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No. 540914

First thread: First >>>/snow/93507
Previous thread: >>535385

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MomokunCosplay


Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Momokun

Instagram & Snapchat: mariahmallad, xmariahmalladx

Twitch: https://go.twitch.tv/mariahmallad


IG Stories Archive: https://isdb.pw/mariahmallad

Google Drive:

Attn: Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here >>>/snow/386826

The basics:
>Originally 'thicc Samus' with 2+ lipo sessions now trying keep some semblance of a figure (and failing miserably) all while lying by saying she's exercising
>So laughably bad at making cosplays; gets 90% of costumes commissioned/bought and then makes gloves so she can credit herself as a talented cosplayer and claim her money is "hard-earned"
>Does "boudoir"/softcore porn shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are
>Thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame where she'll loiter around booths/other cosplayers or pretend to be a con guest
>Has to beg for money, con passes, or just ghosts at cons despite +$10k/month on Patreon, not above bullying staff to get a free 'Professional' badge
>Pretends to know about the series she cosplays, despite evidence proving otherwise; will tweet profound essays to prove her expert fan knowledge
>Has lewded young characters for the attention; backpedals after backlash
>Goes on crazy media tirades against people like old fuckboy KBBQ, old photog, yet preaches about being nice to everyone
>Constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that are happening to her when she’s done the same
>Lies about attending college even in the face of mountains of evidence proving otherwise
>Rips off a dress design from indie designer MyOppa, denies it and has yet to make an "official statement" about her blatant bullshit
>Also rips of well-known hentai character as her original character and mascot, once again denies it
>Yes, her photos are being used for a KIK FOR FAT ad
>apparently "used to lift", was sorely butthurt when multiple liftfags told her that her body form was dangerously off
>wants to be a fattie cosplayer messiah in her echo chamber of yes men

>Taking highly inaccurate "artistic liberties" to her lancer!Artoria cosplay
>In the midst of Jannetincosplay drama, she continues to pretend with her paypigs that everything's peachy.
>Relates so much to Nero that she wants to recreate her suicide scene fOr CoSpLaY
>After the Peru Phone Saga, Aniplex was unable to recover her F/GO account (with which she spent "1000k+" dollars on). Instead of trying to be more thorough with her recovery process, she buys a 300 dollar cheat account from eBay.
>Ani plex is informed of her cheating antics, boots her from participating in official events at Anime Expo
>Remember, she only eats out like once or twice a week! 30 to 50 dollars a meal!
>The Gods smile upon us when a bunch of proven cases of sexual harassment pop up, making others aware of fatty messiah Moo. Cre ators Guild was informed and, after toughing up, told the masses Moo was no longer having her meet n' greet. Moo claims it was harassment, not HER ACTIONS. This brief description does not bring justice to what we all witnessed.
>Mariah decides it's a good idea to make instastories about WHY she did it: ADHD. Oh and her friends like it so everyone else does! She apologizes and thought about it really hard! Vendettas and liars did her dirty!
>Moo is cancelled. Tell the children.

No. 540917

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SORRY previous thread >>538776

No. 540918

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promoting asslick

No. 540919

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Is this a new record?!?!!? A new thread in what, all of four days? I’m just so pumped for AX lol

No. 540920

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No. 540921

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reposting just for this comment

No. 540922

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CGL are discussing it too rn, though I doubt it'll be long before mods nuke the thread

No. 540923

We should really make a commemorative banner once all of this is over. What a ride it's been.

No. 540925

She just turned off comments

No. 540926

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I'm just so glad this bitch is canceled. We all predicted a lot of upcoming milk from AX but our cow has blessed us with more than what we could have ever imagined. I'm so glad all her disgusting actions are finally being brought to everyone's attention

No. 540927

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Bitch can't take the heat. She must've burned a lot of calories today from all those comments she was deleting kek

No. 540928

I think what pisses me off is that people like Sabrina Nichole and MidnaAsh still hang with this bitch. I used to like them but they've proven to be shitty people. Sabrina Nichole being silent about the whole thing just makes me believe more and more that she's only with her tiny dick fat bf because he's got the cash, and MidnaAsh had the audacity to post a vague tweet trying to distract from Momo's sexual harassment and pulled the fucking race card of all things.


No. 540929

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clout is apparently more important than being a decent human being.

No. 540930

Anything from her Vampmat?

No. 540931

She's already deleting comments on her newest post too.
One second there were 6 new comments and the next there were none. This bitch really is next level pissed lmao

No. 540932

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No. 540933

This is us right now after seeing Mariah finally get consequences for her actions.

No. 540934

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No. 540935

Almost all of the people Moo molested and are talking are not white. Fuck off, Midnasnatch

No. 540936

She's probably too drunk and high to continue keeping up with the posts. It'll be back on within 24hrs.

No. 540937

She deleted her picture seen here >>540920

No. 540938

>posts Leia
>uses one of her bullshit Drake quotes

No. 540940


it's annoying because people just ignoring her pulling the race card to defend moomoo and I think that's just as disgusting

No. 540942

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She got jokes

No. 540943

surprised how she actually just won the controversy right now. notice how in her new pic nobody is even calling her out anymore? it's almost as if nothing ever happened that's just creepy as fuck.

No. 540944

And just like that her WK's are back kissing her ass, typical.

No. 540945

Translation: I'm going to suck up so hard that their dicks turn into raisins.

No. 540946

She's deleting comments, anon. That doesn't mean she won anything, it only means that she's still not taking responsibility.

No. 540949

It's almost 2am in Cali, most people are asleep. Give the Euros who care time to catch up, ha.

No. 540950

Comments blocked on AX photo.

No. 540951

thread is gross and boring

No. 540953

Is she going to pretend kayybear isn't black and also didn't call Mariah out LOL

No. 540955

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I hope people thwart her usual tactics, people in other time zones weren’t awake before she started damage control.

No. 540956

oops, posted at the end of last thread.
But if y'all want a big youtuber to finish her there's Nerd City. They did a sort of content cop on SSSniperwolf called thot patrol very recently, they're backed by a lot of big youtubers like Idubbbbz, Pewdiepie and they do an insane amount of research. They asked who they should do a thot patrol on next. I'm too chickenshit to say anything but you can @ them on Twitter(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 540957

And people really thought she wasn't /pt/ material no more.

No. 540959

Really hope more people keep flooding her comments with this. She can’t disable comments forever. Her need for attention would destroy her.

No. 540960

It would be an uphill battle because she is LITERALLY going to stay up all night to delete any comments/come up with diversions

No. 540961

>I will stop by their booth to give them all the biggest hugs
No you won't. You just got ousted from your booth from people finally speaking the truth about you. You can "respect" CG all you say you do, but they obviously don't respect you. I wish I knew how that whole conversation went down.

No. 540962

Don't worry, us non-usa peeps will keep it up.

No. 540966


you should call her out on it. in fact, I don't get why NOBODY is calling her out for it. someone get her bf octopimp to slap her in the back of the head to knock some sense into her lmao

No. 540967

this has been such a wonderful way to cap off an evening. I have the biggest smile on my face watching this bitch get fucking demolished finally. I can only hope things continue in this fashion and she gets cancelled everywhere.

No. 540968

She just blocked me for my comments. But it doesn’t seem like she’s keeping up with the xMariahMalladx comments.

No. 540970

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No. 540972

"i answered it as soon as i could because i was actually being punished for my actions this time"

man, i wonder if janett is gonna see all this shit poppin off

No. 540973


LMAO are you hidori rose? because that girl goin IN on Midna LMFAO

No. 540974

I'm still unblocked, even if moocow is asleep her dumbass whiteknights aren't so the comments keep going.

No. 540975

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What a fucking piece of shit.

I don’t even bother reasoning with her stupid white knights. They have such a sickening mentality and it’s sad there’s enough disgusting perverts in the world to support Mariah’s fat ass lavish lazy lifestyle.

No. 540977

>Idc what all you haters have to say. She can grope me anytime.
Fucking yikes.

No. 540978

Why always her fans think with their penis? Disgusting

No. 540980

I'm not surprised, scum attracts scum. Her shrinking hugbox now consists mainly of these neckbeards, maybe they'll coax her into going into porn sooner lmao.

No. 540981

Did she post this before or after the sexual assault allegations because this seems to be about the Jenet thing.

No. 540982

Really? Do you have any screenshots of it?

No. 540983

As a poc I’m going to say that sexual assault allegations are 100x more serious and worth talking about than black people not being included in cosplay photo shoots and groups.

No. 540984

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No. 540985

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No. 540986

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No. 540988

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No. 540989

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No. 540990

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No. 540992

So it looks like she brought up the racism thing to try and distract people from shitting on Moomoo for being a cunt about the Jenet thing.

No. 540996

surprising literally no one.

No. 540997

Ehhh she talks about PoC cosplay issues a lot. I don’t think it’s to protect moo. But she is annoying with how she presents shit.

No. 541000

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Shitty night at work but god catching up on all this made it so worth it. This cow is finally well done.

“People are focusing on [unrelated topic], but why isn’t anyone paying attention to the PEE OH CEES??” God shut up. Why the hell would anyone, in the middle of sexual harassment drama, suddenly do a shout out to poc cosplayers to “”include everyone””? Save it for another time unless you want to make twitter threads about every minority in the cosplay community everytime something happens.

No. 541001

>b-but muh poc issues!
>y u no talk about poc focus on me reeeeeeeee
That's all I see from this Midna bitch. Of all times to spread awareness you choose to piggyback and try to outshine an ongoing sexual harassment issue, what a cunt.

No. 541004

fucking kek at the replies we're getting. "go bak 2 ur sad corner" "ur just ganging up on her" "ur all losers"

Nice insults, are your fans 13 moomoo? Lmfao

No. 541005

fucking kek at the replies we're getting. "go bak 2 ur sad corner" "ur just ganging up on her" "ur all losers"

Nice insults, are your fans 13 moomoo? Lmfao

No. 541007

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Gg bois we made her close it down.

No. 541008

She’s truly been up all night watching and deleting comments. Enjoy AX Mariah!

No. 541010

Was arguing with that jbd guy too. What a fucking cuck.

No. 541011

She’s vonna be reeeeeeeeeal sleepy at con today lmaooo.
Hope she’s been crying all night. Bitch.

No. 541014

Yeah, he's just a waste of space. Flailing about the age of my account as if it even matters lmao. It's a really good thing it's just now evening for me, I've not wasted a bit of my time unlike moo. But c'mon anon, let's go back to our ~swad cwowner of da internwets~

No. 541016

Does anyone have the videos of her ranting about jannetincosplay? I think I sae someone posting a link. I wasn't fortunate enough to see this trainwreck

No. 541021

It’s in the IG stories archive but unfortunately you’re gonna have to do a lot of clicking to get to that part lol.

Yep I have an opposite sleep schedule to her so I’ve been wide awake during all this. Seems like lots of others have been as well. I’m stoked for what today has to offer!

No. 541023

I'm wondering how she got banned from aniplex? Did they revoke her title for the cheating incident or she's only there for the photoshoot and not be a model?

No. 541026

She was never working for Aniplex; Aniplex confirmed on their Twitter yesterday.

No. 541027

She’s just planning on attending a cosplay meetup she’s not affiliated with aniplex in any way even tho she tried to make it look like she was

No. 541030

shut up. they’re both two completely different topics and don’t need to be compared. you sound dumb af just keep talking about moo

No. 541032

it’s funny bc everyone is just commenting on other pictures lol

No. 541035

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Was just coming in to say that haha. This is on the pic before the bike one. It’s just spreading to other pics, she can’t contain it. She also isn’t getting any attention or likes on her leia pic because no comments nerfs the reach.

No. 541037

What the fuck is wrong with this bitch?! The sexual harassment allegations are coming from mostly POC and it’s just maybe, just maybe a little more important than half-assed shout outs to ethnic cosplayers?? What a fucking idiot. Vagina eyes really does have the worst calves.

No. 541041

it's a mix of her being moo's calf and trying to stir the pot to get more foot traffic.

No. 541043

Happy AX, everybody! Has our cow blown her load already or shall we get even more tasty milk from the floor? I can't wait to find out!

More industrial strength corset cosplays? Can't wait to see the waterfall of fat bubbling up over it in candids!

No. 541044

Has anyone contacted SenpaiSquad about all of this yet? Creators' Booth is getting the brunt of it, but SS listed her as a guest too

No. 541045

It is just a shitty warehouse rave in a genuinely dangerous part of town, I think her going would make her more miserable than being canceled from that.

No. 541046

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Look the calf trying to attack susu and bunny is buddy buddy with ash and they are sharing a room together. Looks like both are trying to derail bunny, kay and tasha to protect their cash cow moo.

No. 541047

It's not just instagram and twitter either. Comments are flooding her facebook page now too. Especially on her creators guild photo. Moo cant possibly keep up with both, she cant escape it. Shell do what she does best though and continue to pretend everything is alright, too bad most of the women who called her ass out ARE at anime expo, she better hope she doesnt run into any of them unless she can waddle away fast enough.

No. 541048

Didn't Midna use to suck up to Susu and Bunny wtf happened?

No. 541049

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These two hoes are both trying to take attention away from the girls calling moo’s gross ass out and trying to get attention for themselves. First the manfaced castro bitch saying “i’m a rape victim” then ash trying to talk about “pay attention to us POCs”. Both these busted hoes can fuck off.

No. 541050

Yeah she used to suck to susu, bunny and kay and now she’s trying to come for them. Ash used to post all this shit roasting people like shadman for drawing rapey stuff and spew the cosplay isnt consent stuff but I guess that only applies to people she isnt proffiting off. Same goes for the castro cunt. Used to leech hard off susu and bunny then ran to momokun. Probably though she would get more promo from momo since at the time momokun was more popular.

No. 541051

might be for the best for them…maybe now they know better to avoid Moo since I'm sure anyone stuck with her this weekend will have a miserable time with all this drama revolving around her and her literally not paying any attention to anyone and likely sulking all weekend.

No. 541054


None of this would have happened if she hadn't attacked that Russian cosplayer the other day, she just would have gotten away with it business as usual. She brought this whole social media shit show on herself and it is great.

No. 541055


Yeah I wonder who is going to bail on MooMoo's group Fate shoot that she's been planning since November my dudes

No. 541056

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Just finished catching up on last night's big milk delivery and it's amazing.
At this point I truly believe she's cancelled. Sure she might still have her neckbeards, but she's pretty much a pariah at this point, companies will be more likely to not sponsor her and not invite her at cons/booths; plus cosplayers around her (clout chasing nobodies not included) hate her guts and want nothing to do with her. While some anons kept saying Moo wasn't /pt/ material and that she was never going to be destroyed, we kept praying the god of milk and oh boy he delivered.

A bit of a tinfoil here, but it's also hilarious how in all this shitshow she even had the time to furiuosly lurk here, since a farmer posted this >>540434 and later Mariah echoed those words to a T as a statement >>540596 before realizing it was only adding fuel to the fire.
I bet going after Jannet is your biggest regret right now, PARIAH (we should start calling her that, since it's really fitting to her current situation)

No. 541057

Midna seems like a calf we should of been paying more attention to since how bitchy she is.

No. 541058


She'll go to porn. Any company that works with her/promos her from now on will get swarmed with all her receipts, and she's not worth it for any company to deal with that kind of shit. She'll keep making money, but her cosplay career is over.

No. 541059

The calves thread is due for a new version, and not just because Moo completely destroyed the social circle she had when the thing was made. Man, just a year ago she was trying to suck SSS' ass, how the time flies!

No. 541060

Its honestly crazy how fast this bitch burns through friends and threads

No. 541061


A video on Momokun's latest scandal, oh yes.

No. 541062

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Looks like the CG tweet thread has reached Arin from game grumps

No. 541063

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Holy shit. Even Egoraptor is throwing his hat into the mix now. Didn’t Moomoo trying sucking up to his wife Suzy at one point?

No. 541064


Egoraptor has a HUGE audience. She is DONE.

No. 541065


Pretty much. Game Grumps has followers in the millions.

You’re fucking done Moomoo

No. 541067

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No. 541068

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Stella going in on it now too

No. 541069


Damn. Susu dropping the People’s Elbow on Moo lol.

No. 541070

This is exactly why people say STOP giving moo help on here. She only came up with this shitty excuse because farmers hand fed it to her.

No. 541071

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No. 541072

Ooh damn, this gonna be great. Ghosting Saga Part 37!

No. 541073

Nah dude that was a fucking piledriver on the concrete. This cow is so done Lol

No. 541075

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"I'm not saying that you have axes to grind with Momokun, BUT YOU HAVE AXES TO GRIND WITH MOMOKUN LOL!!!!1111"

No. 541077

Executin Order 66 on Moo, on thread 66. Glorious.

Holy shit.

No. 541079

All we need left if Jess to deliver the final headshot, and this story can finally come to a close.

No. 541080

No. 541081

They came forward because CG asked for receipts but okay.

No. 541082



No. 541083

Jess liked her bike photo last night hours after the girls had already come forward. She’s not going to do anything.

No. 541084

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Well then that means. . .

Holy shit. This is just getting too damn funny.

No. 541088

Didn't this bitch give out fake badges at some point?

No. 541089


Yes she did with the Funimation thing for that Sister Testament anime

No. 541090

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No. 541091

jnig is never going to say or do anything, let's not even go there.

No. 541092

Thankfully it didn't even work, so she had to quickly come up with another - as shitty - excuse which is the ADHD one, but for the future I agree, let's not give her any idea

No. 541093

On the bright side for her, she can at least have a guaranteed job back at the grocery store Vamp works at

No. 541094


She might have to move back in with her parents as well. How could they even look her in the eye knowing what she is guilty of?

No. 541095

I'm surprised her doormat has nothing to say on the matter. Her minor calves are but witch nose is nowhere in sight.

Like this anon >>541091 said, jnig is a coward who doesn't want to stand up for anyone but herself, even if the sexual assault and harassment happened to her friends.

No. 541096

Stop circulating the gif of her grabbing the Kobayashi cosplayer –cosplayer came forward and said she wanted video taken down and that it was mutual fun they were having, which really doesn't help the people coming forward with legitimate claims.

No. 541097

>cosplayer came forward and said she wanted video taken down
Caps please

No. 541098

At work so can't cap. Cosplayer in gif is @xChiefy on Twitter though.

No. 541099

>>541096 how about shut up and let circulate what is circulating. No one is going to stop posting anything, everything needs to be seen.

No. 541100

It's the same thing that happened with tenderbroembrace. Moo probably contacted her.

No. 541101

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No. 541102

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No. 541103

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No. 541104

Both sided but it didn't seem that way. Mariah was touching boobs and went in for hers without asking. If it was both sided then why did she move her hand away?

No. 541105

multiple people within the replies of that gif said they thought it was her and that's how she found out.

It doesn't help the women with legit claims to circulate something when the woman in the gif says it's out of context and wants it removed.

No. 541106


>looks clearly embarrassed and uncomfortable, even pushing her away

that's probably code for "Momo is bullying me over the gif that proves her bullshit"

No. 541107

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And even more just came out.

No. 541108

>she has never made me feel uncomfortable or crossed the line

all this disclaiming seems forced. $5 says moo told her to speak up.

No. 541110

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No. 541111

Yep. Just like during the MyOppa problem, she's trying to hush people up.

No. 541113

shoving a megaphone against someone's genitals is so fucking weird there's no way this was just "made up for attention". what the fuck, moo???

No. 541114

And we all know that she carries around a megaphone to be hella obnoxious.

No. 541115

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No. 541116


She has been known to threaten or coerce people into going to bat for her. I’m guessing she got a message telling her to ask to have it taken down and say she didn’t feel assaulted by her. This won’t save her at all


And it’s right up her alley of doing cringey shit that invades other peoples personal space and ignoring boundaries like all the orher stories so far. If I was that girl I would broken Moo’s jaw for that. I don’t know you and I don’t want your hands anywhere near my genitals.

No. 541118

Too bad she won't shut up all the other, bigger cosnames who are speaking up

No. 541119

It really makes me wonder who else she's done this to and if they're just keeping quiet because of their reputation.

No. 541120

Toxic cunts are gonna be toxic cunts no matter what. They will eventually turn on Mariah and spit all over her, dishing out all the shit. And soon enough it will probably happen to them as well. I'm really hoping that the whole costhot "scene" will implode on itself when they're first attacking each over for being slightly sluttier than the first one, then spill the beans on drama during a BPD ragefit on twitter and end up being the target of the same kind of attack themselves later on. What a gorgeous way to end a cancerous career.

>I'll do it later I swear!!!
Just like your response to MyOppa, eh Mariah?

Holy shit I'm howling while laughing at these fallacies.
>Yeah sure you call out Momokun for being a massive egoistical bitch doing all sorts of questionable deeds left and right, but WHAT ABOUT RACISM IN COSPLAY?!?!??!?!

No. 541122

Soooooooo these are fake badges?

No. 541123

Quite the contrary, in my opinion. It makes perfect ammunition against her as proof that she lurks here and I find it hilarious. Because she'll never understand the core meaning of the advice we give her and just repeats it verbatim while tripping over her own stupidity. I love seeing her trying to stumble her way with "advice" she got from lolcow while digging herself even deeper. It's like a game.

She definitely has a point here, the other generic thots are just mad over her being handed something on a silver platter but I'll take it nevertheless. I don't care why they're going after her ass as long as they're doing it.

But on the other hand this also has a point. Making up bullshit claims makes the legitimate complaints look shoddy as well. People should stop making up stuff because it's cringy as shit and hurts the story as a whole. She definitely has sexually harassed people and made up false rape claims so people, please keep to the confirmed cases.

