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No. 71395
Victoria Campbell.
Tumblr: photoshops herself to hell and back, has a sleeve of portraits of serial killers on her arms so everyone is reminded that she has quirky interests, makes shitty jewelry and sells it to idiots for $40+ and is generally obnoxious. She lives in a cottage by herself that her parents pay for, has no job, is receiving a disability pension for her "mental health issues" and posts online about how sad and depressed she is all of the time.
No. 71398
File: 1427702932581.jpg (104.6 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nigi1pQv3l1tktmygo1_128…)
She photoshops her massive chin shorter.
No. 71399
File: 1427703077899.jpg (240.24 KB, 618x419, wow.jpg)
photoshops her ass off for some reason
No. 71400
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She had gastric lap-band surgery, photo on the left is her before surgery.
No. 71401
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She looks like a drag queen.
No. 71402
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one of very edgy tattoos.
No. 71404
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Imagine have this monstrosity on your arm for the rest of your life and having to explain it to anyone that sees it.
No. 71405
File: 1427703350231.jpg (392.5 KB, 384x596, tattoos.jpg)
Her reason for getting a whole bunch of serial killers on her body.
No. 71406
File: 1427703412978.jpg (102.08 KB, 341x538, tumblr_nktyrynasz1tktmygo2_400…)
She photoshops candids with other people and gets them all to upload her photoshopped version.
No. 71409
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Girl is such a mess.
No. 71425
File: 1427705111580.jpg (60.35 KB, 500x500, shittytattoos.jpg)
>>71420i agree, even if they were well-done it's still just a bunch of gross old dudes on her arm.
No. 71434
>>71425This is so fucking stupid I can't even. Not only are the tattoos themselves of ugly guy, but who would ever take her seriously with a bunch of serial killers on her goddamn arm? Her rationale for getting them makes no sense either, why not just get a bunch of books? At least that isn't offensive to people.
Bitches who get off to serial killers and try to act edgy by liking them really annoy me. Any serial killer stuff on tumblr is full of girls who try to look hardcore by pretending to want to fuck serial killers who have been dead for decades now. It's ridiculously pathetic.
No. 71567
File: 1427729121359.jpg (62.04 KB, 500x667, jfc.jpg)
her friends must hate her to not tell her how shitty her make up looks
No. 71583
>>71425I'm not one to wish bad things on people, but how crazy would it be if this bitch got caught up in something bad and ended up being a victim to the things she glorifies so much?
Honestly, i have no sympathy for someone to incredibly disrespectful for the people who suffered because of these vile pieces of shit.
No. 71707
>>71583That's how I feel.
>>71625Maybe she was already presenting with health issues? I find it strange too, supposedly they aren't supposed to do it for people who are merely overweight or slightly obese, which she looked to be. I think they are starting to do it more often to try to curb obesity rates but even then, she was so young it seems strange to me. Then again I think if her parents were willing to pony up the money maybe she was allowed?
No. 73665
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No. 73732
File: 1427930703240.jpg (45.48 KB, 494x92, yourhairsux.jpg)
you think after spending three hours curling your hair it might look semi-okay.
No. 73741
File: 1427930986170.jpg (82.1 KB, 496x146, yeahokay.jpg)
it's very cool and trendy to have a personality disorder, but boy, three personality disorders? this girl must be like a shiny pokemon or something, so unique, so special.
No. 73876
>>72088thats not what she's going for at all though
she looks like she's trying to make her face slimmer with contouring and doesn't know how to blend, kinda like Belinda
No. 73972
>>73934I'm dying.
God ✞ people can be fucking dumb.
No. 74003
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No. 74004
File: 1427973118283.jpg (212.89 KB, 500x734, JmlImNg.jpg)
Homegirl could benefit from photoshop lessons
No. 74080
>>74034As if she knows who these two are….
I get the Gein tattoo, I even get the Manson, but why Dahmer, that corpse fucking faggot? Like how does a straight girl identify with him?
No. 74087
>>74023Eh not defending this girl but I openly state I'm antisocial.
Not to be 2edgy5u, but so people understand that when I'm refusing to spend time/have long convos with them it's not because I dislike them.
