File: 1531630906526.png (424.79 KB, 900x506, moolesterjester.png)

No. 548719
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>546765Facebook: BANNED FOREVER
Patreon: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, xmariahmalladx, momoscats
Twitch: Stories Archive: Drive: Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
The Basics:
>Originally 'thicc Samus' with 2+ lipo sessions now trying keep some semblance of a figure (and failing miserably) all while lying by saying she's exercising >So laughably bad at making cosplays; gets 90% of costumes commissioned/bought and then makes gloves so she can credit herself as a talented cosplayer and claim her money is "hard-earned" >Does "boudoir"/softcore porn shoots to hide how shitty her costumes are>Thinks she's hot shit; delusional about her level of fame where she'll loiter around booths/other cosplayers or pretend to be a con guest>Has to beg for money, con passes, or just ghosts at cons despite +$10k/month on Patreon, not above bullying staff to get a free 'Professional' badge>Pretends to know about the series she cosplays, despite evidence proving otherwise; will tweet profound essays to prove her expert fan knowledge>Has lewded young characters for the attention; backpedals after backlash >Goes on crazy media tirades against people like old fuckboy KBBQ, old photog, yet preaches about being nice to everyone>Constantly goes on pity party rants or videos, trying to make people feel bad for her about things that are happening to her when she’s done the same>Lies about attending college even in the face of mountains of evidence proving otherwise>Rips off a dress design from indie designer MyOppa, denies it and has yet to make an "official statement" about her blatant bullshit>Also rips of well-known hentai character as her original character and mascot, once again denies it >Yes, her photos are being used for a KIK FOR FAT ad >apparently "used to lift", was sorely butthurt when multiple liftfags told her that her body form was dangerously off>wants to be a fattie cosplayer messiah in her echo chamber of yes menRecent:
>Vamp works hard for that sweet, sweet nosejob money by messaging Nanasushibear, asking why she was "lying" about Moo's bullying>Whiteknights and Moo start flagging Youtube videos exposing her shitty antics>Zach Fischer (shitty armor fan artist to the cos-gods) denounces Moo, regrets making Moana armor picture for her>Philip Defranco blesses us with a Momokun video. Anons suspect that both Moo and Vamp followed him IMMEDIATELY to guilt trip and backpedal him.>Vamplettes takes Moo out on the town because she's victim being cyberbullied :[>Apparently re-did her apology video ~3 times~ only to release a shitty copy/paste apology to her instagram>is cosplaying Albedo because she is an unimaginative Moomookunt No. 548720
File: 1531631007558.png (1.92 MB, 1812x1848, goofing off.png)

No. 548723
>>548720No need for me to say it, that photo already does. Mariah is always lying even when she's put in the hot seat and tons of people are watching and waiting to catch her in a lie to use against her. She falls into the pit every time and makes herself look even more pathetic than she did mere hours before.
And even though Gabby's statement gives credibility to Nana's, she's not going to apololie.
No. 548725
File: 1531631339304.jpeg (155.29 KB, 640x602, 911F82F5-3483-4F87-A4EE-B4AA78…)

Reposting cause what a cunt
No. 548726
>>548720I don't think she realized exactly how closely people are going to start scrutinizing her now. Lolcow was one thing, but now way more people know who she is which means way more people are going to be nosier about what she's doing and what she's up to.
Her existence is going to be a constant stream of people checking every. single. word she says. She's going to spend more time blocking and deleting comments than actually producing content.
No. 548727
File: 1531631347340.jpg (487.8 KB, 1362x900, Screenshot_20180714-214535.jpg)

Throwing this out here just to preserve it since Moo is deleting comments
No. 548728
File: 1531631388479.jpeg (132.26 KB, 750x461, D4F1D939-B339-4E01-A890-38BD40…)

She’s so full of shit. How are you going to apologize but then like a comment like this?
No. 548729
File: 1531631426046.jpeg (301.57 KB, 750x1203, EEE812A1-0B8E-44E6-9891-D296BB…)

Here’s it showing she liked the comment calling people immature cunts
No. 548730
>>548724I don't think anyone's falling for it this time, anon. She waited far too long, contradicted herself and only said "not blaming ADHD" cause she was backed into a corner and looked hella retarded for saying it in the first place.
>>548725I still don't understand why she would even say something like this after seeing how many people, even Zach Fischer, are supporting Nana. It makes her look like a petty cunt who doesn't like being wrong. So…it makes her look like her true self.
No. 548735
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No. 548739
File: 1531631750782.png (3.03 KB, 704x46, BINGO.PNG)

bingo anon don't forget
this isn't a video, we fuckin' won my dudes jajaja
No. 548742
>>548741Because narcissists do what the public demands, not what the heart demands.
If she was sorry, she'd apologize to everyone without holding hostility.
No. 548751
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No. 548758
>>548755Give it time anon something will pop up eventually.
Where's Amber? I'm sure she'll love to see how Moo will never apologize to her friend despite the evidence proved that she's the abuser.
No. 548761
>>548758 Mariah is hellbent on bullying Nana out of the cosplay community. Completely disregarded any inappropriate touching of Nana. Instead, she insists on sticking to her guns about what happened whenever Nana apparently passed out and didn't get to be a part of a group shot. It's sickening.
This shit has me livid. The audacity of Momo, combined with the stupidity of her white knights almost ruined my faith in humanity.
At least I have you guys. Thanks, anons.
No. 548762
File: 1531633889970.jpeg (524.56 KB, 1125x1122, A4131F94-54BB-443D-BD66-62A4D5…)

She’s seen it.
No. 548764
>>548756She's doing it because she thought that Nana would pull the statement after she released the text messages. Nana didn't so Mariah's going to what she does best which is going into full cunt mode.
>>548755I do hope that they'll say something because right now it makes them look like they believe Mariah's shitty apology despite her already saying that she's not really sorry and attacking Nana for speaking out against her.
No. 548766
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jfc cucknoodles
No. 548767
>>548758I’m here and I’m beside myself.
I’m not very sure what to do.. nor do I want to tell nana just yet.
Trying to not panic for the sake of staying strong for my friend.
No. 548770
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No. 548771
>>548765That guy isn't even looking at her. He looks like he's going towards the light ready to meet Jesus cause she's crushing him to death.
>>548767Tell Nana not to let that droopy looking cunt bully her. She's much stronger than Mariah is and if she leaves like Mariah wants her to then Mariah is going to see that bullying works and will continue doing it. Show her how far her statement spread and so she sees that she has a huge support system.
No. 548772
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No. 548774
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No. 548776
>>548771I had kept her updated with all the positive and traction her statement gained. She wasn’t really planning on coming back to social media other than maybe twitter here and there to update everyone so her silence is just her living a nice life.
I just don’t want What happened last time to happen again even though she’s already offline for the most part.
I can’t watch my friend spiral again because of her.
No. 548778
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>>548773It's like a really terrible looking mtf who still looks mostly male
No. 548780
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>>548763Come on bud…these aren't even good edits by amateur standards
There are a bounty of fucks up in this shoot
No. 548781
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>>548767TBH Amber, you both did the right thing. I think for Nana's sake say nothing for now.
No. 548786
File: 1531634496345.png (444.71 KB, 585x554, Screenshot 2018-07-14 at 11.02…)

rip mikey for trying to construct her ass
No. 548789
File: 1531634603885.jpg (413.72 KB, 1024x768, tinfoilhat[1].jpg)

theory: mariah herself leaks the dropbox links to distract from current controversy
No. 548790
>>548782>>548781Thank you guys,
I hope we made an impact and people are aware of who this women as.
We never expected an apology from her, we just wanted it known how she treats people she “loves.”
No. 548791
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No. 548794
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>>548789Nuh they'll be deleted in a sec
Also she looks autistic. I'm hollering
No. 548796
File: 1531634878643.png (1.08 MB, 1168x831, mariah cat.png)

>>548787this is absolutely one of my favourite mariah pics. the butchered and crooked wig. the special needs thousand yard stare. the zoidber belly. the cameltoe. the feet. she is my muse
No. 548800
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>>548795The majority of her fans are just disgusting.
No. 548801
File: 1531635019093.png (549.01 KB, 373x660, 6f393681e1de05dd5cf3b23f5273a9…)

never forget
No. 548802
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>>548781Expectation vs reality
No. 548803
File: 1531635118057.png (126.22 KB, 267x320, Screenshot 2018-07-14 at 11.12…)

>>548770link was deleted? or?
>>548771ganbatte gingerkun
No. 548804
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>>548771As it progresses you can see he's trying to find which exit will give him the highest chance of escaping.
No. 548810
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Oh boy, here we go…
No. 548816
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Poor Carrie
No. 548818
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>>548808Here's character ref.
No. 548822
File: 1531635996992.gif (2.85 MB, 366x274, kurt hose.gif)

>>548810I wasn't too worried. We just have to be patient and I know all of the concerned parties are going to respond.
And if Jane is already coming out swinging then you can pretty much guess what the general reaction is going to be.
No. 548828
>>548822wrestling kun, is kurts whole fucking gimmick milk based or what the hell dont think im not noticing the consistent wrasslin gifs
>>548826someone record that shit, i am too dumb and hate insta
No. 548830
File: 1531636138728.png (11.16 KB, 539x108, teaaa.png)

Never change, moo.
No. 548834
>>548826 Noticed this as well, anon. She's in her full sociopathic, unapologetic glory as we speak. She's smiling, laughing, and doing goody voices. No subtlety or sincerity behind her words.
I can't imagine how passed off the girls must be over this.
Hello to Amber if she's still here, on a side note.
No. 548839
File: 1531636515873.png (5.63 MB, 1242x2208, 80A026CF-3E92-407B-8F79-066AB1…)

She posted a bunch of shit in her story. If anyone can transcribe to save us please do. But basically she’s getting comfy and brave again saying I love you all, there’s so many lies, etc. Also still no bed sheets, disgusting.
No. 548840
File: 1531636541227.jpeg (Spoiler Image,115.08 KB, 853x1280, H0qT6dqA.jpeg)

People actually pay for this?!
No. 548843
>>548839That cat is like, "Please end my suffering so I can finally leave this bitch."
She's only making herself look fake and dumb. "I'm sorry to everyone who I molested."
ten seconds later "So many lies my dudes"
No. 548845
>>548826Even her explaining what's going to be on the video just seems so disinterested and unapologetic, I really hope this doesn't die.
Also I like how she says she doesn't care what people say when she's been frantically deleting peoples comments day and night. Really shows you don't care momokunt.
No. 548847
>>548828Unable to record either. Basic jist is:
“Thank you all for your support uwu”
Says “I love you guys, but not in a sexual way”. Still making true same jokes she did in her “apology”. Shows she isn’t fucking sorry and still thinks it will all blow over
“I’m the the biggest scapegoat in the community right now so people can say anything about me and people will believe it”
“Y’all don’t know me, I know who I am as a person and I don’t care what anything thinks about me”
“A lot of people aren’t really speaking up to help but to pretty much dogpile on me right now because they already didn’t like me”.
Listed about three cons she says she’s not attending (Pax, SDCC and another I didn’t quite catch), still plans to attend other cons later in the year (Mentioned Blizzcon)
Addressed the dipshit in her comments that accused her of drunkenly fingering another girl (Which I think was the impetus for this rant and an out she is trying to take: One person falsely accused me of something so now I can use this to say “See?! This isn’t about helping people! Hey are just out to get me!!!!”.
Bitch keeps reiterating how “I’m not trying to play the victim”, yet she keep bringing up excuses and deflecting.
No. 548849
>>548787Is this a genuine set from her patreon?
It's just so terrible it cannot actually be one.
No. 548850
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>>548831You know, for someone who loves to cry about "snakes" she sure does cater to the one eyed type a lot.
No. 548851
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No. 548855
>>548850I like what you did there, anon.
>>548851As always, Mariah's picking another fight soon after a fake apology.
No. 548858
>>548826She's using her IG story right now to make excuses for herself and contradict everything her video "tomorrow" (a "short, monotone version" of her written statement) is going to say. She's not apologetic in the slightest, and it's infuriating watching her do her Jenna Marbles imitation while smirking and talking shit out of one side of her mouth.
She's complete trash, STILL making jokes about how she loves people but NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY YOU GUYS HEHEHE. I hope this manic IG story spam keeps escalating and she directly mentions Nana or the ~6 names she's been avoiding saying.
No. 548861
File: 1531637310826.jpeg (922.54 KB, 1242x1540, janecallout.jpeg)

