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No. 940310
First thread:
>>>/snow/93507Previous thread:
>>932701Websites: & Snapchat: mariahmallad, mmallad.jpg (formerly btsmomokun, xmariahmalladx), the ragdollranch (formerly mariahthecatlady, momoscats),
Tiktok: (Old, deleted)
Pornhub: (Inactive)
Reddit: blog receipts are all outdated as fuck (we're talking like when she got banned from twitter) but here they are if you want them.
https://mookunbum.tumblr.com need a tumblr account to view this one since it's an 18+ blog).
Please keep the discussion about Momokun, her calves have their own thread here
>>>/w/92925General Costhot/Cosplayer thread over here
>>>/w/174607Don't post irrelevant random cosplayers "roasting" her on Twitter unless there's actual new milk attached. We've seen it a million times by now.
Nitpicking, armchair analysis/diagnosis, cat sperging and blog posting are against the rules.
Asking if we have media links to her content is also not cash money. Stop.
And yes, we know about the Kik for Fat ad.
>College larp continues with Moo not even understanding her own lies, like aiming for her masters. >Talks about making a bigger better photo studio only for it to be a small wearhouse with her old dusty props lazyily thrown in>fabricated a story of visiting a plastic surgeon where the doctor said he wouldn't dare alter her perfect breasts while fondling her. >Moo continues to get her lips botched by her sister with an unknown number of injections.>"Swim suit mommy" video drops, showing she's still gaining weight surprising no one.>Does a few pilates classes, claims she's a master now>Claims to harass a random Isreali girl at her pilates class for Palestine. Never hear of her pilates class again>Fleshlight collab still hasn't dropped, many rightfully assume she lost it.>More angry twitter posts about men. Goes as far as to say she will never birth a son. Deletes rant when called out >Goes on another anti lgbt rant saying no one should celebrate pride making a nonexsistant link to pride and genocide.>Makes up another story that her gay therapist wants to fuck her>Continues and fails to have arguments online. Gets mad and vaugely threatens people with guns for the 100th time which prompts someone to call the cops and do a wellness check on her.>Makes up another story the cop doing the wellness check wants to fuck her. Mental spiral downwards continues>Goes on anti shota/loli rant. Gets mad when people reminded her she liked and reposted shota and loli porn before (Some including rape)>Goes to AX and no one cares. Claims to have sold out free tickets and over 400 people were there to see her despite no one being seen near or around her booth other than a couple of pornsick moids.>Paid for a fake NSLS certificate she got from a scam email. Says she has "big brains" No. 940319
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Here since fun quick tea: moo calling an Olympic athlete a pick-me because she wanted to propose to her boyfriend on a national stage.
Wow. Moo is so, so insecure to call this pick-me behavior.
No. 940321
>>940319Yes very pick me behavior to want just one man for the rest of her life. Maybe she should post herself naked online and ask for thousands of moids digital sperm like Moo. She's just mad she can only pull a drug dealer with autism.
I'm also waiting for Moo to say what this girl does isn't hard because she's an olympic weight lifter.
No. 940332
>>940319Riddle me this nonnas which woman would be considered a pick me:
>The internet whore who has dedicated her entire “career” catering to male fetishes and spends the money earned on botched procedures that are equally rooted in male fetishism. Spends all day online oinking about how men and women should act while photoshopping away the cottage cheese on her whale carcass of a body before another OF drop. >Female athlete who chose to propose to her boyfriend after her olympic competition because she wanted to? With the way she fell for the honor society scam I am not surprised she doesn’t understand the meaning behind words but this retard is constantly being the fattest hypocrite on planet earth with no understanding of the buzzwords she throws around.
No. 940514
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>>940509I kinda get it. Trisha is horrible, but it's her job to be sexy so she knows how to work with what she has. Moo irl has a horrible screeching voice, disgusting attitude, her body looks like an Elden Ring boss, her BO is imfamous and finally Moo has no idea how to actually be sexy.
I really feel like Moo was always suppose to be an incel neck beard but just so happened to be born a woman.
On another note, I really feel like she was kicked out of her other studio she was renting. I know it was a money pit, but the quality of that place was better than the current place she threw her props in. And seeing the damage she did to the previous place it wouldn't surprise me if she did break some agreement. If she proudly posted this damage I wonder what else she did. Def the fire hazard she did in the electrical closet comes up. Dunno if it's enough that the guy can sue Moo.
No. 940536
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Oooph(namefagging newfag)
No. 940547
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No. 940554
>>940552she's starting to get like lipo stomach but she is still fat. big
No. 940580
>>940572no she cant. anytime shes writing Japanese it's 100% google translate.
Also that "costume" (i don't even know what you're supposed to fucking call that frankly) looks like an amalgamation of that artists work, so she likely just copied whatever was written on the pictures
No. 940582
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we have activity in the studio.
mimsy (no surprises there) shooting in an old western tavern?
and some random cyberwear brand.
No. 940594
>>940582You know she invited them for free. She did the same thing to the last studio
She's going to get sick of it and stop doing it
I'm more surprised the spaces are even smaller. You can't do wide angle shots here at all. May as well go to a photobooth that uses AI to change the background
No. 940664
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No. 940672
>>940671"It's not porn! It's hentai!"
She's still ashamed to call it what it is. It's not hentai, she isn't an anime character. It's fetish porn Moo.
No. 940687
>>940547Echos of her saying “i dont have to take my clothes off for” yaddayaddayadda.
You’re no Hitomi Tanaka, moo
I know you probably had a glimmer of hope once she retired but alas. Not everyone is into beastiality. You cow.
No. 940713
>>940671Am I the only one bothered by this lardo having made content for years but she still can’t hire someone who knows what shutter speed to use (hence the seizure inducing light flickering) Hope it
triggers a seizure in one of her coomers.
No. 940721
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moo continuing to take her anti-jew stance, with a dash of anti-white too
>>940713yeah, it was bugging me too, glad i'm not the only one.
No. 940739
>>940721>A white person pretending to be arabpot calling the kettle black
Man Moo must be really giddy. All these years Moo was looking for the perfect excuse to be racist. She thinks she's won but people just think she's retarded. Like why not be mad at the leaders or the people causing the war? Why be a racist POS to everyone who's jewish?
She should just be honest and just admit that being racist is a personality trait.
Historically she's been shit to Chinese, Japanese, black, hispanic, gay, poor, other muslmins, overweight and now Jewish people. I just think she's a spiteful POS who just hates everyone, including herself.
No. 940740
>>940732Moo is actually retarded and larping so she has an excuse to be racist towards someone. Her family are actually Mediterranean Lebanese that mirgaed to Italy then america, AKA white. Her bloodline hasn't touched the middle east in centuries. So literally those Arab jews who have lived there for THOUSANDS of years have more say than Moo does. War in general sucks and it's awful how Moo is just being a bitch to all Jews. Like that Jewish girl in her class. I think they kicked Moo out for that.
It's like being racist towards everyone with a German bloodline because of Hitler. No one is happy about this war
No. 940741
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Since fucking when you terf?
No. 940743
>>940741This is just a stab at Steff
Didn't she say that no one should be celebrating pride because there is more important things to do than worrying about sexualities? Fuck off
No. 940747
>>940741Moo isn’t a
terf, go back to Twitter
No. 940754
>>940721Hasn't she charged anywhere from $40-$100 for photos and meet and greets as just some annoying whore on the internet?
Politics aside, Mark Hamil is a respected part of nerd history and was the star of one of the most profitable franchises in history. It's too rich for my blood, but these prices seem about right. And not to be grim, but Mark is 72. Those autographs may actually have substantial value in the years to come.
No. 940770
>>940741i am going to umimeko rant but beato isn't a they/them she's a woman.
she's a manifestation of the perfect female version of sayo/yasu who was a mutilated male raised as a woman i hate nu umineko fags who don't know anything about the story and assume characters are trans/nb without understanding context.
No. 940773
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No. 940823
>>940822You’re right. She usually goes on these insufferable anti-man rants whenever her ego is bruised after getting rejected. It’s why she’s been all “get your money up broke dusties, marrying for love is a joke, don’t talk to me unless you got six figures in your bank account”. Some dude likely told her to fuck off even after she flashed all her money in his face. Guys aren’t even willing to bother with her even if she is paying now; she’s just that intolerable. The only guys she can get now are broke ass,
abusive losers like Ozy who have no shame in leeching off of her.
No. 940828
>>940671the shitty flaking womb tattoo is sending me
also the katakana on her ass says "onahoso" or "onahori", not onahole. so very linguistics major moo
No. 940886
>>940671this is the same person calling another woman a pickme?
this?>>940827she only says it because she knows what she’s doing is shameful, disgusting, and can’t last
No. 941011
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Anyone have info about this?(spoonfeed request)
No. 941016
>>941011what does this have to do with moo?
Ecchi expo happened two weeks ago in denver and the next is not until decemeber in san antonio, which i somehow doubt moo is going to travel to. If she'd gone, we'd have already heard about it and per her own twitter, her next cons not till ALA 2025
No. 941022
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>>941017Here's the vid for context. About 3:30 is the part that's supposed to be about moo
1) she never saw it, she heard it from other attendees
2) apparently some girl walks up behind a guy running a booth in the dealers room, says she'd let him touch her boob if he buys her a skateboard. She's pushy about it, he says no regardless. Apparently the person in question has done it to multiple booths and been kicked out for it.
3)she contradicts herself. First she says these were secondhand accounts from other attendees, but then also says she never got close enough to actually see the person, but apparently there's a striking resemblance to moo who she looked up after people speculated it was her, but yet couldn't pick her out from a lineup.
Feels to me like someones clutching at straws to make this about moo, when in all likely hood it was someone else. Not trying to defend moo, just pointing out that we have an unreliable source and moos not going to be the only creepy woman at a con.
(not about moo/tinfoiling/unsaged tinfoiling) No. 941148
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Looks like garbage, as per usual.
No. 941207
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>>941186she just bought a premade viral chinese furry head face and slapped on a wig and ears. this isn't even what nice ones look like and the mask design is probably stolen. pic related is a nice, real design.
No. 941208
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>>941148Looks like the stolen shit that Temu sells
It already looks worn and dirty, what is that wig she slapped on?
No. 941227
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No. 941228
>>941217musk hiding likes is one of the worst things about new twitter
>>941227I've never seen such a coombrained woman before. This is just weird and sad
No. 941384
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>>941148>>941148Sorry to costumefag but I have to bring attention to the difference between true commission work for something like a kig mlp head vs her cheaped out prefab basehead commission that doesn’t even have trimmed ears. Shes trend hopping since kig suiting is becoming popular in the west and showing once again that she has zero understanding of neither craftsmanship nor IP. (it would have cost her so little to 3D print a maskbase that had an actual horse muzzle instead of calling a feline with fox ears a ‘horse’)
No. 941472
>>941471That and most people have forgotten the long list of horrible shit she's done. She isn't really a cosplayer anymore, she makes porn so no one will hold her morally accountable for shit she's done. She'll only see backlash if she stops making porn.
Though it's halarious if you think about it. The only way she can get money and attention is by making this nasty porn but her ego can't handle it so she still calls it cosplay.
No. 941476
>>941474There's video proof and a lot of others came out. But Moo has done a lot. Charity scams (one to buy her designer cat), art theft, design theft, racisim, multiple physical assaults, profiting off of a dead man, sexual assault, being weird with taken men (Never forget her era where she would make love poems and take awkward pics with other people's boyfriends), encouraging people to kill themselves, talking down to sex workers, the list goes on. There are hundreds of reasons to hate Moo outside of Susu, which to add, Susu and Bunny haven't been relevant in Moo lore for years. Moo is a POS. Whatever bad shit you can think of she's probably done.
No. 941607
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You can hear the fabric straining ,trying to hold itself together. You can almost smell the yeast infection
No. 941742
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>>941715>>941607Why does her cleavage run all the way up to her collarbone? Why is her collarbone clipped? What is going on with her skinny neck? I swear everything about her looks poorly drawn at this point.
No. 941808
>>941787I have to disagree. Higurashi and Umineko are her 'I totally have been a weeb for a long time. I definitely wasnt just a mean girl normie in middle/high school' lie. She got into it when it WAS what moids were into (when the anime dropped) and was lying about being one of the people who did translations for the LN back in the day because the moids who were into the anime were the moids into the games when they came out/popped up online. I think you all might be too young or dont remember that Higurashi and Umineko were pretty big when they were airing and were a staple in weeb
Remember nonnas; whenever moo claims to be a fan of something she always goes around and tries to buy/fake her way into being the biggest/longest term fan. Its just that nowadays we know how to track her bullshit like with her buying the FGO account when she was trying to claim she was the biggest fate fan forever.
No. 941810
>>941808Nta, but she's just like every retard with anime interests. She actually likes this stuff, she has gone on and on about certain things. obviously translating is a lie, but Higurashi isn't even niche. It is popular and nonnas ITT have even said they like it. She got a damn tattoo for it and made a whole badly filmed youtube cosplay video for it. She obsessed over a lot of this while still middle school and high school, even during lacrosse. She was cosplaying Mai and sperging about Inuyasha. That's one long con for male validation, anon, and I don't think that's what is happening.
What she does do is try to be the end-all for everything of these series, even calling the creator of Higurashi wrong because she thinks Mion and Shion was better interpreted
her way. She's just a gatekeeping cunt.
No. 941863
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Whilst we were gone, moo went on a very lengthy twitter rant about a woman bringing her boyrfriedn food, proceeded to describe her sexual assault as "iconic", fetishized russian soldiers, then topped it all off with a lie about her "classmate" calling her beautiful which i'm sure totally happened.
Screenshots are out of order so a tl;dr
>she doesn't make her videos for men
>men serve her
>claims to live in a multi-million dollar house
>looks down on women who are in relationships and do porn
>only views men in terms of their money, and muscles
>women aren't allowed to pay for men, looks down on equal relationships
>claims to own multiple businesses and cars, and still be in her accelerated courses. Will be an NP one day
>she don't need no man, only boy toys but they can't speak, unless spoken to
No. 941866
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forgot to add it, but the fleshlight is still coming guys, anyday now.
It's been what, a year now? and she's still pretending its coming.
No. 941882
>>941866"Working with a few OF girls"
Didn't she say before she was the first cosplayer ever go have one? Lol
No. 941934
>>941863I thought she didn't want a broke boy like Ozzy? Unless she's back to being creepy and claiming a single guy is her man again lol.
> topped it all off with a lie about her "classmate" calling her beautiful which i'm sure totally happened.If you re read the thread re cap she's been claiming everyone wanna fuck her. But honestly this just seems to be her thing for years. If she didn't live in delulu land I think she woulda killed her self years ago.
No. 941965
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capped this before she deleted it
No. 941970
>>941965racism and wanting grape hentai of high school characters.
she wonders why she can't form meaningful relationships
(do not self censor) No. 942150
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But will call the Higurashi creator a liar because miin/shiin doesn't fit Moo's canin kek
No. 942185
>>941863Didn't she get caught paying for male escorts in an old thread? kek
>>941926Still crazy she's spent how many (tens? hundreds?) thousands on botched surgeries and dozens of rounds of lipo to still look this fat and terrible. Her posture makes her look like a little fat kid waiting for some cake.
No. 942186
>>942185She paid another onlyfans creator to collab with her, the same one that also collabed with Trisha Paytas. There has no never been proof of her paying for escorts, but tons of tinfoil of anons claiming she's "blacklisted from the whole escort community" which isn't true. Anons just make shit up because it sounds good. Same way we never got proof of her being banned from all the cons she still attends. She was never banned from anything, just told to leave which is basic PR shit from companies so they don't get held liable or clumped together. As you can see, Senpai Squad brought her back.
Unless we have definitive proof of things, just assume it's made up.
No. 942196
>>942186There is proof of Moo giving men a bunch of expensive gifts and throwing money at em though. Which is funny when you look at her current rants kek
Even Oz was bragging about Moo paying his way. She's mad because she wants a rich guy to pay for her so she can stop doing porn. A lil off topic but I think even if she found a rich husband she'll still be pushing out porn just for the attention.
No. 942344
>>942269After Moo and Oz went back and forth in their internet slap fight absolutely nothing. He did delete all his socials however, but he went on a trip to Japan with her, gave her flowers (with her money). They both had proof that they were physically and verbally
abusive towards the other, espicially with Moo proudly admitting online that she beat the fuck out of Oz nearly daily. Even posting about hitting him with a toilet seat??? So the charges were probably dropped or something so he wont counter sue.
No. 942405
nonnie she beat him with a squatty potty. kek
No. 942419
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No. 942423
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No. 942455
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No. 942458
>>942455Has she been reading her woo woo psychology/self help books again?
Alot of her recent man hate feels like either a) she got rejected by whoever she was chasing after; and/or b) her trying to validate her life path and lifestyle
No. 942657
>>942645This is what Moo doesn't get. Men don't find her attractive at all, it's the porn and fantasy they drool over. It's why they get so mad when Moo breaks the illusion and tells people her unwanted opinion. Moo is suppose to just ask for cum, she isn't suppose to say she's racist or that she hates men.
You're selling a fantasy Moo.
No. 942658
>>942656Moo's body and weight is halarious. At her weight all she would have to do is be mindful of her calories and she could lose a lot of weight. No gym needed.
Also what happened pilates class? Did they kick her out for being openly racist to that jewish girl? She never makes it over a month in any fitness program.
No. 942660
>>942657Absolutely. These guys she speaks of don’t want to hear her opinions on Palestine or any other hot button political issues. Especially not a lecture from some fat, loud mouth cow who doesn’t ever have a clue what she is talking about on anything she sticks her nose into. It’s immediately off putting to be lectured like the way she does people online and guys don’t find that attractive at all.
She’s selling them on the idea of her being a cum dump who likes anime, and she immediately breaks that illusion whenever she chooses to open her fat mouth to give her unwanted opinions. Because being treated like a whore for her doesn’t feel good. She may try to lean into it sometimes with what she posts online, but when guys constantly talk to her like, constantly degrading her and saying stuff like imagining shoving their cocks in her throat the second she starts talking, that she definitely feels some type of way about it. Like she wants to try to remind people that “Hey, I actually have a brain up here and it’s not always about sex and hentai”. But then she proves to be as stupid as she sounds on a near regular basis and just ends up proving that she’d be better off leaning into the whole bimbo whore thing full time.
No. 942839
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No. 942863
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No. 942864
>>942863god, she uses ADHD as her excuse for everything.
>>942827The twitter account is still up, but hasn't been updated in about 2 years
No. 942907
>>942863This isn't a flex though? She had to leaves her nicer stuido because it was bleeding too much money because she couldn't book any real clients. She literally moved all her dusty shit to an empty wearhouse where she did the impossible, made her photobooth sized sets smaller with worse lighting.
I swear, a girl she's jealous of probably runs a successful studio or something. Also expecting Moo to delete this because shes perfectly ROUND in that picture
No. 942910
>>942863She's delusional if she believes that black makes you look slimming. At this point she should do what other fatties do. Take Ozempic and tell everyone it was all natrual.
Having lipo on her neck and belly made it so she can't look at herself without a phone filter. But I guess reality is something Moo hates the most.
No. 942923
>>942863at about the 4 sceond mark, you can see all her "sets". Its basically just a bunch of cubicles side by side. The makeup area is just a bench at one end. This whole place is a massive downgrade lol. Her other studio was terrible, but atleast each set had some space.
>>942907I don't think it bleeding money was the whole reason. I was definitely part of the reason, but my bet would be the lease was up and she found a cheaper warehouse to use
No. 943063
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No. 943065
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>>943063I cannot find a single comment in the 22 replies to her agreeing with her. When she acts like this, all her cosplay "friends" shut their mouths.
No. 943097
>>943058yes, that's how it works and unless there's a reason not to landlords will renew your lease since it's more annoying to find a new tenant, especially for commercial buildings. i bet the landlord came to check the building out and found out what moo did and decided not to renew. like
>>943040 said, her using the breaker room was really unsafe for anyone who was paying to use the studio. moo doesn't realize that even if she's paying for a space there are rules.
No. 943104
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No. 943190
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Called it upthread. Of course she didn’t say a peep as it was happening all last week because god forbid it interfere with her birthday plans.
No. 943196
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No. 943220
>>943190>my entire familyDo you even know those people, moo?
>Shut the fuck up you Zi*nst RAT>wants to be a nurseKek
No. 943295
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No. 943303
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No. 943325
>>943322"We warned you with leaflets! Evacuate your homes so we can raze everything, and if you don't do it fast enough we are going to continue to injure and kill thousands of children!" Almost as retarded as Moo.
>>943104Maybe stop wearing full length compression gear in 100+ degree weather. I feel like she must always be moist and stinky.
No. 943339
>>943332Theres no proof to this and while Moo is an idiot. Aside from letting cats into the cosplay room, we have never seen her abuse her pets, however, picking up a dog and making it yelp happened years ago. Not even that was abuse. I don't think the lizard died and all her cats look healthy, especially since they are long haired. Most people don't even brush their cats, Moo gets a groomer.
She may not have this sanctuary bullshit she talked about, but she's not an
abusive owner and her house is big enough.
No. 943345
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No. 943351
>>943349lol of course she did
there's no way in hell that its real because if it were she'd have been posting pictures of it to brag instead of just trying to act like she's ~so professional~
No. 943355
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Funny that she posted these different guys filming a video at her (hilariously tiny) studio but no pics for this other group. The guys in this one were likely nobodies since they weren’t tagged and she wasn’t bragging.
No. 943364
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>>943355I was surprised to see people in the studio who aren’t Moos friends, I guess it turned from Exclusive membership to book to Anybody with a peerspace account, Kek at the price and second most recent review. Typical Moo
No. 943367
File: 1727310780542.png (72.34 KB, 782x862, studio.png)

