of pink yuck.
Who in their right mind would buy this, especially knowing it's been on his greasy face?
No. 528426
>>528409TJ for sure helped with his demographic. I don't recall how I found our dear LGH ( since you're completely right - it's been a long ass time ), but it wasn't via TJ. In any case, I'm sure we can all agree he's a talentless hack who would never make it in these times with the content he produces so it's that much more hilarious when he complains about his view dropping. RL drama's the only thing he's been truly good at producing. It might be time for a new trinity if he wants to boost his views.
>>528418JFC, as if the wig itself wasn't disgusting enough there has to be a pinkish blob next to it.
No. 528449
>>528141Before he puts on the first wig
>apparently I look like a shooter or something Yep, keep feigning ignorance re: lolcow, gurgles.
No. 528496
>>528488>Welp, she's already back home & they plan on getting a new tattoo this week.When you say they, do you mean just Lamey, or both Gregley and Lamey?
Because Lame is still waiting for Greg to get that tattoo they were supposed to get together when she either tatted up her gay bundtcake or her forever tainted by Sams hand tattoo.
>>528396>She’s made herself so unlikeable. I can actually imagine her being a nice, normal girl, with normal friends, living a nice, normal life doing gymnastics and hanging out with her pals in sunny NM It was all Gregleys influence that made her hate everything that made Lamey Taylor
For instance, she loved gymnastics, so when Gregley firstly abducted her to his 1st old mouse house, he bought her a trampoline so she could flip. And she did, a lot.
But if you watched Onision's videos of Lamey over time, he started making fun of her tumbling. He started to put her down. A lot. He would include all her failed attempts, and always play a loud, crashing noise everytime. That's making fun of his wifes failures. It was in every tumbling video.
Then she stopped tumbling at all, and called it stupid, and claimed she never liked it at all. Lies. Greg just made her feel like shit about it enough to make her want to stop just so he wouldn't make fun of her anymore.
But in NM away from the influence of Gregley, and surrounded by supportive family and friends, she feels safe enough to enjoy tumbling, without somebody on the sidelines publicly making fun of her
Here's gregs vid on lainey tumbling. It says its posted in 2014, but he re-released the video on his Archive channel, the ending card says 2012.
https://hooktube/BNgTGm6k0i0Its just a rude, backhanded compliment type of video in my eyes. Like, why say "support Lainey for the Special Olympics!" Dude. Rude.
No. 528525
>>528496I remember that video. And yet we know that when the shoe's on the other foot, he can't handle it. I mean, just look at his high-pitched
triggered laugh during his reaction to Lamey's '10 Things I Love…' video.
It makes me a little sad to think that if it weren't for Greg she'd probably have a really nice life. She wasn't a stunner but she was a fairly cute, normal girl with nice friends and interests. I kind of hope she looks back on this time away in NM and realises if things get bad again that leaving him wouldn't be such a bad thing.
No. 528658
>>528525>>528496I dont know how to find this video, but on one of his recent gaming streams he tells the story of him breaking up with Sh because she laughed when he fell on his ass because the side walk was icy.
That tells you how fragile his ego is, he slipped and fell on his butt, she laughed
File: 1528352753932.jpg (183.2 KB, 770x998, SmugShreg.JPG)

Shreg just listed some clothes on his website
No. 528667
File: 1528352875925.jpg (277.44 KB, 925x1128, SpacePrince.JPG)

>>528666There are some listings of Lameo too. Remember when she used to want to be a model? kek
No. 528668
>>528666Good fucking grief he looks 45+ and I'm sure this pic is filtered to hell and back.
Greasy is never going to find new ladies, Not anymore.
Kek he's stuck with
>>528667And shes aging just as bad with all the filters off.
They both look so out of fucking place and so damn ugly, Man grease is gonna be pissy.
Also just to inform thread, Lainey said on her younow that her grandmother came back and is staying with them for a while.
No. 528672
File: 1528354339920.jpeg (17.93 KB, 376x391, C5C00889-F657-4986-A656-DCE9CC…)

>>528667>>528671Taylor is well on her way to this
No. 528700
File: 1528364227925.png (1.42 MB, 1080x1080, Screenshot (319).png)

Swamp hag transformation complete.
No. 528702
>>528666Dear god he fucking loves himself. I wonder how many shots he took before he got the perfect one? Lmao.
Also would it have fucking killed him to iron the shirt? How can this idiot not know that when you're selling something, you have to make it look good. Especially since these two sometimes list their items for more than they bought them for and far more than they're worth. At least make it look like it's worth buying by giving it a quick iron and buttoning up all the buttons. It reminds me of how he took the projector and pool table out of the previous house and probably left it without giving it a fresh paint or changing those nasty carpets or maybe hanging a few paintings. He hasn't got a fucking clue.
I don't know if anyone is actually buying any of this shit (maybe a few obsessive fans) but they must be pretty fucking desperate for cash if they're selling random ugly clothes and worthless things like
>>528418 , the disgusting matted wig and a mic that doesn't work.
No. 528704
>>528701Real talk.
Because she's a wannarexic who goes through stages of half-heartedly trying to starve herself (such a sick, frail smol bean) and then over-eating unhealthy, non-nutritious food - because she doesn't actually have a mental illness that causes continuous starving of herself, meaning the wannarexic starving part is something that takes her actual EFFORT for attention and so gives up on after a period of 'woe is me'.
Ever noticed how she sometimes has a flat tummy/looks kind of skinnier? Those are the starving-self 'boohoo I am so anorexic' parts. And then sometimes, she doesn't only look flabby, but bloated stomach? Those are when the stupid bitch gets too hungry to 'play anorexia', gives in and overeats the shit she and Greg usually eat. Cycle repeat when she wants smol bean attention.
'Oh thanks Greg for helping my eating issues I can eat again now due to your attention nomnomnom'.
It would probably be considered bulimia in itself (periods of starving/binging), except for the fact she's not uncontrollably doing it for deep seated psychological reasons - she just wants attention and TRIES to solely starve to be frail SMOL anorexic bean. Actual bulimia is a case of that person uncontrollably starving AND uncontrollably binging too, for many levels of reasons. Not trying to force starvation for attention/a look/a persona and then overeating cus you're now hungry, give in, and generally a greedy unhealthy fuck.
No skincare routine can help such shitty habits. It's also why her hair is falling out and why shes so fucking unfit (along with being too lazy to actually exercise), and flabby yet not overweight.
It's so obvious to people with actual experiences of eating disorders - to see the physical effects like bad skin/hair condition and fluctuating weight and periods of bloating and stomach distension. The part where you know its not an actual eating disorder is based on her behaviours and words.
Bitch does my fucking head in. It's highly offensive to watch for anyone who actually has/had legit anorexia and been that 'smol frail bean' - Spoiler Lainey, its not as awesome and cute and fucking whatever as you make it out to fucking be, and certainly not something actual anorexic people want fucking attention for when they're in deep. And it's NOT something you can just stop when you get 'a bit too hungry for it'. Fuck yas.
No. 528706
>>528704I hate Lainey, but everyone gets bloated. Its probably because she's human not because she is binging. I seriously doubt she has any type of eating disorder besides being a picky eater and only eating processed garbage. (Processed foods typically have higer sodium, higher sodium makes you hold on to water weight and look bloated)
>>528701She's a bootyguru and knows more than you do. She has perfect flawless skin and doesn't need to take care of it. She will look young and youthful forever and ever. /s
No. 528721
>>528706My whole point was that she
DOES NOT have an eating disorder, but is trying desperately to make out she has anorexia to people close to her (and a lesser extent, to the masses), going as far as trying to starve herself. But gives in due to hunger and overeats rubbish when she does (NOT binges, although I wasn't clear about that)…
And of course you're right, everyone bloats from time to time. Lainey's fluctuations are different, however, and her stomach distension is specific… but I don't really want to argue. There's no need to. I don't mean that nastily or defensively to you/anyone here, by the way. There just really is no need atm.
The only thing I need to say is 'wait and see'. This shit will come out, mark my words. It's only a matter of time before she more directly tries to make out she has anorexia to the masses (instead of hinting) and not just those around her, or more heavily 'hint' that she does even if she pretends to deny it. And it'll all be BS.
She wants people to view her as anorexic and sick and frail and smol and 'so self-control cus anorexia is glamorous right???', even though she is not. She will be more direct about it all before long. It'll happen.
When it comes, I hope at least someone remembers my post about it. ONLY so no one gets sucked in by her fucking idiocy, or give her the sympathy she wants from it.
No. 528744
File: 1528392407161.jpg (28.89 KB, 831x121, Clipboard03.jpg)

