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No. 600694
Thread Image Credit:
>>600494Previous Thread:
>>>/pt/594835Onion Thread Archives:
>>>/pt/511709Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregory Avaroe is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been rapidly declining since. Laineybot/ Lainey/Taylor Avaroe, is a transtrender and "beauty guru" with no makeup-knowhow or personality.
>Greg announces he’s “Gay” and that he’s attracted to “female bodies with male minds.” >>595259 >>595291>A tractorgate update has been posted, Greg and Lainey have a public hearing on December 6th, mark your calendars! >>595862 >>596021>Caps of the Onion’s appeal letter have dropped and the damage to their yard is reduced to pulling blackberry bushes by their shady lawyer. >>596078 >>596080 >Greg inserted a random (recovering) girl in yet another video about Eugenia Cooney. >>597221 >>597226>Lainey releases a video talking about her ex-boyfriend yet again, while praising Greg for not being abusive. >>597300>Lainey releases another video reacting to Greg’s video about her, one where Greg even admits he’s been verbally abusive to her. >>597997 >>598130>In Greg’s Hair dyeing Q&A, he brings up how Skye was a "lying POS who took his money" and ignores the fact his fans harassed her off youtube. >>598486>Greg’s still posting videos with Shiloh in it. >>598958>Lainey’s private twitter has been leaked (on her 6th wedding anniversary with Greg no less). >>599178 >>599179 >>599180 and she changes the username around 20 ~ 30 minutes after the leaks. >>599195>Lainey later that day “accidentally” posted sad emo lyrics on her main twitter. >>599367>Turns out Sarah confronted Lainey over fake screenshots of her private twitter. Lainey claims that their friendship is fine but, looks (and sounds) unsure about it. >>599761>Lainey gets a new tattoo of Greg’s shitty handwriting on the crook of her arm for an anniversary present. >>599815For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules in the future:- Hooktube is no longer a viable solution to deter views/clicks from Onision. Please rehost videos elsewhere.- No nitpicking. (This includes HDR edits of Greg and Lainey’s faces
>>590295) /pt/ no longer has the sage function.
- Do not liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here (cowtipping). You will be banned.
- Do not tinfoil about the children. You will be banned.Gregma: No. 600699
File: 1542489441877.png (625.03 KB, 452x681, 54654.png) (clips from Lainey's Livestream on Nov. 15th)
>her anniversary was shitty>is "sick">greg asked her when he could trade her in No. 600705
File: 1542491320880.jpeg (134.32 KB, 749x1052, 2A7066F6-83E9-4611-84EE-0B4912…)

Thot’s getting another tattoo about/for Anus:
No. 600741
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>>600699Holy fuck he screwed up his hair. Look at the back of his head! Looks even worse if you watch the video. Why does he do this shit to himself?
No. 600748
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>>600705Maybe she doesn't understand her subconscious is pushing her to this tattoo.
No. 600755
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>>600749so that makes Greg Stalin?
No. 600781
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his uhohbro uploads are really really sad now… it looks like a big part of grease's demanding 12-hour youtube job is going through a bunch of female tik toks and lamely commenting on them?
doesn't he realize how this proves that he's a dumb pedo with zero ideas?
No. 600783
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>>600741This is sort of a cow cross-over, but did Greg get his idea for the shitty haircut from his ex-friend?
He says he doesnt watch or keep tabs on any other Youtubers, but we know there are a few people who he stalks with dedication.
No. 600785
>>600781In his mind he’s a genius who is a better writer than the AHS creators so no. No he doesn’t.
>>600775If she wasn’t such a cunt most of us would probably feel bad for her but in addition to her being a narcissistic, smug, duplicitous, disingenuous piece of shit, this is the life she chose for herself.
No. 600791
>>600699She has such a dull personality and is a simpleton. But the sad thing is that Lainey is in love with her mental picture of Greg, the Greg she's seen on YT in 2011 (or 2012?), not the person he really is.
I still think they're made for each other. As milky as divorcegate would be, I really hope they never break up - I'd be incredibly sorry for their future partners.
No. 600816
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>>600783Honestly, I thought this was a screenshot from The New Guy. Holy fuck, Dasha.
I have almost never posted in this thread, but have lurked for a couple of years now - Lainey: I left NM (poor/neglectful upbringing, issues like this common in this state) at 18 to live with some guy I had never met, and I was very vulnerable mental health wise at the time. He was a con-artist, and he set the frame of our relationship from the beginning with "live and trust" which I later found out were lies, that I thought I could forgive him for, over and over… there was no way he would ever give me the respect in conceding that I could be correct about something for example, eventually giving up trying to promote actual truth, believing my value as a human to be lower until disrespect and abuse became like nothing every time it occurred. I wouldn't tell family or friends how things really were, sort of like how you hide through vague tweeting and using humor to cope.. I finally got away from him and his delusions and it took years to undo that shit in therapy. And that was WITHOUT children involved. Please leave!!! You've made a ton of shitty choices for yourself and thus your children, so just CUT YOUR LOSSES NOW and give them this, let them be with cousins and aunties and good influences that care about them. And you too can be happy and unchained again, I promise. It's been 5 years since I left him and my life has transformed in a beautiful way I could have never imagined during that repressed time. Life is short and you're already 24, you still have a chance if you leave now. He is not attached to your or part of you, seriously. He treats you like dirt. Go find someone who will actually enjoy spending time with your babies.
No. 600830
>>600748When I saw it, I thought it was a trinity tattoo too…
It looks like two girls kissing and not a boy and girl. I bet lainey thinks it will represent her and Greg but for Greg it will represent lainey making out with their new girlfriend.
She isn’t in love with Billie and doesn’t want a girlfriend so why is she getting a tattoo like this? Maybe she will change it to be the silhouette of a boy and girl or maybe Greg will suggest she change it to three people kissing lol.
No. 600831
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Trying to make it sound like he has more than five fans, kek. Bonus retardation points for not understanding basic human psychology re: jealousy. He tries so hard to make himself appear less uneducated and intellectually handicapped than he is.
No. 600836
>>600705>>600748Is she getting this "two girls kissing" tattoo so close to her crotch as bait?
So when she requests oral there will be a pleasant visual for Greg to look at as he reluctantly goes down on her "bitter tasting vagina" (Gregs words, not mine)
Lainey should get a full portrait tattoo of B's face on her back. It'll help Greg out, no more printing out pics from B's Instagram and taping it to Laineys back before sexy time.
No. 600848
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>>600831>I just responded to over 100 patron messages.56 of those 100 were probably him sending out those pitiful messages where hes pleading for his ex-patrons to return, or asking "why dont you love me anymore?"
No. 600850
>>600848How the fuck does he have any patrons? Why would 600 hundred people give this malignant cunt any money? Why would
anyone give
any money? Fuck me.
No. 600851
>>600830Anons layover image is p shocking to me.
>>600831He's so full of shit. "Please harass me", hasn't he snapped at people messaging him multiple times in the past? Yet, here he is doing shit like
>>600848 The number guessed is too low. I bet like 100 alone were begging shit he spams
No. 600866
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MEET MY EX. Lainey is back to clickbating. It's a boring video where Lainey and friend play a game to see who knows more about the other. The only stand out moments where when they called each other 'Brofriends'. Apparently the most masculine thing 'brofriends' can do together is watch Teen Mom. Lainey confirms she's still salty about B with her 'fuck Taurus' outburst and apparently there is a gay sleeping position. I have know idea who this girl is but she seems as deluded as Lamey.
No. 600880
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Think you might have that the wrong way around, buddy.
No. 600885
>>600866Skye and Shiloh are also Taurus’s
No. 600886
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>>600866I remember Jess from that Reconnecting With My First Girl Crush video that Plainey did exactly one year ago and a Blindfolded Makeup Challenge vid back in 2015.
Not to be a dick but from what her complexion looks like now compared to a year ago, it seems jess has gone a little more down that transboi road than Plainey has and is taking T and experiencing some testosterone acne.
Two things I noticed in the video that relate to Sarah. They mention they have been talking for months without ghosting each other and she's obviously going out to vist Plainey and going to concerts together, so I guess the little Triceratops has fallen out of the BFF category. I think Plainey was pissed that Sarah thought those fake tweets last month were real for even one second, "HOW DARE YOU QUESTION ME!"
The second thing is in the Girl Crush video last year Plainey says she met Jess in some Facebook group, and Plainey "thought she was a mom too" Isnt that the same line she used with Sarah? Is this in the groomers handbook for female pedos? "Oh, your so mature, I thought you were a mother too"
No. 600888
File: 1542530441990.gif (3.63 MB, 360x294, oops_but_not_really.gif)

>>600866She hangs out with these girls and says they're just "friends" but the poor girls have secret crushes on Lainey. Just like Sarah and the lotion foot massage "as a goof for a video skit" this girl tries to save Lainey from falling off the bed and OOPSIES! grabs her tit.
No. 600890
File: 1542531953028.webm (11.28 MB, 480x360, hypothetically.webm)
>>600866Apparently Jess' significant other didn't want them at the Grease Mansion. With good reason tbh, who would want someone they love/like molested by Gregma?
No. 600900
>>600894Im with you. Im sure that Jess's gf is a little concerned about Lainey (little does she know Foot has never even touched a vagina and has no plan on ever doing so) but the real danger is Greg. Jess should really be worried herself.
1-Greg will probably drive her to the swamp by himself and act weird on the drive there.
2-Sometime during the visit he will hug or attempt to lift her up while wearing thin material sweatpants with a raging 3.75" erection.
3-Scream at her for half an hour because she didnt compliment his bowl haircut or mention how starstruck she is by him.
No. 600902
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Bringing this over from the patreonfag thread
No. 600904
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>>600902He can't even go one reply without being an insufferable twat, holy shit.
fatbecca is an idiot.
No. 600915
File: 1542540141856.jpeg (399.08 KB, 1581x1664, 7ABE8D08-2729-4614-BC3D-ACE804…)

OT but i went to check his twitter, and i noticed he’s still using that picture of himself with long blonde hair. he must be really ashamed of what he did to himself.
how very dishonest of you to use that old picture to advertise yourself on twitter, gurg.
don’t you wanna show off your new special needs haircut for the world to see?
his twitter-only followers are in for a rude awakening.
how anyone would ever ask him for his opinion on their body is beyond me, i’m sure he’ll be back to wearing masks and wigs in his next rating tweens video.
No. 600918
only uses pfps where he has long hair and a face full of makeup, it's the only way he looks remotely acceptable and he still looks like a gross creep trying to be young and hot.
>>600750Tinfoil: it's about Billie or another girl in some way. Like other anons have mentioned, it looks like two girls kissing.
No. 600920
>>600866Topkek at her being like "fuck Tauruses". Bitch knows the only women her ugly husbando ever loved in his life were Tauruses and it bothers her.
>>600890I predict a shitstorm with this Jess girl just in time for Christmas/New Years. I can smell the festive milk. Besides, she's been on good terms (on and off communicating but still) with Lame for way too long. Surprised Grug hasn't tried to hit on a "male mind in a female body" as he loves them so much.
No. 600939
>>600902>Let's say someone owns a house. Everyone pays to be there…I got to that part and cracked up laughing. I knew one of his shitty analogies would show up in that wall of text. I'll give him his due though. This shitty analogy at least made more sense than his usual
>what if that oven made a video admitting it's hot, like very too hot to touchI never knew I could feel pity for Fatbecca. Her pleading for Onion to voice chat with her "PLEASE JUST FIVE MINUTES MAN!" was so sad. Shes like the bf or gf who you break up with and they keep showing up at your home and work asking for just a few minutes. "I dont want to get back together babe, I just need closure, why dont you love me anymore?"
No. 600948
>>600902Putting two and two together, there was a farmer the other day, saying they
were a top pledging patron…
Anyway, it's sad that Gregory Avaroe's patrons always need to be treated like shit before they wake up and see how little Greg really cares about the people paying his livelihood.
I mean, I get his point of not being "owned" by any of his patrons, but it's more than clear that he doesn't view them as friends or (extended) "fam" (as so many Youtubers like to do), but they're really just cash cows to him. Plain and simple: "You give me money and I'll put up with you until you get on my nerves or there's someone else who's willing to pay more."
No. 600961
>>600866Ty for uploading and the summary!!
Yeah it’s super boring but interesting that Jess will be around in a week. Doesn’t she live in another state or has she moved? If she’s flying in for a visit that’s interesting.
No trinity will come from it becuase Greg has already said their chemistry wasn’t “right” which really means that he wasn’t attracted to the girl. Now that she’s doing the same transboy thing as lainey he has to be even less interested.
No. 601019
>>600890It's funny how Plain's compassion and understanding of mental health only goes so far as herself and her sunshine boyfriend. What about respecting your friend's privacy and personal boundaries?
I hate how she uses her SoCIaL aNXiEtY to shield herself from responsibility and criticism. She's exactly why people say those with mental illness are just using it as an excuse for bad behavior.
If I came across my friend saying this online about me, I'd block their ass immediately.
No. 601043
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Holy Greg sperg on twitter right now. It's all about religion and BDSM and God being incest, with a whole mess of other tweets thrown in. But this one is the most interesting to me. Just like when Greg said Lainey's dad told him to come back in 10 years time, when she was 25, Greg has been in a relationship with Lainey for "almost 8 years." Since she was 16?
No. 601052
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Take the shot, Piglet.
No. 601059
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Sorry lamp. He isn't even thinking about you when you cosplay for him to get him interested in you again.
No. 601067
File: 1542565103388.png (219.98 KB, 1176x856, Screenshot 2018-11-18 at 17.03…)

>>601059His wording here is very telling "When I dress someone up." Not when someone dresses up for him, but when he makes them dress up. So is he thinking of Harley Quinn being raped by dogs when he fucks Lainey? Is he thinking of himself as a dog? Is he now a gay zoophile?
These are from a little earlier but his intolerance of anyone from a dirt country whilst pretending to be some woke saviour is super jarring. Especially the #racism
No. 601069
>>601067Has this bitch never heard of Reza Aslan? Or has he, and he knows his retarded fanbase have not.
Either way, goddamned for a never smoked weed straight edge fuckboy her sure spews some straight up stoner shit.
No. 601075
File: 1542567080305.jpeg (132.06 KB, 1125x411, 3A969E67-E88B-4767-9374-617193…)

Greg is becoming oddly fixated on incest, Lainey better watch out!
No. 601076
File: 1542567392008.jpeg (208.32 KB, 1125x359, 7FC05FCD-5FCC-4EBE-8CD9-E12AED…)

Incoming Skye sperg.
No. 601085
>>601075Oh my fucking God
Why he says incest like that?
"God is incest"
"She is drug"
No. 601092
I know you lurk so please learn how to use the english language. You sound even dumber than you actually are.
No. 601140
>>601102Woah, when did I miss this!?
I know he and Plain have spoken about the daddy thing, but when did they mention the stepdaughter thing? That's nasty.
No. 601141
>>600821It truly never occurred to me that he wouldn't have already read her private twitter, and might get mad about the things she tweeted now that it's all out there. I wasn't aware if he did or didn't follow it (hilarious if not), but I figured since they have access to each other's phones that he'd have read it somehow. I mean, if you were married, wouldn't you want to know what was going on with your spouse's sooper sekrit twitter account? Just out of curiosity? But he truly doesn't give a shit about Lainey's thoughts or feelings. In fact, they annoy and inconvenience him.
I wish I could find the video he made around the second Billie breakup where he was angrily ranting about how frustrating it is when your partner continues thinking negative things about themselves even though you tell them otherwise. He was absolutely manic, and he had clearly filmed it in a rush right after a fight, which is probably why it's gone now. It was so clear to me watching that video that he truly thought that him complimenting Lainey should make her stop hating herself, and he was genuinely angry that it didn't, like when he "fixes" his fans, "cured" B's ED etc. He has such a minimal understanding of human emotion and just doesn't want to deal with it (i.e. divorcing Sk for being "too depressed"). No wonder he'd keep far, far away from that twitter page.
No. 601154
>>601144The Billie on the shoulders thing always annoyed me because Greg continuously hugged Sam and went on that whole spiel about 'it's easier to game when she sits on my lap'
He would defend himself with the creepy hugging and lap sitting and even the body massage with Billie, but Billie is sitting on some dude's shoulder's at a gig and it's blasphemous. Like yeah , I wouldn't want my partner that close to someone of the opposite sex at a random festival either but you can't bitch about that but then go and argue that lapsitting, hugging and body massages are the norm between friends.
No. 601168
File: 1542580255244.jpg (198.51 KB, 1368x1620, fake tweets.jpg)

In Lainey's stream here
>>599761 she says that Sarah confronted her about these fake tweets, believing they were true. Why would Sarah believe they were real tweets if the content of them wasn't real? If "Lainey" was referencing things that didn't happen, wouldn't Sarah immediately know they were fake, or at least be confused?
What I'm saying here is that Sarah has definitely watched Lainey bathe and/or seen her unclothed, probably well before she was of legal age, considering she was only very shortly both at the Swamp and legal at the same time.
I mean, we all knew that, but Lainey has all but confirmed it here by saying Sarah acknowledged those things as being true. Meaning Lainey very probably exposed her breasts and genitals to a minor. Not a lawfag, but that has to be at least somewhat illegal, and is definitely creepy.
No. 601169
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>>601151Thank you so much anon for being so dedicated with these quick re-uploads. I appreciate you every tiem.
No. 601173
>>601151That divorce
really pissed him off kek, and it’s been almost 10 years now.
No. 601181
>>601142That would be amazing anon, but she would have to livestream it or the video would never get made. There is no doubt in mind he would turn violent and attack the camera/equipment at the
very least, most likely her as well.
No. 601199
>>601151I love how he brings up the car crash. Sk got a minor detail wrong and he uses this as "proof" that she didn't care about him.
What you were doing in Montana when you hit the deer, Greg? Oh. That's right! YOU WERE VIOLATING THE MANN ACT BY FUCKING SH!
No. 601201
>>601166Well, snakes thrive when they're line bred. Creates the most beautiful colors - and sometimes even an indigo one. kek
>>601179>>601173What's new. He always talks out of both sides of his mouth.
He's become so boring but I love how much his videos represent his mental stagnation: Since he doesn't have an exciting life (boring, dull and by now quite unattractive trailer-Taylor trender-husband, no friends to hang out with, never leaves his trailer or goes to places to do anything exciting), there's literally nothing he can talk about. He can only revive topics that are a decade old, hoping that his fanbase has gotten younger and doesn't know about it or hoping for his remaining fans to be stupid enough to not remember his old content. Or he just doesn't care. I mean, he's made abundantly clear by now that the few sycophants who worship him are only tolerated for the money they throw at him, and keeping his echo chamber intact.
Having no talent nor any creative bone in his body, he doesn't have anything to offer to anyone, but you know: In the country of the blind the one-eyed man is king.
No. 601205
>>601181I have no doubt in my mind that he would react fairly nonchalantly to her divorcing him and taking the kids… UNTIL a few weeks had passed and he realized that he could no longer afford his house, cars, debt payments, alimony, and adult Lunchables, and then he would text her something about "remembering love" to reel her back in.
But not before trying to get laid first, of course.
No. 601207
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>>600866Lainey has Onion's red Manic Panic hair dye ready. Do you think he'll actually lighten his hair this time so it will take?
No. 601219
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>>601151@8:40 Just refreshing in everyone's mind that Onion and Lainey have a prenup.
No. 601253
File: 1542589109464.jpeg (307.78 KB, 1125x1027, 32CCA766-BFA5-461C-9E9C-0124B5…)