>>943345riight. So a massive band, with the backing of a huge record label, somehow found and decided to use your studio, which you've hardly advertised and has practically no social media presence, and you're not at all posting about it. Not a single picture or mention?
>>943364That's for the old studio, not the new one. She's running bookings through squarespace for the new one. Prices are even more ridiculous
No. 943369
File: 1727311903680.jpeg (499.27 KB, 1179x1992, IMG_1262.jpeg)

No.. it’s also for the new one. Description says she just hasn’t taken new set pictures, and review is after the relocation. Nona do you know math? The prices are not worse on Squarespace kek, one hour is there for 150 and Peerspace has a 2 hour minimum at 185/hour
No. 943372
File: 1727313429760.jpg (642.67 KB, 1290x2293, 461294551_18015720998617051_36…)

>>943367she posted picrel to that account's stories but must have deleted it when she deleted
>>943345 though it's still viewable via anonymous story watcher sites
No. 943376
>>943364> X No I wouldn't book again kek
Also, 13 tiny ass "sets"? Also Moo using pics of her old studio to promote this one is bullshit. And her claiming she has studio lights when she didn't have them at her old place is also BS.
>>943372They'll def change location before the actual band shows up. That and I have a huge feeling Moo's gunna get in trouble for trying to fuck some of the band
No. 943380
>>943379Probably because she's under NDA
She probably already violated it by making the posts she deleted.
No. 943605
>>943345Crazy that BMtH has worked with 3 cows
Corpse Husband
Tristian Zammit
And now Moo
No. 943650
File: 1727616199021.jpeg (654.82 KB, 828x1456, 0E12E271-2239-424F-A413-A64F13…)

Jfc Moo. You should have stayed in college.
No. 943653
File: 1727617506781.jpg (351.3 KB, 1080x1213, 20240930_024233.jpg)

Surprised this is all she has to say on Lebanon, and has yet to go on another anti-israel rant
>>943650Wtf is she even trying to say here?
No. 943665
File: 1727626198902.jpeg (621.11 KB, 902x1578, IMG_4231.jpeg)

>>943656She only enjoys symphonies when they are anime themed. I guarantee you if it were anything else she would be bored to tears because it’s not her precious Demon Slayer.
No. 943670
File: 1727626714684.jpeg (592 KB, 898x1503, IMG_4234.jpeg)

No. 943836
File: 1727732097048.jpeg (495 KB, 828x1176, E85741FD-05DE-47BB-A75F-1E4653…)

That didn’t stop you from celebrating your birthday and traveling to see anime concerts.
No. 943858
>>943836 I wonder how long she'll milk this for
First it was an excuse to be racist
now it's an excuse for her to be lazy
No. 943863
File: 1727753348054.jpeg (877.72 KB, 1170x1503, IMG_6931.jpeg)

have I missed something? since when is goblin cave mainstream media and not just some freak video on a crappy hentai website. guess it makes sense that moo is into it but god seeing this in the wild was strange
No. 943919
File: 1727812571682.jpeg (283.21 KB, 891x1592, IMG_4247.jpeg)

