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No. 709810
Thread Image Credit:
>>707969Previous Thread:
>>>/pt/706718Onion Thread Archives:
>>>/pt/511709Onision Drama Crash Course:
http://www.lifeofonion.comDo not post about Lainey in this thread unless her content has some connection to Greg. Attempts at discussing her content that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban.
Her thread can be found at
>>>/snow/826201Do not derail the thread about the onion flakes unless their posts have some connection to Greg. Attempts to discuss the onionflakes that does not relate to Greg will result in a ban.
The flakes thread can be found at
>>>/snow/691458Onision/Onion/Greg/Gregory Avaroe/James Jackson is a washed-up youtuber who gained rapid popularity around 2009 and has been rapidly declining since. Laineybot/Lainey/Taylor Avaroe/Kai Jackson, is a transtrender and "beauty guru" with no makeup-knowhow or personality.
Last time on THE CURSE OF THE SWAMP TRAILER:>Shiloh’s ex-girlfriend confirms Onision / James Jackson’s mistreatment of her. >>706725 >>706799 >>706800 >>706803>Greg continues to make shitty videos with obvious digs towards his exes. >>706752 >>708480>WHEN COWS COLLIDE: TND comments on the situation at hand, urging youtube to do something. >>706931>Regina posts caps of Lainey being a shitty friend, Lainey also manipulated Sarah into blocking Regina. >>706982 >>706983 It also seems that when Regina got kicked out of her home, Lainey could not give a single fuck. >>707063>Jimmy continues to rage about “cancel culture”. >>707054 >>707058 >Lainey is probably scamming people. >>707154 >>708187>Repzilla releases a video with nudes sent to Regina in late 2015 (Billie was in the picture during this). >>707209 >>707210 Lainey deletes her @laineybot twitter after this video is released. >>707482 Her private twitter and both Instagram accounts are still up.>Sarah releases caps from Greg trying to coax her to make a video to quell the grooming allegations made by Ayalla in January. >>707580 >>707582 >>707583 >>707585 >>707587>Billie shares more pathetic emails from Greg. >>708021 >>708025 She confirms that the picture of them with Troy’s head behind them was an accident. >>708060>Ayalla shares this ironic email from Greg. >>708153 >>708165>Regina shares a conversation that contains Lainey bitching about Billie. >>708202 >>708203>Skye releases more of Onion’s emails filled with suicide baiting and guilt tripping. >>708510 >>708512 >>708514 >>708516 >>708707 >>708712 >>708722 >>708884>Billie calling out Greg on his skit about her. >>708667 She explains the situation that was made into a skit >>708874 after getting blocked by him on twitter. >>708845>Regina speaks to another teen that Kai attempted to get nudes from. >>708795 >>708796 >>708797>Skye releases more emails from Greg. 5 years later and he’s still angry about alimony payments. >>708932 >>708937 >>708940 >>708941 >>708942>Greg is still abusing the copyright system on youtube, to the surprise of no one. >>709257 >>709472>More information from Mon Cherie is spilled. >>709414 >>709416 >>709421 >>709429For the sake of making Onision threads more readable, please follow these rules in the future:
- READ PREVIOUS THREADS AND PREVIOUS POSTS BEFORE POSTING*-Report and ignore bait.- Hooktube is no longer a viable solution to deter views/clicks from Onision. Please rehost videos elsewhere.- No nitpicking. - Do not liveblog streams. Unless something of importance is happening, we don't need minute by minute updates.
- Do not contact the cows and post about it here. You will be banned.
- Do not tinfoil about the children. You will be banned.Do not post nudes of any exes.Links: (private, for now.) (private, for now.) No. 709817
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Billie retweeted this person, who emailed patreon over kainey farming Patreon for money and not putting any content back out and for Jimbo’s subtle threat to Sarah videos/sex doll videos and others are saying they’ve followed suit as well
No. 709818
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Went through some of my old caps of Lainey’s private Twitter to see if there’s anything that might allude to Sarah. I don’t have anything from May or June onward so the other Twitter anons will have to provide caps.
No. 709820
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>>709817this Rowenn girl got a reply back from Patreon however
but it sounds like a bot/sounds like your usual “Thank you for bringing this to our attention” message, like the tweet from Team Youtube
No. 709822
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>>709820sage for slight contribution, but nothing big overall
No. 709832
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>>709818these are possibly about Sarah.
This was also around the time Lainey was complaining about people only being her friend to date/sleep with her. (Timestamp: 11:30).
No. 709841
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saw this on Lane’s twitter but uh
The Return of Kaild Predator coming soon?
No. 709844
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>>709842again, samefag but it sounds like patreons and fans are starting to get irate and Greg is either placating them by saying Kainey’s coming back soon or Greg is forcing her to come back so they don’t lose income.
No. 709846
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No. 709850
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No. 709852
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2/3 lainey is just a full on fucking idiot
No. 709855
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3/3 and she used sarah apparently to go around the mother…
No. 709856
>>709832at 15:40
>i'm like..what if i go to jail?pls aldliiii, editors, use this soundclip
No. 709885
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No. 709904
>>709885Jesus, poor Skye. What a fucking ass, “I never loved you I was just scared of being alone but IF YOU LOVE ME YOU MUST SIGN THIS AND FREE ME TO BE WITH A TEENAGER.”
I hope now it’s clear as ever to Billie, Ayalla, Sarah, and any other unfortunate young women that his “contracts” are definitely NOT legal binding and NOT legit in anyway. No lawyer present, no notary, and he breaks his own rules which make them null and void.
No. 709917
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No. 709918
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No. 709920
>>709917lol @ thinking this is a legally binding document in any way, shape or form.
his stupidity is unreal.
No. 709923
>>709917That is straight copypasta from a number of legal paper sites.
>>709921Same. His family is bizarrely insular. Really do wonder what goes on at those events.
No. 709927
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>>709917this retard really just printed out the first google result for "free mutual non-disclosure agreement" lmao
No. 709933
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>>709929The last time I heard him speak of his sisters he said he doesnt associate with them. The oldest sister Joanna "lied to him" and we know how he feels about liars. And the other sister Christina is a "snob" and doesnt speak to him.
Screencap from a Xmas family gathering video of Onisions.
No. 709940
>>709854Can someone grab the divorce docs he's got linked? gotta make an account but I accidentally typed my email address in wrong and the site won't let me remake or try to make another. I want to be able to read them properly since he fucked up order some of the screencaps during that part of the video
No. 709944
>>709925I think the video will be restricted to patreon (no more YouTube) with the comments maybe disabled. This could be a goodbye video where she will stop making videos and start only releasing playlists and writing comments (maybe something Greg could do for her) but I don’t see her continuing to release videos to YouTube anymore. But then again, sponsorships are a big part of their income so maybe she will have to in order to generate income.
We know she won’t but honestly if there was ever a time to jump ship and release a Billie-like video where she reveals his abuse now would be the time. He’ll never go back to how he was at the start of her relationship (loving, non-
abusive) so there’s no upside to staying and more she goes into dark mode the more likely this final verdict will stick and be her legacy. Too bad because she’s going to be branded as a pedophile online and I can’t imagine that won’t leak into her offline life. Parents don’t like their playmates parents to be suspected predators.
No. 709945
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No. 709948
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No. 709949
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No. 709951
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No. 709952
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No. 709953
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No. 709954
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No. 709955
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No. 709956
>>709912The funny thing is he claimed to love her before he decided to leave her out of the blue for a fresh teen. His old blogs have entries talking about how much he loves her. His “love” isn’t real and is fleeting. That’s why he can turn it off so quickly because he never really feels it in the first place.
I don’t understand outside of deep denial why Taylor doesn’t emotionally recognize that he doesn’t truly love her. He already showed that he was willing to leave her and their new kid at the drop of a hat so I don’t know what keeps her saying. Maybe she thinks if she never says no to him that she’s guaranteed at least 15 years with him playing second fiddle to each and every young girl he brings into their house. I don’t know whose sake she’s doing that for though.
No. 709958
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(Idk if this person is relevant)
Homolkai turning trans to ‘look young’ for Gurg tinfoil ?
No. 709961
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The final one because I'm pretty sure the other images were already posted. I just logged in using my Gmail account pif that helps anyone else.
No. 709965
>>709940yup, didn't wanna use gmail lol. That was probably it. Got access to it but going through the direct link and downloading them individually though and re-uploading.
Thank you anon!
No. 709972
>>709940I think it's safe to assume so, Rep sent the video out to all of the girls before uploading to make sure they were comfortable with everything and approved.
As far as I know, Sarah has spoken out on it and said it was one of the best/most thorough videos released on the subject to date.
No. 709976
>>709854Like a lot of anons, I think Rep is a bit of an attention whore cow but this vid is great and it's awesome he got Skye (and shiloh's) approval before dumping intimate details about the divorce, cheating, etc.
I never thought the Shiloh seizure video was legit, thought she and onion made it up for fake drama and views but, given I've never seen a seizure in real life, maybe it was just ignorance to assume so. It didn't help with how onion edited it and treated her episode, which just makes it all the more worse. I feel bad for ever doubting her.
No. 709981
>>709958>(idk if this person is relevant)this is the guy who lainey tried to get nudes from/sent lewds to on snapchat after he said that he was almost 18 and to rate him for one of Lainey’s videos.
he more or less corroborated that lainey has no dysphoria and fetishizes transmen
No. 709998
>>709940If she gets out of this clean, I bet she'll probably try to frame herself as a
victim, release a book and find another cuck to take care of her children/manipulate.
No. 709999
>>709996I don't think she'd have to do that. From what I've heard of her parents, they are responsible, decent, normal people (who tried to stop all this in the first place).
I bet if she apologised to them and asked for help ti get away from this situation, they'd take her back in and help her with the kids. Shit they might even jump at the chance.
No. 710005
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No. 710008
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>>710007Guess he saw the video lol
No. 710009
>>710007greg: tweets this
also greg: has entire youtube channel dedicated to talking about other people.
>>710008wonder why he hasnt been able to do it?
No. 710036
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>>709854Repzion did a great job. The video was well structured, most of the time calmly presented and overall easy to comprehend. The sources he gathered underneath the video will hopefully help doubtful people who look for even more in depth information. I wish he'd also linked the voicemails to AJ, even though she wasn't mentioned in the video. It would have been another example of his psychotic behaviour.
I really hope Repzion's video goes viral and people wake up from being lulled by Greg or they finally stop ignoring him (looking at you YouTube and Patreon CEOs).
No. 710043
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No. 710045
>>710012Yep, Jo Tracker. She has a Youtube channel and did some videos with Onion back in 2017. I think that they got into an argument but forgot that part or any references.
This is her channel/are her videos. No. 710048
>>710005Spoken like a true narc - any attention is good attention. Can't comprehend that "to matter" isn't always good, it can be pretty terrible. In no way do you want to hug said person, if you're thinking about someone in a negative way. How is his logic such pure garbage
all the time?
>>709976It's the Onion curse - when covering Jimmy, people tend to turn into cows themselves. However, I believe the exposure is good. I don't care if JSBS of all people returned to talk about it, as long as this is getting as much coverage as possible. It's not about Jimmy just being a shit person anymore. His Pedobot actually broke the law, etc.
Also, what he put Skye through was terrible. She's one strong cookie.
No. 710051
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>>710043Totally not buying followers…
No. 710054
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>>710051if my math is correct (I doubt it) but it seems that uhohbro just fell under 2million subs
No. 710057
>>710036Seriously I agree anon, Repzion did a super good job condensing hours and hours of disconnected shit (that when put together, paints a very clear and very grotesque picture).
I do wish he had mentioned or at least linked to the AJ stuff, because even though she doesnt consider it to be, that's probably the closest physical rape description there is (through coercion). Though I suppose sh's disclosures are just as good (forced shaving, coercion).
Some here dont care about this, but I also really appreciated how kind and respectful he was Smergenstein's
victims. Overall great video, let's hope it takes off and Gerggy spergs hard.
Rep also mentioned he's making a HomolKai feature which should be fucking fantastic (I think a lot of rep viewers still dont know anything about poor little spaceboi pedo)
No. 710063
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Rep uploaded his vid on onion today about 6 hrs ago.. and look, mr onion uploaded this about 3 hrs ago. What a convenient title.
No. 710070
>>710043whatever, cocksucker. we see you.
everyone can see you.
No. 710071
>>710063The fact that this is almost 30 minutes of boring skits is sad.
The view count is also sad kek.
Here's a mirror for those who care: No. 710074
>>709946Again with the contradictions. He's afraid of being alone but treats all his relationships/gf's like expendable trash. Great way to maintain a relationship. None of this would be happening if he'd sought professional help years ago. Now all he has to look forward to is a jail cell.
>>709961>lied about his earningsNot the FaXx mAchIne? Hope the IRS audits him soon.
No. 710077
>>709917Interesting that the bogus NDA is between
Taylor and Sarah
No. 710079
>>709863He's been slowly, visibly deteriorating deeper into psychosis. His reaction is anyone's guess at this point.
>>709862Lainey is truly mother of the year material.
>>709879>it's safe to say if we want the conversation to actually move about any of this shit, this is the thread for it.Agreed
No. 710081
>>709951>>709953>>709954>>709955>>709961Wow, what a fucking bastard.
Also, he lied about is expenses to make her seem needy, only to then message her and ask her to help him get out of trouble with the IRS kek.
No. 710089
>>710051With what money is he doing this? On credit perhaps.
>>710052That's unfortunate. Wonder how big sis will react when news of her brother's serial abuse and blatant psychopathy inevitably reaches her.
No. 710092
>>709956>why Taylor doesn't recognizeKind of a tangent going off your post, anon, but the sad fact of the matter is that Taylor was once a
victim but is now a pedophilic abuser herself. She willingly enters into this shit with him and for all her bullshit about how 'waaaahhh, Greg does what he wants and I can't stop him' she's right there with him, grooming and seducing young girls. In some ways she's even more disgusting because she knew the awful truth about what Greg had done and was now doing to her, and yet she knowingly and willingly did the exact same things to Sarah. She's a doormat who will always love him and will never leave of her own accord because she's desperate.
The anons who mention her in the same breath as Myra Hindley, Rosemary West and Karla are, sadly, right. Same mindset, same m.o. The only thing different about her is that she hasn't helped him to bury any bodies. Yet.
What she did to Sarah should never be glossed over or written off as something Greg forced her to do. Taylor Elaine Avaroe/Kai Jackson grew into a monster. She groomed a child so that the day Sarah was 'legal' her husband could get his dick wet. That's all they wanted. Sarah is handling this with remarkable maturity, I'd be calling for blood.
No. 710095
>>710092>Taylor Elaine Avaroe/Kai Jackson grew into a monster.I agree. Lainey's morphed into a carbon copy of her husband. That could be another reason why he hates her and has tried to ditch her several times; he can't stand seeing a real reflection of himself.
>she hasn't helped him to bury any bodies.That we know of.
No. 710098
>>710074Professional help wouldn't have done shit for him. So much therapy these days is navel-gazing anyhow. The idiot in question has to have a real desire to change. Let's face it, borderlines may be tough to deal with, but they often seek help and can be treated with dialectical therapy.
There is zero treatment for narcs. Zero.
No. 710107
>>710084She's alive, just being a pussy. She did the same thing when they got outed for being
abusive to Billie.
>>710102Second most recent. They got another one since getting rid of Caterpie.
No. 710110
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>>710097>Makes sick disturbing videos in the midst of being exposed as a psychopathLike the "Julia" vid (pic related), and all the "violent fantasy" sperging he's done on twitter
>>704366 >>709640>>709647A few have claimed those last two aren't him but he's only had a fucking pattern going for years now.
Every time his mask of sanity slips we get a sperg out. No. 710117
>>710098>>710104Narcs can't change much even if they desired it. They are inherently devoid of empathy and incapable of regulating their self esteem without using others. Once you're a narc there's no going back.
>>710106That's highly doubtful. He obsesses because she was an object of his control. Now she's not, and she's making him look bad to boot. He spergs out of a sense of powerlessness and lack of control, not "love". Didn't he admit to Sarah that he's never been in love and doesn't know what it feels like? That's probably the most honest thing he's ever said in his life.
No. 710125
>>710104 really? this guy's rhetoric has precisely zero to do with greg and his issues.
i CAN think of a cow who might find this dude useful but it sure af ain't greg.
No. 710127
>>710110I can't see anything but a legitimate lunatic making something like that. He can try and pass it off as a joke or whatever but anyone with basic mental cognizance can see through his bs. That Dahlia tweet is either him, or he paid someone to post for him so it wouldn't get tied to directly him.
His entire adult life he's presented one face to the public - in his videos - while being the total opposite in private, behind closed doors. His whole life is a farce.
No. 710132
>>710117>He obsesses because she was an object of his control>He spergs out of a sense of powerlessness and lack of control, not "love".This 100%. And yes, Sarah tweeted about what he said to her.
I've tinfoiled that his obsession with Alicia had to do with his constant need for vengeance, i.e., to get back at Skye.
No. 710139
>>710005>We talk about things and people we consider worth our timeYes, predators like yourself must be exposed and dealt with, you're right Greg.
>>710007>Stop exposing me>I don't want to face accountabilityToo fucking bad, dude.
No. 710140
>>709953>Greg was yelling and screaming at me in the house>My mother was concerned I was suffering a mental breakdownPoor Skye. Then he went on to repeat the same unhinged,
abusive behavior with Sh until she broke down. I'm sure he does variations of this shit with his kids too, and Lainey stays because she's also insane. Onision is the very definition of
toxic, his house must be a nightmare to live in. CPS dropped the ball with him. Would be interesting to know what, if anything, Skye's counselor had to say about him.
No. 710141
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Keep flappin your mouth Gurg, you just fucking your own damn self over.
No. 710150
>>710124Skye seems really funny and smart and great but all of those qualities won’t convince someone like Greg, someone without empathy, to love another person. The only time he comes close to love it’s more like obsession and idolization but he can’t maintain affection in a healthy, stable way. People want to say he really loved Skye or Billie or whoever but he’s really only been obsessed with them in one way or another.
His realization of loss of any of the people in his life doesn’t last because he doesn’t really value them, he values the roles they fill or value they produce. If he can replace them with someone else who can give him the same output (sex, validation, work, cleaning, editing, acting in his horrible little skits), he’s fine. He doesn’t think anyone is irreplaceable but himself.
We’ve seen this again and again.
His lack of love for his former partners isn’t a reflection of how good they are and I think people want to think he loved them because they’re good in some way but I really don’t think he thinks/feels that way.
No. 710154
>>710151>but he definitely did love her Yeah, no. Read the middle text portion where he moves on to Sh
>>709885He got bored with Skye and wanted a fresh teen for entertainment, that's literally it. He's never felt love in his life; never loved himself or anyone else. He's a broken asshole-manchild who tries to break down others to make them more like him.
No. 710159
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At this point Shreg can’t even pretend that all the armchair physiologists diagnosing him as a narcissist are wrong. Greg James “I’m god because I made a girl cry” Avaroe Jackson
No. 710163
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>>710153It was mentioned here
>>704038 that they got rid of Leelu
No. 710164
>>710144Why does CPS even exist if it's going to be this useless? I've seen children taken from their homes for far less than what the Onion's have done. Emotional/verbal abuse is STILL ABUSE. I know, "that's not how CPS works", "can't take kids based on allegations" etc., fine, then at least get them
some kind of support, like counseling.
Kids can get taken away for truancy but they can't get free counseling in the face of what's
obviously a dysfunctional home environment? Perfect. It's like the lunatics are running the asylum.
No. 710168
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>>710159>>710160I remember that. The link to it was posted a few threads back. I'm sure if anything remotely similar to this did happen, Alicia's version would be very different. Pic related.
No. 710170
>>710167>Lainey's parents would take care of them very well if she just gave them over.If she'd planned on doing that she would've done so by now. She already expressed fears for Clot because of Greg. That they're trapped in that hell house isn't any better than being in the foster system, imo. Trot's already been observed acting out/lashing out physically towards his sister. Pretty sure if the state interviened the kids would go to Lainey's parents anyway by default.
Point is, there's no excuse for those kids to be trapped there with no support, knowing what is publicly known about that house and how Greg is.
No. 710172
>>710170Lainey's parents aren't any better after all they let her daughter use her social media to send nudes and let her fuck an
abusive boyfriend until Greg trapped her.
They are shitty people because after all this time they haven't tried to keep safe their grandchildren, specially Clout who will likely get sexually abuse once she reach puberty by her own father.
No. 710174
>>710163Good, I'm glad Leelu and Caterpie are out of there. They deserved better. At least the Onions seem to care for Dobbs, but I feel bad for the new dog.
>>710170The kids are fucked no matter what tbh. All the odds are against them. If they stay with their parents they're fucked. If they go into foster care they're fucked, but slightly less so. Lame's parents are probably a best case scenario but even then they'd have a multitude of issues, but at least they'd be free of their screeching retard predator father.
>>710172There's nothing her family can do for those kids. I'm sure they've tried time and again to get their daughter to leave Grundle for the kids' sakes, but legally they can't do shit unless Lame agrees to hand them over (very unlikely) or CPS intervenes (even more unlikely).
No. 710183
>>710172>Lainey's parents let her daughter use her social media to send nudesThere's no evidence that they know/knew what Lainey was doing. There is a screenshot I think in the last thread where one of Lainey's former hangers-on said Lainey hooked up with Greg in secret - her parents thought she was at her college dorm that whole time, she lied to her parents about everything.
>>710164>It's like the lunatics are running the asylum.Hopefully the bigger ones will be dealt with after the smaller fish like Greg.
No. 710189
>>710183They did know after her boyfriend leak them in her school, they were very aware of Lainey’s
toxic dynamics in her social media
No. 710190
File: 1569557142397.jpeg (637.7 KB, 1125x1774, baw ronery.jpeg)