I just hate socializing, couldn't tell you why. Always feels like I'm wasting my time, I'd rather sit alone watching paint dry.
Not to say this girl isn't just using it for edgelord status, I just don't think its so weird to tell people.
No. 74090
>>74087Sorry, realized you may have meant it as in "why would you proudly state you have antisocial personality disorder", which is obviously a bit different.
you can disregard my post, im a total derp
No. 74550
File: 1428034546248.jpg (66.95 KB, 500x143, wawhwahwahwah.jpg)
no one's saying you should die, just that your tattoos and personality suck and you're not a special snowflake because you have depression masked as three personality disorders.
No. 74552
File: 1428034670493.jpg (103.21 KB, 400x595, tumblr_nm6ullIBco1tktmygo1_400…)
juny-business posted this photo and i'm stealing it to put here. victoria posted a series of videos to "her haters" claiming she looks exactly the same in her videos as her pictures and doesn't photoshop herself "that much" LOL
No. 74553
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her lips look so bad. photo on the left is from her video to her ~*~HATERS*~*~*
No. 74573
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old photo.
No. 74574
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>>74571I didn't say exactly, but in comparison to the majority of the other cows here, she looks the most like her shoops
No. 74575
>>74550>implying anyone would make an entire forum dedicated to herkek.
anyways, calling her fake isn't bullying, that's just the truth. she photoshops herself anorexic, she slathers on ten pounds of makeup for every selfie, she's self-diagnosed with three different special snowflake mental disorders, her fashion sense is a bad hodgepodge of every goff tumblr-trend she can glom onto…
when I look at this girl, all I can see is a desperate big and beautiful chick who probably thirsted for attention from her peers for years.
But rather than shed the weight through actual effort, she opted for surgery like the weak-willed basic bitch she is.
now that she's got their attention–oh, but only with the aid of photoshop, war paint, ~edgy~ costumes and extensions–she thinks she's the new and improved Felice Fawn, deserving all the adulation that her 14-year-old fanbase can muster. Her ego could be compared to an enormous soap bubble, fragile enough to be popped with the most miniscule effort despite its improbable size.
vicky, little dove, I'm sure you'll read this at some point: you're nobody special. just another plain jane shrieking for attention.
if you weren't such a tryhard, you wouldn't even have a thread here. but you probably secretly love this, don't you? an entire gossipy mob you get to listen in on, a conversation revolving around ~you~. plus, even better!! you get to brag about it for sympathy points. I bet even now, some gullible babybat is writing you an message along the lines of: 'gosh how terrible! what bullies! you poor brave martyred sensitive soul'
and you eat that kind of shit up like it's a substitute for the calorie-laden treats that made you a whale in the first place.
what the hell does this girl do to even live off of? is she a welfare leech? does she mooch off a boyfriend or something? spoon-feed me, I have no desire to waste my time researching this insufferable cunt.
No. 74576
>>74574she really looks so much prettier without shooping
i wouldnt even shoop if i was her, her body isnt that bad and her face looks super pretty there (w/o makeup, not so much)
she can avoid all this namecalling
No. 74591
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No. 74606
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No. 74607
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No. 74650
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Wow, her blog is a goldmine.
No. 74663
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No. 74664
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No. 74665
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No. 74666
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contradicting her other reply for getting serial killers tattooed on herself. tbh i think she got them tattooed on her because she wanted to be edgy. once everyone told her fucked it up was, she started regretting her decision and began grasping at straws to try and find any sort of reason to justify getting such a shit thing tattooed on her body.
No. 74667
File: 1428056023822.jpg (110.48 KB, 513x155, whatagoodidea.jpg)
No. 74668
File: 1428056578915.jpg (69.83 KB, 502x94, givememoney.jpg)
she has a gofundme page set up six months ago, asking for money so she could go on some holiday to europe. this is what she posted:
"Hi guys,
So… i’ve set up a gofundme page for my trip to Europe.
Obviously it is totally up to you whether you want to donate.
I don’t mind whether you do or you don’t… I’m not forcing anyone nor do i expect anyone. This is purely a “fuck it, i may aswell try” kind of thing…
I understand there are so many other people in the world who deserve your money more than i do. Trust me, i understand.
