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/shay/ - dolly mattel fan club

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No. 138199

Previous thread: >>>/snow/1633907

Repetitive nitpicks about Shayna's body, face, and genitals are subject to a 1 day ban. Reposting the same photos zoomed in or edited is not milk and you will receive a ban for nitpicking.
REMEMBER: Read the rules before posting. Stay on topic, derailing and infighting will result in a ban. Sage (in email field) when there’s no milk. Spoiler any nsfw images. No blogposting or bragging about how you're a better whore than Shayna. This is a Shay thread, curb your enthusiasm when posting screenshots of other e-whores, they go in the e-whore thread >>>/snow/1596608

Recent Milk:
>Starts publicly simping for "tattooed goth boys" once again, following a handful of basic white tattooed men on tiktok >>>/snow/1631613 and making a video about them >>>/snow/1631608
>Found herself a cringy tattooed tiktok dom she plans to fuck on camera >>>/snow/1628756
>Bragged about getting catcalled on twitter >>>/snow/1629945, is so proud of herself she makes a tiktok about it too >>>/snow/1630400
>Monthly "I hate women, they harass me" tweet which is quickly deleted >>>/snow/1631049
>Went out in public to brunch half naked with no makeup looking horrible >>>/snow/1632062
>Put out a forced diaper shitting POV video >>>/snow/1632239
>Begged for booze, cheese and crackers >>>/snow/1632252 and then fed it to her dog on her couch off her plate >>>/snow/1632409
>Had a John come to her apartment to watch Ellen beat her >>>/snow/1632931
>Her tiktok account keeps getting banned and unbanned, likely will not survive much longer >>>/snow/1633198

Last Thread:
>Dropping subscription price, 100 $3 signups >>>/snow/1634628
>Still skipping camming >>>/snow/1635334
>Womack deleted all of his reviews >>>/snow/1636641
>Shay and Ellen continue to just spank and bite each other >>>/snow/1639023
>Made a girlscout bondage rape porn video (NSFW) >>>/snow/1639720
>Her new tattoo moid has a period fetish >>>/snow/1641563
>Made another video with the guy who shot the retard punch porn with her (NSFW) >>>/snow/1642491
>Got her "Favorite message ever in the history of her sex work career" >>>/snow/1643323
>Cancelled going on cam due to her period >>>/snow/1644883
>Despite owning a baby bonnet to shoot porn in, she doesn't understand breeding kinks >>>/snow/1646187
>Planning a collab in vegas for January >>>/snow/1647196
>Shay is a Seattle 9, but an LA 7 >>>/snow/1647956
>Noodle is fat >>>/snow/1648690
>Had a foot session and went on a road trip with Ellen Degenerate >>>/snow/1648981
>Lolcow was down for 2 days >>>/snow/1650158
https://discord.com/invite/eA8kSzuz (need ID to join)
Snapchat: irlbarbiedolly

Ellen "Patricia" Dresel:
>Shayna's "gf," Seattle/Renton, WA Nanny

Other relationships:
“The Dad” or "Daddy"
>The 45 year old mystery man she’s “dating,” met him on seeking arrangements, ex sugar daddy turned boyfriend
”Slave Dad”
>@bluefrodo1 on Twitter, submissive masochist “slave” of Ellen and Shay, participated in a video getting smacked around in Shay's pathetic attempt to domme >>>/snow/1362327
”Twitter Splenda Daddy” #1
Jason R Womack of Oklahoma, @okietwister85/ @womackglass on Twitter AKA "Womack"
>In love with Shayna, helps Ellen pay her rent, currently her main cash cow
”Twitter Splenda Daddy” #2
Mike Slack of Missouri, Zap_man68, @GNotold on Twitter AKA "Greyhair"
>Redneck right-wing trucker who gets off to his own daughter's porn >>>/snow/1523443
>Shayna's #1 twitter pal, replies to all of her tweets, frequently with monstersinc.gif

No. 138200

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I’m pretty sure she deleted this

No. 138201

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No. 138202

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I wanted to contribute this photo for the new thread pic but the last thread hit max replies before I could so enjoy here instead I guess

No. 138203

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Can’t wait to see Shay’s cosplay outfit

No. 138204

The first thing that came into my head when reading this was that she was finally being honest with herself about eating enough food for family of four but it was just the usual pedo pandering whore shit.

No. 138205

Weird flex to admit you don't know how to cook and that you just eat like a retarded fatass but ok

No. 138206

You’re not a child you’re a fat lazy bitch. Romanticizing trashy snack food as everyday meals kek she’ll turn everything into some pedo LARP when really they’re more likely to believe she’s some hypersexual tardette

No. 138207

dear god Shay please do not upgrade your camera quality

No. 138208

The second picture looks like some of the pickmes wondered away from the Lularoe meetup happening the same weekend

No. 138209

This clip of her with the animals in her degenerate paraphilic “work” room where she doesn’t put them outside but just tells the dog to lie down out of frame instead is fucking nauseating. Not that it’s anything out of the ordinary for her but it’s still sickening

No. 138210

She eats like a basement dwelling neckbeard incel. Which is basically what she is, kek

No. 138211

nona this is amazing

I think this is hosted or heavily promoted by that weird lady at FatCon who was probs in her 30s but looked mid-50s, in her Party City pirate wench best. Sarah something? I genuinely can’t wait for pics.

also. I’m manifesting Noodle escaping off the balcony or enclosed porch or w/e. because you know Shayna just puts her out there on the concrete. BE FREE, NOODLE

No. 138212

They're just booking individual hotel rooms and hoping that normal guests don't happen to get rooms in the same floor? Don't they plan to just rent an specific venue for their degeneracy? I briefly looked at last year's schedule and seems like most of their fetish related "events" are held at different random rooms and suites. So fucking trashy.

No. 138213

I’m a bit disappointed with the current thread pic given how much comedic gold there was in the last thread but whatever, I love you artanons. As for her doggy, I feel genuinely bad for her, labs are very energetic and social, poor Noodle must be so depressed (in addition to whatever other health issues she has developed from being fed improperly and not walked enough)

No. 138214

>be proud that ur so pathetic that she’s been forced into virtual prostitution uwu


this sounds like a trap, and why do I hear banjos in the distance

No. 138215

I hate that her entire life revolves around her weird child pedo aesthetic

No. 138216

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Hehehee this gentleman has cracked the fucking code, look at all those ladies! Legitimate lol, have a blast Shayna !! Lmao

No. 138217

OP should’ve included her tweet “I’m glad lolcow is down” on the thread pic kek

No. 138218

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I thought you were perhaps exaggerating but you were not, Shayna Leigh Clifford is a vile person.

No. 138219

I really want to know what happened to Shaynus that made her turn out like this. Is it just a combination of laziness and too much tumblr during her formative years? No rational adult woman would choose this life for herself when they have the options she has. I wonder if it keeps her parents up at night, wondering what they did wrong

No. 138220

sorry nonnie but thank god this isnt the thread image. shit is garbage.

No. 138221

I wonder if Jason Womack will pop up at her Texas convention since he’s from Oklahoma. She’s giving him plenty of time to make those arrangements… how terrifying

No. 138222

you just know she saw this comeback on some more popular SWs twitter and has been sitting on it since, waiting for someone to inevitably ask her about her father so she can pull it out like some shitty trap card lmao. its not as funny or as original as you think it is shay

No. 138223

has shayna ever been to texas? i don't remember her mentioning it before her and i can already picture her taking crusty selfies in a pink cowboy hat walking around saying yall or something equally as cringe

No. 138224

I thought she went with fupa early into their relationship

No. 138225


No. 138226

116 threads and how is she not on pt?

No. 138227

jesus christ, her fat ass thighs chafing against one another. she should really walk her poor [redacted] dog, even if it'd be just for her own sake. why get not one, not two, but THREE pets when you can't provide them the most basic care? animal abusers like shat are always horrible people and huge cows. she deservers her miserable life for giving her pets hell.

No. 138228

pt is where cows go to die… next thread nona please do not move the shayna thread

No. 138229

Cause there are a lot of retarded anons that show up itt, and nitpick more so than normal. Sad!

No. 138230

Shayna not being on PT is the perfect. She may have won favorite cow but she'll never be good enough to be off /snow/

No. 138231

Isn't /pt/ just meant to be legacy cows, not some top 10 high score board shit?

No. 138232

They're for cows who have done something monumental in one way or another. Shaynus is just another dime a dozen sex worker. Gaining weight, being an alcoholic, and sharing your mundane life on Twitter isn't /pt/ material.

No. 138233

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No. 138234

She keeps drinking heavily and she'll ruin what's left of her body in a few years max. Drink some fucking water and eat a vegetable once per day, Shaynus. Fuck.

No. 138235

big shaynus is one of those cows that you can take breaks from reading because she does the same shit. She drinks, smokes weed and ruins her life.

No. 138236

I'd hate to see what her colon looks like. Probably similar to a gross old man, which she likes so I guess win win?

No. 138237

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Ugh gross Nonette lmao I don’t want to think about her colon or anything involving her no doubt tragic bowel movements!!! As payback I will posit the following: considering her diet, how absolutely plant-wilting, animal-killing and noxious do you suppose her gas prob is?

No. 138238

You are what you eat, kek. I suppose in Shaynus'case she's turning into an old farty man.

Probably smells like fermented sugar beets and cheez-whiz.

No. 138239

is she really not aware she can play the switch on her tv?

No. 138240

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No. 138241

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She literally had her period last week and that’s why she couldn’t cam. Lazy Shay is back at it

No. 138242

>Saturday Theme: Prom
she's gonna wear the Miss Piggy's ham dress again, isn't she? It really is Groundhog Shay.

That crackhead Alanis Morissette looking ass bitch? I can't wait for pics either kek. I'm manifesting with you, Noodle will get to touch grass soon.

But then she couldn't show off her uwu pink plastic and/or cardboard cutout paperweights. The animal hair caught in the grip slide, vom.

No. 138243

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Oh please

No. 138244

Kek She's faking a two week long period to get out of working and dude thinks she's a hard worker.

No. 138245

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Wow, back to back periods. Tough luck huh

No. 138246


She's such a fucking dumb ass. Like of ALL THE GAMES to fucking be to pick-me about on her stupid pink WISH arcade set up (which the fugly contraption actually does have a port to have it hook directly up to the tv) - she chooses animal crossing? like a game with small important details all over the screen that would give you a head ache to try to play for more than 10 minutes on this fucking casket of a switch holder. she tells on herself all the fucking time like this. no actual player of animal crossing would willingly choose to play on their switch screen unless theyre poor and can only afford those shitty handheld only ones that they hold an inch away from their face so it makes up for it. like the sausage has a full on TV and living room but she's playing on a 6"inch screen on a shitty desk in a room full of crust shit laden dildos? bitch, try harder.

No. 138247

Wow I completely didn't notice that first tweet when it was posted before but the specific addition of "rubbing lotion on my princess parts" is so disgustingly pedophilic. I fucking hate her so fucking much. Yeah let's sexualize the changing of diapers that won't lead to any horrific molestation if any of these men are responsible for changing any child's diaper.

No. 138248

take your meds

No. 138249

those hands against the cutesy pink items…

No. 138250

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No. 138251

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Idk which account is worse at this point

No. 138252

full blown pedophilia, only e-whores and tumblr degenerates will defend this as a kink

No. 138253

lol apparently she's been bleeding for over 7 days now.

No. 138254

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No. 138255

Im not an AC-fag so tbh I thought a dumb laid back game like that would be the type for a handheld. Thats why they make it for them lol. The retarded pink box faux arcade thing is still just for aesthetics and dumb, but yeah out of all the games to play on it that's not the worst imo. That anon obviously is very passionate about AC though kek.
We all know Shay the gamer grrl only plays AC, Apex, Sims, and that retarded dog one anyway.

No. 138256

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No. 138257

>skinny dipping
The only skinny she will ever experience.

No. 138258

This is funny because I read the word grainy in the post as granny at first and had to double back kek my mind just instantly made that connection. She looks more like someone in hospice than anything close to a baby.

No. 138259

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She barely figured it out last year but I’m assuming all the booze is causing memory loss

No. 138260

bleeding for 7+ days isn’t particularly unusual, especially for fat girls. The fatter you are the more disrupted your endocrine system is cos extra fat massively fucks with your estrogen production. I would fully buy that Shaynus has 10-14+ days bleeding every cycle. Possibly even more since she might be fat enough to have an abnormally long cycle in general (say like 60-90 days for example).
this is viscerally disgusting. literally sickening. I keep thinking she can’t possibly sink any lower but somehow she keeps managing it. absolutely vile.

No. 138261

The main selling point of the switch is that you could make it go on the TV and still be a handheld console???

No. 138262

You know damn well shay just gets shit cause other people have it. She didn't (probably still doesn't) even know you have the option to move houses in NH. She never pays attention to why other people actually like things that are popular. She can't relate cause she doesn't actually like anything besides drugs, alcohol, junk food and attention kek.

No. 138263

I don’t even remember the last time she mentioned she couldn’t work because of her period. She used that excuse all the time. Then it stopped, and now she’s doing it again

No. 138264

talking about rubbing baby lotion and powdering your vagina while you’re on your period is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard someone say.

No. 138265

All that’s well and good anon but she said it started again on the 19th, not that she still had her period as if it’s been continuous since the 11th when she said it “snuck up on her.” She’s just a big fat liar.

No. 138266

File: 1663707596451.jpeg (Spoiler Image,844.71 KB, 1170x1210, BCB05E8A-7119-40DC-A402-C05DCC…)

This probably means they’re still planning to film together. Btw he took his account off private

No. 138267

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No. 138268

is she fucking retarded

No. 138269

ayrt. totally agree. actually wrote a paragraph about how the “just started!” tweets a week apart suggest that she is lying and also potentially reinforce my theory that her cycle is so long or nonexistent that she’s basically forgotten how periods work but apparently I deleted that too while cleaning the a-logging about Princess Paedo Parts out of my post. So apologies for the retardation & thanks for pulling me up on it kek, you’re absolutely correct

No. 138270

The fact that literally no one cares about her lie (but us) is sending me. She's seriously out here embarrassing herself trying to make excuses for not filming her regular 1 video a week in the exact same position doing the exact same thing with the exact same Miss Piggy outfit so that less than a dozen coomers can have a shame-wank. And she seriously thinks that she needs to come up with an excuse to skip one day.
Sis, no one is watching you. No one cares.

No. 138271

Babies don't menstruate but ok groomer

No. 138272

walleyed titty looking bitch

No. 138273

Because it's the only time that she's hiked or been outdoors for more than an hour in literally a decade. She is proud of this kek

No. 138274

it’s giving 40 something year old mom who’s still obsessed with the fact that she used to be a county fair “pageant queen” at 16.

No. 138275

Of all the things to nitpick anon… How does playing a handheld console in handheld mode make you poor? Animal Crossing isn’t neurosurgery, there aren’t any important details to miss when played in the other mode it was designed to be played in, especially not two and a half years after it was released. Although I’d bet money that this is the first time she’s played the game since the initial hype where she maybe logged on to it a few times and tried to sell her nudes as designs

No. 138276

>should I buy these things
>maybe I'll get more subs & sales
She's heading for rock bottom kek.
Shayna - make a yearly budgeting spreadsheet. Do that challenge.
Your subscribers have only gone DOWN on ALL platforms. And it has been this way for years. Your income is only going to continue to plummet as you get older & fatter. But yes, you should totally buy a couple hundred dollars worth of Shein costumes on Afterpay.

No. 138277

shes not playing it handheld though, shes playing it mounted in a case on a desk on a tiny screen as she sits on her bed? on her computer chair? like god, why wont the greasy hog just go out into her living room and play it on the tv where its comfortable like a normal person. probably cause she already ruined her couch with dog fur, cat piss and pig fluids.

No. 138278

because only a poor person would buy the version with limited features such as being able to plug it into your damn tv. like, its kind of a big thing if you actually frequently use your switch.

she has a switch that can dock into her tv but she chooses to not hold it handheld but to play it far as fuck away from her eyes just so she can show her dumb hoarded garbage she thinks makes her look like a "Gamer Girl" when every other choice begs the differ. She took the picture then logged off.

