File: 1427108169642.jpg (16.28 KB, 316x410, 11070962_849268578495824_23633…)

No. 67117
File: 1427108190138.jpg (48.98 KB, 472x757, 10409584_848209521935063_70349…)

No. 67118
File: 1427109186783.jpg (28.89 KB, 429x351, 10983399_828843717204977_39539…)

No. 67147
File: 1427116474569.jpg (57.09 KB, 960x960, 10622795_846915938731088_54747…)

No. 67148
File: 1427116650049.jpg (41.1 KB, 480x719, 10968539_828614410561241_83161…)

No. 67165
File: 1427124969338.jpg (7.88 KB, 182x276, index.jpg)

she looks like lil' chris
No. 72089
File: 1427763191964.png (11.45 KB, 348x111, 875b253a634f512afa104b0fe41bf2…)

No. 72094
File: 1427763429509.png (10.59 KB, 192x133, 8149fb987d3e7d1208cb3b63398c27…)

I believe what you want is a mirror
No. 76152
>>76041I wasn't on the floor she was on so there isn't much I can say but I've heard some things.
She apparently sold all her plush keychain things, but most of her art was still there.
I saw her at the afterparty lying on the couch, legs spread at one point.
And today, heard she got beaten up at the afterparty but on facebook she's saying she fell over and burst her head open even though in photos she has a black eye and a cut on her eyebrow.
She also said she fractured her arm or shoulder or whatever and now she's worried that she has delayed brain bleeding from falling over.
No. 76698
File: 1428359919971.jpg (121.54 KB, 386x1122, slutshaming.jpg)

>says she doesn't approve of slut shaming
>slut shames in same post to make a vague point
>slut shames cosplayer for cosplaying scantily clad Fairy Tail character
>cosplays both police and angel Panty from PSG
>pole dances in childrens playpark and takes underwear off
>also aside from Yaya, worships Jessica Nigri and defends her when she gets slut shamed
>slut shames someone who models for pictures in underwear
>JNig modelled for pics in underwear
>still worships JNig-senpai
>also posted "tit" pics
>in underwear
seems legit
No. 77486
File: 1428449762480.gif (1.04 MB, 290x189, 1427925048937.gif)

>>77418coming from the person who apparently a while back to a then-confused trans friend trying to figure themselves out said the only way to know is by checking what genitals you have at that moment.
No. 79575
File: 1428734422756.jpg (46.58 KB, 720x960, 11116469_862506407172041_74403…)

How old is Sindy she's rather… aged in this picture.
No. 80105
>>79575>>80100She looks like a 35y/o mum. And those nails are terrible. I dunno why that's the first thing I noticed.
Any updates on DeeCon besides what we already know? I'm sad I couldn't make it this year. Kinda surprised she was able to be an artist there tho, but I guess since they put the convention on as a fundraiser for the art school they'll let anyone be a vendor.
No. 81937
>6 years of art college>for an HNCAre we sure she isn't ChrisChan? Because he took like 6 years to get a college certificate too.
>>81919I would so do this just for the lulz. How2move back to Scotland?
No. 81939
File: 1429045889508.jpg (493.24 KB, 2739x960, cookiecutterbullshit.jpg)

Sindy Pop
Yesterday at 13:06 ·
Why does every freelance comic look the same and every freelance manga look the same
Its like
Theres no origionality these days
youre in no place to bitch about lack of "origionality" when 2 of your ocs are cookie cutter versions of each other and look like Cloud and Sora in haircut.
No. 81940
File: 1429045922948.jpg (393.27 KB, 1024x819, 5876153606_9b18da64d1_b.jpg)

She wants a fucking gimp in a maid cafe???
No. 81952
File: 1429046771438.jpg (20.89 KB, 267x640, 10953955_823267777762571_44609…)

>>81940To be honest, I think that would look better than this
No. 83821
File: 1429284658918.jpg (130.97 KB, 487x467, killem.jpg)

No. 89884
File: 1430224144678.jpg (10.53 KB, 260x225, 1907650_681266165254534_840698…)

Sindy Pop
14 hrs ·
Hey guys
Ill be comming as kirin girl again this weekend to the comic fair
Please pop by my table n pik up some of my artwork <3
oh boy, looks like some poor naive weeb is gonna be buying some traced artwork
No. 91909
>>91868>She wore a Chinese Outfit to China town with chopsticks in her greasy ass hair then took them out of hair, ate cake with them (WHO THE FUCK USES CHOPTICKS FOR A CREAM CAKE) then licked them clean and placed them back in her hair.I haven't been following this thread but OMG WHAT THAT IS FUCKING DISGUSTING. I can't imagine licking utensils clean and putting them in my hair… This post made me shudder, anon.
Also kek at the peacock feather thing. That's actually who I was reminded of when I saw this lol.
i guess peacock feather isn't funny now that we found out she's actually disabled. her Facebook is interesting tho. No. 91916
>>91868When I heard she was cosplaying a LOL character, I knew right away she was obviously gonna try to leech on Kyahri Cosplay for fame because of her Jinx.
She's pathetic as fuck, needs to grow up and stop living in her imaginary Japan desu where she is Uguu Nippon Princess Queen.
On that matter, I also find it hilarious how she keeps lying to herself that she's gonna be a super famous amazing mangaka when half of her shit she calls a manga looks like cookie cutter bullshit.
Sorry dear, I don't think Akira Toriyama has anything to look out for.
I can't wait to see what smelly rotten bullshit she pulls out her uptight asshole next.
I got £50 says she brings up that one guy/group/"""tragic incident""" she's obsessed with beating a dead horse over.
No. 91937
File: 1430498483740.jpg (172.26 KB, 640x960, 10456259_689378131151537_56947…)

>>91930Yeah, it was from this meet.
I never went but I heard all the drama as it slowly developed.
Just look at her perfectu cospuray though
I'm seriously just waiting for the day where her friends get sick of her, stop excusing her bullshit and fuck off.
Especially that one weeb who keeps liking all her statuses and obviously wants her as a waifu.
No. 91952
>>91909No, PF was really creepy with that one cosplayer she idolised, and also came off as really bratty. Like someone who never hears "no" at home, so when she hears it outside of home she pitches a shitfit.
Maybe Sindy's the same tho; maybe she had parents who spoiled her growing up, so she thinks she can get away with whatever she wants. Because if it's OK at home, it must be ok outside of home.
No. 105566
>>102756The funny thing is she uploaded a picture of one of her packages and didn't blur her address now, so anybody can see it and send her shit since her page is public and she doesn't even seem to care.
Send her tracing paper.
No. 105569
File: 1432129280962.jpg (95.98 KB, 720x960, 11078255_10154326146347524_791…)

Oh boy she finally finished Arcade Miss Fortune from LoL
look how accurate it's clearly not
also, found another laughable status
"Why do people who are like my close friends 1 minute randomly defriend me
Nande…. like i dont get it… Is it cause of all the drama that ugly little bitch caused?"
No. 105887
File: 1432166330841.jpg (24.89 KB, 491x193, wut.jpg)

Someone told her to blur the address. OMFG IMMA GET FAN MAIL!!!1!!!
No. 106064
File: 1432186195290.jpg (76.93 KB, 960x720, 11109721_884285291660819_53296…)

Just posted this on her facebook, lel
No. 107884
>Names and shames a girl for doing a revealing cosplay and insults her/slutshames her for it on FB then posts up a picture of her tits to show how "big she made them look".is it possible to slutshame when she pretty much dreams of licking JNig and Yaya's assholes, whiteknighting JNig like every other fucker for wearing something like that skimpy ass thing she called a Poro cosplay (or some shit from League because lol, LoL is how to get cosfamous), being as famous as JNig and Yaya, taking off her panties in a park because "I'm Panty-desu kek now read my super sugoi manga that's 1000000000 times better and more famous than DBZ, onegai you fucking bakas.
I'm Erza Scarlet, she was based on me, sob sob desu Fairy Tail copied my manga."
pic from
>>76698 related
No. 107903
File: 1432412632518.jpg (80.71 KB, 720x960, is it supposed to be neon.jpg)

Is the wig supposed to be neon?
No. 107904
File: 1432412711669.jpg (37.02 KB, 540x720, no0.jpg)