Jane was the one who originally called Moo out saying that Mariah wouldn't do shit at AX if she was publicly confronted. And that's pretty much been true. As soon as everything happened Moo fake cried and hid in her room and she's been hiding ever since.
No. 548863
File: 1531637362319.jpeg (78.2 KB, 1024x682, _YONFkZA.jpeg)

When she does her stupid hentai face next to a normal person it becomes even more evident how bad she is at making expressions and how crazy she looks. This is nightmare fuel yet some people are stupid enough to pay for it. At this point I'm betting half of her patrons have forgotten they even pledge to her and the other half is legit retarded.
No. 548864
File: 1531637389780.png (211.12 KB, 347x661, Screenshot 2018-07-14 at 11.26…)

Transcript incoming:
>I just wanna tell you guys I love you so much, um, thank you for all the [inaudible] responses on my post. You guys rock. Thank you for all your support and, yaknow, ah - I'll be releasing the video ..tomorrow? I believe?
>Colette came over and helped me film it because the camera I was using wasn't autofocusing and it was driving me insane so I needed someone to literally come over, press the record button and have it focus on me because I couldn't…that is [sigh]
>Essentially it's a shorter version of what I've written as a written statement just so that you guys can see me. And I stayed VERY monotone in the video causeIjust-
>Didn't want to look like I was crying for attention orrr anything -it's like, I really like, …thiss kinda like I'm sorry. ((is trying to talk monotone but just sounds the same))
>so in the video, um, I look super shiny like I do right now because my A/C is broken anndd it really fucking sucks cause it's eightyyy…six degrees in the house right now
>For those who were asking about the break I was talking about on my post: I will not be attending San Diego Comiccon anymore. Um, I won't be attending RTX and I won't be attending PAX West.
>I will be act Dragoncon and Blizzcon this year, um possibly New York Comiccon..possibly. Uhh, yeah.
>It's hard and I'm not saying this to bring victimization to myself at all. I'm just sayin' it'd be hard for anybody. Um, but today, a lot better mindset and mentality talking to a lot of people and yeah
>Wore my comfort flannel. Everyone has a piece of clothing they like and my flannel happens to be one of those. It makes me happy, it makes me feel comfortable, [inaudible] make people feel like…fuck
>I hope that this is not just a lesson for myself but for a lot of people in the community since…it's not just me. There's…lots of other people guilty of this..and I hope- I HOPE…PLEASE LEARN FROM THIS
>Don't wanna see this happen to anyone else and if I have to be a martyr for this, for myself and lots of other people who're gonna learn their lessons, so be it. Shit needs to be discussed. Shit needs to be talked about.
>At the end of the day I don't care too much about what people view me as…'cause I know who I am as a person. You don't know me but you can think you know me.
>And I know that I really like to cosplay and I really genuinely love people, LOVE people. Not like in a sexual way but like - I just, I care wholeheartedly for people. So, yeah, also Jaeda got cut like a lion and…she's so cute.
>And I understand right now that literally anyone can say anything about me and people will believe it 'cuz…I'm kind of a scapegoat right now for people. And I understand that, I get it, put the blame on me. I get it.
>There are actual, genuine concerns but there's a lot of people coming out of the woodworks with some bullshit
>I did not drunkenly finger a girl while she was drunk or passed out? What the fuck Reddit? What the fuck?The. Fuck.
>Alotta weird shit. A lot of weird shit..and I get it, I understand but be aware..please do not believe everything you read on the internet it's…not everything's true. I might not be true. Am I real?
>I've also seen people been using the video of me and missus Chief and I grabbed her boob…um she's actually said something about that so please stop using that as a video to say I assaulted her [insert cap of original post of Cheifyplays disclaimer]
>The girl I was tickling in the video during the interview was Colette and I have consent to tickle Colette.
>It's just like, weird, watching the video knowing alot of it was scripted ((no shit dumbass)) and people are so taking out of context like "oh god, oh boy"
>We should absolutely address serious concerns but be aware things are absolutely scripted and, uh, don't take things too seriously sometimes FOR YOUR PROOF
>Thank ya guys so much. Thank you for just wanting me to be a better person and wanting to see me make better decisions [kek sounds] I know I do. Um…you guys rock I love you.
>It's actually been a while since I've been actually able to like talk like this and able to make a Instagram story. It's… it's- it feels good to smile again. And it's been a while since I could.
>Literally been inside, crying and/or playing Fate Grand Order to …stop the tears. But still crying at the same time.
>Colette is best girl, so fucking much, bitch I love you. You muh girlfriend [kissy sound]
>So I'm not sure what everyone keeps talking about sponsors for some reason…I haven't lost any sponsors..I didn't even have any sponsors.
>So…for the meme going around right now…"do not blame sexual assault on ADHD". I only said I had it, because of that leaves alot of impulsiveness. I explained that I did not see that as an excuse. I was trying to give some context to where my idiocy comes from sometimes. But the memes are funny, I'm not gonna lie.
>There's one guy digging a hole [disgusting laugh] he was digging a fucking hole and, uh, he was saying stuff and..uh, jumps into it. I lost my mind
>I get it , we laugh at my expense I GET IT MAN I GET IT OKAY I GET IT
>[tags Vamps again] Bitch [kissy noise]
((..I need a small break…))
No. 548866
>>548847Still pushing the “don’t believe everything you read on the internet” bullshit. Still thinks this was all timed and planned
“I don’t know why everyone is saying I lost sponsorships. I’ve literally never heard a sponsor before”
Basically trying to debunk and clap back at everything that’s been said about her and trying to laugh it all off.
No. 548872
>>548864Bitch you were not going to go to either of those cons in the first place, and the only one you could of gotten away with your ghosting bullshit at was PAX.
Have fun festering in your room blitzed out of your mind at DragonCon and baking in the sun outside unloved at Blizzcon!
No. 548873
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>>548863she looks like michelle tanner in alternate timeline
No. 548875
>>548847So that without a doubt confirms that she probably told Philip Defranco that she thinks she's being witch hunted and used as a scapegoat.
What kind of actual sociopath
She actually is that crazy, wow
No. 548879
File: 1531637836560.jpg (20.78 KB, 230x221, IMG_5339.JPG)

On mobile so I can't load full res but wtf am i looking at???
No. 548880
>>548864>>548864How can she take a break during PAX West but still attend Dragoncon?
No. 548886
File: 1531638075216.jpg (43.67 KB, 400x411, 1528516420807.jpg)

>>548866>admits to doing it because muh ADHD>a week later backpedals>W-WITCH HUNTSo which one is it, Moomoo?
No. 548890
>>548864>Yeah, I hope you guys can understand what's sarcasm and what's not in these posts…um, I do take everything that happened seriously and I do really care what's happened…and, I just- [sigh] I miss you guys, I missed->Um, I will be kinda like pulling back a little bit from how much I post. Alot more will be on Patreon …uh, not that I'm advertising it I-I'm just saying >Please, also stop with the comments about saying "you can sexually assault me if you want". Don't..don't say that. That's…that's not okay. >So in the videos I'm laughing I'm not laughing at the situation…I'm..I'm laughing that people made JOKES out of it. In a serious situation, people made…jokes. That's what's funny. >I know there's baggage in my eyes, everyone keeps saying it, I know they're there. They're there. I haven't slept in three to four days …um I actually got sleep last night and that's why I think my mood has just changed incredibly.>I just wanted to talk to you guys. 'cause I genuinely did miss you guys and…it's been hard. I will be kinda like pulling back a little bit, like I said, um…won't be too active in posting and stuff. Uh, yeah>Like ..a few weeks so I can just…refocus myself. Figure out my values as a person and like.. what I know is good for me…to do.>It just felt good to kinda just talk and like…giggle. Maybe it's not the most appropriate time to do so…but, um, I know I really needed to. I needed to like… make myself laugh 'cause as someone who laughs as much->or like who laughs all the time and like loves to laugh and like genuinely smile its been really hard not to. I'm not trying to victimize myself like that cause I know there's [sigh] fuck, nothing I say is right now I understand>I know these videos as well will be taken out of context just-just let you know that I care, I really genuinely care…[sigh] more than I can really explain. And..I'm…Ijust really love you guys. No. 548894
>>548880Best part is that Jnig is going to Blizzcon as well.
>>548876The "sarcasm" she described sounded more like bitterness to me but yaknow
>>548893They were edited out. It's was her stretched out grey thong
No. 548907
>>548864Finally strengthened my stomach enough to watch some of these.
She doesn't sound sorry at all. She sounds like she's doing this as a formality or like it's a "business as usual" sort of thing.
No. 548909
>>548907It’s just like the one she gave during AX. Saying all the bullshit she thinks people want to hear from her, still trying to make jokes and laugh it off, still whining about “witch hunts” and “personal vendettas” and how “this shit was all planned”, still acting like she is the victim in all this.
She hasn’t learned a fucking thing.
No. 548917
>>548910That’s exactly what she is thinking
“Ok guys, I apologized. Can I be let back in now? Y’all didn’t really mean any of that stuff about me being cancelled, right?” Haha funny joke guys.”
Like that was all it takes and this was just a big laugh everyone had.
No. 548928
File: 1531640318552.png (10.37 MB, 1242x2208, 5185411E-3B33-48DB-91A6-698DDB…)

Yeah Momokunt, those lovely messages you’ve decided for your narrative.
No. 548933
>>548828Got it!
So here’s the link to the original apology and I wanna post this and see if anons do agree and see how much mental gymnastics she does^first apology during AX^followup to the official apology video she filmed and how fucking insufferable she is
No. 548943
>>548937I know but it’s fucking insane how not even a week ago she was saying it was “muh ADHD” to “ I wasn’t blaming my adhd it’s just what causes me to act stupid >> hurrdurr those memes tho amirite guys”
Also when she was talking about one meme her eyes began to water and tried to play it off as laughing
No. 548944
File: 1531641109669.jpeg (290.24 KB, 750x1161, 1531629316536.jpeg)

>I am very thankful for their responses.
Did anyone bother comparing this to the old script screen cap? Cause I was under the impression no one fucking replied aside from dragging her further.
No. 548947
>>548943 I'm under the impression that she's trying to act unusually eccentric and quirky in order to add validity to her ADHD claims.
I know Mariah has been open about various things in the past (marijuana use, drinking, and cigarettes at one point), and yet I can't seem to find anything that indicates she admitted to having ADHD, or takes medication/gets treatment for it.
So not only does she perform mental gymnastics, she's secretly trying to set the Guinness world record for the most lies ever told by a human being prior to the age of 25.
No. 548961
File: 1531642824942.png (617.63 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180715-041841.png)

She's adding to her IG story again. The bong is cashed out, so now she's mumbling about fake interactions inspired by a series of fake private messages.
Meanwhile, I'm distracted by her herpes.
No. 548964
File: 1531643052495.png (1.29 MB, 750x1334, 728B07E1-F04E-4C8E-91A5-7AB2DE…)

Her skin. I wanna pop that zit above her lip
So bad.
No. 548967
File: 1531643440058.jpg (969.02 KB, 1062x847, ew.jpg)