Point and laugh! Greg is sperging the fuck out today.
No. 601257
>>601253again with this bullshit. Why do so many cows pull the stalker card?
So, okay, you put ALL your fucking business online for people to see. You create media (which is SUPPOSED to be consumed). But if anyone critiques it, they're some unhinged hateful stalker? lmao
he's literally such a dumbass.
No. 601270
>>601253He's talking about Strange Aeon's YT review of his book.God what an insecure manlet.He can't deal with anything other than unfettered god-tier praise.Pathetic narc.
Her Onion videos are great btw. Her review of his'music'was hilarious.
No. 601272
>>601270I tinfoil that he only thinks she's a
creepy stalker because she's never going to be attracted to him. She's a lesbian.
A cute lesbian criticizing him? STALKER.
No. 601278
File: 1542591555039.gif (892.13 KB, 300x300, tumblr_p1ad0tO0KL1tsymcro1_400…)

>>601168Sarah only said it didn't sound like her
not that none of this happened. You're onto something anon. I wish Lane would have spilled when she had the chance.
If Sarah did in fact watch Lainey bathe, it'd be exceptionally disgusting if it was when Sarah was under her guardianship.
No. 601289
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he’s only ranting about DDLG because onion boy’s husband probably was showing him pictures of binkie princess getting engaged to her boyfriend and i don’t think onion boy’s husband even congratulated her on the engagement
No. 601295
File: 1542592825427.jpg (7.43 KB, 300x168, download.jpg)

Please oh please someone host a mirror.
sorry for the picture for ants, it's the original thumbnail that apparently he wasn't satisfied with for not being manipulative enough.
No. 601298
File: 1542593002848.png (91.49 KB, 876x158, she's still cuter than lainey …)

>>601253>>601295He really tried to make her look bad. Even when you catch her mid-sentence or laughing, she's still cute. Sorry Gurg. (May still be processing, sorry anons)
No. 601317
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>>601289Binkie hates Anus. She called him Onionfuck. Wonder how Anus feels knowing that his straight wife/gay husband is obsessed with someone who thinks he’s ass?
No. 601319
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>>601317OT but one more. Ogreasion is the LAST one to lecture anyone about kids since he barely acknowledges his. He’s either yelling at them or completely ignoring them.
No. 601320
>>601043"legal relationship"
Ugh, I don't know why this sends shivers down my spine every time he says it. Nobody but predators would ever use that term.
No. 601332
>>601067>Is he now a gay zoophile?This is the dumbest shit I've heard, so I'm going to tinfoil it.
>>601085He said some dumbass quote about his dad, but I don't remember it… Was it also incest?
No. 601336
>>601100sleeping cousin.
>>601151Sk/Sk's sis you better dl your own copy to add to the huge pile of proof of his continued harassment/vendetta.
No. 601342
>>601178He won't ask for a refund till they split. He's too busy using her useless degree as weird flexing.
>>601318She's boring because one video is more content than he puts out in a whole week + he can't understand most of the words she uses, more like.
No. 601345
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>>601319lmao this
has to be a dig at Greg and Lainey.
No. 601348
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>>601295she saw the video and i hope she makes ANOTHER “obsessive” video on him and they just go back and forth. maybe we can get a debate but i don’t want this poor girl to suffer through that
No. 601351
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>>601298ironic how his first criticism of this girl is her eyebrows…..
uh… dude….
No. 601354
File: 1542600338427.png (416.99 KB, 431x420, nNo1XEM.png)

He's the last person who should be making fun of someone's eyebrows when his look like this
No. 601357
>>601354>me grug Holy shit this is unfortunate and should be spoilered.
>>601319Jess is a degenerate piece of shit but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t love this savagery. He is such a fucking hypocrite.
No. 601369
File: 1542602201765.jpeg (70.1 KB, 611x508, 1160F5F7-1650-4D76-9F8A-C3F217…)

>>601352Anon, are you new here?
She’s only made like 5 videos on him while he’s made well over 30 videos on Eugenia Cooney. It’s not the same at all.
No. 601381
File: 1542603026628.jpg (357.45 KB, 1464x676, bad.jpg)

>>601298"bad eyebrows, bad lipstick, bad hair"
Yeah, you'd know a lot about that, wouldn't you Greg?
No. 601383
>>601375I deleted my post because I had more to add. If you think a 33 year old man making 30+ videos of a girl who possibly has an ED for views, money and to satisfy his savior complex to a 19 year old girl who simply criticized his videos, music and books a total of 4 or 5 times are comparable…
Anyway, Greg is completely stupid to think a barely legal lesbian would ever be attracted to his ass. He also calls her ugly but… he’s called her cute previously.
No. 601396
>>601375Normally I'd agree with you, anon. Every time I see some random Joe Shmo making a new video about him, I'm like, fuck, don't give Gargamel more attention or things to sperg about, god damn it. However, this girl fine to me. I think it's because if she dyed her hair an exotic color and lost a couple inches of height (she's like 5'9"), she'd be totally his type, plus her viewers are more hip youngsters from tumblr who overwhelmingly seem to despise him based on the comments and like ratio. Your typical Joy Sparkles doesn't hurt his ego, but this might. And I know hurting his ego isn't the main point of anything, but it's bonus fun.
No. 601400
>>601151Sorry for the wall of text but here is a summary.
Has been divorced for 10 years and is still trying to milk it for clicks.
Says Sk cried when he asked for a prenup. She had told him that it made her worried that he 'didn't love her'.
It's funny because at the end of the video he says he did not love her and that the marriage was just for convenience. Being married allowed him to travel with his best friend and to live together off base. He goes on to lament not getting a prenup as if Sk could predict that he would be successful. In the end she was a big part of his success. She worked outside of the home while he built up his youtube career (funny enough he says her channel was not successful because she didn't work on it as much as he worked on his - I wonder why?) and once he was making enough money he asked her to quit her job and work with him full time. He already had a big following so it makes scene that they would both put their time in effort into the channel that already doing well. Even if Sk wanted to devote more time to her channel Gurg would have have never supported it because he needs to be the center of attention.
Breakdown of expenses and his reasoning why he shouldn't cover them.
Counselor - She didn't need one while she was with me. Like he would ever allow her to see one. When she finally did express that she was depressed he served her divorce papers instead of offering emotional support and the opportunity to get counseling.
Household expenses - She chose to live with her mother and she only payed 800 dollars in rent. (People have to pay more than just rent to be able to live.)
Talks shit about Sk's mom but says he liked her dad and her little sister. We all know about how much he liked her little sister, so much so that he called out her name while fucking Sk.
Greg goes on to cry about how she did not help create his business. Sk was actively helping with the Onision channel since the very beginning. If he felt that she was not a partner why did he not write up a contract in regards to ownership and payment for work rendered? We all know why, it's because it was joint hobby that started turning a profit.
Greg then gets picky about Sk calling him her 'husband' after he served her with divorce papers. I guess he's too dumb to realize you're still considered married until the divorce finalizes.
Whines about how Sk must of not 'gave a crap' about him because she didn't get the location where he crashed the car correct. She knew exactly what he was up to and it's clear the thing that really remained with her about the accident was that when Greg hit that deer he was on the way to fuck the girl he had been emotionally cheating on her with. Greg says he shouldn't of had to buy her a used car because the one he crashed was HIS. (Seeing as they where married and both of them used it as the primary source of transportation it was a shared vehicle.)
Greg starts complaining about how Sk was asking for her lawyer fee's to be covered. He wanted her to stick to the contract he had written up with out her input and then manipulated her into signing. His offer was that he would cover her living expenses for a year as long as she remained under the same roof as him or a 1,000 dollar allotment. With how mentally abusive and controlling he is, plus moving in Sh it would have be hell.
Greg goes on to talk about how suicidal he was because Sk was trying to take away the money he had earned all by himself. He goes on to say how he was diagnosed with major depression while still married to Sk but she was never diagnosed with depression while married to him. Greg conveniently forgets to bring up that his diagnosis was given while he was in the military and he later used it so that he could be discharged as a conscientious objector. If he had said that Sk was the reason for his depression they would of just provided them marriage counseling and maybe individual counselling.
He goes on being very nit picky about wording and dates in order to twist things to his favor. (God help me, I don't know if I can get through this bullshit.) Greg goes on to act like a victim saying that Sk and her sister 'gutted' HIS house and stole the contract he made her sign. (He probably believed everything in the house belonged to him solely except her clothes and toiletries.) The house he would of not been able to by without Sk's help; he had just said a few minutes earlier how Sk worked at target so that they could purchase a house because he wasn't established enough to do it on his own.
Greg does not deny that he sprung the divorce contract on her with no prior notice. Google definitions makes an appearance after he reads the statement about Sk signing the contract under durress claiming that since he did not threaten her with any physical harm or constraint she was committing perjury when she made that claim. In the end Greg feels like Sk was not entitled to anything because she did not contribute anything to the household. The only example of contributing to a household he brings up is raising children. I suppose he doesn't consider supporting him financially while he grew his channel, being an actor in his skits, helping write scripts, and editing is 'contributing'.
His final point is how important prenups are. He claims he is so happy he settled because now Sk is out of his life for good. She was a toxic greedy person who only wanted his money. It just makes me wonder why did he keep in contact with her after their divorce? Even when sending the very last of the alimony payments he had tried to get her home address - it sounds like someone isn't being very honest.
No. 601406
>>601396Not to get too far into a tangent, but I recently started watching Nerd City and his use of Greg is more concerning to me. He has featured clips twice (that I've seen) where he has the clip credit in the corner, but not in any way making fun of Greg. I had to go to his second channel to find an actual joke at Greg's expense, and even then it still isn't clear that it's making fun of him.
I think a youtuber with millions of views mentioning Onision is bad, because it sends ignorant people to his channel out of curiosity.
Videos dedicated to showing how bad his book/music is sort of does the opposite, it keeps people from reading his book for themselves out of curiosity.
The video/joke in question:>>601400 No. 601408
>>601400I always forget it was his plan to have Sk and Sh under the same roof. I mean, that had to be a trinity attempt, right? Just like with Lainey and all their thirds, and just like his self-insert character in his second book, he's been trying to get his dream three-way relationship for a long-ass time – the obedient wife who is more like a "good friend" and the spontaneous fun girl, sexily getting along and simultaneously vying for his love. The way he goes about trying to get there is always the most bizarre twist of logic, though.
iirc he was publicly friends with Sk up through around his second big Sh break-up, no? That's like, nearly a year after they divorced. But sure, you were SO glad to get rid of her.
No. 601424
>>601400>Greg goes on to talk about how suicidal he was because Sk was trying to take away the money he had earned all by himself.As if we needed more proof that he only has two true loves - his money and himself.
>The only example of contributing to a household he brings up is raising children.Lainey defending, yawn
>now Sk is out of his life for good.So out of your life you still clearly think about her and make videos about her.
>He claims he is so happy he settledkek, did you ever, Gurg.
No. 601429
>>601408Dude! I had the same thoughts too ever since cuddlegate and people thought I was crazy and tinfoiling.
hugsSadly (if everything went according to Gregma’s plan), I could see Skye just standing there with cold eyes and a tiny smirk a-la-Lainey as Grease verbally and psychologically tortures Shi into submission thinking that at least it’s not her (Skye) being abused for once and is still Gretchen’s #1 gal.
No. 601462
>>601151Ugh, his framing of what a prenuptial agreement is, so frustrating. Impressionable young people, especially girls, listen to this shit and think it’s romantic to go marry your much older boyfriend, pop out some babies, and have no compensation if that time away from work just leaves you a single parent like Plain is deathly afraid of. Because anything else is just “greed and business”.
That’s as far as I can stand. First video I’ve watched in months and 42 seconds is all I can manage.
No. 601469
File: 1542617570175.png (47.08 KB, 592x438, Untitled.png)

Late night sperg.
No. 601471
File: 1542618047905.png (1.36 MB, 1334x750, 15EBDB8F-6FF7-4A54-A73F-277AB8…)

>>601298Holy fuck his response is a dumpster fire. It’s got everything that makes him a cow.
The obviously misogynistic costume (lol wamens wear makeup, how dumb hurr durr)
Making fun of something someone does right before doing it himself (makes fun of her vocal fry then plays clips of him doing the same thing with his voice)
Referring to himself as a veteran
Selecting complimentary comments and burying criticism
Thinking that being attractive to him is important
And a big reminder that criticising his appearance should always be considered on topic, because this fucker is pastey white from over exposing his face to kingdom come while making fun of a very attractive woman’s widow’s peak and eyebrows.
He has no chill; her humour was light-hearted, but his is just manic and malevolent.
No. 601473
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This is the face of desperation.
No. 601478
File: 1542618770950.jpeg (27.21 KB, 537x571, DBD54A60-0181-41FB-B936-D01EC8…)

>>601476All this unexplained hate, I just don’t know where it comes from. No one ever explains it to me. There’s just no reason. It just comes from nowhere. It’s a mystery.
No. 601479
>>601472Don't worry Greggypoo, we all know you're just a dumbass narc at worst. Looking forward to your black & white speaks video or whatever about how mean this girl was to you.
>>601476>MOST EVERYTHING I'VE DONE IS LEFT IN RUIN, BECAUSE LIES KILL PEOPLElol is that one of your song lyrics or something? If not, it should be - I can't wait for that too.
He's so mad (and possibly even sad?) this chick didn't take his bait and he got, rightfully, shamed for targeting her. Taylor prob feels hella smug tonight. Assuming Greg even talks to her about it kek.
No. 601482
File: 1542620347866.jpeg (256.52 KB, 1125x845, BCD5F874-0077-4DD2-B68A-C07A58…)

>It’s not my fault people hate me! It’s theirs!
No. 601498
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No. 601499
File: 1542626604499.jpeg (363.17 KB, 1125x1026, C6F66649-BBD8-4F7C-B236-025A41…)

He deleted a tweet that said he hated hipsters. With a poll asking his teen minions what type of people they hate. How pathetic.
No. 601507
File: 1542629107078.jpg (157.04 KB, 1067x825, 20181119_130358.jpg)

What result is he hoping to get?
Can't see the votes because he blocked me
No. 601509
File: 1542629733492.png (14.92 KB, 364x234, tempsnip.png)

>>601507I'm pretty sure this was what he wanted to see.
No. 601510
>>601507Is he still up right now? Isn't it like almost 5 am where he lives?
Did he really stay up all week3nd and sperg like a crazy person?
This is more like a severe manic stage of a bipolar cycle.
When he finally tires himself out and conks out, oh his kids and Taylor Elaine are gonna be so happy to have piece and quiet for a few hours.
Onion Boy is really, really really feeling his age and feeling his ugliness. Because he is negging Aeon Flux girl so hard. She has the facial type like B, ali, sh, so, yeah, he sees her as beautiful. So he's tearing her down to make her want to subconsciously defend herself, therby opening up the lines of communication between them.
>>600705And more tattoos for Taylor Elaine. Geez bitch, get a hobby! All her tats are of one incestual pedophile, boring!!
No. 601513
File: 1542630831448.jpg (154.6 KB, 1080x1089, IMG_20181119_123300.jpg)

>>601351He doesn't have the right
No. 601533
>>601513I start to think by going off on aeons in his video he actually just needed someone to go off on (like a scapegoat) to rant about his wife.
He attacked her brows > which Lame's are way worse lbr.
He attacked her hairline > his "emo boi tm husband" is literally balding
He attacked the way she speaks > Lamey isn't called Lame for nothing, because the way she talks is so lifeless and boring it puts you to sleep.
Onision isn't mad at strange aeons. He's mad at his wife..or himself for having to stay with his wife. And currently he's having a mental break because it was a reminder that cute girls (who's also a lesbian which we know is his fetish) like strange aeons see him for what he is.
No. 601606
File: 1542646459769.jpg (428.3 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181119-175236_Twi…)

Wow, Greg, going after Shane about everything. You are not better then Shane. Let it go.
No. 601607
File: 1542646463768.jpeg (202.73 KB, 1242x1192, B1BD04F8-F937-44BD-ADDD-19417E…)

He’s STILL sperging on Twitter, did he sleep at all? This pissed me off. His wife literally freaked out anytime someone asked if she was bi before he finally convinced her to come out as bi and now he’s going to talk
shit about SD because he didn’t know he was bi. He’s out now and fucking happy with a man. I’m tired of this piece of shit.
No. 601615
File: 1542647157994.jpg (338.31 KB, 810x1334, Screenshot_20181119-180046_Ope…)

Jesus, he's definitely in his midlife crisis
No. 601616
>>601606So when's he going to quit stalking shane
If someone making four videos about onion is stalking then by onions own definition all of his videos and tweets about Shane are indicating that onion is stalking him. Creepy. He just can't get over Shane can he…. He's just so jealous and in love
No. 601618
File: 1542647777902.jpg (136.99 KB, 1059x1146, IMG_20181119_121318.jpg)

Why won't he sperg about this??? I mean it's another woman with B-esque features and he's just glossed over.
No. 601629
>>601295>>601298I've never realized this, but the lipstick really emphasizes that he has weirdly shaped lips. No nitpicking, but I remember Lainey said that his "beautiful" lips are one feature she likes about him best.
Well, so much for that, he kinda ruined that for himself.
>>601217Save your money, anon. Just buy yourself a big cup of coffee or invite a friend and have coffee together, and then rejoice in not spending any money on Greg but enjoying it yourself or with a friend.
No. 601644
>>601482The first three lines sound like he's characterizing Lainey.
>>601501>This level of whininess is reminiscent of the Maya rambles after he "felt ugly".
>Not a good year for you Greg? Two attractive lesbians don't want you.This might be a perfect time to cast some more light on M's leaked messages. Maybe he'll address them this time.
In general he seems to have progressed to the next stage of his narc abuse cycle once more:
Feels threatened - Abuses others -
Becomes victim - Feels empowered
No. 601675
>>601657He's just so full of shit.
He would never even had success without Skye. She helped him build his channel, his website, his forums.
She filmed, edited and played characters. And this piece of shit acts like she did nothing but complain.
He just keeps telling himself she was a golddigging, useless woman so he feels better about himself. Just like he keeps telling himself he married her because of friendship.
He did love her, but he met teenage Shiloh who was a successful singer, so he just dumped Skye to get some of Shilohs fans.
Some say when he has the balls to leave Taylor he will make up lies for her.
he couldn't handle being with a man ,
she was more like a friend to him ,
he wants to be with a real woman.
Just some kind of bullshit so he can feel good about himself.
He's always making up lies to appear like a good guy in his own head.
If he'd acknowledge that he cheated on every partner he's had and that he's a lying piece of shit, he can't keep up his
mOsT hOnEsT yOuTuBeR facade.
No. 601678
>>601657Extra hilarious because he claims so often they only married because they were ~best buddies and only married so they could play video games every day.
Why would he assume she was marrying for love then?
Why would he not get a pre-nup and take her crying and saying he doesnt love her seriously?
Those 2 points dont make sense if they only married as friends.
No. 601680
File: 1542655607721.jpeg (432.72 KB, 1125x1053, A706C4C5-DEDA-4BD3-8FD4-08F9E3…)