>>709946>The line he gave Sky about never loving her because he was afraid of being alone is the only truth he has ever spoken.What he thinks is loneliness is actually the emptiness in his soul that he's been desperately trying to fill with the result being all his horrible antics over the years.
I have no sympathy for someone who's hurt so many people, who still refuses to look honestly at himself and try to get help for his blatant psychological issues. He's a serial abuser who has no remorse, no conscience and no desire to change. Go baw your way to jail, Greg.
No. 710192
>>710176This video is fucking horrifying. Most, if not all of his skits explicitly reference his
victims and makes them either the villain or kills them off. If he's this bold, then something big is coming
No. 710195
File: 1569558074383.png (11.42 KB, 800x308, Screenshot_2019-09-27 PATREON …)

>>710176I can never watch these, I always get the same error.
Could someone mirror it elsewhere?
No. 710196
>>710176I implore everyone to watch this video if you in any way still aren't sure that Greg is a sociopath. The Shiloh sketch is disgusting and tone deaf. How can a 32 year think that making fun of someone's seizures and mental illness (whether or not he thinks he's in right) is entertaining content? Making fun of all of these people and their accusations is insane to me. It makes you realize he never ever cared about them as people if he can't even value their feelings. Hey Greg notice how all of you exes absolutely despise you and say you abused them? Notice how they don't say that about all of their other exes, too? Hmmmmm…
And then he makes a comment about the Shiloh stand-in going to the next parter to ruin their life. Lmao the complete lack of self-awareness.
No. 710197
>>710192>Most, if not all of his skits explicitly reference his victims and makes them either the villain or kills them off.He's been doing that for weeks. Isn't this grounds enough for the "authorities" to get involved? I mean, I know they oftentimes like to wait until
actual tragedy strikes when all the warning signs/red flags were there the entire fucking time, but still. Not a dig at LE though because they can generally only do as they're told.
No. 710214
File: 1569560109427.png (12.46 KB, 390x126, sarah.PNG)

>>710209I agree with this anon. It follows his "its not illegal" mindset. Im sure he throws things near her, or bluff hits her but never makes contact.
Only physical abuse Ive heard of is pushing Shiloh into a door frame. Even if he did hit Lainey its not something she'd leave him over. I hate to say it but I dont think she would ever leave him even if it was the worst thing you can imagine. She would just blame the accuser.
No. 710217
File: 1569562069564.png (5.97 MB, 2436x1125, 86645392-34FB-4DF2-9E97-513D6C…)

Greg, you’re 34…
No. 710223
File: 1569562843075.png (982.94 KB, 894x499, 56937611.PNG)

Has anyone every brought up that Lainey may have Autogynephilia? Its common with some male to female transsexuals. These men dont really feel they were meant to be born as a woman. Their whole reason for dressing up is because they are sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female, an underlying transvestism.
Lainey couldnt keep the alt blue haired girl so she tried to become it for 2 years after Billie left. Now she seems to be trying to become the emo skater boy she could never date in high school.
No. 710229
File: 1569563470166.jpeg (903.43 KB, 1999x1125, 197045CC-7C39-416C-BE37-72C9AF…)

The stuff of nightmares yo (pic related)
>>710223She looks like one of Skye’s old characters from back in the day and speaking of; the Haters United skit was a reference to her as well. I’m not sure what this exactly implies other than some type of “you’ll never leave me” bs
No. 710249
File: 1569570233990.png (2.33 MB, 1393x2169, Google is AIDS.png)

>>710218>People have had their channels terminated over such trivial shit but a psychopathic predator gets to stay on for years.>The people that own youtube must be insaneYoutube is a Google subsidiary. Google's owned by:
Sundar Pichai
John Doerr
Eric Schmidt
Sergey Brin (now president of Alphabet, Google's parent company)
Larry Page
Bet they're the ones pulling the strings on Wojcicki. Given the statistics it's not surprising Greg hasn't been booted as they'd likely see him as one of their own lol.
Pic related.
No. 710259
This repzion video is really good. I am going to say something that sounds kinda weird… but, it's only really now that I have come to the realization how absolutely INTENTIONAL and MALICIOUS gregs actions have actually been. Like, don't get me wrong, I have thought he is a creepy predator, a complete retard, and a colossal failure for quite some time now. But I saw him as an accidental criminal. Like someone that is incapable of making good choices. Someone harmful, sure - but still, more so someone that seems to just fall into bad situations and makes terrible decisions almost as a matter of circumstance.
Now though, I really see him in a whole new light. This guy is a proactive predatory unfeeling sociopath that has no shame. The only regrets greg is having right now is how its negatively affected him, and nothing more. He gets off on this stuff. He enjoys it. He gets satisfaction in "ruining" people. He is an individual who ACTIVELY SEEKS TO DO HARM to others. He is the worst kind of evil. If hell were a real place, it would be for someone like him.
I was also 100% wrong on shiloh. I feel like the wool has been lifted from my eyes. Even a couple of weeks ago, I said on here something to the effect of "yeah greg sucks but shiloh was fucked up too" - I was dead fucking wrong. I feel so sorry for her and what she went through. Greg is so good at lying, he even had convinced me, someone that hasn't liked him pretty much ever, to actually believe the bullshit about shiloh. I feel like a total idiot for even one second considering anything that came out of his mouth.
No one can say greg will never abuse anyone again. Sadly, he probably will. But I am optimistic that there are at least some young women out there that would have ended up as another victim of his, that now having seen all this information, will be safe. That is a good thing.
Skye, Sarah, Shiloh, Billie and others should be extremely proud of themselves. They lived with an actual sociopath that is extremely experienced in manipulation and harming people, and they not only survived him but have actually bettered him. The is no small feat.
No. 710261
>>710259I never once thought negatively of Shiloh, but I get what you mean with
> Greg is so good at lying, he even had convinced me, someone that hasn't liked him pretty much ever, to actually believe the bullshit…Theres been a couple times where Onion has told his side of the story in videos and he's said it with such conviction and calmly that I doubted my own perception of him at times. Like maybe I am overestimating his crazy? No one can possibly be that fucked up? Once Skye started showing his private emails to her and Alicia I realized nope this fucker is fucking crazy everything we've been saying here has been on the money.
No. 710262
>>710164What scares me the most is that Taylor admitted to Sarah that she wouldn't leave Greg even if he hit her. It's not a stretch to assume she wouldn't leave even if he hit the kids. And we've seen she's ok with him sexually grooming children and ok with all kinds of verbal/emotional abuse.
Goddamn it, someone should intervene, the cps, grandparents, anyone…
No. 710267
>>710198>Greg has never portrayed a women in a sketch in a positive light. His misogyny and hatred of women has become more obvious over the last few months, like with the Julia vid
>>710110How is that shit NOT against YT TOS? It is hosted on YT is it not? Outrageous that it hasn't been taken down, but then I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
No. 710274
>>710176I was expecting this line of bullshit:
>Who are YOU to talk about what I've done wrong, you've done wrong stuff too! Trying to deflect, twist, or shift the blame only proves you're unwilling to take responsibility for your own actions and you refuse to be a fucking adult. Ironic that one of the most judgemental people - with a god complex to boot - is now shitting himself for being judged.
He can pretend he doesn't understand what's happening and why so many people are speaking out against him. He can pretend this all mob mentality/cancel culture/outrage culture and use whatever mental gymnastics to dismiss or gloss over the situation, this isn't going away. He will face the consequences he's been running from for years. Predators and serial abusers need to be put the fuck down.
No. 710275
File: 1569581744190.jpeg (255.99 KB, 600x828, 69D3966E-13FB-4F81-94A4-EAF4E0…)

>>709918posting the full cap from this convo. Sarah talking to Repzion about Grugly trying to hide his degeneracy. He knows his shit is wrong and is just getting better at keeping it on the DL. which is worse than when he was a stupid loud and proud cow about it.
No. 710277
File: 1569582325567.jpg (581.74 KB, 1028x616, b - Onision is getting #MeToo'…)

>>710176This video is just further evidence that he's decided to stay trapped up his own smarmy ass.
Just quit while you're ahead Greg, everyone's caught on to you
>>709361The replies in that thread had me dyin'. Every time I think he's reached the limits of his stupidity, he proves me wrong again. pic related
No. 710280
>>710275It speaks to the kind of person Greg/Onision is that he put a CHILD in that kind of situation.
She's very brave for speaking out. A lot of people will be able to avoid what she went through thanks to her being open about it.
No. 710285
>>710176Wow. This video should be required viewing considering the insight it gives into Greg’s mind. The man is fucked up and his skits put that in plain view. I don’t know why he thought this was a good idea - it doesn’t help his case at all.
Also, how has no one mentioned that his next plan is to write, in his words, a smut book. The next 50 shades of grey. That’s just fucking horrifying
No. 710291
>>710196>The Shiloh sketch is disgusting and tone deaf.He tried to come off as a half-way intelligent, somewhat mentally balanced human being in the monologue portions (he didn't), and then proceeded to mock, insult, and demean one of the girls he abused, you know, like someone with a
conscience would do.
He just loves piling that dirt on himself. Even better that he's so fucking smug while he's doing it.
No. 710296
>>710071So, he made a cringe compilation. Good job. /s
But hey, unsarcastically spoken, he did pay more attention to continuity this time. I wonder whether he actually looked into it or if he was just lucky.
On another note, what a great coincidence that Repzion just made a video about Greg revealing his god-complex and his sadistic nature and, voila, a day later Greg releases a video which just addresses these aspects and confirms them. LMFAO The timing is just perfect, I've never such persistent bad karma.
Smert boi Gerg always shoots himself in the foot, always.
No. 710299
>>710291We also know he likes to threaten and mock in ways that only the
victims might pick up on and I think he does that with Sarah in this one too. The part about people promising they’re different than other people just to get what they want (followed by that horrible give a kid a cookie analogy) is totally a jab about Sarah. He’s saying he was bullied and lied to by Sarah into sleeping with them because all she wanted all along (even as a scheming 14 year old) was to have sex with them. Yeah, okay, sure.
Unrelated but his insistence that everyone’s a bad person and everyone is just as bad as anyone else is one of the most annoying ways he tries to minimize his abuse. Comparing wearing perfume to smell better to a guy you like is not the same as consciously and deceptively threatening suicide to get the ex wife you abandoned to stop collecting her legal alimony. It’s not the same as being mean and
abusive to a child up until the point that she can legally consent to sex with you and then suddenly be nice. It’s not the same as so many of the evil things he’s done. We’re not all in the same boat. Some things are rightfully worse than others.
No. 710307
>>710285I only got through about 10 minutes and had to click off out of sheer rage. He has NO shame.There is NO wound he won't pick at to get his petty revenge. Even when his
victims bring receipts, he just doubles down on the smarmy superiority & cruelty.Seriously, he is the only internet 'personality' that makes me want to type 'kys' unironically.The world would be a much better place without him in it.
No. 710314
>>710307>Seriously, he is the only internet 'personality' that makes me want to type 'kys' unironically.Same but you know what's horrible? If he killed hus whole family and then himself he would still be considered a
victim of haters if not a downright martyr of the #metoo movement.
No. 710319
>>710316To prove what ~twin flames~ they are. There is no greater love than sticking by someone who beats you, dontcha know.
I don't know if he has struck her in anger, but they are both also into some depraved shit, so who knows. I do think she would say something like that just to how everyone (and Greg) how devoted she is.
No. 710321
File: 1569595463410.jpg (163.76 KB, 1254x639, poordoggo.jpg)

>>710102>>710174Greg's at least already feeling annoyed be the dog. I don't want to jump the gun since I also call my pets idiots sometimes even though I don't really mean it.
>>710205>Their son must have picked up the hitting/pushing behavior from somewhere.Not necessarily. If kids feel ignored or treated unfairly they start to get physically aggressive and that's when parents usually step in and set boundaries. But I remember the Avaroes aka Jacksons taking the "gentle parenting" route, which basically gives them an out for not raising their kids properly.
>>710217I think that's his kid's bed, anon. When he gets up you see it's a bunk bed.
No. 710326
>>710325Dogs get dirty sometimes, if they are playing and rolling around as a healthy dog should.
The state of their yard though. I'd be worried about a dog running and rolling around in that. What's all that junk they've left laying around
No. 710334
>>710331that COULD mean the rumors are true and that at least Troy has a pretty severe case of autism.
Its rumored that that is why Greg doesn't show his kids since he's ashamed of them.
No. 710335
File: 1569598994342.jpeg (342.15 KB, 1125x1267, D8220B06-BC94-4F31-89C4-800BD9…)

No. 710336
>>710197>Isn’t this grounds for the authorities to get involved yet?No. What are you even suggesting? That they should arrest him for his videos?
That’s literally the same as Onision saying Shane is a confirmed pedo because of jokes and shouldn’t be allowed around children because of it. His videos aren’t the issue here. It’s entertainment and subjective.
The issue is his real life actions.
No. 710337
triggered faggot. October will be amazing already, I can tell by his tweets things aren't going well.
No. 710338
>>710335wow, nice pedophile rant there, Gregory.
way to fall in to the pit of stupid.
implicate yourself a little bit more, why dontcha?
No. 710340
File: 1569599518383.jpeg (246.61 KB, 1125x1142, A38759B1-5DFB-4243-BDEE-C886CF…)

Pretty sure he’s made this exact tweet before
No. 710344
File: 1569599706842.jpeg (407.43 KB, 1125x1365, B4EE2E9E-9C45-458B-833A-129C6F…)

No. 710345
>an 18 year old dating a 40 year old is okonion be like:
if she 18 i'm 18
No. 710346
File: 1569599853233.jpeg (172.71 KB, 1125x832, F20C48AD-AA85-46E1-9B1B-FD5ED4…)

No. 710347
File: 1569599925343.png (56.57 KB, 537x614, gurglesmapofconsent.PNG)

>>710340something has tipped old onion over the edge today…
No. 710350
>>710344So anything thats legal goes in the world of Greg. You know what else is legal, Greg? Leaving a baby in an unattended vehicle, swearing, eating roadkill, bullying, cheating on your wife, smoking around kids, adware, parking in two parking spaces, yelling at cashiers, cutting lines, taking loans you can't afford, leaving a mess just because a cleaner will clean it for you and generally just being an asshat.
but oh right, you do that too in daily life.
carry on.
No. 710351
>>710344So anything thats legal goes in the world of Greg. You know what else is legal, Greg? Leaving a baby in an unattended vehicle, swearing, eating roadkill, bullying, cheating on your wife, smoking around kids, adware, parking in two parking spaces, yelling at cashiers, cutting lines, taking loans you can't afford, leaving a mess just because a cleaner will clean it for you and generally just being an asshat.
but oh right, you do that too in daily life.
carry on.
No. 710352
>>710335why doesn't he understand that Sarah's age when he slept with her isn't what people are 'outraged' about, it's the fact that him & Lainey groomed and were being innapropriate with her since she was 14.
>>710346goodbye all his fans then kek
No. 710356
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No. 710360
File: 1569600772090.jpeg (179.15 KB, 1125x866, EA588BD3-46CF-44B9-A2F5-897E15…)

Say that with your chest out and not on a private account kek
No. 710363
>>710360Your wife:
sents nudes to underage kids and grooms themNormal people: PEDOPHILE!!!!
No. 710365
>>710364I wonder what
triggered him finally. But, this is hilarious.
No. 710366
File: 1569601195842.jpeg (376.04 KB, 1125x1630, 62CE1BC4-A5DF-4A65-A9F3-981A80…)

No. 710370
File: 1569601624811.jpeg (262.22 KB, 1125x1153, 5D55B4DE-A73B-4288-AB35-2C30B8…)

No. 710371
>>710321What's the red on the doorframe? Blood? Something hanging from it?
>>710335Most people don't know the age of consent by heart, Pedosion.
No. 710374
>>710366>high school is over>the heartbreak kidYou're literally 34, James.
>>710370Except speed limit signs are posted on roads and highways. Ages of consent are not.
No. 710375
>>7103661. Oh Greggy poo, you wanna go in to politics now? You pseudo-intellectual you!
2. Just because something is legal, doesn't mean you should go out and do it. Its legal to call your mother a whore, Greg, would you do that too?
3. Did those kids your wife groomed for you give consent for her to sent them nudes of her beef curtains and groom them? Kids can't give consent, Gregory poo.
4. Says the edgy manchild that still acts and dresses like they're in high school, and attempts to write whole edgy stories about these fantasies.
5. Like you were with all your exes? Crying about alimony, kicking out very young teenagers with help from the police, sending them back to their country to have a miscarriage, wanting to chain them to your basement wall, do i need to go on, Greg? You've vilified every single woman you ever slept with out of a butthurt narcissistic ego and sent your fans over to harass them when you still had fans. Pot, meet kettle.
Either you have no self awareness at all, or you just choose to not see what it is you do. Either that, or those tweets are really just you trying to convince yourself inside your cosy little echo chamber.
No. 710378
>>710370Looks like little Gregory poo reads here!
My compliments to all my fellow farmers.
No. 710379
>>7103661. You’re the biggest clout chaser, exploiting every drama in your life for views.
2. You have little knowledge of the actual law as evidenced by your bullshit NDA’s and google template divorce papers.
3. Sexual coercion is rape, you have no understanding of consent. You have to groom kids to fuck you and bribe them with money to get anywhere near you.
4. You surround yourself with teens still in high school Because you only have the mental capacity to interact with people of that age because an adult would suss you straight away. And outrage culture is a joke because you’ve been found out And no one is standing for you bull shit anymore.
5. You stalked everyone of your ex’s for years, sending them numerous emails and messages even when not getting a reply. You’re Clearly obsessed and can’t ever let anyone go.
6. You have no life, you live on the internet and never leave your swamp shack unless it’s to go destroy the wetlands, or pick up teens from the airport.
How can you have fans that understand and support you when you display none of the qualities you listed, freak.
No. 710382
File: 1569602102070.jpg (12.53 KB, 379x374, 1408130477711.jpg)

>>710335Japan also has extremely outdated and sexist sexual harassment and assault laws, so I guess that gives a him a free pass to be a creep here? That explains a lot, I'm finally starting to understand how his retard brain works.
No. 710383
File: 1569602115188.png (672.71 KB, 1347x1197, criminalscum.png)

>>710340You literally critique people for narc fun. I guess he's not a doer.
>>710346>>710353Lol be mad, you blotchy tomato.
>>710356Oh, did he rename himself to "Outrage culture"? Guess he's not living in the real world.
No. 710384
>>710370You need to know the speed limit to drive safely.
You need to memorize the age of consent everywhere to not fuck kids.
No. 710390
>>710387nothing is ever gregs fault.
its all our fault.
you know, all of us rest of the world.
not greg.
No. 710391
File: 1569603836456.jpg (76.6 KB, 600x536, Girls.jpg)

>>710370Top fucking kek. For sure he's losing patrions
No. 710396
File: 1569604102392.png (335.84 KB, 598x614, chrome_GmiGGtKJCc.png)

No. 710400
File: 1569604465303.jpg (224.07 KB, 946x2048, smy38mgw58n31.jpg)

>>710396Ah, yes. Successful indeed. Like the time you basically called Lainey/Kai a cold-hearted bitch to dissolve yourself of all responsibility during grooming allegations? COUPLE GOALS!
No. 710401
>>710396He's rapid fire tweet sperging rn lol how glorious
Get fucked you bobblehead red bitch
I cant wait for rep to bury your nasty pedo spouse HomolKai too
No. 710402
>>710396"don't be an obsessive attention whore"
oh greg, we've been telling you this for YEARS, but you won't stop!
No. 710405
File: 1569604759671.png (21.15 KB, 597x243, chrome_gsv7AyQ59G.png)

my sides are in orbit
No. 710409
>>710403>>710404Lol I think one of the last things you should do after being accused of being a pedo groomer is bring up japan's consent laws
>>710405>TEEnS AREn'T CHILDREn REEEE there it is!
No. 710413
>>710403He wants people to make more vids on him. He'll then try to copyright claim those videos to cash in on them. But this time it will backfire since YouTube is now aware of him abusing their report system and the more he does it, the more likely it is they'll shut him down.
It's so funny, he's so transparent, he thinks he's so sly, but he's stupidly shooting himself in the foot.
No. 710414
>>710405since you're always big in to metaphors and example scenario's, and you read here, lemme give an example:
say someone kills tami and he also killed other people, do you really care at the trial if he's a serial killer or 'technically a spree killer' since he elliot rodger'd your mom and the other
victims on the same day?
no you don't, he's just a sick asshole, right?
well in this scenario you fuck kids, to us you're a pedophile and you're the sick asshole, greg. you and that dirty herpes infested spaceboi of a wife of yours. you are both pedophiles. sure the technical term is hebephile, but besides you who's ever going to correct us on this?
No. 710415
>>710394Greg cares about 3 things and only 3 things. His own gratification, being wealthy, and getting his shrimp dick wet.
He's getting his few remaining fan girls circled tighter around him. So not that.
Fuckboi wife is still spreading her legs (good money that discount Hanna Minx is also).
That leaves one thing.. he's getting unpledge emails.
The hate thrown at him is so much higher. Reps video (especially the emotional beginning part) was a big blow.
I can't wait for the second part where Taylor gets hers.
Cheers to us farmers. A bountiful crop of extra pungent onions.
No. 710421
File: 1569605754853.jpg (1.07 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190927_133527.jpg)