No. 107905
File: 1432412775713.jpg (20.28 KB, 291x601, help us.jpg)

ebay rorita at its finest
God her fb is a goldmine
No. 107906
File: 1432412792618.jpg (63.9 KB, 540x720, lawaii1.jpg)

No. 107907
File: 1432412981035.jpg (120.92 KB, 720x960, 971009_500406770048675_1891800…)

my art is not trace guys
No. 107910
>>107905oh my god, I remember she posted that in the scottish lolita comm a while back because one of the girls wanted coord refs for an art project.
She buys all her shit off ebay and then is all like "LOOK GUIZ, I BOUGHT THIS CHEAP DRESSU SO NOW I CAN BE AZN-DESU" then follows it with "GUESS HOW MUCH I SPENT"
we don't need to, there's about a hundred carbon copies all over ebay.
No. 107917
>>107913I've gone far back through her Facebook to where, if I'm not mistaken, she was bitching about parts of Fairy Tail ripping off her extremely generic manga.
Sindy is so condescendingly dumb that it's hard to tell if she was being serious or just trying to be "dramatic and funny" for "teh lulz".
No. 107938
File: 1432415518939.png (1.56 MB, 985x1393, theyrippedmeofffirstwehhh.png)

>>107913Remember guys, if it's an official character with the exact same character motifs then the team of creators who have no fucking idea who you are obviously ripped you off.
No. 107941
File: 1432415580602.png (271.65 KB, 484x389, ayyylmao.png)

bonus image
No. 107946
>>76530I hate these "artists" that complain about doing the thing they supposedly love
id rather be a bad artist with great enthusiasm than a good one without any care for their work
Artists with passion for art makes you a good artist in my eyes
she really needs to learn from horror movie creator "Ed Wood" the "worst" horror movie maker, but his enthusiasm for his films makes me love them
No. 107947
>>107929She rarely updates it, she talks more about the many chapters she's going to "work on this month than actually WORKING on them <-current identity of her amazing manga <-hasn't been updated in forever but does contain some of her amazing manga <-fangroup for her manga….I'm laughing too <-unfinished wiki <-she has a fucking youtube, I bet that "OST" is just licensed j-pop she wants to use in the anime <-she's apparently good enough to have fan art of her oc's
No. 107951
File: 1432417003718.png (123.79 KB, 372x484, heykidscanyouspellsubtle.png)

>>107946It's really sad how thirsty for fame she is.
She talks about how Akira Toriyama better watch out and how her manga is the next Slayers or that one day she'll be famous and living in Japan and her manga will be so popular it will have its own anime.
It's perfectly okay to fantasize about being famous but you have to at least try and be subtle about it, not spew out crap that makes you look incredibly conceited to the vast majority
No. 107956
File: 1432417999929.png (582.54 KB, 624x433, Kagurainmovie.PNG)

This Kagura girls hair is more of a slightly pinkish orange.
Sindy most likely got her shitty wig from ebay after typing in something like "long orange cosplay wig" and clicked the first result.
If she wants to be a famous cosplayer so bad then she really needs to expand to sites like Coscraft and stop relying on ebay and aliexpress because they're cheap.
She bought worbla a while back which I know coscraft sells so why doesn't she buy a decent wig if she got it from there, if she wants to be the next Yaya Han then she needs to dip into her wallet a bit deeper.
Cosplay is not that fucking cheap, especially if you're budgeting.
No. 107971
File: 1432420791146.jpg (152.98 KB, 640x841, image.jpg)

>>107941The resemblance is truly uncanny.
No. 107978
File: 1432422132023.jpg (77.41 KB, 720x400, god save us all.jpg)

But i am so kawaii and sexiiii everyone will want meeeeeeee
No. 107979
File: 1432422203186.jpg (130.71 KB, 720x718, chukawaii.jpg)

Azn desu nyaa
No. 107999
>>107978When I was in college, I went through a phase where if I was bored at my desk, I would find images of animals laying around and put "DRAW ME LIKE ONE OF UR FRENCH GIRLS" as macro text on them. This would be appropriate for that.
>>107904She just looks like a boy in this photo. With a boy face and boy eyes and shaggy overgrown boy hair…
>>102756If you're going to spill dirt about her, tell us what she was like in school. Or what her relationship is really like with her mum? I bet you've got some cool stories.
No. 109048
File: 1432592613645.jpg (99.15 KB, 508x756, y.jpg)

No. 109058
File: 1432592761230.png (509.67 KB, 900x640, lel.png)

so much h8888 but i am best person and everyone should love me
No. 109064
File: 1432593119632.jpg (34.43 KB, 507x237, solid plan.jpg)

muh husbando
No. 109067
File: 1432593197856.jpg (120.74 KB, 600x600, sindyshusbandodonottouch.jpg)

Sindy Pop
7 hrs ·
Who messeged me?
Fb is trying to seduce me with messenger again
Cant u tell judars tumblr takes priority!!!!
Sindy Pop
3 hrs ·
please support Sindy Pop tomorrow by buying all of her prints
Sindy Pop
2 hrs · Edited ·
You really want me to do the just for fun thing
Do u realize every answer will consist of judar!!!!!!!!!
Biggest fear - judar dieng
crushing on - Judar
See where this is going
Sindy Pop shared Think.Nu's photo.
14 mins ·
i allways cosplan ahead!
so like next month ill cosplay judar
then the month after that ill cosplay .. judar
the ill make a new judar cosplay
thn i get his contacts
then his staff
her obsession with this Judar guy is a little creepy
No. 109071
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No. 111204
File: 1432679539249.jpg (139.82 KB, 720x960, erza.jpg)

Erza Scarlet apparently
No. 111208
File: 1432679655714.jpg (141.39 KB, 524x552, rly.jpg)

Shitty ebay rorita
Says she is cosplaying Erza Scarlet yet poses like and quotes Satsuki from kill la kill (Which she is planning a cosplay of so hide your waifus now before she gets them)
No. 111897
File: 1432750225487.jpg (43.77 KB, 510x330, lel.jpg)

Nobody wants you to draw anything, And why do you say your manga is soooo like everything else at once.
No. 111986
File: 1432756275627.jpg (72.49 KB, 640x455, image.jpg)

>>111897Last week it was like Fairy Tail and the week before it was like Freezing.
Also top kek. Keep convincing yourself your anything but trash
No. 112222
File: 1432772256014.png (13.29 KB, 500x131, 1b693f3e0911ba3fceaf8f08a4a967…)

she's so delusional
No. 112224
File: 1432772511385.png (213.97 KB, 500x547, 313d172342f786b45b098d21d12c79…)

someone finally calls her out and she's all like "lol this weeb trash has a death wish, nobody messes with hot shit like me"
No. 112235
File: 1432773614331.png (205.23 KB, 466x544, 7007c9fa34c5c7ad599561f7c85c37…)

>>81939oh hey look, another cloud clone oc…
No. 112239
>>111897ah, i get so pissed off when she acts like this. if she doesn't even enjoy drawing, chances are she will NEVER make it anywhere
it takes SOME level of enthusiasm for your work to really shine, she is treating this like its school work or something. I draw every day for a good chunk of the day and i love doing it, its so much fun and i dont want to get fame for it, i hardly ever upload my stuff online anymore, i do it because i want to, not because i HAVE to
No. 112245
File: 1432774272134.png (20.02 KB, 497x224, 448abc1143208ec1d40e36b855bba8…)

>>112239that attitude towards her art/cosplays etc makes it more obvious she's doing it because she's clearly fame hungry.
also, more kek she's already said but feels the need to mention it again because everyone must know how popular her ocs are.
kinda like how everyone must know how victimised she is when she drudges up cosplay drama from a year ago that she started.
No. 112304
File: 1432777504821.jpg (154.25 KB, 637x770, image.jpg)

>>112256Nah that's referencing this bloke. He got into GSoA with these masterpieces.
No. 112622
File: 1432835346245.png (15 KB, 516x175, spellingtho.png)

She still claiming to be the best artist around until someone makes her draw freehand and against someone else. Until then she totally isn't tracing all her bishies
No. 112623
File: 1432835762390.jpg (26.15 KB, 510x160, weeb.jpg)

No. 112631
File: 1432836233362.jpg (22.44 KB, 513x163, Untitled.jpg)

