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No. 65413

I've only just heard about this girl, because there is drama going on with her with a local con coming up. She honestly looks to be a major lolcow judging by her Facebook posts.

No. 65416


Her deviant-art alone is full of lels.

No. 65462

I sure am getting sick of random bitches getting posted here with nothing to go on but an unflattering pic, a link to their shit and the OP's word they're a lolcow.

Shit, at least write a few sentences explaining how and why she's a lolcow. The average poster would rather stick to threads they know than run all over looking for dirt on some no name bitch you know about.

No. 65482

Had a look at her da. Looks like a standard weeb

Can someone provide caps of the top keks

No. 65538

Not OP, but I know who she is. I can give some deets.

>UK cosplayer, who sells herself as a "professional"

>Trying to write her own comic series, with characters ripped-off from other series
>Known to copy and even steal other artists characters and gives no credit
>Thinks she's god's gift when it comes to art and will insult anyone who says otherwise
>Posting Facebook statuses every half hour, mostly of weird shit
>Talks about how everyone, including her own family, is against her, meanwhile spewing vitriol about everyone under the sun
>Banned from a fair few cons because of her behaviour towards other people

She's involved in a shit ton of drama on Facebook right now because she traced someone else's character and was going to attempt to sell prints at a con. I'll try get some screengrabs before she takes them down.

No. 67145

No. 335969

File: 1484191158739.jpg (Spoiler Image,85.92 KB, 441x408, can only prove old stuff is tr…)

She truly does trace guys.. have evidence of that >< and also lies about rape and claims a drunk guy at a bus stop wanting a kiss is rape etc

No. 335979

She also can't spell simple words to save her life and English is her first and ONLY language.

No. 335984

necromancy is illegal, newfag

No. 336018

Newfag please go to her thread in snow and stop the necromancing.

For the love of god learn to /sage

No. 336143

yeah i just guessed you could have guessed i have no idea how to work this shit… not everybody uses this shit daily thanks..

No. 336146

One would have assumed sheer logic would have led you to see that the last post was over a year ago, and that it must be an old, dead thread.

And to repeat, learn to sage. Literally googling "sage lolcow" will tell you how to do it and what it does.

No. 336151

actually tried posting it on the newer one and not sure how it got here.. that was an accident.. as was the spoiler thing.. i have pretty glitchy internet and when its glitchy and jumping on an offline constantly you tend to get confused and make mistakes sometimes and no.. i will reply to what i am replying to where i reply to it.. would have made a bit less sense if i said it where the thing i was replying to was not shown tbh.. and also i did not go down to the bottom to see the last comment either so sheer logic works how with the fact i didnt go this far? actually nvm as i am off for now.. you people get way too damn irritated over stupid shit :')

No. 336155

oh my god stop fucking responding

No. 336156

Can we get a mod in to lock this to prevent more responses, please?

No. 336157


No. 336158


No. 336159


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