Is this the hill he wants to die on?
No. 601682
File: 1542655851348.jpg (297.71 KB, 810x1248, Screenshot_20181119-203002_Ope…)

>>601680Seems like it. I'm predicting another 100 tweets today.
No. 601685
>>601682>if you’re in the closet you’re a liarTell that to the LGBT populations in the third world countries you claim to care so much about whenever a natural disaster/bombing happens. Do you suggest they should stop “”lying”” since they’re forced into the closet by governments and citizens who’d sooner have them eat bullets?
You really are a worthless sack of shit, arent you?
No. 601688
File: 1542656796811.jpeg (349.75 KB, 2048x936, 9024A60E-EA8D-46EE-BF21-C6132D…)

This was attached to his recent tweet.
Who knew he’d be back to calling Shane a pedophile?
No. 601692
>>601691And also that she said she was in denial for years? When she first got married to him and adamantly said she wasn’t bi?
He’s so fucking stupid I genuinely struggle to believe he believes half the shit he spews online. He has to be trolling. Seriously
No. 601706
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No. 601707
File: 1542658846711.jpeg (333.28 KB, 1125x840, 267C5F89-969C-479B-9D5F-14D1F6…)

True motive detected: bitch wants praise. In other news water is wet.
No. 601710
>>601707Fuck off greg people knew SR and Cyr were shitty before you said a thing.
However you want praise for making false allegations against shane with no proof? Even if he was one, You're not doing anything to save anyone, You haven't called the police or made any reports. This isn't in childrens best interest its purely self serving. So even in the hypothetical scenario that you are right about shane, You still come out looking like an ass thats exploiting the hypothetical victims for your own gain.
So either way, You're a fucking tit.
No. 601717
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No. 601719
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No. 601729
>>601707When was he ever friends with Shane? Give it up Onion. He has no fucking evidence and was never saying this shit until some dumbass channel created a video and immediately deleted it.
>>601725I’m pretty sure only one person asked her just to ask her. It is possible he was trying to tell his audience that, but I’m pretty sure she was just answering questions and someone randomly asked it. No one knew anything about her at the time and she had absolutely no personality so you couldn’t even try to speculate anything about her.
No. 601730
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No. 601731
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No. 601732
>>601717I tried to read all his circular logic about why his joke about skyping 6 year old boys is obviously different than shanes joke about a young girl eating a hotdog, but I just can't.
Sad thing is, I think Gurg truly believes he is being honest. He believes all the shit he spews out and believes his own demented explanations for why he changes his story and makes hypocritical comments.
No. 601735
File: 1542662274983.jpg (438.4 KB, 810x1862, Screenshot_20181119-221455_Ope…)

>You should never have to convince your partner to be poly
Oh, is that why you constantly search for a new teenage girl and why you pressure Taylor into getting another girlfriend?
I'm sure she talkes 24/7 about how much she wishes to get you another new girlfriend to fu…cuddle with!
No. 601739
>>601717>>Shane is an ugly pig with poor hygieneOh Gurg you and your kindergarten level insults. If ya can't make a valid point just mock someones appearance and hygiene.
>>601737Nah he wouldn't he'd try to get another chick into the relationship. He thinks all his relationships failed because of the other person, its NEVER his fault. He will never understand that he's the common denominator in all his fuck ups.
No. 601740
>>601735>>601717Damn, this pedo's comebacks are as bad as his books.
And everyone's giving him exactly what he wants, which is attention. He's like a child who says hateful things cause they know it'll make mommy give them attention, even if it's the bad kind and you may get a time-out.
No. 601742
File: 1542663852702.jpg (351.45 KB, 1080x1138, 20181119_223956.jpg)

What is his problem?
>remember when you said this thing about yourself and then it turned out not to be true?
>I was told this and then I was proven wrong! I know my life better than you!
It shows that he hasn't slept last night
No. 601759
File: 1542665169633.png (20.94 KB, 584x238, suing people is threatening to…)

No. 601762
>>601759Oh really Gerg?
You constantly put your family in danger, because you're an egomaniac who doesn't give a fuck about what consequences your daily bullshit has.
If you'd act like a decent human being no one would need to "threaten your family"
No. 601766
>>601739Agreed. Onion wouldn't be monogamous with Billie and use her bisexuality to his advantage.
Before Lamey came out as bi, her teen dating profile was found like other anons mentioned. Lameo and Onion were already married. The Lame One denied being bi, and neither addressed the profile publicly. At that time, it was believed Onion didn't trust bisexual partners because he made several vids and posts over the years stating how bisexuals were by nature going to cheat.
Deep down, though, Onion just wanted to be included.
With his then Lame wife actually having sexual curiosities towards the same sex, Onion encouraged her to explore them under the guise of being a supportive husband… A man who couldn't be jealous of his bio female partner being with another bio female. This was totes at odds with the same Onion who shamed previous gf A for receiving a massage from a woman because she, as a bisexual, is naturally prone to cheat, evidently turned down threesomes in his past, and showed jealousy towards individuals to whom previous were partners attracted regardless of bio sex.
He changed his tune within a few months. After facilitating and playing the supportive role in the journey of his wife's sexual orientation exploration, he became an active participant who showed jealousy or sense of unfairness that he wasn't as involved with the person that he originally encouraged his wife to date for her self. Then, his wife was being selfish for her jealously and mistrust.
But Onion has a history of retroactively altering his (and Lame's) past actions/motivations to fit his present narrative. Poly was always on the table when he encouraged Lame to date women, and he implies that he simply introduced the idea to Lame as shown in
The only time Onion admits he did anything wrong is when it's on his terms, and when things are on his terms it's a benefit to him mentally, emotionally, socially, or tangibly (materially). It's not something he does for the benefit of the other person after consciously considering their perspective/situation without any benefit to himself (real or imaginary). If he ever suddenly confirms all that Lame said about him pushing poly and being a selfish shitbag about her sexual curiosity, he's expecting something positive in return (like asspats from his delusional and impressionable fanbase about his wise bullshit epiphanies).
No. 601767
File: 1542666166505.jpg (57.48 KB, 710x171, sperg.jpg)

Funny how self-destructive he is. There's a direct correlation between him sperging out and him losing fans.
It's not just haturrrzz that find his tweets objectionable. His own fans can't stand him.
No. 601776
File: 1542668151048.jpg (346.48 KB, 809x1375, Screenshot_20181119-235501_Ope…)

Jesus Greg, help Taylor with the kids instead of sperging on Twitter like an autist
No. 601779
>>601776Fuck someones in a bad mood today and is extra spergy. Maybe anon here
>>601745 is right and he got a friendly call from the IRS today and is feeling extra self pity. Whatever it is it's entertaining as fuck to see a nearly 40 year old act like such a immature cunt. I can just see it now, Greg smashing at the keyboard, red faced, dripping with grease as his children and wife watch in fear as he screeches "THIS IS ALL BECAUSE SHANE WOULDN'T BE MY FRIEND!"
No. 601780
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No. 601784
>>601731He wasn't honest though? He's got videos where he admitted he manipulated the situation. He was trying to have his cake and stick his dick in it too.
>>601780None of this applies to slutty lesbians. I guess they're ok!
No. 601786
File: 1542670245766.jpg (105.39 KB, 880x732, lol_be_mad.JPG)

>>601779Greaseystein's spergs are unknowable and mysterious, but we can be 95% certain
>>601745 is partially right. The neighbor Smegenstein reported anonymously (because COWARD) for cutting his cattails down responded like an adult to the County instead of sperging, frothing, and hiring a retarded dipshit lawyer and got off, the case is resolved and closed. (Credit to Kiwi)
Smegma must must be SEETHING lol
No. 601788
>>601780This is truly a golden age of Gurgenstein because he
thinks he found a new way to get somewhat popular and get new, naive, underaged fan/victims in his greasy web - he's trying to be ultra W O K E because he's on this SJW kick (probably after seeing how his ugly Husband got so many tumbrlina fans simply by existing/whining in front of a crinkly Bi flag) trying to be the bestest LGBTQetc ally. Contrast to his prior "in the name of comedy" non-PCness (only works if you're actually funny, Smerg, you narc fuck).
He's already fucked it up by not only speaking over ACTUAL black women, transpeople, and gays as the wise fucking white man savior (LOL)- he also just can't help but show just how misogynistic and backwards he is. It really just highlights how utterly retarded and shallow he is.
No. 601790
>>601789Don't be mean, they just don't make them to be measured in millimeters. Poor Gergles
I wonder if his husband's clit is bigger than his microdick
No. 601791
File: 1542671153181.jpg (76.08 KB, 399x261, Fingercot.jpg)

>>601790Some one should tell him about fingercots.
Im sure they would fit snug.
No. 601821
>>601805>>601810Exactly. And from what we know about A, he forces himself onto girls the second he gets them in the room. We still don’t know how Lainey and Greg hooking up even started. If I’m being honest here I’m a little confused. From what we know Lainey has only had sex with one other person and it was someone she was uncomfortable with and who supposedly raped her. Are we seriously to believe that a girl who is inexperienced and has never had actual sex they consented to just willing to hop on a desk and fuck? The very first day they are with the guy in person? I just can’t imagine Lainey being like “yeah, fuck me on this desk.” After her last and only other sexual experience?
>>601811Kek, I thought the same.
No. 601827
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>>601821It would be believable if Taylor lied about her sexual past. Also if her private conversations with Greg were sexual and focused on how much they would fuck when they finally met….. but Taylor would never lie or misrepresent herself.
No. 601850
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>>601844He changed the title of his “reaction” video on Strange Aeons. She definitely got under his skin.
No. 601856
>>601850based on the 100% positive comments on the latest video, it seems he's not done spending all his time deleting comments.
but all I heard is that he can't take criticism and LITERALLY (kek) can't figure out why people dislike him.
He just needs to get off the internet for an extended period of time and do some serious introspection
No. 601861
>>601821Sage for blogging but I work in wellness/assault survivor office for a college and lainey for sure falls into one of the two categories of how rape survivors express their sexuality after an abusive relationship (from what I’ve noticed)
1) hypersexual/promiscuity (hooking up suddenly and making impulsive decisions in general)
2) Sex denial, as in pretending they never experienced it or ever even dated before.
She’s for sure number uno. It isn’t strange for people to hook up right after an assault. Greg 100% deliberately chose a damaged teen girl who would see him as god and get married in two seconds for a sense of stability. That’s not to say Lainey is a victim right now in her life, anyone can tell she knows how shitty he is and I personally believe she doesn’t even love him that much, she’s with him to prove the haterz wrong. She’s learned how to be abusive to others now because she’s infantilized herself.
No. 601876
>>601748All he had to do here was say "I tried to force my partner into poly and it was a disaster
insert dumb cuddlegate videos" and he would've been fine, but he just HAS to be there righteous one. If he admits that his attempt was a massive failure largely due to his own greed then he wouldn't feel confident enough to sperg about doing poly "the right way".
You know he's secretly eating it up that this guy is so impressed at his ability to pull young pussy regardless.
>>601780His knowledge of sex and sexuality is so lacking sometimes im surprised he ever managed to put it in the right hole long enough to get Plain knocked up.
>>601805Um, anon they were in a LEGAL, LOVING RELATIONSHIP. You can't be slutty with someone if you're dating and "in love" okay. That's why Greggy poo always makes sure to say I love you on the first date, because then it means the relationship is real and the sex is "lovemaking".
No. 601898
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I suppose he's going to continue to whine into the void. Perhaps some kind anon can let us of know there is any milk.
No. 601901
>>601861I understand what you are saying, but I'm pretty sure Lainey didn't hook up with Greg right after. I think it was months after. And even then, I still don't get it. I just can't believe that a girl inexperienced who has only ever had sex while being forced into it missionary style would be all for hopping on a desk for her second sexual experience with someone. If we're being honest here Greg doesn't give a fuck about what anyone has gone through unless he can use it to try and paint himself as a better person. So, I feel like he probably started groping her and put her on the desk the way he started forcing himself onto A. At that point though, Lainey had already allowed someone to treat her like shit sexually, so she probably didn't even think to tell him no. Obviously tinfoiling, but I just find Lainey to be so awkward, she can't even kiss someone. I just don't see her being that sexual in the beginning.
ntm she is in a relationship with someone who has basically said he believes men are entitled to their wive's bodies no matter what and a wife can't say no. she's done everything else to make him happy, including allowing him to use female pronouns while they have sex even though it
triggers her, so why wouldn't she let him do whatever he wanted with no complaints? which kind of sounds like assault now that I think about it. if being called she/her really
triggers Lainey so much, which I truly believe it does now only because she's said it does so much that she's convinced herself, how can you enjoy sex when your husband is using words that supposedly
trigger you?
No. 601902
>>601730"My spouse", you mean your husband. Stop disrespecting
No. 601910
>>601741Twitter probably has a separate set of rules for blue check marks. Unless he kills someone irl they won't do shit.
>>601759If beauty comes from within then throw away all your make up and stop editing your footage and photos. Also, stop making rating videos that are appearance based, etc… Hypocrite.
No. 601926
>>601922Really? Because when I watched a clip of his response to Strange, I thought he was trying to mimic the Joker's laugh. Now it makes sense.
>>601921Are you serious? When? That's a little bizarre if you were so traumatized by someone who was so abusive, why would you joke about them sexually?
No. 601928
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>>601926Yeah, he's obsessed.
No. 601930
>>601928And his obsession with Harley Quinn and dogs is really sick.
Hes brought it up so many times with his discordfags.
No. 601947
>>601938I don’t, I don’t get people who pretend she’s some victim. I just think it’s funny because she thinks it’s couples dressing up, but he’s got weird ulterior motives.
>>601940wtf what is his obsession with showing people porn. that’s like a creep. when you read about people who are into CP and shit, they always show their victims porn as a grooming tactic. that shit isn’t edgy or funny.
No. 601968
>>601922And he pretends he's fucking Harley when he dresses Taylor up.
>>601928tbh it makes perfect sense, but only if you don't actually know the lore. Like all those Suicide Squad fangirls and ppl who think it's #GOALS
Neither of them are deep or complex like the fictional fucking characters, though.
No. 601980
File: 1542705115335.webm (7.83 MB, 853x480, doghent.webm)
>>601940Here you go. Greg admits he masturbates to bestiality hentai.
No. 601987
File: 1542708219301.webm (3.67 MB, 144x108, Greg Talks About His Favorite …)
>>601980>>601978>>601936And here's another time he talked about his favorite Harley Quinn video.
Sorry for the quality, he was playing a video game and my capture program only grabbed the small screen overlay of him so its low quality.
At 00:35 you hear him mumble under his breath
>this is so fuckin' illegalHe knows what hes watching and encouraging his fans to search for and watch is illegal.
He seems to really be bonding with Fatbecca over it. I bet you if he had flown her down to the swamp she would of let him do anything to her, and I mean ANYTHING!
No. 601988
>>601298"She's in love with me"
So Greg is "in love" with all the people he obsessively posts videos about? All his exes? Eugenia Cooney? Jacklyn Glenn? Binkie Princess? Shane Dawson? How did he manage to let that slip?
No. 601994
>>601939Hmm kind of like he prob very recently got criticized by his own mother for not telling his kids to behave?
>>601988Makes sense. The grudge he's been holding over Shane really does come across like a scorned ex.
>>601980>>601987The fact that there are two videos about this kills me. The first time he shared his little secret and people's reaction was initial horror he should've realized normal people think you're a sick fuck for admitting to this but he keeps bringing it up.
No. 602003
>>601987Onion "its so weird but then you see HQ tits and
smolboner Go watch the end Becca with HQ tongue hanging out it feels so great to see HQ that turned on!!"
God, maybe there's a reason Lainey wants to lob her tits off, her husband's top kink is dog porn and bouncing tits
No. 602013
>>601928You see a LOT of couples dressed as Harley and the Joker at conventions. It's always the same type of couple too. You know the type I mean.
What I'm trying to say is it doesn't surprise me at all that Greg and Lainey are that type of couple.
No. 602114
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>>602065Im waiting for Podcast 8, where Gregory teaches us science.
No. 602125
>>601768He's a horrible author and can't write down a good or coherent sentence / paragraph to save his life. How do you expect him be able to have an educated discussion or even form coherent thoughts when he speaks?
He's not only bad at filming and editing, he's also really bad at communicating in general.
lol be mad
No. 602130
>>602065Good GOD, there is nothing quite so pathetic than an "enlightened atheist" pretending to know the Bible. Oh wait there is, a 32 year old "enlightened atheist" pretending to know the Bible.
t. Atheist
No. 602137
>>602065>"Some of you, maybe one or two, think I'm fucking out of my mind; which is… great. Some people are incapable of like… actually thinking. Like, for instance, like… I want you to listen to me like you would listen to, like, your best friend… or some shit, y'know? Because then you give me a chance
laughs If you listen to me like someone you fucking hate, or whatever, you're gonna hate every single thing I hear,
I say. It's it's amazing how like someone says something online and you can just… shit all over it or whatever; but someone says something to you sitting right in front of you and it's totally different approach for a lot of people. Give concepts a fair chance regardless of who it comes from."
>t. Guy complaining about Google interpretations of the Bible without any attempt to contextualize it. No. 602141
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Looks like someone can’t take the heat.
No. 602149
>>602141> most all> Bye guys.The butthurt is real.
Let's see how soon he returns to twitter because he's bored with and annoyed by all of his cash cows; I'll give him a generous five days.
No. 602164
>>602157>outdated and old-fashionedYou described Greg in a nutshell there.
Tinfoil but what if he even tried to push poly with Alicia and Skye? I know it’s a disgusting thing to think about but from what we know about Greg (and the fact he said Alicia’s name during sex) it really doesn’t seem like a huge stretch.
No. 602175
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>>602141Definitely haven't heard that one before.
No. 602177
>>602175>most everyWow it’s like a broken record.
What was this sperg about? Making fun of the Texas floods?
No. 602180
>>602141He's changed his tiers on patron again. Lowest tier is $3 highest $100, costs $50 for his twitter. The number of patrons don't make sense with his monthly income, there's got to be some patrons paying higher than $100.
Hilarious how he can con uglies out of money but if a pretty girl insults him everything is pointless and he becomes suicidal lol
No. 602197
>>602003I have a tinfoil that lainey won't leave because she literally would do anything for grease. Remember what he accused shiloh of? Getting a dog to lick her crotch and it bite her?
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if lainey let dobbs mount her to please greg.
No. 602204
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He couldnt leave quietly.
No. 602205
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>>60218023 names in the video credits, that should look real nice
No. 602212
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>>602208Yea, I hate myself for giving him the view, but I had to.
I cant believe that one girl broke him. Am I wrong or does it seem like his whole rant was him fuming over STRANGE ÆONS and how she made fun of his books, music and looks.
Her making fun of his looks seems to have really hit a nerve.
No. 602216
>>602213Lmao he is so upset that she went for his book holy shit. It’s actually hilarious, he stayed up until 3 am upset because a girl criticized a shitty book he wrote years ago. And THAT is what he thinks should be out of bounds when it comes to videos? His books/songs? He would die in the real world. Imagine him even writing a college paper and how much he would rage if the teacher gave him a low mark. Guess what onion, just becsuse you spend time on something does not mean people have to praise it. He self published books publicly, if you do that then expect people to criticize your work either good or badly. If it’s badly then take the advice and improve. But nope onion thinks he’s a god and his work needs to be respected.
Also lol at how he’s so butt hurt she mentioned his appearance.
No. 602218
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okay, Greg. Sure
No. 602219
>>602141>>602204>>602218Ahahaha how pathetic! He couldn't last a COUPLE OF HOURS away from his main. Guess he's pissy that his actual fanbase is so tiny and nobody is willing to pay 50 fucking dollars to hear him sperg on his private twitter.
Whoever gave him 5 days, You were way too generous my love.
No. 602223
>>602222He doesn't bother to say we anymore. He's so painfully obvious he wants a new bitch.
Also funny how he wants a mature woman now, Guess laineys constant self infantizing has finally gotten to him.
Maybe he should just be done with it and shack up with his aunt kelly.
No. 602224
>>602213its pretty much a carbon copy of his latest uhohbro video with less emphasis on Aeon in particular.
Shit like this is what makes me think he truly believes he is a good person.
He doesn't think he is constantly twisting the truth to fit whatever agenda he is currently angling towards.(despite people constantly pointing out times he contradicts himself)
If he secretly knew he was a lying manipulator, he wouldn't be so pressed about this. I really do think he is so delusional he truly believes he is righteous and true.
Which is actually scarier in a way, because if he really believes his own bullshit, there is definitely no chance he will finally grow up and change.
No. 602228
>>602213funnily enough: This video was recommended on this pathetic rant about how HONEST he always is. at 8:31 he straight up admits most of the things he says on video/social is a lie.
No. 602240
>>602218My brain is exploding thinking of any 35 year old woman that would be willing to get involved with him.
Maybe he wants someone older in the mix so he can look younger by contrast.
He should have three partners one to be his young pixie magic girl/one doormat and caretaker/ one older person to make him not look like he’s only interested in 16-21.
No. 602245
>>602218>>602213Lol this fucking bitch. Cmon Greg
be honest you don't have time to watch every hate video but you love to lurk the informative lc forums. You're bullshit will always be archived here.
No. 602249
>>602218Calling mid 20s women "older women" aside, I'm kekking at him publically saying "Same applies to ftm trans and nonbinary people" immediately after, basically saying that he considers them women too. To his sjw fanbase.
Waiting as he gets dragged for -transphobia- lmao, imagine a female Youtuber writing that she's attracted to "older men, including mtf trans people".
No. 602268
>>602249>>602263>>602265I don’t think he wants another transtrender girlfriend and really does just highlight however much he humors lainey he will only see her as female.
It’s pretty clear to everyone that he would only date a girl who looks fully like a girl but self-identifies as male.
He says he would date a trans person who’s ftm but could you ever in a million years see him dating someone like Kalvin G? Um never. He’s actually transitioned and loves his life like an actual guy and isn’t trending like Lainey.
No. 602270
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No. 602293
>>602270>Go sleep with your bf/gfIs this code for "get fucked", or am I reading too much into it? Is he telling the haters to get fucked?
>>602218Cool story Greg, how come you've never initiated a relationship with anyone below the age of 23 then?
No. 602296
>>602293I felt the same way. He paused at this point in typing out the tweet and put his finger to his chin and pondered "what do I do on a daily basis?"
Im surprised he didnt tweet
>Like go make and edit a video, go fuck your ugly wife, go watch bestiality hentai. No. 602304
>>602283What dumb is he claimed he will be tweeting to his patrons only, then immediately makes a post for non patrons about his patron-only content.
No surprise he is still fishing for new people to pay him to read his awful book. BUT DONT YOU DARE CRITICIZE IT!!!!!!!
No. 602307
>>602305Exactly, like fuck I can’t stand Anne Rice as a person but I can admit when she writes a good book. But I guess according to his tweet
>>602270 I’m a psycho for reading(and enjoying) her work regardless of how I feel about the author.
No. 602312
>>602307>>602305And Faulkner who is a misogynistic piece of shit, but god damn if he didn't write beautifully.
You really gotta lean back and laugh when you realize that Greg didn't tweet that because he's suddenly feeling insecure about his writing or he's considered the large amount of negative feedback. It's that a young, nice looking girl ripped on him. That's fucking it. Greg is special needs.
No. 602329
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Bruh fucking let it go.
No. 602335
>>602270Exactly in the way he pretends to forget how to say someone's name to be condescending to them, he constantly overlooks the fact she is a lesbian on purpose.
In his response, he makes jokes about her wanting to fuck him, takes her out of context and calls her homophobic and boasts about his partner being 'a member of the lgbt'
As Greg only sees women as holes it infuriates him that she doesn't nor will ever want to fuck him. If she wasn't a hater, and was praising him, he'd be sucking her dick on twitter and virtue signalling the fuck out of her. He'd probably mention some lgbt whiteknight tweet after retweeting her good review.
But since it's a negative review and she's made it clear she hate watches him with amusement and fascination, he can't deal with it.
If this was early days Onision, in the bisexual slut shaming days, he totally would have gone off at her in a video and called her a dumb angry jealous dyke who only hates him because she hates men.
But because this is post 'Lainey is a boy and i fuck twinks' Greg, who knows his homophobia will backfire, he decides to erase her sexuality completely.
He did it with Kalvin by calling him they/them. He does this shit on purpose to be condescending.
Jessie Paege is somehow amazing to him for making a video crying about being bisexual and coming out of the closet, but homosexuals that choose to stay in the closet are homophobes. Trans people who don't like transtrenders are transphobes.
And in this case, a lesbian who doesn't like him? She's a fucking bitch manhater in his brain.
He only virtue signals and obsesses about lgbt people because it makes him feel like a better person.
He's only virtue signalling Jessie Paege because he wants her poon.
If Jessie was making hate videos about him with Jacyln Glenn, he totally would have gone down the social repose route and bashed her for making an overly dramatic coming out video for simply being bi and would have also called her homophobic like he accused Shane of being, because Shane cried in his coming out video and Lainey didn't so therefore he hatess being gay!
No. 602340
My partner walked in on me watching the strange aeons video and I gave him context and showed him a couple reviews of the music/forums ect (he'd never heard of Onision) and at first he laughed and said
'His music videos seem funny though, like almost 'The Room' quality bad.
Then when I showed him Greg's responses his tone immediately changed. He was like 'wow, he's really not taking this well, I feel like there's something off and weird about this guy, he seems like a gigantic dick'
I was thinking about it and came to the conclusion that Greg's ego really fucked him up when it came to his career. Like if he had 'owned' the cringe and learned to laugh at himself he could have gone down the route of the early you tubers like Shane. It hurts to know that people think your writing and music are jokes, but Tommy Wiseau and many others have profited off cringe inducing bad content.
He takes himself too seriously.
He could have even made a career as a troll and kept his shitty opinions, there are many famous off that shit too like woahvicky or any of these ill mannered Dr Phil rejects. But he even sucks at being a troll because he shares too much of his actual life in there and spazzed out on livestreams too much that people KNOW he's actually a shit person irl.
His trolling isn't the type you get successful for because he flip flops between being a troll and being a wannabe do-gooder. You have to be consistent or do an entire character overhaul and stay that way. He jumps from bad guy to good guy, desperately trying to be what he thinks will get views not realising it just makes him look even worse.
He doesn't stick with a theme, he tries to make comedy, turns it to cringe and hates that everyone sees it as cringe. Then he gets mad and tries to be a troll but his trolling is basically just venting about his exes or people while trying to be edgy and in a way doxxing them by releasing private info and details about their lives.
People don't find it funny so he rages about how his harassment of these people is just him being honest.
He can try all the methods in the world to change his channel and content but it will never work because he can't be consistent nor can he take critisism.
Tommy Wiseau probably poured his heart out into the room only to be told his movie is the worst movie ever. Years later he is doing well and even having movies made about his own movie.
He can't keep saying shit and pretending to act like he's doing some Alex Jones type shit and it's all comedy but then argue he's not being taken seriously. He'd probably argue that he does all this on purpose but he's released so much shit on himself everyone can see he's actually a shitty unfunny person who overshares, not an Andy Kaufman type genius that trolls the world with his antics.(blogging)
No. 602347
File: 1542765905934.jpg (139.99 KB, 750x780, strange aeons social blade 2.j…)