No. 541125

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No. 541126

I wouldn't be surprised if Moo offered that cosplayer money to make that statement. It's obvious she groped her without consent, and we've all seen how Moo has been losing control with money especially lately.

No. 541127

Nicoletters apparently hit the floor in Nero. Any anons see Moo outside dealers hall?

No. 541129

We already know that she lurks here. We don't need further proof of that unless it's her post history. She always replies to us in her retarded stories and used to be tweets as well before she got banned.

For your second point, they're mad cause she can't keep her hands to herself. Half of them even said they spoke up after seeing others did it because it gave them courage.

On your third point, this same thing happened during MyOppa where the person in one of the examples asked for it to be taken down because they were friends with Mariah. Speculation, but it's still suspect. Accidents happen, but the legitimate claims are still there and there are enough to be damning.

No. 541131

It's Moo's way of trying to "control her friends". The same thing that she demands for others to do.

No. 541132

She has also said several times recently how she likes to be the one in control, so we know full well how she treats her manipulated slaves.

No. 541133

My best guess is just that she’s moving around and sobbing saying things like “I NEVER EVEN DID THAT AND IF I DID I DONT REMEMBER!!” and “I just get so caught up in the moment sometimes and I get carried away but I would NEVER hurt someone !!! You guys know that right ???????? Right ????? I’m a good person !!! I always try to support people! I’m such an advocate for speaking out against sexual predators !!!” And they are probably all being manipulated by her tears and are assuming since they’ve never been made uncomfortable by her touching then they assume other people are being too sensitive or something.

No. 541136

Anyone seen Momo at the con or in friends’ Instagram stories? Or is she hiding in her room?

No. 541137

On this same subject has there been any mention of the company moo is working with for her ugly ass hoodies she's supposedly collabing to make with in the fall?
Not trying to cowtip, I just didn't know if it was mentioned in the last thread at all.

No. 541139


i don't think she was coerced. people can have weird reactions to assault/abuse if they like their abuser. i've had friends who won't do anything about people who have groped them because they don't want them to get in trouble. her body language clearly shows it wasn't consensual, but she's playing it off as a prank because she likes mariah and/or wants to be in her good books.

No. 541141


I don’t know how anyone can stand to be around her this weekend. If it’s not everyone around them giving her disgusted looks then it’s her constantly sobbing about how “she is such a good person and would never try to hurt anyone” and just being a real drag.

No. 541143

Don't see her anywhere so far or at that Fate booth.

No. 541144


As we recently learned she never had a badge in the first place. I’m sure she is hiding in her hotel room and sobbing her eyes out.

No. 541146

The jury is still out on that one, it could be another case of the right hand not knowing what the left is doing, like with their social media fuck ups last night. She would need a badge to waddle onto the floor for her meet and greet, and was probably given to her by whoever's dick she is sucking over there and not the social media guys.

I reallllly hope she faked getting a badge from them though, that shit would be golden.

No. 541147

>That's a rabbithole that you don't want to go down!

Moo predicted her own future.

No. 541148

No. 541149

probably still asleep. We know she sleeps until 12

No. 541150

It would be hard to sway this specific cosplayer like she did countless others because for once there's video evidence, she can't say she "doesn't remember doing it" (aka therefore it never happened) my bet's that she contacted the cosplayer and managed to convince her through other ways (money) to put out that statement, it seems identical to the Facebook posts those other two girls did about Mariah. She has a script for these people.

No. 541151

That's CreatorsGuild!

No. 541152

This is an image board take screenshots

No. 541153

Why on earth would she want to be on Mariah's good books when half of the costhots are publicly denouncing her? It's actually worse to defend Mariah right now and be forever associated with her in the eyes of everyone involved, I bet my ass it's the reason Nicolette ans co. haven't said anything about it.
Defending Mariah right now in hopes of riding her fame doesn't seem like the smart choice, but defending her for personal gain (getting paid dinners, paid trips, etc.) seems much more likely. Is Moo even friends with this girl at all?

No. 541154

It's a video, and it's pretty funny

No. 541155


I’m sure she gaslit the fuck out of her with some variation of “You’re a bad person if you don’t tell everyone I didn’t harass you”.

No. 541156


A guy in a bikini with a shovel debuts his "momokun cosplay". He continues digging with the shovel saying 'sorry i have adhd and i just get crazy sometimes'. Right as the video ends he jumps into the hole.

No. 541157

Even if Chiefplays is okay with how she was treated as if it was a joke, will she confront Moo and tell her that it was not okay to do to other people?
She didn't do it the first time when she was at LVLUP so why feel bad and take her video down now?

No. 541158

Cause Moo.

No. 541159

It’s almost 11am in CA. She probably drank all night after seeing the shit storm and not up and about yet

No. 541160


They seem to be under the impression that this all will simply blow over like past. That it’s just “haters” as usual. That moo will be right back on top like before and want to be in her good graces once she seized power again.

They really don’t seem to grasp how truly fucked she is.

No. 541161

File: 1530812983844.jpg (144.66 KB, 874x808, 2018-07-05_13-48-54.jpg)

I'm glad that they don't seem to be taking Moo's fake shit apology. Also glad that they caught on to her trying to make Bunny look like a liar and didn't try to doubt Bunny.

No. 541163

Fuck lmao. That was actually hilarious. Could have gone in a cringe direction but it didn’t. This kind of reaction from the community indicates that this is probably the beginning of the end for momo

No. 541164


just look up midnaash on twitter

No. 541165

Anyone else thinking she'll abandon AX and go to Disneyland or some shit to escape her 'haterz'?

No. 541166

The official Fate meet is today isn't it? Or whatever day it is, would she really miss that as the diehard fan she is or actually become invisible so nobody confronts her lol.

No. 541167

I don't even see her cosplaying the entire con. There's too much chance of being confronted. She can't handle anything out of her control. CG let her spin her victim narrative and are being dragged through the mud for it. If she goes she's gonna be as far from the main group as possible

No. 541168

Who are we kidding? Her hotel bed will have a fucking molded shape of her boxy figure. She'll claim she's sick again and pass it up lmao

No. 541169

>>No. 540929 OT she pulls the race card but posts racist memes….ok

No. 541170

"I'm sick with ADHD I can't go out today, guys."

No. 541171

Perfect time for her to wear that shitty helm she “made”!

No. 541172

Anon please don't joke about ADHD, I suffer with it and sometimes I get mentally and physically exhausted.

No. 541173

….do you even know what happened anon

No. 541174

I don't really care and I don't read this thread but don't joke about ADHD, that's all.

No. 541175

tl;dr for your dumb ass Moo used ADHD as an excuse to molest people.

No. 541176

I don't care.

Mariah opened up the floodgate of jokes when she used that excuse.

No. 541177

>I don't read this thread

ok then, get the fuck out.

No. 541178

Are you fucking serious rn? You're whining in a thread you know nothing about.

No. 541179


Isn't it classy to whine about what Moo does and then joke with mental illnesses?

No. 541180

File: 1530814802393.jpg (67.31 KB, 990x1024, 21993102_1813021502059615_3279…)

holy mother of keks

No. 541181

No one is making fun of mental illness, you triggered pissbaby. It's mocking Moo. Go back to tumblr.

No. 541183


This has got to be one of her calves.

No. 541184

Moomoo used adhd as a excuse to molest people. So if your okay with being used that way thats cool. Also to add I am both bipolar and adhd, if you seriously can't take any joke about your disability you need to get your head right. Learn to laugh at yourself.

No. 541185

File: 1530814955770.png (69.9 KB, 243x200, 3mLydMU.png)

No. 541186

Yeah, you can say you have this and that but it doesn't exclude the fact people joking about it and Moo using it as excuse both make mentally ill people not be taken seriously.

No. 541188

That's my guess too.

No. 541189

So which calf are you

No. 541190


now I'm curious about how this will go down because connections run deep. If momokunt sucked up to his wife in the past then is his wife still willing to defend her? just because Arin posted this doesn't mean she's aware of him doing so and she might just defend momo out of nowhere. Plus MidnaAsh is one of her calfs and Midna's boyfriend is Octopimp who's a really known figure and loved by JesseCox and I assume they're all pretty much friends since their days back in TheGameStation before it became Polaris.

kind of curious if this will have some chain reaction where Octo sticks by his girl defending moomoo which in turn gets people to turn on him OR have people defend him and damn momokunt has the potential to destroy friendships right now based on association lol that's wild!

No. 541192

so wheres vamp? i thought she was mordred? seems like she didnt go…is she ashamed of what moo did?

No. 541193

>I disagree with anons so I must be her calf

Oof, I don't even know this bitch. I just don't like when people joke with mental illnesses, esp. when trying to take a high ground.

Anyway, I will stop derailing.

No. 541194

so i should get pissed when family guy makes a joke about bipolar? No, i just explain to people what it is when people ask. People can assume whatever they want about a disorder because people will never understand. I just don't like people using it as a excuse, because I was taught I'm in charge of my own actions not my disorder. moomoo is using it to dodge accountability which is worse then any joke someone could make.

No. 541195

File: 1530815344109.png (26.06 KB, 500x460, i-deliberatley-entered-a-threa…)

No. 541196

Ah, yes, you can explain everyone what is your mental illness and everyone will agree. Seems like you don't go out much to begin with to know people have preconceived notions of what an ADHD person looks like.

No. 541198

Exactly this. Mental illness police doesn't work on the internet and it's going to happen no matter what you want. You can let it get under your skin, ignore it or you can laugh every now and then.

Close your eyes or walk away from the screen then. Hell, close the thread and hide it. It's that simple!

No. 541199

>uwu people disagree with me when this should be a hugbox of disagreement with the cow

No. 541200

i knew midna was trash when she would complain about lewding minors but had no issue when moomoo did her kanna shoot

No. 541201

It’s obviously Moo or one of her calves attempting to derail. Just ignore them.


She also tried kissing up to Arin and Ninja Sex Party by screeching about how much she loved Game Grumps and failed. She gave up once she saw she wasn’t getting any kind of replies. Suzy was just the first one she tried to get in good with.

She was absolutely trying to weasel her way into their group.

No. 541203

I really want to know what's going on with her right now. She hasn't posted on her IG story in 10 hours and we all know she documents almost every waking moment of her life.

No. 541204

Octo is too much of a coward to openly come out and say anything about Momokunt, even with a a harpy like Midna at his girlfriend so he'll most likely end up staying silent about it. Arin and Suzy are generally pretty close about this stuff but my guess is that she'll also be silent on the matter or make a backhanded post about it and then keep silent, she's got so much baggage on her it would be damning to do anything else.

No. 541205

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No. 541206

File: 1530815660256.png (44.7 KB, 612x313, Screenshot 2018-07-05 at 11.34…)

No. 541207

Probably sleeping. She was up all night trying to delete comments and block people.

No. 541208

I KNOW everyone and even admin is saying stop talking about Nigri but she retweeted Stellas take on the whole thing.

I think she feels bad for MooMoo because she has body issues because of her abusive dad and this whole ADHD thing. But that needs to be changed through therapy and corrective medications being used PROPERLY and not abused. Not holding her hand and telling her never to change. She does need to change and not because she needs to conform to societys standards like she keeps mooing about but to actually change to be not ragingly insecure and spiteful.

The nonstop support is actually damaging to her. Its like letting her know that being immature and crazy with ADHD is okay, being spiteful because youre insecure is okay. Its not and if people in her "close circle" stood up to her more then she would change.

But everyones all "oh dont be mean to her because low self esteem from dad and ADHD" thats not how to handle it.

No. 541209

Guessing she drunk herself into a stupor I'm betting on a "I'm sick my dudes!"

No. 541210

Explaining that bipolar is more then "im happy, now im sad, now im angry, now im happy" is pretty easy. But you are assuming I don't go out much, so I guess your just as bad as those other people who judge without knowing. Hide the thread this isn't your hug box.

I feel bad shes getting caught up in this, at least she came out pretty quickly to explain shes not moomoo

No. 541211


I wouldn't be surprised if she would keep a very low profile until AX is over and then be like "Hey guys, it was so much F U N and meeting all my fans was just so full of love and support!!"

No. 541212

>Hide the thread this isn't your hug box.

I came here expecting you to chimp out at me because I am judging people who joke about mental illnesses and at same time try to take a moral high ground by judging and documenting someone who sexually assaulted others, this place is probably being read by plenty of people who disagree with Moo or want evidence and this just doesn't help your case, but you prefer to say JuST cLOsE tHe tHReaD, so much for "this isn't your hugbox".(derailing)

No. 541213

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No. 541214

File: 1530815920280.png (23.13 KB, 592x167, Screenshot 2018-07-05 at 11.38…)

No. 541215

Momo is a sexual predator. She will not change and no amount of tragic stories of her struggles will change that. People feeling sorry for her is not what needs to happen, she needs to be cut out of their lives more than anything.

No. 541216

It can't help the confusion that Maridah did a Saber cosplay a few years ago.

No. 541217

>Ninja Sex Party

that reminds me that her other calf Sabrina Nichole did a cosplay of Danny Sexbang and I assume he was into that. Probably also silent but it's funny to think about how connected these guys are through friends and it all leads back to momokunt. It's like the degrees of Kevin Bacon game but shittier.

No. 541218


Isnt this the girl Moo led a witch hunt against when one of her fuckbois was in hot water?

No. 541219

her ADHD made her sexually molest people, next her ANXIETY will make her rape people, wait, say people raped her.

wait. Shes already done that lol.

this girl is a mess. And a cancer.

No. 541220

I think it was Leon.

No. 541221

File: 1530816091918.png (25.01 KB, 581x165, Screenshot 2018-07-05 at 11.41…)

probably but recently she said Leon Chiro was faking his sponsorships and Moo chimped out on her. Moo only deleted her bullshit after ~discovering new information~

No. 541222

Yep Leon Chiro. I'm not surprised.

No. 541223

File: 1530816125649.jpg (419.32 KB, 540x1524, Screenshot_20180705-144023_Ins…)

spoony is back and trying to defend our cow by saying it's okay for moo to assault people because she's a "touchy person"

No. 541224

The momoakuma/hellomomocastro calf deleted all her socials lmao

No. 541225

Saw this, didn't want to acknowledge this fucking money whore.

No. 541227

Fucking tragic and cringe inducing. She tags Moo in most of her shit like she's her cosmom and she doesn't even care, she needs help.

No. 541230

>I came here expecting you to chimp out at me
>Chimp out: Used to describe the bad behavior of black people

So you get pissed when people make jokes about disorders, but are cool with using a phrase that usually used in a racist way? kek you seem to be hypocritical.

>hugging is the same as pulling someones top down(derailing; infighting)

No. 541231

your icon's showing

No. 541232

Aww, she loves Mariah so much she even typos the same.
I know it's been said to death but if Mariah were a guy doing this shit everyone would be disgusted. Her whiteknights trying to blow it off because she's a woman is bullshit. Anyone is capable of sexual harrassment, gender plays no part in it. No one should be giving her the benefit of the doubt here. "I'm touchy because I have ADHD so actually if you get mad at me you're being ableist uwu" gtfoh bitch.

No. 541233

Good. She was trying to make it seem like Mariah did nothing wrong. "I'm a rape victim so I can magically tell when others are lying about it". It's a fucked up thing to do.

No. 541234

Didn't she also lead a witch hunt against that Hana chick or something when she accused another cosplayer of rape?

No. 541235


That is actually fucking disgusting.

“It’s okay for her to pull your top down and expose your breasts for everyone to see or slap your ass in public or grab your genitals. It’s because she’s just super handsy amd out of control and it’s just so dang adorable and she just wants to luv everyone”

Go fuck yourself

No. 541236


Good lmao. She was the cringiest out of all of them. The ahegao face with the 2013 Miley Cyrus VMAS body and haircut was getting old.

No. 541237


Also a witch hunt against a girl that confessed to Mariah kicking her prop. All that girl asked for was less toxicity in the community.

No. 541238

I'm betting on this too. But does it really matter? Whether she tries to address the issue or sweep it under the rug she will only be digging herself into a deeper hole. Moo has finally reached a point where no amount of false positivity posts can save her.

No. 541239


Yup. Even sent in her calves to gaslight the girl into thinking it was all her fault and claiming she was the toxic one for calling Moo out

No. 541240

I wonder if Senpai Squad is aware of these issues?

No. 541241

We've never seen Moo deactive comments on her images before and not lash out like she usually does, she knows she's well and truly fucked up and everyone is commenting about this on her other images that aren't closed off for comments. Sexual assault allegations is something you can't escape from Moo and this will affect your cosplay career from now on.

No. 541242

This is not the hill I expected Moo to die on.

No. 541243

The joke wasn’t even making fun of people with ADHD, it was making fun of Mariah and her inability to take responsibility for anything.

No. 541244

>chimp out
seek help

No. 541245

Looks like Moo is active, she's removing comments about this shit on her other photos lol.

No. 541246

i dont see how yall can sperg about adhd and pseudo racist meme slang when the milk is flowing but off i go

has there been ANY new activity on moo's social media since this? new snap/facebook posts? she won't be quiet for long.

No. 541248

At this rate, she'll have to consider deleting comments as a job.

No. 541249

sorry for samefagging:

i feel like this is going to be the tipping point for her patreon dropping off as well- she blatantly was cut off by a cosplay group meet up, exposed for ghosting, all of her callouts are on a platform she can't access. she's gonna fizzle out after this.

No. 541250

She'll prob start camming

No. 541251

File: 1530817558641.jpeg (594 KB, 750x1181, ADD95BAA-C6CA-407B-90CC-8896C6…)

No. 541252

Not to mention a lot of them are going to be at AX. That might make fans of those girls(even Nigri) avoid her like the plague or confront her.

No. 541253

Wasn't she going to do a collab with Pink City Gram? Are they aware?

No. 541254

Who is this person

No. 541255


i've seen many women get away with groping, sexual abuse/harassment, rape, etc. because, in the eye of many people, "LOL WOMEN CANNOT RAPE". idk what this person is smoking by crying bitch tears over momo being called out on her bs.

No. 541256

>several videos of momo touching people and them being obviously uncomfortable

Maybe she should call her fans pretzels with how hard they have to bend over to try and support her

No. 541257

Suzy's audience specifically though is very pro-social Justice and she tends to air on that side as well. She'll definitely speak out about something if she knows most of her fans will be on her side, so if it keeps popping up in her social media enough I reckon she might say something.

No. 541259

I doubt it, afaik most of her patrons are desperate and thirsty enough to stay even though Moo hasn't sent out her rewards since forever, or they're small patrons that's only there for the digital rewards to fap to. They're the same wks that defend her on social media.

But the main change here is that Moo can't maintain her totes professional cosplayer mirage anymore. I used to give her 3 years max to frizzle out and offically go into porn but now she's nosediving downhill.

Who is this? Another costhot after Moo's teets?

No. 541260


Sounds like this is the order coming from Moo: Accuse everyone of calling her out as just piling on her and just jumping on the bandwagon

No. 541261

Do her neckbeards care about any of this, though? Judging by the male white knights on her posts they’re either brushing it off like it’s no big deal or identifying with her (“false accusations can ruin lives!!”). It’s mostly cosplayers who are upset with her, but cosplayers aren’t the ones directly paying for her daily takeout.

No. 541262

File: 1530818485861.jpg (61.24 KB, 720x874, FB_IMG_1530818450036.jpg)

Actual photo of moomoo

No. 541264

lol just another facebook cosplay thot trying to claim some clout. very stupid to do in the midst of sexual assault allegations you're really only solidifying that you're still going to stay around 15k likes and not have a cosplay career you're obviously chasing.

No. 541265

Plus argument is retarded and flawed because all the people calling her out routinely make posts about consent and such
Octo's gf fucked up the same way by saying those calling her out don't support POC when Kay posts constantly about POC cosplayers and is black

No. 541266


Pretty much this. As long as desperate neckbeards are looking for fap material, she’ll be able to keep her Patreon up. Hell even Soooby somehow still makes money on his despite the shit he’s pulled.

But she can absolutely kiss any hopes of a professional career goodbye. Hell she might even find herself on a banned list and won’t even be able to attend cons as as simply a visitor.

No. 541267

File: 1530818575322.jpg (172.03 KB, 720x1280, _20180706_032153.JPG)

There's a Facebook post that's already trending at 2k shares. Just saw it go around the international Overwatch cosplay discussion group that I know she's a part of.

No. 541268

Ah, to think a week ago people were saying she had no milk and should be moved snow.
The general consensus of her neckbeards seems to be
>she can grope me anytime she wants lol
It disgusting. Probably the same type of people who think men can’t be assaulted.

No. 541269

Got a link, anon? I wanna see the comments.

No. 541270

Her neckbread fans only care about her getting her tits out. They could not care less about any of the drama surrounding their favorite cow.

No. 541271

But Moo has never cared about what her neckbeards think of her. Yeah she caters to them with lewds, but she doesn't send out her rewards and will attack them at the slightest hint of holding her accountable.
She has only ever cared about what big names think of her - the Jnigs, Yayas, H3H3s, Susus, IDubbbzs. That's why she's always going on about how her "big builds" are what's most important to her - she wants to be on par with them and respected by them, because she knows truly that she's not anywhere near their level. And those are the people who are publicly denouncing her now. I think it hits her harder than any wbiteknights turning against her.

No. 541273

No. 541274

File: 1530819238362.png (509.05 KB, 876x541, ivy.png)

I wonder who she is talking about

No. 541275

Seems she is still buying pats too since it was 746 this morning

No. 541276

File: 1530819276965.jpg (206.3 KB, 768x1024, Screenshot_20180705-213316.jpg)

This is from her subreddit

No. 541277

File: 1530819290580.png (497.81 KB, 750x1334, E7ED6695-AD2A-406F-A074-78F60A…)


They have straight up completely dropped her.

