File: 1612176253507.png (944.22 KB, 1080x1921, 1611770635168.png)

No. 819453
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>810356Website: (new) BANNED FOREVER
Patreon: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, btsmomokun (formerly xmariahmalladx), the ragdollranch (formerly mariahthecatlady, momoscat),
Camversity: (seems to not exist anymore?)
Pornhub: blog receipts are all outdated as fuck (we're talking like when she got banned from twitter) but here they are if you want them
https://mookunbum.tumblr.com need a tumblr account to view this one since it's an 18+ blog)
No. 819455
In response to one of the last few comments in the previous thread:
>>819411Nothing would change for anyone outside Japan. It would be impossible to enforce internationally. You can have a copyright, but it's only good in the US. You can't stop someone like china from taking your design and reselling it on aliexpress. Because china doesn't have to obey US laws. US would have to agree to abide by these laws for it to be applicable to someone like moo. And I don't foresee something like that happening in the US.
No. 819462
File: 1612181755898.jpeg (1.32 MB, 1242x1708, 01B60E2C-3709-433E-9031-F43E44…)

Reposting this mess from the end of the last thread.
(Also thank you OP for not using that creepy ass melting moo pic. My eyes can only take so much)
No. 819464
>>819462Ah, yes "cosplay"
Seriously, this has gotta be her most low effort "cosplay" yet.
No. 819486
>>819455The US and Japan are signatories to a bunch of international copyright agreements, and actually do mutually enforce copyrights by allowing legal actions to be brought in their countries.
China doesn’t sign on to these agreements, which is why they shit on every country’s copyrights with impunity.
Of course Japan can’t bring criminal charges against Moo in the US, but Japanese copyright holders could sue her in US courts.
No. 819495
>>819462“Mommy look what I drew!”
“Oh hunny that’s a beautiful tree!”
“Mommy it’s a submarine driven by woodchucks!”
“That’s nice dear. Mommy has a headache now”
This is what I hear when I see any of moos “cosplays”
No. 819509
File: 1612203066336.jpg (Spoiler Image,82.17 KB, 853x1280, FLMY53L.jpg)

No. 819511
File: 1612203137502.jpg (Spoiler Image,71.51 KB, 960x642, JkYZaMg.jpg)

white girl salad
No. 819525
File: 1612207441476.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1242x1549, 32FD447C-6ED0-4CE1-B5D1-444E53…)

What was the editor's plan with all the junk above her top lip? She looks like a little kid with a runny nose they won't wipe. Also lol at the shopped hair strand coming out of her nose
No. 819572
File: 1612223728879.jpg (349.79 KB, 1080x1700, IMG_20210201_205350.jpg)

Nice hair
No. 819578
File: 1612230009560.png (2.49 MB, 1800x1141, 44FC082B-0484-44BE-A50F-4E2505…)

>>819527Some nobody named lagoon did the effects for this monstrosity and judging from their portfolio on IG, it’s extremely amateurish. Guess Mariah either burned bridges with legitimate effects artists or this was the only one willing to sacrifice their reputation for that sweet Moo money.
>>819572Good to see girlonthemoonpro still getting work kek
No. 819610
>>819578oh god yeah that lagoon person is ATROCIOUS. Just went through their IG and it's actually embarrassing. Look at those sharp edges lol…
I guess moo really can't get anyone legit.
No. 819611
>>819578sage for unrelated but lagoon is kadu-out's photography page, another cosplayer.
he tries to be unique with his photography but it just ends up looking like someone who watched a few photoshop tutorials. why would you ever edit people as food? weird.
No. 819650
>>819462how the fuck
this looks absolutely terrible, like somoene just took a .png of that red stuff and stuck it over her body
No. 819653
>>819572Nitpick but is her sock pulled up over her legging?
>>819652Yes, she gained weight at an accelerated rate and a lot of fat deposited in her tips. They are usually very pancake-like, which is probably why she is holding them like that in thatvpic, to give the illusion of fullness. In the Pieck Pic, she was wearing a bra that was photoshopped out too, so they would look more round and less like sad droopy flesh sacks.
No. 819691
File: 1612296324292.jpg (27.66 KB, 250x363, 1889058-eb41f8d424d4da8861be25…)

here's some minor milk from Lori (Usagi Kou who has her own threads in /w/)
this is from kiwifarms btw
i mean, lori isn't wrong lol
No. 819725
File: 1612312870540.jpg (312.02 KB, 1080x1526, IMG_20210202_214106.jpg)

No. 819760
File: 1612321910943.jpg (Spoiler Image,419.8 KB, 1080x1913, IMG_20210203_001129.jpg)

Is she unable to do anything by herself ?
No. 819767
>>819760Why would she when she has money?
Seriously though, I’d love to see what she’d do if her OF and Patreon were suddenly nuked. It’d be pretty funny to see her flounder since she has barely any real experience working a normie job and she can’t sew or craft to save her life.
No. 819776
File: 1612327933958.png (4.06 MB, 1105x1800, C20F966E-FC41-4F4D-BC0B-13CE5B…)

Holy shit that sag. Also, the piss poor paint job makes it look like she’s wearing yet another cheap zentai suit.
No. 819780
>>819778She is wearing pasties, they’re stark white on my screen compared to her skin.
I’m honestly not surprised she saw fit to post her floppy tits on TikTok for attention. Even with pasties, how has she not been banned?
No. 819842
>>819776of course she posts her naked cosplay on tiktok with all her teen fans. I don't know how this sex pandering hag hasn't been banned yet.
Also it looks like she got more sculpting on her chin and neck again
>>819777It's baffling how her upper lip deflates and all the fluid just goes above her lip
No. 819852
>>819776This has to be her worst "cosplay" yet. Between the melting face, horrible paint job and botched body… Why not wear a suit? It would look a thousand times better. Wait, she wouldn't be able to one-up Vamps that way. Fucking repulsive looking at those poor saggy pancakes wishing for sweet relief. As others have stated, she's literally done nothing for these cosplays. She pays others to actually create it and then soaks up all the credit.
Each year she gets lazier and lazier with these. Before it was wearing a complete cosplay and taking credit, then only wearing half an outfit and taking credit, now it's… uh? Being naked and somehow still taking credit. Fuck man this is sad
No. 819876
>>819859 He probably didn't like it when farmers started dunking on him last time he worked with Moo.
>>819867Her personality has been vile long before she ever had delusions of cosplay grandeur, as much as she moos about still having Very Important Friends in secret, she nuked a lot of bridges before her social downfall.
No. 819877
>>819867>I've been here since thread 1 andOkay and? A lot of us have been here since this place was just /pt/ and /b/.
>hoping she'd actually try one day and turn her life aroundWas never going to happen because even prior to cosplay she was a piece of shit human being.
>blah blah could've should've would've>maybe she can still salvage what's leftNo and no. Mariah has always been shit and will continue to be shit until she inevitably up and croaks from cardiac arrest.
>>819876Good. He deserves it kek
No. 819878
>>819867She can’t even be honest with herself about her weight and face shape. The miracle of self awareness cannot be found in sushi bars.
You should probably look for a better cause to support.
No. 819894
>>819776Whoever did that brushing has no idea how an airbush works. You can see splatter from poor
trigger management, no needle control on that brush I am guessing because I can spot exactly where they stop and start line gradients. In addition to the awful sagging of her skin I almot guarantee Moo was either yanking her skin and not posing in the position she will be in post paint resulting in this horrific droop. But also this, and I don't think I can use this word, artist who painted her has no idea how to shadow or outline and decided on the kindergarten spray and pray method. Sage because this image was so offensive to me I had to post.
No. 819906
File: 1612388915632.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.01 MB, 1500x1500, BeautyPlus_20210203154747517_o…)

No. 819914
File: 1612390985370.jpg (657.82 KB, 1062x1865, IMG_20210203_162213.jpg)

Imagine being so busted that you look worse than pre surgery vamps. Even though vamps is trash, she always ends up leagues above momo while spending far less money.
No. 819923
>>819919>acting out of ignorance instead of maliceWhat part of sexually harassing someone at a convention and then blaming it on your ADHD rather than actually taking accountability is just simple ignorance rather than malice? Simple ignorance would be if she had said something weird/bad once or twice, malice is doing inappropriate things to multiple different people at conventions. It’s hard to give moo the benefit of the doubt when she still doesn’t take accountability for everything today — her initial apology following the situation where she groped that guy’s butt at a convention was so bad she ended up deleting it and she hasn’t made a legitimate one since. Not to mention that time where she pulled a female cosplayer’s top down in a public restroom at a con.
If there was just one isolated incident of moo doing something stupid and then actually taking accountability and apologizing, it would be easier to feel bad for her. But when there’s consistent patterns of gross behavior that she never seems to be able to actually learn and grow from, it’s pretty hard to give her the benefit of the doubt.
No. 819929
>>819867If you'd been here since thread 1 you'd nearly immediately had known she was a cow for a reason. She isn't and never was some innocent girl who just made bad choices.
>>819877,>>819878, and
>>819923 say she was like this from the very start and at multiple points had opportunities to correct herself and always chose the shittiest option.
She's burned countless bridges, made enemies of people she's never even met, and a host of other things purely by her own actions. These threads exist because she chooses to do these milkable things. Not a single farmer here or anyone in her life is making her make these choices. And so far all that she can keep nosediving until she hits the bottom and I'll keep watching and you will too.
No. 819960
File: 1612400908728.jpg (53.64 KB, 1080x424, 20210203_190744.jpg)

No. 819961
>>819942As we’ve been saying, it’s about patterns of behavior with moo. Obviously everyone fucks up, everybody does things out of jealousy or pride or envy or whatever one time or another, but most people take these fuck ups as learning experiences and don’t repeat their mistakes. I’m sure every anon here would agree they’ve done hurtful things to someone else but took those incidents to heart and grew from them. We aren’t saying that moo is a bad person because she makes mistakes, we’re saying she’s a shitty person because she just doesn’t learn from them, repeats the EXACT same behavior, and deletes comments and flips the bird on her story whenever people bring up legitimate concerns (re: her “i love owning the sjws” response to people getting upset with her Nezuko cosplay)
She has been given multiple opportunities to try and correct her behavior and apologize to others and she doesn’t. When people said that her response to her grabbing a guy’s ass at a con was inadequate, she threw a tantrum and deleted the video and never attempted to apologize again. It’s not because she’s dumb like you think she is because you’re trying to absolve her of all responsibility under the guise of “well she just doesn’t know better”, but because she knows she’s petty and bitchy. She has literally called herself a bad bitch multiple times and said that she’s not a nice girl or whatever in response to her drama with other people.
“They just don’t know better” is for 13 year old bullies in middle school. It’s not for mid-20s Moo who has admitted to taking pleasure in fucking around with other girls’ boyfriends, has been accused of sexual harassment/assault multiple times, has mocked other women’s bodies despite all her “self love muh dudez” messages, and has bullied other people out of the cosplay community. Come on now
No. 819983
File: 1612408957539.jpg (786.81 KB, 598x750, QTMKPTr.jpg)

Yo these are bad
No. 820006
>>819984i cannot believe that she decided not to wear a bodysuit. she got famous for wearing samus bodysuits.
probably looks like a cronenberg monster with a suit on.
No. 820015
>>819985>>820001that's way too accurate
also looks like she's wearing peperoni glasses
No. 820031
File: 1612442936722.jpeg (268.26 KB, 827x1085, 21D6F499-8286-48AF-8E85-6B6EB2…)

Moo and Vamp have been attacking Lori Lewd/ Usagi kou and Kevin on the Dollskill Instagram. Kevin posted this in response.
No. 820032
File: 1612443006679.jpeg (137.47 KB, 625x961, 11E646C0-F8A7-4FC3-BD0A-919245…)

Lori posted this.
No. 820035
File: 1612445757326.jpeg (551.45 KB, 750x1063, 351A9125-1C43-415B-8D4E-2E4F95…)

At this point Shut the fuck up and post your porn moo stop talking just shut your mouth holy fuck no one cares about any words you say just post your porn stop putting captions stop talking just fucking be quiet. Fucking cringy self hating weeb.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 820060
>>820032I love that these people think cancel culture is so fucked up, but have no problem doing it ti someone else they really hate. The hypocrisy in this group is just mind boggling.
Not to say I’m defending Lori, but I just doubt any of these twats seriously know how to give a shit about anyone besides themselves. All they care about us drama and if they’re not in it then they need to be.
No. 820077
File: 1612457911423.png (122.79 KB, 1000x500, 8c5.png)

>>820060Take notes from proJared who laughed at Jontron for getting cancelled until it happened to him. Kek
I love a good cow collision and can't wait to see what Moo will do to Lori. Also moo quit being a dipshit and let Kevin live his delusional life because the more you try to "save him" he'll push away even more.
No. 820079
File: 1612461059309.jpeg (327.77 KB, 750x1114, 1612102056183.jpeg)