>>548879I guess she was wearing something looks like it was just badly melted into her skin to hide the lines around the plastic
No. 548968
>>548725>>548702Even if she feels so good that she proved nana being wrong (but Mariah that’s not the impression you give to people, you manipulative twat); she never denied or addressed the point in which nana claimed to be sexually assaulted by her. Which is like the whole point?
Let’s say she “lied” about Mariah being a shitty friend, she was still molested. But since she turned on Mariah, Nana Doesn’t deserve an apology? Hands all over her body are the payment for her confession?
That’s not really how it works. And if I got it right, she can’t even say she never touched nana because it was her who was groped before that Lucoa cosplayer, right?
She’s so full of shit, dear lord…
No. 548973
>>548964That eye roll she does at the beginning where she starts talking about the DM she got is so telling, she really doesn't give a shit about this and is just trying to get ass pats now.
She's so scummy.
No. 548975
>>548961>Just got done talking to someone in my DMs who was very upset withme still..And, um, they told me that they went through some assault as well in their life>Um, this person was very…vigorous, relentless at me ..[inaudible] ignore it, I'm gunna talk to this person. I realize that this person really->has been affected by what has happened…and I don't want people to think I'm "getting away" with something negative or something bad cause that's not the case at all. Um->Because this is going to follow me the rest of my life. No matter if it's 100 people or 1 person saying it- the rest of my life, it's going to. It's on the internet, it's there forever. Um, I'm gonna have to learn to like, talk about this. >I want…to talk about this. I want this to be something to be discussed. Y'know, that …the stigma that "it's okay because it's a girl" is not okay anymore. I don't think it's->I don't think if it's a guy it should be more vicious and worse punishments. Grr.>I think with intent it's important. Malicious versus, like, playful or like an idiot myself to be put into account->People should just be…people that's getting away with something should be aware that people deserve chances or um - though I've had my fair share - um, especially with situations like this>I'm very appreciative of them though there's been like people like -[inaudible] I'm sorry similar cases that's happened not understanding boundries not as severe as mine but >That not understanding boundaries thing. And I feel like that is a prominent situation like I've had like - for example - I have a male friend who would slap my ass constantly at cons. >I just pulled him aside one day and I was like "hey man I don't really want you to do that to me anymore. I don't really like it" Anndd, we were basically cool after that and still hang out to this day. >Most situations can be handled like that…um, 'cause I know his intent wasn't to be like [creeper tongue flick] but you know not everyone can be like that sooo here we are>I wanted to touch base on that I don't agree with that double standard …um, yeahh. I dunno, there's so much I wanna say. >Care. I care alot. I want to spread a positive narrative and I want people to know positive narrative. I don't want to spread a fucking bad narrative. I don't want to be negative. I don't want to be a bad person. I don't wanna do bad shit.>When bad shit happens, I wanna fucking make an example of myself.I don't want people to learn from me. I don't want people like "ho ho, got awayyy " No. I don't wanna do that shit. >Be like I have alot of things I need to think about, and I'm proud of myself having this new mindset it's good. I felt like yaknow, I'll just come out of hiding but no I've alot to do No. 548979
>>548976Bunny said that she had just met Mariah so she wasn't even chummy with her yet.
She didn't know the girl that she embarrassed by putting a megaphone to her vag either.
No. 548980
File: 1531644370090.jpg (90.82 KB, 599x759, tipster.JPG)

Good to see that many people understand how fake and staged her entire "apology" is.
No. 548982
File: 1531644479812.png (1.1 MB, 1320x728, 859.png)

No. 548983
File: 1531644594851.png (17.73 KB, 482x344, 858.png)

>>548982Looks like her antics are becoming standard knowledge
No. 548990
>>548988Hey new person, this is Mariah being obnoxious as usual. Try not to let her enrage you.
Try not to use any emojis here so you don't get in any trouble.
No. 548995
File: 1531645549364.png (183.52 KB, 609x781, 218146.png)

>>548994Dropped image, sorry.
No. 549004
>>548975wait what, the 'intent' matters?
by that logic if someone raped you because they 'love' you its a-okay or what?
No. 549005
File: 1531646598873.png (168.23 KB, 720x935, Screenshot_2018-07-15-02-21-23…)

Chasin that money
No. 549014
File: 1531647507760.png (1.88 MB, 1242x2208, 6E84106A-1846-419F-8000-A5FA66…)

Cheeky bitch really posted this lol
No. 549025
File: 1531650535345.jpg (565.55 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180715-032759_Ins…)

No. 549027
File: 1531650805140.jpg (223.05 KB, 1268x741, touchy touchy hooo hoooo.jpg)

Let's put that useless and terrible shoot to good use.
No. 549028
>she didn't attack anyone …. mmmmhhh you sure? Pathetic and stupid people belong to Moo, they deserve it.
>>549027a masterpiece
No. 549032
>>549025>she recognized there was an issue and is confronting thatWrong. She's only 'confronting' because she backed her flat ass into a corner and can't get out
>something that is mature and new to MariahWhy the fuck is she talking about her like she's legitimately got autism??
>she didn't attack anyone, she didn't call anyone out or put the blame on anyone elseDid she wake up from a coma yesterday and decide to defend Moo? Bitch has done literally every part of that sentence.
This is embarrassing to see people reaching so hard to defend her when they choose to turn a blind eye to her actions, really not letting her do this so called 'growing' by licking her asshole.
No. 549036
File: 1531652823920.jpg (232.99 KB, 1280x1239, touching.jpg)

No. 549045
File: 1531656486337.png (109.67 KB, 1080x731, IMG_20180715_130142.png)

Oh yeah, forgot to post this one.
This cunt…
No. 549051
File: 1531657423947.png (495.7 KB, 581x951, Caps.png)

>>549049Samefag idk if this was already posted.
Also cap of the original tweet.
No. 549060
File: 1531660647534.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180715-151552.png)

>>549054Hope this is enough. I did record it too but I'm not gonna expose myself on here. I can transcribe it but I will not post it anywhere.
No. 549061
>>549057>>549058If she has (and I'm saying that with a strong "IF"), wouldn't she have more sympathy towards her victims? Wouldn't she be more aware of not touching people without their permission, ESPECIALLY since she constantly harps on about not wanting people to photograph or touch her?
I hate people who magically claim illness, trauma or tragedy when it's of use to them.
No. 549064
File: 1531661015919.png (121.43 KB, 1076x771, 20180715_092029.png)

The wording of this. "They didn't reach out to me "
As with any victim of sexual assault,the Victim has to have a nice, loving talk with their Attacker to make their Attacker feel better.
Fuck. Outta. Here
No. 549065
File: 1531661070162.png (41.81 KB, 578x184, Screen Shot 2018-07-15 at 9.24…)

Not sure if this was already posted here but there have been more people coming out on twitter about Moolester bullying, harassing, assaulting and being a straight up cunt to people.
No. 549079
File: 1531664427813.png (686.79 KB, 1584x844, rapelies.png)

For the record this is the only screenshots left of when Moo lied about being raped.
No. 549087
File: 1531667984810.gif (Spoiler Image,704.78 KB, 455x247, a0f19613b5b3c0bdf058a9ae299a3e…)

Here's a shocker to Momo and her fan base
no one is obligated to accept a fake apology that is still throwing blame around and deflecting!
No. 549094
File: 1531668953319.jpg (60.56 KB, 720x708, 89e.jpg)

>>549014She just refuses to be held accountable.
No. 549100
File: 1531670442425.jpeg (197.68 KB, 998x1682, F480A2C9-2089-4328-B6C5-50D4C0…)

No. 549107
>>549105These caps look like someone who is just not having her apology honestly lol. She's apologizing over and over again and the other person is telling her to fuck herself. It kind of looks petty.
I'm not sure how I feel about the situation, I don't like how she took so long to even acknowledge that what she did was fucked up, she threw so much shade at Bunny and kept cryptically trash talking people who were "sad and jealous of her success" but in reality it was because of all of this stuff.
Like she just thought she was honestly this big famous cosplayer who everyone hated because they were jealous. Someone pumped her up so much and fed her so much egotistical bullshit that this is what she honestly thought until her little collabs got pulled away from her. Then she decided to acknowledge she did something wrong.
And she's still using her passive agressive "im sorry you feel that way". Its stil so FUCKING MANIPULATIVE that shes sorry people have feelings that they shouldnt.
I dunno. Again we will see. She will apologize and if she ever publicly goes back on her bullshit again people will disown her for good. Her career is on a thread right now.
No. 549139
>>549136Yeah. It definitely seems like this was someone she kisses up to and who’s opinion she actually cares about. She’s pretty throwing out all the “I’m soooo sorry! please forgive me!!!” stops with this person and they just aren’t having it. If this were one of her calves trying to leave her she’d absolutely be trying to shame them into staying and using her usual “I’m so sad you actually believe all these mean things people are saying about me” and she’s completely ignore it if this were some random who messaged her.
How hilarious would it be if this was Mama Nigri?
No. 549151
>>549148It’s like she doesn’t know what an actual apology is. She thinks she can just say “I’m sorry” and all is instantly forgiven and forgotten.
You are not entitled to their forgiveness you stupid cow. Not now, not ever. And attempting to guilt them into it makes you look like even more of a slimy cunt.
No. 549153
I wish someone would though cause Mariah thinks she's getting away with it.
No. 549154
File: 1531675910511.png (519.47 KB, 432x915, Screenshot_2018-07-15-10-30-28…)

No. 549162
>>549150Because lawsuits are very expensive and often reap little to no rewards if the person lives basically in abject poverty like Moo does (Despite what people think, she doesn’t make nearly as much as everyone thinks she does) so lawyers may not even take the case.
The most they can hope for is a restraining order against her.
No. 549177
>>549166There are tons of 'jobs' that dont usually last 10 years ESPECIALLY in the 'entertainment industry'. How many actors, models, musicians from ten years ago are still relevant?
Also even if she was in school? Degrees dont mean shit in the current job climate without job experience and she's only worked at starbucks and got fired because she was doing ero-cosplay (Sorry I mean she totally left on her own and they threw a party for her and everyone loves her all the time forever)
No. 549184
File: 1531677557692.jpeg (285.97 KB, 750x933, CB26323E-AF71-4804-860D-BB2D70…)

Another day. Another accuser coming forward. She really is the Bill Cosby of cosplay.
No. 549187
File: 1531677984485.jpeg (56.25 KB, 750x275, 4B215650-3290-4705-A26E-9773F4…)

Apologies if already posted. Even during a shitstorm Mariah has to remind us all how bisexual she is.
No. 549195
File: 1531678693368.png (8.36 KB, 676x46, a04c340aba4560a478a6f10aa9a8ed…)

Her neckbeard fans are disgusting
No. 549219
File: 1531681778661.jpeg (41.63 KB, 640x270, 1461181940827.jpeg)

Jesus christ stop with the "she was fired" bullshit. It's a lie she made up herself. She quit her job willingly because she wanted to become a full-time e-thot. She was going on and on about work being too hard and exhausting and invading her "cosplay career", she made a patreon goal about quitting her job if she reached it, and after she did she was talking all about how happy she is that she can focus on cosplay now. About a year or so later she made that dumb fucking post about how she was bullied and made to leave her lacrosse team (another lie) and her job because of cosplay because she wanted to be a poow wittle nerd gurrl victim. I know y'all want to watch her burn and reading through 70 threads is exhausting but at least stop making shit up.
No. 549239
>>549219she said she quit to save her dignity, but her sister outted her as having been fired.
she posted in one of the threads just over a year ago to clear up some misconceptions, one of them was:
"She worked 30+ hours a week at Starbucks when she was 19 and 20, but was fired for being late too many times. They actually threw her a going away party and gave her lots of gifts because they were a family there and didn't want to fire her, but it was a corporate decision."
No. 549245
File: 1531683576549.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1781x3362, 1AE1D712-EA2B-427C-911B-ED48D1…)

I really hope this gains more traction
No. 549246
>WITCH HUNT!!>LIES>IT WAS PLANNED (rigged!)the most self awareness she has ever shown by making that comparison
No. 549278
File: 1531685769882.gif (1.6 MB, 275x207, 1500004406900.gif)

>>549245This is the most wonderful post that I've ever seen!
No. 549314
File: 1531689283279.png (4.23 MB, 1242x2208, 3B62D65F-1356-4298-9F5C-167E46…)

I think this is Jannet’s Boyfriend? It’s the filthy frank “no one cares suck my dick” meme lol
No. 549322
File: 1531690671482.png (Spoiler Image,401.02 KB, 654x555, SS071518.png)