He sure likes to screech about lEgAliTy and how great of a relationship he is in even though Lainey very severely broke the law by sending her Arby's number 1 and udders to several minors.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 710423
File: 1569605928574.png (9.44 KB, 438x92, nicescumbagfans.png)

No. 710425
File: 1569606089824.jpeg (98.76 KB, 640x1136, 7F842647-97B3-41F4-A332-01475B…)

he REEEEEEs about under-18s following him whilst allowing this reply from this user to remain on his tweet (and presumably allowing her to follow him)
No. 710427
File: 1569606130710.png (156.34 KB, 600x674, chrome_NYYYfR2HVB.png)

No. 710429
File: 1569606272087.png (16.88 KB, 598x129, chrome_2ruI2WeMXp.png)

He's having trouble keeping up with his lies now.
No. 710432
>>710335Age of consent is NOT 13 in Japan you absolute retard, what pedophile started this
Also in places with low age of consent is usually accompanied by other laws, like law preventing persons in position of trust to fuck a minor period.
No. 710433
>>710423that joke is almost older than greg is. and smells just as bad by now.
probably another greg sock.
No. 710435
>>710432that doesn't matter though. what matters is that greg believes it, and that he would totally fuck a 13 year old if he was in japan.
(and if it were legal there)
No. 710436
File: 1569606446365.png (21.75 KB, 600x212, chrome_uKnbpjDBTV.png)

No. 710437
>>710434he knows its all falling apart, and now he's lashing out like the manbaby that he is.
caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
No. 710443
File: 1569606691255.jpeg (337.77 KB, 1125x1331, E58E92CB-2105-44F9-B8C8-658F84…)

No. 710444
>>710443hah! "changed"
what changed greg? your "legal name?"
first funny joke of gregs career. my compliments.
No. 710445
>>710443You broke up faggot, noone is a
victim. Breaking up isn't a crime. Goddamned retard.
No. 710447
>>710429He’s saying these young women, who came to their senses and realised the abuse they have been subjected to are just salty onion rejects who can’t cope with no longer having such a mighty god like presence in their lives so their brains are melting and they can no longer comprehend what they are doing. No shreg, they’re not so sad and messed up that they cant sukmi on your micropeen anymore, they have emancipated themselves from your cycle of abuse, and you continue to trivialise their trauma as drama. They are
victims, and deserve vindication and to be heard and believed.
No. 710449
File: 1569607295450.jpeg (256.84 KB, 1892x1070, 42930A1C-BFD0-401D-8278-4A1C96…)

interesting how in this chart he only circled the ages for girls. if he was talking about pedophilia in general he should’ve circled both, no? boys can be victims of pedophilia too. so he’s being extremely transparent that this is not about pedophilia in general but about how pedophilia pertains to him.
how does he not find it weird to constantly have to defend yourself against pedo accusations? that shouldn’t be a thing at all. it’s absolutely abnormal to even have tweets, let alone entire videos, shouting at the world that you’re ToTaLlY nOt A pEdO yOu UnEdUcAtEd FuCkS
No. 710450
File: 1569607321834.png (1015.14 KB, 1125x2436, 3CFE94B4-A4A2-4F46-9931-C7EC14…)

No. 710451
>>710443What the fuck? You never were a
victim you actual mongoloid.
Is he honestly
still saying that his ex's coming out about their abuse at the hands of both him and his pedo husbandwife is just them being immature and victimising themselves after years of his documented, dedicated, targeted abuse? Holy shit, you honestly couldn't make any of this up!
No. 710452
>>710428 Except its not actually legal in japan because prefectures have laws on consent that are higher than the federal law that pedos like onision like to quote.
They see the 13 and get too excited to research further.
No. 710454
>>710370Greg yelling at the cop after he was going 59.9999 mph.
>>710360He’s slept with a few barely-turned adults but the fact that he has more than one child that could legally consent to sex with a much older man is not helping his case.
Again though it isn’t just his taste for young girls that’s the problem exclusively it’s that he’s horrible
abusive to everyone around him. If he were 50 dating a 26 year old but was totally nice and not coercive or manipulative it would be weird but not earth shattering. His problem is targeting vulnerable people and breaking them down before spitting them out when he’s found a replacement.
No. 710458
>>710455GREAT greg! you don't believe in social media anymore! time to close all your twitter accounts, your youtube accounts and facebook accounts!
bye! don't let the door hit you on your way out!
No. 710461
>>710455Because going to the police regarding grooming, sexual assault, harassment, abuse, rape etc always 100% goes well. They are never cases of them ignoring reports or dismissing
victims. nope, never.
No. 710465
File: 1569608632904.png (71.88 KB, 514x796, fakestans.PNG)

I wonder how many of these die hard fans who reply to every tweet Onision makes are real. This is just a small example of the DM's I get when I try and give some knowledge to these "fans" and they message me to let me know they're just trying to get in his good graces to fuck with him.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if 90% of his fans were fakes trying to pull a honeypot sting.
No. 710468
>>710467maybe thats why he forced lainey to become a man.
so he can hit her like one.
No. 710470
>>710417In some countries it's legal to execute gay men. So people who are against the murder of gay men are outrage culture uwu
Does he have any idea how ridiculous he sounds?
No. 710475
>>710335>legal age of consent in Germany: 14Uhh. No. It's 14 when the partner IS NOT OLDER THAN 21. And you can't have sex with ANYONE under 18 if you're their legal guardian/foster parent/teacher/boss etc etc
Of course Onion would just look up the first thing he found that fits his narrative and pretend it's the real deal.
No. 710478
>>710475speaking of germany, doesn't greg hate all of germany because they're all nazi's?
and then mrrepzion showed old greg posts where he hates all of africa because he thinks they're icky or some shit.
>greg logic. No. 710483
File: 1569610293112.jpg (531.58 KB, 1075x1399, SectionB.jpg)

Section b could apply to asking a minor to "send nudes" couldn't it?
Especially if you send nudes yourself, before or after you address a minor on Twitter to "send nudes"(aka child pornography)?
Especially if this was a child you shared explicit jokes with (grooming jokes, jailbait jokes, jokes about sex dungeons and oral sex)?
Or a child you complimented sexually in yoga pants and wrestled with?
Whom you openly discuss "waiting for" and then promptly have sex with when she reaches legal age?
A relationship you hid from family, friends, and your public audience?
Really jogs the noggin.
No. 710486
File: 1569610421803.jpg (28.56 KB, 801x140, 2019-09-27_14-50-22.jpg)

>>710436So pretty much you when Maya called you an ugly ass motherfucker and you cried to the internet about it?
>>710429Oh? Is that why you kept messaging Alicia up until she started speaking out about you this month?
>>710427Oh that must be why you waited until Alicia was 15 and intoxicated to try and sexually assault her.
No. 710487
>>710483That alone speaks volumes. What man (or woman) in their right mind sees a 14 year old and then thinks "She's hot, I want to wait and then fuck her when she turns 18."
Most people, thank God, they see a 14 year old they see a kid. Nothing more, nothing less.
They see a child.
No. 710488
>>710485My forefathers went to war with you guys 2 times. Once with the nazi's, actual family of mine. And no, we don't hate you and we don't think you guys are nazi's.
We know better, you see, we're not idiots like Greg and even said forefathers forgave Germany a long, long time ago.
So we're good now.
>>710482Hes already paranoid. Imagine the one person you have known since her early teens and think you have under your thumb and can control and bully into keeping your sexual relationship a secret relationship under wraps… ends up airing out your dirty laundry to the world.
It will be a long time till he tries to wrangle in new teen poon. But just like a pedo who knows he may go to jail by downloading cp, he cant resist and risks it because its an urge he cant control.
No. 710500
File: 1569611940617.jpeg (340.57 KB, 1125x1426, 80FBBAD1-BABE-4CA4-80D3-ABDC20…)

This is obviously directed at Sarah
No. 710502
File: 1569612095665.png (624.89 KB, 1156x826, kek.png)

No. 710504
>>710501It wasn't her that wanted to run away with Billie. It was Greg that wanted to sign teh kids over to Lainey, and then HE wanted to run away with Billie.
Lainey stopped wanting Billie really quickly lol. She flirted with her online and then would barely even touch her in real life.
No. 710505
>>710500Respect the law, stay clean?
Don't groom kids, don't abuse women, don't commit tax fraud, don't send nudes to kids, need i go on?
Pretty sure grooming kids and sending them nudes is a felony too, greg.
No. 710511
>>710502please let this be real
>checks dateoh, it's old nvm
No. 710512
>>710502kek i don't have twitter but please god can people pile onto this one like a playground mob
the insecurity and humiliation and mommy issues with this faggot run so deep it would
trigger him to no end, with what we know about his upbringing
No. 710514
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>>710502Dang it. Looks like a troll. Or mama onion really is more based than we thought…
No. 710519
File: 1569613257142.jpeg (304.15 KB, 1125x649, 50EC1CF4-535C-45CF-87C8-D36243…)

>>710514On the off chance this is actually Crazy Tami, thought this is worth including. The Oedipal complex runs deep.
No. 710532
>>710341>Age of consent in Germany is 14He's also wrong there: Legal age of consent is 16 and it's only legal to have sex with somebody up to the age of 18. Strictly speaking, 16 and 19 is illegal.
He can't even google his FAAAAAAAXXXXXX correctly. No wonder he can't be alone and without a partner, I'm not sure he'd be able to feed himself or find the bathroom all by himself.
I'm actually amazed he remembers how to breathe on the daily.
No. 710544
>>710540and thats what is also so hilarious, first of all he's trying to portray himself as a nice guy and oh he gets women, and he's super duper modern and progressive and open and such, yet then it turns out he's a giant racist. he does all these douchebag things and is intolerant as fuck, yet we're all supposed to use lainey's proper pronouns or OMG WE'RE TRANSPHOBIC U GUYS
now how the fuck does that make sense?
No. 710546
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>>710532He’s been really telling on himself lately. The “significant relationship” clause is also what will damn Lainey the most tbh. Hell even Greg falls under the law of having a significant relationship. They chose to house her, provide for her, and take care of her for a period of time and while she was a minor. It’s like common law custody. It doesn’t take strict policy to inform a court something inappropriate or
abusive is happening.
No. 710548
File: 1569617164945.png (105.42 KB, 540x960, Screenshot_20190927-223326.png)

This dude almost has the right idea… almost. The tabloids love this kind of stuff. But the UK tabloids aren't going to write about an American youtuber (they would jump on the story if he were one of theirs though), and it's too serious for Buzzfeed.
But the right tabloid would not only share the story, but take the opportunity to shit on YouTube and Patreon for allowing him on there (old media hate the new media, after all they're competitors), which would put pressure on those platforms to get rid of him.
No. 710550
File: 1569617428499.jpeg (135.04 KB, 1242x391, C5D4A44F-86F5-4F2A-9733-47784B…)

>>710546Greg is only barely getting out of this shit because he didn’t have sex with Sarah prior to 18. I wonder if he’ll throw kainey under the bus after court trouble approaches, or before??
This could be his perfect world. Lainey goes to jail, he pretends to be sO appalled by what his lovely husband did, drops kids off with his mom or with Lainey’s parents so that he can “heal” from being married to someone who did illegAl stuff!
No. 710551
>>710544It doesn't.Guy obviously has a defeminization fetish, & uses being an ally to LGBT issues to cover how fucked up it is. It's HUGELY obvious he hates women, LGBT people,people of color.I don't believe he had some sort of magic epiphany since he made all those 'bi people are whores' statements or 'Have a penis? You're a BOY." tweets. He just knows that if he wants to attract alt. girls, appearing to be a huge bigot is a big turn off.
God, I want this creepy fucker to burn.
No. 710552
>>710551it will happen. greg will get his comeuppance one way or the other. he is, like many lolcows, his own worst enemy. i don't think we should contact the media or do anything, i am a firm believer in never cowtipping and just letting it play out.
trust me, his day of reckoning is at hand, all we need to do is sit back with a good cigar and a nice chardonnay and enjoy the show.
sure he is annoying, but compare it to a villain on a soap. all good things come to those who wait.
if anything greg and lainey are digging that hole deeper and deeper, and when they fall in to that pit of stupid the only way is down.
No. 710557
File: 1569618751985.jpeg (359.19 KB, 1125x1290, 3BF68B1C-78A5-46D0-9C11-E6227F…)

No. 710560
>>710367>Does he not realize he's admitting he's -stunted- by interacting with ditzy, absent-minded teens?Oh, I'm sure on some level he knows it, but if he admitted to it, he'd accept or at least realize he's a loser. And that doesn't fit his perceived and carefully constructed self-image (of being a god).
>>710393He's clearly treading water. He doesn't know how to get out of this horrible mess he's created and goes down his list of options, hoping one will work eventually.
feigning ignorance
ridiculing accusations against him
pointing fingers at others
muddying the waters by using piss-poor analogies
general sperging
I'll be waiting for his "I'm so sorry, I'll try to be a better hooman, plz believe me you guise!" phase, but we're still early in the cycle.
>>710429I call BS on this one (and water is wet…). He's referring to SH if I'm not mistaken, but he's been rejected multiple times afterwards, at least by B. Maya and Luxy.
>>710431>People with pedophilia are sexually attracted to children with prepubertal bodies (e.g. no pubic or underarm hair, small vagina, no or minimal breast development. Isn't that what you predominantly look for in a sexual partner pedonision? I'm pretty certain you've been very vocal about your ideal woman having those specific characteristics? Body hair is gross isn't it gurg?Absolutely true and underrated comment, anon!
Hence his preference for "underdeveloped bodies" (see interview with Blaire) and making skinny pacts with a couple of his partners as well as Lainey desperately trying to lose weight (I remember screenshots floating around and a livestream on Younow).
No. 710564
>>710557holy fuck
these pedos need to die
No. 710567
>>710557>>710558>>710559They truly are repugnant. And this is a girl they took in since she was 14.
Enough to make you hurl and blow chunks all over the keyboard. Not even the biggest piece of white trash would fuck in front of their kids, unless they where sick incest assholes like Greg and Lainey.
No. 710574
>>710572This is just deplorable, sickening, deviant and depraved behavior. I can't get over the fact that Lainey is a mother, and a woman and yet does these things. This truly is Fred and Rose West type of shit and it makes me sick.
I felt psychically nauseous reading her post.
They should go to prison.
Mind you this is just the shit thats leaking out, little things (even though they are major), imagine the shit we do NOT know about.
No. 710581
File: 1569620499145.jpg (5.74 KB, 320x180, mq1.jpg)

And what are you going to do, huh Lainey? Make another dollar menu taco bell vegetarian mukbang video? While your deranged husband screams some more at your kids?
No really, this is quite a life you made for yourself there, Lainey. You should be proud.
No. 710582
File: 1569620696927.jpg (410.64 KB, 1078x742, 20190927_173956.jpg)

>>710450Gurggy's Twitter sperging is just proving what everyone with a brain can see - he stopped mentally developing in high school. The Bobblehead himself even admitted this in his late twenties!
He never matured past the "law and order" moral reasoning, so he legitimately feels confused and persecuted that everyone collectively realizes his "just legal" behaviors are repugnant, pathetic, and disgusting.
The law is not morality unless you're a stunted waterhead you ugly faggot, and the collective internet is in the right for calling out your
abusive and predatory behavior, because it's WRONG. I hope to God the remaining fans he has are bots and trolls
No. 710584
>>710557Jesus. Reading this made me want to get off the Internet and get drunk. The shit she has been through is unreal. Insane.
I'm in awe of Sarah. Look at all she went through and overcame it. Wow.
No. 710585
>>710582Think about this: A doctor doesn't just tell a mom to abort for shits and giggles. There has to be something seriously wrong with the kid for them to tell a mother that.
Gregs mother was told this by the doctor when she was pregnant with Greg.
So yeah, he's emotionally stunted a whole lot as well as intellectually.
No. 710586
>>710584I really hope she's getting therapy for this or something. Like
>>710574 said, I can only imagine what she isn't telling anyone.
No. 710596
>>710443>My husbandwife and I were raped by an 18-year-old (who we've groomed from the age of 14)!!!>>710555To be perfectly honest, I've also had that thought more than once that Greg might be interacting here to stay somewhat relevant, but I was afraid it would spur a lengthy discussion.
Another possibility would be that people read here to be up-to-date and then venture on to tweet him. So he would be basically replying to people on twitter but he'd also kinda reply to statements on LC.
>>710557I agree with all of the anons replying to this horror. All I want to add is that Sarah is incredibly strong for speaking up about this! I'm so glad she doesn't just swallow the abuse and feels guilty. The way she deals with the situation is how you should deal with abuse, even though it's easier said than done. She setting a great example.
No. 710599
>>710548A pathetic and sad state of affairs when these platforms have to be shamed into deplatforming widely known and confirmed predators.
>>710557None of this is surprising after seeing that autistic video he made
>>710176Most of it consisted of him rambling about his blatant sex obsession, like a sane person would do.
No. 710603
>>710356>live in the real worldSays the manchild making skits in his shit tier vids and on sm demeaning, insulting and making veiled threats towards the women who've come forward with evidence of what an
abusive, predatory pos he is, and who's privated his twitter because all he can do is try to evade accountability like he's done his entire life.
Live in the real world, faggot.
No. 710605
File: 1569623070108.png (28.4 KB, 526x290, 1568236060896.png)

>>710429Sh already set the record straight on that, Pedosion.
Everyone knows he's a pathological liar. His version of events is either an outright lie or else twisted to fit whatever narrative he's chosen for the day.
No. 710606
File: 1569623373741.jpg (486.46 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190927-182723_Chr…)

Anons, is there an adult version of the boot camp they send rambunctious adolescents to? A pre-Jail camp that would try to rehabilitate Holmokai and Jimmy Grease? I want to see Dr. Phil try
No. 710607
>>710321>If kids feel ignored or treated unfairly they start to get physically aggressive Children in any dysfunctional environment eventually start acting out in one way or another. We've seen pics of the pigsty Onion home that's only cleaned when the parents know CPS is coming to visit. We know the parents are completely fucked in the head. I can only imagine what that house is like on a daily basis.
>>710366lol how assurt is that his fanbase is dwindling to nothing.
I like how he calls people getting angry over his child grooming, predatory,
abusive behavior,
outrage culture. Speaks to his mindset.
No. 710609
>>710606if you take greg anywhere take him to Steve Wilkos.
Steve would tear Greg and Lainey a new asshole, he HATES pedo's.
No. 710611
>>710606Grease can't be rehabilitated, he's too far gone. Not sure about PedoGuyKai.
If Rep gets on Dr. Phil for this Grub would shit his pants, more so than he already has.
No. 710616
File: 1569624287354.jpg (170.05 KB, 968x726, PicsArt_09-27-11.40.34.jpg)

>>710574The Fred and Rose West of Washington.
No. 710617
victims, the women you abused mentally, emotionally and physically, are now survivors who're holding you accountable, pedophile. They have more responsibility in their pinky fingers than you've had in your entire, sad little existence.
No. 710620
>>710336So making veiled threats at the people who've come out (with receipts) saying he's abused them etc., isn't something authorities take seriously? Yeah, no.
>His videos are entertainment and subjective. Entertainment? That's what he's tried to play them off as, "jokes". It's obvious to most people that he's aimed a lot of his sperg outs on sm at the women he's abused, then turns around and tries to pretend like he's handling life like an adult.
No. 710623
>>710621I wonder about that. thats the one thing I'd like to ask Sarah if I could talk to her. Is she sure that it wasn't rape? You don't need to be violent or hold a gun or a knife to rape someone, you can mindfuck someone in to having sex with them. Even guilt trip someone in doing that. Was it rape?
Only Sarah could answer that. If she feels it was wrong, if she feels traumatized by it, then personally I'm leaning towards that.
No. 710625
File: 1569625956155.gif (2.84 MB, 420x323, Steve Wilkos Onision.gif)

