File: 1425397498026.jpg (99.67 KB, 800x292, ).jpg)

No. 56667
New PULL thread
Old thread
>>955We left off at finding Tharthan's real fakku account, and him coming back onto the thread because he was butthurt about us finding out just how impure he is. However, he was the stupid cunt who commented on the fakku thread that was created by someone with his most beloved username: Tharthan.
Thread: changed his fakku username to grantham and removed the post on the thread created to slander him all of the other PULL lolcows as well
No. 56693
I'm still posting on fakku with the username Tharthan. down to see the comment. If anyone has suggestions of funny shit I should post with that account then do tell.
No. 56703
>>56693The fuck is "Particularly Token Girly-Girl Clothes"?
kawaii clothes are impure?
No. 56706
File: 1425401060395.jpg (111.07 KB, 640x640, 10979541_416309915198391_94235…)

hey guisee, remember me? ;)
No. 56707
>>56706Looks like a fat black dude and jfc that nose
Is this mintscribbles?
No. 56739
>>56734It's not? Damn, looks like her.
Oh yeah, I really can't stand October either.
No. 56819
File: 1425421183201.jpg (125.12 KB, 800x272, 1404530297497.jpg)

>>56794>>56815>>56817Yh I am.
Also I think they changed the banner when I got pissed with how bad PULL was getting (particularly OC) and I said that with the way PULL had gone I didn't want my "work" affiliated with it.
No. 56908
>>56905So much weeb.
Why would you wear a scarf because your throat hurts?
No. 56920
>>56905I want to learn japanese just so I can film a video without the extremely obviously fake "awkward shy-girl" routine. Like, I'm willing to be that I could attract just as many perverts. They need to cool it because it's embarrassing.
Why would you want to be followed by a bunch of old Japanese men anyways?
No. 56949
File: 1425436143734.jpg (116.11 KB, 605x597, yupyup.jpg)

She would talk shit but then started backpeddaling by saying how mean everyone was to the snowflakes. Wonder why.
pic related
No. 56958
File: 1425437387316.jpg (65.23 KB, 627x407, rag.jpg)

She also kisses ass up to Himezawa. I think it's funny that she rage quits pull the second she tries to be a kawaii aidoru failure like the rest of them. Too bad she's already 21.
No. 56987
File: 1425440872420.jpg (5.57 KB, 160x160, taradox.jpg)

>>56819Why hello there Taradox (Pime). Did you come here to beg everyone for donations because your autistic sperglord ass can't afford a cockroach apartment again?
The reason your banner was removed was because Kiki kept trying to copyright claim her picture. But thanks for biting the hand that fed you. I feel sorry for everyone who tried to help you out.
No. 57017
>>56920why would anyone want to be followed by old dudes of any ethnicities?
for free gifts, lil'nigga
No. 57037
>>57033She made the original banner.
She made a waaaah thread begging for donations from pull because she was too autistic to make enough money to support herself but left and started shitting on the forum after she wasn't getting the attention she felt like she deserved.
No. 57040
>>57039isn't spoony a ginger? and this girl
>>56987 is not
No. 57045
File: 1425447107301.jpg (85.23 KB, 500x750, spoony.jpg)

>>57040It's called hair dye.
No. 57050
File: 1425448140385.jpg (499.52 KB, 3000x1500, spoons.jpg)

>>57048Considering the strong vendetta she has against flan and how she bragged about her experience with cgl and the fact that she told a mod that she was spoony.
look at the nose and the lips and you obviously have a spooner.
No. 57053
>>57051She has her lips parted in the photo on the left and if she had them parted in the pic on the right at same angle they would look the same size.
it was also confirmed that pime and lesbianwalrus live in the exact same area.
No. 57144
File: 1425474820495.jpg (104.49 KB, 500x666, original.jpg)

>>57050>>56987Except that's not an image of spoony, it's ckitts from Tumblr.
No. 57152
File: 1425476276263.jpg (128.37 KB, 937x589, fsdafa.jpg)

>>57146Yes, yes she did.
I remember because I used to follow her on Tumblr before she deleted and I remember her posting
>>56987 No. 57153
File: 1425476400520.jpg (12.51 KB, 942x25, Untitled.jpg)

>>57144That picture was actually pulled straight from her gofundme page. Claire girl is from Australia and Taradox is from the uk.
Although tara deleted the link pic related is a screenshot of the bookmark of the link she posted.
No. 57156
>>57155Show me a proof that a picture of a girl that looks nothing like Spoony and everything like Claire and is a picture I remember Claire posting to Tumblr when she had light brown is actually a picture of Spoony and not Claire?
You can even see the same light blue wall in the background as
>>57152 jeez.
No. 57163
File: 1425478129588.jpg (225.01 KB, 2400x1200, um.jpg)

>>57156I dont see how you don't see spoony at all but okay.
Spoony and tara both live in the same part of the uk and beg for donations and are scumbucket poor.Tara has also admitted to being spoony.
So one thing has to be fact. Tara is spoony.
No. 57165
>>57163I'm not denying that tara is spoony, but that image on the right isn't a picture of her. It's an image of ckitts, I've even posted evidence here
>>57152, I don't know why you're having such a hard time understanding this.
No. 57171
File: 1425478920313.jpg (59.4 KB, 653x323, 14254783961161.jpg)

>>57166Because the nose and the faceshape are different.
No. 57285
File: 1425508380746.jpg (123.68 KB, 640x640, 1599073_991576120927525_572329…)

Rubyredrum: '' And at least I'm waiting until I'm 18 to debut my Super Pochaco beer girl cosplay.''
Please fucking don't. Pic related: it's her. No. 57287
>>57285fatties don't get that fat in 2d is kawaii simply because the skin is soft, doesn't have cellulite or rolls and nothing sags lol
how delusional can you be
No. 57294
Well there's a plus sized version of the sweater on this site they're even using her picture for it so she probably got it from there.
No. 57295
>>57287Fatties in anime would be chubsters in real life, not all american fatasses.
But fatties will take anything they can 'pull off'.
No. 57566
File: 1425573338628.jpg (90.24 KB, 640x640, 10838814_332433260278269_23397…)

you're fat? really? could have fooled me.
No. 57582
>>57171>>57181if I remember correctly, the photo on the left was was supposedly spoony in a wig when she put up a kickstarter donation whatever to help pay her rent after some kind of snafu with her guv'ment welfare living accomodations fell through?
spoony is def. the girl on the left. but I have no idea who 'tara' is supposed to be. & pic is definitely not ckitts.
although photo might be shooped, of course spoony has the skills to do something like that.
No. 57589
>>57584>>57582This honestly looks nothing like Spoony tbh and I don't know why people are buying this shit. Even the eye shape and complexion are totally different. Spoony is pink, this girl is pale as fuck.
If Spoony could shoop and figure out her best angles that well, do you honestly mean to tell me she would continue posting the sort of pictures she already does?
No. 57592
File: 1425579503502.jpg (197.33 KB, 1200x1600, 1419712756467.jpg)

>>57589actually spoony is pale. why would tara claim to be spoony of all people? tara was on pull and cgl. photoshop or meitu is not that hard to use. i'm sure it's nothing new to her.
No. 57604
>>57592You can still see the pink in parts of her face even in that photo. She just has rosy skin, not to mention very thin lips, bigger eyes, a different eye color and a much rounder face shape than this chick. That's besides the point tho.
>why would tara claim to be spoony of all people?Taradox probably is Spoony, but used
>>57584 to catfish for one reason or another. I'm absolutely certain it's not her, and as we all know, Spoony is vain as fuck, so if she could make herself look THAT good, we'd be seeing an entirely different person in her selfies.
No. 57606
>>57604>that good>3/4 of the face is hidden by hairI'm just saying it's plausible. plus, makeup is RL photoshop.
rosy skin
>photoshop>image>adjustments>hue/saturation>grab red/magenta layer depending on lighting>decrease saturation>tada~>kawaii guguu kirakira skin for those of us with rosacea No. 57612
>>56987>>57584IIRC, this photo is at least a year old. I had it on my old HDD and reposted it somewhere a long-ass time ago to troll.
It's of some girl on Tumblr (not Spoony's Tumblr), and there's another photo where she's closing her eyes or something but I don't have it anymore.
I'm starting to think Spoony just used this girl as an avatar on PULL while under the "Taradox" username, and some people were retarded enough to mistakenly believe it was her.
So basically
>>57611 is right.
No. 57616 this exact same speech. this is literally what tara said on PULL when she asked for donations. 1:40 in she starts complaining about a bedroom tax.
Tara deleted her original post but she responded to members asking about the whole 'waaaah tax' ordeal: No. 57673
File: 1425593042959.jpg (252.63 KB, 872x1548, tumblr_nkqqt2qW4Z1s51juko1_r1_…)

>>57582Why would she wear a wig when they have the same hair pretty much.
Anyway they look kind of similar but I don't think it's her.
No. 57687
>>57611Thank you! And it's obvious she hasn't grown out of the drama since she's posted in here just to say she designed the banner multiple times. Which means she lurks lolcow.
Tara admitted to being spoony in the chat one day and was looking for espurrr to apologize. (Don't know why, probably for hiding her identity or creating multiple accounts)
No. 57737
>>57687Not to mention she was caught posting in /b/ here too. I was wondering why so many people seemed to be praising her elf ears on here, compared to when they got torn apart on /cgl/. Guess it was her samefagging.
Spoony is a fucking liar.
No. 57840
>>57566i hate those fat girls that pretend to be confident about their bodies but they go apeshit whenever someone doesnt find their body type attractive and go apeshit over skinny bodies.
Like bitch, deep inside yourself, you wish you were skinny.
why hurt yourself more? losing weight is a better option wtf
sorry for being OT, i just can't stand basic bitches
No. 58209
File: 1425741855497.png (49.84 KB, 769x507, nvdznf.png)'t be surprised if all the anons defending her is actually herself.
No. 58269
>>56687holy shit thats so common now like dude we're shitting on people just like you can you not
>>56738me too the site is literally to complain about people you dont want to be linked to that shit.
No. 58284
Another great new member, I cannot wait to see what she has to contribute.>>'I am mexican (we don't speak mexican ok, SPANISH instead).'No fucking shit.
>>'19 years old'>>'married with a guy who is 21 years older than me, and with a almost 3 months old baby.' She got dat 40yo sugar daddy tho.
>>Then I fell in love with my 39 years old professor (who is german) and whoooho…I get pregnat, we married, and I decided to escape with him because,…'Jfc this just gets even more cringy.
>>' My best friend also hated me and insult me calling me a s* (well I am?? but it hurt that time ) or I better say, she ENVY me because she's still a virgin who plays videogames all day (yeah, im bitching).'Right, i'm done. I can't.
No. 58297
>>58284>>85275Ooooh mai god
Can a pull admin just ban her? She is obviously one of those members
No. 58525
>>58284" living pacefully in my taco country."
i'm done laughing so hard tho
No. 58575
>>58474You're saying that as if it's the first time it happened.
Reminder: Ruire
No. 60269
File: 1426058901967.png (25.02 KB, 336x329, 1364004224001.png)