>>548787i know she fessed up to the lipo but did moo ever admit to having a tummy tuck? she's got some pretty obvious abdominal scars in this photoset.
also does this count as porn now?
No. 549325
>>549322she got weird/ugly cool sculpting or whatever its called
non admitted, but a lot of anons called it out
i just assume whatever you are seeing is from that
No. 549330
File: 1531691645168.jpg (Spoiler Image,459.38 KB, 1800x1694, collage.jpg)

>>549325>>549327I think her scar looks like a mini tummy tuck possibly?
No. 549354
>>549349I legit think that she has trouble discerning fantasy from reality. She really thinks she is some anime character and that everything will be okay as long as she keeps smiling through it. It’s ehy her “apologies” are so half-assed and fake. She’s simply saying all the stuff she thinks people want to hear from her right now and doesn’t believe a single word of it.
Watch how hard this shit is going to hit her once she has to face reality.
No. 549364
File: 1531698704856.png (173.99 KB, 586x790, deluca.png)

Fount a screencap when Moo got confronted about about her own false rape allegations a few months ago.
No. 549367
File: 1531699172276.jpeg (147.46 KB, 750x1112, moodontlie.jpeg)

>>549365Highly doubt she ever did. She claimed to never made a false accusation and left it at that, she even replied to herself which is fucking weird.
No. 549390
File: 1531704882095.png (60.61 KB, 640x569, steff.png)

I'm glad Steff isn't having her BS
No. 549395
File: 1531705802685.png (51.36 KB, 598x474, ivydoomkitty.png)

IvyDoomKitty giving Nana her support now.
Fuck Moo.
No. 549399
File: 1531706020116.png (195.51 KB, 564x709, Thorne.png)

People are not backing down after the shitty apology
No. 549401
File: 1531706111318.png (118.47 KB, 642x421, SteffVon.png)

There are people telling steff to form a support group for mo victims, if this goes forward this is gonna get even bigger
No. 549405
File: 1531706467217.png (80.8 KB, 633x920, thorne3.png)

No. 549414
File: 1531707869612.png (504.5 KB, 634x1950, stardust.png)

I realize stardust megu isn't a big name cosplayer, but having more people speak out against mooriah's bullshit is good.
No. 549415
File: 1531707970527.jpg (358.1 KB, 1080x1571, Screenshot_20180715-222600_Fac…)

>>549398Actually looks like Ivy commented on it initially on July 5th but it was originally on her FB page
No. 549435
>>549429How did she contact them then?
>>549427I hope they do say something. If they really want sexual harassment and assault to decrease or stop along with the double standards that come with it, they would have to make sure something gets done about it rather than back out the moment they hear a fake apology.
No. 549436
File: 1531711647777.png (563.13 KB, 806x591, Screenshot 2018-07-15 at 8.28.…)

Nice pullback from social media
No. 549438
File: 1531711831012.jpg (135.28 KB, 839x708, 2018-07-15_23-28-11.jpg)

Reminds me of when she was talking shit when Low Tier God called her a thot and she said, "My instastories get more views than your youtube videos".
No. 549439
File: 1531711841758.jpg (117.04 KB, 793x570, 2018-07-15_23-28-46.jpg)

No. 549441
File: 1531711918257.png (28.09 KB, 447x241, Screenshot 2018-07-15 at 8.32.…)

are you retarded
No. 549446
File: 1531712146689.jpg (41.33 KB, 859x209, 2018-07-15_23-36-05.jpg)

This definitely sounds like something she would say. She only sees the community as "fans" and potential fans cause the idiot thinks that she's a celebrity.
No. 549460
File: 1531712636130.png (191.42 KB, 345x658, Screenshot 2018-07-15 at 8.44.…)

No. 549467
File: 1531713012604.jpeg (599.23 KB, 1125x1512, 270CD625-2515-4BF9-933E-0CEBA1…)

Everyone is seeing right through her lmao
No. 549479
File: 1531715077142.png (413.6 KB, 1372x1843, Capture _2018-07-16-00-24-55.p…)

Someone calling out momma nigri to say something and even accused her of blocking them when they called out mariah
No. 549485
File: 1531715894221.png (14.27 KB, 608x130, Momokun1.PNG)

Found this on a random video titled "Exploring The Momo Situation". Still working on that apology moo?
No. 549486
>>549479 This is upsetting. It's along the lines of the popular saying "If you're not condemning it, you're condoning it". Nigri hasn't even released a generic blanket statement since this controversy gained momentum. She's makeup on a pig, if you will.
I've also become weary of the sudden silence from Kay Bear, Bunny, Susu, and Tasha at this point. Jane says she hurt herself, so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. But the other girls I've named in this paragraph have been eerily silent since Momo finally shared her scripted apology and irritating IG story.
I shouldn't be surprised, but I'm incredibly disappointed at the lack of action being taken by the very people who got the ball rolling.
No. 549489
File: 1531716305186.jpg (222.25 KB, 789x1024, 16245844521_ec440a4649_b[1].jp…)

>>549485wouldn't it be something if momokun or one of her fans set up the momo creepypasta to distract from the current scandal?
No. 549494
Or hey maybe they're waiting for her to release her BS apology video rather than responding to every little thing she does?
If they kept replying to everything she does she would be able to use that against them. It's pretty simple logic tbh. Once she puts out her reply video ESPECIALLY after all this wait she wont be able to turn around and add more to it or go 'I WAS GONNA COVER THAT IN MY VIDEO. SEE GUYS LOOK AT WHAT A BULLY THEY ALL ARE!!!'
>>549491She probably put out the text version to try and prompt a reply from them but I honestly feel like they're waiting to tear down her big apology video.
No. 549495
>>549492How did Moo contact them if they're blocked?
>>549494I'd agree but it's kind of silly to wait on her video since at this rate, it's never gonna happen.
No. 549498
>>549495I'm sure if another week or the end of the month hits and she hasnt replied they'll say something but as of right now she's used what some people see as valid excuses.
>>549493If they accepted it wouldnt they have said so or deleted the tweets that are still getting circulation?
Can we stop assuming things? It seems like it's been 5 years in moo time but is HAS only been a few days since she claimed she was originally going to do it. The other girls actually work on content and do things other than sit online all day and night like moo so no they're not going to clap back at everything like moo does.
Waiting is the smarter thing to do because it gives Moo less ammunition and with how much bs she's been posting while thinking she's big n untouchable she's actually been giving them tons to tear down whatever apology she does eventually post.
No. 549499
>>549494 But the apology video was prerecorded prior to the IG story Mariah made last night, which Mariah said would be a shorter version of what she already said in her scripted message (I'm paraphrasing, by the way).
Therefore, if the video isn't going to bother addressing victims by name, or bring up other vile acts committed by Mariah in the past, then why the delay?
For those of you who are naive enough to believe that these girls haven't seen the IG post (at the very least) by now, I hear Momokun has a Patreon you can subscribe to for awesome rewards that always show up on time.
No. 549502
>>549500 See, here's where you're wrong, anon.
You can't press the gas pedal to the floor and throw something around like "I was sexually assaulted by Momo", only to ease up on her once she resurfaces in an attempt to win back public favor.
No. 549503
>>549499not to mention, the victims don't owe moo shit.
she's the one meant to apologize, they don't even have to respond to her in any capacity. you're being a brat by needing people to respond in a way that you want, that's not how it works. now stop acting like moo and get over yourself.
No. 549505
>>549503 see
>>549502 for a sensible rebuttal. Bring something to the table next time.
No. 549506
>>549501and? i'm addressing someone who's obviously been going back and fourth.
>>549502so? no one is working on your or moo's timeframe, stop being impatient and let things unfold. many other people have come out and aslo started a dialogue after the fact and they weren't even involved. why don't you go get sexually harassed by moo if you want to be in charge of how victims schedule their replies to a fake ass bitch.
No. 549510
>>549506 The problem I have is that some people on social media, as well as these threads, are starting to get uneasy about the lack of a response by the very same people who made their confessions to CG, and I think I can see their cause for concern. These girls opened the floodgates, and now they're silent.
And people wonder how Momo managed to maintain support outside of the neckbeard portion of the cosplay community. It's because Momo can trick people into saying things were coordinated, or these girls may have buckled privately and accepted the apology. If they chose to accept the apology, then that's fine, since they were the true victims and all. But it would be some disheartening shit if they led the charge, and suddenly disappeared from the battlefield while others did the fighting instead.
No. 549512
>>549510I don't know if you know this but not everyone on the internet is as obsessed as Moo or us.
Whether they care or not, Moo has them blocked. It's been confirmed. She's also said there's two girls that did not respond. Not everything needs to be out on the internet. They probably only wanted it resolved behind closed doors anyways because, well, they run businesses too. They'd rather not have their every personal transaction on their business social media. Not saying YandereJane hasn't done it, because it's obvious she doesn't care, …but I know Susu is more level headed and legit doesn't give two shits about Moo.
No. 549514
>>549510Either way if you want to talk about what the victims are or arent doing? take it to /snow/
Originally it was possibly relevant but now you're obsessed with 'WHY ARENT THEY DOING ANYTHING?' So it's not Moo related.
No. 549515
File: 1531718973412.png (159.31 KB, 351x653, Screenshot 2018-07-15 at 10.30…)

No. 549518
File: 1531720473133.jpeg (258.11 KB, 1062x1581, B651D42E-D7C3-4C26-A626-DD57C9…)

A close friend of mine who wants to stay anonymous because she works at Disney came to me after seeing everyone’s statements about this interaction at a con once. I blacked out her cosplay because it was a cross over cosplay that would be easily Recognized.. I wish this had more weight to it but it’s a small fry cosplayer.
No. 549519
File: 1531720566425.jpg (151.76 KB, 428x535, wideloadmomo.jpg)

>>549518how the turntables
No. 549529
>>549047I know for a goddamn fact that she apologized only cause Jessica Nigiri is making her.
Momokun doesnt give any bit of a shit that this stuff is happening to her and is going through her usual shit of just deflecting it constantly until people forget or move on. Its worked the last like 10 times it happened.
No. 549530
>>549529Lets be real: if Jessica made her apologize then she would have done it by now and shouted out Jess like 'THANK U SO MUCH TO JESSICA FOR BEING SUCH A GOOD ROLE MODEL WE'RE SUCH CLOSE FRIENDS GUYS EVEN THOUGH SHE'S NEVER CHOSEN TO HANG OUT WITH ME WE'RE BASICALLY FAMILY' and cried about how much she loves her in her IG stories.
Momo would L O V E to use Nigri in her pitch for pity
No. 549534
File: 1531725531251.png (80 KB, 720x438, Screenshot_2018-07-16-00-14-31…)

W a t
No. 549537
File: 1531726407971.png (63.22 KB, 456x496, 1508445088151.png)

