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No. 939201

>Previous 3 threads:
Hell Is A Place On Earth Edition >>930240
Carve A V Edition >>294375
Doxing And Stabbing Zaddy Edition >>286668

>Venus Isabelle Palermo aka Venus Angelic is a washed up has-been Swiss Youtuber who gained popularity for her doll looks and weeby content back in the days. Her momager Margo created the Venus Angelic brand, dragged her around the globe evading taxes and stirring up drama among the living doll and makeup vlogger community. She married and cuckolded a Japanese fan named Manaki who doesn’t appear online anymore (because they are now divorced after she cheated on him with her zaddy ken who she started seeing in 2018, she broke up with her zaddy this year though). Venus faded off into internet irrelevancy for the most part and tries to recapture some amount of attention by uploading random videos every other month, thotting on OnlyFans or threatening suicide.

Recent milk:
Venus' online presence continues to tank after many of her attention seeking attempts

In the last thread:
Venus goes live after a 3 month disappearance to talk about nothing; claims her visible shaking is from being nervous (not to be confused with withdrawal tremors); still hasn't gotten her Youtube account back after giving her password to a random scrote >>930256
Another nothing live looking very unfortunate ft. severely rotted teeth >>930263 >>930275 >>930292 >>930347
Ken breaks up with Venus again >>930338
Announces another recovery journey >>930434
A reddit incel's sister a-logs on Venus' picture to shame her for unfollowing her brother after he supposedly provided her moral support >>930446 >>930447
> Reddit incel's account where he posts speculations based on alleged phone calls he had with Venus; claims he witnessed Manaki abusing and insulting Venus during some calls >>930457
Goes back to sugardaddy Ken, alcohol in tote >>930499
Vague suicidebaiting >>930582
Jk! Back to being positivesu! Please donate to my Patreon by the way- I swear I'll make more content if you do >>930911 >>930975
Manaki is said to be "married" to another woman and may have finalized the divorce with Venus, which could jeopardize her visa >>930963 ; Venus may have alluded to this in a doodle that says "Me when u divorce me and block me on Insta" >>930524
Aaaaand her Patreon is down >>931075
Sobers up her act now that both Ken and Manaki have cut her off >>931167 >>932351
A follower sends a nearly homeless, alcoholic Venus copious amounts of alcohol >>932559 >>933106
Tries to reach out to Margo again; Margo predictably gives her the "I told you so, this is all your fault" speech >>932560
Venus spergs out on Margo over voice messages >>932785 >>932784
Announces another break from Instagram after posting their messages on her story >>933109
Claims she was arrested again in a short video seemingly in the police station; blames her alcoholism; begs followers to send her $5 to go home >>933283 >>933286
Makes an Amazon wishlist for living essentials, including a pink PC setup, circle lenses and lolita clothes >>933759 >>934094 >>934751
Quits OnlyFans >>935119
Pretends that Margo is hacking her Instagram in yet another stunt for attention >>936049 >>936050 >>936062 >>936064 >>936065 ; also larps as Margo in Discord >>936068
Admits she faked being hacked as a drunken performance art piece to show the affects of Margo's control over her life >>936079
Back to getting shitfaced on mixers and probably seeing Ken again >>936652 >>936666 >>936653
Announces yet another break >>936953
Teases more OnlyFans content, despite quitting OF weeks prior >>937930 >>938194
> Suicidebaits her followers; no one cares enough to take the bait >>938196 >>938233 >>938585 >>938612 >>938690
> Even the OF simps are sick of her shit; interactions at an all time low; newly fried crispy blonde hair >>938938 >>939055

No. 939206

Crazy ass thread pic. Sometimes i forget.

No. 939213

Ah yess finally a new thread!

No. 939231

Y’all really need to remember to drop links to the new threads before the previous one gets locked. Y’all been forgetting to the last several threads.

No. 939232

File: 1722434642385.jpeg (311.94 KB, 1284x1010, IMG_7165.jpeg)

She’s a doll again? Trying to go back to the past where she felt happiest.

No. 939234

File: 1722438911829.png (170.36 KB, 581x560, Captura de pantalla 2024-07-31…)

fresh new twitter sperging

No. 939235

File: 1722438985341.mp4 (2.87 MB, 1280x720, beingnormal.mp4)

No. 939238

Yeah she's killing herself shortly lol

No. 939239

Stupid retarded cunt. Retard is the word that fits her best. Absolutely retarded(sage your shit)

No. 939240

where is she staying? im not familiar with homeless housing in jp or anything

No. 939241

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No. 939243

This did make me feel for her a bit because it's obvious she's miserable even if it is attention seeking, but she's made so many poor decision of her own choosing. It's so hard when you have shitty parents who don't let you do anything, but you have to push through and make your own path.

No. 939244

it's okay tommi there are more women in the world that you can send your money to, just take your L, open another tab and gently stroke your micropenis for that sweet dopamine hit. you'll be fine hun

No. 939248

beenus was howtobasic all along after all, huh

No. 939251

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Did she dye her hair pink? Also wtf is this chili pepper shit. "bye bye ex" so I guess she's still fucking ken. Idk why she thinks she needs to post shit about her "relationships." Nobody knows anything about her sexcapades and more importantly, NO ONE CARES.

No. 939252

Her hair is beyond fried. She seems to be really spiraling even after the long social media break.

No. 939253

so she bleached her hair to due it pink? I can only image how her hair looks irl…

No. 939254

In the caption for the video the spanish part says "you don't have heat in your love" so the spicy pepper thing lends itself to that. Idk what that's supposed to mean but she's doing a really good job at seeming like this breakup somehow involves spicy nut.
Her hair isn't pink, that's just the light in the room reflecting onto her lifeless blonde hair

No. 939263

Is she cosplaying Mikan? Kek

No. 939268

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I’m assuming this is whatever shelter she’s been staying at. Whatever it is it looks pretty dirty and moldy.

No. 939304

probably a sharehouse
they don‘t require guarantors and almost no upfront fee and can be quite cheap

No. 939308

Godbless her roommates!

No. 939317

When I thought new heights of being retarded cannot be achieved she posts this.

No. 939339

Voice messages, some are incomprehensible, that Venus posted on OF.


No. 939364

File: 1722533196737.jpeg (1.58 MB, 1125x2039, IMG_3654.jpeg)

saw this on her old Tumblr and laughed a bit

No. 939372


No. 939396

>>939235 …is she going insane?

No. 939398

Venus seems to be a better (in person) SW than Shay.
Venus’s content is shit, but she seems to ‘survive’ on whatever she is doing

sage for my useless observation

No. 939401

This is nikocado avocado levels of trolling

No. 939427

File: 1722616702800.png (548.24 KB, 591x746, trolling.png)

more trolling

No. 939429

>Venus’s content is shit, but she seems to ‘survive’ on whatever she is doing
Lol she literally lives in a shelter, how is that surviving? As dysfunctional as Shatna is, at least she has 2 fake friends and still has a place to move to. Venus has nobody which is hilarious because everyone wanted to help her out so badly, but she's wasted all the help she could get. Even Venus's own coomers are resentful of her. Venus had the potential for a way larger audience than Shayna, but she totally wasted it. She openly discusses how much she despises sex work, but still does it. Shatna may despise it, but she at least tries to put up a front and is also addicted to the attention it brings her. I'm convinced she'd do it for basically free because of the attention. It's hard to compare because their upbringings were totally different, but Venus did have a way larger platform. Articles were written about the "living doll" Venus, there was just so much more notoriety that Venus could have capitalized on and she didn't and now she lives in a homeless shelter. Shatna is pathetic in many other ways, but she isn't in a shelter (yet). If she was, I'd say they're at the same level.

No. 939431

honestly if there are dumbasses that are still willing to stay subscribed to her and give her money on the chance she posts some 'spicy' content, then more power to her for clowning them.

No. 939432

My immediate reaction to this was: She looks so fucking ugly, what happened to her? Has she always looked like this? There's more wrong with her appearance than just being unwashed and too drunk and manic to edit her pictures. I think her lifestyle has really been catching up with her. Or maybe the demon of Margot is sucking the life out of her. I wouldn't be surprised to find out she's possessed.

No. 939455

>Has she always looked like this?

Look at this nona >>939364 Her baseline was always ugly

No. 939468

She was always destined to be genetically screwed over. She looks just like Margo. She's aging exactly like her true heritage instead of her cosplayed one. Her only saving grace was her youth. This is the culmination of alcohol, an ED, not brushing her teeth or moisturizing, and general poor hygiene. Crazy seeing how fast she physically went downhill. The filters were always working overtime but she wasn't as appalling to see without them either.

No. 939474

No wonder she hasn't found a new retarded simp moid to do life for her again. Even Ken isn't crawling back outta desperation for sex (cuz he's repulsive af too) she's so gross looking now.

No. 939481

Imagine being a white girl that can't get laid in Japan… that's kinda unheard of.

No. 939538

Right? There are plenty of gaijin hunter pervs that fetishize foreigners. She can't even get the nasty old dudes anymore. That's how gross looking she is. Maybe instead of stealing booze she should shoplift some basic hygiene and make up products. I don't even thing a brothel would hire her at this point.(learn2reply)

No. 939542

>>939427 she so miserable and lazy that she can't even take pictures to post on her onlyfans.

No. 939550

In my mind that's the main reason why she's staying in Japan. She's got her whiteness going for her there while in Europe she'd be a below average woman

No. 939556

Why is she so obsessed with men/having a boyfriend? She has mommy issues and nearly all her mental problems stem from what she went through with her mom, so wouldn't it make more sense for her to be desperate for attention from motherly figures/other women instead to fill that void? Why the constant longing for scrotes, especially when she already had one that adored her and took care of her fully and she threw him on the trash. So having it doesn't even make her happy and she gets bored.

No. 939589

One she's got Daddy issues cuz he wasn't around and two she needs them to do the logistics of life for her. Moids are retarded and easy to manipulate, especially if you're half way decent looking. It's abundantly clear now how much Mana and Ken did for her financially. She legit doesn't know how to pay bills and manage money. The second she comes into some, she blows it on dumb shit like expensive clothes, hair, nails, booze, and eating out. I wouldn't be surprised if on of the reason she started cheating on Mana (with who she thought was a Sugar Daddy) is because he got on her about her poor spending habits. Sure she could have kept doing YT and been fine, but Marge was the brains behind that. Ken clearly managed her OF. She's retarded and coddled. That's the problem.

No. 939603

i don't think she's longing for men so much as she's just looking for someone to leech off of and manipulate like >>939589 said. i've never gotten the vibe from her that she's looking for a relationship dysfunctional or not so much as she's hoping to catch another dumb sucker like mana that she can parasitically attach herself to while she clowns her way through japan. all the female j-vloggers who she used to suck off of emotionally and cry about margot to abandoned her a long time ago due to her abusive drunken antics. i remember she used to get really clingy with women and female friends and then once word got out how terrible she was as a person, they all quietly cut her off and froze her out. if there were women in her proximity she would be all up in their face boohooing and crying about margot between gulps of vodka, but everyone dumped her and avoids her like she has the plague because of how awful she is.

No. 939604

This was mentioned in the last thread, but remember Venus moved around a lot as a kid, living in different countries. How much of that was due to Marge finding retarded cuck moids to leech off of until Venus was old enough for her to mold into a living doll cash cow on YT? Just look at how fast Marg speed ran a visa outta her last stupid ex? Venus is exactly like Marg so this is probably where she learned to leech off stupid simps from.

No. 939607

at this point girly should go bald and wear wigs. her hair is depressing

No. 939610

London apparently was leeching, Idk about the rest

No. 939636

But the thing is she already had someone to leech off of and fully support her. She had the exact easy mode kawaii lifestyle she wanted. Yet she still wasn't happy with that and craved gross stingy old men instead. Just doesn't make sense.

I don't think that was happening often. It seemed more like Venus was being given a lot of full ride scholarships at schools, which covered expenses for her and Marg.

No. 939666

This has been explained in the previous threads but she started cheating with Ken because she was hanging out with Taylor R and Ella Frey at the time. Both were sugar babies. Venus, never wanting to feel like she's being outdone by her "friends" decided she took wanted to larp as a sugar baby. I think you're forgetting she is a retarded lol. She's always been impulsive and doesn't think things through. She's also a greedy bitch and will do anything, no matter how dumb, if she thinks there's a big payout involved. That's why she started doing OF.

No. 939823

File: 1723131226118.jpg (673.72 KB, 1080x1845, Screenshot_20240807_232718_Tik…)

So, this isn't venus obviously, but this came across my feed. Turns out, this blatant attention whoring to the venus-degree is something a lot of girls do online in japan. Idk if that's where she is getting all the inspo, thinking this will be her ticket, publicize for likes her unhingedness. Saged for the image not being venus, but looking at it like this, I think this is what she is hoping for. These girls have so many followers just for being a spectikeil. Idk if that's something we can discuss while the thread is slow?

Do you think venus is trying to lean into the type of content this girl makes?(off-topic)

No. 939826

I see it, it does seem like something that Venus is trying to replicate in a very superficial way. but she still hopes to be able to sell nudes so she can't look THAT disgusting to her 2 remaining simps.
I think Venus is just stupid and an alcoholic. at this point it's not about making content, I think she just convinces herself every day that she is Jirai Kei and thats all. nothing deep.(sage your shit)

No. 939956

Agree, living in a shelter is something that even the homeless and battered women avoid. She could've easily lived like Taylor R if she wasn't so retarded. It is sad to see the potential she wasted and where she is now.

No. 939961

>living in a shelter is something that even the homeless and battered women avoid
I wish I knew where you got this information. Halfway houses exist for a reason lol

No. 939970

Tay Tay is a reach but she could have def been living like Mikan sans the shitty fashion brand of she never cheated because she was living like that. She used to sit on her ass all day and frolick around Japan, blowing money on expensive weeb shit and lolita dresses while Mana took care of everything else. I just wish there was more milk on Ken because I wonder what it was about him that made her think he was loaded when he's clearly a Splenda Daddy.

No. 939973

Girls what do u mean when u say "living like Tay/Mikan"?

No. 939982

They both had sugar daddies, Venus was friends with both of them and envied their lifestyle so she got her own via Ken (despite him being broke) even though Manaki already bought everything for her.
Wasn’t there an old image of her Pater account?

No. 940288

Mikan doesn't have a sugar daddy, she has a unemployed frogman who cheated on his ex girlfriend to get with her. Most of the other weeb influencer girls do seem to sugar though, Tay comes from a wealthy family herself so her SD deemed her good enough to be breeding stock and married her. Venus really did fumble mana though, she's been spiraling infinitely faster since they've split.

No. 940295

Good job at turning into your mom Beenos(sage your shit)

No. 940298

>>since they’ve split
You mean since he finally manned up and kicked her out for good this time.

No. 940316

File: 1723520215005.jpeg (Spoiler Image,377.47 KB, 755x1108, IMG_0969.jpeg)

It’s speculated Mikan did have one at some point as PULL found her old sex work account where she was a “domme” on a site called “CollarSpace”(derailing with old milk, not about venus)

No. 940326

This has nothing to do with who she is with now and it was never confirmed.

No. 940330

kek. All of these uwu weeb influencer girls really are cut from the same cloth aren't they? Surprised Venus never made nice with yukapee tbh.

No. 940356

yes it does, and yes it was. Check her old threads

In one of her druken rambles a while back, venus said something to the effect of "taylor is living a life that should have been rightfully mine" when someone asked if they were still talking to each other

A match made in piss. We'd still be milking it

No. 940392

>taylor is living a life that is rightfully mine
Taylor is cringe, but she was able to model for Chanel. I could never see Venus being able to do that even at her height of fame.