Bitch, that was you for an entire week and a half as the bombs were going off but you were too busy partying with Lia to care. It’s not until your family texted you that you even bothered to look. Performative as always.
No. 943920
File: 1727812578737.jpg (Spoiler Image,147.11 KB, 1365x2048, 1000017698.jpg)

Check the edit job on her face near her nose and mouth. Also love how she gas to give herself a wedgie to make it seem like she has an ass.
No. 943922
File: 1727813718974.jpg (14 KB, 240x359, IMG_20241001_211414.jpg)

>>943920Haha her lower lip is floating
No. 943942
File: 1727822280683.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.41 MB, 1170x1913, IMG_8416.jpeg)

Another cosplayer using Moo’s studio. kind of shocked Anima would.
No. 943945
>>943942Remember when Moo opened her studio last time she invited a lot of cosplayers to come shoot with her for free then no one used it for a year except for Moo
You can't do much in these tiny sets and people who actually pay to use them wont be coming back.
The studio is just for her ego.
No. 943950
>>943942Isn't that a set from the old studio? If it is, then it's telling that she's not using pics from the current one.
Also do we have a list of sets in the current studio?
No. 943985
File: 1727855151864.jpeg (Spoiler Image,123.1 KB, 1290x769, 12602B8A-0B49-427D-9FA0-097EEF…)

(spoiler this)
No. 944009
>>943950did she not just move all the sets to her new one? she hasn't posted enough about the new place yet though, but that was the implication. her terrible demon slayer set is in the new one now.
>>943985i am cackling. thanks anon.
No. 944031
>>944009>demon slayer setDo you mean the one with wisterias?
Weren't those stuck to the ground, with a path? There's no way she could've just moved the sets over, at-least not all of them, I was on the assumption she was making new sets.
No. 944060
File: 1727891228779.png (1.49 MB, 1080x1653, 1000026033.png)

More thots using her studio for free. No surprise from Stella
No. 944254
File: 1728029036072.png (164.15 KB, 1217x950, moo.png)

moo posted some word salad about her family and lebanon, along with talking about the time her/her moms phone was being spoofed by goku(s voice actor) or something
No. 944255
File: 1728033338341.jpeg (950.13 KB, 1290x2078, IMG_6888.jpeg)

“Hit delete” it’s there forever moo
No. 944257
File: 1728034292178.png (73.78 KB, 619x925, Untitled.png)

>>944255She says that whilst also saying that she just filmed a b/g film that'll be on OF. Like all other costhots, they fail to realize once they post something online its there forever. She's going to be in for a shock when she tries to leave behind her porn career.
She's also starting to go an what seems to be her weekly anti-semetic rant too, with a dash of anti-ukranine for…reasons?
No. 944258
>>944257You're the not oppressed ones..
I, I mean,
we are the oppressed ones! Moo mentality 101.
No. 944274
>>944257That is seriously some retarded ass “I can’t be racist, I’m black” logic right there.
Also, seems like every week she is going on one of these insufferable racist ass rants. Her pay pigs that pay the closest attention to her have to be sick of all this political sperging from her, right? Really ruins the illusion that she is “just a fitness mommy who luvs anime and video games” when you have to constantly hear her unwanted opinions on Palestine.
No. 944277
>>944257>implying you can’t be racists against your own peopleSheltered much?
>>944255Someone should tell her….kek
Oh wait that’s right. She wants to ride her sister’s coattails and join her clinic, which is free of zionists.
No. 944296
>>944254She keeps saying "Muh family"
if she cares so much she should pay for some refugees to stay at her house. They are def not her direct family. Like I hate how she made this her whole personality when she only has decendants from there. I feel like she's bored and she feels like a boring person so she's desperately clinging to this so she's more than a dumb whore. But now she just looks like a racist dumb whore.
No. 944300
File: 1728068543781.jpg (510.63 KB, 1080x2400, 1000017759.jpg)

No. 944308
File: 1728074785890.jpeg (642.29 KB, 1264x1699, IMG_4271.jpeg)

Openly supporting Russia on top of it. Holy shit. Keep babbling Moo, it makes you look even more retarded.
No. 944309
File: 1728074860847.jpeg (325.31 KB, 1238x920, IMG_4272.jpeg)

No. 944315
File: 1728077689234.jpg (360.11 KB, 1080x1844, 1000017761.jpg)

No. 944316
>>944309i'm speechless.
this is like arguing with a toddler.
if we apply this same logic to America: Moo, you are personally funding the genocide of Palestine by living in the US. You are not an innocent civilian, you put those weapons in the hands of the people terrorizing Lebanon. You have contributed to the death of your own family.
What now??
good god, social media was a mistake.
(integrate) No. 944318
>>944316She literally doesn't care about Palestine. It's Moo. She's just doing this now because it gives her attention.
Literally everything she has done in her life is for attention. Porn isn't giving her enough so she's doing this, even if it makes her look stupid.
No. 944321
File: 1728079013113.jpeg (396 KB, 824x1415, 58126354-C880-4BD4-B9D3-2EE3C8…)

No. 944323
File: 1728079706043.jpeg (340.91 KB, 1179x815, IMG_0714.jpeg)

this bitch is insufferable.
No. 944324
File: 1728080026683.jpg (338.26 KB, 1080x1294, 1000017763.jpg)

No. 944325
File: 1728080500947.mp4 (4.75 MB, 1080x1920, 1000017764.mp4)

No. 944326
>>944325Oh look, the buttons she was too chickenshit to hand out at AX make a return. Fucking hell she is insufferable.
>>944324lol Moo, no one believes this drivel.
No. 944345
File: 1728082703525.jpg (659.94 KB, 1080x2400, 1000017766.jpg)

No. 944346
>>944342Typical Moo behavior. Whenever she feels she's in the right on a subject, she drives it so far into the ground, bitch is going to reemerge in China. We know she's total horseshit and a thief when it comes to such things, but where is actually showing support for YOUR PEOPLE, Mooriah? Instead of throwing yourself a lavish party with your thot friends, where are the donations to the causes you keep screaming about? Instead of empty troon-style yelling into the social media void, be the actual bad boss bitch you keep crying yourself to be and work for change.
-But that would take actual work and holding herself accountable for shit so that'd never, ever happen.
No. 944347
File: 1728082795339.jpg (612.79 KB, 1080x2400, 1000017767.jpg)

No. 944354
File: 1728086547988.jpg (407.09 KB, 1080x1603, 1000017769.jpg)

No. 944356
File: 1728089046364.jpg (557.7 KB, 1080x2400, 1000017770.jpg)

No. 944358
>>944348It’s literally just “shut the fuck up and post pictures of your asshole”. They don’t remotely give a damn about her opinions on anything and just use her for wank fodder. And she knows it, which only pisses her off more.
>>944342We know the tubby bitch can’t fight. If she does try assaulting someone, she’s just going to immediately tire herself out and end up getting her ass beat, which would be hilarious. But yeah, she is definitely going to eventually escalate things into actually trying to fight people. Enough of these racist rants from her and calling for innocent civilians to be killed, someone is likely to want to beat her ass. She might need to watch her back next time she goes to any sort of public event.
No. 944359
>>944347Holy shit, I’ve never seen a thot so unbearably stubborn on being seen as a
poc than moo when it best suits her, but the other girl is right moo will always look white especially when she claims she’s Italian but she knows she got called out rightfully so and defaults to I ain’t reading all of that.
She wants to be a girls girl, a pick me, and a historian with roots so deep she can speak on subjects that don’t affect her, she’s so fucking stupid.
I thought con season was when we got milk but holy shit who would’ve thought this would be what
triggers her incoherent thoughts
No. 944360
>>944359She knows she’s just some basic loudmouth white bitch, so she desperately wants to be seen as a
poc with strong cultural roots.
No. 944361
>>944321Doesn't this just prove what anons have been saying? That her family are the Christain Mediterranean Lebanese that haven't set foot on the homeland for over a century that moved over to Italy then stayed in America? Moo really counting on people not knowing.
To note most people count Mediterranean as white. Her family is some of the few Lebanese that are considered white. She needs to stfu
No. 944363
>>944314not entirely true. Alot of the accounts follow her have zero interaction and are clearly just bot accounts.
>>944323could say the same thing about palestinians
>>944255can't wait for 24hrs from now when she hits delete and pretends she never said any of this
No. 944370
File: 1728100817704.jpeg (610.46 KB, 828x1528, 3149FD3A-6A89-4833-A649-F6512F…)

>>944325You caught some of the rant at least. She’s already deleted it lol.
>>944369Her mmallad.jpeg got nuked a while ago so she’s been hoarding more accounts (besides the studio one, she cross posts to these) in the event her main gets banned as well. Who tf knows how many others she has because she’s desperate.
No. 944404
File: 1728165276643.jpeg (Spoiler Image,879.12 KB, 1290x1603, IMG_7173.jpeg)

New Vid with Ozy she filmed in Japan it’s obvious she posts these without his consent
No. 944410
File: 1728168341860.png (714.67 KB, 1319x2243, chrome_screenshot_Oct 5, 2024 …)

>>944404>>944406I don't think this was shot in Japan. I think she's still shagging Ozy and it was shot a few days ago when she announced it in the Tweet in picrel. I think there was another Tweet before this saying she just shot a B/G scene but she's deleted a bunch in the wake of her Palestine sperging and I could only find this one. Pretty sure the "scouted in Harajuku" is just scene setting. No. 944422
>>944417Really wish some of you understood how OF works. She has too. Even when filming with Akemi. Moo
is an idiot, but this is porn legality in order to even keep her page.
No. 944429
File: 1728228021090.jpg (249.71 KB, 1080x1222, 1000017851.jpg)

No. 944436
File: 1728229486662.png (119.26 KB, 1321x640, Anons cant use google apparent…)

>>944428>>944431I know anons hate OnlyFans, but when you're going to talk about it so often you'd think anons would do the due diligence to look up any of the information they are talking about at all. even if ozzy isn't an OF creator, he has to upload his ID and prove he is of age to even be in the video. Moo cannot legally post these without cataloged proof that Ozzy has consented. If I remember right, Ozzy has an account. If she is posting these without consent though, thats breaching possible NV revenge porn laws and the TOS credit cards/banks have for transactions involving illegal content. Highly unlikely she isn't covering her ass and getting IDs and forms online.
No. 944440
>>944422anon, she was illegally filming porn in her studio which isn't zoned for filming porn. she does other illegal shit all the time like trespassing in hawaii. and the of rules aren't laws, their tos for their site, and mostly for multiple model work release involving
other models on the site and to cover their ass. even if they audited her she'd probably just forge something.
No. 944475
File: 1728252861758.jpg (Spoiler Image,47.54 KB, 1080x1439, 1000017863.jpg)

Her breasts look like they're her stomach.
No. 944484
>>944429Well she can't really enter cosplay competitions kek. She's in for a rude awakening though. Companies that produce porn have all the permits, production, actors and lighting. Even the shitty ones.
Also what happened with her not wanting to do porn anymore? What happened to her collage larp?
"I don't need to take my clothes off for attention"
No. 944485
File: 1728260215063.jpeg (346.2 KB, 828x815, E7EB1DC3-F91E-467D-AA35-3C15EA…)

She is so far up her own flat ass it’s insane.
No. 944491
>>944484Exactly. What happened to “I don’t want to support the Zionist pigs by doing porn”? Now she’s begging for awards from the industry. Complete fucking hypocrite. Any political opinions from her belong in the toilet, that’s all they are worth pretty much.
>>944485She is so fucking insufferable. She can’t ever just cosplay a character and shut the fuck up. She always has to try to claim to be the “irl” version of the character and that hers is the definitive version and no one should dare to compete with her. She’s just a fat slob who puts on a wig and stares at the camera like a dead fish and acts nothing like the character. Also says a lot about how little of an identity she actually had that she constantly tries to latch on to these fictional characters and desperately wants to be seen by others as the character.
No. 944496
File: 1728269620886.jpeg (239.19 KB, 1290x868, IMG_7200.jpeg)

No. 944512
File: 1728287474581.jpg (191.85 KB, 631x792, Untitled.jpg)

its that time of the month again when she pretends she's going to be a nurse. She's also making fun of Israelis & jews, buts we've seen it all a hundred times before so i didn't bother capping it
No. 944513
File: 1728289976339.jpg (23.39 KB, 306x291, 1000027702.jpg)