>>549534If she was actually molested then she wouldn't be defending a molester.
No. 549564
>>549534Alright so I’m a very touchy feely person and here’s the thing. IM ONLY TOUCHY FEELY TO MY FRIENDS LIMITS.
I don’t just go groping random fucking people at cons.
Also had my ass grabbed by someone at SDCC who disappeared into the crowd. I thought it was kind of funny and as flattered but that doesn’t mean everyone else is going to have that same reaction.
(blogpost) No. 549566
>>549551You’re not wrong but here’s the thing.
She’s a recognizable brand name far more than moo is. Her and Yaya are two faces that bridge the com between fans and normies. It was really Fucking stupid and egotistical of Yaya to say she was the emporer of cosplay or whatever but she was right in the sense that she’s really well known.
If Jnig wth her reach made an official statement it would DEVASTATE whats left of moos fanbase. Jnig isn’t in charge of her but she’s highly influential.
No. 549569
>>549518The more these stories crop up, the more I start to believe them when at first I was a skeptic, I thought the opposite would be happening by now but they all sound exactly like her
That IG story she posted a few months ago filming that random girl with dip-dyed pink hair making fun of her was a true glimpse at her and how often she must judge or make snide comments about people
She basically admitted with all this adhd shit that she has no filter or impulse control, I don’t doubt for a second that she says this rude shit without thinking and then plays it off like it’s a joke
No. 549570
>>549563Ok, so she can cut ties quietly. She doesn't need to make a comment and as another anon said, she hasn't hung out with moo in forever.
Anons are way too thirsty for a jnig comment.
I honestly think the only thing that could happen is more shit apologies or moo turning on jnig. Moo won't suddenly disappear just because of jnig denouncing her
No. 549571
>>549570Totally agree with you
People should stop mentioning her all the time.
Some anon said that they wish this thread has a hellweek and I totally agree. It's getting hard to follow everything when every other posts a new fag comes in or someone derails.
To make my comments less OT
Did you all notice how now she is back to posting stories a bunch of stories on her instagram again.
Like shr thinks that this is it and now that she has addressed it she can go back to what she was doing before.
Another example of how she doesn't actually care about anything.
No. 549586
>>549551You all don't get it, do you? Does Nigri owe anything to Moo or us? No. But it makes her look more like the fake bitch she is when she sits their throwing support and sharing content for Kaybear or Susu and all her actual friends that she says she admires are coming forward and denouncing Mariah, yet Nigri has only retweeted Stella's blurb about it and that's it.
If it's so well known throughout the community that someone like Mariah thinks she's emulating her idol and wants to be the next JNig…my first instinct would be to nip that in the bud ASAP and let people know that I don't support that shit in the least.
Her lack of speaking up really paints her in a bad light…like others said, neckbeards won't give a fuck but the people she says she wants to support in the community and help promote aren't happy.
No. 549614
File: 1531755109317.jpg (44.89 KB, 588x717, twwet.JPG)

seen on twitter lmao
No. 549624
Who's hoping we get an update from Philly D today about Momokunt?
Love seeing all these cosplayers come forward about there experience with Momo, but at the same time, it's sad to see how many people she's abused, bullied, harassed and fucked over.
Not all attention is good attention Momo, and everyone knows you as the cunt that sexually molests people, steals designs, lies and cons her fans out of their money. I can't see this ending well for her.
>>549623I hope it does mean permabans from cons. I've been wanting to do some research on if this sort of case has happened before and what sort of repercussions were put in place. I'll report back with my findings if anyone is interested.
No. 549625
I know momo's not doing much guys but can yall seriously stop bringing up other cosplayers if yall wanna complain about what they are or arent doing? You know it's fine if the thread isnt at the top of the page all the time right? Bitching and moaning about 'Why isnt this cosplayer saying anything about Moo???' over and over just shits up the thread.
>>549623I can say for certain I know of 3 cons that have her blacklisted from even buying a badge. They dont have plans to make sure she doesn't ghost just yet but the staff says it's up for discussion if she does post about wanting to attend.
No. 549626
>>549624I'm not so sure about an update from Philly D, since she didn't actually release a video I don't know if he'd still update today.
If he does update though, I really hope he doesn't fall for the written apology she posted on Instagram, and/or any messages she or Vamp may have sent him painting HER as the victim.
No. 549630
File: 1531758191434.jpg (101.99 KB, 1792x182, 2018-07-16_12-22-40.jpg)

>>549569She's been this way since the first thread when she came here to "defend" herself.
No. 549638
File: 1531759646887.jpg (28.2 KB, 750x390, IMG_20180716_104721.jpg)

Calling it now, there will be no apology video and if anyone asks about it, she will pass off her Instagram post as the apology.
No. 549641
File: 1531760253650.jpg (110.58 KB, 816x729, 2018-07-16_12-57-29.jpg)

It sucks that Jane isn't saying much but Steff has stepped in to drop truth bombs.
No. 549648
>>549623I foresee a lot of permabans coming for any big name cons she wants to attend (i.e. Blizzcon, SD/NYCC, RTX, AX, PAX) and any Vegas cons. She’ll maybe be able to sneak in at some small time ones like she has been able to in the past, but even then if the locals make the cons aware of her I’m sure she’ll be kicked out as well. She might still get some international ones, but we all know how she feels about South America at this point.
Her professional reputation is absolutely done at this point. No con is going to want to take her on and all the drama that will come with it. Again, sexual assault/harassment is a huge hot button issue here in America right now and no convention or company is going to want to be seen endorsing a sexual predator like Moo with multiple confirmed instances of her behavior. No matter how “sorry” she is and all the bullshit apologies she gives no one is going to want to take a chance on her.
The most she can hope for is to get by on her Patreon and the disgusting neckbeards who will continue to throw cash as her no matter what.
No. 549672
File: 1531764341867.png (370.08 KB, 750x1334, 5B01BD17-74DB-44DF-B850-9B2699…)

Looks like Bunny does plan on addressingit. No doubt waiting for Moo to trip all over herself with her shit video “apology”
No. 549683
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No. 549688
>>549686Thanks for clarifying. I'm all for not giving momo any ideas, I just wanted to be sure it wasn't a new rule that I had overlooked.
I think the general public is aware that momo is a liar, it's not too hard to find examples of that. It's actually probably harder to find examples of her telling the truth.
Even if she did blame autism or Tourettes or any sort of mental handicap, it'll blow up in her face the same way the ADHD defence did. There isn't a disease or disorder that makes a person sexually molest other people, shitty people do shitty things plain and simple. And if she did have some sort of disorder or illness, that would prove even more so that she shouldn't be allowed at or near cons since she can't control herself or her actions.
No. 549690
>>549688She’s also now is trying to walk it back by saying she never blamed it on ADHD and simply stated that she had it and that everyone took it to mean she was blaming the disease on it.
Which of course is total bullshit since she herself said “A lot of it has to do with having ADHD”
No. 549694
File: 1531766989497.jpg (143.13 KB, 721x877, BRBukLY.jpg)

>>549693She's made responses to pretty much each thread through her instastories or twitter. Where do you think she got the image for her Moomookunt shirts? She tried to bait the artist into "claiming" their work so she could sic her paypigs on them
No. 549697
>>549690She's so fucking stupid, we have video evidence from the cow's mouth herself blaming it on ADHD.
Also iirc she even said she was a "strong advocate FOR sexual assault". It's almost like her brain keeps telling her lies but every once and a while her tongue slips out a bit of truth.
No. 549703
>>549694praise be to art anon for
triggering mariah so bad she almost died
No. 549704
>>549702I'm no body language expert but yeah they all look mortified. Blue haired prick on the far left looks too dumb to realize, the other two are basically oozing with cringe
No. 549706
>>549700Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what soured her on Moo. She was probably thinking “Is this girl really that much of a loser to get these shirts made and make us wear them?”
>>549701Wear one? Hell, she was the one who paid to get them made. All to prove to the “haters” how unbothered she was by it. Because that’s what you do when you supposedly don’t care, drop hundreds of dollars to get shirts made.
>>549702You could see the cringe on everyone’s faces in all the photos they took. Just “Why is she making us do this?”
No. 549711
File: 1531768494973.jpg (825.83 KB, 1080x1688, 1499722722960.jpg)

>>549707Thanks, anon, it was actually in the thread that followed this one. Looks like she wore it over another shirt with a sweater over top of it. Even she looks humiliated in it and it was her freaking idea.
No. 549712
File: 1531768509913.png (133.22 KB, 640x1136, 6F7D31E0-BA6E-4FB6-A6F3-39EC9F…)

Bunny tweeted this a short while ago, btw.
No. 549716
>>549668Not defending her, I’ve posted several times my distaste for her, but she definitely didn’t say “Ching Ching Chong”, in her Q&A video she says meis actual voice line and it sounds like what she slurred into the microphone
Spreading petty, false shit overshadows what’s actually true.
No. 549719
>>549716Except she did say that and it's not false information, try again.
She even said, "I can't speak Japanese so I don't know how to say her line" but Mei is Chinese.
No. 549720
>>549716. . . Really nigga?
Fuck out of here with that “I’m not trying to defend her” bullshit. It’s literally on camera you dipshit
No. 549728
>>549724Lol some of you are straight up autists and make it hard to enjoy this thread or find any justice in it
That incident was when she was rude as fuck to someone asking for a photo, she didn’t say Ching Chong to them she blew them off like a cunt
This shit is all on video, why are you all so hellbent on refuting this when there are actual cases of her being awful?
No. 549733
>>549727 before making yourself look like an "autist".
The anon got it mixed up but she did scream "ching chong ching ching chong" to an asian cosplayer before the fan walked up. She was about to do it again but stopped.
No. 549735
>>549731i think steph is saying
she worked in the store, not moo, but moo probably used the store to try to self-promote.
No. 549736
>>549728Because idiots like you like to nitpick tiny details. I just posted the video, watch for yourself.
She did, in fact, scream "ching chong ching chong" in a megaphone at another Asian cosplayer. Don't want to shit up the thread? Don't post retarded shit like this, thanks DUDE!
No. 549743
>>549742You can tell that she's not genuinely sorry. She has yet to release the video and it's been a week. Know how many insta-stories she's done since then?
>>549460 Just look at how many dots there are. She's put more time into herself than she has that apology to the people who she molested. She doesn't give a shit about them.
No. 549751
>>549749There is none. My bet is she will say "I'm not going to do the video cause I already addressed the accusations". Despite her statement being on a photo of her ""filming"" said apology. It's all lies, she probably just set up the camera, grabbed the cat, set the timer, took a few shots of her looking "uwu so sad", picked out the best one and wrote her statement in under 10 minutes.
Not sure what she half asses more, the apology or her cosplays…
No. 549756
>>549753IIRC she stated she and MyOppa settled it privately. She did say she'd make a public statement but that's Mariah for ya, she likes to talk and promise shit but never does it. Just look at her patreon.
I 100% doubt it went the way Mariah said it did, I think MyOppa probably threatened legal action (privately) and they settled things outside of court. I doubt Mariah was the one to go to them first and MyOppa probably had to hound her down to respond.
No. 549764
>>549758So did Mariah sleep with the owner or were they like a family friend or something? I can't imagine anyone favouring Mariah over others unless they were bribed or were forced to.
>>549759>>549760Thanks for correcting me. I was just theorizing but now that you mention it there probably wasn't any repercussions to what Momo did with MO.
Would a lovely anon be able to direct me to the thread in which the Momokunt vs MyOppa incident was first discovered?
No. 549767
>>549764I'm not 100% sure about the timeline, but if this all went down when I think it did, there was actually a time where her "thicc samus" was genuinely viral, her body had some semblance of a figure, and her awful reputation hadn't caught up to her yet. I know I definitely saw her all over my feed. And yeah, she was fat, but she was still half the size that she is today and hadn't fucked up her weight distribution with lipo and coolsculpting.
If this was that early on, I can possibly see how she might be favored for smash events, just because she'd be in the moment more recognizable to that scene than any of the other names.
No one really could have expected what a shitshow was awaiting us back then tbh
No. 549768
File: 1531773798286.png (180.42 KB, 358x491, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at 4.41…)

Looks like Vamps whored herself out to Anime Revolution also. God it's hard to believe this was taken only 3 years ago. Vamps looks basically the same while Mariah looks like a completely different person (in that she the size of a normal person)
No. 549769
File: 1531773800187.jpg (544.1 KB, 1080x2220, 20180716_164201.jpg)

Recent comments on Moderately Play Cosplays newest photo which seems like a jab at moo. I know for a fact that this dude HATES moo so it's not too out of the water is it? I'd also like to point out that THIS is how to be mature and professional about controversial stuff like lewd cosplays and how people label it, not have a raging bitch fit all the time like mimi does whenever someone has a different opinion than her.
No. 549771
File: 1531773842366.png (188.24 KB, 344x568, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at 4.41…)

Gabby too
No. 549772
File: 1531773848355.jpg (552.51 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180716-164056_Ins…)

>>549769Susy doing a low key callout
No. 549779
File: 1531774114158.png (824.24 KB, 1920x1080, it_s_all_over_now_dood.png)

