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No. 543740
Onion Krueger Image Credit:
>>542822Previous Thread:
>>>/pt/535067Onion Thread Archives:
>>>/pt/511709Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregma/Gurgles/Lainey's Gay Husband (abbreviated to LGH)/Shreg/Ogreg is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been rapidly declining since. Laineybot/Taylor/Lainey/Plainey/Doormat/Greg's Straight Wife (abbreviated to GSW), is a transtrender and "beauty guru" with no makeup-knowhow or personality.
On the last episode:
>Greg changed his twitter icon to be half his face and half his dog Leelu's face >>535069>Onion continued to sperg about being told to leave his multi-tool wallet at Disney World, comparing them to Nazis >>535233>Alternate footage of Greg being insufferable at Disney World >>536173>Because Onion lurks here, he announced on twitter his new dislike for Cyr and Dasha and has removed all videos featuring Cyr to restrict to Patreon-only access >>535458>Onion made a lame video of him "waxing" >>535688>Lainey: "Greg keeps telling me I look like Andy Dick" >>535792>Onion and Lainey sell creepy polaroids featuring themselves for at least $7 each >>537492>Onion publicly accused his father of being a child molester >>538925 He sperged about his father in a vid too >>539009>Lainey queer-baited with her friend Mercedes (the two have never dated) while reading hate comments >>538998>Lainey shows off her tattoos and at the same time flashes her vagina at the camera >>539929>Greg and Lainey talking about the "Rules and Punishments" of their relationship; mostly features them fighting. Video: >>540903 Transcript: >>540958>Greg, as a straight man, talks over trans people while standing in front of a Death Note poster >>541470>Onion's patrons Respit and Dev fly out to Onion's house to film a video WKing transtrenders >>542585>Greg made two recent videos kinkshaming DDLG and Ageplay, to which Madison DeCambra responded with defending the DDLG community and regretting doing prior kinkshaming collabs with Onion. Onion blocked her on twitter, and he and Lainey are ignoring her >>543538For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules in the future:
- No nitpicking. /pt/ no longer has the sage function.
- Don't liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
Gregma: No. 543757
>>543740Oh dang, I forgot to add to the summary that Sarah's back in the good graces of the Grease McSwamp
>>541972She posed with Lainey and a milkshake, streamed with Lainey on YouNow where she was drying her hair, and then the two did a collab where they wore face masks (used for the thread image).
Also apparently Sarah made a joke about being chained up in the basement in said video.
No. 543761
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>>543757"I never get this 5-star luxury treatment in the basement" - Sarah at 1:22
No. 543767
>>543761Is she really filming with THREE herp sores? I'd say she should give it a few days but I guess she never stops breaking out.
Also Sarah looks…different.
No. 543768
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No. 543781
>>543761Not gonna lie, I thought Lame was with her daughter or niece or something…Sarah is still a baby.
Also, fuck Lame, don't put shit on your face when you're having a major herps outbreak. Don't share that shit with Sarah, you creepy motherfucker
No. 543832
>>543815You'd think seeing the shit show thats boiling up with Maddy would open Sarahs eyes.
But no, Sarah is the oblivious pitbull lover that turns a blind eye as the animal bites neighbors, family members, and kills the neighbors cats & dogs. She'll only realize Gregs true nature once hes latched onto her neck and is shaking her like a rag doll… then it'll be to late.
Sarah - I hope you didnt share any deep embarrassing secrets with DaFoot or Ogreg, because that shit will be on display on his twitter feed. And become material for his videos for years to come once he "breaks up with you"
No. 543841
>>543832>You'd think seeing the shit show thats boiling up with Maddy would open Sarahs eyes.Nothing opens her eyes. She was there when Billie was there, and has seen what has gone on since then with Luxy, Maya, Sam and now Madison, and all the assorted others. She is willfully blind, and willfully ignorant. We'll see how she acts, but on the one hand, I tell myself she's a dumb kid, but on the other, she's not just asking for whatever happens, she's begging for it to happen. I mean, at some point you have to take responsibility for what happens to you, especially when you know how it has gone in literally every other person before you. She apparently thinks she's special (like all the other girls did too). She's not.
No. 543847
>>543761anyone else notice on the face mask vid, trampoline park vid and most any stream that Sarah has guested on, all they do is recite tired memes, old Vines and lame internet jokes.
Thats the foundation of their friendship, being twinsies as they both quote
>i think i know more about american girl doll genius!Ive had a few (short lived) friendships that were based on reciting quotes from a couple of old movies and giggling like idiots, its a house built on sand.
No. 543849
I just watched one of REEEE-Spit's videos - no wonder he flew out to LGH, it's the same screeching and random "humor".
Also low key wondering if he might have the hots for LGH (just mentioning this since in the previous thread an anon said he might be after teens like LGH and Sylar but I can rather picture him having the hots for dudes).
>>543841Not sure what to think of Sarah. If she just wants to join them for attention, not granting her any might actually make staying with those two less appealing, but I kinda hope that she'll be the one who'll be able to ride their tailcoats successfully to finally lift off and become actually rich and famous while LGH and GSW disappear in YT limbo. That would be an interesting scenario.
No. 543850
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Such BROOTAL HONESTY. “I get recognized regularly in public … like today even.”
Never change, Anus-ion.
No. 543852
>>543788>>543832>>543841They only snap out of it once they personally get shit on. They always ignore everyone around them being shit on by the onions until it actually happens to them. Then they want pity and sympathy they never showed to anyone else.
>>543792Im sure lamey the bitch has not really even liked maddy and just used her as a friend since there was no one else. Probably talks shit about her to onion too. Shes the type who shit talks all her "friends" behind their back, but then is nice to their face and wants them to do everything for her and listen to her whine.
>>543799Shes either going to become lainey 2.0 and ruin all the important years of her life for them, or severely regret the time she wasted and putting her name/face associated with the onions in a few years. Girl needs to make some real friends her age who will tell her to steer clear from these psychos.
No. 543853
>>543847Lainey was an idol of hers, she was young and impressionable. Lainey liked talking to a young teen to tell her "omg ur so pretty" and back her up when she ranted about how shitty onion is, but to also awe when she talked about a cute thing he did. Because she was a young teen.
Sarah is literally her talking compliment button mixed in with a diary. The same way Lainey got all fucked up from Greg, Sarahs getting the same treatment. At least Lainey only started at 17, Sarahs been exposed to this since she was 13/14. Remember Lainey saying she thought Sarah was older when they first started talking to her and she thought she was a mum? Like dude. No one is buying it. She didnt even look old enough to be older than 16, let alone Laineys age. jfc.
Must suck for Lainey now that Sarahs growing into herself, puberty caught up, shes actually learnt how to do her make up and is looking pretty good tbh.
No. 543861
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If he gets recognized, it's not because he's "popular youtuber Onision of the Banana Song fame", it's definitely because he only goes to the same 3-4 places on the rare occasion he decides to leave the house.
I get it, Anus-on. I get "recognized" at Rite-aid all the time. I don't even have to tell them my name when I roll up to the pharmacy. They see me and think "oh, here's that girl who comes in like 3x a week because she's super disorganized!". I guess I'm famous too.
Glad you voted for this one anon. I hope it wins because it will be hilarious. Jesus he's embarrassing.
No. 543862
>>543850He still is
triggered over Madison getting the biggest laugh on either of these two dopes' channels with her portrayal of Onision.
Today was the first day I went to Madison's channel after Onision tweeting about her. I like her content, baked baking is pretty good.
What a bitch Lainey is accepting a call just to hang up on it. She's a perpetual child. She looks like a fucking autist out at restaurants, I hope the embarrassment becomes too much for Sarah and she ditched them after her first semester at college.
No. 543866
>>543852What really strikes me is that Madi says that they’re kids were friends.
These stupid assholes likely only let those kids have friends with people they work with. So they’ll have even less social interactions with people outside of the Grease compound.
Lainey used Madi when it was convenient for her. On the other hand, I could see this being orchestrated drama. But Lainey is a fucking terrible actor and will crack under pressure. So I hope her livestreams become inundated with questions about Madi.
No. 543869
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>>543853I'll say. It must suck for Taylor that everytime she uploads a video with Sarah now, there's going to be an influx of comments like this one.
No. 543872
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Anus-on is so desperate to start shit with anyone that he managed to take time out of his Maddi-sperg to address a "Trans gatekeeper".
Can any patreonfags give us a rundown on this one? Is it about Ryan again?
What a pathetic fuck. If you really cared about supporting your precious fragile smol wife, maybe try getting off the internet and spending time with your family instead of attacking teenagers who are actually IN the trans community.
No. 543875
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>>543849>Also low key wondering if he might have the hots for LGH Yeah, Im sure Oscar the Grouch was checking out Shregs tiny bulge the whole time he was at the Swamp Trailer.
No. 543876
>>543866>Madi says that they’re kids were friends.Im sure all that means is that, when she would come over with her kid in tow they would shove them all in that special room with all the blankets on the walls and lock them away for a few hours while they scream on camera making funny viral videos.
The kids being friends is incidental, they just happened to be locked up in the same room.
No. 543877
>>543866Its just so strange Onion can make videos about whaaaatever he wants, but she makes one video about her feelings and its a cut off lmao.
For Lainey to cut her off aswell tho thats fucked up shit, especially considering remember Lainey literally follows that Binkie girl on insta and twitter, who actually does age-play PORN and is a little and shit and Lainey use to tweet at her and that shit and try to be her friend. Thats like one of the things that started the ddlg rumour between the onion pair??
What I do find interesting is when I was seeing if she still followed her (she does) I noticed that like a solid amount of people she follows on insta is mum/family instagrams. For someone who thinks its so terrible to put their kids on the internet she sure does love to follow and look at people doing exactly that.. I can just imagine her scrolling through instagram sitting in the corner while Greg ignores her and wishing she could do cute photos for insta with the kids, and go on cute play dates.
No. 543884
>>543880>it's almost as if they have something to hide about their kidsThe tinfoil has been rolled out for that before.
Little Trot has something going on that Greg is ashamed of and doesnt want the haters on to see or know about.
No. 543887
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Just to document this:
Historically, Anus-on's Patreon dips at the 1st of each month, but increases within a few days as pledges are renewed and such.
This is the second month in a row that his pledges have dropped significantly and not come back. We're now at July 8th and he's at the lowest #'s I've seen in ages.
Subtract the $1000 Toby Turner mutual pledge and he's barely making $2000. Plus, with the revelation a few days ago that he and Momokun were covertly boosting each other's donations makes you wonder just how many other YTers he is doing this with, considering he obviously isn't upfront about who he donates to.
I would be willing to bet he pledges back to several of his "coterie" members.
No wonder he is trying desperately to sell his musty old wrinkled clothes, dvds, gross wigs and sad polaroids.
Swampy sex tape/graphic hickey tutorial is on it's way, I can feel it in the air.
No. 543899
>>543888Anyone want to place bets that Foot wont be streaming for a few days because of the Madison drama?
Like people are going to forget and not bring it up if she lays low for 3 days.
No. 543905
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>>543892It was documented last thread. Toby did the "Panda God" pledge for $1000. Shreg just restructured his patreon levels a week ago but Toby's pledge hasn't changed.
No. 543921
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But what did he say
No. 543930
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>>543833I feel like I got a panic attack just reading this post, that's how disgusting it all is.
No. 543935
>>543857That's more than Lainey has.
"Lifting off" would just be making 1k a month on a Patreon imo lmao
No. 543940
>>543863Sarah's feelings for Greg are inconclusive but highly suspicious. She's the only young pussy he has a chance with though, so he should stop being mean if he wants to cheat on his straight wife.
Sorry, I mean, if he wants… uh… Sarah to cheat on them with him.
No. 543957
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>>543921The future foretold just six days ago.
Anything that we have talked about concerning Madison pales in comparison to the secrets she has shared with him. And those secrets will be embellished and twisted by Onision to hurt her.
No. 543962
>>543957Oh look, the warning signs. and now
>>543918I guess she saw after all.
No. 543966
>>543921but it's okay when he does that to other people right maddy??? Everyone involved with the onions only gives a shit about themselves. It's always the same thing where they stick up for them and blame every other person, thinking they are different and the onions will never turn on them. Then it happens, and they want pity, even though if it was anything else they themselves would be shitting on them and defending the onions. Idiots.
I'm looking forward to the eventual sarah fall out. If she is indeed living with them and going to college there, greg is gonna find some problem with her soon enough and make her cry, and lamey will side with him over her. And whine that she is increasing her anxiety by being upset!!
>>543940I think he thought she was ugly and annoying before, but now she looks better since shes older and lamey looks worse than ever. He will definitely try something. I think sarah finds him annoying now though since lame probably constantly complains about him to her.
No. 543968
>>543955Sarah wasn't 18 then.
I don't think it will be divorcegate, but I think some shit is going to blow up. Especially since they can't hide from each other like at the McMansion.
No. 543976
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Will Greg remove one of his most viewed videos that is probably one of his most cherished “””””skits””””?
No. 543981
>>543976Look how long it took for him to delete the "woman beater" Cyrs videos.
If he does delete them it will be after he reuploads them on his other channels or does reaction vids to them to fuck with her.
No. 544008
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When ya friends crying on Instagram but this puppy tho
No. 544012
>>543767I get coldsores, too. For them to pop up
that much, it's going to be because:
A) You're out in the sun a lot.
B) Illness
C) Stress
I'm guessing GSW doesn't go outside much, huh?
No. 544015
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No. 544026
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>>544015>>544011I thought that video was with Taylors friend from New Mexico, I forget her name
No. 544033
>>544029I just scrubbed through the video. Madison wasnt there, just Greg doing all his fail characters.
And her name is Selena. No. 544051
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I wonder what Onision could possibly have said to Madison. She didn't actually say anything wrong in her video so I bet it was nothing but personal insults.
Side note, Greg put Lainey's original photo back in their promo for their stupid polaroids after it was pointed out he removed the only Lainey solo picture to replace it with what was a picture of two polaroids where he cropped her pic out of that one too. Hi lurkers! Hey Lainey's Gay Husband, grow up and go on a diet, seriously. Greg's straight wife, you're a pedo who learned from the worst
No. 544057
>>544051Overpriced, ugly bullshit. Why would anyone even want these? Do they know how creepy this shit is ffs.
"I've always wanted a photo of Lainey on my fridge! Even though we've never spoken, met, don't know a damn thing about her besides the fact that she likes makeup and she's not a celebrity, I've always wanted one!"
Their egos need to get sorely deflated.
No. 544059
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>>544057Creepy, but not as creepy as the fan who recently shared their excitement of being able to add GSW's wedding ring to their "collection". Gross.
No. 544066
>>544051>I wonder what Onision could possibly have said to MadisonI had second thoughts about answering because it would just give Greg ideas if hes lurking. But Ive seen tweets and streams where people bring up these things and hes dismissed them, so Greg already knows.
She smokes weed. Even though its legal in her state we all know Greg hates drug use period, and only looks the other way if that person profits him someway.
She does risque photo shoots, not fully nude but close. Greg will twist that into "she a porn star, shes as bad a someone who fucks for money, an Instagram prostitute"
She admitted on a Cut/Lineup video to having a criminal record for assault and domestic violence. Greg will have a field day with that information now that he doesn't like her.
And of course he will continue to harp on the DDLG thing and make her being into that kink more taboo/illegal/disgusting.
No. 544067
>>544059I bet that chick who spent all her money on Lainey is salty af she didn't get it.
Also, ew ew ew ew ew
No. 544070
>>543876All the same, the kids seem to be only allowed other interactions if it suits their parents “work schedule”. Incidental or not, they are lucky to be away from their parents and see any semblance of normal that isn’t in the swamp.
>>544059Their delusional fans will never cease to amaze me.
Enjoy the flesh eating metal, I guess?
No. 544073
>>543884I hardcore tinfoil this.
Which, if that’s the case, I suppose I get it. It’s hard not to wonder when they don’t talk about them at all.
>>543912Anyone documenting this? I want to see it.
No. 544075
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>>544008How funny, the dog they never ever post about is finally getting attention.
Madi does seem hurt. I hope she spills.
No. 544090
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Shes telling what Greg said to her now. Lets hope it keeps rolling
No. 544098
>>544090God his projection is so crazy
He said in his tweets that she said he was nothing to her. HE is a sexual predator. LAINEY, used Maddie for sexual videos and queerbaiting
No. 544102
>>544086Sorry, thank you anon! Mobile doesn’t always show these.
>>544087Not sure of the logistics here. It seems like they gave the guinea pigs up after they got the dog but I do think they traded with Madi.
No. 544104
>>544090Oooooo, this is good.
Because if she’s a “sexual predator” why did they continue to let her in their home around their kids? Why was Lainey slobbing her cold sore all over Madi? Why did both of them continually put her in their videos?
No. 544108
>>544090Finally the milk is spewing forth from the swamp. Unbelievable what a complete shitbag he is. All this over a very mild video.
I'd be willing to wager he never fully got over her improv in that "10 things" video with Lainey.
Interesting how everyone he has a bone to pick with suddenly becomes a "predator". Why would you let your kids be around a predator, Anus-on? Great logic.
And fuck Lainey for going along with this bullshit. They're both human garbage.
No. 544111
>>544102They gave the guinea pigs to Madi because they hated them and they were too much work. Madi offered to take them because she felt bad for the piggus.
Then they went out and got a new dog.
No. 544124
>>544101>>544090Oh, cry me a river, Madison.
>Waaaah, how did this dude do the same thing to ME as he did to YOU and everyone else?!?!? I totally didn't see it coming, bawww. You're my allies now, right? Even though I didn't give a shit about you when the same happened to youAll of the people who associate with Onion at this point are bigger cows than him.
No. 544155
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No. 544188
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Im surprised by the "sexual predator" comment from Onionboi. I thought he would of gone full force with her criminal record for beating a b/f and going to jail, since hes a cop and all.
Whats the basis of the predator thing? Because shes into ddlg and thats suppose to be just a hop skip and jump away from a child sex ring?
No. 544201
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Lmao she even says it to her friend Jesus Christ she has an identity crisis going further than her gender
No. 544220
>>544201I can’t believe it. Wew, lads.
Imagine thinking that things will be different with Laineythot only to get her generic “do not disturb” message.
No. 544224
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Honestly I think if the onions push her a little bit more or say anything she’ll really spill some shit
No. 544226
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Yikes sorry kids you won’t be seeing your friend anymore. Why?? Bc daddy decided they were a predator after they dare spoke out against me in any way shape or form after I mocked them for ten minutes straight.
No. 544230
>>544226Is Tomato Buttlickette responding? He has always gone above and beyond to kiss up to Onion, despite being continually shit on.
I was wondering if he was chiming in on this. Starting to wonder if there is some reason the Onions don’t get shit on by people when they leave. Starting to think there will be some sort of enormous guilt tripping reason why people are so kind to them and they can get away with being so unkind back.
No. 544250
>>544241Clearly. Madison is upset at 6 years friendship down the drain for nothing, but also upset that her child can no longer see her friend yet greatful her kid won't remember them.
Lainey picks up the phone just to hang up and faked liking a person not just to the world, but it seems she lied about her affections to Maddie as well to keep up her views and gay image. Clearly hasn't thought this through in terms of concequence as it doesn't affect her. Her kids lost what is likely their only child friend because Greg's a little bitch
No. 544268
>>544230>Starting to wonder if there is some reason the Onions don’t get shit on by people when they leave. Just starting?!??? We all know this. Of course there is. Onision only surrounds himself with - and then goes after - people who are much weaker than him and there for can't retaliate and can be controlled. That's why he's mostly targeting young girls.
Onision is scared shitless of anyone he can't easily overpower. Dude never leaves his house. Remember the bullet proof vest shit?
He made this safe bubble for himself.
No. 544287
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No. 544298
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>>544295The Church of Scientology does something similar.
No. 544306
NDA? Hahahahaha, don't be silly. WTF are you farmers expecting them to spill?
Greg's vile history is well known.
We know they groom teenagers.
They've shown us themselves in videos what a dysfunctional couple they are and how appaling their lifestyle and living conditions are.
They've proved time and time again how badly they treat their friends, business partners, lovers, and each other.
We know they're tax evaders. Etc.
Greg's vile history is well documented. As for recent years, when Onision channels shriveled, like the attention who're he is, he resorted to chasing infamy instead of fame he could not have. So they read lolcow and similar, and made content that would keep us talking about them. The side effect of this is that nobody can "expose" them anymore, as they took to airing their own dirty laundry.
WHAT are you expecting to be spilled, seriously? Pics and vids of supposed Troy's mental or physical deformities? What?
No. 544332
>>544090>>544224i feel like lainey probably did complain about Madison at some point because lainey gets
triggered and jealous super easily of other women. so she complaineyd to greg about madison because she was doing shit like this with greg
>>543976. so thats what he means (albeit he's clearly exaggerating it to hurt madison). but lainey was legit friends with madison, she's a cunt for not defending her at all in this. i don't care for her thotass, but lainey has thrown under the bus every single friend she's ever had over greg and/or jelousy
>billie>plainclone>madison>vix>twitter chicks>pre onision friendseven sarah! if you count greg making her kick out sarah from the greasemanson because sarah made him look bad. sarah is an idiot for coming back. lainey is a douchebag.
No. 544335
>>544075Nothing like replacing a person you used for entertainment with a neglected puppy!
No. 544336
>>544224>I KNOW WHAT WAS ACTUALLY SAID AND DONEis this onisions real third child saga
jk but i wonder if shell spill
No. 544337
>>544155We all know Lainey is a spineless doormat that has to get her teen friend Sarah to lurk the hate sites for her.
Did Lainey finally bother to click Madison's channel and see her content? That Madison has friends in her videos and doesn't act like an obnoxious twat to entertain them. Did she finally see Madison Xmas Baked Baking video. Madison is hot af in her sexy santa outfit with Billy the Fridge and she doesn't just state at herself and pose in the viewfinder she has a personality.
Greg clearly understood Madi sex appeal since he likes to strip her down for his videos. Seems like it's been Madison lately insisting on keeping her clothes on around the Onions but she's the predator lmao.
Can't wait for Onion and Sarah to fuck so Lainey has no friends. And it will happen. How in their right mind could ever find Lainey attractive? Sarah was always around Greg in the early days. I remember her little bitter face sitting next to Billie getting fingered under the blankets yet doesn't leave lol. "I'm going to put up with this because one day it'll be me!!!" as if Greg doesn't fancy the teenage girl living in his house when he's married to fucking Andy Dick.
No. 544353
>>544332>lainey has thrown under the bus every single friend she's ever had over greg Pfffft, peanuts compared to her letting Onision ban her own father from her and her children's (his grandkids) home, and denigrating him all over the Internet.
She let Greg stomp all over her father, of course she will throw anyone else under the bus too.
No. 544363
>>544249Makes sense. Otherwise why would all these people stay quiet after how he's treated them. They are stupid though, I guarantee Greg just printed a form off the internet and made them sign. That doesn't make it legal at all, it's just a piece of paper.
>>544240 kek
No. 544389
>>544353This is why I have ZERO sympathy for Taylor Anderson / Laineybot / Lainey Avaroe
She cast her family, siblings and future to the side for Greg. She let him continue to drag her father for years.
I don’t care how “good” you think you and your family are now, Taylor, that hurt will always be there and you have wasted YEARS of your life losing out on precious time and memories with your family.
When Greg finally leaves you (prob in your early 30s at the latest is my guess) I want you to ask yourself: what was it all for? What did I ruin my life for?
Bc when he does leave you at that age, you won’t have anything but secret I told you sos from your friends/family and you can only hope they still care to have your back.
Also I don’t like that there’s been hints of sympathy for Sarah around here lately. This girl LIVES for the attention, hence her basement joke in the latest vid. I wish so badly we would just never even mention Sarah’s name unless she produced actual milk— bc I think she thrives on any mention of herself here.
Sarah: you know better. Period. Your age is no excuse and they’ll do to you what they’ve done to Billie and Maya and Maddison. You’re not some exception.
No. 544397
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Comment left by Madison on the Blargh's vid from Greg's recent livestream shitting on her. He claims to be mad he didn't get a heads up from her before her video, as if he's ever done that for someone. He also implies that since they've done "crazy" videos before, it doesn't make sense for her to be upset now.
No. 544408
>>544403Eating cereal for lunch is not milk, nor warrants an NDA. Wanting to chain someone in the basement is and does.
Now think again, and answer less retardedly: stay quiet about WHAT exactly?
No. 544410
>>543912>>543918Love new milk, but I don't beleive this. This is a youtuber hes hung out with and defended for having a criminal past. Madison is an actress! (according to her social media)
Who's to say that Onion and Maddie don't have this scripted beforehand to drum up summer drama?