I know the jack sparrow cosplayer that she is talking about, he got married like two months before this con.
No. 112772
>>112622i could scribble shit better than her
i really wish i could do a 1 on 1 challenge with her and see her be in major denial about her "talent"
No. 112773
File: 1432847634595.png (431.5 KB, 500x525, large.png)

>>112655IMO all the actually decent anime art have people with realistic hairlines
but i get what your saying
No. 113136
File: 1432880103339.png (126.98 KB, 300x296, sindy.png)

So Sindy's going to be at Granite City Comic Con in Aberdeen tomorrow as well as myself.
I'll see if I can catch anything worth reporting back.
She will most likely be hanging around the con trying to do sexy poses with a very PT "I'm pooping" face for photo shoots.
No. 113212
File: 1432901191294.jpg (267.46 KB, 1218x960, 10847868_888926451196703_23764…)

The characters Parasol is way bigger than the little one you bought off ebay, so you compensated by making the handle longer.
Sorry did you even try to be accurate.
Also lovely messy room there.
No. 113349
File: 1432918671058.jpg (35.34 KB, 511x299, 1.jpg)

Last person who ever invites her to cosplay meets just decided to stop running the meets, and she realizes everyone else hates her and won't invite her out.
No. 113382
File: 1432922165798.png (15.15 KB, 487x166, d6cecbb55a43ae0cd6b8da65ec9cc3…)

>>113349tbh though, does anybody even WANT to hang around with her aside from that Caitlin girl and this other girl named Lauren who acts like her "really tough shit bodyguard".
>>113210I feel pretty bad for David, it must be hard to control someone that conceited and manipulative.
I actually hope he stands up to her at some point and calls her out on her bullshit.
Also, found this topkek from her page.
No. 113412
File: 1432925049915.jpg (122.4 KB, 640x931, image.jpg)

If ginger crack white was what you were aiming for then perfect!
No. 113423
File: 1432926014238.jpg (14.39 KB, 510x155, surejan.jpg)

Let me post this and people will think someone is trying to go out with me and i am hot shit. flawless plan except no one would date you.
No. 113425
File: 1432926475441.jpg (54.38 KB, 507x555, lele.jpg)

Posts this right after her shite about not dating a guy.
Lassie needs her fucking hole.
No. 113432
I had a feeling I got her name wrong but that's who I was talking about originally
No. 113596
File: 1432940991705.jpg (55.4 KB, 640x640, r.jpg)

Aye, she was the nurse, I think she was going around calling herself Ebola Chan
No. 113678
File: 1432950271942.jpg (223.71 KB, 1048x1487, WKy3aAp.jpg)

>>113596ugh, this cosplay is dated as fuck
it was a 4chan meme on the politically incorrect board on 4chan
but that was a dead meme a few years ago
No. 113690
File: 1432950836935.jpg (54.58 KB, 680x816, fce.jpg)

>>113678also, here is that boards new flavor of the month
i wonder if she has enough shame to cosplay it
No. 113729
File: 1432956595633.png (11.91 KB, 496x130, 3dc02a7aa9c5863da6236a38151c9a…)

I wonder who "let her down" this time
No. 113947
File: 1432987100306.jpg (42.48 KB, 600x317, renji.jpg)

Rachael got stopped by police in cosplay once, cause she was dressed as Russia from Hetalia but decided to carry a huge as fuck sword, Renjis sword from bleach, Which makes total sense
No. 114041
File: 1433006661405.jpg (45.71 KB, 367x445, naw.jpg)

I am Erza, I am also Judar, Everyone is based on meeeeeeeee
No. 114640
File: 1433083479198.jpg (97.34 KB, 634x850, image.jpg)

Superior at art, superior at cosplay and now superior at photo editing. I give up. Sindy wins
No. 114772
File: 1433107931768.jpg (80.54 KB, 640x960, 11393122_844297315658631_57258…)

No. 114773
File: 1433107974856.jpg (104.52 KB, 509x523, sindr.jpg)

No. 114776
File: 1433108019324.jpg (91.94 KB, 511x489, oc.jpg)

No. 114845
File: 1433116947243.png (594.55 KB, 478x2097, sindythinksofotherpeopleappare…)

>claims to have not had a bad day
>yet bitches about it on a post while pulling the scoliosis card and claims to be bitching for the sake of other people
Sindy Pop
No. 114847
>>114845Also "Experienced con-er"
I couldn't stop fucking laughing
Just because you go to a lot of cons doesn't suddenly make you an expert in running one.
No. 114866
>>114847Experienced con goer my ass. She's been to Dee-con twice, MCM Glasgow expo twice and went to Auchinawa once.
And even then, the month before Auchinawa she thought it was going to be like expo and was excited about "all the dealers and chances to win a trip to Japan" to which the committee shot her down.
No. 114885
File: 1433121688800.jpg (512.78 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg)

>>81939In all seriousness how does she think no one notices that she doesn't trace when one minute she posts stuff like that then posts this
No. 115214
>>114845>>115209Kinda off-topic from the thread here, but for discussion purposes the organisers of GCCC chose a venue that can only legally hold 500 people at a time. I think it was a huge mistake that really could have been avoided, seeing as other small cons usually have at least 4 times as many attendees. It's a given there's always going to be some faggots complaining about something, but no way did the organisers not think that perhaps a lot of people would be eager to come to this event.
However, I also understand (from past experience of organising large scale events) that it's hard to book somewhere suitable for a specific time and date. Especially as if like they were, trying to raise money for charity. Ticketing the event is a very grey area. I'm pretty sure DeeCon have considered it in the past, but I think everyone ends up feeling even more entitled about it and think the organisers owe them something because they're "special" for being a ticket holder.
Moral of the story is, if you're choosing to go to an event where you know there is potentially going to be huge queues and it's busy, don't go along and start complaining about it. If GCCC runs next year in the same venue, I probably just won't go unless it's good weather outside, I honestly don't mind being outside to see friends anyway.
No. 115229
File: 1433184262211.jpg (78.81 KB, 513x557, well.jpg)

10% of nothing wow apply now!
No. 115262
Little miss seasoned con goer complaining that an actual con and not an expo cost £50 and didn't do "Merch".
Every con in the UK is about £40-£50 for a weekend and doesn't do "Merch". A dealers area with a few official stalls and an auction usually but nowhere near anything like expo. No. 115374
File: 1433200167513.jpg (136.71 KB, 826x558, genisiss.jpg)

No. 115490
File: 1433210500769.jpg (92.24 KB, 1313x327, that one time .jpg)

Poor bint actually thinks people are jelly of her cosplays
No. 115491
File: 1433210593713.jpg (60.62 KB, 720x960, selfieee.jpg)

i have a black eye… BETTER TAKE A SELFIE
No. 115632
File: 1433239513111.jpg (176.84 KB, 732x1385, image.jpg)

She drew his foot backwards omfg
No. 117989
File: 1433673750152.jpg (191.92 KB, 1000x1000, image.jpg)

I never realised just how fucked up her face is until I played around with one of those smartphone photo editor apps and used her as an example.
No. 119035
File: 1433874500977.png (18.76 KB, 312x195, a8ebfd1f277ce191996c6b763b47f0…)

I think she's on to us
No. 119114
File: 1433886618850.jpg (91.74 KB, 640x650, image.jpg)

Oh joyful joyful
No. 119116
Lol, this thread is bullshit.
Most people posted this know nothing about Sindy.
Yeah, there are bits of this that are true, but you are actually lying majority of things to make her out worse than what she really is.
Also, I assure you her art is not traced.
You can say whatever you want back to me, but as a friend of this girl, I will stand up for her.
I don't think she is an 'angel' and I don't always agree to everything she says.
I have had arguments with her before (which btw she does love having an argument), that is just the way she is.
Lol, I don't get involved with that shit, but I suppose most people these days are right into causing fusses and drama lamas.
it just anoys me reading that Sindy is a fake artist which Im aware that she is not, that is all.
No. 119129
>>119116Listen I know she's probably your friend and all but like, have you actually seen her draw? Like sit down in front of you and draw? Because the girls style changes in every panel and you can tell her freehand straight away as the anatomy is terrible and disjointed (see backwards foot up above). She goes from shonen-jump style art one minute to Fushigi Yuugi shojo the next and she seems to be able to produce fantastic sketches and base pieces without so much as a base skeleton. I work for an illustration company over here in the states and there's no way she can produce that work freehand without guidelines; all artists use them and professionals can spot a mile off whether someone's traced and someone has actually studied anatomy and life drawing. You need to know the rules to break them first.
If she can live stream or show a step by step guide of how she builds her pieces (and that includes the initial base guides/build up) then fair enough, I'll eat my pencil but if you know anything about art, you can't stand there and say she's not cheating.
No. 119132
File: 1433887748539.jpg (97.42 KB, 506x768, lelelele.jpg)