No. 549784
>>549764I think the owner was a lady? Correct me if I’m wrong here folks! Like it was run by a family that really had know business doing what they did with the cosplay models. Technically illegal how they paid Steff, gabby and the idiot twins as there was no w2 or any tax on the pay since it was cash. At the time “thicc Samus” was moos shtick and she got attention because of ign , arda and mayhew photos helping her out. Also moo spammed the fuck out of the original AX threads with her shitty black cat “cosplay” and DT jam who was a moderator refused to oust her from the group.
Moo working at anime revolution also coincided with her nudes getting “leaked” on 4chan which is why she got so much attention. Anime revolution recognized moos “popularity” and focused on her hard while treating the other models like crap. Including Moochlette. Anime revolution eventually moved locations after Steff and Gabby outed the shady dealings from the store, the store also misled people who went to otakon vegas into thinking they were the official store for the con.
Moo basically has gotten shittier people boosting her along the way which is why she’s so fucking smug and thinks she can get away with things like she always does.
No. 549812
File: 1531777906903.jpeg (135.71 KB, 750x1184, FC9C0B02-7DAA-4E8A-A867-C30678…)

Looks like Vamplette is on a spree now too
Well we know her position in all of this
No. 549818
File: 1531778266692.jpeg (400.8 KB, 1125x1761, B3AC21D5-826D-4461-BF03-C1FE3E…)

I thought she was taking a “break.”
No. 549825
>>549818Yeah, I knew this whole “taking a break” thing was total horseshit. She’s trying to continue on as if nothing happened. And her dumb ass didn’t have sense enough to post this after her “apology” video.
Also some girl in the comments is threatening to kick her ass if she shows up at Blizzcon. And of course her white knights are defending her saying people shouldn’t threaten her with violence. Funny. I seem to remember her making threats of violence to people who “touched her without her permission” and how she would “fuck them up”. Now all of a sudden that’s too far and okay for her to make those types of threats.
No. 549837
>>549827no, no direct apologies, not really addresing what she did, blaming the girls for no answering her, calling herself "permanent" member of cosplay community, and bullshiting about taking a break from cosplay, also, not spamming herself… REALLY BITCH?
playing the victim
No. 549840
File: 1531780772769.png (14.14 KB, 589x111, BELLISSIMO.png)

Strategically uploaded right after Phils show finished today kek
No. 549847
File: 1531780980313.png (627.59 KB, 770x482, mulie.png)

>>549829She always has this big fucking grin on while talking - especially in the middle of this sentence:
"… to touch someone without their consent … there's no excuse."
Fucking LIAR
No. 549850
File: 1531781155020.jpg (29.64 KB, 1140x100, Capture.JPG)

the fucking comments are sad as shit, holy fuck. i've never seen so many fat and desperate foreveralones in one place.
No. 549853
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No. 549858
File: 1531782054951.png (53.6 KB, 732x392, Takano Miyo Gods Men YouT…)

Slightly unrelated but after the "apology" video Youtube automatically brought me to her Takano project video and the comments are 99% shitting on her, especially the recent ones after MooToo.
Also, her new video already has more dislikes than likes. I'm pretty sure she's officially cancelled.
No. 549861
File: 1531782212062.png (83.46 KB, 862x710, magically disappearing comment…)

Whelp she's already deleting comments on the video. I'm pretty sure three of these are deleted
No. 549863
File: 1531782264693.jpeg (637.86 KB, 2048x2048, 6FD82F75-B835-41D1-8317-A40BAD…)

Oh girl.. what happened to your eligant YouTube set up and quick wrap up that wasn’t already typed on instagram for everyone to read along with?
No. 549867
>>549858I don't think she'll ever really go away. She has enough neckbeard money to be fine and none of them really give a shit. Even if she does take a break from cosplay for awhile, I don't think she'll be done for good.
The cosplay community is shitty enough that people will forgive her. Hell, there were already people still willing to support her and people that have accepted her apology without question. Shitty people stick together
No. 549868
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No. 549871
File: 1531782735101.gif (5.46 MB, 700x420, 1.gif)

No. 549872
>>549865Literally google 'How to delete comments on youtube'. I dont know if you're trying to white knight or just dumb.
>>549867Oh she'll be around but she'll be banned from cons, will never be allowed as a guest, will never get any legitimate sponsorships and will be among the other washed up nobodies. She might make neckbeard money but she'll never get what she wanted and with her continuous degrading quality she'll lose more and more money every month.
No. 549879
>>549875She probably did.
If she approached those girls the same way she approached Nana and her friend then she deserves a beat down.
No. 549887
File: 1531783381496.png (201.1 KB, 480x344, received_2011785902167555.png)

No. 549897
>>549871She says no with her head and even laughs…
The audacity of this bitch
No. 549899
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No. 549901
>>549895she was just not going to do it and only made this one cause she felt pressured. she's only doing this stuff cause she feels pressured.
i take great solace in the fact that all her shitty actions ruined her chances to become cosfamous like she wanted. she's going to continue being a shit-tier sexy cosplayer and lose more and more money and lose more and more support.
No. 549908
File: 1531784459474.jpeg (540.4 KB, 1242x1351, FCB40665-EFC2-416D-9EC7-82A42A…)

>>549889YJ says she might tear into her via ig live
No. 549911
File: 1531784542834.jpg (499.96 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180716-183852_Sam…)

But on a side note:this girl has no business owning an animal if she's stupid enough to fucking spray paint/use barge cement in the fucking house. (On carpet REEEEEE)
No. 549918
File: 1531784651219.jpg (14.76 KB, 316x421, the mighty ducks.jpg)

>>549871WTF? I hate the Mighty Ducks now!!
(no1curr) No. 549923
File: 1531784861801.png (5.89 MB, 2162x1844, Faces_of_Mariah.png)

>transcription for everybody (sorry for typos)Hi, there! My name is Mariah, I do cosplay on internet and [hmmm] recently some stuff has happened where I believe there's a response needed from me.
Because there's a lot of people angry and a lot of people saying crazy thing right now. Now I just need to talk to you guys.
I have always been an impulsive person no matter what it's been and it's gotten me into more trouble than I'd like to admit. I've been like that since I was a kid,
I just act without thinking sometimes, I get excited, I get overwhelmed [hmmm] that's just how I am as a person.
Also my actions have never been met with malicious intent, I have never meant to ever, ever be malicious with any action that I caused or that I do.
I'm very like loving person and I really really love people and genuinely care about people.
But there's many times where I have mixed close friendships in my relationships and boundaries with those people, with people who are not close friendships and more so acquaintances. But in the last year I've come to learn so much about what consent is and boundaries after entering the costume community or the
nerd community where everyone is very touchy and very like over-exaggerated, everything's really crazy .
I took some time for me to learn what is okay and what is not okay like. Like who you can do certain things with and who you can't do certain things with.
In many relationships with people I've come to realize that I touch people without their consent not realizing that it is a form of sexual [Saar] assault or sexual harassment.
So from seeing this so much in my own friend group, I be-believe, you know, this is okay like messing around, playful, it's…it's consensual, but I realize now that it's not. I realize that it's inappropriate behavior whether it be playful or malicious no matter what it's inappropriate.
To touch someone without their consent there's no excuse. Don't touch anyone without their consent.
As a woman, I should be leading by example and not participating in such
problematic behaviors, I got all.
There's… There's no excuse for my actions, whether it be ADHD, impulsiveness or being a fucking idiot.
There's… There's no excuse.
Sometimes I fight back with my initial response to criticism or accusations wrongdoings because sometimes… Cause I don't wanna feel like I'm in the
wrong, like, no one wants to feel like they did wrong but sometimes you gotta, like, remove yourself, step back and be like "ah, you did wrong".
My immediate response was impulsive and thoughtless, it wasn't really well educated at all.
In no way does it excuse my actions, in the slightest. I personally do not think I'm above criticism in any way, I've never felt that way
about myself.
I think it's the exact opposite, I think a lot of what I do should be criticized and should be looked at thoroughly.
I don't think I can say or do whatever I want, I think it's the exact opposite. I think I can't say or do whatever I want…
I think… I feel like… A lot of what I do is look that under a microscope and I understand why it is and I'm not mad about it at all.
I know everything I say and/or will be discussed thoroughly so I… I sometimes, like, freaked out about what do I say, what's the right thing to say, what's
the right thing to do and I overthing myself and I kind of just put myself into a bigger hole and I just goof myself over and over again.
And because of this I really need to learn from my mistakes and actions and move forward on this.
I reached out to the girls that I disrespected or made feel uncomfortable and I understand that I made them feel uncomfortable or unsafe when I…
I should have been respectful and nothing but supportive.
I'll judge my actions and promise to improve my behavior to them… and ahm… have spoken to a few of them behind the scenes and that's why this video
kinda took so long, because I wanted to talk to them first.
And I'm beyong thankful to the girls that have responded to me…ah…. If there's other girls… other girls that haven't I hold no ill will…
I… I know that I wronged them and they owe me no… no words. It is on their own accord and I understand completely.
To the girls, to the fans, to anyone who might have felt affected or disappointed by my behaviors: I am sorry.
And I understand words can only do so much, I should know better and I will be better.
As a prominent member of the cosplay community, I owe it to my girls, my fans, my friends and myself to be better than this.
I'm going to be doing now.. is I will be taking a small break away from cons to reflect and understand how I've affected this community and how I've
affected people and to allow people to heal from my wrongdoings. I think that is… the best option and it's… it's what I believe and you know I
understand I had a lot of cons plan these next two months but I apologize I'm going to be cancelling them all. I… I… I really believe
that I need to do this and I really need to take time and step back.
I apologize for the weird camera change, my batterie just died on my camera. I was about -
I will be taking a break away from cons right now to reflect and to truly understand my own wrongdoings and how I affected this community.
I will continue to cosplay and do my work on patreon. Hm… but I'm not gonna spam myself right now and put myself out there too much while
the wound is still fresh. I don't it is a good idea.
I… I would like to give this community time to forgive me and… If they can. I… I don't think anyone owes me anything right now.
I genuinely [closes eyes trying to express emotion], genuinely love this community so much and the people that are in it.
Ah… It's heartbreaking right now and… uh… [eyes get teary] and I'm very sorry. And I really, really, genuinely want to see the best in this community
I want to see nothing but a positive narrative spreaded throughout this community.
Ah… Inappropriate behavior should not go unpunished and I agree completely with this.
I… I want to thank everyone that has been by my side, especially while at Anime Expo and who have offered me nothing but love
and advice. It's… It's incredible and I am beyond thankful because I was very lost and confused and I didn't…
I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to say. Hm… It took a long time to really put my thoughts together
and realize what actions I'm going to take how I'm going to react. Thank you to everyone who's been here through
this emotional time [licks mouth and looks to the side] and thank you to the people who want to see me a better person
and believe in what I do and just… just thank you.
I love you all so much. I'll see you soon.
Just notice her smirk smile while talking.
No. 549928
>>549871This is the same expression she makes when she's making jokes in her stories about "I will hug you oh wait ohh no no we will air hug ohohoho" or when she's doing her stupid meme voice saying "ooohhh jannet I see u there u think you smart huh"
Whenever she's doing over the top shit, she makes this face. She's not serious.
No. 549929
File: 1531785189364.png (463.08 KB, 480x495, 87648768648768.PNG)

This is definitely the face of remorse.
No. 549934
File: 1531785661383.jpeg (213.41 KB, 1242x1045, 5A5468DD-64A8-40FE-9B16-B3888D…)

No. 549936
>>549923take a shot every time she says "I" or "me"
lol jk don't do that you'll die
No. 549937
>>549935Fuck at least she dressed up for the first one
She looks like the fattest methhead ever with those picked at face zits
No. 549938
File: 1531785986020.png (765.65 KB, 962x569, punchableface.png)

The face of someone who really is sincere and so sorry for their actions.
No. 549946
>>549821Uh… no cat and no background and clearly shot on a webcam instead of that bigass camera from her facebook post???
So… is this just the original one she didn't like… or???
No. 549950
File: 1531787247519.png (1.96 KB, 168x56, Screenshot 2018-07-16 at 5.26.…)