>>820031>>820032>Moo and Vamp have been attacking Lori Lewd/ Usagi kou and Kevin on the Dollskill Instagram. So that's not what happened at all. Vamp posted a comment but it was mostly random people kept calling out Lori on that Dollskill post and Kevin was being a spergy wk. KEVIN was the one who tagged Moo and Vamp as his "true abusers" while he was going off on someone. Moo hasn't said shit since she tried to save her rep by talking to a "concerned anon" about trying to save him. She hasn't had anything to do with this in a while.
If you're going to cross post milk from other threads at least get the facts straight.
No. 820081
File: 1612461985893.jpeg (1.41 MB, 1242x2307, 5B051402-6752-407F-B3C0-52D57C…)

How long until she gets bored of AoT and regrets this impulse purchase?
No. 820126
File: 1612472893115.jpeg (165.17 KB, 668x715, 99BD78F0-E988-4630-B481-ACFCEF…)

>>820079Kevin is accusing the other accounts of being moo and vamp sock puppets. Sowwy I have to hold your hand and spell it out slowly for you.
No. 820153
>>820079I find it hilarious that Vamp of all people is trying to call someone out for being “
abusive” when her hook nosed ass was the big simp for one of the biggest abusers ever in Moo. How many times did she try to shout down people calling Moo the fuck out? How many excuses did she keep making for her shit behavior. How many did she try to accuse of being liars and jealous clout chasers.
Bitch needs to shut the fuck up and go sit down somewhere before she even thinks about trying to call out
abusive behavior. It was right under her busted nose for years and she didn’t do shot about it, just remained a good little lapdog and defended her master when she needed it.
No. 820174
>>820126>Moo and Vamp have been attacking Lori Lewd/ Usagi kou and Kevin on the Dollskill Instagram. Kevin posted this in literally what you posted, sorry you want to backpedal to
>Kevin is accusing the other accounts of being moo and vamp sock puppets.…which he didn't even say in
>>820126I'm not the one trying to force moo into drama she is barely involved in and pretending it's milk. This belongs in the calves thread imo, but that's not my call.
No. 820208
>>820079It's the same anon who keeps cowtipping in comments. They have a throw away and Ice tried reporting it to mods as cowtipping too, but anon is trying to manufacture drama when these cows haven't purposely interacted in years.
>>820126If he keeps being vague, STOP saying it's moo and vamps 100%.
No. 820217
File: 1612495842652.jpg (Spoiler Image,195.66 KB, 960x1280, RjY7W8E.jpg)

No. 820225
File: 1612497151544.jpg (1.73 MB, 1428x755, FENB3QL.jpg)

end of a era, mates
No. 820266
File: 1612513592578.jpg (Spoiler Image,128.22 KB, 760x1352, 760x1352_59dfeed2b54f211bab9eb…)

No. 820287
Sorry, here's the link again deleted it from her ig stories
Isn't she tired of lurking so much here?
No. 820288
File: 1612531130366.jpeg (43.71 KB, 640x363, 01134BB4-6C10-4E35-AF9A-F81C99…)

If they shitty paint job took 9 hours…. yikes
No. 820289
File: 1612531245603.jpeg (463.26 KB, 778x1100, E4CD3BCC-5881-4691-823D-4F8AE0…)

>>819983>>819776>>820217Idk if it’s just me but her face in this shoot is giving me a little bit of anime down syndrome.
No. 820309
>"I'm sorry, I don't care about you guys in that way to make opinions about my work."god she is such a fucking bitch. if you don't kiss her ass 24/7 she doesn't want anything to do with you. people are allowed to voice their opinions about public figures whether she likes it or not, and it's not always going to be positive. such a fragile ego. damn.
the way she switches the way she talks (from relatively normal to "hood") about halfway through is super cringy too. her lips flapping around is hard to watch too, i swear they extend further than her nose sometimes
No. 820310
File: 1612541612728.png (491.66 KB, 408x729, moo at all-you-can-eat sushi b…)

what the fuck
No. 820311
No. 820316
>>820287Mariah hasn't changed a single bit. Honestly it's like every year she regresses back. This is 5 year old behavior. "How dare you say you dislike something I've done! Now I shall publicly shame you for voicing your opinion!" The dude literally said he disliked it. He didn't say it was trash and that it belonged in the dumpster. Although it really does.
She lives in such a deep echo chamber. It's gotten worse due to her blocking anyone that slightly disagrees with her. She would NEVER survive in a normal job or even a normal anime convention again. She has rooted herself so deep in that ass-kissing self "love" cave that she can't handle being told "sorry, I'm not a fan of this one."
I'm honestly amazed she keeps regressing like this. She had to be on something.
No. 820317
>>820310Wait WHAT
Are these photoshopped? They have to be right? Good lord
No. 820327
File: 1612548463819.jpg (Spoiler Image,762.83 KB, 691x742, Vjdwt3W.jpg)

So basically Mariah wants people to kiss her ass forever and live in a hugbox environment that stunts her growth. Right
No. 820329
File: 1612548768702.jpeg (Spoiler Image,7.55 MB, 1661x3051, 496B4FF9-BDC5-4079-AE18-EA2D65…)

>>820310I mean; say what you will but her Goya cosplay is pretty accurate
No. 820331
>>820287The fact this comment is what sets her off? Like it wasn’t even mean, they were just saying it’s not their favorite thing she’s done.
Also the fact she turns on a black girl voice when she starts going off… god she’s fucking embarrassing.
Also her lips in motion.. girl no.
No. 820332
File: 1612549978079.jpg (4.85 KB, 106x188, 1612513592578~2.jpg)

>>820266How is she still this bad at shoop?
>>820331He even prefaced it by calling her his favorite cosplayer. Like surely she's gotten worse comments than this?
No. 820344
File: 1612554120479.png (249.93 KB, 415x369, attack on titan.png)

No. 820352
File: 1612558997446.jpeg (242.48 KB, 769x676, 586BE879-2686-4B9F-AA36-F842D2…)

I know moo’s reached a point where caricature is basically pointless, but there was this one expression….
No. 820371
File: 1612564261501.jpeg (169.22 KB, 1284x557, C7AD665B-B853-458B-99BB-7273AF…)

>>820370For clarification, this is what she did.
She stood and sat.
No. 820383
>>820287Jesus, she will never grow out of this. This is exactly how she used to sperg on twitter about her mom as a teen. I know anons miss her having a twitter for these chimpouts but the bonus of her being regulated to IG is seeing her meltdown in stories and recording her bitch fits. It’s more amusing than reading text tbh despite her horrendous speech and mannerisms.
I’m not surprised Moo hasn’t been called out for this since her fans are literal retards but she is definitely too comfortable biting the hand that feeds her hedonistic lifestyle.
No. 820398
I swear it seems like Moo gifts us with the best milk/worst pictures of herself immediately after we make a new thread. Any of these recents are new thread image contenders but by the next time a new thread rolls around there'll be more recent shit to use.
>>820392Because she is.
No. 820426
File: 1612579096077.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1242x2061, AD75CD90-41F2-46D8-86EA-499F29…)

She was out snowboarding again. Tell us again, Moo, how hard you’re always working.
No. 820443
weird porn too. if she truly likes aot, why didn’t she just lewd up Petra or Mikasa?
No. 820488
File: 1612627770346.jpeg (89.13 KB, 1024x576, 538319DD-8A30-4D67-BC52-860EBB…)

>>820458Idk she kinda looks like witch of the waste, she should start calling herself an irl version of her.
No. 820490
File: 1612627998224.jpg (630.71 KB, 538x845, jHhbILc.jpg)

>>820458TBH I'm shocked she doesn't revisit Mei more often it's usually a go to for heavy cosplayers and still relevant enough people are gonna recognize it. Her latest skin is right up there for her to hide her actual size too.
>>820488But Howl even says she was very beautiful once Moo was never
No. 820492
>>820491Her sister took all of the good genes and left Moo with the droopy bug eyes and jowls.
It's pretty funny to watch her outside quickly morph into what she looks like on the inside. She'll always be a jealous bitch who's willing to do literally anything for money including whoring herself out. She keeps altering her body to keep up with her fleeting fanbase and when they all leave, she's going to be left with the mess that she is.
No. 820493
File: 1612629874775.png (Spoiler Image,3.14 MB, 828x1792, image0.png)

No. 820496
>>820327The only time I saw arms and legs this huge was when I saw someone who was 350 so pounds at the gym who had that gastric surgery. She's insane if she thinks she's magically healthy because she sucks the fat out of her stomach every month. Her weight gain is out of control at this point.
Also I've been noticing the area below her stomach but just above her genitals is storing fat now. Too bad whenever someone voices concern she takes it as crit and fat shaming
No. 820497
>>820493Is this supposed to be sexy? Horror? I say this with no sarcasm- what is seriously fucking wrong with moo that this is somehow an idea? It serves as neither, and the look on her face discounts horror (besides it being moo) and unless you’re a fucking serial killer the whole exposed skeletal/muscles aspect would remove any “sexy” ideal. So she thinks to herself “gee I should totally spread my vag! THAT WILL look GREAT!”
Of all the shit tier cosplays and things she has done this is the first time I’ve been really baffled at the end result thought process.
No. 820500
>>820493Ohhh nooooo girl this is not sexy. Why is she pulling her pussy open THAT much AHHH
This is it. The momokun content that finally drove me insane
No. 820507
>>820497This is the same idiot who dressed up like a clown for Umbran but then posted it online as if any of her followers wanted to see a couple of obese clown OCs. She has always lacked good taste and common sense.
>>820490She never cared about Mei or overwatch. She probably doesn't want side by side comparisons of how she used to look. That looks like a pricey build for a costume that wouldn't allow her to show off her giant flapjacks.
No. 820508
>>820493I hate it I hate it I hate it.
You fucking retard momo. Her clit that’s just sticking out looks like a ftm beginning dick. It’s fucking grotesque especially paired with the paint job.
No. 820510
File: 1612638661674.jpg (58.29 KB, 324x263, Droopy .jpg)

>>820493She has a face like Droopy with those sad sloping eyes. And Poofy wigs only make her look more like a dog. Her pussy looks like a gaping fish mouth…a trout? A bass? Yeah, not sexy in the least. Girl you've become a ragged mess.
No. 820528
File: 1612642956519.png (Spoiler Image,1.02 MB, 828x1100, filename.png)

>>820513I think you're onto something anon.
No. 820545
File: 1612647924008.png (Spoiler Image,1.58 MB, 828x1133, image.png)

No. 820557
File: 1612654288102.png (1009.9 KB, 1390x1094, Screen Shot 2021-02-06 at 5.17…)

>>820426Out of curiosity, is there actual footage of her snowboarding? She said she started a year ago, but I've never seen her upright and it seems like she's just screwing around Lee Canyon (mainly bunny slopes and a poorly maintained downhill with low coverage). Just curious if she's actually "shredding da slopes" or it's just for photos
No. 820570
>>820564Exactly. It never enough for her to just be into something. She also has to always claim to be a secret prodigy who puts even most pros to shame and the only reason she doesn’t compete is because apparently she’s to busy being amazing at literally everything else she tired.
She hates so much that all she can do is garbage tier porn despite all her shit talking in the past about how she would never have to subject herself to something like that because she was “way too talented to ever have to resort to taking off my clothes for money”. Being cum dumpster material is all she is good for these days.
No. 820573
>>820557So I was right on the hill looking like bunny slopes. Noice!
She should have tried to learn skiing instead because they're a lot easier to learn. I grew up in town with a slope so I'd see tons of snowboarders just chillin in the snow like that.
No. 820574
>>820528My sides are in orbit anon, well done
>>820545This is horrifying and repulsive, I wish we could use it as next thread pic tho kek
No. 820579
>>820576Pros only serve to remind of her own inadequacies. She loves to talk out her fat ass and prop herself up as some sort of expert. But when an actual pro with standing in an industry comes along and tells her how wrong she is, she either shuts the fuck up after getting clowned, or she attempts to heal her bruised ego by doubling down by trying to publicly lecture them in a desperate attempt to save face. Then she’ll play the
victim and bitch about how someone important is “gatekeeping” her from an industry because they are too afraid of a stronk woman like her making it her space.
No. 820610
File: 1612684944212.png (Spoiler Image,5.66 MB, 1125x2436, 2DA4F049-AB02-447C-95AB-4E9B91…)

This screenshot from her masturbating titan video is the epitome of botched. Her left boob is a head bigger then her right boob.
No. 820654
>>820610“masturbating Titan video”
Moo’s nonsensical levels of depravity have gaslit us all into accepting that these are words that can be put together in this order.
No. 820686
File: 1612732231247.jpg (Spoiler Image,32.78 KB, 600x337, d4042b9db9af546f64427f4d444037…)