>>543968>Especially since they can't hide from each other like at the McMansion.This!!!! In any situation now, this!!! Their swampy trailer trash house rumbles when people walk upstairs, the walls are paper thin, and lest not forget how peeved Onion gets when this are moved out of place (nest thermometer).
Yup! No matter what shit goes down, the onions are stuck together, with their kids and neglected stinky dogs.
>>543884>>Little Trot has something going on that Greg is ashamed of and doesnt want the haters on to see or know about.>it's almost as if they have something to hide about their kidsI Stan the same tinfoil too anons. Seeing how Greggly takes everthing as a personal insult to himself, I'd gather that Trot wears glasses already and Onision sees that as a detriment, a flaw, a failing, and he probably lays the blame at Laineys cootch doorstep.
Actually think maybe Greg is ashamed about other things about Trot, but unless someone takes a hard gander at his face, we are all left to wonder.
No. 544422
>>544408They're obviously implying that if he was so nervous about Sam outing something as stupid as their food choices, they must be hiding something much bigger. The "WHAT exactly," uh, if they're hiding it we aren't going to know what it is now are we…
Probably has to do with the kids.
No. 544431
>>544422Nah, that shit with Sam is just his usual control issues.
Nobody that came after basement-gate has any dirt on them, they're not THAT stupid.
Madison may, but it's not concerning the kids - otherwise she wouldn't be whining so loudly how her kid lost playmates.
No. 544437
>>544434I don't know shit.
I was challenging you to bring out your best and most realistic theories. What would a couple that has so fucking much dirt on them online, some of which was made public by themselves, still have hidden?
You gave me nothing.
No. 544452
>>544451thanx 4 that, sorry u feel like u have to police ppls tinfoil bc of UR morals. glad 4 u, u warrior 4 change.
anyway, she probably knows first hand how he treats hids kids and wife, looking forward to a dadoffive deal with the kids being taken away
No. 544459
>>544447Yep. Billie revealed stuff and screenshots when she left, though only stuff concerning herself personally.
And we know Lane has damaging info and screenshots too, but she never revealed them, just threatened.
No. 544460
>>543644Wait Cyr and Onision broke up because Cyr wouldn't dress up like hitler, but Cyr is totally cool with Dasha throwing up nazi salutes, saying heil hitler, and even calling Cyr himself "mein führer". lol ok
>>543963I would love to be his accountant just to see his finances. This idiot thought he could write off 80% of his personal home as a business expense. He thought he could hide his income in business expenses so he probably never had any real savings. I doubt he has a retirement plan. He is so super fucked, I can't wait for him to become a mallcop.
>>544063It probably has Shreg clit skin cells embedded in it because Swamp Prince's and Shreg's "suk mi" time. Like that is probably a cursed object. All the vile things that ring has been through with the Swampy Bunch.
>>544104Hasn't Madison ever heard of "if you lie with dogs you'll get fleas"? Like watching the way the Onions toss people out of their lives for six years didn't put up major red flags?
>>544332Remember Anna? The boat song with pregnant Lainey and a hot nearly nude chick in a Bikini lol @1:31 you can see our Swamp Prince has been sitting like a gremlin for 5 years now.
No. 544471
>>544155How many people has lamey backstabbed/dropped in a heartbeat by now? She pretends to give a shit about them, then immediately drops them when her husband decides she should, then she insults/acts cold to them. Luxy, Lane, Maya, Billie, Madison, etc. I remember when she first got with greg too, she dropped her best friend of so many years at the time. She really is an awful friend.
She clearly just used maddy to try to prove her "gayness" and gave no shits about her. She doesnt care about any of her friends. She just cares what they can do for her. How anyone believes she is a nice person is beyond me. Her only remaining friend is the teen girl shes groomed since the age of 14 who idolizes her. Sure enough, when sarah starts getting a mind of her own, lamey wont be happy. She quickly threw her out to her supposedly abusive home when it meant her and onion were looking bad. She gives no shits about anyone but herself lol.
>>544353And she let onion shit on her sister and call her a slut publicly and say things about her liking big dicks which he was angry about cause he has a small peen. I dont even know why her family has her back when she'd probably watch them die if onion told her to.
No. 544483
>>544306top kek anon.
but you are 100% correct.
I don't think anyone would ever reveal any info regarding the kids because of decency, which would be the only actual new information..
No. 544487
>>544460Ok, I double-checked because I dont follow cyr drama but breakup between them was in this thread
>>>/pt/469589 just search for 'hitler' lol - but there was more to it and actually voting made onion go mad. Sorry for old news/confusion anons! but my point still stands - anusion looks for most stupid shit to create drama and lose friends, like now with Madison. It was suprisingly long friendship actually.
I revisited old threads and what the fuck is with onions and friendships? every time there is a 3rd person in house, friend, lover, coworker - it eventually become a shitshow. Greg, Lainey or both makes others miserable. are they unable to make friends? is this some kind of creepy form of 'us vs them' mentality?
during billie saga one anon mentioned that narcs love to have 3rd person around to play two people against each other for their amusement, and I think now doormat learned thing or two from him (Sam drama). Sarah, you are doomed. I can't wait for the outcome, probably around december/january as usual in onion household.
No. 544489
>>544408You got a stick up your arse Greg?
Referencing the cereal for lunch situation was clearly to emphasise how secretive Gurg is. He wants NO elements of his life exposed regardless of how insignificant. A monkey could see my point so I'm baffled as to how you're missing it.
No. 544517
>>544471>How many people has lamey backstabbed/dropped in a heartbeat by now? >She pretends to give a shit about them, then immediately drops them when her husband decides she should, then she insults/acts cold to them. >Luxy, Lane, Maya, Billie, Madison, etc. >I remember when she first got with greg too, she dropped her best friend of so many years at the time.
>She really is an awful friend.Wholeheartedly agree.
Over the years, she makes friend after friend, and after a while, she will parrot something they said to Onion Boi, he gets mad, demands who put those thoughts in her head, and makes her dump her friend.
Remember when she got that band guy to follow her back or like her tweet or something, and Onion Boi publicly sperged on her for it, because onion was in beef/blocked by said band guy?
Onion sure guilted her with public humiliation to make her drop that band guy quick.
Its hilarious how Lamey always says, "Greg is his own person, I don't control him."
Well Lamey, he controls you.
Ps sarah, he's gonna do you dirty, you cannot save someone who doesn't want to be saved. Leave for your,
you, your own future benefit. They will hold their charity and goodwill over you, as if its some kind of debt. Run. Away. Now.
No. 544533
>>544520I think it's the other way around, that Sarah has something on them. Remember her begging that person to delete her messages with her where she admitted shady things in regards to her relationship/intentions or whatever with the Onions? Who was it, Lane?
At the risk of sounding dramatic, the Sarah situation reminds me of a groomed child being told "If you tell anyone about this, I'll get in trouble and it'll be all your fault!" She probably doesn't fully understand the inherent power imbalance in her "relationship" with the Onions because they sunk their claws into her at 14 and have been manipulating her ever since… and also, you know, she may be kind of stupid.
No. 544536
>>544520Sarah probably has A LOT of dirt on the onions, since she's Taylors personal tissue.
But on the other hand Sarah's dumb af and probably told Taylor all of her secrets and Taylor told Gerg.
No. 544550
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No. 544553
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>>544550She's been talking up a storm all over twitter with repzion and tomato. Also lainey just dropped her like a hot potato and apparently agrees with grease?
No. 544564
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No. 544570
>>544550She says she doesn't want to expose him like his other ex friends uwu,
but oh heck yes Madi you will.
Greg will use this twitter sperging against her. And everything else. He's probably delighted he finally has something to fuel the views, he'll exploit every tiny flaw of this woman.
We had Sam, who also wanted to part peacefully and not say anything, and how did it end? Don't kid yourself Madi, when he hits you, you'll spill.
No. 544574
>>544395What I wonder, since Lainey is the one who outed her in the livestream, is if Sarah just told her in confidence. Potentially because she was worried she might have it or because it would give her some attention for once. Either or, a borderline diagnosis being public is the nightmare scenario of most people with borderline, it's got such a stigma. Maybe even Sarah wasn't ready to have that broadcast to the world (especially since she seemed surprised/shocked Lainey said it on the livestream)
>>544471You know, it really says something that Lainey is the only one of his girlfriends/wives who's stayed this long through all this shit. Even fucking Shiloh ran the hell away from Greg
No. 544588
>>544564I think the milk that she's holding onto has to do with stuff that Gurg said behind people's back. Him being the 'mOsT hOnEsT yOuTuBeR' is really what keeps a chunk of his dwindling fan-base going.
If Madi drops a bomb with receipts that he's not being truthful, that he talks shit and hates people for stupid reasons I would be drinking that shit up. I'm sure he already does it, but just having the proof/claims of someone who worked with them for 6 years would be awesome. I hope LGH can't contain his sperg and goes after her so she can drop whatever info she has.
No. 544595
>>544594What I don't get is why? Madi didn't say anything negative about them and just said sorry to her community for her part.
I don't get why he's going on the attack and why lainey is kicking her out of her life (and punishing the kids as well by taking away their playdate)when lainey is still friends with binkie. It makes no sense.
No. 544602
>>544550I know she wants to keep that distance from herself and the other people Greg has pointlessly booted from his life, but I hope she realizes that she really isn't any different. I'll commend her for wanting to protect him, but I wish she would take a step back and really think /why/ should she give him that respect when he would NEVER do the same for her.
It's all way too convenient that they both decide to dump Madi the day Sarah arrives back in Washington. It might be tinfoil-y, but it wouldn't surprise me if Lainey was just eagerly waiting for a reason from Greg to remove Madi from their lives. No Madi means one less skinny cute girl orbiting her husband lol.
It won't be long before Greg starts pumping out the "WE DUMPED YOU. MOVE ON"-esque videos just ranting and tearing Madi to pieces.
No. 544620
>>544574Foot has to stay.
She has wrap her entire identity around her neanderthal husband. She has screwed over her family and every friend she has had for her "soulmate."
No. 544685
>>543761Sarah is becoming just as unbearable as Lainey. Maybe it's because they're both tired as they say but both are so low-energy and boring, I couldn't even finish the video.
Also it pissed me off when they told a fan that going to England is "really expensive", as if it's not going to cost the fan the exact same to travel to Washington? It'd do the both of these two a lot of good to go abroad for once in their lives and experience life outside of the swamp but Greg would never allow it because they'd get a taste for what's outside of the swamp and would never come back.
No. 544720
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There's the Lainey we know and love. Completely ignoring her husband's atrocious behavior, then showing herself to be a spineless, two-faced coward.
I think she can stop pretending that she's "not her husband". She's just as gross if not worse because at least he doesn't pretend to be a sweet, caring bean who's "scared of beef".
No. 544728
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Taking a little break from the drama, this made me kek.
1. Fucking hilarious that Anusion would offer any advice on streaming when he gets 13 viewers on a good day
2. Of course this dipshit who's made 100 DDLG videos would advise "milking" things. Really showing growth there, Shreg.
No. 544754
>>544533This. This is why I’m actually afraid for her. The Onions are already controlling her. From a cynical viewpoint, I’d say she’s already brainwashed and hooked. Of course I don’t believe this fully, only time will tell and I remain hopeful but…. damn.
>>544550Uuuuuugh I knew it. That emotional bond is too strong and if Lame ever decides to turn around Maddie will be all too willing to look past being battered around like a rag doll and left in the mud. I hate watching things like this unfold because I see myself in these girls who put their emotions entirely on the line and get treated like garbage. I’ll bet Maddie thinks that she’s loving unconditionally but what she’ll learn is that it’s not love if you sacrifice your own self worth. It’s a codependent behavior and will only make things worse for both parties. I can’t say it enough but I hope all these girls wise up :(
No. 544757
>>544754Yeah, its sad thad Maddie is so emotional, but she should attack onion first, he already trashed her on livestream and she know how he treats his ex friends.
The worst thing she could do now is to act like submissive bitch, whine how bad she feels and cry, and wishes them the best still. I bet that is what they want - at least I'm sure he loves it and it strokes his ego.
No. 544776
>>544744Fuck me, imagine if your friend of 4 years turned around after putting you half naked in several of their videos told you they never respected you and thought you were disgusting.
10 Things that Disgust me about Onision when?
No. 544779
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New video from Anusion. He tells the trans community that he knows best and everyone should listen to him. No. 544783
>>544720I think madi is an idiot, but loving that she is calling out lamey. Everyone avoids calling her out for the trash she is, and only focuses on onion. She is a two-faced bitch and not nice at all which is just her made up persona where people think shes kind. Once she gets to cut them out, her true colors shine. She seems mega jealous and "befriends" anyone close to onion so she can shit talk and find dirt on them to finally out them out of his life. This has happened with billie, sam, and now maddy.
>>544730she will tell sarah/the chat she is having a panic attack, and sarah will come to her rescue believing her bullshit.
No. 544791
>>544779"…you are however gonna lose if you say: 'you're not valid! How dare you? Get surgery! You should be ashamed of yourself!' etc and they wound up dead the next day because that was the last straw and now that's on your hands."
Wow Greg. There are no words for how retarded you are.
No. 544812
>>544779Greg talking about civil right movements and how you can support a community without being apart of the community. No shit Sherlock. Way to derail for 2 minutes into your own fucking 'perspective', thought you were talking about dysphoria?
Around 4:10 minutes in he talks about strength in numbers and we should take transtrenders seriously if we want LGBT to be taking seriously. How about allowing actual LGBT folk have their space and respect it?
"Stop encouraging people to get surgery to prove themselves to your self-hating group!"
Finally around 6 minute mark he addresses dysphoria.
>You don't need dysphoria to be respected as a human being to be heard and to be appreciatedEssentially his argument for transtrending is that your brain chemistry is obviously fucked up otherwise why would you reject your assigned gender
He also states he's confused about dysphoria. Maybe educate yourself then before calling the LGBT community a self-hating group.
No. 544836
>>544812My GOD he's a moron. People aren't saying these people without gender dysphoria are undeserving of respect, they're just saying they are not TRANS. Fuck this moron holy shit.
And Lainey, even if you and your ugly husband convinced the whole world that you are in fact transgender, you'd still be a no-personality bitch. Trans is not synonymous with interesting, equality is acknowledging that transgendered individuals are human like the rest of us.
No. 544892
>>544836Also to mention he hates the idea of having to be validated as trans by tests or doctors.
Surely if you reject you 'assigned gender' you would want to seek the support available to discuss if you want to transition or not to live a happier life.
Or is it purely aesthetics and Lainey wearing a polo is enough to get her normie panties wet just how Greg hates.
Imagine a minority group hating to be treated as a fetish for YouTube views.
No. 544911
File: 1531178516152.png (702.67 KB, 615x588, doormat and tissue.PNG)'s ig live with her teenage tissue yesterday.
around 7:50 minutes is when they start talking about how they fight w/ each other
No. 544913
>>544892>Also to mention he hates the idea of having to be validated as trans by tests or doctors. Lmao that's literally what transtrenders do. They hate being outed as fake because doctors tell them they need gender dysphoria.
He gets all his 'info' from his cis wife who has a psychology degree yet knows shit all about the psychology of gender.
No. 544918
>>544911It’s like Lame has become ass pats junior. I’m so sick of seeing Lamey and Gurgles exploit other people as “lessers.” Like YOUVE INSULTED MY HONOR, I REQUIRE PENANCE OF HIGH MATERIAL CALIBER YOU FILTHY PEASANT
sounds real fun Sarah. Nothing like licking a shoe that kicks you mercilessly
No. 544932
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>>544911Towards the end sarah said grease asked her "Sarah whats "Thats the tea" mean?" Lainey says "He's so old he's like a grandpa" Sarah then states "Well dad, It means like Shane y'know?"
Grease asks for an example and sarah responds with "I tell you what my first example was a lil' later, Rhymes with possum and uhm metaphile"
They both laugh, So much for lainey not sharing the same views the little liar. Must point out the irony that sarah has and still is being groomed by grease and plain since she was 14. Funny how they brought her back just as shes about to turn 18. And lainey did say in a younow stream that they plan on putting a bed in their lounge so I guess sarah might be living with them again.
No. 544934
>>544911Lol. Sarah said when greg was being a cunt to her on stream, she got upset about it and told lainey about her feelings and her response was "well i cant really do anything about it". And then ghosted her for a week.
Yeah this friendship is beyond fucked. Like why would you ignore your friend as if they did something wrong when your husband was the one shitting on her? And then sarah had to clarify she wasnt trying to make lainey feel bad by telling her her feelings? and she still ignored her for a week? Wow.
No. 544954
>>544911I like how they say two times they fought with each other because of someone else (obvious they mean billie and other people they dislike and blame for everything). That's not how it works, but of course lamey doesnt want to take the blame and puts it on someone else. No one can force you to fight with your friend idiots.
Also only lainey would describe onion as "sweet like a puppy". Even sarah didn't look convinced lmao.
No. 544957
>>544595Tinfoil but I suspect Maddie had legit feelings for Lainey. Like Lainey led her on enough that her strong feelings of friendship started to turn into love, or at least a mild form of it. I sense nothing towards Greg so maybe he was also looking to remove her because she wouldn't enter into the Trinity as he'd want but just with Lainey potentially.
But I'm seriously glad she's focusing on Lainey too. Lainey was the one she was closest to and honestly I'd say betrayed her the worst. Toyed with her emotions, acted as a friend but in the end Maddie meant nothing to her, not to mention as a mother decided to ignore her children's needs which likely personally affected Maddie as well being a mother who seems to actually care for her kids and the onions'. I bet you Lainey also would have used her knowledge of borderline against Maddison. Greg just knows the type of person who would be dependent on him but Lainey's been trained by him and has some knowledge of psychology
>>544791Interesting opinion for a guy who calls cutters idiots and blames people for having a mental illness or disorder and not just being better like he apparently is
No. 544983
>>544981"I have never been sexually interested in @Onision in any way shape or form. I have never wanted to be their “third”. I have never been anything but a good friend. But does anyone find it suspicious that every woman he’s ever said a bad word about has “wanted him”?"
"I spoke privately with @SonidaRH and I owe her a PUBLIC APOLOGY. I apologized in private but I definitely wanted to publicly state I was wrong."
Madis tweets.
No. 544987
>>544984He is disgusted that Madi cheated on her partner!!
No. 544991
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>>544984For posterity because those saved like shit and are real lol
No. 544993
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No. 544995
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No. 544996
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No. 544997
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>>544992Wasn't this one of the people obsessed with lame? Did not expect her to be the one to wake up to onion's insanity. Hope more of their obsessive fans ditch them.
No. 544998
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No. 544999
And of course he doesn't get the fucking point
Maddie never had an issue with the video or Greg, she accidentally insulted her community and they were saddened by it so she decided to be an adult and own up to the video she did being offensive to them and valued their feelings even if she didn't do the video out of malice. No shit she didn't have issues while making it, she didn't think she was doing something wrong at the time because unlike Greg, she didn't mean to hurt anyone with this.
He's such an idiot I can't even understand how he can be this bad
No. 545005
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Madi knows the text has been leaked.
No. 545006
>>544557If this isn’t just all orchestrated drama, I hope Madison gets pushed to that point.
No. 545010
>>545005"My affair that I’ve already talked about publicly that happened literally four years ago with my ex fiancé. The man I am with is my daughters father. The “boyfriends boss” I have been with for almost four years now. My ex fiancé and I are literally on good terms now."
srry cant ss but thats Madis tweet about it too lmao
No. 545012
So far hasnt said anything about Madi. Sarah is still at the home, shes not streaming with her today tho apparently, and she prefers "they/them" today no mention of "he/him" lmao.
There are so many people asking about Madi, but her stans are answering back that shes a phony and she got the boot, but shes ignoring all of them.
Someone said they love the "10 things about Onision" video and shes like "honestly i feel kind of bad about that video, i dont know if I have another 10 things. I feel like I was too mean, I don't like being mean. Especially to my husband."
And that it was even painful for her and that tea was spilled and that shes covered all the bases already. But the day the sugar water was poured on the water was the day she nearly snapped bc he said it was just water so she left it to just dry. If she had known it had sugar she wouldve cleaned it up right then and there (bc greg doesnt have working arms ofc)
Why wouldnt you clean it up anyway regardless..? o i spilled water, is ok ill leave it to dry instead of just wiping it up taking 2 seconds of my day.
people in the chat are speculating lainey wont mention it until after Greg gets to make his video hes sure to come out with on the Madi situation
clickity click click definitely blocking people you can hear it hahahah
so v poor they just brought mario tennis. they had it for wii but theyve now brought it for switch lmao
small talk about not wanting to date anyone, how she wishes she could have a crush and someone to flirt with but shes just not interested to go through shit again and shes not confident it would go in her favour.
She doesnt wish to talk about her, that Madis the one that decided to make it public and she doesnt want to talk about it bc Madis given you everything you need and you can go ask her bc shes not interested in hashing things out over younow. Its boring, and old. Apparently Madi knows this but shes happy to talk to her but she needs to talk to HER directly, not through 'him' and she took everything said in the text and took it as if it was from Lainey but it wasnt and that Madi blocked her, not the other way around. And the thing with the phone was that she didnt have it on her and if she has a question thats actually directed 'at her' she can shoot her a text.
41 mins now, it shouldnt be a public thing, she refuses to be a middle man and its not her job to do a he said she said game between two people. And she wasnt planning to unfollow her until her whole feed was swamped with her favoring tweets of how they used her and she went on her page and Madi had unfollowed her first. And its really gross that people are joining her patreon to record her streams and that its fucked up and gross. Its a private stream for a reason.
Apparently when she unfollows someone on a whim its when shes being petty and will get over it and if she doesnt unfollow them right away it means its serious and shes deciding whether to keep them in her life or not.
we are not entitled to every little aspect of her life bc she runs a youtube channel. she owes us nothing. she gets mad at Greg when he puts stuff out their publicly and tells him to not involve her in this bc she doesnt want to be involved. And if we think shes being unkind then thats on us because shes sticking up for herself. if yall got a problem with greg u can take it up with him
Now shes on about how all the people who steal her content are here with brand new accounts made today, everyone she blocks the accounts always made that day blah blah wow wow sarcasm reached new levels.
The blargh is here now and she hopes they get some good content and she likes them.
random talk that she should make a fake hate channel and do videos reacting to it so she can do a face reveal for the hate channel and its leelu 'genuis, content for days'
59mins and shes out. Damn son couldnt even do the full hour. Greg dumped her in some shit releasing those screenshots WHILE she was on younow LIVE.
No. 545019
>>545005She’s a fucking moron.
Lainey ALWAYS tries to make it seem like she was the innocent one in these situations and that she does nothing malicious to anyone. She’s the worse of the two because she is a backstabber and walks out of these situations attempting to look kind and good natured.
No. 545021
>>545014>>545016He's so pressed.
This is his pent up bitterness over the 10 Things I hate about Onision video and that her DDLG video got traffic for critiquing his video. He's such an insecure mess. He doesn't have his Onision channel, and she can possibly use him being INTOLERANT (his new favourite word if he didn't constantly mix it up with tolerance) to launch herself as a figure for DDLG.
Onion hates the popular kids. Why won't those cool edgy LGBT people play with his wife?! Daddy Onion has so much on his plate managing 4 kids.
No. 545023
>>545014No wonder she was so hurt. Lainey told her she never had feelings for her (so Lainey 100% just admitted the whole gf thing was entirely fake, even the initial thing) and Greg just admitted he used her for 4 years
Also I hope his dumbass fans realise that he was willing to throw all his morals away for 4 years to use a "good actress"
No. 545025
>>545005ugh i lost any percent of sympathy i might have been able to muster up for her after the "lame isnt the bad guy" tweet. Clearly she thinks she has a chance to talk to her and get back into the onion's graces so shes sucking up again. Can people just call lame out for the twat she is instead of giving her a pass because onion is outwardly worse? Anything hes texted or said to you, guarantee she has said to him behind your back and called you disgusting and creepy.
>>545012>And the thing with the phone was that she didnt have it on herOf all the things shes ever said, and there are plenty, that's the least believable thing shes ever said. This is just her damage control like she did with jaclyn. First laughs at her, then when people get on her case she makes it public that she wants to reach out, etc. She knows she looks like shit cause maddy outted her, now shes making up excuses.
>she refuses to be a middle man and its not her job to do a he said she said game between two peopleBut sends greg to text her teen best friend when they are fighting for her. But when its other people, she refuses to be the middle man. Right.
No. 545032
>>545012I didn't mention but she also said she wanted to maybe to a video redoing her whole house bc its a mess but it would take like a week to do it and that she wants to paint the room across her office or some shit.
Might play into the whole putting a bed in the lounge to make a room for Sarah lmao
No. 545035
File: 1531185039163.gif (1.34 MB, 800x533, 8f5160e1930ad749da6bf19f9c3dce…)