No. 940419

Plus Tay can clean up and look like an adult woman you can introduce to your work colleagues when necessary.
Weeb Venus was an embarrassment even to weeb Manaki when they went out together. Imagine her trying to do events with her husband kek

No. 940425

For those who follow Mikan, you'd know that she lives the life Venus originally lived with Mana every since she got with her ugly hafu shimp Frogman. Prior to quitting his job working for his dad's company to work for hers, Frogman used to work 12 hours and then come home to do all the chores and chauffer her around (he got his license around this time) while she sat her ass all day, complained, and went out to meet friends to eat at cafe'. Just frolicking around Japan in her hideous outfits, spending money like it's water, putting out the occasional YT video. Ya know living a weeb dream while her simp did everything for her just like Venus with Mana. This is still the case with Mikan, but now she even travels often. She loves to larp as being broke, but she's even admitted to that Frogman draws her designs and she pretty much does fuck all for her brand aside from "modeling" She still just goes to cafe's and hangs out with friends all day, spending money on hideous clothes while her stupid simp does everything for her. This could have been Venus minus the fashion brand because we know Venus is too retarded and lazy to ruin a business. She clearly just wants to live like a teenager and have everyone do the adulting for her. Too bad she decided she wanted to live her life like a rich teenager. Ironic considering she lost all those designer clothes Ken got her. Wonder what happened to the Cartier lol.(off-topic)

No. 940431

But what does she mean by "rightfully"? Was she trying to get with Taylor's husband?

No. 940438

it was supposed to be her being a trophy wife to a rich guy that doesn't give her the time of day but does give her a platinum card. it was supposed to be her frolicking about tokyo being all kaweewee and shit.
but she couldn't even do that right, as >>940392 and >>940419 said.
again, nobody to blame but herself. and so she continues to spiral and be an unwashed mess off her meds in some shelter or wherever she is now. wonder how long she'll last there before she either runs away or gets kicked out

No. 940445

what kind of autism. venus obviously meant the rich, fabulous and trophy wife life taylor lives is something that "belonged" to her.
which is hilarious to the highest degree because venus is right where she belongs and its retarded to think otherwise. mikan and taylor come from a rich background, for one.
second, venus has retard social skills and knows next to nothing about business which is necessary as an influencer to build your brand. you have to learn skills. the aforementioned have businesses and yes they stumble, but they're leagues ahead of her. venus has collab'd a few times years ago and didn't do anything of value with it.
shes right where she belongs. dead fame, retarded drunken posts to draw attention to her pathetic fanbase in a dingy ass corner.

No. 940525

she should have just married mr. yan if she wanted that life. he was the closest thing to it she was ever able to get.

No. 940555

he turned her down on account of being a sweaty westerner and not kawaii enough (reminds me of the stories i heard waaaay back from latin american lolitas from the time the "mr yan wants a wife world tour" graced them with his presence). and then she got with ken, who dumped her too. so she can't even hang on to gross old men either.

No. 940573

Ken also conveniently dumped her after he could no longer return her to Mana's. There was only so much of her insanity he could take so getting his dick wet was contingent on being able to send her back to Mana. On a side note, there's tinfoil on PULL that she may have been messing with gaijin hunter photographer Kazz Takahashi based off a few tweets and the pepper references and tweeting in Spanish on twitter. Again, it's just tinfoil, but single Venus is boring since men rejecting her causes the best sperging sessions. Her trainwreck relationships are entertaining af.

No. 940581

She could always hook up with Sora the troll, I’m sure he’s single since no bitch his own wants him.

No. 940583

I thought they did? I knew that Sora was into her for a time being and Sora hinted in a live that he wanted to hook up with her. Also hiding in my room Daniel.

No. 940596

File: 1723835285113.jpeg (135.32 KB, 1164x1675, IMG_1975.jpeg)

She’s not only being rejected by gross old dudes at the time, she’s begging for attention now on her discord server and she’s all mad that nobody answered.

No. 940598

Didn’t they have a back and forth argument? Yan released a statement that after she modeled the clothes, she stank them up and she jumped on the table to sing Cruel Angel’s Thesis during karaoke making an ass of herself.

No. 940607

At least she's not posting her dms with her mother.

No. 940618

she won't reply either, kek

No. 940666

its only a matter time until she spams instagram and twitter with her bullshit again for attention. girl no one cares about you anymore

No. 940677

Everyone is so done with her. Even her online “friends”

No. 940753

File: 1724028125176.jpeg (125.59 KB, 828x988, IMG_0985.jpeg)

From the private discord. Venus says she can't log into Instagram or her other accounts because she lost the sim card from her phone.
She never posted her "blueprint" in detail btw. Only 1 person replied to her and she changed her mind saying "it's too personal" since no one cared kek

No. 940758

File: 1724031184379.jpeg (92.52 KB, 828x918, IMG_0988.jpeg)

Also mentions her "boyfriend" here and went right back to drinking after talking about healing. Sounds like she's found a new gullible moid to leech off of or she's back with sugar daddy.

No. 940761

Lost SIM? Guess she's probably relying on mobile data for Instagram/internet access, unless her current housing has some form of free WiFi she can get to (unless it's filtered to block out social media)

No. 940783

Not really. Many white women in Japan go home without a single fuck. They don't fit the Japanese beauty standard.

No. 940784

Yeah, afaik it's seen as "trashy" in Japan to chase after foreigners too.

No. 940856

File: 1724174874932.jpg (236.09 KB, 1080x576, Screenshot_20240820_192658_Chr…)

No. 940858

Because that IS Margaret.

Redditards only think it isn't her because she changed her name as if she hasn't already changed her name before lmao. The age, location, her face all prove it's 100% her. She probably changed her name on the greencard she got when she got married which is incredibly easy to do.

No. 940860

Why is she specifically adressing minors? So desperate.

No. 940862

Laurel Bay? Lol Did she legally change it or is she gonna get super fucked for giving a false name?

No. 940864

Two homeless crazy queens? Peepus really is stepping into her footsteps

No. 940865

How did she even get from Florida to New York? Does margo still have a thread?

No. 940866

This is hilarious, it's so obviously her. Shame we probably won't get more media coverage on this. Marge was smart to pull an onision and change her name, not smart enough to avoid arrest though I guess.

No. 940871

File: 1724187566011.gif (983.13 KB, 200x160, tumblr_inline_mtbwilFglr1qhjcf…)

what a glorious return of my absolute favorite cow. God bless.

No. 940874

When you file for citizenship in the US, you can change your name easily on the same paperwork during the process. She could have done that

No. 940876

Yeah…. but she never qualified to be a citizen. You don't just sign forms or get married to an American and bam you're a citizen.. kek

No. 940890

Holy fuck it is Margaret Palermo. She Changed her name to Laurel Bay. She apparently did research on the house and knew it was vacant……because the previous owner passed away. Yeah.
The house was passed on from the owner to her son. He lives in Cali and looks rich so i guess it was an out of sight of mind thing.
But congrats Margo. Youve gained infamy.
I don't know how to lookup new york cases but I see Q24633118 in the upper right corner of the papers.

No. 940898

File: 1724209668585.png (506.64 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_7901.png)

Nothing really juicy but here’s the case on NYC’s website.

No. 940899

File: 1724209745207.png (426.53 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_7902.png)

And charges.

No. 940902

Has it even been proven that she has a green card? It's a long and expensive process and the government needs lots of proof to vet your relationship as legitimate, I can't imagine she had the money nor proof.

No. 940904

Amerifags know, America is huge and it's real easy to be an illigal here so long as you don't I don't know, break the law by squatting.

No. 940907

Oh so these aren't even the first time she's been arrested for this. This is now her second and 3rd charge. Damn. She might get actual time for this now.

No. 940908

File: 1724216164848.jpeg (348.25 KB, 1242x1981, 02AEEB2B-DA6A-4B6B-8701-9F9B7A…)

Thats…..not what it means at all. She was charged with criminal trespass in the second degree, and charged with criminal trespass in the third degree.
why would you assume margo would bother doing that? she been an illegal alien in japan, south korea, and now the usa.

No. 940910

It's absolutely hilarious but what a sad, sad life and Peenus is heading the same path.
And all that because having a job is for ~peasants and normies~

Can't wait for her Instagram rants explaining in perfect Margolese how it's just a big conspiracy made by her ex-scrote, Peenus, the CIA and how she's just an innocent and bootiful fraulein being boolied.

No. 940914

Venus is at least getting help though, Margo is a grifter.

No. 940915

I wonder if venus heard about the lovely news.(sage your shit)

No. 940916

lol Venus is not taking her help seriously at all. She still drinks, chases dick and acts like a tweaker online. It's just she can't preform like she used because she doesn't want to get kicked out the halfway house. Like nonnies were saying in the other thread, Venus is performative af with her alcoholism jirakei BS. She can magically clean up real quick when her back is against the wall and she doesn't have Mana's to crawl back to anymore. But we see where she is getting it all from. Both these cows went to foreign country to use simps for visas, shit wrecked it and proceeded to commit crimes in foreign countries in favor of getting a job and making a work history.

No. 940927

File: 1724262226831.jpg (540.59 KB, 1080x2215, 1000001591.jpg)

I was chatting with a friend from the HB area and they didn't even realize it was Margo but I guess it is big news around there. She is also trying to join local fb groups to argue with people and gas been spotted out in the wild since being kicked out of the house. It is definitely her, even the tattoos match.

No. 940928

File: 1724262284305.jpg (137.46 KB, 1125x2436, 1000001592.jpg)

No. 940929

File: 1724262322504.jpg (656.98 KB, 1035x1080, 1000001588.jpg)

Here is an old Pic showing her tattoos

No. 940932

She really thought she could sneak in and stay long enough to claim "squatters rights". So scummy to take advantage of some elderly woman dying. Never change margo.

No. 940933

Her reasoning doesn't even make sense either. Next of kin does have the rights to the house, so even if they guy died, as long as his will is given to the next of kin for ownership she has no rights. Him living in Cali was a benefit to her because no one is there to check-in on the place. Good thing neighbors noticed and notified them.

No. 940941

Actually, she may have one.
Take it all with a grain of salt because I haven't read the court docs but allegedly (according to Margo) she has a protective order and he has been found guilty of abuse. Which, in America, makes her subject to the Violence Against Women Act. Under this a woman (or man) who can substantiate claims of mental, physical, or financial abuse on the part of their spouse, adult citizen child, or parent, can be eligible for a green card. The intent is to allow people to escape abusive situations by removing the barrier of potential deportation. If she truly was able to cobble together a case against her ex and it's not just her usual babbling then she would have been informed by her caseworker and could be in the US entirely legally and on her way to a green card.

No. 940949

Damn, maybe that was her plan all along. I did see in one of her posts that she had a work permit, which you would apply for when you start the greencard process and is given well in advance, so she has some sort of process going on with the government.

No. 940961

And people wonder where venus learned all this.. I wouldn't doubt margo was pulling shit like this all her life, telling venus it's fine and logical. Worse mother ever.

No. 940964

File: 1724290709552.jpg (176.91 KB, 1536x2048, 455253983_865796458815023_9299…)


I am the anon who posted these earlier with a friend in HB. My friend knows a reporter running this story and actually gave him all the deets on Margo, and he has delivered some milk. He found actual paperwork in the house that shows her name change. I'd post all of this over on Venus' reddit page, but I don't want my public account linked out in the open. I might make a burner account later on though if people over there still haven't lurked here.

No. 940965

File: 1724290741005.jpg (190.31 KB, 1536x2048, 455260726_378793701909300_2719…)

No. 940966

(do not dox cows, repost with cows private info censored)

No. 940967

File: 1724290972284.jpg (248.62 KB, 946x2048, edited.jpg)

No. 940968

Holy shit nonna. This is incredible.

No. 940969

ok, so I just checked and the reporter dude actually posted in the Venus subreddit in the margo thread. If you all have questions, he looks like he is willing to answer stuff he is asked.

No. 940970

Yes, as the anon who mentioned the VAWA I am stoked that I called it. Willing to bet she made a case based on financial abuse, basically asll you have to do is prove that he requires permission to spend money and that an insubstantial amount is given for your indiscriminate use. A lot of "men of the house" think that being the one who earns means you decide how its spent but generally in the eye of the courts all income is equally divided regardless of who is making it. It's one of the easier petitions, especially if you never work like Margo.
Interesting that all of her documents are in Kentucky. Wasn't she married in Florida?(global rule #4)

No. 940971

Thank you for your service nonny, this is some grade A cream, holy shit

No. 940974

>> Interesting that all of her documents are in Kentucky. Wasn't she married in Florida?
She went to a battered womens’ shelter in Lexington, KY after she and Florida Man split up. That’s where she plugged into their legal clinic to claim status as a battered spouse under the VAWA act. She’s been planning alll this out, for months.

No. 940978

File: 1724304155970.png (63.7 KB, 652x405, squattersrights.png)

She's definitely trying to play the system. If it weren't for those pesky neighbors she would have gotten away with it too. actual scooby doo villain. kek

No. 940982

wow, so shes playing the battered woman card to game the system. vile, but expected of margo

No. 940983

I am living for this recent tea.
They are so alike you literally couldn’t make it up!
Venus never stood a chance, and now she’s a toothless alcy who sucks dick for booze.

No. 940987

She had a great role model

No. 940989

And some retards used to say Margo isn't that bad and Venus probably was the abuser. What kind of mother keeps posting about her daughter being a psychopath almost a decade after she moves out, then moves to a different continent to change her name and be a squatter? This woman has never been sane

No. 940994

> She’s been planning alll this out, for months.
I think so too. Tinfoil but I think she butchered her hair so she’d look (even) older in hopes of confusing the neighbours.

No. 940999

holy shit your right. shes just like margo: get with a guy to take advantage of him. if he doesnt give you want you want (money, green card, permanent residence, whatever), go batshit and claim some type of victimhood (battered women, mommy abused me, etc).
what realistically happens instead is, dude doesnt want you around anymore cause youre psycho. psycho behavior burns all bridges leaving you with no form a stable housing.
Our little Venus is approaching the end of this behavior. it didn't have to go this way, but it started when margo cut off contact with her family tbh

No. 941000

too bad she didn't wait for a decision on this, this is only temporary approval to stay in the US. USCIS isn't a fan of criminal charges.

No. 941044

There’s a reddit thread on marge the squatter.
Former neighbors in both KY and NYC are leaking documents, audiotapes, pics etc.

No. 941050

I hope the KY neighbor explains how she stole the house there. Lexington seems like an odd place for her to go. I can see her going to NYC to live up the glam status even though it's one of the most expensive places to live in America.

No. 941100

File: 1724495986027.jpg (824.34 KB, 1080x1565, 1000019037.jpg)

Sorry I'm ESL and autist, why did she name herself after a plant?

No. 941128

Laurel is also used as a name

No. 941164

I think she chose that name on purpose. Bay loruel is a symbol of victory through hard work and intellect. Yes, ironic. By the way, it's not one of the main culinary ingredients in Europe.(sage your shit)

No. 941204

Tinfoil, but I think it's a coy version of the name Aura Lee, which is a woman from a Confederate ballad.One letter off. Sounds like she's trying to capture the good ole Dixie redneck with a nice trade job in concrete or drywall, shit like that. Bay is an interesting lady name choice though, no clue on that one.(tinfoil)

No. 941205

Probably all a mix of these things plus thinking it would be harder to Google. Not unlike Greg changing his name to something common like "James jackson". Unfortunately for marg the name definitely stands out here in the usa and her ugly mug is unmistakable.

No. 941223

The pictures of her journal are wild. She sounds narcissistic, sociopathic and schizophrenic all at once.(no context)

No. 941229

File: 1724579612742.jpeg (107.82 KB, 600x733, 4OuoAJV.jpeg)

Marge's journal (pic dump incoming for archiving sake)

No. 941230

File: 1724579635170.jpeg (58.81 KB, 386x506, j07pKah.jpeg)

No. 941231

File: 1724579656774.jpeg (108.49 KB, 640x1137, OiJXjHL.jpeg)

No. 941232

File: 1724579694800.jpeg (105.92 KB, 599x743, AzGqd10.jpeg)

No. 941233

File: 1724579715919.jpeg (89.75 KB, 640x1137, 1nD3NGE.jpeg)

No. 941234

File: 1724579763979.jpeg (70.76 KB, 464x562, BnC8E1H.jpeg)

No. 941235

File: 1724579811761.jpeg (88.62 KB, 600x800, HOozKeM.jpeg)

Marge's pic taken by some neighbor.