Can someone who's actually a good artist please redesign the PULL banner? It pisses me off every time I look at it, it's so terrible.
No. 62516
File: 1426416737187.jpg (103.9 KB, 640x640, 11032998_1416408098662270_1187…)

I want to see this bitch roll down a hill
No. 62528
>>62516So I finally checked out her Instagram and something finally hit me,
She looks like a butterbody version of Quirky. Like she's fine if she takes a pic at a certain angle of her face (with makeup ofc), but full body? Naah no thank you.
No. 67734
>>67531I hate this cunt. so fucking bad ass try hard 2edgy for me
half the time she honestly just sounds jealous and mad af
No. 68155"Let's kick things off Selenite-style, with an overly long list of bullet points: "
Shut up, Selenite, and stop being so smug.
No. 68923
>>67779 Totemokawaii is that you?
If so, no, we're calling you out for being an idiot. I lurk there. I don't have an account. Anyone would be annoyed at your love-hate relationship with Venus. We know you would wear her skin if you could lool
No. 68950
>>68935I think so too. She's been doing this for like 2 years or something? Is she a NEET? I mean lolcows are entertaining and all but come on she has so many Venus videos and pictures saved to her computer and spends so much time on Venus. I remember she bragged about having Venus's deleted period blood video and said she would message the video to whoever wanted to see it. Why would you look at that lol
since she insults Venus's face a lot and said her face looks so much like hers, does that mean she's insulting her own face as well? LMAO.
No. 68995
>>68993Who's this? Totemokawaii?
Why are her eyebrows backwards?
No. 69002
>>68995That is TotemoKawaii. She has a personal tumblr, but I cannot give it out.
On PULL she is a bigger bitch though.
No. 69025
File: 1427383683198.jpg (31.81 KB, 496x808, 1380135_549132265166299_275244…)

>>69023This is totemo. Not sorry, because she's a cunt. A quick google search of the PULL kotify thread can tell you that and I'm pretty sure I remember her posting this.
No. 69027
File: 1427383779826.jpg (54.38 KB, 446x750, pshomework_副本_副本.jpg)

"Kotified" version.
Hopefully now she'll shut her annoying mouth, if she knows what's good for her. lol
No. 69028
>>69027Yo. It's me.
That explains the statscounter tracker in your message.
Hello TotemoKawaii.
Yes. I am quiet ugly.
But now I can post the message without feeling like I'm ratting myself out.
Damn. It appears you deleted my account.
For those of you who do not know, I am FemaleFreud. Old member. Long story.
TK came to be late 2012 asking about the CanCam contest and gave me her photo. I've forgotten about it until someone posted about the TK rudeness and her being a "POC/Black person".
No. 69039
>>69028We all know it's you totemo. I KNOW I have seen your pics on the kotify thread. I've been around PULL long enough to know that it's you. You just made yourself that much more of a cuntbag. Copying Venus and starting shit is one thing but stealing other members pictures is a new fucked up low.
Just because you were smart enough to space out your words doesn't mean you're someone else, dumbfuck.
Can someone de-mod this bitch?
No. 69067
>>69064Ex-pull user here that left because it got shitty after the novelty wore off+namefagging was stupid and embarrassing.
I remember that being FF, not TK.
No. 69141
>>69002That is Totemokawaii. I can confirm.
This is not:
>>69025 No. 69178
File: 1427395539700.png (111.96 KB, 1337x641, banhammered.png)

It appears I've been banhammered for posting TK's pic.
I don't remember that being in the rules, but okay.
No. 69190
>>69185Explain, per se, how I stepped on her foot?
TK has been viciously making comments about other's girls's appearances on PULL for years. I only posted it so she was on the same playing field. It is not like the pictures were private as many members have seen and can confirm her face.
She has time and time again come to lolcow to bitch about members and laugh at their pictures.
If there was an issue, I would have been properly warned. But I was instantly banned.
That's some OC shit.
No. 69194
>>69025It's FF."I'm mixed and I make black/African American jokes all the time."
No. 69196
>>69195And she sent people's Venus period blood photo, even though Venus didn't want it posted.
Even though PULL didn't want them posted.
We're both not innocent.
No. 69198
>>68993 seems to fits TK's personality better to begin with. All that shit about wanting to be Venus really shines through. She could pass as her ugly, older cousin who can't into makeup or something.
No. 69201
>>69195Nonetheless, I'm fine with being banned since I have done my purpose.
We have both learned actions have consequences.
Also PULL users should not be banned due to personal drama. If this was so, OC, Oct, and TK would have been banned a long time ago. Especially drama from lolcow to PULL as there is tons of it.
>>69200The message was asking for advice, not so much "trust" was established. She wanted to know if she could look "mature" enough for the cancam contest.
I don't know if the statcounter was added at the time, but it was there when I went to get the photo. It was embedded in the message so you could not see it. I only found out about it because I always "Inspect elements" of messages (viruses or something).
>>69200 No. 69203
>>69201i hate her, so pathetic holy shit
so jelly of venus
bet if venus wanted to be her friend she would lick her asshole
No. 69218
>>69215I couldn't tell. It just seemed sketchy that as soon as I access my TK messages, I'm banned and my pic was uploaded here within seconds.
I don't know why statcounter is needed in messages for PULL.
No. 69248
>>69201>She wanted to know if she could look "mature" enough for the cancam contest. No she wanted attention and wanted people to tell her she's pretty and how she is so much prettier than that horrible, awful Venus.
I remember one of her first posts was "I don't have much of an internet presence." Now why was it necessary to even mention that hmm?
No. 69255
>>69196Yeah and when people called her out on it she went like "haha you're not a saint haha you nawt moraaallll"
It's not about being moral it's just that why the fuck are you reposting IRL loli menstruation you pedo? It's just what you're supposed to do. You don't get a shiny gold sticker for not reposting bloody loli vag. People don't want to see Goatse and do they get praised as a saint for it? No.
No. 69258
>>68993 looks like a photoshopped version of
>>69025 maybe.
I'm still confused and not sure what to believe?
No. 69259
>>67704Why is it that when we mention Totemo, you go like "hahaha people are trying to appeal to lolcow now!" even though we talk about anyone lulzy?
Thank goodness others noticed people haven't been acting any differently as usual. Totemo is that you? It's you, isn't it, Totemo?
No. 69283
>>69271>>69279Except for when they are private messages, which members have posted on PULL before. Someone posted a private message from Dakota on youtube, other people have posted their email correspondence from Kiki. No one has ever said it was against the rules.
But you clearly can't fucking read because this is what the message you just replied to said.
No. 69345
>>69002Lol give it out anyway so we can laugh.
I saw a totemo-kawaii-ne tumblr or something always reblogging or blogging something from Venus back then. Was it her? I remember there were selfies of a half black person. The closest I found to that name was and it seems to be all deleted.
No. 69351
>>69345yeah, i'm begging for her tumblr too, i need some more lulz
anyway, is she still pull's mod?
No. 69363
>>69351Nah. I was bluffing about that to see what would happen.
I don't have her tumblr. I didn't care to look for it.
I honesty wouldn't post it. My goal was to post her picture because of how rudely/harshly she talked about people's appearance on PULL. Not to mention how she constantly compared herself to Venus. Now there is a reference.
No. 69373
>>69363oh well, i'm devastated now lol jk
but FF you got mad respect from me for posting her picture
No. 69374
>>69366Oh, yes. I talked. Everyone on PULL talked. This isn't new.
But people like TK, and hell even Redchild took it to extremes.
Yes, I am ugly.
I was a mod, for a week. OC actually made me one for the record. It was thrusted on me. It was during the Yukepon drama and I tried for a few days. I decided "to hell with it" and resigned. I didn't want to babysit people who didn't want to 1. read threads 2. ignore the facts (?). Like whiteknights would come in and shout "Yukapon didn't do X" when there was proof. And I just gave up.
No. 69394
>>69385I defended her at the beginning. Granted I didn't know of her actions or personality at the time. My interaction was limited with her as I only visited certain threads.
I ended up looking into it/visiting other threads and just stopped defending her.
I've also done that with OC before she went power hungry and crazy.
I didn't know people like that Pure obsessed guy before he starting being a jerk, so I never defended him.
No. 69407
>>69399In the old PULL days, us members were kind of naive. I thought that OC was just a nice girl who spammed her photos for comments. She was nice to people, every so often complaining about how mean we were because boobs or something of the like.
I honesty felt bad for her because she kept expressing how terrible her life was. I felt like she should be protected or that she was fragile.
Then she kind of just lost it one day. I never really registered it until halfway through the nigri issue.
Then I kind of took a step back and decided to not deal with her anymore.
No. 69423
>>69418Hmm. I like reading Lolcow for the information, not for the hardcore nature. You can usually find things first on lolcow than on PULL. It is like reading a magazine for entertainment.
I have stated on PULL before that I have used/read StaminaRose back in it's day.
After going though that horrible SJW phase, this is like a palate cleanser. Speaking of which, sorry for old pull member for that phase.
No. 69441
File: 1427418227337.png (274.54 KB, 665x385, Screen-Shot-2015-03-03-at-2_op…)

>>69347I could believe she was part black. Some biracial twins (see this pic for example) have one twin lighter than the other. That pic that is allegedly Totemo looks like she has straightened black hair I think.
No. 69656
I typed in totemo-kawaii–ne venus in google and went to the wayback machine. That was definitely the one constantly reblogging Venus's posts that I remember like 1-2 years ago.
I don't want to falsely accuse this person of being Totemokawaii though. What do you think? Seems suspicious that the tumblr is gone suddenly. No. 70047
>>69676sorry i meant to reply to
>>69656but i agree the girl on this tumblr doesnt look like the picture posted above
No. 70377
File: 1427556358075.jpg (100.38 KB, 774x656, totemolivesinOklahoma.jpg)

Ok sorry apparently Totemo lives in Oklahoma and not Ohio like that totemo-kawaii–ne girl. Sorry it gets confusing when Totemo likes to hijack the appearance of other girls and claim them as her own.
No. 70760
>>70746 >>70758
I like how you post ur 2edgy on lolcow in the most identifiable way possible so everyone here knows ur not like the OTHER girls on pull, ur KEWL and different A+
No. 72146
File: 1427768864410.jpg (63.38 KB, 583x605, rrr.JPG)

why would you tuck that shirt in
No. 72577
>>72569 and that is what I wanted to say
No. 73186
File: 1427891480480.jpg (128.01 KB, 720x960, pandai.jpg)