Oh Hunny you are not big or clever and you have used yourself being tiny as a excuse to threaten people cause no one would take you seriously.
You just done the worst thing. You should have not posted on this thread at all, all your going do is someone will make a new thread and they will talk about this. Leave it be and people will eventually leave you alone if you stop acting crazy
No. 119141
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No. 119164
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wooow this thread its just vile. i mean you haters against sindy are just vile beings. btw im that caitlin girl that you have mentioned. ive actually been to her house, and watched her draw. and she is actually good at drawing, better than me tbh. shes a great drawer. sure she may not be as popular or as hot looking like the professional cosplayers out there, but she give time and effort into her cosplays which makes her a just as good as a cosplayer. so you all can just shut the ever loving fuck up. also i realize you have also mentioned the peacock cosplayer, and have said vile things about them aswell. guess what, they have a disability, so if you think its okay to mock people YOU DONT EVEN KNOW. then sit down, shut up and move on. you hate sindy? good for you, stop wasting time on her by on hating her and move the fuck on.
No. 119171
>>119144what you need to teach her is the difference between referencing and eyeballing/tracing.
-wanting to draw a girl holding a long sword ready to battle
- have pose sketched out but not sure how sword and arm placement would work
-find a stock image of a woman holding a pole in a similar style to what I want, have a look at how the anatomy sits and take what I have learned and apply it to my drawing eg accounting for the weight and size of the sword compared to the girls build.
-want girl to be wearing Demonia style boots but not sure how the sole looks exactly
- get stock image of Demonia boots, see what kind of sole they have and applying that to my image.
Now compare that to what sindy does and you'll see why so many people take issue; for arguments sake let's say she does "reference" and not trace
-wanting to draw a girl holding a long sword ready to battle
- Google image search "manga girl holding sword", see manga fan art of a girl holding a sword in a battle pose
- keep image on hand side by side to my art, drawing exactly same pose and changing a few details like hair style and outfit details
In the first example, you've created an original piece of art but referenced a few photographs to refine details but for the most part, created your own composition.
In the latter, you have taken something made by someone else and recreated it. Yes you may have drew it by hand but it's still a recreation of someone else's work and has very little effort applied to it and doesn't allow you to push your boundaries skill wise.
The reason people like professional anon above and even non-artists can spot that this is what Sindy does is because we can recognise exactly what piece she's copied from. See above the image of her OC looking exactly like Cloud Strife and Erza Scarlet.
I'll give credit where credits due, the girl is pretty good with her lineart it's just a shame it's not original. It's not fair on artists who actually work their asses off to improve only to have someone leech off their skill and pass it off as their own.
No. 119182
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>this thread
No. 119186
>>119181Speak for yourself
we anonymous mostly don't give two shits.
No. 119197
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ive seen her draw with out her looking at any references at all, and they are still good. you dont know her in real life like i do, so stop making things up about her. seriously. also that park incident, she didnt take of her panties. she does not trace art at fucking all. and maybe the reason why her style differs abit, is because people can do more than just 1 fucking style. like seriously. grow up. all of you are just being childish,hating on someone WHOM YOU DONT EVEN KNOW. seriously you need to grow the fuck up, and move on. there are more things to be concerned about than sindy.
No. 119205
>>119199Are we forgetting these from before Dee-con? friend posted proof back when that Dee-con drama kicked off, and you made a massive stink to deflect from the fact the lines match up perfectly on both bey blade pieces you done.
No. 119212
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Sorry hot stuff you probably got banned for the vendetta threads you were making
No. 119215
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okay if you dislike sindy so much why cant you just forget about her, and move on. like seriously why waste time hating her? seriously grow up.
No. 119218
>>119215if you dislike that we dislike her so much why don't you forget about us and move on.
like seriously why waste time giving a fuck?
Seriously grow up and stop assuming people are going to do what you tell them to.
No. 119224
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No. 119229
On Facebook
>>I'm done caring about it now (49 minutes ago)>>7 posts about it since then
No. 119237
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No. 119240
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I remember the days when making fun of Sindy was simpler
No. 119243
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No. 119245
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>>119243There is more than one of the great ones to bring balance to the force
No. 119256
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Bitch i could break you like a stick
No. 119258
>>119256I love how she gave it ten minutes to see if any of us gave a fuck.
then just took the high-ground like she's got pride or some bullshit XD
No. 119265
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what the fuck is going on in this thread
No. 119416
I go to a lot of these events but don't know Sindy well or any of the people involved in this discussion. But do you guys have any idea how many people commit suicide each year because of behaviour like this? Do you have any idea what effect that has on a family, on friends, even on aquaintences of a person? Have you ever stopped and wondered if the things you pick on a person for are actually the creation of the bullying itself? It's way too easy to sit behind a screen and say the things I've read when you can do it anonymously. It can also get out of hand when there's a group of you doing it, egging each other on. I really don't expect this to make much of a difference but I'm asking each and every one of you to stop and think about how you would feel if your words and actions caused the death of someone. The death of a daughter, a sister, a niece, a friend. Even if they're not a friend of yours. Can you think about how you would live with yourself given the things you have said. Maybe you as an individual wouldn't have caused it, but you were part of a group that did. Say what you like about the public reaction, but you have literally no idea what goes on behind closed doors. I'm not speaking as a friend of anyone here, I'm speaking as someone who lost a dear friend to this kind of behaviour. Please move on and do something great with your lives, be someone you can be proud of, work on having a positive impact on the people you care about, and leave others alone that you don't.
No. 119514
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>>67116I'm sorry but there was no need calling the girl defending Sindy fat and that her cosplays were bad. All she was doing is standing up for her friend, you are all a bunch of sick bastards who need to get off the internet and get a life. Can't believe this thread has been active since before Dee-con, you are all a bunch of sad pathetic losers who have nothing better to do than sit day by day posting things on here about people. Fair enough if these people have done wrong and said horrible things and done stuff unforgivable but still. It's just pathetic. You all need to get lives. I took the time to post this on some friends behalf, please do not sit and say her cosplays are bad and that she is fat. Cosplay is meant to be for fun and you say Sindy is the one ruining it when really it is YOU people who are ruining it. I don't agree with Sindy's words, actions and opinions over the months but get a fucking life. Cosplay is meant to be about fun and everyone has different ways of cosplaying a character. Not everyone is the same whether the costumes and wigs are high quality or low quality. Let people get on with their lives instead of involving yourself in other peoples just because you're unhappy with your own sad pathetic lives. Get off the internet, get a life, get a fucking job and learn to respect people. BYE
No. 119520