>>820610 Haha, oh no, this reminds of that terrible ET porno. Except Moo's a real deal porkier.
No. 820759
File: 1612754778397.jpeg (Spoiler Image,57.43 KB, 750x694, 6D6EFF10-26F0-49E4-A3FF-EEB52E…)

>>820513Since no one has made the correlation yet
No. 820788
File: 1612774730258.jpeg (320.84 KB, 1242x1818, 420E35CF-2BFC-4D06-B483-E75A6B…)

Sure Mariah.
No. 820828
>>820647You'd be surprised, I found porn fanfics about Eren's titan form the other day and they seemed like they were well received by some people. The internet is mad I tell you
>>820784Boohoo go back to twitter
No. 820847
File: 1612803022331.jpeg (365.02 KB, 828x1451, 4DC4D3A3-D4C8-42CE-9D57-409378…)

Momo are you fucking stupid lmao.
No. 820936
File: 1612854149054.jpg (241.92 KB, 795x689, zthtey2.jpg)

>>820935that bulge above her thin top lip is killing me.
No. 820942
>>820936This literally shouldn’t happen. She’s going to a shitty injector who only cares about money and does her so dirty. A respectable cosmetic surgeon would not only let her have lips like this, but they would advise against getting so much.
She needs to get it dissolved.
Major TND vibes.
No. 820949
>>820920>One of the best Levi’s in the cosplay communitySelf-post harder Steff, it is average at most.
Either way, Moo's "sexy" titan is fucking nightmare fuel, it feels like I'm seeing my sleep paralysis demon but I'm wide awake. The fact that she took a look at those photos and went "eh, good enough" says a lot about how lazy she is. She's lucky coomers don't care
No. 820989
>>820935She's just a fetish porn actress. Does he talk about the grotesque body paint with her vagina spread out like she's speculum?
>>820936Usually, farmers go in too hard about wrinkles and knitpicking, but those lines underneath her eyes are way too advanced to be on a 20 year old. What botched injections did she get in that area?
Her upper lip looks just as thin.
No. 821004
File: 1612894121603.jpeg (12.5 KB, 360x255, 16AA7D3A-D29D-4AA0-AA50-14D43A…)

>>820936Oh dear, honestly I kept hoping that this was just a bad screenshot but it’s not.
She’s starting to look like Doctor Finkelstein.
No. 821022
File: 1612901713845.jpeg (786.96 KB, 1241x2333, 748E620A-9857-46CD-B3EF-72F527…)

Her titties are so low, she looks like she's grabbing her gunt
No. 821027
File: 1612902805083.jpg (20.99 KB, 250x250, tumblr_p3zshtZ6qg1wrxst0o1_250…)

Jesus she used to look so much better, she looks like a fucking monster now.
No. 821030
>>821025She doesn't care about quality she cares about who will do what she asks. Since they never said no she keeps going to them. She doesn't know what a quality surgeon is. A proper one would dissolve the shit around her mouth and suggest surgery and then fillers.
>>821027God she was botched back then. But I guess in comparison
No. 821031
File: 1612903088299.jpg (314.61 KB, 1538x2048, 0aqskx34x7121[1].jpg)

>>821028This wasn't even that long ago.
No. 821039
>>821028Keep in mind that this was after a few rounds of lipo and copious shoop.
As for what happened, drugs and a lazy, hedonistic lifestyle her cucks fund. Why actually work on improving herself when her simps don't care as long as the shoop gives her big boobas or whatever the fuck kids are calling breasts these days.
No. 821067
>>821042She still looks disgusting in those old cow pics. Obese, lumpy, and lazy-eyed.
In comparison to the even more obese, lumpy, lazy eyed, and now duck bill lipped monster she’s become, she looked “cuter”.
No. 821069
File: 1612915224513.jpg (129.8 KB, 794x1200, Eqb6rLyXUAAABA1.jpg)

>>820936How the fuck do you get thousands of dollars worth of plastic surgery and end up looking 10x more like bimbo Jontron than before???
No. 821071
>>820936This isn't on purpose right? If it's migrated filler or just poorly done, she really needs to get it dissolved.
I get that the "shelf" is a shitty trend meant to give more of a pout, but there's no point to it if the actual lip remains thin as fuck.
No. 821072
>>820989Depends on genetics in all honesty. I imagine Moo has partied pretty hard in the last few years, and the thick foundation doesn't help.
I had to look up her age though. I thought she was 28/29, not 24. Yeesh.
>>821028I don't know about "pretty" in a conventional sense. She just had a normal looking face.
No. 821080
File: 1612920211399.png (2.94 MB, 1800x819, 8721FD2E-7AD7-49C5-9658-2D1717…)

You would think at some point if you can’t lace up your boots the way they’re meant to be worn, maybe don’t force it and consider it a wake up call.
>>821072Shes 25. But she looks like she’s pushing mid 40’s.
>>821031Lol those cool sculpted abs really were the beginning of the end for her.
No. 821098
>>821027It really is astounding how everyone talks hot shit about how large she is, only to look back and go “Jesus Christ, it’s so bad now that this looks good by comparison.”
Definitely wanna eventually see a collage of her weight gain over the years for science, or at least more comparisons between the first time and last time she’s cosplayed from certain fandoms/characters
No. 821100
File: 1612929149433.jpg (391.81 KB, 1075x1915, IMG_20210210_004714.jpg)

>Best anime
>Post a manga picture
She is such a poser
No. 821136
File: 1612947842470.jpeg (230.62 KB, 1172x1173, 188D0FA8-B6EE-4B6D-9847-5B3CDE…)

>>821022The editing gets worse and worse..
You can see where they painted in her skin tone to remove fat roll/hair/stretchmarks with frequency separation on photoshop. (For non photoshop people, it separates the texture and the colour so you can touch up skin and still keep texture—if you know what you are doing)
They seem to have also painted over the white of her outfit.. a child could edit this better…
No. 821228
File: 1612995050917.png (3.19 MB, 1242x2208, 9772861D-1222-406A-934F-BCDCE7…)

>>821222I got you fam’s always changing the definition of body positivity to fit her narrative since she’s so ashamed of the misshapen blob that she is and refuses to admit she fucked up. I rolled my eyes hard at her saying she only got cool sculpting once for her chin when her botched cool sculpted abs scream otherwise.
No. 821241
File: 1612998989924.png (1.52 MB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20210210-151042.png)

>>821228>Helen who does her lipo also does her fillersHelen must hate her lmao
No. 821245
File: 1613000386856.png (2.55 MB, 1242x2208, 5869C400-978A-44AF-9F52-C14FE8…)

>>821228Part 2 are 4 more stories she posted after these but I don’t feel like capping her obnoxious voice/face anymore today lol
No. 821247
File: 1613000874850.jpg (84.9 KB, 1248x702, 7c9e9afa5a9dc68ccaf27d9effeb93…)

>>821243The thing about people who abuse plastic surgery is that it's often accompanied by severe body image issues, which is why these people feel like they need to get surgery again and again and again
she'll probably end up looking like a Bogdanoff
No. 821322
>>821222Ya, calling bullshit on the binge eating disorder. I'm pretty sure if that was the case she would have talked about it way back when people were first calling her fat and she was super "body positive".
This isn't fucking funny Moo. You can't just go through the DSMV to list off excuses for your shit behavior.
No. 821331
>>821222but she hasn't lost any fat deposits through exercise or weight loss? What is she on about? And why is she lying about the number of procedures she had done?
Also she can't change the definition of body positivity. Reminds me of the time she tried re defining the word porn.
No. 821333
File: 1613018092916.gif (2.21 MB, 440x440, 1547168531216.gif)

>>821228This is rich coming from the same girl who stuffed herself live back in her Camversity days and ordered take out on stream and it was heavy amounts of food.
Case in point, image related from 2 years ago in 2019.
No. 821336
File: 1613018245054.png (855.9 KB, 640x1136, 052CEBBB-3DA0-4EFA-B1BE-55342A…)

She confirmed she’s getting injections in her butt this week
No. 821337
File: 1613018331537.png (646.34 KB, 640x1136, AF6E3DCB-A9B9-4219-9585-F809F5…)

What a huge lie we all know she stopped using them when Vamp and Maddie stopped talking about theirs
No. 821341
>>821334She keeps trying to frame her getting lipo as “Helping along the hard work she has already done to get rid of those problem areas”. Except her whole hard lard ass is the “problem area”. She just refuses to admit to being a lazy fat ass and just wants to take the easy way out by getting work done instead going to the gym (not for self indulgent selfies) and actually sticking to a diet and cutting out the garbage she shoved into her mouth on a weekly basis.
I just laugh at her fat ass attempting to give any sort of health advice that isn’t “just get the fat sucked out of you on a practically monthly basis with expensive as shit procedures”
No. 821343
File: 1613019178898.png (4.39 MB, 1284x2778, 2B0C8ECA-2F43-4697-B971-163E64…)

Holy shit shut the fuck up Mariah. This is ALL wrong.
No. 821346
>>821340Based on what I’m reading with her flat ass it’s probably gonna cost a lot more than a lift would to see significant increase.
It’s to fix wrinkles/sag and restore fullness but she has no shape to start with.
Plus it’s only FDA approved for the face…
No. 821357
File: 1613024134167.png (2.38 MB, 1242x2208, 8E98433F-2166-469F-B5D5-3DE283…)

Mariah is the last person to ask about anything ADHD related. Jfc…
No. 821359
File: 1613024595604.png (1.23 MB, 750x1334, 20E2E94D-E62B-453E-944D-33FE0C…)