>>602326Hilariously, Gerg's little sperg has probably driven traffic to her channel. Her Social Blade shows figures he hasn't seen in a loooong time.Stay mad, Greg.
No. 602350
>>602347Strange Aeon's video:617,736 views
Greg's video:31,440 views
He really is butthurt a cute witty gay alt. girl finds his antics amusing. What a sad little man with small dick energy.
No. 602354
>>602340>he takes himself too seriouslyAnon he made MUTLIPLE viral music videos, he knows talent.
No. 602368
>>602365Yeah but there's still more of his cringe inducing music to review and even though stones to abbifags was the cherry on top of the cancer cake, there's probably more golden moments in his other weird literature.
Another one I could see being funny is if she rated his photos in a video like done in the style that he rates teenagers. I think she has the charisma to pull it off. But Gerg will just screech she's picking physical flaws and it has the potential to be seen as a low blow.
No. 602376
>>602365You mean the part about them giving each other oral all day and only stopping for drinks of water didn’t get you hot?
Sparkly vampires are actually better by comparison.
No. 602381
>>602370>>602369I like that she rags on his music and shitty books. Like another anon it's what he really cares about.
He wouldn't care if she was just another commentary channel, it's a critique of his 'art'
No. 602391
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Have y'all read what the description to his "book" is on amazon? Teya (strange aeons) was right, james is the onion man himself.
No. 602411
>>602381It's not so different from when Onion hopped onto the feminism bandwagon to shield himself from criticism. Blaire White talked about being against feminism. She's cute enough to perk Greg's interest, so he made a video thinking he would would tell this little lady why she's dumb and wrong. Then she'd say, "Sorry, Daddy! You're soooooo right!". And she would beg to suck his dick.
Then it turned out "Blaire" used to be "Robert" and Onion somehow wasn't aware of that. Hoo boy, did that ever rustle his jimmies.
Say what you want about Blaire, but the spergout from that was glorious.
No. 602413
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>>602377It's in Stones to Abbifail.
He made a post on Tumblr complaining about the writing in Haunting of Hill House but this is the kind of writing he thinks is quality.
No. 602431
>>602430i need to listen to her reaper's creek, i can't slog through the text. it's immensely stupider than his other two books, but too faux-cerebral to slog through for the hilarity of it. it doesn't beat shit like
>>602413 when it comes to hamfisted writing. it reads too 'diary of a teenage edgelord', stones to abbifail would be a my immortal tier piece of trollfiction if it was ironic.
No. 602436
>>602065Holy shit. Listened to 8 minutes of this and now I want to off myself.
He legitimately makes 0 goddamn sense. He starts the podcast off my saying he created Sicesca when he WAS 17. Okay whatever, obviously the religion is going to suck. But then he goes off on a 2 minute tangent about Noah's Ark and how it "made no sense", and I felt so annoyed because I wanted to hear about HIS religion not the same story I've heard 100 times before. So I'm like, alright, obviously Greg created this dumbass religion in response to the nonsense of Christianity, sure, but then he goes off about wanting a religion that has no leaders. Who knows what that means. No leaders, as in no Gods? Or no pastor types? Dunno.
But then Sisesca. So basically, he says that Sisesca worships the Earth. The Earth is what created us, it should be the most important thing in our lives. Its why we're here. Yeah man, I can get on that boat. I'm fucking Pagan, sure. BUT THEN, he starts to say that the Earth created us. Dinosaurs were on the Earth before, but the Earth says to itself, he laughs and says yeah it talks to itself, that dinosaurs and their tiny lizard arms cant protect it. So the earth creates humans who can protect it and create shields. He literally says shields. Who knows what that means. And then he goes on another tangent about Christianity and how it doesnt make sense that a God would create us and our planet and care about us but also create every other planet. Therefore it's reasonable to worship the earth.
I didnt finish it, but he's a psycho and made 0 arguments that made any sense. I'm literally confused because he made this stupid "religion" and apparently is still standing by this idea at 33 without reason. How is his religion more reasonable that Christianity? I dont even know
No. 602456
>>602443Goddamn. How in the fuck is that more reasonable and logical than Christianity? Even at 17 and creating a religion that opposes judeo-Christian ideology, how do aliens make more sense? Or a talking earth?
And about his "respects the earth" claim, how does that correlate when he's taking machinery and fucking up his backyard and swamp?
He wrote an ENTIRE website and religious book about Sisesca, where the basis is in respecting the earth lol how does someone who obviously still believes it happen to forget about that stance years later?
He's honestly a ridiculous human being.
No. 602458
>>602456Or…he could be hiding FAXX about the true purpose of Sicesca (being
the leader and god) to downplay for his dumbass minions. of how everyone feels about someguy, he does give a breakdown of Sicesca. Mind the autistic screeching
No. 602468
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>>602164I'd say you're right, anon. It's pretty obvious that even though he hates his father, he imitates almost everything he does. They were Latter Day Saints right? They practice polygamy. We also have to consider that he was working on a cult (desired power in a community, just like daddy). I'd say if his cult had taken off, he would have written something into the teachings that polygamy is acceptable. The closest thing to marriage I could find on the Sicesca website was pic related.
No. 602489
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Thot admitted to liking Tik Tok which isn’t surprising in the least since her wardrobe closely resembles the preteen boys that flood the app kek. Photo was taken at the twenty one pilots concert she went to with her “ex”
No. 602491
>>602369This is the first time I ever heard parts of his more earnest music. I'm not quite the masochist, but I thought I'd give this girl a view and finally listen to everyone was talking about. Holy shit is it bad. It was nice getting a highlight instead of putting myself through actually listening to them.
So, I'm Greg's age or an "older woman"(kek) and I'm pretty impressed at how well spoken this girl is for her age. I think Greg is used to his fan base and Lainey who all seem to be a few developmentally steps behind verbally, so it must have really fucked with him to see such a young girl be able to present a concise, well spoken argument against his music. He probably racked his brain all night trying to use fax and logic but degraded into laughing at her looks despite actually thinking she's attractive.
No. 602498
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>>602489It’s funny you bring this up because I was reading the comments on her post and she tries to act like sooooo many people wanted to meet her when in reality only 7 people commented and two others replied to comments, making that a whopping 9 people wanting to meet her. And only one person posted a photo and tagged her. Where are the rest of the fans dying to meet THE Laineybot? Kek
No. 602541
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Lainey’s mom is in town. Maybe she’ll talk some sense into her delusional daughter.
No. 602543
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No. 602551
>>602219Ah damn. I thought he had enough self control to keep himself busy sperging via his private twitter and making whiny black and white videos or unfunny "skits".
Then again it's a lot funnier this way, when the most honest YouTuber can't even keep a promise he made to himself.
>>602227>Referring to mid 20s to mid 30s as “older women” when he’s 33. Okay Greg! This tweet seems authenticMy thought exactly. It only highlights that he prefers teens / tweens - he constantly outs himself and then tries to cover his tracks and reeees about people who point out his hypocrisy.
I still marvel at the fact that he has followers who don't realize how uneducated he is.
>>602247 Yup.
>>602324>Funny actually because Greg keeps saying she insulted his book because she hated him already. […] his work is just lazy and badly thought out. Who wants to bet the new chapter was written within the last 24 hours. WOW Greg this will totally prove those haters wrong that you actually know how to write and put time and effort into it.Inbe4 he makes Lainey his ghost writer since she quit her YT, but the bucks need to be rolling in. I know he'd never do that since it would shatter his fragile ego, but it would be fun nevertheless. At least Lainey should know something about structuring texts from writing papers for her "bitchelor" in psychology.
No. 602557
File: 1542825590386.webm (3.16 MB, 480x268, 0884567111.webm)
Greg is so bewildered at the hate hes getting for those videos he made about Strange Aeon "she did it first guys"
But he seems to think she insulted him worse than she actually did.
Does he have some type of Dissociative Disorder? Im sure if someone calmly told him "Greg please shut up" he would play it over and over in his head and stew about it, and when re-telling the story to his fans Gregs recap would be "and then they guy is one inch from my face and hes spitting and screaming WHY DONT YOU SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT IM GOING TO KILL YOUR FUCKING FAMILY!!!!"
Gregs reaction to being slapped or hit would be overkill Im sure. And he would think hes in the right because the other person touched him first. Mind you it would have to be a female. Gregs a pussy when it comes to conflict with males IRL as we've all seen in that video where that long haired dude pushes him and slaps a drink out of his hand.
No. 602580
File: 1542829231490.jpg (1.39 MB, 2421x2422, bts-tout.jpg)

>>602489>>602578Is she going for that current BTS look?
No. 602582
>>602543>Flower kingMore like filter King
Sorry, no, you'll never qualify as a king, Lame. You weak ass snowflake
No. 602602
>>602340lmao how tf is this blogging?? anon very briefly mentioned showing their bf the video, the rest was literally just what we all do in this thread which is talking about how fucked greg is, not even armchairing
y'all need to sort your shit out
No. 602603
File: 1542833079616.jpeg (290.02 KB, 750x574, 00B305D9-9057-4D16-8F58-E669F0…)

No. 602606
File: 1542834354491.webm (7.06 MB, 440x350, For Months.webm)
>>602594>her video of his book isn't even the worst and yet he's so balls-to-the-wall crazy madLainey has given us a peek at the behind the scenes reaction Greg has to criticism. And her description is probably glossed over because she has those rose colored glasses on when ever she looks at her handsome man.
I was going to say I feel sorry for Lainey this week, but shes in this relationship for the long haul. Can you imagine the tantrums hes throwing? Im sure hes taking it out on her and the kids. As pissed off as he seems on these videos hes made about Strange Aeons, Im sure his behavior out of the public eye is worse. Its like the cartoon of the husband getting shit on at work all day, walking up to the front door of his home, red faced and steam coming out the top of his head, trying to keep his composure. But once behind close doors shit hits the fan.
No. 602617
File: 1542835570162.jpg (36.04 KB, 692x279, 4.jpg)