>>528724It's a comment on Ash Hardell's video about having an eating disorder.
No. 528747
>>528700Being a girl and also knowing a fair amount about makeup, it baffles me that Plain puts so much damn foundation on. It’s so cakey and disgusting. She says she uses products for oil control, but looking at her face with no makeup, it’s so clear that she has dry skin. She used to use Urban Decay’s De-slick setting spray for oil control. She used Primed and Poreless powders and primers to take away shine, when in reality she needs moisture. She used to use a good foundation — Tarte’s Rainforest of the Sea, which is lightweight and water based, and she looked much better with it, so god knows why she decided to use the Amazonian Clay full coverage foundation instead, which is specifically for oily and combo skin. Her logic is to cover up her pimples with heavily caked on full coverage shit, not being even slightly aware that the caked on full coverage shit is what’s making her break out to begin with.
With I should sage for makeupfagging, it’s just baffling how a “beauty gooroo” can not realize simply things and manage to just look worse and worse.
No. 528758
File: 1528396452946.jpg (Spoiler Image,38.32 KB, 656x412, balls.JPG)

The dysphoric, shy bean, posting an entire video in her underwear, leaving this shit in… btw those legs are ZERO muscle, take a fucking walk you lazy POS
No. 528760
File: 1528396842599.jpg (26.81 KB, 422x304, ew.JPG)

where you at photoshop anons
No. 528761
File: 1528397027841.png (3.25 MB, 2048x1749, PicsArt_06-07-02.35.04.png)

No. 528763
>>528666Lmao he's selling the "mAtChInG sHiRt" he got with Lameo.
Also the haircut actually makes him look 30 imo, not to sound like a compliment.
No. 528768
File: 1528398372336.png (Spoiler Image,1.31 MB, 1442x975, Screenshot (390).png)

>>528758Fucking disgusting.
No. 528777
File: 1528400036025.gif (2.25 MB, 363x269, 1523978355132.gif)

>>528774Oh god why. Lainey change your fucking knickers before you get on cam in yer undies (again)
So Dutteh
No. 528787
File: 1528402226574.jpg (19.16 KB, 289x210, Lainey.JPG)

>>528771Ok currently gagging from her shoving her vag in our faces so I'll focus on something else… Don't get me wrong, slender women can obviously be very beautiful, but her body is just so WEAK, and she has no excuses for it. It just screams lazy. I tried to find a picture of an old man to compare her to because it's honestly what she reminds me of, and this is the most accurate cartoon depiction of Lainey I've ever found online.
No. 528790
File: 1528403054807.jpg (27.4 KB, 400x314, demon.JPG)

His eyes say it all.
No. 528792
>>528771In her first stream when she got back home, she talked about being "refreshed and inspired to start making exciting content again!".
I think Lainey's idea and my idea of "exciting fresh content" are two very different things because a leg-waxing video with her gay husband and watching her cake on makeup from a musty closet isn't exactly what I had in mind.
No. 528795
File: 1528403852346.jpg (226.83 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180607-163416.jpg)

Look at that face, Jesus Christ they are so filthy and completely unaware of it, that never ceases to amaze me in the worst of ways
P.s. I'm sorry if I didn't post properly, 1st time posting from phone
No. 528800
>>528793This is actually scientifically proven: the longer couples are together the more similar their faces become.
Can't imagine how they'll both look in 10 years. Ick. No. 528807
File: 1528406977110.png (490.21 KB, 920x567, PicsArt_06-07-05.20.18.png)

>>528800Lainey is looking like social repose and I cant stop laughing at the irony!
No. 528821
>>528808I dislike GSW as much as the next person but false flagging is awful. Sure her methods to get views from youtube are garbage just like her new swamp house, but you shouldn't be flagging unless it's grossly against TOS.
The last thing we need is for Greg ma to get up on his soapbox and decree there's a 'hurrr false flagging FAXXXXXXXXX' video. Come on anon.
No. 528825
>>528807Maybe this will help Onionboi understand his irrational hatred for SR.
When he looks at Richie he sees his ugly emo boy wife.
No. 528835
File: 1528414851194.png (981.71 KB, 1168x572, Screen Shot 2018-06-07 at 6.34…)

greg looked extra greasy in lainey's new vid… good thing she always adds the blur filter to hide it
No. 528838
>>528833Greg didnt pay for heat when they lived in the McMansion. Im sure that he doesnt allow air conditioning in the Swamp Trailer.
They live near a retention basin. I can only imagine how hot and humid it is there. It may just be "trench-foot" but of the vagina.
No. 528852
File: 1528418924752.jpg (118.61 KB, 819x1024, IMG_1982.JPG)