Adding more pandai pics to the ones posted here
>>73149>>73151>>73148>>73147>>73146>>73145>>73169 No. 73188
File: 1427891532447.jpg (41.04 KB, 550x463, pandai2.jpg)

No. 73190
File: 1427892066924.jpg (42.82 KB, 487x650, pandaivf.jpg)

More kids are so easy to trace, sigh.
No. 73615
>>73190Oh god.
I used to know Pandai and he was so nice and sweet to me and i think he looks cute i didnt know he did nudes and stuff but…that's his business i guess. nice butt tho haha.
wait.. vampirefreaks is STILL active and alive?!! I thought this thing died like emo/scene circa 2009/2010
No. 73752
>>73615Those nudes are not Pandai. The lips and nose are not the same.
She grabbed a random man's nudes and associated them with Pandai. The nudes belong to a tumblr called Raven Shaddows.
Even if they were his nudes, who cares? he doesn't show snowflakey behavior and I specifically remember him saying he was a guy once. No. 74674
>>74661Aw, I wanted to see the rant. Well since she's still acting like this now and she's an adult, I'm sure she's going to be like this for a really long time. So even if you're just upset by her current behavior, she might do the same thing in the future to others. Holy shit what a toxic person.
Lol when she gets an Encyclopedia Dramatica page, all of you can contribute all you want to it.
No. 74678
>>74661I don't know exactly how to proove sorry, but I told you if you needed me to help in anyway, I would. I specifically told you that this was my fault and my fault alone. And I told you I would take responsibility for my actions.
If I didn't feel bad, I wouldn't have left PULL. Tbh, I don't give a lick of shit about FF, because she did backstab me and I had every right to attack her back.
But I fucked you over. I got pissed and acted on impulse… and it took that for me to fully realize that I'm a shitty member and an even shittier mod. You were an innocent bystander that tried to help me and I fucked that up. I don't want any sugarcoating on that fuck up. I did what I did and it is as bad as it seems. I don't what a sincere apology sounds like to you, but the only thing I can give as proof is me stepping down from a site I've been on for nearly 3 years and taking claim to what I've done. I'm not trying to cover my ass or sweep it under the rug, and if I didn't care at all, I wouldn't be here to tell you all of this. I don't give a shit what everyone else thinks of the situation at this point, but I don't want you to think I wasn't sincere with you, because I wasn't.
No. 74681
>>74678It was just I was told by others you were still threatening other people. And I also heard you didn't step down, that you were just demodded and banned. However I can't confirm the information since I myself am not a mod. I was just upset in hearing you were still acting out.
However I suppose I will stop since I don't know the full story of what happened. And I suppose they are just rumors since if you were going to do something else, you would have done so already. Thanks for the public apology. I guess I got my feathers ruffled when I saw you posted some of my personal accounts here as well (Yes I'm that oblivious. But thank goodness those accounts are inactive)
No. 74685
>>74678And I thought I would clear this up as well, the only people I attacked were Pandai and FF.
This rumor about me threatening the mods into whatever didn't happen. I talk to these girls on a pretty much daily basis and even they think that rumor is bullshit.
FF reaaally pissed everyone off when she backstabbed me, so we were talking about it when she logged on. I saw that she was on, told the other girls I was going to ban her, was told that was okay as a temporary solution, and I did. Then some of the mods were like "No… wait." And it took some days to get it sorted out. But it did, which is why she's unbanned.
She's not back on because I'm gone, and I'm not gone because I banned her. Nor did I leave for "breaking rules". FF did the same to me, but you can't demod and ban someone for being a shitty person, or else she wouldn't even.have her account back. I left because I fucked shit up for Pandai. Even after the other girls told me I was making shitty choices, I went with them anyway, and I wound up royally screwing him over. I try to aim at who is attacking me, and I aim wrong. I try to flip off the person who screwed me over, and I wind up flipping off the world. I can't handle this shit on my own without making things worse and hurting people who were loyal to me. That's why I left.
No. 74687
>>74681I guess I ironically ended up answering the first part of your question while I was writing. lol
But I never posted any of your accounts or even knew of them. If an admin wants to come on and verify that, go ahead.
No. 74696
>>74688Eh. I expect some people to still be mad. I did piss a loooot of people off on PULL.
coughJrcachcough and maybe shehog. But I didn't think any one but him would still be this angry after all this time.
I honestly hadn't been posting on PULL a lot even right before I was a mod because of change in living situations, so I was like "People are still mad? Cause I know it's been at least a month now." lol
Other than hurting Pandai, one thing I do regret the fuck out of is not coming straight forward about the FF thing sooner. I was debating it, but I didn't want to look like I was the sole bad guy in this story, which I ended up being anyway, so… I mean, now, yeah. I fucked up the most. But before the Pandai thing went down, it was mostly an issue with FF and her lying and me lying to counteract her lying… And inevitably this became a shitstorm.
I told her SPECIFICALLY not to post my stuff and that I put a lot of trust in her. She even sat there and lip locked my asshole like a group of horny 14 year olds at a movie theatre. Telling me shit like "Aww, you're so cute. -Puts cat ears on you-" And even back when we were talking, I was a dick. So, her sudden change of heart confuses the shit out of me. Like, I didn't even know she had a problem with me in the first place. We had talked before so I assumed that if there was an issue, she could just come and tell me. We weren't strangers.
So she does that, and I'm like "But you talked shit, too." And she was like "I was forced to be a mod. :c I was actually an SJW on the forum to make everyone happy."
So I'm like, even though you didn't blatantly talk shit, you pretended to be a politically correct SJW asslick to gain brownie points from other members? That's why hoglee has a thread. I do talk shit. I talk shit all the time, but I don't pretend that I don't. And I don't sugarcoat things to make people like me. I'm not saying I'm not too harsh, because I am. But I think it's just as bad when people fake ass and bullshit their way into getting other people to like them. That's why I'm confused why she didn't at least post her own pic on here, too?
And then she tells everyone that she has my personal tumblr then is like "Just bluffing."
Like, "Can you be honest about one thing in your life?"
But I though, "Oh. This is lolcow. Honesty doesn't matter here. Look at the way they're eating all of the bullshit FF is feeding them. I'm just going to play the game as it's played."
Now that I look back on it, probably one of the shittiest ways of handling things. I mean, but y'know. I made myself brought myself down to FF's level and made myself look like a perpetual liar. So shit is what it is now.
No. 74752
>>74696Ok but that still doesn't explain why you said you were yellow and brown skinned while showing pics of yourself that looks like neither.
You hurt those who are loyal to you because you cannot read. Pandai was defending you. This all happened mostly because you were extremely negligent rather than the fact that you try to get back at others.
I really don't think anyone should be friends with this girl. What makes you think she will not do this again and again in the future to you? If you stay friends with her, that's your choice but don't say you were never warned.
This whole thing would not have happened if you didn't start fights for little to no reason. And you're supposed to be an adult? wtf Then when people call you out on it, you say "you're not moral, you're not a saint" and proceed to lecture others about how the world isn't nice. Yes, the world isn't nice but that doesn't give you a license to go out of your way to be shitty to others, especially for trivial reasons. Gosh, sorry for being a moral fag.
No. 74753
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No. 74783
>>74752But I am brown with a yellow undertone. How is that lying? If I said I was white, then I would be lying.
There are members that aren't above posting the nicest of comments in the snarkiest of ways. Like I said before, FF literally kissed my ass then backstabbed me. I did overreact and I completely blew everything out of proportion. I did it because I felt betrayed, not because I'm some smirking villain who's rubbing their hands together at the thought of fucking someone over.
No one is telling him to be my bff. Hell, I don't give a shit if I'm friends with any of you or not. That's not why I'm here. I'm not here to build or fix friendships. I'm here to apologize to the ONE person I screwed over in this ordeal and tell my side of the story.
I take responsibility for my faults. I listed everything I did and why I did them.
But I'm not going to sit here and say I was the ONLY one at fault. I didn't not tell myself I had a problem me and decide to call myself out instead of sending myself a pm disclosing my problem. I didn't didn't kiss my own ass and tell myself how cute I was then call myself out on here. I didn't tell you guys I had a personal tumblr then called it "bluffing" when confronted.
I'm here and admitting to what I did. I don't see why it's so unreasonable that FF do the same.
No. 74792
>>74783Brown with yellow undertone was my first thought but it's so hard to tell in the pictures. So you use pale foundation+photoshop to get that pale in the pics? I was confused because it didn't look that way in the pics.
Ok then. Well I don't know what to say right now. I'm glad you are taking responsibility for your actions.
No. 74797
>>74792Some times I do. At one point, I was really insecure with my skin tone, so I would use the Korean lotions and shit. But after a while, it became more of a burden than what it was worth. And no one saw me any differently when I didn't wear lighter makeups and lotions, so just decided to live with it. It's onlys Spring and I have flip flop lines, but I'm just like "Whatever."
I can't say the same for the past, but now the only time I shoop myself lighter is when like the rest of my body comes out darker than my face. I mean, my makeup might be a little too light, but it's not something you'd recognize in person. And I also add filters/adjust the brightness, so probably play a huge part in that, too.
No. 74800
>>74797Alright. Well I am glad you are coming to terms with your skin tone.
A bunch of people want to know out of curiosity why you always attacked others even when they didn't attack you, such as sharing a viewpoint you didn't like.
It's not about being moral. It's just that it's horribly off-subject. I mean is it really necessary to derail a thread to insult a user? Why couldn't you take fights to PMs? I don't get why you always pounced on others for little to no reason even when no one was being insulted.
No. 74803
>>74800Pshhhh…. Damn. Honestly, I get assmad and impulsive and I just do it.
It's hella easier for me to say "Don't do this" when I'm the third party watching. But when I'm actually in it, I get really pissed and I tend to snap back.
So I'm not like "Omg. People hate me. Why? :c"
Like, I earned that title. That was my title. I was the forum asshole. I'm honestly a bit surprised I didn't have a world's worth of warnings on me.
No. 74813
>>74803Also, I feel like if we talk in pm, like my "ratchet" fight with hoglee, it ends like it didn't get resolved. Like, we started an argument and never got finished so neither side proven right or wrong.
I can't think of an argument off the top of my head that wasn't at first a debate. Like I mentioned the ratchet debate. Someone was like "Can we stop using the words ratchet and ghetto to describe black women. That's racist." Or something like that then I'm like "No it's not." And it just snowballed from there.
But I think a lot of the issue when it came to initiating these fights was the way I presented myself. Like when I say something, it doesn't sound half as bad in my head, but when read by others it's too harsh and blunt and dickish. So I think that's another huge factor when it came to all the confrontation.
If there's a specific event you're referring to, I can try to go over that. But a lot of the stuff I have forgotten so I'm sure I'm missing some points.
No. 74821
>>74813What makes you think arguing in public would've helped? Wouldn't the mods step in and tell you two to stop and it wouldn't get resolved anyway or something? Couldn't you at least made a different thread or something if wanting people to watch you fight was really something you wanted?
It sounds like you have serious behavioral problems if you're misinterpreting social graces to such a massive extent because you sound more than blunt. You sound like you're outright attacking people at the drop of a hat.
No. 74838
>>74821It was more of a matter of winning the debate before the mods stepped in. It's like arguing with your siblings until your parents come along. Like, I would still try to "win" and prove my point.
On PULL, I wasn't intentionally out there trying to make the other members feel bad or antagonize them or any of that. But when I feel something is wrong I feel compulsed to just jump in and go "No no, wait a second. That's not right." And I think a lot of people think I'm purposely aiming for them.
Like, I can name maybe 4-5 members that I have beef with. But I know I piss a lot more people off because maybe they feel like it's on a personal level. But I feel anyone is wrong about anything, doesn't matter if they're Jesus, Obama, the pope, I voice my objection. But just because we got into an argument on one thing or whatever doesn't mean I dislike that person. Like I said, there are those handful of members where shit has been too ugly for too long, and we despise each other, but I can't even say that's decent portion of the members on there.
But I will admit a lot of that comes from me not being able to shut my mouth and not step over others' beliefs. Cause I know there are others who feel just as strongly. Or like you said, just don't like to see me and whoever clog the shit out of a thread.
No. 74843
>>74838 Aaaallllriightyyy then.
Well you could say "I'm honestly not aiming for anyone here but" like some people say when they prepare an attempt to not have their words misinterpreted. It's like how people say "Joking" at the end of a sentence so they don't get taken seriously.
No. 74950
>>74854yOU'RE not black or white you're just brown
tbh you are kinda boring me now. so shut up about this already or start fueling drama.
No. 75235
>>74854Perhaps you could try ending your sentences with "I tend to have mis-communication issues, so if I have offended you, let me know because it wasn't intentional. I really wasn't trying to offend anyone."
If they're still offended after that then do not debate your intentions further or else it may erupt into a huge fight. A lot of internet fights happen because you can't tell the tone of the other person easily. A lot of internet fights aren't even worth it.
No. 75379
I don't know why you all ae complying with this cunt.
Because she "apologized" because she "asked"?
Maybe I have a harder heart, if it was me she was throwing under bus, or posting supposed "pics"/nudes (even if they were the wrong person kek), I would've kept each and every last picture up without batting an eye and move on with life.
Besides that, staring at your pics may help your delusional ass.
No. 75691
>>75678From what I can see the white knighting is bad in the Mira thread here.
Starts on this page: No. 75891
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No. 76022
>>76017Pretty much.
He does it for over 10 years already, his earliest posts I remember where from the time when Yuka was like 13 and into gyaru.
No. 76138
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>>75379I think the only reason why she apologized is to prevent the Encyclopedia Dramatica page that is going to be made on her.
If people cheered her on for leaking Pandai's pics, I don't think she would be backpedaling like this. I think she would keep going.
She claims that she is "not trying to be your favorite poster," but a lot of things she does is based on the validation she receives from others. She had no problem attacking others on the forum for fun. Despite what her signature says about not intentionally being offensive, she says things like in this pic.
When she was posted on lolcow, she suddenly cared what we thought of her and apologized to the people she hurt and deleted all her posts. I thought she didn't care about what we thought of her attitude.
Oh well maybe this means she will actually change.
No. 76148
>>74838Pointing out people who are wrong was not why you were obnoxious on PULL. It was the way you said it. If someone is wrong, you can say it in a more respectful manner
calling people "a fucking idiot"