Viewed 4004 times since the upload and this is how many dislikes. Y I K E S
No. 549955
>>549923>"As a woman, I should be leading by example and not participating in such problematic behaviors, like at all"This part bothered me a lot. I watched the video and when it hit my ear I physically recoiled and my stomach dropped.
"Participating". This word implies that "other people were doing it, so I thought it was okay". That WORD alone is a complete shift of blame for the ACTION to peer pressure instead of herself. All she is taking responsibility for is ignorance, not for the actions themselves.
Real talk, I know we love drama and tea here… but on a real REAL level… this was one of the worst responses to sexual assault claims I have EVER seen. It made me physically sick. I don't even want to rag on MooMoo for it, I'm just literally disgusted at this person.
No. 549959
>>549923"entering the costume community or the
nerd community where everyone is very touchy and very like over-exaggerated"
No. 549971
File: 1531789018962.jpeg (658.43 KB, 3072x3072, BFF27741-C85E-4BA0-8487-E02443…)

y i k e s
No. 549983
File: 1531790535890.png (285.15 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180716-212116.png)

Might see a follow-up from Repzion on this situation. He just left this comment:
No. 550016
File: 1531793996549.png (2.49 MB, 750x1334, F9B129CC-9199-4107-8D8A-CC71F5…)

getting her second peel or whatever done and talking about how she’d also like to get the cool sculpting on her chin area this visit if she can. wew, business as usual.
No. 550018
>>550016"Guys I'm soooo sorry for real but like should I get some work done on my chin?
What do you mean I said I was taking a break from social media?"
No. 550023
File: 1531794666827.jpeg (255.64 KB, 1242x724, 971742A6-3C86-48CB-9B26-4AD8FF…)

No. 550026
File: 1531794717555.jpeg (180.65 KB, 1024x1024, 92F742B7-F625-4C88-BC70-D4829A…)

My candidate for next thread pic
No. 550030
>>550027Don't tease, anon.
>>550026>>550023>>550020The most beautiful replies in this thread.
No. 550032
>>550027Another girl threatened to do so if she saw her at Blizzcon in the comments of her latest IG post. She’s since deleted them of course and some dipshit white knight offered to be her security. Funny how she is always threatening violence to “anyone who touches her without her permission”.
But we all know Moo is too chickenshit to fight. Going to hide in her hotel room all weekend just like AX. That’s if she isn’t banned from entering lol
No. 550034
File: 1531795201367.jpeg (249.09 KB, 1242x788, 4BE1BA3F-2EC7-4A3B-9B3D-2B4ADC…)

Found on her RV post on IG. So she’s going to wrangle more of her squad into doing security duty?
No. 550041
File: 1531795655787.jpg (75.58 KB, 803x571, 2018-07-16_22-47-10.jpg)

More from Steff.
No. 550049
File: 1531796934841.png (691.13 KB, 1085x817, 42cba22a9982535875af55ef1a1866…)

When she can't delete comments and create her own positive narrative we see how the community actually see's her. Get lost mariah no one wants you around.
No. 550051
File: 1531797069945.png (3.44 MB, 750x1334, 4F481DC3-9E72-40CF-A335-512FAA…)

> Getting coolsculpting on her chin on Tuesday and she’s really excited!!!
Holy fucking shit she posted her apology video and IMMEDIATELY went right back to vlogging her entire life on instagram. It really is disgusting you could tell she was just waiting to get it out of the way so she could go back to normal and pretend nothing ever happened
No. 550054
File: 1531797303815.png (2.63 MB, 750x1334, 306D7A06-87F7-4790-A262-6FEC3F…)

No. 550059
File: 1531797470414.jpg (141.66 KB, 1079x671, Screenshot_20180716-231513.jpg)

She's losing subs, but very slowly. The bottom is her sub count around when the "apology" came out, the top is where it is now.
No. 550065
File: 1531797920979.jpeg (413.51 KB, 1242x1704, 464DC17A-F558-40D4-A7B6-15F610…)

>>549818She actually asked for photoshop help on this. Lazy cow
No. 550073
File: 1531798499689.jpeg (264.73 KB, 1199x1590, E40BA89C-4758-4CA2-8ACC-FF5AB9…)

No. 550082
>>549693shes been lurking since #1
>>549630 but if you post i guess its not really lurking, eh
No. 550089
File: 1531799415042.jpg (59.84 KB, 790x415, 2018-07-16_23-49-36.jpg)

I hope she touches on the Janett issue. Outside of lolcow it seems like people have forgotten.
No. 550091
File: 1531799645697.jpg (14.08 KB, 303x305, 34525253.jpg)

>>550085lol please anon, she would never lay hands on anyone she's all talk. don't forget this face where she literally shat herself because someone came up to her just for a random video at AX
No. 550107
>>549989It's easiest to do on PC.
Open link, pause video, dislike, view on hooktube.
Doing it on mobile is a pain in the ass tho.
No. 550108
>>550102She's gotten it done on her stomach before, so it's hilarious that she's trying to play it off like she's getting it done for the first time on her chin, when she REALLY should be focusing on those hammy arms.
>has to drink a gallon of water every day for the next 30 days after she gets it doneinb4 moo substitutes that with her nasty monster drinks because we all know she's allergic to actually following the rules and drinking water
No. 550110
File: 1531801551227.png (2.05 MB, 1180x1182, Screen Shot 2018-07-16 at 11.2…)

So she needed Vamp to help her re-film? This is the same footage that she put on her IG story. What happened to the setup she had in pic related?
No. 550115
File: 1531802151481.jpg (43.92 KB, 808x307, 2018-07-17_00-35-16.jpg)

I'm so glad that Steff isn't holding back anymore. She went from being mousey to saying nothing to going off.
No. 550129
File: 1531804983194.png (378.37 KB, 806x593, Screenshot 2018-07-16 at 10.22…)

No. 550151
File: 1531808168456.png (600.77 KB, 1350x575, statline.PNG)

Another stat update on the apology
No. 550152
>>550147Well, that may be part of it, but it's more likely a cover story to divert attention from the fact that she is likely banned/blacklisted from attending any major cons in the next 6 months.
It's not like she would have been a legit guest at any of the cons she's supposedly "cancelled" her appearance at. It's a well known fact at this point that she regularly ghosts cons and lies about being a "guest."
No. 550159
File: 1531810034929.jpeg (673.82 KB, 3000x2000, 198BD866-2150-4D91-8E57-6957C0…)

No. 550161
File: 1531810252128.png (38.96 KB, 798x316, 1531768782725.png)

>>550145Carrying over from the Onion thread. RIP.
No. 550170
File: 1531811720967.jpeg (627.24 KB, 2000x3000, 8D3C3463-15AC-473A-BE2F-77E48B…)

No. 550171
File: 1531811743586.png (4.37 MB, 1242x2208, 813C1E03-6B6D-4196-86A2-F11C92…)

No. 550177
File: 1531812070526.png (2.7 MB, 1242x2208, wide load.png)

>>550171i can never get over her tiny little butt
No. 550183
File: 1531812287779.gif (7.69 MB, 640x360, 1531134290496.gif)

>>550177You kill me, anon.
>>550180Cause she's not sorry. At all. She said what she had to say to come back to the community but she's 100% forgetting that they don't want her predatory, tiny ass.
No. 550192
>>550187Just so you know anon…
>and she was wearing the same thingWhen it comes to Moo, that means nothing.
No. 550194
File: 1531813419087.jpeg (355.39 KB, 1242x1853, 4118FC25-DBAA-467A-9378-B93B04…)

No. 550203
File: 1531813837445.png (27.86 KB, 298x291, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 12.50…)

>>550200I'm fucking rolling.
No. 550205
File: 1531814190073.jpeg (270.54 KB, 862x973, 5465A0B3-9FAA-4D6D-BD62-E3D2B7…)

No. 550206
File: 1531814237046.png (96.41 KB, 720x685, Screenshot_2018-07-17-00-53-37…)

No. 550207
File: 1531814282286.png (58.96 KB, 720x400, Screenshot_2018-07-17-00-53-24…)

No. 550208
File: 1531814310431.png (79.73 KB, 720x477, Screenshot_2018-07-17-00-53-05…)

No. 550209
File: 1531814338821.png (99.95 KB, 720x607, Screenshot_2018-07-17-00-53-15…)

No. 550212
>>550194Monetized like her "response" video
I'm glad people aren't taking that shitty apology seriously and I hope Phil does a follow up
No. 550217
File: 1531814979548.gif (1.97 MB, 276x244, giphy.gif)

I wish Nana would do this to moo
No. 550220
File: 1531815201308.gif (1.42 MB, 245x186, tumblr_msh5rshFCm1sc0sroo1_250…)

>>550218 Momo's security.
No. 550222
File: 1531815375951.jpg (47.6 KB, 822x375, 2018-07-17_04-15-20.jpg)

It's gaining a lot of traction. People don't believe your fake apology, Mariah.
No. 550235
File: 1531816853706.png (232.73 KB, 740x610, tumblr_my18ahSetV1ro5q9jo1_128…)

Over 1K in dislikes on her video.
Congratulations on screwing yourself beyond repair moo.
No. 550245
File: 1531817724733.png (127.97 KB, 244x244, oh kek here we go.png)

>>550242and in true Mariah fashion, end up taking credit for it, too
No. 550256
File: 1531820010835.jpeg (132.68 KB, 902x902, B914D157-0909-4F30-90DF-3AFD7A…)

>>550233Favorite comment of the day. Thanks for the laugh, my dude
No. 550270
File: 1531822923100.png (1.08 MB, 750x1334, 12B5544F-C27E-4AD1-8044-773406…)

How has no one posted caps of this shit?
Of all the lies she’s ever told “I don’t drink at cons!!” was one of the most pointless.
No. 550281
File: 1531827392775.png (1.66 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180717-213259.png)

Okay but seriously how the fuck does one become so busted at 22.
No. 550287
File: 1531828801156.jpg (98.34 KB, 1280x720,…)

>>550281nice dennis cosplay, fits well since you're both psychopaths
No. 550292
File: 1531830252441.jpg (370.93 KB, 768x1024, Screenshot_20180717-142236.jpg)

No. 550293
File: 1531830275839.jpg (304.18 KB, 768x1024, Screenshot_20180717-142342.jpg)

No. 550296
File: 1531830813499.png (337.1 KB, 1440x1864, Screenshot_2018-07-17-08-32-03…)

Ani-mia, a pretty big name cosplayer, just posted this
No. 550306
>>550304It definitely sounds like "ching chong ching chong." With her history, it's not that surprising that she was mocking it in the most ignorant way possible.
A lot of racist Americans say ching chong to mock Asian languages.
No. 550307
>>550304>>550306It could also be that she's doing both, like pronouncing the ching chong bit like how someone would say Mei's line correctly.
Either way it's one of those things where if you don't know how to properly pronounce it without looking like a giant twat you probably shouldn't be screaming it into a speakerphone, she made her bed and now she's gotta lie in it.
No. 550308
>>550304Fuck off. She wasn’t “trying” to say anything. She doesn’t know Mandarin so screamed the stereotypical racist “Ching chong” shit Americans say when making fun of Chinese people. And when her dumbass got called out she said
“I don’t speak Japanese”
No. 550327
File: 1531842656544.jpg (2.85 MB, 4032x3024, 153184262516230243672143839513…)

No. 550331
>>550329She can be a fetish model all she wants, but now she can forget about getting any of the "Legitimacy" from the cosplay community that she so desperately wanted.
Now she can finally get out of the hobby and just show her fat ass to her desperate, greasy fanbase.
No. 550333
>>550296Is this the girl that guested at Wondercon when Moo did?
>>550321Channeling her inner Onision.
No. 550334
>>550092That is a defining trait in narcissists. They manipulate and treat everyone else like shit while latching onto and draining the life out of anyone that stays close to them to fill the bottomless pit that is how much they despise themselves.
>>550073I am not surprised at all to see that Jason Mills and his squad are still friends her. That whole crew is a giant pack of drama queens and malicious narcs.
No. 550342
File: 1531847322740.jpg (53.95 KB, 716x763, Screenshot_2018-07-17-11-52-26…)

Those dislikes.
No. 550343
File: 1531847483927.jpg (48.97 KB, 857x380, 2018-07-17_13-10-20.jpg)