>>545001In Lame's younow stream she was bitching about people leaking her ig stream, so guess who's been lurking?
No. 545041
File: 1531185452450.png (37.73 KB, 608x404, Captur.PNG)

No. 545047
>>544984That is a very strange wording, notice how he uses over and over again the cheating stuff. Guilty conscience? only other 'sins' he mentions is inappropriate joke she made (lol onion look in the mirror, even outside of videos you are the best example of a creep) and her wanting to be in trinity, but anusion accuses everyone of that, because he is a greek god and lameo is… well, also a greek god.
He is trying to look like a good profesional guy but everybody knows its a lie.
It looks like he knew he is gonna release them, he tried paint specific picture and make maddie look like shit. But it looks so silly and fake.
No. 545058
>>545042"we probably know too much about each other"
No. 545073
>>545069Exactly. And when you're an ADULT and your friends stick around when you don't want them to you say "hey, I feel like having the house to myself/ourselves" or "I don't feel like hanging out anymore right now"
Like the anxiety thing isn't even an excuse because we all know Greg has no problem telling people whats up.
I have anxiety and it took me a long time but SIX YEARS is a long time to be able to tell your friend when u want them to leave bc you cant be bothered hanging out.
If Greg cared so much about people cheating then why did he A) cheat on Lainey. B) allegedly talk to Lainey while still with SH and C) 100% emotionally and probably physically cheat on SK (who he was MARRIED to) with SH? Sorry buddy I don't like associating with shit people who cheat as much as the next person but when they're my friend whos confided in me and already knows its wrong and hasn't done it again then well its none of my business. ESPECIALLY if the PERSON THEY CHEATED ON forgave them?? And they now have a kid with that person?
So not only did he pretend to be her friend for the last four years, apparently so did Lainey, he also finds her disgusting, has no respect for her, finds her whole relationship disgusting yet allows her to bring her daughter over to create a relationship with their children only for it to be ripped away from them with no warning.
No. 545083
File: 1531189178059.png (12.88 KB, 578x127, madicap2.PNG)

>>545080She's not deleting, just taking and indefinite hiatus. I feel like stay away from twitter for a bit is smart, but she should also defend herself from their bullshit.
No. 545104
File: 1531190244170.jpeg (10.38 KB, 213x86, 140992DA-17F8-4A55-A7DD-F472A1…)

Freudian typo?
>the inappropriate comment I you made
No. 545111
File: 1531190696957.png (256.36 KB, 1440x1170, Trouble in…)

>>544998>>545051It's worth noting that Allie also made a video critical of Anusion's DDLG series, so I assume he's pretty bootyblasted over that, even though she opined on Twitter that she was sure he'd be ok about it because he "respected her opinion" or some such.
When are these people going to learn that Shreg only respects opinions that are supportive and flattering of his idiocy?
No. 545128
File: 1531191305755.png (22.53 KB, 624x223, vaugetweet.PNG)

Is this a subtweet lmao
No. 545136
>>544918what the fuck do you even call a doormats doormat
aside from "sarah", i mean
No. 545141
File: 1531191865944.png (316.6 KB, 630x664, Screenshot_2018-07-09-19-56-49…)

>>545101Wow she is so pissy to people asking questions. I don't know why, but my favorite part is how she keeps angrily saying "thank you for 100 bars" before going right back into screeching "I don't want to talk about this anymore!"
She's hating life so much right now she's not even picking at her face. She's internalizing allll of this.
No. 545145
>>544997Yeah, Allie was insane for Taylor. I'm glad she's
kind of matured.
No. 545164
>>544948Still reading through the thread but if someone hasn’t already done it, please cut that part out and repost to YT. Be sure to tag Shane. Shane needs to see what Lamey REALLY thinks.
Even though she still wears his merch. They do disgust me.
(cowtipping) No. 545173
>>545144Also so grossed out by her flirting that lainey kissed her and made multiple videos joking about dating. So disgusted!
>>545150I get so annoyed when everyone gives her a pass and says "i mostly have a problem with onision". Shes 100% in on everything he does and feeds him info and laughs along with him. He probably parrots half the insulting things she says when he rages too since they clearly talk shit about people together. Just like how he went on about billie being smelly, and then we find out it was lamey saying that all along. If maddy doesn't think lameo has been talking shit about her to onion this entire time, shes actually a moron. Lamey hates any other girl being even remotely "special" to gerg.
No. 545177
File: 1531196418123.jpg (151.11 KB, 1051x700, SmartSelect_20180709-232032_Yo…)