>>75843 IS a personal attack. There were other instances where you personally attacked people, then deleted the posts because they were too harsh (which is good but contradicts the claim that you don't care about offending people).
You must be very socially inept to not see what is wrong with your behavior. You aim at people attacking you because you mistook being called "cute and misunderstood" as an attack. Why is it that it took a lolcow thread for you to suddenly realize you have severe behavioral problems when people on PULL have lectured you about it for like 2 years?
No. 76324
>>76138This could be the truth. I was told when Pandai first messaged her she was still very insulting to him and gave him so many batshit insane reasons why she was in the right for personally attacking him and posting fake nudes. She keep insulting him until people were calling her out on just being a cunt.
It is too bad I don't know what she specifically said since he wont release the conversations. Only that he became more increasingly offended with every reply she sent until she went into that "sorry" phase.
No. 76333
>>76324Wow. This is why I don't buy her "apologies." Sorry for hurting Pandai? More like sorry for getting caught being a massive bully.
Totemo should stay off the internet. She's obviously not sane enough to handle it.
No. 80079
>>80032What did she do to get banned?? I saw her argue with mods in the Taylor thread but at that point it was just a warning.
But good riddance. I don't post on PULL because no account but damn she was annoying. Glad I won't be seeing her write "lmao" after every goddamn sentence anymore.
No. 80093
>>76285nobody deserves the shit jrcash gives them
at that time, she was a nobody and she was only 13
hes a fucking manchildren
No. 81083
>>80049She was a huge hypocritical Taylor white knight and got so angry at everyone for pointing out the flaws and shit, then she went and did the exact same in Dakota's threads.
She always wrote huge tl;dr replies followed "I DON'T REALLY CARE, IT'S ONLY THE INTERNET" while being obviously angry as hell.
No. 81099
>>8105323(I think) yr old mexico weeb that tries to act like a baby & works in a maid cafe.
Annoying as shit.
No. 81309
>>81295Was confused for a bit. So her parents made her quit PULL or something?
>>81296 I am very sure she had her pic as a profile pic for a short while before using anime/cartoon pics again. She had short brown hair, high pigtails, wide mouth,skinny bragged about how many people at her local city in Mexico were prettier than Venus.
No. 84840
>>84535Only you would answer to a month old post
and try to make yourself relevant…
No. 84882
>>84840Of that were true do you honestly think I would do it here? If I were kittirain I would spam the more famous dancers and beg them to collaborate with me
I just happen to think its bullshit. She doesnt spam anyone. She isnt trying to be famous so there is no point. She doesnt care if she is a nobody. In fact she jokes about it
No. 85693
>>85483yeah and jrcach is obsessed with thinking dancers stalk his blog. He is obsessed with acussing kittirain and honeykittenmomo.
maybe I am a new breed of aidoru! A mix of kittirain, honeykittenmomo and all the dancers who don't bother with jrcach. We all combined to make a perfect kawaii aidoru!
Or maybe I am a fan of kittirain. Who knows
No. 85945
>>85929Well seeing as I am pretty certain it was jrcach who said kittirain spammed his blog as he is obsessed with saying dancers do that. Which is why I said the stuff about dancers. Kittirain dances. I do not.
Geez the fact you think I am kittirain is hilarious. Seriously does she even know this site exists?
You accuse everyone of being whoever gets a compliment on here yet never have any proof.
Give me solid evidence of why you think I am Kittirain.
It makes me rofl that jrcach is so desperate. He probably answered himself to bring up the whole kittrain thing. He is so fuckin childish
No. 85948
>>85946Not the samee anon but it wasn't this anon
who mentioned her but
>>61568 No. 85963
>>85949I just called bullshit on one comment. It isn't illegal.
Seem to have twist someones panties though
No. 86048
>>86042jrcach is also the only one who has ever accused anyone of stalking his blog. He clearly thinks he is important enough for even nonfamous people to try and get his attention.
Wouldnt suprise me if jrcach started this thread back up again to try and get his name talked about making it seem like somejne else did it because he is a creep like tht
No. 86100
>>86048"for even nonfamous people to try and get his attention"
You think nonfamous people are too good to try and get someone else's attention?
kittyrain stop posting here
No. 86128
>>86100Jrcach stop thinking your so special that dancers want to do anything to get your attention.
Nobody cares.
No. 86141
>>86135Why are yall so obsessed with thinking I am kittirain?
Ffs all I asked was for some proof to a bullshit post. Stop getting your panties in a bunch.
No. 86369
>>86205She isn't as weebish as sone. Though she apparently does want to become an Idol but she is too lazy or some shit. Too old as well
Also her voice is annoying. I like her dancing but her voice ruins it for me
No. 89599
>>89598well, if there's public records about this case, there's really nothing wrong with posting it?
she's one of the biggest pull attention whores so i wouldn't put it past her to insert herself into a tragedy like that to garner more sympathy and head pats.
No. 89600
>>89599As said in
>>89588 she didn't post about it and as said before, I won't post anything that will contain the personal information of a minor, not even news reports.
No. 89892
>>89785With searching her real name. Different than with crimes they publish names of missing people.
This wasn't the first mass-kidnapping of students in Mexico lately No. 89920
>>89587uhh yeah this is 99% BS
Stop lying for attention shike
No. 89933
>>89932im not saying YOU are shike
I'm saying this is 99% a lie from her.
No. 90141
>>89892You don't sound credible and the fact that you are using the link for a case of kidnapping that has nothing to do with human trafficking as example doesn't help.
It might be true that Shike lied about what happened but if somebody saw her actual name in a news paper they could link the news article here as proof. If it was a mass kidnapping we have no way to know which of the people mentioned in the article is her.
So far this sounds like a made up story.
No. 90155
>>90141and then people would go after the private accounts of a minor and publish the adress like how they did with others, nobody here would want that and
>>89984 confirmed what I said.
No. 105111
>>90577Link to the "missing" listing of her parents?
Also, I thought she came from such an abusive home and her parents didn't give a shit about her? Why bother putting up stuff like that, then?
Shit doesn't add up with this bitch.
No. 106563
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No. 108606
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i hate momosourcosplay but doesn't this girl seem really obsessed with her? almost all of her posts are on the momosour thread.
No. 108631
>>90567Aren't Amber Alert/missing person reports supposed to be
shared anyways?
No. 108713
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>TFW PULL is dead
>TFW all former PULL members migrated here
>TFW PULL is giving us cancer SJWs
No. 108730
Now even the lolcows are boring. Dakota transformed into another boring kawaii pastel girl, Venus became old and boring.
I miss the golden age in 2011…
No. 111354
>>111295She got called out in PULL because she was hating on momo and then doing exactly the same shit on her own IG.
Half the people on PULL would have no clue who the fucj annedere was if she wasn't such a bitch about Momo. Then she went and apologised but posted it for all to see as her apology went ignored. She whined about how she did the right thing and apologised and she got ignored.
If she had just kept her mouth shut on PULL she wouldn't have half the haters she claims she ignores.
No. 111423
>>111295She's anne? That's such a common name I didn't make the connection. I never read her thread on PULL but lol she's literally just a shitty momosweetmeitu knockoff.
No. 114004
>>114000Oh my…
Please continue.
No. 114022
So regarding Tharthan, you knowing him in real life, would you say that he's autistic? Because having been around autistic people most of my life I have to say judging from what he's displayed here thus far he displays every hallmark of somebody with aspergers.
No. 114058
Tell us more please. Upload a picture of him as well, if possible<3 we do have 1 pic of him but it's too dark.
I'll be forever in debt to you.
No. 114060
>>114036 I agree with
>>114058, I'd love to hear more experiences and stories you have. Like, How'd you find us? What caused him to be so anti-women? What is his family like?
No. 114124
>>114060I found you guys by going on google images and searching "Tharthan" to see what would show up. I was trying to find any screencaps people had taken of his YouTube comments before he deleted, one of my friends had asked me to see if I could find anything he hadn't deleted.
As far as I know he's basically always been this way, just a little bit worse when he was younger and had even fewer social skill.s I think it stems from being too Christian. He wouldn't kill some video game boss because it was named Yahweh. And obviously he's got the whole "gays shouldn't marry" thing going on.
As for his family, I have no idea, never met any of them. There were a few deaths when he was young, like cousins or something, he told me that at some point.
No. 114137
>>114131No, shut up about your OT shit.
>>114117You're allowed to doxx him since he's 18+ and has also linked his username to his private facebook + his ''company'' and all of the other shit.
Just at least posting an old picture of him wouldn't be so bad, right?
But more stories please<3 This is like recieving christmas gifts
No. 114159
>>114138I don't have any pictures of him at the moment anyway. Sorry.
>>114137I can definitely post more stories or answer more questions though. In middle school, he was in this photoshop class where you had to make certain pictures, like photoshopping yourself into a photo or editing two animals together. And every single time the teacher gave an instruction, like "Don't just put the head of one animal on the body of another", he'd giggle like an idiot and say "So you're saying we should put the head of one animal on the body of another?". Every single time the teacher gave an instruction. Apparently he ended up failing the class because he never did what he was supposed to but I don't know that for sure.
No. 114176
>>114169He says the thing about his parents being liberal IRL too, so I dunno.
He is absolutely religious though. His wikipedia user page has something like "this user believes in the one true god" on it.
One time he repeatedly kicked a guy in the shin for holding hands with another guy in front of him.
No. 114245
If I post a full name that I believe is his, would you say yes/no to it being his name?
Although tbh I can't find anything when I google that name except for a blog which is 100% his.
No. 114265
>>114251Fair enough.
Tharthan once said that he's creating a game and a madeup language for it (I don't remember what he called the madeup language,but he wrote a sentence in his language and it was similair to Icelandic). Does he talk about shit like this IRL?
He also mentions in some old profiles and blogs that he has written books/novels. Can we find them anywhere?
No. 114273
>>114265Language is pretty much all he talks about, except occasionally he'll also talk about video games (he usually at least mentions how the enemy names were mistranslated) or his politics. You don't even have to pay attention to him, he'll just talk at you for as long as he can.
I don't know anything about books though. I can't imagine anyone reading something he wrote and publishing it.
He tried to write something a few years back, he'd go around asking random people what the next line should be, and if someone said "I don't want to write anything", that'd be the next line of dialogue, even though it didn't fit at all. He thought it was hilarious.
No. 114286
>>114284He used to have a facebook (there's a screenshot or two on the old thread) and a twitter and instagram, but he deleted them all when people were able to find them because he used "Tharthan" for everything.
He does have a dailymotion and a vimeo, which are mostly reuploads from his old YouTube and contain some of the most cringeworthy shit I've ever seen. His fakku's "grantham", also some top cringe. And then there's his tumblr, which isn't really worth reading at all. That's it, as far as I know.
No. 114291
>>114286Didn't really want you to repeat everything that we've already found by googling Tharthan. Useless.
I was more referring to whether he has created a new facebook profile under a name that we're not aware of. But it seems like the only internet-related stuff you know is stuff we've found.
No. 114293
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>>114291I did find this gem on Urban Dictionary.
No. 114301
>>114293First time for me to see this. Good lord.
>ORIGIN OF THE NAME "THARTHANDORF AQUANASHI"I'll sum it up for you, because it's a long story. Basically, I have this library of characters that I created, and he was one of them. He is the uncle of "Dachi M. Yamanashi", and brother of "Cerulean B. Aquamarine". Tharthandorf was originally supposed to be an psychotic and evil character, the main enemy of Dachi. However, this role was later given to Dachi's father, Zen. When I made some sketches for my (then) upcoming book, "Deepen the Hole", I drew Tharthandorf attempting to protect Dachi (when Dachi was a baby), and getting shot by Zen in the process. This scene made it into the book, completely unedited. His last name is thus a combination of "Yamanashi" and "Aquamarine", as was his original last name, Nashimarine. He has developed more of a backstory recently, and I will not be going into any more detail on the subject. Also, his first name (coincidentally) comes from Ganondorf, reflecting his original use as the main antagonist.
No. 114306 Trainer Red
28th March 2009, 05:38 PM
You bulbagardians might remember me as:
*Mattsusie1, at PokeCommunity (Spriter for Pokemon Police by G.K.S.)
*Articuno2(or Dachi), at The Sky Temple of Lugia and Articuno
*Tharthan, at Youtube (I am the creator of "The Ace Show")
*Azuraaaaah-fan, at ProtonJon's website
*Barley Yodel, at Harvest Moon Otaku
*Dachi (Trainer #1265659), at TPPC Online
*Dachi, at TPPC Forums
*Dachi, Rich Uncle Pennybags, or some other name I can't remember, at Wikipedia
*Mayor Tortimer, at The Animal Crossing wikia
*Ace Konoware (title charector on "The Ace Show")
*Tharthan (the presidant of Black Glasses Inc.), at
*Matthew (my real name), as a singer/songrighter (some hits include: Heaven, The Last Pillar of The World, I still have some greed left in me, and Danny the Fighter) on I-tunes and at stores like Wal-Mart
*Matsu Mero, Masshu Mero, or Shining Truth, as the writer of Deepen The Hole, Emina: Brisk Winds, and various other romance novels
Anyway, I can add "Bulbagarden Forums" to my list now xD
I think his real name is Matthew Mello.
No. 114326
>>114306Or maybe he likes Mello from Deathnote.
>>114293Aquanashi sounds almost like a ghetto girl name.
No. 114374
>>114306I frequent both of those Pokemon forums and thank god I've never run across his levels of autism on there and
that's saying something.
No. 114392
From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.
Hi, I am Tharthandorf Aquanashi (it's an alias, all right!) And I am a big fan of POKeMON. My favorite POKeMON is Togetic, and it has been ever since POKeMON Gold came out (Well, even though I did have gold at the time, the truth is.. When I played through my new Ruby version in '03, I played as a girl, 'though I am a boy', named her "MAY " Yes, I accidentaly made a space… Anyway, I played through my adventure, beat it, and left the game alown for some time until I got FireRed, now, Once I beat FireRed, and I got all the islands, I desided to take the egg I got from the Mr. POKeMON look-alike, and send it to my ruby version… I raised it, evolved it, and taught it FIREBLAST… A year later, I got Emerald, now after I had beaten that game, I decided to transfer Togetic over… Not to long after, I forgot about "MAY " and deleted her save file, 'but since Dachi, what I named Brendan in Emerald, still existed, I still had my Togetic. Well, as you can imagine, I got POKeMON Pearl when it came out. And yes, I transfered Togetic over.. Well, Togetic, and a copy, 'ya know, the emerald clone glitch' And I still have my togetic today!)
P.S. Tharthan, and my emerald charecter's name, "Dachi", are both names of my charecters I created in 2005, and still draw them today (Dachi M. Yamanashi, Tharthandorf B. Aquanashi)
No. 115316
>>114238lol, i remember all the girls on PULL fawning over him, god they are sad
and they used to act like they wanted other bitches to leave their sempai
No. 115929
>>115548Unfortunately, lolcow is in the same boat. If we widened our range of cows outside of generic kawaii cunts then we'd have more to talk about. This goes for PULL as well.
As much as I enjoy our female cows, I need variety and neckbeard lulz too. Kiwi and /cow/ have been providing that.
No. 117433
File: 1433552183554.jpg (17.49 KB, 417x99, cuntrakoti u r so smarttt.JPG)

