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No. 549111
Thread Image Credit:
>>548316Previous Thread:
>>>/pt/543740Onion Thread Archives:
>>>/pt/511709Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregma/Gurgles/Lainey's Gay Husband (abbreviated to LGH)/Shreg/Ogreg is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been rapidly declining since. Laineybot/Taylor/Lainey/Plainey/Doormat/Greg's Straight Wife (abbreviated to GSW), is a transtrender and "beauty guru" with no makeup-knowhow or personality.
On the last episode:
>Sarah's back and might possibly be staying at the Onion trailer>Greg continues to say that he and Maddie were never friends and how he was uncomfortable around her for years. Maddie cries to instagram. Summary: >>544090>It's still shaky whether Maddie has actually undrank the koolaid due to consistently going back and forth to seeking their forgiveness >>544550 and knowing better >>544720>Onion posts screenshots of a long message he sent to Maddie on twitter >>544991>Lainey gets on YouNow and rants about "not wanting to talk about Maddie" but also talks about Maddie >>545101 (backup >>545194 )>Onion attacks both his flakes GingerBecks >>545420 and AllieLovesLain >>545957 for supporting Maddie>Onion continues to vouch for trans people, as a cis white man >>546349>Onion makes an unnecessarily graphic retelling of all his relationships >>546473>Onion flew up a new $100 patron to do videos with him >>548304 She seems to have a crush on Lainey and is better at makeup than her >>548316>To no one's surprise, Onion attacks Shane Dawson yet again ..this time with back-and-forth emails >>548918For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules in the future:
- No nitpicking. /pt/ no longer has the sage function.
- Don't liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
Gregma: No. 549202
File: 1531679519041.jpeg (210.02 KB, 640x501, 09BCD1D3-DEE6-463E-B77B-E086C7…)

Maybe Grease should t be spuring to 18 year old children how shitty condoms are now we have a baby entering the world who wasn’t planned or wanted
No. 549214
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No. 549218
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No. 549240
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>>549218Did we miss this?
No. 549260
>>549240>>549249My bets are on Lainey stating to Gregma that it was Shane that contacted her, and jumbling up the information for some pity. TBH it was probably mentioned before in the past threads about her contacting him ( these threads go fast ) but no one thought much of it because Lame is a fan of Shane and would like his booty hole in a instance.
Lame seems like the type who makes the first move, but than later tells everyone it was the other person. Like she sends vague msgs ( ie : likes pictures,retweets, basic one word comment) that way when they msg her it comes off as them reaching out.
No. 549266
>>549258Lainey thought that by getting with Shreg she would live a YouTuber lifestyle with tours, wealth, and being friends with famous people like Shane.
Instead she is stuck in a trailer that she never gets to leave, with 2 kids that are entirely her responsibility, and every vlogger she was ever a fan of won't go near her or her husband. I wonder if she ever thinks about what her life would have been if she didn't throw her youth away for an abusive asshole just because he had 2 million subscribers on an online video platform.
No. 549287
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>>548249I can certainly see why he would delete it.
No. 549297
>>549282This this this. He gets away with WAY too much bullshit, worse than other Youtubers because everyone expects that sort of behavior from him. It's gotten out of hand because nobody has taken legal action against him or held him accountable for his actions. I don't think the dude has ever been held accountable for anything in his life.
I've always praised Shane for being wise to Greg's antics but after seeing those emails, it has gone too far and I bet there is a LOT more that he isn't showing us, which is far worse. He took these few snippets that he thinks makes him look good, and he looks like an idiot. So I wonder what the rest of the emails look like where Greg think he doesn't look good.
Shane 100% needs to take legal action or deal with this shit forever. It's been 10 years, it's not going to stop now.
No. 549304
File: 1531688235934.png (422.55 KB, 1440x2360, Everyone hates Anusion.png)

No worries, Anus. Almost everyone hates you.
No. 549305
>>549304OnisionTranslation: Look at me while I try to prove how much I dislike teens.
Wew its gettin sad at this point
No. 549306
File: 1531688394288.webm (3.9 MB, 320x180, 55-27.webm)
>>549281Sarah says "it rhymes with pawson (Dawson) and metaphile (pedophile)"
Foot seemed to really enjoy the pedophile joke because she repeated "metaphile"
No. 549332
>>549297Just because people expect it of him doesn't make it right. This may be a bad analogy, but I'm half deep in a glass of sangria, but: just because someone's the 'creepy uncle' type doesn't make it okay if he touches a kid.
I hope Shane takes legal action. Shane has had his share of scandals over the years, but always owns up to it, admits he did wrong, moves on and improves himself. Gurg never does. And his continued defamation could be viewed as a something like detrimental to Shane's career, livelihood & income. What is Gurg going to have to do in order for someone to take action? Shit on Shane's lawn?
No. 549334
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No. 549341
>>549334Jesus what a moron.
I really hope he is selling his truck though, he needs to buy another car!
No. 549343
>>549334Who knew! When things slam into fragile delicate
made to shatter for safety glass it breaks! Why am I not surprised gurg doesn't know how to properly and safely load a vehicle.
Teenage girls don't even make this mistake. Your retardation puts your spawn in danger onion.
No. 549359
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sry for doubleposting but THE MOST HONEST YOUTUBER deleted evidence of a tweet he made after threatened with legal action. (lol. such a deluded phony) (I'm presuming he posted the screenshots after they happened so they are new.)
Archive from when it was live: from cache: showing it was deleted: archive: heres another random one: year, he was sucking up to shane so hard. lol.
No. 549361
>>549316Kek I'm actually surprised that it was only 15.5k tbh. I peeked at his followers a couple months ago and at least 1/4 looked like they were obviously fake/purchased (accounts with very little to no activity/friends other than support of Shreg.)
Now if only YouTube would also clean out all their fake profiles, Shreg's sub count would be cut down by half.
2 mil subscribers but only manages 20-30k views per video? I'd love to see what his monthly budget for buying fake subs is (that his gullible patrons pay for ofc).
No. 549368
>>549343>>549334Ffs. Ofc
nothing is ever Anusion's fault, and his default reaction is to run straight to Twitter to attempt to publicly shame them.
What does he expect them to do? Ram isn't responsible for Anus being a dumbshit and breaking his window with an unsecured box. Does he think they're going to replace it because he screeches on YT to a dozen teen twats?
Such a fucking victim. Newsflash, Anus: Glass is breakable. People like Anus are the reason we have warning stickers on everything.
No. 549373
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LGH cancelled a discord session because his windshield broke lol
No. 549377
>>549366Great work, anon. It's good to have this compiled in one place as not only does Shreg have a bad habit of deleting this stuff, but I wouldn't be surprised if people were reporting his recent sperg as harrassment so it might not be around for long. I noticed at least one has been removed but I'm not sure by who.
Like we all know he's a vile, attention-seeking, angry little creep, but holy shit seeing it all laid out like this is genuinely disturbing.
Shreg is so bitter and jealous, and knowing that this garbage has been stewing in his swampy brain even while making all those "I've changed and grown guise, I'm super humble and mellow now!" is unsettling.
He's truly a stupid sick fuck who thinks pointing his fingers at everyone else will distract us from the grossness that seeps out of his few unclogged pores. It's not working, Anusion.
No. 549378
>>549373>the type of person who takes risksKEK you mean "the type of person" who rarely leaves the house and spergs on Twitter all day? Or the type who wears bulletproof vests everywhere?
Oh, I know! The type who refuses to wear condoms because you don't like how they feel! What a fun, adventurous dude!
No. 549386
>>549373>Education is absolutely brilliant1. This is absolutely hilarious coming from such an uneducated dimwit.
2. I can't count the number of times he's sperged about how "book learnin" is inferior to real life experience. He shames secondary education constantly, and even claimed to be smarter than doctors.
3. this tweet just a shout-out to Google? Because KEK
4. "I can't believe
we access to so much information for free". I love that he managed to fuck up his grammar on a tweet talking about how "brilliant" education is. Never change, Anusion.
No. 549437
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>>549397this what I was thinking of. I couldn't remember exactly what he said
No. 549440
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No. 549443
>>549440COSTCO Bunkbeds vs Ram Truck.
No. 549478
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>>549373>Really happy to be the type of person who takes risks>I'm lucky my life has a pulseI don't know what has spurred on these "I'm an edgy risk-taker guise" tweets, but he sounds like a retarded 12 year-old who just got his very first tactical wallet from a mall kiosk.
No. 549487
>>549432omg for a man who when to the Univeristy of Google, you'd think he could have spent five minutes learning how black women maintain braids, and how it's super healthy and clean??? They wash their braids regularly.
Kinky/coily hair will literally snap/break if you shampoo it more than twice a week.
No. 549488
>>549484You know, this kind of makes me think that he is that type of person who just buys another item when they break. Such as if their phone breaks or cracks, then they'll probably just either trade it in or just buy another phone instead of trying to get the problem fixed.
Like, why even think about getting a whole another vehicle if the only thing thats wrong with it, is that the window broke??
No. 549513
>>549487Meh, he's just buttonpushing. "This frizzy crap", "smells like dead rat" unpleasant to touch" "doesn't get washed"
shows girl with cute fro "she obviously doesn't give a fuck" - he wasn't trying to communicate any real idea, just get under people's skin.
I don't need the Shregs of the world to understand my hair, I'm good.
He's really starving, and I'm not mad at all. Let him starve.
No. 549525
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>>549432A lot of pissed off people in the comments. Shreg either hasn't gotten around to deleting them yet or realized that if he does, he'll be left with only a few bot comments.
This video is incredibly ignorant even for his standards. He either fetishizes POC or tells them what they should be doing. He's amazingly obtuse and arrogant.
No. 549543
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>>549454It seems like it's suited for three people. Kids could be on bottom, and Lainey or Sarah on top (or Lainey co-sleeping with C, gives Greg plenty of alone time with Sarah that way.) I don't think i'd trust a five year old with that sort of bunk though, it's feels like broken bones waiting to happen.
No. 549558
>>549488He is that type of person. He also buys new stuff when he’s sick of the old, or when something new is released — hence why Lainey for the longest time whined about wanting a new phone but would come on Younow with different ones she found around the house because Greg bought new ones. She went from iPhone 6plus to 6S, to red iPhone 7 and now to iPhone X, all within 1.5 years.
Also Greg literally threw their dryer on the ground when moving, cracked the door and instead of fixing it, got a new washer and dryer for their Swamp mansion. He’s a reckless cunt with money.
No. 549576
>>549574Well lets just pray for the people at the dealership who will have to deal with him being an idiot and he'll probably get some money off his next vehicle just so they get rid of him but he'll take it as he's right that Ram has shitty glass in their trucks.
Maybe Shreg buy a reasonable asian vehicle that isn't expensive to fix and fill with gas.
No. 549580
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gave plain a quick, shooped makeover. all of this she could do herself and look better, idk why she won’t.
No. 549581
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>>549111Accidentally found this fuckin gem on Google, enjoy.
No. 549613
>>549233Has it ever been proven that the video you're referring to has has a real life event as a base?
No hate anon, we both know he's an uneducated, narcissistic, insecure control freak but I'd rather have some more proven info on his parenting.
>>549252If he was willing to call Adrienne 13 times in one night (!) I'd bet my left foot on it!
>>549306Topkek at 0:04 / 0:05 when Sarah says "Greg asked me when you were in the other room" and Lainey's mood like completely changes to sulky.
>>549381This. I wonder if he's kinda jealous about Lainey pretending to be a boy in order to appeal to Shane. Which won't happen. /tinfoil
>>549488He's just incredibly bad with money. So much about Lainey's dream of being a trophy wife with lots of free time to bum around, money to spend on whatever etc. What a dream life! #SuchGoalsGuise!
But hey, his patreons are always willing to share a dime or two because their Lord and master is too stupid to handle real life.
>>549576I think that's just the way he sells himself on the internet. I can clearly picture him as one of those insecure beta-males who run and whine about how mean people are and how unfairly life treats him as soon as someone tells him to "either buy it for the set amount of money or leave it". Reminds me of the discussion with Lucidia.
No. 549620
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Saw this this morning, liked by both Gurg and Door Maddi. But after looking at the responses where Maddi tells Billy she loves him and he says it back, I noticed Gurg I liked it at some point. Guess that's another lost friend since Billy "chooses to be friends with a hater"
No. 549621
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>>549620Must be hard on Greg's ego when his friends support each other and not solely him.
No. 549628
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No. 549635
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>>549580Even with the best photoshop work to make her attractive, her celebrity match is a footish looking woman in her mid 50's.
No. 549656
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>>549650>12-year-olds>>549647>LaineythotIs that you G?
No. 549659
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>>549642I still have this gem
No. 549663
>>549644You're right, that was sort of shit talking Miss Rowling.
My point was that Lames closest celeb match was JK. And even though JK Rowling is a wonderful person… no woman in her early twenties wants to put on her best makeup, do up her hair and get compliments that compare her to a 50 year old woman.
No. 549675
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No. 549679
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>>549580I think i made her cute(ish)lots of work,couldnt do anything about the mouth tho
No. 549689
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Lainey in her natural habitat.
No. 549691
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>>549580>>549679I did my best.
I think she looks 100% better.
No. 549708
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No. 549709
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No. 549717
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OT but if I understand this correctly it now gives the Onions clicks even if watching with hooktube
No. 549734
>>549709I like how he has to randomly spout out about how disgusting it is, while also bragging that he mentioned to make a woman do it. Because he knows if he hadn't thrown that in at the end he'd just be ridiculed by people saying "why do you care you suck in bed anyway and it wouldn't happen"
Like how he thinks anal is disgusting but he also "accidentally" fell into Sh's asshole so people can't tell him not to knock it before he tries it
No. 549741
>>549432Anyone else feel like LGH only released this because he recently worked with this new girl on mixed decent? I feel like he either did this so he can:
1. Claim he has a mixed friend therefore is allowed to make a video like this
2. Is making it because of some hidden agenda or message to either the new girl or lainey.
No. 549747
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LGH won't apologize for being a racist piece of shit. No news there.
No. 549748
>>549747"real world experience and real people"
i.e. Things that only apply to Onion and so it must be true.
No. 549773
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A few months ago a Lainey patron mentioned to Sarah “Dat booty tho” and she flipped the fuck out. I’m pretty sure it was something Greg said to Sarah while she was on a yoga ball.
No. 549778
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>>549773Oh, I forgot to mention. Lainey was there when he made the comment to Sarah. These are just caps of her freaking out about the fact people know about it.
No. 549800
>>549773Makes more and more sense she's friends with Lame they are both absolutely nuts freaking out on people without a real reason. Everyone in the swamp trailer right now just really loves to get
triggered huh?
No. 549806
>>549804Then how do we know he said it? Just wondering.
Also Sarah is SUCH a drama queen and I wish Onion boy would find out she takes his comments to heart like that and I with the world would find out he said that to a minor.
No. 549824
File: 1531780188965.png (41.59 KB, 577x599, wat.png)

LGH off the deep end again.
No. 549894
File: 1531783795296.png (59.33 KB, 618x293, surejan.png)