And before you judge me, maybe open your minds and read what i have to say.
I’m adding the link to my description and i’m posting it here.
If i end up raising enough, i will be going to Sweden, Norway and over to London (plus other places around). But predominantly Sweden… as its my dream place and i really am visiting to decide whether to move there or not.
anyway, i’m ranting… "
she ended up raising $69 before she cashed the cheque and hasn't posted anything about wanting to go to europe since.
No. 74703
>>74666Oh my god. What. So she's comparing Albert Fish raping and chopping up little children and eating them and then sending letters to their parents describing how delicious their children's buttocks were.. to sitting on the internet?
This girl is a literal piece of shit. Oh my god.
No. 74761
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>hundreds of enemies
No. 74794
>>74761maybe if you have hundreds of enemies and people who hate you, you should start examining your own behavior more critically…
Hundreds of people are not going to single out and persecute an individual for no fucking reason. that's a red flag signifying that she ought to start reconsidering her behavior.
'I can't change myself' is different from 'I refuse to change myself', and the fact that she doesn't see a difference just shows what a self-indulgent brat she is. if you're fucking twenty-one, you're an adult. you don't have an excuse to act like a whiny teenager anymore.
No. 74799
>>74761To be honest, I agree with this. She shouldnt change if she doesnt want to and is of no physical harm to herself or others. Yeah, the shit she's spewing is immature but so is 99% of tumblr. Who gives a shit if she photoshops or got skinny via surgery.
People like ashley are deserving of a thread, if only so we're able to get her help. People like scamanda are deserving of a thread, because her tard antics have let her get away with scamming. Even someone like kiki is fairly lolcow justified.
this girl is just any other tumblr girl. Nothing extra specially lolcow. I wouldn't be surprised if this thread was being fueled largely by one or two anons, considering the oddly fast posting rate compared to the norm for this board or other threads.
honestly, despite that they're much more extreme, at least cow comes up with consistent, usually lol worthy milk. This board recently has been nothing but grasping at straws.
Pt has been overtaken by a bunch of catty teenagers, not catty bitches. We need to stop supporting this shittier content and promote the real lols, even if it leaves us a bit dry from time to time.
No. 74839
>>74832Yeah, so she's 2edgy5u, so is the rest of tumbles. I don't see how she's any better or worse than most of tumblr. Why give her, her own thread? There's not enough good content. She might as well be in the tumblr general threads.
>>74816You're one of the faggots whose been samefagging this thread
No. 74846
>>74839most of tumblr isn't this fucking ridiculous
(and if they are, they're in the tumblr-thread already)
idk if you've never browsed the site before or if you're just used to following attention whores, but stop trying to excuse her behavior with 'but everybody does it!'
this cow's given me some hearty lulz, if it's not the same for you then spend your time in a different thread.
No. 74984
>>74577I like how you can literally see the wrinkles in her forehead behind that giant tacky jewelry piece from tensing her brows so hard.
I think that's the only reason she wears that stupid thing, just to hide her smizing lines.
She's going to age so hard.
No. 75351
>>75315It's her features. She has a harsh face and it often looks tranvestite-y with so McGee makeup.
The video is not playing for me! :( does anyone where or how can I watch it?
No. 89317
File: 1430108998295.jpg (243.37 KB, 750x1144, image.jpg)
Terrible shopping skills
No. 89338
>>89330They're all inexcusable. She thinks she's being edgy, but she's a piece of trash.
(indenfensible isn't a word, mate)
No. 89368
>>89337Didn't even see the Albert Fish one lmao. Child cannibal, jfc. I remember when I had a phase where I was fascinated by serial killers, I watched documentaries on loads of them, and I think Albert Fish was only 1 of 3 that actually made me feel physically sick.
Idk who this bitch is, I'm just passing by, but she looks and sounds like Felice on crack and overdrive.
No. 89663
File: 1430172844556.gif (52.42 KB, 320x240, 1427610520850.gif)
>>71399Who the FUCK dresses like that in public?!
No. 102005
>>89317hahaha i love how her real hair is ony like 3 inches long and the rest is just shitty 36 inch extensions
i wonder how much that ratty weave cost her. $450?
fat, crazy cunt.