so mature
No. 117459
>>117452Lol, what do you mean by 'now'? This has been happening since what…. Last year? Just now the newer more less subtle members are being vocal about coming here.
Tbh, I'm conflicted on them coming. On one hand, more traffic, on another hand, they treat lolcow like the more cunty 2nd version of PULL.
No. 117490
>>117459I come here because PULL has rules and mods that prevent me from saying what I want in a way I want
Besides I originally used /cgl/ during PTs Internet Queen Debut before PULL was even a thing, and before they banned threads about individual people
No. 117493
>>117490Idk if I'm reading your message , but if I understand correctly, my reply to us:
That doesn't mean ppl from PULL should come here, and post useless topics, kiss ass like no tomorrow, or double post. Those are the ppl I'm talking about mostly
No. 117499
>>117493Oh okay
Yeah I get you. I feel like those who kinda understand both places are fine, and those who bitch about lolcow on PULL are the ones who should be discussed here.
No. 120066
'Lmao why in the world did someone copy paste my thread onto lolcow? do your own shit ffs. You make me gag.
Kanichen is such a try hard lmao No. 120170
File: 1434069992133.jpg (86.12 KB, 610x498, 46546.jpg)

Says the one with the scary picture. At least Taylor doesn't make aliens cry
No. 122775
File: 1434526969951.png (29.51 KB, 566x94, Screen Shot 2015-06-17 at 12.4…)

isn't kaninchenn fat?
No. 123018
File: 1434571381033.png (157.66 KB, 1366x768, puhlease.png)