No. 941236

Audio recording of Marge being confronted by a neighbor for squatting.

No. 941238

File: 1724585606053.png (147.94 KB, 1322x808, 2024-08-25 14_32_03-Margaret P…)

Cody Rogers gf comments under the video, Mrgaret posts her kids with unblurred faces on her Insta

No. 941239

omg her English is so bad, even grammatically.

No. 941242

Aw, Margot and her "proofs" will always be a universal constant, no matter who she is trying to claim owes her a large sum of money. It's weirdly comforting in a way to see this phrasing come up, even today.

No. 941285

Seeing both Margo and Venus these past few years is interesting. They both use people and are barely scrapping by. Both are technically homeless. I'm glad that the home owner got her out of their house. I don't know how they're still alive. Like roaches.

I'll be forever dissapointed by Venus however. She had no excuses. Everyone was blaming her mom and she just could have been a basic Japan vlogger. She would never be rich rich but could have been okay. Guess Venus always needed a tard wrangler. Girl couldn't even be bothered to shower or brush her teeth without her mother telling her to do it.

No. 941317

the chances of her not turning into a mini margo were slim to none, so her behavior is not all that surprising when you think about it. i don't know why people ever assumed she was capable of being anything other than crazy, mean, manipulative, and abusive. that's all she knew, that's all she saw. she's just doing exactly as she's been trained to do, being a batshit insane bitch. her mother should be proud…

No. 941372

She really set venus up to think living like this is okay.. margo treats everyone as dispensable, even her daughter, as long as that means margo is okay. Venus had no chance.

No. 941461

>> Venus had no chance.
Of course she ‘had a chance.’ She had every chance as a fully grown adult with a functioning brain to say to herself ‘I will not become my mom.’ She did not because she is a sociopathic alcoholic user with zero self-awareness, insight or conscience.

No. 941489

Venus f'd up her 20s real bad, and that's about it. If V couldn't brush her own teeth then maybe that's because narci mom micromanaged her entire life and never set her daughter up for any kind of independence. She'll need to learn basic life skills, like many do after a childhood like that. Still has time to turn things around. Maggot though, not so much. Her brain is completely rotten if you look at her private notes..

No. 941494

This all just makes me wonder if margo was born wrong or if something along the way broke her like this.
It's obvious she broke benus, who then took it in stride and continues to "make mama proud", but what is her origin story?

No. 941497

not to wk her but a child’s environment literally afects their cognitive, emotional and social development so i think she was set up for failure from the start :/ plus she was never smart enough to break the cicle and ended up being a carbon copy of her mom(sage your shit, no emoticons)

No. 941499

I'm going to try to get the text, bear with my 'tism
Trinity pic(page 1):
EARTH= m??? planet
lab mice on tv
The stake on cross: Those who believe, will be saved ATM
Faith&progress when facing dangers
Yeah, force it, make me like it, save my life, ??????

No. 941508

>Venus had no chance
Venus had a youtube channel with 1 million subscribers that she literally could do anything with and have a steady income while living in a country with infinite content potential where making videos that will be watched by people is as easy as farting, a supportive husband (say anything you like but he let her stay with him for years while she was cheating and being a gross drunken slob) and a place to stay. Literally had the set up if she used two brain cells she could have healed. But she threw all of that away to become a whore.

No. 941512

Apologies. I'm transcribing Margo's journal pages.

No. 941514

Which ones? You should delete those posts and try again. Tag the pages these are related to. Itll make everyone's reading easier. This just looks like spam.

No. 941515

These lines are really hard to read so I'll do the bottom:
All above are BS in order to establish agendas and for ??? (Incl. freemasons)
Egyptian mysteries are the only TRUTH
Vali's blot in Febr.
Vali: Valentine
Oslara: Oolan/Easter
Yule: Christmas
Samhain: Halloween

No. 941516

G-SUITE: Sounds like Jesuit
Jesuit: society of Jesus (S.J.)
Movie "Santa's Little Helper" the boy says I understand, so Jesus is Satan.
33(degrees) Freemason
Georgetown: First Jesuit university
(County: Georgia flag is the Jerusalem cross)
The church fought ot though it was part of it (influential & elitist)
*Switzerland banned the Jesuits in the Constitution (until 1973)

No. 941517

Tagged. Sorry about that. I tried to delete the other one but it said I couldn't after thirty minutes passed.

EARTH= m??? planet
lab mice on tv
The stake on cross: Those who believe, will be saved ATM
Faith&progress when facing dangers
Yeah, force it, make me like it, save my life, ??????

No. 941525

>> If V couldn't brush her own teeth then maybe that's because narci mom micromanaged her entire life
Seriously? A grown adult in her mid-late 20s couldn’t figure out that she needed to start brushing her teeth because margaret? lol. lmao even.

No. 941526

Is that why she doesn't want to go back to switzerland? She thinks she's a jesuit so she hates the country? Lmao

No. 941554


Margo stole her YouTube channel Google login and blocked her from uploading on it though, she's tried restarting a few times in different ways but it hasn't really worked out

No. 941555

Here are the lines you skipped, as best as I can decipher them:

Got it
->Jews started so that they are the only knowledgeable group of MAGIC (Hebrew). Not chosen, but stolen/[claim?]
->NT: written in Greek, to rule over everyone and keep magic a secret, plus eliminate Jews
Calling magic: satanic, forbidden, and [?] [illusion?] to be performed on [?]
plus burning [mummies?] at parties, burning women, conquer land
->blame: to [?] and remove Jews to establish communism and take (kill off) away the divine feminine


The part you couldn't make out seems to be:

-poverty vow
(founders of socialism?)

Thank you, nonny, for transcribing her schizophrenic ramblings!

No. 941557

You gotta lurk. Margo stole her shit and venus had to prove her identity and ownership through google to get that and meta for facebokk/insta. Margo fucked her up good and used her all her life. Dont pretend this didnt happen.

No. 941588

Gotta be honest, at least her jibberish is sort of entertaining. It's giving heavy X files theme song.

No. 941651

Venus stated in a previous thread she gave her YouTube login to "a friend she trusted."Said this back when the first series of nekopachi break ups had started. Can't be fucked to look it up,she had control of her YouTube long after Margo was out of the picture.

No. 941673

That was after margo. Please lurk.

No. 941696

File: 1724866255274.png (169.64 KB, 601x556, 3.png)

that was her onlyfans login, not youtube …. well unless it was both

when she got onlyfans back she then jacked the monthly price up to $50 a month and alienated all of her remaining gooners

No. 941698

It says Earth: prison planet
The curve of the p and r make it look like a m

No. 941700

That really doesn't change anything I said? She made videos years after leaving marge but didn't realize she isn't interesting enough for people to keep watching videos that have no substance beyond "look I'm a smol woman look like doll wee"
She was set up to heal. Stop wking her. She could have made a good income from her online presence and go to therapy. She chose and chooses alcohol and whoredom every day for years now.

No. 941734

Marge stole her laptop, changed the passwords.. Some of you need to go back and check everything. She got her YouTube back the fastest because obviously Venus is Venus and Margo is Margo, that didn't take much identifying who owns the accounts. Venus had to get all her revenue streams back.

Because Venus had to get her accounts back. Marge fucked her over. This isn't whiteknighting. You are just too new to her threads to know any of this. No shit Venus is an adult now, but it's common knowledge that Margo fucked up her whole childhood and into her young adulthood until Venus stopped contacting her. She was taught to be manipulative and prey on people like Margo. It worked for her most of her life, obviously Venus is going to copy that. Yeah, she could've gone to therapy, but anons are talking about how Margo fucked her up, not what Venus could to do prevent it now.

No. 942278

She's slowly turning into her mom, wow

No. 942291

That's what happens when you're with your crazy mom who only teaches you how to scam people and take advantage of people and hardly took care of her own daughter unless it could benefit the mom. Margot really ruined everythig.

No. 942531


Bullshit. Venus had Manaki's family in her corner who treated her like a daughter and she wiped her ass with their Goodwill.

The truth of the matter is that Venus doesn't want to change her life. People in worse off cases get their shit together with far less. She's a piece of shit and I don't get why she's babied so much.(do not doublespace between single sentences)

No. 942613

File: 1726639752996.jpeg (249.94 KB, 1190x1664, c.jpeg)

I hope he's implying that Marge is getting deported

No. 942614

File: 1726639783631.jpeg (256.96 KB, 1128x1732, cr.jpeg)

No. 942620

There is zero way to prove any of this is legitimate. We have the records as is. I wouldn't take TikTok user 12,000,028 to have any actual proof besides what has already been said or has been in a file someone has been able to obtain.

No. 942623

This isn't a random internet user, this is her ex husband.

No. 942653

And he's verified as such?

No. 942721

It’s him. They’ve been feuding back and forth on instagram for months.

No. 942725

Even if it is her ex, she moved miles from Florida, he wouldn't have access to any of this information found in the house they raided. He isn't related to her anymore due to divorce, so none of this info coming from his is able to be proven. Stick with the police reports because at least we can prove them. Again, legally, there is no reason police would reach out to him about her and give them all the information for a case that still has to go to court. The police doesn't just spill that info. if that were the case, the news would have all this info already, not an ex from a state she wasn't even arrested in and already divorced from.

No. 942871

holy shit you need to lurk
whose to say didn't do any type of digging into her situation like an average internet user? that one from the neighbor that called the cops shared what he found on reddit. idk youre making this sound like he completely pulled this put of ass. margo was caught red-handed squatting which has opened the door to digging up dirt on her? am I saying I completely utterly believe him? no, but youre under the impression he personally spoke with the police which isnt necessary.

No. 943118

if it's true, it's crazy that margo has been carrying venus' living doll dresses around while squatting in people's houses this entire time

No. 943122

Wouldn't put it past her to have been trying to sell off her old clothes under some internet celebrity Venus doesn't have anymore. That or she's lamenting losing Venus, but not as a daughter, but the bread winner.

No. 943129

She actually already did this a few years back. She listed like 20 of Venus's dresses on eBay. She must still be hauling some of them around.

No. 943149

Venus has worn so many wigs in her life, I really think she should start wearing them again. Then again, can she even style one anymore?
Looking like this her only fans left are not going to stay long, I really worry what is going to happen to her(sage non-milk posts)

No. 943721

I was kinda hoping she was gone for good but she is back retarded more than ever.(post proof/this is an imageboard)

No. 943750

File: 1727652079997.jpeg (394.56 KB, 1448x2176, IMG_9143.jpeg)

She’s been drunkposting on Discord, something about her “best friend, david” sucking her off (david is the creepy orbiter who sends her money and eggs her on to drink Tabasco sauce, etc. on streams.)

No. 943751

File: 1727652173868.jpeg (389.42 KB, 1113x2149, IMG_9144.jpeg)

Her #1 discord fangelic assures concerned fans not to worry, this is totally ‘normal’ for drunk venus.

No. 943755

File: 1727652777759.jpeg (195.33 KB, 1227x1222, IMG_9142.jpeg)

Then a barrage of drunk tweets, 16 between 2-4 am her time. Most are unintelligible gibberish. She’s tweeting @ Andrew Tate for some reason

No. 943756

File: 1727652874606.jpeg (138.01 KB, 1234x878, IMG_9139.jpeg)

And Margaret, tweeting a link to marge’s youtube video and calling her a whore.

No. 943757

File: 1727653003332.jpeg (111 KB, 1098x694, IMG_9146.jpeg)

And this one which she later deleted.

No. 943758

File: 1727653154095.jpeg (314.34 KB, 1284x2032, IMG_9138.jpeg)

She’s.. someone’s mistress?

No. 943759

File: 1727653240565.jpeg (234.54 KB, 1247x1832, IMG_9148.jpeg)

Last one.

No. 943793

As she should. Margo can suck all the dicks. I love when she openly harasses her mom, it's so deserved.

No. 943829

She shouldn't even be interacting with her mom. The best thing is to go no contact. Literally accomplishes nothing.

No. 943847

she's not interacting with her but doing some misery mental masturbation

No. 943850

She's @ing her mom. That's what I mean. Obviously she's not having full conversations with her convicted felon mother.

No. 943874

This bitch is tweaked outta her mind. That's not just "drunk posting" on the internet.

No. 943880

To be fair, she increased it WHILE people were subbed, meaning a lot got hit with a random higher fee on renewal, even if you cancel you still have the sub for the month.
And those of us with a brain said this was always a lie because she usually comes up with this lie every now and then.
Since tate loves using women she thinks she can get some money from him lmao
To be fair we've seen her drunk live numerous times, this is within her usual drunkposting

No. 943886

File: 1727796619938.jpeg (307.49 KB, 1298x2098, IMG_9151.jpeg)

>> This bitch is tweaked outta her mind. That's not just "drunk posting"
Why not both? With a little wet-brain crazy thrown in there too.

Some more bangers on Xitter:

No. 943887

File: 1727796650531.jpeg (418.14 KB, 1269x2033, IMG_9150.jpeg)


No. 943888

File: 1727796767518.jpeg (460.54 KB, 1321x1930, IMG_9149.jpeg)


No. 943931

File: 1727817172602.png (25.26 KB, 611x450, Screenshot 2024-10-01 151214.p…)


No. 943948

called it ages ago and fagelics didn't listen lmaoo

No. 943949

File: 1727829363399.jpeg (50.49 KB, 828x798, BDCC53C8-AA50-4482-B705-D4DBCC…)

part of me doesn't think she's actually drunk, or high. i feel she's just using it as an excuse to post for attention.

also, did anyone notice her attempting to @ mikan mandarin at the end of this? she tweeted the n word a few times after this, and made some other claims about being a nazi on her twitter. i wonder if she'll bother deleting any of it.

No. 943952

File: 1727834058545.png (672.36 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_0245.png)

in case she deletes

No. 943953

is she trying to get banned?

No. 943955

No, she's just upset she's not getting attention and the only people subbed to her Onlyfans is because they got caught with her price change before renewal date.

No. 943956

Not on Muskrat's ALT right 4Chan 2.0 hellhole version of Twitter she won't lol.>>943948 sure did. We told em their uwu weeb kween was nothing more than an edgelord 4 channer IRL. Lol I'm picturing ppl like Mana or Taylor thinking she's just this cute innocent little weeb for months until one day they got some booze in her and she starts dropping N bombs and praising Hitler.

No. 943961

before I got to this particular screenshot I was about to say it's a schizo meth freakout. It's so obvious. Things are going to get much worse.

No. 943963

File: 1727841469646.jpeg (249.28 KB, 1464x2140, IMG_9167.jpeg)

She’s trolling the hell out of her Discord, lol

No. 943965

File: 1727841778578.jpeg (398.58 KB, 1638x2145, IMG_9158.jpeg)

The poor fangelics are beside themselves. The chief fangelic is “preparing a response” (but doesn’t want to rush it.)

No. 943966

File: 1727841962555.jpeg (144.15 KB, 1239x1156, IMG_9159.jpeg)

To which Venus says
Fuck off
(Also, come see me at the train station. Where I live now.)

No. 943967

She doesn‘t even live in Tokyo, just close.
Mabashi is in Chiba prefecture close to Tokyo.

I think it‘s a typo bc Maebashi is in Gunma
People often mistake both stations

No. 943968

File: 1727842492999.jpeg (367.34 KB, 1342x1660, IMG_9155.jpeg)

Yes, she says she lives at the Maebashi train station now (Maebashi is 70 miles away from Tokyo.)