You still fucked two minors tho.
No. 549907
Ah shucks.
Scarce just reported on Gerg's "leaked" emails to Shane.
Please don't let that get him any attention.
Please have Shane be enough annoyed to finally sue him. No. 549912
>>549894Didn't you mean "yes I prefer teenagers"
Makes more sense.
No. 549920
Did anything come from the 'AI molested his ex' tweet?
Did she comment, did AI comment? Did onion further elaborate etc?
Just seems random that he would remember something like that years later and not make a video about it considering he turns any minor thing that happens in his life into a video.
It's suspicious to me that it just disappeared and was never spoken of again, unless he was contacted by AIs lawyer and knew he better stfu.
As much as it pains me to say, there usually is some truth to the sh*t he claims, even if it is twisted, exaggerated, played down or dressed up. There's always that little twinkle of truth in there.
Then again, I think he's pretty angry about the letter so maybe it was just an attempt to destroy AIs relationship with Adrienne all that time after. It wouldn't surprise me. It's the sort of sociopathic shit he does.
Just like how he waited months to unleash on Madi when we all knew as soon as she made the '10 things I love about onision' video, she was dead to him, but he had to wait so his ego wouldn't look so fragile.
>>549808What makes you think Sarah has a crush on Anus? I always got the vibe she thought he was an infant manchild.
No. 549942
>>549920>What makes you think Sarah has a crush on Anus? I always got the vibe she thought he was an infant manchild.I recommend going to the archives
>>>/pt/511709 and reading up on the early threads anon.
No. 549960
>>549717Damn, well I guess we'll end up giving him a few clicks unless someone downloads his videos and uploads them elsewhere. At least until then Adblock on, no engagement (including dislikes), and potentially in incognito mode so it doesn't mess with your own suggestions
>>549709Now, not to get into the whole debate on what squirting actually is made of, but it's supposed to happen as a girl climaxes/orgasms, not "gets aroused". Is he thinking of a girl actually getting wet? Or does he not understand orgasms and thinks women can only be aroused? Because people who believe in squirting don't think a girl just randomly does it when aroused, and nobody thinks a girl being wet is made of piss (unless they're really dumb). God the fact that any of this could be it is just insane
No. 550004
>>549907Hooktube is now casual Youtube.
If you don't want something to get clicks either don't share or reupload it.
No. 550037
I Want Teenagers to Hate me is the most obvious bait to date.
Can we pull back the outrage machine so he doesn't gain the momentum he's trying for.
>>550024You're the best. Thanks anon.
No. 550061
>>550024Elementary school students have a better grasp on grammar (and the English language as a whole) than he does. The run on sentences and comma obsession is like 4th grade level. Who knows if the story is actually interesting or not - the grammatical errors make it literally unreadable.
"I'm here to forward my species" - onision in reapers wtfever
Good god let's hope not.
No. 550084
>>549894This is the third or fourth time Ive heard Shreg talk about the daycare incident and other underage girls attempting to force-ably remove his clothes.
Is this just another example of his alternative reality where all girls, even those that are 12 years and under want to have sex with him. Shreg is just so damn attractive, what is the poor guy suppose to do.
I know its not exactly the same thing but it reminds me of when a pedophile will justify assaulting a child because they misinterpreted social cues with juveniles and were sure that the little kid was flirting with them
"…but Jenny made the first move, she wanted it"
No. 550096
>>549894-I Want Teenagers To Hate Me-
>society has forced me to hate teens and be mean to them so that those teens do not find me charming and then want to have sex with me>I want to be my own person and not a slave to societal valuesGreg said that he had this epiphany just today. Is he slowly trying to talk himself into being ok with fucking Sarah?
Hes always been mean to her, now hes figuring out that he was mean to her to keep her at a distance because society says its bad to fuck teens.
Greg will now start being nicer to Sarah, maybe even complimenting her
Dat booty doe Sarah
No. 550133
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>>549894>>549912We all know what he really meant…
No. 550169
>>550168in the next chapter he kills all the aliens or whatever and makes the girl come back to life
i dont even know which is worthy of capping seprate
No. 550199
File: 1531813699235.png (1.27 MB, 1334x750, EBFBAD06-B307-43B4-BF7D-6CD8FF…)

Get you a girl to blow dry your hair for you
No. 550231
>>549807Not really??
Sometimes y’all really stretch things.
No. 550243
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>>550201a mix of Billie's two new hair colours.
No. 550246
File: 1531817907059.png (2.25 MB, 2208x1242, E889B244-4690-4CE3-AB4D-0AC09B…)

>>550223mY hAiR dYe MiSgEnDurRrEd Me
No. 550247
>>550244It could mean literally anything.
Maybe she was assaulted by someone that said that to her.
Fucking dumb to assume everything in Sarah’s world completely revolves around the Onions though, honestly.
No. 550251
File: 1531818938715.jpg (433.96 KB, 709x1136, Screenshot_20180717-094224.jpg)

Shregg has contacted da police over eugenia cooney STILL not listening to him.
Outcome is (predictably) as follows
>Shreg: oh hai police, a youtuber that I've harrassed for a number of years may or may not have an eating disorder, can you throw them into a maximum security prison for life plz?
>The police: ok sir, you're mental, leave the poor girl the fuck alone.
Actual conversation
>Greg: Hi just wanted to ask, if there is a person you know is suffering from an eating disorder, is there anything that can be done about it or do you just have to wait for them to get help themselves?
>Police officer: well its not a police matter and it's not against the law so I would probably say more it is that person who needs to seek help
Shreg: ok that's all I had to ask, thank you.
No. 550255
>>550247Are you new?
It’s silly to assume that the people who have been grooming her since she was 14 don’t have anything to do with this.
No. 550264
>>550247assaulted? sounds more like sexual harassment from a 31 year old man.
People who've stayed with the onions have confirmed similar things before anon. Why do you think they shipped sarah off the first time?
No. 550268
>>550251My god. Can't he leave this poor girl alone.
What did he expect? The police coming to her house, putting her in their car and then in a cell, forcing her to eat until she's a normal weight? Then the police can send Onion a medal for being so brave and brutally honest and Eugenia can make her "I was wrong, Onision cured my eating disorder. Thank you" video.
No. 550271
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>>550269Look at the very bottom email lol
No. 550274
>>550252>anusion said people with vibrantly colored hair don't wash it and that their hair smells bad, does that apply to plaineyfoot too?Oh yeah, Onision and his daily 4 showers a day routine. How could anyone forget?
(Somebody sometime must have called Greggypoo stinky and smelly once to be this hung up about it, talk about projection. Who, who? Oh right, his entire high school experience, when he refused to shower after gym class because he didn't want to expose his baby micropeen to the other boys, so he smelled up the rest of his day basting in his giant leather trenchcoat. Every person in high school knew Greg smelled bad and called him out for his stank and avoided him.)
Their bathroom is gonna get real moldy real fast at that rate, no exhaust fan or nothing.
Remember when Onision was ranting about how his hair wasn't oily because he washed it everyday, because if not, he himself said it would get oily??? Then his fans kept trying to tell him washing hair every day is what males it super oily super fast, and he didn't believe them, so he went to Google, and read that yeah, washing hair everyday isn't good for it, and Greg said, " oh, your right. Huh. Hmm. Well, I'm gonna keep doing it anyways!!"
If he took the time to google something, discover the truth, and still chose to do things wrong and incorrectly, how is he ever supposed to even discipline those kids? They gonna see he don't care about correct answers or the truth. How will the t&c react being screamed at by him for being wrong when they know they were right??
His kids are going to turn into horrible people.
No. 550284
You can also see in the emails where he is fucking harassing Shane just because he had her on his podcast and was nice to her.
>>'Like how Eugenia Cooney is clearly killing herself & all you did about it > is smile and take a picture' Firstly, what did he expect Shane to do? Turn the podcast into an intervention? That she didn't deserve to be treated like a human being because she is ill? Also, who the fuck uses the greater than symbol in that context? 'all you did about it is greater than is smile and take a picture' makes no sense moron.
No. 550289
>>550274Let's be positive here, anon.
His kids might have suffered more or less because of their parents' behavior but when the day comes they're able to make their own decisions, they might -hopefully- actually distance themselves from the Onions. I honestly and truly wish T&C nothing but the best and that they'll have great friends one day who'll open their eyes IF the parenting is really as bad as everyone assumes.
(re-posting for ambiguous phrasing, sorry)
No. 550318
File: 1531840396409.png (1.7 MB, 1813x1019, law.png)

>>550269Did anyone else notice that he's actually muting the person on the phone unlike Sh's manager. He had to delete that because he broke the law (but he'll never admit to that, and to being A diSgUStiNg CRiMinaL
No. 550320
File: 1531841480008.png (1.27 MB, 1242x2208, 65B40886-73B1-40E8-B306-23C6E5…)

The tweets calling him out on his Shane email tweet has almost 10x as many likes as his tweet does
No. 550350
>>550337>>550341I see this happen more and more.
We need a "sarcasm" flag so the slow witted dont get
No. 550355
>>550251So Shreg will call the cops because he is convinced Eugenia has a eating disorder. He will however not call the cops when he is convinced that Shane is a child molester who has CP on his computer.
No. 550370
>>550356Arctic Fox is a semi-permanent dye so it won't fuck up her hair alone so technically she's kind of going for being "relatable" but the amount of times she bleaches her hair is insane. It actually
triggers me. Can't wait until she is forced to shave it all bald.
No. 550382
File: 1531855758004.png (296.63 KB, 661x466, 153181541006c3.png)

>>550368are we sure shes not smoking weed?
No. 550389
File: 1531856649629.jpg (44.09 KB, 552x554, 44595c5189f926da5430ddc116c6b5…)

>>550382she looks like pic related.
No. 550399
>>550381Sarah has to learn the old fashion way. She will be throw away like all the others, wondering "why me?!"
>>550223Did anyone else feel like lame was trying to put Sarah down in this video? She kept asking Sarah for help but would then turn around and complain/mock her.
Also, lame and shreg bring up wanting to die a lot.
Do they say this crap in front of the kids?
No. 550401
>>550199>>550201Girl insists on getting the most unflattering hair colors for her skintone, haircut and face. It's always astonishing how she's able to handpick what makes her look even worse than she did before. Also notice how different the hair color looks in the two pics? She must use a shitton of filters on any of them to have the color look as different in one. One is Lavender, one Purple?
>>550280That's the most ridiculous thing he ever claimed and guy talks a lot of shit so that's saying something. He also claimed vegetarians shit doesn't stink. As long time vegetarian I can assure you, we sweat and out shit stinks just as much as others. He is just one of those ppl who gets embarrassed over the most normal human things. He actually believes he is a super human of some kind who's shit and sweat always smells of roses.
>>550320This Shannon person is a big-sh youtuber, so I am not surprised she gets a lot more likes. But I am kinda glad bigger youtuber start calling him out now. Esp some like Shannon, who belong in the alternative community which Gurg wish he was part of and which girls he thirsts over.
No. 550404
>>550370As someone who has dyed their hair unnatural colors in the past and currently has silver blonde hair, I can confirm that bleaching even just 2 or 3 times in a short span will KILL your hair. My hair is about shoulder length and I can barely get a comb through it when it’s wet because of the damage from the bleach.
Plaineythot just doesn’t realize how damaged hers is because her hair is so short. If anything, she’s got a bleach burnt, dried out scalp.
No. 550495 Dark Side of DDLG (The ABDL Community) - OnisionSpeaks
Greg being Greg: dragging out the Binkie Princess drama, sharing their personal e-mail exchanges, and calling her boyfriend a pedophile.
No. 550500
File: 1531872693381.png (1.35 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2018-07-17-19h09m30s16…)

>>550495's the mirror. Looks like he had to dig for her photos too. Anything to ruin Lame's remaining friendships I guess lol
No. 550511
>>550096I'm honestly confused about the Olympic-level mental gymnastics he had to perform in order to make this comment. He has to be mean to teenage girls in order to stop them from wanting to fuck him? Uh, Greg, there's not a problem here unless you actually DO fuck them. THAT'S what's illegal and immoral.
This absolutely reeks of Greg trying to cover up his lust for teenage girls.
No. 550523
File: 1531875138226.png (Spoiler Image,120.93 KB, 750x1116, IMG_4787.PNG)

No. 550525
File: 1531875240586.webm (3.58 MB, 320x180, fucking gross.webm)
No. 550567
>>550278my tinfoil is he doesn't wipe his ass cause it's "gay"
also he probably jerks off in there. thats hardly a tinfoil tho.
these are the only reasons i believe this multiple showers
No. 550568
File: 1531884199862.jpg (39.77 KB, 758x527, longhairlain.jpg)

>>550246excuse the shitty photoshop, but I just love imagining what she could look like with a normal hair style, because it really drives it home that her individuality is solely rooted in her hair color choice of the month.
No. 550570
>>550568It'a like an alternate reality. What could have been had she stayed in the dorms and not wasted her daddy's money while she hid away with Greg.
I'm sure she was always a bitch, but I'm also sure her life would have turned out way, way, way better had she never met Greg. But she likes to insist otherwise.
No. 550597
>>550425im surprised he bought a new bedset
this seems like sarah is going to be staying longer
No. 550603
>>550595Oh my god she actually does.
She resembles the most unattractive men.. SR, Andy Dick, Rapestream
No. 550612
File: 1531893469352.png (325.51 KB, 661x512, RSN.png)

>>550603When she wears her stupid snapback backwards on YouNow everyone should comment that she looks like CJ from RealStreamNews
I wonder how quick she'll stop wearing baseball caps after that.
No. 550630
File: 1531895464455.png (6.53 KB, 767x103, temp.png)

His twitter stats for the last few days
No. 550656
>>550586No. Gerg won't stop until Shane actually sues him. He never faced consequences and thinks he gets away with everything.
Wity Gerglogic he can kick him as long as he wants but if Shane's going to hold him accountable for it Gerg snaps cause wHy WoUlD hE dO sOmEtHiNg ThAt HuRtS mY fAmIlY
If Gerg actually has to show up in a courtroom he's over.
No. 550671
>>550656If Gerg actually has to show up in a courtroom he's over.
Anyone remember the guy who called the judge a cock under his breath, the judge heard him and gave him 60 days in jail for contempt, the guy then called the judge a cock for a second time and got 120 days.
I see Greg ending up with 300 or 400 days in jail for contempt, and as the bailiff drags him out of the court room he'll be screaming
No. 550674
File: 1531901662976.png (388.05 KB, 542x617, 10min.PNG);dw Lame and Sarah make vine/youtube meme references through out the video
Sarah continues to be better at makeup than our resident skinwalker.
No. 550685
>>550679>>550682shes gonna get gregs thumb dick
watch yo foot, taylor
No. 550703
File: 1531915460678.png (535.92 KB, 900x497, mmhmm.png)

>>550674i like how footface saw how good Sarah's makeup skills and sabotaged it by snatching the makeup brush mid way doing her eyes
No. 550729
File: 1531921469677.png (28.8 KB, 540x188, eugenia.png)

>>550586Except he outright lied. NOW he says, "Oh, I said I wouldn't make NEGATIVE videos on Eugenia."
No Grugly, you said you wouldn't make any future videos on her. Full stop.
No. 550734
>>550715Sarah acts like a non stoned Sarah Baska which is hilarious because she's as much as a wet blanket as Lainey. I'd love to watch a Sarah Baska blog feat Billie roasting the Onions, get a couple of songs and relevant memes in it.
I've always felt Sarah is in love with Onion. When she talks about him her voice goes childlike and awestruck and she's starting to glare at Lainey on camera and stare at parts of her face. Fixating on the ugly, praying for her 18th birthday when Greg comes knocking.
"Sarah would it be the tea if you sukmi?"
No. 550763
File: 1531926665585.png (3.94 MB, 1334x750, 595B17C4-F243-4DF1-B5AA-1F443B…)