>>122775Is Kaninchen Totemokawaii pt 2? what a narcissist.
No. 123422
>>123377>>123018Totemo. Stop trying to draw everyone's attention away from you.
And tbh PULL has gotten boring. Most of the lulzy members no longer post.
No. 123567
>>123422I'm not Totemo admin can confirm
>>123508>>70290In the OP pic and other pics in the thread it shows you what she looks like
No. 124390
>>123042>>124358You are retarded and lots of people say they are a lazy fat ass and similar.
You guys say you hate PULL but do the same as the girls that always shit on others there because of vendetta.
No. 125248
>>125072Lolcow isn't that much different. It's still filled with bitchy young women with nothing else better to do with themselves, like myself obv.
Everyone is in it to milk the cow and lol at drama. Only we're all going by anon and ruled under some cunt who can find out your info and openly shame you on there.
No. 125272
>>125265Hopefully that isn't referring to me. As
>>125248 wasn't by me.
No. 128302
File: 1435445233893.png (56.09 KB, 595x291, Screen Shot 2015-06-27 at 3.45…)

the biggest snowflake of them all
No. 128557
>>128460You can only stream if you're a real gamer girl!!!
Yeah… real solid
No. 128612
File: 1435510135781.jpg (79.9 KB, 1286x331, octo.jpg)

is october fat or something?
No. 128659
>>128657Literally the first google result. replace "Chris" with "lolcow".
No. 128677
>>128655Yet everyone on cow says in her thread she looks like she got an ED in the picture in question which is
>>128400Everyone here must be a fatty then.
No. 128711
>>128677Except not everyone did.
And, yeah, there probably are a lot of fatties here too. What's your point?
No. 128748
>>128713Wait… do you think I called her chubby? I think she has normal sized legs, maybe on the skinny side.
Calling them ~~bones with newspaper wrapped around~~ is blatantly ridiculous, it implies she's severely underweight. If you seriously think that's the case you're likely surrounded by fatties. Get over it.
>>128741Nope, try again.
No. 129147
File: 1435573718079.png (234.54 KB, 701x275, fatbmi.png)

Oh October everybody knows your bmi is shit
No. 129159
File: 1435576388088.jpg (124.62 KB, 1120x787, octo.jpg)

Yeah, october is a cunt. She seems to be envious of every fucking girl on earth.
"my body looks like this" lol. No. you're just fat girl, deal with it.
No. 129174
File: 1435580788558.jpg (Spoiler Image,46.08 KB, 620x425,…)

oh wait found a pic of October she's stunning
No. 130289
File: 1435785205997.jpg (81.36 KB, 640x281, image.jpg)

Today on PULL: they haven't figured out cosplay contests are really just popularity contests
No. 133870
>>133865deleted her account.
pull has turned to shit in recent years, her fave members gradually left, and the people posted are lulzy.
No. 133904
>>133902hachi, lain, and october got banned. oc demoted and then banned.
Pandai, Unicornface, and Kelly are mostly inactive. Most of what I can remember.
No. 135192
>>134845Because she wanted to? For the most part, mods seem pretty good about deleting posts unless you give them attitude.
I liked selenite though. It's a shame to see her go.
No. 135399
Nobody ever will be as annoying as she was and I still wonder what made her disappear, probably went to another forum to annoy with her SJW bullshit.
No. 135403
That's it for me.
No. 135825
>>135239Mr. Takeo/Bat because she is annoying and a dramaqueen
Kaninchen because she is an edgy try-hard cunt
Kontrakoti … you know why
No. 135827
>>135758You don't use PULL huh? Just because people don't use their ugly face as their profile picture doesn't mean people aren't able to find out what certain PULL members look like (there's a thing called private messages etc…)
>>135738read above
No. 135945
>>135929Not even from PULL, this thread would've been long dead if it wasn't for people coming here trying to start drama when there is none, like that anon in
>>135827 that acts like Totemo asking members for photos in private messages in order to start vendetta here and then claims at
>>135850 to not even have an account.
No. 135960
>>135391>>135403>>135601>>135694>>135739>>135825I hate Mr. Takeo too. I thought I was the only one haha.
She made a thread about Venus asking why lolitas don't worship her. GG you dumbass cunt.
No. 135967
>>135857I said "etc…" you paranoid shithead
>>135896yeah posting your own face on lolcow seems like a good idea
>>135927>implying i saved their shit pictures>>135945i lurk you dumbass just like everyone on lolcow does. I remember in the chatbox for example these ugly bitches all had their faced as profile picture. they also posted their own face in the chat a few times. You think people from lolcow dont come to PULL to check what's going on?
now get the fuck outta here people from PULL you are all ugly and nothing will change that fact
No. 135977
>>135967>yeah posting your own face on lolcow seems like a good ideaTo quote yourself:
You paranoid shithead.
Anon was talking about the
>>implying I cant find other ways to find out what PULL members look likepart.
No. 135986
>>135980I was just at the right moment then and now everyone especially after the drama no one posts their picture. But that doesnt mean I dont know what some notable members look like. I know they're ugly and I can even describe their ugliness. I'm not saying it works always but there are other ways to obtain their picture besides asking it via PM, that's all I said.
No. 135990
>>135960PULL plz, you're such a try hard it shows so hard.
I just said that allot of people here know what PULL members look like because there are so many ways to get their pictures. And we all know that they are ugly, that's all. We're in a PULL thread.
No. 135997
>>135992lol you're so paranoid is funny. Why are you mad about this anyways? Do you have your little friends there to defend? Are you a PULL member yourself? You're such a loser tbh.
But losers deserve validations too..
Who do you want me to describe?
No. 136007
File: 1436586911052.gif (876.23 KB, 500x281, lol.gif)

>this thread rn
No. 136126
>>135986>>135990>>135997Sno much summerfag it hurts.
You are the only one paranoid here, you started shit and people ask for proof and all you do is backpedalling because you were obviously bullshitting in the first place, get the sand out of your vag.
No. 136132
>>136126you're weird and I'm not backpedaling. I even asked
>>136014 which member's physical description she wants to hear, PULL'er. All I said is that people on PULL are ugly because I know what allot of notable members look like. I don't see what I said wrong unless you're one of those notable members I'm talking about. If so, I'm sorry for calling you ugly. Otherwise just ignore me, what's so hard about that?!
No. 136212
>>136139it doesn't matter, I don't want to be mean because I feel sorry for them now. But lets just kindly anonymously say that Xiao Tuzi looks like a sharper, uglier, middle aged version of Elaine Mokk. Just imagine Elaine Mokk like that and add an aubergine shaped nose too. She looks like a typical boring Asian weaboo who sux at fashion. And to be honest, the rest of the members (who I've seen) are something similar like that but they just belong to a different race. But that's all I'm going to say.
>>136186yeah ok no one cares ignore me already please
No. 136343
>>135239Much like everyone else, I also dislike Mr.Takeo.
I also don't like Sheerlovesonico, Kaninchen, and Xiao Tuzi. Kaninchen and Xiao Tuzi really do not know how to be admins, holy shit. Good thing Xiao is gone.
No. 136543
>>136212Wtf why would you even feel sorry for them? who cares.
Who else did you see besides her?
No. 137249
>>137202orly? Well I haven't lurked at PULL for a while so I never saw all her posts. Same with Moemo sorta. I thought she was cool until I saw the few posts where she was unnecessarily rude. I wonder how she got dox'd (someone told me she got dox'd)
>>136558 eh I think mods should be impartial and delete posts when requested. they do it for some people, they should do for all equally i think
No. 137320
File: 1436862456208.jpg (123.06 KB, 780x422, 3468079.jpg)

This has to be the most autistic thing I have read for a while
No. 137321
>>137320Wanted to post that too
Those cringy emotes No. 138979
>>138879I'm not good with technical stuff, so bear with me if I'm not making sense of the situation.
If it's someone from freeforums, it wasn't an admin or a mod. And since the Ostrengas' subforum is gone, it could have been Kaka or Cathy?
If it's gone permanently, was someone archiving the pages? Or saving pics someplace else?
And the thing about the other subforum being out of place, that's totally separate, or a side effect of the deletion of Kaka and Dako's forum?
No. 139200
>>139071She left PULL like a year ago and her account was inactive ever since that, nobody got any private contact details of her and the sudden change of the account name before deletion, as stated in
>>139052 , is very odd and as admin she should know best that deleting forums or accounts doesn't do shit as everything is archived.
No. 139260
>>139200it's a bizarre move after so long to return just to change her name and remove those subforums. and it's also kinda suspect just after kaka threw a shitfit.
(what'd she change her name to btw, just out of curiosity?)
No. 140506
I was the anon from
>>140501 (I'm saying this because PULLtards are fucking batshit insane)
It seems criticizing about an event that happened on PULL will make PULL users think that I was the person that was involved in that event. No dumbasses, I wasn't the person who asked if my posts could be deleted. I'm just saying that kaninchen was an asshole for not deleting the post of a boring irrelevant user while she would do it if it was for example one of her buttbuddies. That's all. Kaninchen, if you're reading this I fucking hate you and I hate your buttbuddies too. You all can fuck each other in the ass.
Fuck all of PULL tbh.
No. 141015
File: 1437417432324.jpg (92.47 KB, 606x1251, image.jpg)

Heloooooooooo :3
No. 141064
>>141015Yeah, I don't think it's a good idea to post here because some anons can be pretty….ruthless? (Not all, we aren't a hivemind) Or use your pictures against you in the future.
But ay! You're pretty cute in my boom, so there's that.
Still, not a good idea to self post here. Just like how on PULL, it would be a bad idea, it's a terrible idea to self post here as well .
No. 141065
>>141064Pretty sure that's not Lovely_stars. It's just some person trying to bait.
A good deal of posts here recently just scream of bait to be honest.
No. 141067
>>141065Really? My bad, I take almost everything serious. Though, that was her profile picture (not sure if now) before, and I think she posted her pictue before in the Dolly pictures thread…I think.
She did say in the chat, if you look enough you should run up on it something.
No. 141523
File: 1437480490936.png (10.74 KB, 767x176, es.PNG)

what a mature response lol
except when stuff like now with Kelly happens hm. Sticky was right to suggest to change who has what rights
No. 141683
>>141523Are you implying that she is saying that the Otrenga subforum and any other rumored unsaid locked threads were deleted? Which means trying to cover up for Kelly?
That's the only reason I can see to someone having a problem with this.
Even so, it doesn't make any sense in my head either.
No. 141687
>>141523Wow Espurr is a fucking cunt.
So what about when you have a cow that disappears off the radar and then comes back with a shit load of new drama? This happened to OC and now look at her thread, it's exploding.
This is why nobody uses PULL any more, the rules are absurd and seem to only be enforced when the administrators feel like it.
No. 141696
>>141687How she is a cunt?
The thread is about OT threads and "Anyone knows if this girl got drama?" ones getting locked which happens here on cow all the time too but with the difference they get deleted and not only locked.
No. 141700
>>141696>>141698It's absurd because in order to post said drama in the relevant thread you need to first seek out an admin, message them, explain to them why the thread needs to be unlocked, wait for them to respond, which could take days, and in that time the cow could easily have erased the drama leaving behind no trace unless the poster was savvy enough to screencap everything prior, which a lot of people aren't.
When it comes to drama time is money, or milk as it were. It needs to be made available ASAP whilst still fresh so locking threads is ridiculous and serves literally no purpose. No purpose whatsoever.
PULL needs to go tbh.
No. 141704
File: 1437502251555.png (103.34 KB, 777x660, 7b4af78b4b97d7d6233faf701eb253…)