No. 545181
Seriously though, when Cyr once stated that he wasn't comfortable with a video Greg and him made Greg publicly shamed him too and decided to stop all work together. Maddie couldn't have won unless she ruined her reputation by not addressing the video and people's issues with it
No. 545183
>>545101Lameo saying "madi can contact me to hash it out with me, don't contact greg, talk to me" is EXACTLY THE SAME SHIT SHE WAS SAYING ABOUT SAN WHEN THEY TOSSED HER OUT!!!
Lameo is now following her own patterns in her behavior. She will now continue this with every person she "befriends" and throw them away when they've exceeded their usefulness.
Also, Lamefoot is looking kind of sick. Like, sick sick, not just run down or stressed. A nasty STD? A virus?
No. 545187
File: 1531198436925.png (382.92 KB, 596x844, projection much.PNG)

No. 545193
>>545187Jfc. I'm legitimately confused who is supposedly the person "B" in this retarded scenario. Because it sounds exactly like what he's doing.
I think the swamp has finally rotted his brain.
No. 545217
>>545204"Hope they can pay me money so they can know when I leave the house and am ok with spending time with them on their own dime"
Or at least "hope I still have fans this time next year/hope I don't kick them all off Patreon in a fit of rage"
No. 545223
>>545181>>545177Also that whole thing with Sam allegedly "slapping" his kid's hand. Anus never said a single, solitary peep about it to anyone, including his wife, until he got pissed at her. Then he proceeded to go straight to the internet to publicly shame Sam.
He has no moral ground to stand on here.
People in glass trailers shouldn't throw stones. (People who live in cow's udders shouldn't throw curds?)
No. 545240
>>544984He's such an idiot. He has to mention that she cheated on her boyfriend four times so, as soon as he posts these, everyone will focus on that. He can't ever have a dialogue with anyone else, everything is written in a way that when he posts screenshots he looks good and the other person bad.
And "being inappropriate around us and suggesting to Lambo that you'd be or third"
As if. They both
always exaggerate what happens to them.
It probably was as simple as "Greg can you pull up my zipper" "omg Lainey, Maddie wanted that I help her change. I was so disgusted"
And for Lambo, remember when she said that the dialogue she had with Vix was
way worse than what she wrote with Gurg and then Vix posted her entire dialogue and there was
literally nothing expect talking about Lamp and matcha tea.
No. 545255
>>545246I thought “pimply ass” was a metaphor or an analogy for a shitty person. But no!
So much no! TIL people’s asses are actually covered in pimples and boils and all sorts of blisters! So much no at once!
No. 545258
File: 1531211912508.png (13.1 KB, 573x93, 4622387856235.PNG)

Will this be the tall glass of milk we all wanted?
No. 545259
>>545258I’m doubtful. I truly truly wish it were not my hopes have been dashed before! I hope it will be but again I’m doubtful
sigh she’s a puss like grease
No. 545260
File: 1531212464360.gif (661.72 KB, 386x380, 8CFB617B-75AC-4F1A-97E8-4ABC47…)

>>545258>>545259She’s a fucking idiot for tweeting about it for starters. It gives Gurgles the heads up to go into damage control and pull out the massive file he has been compiling against her for the past six years
No. 545261
File: 1531212713780.png (77.91 KB, 599x569, fag.png)

"Using someone’s pronouns is not something that you deserve an award for. It’s basic human respect."
lol. Says the person that used to regularly use the word "fag" on twitter.
No. 545267
File: 1531213884054.jpg (25.26 KB, 622x345, hehimpronoun2lain.jpg)

>>545128 I think lamey is talking about maddie using the pronouns He/Him in one of her twitter threads.
At first glance I thought it was talking about greg, but she's actually addressing lainey as the "he"
But maddie wasn't ever asking for asspats, she was just being considerate, but of course lainey has to turn it into something malicious
No. 545271
>>545109Madison has other friends and people she films with she'll be fine. However Lainey has lost a drinking buddy and the teen is underage. Daddy Greg strikes again!
Also just want to remind everyone that Onion stayed with Billie in the McMansion while Lainey was in labour at the hospital with Sarah. What's worse? Leaving your fiancé for a man, or cheating on your pregnant with second child wife?
No. 545272
File: 1531215855940.jpeg (1.3 MB, 3840x3840, C85F0EB2-007F-4772-9DBB-BDA198…)

Madison posted this not that long ago.
No. 545275
>>545274It's like with Shilohs manager. He makes fun of these people and says "omg they're so dumb. They did record with me voluntarily, they had fun and now they say how much they hated it" and his ten stupid fans eat it up.
Every mature person thinks he's in the wrong and a garbage human.
He always thinks he's right because he's the one who starts bashing first and because he's the one who _dumps_ everyone.
No. 545284
>>545021Anon here has hit the nail on the head. It’s 100% him being salty over Madison portraying him in the 10 Things video.
For how long has he been planning to get rid of her I wonder?
No. 545289
File: 1531218923273.png (448.33 KB, 811x528, YKKigcS.png)

>>545124DW, that other anon accusing you of projecting was very clearly out for blood. With so much fresh milk, do we really need hostility and infighting here?
No. 545304
>>545297Onision tier comedy.
Bravo Madison.
I hope they both fuck each other up with a month long slow trickle of blackmail info.
Mutual assured destruction.
No. 545307
>>545299It's been confirmed by Lainey. She was out with Sarah and her and Sarah headed to the hospital while Greg was at the McMansion with Billie. He showed up hours later. I wonder what him and Billie would have got up to alone? I mean he can finger Billie under a blanket next to Sarah so imagine what'd he'd get up to with no eyes watching.
Not to mention Cloey is a bandaid baby from the previous cheating Billie and Greg did lol. But sure Madison is horrible because she fell out of love with a man she didn't have a family with when she was 20.
No. 545308
File: 1531221374961.png (4.31 KB, 622x626, Your bait is bad and you shoul…)

>>545297Madison, stop. If you're going to talk about how onion treated you then fucking spill the milk.
No. 545311
>>545297Well, her credibility just got shot to shit. She has embodied Gurg and his pathetic childish attempts at humour here perfectly.
>>545307 Thanks anon, I never knew that. Just when I thought grease couldn't get any greasier.
No. 545328
File: 1531225872043.png (372.13 KB, 769x477, The Herp Sistas.png)

I thought of the This Is Spinal Tap mouth herpes sub-plot when I saw the Mask & Ask.
With Lainey having her rampant mouth sores, if Sarah stays there for a whole week this is what we have to look forward to.
No. 545336
>>545335I find it so funny that everyone is so so pretty when put next to the dry Laineybot.
Sarah is a teen she's going to look like a cherub next to this washed up mom of 2
No. 545344
>>544998>>545051>"Lolcow doxxed me and leaked my nudes"It's funny because the one who did it was another onioncordfag, all of them have been shitting on each other anonymously in the Onion Calves thread like snakes. It wasn't farmers.
Plus Madison aside, Allie's only mad that Onion made a video against her sick fetish. So no, she didn't suddenly become mature.
>>545101Why is she so smug? You just lost another friend, Lainey, nothing to be smug about.
No. 545355
The yearly patreon meetup consisted of 2 minutes of footage.
went to a shitty looking theme park were Greg repeated his 'funny' behaviour from Disneyland.
Then they went to the play park where Lainey also filmed with Sarah.
And had to film videos with Greg.
Imagine paying to spend money to travel to meet Onision to hang out out at a kids park and I presume there was fuck all footage from the theme park because Greg and Lainey didn't have her family to handle Trot and Cloy. That guy flew from Germany.
What a perk!
No. 545360
>>545357I think Respit is a creep, just the lengths he would go to hang out with a predator like Onion. He's like the only guy close to Onion's age apart from Sylar (ugly piece of shit that is Becca's OnlineDaddy) and Tomato (and we all know what that guy's deal was, clout). You have to wonder what guys he'd attract to his patreon.
We've already had Amber and a few other Onionflakes admit the whole premise of the discords is to look for potential Trinity members.
And also Dev, I can't believe that's what she looks like. Their fans are literally teenagers or people that failed to mature mentally.
No. 545372
File: 1531232479629.jpeg (123.05 KB, 1280x720, 71D58A79-0A1D-44F8-90ED-034DFF…)

>>544188Lol but lamey being friends with fucking binkieprincess is cool, and lamey can throw ddlg references left and right and use madi for queer videos and kissing and then it’s all “sexual predator!!! LAMEY WAS UNCOMFORTABLE!!!!” (So not using Lainey as a shield and reason to justify knocking off another friend)
Literally why do people even stay friends with them and act SO SURPRISED when it happens to them, no one is an exception to the rule in onions eyes except for himself
It’s like they all think it’s never going to happen to
them bc they’re
different plz
No. 545387
>>545372I seriously don't get how they can watch onion and lamey time and time again be friendly with someone, then trash them.
Sarah 100% thinks shes an exception because shes lamey's "best friend". But lamey has thrown away her best friends before. She's going to be in a rude awakening when lamey turns cold towards her once onion dislikes something she does. I hope sarah meets some decent people in college who will tell her lamey is a wacko. She clearly wont listen to anyone unless she thinks they are "cool".
If she is seriously planning to be a trinity member when she turns 18, she's fucked beyond repair though. Pretty sure she said shes never been in a relationship before. Imagine that being your first relationship. Feel like onion will try something once shes "legal" even if sarah isn't into it, and he will rage if he gets rejected.
No. 545391
File: 1531236820431.png (Spoiler Image,1.16 MB, 1535x511, dummybot.png)

>>545101Ugh, she legit looks like a creepy ventriloquists dummy, except the puppets have more lifelike eyes. Spoilered for nightmare fuel
No. 545420
File: 1531241670320.png (252.03 KB, 1272x1088, LiStEnBeCk.png)

Just because his face was in your crotch once, Beck, doesn't mean you're immune to his small man wrath.
He's taking it out on his rabid supporters rather than Madi herself incase she leaks something juicy.
No. 545430
File: 1531243130599.jpeg (578.55 KB, 1242x1133, 2950B7AA-00DD-4272-B5B0-BEA49B…)

How is laughing for 2 minutes outing shmeggle?
No. 545434
>>545261Lainey honey, nobody ever called you a disgusting skeleton. You had one post in your life even moderately ana and you had to seriously pose for that one. I hate that she at one point tried to seem ana without the actually parts that makes a person ana
>>545420Wait, is he saying that she has to be loyal to the people who brutally rejected her and used her as backup for VIX? Also there are many people I've never met before that I know are in the right
No. 545449
>>545261Tinfoil: Lainey sees how much attention her husband gives Eugenia Cooney and that's why she tries so hard to come across as ana.
Greg is always talking about Eugenia online CONSTANTLY, imagine how much he mentions her in real life.
Just like when she skinwalked Billie and started pretending to be into anime and dying her hair. It's really pathetic she can't be her own person without obsessing over what her husband likes. She's as bad as Dasha. Get a personality geez.
Also I cringed so hard at her stream with Sarah when they laughed at Greg for not understanding 'tea' and calling him an old man. He's out of touch and an ancient idiot for sure, but who is she kidding? She's almost as cringey as Greg herself when she uses words like lit and shook. Everything she does is forced and 'how do you do fellow kids'
She jumps on trends late anyway. Not as behind as onion, but she's no trendsetter herself.
God what a self absorbed cow.
No. 545452
>>545425He literally went off on maya for rejecting him. Like is he talking about himself?
>>545430I mean shes known for and proud of her onion skits. Did we expect her to make good content? He will shit on her regardless.
>>545449Shes just one of those people who thinks having mental disorders is cool and loves labeling herself. That's why shes "secretly ana", has anxiety, and is a transtrender and fake gay. If onion wasn't so anti-mental health, you know she would be those tumblr girls who list all their disorders in their profile and she would have every one.
No. 545460
File: 1531246861954.png (363.84 KB, 546x356, late much.PNG) but Gurg is trying to play the moral high ground with Moo. He forgets he has coerced an ex into sex.
No. 545461
File: 1531247345060.png (152.14 KB, 503x606, onion.png)

>>545460Wait…hes donating $1 a month to toby, but toby is donating $1000? Is he paying him outside of patreon? lmao. And what is even the point to donating to your own wife only to get fees cut out of it. It'd be better to hand her (aka yourself) $5 a month.
No. 545466
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No. 545471
File: 1531248046248.png (24.98 KB, 735x237, Screenshot-2018-7-10 Onision o…)

No. 545474
>best friendsyeah, I ghost my best friend as well for weeks, let them spam me with texts and don't respond and make them buy me a present so we can be friends again…
Can your 18th birthday get any better than sitting with your herpes riddled "bff", her predator husband and their kids in their dirty swamp trailer, doing absolutely nothing? Fuck friends, family, a party etc when you can have the swamp package!
No. 545502
>>545451Good god, I’ve changed my mind. I cannot wait to see their “straight eye couple tries POT BROWNIES?!” video.
I’m not even going to watch the video but I assume it’s just them complaining that tall boys of the cheapest beer taste gross?
No. 545515
>>545513Being wrapped up in his and laineys own web of lies, I have no doubt they convince each other that their lies are true.
They've both gone off the deep end into crazy town.
No. 545516
>>545495"You have a giant ego and you can't handle the fact that someone doens't want to hang out with you"
No. 545558
Lame is live.'t give her free spins if you check it out,
No. 545584
>>544001Wait, wait, wait…
I don't want to tinfoil, so/ but did he meet her before or after dating Lainey? Is there any info on this?
Was she single?
Did she have kids back then?
No. 545606
>>545558Lainey used her little playbook tonight. Same shit she pulled when she was getting heat about sam/maya etc, Claims she's been SAAAD all week, Then randomly brings up highschool boyfriend to act all scared and afraid of even though she hasn't mentioned it before the madi situation.
Lainey bitched out about not getting her food on time and that "They" were making it.
Sarah comes in handing her plate and lainey bitches out about being so hungry.
Lainey pulls faces and seems salty when chat is complimenting sarah a ton.
No. 545611
>>545606Just to add she also paused a lot during the sarah compliments and tried to downplay them, Mid ramble pauses. No new lovebites either so she's not getting any loving from fathead either.
Seems like sarah and greg are spending time together.
No. 545619
File: 1531259484661.jpg (1.01 MB, 1644x1080, DhwuqpnV4AAXO8j.jpg)

>>545451Quality thumbnail.
No. 545627
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No. 545629
File: 1531261008676.gif (2 MB, 200x200, 1514399923699.gif)

>>545627But grease does this, To everyone to ever come in contact with him. He's done it to allie and beck already within a day, Holy shit the cockgoblins are so desperate that they'll gleefully agree every single time.
Watch them both be absolutely aghast and astounded once grease flips on them. Just like beck right now.
No. 545634
>>545627How do any of these weirdos actually think they’ll make it in as the next Billie?
PSA to any patreon lurkers, you do realize Billie never had to give Onion a cent right?? He gave HER $$ to blow, not the other way around. If you were going to be their third, he would already be on you like white on rice. So Dev, Booty, whoever.. if he hasn’t expressed interest by now, he won’t. Ever. You’re throwing money away hoping to make some lasting impression on him while he gleefully strings you idiots along, just like he did with Maddison, only to tell her it was never gonna happen.
No. 545659
>>545495Greg claims he was decent to Madison by texting her and calling her ex of 4 years her boyfriend and then blocking her.
"If I never rejected you, you would still like me!!!" No shit Onion!! Exposing yourself as a judgmental hypocritical piece of shit doesn't put you on a pedestal. You're just selfish and moronic.
No. 545675
>>545580Well it's the same shape
Close enough.
No. 545758
>>545748That whole video came off like two giggling high schoolers trying alcohol for the first time (we know the onions have had alcohol before, so it makes the whole thing creepier) like when Lainey giggled and would tattle on Greg for “taking another sip” of the strawberry one, it’s crazy to remember that this is a 32 and 23 year old couple with children.
Like they were trying to act all drunk and affected at certain points too which was just so stupid and odd, saying words weird and messing up their sentences on purpose to be “cute”
But I guess that whole thing is supposed to appeal to teens who still think alcohol is edgy and cool
No. 545761
File: 1531272181488.jpg (419.54 KB, 1080x1440, 20180710_182258.jpg)

Guess men cant be raped then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No. 545781
>>545451"Straight edge couple throws away straight edge values for views"
(Not that they ever were straight edge at any point in time)
No. 545789
>>545787He claims "he doesn't remember." But I can see why you thought that because the way he suggested it could be a possibility.
Also, I'm disappointed he's wormed his way into some attention again.
No. 545802
File: 1531276110494.jpg (162.07 KB, 681x872, HurrdurrImLainey.jpg)

>>545451Do they want an award for being straight edge? Sorry you guys hate fun you fucking life cucks.
No. 545807
File: 1531276538962.jpeg (61.15 KB, 322x252, 1429329911955.jpeg)

>>545761lmao what is this even??
No. 545812
>>545780I think it was a twitter exchange, I wish I could find the conversation. But someone mentioned how he joked about wanting to have sex with 7th grade boys, and his defense was "pedophiles dont have sex with boys, just girls, learn the facts"
I guess that whole pedophile Catholic priests sex scandal never happened.
No. 545818
File: 1531277335535.jpg (82.53 KB, 402x654, smugneobillie.jpg)

Old tweet but it's rather ironic considering whats happened No. 545866
>>545845In Lainey's latest video with Sarah, Sarah jokes around that the two of them are sisters, and also says referring to Lainey "maybe, she's got it, maybe it's…".
Yeah, the second is a line from the commercial, and the first is also said jokingly, but still, it's obvious that Sarah thinks of her as a woman.
Do you think anyone of their "guests" uses they/he for Lainey in front of her kids?
If yes, the kids would ask questions, how do you think their parents explained that to them? A serious talk about gender norms and roles, or "mommy and friends are just acting"?
If no, they would have to explain to the "guests" why not to do it. And then the "guests" can't reveal this hypocrisy to the public, because of the Onisions' NEVER TALK ABOUT THE CHILDREN policy.
No. 545868
>>545847Im still confused about which "truth" Im suppose to believe.
I thought he said that all 3K went to his IRS lawyer.
I guess it all depends on the day, and how he wants to spin his victim status at the moment.
No. 545909
>>545895>It's technically against terms of service [to blah blah money]It's also LITERALLY AGAINST THE LAW to dodge taxes by writing them off as a "business expense" when they're not, but they were doing that. They're actually trying to pay off their big crime with a smaller one, kek.
Don't sweat about them breaking Patreon's TOS. They're in much much deeper shit. And the IRS is going to look into their Patreon as well. Their finances are royally fucked.
No. 545916
File: 1531285117072.png (20.86 KB, 415x185, 2461232.PNG)