Sarah Does Her Makeup in 10 Minutes featuring Her 40 Year Old Mom!
No. 550765
File: 1531926832964.png (3.9 MB, 1334x750, 3E1D8135-3522-415C-AC61-5A5E6C…)

>>550763Caught this in the background. Does Plain try and intentionally make herself as hideous as possible?
No. 550767
File: 1531927030635.png (3.83 MB, 1334x750, 5D585D3D-64D3-4479-AF4E-996FC6…)

>>550763Laundry is acting all smug pretending she won, and Sarah even says that her look is better than hers (Sarah’s that is), and Plain gets pissy and says it’s not. She proceeds to check herself out in the viewfinder, take selfies, insists she looks amazing, and then admits she never reads the comments.
That explains why her eyeshadow still looks like trash and is blended out even further than her brow tail
No. 550772
>>550770I thought the same thing. Not to mention, if they're such "good friends" and know Sarah came from an abusive home, why in the world would they send her back to that home over, what they claim to be, online rumors? Shouldn't Sarah's safety and well-being be more important than some rumors?
As with all of Onion's grandstanding: methinks the lady doth protest too much.
No. 550785
>>549111I get why Sarah copies people because she's young and impressionable and it's what you do at that age but is Lainey seriously sitting there copying Mina now with that 'haa.. bitch' tongue shit that Mina always does?
It's like everything she sees on youtube she takes in an attempt to stay relevant and because the bitch has no identity of her own.
No. 550818
>>550500I'm cringing so hard. Why are you telling your fanbase that you and Lame fuck in cosplay?
Furthermore, yuck. I cannot imagine any type of sexual roleplay imaginable with either. Yuck yuck yuck.
No. 550822
File: 1531933795469.png (41.23 KB, 725x417, Screenshot_2018-07-18 Onision …)

No. 550824
>>550818Imagine poor Sarah.
"Lainey why are you dressed like Misty?"
" reason, hey- could you watch the kids for five mins…and turn their cartoons up REALLY loud.."
No. 550825
>>550822Why do I doubt anyone's reason was "You've never even dated a black woman"?
Is he twisting the more common argument "You shouldn't talk about black woman because you are clearly ignorant about black women"?
No. 550831
>>550822Haha, what a shitty straw-man and as always he misses the point.
>>550824>"Lainey why are you dressed like Tifa?"FTFY
No. 550841
>>550682She looks better than she did before, and next to foot she looks amazing. If you put her next to pretty girls, she wouldn't stand out as much.
>>550687I think she enjoys getting greg to turn against girls who are prettier than her so she knows he will pick her in the end and she "wins". It's creepy how excitedly happy and smug she gets when she finally runs a girl out of the house.
>>550715greg probably thinks every lesbian wants him. That hes the exception because hes so attractive!
>>550822that pinned tweet. Is that his ploy to get people to give him money? If you give me money, I will donate it to charity of course!!! LOL im sure hes never donated a dime in his life. And people are better off donating themselves then giving him money to "donate".
No. 550944
File: 1531943771163.jpg (164.59 KB, 811x700, Screenshot_20180718-215116_Ope…)

>>550770>>550772Don't forget he called Sarah plain, boring and ugly when she looked like pic related.
Now she's older and prettier
No. 550959
>>550956>>550958I think they were referring to Hana the star of Onion's new 10 Things video.
No. 550968
Hey I’m making a picture compilation right now (and for the next 20 minutes)
I have plenty of Greg but I need weird/ugly/monstrous Lainey faces for the other half
(I’ll delete this post soon I just saw this pic and figured you all might have some good ones)
>>550765 No. 550974
File: 1531951786401.png (72.15 KB, 595x532, IMG_4125.PNG)

>>550968I snagged this from one of her younow streams a couple weeks ago anon
No. 550984
File: 1531953591292.png (878.91 KB, 661x1024, TheDevil'sGarden.png)

I've been sitting on this idea for a while, but it seems like it's going to be terribly relevant soon.
Feel free to edit it, I'm sure you guys know what I was going for.
No. 550991
File: 1531954159179.png (450 KB, 610x546, busted.PNG)

>>550968 I got this…
>>550984 Im cackling anon!
No. 551035
File: 1531959530242.jpg (675.43 KB, 971x1211, Tired looking Jowls.jpg)

>>550968Heres another one
No. 551041
File: 1531960435846.png (1.58 MB, 1440x1585, FellowShreg.png)

>>550734>"Sarah would it be the tea if you sukmi?"That made me laugh harder than it should have. He is the ultimate Emo Dad and I will never get why teens aren't horrified by him.
No. 551047
>>551024Friendly reminder that this is very likely how Laundry looks when she does suk mi.
No wonder Grug's microdick shrivels up.
No. 551084
File: 1531964755326.jpg (212.07 KB, 661x466, 1531815410063.jpg)

No. 551137
>>551069Is the person who knows Hanas every move just stalking her or is it selfposting?
I wish I could sage
No. 551171
File: 1531974075495.jpg (162.07 KB, 681x872, HurrdurrImLainey.jpg)

No. 551181
File: 1531976969887.png (36.74 KB, 615x319, peepee.png)

No. 551197
File: 1531978515033.png (5.08 MB, 2436x1125, 94C50095-794F-43E3-A661-79C23A…)

youtube’s automatic captions.
No. 551203
>>551181He says this like Google has always existed. Same with smart phones. What a retard.
Also, with enough searching you can find exactly what you want to hear to back up your beliefs.
No. 551209
File: 1531980464818.png (222.94 KB, 558x558, Screenshot (1569).png)

>>551204Your age is showing again Shreg.
No. 551222
>>551204This video was hard to watch. They can’t stop bickering for five minutes to make a video? Can only imagine how insufferable they are together off-screen.
Wondering what her motive for making the vid was. Lainey says their relationship is monogamous at the moment, but would be open to poly if the right person “fell in her lap.” The whole video, she was prodding Greg for his thoughts on things. She asked Greg if he thought their relationship was monogamous and he didn’t directly answer the question. He called it “unshakable” and knocked on wood.
No. 551232
File: 1531988445729.jpg (83.06 KB, 960x720, virgin daddy dom.jpg)

came across this meme and thought of the bunions
No. 551239
File: 1531992658524.jpg (156.08 KB, 1180x788, fn.jpg)

I don't want anyone to sue him despite him deserving it. He's tried to be relevant to AJ by claiming Ministry front runner molested his daughter. Shane revealed that he's not suing him because he doesn't want to make life bad for Lameo and her herps. He called non-emergency services on Eugenia to seem like a good guy but they turned him down. Now he has a skinwalking wife who groomed a 14 yo who is 18 and now living with them.
Sarah threw Billie under the bus even though Billie said she claimed to make "bomb rice."
No. 551252
>>551204I can only laugh along with Greg when he's calling himself a rapist and dragging Lainey.
Also that whole video Lainey is like I don't even know what we're talking about. So let me explain for her, HE'S SAYING HE HASN'T MET ANYONE HE WANTS TO FUCK AS MUCH AS HE DID BILLIE
No. 551292
File: 1532012223692.jpg (53.29 KB, 1323x190, racistonion.jpg)

>>551261>"Think of the most civilized place in the world. You know living in dirt huts, constantly at war, typically poor plumbing, not great internet. Often on those commercials living in mud huts and they're saying 'hey we're starving to death'. Do you know the primary place for agreeing with mutilating children? The middle east and Africa!"LGH is a racist piece of shit who thinks the majority of the middle east and Africa live in mud huts and don't have basic infrastructure. He hasn't changed at all since 2004. Seriously, it baffles me how extremely uneducated and racist he is. Go join your local KKK chapter Shreg! You'll fit right in!
No. 551312
>>551204>Onion: You are poly because you are bi.>Lainey: Oh my god, are you implying that all bi people–>Onion: Smart people will understand what I've meant!——————–
>Onion: This is why our polyarmory concept is a joke. I love seeing you with a woman but you hate seeing me with a woman>Lainey: That's not true, I hate seeing you with evil people.Lmao this video is a goldmine of excuses
No. 551328
File: 1532016720821.png (2.57 MB, 1942x614, lecomparison.png)

No. 551331
>>551328Holy crap!
Lame actually looked pretty at 17. The hair is perfect color and length to counter her long face.
No. 551333
>>551328The bitch aged BADLY. Holy shit.
Sarah looks seriously young and fresh faced and considering greases recent tweeting about being "comfortable" with himself, Why do I get serious billiegate "I'm going to do what I want when I want" vibes and especially since the big 1 8 is coming up in august. Oof.
No. 551336
File: 1532018075005.png (3.07 MB, 2500x920, whitewitchVevilwitch.png)

>>551331Tbf I picked a nice selfie out of the google results to play fair. She's posed and edited, whereas that's a screengrab of Sarah
I gave up trying to give her the courtesy for 21 just went with a dated youtube video to get the age right. All about the facts.
No. 551340
File: 1532018677729.jpg (156.04 KB, 1080x761, Onion says its herpes.jpg)

>>551204>>551234>It seems like they're only together because they perceive everyone as out to get them.>They're both paranoid weirdosNo no anon, please, allow me to enlighten you as to why these toxic avengers stay together.
Actually, let GREG tell you himself why to miserable, mismatched people would ever stay together.
Straight from the Greasy peen himself
No. 551346
>>551344She's too busy trying to skinwalk all the young queens whilst being a boy.
Looks like she was just wearing eyeliner, she only started smearing eyeshadow on her face when Onion told her to start making money from all the makeup she pretended she also liked whilst Billie lived there.
Sarah is only 17 now and Billie just turned 21 in April, it is bizarre that Lainey who turns 24 this year has to copycat younger girls. Well i mean she did marry a pedo lol
No. 551350
>>551328Being with Anus ages you 20 years. All Laundrythot needs is a few hours in the sun, a shift in diet, a more flattering haircut, clothes that suit her body, a gym subscription, knowledge of basic makeup application, and a few hobbies. Since Anus doesn’t allow any of that, all she needs is to get away from Anus.
Which is exactly what he wants so he can fuck Sarah as she wears a paper bag with Billie’s face taped on it.
No. 551365
>>551204I am actually feeling bad for Plain in this video. Greg is insufferable, he's so annoying.
>Bi people get crushes easily and are always polyamorous>Look at this liberal outrage, SJW tumblr trash, intelligent people understand me>Your jealousy is the worst, you hate seeing me with other women why I like seeing you with other women (even though I WILL NEVER let you be with another man, of course, I will just fetishize and drool over you girls, so so tolerant and open-minded)>useless analogy>clapping hands laughing at his own horrible jokes (screaming random bad words)I haven't watched a video with both of them in it for some time and it really is exhausting.
No. 551377
File: 1532022995723.png (322.26 KB, 468x702, kkkuck.png)

No. 551394
>>551365I think the intelligent people comment was Onion showing his bigotry again. Also the fact she is a transtrender. He always makes off the cuff jokes directing more to haters on Laineybot videos and sticks to the serious slagging of haters on his own channels.
He was probably the anon that derailed with ugly Lainey screencaps for no reason.
No. 551417
>>551312dang lainey is getting dragged
maybe i should watch this one. but i hate agreeing with greg…
No. 551418
File: 1532025800963.png (165.87 KB, 296x300, kimmo.png)

>>550223>>551340Funny for him to pass judgment about the compatibility of couples.
No. 551430
File: 1532027274673.jpg (8.22 KB, 194x259, download.jpg)

>>551428ok then she was def uglier than sarah
(nitpicking & derailing) No. 551431
>>551365*while I like seeing you with other women
>>551394That is a believable tinfoil. Greg is much more of a cow but people tend to just focus on how worn out Plainey looks like lately. But it might be just because Onion can't really shock anyone anymore and his shitty drama/videos get old fast.
No. 551465
File: 1532030293666.jpeg (65.98 KB, 749x412, 68CF963A-ED5F-459E-9186-EA314E…)

>>550968Pretty much any time she does anything to her lower lash line she makes this face, anon.
No. 551509
>>551204I pray for a transcript.
>>551336She was actually so fresh faced at 21. She still had the kind of boyish look but without making herself look like an embarassing idiot and actually looks her age.
No. 551511
File: 1532037438019.gif (882.36 KB, 500x281, ew.gif)

>>551261>>549642this is a 9/10 bod, for sure
No. 551512
>>551511is this an edit or a video rip
im not joking i cant tell
No. 551514
File: 1532038474203.jpeg (113 KB, 827x640, 4580DD08-49F7-45DF-AB93-61E5C2…)

all the comments on lame’s new videos focus on how “attractive” sarah’s become, since LGH deletes negative comments on her content I’m sure a twitter lovebombing is imminent
No. 551539
someone kindly show this anon his unedited ugly boy school shooter pics
No. 551548
>>551365Did he really mention SJW tumblr trash? If so, that would make me KEK so hard since he's basically the poster boy for tumblr shit.
I remember a video (dk from who) about Male feminist who end up being accused of sexual assault or rape and Onision being one of the examples of someone who screams about feminism and trys to judge others under a feminist lens and then are actually the worst to women themselves.
No. 551566
File: 1532044508665.png (702.66 KB, 640x1136, 3B81D0EB-B698-4122-BE14-D567EB…)

>>551328They’re stealing your shit, fam. It’s the same tard who selfposted awhile ago.
No. 551574
>>551570Nah screw that reasoning, it's the same type of justification LGH uses to never shut the fuck up about Shane.
>>551566It's an anon board, who cares. But that person needs to chill they're everywhere
No. 551615
File: 1532049932579.png (158.15 KB, 516x463, juststop.PNG)'S NOT QUITTING YOUTUBE GUYS.
tl;dw: he's just going over dead channels and goes on to say that youtube picks and chooses who to promote on their platform. Which surprises absolutely no one.
No. 551642
>>551615"Leafy wasn't getting money so he walked"
(Leafy's least successful videos had 10 the views Onions has now)
No. 551646
File: 1532052029284.png (100.87 KB, 584x800, anon.png)

>>551585this is the only thing i could find on the asian-hispanic girl. dunno if this was the right place to post it however.
No. 551652
>>551570>and us talking about it so of course they bring it upRemember all the times that Greg has raged about Billie, or Sam or just about anyone he hates now, and when his patrons ask why hes still talking about him, his go to is
"the people in chat brought it up so of course Im going to talk about it"
But no one ever brought it up in chat. It all seems sus
No. 551653
File: 1532052594534.png (2.91 KB, 233x80, no bites.PNG)