>>944475Christ, that face. What a nightmare.
No. 944526
>>944512She has her real name on all of her social media. In the incredibly unlikely chance that her larp was true, how mortifying would it be to have received clinical care from a person who posts the things she does. People have been kicked from programs for less.
She is literally unemployable. There is no future for her once onlyfans dries up. All she had to do was keep her head down and she couldn't even manage that much. It's hilarious to think that she could make any sort of transition into a real profession with the abysmal digital footprint she's made for herself.
No. 944540
>>944537 said, nursing students can do IVs. What's throwing me off is
>technician clinical'sAnd what nursing program has students scrounging around on Amazon for supplies? Her school doesn't have a sim lab that she could use? She can't ask her professor if she could borrow it and practice on a dummy patient with the reusable equipment there? They never gave her a supply kit with forceps, scissors, gauze, tubing, etc. when she started? Isn't her sister a nurse? You'd think she'd get even basic details like this right.
No. 944584
>>944583Honestly that news explains why Moo aged like 20 years and she looks off. But Moo would still love to inject other women. Moo having a chance to make other women ugly? She'd be so happy.
The only thing she wont be happy about is it's illegal without the proper degree. She can't show whatever joke program she's in either.
No. 944596
>>944595She would probably keep stabbing the needle in their arm over and over again saying she "missed" and cause some vein damage.
We had a nurse like that at our clinic when I was younger. My parents were upset when I came out with a bruised up arm and them saying I had too much damage to draw blood or do anything else that day. It was found out that woman was only doing it to
POC people and was fired once the case was big enough and there was enough evidence. A lot of places wait for constant fuck ups so when they have a case the offender can't fight back.
No. 944623
File: 1728334953285.jpg (395.42 KB, 1080x1995, 1000017875.jpg)

No. 944624
>>944623She’s truly becoming one of those online personalities that only gets views by pissing people off. She advocates for more violence from a group that attacked a gay pride festival in Israell. But no her people are the
victims. She used to fake being pure Italian from middle school to college now it’s convenient to be Islamic when her family is mostly Christian.
No. 944625
File: 1728335457846.jpg (363.65 KB, 1080x1573, 1000017878.jpg)

No one is forcing her to be on said platforms in the first place.
No. 944626
File: 1728335519373.jpg (296.17 KB, 1080x1236, 1000017880.jpg)

No. 944638
>>944623I hope she’s stupid enough to manage to get herself kicked off the platform for a second time. She was already told to fuck off before because she kept making threats at people and she’ll start doing more of the same. She’ll only keep saying more fucked up shit to piss people off and soon it will come to calling for violence against Jewish people, because as she said “None of them are innocent and they all deserve to die for what they’ve done to my people”.
Also just like choosing to continue to work in porn despite how much of it is “controlled by Zionist pigs”, no one is forcing you to be on these social media platforms Moo. You could leave today if it offends you that much. We all know you won’t, because you are terminally online cow that can’t stay away from online drama and discourse. Just like no one believes you’re leaving porn for nursing, no one is buying you ditching being online at all times.
No. 944645
File: 1728347926907.jpg (Spoiler Image,224.11 KB, 1537x2048, 1000017876.jpg)

Again, no one is forcing her to make this type of content.
No. 944651
File: 1728357924450.jpg (302.1 KB, 1080x1261, 1000017885.jpg)

No. 944672
File: 1728377632540.png (154.23 KB, 583x783, hypocrisy.png)

So moo is fine with "zionists" profiting of porn so long as it's on an 18+ site
No. 944734
File: 1728422465860.jpeg (261.69 KB, 1179x530, IMG_2349.jpeg)

>>944707Sure anon, she can if she lies and doctor shops for someone who will do it, or she can if she goes to an unethical doctor over and over that will end up with her looking even more botched. But go on since you're obviously an expert.
I still think moo knows she can do much more lipo without looking like a fucking mess and she doesn't want to make lifestyle changes
How the hell will she be a nurse if she can't even fit through a door
No. 944737
File: 1728425125778.jpeg (786.61 KB, 1290x1604, IMG_7329.jpeg)

No. 944746
File: 1728427743399.jpeg (594.25 KB, 1245x1487, IMG_4276.jpeg)

She says this like she herself doesn’t wear just the same wig with whatever random bikini she has lying around. How many "Makima cosplays" has she done that are just her in a wig and random clothes that have nothing to do with the character.
I’d LOVE to see Moo attempt a big build again just to see it fall apart the moment it’s put on.
No. 944751
There’s tons of big and intricate builds. They don’t see them though because they’re ostracized by the people that actually care about the hobby
No. 944770
File: 1728445550224.jpeg (285.32 KB, 1290x1148, IMG_7339.jpeg)

No. 944795
File: 1728487045538.jpg (594.83 KB, 1080x1671, Screenshot_20241009_081626_X.j…)

I really don't like dogs, but it's crazy to see her openly admit that all pittbulls should be killed when she's done "charity" for wolves.
No. 944796
File: 1728490321702.jpeg (1.13 MB, 2572x3264, IMG_4282.jpeg)

No. 944802
File: 1728498723397.jpg (153.94 KB, 1080x563, 1000017914.jpg)

No. 944819
File: 1728509969419.jpeg (456.41 KB, 1169x2106, IMG_8699.jpeg)

>>940310Feels like 2018 all over again
(sage your shit) No. 944834
File: 1728516319502.mp4 (1.67 MB, 1080x1920, 1000017925.mp4)

No. 944842
File: 1728519759905.jpeg (74.06 KB, 1148x272, IMG_7381.jpeg)

she’s done for.
No. 944858
>>944842She's getting attention for doing the nazi posts. This dumb bitch isn't supporting anything and is larping as a nazi. She really thinks she's untouchable. I'm sure she's laughing right now thinking "I can literally become a Nazi and people will still love me and give me money"
Moo, no one loves you. You're a porn thot.
>>944852She's 1000% attention seeking. She thinks this is funny and edgy. She's always been racist towards every
POC group so for her this is totally fine.
No. 944887
File: 1728586044434.jpg (203.67 KB, 1026x1198, 1000017940.jpg)

No. 944898
File: 1728596565889.jpg (718.17 KB, 1080x2047, 1000017942.jpg)

No. 944907
>>944906Some anons think Moo's sister wrapped her into a scam program for injectors. Probably the sister telling Moo that everyone is ashamed of her doing porn and to "get a real job"
That's just my theory. There is a high chance Moo is just larping and lying though. Her grip on reality has been slipping lately.
No. 944910
File: 1728602101544.jpeg (186.77 KB, 828x612, 31CC6FEB-4841-45B8-AF58-C5CB92…)

No. 944913
File: 1728606906656.jpeg (419.02 KB, 828x1119, IMG_5419.jpeg)

No. 944914
File: 1728607044243.jpeg (1.16 MB, 3264x2546, IMG_4298.jpeg)

No. 944916
>>944913moo, you literally just uploaded and bragged about how good your last video was doing on there.
>>944914>been made a multi-millionaire from thisyeah, i'm going to doubt that. If you had made millions, as you claim, we'd never be hearing the end of it
No. 944918
File: 1728609828928.jpg (830.51 KB, 1564x1564, 1000017957.jpg)

No. 944920
File: 1728610515521.jpeg (775.94 KB, 1281x1787, IMG_4301.jpeg)

Except you don’t do any "costuming". How can you be burnt with something you don’t even do? You buy everything pre-made and then plop in front of a camera for a few minutes and you’re finished.
No. 944923
File: 1728610988967.jpeg (682.86 KB, 1280x1657, IMG_4300.jpeg)

>I think the value in helping people is a very emotionally rewarding career. I've made my money. So I genuinely just want to give back. And I have a lot of fun in service. I like running around doing tasks
In all the years she’s been online, she’s shown us that she never "helps" people unless it suits her needs. And she’s never been up to "doing tasks". If that were the case, she wouldn’t have a reputation for being a lazy piece of shit who uses people.
No. 944931
Didn't she mention earlier this year that the irs an tax collectors were calling her? But she was a "bad bitch" and told them to talk to her lawyers? That's not how that works. Her writing off her vacations on her taxes, cosplays and everything else could be another problem she had. Along with doing porn in her "buisness" with no permits was also a no no. Along with her past charity scams that she thought the law wouldn't catch up with. I feel like it's an Onision case where they waited until she had a lot of shit piled up before slapping her.
If she owes people money she's fucking stupid. Why take out loans? I feel like if you make over 10k a month you don't need to do that. But like you said, in the past she spent way over 10k a month on stupid shit. A dress that cost 3k, vacations, surgeries, salon, buying every beauty gadget under the sun, buying friends, brand clothes. She's not doing any of that anymore other than the lipo.
No. 944932
>>944898Of course she had to get a jumpsuit with an adjustable waist because she would look like a whale in regular scrubs.
So she’s basically working as a receptionist? Kek that’s all she’s qualified to do right now.
No. 944935
>>944933>2022wasn't that around the time she started the studio? It'd make sense if her finances started going downhill after that. The cost of the lease, monthly utility fees, all the construction she got done for the sets, set decor, equipment, potential staff costs (assuming she actually hired anyone). Those all add up quickly.
>>944931her being in trouble with the IRS would be amazing, they're the one agency you don't fuck with. It's a shame its just tinfoil for now, but fingers crossed
No. 944960
File: 1728629044904.jpg (78.25 KB, 1440x2789, 1000024031.jpg)

Couldn't help but notice she's deleted all of her recent posts involving school, including the picture she posted in the scrubs she purchased
No. 944961
File: 1728629252446.jpg (997.91 KB, 1440x1569, 1000024033.jpg)

Also she posted this. The internet is forever, Moo.
No. 944964
>>944948I can believe that she blocks so many people that she considers competition or intimidate her talent wise because-she has non.
The funny thing is that those she blocked don’t even give a shit about her it’s new people she pisses off. All the people she’s burned are straight up ready to whoop her ass if she starts shit now, her thirty circle are only nice to her for business reasons. Must be nice to have money but have absolutely nothing but hate and vitriol.
No. 944967
>>944923moo as a nurse
>mr deathbed’s blood pressure is 70/32 ok can you recheck it?
>never replies
>ms positive says she doesn’t want to take her HIV meds did you ask why?
>nook well can you ask why?
>idk im busy right now(fanfic) No. 944971
>>944966her investments are probably just the lipo, nosejob and her house in the desert kek. also it's kind of obvious she has way less money/subs because she would have just
bought a commercial building instead of renting for her studio. moo loves throwing money at everything and it's not as if there aren't buildings for sale.
No. 944998
File: 1728687776728.jpeg (601.99 KB, 3264x1489, IMG_4305.jpeg)

Truly hoping her future employers google search her.
No. 945004
>>945003This. It's part of the oath all medical professionals take. I guess now that she got rid of all her posts about school she's just going to make all her socials about Nazi shit.
I guess she just lost her mind realizing she's never going to be cos or porn famous. Her sloppy asshole is on the internet forever and she has nothing to show for it kek.
No. 945006
>>944986>>944996That anon said 14-16k. I agree she’s likely making more because of her lifestyle. 10k isn’t sustainable at all with her house, eating habits, pets, cars and studio. She is likely making around 20k but I doubt she has much disposable income. She is probably dipping into her savings.
>>945003Yea it’s weird she’s being heavily openly racist and then trying to get into the medical field. Makes absolutely no sense.
No. 945007
File: 1728694233903.jpeg (423.06 KB, 1321x1440, IMG_4307.jpeg)

>>944998Samefag but she’s already dirty deleting again. She has this cycle of posting racist shit, deleting when she gets the slightest bit of pushback and then reposting her OF posts for attention. Jesus she’s exhausting.
No. 945037
File: 1728775362248.jpg (288.32 KB, 1536x2048, 1000017998.jpg)

The return of dorito chin
No. 945055
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No. 945058
File: 1728832716114.jpeg (990.44 KB, 2447x3264, IMG_4334.jpeg)

No. 945059
File: 1728833551918.jpeg (1.11 MB, 2785x3264, IMG_4341.jpeg)

She really believes she’s some brave whistleblower here.
No. 945060
File: 1728833856431.jpeg (307.9 KB, 1267x796, IMG_4336.jpeg)

Hates being called a Nazi but literal Nazis are following her and agreeing with her statements. Jfc Moo
No. 945066
>>945060there are better ways to end your career? She could have just left the internet silently to work. Now no place will hire her.
And she can't talk. She was literally on tiktok trying to shill her porn to horny teenage boys and flirting back with them in the comment section. Moo is so retarded I'm wondering if someone in her life is telling her all this and she's just parroting what's being said.
No. 945071
File: 1728838324324.jpg (607.86 KB, 1079x1954, 1000007621.jpg)