>>141523Here's what the response was to.
No. 141705
>>141700Did you get posted to PULL or why are you so salty?
Because you can just make a new thread including all the fresh drama, that's how it got done with Berry for example.
No. 141732
>>141704Sticky is a huge hypocrite tbh.
I remember I invited him here and he said he wouldn't post to lolcow based on the fact that it was too archaic and lacking in structure, now he's complaining that PULL is too SJW.
You can't have it both ways when it comes to dramu Chris.
No. 141860
>>141857ALL of them are totemocows.
>>141855how stupid could i be? he is a PULL member. Fuck you stickyfag
No. 141861
File: 1437519197860.jpg (13.71 KB, 480x480, ddb8d2f78dab3a32e56660a2e26727…)

>>141855Sticky is a PULL member but I've known of and communicated with him way before PULL even existed.
You must be extremely fucking new to not know how long Sticky has been bouncing around for. I would impress upon you the fact that he used to actually RUN Stickydrama, but you probably don't even know what that is.
No. 141876
>>141863Whoops, I linked to the wrong post.
>>141861 was for another post that seems to be deleted. It was defending Chris.
No. 141915
>>141892To be fair, only one person said that, and the others disagreed with them.
>firexcracker: Cuz the chat is the one place everyone gets along lol>lovelystarsss: Except when a farmer comes here>xiaoislamedotpng: @lovelystarsss some pretty chill lolcow people drop by>lovelystarsss: I just wish the farmers stayed away from the chat>xiaoislamedotpng: i don't mind em here>xiaoislamedotpng: i mean PULL members go on lolcow>xiaoislamedotpng: kinda hypocritical to say they should stay away>firexcracker: I don't either tbh. Most of them are just PULL lurkers who don't want to make an accountlovelystarss was also complaining about
triggers and such so she just seems to be a stereotypical tumblrina.
No. 142005
File: 1437536189299.jpg (198.98 KB, 640x880, image.jpg)

Sheerlovesonico sounds like a jealous fatty bitch in every post she's ever made. She probably needs a break from the internet.
No. 142092
No. 142390
>>142386Are you serious or?
Don't forget our origin is 4Chan and most people here are oldfags in the first place.
No. 142478
>>142390Do I have to explain myself? Or do you unironically use 4chan?
anyone who openly admits visiting 4chan outside of 4chan is a retard and needs to commit seppuku.
No. 142513
>>142386Kaninchen is such a fucking try hard
plus I feel like this is her bragging about being omg such oldfag!111!!
No. 142622
>>142540PULL member plz
most of us probably didn't even join your stupid forum (you're probably a mod)
>>142510read first paragraph above since it also applies to you
No. 142626
>>142625:^) lol it's so obvious you're from PULL. if you find my post so cancerous you know what a non-PULL member would do?
ignore me.
No. 142688
>>142668She was 14. You do know that…ehm…
no you're really stupid. Please rethink about life.
No. 142748
File: 1437627481950.gif (985.33 KB, 500x252, come on farmers you know bette…)

>mfw when you see new posts on this thread only to see a bunch of summerfags arguing
Back to the topic, does anyone think we'll ever find out why Kelly deleted the Kiki and Kota subforums? Does she have any other kind of presence online that people know of? There's obviously speculation about why she did what she did (probably that Kiki was involved) but will we ever get specifics? This drama fascinates me and I want more.
No. 142753
>>142749>We should praise her.Can't you come up with a more intelligent response? Not even
>>142748 but those subforums had a lot of caps/info we can't get back.
Can you guys just stop being such dicks to each other? Christ. Contribute like adults or fucking shut up.
>>142748I don't think there is any new information about her. She dropped off the face of the earth.
No. 142758
>>142753We make fun of PULL here bunny
No one cares about the content of PULL here
I dont care if you arent that anon
fuck you and your PULL
No. 142766
File: 1437633180595.gif (81.2 KB, 400x240, KELLY.gif)

Kelly you rock! What you did was amazing! May another mod be as glorious as you delete everything from PULL in the new platform! They sure can learn from you. Kelly (pbuh) <33
No. 142770
File: 1437633699231.gif (8.89 KB, 300x150, Kelly (1).gif)

>>142767I actually wasn't, Kelly is amazing! & from glitter-graphics
No. 142775
>>142770 TY
If she did this as a "fuck you" to PULL, then yeah I like it. PULL is like 10% truth forum, 90% A-logging. Fucking cancer. It would be much better if it was more of a truth forum than this mess.
No. 142786
>>142782It's surprising how much of a positive reaction Kelly's actions brought. Even I'm surprised by my reaction. Kelly's only mistake is that she didn't nuke EVERYTHING.
Someone please make PULL a truth forum like it's supposed to be and make it a bannable offense to A-log. Please, it's really fucking annoying hearing snowflakey members talk about how they're so much better than the snowflakes which isn't hard to accomplish at all
No. 142805
>>142797Lol look at PULL's chatango, talking about how lolcow is bullying and how PULL is somehow different even though lolcow is like PULL but with slightly more nudity and swearing. At least lolcow members don't deny their bullying.
Remember their whole "oh my gosh Venus's period stain how embarrassing I feel so bad for her! (leaves the video up even though Venus claimed it was an accident and tried to delete it and makes up shitty reasons on why her real address should be advertised instead of not drawing attention to a minor's location regardless of Venus's intentions)
No. 142807
>>142805That was only one anon… The other people disagreed.
Talk shit about PULL all you guys want. But don't stretch the truth. There's far more A-logging and arguing that goes on IN THIS THREAD ALONE than the entire PULL forum.
PULL is a shitty place, but lolcow is falling down with it due to race wars and arguing about anything and everything off topic. Both sites need a face lift and both are trying to do that. I can at least aknowledge that.
No. 142941
File: 1437665921570.jpg (58.75 KB, 582x401, pull-1.JPG)

pull members talking about lolcow p.1
No. 142952
>>142903 PULL is hosted by fucking freeforums so no they aren't comparable.
>>142941They should stop lurking tbh.
No. 142972
>>142957I agree
>>142962Why would she feel the need to take revenge? She probably just wants to show us how awesome PULL is
No. 143627
>>143142>site was first hosted on tumblrlol
So your point is?
No. 146375
File: 1438144156958.png (316.23 KB, 540x960, IMG__201507209__112501.png)

No. 147493
fuck off newcunt
No. 147610
>>147371And seems she has closed her webs outside pull??? WTF is going on with the Ostrengas.
All proof is disparaging from the web!
No. 147878
File: 1438359828676.jpg (11.05 KB, 565x456, XD_simbol.JPG)

>>147493cower, 3edgy5me-chan
No. 149690
>>149567idk what the fuck you're whining about, the banners are great.
Why don't you go make one yourself, since you're so
triggered by them.
No. 149896
File: 1438575030802.png (2.16 MB, 2496x1189, Screen Shot 2015-08-02 at 11.0…)

do you guys think the 2.0 is even going to be a thing?
i'm pretty sure all the big members moved on with their lives, crossed over to here, or just don't give a fuck enough in general. a lot of them deleted i think.
plus i think kota was why the forums even started after cathy shut down the tumblr. and she's boring as hell now
No. 149912
>>149775kek, okay anon.
>>149776>p-PULL sucks fgt!!1!The intelligence I've come to expect from this thread. Nobody gives a fucking shit about PULL (except you because you keep talking about it), just about the caps'n shit we lost about Kiki and Kota.
That's just a fucking win for the Ostrengas, shithead.
>>149896Doubt it, PULL has been on a steady decline since like 2012. They won't have the traffic they had initially so I can't see it really ever taking off the way it did before.
No. 149974
>>149972its because of the neo-civil war happening with the amerifags. but the racial shit was honestly fucking up the threads so i think we're better without it
lmao i wish i had other resources my life is so sad
No. 150134
File: 1438609086464.jpg (44.73 KB, 827x431, Captura.JPG)

No. 151138
File: 1438701983568.jpg (92.02 KB, 1141x884, wtf.JPG)

Wtf how is an admin so childish? so obnoxious and try hard af
>omg guise haha i TROLLEZ him haha this is my first/second post on here
No. 151668
File: 1438745994447.png (185.09 KB, 371x350, 1386563565371.png)

This is all thanks to Kelly!
No. 151879
>>151673fuck off hoe
>>151668Kelly hu akbar! She is the best!
>>151660fuck off hoe
>>151313fuck off hoe
(ok) No. 151904
>>151660why is it that when anyone uses pull it's suddenly their home forum or their favorite forum
a lot of us on here go to pull and many other forums as well. I agree with you anon but i meant in general people get their panties in a twist over pull
No. 155737
File: 1439232231198.png (66.98 KB, 246x241, 1439150182486.png)

PULL has been taken down again.
>In accordance with Section 25(a) of the ProBoards Terms of Service, this forum has been taken offline.
(a) By ProBoards
So basically: They took it down because, why not?
No. 155744
>>155737lol brace yourselves farmers
they'll all be flocking to this site very soon
No. 155783
File: 1439234535038.jpg (7.04 KB, 207x181, 5642071 _18d84cc09704428cc8474…)

>>155744no, please god no.
it's going to be a wave of wannabe anime lolis and people crying cultural appropriation and ableism
No. 155838
>>155783lmao that's one very confusing reaction pic.
so you're actually happy to see pulltards migrating here? kek
No. 155855
>>155737I knew that would happen as soon as I saw they went to Proboards. Proboards cracked down on a ton of crap a couple years ago and they don't allow anything "controversial" basically. They were really really dumb for picking proboards.
Oh gawd they better not come here. They'll try to turn us into a hugbox and it'll be annoying af.
No. 155866
>>155855theres not a lot of good free forum hosting websites. there was one a few years back that i went on alot and had a security breach and it was taken down for an entire year.
please dont let them come here tho. please. god please
No. 156097
File: 1439251713156.png (11.54 KB, 578x106, 4244.png)

>>156082She even brags about it.
No. 156329
File: 1439279655173.gif (9.59 MB, 600x250, hjtrjg.gif)

No. 156402
File: 1439295162538.gif (402.48 KB, 250x130, tumblr_ml81y0zykV1riosauo1_250…)

>>156382>>156385First of all, fuck you, not everyone on here is a weeb. Most of people I saw in glorious times of Tiny chats with PT (except of loli and MAYBE Spoony, not sure about her), were regularly looking lurkers and never self-posted their weebiness on here.
No. 156412
>>156097>"hate forums"that's just pathetic. even for kanadajin3
i hope this fucking idiot burns in hell.
No. 157337
File: 1439383797023.jpg (16.95 KB, 930x348, kek.jpg)