No. 138279

kek the moid pandering is off the charts bc he thinks he's gonna get his dick wet soon. You just know that she bought this performative pandering entirely bc it's exactly what she wants to hear.

No. 138280

Bc Ellen is out there

No. 138281

I wonder if she’s still on the depo shot, that would explain the messed up menstrual cycle.

No. 138282

feel like if she were, she’d blame getting fat on it, and also try to sexualize the shot in some way. plus, she tweets every time she leaves the house.

No. 138283

This is so fucking disgusting. The term “princess parts” makes me want to an hero, like seriously stop the fucking planet so I can get off
She makes me want to a-log more than any other cow, anyone who participates in this “kink” deserves the chair. She’s a straight up pedophile catering to other pedophiles, I hate this fat, ugly, stinky piece of shit so much
>padded floof
Yeah, fucking kys

No. 138284

File: 1663713156541.webm (2.12 MB, 1080x2340, Screen_Recording_20220920-1726…)

New TikTok alert

No. 138285

do all these videos on tiktok have filters or something because she doesn't look as flabby and nasty as usual. Looks decently cute in this vid.

No. 138286

File: 1663713471431.jpeg (105.42 KB, 426x406, BB8843E6-7609-4C14-9BB0-7EFA43…)

the socks with the pleasers kek

No. 138287

would be cute if it wasn't for the old ass cabinets and plastic stove, she should upgrade to a place with better interior if she wants to live that high life

No. 138288

File: 1663713772814.jpeg (2.07 MB, 1284x2365, 6A54D793-1923-469F-B4D2-F82402…)

“natural enhance” filter, and her legs still look like that. yikes.

No. 138289

i have to say the halter top style is a lot more flattering on her linebacker shoulders, makes her look like less of a wide load.

No. 138290

yeah, maybe if it was on an outfit that actually fit her. but alas, she chooses to squeeze herself into too-small clothing because she thinks it’s part of bimbo aesthetic or something.

No. 138291

bruh. she really thinks that her nikocado shoulders + hank hill ass look good from the back…

No. 138292

6" heels to obfuscate the cankles

No. 138293

The muffintop sideboobs are coming in nicely I see. She should have a second pair of side tits by 2023.

No. 138294

All she had to do was not show her flat ass.

No. 138295

The slutty cougar housewife serve suits her so much more than the teen baby bimbo thing, probably because she looks 45.

No. 138296

it’s actually disgusting that she’s purposely been trying to show her ass, tits, and even her pussy on tiktok. she has no fucking shame.

No. 138297


It's weird how someone can be so absolutely void of hobbies that don't relate to drugs or sexwork. Even Luna will draw some outsider art or post crackhead slam poetry and I'm pretty sure she's still on heroin or something. You mean to tell me Shaynus is more brain dead than a literal addict that drank her boyfriend's piss more than once? bleak

No. 138298

My guy… can you at least be reasonable with the ass kissing compliments lmao. Yeah Shaynus that hasn't stuck to a cam or any other schedule or routine for more than 2 weeks (besides day drinking or tweeting) is definitely "the hardest working and most dedicated" in all the porn industry. I know he's desperate for a crumb of coochie but jfc. She's not even in the top 100,000 hardest working whores.

No. 138299

This is the most put together she's looked in years. The outfit makes sense, it's cringey, she looks like an adult woman instead of a sissy. The wait makes sense and it's not pedo shit. It's hilarious, she goes out in public wearing the same bra two days in a row, hair in ratty pigtails but gets dressed up semi decently for a fucking tiktok that's going to flop

No. 138300

Yes I prefer this SO much more and I think a lot of lonely scrotes could get into this. She could easily make a ton of “dumb bimbo wife” type content, and do private session where she behaves like someone’s wife. Id still hate it, but it is a lot less anger-inducing

No. 138301

Sorry if this is offensive but she looks like she has a Chinese filter or something on

No. 138302

File: 1663718809424.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1153x1902, B5033227-C060-46AC-B4CA-477FE3…)

I bet this comment made her seethe

No. 138303

It does. I mean there's a good chance the filter was created by an Asian person.

She doesn't look good in these tiktoks but she doesn't look anything like her actual self.

No. 138304

Shayna went from being thin and thinking her thinness/youth made her the hottest thing on the block, that acting "slutty" and "kinky" would mean ANY MAN would want her and to care for her.
Now she's chubby and STILL thinks she'll one day be some man's trophy wife and he won't care if she's useless, a star fish and doesn't want to do shit PERIOD.
It's been said endlessly, for the life Shayna wants you have to be extremely attractive and if you aren't, you have to have something. Charisma, be manipulative, be "good" at sex. Even fat baby daddy fupaul dumped her, married some other sorry woman who he can take pictures with and show off. And she's some normally looking chick. Shayna is'nt a good friend, she doesn't have any talents, she's not funny or charming, thats why she attracts depressed idiots like Ellen, who just want somebody to be around.

No. 138305

Now that I think about it most Cows have an obession, some kinda hobby and maybe a “talent” of some sort. Even the Cows who do get sucked into online personas have SOME kind of personality. Even Chris Chan has “hobbies’ and things he’s passionate about and he’s one of the most “Raised by the media” people I can think of. Shayna has managed to go this long, with no true personality. Sex work isn't a passion or a hobby, it's all she thinks she can do and wants to "prove" to everyone that she'll be famous and rich one day. Then she doesn't do shit, because she can't post everything because of Lolcow. I feel she'd been on boyfriend 4 since the break up, she'd filmed with a few of these men and would be filming all kinds of dumb shit if lolcow wasn't around. I feel she doesn't do shit because she likes it anymore. If she can't post it online is she really even having fun? She never talks about how much fun she has on trips or outtings, because she's always trying to find a "Viral" moment.

No. 138306

She had me fooled into thinking she was on the shorter side but she looks like a giant here. Not to mention she’s blocking a whole oven. So smol.

No. 138307

I feel like it's partly because she spent years having everyone treat her like she was hyper interesting for smoking weed and being skinny. Then she felt like everyone thought she was super interesting because she did sex work and was dating a tumblr dom. Her personality and interests are always based off of what men around her like (even her fucking father) and things that she knows are considered "shocking" to get attention for being so edgy and quirky!

No. 138308

Is there ONE thing Shayna likes that isn't because a scrote (or her dad) had a interest in those things first. Everything she clings too her whole adult life, has been hoping she'll get the attention of scrotes who like that thing.

No. 138309


Momokun is also like that but at least she has more of a niche and genuine interest in some of the shit she peddles. Shayna blew 2k on a gaming system she doesn't even use as a prop anymore. And because she doesn't even use it as a prop or do her taxes she can't get a write off for it. It's just odd to me how little of a personality she has, even for a sex worker. Literally not one individual thought, I'd actually tip Shayna to see her struggle to draw a self portrait kek. Not really though.

No. 138310

Now shes either going to be like, "guys I decided to take some cute pictures in my maid/housewife picture, guise I'm going to do a house wife/step mom porn" all in the same outfit to relive the high of getting a pinch of attention without being fully naked.
Be prepared to see this outfit/hair a lot more.

No. 138311

Didn't know one booked thing a month with a month not booked at all is hard working.
I guess her one video a week, if that is supposed to count?

No. 138312

File: 1663724381367.webm (963.08 KB, 576x1024, ham.webm)

Here’s pt. 2, where >>1652460 comes from. You have to wonder if >>1652531 made her make the new one.

No. 138313

oh absolutely, she’s gonna ride the high of getting a few views and likes for the next 3 weeks, at least.

No. 138314

Honestly if she marketed herself as the homely horny milf instead of a baby she probably would get more traction tbh

No. 138315

File: 1663726194519.gif (890.06 KB, 391x365, 73BACAE2-49C6-4734-A651-6EEF8A…)

It’s so early to be thinking about threadpics but WOW this is just great kek. It’s simple and succinct and spot fucking on

No. 138316

File: 1663726249456.png (9.74 MB, 1242x2688, 8814CDB9-CC5C-4B3B-8D6D-77A8BB…)

Even with a filter she looks crusty

No. 138317

File: 1663726305934.png (10.08 MB, 1242x2688, 7E947622-4C3E-478F-A9E4-24ACA0…)

Covered in a layer of filth

No. 138318

File: 1663726477724.webm (903.13 KB, 576x1024, sad.webm)

Here’s another one. Referenced in >>138316
and >>138317

No. 138319

Why does it feel like she takes all her fashion inspo from old episodes of toddlers & tiaras?

No. 138320


Imagine her going viral for this and sexworker TikTok starts the cancel brigade kek

No. 138321

she constantly tries to escape to other platforms where people don’t know her so she can attempt to hide her pedo content and other problematic attributes. once it catches up to her she just flees. she’s already had multiple tiktok accounts.

No. 138322

That cursed matte lipstick makes her lips look even dryer. Scary.

No. 138323

The tiktok has a bunch more comments now, I wonder if she’ll try to become tiktok famous now like her tumblr days kek even though her videos are terrible and not even in sync like she did one take. Show suggestive images and male users will click it, congrats you figured out the key to winning tiktok!

No. 138324

Oh my god why is she doing a Hitler moustache sign. Lmao just giving her retarded Twitter "haterz" to call her a Nazi again.

No. 138325

File: 1663729153920.jpg (2.85 MB, 2188x3000, miss piggy.jpg)

She looks like a muppet

No. 138326

I'm honestly rather impressed by how incredibly out of sync she is every goddamn time.

No. 138327

It’s up to 20k likes and her followers have more than doubled, I really hope that whore TikTok goes after her

No. 138328

How can you see that? I don’t use TikTok so I don’t know how this shit works

No. 138329

File: 1663731697486.jpeg (102.21 KB, 396x348, BBCCB727-9298-4DD7-ABA0-9AB7F8…)


Nightmare fuel
Did she always have a slight gap tooth?

No. 138330

She won’t be able to handle it. Tiktok is way more brutal than Twitter or tumblr ever has been.

No. 138331

File: 1663732199194.jpeg (427.59 KB, 828x1030, 08920EF3-E17A-4425-9E49-3C9849…)

No. 138332

File: 1663732200351.jpeg (430.69 KB, 828x686, E97815E7-5D2D-4962-AEB1-F610C8…)

kek at the level of engagement she usually gets. this cringe viral video has already tripled her followers though

No. 138333

before i got to the end i thought she was implying that she buys enough food to feed a family

No. 138334

i want to shove all of these people in a room and

No. 138335

There's already some idiot talking about the Nazi thing. Just mention the pedopandering and the fact that she is now in the doll tags. Those are the issues. And tiktok teens go rabid over dressing as minors for cosplay, when they find out she pretends to be a toddler in actual porn. She's gonna get swatted.

No. 138336

File: 1663734457208.png (176.83 KB, 310x404, Screen Shot 2022-09-21 at 12.2…)

damn shay, no lunch?

No. 138337

Kek yes I am looking forward to the manic posting of cringe tictoks. I hope tictok saga is milky.

No. 138338

surely she wouldn't sexualize a gynecologist visit, right? … RIGHT???

No. 138339

File: 1663736129861.webm (1.5 MB, 720x1280, eww.webm)

She’s also been active on Instagram.
Still doesn’t get the lip sync.

No. 138340

File: 1663736338224.png (9.77 MB, 4860x2160, big Shayna.PNG)

While better than most of the things she wears, this is still so ill fitting.

No. 138341

Her kitchen looks so cheap and nasty, even without the ugly ass Hello Kitty cringe and assorted other pink kiddie shit it’s such a tacky apartment, I bet the walls are paper thin and her neighbours get the full Dolby surround sound degenerate experience

No. 138342

Is the new tiktok trend to pretend you're a moid for one part of the fake dialog convo or is she just weird and retarded?

No. 138343

I fucking hate 50s/pinup style with a passion but if she wasn’t obsessed with pink plastic landfill from shein/Amazon and bought better quality clothes that actually fit and wasn’t a lazy piece of shit who puts no effort into hygiene much less decent make up it’s a look that she could make work for her body shape and size

No. 138344

She’s weird and special. The trend has always been to mouth the words of the sound. I’ve seen people do both “characters” but I’ve never seen anyone “read” the caption. TikTokfags, correct me if I’m wrong.

No. 138345

>large amount of highlighter on tip of nose
>blush just below cheek bones
>chola brows
>2009 bump-it pompadour
Yas sweetie you’re doing great

No. 138346

This is fucking disgusting, I hate this filthy bitch so much

No. 138347

If she were capable of 1/8 of what nonas wish she’d do (or didn’t do), she wouldn’t be on thread 116.

No. 138348

I'm not much of a Shay lurker, but this is the best outfit I've seen her do in the past several threads, so like, years? Tbh the pinup style and more a-line clothes would flatter her best considering she's older and definitely fatter. I'll take this over her retarded camgirl/pedobait saga. This could be the path forward for her.

No. 138349

I hope Shayna take the hint and does milf stuff from now on

No. 138350

File: 1663738392750.png (1.45 MB, 926x1502, Screen Shot 2022-09-21 at 12.3…)

She starts by talking about Sol collaborating with "known Nazi sympathizer" ItsDollyMattell and how he's taking advantage of Jewish swer now by lying about not knowing about it.

No. 138351

I love how the majority of comments are people wanting to know where the dress is from and tagging their friends rather than complimenting her personally. I wonder if she’s been getting hate but deleting it immediately

No. 138352

That’s from May

No. 138353

It’s wild how she can show her full ass and not get flagged. I’ve seen so many other accounts shut down for less

No. 138354

Especially when she’s wearing all pink and the AI TikTok uses to assess posts could easily mistake it for nudity. Really hoping she ends up on the page of some woketard whore with a big following, once the zoomers get wind of her pedo shit they’ll be merciless

No. 138355

Either that or Shayna pulls a Keffals and uses lolcow for oppressed sexworker points. All she'd have to do is say there are terfs lying about her and boom instant TikTok star

No. 138356

That fat hairy thing is a sex worker
What a joke

No. 138357

File: 1663741363759.png (645.33 KB, 757x439, cwcshay.png)

you guys made it click in my head

No. 138358

This hair is straight out of a Warren Jeffs wet dream. She'd probably sexualize being part of that cult tho lol

No. 138359

Agreed. I actually hope she sticks with this style and abandons her pedo pandering ways

No. 138360

It’s at 40k likes now and she’s gained a thousand followers in less than 24 hours, no doubt this has emboldened her to make more gigacringe “content”, buckle up nonitas, Big Shaynus is about to enter her wannabe ~influencer~ era
Apparently TikTok bans people for saying “nazi” (and even just for saying “white”, hence retards using “yt” instead), the whole thing is a fucking joke

No. 138361

Don’t get your hopes up, she’d have way too much competition from girls who really invest in that look/lifestyle, the whole reason why she does this repulsive pedo shit is because it’s the only way she gets coomer attention/shekels. No attractive or even average looking people participate in this “kink” degeneracy

No. 138362

she wore one (1) new style, she won't stop with the baby bimbo princess shtick

No. 138363

KEK don’t give her ideas nonnie

No. 138364

>influencer era
Oh my God, finally, some milk. We are finally getting a moment of something gossip worthy- Shay trying to navigate the trials and tribulations of internet fame

No. 138365

Ngl as a zoomer kind of embarrassing that she's acting like it's that hard to go viral on tiktok x100 since she thinks she's hilarious and relatable regularly. That's all it takes. Say something absolutely retarded or "relatable" and it'll get shared. All her other tiktoks are about pedopandering, and while I'm sure if she tagged them with some sort of ddlg related shit they'd get views, being a bimbo is something a lot of zoomer women (and girls let's be real) are retardedly latching into. It's like "I can't imagine having a part of my personality men don't fawn over and sexualize so let's relate my laziness, lack of independence and ability to take responsibility to a degrading fetish!" I fucking hate it intensely. I'm just venting now kek.