>>602612I dont even know what to say.
No. 602622
>>602612Jebus. He's not "drunk" by any stretch of the imagination. If you watch, the volume in the bottle doesn't change when he drinks, but it's noticeably lower when Lame does.
Even giving him the benefit of the doubt that he actually did take a sip, they were so small that I doubt the combined volume would fill a shot glass. And a shot glass of wine isn't getting anyone drunk, not even his preteen fan base.
No. 602624
File: 1542836315643.png (429.05 KB, 551x393, ben_stiller_simple_jack.PNG)

>>602619>>602617Even Simple Jacks cut looked better in the back.
No. 602632
File: 1542838087217.png (25.02 KB, 301x473, lolrip.png)

this isn't milk, but there's a tumblr post going around about how ugly onision is with 14k+ notes and all the comments are absolutely ripping him apart. i always forget that most of the internet finds him as repulsive as we do. No. 602634
>>602631samefag, nevermind I watched it again and I think it might have been the doorway to their bedroom. Even so, I find it repulsive that Lainey's mother is staying with them and while they're making a video of them getting drunk, Lainey already has her mom upstairs vaccuuming and watching the kids. And Greg makes a joke about an old woman upstairs. Like yes, make fun of your wife's mother who is cleaning your house and watching your kids so you can be fuck ups.
>>602603>L: I drink occasionally>G: We don't drink. >G: I'm going to throw this out when we're done with this video.Yes, Grugly, continue speaking for your grown wife who most likely purchased the alcohol with her own money.
>>602624Greg looks like Carl from Slingblade.
No. 602650
File: 1542843511828.png (33.17 KB, 307x432, unknown(1).png)

>>602638How long til he catches wind of this post and makes another "WEHH I FEEL UGLY" video? I haven't seen this much concentrated onion hate anywhere but here.
No. 602657
>>602651Well, he started his career by mimicking Shane Dawson and has made a "career" out of copying people.
Jake Paul
The Joker
(I know I've said Shane Dawson already, but he straight up stole the character Shanaynay and still uses it to this day)
Just to name a few… if anyone can think of any more, post. There's 109384032498 more but I can't think of them off the top of my head.
No. 602693
>>602504lol shit good point.
>>602541>Thanksgiving with the Onionswew
>>602542It's amazing what actually going to school and making an effort results in vs edubirdie slag so you can rub against half a baby carrot on a desk
No. 602697
>>602551If the Greg who didn't want to use his public didn't give Greg who is a manic psycho the password then this wouldn't have happened. It's not psycho Greg's fault that Greg who wants to quit can't handle the truth.
… some how I made that whole "if you don't specifically say not to do x, I will do x" even more jumbled and crazy sounding.
No. 602698
>>602557Greg spazzes out so much he forgot (allegedly, but I almost believe it) when he called Blaire a cunt like 8 million times. Someone came into his Discord(?) or whatever and played the audio, and he was like "is that me???".
He can't even keep up with his own bullshit, no wonder he reads hate forums. We're like his secretaries.
No. 602707
>>602705If Lainey thought him talking about stuff for months was bad, she's gonna have trouble listening to him going on about that post of a year.
Just kidding, Greg will be incapable of reading over a dozen of them, tops.
No. 602709
>>602697>normal Greg and psycho Greg Maybe this dude really has multiple personalities. He did say that “Onision” was one of his “alters”, if you will…back in 2002.
Video related
No. 602712
>>602701Wtf is Greg's problem with alcohol anyways. Like I get being scared to try weed cause it's illegal and we all know how Greg contacts his attorney to make sure he's not doing anything illegal. But alcohol? Is he truly afraid he'll become an alcoholic? That's just fucking ignorant. Having a few drinks every once in a while is fine. I can't believe Lainey puts up with this shit. She literally doesn't even eat meat anymore and has to tiptoe around getting drinks with a friend (she can't even be friends with anymore) because her husband forbids it. For someone who pretends they are a special snowflake in society, Lainey bends over with a smile on her face for traditional gender/family roles. She cooks, cleans, obeys, pops out spawn and pleases her husband sexually. She is literally a woman in the 50s.
Also, tinfoil he's going to try and use his current insecurity about being ugly to convince Lainey to lure another teen to the house to make him feel better.
No. 602720
>>602716Oh God, he's wearing a DARE shirt. DO schools even still have DARE programs?
I'm one of those people who doesn't drink and hates smoking, pot, etc (for myself, not others) and even I thought that shit was corny.
How can someone be such an obnoxious edgelord AND an uptight stick in the mud all at the same time?
No. 602722
File: 1542854999731.jpeg (140.3 KB, 1242x733, 2FACC536-9853-4E53-8FD1-99AF9D…)

>>602721Forgot to add screenshot
No. 602723
>>602720I'm pretty sure this pic was during hs or right after ahhaha. It's on his fucking Myspace.
>>602721OK, I was like, "her face isn't even the same wtf".
I feel like Greg will attack the dumb girl for the gender shit.
No. 602725
>>602719"He looks like the emo afterbirth of Glenn Close"
No. 602734
>>602731am I reading this wrong?
are you saying that Lainey has liked all your 16yr old cousins pics on instagram or something?
No. 602736
>>602731Show her the archive anon
>>>/pt/511709 They're absolute predators 100%
No. 602741
File: 1542864578981.jpg (21.71 KB, 355x351, 936.jpg)

>>602731okay, not to be that guy but, proof?
No. 602750
>>602747anon, it's literally against the sites rules.
>5b Do not share names, pictures, or social media of people unrelated to the drama being discussed, for example family members, friends, or coworkers.You don't need a picture of a 16 year old. You can either believe Lainey likes the girls pics or not. It isn't like Lainey doesn't like pictures of girls she thinks are cute despite their age anyways. This is a random anon just saying that they warned their kid cousin off the Onions. She has nothing to do with them.
No. 602754
File: 1542869413692.png (68.5 KB, 615x430, dumbaf.png)

>>602753How is it being discussed by me? I'm not the anon who mentioned their cousin and that was my only post. The problem is that people are demanding pics of a 16 year old that has absolutely nothing to do with Lainey or Greg because Lainey may have liked a picture of her? Anyways drop it, it's going to start derailing the thread. Lainey likes pics of girls all the time, I don't see how this matters. Anon warned their cousin, okay. What is even the point in this discussion?
Anyways, Greg admitted he wasn't really drunk in the video and this tweet makes no sense.
No. 602755
File: 1542869756741.jpg (786.01 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20181122-015245_Sam…)

I saw this on my youtube feed and thought it was Onion boy beating a dead horse and using the banana crap again for views
Turns out its GMM, a very successful and big youtube channel. I'm curious if itll trigger Greg into more mindless rants
No. 602757
>>602754He's such an idiot help
Why pretend to be drunk? Lainey doesnt post joke videos, they're normally "serious", or atleast in her "style" which is still non comedic. I hate him oh my god
No. 602758
File: 1542869931398.png (13.97 KB, 584x127, yeahright.png)

>says he's going to stay off all social media for thanksgiving
>while implying he's going to be working on new content the entire time he's off social media to post it right after his forced break
This guy is a tool. He can't even stay off social media for anniversary sukmi. There's no way he's going to stay off for thanksgiving. He spends every holiday in his dungeon. If he actually hangs out with Lainey and the kids tomorrow, it'll only be out of obligation to appear like he's a good husband because her mother is there. Then again, he might lock himself away because her mother is there. I wouldn't want to sit across the table and eat dinner with a woman I publicly talked shit about on the Internet.
No. 602759
File: 1542869959808.jpg (67.47 KB, 487x440, 542uH1qm4rc3.jpg)

>>602754>The problem is that people are demanding pics of a 16 year old No ones demanding photos of the 16 year old.
Showing that Lainey is liking or commenting on photos could be done like the photo attached. With the actual photo that was liked/commented on blurred or censored out. In this example the Josh guy would be Lainey.
No. 602760
>>602759dude maybe let it go
you're just kind of being weird at this point, anon has no obligation to post any proof when all they said was a pretty non-milky "hey glad i can warn my family member away from these creeps," it wasn't even really bait. no1curr, and you're trying really hard to get info on a 16 year old man
No. 602761
>>602760>you're trying really hard to get info on a 16 year old manYou're pushing that false narrative.
In that pic above, where can you find any info on the owner of the Instagram account? You cant.
At this point it seems like you may be a stan hoping Foot isnt exposed for attempting to groom a 16 year old.
Please show me where in that example pic you can see the photo that was liked, or if the owner of the Instagram is male, female, 18 or 80.
Please do.
No. 602762
>>602760Thank you!
>>602761Dude, we're different anons telling you to drop it. You keep responding to me, but it ain't me pal. You're being a creep at this point. And you're really starting to derail the thread.
>>602757He's immature as fuck. We could all tell he was pretending to be drunk in the video, but he was being so extra. His wife's mother is staying with them and he's jumping around, screaming and being a complete fool because he wants to play drunk.
No. 602763
>>602762multiple anons are asking for
proof like
>>602759 provided. ffs.
No. 602765
>>602762There's nothing wrong for asking for proof lmao.
Stop reaching, someone brought up Lainey was liking her 16 year old cousin's picture and we'd rather not rely on hearsay. There's more than one anon asking for proof. Don't make a claim if you can't back it up. It's an imageboard.
No. 602766
>>602762Each time Ive commented Ive quoted the post I was responding to. If it was two different anon, then it was two different ones. Big deal.
>You keep responding to me, but it ain't me pal.Ive only responded twice, if either of these are you
>>602754>The problem is that people are demanding pics of a 16 year old>>602760>you're trying really hard to get info on a 16 year old manthen yeah, it is you, and I was responding to YOU.
Dont avoid the fact that you cant tell the age or sex of the owner of the Instagram that is being liked. The only person shown is "Josh" and that would be replaced with Laineybot if the screenshot was shared.
Dont fall back on "your trying to see a 16 year olds photo" because we arent. I really think SOMEONES sticking up for Lainey.
No. 602769
>>602766Why do anons always get so hurt and start sperging about how people are defending Greg or Lainey? You can disagree with the anons being weird. We’re all here because we can’t stand Lainey and Greg. And some of us don’t give a shit if Lainey did or didn’t like a pic of a 16 year old.
Ya’ll out here throwing fits cause you want proof but what is a screenshot of “Laineybot liked your photo” gonna do for you? Why are you all derailing the thread when we could be talking about Greg’s bullshit break from social media cause he’s pretending he’s going to spend the holiday with his wife and kids? Or something else actually related to the two.
No. 602770
>>602758how long did he last when he swore that the only way he'd be posting on Twitter was behind the hugbox of his prime account? an hour? 2 hours?
yeah. i give it 'til 8am. 9 at the outside.
>>602766oh fucking drop it. seriously.
Lainey comments on an endless string of high school girls' pictures. you don't want to believe one random person is glad she can warn her cousin about a predatory cow and her even slimier husband? have at it.
what's so unbelievable about it is beyond me. and the kind of 'proof' you're asking for is SO easily faked that I could do it.
No. 602771
>>602758how long did he last when he swore that the only way he'd be posting on Twitter was behind the hugbox of his prime account? an hour? 2 hours?
yeah. i give it 'til 8am. 9 at the outside.
>>602766oh fucking drop it. seriously.
Lainey comments on an endless string of high school girls' pictures. you don't want to believe one random person is glad she can warn her cousin about a predatory cow and her even slimier husband? have at it.
what's so unbelievable about it is beyond me. and the kind of 'proof' you're asking for is SO easily faked that I could do it.
No. 602773
>>602755Greg doesn't own the Banana suit franchise. People have been dressing up in these stupid outfits since "bananas in pajamas" days.
I despise him and his planet sized arrogance.
No. 602775
>>602769>>602770Cool, if you now want to say that the proof could be faked, or this persons cousin is just another drop in the ocean of young girls who Lainey low key stalks, and thats the reason the topic should be dropped, Ill drop it.
Just dont try spinning it with "you guys are so creepy wanting a 16 year old girls photo" and when its shown that proof can be screencapped without the owner of the Instagram being shown its suddenly "oh anon no one cares"
Pick a gripe. Dont play hysterical mom "BUT THE CHILDREN!"
No. 602785
>>602784I know the odds of it happening are likely zero, but I really, really want Sarah to realize what a creepy loser Lainey is and to leak any and all messages from anywhere, and accompany those leaks with every detail she can think of. That would be lovely.
>>602775you do realize you're screeching at multiple people, right? there isn't just one person telling you you're an idiot.
No. 602787
>>602782and Ill reiterate-
Don't try using "you guys are creepy for wanting a 16 year olds photos"
and when you get your ass BTFO with examples on how to do it without exposing the identity of the Instagram owner you flip it and backtrack like a bitch saying "oh no one cares" "lainey does that to a bunch of girls"
Thanks for the well wishes, Ill be enjoying that turkey, hope you do too.
>>602785wasn't screeching, don't be histrionic, not everyone that makes you look foolish is yelling at you.
And you do know that multiple people were asking for proof, right?
Just sayin'
No. 602788
File: 1542875653941.png (23.59 KB, 713x152, september-30th.png)

>>602782>>602785There's not just one anon who disagrees with you, drop the topic already.
>>602787Just move on. Some anons are gonna be salty because people asked for proof on a imageboard.
>>602779>>602784Regina claimed that Sarah left the server because she was focusing on school back (or something along those lines) in September but, school doesn't make you unfollow your "best friend" on all her social media accounts.
No. 602793
File: 1542876938886.jpg (13.69 KB, 320x240, garth.jpg)

>>602391> I haven't even read a book cover to cover in 14 years aside from Stones to Abbigale.lolol yeah it shows when you use a phrase like "to be blunt" before stating that it's your first book.
>>602065lol I thought this was a joke like the DNA podcast one, but it's real
No. 602795
File: 1542877283109.png (397.4 KB, 548x666, DEBUNKEDDDDD.png) (Onision = Honest Memology Completely Debunked)
Only Onionboi is HAAANEST.
No. 602806
File: 1542879799719.png (233.3 KB, 494x346, red hair.PNG)

>>602795>red hair>"red"nice obv dyed hair, grandpa greg. im sure the chicks at panero will be impressed
No. 602808
>>602795why would you read a book if you hate it obv everyone loves my book
I'm barely fucking paraphrasing him here. He's so
triggered and illiterate, but we already knew that.
No. 602813
>>602795>if someone says you stuff your bra you flash your boobsShow as your teeny weeny you sick fuck.
>can't even queue up his own complaints properly
>YOU CANT POST STOLEN PATREON CONTENTIn Greg's defense, this milk is a fucking year old.
No. 602818
File: 1542882951528.jpeg (112.5 KB, 750x446, E953088F-1930-4EEF-BBC0-77E05B…)

>01:07Top fucking kek. Teya, you really got under Grot’s (incredible, incurable) skin (disease).
No. 602842
>>602795>>602801>Did they ban him from livestreaming on youtube because he called Blaire White a cunt bitch x100 while "debating" (getting shit on by) her?Yes
>>602806oh cool red hair, that will accentuate his red greasy face.
>>602795might just be me using onion logic, but he wants to fuck us farmers. lamey BE MAD!!
Why's he shitting on poshmark so much? Does he hate Lainey's job? These 2 losers need to learn to wash their clothes instead of being supermarket ones all the time.
lol he's so butthurt about leaked content.
He claimed in this video he only calls out people who he can debunk easily. Guess that's why him and Lainey have been so tight lipped on Maya. You two been creepy cunts towards another girl!! Debunk that Geekinstein
No. 602854
>>602837You probably keep your house clean though. We've all seen how Gurg an Gurgette live. Food left on the floor, counters, any flat surface. 20+ piles of laundry around the house. Makeup and toothpaste smeared in the bathroom. Industrial sized trash bins, boxes, and flies everywhere.
They live in filth.
No. 602863
>>602824Because Thot is clearly tOo wEaK to hold a trash bag, 4 pieces of cardboard at once, or push a vacuum. Anus won’t do any of it, he breaks his shit, burns his shit, and leaves his shit outside.
I can not comprehend how two grown adults are such children. I get being messy is a thing but this is just fucking sad. Poor MomBot.
No. 602872
>>602869I wonder what Greg and Lamey are pretending to have over a minor? Sarah may just be easily embarrassed just being associated with these 2 loonies, she might not understand that while she was a minor all things that happened will have a legal liability on the adults not her.
Lamey and Greg might be mad at her for fraternising with the enemy or some shit, or maybe he's threatened to doxx Sarah's family since Lamey had no issues with diagnosing her on a livestream.
No. 602879
>>602612It's embarrasing to see a 33 year old man be all 'uuuh disgusting' towards WINE. It reminds me of parents giving a spoon of beer to kids so they get grossed out and won't drink anytime soon.
>>602362What happened to Ready to Glare? I stopped watching.
>>602369I hope she does a sicesca reaction. That would be GOLD.
No. 602928
>>602865That made me think of something weird. I literally can not think of Gerg being a nice guy, even to his mother in law. Like, even the idea of having Thanksgiving dinner at a vegetarians house as a meat eater is fine, because they can eat tofurkey lol but any normal person or family would provide meat options. But I just cant imagine gerg doing anything but chiding Lame's mom when she wants to serve real turkey to the kids.
For any other youtuber, I can atleast suspend belief that they're nice in real life sometimes, especially toward their partner's parent and during Thanksgiving dinner. But it's crazy that he comes off as such a rude prick, even to people that he can't manipulate and control. Because he's proved he's an asshole to young girls and his family and friends, but if he goes off on Lame's mom, she might never see her child and grandchildren again. That's fucking nuts
No. 602930
>>602885That's the saddest shit ever. I feel so bad about that, and the possibility that that is the reason she doesn't want to say anything about the swamp family.
But in Greg's opinion, if she doesnt come out and explicitly out those who hurt her, she's in the wrong. What a fucking asshole.
No. 602939
File: 1542920726597.jpeg (315.26 KB, 1242x1570, 6F05DE5E-2109-4FB4-82FD-BCA285…)