No. 943969

File: 1727842782293.jpeg (268.41 KB, 1087x1768, IMG_9162.jpeg)

Typo? She says Maebashi several times but who knows..

No. 943970

it literally says on her X "11:59 PM · Oct 1, 2024
from Maebashi-shi, Gunma"

No. 943971

File: 1727842836217.png (126.38 KB, 1354x808, Screenshot 2024-10-02 at 12.20…)

No. 943976

File: 1727847899778.png (19.63 KB, 737x204, Screenshot 2024-10-01 224128.p…)

nice, venus

No. 943977

File: 1727849429246.jpg (437.31 KB, 1468x1467, FiCSsA_WIAMxr_5.jpg)

venus why what what is going on

No. 943979

She just doxxed Sancty on twitter

No. 943980

She got her hands on some meth, that's what happened. This ain't coke, this ain't booze. This is pure, unadulterated tweaker psychosis right here. Whenever she sobers up, watch this bitch claim she was hacked lol. Shit like this is exactly why she's legacy cow status.

No. 943982

Queue the next suicide bait.. when she wakes up and sees her abhorrent behaviour, the only logical thing to do is to threaten to kill yourself so your ‘friends’ don’t hate you more than they already do.
But also, this is hilarious. Keep digging Venus!

No. 943983

what's up with the gay shit, like how is that an issue to freak out over

No. 943987

This definitely seems more intense and unhinged than when she’d abuse her Concerta.

No. 943989

File: 1727858159339.jpeg (1.44 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_5804.jpeg)

She’s looking at this page in her tabs lol hi venus

No. 943992

Look at how dilated her fucking pupils are in this pic. She is high. as. FUCK.

No. 943993

File: 1727859881483.png (541.36 KB, 1179x933, Screenshot_2.png)

is it supposed to be a reference to this what she posted earlier

No. 943995

Well since we got confirmation of what we've known all along, hey Peenus whose your plug and how many old nasty Japanese dudes do you have to blow to get your fix?

No. 943996

File: 1727864330056.jpeg (251.75 KB, 1170x1130, IMG_0611.jpeg)

No. 943997

Either she's for real doing all this shit or she's just trolling and using all the speculations on here to form yet another persona lol

No. 944000

I don't think she's trolling nah. She knows where to stop enough as to not piss off her retarded Fangelics. At most, she'd post her "idgaf I love booze!" And insult ppl who tell her to get help. She's clearly high af right now. Just completely given up. This ain't the same as the drunken suicide bait fml shit she normally does. This is next level. There isn't any coming back from this. She wouldn't take trolling this far.

No. 944001

I have a theory in which I’ve seen at the start of this summer a lot of mentally ill people who spam the algorithm actually gain traction by spamming so much and being so unhinged they attract views I.e Eryn/wolf_hailie(she’s certified crazy and the original) and they have gained a large following by doing so. I think a lot of these egirls have seen this and are following this trend trying to skew the algorithm in their favor. You know,…… the schizo larp.

No. 944002

She's tweaking… no larp

No. 944003

Definitely, there’s no question

No. 944004

If she was larping a schzo, she wouldn't be calling ppl slurs, praising Hitler, and telling her mom to come fuck her (this gem is on Twitter and PULL discord posted the screencap, I'm too lazy to go fetch it someone plz do me a solid and post it here). She's off her mind off drugs. She had been doing this since morning. What else is going to keep someone up for hours on end, engaging in repetitive, erratic, insane behaviors BUT tweak? She bragged about being high on her discord when this all kicked off on the morning. Again look at her pupils. She is tweaked tf out lol.(this is an imageboard)

No. 944006

She's been at it for 3 days. Probably didnt sleep just tweaking omg

No. 944008

God, the levels of grease in that hair…

No. 944012

Wow I hadn't even realized she started 2 days ago. Yea. Tweak's the only thing that's gonna keep someone up for days on end like this. And because she's been up for days doing this, she's headed toward psychosis (if she isn't already there) because this is what happens when you use drugs that force your body to stay awake but it wants to sleep. This would account for why the tweets are getting progressively worse. Ngl as entertaining as this is, her sobering up and logging on to see her mayhem would be equally hilarious. Too bad she's locked outta YT cuz this would def warrant one of those shitty YT apologizes.

No. 944013

Holy shit that hair lmao, beenus this is your chance to actually do content instead of scamming

No. 944014

Yes after 3 days of tweaking on meth it would be great top quality content indeed

No. 944024


I was thinking this too. Amphetamine psychosis is no joke. If it's meth she's completely given up.

Word salad is a symptom of psychotic thought disorder which she's clearly displaying. So it begs the question has she been high for days or has she truly lost it and she's in a deep psychosis?

(armcharing)(unsaged armchairing)

No. 944026

File: 1727873247632.jpg (94.71 KB, 1080x735, 1000018970.jpg)

seems like the discord has been put into read only mode, a lot of Venus' messages got deleted too.

No. 944027

I mean the brain damage has to be quite advanced at this point all things considered

No. 944028

Her Discord: Nothing to see here, I repeat NOTHING TO SEE. La la la

No. 944030

File: 1727876215661.jpeg (336.83 KB, 1360x2015, IMG_9173.jpeg)

>> telling her mom to come fuck her (this gem is on Twitter
here it is

No. 944032

Stop trying to find answers. She's just manic.

No. 944034

No cuz she was rambling about wanting to kill Mikan and that other one and she is posing like the guy from american psycho lol

No. 944037

I agree with you, this looks like full-on drug induced psychosis

No. 944038

read announcements(sage your shit)

No. 944042

Image board, post an image.

No. 944043

File: 1727880665423.jpeg (235.72 KB, 1170x825, IMG_6891.jpeg)


My bad

No. 944044

> We are working closely together and looking into every option available to us
Why do they sound like a corporation caught in a scandal?

No. 944046

why are you telling me to read announcements like it isn't just some vague statement that says nothing about locking the whole discord

No. 944048

besides the mods that obviously spoke against her now, there is still lots of fagelics on there that still try to defend her or ask stupid questions and the lock might be to shut down her audience and platform by deleting her messages?(sage your shit)

No. 944049

100% the mods are leaking these lol venus moght want to nuke the server

No. 944054

Is this supposed to be English?

No. 944061

I'm certain this is all meth-related based on the "random" numbers and letters she keeps spamming. I've seen that exact thing in my personal life before, and the numbers and letters are not random to them. Clear indicator of meth-induced psychosis to me.

No. 944069

People act like this when mixing drinks with meds too. It's doing us no good to keep tinfoiling what drugs she's on.

No. 944074

File: 1727897159143.png (101.52 KB, 768x598, v.png)

No. 944075

File: 1727898119442.png (58.16 KB, 793x708, 2024-10-02 22_38_28-Notificati…)

She thinks she is so smart when she is the loser of losers.(cowtipping)

No. 944076

nonna we can see your acc, you should crop this

No. 944078

she's like the boy who cried wolf to me with this stuff so i always assume she's faking everything for attention, but this is still pretty intense. i wonder if the recent stuff going on with her mom is making her spiral

No. 944079

We understand it's obvious venus is on something but please keep the drug tinfoiling/armchairing/derailing to a minimum until we get some proof, and just enjoy the milk.

No. 944082

How to enjoy the milk without making fun of how she's destroyed her brain not only with alcohol but now with meth? This is crazy, it's like she has literally zero self awareness and the only drive she has left is for self destruction, but she isn't very good at it either, as with everything else it seems.

No. 944085

File: 1727905237714.jpeg (844.55 KB, 1372x2165, IMG_9187.jpeg)

She’s attacking her former ‘friend’ June Lovejoy now too.

No. 944086

File: 1727905908097.jpg (80.07 KB, 1080x313, Screenshot_2024-10-02-23-51-32…)

Anyone tried using the password she posted earlier for… something? Kek

No. 944087

File: 1727906132749.jpeg (463.27 KB, 1344x2187, IMG_9189.jpeg)

>> I'm certain this is all meth-related based on the "random" numbers and letters she keeps spamming.
I hadn’t heard of this before. What’s freaky is it’s not just her xitter posts but if you check her replies she spams this gibberish and numbers literally dozens if not hundreds of times a day. She replies to herself over and over with this stuff. This is just a fraction of her daily output.

No. 944090

this doesn't look like tweaking it looks like somebody pretending to tweak for attention. she wants someone to ask whats wrong/tell her to stop/worry about her. if she was actually on meth she would most likely be ranting somewhat coherently, posting about sexual crap or obsessing over one topic. meth makes people zero in one thing for hours and hours at a time, not jump between topics.(armchairing)

No. 944092


maybe im being too hard on venus automatically assuming she's lying but i find it odd she's wearing a hoodie in that pic. i mean she does look like she's on SOMETHING for sure but meth raises your body temperature a lot, why wear a hoodie? maybe her meth was really cut if she did meth at all. her lips and mouth don't look burnt either so that means she ate it or slammed it i guess when we see her arms we might get our answer

No. 944093

Nah that's what a somewhat healthy brain does, she already had brain damage and mental illness for years. And there are patterns like remembering everyone she's ever been aquaintances with and accusing them of the same things, reposting porn and talking about killing people. Idk I think thinking that she is sitting and scheming these things like some kind evil mastermind to get this shit tier attention is really giving her too much credit. She's just a person who ruined her life and became a homeless junkie with brain damage.(armchairing)

No. 944094

i can kind of see what you see but i really don't think that this is meth, it just seems way too tryhard. i don't think she's an evil mastermind i think she's retarded, addicted to attention and has nothing better to do. look at some of the many online meth communities she looks like she's trying hard to come across as psychotic

No. 944108

File: 1727911717141.jpeg (25.25 KB, 557x551, images-7.jpeg)

Give it up for day 4 benus meth psychosis

Hope you're all ready to refresh twitter today because she doesn't seem to have sobered up at all yet

No. 944113

>> if she was actually on meth she would most likely be ranting somewhat coherently, posting about sexual crap or obsessing
That’s pretty much what she’s doing.

No. 944138

File: 1727923817882.jpeg (109.35 KB, 1244x340, tweakbinge.jpeg)

the pupils don't lie

No. 944142

The really don't lol. Idk why it's so hard for some ppl to believe she would do something as dumb as tweak. Japan def has issues with the stuff and it's a place like everywhere else. Drugs exists here. Maebashi is a city to so it's not like she'd have a hard time getting her hands on it. What I wanna know is how she's the money to get speed and pay for the internet cafes she's at. I don't think it's OF or Patreon. Peenus has gotta be working the streets now. With that nasty greasy look, I don't even think a soapland would take her. Guess she's larping as the chick from that Metaphosis hentai she posted (the one where she made the school shooter joke) now except is doing tweak instead of smack.(tinfoil after farmhand warning)

No. 944146

She isn't at an internet cafe. The plants in the background of the last few photos, room layout and furnishings match with the room and kitchen photos from dudesek's instagram (prior to locking).(sage your shit)

No. 944155

File: 1727943354751.jpg (1.7 MB, 3840x2880, laptop and plant.jpg)

Venus has been staying at that place since at least as late July. She posted this photo around that time on her OF.

No. 944158

This. It's always funny how hard it is for anons to believe that people actually do drugs (and uppers in particular). It's not rare or hard to believe in the slightest.

No. 944163

File: 1727958397890.jpeg (691.84 KB, 1170x2010, IMG_2843.jpeg)

(cowtipping namefag)

No. 944164

Fuck you.

No. 944167

File: 1727961580115.jpg (229.46 KB, 1080x1017, 1000025182.jpg)

Meth really is rather easy to get in Japan nowadays.. https://www.justice.gov/archive/ndic/pubs3/3981/index.htm

No. 944168

File: 1727961876479.jpg (127.79 KB, 1080x632, 1000025189.jpg)

She did confirm maebashi again with an adress, this made me chuckle tho. So they're not divorced and that's how she's staying

No. 944170

It’s a screenshot from Reddit. Just announcing the upcoming milk drought.(ban evading namefagging retard who can't sage)

No. 944171

You don't even actually care, you want to see how this would make her spiral. If you guys keep cowtipping it's going to alert the mods to pause the thread and then we will have no milk.

No. 944173

It's actually venus who stole the channel. sure margo shouldnt have started a business with her underage daughter no matter how much venus wanted it, at least not quit her job which means they HAVE to do YT as it's their only source of income, but venus was the one who stole the channel. Margo edited, wrote scripts, bought props, did staging, managing, networking basically a bunch of work on the channel, therefore she's entitled to income from it. It's not solely "venus' channel." Venus just acted and did some editing too. Then she cut margo off, took the channel, changed all passwords locking margo out and continued to profit off the videos margo worked on and since there was nothing in writing of who owned what, margo couldnt do anything. Venus kept profiting off margos videos, she didn't delete those videos or make a new channel. She could have started fresh, with only her own work, maybe temporarily take the channel until she gets enough followers on a new channel free of margos touches then gave back the channel with all the revenue as a gesture of goodwill and continue on her own. Just let people know they are no longer working together and to not harass her mom and ignore any vitriol from margo. Instead she took everything, made a monetized video on her mom and milked the drama for money and made jabs at margo left and right, agreed with everything in the biased primink video (plugged her socials in there as well in a comment cause she couldnt resist given the views) and sent hate towards margo. She also took all the 10k from their bank account. If the YT channel was a joint effort, then 5k of that money is margos money, hence venus stole 5k from margo.

As much as I dislike margo, venus is the thief. The laptop was also margos, she didn't steal it but was able to get it locked. Venus' stolen YT went down temporarily because margo filed copyright claims of which venus countered and margo wasn't going to sue her since that's too expensive and it's not like they had anything in writing when it comes to who owns what in their joint YT effort. But you conveniently ignore venus' wrongdoings. Having a toxic mom doesn't negate these wrongdoings.(derailing with ancient milk)

No. 944174

They have been in contact the entire time, they STILL email each other, so yes, they are having full conversations. And calling margo a felon is funny, as if venus hasn't done illegal shit, like I don't know, commit visa fraud to begin with. Or shoplift. Or commit domestic violence and threaten to kill people and allegedly tax evade and do drugs.

I dont blame anyone for not believing it given how often venus has lied. Lied/embellished about suicide.She tried larping a jirai chick, lying about cutting for years before she actual cut. She larped DID and schizophrenia pretending to have "visions" once she got interested in schizophrenia. She admit she never got a bdp diagnosis after claiming she did, when she wanted to larp as a schizo instead. She pretended to be drunk in the mana video only to later admit she wasn't. The only condition she wont larp intentionally is ASPD cause "it makes her feel bad." So no, I dont blame anyone for questioning whether she really is on drugs for real this time. Plus her entire IG is troll/satire/edgy.(post proof)

No. 944175

This isn't on reddit >>944075

No. 944178

The worst part of her edgy troll persona is that for someone who’s terminally online, she isn’t even good at it.
She just throws shit at the wall and makes an ass out of herself to anyone who isn’t an underage fan, but she really thinks she’s some 5D chess mastermind at internet trolling. The video of her imitating Jeanette McCurdy comes to mind of how she just copies what’s viral but she’s just such an embarrassing aspie.

No. 944185

Newfag, how about you screencap the posts and show them on the reddit site, like include reddit if you're not cowtipping? This is an imageboard. That was also not the post that was tagged.

No. 944187

Venus being shitty doesn't make her mom not a felon, kek.

No. 944188

Man let the cow do her shit, stop cowtipping and speculating on where she is and what she’s taken. There’s one thing you can’t deny; she’s absolutely wrecked and it’s fucking hilarious. Just enjoy it innit.

No. 944205

Even if she wasn't going to get better, seeing her spiral even deeper is unsettling. It's just depressing seeing someone hit rock bottom in real time. Meth is a new low.(ignoring a farmhand warning)

No. 944208

File: 1727987828240.jpeg (82.04 KB, 1553x509, IMG_9192.jpeg)

She dropped by Discord to share some disjointed thoughts and number gibberish. 2 hours later it was deleted.