Moo, you're buying from jewish adjacent companies got dumb fuck
No. 945081
>>945068Flashback to OF a year or so ago possibly being shut down in October and her losing her shit to not lose her page, if she was so hellbent on burning that bridge to sex work she should’ve used that opportunity to leave then and not open up other pages on other camwhore sites.
There had to be an alt right dude that she’s pursuing that wants a trad adjacent wife or something cause I don’t think she’s ever been this stubborn on a topic before. Even the Las Vegas shooting muh city shit didn’t last this long
No. 945139
>>945123From my understanding Patreon doesn't stop paying their creators even if they're inactive. She's just riding off her past fame and the fact a lot of people simply forget to unsub.
>>945136She should just move to the middle east then. See how much they appreciate women like her in her "homeland". Dumb bitch
No. 945161
File: 1728937828770.webp (12.64 KB, 250x268, IMG_2651.webp)

>>945071Those sharpie eyebrows make me theorize she was going for this as a joke cosplay
No. 945174
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No. 945175
>>945157>>945174Called it!
But she didn't even buy them. Watch her buy obvious knock offs. Lurk hrder Moo you predictable bitch
No. 945179
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No. 945180
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No. 945192
>>945179aand they're gone. That was quick.
>>945180yeah, totally gonna happen. I'm sure this'll see the light of day like her fleshlight
No. 945202
File: 1729000389736.jpeg (328.03 KB, 1170x1783, IMG_7020.jpeg)

No. 945205
File: 1729002092422.jpeg (507.97 KB, 3264x2176, IMG_4345.jpeg)

Lying about every aspect of your life must be exhausting, Moo. This is public record. In the past, you’ve oinked about wanting to vote for Trump because "muh taxes".
She’s probably freaking out because she’ll be hitting the big 3-0 next year while still doing sex work lol
No. 945217
>>945180Yes I'm sure hot topic is collabing with porn thots who're on the decline. She's going full delulu.
I think she's tweaking because no matter how hard she tries her numbers on onlyfans goes down, not up. She's losing it because she thinks she can just get money a different way but everything is failing.
First she was suppose to be a super rich injector, now nurse, now nothing. Now she's claiming she's going to collab with hot topic. Like Moo, you're a porn thot. You don't leave that career easily and you made it harder by being stupid and using your real name while going on Nazi rants. Just bite the curb.
No. 945225
>>945180If this is even remotely true and isn’t like her supposed fleshlight collaboration that still hasn’t seen the light of day, then I’m sure her new collaborator just loves seeing their new brand ambassador going on unhinged, hate-filled racist Nazi rants online. I’d be shocked if they didn’t immediately pull the plug on her after that.
But this is her yet again trying to pretend she not anything more than a talentless porn thot. Everything she touches turns to shit, every avenue she tries to take to avoid doing porn for the rest of her life crashes and burns. She was talking about bro g a real estate agent, went nowhere. Talked about doing YouTube/streaming. Failed after a few weeks. Supposedly was already previously in school for “business and linguistics”, with talks about becoming a translator. Obviously went nowhere. Now is trying act like she’s well on her way to becoming a nurse, which history says she’ll fail at that too. She just needs to face reality that she’ll be stuck doing porn for the rest of her life, especially after deciding to go full on, mask off Nazi online.
No. 945304
>>945293She needs to stop announcing shit like this until she's sure she secured the contract and the products have a sure release date. She's not beating the claims that she's stupid.
No one will work with a Nazi Moo. Dumbest "buisness" move.
No. 945312
File: 1729027504916.jpg (284.89 KB, 1080x1046, 1000007633.jpg)

Was this already posted i couldn't find it but she's beefing with this "friend".
No. 945323
>>945312I just read this as
"I don't respect others who do sex work because I'm a hypocrite and I'm insanely jealous of people who do sex work and have a happy marriage"
Her family sees these too. I guess no one cares to get her help. I personally think the jealousy and the decline of cash flow is what's causing this. All she had was money. She can't buy friends now. Also shame on anyone who's still friends with Moo while she went mask off.
No. 945328
>>945315The way her eyes keep darting around. Yuh she's in full mental breakdown mode. I guess it's easier to pretend she's famous and working with brands than to face the reality she's currently in.
That and you know she's lurking and she's upset that anons and her mutuals know she isn't doing all that great financially and mentally.
No. 945380
File: 1729035815126.jpeg (622.79 KB, 1271x1268, IMG_4354.jpeg)

That didn’t stop you from flirting with kids on TikTok. Jesus Christ Moo…
No. 945391
>>945315She is so unhinged. She always posts videos when she tries to show how unbothered she is but fails at it. She did the same thing when she was going through that domestic violence case with ozy. She posted videos shit talking the judge and laughing to show how ~unbothered she was. She is so predictable lmao.
Going based off her tweets, some jew scrote must have really screwed her over to cause the cracks in her personality to start surfacing.
No. 945392
File: 1729045792641.png (441.94 KB, 926x720, What.png)

That top doesn't fit at all and the saggy tits….yikes…
No. 945394
>>945392Sag reaching her elbows, how bleak
I'm stunned she hasn't gone for a lift yet
No. 945396
>>945392I normally don't comment on her appearance, but she looks pretty haggard here. No wonder she can't do the Hot Topic thing with her
No. 945404
>>945402honestly thats what happened to her. She's always used sex appeal, she did what she called other girls being lazy for. She's a hypocrite and tries to backpeddle that she's only doing it because she knows it's easy money and she has a
big plan.
No. 945410
>>945315I wonder if it’s animebae. They do collabs all the time and have had lewd stuff before. Some of there apparel is also sold in Hot Topic.
The only stuff I’ve ever seen of theirs in HT was a collab they did with some Vtuber. So maybe they told her if it’s popular enough, Hot Topic will sell some of it.
No. 945417
File: 1729056993976.jpeg (Spoiler Image,365.43 KB, 1179x698, IMG_1316.jpeg)

Found some old videos of Mooriah and honestly how does she think this is attractive? Her ass is two saggy slabs of lard, nothing more
No. 945430
>>945315OH GROG OH GROG OH GROG. It's even better! It's a shitty dropship mlm!
"Sell enough and we'll meet with hot topic and see if they'll also peddle your merch.. us taking our extra cut of course!"
This dumb manic bitch can't tell she's being used.. EVER.
No. 945464
File: 1729102395496.jpeg (977.17 KB, 1179x2303, IMG_0925.jpeg)

Found some milky messages between Ashu(formally aly.brazil) and someone. Unfortunately I am on mobile, so I am unable to put them all together in one post. These were posted in a discord.
No. 945468
>>945464Hilarious how these porn thots never put any responsibility on the moids for their own actions.
Also because moo is known for chasing after taken men as well.
Pot, kettle.
No. 945472
>>945464If she is doing maintenance on her Tesla then she is still funding the war against her own people kek. If she really cared, she’d sell the car and put the money back into helping her dying war-torn family in Lebanon.
>>945471She said there will be multiple designs. I imagine one or two will be acceptable. It’s probably her cow oc that she ripped off.
No. 945477
>>945315I was trying to figure out what vibe she's giving off and she is bar for bar acting and talking so much like Gabbie Hanna its uncanny. The whole thing now is just giving me when GH was leading into the full mental breakdown arc and she was bragging about all the same 'I'm doing real things I swear, the internet is beneath me' shit.
I havent heard moo talk in a long time because I actively avoid the videos shared here but amazing how 'white' she's talking now.
Another thing to add: I love how delusional she is to think that even if she did have a collab that got sold at Hot Topic that it would ever be in actual storefronts. There are bigger series/creators without controversy that have things sold through Hot Topic that are only sold online.
No. 945479
File: 1729112154003.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1179x2286, IMG_0923.jpeg)

here is another classy answer about how much Moo has grown and changed as a person! She’s so far up moo’s non existent ass that I’m surprised she hasn’t taken over Vamps old spot.
No. 945486
>>945472If she really gave a shit there’s so much she would do besides going on nazi rants.
She could close her OF and funnel people to other outlets (or even get a customer service job while in school), but she doesn’t because she cares more about how much money she makes. That’s what’s always been the most important to her and she can’t hide it well at all
No. 945493
File: 1729118283402.jpeg (1.75 MB, 1179x2490, IMG_0943.jpeg)

>>945489posted in discord last night. confirmed its a farmer, but i’m not the one who posted them. The messages seem to be from April.
its still relevant to Moo bc Ashu acts like Moo can no longer do anything wrong and shouldn’t be held accountable for her past actions. Except now she’s a full on nazi. Ashu and Mimsy are the only ones that suckle from
Moo’s udders still.
No. 945500
>>945493“donateds regularly to a cat rescue in gaza”
there’s no way that was meant unironically
No. 945502
>>945499This is such a bold face lie
Also, what about the people? If she's going to lie at least lie about donating to her people.
No. 945550
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No. 945555
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No. 945557
>>945550Yeah she might be going to Japan but she also might not. She also said she's buying two 30k bags and that ain't happening.
But I agree, she's upset people are calling her broke
>>945555Oh wow another collab that is a real thing. Also I can't believe she posted this, she looks huuuge. So what, this is the 4 collab she's swearing is happening?
No. 945575
>>945550I'm finding round trip flights from Nevada for as low as $700 so its not really that big of a flex but it does poke holes in her nurse story because if she was in school/training to go into real nursing she simply wouldn't have the time to take a weeklong trip.
I think that's what I find the most delusional about her larp. No one would have the time to do everything she claims to be doing especially because she claims to be doing it all herself, not relying on employees or anything.
She can somehow manage and run a photo studio, plan and do photoshoots/videos herself, study to be a nurse, go to the gym, manage merch collabs, go on week+ long trips on a whim have a thriving social life with her friends, and she can do all of that while also having the time to go on hours long rants on both twitter and ig stories?
No. 945577
File: 1729263341271.jpg (152.54 KB, 1440x576, 1000024502.jpg)

>>945575Yeah especially her claims of being in an accelerated program as they're basically just constant school for a year and a half ish. I mean every program is different but there's a reason it's accelerated, you don't stop. Also, I never looked at her sisters IG page. Interesting how EVERYTHING Moo has been yapping about is exactly her sisters goals and/or accomplishments. BSN, future FNP, ER nurse currently, IV therapy. It's like she took these points and said "no, me"
No. 945578
>>945550She's deleted this fyi.
Maybe the trip is cancelled lol
No. 945586
>>945579This. Moo is making too many wild claims at once and can't even keep up with her own lies. She was a bad liar before but now she's so manic literally everything she's saying can easily be clocked as a lie. She's insecure because she doesn't want to be seen as a stupid, broke porn thot with no future.
>>945585She's so crazy I can see Moo dropping off her sister at work wearing scrubs and taking selfies there to post she made it to continue the larp. Her behavior is so manic.
No. 945635
File: 1729350544078.jpg (560.72 KB, 1080x2400, 1000033107.jpg)

>>945555Lmao, this times up exactly when zipair, the budget airline she flew last time, did a sudden ultra cheap sale. Broke dusty gonna be back in economy class again. Wonder if she'll bring ozzy with her again to hide behind. I was the anon that caught her at the airport last time and bet I'll recognize that busted nose job from across the room again. See you at narita!
No. 945639
>>945638Anons mentioned it
>>945574 and everyone would rather call Moo a liar than believe she bought tickets.
No. 945640
File: 1729353440094.jpg (307.63 KB, 1080x1841, Screenshot_20241019_085633_Ins…)

Who needs umbran when aly needs a job?
No. 945653
>>941926>>945620Moo's actual body proportions are so weird to look at unedited. She looks like a fat baby and a middle aged man at the same time.
It's always so weird seeing her irl because she stertches her photos out so she looks normal ish. It sucks we rarely see candids of her because she's scared of being obese in public.
No. 945686
File: 1729436054972.jpg (560.67 KB, 1080x1929, 1000007699.jpg)

For prosperity, Moo and friends thinking it's classing to shove cigarettes into cakes inside a restaurant. Real crack whore shit.
No. 945702
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No. 945733
File: 1729534436807.jpg (71.82 KB, 548x563, 9cb6f101-3ff9-4d37-9c3d-13570d…)