Those likes.
The only thing keeping her in cosplay is the money and attention. The community doesn't want her back after all of this but she refuses to leave like a sticky booger on a finger.
No. 550348
File: 1531847772249.jpeg (128.54 KB, 800x1440, D287B84F-E6AA-4F53-8A06-9E2062…)

>>550292>>550293Here’s the photo Mariah was bothering the girl (op) over. As you can see it’s nothing special (you can barely see Momo), but it goes to show just how paranoid she’s been/become.
No. 550352
>>550348But she'll happily take candids of others without their consent/permission.
>>550347Hell yes it is.
No. 550358
File: 1531850215917.png (25.11 KB, 894x527, 2018-07-17 19_52_43-My respons…)

Holy shit these comments. She'll disable comments soon enough.
What was she thinking, she can't keep a straight face for more than 30 seconds.
Also, she couldn't at least try to look half decent?
I know it doesn't really matter in what she has to say, but she just looks dirty.
No. 550360
File: 1531850671262.jpg (92.54 KB, 639x512, Sin título.jpg)

Angi might not have the reach that many cosplayers do, but she's someone very well known and respected among other cosplayers. It's definitely spreading like a wildfire
No. 550363
File: 1531850922373.png (24.18 KB, 586x148, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 11.08…)

>>550360You seem…tense. Butthurt, even
No. 550365
File: 1531851551475.jpeg (787.65 KB, 1125x1371, EEF59072-4F56-4C8E-A6FD-4377BF…)

>>550361that’s definitely Hanyaan
No. 550366
>>550363Who are you referring to, anon
>>550338I'm not sure if that's the case, but maybe she didn't accept Moo's apology.
No. 550373
>>550369I bet 97% of the time when she claims people are taking photos of her without asking, they’re not even looking at her lol.
If it was really happening as much as she says it does there would be a hell of a lot more candids… and it seems like most come from her friends/people at the same room party or whatever so you can’t really say that’s the same thing.
No. 550375
>>550366The guy. He seems like a weenie.
>>550369>>550373Would explain why she has an actual orbiting group to conceal her at all times. She doesn't want people to take pictures of her so she needs to have people half her size blocking ~the haturz~ view
No. 550377
File: 1531854456348.jpg (2.68 MB, 4032x3024, 153185443560858048961460641499…)

No. 550379
File: 1531855146697.png (3.18 MB, 1151x2048, CF9B921A-BA83-443F-B285-D1D0ED…)

>>550348How Momo sees this pic
No. 550383
Between LGH and Moo, I can't decide who I want to crash harder.
No. 550387
File: 1531856331834.jpg (109.9 KB, 1080x320, 20180717_113822.jpg)

Incel spotted.
No. 550393
File: 1531857140545.jpg (228.94 KB, 768x601, 20180717_215155.jpg)

No. 550400
File: 1531858072259.jpg (40.38 KB, 804x202, 2018-07-17_16-06-17.jpg)

No. 550412
>>550391Wait really? Jessica Nigris boyfriend?
Do you have any caps/more backstory on that?
No. 550414
>>550411Remember when everyone first spoke out and Mariah said it was planned because they all had vendettas? Those were good times.
Speaking of which, did she even apologize for saying that in her "apology"? Because she prooobably should've
No. 550419
>>550414Nope, she didn't. Nor did she apologize for saying it was all a conspiracy and vendetta
after her shitty instagram video apology.
>>550418I remember this. It's around the first time they started hanging out and going hiking together too. Around the time when Moo wanted to move to Arizona to stalk Nigri.
No. 550421
File: 1531861920232.png (198.26 KB, 926x439, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 2.11.…)

No. 550422
File: 1531861991658.png (101.63 KB, 350x663, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 2.12.…)

so the misotokki set was free but this won't? I don't get this
No. 550429
File: 1531862490315.jpg (26.47 KB, 275x267, 1531174463307.jpg)

>>550422"I'm taking a break and won't be spamming or advertising myself my dudes"
No. 550431
File: 1531862614798.png (680.5 KB, 1080x769, angelica-nightmare-rugrats-pho…)

>>550424sorry not sorry Moo, but that photo reminds me so much of this
No. 550433
File: 1531862699058.png (636.29 KB, 640x1136, 20C63091-220E-4B9F-84F3-6AA631…)

>>550422Her legs are blurring into her stomach, jesus
No. 550446
>>550429Exactly what I was going to post lmao
Did not take long
No. 550452
File: 1531864659213.jpeg (42.33 KB, 311x256, 06C2E2AF-1E36-4FBA-AA7B-5507A8…)

This white knight is so pathetic. He’s replied to almost every single comment defending her. You can see how greasy and pimply he is just from this tiny photo, it’s depressing.
The saddest part is she hasn’t acknowledged him once, despite all his white knighting.
No. 550472
File: 1531869270964.jpg (193.15 KB, 1178x1088, bb7251ac5110bf3e22f0c198c1f262…)

saw this tweet and it reminded me of our dear cow
No. 550473
File: 1531869270972.jpeg (263.83 KB, 1242x1537, F2900E1E-FEF2-449A-883E-3D2BAA…)

Video making rounds on FB
No. 550478
File: 1531870599794.png (1.56 MB, 750x1334, 7A2B71B7-A06B-4A8B-AACB-3CAEDD…)

> Explaining why the video was monetized (basically she doesn’t know how YouTube works is her excuse)
> “If you cared about me making money on this video DONT WORRY”
No. 550480
File: 1531870830534.png (3.48 MB, 750x1334, 8A564C75-38AD-483F-AA69-D6FA60…)

> “Nothing I do is right. I’m a fuck up no matter what I do. I’m trying - I DONT KNOW. Fuck YouTube man”
No. 550483
File: 1531871124486.png (262.4 KB, 347x660, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 4.43.…)

>>550478>Hey guys, I just wanna let you know I notice some people are saying my video was monetized. So, it literally has two options but when I got on the computer it literally says this [circles mouse around 'limited'] "limited"..but that's the off thing? When I press "on", it says something else. So like when I go, when I had it originally it was like this if I go to "off" it literally still says- I don't get it. I don't understand Youtube, I don't want to put ads on the video, I don't care about the money..explain. I don't know how to Youtube.>'cause if you cared about me making money on this video don't worry. Don't worry. >Again, I don't understand why they're running ads on the video. It should NOT be…it SAYS "off", it literally says "off" so …but it says "limited" so I don't understand. I don't know how to Youtube, I don't get it. No. 550490
>>550483i can only imagine her smug voice and face throughout the story
someone care to confirm?
No. 550497
File: 1531872126141.png (23.7 KB, 721x221, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 5.00.…)

How accurate is this? It says her video earned over 100 dollars so..? It might've been possible she withdrew the money before the instastory since it hit the 100 dollar mark? No. 550506
>>550497In my experience the site is just a huge estimate. Almost always its the lower end of the estimate (and even then it tends to over estimate how much you can make)
>>550493Yes, but unless you're constantly posting content that's getting like 40,000+ views per video, it'll take you a long ass time to ever hit that $100 mark in the first place.
No. 550507
File: 1531873605397.jpeg (281.21 KB, 1140x1308, A7A1372F-8F80-4287-94B4-B193B1…)

>>550431Thank you for the inspiration
No. 550508
File: 1531873802174.png (216.21 KB, 348x659, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 5.28.…)

visiting her family.
No. 550514
>>550512Can you cap it for record?
>>550513Candidates for next thread pic plz
No. 550528
File: 1531875372468.jpg (25.21 KB, 584x329, goodfellas laugh 2.jpg)

>>550507and thank
you for the masterpiece
No. 550550
File: 1531881847058.png (47.96 KB, 1050x671, MONETIZATION.PNG)

>>550483legitimate question, mariah… are you retarded? because it's as simple as unchecking these boxes under the monetization tab while uploading.
No. 550552
File: 1531881923123.jpg (27.97 KB, 804x368, 2018-07-17_22-45-03.jpg)

Bunny doesn't seem to accept her apology either.
No. 550556
File: 1531882342961.jpg (216.37 KB, 485x1024, 153187244836534753443191457744…)

No. 550558
>>550115>>550023hell yes, drag her!
>>550211I'm convinced she is a sociopath and really has no feelings for anyone or anything but herself. All she does is use people, even her cats for props. She's insane and she really thinks she can bounce back from the sexual assault evidence, she has another thing coming.
No. 550565
>>550560pfft even after she said she has no idea how to do it.
>>550562well maybe she really is a lolicon.
No. 550574
File: 1531886331052.jpeg (303.9 KB, 699x1281, 8EE5C58A-AD12-437F-8D3F-E5BCB4…)

No. 550575
File: 1531886508147.png (185.78 KB, 354x658, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 9.01.…)

No. 550579
File: 1531887801742.png (227.7 KB, 350x658, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 9.22.…)

>rolled for Artoria Lancer and got two
good for you cheater
No. 550580
File: 1531887850938.png (251.13 KB, 348x660, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 9.23.…)

y i k e s
No. 550582
File: 1531888113890.png (264.55 KB, 346x661, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 9.28.…)

No. 550583
File: 1531888127819.png (290.09 KB, 350x662, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 9.28.…)

No. 550590
File: 1531889399397.png (468.13 KB, 922x443, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 9.49.…)

No. 550591
File: 1531889437327.png (734.45 KB, 925x589, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 9.50.…)

No. 550592
File: 1531889489486.png (416.75 KB, 925x589, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 9.51.…)

No. 550594
>>550591I wonder how much money she spent.
On rolling for this character, I mean.
No. 550601
>>550599There was just an event where if you paid for in game currency, you were guaranteed a 5 star servant, so it could be from that. But knowing her she's just throwing money at it until she gets what she wants.
How much money has she spent on this game that she doesn't actually play? Is she just going to pretend she does again? She didn't even go to any of the Fate events at AX
No. 550604
File: 1531890968774.gif (327.64 KB, 549x598, 1443646252_jeane swins.gif)

>>550600the only impressive part is she got 2
impressive or depressing. im kind of unsure which
>>550601>1000k No. 550608
>>550601>>550606that makes me think she was probably actually banned from AX. she only posted herself
in the con once, and this was early on. she had been talking about fate stuff leading up to it soooo…
No. 550613
File: 1531893697860.png (245.5 KB, 349x658, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 11.01…)

ho boy
No. 550616
File: 1531893991683.png (490.75 KB, 1242x2208, 05E2BA9B-6FE6-4484-8419-3D5A3F…)

Found searching Momokun on Twitter, shes always been a bitch, even since high school with personal space boundaries. (1/5)
No. 550623
File: 1531894853287.webm (4.01 MB, 639x1136, 36823819_1782449975175545_8843…)
>>550508Is this a family thing?
Touching and fingering without consent.
No. 550626
File: 1531895240290.jpeg (588.81 KB, 1242x1945, FF1B9E98-C1DC-4952-A591-3D67A8…)

Lying comes as easily as breathing to her apparently. You delete and block those not kissing your Hank Hill ass.
No. 550627
File: 1531895245319.png (261.89 KB, 1080x1613, Screenshot_20180718-022533~2.p…)

No. 550628
>>550623"Oh my gad, you fakkin sicko" she talks like she was born and raised in Jersey Shore.
And she really wonders why the people who she molested won't forgive her. Neither she nor her family takes it seriously but I can bet that they would if someone decided to take legal action. She's lucky no one did.
>>550624She'll worship the tattoo like she did with the incorrect Fate one. At least it would be her first accurate tattoo without having to be a fake fan.
No. 550632
File: 1531896265006.png (258.85 KB, 354x664, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 11.43…)

She tried to shove the fingers into Vamp's mouth
No. 550636
File: 1531896674861.png (170.77 KB, 347x663, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 11.49…)

"It's like a third arm, ya get it?"
No. 550637
File: 1531896688861.png (258.64 KB, 349x661, Screenshot 2018-07-17 at 11.50…)

No. 550641
File: 1531896927692.png (218.09 KB, 486x414, 22444.PNG)

>>550632is her canine tooth trying to escape her mouth?