Those mods are stressed out now that their uwu idol has dropped the mask and shown who she really is.

No. 944209

File: 1727988295283.jpeg (189.64 KB, 1244x1034, IMG_9193.jpeg)

And she’s back on Xitter (at 5am her time,)this time xeeting gibberish @ Ella Freya

No. 944210

between the alcoholism and plain old mental illness, her brain is so fucking fried and she's not even 30 yet, it's pretty depressing. It's crazy to think that I used to actually enjoy her little kawaii cooking and fashion videos in the early 2010s, at the time I never would have imagined it would end up this way.

No. 944211

File: 1727988532941.jpeg (372.22 KB, 1246x1960, IMG_9195.jpeg)

Continuing her obsession with this @Sancty person for some reason. And claiming she “sold ass in Brixton” to pay for private school in London. No idea who this lizzzbeth person she keeps @ing is.

No. 944212

Oh yes there’s some wet brain Korsakoff syndrome going on, on top of drug-induced brain damage and the underlying personality d/o’s she inherited from bad mommy.(medfagging/armchairing)

No. 944214

>Continuing her obsession with this @Sancty person for some reason.
It's the girl who invited her to join that homeless person feeding group in Shinjuku

No. 944221

I know who she is (she’s also mikan mandarin’s bff) I just don’t know why Venus is suddenly so obsessed with her.

No. 944239

Because she's doing better than Venus in life lol. All the ppl she's ating are doing waaaay better than her in life and she's jealous because she's too retarded and narcissistic to realize Japan working out for them didn't"just happen". You just know Venus convinced herself that her current state is some kind of cruel fate she had no control over. The reality is she cheated on her simp scam visa meal ticket with a married man because she thought he was rich and assumed he'd leave his wife for her. When that didn't happen, she didn't expect her door mat simp to get tired of her BS and assumed she could just keep coming back. She shit wrecked her own do nothing lazy bitch in Japan weeb dream life lol. It's pissing her off to no end they're also ignoring her like her discord did lol. She wants attention so bad. Acting like a child. It's embarrassing but hilarious at the same time.

No. 944260

File: 1728041660092.png (371.11 KB, 1216x1428, methramblings.png)

She's been ranting about us and retweeted her alt account

No. 944265

Lmao doesn't surprise me one bit she has an ALT account but I am shook she's coherent enough to log in lol. Bitch loves to troll her "haters" yet who knows how long she's been getting trolled by us since she has like over 9000 threads on here and has been lurking for years. She's had threads on here for what? A decade? Right up there with the like of Onision, Legacy Cow that will never let the milk dry up.

No. 944273

Twitter let's you just switch accounts, you don't need to log back in.

No. 944279

File: 1728059604851.jpeg (435.38 KB, 1288x2095, IMG_9199.jpeg)

Randomly name checked her chief fangelic Kirie and ex friend Tsuruko in the same tweet (sent t1ts of Tsuruko.) Now she’s retweeting hard core porn, a video of men fucking each other, closeup pics of womens’ genitals etc. She’s just vile.(do not self censor on lolcow)

No. 944287

This is so funny.
Although.. who is bankrolling her meth addiction?

No. 944293

The Japanese healthcare system, she told them she has ADHD.

No. 944303

half of japan was addicted to Philopon post ww2(sage your shit)

No. 944304

Did we defeat peenus once and for all?

No. 944306

Never feel pity for simps. They absolutely get what they deserve by being used and stepped on by the object of their affections.

No. 944307

Why does she look like Smeagol now?(tripleposting retarded redditfag who will not sage)

No. 944351

I wonder what brought this all on lol. Usually a break up with Ken or some guy off bumble rejecting her caused her to sperge out but never go full scorched earth like this. She legit just gave the fuck up in the most milky way possible.(sage your shit)

No. 944357

File: 1728089667760.png (14.7 KB, 585x128, Screenshot 2024-10-04 205326.p…)

This made me laugh.

No. 944367

It's so funny when she makes fun of people not having sex when the only sex she has is from being a hooker

No. 944379

File: 1728126449323.png (456.69 KB, 590x889, 541646316416161.png)

Who is elissabeth?

No. 944396

>buy me today 4 sex
Sad these specific posts still get likes.

No. 944398

venus is like permanently stuck in that 'im so random!!!!!!!' and racist edgelord crap. she doesnt need drugs or alcohol for this. it just intensifies who you are, and were definitely witnessing intensified version of herself….- totally unlikable jealous bitch. lashing out at mikan, june lovejoy, her mom, manaki, etc again because shes jealous theyre thriving* or they moved on from her. while she rots in an internet cafe burning down all bridges possible.
shouldve kept your mouth shit venus and applied yourself. you had you weeb dream with a doormat and fucked it all up.
(* this is venus. the bar is in hell. her crazy ass mom was able to move to the US through her fucked up ways even though she fucked it all up. venus has not been able to do that)(integrate)

No. 944402

what about going to the USA and being in court for squatting is "thriving" or dragging around Venus' dresses more than a decade on is moving on?

No. 944409

Stop defending margo. She's crazy and trying to use her daughters underage dolly dresses to make money.

No. 944413

Both her and her mom are certified clowns that will lash out and blame others for the fail that is their lives lol. Which is why they are so entertaining. Like >>944398 said, the booze and drugs just brought to the surface who Venus has always been. Makes perfect sense why she's never really had friends. Yet Venus cannot fathom why all her former friends and exes want nothing to do with her. Like she doesn't understand why ppl don't want to be associated with a Hitler loving, run of the mill 4 chan edgelord racist. Maybe if she became a right wing grifter, she'd find her true calling lol. They're plenty of ALT right loser simps that will prop up photoshopped to hell and back bitches that spew their talking points.

No. 944418

what part of 'the bar is in hell' are you not fucking getting, and how are you misconstruing this as defending margo. Everyone ive listed has done something that a dirty drunk neet like venus would be jealous of because shes done nothing but sit in a dirty ass corner, screech like a retard online for attention and try to con people with her lame ass OF. so yeah, I'm saying her Venus' life is lame and bleak and depressing enough that shes probably slightly jealous of her mom's antics until she got busted for squatting.

No. 944423

Venus is lashing out at everyone because she blames them for ruining her life. Because she's insane and doesn't take accountability for her own actions, blaming everyone around her instead. The 'people become haters because they're jelly' mantra on the internet isn't true, she's just a crazy bitch. She's definitely not jealous of manakis life lmao.

No. 944425

Venus doesn't care about her mom and has never been jealous of her, be real. Even in the email and texts after she left her mom, all their interaction have been Venus making fun of her mom and her deranged ramblings. You need to lurk. Venus can be a victim of her mom and also be a mess at the same time. I don't know why this need to be re-brought up so often all because anons refuse to understand how Venus was taken advantage of. We see this in other child celebrities, how their parents ruined them. Being an adult now doesn't fix that, especially when you've been too far gone into substance abuse [ie other internet and celeb kids as they get older]. If this wasn't a situation that happened a lot, sure, I'd be more on board with only blaming Venus, but realistically that is not what this is and not what happened.

No. 944451

>She's definitely not jealous of manakis life lmao.
what manaki is doing nowadays?(sage your shit)

No. 944453

why can it not be both? lashing out because she refuses to accept she caused her current trajectory in life and still be jealous? I'm not going to agree whatsoever that she doesnt hold some weird form of twisted jealousy against everyone, its that plus anger, whether she can admit it to herself or not.
I already know their background/history, I'm still saying theres a part of her jealous of her mom because it happens too often in these fucked up mother/daughter relationships than you think. its not in the traditional sense. and I also think she also misses being taken care of because look at her now. yeeted off to japan and has been stuck there since.(tinfoiling)

No. 944459

wow cool story bro

you have no idea what someone is thinking, this is just tinfoiling and it's not even interesting to read(infighting)

No. 944479

No one knows for sure, but it's obvious he finally cut this trainwreck out of his life for good. More power to him. Lol she really thought she was just gonna ride off into the sunset with Ken and live a Taylor R sugarbaby life forever. Not be a toothless, greasy, strung out homeless addict in the internet tweeting insanity all day. Talk about expectation vs reality lol.

No. 944500

File: 1728277378022.png (127.25 KB, 1198x540, Screenshot 2024-10-07 at 4.00.…)

What day of tweaking are we on?

No. 944511

It's been a full week now. She might have actually fried her brain for good this time.

No. 944515

File: 1728294434272.png (471.29 KB, 1206x1860, 1000000553.png)

She's beefing w/ her discord. Sorry I'm a newfag, but idk how to put pictures together so I'ma have to wait a moment to post them all, but she's deleting the chats lol but someone got the screenshots

No. 944516

File: 1728294474687.png (341.21 KB, 1206x1637, 1000000554.png)

No. 944517

File: 1728294526166.png (431.16 KB, 1206x1538, 1000000555.png)

No. 944518

File: 1728294564419.png (189.73 KB, 1206x1157, 1000000556.png)

No. 944519

Kek this chick is really off her rocker

No. 944520

>pedobaiter becomes mentally ill hag
many such cases

No. 944529

seems like the discord is nuked

No. 944530

File: 1728307275497.jpg (146.66 KB, 820x1005, 1000019106.jpg)

No. 944531

It's over

No. 944539

These aren't on her reddit, so one of her precious mods from the discord has been leaking these chats anyway. Better to nuke it all lol Venus really surrounded herself with farmers in every capacity it seems

No. 944541

File: 1728312765299.jpeg (513.64 KB, 1284x2415, IMG_8541.jpeg)

New x name and she’s living with a bf?

No. 944542

File: 1728312817130.jpeg (Spoiler Image,466.72 KB, 1284x2417, IMG_8542.jpeg)

Who tf is maya?

No. 944543

File: 1728312853186.jpeg (469.11 KB, 1284x2366, IMG_8543.jpeg)

So this Kirie or w/e is he mom?

No. 944544

File: 1728312907987.jpeg (225.2 KB, 1284x1445, IMG_8544.jpeg)

The sancty person she’s obsessed with is followed by Britney Spears … I imagine that would make Venus particularly jealous. That’s a big deal.(fanfic)

No. 944548

She is not. This is like her "boyfriend" arc a while back when she was just paying for an escort.

No. 944552

I was able to read those chats and I'm not a mod, up until the nuke that is

He was the mod of that discord and "a friend" who weaseled his way into seeing all of her nudes before they were uploaded to OF & manyvids

No. 944553

File: 1728313434798.jpeg (116.28 KB, 1205x1304, IMG_7523.jpeg)

as if Reddit is the only source for these… They’re not from her mods leaking it, they’re from your fellow hard working farmers

No. 944565

this is pathetic

No. 944566

File: 1728317573484.png (608.14 KB, 1170x2056, IMG_7016.png)

Hi! Some of the Mods are Farmers as well. She made Fun of Headmods dead mom and called him a Pedophile, while she was Spam calling us. We deleted every Channel and way for her to Communicate with the poor fagelics she had left. (since shes too dumb to fix that)(why would you a) cowtip and admit to it, and b) nuke milk? Retards.)

No. 944567

Oh wow, do you have more SC of the server before it got nuked?

No. 944568

File: 1728319054136.png (361.82 KB, 1170x640, IMG_7013.png)

Headmod defended his mom and called her out for not having someone that raised her as his mom did raise him. She just went on with it and insulted him more. After that they deleted all channels.

No. 944569

>We deleted every Channel and way for her to Communicate
Are you fucking kidding me? You come here bragging about deleting milk deliberately because your mod fee-fees got hurt by a rambling alcoholic drug abuser? Jesus christ, you could've all just shut up and let her do her thing, but instead you literally intervened with the best milk we've had in a long time. You could've let the whole discord get reported and taken down organically.

No. 944570

Anon not everything is your own theater. These are real people and venus was harassing them. Considering how much venus loves doxing lately its for the best one of the mods did that before venus started doxxing the members in the server.(then get off the stage)

No. 944571

We tried to report everything for the whole 7 day she was Meth-Tweaking. This random attention spam shit is milk to you?

No. 944572

Not to forget there are minors on the server and i´m not exposing them to her disgusting word salad.

No. 944574

Then kick the minors. She is an adult creator, why are the mods allowing children in there ot begin with? That's fucked up and gross of them when their whole job is to moderate the place for Venus.

You might want to stop admitting to this.

No. 944575

I wish everyone would just stop interacting with her, this isn't entertaining, interesting or funny anymore.

No. 944576

Yeah that was an ealry discussion of mine, not sure what came out of it anymore since its been too long but ur right anon. We could have handled that better.

No. 944577

It's not and now we have to guess if every interaction was egged on by someone on a secret account who is a farmer just like how the mods interacted with her on discord knowing they are farmers here. Who's to say one of them wasn't someone pretending to be the guy that keeps sending Venus money for alcohol too? Wouldn't be the first time farmers have pretended to sub to a cow to get content to post.

So what now? All we have is the twitter and anons have already been caught reporting her stuff on twitter and posting it here too >>944163

No. 944578

>Anon not everything is your own theater
On lolcow, yes it is
>This random attention spam shit is milk to you?
Again, on lolcow it is. You're clearly butthurt fagelics who thought you'd get coddled as poor Peenus victims if you came to shittalk her here, but that's not how shit works. Integrate or leave. >>944572
Why were they minors in the server in the first place if she's done nothing but camwhoring in the past few years?

No. 944579

Her mods allowed minors to interact with Venus. That's disgusting. They set her up.

No. 944580

you're acting as if Venus is a victim when it's on brand with her to have minors in her server. I wouldn't be surprised if she's done more than just have them there.

No. 944582

That's a wild tinfoil and Venus isn't a victim in this situation aside from her stuff being taken away from her on purpose by farmers.
>on brand
What the hell does this even mean? Her being a past dolly doesn't have anything to do with the past 5 years within the span of this discord existing where she's made adult content any more irrelevant. Mods are in the discord to make sure minors don't enter an adult environment. They are supposed to do that for Venus.

Not only did they nuke all the milk, they cowtipped to Venus now, who reads here, that anyone she interacts with is possibly a farmer which is also going to mess with milk in the future. We can be mad at the mods at the same time as pointing out Venus is crazy, especially when it ruins her display of crazy.

No. 944585

you're acting as if Venus is a victim when it's on brand with her to have minors in her server. I wouldn't be surprised if she's done more than just have them there.


She makes adult content pandering to pedos, and she dated one. She outed him but never reported him to the police, I wonder why?

No. 944588

She hasn't looked like a child in years with her old ass face and missing teeth. Being skinny and short doesn't mean someone looks and passes as a child, not even a teen. She's looked 30 for years now. Also considering she experienced her mom trying to make her look and act younger than she was for cameras for over a decade will warp your sense of worth when you have adult men when you are 13 asking you to marry you. You don't think a kid will think this is what adults want? I'm not going to derail about this as it's been talked about at length for years here. The mods should've handled the discord being tagged 18+ and removing anyone who didn't seem to be 18+. Bringing up old milk won't change the subject.

No. 944591

Drug and alcohol abuse aside this whole shit show seems like another manipulative tactic to get attention. Maybe she wants to fuck off from the internet for good but wanted a last hoorah

No. 944593

This is lolcow, not discord. We do not care about your discord politics. Do not cowtip or encourage cowtipping or personalityfagging such as "[We] are in the disc!!". Learn to integrate and post milk anonymously. Admitting to nuking milk as a supposed farmer due to muh feefees is obscene levels of newfaggotry. Do better.

No. 944620

why are fagelics so fucking? she made fun of a mod's dead mom? with her flaming mommy issues you couldve just let her run her mouth ad nauseum that the other fagelics retards would realize how pointless it is to care and worry about her.