No. 138366

Nona’s acting like this one tiktok that did well means she’s going to be popular there, unfortunately she doesn’t have the drive or charisma to maintain an audience there. She’ll give up once her other TikTok’s don’t do as well

No. 138367

it's also just tiktok's algorithm. you're going to have a video every now and then that gets shared to more people–it just so happens that the one shayna made had 'bimbo' in it and that's one of tiktok's braindead teens' favourite subjects.

however, tiktok is just like twitter. all it will take is one person with a decent following to post a 'call-out'. (i wish it was for the pedopandering but we know it won't be.)

No. 138368

that's the thing - i don't think she will give up. she's been riding on the high of having a few thousand followers on tumblr back when she was 16 for nearly a decade now - this is the closest she's come to that point 'organically' (though that's arguable bc of the tiktok algorithm) in years and years. she's still on cloud 9 from having human interaction from that grotty con she went to, she's booked another half-dozen cons that'll keep on feeding her ego, now she thinks she's famous on tiktok… i don't see this phase ending any time soon, personally. she's always believed she was better than everyone else - now that she's finally gotten a vague taste of 'virality' (which is what she's always attempted to reach with her constant rehashing of tweets in the hopes that one would blow up) she's gonna keep chasing it for god knows how long.

No. 138369

TikTok goes after pedophiles so I think someone will bring it up

No. 138370

It’s not that I think she will be popular. It’s that she will ride the high of going viral for weeks. So she will make cringe tiktok after cringe tiktok to go viral again.
She thinks this will be her big break.

No. 138371

>>138370 going viral from 18k views?

No. 138372

it’s cute that y’all think that’s considered viral on tiktok. you’re just hyping up her inflated ego even more.

No. 138373

yeah like tiktok literally specifically pushes videos so accounts get one "viral" video that makes them wanna use the app more. at least we'll get to watch her spiral trying to get 100k views again lol.

No. 138374

its not viral in the tiktok sphere, but she has 250k views on the video and about 50k likes. Which is kind of sad. People are basically forced to watch your views - but less than a third of those who watched cared to like it. Kek. Same old story huh Shay?

No. 138375

File: 1663774634506.jpeg (749.21 KB, 1170x1638, 34DFA040-8010-4221-9E06-B971D1…)

No. 138376

Is her saying dumb shit like this really considered milk

No. 138377

It's funny because it's pathetic.

No. 138378

Is tiktok really that crazy about pedo panderers? I'd thought they be like "it's a kink!!". I think the idea of her talking about stuffies or of she goes into more childish shit/Meme and people see, "Oh shit, she does literally porn and uses the same name" that could maybe be a thing. Only if she gains a true following. Also, tiktok seems easy to get views on, people like shit and swipe. It's not you shayna, it's endless mindless entertainment to some.

No. 138379

all tiktoks are like this. way more views than likes

No. 138380

Nonnies have said it before but it's disturbing how she keeps trying to push out onlyfans lite content on an app that's notorious for being filled with minors. Shes so brain damaged from tumblr as much as the psycho tiktok teens calling everyone a nazi are unhinged its nice to see the pushback from "body positivity uwu no kinkshaming" to young girls actually going after pedophiles as they should instead of entertaining them like they did on tumblr during the ddlg days. There's one million places on the internet Shayna can show her ass but she chooses the platform that hasn't yet completely opened their doors to degenerate content yet like Twitter. It's so pathetic that the only thing she knows how to do is show her body. She doesn't even have a body or content that looks like takes a lot of skill or talent.

Shay genuinely gets up after doing nothing but drinking (and pill popping kek) puts on an outfit that's two sizes too small and jiggles herself in front of a camera for a few hours and after a day of long hard work she'll drink more and take a nap and do it again tomorrow all for the attention of pedophiles like grey hair who actually wants to fuck his irl daughter. Like holy fuck her existence is so bleak if getting 18k views on a tiktok like that isn't embaressing her she really can't read the room.

No. 138381

It goes after pedophiles if they're a creepy man. It protects people like Shayna though because kink is considered an extension of LGBT culture now

No. 138382

You know what? The more I think about it the more I hope she continues tiktok. The only reason shayna hasn't truly been called out.is because her reach is very small. On tik tok she's exposing herself to all kinds of people and I promise you she'll do something problematic or cringe enough to get the attention of someone bigger.

No. 138383

File: 1663776713060.jpeg (633.22 KB, 1170x1711, D9746395-7418-4CBB-9BC2-60BE18…)

Nice one Shay. And knight in shining armor Jason R Womack swoops in

No. 138384

Her fucking teeth are sending me into rage mode, especially the bottom row. But hey at least she fixed her chipped front tooth.

No. 138385

File: 1663776827385.jpeg (174.59 KB, 828x1329, FB5294A4-E7E5-4B00-AC83-772686…)

No. 138386

Could be from that sketchy site she bought that ugly straight jacket from.

No. 138387

Jesus just get a Keurig instead of ordering coffee every day. All you have to do is pop a pod in and pour water. Easy enough for your lazy ass and cheaper on the long run.

No. 138388

Is "grrr bark" going to be her new "totally" as a signal for when she's lying or what. It's cringe-inducing.

No. 138389

come on nons, you know shaynus' keurig would be filled with cockroaches and maggot eggs after the first month of use and non-cleaning. i wouldnt shocked if she has roaches considering how cluttered and disgusting her place looks.

No. 138390

Kind of imo. Getting that much views on tiktok is not viral.
I know at least zoomer youtubers has been calling out pedo panderers, who knows if the discourse has made it's way to tiktok.
If it comes in pink she will probably buy one and fulfill her consoomer urges to be real. While i don't think she cleans, I don't think she makes much mess in the first place to have roaches. I bet her apartment is sparse looking.

No. 138391

File: 1663780804020.jpeg (727.09 KB, 1242x1274, 6AB10391-12C0-4C8C-8B5A-ECABE0…)

She literally owns a coffee maker though she’s so retarded omg

No. 138392

File: 1663781303236.jpeg (779.89 KB, 1242x1669, 887E20EB-8C7B-447A-B760-015249…)

She finally got a plus sized costume kek it still doesn’t fit her fat ass

No. 138393

Literally looks like a chubby teenage male gut. Hilarious

No. 138394

Ppl that post how many views a vid gets are truly the lowest of the bottom feeders

No. 138395

Even her coffee is Cinnabon.

No. 138396

Why she even post the second picture it's soo unflattering, shaped like a literal tranny

No. 138397

File: 1663783803618.jpeg (559.77 KB, 1170x1465, E8361316-B967-43FB-9146-5ABA40…)

More obvious lies

No. 138398

So is no one else disturbed by "this is what I want to be when I grow up" ????????
Gross, it's most likely an actual child

No. 138399

No he didn't. Jfc. There's always something that coincidentally fits her "kinks" and ego boosts her when she leaves the house. Every uber or every time she walks down the street, there's guys fawning over her apparently >>138329
Moids will be moids and cat call or flirt badly but not to that degree and frequency over a retarded stinky slob like Shaynus.

No. 138400

I don't know what you nonnas are on, she's looking good…for a 39 yrs old mother of 3! Damn, girl, you still got it, woo!!

No. 138401

Ken, fella, she’s not going to shag you.
(If she does she’ll accuse you of abuse and rape anyway, it’s kind of her thing)

No. 138402

That was my first thought too, fucking disgusting
How fucking retarded would you have to be to believe this? Rhetorical question, obviously

No. 138403

File: 1663786889725.jpeg (Spoiler Image,196.49 KB, 828x945, 80EB1E07-D327-43D8-A15D-9F92E2…)

kenthedoll had his twitter privated for awhile with his initial debut with shayna, his comments on his profile are off the chain e-begging and commenting on tweets of literally every OF whore in a 300 mile radius. Thought the shayna gig was off since he got blow back from “omg shez a nazi” crowd. maybe her recent “viral moment” inspired him to crawl back since he loves cringe tiktoks. Also he managed to sneak his way into another shayna-esque camwhore’s bed.

No. 138404

It’s cute you think we care about her ego kek. Who cares what it does or if anons use the term viral? The point is she thinks it’s viral and that will boost her ego which will make her spiral. This is the most attention she’s gotten online since tumblr. Are you mad shat gets better engagement than you?

No. 138405

Okay Vicky. Get a new line.

No. 138406

Nah I want her to go viral before she finally gets dunked on for the PEDOPHILIC shit by tt children. Other pedo whores calling her a Nazi doesn’t generate milk anymore.

No. 138407

File: 1663788050907.jpg (71.46 KB, 746x453, im asexual but with more retar…)

She already came out (ha) with the monthly tweet of asexuality.

No. 138408

She mouthed the n-word kek. Wait until the twitter whores get their hands on this, I remember a tiktok girl got ran into the fucking ground for doing that.

No. 138409

Theres still time to delete this, nonita. Youre reaching.

No. 138410

she's lipsyncing the text about the dog cage are you blind

No. 138411

Embarrassing. This is the kind of shit that makes us all look bad.

No. 138412

Lies or not, the way she encounters red flag behavior with men and turns it into "waaa my pussy is so wet now crying emoji" is disturbing. This is such a fucking weird thing for a stranger to say to a woman. But then she has no creep radar because she is a huge creep herself.

No. 138413

You're on lolcow and think we care about Shayna's ego?

No. 138414

Most of the comments are from fellow fatties, i'd lose it if she only became viral through fattok

No. 138415

Theres something off about her face that makes me very uncomfortable but I cant put my finger on it. Not only in this screenshot but that whole video.

No. 138416

I honestly think her hair & makeup look better than usual, she looks less sweaty and smudgy

No. 138417

I guess it's mostly her lifestyle but it always surprises me when Shaynus looks more… wrong even compared to other whores. This one is clearly homely af yet she still looks human while Shay is a half dead blobfish.

No. 138418

File: 1663794326150.jpeg (176.96 KB, 828x526, 68426444-8434-4B74-A44E-4BCFB2…)

There’s no way anyone recognizes her fat ass

No. 138419

rat teeth..

No. 138420

There have been a few people commenting that they have actually, which is frankly astounding given that she looks like a completely different person

No. 138421

Me too, not in a heritage property way with original fixtures or vintage styling, it just looks tacky and like it was hastily cobbled together using cheap materials and appliances, it’s so fucking ugly

No. 138422

She uses the same name

No. 138423

sorry to break it to you miss tiktok influencer of the year, but nobody gives a fuck


what is the thing she's holding? it looks like a fly swatter kek

No. 138424

Didn’t she change it “Dolly Mattel” after the tumblr purge? I think she was calling herself “Bambie Doll” or “Dum Dolly” or some shit (after she became famous as “Shay-Gnar”)

No. 138425

Please go back to whence you came and never return

No. 138426

It's the filter

No. 138427

Y'ALL know some people online are black or just from the south, it's not that deep anon. Twitter appropriating our lingo is not our fault damnnit

No. 138428

She's deleting and blocking, I'm guessing. I saw a few negative comments last night pointing out that she shouldn't be showing her ass on tiktok with all the kids. Now they're gone. Shocker

No. 138429

God I hate how she's never gonna get over this. Its not even viral really. One of her vids got a significant amount of views compared to her other ones no one cared about. But its not hard to get views and likes on tiktok. Viral imo is when it becomes a meme or wildly known/seen across platforms. I dont think that's even anything above average for content on that app but I dont use it so idk.

No. 138430

But she called out twitch streamers who were streaming in bikinis for “shaking their asses for little kids”

No. 138431

Will this bitch please stop wearing the same butthole-colored liquid lip? It's not a flattering nude and like the rest of her aesthetic choices dates her back to 2013. Please watch some tiktok girlies use some lip gloss or even a tinted balm jfc

No. 138432

Some of the comments are from children that look like they’re under 10 years old. I feel so grossed out, her content should not be anywhere near children

No. 138433

Lol I'm neither from the south nor black and I say it all the time.(not that anon that said it up there)
I don't like saying "you guys" and "you all" is too formal most times. Especially when typing.
I agree it's not that deep tho.

No. 138434

Im surprised there's still any left she's had it so long and its the only lipstick she uses. Lip products arent that expensive idk why she doesnt try a few. Tinted lip balm would be great for her, but she won't touch anything that hydrates even a bit.

No. 138435

ive been thinking this the whole time, i hope she continues to out herself while using extreme tiktok filters to make her body look appealing- when people start seeing the reality shes going to have to deal w the fact its her physical being that makes her so repulsive, until they dig further and find out about her pedo tendencies. blessed be the milk that could flow.

No. 138436

"viral" kek.
She uses that term like a boomer does. Yes Shaynus, any woman sub 40 who puts on makeup and makes a 'relatable' video will go """"viral"""". That's how the app works.

No. 138437

Definitely something she bought drunk & forgot about. Also
>using debit for a hundred+ dollar purchase
kek. Bitch is still in debt & on Afterpay.

No. 138438

She lie-tweets like she still lives in backwoods Kentoklahomionapolis

No. 138439

Weird nitpick, I use debit for everything (ie pay the cost of something upfront) because I refuse to have a credit card/be in debt to anyone, why would her using debit mean she’s in debt? Wouldn’t it be the other way around?

No. 138440

She’s remarkably out of touch for her age, especially given that she’s terminally online, it’s so bizarre that she’s got no clue about pop culture, trends, et al

No. 138441

That paddle looks like a litter tray poop scoop

No. 138442

lel her bumpit makes it look like her hair is half the length of her face. The only way she can look feminine anymore short of FFS.

No. 138443

sis is about to flap flap fly away with those batwings hanging out

No. 138444

>her content should not be anywhere near children
She has reached the age now where moid influence &/or childhood sexual trauma is no longer a valid excuse for her type of pedo content. There is a lot more leniency when it comes to women sexualizing childhood vs men. But even then, it only lasts up to a certain age. Shayna is a full-grown obese woman now. She will be rightfully cancelled on tiktok as the pedophile that she is, rather than coddled as a young girl using a "ddlg fetish" as cope like when she was younger.

No. 138445

Your credit score is shit then nonnie. Start using you cc if you want to buy a house in the future. It's stupid yeah, but I don't make the rules.

No. 138446

This gave me a good chuckle. Thanks

No. 138447

Credit scores aren’t a thing in my country and I own a house so that must be exclusive to burgers
It’s gross how many degenerate pedo-panderers use “muh trauma” as an excuse for their vile behaviour, no one should get a pass for it regardless of their age or circumstances

No. 138448

Please god no one take any financial advice from the Shayna thread- if you need advice for cheap cheap cheap housing go to the Luna threads!

No. 138449

Well then good on you, no sarcasm. I wish that it was an option in NA to exist without having a credit card. My mom taught me the same way as you - never buy something that you can't pay for upfront. I lived like that until I was ready to buy a house kek.
In NA, the bank will not give you a mortgage if you don't have a good credit score. Housing is getting pretty bad now actually. You need over 20% upfront, plus an immaculate credit score, plus paper verification of a steady job etc etc.
Bc of this, you pretty much NEED to use your cc for any large purchases in your 20s (to build your credit score for later in life).

No. 138450

I agree. The "trauma" excuse just isn't valid when you're broadcasting it online for profit and for attention. If you really truly use it that way, it would make sense to do so privately. Otherwise its just perversion being ronanticized and girls being groomed by gross moids.

No. 138451

>never buy something that you can't pay for upfront
That’s exactly what my parents taught me too.
The credit score thing is so morally bankrupt (no pun intended, kek) and designed to keep people held hostage by financial institutions, my condolences for being subject to that, nona. What’s the deal with this Afterpay thing that Shaynus uses? Isn’t that credit as well? I’m still mystified as to how she can even afford to rent a two bedroom apartment and pay the bills for it when she very obviously earns fuck all from her whoring. Tinfoil but I wonder if Womack sends money to Ellen Degenerate because the lease is in her name on account of Shaynus never having held down an actual job, even though Ellen doesn’t live there. The whole arrangement is weird as fuck.

No. 138452

I haven't used it but I think afterpay is essentially you make payments on something. Maybe like online layaway kek

No. 138453

Yeah I can’t speak for people who have experienced trauma as I’ve been fortunate enough to not have done so myself, I can’t fathom how participating in degeneracy would be helpful but if there are people who do find it genuinely therapeutic (even typing that out makes me feel gross) shouldn’t it be something kept behind closed doors? Wouldn’t doing it publicly and commodifying it exacerbate the trauma by virtue of the fact that you’re normalising/legitimising paraphilias ergo perpetuating cycles of abuse?