>>119514What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you fugly bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Kawaii, and I've been involved in numerous secret kawaii raids on yo mum, and I have over 300 confirmed kawaii-crabs. I am trained in kawaiiness and I'm the top cutie in the entire Kawailand. You are nothing to me but just another fugly fag. I will wipe you the fuck out with my cuteness the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking cuteness. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of kawaii bitches across the world and your fugliness is being traced right now so you better prepare for the cactus up your vagina, maggotfaggot. The cactus that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your face. You're fucking dead, fugly shit. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred cute ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in jizzing out my kawaiiness, but I have access to the entire barrel of the cactuses in Kawaiiland and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your fugly ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "kawaii" face was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking mirror to your face and saw the abomination. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn fag. I will shit cactuses all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, fugly faggot.
No. 119533
>>119530No admin-sama said all arguing has to go in the other thread. So yes it's off topic.
Should we remake this one, guys? The autism crew ruined this one.
No. 119534
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>>119530As for the content: I read it and idc
No. 119588
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She finally shut up in /b/ after she realized that thread was a throwaway.
No. 119764
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AHAHAHAHA This fucking thread is so entertaining to read now!!
>>119175This is so fucking hilarious, I bursted out laughing after reading this shit, keep entertaining us with your comical abilities sweetie!
No. 119838
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Not a smart move Sindy.
Your only real friend (Beks) makes a status saying she's sick of hearing about this page from all parties on FB and if people don't shut up about it, she's going to start removing all of them as friends.
Within 5 minutes the status has been removed (didn't get caps) and Sindy makes this vague call out.
Imagine being such a salty cunt that you start your call outs on your only friend?
No. 119842
>>119838Did she finish school? I don't even know kids in primary school with such horrible grammar and spelling.
It's so bad, you'd think she was faking it.
No. 119844
>>119842She spent 6 years in college doing an art HNC.
For Amerifags; it's a year long community college certificate.
No. 119874
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you guise, it's kind of clear that she is mentally impaired.
considering her antics, what if her mental illness is really severe?
no sane person behaves like that.
No. 119875
>>119850The classic "I'm gonna get authorities involved."
Sorry sindy but everyone has either tried this or tried lying about it.
No. 119922
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Oh look her style changed AGAIN, no guidelines, perfect lines effortlessly with no sketch lines…
Who's she ripped off this time?
No. 120603
>>120592Nah think she got banned.
An anon (they deleted their commen) reported her, her post got removed and then immediately following her profile was gone. She's been banned from FB temporarily before so chance are high she's been banned again
No. 121073
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I don't know what's funnier. The hair on the left or the fact she's drew/traced a female body for her male protagonist on the right
No. 126481
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Missing the point?
No. 126808
>>126788i agree, but using the term "transphobic" makes you sound like a tumblrette
just use normal speech that you would use in public and just say she is a asshole towards the LGBT community
fuck, tumblrettes make it so i cannot take the term "transphobic" seriously anymore
No. 137691
>>129854>>129853i love how cows keep reviving their dead threads
like we almost forgot about her then BAM
someone calling us jerks when nobody has posted here in a few weeks
No. 172463
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For someone who doesn't care you sure are butthurt honey
No. 175128
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Sorry to Necro but she's posting fucking nudes as her FB profile picture
No. 177606
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Shame she didn't respond to this. Was hoping for some shit to go down when I read this.
No. 177913
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>>177902Never said they weren't cute but when compared with the other one, MD is cuter and better organised.
Pic related, it's MD. Can't do a comparison shot because all of MiS's pictures are bad selfies or awkward snapshots that wouldn't make even the kawaii-est of maids look good
No. 178142
>>178127Sora from MiS is in her early 20's as are most of the girls in MiS. They're all aged with the MD girls.
Except Kimberley/Himeko who is in her mid twenties, the same age as Keara who runs MD but has the mentality and maturity of a 16 year old. If they were actually teenagers I'd understand but the two groups are the same age.
No. 179006
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Sorry deleted last one cuz I left the wrong photo.
She left MiS a bullshit review but I feel they handled it well. It was obvious it was her because she posted this on her own account not long before.
She's so salty.
No. 179009
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>>179006That couldn't have been any more obvious. Terrible spelling and all
No. 183175
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>>179009Look who posted another review on MiS. the girls replied pretty nicely again though. It is kind of a shame she has set out to annoy them.
No. 184210
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Don't know what you've done? Get to fuck Sindy. God sake.
No. 184427
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She has that middle aged woman vagina neck going on at age 23. Poor lass
No. 184589
>>184587Yeah… a lot of the time cosplayers aren't pretty enough to replicate video game characters exactly, but Quiet is "average white girl in her twenties, maybe".
Is Sindy gonna cosplay her? I feel like Sindy would cosplay Quiet.
No. 184777
>>184631Yeah but everyone knew her lol cosplay was just a sad excuse to have something to bond with Beks and to get famous with it. I think at one point she actually said she was trying to get a photo shoot with Kyahri and Vixenbite and they said no. So she is bitter as hell
The reason she doesn't like lol is because it is a teamgame and she doesn't understand what it means to play with others
No. 185255
Once she got away from the CosplayScotland/weekly meet weebs she started to become her own person and is a really sweet girl. Online she comes across a lot more confident that she actually is
No. 185370
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>>185360You get home from work, the lights are all dimmed and there's the faint smell of roses in the air. You climb the stairs, noticing rose petals scattered like dust as you continue the journey. The floorboards creak beneath your footsteps and you feel your heart pound with anticipation at what awaits you. You open the bedroom door and take a deep breath, recalling your childhood Christmas mornings where you hesitated opening the living room door incase Santa was still there. You take the plunge and lush the door open. And you see her, this radiant Angel lying on your bed. The rugged texture of her chin, like the streets of Glasgow after the grit lorry as visited, takes your breath away. You open your mouth to speak but only a squeak comes out. She looks you in the eye with that succulent dead stare, your eyes trace her form like her pencil traces others art. You can hardly contain yourself as she whispers gently "muh manga"
No. 185647
>>185417nah she thinks peacock feather is fat and is nothing like her beautiful self.
can we talk about how she is claiming how she is making her dmg outfit? No. 186301
>>184852that, in the end is why i chse not to associate with her. her stubbornness to ignore me right when im standing with my magi stuff talking to her best friend about shipping her cosplay character and trash babe. its like.. what fucking age r u.
But if she wanted to be civil. ofc i would
No. 186303
>>185357i find that wierd… Fullstop
you should be careful what you write on hereXD
No. 186310
>>185367people dont LOOK mentally disabled. do you not understand what a disability is.
their are a very short number pf mental illness conected with your appearance.
your stupidity hurts me far more than this comment was intended to XD
No. 186311
>>186309i figured u slags couldnt help yourself. came to check, oh look! i found more on me.
its fucking trivial
No. 186312
>>186311also this isnt me shitposting, my magi stuff on tumblr is shitposting.
this is me posting, about YOUR shit
No. 186319
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>>thank for all the dmg hate. but getting stoped for pics but cuute bys every 5 minutes on
It's an expo. Even the fat Harley Quins and the 40stone Daenerys got stopped regularly for photos. I wore a wig and a cute anime print dress (because I'm complete weeaboo scum and I gladly admit it) and was stopped for pictures at least 6 times.
Number of pictures taken =/= good quality cosplay.
No. 186329
>>186328Says the bitch who slut shames often.
I have a feeling you seem to know who we are, if so enlighten me please
No. 186330