In case if you were wondering, the McMansion still hasn't been sold yet.
No. 551659
>>551655Wait, they moved before it got sold?
Did they buy the new swamp house or are they just renting it?
No. 551661
>>551660I really don't get the american system. How did they qualify for a home loan while being saddle with heavy debt from the IRS and lack of proof of consistent income?
Seriously, are you guys better not be working on another gfc.
No. 551662
Zillow shows that neighborhood market to be "very cold", and the GreaseMansion is listed at more than 3X what most houses in the same neighborhood go for. It'll sit on the market for years, until Big Daddy Gubbmint seizes it as an asset and auctions it off for pennies on the dollar, while Grug screams about it not being LOGICAL.
No. 551717
>>551678Holy shit.
In the Is My Relationship Anonymous video, he kept bringing up how insecure she was. Do you think she forgot you cheated on her you fucking meathead?
No. 551719
File: 1532062219910.webm (1.5 MB, 472x300, Be Laineybot For A Night.webm)
>>551511If you turn up the volume while hes dancing you can hear him huffing and puffing. It freaked me out, but gave me an idea.
To all you fangirls who wish you could be with Onision, slip on your VR goggles and be Lainey for one romantic night.
No. 551785
>>551204After watching the vid this idea popped into my head. We all know Lainey isnt actually gay or bi or whatever the fuck shes calling herself this week. Shes just mentally ill and its manifested itself this way, plus it gives her extra Tumblr points with her fans.
What I do believe is that Lainey has this odd puppy dog love thing for teen girls.
Its like junior high school girls who have crushes on sexually non threatening singers and movie stars. They can daydream about going on romantic dates and hugging and kissing but not worry about the sex. Thinking of sex with Justin Bieber or one of the Jonah brothers is gross and weird at that point in their budding sexuality.
Thats what Lainey is. She wants a cute teen girlfriend that she can cuddle and peck on the lips and have adorable little girl-dates with, but dont touch her vagina or elongated cow tits, thats just plain disgusting in Laineys eyes.
No. 551822
>>551785This sounds so accurate!!!!!
Tumblr calls it queer platonic relationships.
Im waiting for her to adopt that term.
No. 551826
>>551785That would make Lainey an ephebophile, too.
lol. It all makes so much more sense now.
No. 551834
>>551204It looks like at the beginning when he’s trying to explain what the video is about and Lainey keeps correcting him, he gets up to leave out of frustration with her. It cuts back to him sitting with her again.
Why did they decide to fully become poly and not give Lainey another try at having her own girlfriend? Greg could have done thing he did with Billie and slowly insert himself into their relationship. They’re crazy if they think they’ll find someone that likes them an “equal” amount.
No. 551838
>>551785So true! One of her “requirements” in a girlfriends is someone who will go on ~Pokémon go dates~.
Greg is also exacerbates the problem. By picking her up as a teen and knocking her up, having her be relatively isolated and depend heavily on him for validation, and “”encouraging”” her to come out and get a girlfriend. I’m also guessing that he is trying to manipulate her to get another girlfriend by positively reinforcing her showing interest in girls.
No. 551842
>>551841That's why they stopped going to couple's therapy. If Plain went to
any credible therapist, they would tell her that her husband is abusive and manipulative and to save her children.
No. 551844
>>551834They only want a unicorn to fix their relationship. Lainey doesn’t give a shit about dating women, she just wants a girl to hold her emotional baggage and occasionally be affectionate with. She’s not poly
or bi.
No. 551854
>>551844>>551849She wants a non threatening accessory.
Someone who will give her cred as a true gaytm online and make her more interesting and appealing to Greg without having them take up any of greg’s interest or affection which she wants to keep firmly monopolized. Someone to add interest to her Instagram pictures and do her makeup for beautybot videos. Something to clean the share the burden of housework and childcare. Something to watch a movie with when she’s bored and Greg is ignoring her to make videos or stream with his teens. She doesn’t want a partner or even real a friend she wants an accessory.
No. 551875
>>551661They were able to get a loan for another house while STILL having to pay their mortgage on their old home because they are lying about their finances to get patreon pity.
Idk if the IRS payments have begun yet (been quite a few threads since we talked about that) and if they have started then they are simply paying the monthly fees and they aren't in as bad a spot as LGH pretended he was. Clearly, if they were that bad off they wouldn't be able to get another loan. House loans are extremely hard to get if you have any huge credit issues. But, their fans are too dumb to realize that it's all BS and they must still have ALOT of money or monthly income to be able to pay 2 mortgage payments.
No. 551886
File: 1532106955864.png (1.25 MB, 1515x1093, Screenshot_2018-07-20 Onision …)

No. 551950
File: 1532119272011.png (610.97 KB, 1205x1874, temp.png)

Trump sperg plus stupidest comment on Twitter ever plus other stuff
No. 551951
>>551886"Happy with the results of Onions and Lainey's relationship" likely translates to "they love their grandchildren/niece/nephew.
"In-laws standing by Lainey's decision"? Likely means "her sister doesn't hate me".
No. 551998
File: 1532124960056.png (314.58 KB, 720x920, Screenshot_2018-07-21-00-09-17…)

Shreg is accusing Shane of being a pedo… again.
No. 552000
File: 1532124981101.jpeg (183.77 KB, 1200x563, DilHuiUUwAAtFsH.jpeg)

Onion sent a screencap out of another sperg he emailed Shane
Its on his Twitter
No. 552011
>>552010Oh my god, SAME.
And I can't get over Shane telling Ugly he didn't want this to go legal out of CONSIDERATION for Onion's family, and Gayg turning it into "You're disgusting for mentioning them, HOW DARE YOU!" He HAS to have a learning disability, a nail in his brain, SOMETHING.
No. 552021
>>551999Imagine writing this wordy essay and all you get in response back is either a sentence or a "leave me alone" response. ( or no response at all )
I'm starting to wonder if Greg wants Shane to sue him, and for whatever reason thinks he'd win the case or prove a point. If someone threatens to sue you while you're still paying off taxes,new home,losing patrons, losing youtube buxs you'd think they'd back off, unless he thinks he has a leg up on Shane and will win. ( Or he thinks Shane wont sue because of his human meat shield "Lame" )
No. 552041
File: 1532132248437.png (4.06 KB, 324x92, itsgurg.PNG)

>>551999Seems like Greg doesn't think people between ages 13-17 can be preyed on by pedophiles.
No. 552045
>>551912Exactly. I remember him giving an excuse that teens in their underwear were the same as teens in a swimsuit. Its the same amount of clothing covering the body, and you see teens in swimsuits at a pool all the time. So it would be perfectly fine (and legal) for him to sit at the pool and watch & rate teens at the pool.
He doesnt register in his little autistic brain that its creepy and gross, even if its not against the law.
Im sure that one of those teen dads wouldnt care if its legal for him to be ogling their daughters, and he wouldnt be able to fight off those fathers with his famous martial arts move of laying on his back and kicking in the air like he did with Papa Onion.
No. 552048
>>551914Maya locked herself in the bathroom and texted Lainey (who was in the same house) that she was freaked out.
I imagined it was like the Shining bathroom/axe scene.
No. 552051
>>552041I wish I could remember the stream he said this on, but some girl brought up that infamous "7th grade boys, thats how I like em" clip, and Gregs response was that pedophiles rarely go after boys, so his joke was a wild flight of fancy that wouldnt happen in the real world.
No. 552054
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>>552026>>552028I think this tinfoil as well, I saved this from the popblast twitter when they said they were being paid to do it. I never could figure it out but hey maybe?
No. 552058
>>552054>paedophileIt cant be Greg.
Greg thinks theres only one correct spelling of pedophile.
No. 552086
>>552075>>552051>>552026You guys are giving Greg too much credit
He saw Shane getting shit and cause he’s still salty about Shane’s success he decided to jump on the band wagon cause he thought it was something he could get people behind. Even after the guy who made the video bitched out Greg just kept rolling with it cause he’s fucking Greg and refuses to admit he was wrong.
No. 552096
>>552090It has been hypothesized that the person he can't talk to at that moment because they are at school in the A voicemails (specifically the one where he talks about Shiloh and the pregnancy test) was Taylor.
That was in 2011.
No. 552099
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No. 552101
>>552099Barbie said it better than you, fucking dumb cunt.
I was just joking when I harassed you for months my dude. I was just joking when I fucked B while my life was in labor. IT'S JUST A PRANK.
No. 552109
File: 1532141837044.jpeg (152.05 KB, 750x333, F6ED3378-5E7F-4870-B5C6-7D4691…)

alrighty boys, who do you think it’s about this time? same person same problems? I think so.
No. 552129
>>552075If it wasn’t Onion, you know he’s wishing that he knew who it was because he wants to be BFFs.
>>552086I agree.
Before the pop last video, he didn’t even make claims that Shane was a pedo. It wasn’t until it came out that he really dug his heels in on that.
No. 552130
File: 1532146989377.png (43.53 KB, 586x539, temp.png)

> says shane broke no law
> tells shane to turn himself into the police
No. 552173
I have issues with that. I think his revelation that he was bi during his relationship with Lisabug was so the blow-back wouldnt be so severe.
If he had told the truth and said "Ive known I was gay since I was a teen and used Lisbug as a beard, playing with her emotions for years" people would have been pissed.
If he was bi, and left his long term relationship with Lisbug to explore that bisexuality… why were all the people he dated after Lisa only men?
No. 552174
>>552130The real question is, what is going on in the Swampmansion he hasn't sperged about publicly yet that's making him deflect with this Shane shit so hard?
He only does this obsessive shit when cornered or caught doing something fucked up so he can distract people away from whatever it may be.
No. 552176
>>552174He started sperging about Shane when the Madison drama popped up. Also Shane's birthday was yesterday.
He was also sperging about Trump around the time the Sarah discord caps were posted.
No. 552177
maybe he wanted to explore that part of his sexuality that he never got to? you can only date a string of men and still be bi.
>>552119he's disgusting. wonder what sarah would have to say.
No. 552205
File: 1532161359470.jpg (472.28 KB, 908x1424, 20180721_182133.jpg)

>>551653$15k price cut on the McMansion on the 19th… might wanna add an extra 0 to that Grease.
No. 552224
>>551781Except the sad part is they're probably not better looking than Lainey if their standards are that low lmao
Honestly I always thought some of the shitting on Lainey in this thread can get kinda a-loggy but I just assumed it's the new generation of tumblrfags that populate lolcow for the latter half of its life. What you're saying makes a lot of sense, though.
No. 552228
>>552114i would but it's gonna take time to find all the moments… if anyone would like to pitch in and add their favorite clips that would be great
>>552130but he called the cops to tell them about a girl who has an ED? so sexually harassing a minor isn't a crime but being anorexic is?..
No. 552229
>>552214>>552206>>552205Ahhh… what lying sacks of shit the onions are, truly.
Why the need to dodge the truth and lie… and to the fans themselves directly!!! Not through a 3rd party or hearsay, but right from the foot's lips herself.
They can lie about youtubers, their trinity experiments, gregs penchant for pedophilic behaviours, ect., but the fact remains that it was publicly stated by them that the new house was purchased with money obtained through the sale of the old house.
Huge vat of liars that onion fam.
No. 552237
>>552214my sides have left orbit holy shit
(OT anon but you could go into media design that was incredibly entertaining)
No. 552241
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No. 552249
>>552241What an actual joke.
The amount of people that have told him to quit making videos on them, some even asked politely through email not even videos, and this cunt shows the world those emails and continues talking and mentioning them in every video he can. But he throws a tantrum when someone mentions him.
Eugenia- emailed him to stop
Ayallah- made a cease and desist video
Billie- asked him to stop via video
Shane- asked him to stop in an email
Shiloh's manager-left a voice message
Maya- messaged him about taking down videos
He's such a hypocritical douchebag
No. 552251
File: 1532194559921.png (165.74 KB, 791x646, temp.png)

Onision beats off hobos. Confirmed.
No. 552259
File: 1532198049738.png (341.73 KB, 1136x818, Untitled.png)

double confirmed.
No. 552301
>>552298I have grown to absolutely LOATHE that phrase now.
That’s the fucking tea… she uses it as a catchphrase for EVERYTHING.
She should really peep the irony of how much she can relate with the cringe side of trans. They were clearly targeting the trenders.
No. 552304
>>552301Same. Along with any new phrase or lingo that kids use. I have siblings much much younger than me and was never bothered by their millenial jargon, but it's pathetic that this woman in her 20's with 2 children says 'lit' more times than I've ever heard a child say it.
She's not even saying it to be ironic. It's irritating and everytime this bitch says 'tea' I want to stab my ear drums out with a sharp pencil.
Not sure if it's the words themselves, or the dumbass voice in which she drawls.
No. 552320
>>552317He’s going back into damage control mode, it seems.
I wonder how bad it hurts his “honest soul” every time he flips and commits hypocrisy. I truly believe that he believes his truth is honest and real.
No. 552322
>>552317>>552320Maybe he's upset that she'll leak his DM's.
Normally he'd be the opposite, blowing up on twitter and saying 'ewww i never wanted to collab with her. She's gross!' Or poke the bear with a stick to get more views and reactions. It really makes me wonder what he said to her.
Also is she friends with Billie or Ayalla? She said she didn't want to hang out because of a mutual friend or something.
No. 552325
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No. 552328
>>552310She says he’s salty that she didn’t want to meet with him in LA, basically. And shows the clip where he’s talking shit about her dreads, lol.
She’s friends with Billie and Ayalla, why the fuck would he think she’d want to hang out with him?
On another note, I occasionally watch hers and Stephie Lee’s videos. They both seem incredibly sweet and down to earth. I doubt Victoria was at all rude to him, so of course he was just being an asshole to be one. And he wonders why no one wants to be within 50 fucking feet of him. Not that they would’ve gotten along anyway? They obviously have very opposing personalities.
No. 552331
>>552328She said he got salty and subtweeted her! Kek. I'm looking for these subtweets to see what she's talking about.
He honestly probably wanted to hook up with her. He seems like such a loser. Comes to LA and bitches that it's all fake people because nobody wants to be his friend, yet doesn't understand why ex lovers and friends are upset with him throwing private details about their lives online when he gets mad. He has nothing to offer anyone.
No. 552340
Victoria is very open about sexuality and drug use, if the man couldn't handle Billie smoking weed, he sure isn't going to get along with an older version of Billie who dabbles in harder drugs like acid.
I feel like he's chasing the manic pixie dream girl, he wants one, but doesn't like their defiance.
Which is weird because Lainey tries so hard to be this type of girl AND she's a doormat, so you'd think she'd be perfect, but I guess it gets too dull for him and that's why he continues chases alt girl poon.
No. 552350
File: 1532215359101.jpg (278.34 KB, 1080x1033, Screenshot_20180721-181910_Tum…)