>>545902>>545899WHY does Greg ALWAYS bring this up in his streams. Even that tomatofag jokes about it, so it must be a running joke in his small circle of "friends" that Greg talks way too much about bestiality.
I feel like this is a taboo kink hes into and hes trying to test the water with his patrons to see if one of the more disgusting girls will say "omg thats hot" (Im looking at you FatBecca) then he'll start texting her and buying plane tickets.
Its like the pedo who shows the little boy porn to make it easier to abuse the kid.
If you're reading this Greg- there's no states where its legal to have sex with dogs, so you cant circumvent the law like you do with the legal age of consent and sex with minors.
No. 545938
>>545917His main source of income is Lainey.
He insisted on having separate finances because of his fear that it would end with him paying up like with Skye, he never anticipated she would become the main earner and he would regret that decision he imposed on her.
His bitterness about it in one of the latest videos (the "punishments" one) is so strong and raw.
Greg to Taylor, verbatim quote from video: "You should stop earning more than me."
Lol, karma
No. 545945
>>545938It's funny for a guy who once talked down to men who felt emasculated by their wives making more than him (don't remember the video, it was really long time ago).
Also, knowing Lainey, she'll probably accept any bullshit contract he whips up like he tried to with Skye and give him whatever he wants if they divorced. She's clearly paying for his shit now and likely everything that goes to the kids as well. He probably hates more that he's the one financially tied to her than that he's kept their finances separate. Especially seeing as it allows him to feel free to invite and pay for any other kids to stay with them
No. 545957
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Another droplet of milk from Allie. His longtime syncophants are dropping like flies and it's amazing to watch as they turn against him.
Out of one side of his mouth he talks about how important his patrons are to him, but if you dare offer criticism it's astounding how fast he'll turn on you.
I hope the rest of his patrons are taking note. Soon it will just be the $1 haturrz and Bootyslayer paying for his frozen burritos.
No. 545966
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Jfc. Looking at GSW's "liked" tweets irritate the fuck out of me. It's all self-involved virtue signaling.
I'm sorry, but even if she were trans, what more does she think she "deserves"? She does nothing for the community besides fetishize it, profit off it and and screech that she's a supporter.
She bought a special outfit for Pride to show off in her idiotic lookbook, but couldn't even be arsed to actually show up. What exactly does she think she's entitled to?
No. 545981
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tfw your partner simultaneously defends trans people's rights to speak up for themselves and yet stands by as you make videos barking orders to the trans community
No. 545983
>>545966lgbt is known for literally destroying themselves from the inside, the transtrenders like lain who pray upon the trans community try to twist the definition as much as possible to feel 'validated' and 'special', so in their prepubescent minds, they could at least for that one fleeting moment feel like they were someone important.
Honestly, it's sad as fuck.
No. 545984
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Anyone here on this?
No. 545986
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Another response to the "she cheated on her ex with his boss" topic
No. 545988
>>545987"he bought me dinner, they let me stay over when my car was snowed in, they gave me clothes to wear, they are good people."
Has this girl never met normal people before? Where tf does she live Do random strangers on the road spit at her when she falls or something?
No. 545989
>>545986She's really putting all this out there because the garbage took itself out of her life. A mess.
Her possibly being groomed by Grease as a teen is the only fathomable reason for this, otherwise she's just (more of) a socially-crippled attention whore like the rest of them. No sympathy for the people that stand by their disgusting actions and crimes and then have the gall to be shocked when they become targets.
No. 545992
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>>545986samefag. She's fed up.
No. 545999
>>545991She spends half an hour crying about how she doesn't hate greg and lainey cause they are good people. She then gives various examples of how they are 'good people' and they are literally basic shit that any normal human being would do for a person in need or even a distant acquaintance.
These example include: asking her what she wants to film when she visits, be nice to her daughter, buy her dinner, allow her to stay in their house because her car was snowed in, provide her with 'clean' clothes to wear, have meals together, have sleepovers, do make-up with lainey.
After that she spergs a little about how muchs he has done for them in defending them, then states that had she known her video would ruin a 6 year friendship, she would have never made it in the first place. Oh and her next sentence was, but i don't regret apologising to my community.
No. 546008
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>>545992It's pretty fucked that he is bringing her kid into it. His kids are off limits but the people he hates? Fuck their kids.
Madison, we all know you're lurking. Wake the fuck up.
No. 546020
>>546001You're wrong.
His videos are demonetized and his channels deemed non-advertiser friendly. Hers are not.
That's why he throws those "YOUTUBE KILLED MY CHANNEL!!1!" fits.
No. 546021
>>546008Madison plz.
You included her. Bitch I have no pity for you, you wanted to be in a relationship with them and what? Raise your daughter in some sort of a poly swamp commune? Make her view Trot and Clot as siblings? This is sick. You inserted yourself AND your daughter into this. You thirsted after Onions
for yearsWhen you think about it, it's really fucked up.
No. 546023
>>546021Was she thirsting after him though? All we have is Greg saying she was into him, and we already know how he
loves to say every girl he shames was into him. He brought up her pregnancy with the man she's now married and has a daughter with.Remember, Greg is the one who brought up her child in the first place, not her.
No. 546027
>>545992Looooool, instead of exposing Onision, she exposes herself. Incredible!
I deleted my reply to
>>544344 because I thought it was too late and therefore derailing, but I'll say now:
Although I agree with you in principle, this site is called lolcow, not righteouscow. Alas, I can think of thousands of people who are more deserving of scorn than Onision, but I can think of only a few who are more deserving of ridicule than him, and those few are the people that associate with him.
No. 546029
>>546023>Was she thirsting after him though?What she tweeted:
>I cared about Lainey. A lot>I have a lot of love in my heart for Lainey>Lainey denied how they felt about me>Lainey said they never liked me that way and never said that they were interested in me despite the fact I was told otherwise I do believe she wanted to be their third, it's pretty obvious from what she said.
And maybe Lainey lowkey encouraged that because she's a lonely bored attention-starved ho.
Also as
>>546019said, she clearly thought she's The Best Grrl. She's friends with them for six years, anon. She knew all of their antics and still would bring her daughter into this household. I see no excuse.
(repost coz I tagged wrong anon)
No. 546032
>>546030That's okay, for me though it's like sticking your hand into a fire and then whining on twitter the fire burnt you. Of course you should expect people to treat you right, but ffs, it's Gregma.
>>546031Maybe that's it. Maybe he just looked for an excuse to drop her because she became a threat.
No. 546034
>>546033>she still brought her daughter, that must mean she wanted sex!Never said that. Are you feeling ok anon? Why so pressed? Something
triggered you?
No. 546035
>>546034Yeah, your bullshit
triggered me.
Never been exposed to so much of it condensed in one place.
No. 546039
>>546035You took one thing out of what I posted and got so bent over it, you didn't even understand what I said. Really interesting that you took it so personally.
Anyway, I'll stop derailing by replying to you, stay
triggered(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE) No. 546053
>>546049Because recently they've got more manufactured drama than real drama.
Them fucking those people off IS the entire drama.
No. 546055
>>546052Lol, NDA-tinfoil again?
I like the Troy having elephantitis angle better.
It's more believable.
No. 546057
>>546056No, she didn't.
And anyway Lainey says she's a he in streams.
Try harder.
No. 546060
>>546008Come on Maddie!!
Don't be a pushover, he talked about your kids while being a hypocrite and insisting you never bring up his mini moos.
Spill the tea! Spill the tea!!!
Talk about Onisions kids. Tell the people what they are like, how they play. He didn't respect you at the end, so why still try to respect his wishes? You cannot respect somebody who was just using you and your friendship just for his views, now can you?
>>545425>>545432>He always makes it sound like everyone is simply dying to be with Taylor.
>No one gives a shit about a foot pretending to be a boy basking in herpes in the swamp, Greg.
>Just because you pimp Taylor out to little girls doesn't mean that people are going to be throwing their wallets and young bodies at you.
>You're too old and she's too ugly.
>You are both gross as fuck and despite your similarities, you don't even want each other. >You're 32, start acting like it.Oh anon, this whole post is so on point!!! Yasss!!
would intelligent, level headed humans ever want to date a fake foot boy with a
raging case of the herp????
All of the comments on the other 3rd party channels keep saying things about Laineys herpes. It seems that nobody really wants to kiss infected oozing crusty foot sores.
However, some food for thought for Onision.
If you mess around with another minor girl…
…and they get herpes from you…
… they can sue you for it, AND put you on public blast, like Jim Carrey giving Cathriona those 3 STDs. Poor little irish cat.
That what you want? I know you like negative attention, but what Im saying is, that what you want, for
all of your fans to know you pass along the herp a derp?
How will you ever get the suk mi if everyone knows thats how to get the Onion herpes?
Have fun with your foot. You're going to be stuck together for a very long time….
No. 546061
>>546055It's the dumbest tinfoil since the whole secret third child shit and it's also called
elephantiasis, consistently using the wrong word makes you sound even dumber.
No. 546065
>>546064I had sex in the backseat of my car, sold it, and now a CHILD is sitting there.
Can we make a thread about me on /pt/ yet?
>>546060>Talk about Onisions kids. Tell the people what they are like, how they play.uh, why? Anon, let's not bring kids into this.
>>546065get out already, Onionflake
No. 546076
File: 1531316328437.jpg (121.88 KB, 750x801, C4Ge6C8UMAASV0G.jpg)

>>546029>>546029Lainey did this to Sarah before she was shuffled out. Privately told Sarah she had a chance but publically denied it in front of Greg. What are the chances that Madi and Sarah are lying versus Sneakybot? Taylor is the snake who lied to her parents for months to date Greg.
No. 546084
>>545619Lainey continues to have her gay husband introduce and lead all of her Laineybot videos, the 8th Onision channel.
Also why is he just pouring all of the beer into a large bowl on their dresser?
No. 546088
>>546070Because its information, and it is this anons hope that she chooses to discuss it on her social media or her platforms.
Her own social media platforms. My musing is not for Madi to come specifically to LC to expose that info. I'm just stating an opinion that yes, I'd love to hear more about their life, and if Madi should discuss the T&Ckids on her own social media, then hopefully everbody on LC would act appropriately within community guidelines and not discuss the kids.
No. 546089
>>546076That's such a cruel manipulation tactic they're using. They make you feel liked, give you hope for more, encourage it, and then suddenly it's a 180 change, they're cold, denying everything, making you feel dumb and confused.
And they ALWAYS do this. Madie was "an actor, nothing else", they didn't like Billie neither, she was "just pretty", Sarah "will always just be a friend", honestly I don't remember what he said about Sam and Vix but no doubt it was something like this.
Fucking vile people
No. 546091
>>546089Sam was just the "cameraman who suddenly fell in love with me" and Vix was the "going to be cameraman who backed out because of her bf which had me scrreching online for weeks"
Luxy was "the boat who wasnt sure if it can safe us, who got blocked after she didnt want my greese dick"
And Maya was "Laineys gf who wanted to be
Laineys gf even after I made her feel as uncomfortable as possible, so she got dropped"
No. 546099
>>546091didn't he call one of them "sexually dormant"?
Also, Madi, hi, know you're lurking. Normal people do the "nice people" things you listed, sorry that your life experiences kept you from understanding that but Gayg and his ugly wife are NOT nice people. They'll continue to publicly shame you, just wait.
No. 546145
>>546033Not that anon, but noone said that since she brought her child around that she wanted to screw Onision.
But, even she said on Twitter that she was upset that Lain said she didn't "feel that way" for her although she was told otherwise.
She not only sat back for years while she did the same things to other women, but participated at times. Even a few days before this she claimed everything they said about Sam was true then apologized when it turned around on her.
She may not of specifically want to screw Greg, but she definitely wanted Lame or acted like she did. And she has been around long enough to know that you can't get with one and not be with the other.
She's trying to act like the victim now when she wanted to be associated with these same people for YEARS.
She's even continuing to talk about him and tweet about him and then turn around and act like she's appalled at people asking her to spill more, even though she is holding that hope over everyone's heads for the attention it's getting her.
Didn't she even claim that LGH called her a "sexual predator"? The text he showed didn't even say that. So, did he say it elsewhere or is she using that for more victim points?
They can all be garbage. If Lainey suddenly left she would still be just as guilty for being Okay and active in all of this for years. And maddie has been as well.
No. 546149
>>546145Maddie is stupid for not using this to make a truly “iconic” callout video on Greg (the vid you made flopped and was neither funny nor ‘iconic’ like you’d hoped Madi) anyways, Billies expose video on Onion got like upwards of ONE MILLION views. Think of the views you’d get Maddie! But no, you’re going to hold out bc you have this secret desperate hope that if you talk somewhat kindly about them, they’ll change their minds. Don’t you know Greg better than that? He would rather lose 3737273 friends than ever go back on his words and admit he was wrong. He can’t take you back as a friend without looking like an idiot. So go ahead and do what Sam did, and hold out on the hopes of reconciling with them, only to realize it will never ever happen.
Then, once it sinks in there’s no fixing this, it will be too late to capitalize on the drama and get those views while all this is still relevant.
And you know? Grease is COUNTING on that.
Side note, this whole situation has just really further exposed how nasty Taylor Anderson / Avaroe is. I can’t wait to see her regret all this one day.
No. 546151
>>546145He called her a predator in the DDLG video. He puts on a diaper, asks a bunch of uncomfortable questions, then when he’s not getting the reaction he wants he says she’s the one who made him put the diaper on, and calls her a predator.
Gee, what a tragedy to lose such a meaningful friendship.
No. 546211
>>546204She seems to be a bit smarter than the average contestant for Onion's Next Top Trinity Cumdumpster but she has the skills of a doormat. Lame would feel threatened if she was at least a bit appealing to her greasy husband.
>>546139He seems to be obsessed with the Joker on a psychological level. If Lame had more spine and was actually at least somewhat attractive, she could be a good Walmart Harley Quinn.
No. 546259
>>546190"That looks bomb as fuck, that's on fleek, I'm lit!"
Her buzzwords sound like Onion's video tags. She's just throwing whatever the hell is trendy to say over the past year and sounding like a huge try hard. Now I know why I don't watch her retarded beauty videos.
And she was definitely getting mad at Sarah for critiquing her. Her ass was as chapped as her lips.
No. 546274
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Look, I get that you don't want to expose Greg because it'll make you the bad guy in Greg's eyes. I get you say you want to take the high road and not shit on a relationship you clearly liked and was ok with. But here's the thing, Greg already had convinced himself you're the bad guy and he's the best, he already made tweets that you were shitting on him when you weren't. You don't even have to spill new milk, all your have to do is defend yourself and make a video combining what you've already said on twitter. Greg is spreading lies about you and is being a hypocrite. A defense video for yourself is the best way to do it, Greg's main place is YouTube so YouTube will get you the best exposure. Not to mention Greg can't do shit on his main chanel right now so you'd be safe. They clearly didn't care about you so don't offer them loyalty they never showed you. Laing used you and pretended to care for you, likely in ways beyond just friendship. Greg disrespected and ignored the facts of what happened to you, say in in a video so people actually know. Tweets get lost, videos are there (and can be recommended). You can help prevent this from happening again to others
To not totally derail, I'll post a tweet Greg posted. At least he's admitting here he isn't necessarily going to listen to criticism. Dumbass doesn't realise that just because your opinion is honest, doesn't mean the opinion is right or good in any way
No. 546284
>>546280They weren't forced into hiding, they went off to attentionwhore elsewhere. It's not that deep, they were trolls from the start.
But I agree that farmers need to stop crawling up everyone's ass as soon as they get wronged by the onion. Consider how much Greg has on Madison and how much he'd not give a fuck to expose absolutely everything vs what Madison could realistically do.
No. 546288
>>546190Pretty sure she kicked sarah out half way through lulz. like right after sarah was shitting on her for not applying the makeup right, suddenly lainey stops looking over to the side and mentioning sarah…
No. 546299
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>>546285I don't exactly think she's another Onision but she is definitely a mini-cow aka snowflake. She is milking this luke-warm drama for all the notoriety and attention she can.
>Vid related. No. 546314
>>545761This pro choice tweet has literally no logic. He's saying in the perspective of the child?? "If you respect your mother's rights over your own" what?? He's saying it as if it's the child choice to be aborted and to choose the mother's life over its own. He can't even be pro choice correctly! Only thing that I could MAYBE see is if he was referring to males only and speaking about their mothers in general. But, still… does he think it's only men that are pro-life and only women can be raped?
He cannot even virtue signal correctly. Gurbage. You are literally just making the opposing opinions look right.
No. 546335
>>546308>or Lainey just couldn't be fucked to edit Sarah's comments outClassic Lamey
>>546309This is true for all his social life. Apart from being insane he is ignorant and boring and he absolutely can't hide it. Most people his age have moved on a decade ago and done shit with their lifes, his internet infamity means shit outside the swamp trailer, what does he have to show? Of course he has to surround himself with underage teens and unexperienced or vulnerable young adults, or fellow internet crazies. Hell, even Tomato Dickhead seems more mature, as cringey as he is.
No. 546344
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I agree she’s always been hella thirsty. Bitch go to college and get either a job or education. If you need to beg for money online than your social media career ain’t working time to find something else. No shame in those that cam model or have successful careers in social media but if you need to fall on patron and you’re missing your goal by a few thousand dollars it’s time to do up some resumes find a job or go to college. You’re modeling clearly isn’t paying the bills if you’re acting like a thirsty ass leech
No. 546349
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Anusion acting like he's not a transphobe.
No. 546384
>>546351"If you had a problem with me, why didn't you say anything when we were friends?"
cuts people out due to the slightest of criticismlol
No. 546396
>>546349What an idiot - he actually should check his faxxs and definitions - of a group and members. It's up to members to decide who is or not in it - there are certain rules or behaviours to include you and it has nothing to do with your feelings or tolerance.
We also are not deciding about who we are 100%, so maybe check something other than tumblr/your fakeboi prince.
In the case of being trans there are certain things to qualify you and it's up to a group (or in this case also doctors) to set rules. Including everyone makes everything erode and be less meaningful. There are already terms to make people feel better about their identity and sexuality but I guess queer or tomboy is not special enough.
I'm not trans but isn't now some infighting in lgbt groups because of trender/activist/snowlake bs?
And of course Onion has white savior complex and need to teach those trans transphobes how to trans right.
sorry for angry rambling, I wish I could sage. He knows how to irritate others or he is dumb.
No. 546422
>>546288>>546256>Lainey's regretting bringing Sarah back because everyone loves her better.Kek Anusion has been working overtime to remove "hate" comments from her vids and now the asspats she's been craving are getting drowned out by compliments for Sarah.
I wonder how long it will be before she cries to him about this and he starts removing the comments supportive of Sarah to protect SnakeyBot's precious, fragile feelings?
No. 546460
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Never change, Anusion.
No. 546464
File: 1531364184427.png (257.08 KB, 1440x1629, so creative.png)