>>528835Greasy Gronk and Crusty Dusty Lame
No. 528857
>>528835If thats the effect you get when you use the blur filter, Greg should stop.
It looks like someone applied a thin layer of morticians wax over his face.
No. 528861
File: 1528421113408.png (49.17 KB, 640x789, IMG_2005.PNG)

>>528858The listing has a virtual tour kek
No. 528862
>>528860Looking at the photos, the realtors had someone come and do a deep cleaning, and also staged some rooms with normal people furniture and regular framed photos - no more hoard, or posters tacked to the walls. Wonder if they filled in all those holes, too.
According to zillow, the market in that neighborhood is completely cold, and a buyers market. Good luck selling, onions!
No. 528865
File: 1528421685058.png (2.47 MB, 1208x1350, beforeafter.png)

So they made that weird ass balcony overlooking the garage a room…
the garage doesn't match the house…
that ghetto ass fence that looks like the fence from the house in tacompton…
the overgrown shrubbery in the front…
you can take the boy out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the boy
anything else, anons?
>>528862dumbass paid almost asking price for the house. i think he's about to learn a thing or two about how real estate works.
No. 528867
File: 1528421975134.jpg (170.02 KB, 819x1024, IMG_2011.JPG)

They left their table that Lame made a huge fuss over. I thought I'd post it since it stirred up a lot of drama
No. 528874
File: 1528424686133.png (6.4 MB, 1858x4122, random.png)

random shots from the virtual tour
No. 528878
File: 1528425135430.jpg (11.66 KB, 300x300, 1264561.jpg)

>>528877>>528874got me times two you fuckin' kidder you
No. 528882
>>528875it's also the most ridiculous house ever. the playroom off the living room is clever however, one bathroom has literally 3 sinks. not only is it impractical but it means 3 sinks instead of 1 can get plugged or leak or whatever. there is so much wasted, unusable space like the landing on the top floor they have the desk (no one is gonna sit in a hallway), the entry to the master bedroom and the bedroom next to it. that tiny "office" on the first floor. a like 1x3 foot area next to the master bath's bathtub, surprise water pipes in the master bath closet. i could have ate a ruler and a pencil and shit better plans than these.
No. 528890
>>528888and a whole lotta caulk..
in the pantry…
caulk in the pantry…
… nah, too easy …
No. 528894
>>528858Holy hell, the remnants of damage even after the cleans came in. Giant spot on the basement rug, the floors are scratched/chipped, the basement bathroom has cabinets that are peeling. Not to mention the shower upstairs - absolutely filthy, even after all that cleaning.
It infuriates me that they had such a beautiful house and squandered so much. Not to mention how it looks when the blinds are open, there's no artificial lighting…
There's no way they're going to survive in the swamp house. I knew their house was big, but the jump from what they have to what they got is insane. I still don't understand why they bought that trailer when there are other gorgeous houses in the area for like 400k. What the hell were they thinking?
No. 528901
File: 1528427690673.png (13.05 MB, 5000x3119, mcmansion.png)

Here's a massive comparison of the home from Taylor's tour to the virtual tour online. Enjoy.
No. 528905
File: 1528427970602.jpg (38.78 KB, 746x609, 6759466.JPG)

>>528874Whats that blue glowing light? When you turn that corner is there a demonic vortex waiting to transport you to Pazuzus lair.
No. 528908
>>528902i wasn't saying it was a dump, i'm saying they fucked it up and also the design is poor.
>>528906>>528901nice work. thank you, anon.
ok, so the fish are dead but whatever happened to the guinea pigs? didn't she initially get one then another when she was called out for getting one of a social animal that needs companionship?
No. 528910
File: 1528428329989.png (505.96 KB, 759x472, Screenshot(12).png)

ok either i'm fucking retarded or this is some kind of american tier logic I haven't transcended to yet
No. 528912
>>528902Irrespective of socio-economic status, I think it’s just a matter of architectural preference. In AU this sort of McMansion
is associated with poorer suburbs. Even within the US someone who lives in a tiny apartment in a Brooklyn brownstone would probably think this is a dump.
No. 528924
>>528919it's the only one missing a juxtaposition in
>>528901unless there's some really fucky camera work going on I clearly cant see? I mean I understand the desk bit, that would be the only use for it. but there is an extention on the house for a really short room, is this that room?
No. 528957
File: 1528434635338.jpeg (131.78 KB, 435x302, E8CF9A51-8E46-4B53-918D-7773C8…) fucking hate these “dog thoughts” videos so much, they’re so cringey and not funny in the slightest. Plus his dogs are fucking ugly, so there’s not even incentive to watch on mute.
No. 528962
File: 1528435144978.gif (485.18 KB, 193x135, 1512425408595.gif)

>>528942Holy shit, I genuinely thought you reposted the earlier picture. The resemblance is uncanny…
No. 528968
File: 1528435856088.jpg (55.06 KB, 619x411, 365677.JPG)

So he took Dobs with him and left the poor dog in the hot car, during the summer, with the windows closed.
How I wish there had been an outraged dog lover in that parking lot, smashing the car windows and calling the police on Shreg.
No. 528972
File: 1528436499193.jpg (21.69 KB, 480x481, 1512703696786.jpg)