kinda ot but saw this post on tumblr about how gay trans men should be able to dress like women or whatever and I saw this like y'all talkin bout lainey right lol
No. 552351
>>552346He is so childish with his insults and the way he terminates relationships it's actually embarrassing.
>so and so smells badddd
>i dumped so and so FIRST which means I'm the one in the right
>oh yeah? Well so and so is UGLY It becomes more bizarre and apparent how immature he actually is as he gets older. Like Lainey has reached cringe status with her wannabe teen lingo, but she's still in her 20's, so if you ignore the fact she has kids, it's believable that a youtuber acts that immature, you know, in order to get more views. But Greg has actual tantrums and it's just baffling the way he acts towards people when he's angry. Like in this day and age, block and move on.
No. 552362
>>552360Because they are whores and too experienced. He likes the naivety and he also can't stand the fact someone would only fuck him for money. He wants them to LIKE him.
Plus he has that whole bullshit rule where he only has sex with people he 'loves'
No. 552366
>>552362They want some young girl that can idolize Greg while being Lainey’s little lackey. But they’re searching for someone with no faults or human attributes. If Billie would have fallen in line and been a doormat like Lainey, she would have been their perfect fit. But Lainey was so jealous of Billie bc Lainey, as we all know, isn’t actually gay. Lainey is going to wish she never played along with this poly crap bc it’s not something she gets to control. Greg will bully her into having a girl around he can use as a sex toy, and she can’t blame anyone for that disrespect but herself bc she’s chosen not to have any standards for her husband to abide by.
I really think Lainey thinks she can just keep rejecting candidates Greg trots in front of her, but he’s going to get more hostile at each “no” (case in point— his attitude in the poly vid the other day)
No. 552375
>>552366Yeah he basically blamed almost the entire lack of a successful poly relationship on her jealousy.
It was so pathetic also how he and Lainey also made excuses as to why people didn't stay, claiming that they usually either like Greg or Lainey more. I think that they have the most unrealistic expectations of people in a new relationship.
Like you said, they want someone without fault or error or feelings at all. And like another said, they want it overnight. They can't just expect a girl to immediately like them both equally overnight and want to have sex straight away. It takes lots of talking and experience and getting to know each other's boundaries ect.
That's why Greg got butthurt about picking Maya up. She tried to communicate it made her uncomfortable and instead of sitting down as a 3 and talking about comfort zones, Lainey immediately told Greg and he got rid of her.
I feel like if the girl is too aloof or shy, Lainey gets possessive of Greg and jealous, and if the girl is too chummy with Lainey, Greg demands he be in the relationship or else.
No. 552378
>>552363To be honest, I think Billie liked the money and views, but I actually do think she liked him until he fucked her over. I don't even think she minded Lainey until Lainey started being all jealous. Like I actually think she was down for being a unicorn if they just hadn't bitched out about the weed thing and been crazy controlling about everything else. It was disturbing that you could tell the exact video when she had sex with Greg the time before. Her expressions toward him was like a little kid with a crush. She wouldn't stop staring at him the entire video and smiling.
Also, not whiteknighting Greg at all, but I feel like Billie didn't actually mind Lainey. In her early streams with Ayallah she was gushing about her new girlfriend. I have no doubt she's probably going through a bi phase, but I reckon she flew over there for Lainey intially, but Lainey was an intimidated cold cunt and obviously Greg was all friendly and predatory you know, 'come with me and we'll watch anime and play games and be in my videos'
No. 552379
>>552376And he'd make her sign release forms.
Sometimes I wonder why a patron that gets flown over doesn't try and up the theatrics or get some hidden footage of Greg saying fucked up shit. If I was in Vix's shoes, that's exactly what I would have done. Or even gone further with just the texting and chatting to see what else I could dig up.
No. 552382
>>552379I would have love to been a fly on the wall when it came to the whole Sam sitting on his lap thing. The way he described it in his video was 'it's just easier for a friend to sit in my lap while gaming'
I'd love to know what he actually said to her to try and justify his behaviour.
No. 552383
>>552379Because both Greg and Lainey have superior snake radar and can sniff out a fake.
They're like a hot oven who have watched many many magicians and have made videos about how hot they are and cannot be fooled by any magician……… wait I think I fucked up that Onision analogy.
No. 552385
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>>552384I know Foot is only 23, but every time I see her with a new hair color, a new (infected) piercing or a new Cracker Jack tattoo, all I really see is one of those middle aged women who are desperately trying to emulate their teenage daughter in hopes that the high school boys that come over to hang with her kid will give them a second glance or at least a "lookin good Mrs Avaroe"
No. 552388
>>552375Yet they claim over and over they’re not “unicorn hunting”.
Nothing describes it better.
No. 552392
File: 1532225943996.png (1.01 MB, 596x596, vintage-frames-company-baddiew…)

>>552385Hey baddie winkle is awesome, lainey wishes she had an ounce of the style this grandma has.
No. 552404
File: 1532229275570.png (338.1 KB, 545x502, okay gurg.PNG)

Greg's still sperging about his father being a rapist and a pedo. Like father like son, huh Greg? No. 552411
File: 1532230550375.jpg (119.57 KB, 977x655, 02251.JPG)

Lainey needs to buy a new camera.
The "Beauty Filter" keeps going in and out through the whole video.
No. 552413
>>552411what the fuck is with the look on sarah's face
it's almost like she's saying to the viewer "lol we all know she looks like shit but she don't ayy"
No. 552424
>>552420Are you Lainey looking for evidence?
Just kidding, if I had to guess I'd say it's his stupid "High School Cliques" video where she just exists to be a pretty prop next to him… like, she added nothing to the video but her not-Lainey face staring at him. I remember it because she looked especially pretty and Grug looked especially ugly, and smug as FUCK
No. 552429
As much as it would be great for milk purposes, I really doubt they'll ever have a third again. Seriously, where are they going to find a girl in the right age bracket of 18-21 or so who is cool with leaving her life and everyone she knows behind to move into the Swamp Trailer with married parents and their two children, who's skinny and young-looking for her age ("underdeveloped" as LGH would say) and has an alternative style, who is pretty but not pretty enough to trigger Le Foot and cause jealousy with every move she makes, who shows them equal affection in the exact ways they both want, who is into their kinks but not TOO into it because she's totally not slutty, who has had very few relationships and not a one of them healthy so they know they can take advantage of her, who is somehow able to navigate the relationship without doing anything either of them find incriminatory enough to bitch about ceaselessly online, who knows of them and is a fan but doesn't know enough about the shit things they do or doesn't care/doesn't believe it, etc. etc. etc.??? No such girl exists. They really blew their load on B.
No. 552438
File: 1532238477647.webm (4.01 MB, 320x180, postcoitus.webm)
>>552424>>552420I would say the Dear Onision: Thank You video is a good example of the "we just had sex" gaze.
No. 552442
>>552441But would Sarah ever really be into Greg? I can see her wanting to be with Lainey, but she makes fun of Greg, sneers when she talks about him and in general seems to just put up with him because hes Laineys hubby.
Or is this a When Harry Met Sally thing, and it'll just take time and familiarity.
No. 552446
>>552440Great point. Billie at least got plenty of monetary perks for putting up with the Greasedick. All their online bawwing about being poor and struggling isn't exactly attractive for a potential new girlfriend.
>>552442I've been on this side about things too. I know Sarah has done things in the past to hint at crushing on him or at least desiring his approval, but overall I don't think they seem that into each other. I can't imagine them satisfying each other in any kind of real romantic or sexual setting. They'd just be putting up with each other for Lainey's sake, and fuck me if anyone here cares enough about Lainey's feelings to do that lmao
No. 552458
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>>552447>foot remained quiet, I'm sure that bothered her.I noticed on one of their streams together, right at the end when Sarah starts telling the story about Greg asking her what "that's the tea" means, Lainey gets very uncomfortable as Sarah says
"I didn't tell you this yet, but Greg asked me while you were in the other room…"
Her face drops and she turns away and looks down and I swear she says something under her breath. I couldn't clean the audio up enough to hear if she was telling Sarah not to continue talking, fearing it was a story that should not be shared with the public.
But that look she gets on her face, I cant tell if its fear Sarah is going to accidentally spill the beans about something, or she was upset that Greg and Sarah were having alone time and little conversations without her. No. 552474
File: 1532248314049.jpg (137.86 KB, 668x475, capture22.JPG)

>>552453I love that she went from squatting on the floor, with a shitty pink glitter background, and fumbling with her makeup on the ground…
to squatting on a cheap folding chair, in front of a wrinkled bed sheet, with her make up on a flimsy plastic Walmart table.
This screengrab looks like some 12 year old making his first YT video cira 2005.
No. 552475
>>552474HAHA you just KNOW she switched to blue because much as she ree's about "x has no gender!" she still thought the pink sequins were too feminine
also she couldn't at least iron the sheet?? that set up blows jfc
No. 552484
>>552453at the 00:25 mark Gronk starts making fun of her voice cracking. I may be overly sensitive but if my SO joked like that with me on a constant basis Id leave.
Whats life like in that house with those two? Gronk making fun of her about everything she says or does, Gronk being pissed at her for something and calling her cunt and every other word that
triggers her, and then Gronk ignoring her and telling her to leave him alone. Sprinkle in the occasional love bombing and thats life in the Onion house.
She doesnt even really get to turn the tables. We've seen her get mad at him like in that video where they're driving and hes brake checking on purpose to make her camera fall. Shes screaming at him and hes just giggling, not taking her seriously at all.
No. 552488
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>>552485>>552474This reminded me of those sad "Birthday Party Of One" memes.
No. 552489
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>>552474She looks like a young Trevor Moran. She'd prob think that was a compliment though
No. 552497
>>552307>>552310>>552328This is why Grundle will never get to re-live his past "fame and glory". No one will collab with him, no one with a decent following. No significant youtuber will ever give greg the time of day, they all avoid him like the plague. They got each others back warning the uninformed about Onision. The more he attacks Shane, the more subscribers and fan he will lose, and those fans will tell their friends to stop watching Onision (if theu even are).
>>552404The runt doesn't fall far from the cunt.
>>552340>>552366>I feel like he's (Greg) chasing the manic pixie dream girl, he wants one, but doesn't like their defiance. >>552384>Lambo's main problem with being Grug's dream alt girl is because she tries way WAY too hard with only half assed effort.
>She was better off being the preppy or as she would call herself "bootleg emo" who is also a cheerleader girl she was before 2015 when the Tumblr bullshit hit the fanGreg is ALWAYS going to be searching for the next manic pixie girl to stick his 2 incher inside of, and Lame simply cannot be a manic pixie dream girl ever again.
Lamey is not free spirited, irresponsible, young, and beautifully adorkable, Lamey is a foot who has to corral her kids and clean house and wrangle her husband in, and she's so stressed she's aged a decade in 2 years (thanks to Onion).
There logistically is simply no mystery or challange there with Lamefoot anymore. She can do her hair every color of candy, and extend her eyeliner as far as her ears, and pretend to be a magically agendered space boi prince, but all Onion sees is an old tired nagging wife in the way of his computer screen as he scouts out his next teen targets.
Don't feel too bad for Lamefoot. She dove right in knowing his cheating ways. After all, when a man marries his mistress, all he does is create a vacancy.
No. 552509
>>552453She’s so fucking spoiled.
>getting rid of palettes because she dropped them>getting rid of gifts people gave her last year and calling things “cheap”>getting rid of a ton of lipsticks just becauseShe uses the same ten products over and over. There’s really no need for so much stuff. What a waste.
No. 552512
>>552453So her saying 'Im going to replace this' is code for 'if you're really my fan you should buy me this'
Can you imagine the shitty feeling if you're the fan who bought her one of those palettes that she said 'fuck this, Im throwing this one out'
No. 552546
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I just realized that Gronk is using a nasty photoshopped pic of Madison as the thumbnail for his Photoshop FAIL video.
I dont know what I hate more, the subtweeting and passive aggressive douchebaggery, or the outright in your face asshole behavior.
No. 552551
>>552512This, Plus perfectly good palettes chucked because she broke a pan? Take care of your shit lainey jesus christ. Absolutely spoilt rotten.
>>552546Funny how he has no qualms using her body still
No. 552559
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No. 552561
>>552546Greg is such a piece of shit.
And Lainey is just as shit for never having to answer for her support of him being a piece of shit.
No. 552563
>>552559Is he attacking Billy because of his falling out with Madison?
I don’t see how everyone associated with him in any capacity sees this and continues to associate with him.
No. 552573
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>>552559Heres more and he's going in on billy the fridge now too.
Also does it seem like he wants legal guardianship over eugenia? Same shit him and lainey did with sarah? Fucking creeps
No. 552574
File: 1532295365018.png (842.77 KB, 732x1197, isheactuallychischanlevelsofau…)

>>552573Having a go at billy the fridge then demanding all public people to speak in a tone that he prefers.
No. 552576
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>>552575Honestly I have no idea, he thinks he's the funniest man alive for doing impressions of hank and bobby fucking each other. Comedy.
No. 552581
File: 1532296134323.png (559.74 KB, 1288x662, saysthemanthatrpsashisdog.png)

He's going off today folks. Changing his bio and everything.
No. 552584
File: 1532296298151.png (48.8 KB, 732x423, concerntroll.png)

No. 552586
File: 1532296588363.png (83.32 KB, 780x140, lol spergnision back at it aga…)

>>552581Yep. His sperging is commencing, brace yourselves anons!
No. 552594
>>552585I reckon it's negging. He's laying the foundation for the next underage girl he chooses to believe she's really exceptional.
>You're not like other girls your age>You're so mature/advanced>Only an older male would be able to understand you>like meclassic abuse ploy.
No. 552595
>>552594Maybe its to make sarah feel that much more special "See? You're so fucking mature I'll only talk to you"
I mean they're already spending alone time enough that lainey doesn't even stream anymore because she's too scared to leave them together.
No. 552599
File: 1532298134423.png (77.81 KB, 772x646, moron.png)

No. 552612
File: 1532302133393.png (25.27 KB, 582x97, allieloveskai.png)

I hope he has another huge meltdown where he screams at his sycophants.
No. 552623
>>552621Someone needs to trawl greg's old videos for times he's said inappropriate things about kids. He has done it in the exact same manner as Shane (lest we forget that Greg completely copied him).
Pedo jokes have always been a part of Gregs 'comedy'.
No. 552627
File: 1532303308352.png (Spoiler Image,246.91 KB, 584x352, unknown (4).png)

>>552621I also predict a sperg-out at Babygirl Becca when he realizes she stans the shit out of a DDLG chick who posts shit like pic related. I'll go back to the onionflakes thread now
>>>/snow/432327 but I thought it was relevant to this thread because of how pressed Greg is to do some hard and heavy virtue signaling at the moment.
No. 552629
>>552584>I COULD continue making videos about her, getting views off her etcLOL what? Because making money/views off someones mental illness and exploiting them is helpful? Does he not realize he just admits hes using her for views.
>>552597I don't know how people haven't gone in on him happily ADMITTING to sexually assaulting his cousin in her sleep. Hes raging at shane for making joking sexual comments with his cousin in a video, but he actually kissed his own cousin without her knowing while she was sleeping. Every time hes admitted it, it just gets brushed off.
>>552598I'm looking forward to lamey blaming sarah for onion trying to "carry" her to her room and shit.
No. 552631
File: 1532304254585.png (51.77 KB, 607x485, Untitled.png)

No. 552650
>>552641And "well she had a mature body so it’s not like she’s physically a child"
Man, he’s disgusting.
No. 552667
Can’t find Allie’s insta to see said “fax”
No. 552678
File: 1532315834354.webm (914.32 KB, 640x360, onionallie.webm)
>>552667She was either 16 or 17 when Gurg posted the rating video she's talking about
No. 552684
File: 1532317463202.jpeg (54.82 KB, 750x700, 02.jpeg)

I hope Sarahs story goes down the same road and conclusion.
No. 552685
>>552559Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
He's like those christian fundie types who denounce "degenerate behavior" only to get caught jerking off to furry inflation porn. Grundle, being outspoken about pedophilia is not going to convince anyone you aren't a pedophile.
No. 552686
File: 1532319572243.jpeg (288.7 KB, 750x1001, 417736F7-9B76-4D90-B7CC-5254F6…)

No. 552687
No. 552689
File: 1532320097742.png (46.74 KB, 907x480, sarahstwitter.PNG)

Looks like Sarah's twitter has been deleted.
No. 552697
>>552694Which confirms Greg probably did say it to her.
At least to me.
No. 552705
>>552584in b4 his new eugenia video
>>552594>>552595>>552598this is gross and probably accurate
No. 552706
>>552686Did he forget his argument for everything was that he was joking and "It's comedy!!" before or what? Literally every time anyone would try to call him out on something, he screamed it's comedy and it's on his "comedy channel".
>>552700Her freakout on what lane said about greg telling sarah she could possibly be in their trinity in the future also gave her away and confirmed it was true, which resulted in onions kicking her out.
I want to know how she thought these random patreons would know what "dat booty tho" meant. Like who is she telling this to that would have told them.
No. 552709
File: 1532323264939.png (298.94 KB, 603x611, deflecting.PNG)