Just what the world needs.. A copy of GSW's boring video, the ancient topic of "family vlogs" or yet another Eugenia update.
How does this channel get any views? It's painful.
No. 546477
>>546422OT, sorry
On my mobile so I can't upload the image, but Gurg deleting all the negative comments and filtering them to Lainey's liking reminds me of that "Safe Space" South Park episode where Butters has to filter everything out, yet Shreg looks more like the guy that portrays "Reality"
No. 546557
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I can't tell if Greg got a sponsor or is pretending he does or if he's shilling them out in hopes that they'll notice and actually sponsor him. He doesn't have a code it seems according to this, and he didn't disclose it either. Though I can see him not disclosing an ad, the lack of code makes it seem like he's the one person in the world dollar shave club couldn't be bothered to give a proper sponsorship to and simply paid for the one post. All possibilities are different levels of sad honestly
No. 546584
>>546559I think it's a bit odd how lame didn't seem bothered by the threesomes at all. She was only
triggered by grease and B interacting a time all outside them. She seems to want a sex slave who can't speak to gurg outside the bedroom. She even laid on the guest bed during her house tour and said "many, many good times" were had there. I don't think even LGH understands her.
No. 546625
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>>546473>>546519What on earth. First of all, the survey said "draw my relationships" not "detail my sexual encounters". So many weird and unnessary visuals to share with his teen audience. Wtf.
Second, he is bizarrely fixated on race. "My Latina gf", "her Vietnamese friend", etc.. Every person is described first by their race.
And ofc he could only get it up with his "ugly, pimple-faced" girlfriend behind the Mormon church. So edgy.
No. 546630
>>546618Thought so, how else would he get money for it without a coupon code or some form of referral link? It's funny because I really doubt dollar shave club would ever give him a sponsorship from this post given the sheer amount of people replying to the post saying they will never buy from them again for sponsoring someone like Greg. This feels like him sponsoring Toby and Toby sponsoring him to make their numbers look good. It means Jack shit at the end of the day.
Speaking of Toby, I wish he showed the amount that he was pledging to Greg seeing how they did they were going to pledge 1000$ each but Greg's been outed as only doing 1$
No. 546653
>>546473I thought he would have barely had any form of relationships when he was younger as he kept boasting about he was never the one to be dumped. Damn he's been dumped.. a lot.
And why does he always have to hint that if his videos aren't successful or if he loses youtube he's going to An Hero, we get it, Greg, you're an attention whore. No need to keep harping on.
No. 546749
>>546466This. Sarah doesn't need a youtube channel. She needs to continue her education and ditch Lainey and Greg otherwise she'll end up depressed with no goals baby sitting and or being creeped on by the pair.
Not only that, she's super young and youtube will just allow her to become a mini Lainey and become entitled, and years down the track she will regret all the cringey videos she made, not to mention if shit hits the fan at the swamp, all her private life details will be strewn over the internet because Greg will reveal everything.
No. 546785
File: 1531390058890.png (1.46 MB, 1334x750, 342F0749-4DB3-41AE-B884-099CF2…)

So she’s got a new video about vaping for the first time and she calls binkie in the video to explain to her what to do
No. 546804
>>546802I agree. As cringey and annoying as Sarah is, it's not a good enviroment.
Does Lainey not realise how creepy she seems? Like a mother of two pretending to not have a gender, vaping like a retard, hanging around someone way younger than herself. The whole poly shit was happening while she was there too, it's weird that she doesn't even fathom why it looks creepy.
I can't believe she's so unaware of herself and actions and just think people hate her.
No. 546826
File: 1531399514204.png (1.54 MB, 1334x750, 5E2D8BB7-F65A-43D2-9F55-3C6D84…)

>>546804When you have to get your oncall house teen to teach you to vape
No. 546827
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>>546826Also be on the look out for Sarah to get some unwanted surprises putting her mouth on that after Lainey…
No. 546838
File: 1531401302698.jpeg (341.71 KB, 1242x1327, 5DE88225-4EA7-480C-B53B-A680DF…)

Sorta OT but too good not to share.(this belongs in flakes)
No. 546856
File: 1531406571780.jpg (463.5 KB, 1286x784, What I see.jpg)

Would love to reiterate all the compliments that Sarah receives when posed next to our foot, but I noticed something.
Sarah stared at the sore on Lameys mouth in the video. Like, she stared HARD at that scab. How can you not stare at it, its so red and erupted.
But didn't Lamey catch that during her editing of the video?? Like, you can always tell when someone is staring at your face and not your eyes. So did she not notice?? Because I sure did.
Can almost hear Sarah's inner monologue. "Oh god, I hope she doesn't suggest sharing lipsticks again. She better not ask me to kiss her anytime soon. Hope to God she don't ask me to be her trinity member and give the Suk Mi to Greg."
No. 546871
>>546785holy, all you have to do is sit next to lainey and you look 10x prettier than you actually are.
>>546826So much for being against billie smoking weed because of it being ILLEGAL. We know sarah vaped with lamey, and it's illegal.
No. 546877
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>>546856In her eyes she probably thinks she’s staring at her mouth because she wants to kiss her lmao
>>546869Patreon, it’ll be up in a few hours. It’s pretty boring and makes her look like more of a ditzy idiot than she portrays already with Sarah rolling her eyes at how stupid she is and explaining everything to her. Lainey acts like the teenager, and Sarah’s the older friend who sometimes thinks why am I hanging out with this actual child kek
No. 546886
>>546808Yeah, her and Greg smoke tea leaves. I'm not entirely sure Lainey has vaped though seeing how she doesn't seem to know how but she might have been overcompensating seeing how Sarah reading the instructions could figure it out instantly
>>546838It would have had more impact if it weren't Allie since she didn't care until now but this is amazing either way. A bunch of other onionlettes follow her, I wonder how they feel about this
No. 546891
>>546827Sorry to burst your bubble, but that isn't how herpes is transmitted orally.
>> HSV-1 is mainly transmitted by oral-to-oral contact to cause oral herpes infection, via contact with the HSV-1 virus in sores, saliva, and surfaces in or around the mouth.
>> HSV-1 can be transmitted from oral or skin surfaces that appear normal and when there are no symptoms present. However, the greatest risk of transmission is when there are active sores. other words, if she's kissing Lainey she has a good chance she'll get it. If she's sharing a glass that Lainey drank from, or used the same e-sig, she will not get it.
(stop the herpes talk please) No. 546915
>>546881Take notice how Sarah doesn’t have her hair done and seems like she wasn’t “ready” to do a video. I bet you anything that Lainey “spontaneously” decided to do that video without warning Sarah ahead of time.
She wanted to have time to get dolled up, but she didn’t want to give Sarah time to get prepared.
You might say; “well maybe Sarah didn’t care to straighten her hair and have it down! She seems confident in her messy ponytail”
But even in the video they have of them doing face masks, you see Sarah scramble to take her hair out of her ponytail and have it down for the intro even tho she had to just put it right back up to put the face mask on.
Leading me to believe Sarah probably would have liked some prep time for the video but Lainey didn’t want Sarah to keep outshining her. Kek
No. 546917
>>546785Thats some seriously heavy make up complainey has on. Funny how sarah has very minimal make up and looks quite pretty.
Laineys feeling seriously insecure next to her to put on all that slap.
No. 547137
File: 1531428539179.jpeg (456.98 KB, 730x1007, 66117D9D-6A66-44BA-8F1B-411E11…)

>>546915I disagree anon…. here you can see Sarah has done a very minimal make up look and the fact that you think she wasn’t prepped the vid means she’s done it well. It’s very subtle and makes her look pretty and her eyebrows are well done
No. 547138
File: 1531428609985.jpeg (505.49 KB, 750x1284, 5BBD005E-A31E-44FC-A5D1-3349E5…)

>>547137Compared to lamp who looks as every other anon put it a drag queen. I don’t even want to call her that because most queens do make up very well and lamps looks scrawled on by a colorblind person with turrets
No. 547151
>>547147the juxtaposition of laineys old man horseface caked with a shitty tasteless attempt at instathot makeup vs Sarah's fresh face, tasteful minimal makeup is jarring as fuck. and also hilarious. lame looks so fucking
No. 547157
>>546877Well, look at that. Elaine eyeing a girl that she’s known since childhood like she wants to fuck her.
Great mate for Greg. Both sick perverts. Please tell me Sarah’s there for a very short visit.
No. 547176
File: 1531433418941.png (462.33 KB, 1440x1889, reeeee.png)

Anus is sperging about YT again.. What a surprise. Perhaps it's because his patrons are all jumping ship.
No. 547179
>>547168I find it funny that sarah knows everything about the vape but tries not to let on.
"Just completely disintegrate the coil" And you know what a coil is how? Tut tut, Sarahs been doing illegal activities!
No. 547186
File: 1531434537395.png (4.3 MB, 1440x2572, wat the fuck.png)

What the fuck is this
No. 547187
File: 1531434684225.png (1.48 MB, 1386x770, tfwurminorfriendisoneupingyou.…)

>>547168Funny part in this vid.
Sarah says "I'm paler than you what the fuck?" laineys smile completely drops.
No. 547195
File: 1531435431802.png (561.4 KB, 640x1136, 08A2EA43-1598-4130-A66E-DF340A…)

>>547186A great way to spend $6.00 I say
No. 547197
>>547187lainey said on YouNow (months ago) that she wouldn't take meds for anemia because she liked that it made her look paler. she's keeping herself sick just to look a little whiter and fucking sarah is completely healthy and still looks paler. how embarrassing for her entire soul.
i hate that now we have to see sarah's smug face and passive agressive attitude on videos like we used to, though.
No. 547201
>>547189I was trying to work out what was so fucked about the eyeliner and you are totally right. It does make her eyes look droopy. It looks like a muppet's eye's eg Miss Piggy.
Personally I dont think Lainey is overly hideous. A bit horsey, but not completely wrecked. I think it's the terrible makeup and hair cut choices, bad skincare, not enough sleep and eating crap all the time. Put her next to a kid like Sarah or Billy with small features like little noses, she looks like 10x worse.
Another thing that really doesn't help Lainey's case is her smug ugly attittude, the way she responds to everything cuntily, and her FUCKING squinting! She'd appear a lot moe attractive if she came off more likeable and didn't squint all the time. Wear your glasses or just stop fucking squinting. Imagine if someone compiled photos of every younow, I bet there'd be a squint in every one!
No. 547226
>>547214Yeah plus look at the other friend Sarah had…that fat, cringey, pig cunt named Ellie that also goes by that they/them bullshit. Can't tell if she's friends with them because she's a dick herself or if she's that impressionable.
Honestly I felt sorry for her back in the time they let her move in because she was a lot younger, but now, I think she's just an idiot who is ruining her own life by associating with these dropkicks.
She's a fucking moron if she thinks because she's known them the longest, she won't have her secrets strewn across the web by Gurg when she somehow upsets him one day. When she comes running back to Lainey, Lainey will just ignore her.
No. 547230
>>547226That's why I reckon Selena doesn't see Lainey as often. I believe she doesn't like Greg and his whole sharing other people's lives over the internet thing that has gotten worse over the years. I know they live quite far away but I don't think it's the only reason she keeps her distance.
Sarah needs to do the same, keep her distance. Even if she wants to remain friends with the onions, appearing in videos and staying at their house is a bad idea. They'll use it all against her when shit hits the fan.
No. 547235
>>547176What a fucking child. He uses suicide constantly as a threat everytime things don't go his way. I bet he does it all the time at home.
'Lainey, you didn't provide me with daily suk mi…. I feel so invalidated and unattractive, do you want me to kill myself?'
No. 547253
File: 1531439438323.png (221.41 KB, 298x402, winona-ryder.png)

>>546877>>547137>>547138>>547187Sarah really has become a pretty, young lady - she reminds me of Winona Ryder a bit.
Lainey rather looks like a
male to female person in the video who has recently started transitioning, has discovered make up and is overdoing it. Seeing those two together really highlights the stark contrast between them: Sarah is full of life, young and cute, Lainey looks tired, old and washed-out.
It's a tragedy.
No. 547256
>>547206I think she def looks better than before, but then she speaks and it's pretty ruined. Her personality and way she talks is so off putting.
>>547226It's sad because I thought she was actually moving on with her life and going to go to college in her state or something. But it's pretty clear she was behind the scenes plotting with lamey to end up moving in when she was 18 and go to college next door to them. She said she starts college in the fall, and shes there now in july and planning to be there for her birthday. Pretty obvious. Shes probably gonna claim shes a resident of washington using lamey's address and claim she was working for them in washington to get in state tuition. It definitely seems like this was all planned and she was not moving on with her life, but more invested than ever. Eh gross. I have no hope for her. Shes gonna be lame in a few years, in her 20s and trying to be a youtuber with her shit personality.
No. 547258
>>547158>>547161>>547137>>547138>>547147>>547025>>547010>When she sits next to Lainey it makes Lainey look so old.Hate to nitpick lamps looks over amd over again, but the difference is quite clear.
Sarah looks young, fresh, and healthy. A young girl on the cusp of adulthood.
Lamp… looks like a single mom of 5. She looks so worn out and sad, and dry, and wrinkly. Why does she look so aged and haggard??! It just shows how little Onision must contribute to every chores and how little parenting he does.
Onision would rather sperg on twitter and twitch than be a good dad to his kids. How sad it will be for them to know that daddy never cared, he only cared enough to not go to jail or be on the hook for child support. Sad.
No. 547259
>>547253I reckon she looks more like a young Anne Hathaway than Winona, but I can kinda see the resemblance.
>>547256 said though, as soon as she talks, it's extremely off putting. She's been too tainted by Lainey and talks and acts too much like her. Also, agree with that anon, she claims she's going to study and do stuff but if she moves in with the onions, Lainey will use her for videos/baby sitting/trips to the mall/ basically she'll use her everytime she is bored or not around onion. Sarah won't have time to study or make friends her own age. She'll be isolated and waste a whole fucking load of time at the swamp.
When things go bad or Lainey gets bitter, she'll be booted out with all her secrets and texts exposed to the world.
Personally I can see Lainey either using her for her channel or making Sarah make her own and then getting mad if Sarah gets a fanbase or does better than her. Kind of like how Kelly Eden was to Dre.
She really doesn't need a youtube though.
No. 547262
>>547258Being a mom doesn't make you look old. My friend's mom has 4 kids, all really young and she looks fantastic.
The fact that Lainey sits around the house on younow, doesn't get enough sleep and eats the worst types of foods and wears pancake makeup which she doesnt even wash off properly before she puts those facemasks onto…well it's been mentioned many a times why she looks so lizardy.
But yeah, it is extremely sad that it's very telling that Onion doesn't watch or give two shits about his children. Lainey probably wouldn't look as much like a crypt keeper if Greg helped out. Or if she and Greg didn't think their kids were too special for daycare, perhaps she'd actually get a break.
It's her own fault though.
No. 547263
>>547256Anon, I think you'll be happy to know Sarah is going to school in MI. She said so in the livestream they had today.
Speaking of their livestream it seemed like Lainey was irritated with her for quite a bit. It was kinda awkward watching and it seemed like Sarah was constantly checking if she was okay.
No. 547264
>>547260I think people just have different opinions. I can't stand Sarah, but thought Billie was quite pretty, and there was anons who thought Billie was hideous.
Her looks aren't really the point though, I do however think Lainey will get jealous of anything in the house that doesn't look as scaly as her, and while I don't think Sarah is anything to write home about, it's clear she doesn't look as dry and crispy as her space prince overlord.
No. 547265
>>547259Yeah, I agree on her resembling A. Hathaway.
She does behave cringey but the way she patronizes Lainey and rolls her eyes at her still has my hopes up for her to be intelligent enough and just use those two to start off an own career or get some followers.
Then again, I completely understand the anon who said that having her own YT channel could potentially ruin Sarah's personality. Still a tragedy, the whole thing.
No. 547274
File: 1531442799693.png (399.31 KB, 1114x670, Screenshot_2018-07-12-17-20-03…)