She's not tagged in this Sssniperwolf post, but my god is she ever looking like the spitting image of end-stage Michael Jackson. That is a straight up fucking jumpscare.
No. 945747
>>945733I know it's Moo but something is def off. I don't know if Moo got botched plastic surgery or hired a shitty makeup artist or if it's this shitty filter.
And of course Moo isn't tagged. Even Moo admits her "friends" don't tag her in anything because they'll get shit for it. Seems like more of a headache.
Off topic, Moo is the whitest person here kek.
No. 945750
File: 1729547911528.jpeg (1.01 MB, 890x1371, IMG_4368.jpeg)

>>945733Lol she was literally an afterthought.
No. 945758
>>945733Moo looks like she was dragged in after a scuffle at the bar. She looks so ragged and beat down.
Side note, the breast implants on that girl look painful as fuck jfc. And an ugly ass moid who probably stinks of cheese and diabeetus. Is he paying or something? Nasty.
No. 945763
>>945751Moo was 1000% invited. Be real.
Also Moo looks 100% white no matter what she says. Saying she didn't get the nose job to look more Western is a fucking lie. She hated how bulbous her nose was. She's a self-hating Lebanese and only brings that up when she can use it against people. She's white washed and doesn't ever receive race-based harassment.
No. 945777
File: 1729603700981.jpg (Spoiler Image,15.45 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443…)

>>945750moo looking like the pic attached with this lighting (reposted due to forgetting to spoiler)
No. 945781
>>945767i think she has foundation with white cast. a lot of east asian makeup has it.
>>945763her nose job got rid of the only thing that made her vaguely west asian looking. it should show how much she actually cares about her heritage when she lops off her most prominent ethnic feature.
No. 945791
>>945789To add
Remember when Moo just so happened to find Nigiri on a hike, copied her exact style and made that weird post saying she was planning to move to the same city as Nigiri? Moo must feel good that she found another narc that loves this kind of attention and doesn't see anything wrong with it.
Random note, Moo hasn't made a racist rant in days now. Did she realize the nazi shit was a bad "buisness" move? Her moids hated it and she lost more connections.
No. 945805
>>945801Several people in
>>944819 expressed dropping her like Kinpatsu
No. 945806
File: 1729629803571.png (3.88 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_8999.png)

Mariah’s weekly “I have friends”
No. 945812
The thing is no one really cares what a porn thot does. They just care if they can bust a nut to them. The only way Moo is going to stop is if someting she does lands herself in jail.
>>945810To be fair, that anon was half right. The only people who want to hang around her are other porn thots pretending to be coslpayers. Anyone who's actually in the scene wouldn't be caught dead near her.
No. 945824
File: 1729641636186.jpeg (622.36 KB, 1272x1547, IMG_4372.jpeg)

I smell another rant incoming
No. 945825
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No. 945827
>>945824she is off her meds and needs help asap
>killed more children than all wars combinedthis is such a blatant lie, I don't even know where to start. And again with the ukraine thing.
She has absolutely no knowledge off anything geopolitical and just spouts some of the most insane shit. If she wasn't a porn thot, i'd almost think she was trying to be a right-wing grifter
No. 945889
File: 1729776642667.png (1.67 MB, 1736x1644, momokunhypocrite.png)

i made this collage just for fun.
mariah has talked about boycotting/cutting out platforms/companies that support israel. she mentions starbucks by name even tho they haven't stated a position on either side of the palestine/israel conflict, but in mariah's mind they might as well be pro-israel since they haven't stated they aren't. meanwhile elon has gone on record talking about donating to israel but she still drives a tesla, has twitter blue checkmark/x premium, and the option to pay money to twitter/x to "subscribe" to more content from her.
No. 945895
File: 1729784598976.png (37.18 KB, 475x157, not again.png)

>>945889>>945887>>945888the indecision on her part where she can't tell if she can't tell the ethnic distinction between slavs and jews on top of conflating zionism with both ethnic and spiritual judiasm is hilarious.
so if i'm understanding correctly - all jews are automatically pro-israel? i sure hope nobody tells her about jewish voices for peace.
No. 945903
>>945888You could be right
But its too late to backpeddle. It's obvious she's only using the war to preach anti semetic and racist rants. She's even anti Urkaine for no reasons other than "Muh people!" and "All Jews are guilty!"
Moo has always been racist against a lot of people, she just went full mask off because she thought she had the perfect excuse. She has always said she isn't racist because she waves her invalid
POC card. She doesn't care about the war, she's just a hateful bitch.
No. 945917
File: 1729828282135.jpg (Spoiler Image,130.75 KB, 1366x2048, 1000007770.jpg)

The drag and shape edit on the left side is hilarious. Moo will never, ever have around ass. She will always need photoshop because her ass concaves like Hank Hill. No matter the angle, she has to edit it. How embarrassing. She's been going to the gym how many years supposedly?
No. 946005
>>945952Oh you're right, in the character art they do appear to be weird backless sneakers of some kind. A lot of fanart and cosplayers seem to just draw/wear regular shoes for her. Moo should do that too, it's not like she's ever given that much of a shit about accuracy.
Like is she wearing those crushed shoes like that when walking around cons? There's no way that's comfortable
No. 946006
File: 1729969396762.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.03 MB, 1290x1265, IMG_4053.jpeg)

New nightmares clumping
No. 946011
File: 1729978456316.jpg (122.29 KB, 1080x1834, 1000023491.jpg)

Says the cow who cried wolf.
No. 946028
File: 1729985805502.jpg (Spoiler Image,218.63 KB, 1080x1895, 1000018208.jpg)

Same frizzy Velma wig and still flat as can be.
No. 946038
>>946006Do we know how much fat she's actually had sucked out? This image has me in awe, she has the legs and arms of a woman in the 250+ range but her proportions from the lipo are so bizarre
All the lipo she's had done just makes her head look comically small compared to her body, I guess that's the one thing the helmet wigs are good for
No. 946041
File: 1729993485027.png (589.15 KB, 1080x2030, 1000027174.png)

There's a callout post on FB about D.Piddy and wholewheatpete being shared, too.
Thought this comment from Stella was funny considering she's still friends with Moo
No. 946042
>>946006>>946028No wonder she went in to see if she can have a breast lift sheeesh. Though instead of the doctor groping her and saying they're perfect what are the chances he told her it wouldn't be wise with her reduction then massive weight gain? Don't get me wrong, she can always find a doctor to botch her chest more, but moo just seems like a risky client
>>946038Well she's been getting lipo sessions every few months for like 8 years. I'm not even sure Moo knows how many she's gotten. But it's starting to show because her whole body is a lumpy mishapen mess.
>>946041I do believe he SA a few women he took pics of, but I don't think anyone claimed he raped them. And as Stella said, they're allegations of SA. Unlike her where there's literal proof of her SA. She needs to stfu
No. 946043
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No. 946045
>>946043Correction, Moo's sister passed
Also isn't CPR, BLS, AED and first aid all the same and more like quick courses rather than classes? I worked for a company called to the rescue where we took care of Mentally disabled and handicapped adults and all three were taught to us in a few days and we got certified. It only took a week at most for people who failed over and over again. That and most places of work will offer these courses if you have an AED on sight like planet fitness. Such a minor goal n she's making seem like such a big deal.
No. 946048
>>946029As usual, her original story of him just being “weird” wasn’t enough to get him cancelled and he kept coming back at her calling her bullshit. So she of course escalated to calling him a full on rapist in hopes that the mere accusation will get everyone to get out their torches and pitchforks to get him cancelled. Whenever she wants her male colleagues excommunicated from her little clique she immediately starts accusing them of rape and sexual harassment.
>>946012You know that Moo is in the wrong when even one of the alleged
victims is telling her “Fuck off and don’t bring my name up in this anymore”. You just know that there must be more skeletons in the water closet if one of them is trying to squash the story. Most of the time these annoying bitches all circle the wagons and coordinate their stories to get someone removed that they don’t like anymore. But even when Moo tried to unsuccessfully get Martin cancelled, he called her bullshit, had receipts that her little crusade was a complete nothingburger that she attempted to co-opt into something much worse to get him removed and that he had way worse dirt on her if she kept trying to ruin him.
No. 946051
>>946041Still throwing miso’s name in there when she asked her to stop?
Classic moo
No. 946052
>>946050And didn't Moo do a nsfw set with a guy who was fresh out of jail for beating and raping his gf?
It does make her look bad because she was like bff with him. He even met some of her family members like her cousin. She would make these cheesy birthday posts saying how much she loved and appreciated him. Like she hung out with him A LOT outside of "work". She even offered him a room at her house. Like, no way she would offer that to a dangerous rapist. She even made other girls work with him. Moo is literally jealous he tried his shot with everyone except her. It's the Korean BBQ situation all over again.
No. 946054
>>946011Coward. She deleted this because its not true. I hope Moo knows that square can use this website to make a case for defamation against her and she would lose.
She's an idiot.
No. 946061
>>946043Kek idk why but this is the same as a full fledged adult excited to have passed the multiple choice test when they get their driving license. Most people don’t fail these classes and are done in a single day.
She really needs ass pats for the most mundane shit. She must absolutely hate doing porn kek
No. 946063
File: 1730007885860.jpeg (2.11 MB, 2762x4096, IMG_1190.jpeg)

Posted for prosperity, sorry for the weird cropping on her world salad tweet but I wanted to make sure her handle was visible. Also her messaging dpiddy and absolving wwp for engaging in the stupid shit he did. As always moo giving passes to pos if they benefit her or wants something from them but disregards everyone else
No. 946064
File: 1730007923945.jpeg (417.59 KB, 1290x908, IMG_1189.jpeg)

>>946063Samefag but some people calling her out
No. 946075
>>946063Good God the narcissism on this cow is actually insane. How many times can you say I/ME when talking about "
victims." As Anon said above, Marvin needs to sue her ass.
No. 946077
File: 1730028611577.webm (Spoiler Image,3.12 MB, 888x1556, microwave edit.webm)

>>946028Her microwave edit and whats its supposed to look like. Its like not even hard. How did she butcher it this badly?
No. 946098
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It’s not going to matter to her in the long run since shes never voted to begin with. Ever.
>>946088Not only has she flexed her guns, she posted about wanting to use them on people who frustrated her. How she hasn’t been permabanned from IG yet is beyond me.
No. 946114
File: 1730060281249.jpeg (1.65 MB, 1290x1995, IMG_1992.jpeg)

>>946012She’s recorded content with both of these incels multiple times, recently with wholewheatpete at AX. I have no fucking idea why she opened her maw to yap about this.
(repost) No. 946128
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No. 946137
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No. 946157
File: 1730123302785.jpeg (1.51 MB, 1179x2173, IMG_1130.jpeg)

>>946137I know vamps hasn’t associated herself with Moo in a long time, but i think she might be a bit jealous that Vamps has actual talent? Tinfoiling that something is going on behind the scenes.
No. 946167
File: 1730130609288.jpg (11.72 KB, 201x251, images.jpg)

Moo was only cosplaying Velma to remember the good ol days where she got some praise for it. She doesn't realize that no one wants to cosplay Velma anymore because of Mindy Kaling ruining the character. In fact Moo's bratty statement of "Oh another hot nurse" is something the ugly, shitty and fat new Velma would do out of jealousy. All Moo had to do was tan her skin a little and she would have her first accurate cosplay
>>946157This is actually a really good cospay from Vamps. It even looks like low PS2 graphics. That's what I'm impressed with
No. 946168
>>946167There's plenty of cosplayers who stil do Velma. Mindy has nothing to do with it. It's just ignored in the fandom lol Moo thinks it's sticks as the "old school nostalgia, men will love it" trope. Thing is, she has the lumpiest, unappealing body as Velma and her cosplay and colors don't even match either. Too lazy to find stockings, so she uses the burnt orange stockings to hide her cellulite and uneven thigh mass instead of trying to look like the character. For all her talk of how she pays attention to details, she never does and even in such a low effort cosplay too. She uses red which is funny in general. Everything else just falls around it.
Can't do a basic cosplay. Can't do a simple microwave edit. She can't do anything because she's always too up her ass that she's the best at everything. This is what happens when you don't give a fuck about your craft anymore when you all you care about is the end result: money. Moo is a sellout to the same porn she demonizes. Monetizing it doesn't make her a saint, it makes her complicit. She doesn't even do anything to deter kids from finding her content on these platforms. She is doing exactly what she says other do.
No. 946204
File: 1730150303958.jpg (302.81 KB, 1080x1883, 1000018233.jpg)