Poor dobs..
No. 528980
>>528907does it look different?
its doubtful he's had a nose job. if he had, it would've been swollen for months following.
No. 529001
>>528994>>528995>>529000Yeah she's not 'too thin', her legs don't look too thin to me.
She's obviously lacking muscle though due to being majorly unfit. She's so flabby, it's dead unattractive.
No. 529006
Someone needs to give this idiot a kick up her slimy vag, make her realise that she's not going to achieve the look she wants by trying and failing to be a 'poor anorexic bean'.
She needs to start eating healthier, and actually exercise - running, and some weight lifting too at this stage. Give those flabby muscles a bit of help.
She used to be dead fucking chubby though back in the day, and she was more active then with her gymnastics. I wonder if she relates 'muscle tone' with being a chubby fuck? Instead of admit to herself that her diet was shit, and exercise with a healthy diet gives wayyy different results.
Wouldn't been surprised if Gurg has made things worse, by convincing her that if she dares exercise at all - let alone lift weights - she's going to end up bulky in some way, because he's too stupid to realise that just doesn't happen for females without steroids. Heck it's hard enough for men to get a bulky look without either extreme effort, or a helping hand from steroids.
If Lainey (or anyone who knows her, pass it on) is reading this - go learn to run with Couch 2 5k and keep it up, and invest some of that patreon money in either some free weights or a full body machine for your home/garden/garage whatever, so you don't have to be anxious at a gym, and get a routine going. Do some research on exercise, and nutrition/healthy diet. It'll majorly help her mental state too, exercise is a natural aid for anxiety or depression.
I might not be her biggest fan but I would actually like to see her succeed in this way just so she stops the stupid 'smol bean but in reality just looks flabby' act. Because it's really fucking annoying. I reckon her body type is such that she would look actually pretty fucking nice and lithe and svelte with proper exercise and nutrition and EFFORT. Then she could be smol, toned, firm bean.
No. 529014
>>528901Holy shit, the difference in light!
They had the blinds pulled on all the time in all rooms, toilets even. It was a bright house with a beautiful view, but they turned it into a cave.
No. 529017
>>528901>>528902I thought it was a dump too, but it looks so much nicer now that the Onions have left. The comparison really puts it into perspective how cluttered their home was.
Potentially stupid question by a non-American, is it normal to leave this much of your stuff in the house? The Death Note poster in that bedroom made me laugh though.
No. 529021
>>528957No dog is ugly.
And his dogs are legit cute.
No. 529027
File: 1528460921330.jpeg (298.22 KB, 1242x2208, 2FC1B977-5774-4F79-AD58-9D688D…)

Taylor’s closet labels 1/2
No. 529028
File: 1528460944237.jpeg (290 KB, 1242x2208, CCD8FB1E-799A-4232-8626-B1C0F7…)

Taylor’s closet labels 2/2
No. 529029
File: 1528461002402.png (3.61 MB, 1242x2208, CAB97B9D-9F6F-41E6-8701-10C88F…)

Also, one of greg’s weeb posters remains. At least that i could find
No. 529030
File: 1528461188187.gif (2.44 MB, 320x240, giphy (4).gif)

>>528859Alright guys, I expect someone to go check out the Onion Mansion.
Serious buyers only, of course.
No. 529032
>>529030I would so do it if I lived in america in Washington for laughs.
I'd even go to the extent of saying things like 'hmm, is it just me, or can you smell onion around here?'
And when I got to the basement I'd be like 'woah…for some reason I get sinister vibes from this room, I don't know why…I got a sudden chill'
You know, just include subtle onision puns/injokes and such and see if the landlord catches on.
No. 529060
File: 1528478471428.png (305.9 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180608-122006.png)

>>528858Found this gem on the door of the bedroom in the basement. kek
No. 529084
File: 1528487607717.png (1.23 MB, 1278x780, Poor puppies.png)

>>529073>>529061What are you guys talking about? Shreg's so sweet to his dogs!!
No. 529090
File: 1528489254577.jpg (85.64 KB, 736x572, 946c937c9bd34d7e066ed32a64259e…)

>>529021I beg to differ.. I happen to think Leelu isn't a nice looking dog but her personality is cute. I really worry for Gurgs dogs, firstly because Gurg is a psycho with them and then because his son is historically very violent.
No. 529091
File: 1528490234503.png (2.33 MB, 2204x1242, 2a59d332a43596f07b747376b104f0…)

>>529090Leelu was adorable. Now she's fat and in a desperate need of a grooming. GSW needs to take the dogs for a walk since they hate her husband.
No. 529095
>>529093Him throwing the the dog treats to the puppers made me flash back to Lameos mukbang spitting out food video, where Shreg is miming to someone off screen and anons obviously deduced it was one of his kids. At one point he throws some scrap of fruit hes eating to his kid off camera. That seemed so dehumanizing.
Im sure Shreg envisions himself as some dictator throwing scraps of cake to the peasants below.
No. 529098
File: 1528493639728.png (415.18 KB, 431x420, plasticsurgeryideas.png)

No. 529100
almost no dog is ugly.
And Grease's dogs look really cute imo.
Sorry for derailing, last dogpost.
No. 529109
File: 1528499349883.png (Spoiler Image,455 KB, 864x864, AAAAA.png)

No. 529160
>>529150if you've got enough shit to clothe an entire town, ya gotta keep track of them somehow.
at least one would if they kept anything on the shelves, and not tossed about in random piles on the floor and furniture.
No. 529200
>>529194ugh god ffs
well lainey's been reaching luna slater levels of filthiness these days so i wouldnt be surprised if she legit showed us her pad on camera
No. 529203
>>529187why didn't mama swamp prince wipe shreg's mouth after he had like frothy frozen yogurt diarrhea on his lip, fucking gross. (Starting at 6:02)
Also why does swamp prince walk like someone who has just regained the ability to walk?
And oh my god her conceited ass smile when onion mentions a rumor about her being 92lbs. you fucking wish lol.
No. 529206
>>529187This was so boring and sad. I usually enjoy hate watching her date videos to see
—how Greg will ruin a romantic moment shes carefully copied from a more popular YouTube couple
—them passive aggressively insult one another
—her gaze at him with doe eyes, as Greg sneers in her face, wishing he could murder her and bring Billie back to the swamp shack.
They were so boring in this one. They've nearly reached the end of "5 Signs Your Marriage is in Trouble"
#4 You're not fighting, but you're not loving either. This usually means the person is so disengaged that they won't even fight anymore.
No. 529212
>>529187Like I said above, this definitely looks like they were going through a honeymoon phase once she got back from her mom's. She keeps telling him "you're cute" and he's not putting her down as much in the beginning. I love the camera being set up at the pier to stage a fake "romantic" moment. I imagine them passing that spot and only stopping because it looks like a good place to get a thumbnail, lol.
The second half of the video was filmed on a second day. Probably because they were editing the footage and realised that going to a few shops and getting froyo isn't really a "dream date" and threw in the cinema bit. You can actually see the change in mood from the first day to the second. Greg is starting to get on Taylor's nerves again and Greg doesn't feel the need to act in a certain way for her and her audience anymore. It's interesting.
No. 529217
File: 1528546747991.jpeg (230.16 KB, 1242x572, 7DB96124-5617-494F-9C00-79E978…)