No. 944621

Thats not even milky anymore when the scrote is the cow here being a little bitch

No. 944630

the scrote is not the topic of discussion so i really don't care
but tbf I'm not sure what people were expecting from venus other than vitriol. fagelic retard gets cursed out by nasty drunken neet. who could possibly expected otherwise.
when has she ever shown she genuinely cared about another person?(integrate)

No. 944640

File: 1728344511726.jpeg (393.27 KB, 1179x1941, IMG_3981.jpeg)

She did so much meth she transcended. And she seems to be really into Elon Musk, he could get her all the meth she wants.

No. 944652

Surprised Pikachu Face lol. So mods, does this mean yall will stop flagging anyone saying her using meth and being a tweaker as tinfoiling. Because anyone with half a brain knew this, especially after seeing that pic with her pupils dilated to hell.(now that she confirmed it it's not a tinfoil)

No. 944661

None of us have sympathy for the scrote. Get over it. Venus had the potential for so much milk. Dude could've easily left the discord and handed it over to someone else. Now we only have twitter and who knows how long that will last considering all the stuff anons are apparently reporting her for like upthread Seriously, stop fucking with the cow.

The issue was tinfoiling about everything she did being meth-related when she is drunk just as often. When she mentions meth, obviously talk about meth.

No. 944666

Why does "proof" have to be posted? It's well known both margo and venus email each other, they have both literally posted their emails and admit to it and even voice mailed. All the proof is in the past threads. Same with the allegations against venus, like stabbing ken, marrying for a visa etc. All this is known, so she's obviously committed crimes. Maybe the mod who banned me for that should learn to read the thread.

No. 944667

Why are you coping with old milk? They haven't posted current emails to prove they are talking currently, she hasn't even gotten replies from Margo recently on twitter with all the @s. Venus said >>944541 but even then she doesn't say she's successful. Unless you can prove they are talking currently somehow and not just base it on "trust me, bro, they do" then you're most likely going to get banned for bringing it up. No one cares about old milk when you're making accusations about current cow stuff.

No. 944668

>anons have already been caught reporting her stuff on twitter and posting it here too
Fucking cow tipping losers ruining it for everyone. Did they want asspats? They're nobodies here too. Cannot stand the overly invested concern trolls who think they're doing something by reporting her accounts and disrupting the milk because they got their jimmies rustled.

No. 944669

File: 1728368852061.jpg (86.9 KB, 720x290, Screenshot_20241008-172422_X.j…)

The man tagged is a Japanese photographer who specialises in nude anime shoots. He's located in Japan, much older and has been replying to her posts like nothings happening. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually fucked her.

No. 944671

In the early OF days she did a photoshoot with him on vacation as I recall

Probably because she had the money to hire him back then

No. 944673

That or Ken had the money to do it lol. >>944661 I get the feeling she didn't just now started using it. Not that Marg is the best source lol but like other anon said Venus told Marg she did it in an email a few years ago. The randomly starting OF, rapid decline in her appearance, and teeth falling out is what made me believe it, not the source of the info. So she pretty much snitched on herself when she claimed randomly brought up some "other patient" in rehab for meth.

No. 944675

File: 1728386810202.png (79.21 KB, 619x386, 2024-10-08 14_12_49-Untitled d…)

No. 944676

File: 1728386837960.png (49.96 KB, 760x474, 2024-10-07 21_04_01-red kat n4…)

No. 944677

File: 1728386890024.png (94.13 KB, 1015x748, 2024-10-08 14_21_46-Photos.png)

No. 944678

File: 1728387219450.png (24.95 KB, 807x506, 2024-10-08 10_16_39-red kat n4…)

No. 944679

File: 1728387295346.png (157.33 KB, 609x677, 2024-10-08 14_33_06-Reddit - h…)

No. 944680

Oh sweet summers child do you have any idea what site you're on spewing this retardation? There's a reason she's had threads on here spanning 10 years and has been upgraded to Legacy Cow status. This shit is hilarious. And always will be, hence the name of the website. We are here to watch what happens when these delulu moo moos try and act the same way they do online irl. Unlike you Fangelics, we're here to laugh at retards, not idolize them. If you read a fourth of this thread you'd know what kind of place it is.

No. 944681

File: 1728388012771.webp (22.02 KB, 619x386, does-anyone-know-how-to-report…)

Hey anon i was in that same thread before it got taken down. Basically on the reddit shithole some huge autist shared that they were contacting the police and cowtipping and it caused this huge infight with another lesser autist telling them not to do that.(repost )

No. 944682

File: 1728388121183.png (159.42 KB, 874x877, Screenshot 2024-10-08 132310.p…)

Two dumb biches fighting

No. 944683

File: 1728388430769.png (116.49 KB, 802x699, Screenshot 2024-10-08 132331.p…)

Nuke the reddit

No. 944684

How is the person making the report "messing the investigation" if they contact Interpol about her ER edgelord mass murderer shit posts? Does that make sense?(integrate, sage your shit)

No. 944685

File: 1728388804586.png (261.49 KB, 672x918, Screenshot 2024-10-08 135737.p…)

I found your twitter account looks like you are cowtipping her there too. You are such a autist. Atleast learn how to integrate, also sage.

No. 944686

kek what did they think this was going to achieve? nobody is going to give a shit about some malnourished female tweaker going off on social media. venus is only a danger to herself and maybe the moids she associates with

No. 944690

yeah she can't even conceptualize taking a shower and she's been tweaking or getting drunk for a week already, why does anyone think she can do anything more complex.

No. 944691

File: 1728391005665.gif (2.98 MB, 480x270, F508524A-CEB7-4AF9-9737-0DA61D…)

whats with the fucking doubleposting
I seriously cannot believe venus going full mask off has caused so many of her sheltered fagelics to self implode. nuked discord, retards arguing, coming here bragging about cowtipping, clutching pearls so hard they whine to interpol when they deal with Real Criminals and not some has-been. this is so fucking cringe

No. 944693

Proof Venus had already admitted to being on meth a week ago
Mentions it to the point even her followers know, doesn't deny it

No. 944696

Seeing her desperate because her discord got nuked was very amusing. Everyone is so desparate for nothing. She is a legendary cow, she will always come up with new ways to provide milk. Chill.
She suddenly stopped her number rambling and escalated her shit on twitter because of this.

No. 944700

She's obviously not going to do that. Are you serious? Modfag, stop trying to intervene with her milk.

No. 944701

Holy shit, imagine wasting interpol's time over empty online threats from a tweaker. They ain't gonna do shit. The cowtippers deserve their own thread at this rate. I highly doubt they honestly believe she's a danger to these people, they're overly invested, seething losers who think making it impossible for her to have a platform is a win out of pure spite. All you fucks had to do was go outside and touch some grass while letting the rest of us enjoy our milk.

No. 944702

The police would not clue you in on who they spoke to. That reddit user is stupid as fuck. Especially a mass murder investigation. They are going to take one look at her ramblings and discard her as a threat. The modfags who reported her are the worse. Honestly glad venus made fun of a scrotes dead mom, clearly can't even handle modding a discord properly.

No. 944706

File: 1728401012845.jpg (33.71 KB, 648x524, 70d826e9db94cd5d.jpg)

any guess how long Venus will live if she continue to live like this?(when will these newfags learn to fucking sage)

No. 944709

can live pretty long since from her incoherent word vomit we can assume she has someone who is paying for her living expenses

No. 944711

i give it a year before she is deported

No. 944714

She's going to live a long life. People like her usually do. >>944711 this is the arc I'm interested in. She will either get better or drown even faster outside of Japan

No. 944715

File: 1728406746708.jpeg (2.14 MB, 2577x2577, 2D376B98-4D52-48CF-8BCD-6586E0…)

This old creeper @Kazzz likes the ladies. Young ones.

No. 944716

all but one are complete uggos lol no wonder he "worked" with Venus. at least these women look like they shower(derailing)

No. 944717

>all but one are complete uggos
the fuck is wrong with you

No. 944718

File: 1728409519996.jpeg (340.14 KB, 1179x1130, IMG_3989.jpeg)

she's just a lazy meth head(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 944719

she's right, everyone except bottom right has a weird face, it's always uglies who lean hard into alternative aesthetics to try to stand out(offtopic)

No. 944720

They all look average, you're too chronically online(infighting)

No. 944721

you are not fooling anyone saying the one with the beak and the messed up teeth is average(infighting)

No. 944722

put down your phone and go outside

No. 944723

No. 944725

Bottom 2 are still wearing the lingerie from their ‘photoshoots,’ lol. That’s how the old perv @Kazzz likes ‘em.(samefagging)

No. 944759

Wow has it really been ten years?

No. 944765

Kaz isn't just any kind of creep, he's a gaijin hunter creep lol. And like all old ugly perv moids, he can't pull the kinds of women in these photoshoots. So instead he has to pay a ran through, toothless, 27 year tweaker who looks like she's pushing 40 and hasn't showered in days.(derailing/tinfoiling)

No. 944767

We don't even know if she ever shot with him anyway, she's been tagging random people. Maybe he shot with a rival like June. He's not even important. He's a run of the mill thot photog which they are all creeps. Stop changing the subject, discordfag.

No. 944780

If things get quiet again in Penus land or if the milk dies down again in a month can someone tag me so i can post some exclusive milk.(post it or fuck off newfag)

No. 944781

Nta but anon they definitely had contact with each other, a couple of days ago they were talking to each other flirtatiously (barf) it is only two days ago when Kazz stopped replying to Venus and when Venus started talking crap about him.(post proof/this is an imageboard)

No. 944800

He did shot with her(sage your shit/post proof)

No. 944801


No. 944804

Pretty sure it was when she was actually doing Onlyfans and not just running a $50 scam, so you would have to check back during that era/posts.(this is an imageboard)

No. 944809

File: 1728504087521.png (161.92 KB, 1200x710, Screen Shot 2024-10-09 at 3.56…)

she finally stopped posting, maybe the psychosis is over

No. 944812

What part of imageboard is hard for you to grasp?

No. 944814

you know to make screenshots on your phone right? I blame the discord mod faggots for bringing these retards here since they nuked the server jfc

No. 944815

cue withdrawals

No. 944816


She ran out of substances. Now she'll fall into a depressive state and start suicide baiting.

No. 944818

I literally don't remember us ever talking about him, if he ever shot with her and was posted, he would've been talked about and glossed over by now. If anon had proof, they better post it. Otherwise it's just another random person she's mad at and @ing at for attention.

No. 944823

Not really, she posted an hour ago. No screenshot because there's nothing new or interesting, just her @ing Margo again.

No. 944825

Especially once she sees the havock she's wreaked on a 7 day meth bender. I wonder what the excuse will be this time.

No. 944843

"I'm better again guys!" is my guess. shes not smart my any means, she pulls the same excuse every time

No. 944845

File: 1728520597219.jpeg (349.48 KB, 1170x1952, IMG_8753.jpeg)

Venus shot a few times with this gaijin hunter

No. 944847

File: 1728520644047.jpeg (385.63 KB, 1170x1462, IMG_8752.jpeg)

No. 944861

Damn. Despite how pale she is, she looks alive here. Hard to imagine she had life in her once upon a time. Sobering to see the difference back to back.

No. 944864

Lol 4 years ago

No. 944867

That's part of the reason I think she's been on and off before. 4 years and look at how rapid a decline. That ain't just one too many Strong Zeros lol.

No. 944869

If she's been tweaking on meth for a week continuously this will simply not happen. Meth withdrawals =/= alcohol withdrawals

No. 944870

You're right. She'd be full blown psychosis. It's not just the stuff leaving her system. She's been up for days. Her brain is fried to hell RN. She's probably out doing God knows what to get some more. That or she's done something to get herself kicked out of where she's at. Too bad she doesn't have access to her gram. Could y'all imagine if she live streamed herself in this state?

No. 944873

i don't believe she doesnt have access to her gram. I think because her fans are catching onto her bs (at the speed of a molasses but still catching on) and their voices are getting louder, she mad shes not getting the same amount of praise she thinks she deserves

No. 944875

Her discord is down so no proof on this, but her last episode of "losing accounts" was actually her losing her phone. Twitter is probably the one password she remembered

No. 944876

You can easily lose access to everything you have when you're psychotic (eg by trying to log in multiple times and getting locked out). Instagram is easy to lose also, in some cases you just have to lose your phone and phone number and you're fucked, there's no way to retrieve it if you haven't prepared beforehand

No. 944880

File: 1728574722869.png (545.79 KB, 720x1432, Screenshot_20241010-173739-758…)

Those were her last posts for now.

No. 944881

shes shitposting. seems her little meth bend has her transcend to another level of shitposting didn't think she was capable of

No. 944978

I mean this is waaaaay more coherent than what she previously used to post.
Wonder why/how

No. 944982

Idk why you're trying to find a bigger meaning in it. It's called coming down. Also mightve lost posting abilities if the retards who reported her got their wish. That can be a ban between 1 day to weeks.

No. 945017

File: 1728730103697.png (79.29 KB, 480x610, Screenshot_20241012-124649~2.p…)

more shitposting?

No. 945021

If anons say she's on drugs every time she posts something in a 2007-lolrandumb way I'm gonna go crazy.

This is how idiots typed when Venus was growing up and she has arrested development. Zoomers should be glad they never had to encounter the random penguin of doom.

No. 945022

Also it's guess-work if she is or isn't on drugs every time. Who cares? We know she drinks, we know she does drugs, we also know she types like this in general. Posting every instance is useless.

No. 945038

no one said anything kek chill out

No. 945102

Looks like she's gotten her hands on more. Tweets about sex/selling herself for sex, disappears for like a day and then comes back to post more insanity. Got a good idea of how she's paying for the stuff lol.

No. 945116

File: 1728900613315.png (119.25 KB, 480x416, Screenshot_20241014-120759~2.p…)

she thinks she's kevin

No. 945117

File: 1728900908373.png (69.71 KB, 480x686, Screenshot_20241014-121423~2.p…)

desperately begging for the only friend she had. sad

No. 945154

no idea who that sancty girl is but if you go to her twitter she seems fairly well off and very into that uwu lolita adjacent pure cuteness aesthetic - you best bet she's not going to engage with an alcoholic junkie literal prostitute like penus kek

No. 945156

She used to hang out with Venus recently >>935508 they went together to give food to homeless people, she probably felt bad for Venus and wanted to help her, like all of her past friends

No. 945159

Sancty is also Mikan’s bff. Venus has been obsessively trashing both of them on Xitter, for days.

No. 945163

File: 1728948646112.jpg (239.1 KB, 720x967, Screenshot_20241015-103009_X.j…)

No. 945164

it's strange. at first she would mostly vague tweet and name drop, but now she's resorted to quote retweeting and replying to the people she wants attention from. i sincerely doubt either sancty or mikan will ever respond to her, so i wonder who she'll move on to after this.

No. 945165

If they haven’t blocked her, they’re loving the attention

No. 945166

Surprised Mikan hasn't tbh, she loves acting high and mighty on twitter and has fought with/blocked people for a lot less. Curious about the claim Mikan cheated though. Maybe she's leaving her unblocked to keep an eye on what she's saying because she knows something. They're kind of lucky Venus is so methed out and incoherent tbh. No one will believe her claims because of it.

No. 945171

Why even engage with a psycho? Not like reason or logic works on Venus and Mikan doesn't have a savior complex for white women.

No. 945172

she’s legitimately snapped this time. this may be her final arc. she’s beyond rehabilitation.

No. 945176

File: 1728971025078.png (29.41 KB, 898x163, ella.png)

Apparently, she posted Ella's nude too, but it seems to be gone now.

No. 945177

How'd you get nude from this?