>>547153>Tells a story bragging about how much farther he could have gotten with this girl he barely knew if his family hadn't interrupted their sexytime1 minute later:
>Discusses how after 5 years they reconnected but that he found out that not only does she smoke pot, but had the nerve to have a casual sex encounter, which is completely foreign to him and he "can't comprehend" having sex with someone you're not dating. So obviously he had to dump her!What a giant hypocritical piece of shit.
And what a completely inappropriate video to share with your teen viewers.
No. 547279
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>Screeches and expects sympathy over his mean ol' abusive dad who wouldn't let him have a cool haircut when he was a kid
>Uploads a video shitting on kids who got haircuts that aren't "normal"
Pretty ironic, Anusion. Also pretty nice to say someone has a "Downs Syndrome face" after all your virtue signaling of acceptance and unfair beauty standards. He couldn't be a bigger piece of shit if he tried.
No. 547280
>>547263ah nice. I can't suffer through her livestreams. I wont be surprised if she plans to transfer schools though. I remember her saying in one of her videos she was doing her pre-reqs right now and then wants to get into some program. Then she'd really pull a lamey. Hopefully she sees its not worth it. I think if they were willing to fund her life, she would have moved in 100%, but now they are too "poor" and cheap.
I bet lamey has tried to convince her though. She couldn't care less about sarah, but wants someone to live with her so she has a babysitter/hangout buddy/maid 24/7.
No. 547306
>>547153So many stupid things in this video.
One of his ex's brother's didn't like Greg, and according to Greg he's probably just overprotective because he wanted to sleep with her.
Hmm..,it couldn't possibly be because he thought you were weird or creepy or he was just looking out for his sister. It's obviously because he wanted to fuck his own sister. Wtf.
With that retarded logic, he's overprotective of his kids…does that mean he wants to sleep with them?
Does he realise how retarded it sounds?
No. 547329
>>547306Considering his insane projection as of late and obsession with incest (Step mum, hank and bobby incest jokes)
I wouldn't be surprised.
No. 547341
>>547220I think most of the anon's including me just think she looks really pretty ESPECIALLY next to Lames. Lames looks like a 40-year-old crackhead. She does not look like a 24-year-old woman and looks even older next to Sarah.
I'm sure Sarah isn't right in the head if she is friends with the onions and has been for years. She stuck by them even with Grease's name calling and Lames acting like a little kid through their whole friendship.
How can someone be friends with someone like Lainey, a 24-year old, married, mother of 2 kids? Who call's you crying about her relationship problems when you are out at a party. Who will stop talking to you and unfollow you from social media if you criticise them? But will crawl back after you send them edible arrangments and buy high-end makeup.
It seems like Sarah is the mature one in the friendship and Lames is 17. Sarah is fucked up to be friends with her.
(nitpicking) No. 547349
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No. 547354
>>547153What's with the creepy singing rapist clown song at the outro.
Did anyone hear those edgelord lyrics?
'He makes it sound like he's the good guy, it's like a hat trick'
I cringed all through this video and listened through headphones because it was so embarrassing.
This is a man in his thirties explaining his sexual encounters and dating life while drawing stick figures on an envelope and doing silly voices the whole time.
Also as another anon said before, why does he keep mentioning their race?
No. 547358
>>547354It's not even normal for a man his age to remember every single person he kissed etc, what they looked like, what their name was and so many little details.
Like, why can't he let go? Why does he feel the need to talk (bad) about people he was with 20+(!) years ago
No. 547365
>>547358I feel like women are just vaginas to him. That's why he goes through his sexual experiences. He mentions the video as 'my dating and love life, but there seems to be more weird details about sex than actually details about the relationship.
Like he barely talked about the girl's hobbies or what they did together, most of it was about sex, what they looked like, and their race.
No. 547381
>>546826>>546827Wow Taylor, so masculine and ~daddy af~
Fucking retard
No. 547385
>>547358Im sure that Greg made up all the details on the spot, or embellished events.
He has a horrible memory. Sam said in one of her streams she and him had a discussion on how old he was at the moment and he was disagreeing with her until she showed him on one of those online age calculators.
Someone played the audio clip of Greg calling Blaire every name in the book during his gaming stream and Greg seemed puzzled and even asked "is that me?"
Or maybe he has a selective memory. If it makes him look bad (or older than he imagines he is) he cant remember, or the details are fuzzy
If its something that makes his ex's or haters look bad then his memory is crystal clear.
No. 547397
>>547168Lainey is definitely edging to being more experimental with drug emultors and alcohol. Obviously she feels as if she is missing out and has convinced Onion no doubt that this does not effect straight edge lifestyle.
Soon she will convince him that medical marijuana is acceptable and inch closer to having more drinks in her life.
Seeing him snatch the alcohol from her hands and pouring it immediately after her sipping it and even spitting in the bowl of alcohol shows how controlling he is over the straight edge lifestyle.
Her experimental ways are inevitable and I am sure we will see Onions frustrations pour through twitter.
No. 547412
>>547408>Most likely we will see a "trying hemp products"Most likely we will see a "trying herp remedies"
No. 547421
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>>547403Please let it be "Injecting Black Tar Heroin For the 1st Time."
No. 547425
>>547397I don't think Lainey actually wants to experiment by 'trying' anything. Everything she does is like the lite version of a movement or trend and it's all for edgepoints.
Transexual-tumblr fakeboi
Smoking weed/cigs-vaping
Vegan- pescatarian
She does all these things to appear cool, but it seems so tryhard because it's evident she doesn't even enjoy it. She constantly chokes on the vape and says she hates it, whinges about being questioned about her sexuality while making constant references to it, bitches about having to be a pescatarian because she feels sick. Like why engage in all that stuff if you hate it?
I agree though, Greg is definitely controlling.
No. 547462
>>547421I assume this is a joke, but I wouldn't wish heroin on anyone. Just cannot find it funny.
'shrooms, on the other hand, or E or something, I think would be hilarious. Especially if Grease did them.
No. 547465
>>547423ngl but this is why people associate with Gurgle and his minions don't come forward to us.
>>547397I honestly believe that Gurg is the one who pusshed this "straight edge" bullshit on her. Just like how he pushes everything else onto her.
No. 547468
>>547186I love how all these pics of him are from when he was younger and actually popular. I'd say he should add Joker picture there too but I'm pretty sure all his joker videos were with Cyr so they're deleted kek
>>547263She's likely constantly having to walk on eggshells around Lainey. She's been groomed since she was barely a teenager in highschool, she likely knows Lainey's wants and needs very well. As well as Greg's which come down on her when Lainey feels left out or not the special center of attention she thinks she deserves to be
>>547408Her and Greg would try on that kush mascara by MILK cosmetics and start acting as if they've gotten high from it
No. 547471
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>>547463>>546592Ive been in the small group of anons who think that Greg-Lainey-Billie had maybe 2 or 3 instances of sex all together, and during each session Lainey was uncomfortable and hesitant.
Lainey & Billie NEVER had any sexual contact alone without Greg involved, just kissing and cuddling.
I call bullshit on the "hundreds" or "dozens" of times Greg says they had threesomes. I call bullshit because thats a HUGE difference in his story. 100's > dozens, and because Greg is a serial liar. And even if Lainey agrees with the story, we all know she will lie to make Greg happy. Hell, shes lied about not wanting to be bisexual, and saying Greg wanted her to do it. Now the revised story that Lainey tells is that she was always bi and Greg just helped her figure it out.
No. 547475
>>547471I dont even know when they would have had threesomes. Literally 98% of the time billie was there, lamey was avoiding her and not wanting to be in the same room with her. You'd just see onion with billie and sarah filming and shit. And lamey was just angry in a corner. Post-cuddle cheating she was pregnant as well which makes it even weirder.
It was obvious only onion enjoyed whatever "threesomes" they had because he got to fuck billie/see her naked or whatever. And lamey was obviously jealous the entire time and didn't want to do it. She hates when any pretty girl is around him. I also doubt it happened much or onion wouldn't have to sneak around to fuck billie on her own.
No. 547476
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>>547471the chair might have been for her
No. 547506
>>547409Huh… Anon, you might have something there. Lame's "gender-dysphoria" could be a control issue. Lame probably felt she didn't have much control prior to Onion, given that her boyfriend before Onion was abusive.
Then she jumped into a relationship with Onion before she had an opportunity to branch out on her own, away from family, at college, living as an independent adult and finding herself on her own terms like many high school graduates. Her online college does not count.
She went from one controlling situation to another, became a wife and mother with people depending on her before she developed any confidence or knowhow to depend on herself.
Now she has perceived identity issues. She's had very little control throughout her life or opportunities that gave her a chance to cultivate an identity, and now she's obsessively preoccupied with her identity issues and demands/corrects others to address/treat her a certain way to calm issues within her she can't regulate herself.
No. 547511
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>>547476It was probably the floor
No. 547512
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>>547504This exchange happened less than 5 days before the whole shitfest happened and Greg blocked her.
Maybe things can be wished into existence.
No. 547531
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>>547238I didn't know who James was so I googled him, and holy shit.
Shes not only skinwalking this poor kid, but doing such a bad job at it.
Its like the difference between a Disney approved Woody toy, and a Mexican knock off.
No. 547535
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His attempt at being an edgelord. Hes unskilled, stupid and with no education so yeah I guess hes right hes bad at life.
No. 547578
File: 1531467090596.png (364.82 KB, 404x542, herewego.PNG);dw:
>Greg told her (or implied?) that her daughter is a product of cheating>She admitted to having a crush on Lainey but was okay about being friends, never had a thing for Gurg, nor did she ever proposition a relationshit between the three of them>Says she saw things that made her question Greg and Lainey>Madison is lurking says "people just shit all over me there" (sorry for the repost, I'm an idiot who can't spell.)
No. 547601
>>547598I think Gurg wouldnt try it himself and wouldnt let the foot do it, because he's too afraid of losing control.
Imagine how he'd lose his shit if foot got high, Gerg would tell her that she's a druggy criminal and she'd just giggle at him.
Twitter narc rage, 10 "my wife is a druggy criminal and a bad mother" videos + divorce papers incoming.
Maybe she should get high.
No. 547612
>>547601Exactly, anon. You know what I’m talking about.
She really should get high. Relax, and just reflect on everything. She’ll realize what everyone else has realized for ages and maybe she’ll get to do some soul searching lol.
No. 547618
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But she apologized and went down on Anuson's apologies. She might have been apologizing but we rejected it because Anuson apologized but put down Ayallah while she said they had put down sorry videos while apologizing for videos.
No. 547634
I could tolerate their weirdness to some point if they were just married and childless, but the fact that they are a mother and a father makes it all much more disturbing. There are plenty of weird couples in Youtube and they're not that big of a deal because they might just be young people with an identity crisis, which is a phase that pretty much everyone goes through. But the fact that there's innocent children looking at all this crap, and that they have such a big responsability on their hands…It's fucking disgusting.
No. 547636
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This is a little late and old news, but did anything ever come from her meeting Noah?
I went through the last two threads and her channels and I see nothing.
Did Noah get cold feet because when they tweeted about doing something everyone warned Noah that Lainey was trash.
No. 547641
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>>547638I wonder why? Maybe he said something that upset her or is it because it has an actual trans person in the video.
No. 547655
>>547641OT but that picture has me at my toppest of keks.
I'm thinking that an actual trans person was too much for Lainey's delicate sensibilities. She always has to be the most oppressed person in the room (same with Sarah being paler than her ~smol ill anemia ass~
triggering her)
No. 547659
>>547299Great collage! kek
I'd have loved that to be Sarah's real reaction about Lainey's statement.
No. 547695
>>547690I agree. Space boys 3 needs to stop making videos about tinder dating, which fan would I date or other weird suggestive videos because it further encourages these young girls to get manipulated further.
Finding dates through your fanbase is so tacky and creepy.
No. 547725
>>547717Go blog post and derail in
>>>/ot/ please
No. 547746
>>547737Oh for sure I totally agree! I don’t watch pew but I know what he sounds like Grease is trying so hard to recreate pew’s spark! But of course he’ll deny it, because you know honesty and all!
The thing that bugged me the most about the entire video was when he admitted that he forced his high school girlfriend to choose him over her friends! That’s so not okay! That’s batshit! A woman or young girl should never ever have to choose between her friends of fling of the month! Showing you love your partner is one thing but having them prove they love you more than their friends is batshit! Boyfriends come and go especially in your teen years, but having stable health friendships are absolutely vital in personal development and growth! Lots of people have high school friends late into their adult lives which influence their values, morals, character and personality more so than a high school fling. Look at Lame! She wasn’t allowed to go to her senior prom because she was already with Grease! How unhealthy is that? She couldn’t even go with friends because of his insecurities. Now the two of them have zero meaningful friendships outside of the swamp! Lainey is barely friends with her sister. This is so sick! Grease couldn’t get along with his class peers therefore his HA fling wasn’t allowed any of her own including Lame a decade later! FUCK ME! And he tells his teenage audience that they should choose their boyfriends over their friends as well! Your peers are either make you into the person you’ll become later in life. You’ll learn from them how to be better or how not to be. It’s so damaging not to have friends! Fuck Grease! He is creating a generation of relationship dependent women, who value their man more over their friends and more importantly themselves!
No. 547765
>>5471531) Tana Mongeau levels of story telling / story times.
2) In b4 he starts selling the envelopes as original art or takes extra shipping $$ for sending his stuff in "original, custom-made" envelopes.
No. 547870
>>547578Ok I know this is not relevant to the thread abut Maddie doesnt have her own and I can't sage but I just wanted to say,Maddie if you read here PLS upgrade your guinea pig cage it is WAY TOO SMALL!
Also are these the pigs she got from the Anusions? If so I guess they had them in the small shitty cage already. That much to being a 'straight edge' pair who doesn't give a shit about animals lives apparently.
No. 548026
>>547712Grugly and Gruglier. topkek.
>>547714>has over 2 billion views (omitting his number of channels)>has stopped numerous people from cutting>straight edge uwu>mastered googling BROOTAL FAXXX and definitionsWho wouldn't hire this outstanding citizen lmao.
No. 548079
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>>548078double post but she was messaging someone who was blocked by Greg.
No. 548089
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>>548079as a 3-month clean smoker and watching where she places her cigarette in hand and the experience with her and greg with the "clove" cigarettes years ago these kinda make me feel like nicotine stains. definitely tinfoil
No. 548112
>>548089She doesn’t smoke. She still nurses and is a boob nazi who does attachment parenting, cosleeping and babywearing. She wouldn’t be able to do breastfeed, cosleep or babywear if she smoked.
Also, Greg would throw it back in her face and rant about it online every day if she actually did.
No. 548157
File: 1531539327165.png (642.77 KB, 921x764, blocked.png)

>>548079>>548148I tried zooming on the file but it didn't make the image any better but it was easy for me to tell it was a screenshot of greg's twitter.
No. 548163
File: 1531540179022.jpeg (224.71 KB, 750x409, EEDCF049-3332-439E-A8DD-FE63E9…)

Styled by her loving husband who seems to be intentionally making her look uglier than ever. #goals
No. 548179
>>548169It's hilarious that anyone would think she would even dare to smoke cigarettes or nicotine. Not only would Greg rage about it daily, but Lainey said she was 'scared' to try a fucking vape, let alone an actual cigarette.
She's too straight edge to go the full length with anything, like anon said, she's the lite version of everything. Same goes for her tattoos. Wants the edge but doesn't get sleeves or amazing body art, just teenage-tier bits and pieces.
Smoking is unhealthy and not something people should do, and I'm not trying to say hurr durr Lainey's not cooool enough to smoke, but in this case, do people actually think she's an ex smoker?She looks like a crusty corpse but there are definitely other reasons for that. Plus, I've met everyday smokers who look younger than her.
It's probably her diet and a bunch of other things.
Tldr- Lainey is definitely not a smoker, she's too childish.
No. 548185
>>548078It's not like any of those outfits were terrible, but its so obvious that Greg just grabbed a bunch of jeans/tshirts/sneakers combos.
Like no creativity, he probably doesn't even 'prefer' those outfits, he was probably like this'll do and just grabbed like the most safest normal clothes in her wardrobe. Like even if he went the retarded onision route of picking out costumes or something wackier, it would be cringe but a lot more entertaining than watching this bitch put on jeans and novelty tshirts for a week.
No. 548201
>>548192lol, is that when the tinfoil was she was a smoker because anons saw "cig butts" on the ground near ner?
The butts turned out to be leaves.
I find this "Laineys a smoker" thing a big derailment.
Lets discuss if she smokes or doesnt or is an ex smoker, NOPE! not taking that bait. Theres so much more about Lainey that we can talk about and reveal her true garbage human status.
No. 548207
>>548163That tartan shirt was one of the ugliest shirts, it fitted like medical scrubs and the pattern was HIDEOUS.
>>548201You took the bait by replying.
No. 548208
>>548079took me a sec to understand, so someone sent a screenshot of them being blocked by greg, and they sent it to lainey?
the angle of it appears to look like she sent it to them, but that wouldn't make sense
No. 548209
File: 1531544128435.jpg (58.68 KB, 800x450, large.jpg)

>>548207>You took the bait by did you
No. 548245
File: 1531548819268.jpg (81.38 KB, 401x385, 99f.jpg)

>>548238 sure knows how to pick 'em lmao. It's like she's a magnet for shitty dudes.
She reiterates shit she's already said, no real need to watch tbh.
No. 548246
File: 1531548978075.jpg (82.89 KB, 640x857, smoking with dobs.jpg)

>>548188Here is an old one of her smoking when Dobbs was just a pup. As far as what kind of cigarette it is, I have no idea.
No. 548249
File: 1531549307278.jpg (73.39 KB, 1080x1080, 32764683_10156428626569711_145…)

I guess he was too insecure to keep on his insta.
No. 548253
File: 1531549987284.png (365.85 KB, 817x366, 038464533.png)