Jfc not even on Thanksgiving can Lainey not worry about being a transboi. I can’t believe Gurg has made it this long without social media, but damn Lame is literally browsing it as we speak. So who the hell is hosting their guests? Greg? For someone who sure complains a lot about her husband not spending time with her, this bitch is pretty addicted to her phone. Go hang out with your mother, kids and husband Lainey. It’s the only time you’ll actually have his attention for the next year.
No. 602987
>>602977Milk first
then, she can move on. We all know Sarah isn't gonna leak shit. I wish plainclone did when she had the chance.
>>602962No I've noticed, and it's glorious. He's finding ANYTHING to be mad at. I feel bad for the kids.
OT but I've noticed that a lot of the Onion Flakes have had their fetlife accounts posted, but has anyone even checked to see if Lainey or Greg had one?
No. 602991
>>602990Plainclone dropped the ball on the actual screenshots though. I think Sarah's in way too deep and has too much to lose. Greg would drag her through the mud for years to come and we've already seen how panicky she reacts every time there's trouble in paradise.
>>602987scouring gig harbor area rn
No. 603005
>>602991Shit, we’ve all seen how panicky she acts when he’s in the room. Whenever Greg interrupted her livestream, she grew quiet.
I agree that Sarah isn’t going to leak shit. She’s seen what happens to the girls that enter that house. Lainey’s right, Sarah is too smart to say anything. Just think about that… Lainey knows what she does is fucked up. She knows she brings girls into that house and sends her husband on them to make herself feel better. THAT’S what she meant when she said Sarah was too smart for it. It was a subtle threat. Sarah knows what’ll happens if she dare say anything. So she never will. She’ll just move on.
No. 603025
>>603011>breastfeeding mommys>having sex with pregnant women (lmao the self missgendering)>I love pregnant womenokay so either Greg set this up for her or she was the one fetishizing pregnancies all along
we can expect her to be pregnant again soon probably
if she isn't already
she's disgusting
No. 603034
>>603012LMAO the misgendering of herself but also that she’s using all of these feminine pictures of herself where she has long hair in one, makeup in all of them, her clevage pushes up in one, and even fucking naked in another.
Such fucking dysphoria my ass.
Also she’s admitting she’s a little and actually into all that age play shit
No. 603044
>>603011Notice how her full orientation is just Gay for her profile? Sure her and Greg being together in their eyes means “gay” now, but 10 months ago she was still saying she was bi (and occasionally coining the term gay for queer points.)
100% bet she was looking to snag a lesbian trinity member so Greg wouldn’t have a chance. Greg was always going to go after maya as long as she identified as Bi. a Lesbian would get lame the vector she wanted.
No. 603052
>>603008If anyone has solid proof that Lainey was grooming Sarah, they should come out and out it. There will be backlash from Greg and Lainey’s total of 5 fans but it’s better than hiding a secret that may involve pedophilia.
Someone let “dat booty tho” slip, and it only drove Sarah and Lainey apart. Imagine what other shit she could have done.
No. 603057
>>603054It never registers on anyone’s radar because youtubers think being silent and avoiding him actually works. Thousands upon thousands of people know Greg is absolute trash but we only have barely relevant drama YouTubers (sorry, but it’s true) actually covering the predatory things he does and half of the time they get something wrong.
If people who had an actual reach talked about Greg and Lainey’s predatory habits more people would speak up about it but, it’s too real for anyone to actually do shit about it.
No. 603059
>>603021>>603025>>603036>>603029>>603034Uh, are we really believeing this is actually her? A couple of the pics don’t even look like her.
Either this is a fake set up by a farmer for keks or Obesion is using this to fraudulently attract young gay women who are into his kinks.
If it is her, I’d say she was joining the pregnancy and breastfeeding fetish groups looking for people who will fetishise her, because that’s real healthy of course.
But it’s most likely not her at all.
No. 603061
>>603059this one is in her private insta
>>603018this is public
>>603019this is their bathroom and her phone case
>>603016not sure about the purple one
No. 603066
>>603062Exactly, that’s literally Lainey. It’s even her nose ring and nose in the purple wig one. And isn’t that wig one of her’s that Greg destroyed awhile back when S was there? I remember someone mentioned that he destroyed one of Lainey’s wigs. So either that’s one of his or it’s one of hers that he most likely destroyed.
Either way much gay, very trans, kek.
No. 603068
File: 1542952847503.jpg (71.32 KB, 612x634, Untitled.jpg)

>>600694>>603017The purple wig has been used in some videos.
Also, I wonder why they have to put a hat over it?
No. 603071
>>603069Exposing pedos is pretty beneficial in the long run. The sooner she realizes what they were doing to her was wrong, the better.
Ngl I’m curious what the DMs with the person who faked the private Twitter caps look like. I’m sure it has
something interesting.
No. 603077
File: 1542955295221.jpg (45.1 KB, 583x671, Non-Disclosure-Agreement-Templ…)

>>603073>told to sign an agreement in order to stay to not disclose anything that happened in the house.we know gregs penchant for using free online templates when it comes to cease to desists, so im sure his NDAs are just as unpolished.
No. 603085
File: 1542960429618.jpg (144.61 KB, 1080x810, just.lain_22221016_11330792942…)

>>603017does she have multiple purple wigs in the same hairstyle?
No. 603087
File: 1542961409815.png (346.18 KB, 577x250, 1542938331721 (1).png)

>>603085The filter she used just changed the tint on the wig.
No. 603096
File: 1542964244350.png (57.02 KB, 904x387, 9023271.PNG)

I've had a question ever since Plaineys private tweets got leaked. I know none of us can get in her head and 100% know why she does what she does, but if this is more a technical issue or "way Twitter works" then it'd be great getting an answer from someone more Twitter savvy than I am.
When the tweets were leaked she immediately switched to that "lainiebot" account and started adding back her Patrons. Why didn't she stay on her uglybirdd acct and either dump all the people she followed and slowly follow back people as she vetted them one by one. Or just unfollow the one or two people she was suspicious of. I mean she essentially did that when moving to "laniebot" she added back all those patron minus the people she assumed were the leaker(s)
Also, now when you check that old account theres nothing on the information bar where you would usually see "Tweet-Following-Followers-Likes" does that mean she just wiped the whole account clean? Or did she lock it or ask Twitter to lock it?, And her joined date is November 2018, was this a full account reset?
No. 603108
File: 1542968432940.png (835.85 KB, 1024x2048, PicsArt_11-23-11.18.23.png)

>>603096She still has both accounts.
My guess is she renamed "uglybirdd" to "lainiebot" after the leak and readded her Patrons and created a new "uglybirdd" account to distract people.
No. 603109
>>603062Yeah sorry, some of them were recognisable but I got thrown off by the heavily filtered one and the one where she's behind her phone, because both photos hide her telltale chin.
OK well I actually reckon it's Gregma playing silly buggers, or at least he's standing over her shoulder when she set up the account.
No. 603148
File: 1542978799114.jpg (1.39 MB, 1440x2534, 20181123_081238.jpg)

>>603143Probably from around this period of time
No. 603220
File: 1542996047557.jpeg (300.28 KB, 1125x714, 796F3066-E751-4358-A989-C037DC…)

Here we go folks.
No. 603224
>>603220To quote Onision:
>”HURRDURR HERITAGE NOT HATE”(Someone please respond to his tweet with this)
No. 603231
File: 1542998388200.webm (942.11 KB, 744x472, You're Black.webm)
>>603230Plaineys DNA results even went back so far it found West African ancestry. And of course Grugly has to taunt her with it like its something to be embarrassed by. and she has to deny it "uh nooo"
I guess Plaineys African DNA didnt skip a generation like Grugs Native American genes did
>apparently none of the native side made it to me genetically.(dumbfuck)
No. 603238
>>603233I didnt even think of that. If there are photos on that Fetlife that are not publicly available then you're right, Greg or Lainey made it.
Does Fetlife scub the EXIF metadata from the photos? You can find a lot of info by looking thru that information.
No. 603251
>>603249The pictures are real but that doesn’t mean the account is real…
Honestly it wouldn’t even matter if it was real. If she was looking for a third on fetlife at least it’s a platform FOR ADULTS that are into that lifestyle and should be more informed on how poly works than say one of her young patreons or people on insta that can be brought in and manipulated to think how they treat people is normal and okay.
No. 603252
>>603249Just because the account uses her pictures doesn't mean she created it.
I can see one of Onions Patronfags creating one in hope someone here finds it and Gerg spergs about it.
10 months ago all of the crazy Patrons were still Patrons and they all leaked shit about each other.
Why not create an account on a fetish site for Lambo just to stir up some drama.
No. 603255
>>603244Beaner is just has racist has nigger, dumbshit
Censor both of them or none
No. 603256
>>603252>10 months ago all of the crazy Patrons were still Patrons and they all leaked shit about each other.Go to the snowflakes threads and see which flakes are frequenters of those Alt Lifestyle sites like FETLIFE. I bet you one of them make it for shits and giggles.
Its not like any of Laineys & Gregs supposed fans would fuck with them or stir shit up anonymously
cough PotatoNoseMegan cough No. 603275
>>603256Geez, there are so many potential candidates then: Like, 11 months ago the whole AnalovesLainey and Amber shit was going down, and Maxie was still around as was long time stalker BootySlayer.
I still see it as the pinnacle of Greg's coo-coo fanbase going at each other and I wouldn't put it past any of these to try and drag down Lainey as well.
But let's be honest: That profile kinda makes Lainey slightly less boring. Still pathetic, but slightly less boring.
No. 603276
>>603260I can't show you proof, but I'm positive I've seen all of the photos of her in one of the threads on LC before, with the exception of
>>603017 .
No. 603277
>>603272No, I believe it gotten taken down because of Maya drama, as mentioned in the last threat.
And you don't need to sage anymore.
>>603275Yeah, if Taylor made it that'd be hilarious, as she "mesgenders" and sexualizes her pregnant self. And with claiming to just be "gay" while looking for women and being in a "lesbian mommies" group. Tinfoil but I sometimes wonder if she is so sick of Greg that she just fantasizes about being exclusively lesbian, and just stays with Greg because of the $$$, children, and because it is easier and she doesn't want to be independent. She seems closer every day to seeming to come to the realization of how bad Greg is and then once again supports his shit and does shitty things to go along with him.
No. 603290
>>603277>>603282This bitch is so stupid. I forgot for a minute that she considers herself gay and it’s confusing af. She calls herself gay when she looks at pictures of girls which means she identifies as a girl. Then she calls herself gay because she’s married to a man which means she identifies as a boy who only likes men. Yet, she’s bisexual which means she likes both genders. Pick a fucking identity. And Lainey really wants to cry and say KG is bullying her because he doesn’t accept that she’s trans? Who tf would. She’s going through a midlife crisis and she’s only 24.
I’m 2 years younger than her and I just couldn’t imagine being married to a 33 year old man and NEVER leaving my house to do ANYTHING. She doesn’t even go on vacation and when she does, we still don’t know where the fuck her kids are, kek. Such shitty human beings.
No. 603294
aner and ngger.
There you go, faggot.
>>603272Yeah, someone posted a link a thread or two ago. Don't have it myself.
No. 603312
File: 1543015501140.png (180.77 KB, 985x704, gone.PNG)

>>603307Heres a pretty definite litmus test to see if this is really Laineys (or Greg LARPing as her to bait teen puss)
If the profile goes missing in the next few days, Id say it was actually Laineys. She'll get a heads up from her snakes (or see it herself while lurking) and do a DELETED ALL like her Twitter leaks.
No. 603316
File: 1543015851824.png (26.42 KB, 871x334, Screenshot at Nov 23 15-30-43.…)

>>603312Actually I just looked and it's gone.
No. 603322
File: 1543017410091.jpeg (197.74 KB, 750x540, 91A610BF-A515-4B79-81B9-8C7B79…)

>My personal tweets are posted to
>Still screeching autistically on his public account
No. 603325
File: 1543017887071.png (209.81 KB, 419x349, 8676.PNG)

>>603323I had to go check that out. Who the fuck is going to watch a 43 minute video of his?
No. 603347
File: 1543020583281.png (293.15 KB, 1439x787, fet.png)

>>603316>>603337its still there, she just changed her name but the profile URL stays the same No. 603354
File: 1543021288408.png (Spoiler Image,270.73 KB, 871x744, fet2.png)

>>603349just some rando kinkster, i just made a dummy profile and was immediately followed by random accs too.
No. 603359
>>603323So Im assuming that you dont have to approve people who have followed you and it just shows up on your profile that they have.
If rando freaks are just following anyone they find attractive willynilly it has to be a hit to the ego that after 10 months Plainey only attracted one follower.
No. 603362
>>603359>So Im assuming that you dont have to approve people who have followed you and it just shows up on your profile that they have.yes
friend requests have to be mutually approved (like FB), following is instant and public
No. 603366
File: 1543022655243.jpeg (470.29 KB, 1242x1763, BB5D81C8-AAD7-4443-A982-E7CDCD…)

Jfc he’s so fucking pathetic. This is the person that tweeted the original screen cap of SD calling himself straight five years ago. Greg wants people to agree with him so badly. How fucking pathetic, kek. This person is most likely being harassed because Onion retweeted the pic calling SD a liar, so everyone assumed OP was doing the same. Now he’s salty that the person wasn’t doing that at all.
No. 603412
File: 1543030686503.png (67.66 KB, 258x252, madison.png)

Greg? Trying to make money off of friends he's publicly denounced? Unheard of.
No. 603424
File: 1543033399275.jpeg (299.45 KB, 750x763, 25B11CCD-D4E9-4076-ABB7-444BE0…)

How long has this sooper sekrit twitter account been sitting at 3 follows/13 following for? I’d love to know what kind of speshul information he shares with this pitiful echo chamber.
No. 603427
File: 1543033714916.jpeg (714.95 KB, 1125x2175, 410D4B9C-FBE6-4766-A5C4-F90580…)

It’s getting closer to December 6th, so if any WA anons want to go to the hearing (it’s public) make sure you don’t act too autistic. No. 603429
File: 1543034026677.jpg (94.44 KB, 749x430, 021983.jpg)

>>603424I made this little collage when we were trying to figure out who were part of the first 10 people following him.
Photo created 8-2018
I think its been at 13 for a month+
No. 603439
>>603438If any of you remember the drama between Megan and Sh, and Greg didnt toss her to the side after that, then Im sure she was able to talk her way out of being outed hating on Plainey.
Megan is the end of days fall back plan. If shit goes sideways with Plainey and he cant find anyone else, hes flying Potato Nose out to Washington. Her kids will probably be left with her mom.
No. 603448
>>603445>>603446>>603447I assumed they meant bait as in, bait any farmers who happen to be paying for access to his OnisionPrime Twitter. Get them talking and slip up.
If there is anyone keeping tabs on his private Twitter, its not going to be a slow dribble of leaks, it will be just like Laineys tweets release, a full blown flood, because once the info is released the hounds will be sniffing around.
I commend who ever gathered the uglybirdd tweets. Starting from January 2017-that was a long con if I ever saw one.
No. 603486
>>603260If I remember correctly that picture was shared under the 5 dollar tier, but I'm unable to confirm because I no longer pledge to her. That being said that's not the first time she's put out something a bit more risque. Remember this photo set? I wouldn't consider these obscene but it's really a strange exclusive considering her fanbase.
No. 603504
>>603347This is the thread from 10 months ago.
>>480019Looked it over and it was around the time that Anus was talking to Plain's psychotic ex.
>>480139 >>48110610 months ago was also the start of the long Shane Dawson pedo sperging. I don't think it's her account because she talked about how she got an IUD.
>>482837Also psych anons who claimed to be shameless trolls.
No. 603510
File: 1543061567702.jpg (Spoiler Image,46.18 KB, 428x567, 564_7545_6436_90876_53134_54.j…)

>>603486These photos creeped me the fuck out.
I dont know if any of you remember the movie 8MM with Nicolas Cage, Joaquin Phoenix and James Gandolfini, but Lainey resembles that poor girl Nicolas is searching for that was forced to do a snuff film.
That same look of despair in her eyes.
No. 603528
>>603525But what about the topless photo?
I might be the only one but based on the groups she joined and the “little” thing, I definitely believe it’s Lainey’s account. But on that same note I also believe Greg pushed her to sign up and flirt with randoms. I think they’d both be very relieved to blame this on a troll.
But if it was a troll, it’s so mild and tame? Like a troll would have at least added something a little more interesting to “expose”
No. 603557
>But if it was a troll, it’s so mild and tame? Like a troll would have at least added something a little more interesting to “expose”That depends entirely on how smart the troll is - had he or she added too much it would've been a lot more sus to everyone.
With what little information was given, it's believable enough for some anons to fall for it.
>>603525This tripped me off, too. It's like someone was sitting on that account, mulling over how and when to drop it and when Lainey's 'super secret' Twitter account was revealed, he or she was able to see exactly how Lainey would react in that kind of situation and simply copied it.
Her new Twitter account was found by anons within no time, so her maneuver of simply changing her name and creating a dummy using the old one didn't work - why would she do it a second time?
No. 603604
File: 1543089927553.jpg (106.09 KB, 1024x1024, 20181124_180019-COLLAGE.jpg)

>>603486Did she do her makeup to look like a mime or purpose or… I'm confused
No. 603614
>>603347>endorphinorphanThat's from a Dance Gavin Dance song, "Summertime Gladness." is into DGD. She owns shirts of theirs and used to listen to them on YouNow. This doen't necessarily prove it's her, but it's definitely sus.
Sidenote, her taste in music is spectacularly shitty and dated.
No. 603617
>>603591I think that too, but overall she's a victim of abuse and I can see her fetishizing all the things Gerg put her through (like being poly, having a girlfriend, having threesomes while pregnant etc) so she can believe herself that she was ok with all of it.
If she really makes herself believe she's gay she doesn't think it's that bad if Gerg searches for a "girlfriend" for
her No. 603629
File: 1543097218604.jpeg (207.57 KB, 640x694, 22E758EA-663D-4103-A24C-B0642F…)

He’s sucking Blaire’s dick again even though she recently joked about him?
No. 603632
File: 1543097799580.jpeg (335.8 KB, 750x1038, DF020499-8715-4A51-96A2-04867E…)

Bonus hilarity courtesy of Hamber and that Lil Idiet troll account in the replies. A thirtysomething watching Twilight. Not even in an ironic way. You couldn’t make this shit up.
No. 603670
>>603011>>603012On the off chance that this is really Laineybot and/or Obesion's doing, let me just say, this is fucking disgusting. Disgusting because this is a very clear attempt at getting a LESBIAN to join their trinity. So what, now pan and bi girls aren't good enough for them anymore? Not to mention, Lainey puts down "gay" and joined a group for fucking (pregnant) women. Even if said women weren't pregnant, she'd still want to fuck women. So she's saying she's a woman who is gay.. a lesbian. Even though she's not. I thought she was transmasc or a transman now? That doesn't make any sense.
I'm trying not to do a Tumblr sperg here but lesbian erasure is a thing within the LGBT community, which is sad. Radical trans activists force lesbians to think it over whenever a lesbian says she doesn't want to have sex with a penis. That gender =/= sex.
Lainey and Greg refuse to believe that actual lesbians exists. They think, when they meet Gork, they'll be cured of their lesbianisms and fuck both of them. Hooray! /s
No. 603784
>>603627It was a Patreon exclusive as well. Here is the dump of images I saved from her patreon when I still had access. I'm going to tinfoil greatly depends on Gurgs reaction. If the profile is fake Greg will take it as an opportunity to make 2-5 videos about how people are hurting his pure husbands reputation and if it's real he'll follow his past strategy of ignore it in hopes that it will be soon forgotten. (Just like how they handled the M situation.)
No. 603787
File: 1543114022006.png (621.08 KB, 500x599, 54767.PNG)

>>603784Holy hell, this filter/angle is not doing her any favors.
The new "Make me look like a balding man" app
No. 603793
File: 1543118282676.png (214.19 KB, 810x269, Screen Shot 2018-11-24 at 10.5…)

Hate how she does her eyebrows. I don't mean to be nitpicky but fuck it's just an uneven brown line at the bottom of the brow and thats all.
No. 603796
>>603784I'm almost positive it's fake, since now we know all of the pictures on the profile were posted previously. Why would she bother keeping an inactive fetlife profile around?
Plus she and greg never meet potential partners through dating sites, they just scour their fanbase. could you imagine any random outsider's reaction to meeting greg for the first time?
No. 603843
File: 1543128904761.jpg (64.24 KB, 1080x1080, a mess.jpg)