No. 138454

Afterpay is essentially like getting a mortgage on tiny purchases kek. Like, you buy a $400 IPhone but instead of paying for it upfront, you pay for it in smaller monthly increments. Only the debt system has expanded now… it's not just hundred dollar things that you can finance for the future. You can literally pay for $20 Shein clothing using Afterpay. That's the reason it's a thread meme is because Shayna has admitted to paying for clothes on Afterpay as a monthly bill.
It's sadly pretty easy to keep afloat & to make do & seem normal while in debt in America. That's why I sussed out her debit purchases as pointing to her being in debt (can't use your CC if you're past a certain limit).

No. 138455

I wouldn't call it 'therapeutic'. Moreso it's just an unintentional coping mechanism. Many people who have experienced sexual trauma will go on to be hypersexual &/or to seek out situations in which they can relive that same trauma in a controlled environment. It's like a way of convincing yourself of the normality of the situation. No one wants to feel abnormal.
And victims of sexual abuse are not necessarily willing or ready to explore the reasoning behind their decisions yet because they may not have processed their situation. That's why younger girls are given a bit of leeway. Because yes, it absolutely perpetuates cycle of abuse, but it's also a side-effect of being abused themselves that they need to grow out of.

No. 138456

I honestly think she doesn't have a credit card, iirc she admitted to it before and I don't think that's changed. Which, as a burger, is pretty retarded, but Shay is extra retarded so maybe having no credit would be better for her than shit credit and a ton of debt.

No. 138457

File: 1663804828502.jpeg (1.67 MB, 1170x2075, 1661826577604.jpeg)

Kek after her gOiNg ViRaL she deleted the tiktok of her terrifying retard face rising up.

No. 138458

hartley hooligan jumpscare

No. 138459

Plus tiktok has the largest userbase, it’s not that hard for children to watch 4 second videos all day and stack up the views. Viral would mean it’s more of a common knowledge thing going around normie Internet, we’re past the point where having a million views on something is a huge deal. And even with those views she only gained like 2 thousand followers so why does the number even matter when it’s not giving any real engagement. Being viral only means something if you know what to do with it anyway, she would fumble that ball hard.

No. 138460

She's stuck in 2010 where viral still means a couple thousand

No. 138461

Unless it got removed by TikTok for thinking it contained nudity (though I can imagine she had a bunch of mean comments under it so she probably just nuked it). She’s gained over a thousand followers in less than 24 hours, her ego must be riding so high right now

No. 138462

nonas im devastated. my life is ruined! i can’t believe Shayna is viral! isn’t that what we all want? can’t believe it IM SO JEALOUS, the only thing she needed was 5 years of sex work, alcoholism and obesity. bravo Shayna! you are really showing us and all ur haterzz that you have (finally?) made it!

No. 138463

Even pumpy had over a million views on sever of her tiktoks (before she got suspended cos these hoes can't contain themselves) and no one knows who the fuck she is these days.

No. 138464

I wish she went more “viral” that would have been really fun

No. 138465

Who tf is pumpy?

No. 138466

A gross psycho ana whore in the cam whore threads. Who’s also broke and rides the coat tails of once being “famous” and won’t let anyone forget it

No. 138467

No. 138468

File: 1663809509159.jpg (99.9 KB, 1080x732, Screenshot_2022-09-22-02-13-02…)

How can a woman squirt inside a man? Kek.
Can't believe shat is still gonna work with this freak.

No. 138469

Probably because he is a fag and takes it up the ass.

Also post him in the OF or one of the other whore threads. He doesn’t really belong here unless it’s pertains to Shaynus specifically.

No. 138470

File: 1663813172503.jpeg (1.21 MB, 1170x2087, E63B25D8-4004-4F5A-98B5-CBF21C…)


No. 138471

Why does this give me Gabbie Hanna vibes
Cringing so hard I’m on the verge of spontaneous combustion, what the fuck is this mess

No. 138472

LMAO my sides

No. 138473

it looks like a shitty office lunchroom that u wanna kill yourself in

No. 138474

Is it just me or does she look a lot skinnier here?

No. 138475

why are her headphones down so low? they’re like not over her ears, it’s weird.

No. 138476

it’s the big ass nose and the insane levels of delusion

No. 138477

omg she looks like a man

No. 138478

She looks like a completely different person here

No. 138479

No. 138480

File: 1663821254411.gif (852.49 KB, 400x167, A232493F-F083-4D98-8540-74C99B…)

You have to admit she is rather man-ish

No. 138481

File: 1663821537015.jpeg (275.44 KB, 1252x1252, 478A761A-3251-49EF-8704-0CA0DC…)

No. 138482


nonies, he means squirt in the mouth.

No. 138483

He's like love bombing her or some shit. it's so fucking creepy and blatant

No. 138484

She’s probably loving it, between that and her ~totes viral~ TikTok foolery she must be feeling so pleased with herself. I for one cannot wait to see how bold she gets before inevitably being “cancelled” by some teenagers

No. 138485

Kek at how he said "I can help you on your transitions" in the comments of her retarded cringe latest vid tho

No. 138486

Are they actually going to work together or was it just one of those twitter interactions to gain followers that dont really mean anything? from what i see in these threads is he replies to her a lot but she ignores him. i feel like they arent actually going to work together

No. 138487

File: 1663830404663.png (8.35 MB, 1242x2208, FB5A01F6-9E48-4C24-A2D2-8D2E1C…)

Not the bologna wig https://streamable.com/87pmet

No. 138488

File: 1663830474300.jpeg (273.51 KB, 1198x1434, 1BA696D7-7CCE-4D8E-83DC-3F1D88…)

No. 138489

She needs to stop doing the hitler moustache it's cringe af

No. 138490

No. 138491

Shaynazi puts her finger over her lip to mimic hitler’s mustache. It’s a dog whistle to show her support to her alt right followers (Mike Slack, Jason R Womack) kek I know her sex worker orbiters read here so I’m spreading this rumor

No. 138492

Which is interesting given his political leanings and being outed as an incest-loving actual pedophile. I reckon she gets significantly more coomerbux from that repugnant piece of shit than Jason Retard Wojak or anyone else so that’s why she interacts with him, he follows a fucktonne of whores so she probably doesn’t want him taking his business elsewhere

No. 138493

File: 1663831006204.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1231x1819, 5E3EB26F-B787-4C03-A81C-C961A4…)

The crusty butthole brown lipstick that’s clearly over lined and noticeable, the blackhead looking freckles, the fake broomstick lashes not properly glued on, the caked on foundation that doesn’t conceal her acne ridden face.

No. 138494

She has the ugliest eyes I’ve ever seen on any human besides maybe Jonny Craig. Brown eyes are ugly in general but hers are especially hideous. And what the fuck is going on with her forehead, a combination of caked on cheap foundation and blur tool abuse? Everything about this is rancid

No. 138495

>Brown eyes are ugly
Nice racebait, back to /pol/

No. 138496

I wonder if she’ll try do some cringey shit like belle and pretend to eat tide pods or film an actual captive kidnapping

No. 138497

I love how it doesn't even make sense, half the moids on there probably have brown eyes too seeing as it's the most common colour.

No. 138498

File: 1663832959079.jpeg (198.38 KB, 640x639, D3F203A0-9437-4885-9CED-7CF43A…)

I swear “brown eyes are ugly” sperg lives in this thread, waiting for a chance to screech about her hatred of brown eyes. I saw her screeching about the same thing 6 months ago. I imagine her as the blue eyed version of Shayna, still fucking hideous but with a slightly different font, desperate for a sense of superiority.

No. 138499

Nta and i don't think that any eye color is worse than other, but >>138494 is entitled to her (wrong) opinion

No. 138500

She looks like Cardi B and no that is not a compliment

No. 138501

No she isn't cuz this isn't her blog. Nobody cares about TA's aryan blue eye fetish and she should keep her subtle racism to herself kek.

No. 138502

?? she looks like she travelled back in time to her tumblr days and lost weight, what the hell. The uwu-trend really doesn't fit her. Her face looks much less like… rancid without makeup too

No. 138503

Le funny mustache and double chin frown face, ah yes take me back to 2012. She’s desperately pumping out shitty tiktoks that’ll get maximum few thousand views compared to the bimbo housewife one, shockingly the only one that does not have the thumbnail image showing her face…

No. 138504

>inb4 she gets banned from tiktok for “yahtzee” behavior

No. 138505

She’s filtered to fuck though. I’m probably in the minority in that I don’t think she was ugly back when she was pre-sex work shaygnar, she was just a regular looking skinny girl, her current level of fug is mostly due to her putrid pedo-pandering personality (exacerbated by shit sense of style and non-existent hygiene practice) manifesting in her physical appearance

No. 138506

as much as jerma looks a like a freak here it's nice to see him

No. 138507

I know I've said it before but she really does look like a pit bull's asshole.

No. 138508

File: 1663841375805.webm (718.51 KB, 576x1024, uwu trend.webm)

Local archive, as Streamable isn’t reliable.

No. 138509

File: 1663841445671.webm (1.94 MB, 576x1024, great, the bologna wig AGAIN.w…)

No. 138510

She looks so good in her normal lounge wear and no makeup compared to the awful """"cute"""" shit wtf

No. 138511

>'so good'
get your eyes tested

No. 138512

It’s likely a body filter, heaps of girls on tiktok use them

No. 138513

File: 1663844304798.png (9.61 MB, 1242x2688, 4A6427C4-E1E9-47D3-BFD9-1637BF…)

“She looks like she’s lost weight”

No she just found a body filter and maxed it out
This is what she actually looks like (still with a filter but much fatter than her slimming filter in her previous video)

No. 138514

File: 1663844448576.png (7.72 MB, 1242x2688, 29D4A6C0-4091-42A2-9F01-34E7C5…)

Her disconnect from what she actually looks like is going to get so much worse now that she’s discovered filters. The amount her nose has been shrunk into a whoville nose kek

No. 138515

It's the "enhance" setting TikTok has when you film kek it blurs your skin a bit and brightens your eyes she's still a beady eyed baby hamplanet kek

No. 138516

Anon it's not inherently racist it's just retarded. The majority of white people have brown eyes too. You don't get to say who can and can't have an opinion here because you're offended, that's twitter shit.

I think she missed the point of these kind of tiktoks. You're supposed to glow up, not down on transition.

No. 138517

Nice to see her discover actual filters instead of Snapchat. Kind of want her to continue getting followers because she'll get even more milky when she has an audience

Do anons remember the dog filter phase? She seemed so bleak then, but man, has she spiraled.

No. 138518

File: 1663847860189.png (11.16 MB, 1242x2688, 566F3780-61F6-4B49-BDCB-9A8FFA…)

This weirdo comes up if you search Dolly Mattel on tiktok and he dresses just like her

No. 138519

cuz she's filtered and posed to look skinnier, kek.

No. 138520

leave him be

No. 138521

File: 1663850798813.jpeg (980.52 KB, 1170x1524, 0E50F5DD-F772-46FF-B6EF-8567F6…)

No. 138522

This fat whore only wishes she were a witch.

No. 138523

This kek, I feel like rodent eyes-chan is all the same person

No. 138524

I wish she’d wear a top normally it would look sexier and less Winnie the Pooh

Her face is so bloated

No. 138525

>porky fattel squeezes into some halloween themed sausage casings
Wow, nobody saw that happening. It would be less predictable if she wore something that fit her correctly.

No. 138526

nta but anons have been calling her eyes ugly/beady/rodent-like forever, i dont know why people are only getting offended by it now, and to the point of >>138516 saying its racist is a reach and thinking its all one person is ridiculous, people can have different opinions, however retarded said opinions may be
the too-small top with the underboob will never work on her, as another anon said up thread this recent boost in exposure on tiktok is likely to prove pretty fucking the milky, the more she shows her ass (literally and figuratively) the more likelihood there is for some zoomers to lambast her to hell and back

No. 138527

the fact that people on her uwu totez viral uwu video are asking where she got the housewife outfit from and complementing it has me cackling, i hope people keep gassing her up so she makes more milky cringe in shitty shein costumes for our entertainment

No. 138528

Ok I know there’s currently eye sperging going on and I didn’t want to contribute, but seriously what the fuck is up with her eyes in this picture? Why did she practically close them both lmao she looks stoned out of her mind

No. 138529

Yeah, I know the filter is doing the heavy lifting here, but her face looks so much better with no makeup on. She could probably get the crusty, fat tattoo guy she wanted if she presented herself more like this.

No. 138530

Man if anon says something stupid why can’t you just ignore it instead of anons having a ten post sperg about how they disagree. Who gives a fuck

No. 138531

>pretty fucking the milky
I know this is a typo but I laughed kek >>138502
You’re a retard

No. 138532

the tiktok filters are fooling you, nonny

No. 138533

Is this old or is this where some of the $300 she claimed was charged to her card? It's plus size so it has to be a new purchuse

No. 138534

File: 1663857983952.jpg (153.7 KB, 720x1288, Screenshot_20220922-104405_Chr…)

No. 138535

I mean I know she’s gotten chunky but I don’t think she’s classed as plus sized… yet?

She’s like size 8/10 tops

No. 138536

you tripping kek she doesnt have tits, shes a fridge and a fucking whole unnit, she must be at least XL-XXL.

No. 138537

File: 1663859973360.jpeg (33.37 KB, 480x480, 45A82B34-F53D-4308-8E27-7E155B…)

No. 138538

Shayna had always been wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. Now shes wide everywhere with big thighs. She's definitely shopping in the plus size section.

No. 138539

File: 1663862021291.jpeg (520.37 KB, 1007x781, 1C7FFECC-50B7-47E8-BF3C-033A47…)

OT but Mina got around to describing “bimbo-core”

> “Bimbocore is a niche internet aestheic…it is a tutorial celebration of the bimbo persona. Bimbo of course is referring to attractive women who are assumed to be stupid”

> “Bimbos are leftist, pro-LGBTQ, pro sex work, pro-sex work, and anti-capitalist”
>” A modern bimbo is hyperfeminine, embraces their hotness, and rejects the capitalist mentality that they must showcase marketable skills, defying the male gaze in the process”
> “the resurgence of bimbos feels like a direct reaction to the fact that so many unprecedented/giant world events are happening at once, and it’s way too much to handle. In 2020, the sentiment was just wanting a smooth brain. If everything’s burning down, you might as well be hot and happy on your own terms.”
“It’s hard to have an unabashed joy in your femininity” due to society
> “a large part of bimboism’s appeal is in its potential to shield oneself from harm - smooth brain style. It’s the ideal of weaponized unintelligence”
> “it’s all about vibing and relaxing”
> “but it shouldn’t be about depending on men for financial needs”
> “the definition of bimbo has expanded from the stereotypical Valley Girl blonde. Anyone of any race, gender, sexual orientation, body type, or style aesthetic can become a bimbo”
> “pro sex work”
> “defying the male gaze”

It’s literally Shat’s level of “bimbos are just nice girls!” It’s definitely not a culture that makes you hyper-consume the dumbest shit (but anti-capitalist!!!) and feed off the male gaze (but totes don’t need male validation!!!1!). Mina does call out the anti-capitalist bit is dumb, but she doesn’t completely agree that wearing skimpy stuff isn’t self-objectifying. And she thinks intelligence shouldn’t be correlated to respecting femininity/one’s feminist stance.
> “is it fair to pin the plight of feminism on (Bimbocore)”(take this to the youtuber or commentary thread)

No. 138540

How the fuck are bimbos anti caplistist? Am I retarded or is the whole thing about being a bimbo is spending shit tons of money on surgeries, Clothes, shoes, hair and wanting men to do the same???

No. 138541

Oh God nona…… the horror

No. 138542

File: 1663866375931.webm (4 MB, 576x1024, “.webm)

Perhaps a TikTokfag can chime in. Is she endangering her account with these videos that include underboob?