>>710609I would love that. Steve doesn't even let pedos sit in a chair.
No. 710634
>>710632This line of his post really sticks out:
"This is bullshit, Onision would never be that dumb."He doesn't say its wrong, how he could never ever do a thing like that, no he says "I would never be that dumb."
No. 710635
>>710633Then me personally I say it was rape. But anyone is free to disagree with me of course. Had she been a friend of mine though, I would seriously encourage her to give it some deep thought, maybe visit a therapist and open up about what happened there.
And then yes, maybe go to the cops.
It really depends on how SHE feels about it though.
No. 710640
>>710629Yes we have.
RIP poor turtle.
You could have lived a long long time, so senslessly cut short. You were an innocent being. A tiny life, but still a life, still to be cherished and protected. Instead your last moments were hell, you were literally cooked alive. You must have been in so much pain. You did nothing to deserve such fate, just living your tiny little reptile existence.
Animal abuse is not something that should be overlooked. Only the worst of the worst do it, those that prey upon the most helpless and weak. And they never stop at just animals.
No. 710642
>>710634On one hand, as one of posters in that thread said, I doubt even oniswine is that fucking retarded enough to post on /b/ seeking a personal army. On the other hand…its fucking Greaseystein. It probably actually was him.
There was an obvious sock/troll posting in the beginning of that thread that really seems like Greggy just because of how mind-shatteringly retarded that would be. One or two posted a pic of Sarah…definitely smells like the grease stain trying to send trolls after his latest
It also fits in with the other recent astoundingly imbecilic troll threatening her with a pic of the black dahlia.
Tinfoil time but I think Gurrgy is having a real hard time dealing with his narc rage now that he can't make self-victimizing blog videos and be believed, or safely narc sperg into inboxes- where is all his impotent tard rage going?? I think theres a good chance the recent exceptional trolling/threatening is actually him trying to find release for his man baby pedo tantrums. See also: his faux BDSM nauseating sperg.
His tard rage is seeking an outlet
No. 710646
>>710375All true. He doesn't have a conscience, he's made that abundantly clear is the bottom line.
Speaking of obsessive and gross, let's not forget that he creepily messaged his ex-wife's little sister on and off for years; the girl that he masturbated to photos of, tried to kiss when she was 15 and intoxicated, called himself her "big brother". But he didn't do anything illegal so in his psychotic manchild pea brain, it was a-ok.
No. 710647
>>710645Truer words have yet to be spoken.
Agreed 100%
No. 710651
>>710632its funny, greg himself tells rape
victims to go to the cops instead of twitter.
well heres a perfect opportunity, greg. if you truly believe you weren't in the wrong well that makes it slander, i'd say lawyer up and go to the cops over that.
if you are truly innocent hey you could even win a nice settlement, get some of those baww skye dollars back. right? and those NDA's you downloaded from google, rock solid bruh. go get some justice, after all, you and kai are totes innocent, right?
go and prove your innocence, greg, thats what an innocent man would do if they got libeled and slandered like that! good luck buddy, god speed!
No. 710652
>>710500So what amount of drugs should I not do to stay out of jail for a very, very long time? Is ingesting drugs even illegal anywhere other than SD? Just curious gerg? Shit, by Gerg’s logic quite a few of us could have done some hard, hard prison, probably life. And that’s not even counting the dealers amongst us.
Grimy you are a retard!
No. 710653
>>710652how much prison time for grooming children, greg?
how much prison time for sending underage girls nudes, lainey?
how much prison time for rape, greg and lainey?
No. 710654
>>710651Oooh, he actually could too. Usually when people cry 'Libel! Slander!' it's a bunch of BS because you need to be able to prove you suffered material/financial loss directly due to what was said… and, with Lainey having to stay offline, he could actually go a ways to proving that by pointing at all the anger towards her due to what Sarah said, and saying that's the cause of her not being able to work etc.
Only if what Sarah is saying are indeed dirty lies and untruths, of course.
So if he is really trying to claim, for instance, that Sarah is lying and Lainey really never sent dirty pics to an underage girl (for example) then he really would have a case in court!
So yeah! Go and tell them Greg! If you and Lainey never did any of that, you'd absolutely likely have a winning case there this time!
But of course… Sarah isn't lying at all, IS she. Thought not. They'd just get themselves into biiggggggg trouble. So it'll never happen lol.
No. 710655
>>710557….No words. This made me feel nauseous.
Jimmy doesn't
at all understand worldwide consent laws, but what else is new. Pedobot received nudes from a minor, I'm pretty sure that's very illegal, Jimmy.
No. 710656
>>710637i get your point and i'm not trying to force my opinion on you, but take this in to consideration: should a person ever feel traumatized about having had sex with someone?
if they do, obviously theres something wrong there. and that to me kinda makes it the very definition of a rape.
No. 710658
>>710654I absolutely agree. Just imagine someone accused you of the things Sarah, Skye and the others accuse Greg of, why then i'd be miffed. I'd be really upset, lawyer up and do everything in my power to vindicate myself. Because, well, thats what an innocent person does.
Why don't Greg and Lainey, I wonder?
No. 710659
>>710657To put it quite simply:
A nice person does not have to "prove" that they are a nice person, they don't have to act that out, they just are.
No. 710660
>>710335>>710351>>710382It's all he can do using 'legality' to justify being a predatory,
abusive, child grooming scum.
legality =/= morality is obvious to most people with a functioning brain, but not to Gregory
-criminally insane- Onision.
No. 710663
>>710443>I've grown, I'm not a victim anymoreSays the
PREDATOR, child groomer, pedophile, serial abuser. Keep piling that dirt on yourself Greg.
No. 710666
>>710483>child you complimented sexually in yoga pants and wrestled withIt's sickening reading what he's done, he knows there's no defense for it so rather than taking the consequences like a man, he runs and hides behind what he thinks is his private sm/insular little world, all while pretending he's being an adult.
>>710485 >he's some kind of faggy pea-brains whiner.You forgot pedophile.
No. 710669
>>710662This. Greg is a proven liar, manipulator and gaslighter, and somehow yet people still believe his "I'd never break the law" narrative despite of ample evidence of him doing just that. Some examples:
Tax evasion
Alimony evasion
Destroying wetlands
Crossing state lines to fuck a minor
Grooming a minor etc.
Why do people even get into fights with him about the difference between morality and legality, it's just another one of his traps. He knows the difference. Him pretending not to is just like he pretended that the word "stop" means something totally different when confronted about harassing Eugenia even after he said he'd stop.
This moral vs legal thing has been his most successful instance of pulling the wool over people's eyes, and I'm amazed at how many otherwise rational people still fall for it.
No. 710670
>>710660Pedos tend to think that the child wants it just like them and project their desires onto them, its quite common, probably why he thinks its totally fine and society is in the wrong!!!!!/&/&&/
Except, minors cant consent.
No. 710672
>>710670Want to add that its the same for other paraphilias like zoophiles fx, they delude themselves that its fine because the
victim enjoys it, but it hurts them in so many ways even if they do, mentally and more often than not physically(self harm, drig abuse, hyper sexuality, and eventually… suicide)
No. 710675
>>710447>you continue to trivialise their trauma as drama.It's clear by his actions that he has no respect for them. He has no conscience or remorse for what he's done. It's all a joke to him, just as it was back then. He's just doing what he's always done; taking the abuse and trauma he's inflicted on others and using it as fodder material for his psychopathic video content. The only reason he's not preying on someone this very second is because so many eyes are on him.
Good job keeping this predator on your platform,
Youtube corp. Scumbags.
No. 710679
File: 1569631896688.jpeg (459.42 KB, 1125x986, 70CE23BA-A64A-4629-9425-4D8B4F…)

>>710396Someguy thinks these tweets are about him kek
No. 710684
>>710606Ah, I knew it wasn't just deja-vu, we've had this conversation before
>>332828Even the Steve Wilkos comment
>>710609>>333868 No. 710685
>>710674I’m sure Gerg would gladly go to a ranch if it was Neverland Ranch.
>>710680Exactly why all 11 of his remaining fans are brain dead, irrational human beings.
No. 710690
>>710660Can the anon who keeps bolding their text stop doing it, it makes me feel like I'm reading an essay
Why Greg (James) is obviously a sociopathic pedophile1.
No. 710693
>>710688We know he was physically violent with Shiloh. Him pushing her and not hitting her does not make things any better - a doorframe is actually much harder than his fists.
And we know from AJ that he uses sexual violence. She said something like he took every instance of me disagreeing with him as an invitation to fuck me into submission violently. Other women corroborate his focus on sexual violence.
Fucking someone while choking them is actually worse than just physical violence, it's physical AND sexual violence. He mostly opts for sexual violence because a) abusing women makes him hard and b) he can try to cover it up as a "kink".
It's a moot point whether or not he "hits" Taylor. It's just playing with definitions. He is physically
abusive regardless of whether he uses his fists and regardless of whether they happen to be fucking while he does it.
No. 710694
>>710303Thank you anon. I couldn't watch it either at first but I figured out I had to switch browsers.
>>710360He's trapped in a cascade that he's powerless to stop. All his pointless, meaningless spergs on twitter prove that point.
No. 710702
>>710695He's an attention whore. He's barricaded himself by privating his accounts, and now he's attention starved. So he comes here to get his fix.
Many cows do that, the one thing they all have in common is being desperate attention whores. They can't help themselves and keep coming here even when it's to their own detriment.
No. 710703
>>710557Oh so when Onion was claiming Sarah raped him he was just projecting his own actions again?
Sex is always more fun when two other people begin it without your consent and pressure you into joining them.
No. 710704
>>710314>If he killed hus whole family and then himself he would still be considered a victim of haters >a martyr of the #metoo no. He's single handedly destroyed his own reputation - most people see him for what he is. If he an hero's (hopefully doesn't take anyone else with him) it would only confirm what a craven coward he is.
I wouldn't be surprised if he took the cowards way out, his fear of repercussions is obvious. He loathes having to be held accountable for what he's done. Despite his whole world caving in on him, he doubles down into even more psychotic delusion.
No. 710709
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Sage but I was looking at kainey's YouTube and all the comments are fuck off pedo which is great but in the I was a teen mom she bothered to do her make up but did the whole video with an obvious nose bleed and knowing Sarah said she'd let Greg hit her makes you wonder.
No. 710717
>>710709In that video she talked about how hard it was for her to accept that the label "teen mom" applied to her. How she struggled in denial and finally embraced it.
It must be even harder for her to accept the label "abuse
victim". She still hasn't accepted that.
Now imagine how hard for her it would be for her to accept the label "child groomer". Impossibly hard. Too much of a leap.
Between label 2 and label 3, she had a chance to be honest with herself and stop her downwards spiral. Now, she's too far gone.
No. 710721
File: 1569639674712.jpg (1.33 MB, 1644x2517, Pepperidge Farm Remembers.jpg)

>>710396>I have a successful relationshipLOL
Remember back when Lainey had a very brief relationship with her backbone? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
>Staying together doesn't = a successful relationship, not when it's common knowledge how dysfunctional and fucked up it is.
>Grooming minors together doesn't = successful relationship either. And how convenient of him not to mention he was so eager to ditch his 'soul mate', sign away rights to his only child at the time all so he could run off with a teenager who DUMPED HIM anyway. It's like trying to rewrite history is a hobby for him.
No. 710724
File: 1569639969050.jpeg (428.01 KB, 2048x2048, C29BCA89-29CB-4FFA-9F80-32273E…)

I bet it’s about gurgles
No. 710728
>>710697>A self milking cowIt would be funny or amusing were it not for the fact that he's
deliberately tried to psychologically/emotionally/physically ruin the lives of so many young girls. Predators live for that kind of shit.
No. 710735
>>710450>uses the State as a metric for ethicsWe've been over this before waterbrain:
The holocaust was legal, segregation was legal, slavery was legal.Just because it's legal or the State condones it, that doesn't automatically make it right. Christ how does this manchild tie his own shoes everyday? Probably uses velcro.
No. 710736
>>710690I like this post
>>710724there was a tinfoil that Greg took the house back off Tami and that's why he was flush with cash to buy the extra land next to his house? I can see her turning on him, if so.
No. 710742
>>710740>>710724tami sounds nuts ngl
>>710740doesn't it make you think back to the person lainey was waaay back in the day a little?
i wonder what she w>>710724
ould think
No. 710750
>>710746She had and and still has a chance to leave every second of every day.
She always knew Greg can cast her aside for a younger chick - she got with him by being the younger chick.
Those screenshots are not Lainey having an eye opening moment of truth, they're Lainey crying for her master to please come back maaasterrr. She even says she'll take him right back and let him do the same again.
And the bottom tweets prove she puts her master above her children.
No. 710754
>>710557Unbelievable. Just when I thought I've heard the worst about the Onision's, and holy hell she said it gets worse..
>>710587Still, sunlight is the best disinfectant. Better that it's public than kept hidden in the dark. Predators are fucking garbage.
No. 710756
File: 1569644452038.png (21.09 KB, 618x310, Screenshot_2019-09-28 Netunesa…)

violating twitter TOS
No. 710760
File: 1569645336958.png (3.23 MB, 2348x1312, onion.png)

>>710071also sad….is he filming this in his kid's room?? a few more minutes in he's blowing a prop gun talking about faggots and blowing their brains out. WHERE ARE YOUR CHILDREN GREG.
how much have these poor things witnessed. do they have to get up early and make their beds and get out of sight so daddy can film?? the FUCK GREG
No. 710765
>>710249Schmidt and Brin give me the creeps.
How many pedophiles/psychopaths are running these companies (Patreon included) where they just give predators the green light on the platforms they own? People have been complaining about Onision for years on Youtube, and now weeks @'ting Patreon only to be met with radio silence. Pitiful. Why even have a TOS when pedos and predators are given free reign? What's the fucking point?
No. 710768
File: 1569646763722.jpg (738.07 KB, 1564x1564, NoEmpathy.jpg)

>>710721These caps have the same tune as others. For comparison, here is a compilation of viewpoints from Lainey, Skye, Shiloh, and Maya. He shows no emotion during his discard phase and gets excited when he gets info he can use to manipulate his
victims with. Disturbing shit.
No. 710770
>>710764Meh, always thought his friendship with AJ was partly because she’s Al Jourgensen’s kid. What better way than to make friends with your enemy’s
victims, eh?
Besides, he told the internet he was gonna stop obsessing over Onion-boi because “muh mental issues” and move on. Dude’s no better than Anthony LoGatto.
No. 710771
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No. 710775
File: 1569648650090.jpeg (354.28 KB, 1125x1465, A7B0FC99-5FEC-4833-A1CE-2CCF85…)

No. 710776
File: 1569648685930.jpg (25.8 KB, 325x356, Bleach.jpg)

>>710557>James "she's like a sister to me" JacksonPredators are the fuckin worst.
No. 710783
>>710299>he likes to threaten and mock in ways only the victims pick up on >Comparing wearing perfume to smell better to a guy you like is not the same as consciously and deceptively threatening suicide to get the ex wife you abandoned to stop collecting her legal alimony.He's a true psychotic. I've met people like him:
seems intelligent (at first),
seems put together/a responsible adult (until you scratch the surface, get behind the veneer),
seems rational (until you look at his pattern of insane,
abusive behaviors). He used to garner fans through superficial charm and fake empathy. He still employs that to some degree but he's not as good at it now because his mask of sanity keeps slipping, he's older, it's getting harder for him to maintain.
A few minutes into that video and I could tell that he's scared as hell.
No. 710786
>>710429This puss filled pimple genuinely thinks these girls coming out to share how
abusive and tortuous it was to be with him are still so deeply troubled by being "rejected" or "dumped" by him?
No. 710787
>>710766I guess Gargoyle saw this post
>>710465 and it
triggered him lmao. We all know he lurks
No. 710795
File: 1569653963102.png (1.21 MB, 1394x664, dirtyface.PNG)

>>710760The least he can do is wipe his mouth, filthy animal. House is a mess, now his face too. Nitpick I know,sorry.
No. 710800
>>710792Regret isn't rape. Name one girl who said he raped them.
You guys need to stop reaching Greg is bad enough on his own
No. 710803
>>710800>Name one girl who said he raped them.Adrienne's description in her letter of Onion's coercion sounded kinda perilously close to rape to me. Only she knows for sure, though.
Billie's description of him 'falling all over her' & 'being too afraid to make him mad & say no' also sounds perilously close to coercion. Again, only she knows for sure. And even if it's not a strong enough case to try as rape, both instances fail the definition of enthusiastic consent by a long shot.It's still shitty to pressure someone to sleep with you.
No. 710808
>>710802>he has pretty blue eyesHe has lighting and filters and even that has it's limits. His eyes look like they are going to slide off his tragic skull. Love yourself anon.
>>710775>muh fax failed. Mental gymnastics are now set to full autism. Grug can't process that "law abiding citizen" doesn't automatically absolve him of being a predatory sick fuck. Yep just keep shifting the blame retard, it's done wonders for your life so far:
Scammed the IRS: TurboTax is the culprit. They didn't tell me that doing completely reckless shit like writing off alimony payments was a really stupid fucking idea.
Fucked up the wetlands: The county and my neighbors fault. Who cares if I fuck up the eco system? My backyard needed more space for garbage and hazards that I create myself vs the ones that occur naturally. Nobody can endanger my pets and children except ME.
Channels tanked: Muh fans abandoned me. YouTube is evil. B-b-but PewDiePie and Shane Dawson! It has everything to do with those reasons and nothing to do with my content being lazy dogshit tier drivel, treating my fans like expendable puppets, or being involved in several damning scandals I created.
Keep digging your own grave asshole, it's the only thing you have been consistantly successful with.
No. 710810
>>710724>>710730>>710734Imagine you're pregnant and the doctor tells you to get an abortion because the child MIGHT be challenged when you give birth. But he or she might also turn out totally healthy.
Maybe Tami was really looking forward to having the boy and that everything would work out: He'd be normal and if he wasn't they'd make the best out of it and she'd support him and unconditionally love him nonetheless.
In his teens Tami realizes her kid shows some weird behavioral patterns and gets in trouble quite often, but she still decides to support him, so she helps him overcome hurdles in school and sends him to a school where it's easier for him.
Doesn't that sound like something a normal mum would do? She was a pregnant woman who was told that her child might be disabled but she still decided that he would be worth it. And that could also be the reason why he might have been an indigo child to her.
I'm not trying to whiteknight Tami, I don't know her personally or any details about her except from what's been posted, and for the longest time I've been convinced that she was responsible for the way Greg turned out.
I'm still on the fence about Greg's stories about how Tami gave him nude massages and her having a boyfriend named Greg and yelling his name during sex so that Greg / Onision could hear that. IF she did that, she's just as psychotic as he is and it probably just runs in the family. But knowing Greg always rewrites history and bends the truth, I don't see a reason why I should believe these exact stories without any doubt. Greg just needed an excuse for him to stick his tiny outward belly button into B, so he totally could have just made the story up.
Maybe Tami has never spoken out against him because a) she knows he's challenged b) she's formed a closer bond with him that makes her believe him over anybody else (e.g. Sh's seizures, making fun of Lainey being a tranny) and c) she feels responsible for giving him life?
Lots of tinfoil and just my two cents.
TL;DR Tami might have meant well and was willing to fight for Greg's life because she didn't know he'd grow into the abomination he is.
No. 710811
>>710810Rereading my posting, I'd like to question where the rumours that Tami was told to get an abortion stem from .
I dimly remember Greg himself talking about it in a video but has it ever been confirmed by Tami or anyone alse but Greg?
No. 710833
File: 1569668222584.jpeg (362.08 KB, 828x1007, 1FC8D7EA-ED4F-479C-B9DE-3BC2C6…)