No. 541278

File: 1530819448784.jpg (149.78 KB, 768x1024, Screenshot_20180705-213714.jpg)

No. 541279

File: 1530819462761.png (192.94 KB, 750x1334, 31D5B76B-8E4C-4A9F-9258-34E863…)


No. 541281


And just like her precious cow she removed all comments discrediting her view.

No. 541282

Your icon is showing.

No. 541283

your icon is showing

No. 541284


You mean like how she was harassing Jannet just a few days ago, demanding an apology from her just for speaking her opinion?

These bitches seem to think the rules don’t apply to Moo.

No. 541285

File: 1530819657884.png (25.39 KB, 130x100, 20180705_123610.png)

Mariah is the irl Artie Zeff

No. 541286

Tired of these girls trying to dick ride the situation for internet points but are too scared to name moo by name or even give a hint that it’s her. Vague shit like this and Stella doesn’t make sense to anyone not already following the situation

No. 541287

Exactly this. They're pretending like it didn't happen or that it happened years ago and that she's a changed person now. It was literally just last week.

No. 541288

Betting AX staff stepped in. They were rather gun ho on her keeping her narrative last night.

No. 541289

Have they updated on the badges?
I can't even find the tweets of them being caught lying about giving her some

No. 541292

Not the selfposting anon but what does this have to do with anything?

No. 541293

lol who the fuck cares about self posting you retard? not like she's one of the white knights trying to defend momokun. do you even know where you are right now?

No. 541294

What the fuck does it matter if they're posting what we're all thinking?
Fuck outta here with that.

No. 541295

I'd smash.(no one cares)

No. 541296

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No. 541298

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No. 541299


I'm sure it was probably on accident but kudos on that comment and being ballsy enough to deanon. Also, you cute.

Her white knights are so fucking hypocritical.

No. 541301

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And the thing the dude posted but I don't really get what they're saying

No. 541302

I've been trying to look all over for the gif that was posted in the Twitter thread of Momo in her Gohan cosplay grouping a girl.

Is there actual audio footage of it? Apparently it the girl said "what the fuck" The gif also looks like it was deleted.

No. 541304

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No. 541305

Yeah anon was cute.

The video was posted in the last thread.

No. 541306

You gotta admit it’s pathetic to post your own comment here trying to pretend your capping someone else’s comment. It’s obvious by the time she waited she was trying to look like she just “found it”

No. 541307

Samefagging but here you go. 44 minutes in

No. 541308


oh my god. sweet.. sweet justice.

No. 541309

This is gonna chap her flat ass so much.

No. 541310

Calling it now she's going home she has nothing to stay for

No one cares my dude.

No. 541311

lol dude you just deleted your old comment but you couldn't resist could you?

No. 541312

the rule is to not interact with the cows, not pathetic at all to wait and not pathetic to accidentally leave anon off tbh

No. 541313

I bet Moo is freaking out and feeling low as shit
Who cares. Ignore it and focus on milk.

No. 541314

Looks like someone did give her badges but they're backpedalling hard now.

No. 541316

Does this explain why we haven't seen her, she had to give the badges over and now she has nothing to use?

No. 541317


Fucking this. This is exactly why Moo was able to get away with it for so long. Exact bullshit essay posts like this that almost refuse to actually name her. Just “wink wink nudge nudge You know who I’m talking about” bullshit.

This straight up feels like her covering her ads so that when Moo inevitability claps back or her fans come at her she can say “Ummm, I didn’t actually say her name”.

Shout out to people like Bunny and Susu for actually having the balls to actually name her.

No. 541318

and you gotta admit it's pathetic to focus on someone who wasn't on anon instead of focusing on the entire reason this thread even exists. judging by your comment you seem way more invested on this one anon for some creepy reason.(derailing)

No. 541319

Probably getting heat from higher ups and from people. Still, they pussyfooted around the issue long enough to take a hit to their reputation.

Agreed. Ivy didn't seem to have a problem when Mariah was calling her and others sex workers but when it comes to sexual assault, she can't say her name.

She might try to piggyback on a friend's badge like before.

No. 541320

Commenting on the Jannetincosplay fiasco

No. 541321

Not if AX are aware of the situation that she shouldn't be having bagged in the first place.

No. 541322

But that's only if they are aware.

No. 541325


Same here. I’m guessing she is getting ready to pack it all up and go home. She pretty much has no reason to stay anymore. She’s lost whatever professional privileges and appearances she had before and pretty much everyone there hates her guts.

Unless she finds some neckbeard desperate enough to give her their pass.

No. 541326

Thinking they are I'm still on AX told CG to drop her or pack up and get gone boat

No. 541327

Honestly? Same. We knew she always grabbed people and was inappropriate or annoying but I didn't actually expect all of that to become "#metoo" level stuff. To be fair though, I don't think many people knew about the things she for to the other costhots, although what I find really compelling are the lesser known people stepping up and talking about it

I think it's because a lot of the other stuff Peele don't really care as much about or are unsure about the evidence of. This is all direct testimony so it's a lot easier to believe, plus the race that cosplayers are hesitant to doubt any accusers/victims

Moo doesn't know how to deal with this much backlash and since she only ever knows how to delete shit, it's making her look worse

No. 541329

Do you think jnig's going to comment on this? I can only imagine that being the cherry on top.

No. 541330

I certainly hope so. Nigri is supposed to be at AX it seems so she might try to get in to see her.

No. 541331

She really should have left Jannet alone, this would have never escalated how it did if she'd just shut the fuck up. Amazing how this has backfired.

No. 541332

If she does it'll just be a speech about how harassment is wrong but she won't name her. Jnig would take the easy way out

No. 541333

No, she's gonna pussyfoot around it. Jnig doesn't have resolve.

No. 541334

I wonder if anything would have been different if she still had her Twitter? Would've been great to see what she would've written on Twitter.

No. 541335

Moo doesn't know how to just shut up and ignore things. It's part of what makes her such a cow.

No. 541336

I don't think some of them would have told their story cause Mariah has a bad habit of trying to talk over someone and bullying them into not saying anything more.

No. 541337

It’s already 1 and still no sign of her, it’s so unlike her. She’s usually documenting every second. What happened to her tough badass attitude when she was hounding up on Jannit? Suddenly not so tough.

No. 541338

For once her acting like a cunt paid off. I bet Jannet is having a grand of a time seeing this bitch sink.

No. 541339

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She did retweet Stella already.

No. 541340


Meanwhile Jannet is at an official Blizzard event that she was actually invited to and getting paid to cosplay Widowmaker for them.

Meanwhile Moo is losing all her appearances and got her tickets taken away and is more than likely on the next flight home before day one of the con is even finished. Not to mention getting completely blasted on Twitter.

Funny how it turned out for the both of them.

No. 541341

Sweet justice. The bully gets nothing and the victim gets what the bully wanted the whole time.

No. 541342

I’m thankful these sexual assault allegations are being brought to light.. I remember back when we had thread 30ish there was some talk about it with smaller cosplayers and even towards males who aren’t even cosplayers. Tbh if everyone grouped together and submitted a report on Mariah it would be a paper trail for the next time it happens when someone stands up for themselves which would land her in the sexual predatory file legally.. aka she has to tell everyone whoever she moves to etc. just some food for thought for those being the brave finally letting the skeletons out of the closet.

No. 541343

Jannet-1, Momokunt-0. Tough girl Moo is nowhere to be see. Where's the lengthy bitch rant at and quirky cringe accent? She's such a pussy.

No. 541345

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She's being burned in Mexican cosplay/gossip forums too

No. 541346


Jannet as in Jannet Incosplay? Which thread is the one where I can read up on that?

No. 541347

The entire cosplay world is imploding… And it's delicious….

No. 541349

Betting she's on the phone whining to her momanger about how mean everyone is.

No. 541350

Vamplette posted on her instastory that she was half way to Cali and hour ago. Gonna suck shit when as soon as she arrives Momos gonna dip out.

No. 541351

But nothing on the accusations? seems even Moochlette is smart enough to duck out

No. 541352

Literally the last thread…

No. 541353

Thanks. Off to brush up.

No. 541355

something i noticed about this video nobody is talking about, is she gropes a girl literally right before she gropes the lucoa cosplayer. i know the girl acted like she was fine with it, but it just shows you how easily she does it.

No. 541357


I had a glimmer of respect for Vamp but after she lashed out and admitted to ghosting I was done

Moo can reeee at her all she wants for all i care lol

No. 541358

Yeah that's another damning thing. She does it like it's a regular thing that she does.

She even did it without hesitation to Vamp at her work place by poking her ass with a toy, and did it a few weeks ago with some claw thing if I recall correctly.

No. 541361

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It's good to see that even though Jessica is too chickenshit to call out Moo that the comments on twitter are making it clear that's exactly who Stella is talking about.

The best part is that it was dumbasses trying to defend Moo that brought her name into it. Literally nobody mentioned Momo until one of her white knights brought her name into it.

So….good job guys?

No. 541362

Moo's silence is killing me. C'mon moo, gives us something lol

No. 541364

She's probably trying to change her flight

No. 541365

The other girl Mariah groped in the video was Nanasushibear, who also had a falling out with Mariah and deleted all of her social media profiles recently. She never came forward with anything against Mariah but there was a lot of hints that she no longer was associating with her so we can assume something must have gone down.

No. 541366

Can anyone link me the thread with the ugly sweater with the stolen slogan or the screencap of it?

No. 541367

Yeah, their split started happening when Nana went to a con with Mariah and fainted. Mariah was nowhere to be seen and didn't comfort her friend whatsoever.

No. 541370


Bitch thought she had it all in the bag. Call out some Russian bitch who looks like she barely speaks English, send her neckbeards to harass her. Then demand an apology while everyone hailed her as a “hero” and laugh of any attempts at showing her shitty behavior as “Lol that was years ago, I’ve totally changed since then my dude”.

And it all gloriously blew up in her face.

No. 541372

File: 1530822913309.jpg (46.88 KB, 720x702, 36725263_199212304124409_35618…)

Dropping this old tweet by Thornechan. Now it all makes sense

No. 541373


She made a vague call out post about “now knowing who here true friends are”. When everyone assumed she was talking about Moo,,she immediately tried to walk it back like “I wasn’t talking about her!! Y’all need to chill lol”

No. 541375

I would give A N Y T H I N G to be a fly on the wall in her room right now. I want to hear her bawling her vagina eyes out. That’s sadistic but god damn, this has been a LONG time coming.

Anyone wanna place bets on what she does next? Porn/camming? Suicide? Deleting social media and getting a regular job? Maybe she can keep doing what she’s doing…but she’s NEVER going to be a legitimate cosplayer now.

No. 541376

I'm betting on her waiting til Vamp arrives then demanding her return to LV with her

No. 541377

Unfortunately, I don't think it's actually going to be that drastic. Like others have said, her neckbeard fans don't care, they just wanna see her tits. She'll come out with some half-assed apology, let it blow over, and be right back at it in a few months while preaching 'positivity and change, my dudes'

No. 541378

Holy fucking shit I've never been more angry to stop lurking on a cow. I quit a few months ago because she got boring as fuck and the threads were full of nitpicking but I got on twitter to say and saw the hashtag that she got cancelled. ugh. time to lurk the last few threads so I can pretend to witness moopocalypse in real time.

No. 541379

Camming/porn. Her friend Sabrina will show her the way

No. 541381

don't worry, anon! it's not over yet

No. 541382


It's totally possible (and plausible) that Moo told her not to bring it up.

But to me this pretty much confirms that Vamp and all her other calves are only there to leech off of Moo. Other than her white knights and a few random costhots, her calves have been pretty silent on the all the accusations.


Because there's nothing for them to gain by speaking out and trying to defend this. Sure, her calves will pile onto somebody without a big name to impress Moo and keep the free food/drugs/booze flowing But, they're not going to clap back against people who have real status and real clout in the community, because they know it would backfire on them.

Vamp probably isn't saying anything because she still wants to be able to cosplay and go to conventions and she doesn't need people to see her as Moo's bitch, even though that's exactly what she is. And in any case, why should Vamp say anything to defend her when Moo has harassed her at work and made fun of her looks?

No. 541385

They're aware, they've been keeping an eye on this whole thing and they're not touching her with a 10 foot pole at this point.

No. 541386

Looks like her patreon is dropping little by little

No. 541388


If she isn’t already on the flight home I’m assuming she’ll just wait until Vamp gets there and they’ll fuck of and go to Disney or something.


Honestly, as long as there are desperate neckbeards looking for fap material, she’ll keep doing Patreon. She’ll obviously never be invited to another con, but if guys are still paying for her photos then she’ll just stick to that. Should those numbers take a significant hit, then I can see her making the jump to cam girl and releasing fetish videos on clips4sale.

No. 541389

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No. 541390

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They're all dropping her!

No. 541391

ugh i hate all these people being like "you're only calling her out on harassment because you hate her" without thinking that maybe there's a reason we hate her, maybe there's a reason she's at the forefront of every cosplay drama that surfaces, maybe there's a reason there are 66 threads about her

No. 541392

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She's going to transition to camgirl, but will probably still claim to be an "ero-cosplayer" so that she can still feel like she's superior to the other girls she considers sex workers.


Actually, her neckbeards do care because a lot of them are rooting for this to kill any chances Moo has of doing cosplay because they want her to just do porn already.


You're giving those guys way too much credit. The patrons who are sticking around want to see her shoots get progressively more explicit. Especially once she's not going to cons anymore and has no excuse to do "big builds," they're going to leave if they don't get what they want. Why do you think her numbers have been dropping over the last year? Pic related from previous thread.

No. 541393

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No. 541394

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don't forget the story behind the tweet

No. 541395

not sure if you tried to hide the name, but it says the users name in the search bar

No. 541396

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No. 541397

Lmao this is great.

No. 541398

File: 1530824319483.jpeg (Spoiler Image,243.98 KB, 1080x1920, 2209DCA7-D266-4ECA-8B7E-632B4E…)

Found a fan art of what will be her first porn clip on ManyVids on reddit. Too accurate.
(Hope the spoiler works)

No. 541399

Why do you people keep caring? Ignore it.
This cow is losing all collabs left and right. Hope Laseraway pays good for those sponsorships, that's all she's got

No. 541401


Thank you!!

I found one other one too, so I super appreciate having 2.

Going through these threads made me realize how many she went through since last AX.

No. 541402

This should really be tagged onto the list on one of the posts. Hopefully Thornechan brings it up again.

No. 541403

File: 1530824498647.jpg (19.83 KB, 305x444, 35256.jpg)

God this is fantastic. I honestly never thought I'd see the day, and here it is! God bless.

She is totally hiding out in her hotel room now that she has no badges. There is no way she'd buy at the door (if there are even any available idk) and everyone would know without a doubt she was ghosting if she just stood outside instead. Not to mention the bitch is QUAKING since everyone that called her out is at AX! Even though just yesterday she said she'd beat anyone's ass that talked shit to her.

Are any of her calves with her at the con yet? I'm curious if they're just all bunched together in the same room together trying to make Mama Moo feel better

No. 541404


Yeah those people are the worst. It's such a lame defense and I'm surprised that Creator's Guild didn't spout the same bullshit frankly.

But in any case, yeah, people hate her. And there's a reason why she gets so much hate, as evidenced in these threads. Doesn't change the fact that there are now 4(?) accounts of Moo sexually harassing girls at cons and Moo straight up admitted to it when she claimed it was "muh ADHD guise" and that she touches people all the time.

I'm thinking that Moo missed that nuance of her "apology." And I know peeps on Twitter are reading this, so when white knights try to claim that the sexual harassment claims are just "haturz," remember, Moo admitted she did this in her "apology."

No. 541406

the milk dude. its so glorious!!!

No. 541408

Moo is too quiet, can only hope her badges are completely gone and she's been ordered to leave AX.

No. 541409

no posts or IG stories from her today? Lol she’s so fucking scared

No. 541410

She's gone quiet before a while back. She seems more quiet this time because she doesn't have Twitter anymore.

No. 541411

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No. 541412

Her patreon is only getting more. I've been watching it climb all morning….

No. 541413

People aren’t gonna let this be. I know at least one person will email each and every convention whenever it’s announced she’s going to tell them that Moo is a sexual predator and get her banned from them all.

No. 541414

So she still has badges?

No. 541415

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Nipah commented now

No. 541417

She kind of deserves it. if she has a bad habit of sexually assaulting and harassing people at cons, then she shouldn't be at them.

Pretty much what this guy says. Being at a con is not an excuse for groping people.

I remember many threads back during the Kanna saga I think, someone said that she was rubbing her ass on them and people told him that it wasn't a big deal.

No. 541418

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It's time to drink the final bottle Randy

No. 541419


It’s because she’s always though she was untouchable. She never conjured a scenario where she actually had to pay the consequences for her actions. She figured this will all blow over like previous times and everyone will have forgotten about it by the time she woke up next morning. Issue a bulls by “apology” to satiate the the more rabid ones and hen chill at he con all weekend.

Only for it to all blow up overnight to now where the con is revoking her passes, booths dropping her appearances and now brands completely dropping any partnerships she had with them.

She literally doesn’t know what to do next since she never thought this would happen.

No. 541420

This. She is too stupid to care about loss of income. But her so called fame? That's a whole other thing.

No. 541421


Watching a narcissist suffer is incredibly satisfying.

No. 541422


It's been alleged that her patron numbers are inflated because she's "buying" patrons. Wouldn't surprise me if she was doing that now.

That or it's a lot of thirsty neckbeards excited by the idea that she's going to have to do porn now that her cosplay career is over.

No. 541423

File: 1530825845833.gif (8.74 MB, 400x216, United_States_Of_Smash.gif)

allmight is the cosplay community. momo is the head getting bashed in LMAO!!

No. 541424

The exact kind of dumbfuck her low tier lewds cater to love that anime pervert archetype. Sexually assaulting characters (not people in cosplay) they jerk it to is probably endearing to their rotten little minds. Best not to dwell on it and keep chugging this thicc, rich milk for now.

Love that basically being shunned/shamed away from AX AND the suggestive coscom comes right after her ignorant blanket ban of the only cons/community that gave a shit. You're doing amazing, sweetie!!

No. 541425

Dear god, I'm so glad that we're not like Momo. I can't blame her for being silent like she is right now for all the shit she has done.

If she's really thinking that this type of behavior is something that you could swipe under the carpet, then honey I feel sorry for you.

No. 541427


Still allowing her to save face I guess. Instead of just walking up to her and demanding she hand them back, she is now allowed to drag her feet and give them up herself.

Seriously, whose dick does she have in her mouth. Why are they dragging their feet so much with her?

No. 541428

This has hit them more than they thought and they're clearly trying to remain more chill about everything while probably worrying about their brand image.

No. 541429

File: 1530826057532.jpg (42.46 KB, 372x599, DhXqst5W4AE7uiV.jpg)

im done LOL

No. 541430


fucking hell lmao

No. 541431

She's probably going to ride it out silently until it blows over. That's what I assume she's doing. But she also seems to be the type to think an issue like this is going to blow over a day later.

No. 541432


Is that the sound of backpedaling? >>541071

And wouldn't it be easier to just tell the con to revoke the pass than asking her to return it? The only reason to have her return it would be so you don't have to officially get the con staff involved, and I don't see why you would care unless you were trying to protect Moo in some way.

Tinfoil, but anon who posted in the previous thread that Moo either has someone at CG in her pocket or is boning someone at CG on the side HAS to be onto something.

No. 541433

>>541413 I'd be stunned if patreon would want to allow a sexual assaulter be supported on their platform, but then again patreon doesnt seem to care. She would lose her mind if she got banned from her only income.

No. 541434

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No. 541435

Holy fuck lol

No. 541436

More cows colliding. I knew this fucker was going to try and milk this.

No. 541437

You know it's real when even Onision jumps ship

No. 541438

She's going to hide out in her room all day and sneak out at night to take her calves out to eat and then party in the room all night. She will probably try to make them stay in the room with her during the day. Then she will go home and on Monday start pretending that none of this happened.

No. 541439

more like they're shitting their pants over this messm

No. 541440

Ha, Onion is just like Moomoo. "I'm such an advocate against sexual assault!" when they're sex offenders themselves

No. 541442

Yep. Two sex offenders supporting one another.

No. 541443

To be completely honest, though, it'd be absolutely hilarious if people caught her when she went to return the badges.

No. 541444

but onion stopped which is unlike him

No. 541445

By own experience, I've seen Patreon go insane over censorship this past month, so maybe a few well placed reports on what's going on with her could do the trick

No. 541446

All of Moo's usual con pals are out and about at AX, still no cow to be seen. She's practically missed half of the con already.

No. 541447

I highly doubt it and it isn't worth the effort
Plenty of shitty people have Patreons and they doesn't care. The more money they make, the more that goes into Patreon's pocket

No. 541449


Their brand image was pretty much finished the second they asked sexual assault victims to come forward publicly before they would even consider dropping Moo. This is just a shitty attempt at damage control.

The thing is that "chill" is not the right attitude to take towards allegations of assault and harassment. The professional thing to do would have been to ask people to contact them privately via email and then make a judgement call based on the information at hand. If you think there's substance to the accusations, then you make a tweet where you promote other guests who will be at your booth and discretely post an updated guest schedule which does not include Moo. If people ask why Moo was taken off the guest list, you say there was a scheduling conflict and leave it at that. Allowing this whole thing to play out in public like this was incredibly unprofessional and shows that not a single person at Creator's Guild knows what they're doing.