No. 104114
File: 1431957243626.jpg (50.94 KB, 640x408, image.jpg)
She's so edgy she'll start tattooing natural disasters
No. 104115
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This shit, also. 13 year old mentality.
No. 104126
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>>71425Pleb tier. Bet she doesn't even know what Charlie was.
Ed Gein is only interesting because of the letters to the parents,and the needles in his groin.
Chikatilo would obv be the best tattoo.
No. 132964
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Has anyone been able to see how trashed her hair is in person ? And not her extensions but her actual hair!
No. 132974
File: 1436169347010.jpg (97.87 KB, 640x897, image.jpg)
Her natural hair is quite short and clearly very damaged. She's so infatuated with long hair she surely would grow it longer if she could.
No. 135501
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Her parents got her a new car today
No. 135502
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doesn't work because depression. (Not sure) gets government money Bc depression.
Her old car needed 5k for a fix. Daddy just spent a lot more than that on a brand new car.
Bitch. I couldn't even drive Bc of my depression/anxiety. FFS
No. 136763
>>135686what does receiving govt. benefits for mental illness have to do with your ability to drive?? Why would it be unsafe for her to drive? I have depression, but I can drive just fine, so can many others.
>>135686she isn't living off her jewellery funds, its just a tiny little etsy store that wouldn't even be making $100 a week. and she'd be earning under the tax threshold.
No. 136798
>>136544You pretty much nailed it. I live on a dsp for pdd-nos, BPD and gad, I can drive if I'm not panicking or over-stimulated. I'm also not a leech for requiring financial assistance while I'm working on becoming as functional and employable as possible.
Tl;dr yes you're a cunt. Go apologize to your mother for it.
No. 137166
File: 1436828054983.jpg (55.42 KB, 412x604, viico.jpg)
>>136090 Pretty sure Victoria knows how to spell her own last name…. "cambell"? LOL. this is just some dumb fan collecting all of the photos she's ever uploaded to the internet, it's been up for ages.
No. 137174
File: 1436829230514.jpg (184.62 KB, 813x1147, boom.jpg)
>>137171The problem with theproserpina is that she has almost ZERO life experience and still wallows in self-pity all day. I understand mental illness is hard but she hasn't even TRIED to take part on normal functioning society. she's never lived in a share house or had a job like most people her age. she hasn't even given it a shot. she just mooches off her parents since highschool with the excuse that she is "running a business" - her tacky ass pastel goth jewellery business. she is working towards an empty and lonely future.
No. 137220
>>137171Are you actually legitimately retarded OP?
Nobody feels sorry for Victoria's doughy, cellulite riddled ass.
People are calling you a dick and some 2edgy4u tool said the abortion thing to you because you started making generalizations about mentally ill people like some redpill-gobbling lord of the fucknuts. I'm completely serious here every time I tell you to apologise to your mother, you're a ducking embarrassment.
No. 137906
File: 1436931623325.jpg (52.69 KB, 250x355, holyphotoshop.jpg)
can someone explain how she goes from looking like a twig in her selfies, yet that photo of her in the nightclub she is a big chunky girl, thick ass thighs, big booty, the dress is super duper tight around her hips and butt and she obviously has no 'thigh gap'. I mean i know she uses photo shop but i cannot get over how different her body looks from candid photos to the ones she takes and edits herself!
No. 137997
>>137906Goddamn this girl is so boring. The same doofy-faced, PSed-to-hell photos, day in and day out. Felice Fawn's most ridiculous phase pales in comparison to Victoria's self-obsession.
Girl needs to find a hobby not involving selfies. And is there something wrong with her mouth? The way she purses her lips makes her look retarded.
No. 138263
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>>137997Hey Loops look like a fucking joke. if I saw her in person I think I would genuinely burst out laughing, she looks beyond ridiculous. She needs to get out of the house, make some friends in real life and stop acting like a bratty narcissistic MySpace teenager. But that will never happen….her selfies make me cringe, same pose, same obvious PS use.. Keep the lols coming victoria!
No. 140797
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She tried her best to keep the dress in the picture and her knees out of it lol
No. 140855
>>140807>IMVU charactersSpot on.