>>821348I think there were quite a few questions throwing shade….. this one seems so specific, I almost feel like she knew what was up but answered anyway to show haters she’s totally unbothered.
No. 821360
>>821359Whyyy would she trust someone who did that to her face with her ass? There are just shocking new layers of stupid unlocked every day.
Does she use all of these procedures as tax write offs? In many states you only owe taxes on actual profits, like the money you make after expenses. Is blowing all of her money getting botched some kind of tax evasion? She said her chin lipo was $3-5k total. For her CHIN. And she wants to spend $4k on questionable collagen butt shots? What kind of retard math is she doing where this amount of spending makes sense?
No. 821368
>>821367Adderall is a Schedule II controlled substance, but it usually has 3 month signature verification(as opposed to monthly like opiates or specialty drugs). It hasn't been targeted for prescription audits since the big "anti-adderall" push in the 90s.
She's lying again.
No. 821369
>>821228Putting bets on her nose since Vamps just got her procedure done. Bitch doesn't have an original thought in that tiny head of hers.
Also getting cosmetic procedures done during a pandemic? I shouldn't be surprised anymore any yet…
No. 821370
>>821368This right here. That and we have known for years she abuses anything she can get her hands on. She most likely used Adderall based on that rumor it helps with weight loss and focus. Though it seemed to have the opposite effect on Moo.
She doesn't have binge eating disorder and she doesn't have ADHD
No. 821377
>>821357>>821367>>821368>>821370I hate to armchair but Adderall abuse might explain some of moo's weirder behaviours.
There are a whole slew of side affects of Adderall abuse including (but not limited to):
•Sociability, talkativeness, and fast thoughts
•A sense of grandiosity, invincibility, and intense wellbeing
•The illusion of wellness
•A desire to work
•Feeling social
•Getting insights about the meaning of life
•A sensation of excitement or being hyperactive
•Being talkative
•Thinking about things more than usual
•A feeling of impatience, worry, nervousness, and anxiety
•Sleep difficulties
•Poor impulse control, including impulsive spending habits
It is also an amphetamine that causes mania in those with bipolar disorder, which moo has said she has, so it seems weird a doctor would prescribe it to her to begin with. Many of the symptoms of mania in bipolar people are similar to the symptoms of adderall abuse so this could be an explanation as well. Same with some of the symptoms of adhd in adults.
(armchair) No. 821384
>>821377>>821370>>821368>>821367she's probably not lying about getting it prescribed (likely from a shitty pill mill/inattentive psych or psych np) but the signature verification thing doesn't stop her from taking more than her prescribed daily dosage, running out early, and binging between refills - there are no pharmacies that will refill early unless your script has been stolen/lost and you have a police report, so she'd be left tired and super hungry on days without it. most good doctors would suggest that you take a break from stimulant adhd meds on weekends and hold on to the leftovers in case of emergency.
with that she definitely doesn't have a "binge eating disorder", people who actually have adhd and take adderall report the "eating more than usual" thing when they take breaks but she just has no self control lol
No. 821385
>>821240Even so, she can't even wear her lipo compression garments for the week she's supposed to, she's not going to wear a compression bra, go in for checkups, or stop fucking around and doing stupid shit so she'll botch her surgery results. The scarring and healing process are absolutely insane, it's not a simple surgery. It's minimum 6 months, the scars don't even start to fade until a few years into it.
Good doc or bad doc, it doesn't matter.
I wish anons would stop pushing for breast lift as the next surgery. She wants a quick fix, not years of recovery. Boobs jobs are almost 100% out of her thought process.
No. 821401
>>821343Her advice is so fucking dangerous. The only reason you have these problem areas Mariag is BECAUSE of the cosmetic procedures you get done. Don't fucking lie to people about not able to target fat and that people would need $4k fucking procedures to "fix" it.
Can't wait to see her ass even more lumpy and gross. Hopefully she makes herself so disgusting even her paypigs will have to bounce.
No. 821406
>>821336Everyone relentlessly jokes about the Kardashians having botched, “diaper” asses. Why would you want something like that?
Also, getting bum injections and CoolSculpting while being overweight is like burning money. The results will be completely lost in a matter of months or if her weight fluctuates.
Does this girl really have no friends in her corner to help her with these decisions?
No. 821425
>>821406Considering Vamps can't stand her (their relationship has always been strained) and Umbran is just a "yes-man", yeah there's nobody she has to give her genuine advice against not doing something stupid. Vamps won't say anything because they don't even like each other and Umbran won't say anything because she worships the ground Moo walks on and would never dare disrespect her Moo /s
So no, she doesn't have any real friends who genuinely care about her decisions and would give her real advice.
No. 821428
>>821360Sage for tax/financial sperging but say she makes $10k a month, $120k a year AFTER taxes (which it's on her to pay someone else to take care of) She probably spends $3k a month on her mortgage and utilities. She probably spends another $3k a month eating out or getting takeout everyday ($100 a day average) and $5-10k a month at least on "flexing" with overpriced designer crap that she breaks with her fat, $1k on fillers, much more if she has a quarterly lipo.
She has to pay for commissions, maybe she pays maddie in used panties, idk, she has to pay square for the weeks it takes to digitally paint her a new body, she has to buy random body paint artists for 10 hours of time, etc.
She probably has car payments or insurance. She should have health insurance with all of the bullshit she does to her body, and that isn't cheap without an employer. She has to throw money in the form of gifts to buy her friendships, and take them on random covid inappropriate trips or take them out to eat.
It's not new milk but it no one else confused how she's able to afford this? Is she racking up massive credit card debt? She's going to crash so hard when the simpbux dry out.
No. 821431
>>821401her paypigs have evolved overtime: they started out as basic simps into chubby cosplay, but now have devolved to feeder/body mod/bimboification fetishists, skewing heavily towards asian/middle eastern
I miss when these threads were basically a comedy of errors of some dumb bitch sexually harassing nerds at anime conventions, now it's become full on body horror
No. 821441
>>821439Personal trainer anon here, and it doesn't matter if you work some muscles more or less than others. It's not going to do anything to the fat in that area. You can't spot reduce. For her though, it doesn't matter because she doesn't even do what she needs to to actually lose weight and is now trying to throw the blame onto an eating disorder. She's just lazy. Even in the working out shit she posts, she half-reps and tries to act like a bad bitch with the amount of weight when she can't even lift properly, which is likely the real reason her knee is jacked up.
Sage for slight fitness sperging.
No. 821449
File: 1613074265475.jpg (Spoiler Image,181.94 KB, 1200x1200, kim-kardashian-butt-photoshop-…)

>>821336ah yes that famous photoshopped-looking kardashian butt
No. 821451
File: 1613074798067.png (3.47 MB, 1242x2208, 22379D00-5820-42D7-8228-FC9F84…)

No. 821480
File: 1613084111200.gif (205.37 KB, 220x164, tenor-2.gif)

>>821460So you think she's a millionaire? Making this kind of content?>>820217
She easily spends $20,000 a month so I assume she's making more than that, but $100,000 a month is laughable. She would also lose a good chunk of that from taxes in that tax bracket.
No. 821483
>>821477Go try the Amrezy filter right now on yourselves, The funniest thing is how crazy this makes people and she still somehow manages to look botched and terrible with it
Really makes you think.
No. 821532
File: 1613128370205.png (1.11 MB, 640x1136, B504C489-6803-4216-B05C-43F3FF…)

Oh no this gonna be bad
No. 821547
>>821532Literally no one.
LITERALLY NO ONE asked for "Futa Momo" lol
No. 821569
File: 1613146951791.gif (1.45 MB, 268x150, 1F95160C-DBD7-4BD7-8B99-634A94…)

>>821532This is not something anyone should have to wake up to see. Jesus fucking Christ…
No. 821593
File: 1613156442274.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.49 MB, 2880x3840, image0.jpg)

Absolutely terrifying
No. 821600
File: 1613158099868.jpg (Spoiler Image,325.07 KB, 1536x2048, 20210212_112841.jpg)

>>821594That's something else, anon. Jesus. Stop being a vag and dick obsessed sperg. Normal futa stuff is just chicks with dicks and holy fuck the Sabrina emulation here is insane
No. 821603
>>821593I have gotten so desensitized by Moo's nudes that I am nowadays more offended by her crusty af fake lashes. She could shove an entire bottle of syrup up her ass and I would still hysterically focus on those lashes.
Nitpick I know, but still, her eyes would probably not look like they're melting off her face if she used lashes that doesn't look like dead caterpillars and chilled out on the thick eyeliner. But I guess she and Shayna have decided crusty and dirty is the new bimbo
No. 821626
>>821612Does a strap-on count as "genitals"? I don't know anything about weird futa fetishes, but to my untrained eye, if she was going for a chick with a dick look she failed.
Looks more like "pegged by my stepmom" fetish porn to me.
No. 821645
>>821593we all know she gonna be lazy but my fucking god this is awful and retarded
and for the love of god moo stop with that shitty blow up doll face
god I fucking hate this so much
No. 821646
>>821593This is so low effort. Why call it futa when you're gonna squeeze into a $20 amazon strap-on?
Also lol at her hiking up the harness like she does her underwear
No. 821663
>>821532it's too early for Halloween.
>>821593oh. This is a lot less gross than I was expecting tbh.
No. 821824
File: 1613317852020.jpeg (644.61 KB, 828x1333, E5A838DC-85D4-4EA2-811D-D94C22…)

> “didn’t need to slap as hard as i did in paya!!”
What is there to brag about? You didn’t make a single part of the costume or design a single part of the wig. If she’s talking about her makeup then the brown strip across her nose is certainly nothing to brag about either
No. 821867
File: 1613347525200.png (3.89 MB, 1242x2208, A3CD83C7-D73D-46F7-9FCC-6F69ED…)

No. 821911
File: 1613363296993.jpg (Spoiler Image,340.31 KB, 873x1501, IMG_20210214_222818.jpg)

Spoilers for being horrendous, but not nsfw. Gotta love that squatting to shit pose.
No. 821921
File: 1613376711436.jpeg (527.11 KB, 750x1130, 54EDAF4D-BD91-4C85-B864-9AB3E8…)

Anon from Last thread I found her on tinder too, it seems since you made that post she no longer includes her cleavage.
No. 821922
File: 1613377909169.png (3.29 MB, 1154x1800, 4B3A8BC3-B09F-415F-9E51-B629DB…)

Would it kill her to actually attempt to emote in sets she’s supposedly “so excited“ for? Her dead eyes are only enhanced thanks to that hack Lagoon.
No. 821923
File: 1613378042949.jpeg (1.75 MB, 1242x2001, 4983C509-10A7-41C2-9B17-6CC5F4…)

No. 821926
>>821923This is a work of art
From the idiotic description to the absurdity of the image
Love it 10/10
No. 821927
>>821921tomboy? sweaty just because you're gross and smell like shit doesn't mean you're a tomboy.
milf? well at least she's aware that she resembles a 40 year old mum.
No. 821930
File: 1613380576353.jpeg (118.68 KB, 1024x550, 5F158453-D738-49F4-8317-DB4C55…)

>>821923Samefag but it just struck me why her tits bothered me so much with that shitty paint job. Looks like the food in pic related.
No. 821952
File: 1613401121386.jpeg (345.53 KB, 1242x1945, 2886A774-867B-46AE-9B1E-41EB22…)

>>821922She makes this same droopy, lobotomized chimp face in every picture. Why does nobody close to her tell her how bad she looks? She’s got that nursing home patient slack jawed thousand yard stare in every picture she’s taken since Mei and nobody involved in this multiple person editing train is telling her to maybe, just like…make an angry face? Or smile? Look in a different direction besides straightforward at nothing with her eyes bobbing about in different directions? Anything?
No. 821954
File: 1613403084363.jpeg (129.37 KB, 416x478, 20D8E1F4-A38E-47D3-9E07-109252…)

This is the funniest pic I've seen so far this year. Reaction image worthy
No. 821960
File: 1613407626846.jpg (1.51 MB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20210215-114322_Ins…)

seriously, literally paint scribbles. high quality editing job guys
>>821952she's too afraid to make any sort of "ugly" face because she knows at the end of the day her job is to be hot, not accurate. not that this fish out of water face is close to attractive, but.
what a shame, all those skype acting classes for nothing.
No. 821995
>>821921>>821922It's so weird to me how devoid of personality she is. Like why does she constantly need to mention that she owns cats and plants? Your only interest is owning living things and using them as props? She forgets she has cats half of the time and the plants just hang out while she awkwardly masturbates or shows of her tits to teenagers on tiktok. She doesn't own any interesting or rare ones since she gets them at whole foods and wouldn't have shit to say if anyone asked her a plant related question.
Oh and watch out, here comes this biggest attack on titan fan ever! Did you see her phone case and car and horrific cosplay porn? Don't forget she has lots of guns that she definitely knows how to use! #badbitch
No. 821996
>>821923All this fucking effort and not one of them thought to edit the stupid paint into looking 3D. everything so overly photoshopped that the shit paint job stands out even more
>>821954saddest thing here is that's the lips she shoulda done small upper pouty lower. It'd compliment her way more than the bulbous nightmare she has now
No. 822002
File: 1613426435812.jpg (38.66 KB, 680x383, db0.jpg)

>>821954When there's no binge food left
No. 822009
>>821921What an odd pic to choose. It's like she's caught in the middle of screaming at someone + the distracting tripod + her huge calf. I can't really understand what she's going for.
I live in a big city with lots of tourism and Tinder is always full of guys visiting looking to hookup. For the Las Vegas anons, is it the same kind of vibe?
No. 822136
File: 1613466534715.jpg (123.36 KB, 720x1280, 20210216_030811.jpg)

What the actual fuck is her degen fetish with "recreating" death scenes? No one gives a shit what emotion you put into it Moo, at the end of the day, your coomers just want you to flash your saggy sacks.
No. 822311
tinfoil, But I've been thinking, What if she did Annie as a way to 'one-up' vamps, seeing as she did annie a few years back. Would explain why she did her instead of, you know, any of the other far more relevant characters (pieck excluded) right now.
>>821911I can't stop laughing at her proportions. That thigh has to be double her face at this point. You're not thicc moo, you're just fat.
>>821960We're nitpicking the jaw, but can we take a moment to mention that terrible eye edit and the out of place tear.
No. 822346
>>822311Before she cosplayed the token girl Mikasa and said how much she loves her. Now she hates her. Well for the petty reasons that she does want to one up Vamps. Two, Mikasa is really ripped.
She likes cosplaying the titans because they have fucked up bodies. And she's only doing the mom because she admits she looks like a 50 year old mother of three.
No. 822425
File: 1613588229513.jpg (2.77 MB, 3024x4032, IMG-7322.jpg)

Art class is having us do blind couture practices and I accidently made moos weird sausage hands.(no one cares)
No. 822429
File: 1613590869741.jpg (275.09 KB, 1080x1900, Screenshot_20210217-143720_Ins…)

Even her usual amrezy filter can't hide her fugly mug well anymore. Something seems seriously up with her face.
No. 822430
File: 1613590915206.jpg (132.5 KB, 1080x1532, Screenshot_20210217-143757_Ins…)