Remember, Bunny initially tweeted her story because Creator's Guild said that they needed to hear from the actual victims.

No. 541450


Onion is on there which says a lot, so indeed Moo isn't going anytime soon. Patreon like that cash flow too much.

No. 541451

I guess karma really is a bitch huh moomoo.

No. 541452


Seriously. It would be so easy to just tell the con to revoke her pass. And if it gets messy, have con security come and take them from her.

This is seriously making me think she is either fucking one of them or at least has one of them in her pocket. They are pretty much bending over backwards to accommodate her and allow her to maintain her image.

No. 541453

Onion is dumb as fuck for commenting on this lol. Now someone for sure will reply with evidence of him abusing and grooming underage girls like the whole Billy saga. Stupid hypocrite. But i must say this is the finest milk we’ve had on this site since the sperging of Kiki.

No. 541454

She's waddled away from security a few times before, though.

No. 541455


She's not going to be returning the badges. Creator's Guild saying that she was asked to return her badge is their way of trying to show that they took some kind of action and deflecting away from the fact that the right thing to do would be to revoke her pass.

No. 541456

Wasnt she suppose to run a maid group today? Wont be surprised that the cosplayers in the group backed out the last minute because of her.

No. 541457

We honestly need a stopwatch this is the longest she's ever been silent

No. 541458


But the point is that asking her to return her pass is the wrong way to handle this. At this point, there are very valid concerns about safety for con guests, including guests at the Creator's Guild booth, if Moo just decides to waddle in there with a pass that CG gave her. Not just because of the allegations that have been made, but because Mariah herself has said that she would respond with violence to anybody who made negative remarks to her at the con.

The right thing to do would be to alert con staff of the situation and tell them that Moo's pass has been revoked. After that, it's up to the con to take whatever steps they deem necessary.

But as it is right now, if any incident were to happen because Moo wandered into the convention, CG would be held responsible for creating an unsafe situation, and rightly so.

No. 541459

I've seen a couple higurashi cosplayers wandering. No moo though

No. 541460

I'm the one you're replying to and I agree. I'm just saying that she would most likely try to outrun the security team.

No. 541461

Moochlette is Khaleesi today, no mention of her bestie or her latest drama either.

No. 541463

we don't necessarily know what they've done. the con is probably on lookout for her. they are likely leaving it to her to give it back first but that doesn't mean she won't be stopped at the door.

No. 541465

she's never really done that, she's just gotten warnings and snuck off while getting reprimanded by staff. moo can't "outrun" anyone.

No. 541466

I think she said before that she ran off when they tried to take away her chains for being made of real metal. Before that there were only rumors of her doing that.

No. 541467


Oh yeah absolutely. I'm not trying to start an argument and I hope I didn't come off that way. I just think how CG has handled this is so frustrating.


That's true. But we don't really have anything else to go on other than public statements they've made. And I would think the con would have to be aware of what's going on at this point, whether CG told them or not. I'd love to hear about her getting stopped at the door.

No. 541469

File: 1530828718476.jpeg (36.85 KB, 300x289, C351CC81-1E1E-4D3C-8E83-670FC5…)

My fucken wig flew off holy shit

No. 541472

He's just trying to use this to get attention because his own viewership is dwindling over him being his charming himself.

No. 541473

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I think Vamp definitely does not want people to keep associating her with Moo. Which is too bad because even on her Instagram people in the comments are asking her to make a statement about the allegations from Bunny and others.

No. 541474


She's liking posts on instagram, including Kayyybear's.

No. 541476

I hope this isn't her way of apologizing.

No. 541477

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From yesterday guys 1/3

No. 541478


No. 541479

File: 1530829463463.jpg (737.51 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180705-152121_Pat…)

No. 541480

File: 1530829491592.jpg (643.04 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180705-152124_Pat…)

No. 541481

>I'm like beyond excited to go to AX

Oh man is she eating her words right now.

No. 541482

Didn’t make it 24 hours without posting a story despite the hate going her way. She is truly addicted.

No. 541483

Oh lawdy she's in for a rude awakening

No. 541485

File: 1530829853736.png (437.55 KB, 480x744, Capture _2018-07-05-18-28-19.p…)

No. 541486

Well Well. Looks like somebody is going to get a fair welcome….

No. 541487


What’s the saying? “All dressed up and nowhere to go”? How funny would it be to see her dumbass get stopped at the door and have her passes taken from her right then and there.

No. 541488

labia-kun we will be seeing you soon :)

No. 541489

The whole con is practically gated with the sensor check in points but the horse shoe where everyone shoots is a badge free area and not gated.

No. 541490

A garbage costume for a sack of garbage. I hope she gets flagged if she oinks her way onto the con floor proper.

No. 541491

Jesus her thighs are huge. She also looks rightfully dead inside. I'm excited to see how things go once she steps out of her hotel room.

No. 541492

Must have been waiting for Vamp to arrive so she can hide behind her today.

No. 541493

File: 1530830123242.png (3.88 MB, 750x1334, 537F19FF-C0D5-4FB6-9CD9-22B992…)

> look guize I’m so supportive of my friends I can’t be a sexual predator

No. 541494

the bottom half of her body doesn't even look like it matches the top. i think she has forest-chan on

No. 541495

File: 1530830234894.png (197 KB, 363x594, ShionAngelMortKizuna.png)

So accurate as always moo. The area around the crotch is supposed to be fairly covered and yet… also the muffin topping at the top of the corset is a whole lot of yikes

No. 541496

is this going to be her new thing now until she explodes in another bitch boy rant? kissing everyone's ass as hard as she can? yes, it's impossible for a sexual harasser to do that, right? Right?

No. 541497

She looks like she's been crying and hardly slept.

No. 541498

I suspect she's heavily medicated right now, I know if I was a calf in that room I would of kept shoving edibles into her maw until she calmed the fuck down.

No. 541499

she definitely is wearing it, no question.

No. 541500

I mean after the backlash she's had I'd be shocked if she kept up the "Everything's Fine" act.

No. 541501

So she claimed that she only gropes people because of her ADHD, you know..I know people with brain damage who have better self-control than her, is she suggesting that she needs a tard Wrangler/Handler?

No. 541503

This doesn't fit at all.

No. 541504

Would hate to be getting tagged in any of her posts right now. It’s not worth the potential followers when you’re going to get people coming over to question why you still support Moo.

No. 541505

She's been hiding away until now. Will she at the con itself is the next big question, just about everyone going to it knows what's gone down. Extremely awkward right there.

No. 541508

This whole thing actually reminded me of Chris-chan's recent too-touchy scandal at TMG. I think she might really need a handler.

No. 541509

File: 1530830675092.jpg (104.56 KB, 354x489, jesse.jpg)

God to be a fly on the wall at one of the room parties she inevitably goes to. Pic related is everyone trying to play off what's happened.

No. 541510

Is she going to go into "Hedgehog Defensive Mode" on the convention floor?

No. 541511

She is so stupid. All she has to do is (redacted) and this whole thing would go away.

No. 541512


I imagine she is going to get stopped at the front door

No. 541513


Thank you anon. This is not the time to help. We need to just sit back and watch this dumpster fire burn.

No. 541514

File: 1530830906055.png (196.5 KB, 750x1334, C237C4CD-DFFC-4106-ACAC-3C57C7…)


I can’t breathe.

No. 541515


Oh god I hope so!

No. 541516

Your icon is showing.

No. 541518

good lord, i wouldn’t wanna go out if i looked like this in my costume…she looks like she’s been crying in the other photo also

No. 541519

File: 1530831491500.png (2.51 MB, 750x1334, 3AAEEBF2-7B6F-4549-ACF6-4F75CD…)

No. 541520


Preemptively has blocked comments. Bitch is running scared now

No. 541521

Lord this bitch is a mess already, I love it.

No. 541522

Don't feel sorry for her. If she has been crying they are tears of rage because she can't spin, or lie, or manipulate her way out of the situation

No. 541523

what's that black stuff on her hand? make from wiping all the tears away?

No. 541524

She’s really trying to just make this blow over huh

No. 541525

I wonder how many people heard about this?

No. 541528

tbf, they're not going to go knocking down her hotel room for the badges. its clear she isn't at the con, so her having useless badges is whatever. I agree that con staff need to be alerted tbh. all she has to do is meet CG people outside to give up the badges, but i'm sure she would try to ~sneak in~ and AX staff need to be let known that she isn't allowed in

so that means moo pledges to greg?! good lord what the fuck is wrong with this woman lmaaoooo

yo she hyped that Yoko up so hard last year, and now she admits it was pure trash, i'm dead

oh so all that time was just spent lubing herself into that, got it. she seriously wasted almost the entire day doing… what? is she just going to waddle down to the con for like an hour of "photoshoots" then waddle back up? and this entire time her friends are just chilling with her doing nothing? whats the point of even going to a con, jfc

No. 541529

File: 1530831788779.gif (684.24 KB, 302x200, 1523411037543.gif)

Now leave your hotel room and get kicked out. I can't wait. Give us the milk.

No. 541530

File: 1530831793789.png (21.23 KB, 742x140, Capture.PNG)

No. 541531


She still thinks this “haha haters coming after as usual”. She really doesn’t understand how fucked she is right now.

No. 541532

She's really trying to pretend nothing has happened just wow…

No. 541533

Yeah im a faggot and forgot to crop and also forgot to copy her password. Too busy keking. :(

No. 541534

Because if you're off having fun with someone and the other person is left sulking in the hotel room, they will give you endless shit for "leaving" them alone and not being a good friend. Happened to me, probably what moo is doing to her friends.
"If u go out w/out me ur not my real friend, ur supposed 2 support me in my time of need!!"

No. 541535

Megajuicer in the background with his dad lookin ass. Not a surprise.

Also why TF was onion a patron of hers? Doesnt he hate fat girls?

No. 541536

You still have like 10 minutes to delete, the password is always the same unless you changed it…just check it and hit delete.

No. 541537

I don't think she's running, I think she just wants to control/silence as much as she can, and hope it all blows over and she'll be back on her bullshit.

No. 541542

No anon you hit the box on your original post not the reply to your post…kek

No. 541543

File: 1530832533672.png (Spoiler Image,175.16 KB, 750x1334, 3E2B9C42-A9D4-48D1-BEF2-6558BC…)

I did! :v sorry again for derailing.

No. 541544

I do not wish violence to happen but I do hope that Susu publicly humiliates Mariah in person if she enters.
I do not blame her if she wants to take revenge for what happened to her girlfriend.
Susu and bunny are there correct?

No. 541546

That is correct! Depending on how fast this information spread I have a feeling that someone is gonna publicly call her out in the hallway.

No. 541547

this literally is missing so much from the source material..it looks so bad lol

No. 541548

Bunny posted 18 mins ago how she's getting ready to go on the con floor. Her and Susu will be on the lookout for sure.

No. 541549


If she goes in there a public call out is going to happen. There's no way this doesn't end in a public confrontation.

No. 541550

whether it’s susu, bunny, or even a random attendee mariah wouldn’t do anything lol she’s too scared to beat anyone like she threatened she would and she’d just run away lol

No. 541551


or someone will get ballsy and throw a drink at her. would no the shocked if that happened.

No. 541552

Tbh Veronica and matt will defend Mariah if someone’s comes to her in person at con. 🤷🏻‍♀️ She’s hella chummy with them and their group of friends now to the point everyone stands for her no matter what which is wild.

No. 541554

Someone please do this.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 541555

File: 1530833249457.jpg (506.9 KB, 1440x1347, Screenshot_20180705-192538.jpg)

Affliction Photography turned down and blacklisted Moo for being a racist at Katsucon. That's amazing.

No. 541557

Wow, it's like it's really her last hurrah. I bet 14 y/o Mariah would be proud.

No. 541558

we know she's racist, but damn, I'm curious what examples of her racism he knew of at the time, or if she specifically did/said something right there that we don't know about.

No. 541559

Can someone link her Fb post? ty

No. 541563

Matt is just as big of a piece of trash as mariah so no surprise there. Veronica actually has friends in the cosplay community so it sucks she's choosing to stick with those two who are pariahs already. She's the only one with something to lose

No. 541565

no, please don't encourage people to do this. this is actual cowtipping.

No. 541567

I doubt anyone would do it since they will get kicked out as well and they spent hundreds on a pass/hotel room.

No. 541568

Matt has some hilarious shit going on in the calves thread, he showed up a few times to try and defend himself. He and moo are two peas in a pod, I wouldn’t be surprised if moo was trying to get with him considering his history.

No. 541569



No. 541572

The best possible outcome would be if he cheated on Veronica with moo so she could leave him and the two of them can fester together

No. 541573

File: 1530834748945.gif (544.33 KB, 500x273, giphy.gif)

If Mariah wasn't behaving like this, and all the other ways, maybe they wouldn't hate her fucking guts so much. And none of this wouldn't have happened.

Oh well, Mariah! Just keep smiling like your anime characters and you'll come out on top! I'm sooooo sure of it.

No. 541574

I was gone for only a day. oh my goodness. does this mean all the thots are going to be reporting Momo to every con she goes to? Like damn she pissed off the wrong group of ladies.

No. 541575

I feel like this may have happened?? The cheating bit at least, I know there were rumors about it, and Matt is notorious for licking anyone's ass that will pay attention to him…

No. 541576

god i can't wait to see the milk that comes from AX. Damn day 1 isn't even over yet

No. 541577

So there are currently zero pictures outside of her room right? I mean… where can she go?

No. 541578


i was by no means encouraging anyone to. she’s not worth getting kicked out for.

No. 541579

God her vag is barely inside those undies and yet again SHE IS NOT WEARING TIGHTS. She's so fucking gross

No. 541581

File: 1530835561938.jpg (39.94 KB, 720x405, FB_IMG_1530835485107.jpg)

Scenes from her latest shoot.

No. 541582

honestly..there’s even pudge squeezing out on her pelvis..it’s so thin i’m sure something will flick out eventually

No. 541583

Anyone at the Maid shoot?

No. 541584

File: 1530835833699.jpg (34.19 KB, 405x306, a36.jpg)


And it's a hot day, so everyone's going to be dealing with her funk.

No. 541587

Is she still gonna have a cosplay group? Didn't she make some sort of announcement trying to get a group together for this? Who would still show their face next to hers after the last few days?

No. 541588

Good lord!

No. 541589

So she's just going to pretend like nothing's happening? Like she doesn't owe a genuine apology to anyone and is going to walk around the very people that accused her of sexual assault? She has some nerve, man.

No. 541590

File: 1530836580532.png (186.59 KB, 1440x1276, Screenshot_2018-07-05-20-23-00…)

Found this on twitter. Guess she is out wandering the con

No. 541591

I think someone should seriously contact AX authorities with all the evidence from last night. At this point, she's not just a stain on it all, but she's flat out dangerous.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 541592

She isnt going to apologize and mean it. Because she is a basic ill educated bitch. She will never be able to survive on her own only on the back/labor of others as proven by she selfish claims she made something she didnt. And if that were to fall through she will kiss her dads ass (maybe dick) to get what she wants because she always gets what she want.

Moomoo is simply a mooch. Nothing more. As long as things are given to her then she will be happy otherwise she hides behind others because she knows full well some brain washed moron will defend her fake lifestyle.

No. 541593

File: 1530836739627.jpg (82.74 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_p9pjyhkx6L1x8mx3so1_128…)


She forgot one lol

>can't even get 10 likes on her photos

No. 541598

File: 1530837684950.jpg (202.04 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_p9chi1aq711x8mx3so1_128…)

that stupid hentai face

No. 541599

God its so unappealing in real life. She's not even doing it right.

No. 541600

Keep this momoakuma bitch out of here unless relevant to moo, this is a Mariah thread.

No. 541602


She’s obviously ghosting. Someone needs to get in contact with the con and let them know.

No. 541604

File: 1530837963114.jpeg (514.83 KB, 750x1258, BB9EC790-DDF3-4343-BA2C-9F10AD…)

Eagerly awaiting pics ofntbis meetup

No. 541605

File: 1530837999536.png (3.7 MB, 750x1334, 45DD3A28-C9AD-459E-8C1B-507B26…)

No. 541606

I’m sure he’s thrilled to see her again…

No. 541607

She'll probably stay and get blitzed the whole weekend in the hotel.

Let's enjoy the weekend my dudes!

No. 541609

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No. 541610

Has there been anything on AX Fb about her?

No. 541611

She's done.

No. 541612

File: 1530838221976.jpeg (1.75 MB, 1242x1816, EB748197-4535-49F7-9881-6DCBA3…)

No. 541613

Don't they already hate her cause of La Mole or whatever?

No. 541614

Holy shit why does her hand seem so fat and bloated? Her arm thingy must be cutting off her blood.
She looks so frumpy, jesus.

No. 541615

Her vagina is going to slip out sooner or later. Disgusting.

No. 541617

tbh im more surprised the collab wasnt another lie lmao

good on them tho

No. 541618


i think she's just wearing regular cotton panties as the bottoms

No. 541619


You'd think, but instead the organizers of La Mole chose to blacklist anyone who came up with proof of what she's done.

No. 541623

cant wait for the live stream of her crying the whole time
u kno its coming

No. 541624

heading down while looking miserable lol id be too if i got dropped from my event and had to give up my badge lol

No. 541626

She looks cute tbh, but I doubt she has the energy to keep up with deletion since she's actually going to be at the con.

I wonder if they'll still be friends.

No. 541627

File: 1530839494290.png (818.01 KB, 597x933, upload_2018-6-23_19-20-14.png)

Because Mariah apparently according to her has severe ADHD and apparently needs a tard Wrangler/Handler I wouldn't be surprised if she pulls the Chris chan fetal position when security shows up.

No. 541628

File: 1530839561228.png (9.53 MB, 1242x2208, 8AC4CFB6-42D5-48CC-8709-AEA1BF…)

No. 541629

It literally says it's from "stupid glue".

So I guess she glued herself in to it.

No. 541630

File: 1530839654738.jpeg (1.43 MB, 4032x3024, B9A875D8-5405-48F9-92DA-74D5E8…)

No. 541632

Mariah only goes to cons to brag, takes pictures for an hour, spend too much money on food, then go party.

No. 541633

They were mutuals to boost numbers.

No. 541634

if i didn't know this was moos' back i'd think 100% it was a man.

No. 541636

I don't care what other images show up over the course of this thread, next thread image please.

No. 541637

File: 1530839741002.png (93.93 KB, 190x333, ShionAngelMortSteam.png)

Oh my god bless you anon. But also: Shion doesnt have her hair in a ponytail in this costume


No. 541638

is this for real? look at those back rolls

No. 541639

File: 1530839800154.jpeg (3.46 MB, 4032x3024, 8E8342D3-204A-435F-8C33-D785DB…)


And to finish it off- crossing her legs to hide labia-kun

No. 541640

File: 1530839805159.png (1.01 MB, 1148x1043, 1527485376507.png)

Her back fat is as big as her breasts… Holy shit Moo, wear clothes that fit you for once.

No. 541641

File: 1530839815709.jpeg (134.09 KB, 414x427, C213D4F9-B182-4E6B-867B-B9B3B4…)

i almost want to spoiler this.

No. 541642

Oh my god she has back boobs….


No. 541643

They look like boobs jesus christ

No. 541644

She didn't bother to wash her hand and there's black glue all over the white trim on her "boots"
And a bunch of blotches on her thighs. Bitch is nasty

No. 541645

She's mad that she wont be getting a free badge and wont be touching anyone anymore.

No. 541646

the hunchback of mootradom

No. 541647

File: 1530840135866.png (229.68 KB, 657x560, liposcars.png)

Her posture is like a hungry t-rex, hilarious. Her back titties spilling out of her forest-kun are bigger than her actual cleavage in this costume too. wew.

Her new costume is already falling apart? I know I shouldn't be surprised that she went out in this without wearing any kind of tights, but her skin is so bad, I don't get why she does? Her lipo scars look really stretched out too, they used to be tiny little specks now they look like this?

No. 541648

File: 1530840218144.jpg (20.51 KB, 623x524, FB_IMG_1530839238766.jpg)

No. 541649

This is way too HD, when I zoomed in I could even see her PUBIC HAIR STUBBLE surrounding the outside of her panties
This pic is from far away, you know that shit is visible to the naked eye IRL
Aren’t there kids there?
I’ve seen some racy cosplay but hardly ever pubic hair :|
Save that shit for your photosets, moo

No. 541650

File: 1530840252924.jpg (68.71 KB, 640x640, 35575595_2161774240766134_8897…)

Pariah Mallad

No. 541652

Jesus this is what she’s trying to emulate??? That costume is pathetic

No. 541654

File: 1530840561312.jpg (173.21 KB, 1600x1200, 021_higurashi_1600.jpg)

i already know what her excuse will be, pic related.

be glad she at least waxes now, it used to be way worse with her razor burned crotch

No. 541655

I actually think she’s doing the “I’m about to pee” pose to hold up her socks… great job with the glue momo

No. 541656

Hey how about you stop posting stuff that she can use as an excuse? We literally just had her use lolcows suggestion for an excuse last night.(Stop this)

No. 541657

how about you fucking stop policing the thread.

No. 541658

File: 1530840937586.png (100.34 KB, 281x180, shmion.png)

Pretty sure she's actually trying to reference the episode of Kira where Shion fakes being Angel Mort!Mion but even still, why do that version instead of just Shion?