Love this for them
No. 710834
>>710827>I just don't get it. He lives in Washington where weed is legal, so why the sperging? I though so long as it's legal, it's fine?He doesn't really care about weed being legal in his state, he just needed something to try and control Billie with. She told Lainey that she smoked weed in her home state, Virginia, for new years and Lainey quickly revealed it to Grep.
Grep tried to use the fact that weed is illegal in Virginia to intimidate and manipulate Billie but it didn't work. Then he tried to portray B as a "criminal doing illegal drugs" to public, but again, he mostly got ridiculed for it.
This is how they operate:
1) Onision tries to get secrets/info from
victim that he can use to intimidate, manipulate and control.
2) If it doesn't work out, he sends out Lainey.
3) Lainey is better at pretending to be a friend, so she gets info easier.
4) Quickly tells everything to Greg.
That's why Sarah said Lainey like to "tattle". It happened to Billie, Maya, Sarah and Madison (probably to many more)
No. 710835
>>710812Because anons can't comprehend that you can be convinced into giving consent. Regretting the relationship or the sex after isn't rape.
That's not rape by coercion either lol, they consented at some point
No. 710836
>>710810I also think Tami is okay.
She’s done some questionable things but haven’t we all?
I think she’s just like most parents, where they think their child can do no wrong, and believe their every word.
I think she believed the way Greg twisted the story and she probably genuinely thought Sh faked the seizure. Hence the sick skit. Plus when your son gifts you a house, you’d feel obligated to do a skit that he asked you to do.
Now that everything is coming out, she probably realises her deranged her son is and realising all the lies.
I do believe he Indian gave the house and now has it back/sold it.
How great would a tell all interview be from Tami?
When you think back to all the times he was said his mum didn’t like any of his partners, why is that?
I’m going to go ahead and assume it’s because Greg would always bad mouth them to her and probably turned her against them himself. He really seems to hate women. Other than fucking them, of course.
No. 710843
There is so much derailing currently in this thread. If you want to debate what constitutes as rape, take it to Twitter.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 710856
I'm afraid that even if Onision and Lainey get kicked off of YouTube and Patreon, they will just use other, less public platforms to groom children.
They've already moved on to Snapchat and whatever the fuck this is are platforms primarily used by their target group (young teens). And it's much harder to keep track of them there.
No. 710887
>>710837She also joined a new religious movement that probably gave Greg some of his weird quirks and had a rotating door of boyfriends, which definitely contributed to Greg's issues. Plus the nude massages.
Tami may not be evil like Greg, but she's a hot mess.
No. 710889
>>710885>>710873You don't want Greg to get attention from conservative outlets- it would just attract angry manosphere types who would shit on all of Greg's
victims even if they do by some miracle admit that he's in the wrong.
Look at what happened to the Vic, pedojared, Chloe Dykstra, etc. scandals…
No. 710892
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No. 710894
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No. 710895
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No. 710896
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No. 710899
>>710884>googling "quasi", thinking it means "quadruple" and then being upset about being called a "quasi celebrity". It's hilarious!
The rest is just boring, incoherent rambling, him taking jabs at what I first thought was Lainey but then turned out to be his "haturz" aka the people who criticize him for grooming girls. He's telling people to stop having their eyes on him and then feels the need to let the world know that oh so many women "want to fuck" him. That's a fact, yep. He also states that he's tired of relationships and friendships and finally in his UhOhBro bit at the end, he quotes Lucille Ball on how her divorce was her biggest mistake.
I don't know why but I can't shake the feeling that Lainey might be threatening to leave him.
No. 710900
>>710891>screenshots are not evidenceLol, yes they are. Particularly those juicy nudes.
>I'm talking about legal action and legal documents as evidenceOf course you are. Typical Onision silencing tactic to invalidate people exposing him.
Let me school you: those screenshots hold far more ground in court than "separation-agreement.txt"
Mwahahaha, Greg is fucked
No. 710902
>>710891Lmao dude, screenshots are kinda dubious according to the law, but that's why they have people able to determine what is likely faked or completely out of context, and what isn't. They can use corrobated evidence to prove the screenshots if they don't quite meet those requirements.
On that topic, they sold a laptop to Sarah they didn't wipe, and that was connected to their other devices. Sarah didn't talk about it too much, but whatever was on it was so worrying she shut up and had taken it to "a professional" (read: took it to the authorities)
They are absolutely fucked. The device proves without a doubt the context and validity of the screenshots.
No. 710906
>>710898Starving? Where?
(Off topic, but maybe he wouldn't look so short if his shoulders were wider and thus more proportionate to his head.)
No. 710922
File: 1569691000618.jpg (484.29 KB, 1080x1672, Screenshot_20190928-093511_Omn…)

Found this on /x/
No. 710926
File: 1569691492943.png (1.42 MB, 1339x1297, Shreggy boy.png)

>>710906That, and his hilariously short limbs. His entire build is just…so evident that there may be some type of chromosonal issue going on.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 710927
>>710232I don't think he loves or ever did love Skye or anyone else. I think the obsession with Skye has everything to do with him being in love with the person he was back then. Young, popular on youtube, successful… It's about who he was when he was with Skye and Shiloh, not about them. He's in love with himself between the ages of 22-25 and that is why he is obsessed with those times and women because they remind him of himself.
>>710176 The baby that died that poor Shiloh was carrying was his. The fact he could talk about that whole situation that was is so disgusting. I can't imagine how painful seeing this would be to Shiloh, so I hope she doesn't watch it.
No. 710930
>>710896LOL his head looks photoshopped on! It looks like an inflated giant greasy head was photoshopped onto the body of a sickly teenager or cancer patient
Why post this? Lol
No. 710935
>>710922if this is a troll they are extremely good at pretending they're greg, so kudo's.
sadly though i don't think it is a troll.
No. 710942
File: 1569693578977.jpg (208.38 KB, 720x1054, 20190928_124626.jpg)

Picture is shamelessly stolen from KF (thank you!)
>It's absolutely not ok to talk about kids that might have been or get groomed, but it's a-ok to rate and sexualize kids' bodies because that's body positivity!
I can't with this guy.
No. 710943
File: 1569693677459.jpg (57.03 KB, 754x1024, EFkdCG8W4AYGf6S.jpg)

No. 710946
>>710943Pretty soon you will be heading for 40 yourself, Greg. and for normal people their age of attraction goes up the older they get.
>>710942With normal people they can just talk about kids without it being creepy. However, when you are a pedophile like you and your wife, then yes you guys get excited hearing about kid and then it becomes creepy.
No. 710949
>>710942> If you’re not an adult don’t tweet at me.Welp, there goes the rest of his fan base.
>If you’re an adult don’t speak about kids.Like, ever? “Hey Bethany, how are the children?”
Wow. Are you some sort of pedophile you? Don’t ask about my children!
No. 710950
>>710949Exactly. Normal people can just talk about kids. Its exactly like the one time Greggy poo didn't want to change a girl he was baby sitting because she was a girl baby and he "didn't want to be uncomfortable" and he "didn't want people to talk about it."
We all know your tic-tac moves at the thought of underage kids, Greg. We all know your wife scouts them out for you, and grooms them, sents them nudes. The secret is out in the open now, so you might as well just own it.
Just make a video and tell people how you and your wife are pedophiles.
No. 710951
>>710950I'm still waiting for him to put a pear in his bio.
Then again, I don't think even the twitter Minor Attracted Pedophile community would take him at this point.
No. 710952
>>710942Who is he tweeting this to if his account is private and all the people that don't kiss his butt are blocked? The Twitter people it's supposedly directed to can't see it.
I guess now he just pretends he's interacting with people online. That's not insane at all /s
No. 710955
>>710952thats why i theorize he posts those screen captures on here himself. just so he can say it, but we can't respond in his autistic hugbox.
>>710951thats whats so funny about him posting on 4chan. in the olden days he saw them as a villain and made a 10 hour video crying about them and cursing at them. then he thought maybe they could be his own private army too, and he made a few videos praising 4chan and anon. he thinks thats enough for them to rally behind him now. and thats why he's trying to recruit them as his personal army.
and yes, his thinking is delusional.
about 95% of anon does not know who he is and does not care.
the other 5% know what a douchebag he is and do not care.
its very simple gregonomics.
No. 710962
>>710955and to add to that if I were greg i'd quit posting on 4chan, before some anon DO actually pay attention..
this notice me senpai horseshit is not a very clever thing to do.
No. 710968
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What about shilo…what about sarah.. keep digging a hole greg.
No. 710972
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No. 710975
>>710968I'm sorry but Gregs micro brain can't even grasp the simple concept of aging?
He honestly can't think people will be fooled with this shit.
No. 710976
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No. 710980
>>710976This is so
abusive. He needs to just fuck right off.
No. 710983
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No. 710984
>>710983This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard in my fucking life.
I really feel like he's trolling.
No. 710986
>>710983Grooming children for sex? A-ok! The mark of a fine gentleman who fights for love.
Destroying wetlands protected by the state in which you live? Fine and dandy. Encouraged, even.
Defrauding the IRS? Sure!
Telling what would probably not even be considered an objective untruth? ELECTRIC CHAIR!
No. 710989
File: 1569699349855.jpg (335.71 KB, 1125x939, lies.jpg)

>>710983Theres so much bullshit in those posts it actually smells bad.
You know who says they never lie, and that they hate lies? Liars.
No. 710993
>>710983Nice job though trying to discredit all your accusers. You know Greg, again, if you're truly innocent go to the police.
Until you do that, you will always remain a prime suspect.
No. 710994
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No. 710995
>>710976You did everyone you supposedly "kicked out of your life" a huge favor, Greg.
Just look at Shiloh, shes doing better than ever before. Same with Cyr and everyone else. They're doing awesome.
You on the other hand.. same old drama.. different day.
No. 710996
>>710994Anyone make sense of this word salad?
What is he trying to say?
No. 710998
>>710994This is as hard to read as his books.
He's cracking
No. 711000
File: 1569699796739.jpeg (253.5 KB, 1125x1121, 966695F5-04C2-4CAE-BCF5-F0E93F…)

>>710994Greg seems bitter.
Wasn’t Sarah the one who had to tell you to break up with her?
No. 711005
>>711000like you done with all your exes?
how about friends greg, like making a "documentary" about how shane is a pedophile, or singing a hate song to your former friend Cyr?
ah yes nothing is ever your fault greg. the entire world and internet hate you, your exes are banding together in hate to bring you down, saying you abused them, but you are ever so saintly and christ like. of course greg. you are not to blame.
No. 711006
>>711000He's losing it.
Lainey / Kai, go give your old, flabby and wrinkly husband suk mi to get him away from the keyboard! Quick!
No. 711012
>>710976>>710983>>710994I'm honestly beginning to believe that he's mildly retarded or at the very least, learning disabled. No one could possibly be this stupid. Combined with the constant reliance on dictionary definitions, Google law forms, and FAAAACTS! it's looking like Greg is in desperate need of help.
Someone send over a fifth grader, stat!
Loving the look of a nervous breakdown, though. You kind of have to wonder if pizzas have been delivered. By the cops.
No. 711019
>>710976>Most people get dumped because they're liars>>711000>When someone's a piece of shit after they dump you, what does that make you?This pedo was kicked to the curb by 19 year old "druggy" "liar" (what else did he call her?) Billie, and is still buttmad about it. Everyday he embarrasses himself more and more. What a shitshow.
No. 711020
>>711011Just who is he talking to, if not us and KF? People who like you? Is he trying to say friends, but the water pressing on his brain won't let him find the word? And just where are these mystical creatures? You have no one, Greg. Your wife is afraid of you and your children are already learning to hate you.
Guess it's tough not causing offense when you and your garbage tier wife are proven child groomers. Lainey sent any nudes to a fourteen year old today? What am I saying, she's probably sitting in a pile of binders and crying. The day's still young, she'll manage!
No. 711023
File: 1569701059985.jpeg (488.79 KB, 1995x1125, 0BECDF91-48BC-42B9-8395-1BC50A…)

>>711018Before divorcegate
No. 711031
File: 1569701693760.jpeg (356.54 KB, 1125x1460, E96DA53F-23BB-4668-B557-28C622…)

And now your wife is a pedophile too! Congratulations.
No. 711033
>>711028>The only woman who was over 20 when he started dating her was Adrienne. As much as that retard loves to count Hannah Minx in, she doesn't count since he never fucked her. They never met in person and only "dated" online for 2 weeksExactly.The only reason he's with Kai at her current age is cos he doesn't have a replacement lined up.He admitted in that letter he hates being alone.
Christ, the gaslighting and re-writing of history enrages me.And I'm a stranger on the internet who can check his bullshit with documented online evidence. Can you imagine what Skye went through with this idiot in the years before he had an online profile? This is why gaslighting is seen as abuse.It does your fucking head in.
The only thing I will give him credit for is that he is doing us a favor by showing in real time what gaslighting is and what it looks like, without any of the psychological damage of living with his retarded ass.
You're a case study,Jimbles.Good job.Too bad we can't make him fight an army of mantis men at Aperture Science for 50 bucks instead of all that money Youtube/Patreon rewarded him for the garbage he 'creates'.
No. 711034
File: 1569702068784.jpeg (171.92 KB, 987x757, 96C0DD63-0EAE-4C8F-8234-5F952D…)

>>711027He talks about her there as well.
Anons feel free to download, I have a strong feeling it might be useful
No. 711036
>>711031The law serves to protect us against the most vile criminal acts, being a predator doesn't necessarily have to be illegal. There are moral grey zones that normal, decent people just dont cross. You know. Zones such as not bullying teenagers and destroying their self esteem until they turn 18, then suddenly use that induced weak state to have sex with them… Or call your wife faggot and scream at her while neglecting your kids.
Or trafficking your GF to another state to circumvent age of consent laws, while uploading her most weak and personal moments online for the world to see, basically making a circus out of those you professed to love.
These things don't have to be illegal to make you a worthless piece of human garbage.
It's like he think its ok to be the most
abusive, vilest asshole as long as it doesnt land him in jail, and people just have to be ok with it.
Maybe he's not used to people wanting to look out for each other because he lacks the ability to experience empathy. What a dick.
The hate is justified, and only vile human beings could be ok with the above.
No. 711038
>>711035Christ, look at the controlling way he holds her head. This is how a kidnapper holds his
victim for the ransom video.
No. 711040
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No. 711041
>>711040yes greg and like we mentioned before: go to the police.
if its all lies you are being slandered, greg, you and your precious spouse spaceboi.
No. 711045
>>711041Funny when Lucidia said the same thing about his lies about Shane Dawson, he had fuck all to say.
Greg's'morality' boils down to this:
"If I do it, it's fine.
If you do it, & I don't like you,I'll find some way to justify why you suck doing the exact same thing."
He's incredibly stupid and larcenous. Not that he'd know what that means, the uneducated dullard.
No. 711049
>>711040Greg, you have to call the police on yourself. Otherwise you're shielding a child predator.
Weird, how much he turned out like his child molesting dad. Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, huh.
No. 711053
This latest Twitter spergout is intense.
I can visualize the spit on his screen from yelling, the veins popping on his forehead, his red face scrunched in an ugly grimace, his fist ready to punch the wall.
>>711051Meh, who cares
No. 711054
>>711047She truly denounces him this time though, I kinda admire her for taking such a strong stance against this. She has kinda a niche following but I think this will make other big youtubers take notice and demand Greg be kicked off of the platform.
This is a good development, kudo's to Jaclyn for making that video. Spread that awareness.
No. 711056
File: 1569703799743.jpg (283.53 KB, 896x671, 1569382402133.jpg)

>>710802>he has pReTty bLuE eyEslove yourself anon.
Everything "nice" you see with him is an illusion.
No. 711057
>>710450 "(4) Do any other drug you like ~"
WHAT?? What happened to "Drugs are bad M'kay and so are the people who do them. Just look at all the barely legal people I fucked who smoked the Devil's lettuce and reeeeeeeeee!!!!"?
No. 711058
>>710888his nasty little flesh coloured lips
trigger me so much lmao.
No. 711059
>>711036here is the thing, greg is a psychopath who feels no remorse, shame guilt, and doesn't understand human emotions. He certainly doesn't understand moral grey areas, context, or anything of that sort. This is why he always sticks to black and white interpretations of the law, it's his only guiding light because he is incapable of empathy or understanding the concept of hurting other people.
When things are obvious to us, i.e. "hey… don't emotionally manipulate 15 year olds into sex", to him, he truly doesn't understand why that is wrong, because he doesn't have a moral compass. He has no internal guidance, so for him all he has is dictionary definitions.
No. 711069
File: 1569704728571.jpeg (542.99 KB, 1125x1895, A4627526-8187-4121-A868-B86DC3…)

No. 711070
>>711068greg is such a dumb shit. just look at people who get robbed in the streets who are literally petrified to report it because of possible repercussions
>>711069those same kids he signed over to lainey saying he never wanted to see them again. so it wasn't for the kids, that was another lie and lainey should have fucking known better.
(she never does)
No. 711072
>>711069Because of the kids? No, he can't stand those kids and sees them as a burden
More like because he doesn't want to pay child support
No. 711073
>>710902>They are absolutely fucked. The device proves without a doubt the context and validity of the screenshots.Which makes Grub's daily spergs-outs all the more aimless, irrelevant and futile.
>>710903I thought this
>>710759 was a fine idea.
No. 711074
>>711071wow. this just fills me with disgust for lainey because she actually has parents who would take them all in and help her.
no words.
No. 711076
File: 1569705023121.jpg (14.88 KB, 802x121, 2019-09-28_17-10-05.jpg)

Please keep sperging, Pedosion.
No. 711077
File: 1569705059879.jpeg (116.68 KB, 1125x276, 42FD8BD6-8E91-4745-8C52-918814…)

No self-awareness. At all.
No. 711078
>>711077boy Skye, Billie, Shiloh, or any of them can just retweet that back to him.
Wonderful self projection again, Greg.
No. 711082
>>711078>boy Skye, Billie, Shiloh, or any of them can just retweet that back to him.Wonderful self projection again, Greg.
If he hadn't blocked them because he can't take the truth, the lil manlet that he is.
No. 711083
>>711075It was more so his never quenched need for excitement, which is characteristic of antisocial PD. He wouldve absolutely tried to break Billie and then get bored and move on to the next barely legal fan.
But even more so than that, its fucking Lainey. Shes the dullest emptiest piece of shit, tbh I'd pay
a monthly fee to not have to deal with her. Gerggy is worse ofc, but living with someone as vapid, selfish, and petty as HolmoKai would make any alternative (even losing money) seem blissful
No. 711086
>>710884At this point he knows we're the only ones watching and he's basically addressed all of this to us.
Maybe it would send him extra nuts if we didn't watch and instead patreon-anon could report/excerpt anything milky? Just a suggestion for your consideration.
We're also providing a conduit for Greg's shitty messages to his
No. 711090
>>710892Oof. His face is rough.
Are these real photos or is there an ugly filter? I’m surprised he would released them like this. His curled non existent top lip makes him look like an elderly man.
It’s obvious this is all getting to him hardcore because he’s definitely eating less.
Which doesn’t do anything for his physique, he just looks scrawny and brittle.
He’s losing the small bit of muscle tone he actually had by eating too little, and it’s making his face age at a rapid rate.
But I don’t blame him, I wouldn’t be able to eat after all the stuff he’s been accused of either.
No. 711091
>>711071Welp, no wonder Lainey flinches.
This is very very illegal btw. Threatening your spouse with such violence gets you serious domestic abuse charges.
No. 711093
>>711071WHOOP THERE IT IS - Basically a confirmation that Greg / James / Onision is physically
No. 711095
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>>711035>>710606>>710833>>711056Some onion-chopping action in the wild. You love to see it
No. 711097
>>711095disagree. charles manson was successful with his cult, greg is a failure.
also, charles manson was not a pussy.
i think greg is more of a pussy like taylor helzer.
No. 711100
>>711069Is the 18-year-old Sarah or B? Disgusting either way. I feel so bad for the kiddos, if the Onions really did divorce you just
know they would use the kids as pawns and try to turn them against the other parent… unless Greg just signs them to Kai and bails. Again.
No. 711102
>>711035Can't wait to watch this after work.
>>711038>look at the controlling way he holds her head.I've seen body language like that with both men and women. Real shitty people.
No. 711103
>>711090I don't find him particularly ugly in the photos but he's just really plain. That's one more reason why him and Lainey are the perfect fit, they're both incredibly average and plain looking. IÄm still not convinced he doesn't use filters, though or is using the lighting and angles to his advantage because we've all seen REAL photos of him.
The one thing that make the photos so incredibly disgusting in my opinion is that you can clearly see how much he's in love with himself. If he could, he'd shag himself daily. It's a wonder that he hasn't leaked any pr0n of him on the internet, but then again, everyone has seen his pea-sized pecker, so it wouldn't make him look good. Let alone the verbal and sexual abuse his partners seem to have to endure.
No. 711108
>>711103this is probably the only reason he hasn't made porn of himself with lame and leaked it online. his ego is too fragile to be dickshamed.
>>711105There's no photo evidence really but multiple exes have confirmed he has a pinky dick.
No. 711110
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No. 711112
>>711031It was legal for 16-year-old Courtney Stodden to marry 50-year-old Doug Hutchinson. It was legal, and morally corrupt and wrong and now look at her. She’s extremely messed up over something that the law failed to protect her of.
This waterbrain is so bent on making the law work for his favor that he completely disregards the fact that the law consistently fails the innocent and underprivileged. Just because it’s legal to fuck a teenager doesn’t make it right and doesn’t make it victimless.
Someone needs to show him up with that logic. Just look at Trayvon Martin. It was legal for an adult male to murder him, an innocent teenager, under the stand your ground law. Guess James thinks that justifiable too?
No. 711119
>>711086I concur.
He tried to bait us into listening to his narrative with that q&a website of his. Now he's doing it through reuploads of his videos and screenshots of his privated Twitter.
I'll repeat what I said when he did that qna: he's had a decade to push his own narrative. Nothing he's saying now is even new, we're just running in circles. It's a shame to let him continue with that when his
victims have finally found their voice. Don't interact with him. We're here to point and laugh, anyway.
>>711095>>711097Nfkrz is another long-time Onion slayer. But even those like him who have hated him for so long are taken aback by all that's coming to light. I don't blame him for comparing Onision to Manson, it's just a statement made out of sheer shock.
No. 711120
>>711113that tweet confirms two things:
1. lainey is a lesbian, just like we always suspected.
2. not just billie, but also sarah where supposed to be lainey's escape plan.
No. 711121
File: 1569707383089.jpeg (337.02 KB, 1125x1257, 7CD6C3CA-1BE0-4A4F-A6C4-4CD788…)