No. 945178

File: 1728980899160.png (46.01 KB, 480x463, Screenshot_20241015-102736~2.p…)

she's currently posting a million tweets about Natalia/Pinki. this one is crazy

No. 945183

File: 1728994682944.png (381.07 KB, 752x692, 2024-10-15 15_17_03-(1) never …)

Who is the person in her new X picture

No. 945184

File: 1728994715070.png (377.95 KB, 587x559, 2024-10-15 15_17_09-(1) never …)

No. 945185

File: 1728994787432.png (731.18 KB, 594x844, 2024-10-15 15_19_19-.png)

No. 945186

File: 1728994904133.png (62.88 KB, 800x762, 2024-10-15 15_21_01-never ass …)

Making racist comments against Mikan now and saying she stinks(repost)

No. 945187

File: 1728995189116.png (51.42 KB, 754x424, 2024-10-15 15_20_53-never ass …)


No. 945188

File: 1728995234672.png (97.82 KB, 775x384, 2024-10-15 15_20_27-never ass …)

Obsessed with Mikan

No. 945189

File: 1728995352860.png (68.7 KB, 766x607, 2024-10-15 15_28_43-never ass …)

No. 945190

File: 1728995421049.png (53.6 KB, 785x696, 2024-10-15 15_29_42-never ass …)

No. 945191

File: 1728995457728.png (46.4 KB, 785x658, 2024-10-15 15_29_56-never ass …)

No. 945193

She looked cute here. Its kinda sad how she fucked up her life so much

No. 945194

File: 1728996955645.png (40.73 KB, 789x647, 1.png)

posting before she deletes it

No. 945195

File: 1728996977543.png (55.11 KB, 755x682, 2.png)

No. 945196

File: 1728997009004.png (49.62 KB, 779x563, 3.png)

No. 945197

does meth usually make you this incomprehensible

No. 945198

File: 1728997079638.png (42.29 KB, 771x488, 4.png)

No. 945199

No lol. There's "functional" and "disfunctional", most people are actually functional still when on meth. She's just an idiot and does this mostly for attention.

No. 945201

File: 1728999723596.png (56.22 KB, 480x266, Screenshot_20241015-154015~2.p…)

a random ewhore idk
I think she's either drunk, has completely lost her mind or both

No. 945208

Meth psychosis is definitely a thing and it's very possible she's experiencing it considering how mentally ill she is on top of everything. It's also likely she's drinking too. As much as she does things for attention, there's no way her brain isn't at least somewhat fried at this point.

It's crazy how jealous she is of literal prostitutes. I get that she's a mush mouthed junkie now, but that bar is so low.

No. 945209

Well they are doing better than her, she failed at being a prostitute too

No. 945210


First time Venus said truth, she is gonna stay IN THIS forever. Only chance to survive she have is being deported/jail.(learn to sage)

No. 945212

>Well they are doing better than her
The bar is so low, it's in hell.

No. 945218

File: 1729009741451.png (52.69 KB, 480x351, Screenshot_20241015-182703~2.p…)


No. 945222

This is Britney Spears shaving her head in 2007 but times one million.

No. 945224

True. Meanwhile mikan's hair looked fried even back then

Britney survived 2007, but i don't think penus has much left in her

No. 945226

This feels like either pure self sabotage or like she knows the only way she can get attention (and thus possibly pity donations) at this stage is by exploiting her downfall and is hoping primink makes another video on her shit life. It's still so bizarre how this meltdown highlights the fact that her life has been a sad revolving door of the same shit for god knows how long now. She hasn't been friends with Mikan or Pinkii or this Sancty girl for ages, yet she's still obsessed with them. I wonder if she'd drop the unintelligible racist junkie act if any of the people she's spamming reached out to her worried.
In >>944676 she mentions
>break ALL "laws" and never get in trouble
so if she really is methed out of her mind, I can see why she'd view spamming nigger x100 times on Xitter as this edgy rule breaking act, especially when she risks getting deported if she goes out acting like a methhead in public

No. 945230

File: 1729015445473.jpg (221.66 KB, 1083x1085, 1676591744614.jpg)

Hi Im Venus and I just drank qwerty


No. 945231

ok now get me your baguette dr. friedrich

which baguette V?

the one that says fuck my fetus sister 4 GEIL

No. 945232

ah, i fiucking love this

r u going to tell sancty

slut! she is a string little MONEY

No. 945233


No. 945234

im 80 years >>945164

No. 945236

File: 1729015670978.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.91 MB, 3024x4032, GZ2HS4xakAAHhh9.jpg)

plz get 赤丸59n go <3 :#

No. 945237

fucking spoiler button, retard..

No. 945238

i have margaret and venus incest P0rn ;D

No. 945239

This is an image board, post then.

No. 945240

File: 1729016803356.jpg (72.35 KB, 670x447, 3043c68a5189a18ab781681fd4e251…)

No. 945241

File: 1729016835141.jpg (766.57 KB, 1072x1955, 1673583614797.jpg)

No. 945242

File: 1729016892288.jpg (26.78 KB, 156x275, 1673637031367.jpg)

No. 945243


No. 945244

hey venus, since you're shitting up the thread can you post pics of whatever drugs you're on? so the tinfoilers can rest

No. 945246

File: 1729017472148.png (65.28 KB, 275x144, 1685984748250.png)

send incest porn to kazz plz

thx thats thevafhoj

No. 945249

you doxxed sancty why would she give you meth

No. 945250

File: 1729018224848.webp (9.71 KB, 312x312, download.webp)

>>94524she only 45kg bruh/skinny ass

No. 945251

post a new picture to prove you're actually venus

No. 945252

File: 1729018870243.png (23.05 KB, 598x204, 51654661616.png)

No. 945253

damn what did you think of your threads? when did you first start reading them?(sage your shit)

No. 945254

File: 1729019155227.jpg (30.26 KB, 1152x648, dgsscjk-a74131c8-c632-42ca-978…)

im a hacker, i go by hathor

0 but slashed

like the goddess hate from egypt

mixed with bastet

incest BASSTED

No. 945255

Why are you so obsessed with incest?

No. 945256

File: 1729019471829.png (1.58 MB, 4176x1504, スクリーンショット (1).png)


No. 945258

kek the david bowie thumbnail over his eye is making me laugh

No. 945259

sells good in times when

No. 945260

Where do you live now? Who are you living with? Has your mother contacted you?

No. 945261

If sancty doesnt become my free ぱしゃり Ill kill daddys girl eliss

bc im V and ur 0

No. 945262

I live exacty here @前橋駅 station

No. 945263

File: 1729020050884.jpg (1.67 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)

No. 945264

elizzer gon die


No. 945266

File: 1729020169758.png (1.74 MB, 1080x1336, 1691433907045.png)

No. 945267

File: 1729020217994.png (8.74 KB, 194x259, images.png)

i do coke n mary jane 365 while on top of my architect

No. 945268

im a chemistry genius like venus who cant even FARD shit out of her two anal front tupes, pussy

No. 945269

if ur not guilty, why dont you come visit at maebashi, sucklizzercktipinkdick?

esp sancty

i think you owe asdfghjkl;

No. 945270

im stoner foodie, gotta check my address before i doxx it, wait asecond

i could use company at my criminal lair

No. 945271

oh shit i cant decide whether to fuck elizz or puke, i guess i shred krystal and pukess a lizz @pフキt

No. 945272

>when even posting the nigger word on twitter doesn’t get you any attention so you have to beg for it on fucking lolcor

No. 945273

venus, are you still married to manaki?

No. 945274


What can i say, I'm sorry for you. I hope You will survive SOMEHOW and reborn before you die.

No. 945275

Margo sucks so bad imagine reaching out to your mother for help and being told to fuck off. I never thought id feel this legitimately bad for Venus but knowing she reached out to her mom and couldn’t get helped makes my heart break for her stupid ass

No. 945276

Oh no

No. 945278

Venus, where are you living right now?

No. 945279

youre such a gullible fuck. you cant still be clinging to the bad mother card because youre uncomfortable with the fact venus is a horrible person well within her own right. shes supposedly swung a knife near her ex, was fucking him during a phone call with mikan years ago, and so on. you cant keep blaming her mother for life. go back to instagram faggot.(infighting)

No. 945280

File: 1729021223851.png (22.63 KB, 480x521, Screenshot_20241015-213932~2.p…)

why did you deactivate

No. 945281

Venus you’re like the only cow I have empathy for and I would be your friend irl I hope you’ll be okay move to Florida with your mom and we can hang out I’ll help you get off alcohol we can drink kava instead and smoke weed it will be fun just don’t hurt my cat or I’ll have to fuck you up

No. 945282

Literally none of that is even that bad? She’s just crazy and has problems. She needs to come hang out with me in the US and smoke weed and use kava to get off alcohol(personalityfagging, no1currs about your venus friendship fantasies)

No. 945283

No. 945285

Honestly, one of her Best decision.

No. 945286

>when you go to the zoo to watch the monkeys and the monkey starts dancing right in front of you

No. 945288

Ask yourself why you did it to yourself. Time knows one way. You cannot reverse this that you share your adres. I think, you wanted something to kick you out dipper. I was homeless addict in past and now i'm a survivor. If You are alive, you are a le to change everything. Just let yourself be week, in someone bigger hands, even police, goverment. And then change name and start new, be a beker, bus driver, whatever u can, and enjoy simple live.(unintegrated unsaged esl posting)

No. 945289

She's very clearly drunk or high (or both). To expect logical thinking or say she should draw instead is useless.
I wonder how she will feel about her lolcow rambling when she sobers up.(sage your shit)

No. 945290

weenos…. girl. close your laptop. make a drawing (don’t show anyone). use your creative brain and willpower (you have them).

you’re not actually having fun right now. doing literally anything else right now will be far more interesting (!!) than leaving behind embarrassing debris on lolcow, reading useless, anonymous speculations. boring!

have the courage to CHANGE the vibe.

buy a ticket, ask for help, reinvent yourself, who cares? anything would be better than this

you will come down…. this is not forever, you are not doomed, you can find ikigai

praying for u babe(unintegrated posting style)

No. 945291

no but she should get back together with him, he was way better looking than the other dudes

No. 945292

she's been posting gibberish for a week, do you retards really think she will read your advice and take it seriously

No. 945294

post a selfie, Venus. Show us you are ok(learn to sage)

No. 945296

He also wasn’t a complete psycho and his family was kind to her

No. 945297

File: 1729023930427.jpg (22.18 KB, 680x680, 1000541803.jpg)

This man has suffered enough kek

No. 945299

She doesn't give any kind of pictures for free.

No. 945300

Can you retards stop wking the coomer scrotes she keeps around? The only bad thing was fucking him while on the phone with Mikan, nobody gives a shit if she threatened some disgusting pimp with a knife. Her mother should've still answered her.

No. 945301

there's a free one right here >>945236

No. 945302

it’s definitely not venus, probably just someone who wishes they were her

No. 945305

No. 945306

I hate how she mispronounces her own name. Fucking “weenus”. Die.(a-logging)

No. 945307

it's obvious it's her. she stopped tweeting right before coming on here and then deactivated because she's not getting any attention from mikan and whoever else she's tagging so she's shitting up this thread instead

No. 945308

Whose nudes are these even supposed to be? Doesn't look like Peenus at all
Idk, if it's not her it's pretty convincing. It reads the same as her twitter spergouts and we know she's been obsessively reading her threads, I'm surprised she didn't come shit up this thread sooner

No. 945309

File: 1729026114471.png (Spoiler Image,641.64 KB, 1080x2400, img-2024-10-15-21-59-28.png)

I reverse image searched it and it seems like she posted it a while ago claiming it was Ella Freya (who she keeps calling Elizabeth/Elizza etc?), picrel, with the same monkey picture she posted here:

Some gooners on this forum where the reverse image search went to did the circling moles thing and proved its her:

No. 945310

>>945305(post fail)

No. 945311

She's one of the first cosplay thots to openly go to porn. Everyone else followed who she was friends with like Jennameowrie.

No. 945313

wassup fuckers

No. 945314

free cash come to maebrazzers 4 free

No. 945316

ill punch u real nice 成形 ellizzrazzjebassr style and YOU become my victiiim

actual murderer, V

No. 945317

File: 1729027690620.png (828.5 KB, 1920x1076, thumb-1920-1352043.png)

thank yoy sancty for deleting precious data, like

mis this the drawig michelangel

No. 945320

Why do you want to murder Ella Freya? What did she do? And why do you have her nudes?

No. 945321


i love you venus, i dont care if i get banned for saying it, its true, i care about you too(unintegrated discordfag)

No. 945329

maybe use your brain and read /meta/ where admin said they're watching the situation, or consider that farmhands are active and her posts haven't been banned as a sign?

No. 945330

File: 1729029009642.jpg (59.57 KB, 964x233, Screenshot_20241015_234900_Sam…)

From /meta/
They're currently investigating.
Hope the discorfags/redditards will be permabanned though.

No. 945331

Awesome, thank you. I figured they would've made a post here about it, not in /meta/. Probably because an anon asked in /meta/. I guess we wait it out and see if it is.

No. 945337

I cant stand how fagelics lie to themselves by pretending they care about venus. theyre just watching a train wreck like the rest of us kek

No. 945338

I was accused of being a discord fag and am not(ban evasion)

No. 945339


No. 945340

File: 1729030211079.png (653.7 KB, 800x1188, my-meiker-1729030180693166.png)

No. 945341

File: 1729030268704.jpg (174.72 KB, 1280x819, TR008864__78320.jpg)

No. 945343

nona, I hate you for alerting me of the existence of this website. What little faith I have in the male race has dwindled further.

We didn't need mole detectives to prove it's her, that looks exactly like her boob we've seen from her naked pictures and she has worn those fuzzy pants before.

No. 945344

razzjebasser razor klink linkadink just had catering @ maebrazzerss and

No. 945345

illl dox when kazzer go brrrr

No. 945346

fav song

it is mDA BAD ONE

No. 945347

always kool t345me w/ kirie daキrksテr come get on he345678

No. 945348

good job well done

No. 945349

ill hunt down 4 @technology 4 @ krystal meth n lolcow addiction

also become transform 4 autism

i cant help but love lolcow man

No. 945350

No. 945351

can i post dessertt 13 under onl

No. 945352

thank you admins
nona your post has had me laughing for way too long KEK
how are you affording all of these drugs? glad you like it here. have fun

No. 945354

elizzer corpse f33d

No. 945355

You need to deleted everything in the embed field so you stop spamming the same videos

No. 945362

It's probably intentional to add to the spam.

No. 945363

No. 945365

Venus if it's really you make a new page somewhere and give us the link here. You know you're going to get banned eventually and nobody will be able to see any of your shitposts anymore. it's now or goodbye forever girl.

No. 945366

File: 1729033072876.jpg (55.38 KB, 536x680, GY2_TTLXUAIvACJ.jpg)

No. 945367

File: 1729033097010.jpg (199.41 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)


No. 945368

be my friend or i post elissa

be my friend and draw with me

or u

No. 945369

File: 1729033174393.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.49 KB, 510x680, mW414a3v.jpg)


No. 945371



No. 945377


Venus did you leak new pics of your teeth?

No. 945378

As if she had teeth…(sage your shit)

No. 945379

This whole sperg is just depressing.

No. 945390

Oh my god this is so annoying

No. 945393

Not sure if this is true, but apparently Ella had a history of scamming people and sugaring, but pretending she never did that. Ken also said she was a prostitute, so I'm not surprised. All the kawaii jvlogger tend to be scummy and fake.

No. 945395

Did Venus just post possible CP here…. I refreshed the page to make sure it would be gone, but omfg. Wtf. That or it's their bullshit JK gravure crap they do in Japan which might as well be CP because it's exploitive. Thank you farmhands. Venus, don't do that shit.

No. 945398

She threatened to murder margo multiple times among many other bad things. There was a time in korea that margo was willing to see her again, despite venus emptying out their bank account upon leaving aka stealing, but at this point, venus is so deranged i am pretty sure she'd physically harm margo if they met, not the other way around. yeah, margo is trash, but for her own safety, it's best she keep away. venus already stabbed her ex and commit dv. she's legitimately worse than margo. margo has every right to tell her to eff off at this point. plus margo shared emails where she tried to give venus some advice despite their drama and venus just trolled/threatened to kill.