No. 541659

File: 1530840958845.png (2.46 MB, 750x1334, A06FB60B-47F6-4399-9B64-271D0E…)

> “There’s a lonely goku over there and I would like to go talk to him and ask him how his day is going”


No. 541660

damn quasimodo what u bout to do

No. 541661

When I first tried to get pics, her original pose had everything out in the open, which led to the assumption that she did the pose to hide her crotch

No. 541662

Stop filming random people that are just chilling.
She assumes he's lonely when he's likely waiting for friends or resting his feet

No. 541664

No. 541665

Mariah is actually a fan of Higurashi, and already referenced it in a caption. >>541658
Also, what I said has more than one excuse in it. So chill out dad.

No. 541666

File: 1530841440867.jpeg (26.28 KB, 268x245, F924EED1-8064-41FD-A93D-434D24…)

How did she turn sideways, look in a mirror and think, yes. I look sexy from the back. How.

No. 541667

my b then I never watched Kira but even in this picture you can see how inaccurate her costume is.

It's still stupid that she would cosplay something from a OAV that the fandom seems to generally dislike rather than something canon to the VN. Such a true fan.

Shion would have been a better idea cause it would have hidden her back tits

No. 541668

actually, she's probably trying to hold up that one stocking that fell down in >>541630 by putting her thighs together, since no amount of sock glue or regular glue could hold up around her rhino thighs

No. 541670


Has science gone TOO far?

No. 541671


No. 541672

Fuck off back to whatever thread you came from

No. 541674

It looks like she's wearing forest-kun underneath it!

No. 541675

Just use google dumbass and fuck off.

No. 541676

What I want to know is how this cunt deals with chub rub when she goes out in costumes like this without tights. A mere ten minutes of her walking around would chafe so bad with legs like she has.

No. 541677

100% agreed and tbh you didn't miss much w/ Kira. It's really weird that she didn't go with normal Shion too since Shion's her all time fav but I guess she wanted to score some bonus 'uniqueness' points. Rip that group cosplay lmao

No. 541678

i am a man and you will always be inferior to me(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 541679

Chafe? With the amount of bacon grease she's probably sweating out in this LA heat? Moomoo probably has enough lubricant to slip slide her way in and out of that shit costume by now.

No. 541681

Sweat+big thighs = serious chafing that’s how bodies work friend.

No. 541682

If you got enough sweat things get slippery instead, trust.

No. 541683

the sweat does not provide a good slippery surface. it's almost worse tbh. i always wear safety shorts because it's painful.

No. 541684

Yeah all that moisture just tenderizes the skin so it breaks even easier.

No. 541685

We all know Moo ain't walking far or long enough to chafe

No. 541687

Okay, something must be wrong with me then, because sweat lessens my chafing.
>sage for derail(no one cares)

No. 541688

File: 1530843089743.jpeg (945.36 KB, 1242x1854, 8DC1BB94-AB27-4BFA-9226-675D87…)

She's tagged in this on IG, it's just screenshots of everything but look moo, even disabling comments won't let you escape.

No. 541692

File: 1530843812563.jpeg (900.16 KB, 1242x1666, B7B00952-09CF-405D-AF8C-ADEA01…)

No. 541693

Filming someone without their consent. YET AGAIN. Great timing Moo.

No. 541694

OT but I love her and find it funny that she ended up in this thread but I guess it just goes to show how widespread Momo's shitstorm has gotten since I'm seeing cosplayers local to me in the Midwest getting posted here (good luck bringing your bullshit anywhere at this point, Mariah!)

No. 541697


No. 541698

Her back breasts are the same size as her front breasts

No. 541699

I'm the one who posted and I'm Midwest too so that might be why lol, but honestly I'm seeing a LOT of slightly smaller cosplayers (still with like 1 - 9k like Mangoe) calling her out by name and standing against her. We usually aren't quite as involved as the coasts so I'm SO glad to see it.
Even on Facebook I usually see a couple people on my friends list on Moo's side, but everyone seems sick of her shit and her fans have nothing to defend her with.

No. 541700

This is a recipe for disaster: the most ill fitting cosplay ever + everyone being against you for sexual harassment. Damn, I don't know how wired she has to be to be positive during this shitfest.

No. 541702

I find it hilarious none of the friends at the convention have commented because they're too chickenshit

No. 541703

Yeah I noticed her favoriting a lot of the girls coming forward's tweets and then she posted these 2 tweets and I was like damn ok but I know the con scene out here hates Momo's ass (that one post that was posted here was posted in one of the ACen groups and everyone was like "Momokun is trash, water is wet") but I'm just thinking.. now the West coast hates her, the East coast has hated her, and she'd never get by @ Acen either. She doesn't wanna go international anymore because of her "traumatic experience" in Peru.. this really might be the end of her convention presence as we know it.

No. 541704

How long is she gonna keep the no comments thing on. I bet she misses her white knights

No. 541705

This is already a solid contender for the next thread pic

No. 541709

She's making it worse for herself by pretending nothing is happening, it's pretty embarrassing to watch tbh. She should've just accepted her losses and went home. Good thing we get all the milk from her stupidity, though!

No. 541710

omg, fellow midwesterners. i'm surprised kopf hasn't invited her yet, but that's a whole other story

No. 541711

Yeah, a lot of people found it disrespectful, and some even made angry reviews about it, and La Mole are not letting anyone post about it in their official FB to avoid loosing reputation with other foreign cosplayers, i know the cosplay scene is barely growing in MX but c'mon you cannot shelter this kind of behavior

No. 541713

tbh that cosplay in itself is sexual harassment, nobody wants to see that shit

No. 541714

File: 1530847358931.jpg (86.02 KB, 728x582, 1014201600382742718.jpg)

nat geo gets away with it

No. 541715

It's a shame that the Peru case haven't been mentioned between all of this, with her white girl statements and how shitty peru was for her, bcs "those things would never happen in AMERICA"

No. 541716

Comments on Insta back on

No. 541718

File: 1530848491032.png (258.93 KB, 355x655, Screenshot 2018-07-05 at 8.42.…)

No. 541719

File: 1530848505380.jpg (75.99 KB, 871x361, 2018-07-05_23-39-02.jpg)

While we wait for Mariah to trip herself up. I do wonder if Mariah's female groping is to show how totally bi she is along with being an absolute asshole who wants to embarrass other girls.

No. 541720

Comments aren’t on, she’s too chicken shit to do that while at a con.

No. 541721

File: 1530848604797.jpg (1.89 MB, 3264x2448, unnamed.jpg)

Bro. 300 people. THIS IS TOO MUCH LMFAO

No. 541722

File: 1530848665375.jpg (102.58 KB, 750x528, cal4-cf2659682b34c569.jpg)

Momo in another life.

No. 541723

Her lack of remorse is stunning

No. 541724

Its a lose lose situation.
The longer she keeps her comments off the worse her social media engagement gets.
But if she turns them back on she gets all the comments.

No. 541725

My bad, was looking at her secondary account, hard to tell the difference when it's the same cow in the photo

No. 541726

There’s a second account???

No. 541727

You know what's sad? This is the first time I haven't seen those huge ass fake eyelashes and her lipstick color isn't just her foundation. Possible improvements, but you can't change a shit person no matter what you do.

No. 541728

She's gonna try to pull a MyOppa and just ignore it and hope that after this weekend people just forget and stop going through the effort of holding her accountable.

No. 541730

It's amazing how much of a lack of empathy she has for all the shit she's getting and not considering the victim's feelings.

No. 541731

This thread has devolved into nitpicking and criticizing her cosplay and weight AGAIN. It was interesting at the start but fails to deliver like most of the threads here.

No. 541732


then leave bitch

No. 541734


Indeed. Not an apology(genuine one anyway that's not half-assed) or showing respect to them by not going to the con. Just gonna treat the whole thing like it's a regular con that she's ghosting at and ignore the scandal until it goes away.

She thinks one fake ass apology is going to fix everything.

No. 541735

like you weren't traumatized by those panties too, c'mon anon

No. 541736

File: 1530850716537.png (660.67 KB, 927x592, Screenshot 2018-07-05 at 9.19.…)

Phil must also be a shitty person

No. 541737

No. 541738


Seriously. Stop derailing and gtfo if you don't like it.


At this point I would have to agree. Anybody that's publicly associating with her at this point is guilty by association and enabling a predator to stay in the community.

No. 541739

This thread has derailed way before I commented. This thread went from here sexual assault drama to how she looks in her cosplay.

No. 541740

butthurt fattie detected

No. 541741

She's a paid-to-cosplay cosplayer, of course people are gonna talk about how she looks in it
Which is bad. She looks bad.

No. 541742

Is that what you think(don't use emojis)

No. 541744

>this is already getting old

This kind of shit riles me up so bad. It's obvious her WK fans are just as bad as her and are trying to ignore the things she's done but reality check, this is what happens when shitty people are trying to cover up the shitty things they've done.

No. 541745

There are people in the commen section saying that they wouldn’t mind if they “touched” her.
Ngl if I saw that shit on my posts I’d be grossed out
But this is mariAh we are talking about. This is all she has now. Her respectable fans went up and left as soon as these allegations came out. RIP

No. 541746

OT sorry, but who is he cosplaying as? It honestly looks pretty cool.

No. 541747

Pretty sure they were gone long before that.

No. 541749

File: 1530851510527.png (306.19 KB, 349x659, 1529976295723.png)

Sorry, I'm a bit late but thought it would be worth mentioning that the image in >>535866 says 'Peru' and 'Policia' on the police officer,
so it's 100% bullshit and shes a fucking liar that just took the image off google.

No. 541750

Lancer (Cu Cuchulain) from Fate

No. 541751

Lancer (Cu Chulainn) from the Fate series.

No. 541752


No, those are her fans. She never had "respectable" fans. There have always been a handful of female fans who look up to her because she "body positive" and they don't know any better, and yeah, they're definitely gone now. But her fans are, and always have been, the very bottom rung of guys that don't care about cosplay and only want to see her do more explicit shoots.

No. 541755

i just want to know what's on her hands

No. 541756

It's the glue she used for her cosplay.

No. 541757

Not sure what you mean, anon.

No. 541758


I'm a little confused anon. I don't know enough about Peru or their law enforcement to know what you mean. Can you explain?

No. 541759

Sorry, I'm gonna feel like a dumbass if she actually was in Peru,
I haven't been following these threads in a long time so I don't know shit.

No. 541760

she was… in peru…. when her phone was stolen……

No. 541762

Probably best to read past threads, mate.
Hence the "Peru Incident" people have been mentioning

No. 541763

She got shipped in for FanExpo Peru, yes. There all of the brown people loved her except the big mean man who stole her phone and the corrupt police and the mean bitches who laughed at her at the station so fuck South America forever!

That whole trip was a trip.

No. 541764

I can't post screenshots due to privacy but I don't think it's necessary to, if you look at Anime Expo's policies. They and the SPJA have VERY strict zero tolerance policies about sexual harassment, assault, and bullying online or irl.
People have been calling on AX to ban her, and though it probably won't be made public, there's no doubt she's been blacklisted from the con.

No. 541765


This is very good to hear.

No. 541766

(((Not sure if off topic))) but does anyone think she’s going to prproperly address the situation when she gets home? Or is she going to continue posting with comments turned off- or maybe delete her account and use her backup? What can she honestly do at this point

No. 541767

Yeah, sorry my bad.
Should have finished reading through the thread before posting.

No. 541768

Are you alluding to the Con having actually banned?

No. 541769

I doubt she'll address it again at all.

No. 541771

She never even addressed the my oppa situation like she promised

No. 541772


She might make brief reference to "rumors" but I doubt she's ever going to address this directly.

But there's really nothing to address. She never denied that she did this. In her apology she acknowledged that she's touched people and that she touches people regularly because of "muh adhd."

No. 541774


Pretty much the only photos we have seen of her are outside. Which usually means she is ghosting and wasn’t actually allowed in. I’m willing to bet money she was stopped at the door and asked to hand her badges over and just fucked around outside taking pics with whatever neckbeards who haven’t completely disowned her yet.

No. 541775

I feel like Phil is too nice to directly turn someone down for just a picture, even if it is her. I doubt he wants to hang out with her, you know how she is with asian and taken men.

tinfoiling, I wonder if she was sharing screen shots of her fate go party filled with Lancers as an excuse to get closer to him (since he had cosplayed Lancer before and made it clear he was going to AX), it could be far fetched though.

No. 541776

well we already know this guy isn't the guy because moo's crazy ass said she and the "perp" were carted off to different stations entirely.

No. 541777

File: 1530853438188.jpg (315.24 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180706-005942_Fac…)

Is this her actual address?

No. 541778

No, her P.O. address

No. 541779

>paid to cosplay
>reeee why r u shitting on her cosplay!!!

r u new

No. 541780

I don't believe it's a straight ban, but blacklisted by the business side of the con. As in, she can't work there in any manner - as a volunteer, at a booth, nothing official. It would look too bad on them and they want nothing to do with her.

No. 541781


She has multiple allegations of sexual assault against her. I think she might end up with a ban.

No. 541782

she was never working with the con proper. she will get banned from going as a guest even. cons of this size are super brutal, it doesn't matter who you are, anyone else could use the badge.

No. 541784

yuh, she can still buy a badge however. she still baffles me. she will pay 300 dollars for a cheat account for a mobile phone app but she wont pay for a con badge?

No. 541785

She never properly addresses anything.

No. 541786

Time to send her dicks for her next career path.

No. 541788

Yea i was wondering wtf happened. See her in cosplay (badly) see her in a couple pics and then poof outta the cosplay in her room blathering about in and out (funny in the current situ). So the fuck happened moo? Did you get your fee fees hurt cause nobodies letting it slide? Anyone see her in ax at all?

No. 541789

many dildos and ball gags.

(inb4 we get banned)

sending random shit to public PO boxes is not cowtipping you fuckwits.(autism)

No. 541791


Ball gag actually might benefit her.

No. 541793

File: 1530854870931.png (2.5 MB, 1242x2208, 2A976BAB-363D-4FDA-9962-244C2F…)

No. 541794

I'm a bit lost here. So she wasn't given a badge by AX themselves as evidenced by that tweet, but she was still able to attend? Did someone else get her that badge or what?

No. 541795

creator's guild is not AX, they just had a booth there. she hasn't been inside the con, just outside.

No. 541797

File: 1530855086065.jpg (552.23 KB, 1080x1749, Screenshot_20180706-012606_Twi…)

Big yikes. Most of the comments under the original read the same way. Momokun's "supporters" are wild.

No. 541798

When you work for certain vendors, they will somehow send you a industry or vendor badge. Since she was working for them, they comped her badges for her stay as part of the payment.

No. 541799

They said that she was supposed to return them.

No. 541800

Yes, that was what is SUPPOSED to happen.

No. 541801

She is in good company rooming with that piece of shit megamarines.

Also…someone please send her some capezio dance tights in size xxxl. Bare legged cosplays look so gross. It would also better contain her vagina.

No. 541802

idk none of the pics show her wearing a badge, and they're all outside. maybe she really did give the badge back.

No. 541803

File: 1530855622230.png (20.74 KB, 605x116, Screenshot 2018-07-05 at 10.pn…)

No. 541804

File: 1530855751022.jpeg (125.84 KB, 750x622, 33679321-2935-47D1-BEB7-DA2D05…)

No. 541805

No. 541806

So she's just staying where the photographers are. It's kind of dumb to do that when so many people there know about the sexual assault stuff.

No. 541807

File: 1530855896923.png (596.46 KB, 943x753, 1528826880692.png)

She is fucking done

No. 541808

File: 1530855928004.png (186.74 KB, 1226x750, DO IT.png)

Someone alerted Nerd City
if they do a video she's fuckin done for

No. 541809

File: 1530855930294.png (208.84 KB, 350x654, Screenshot 2018-07-05 at 10.46…)

why dont you touch his ass you fucking creep

No. 541810

File: 1530855977559.gif (757.29 KB, 499x242, giphy.gif)

it begins..

No. 541811

And they did it without backpedaling! I think Creators Guild is the only one who has.

No. 541812

This is just getting more and more amazing.

No. 541813

>when even the ghetto district warehouse party wants nothing to do with you


No. 541814

Sage for irrelevant but i saw a guy walking around AX today in a military type getup with "thot patrol" printed on the back. Was that this guy or someone ripping him off?

No. 541815

nah thot patrol is sorta a meme

No. 541816

woof, mega looks like a guido old boy here

also of course they're out fuckung eating bullshit again. bet she paid.

No. 541817

File: 1530856591986.png (12.27 KB, 477x154, fbkun.PNG)

also this, apparently

No. 541818

I love the juicer meatheads who eat like absolute garbage cuz MUH GAINZ but it just ensures they get a heart attack at 40 and die. he already looks middle aged so it shouldn't be long now.


No. 541819

yep, the little check mark is gone

No. 541820

Sorry if this was already mentioned in the thread and I missed it, but moo no longer has any valid badges for AX. Her badges were sponsored by Creator's Guild and have been revoked. She can't get into the con now, and AX has majorly cracked down on "ghosting" areas (the horseshoe area where cosplayers without badges used to gather is now blocked off by a badge checkpoint) so she's pretty much fucked.

No. 541821

Holy shit this is all too much to digest.

No. 541823

just a nobody attention whore

No. 541824

there's always one

No. 541825

guess she forgot she had to delete all those comments too

No. 541826

File: 1530857265243.jpg (26.04 KB, 1066x323, 36762509_218888415417132_98593…)

No. 541827

File: 1530857286736.gif (947.93 KB, 500x390, j2Soayu.gif)


This is just getting too rich.


I’ve been pretty much saying this. Her badges got revoked and she was only seen taking photos outside. She is obviously ghosting.

No. 541828

File: 1530857397938.gif (627.46 KB, 361x324, plasticneesan.gif)

I'm fucking D E A D

No. 541829

If I were moo I’d file a [redacted] reallllll fucking quick, I was at the con all day and word is one of the girls she assaulted comes from big money and they have enough evidence to press charges, AX wouldn’t accept word of mouth to ban her from the con so she called the family lawyer to see what the next step would be (restraining order OR sexual assault charge)
Restraining order would only prevent moo from going to the cons this girl is at and would most likely be granted, sexual assault case would take a long time but ultimately ruin her
That’s all I know for now, but the weekend has only just begun

No. 541830

File: 1530857535661.gif (70.58 KB, 275x155, 1510959804487.gif)

Probably the best joke on her fb page

This is great. She thought that this would die down but it's spreading like a wildfire.

No. 541831

as well it should. especially because she's been so cavalier in not giving a fuck about it and acting like it's not bothering her.

No. 541832

Don't give her attention, that sort of things can only be detrimental to what has been done so far

No. 541834

File: 1530857798725.gif (904.49 KB, 500x250, lokiiiii.gif)

me seeing the last 6 posts…

No. 541835

They’re not rooming together and he’s been fine.

No. 541836

File: 1530858114223.jpg (62.82 KB, 540x960, 36686764_2071446972898045_4321…)

No. 541838

Time to crack a cold one

No. 541840

File: 1530858300004.jpg (120.22 KB, 750x1048, C_cn3c3XUAAurrG.jpg)


No. 541841

How in the hell was she enjoy herself after what went down last night?

No. 541842

by being a sociopath

No. 541843

She's a narcissist. She just rationalizes it away that she's the victim.

No. 541845

right? girl needs to keep her head tf down, but i must say i do enjoy watching her fuckery

No. 541846

anyone know why susu and moo aren't friends anymore? i know they were a while ago, as i discovered moo through susu. i assume they fell out because of what moo did to bunny.

No. 541847

drugs, alcohol, and her yes man fame leeches

No. 541849

Susu woke up from Moo Kay Ultra

No. 541850

File: 1530858781378.png (269.72 KB, 586x762, upload_2018-2-7_8-34-6.png)

she stole from susu apparantly. the moo keeps on mooing..

No. 541851

Mariah kept copying her, including her catch phrase and just kept causing trouble. She also attacked bunny on Twitter when she was being called out for the MyOppa drama.

No. 541852

File: 1530858846663.png (207.2 KB, 580x397, Screenshot 2018-07-05 at 11.34…)

No. 541853

File: 1530858870687.png (34.69 KB, 584x243, Screenshot 2018-07-05 at 11.35…)

No. 541854

Who's this thot?

No. 541856

Actual talented cosplayer from Yaya Han times.

No. 541857

This pair would be Dollar Tree Jnig and fakefuckboi lol

Let Aniki rest, he has done enough for us mere mortals.

Lord almighty how much mind gymnastics did she do to convince herself to not only stay at Cali, but also to go on and cosplay in the open? And labia kun is so exposed, wise choice of cosplay when you're in sexual harassment drama Moo. Is the Camelot group still intact?

No. 541858

You know most bodybuilders or lifters do big cheat meals after events to relax and refeed, don’t you?

I doubt he can eat like this normally

No. 541861

Mood calves (or is it just megamarines) are back in the thread embarrassing themselves.

No. 541863

Didn’t know pointing out facts meant you could be a calf

No. 541864

File: 1530859635362.jpg (636.5 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180706-023822_Ins…)

No. 541865

File: 1530859730426.jpg (514.67 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180706-024122_Ins…)

I wonder if those two would have the same opinion if a woman started feeling them up in public. Probably not because they are asskissers.

No. 541866

>said cosplayer then decides to attend every con Moo is wanting to attend
>now Moo has nowhere to show off her "big builds", and her patrecucks won't pay for them
>Moo is forced into camming and skankshots to bring in the bux, "cosplay" career over

Poetic justice.

No. 541867

Atleast she know shes trash for supporting a sex offender.