So it seems like PULL died once again; No. 157869
>>157867I'd rather have it up. For one, we don't want them all migrating here.
And two, it gives me the warm and fuzzies knowing how much it will infuriate Kaka, my most favorite cow.
No. 217903
Hello, im shike, i know this is very old, but i guess i need to clear some aspects here.
I did get abducted when i was reaching my classroom, it was very early morning (since i enter to school at 7 am)
and it was very dark , then i just ..didnt reach my classroom.
they send me to mexico, for "trata de blancas"
in mexico, unlike USA or other countries, you dont get on the newspapers, or the amber alert,
is weird when a kid/someone gets on the news for kidnapping, its not common, therefore, i didnt show up in the news obviously.
however i was lucky and found.
also i dont come from an abusive family? i dont know where do you people get that? i mean like many families, they fight and stuff, but i dont considered them abusive?
and yes they just kidnap a bunch of young female adults for selling them.
ayy, i dont have any evidence, either, but im pretty sure the mexican police or federals have my archive or something
mexico is so fucked up, you cant even trust police when i came back, all dirty and screwed, bruised, and yeah, they say "i bet you went with your boyfriend didnt you" the fuck? ayye, ..
anyways, i wont reveal personal information.(what the fuck)
No. 217941
>>217903>>217905>>217923>>217933>>217935You realize you are just making things worse for yourself, right? Nobody even cared about you anymore, yet you felt the need to bring yourself up again, and start more drama about yourself. You could have just let things go. Now you just look stupid and attention-seeking.
Stop namefagging and learn to reply properly if you are going to stay here.
No. 218128
File: 1451360828742.jpg (Spoiler Image,76.01 KB, 316x369, PRUEBA 2.jpg)

That's NOT shike.
Shike is dead
along with other girls.
No. 218130
File: 1451361009772.jpg (Spoiler Image,90.98 KB, 390x519, PRUEBA 11.jpg)

CAPEA information
i hide her full name for privacy.
i contacted her family.
No. 218133
>>218131Died from a gunshot.
To : Troll—shikeORfilliel
im pretty sure you know this is a cruel joke, why bring an old thread of a dead girl, again?
let her rest in peace for god sake.
No. 218138
>>218131Basically, this guy/girl posted as shike , i dont know why, saying things about her kidnapping
however, shike, the real shike, is dead.
can we stop talking about shike? i feel uneasy.
No. 218146
>>218145she died from a gunshot like the other girls
however they dont know why they kill those girls
if selling them was the plan
No. 218153
>>218152Really? can we just leave shike alone?
how cruel, i feel uneasy talking about a dead girl i use to know already.
No. 218157
>>218155i said , the one who was posing as shike at the beginning, wasnt shike, since she is dead.
and because a pull member who lurks here ,told me about this, since she knows how close i was with shike.
now, that is all clear, let's close the topic.
No. 218228
>>218180Im not the same person as that douchbag who pose as shike, of course he didnt have any personal info of her.
i just wont reveal her last name for the sake of her family.
thats all.
if you want to keep trolling about and making fun of this, fine.
No. 218321
>>218307Once a site becomes popular enough, there will always be those one or two retards that try to get "famous" off it. It is no different from here or other chans, with blatant self-posts and tripfagging.
With the case of PULL, it could also be newfags don't realize that having your own photo associated with incessant bitching and Internet stalking is generally not a good idea.
No. 218414
>>218341shike facebook is down O.o
or what's "her" facebook?
her brother cant be supporting this lie…
also who the f- is totemokawaii?
new pull user cry for everything, if you post "fat" BAM a full of cry babies saying shit about body issues.
No. 218420
>>218332that stupid cat girl, who "had" aspergers, and she was banned of the pull because she was so fucking annoying, i cant remember her username.
she is doing everything to gain attention.
if shike is alive i want proofs.
No. 218440
>grow up.Pretty sure
you're the one using emoticons like a 13 year old
No. 218461
>>218375PULLtards just like to pick and choose what rules to follow.
If you tell them to follow certain rules, they'll tell you "If you don't like it, leave!"
Then if you break a rule, they suddenly feel like enforcing it. They only do things at their own convenience because they are cowards after all
No. 218464
or they tell something like "oh its my 131232131 personality sorry i have mental problems"
somehow, almost all the people on the pull have mental problems.
No. 218742
>>218584Then if you call them out on stalking people who had nothing to do with the problem like family, or call them out on revealing personal info on a minor, they'll call you "high and mighty." Bitch that's not being high and mighty, that's being normal. Can't believe they think not revealing someone's address or not distributing vids of their bloody vag panties like Venus is somehow a moral high ground.
Smh Totemokawaii bragging about how she saved that video of Venus my god the insecurity is real. They have to have a mental condition to have such a low self esteem to act that way and justify their own bullshit. It's not possible to have a high esteem and act this way.
Venus did some scummy things but no one should care about her period panties and real address and send stalkers her way. A lot of them are worse than some of the snowflakes tbh
No. 218764
>>218762It's more about PULLtards, especially Totemofaggot rather than Venus and Margaret's English is shittier than that. Who the fuck brags about downloading a video of a minor flashing her bloody goodies to the world and offering the video to anyone who wants it? That's some Margaret sharing CP of Yuka level BS.
Like they treat Dakota worse than Margaret even though Margaret is far worse than Dakota. Why is she not in the spotlight instead of Dakota? They act like Dakota is the worst snowflake according to how prominent she is in the forums and banner.
Dakota is boring as hell. Can't they say anything other than "HURR SHE PHOTOSHOPS" and make guesses about her real human nature?
No. 218768
>>218747I agree. The only thing that really interested me about Venus was really Margaret's meddlings that involved her, not her period or her personal address that no one should care about.
Venus herself is not that full of drama now that I think about it, other than the time she glared and snubbed other famous youtubers, and some theft.
Not saying Venus is innocent but she just seems to be taken on the sad ride Margaret brought her. Margaret shared fucking CP, broke tax laws, and forever ruined the life of her self and her daughter, a minor who couldn't consent to the grooming she did and they're somehow focusing on Venus far more than Margaret. I don't get why Margaret never had her own forum because she definitely deserves it.
No. 218801
>>218799Leaked video of Yukapon peeing as a minor but I don't know much about it. And possibly other things maybe someone else knows.
I wouldn't be surprised if she made Venus nudes though, not that they exist (I hope)
No. 218839
also i find it annoying how some members whitekight snowflakes
are trying to "help" snowflakes giving them "advice" as if they were actually reading the thread
No. 218906
>>218839>as if they were actually reading the threadTo be fair, quite a few snowflakes knew about their PULL threads and had notoriously lurked them, tried to whiteknight themselves in them, or tried to get them taken down. Like Kanadajin and her sockpupper accounts, or Kaka screencapping shit from PULL for her "sue the Internet" folder. The butthurt is always a spectacular sight to see.
Now what could be argued, and what I would agree with, is that there is no point in giving snowflakes advice, because many of them are way too mentally ill or far up their own asses to bother to change.
No. 219352
File: 1451801833990.jpeg (182.06 KB, 750x751, image.jpeg)

>>219275She considers herself ~Tumblr famous~ and her cousin tries super hard to copy her.
I'm surprised she didn't figure out that Ahripop would ignore her considering that PULL and lolcow both talked about how she only gets boners for Asians.
I find her to be /snow/-worthy at times. She could definitely benefit from losing 200 lbs.
No. 219364
>>218128>>218130Sorry to go back to this shit but i thought it would be kinda fun to comment on how the "paper" image (totally not made in photoshop) is a c&p from another story that is all over the media about 2 women found dead in BC: (both are the same word by word, included the KM where where they were found and the taxi driver witness who saw them. There is no news about 8 kids being found dead. And believe me, that kind of news would be big (say whatever the fuck you want about mexico Shike but i know they would cover something like that).
Also can we please talk about how the second "evidence" photo is clearly the same tiny photo from before streched? And the fact that it says she got lost in the state of "TIJUANA" (Totally not written in different font) and in the NEXT FUCKING LINE they mention a city from another state? lmao.
It's clear it was Shike trying to be interesting in a morbid way.
No. 219384
>>219364>And believe me, that kind of news would be bigunless they're pretty or have money or connections, rarely they say anything about missing women. I live in central Mexico where women seems to dissapear into thin air to be later found murdered. Police is like "lol they ran away with their lovers/threw a tantrum"
Current asshole governor literally said that's not a big deal, there are more important things to care about.
> for blogging & sperging
No. 219481
File: 1451845419975.jpeg (86.61 KB, 544x704, image.jpeg)

>> according to her Instagram
No. 219492
>>219481she looks like a huge baby in diapers
fucking gross
>>219488lol i would lose a large amount of weight
No. 219532
File: 1451854713447.jpeg (159.65 KB, 750x1111, image.jpeg)

The PULLtards in the Ahripop thread are actually insane.
No. 219623
>>219611the only reason theyre looking for old pictures is to see how different she looked from her shoops. they're not trying to deem some 14 year old as
problematic or lulzy, if anything, those were her best years. everyone does creepy shit sometimes but that ahripop search didnt seem bad at all? it's not like it's a perv looking for old pictures and addresses and friends to get info out of and stalk in real life. even the person said they werent comfortable posting a lot, but a few unshooped pics here and there are really satisfying because it just reminds everyone how much of a shooped blow up doll she really wants to look like
No. 219637
>>219620I've never read that thread before so I didn't know that.
>>219623There's recent unshooped pics of her though. I think a couple were posted in her thread here and a couple on PULL.
>>219622She's not just documenting shit that Ahri did, she's doing a full-blown search on EVERYTHING that Ahripop did in the past before she was even lulzy. Most of the junk that she's dredging up isn't even relevant with today's Ahripop.
No. 219670
>>219647tru lol. tbh i do think lolcow is better than pull just because everyone there acts fairly immaturely. i've seen posts like "lmao let's provoke ___ via ___" whereas lolcow just bitches behind the person's back.
that being said, it's not like lolcow is superior to pull by any definition still.
No. 219685
>>218153LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE!!!!!!!!!!
No. 219952
>>219670Lolcow is also better because PULLtards try to deny they are bullies and pretend to have a moral high ground, saying they are better than cgl or lolcow, while Lolcow users admit to it no problem
PULLtards also claim they are a truth forum when a lot of the forum is speculation and alogging.
No. 219970
>>219684why the fuck she is a whore?
seeking for attention maybe
but whore? she is like 12
No. 219974
>>219970she is not fucking 12
gtfo shike's whiteknight, your terrible syntax is a dead giveaway.
No. 220257
>>219974im fucking french asshole
i dont even know the girl i though she was 12
paranoid much? gtfo thot
No. 221496
File: 1452560883895.png (104.39 KB, 695x285, uhuh.PNG.79a3e0bab51121427e0b5…)

Dis bitch…
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