Same fag, but filter fell off here and showed just how wide her face is these days
No. 822440
>>822429At this point her bottom lip is completely botched. In the picture without a filter it looks a little less swollen, but it can't be comfortable.
>>822438The irony of calling other women "synthetic." This girl has a big ego to match her big body. She is the stereotypical 'not-like-other-girls' who puts other women down because she's insecure
No. 822461
>>822438I don’t expect this to stay up long once others start clowning her in her comments/dms or she comes off of whatever substance she was under when posting this. We all know how much she wants to rant and put her opinions out there but she doesn’t like ever being challenged on them.
Also, for someone who is the literal embodiment of “not like other girls” including the putting other women down to prop herself up part it’s hilarious seeing her trying to claim that all the other girls are all the same.
She isn’t fooling anyone with this fake ass “boss bitch who isn’t here to uplift other women” temper tantrum she is throwing. Because her fake ass will be the first to talk about needing “unity”/“peace and love”/“we need to be uplifting each other instead of putting each other down” the second she wants to weasel into a community because of whatever cock she was thirsting after this week.
No. 822469
>>822464Felt like an arrogant humblebrag to me.
Wants everyone to know people come to her for promos because she’s so influential.
Mariah even ig accounts with 200 followers get asked for promos you are not special.
No. 822481
>>822468That's not what gaslighting means. It's not a synonym for lying ffs.
>>822464I really can't at her saying Other Girls™ all look the same. What look are you chasing with your horror movie fillers and surgery? It's all going to catch up to her one day, and not just in her mug and body looking completely busted. You can't lipo and photoshop your arteries, moo.
No. 822482
>>822475That’s probably it. She’s scared of how irrelevant they are soon going to make her. They are less fat, less bitchy and probably put in way more work than her lazy ass. Her simps are going to find new thots to chase after once they get tired of her worn out ass.
So she thinks she can stamp them out early by poisoning the well for them. Make them all out to be clout chasing leeches who are only interested in using her so that simps and the combat large won’t want anything to do with them. It’s so damn pathetic that she thinks that’ll work. If her reputation wasn’t already complete dogshit she might have been able to pull it off. She is on the outside looking in to keep others from getting in as well. Her dumbass doesn’t realize that she appears to be doing the gatekeeping this time.
No. 822489
>>822475It's probably residual bitterness from her moo-lesting drama. Women were the most vocal about excluding her from the cosplay community. That leftover anger paired with a lot of new competition from OnlyFans probably soured her to other women.
I wonder if guys know "Im not like other girls" is a big red flag the same way "I'm a nice guy" is
No. 822527
>>822515I agree, she's never treated other women with respect and I think she genuinely hates them unless she can use them for something
Every woman that Mariah knows she has used or is using them:
Vamps was a step stool to get into cosplay
Umbran is just a fan that will give her constant praise and make wigs for her with a drop of a hat
Frogdresser was for free hair work in Hawaii
Even SSsniperwolf is "friends" with her so Mariah can get better clout.
I don't think she's ever had a normal female friend?
No. 822532
>>822531Honestly I'd hang out with Moo's sister. She actually seems chill and likeable.
Moo is someone you hang out with if you don't want to pay for dinners.
No. 822551
>>822529She loves to think she has friends, but fails to realize the only company she can manage to keep are sycophantic yes men.
The moment u give her criticism or say no she’ll cut you off or try to smear your name because she’s a “boss bitch who didn’t come to coddle anyone”
No. 822592
File: 1613676344851.jpg (Spoiler Image,447.5 KB, 1440x2173, TubreeQ.jpg)

Why does it look like they copy pasted a whole new coochie on her?
No. 822621
>>822592So. They photoshopped literally EVERYTHING about this photo…
But… left the band holding the ears??? Since they're basically doing a digital painting at this point couldn't they also remove that?
No. 822637
File: 1613687745300.jpeg (97.93 KB, 701x451, 6C6D2FA0-D4E5-4208-81BE-E52237…)

>>822592lmao please tell me her nipple is not all the way down there
No. 822672
File: 1613697947938.png (3.4 MB, 1242x2208, AF668721-6CE1-49F3-92AC-2FB51C…)

Wtf is going on with her leg?
No. 822673
File: 1613698253478.png (101.65 KB, 1750x3050, garnet.png)

>>822672why is she kind of built like garnet
No. 822679
>>822672At least Moo is frumpily flexing about furniture for a change so maybe the McMansion will get some love for a change
haha who the fuck am I kidding, she's likely shopping to shove a gift onto a calf.
No. 822681
File: 1613700879026.jpeg (36.06 KB, 591x361, 746F8234-99D4-42A7-8549-7CA8A9…)

>>822673she built like that tranny captain america that one tumblr bitch drew all the time
No. 822685
File: 1613701836666.png (578.8 KB, 752x894, Screen Shot 2021-02-18 at 8.27…)

>>822672I can't imagine the strain on her knees. They look like they're buckling inwards. Does lipo really fuck up your body this much or is it genetic with weight gain?
No. 822692
>>822672What absolute trash, wearing slippers out to shop. Disgusting.
Her body is getting more and more distorted. I can't even imagine what her real body looks like. I'd feel bad for her if she wasn't as rotten in the inside as she is on the outside. Countdown for diabeetus when?
No. 822695
>>822672Holy shit. How is possible that she is so fat that she doesn’t have any knees whatsoever. How is that not a wake up call for her.
>>822692As gross and trashy as it is, I’m guessing they’re the only things she can fit her fat feet into at this point. Or she was too lazy to put on anything else. For as much as she loves to flex on people she oddly has the laziest wardrobe ever. She wears the same musty ass leggings, sweatshirts and slippers all the time no matter where she is going or what the weather is. Although we did see her lumpy cottage cheese thighs when she wore short shorts long ago, so I guess she wants to hide her gross ass body that she is obviously ashamed of.
No. 822705
File: 1613706336814.jpeg (203.13 KB, 555x1140, 2D3D8447-F531-478B-9192-2577F6…)

I brightened this up because my phones ass but what the actual fuck? Her legs like that scene in black swan when she gets duck legs. (Also she’s wearing two shades of black. Lol)
No. 822713
>>822695I think she hates fashion because the really high end brands don't go higher than an XL. And a lot of trendy asian brands rarely go past an American 12
So she hopes to look thinner by wearing all black and slapping on compression gear and corsets. Not like she has any other options
No. 822781
File: 1613750940732.jpg (24.43 KB, 360x450, Xavier.jpg)

>>822705She shooped herself to look like Xaviar: renegade angel.
No. 822958
File: 1613841859593.jpg (1.17 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2021-02-20-11-23-18…)

Ooooo more traveling during a fucking pandemic.
No. 822978
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No. 822984
File: 1613851157679.jpg (631.77 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210220-115830_Ins…)

>>822980Cheese rose 2 anyone????
No. 822987
>>822984She flew all the way to Cali for a stupid flower tattoo? That's laughably sad.
>>822976She probably will end up like onion. Kek
No. 822990
File: 1613854885035.png (1.81 MB, 1067x1842, Screenshot_20210220-125402(1).…)

>>822987>>822984>>822978This guy probably did the original cheese rose. I was scrolling his ig to see his work and this is his gf or wife. This may be a reach or tinfoil but why do I get the feeling that she goes to this guy specifically for attention and to show of how much "hotter" she is than who he's currently with? His work is really not impressive enough to warrant flying out with her handlers in the middle of a pandemic for a goddamn rose tattoo.
No. 822995
>>822991People who like their tattoos generally try to go back to the same artist so the art is more cohesive. I'm sure she also wanted to go to LA for other reasons and this is just her main excuse for traveling.
I don't really get why Moo and other influencers feel like they have to post about traveling during COVID. They can't go on the down low, they have to show everyone.
No. 822998
File: 1613862566492.jpg (316.79 KB, 1080x2101, IMG_20210220_200717.jpg)

All these are so fucking ugly
No. 822999
File: 1613862578771.png (5.46 MB, 1284x2778, C3328A20-D370-4FF7-8EE3-38B4FF…)

Ah the reason is now clear! “Sorry had a tattoo appt in LA, clearly couldn’t make your birthday” that you weren’t invited to but all your friends are. Nice try Mariah lmao
No. 823006
File: 1613863209846.jpg (1.07 MB, 1440x2527, Screenshot_20210220-181956_Ins…)

lol she knows
No. 823012
>>823005wouldn't it make sense to do the thick black bands after the second flower is complete?
It's just so ugly.
No. 823057
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No. 823063
File: 1613881126617.png (Spoiler Image,4.49 MB, 1356x1800, B9092C3E-E4DC-4471-A805-2D1368…)

>>823051Definitely NSFL… Jfc my eyes.
But hey, this is Moo’s “art”. No wonder she feels threatened by other sex workers and refuses to promo them. I mean, who could top a shitty strap on in ill-fitting lingerie in a Vegas hotel bathroom? Stay classy Moo.
No. 823064
File: 1613881262317.jpeg (Spoiler Image,778.05 KB, 1018x1346, 5AE7902D-20A6-4D4C-8A0A-A03E0F…)

>>823063Samefag but the way she manhandled the strap on was hilarious. Makes me wonder if she’s given guys she’s fucked around with “indian burns” on their dicks.
No. 823067
File: 1613881531367.jpg (Spoiler Image,159.01 KB, 486x462, IMG_20210220_4.jpg)

>>823062Even her fingertips look inflamed lol
No. 823095
>>823070That’s how she got to this point in the first place.
Before, she tried to get by with constant teasing or implied nudity or stupid nipple pasties pretending she had some sort of standards that she refused to violate. She was desperate to establish herself as a “legit cosplayer” who didn’t have to reduce herself to doing porn.
But eventually the paypigs started to get fed up and started demanding more and she started getting scared of possibly losing more subs. So eventually she finally started full topless, then full nude then started actually using toys. She just keeps sinking further and further into degeneracy, desperate to keep the simp bux coming since without this, she’d have to go back to working a regular 9 to 5 job because she obviously has no talents or prospects outside of completely debasing herself for gross neckbeards online.
Pretty soon even what she does now won’t be enough for her simps to stick around anymore. They’ll only want to see her sink further and further, wanting to see her in more and more states of debauchery. So yeah, eventually they’ll start demanding stuff like seeing her pissing or shitting herself. And because she is too afraid to tell them no for fear of them possibly taking their dollars elsewhere, she’ll comply.
No. 823113
File: 1613903118897.jpg (2.34 MB, 3264x2448, pt2021_02_21_11_23_43.jpg)

>>823051I don't know what you're talking about, Anons, this Michael Jackson cosplay is amazing! Her most accurate yet!
No. 823117
>>823057Dunno if nitpick but at first I thought the band was gonna go UNDER the rose like here
>>823002 but why make it go over it like she stuck some black tape over her arm?
The lines don’t even look that even. I thought that tattoo artist wasn’t half-bad but I’m lost on the design and composition here. Having the thick ass band over it just makes this 3D rose flat.
>>823063Couldn’t she have picked a shorter fake dick? This one is so ridiculous and just flops around. But again, I’m not part of Mariah’s cumbrained simps so maybe they really do enjoy seeing that stuff.
No. 823135
File: 1613922944536.jpg (Spoiler Image,479.24 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20210221-155042_Chr…)

>>823062I'm pretty stumped as to what the fuck the mark is, looks like redness from an infection or something
No. 823143
>>823057I demand an explanation to this, I literally thought the design was being held in place with electrical tape
WHO decided this was a good idea? this looks like a coverup, but it was definitely PLANNED. Moo, stop designing things, you are absolutely trash at it
No. 823144
>>823132I thought the same thing too at first, but the two bands barely cover it, and it looks like she's getting another rose on the back of her arm, so a cover up just seemed wrong. I'm thoroughly confused as to the how concept she's going for.
Though, given how she lurks here, I'm sure we'll get an insta story or two explaining that it's some super deep meaning that only the truest higurashi fans will understand
No. 823151
File: 1613928212693.jpg (1.58 MB, 2560x1920, 21-02-21-12-19-01-465_deco.jpg)

>>823133>>823143literally googled "armband tattoos" and all the ones that look like hers are shown as men's tattoos lol. when women get them, they're usually much thinner like on the right, and definitely not weirdly meshed with a realistic color tattoo?
No. 823152
File: 1613928479335.jpg (1.8 MB, 1438x2186, Screenshot_20210221-122010_Ins…)

>>823151continuing, it must have been her idea, not his, as the bars don't show up in any of his other pieces. it doesn't seem like it's his style. I'm thinking he probably just went with what she wanted and didn't know how to implement it well, or just didn't disagree with her at all.
No. 823161
>>823057So a recap of the "deeper meaning" of the tattoo from her insta stories:
> Says bands trace back to "Mesopotamia area" and are some of the oldest tattoos known to man.> The black bands represent "strength" and "courage" > Men get them on their upper arms women get them on their lower arms.> The thicker that band the more strength or courage you have because how how hard it is to sit through a tattoo like that. > Women usually have thinner bands but because of how they represent strength she obviously wanted them to be thicker> Views getting the band tattoo as a form of "meditation"> Plans to get more bands on her right arm, as well as bands on her left arm. > Plans to have her entire right arm be a sleeve of yellow roses.> Says yellow roses represent "friendship" and "loyalty" which are things that are important to her. Wow there's a lot to unpack there.
No. 823164
>>823156Welp, I was half right I guess.
Cant wait for her regret to kick in now. She's neither strong or courageous, so they're basically meaningless in regards to her
>>823161>loyalty is important to herWhy am I not surprised by this.
>sleeve of yellow rosesSoo, a cheeseboard then?
No. 823166
File: 1613930790412.jpg (16.03 KB, 236x310, 1ee73da361e3368fc9366a92272775…)