>>548246And heres one of Laineybot AND Onision both SMOKING!
They're smoking cloves or that fake non nicotine herbal cigs.
Years ago they were doing the same click bait shit that they did this week with the Straight Edge Couple Drinks Beer video.
You got snookered into talking about what they wanted you to talk about instead of the real Onion couple issues. No. 548260
>>548078I made it only to third outfit. I dont't mind ootd videos but basically Onion picks and describes outfit from head to toe and then there is cut to Lainey talking about the same shit, yeah I know you have ring, jeans and adidas shoes Gurgly just told me second earlier and only addition is 'this is cool…'
so boring. zero creativity.
No. 548267
Remember when Greg actually had ideas? Not good ideas mind you, but ideas
His videos with other YouTubers were at least energetic and had some level of thought put into them. Him and Cyr would do creative videos that required work to put together would even do two endings per video, him and Shiloh wouldn't do that much in terms of videos together but the videos were unique enough (she was a singer not an actress anyways), him and Skye was the conception of his channel, etc. I think Greg honestly fucked himself over by getting the yes man he thought he always wanted. Lainey just lets him do whatever, and she isn't a creative person so she can't feed any form of creativity he has and they can't come up with anything together that isn't just stale with one or both of them entirely apathetic about the video. Now I'm not saying he's some creative genius that needs the perfect environment, for all I know he did nothing but do as he was told when working with Cyr or Skye, but at least he seemed remotely passionate about what he did in terms of his videos and now he's created the perfect environment to kill that entirely. And of course I'm not going to claim Lainey is the sole factor he's introduced into his life that ruined his video career. But even his second banana video was more inventive than half the shit he's done with Lainey, and that was him attempting to redo a previous video to go viral again! Him caring about people liking and watching his videos is at least him caring about his videos at all, and not him just claiming he cares about his YouTube videos as he desperately tries to claim now despite clearly not giving at shit
Where is the attempt at cinematography? The music? The cuts and edits? The costumes that were actually new? All this is just delegated towards his sympathy videos and that's the saddest part of all this, he's utterly thrown away what little ability he had in the one thing he likely could ever do with his life and at this point has no way of ever getting it back. He actually thinks he can deliver nothing yet still keep what he used to have
I'd Sage if I could, but seriously, Greg utterly fucked himself over with YouTube and any future in anything video or creative field
No. 548304
File: 1531562572075.jpeg (503.71 KB, 750x987, BE71EA4E-3D79-4FEF-9CED-7147F1…)

Haven’t watched the video yet (because I don’t hate myself that much) but looks like he replaced Madi pretty quickly. And she’s Japanese, Latino and gay. She also is a $100 patron I believe.
No. 548310
File: 1531564153080.png (989.3 KB, 1008x661, 0674355.PNG)

>>548304I hope there wasn't sugar in that water they splashed all over the living room rug.
Foots gonna be pissed!
No. 548316
File: 1531567243285.png (645.2 KB, 1238x541, side by side.png)

Looks like she's been communicating with the onions for a while.>>548309
No. 548323
File: 1531568252661.png (185.6 KB, 672x646, urnomatch.png)

>>548316Ohohoho she's better at make up as well. You're fucked lainey
No. 548330
File: 1531570400323.png (79.33 KB, 220x175, QxnTM6Z.png)

>>548316Unsurprisingly, she's also better at doing her make up.
Do I smell a new trinity emerging?
No. 548331
File: 1531570652502.jpeg (30.32 KB, 200x200, 1FCDE579-5690-4019-A00A-BBB8E2…)

>>548323Could she be the second coming of Billie? Between this and Grugly’s attempt to make Gruglier the absolute grugliest by choosing her translarping fuckboi outfits every day for a week, the whole situation reeks of “I’m desperate for fresh cooch”.
No. 548350
File: 1531575835482.png (1.47 MB, 1281x803, Untitled.png)

>>548307>Flies down a young girl to spank his ass under the guise of it being a skit.Yea… it's pretty clear what Anusion's motives are with this one.
No. 548351
>>548078I don't find her outfits particularly bad. I find them casual but also boring and uninspiring.
I wonder whether this video has been made to advertise these clothes to be sold in the near future or whether to attract potential sponsors. Hm, maybe I'm reaching.
>>548319Not sure whether he's aged badly or has never really been a looker, given his use of make up and filters over filters over filters for videos and pictures before. I don't care what he looks like but I find it highly ironic that he publicly judges people based on their looks even though he could do with a make over - or at least some exercise - himself. I kinda feel like he's given up to appear "handsome" to his audience - or his narc mentality just keeps him from seeing the obvious.
No. 548355
>>548350cf. >I need these sexual innuendos for the
video, you know. There's nothing creepy about it, it's just
artistic freedom and being a YouTuber involves adding sexual content and allusions to videos. Heck,
everyone does it!
said no one ever. Except for Gerg.
But as a couple of anons already pointed out before if you show sexual content to your (underage) fans it's so much easier to convince them the next step isn't bad either.
Also, if shit starts to flip, he has a video he can refer to, telling everybody how much she loved spanking him and how she was grinding against his crotch all the time while doing so. Same old same old.
No. 548487
>>548350She’s from Seattle and is 20 years old. She’s also 5’0”, Lainey is gonna be
shooketh if she sticks around.
No. 548501
>>548487in before lamey claims shes shorter than her.
>>548490we know thats all bullshit and hes gonna still go after fresh 18 year olds no matter how old he gets.
No. 548510
File: 1531601750887.jpg (79.12 KB, 1080x810, DXGVRSUX0AAHqz2.jpg)

>>548499>>548416she looks like every thot ever, and clearly wants grease action
>>548309 i think she would absolutely join la casa del horror if it gets her money and attention (just like billie did). she also looks 25 judging by her terrible twitter pics lbr
>>548493 No. 548521
File: 1531602790059.jpeg (185.61 KB, 1242x1198, 4468EE2E-6B01-4C7E-9B31-266AB7…)

Whoever was asking about what came of her video w Noah this did
No. 548553
File: 1531606476670.jpg (169.21 KB, 861x613, Lainey Gay Husband & Gregs Str…)

>>548521Did the Foot not realize the lowkey shade that was thrown with the Shrek and Donkey question?
No. 548554
>>548550silly anon, that's
why they're struggling.
No. 548556
>>548249He literally always hunches over and tenses in an attempt to show 'abs'.
I'm yet to see a photo where he's standing up straight with little to no tensing. Probably just a gut.
No. 548559
File: 1531607607537.jpg (86.55 KB, 339x443, lainey.jpg)

Just found this on my PC and I thought I never posted it so here it is. Enjoy.
No. 548579
File: 1531612364956.jpg (328.51 KB, 790x988, SmartSelect_20180714-185317_Ph…)

Damn Lame must be stressed Onion filmed with a new girl she broke out even on her chest.
No. 548590
File: 1531614518322.png (26.23 KB, 1341x180, Screenshot_2018-07-15 EXTREMEL…)

>>548589Noah is already
No. 548630
File: 1531624572092.png (916.56 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180714-201208.png)

>>543740she likes anime and is good at makeup pack your bags footface.
No. 548631
File: 1531624685911.png (78.89 KB, 1080x334, 20180714_201421.png)

another interesting tweet
No. 548640
>>548631brb gotta barf
Seriously though, Gruglier must be having a “muh anxietuh” meltdown over this new bitch. Good thing she has her tissue there. Tinfoil deluxe: if Grugly ditches her for Billie v.2.1, she’ll go after Sarah. Not because she’s actually bi, but out of desperation and need for validation
No. 548642
File: 1531626140537.jpg (163.86 KB, 1050x626, SmartSelect_20180714-224247_Sa…)

Milk soon? Is Sarah watching the thread and reporting to Lame. Now gerg is gonna sperg about another homewrecker in the house?
No. 548646
File: 1531626718072.gif (2.11 MB, 424x240, D6240544-FFDB-480D-92FC-D3EB69…)

>>548642I fucking hope so!
No. 548647
File: 1531626750214.webm (12.94 MB, 360x640, madi story.webm)
>>548644I don't think she's ugly at all but she doesn't look the at all same in her twitter/ig photos. But she sure is a hell of a lot cuter than Lame.
In other news, Madi might be growing a backbone. I don't expect her to spill but, here's to hoping she
finally figured out Greg isn't a good person.
No. 548652
File: 1531627249458.png (80.24 KB, 1080x383, Screenshot_20180714-235233~2.p…)

I just opened Twitter and saw this. It says that gurg liked that but then there isn't a like mmmmm suspitches
No. 548662
>>548659if it's not bait then i bet lame's already melting down.
what's fucked up is that lame has every right to be pissed that grundle keeps bringing girls into the house but she's such a dumb bitch that i don't feel bad for her at all. she made her bed.
No. 548684
File: 1531629683730.png (19.42 KB, 512x182, 2018-07-14 23_41_52-Window.png)

No. 548733
File: 1531631581540.png (Spoiler Image,942.92 KB, 546x2964, eRrt98yU56uesy.png)

>>548660I was looking through his likes because of this "new potential trinity member". I think she is more than pulling her hair out right now. This man is having a meltdown.
No. 548797
File: 1531634907620.jpeg (558.88 KB, 750x1095, 061013FA-502A-4D50-B1EF-3AE1A8…)

Laundry’s actually getting some use out of this one
No. 548824
File: 1531636046503.png (1.82 MB, 1334x750, B786B310-8F02-45B0-AA9B-8333F4…)

The eyes were looking nice but I think she kind of ruined it with the eyeliner
No. 548829
File: 1531636126580.png (1.81 MB, 1334x750, 999F26B3-3BAB-4E07-954D-8460EA…)

I’d say at least 60% of the video was just sped up with music overtop kek they talked but she didn’t add the audio, so less banter than her usual collabs but they did seem to get along
No. 548833
File: 1531636281918.png (1.28 MB, 1334x750, A3A1A4A6-E1A7-42DB-90D5-C57F45…)

>>548825Very professional
No. 548837
>>548836it looks like*
fuck that was bothering me
No. 548844
File: 1531636636055.png (25.17 KB, 590x214, lame lover.png)

Fun fact, this video was recorded the same day the vape video was recorded (July 11th) So this tweet is about none other than Lame.>>548836 She does actually do gigs from the look of her Instagram page. She might just be starting out? Here's Greg's shitty patreon video. He says flat hair is gross and shits on black hair textures all under the facade of being BOOTALLY HONEST.
No. 548856
File: 1531637217424.png (572 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180714-234029.png)

>>548590Apparently Noah was defending Grease back in 2016.
No. 548882
File: 1531637932974.png (145.72 KB, 466x832, keithposting.PNG)

Looks like Madi is doing her research. Too bad it's from Keith kek
No. 548904
File: 1531639407891.png (18.76 KB, 592x151, ironic.PNG)

Oh really Greg, do tell us more about how you never bring up others loved ones in disagreements.
No. 548905
File: 1531639436851.png (1.25 MB, 1536x2048, FB4B37B4-1732-4C8A-8006-2A706C…)

>>548882I was rewatching a response from a ddlg vlogger and saw she commented. I’m happy she’s finally woken up from Anusion’s trance, but I have to agree with him (sadly) that she only chooses to accept the credibility of people he has wrong after she has been “dumped”. Bitch has been around him for 6 years and just now believes why people think he’s an asshole.
No. 548918
File: 1531640033620.png (180.09 KB, 573x426, shane 1.png)

Here's another Shane sperg
No. 548920
File: 1531640115402.png (482.27 KB, 855x875, shane 2.png)

No. 548949
File: 1531641420257.png (23.41 KB, 580x184, shane 5.png)

>>548918sorry for the cap spam guys
No. 548965
File: 1531643259026.gif (1.05 MB, 260x146, AECF0A31-0A20-40DE-9351-9B4941…)

>>548959>>548963A visual summary of what’s happening in the swamp trailer right now
No. 549001
>>548918he literally said he didnt want to pursue legal action for the sake of lamey and his kids. How is that "bringing up his family" lmao. Moron. Just sue his ass shane or get his channels deleted off youtube.
Also didn't madi just call him out on bringing up HER kid? He was okay with that apparently.
>>548986I wish people would stop giving her a pass just because shes with onion. If anything its better for her kids to see that bad actions like their father will get consequences, instead of watching him bully people and get away with it. And lamey loves being pitied and victimized. Shes smug as fuck and knows she will get away with it cause she can put all the blame on onion and just be like "im not him!!!"
No. 549002
File: 1531645670313.png (661 KB, 1440x2369, anus sperg.png)

Shreg is having himself a big ol' sperg. Funny how he's screeching about predators while he's got a literal minor under his roof and he has a history of creeping on underage girls. Projection isn't just something that happens in movie theaters, Shreg.
No. 549006
File: 1531646614922.jpg (858.61 KB, 804x3365, Screenshot_20180715-112019_Twi…)

I dont know how this conversation started cause both swampmonsters blocked me, but Madi is now pissed about Lamp as well cause she's not defending her daughter and lets Gerg shit on her and Ana finally saw Lamp's a cunt and unfollowed her and unpleded from her Patreon.
No. 549020
>having nightmares about my military timeLmao, good one Greg.
Must have been a tough time to behave like a toddler infront of actual, brave men, not killing a rabbit and stripping infront of his superior.
No. 549030
>>549026Thought the same thing months and months ago when he said he emailed shane again about the collab stand up (I think, Im not really sure that was the reason) and greg said that he didnt even read the last email shane sent but the preview of it started out with "Greg Im sorry…" and with just those few words he went on a rant about how shane was apologizing for all the wrongs hes done to him, and that shane was admitting fault for everything.
I think its either greg emailing himself with a fake shane email, and we all know he'd do that because he uses sockpuppet accounts to pretend to be teens who have stopped cutting or being anorexic just because they watched a couple of onision videos (yeah right) Or a catfish that greg is more than happy to play along with if it gives him content and something to be mad about. Like the lonely cat lady that deep down knows the guy shes having a long distance email/text relationship is fake, but shes willing to suspend disbelief because its giving her something she needs.
No. 549033
>>549030one last thing about the shane catfish
If it is some random troll thats pretending to be shane and greg sort of knows it but is playing along, greg is in the clear. If shane actually comes out and makes a public statement that the emails are not from him, greg can say
"well I was fooled too, I try to take people at their word and this is what happens, I assume people would be as truthful and honest as I am"
No. 549043
>>549042I guess that could be the reason. But if you wanted to divert attention to that, then go off on some other topic. Spin the Onision Wheel of Drama and land on a totally different thing to sperg out about.
Acting indignant about Shane bringing his children into a discussion will only make the haters say "like you did with Madisons little girl?" and were back on the topic of Madison and what he alluded to with the birth of her child.
No. 549046
>>549043Greg is so fucking disgusting.
He loses his shit if someone just says he
has children, yet he can call Madisons kid "a product of an affair".
He acts like it's personally affected him that Madi cheated on his ex. And he makes it seem like she slept with his boss and got pregnant.
Truth is, yeah she cheated. But she's still with him, they love each other and they now have a kid together. Who cares?
It's not like her ex was his best friend and now Gerg has a lifetime vendetta against Madi.
He has zero right to call someone out for cheating. He cheated on
literally every person he's ever been with.
Talking her kid down is so low, even for him. He wants respect and privacy, but he can give a shit about everyone because he's
No. 549055
>>549043Well, I never said it was a good diversion kek
We all know he's too dumb to think of good ideas.
No. 549062
>>549030Honestly I doubt it was a catfish.
Shane is a really polite and an empathetic and charitable guy.
He probably doesn't just ignore Anusion completely because he knows there's something seriously wrong with him and probably feels sorry for him.
Though these recent pedo accusations were probably the final straw for Shane.
The email probably did start with "I'm sorry" but I doubt it would have been in Gregs favour.
It's probably something like "I'm sorry Greg, if you ever somehow misconstrued our past emails to believe you actually had a chance collating with me. I collab with decent people of society, not dropkick losers."
(Of course Shane would have sugar coated it more as he's polite.)
On another quick note.
I randomly remembered Fluffeetalks the other day, and realised of course that's where Greg got his onisionspeaks channnel idea from. Does this man ever have a unique idea of his own? He's literally just copying a bunch of people at once, all spliced together.
He is the ultimate skinwalker, not GSW.
No. 549085
File: 1531667213989.gif (1.44 MB, 308x214, 1520001159504.gif)

>>548924Jesus christ he's lost his fucking MIND. He's so obsessed with this "friendship" its fucking frightening. Shane RUN!
No. 549088
>>549083Eh, that's what I used to think. I think Onion had a legitimate crush on Shane. He talks about him and cyberstalks him relentlessly like he does with all of his exes. He tries to ruin him like he does with his exes. All of that autistic screeching is because he can't stand to be rejected- he always has to be the dumper, not the dumpee. He doesn't act this creepy about Cyr, for example.
That and constantly going on about how he finds anal SOOO GROSS GUIZE, yeah I think that's projection.
No. 549140
>>548660If Lainey doesn't say anything, Maddi should spill the milk about their children.
Nothing compromising to the children themselves. Simply swamp people's treatment of them. Their shit diet, yelling, neglect.
Anusion made the rearing of his kids fair game the moment he had the gall of talking about here and the atrocious things he said.
No. 549206
File: 1531679902074.jpg (116.91 KB, 1075x388, SmartSelect_20180715-133843_Sa…)

When you need a vacation from your vacation to the swamp.
No. 549227
>>549006Tinfoil, but this is really making me wonder if they're so private about their kids while simultaneously hating doctors because something is mentally or medically wrong with the Swamptots that would raise severe concern for trolls, his fans, and medical/social service professionals alike.
Greg was born basically a lumbering waterhead with a diminished IQ who had a few serious head injuries at a young age and it was even recommended that his mother abort him during her pregnancy due to observable issues in utero. I'm no expert but I get the feeling that he'd possess something that would genetically get passed down from him to them which would really fuck up their development. Combine that with his gross diet and hygenic habits and the fact the combined lifestyles of he and Foot have essentially confirmed they neglect their children more than anything else and you have a lot of really bad things going on here, hence the bigger need for secrecy than just general privacy. To me it comes off as them covering their own asses the way Daddy O' Five tried to play off obvious child abuse as just jokes to cover theirs.
I don't hope anything is wrong with the kids, they're kids they don't deserve anything of the sort. I just get bad feelings considering they are indeed children being raised by two adults that act like autistic teenagers.
No. 549276
File: 1531685562894.jpg (378.44 KB, 1080x794, SmartSelect_20180715-151302_Sa…)

I'm sure Lame will still claim she's somehow shorter and smoler than Noah.
No. 549290
File: 1531686869969.jpg (635.27 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180716-063252_Twi…)

Go Shane what
No. 549577
That was about Selena, not Madison