The Kalvin situation can be put to rest, i guess, even though we haven’t talked about him in a while. Looks like Lame got him to keep quiet. Don’t blame him for not wanting Onion drama though.
No. 529231
>>529222A mixed race as long as it isnt African. Remember he mocked her when that drop of blood showed up
"yuuuuuuur blaaaaaaaaaack!"
and her response?
"uhhhh nooooooo!"
No. 529244
File: 1528566442810.png (2.73 MB, 2745x1267, Onion family photo.png)

>>529187What a lovely couple.
No. 529246
>>529244YIKES and lainey said her grandma was staying with them?
wow thanks for watching the babies grandma, time to drive around showing off hickies
No. 529256
>>529251She didnt defend Lamo, she just said she sponsor them before Billie (even before Billie's second round of sponsorship)
Stop being so fucking salty
No. 529258
>>529244And here kids is social repose and Onision showing off their gay pride for the whole world to see.
(Shane and Jaclyn must be seething with jealousy)
No. 529261
File: 1528575329477.png (636.4 KB, 709x703, Screenshot (439).png)

hello children
No. 529263
File: 1528575806690.png (223.15 KB, 640x452, micro.png)

LGH forgot the socks again.
No. 529275
>>5292561) having to respond saying she got sponsored before Billie did sounds like a defense to me
2) how do you know glasses USA sponsored GSW before Billie the second time? Regardless, Billie posted her video first so it’s going to look like Taylor is copying Billie regardless. I hope you realize this.
>>529263This is fucking disgusting and should be spoilered.
No. 529290
>>529244imagine being so bad at sex by your mid 30's that you still leave hickeys on people. Dealing with this squealing manchild gnaeing power drilling with his microdick and slapping your ass with his 10lb ballsack must be quite the chore.
>>529281Speak for yourself, his "oops - all balls" has already scarred me for life.
No. 529297
File: 1528588198605.png (3.1 MB, 2208x1242, 805355E6-D292-480C-A54F-A66FDA…)

>>529187Greg is slowly losing his sense of self and it’s almost depressing to watch him act like a whipped pup on screen.
No. 529298
File: 1528588405873.png (2.82 MB, 2208x1242, C3718DBA-71B7-4B4E-9586-677507…)

They look so awkward everywhere they go.
Her bad manners drive me nuts. Did Gronk say he was eating a fish burger here?
No. 529301
File: 1528590489754.png (57.43 KB, 400x262, micro2.png)

>>529291Enjoy. I hate myself for doing this.
No. 529302
>>529298I wonder why the restaurant didn't ask them to stop filming. Granted, it's not like the camera was pointing at the business, but you can see customers in the background. For people who get super uptight about not putting children on camera because they can't consent to being filmed, they show no respect or disregard for people around them.
Lainey, you sit like a little girl when you eat with your knees tucked up to you. That isn't a masculine thing – that's a feminine child-like action.
No. 529306
>>529302Laineythot sits like a five year old because she thinks it’s makes her look hip and young, not at all awkwardly forced and out of place.
I wonder if she gets
triggered when the waiter or waitress says “and for you ma’am?” when she’s ordering food.
No. 529308
File: 1528592015819.png (28.6 KB, 343x428, IMG_2224.PNG)

Plaineybot got a haircut and is on YouNow currently. This cut is worse than LGH's school shooter hair
No. 529311
File: 1528592452543.jpg (134.03 KB, 1024x768, IMG_2250.JPG)

>>529308Samefag. Here's the back kek
No. 529315
File: 1528592776964.jpg (61.56 KB, 1000x832, laineyshairinspo.jpg)

>>529308Reminds me of a trailer trash Katy Perry
No. 529317
File: 1528593071691.jpg (23.52 KB, 502x379, llll.JPG)

I'm like 100% sure they copied a haircut a patron got and posted on discord like a week ago.
The skin walking never ends
No. 529319
File: 1528593170295.png (57.88 KB, 527x522, IMG_2258.PNG)

>>529315It's TERRIBLE. She keeps messing with it. I think people in the hat were saying that it looked weird so she tried to push it down kek.
No. 529323
File: 1528593983306.jpg (148.07 KB, 509x768, 1996c355790b9792ba2b28e84dac52…)