>>823152His lineless and realistic work is going to age like ass. Unless she's setting herself up for future coverups or eventually adds linework, adding huge ass black bands to realistic style roses is only going to make the shitty fading on the roses look more obvious.
>>823161Yes, please get more wonky bands all over your arms to prove how strong you are.
No. 823168
>>823164Usually when someone gets a tattoo they can say with confidence what the significance is or why they got the tattoo. She didn't seem confident and seem hesitant to just get to the point. The way she expressed the "history" of black band tattoos made it seem like she was reading about it from a cookie cutter tattoo site while explaining it. That's just my opinion. If she's wanted the tattoos for "a long time" then why hasn't she mentioned it before? It's the same feeling I felt about the rose tattoo…it's so big and gaudy by itself and now she has two with two black bands?
>>823165She's wide and she's had a breast reduction.
>>823167She must be bored watching the same Fate episodes 1000 times a day to prove she's a super fan.
No. 823169
>>823156>some Victorian queenI mean, the Victorian Queen would be Queen Victoria. That's how it works. To be Victorian it has to be under her rule while she was reigning monarch. Are we saying Queen Vic was tatted? Or is she talking about another queen in another place reigning at the same time as her and just couldn't be bothered to learn her name, her country or the century? idgi
And black armbands were traditionally for uniformed people, not royalty. The whole idea is they could easily be added to uniforms, so maids, cooks and soldiers could respect a mourning period with the least amount of expense, disruption and effort. Sports teams adopted it because it meant they didn't have to change kits. I guess it makes sense she'd go with something that was traditionally for people that couldn't go all out. It lines up with her shit cosplays.
>>823161It's always a dead giveaway that no research was done when people mention huge chunks of the planet and huge periods of time. Yes, it was somewhere in the Mesopotamia area, sometime in these few millennia. Despite each period of time having it's own specific name and each culture being titled, it is just IMPOSSIBLE to narrow it down any further!
No. 823171
>>823169My assumption was she was attempting to explain what you just explained but didn't know how to spew it out.
>>823170She would've pulled a Kelly Eden and had gotten a tattoo removal if that was the case. Another procedure would be a rush for her.
No. 823173
File: 1613931407401.gif (3.11 MB, 540x250, anigif_sub-buzz-1619-152667314…)

Moo's reason for getting random thick bars and actin tough reminds me of this dope from Mulan
No. 823177
>>823175In spite of everything she seems to still want to be seen as better than other people on her level.
I bet she doesn't want to admit she got a tattoo just because she liked the look and idea because she always has to be a little bit better than people doing the same stuff as her, so she googled any old shit she could use to justify it in a way that she could sell as intellectual.
It's not just a tattoo, it's a clever tattoo!
No. 823210
>>823161I respect people with ugly tattoos a lot more when they don't try to justify them with complicated backstories.
Also I'm not super familiar with tattooing, but I though most artists prefer their work to face up (when your arm is relaxed at your side the art appears facing up). Moo's rose is facing down. You can see what I'm talking about with his other work.
>>823152 No. 823233
>>823178It is for one of the few reasons Moo gets off her ass outside of food, money, and dick: Clout.
The cheeseburger guy is internet famous for his anime tattoos, so that is why she zeroed in on him for the first cheese rose. The whole black band saga is fucking hilarious though and I'll be surprised if it goes into his portfolio at all.
No. 823303
File: 1613962313497.png (1.68 MB, 1820x689, FAD1CB8D-7C94-41CA-B528-4B7CD8…)

>>823063lmao mariah who tf are you kidding with that korean chin shoop??
No. 823311
>>823135Kek wtf that’s not even her face. She wishes her potato nose was that small.
>>823152Moo always has this ability to find talent and make it look the worst. I mean…these tattoos are super good (not my taste but he’s clearly talented). His roses look amazing but twice now she’s gone to him with her stupid ideas and made his tattoos look like laughable garbage. This is why a lot of really popular tattoo artists won’t let you design your own and they make you pick it out from the artists own drawings. To avoid clients like moo.
No. 823342
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No. 823344
>>823342Thinner lines would have looked better. Still stupid, but better.
And jfc her lips look like they’re going to burst.
No. 823354
>>823342if she'd gotten them up and below the rose, it wouldn't have looked as bad, but instead she got them over it, why?
Still would've looked terrible but could've been more cohesive
No. 823394
File: 1613984436184.gif (485.28 KB, 366x232, 648484.gif)

>>823348>ugly electrical tape tatsSpot on anon
>>823390Mariah is going to do this and claim that it was her plan all along!
No. 823397
>>823342Idk if any other tattoo fag can chime in but those bands don’t look super even (especially the bottom one) and the black doesn’t look evenly packed, but could be hard to tell cause it’s fresh.
Doing even black is actually not as easy as people think. If you mess it up, it ends up looking like some sharpie project.
No. 823398
File: 1613985214021.jpg (345.7 KB, 1080x484, Screenshot_20210222-101034_Dri…)

>>823161>muh Mesopotamian tattoo TOPKEK In Ancient Mesopotamia tattoos were actually only used as an involuntary marker of slaves and often given as punishment.
No. 823404
File: 1613990546902.jpg (84.12 KB, 1883x649, 3owzh8kawq951.jpg)

>>823156Did she really say she wants red arm bands on her left arm??
Is that gonna be her stupid ass AOT-inspired tattoo?
No. 823406
>>823404Yes, Moo. Stripe your arm the same way they nuance the holocaust in AoT.
What a fucking retard.
No. 823410
File: 1613992776897.jpg (41.62 KB, 807x659, 1613608909820.jpg)

Hearing her and watching her try to justify why she got two fat ass black lines over her already shitty tattoo is ALMOST as bad as her autistic cringeposting about Attack On Titan. I never thought I would say this about Moo but just fucking talk about something ELSE, god. I would rather be annoyed with her not knowing anything about what she claims to be a big fan of than to see her actually passionate about something because then almost everything she posts HAS to be Attack On Titan. Even so, it feels so forced because a LOT of people are watching AOT now so obviously she's probably getting a lot of traffic on her tik toks and stuff. Idk, regardless she's super fucking lame.
No. 823447
>>823403"There's nothing medically wrong with Moo."
Uh what? She hasn't seen a real legit doctor in how many years? Because being obese with a botched body definitely doesn't have it's medical issues. She's clearly internally screwed up but none of us know exactly what and that's why people medfag/armchair. If the dumb bitch would actually go to a doctor and get diagnosed for the befit of herself then we could go off that, but Moo can't stand having someone who's worth 10x more than her tell her what to do.
No. 823710
File: 1614134769860.jpg (459.98 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20210223-171306_Ins…)

From her insta story. Either that's the crinkles of face injections or the wrinkles from too many bad habits…
No. 823711
File: 1614134892423.png (184.7 KB, 326x557, momocatlady.png)

>>823207Is it just me, or is her "lisp" worse here?
Sounds like she's slurring at the start. She can barely talk or move her upper lip. Getting a real Jocelyn Wildenstein lip, lol. New upper lip fillings freshly done?
No. 823736
>>823710Is that a catholic medal on our super Muslim
POC moocow? Hmm
No. 823748
>>823710Moo is an unhygienic pig, don't get me wrong, but it certainly doesn't help that she lives in one of the driest places in the country. We all know she doesn't drink water, and I doubt she's
ever worn sunscreen (she probably thinks an ~exotic~ girl like her doesn't need it.)
No. 823778
File: 1614170931490.jpg (54.08 KB, 361x403, ECi4S5ZWsAAtnGh.jpg)

>>823711Damn those lips. She should have picked this titan for her cosplay.
No. 824048
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No. 824053
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>>824048Her house looks like a hotel lobby.
No. 824099
File: 1614358541297.jpg (53.73 KB, 436x336, 1340900128271.jpg)

>>824048It's never impressive when people get these nice apartments/houses but spend so much on the place itself that they can't furnish it. It's empty, and I don't buy it's "minimalist and clean."
No. 824158
File: 1614396684904.jpg (210.54 KB, 720x1280, 20210226_212814.jpg)

Imagine making your mother sit on a hotel lobby floor and eat like a slave. God her house is fucking tacky.
No. 824167
>>824163I think it's because it's faux-marble made with ceramic tiles, so it looks painted. And that much tile in general makes everything seem cold and boring.
>>824158Why take a picture of your mom awkwardly eating on the floor?
No. 824169
>>824158So what was the reason she had to move again into another bland AF McMansion? What happened to that Victorian (lol) house she was bragging about moving into a while back?
I’m just echoing the other anons at this point with how tacky the place looks.
No. 824202
>>824169She was renting the other place, this is the house that cuck money built. Fitting that it is as unoriginal, tacky, and soulless as her.
She's been oinking that she's totes a real estate mogul now so we'll see what happens to this house.
No. 824439
File: 1614575187981.png (Spoiler Image,501.08 KB, 485x761, Screen Shot 2021-02-28 at 9.05…)

sage for NSFL meme
No. 824516
File: 1614619592241.png (362.69 KB, 435x683, Screen Shot 2021-03-01 at 12.2…)

>a summary so you don't have to suffer. It's not much.
>loudly smacking on mochi this whole time with her boiled sausage lips
>omg you guyz I have so many costumes lined up!!!1!! It's overwhelming!
>Has more Attack on Titan cosplays lined up (God help us)
>Really wants to 'blow our socks off'
Oh yeah you'll be blowing something off alright Moo.
No. 824560
>>824557It depends. If they're just a track, no. But if they're glued in.. yeah.
I'm just waiting for her lips to rip apart.
No. 824561
>>824557Not a hairdresser so I can't say for sure but I can't imagine constantly taking them in and out is good for your scalp. Her hair looks like it's been thinning out so that could be the culprit.
>>824560God right? And it's just making her face look puffy and old.
No. 824585
>>824557yea, it's called traction alopecia. the constant weight and pull of clip-ins and sew-in extensions can cause hair loss.
glue-in extensions is trash all together too.
No. 824629
File: 1614648681562.jpg (Spoiler Image,372.14 KB, 484x727, v5bmB9O.jpg)

>new video
>cats are fighting/meowing loudly in the background
>lying on her marbled ass bathroom floor spewing literal chunks from her vag
>even with a beauty filter on full blast you can see her weight gain
No. 824643
File: 1614650667008.jpg (55.8 KB, 986x555, Monistat-e08815328dab4582acca6…)

>>824629Get this cow some Monistat
No. 824686
>>824631her anatomy is surreal. Her back fat is squishing to the front but there is a visible line where the fat stops on her lipo sucked mid section.
It's scary to think she sucked the fat our of her back and in less than a year it's already back
No. 824697
>>824691It could be the type of lube she uses.
Some water based lives get all weird like this with enough friction.
Coconut oil or silicone is best, but just depends on the toys
No. 824700
>>824629Shit like this is the reason why God doesn't talk to us anymore.
FFS Moo, how do you think having white clumps in your vag is normal or appealing to anyone?
No. 824830
>>824745Honestly she probably got all white marble because her cats piss everywhere. This way she can see it and it won't ruin the carpet
>>824698This might be true, but if she's trying to sell her porn and be "uwu hentai waifu" she needs to put in effort and add more lube to cover up her coochie rice
No. 824919
File: 1614739877067.jpg (389.12 KB, 1080x1500, Cat.jpg)