No. 945400

also everyone that tried to "help" venus, simply gets labelled as abusive - like mana, her vtuber manager, the kitano group of people, some of her friends, her ex who tried to get her to stop drinking so she stabbed him and so forth. feeling bad for her at this point is just whiteknighting. she a manipulator that harms people the moment they don't pamper her and do what she wants. stop feeling sorry for her because you think she's "kawaii"(learn2delete)

No. 945401

That's Venus's money. Margo can fuck off.

No. 945403

File: 1729049383996.jpg (60.5 KB, 1080x768, _zct-LKYTq.jpg)

She had a sugar daddy before, so it wouldn't surprise me if she did the other stuff too.

No. 945405

good. she deserves it (well except for doxxing or anything that'd lead to her physical safety being in jeopardy). dont feel bad for her otherwise. she's a vile person who uses others to get what she wants and has trashed people, esp girls for years now. she might even be a sociopath and is a massive hypocrite and thinks she's entitled to free shit for breathing while being a useless drain on society. and lets not forget her remarks at the chinese boys in her class and how she didnt want to be friends with them because they're boring chinese boys or how she doesnt want her future kid to have an "ugly kurdish nose" or how she loves having power over others (very sociopathic). fuck mikan.(derailing with mikan sperg)

No. 945406

She wont engage likely because venus has dirt on her she could expose would be my guess. that and maybe legitimate fear that venus could show up or something IRL

No. 945407

Wouldn't be surprised if she really cheated. She has ZERO problems being the "other woman", attempting to "steal" a guy who already had a girlfriend at the time. Then trashes the girlfriend online when Sayo exposes them for what they did to her (and sayo was STILL nice to mikan and simply warned her that if Yasu cheated on her he could to Mikan too).

No. 945408

Peenus took shitting up these threads to a whole new level. Tweak is some crazy shit lol. Honestly Ella, Mikan, Pinky, Sancty, etc they should just keep on ignoring this nutjob. Why would they care? She's a loser lol. They're out here living their best weeb life, ya know the one Peenus used to have. Meanwhile, Penus sucking dicks for meth only to stay glued to the internet, tweaked outta her mind shit posting on lolcow.

No. 945409

It's not really fair to compare edited photos where she's all dolled up too, to selfies where she doesn't even have makeup on though. For all we know she looked rough in that photo but just edited it (since it was taken by a photographer and likely professionally shooped).

No. 945413

>They're out here living their best weeb life
Nonna, most of them are prostitutes too? Venus is obviously the biggest loser here, but almost every single one of the girls she's naming are cows in their own right and even have their own threads on the farms.

No. 945415

this is retarded. why are you siding with an angry stupid drunk and trying to justify her beef with mikan when we know its solely rooted in jealousy. venus is not morally superior to mikan. did you seriously forget venus spamming the n word and praising hitler just get off on your hate boner for mikan
>person you replied to specifically said theyre living the life venus used to have
>” Venus is obviously the biggest loser here”
can you please read more clearly next time, youre in agreement with the other anon.
either way only a retard would think venus is winning in this situation. she lives pretty much in a closet and has burned all her bridges. everyone has avoided her irl for a reason over the course of years. god I hope she didn’t pull this lolsorandom 2007 era bullshit irl every god damn time she has drunk

No. 945416

They're all stupid, but only one of them is currently on the streets with a heavy drug addiction tweeting their mother to come molest them right now. I think this is something we can all agree on.(discordfag who doesn't know how to reply)

No. 945421

Yea but like they got stability, a social life, roof over their heads and aren't a fuckin tweaker lol. I'm not advocating for prostitution, sugaring, being a whore or anything like that, but at least don't be a homeless drug addicted one lol. At least use the money to pay bills and shit and not what this fucking moron Venus is doing. If you had to choose, would you rather be them or her? That's more so what I meant.

No. 945424

No, she's manic and has been for the past 2 weeks almost.

No. 945425

Honestly, I do think it’s bs but it’s also a cry for help.
It’s the only way she knows how, I mean she did learn from Marge innit(discordfag who doesn't know how to reply)

No. 945428

sounds just like alcoholism and pathetic attention whoring online.

No. 945429

I'm genuinely surprised people believe the methhead part, if you live in Japan and have any experience with getting drugs, you know there's little to no-chance at all a random gaijin like her can get some. Shes probably broke as fuck and i can't imagine a dealer trusting her this easily. Esp if she lives in Maebashi lol(doubleposting, unsaged, unintegrated.)

No. 945431

Last night we banned the poster who was spamming in this thread as she started to spam porn, including bikini pictures of a girl who looked under 18. We didn’t want to end the show so soon, but letting her spam the site with porn would be too far. We can’t say for certain that the spammer is Venus, but based on the available information it seems extremely likely. She is posting from a Japanese IP that is not a VPN, and the device she is posting from matches the one she can be seen with in this photo:
In the same picture you can see she has a couple of lolcow tabs open, so we know she browses the site. The spam on the site also matches the style and subjectmatter of what she spammed on her Twitter.

In the screenshot posted here:
The screen on the right seems to have the same resolution as the laptop she was pictured with above, she’s logged in to what appears to be her actual Discord account, and she has images saved directly from lolcow on her desktop. The time and date on the screenshot are not recent, but it does appear to have been taken by Venus and has not been posted anywhere publicly to our knowledge.

She posted these two images:
Which she has previously posted in a now-deleted tweet:
Although this isn’t conclusive, the images she uploaded don’t have the typical filename format of an image saved from Twitter, so the poster probably did not save them from her tweet at the very least.

Before her Twitter was deactivated, she posted a link to this thread:
The “doxxed” is likely a reference to the fact she posted an address here (potentially her own), which has now been deleted. Her IP address is located in the general area of the address she posted, although IP address locations are not specific enough to say conclusively that she was posting from that address. We’re still doing more investigation to see if we can find any previous posts of hers based on the new information we have, we will post a further update when we’re done. Please report and ignore the obvious discordfags in the meantime.

No. 945433

Venus about to have a creepshow art moment. This is insane. We might as well start thinking of a name for the next thread since she shit this one up so bad, it'll be reaching limit any time now.

No. 945434

>KiKi Sperg-chan 2 Electric Boogaloo

Thank you for your hard work Admin-sama !

No. 945435

With her incest obsession and insane tweaking I wonder if she's after chris chan type of infamy, sad how still no one cares about her. If she mattered anymore this would be a scandal all over the internet, especially in these woke times, but she's been a nobody loser for years. She's such a nobody she won't even be canceled.

No. 945437

File: 1729082900726.png (59.77 KB, 480x152, Screenshot_20241016-144700~2.p…)

She stopped being relevant when she started pandering to coomers. Idk what she expected. Women don't want to watch this shit.

No. 945438

its virtually impossible to reach chris chan level infamy because hes one of the most documented people on the internet. that ship sailed years ago, shes just using shock and emotionally charged language for attention like a retarded 13 yr old circa 2000s.
this is the ending she deserves.

No. 945439

Agreed. Peenus is only talked about here since she is a old legacy cow. It isn't surprising how pathetic she is for attention since even her coomers have left her

No. 945440

complete stranger to this cow and i came from the front page. decided to check out the actual video, and it doesnt even sound like a handjob, sounds like a person eating with their mouth open. really artless considering this is her only source of income i assume.

No. 945441

Now THIS is the shit I come to lolcow for. The diligence is so appreciated admin and farmahnds

No. 945443

File: 1729089638319.png (342.17 KB, 573x885, Screenshot (4169).png)

this might(?) be interesting. Malice was her old VTuber and this acc just popped up when searching Venus name in Twitter. Might be someone else but maybe it's her new acc to shitpost.(unproven speculation is not milk, learn to sage)

No. 945445

File: 1729092262039.png (243.36 KB, 929x797, 7474.png)

Japanese knowing nonas ! who is 鈴木健太郎 ? i hope this is not against the rules but i run the email venus has on epieos com and it showed this name that also has a review for a pet semetery near the station venus posted

No. 945447

The name says "Suzuki Kentarou" what could this be ?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 945448

Discordfags, please. Stop posting random shit that you can't even prove.

No. 945449

File: 1729095830816.png (83.62 KB, 1057x467, zezrzz.png)

are you retarded look it up on epeios yourself

No. 945450

File: 1729095885920.png (17.93 KB, 482x216, rgereg.png)

istg loser cant do anything yourself, anyways left a review here which is in the same area as penus

No. 945452

before she deactivated her account she tweeted "パールハイツ前橋前回神楽坂前橋店支店桜んだーらん" well some of it is gibberish but this listing comes up as パールハイツ which is an apartment complex(no proof)

No. 945453

is this her brain stem sneaking in a call for help by doxxing herself?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 945454

We are now operating with a zero tolerance policy for a lack of integration in this thread. If you are a newfag, read the rules and info page and learn to integrate. If you don't you will be permanently banned. This isn't Discord, stop using the thread like a chatroom and learn how to fucking post.

No. 945455

File: 1729098737040.png (95.56 KB, 1039x320, drftzui.png)

also venus is subbed to the post millennial lol

No. 945456

Prove it. Why are you looking up anything affiliated with an email address that anyone can use to subscribe her to things? We don't even know if it's active. This doesn't matter anyway, this is useless knowledge. We don't care who she is subbed to.

No. 945457

File: 1729099075166.png (134.37 KB, 1140x585, Screenshot 2024-10-16 201629.p…)

that is why i saged, they usually confirm it and i believe it personally since the japanes dudes email who is next to the biz one has not been part of a breach(repeatedly posting worthless info, every single search result you find doesn't need to be posted here)

No. 945458

File: 1729099169015.png (238.47 KB, 995x835, zez545z.png)

No. 945460

Stop trying to post anything and everything about venus when it isn't milk. Especially since her email had probably been used by trolls to sign her up for all those sites. If it can't be proven Venus did it, it's worthless This doesn't add any value or good milk even if saged. I don't know how you don't understand that this isn't info we need or want.

No. 945462

discord fags….please read the rules and integrate. we don’t about your fishing expedition. if youre really desperate for this mind numbing attempt at critical thinking, make your own fagelic discord and talk amongst yourselves there.
at this point venus has been pretty much silenced all over for being an insufferable cunt. nothing else matters right now until we get confirmation from her.

No. 945473

>>945462 do not care did not read loser this is what vpns are for. Will be back when i find anything interesting your low iq self cant find(ban evading)

No. 945474

Nta, but the fact that you are egging on farmers just shows theres no way in hell you guys moderated the cows discord appropriately. I hope that moids mom she made fun of really hit home and fucks him up.

No. 945475

i am literally not from the discord and been a farmer on and off for a decade yet i still think the mods are circlejerky. Most users would rather use the site as a soapbox for their beliefs on the thread than actually research the cows, which i do(ban evasion)

No. 945480

theres literally no reason why it HAS to be here. you can post your shit on reddit even.
why are you doing this? sorry youre butthurt venus went full mask off but this finale has been in the making for the last 6 years (and i feel im being way too generous because the signs were always there she’d snap). there no underplot to her story.

No. 945483

Your ban evading research doesn't add shit to the thread. This isn't research when its not even milk. We don't care if she signed up for an app using her facebook email 5 years ago.

No. 945490

No one said she's morally superior but who cares if some washed up crackhead throws insults and slurs at another cow who has already been racist herself (to the chinese boys as well as Americans and white people). Stop defending her. And while I do think Venus' hatred is rooted in jealousy, the people she's targeting (minus sancty) have also used her for clout and some have been shitty to her themselves (at least Mikan has). It's also possible that they had beef privately, which is part of the reason Venus is targeting these people. Here >>945256 she has sancty in her dms for example

No. 945508

You must be smoking Venus's stash. Mikan has done nothing to Venus that would warrant racial slurs being thrown at her. This is an insane reach. And they're called "mutually explostive relationships." As if Venus never used any of her friends, just like she did Mana, and then tried to with Ken. Fuck this crack head bitch lol. She deserves everything she's getting. Like nonnie said this has been building up for at least 6 years minimum. Y'all grasping at straws defending a neo Nazi 4 chan shit posting tweaker.

No. 945510

NTA, but who is defending venus? where? It's not weird that some anons think it's stupid to hail these other hooker lolcows as "living the weeb dream". Almost anyone is doing better than venus is right now, that's not an achievement. We don't need to kiss lolcow ass just because one has reached horror cow territory nonna. It's a shame she's usually knee deep in schizoposting because I don't doubt for a moment that she knows some of the other cows dirty secrets. Venus really is a lost cause herself though.

No. 945514

Compared to Venus, the one who is calling them names, slurs, posting their nsfw pics etc in a bitter, jealous meth fueled rage, they're doing better. Shit, some of them are living her old life. Of course Venus is a low bar lol. I'm not worshipping the other cows. That
weeb dream comment was aimed at Venus since she came here to shit up the threads. We all know she gets super triggered when ppl point how bad she's fucked up her weeb dream life which results in even more moo moo antics&lashing out. She used to throw shots at lolcow via drunken insta stories whenever we brought this up.(derailing)

No. 945515

I’m not defending mikan. I’m just not gonna side with a dirty neet drunkard tweaking cunt.

No. 945516

Mikan is a piece of shit. Stop defending her.(infighting)

No. 945517

ok. so this about you, and not venus. I’m not sure you know what “defending” is. just because its an opinion you don’t agree with doesnt mean the other person is defending lmao. mikan has a thread in /w/ so you can go there to air your grievances about her and point on the proverbial doll where she hurt you.
at least I understand that drunkards like venus will lash out at anything and anyone over literally anything.(infighting)

No. 945534

Has Venus had absolutely no friends for the last 5+ years? She hasn't been friends with Mikan, Yukapon, June, etc since then. But she's still obsessing over them instead of ranting about anyone new. Does she just have zero other people in her life to target?

Imagine if you were friends with someone for like 5 minutes in 2018 and now suddenly your name is plastered all over their Twitter. WILD

No. 945538

Friendships have to be maintained nona. She's negligent of virtually every other aspect of her life and her relationships are likely no different. I'm sure she's had plenty of chances to connect with others, but some fuck up or another has killed any and all chances those friendships had to turn into anything meaningful.

No. 945540

Not to mention you get a few drinks in her and she starts going mask off. She'd also have had to maintain her fake internet persona which those friendships were based upon.

Notice how she's obsessing over/ trashing them, but saying nothing about her ex who didn't leave his wife for her after a 4 year affair and then dropped her like a hot potato once he realized her ex husband was out of the picture lol. I thought for sure she'd be blaming him for making her homeless and shit. But she's got real issues when it comes to other women.

No. 945541

Venus deserves everything shes getting, yes, as shes the one who chose to mimic taylor out of greed and jealousy and spiraled into alcohol after that which has led to everything now, im just not going to care if she makes racist tweets towards another racist. Yes, mikan is a racist. You reap what you sow. Plus i think thats the least egregious issue. If i was any of her ex friends, i'd be more concerned that she 1. Knows where they live 2. Is obsessing about guns, killing and serial killers 3. Likely knows their dirty secrets (because most of her ex friends are vile to begin with) and can expose them such as exposing ellas sex work. Also the sugar daddy knows where mikan lives. Literally all those are worse than some empty racist tweets.

No. 945544

Ella's posts have porny vibes, I doubt anyone is surprised she sells nudes. She should expose something that's worth talking about

No. 945547

Ellas sex work isnt that big of a deal, at least not as milk, but it probably is to her given that she buried her past and got a role as ashley in resident evil. I imagine her sex work getting out could hurt her career since she puts on this sweet innocent persona and sex work is viewed pretty badly in Japan.

No. 945549

>sugar daddy knows where mikan lives
pretty sure she's moved at least once since that happened. and anyway venus can rant about guns and murder all she wants, the most she's ever going to do is slobber on them

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