I think it's supposed to give the illusion of like, 'sultry' deep set, Jessica Rabbit type eyes, kind of like what Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox have.
No. 141123
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No. 147288
>>74264exactly, ugh hate when people just slap themselves with labels.
I had a professor who was an ex-crack addict, did a decade, and is really antisocial. Hysterically enough he taught psych.
I don't understand people who openly flash their disorders in others face. To justify bad behavior? Through careful documenting of symptoms (keep daily journal to self, note mood swings, things that
trigger, what rapid thoughts keep recurring) it is easy to find patterns of ones highs and lows, and hopefully come up with ways to avoid, or healthy coping skills for said problems.
Worked for me, but I don't plan on sitting on the internet, wah wah can't hold a job because I'm [insert flake here]. I feel shame personally, but every mental health illness is a personal struggle (just some people don't seem to struggle for the healthier lifestyle).
No. 147294
>>132975For real? First time my fiance and I got together I had a completely shaved head, and his gorgeous dark brown curls were at the bottom of his shoulder blades. Oh jesus he had gorgeous hair. Granted he's known me for seven years as a friend, and was incredibly respectful not to push boundaries or anything before that. Patience is a virtue.
If she is serious about having histrionic personality, I can see why she would have a hard time getting a partner, or same-sex friends. They want to be center of attention, uncomfortable if not. In relationships they fall into roles of victim or princess, lots of emotional manipulation. Quick to kick a person to the curb for excitement of new relationships. There's also a serious need for instant gratification (hence probably gorged on junk food for emotional comfort, and opted for gastric instead of working out.)
>>132999Needs to try olaplex to repair her hair, since it seems her disability goes mostly to makeup and hair care.
>>135686They normally ask if anyone else pays any of your bills, but some people do lie about this. You can make under so much money and still collect disability (in USA, don't know about AUS). I doubt her shop makes over that in a year.
No. 149925
File: 1438577512851.png (674.68 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-08-02-21-47-38…)
She just posted this and a looooong #love yourself type speech on instagram. I screencapped it if anyone is still interested in her. she also kinda sorta admits to shooping, which is odd considering her response to accusations in the past.
No. 151700
>>150939she bases all her self worth on how many boys have crushes on her. she is CONSTANTLY whining about wanting someone to love her, wanting sex, wanting a boyfriend. shes like a horny 17 yr old. she's stuck in her pathetic highschool mentality because she never did anything after she graduated. while everyone else around her grew up, developed emotionally, etc she was too busy begging for promos on tumblr, so desperate and thirsty for followers. i remember when she first started her blog years ago and she was always asking for promos and shit! Anyway, i hate how she is always bitching about 'ohh i wish someone loved me, wha wha, i want a boy to have cuddles with". it's like lady, youre fucking 21, stop expecting the love of your life to come out of no where and get on with your fucking life. maybe if you stopped whinging online to 70K+ followers about being lonely, and actually left the house you'd meet someone. jesus.
No. 151710
File: 1438749444020.png (3.67 KB, 313x111, image1.PNG)
>>150945such a teenage mentality… "if you don't like what i'm doing you MUST be jealous of me!!!!111" No, people are just calling you out on abusing centrelink and government benefits while your parents pay for your life. girl is gonna get one hell of a shock if and when she ever enters the real world.
No. 151713
File: 1438749489443.png (2.18 KB, 300x75, image2.PNG)
>>151710LOL. might as well just say 'i wish my parents could pay for my rent and food for the rest of my life" thats her idea of 'gypsy' hahah
No. 162316
>>149925>nothing more that I hate than girls wishing they were meOh god the lies chubberpina!
Its all she lives for.
No. 162461
>>74666Because playing videogames means you want to kill people irl.
makes sense right
its not like we play videogames for the story or w/e
No. 162462
>>137906her contour makes her face look anorexic.
it annoys me so much
No. 172274
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This thread could possibly move to snow… Anyways, what is this
No. 172323
File: 1441028827341.jpg (60.62 KB, 528x695, dollchateau.jpg)
>>172278Fuck you faggot. Dollchateau's are skinny and cute as fuck.