Moo, your "friends" did something wrong. Hold them accountable just as much as.
No. 946223
>>946222She's more upset because people are throwing proof of her proudly assaulting people and making fun of her own
victims when she brings up the allegations against Marvin. All of his "
victims" are also telling Moo to shut up because they never said he raped anyone. It throws their claims in the trash.
No. 946227
>>946204One thing that gets me is her telling other alleged
victims story as if it’s her own as if she wants to be relevant. Dude Marvin only pissed you off because he said no to you and you don’t like it. You don’t give a shit when he hurts women while he’s your friend, you did not care when Kevin was making anti-blm posts and even liked his posts until it’s relevant to bash on him, and you certainly did not care when an underage boy was getting hit on by a friend who stayed with you at the time until it’s relevant for you.
Now you made yourself look even worse by saying all of this is cancel-culture bullshit even though your two buddies had a history of destroying hotel property, being creepy with women, and being asshats all around. That’s why you defend them because you’re just like them. You’re a sexual harasser and a pariah to the con scene and it’s wonderful that people are still talking about you. Stay mad you cunt.
No. 946232
File: 1730160122583.jpeg (760.2 KB, 3264x2864, IMG_4394.jpeg)

Like how you responded to people legitimately calling you out for SA on Twitter with anime gifs and being completely dismissive? Those people were being serious too.
No. 946235
>>946232“If you don’t focus on my needs and give me what I want then I won’t be doing my influencing and call out on those people since you guys dont know what you’re talking about. Waaah waahhh”
What a brat.
No. 946240
What a miserable woman. Every single time I check these threads no matter how much time has gone by, she is still angry and yelling about something. She is always fighting in comments, ranting in videos, and very clearly visibly upset. She never seems happy. Just always fighting. Fighting an ex, fighting other cosplayers/sex workers, fighting her own customers-it just never stops. She does not realize this is why she struggles to maintain relationships so much. I have read two different times where one of her own friends/fans asks her why she is always fighting someone, and all she did was use that to rant for 10 more paragraphs about how stupid everyone she hates is. Every single day. This person is stupid, that person is stupid, stupid stupid bitches bitches ya'll ya'll ya'll-how does she never notice this herself? Does she ever have days where she just shuts up and enjoys life? She is a nonstop force of negative energy always looking for justifications to attack someone. She is one of the most mentally ill cows I've seen, in that regard. If anyone in her life actually loved her, they would break her phone so she would stop living on it arguing and writing up angry seething accusatory insult posts about any and everyone that she can.
No. 946253
>>946232so what i'm getting from this entire situation is:
"i'm mad marvin didn't sexually harass me bc he wasn't into me"
"he's a creep a rapist bc i saw him being creepy to other girls but i watched this behavior happen to others and didn't comment on it at the time"
"people are being performative calling things out and we need to focus on real issues (and we need consistency so it's not just performative??)
From the most consistent and non-performative person on earth…. Mariah Mallad. Please? Excuse me?? I want someone to sit down and teach Mariah multiple lessons but I also would not want to subject that to any single human being that'd just be mean
(learn2integrate) No. 946256
>>946204>I have been affected as wellShe wasn’t a
victim but she was ….what? Inconvenienced? I’d be so pissed if I was a
victim and had to see her chimp out like this.
No. 946276
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As an anon that has ragged on her for not voting before, I’ll give her this if she actually follows through with it and is not just talking out of her ass. Waiting until you’re almost 30 to actually vote for the first time is embarrassing but better late than never I guess.
No. 946277
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No. 946280
>>946277Such a brain dead take
"I'm using a war and the deaths of people I have no connection with to avoid internet slap fights and to get fake moral high grounds."
No. 946285
>>946275Marvin wouldn't be in jail. We have no proof of him raping anyone and no one made those claims. Moo's SH and SA by touching men publicly and pulling a girl's shirt up and showing her chest to a room of other people is more than what people said about Marvin. Moo keeps upping the ante of what he did because she's trying to make herself look bigger and badder than she is. Instead she got called out several times, and dropped by, cosplayers due to her wat rants and even the real
victims in Marvin's case said stfu because Moo is preaching and advocating for defamation by saying he raped people.
No. 946298
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No. 946299
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I just don’t understand why she doesn’t proofread her posts?? Does she want to maintain that she’s illiterate? Unrelated, but watching her old videos and you can see when the filter breaks.
No. 946301
>>946298Moo: I would love to talk about things in private! If you want to discuss what's going on and my actions, DM me personally, I'm DONE being public! (as per her post here
Like honestly. She's so disingenuous. She uses "cancel culture" when she thinks it can benefit her
>>946012 until she gets called out and then it's suddenly everything has to be in DMs.
No. 946331
>>946321She’s absolutely insane
She acts like she has video evidence or anything even slightly admissible in court of this alleged rape when all it’s been is hearsay from HER, not even from the supposed
victim. And she wonders why nobody takes it seriously
No. 946332
>>946321>5 minutes of “shut the fuck up, I’m tired of hearing it. Muh people are dying”She’s just repeating herself over and over and over again.
>I’m not a nice person, I’m aggressive I feel bad for every single one of her patients if she ever finishes nursing school
No. 946336
>>946332She only ever pulls out this “I’m a bitch/cunt/not a nice person” bullshit whenever she is trying to intimidate people into not calling her out. She thinks that if she gives off the appearance of “I’m not to be fucked with” that people will just back off out of fear of being dragged by her l, when she is so obviously full of shit if you challenge her just a little bit. Even now, with all her posturing and screaming at her phone like a retard, she still does t have any proof involving Marvin actually raping anyone. Just hearsay, from her of all people, who needs to constantly be reminded that she isn’t an actual
victim in any of this. Just “trust me bro, he gives off bad vibes and you shouldn’t associate with him”. The actual supposed
victims are telling her to fuck off and stop bring them up in all of this which is all you need to see that she is obviously in the wrong and nothing she is saying is to be trusted. Meanwhile, her own past with sexual harassment and assault and how terribly she handled it is being thrown right back in her face and she doesn’t have any response to it other than trying to puff her chest out and be all “mean snarky bitch who isn’t falling for your whataboutism” about it. At the end of the day, this is all just her being bitchy about being rejected by him because no matter how much money she threw at him, it still wasn’t enough for him to want to get with a fat, unwashed cow like her.
No. 946340
>>946336Like one anon said she thinks she’s the godfather of cosplay who can take down peoples reputation in a snap of a finger but to be honest it’s not working. So of course she’s using the war as a way to gaslight people into making them feel guilty for not caring about the important things such as herself and her never-ending quest to take down her ex-boytoy with accusations that are not true. Screw the people who are upset about her friends cosplaying an actual serial rapist and a minor who’s a
victim, her so called advocacy matters.
No. 946342
>>946321It’s crazy how she says the wwp and dpiddy thing is redundant when she’s on a 2+ minute rant about Marvin with no presentable evidence and about the genocide she oh so cares so much with her perfectly placed pin. The pin has more care and presentation than her fucking bulging eyes and horse teeth.
Why is the whole wwp and dpiddy different from what Marvin supposedly did? They’re both dealing with sexual assault, just one that they were hehehahahoho funny when it’s distasteful given the circumstances and Marvin doesn’t have much tangible proof. God I hope he comes out and just dumps the receipts on moo
No. 946344
>>946343I don’t think so. People said she’s been like this since high school
If it wasn’t cosplay it would have been constant partying or something else to fuel her need for attention and validation
No matter what path she was on I honestly believe she would have always ended up here
No. 946363
File: 1730306215875.png (Spoiler Image,5.49 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_1154.png)

she is so disgusting oh my lord. Her fucked up body makes me so happy I lost weight the normal way rather than just sucking it out anytime I had a mental break. Imagine thinking that this looks good. Gross.
No. 946370
>>946368She kept using her heritage to escape from racist allegations since high school. But her own family hasn't touched those lands in over a century.
Allegations of Moo ripping off girls Hijabs in school, screeching "ching chong ching chong" while cosplaying Mei, the fake black accent she had because "I grew up in the ghetto! All
POC talk like dis!" when she grew up in the suburbs, saying all hispanic countries are dangerous and full of criminals and how she would never go back, treating Japanese citizens like Zoo animals and constantly dehumanizing them, not giving a shit about sacred grounds in Hawaii. There's more examples and that doesn't even include her homophobia, saying she'll act like a true middle eastern and shoot everyone who disagrees with her while showing off her guns, hate aganist women and her fatphobia as well.
It really does seem if you're a human, Moo hates you.
No. 946382
>>946380And she chickens out and deletes her apologies, taking accountability. How is that supposed to make
victims feel, Moo? More and more hypocritical by the year.
No. 946385
>>946382The same WEEK she deleted her apology she called her
victims attention whores and liars even though in her original apology she admitted to every single claim and blamed her ADHD
No. 946485
File: 1730461389506.png (227.85 KB, 590x518, halloween.png)

>>946483Just this.
Even after all these years, and countless threads and comments, she is still unable to be sexy in even the slightest
No. 946497
>>946485I thought she would do something else other than Velma… again
It's just the most low effort Halloween set there is and she's done it so many times. She shit on people who did the nurses from Silent hill but they take more effort than putting on a sweater and skirt.
No. 946666
File: 1730661437304.jpg (Spoiler Image,289.55 KB, 1079x834, Saggy and small.jpg)

Oh, nonnas. It's so saggy and small.
No. 946673
>>946666No wonder she's so angry all the time, reality must hit her like a truck whenever she has to look at her body without filters. I'd
almost feel sorry for her if her current mess of a body wasn't 100% self-inflicted. Girl all you had to do was to get a dietitian instead of throwing that money on surgeries because you're too addicted to instant gratification.
No. 946676
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No. 946686
>>946672It could be a rare case that she is on ozempic but she still eats an insane amount of food kek
They tell you to diet after lipo for the best effect and that didn't stop her
No. 946694
File: 1730680072051.jpeg (62.5 KB, 690x514, IMG_1311.jpeg)

>>946676The way moo continues to stretch out her clothes/cosplays to delude herself in thinking she’s still a small size astounds me. She couldn’t body tape the suit so it stands up properly?
No. 946815
File: 1730789085415.png (753.3 KB, 1040x845, will shill anything for clout.…)

I was browsing Moo's calves thread and I saw this in the thread pic and figured we could use another clear case of Moo only tagging companies for clout when before she publicly stated that MOREFLAVOR was only for cheap quality. Look who making cheap porn in cheap quality clothes now.
No. 946875
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No. 946887
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She’s been on a manic tear for months now. How long until she comes back down and how bad will it be when she does.
No. 946892
>>946887Anon she will never come down she’s permanently destroyed her frontal lobe from
Drug abuse.
No. 946938
>>946891you forgot about Amber, although I have noticed their interactions have slightly diminished.
I really want to believe you anon, I’m sure a lot of us do. But you’ve offered no solid proof. Yes, Alyssa does appear to be a blabber mouth but you really need to solidify some proof of all this stuff that you’re claiming.
No. 946958
File: 1730959860114.jpg (81.06 KB, 595x248, college.jpg)

update on her college larp. New college and/or degree incoming
No. 946963
File: 1730961268742.jpg (1.49 MB, 3072x4096, 1000025563.jpg)

So basically, she ISNT a nursing student (shocker), she's still completing pre requisites (that means they must be completed BEFORE you can begin a program) and has been lying her ass off and buying scrubs for nothing because saying "i want to get in as an ER tech" implies she isn't. Actually absolutely unhinged. Correct me if I'm interpreting this wrong nonitas.
No. 946994
>>946963Her online degree mill college is an accelerated program for the most basic courses (AA) which was obvious from the start (she hid all the class courses because they’re classes 18/19 year olds take). Shes been taking CPR and BBP classes outside of her school (private classes ANYONE can take and pay for) to add some technical stuff sprinkled into her eng101 classes to feel like a real nurse. The scrubs were to add to the delusional larp.
Eventually she will give up and just go to a trade school and finish her degree in medical assistant where she will be a receptionist and the occasional basic lab test.
No. 947001
>>946998I think she will. It’s common for people (mostly women) nearing 30s or early 30s, when they are unsatisfied with their current career path, to jump into the medical/nursing field. It’s a safe career path as nurses are always needed and in demand. And you can always branch out from just a hospital. It’s not a bad career choice and low iq retards think that being in the medical field automatically makes you sound smart and successful. So going from porn to “I work in an emergency room” sounds less embarrassing.
I don’t think she will become a full fledge nurse tho. She will stop at medical assistant.
No. 947008
File: 1731002306071.jpg (264.55 KB, 1440x815, 1000025607.jpg)