>>186329when your too much of a fucking coward to admit it yourself? because people you like willdisown you.
nah. its much more entertaaining this way.
and i have never slut shamed. your fucked up proof above missed the entire point of why i had an issue with that underaged girls cosplay
No. 186333
>>186331cant trust any1 man
>> No. 186338
>>184777cosplayed her cause i wanted to. like her design.
couldnt be assed forcing myself to like league for many others beksides beks. its an awful excuse for a game
No. 186344
also i dont comment on here becaause i want to clear my name. you guys lost your issue with me a long time ago. i have an overall goal here. that noboys caught onto yet. so let them keep making these. it only works out for me
No. 186349
>>186343Kingdom Hearts isn't even that great an example of what a good game should be. Flawed gameplay, a plothole ridden story, glitchy as fuck. It's weeaboo-lite tier gaming that attracts fangirls and neckbeards just because "oooh cameo from bishies from Final Fantasy and Sora is so kawaii desu".
If you actually wanna shit on League of Legends compare it to something that's actually in the same genre. It's like comparing Lady Gaga to Cradle of Filth right now.
"It's a fairly shitty MOBA compared to others such as Quake"
"Kingdom Hearts is a poor Action Roleplaying Game when compared to others such as Ocarina of Time or Dark Souls"
No. 186351
>>186348its not like that hasnt happened sevral times tho. obv i cant name everybody who has met me and realized this is bs. i dont ever mention this to them, doesnt mean anything to me.
i dont wanna clear my name. because these people dont know me to slag me off in the first place, ayane was the proof of that herself
No. 186353
>>186349the story is complicated as fuck and after 10 minutes u obviously put the controller own because u died.
the game play in KH is voted 1 of the Best gameplays in the entire gaming world, thats why ff15 is modeld after it.
also. ill admit alot of weebs like it. but thats because the diney apppeals to ther age range. i mean i love vanitus but u never see me weabing over him.
i actualy love it for the game play
unlike league where u get online player shuting keybored scary internet threats at you and 1 hit dieng. i mean i play MH4u online and multiplayer is fucking unless. only person in a game u can depend on is you.
thats why a game like league. with only team player and set champions. is cringy as fuck. the characters arent even that well designed.
No. 186360
>>186358kh is gona be absolute trash tho.
i cant fucking hack all this pixar shit.
im more pumped for BBS vol 2
No. 186365
>>186360But no Pixar worlds have been added to it so I don't know where you get that from?
Big Hero 6 and Tangled have been confirmed. Neither are Pixar.
BH6 is a Walt Disney Animated Studios movie based on a Marvel comic, Tangled is by the same studio.
Neither are Pixar in any shape or form related to Pixar.
No. 186367
>>186362Proof. Because any time you have EVER been asked to provide proof you have an excuse as to why you can't.
So go ahead, post proof of all these bad people
No. 186370
>>186365Oh right i thought tangled was pixar because it looks like it, but pretty sure next to be confirmed is gona b toystory.
i still just. dont want BH6 in it. i didnt like it tht much and cba with all this kiddy shit.
No. 186371
>>186367the proof of kimi being on it is in the fact she spoke directly cncerning her
the poof of ayane came from kimberlys mouth hersef. i do have it. but i cba hunting it out.
No. 186375
>>186371Ok I'll give you Kimi. A few others have been very open about their involvement up on drama-gate up there.
But before you accuse anyone who isn't very obvious I really hope you do have proof because shit like that isn't cool.
Also I'd like to add; there are some people who lurk and get involved in these threads without personal involvement with the person they are about. I've been around here for ages for threads like PT, Isaki, BigLottes and Kotakoti and you piqued my interest a few months ago. Call it schadenfreude or whatever, it's like reading trashy magazines or watching Dr Phil for some of us.
No. 186380
>>186375yea im very well aware of people who are just biggoted anons.
its sorta of part of the deal when u come on this rathole is that u get vermin running around.
i havent acused a single person openly that i do not know 1000% is on here.
No. 186388
>>186386samatha never changes lol
i speak my mind on her and she wants to hone the police. sammy never left me behin. i blocked her.
samantha is paranoid and to be fair. off her head. if you take anything she says as gospel truth. maybe shes missing out all the times she wrote shit ll over my wall. stired up cosplay drama she wants in. tried to get my kicked out of college (TRIED) and generally just failed as a friend. your welcome to her and her contant bitching about her gallstones
No. 186392
>>186386guess everybody but you is wrong then, the police, the college, the sex ofenders. no it must be you tjats right.
u have fun persueing that
No. 186394
>>186380Same anon as
>>186375 and a few others.
I want to be straight up honest in a non-bitchy and disgusting way with you.
I don't like you. That's not to say I dislike you. If I met you in person, there's a chance I may change my opinion of you if you turned out to be a pleasant person. Going by your facebook posts and your very public naming/shaming rants about invidiuals and targeted vaguebooking, I don't currently think you are a nice person.
I think Jordan sums it up best need to stop looking at this thread as it clearly upsets you no matter how much you say otherwise. I've been here long enough to know how often "Look at how much this doesn't bother me" == "This really fucking sucks and I'm actually incredibly bothered".
If you stop fueling the fire or taking the bait, this will all die. This thread was on the last page about 4 weeks ago until you posted in it again. Ever since then you get the occassional person bump it but it only gets a lot of regular activity when you post in it. Look at the timestamps. It's very spaced out compared to say the Venus or Kota threads where they are bumped every 10 minutes sometimes.
I know you like to rant, rave and get angry about things but maybe do it in a non-public setting. As much as you may hate 4chan, if you want to rant about a video game /v/ or /vg/ can be therepeutic. Same for anime and /a/. Want to rant about individuals? Take it to PM or create a tumblr and don't link it to anyone where you can shout into the void and it won't comeback to bite you on the ass.
Don't link to this thread, don't even look at it! add on is fantastic for stopping yourself looking at websites; I used to constantly check /cgl/ to see if I turned up in ita threads and got myself very stressed out. Now I try do look and I get blocked; it gives me enough time to recompose myself.
No. 186395
>>186394im not bothered if you like me or not.
you want me to do this or that so ill be liked by you.oan yer bike ill survive without you
No. 186396
>>186394*if you stop fueling the fire or taking the bait, this will all die. This thread was on the last page about 4 weeks ago until you posted in it again."
look again its been going on for the last 3 months. bitching about my mcm cosplay im no llonger fueling this. and u can no longer use it as an excuse. so try a diferant trick
No. 186407
>>186403weve blocked each other like 40 times. XD cleary she thinks its a game.
go shoo somewhere else. i dgaf about her drama. i soped caring good 12 months ago
No. 186412
>>186403i dont give sweetie. sammy doesnt know this but i got my own bad diagnosis.
i tried to care abut her. m done. she pushed me out to many times. fuck her
No. 186416
>>186415feelings mutual. snakes in the grass lol
thats exactly hy i left her. i was sick of her trashy mates backstabing me whenever i tied to tolerate them
No. 186425
>>186424awwe i know who u are now.
i still dont care. its old hat. over done with nothing i say is right you both twist it all. end of the day, me her n you wont ever speak so go get over urself
No. 186427
>>186424awee i remember she tried to blame that missing laptop on me. she was literally bitching and arguing with and about peter every 5 minutes even right behind him once. i wa like get the fuck on with your life.
also peter as being a dick cause i was lagging in my hnc. everybody was getting it and it wasnt at the same time sammy and i were tlaking for the 200th time
No. 186429
>>186426u didnt read that did you
i dont coment on here, BECAUSE not fullsop. dont shorten my sentences ty
No. 186430
>>186428XD i ws too fabulous for you newbies.
HNC swag
No. 186436
>>186434XD you really just cant take a fragment of a sentence and dicide thats enough to go on
i said i dont post on ehre because i wanna clear my name
I DO post on here for another reason..
do u see how u are being an idiot now
No. 186440
>>186394Did you even read my comment? My advice wasn't to make me like you; it was advice on how to make this die once and for all.
Jesus you need to read more than a few words woman.
No. 186443
>>186440if you did this or that id give you a change"
fuck you lol ill live without your chaces
No. 186444
>>186441you muight have a wait.. i dont feel jealousy oozing from me XD otherwise id call myself anon and shit post about some cosplyer on ehre.