Is that the cat that went missing?
No. 824930
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No. 824933
>>824930>rubbing her nasty paint covered fingers all overyeah that
>>824629 is definitely yeast jfc
No. 824938
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The forced eyerolls of pleasure is what really sent my sides into orbit
No. 824957
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>>824930Imagine filming this and thinking you look sexy
No. 824981
>>824930You can see her filter go on in and out in this video too which is hilarious. Also I’m
pretty sure there’s people in the room with her which is…. yikes.
No. 824990
>>824943>>824961the fact she has absolutely no idea what to do with her face OR her pussy is absolutely hilarious.
Remember her b/g video when a wave of full self awareness hit and she looked worriedly into the camera?
No. 825035
>>824930Good god the fact that it's totally silent makes it even more upsetting. Edit some fucking music in the background at least Moo.
Also this girl def has a yeast infection.
No. 825088
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>>825083why would she get into pokémon? they never paid her royalties for putting her in the games
No. 825093
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>>825088Don’t do jinx dirty like that… she’s more like Conkeldurr.
No. 825111
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What happens if i do this?
No. 825115
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>>825111>WHYgravure btw
also spoiler that Jesus Christ
No. 825119
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No men outside your degenerate base likes you either so that checks out.
I wonder what it’s like to live life though the same goddamn Amrezy filter day in and day out. God she’s so sad and pathetic.
No. 825121
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>>825111It’s like watching a butter churn… Jfc
No. 825125
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>>825111Thanks, I hate it.
Lol though, at the 25sec mark you can hear a cat meow.
No. 825137
>>825111the dildo looks smaller than it is just because of her girth. I rarely see her do full body shoots anymore and if she does she has Square shop her a new body.
Since she isn't talking about weight loss anymore I figure she's gaining again.
No. 825153
>>825124>>824629This looks like a different video/angle than
>>825111so I'm still pretty confused but don't want to to devote any more brain space to whatever is going on in this cows's vagina.
No. 825158
>>825132so like i don’t use dildos or anything but do you
need lube for a dildo? or is she just super dry and needs lube bc of that?
No. 825189
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>>825111No wonder no one wants to fuck her, I bet she just lies on her back like that the whole time.
No. 825248
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Same old song and dance for how many years now?
No. 825253
>>825248Her idea of
toxic behavior is being friends with people who don’t kiss her ass.
No. 825324
>>825111This video made me asexual.
>>825098Can someone, even the Party City halloween witch she lives with, tell her to stop it?
No. 825326
>>825324Someone probably did and that's why she posted
>>825248She only posts stuff like that if one of her friends tell her no or disagree with her
No. 825505
>>825309That's not how vaginas work, retard. It's an organ. It doesn't gape open because you "overuse" it the same way a dick doesn't whittle down from having a lot of sex.
She looks that way because she's fat. Her pussy is a fat girls pussy. It's not deeper than that and idk why some of you turn into scrotes about this. Unhygienic morbidly obese girls tend to have gross pussies.
No. 825683
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New insta vid
>Shocked that people thought her last post was about a break up (Vid of her dancing crying to some AoT shit, don't watch it so wouldn't know)
>"How dare you think some normal plebeian human male can make me cry? The only people who can make me cry are anime boys."
Yes Mariah, I'm sure that one person who thought it was about a breakup warranted you to make this. We all know actual males run away from you. Why does she announce this like she's proud of it?
No. 825699
>>825683She announces it and acts proud of it because it's to "own the haters" and to pretend people want her. Literally no one asked her if it was about a break up because no one gives a fuck lol.
Well aside her asking herself questions.
No. 825748
>>825717she has literally encouraged them to ejaculate on her figurines and send her the photos
on the one hand, get the bag, I guess, but it is just so gross
No. 825767
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When the filter is off
Yikes .. I can’t believe she would post this.
No. 825797
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>>825767the spirit of big ang is in her
No. 825806
File: 1615286606032.png (3.86 MB, 1800x1623, DD0A82B3-BB86-4855-A541-A43DC3…)

>>825767Comparison to the amrezy filtered story she posted, the difference is just… yikes.
No. 825831
>>825811they don't. Some troll accounts use Momo's unfiltered face as their profile picture and tell them shit like "You wish you were half as attractive as Moo you (insert incel comment here)"
Though Moo's painfully aware she looks nothing like what she presents online. She isn't this thicc 130 pound cosplay model. She's a 230 botched pig hoping she can catfish the masses for a little while longer.
No. 825834
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No. 825835
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>>825834Also, another animal to add to the pile
No. 825840
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War of the cows
No. 825841
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No. 825900
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The kid she’s replying to is literally 13 years old …
No. 825902
>>825900they are the worst possible pairing of insufferable internet thots.
i also like how they never actually denied the accusation. as if all the times she mercilessly bullied other women are just erased from the internet.
No. 825905
>>825900Moo could literally give two shits. If it's female and breathing, she hates them. Just because she has pickme friends doesn't mean she's accepting of other women or girls. So much for "fixing
toxic behaviors". She could've responded maturely or just not at all!
No. 825914
File: 1615339782178.jpeg (1.37 MB, 1242x2040, CDEA3057-B453-4C3F-9ED2-31A0F2…)

What’s crazy is how far her thighs stick out away from her body
No. 825918
>>825834You have to be an internet celebrity first, Mariah. She's just an obese, botched nobody trying to chase fame by driving herself broke.
>>825900Kek, imagine needing to feel like a bad bitch by picking on a kid.
>>825917Without a doubt.
No. 825922
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>>825914Love the editing here, if in doubt, just repaint the car to mould your lard into some vague form. I tried drawing on the pic to figure out her legs, but it blags my head too much how monstrous her legs are.
No. 825941
>>825922God, I hate her gross talons. I think she's o the opinion that the longer nails she gets, the slimmer her fingers look, but if anything they make her fingers look like sausages by comparison. The curve of them from the nailbed is so overdone that it looks like dog claws instead of nails.
Also her 'nude' colour is disgusting, instead of going for a natural peach colour or a french manicure (which she's had before and personally suits her way better) she keeps gravitating towards dirty brown that give her smoker's hands.
No. 825956
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She’s upset that her white cabinet doesn’t match her white countertops and is asking suggestions on how to paint it. What is with this obsession with everything in her house needing to be that super bright bland white?
No. 825973
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>>825914Her nails make her hands look like the Grinch.
The inverted knee is what bothers me. I don’t know if it’s photoshop or knock knees from weight gain, but if it’s the latter it must be uncomfortable when she runs
No. 826010
>>826000I wouldn't be too jealous anon. She can never buy herself health, a boyfriend and a normal body. Which is what she really wants. That and she does this every year. She spends all of her tax refund all in one go. But instead of traveling and blowing 50k+, new car.
No one can pay me any amount of money to look twice my age and be a death fat
No. 826011
File: 1615403894141.jpg (132.96 KB, 285x1026, 20210310_191705.jpg)

>>825924Tried, but have limited recent candids to go off, put a line where the back of her thigh should be too
No. 826057
>>826055The fluffy sandals are Uggs and cost $100.
She could have wore her Balenciagas but yeah, no taste. Just trash lol
No. 826091
>>825886Lurk Lori’s thread
>>825900Is she trying to get banned from TikTok too? She’s such an idiot
No. 826116
>>826055She dresses as tacky as Luna Slater.
>>826074I remember Vamp making a video about Mariah wearing the same pair of ugly ass shoes everywhere until they got too nasty.
>>826114>yet wants you to believe she's from the hood.She's nothing to be afraid of cause she's too cowardly. She waddles and hides when someone even raises their voice to her.
No. 826123
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>>826114Moo doesn't sound hood at all she's a joke like J-Roc from trailer park boys.
No. 826125
>>826116Exactly. The second someone even talks about confronting her she tucks her tail between her legs and waddles her fat ass away. Back when she used to sneak into cons without paying she’d hide in her hotel room all weekend if she got into any beef with someone days before it cause she was obviously so scared of getting her fat ass whooped.
Anyone who has followed her for a second knows she is full of shit with this fake ass “tough bitch who isn’t here to make friends and I’ll fuck you up if you try to come at me” routine. Just press her a little bit and the chickenshit coward will go back to preaching about being a “peace warrior who wants nothing but goodness in the world” and some horseshit about how “we all need to learn how to be nice and good to each other instead of fighting”.
No. 826150
>>826125I remember at Blizzcon a few years ago she went off on some streamers. She lurked around the periphery of the group for a few minutes, barged in to yell at them, and when everyone else rightfully looked at her like she was crazy she melted into the background. Vamps was there too and didn’t do shit.
Moo doesn’t understand social cues and says inappropriate things, only to realize every normal person is side eyeing her and takes to social media to make herself seem like a bad bitch instead of socially awkward
No. 826160
>>826156That video did her absolutely no favors. This was after she had already tried to bury all the sexual assault and bullying she was being called out for . I believe she also had deleted her “apology” from her Instagram at this time too. So she was in full on denial mode. Then this video comes out and her name went right back into the public after getting shared across social media. The people who didn’t know her though she was just some annoying ass sperg who needed to mind her own damn business. But it only got worse when it was further explained who she was and what she had done and it winded up trashing the little reputation she had left in the toilet that she was trying to rebuild at that point.
It was one of the reasons she is in the situation she is in now. It put her name back out there in all the worst ways.
No. 826182
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I guess Moo was eligible for the vaccine in Nevada because of her underlying health condition of obesity.
No. 826198
>>826174covid is the best thing that happened to Moo. She can photoshop her body thinner, more simps are at home jerking off, she isn't intimidated by anyone since she's usually in her house.
I can't wait for Momo to strut into a con with full confidence thinking she looks like her filtered picture only for people to snap candids of her 300 pound ass
No. 826199
>>826182She's going to use this as an excuse to be more of an asshole. I know she didn't follow any social distancing practice but this will just make it worse
"Who cares fuck you I got mai shots. The rules don't apply to me okay?" And then she will make 5 videos acting all ghetto about how she's now immune to one strain of covid
No. 826216
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Mariah has fully returned to her cunt self. All that self help, guru, meditation shit was a farce, as everyone called it out in here. Everything she said in her reply was wrong. A “health district” doesn’t have a phone number to talk to. There is no surplus. And the only underlying conditions that would apply to her are obesity, HBP, and diabetes (and cancer and heart disease) for her to have gotten it early. I hope more people publicly call her out on her shit. There’s other people telling her to not post her vaccine card up but she thinks it’s because of personal info, the reason which was given is so people don’t make fakes using info of their vaccine so the card be authenticated. But of course Mariah knows best!! And doesn’t care.
No. 826223
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Posting for posterity.
>>826216Goddamn she’s such a smug cunt. She can easily ignore these responses but she actively chooses to chimp out at any given opportunity.
No. 826225
File: 1615496622670.png (6.89 MB, 1284x2778, E96CBF92-7B3A-4C5C-B948-F1C893…)