No. 541869

It's kinda weird looking back where she posted constantly while she was with KBBQ a bunch of Elvis music and that video of Charlie Chaplin. Both guys who sexually assaulted people back in their day and whom she idolized the fuck out of.

No. 541871

It's more like he liked them. Mariah only likes what the guy she likes does.

No. 541872

It's the truth though. I don't believe for a second that these shallow, opportunistic thots genuinely care for momo's "victims" or give a shit if she's done horrible stuff, they're just out on a vendetta. Most of them have a ton of drama on their own account as well. The result is the same though (Momo burning) so I'll take it.

lmao hooly shit, she's done for

No. 541873

It's just a weird coincidence like her shit now and from what I can remember KBBQ had some similar problems touching people or saying questionable shit before he got ousted by MooMoo.

No. 541874

didn't know hanging out in a hotel room with your pathetic friends was a "big event" but I'm sure moo appreciated the solidarity after gorging herself similarily

No. 541875

File: 1530860544263.jpeg (51.81 KB, 674x1199, received_1836063566449911.jpeg)

Lol did someone say Throwback thursday

No. 541876

Ugh but anon it was like, an entire day ago! People change! Stop dredging up the past!

No. 541877

File: 1530861104120.jpeg (1.55 MB, 1242x1239, EBB9BA14-22DF-4408-BD23-0C69F6…)

She was definitely crying. Her nose is still red and her eyes are extra puffy.

No. 541878

File: 1530861115207.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1242x1238, A2D812CD-2C25-4BF1-BCE8-C64AAF…)

No. 541879

File: 1530861220755.jpg (59.56 KB, 1137x640, FB_IMG_1530861029316.jpg)

Someone on my FB uploaded this convo

No. 541880

File: 1530861265065.jpg (75.99 KB, 1137x640, FB_IMG_1530861032876.jpg)

I wonder how she'll "grow" from this shit storm

No. 541881


According to one of Vamp's recent snaps they're all high in the room so that explains their gorging. Time for moo to to balloon up mid con from munchies and nervous eating.

No. 541882

can you save the snaps somehow? if they're relevant, I mean

No. 541883

Her eyes were always extra puffy, anon.

>we all grow

She writes essays during rants but barely said anything to that fan who was clearly trying to get a pick me up from Moo.

No. 541884

Her top is scrunching up, her stockings are folded down, and labia-kun is almost peeking.

No. 541887

Can we call the hotel and report drugs in the room??(Wtf is wrong with you, don't harass anyone)

No. 541888

she should just fucking put out nudes or something already(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 541889

don't cowtip

No. 541891

I wouldn't dream of it. I just know friends in the biz and drugs are a quick way to get permabanned from a hotel

No. 541893


lol she really gave up on keeping the stockings up by this point didn't she

No. 541894


is that megamarines on the right? lookin like a real dad here

No. 541895

Did not read the thread(s). Does it look like the same person to you?

No. 541896

File: 1530862837032.jpg (243.44 KB, 363x418, grPFmoD.jpg)

No. 541897



No. 541898

I think the answer has to do with, ‘not buying a badge’ makes her feel like she has some sort of status, and that given her following, should be at the point here she thinks that she doesn’t need to buy a badge, it is the con/event/person who requests her presence.

Over the years you can tell that she’s been trying to forge and follow what other cosfamous people do, the perks they get, and how they continue to be invited ti events. So at some point she felt that important people meant that they didn’t need to buy their badges like everybody else, they’re given to them.

I don’t know how truthful was the story of her asking ALA directly for a free badge like one staff anon said, but I wouldn’t be surprised considering how much she plugs when a booth needs her, someone wants her as a guest, or how she knows someone important. It’s a pride thing for her, much more than a measly account. Otherwise she probably fears that people will think that she’s “like everybody else” and will lose followers.

No. 541899

File: 1530863711127.png (392.92 KB, 640x1136, 180C6C07-6EEE-4A84-AE95-D26DF7…)

Not sure if anyone had posted this yet but I found it in the comments in a public post on fb. You would think she would know better not to say stuff like this, but then again she seems to set no bounds for the milk supply she gives

No. 541900

File: 1530863765451.png (759.7 KB, 720x852, Screenshot_2018-07-06-00-55-46…)

No. 541901

It’s already been posted a while back.

No. 541902

Too many people on Twitter crying about people calling Mariah fat/ the cow she is. I'm sorry but when you are as terrible as Mariah people will start to open their eyes and see your physical flaws, and yes being fat is a flaw sorry.

No. 541903

This post is public or shared to Moo's page in the past 24hrs. The person who posted it originally said they wished they never said sorry to her or whatever.

No. 541906

She deserves to be dragged for her weight due to it also being another major lie (fit tea, lipo, cool sculpt, i used to be a champion weightlifter, fake body positivity). But it's like the most boring lie in her track record. Feels like they're just fat girls projecting. No one cares, but I'm also fat.
Catch a boat to fuckoffity land, Mariah.

No. 541908

File: 1530865129001.png (550.27 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180706-011650.png)

Affliction Photography is having none of Momo's BS

No. 541909

It’s not you idiot

No. 541912

personally i don't even care if she's fat, but all the lipo distorted the shape of her fat so it looks unnatural and lumpy, and it will continue to distort as she gets older until her thighs look like the elephant man.

No. 541913

Yea exactly my point when I cropped it. Her legs are looking like a person on My 600 lb life.

No. 541915

i don't understand why she doesn't buy dance tights and attach the stockings to them so it would stop them falling down and also hide her disgusting skin.
but i suppose that's giving her too much credit.

No. 541916

So she hasn't gone inside AX at all then huh…outside getting photos as usual. Suspect that's all it'll be again, outside snaps and hiding away from the crowds who roam inside.

No. 541917

It SHOULD only be outside, because she had to return the badges she was given from CG.

No. 541919

Oh yeah, it's going to be amazing watching her age another 2 years in 1.

No. 541920

That and everyone knows she shouldn't be inside as well, if she is she's using a friend's badge which will land her into more shit. What a fool. Least her AX weekend is practically ruined now and she's resulting to getting high to forget.

No. 541921

Am I wrong that she can buy her way in, buy a badge and legit get in without fear of being kicked out.

No. 541922

can someone screen record the snap??

No. 541923

She can. But Moo never buys badges and she's too scared of running into like 3 or 4 of the main people who called her out this weekend

No. 541924

I would give my first born to see this video. Nerd City does some really amazing content.

No. 541925

File: 1530868701423.png (460.41 KB, 720x696, Screenshot_2018-07-06-00-08-10…)

No. 541927

watch out guys, furrymarines is roiding out

No. 541928

Anyone encouraging to harass off the site or admitting they are, are getting one week bans.

No contacting ANYONE
These are not emergencies, this site is not here to be used to mess with people. Just observe.

No. 541929


wow this bitch is even about to cry on her own instastory like if anybody even gives a shit about her. why the fuck are people STILL trying to hop on moomoo's nuts for exposure? this shit is too fucking funny guys. I swear I'm spending more time on both her IG accounts than on here because all the whiteknights sperging out are too fucking funny to pass up!

No. 541932

change the damn rule then.(Ban evading)

No. 541933

Can you guys get caught up in the threads before you keep posting the same questions/accusations? This is embarrassing.


No. 541935

It's actually fucking fantastic to see more and more people commenting on her instagram calling her out. She can't avoid this forever, people who were on her side are starting to doubt her innocence because she's locked comments and refuses to make a statement.

No. 541940

Stop being a faggot.

No. 541943

Which video? You're not replying to anyone.

No. 541944

it was the one going around of her touching that girls boob but i found it

No. 541950

File: 1530874979724.jpeg (92.17 KB, 528x493, 492F9883-C462-4B5B-88CF-037EE8…)

A friend posted this on FB about her interaction with Moo at Katsu

No. 541952

This is so cringy tbh. I feel like you could just cosplay some randomass shit and pretend it was from some obscure fate thing that you make up on the spot and she'd pretend she was an expert.

No. 541955

File: 1530876471967.png (102.91 KB, 520x393, 1519034948410.png)

>Mariah not sucking up to a taken man cosplaying a muscular character

(just kidding)
Was this the same Katsucon as "Can you do an Indian accent"?

No. 541959

Yes - to my knowledge she didn’t give a shit about fate until sometime after Katsu 2017

No. 541962

I've never seen Moo this fucked over before in a matter of 48 hours. It's actually beautiful. What is to become of her 'big build' Fate group I wonder now that she can't go inside?

No. 541964

File: 1530879021146.jpeg (315.08 KB, 1242x2208, B151DB79-23CD-4BD3-944E-18F22F…)

Spreading on fb too

No. 541965

The thread went up a day ago and it’s already almost full. FUCKING BEAUTIFUL.

No. 541966

did her badge get taken away? even if not she'll still get spotted by others i'd assume.

No. 541968

I don’t know for sure but with CG requesting the passes back, (tinfoiling) maybe they told security and they got confiscated?

No. 541970

is that your email up there

No. 541973

Stop implementing other rules and talk to the admin.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 541974

File: 1530881614869.png (1.48 MB, 1080x1770, Screenshot_20180706-155355_01.…)

munchie had to turn off comments lmaooo

No. 541981

File: 1530883568155.jpeg (640.31 KB, 750x1334, 192E2A19-C4D0-44B4-A9CC-72FCE8…)

This is honestly pathetic to watch. They have completely disassociated with you moo. Same with kayyybear. They want nothing to do with you so stop liking their posts and pretending everything is fine

No. 541982

She really can’t stay silent on this for long- she will find out the more she stays silent the worse it gets. I’m dying to hear her response honestly- even if it’s like that shitty “Q & A” video where she just sat there lying through her teeth

No. 541985

she's trying to keep up with the lie that SHE asked to cancel her meet when everyone knows the truth, plus she was cancelled with other groups like senpai squad etc so it's fucking pointless. but she literally doesn't know when to stop, lying and lying more is all she knows.

No. 541986

>I’m dying to hear her response honestly
stop trying to make her look important

No. 541987

Moomoo already filled her role in that department all on her own though

No. 541988

She’d probably just make a fool of herself (again)

No. 541989


It will be a lot like her “apology” instastory. Except she’ll turn up the water works to try and make everyone feel bad for her.

Sure, it won’t work at all. But I’d love to see the train wreck in action.

No. 541990

>in Moo lolcow thread
>"she isn't important enough to expect a response from"
>a response, milk directly from the cow itself
Can't compute. Of course she's nowhere near as important as she imagined herself to be but really?

She can't stop lying, including to herself. Her calves will feed into her fantasy too, she really will continue to fake it until she makes it, except she won't make it at all.

No. 541993

Honestly, what Moo should do at this point is issue an honest and sincere apology, quit cosplaying and get some professional help. Will she? Of course not, but that’s probably the best option for her. Because of her attitude and her actions she has people that will not stop until her career is completely ruined (not that she’s not ruining it herself…).

It would just be best for her to quit while she can. But then she’d have to get a normal job and the patreon bux would stop flowing, so she’ll probably try to just sweep this under the rug like she did with the MyOppa thing. Except this time lots of people are pissed and it’s circulating everywhere.

I hope if she does make another Q&A video where she lies and bawls people don’t fall for it

No. 541997

Momo is a shit stain in the cosplay community. The actual community hates her and she's aware of that. She is a negative meme and an example to other cosplayers of what not to do.

What Momo is doing is stupid as fuck. She will keep the title of cosplayer as long as a small group of people like her. Once she runs out of course she will do porn. We all know she's an emotional eater as well, if the heat is on Momo she will just gorge on food until she is more disgusting. At that point she will just make 100 bucks off one porn video.
And boy howdy I can't wait to see what she will do then

No. 542004

File: 1530889041237.png (46.87 KB, 476x449, Soo this happened Momokun …)

Apparently this happened too.

No. 542005

oh man, you know it's bad when amazonmandy says something. she's usually the nicest and quietest thing.

No. 542006

It's really refreshing to see some legit karma coming her way. I hope this doesn't get swept under the rug and continues to haunt her and affect every con she tries to attend. Once your reputation is this damaged, good luck.

No. 542007

I feel like everyone has a Momo story. She only seems to be nice if a camera is pointed at her or she takes a video like "Look at how nice I am." Like the minute the interaction is done it just seems she's a standoff-ish cunt.

No. 542008

Seriously waiting for Momo to be dumb enough to just film herself groping people after making a big loud to-do about asking them if they're consenting to it first just to prove to the haters that she totes asks for permission and look! everyone else is fine with it so forgive me kthx

No. 542009

She will make her friends uneasy by asking them to do something embarrassing while she sexually harasses them and she will go "See~? my friends like it" while they nervously laugh and slowly nod their head. But she might make the mistake of touching someone who isn't her friend. Now that people are aware of her shit you know all eyes will be on Momo.

She will most likely go for another woman first because "tee hee~ girl power! we need to stick together. nice ass" Gropes then kick and scream when she gets called out for it "I can't show love to you guys anymore?!" which… btw Momo stop telling people you will give them your love when you're being accused of molesting people. It's fucking creepy

No. 542010

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No. 542011

This one sounds a bit much to me. Not saying Moo isn't a terrible person but I don't think even she would be this dumb

No. 542012

Firly sure she HAS used the N wird, tho. Does anyobe has the Twitter screencap where she refers to Chris Brown as “my favorite N**r”?

No. 542013

Who knows… either way, literally everyone hates her now. And she won't be able to brush it off like she did with MyOppa this time

No. 542015

After all the bad blood between them, why is she taking Momo’s side?

No. 542016

She's not. Momo called her abusive.

No. 542019

Lori is relishing Moo's comeuppance. I really do hope they run into each other but since Moo is on a harder lockdown than usual, I really doubt it.

No. 542020

It's extra delicious if you remember Momo herself said that she would beat down anyone who talked shit about her.

No. 542022

So, does anyone know why kaybear is still following her though?

No. 542028

I’ve been trying to figure that out myself. She was liking and interacting with her posts for a while leading up to this too. You’d think at the very least, they wouldn’t do anything to look supportive of someone they clearly dislike or don’t actually support. And who knows how long everyone would have gone on looking like they were friends with Moo if someone didn’t step forward. I understand being afraid to speak up, but I don’t understand keeping up appearances

No. 542029

maybe she forgot to unfollow? i know that many cosplayers seemed worried about speaking out against her, but i think they realize that nothing happens.

No. 542030

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No. 542031

just keep shovelin' moo

No. 542032



linguistics btw

No. 542033

Omg I thought it was a parody account at first. Is this bitch trying to suicide her "career"?

No. 542034

Because you yourself said you were once suicidal and didn't even put a trigger warning on your post. But honey, people are pissed at you for ignoring the molesting allegations.

How long is she going to ignore it? Her first excuse was "I'm busy having fun" all her events were canceled, surely she can address it if she addressed this minor issue.

No. 542035

File: 1530894059126.jpg (560.62 KB, 1380x1380, Cow Trash[1].jpg)

i think i found moo's next cosplay plans.

No. 542036


This bitch really doesn’t get it does she?

No. 542037

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No. 542038

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No. 542040

bitch doesn't need a knife to recreate it, she can just use all her edge.

No. 542041

what we do is for us! oh and the money, don't forget about the money i make and waste trying to make myself look better.

No. 542042

Momo, you brought up an issue people barely bitched about weeks ago but you wont say shit about the shit you've done which is 10x worse. She's trying to bury one scandal with another.

And pretend you're fine Momo. You're sponsers ditched you and you were not allowed inside the con. She wont be doing the art rant when all the money runs dry and she can't buy friendship anymore

No. 542043


Your icon is showing anon

No. 542044

If she someday whines that nobody is taking her "muh suicidal depressed feels" posts seriously I will cackle so hard car alarms will set off in the distance.

No. 542045

i mean this is from before the shit storm so it's not exactly that.

No. 542046

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No. 542050

File: 1530894873426.png (60.91 KB, 627x370, Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 12.3…)

Not sure if this was already posted but Bunty might be doing a video on Momo.

No. 542052

File: 1530894907764.gif (1.32 MB, 400x224, tenor (8).gif)

Wow. Someone's going off the deep end.
Why can't she just suck it up and apologize? You would think someone like her who's allegedly suffered with mental illness, self harm, and body dysmorphia (lmao), would have more gravitas about this.

No. 542053

moo has been off the deep end, anon. i've been legit wondering about her mental health ever since that peru theft 'everyone left their cars and homes and restaurants to help me' shit she pulled.

No. 542054

File: 1530895362375.jpg (450.6 KB, 893x1425, Untitled.jpg)

Holy crap, imagine my surprise when I woke up today, checked Facebook, and found that Momo's idiocy had broken containment and was randomly showing up in my FB feed. I don't follow any cosplayers, but apparently some of my other friends do and shared this gem.

I only lurk Lolcow occasionally so catching up with all of this has been absolutely delightful.

No. 542055

Moo's going at this the only way she knows how when her other tactics don't work: Cause an even bigger stink to make people forget about her previous shit. She's hoping that she can go 'its canon muh dudes it is an important part of fate u haterz are dumb and reaching!!!' to shore up her weak ass defenses right now.

Of course her orbiters and wankers eat it right up.

No. 542056

That’s bc Emmeryn was executed, not fucking killing herself.

No. 542057

Want to know the difference Mariah? You're getting PAID to do this. You're suddenly a representative of whatever you do because you were employed to do so. That's the difference. Nicoletters must've left her brain in CGL because w h e w

No. 542060

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Just like a pizza cutter.

No. 542061

File: 1530895641200.png (43.35 KB, 1086x679, Capture.PNG)

People mentioned satisfaction with Moo getting her comeupance. When the MyOppa thing happened I had messaged her (being a creator myself) and this was her response about it all. Lol she was right though- some people never learn.

No. 542063

Wow she just
Really doesn't get it

No. 542065

Hey that’s me lol. I messaged Bunty about the details with Mariah and I don’t think he’s gonna do a video on her. He didn’t seem very interested, moreso just “wow what a cunt” type responses.
Sucks cuz it would’ve been a hilarious video. But he’s very removed from the cosplay scene and only does casual “this guy sucks” videos so I get it.

No. 542067


Dudette, you were told it was a bad idea. You can't be this fucking dumb, can you?

And the mere idea of Nicolette cosplaying Emmeryn is wince-worthy. Even more when she supports and enables Mariah's gross shit.

No. 542069

she likes making sure Moo's asshole isnt the dyed yellow it usually is.

No. 542070

I can't wait for her to move back in with mommy and daddy so they can yell at her to take a shower.

No. 542072

So we’re at what, 14 hours siince her last post? She’s gone full recluse.

No. 542073


Abel be flip flopping on moomoo all the damn time. One day she like "omg people are picking on momo" next she's like "never liked her anyways"
Wouldnt trust that bitch either. Just another costhot trying to get a free ride

No. 542075

File: 1530897407056.png (232.89 KB, 349x653, Screenshot 2018-07-06 at 10.17…)

I guess Roxy WAS with Moo this whole time.

No. 542076

This is absolutely disgusting behavior. Tired of this bitch saying she can do what whatever she wants while having the kind of reach and exposure she has. If you're just going to actively ignore your influence you're just a shit human being. I thought people were being a bit ridiculous to call her dangerous, but I agree now. Just go ahead and continue to romanticize suicide for "muh symbolism" you self absorbed, toxic taint

No. 542077

OT but that DOES look like a damn tasty burger.

No. 542079

No. 542080

Usagi Kou

No. 542082

File: 1530898472935.png (163.4 KB, 1440x589, Screenshot_20180706-122716~2.p…)

I'm looking through #momokuniscancelled on Twitter and I'm seeing post like these.

What kind of issues are they talking about? People not wanting your photo isn't the same as sexual assault.

No. 542083

i'm tired of this. racist cosplayers have been called out many times before but even poc cosplayers stayed silent. STOP trying to revert a problem to your own cause, it's doing no good for anyone.

No. 542084


Someone not wanting to take your photo because your cosplay may suck or your skin isn't white is not the same as someone exposing your tits in public, but go on..

No. 542085

These cosplayers complaining are so blind to their cause. If you want people to "go hard for your cause" create material for it. People are most susceptible to negative content if it's spelled out for them. I think they're just buttmad their campaign didn't hit off.

No. 542086

As much as I hate to defend Momokun, Nicolette is kind of right? People do shoots of edgy shit all the time, it's not like they're glorifying suicide. It's just a recreation of a significant moment in their respective series. People should be dragging her for the sexual assault and all the other dumb shit she did, this just seems a bit stupid to be on her ass for.

No. 542087

Not being invited into cosplay groups or having your photo taken cannot be compared to sexually assaulting someone. If someone was going around actively harassing black cosplayers then yes that would be comparable.

No. 542088

people always do this shit. you don't need to care about every issue smh.

No. 542089

This is so annoying. One doesn't even involve the other. What Moo did had nothing to do with race but sexual assault. These whiny idiots are making people not want to listen to poc issues cause they're always trying to say "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE POC". Girl save it for when the storm has passed.

No. 542090

the thing is
no-one is dragging her for glorifying suicide, she's trying to bury the current scandal

No. 542091

I think people are more upset at the fact that she was just using suicide/depression recently for ass pats a week or so ago and is now trying to do a suicide photoshoot and laughing it off like it's nothing. It's tacky, but that's her in general so

No. 542092

I understand their point of view completely, but why is it that these people always feel the need to make something about them? This is about just Momo, not the people of color.

No. 542094

Exactly. There is way more important shit happening than that.

People can drag her for both and were dragging her over the suicide issue before the sexual assault scandal happened. The date on that photo says Tuesday. She was trying to use suicide as ass pat bait not too long before she brought up the "let's create her suicide!". That's where the problem is.