No. 138543

I’ve heard that TikTok doesn’t play around and can suspend someone’s account for pretty much anything

No. 138544

File: 1663866940063.png (663.37 KB, 864x618, Screenshot_20220922-121240.png)

Fully off topic (mods pls no ban) but does anyone else read her name as Dolly Matel, and not Mattel? I was rewatching Always Sunny and I realized that's why. Kek

No. 138545

She has three ideas. About 90% of what she puts out includes that Cheerleading outfit, that bra and the only lip product she owns. The faces she makes are so retarded. You know those bootleg Disney Movies? Like instead of Toy Story it's "Story of a Toy?" Shayna face reminds of the cheap animations used in those. Plus a knock off of a knock off of a attractive e girl tiktoker.

No. 138546

We don’t need your analysis that’s been discussed a million times. If a grown woman wants to be blonde and ditzy that’s her right. It’s degenerate but way better than abdl. Shayna is just a fat bitch with blonde soccer mom highlights. Nothing bimbo about her she’s a blimp

No. 138547

File: 1663867447279.jpeg (743.41 KB, 1021x1106, 141E4C52-5C44-45DF-85E7-591D1E…)

Stank ass mug

No. 138548

I don’t get why she insists on wearing packaged ham colored clothing it makes her look porcine and washed out. Her gray skin along with her cellulite is so gross.

No. 138549

Please I hate the finger mustache thing what the fuck is up with that? She always finds some way to be distinctively retarded. Maybe she should draw one on her finger like it's 2009.
I have not seen that in any other vids online.

No. 138550

File: 1663868012421.jpeg (229.82 KB, 1200x1200, A63A9664-EF6B-42F6-956D-EB06F9…)

Great Halloween doll look, Shay!

No. 138551

Absolutely, yes. I'm honestly surprised her account hasn't been permabanned yet. It will be soon.

No. 138552

Is the lipsync or audio off for everyone else? Looks like its the same on the original on tiktok. Looks awful… like her.

No. 138553

Are those zits on her forehead? Or is my screen dirty? Did she had some fake freckles up there? And why does she think this puje colored lip gloss is a timeless look? Shit, a red or pink or just gloss would look better

No. 138554

This is hardly even underboob, her tits are practically hanging out of the bottom of her shirt. I don’t know why she thinks this is a good look, or appropriate for a social media platform like tiktok. I noticed that she doesn’t even have 18+ in her tiktok bio, and she’s posting shit like this.

No. 138555

Im surprised she hasn't gotten in trouble with tik tok yet. She isn't even just treading the line, she is way over it.

No. 138556

I think she can squeeze into XL still or if places size 2XL.
Plus size stuff has a whole different fit for when you have a huge and I mean actually morbid obese stomach and that weird mound fanny pack/fupa. She's not there yet. I accidentally bought something plus sized once and it was weird but I guess when you see what those woman look like it makes sense. It just wouldnt fit her right. Not that anything she buys does kek

No. 138557

When she gets banned she'll just blame her hayturz because she thinks nothing she couldve done herself would have consequences.
Tbf farmers probably do report her shit.

No. 138558

If she’s gonna really start making TikTok vids she needs to drop the weight, tt is ruthless when it comes to fat people

No. 138559

She doesn’t even do the bare minimum of writing 18+ in her bio. Not like writing that stops minors from being exposed to your degenerate behavior. I swear she’s such a nasty groomer. I got exposed to ddlg when I was 14. I was looking at weheartit and Pinterest for cute pictures during my kawaii Sanrio phase. I’m such other zoomers were groomed by people like Shayna during 2016-17

No. 138560

File: 1663874368058.png (8.27 MB, 1242x2208, 7825D56F-4465-47A6-9235-8C8135…)

No. 138561

File: 1663874482698.jpeg (373.87 KB, 1242x1840, 431E32AA-9CE1-4311-B9A9-DE3408…)

Gloss on her chapped lips would just bring them out more. She needs to use her lip scrub and drink water

No. 138562

nooooOOOOO. Not the craft, not Nancy, not this scene. Sorry to sperg but just UGH

No. 138563

she needs to go on ozempic. thats how kim kardashian lost all the weight…

No. 138564

8 or a 10 kek she fukn wishes

No. 138565

File: 1663878900918.jpeg (793.52 KB, 828x1322, 7F28A437-08B6-44A2-8C0E-6161D7…)

I have not full body cringed in a long time but wow I have so much secondhand embarrassment. She wishes she had a hot guy teasing her and not some bald fool slapping her around while she guffaws and tries to act cute

No. 138566

>How the fuck are bimbos anti capitalist
Because they want free money. Just like the lazy findoms who e-beg on twitter all day. I'm sarcastic by the way, these zoomers have no fucking idea what anti-capitalism actually is and they sure as hell wouldn't be able to be a "bimbo" under socialism

No. 138567

at this point she knows children see her vids and follow her. she wants children to see her porn and she wants children to think about her sexually. i’m convinced she enjoys exposing children to porn because when they say “oh that’s so cool, I want to be like you!” she feels a spark of joy, not a sense of dread that her vids are encouraging children to do sex work or be trafficked. she’s so delusional that she thinks her lifestyle is truly something aspirational.

No. 138568

How do you get the videos without the tiktok watermark?

No. 138569

File: 1663879890188.jpeg (Spoiler Image,366.95 KB, 828x1312, 171FD3D5-EAD2-45A9-A463-E8238F…)

She’s trying to use her busted body as clickbait even though the “viral” one wasn’t even showing much and has fizzled out within a day. It’s embarrassing on an app full of children and teens who are the only ones who can maybe pull off making stupid ass cringe faces to a loop of some pop song line.

No. 138570

File: 1663880281627.png (38.28 KB, 517x261, Screenshot 2022-09-22 9.51.12 …)

and for how long have we been telling you this?

No. 138571

lmao of course u look good, all fatties look good in black kek sorry shayna but pastel and pink is better for petite girls, fatshion 101

No. 138572

what's wrong w him? he just looks like a generic British man. Nowhere near as hideous as that head royal parasite Charles. Shay looks semetic. Like a female yaniv/Stallone. It's such an ugly look to me.

No. 138573

OMG STAHP NONYA you can’t seriously look at Big Boi Pimpin and not gag. He is every bit as hideous as Shaynus and his little beady rat eyes are only one piece of the overall ugly portrait kek (Sage for OT)

No. 138574

Damn Hoggy Mattel is trying to speed-run getting booted from the app.

I bet when the thick skull discovers the creative fund she'll quickly be banned. Like Ive legit never seen someone show that much underboob on the app.

No. 138575

File: 1663885442760.png (8.34 MB, 1242x2208, F6CC7383-1769-49D6-ADA1-244980…)

Big Shaynus spilling out of that damn outfit kek

No. 138576

God the finger mustache is so tumblr 2012 - 2013 how can someone be so dated?

No. 138577

> brown eyes are ugly in general
Yet I always get complimented on my brown eyes kek

No. 138578

No one cares

No. 138579

File: 1663885961239.jpeg (Spoiler Image,769.74 KB, 1170x1502, 0A166B2F-FCF2-4536-9950-051BE8…)

No. 138580

Left picture is so edited it literally looks nothing like her, of course you look hot when you've copy pasted generic hot ethot face onto yourself you fucking spaz.

No. 138581

i said this last thread, don't steal my comment about that shayna pic pls. or i WILL take legal action.

No. 138582

Never getting over this one.

No. 138583

the fucking lip thing she does absolutely triggers and outrages me. I have no idea why.

No. 138584

This and the "I may not show it but that gas leak in my house really be giving me brain damage" pic

No. 138585

Her lips in general annoy me, she doing all these close up tiktoks and constantly doing these emoji faces while her lips are dry,cracking and crusty.

No. 138586

File: 1663888925661.jpeg (357.76 KB, 1170x1161, 5B50EA74-5427-49FF-8C8E-255ACB…)

The newest lie

No. 138587

Yeaaah why would you ask another hoe to take pics, not a photographer. Especially a shaky drunkard like Shay.

But I'm confused why would you have contact with a hairdresser as an acquaintance? Is this an American thing?

No. 138588

She looks like those southern moms who make being a boy mom and doing fridge restocks their whole personality.

No. 138589

She wouldn’t be able to afford it plus they’re stopping the limit they give it out as it’s a diabetic medication primarily. They’re not guaranteed to make you lose weight, you still need to eat right, exercise and portion control otherwise you’ll end up gaining more back once you stop

No. 138590

lol so this is why her hair always turns out so shitty. some part time wannabe stylist part time of whore does it

No. 138591

If this hairdresser is also her nail lady then I'll believe it.

Maybe it is. American anon and I'm pretty chill with the girl who does my hair. We've had drinks but it's more of we get along so like chilling wasn't weird. We're not pretending to be tight like whatever Shat is faking. One of my top five fave lies of hers now.

No. 138592

This. It's only a matter of time before the anachans start posting her to fatspo threads.

No. 138593

Possibly, not sure if hairstylists in other countries have the same setup but a lot of them in burgerland will basically rent a spot to use in a salon without being their employee, so if you want an appointment with a specific stylist you'd need their contact info and not the store's. The rest of her story may be bunk but it wouldn't be too weird to have your stylist's number.

No. 138594

the tiktok filters make her look like alice bender kek

No. 138595

Shayna you don’t even understand basic lighting and editing for your own pics. This is such a lie.

No. 138596

What really happened-

>>"Hey I want to go blonder, but i'm low on cash rn. I had a random charge for $300 and my debit card is locked, I was hoping maybe we could work something out or I could pay you at a later date?"

>>"Oh..remember you told me how fulfilling sex work is, and how you fly to go to cons and get to make money by taking cute pictures? I've been thinking about starting my own onlyfans, if you take my pictures I'll do your hair for free!"

She more then likely vents/talks to her hairdresser about what she does, her hairdresser may be a woman wanting to make extra money and buys the dream Shayna sold, or was thinking about it for a while and Shyana was the one to push them to do it. I could see this happening because Shayna DID say she was low on cash and people do vent to their hairdresser. I could see telling this lady her life is so amazing and she's so happy, she's a "Onlyfan model" and all this dumb shit. It's honestly how onlyfans women groom eachother, they'll brag and make it seem like they are making all this money to justify what they do and other women will slowly if mentally weak enough, buy it and think they can do it as well. Which is why it's dumb they whine about new comers. You idiots pretending to be happy and empowered, paid and comfortable are why they run to onlyfans

No. 138597


>grooming each other

Yall know there's a pretty fuckin sweet referral program in onlyfans and those you sign up will get you kick backs forever, right?

No. 138598

Nope I didn't know about the "Fucking sweet" referral program,

No. 138599

File: 1663896597120.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x2329, 9D9D05AB-8895-46D7-9680-A79F2F…)

The “pool party” Shayna went to was just someone’s family pool that you can rent by the hour

No. 138600

Even Tumblr was late to that shit it was a fad amongst scene kids in the 2000s. She has no self awareness it's like there's absolutely no distinction between her and Lori Lewd and she's going on 40. Shaynus is an old soul kek.

No. 138601

File: 1663896887907.jpeg (190.28 KB, 1170x895, 2780E4CC-3AA2-4E1D-B6A8-369B89…)

Unfortunately Ellen didn’t love the hot tub, though (Sorry for old milk)

No. 138602

File: 1663897185678.webm (2.36 MB, 576x1024, ,.webm)

Local archive, as Streamable isn’t a reliable archiving method.

No. 138603

Great find, Nona. I don’t know how paedophilic Ellen Patricia Dresel of the Seattle, Renton and Bellevue, Washington area isn’t more careful with her online footprint. I suppose she cannot use a fake name for these rentals, I hope they are eventually banned from everything.

No. 138604

Omegakek, I love your weaponised autism nona
>reddit spacing
>obvious onlyfats whore
Get off my board, loser. No one cares about your degeneracy

No. 138605

File: 1663899038270.jpeg (736.58 KB, 1170x1418, C1F20AA5-444E-4870-BCA6-340C27…)

No. 138606

The shamelessness of her to wear shorts that cut so high, displaying her ripplely ham butt. Her pussy is suffocating in there without an extra layer to protect it. When will Ellen Degeneres book her next gynecologist appointment? Surely she constantly has BV.

No. 138607

Okay…this has to be a joke? Kek, Shayna you may have went "viral on tiktok" but I pray this goes viral on "chick in hilariously bad I'll fitting outfit" side of twittwe, wherever that is. This is ridiculous. It's not even a Troon outfit it's an, "all my clothes are dirty, it's wash day and I only have these to wear" sitcom like outfit. Comedy outfit

No. 138608


If her awful coochie çutters were black or dark gray it would have been a bad, but not "special needs MtF dresses themselves girly for the first time" bad. She needs to give up on pink, she's too flabby and greasy for it.

No. 138609

We get it you don’t have to say that every fucking time just embed it and shut up. It makes it easy for Mobile users to quickly view it.
Some of you anons should work for the FBI kek I had my suspicions it was an airbnb type thing. So pathetic Shayna trying to seem like she has sugar daddies with money

No. 138610

Why the fuck is she wearing that? She doesn’t know how to put together outfits. That crop top is so fucking retarded and ugly. The jacket is cheaply made, flimsy ass chain and thin material from AliExpress. Those shorts dont fit her and look horrible on her cellulite ridden acne butt

No. 138611

File: 1663900290870.jpeg (436.41 KB, 2048x2048, DEF5BC2F-1300-42F4-848F-6C9B1E…)

You can see the texture in her forehead and ass. It’s grossing me out

No. 138612

This makes me want to go for a 8 mile run without any pants on, my chocha hurts just looking at it

No. 138613

File: 1663900338958.jpeg (485.97 KB, 2047x2047, 099FE197-E2A8-4907-97D4-AC7E41…)

The dirty ass come here womack top kek the letters are going to peel soon

No. 138614

This is the worst outfit idea she has done to this day in my opinion, even the under boob outfit she wore to the hardware store wasn't as unflattering as this. It's like she took the time and effort to engineer the best outfit to accentuate every body flaw she has going on.

No. 138615

Her whole face is putrid, as is the rest of her, she looks like she reeks of curdled milk and a Red Lobster dumpster in the middle of summer, brb I need to take a long shower after having my retinas violated with this mess

No. 138616

File: 1663900646931.jpeg (661.01 KB, 3163x2029, 5F8F3135-C2D2-484D-B53C-740254…)

Speaking of Ellen Degenerate. She’s e-begging for 900 dollars to go to a Lizzo concert with Big Shay

No. 138617

Why the fuck would she need nearly 1k for a show that at most should cost a hundred or so?

No. 138618

Lizzo charges ten times the price of other artists because she’s ten times the size and has to spend ten times as much on food for her disgusting lardy ass

No. 138619

Kek you’re out of pocket. I think Ellen wants front row tickets or she’s scamming like Shayna does.

No. 138620

If she meant so much to you, you'd save up to see her instead of begging for tickets for you and Dirtna.

No. 138621

There's no such thing as front row tickets. It's just who gets there first; who are usually retards who literally camp outside the venue.

No. 138622

Oof I'm not sure she's ever done a more punchable face than this one.

No. 138623

I imagine the crowd at a Lizzo show would be mostly ~bodi posi~ landwhales with pork sweats, Shaynus and pedo Ellen will fit right in

No. 138624

what the fuck are you talking about? it depends on the venue. some have seating,
some don’t. you can also pay extra for early access/VIP access so you get in before general admission.

No. 138625

It’s 10% of every subscription and unless you hit $100 on referrals you can claim it until you do so Shayna would have to hope her new onlyfans creator would be getting hundreds of subs and tips

No. 138626

seeing some other obese person be famous means that much for you to start crying and form a parasocial bond just because you’re both overweight? Only in America will everyone throw money at someone for being fat because it makes them feel less guilt for their lifestyle lol they’re so oppressed by their own overconsumption

No. 138627

File: 1663904975848.jpeg (886.38 KB, 1170x1860, 4394D6B7-A9DF-4634-9F79-17A4D9…)

No. 138628

File: 1663905676702.jpeg (Spoiler Image,805.7 KB, 1242x1518, 11B3A0C5-462D-4EB5-AC24-B3702D…)

No. 138629

File: 1663905783125.jpeg (510.65 KB, 1242x690, 92CC7296-7E1E-4027-85D5-2D03BB…)

No. 138630

kek not the coomer warning her about her fucked up tweets… seriously though why is she so insistent on inviting violence into her life, she's gonna get murdered.