Looks like he's trying to distract people by talking about his shitty taste in Anime.
Sarah's private twitter is still up.
No. 552714
File: 1532327749259.webm (1.71 MB, 480x360, dat booty doe.webm)
No. 552715
>>552623I suggested this the other day and some kind anon said they would edit it together but would obviously need help going through his videos. I would be happy to help but I am not eager to give Greg my views. I suppose the video would be worth it though, it would finally shut him up. He has said so many disgusting things. Oh and if we could start the video with black parade by MCR intro, that would kill greg. I remember in a stream once Lamefoot put that song on and Greg got all effected and made her take it off. Daddy issues much??
(Is this considered cow tipping? Hopefully not but I will take the ban if I have to Admin.)
No. 552718
>>552709What about that MGSV OST that made him feel alive? Kek
Glad that I can enjoy many albums AND not be Onion's friend.
No. 552721
File: 1532330044785.png (1.01 MB, 612x609, lainey.png)

i think all of our shooped makeovers just prove how much better plain looks with long hair
No. 552735
File: 1532334760230.jpg (70.36 KB, 502x500, 2ej135.jpg)

>>552721>>552729looks like the Overly Attached Girlfriend meme to me
No. 552755
>>552612I'm really happy for Allie. I don't care that she stanned Lainey and her husband some time ago, I'm just glad she's seen their true colors. It never was a fair friendship anyway - IF you can even speak of a friendship and not just plain milking for money.
Not trying to whiteknight, but the more people realize what kind of people Lainey and her husband really are and talk about it openly, the less room the Onions have to (mentally) abuse young girls in the future.
No. 552787
File: 1532368837068.jpg (664.58 KB, 1029x804, Capetur-1.jpg)

I present this to you with equal parts pride and shame
No. 552802
File: 1532370392855.jpg (135.34 KB, 600x450, CItAemAVCMM (2).jpg)

>>552754A shoop from many many threads ago.
Its funny that if you cut her hair short or long, people always compare her to Rily
No. 552808
File: 1532371644880.jpg (38.09 KB, 616x439, Capture5112.JPG)

Has she really gone 10 days without getting grocery money from her fans, or is she deleting streams?
Whats the reason? Fear of questions about the Sarah situation, or fear of leaving Greg and Sarah alone together?
No. 552814
>>552808Yeah after the last stream (And sarah putting on that red lip with lainey seething with jealousy and being very short with her) she hasn't streamed at ALL. Its been very quiet on the lainey streaming front, Grease has been projecting all over his twitter and sarahs went on lockdown.
I think they did something and now they're frantic to hide it.
No. 552870
>>552867He's been outed for what he said to sarah, Sarah removing all her tweets also says a lot.
I dunno something is definitely going down in the mcswamp.
No. 552872
>>552867>overwhelmed with her duties???
She has Sarah doing everything. What do you think Sarahs visits are for? Shes a tissue and a maid/nanny.
When Sarahs there Foot gets to be an even more neglectful and inept housewife and mother.
No. 552899
>>552867I'm doubting the incoming milk only because i believe sarah wouldn't go for onion boy just to get with lamey. But maybe she will pull a lamey and be a huge disappointment so then the milk will flow.
Onion will likely wait for her birthday so he can be "legal" when he tries something. Also might be why they are all going low-key about everything until then. That way they can claim sarah is an "adult" and its all her fault if anything goes wrong.
No. 552915
>>552909location: college
No. 552919
>>552899I think Sarah is actually into Greg. I think she likes both of them which is why she tries so hard to be appealing to them both. She started copying Billie— that right there tells me she has to like Grease bc she is close enough to Lainey to have heard all the griping and thinly veiled hatred/jealousy Lainey had for Billie. There’s no way Sarah believed that Lamp was actually genuinely into B. I think Sarah took Greg’s comments about her being plain to heart and did her best to lose weight and be alt and appealing bc she’s got this huge puppy crush on him. I think she is willing to be with Lainey and doesn’t mind it, but I think her biggest crush is def on Greg.
She wants to be in the relationship with them, no doubt about it.
The only question now is, would Greg stoop that low? (She’s cute now but she’s far from a Billie tier unicorn)
No. 552921
>>552912Just changed my age on my main twitter and my troll account to test this out.
Nothing happened.
If it gets locked in the next few hours or days Ill post about it.
No. 552924
File: 1532385458798.jpeg (59.23 KB, 600x450, 30a.jpeg)

>>552922Why would she change it
now out of all times though lol
It seems suspicious that she decided to change it when people started tagging her in Greg's tweets about him saying "Dat booty doe" to her.
No. 552926
>>552922>>552924Yeah why now, Her birthday is in 2 weeks. The timing says everything, Greg did say that to her, Notice how he hasn't been sperging out about any rumors like the billie emails shit? Also hiding the chat live on stream when shit was brought up.
Nah this timing is fucked. They're all really trying to be super secretive.
No. 552949
File: 1532388506672.png (235.83 KB, 614x534, 67112230.png)

>>552922Two different things.
I call bullshit.
No. 552968
File: 1532390506220.png (11.22 KB, 503x85, just a joke.PNG)

>>552099According to Grunk logic, Laniey is a pedophile too.
No. 552990
File: 1532392835227.png (9.57 MB, 2208x1242, 45BA13F3-D052-43CF-B25D-C6534D…)

>>552983It’s called I Bought my Mom a New House, and it was right around when the IRS came. He knew what he was doing, he probably got rid of it because he knew they’d take it away.
It wasn’t his set house either — it was the first house he ever had, the little blue one where Shiloh lived with him and Lainey had Troy. You can see him walking around in his set house in the middle of the video, though.
No. 552993
>>552909That's not how it works, her account wouldn't be deleted lmao.
No. 553001
File: 1532394386954.jpg (77.86 KB, 537x357, pansexual_pancakes.JPG)

>>552993>Nice try DBD (DAT BOOTY DOE)Oh lordy, I hope this doesn't become Sarahs new nicknames/pseudonym. She doesn't even have a nice ass.
Its like someone put a pair of mom jeans and sweater over an ironing board-no curves.
This just goes to show you Grease is thirsty for anything that doesn't look like his wifes droopy elderly Hank Hill butt.
No. 553003
>>553001I know, it's not very good (aside from the possible
trigger factor).
No. 553007
>>553001>>553003yes the
trigger factor is really the only reason its being used plus it could be like those nicknames that are used as a sarcastic antonym like when you call the fat guy 'tiny'
No. 553016
>>553008>>552922Sorry, no amount of persuasion, counter arguments or attempts to bolster Sarahs false claims will change anyones mind.
You can continue to try though. But being a stan of a girl who orbits the Avaroes makes you look suspect.
No. 553021
File: 1532399534726.png (657.83 KB, 1059x680, hey u up.png)

Old but it's obvious that Lainey has been grooming her. And I have no doubts that shady shit isn't going on right now.
No grown woman (who isn't a creep) would tell a 14 year old girl "you look older :p" unless she was up to something. Telling kids that they look or seem mature for their age is a grooming tactic. Gurg even used this line on Lame.
No. 553022
>>553021Fucking disgusting behaviour and no way an ADULT should be speaking to a minor. Funny that lainey wishes to guy so much considering how much her vagina is saving her gross ass, Shes worse than momokun, Shes covert as fuck, Hides behind her "anxiety" and also uses her mother status as a shield.
Nah bitch you're a predator nothing more.
No. 553023
>>553021If I was in my early twenties, and talking to someone in a chatroom or some other social media platform and they revealed they were 14 Id respectfully and quickly end the conversation and not continue any interaction.
Reason one, Id probably have nothing in common with a 14 year old
and reason two, the optics of it looks REALLY bad.
But not our Lainey, she made this 14 year old her BFF. Could it be Laineys arrested development, that she can only relate to a young teen and have conversations that basically consist of Vine memes and catchphrases?
No. 553028
>>553008Her twitter would still show up if it was locked. Sarah straight up bahleeted her account.
No one is falling for her shitty lies, the timing is way too convenient.
No. 553029
>>553028Can confirm, She deleted.
Oooo sarah your lies aren't adding up this time.
No. 553030
>>553028this right here
you get locked out, your profile is still visible but you cant do anything with it, no tweeting , no logging in .
sometimes it will show a warning to people that the account has displayed some questionable activity "do you still want to view it" and you have to click "yes"
But it doesnt automatically delete your account or make it unavailable without a warning page and then eventually a account suspended page.
No. 553032
File: 1532402861058.png (99.4 KB, 698x306, Capture1207.PNG)

I was just doing some snooping on any other twitter profiles and I found this.
Ive never seen this, has it been posted way before I found the drama 3 years ago.
No. 553035
File: 1532403486936.png (110.98 KB, 720x511, tumblr_ok1gasZMLo1u439y6bvo2_1…)

>>552909Could she of deleted her public twitter because she knows that during this tense time (not sure what fucked up shit happened in the swamp trailer this week) if she says something wrong on twitter it could get her sent home again.
If she pisses off Greg, no amount of pleading with Lainey to keep her there will work. Lainey tows the line and follows orders like a good little soldier.
No. 553053
File: 1532407518643.png (91.35 KB, 500x220, PredatorLainey.png)

>>553033I'd believe it, remember Sarah's tweet asking for 18+ girls to contact her and Lainey saying "do this?" Fucking gross
No. 553054
File: 1532407575737.jpeg (202.3 KB, 640x653, 34874A19-F37F-4D61-9B60-CB523C…)

Yes sounds like Lame’s family adores you, me how couldn’t they? Could you imagine a partner ever speaking about to the ones that raised you like this? Family loyalty knows no bounds for these cunts
No. 553056
>>553050He was just trying to control the damage. It’s not good when people document abusive events because the robs the ability of the abuser to minimize the incident later and gaslight the person into thinking they’re crazy. If they recorde a lot of incidents then they can go back and see the larger pattern.
It also gives “the haters” more proof of how horrible he really is and things to rub in his face when he tries to pretend he’s the moral backbone of the world.
No. 553057
>>553046My theory is still that he says that because it’s the only thing that can’t be disproven over the internet.
Would sage if I could.
No. 553063
File: 1532408721456.jpeg (41.1 KB, 529x120, D478D4DB-18EC-4BFC-8D3A-47456A…)

Yep because henti and Anmie are so much cooler! Such a beta cunt
No. 553070
>>553068No just no. You don’t allow your partner to talk shit about the people that clothed, fed and housed you for 18yrs. Errr I mean 16 maybe 17 (?) Years. But seriously not cool.
Everyone bitches about their parents even in your adult years but you shouldn’t be cool with your spouse sharing that info with other people. Family is family period even if just by marriage! Filthy disgusting pigs!
No. 553071
>>553054It’s what predators do when they wanna create separation distance and isolation and cut off their prey from those that can help. Make it seem like the family are the bad guys and your the savour.
I still pick lames mom over the space cadet Tammy
No. 553072
File: 1532410214353.png (255.21 KB, 677x467, how young is too young.png)

>too young
for the Onions?
so shes a toddler or something?
No. 553103
>>553060Yeah. Here's her youtube channel url: vampire "comics" are abysmal.
No. 553106
>>553105He only knows what he has personally experienced.
Im sure mommies hair stinks like patchouli,
No. 553108
File: 1532418142017.gif (884.57 KB, 338x264, Sarah the Triceratops.gif)

>>553078>Cera the TriceratopsThis is the third time Ive seen some anon make that comparison. I had to Google the show and character, and I have to say there is a resemblance.
No. 553109
File: 1532418808758.png (583.14 KB, 795x444, WE'RE JUST FRIENDS BRO.PNG) an anon says nothing is going on between Sarah and the onions and Sarah's life doesn't revolve around the onions. This fucking video gets real uncomfortable torwards the end.
No. 553113
File: 1532420291601.png (1.86 MB, 1920x1080, LaineyGroom.png)

>>553109Lainey is a fucking freak.
No. 553114
It went from a horrible Jake Paul impression, to Mommy filming her retarded son at the park.
I wonder how long Lainey has had this little script in her head.
"hey lets joke around about being gay guys and you can massage me and we can touch a lot because its a joke on homophobic guys, plus its a comedy sketch so its not weird."
No. 553122
File: 1532425416750.png (493.77 KB, 854x583, 57395634458704826247586048363.…)

>>553109"I might need you to lotion my legs cause my nails are wet"
So is "my nails are wet" a legit con you could use if you wanted someone to help you rub one out?
No. 553140
>>553109I cringed the entire time and fuck them both for ruining mgmt and arctic monkeys.
I know she's partially joking, but even that is terrible. Why would you upload this?
No. 553143
>>553109I feel the word cringe is overused, but in the case of this here video, it's so apt.
Sarah didn't balk at all at the suggestion of putting lotion on Lainey's legs. Probably not the first time she's done it.
Lainey at the skatepark is her version of How do you do, fellow kids.
Just some general comments, not about the video…
How does Greg still think he's invincible after the Adpocalypse and IRSgate?
Also being seen as a pedophile (in this case, due to Onion's slander and libel) has unquestionable consequences due to the strong animus held by society in general in the eyes of the law. It's not the same as being called a thief or even a racist. I think it's so self-evident you may not even have to "prove" you suffered consequences for being labeled in such a way.
No. 553154
>>553065If he doesn't have any good childhood memories, Lainey is not allowed to have any either. Period.
It's sad.
No. 553159
>>553054worth noting that back then his flippant replies would get 341 likes and 43 retweets… now his PINNED tweet gets 244 and 19 retweets. How his fanbase has dwindled!
Also funny how the vast majority of replies he gets are negative. Games over Onion boi
No. 553161
File: 1532439546004.jpg (417.05 KB, 1366x768, stainy_lainey.jpg)

>>553109Now that Sarah is there, why does this house still look like a mess?
No. 553164
>>553161I swear those are the same exact shmudges pointed out the last time someone talked about the mess in the bathroom
also from when greg "cleaned" but really meant he tidied up, never getting his hands dirty.
No. 553166
>>553161Original fag of
>>553161 here.
Just some benefit of a doubt: Could it be the children, though? Maybe they're still too little to brush their teeth without making a mess.
(Sorry for derailing.)
No. 553182
>>553117Lainey needs to study her "peer group" better: Parts really reminded me of what anon said: Mommy Films Son's First Experience at Skateboard Park. She reminded me of my 9yo cousin minus the girl talk, that's more for 13yo who she wants to relate to, I guess.
The idea has potential, but Lainey doesn't seem to be very good at acting, breaking character multiple times. Sarah did a better job at exaggerating things to give it
some comedic value.
Too bad Lainey's husband doesn't have any acting skill to help them improve or at least offer help to educate them and pay for classes.
No. 553190
File: 1532444679186.png (137.1 KB, 345x714, Thisisntcute.png)

That video gave me big rug sweeping vibes. How does she think this is okay? Even grease said in a joking context talking to MINORS like this isn't okay so…..
Also whats sarahs avatar, I swear they're making it known they lurk.
Sorry but no matter what videos you put out, You're making this worse and worse. Lainey you wanna be a guy so much? What business does a 24 year old man have with a 17 year old girl and why does the man let this minor massage him.
Hmm? Bitch knowingly uses her vagina as a pussy pass for this gross shit.
No. 553210
>>553190Yeah, because gossip forums are the only places where peoplekeep talking about them. The fans are dwindling, no one really wants to collab with them, so throwing out breadcrumbs to keep LC & co interested seems the only way of getting some kind of attention.
I still wonder if many things he does and says are still staged; never really got rid of that thought completely.
No. 553212
>>553188All narcs hate their moms for making them the little bitches that they are
That’s why Gurgles wanted a step mommy to punish with his peanut cock TELL ME I’M A GOOD BOY MOMMY
No. 553228
File: 1532456751217.png (49.7 KB, 784x381, obsessed.png)