No. 542095

What kind of racism though? I would maybe understand if someone was calling her a Nigger or even just saying something like she shouldn't cosplay because she's black.
But I feel like neither of that has happened in RECENT TIME, I think they are just upset that most people do not want a picture of a black person, it's just a personal preference and no harmful words are being said to poc

I don't want to go off topic I'm just saying it's a little ridiculous to compare what momokun does to what most people do/ignore black girls. Ignoring you and not asking for a picture is NOT the same as sexual assault.

No. 542096


I really wish they would just shut the fuck up. It’s obvious they are trying to derail and hijack the issue. Some because they are trying to deflect for Moo and others simply looking for attention. It’s seriously some “#AllLivesMatter” bullshit.

No fuckin duh everyone is against racism in cosplay. But if you haven’t noticed there is this toxic individual who has been allowed to get away with shit for years, the worst of which is sexually assaulting female and male cosplayers, that everyone is trying to purge from the community right now. It makes you look incredibly douchey to say “B-but why don’t y’all call out the racism in the community”. Sit down a d shut the fuck up and it will be handled eventually

No. 542097

MidnaAsh tried the same approach to try and derail from the sexual assaults. Maybe she's a follower of hers?

No. 542098

Wonder how much Mariah is paying her for it, tho. It better be a lot, considering how much shit’s going down for her.

No. 542099

File: 1530899365381.jpg (27.03 KB, 483x299, FB_IMG_1522720840230-1.jpg)

We know the issues of POC cosplayers. But that doesn't make this issue go away either. Stop trying to flip this attention onto yourself. You don't care if it's negative or positive awareness if you're really saying photographers having racial preference and weeb incels on the internet is worse than real life sexual assault. Doesn't take away from your issue at all. I don't really understand what these issues have to do with eachother either.

No. 542100

This is literally Onision logic.

No. 542101

she can call it out herself if she wants to.

more like one of those annoying POCs who always wants to bitch about their issues with being POCs. one of moo's victims is black so it's not like it's white girls. these types of POCs are always shit.

No. 542102

burying her giant dumpster fire with a small thing. People are confused because Momo was a proclaimed cutter… but she has zero self harm scars.

As for the black cosplayers. Making it seem like you don't care about sexual assault for your own gains is shitty. Yes it is harder for black cosplayers since most characters are not black. However, no matter what, if you can't make decent cosplay or you're not drop dead gorgeous you aren't getting anywhere in cosplay.

Don't mention Momo in this equation. Her followers are only there because they know she's going to do porn in the future, they give no fucks for her cosplays.

No. 542104

File: 1530899852558.jpg (87.43 KB, 651x605, 2018-07-06_13-58-03.jpg)

She's going to have one hell of a time deleting things from her FB page.

No. 542105


It’s not just Midna. A bunch of black female cosplayers have been posting the same shit trying to hijack the issue saying: “I see y’all calling out Momokun right now, but y’all don’t put the same effort into calling out the racism in the community”

Like. Bitch chill

No. 542106

I'm curious to know if people are still posting on her old insta posts that don't have the comments blocked about the situation.

No. 542107

Just how fucking dumb do you have to be to come up with something like this in this situation. Her EEG must be flatter than Moo's ass.

Seriously, I went to her page this afternoon and the comments were 95% trashing her. Not even the incels will save her this time

No. 542108

File: 1530900176348.png (39.81 KB, 491x533, momo.png)

well, i don't see them putting the same effort into calling out sexual assault in the community. merp

not milk but i woke up to this in my con's group and thought it was funny

No. 542109

Even Chindy Pop was dragging her. She'll probably just delete it and start over again or get her doormat Vamp to delete them for her.

No. 542110

that's it indeed. if you say you think some white people are more beautiful than some black people they will go fucking crazy. and it's just a preference, like liking more black hair than blonde and so on.

No. 542112


loving the fact that none of these tagged people posted about hanging out with her today lol
I think this speaks for itself tho

No. 542113


These are the same bitches that would call anyone who tried to call out Moomoo previously a “jealous hater” or that they were just making up rumors about her.

Fuck off with this “B-but what about all the racism in the community tho?” bullshit

No. 542114

The #momokuniscancelled is amazing but this incident will not change anything. She just got 40k likes on a picture with blocked comments, went up in instagram followers and still has her loyal calves that she can hang around with at cons.

Popular cosplayers are too neutral to even unfollow or stop liking her pictures despite what they might share on twitter. And her interaction with Phil shows they'll continue to be friendly with her at any cons they meet at.

No. 542115


Ignoring the fact that Instagram is littered with bot accounts and people will give a like to any girl showing any kind of skin.

She’s finished professionally, which is what matters. Who gives a shit if thirsty dudes still give her likes on Instagram?

No. 542117

anon it's basically confirmed that moo buys likes and subs and shit when she has drama.

No. 542118

Black cosplayers wonder why no one takes them seriously. Aw jeez I don't know, we are dealing with sexual assaults that affect all colors and you are trying to leech attention of it.

No. 542119

Does anyone have caps of that time she said she used to cut herself

it'd be nice to see them next to her "lol edgy suicide amirite" attitude now

No. 542120


i don't understand why the graphic depiction of suicide might be upsetting to people so i'm going to talk down to everyone like they're babies instead. that should make everything better, right SILLY'S?

No. 542121

Like I get that recognizing and calling out racists in the community is important, I just think that this isn't the time to fucking do that??? Momokunt needs to get kicked and then there can be a ton more discussion on how to improve the community. It's not like people HAVEN'T been trying to do that either, people have been making decent efforts to help but it's time to focus on getting a well known sexual predator out of the community.

No. 542122

Off topic but I love how she fucking posts spoilers left and right. Probably one of those bitches who’d act condescending “lol didn’t you know that my dude” “ it’s beenaround for a week my dude, why tat spoilers you should already know”

No. 542123


B-but anon. Muh “oppressed” PoC!!!!!! Surely that’s way more important than some girl going around sexually assaulting female cosplayers!!!!

No. 542124


She does that shit all the time when someone in a fandom tries to call her out. She pulls the old “Oh you didn’t know that? You must not be a true fan like I am!!!” bullshit

No. 542125

I agree with this person. All of ya’ll need to quiet down and just ignore the ppl who are calling out the racism. Obviously both are important topics, but they have nothing to do with one another right now. Just stop posting and whining about ppl whining abt it. It’s going off topic.

No. 542126

File: 1530902089476.jpeg (300.01 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180706-143434.jpe…)

Looks like FaceBook isn't as big a hug box as previously suggested.

No. 542127


I guess she just hasn’t gotten around to deleting the comments yet. Isn’t this around the time she usually gets up after a night of drinking and partying?

No. 542131

Nah, it will. She's basically a pariah at this point, with sponsors cancelling any plans with her, other bigname cosplayers ostracizing her, her social flooded with hate, her reputation 100% forever ruined it will never be the same. Now even smallname clout chasing costhots will think twice before associating themselves with her, because it would give them a bad name as well.

No. 542134

totally off topic, but i hate this mentality that just because people are vocal about a current issue means they don't care about other issues.

its especially dumb since the big name cosplayers who have come out about her are POCs themselves.

No. 542137

it's just intersectionality.. i agree it's annoying but there are worse things

annnnnyways whew i can't wait for momocunt to wake up and show the world her gross panties again today.

No. 542138

I can't wait for her to get caught ghosting.

No. 542139

Imagine being so fucking smug you have to shoehorn your retarded "wahhh racist photographers ain't takin my photo" narrative into a case of someone sexually molesting people, making false rape claims and overall doing really shitty things. Jesus fucking christ these entitled thots are the worst.

It's another lewd Kanna trick. She's trying to shock people intentionally so she knows what's up when she's doing the LMAO WHY ARE PPL SO ANGRY??? She could've just done the photo without making a fucking scene, nobody would've thought twice about it but she always has to be a goddamn drama queen.

No. 542140

She’s trying to get it to blow over by saying nothing but I hope she realizes the second she opens her mouth next she’ll get bombarded even WORSE by ppl who are annoyed that she deleted their comments or ignored them lol

No. 542141

intersectionality means understanding the overlap that exists within oppression, and relating them to each other. example with this is that there's a reason most of moo's victims are POC, because POC are not often taken seriously. if any of these POC cosplayers wanted to mention that, then it would be intersectionality

intersectionality has nothing to do with shoehorning your own unrelated cause into other issues because you're pissed off that it's not getting enough foot traffic.

No. 542142

File: 1530904561825.png (121.45 KB, 465x555, whew.png)

the comments on her facebook are a trip, woo boy.

No. 542143

Matching Mariah's edge I see.

No. 542145

this is what happens when neckbeards turn on you. moo has been lucky thus far tbh. these comments are gross, but it's standard incel shit.

No. 542146


This is exactly the kind of shit she willingly invites. No one to blame but herself.

No. 542147

oh great! now people are going to start having sympathy for momo. just gonna build more support for her and eventually turn it to her favor you guys know this right?

No. 542151

File: 1530905258866.png (24.31 KB, 461x334, m.png)

i wasn't trying to make anyone feel bad for her, just pointing out how pissed the incels are. they want blood, it seems.

also found this gem on her pinned post

No. 542152

According to Mariah though, Sakura was always sex crazed willingly.

No. 542153

File: 1530905414803.jpg (466.11 KB, 1078x1576, 18-07-06-12-29-38-293_deco.jpg)

Just saw this and I dont get how they seriously think like this.

No. 542154

I don't mean you I mean the dudes in the comments sending "death threats". That was the one thing people defending her couldn't say because there wasn't any. Now there is and it makes it easy to drum up sympathy for her, especially when you got this massive wave of "what about POC cosplayers?" and people accusing the victims of seeking attention and other shit. In my eyes this just guarantees that she'll be able to sweep this under the rug in time and we'll be back to nitpicking her over little shit while she still makes patreon bux and goes to OTHER cons that will feel bad that she's gotten "death threats"

No. 542155

people like that think sexual assault is something a man does to a woman, and that's it. they don't seem to grasp that the assault part of it happens when the person being assaulted isn't in control of who is touching them.

No. 542157

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No. 542158

her fanboys don't get it. "lol I would love it if she touched me~" yuh, then that's consent. Did you know, there are people who DON'T want Momo touching them and exposing their bare bodies to the world? Gasps

No. 542159


Even when Shinji was raping her, eh?

Maybe she confused the two. Shinji is closer to her actual personality anyway.

No. 542160

i don't think these guys want moo to expose their microdicks either. they probably just think its' hot.

No. 542161

Yep, she's definitely closer to Shinji.

On another note, Thornechan said she might be at AX. We all know how outspoken she is about Mariah so here's to hoping for a confrontation.

No. 542162

File: 1530906211733.jpg (46.54 KB, 800x450, 36688162_2116332855318927_5883…)

hey, i mean if those men wanna get sexually assaulted, then i wish them the best of luck. i hope they do someday. follow your dreams, etc. they'd probably be singing a different tune afterwards tho. lol

No. 542163


It’s like the people sticking to calling her fat and ugly in this current shitstorm. All it does is allow her an out. Something to point to so she can say “SEE?! THEIR ALL JUST BULLIES!!!!” And lets be normies think “Y’all are way too harsh on her”

Stick to the shit that she can’t defend or sweep under the rug and leave the insults and cringey edgelord shit out of it

No. 542164

what the fuck are you talking about? people should post caps of whatever.

No. 542165

Oh my god, that's too fucking funny

No. 542166

File: 1530906683673.jpg (63.67 KB, 1137x640, FB_IMG_1530906293988.jpg)

No. 542167

Not when it’s shit that’ll help her flat ass out when she’s known to lurk here. Jesus fucking Christ.

No. 542168

I suppose it is funny watching people tear into her, however they aren't her responses, which is what we should be on the look out for. Unless Bunny/ more victims come up and big names calling her out.
We know what people say about her already

No. 542169

stop this shit. i hate it enough when you people bitch about anons talking about stuff she may be able to use, but this is on her fucking facebook page where she is going to find out anyways. there's literally no reason to bitch about this.

No. 542170

I'm tired of this politically correct shit.
I was so happy when Susu openly called her a COW, it must have taken so much courage even though it was probably out of rage but who can blame her. I applaud her for not sticking to this shit Narrative of "positivity no buullly"
Being fat shouldn't be normalized, and sexualizing it gives other fat fucks the idea it's good to be fat. It's especially wrong with Mariah's deformity from her liposuction.

No. 542171

that anon is just pissy cause we're providing her with defenses apparently, by posting caps from her fucking cosplay page. we're not here to destroy moo, or prevent her from defending herself. if anything, watching her obviously lurk and take things directly from the thread is funny. if sharing shit like this is triggering anons so much, they should just go on a crusade against her on twitter.

No. 542173

makes sense. we are here to observe

No. 542174

anons forget though. its much better to watch someone crash and burn on their own than with someone spoon feeding them the deets. we cant help that she lurks here.

No. 542175

File: 1530907656536.png (655.25 KB, 1440x1047, Screenshot_20180706-150532~2.p…)

Twitter is insane now

No. 542177

File: 1530907755654.png (139.97 KB, 1440x715, Screenshot_20180706-150927~2.p…)

No. 542178

it's not our job to try to guess whether she's going to be in the thread and what she will use to "help" her or not. especially when it usually ends up blowing up in her face anyways.

we're not here to walk on eggshells for her just incase. she's not that important.

No. 542179

Imagine being this desperate to want to put your dick in crazy

No. 542180

i only posted that cap to give an example of how savage the comments were. literally no one is defending her, it's just hundreds of comments calling her out. people are really upset and no one's gonna give her sympathy for pissing off the internet.

No. 542181

Lol too bad she hates black people. Dumb incels.

No. 542183


It may suck and be quite frankly, very stupid, but that’s unfortunately how it is. The second you throw “fat” at her that’s all people hear. They immediately now assume you are coming from a place of pettiness and vindictiveness rather than actual concern, simply coming at her to be mean and almost invalidates anything you say after.

Same with the stupid edgelord threats. All it does is give her something to point to in order to say “Everyone coming after me is just mean bullies. Look at all the mean stuff they are saying about me”

It’s exactly why she has been able to get away with this shit for so long. Because instead of focusing on stuff that could actually ruin her that she can’t defend like sexual assault and stealing copyrighted designs, people just devolve into “lol she fat” and lose any credibility after that.

No. 542184

Who do you think would confront who though? Do you think Mariah will try to be a "tough bitch" or will she hide away from someone who is way bigger than her

No. 542185

Ffs can we please stop fighting with each other now? Mariah's ego is crumbling, let's enjoy watching it.

Is Funimation her only sponsor now?

No. 542186

Guy, I know Moo is disgusting and lazy enough to seem like she'd fuck her fans, but she thinks she's better than you. Sorry, dude.

No. 542187

Funimation hasn't sponsored her ass in over a year, they sure as fuck stopped caring about her when Rojas left.

No. 542189

ThorneChan would probably try but get chewed out by Moo's cunt squad.

No. 542191

Samefagging but I'm honestly surprised that she hasn't been approached or yelled at at the con so far.

Then she doesn't have any sponsors remaining.S he's going to be kissing ass pretty hard in the near future.

No. 542193

So does that mean she's all out of sponsors? Is Patreon technically a sponsor since they provide her with a platform and income?

No. 542194

File: 1530908157752.jpg (85.84 KB, 804x427, 2018-07-06_16-16-27.jpg)

Tenleid making sure this doesn't turn into the MyOppa aftermath.

No. 542195

Well she still has that laser clinic 'sponsorship' where they give her a discount for using her pug mug for before/after pics to show patients before procedures.

No. 542196


Everyone keeps saying she is sponsored by Funimation yet I haven’t seen any evidence of that.

No. 542200

she cosplayed for them once with Stella Chu and some other cosplayers

No. 542203


That’s not an “official sponsorship”. She was simply invited to do a photo shoot once and has done anything with them since then. And even that only happened because her “buddy” Justin Rojas was still working their at the time.

So again, where is this “official sponsorship” people keep talking about?

No. 542206

File: 1530909675633.jpeg (425.49 KB, 2048x2048, DCE1E8F8-6576-4D95-BCFD-C1BC71…)

She’s buying likes on her newest picture, no doubt about it. Her Shion picture - a shitty not that sexy photo of a character none of her fan base cares about… has as many likes as her pochaco photo. Everyone knows now that comments are super important to a photos traction and somehow this post with the comments off got around just as much, in the middle of a giant controversy? You’re terrible at hiding things, moo. Isn’t it cheaper to apologize??

No. 542207

This is also the most likes any of her pics has had since that pochaco pic. Who’s she trying to fool??

No. 542209

god this is so embarrassing lol

No. 542210

Ummm sakura gets rapes by worms and her brother wtf

No. 542211

clearly she is the biggest fate fan

No. 542212

File: 1530910275416.png (792.36 KB, 720x1195, Screenshot_2018-07-06-13-48-51…)

Cows awake

No. 542213

Does she just get energy drinks every other day?

No. 542214

Man that doormat is looking rough.

No. 542217

Dogs tend to take after their owners so that explains it.

No. 542218


Damn. She really does have a busted face

No. 542219

File: 1530911323091.png (50.01 KB, 676x324, Capture.PNG)

No. 542220

Insta story looks so depression kek
All of her calves in cosplay, no photo of her yet, bed covered in bread, macbook and blankets? Looks like she may be staying in guys

No. 542221

It is over 110 in so cal right now. Everyone is probably ditching being outside to be inside the con. She'd be ridiculous to try and ghost outside right now, I'd love to see her try though

No. 542222

And she called Moo out by name! See, posts like these are more effective cause it shows not only who they're talking about, but that they aren't scared of her either.

A lot of cosplayers talking about it(Looking at you Ivy, Nigri and Stella) want to beat around the bush but unless they call her out, Mariah is not going to change. The ones who she looks up to are the ones who Mariah would probably listen to.

No. 542223

File: 1530912019794.jpeg (119.59 KB, 685x418, DDE34509-1983-45FB-A368-48F6C9…)

Aw, she’s like an Easter island head! Or lurch’s long lost cousin or something.

No. 542228

Man I need to know what job and why it was a shit show, hearing behind the scene tea about Moo is my favorite

No. 542230

No. 542231

Lord, a cow video from a cow. This is getting more milky

No. 542232

It keeps on getting better and better.

No. 542234



>Lord, a cow video from a cow.

who is this? Never heard of this dude before?

No. 542235

He's a drama youtuber who's mostly in Onision and Joy Sparkles drama.

No. 542236

Finally a youtuber with an actual following. I dont care if he's a cow/snowflake the only videos we've gotten about her before were from nobodies so this will spread even more now

No. 542237

And for once it's actually focusing on the subject that needs to be discussed, which is sexual assault and cosplay is not consent. Mariah is probably hiding deep away in her room even more now.

No. 542238

>>542234 this is the most glorious video I've seen so far about this entire fiasco, holy fucking shit.

No. 542239

File: 1530914192549.jpg (10.4 KB, 288x306, 49.jpg)


It's a beautiful day, anons

No. 542240


And one that finally stayed on topic and calling out her toxic behavior and actions instead of just going “Lol she fat”.

No. 542242

File: 1530914545632.jpeg (486.26 KB, 1242x1688, DC8304A1-6B7D-4E40-A7E2-2A1567…)

Found on my feed lol

No. 542243

File: 1530914774519.png (6.66 MB, 1242x2208, 15E4E263-0443-4857-87B7-594D3A…)

The cow is still in bed at 3pm

No. 542244

I don’t know who this is, but that was satisfying to watch. All nitpicking aside, she really is just all around a horrible person. Yeah, her skin is tragic for a 20 year old, but she’s also a sexual predator and that’s what the world needs to see. Well done.

No. 542245

before peeps think her follower count is impressive remember she bought at least half of them and she has been buying likes for a while. I know a lot of people who simply hate follow her as well or just wanna watch the dumpster fire burn

No. 542246


What else is she supposed to do after getting banned lol

No. 542247

All of her little pals are just hanging with her in the room, none of them are at AX either. Betting she's guilt tripped them into giving her company.

No. 542248

File: 1530915114906.jpg (34.96 KB, 750x477, 20431686_10213966277609897_479…)

She was apparently quoting a friend. Have this old tweet instead.

No. 542249

This wasn't it, but good to know her and her friends love these kind of games

No. 542250

I'll be at the Fate gathering at 5. We'll see if she waddles out for that since it's outside. Will take pics if she's there.

No. 542251


“None if you guys are my true friends if you don’t stay here to comfort me in my darkest hour!!!”

Although honestly, I think they are just shitty people just like her. They think what she did “wasn’t that bad and people are just overreacting because they already don’t like her”.

I mean here they are laughing it up in a hotel room with a friend who was just outed as a sexual abuser with multiple victims coming forward. If I was her friend I wouldn’t be able to stomach looking at her, let alone be in the same room.

No. 542252

Trash attracts trash, they're probably victim blaming types as well. Anyone left in her circle who are still her friends are just as shit as she is.

No. 542253

File: 1530915857807.jpg (32.89 KB, 540x960, chris brown.jpg)


i think her reaction and retweeting it in general says a lot about her.

there was another replace a disney movie tweet she did that was "how to train your n**", which isn't even disney and is just awful

No. 542254

moo is 20? really? i thought she was way older

No. 542256

Ok but another big thing is that that cosplay was streaming on twitch. twitch has strict rules about sexual content and things like happening causes a lot of streams to be banned for a certain amount of time. If anything the girl is trying to cover her tracks as well so she doesn't get a temp. ban

No. 542257


Exactly. The only ones still associating with her at this point are trash human beings like herself. I can absolutely see them getting high and roasting all the girls that accused their cow so far like she does in her instastories like she desperately wants to do. Of course none of them are dumb enough to try and defend her in public right now. Which is why they have all been mum so far.