No. 138631

Kek what the actual fuck

No. 138632

heil fuhrer

No. 138633

kek the absolute cope of those snuffalufagus momokun eyelashes

No. 138634

probably fridgechan

No. 138635

REEEE everything I don't like is racist

No. 138636

She should really get rhino & chin lipo already

No. 138637

Size 8/10 is like 130-150lb IF you have a normal fat distribution. Shayna stores all her weight in her midsection. She's at least 170-180lb by now. She's a size 16 minimum.

No. 138638

I'm so fucking embarassed for her… put your tits away, mom. There are kids on this app.

No. 138639

>up to 15 guests
And yet not a soul in all of Shats pics of the "pool party". You know it was just her and Ellen Degenerate and MAYBE some loser moid or some equally retarded chick Ellen knows and no one else. Like just go to a public pool at that point it would be less embarrassing than pretending to have a party while paying $100 to use someone elses pool.

No. 138640

For all her preaching about 'don't expose kids to your fetishes', she is so fucking out of touch with what is & isn't appropriate content for a kids' app.

No. 138641

She's already ~viral~ on tumblr as fatspo kek

No. 138642

Lopsided underboob drooping out the bottom as a way to try to mask the lunchlady batwings spilling out the top

No. 138643

You're not the first, tard

No. 138644

If the top was just white, no graphic and the shorts actually fit and she didnt look like a sack of cottage cheese… it would be an almost ok outfit for something lowkey I guess like just a reg hang out. But looking like she does and putting together the stupidest shit… well it's a look – a bad one.

No. 138645

This looks like a literal diaper from a distance so… fitting I guess.

No. 138646

With skin like that she doesn't even need the fake freckle filter

No. 138647

she looks as tall and wide as he is and he still has a bigger ass lol

No. 138648

What, really? Caps please!
You cannot be serious

No. 138649

File: 1663913075945.jpeg (922.61 KB, 1242x1881, F791D404-7C69-4436-B48E-32816D…)

Are you sure it’s not to slim down your giant ass honker ??

No. 138650

File: 1663913123526.jpeg (348.34 KB, 2048x1152, 9C8CA935-0DB6-41DE-B671-DC19A6…)

Dead pig with apple in mouth vibes

No. 138651

File: 1663913361451.jpeg (185.44 KB, 828x1317, A8E91E09-F326-4AE7-8835-0E120F…)

Wake up babe it’s time for more cringe toks featuring the necessary Bell’s palsy expression

No. 138652

File: 1663913480234.jpeg (1006.21 KB, 3465x3465, 81F79B56-950B-460D-B4C3-36DBDD…)

In b4 nonnie says it’s not the best way to archive because streamable isn’t reliable
#1: https://streamable.com/n6poex
#2: https://streamable.com/yzj8nm

No. 138653

File: 1663913624448.jpeg (1.24 MB, 3465x3465, 0CE1226F-AFE0-4BD8-A27F-A3ACE4…)

You can’t put a filter in reality Shayna. Who does this crusty ass bitch think she’s fooling? Lmao

No. 138654

File: 1663913797448.jpeg (430.85 KB, 1242x2208, ADD9C869-94A6-4B89-A5A7-37400A…)

Uh oh stinky

No. 138655

File: 1663915302658.webm (1.63 MB, 576x1024, no.webm)

It’s not.

No. 138656

File: 1663915357412.webm (3.35 MB, 576x1024, w i d e.webm)

Her proportions look off here.

No. 138657

File: 1663915898928.webm (1.95 MB, 720x1280, fatty spice.webm)

Over on Instagram.

No. 138658

she looks so special needs
i like the new influencer thing, it's good milk i hope it ends up being a way out of porn for her. not that she'd make money but maybe she can get the attention without humiliating herself.

No. 138659

She legit looks like a male WWE wrestler after years of not working out and no steroid use. Just flabby and Brolic at the top with no muscle defination.

No. 138660

What the fuck was she even mouthing? The retarded lip arch thing is so annoying

No. 138661

She looks fucking enormous, I will never understand how she looks at this shit and goes “yes, this is attractive, let me post it real quick”. It’s not just a matter of her being fat, ugly and greasy with terrible acne ridden skin and furry brown teeth, she has no fucking clue how to dress herself or take a picture

No. 138662

I love how shayna has no shame. She'll do a tik tok in a outfit/piece of clothing and then wear that same piece of clothing mix matched with something she wore a thousand times the next day AND film a tik tok in it. How many times are we going to see the daddy tank top? Or the cheerleader outfit? She'll probably my do another video in that maid costume and bring out the black cheerleader outfit again. No creativity. Same dusty crusty clothes that all e girls owned in like 2019 or some shit. You'd think shayna was doing some real complicated make up looks and putting together real outfits the way she stresses, "going to get cute and take some pictures!!" Instead it's the same make up, ugly heart, same clothes and hair. Like bitch, you could be making 20 videos a day since you clearly don't care about what you wear and your make up never changes.

No. 138663

She looks like the girlhood troon here

No. 138664

tiktok is the perfect platform for her because it's like snapchat on steroids. filters will change your entire bone structure from head to toe, smooth your skin and put makeup on your face and that's acceptable over there. tiktok users will keep commenting "omg you are so pretty!!!!" because they have no idea how ugly and degenerate she really is.

No. 138665

Unluckily for her, the cottage cheese cellulite. crusty cracked lips and makeup-smothered acne/face fungus is still visible under all the filters. I hope her new followers google her and find the threads, she’s going to get eviscerated

No. 138666

File: 1663928302101.jpeg (288.14 KB, 750x915, D7FF18E8-6DC8-4005-8589-DB059B…)

ewww i wonder what nasty freak this was

No. 138667

this type of behavior is so bitchless. makes me feel like she didn't stay "celibate" for this long by choice

No. 138668

Stating the obvious
Yeah, not so much. Seriously though, how fucked in the head do you have to be to post shit like this? She needs to get a journal. Disgusting bitch.

No. 138669

I was thinking that too, yet she clearly doesn’t enjoy sex. She just enjoys getting picked by the most bottom of the barrel degenerate moids. She’s really courting trouble tweeting shit like this too

No. 138670

>sex worker constantly talking about wanting to be used and abused
>hasn't had actual sex in over a year despite "the dad", "gf" and "foot slave"
a very healthy, normal, exciting life for shaynus

No. 138671


Full service sex work confirmed. Shatna is peddling her pussy by the hour BIG WOOF

No. 138672

File: 1663934257992.jpeg (483.95 KB, 828x1324, D5FD9CAE-06AB-4B62-9E89-40CA42…)

She wishes cute guys would care about her and not just balding hideous moids/Ellen who get off to hitting her. The way she tries to act like some Hannah Montana best of both worlds sugar baby

No. 138673

>hashtag egirl
Jfc she’s so cringeworthy and embarrassing, how is she not being pilloried by mean teenagers yet? Is that “egirl” retardation even a trend anymore? She’s so out of touch and late to the party, as per usual. And x to doubt “cute boy at the bar”, or if it’s someone she has managed to catfish they’re in for a rude surprise, kek

No. 138674

File: 1663935048718.jpeg (604.75 KB, 828x1446, 76B0B6B6-63E6-4BC6-AF4B-76F282…)

lmao the double chin

No. 138675

File: 1663935235734.webm (1012.68 KB, 576x1024, >hashtag egirl.webm)

No. 138676

File: 1663938458465.jpeg (351.83 KB, 828x611, C9C46639-C7C2-4E63-A0F2-07B702…)

She may have gained a couple of thousand followers from gOiNg ViRaL but kek that engagement on her recent videos, c’est tres bleaque

No. 138677

I wish she'd stop with the Baby Jane makeup

No. 138678


Nitpick but can't she clean her shoes, jf those dusty ass bottoms get me everytime.

No. 138679

Imagine looking this busted before 25

No. 138680

that second video makes me so uncomfortable, holy shit. why is she staring into the camera with that “i’m on drugs” blinking, soulless expression? it’s fucking scary.

No. 138681

is say yes if she was getting paid, but she clearly let this moid hit it for free.

No. 138682

wait isn't shayna already 25? she can't only be one year older than me. why doesn't OP have her age wtf nonas.

No. 138683

Blogpost but…When I was 175lb I never got over a size 10. But I hold my weight “well” I suppose.

How tall is she?

I think she’s a size 12 at very most

No. 138684


No. 138685

Cause people making out like she’s a mega fat plus sized qween. She’s just a midsized sized chunker at best. She’s not shopping plus size…. for now

No. 138686

She's boring and not pretty enough to sustain interest in her account with looks alone. She better put on that bimbo housewife apron, it's the real star of the show.

No. 138687


I've been saying this for at least a year ain't no way she's not slinging her funk box for $200 and some uggs. More like $20 but still… I'm actually kind of convinced Ellen is her pimp. Or at least hooking her up with all these old scrotes that will finger her in a parking lot.

No. 138688

She’s not shopping plus sizes bc she’s still retardedly squeezing into S, maybe M shit

No. 138689

File: 1663947416955.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.37 MB, 1170x1978, 8FEEE959-8D02-4285-A260-6A10CD…)

No. 138690

File: 1663947878396.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.17 MB, 1170x1746, F62ED444-BDE4-4458-B613-137DD3…)

Immediate jump scare

No. 138691

File: 1663947977855.jpeg (874.91 KB, 1170x1506, 2CF64B5B-5C8D-4F71-9644-23E48E…)

“The role she plays here is not her in real life.” No, this describes who she is exactly

No. 138692

File: 1663949738209.jpeg (650.71 KB, 892x960, 93A15640-E460-43AB-AD62-929729…)

Kek she looks so sweaty and her face looks like raw pizza dough

No. 138693

Her face is so fat jfc that’s a big bitch

No. 138694

File: 1663950330509.jpeg (123.82 KB, 1080x1920, FA276521-C5A2-4E7E-9288-B0BFDB…)

No it’s a dying trend. All articles about the egirl trend are from 2 years ago. Shayna is late as usual

No. 138695

The contrasting textures of her dry ass hair and greasy fucking face make me wanna take out my broom and sweep her up and spray some Mr. Clean

No. 138696

File: 1663953391177.png (243.93 KB, 680x625, 0394EC93-3380-47F6-8A68-A87651…)

> hogtied
so easy but so funny

No. 138697

File: 1663954242066.jpeg (545.66 KB, 1170x1043, 66C48631-DB4C-44F3-89B6-A1F8C0…)

Get ready everyone

No. 138698

"i always feel like" and then it cuts off before the line "somebody's watching me" so it's extremely pointless. and her weird staring for 10 seconds is unsettling kek

No. 138699

oh my fucking god, get a diary

No. 138700

So is this some random guy she met at the bar? Didn't she day she left the dad and went to a bar? Did this idiot get fucked by a random and now will become obsessed with him? If it was "The Dad" she'd say that. Ellen's days are numbered, even if this dude uses shayna as his FWB, shayna will become obsessed with him. Will accuse him of abuse or using her when he moves on and/or will waste years of her life chasing after him. The thought of shayna having a one night stand and allowing some dude she doesn't know to slap her around, while she gets no physical pleasure but mental Is hilarious and sad. Dude literally pumped, dumped and now she's writing paragraphs on Twitter and wants to send HIM a good morning text. She's the simp.

No. 138701

This! I see nobody replied to you but word, exactly what you said. She wants teens to see her shit and be oh, I want to be just like her, so empowered, you're so cool Shayna etc Saged for my own shit

No. 138702

Shayna's train of thought: damn, I got chunky! Should I lose weight through diet and exercise? Nah, I'll just embrace the black, that will do just fine!

No. 138703

File: 1663955947459.jpeg (46.56 KB, 275x270, 98D582E7-4986-4C0D-A1AF-63D21A…)

Fupa flashbacks

No. 138704

File: 1663956005751.jpeg (127.81 KB, 1242x344, 1089BEF1-8CAB-4F92-BF03-90E26D…)

No you want moid attention

No. 138705

File: 1663956079141.jpeg (193.84 KB, 405x556, DA65D0F8-FA6E-47F4-BA4D-BDDAF8…)

No. 138706

File: 1663956238102.jpeg (479.47 KB, 1242x2208, 84F003B0-02B3-4C63-A8C2-CACDD9…)

Why she staring at her unmanicured hands like that and acting like she has acrylics? kek

No. 138707

If you mean a potato with no lips then go ahead shat.

No. 138708

File: 1663956523524.jpeg (422.57 KB, 1242x2208, 76D1B263-66A0-4B45-B564-9162B8…)

Shayna really does get her kicks out of showing her nasty lopsided man-boobs to the world.

No. 138709

This bumpy faced dry lipped ugly retard thinks actual serial killer quotes from a man who beheaded and raped his own mother is so cute! I know she's not the first to do it but yuck.

No. 138710

How the hell does she think this facial expression is in any way attractive

No. 138711

So distasteful especially because the Twitter fags she panders to are mad about the new dahmer documentary thing or whatever.

No. 138712

It doesn't even look good, just saggy, lumpy and unnatural tbh. Just like a sloppy man letting the end of his belly and moobs hang out his shirt.

No. 138713

What was the purpose of this vid? She looks like a crossfaded idiot trying hard to focus on something and its just weird and vacant. Creepy but not in a halloween haha way. And then the end was uncomfortable and cringe.

No. 138714

>>blah blah blah
>>shayna looks uninterested
>> I want to abuse /harm a woman
>>Shayna makes ugly retarded face with dry as lips, pretending to be into it.

Can she get a new idea please?

No. 138715

Getting second hand embrassment realizing Shayna wore that ugly ass outfit in public to meet some scrote.

No. 138716

This is like the same tweet Ellen posted a month or so back after she finally got dicked down. These bitches are pathetic kek.
Way to tell on eachother that they don't consider lez real sex and/or have the saddest unfulfilling sex lives.
So much for sugaring and having multiple partners and being a "bimbo slut".

No. 138717

The hog tied part was accurate at least.

No. 138718

It just makes it look like her tits sit way low down on her chest/torso and that her shirt doesnt fit. I guess both aren't incorrect. But its not sexy and flattering like she thinks

No. 138719

Like a prev anon said, utterly bitchless. I’m humiliated just reading this good god

No. 138720

Why don't these "poly" idiots just stay single until they meet someone they're actually attracted to? Any time any of them meet someone they seriously like they sperg like crazy with no regard to their other "partners". Every "poly" relationship ends up like this. Are these people afraid of being alone with their own thoughts or what? Kek

No. 138721

In normal gross poly relationships at least sex happens, in Shayna's relationships she just doesn't want to be alone. She'll take faking it with Ellen, using the dad for cheap meals. You see how she met with a guy at a bar and literally had sex what I assume is the first time meeting him.
I hate to go into the "Scrote" mindset, but most men aren't going to take you serious if you behave like that. Let them hit you (softly) and have sex the first night. Shayna thinks giving men the pleasure of sleeping with her, means as much as to them as it does to her. Just like Fupaul, they'll use her up sexually, get bored, then immediately get with someone they like. Shayna treats Ellen just like Fupaul treated her.
They are simply placeholders. I think Shayna has only been without "Dating" someone maybe months since she became an adult. These people are obsessed with sex, but don't really have it because they instantly become obsessed with the scrote. I truly believe no one will ever take Shayna seriously, if she keeps seeking hypersexual scrotes who she gives access to her body the first time meeting. It's not like she's a nice, pleasant person. No she's a needy, selfish, generic weirdo.

No. 138722

A 25 year old woman acting like this over what's most likely (definitely) a bottom of the barrel tattoed slob she met at a dive bar is beyond fucking bleak.