u guys enjoy ur course, and your life
No. 186447
>>186438Didn't you take 6 years to complete an HNC though?
>>27662(deleted to fix link)
No. 186450
>>186442You clearly do, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Your argument is that you don't post to "clear your name", so you obviously do want to clear your name, but then you also said you post here for some
super secret reason nobody has figured out yet. Why do you keep saying things then going back on it? Honestly one day you're going to pick a fight with somebody who will call you out in person and you're gonna have a bad time. You're too cocky for an unattractive, below-average intelligence, low-tier cosplayer. You need to properly look at youself.
No. 186452
Link isn't working ffs
>>27662You got your art HNC 6 years after starting college because 3 was spent in photography.
You spent 3 years getting a 10 month certificate, not even a degree
No. 186456
>>186451You say "you've been posting here for months", but I actually haven't. You don't know me, and you're unlikely to ever meet me, but believe me, everybody knows of
you. You're renowned for being a shit-talking troublemaker who can't deal with being confronted. Honestly, I'm just trying to give you some advice. The way you act is disgraceful.
No. 186458
>>186452think the thread got moved
let me break this down for you
1 yearwith sammy in NC art design 2008
2 years with angela and deanna in the NQ and a diferant NC (photograhy)
1 yer in ayr where i met holly.
1 year in HNC
oh.. huess it was 5 years then
No. 186463
>>186458Still took longer to get an HNC in art from start to finish than someone can get a BA honors at Glasgow School of Art in fine art.
Same time if you take a gap year from school to take a portfolio prepping NQ
No. 186465
>>186463your not getting it.
i jumped from diferant courses. when i settled for ayr in 2012/2013 i did the 2 year hnc
No. 186467
>>186462Most lolita these days unless they are after brand pay that much money for a dress.
The vast majority of lolita opt for taobao and indie brands nowadays which work out the same cost and substantially higher quality than your ebay messes
No. 186477
>>186475she told me servl times
holly said this abut you when u were off
i was in the class n they were bitching about you
holly said this snide comment to me t the drawers. i am litera;;y just going on what she told me. i actualy tried to get them to be pals. but sammy always hated it. it wwas creeping both me n holly out
No. 186489
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>>186470taobao isn't even rocketscience. There are a million and one guides out there to teach you how to use it. Have a link to help I use it for lolita and cosplay
Even fanplusfriend or bodyline is superior quality to ebay.
Just to give you an idea. I found a dress similar to what you had last and one from taobao.
If you wore it as a normal hot-topic goth dress you wouldn't create much of a fuss but it's when the lolita tag gets applied to it people get annoyed.
It doesn't have the right aesthetic/shape, it wouldn't hold a petticoat, it's got too much cheap lace, poor quality fabric and the print is far too busy and clashes to give the right lolita look. It's a staple for newbies and ita. I know. I had it in white and black for my first dress many moons ago so I'm talking from experience.
It might cost £36.99 but how often many wears are you going to get out of it before it gets wrecked? I was careful with mine and the lace started fraying very quickly, the fabric wasn't that soft, it was very scratchy and within a few months I binned it.
I went off of lolita for a while after being posted in an ita thread in that dress but I eventually came around and I learned about taobao and I spent a little bit extra (but didn't break the bank) and got the dress on the right.
After shipping I spent about £65. I got it 3 years ago and it's still practically new today. It's a solid made velveteen dress that does me for both lolita meets and formal events, the print is subtle but aesthetically pleasing, it's well made and it fits the lolita aesthetic.
If you do seriously wish to pursue lolita fashion I recommend really reading up on it. The EGL community on LJ is also fantastic
No. 186499
holly shit fuck that!
thatdress was 6 and i have a diferant pink 1 fromt he same seller, good as new cause i store them well and take care of hem. the black and re 1 is ready for the sewing machine tho lol but i was like £20 so its fair.
all clothes last. i understand the want for lothes that last. but i cant allway afoord that option £40 is like my limit on 1 single clothing item.
(sept cosplay)
but i will defo have a look on taobao
No. 186504
>>186499Not just clothes that last. Clothes that LOOK NICE AND ARE NOT COLOUR CLASHING EYESORES.
Give up on lolita hen; you just called one of the most popular indie-brand dresses hideous. You evidently have no taste
No. 186508
>>186504tbh i get the red 1 is not the nicest. i liked it at the time. and it feels nice on. but i mean u cant exacly tslag the purple 1 i think its cute as fuck.
i wear it because i like it, not to be a kawaii ita model.
No. 186514
>>186509XD yea i was a fool when i joined scottish lolita i thught it was for cute lolita fun. i didnt realise they were insane
after the first meet i left the group
No. 186522
>>186511those aren't even remotely the same.
You wouldn't wear an entirely pink and fluffy outfit and call it punk. You wouldn't wear a pair of tracksuit bottoms and call it goth just because they're black.
Fashion styles have guideline that identify them as that fashion; lolita guidelines are Victorian/rococo era inspired dresses with a bell or cupcake shape when worn with a petticoat. That's it. That's what Lolita is.
You didn't even attend a meet so stop talking out your ass; I attend all meets so I know.
No. 186533
>>186526They don't have to be brand to be Lolita: look at bodyline.
Gothic/punk/sweet/hime/classic - they all have the same guidelines and overall aesthetic it's just the colours and accessories that change ffs
No. 186538
>>186534he is tho. she wasnt fucking 23 at the time she was 21
he kept fucking chatting me up. and why canot this girl move on with her life. so petty
No. 186544
>>186539Pretty sure u just made more comments on this thread than any other person on this site has lmao
Talk about pathetic…
No. 186559
>>186535No. Just no.
Goth/punk/sweet/classic are all SUBstyles of the fashion style lolita. The differences are the colour schemes and accessories. Whether the dress is Moitie, Angelic Pretty, Taobao or bodyline, the thing they all have in common is the overall shape of the dress. If it doesn't have the shape it's not Lolita in the slightest.
are you mentally challenged? Did your mom do crack when she was pregnant? No one can be this dense to read what anyone's written and respond the way you do. You are literally more retarded than Isaki and that's impressive.
No. 186563
>>186560They didn't say that, and considering you've said yourself you're not a lolita, who are you to try and explain the fashion to somebody who clearly
is a lolita? You just hear what you want to hear, and it's blatantly obvious you're trying so hard to be
le edgy shitposter trash troll lolololo but honestly, you're just embarrassing.
No. 186566
>>186563doesnt mean i dont understand what lolita is. im planning on studieng fshion ive reserched lolita alot.
i just do not consider that brand = real lolita
all it = is brand lolita
No. 186569
>>186568i bout thats from beks XD so your insulting her more than me here.
yea i get thats cringy. winter is a bad time for lolita XD
also that dress is bdyline btw so u cant entirley slag it off
No. 186571
>>186568its embarring you think its unnacceptable
to who am i supposed to be acceted by.
this is what is wrong with you guys
No. 186573
>>186569Let me tell you why that outfit is terrible.
- The dress itself isn't great. I imagine you could be… passable if you'd worn it better, but honestly the dress is ugly. I'm aware it's Bodyline, but Bodyline has nice stuff and it has ugly stuff, just like lots of the big scary expensive brands do. This is not a conversation about brand.
- None of your accessories match. Of course the coat doesn't have to match, not everybody can afford a lolita coat, but really, why wear black tights and what look like purple wristcuffs with a dress that doesn't have those colours in it?
- I can't make out your hair accessories properly, but the wig has got to go, it looks cheap and costumey and doesn't match.
- Your boots are not lolita at all, and they also don't match.
Honestly, you could probably make a passable lolita if you'd just take advice but you won't even do that.
No. 186574
i had to wear something warm i didnt have flesh tone tights by then.
i am trying hard to do the fashion properly i mean when did u last se me look that bad. XD i do take your advice and seriosuly stop insulting the dress cause ur just insulting my friend and i may have to rip your head off if i find you
No. 186585
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>>186581>>186583You can find petticoats on ebay for relatively cheap, and you wear blouses under dresses, like in the picture.
I don't want to keep bumping this thread with links and things so I'll find another way to get in touch with you with stuff.
No. 186601
File: 1443469639645.png (2.88 MB, 1548x1478, lolitastyles.png)