No. 711122
>>711109>>711105The picture where hes in the blue body suit shows how small it is better, but I cant find it right now. There are other pics too.
AJ described it as "half a hotdog in a sweater" and Skye called it 1 inch (being hyperbolic probably but it's probably about 3 in actuality). Billie confirmed it was small in a livestream (I think) but she wasnt as specific as the other two.
Plus the only thing he exudes more than grease is small dick energy
No. 711123
>>711119greg as a cult leader isn't even in the same league as people like manson, koresh or jim jones. he wishes he was.
greg has no followers, only his wife to beat on.
No. 711127
>>711124>>711125>>711126so she's a daddy's money lesbian, only a lesbian when it suits her. why does she even need people to escape from that nuthouse? just grab your bags and your kids and leave.
lainey became too dependent on relationships. well lain, sometimes u need to swallow the sour apple and move back in with your parents.
maybe try being a mother for once in your life.
No. 711128
>>711110>>711121Ouch, that's gotta hurt.
Anyway, #couplesGoals, you guize!
No. 711129
>>710972This is actually incredibly concerning.
>>711040Come on Jimmy, ask the police if your 'husband' receiving nudes from a minor is legal. Make sure to ask them if the abuse you put everyone through is legal as well.
>>711110Sarah is pure gold.
No. 711132
>>711120She's not a lesbian. She can't even makeup with a woman let alone actually have sex with one. She's a pillow princess by all accounts (even Greg's disgusting tweets/videos/emails/etc. have shown this). She just hates Greg's guts so much her 'friends' (
victims) are her escape plan.
No. 711134
>>711123He's got the same personality type as a cult leader, and oh does he try, but the poor dear's too smooth-brained to pull off anything on that grand of a scale.
The patreon mess a year or two ago was cult-ish, but he only goes for kids/teens, and they all seem to get too smart to be manipulated by him once their prefrontal cortexes start developing.
No. 711137
>>711134thats why he's a failed narcissist. sure in the highest category of narcissism due to him wanting to start a cult, but a failed narcissist. (its a phrase, look it up failed narcissist)
he only got lucky twice because of shane and tosh.o in regards to semi fame but failed all the same.
No. 711141
File: 1569708981073.jpg (Spoiler Image,130.32 KB, 676x225, Froglips.jpg)

>>711058>his nasty little flesh coloured lips trigger me so much lmao.What amuses me are the stupid little triangles that come and go. I know anons have speculated he's had botox or some shit to cause this, but look at older pics &you'll see his lip line is nothing like this. He has a super-thin upper lip that makes him have a frog-like mouth.
Tinfoil that he shoops his lips like this cos he thinks it gives him the kind of rosebud lips that teen magazines like Tiger Beat or Seventeen used to call 'kissable'LOL. He's fond of lip gloss & liner too to achieve this look.The shape & size often differs wildly in each pic. Of course he's about as kissable as a bubonic plague sufferer.
It is heartily amusing how deeply vain he is.Actual movie stars famous for their good looks aren't this vain.
No. 711143
>>711139lainey is a
victim! lainey is a
im very sorry but the minute you sent nudes to kids, groom them, and make kids
victims you lose your own
victim card.
calling lainey a
victim is like saying karla homolka was a
No. 711144
>>711139by this logic we can sit around pontificating how greg himself is a
victim based on the account that he was apparently abused when he was younger. Abuse
victims are still conscious individuals that are able to make choices. Kai CHOSE to carry that abuse forward. That's on them.
No. 711145
>>711144people say the abused become abusers themselves but that isn't true. the majority of them don't. i'm sure we all know people who have been abused and don't go out to do that themselves to other people.
so that excuse for lainey can be flushed right down the toilet where it belongs.
No. 711146
>>711144astute observation, anon.
the web tightens as onion and kai struggle.
No. 711147
>>711143I mean… a court decided that Karla was enough of a
victim to let her run free with a new identity, so…. people will believe Kainey is a
victim, unfortunately.
No. 711151
>>711147yes but the thing about karla homolka is that they hadn't found the tapes yet they made with the
victims. so karla was their only witness, and they needed her testimony. thats when she did a 180 on paul and spilled the tea on only his parts in the crime.
the deal was all signed and delivered when they found the tapes, too late. they viewed the tapes and still call the deal they made with karla the deal with the devil.
had they found the tapes BEFORE they thought they needed her testimony she would be rotting in prison still today.
No. 711153
>>711150This kids got some big goddamn balls, I love her. I hope she doesn't stop. She's tearing him apart with every little tweet she makes.
Maybe something WILL actually happen to make him get his just desserts this time… I didn't dare hope, but… maybe it will. Maybe.
Keep it up Sarah. You're doing good.
No. 711155
>>711150Sarah shows why abusers go after damaged kids.Usually they're too insecure, too broken by their history of abuse to fight back. Unfortunately,they picked a girl with a spine of fucken titanium.They chose wrongly.Now they'll pay.
Bwahahahahahaha!!! Go get 'em, Sarah.
No. 711156
>>711139No offense, but when you sit back and let your husband send hordes of fans to harass various
victims (that you helped lure in), groomed an underage girl for years before ultimately coercing her into sex, sat back and allowed your significant other to expose personal info, allowed for your husband to literally sign away his rights to his kids and almost divorce you to fuck the little toy you invited into your home, and have actively participated in the monstrous shit that Lainey has over the course of the past 7 years, you are no longer the
victim. She is part of the problem and deserve everything coming to her and more. She also probably has sat back and allowed her children to be abused at the hands of the shithead that their father is and not done anything about it. Lainey might be a mindless, ugly, reprehensible fuck who was originally a
victim, she is no longer and needs to be taken down
No. 711161
>>711139Most abused women have a hard time leaving because they don't have a support system or validation from other people, as abusers tend to isolate their
victims. But Lainey's case is completely different. Not only does she have the support of her family, but thousands of people online. People who would fall over themselves to be her friend or even pursue a romantic relationship with her. There have demonstrably been women who were interested in a relationship with her with no intention without the underlying motive to get to Greg (Maya and Luxy), and of course there would be men as well if she actually was allowed to interact with any. She could literally launch a successful internet career with her experiences because everyone hates Jimmy more than they hate her.
She has advantages that virtually no woman in an
abusive relationship has, and she could use them to save herself AND her kids. But she's a stupid, self-centred asshole who thinks sticking into the haterz online is more important than a healthy and happy life for her kids, so here we are.
No. 711172
>>711162Not that it matters. Kai wont leave. Kai being no where close to leaving is perhaps one of the reasons people are no longer seeing them as a
victim - as mentioned, they have support in friends and family, they have oppurtunity. They are far, far from some isolated
Kai is choosing to be there, and choosing freely to join in with the abuse of minors. That is why they have no sympathy. They could have gone to New Mexico and not ever returned, they had that oppurtunity. They WANT to be there, with Greg, doing the disgusting shit they both do.
If they were likely someone who was gonna leave but simply struggling to get out, I would bet they'd have more sympathy ALREADY. But that is blatently not the case.
Happy to be proven wrong though ofc. If Kai left and spoke of the situation, I'd say I would spend a moment to hear her out at least.
No. 711173
>>711162I feel for Lainey. She was groomed to be just like Onision from teenage age as well.
It doesn’t excuse what she did, but the first step is getting the psychopath out of her life and getting therapy to stop the behaviours he conditioned her to do.
The difference between a true psycho and a groomed psycho, is Greg always made sure he didn’t leave any tracks.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Greg is blaming this whole thing on Kai, threatening to leave her, and cherry picking the nudes Kai sent as the problem. It’s something he would do.
No. 711176
>>711173>the first step is getting the psychopath out of her lifeThat's never going to happen. If she'll stay with him if he hits her, emotionally abusing his own daughter, cheating on her repeatedly, in the face of jail time and knowing he's a pedophile, then she won't be leaving him now.
It's like feeling sympathy for Rose West, it makes no sense.
No. 711179
File: 1569711709198.png (813.07 KB, 1441x617, Complainey bitching about bill…)

>>711176Samefagging to remind people that she was okay with Billie being chained up in the basement looking like an oompa loompa with a degrading tramp stamp as an "apology" to her and got mad when Billie said no.
No. 711181
>>711174if that would work every pedophile could get off as soon as all their
victims turned 18.
"yeah but the kid is 18 now!"
No. 711182
>>711162>>711169Agreed. It would’ve be total absolution but I’m sure she has details to share that would garner her some sympathy, certainly more than none which she’s getting now.
It’s only in her best interest to separate and try to join in on the takedown. She has nothing to gain from staying even though she seems dead set on it no matter if she or her kids get hurt as a consequence.
Maybe only if she does get some jail time as a result of soliciting cp she can get a clear head.
>>711110This is a bombshell. I thought this would be Greg trying to get an escape plan with his newest for the future. I know he can’t leave now because child support would cost him money he doesn’t have but if he eventually was engaged (but not legally bound) to Sarah in a few years he could maybe use her to find a new teen with a smaller age gap to Sarah vs Lainey and find a new 18 year old he could justify accidentally falling in love with. I always got the sense that while he was attracted to Sarah he never really liked her the same way as the other girls. She’s got a backbone (that she’s flexing like hell right now) and he could always sense it. He likes people that won’t fight back and will be silent when he discards.
No. 711184
>>711108>his ego is too fragile to be dickshamed.>multiple exes have confirmed he has a pinky dick.He's been dickshamed all month. Skye did say he had a "1/12 baby carrot" didn't she? She would know.
>>711137>failed narcissistHe's a psychopath.
No. 711185
>>711183Yes we do. Many of the things I mentioned are things that have been known for a long while or recently confirmed with the exception of the jailtime. On that note, there is no way Plainey didn't stop to think, "Maybe I shouldn't do this, it could get me in trouble with the law…" But wanted to keep her ugly husband and became a pedo anyway. No matter how young she was, it's well-known that an adult flirting with a minor is illegal. She even made a video talking about dating older men while underage
while looking for a young girl to abuse.
No. 711187
>>711097>charles manson was not a pussy.Anon you okay? Manson had other people kill for him. He just was another predator faggot, glad he's dead.
>>711100Sounds like B to me.
No. 711197
>>711186Unfortunately, we also have pictures as proof:
>>711109(The spoiler is there for a reason, you've been warned)
No. 711199
>>711127>lainey became too dependent on relationships >move back in with your parents.I've said the same. If she had an ounce of common sense she would've done this already. Now she's looking at jail time because she couldn't take the initiative for her children's best interests and do her goddamn job as a mother.
>>711161>She could literally launch a successful internet career >everyone hates Jimmy more than they hate her.This was only relevant before she was exposed as a child groomer.
Her future's about as bright as Jimmy's at this point. Although they may be more lenient with her if she shows she's capable of being reformed. Obviously it's too late for Grugly.
No. 711200
>>711199i am in full agreement with both your statements. but shes never been much of a mother and yeah she pretty much burned all her bridges with the grooming kids and sending them nudes.
now its just all over for her. she's finished. she's done.
No. 711212
>>711086All good points. I agree. As fun as it is to occasionally counter his bullshit with the truth and the reality that was revealed thanks to the ladies, he's just become a broken record at this point. Focusing more on milk is more efficient.
>>711119>He tried to bait us into listening to his narrative>Don't interact with himYeah, he's obviously not trying to convince the 2 stans he has left.
No. 711215
>>711095Good to see NFKRZ weighing in.
>I wouldn't be surprised if he killed someoneAt this point I'd be surprised if he
hadn't killed someone yet. He's that psychotically unhinged.
No. 711227
I'm just taking a moment to say I really love fellow anons. This place, our nitpicking, annoying tendencies, bitch fests and sometimes crap moderation doesn't make it the best to read at times, but everyone here has really come through for Sarah. I'm as old as Onision and I think 10 years ago there would be tons of anons being bitches about Sarah. At least we can recognize a young teen's vulnerability. Greg is really going to miss being in his early 20s after the reaming that's yet to come since not a lot of women buy the 'bbbbuuuu….t she was a WHORE! SHE WANTED IT! excuse anymore.
I mean, the revelation of what happened to Sarah (makes my stomach churn) is being handled with the appropriate amount of disgust for Onision. At this point, I don't think I could even be friends with a patreon of his if they ignored what just came from Sarah.
I've never liked nor hated Repzion. His videos have always been a re-hash of info here and he's a bit obnoxious, but I have to give him props for his video on the scandal. It was framed so fucking well, I can't believe it's his work. The intro is concerning enough that you can become emotionally involved without knowing the drama, the insight into Onision's "cult" and ideas about rape to set up the absurdity of Greg's thinking on women and even his rant were all so well written. He even talked to the girls and edited parts to respect their wishes and had conversations with the victims to gain exclusive information. I'd say to farmers that it's not a must watch, as anons posted the Repzion exclusive screen grabs, but any normie watching would get the important framework to understand how dangerous Greg is.
No. 711229
>>711218Don't think hed go as far to kill her, but a while back Greg had scratches on this marks on his neck.
I wouldn't be surprised if they got into a physical altercation and lainey copped a few bruises.
Greg also turns the brightness on his vids up ridiculously high and filters them to no end, so there was probably more marks on him we didn't see.
No. 711231
>>711228think he’s just taunting his
victims tbh
No. 711238
>>711237That would suggest that he didn't engage in grooming. He wanted Lainey to set her up for a new trinity. The very idea they flew her out multiple times tells me she's more than opportunity, but a targeted
victim. Sure, Greg insulted her when she was 14, but that was his own insecurity because of the legal ramifications. Like most WOMEN, she grew into a nice looking young adult and Greg became to desire her. Not only that, but he set her up like some porn skit scenario. Having sex with your wife and asking a teen to join in sounds like some incest porn scenario. To think this was Sarah's first time almost makes me want to cry. I agree with
>>711233 and think he sent lainey out as extra protection in case he takes a fall.
No. 711240
>>711155Just like they picked the wrong girl to abuse, one day they'll pick the wrong dog.
They go through animals just like through girls.
They'll get a dog that won't piss itself like Leeloo when Onision starts abusing it. A dog that will maul him when he tries.
>>711215He killed a tortoise and some chickens. But eating meat is murrdurr according to him so how dare we judge him on that!
No. 711244
>>711238In my mind Sarah was always a playtoy to keep Lainey distracted while Greg did whatever he wanted. He wasn't threatened by her (or felt like he could control the situation, since, clearly he could for years).
He probably figured at least fucking Sarah was something that he could push Lainey for eventually, but she wasn't the main goal/endgame at all. (All tinfoil obviously) Sarah was a backup/backburner situation for him. He was hoping he could find his dream alt girl through the trinity BS and maybe even thought if Sarah was gay that maybe he could dump Lainey off on her.
I'm sure he was at least slightly privy to Lainey's dumb ass constantly trying to run away from him. She's a doormat but I'm sure she half-heartedly threatened to leave sometimes, I'm sure with Sarah's advisement/backing up. We know Sarah was constantly put in the middle of their
toxic fights, I'm sure Sarah alluded to getting Lainey the fuck out at some point and if Greg had his next
victim lined up, he might've even let them go with the kids.
No. 711249
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No. 711250
>>711244This! I genuinely don’t think he really wanted Sarah as an endgame, and saw her as a means to his ends. I do think however he suddenly developed attraction, since she had a glow up/lost weight and suddenly was his ideal. Plus a teen.
I can’t remember if ayalla tweeted this or if Regina did, but he did say to Sarah one day while she was sitting in the living room that she looked like B.
The moment a girl starts looking as good as lB in his eyes, you know he’s plotting.
No. 711270
File: 1569724253137.jpeg (470.94 KB, 2048x2048, F998CBFE-6D9A-424E-B6C2-81E66A…)