But what happened to that accelerated program, Moo?
No. 947009
>>947008Yasss moo. Collect them copays from people who drank too much alcohol or have a bad hang-nail. I believe in you.
She could have just started an EMT course and have been done already if she’s so dead set on working in an ER environment. But that requires effort.
No. 947038
File: 1731026738667.jpg (81.72 KB, 593x253, moo.jpg)

Is she even trying to make her lie believable at this point
No. 947096
>>947055>>947069>>947071Remember, this bitch has not only lied about going to school at LEAST five times now, she's also bragged about a pay-to-play "honor society" scam. Moo does this purely to cope and impress her most low-IQ scrotes.
She's going to get eaten alive if she ever tries to be a nurse in any way, shape, or form. Her sister is going to have the most incompetent assistant possible for her dumb injection practice at best.
No. 947163
>>947124It was like a couple years ago when some of her family did really well as realtors and she claimed she was a boss babe who was secretly a vegas top realtor and she owns multiple properties for sale. She's totally unhinged.
Moo's latest school larp just proved she's borderline retarded. We all had a hint before when she was barely able to graduate high school and flunked out of community college.
>>947126She only got attention in high school and her early 20's for being an easy whore who slept with everyone. She thought cosplay was her escape, but instead of learning the craft she eventually did the easy route and did porn. Whoring herself out is always what she goes back too because she's too stupid for anything else.
(post proof) No. 947396
File: 1731460318596.jpg (378.82 KB, 603x777, moo.jpg)

Since when were you the official cosplayer as anything. Just because you say you are, doesn't mean you are. And when was the last time she even mentioned this show/character?
No. 947403
>>947396Them asking her to cosplay and instantly regretting it isn't the same as "official cosplayer"
Is she going to remind us of her Samus days too?
No. 947515
>>947504I think the fundamental difference in opinion here is I think a lot of us consider 'official' cosplayers people who are asked by the actual creator/company (i.e. if Kadokawa asked her to do it vs Funimation) to do it several times and/or with funding to do a proper photoshoot. Being paid to cosplay something in a lot of people's eyes doesnt necessarily mean you're the 'official cosplayer' because lots of licensers will have several randos cosplay characters to promote stuff as a one off.
Whereas Moo's shoot as this character was against a dingy white backdrop and the costume quality was that of some teenager's first attempt (shiny ribbon for the uniform stripes). She couldnt even be bothered to wear an actual matching underwear set or ones that matched the character.
Also its obviously not something she's actually proud of because the pictures are nowhere to be seen on her own IG.
I guess the short of it is the comparison between a freelance hire vs a contracted worker.
No. 947538
File: 1731671388702.jpg (270.09 KB, 594x841, Untitled.jpg)

she needs to ease up on trying to look asian, she's not fooling anyone especially when you can scroll down and see her with a completely different face.
No. 947552
>>947538She probably saw a pretty asian girl/cosplayer get more attention than her and decided to skin walk her. She's so predictable at this point it's ridiculous. I'm pretty sure the girl she's skin walking also went to that concert or is actually into music
Literally Moo whenever she does the asian larp
No. 947556
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No. 947593
File: 1731710746984.mp4 (13.48 MB, 720x1280, C944941F76EF11B806D3F8781E96BC…)

>>947556>skinnyfat manlet with chicken legs>freaky hands and fingers>all articles of clothing are all black>Moo talking about eating shitloads of foodIt's definitely Ozy. RIP anon
>>947561 No. 947610
File: 1731723550395.png (67.74 KB, 948x697, 4b.png)

>>947556god, I hate her obsession with this 'serving cunt' thing she keeps bringing up. Its obnoxious.
And what happened to being a supporter of the 4b movement?
No. 947612
>>947610Says she follows the 4B movement; Moo:“I don’t have sex except for work”
It’s baffling how blatantly retarded she is sometimes. Also, lol at her acting like her choosing to not have sex is a choice. It’s more because no guy wants to go anywhere near a disgusting, unwashed hamplanet like her. She’s always under this delusion that she is constantly swamped with suitors and guys are just kicking down her door for a chance with her when really she is a miserable fuck who spends all day arguing with randoms on Twitter into stupid hours into the night. It’s why she has to settle for limp dick broke losers like Ozy; that’s the only guys that will remotely even put up with her at this point.
No. 947636
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No. 947639
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No. 947656
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>>947639Ah yes, we had no idea Godzilla movies had plots until you saw one for the first time yesterday and started lecturing us, thank you so much Moo, you're the smartest person in every room
No. 947657
>>947636>consequences of enviromental damage in 2024The movie was released in 2016, and also set in 2016.
They've been saying "4 years left" for the last decade, and even if there were, since when did you care about the environment?
>>947639>translates to 'reality as we know it'wrong. Its 'Incarnation of god'
>people miss the entire pointno moo, no they don't. Everyone knows the films are analogies for nuclear war, and environmental destruction.
>armenian genocideI guess that's going to be on her new talking points list then
No. 947664
>>947656"I'm not dumb, I'm actually really smart guys."
She's really insecure about being a dumb porn thot
No. 947676
File: 1731819537753.jpg (704.84 KB, 849x1483, 1000008122.jpg)

>>947674>>947673Because it's not posted in this thread but last thread and it's relevant, here you go. She doesn't like SOTD unless she can moralfag somehow and make it about herself as usual like with the vegas shooting. She didn't care about anyone being named, she wanted a spotlight on herself.
No. 947694
File: 1731860835284.jpg (Spoiler Image,470.36 KB, 1079x1828, 1000008129.jpg)

I laugh every time. New little reel she made
No. 947700
>>947699Not the men Moo wants to attract. You saw the unwashed neckbeards that approached Moo during cons. It's only bottom of the barrel, hentai brain rotted basement dwellers that pay for her content. Even then they're starting to dip. Why she's looking for different ways to get money.
Speaking of, she stopped mentioning her new and improved studio. She's also no longer mentioning Martin or going on nazi rants anymore. Wonder what happened. Tinfoil, I think she went full nazi to see if she can get famous for negative attention. Yes she's def racist, but she's an attention whore above anything else.
No. 947729
>>947556Can't decide what's worse - the leather cloak with sandals or the visible structure of the plastic nose
>>947677What does she expect, the dude has been mentally checked out for a long time now and is probably only there for the paycheck
No. 947748
>>947694do none of her retarded coomers notice she has a different ass in every picture? i understand wanting to hide that atrocity with photoshop but be consistent damn
No. 947754
>>947752But bare ass with no thong doesnt?
So weird
No. 947780
File: 1731993932717.jpg (505.97 KB, 1080x1814, Screenshot_20241118_210539_X.j…)

>>947774Its okay. She has these shit takes. She's so embarrassed to be a nazi, but hides all proof she isn't and plays
victim. Moo, you're a nazi, antisemitic, gun owning, LGBTQ hating, white girl. Doesn't matter how much surgery she gets, she will always look white passing. She even hates her ethnic features. She's a chimpout coward bitch.
No. 947785
>>947780Replace the word "Zoinist" with "Jew" and that's what Moo is doing
Like Moo, that's also literally everything you did. You're not a whistle blower, you're a nazi porn thot. All her beliefs align with the them. They hated jews,
POC, lgbt just like her.
I hope people throw back her deleted tweets in her face of telling all jews to die and showing pics of dead kids.
No. 947804
File: 1732030050031.jpeg (828.37 KB, 828x1446, 3AFEEC58-3B3F-442B-95E7-A5D9B3…)

She deleted this pretty quickly.
No. 947832
>>947831I always think back to how she is
such a big fan of the Higurashi creator and when she asked him a question about canon, he said she was wrong and then she said he was wrong instead. She's such a know-it-all saggy bitch.
No. 947850
>>947780So much for being a tough boss bitch
Won’t even stand her ground wit the shit she says but will still keep up the things that victimize her
No. 947958
File: 1732287483225.jpeg (420.39 KB, 828x1452, 5BE35033-D705-40B8-A56A-16EF34…)

In the story following this she claims she procrastinates but gets “all A’s” all the time. Sure Moo.
No. 947961
>>947958Gotta love how she always lies about being super smart when we have plenty of evidence to prove otherwise.
Has she even shown any of the course work she's supposedly doing? I know she's tweeted about stuff, but has she actually posted any pics showing anything?
No. 948007
File: 1732368141321.jpg (Spoiler Image,260.92 KB, 1080x606, 1000008202.jpg)

Its really fucking weird to see her living in Vegas but trying to pass off her porn as japanese. Literally wishing she was asian. New larp found.
No. 948014
>>948007Idk why this is so funny to me.
>Superior chinpo desu>BBCIs it in Japanese to appeal to her weeb audience?
No. 948043
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don't worry guys, the fleshlight is still totally coming.
It's been what, 2 years now? Why doesn't she just make up some lie about fleshlight changing their plans or something
No. 948133
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>>948131Don't worry, she's already starting her next course
No. 948145
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>>948133So she's probably in some sort of online class again, just like her Skype acting lessons kek
No. 948247
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She has to pivot her whole pelvic floor and lean over to even get a miniscule gap in her thighs. No one would be paying her shit of she didn't do any lipo and had a stomach.
No. 948329
>>948247Her selective obesity through lipo never fails to astound me. The extremely flat lower abdomen/area above her pubic mound is so uncanny compared to her otherwise overweight limbs and body. She genuinely thinks her fat upper biceps and fursuit thighs pass as actual muscles and give "thicc mommy vibes."
Absolutely batshit insane what catering to moids does to a woman.
No. 948341
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this thing is about as real as her med career
No. 948347
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Another asian larp video
No. 948396
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Quadboob here. I don’t know how she makes content like this, her boobs have to be in so much pain or desensitized to that squeezing atp.
No. 948570
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I can’t wait for this to backfire on her considering the state of the Mouthwashing fandom.
No. 948572
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No. 948595
>>948570So making porn out of a rape
victim? Nice, Moo. Really classy.
No. 948598
>>948596The thing is that I don't think anyone is going to care. There is already porn of her and even the creator came out and said to stop shitting on people who makes NSFW art of any characters. It's just nice to know she can't help herself from cosplaying and making porn out of rape
victims. Maybe now if the chance for Moo to do that suicide cosplay she wanted to do years ago with a different character since Anya is raped, get impregnated, and then kills herself. Seems like something she'd get off to. I honestly believe she is in to rape/non-con porn.
No. 948601
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Back to being a rabid, ugly dog, eh Moo? Can't handle a couple who is secure is their relationship to do this. Some people like making porn, Moo, and don't do it out if desperation due to fat girl trauma and an obsessive need to male validation. Moo will always be the real clown.
No. 948602
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>>948601Even the comments are calling her out
No. 948607
>>948601Sooooo… what's Ozzy, a business partner? Kek
For real, she needs a mental health check up. Bitch is losing it.
No. 948609
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>>948602I have no idea what she's trying say with this response
No. 948611
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>I've actively said how horrible the sex industry is
and yet, you continue to contribute and profit from this industry. Your pinned tweet has an onlyfans link and right beneath that you're currently advertising your manyvids, onlyfans and fansly
>money to Israel either through mine geek, pornhub, or only fans
Genuinely impressed she manages to somehow bring Israel into this, but also, does this not mean you support Israel too then since you currently use onlyfans. Its also 'mindgeek' not 'mine geek'
>they shouldn’t acknowledge that this is in anyway a positive movement
you constantly go on about doing sex work is good and fun
>men use these women who make MUCH MUCH less than this and expect to be spoiled.
like ozzy? Actually that entire tweet can sum up their relationship
No. 948618
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It’s also hilarious that Momo always thinks of herself as some type of goddess and it’s even more hilarious that she calls most of her male followers bums. Like why even give her money when she is always belittling her followers by calling them dusty broke boys?
No. 948619
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No. 948620
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She sounds very homophobic here
No. 948630
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I'm sure that totally happened. Has she even been on holiday anyway?
Funny seeing her get clowned on by other sex workers too.
And you can always tell when a comment gets under skin because she'll continue to respond to them, rather than just idk ignoring it.
No. 948637
>>948630Of course the first one happened (Holy run on sentence btw). Ozzy picked her up in HER car that SHE gasses up and got her flowers with HER money.
I get she's trying some weird ass financial dommie shit, but girl, this ain't it.
No. 948644
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Her totally fat shaming, abusive dad. She's full of shit about her past.
No. 948660
File: 1733076067261.jpeg (359.87 KB, 828x1374, IMG_5853.jpeg) 10 minutes of her miserable ass ranting on IG. This is one of the worst ones I’ve seen tbh, she’s just that much of a piece of shit.