No. 138723

they're scared of rejection and non-commitment is the best they can get

No. 138724

Disgusting misogynistic bitch

No. 138725

did she fuck that sad balding guy on tiktok who had like 5 twitter followers? or does he live too far away? i can see him easily conning her to fuck him before the shoot for free to "help with nerves" or some dumb shit.

speaking of dumb shit, she has no fucking business acumen. why wouldnt she milk the "my first fuck in over a year - uwu my hymen is resealed!" angle for an actual video she could profit off of?

No. 138726

the fat girl shes dating must have a humilation kink because how embarrassing for her.

No. 138727

the girl she's dating acts the same way everytime she gets with a scrote, they make it very clear they don't really like eachother and just don't want to be alone. I wonder what Ellen was doing before Shayna came back tbh

No. 138728

File: 1663962910457.jpeg (397.05 KB, 1170x1275, 186433B9-7174-4059-901B-AB7159…)

Get ready for mom drama again

No. 138729

Stop doing self-misogyny exercises on tiktok and make yourself a dentist's appointment.

Reimbursement for something she bought for herself that solely involves her going to see her family. She's going to have a ~bad bwain day uwu~ and ask her faithful coomers to cover the cost because she remembered she's going to have to deal with her family trying to help her leave sex work again, boohoo uwu

No. 138730

This may get me screamed at, but I wonder why her parents never pay her flights. I feel like they have the money for it.This is retarded though

No. 138731

I feel like she's never invited, she just decides when to go see them and they don't really want her to come. When she revealed that the trip to ireland was the first trip she'd been invited too, that makes me feel like despite her family wanting to help her, they don't want her around until she gets help.

No. 138732

Maybe she has an ounce of shame and pays for the tickets herself to show them that she's totally thriving as a prostitute.

No. 138733

I have a tinfoil that maybe they did use to offer to pay it but she would pocket the money or use it on stupid shit instead. Plus are tickets really that expensive for a round flight? I took one form tx to il and it only was around $400-$500. She’s inflating the price for scrotes to pay

No. 138734

Shayna always asks for a little bit more then she needs, which is one of the smart things she does. I don't care if she's scamming scrotes.

No. 138735

this is more than a little bit. seattle to boston is $300-$400, average. maybe a bit more in december due to the holidays. what she’s doing is just a bold faced scam.

No. 138736

In-flight drinks add up

No. 138737

File: 1663965837468.jpeg (747.18 KB, 1170x1860, 1DECD3C3-8B2E-4475-A3F5-93B6A3…)

But what happened to Goth being a “hard limit”?

No. 138738

File: 1663965887837.jpeg (621.27 KB, 1170x1133, B0136901-29C9-4ABB-BF00-C9F2E6…)

And this is why you need help

No. 138739

I think I remember her saying she flies business class. Maybe her family only offers coach and that's too beneath her.

No. 138740

I hate this hideous, repulsive, abuse-glamorising, pedophilic hambeast so much, anyone who is into this disgusting shit deserves the chair

No. 138741

Her life is already shitty. My dislike for Shayna is up there with troons at this point, she literally doesn't have to live or be this way. We see how she could be living by seeing her siblings. It pisses me off.
Shayna can't have normal sexual relationships, is 25 and trying to compete with women her age or younger who are naturally attractive with better bodies/personalities. The only way she can get a handful of attention is posting retarded shit like this or showing her retarded body.
She lets scrotes sleep with her on the first date. She's disgusting, her family barely likes her. She's created her own hell and the funny thing is, it's boring and uncreative as she is. She has to surround herself with uggos because she can't bare being around people her own age, who don't want to treat her like a retard.

No. 138742

She'd be so intimidated by a male who encouraged vanilla sex more often. I wonder how insecure she would feel if kinks just were completely off the table for her dream scrote. It would be harder for her to feel "memorable" in bed since she couldn't just resist then lay around getting slapped and squealing.

No. 138743

I think she'd be fine with that. I truly believe all she does is bend over and laying on her back, while a scrote slaps, chokes or does whatever. IF she was doing more Shayna would definetly be bragging about it.

No. 138744

Having a rape fetish because you’re desperate for any man to “want” you is another level of pathetic. Mutual attraction and care is just so lame that she gets off to being a fleshlight as if males wouldn’t fuck a hole in the ground. Just proves how delusional she is.

No. 138745

The sad part is she has to pretend to be into these deranged kinks because she’s not attractive or interesting enough to get attention any other way. Such a grifter always pandering to the latest degenerate trends for money

No. 138746

File: 1663971565096.jpeg (711.82 KB, 1242x1311, 6853F901-DCD8-44EE-953C-2152CD…)

No. 138747

comedy porn for the first bg scene, how on brand

No. 138748

>don't involve non-consenting parties in your fetish
The men that get off to this shit have ABSOLUTELY 100% raped women in real life. THAT IS LITERALLY THE FETISH YOU FUCKING RETARD.

No. 138749

Is it normal for pornstars to take a long time to do scenes with other people? She's been in porn for years and this is the first but there are people who start with sex on camera, but she's acting like this first one is a huge deal? It's not her first even she had sex with fupa in camera once

No. 138750

Of course the guy will be covered up with a whole fucking costume kek so much for all the cute guys she meets with

No. 138751

I love how she's buying the outfit for the dude to wear, unless she's planning on wearing it in some retarded way. Such a pick me.

No. 138752

Not like its an original concept anyway but she's just copying what that other ewhore just did but I bet it'll be even worse kek. That fat yellow toothed one with glasses that did a post about working with Shaynus and Bustedpixie. She did some Scream themed porn where she was camping in the woods and the dude assaults her or something.

No. 138753

because she seems to be terrible at sex, like “just laying there getting it in, gagging at 3inch dicks” kinda gal.

No. 138754

she literally types like that furry tranny on kf, kevin gibes

No. 138755

yes shayna rape is soooo sexy and hot, try actually getting assaulted and see your delusional views on “kinks” crumble, you stupid bitch

No. 138756

Not endorsing this pedo pandering trash but, where is this outfit from as I kinda wanna wear this but not as short for halloween

No. 138757

Dollskill. Even though she claimed many times she doesn’t support the company

No. 138758

Damn this bitch is sick.
And tweeting this to be seen by everyone. Men have always been rapey but Jesus Christ don't encourage them more!

It's that last tweet that's killing me. You put the idea of a woman saying no and trying to make it stop like it's just some act and they actually love it?
Fuck you Shay, you are scum of the earth.

No. 138759

Literally the only website she buys from now besides Shein and Amazon.

No. 138760

I strongly believe that the reason she likes being forced is because she is lazy and doesn’t want to make decisions.

No. 138761

Don't forget the occasional AliExpress!
It's a bit deeper than that. I'd say I'm lazy and hate making decisions but I don't fantasize about being raped!

No. 138762

As a victim of SA at the hands of someone who I thought cared and loved me, seeing this shit from Shat truly makes me want to a-log so fucking bad. Anyone who romanticises being abused/raped/forced/assaulted and pander to that “kink” are as bad as the abusers, they all deserve each other and they all deserve the chair. Sage for selfblog

No. 138763

it's always the ugliest pickme women who have rape fetishes

No. 138764


Usually when it's women with the CnC fetish it comes from being in cultures repress female sexuality. Idk what Shayna's case is outside of being a giant pickme

No. 138765

the psychology behind it is girls who like rape fantasy -actually- just like the idea that they are so irresistible that men cannot control their urges and must “have them”.

but in dolly farttel’s case i agree she probably is just lazy and loves not having to do much. its gonna be hilarious if she actually has sex with saggy tit tiktok guy to see how quickly she has pork sweats and is out of breath

No. 138766

They should just say "I want to be wanted so badly" and leave it at that.
Attractive and normal woman can just get laid and have kinky sex when they want it. And I can't speak for all sa survivors but I doubt a significant amount have rape "fantasies" where they want to relive their trauma in that way. So that just leaves ugly dumbasses who don't know what it's really like out her perpetuating harmful misogynistic shit because they can't get meaningful relationships or good sex for themselves so they come up with these ridiculous kinks to cope.

No. 138767

This is the only reason why she has a rape fetish. She just wants an excuse for her making 0 physical effort during sex.

No. 138768

Idk what made y'all think she has any pride or dignity in being self supporting except for show. It's way more likely her family bought her ticket and she's just scamming for extra cash/rent. If she was truly ~girlboss~ and had pride, she wouldn't ask for reimbursements and shit.
How the fuck would she afford to drop 750 on a flight home, and book all this other shit she's said she has, AND buy a $300 retarded straightjacket, plus other stuff. Not on her 500 of subs salary. She's doing in person prostitution now and gets help from Ellen and Womack and whoever else. Plus her family def helps out.
I refuse to believe she was able to spend $1-2k this last week at the end of the month after being short on rent the last few months. Shit just doesn't add up. I figured she already blew through her payouts on the fetish con gigs and I can't imagine they paid a whole lot anyway. She was just behhing for money for coffee or something and complaining about an overcharge on her card.
Yeah she's a scammer, but she's also a broke bitch after she impulsively blows through what pathetic amounts of money she can scrape up.
But above all else She lacks pride, shame, humility, and dignity. She's made it clear she's never above panhandling, begging, mooching, and handouts. She might pretend she's so independent and sticking it to her parents, but she's nowhere near above taking from them in reality.

No. 138769

>you didn't say no angrily enough
>it seemed like you actually wanted it
>even though you said no multiple times
This is the exact kind of shit that she encourages. And it's not rare at all. So many women who have been raped will avoid referring to it as a "real" rape in their mind because of disgusting shit like this that scrotes use to gaslight their victims & excuse their assault. Well, scrotes and Shayna.
She is doing real harm to other women. Yet she still tries to act like she's uwu such a sweet caring dolly who gets hate fow no weason?

No. 138770

Bitch starts falling in love with a tinder fuck lmaooo. Shayna he’s not posting about your pussy like this, why are you??? Holy shit the embarrassment!

No. 138771

Imagine your only contribution to life being creating content for rapists and defending the act because it’s your NLOG fantasy. Bitch you’ve never had a relationship where the other person cares about your well-being or pleasure and it shows. The fact so many moids get off to explicit non-consent even if it’s faked for a video is horrific, how can you be aroused at the image of the person you’re fucking not being into it? I mean I know men are evil but still this is BLEAK how normalized it’s become as a ~kink~ and these girls think it’s fine to put it out there as paid content knowing men will get off to it just because it’s simulating a rape situation.

No. 138772

Hugs nona, I’m sorry you went through that. This shit is exactly why I despise this repulsive piece of shit more than any other cow, she’s actively harming women and profiting off it (albeit not by much, but still). No one calls her out on it except us. Degenerate whores on twitter screech about her being an antisemite just because she made a retarded edgelord joke but no one says anything about her promoting rape and incest and pedophilia. I really fucking hope she gets “exposed” on TikTok

No. 138773

Survivor here too anon. So I’m right there with you on this

No. 138774

File: 1663985094932.webm (2.02 MB, 576x1024, %.webm)

No. 138775

File: 1663985119258.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.42 MB, 1170x2003, 1D803E22-305D-4308-958F-A1F243…)

Sorry if this has been posted already. Like wtf

No. 138776

She's so ugly I can't take I genuinely think I'm gonna stop looking at this thread I cant stand her face

No. 138777

It's because she uses every muscle in her face to make those weird ass expressions save for her eyes. She's a little like Tom Cruise in that way–she looks friendly, but there's nothing behind those eyes.

No. 138778

Every single one of her videos is out of sync, she’s such a fucking retard

No. 138779

whos this? is this Ellen? kek

No. 138780

tf is this alfred e neuman expression

No. 138781

So the video is acting out what happens to porn stars in real life (abuse by male talent and producers)? Vile

No. 138782

File: 1663986802664.jpeg (361.96 KB, 1242x852, 25793950-BB2A-46C5-A4B3-D645F1…)

Of course fat bitch wants money to eat.

No. 138783

So Fat Shat has probably been exposed too, and you know she’s going to keep whoring and not isolate

No. 138784

Who is the woman in Ellen's pfp? Because it's surely not her lardy, cellulite-ridden, obese af self kek. Was she once 50 lb lighter like Shayna?

No. 138785

It's clearly just a really old picture.

No. 138786

Wait didn’t she just claim she started her period 3 days ago?

No. 138787

She’s been on her period all month she’s just a lazy fat worthless shit who can’t even do the bare minimum of getting on cam to beg for pennies

No. 138788

I know Shay is a tone-deaf retard but her recent tweets about "forced" shit right now when that dramatised documentary series about Dahmer has just come out..
He's basically the kinda man she sexualises as "daddy" except he was gay.
He forced drugged people, fondled them and even dabbled in Shay's favourite: lobotomy!

No. 138789

Who the hell is sending her tips? And for what? She gets absolutely no engagement. I bet she posts this shit just to bait Womack to send her money.

No. 138790

File: 1664000979581.jpeg (502.3 KB, 828x1239, D3603A81-5A37-405C-A96D-C3A71D…)

kek the hag from skidmark academy didn’t even acknowledge her. Imagine being 46 and doing this shit. Get a glimpse of your future, Shaynus

No. 138791

She’s the kind of girl to post an edgy “he was just kinky uwu he’s daddy” tweet about him

No. 138792

Kek 46 and looking better than fat shat at 25

No. 138793

File: 1664014707484.jpeg (516.16 KB, 1466x1869, 8986334D-5F16-40A1-B94E-56B886…)

From her latest TikTok, I don’t understand what the point of this “trend” is but holy shit her skin is fucking rancid, even with filters you can see how bad the texture is. And the dead black eyes, and the eye bags, very sexy Shatna

No. 138794

She looks way better but she’s still a degenerate whore. Probably even more pathetic than Shayna because who hasn’t found a real job by 46?!

No. 138795

God, the smugness of this misogynistic, repugnant, pedo pandering, pick me, hamplanet whore. I want to a-log so bad!

No. 138796

how does this so called bisexual explain never having sex with her girlfriend?

No. 138797

Kek of course she has a Penzance poster. Picture perfect Cornish town. Except for the heroin, the extreme poverty and the massive homelessness problem exacerbated by the government giving free train tickets to people from upcountry so they can ride that very same trainline the poster is romanticising down to the part of the country where they’re least likely to die sleeping rough (due to the warmer temperature down south).
Forgive the geosperg - am only pointing it out cos Penzance is truly bléaque and it’s such a good metaphor for these nasty women glamorising their nasty selves and failing to conceal the absolute rot that lies just barely beneath the surface of their photos/videos.
This is exactly what makes me want to a-log. Men are already using the “she wanted it” defence to get away with raping and murdering women. Encouraging that is inexcusable and shameful. Imagine selling out women and girls for pennies and crumbs of NLOG attention from rapists and paedophiles. Fucking disgusting. There’s just no way her “uwu this is how I process my own trauma” is true. She’s just evil.

No. 138798

>Imagine selling out women and girls for pennies and crumbs of NLOG attention
Fucking this. Thank you for succinctly putting it into words. I wish I could deck her in her smug, busted face, or at least face-to-face publicly insult her until she cried. Resisting to urge to a-log rn myself.

No. 138799

It’s a trend about how the zoomed in version (right hand side) is what you actually look like to IRL (closer to) vs the distorted phone camera lens in the left hand size, this trend on tiktok cycles every few weeks, funnily enough she looks 10x more overweight in the “IRL” version kek

No. 138800

File: 1664024107050.webm (1.03 MB, 576x1024, the smugness of this misogynis…)

No. 138801

File: 1664025709126.webm (3.54 MB, 720x1280, what are these brows?.webm)

Instagram Stories.

No. 138802

Absolute jumpscare. I don't even see attractive people eyefuck themselves as much as she does. I wish I could see what she sees, kek

No. 138803


The TikTok filters she uses work harder than the devil, if this was a random that popped up on my feed I'd think she's just a semi, almost cute crusty stoner chick.