I don't even know.
No. 553231
File: 1532457427192.png (59.67 KB, 753x258, temp.png)

Greg's favorite "argument"
No. 553240
File: 1532460159163.jpeg (1001.06 KB, 1389x1017, 9365983F-B3CA-4751-A48F-DD230B…)

>>553109Lame creepily looking like a 10 yr old learning how to skate.
No. 553243
File: 1532460432052.png (786.72 KB, 1007x636, fakeboi1.png)

That poor Hot Topic worker
No. 553258
>>553235He’s too busy doing damage control lol
If he mentioned anything about pedophila Sarah would be brought up.
No. 553277
>>553109Even after getting her makeup done by a semi professional who was sensitive enough to tell her how to contour to make her face look more femme and another way to look more masc she keeps doing her “boy makeup” in a way that makes her look more femme. So she’s a girl that wants to be a boy without transitioning and keeps presenting very femininely?
All the comments on her recent videos with Sarah are lavishing praise on Sarah for “glowing up” and being cuter than Lainey. Does she want to categorize herself “not as a girl” so she can’t be unfavorably to other girls?
No. 553304
>>553228I miss Leelu, she hasn't posted all of July. When is Greg's hateboner going to go down so the dog can tweet again…
His dumb avatar and twitter name hasn't been relevant in weeks.
No. 553306
File: 1532470266222.png (149.43 KB, 626x569, Screenshot(1).png)

>>553305looks like he changed it 5 days ago
No. 553308
>>553224I find it interesting she's started tagging Shregg in her videos after years of trying to seperate her content and overall brand from his as her fanbase obviously hates him.
I wonder if this is Shregg's influence, or because she's starting to get enough hate on her own merits that she's decided "fuck it, might as well lean into the drama for views".
Definitely noticing Shregg making more videos clearly designed to rile up the haturrz lately (in sharp contrast to his apology tour/ "I'm growing and maturing guize" phase) and GSW is heading that direction with more of this Landon bs.
I would say that a channel can't survive on hate-watching alone, but I've recently discovered Amberlynn Reid who is making a killing off it. But then again, she actually manages to get tons of ads on her awful videos.
No. 553310
File: 1532471852585.png (40.38 KB, 1104x523, 245645654.PNG)

Im guessing the big dip is that beginning of the month adjustment. The only bad thing is that it doesnt fully recover. If it keeps dipping like this each month and then barely leveling out the Patreon manna will soon go away.
No. 553315
>>553165>>553109GSW having the gall to lecture everyone on
feminism is the funniest thing in this whole "comedy" video.
>If you don't defend my right as a grown mother of two to pretend I'm a tween boy who wears mascara and full-coverage foundation then you are NOT a feminist!!Maybe it's just me, but I feel like being perfectly ok living with an emotionally abusive man who routinely calls you a cunt, degrades and publicly shames every woman who has hurt his feelings, and who peddles you out to young, naive girls so he can take advantage of them while you obsess over what outfit makes you look more like Justin Bieber isn't exactly what Susan B. Anthony had in mind.
No. 553319
File: 1532473254502.png (44.32 KB, 602x346, pedojoke.png)

>>552574>Dude, you start a twitter & say that fucked up shit, next to your name & avatar, you're done.mmmkay
No. 553328
File: 1532474245154.png (56.22 KB, 606x309, pedojoke2.png)

>>553319Sorry for spam, last one.
No. 553354
File: 1532479162154.png (104.97 KB, 630x697, moral police.PNG)

Here we go again. Greg's using another scandal to deflect.
No. 553359
>>553356He is so ridiculous - dead people ain't gonna check twitter. Nor do the general public know of individual people affected by the Greece fire. Whereas fans and most people know of Demi and she (or her family/friends) may appreciate the support of people and help her feel hopeful to get clean and healthy.
I really hope he doesn't dodge his old tweet because it really does just dead off all his harassment towards Shane.
No. 553361
File: 1532479787622.png (68.36 KB, 684x518, christalmighty.png)

>>553356Oh he's trying real hard to deflect
No. 553363
File: 1532479872183.jpg (71.92 KB, 671x500, 2en5dd.jpg)

>>553143>>553240Seriously though, the video is very uncomfortable and it reminds me of one of those awkward conversations where someone sneaks in what they really want as a joke to deflect.
>haha bro let's kiss for a video it's just? a joke it'll be funny right bro No. 553375
>>553365Greg, your hypocrisy is showing again.
He only post these things when someone relevant gets hurt or some sort of major tragedy happens.
He is so desperate for attention, positive or negative.
Never change, Anusion.
No. 553378
>>553109This, paired with
>>553371 this, is really disgusting and telling. Don't let Greg try to weasel away from it with this Demi Lovato shit, he's deflecting.
No. 553380
>>553377No wonder grease was always mean to Sarah, it probably was driving him nuts that there was a teen pussy practically begging to sleep with him and his wife but wasn't even close to being legal enough for him to screw in his home state.
I personally do think his obsession with the law even extends to his child brides, he's way to crazy paranoid to risk screwing a kid who isn't the age of consent in their state/his
No. 553382
>>553371Let me get this straight:
>Greg makes an inappropriate sexual comment towards Sarah, a minor>Sarah confides in her "best friend" Lainey to let her know she was uncomfortable with what he said, rightfully so>Lainey runs to Grease because how dare Sarah be upset, and instead of getting an apology from Grease, Sarah gets kicked out.Are you kidding me?? FUCK Greg and FUCK Lainey, Sarah's a smug idiot but she is such an obvious victim of their grooming and manipulation tactics. It's disgusting.
No. 553397
Sarah turned 16 right before the first time she had an extended stay at Grease Mansion, right? The age of consent in Washington is 16, regardless of age difference. Not to tinfoil, but it's entirely possible they've been having sexual relations of whatever degree with Sarah this entire time and just not being public about it, but since she's about to be a legal adult, they're being a bit more open (her massaging and cuddling Foot in a video, etc.) I don't think Grease could weasel out of another relationship with a teenager in the eye of the public, and he knows that which is why they've been dodging the subject, but as far as the law goes, pretty sure they're all covered, right? Or am I missing something? Seems like they're doing a good job currently of laying groundwork for the possible eventual "Sarah was just a friend, but the second she became an adult we realized we had deeper feelings for her" announcement…
No. 553419
File: 1532484782388.png (323.54 KB, 728x1048, to greg and lainey with hate.p…)

>>553397Legally, they're in the clear. But morally? No one sane would be okay with supporting them. Especially since there's proof of them preying on her.
>>553400Greg and Lainey just admitted in
>>551204 that their partner has to like them "equally" so dealing with Greg is the only way to get in Lame's pants.
No. 553439
File: 1532486604195.png (6.27 KB, 222x111, guess who is online.PNG)

He's online on discord, so he's still around. Just avoiding twitter.
No. 553449
>>553448Id assume guardianship is similar to a foster home in a legal sense.
You cant have sex with someone who you have power over.
Like with some of those teachers who are jailed for fucking they're 17-18 year old students. 17 and 18 are legal, but the teacher had power over the student.
No. 553451
>>553450This would be hilarious. Im sure Greg is the one who put guardianship on the table so they it would look ok for them suddenly taking an underage girl into their house.
And it turns out that the whole guardianship is what brings them down because they cant fuck a consenting 16 if they are their guardians.
Looks like Lainey shot herself in the… face.
No. 553463
>>553387Lainey is such a knob. She didn't like Billie because billie liked greg more. Maya actually liked her and she ratted her out to greg because she didn't want a video uploaded.
Why the fuck would anyone want to date her? She's such a back stabber
No. 553472
File: 1532492550276.png (498.21 KB, 793x441, laineyandtissue.png)

>>553444They've had sex, im sure
No. 553491
File: 1532495275104.png (28.69 KB, 659x355, vaguepost.png)

No. 553504
>>553371Is there proof of sarah saying this? I'm sure its true since sarah freaked out about it, but they are going to claim its lies. Also makes sense why sarah and everyone went on the down low. Shes probably worried shes going to get kicked out if people find out her precious onions are in fact pedophiles like we all know they are.
They are 100% planning to attempt to "date" her when she turns 18 and probably have been discussing it for years (gross). I also dont believe shes going to college not in washington. Probably bullshit they are using to cover up their intentions.
I'd hope sarah would wake up and out these pedos for what they are, but shes as hopeless as lame and thinks this would actually be a healthy relationship.
No. 553524
>>553523The majority of their relationship has been keeping secrets, omitting truths or changing history to fit the new story Onision is trying to spin. Look at how well they have kept their children from being fully exposed on the internet.
They can keep this secret going without anyone fully knowing the truth.
No. 553525
File: 1532512402218.png (1.32 MB, 1516x794, oompa loompa.PNG)

Lainey's been silent all day yesterday
But here's her donald trump makeup tutorial video. No. 553529
>>553509>>553510 Wonder what whoever made the kick would have to say about all of the evidence against them? Shout "Oh my goddd, it's just a joke!" while continuing to wank Greg's baby carrot by insisting he's right about Shane?
>>553328Literally worse than anything Shane or Pewdiepie said. By Grease logic, he's a pedo now, too.
No. 553536
File: 1532516790544.jpg (547.73 KB, 800x1220, putitogetherfools.jpg)

I made this summary for future references.
No. 553537
File: 1532516845640.png (297.26 KB, 568x563, avoiding sarah still tho.PNG) defection! No one cares about what you think about Demi ODing or what you think about racism Greg. We wanna know why you refuse to speak out on the allegations against you and Lainey.
No. 553540
File: 1532517343093.webm (370.3 KB, 1280x720, 6yearoldtweet.webm)
>>553328Since a lot of retarded Onion stans are saying this screenshot is fake, I recorded the twitter search for it.
>>553536nice one anon!
No. 553546
File: 1532518619191.jpg (190.85 KB, 758x500, necminute.jpg)

>>553544I used it and also searched some things and saw this. Very interesting.
No. 553550
>>553371I don't wanna be the needle to the ballon and I appreciate the screenshot very, very much, don't get me wrong. But given the fact that all names are censored and there's no context about the when and where, I'm rather careful about jumping on the bandwagon.
Again, thank you for sharing, anon, I appreciate it, keep it rolling, but for now I still remain somewhat sceptical.
No. 553553
>>553467If she does set these situations up, it's a matter of time until it goes wrong. Sooner or later there will be a girl Lainey's husband will prefer over her and he'll leave his wife for her.
Unless the new girl is broke and Lainey's YT flourishes so she keeps paying her husnband's bills and debt. Then she'll be good enough for some time.
No. 553555
>>553550 Not sure what you're so "sceptical" about when it's been confirmed that:
-Greg is a creep who takes zero issue with commenting on teen bodies
-Sarah is
triggered by the statement, and she adds "YOU KNOW WHY"
-Lainey has been pulling this
>>553053 shit since Sarah was 14
-They've been getting tons of dat booty doe comments, they've seen it, and Greg would have insisted it's false if it were. But instead, once the comments on his recent stream mentioned it, he immediately hid the chat without comment.
No. 553558
>>553555>>553556Yeah, I continued to read the thread and saw the video about banning the user who asked for an explanation on Lainey's server, which is really fishy. Let's see if they'll ignore the accusations or if they can come up with a half-assed, deflecting explanation.
If it's true, the Onions are in real trouble this time, especially after Lainey's husband has been attacking Shane
about a joke.
On another note, I wonder if Sarah's parents know what's going on in Neverland-Swamp.
No. 553567
>>553560>>553563>>553565Wow, no wonder she craves attention and longs for
some kind of family. How sad!
No. 553601
>>553596In an older video they had Troys nursery schedule up on the fridge, I imagine they have Chloe in with him too. Now way would Grug watch the kids all day all alone so Limp can pretend to be a teenage boy on the skate-park.
>>553599 Lmao!
No. 553604
>>553570Pedonision and pedobot are perfect names for them. People like them really shouldn't have kids. Here's to hoping they don't groom their kids. We know that Pedonision isn't afraid of getting gross with family members.
Sarah really needs to get the fuck out of there and stay out. She's 17 and nearly 18, I don't see why she can't get a job and support herself without being near her mom and the pedonions. Hell, she could even get a dorm room or share an apartment with someone she's close to.
No. 553618
>>553596This is the same mentality pimps and sex traffickers have.
They pick the runaways or the kids that have shitty home lifes or absent parents.
Dig deep into every girlfriend Onision has had, or girl he has brought into their home. They have abusive familys, or abusive b/f or fucked up home lives in general.
Remember the stories Sam told about her family, and how living with Onision was going to be paradise. Living in the grease mansion and considering it Eden must mean her home was hell.
No. 553627
File: 1532542768924.jpg (193.85 KB, 1272x817, No. 332828.jpg)

Looking back, they were always sneaky with Sarah for no reason. She'd come over and it would be a big secret, even though the worst fallout from us knowing would be tissue/nanny remarks. The other visiting girls would collab in videos, Sarah wasn't allowed in front of a camera. Remember when Bunion couldn't help himself and revealed Sarah was there while streaming? Loser wanted to showoff his new cumrag.
We need to look at past threads. Lots of Sarah drama.
No. 553629
File: 1532542880598.jpg (390.07 KB, 1219x1652, beggingandnegging.jpg)

Unfortunately the video link was removed in the last post… would have liked to hear that "teens want to have SEX with me!!" negging.
No. 553630
File: 1532543098521.png (42.26 KB, 610x383, drinking the koolaid.PNG)

>>553629Looks like Greg plans on having his patrons do damage control for them. Too bad they just sound like they're hypocritical idiots.
No. 553632
>>553630This dumb cunt is Onisions saddest fan.
35 year old single cat lady whos on disability and home all day.
I think this is her 3rd twitter profile because her other ones were linked to rumors of her having sex with dogs and she was afraid family and friends would read about it.
No. 553636
Back when Cuddlegate first happened and Lainey didn't leave, I understood it. Trot was still pretty young, she was extremely dependent on Grease financially, and he still had the audience and power to totally run her off the internet, which was and still is her only hobby to date. Not that it totally condones her staying, but I understood she was afraid of losing her home, her income, her child's father, her precious internet spaces, and her source of emotional fulfillment, which was her relationship (however poor).
It's funny because now, it's clear she basically hates Grease, knows their relationship is bullshit, makes more money than him, and meanwhile he's run off his entire fanbase on his own and wouldn't have the ability to send more than a handful of pathetic 12-year-old stans her way if she left. In fact, I'm sure the vast majority would sympathize with her. He couldn't do a Skye, Shiloh, or Billie level hate campaign against her, because everyone has already seen how much of a shitbag he is to her in countless videos and tweets and how unhappy they seem together, and would commend her for leaving, or say they clearly just "weren't working out."
But she's resigned herself to this sham of a life she's living and totally given up hope by this point. All vitality has drained from her eyes. I had faith in her once, long ago, but now it's clear to me she'll never leave, even if her Greaselord is trying to shove her and spawn² out the door for the rest of their sad lives. It's truly comedic in a very dark way.
No. 553650
>>553618Yeah the problem with billie was she was still close with her family and onion couldn't turn her against them.
>>553636Nah she was stupid not to leave after cuddlegate. She has rich family who could easily help her out and who still want to be involved in her life/buy her gifts and shit regardless of her disgusting treatment of them, has a degree she could actually use to get a job or continue her youtube career and had she left at that time, she would have likely gotten so much support from people. It was her bitchy cold attitude of only blaming billie, the teen they dragged in the whole thing, for everything and lying about loving her and doing all the manipulative shit then whining "wheres my sympathy" while her husband was bashing this teen for not wanting to be chained in their basement and outting her personal secrets that made her gross as hell to everyone.
She is obsessed with him and being his #1. You can't fake her smugass look every time she "wins" over another girl they emotionally abuse and manipulate until she leaves their house. She always is giddy as fuck when that happens and flashes her ring in pics together. It's like she actually thinks she won something in life. She will never let go of the idea that onion is this amazing youtuber husband that every girl wants to snatch from her.
No. 553675
File: 1532550931468.png (3.78 MB, 1334x750, 947511A3-ED94-4598-9BE3-CCDA38…)