She wants so badly to be able to just pick up her phone and go on one of her little “bitch boi” rants like she always does and like she did with Jannet

No. 542258

20s with the mentality of a rebellious 15 year old teenager.

No. 542259

File: 1530916550784.png (13.33 KB, 435x157, Capture.PNG)

complaining about db manga spoilers

No. 542260

2013 Mariah was a wild ride

No. 542261


But she’s changed so much since then my dude!! She was just a dumb kid who didn’t know any better!!

Guess Jannet was right to bring that stuff up lol

No. 542263

This was a lot better than I expected. I love how he tells her to stop playing dumb cause it's pretty much her go to.

No. 542264

File: 1530917087784.png (1.09 MB, 640x1136, 87EB3B5C-7CFD-45CF-BC0E-585026…)

She’s finally out. Probably not even in cosplay.

No. 542265


Is she inside the con?

No. 542267

Thought she didn't have badges to go in…

No. 542268

She's 23 or 24, I forget when her birthday is.

No. 542269


Yeah, that's what I was wondering.

No. 542270


Maybe one of her loser friends let her use theirs

No. 542271

Bet she's borrowed someone else's.

No. 542272

can't you buy tickets at the door? maybe she bought one? (doubt it but hey it's an idea…)

No. 542274

File: 1530917765995.png (276.93 KB, 386x651, Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 6.54…)

Who is she with?

No. 542275

Waiting until the haters start some "harassment" towards her. I honestly want to hear stories on how the fate meet goes.

No. 542276

I'm, but one looks pretty dead and one looks like they are trying to hard to be a Tumblr cosplay snowflake with the voltron theme and white face paint freckles, both look younger than her tho? But then again that cow doesn't age well.

No. 542277

Her dumbass decided to show her face, I want to see her actually get confronted now. What was it she said? That she was going to “fuck you up” if you disrespected her to her face? Well let’s see it then Moo

No. 542278

File: 1530918022293.png (811.61 KB, 640x1136, 11C5647F-069B-4D54-93DC-FEE186…)

Whoever it was they were all doing shots in the room together before heading down

No. 542279

Cause everyone knows when you're getting outed as a sex molester, you party with friends before possibly bumping into your accusers.

No. 542280

Aww Moo fount new gullible trashy friends.

No. 542281

Here's to hoping that someone there warns the staff of her possibly ghosting.

No. 542282

Looks like the worlds most awkward Halloween house party.

No. 542283

Idk but they look like trash lol

No. 542284

File: 1530918353517.jpg (61.55 KB, 320x398, 1500037547686.jpg)

Sick Freedom Gundam in the background.

No. 542285

File: 1530918428581.png (970.4 KB, 720x1185, Screenshot_2018-07-06-16-04-54…)

How is she in the dealers hall if her badge is gone?

No. 542286

Susu, Bunny and Kayyybear are roaming the con floor now too. Not together of course but it's only a matter of time one of them bumps into Momolester.

No. 542287

Borrow a badge.

No. 542289

Most likely has someone else's.

No. 542294

File: 1530918946273.jpg (1.58 MB, 810x3679, Screenshot_20180706-161459_Ins…)

Jeez this isn't even all of it, spam tagging her in this weird Peter kanna cosplay.

No. 542295

File: 1530919006751.jpeg (273.1 KB, 1125x2041, 36B8F754-5764-4426-A1FC-C9005C…)

They’re available on site, must have been a big ego bruise for our ~celeb cosplayer~ to have to buy one last night kek

No. 542298


Just when her ego could shatter any further lol.

No. 542302


nice self post

No. 542305

I couldn’t even watch all less than 2 minutes of this. I cringed into oblivion 15 seconds in.

No. 542307

This little kid is going to get so many incels after him.

No. 542308

She is probably paying for everything so she can make them stay with her. Must be so much fun

No. 542312

Is she even cosplaying or is she just there in the traditional unwashed crop top and fannel-chan?

No. 542323

File: 1530920809699.jpeg (273.03 KB, 640x767, 6ACB1BEE-1131-4DE7-9BF0-D6F198…)

can someone please explain the fuck is the medical anomaly going on here

No. 542325


she was eating while talking. gross, i know

No. 542327

She looks like a fucking troll doll, jesus christ

No. 542331

File: 1530921105457.jpg (35.43 KB, 499x846, 2018-04-28_14-49-31.jpg)

You're clearly jealous of her Droopy face.

No. 542332

She honestly looks like she has the mumps. She's from Detroit originally right? Could be that she never got her vaccination since Canada doesn't mandate getting the MMR vaccine and maybe her family pulled some bullshit so she never got the mumps vaccine.

No. 542333

File: 1530921429946.png (76.97 KB, 223x447, Droopy_dog[1].png)

No. 542334


she was chewing a hard boiled egg. this was months ago.

No. 542335

Detroit is in America not Canada. Also she was just eating while talking in that story she didnt have the mumps

No. 542336

I know but they're so close that maybe she went to Canadian schools. I had classmates who lived in Detroit but they went to schools in Windsor. Just sayng.

No. 542337

Nah she doesn't have the mumps. Her face is just extra saggy from her using face tape every chance that she gets and now she's paying the price for not taking care of her body or skin.

No. 542338

Shes from Dearborn not Detroit anyway

No. 542345

Tendleid can go fuck herself. She's just as bad as Momokun.

No. 542348

She's calling out Mariah by name and keeping it from dying down so at the moment she's doing fine.

No. 542349


She does the same thing as Momokun. Can't keep her fucking hands to herself. Its like a fucking molester calling out a molester.

No. 542350

This is a thread on Mariah not Tenleid. If you wanna bitch about Tenleid, there's an uggo cosplayer thread in snow.

No. 542351

Looks like Moo finally sent Megacuck to try and do some damage control as always. Maybe try picking on a different costhot so you're less obvious.

No. 542354

Oh hey look, its the same reason Momokun got away with what she did as long as she did. Everyone just brushed it off.

Hold on, let me post on my twitter as Bunny Ayumi with my tits hanging out and maybe you will listen, amirite?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 542355

Oh god, it is. Who else would want to push their vendetta at this time, and in moo’s thread of all places kek

grade A calf squad you got there, Moo

No. 542357

No one is brushing it off, just telling you to take it to the appropriate thread, dumb ass. It's not relevant to MOMOKUN so don't shit up the MOMOKUN thread.

No. 542358

Too busy having sooo much fun to address my accusers and apologize but not too busy to spend my time shit posting on a hate thread about me.


No. 542359


You really never learn, do you Mariah?

No. 542360

Yeah it's kind of embarrassing. We should ignore them and get back onto Moo since they're trying to derail us.

If the bitch would just apologize properly like she gives a damn, then the heat on her wouldn't be so bad. But now her shit is spreading, her ego is crumbling, sponsors are leaving, her friends getting a piece of the shit cake, all because she won't own up to her actions.

No. 542361


It's relevant as fuck because of all the fucking people talking, Tenleid is the last person that should be opening her fucking mouth like she's some innocent justice fighter. You fucking idiots are so drunk on this high that Momokun is finally going down that you think its her posting while the dumb cunt is on live camera.

No. 542362

File: 1530923796992.jpg (42.37 KB, 500x496, FB_IMG_1530923813667.jpg)

Has this been done yet?

No. 542363

Just report him and move on.

No. 542368

I guess the Repzion video has her really panicking now. Gotta try and shit up the thread to throw everyone off

Probably got back to her room to change for the Fate meetup and saw it and is screeching at her calves to do something about it. It's hilarious that for once she's at a con and she's not posting 50 ig stories like she usually does hell they still look like bars rather than dots.

I guess you can't stare at your phone all the time if you're keeping an eye out for people trying to get candid pics of you and people who are willing to call you out.

No. 542370

File: 1530925095620.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1242x1995, 7A6E9D6B-EDEC-43E5-9CD2-DCFE5D…)

I was expecting this to be a white knight but it’s pretty funny. He even included a pic at katsu with her.

No. 542371

Fucking roasted
It's pretty much confirmed she smells bad but it's always great to see people reaffirm it

No. 542372

File: 1530925376278.gif (2.29 MB, 275x180, 1511846689695.gif)

>she smells like microwaved olive toothpaste

No. 542374

Oh look matt took time out of his busy schedule of sucking his own “10 inch dick” on reddit to come here and white knight moo. Maybe try fluffing your lil dinkie before posting photos of it and revealing the truth.

No. 542375

File: 1530925798886.jpeg (211.12 KB, 738x1319, 7E6F6016-E2D0-4C6E-A439-B5475A…)

There she goes with the loli shit again

No. 542377

She always chooses the wrong time for this stuff.

No. 542379

File: 1530926136387.png (245.66 KB, 292x546, Screen Shot 2018-07-06 at 9.16…)

poor man probably didn't know she'd upload this or at least didn't know who she was. If I was him I'd ask her to remove it asap.

No. 542380

is this bitch for real? monster musume has tons of girls and she goes for the fucking loli? at this point i bet moo is actually into lolicon and not just doing it for the lulz and haters

No. 542381

His @ is in the photo, and asking for follows tho.

No. 542383

Actually, I just tried looking up the person she at with this, yeah they don't exist… So she videoed some random guy and the con making prints and included a name that belongs to no one… Bravo Momo

No. 542384

File: 1530926485445.jpeg (254.45 KB, 750x783, 29DC2111-971B-4837-8622-52E091…)

not that her age really matters I guess… I know gabby has cosplayed miia before but of course in a show of literal titty monsters latches on to papi

No. 542385

Yeah, that's what I thought, then I tried to look it up and the @ doesn't exist, not on insta or twitter.

No. 542386

i personally hate when any short or smaller anime girl is branded as a loli.

No. 542388

yay for derailing but you know damn well thats what these "of age" characters with loli bodies are designed for, anon please

No. 542391

>Monster Musume
Has she ever shown interest before? Seems pretty odd to bring up a relatively stale FOTM show/manga/trend.

No. 542392

File: 1530927203954.png (12.17 KB, 585x100, fghg.png)

No. 542393

papi acts like a child and is constantly treated like a child,she's only 24 so people who fap to her can say she's legal

No. 542395

Hot dog water. kek

No. 542396

I knew this was going to happen. I hope someone recorded it

No. 542397

>>542392 I wonder what it'll be like tomorrow for her.

No. 542398

who cares. more women have those bodies, especially in japan, than they do big titty mosnter bodies.

No. 542399


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 542400

Did anyone see her at the Fate meet outside or was she a no show?

No. 542401

I nominate some variation of "#mootoo" or "Moo gets the AX" as the edition.

No. 542402

Votes for next op? This has been whirlwind

No. 542403

File: 1530927951495.png (358.6 KB, 1242x2208, 303E40C6-B4DB-4022-AE26-E07890…)

So I found this under a post about Mariah and I think this is actually quite interesting and worth discussing. I don’t want to turn this into something about Nigri but let’s be honest; Momokun copies all of her behavior from Jessica and she too has the same “Pervy anime boy” mentality to satisfy her fans. She hasn’t and will never be crucified for it, however, because she is hot. Mom is any easy target to turn on because even her most dedicated fanboys deep down think she is a disgusting tramp.

No. 542404

No show. There's another tomorrow so we'll see about that one

No. 542408

also momolester like some anon said earlier

No. 542416

Hey momo. hows the fire in hell feeling this time of year??

No. 542417


any of these for next thread pic, honestly

No. 542426

Everyone forgets about Nigri's past antics as she's nowhere near as much of a narcissistic shit show as Moo. She's loved too much while Momolester has been a cunt from day one and has done nothing to improve.

No. 542428

I vote for this one.

No. 542431

should post the untranslated version so we can read and translate.

No. 542434

This. Some anon might be able to read it.

No. 542439

So you're telling me that sexual harassment requires multiple occurrences, Spam-kun? So we should start saying "Momo sexually battered" people to be legally accurate?

No. 542441

File: 1530928695182.jpeg (996.94 KB, 1242x1827, 3EC66665-A9FD-4892-846A-BEB7D9…)

No. 542445

pariah mallad

No. 542447

He's basically saying that he wanted to be touched (inappropriately) by momo.

No. 542448

Yeah I’m not fluent but what I gather is … he just sounds like one of her fans

No. 542449

Don't worry about it. It's a anon who is upset that Moo is even in /pt/. Just wait til their shit is removed.

No. 542450

File: 1530929225389.jpg (49.94 KB, 1137x640, FB_IMG_1530929228655.jpg)

No. 542451

What the fuck? Her fans are sick.

No. 542452

File: 1530929265179.jpg (53 KB, 1137x640, FB_IMG_1530929231555.jpg)

No. 542454

File: 1530929283551.jpg (50.14 KB, 1137x640, FB_IMG_1530929234157.jpg)

No. 542455

Yea my bad didn’t realize the mods were so quick. A+ work!

No. 542456

File: 1530929327502.jpg (49.15 KB, 1137x640, FB_IMG_1530929238977.jpg)

No. 542457

i think that it may actually be moo. this weird shit happens so consistently when this type of drama is going on.

No. 542458

File: 1530929378588.jpg (47.96 KB, 1137x640, FB_IMG_1530929241280.jpg)

No. 542459

File: 1530929404159.jpeg (535.41 KB, 1143x1530, CA9D56FB-1EDC-4D99-8A58-9A01EC…)

No. 542460

I didn't know that the mods were looking so closely at the thread either. They're doing pretty great with the thread.

I love that they're using DragonballZ against her.

No. 542461

Oh this is good lol.

No. 542462

Holy fuck I just noticed her hands,this NEEDS to be the next thread pic. It’s perfect.

No. 542463


A farmhand on /meta/ said it was an anon who posted on Discord that alerted them to it.

Plot twist: Momo lurks the discord too.

No. 542464

yeah he's mocking people coming forward with shit momo did to them by saying how mad he was because momo didn't scam or touch him

silly, she didn't want to fuck you then and she won't want to fuck you

No. 542465

File: 1530929784745.jpeg (148.35 KB, 750x1111, 73073941-BBC5-44C5-B37A-431BF1…)

No. 542466

File: 1530929805394.jpeg (180.89 KB, 750x1135, C8D40BE1-0E49-425E-BDA1-705725…)

No. 542467

File: 1530929837118.jpeg (182.93 KB, 750x1146, 29DABD9F-B0EB-4AA3-8659-E11207…)

Holly wolf and Nicole Marie jean defending her

No. 542468

Odd how her Latino fans are so ignorant of her blatant racism toward them? Are they just that low that they don’t even care.

No. 542469

latino dudes would be happy being fucked and murdered by someone they thought was attractive.

No. 542470

Typical ignorant coscunts who think their precious Moo did no harm. Too bad their mentality won't help their friend this time.

No. 542471

Day 2 of the con. Hasn’t even gone yet. Based on her stories too I didn’t seem like she went inside the con proper, just the inside of th building but outside h expo halls.

No. 542472

File: 1530930101794.jpg (615.9 KB, 1137x8320, merge_from_ofoct (1).jpg)


(I tried posting these one by one but my computer kept fucking up)

No. 542473


lmao I love this, holy shit.

No. 542474

It's also funny how they're quick to defend Moo on Facebook in the comment section, but nowhere on their other social media like the cowards they actually are.

No. 542476

if they're safe in moo's comment section they won't get btfo.

No. 542477

It's insane to me how much the irony is lost on these idiots. They're defending Momo, someone who is always condescending with her "sweeties" and her "dears", and tags people left and right and argues with them publicly, never in dms where it could resolved peacefully. She's always gotta make a spectacle of things, but it's okay when she does it. This guy is just giving her the same kind of treatment and they're all defensive about it. How daft can you be?

No. 542478

my guess is language barrier, they don't actually watch her stories unless her boobs are in sight and they don't feel that some cosplay drama in the usa is gonna affect the

No. 542479

File: 1530930753839.jpeg (308.61 KB, 1229x1765, 7623E520-2FEE-4C5E-99DA-07CA4E…)

No. 542480

thats cause the people who defend her are just mini versions of her. she's really good at attracting shitty people to her, but it's all she has left now.

No. 542481

Technically, she wasn't kicked out - because she wasn't allowed in in the first place.

Nicole clearly doesn't even read or listen to what Mariah posts. Maybe she even has ADHD too and just forgot.

No. 542482

File: 1530930897323.jpeg (252.74 KB, 1242x1176, 00C5D25D-4930-4B82-B4D4-7CBE31…)

Comments under her FB profile pic

No. 542483

Holy shit…Itachi Reznor is the last fucking person that should be attacking momokun. His backlog of innapropriate behavior rivals hers.

No. 542484

i really wish they hunted nigri like they are doing with moo but indeed it will never happen.

No. 542485


Lol. So I guess this confirms she wasn’t even allowed in if she hasn’t even gone in yet. That ain’t much better Moo, even if you weren’t dragged out kicking and screaming that’s still pathetic.

She really thinks she told him off didn’t she? “Ummm actually, I wasn’t kicked out so I don’t know what you are talking about. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet”. More like your badges got snatched from your sexual harassing ass and you weren’t allowed to enter so you ghosted outside and begged for photos with whatever random neckbeards that don’t hate your guts at this point.

And of course Holly is still kissing her ass. She was one of the cunts Moomoo sent out to gaslight the girl whose prop she had kicked. Always remember Moo’s calves motto: Trash attracts trash.

No. 542486


Yeah lol this confirms what we all knew, she's just been hiding in her room since the shit went down. I'm still surprised she hasn't just gone home, but I guess that would truly be admitting defeat for her.

No. 542487

Good thing we have these handy checkboxes!

No. 542488

Didnt she go to the dealers room earlier today?

No. 542489

Then who has her phone in >>542285

No. 542491

I wouldn't put it past Moo to have one of her calves go out to the con floor with her phone to make out everything is going swell and she's having a grand time. Makes sense why we saw new friends we've never seen before in the story too.

No. 542492

Everytime she responds it reminds me of this vine

No. 542493

That shit is still embarrassing Momo.
"I wasn't kicked out! I was never allowed inside in the first place! Get your facts straight hatur"

No. 542494

pre-fame she did. Before she was famous she wanted to cosplay the mermaid. Both Gabby and ThorneChan are the only cosplayers I know that are super into that show though so I don't know why she is faking an interest now

No. 542495

Doesn't pay to be friends with trash when now Moo's calves are being called out on Twitter for standing by her.

No. 542496

Which ones?

No. 542498

This was 7 hours ago. So yes, she has been in the dealers hall today

No. 542501

File: 1530933258910.jpg (307.44 KB, 1079x1037, Screenshot_20180706-201428_Ins…)


No. 542502

HollyTWolf and Vamplette. It showed up in the original comment Bunny posted when all this kicked off, can't find it anymore though in shitloaf of replies it has.

No. 542503

File: 1530933502232.jpeg (53 KB, 480x348, 1BD5806F-66F4-4CF6-BE6C-FE4DC8…)

Facebook is going in

No. 542505

Brilliant! Please next thread photo. haha

No. 542506


next thread pic pleeeease

No. 542507

I vote this
As great as >>542501 is, it’s not a recent pic

No. 542508

File: 1530933764094.png (115.37 KB, 207x242, atpRtsd.png)

I love this

No. 542509

File: 1530933823484.png (35.91 KB, 613x331, Screenshot 2018-07-06 at 8.23.…)

Posting the rest in the calves thread but Momoakuma is triggered she did not get the reception she wanted by commenting on Moo's sexual assault cases.

No. 542510

These memes of Momo are great. Keep it up, guys.

No. 542511

Lol well done anon.

No. 542513

This is the one for sure

No. 542515

No. 542516

No "Recent" section?

No. 542518


Terrible thread. None of her recent shit is there

No. 542519

I thought so too but it's near the top.

No. 542520


It's at the top of the thread since the bottom of the thread gets cut off when viewing it from the front page of /pt/

No. 542521

This is confusing to read. Please put it back and relink it

No. 542522

Damn y’all are whiny, just post shit and shut up

No. 542524

>She is currently walking around Anime Expo in a Susu cosplay that fell apart in less than an hour and woke up at 3pm on Day 2.
what is this about

No. 542526

Lmao I can delete the thread and y'all can make a new one, figured no one was stepping up to the plate since the thread is about to lock in 14 more posts after this.

No. 542529

Who cares, a new one will most likely need to be made in 2 days anyway

No. 542671


She misspelled his handle. See his sign that says mr_kmatsuno.

No. 542718

If i'm being honest, even a restraining order could ruin her. Lisa lou who's got overturned in court and she still can't find work or get hired at events anymore because of it, or so she says on twitter

No. 542720

shes got her friended on her fbook as well

No. 542735

File: 1530982664094.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.99 KB, 1080x1080, 35618070_428596140956373_66694…)

Does anyone have this set? please(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 544529

File: 1531154503084.png (50.39 KB, 567x521, Untitled.png)

The remaining remnants of friends of Momo. They haven't made official announcements on their page to defend her, but will still hangout with her and cheer her up privately.

No. 544531

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No. 545220

Their scared of the backlash they might get from whitenighting her.
Also I am surprised she lasted this long.
She didn't start really doing anything really stupid till she met Jessica Nigiri Spring of last year during a cosplay meetup.
Either way im happy she's getting what she deserves for what she's done like insulting and lying to the cosplayer community. Just wish that JNIG and Holly Wolf would get called out for the BS thay have caused for the few years.

No. 545475

Nicolette is the biggest ass kisser and social climber alive,

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