>>529308Did she ask for baby Aaron Carter on crack?
No. 529330
>>529306Lmao, can we make Laineythot a thing? Since Grease got
triggered at PewDiePie saying thot?
No. 529343
>>529334Who's thumb is this
>>529311>>529308Good job, Plainey. You look like a retarded redneck now. Good thing you already live in a swamp.
No. 529348
>>529301>>529263My theory has always been that he deliberately gets hard when he knows that his crotch will be in full display on video or photos.
Im not sure whats sadder, that the bulge we've seen in previous photos/vids is a sock, or that the unimpressive bulge is his penis fully erect. A fully erect penis and its barely making an impression.
He just forgot to get himself erect for this shot, I guess he thought it wouldn't be on camera that long.
No. 529386
Am I reaching or is the way she looked at him while licking that sample of ice cream…. that had to be deliberate, right? Coupled with the "look at my hickey" comment, she must be delusional to think anybody is jealous of Shrek and Footona's "sex life"- or should I say LGH going to town for 2 minutes while he stares at himself in the mirror and throws his cumrag on the ground.
No. 529406
>>529377I just watched it too after being behind on the thread and you can see Cloey in it…. didn’t see this mentioned when I skimmed so if it has been my bad. But at 7:40 you see Cloey hunched over in the mirror swiping with her cute little baby fingers on what looks like a leap pad tablet. It made me very sad bc she’s way too young in this anons opinion to be having screen time like that. And by how quick she was swiping it seems like it’s a common occurrence in the Onion household.
It also is just soooo strange to me how they keep the kids SO QUIET that if SHE herself didn’t have Cloey in the video you would never suspect she was there. It’s very hard to train >2 year olds to be quiet like that, so once again, I suspect it’s something that baby has heard often. Most babies her age will coo or even sing a bit. Literally never seen a baby that age quiet like that. Even accounting for jump cuts
No. 529425
>>529422NTAYRT, but it’s kind of annoying to see them brought up every two weeks with the same speculations.
>there was a hair for 0.21 seconds at 1:31 in the video>WAS IT TROY OR CLOEY?!?!And every time someone tells the kid-spergs to back off because they’re not the subject of discussion here, but people never learn. That’s why anons here are getting exasperated.
LGH and Lame are the topic here.
No. 529432
>>529377Finally got to see it myself recently and I thought it was disgusting that she was applying her mom's lipgloss over a fresh scab on her lip. I don't even use my own makeup when I'm sick so I won't infect myself again, how can she be so careless?
>>529406That's so sad and I agree that it's not normal for a toddler to be so quiet. I've found that loud parents usually have loud kids and the opposite is true so clearly they're being
told to stay quiet. It is worrying.
>>529425Nobody is discussing them, they're discussing bad parenting. Stop trying to be a mini-mod and derailing, nobody cares.
No. 529442
>>529440Really? Not the same anon, but children desperately need human interaction and to be vocal during this critical stage of development. Hushing them constantly is basically like stunting their growth.
FWIW I agree with the previous anon; their terrible parenting skills is a decently milky quality. Discussing the kids themselves is against the rules but I think it's OK to discuss their parenting.
No. 529445
>>529440Well firstly I'd like to know how they're getting such young children to keep quiet for the hours it takes to film a video but also as a child being told to shush when they're just asking a question/singing/making general baby noises or not getting a cuddle from your parents because "mommy's in the middle of making a video right now! Use your iPad!" Is probably going to have an effect on them.
I mean it's possible their sounds are being edited out but imagine swiping lipgloss on your lips as your child is asking a question. Do you have to wipe the gloss off and film again? Do you even respond? If you're unboxing something, do you have to put it back in the box and pretend to see it for the first time again? I wonder if one of them has a sick tummy, does she stop filming to rub it for them and ask them if they're okay? Or is it more likely that she tells them to "Go tell grandma!"
Ik there's a lot of speculation there but I don't even think it's too much of a stretch. I mean, we've already seen Greg emotionlessly hold his child's head so they won't get into frame and one in the bg of a video lying down and not interacting with either parent for the duration of the video.
No. 529472
Lame is currently an equal mixture of Ryland and SR. Her look, vocabulary and gestures are all stolen from them. She is unbearably pathetic..
>>529416 Agree, Brenden is a ledge.
No. 529475
>>529453Did anyone else notice this part of the conversation as shes fake complaining about the hickeys?
Lamo: Thats the worst place to have a hickey, thanks.
Gronk: You actually flipped around… so its your fault.
I have the feeling that Gronk only likes to have sex with her from behind, or any position that he doesn't have to look at her face.
No. 529478
>>529475Tryimg to reach her neck while doing doggy. I'm gonna vomit.
I remember an insta post of her complaining about Billie doing it too. She probably asked her to give it to her though.
No. 529486
>>529475>I have the feeling that Gronk only likes to have sex with her from behindThat's the exact impression I got from that comment.
Why do they think this hickey thing is "cute" or something worth sharing with your viewers. It's a pretty embarrassing thing to be still doing past the age of 14, especially in visible places.
I guess Trailor has no other physical signs of Greg's love for her since in all their videos together he insults her, they never hold hands, they never kiss and they don't even seem to like each other even in a friendly level. This is the one thing she can point to and be like, "See? He loves me!!!"
No. 529499
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No. 529500
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>>529495Lolly Whitehill is quaking. Lainey is coming for her gig.
No. 529502
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Such dysphoria…
No. 529504
Lainey literally got the same haircut Felix did in Japan, blonde and everything (except he realised it was shit and got it fixed). Even if she didn't intend to skinwalk PDP, I wonder what LGH thinks of this
>>529370I remember he used to always joke about having a micropenis during his Cyr days and made lots of speaks videos about them. Something tells me he is really insecure about his size, especially after his rant against Lainey's sister
Side note, to any of Lainey's fans reading here to report back to her, tell her that beating her dry-ass face is the last thing she should be doing. She needs moisture dammit. And one of those patches that go on cold sores and acne to protect it from makeup and your brushes from them.
No. 529505
>>529501Havent watched the video yet. Thats a facemask right?
At first glance it looked like cum dripping off her face.
Its like a first person video game. You get to play as Shreg and enjoy his POV during sukmi time
No. 529506
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>>529502those rolls tho
shes the perfect example of skinny/fat not eating properly and no physical exercise and your flesh just hangs off your body or bunches up in the most unattractive ways
No. 529507
>>529505It is.
The video is so ridiculous. First off, is it not common practice to tie up your damn robe? If you’re going to be on camera at least come on. And she sits on the floor hunched over to paint her nails TERRIBLY. Couldn’t even bring in a chair to do it on the counter at least. As for it being a “self care” video.. she puts on a facemask, does her nails, showers, puts in a hair mask and then uses a body scrub. Sorry but that’s just normal maintence that people tend to do. Self care is actually helping yourself and not eating like shit and never exercising and staying awake 24/7 grow up.
Also kek her intro didn’t film but she couldn’t spend five minutes to refilm it OR spell intro correctly.
23 with 2 kids. You wouldn’t believe it.
No. 529508
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I wonder what the Onions have prescription medication in their closet for. It's well known that they hate the professional medical field so it's surprising to see.
No. 529512
>>529509You'd probably see a circle around the number of pills in the bottle if it were adderall. Or some sort of marking, since controlled substances are double checked. That being said, unfortunately the pic is too blurry to really be able to tell.
Also, do the Onions also not allow their children to have medication? Are they antivax? I wouldn't put it past Gurg.
No. 529525
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>>529508>>529520Usually iron supplements come in blister packs or your physician just tells you to pick up some iron pills from the supplement isle at the store. I think the smaller white bottle next to the orange prescription bottle is more likely to be iron supplements maybe.
No. 529529
>>529525I wouldn't be surprised to find out Troy is on ridalin, sadly most kids his age get put on it because their parents confuse regular old kids being hyper with hyperactivity and not normal or able to be handled. Would explain why a kid his age is so calm and quiet without having to say the onions are abusing their kids or constantly ignoring them and making them quiet.
I can see Greg even despite his hatred of doctors being fed up with just how crazy and full of energy a kid can be and agreeing with the doctor about medication just to get himself some peace and quiet. Or even lambo doing it and him just agreeing for the same reason.
It's highly doubtful that Greg would actually be on medication. My theory isn't very credible either, in reality they could just be some allergy pills even, I get loratadine (knock of claratin) and they come in those regular pill containers too
No. 529535
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No. 529539
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>>529537I hate to pull a Greg, but
No. 529542
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that t-shirt..
No. 529543
>>529537You must not know shit. Cold sores are extremely contagious and you can get them from shairing cups cups, kissing, lipstick/chapstick, and oral sex. I’ve gotten cold sores since I was young and you’ve got to be really careful when you have one to not spread it or contaminate anything.
Let’s end this discussion here cause every time her cold sores are brought up it turns into a shit storm.
No. 529549
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>>529527A lot of people are noticing.
No. 529553
>>529550lol, 30 minutes of scouring the internet to find scraps of something to bolster your argument.
Read the Washington Post article and shut up.
No. 529557
>>529550In addition, cropping your false results make your thirty minutes of hard work seem shady.
We wont laugh at your source (unless its some fake news alt-health site)
No. 529558
File: 1528665682488.jpg (61.04 KB, 953x307, Capture.JPG)