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone this fucking deluded in my life. Cosplay extraordinaire???? WHAT??? LMAO
No. 826226
>>826223this bloated sex doll can get the vaccine, meanwhile medical professionals working with covid patients are told to wait their turn
Fucking surplus my ass. Also why does she care, she was eating out and having parties during the whole pandemic.
No. 826231
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Both vamps and mo got there shot the same day and at the same clinic. Maybe secretly hanging out lol
No. 826260
>>826231Well, yeah, they've been attack dogging other cows together.
>>826242I don't believe that was a true accident kek.
>>826252Which is absolutely hilarious because she's completely in denial about being morbidly obese.
>>826255Other strains exist and the vaccine doesn't protect people from all of them.
No. 826278
>>826269Sorry but them's facts.
Old people are the very first people to have been vaccinated and they don't do shit with themselves. Then medically at risk people.
You'll be big mad when you find out that people who work from home and don't travel are still trying to get the vaccine even if they don't qualify specifically because they don't want to be a risk for catching it when they stop at the grocery store.
This is a retarded moral virtue signal, don't do it.
No. 826295
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>>826278Shut the fuck up. Shes the last on the list to qualify, obesity effects most of America, it’s not even on the list of preexisting health conditions.
No. 826300
>>826295Nope. If you want to bitch about people like Moo who got it despite not traveling and not doing anything, then the point is you have a bone to pick with the majority of people who have gotten it so far because a lot of those vaccinated folks are in the same boat as Moo. And no amount of tantruming on your part is going to change what's happened just because you feel some people are more entitled to it than others.
>>826298How do you know she lied to get it? Sage your samefag?
No. 826301
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>>826295I went to the same .org you posted, clicked on the link to schedule the first dose, and literally one of the boxes to be eligible for an appointment is obesity starting at 25 BMI. You're one bootyblasted liar. You must be the burger flipper from her post. Looks like the fatties are about to be vaccinated, seethe harder.
No. 826323
>>826311Click on 'schedule a test' and select the covid appointment portal. embarrassing yourself and just admit you were mistaken instead of continuing your spergy double down. You're welcome if you didn't know this, fyi. Clearly you have some mental disability that would make you eligible. Good luck!
No. 826335
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>>826323Nice fucking try you fucking twat. I went to that site, I put in overweight and obese, absolutely no appointments the entire fucking month. I go back and put in healthcare worker, appointments are all available.
Just because the checkbox is there doesn’t mean it’s fucking applicable you fucking moronic piece of shit.
This is a high chance that it’s Mariah or Umbran that’s this deep into defending their decision. Fuck all the way outta here. You had some connection or LIED and got your vaccine and it’s not your turn according to the official government site for Nevada. Period. You fucking suck as usual. Glad you got Johnson because there’s still a 40% chance of you getting the virus and kicking the bucket and doing us all a favor. The only thing you’d ever be good for.
No. 826342
>>826335>absolutely no appointmentsNice moving the goalposts, you didn't say shit about there not being appointments. You said it "wasn't the same website."
You're WRONG bitch lmao eat my ass.
Secondly, calm down. Just because there aren't appointment slots right now doesn't mean more won't be populated and that others won't cancel. Thanks for contributing to non-existent vaccine scarcity hysterics, though. Don't worry, you'll get yours.
No. 826343
>>826335Considering you couldn't be assed as of a few posts ago to check the website to see what's eligible for vaccination, so much that you believe anon lied about it, it's also safe to presume you're the same kind of tart who would think that just because appointments aren't available
right now that they never will be again.
Also learn to integrate or get back to your shift at Burger King.
No. 826362
>>826357Nobody even whiteknighted her?
Anons acting like she stole a vaccine from someone are being retards. Please go back to nitpicking her shoop or something, you're fucking annoying.
No. 826369
>>826360>>826358Do you know how to sage your posts?
Serious question. Nothing you're blithering about is important to keep bumping.
>she’s not up for the vaccine I hope you're ESL which would explain why you can't read what your own screencap told you.
It doesn't say obesity isn't a qualification. It just says there aren't appointments available and to check later. It means for that qualifying group, there are no slots available.
Barring that, she could have been referred to by her primary physician. She could have just been lucky to have booked an appointment slot before they filled. Yes, they could be prioritizing other groups on the sign up but it doesn't mean fatties are disqualified altogether, it just means their group is booked up.
Do you understand anything?
Nobody here is Umb or Moo, you're just a moron with really bad logic.
You're still wrong and you won't change my mind about it. Stay mad.
No. 826370
>>826369Are you fucking dense?
See>>826295. That’s whose eligible. That’s it. That’s the list. Not that huge ass checklist, this. This is what’s eligible NOW. As the date indicated. Fucking wasting time. Google it. Come back with the screenshot saying how she’s eligible. Otherwise shut the whole fuck up.
No. 826428
>>826413Agreed. Is vamp still working at the grocery store? If so that would explain her getting it since she’s an essential worker. Would not be surprised if this was just Mariah trying to one up vamp a g a i n.
>>826426Would not be surprised if it was her minions tbh.
No. 826447
>>826428A lackey I would believe. Moo would never step foot here again because she knows she can't control the convo to go her way.
>>826416I saw that video, in the very beginning there's a small bit of talking and it sounds like another language. It's not Moo
No. 826496
>>826476asthma plus morbid obesity
two risky conditions is equal to being 65 in most states right now
No. 826588
>>826552Anons screeching about her "lying" to get the vaccine are being so goddamn stupid I s2g. Can't blogpost of course, but there's literally people getting calls from their primary doctors to come get a vaccine even if they haven't been the ones to reach out first. Lots of fat people are being offered the vaccine. Clinics are asking
anybody to come get shots at the end of the day so the vaccines won't go to waste in some areas. Even further is the fact that if the medical professional thought she were egregiously lying and that the vaccine would have been better to go to someone else, they wouldn't have given it to her. Anons can't handle this.
Anyway it doesn't fucking matter who gets the vaccine first or how anons get their feefees in a twist when they feel someone 'jumped the line.' The fact is one more vaccinated person is a net gain for everyone. More vaccinated people=less spread. More vaccinated people=more hospital beds open. There is literally nothing to be mad about here and it's a huge reach.
No. 826590
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I know Sssniperwolf doesn't care but Moo bought a shirt with her mugshot on it.
No. 826645
>>826612Yep. Like always, Moo eventually ends up overstepping boundaries to creep levels. Once she thinks she’s finally “in” with someone she busts out the t-shirts, trying to spend every waking moment with them, dressing like a carbon copy of them and stalking them at every waking moment even online.
Now that the writing is on the wall, I’ll bet that she is slowly but surely looking to drop Moo as quickly as she can now, just like Nigri did to her.
No. 826720
>>826637You need to be banned because you're the same unsaging shit calling "whiteknight" despite several anons coming in here to tell you that you're being extremely stupid about this.
No one cares who you think is entitled to the vaccine first.
No. 826741
>>826732She was basically Moomoo-lite. She’s a fat cow who tried to get in good with all the other costhots by skin walking and stalking, except she didn’t even get invited to any of the parties or conventions/vacation trips. So she sperged out after funny enough Moo of all people called her out for how obvious she was being. She also started going after all the costhots who were charging for their content and somehow thought she was better for showing her gross refrigerator body for free. And of course even though she bitched at all these other girls for charging money, she is now charging money for her content as well, making her a huge hypocrite.
She hasn’t had any run ins with Moo after getting laughed out the cosplay community.
No. 826792
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Polite sage but I figured this would come in handy for iPhone anons.
Download the VLC app.
When you open it, go to settings and then downloads. Then copy and paste the webm link. It will allow you to watch webms.
No. 826823
File: 1615749866183.png (2.4 MB, 1026x1800, 160D2871-4F7C-43B2-9317-F170F1…)

How is she going to squeeze herself into these outfits she bought months ago at her size now?
No. 827242
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More of that bland white marble void.
No. 827254
File: 1615956548123.jpg (84.11 KB, 1080x746, FIH_20210317_05145419075527323…)

Seems about right
No. 827291
>>827242Lol at that squaty-potty.
Yes, I'm sure that totally happened. And of course she's feigning interest in demon slayer, now that it's being talked about again.
>>827280Nah. Like a previous anon suggested, it's probably just so that squarecuck has less work to do when he paints her in photoshop. Doubt she put much more thought than that into it.
No. 827326
>>827311I vote for both. She has no taste and also needs an easily shoopable background.
Her house looks like a business hotel or a plastic surgery spa.
No. 827366
>>827359Nobody said anything about Nezuko's age lol; you're just trying to find reasons to be angry. Try again.
Regardless of the character's age, it's common knowledge that, rather than putting together an actual cosplay for characters, she resorts to a poorly-fitting bra and panties she got from Adam and Eve and lazily slaps together a photoshoot. Are you new here or just slow on the uptake?
No. 827390
>>827387People have talked in the past before about how, despite the fact that she did an actual Melony cosplay once or twice ages ago for cons (she still has some pictures up of this outfit), she hasn't done Melony's canon outfit since then and has only since done lingerie looks like that stupid Christmas apron look a few months ago. It's not just Nezuko; are you just not paying attention or something? I thought we established ages ago that Moo has given up on cosplaying actually canon outfits and just sticks to bikinis and lingerie sets.
Literally just a few posts ago in this thread anons were joking about Moo abandoning her Ishtar from fate and Urbosa from BOTW cosplays she commissioned due to her weight gain and doing "sexy lingerie" versions instead.
No. 827441
>>827242I will say one thing about Moo's shitty mcmansion, it looks like she dumped cash on a $500 robotic litter box.
Good on you, Mooriah, that's one dumb flex of yours that I can get behind because it means the box is actually clean for your oversized horde of cats.
No. 827536
File: 1616118335756.png (1.88 MB, 1242x2208, E3C25DB5-B8A1-4475-B4A7-27F346…)

Big talk from a fucking wuss that bails the moment someone looks at her funny. Also, lol at thinking her follower base are all upstanding citizens. The same people that degrade her in her own posts and regard her as nothing but a cum rag.
No. 827645
>>827536Or you could just post information about the incident, links to gofundmes, and information about the
victims like a normal human being instead of trying to live out your "anime protagonist at the forefront of change" fantasy, Moo.
No. 827647
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lord have mercy
No. 827702
File: 1616192160986.png (3.33 MB, 1242x2208, 925D607D-CB19-4BFE-8A2E-B1C8FB…)

Going for that prolapsed anus look I see.
No. 827715
File: 1616196234788.jpeg (566.01 KB, 1194x1122, DEB862EF-04A9-4AD9-844A-CEDC09…)

>>827702Oh my god. There is literally a corner there and her lips look like they have a butt growing on the top
No. 827724
>>827536Ok I'm just as mad as anyone about what went down in SF the other day but this shit is just stupid and she's clearly fishing for a 'yas queen!' response. Her insincerity is annoying.
Moo is racist. She fetishizes Asian people just as much the Atlanta shooter. IMO they're cut from the same cloth, she's just not the type to shoot up a place.
No. 827744
>>827715When your lips have more of an ass than you do, ay caramba!
>>827698Maddie's shitty, overworked wigs are an excellent match with Moo's shitty, overlipo'd body, truly.
No. 827752
File: 1616208736232.jpg (67.54 KB, 720x1220, 20210319_204944.jpg)

No. 827774
File: 1616220163083.jpg (61.53 KB, 540x720, pcc8ozAJXDwsjer1bBHihJaCNB2uje…)

>>827536Mooriah in the streets protecting the Asian men.
No. 827818
File: 1616252850451.png (4.66 MB, 1125x2436, F0CCD50A-26F9-46D1-96C0-E89A43…)

No. 827819
File: 1616252920586.gif (597.26 KB, 326x250, 7A88EDB3-912E-40C4-918C-160091…)

>>827774ANON lmao ty for making me laugh this morning
No. 827823
>>827801I wonder if people aren’t porking out the cash as much anymore so she needs to lower her prices?
Her pricing has always been all over the place. For whatever reason her solo stuff is always so expensive but actual penetration with an actual dude was like half that. It’s so bizarre to me.
No. 827825
>>827536Why she fakes a ghetto accent whenever she wants to appear trashy or hostile because that's a nice stereotype.
Or the main fact she liked anti BLM posts. She comes off as a total "All lives matter" shit head.
No. 827840
File: 1616270538540.jpg (383.53 KB, 1080x2400, IMG_20210320_150209.jpg)

This one's my favorite
No. 827868
File: 1616287647938.jpg (Spoiler Image,274.48 KB, 1284x2282, WLdpPm6.jpg)

>>827840your pfp is showing
No. 827869
File: 1616287753176.jpg (Spoiler Image,266.96 KB, 1284x2282, etVpbkY.jpg)

>>827868not miss body positive editing her nose lmao
No. 827874
File: 1616290081303.jpeg (528.17 KB, 1242x1816, FC2A89EE-F0BF-4D2A-A680-8DB612…)

Her lips are still gross even when drawn lovingly by her toady.
No. 827904
File: 1616301889575.png (2.67 MB, 1242x2208, 25FA0EA1-0CF0-4D16-B2D0-C0A283…)

I dub this pose “the club foot”
No. 827906
>>827904Trying to flex that ugly ass outfit and her walk in closet.
What’s the point if she has all the same fugly clothes in variations of fugly colors and always looks like she rolled out of bed anyway?
No. 827909
File: 1616304155616.png (3.32 MB, 750x1334, image0.png)

Her lips look so swollen oh god. How the fuck is her entire face red?? She looks like she's constantly facing an allergic reaction.
No. 827911
>>827909Lol she films these with the filter, saves it, then reuploads so you cant see the filter notification in the left corner
Thots have been obsessed with doing this lately bc they want you to think they are natural Moo is a coward to show her real face and body.
No. 828018
File: 1616351607002.png (3.49 MB, 1242x2208, 6DD1DF21-9828-40A0-8CB6-C94868…)

Even if he were, he still wouldn’t touch you just like every other guy out there. God she is so lonely and pathetic.
No. 828115
File: 1616394247880.png (1.14 MB, 1242x2208, 80EE4EA6-AA50-4B6F-B64C-A47727…)

I’d take her reposts regarding the anti-Asian hate with a grain of salt since she was suspiciously quiet during the BLM protests, election and siege at the capital. Like, I get she doesn’t have to post it and can do whatever she wants on her profile, but since she fetishizes Asians, I can’t help but roll my eyes at her attempts to be woke when it suits her.
No. 828122
>>828115Was she though? I remember her saying she vooted and then getting caught out on not actually vooting, also pretty sure she made some mandatory support post for BLM. as for Capitol hill, what is there to say besides some boomers smeared poo on walls?
Moo has always been very pick and choose with politics, I think she even knows she's not smart enough to talk about them, or the very least doesn't care about making mandatory back pat feel good virtue signal posts.
No. 828124
File: 1616403550842.png (332.17 KB, 750x1334, 18DAB3C5-5376-418A-9425-646444…)

>>828115Not to mention she did this as well.
No. 828157
>>828115I guess after Etika died she really didn't give a shit about black people huh?
This performative shit is so exhausting. She said she didn't go to BLM protests because she was scared but now she wants to take a bat into Chinatown to defend her potential Asian male suitors? Dumbass.
No. 828201
File: 1616441578690.png (3.25 MB, 1800x1609, E8A22A23-BE67-4D95-8A29-14A4A9…)

Why can’t she “commaion” her toady Maddie to draw it for her? Moo has stiffed people in the past with commissions but I’m sure she’ll find an artist desperate enough for money to sacrifice their reputation and risk it.