>>711267>orc incestry jesus anon I’ve been laughing for like 3 minutes straight. when you’re right you’re right.
No. 711271
>>709854Just finished it. Well done, for the most part. Strong beginning and ending. The last 20mins going into Sarah's story is a doozy. I didn't know Rep started blasting Greg way back in the Sh days. I know some anon's give him shit but Rep's an ok guy. He always came off as genuine and straightforward to me.
>>711035>Onision used Sh's story (his version) to gain sympathy and empathy so Jaclyn would opened up to himTypical predator "I'm just like you" tactic.
>Onision makes skits/parodies making fun of people and situations when he has nothing logical to sayThis is literally 99.9% of every video he's ever made. You have to be truly sick in the head to take the abuse and trauma you've inflicted on others, and use that as source material for your video content. He deliberately used every last one of these girls as material for his videos, outright lying about them and bending the truth to fit the narrative he wanted the public to believe.
Good job keeping him on your platform after years of complaints, GOogleTube you fucktards.
No. 711275
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>>711221No sarcasm, that's hilarious.
>>711257>Sarah could technically still be a virgin if she wants to claim to beI think we've found yet another reason why he goes after such young girls - if it's their first time they won't know to point and laugh.
No. 711281
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>>711267>orc ancestry>>711270The resemblance is uncanny. This would also explain his mental capacity.
No. 711288
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He looks like this Goomba from that old live action Mario movie that failed.
No. 711289
>>711271>Onision used Sh's story (his version) to gain sympathy and empathy so Jaclyn would opened up to him>Typical predator "I'm just like you" tactic.It's also to get people to let their guard down. He used the same ploy in this trainwreck
>>710176"I'm jUsT liek U!", "We all HuMaNz!" Psychopaths make up roughly 1% of the population, so the odds of him being even remotely similar to the majority of the people watching him is slim indeed, minus his tiny handful of stans of course.
No. 711296
>>711223>the cycle will most likely continue.Pretty much everyone agrees the only thing that's going to put an end to Onision's predation is if the law
finally steps in. Otherwise, he will continue.
No. 711299
>>711227I share your sentiments anon, 100%. ♥
At this point the entire internet will be calling out Onision before the authorities finally do their jobs. I know they're not all useless but it's pretty embarrassing that it's gone on for this long without Greg facing any repercussions for his actions, not losing any of his platforms or anything.
People wonder how he's avoided being locked up after everything he's done. Aside from (publicly) narrowly staying within the confines of the law, he's been clever enough (don't have to be genius to be clever) about his activities to hide or dispose of whatever could possibly get him put away. Until recently, he's presented a fairly convincing guise of sanity so that most people who're unfamiliar with his patterns of psychotic,
abusive behaviors and actions, wouldn't raise an eyebrow or even suspect he'd be so inhuman. Look at deniers like Billy the Fridge.
Ted Bundy's a prime example of what Onision was striving for. Bundy was doing such heinous shit in the darkness but in
public, he was the exemplary citizen. Involved in politics, in the community, he was in law school when he started killing. Bundy crossed all his T's and dotted all his I's and no one suspected a thing. I don't know how many
victims he claimed in the end but I do know that the
only reason he got caught was his last
victim, an 11 year old girl he raped and murdered, was left exposed in a field. He didn't carefully dispose of her like he did all his other
victims. He'd evaded the law for so long to where he got so full of himself, so arrogant, that hiding what he'd done didn't even matter anymore. Had it not been for that, he might never have been caught. These kinds of people are able to fly under the radar all the time. But most of them are men so that at least narrows it down a bit.
(armchairing ) No. 711312
>>711244Following the usual pattern of predators/groomers/pedos, I'm betting he was hoping to use Sarah to lure in other young teenage girls since Lainey was getting too old to do it without raising suspicions like she did with that angry mom Regina tweeted about.
>>711247I could see her getting a decent plea bargin, under the circumstances.
No. 711317
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Not milk per se and pardon the tinfoil but I thought it interesting to note. This guy said he contacted DHS and FBI at separate times and they never followed up with him. The conclusions he's drawn are something I've wondered about before, so it's interesting to me that he brought them up.
No. 711318
>>711317sage for tinfoil, but has anyone considered that the FBI IS watching him, though? And things are being kept quiet for their investigation?
If a report has been filed, it's not much of a stretch that they might just be waiting for the right time to strike.
No. 711322
>>711318thats pretty much what happens. why blow their load when the time isnt right? sarah went to authorities, gig harbor and pierce county have received countless tips, no doubt there are eyes on them. people are just wanting him and taylor to go to prison yesterday and are super anxious to see action.
>>711319i mean, doctors warned him mom to abort instead of birthing him because his big ol waterhead would be an issue. he has talked openly about age difference relationships he has experienced as a child, his mother has given him nude massages and would hear her scream greg during sex with a man she dated with his same name. it goes on, the man has a fucked up childhood with a mother who put him on a pedestal
No. 711326
>>711324It's a bit of a silly theory. We all know that Gerg toes the line of the law, but recently there has been more proof than before. An arrest won't be made overnight, it takes time to build a case and
victims need to go to the police with their evidence if they want the cops to make a quicker arrest. Until that happens, it's going to be a slow process. Just look at how long it took for the IRS to look into the Neanderthal's taxes.
No. 711328
>>711318>has anyone considered that the FBI IS watching him, though? And things are being kept quiet for their investigation?Regardless, there's always supposed to be follow up when a report is filed. The fact that protocol was never followed from either agency raises questions, imo.
>>711320Does he have any fam in the military? I know one of his sisters is a pilot. Is she commercial or what?
No. 711329
>>711328We know his mother Tami's what, a massage therapist? Psychic extraordinaire? What
does she do? Never heard what his father did for a living.
No. 711338
>>711326>Just look at how long it took for the IRS to look into the Neanderthal's taxes.Yeah but not filing your taxes properly doesn't quite carry the same gravity as child abuse/neglect, serial abuse of girls/women/minors, animal neglect/abuse etc. Most of what's coming out about him now isn't even new, it's just shit that's been piling up for years. Grub can sit there and claim that none of this was ever serious because
"he'd be in jail by now if it were", but it's obvious that nothing could be further from the truth, hence the enormous backlash/tidal wave that he's powerless to stop.
No. 711341
he’s the one who’s been autistically screeching to the cops?! And you people say he’s not a cow! Lmfao so fuckin’ stupid, man
No. 711343
>>711339It could be a mixture of both. Stupid theories or not it is strange the degree he can do the things he does with such a public audience and gathered evidence and it just goes unchecked. He's displayed a clear behavior pattern for years.
>>711341Your first version wasn't any better or relevant.
No. 711344
A report doesn't have to be followed up. I'd say I don't know where Stevie is getting that from, but I kinda do - Stevie is pretty stupid. As in, unintelligent. He thinks very very highly of himself and can't really see when he's missing the mark, and thinks if he says something it HAS to be true. He's similar stock to Greg in that sense (although obvs not a child groomer)
If you make a report, you wont hear from them if they judge it unworthy of investigation, it will be screened out. No, they don't HAVE to call you about it in that case. You can call them, and they can update you, but they don't have to reach out to you about that. You chase it up
My best guess is that the information Stevie provided was useless and badly presented for one, so any report from him was filtered out as someone sperging about an 'internet celebrity'. The authorities don't have time to fuck with idiots who have some kind of vendetta over a youtuber. Again, Stevie is not the sharpest tool in the box and the reports were probably a mess and filled with unecessary drama-esque stuff. Couple that with it looking like there's not actually any evidence of Greg doing anything illegal anyway - just very close to illegal but purposely just not, and obviously very unethical. As said… the law is the law.
It doesn't surprise me at all that nothing has been done despite Stevie claiming to have 'filed reports'. I very much doubt there is a conspiracy there. Rather just Stevie being the dumbass he is, honestly.
If one of the girls went and filed something, especially Sarah, they may hear more about it even if Greg hasn't done anything illegal. They would at least have credible complaints there and some worthy evidence to chase up.
No. 711346
>>711334>it's the fact that he has done numerous things over the span of a decade and has barely even seen a consequence for any of them>the fact that the protocol never followed through for this guy's report is weird.I agree.
>>711339Corruption is nothing new and quite honestly wouldn't surprise me. It goes back to what anon was saying
>>711112>the law consistently fails the innocent and underprivileged.It's not just the law or the justice system, it's CPS, it's the media, it's the people who own these fucking platforms that predators like Onision have freely taken advantage of. All these institutions have failed repeatedly, which leaves regular, decent people having to rally together like they're doing right now - what someone like Grug calls "outrage culture" - so that something finally gets done about predators like him. Come to think of it, communities had to take the reigns like this in the past too, nothing's changed.
No. 711350
>>711344>My best guess is that the information Stevie provided was uselessMaybe. We don't know what info he provided, but it's safe to say he's been one of countless people who've been raising the alarm to the authorities for YEARS, and because nothing was done, we're at the point we're at now where Onision and his wife have been grooming/preying on minors.
The more I hear what they did to Sarah, the more baffling it is that they've been able to escape consequences for this long. Granted, they have tried to keep all their
victims from talking openly. It's why Grub tried to chase all his exes off the internet, so they wouldn't talk about his abuse.
No. 711351
>>711349Imagine your dad who you hate being a financial advisor while you get fucked over by the IRS
No. 711352
>>710810This makes a lot of sense. Onion has convinced people with his lies about other women before.
>>710822Trust, you come off really weird when you insist something people perceived as rape, wasn't rape. Why are you so invested?
>>710885>Breitbart or the rebel>>710891>No respectable journalist will ever touch thisIt's perfect!
>>710942The Onion doth protest too much, methinks.
No. 711365
>>711218I genuinely thought this, too. Not killed, because Grot is afraid of getting ass fucked in prison (and admitting he did something illegal at all), but is truly abusing her now out of anger. He thought he could twist the situation with sarah like he did with Billie and his other ex’s. Sarah coming out with evidence, a backbone, and an incredible amount of support has to hurt a lot, but I wonder if he’s truly pissed are lainey for being so stupid as to send nudes to 14-17 year old girls AND give Sarah a laptop FULL of damning evidence because her dumb ass didn’t wipe it first? He’s probably furious that she did something iLLeeeGuL.
>>711249Bigger person, kek. The only thing big on him is his massive head and dad gut, which he’s trying to starve away.
No. 711370
>>711341Being stupid isn't enough to reach cow status. If it was, lolcow would have a million more threads.
>>711365Did he stop tweeting when Sarah started calling him out again today? If so, fucking lol. She's a hero.
No. 711373
>>711317>>711343>it is strange he can do the things he does with such a public audience and gathered evidence and it just goes unchecked. >>711346>It's not just the law or the justice system, it's CPS, it's the mediaIt would seem that only if you have
money will these corrupt, failed institutions work for you with any great consistency. There are exceptions of course, but the poor, disenfranchised and underprivileged get shafted more often than not. I'm all but certain that Sarah had a solid case back when she went to the authorities years ago. Fucking Lainey literally wrote "I'm grooming you nicely" in a tweet to her then. No one with two brain cells to rub together is surprised at the current turn of events.
Authorities have either purposely or accidentally dropped the ball big time. Why is it that YOUTUBE doesn't respond, PATREON doesn't respond, TWITTER doesn't respond when countless people are bringing all of this to their attention (youtube's only known about Onision's shit for years)? Literally radio silence from the same folks who (YT and Twitter specifically) have in a flash removed accounts over the most
minor of infractions. It is odd to say the very least.
No. 711375
>>711144Kai was so close to getting out, too. After the Billie situation he was ready to leave Jimmy's ass and take the kids with him. He had the perfect out but now he's done too much damage of his own to be a
victim anymore.
No. 711376
>>711374>I don't know if he just knows some big time social media higher up or if these platforms feel some degree of loyalty to himIf it were the latter then someone like Pewdiepie never would have been skewered by them. They tore him a new one, but someone like "suicide forest" Logan Paul got his own YTRed show. He literally didn't face any consequences did he? As
>>711360 said, I smell nepotism. How Onision is even surviving financially at this point is beyond me to comprehend. He barely makes fuck all on his patreon, Kai (if she's still alive) has gone dark. Where's the money coming from? Credit?
No. 711385
>>711373>Why is it that YOUTUBE doesn't respond, PATREON doesn't respond, TWITTER doesn't respond >>711376Tinfoil but it's almost as if a bunch of psychopaths have been protecting another fellow psychopath.
>>710249That 1 in 5 statistic is pretty staggering, if not revealing.
No. 711386
>>710996Basically, "You have to stop being an asshole when people reject you or you'll be rejected more."
It's laughable coming from him.
No. 711387
>>711385Well they did all shadows ban the guy who was talking about Child grooming gangs(these were actually brutal rapists) in the UK. Saying its because he's an islamophobe because the gangs happened to comprised by islamists. Allegedly.
So maybe they just really like protecting child groomers.
No. 711389
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>>711375Lainey’s a she.
>>710972Tinfoil, but remember way back when we saw photos of a pink princess bed and the stupid seekrit third child tinfoil started? Skye confirmed on Twitter that she never had a child, but Sarah’s tweet about having a pink and fluffy little girl’s room makes me wonder if Grot and Thot fulfill/used to fulfill a nasty DDLG kink. I doubt they planned that far ahead for Clot considering they don’t even talk to her, and since they’re totally progressive, feminist, LGBT parents they gave their kids traditional gender bedrooms with a race car bed for Trot and a pink and frilly room for Clot.
No. 711393
>>711317It really is weird that he got that far legally unpunished, but I’d rather think that’s because the only thing he did right(though morally wrong) was being such a sperg about ~tHe LAw~. The reason he got away publicly unscathed(until now) though was because he had a rabid fanbase to silence his already traumatized
victims. Think about it for a second, imagine if he really had connections, that red waterball of narcissism wouldn’t know how to act, he’d reach peak arrogant levels. What’s happening in reality is he’s clearly spiraling out of control.
No. 711398
>>711162I do think Lainey would get some support.
As of now, I would approve if she got the kids out of that house and out of Greg's reach. That's one of a few things you could do to get some sympathy at least. It wouldn't be a lot, but I'm sure people would appreciate it.
BUT, if her story folds out anything like Sh's story, we might be in for a big surprise. For the longest time people didn't believe Sh, were mad at her, thought of her as a liar and downright hated her, but after Sar and Sk revealed their experiences and Sh spoke up about hers, it all made sense and there was common consent that she had been a
victim all along.
Greg got "smarter", or rather more experienced, and hides his misdemeanors better. He has also pressured Sar into saying things she wasn't ok with and freaked out about. Sar was at their house every once in a while with breaks in between, Lainey is there pretty much 24/7, for 7 years now. More and more details have been alluding to Greg being physically violent (Lainey's statement that she would only leave if he killed someone, Sar revealing Greg threatening her with "two black eyes", the nosebleed she had in a video, multiple bruises we saw in videos and thought she had them because Trot hit her or because she's anemic). But it's still not been confirmed, of course.
In conclusion, I'm sure we don't see the full picture (yet), and if Lainey revealed what has been going on in that house, public opinion might be swayed massively. Let's just give it more time, the storm is brewing.
No. 711413
>>711398Shiloh got shit on back when Onion still had a measure of popularity and fans. Things are different now, though her participation in grooming teenagers won't win her any favors. But I reckon there are a lot of people who would look past it, especially if she spun it like "my abuser made me do it."
Seriously, she loves being a
victim, she could've done it professionally on youtube after leaving Jimbo and gotten all the validation and support she could ever want, but she fucked all that up by becoming a mini-Onion. Should've left sooner, Lameo.
No. 711417
>>711338In terms of the length of time it takes from committing a crime to seeing trial, I wouldn't be so sure about that. Think about how infrequently rape cases are brought to criminal trial, despite an abundance of evidence. One of the things that gets them on the docket is multiple
victims. It also took, what, 13 years for Josh Duggar to be arrested? Cheating on one's taxes is pretty easy to prove. Not to mention, the OIA is extremely badass. It would be entirely unsurprising if the Treasury Dept. was tipped off by another agency, or vice versa.
No. 711424
>>711416Nah, I don't think it's over.
The girls have been revealing stuff about him slowly, I think they'll keep it this way. It might not be as turbulent as it has been over the last two weeks, but I'm sure there's more to come.
No. 711429
>>711392Petition to stop posting random youtubers that cover this here
They are irrelevant
No. 711432
>>711429Unless they have actually new information, or interviews, I agree. Its all stuff that's already been posted here anyway.
We'll find them ourselves if we want to know what other people say. It's very easy to type "onision" in the youtube search bar and sort by upload date.
No. 711435
I don't think anyone (Patreon, Youtube, Twitter) is protecting The Waterheaded One, per se. I do feel like they sorta have their heads in the sand, specifically Patreon.
YouTube actually has punished Grease. It seems as if they have shadow-banned him in a sense as his garbage content does horribly in the algorithm. He has millions of subscribers on 3 of his bajillion channels, yet struggles to reach 10k on his most popular channel, Speaks. His content on the Onision channel does even worse. I saw that one he uploaded recently didn't even get to 5K. Check out the recent Patreon vidoes he uploaded to his most popular channel with the absolute clickbait titles, I think one may have 66k? Which is HIGH for him these days, but not high enough to profit from. Kek.
Even with all this controversy that has been nonstop for the last month, he still can't garner enough views out of it to profit from. Several vidoes have been made shining a light on the situation currently, vidoes which have gotten hundreds of thousands of views each in less than a month, yet Grugly's clapbacks with their clickbait titles still do terribly. He's disliked at best by the public. It's fair to say he's hated. So it would make sense that much like a car crash on the highway, people tend to stare. You certainly don't see that reflected in his view count, though. For that reason, it seems like YouTube has a very active hand in keeping his content from being seen which I know is not unheard of, though it seems Grugly is being especially punished in the algorithm. I don't know what could be worse for a creator, other than having their channels outright removed.
Patreon is a different story. PredatorGuyKai and The Waterheaded One have broken Patreon's Community Guidelines both on the platform and off. I know there is a big push on Twitter to have Patreon deplatform them with many individuals emailing Patreon's Trust and Safety team directly. I am not aware of anyone getting any real response. I've also seen Patreon's Twitter posts being consistently inundated with angry posts demanding something be done. People have been banned from Patreon for so much less, some for even having the wrong political opinions. Yet Gurg and Foot are still on the platform, collecting their measly 2k per month.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 711436
>>711435Patreon doesn't actually hold anyone accountable as long as they're not posting explicit pornography/CP/etc. Their FAQ says they encourage patrons to self-police and just unsubscribe and ask for a refund if the creator doesn't give out rewards etc. Creators disappearing and witholding content isn't actually against their TOS for some reason. I don't think they care about what creators do outside of the platform, either, so as long as onion isn't DMing 16 year olds asking for nudes on the site, they won't do shit.
Why Twitter hasn't done anything, however, is a mystery to me. Twitter suspends people over literally nothing all the time. I'm sure he's getting mass reported, so I'm very surprised they've done nothing.
No. 711439
>>711301I kinda believe them, of all the things he would lie about, being violated by another man isnt one(imasculating)
And lots of people keep in touch with their perpetratours sadly, not uncommon.
No. 711447
>>711441That's true. It's considered extremely disrespectful and inconsiderate of
victims to speak for them. It's the same line as saying you'll beat up their perpetrator for them. If they don't want it, just stop, because then it's just you stripping them of their own power all over again.
No. 711464
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The amount of views on anti onion videos vs his pathetic clickbait trying to capitalize off his exposure. Repzion video is the first thing that comes up when you search onision. I'd say some of the likes on the comments of videos exposing him surpass the views on his videos at this point
>onion is screaming
>lainey is crying
No. 711466
>>711457I often wonder if Greg avoids punishments and just gets fines because he's a certified retard. Sometimes the police will just not engage with a known tard and just try to minimise the damage. Perhaps he's friends with his mummy again cause all the bother with the County and the wetlands someone had to let them know that James is a bona-fide retard.
With the Onion son in a public school I'm sure he's being watched even more so. I'm sure as soon as there's signs showing of domestic abuse occurring something will happen. As of right now he's a suspected non violent offender and is a creepy man in his mid 30s that cruises for teen girls to fuck. He does skirt the laws and I do believe parents have always been aware of the whereabouts of their children when with him so there's no kidnapping etc, apart from the Lainey shit. She literally did lie about living with him while her parents paid her dorm fees. But he married the
victim he was sloppy with his crimes. And all she does is mope about how much better he treats all the teens she helps him bring to her home. It's uwu couple goals
No. 711468
>>711457I don't know where you got that, I doubt he did.
Don't know about other platforms, but he was "algorithm shadowbanned" at the same time as LeafyIsHere back in like 2016 when YouTube decided to curb the most cancerous drama mongers.
Onision then contacted Leafy (the email is in one of the old threads), he wanted them to band together to put pressure on YT because his own lone efforts have amounted to nothing, but Leafy completely ignored him.
Leafy, very smartly, realized his days on YT were over and went off the platform and started investing in stocks and is doing incredibly well for himself.
Onision did not. He still tried to outsmart the algorithm. This is where he started making dozens of new channels and moving his videos around. But YouTube must be keeping an eye on him, because all of his new channels kept getting the same treatment: getting pushed out of recommended, being invisible to those that are not logged in etc.
Only once did he slip through the cracks of the shadowban - somewhat recently when he made a video about Belle Daphne, as she was a hot topic at the time. YouTube quickly realized this, and none of his other videos he made on her trying to recreate the success of the first one did any better than usual.
Tl;Dr no he did not fool YouTube, they've been actively suppressing him all this time.
No. 711474
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>>711464>>711460You have to browse for him incognito and not signed in. It's not the first result when you do that. If you are signed in, Youtube tailors the results you are more likely to watch.
No. 711475
>>711356Yeah…when it comes to sex crimes, the FBI has way bigger fish to fry, honestly. Plus they usually don't follow up with you after you send a tip, even if it's about something like CP, unless they think that the tip is worth pursuing and you have more information. This isn't some sort of grand conspiracy.
>>711376He has to be living off of Patreon and credit at this point. Even if he doesn't get fucked by the long arm of the law, his life is going to collapse sooner or later due to this.
No. 711476
>>711447Pretty sure most of us calling this person out are rape
victims ourselves.
>>711441Just mentioning it on the off chance that you genuinely didn't see why you were hurting people. You keep insisting that forcing someone to have sex after they say no/fight back/etc. isn't rape. You are actually communicating that to people. The anons you fought with are not actually speaking to Adrienne.
All right, no more attention for you.
No. 711477
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>>711474he looks like he’s wearing a bad wig
No. 711482
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lmao sure
No. 711486
>>711040He is really losing it. Imagine being a fan of his and reading all this.
>I married my spouse when she was 18 which proves I'm not a pedok
No. 711493
File: 1569773341126.jpeg (241.81 KB, 1125x1133, 37F2F5AB-FC3E-454B-A794-6DAB9F…)

And that’s exactly why Greg stopped tweeting when Sarah called him out lol
No. 711495
>>711493oh but you don't need to tell us Greg.
they're all about YOU.
and they're very telling!
No. 711496
>>711480>>711479 &
>>711482"I don't share adult content with minors! Just ask the minor that pledged to my Patreon."
No. 711497
People mostly worry about Cloey having Onision as a father, but I'm starting to get worried about Troy as well.
Old milk, but I recently took a look at Cyr's channel and the video he made with Onision, and holy shit what a sick dynamic.
In all of the skits, Cyr gets abused by Onision - shot countless times, dragged, degraded, you name it. Never the other way around.
In the video where they answer questions, Onision gets upset at Cyr questioning him about his red face, and actually bloodies Cyr's lip by snapping an elastic band at him.
All of this shows it's not only women that are targets of his abusive dominating tendencies. He targets anyone vulnerable. Cyr is one of those, and went on to date another psycho who would exploit him, Dasha.
It is obvious that a lot of Onision's desire to dominate Cyr comes from envy. Imagine just how envious he will be of his son and his youth. Plus his son is bound to have a bigger dick than him. He will want to destroy that boy and his self-worth.
No. 711507
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greg follow back on twitter and likes all of her replies to him and she has bright dyed hair kek i wonder if she's his new target
No. 711514
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>>711436You're wrong about that. Here a caps from Patreon's Community Guidelines that Grepedo and Foot have broken.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 711516
>>711476Hate to break it to you but shitting on onision isn't therapy for your shitty ex.
Seek help and stop projecting.
No. 711517
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I’m in awe, they really come out of the woodworks ehhh?
No. 711518
>>711510He won't pick a girl from Twitter, there's too many catfishes there now for him to risk it.
He (or more likely Lainey) will pick their new pray from one of those kid's apps like Snapchat or Tellonym or something like that where people don't know their history.
No. 711520
>>711510the people greg and footface pick are all skanks anyway, i truly couldn't give a shit less who they chain up in their basement.
its greg's only good comedy.
No. 711521
>>711519Yep they did. It gets worse since Maya and billie confirmed kid has autism (they're loose lipped) and Greg is cruel to him when playing video games
Kid is already known to be aggressive to his sister too
No. 711525
>>711485Yeah more like you don't want any homegrown jailbait because then they could share jurisdiction with you right fuckwit? Plus how are you going to flex your Patreon shekels to your
victims if you don't cover their airfare?
No. 711527
File: 1569776756654.png (Spoiler Image,788.36 KB, 946x1200, df.png)

>>711507Maybe. Could be a god-tier honey trap though.
>>711516>shitty ex>no, YOU are rape apologist!>shitting on me = shitting on onision>thinks it's okay that anons said having sex with people who said "no" = rape? clearly mentally ill Psychological swing and a miss, kek.
No. 711530
>>711524>Maya said Trot pushed Clot off a couch.That was Sam lol
There’s so many girls involved that not not even farmers can get the small details right.
No. 711532
>>711507I've seen her before on his Twitter and have always tinfoiled that she's long con undercover as she looks around 22-30ish (old enough to not be fooled by Grugly's transparent manipulation attempts) and too beautiful to be a part of his circle of adult fat/insane/mentally deranged paypig gals.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 711533
>>711529Could certainly be, but that raises another question: why does he have 8+ selfies, that clear a reverse image search, of a young-looking girl? That would suggest she's someone he knows IRL.
>>711532Not ruling anything out, but I'm very much leaning towards this tinfoil. Almost everything about her account is Greg-centered.
No. 711534
>>711533There are ways to get pictures around the reverse image searches, but Greg is definitely too stupid too figure that out and he uses crApple hardware.
Those pictures could have come from anywhere and maybe even from a site that hasn't been indexed by Google, or one of those "tease"-websites from behind a paywall. I wouldn't put it past Greg to be signed up for one or more of those, specially with his attraction to young girls.
No. 711537
>>711517Sage, because I do think some girls even seeing all this shit will still try to get a few remaining Onion bux out of 'dating' him. I can understand immature girls thinking teehee it's not thst serious but he's more than capable of fucking everything up that's handed to him.
Onion will always be a predator and now he'll always be called out on it. He can narc rage all the live long day about not being a liar or being a criminal but more than enough people know the FAX
No. 711543
>>711482Hilariously untrue.
Out of 500 patreons, at LEAST 70% are obviously teenagers, straight middle schoolers and they obliviously talk about their age all the time out in the open. He would have to ban A LOT of people. He doesn't care, he just wants money/supply.
No. 711545
File: 1569780261513.jpeg (545.43 KB, 828x685, E3A03EFB-73FE-48F6-837A-9912C6…)