No. 603845
>>603843Didnt he go through this whole cycle a few months ago?
He colored his hair, then self cut it, then attempted to fix it by having his Aunt properly cut and color, then gave up and literally shaved his head and there was weeping and gnashing of teeth from his tween fanbase.
Countdown to him taking the electric clippers to his whole head again.
No. 603850
>>603843Curved back and sucking tum in still can't hide the dad bod Kek.
I think it's safe to say he's having a midlife crisis.
No. 603915
>>603914She's still got an abhorrent and aggressive personality however.
She's been through tough times without a doubt but she's not suddenly become a good person by any means. There's probably still hope for her though, unlike Onionlord
No. 603921
>>603632Still a better love story than anything Greg's written.
Enjoy the out of date meme for your decade old movie, grandpa.
No. 603923
>>603784I think deep down inside herself she still hasn't completely given up on becoming a model.
We all know, though, that Greg would never allow it since there would be other man to lay their eyes upon his very personal possession and child bearing machine.
No. 604014
>>604007Fuck, I almost forgot how Greg used to speak for her in all of her videos.
I guess it's not necessary anymore now that she says what he would like her to all on her own.
No. 604023
>>604007is that dried toothpaste on her lower right lip or are her lips that chapped?
also "everybody knows because I'm open about my sexuality"
still hasn't come out to her family
No. 604050
>>604023>>604024When the fuck is that going to heal!
>>604044I believe that the point of all of this is to become as unattractive as possible to other men so Greg can feel more secure. He loves his women to look as tired, masculine, and unkempt as possible.
Still not out to her family, she says it will probably never happen and then says no because it is starting to get to her that they misgender her. Bullshit. She isn't coming out because she really isn't "transmasc." Her family's probably been asked about it by friends/acquaintances, have probably seen it on social media and in her videos. There is no way they haven't heard about it. You'd think they'd ask her about it. But she is probably like "Oh, that's my online persona."
No. 604051
>>604007I just wanna hand her a Carmex or something SO bad! Ergh!
As a pale girl I definitely have those mornings where I wake up and my lips are so dried out they make me look like a ghost. Literally all it takes is something - anything - to bring back some moisture. I don't get how she bothered to put other makeup (looks like at least mascara) but not swipe something across her lips.
As for the video itself, you can clearly see how much Onision dominates her life in that first throwback video. Even in her body language, you can see her shrinking her body size and keeping her head tilted down in deference to him.
And then in the second one where she notices how many more likes she used to get and is all "what happened guys? where are you" LOL!!!! Oh my God…just…Bitch, if you wanna know where your viewers went, take a good hard look at your trashy-ass, angry-bird-eyebrow-having puppet master
No. 604069
>>6040071) how can Lainey keep calling herself a boring robot and not make a oke about being laineybot
2) she fantasises about sucking cock more often these days
3) she roasts herself for referring to herself as agender. Says she's bi because she fancies 2 genders. Still claims non binary he/they pronouns
Non binary means you recognise male and female as distinctly different, and you can't place yourself within them so that still rejects being trans. And Wtf is transmasc is she perpetually stuck in between the two genders she fancies? She's still as clueless 3 years later
>>604057You'd be wrong. He probably doesn't even need subs for anime
No. 604122
>>604007How many Coming Out' videos can she make? Jesus, she has virtually no other identity. Most other trans YTers- even the ones who border on the sanctimonious and overly woke- have other interests than what's in their pants. I can name a whole bunch of things I know about the Trans YTrs I follow:
Contrapoints: has a philosophy degree, plays the piano & guitar.
Riley Dennis: likes gaming. Loves to travel.
Laura Kate Dale loves Roller Derby & Pokemon Go. Having an actual book by a proper publishing house published next year.
And then there's Laineythot. Who likes ummm… shitty old music…and make up??No, she doesn't really.. then there's uhhhh….
Laineythot: "I'm a boi! I have crushes! I'm the daddy!"
How sad to be virtually the same person you were at 16 when you're a married mother of two.And she could easily do Mommy blogs w/o showing the kids on camera. But that might remind their teeny-bop patrons that she's an actual adult, not a teen whose uwu twin flames with her shitty high school shooter-wanna husband.
I didn't know not having a gender makes you not have a personality or interests as well./s
Transmasc? More like Trans-slack.
No. 604173
File: 1543192424272.jpeg (109.53 KB, 1125x698, ECEBE4B8-5EF6-4861-A619-95E8AD…)

Looks like Old Greg is having another diva moment.
No. 604197
File: 1543196802810.png (19.66 KB, 167x114, hypocrisymanifest.png)

>>603367omg the irony of his last reply is breathtaking
No. 604200
>>603833> Shiloh is so fucking ugly inside and out she makes Taylor look less hideous by comparison.whoa… weird grudge but ok
if it weren't against the rules to suggest someone posting is a cow or related person, I'd wonder if you were A "best looking out of all the girls" J.
No. 604204
File: 1543197793126.jpeg (Spoiler Image,97.57 KB, 233x563, 1074ACE0-B4C7-4C57-817A-2B5512…)

Fucking kek
No. 604242
>>604216 a picture of someone else's baby and said it was her baby Rogue who died.
Lied about a miscarriage and sepsis resulting from miscarriage and needed to fly from WA state to Canada which is straight BS because you'd be going straight to the hospital to get IV fluids and antibiotics.
No. 604262
>>604250A 27 minute pirt party he throws for himself.
My favorite part is when he tries to prove that he’s honest becuase he can admit that he’s dishonest (via manipulating people and using logical fallacies). Like ???
No. 604264
>>604250Yeaah.. 27mins.
He's certainly "cracked" the algorithm.
> muh demonitashun> said he was making good money again lolI miss ragesperg greg from Aeons sperg
No. 604278
>>604268Nobody making fun of Davis will EVER be worse than Onion Nut's own depiction of the poor guy in his book. "Poopy poo poop" or whatever Davis says in that book will forever be his shit-tastic legacy and there's nobody Greg can thank for that except himself.
In fact, Onision needs to be sending Strange Aeon a fucking thank you card and a fruit basket for not including that horrendous line in her review.
No. 604286
>>604250for those of us who physically cannot bring themselves to listen to or look at Onion, can someone do a summary because I’m seeing other anons saying he’s being demonitized and i want to know what he means but
god he’s fucking repulsive
any summary anons feel generous?
No. 604303
>>604250he's so un self-aware it's hilarious.
& holy fuck if davis really is based on a real person that died. way to bastardise his memory. I hope his family don't know about his book and have never read any of it.
No. 604305
File: 1543219069264.jpeg (145.59 KB, 1125x1079, 620A1D9D-0135-4708-B0A2-B7B252…)

None of Greg’s apologies are actually apologies though. It’s just a convoluted mess of an explanation of why he’s right and way better than you.
No. 604337
Bright side, if article 13 in Europe passes, this man-child will have less of an audience - at least from Europe, unless he teaches kids about VPNs. Listening to that video, i can't help but eye roll "you're lying because i don't have dadada now!" Greg, we all know what your house was like back when you had supposed money issues, stop being so dishonest(!). If you sold your shit earlier, didn't live outside your means and weren't such a shitty person you'd be in a better situation now. But hey ho, grab the blame thrower et el. December is getting closer, i just wish i could be a fly on the wall or that phones/cameras were allowed. I'm curious how he's going to handle it, sperg, fake meek, play victim? Hope any anons that go, if anyone does, hope you just keep it cool and keep tabs.
No. 604347
>>600694It's like he's JUST learned what logical fallacies are. This is the second video in a row where he's mentioned logical fallacies. In the last one he even had a fucking website open to understand what logical fallacies even are lmao he's such a fucking idiot.
Also, I'm still not over his surprise/offence at Strange Aeons calling his book a novel. Had he never heard that word before or something?
No. 604350
File: 1543225814075.jpg (12.35 KB, 251x242, 1538725354750.jpg)

>>600902>>600904>there are people who PAY to work for Onion>there are people who believe they're actually friends with the OnionOH NO NO NO
No. 604353
File: 1543226280491.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1242x1817, 8D14769A-6F94-484C-8F46-FECD1F…)

And in other parts of the internet, Lainey is ofc sobbing and being so grateful her gay husband accepts her for *~who she is~*
No. 604365
>>603011Onision can't stop crying how people into ABDD are pedos yet Lame is a "LITTLE"?
How does that work?
No. 604377
>>604305His "apologies" only come when he feels like he's running out of money.
Its so obvious.
No. 604385
Onion your poor writing has him spinning in his grave
No. 604388
>>604386She's made 4 videos on him over the span of her channels lifetime. Her second one was the music? Which was hilarious and she lifted the screenshot of the Asian guy from lolcow when we were taking the piss.
Onion has mad several on her within a week and is now copying her style after cosplay in her by dying his eyebrows and hair black. Anons called it that he's infatuated with her. I felt like Lainey was trying to emulate Tera in her coming out video reaction but her and Greg don't have abe the range.
No. 604390
>>604353its funny because he literally went through the trouble of finding a scanned copy of that quote, overlaying it on the image, printing it out, and then scribbling out the words to sharpie his above. he could have easily just retyped the quote with his edits – but, noooo, everyone needs to know that gurg doesn't see lainey as a her.
everything they do is literally for show. this is just stupidly cringey.
No. 604409
>>604353While he was crossing out the female pronouns he should have photoshopped blue hair onto her. Because the only person he looked at in any obsessed, infatuated way was B. He doesn’t even look at Lainey, kek. He can’t even sit with her long enough to finish filming a video.
No matter how hard you try to convince yourself you are attracted to her, you’re not Greg. You like underdeveloped girls. Lainey looks like an underdeveloped boy. Despite his disgusting jokes he makes, he clearly only likes vagina and that’s the only reason he’s still with her. If she came out and said she was getting a dick, he’d dip and it would be the only reason he’d take the kids. Despite what he preaches, he doesn’t approve of that shit. He said it himself, trans women are men, trans men are women. He can’t even correctly be politically correct. He tries to act like he supports them, but then contradicts himself or tweets something to spite them. He hates them and there’s very little preventing him from hating her. He would not let her have their kids. And we already know he’s against top surgery. The only way she’d be able to get top surgery and keep him is if she reduces her boobs, but if she completely removed them he’d run in horror.
No. 604428
The person in the video is apparently a 15 yo girl. People on Twitter who know the girl personally are talking about his disgutsting comments about her. was too large to upload it here, so I had to put it on vimeo)
No. 604430
>>604429selfexplaining if you'd watch the video but ok.
He's reacting to a tik tok video of a girl dressed like the mad hatter.
He starts making inappropriate jokes about her and now people on Twitter are talking about it, saying how uncomfortable it made her feel and that she's disgusted by it because she's a minor.
No. 604431
>>604430Ugh, why is he even on Tik Tok
He's so fucking creepy, Chris Hansen needs to partyvan him
No. 604454
>>604409You’re right except he 100% would let her have the kids because he doesn’t fucking love them. They’re just a reminder that’s he’s an old, fat, married fuck and teenagers aren’t attracted to him if he’s a literal daddy.
He’d also say the kids should be with their “mother” and drop his whole whiteknighting of Plain’s fakeboi schtick.
He literally just views Trot as an extension of himself since he was the firstborn and obviously male. He yells at him for losing a video game and doesn’t teach him not to hit people. He literally doesn’t give a single fuck about Clot. She’s called bandaid for a reason. Plain said he reacted sarcastically when she told him she was preganant again. He preferred suk mi with Billie over being with his wife during her second labor. He confirmed in his “How to Lose Your Husband in Two Minutes” video that he doesn’t talk to her because she’s a baby and doesn’t speak yet. And of course she’s a female, and Anus is blatantly misogynistic, no matter how many times he tries to say > Women are superior. They’re better looking and stronger and pleasure me
No. 604458
>>604353Kekking becaus he literally used a picture from 5 years ago where she’s a teen and has long hair, and still was identifying as a woman.
Double kekking that he didn’t use a recent photo because he doesn’t look at her like that anymore.
No. 604481
>>604458I was just gonna say this.
Every time he posts photos of Lainey and puts on the lovey doves act he chooses old as fuck pictures of her looking very feminine.
No. 604522
>>604507Oh he will. Even though people call him a cuck, he would never share Lainey with another man. A woman is fine as long as he can participate. But letting another man stick his peen into Lainey? That would count as cheating! He’d probably claim Lainey could kiss another guy (even though it isn’t true) just to look good, but absolutely no penetration. Because that is sacred and should be only for the two of them!
“Lainey and their partner could have, uh
stupid smile make love, if they were married. But they can’t get married because Lainey is already married to me. And the law says you can only be married to one person. So, they can do everything a friend would do, but there can not be any, uh
high pitched laughter penetration. Mmokay
insert disgusting smirk when I think I sound intelligent.”
No. 604531
>>604409He'd never take the kids. He's way too selfish to do that, not even to spite Lainey.
>>604522In the "Coming out" video Lainey reacted to he even specified that he'd be fine with his partner dating someone "of the same sex". He's only "poly" because he doesn't actually think same-sex relationships are valid so there's no threat even if Lainey was actually bi, which is highly doubtful to begin with.
No. 604532
>>604497"butch dyke" and "transboi"/"fakeboi"/"soft boi" are really different self-presentations
lamey is 0% the former, 100% the latter
she's not even "soft butch"
No. 604557
File: 1543257887873.jpg (124.26 KB, 1024x1024, hatsoff.jpg)

>>604250I'm usually very willing to sit through his boring videos, see for myself what's going on, listen to his two sentences of "wisdom" stretched into 7 minutes of repeating himself over and over and have a good laugh.
But I call it quits when it comes to listening to his meaningless whining and reeeeing stretched into 28 minutes. Quite honestly, that way he'll even drive away his critics (or Onionspeak: ~HaTuRz~) eventually.
Hats off to you anons who still take the time to watch his utter rubish and call him out for the shit he's spewing. Much appreciated!
No. 604564
>>604546Especially when they start going to school. IF they even go to school. Isn't the boy old enough to go to pre k? In most places it's required that the kid goes to pre k or some starter school before they are able to go to kindergarten and first grade. I feel so bad for the kids because imagine them having a birthday party and wanting to invite their classmates. The parents of those kids will obviously research the Avaroes and find all the bullshit they've done. Greg acts like he's better than his parents because he doesn't hit his kids, but he screams at them and is making it to where they will most likely have no friends and/or get made fun of. Like fuck these two shit bags. Neither of them think about how their behavior is going to impact their children.
You've got Lainey running around with hickies and bragging about how she sucks her husband's micropeen while also screeching about her identity crisis and changing it every five minutes. Then you've got Onion out here rating little girls, making sexual jokes at their expense, pissing off everyone with a conscience and demanding teenage girls allow him to chain them up in his basement to satisfy his fetishes. These shit is literally all over the internet. If you search their names, they instantly pop up with everything they've ever done. Would you allow your kids to go to their house to spend the night or hang out without you? Of course not. They just destroyed any chance at a social life their children could have.
No. 604586
>>604353>>604366I vote these two for the new thread pics, side by side:
In Laineyland | In realityand this
>>604375 or this
>>604458 comment beneath it!
>>604439Not that anon, but the mad hatter person could be anywhere from 12 to 30. That said, Greg is just plain stupid for making those particular comments in the first place. If you can't tell someone's age, just don't make inappropriate comments about them - but honestly it's Greg so, serves him right.
>>604504>Idk anon, while I never believed she was into women much, I would think she only vocalizes her (always present) sexual attraction to men now because if she's "transmasc", she can't be attracted to women, that's not gay. But liking men now? NOW its gay.Now that's interesting; it would mean that Lainey slowly creates her way out of the relationship or would consider a future trinity that Greg would not be pleased with.
Maybe she has learned a little too much from her creatorand master and the more he repeats how he's ~so gay~ the easier it'll be for Lainey to add a guy to the trinity. /t
No. 604625
>>604586>the mad hatter person could be anywhere from 12 to 30The girl made a video saying that she's done and disgusted and that she could sue him for his comments because she's a minor
Not sure if it should be posted here because she's a minor and she sure doesn't need Oniontraffic because
he's a disgusting ephebophile.
No. 604637
>>604250ugh, that forced vocal fry he does
triggers me so bad, like nails on a chalkboard bad. It reminds me of those drawn out televised preachers you'd see on at 4AM after you passed out on the family room couch.
What a delectable trainwreck Karma has so graciously provided us. I remember thinking onionboy would be relevant until the ends of YouTube; like an undying cockroach.
No. 604662
>>604269>He says horses have feelings but not lizards smdh gurggOf course he knows that horses have feelings!
He has seen Lainey cry time and time again.
No. 604707
>>604682>are you laughing?And fucking how
>I’m muscular, I’M MUSCULAR! I CAN DO WAY MORE PUSHUPS THAN YOU!If you say so, Grug
No. 604708
File: 1543277050862.png (Spoiler Image,330.18 KB, 644x486, Untitled11-1.png)

>>604682He just cant keep his stuffing consistent.
No. 604725
>>604708Imagine stuffing your underwear and it doesn't even look right because your dick is
that tiny.
No. 604727
>>604708more like
"Onision has botox. Naturally young looking people can still make facial expressions"
"Onision stuffs. Real dicks don't resemble a single tennis balls floating at the bottom of your crotch."
No. 604729
File: 1543279192505.png (Spoiler Image,57.41 KB, 400x262, LGXRSeR.png)

>>604708Well anus, unfortunately for you we've seen the real size of your baby carrot
No. 604734
File: 1543279547182.jpeg (185.62 KB, 750x696, 4BB8BA07-5AB5-41B2-B01E-2D240A…)

He is really flogging the dead social repose isn’t he
No. 604761
>>604735I'm honestly praying at this point that a trinity member shows up soon. The best milk comes from it. Maya was smart enough to leave no evidence and wipe her hands of the avahoes.
What happened to that black japanese makeup artist that did lainey's makeup? I was pretty sure greg invited her. She's not gregs type, but didn't he pay for her to come out there?
No. 604765
File: 1543285928203.png (494.51 KB, 446x482, 1543279842290.png)

Guys my friends say I'm really cute and really only need to work on my terrible personality. Pic related is me. Any advice for my personality?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 604781
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No. 604790
File: 1543289400260.png (459.26 KB, 540x807, Screen Shot 2018-11-26 at 10.2…)

what the fuck is under his titty?
No. 604798
File: 1543289801725.jpg (485.64 KB, 1065x1669, Davisisstoopid.jpg)

He made another one lol. The video is basically "she made fun of my dead friend even though the book is labelled as fiction"
No. 604799
File: 1543289814755.jpg (112.55 KB, 1156x670, Capture.JPG)