>>553371Whether or not these caps are true, I don’t doubt that Sarah wanted to be with the trinity when Billie was there. She and Plainey both paled in comparison to Billie’s looks, and it was abundantly clear that’s Billie and Greg were way more into each other than they were with either Sarah or plain. To top it off, Greg constantly calling Sarah “plain”, (lol), “dumb”, and “ugly” must have really gotten to her. Imagine being 16 and the other two women in the house are bombarded with compliments and (presumably) having threesomes constantly while you’re stuck watching the kids. No wonder Sarah skinwalked as Billie, too.
There’s a video where Billie, Anus, Sarah, and Ayalla play games and you can see Anus and Billie getting touchy feely under the blanket. Not only is it sad for Plaineythot that she has to beg her greasy husband for a kiss or a cuddle on camera, but he so naturally would hold Billie’s hand or stroke her legs while they cuddled.
And look at Sarah’s face during all of this:
She wanted in.
No. 553693
>>553641>>553647>>553650I dunno, the impression I've gotten from watching their interactions in the past year and a half is that she has never forgiven him even in the slightest, acknowledges he's never truly apologized for anything, and fully expects him to attempt to run off with another girl at any given moment. She's said as much herself, and only gets MORE bitter and resentful towards him as time goes on, it seems. I guess she might still be "obsessed" with him or at least the image of their relationship, but I don't think she genuinely likes him, trusts him, or believes he loves her anymore. That's why always "winning" him back is all the more sweet, because she can pretend for a second that she matters to him when she knows deep down he's just settling. That fleeting feeling of being "his #1" is all she has, lmao
Clot was bad timing in the grand scheme. If she had gotten pregnant after the Basement Chaining Saga and Grinch very publicly psychotically mourning his loss of Billie poon, that'd be different. Cuddlegate they tried to chalk up to a quick lapse of judgement, but after Billie came back and he consistently chose her over Foot for months (as evidenced by the fucking thousands of stick figure videos), I think that's what really drove it in how little she matters to him.
And she was absolutely dumb to stay – I fully believe her parents would have taken care of her and both children if need be – but I can see why in her incredibly narrow world-view, that would be the goddamn end of her life. Basically, she's the saddest and most pathetic person on earth, whose entire life and self-image hinges on stunted a man-baby who calls her a cunt in front of their kids. She could absolutely leave, but you best believe her crusty ass will rot in that closet til the end of days.
No. 553713
File: 1532561451279.png (792.45 KB, 1315x899, Untitled.png)

iNabber is streaming about Shreg's pedo tweet. He has also tweeted about it and gained a bit of traction.
He's a wee bit insufferable, but it's gonna be really funny when Shreg sees the shitstorm on twitter.
No. 553724
File: 1532563157824.png (497.95 KB, 567x490, greg.fw.png)

Twitter obviously clearly out fake/dead accounts. Onision's numbers continue to drop by the thousand
No. 553786
File: 1532569947557.png (57.36 KB, 767x498, ok greg whatever you say.PNG)

Definitely in damage control mode. Pathetic lmao
No. 553789
File: 1532570164911.png (1.54 MB, 2048x2048, PicsArt_07-25-09.48.52.png)

Onion boy has been making pedo jokes for years
nothing is hotter to him than minors having sex with adults
No. 553790
File: 1532570284719.png (113.42 KB, 759x747, what the fuck.PNG)

Also, has anyone here sent these yet? I've not seen these tweets before but they're disgusting
No. 553803
File: 1532573664181.png (80.26 KB, 794x548, ummm.PNG)

He's really losing it this time
No. 553805
>>553803Acting like that's the only predatory and/or pedophilic tweet he's ever had. Acting like "backstory" matters, when he wouldn't accept any other reason for Shane's comments.
Onion, why would you even think to tweet that? You
must have had it in your mind, you sicko! Who makes jokes like that if they aren't
thinking about it?
No. 553817
>>553806He'll find a way to say how Shane's two comments are worse than the several or more tweets he's made over a few years. Predator is a predator, Onion.
But go ahead and dig that hole deeper. We know you're only doing it because you're afraid you're like your dad. We know you have to convince yourself/others otherwise due to your questionable behaviors in the past.
No. 553819
>>553817I think this will be a way for him to slither out of the way of a lawsuit. He will make some dumb video with a title like “I was wrong” with him pulling his stupid “serious” face for a thumbnail and e will talk about how comedy is subjective and he has outgrown making jokes like that (yeah right) and maybe even say something about how Shane’s old videos don’t totally prove he’s a pedo but vaguely mention how he does still act weird around kids.
This is all the same boring stuff. Yawn.
No. 553820
File: 1532574991109.png (765.31 KB, 1037x566, jkdhfldhflk.PNG)

He's blocking people who bring up dat booty doe on Twitter LOL.
No. 553827
File: 1532575915376.png (24.89 KB, 570x171, fdgfdfghofijg.png)

No. 553831
File: 1532576202215.png (173.14 KB, 601x435, 64488451.PNG)

No. 553833
File: 1532576296697.png (11.54 KB, 572x133, minimizing it.PNG)

No. 553841
File: 1532576881601.png (153.9 KB, 585x546, unknown (1).png)

But he's not denying he said it to Sarah, he's deflecting. As always.
No. 553843
File: 1532577067380.png (18.54 KB, 595x222, oh my god.PNG)

He deleted this tweet. LOL.
No. 553851
File: 1532577588619.png (46.43 KB, 598x452, exploiting sarah I see.PNG)

>>553843Replaced the tweet with this. It's obvious Sarah was uncomfortable about this. GG Greg. You're absolutely repulsive.
No. 553871
File: 1532579112413.png (144.47 KB, 456x810, tumblr_pcg75liHIK1s0umkzo1_540…)

Oh so it's false? Why is Greg freaking out about it?
No. 553873
File: 1532579194129.jpg (854.38 KB, 254x450, Inkedsarah2_LI.jpg)

>>553871So why did Sarah freak out about it?
No. 553874
>>553831I'd love for him to explain why both are different and why he changed his mind about Felix
>>553851I hope to god he has the good sense to not use Sarah. Forcing a young girl to relive something that appeared at least mildly traumatic given her reactions to random "dat booty doe" is so disgusting. Though if he does we can then gage her reactions because I doubt she's that good of an actress. Also if he does I bet he'll be using it as one of his "relationship tests"
No. 553876
>>553871I don't think shes said a truthful statement in years, so why would anyone believe this obvious lie?
They probably are busy coaching sarah on what to say and how to act so she makes sure their cover story is accurate!
No. 553882
File: 1532580342247.png (43.17 KB, 729x468, kickingsarahoutagain.png)

No. 553887
File: 1532580959181.png (407.85 KB, 540x421, tumblr_mv1pkezs2c1ro9ieeo2_540…)

>>553841He says he hasn't done anything sexual w/ a 16yr which isn't necessarily denying him talking & grooming Lainey when she was 15. I know Onion has accidently exposes himself as a predator a couple times due to his inability to do math i.e, lainey's dad telling him to come back in 10 years when she is 25. Also the time of Lainey’s post, she was 18 (pic related)
18 - 1.5 = 16.5
She was 16 years old when she started dating Onion, even younger when you two began conversing (14/15)
Sorry it's old milk but seems relevant to Onionboy's current hypocritical bullshit
No. 553888
File: 1532581141687.jpeg (264.15 KB, 1200x563, CF4C6793-7A0F-40FA-8F56-76575C…)

This is absolutely insane and I hope Shane fucking destroys him.
No. 553890
File: 1532581257545.png (404.78 KB, 1489x331, email.png)

>>553888He even complained to shane about lucidia
No. 553892
File: 1532581610408.jpeg (241.07 KB, 1125x808, 11DDE8F4-B026-4B0D-874A-C73532…)

Still 23 hours left to go of the poll but I’m hopeful. How embarrassing
No. 553904
>>553896I Kissed Shane Dawson - YouTube
Aug 6, 2011 - Uploaded by OnisionSpeaks
I Found Her - YouTube
Sep 3, 2011 - Uploaded by OnisionSpeaks
If she found him through the Shane Dawson kiss and she found out about the kiss because she was already a Shane Dawson fan and didn't just like stumble upon it some time after, it would put her right there in the timeline as possibly the person he was referring to as the person who was in school.
No. 553905
File: 1532583618452.png (17.47 KB, 600x187, NO ONE CARES GREG.PNG)

Greg stop deflecting, no one is talking about your wife.
No. 553906
>>553888You know, that third to last paragraph sounds absolutely psychotic (I mean the whole mail does but this one especially) And it's also the paragraph that actually explains why Shreg is so butthurt. He is literally like a bitter psycho ex that got dumped and then sets it a goal in their life to destroy the person who dumped them.
>Shane we had dinner together multiple times>We looked into each other's eyes and had deep conversations.>You introduced me to your friends and invited me to your house repeatedly>We ate at a special diner you like>We mailed and DM'd a lot>We even made a song together!It sounds so much like someone who just can't get over an ex and hates that ex because they still love them but aren't loved in return. Just how he always brings up their kiss so many times to the points it's just creepy. Like I wouldn't be surprised if he jacks off to the video of it.
In conclusion it's really that simple. Shreg hates Shane because he can't have Shane.
No. 553909
>>553891Tbh I doubt he did. This reads to me as an email that was written solely to put out on the internet as "evidence" and I imagine Shane probably blocked him by then.
There are just too many stupid, obvious details like Shreg listing all the restaurants they "went to" and him making sure to mention that he doesn't want Shane to reply like he has "SO many times in the past".
No. 553912
File: 1532584168783.png (644.97 KB, 1440x2585, sperg spree.png)

He's on another Twitter sperg guys. The Swamp monster is agitated.
No. 553917
File: 1532585098062.png (1 MB, 1440x2724, patron.png)

Just noticed this on his Patreon community page. Guessing this Patron isn't going to last much longer kek.
No. 553918
File: 1532585316261.png (383.05 KB, 660x566, Screenshot at Jul 26 02-08-25.…)

No. 553920
File: 1532585390204.png (15.14 KB, 578x254, stop deflecting you cuck.PNG)

Do not let him forget what he's said to Sarah. He's trying to play it off like it's no big deal but there's evidence of Sarah being uncomfortable with it.
>>549773>>553371>>553885 No. 553923
File: 1532585626193.png (42.34 KB, 788x348, noselfawareness.png)

No. 553929
File: 1532585949325.png (8.46 KB, 495x191, what do you mean.PNG)

Come back anon, explain!
No. 553932
File: 1532586157515.png (25.98 KB, 715x212, 4454564.png)

No. 553933
File: 1532586301931.png (1.44 MB, 1621x1440, Journey.png)

>>553905>>553912>>553920>>553923>>553932Holy shit this sperg is one for the books.
No. 553941
>>553937Sarah comes off obnoxious enough to brag about Onion boy complimenting her in whatever deranged way he can. She's probably bragged to someone and she's just freaking out it upsets Lainey. To live in the OnionSwamp you have to be mindful of sensitive Lainey's mood or Greg's going to get wound up, and nobody likes it when Greg's mad.
He's actively deleting tweets. I thought only guilty people did that when they had something to hide? Why is Mr Honest YouTuber freaking out? Maybe the dumb cunt should do daily vlogs since he loves being so transparent and open.
No. 553943
>>553803>>553827>>553833>>553882He deleted these
>>553912Deleted the bottom and top tweets in this also
>>553920And this
No. 553948
File: 1532588765526.png (18.25 KB, 735x137, Screenshot_2018-07-26 Cowboi (…)

Everyone who calls out Onion for the vile shit he's done is a nazi apparently.
No. 553951
File: 1532589123664.png (63.6 KB, 500x390, ah-i-see-youre-a-wizard-as-wel…)

>>5539051. No one says that
2a. The world would be better off if you were
2b. You'd probably have actually ended up a school shooter and not reached wizard status
No. 553958
File: 1532592756182.png (413.99 KB, 590x608, temp.png)

… huh.
No. 553962
File: 1532594021302.jpeg (161.49 KB, 626x407, 16052E48-7EFD-4D3B-AB1E-68F810…)

Screenshot from onion mother in law (?) so
Like 17?
No. 553965
> I Kissed Shane Dawson - YouTube> Aug 6, 2011 - Uploaded by OnisionSpeaks
> I Found Her - YouTube> Sep 3, 2011 - Uploaded by OnisionSpeaks
> If she found him through the Shane Dawson kiss and she found out about the kiss because she was already a Shane Dawson fan and didn't just like stumble upon it some time after, it would put her right there in the timeline as possibly the person he was referring to as the person who was in school.Furthermore, it fits with his story about her lying about her age and specifically the part where she was saying she was about to have a birthday. (August - Shane video. September - Adrienne. October - Taylor's birthday) But if she was, in fact, the person he was referring to in the A voicemails, the one who was still in school, she was about to turn 17, not 18, making her 16 at the time. This would also be why he told the story about her lying about her age so he couldn't be accountable for talking to a fucking 16 year old at 26. Also why her dad said come back in 10 years.
>>553963Maybe Happycabbie? I'll look. Please hold.
No. 553971
File: 1532595643697.png (13.4 KB, 1709x319, cute with chris.png)

>>553966Thank you so much anon! Thread is locked and there is great oc in this thread. How can Onion bring Sarah into the swamp trailer after he said this? Please remember, he and his wife brought a 16 year old into their house and he is now 32.
No. 553972
February 7th, 2007
I ran a 12:57 mile and 1 half today. (horrible) Did 60 push ups (ok) and 45 sit-ups (bad) in a minute, and then puked, and passed out in front of my car…
No. 553981
>>553978Please bring this up in the topic, whenever someone makes it. I've never watched cute with chris but I think
>He's at least 30 and he talks to teen girls all the time, it's weird. Almost everything about this guy creeps me out.Can be juxtaposed to his wife inviting a 16 year old to live with them, getting caught up with some drama so you uninvite her, and then letting her live with you when she's almost 18.
No. 553992
>>553989He’s pretty much already admitted to it kek
He’s trying to pretend that it’s no big deal
No. 553994
File: 1532607495624.jpg (571.16 KB, 1080x849, Screenshot_20180726-141802_Gal…)

Next thread pic please!
No. 554002
File: 1532615597544.jpeg (470.25 KB, 750x1050, DE81CF48-72F4-4520-A091-463B93…)

>>553958For whatever reason, John Lennon’s son took the time to respond to Onision’s tweets. That must do wonders for his narcissism.