>>529557I only cropped to avoid having a huge screenshot. But here, from the CDC. No. 529564
>>529560I mean
Agree to disagree, I'm not interested in arguing over an STD. You've read what you've read and I read what I've read. You can pull up research from anywhere arguing two different sides to anything
No. 529571
>>529570no, I tried and its broken
>>529565Im praying that it got hit with some kind of report because of nudity and her channel now has a black mark and thats why she removed it.
No. 529572
>>529535>>529549Meh, it's just a nipple. Guys show them all the time.
But that haircut is a shitshow.
No. 529578
>>529572This is kind of different, anon. She's pretty much naked in the whole video and kind of makes the video come across as suggestive, especially with the nip slip. Let's not mention the fact that kids are watching her videos.
Honestly, she'll probably even use that line. "Guys show them all the time what's the big deal."
No. 529580
>>529578I don't know. It's purely just my opinion but uproar about nipslips always seemed a bit overdone to me. Breasts are not genitals, breasts are for feeding and this kinda panic around it only helps make it all shittier.
Sorry if I sound too SJW.
But knowing Lainey, we won't have to wait long for some kind of a pussy-slip too.
No. 529585
>>529576Gotcha! Here's the link:>>529580I sorta agree, I don't think the nip slip itself was that bad, but it shows how Lainey doesn't even pay attention to what she's editing. Considering this is her full time job, you would think she'd double check for stuff like this.
No. 529587
>>529585You’d also think she’d feel *~ultra disphoric*~ with her boob hanging out tho, no?
Not only laziness but really just proves her chest disphoria is bs as we all already know kek
No. 529588
>>529585Thank you for the upload.
And you are exactly right. Shes lazy. I can see her editing right now, knees up to her chest, squatting on the chair, half paying attention to the monitor and half scrolling through her playlist so she can sing along like a dying cat and rock back and forth like an autist. I wonder if she just fast fowards thru the raw video and makes her edits just to fill a time requirement, she never watches the whole raw unedited video, thats the reason for the accidental nudity and showing of her kids.
Shes rushing through her shitty editing duties so she can get the video out as fast as possible so her Patrons dont yell at her and those sweet sweet ad nickels roll in.
No. 529590
File: 1528670245267.gif (990.66 KB, 500x208, giphy.gif)

>>528768Fucking disgusting discharge dirty bitch
You should not have a watery leaky vagina. There is something wrong with your discharge, Lamefoot, go see a doctor and slap some panty liners on ya. Fix that dutteh vagine
Anyways, you know Greg hates seeing your pantyliners in the trash, but where do you think your discharge is going? We already know Greg hates wet, slimy vag, but you are not doing yourself any favors hun.
>>528942>>528807The fuck foot? No. Just no. Does Greg want to hatefuck richie and he conviced you to be his small boi?? Thats pretty gay greg
>>529301>>529263Greg, this is the smallest saddest peen ever seen. It is microscopic. No wonder you hate everything small man. No wonder you get pissed when your potential mates have had sexual experiences before you, you don't want them comparing your baby carrot to giant salami sausages. Enjoy your 2 inches
>>529308>>529535Fuck foot. Fucking love yourself, because no one else will, especially not Greg
They are huge embarrassing cringy people. I wonder if the people in gig harbor know exactly who they arr. I can imagine they all whisper and talk about the sad girl predatored by a greasy git of a pussy bitch
No. 529591
>>529590>they all whisper and talk about the sad girl predatored by a greasy git of a pussy bitchActually Ill bet dollars to donuts they whisper about the creepy single father who moved in with his 2 young toddlers and weird teenage son.
"have you seen the way the dad kisses his son?"
No. 529592
>>529590Yeee, no. I'm going to disagree since discharge is perfectly normal as is staining your underwear as long as it's not an odd color or odour. Let's not stigmatize vaginal discharge.
HOWEVER— again, "muh dysphoriaa!"
>rolls around showing her pussy through her boxers and has no issue. Also, again, laziness– you're recording a video. Nothing wrong with discharge and staining. If you don't feel like using pantyliners, don't. But you're recording a video.. it's just aesthetics.
If she released the discharge due to being subjected to pain, then, well… edit it. We didn't need to see her rolling around in her boxers. If they'd been panties? But she treats them like comfy commando shorts. Not actual underwear. How many times has she subjected us to her damn underwear during her changing videos? Edit. It. Out, you lazy bitch.
No. 529599
>>529596I sort of combined two topics; Lame's vag discharge from her waxing legs (which as another anon mentioned could be fertile discharge or her just having a nasty vag) and natural arousal. I'm assuming his comment was more of a 'wow it's only healthy when a vagina is DRY, period!1!', which is why I asked for a bit more clarity and the video.
Would just think that a guy who's all about the 'mental programming' of humans would want a more excited potentially fertile mate - thus more crazy ass back logic. Didn't mean to derail.
No. 529628
>>529617& it wasn't that long ago that Onion was chimping out about Youtube demonetizing his precious spouse's channel which is "completely wholesome and helpful and lgbt firendly"
lainey's videos are so far from "wholesome".
No. 529644
>>529560anon MD here, you get herpes from direct contact, the virus can live outside the body for an incredibly short amount of time, and is killed off quickly and easily. If someone uses a lipstick and passes it to you (during outbreak or shedding) and you use it you can contract the virus, this is more unlikely with silverware, but is possible when sharing food, same with razors (because of blood and knicks), same with smoking items. Likewise, there isn't a fear of it if a period of time has passed (the herpes virus is not going to live for 3 weeks on a chap-stick, it's just not) or if you're in an area with a lot chemicals (like the pool). You're both right and you're both wrong. Actually read up on the way the disease works instead of just posting contamination advice. Best advice, don't share you're shit, don't use the testers at sephora, you're welcome.
No. 529650
> "anon MD"> "in an area with a lot chemicals"> "don't share you're shit"Get some sleep, doctor!
(just fuckin with u anon xo)
In other news, Lainey is avoiding YouNow in nipple-based embarrassment.
No. 529660
File: 1528682342297.png (2.39 MB, 1440x1407, muh DYSPHORIA.png)