>>711507where have we seen this look before?
No. 711549
>>711519Yep. If their kids don't get taken away Taylor will get jealous of Cloey some day. Too bad you can't kick her out of the house, huh Gaylor.
All Clot's going to learn is that her dad and men are above her and she has to do what they tell her without even thinking about speaking up against them. She'll become a spineless woman who'll get mistreated and abused as well.
Taylor is a shitty mother and should be ashamed of herself. She doesn't deserve kids, friends, her family or anyone trying to feel for her.
She's rotten to the core and deserves Greg and everything he does to her.
Same goes for him. He wanted a lapdog ready for sukmi whenever he wants it that doesn't think and treats him like a god. He got the ultimate doormat and he can't even get rid of her if he hits her.
Karma's real and they both scored big time with it.
No. 711554
>>711549True, in the beginning, she was a
victim but then she became the exact same trash that Onion is.
No. 711557
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No. 711559
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No. 711567
File: 1569781453254.jpeg (77.01 KB, 564x565, F7BAF5C7-5906-4411-8BE1-1D7ED0…)

Ah. Very nice of you to link these scientific journals.
You sound like a male.
No. 711575
File: 1569782402127.jpeg (65.25 KB, 750x475, 383A2C42-A0CE-4C17-AD71-D05540…)

Remember when Greg showed futa to his underaged fan base?
Pepperidge farms remembers
No. 711578
File: 1569782890956.png (5.07 MB, 2688x1242, D68B6AC2-F40A-4162-8379-85535E…)

He also got creepily excited for this part which clearly shows an underdeveloped girl being molested by a much older man
No. 711581
>>711557Shedding minor credence to the idea she might be a catfishing troll. If so this could be apex kek.
If not then I have no idea how to take that post.
No. 711582
>>711545same eyelashes and highlighter too
Billie skinwalkers are creepy and i think too obvious if trying to catfish him
>>711537it was a lot easier to catfish him in the day, he used to respond to any and all bright haired girls that would compliment him enough, but he's a lot more suspicious now and convinced everyone is an undercover hatuuurrrr REEEE
No. 711600
File: 1569786406932.png (23.33 KB, 545x257, danny2.png)

>>711593she's been tweeting at him for awhile
No. 711603
File: 1569786433725.jpeg (617.54 KB, 1125x1789, DFBECE7D-9DB7-4EDE-AD6D-05E6E6…)

No. 711605
if that doesn't prove its his own sock puppet, i don't know what does.
No. 711608
File: 1569786679123.png (12.6 KB, 489x214, danny3.png)

>>711605idk I think they talk to some extent
No. 711610
>>711608I think this "new girl" is a tad too convenient to be popping in now. Its a distraction from the accusations and "her age" is also way too convenient.
It could even be Lainey posing as this girl and them just posting back and forth.
Think about it, its all way too convenient.
Don't let them distract from the accusations.
No. 711614
File: 1569787326549.jpeg (343.3 KB, 828x929, 98D15E98-EDD5-45DB-A958-D45BDC…)

>>711600yeah, who the hell is this because it’s not a human
No. 711615
File: 1569787350186.jpeg (346.64 KB, 828x1008, 3FBE39C7-228C-4D63-B5B5-1FC192…)

>>711614Another. This sounds like Gurgles.
No. 711619
File: 1569787451752.jpeg (455.32 KB, 828x1322, 5BD4AE8E-7AAB-464C-B91B-FE45FF…)

no one threatened your dog, weirdo.(Off-topic)
No. 711621
>>711614See? They are even saying the exact same shit Greg has been posting on 4chan, claiming they never aged, are a vampire, blablabla
>>711615I for one am positive its more Greg LARPing, trying desperately to distract from the accusations. Has he even sperged out like he did yesterday, today? I bet he has not sperged out since this girl magically popped up.
Also, don't be fooled that that account is from december last year. Greg has a LOT of sock puppets, especially on twitter.
I recommend someone do some digging in to the history of this particular account.
No. 711625
>>711624That raises 3 questions:
1. Whats her name on his patreon?
2. Has any fellow patreon seen her there?
3. Has she ever voice chatted with Greg? And are there recordings of this?
No. 711635
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>>711630i'd laugh my ass off
No. 711636
File: 1569789474758.png (2.62 MB, 2967x1752, fakes.png)

>>711545>>711507pretty sure the hair has been photoshopped badly (possibly to match billies which makes it weird af if this actually is greg)
No. 711638
File: 1569789849167.png (261.05 KB, 495x335, billie.png)

>>711636she's a skinwalker
No. 711639
>>711636Thats also the reason those images can't be reverse googled or tineye'd, because they're edited.
I don't want to get peoples hopes up but it would be glorious if she was a troll catfishing Greg and Lainey..
That could explain the constant flattery.
I'm still going with that its Greg and Lainey LARPing though, to distract from the huge mess they're in and to "prove they do talk to adults".
No. 711642
File: 1569790292433.png (3.13 MB, 1932x2184, photoshop.png)

>>711639>>711636All I did was darken the image, and yup, she 100% photoshopped her hair to match Billie.
It's either A) an Onision fan trying to skinwalk Billie. She even tweeted at Billie
>>711638 in between constantly complimenting Greg or B) a troll
No. 711649
File: 1569790819978.png (267.39 KB, 486x319, danny.png)

>>711644it'd be way funnier to me if it wasn't a troll, and it was a real fan that photoshops her hair to match billie's to get greg's attention
she got the photoshopped pink on her shirt lmao
if you scroll down to the beginning she wasn't alt at all in the beginning
i think her septum is fake too looool
No. 711650
File: 1569790895479.jpeg (810.59 KB, 1125x1530, 952E0B05-DE5B-450F-8A14-DF2611…)

>>711619Skye lends her sympathy topkek
I think she’s partially on the anti-Onion crusade for petty revenge tbh, anything to shit on her ex-husband amirite? No. 711653
>>711652Christ. Maybe it wasn't that far fetched, look at all the dumbasses painting their hair in goofy colors to appease their cuck king..
Good grief.
Losing faith in humanity here.
No. 711655
>>711650Maybe she just really cares about her pets and wants them to be protected, just as Repzion does. It's no secret that Greg would have let the cats starved to death, given them away or used them as a literal punching bag because they were Skye's.
That's not shitting on an ex, anon, but taking care of your pets and being caring.
No. 711662
File: 1569793069759.png (233.57 KB, 988x428, highl.png)

>>711661i circled it in black on the right, you'll have to zoom into see
but do you see how there is pink highlight on the white lines on her shirt?
No. 711670
File: 1569794015503.jpeg (646.17 KB, 1242x1897, F75C9B53-0EB4-4D47-B549-E9C7C6…)

>>711627Her insta is fizzyturtle44 but it looks like a sock. No personal friend interactions. Her first post was December too
No. 711673
File: 1569794129827.png (21.54 KB, 651x290, 111.png)

honestly i don't think that it's that deep when it comes to her hair, a skin walker is a skin walker, but supposedly it's dyed
No. 711674
File: 1569794175763.jpeg (483.31 KB, 754x569, B9FCF6D3-65B0-4A3C-A414-8F9637…)

>>711666Bc she shooped herself to resemble Greg’s dream waifu. Either she’s a weirdo fan (which means we shouldn’t bother talking about her) or Greg/Lainey are psychotic enough to take some random chick’s photo and edit it to look like their ex from years ago who they terrorized. I was looking through her twitter earlier and she tweeted the exact hair dyes that she used and it’s the same ones B always posts about (AF Virgin Pink) I’m leaning toward troll trying to get Greg’s attention or just a random pretty girl who really, really wants Grepedo to pick her for some reason.
No. 711676
>>711662You're right, she shopped it half pink to skinwalk B and bait Onion's attention.
>>711645Relatively. There is a gap of posting between Jan and May, after that it's consistent again. Mostly retweets….and 90% of her replies are to Onion. I don't think it's a sock but I DO think it's a honeypot.
No. 711681
File: 1569794664113.png (325.67 KB, 1080x1724, Screenshot_20190930-080243~2.p…)

>>711672lol she follows a bunch of socks. she's definitely either a troll or long term sock.
No. 711682
>>711670lol she likes a bunch of billie's pictures!!!
poor girl is getting skinwalked even in 2019
No. 711683
>>711655Oh I understand where’s she’s coming from, it’s just something feels slightly off but it’s best to just let it ride for now.
>>711658No lol bite me faggot
No. 711705
File: 1569799573438.png (17.37 KB, 496x192, sad onion boi.png)

emo onion
No. 711709
File: 1569801170119.jpeg (186.5 KB, 1242x842, D1040FFE-EE19-40A0-A169-DA8046…)

>>711705More pointless tweets
No. 711728
>>711722She’s been silent.
No. 711729
File: 1569804610735.jpeg (440.54 KB, 828x1403, D7B75C12-B448-4FEE-B08F-8658D9…)

>>711728get help, Sophia
>>711744a. ppl will always demonize women
b. its onion
No. 711750
File: 1569807032334.jpg (69.8 KB, 720x377, inCollage_20190929_222715827~2…)

It's the exact same shirt Billie wore in a video, there's no doubt she's skinwalking That girl is deranged
No. 711756
>>711729Cow tipping yes, but she’s not wrong, lol. Onion stans are almost as stupid as he is.
>>711722Last update was that it’s still up, but private. No clue if she’s posting anything, I doubt it, though. She’s going full hermit until this blows over because she knows she won’t have any support.
No. 711758
>>711610>Don't let them distract from the accusations.>>711621>I am positive its more Greg LARPing, trying desperately to distract from the accusations.Agreed. I don't think she's relevant to what's important. She comes off as another ploy to distract and tinfoil's about her have shit up the thread. Belongs in /snow.
>>711650Skye never struck me as petty. Also, she's not the cow here, Onision is.
No. 711760
>>711493Almost can't wait for him to start sperging again so Sarah can go boss mode and put him in his place for the 100th time.
>>711497Both of those kids have my sympathy because both of their parents belong in a mental institution.
No. 711764
>>711436>Creators disappearing and withholding content on Patreon isn't actually against their TOS for some reason.Yes but the Onion's have still broken several TOS guidelines yet are allowed to remain on the platform:
>>711514>>711515 >>711437>like all other platforms, they just arbitrarily choose who they'll keep and why.These major platforms have proven time and again that their TOS is meaningless. It's literally there for show or to give an air of legitimacy/fairness. The people that own and run these platforms are walking cancer.
No. 711766
>>711468>Tl;Dr no he did not fool YouTube, they've been actively suppressing him all this time.Cool but, is there a reason why he's allowed to stay on the platform after everything he's done? He's only been abusing the copyright system for years (that was never a secret). If YouTube were actually "keeping an eye on him", they'd have picked up on that years ago. He uploaded that disgusting "Julia" vid that involves him pretending to drug, torture and murder a girl over several days, does that no go against YouTube's TOS? And yet, it's still up last I checked. Onision was flagged along with a lot of other people back then, most of whom made content not even remotely similar to his. The point is, if the people that run youtube were actually doing their fucking due diligence, Onision's channels would've been terminated
yesterday. All this wait n' see what he does next bullshit is a waste of time because we already know what he's going to do. He's a predator.
No. 711768
>>711619What Greg did is fucking horrific, so I'm not surprised. I think seeing the girls Greg abused, how vulnerable they were, and getting into the excruciating details of it all subconsciously
triggered the protective feelings he has for his animals. Reading about what he did to Sh summoned homicidal feelings in myself, and I don't consider myself a violent person in the least.
Kudos to Daniel for maintaining his composure in his video for the most part.
No. 711774
>>711769>Youtube puts a predator on the back burnerSounds like something they'd do. It's pretty much established that these companies arbitrarily pick and choose who gets to stay on their platforms. There's little to no consistency in how they enforce their (purposely) vaguely worded rules. They're constantly trying to silence people for discussing so called controversial topics, removing channels for trivial offenses, meanwhile a predator only gets demonetized or minimized in the algorithm?
Like anon said
>>711764>The people that own and run these platforms are walking cancer. No. 711791
>>711435>YouTube actually has punished Grease.More like his content is shit and no one watches it. Like yt would actually lift a finger.
>People have been banned from Patreon for so much lessThis exact same thing applies to YT. With twitter, it goes against their TOS for a verified account to be privated. People have been bringing this to twitters attention only to be met with silence. If Grub isn't being protected he sure isn't being held accountable by any of the retards running these platforms who let's not forget, have rendered consequences to people for far less than what Grunt has done.
No. 711792
>>711233This made me think. Wouldn't Grugly still get in trouble for participating in the grooming even though Kainey was the one who sent the nudes? I feel like even if she gets charged with something so will Grugs from having a questionable history and as well as having sex with Sarah. He's closely linked to the whole situation just from being a spouse. Also we all know Kainey would throw him under the bus and probably blame him.
Kind of like how even though Manson didn't directly kill anyone, he still was jailed for encouraging/orchestrating his followers to kill people.
No. 711793
>>711393There was HSanon from that Someguy interview who said Tami would essentially rescue Greg from all the trouble he got himself into. Because of her, he never suffered any real consequences. It's easy to believe that crazy Tami was constantly bailing him out of shit.
>>711394>he's an idiot who has never face repercussions.Everything we've seen of his behavior indicates that this is true. It's why he keeps believing he can get away with it.
No. 711795
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No. 711798
File: 1569816648328.png (272.98 KB, 2106x832, state.png)

>>711792>I feel like even if she gets charged with something so will GrugsAlmost certainly. He can't credibly claim ignorance to her crimes, and he tries to publically shut down talk of them (18 U.S. Code § 3.) The Homolka case gets thrown around a lot here, but it won't help Greg's case that Lame's a feminine-looking woman.
Pic related is a stretch, but whatever.
No. 711802
>>711417>In terms of the length of time it takes from committing a crime to seeing trial, I wouldn't be so sure about that.Once you're charged there is something known as the right to a speedy trial. At any rate, Sarah brought this to the attention of authorities years ago and nothing came of it, which is difficult to fathom considering Lainey "I'm grooming you nicely" Avaroe and all the shit she was known
publicly to be doing at the time. Most people saw this coming a mile away. Sarah being victimized at 18 could've been avoided had someone in the system done their job properly in the first place. Letting multiple
victims pile up before something gets done isn't justice.
No. 711804
>>711800He takes a Sarah drink
He takes a Billie drink
Ayalla reminds him of the best times
Skye reminds him of the good times
No. 711807
>>711466>>711475>This isn't some sort of grand conspiracy.That's beside the point. It's not unreasonable to question why a known predator who's been reported so many times has escaped accountability for this long. Sarah reported the Avaroes years ago, authorities had plenty to go on back then. How many systemic failures need to happen before a confirmed predator sees consequences? If his survivors didn't fight back he'd be preying on more girls as I type this. Conspiracy or not, I do know apathy and incompetence when I see it.
The guy capped in this post
>>711317made some
valid points about LE in particular.
No. 711808
>>711801Accidentally pressed "reply" instead of "browse" because I'm an idiot, so now it's
>>711798. But yes, exactly.
>>711802>Once you're charged there is something known as the right to a speedy trialHence:
>>711417>In terms of the length of time it takes from committing a crime to seeing trial>committing a crime
>Letting multiple victims pile up before something gets done isn't justice.Could not agree more.
No. 711809
>>711804Ohhh Kainey Boy
Kainey Boy
Kainey Boy
>>711806It's his whole "oh no I'm in trouble better fake it til I make it so my 5 patrons don't leave" routine, dude is in crisis. It's too bad footwife doesn't tweet anymore, she always shows the cracks even when Onion is pretending everything is fine.
No. 711813
>>711810>>711811 now I'm guessing?
Preaching to the choir here. Really spelling it out in
>>711476 made some anons ultramad though. Not that any of us should have to practically blog on here to avoid either a.) angering lawfags or b.) angering
victims' advocates.
No. 711816
>>711795Oh, he LURKIN’ lurkin’.
Getting cocky won’t conceal the fact that you’re losing it, big ol’ waterhead.
No. 711817
>>710765>Schmidt and Brin give me the creeps.Schmidt's a Bilderberg member/attendee (deciding public policy in private FTW). Don't know about Brin, but seeing as he is president of literal cancer it wouldn't surprise me if he were also a member.
>>711465>What always stuck out to me was that he had several houses>These houses where away from his spouses / girlfriends>What has he been doing there, besides filmingDefinitely. I remember being suspicious back then. Knowing his penchant for trying to cover his tracks, I can only imagine what went down on those properties.
No. 711827
File: 1569821245670.gif (829.51 KB, 450x254, giphy (2).gif)

You know an awful lot for a third party.
No. 711828
>>711821Don’t you hate it when it smells like dirty dishes, regret and onions here?
>>711824It’s probably not him but some dumb teen he uses like Sarah did before whoever this is
>They found nothing. But you know what they did find?-a pile of mess
-unpaid bills to the IRS
-an unhappy wife
-2 kids that need mental help
-a grown man child soon to be in his 40s with the penis development of his target audience.
No. 711831
>>711830I wonder what B was gonna be before Jimmy boy deleted it.
Billie, probably.
No. 711840
>>711837>Greg can’t spell BeijingIt's surprising he can spell his own name. I've never seen an adult man as illiterate as he is.
>>711817His long list of properties (or former properties) might be something the IRS would be interested in. I hope an audit is in his near future.
No. 711847
>>711774To be fair, they acted over his bullying of Eugenia, it was definitive and without warning or a chance for him respond to them, and the change has been longterm. I doubt they know anything else about his life at this point.
>>711845This clogs the thread and ends it sooner.
No. 711850
>>711847>they acted over his bullying of EugeniaIf that were true, then why in the video Jaclyn just made denouncing Greg
>>711035does she say that despite her pleading with him to stop making vids on EC (because she was afraid it would get in the way of getting her help) he wouldn't?
Eugenia's friends on youtube took action to stop Greg, not youtube the company. All these platforms ever do is pass the buck.
No. 711861
>>711095Catching up after the weekend, sage for necro
Manson was incredibly learned
Manson had charisma
Manson, even with a swastika tattoo slapped on his forehead would have got more speed dates than the cave fiend
No. 711871
>>711852Was hoping for more of an orc edit
>>711270>>711281but this will do.
No. 711891
>>711869samefag but I know from editing that he uses every soft lighting filter he can. This also makes the pimples invisible but if you sharpen any picture of him they will show up.
>>711871lol he already looks like an orc
>>711874Being a raging narcissist.
No. 711896
>>711807Are you the Anon who keeps posting that Sarah went to the authorities years ago regarding Gurt and Foot? Because I'm not at all aware of that, and can confidently say that she most certainly did not. Are you confusing her with someone else?
Sarah was groomed and manipulated and as a result, she lied for and about them for years despite how gross she felt doing it. There's no way Grugly and the Gruglettes would have allowed her to remain in their lives after going to the authorities. Beyond that, I can't imagine she would even want to go back to the Swamp Trailer if things were bad enough for her to go to the police.
(Posted by Raven Sparks. Click for more info.)
No. 711907
>>711893Yes and no. Madison claims they were close in proximity but not cuddling. Which I doubt they
weren’t cuddling. Madison should have known something was up when Sarah asked her about the age of consent in Washington imo.
No. 711916
>>710892>>710894>>710895>>710896Actually speechless. He realises these captions make him look desperate as hell, right?
A 30 something year old man posting topless photos of his mediocre body while ensuring them that he's
tallIt's so desperate, it almost reads like a Vicky Shingles post where she describes every thing she's wearing or doing with some weird excuse.
Shit like
my eyes look dark here but in real life they are super icyWho the fuck cares?
A tall person doesn't go on constantly about how tall they are unless it's an insecurity or they are trying to compensate. And Gregory James is doing the latter.
No. 711917
>>711915Hmm, really DOES get me thinking now?
Face it, the only one you're fooling is urself Shrek, you better check yourself because if you don't hurry up you miiiiight get devoured by an Apex Predator with a grudge to settle.
No. 711918
>>711909Pretty sure this is just the KF guy trying to get a rise out of us; a while back a certain histrionic regular was bragging about getting lolcow anons to believe random shit he injected into the threads (only half-true, most of the fake rumors almost immediately if not immediately fell flat), and he recently seems to have flounced from KF, so he's probably spending all of that NEET free time trying to mess with us until he gets bored and comes crawling back to KF.
Not taking the bait would help in the meantime
No. 711919
>>711914Kainey is a terrible liar and does not handle pressure. Her last YouNow livestreams were when the allegations of grooming were first coming out and Kai would claim one thing then Onion would do a livestreams contradict her and claim another. They are two retards, I'm positive this is why Kai has not allowed to be on sm, her discord or streaming. Onion knows she always slips out shit, she's probably so deluded she doesn't even realise what is incriminating. They're both spastics but James is more self aware when it comes to the business of preying on vulnerable women.
If either of them had to make statements they'd both get heat. Kai wouldn't intentionally throw him under the bus but she probably implicate him without even realising. And regardless, Greg has had contact with every woman that is brought to the home. He'd have to make statements if it was even just Kai being investigated. He'd fucking implicate himself in a statement, that's probably why he never turned up to his court date for his divorce with Skye. He has no actual communication skills. He thinks he's smarter than his teenage viewers simply because he has existed for more decades than them, he knows he's thick as fuck when dealing with a competent professional.