OT and a weird nitpick probably, but we're in the milkless calm before the revenge of Fern Gully so…
On top of everything else, how is Greasenstein so fucking awful at choosing icons for himself? Maybe it's a Narc thing of not being self-aware, but his twitter icon 1) is not flattering 2) doesn't even look like him 3) looks like the angry look a failed amateur Magician from the 90s would give a 9-year-old who just ruined his trick or something.
And then the fucking Prime one, jfc it speaks for itself. Absolute fucking idiot, and why is his hair wet?
It's not necessarily his fault so he looks like a live-action Chucky doll but he could at least try to pick flattering images.
No. 604801
>>604798He is one DENSE little bitch isn't he?
As if he believes the ridiculous (and actually probably would be offensive to the guy) 1-dimensional prop caricature he attempted to create for his runny mess of diarrhea "book" deserves the same sort of respect or consideration a LIVING HUMAN would deserve. He's delusional and the only thing interesting about him is how shockingly stupid he continues to be.
Is it a Narcissist thing to believe your words/creations are sacrosanct? Shockingly stupid.
No. 604805
>>604799i absolutely agree. most of his selfies look way worse than he does in videos. i think he uses angles that a girl would which gives him a bobblehead and little shoulders and a pencil neck. and then because the camera is so shoved up in his face you can see his fine lines and skin blotches more clearly so wrinkles+apparent scrawniness makes him look diminished and old. i didn't want to bring it up because if he heard something like this he would immediately take it as So yOu tHiNk I lOok YoUng aNd FiT iRl? but it's only by comparison. he's still a skinnyfat creepy uncle fuck but he has such a poor eye for aesthetics that he makes himself look even worse.
>>604801i think the narc aspect is the absolute failed attempt at understanding empathy. he really has no idea why anyone would feel for anyone else, so he pretends he knows by mimicking what he sees other people do, but when confronted with a less common situation that he doesn't have material to copy from, like someone mocking a fictional character based on a real person, he just uses the closest scenario he can think of and the results are hilariously out of sync.
No. 604810
>>604781"It's not muscles alone"
God, he sounds like the fat girls I used to go to school with. Anus, you don't have muscles, that requires actual exercise and proper nutrition. You're just fat because you have a shitty diet and inactive lifestyle.
No. 604823
>>604798This must of been made last week. His hair and eyebrows arent ink black. He also says that the views on her video on him are up to 700K, and I just checked and its now up to 806K, so some time has pasted from when he recorded the video and when he uploaded it.
I wonder if this was a Part 2 he had made but for some reason didn't release it when he was originally freaking out on her. Maybe he used that fucked up logic of "if I dont give her anymore attention she'll go away, no need to upload Part 2" But Greg being Greg hes been stewing about this "little hipster chick" and he has to attempt to know her down a few pegs.
No. 604863
File: 1543302066812.webm (7.4 MB, 400x304, Logical Fallacy-Strawman Falla…)
>>604347>It's like he's JUST learned what logical fallacies are.TBH I think he just learned "Logic Fallacy" and "Strawman Argument" from some website Lainey directed him to after he tried fucking with her head about something.
Hes like the guy who has a word a day calendar and is over using that word.
These excerpts were taken from 3 recent videos, none of the clips were repeated.
No. 604876
File: 1543303428812.gif (2.73 MB, 357x200, 9E9AAFBE-D537-4849-AAE9-1F5EB4…)

>it’s not like it’s a children’s bookHe is pushing 40 and still has no idea how the world works, holy fucking shit.
No. 604877
File: 1543303611832.jpeg (27.08 KB, 512x287, 6E862C23-5825-48FF-B946-2ACF25…)

>>604863He is actually the personification of this meme
No. 604882
>>604755He gets accused of getting botox because he's got his eyebrows as his eyelids.
Don't forget that time where he wore a dress and see-through panties. Anons changed the lighting and we could see his whole baby carrot perfectly.
>>604798Oh Gerg please, you didn't care about him so stop trying to make her out to be bullying dead people.
In your "books" he was your personal slave. Kissing your ass and not having a personality outside of that. Then you let him die and made his entire funeral about yourself!
>I expected his parents to hate me, but they kept on saying what a wonderful friend I was I bet in reallife you didn't even attend his funeral, pretty fucking disgusting to then drag his name through your shitty "books".
No. 604886
File: 1543305107645.jpeg (Spoiler Image,255.24 KB, 609x914, 4902A9F7-DCE0-4160-B532-5B186A…)

>>604882I was trying to find that pic of him in the see-through knickers but I could be fucked scouring all the old threads for it. However, this anti-Gurg twitter account was apparently forced to remove it from their banner.
No. 604888
>>604884He can’t even remember what he wrote in his own book, by his own fuck admission!
>I can’t remember why he was wearing rollerblades, I wrote it three years ago, I can’t remember what I wrote, it was a long time ago Then goes on to say
>if you actually read the book you would know why he was wearing rollerblades FFS ANUS. Great galloping Jesus Christ on stilts, I know we like to call him a retard/autist/et al but I seriously think he is mentally handicapped. There is no other explanation for this level of stupidity.
No. 604895
>>604863haha I knew it! I wasn't sure if I was just imagining that it had become his go-to term or not. Jesus Gregory, you're so fucking transparent.
Do you think he learned it from Draino tho? Slight tinfoil I guess, but I'd say it's more likely he picked it up from haturrrzzz. I think Reagan did a video on him before where she outlined all the logical fallacies he used, maybe he's only watched it for the first time recently during one of his periods of searching his own name and cry-wanking over the pretty girls who hate him.
No. 604909
>>604790>>604792Looks like a third nipple to me.
Just when you thought he couldn't get any grosser.
No. 604920
>>604798Why is he such a fucking dumbass? She's critiquing how badly written it is, whether it's "based on his life" is irrelevant???? Its still shit writing and story??
Basing your story vaguely on your life (school shooting didn't happen to him neither did his heroic savior of poor helpless useless abbigail or almost any of the other major plot points) DOES NOT MAKE IT IMMUNE TO CRITICISM. It's labelled fiction anyway.
No. 604921
>>604920Haha or the scene where he's beating up five guys or so with his combat sport skills. (Where he was probably processing getting beat up in highschool a lot)
Taylor always said she hates the Abbigale character. I guess Gaylors past wasn't troubled enough.
Oh Tay, if only your ex had gotten you pregnant and then beat the child out of you while your dad was drunk, watching TV…
(who even writes stuff like that) maybe Gerg would've loved you just as much as Abbigale.
No. 604950
>>604798I can't stand that voice he puts on when he's trying to sound "calm" or "intelligent" and make the other person look "crazy".
>"Davis has childish humour like Greg">"Mmmmmmno. Mmmmmmno you're wrong. Davis is my dead friend. You're making fun of my dead friend. My friend, who is dead."You can even see how smug his face is when he drops the "bomb" that Davis is dead. You just know that he's internally
so overjoyed that she might feel guilt over that. His other "gotcha" moment was calling her "sexually inexperienced" Which is so incredibly immature, I can't imagine anyone over the age of 21 thinking that's a good comeback. Couldn't watch the rest, it's so unbearable.
No. 604955
>>604950Just because the friend is dead, doesn't mean he didn't have shit humor.
I don't even see how the two are related. I doubt it even gave a shit about his "dead friend" and he makes fun of dead people all the time. But it's Greg, a brutally dishonest professional victim.
No. 604971
File: 1543323361195.jpeg (Spoiler Image,154.31 KB, 876x519, baby carrot.jpeg)

>>604886it's several threads back now but merry christmas
No. 604972
>>604955She also wasn’t making fun of the dead friend or even the character, she was making fun of how Greg wrote/viewed the character.
It’s some flimsy one-dimensional kid whose sole purpose from greg’s Perspective is to worship Greg. All the characters revolve around Greg. The bad ones only serve to make greg’s insert character look smart/good/better and the good ones just fawn over how great he is. The biggest thing she made clear was that she was weirded out by the book not because of the grammar mistakes but by how this might be genuinely how Greg views the world, which IS scary.
No. 604979
File: 1543325366982.png (123.18 KB, 806x330, half a hot dog.png)

>>604832Can't forget A's description.
No. 605069
>>605026>>605028Let's look at the FAAAAX
>homosexual urges towards Shane>hates Shane for not being 'honest' by not admitting to being bisexual for years>thinks lesbians aren't "open minded">obsession with crossdressing and exposing himself in women's clothing>forcing his wife to become more manly while he looks more feminine in comparison now>only picks fights with women, only harasses men if he knows they won't respond/retaliate>sticking his nose into trans issues and acting like he's an authority on itGiven everything I wouldn't be surprised if he thought being MtF was his only chance at a golden ticket.
>Can't accuse me of being a pedophile if I'm a woman!>Can't accuse me of having a tiny dick if I'm a woman!>Can't accuse me of being a homosexual if I'm a woman!>Can't blame me for flirting with girls because I'm attracted to girls and now as a woman I'm a lesbian and my trans husband isn't sexually appealing! Divorce!!but seriously he would be desperate enough if he thought that was his only way out whether it be escaping an all men prison for taxes/environmental, getting out of his marriage with Plainey, or getting his youtube channel back.
No. 605118
>>605098Of course, because Anus doesn’t care about his wife’s happiness. He wants to watch two women kiss and bang to satisfy his lesbian fetish, but then he also wants to have sex with the third party two because chances are she’ll be younger, more attractive, and more outgoing than his wife, not to mention childless.
It’s a shame Maya didn’t come before Billie. Plaineythot had someone that was actually interested in her and only her, and Anus was trying to play the whole “my wife can have a girlfriend just for her” angle in the beginning. That way when Maya was only interested in Thot, Anus would clearly look like that bad guy when trying to interfere. It only worked out with B because she clearly was way more interested in his micropeen than Thot’s saggy self. Now any potential third member HAS to be for both of them, not just Thot. She fucked up big time by inviting a girl who wanted her husband and not her the first time.
No. 605144
>>605118That wouldn’t have worked. Greg wanted someone who was interested in him too from the start. That’s why that Jess girl didn’t work out. I think she identified as a lesbian at the time and Greg probably thought he could turn her but when he realized he couldn’t, he probably convinced lainey they didn’t have good chemistry even though we later learned that they had decent chemistry and have a lot in common which would conciveably make them good partners. It was always about Greg. He got lucky with b becuase she likes him more than she liked lainey (possibly becuase lainey isn’t actually gay and was pushed into it by Greg).
That’s why in her coming out video it was so laughable that he was pretending to do it in her interest and becuase he was “such a good guy”. It was always for him. He puts his needs above everyone in his life.
No. 605215
>>604798There's only one logical reason for him to make that many videos about her and the way she rips his book apart an him a new one:
He must be madly in love with her.
Uh oh, Lain, you better chain you little man to the walls in your basement. He might have finally found your replacement (plus, she's actually a lesbian!).
No. 605243
File: 1543343107448.jpg (74.57 KB, 719x391, helping.jpg)

NOT a creep
NOT a stalker
NOT obsessed
NOT "banking in" on someone else
No. 605245
>>605144The fact that he thinks
he can turn a lesbian into wanting
his micropeen (not into wanting men or penises in general, just his babycarrot) is so laughable and delusional.
It's like those chicks who think they're so hot that even gay guys want to sleep with them.
No. 605250
>>605243>I found some images>such a good job on thoseI wouldnt put it past him to congratulate himself, but is sounds like hes giving kudos to his fans for gathering the photos Did he slip up? Ive always thought that his real die hard fans are the ones doing half the leg work for him when it comes to finding info, pictures and so on.
His tween fans are obviously obsessed with Eugenia, so he caters to that. Im sure those fans who are part of his Patreon and forum sent him the pics and requested he make this video.
No. 605253
File: 1543343699600.jpg (470.09 KB, 809x1416, Screenshot_20181127-193403_Ope…)

He really can't decide if he's against weed or if he tolerates it, can he.
No. 605260
>>605253What an idiot. Why does he have this intense hatred of marijuana specifically? I mean the opioid crisis is far more concerning.
Weed isn't that bad, although habitual use does alter electrical impulses in the brain. It's a great medication for seizures and pain with less side effects than their alternatives.
No. 605261
>>604899>Scarlett Johansson won a defamation suit against a French writer for creating a promiscuous character who happened to look like the movie star. A Georgia jury awarded $100,000 to a woman who claimed a character in The Red Hat Club falsely portrayed her as an “alcoholic s**t.”So that means his dead friend's parents could sue Greg for slander / character misappropriation and get up to $100,000 (plus possible compensation for personal suffering) for it?
I mean, we have video proof of him saying it (i.e Davis = dead friend) himself.
It's getting better and better every day.
No. 605298
>>605015He clearly never got over Shane not sticking it in.
>>605253I love how he just stopped reading after weed and skipped right over the cocaine, molly and amphetamines
No. 605307
>>605283He has a weird obsession with whether or not women are attractive TO HIM and not from an objective stance. If he can't fap to you, you're dog shit. Which is pretty dumb because no one's going to consider it a compliment that the pimply tomato popped half a chub for his lil smokey over them. Nobody's seeking that validation.
>>605298Also completely ignoring the fact that she has a mental illness that contributed to her erratic behavior, which is pretty common.
No. 605344
>>605253It's almost as if he's stupid enough to believe cocaine, ecstasy, Adderall and MDMA are nothing compared to weed. TIL on Onion FAXXXX: weed is worse than any hard drug out there.
I swear he is a special kind of stupid.
No. 605380
File: 1543357385992.jpg (96.3 KB, 640x640, DtCtLgjWoAAkKEn.jpg)

What the ever living fuck has he done to himself now? He looks more plastic than a Ken doll.
No. 605421
>>605380I'm dying, he's wearing sweatpants to a comic book store
How can you be such a caricature of a manchild loser and not realize
He's hopeless
No. 605436
>>605380What is this outfit?
His top looks like it's bought from Wish for a dollar.
And no bulletproof vest. Wow Gerg, how come you're not worried someone there might want to shoot you?
Also, did you guys notice that as soon as Lamp got her Apple watch for her bday, he had to get himself one too? Probably got jealous that she got something nice and he didn't so they had to buy one for him as well.
No. 605445
>>605429imo someone should shoop them to be Hitler twin flames. Match made in hell. It's ironic how they both went from
>>604353 to this nightmare fuel only in 6 years of marriage. What will happen once it's 10 years?
No. 605446
File: 1543362650290.jpeg (125.13 KB, 699x533, 4FCC3058-EE21-492D-BB07-387F39…)

He is doing so well, kek
No. 605451
>>605380HA! Omg, and he calls Shane a slob. Bitch looks like a greasy 30 year old swollen nippled fucktard that just emerged from his mothers basement to go spend his allowance. At least Shane is open about how lazy and unhygienic he is, and compared the Shreg, Shane actually is looking like the cleaner of the two.
This is gonna be my new desktop background, thank you anon for the keks
No. 605458
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No. 605512
>>605463and he can't afford to buy new jeans that fit because his youtube ship has sailed away
beautiful poetic justice
target night manager job when
No. 605520
File: 1543368934764.jpeg (100.68 KB, 521x207, 6FE96CA9-3DB0-4CC5-923D-16DBE9…)

>>605380What his man-tits will be in the next 5 years
No. 605557
>>605253i hate pot heads and weed culture, but even i think he needs to shut the fuck up with this bullshit. he's too stupid to realize this is just as annoying.
No. 605589
File: 1543376722042.jpg (25.37 KB, 600x338, Spennty.jpg)

>>605458OT but Jesus, he looks so much like Spencer Rice from Kenny vs. Spenny.
No. 605707
>>605144this this this. right from the first "im bi" video and all the tweets about how he is letting his wife look for a gf cus he's such a good guy it was insanely obvious he was going to end up cheating on her and it was his intention from day 1. all he had to do was tolerate people spamming his social media with "cuck" for a few months till he struck gold with b and ultimately cheated on lainey basically the same day they met lol. so many farmers predicted it.
"her happiness makes me happy, how can i make myself seem like more of a perfect guy!?" - literally what he said in the most smug way, a few months later plainey is crying in the next room while he watches anime and cuddles with her gf.
No. 605817
File: 1543391177971.jpeg (463.3 KB, 1242x1651, 72837E41-2E18-4736-BC25-B83651…)

Idk if anyone still keeps up with his tumblr but I’ve been checking recently ever since Strange Aeons said he blocked her on tumblr. Considering this was posted today, it’s safe to say he’s definitely been lurking, seems to me as he’s addressing some of the comments on his spider man pic
No. 605820
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>>605817He tweeted that two weeks ago
No. 605829
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>>605820No Greg you don't look young. You look like a one of those elderly starlets whose face never fucking moves.Think Kim Novak's last Oscar appearance. That is why some folks think you've had botox.Your freakishly mask-like face. And we think you stuff as no natural bulge looks like the clusterfuck you have in your pants, nor does it change size so dramatically from photo to photo.
No. 605841
>>605380Even with all that pancake foundation, you can see how horrible his skin is.
This is one of the many things I don't get about Gerg. He's clearly very insecure about his appearance and obsesses over how attractive young women find him but he doesn't get his skin professionally treated. I just don't get how someone can be so vain and yet so adamant on not taking care of his
face No. 605857
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>>605829if that bulge was real, id tell him to get checked for cancer
and ive never even seen a dick irl
No. 605873
File: 1543399661679.webm (3.04 MB, 640x424, I Was A Military Cop Ya Know.w…)
>>605520>>605463Everyone needs to understand that Greg is in the same shape and just as physically fit at the age of 33, as he was when he was in the USAF.
No. 605877
>>605873i wish he slid and slammed his fucking face on the ground
also i cant believe he has a framed ff7 poster wew
No. 605893
>>605891sex is the only work out he needs my dude
all 3 minutes of rutting on lainey
No. 605921
>>605841He'd have to listen to a doctor
That would never happen, Grug knows more than any mere doctor
No. 605984
>>605841he can never be told how to do anything. Period. A firefighter could give him an exit strategy in the middle of a fire, and he'd bolt the other way. He never got through his "teen rebellion" phase, which is now mixed with his narcissism.
We saw what happened with dermamom.
No. 606102
>>605984I had no idea about dermamom til just now. I only learned about Onision after watching Brittney Gray do a "hairdresser reacts" video to his stupid black girl hair rants.
I went back and found it - omg haha!!!! I love how she completely obliterated him but he's so stupid he can't just not respond so instead he just repeats the same bullshit that she already shot down. He's one of those people who knows he can't prove someone wrong so he just tries to wear them down instead.
Newsflash Gerg - grown-ass women don't fall for you baiting them into stupid arguments. What a fucking moron.
No. 606146
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anyone ever realize how much the onions resemble beavis and butthead?
No. 606147
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By the time he gets to court he'll shove a bowling bowl down his pants to show off his manliness and thst we're all liars since he'll probably try and blame his destruction on the haters as well.
No. 606152
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You'd think all her dolla she's given Greg would give her a slight backbone, but she is all too aware of his lunacy and probably his most desperate fangirl
No. 606154
>>606147Mhm, so he's again trying to come up with excuses about why he has such a nasty personality whilst also rubbing in his holier-than-thou mentality.
Such personal growth, such a high IQ.