Different anon but I made this for you because I can see why
>>186559 lost the rag at you.
The entire point they were making was whether you are wearing a $6 dress or a $200 dress, if it doesn't look like a lolita outfit it's not a lolita outfit. There's a livejournal community dedicated to calling out Brands like Angelic Pretty and BTSSB for making awful ita dresses so brand =/= flawless.
Look at this chart. Excluding the off-brand classic, the offbrand dresses are all from Bodyline and cost the same as the dress you are wearing. Can you see the similarities? They are all different styles but they retain something similar - the shape and silhouette of the outfit. They're all different styles but they're coordinated well. The accessories compliment each other and the main piece of the outfit (the dress), the other parts like blouses and tights and shoes all tie in with each other. I deliberately opted not to use OTT outfits and went for a simple coordinate to help show these things off better. I'll attach an image in the comment below with a redline of the silhouettes to better show what we mean
No. 186604
File: 1443469724683.png (1.43 MB, 1548x1478, lolitastylesoutline.png)

>>186601here :) I hope this better highlights it for you and you understand why as wearers of the fashion, we get a bit irked when people throw on any old thing and call it lolita. Like the example used above, you can't just shove on a pair of black jeans and say you're a goth or add a Sex Pistols patch to your bag and call yourself a punk
No. 186610
see im gona work harder on mu lolita omg! im sorry ive been so bitchy to you guys. !
No. 186611
>>186609im so pumped now like i legit wanna get my lolita right!
but ill never be a genuin bran wearing lolita so i appologise for that!
No. 186626
i have like 40 judar plushies too
No. 186629
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look at him hes fucking precious
No. 186631
>>186623locow is a board to discuss people who are considered "lulzy".
People like Kotakoti, Venus Angelic, Charlotte Charms - lurk around a bit and you'll notice that everyone posted here has a history of drama, reacting badly to criticism, being '
problematic' and/or '
triggering' or just generally horrid people (See Sheena Oum).
Sindy got posted due to her freakouts over cosplay, suspected art tracing and frequent call outs on facebook. Her reactions ensured more posts were made and thus the thread stayed active.
Essentially the long and short of it is - the people posted here are cows, the drama they produce is the milk and the people lurking and posting here are the farmers trying to get said milk
No. 186636
but nah its waay more complicated than that
No. 186642
>>186631i lovehow u guys DECIDE im a cow but only after stalking me at cons and shitposting retarded memes of my hear on a chicken
tears are real R.N
No. 186644
>>186641behind mcdonnalds man
my dad will beat up your dad
No. 186652
>>186650i just reply and it
triggers them
No. 186659
btw if you wanna make a fb group chat im cool with that! i think admin is gona boot me off in a sec
No. 186679
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Welcome back sindy!
No. 186723
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>>186720sweet burn m8 totally great comeback
No. 186726
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here you go you filthy dogs
No. 186728
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>>186726look at me am i sexy yet?
No. 186732
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No. 186735
>>186733she the fuck up
he was so nice to me all day, just cause nobody wants to befriend your maingy hide
No. 186763
>>18676245* scoliosis.
amelia and lucian la crescent on fake profiles they admited to sayed theyd kick my head in at deecon
i mean if you go right up the top. the thing with h did she get punched at deecon, thats where that comes from
(stick to /b/, friend) No. 186910
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I have an idea for her next cosplay.
No. 186915
>>186900Also you're just as bad as she is with the "square go brah" chat.
How about no one hits each other, you scurry away back to your hovel and piss off
No. 187529
>>186375I know for the fact kimberley only posted one comment on here(including the other thread) and didnt try to hide the fact it was her.>>113957 However nothing she sad was mean or rude and she did have evidence to back it up.
the one thing i want point out about the people sindy blames for this thread. This thread was made about her stealing art and the people in that argument, yet she still goes back to the same list of 4 names who were not involved in that.
No. 188829
>>188079>>188124beks choose to be friends with here end of, sure they dot agree on this, but who are we to judge who beks are friends with.
now im not defending sindy i hate her guts.
No. 190073
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Nice blackface SandyPoop
No. 190135
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its actually a welsh seaweed colligen boosting face mak, cause you know. some of us like to actualy take care of our faces instead of just, slapping foundation on..ya'know
for the secret i rate 8/8
No. 190139
>>188829>>188079>>188124attempting to shove your head right up her ass is not going to fix all this bullshit lol.
the truth is you CANT deal with it.
you cnt accept she would rather speak to me than you (if only she knew who you were)
if you ever wanna salvage your friendship with her, come clean about who you are, and REPENT MOTHERFUCKER
No. 190144
>>190142gona take more than that half assed insult a 3 year old could have done better with, to penerate this thick skin.
No. 190146
>>190142is their anything on this planet you DO find attractive
besides your arse
No. 191446
>>76152new to this thread so bare with me
but does anybody actually have proof she was attacked at the venue.
i sort of think her excuse makes more sense. if she was punched why does she have a cut on her eyebrow. why is her eye black, why is her shoulder injured.
also she fell at the after party?
i mean that was in a crowded place. if anybody had hit her wouldn't they have seen it
also being the crazy bitch she is… wouldn't she have got them convicted for it.
No. 191453
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>>191446She was't attacked at Dee-Con. She drunkenly fell down the stairs and burst her face open.
No. 191469
>>191453holy shit she looks like a 67 year old white trash meth smoking grandma
She's so ugly I feel so bad for her
No. 191942
>>191453i have legit never touched alcohol since i was 15 (and even then it was like 2.5% WKD). anybody whos ever met me will tell you this.
i dont like drinking i dont like anything to do with it. i grew u watching my bros dad abuse it and belting my mother when hed had to much
why the fuck would i ever go near the shit.
No. 191943
>>191539im going to blow your mind here but have u ever heard of something called
its where things in front of a camera are larger because its taken at a 2 dimentional freeze frame.
did you even go to school kek
No. 191947
>>191453also, down the stairs hahahah omg what do you think im suerman or something
somebody with a 45 degree curvature in there spine falls down at least 14 solid cement stairs and all the suffer is a suden and fast burst to the head omg what shit have u been smoking XD if id feel down that massive flight of stairs, wich had 2 security guyard at earth end. id prolly have been in hospital at least a week with something broken.
all i suffer was a fractured eyebrow ridge, and a torn rotary cuff. i was wearing my thin tights because i was too sore in my boots. and i was doing something and i slipped. it happens. there was quite a bit of blood but amazingly it was put down as jst a sudden head injury. they did want to keep me incase because head injury and bleeding, you know gotta make sure no complicattions. thats why i was ait jjumpy at the idea i might have had probelms a few days after. cause there is allways the chance. u could agrue i should have stayed in hospital but i was awake and aware on bag on so tbh i felt k to discharge myself. plus i really need to sort my hotell.
peole sayng im punched like thats logical. 1 nobody would punch me. i legit dare anybody who had the balls to even contemplate it to come at me. it wont end the way u think it will
and 2 even if i was punchd. why would i be punched in my eyebrowXD
if i had been ppunched in the eye. my eye would have needed surgery at least. direct impact n all.
also why isnt my face swolen up. agaiin no sign of being punched.
you really shouldnt go making up shit about me being drunk ll this does is PROVE nothing on here is true and that its all TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT
i sleppped and fell. it happens, get on with it.
not ding this to make myself better. doing this to fukin educate you
No. 192108
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>>191949The difference is you never look good.
No. 192348
>>192073i tagged beks in there photo because i wanted to show her that even tho beks had left (because in her on words "they made me feel usless, i was given anything to do other than stand around and open the door to people")
they were stil using an image which had her in it
or should i say clinging onto the hope that a decent and well liked member of the scottish cosplay scene graced thier shitty cafe with her pressence XD
No. 192550
>>192547somebody seams to enjoy pretending their a maid lol because they were going on about events at ichiban aswell which i didnt understand because you and i didnt have a problem on the first time we met.
but it was that same persn who had informed me i was banned. so if i had been banned by you through fb then i had never about it. i thought the person who banned me did it on here, but i was holding down a conversation
so when smebody says, oh that was ayane. it basically looks as if all that above was you
this is why i hate them going anon the amount of other people who get dragged into it because people say so and so said this
its so pathetic
No. 192554
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>>192552tell me about your phd in medical disorders
No. 192555
>>192553yea it was like 2 am or something
okay then i am v sorry for draggn you into it please accept my appologies.
No. 192558
>>192552Yep. Scroll above and see how many posts and drawn diagrams it took for her to understand the concept of lolita fashion.
Any rational, mentally developed adult would grasp it first, maybe second time. Also an O-level(you're in Scotland, you mean Standard Grades) is 3-4th year level exam. I.e 14-15 year olds get Standard Grades/O-levels. And as stated in the /b/ thread, Sindy herself stated she averaged about a 4 or 5 which is the lower end of the scale.
So we can safely assume someone who thinks an exam that she sat 8 years ago targeted at 15 year olds and still only scraped a pass is worthy of some sort of bragging right is mentally retarded.
No. 192559
>>192558i do understand the concept ol we disagreed because i didnt understand what more she expected me to do. the tights the bluse the petty coat
all things which i new i needed anyway
i have since learned to use taobao but will probabbly stand by my ita trash fasion because fuck you
No. 192564
>>192561Wait, does she think this is 4chan?
The ride never ends!
No. 192566
>>192564cause its exactly like 4chan
and its all cow lolcow chan so…
all be it slightly less boards.
No. 192573
>>192570im new this place please continue to educate me on th ways of the lifeless scum
can u teach me to hacks too
No. 192579
>>192578i did not say my step dad
would u like my adress aswell
No. 192581
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>>192579Oh? Your brother's dad, isn't that what you said?
Not that it's easy to read your drabble.
No. 192583
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>>192581why u usin trash babe without my permission
No. 192586
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>>192583Can someone translate what she's trying to say for me?
No. 192594
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No. 192595
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>>192593why would u do something like this
No. 192598
File: 1444858304232.gif (705.66 KB, 500x300, H0PJmCT.gif)

cause why not
No. 192601
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No. 192605
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>>192595I consider you worthless, Sindy. As anyone would.
No. 192606
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>>192605i would consider myself trash but hell i wasnt aiming too high in life
i am trash can
not a trash cannot
No. 192608
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No. 192609
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No. 192610
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who dont
No. 192611
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using my tumblr name because idgaf
No. 192612
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No. 192621
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i know his weakness
No. 192623
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we wnt speak of that
No. 192631
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what u gona do lol
send me blood mail