>>529589This is the crux of it for me too. You can't whine about your crippling "dysphoria", claim you're some kind of role model for trans youth, and then flash your boobs everywhere and parade around in your manties. You can't have it both ways.
She either knows
exactly what she's doing or she's dumb as a box of dog turds. My guess is that she's intentionally doing it. Yes, she's an idiot, but she
constantly checks herself out in the viewfinder to see how LIT she looks so there's literally no way she didn't notice her robe was wide open and her boobs were flapping about. Which btw is also something that anyone with actual dysphoria would be very self-conscious about, and VERY aware of. And then to also "miss" it in editing? Doubtful.
This is so insulting to the trans community and I'm getting real tired of her bullshit. At this point I feel like she's just as bad if not worse than her half-wit, bloated, greasy husband.
No. 529675
>>529542>Too cute for a gender identityJesus Christ. I don't know what's worse:
The thought that one of her young impressionable fans spent their allowance on that and sent it to her to buy her affection
The notion that she saw this in a store, thought "That's PERFECT for me!" Because cutsie T-shirt slogans are the very
best way to communicate just how much you're struggling with your gender identity crisis.
No. 529686
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We need nipplegate and micro-peen in the next thread.
No. 529687
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new Shregma spergs on twitter now
No. 529688
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>>5296872/2 sorry backwards post
No. 529689
File: 1528686902424.jpg (383.79 KB, 1403x1080, Screenshot_20171127-102115.jpg)

>>529687>>529688Maybe its too late, but what is gregemels point? That trans woman are women, or that its bs??
Because he shat out this gem last year.
No. 529694
>>529690Nah, he's still only looking for someone to help boost his fame. Xiaxue is pretty big in the SEA region and is famous for putting people who disagrees with her opinions on blast on her ig stories.
I wouldn't be surprised if he was angling to stir drama from her because her fans would generate traffic while it wouldn't be hard for western viewers to take his side because she loathes being politically correct.
No. 529699
>>529495This video sent me into a rage that was nigh on rivalling Gronk’s. Ten seconds into the video and she just had to point out the the robe is too big for her smol soft boi’s body. Bitch, you are built like a Chinese swimmer minus the muscle definition. Also, you need to cleanse your face before using a masque. Congratulations on wasting it, moron.
>skin isn’t stressed but it is dry from spending time in NM Gurl. Firstly, see all the breakouts you can’t get rid of? That’s stress. And that dryness? That’s because your diet is fucking atrocious, you’re dehydrated and malnourished and you don’t moisturise.
>skin looks soooo gooood after masqueYou need a new mirror because you look scabby, crusty and putrid. As per usual.
>body is so dryOnce again, ignoring her face. Also, if you’re using a hair treatment that needs to rinsed out, why the fuck didn’t you apply it pre-shower? Did you have another shower after you moisturised your body? If you rinsed it out over the basin there’s going to be a tonne of residue left over that will get all over your bedding and you’ll wake up feeling like an oil tanker capsized on your head (though you share a bed with human oil rig so it clearly won’t bother you). As a chemfag who works in R&D for luxury skin care, this sort of malpractice and misinformation peddled by “influencers” pisses me off ad infinitum.
>tried to get Greg to do a spa treatment with me but he’s too masculine >still insists on identifying as an emo teenage boyFucking kek.
No. 529701
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>>529687>>529694Never heard of her, but after browsing thru her Twitter, it looks like Shreg may have met his match.
>Claims to be a genius>"Very rude" = a "brutally honest" asshole>Into publicly shaming those that disagree with her>Roughly same amount of followers as Shreg, considers herself a "star"Other than having what appears to be polar-opposite political/social views, they seem to have a lot in common. This is like a match made in dramallama Hades.
No. 529704
File: 1528691696789.jpeg (94.01 KB, 382x241, D34A1F93-0E9C-449D-B56D-D56288…)

>>529187And the lumpy space chin is once again spotted in its natural habitat
No. 529708
>>529699Her skin was dry long before she even went to NM. Bitch is in denial.
>>529704And that chin is where she keeps all of her denial.
>>529706That joke tho hahaha
No. 529710
>>529701She has a thread here. After she had a kid, she became a lot less interesting.
I wouldn't be surprised if Gronk has scoured lolcow in hopes that he could find someone with a more active fanbase than he gets so he could feed off of their attention. I've noticed he's putting out a lot of feelers lately, threads on 4chan, tweeting other popular YTers that he normally doesn't. He's looking for whatever magic thing he thinks will help him be famous again.
No. 529713
>>529689Shreg's insistence on offering his ignorant, unsolicited opinions and advice to women, POC and marginalized communities is so arrogant and obnoxious.
Why does he think anyone should give a shit what a middle-aged greasy cretin thinks about their breasts?
What a stupid statement anyway. Is he saying no breast cancer survivors have "believable" reconstruction? The reason he hasn't "seen" good boobjobs is that they're generally not noticeable if done well.
No. 529749
>>529701I wouldn't take everything she says at face value. She's mostly made of satire, plastic and pink dye.
Besides, there is a reason why she's still relevant in her circles after a decade while LGH is slowly fading into obscurity… She's really good at castrating men on the internet and it entertaining as hell to watch.
No. 529758
>>529499Someone should make a channel banner picture of her with this and stuff about her content like
>Agender pride, don't call me she/her<Regular Girfriend+Boyfriend tags
>I'm soo gay!<I'm married to a man though
>Hey internet! I'm trans!<Not going to get any treatments or surgeries because I don't want my family to know
>Body and boob dysphoria<Look at me flashing my nipples and filming myself in my underwear lol!
>I'm smoll bean uwu<Even my mom is smaller than me
No. 529904
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Holy shit anons. YouTube has finally had enough of Shreg's crap and has given him TWO strikes on his "Onision" channel. He says he no longer uploading on that one and whining about it on Twitter.
No. 529907
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>>529904Sweet mother of god the Ogre has dun goofed.