No. 138804

File: 1664032052918.png (8.53 MB, 1242x2208, EE71BA13-317B-4D19-81FA-FF0397…)

No. 138805

Literally what is this hairstyle

No. 138806

Clearly there were quite a few days between Facetiming and the meetup because that hair hasn't been washed in a long time. So gross, so bimbo

No. 138807

why does she look so much like alice bender? is it just the filters or is this weird dead stare blank mouth facial expression a "thing" on tiktok? i do not use it so please anyone with insight also shayna having a crunchy phase would be so amazing, she could go back to the grungy stoner look and if she started eating raw vegan crap maybe she would lose some weight

No. 138808

File: 1664032545525.gif (12.25 MB, 270x480, 27818FA8-AF18-4329-A5FA-2F666D…)

No. 138809

what is she trying to say with this? that she's an ugly bitch irl? because we all know that.

No. 138810


"Innocent and cute vs sexy bad girl" but Shayna is ugly and too lazy and dumb to change her outfit and makeup so it falls completely flat.

No. 138811

According to >>138799 its meant to show how you look IRL. I reckon what she’s trying to say is she looks just as “hot”.

No. 138812

we know u look like Jason R. Womack IRL, what is this shit lol

No. 138813

does she think the blinking is cute? it makes her look retarded and/or on drugs and completely blank. ain’t a thought up there.

No. 138814

File: 1664033749929.gif (6.57 MB, 291x480, 9C28231E-C3A7-4424-99A4-FBF08B…)

No. 138815

Nona, Nona, Nona! This is perfect!

No. 138816

kek is she blinking in time with the beat? she’s such a retard

No. 138817

Wide and flat like an Idaho plain

No. 138818

Lol at her thinking that greasy combover is sexy

No. 138819

TOPFUCKINGKEK next thread pic please

No. 138820

This looks like a mugshot kek

No. 138821

Wtf is she doing with her hair? She looks like a spastic hit by a strong breeze

No. 138822

Nonnie I'm choking on my food. That's brilliant.

No. 138823

The greasy combovers final form

No. 138824

Her makeup is blank and one trick pony just like her. Everyone knows how to do decent brows by now. Brows have been on focus trend for a dacade now and there's hundreds of products specifically for it now. It's nothing worth posting and gassing yourself up about. Also what little brow she has left or draws for herself isn't as flattering as it could be if she wasn't a retard and figured out what looked normal and good on her crusty face.
Try contemporary lip products and eyeshadow styles next.

No. 138825

File: 1664042149669.jpeg (313.32 KB, 1242x1586, 57681ABF-BF5F-47E6-B9A3-5E7F89…)

No. 138826

Eat a fucking vegetable, drink some water and exfoliate.

No. 138827

She's too old for pink hair.

No. 138828

File: 1664043015082.jpeg (Spoiler Image,140.55 KB, 1080x1038, 59888737-0FB8-4EFF-8B46-79F884…)

Let’s not do that. No one is too old for a hair color.

No. 138829

I hope she does and it's an awful reddish or purple pink that stains and ruins the blonde she just finally got to kek
Piercings aren't ~bimbo baby barbie~ and she just wants to look more "alt" because its october and either several scrotes or one in particular is into it. She already went through this phase with Fupa.
Getting some random dick (allegedly) really got her acting up like a hypertard again

No. 138830

How the hell does this lady look more youthful and glowing than Shayna? Jfc and Shayna with pink hair will make her look even more trashy she doesn’t have the look or face for colorful hair

No. 138831

File: 1664043248968.jpeg (518.67 KB, 1242x1599, B3EFBD62-A69A-4B05-9C6C-81BDF9…)

No. 138832

It's the blatant lies for me, idc what nonnies say yes we know scrotes are retarded creeps but absolutely no one is walking around complementing shatna this much let alone her trotters.

No. 138833

Exactly she has a new story every day. Beautiful women don’t get these weird wild interactions. She’s making up shit for attention. Her life is so boring she had to make up a story about random scrote complimenting her feet while walking her fat dog

No. 138834

Agreed, Shay's age is the absolute least of her problems

No. 138835

File: 1664043796760.png (8.38 MB, 1242x2208, DA2696CE-8F11-4C6F-A661-AE6044…)

When you’re fat and retarded https://streamable.com/5vrs9z

No. 138836

File: 1664043981565.jpeg (143.02 KB, 1102x1125, CDE7677A-8679-4D17-BFD7-8B0342…)

Serving rodent realness

No. 138837

Kek Shayna found the perfect platform to blogpost on. Tiktok loves this stuff. Just can't wait for someone to bring up her baby larping

No. 138838

Remember when some miachan told Shayna she thinks of her when she purges. Kek ED TikTok and Twitter will have a field day with her videos. She looks so retarded. A lot of ED twitter is minors and they hate pedophiles

No. 138839

she would look sooo much better without the underboob. miss the bra wearing era.

No. 138840

Her mid section looks like Pepe in a helmet and face mask.

No. 138841

She doesn’t even need a bra just needs to pull her retarded top down. Why does she get off on tucking her shirt underneath to show minors on tiktok her nasty man boobs

No. 138842

File: 1664044952667.jpeg (370.08 KB, 1242x964, 551164A5-CFB3-490F-B9F0-B03F07…)

Depressed Ellen retweets

No. 138843

File: 1664045032311.jpeg (252.09 KB, 889x1527, 3E6A2FA7-A2C5-4400-AEC7-5F7EC1…)

She looked awful with pink hair

No. 138844

She's absolutely delusional. I feel this is the start of her downfall. I hope she really goes viral and shamed into oblivion for being so fucking putrid.

No. 138845

why did she ever think uploading these no makeup pictures/videos was a good idea

No. 138846

Totally thriving in a healthy poly relationship with her successful sw gf kek
Ugly lil Trunchbull. If she lost weight shed be as hideous as ever. She'd probably revert back to her spring 2021 habits of zero effort of not wearing makeup and wearing her turd braids all the time.

No. 138847

File: 1664045731760.jpg (67.48 KB, 794x831, il_794xN.2870665878_7olx.jpg)


No. 138848

She looks like an actual meth head here kek

No. 138849

My vote for next thread pic

No. 138850

I always thought she was a meth head in her first threads. She’s so nasty.

She looked best with the dark purple hair.

No. 138851

She looks awful with any color hair because she's just ugly. There's 10 other things she needs to improve before changing hair color.

No. 138852

because she’s actually happy with her life and the things she’s done, i’d assume

No. 138853

File: 1664053503744.jpg (153.46 KB, 960x960, 306387656_635271574631067_4600…)

Yaniv isn't the only troon she resembles

No. 138854

Wow really giving 2016 tumblr heroin fandom a la #nodsquad and yet somehow she is even more pathetic than those girls

No. 138855

she literally does not have anything to fall from

No. 138856

Aw this is adorable. Made my night, thanks nonners.

No. 138857

File: 1664062620489.jpeg (540.35 KB, 1242x1049, 480A9CFB-1510-4F93-B38F-0F5474…)

No. 138858

oof she's getting cellulite on her gut now.
Now that she's been getting dressed up again & trying to make herself look presentable (rather than hanging around all day in hobo clothes & no makeup like before), it's all the more jarring when she posts a nude. Not only is she bordering on obese but her fat distribution is just tragic. Ninety percent of her gain goes to her gut & core. Classic alkie fat distribution tbh. Her internal organs must be screaming.

No. 138859

Great inspo for me to go to the gym this morning, cheers Shaynard you fat ugly turd.

No. 138860

and do what with it exactly? fyi, she still has the whole colourpop lizzie mcguire collection (or one of those similar ones), as well as a bunch of other makeup. why bother buying new makeup when you don’t even know how to use it?

No. 138861

I swear all she does is crusty foundation, eyeliner and some shit on her brows which is probably what she uses for those crap fake freckles.

No. 138862

she doesn’t even know how to use lotion or primer but sure, but some more makeup for your crusty skin Shayna.

No. 138863

File: 1664065936592.jpg (30.2 KB, 800x450, Xbawks2.jpg)

No. 138864

File: 1664066321974.jpeg (329.98 KB, 750x640, 22EFF8BC-1C4B-4BBB-BE9D-062347…)

She must have lurked because she tried a new look today. She posted this video talking in a fake ass Kim kardashian voice. So cringe. We know she sounds like a manly stoner chick https://streamable.com/vy4uyl

No. 138865

She still looks like a retard because her eyebrows and too far apart.

No. 138866

Jesus christ she’s 24 or 25, she is not too old for pink hair. Diapers maybe but not hair dye

No. 138867

I mean you can barely even see it because the ludicrous eyelashes.

But ugh the fake voice. Bitch, why?

No. 138868

File: 1664067345208.png (8.48 MB, 1242x2208, 771E60C9-F5F2-4BC2-A9D9-97E087…)

No. 138869

Another Shein abomination that makes her look like a pig in a pink plastic trash bag.

No. 138870

kek it looks like a court jester costume

No. 138871

i dont get it, why hide her gut with those belt-skirts if she’s going to post her gut on full blast kek

No. 138872

The video for whatever this abomination is. She looks straight up retarded and like she smelled her own alchi and processed meat farts.


No. 138873

Lmao what the fuck is that?

Has she made her weekly excuse for not camming yet?

No. 138874

If she used it for running it shouldn't be such a bad thing. Does this idiot even knows how to run?

No. 138875

For someone who’s terminally online, she really misses the mark with literally every fashion choice she makes. Also this bitch is so wide that hiding her gut with high waisted pants actually makes her look even fatter

No. 138876

File: 1664071151160.gif (510.51 KB, 498x343, retard-alert.gif)

My god. Some anon mentioned it, but it really is Baby Jane, right up to the retarded underage dressing. This is the ugliest outfit with the ugliest fit and it's even in her size. How is she not bullied off tiktok

No. 138877

i zoomed in on her face in this and the absolute state of her under eye area. she looks like a stinky pig

No. 138878

Sage bc semi rant but when I see her body in all its vile, repugnant horror, I think about how much shit she talked back in the very first threads. I think about how she used her body as a way to feel superior to people. I think about all the gross shit she is into and perpetuates, and I think about how she deserves this. She deserves every dimple, every roll, every pound. I don’t think I’ve ever even felt anything remotely like pity for her, either. She’s one of the few women I would say is as nasty as a goddamn scrote and boy I can’t wait for her bedridden deathfat saga. Thanks for being such great gymspo, Shatna.

No. 138879

File: 1664074018169.webm (3.89 MB, 576x1024, rodent realness.webm)

For whatever reason, she didn’t post this one on TikTok, just Instagram stories. She’s probably “afraid” of TikTok on some subconscious level.

No. 138880

File: 1664074191489.webm (1.8 MB, 720x1280, Her mid section looks like Pep…)

No. 138881

File: 1664074536859.webm (1.48 MB, 1232x672, her eyebrows and too far apar…)

No. 138882

File: 1664074690132.jpg (503.54 KB, 889x1580, nos.JPG)

Accompanying photo.

No. 138883

What is that shitty material? At least it’s baggier than the other tracksuits she’s squeezed herself into, but her gunt is still hanging out. And that fabric is just irredeemable. It looks like corduroy. What the fuck?

No. 138884

File: 1664077133797.jpeg (979.82 KB, 1170x1798, 38811C09-E812-4AC8-B431-7374D6…)

A little?

No. 138885

It’s polyester woven (?) to look like corduroy. Hopefully it wasn’t too warm in Renton because the thought of a polyester corduroy outfit on someone who refuses to shower, do laundry and wear underwear sounds (smells?) like a nightmare.

No. 138886

File: 1664077812963.webm (4.35 MB, 672x1232, ~fit.webm)

Don’t deprive us of the full effect of this -fit, Nona.

No. 138887

File: 1664078832265.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1082x1947, 3ADABDBB-B7BF-4102-B7C2-917DB5…)

Crackhead at the halfway house vibes

No. 138888

Fishing for pity, also kek at the extra alcohol version white claw, drink some damn WATER and maybe you wouldn’t have a flabby beer gut from chugging shitty seltzers every day. Idk how people like her can drink casually every fucking day and not feel shit and bloated

No. 138889

i predict she will delete this when shes sober. what was she thinking.

No. 138890

the music she chooses to listen to is so bizarre, especially in conjunction with the wannabe crusty bimbo act.

No. 138891

File: 1664081003482.png (5.97 MB, 1242x2208, 67FA2D90-F238-409A-B318-C0F00B…)

The text came on after she fell. She sucks at making these kek she’s so nasty can she not make TikTok’s without bringing up sex or her whoring job https://streamable.com/icecq7

No. 138892

now shes looking like a chav fr

No. 138893


Scrolled too fast and thought this was a part of the troon thread kek

No. 138894

Any weird mouth thing she does is immediately ruined by her single snaggletooth hanging down, top kek

No. 138895

File: 1664082908716.jpg (65.52 KB, 780x438, 90 day fiance mike.jpg)

she reminds me of him in this pic for some reason

No. 138896


this voice is 100% a result of now being addicted to tiktok and trying to be like the content creators on there, it's a really common affect on that app. she probably has spent most of her time in this "manic" phase mentioned here >>138825 glued to her phone obsessively scrolling through her fyp and trying to copy shit she sees lol

No. 138897

Oh my god. That's who she reminds me of. I couldn't fucking remember for the life of me but it was him.

No. 138898

Fuck tiktok for not keeping her banned, TWICE.

No. 138899

fat kek

No. 138900

As she should be, it’s only a matter of time before she gets dragged over the coals. On the one hand I’m disappointed she didn’t stay banned because she’s a disgusting misogynistic pedophile but on the other hand I’m glad because her cringey boomer behavior is pretty hilarious

No. 138901

File: 1664084839547.png (9.96 MB, 1242x2208, 15C87AE1-A66F-4166-A38D-0C043D…)

No. 138902

File: 1664084894967.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1162x1525, 733E6087-86A9-474F-BDE8-4E681D…)

A mix of him and a garden gnome

No. 138903

Second one makes me want to die
Shoutout to the topth and domth

No. 138904

That second one is so cringe. And that fake nasally baby voice. Vom.

No. 138905

File: 1664085346945.jpeg (432.99 KB, 1242x2208, 4254DF18-D5C3-4487-A39E-66F5AF…)

That makeup does NOT go with that outfit. I know she doesn’t go anywhere but she could wear a better outfit that actually matches her shitty eyeshadow. The ugly hoops gauges, the crusty space buns, and sweaty goody headband from the drug store. Also that sweatshirt is so ugly it looks like it’s from Walmart. I know it’s from dollskill but it looks so raggedy and she hasn’t even had it that long.

No. 138906

Dear god that profile is unfortunate, she legit looks like a Hartley Hooligan

No. 138907

>implying Dolls Kill is any better than Walmart

No. 138908

I never said that. I’m saying it because anons will correct me by saying it’s from dollskill. Like that tacky Walmart bikini she got from them that looked like the kids clearance rack .

No. 138909

I fucking hate this ugly rat faced degenerate so much, she’s so punchable, especially in that second video (though I love how even with that excessive filtering her disgusting acne is still front and centre and she still looks twice her age)

No. 138910

File: 1664087932808.webm (874.43 KB, 576x1024, cringetok .webm)

No. 138911

I'm already so sick and tired of seeing that outdated heart on her haggard face.

No. 138912

This is in the top 3 ugliests wtf "outfits" she's ever worn. That top looks like an accident on the sewing line. Like it was supposed to be pants but it got fucked up multiple times along the way.
None of it is flattering or cute. Corduroy is a sin.

No. 138913

File: 1664088315974.webm (3.13 MB, 576x1024, gross.webm)

> just a lil bit of positivity for all the tops / doms out there
(Two Hearts Emoji) (Sparkling Heart Emoji) (Sparkles Emoji)
She’s getting bolder.

No. 138914

File: 1664088359187.webm (1.9 MB, 576x1024, 90 Day Fiancé Mike.webm)

No. 138915

Her lips are so dry and cracked she has deep indentions in them. Like they were sliced open. How do you just live like that

No. 138916

I've lurked in these threads for so long but have never heard her talk before. This can't be her real voice right? Shes just playing up a valley girl accent or something right?

No. 138917

it’s so ugly when she fakes her voice like that but once you really see her she speaks and acts like a man on camera,

No. 138918

I was thinking the eye makeup actually looks good until i saw >>138905

No. 138919

File: 1664089562354.webm (18.78 MB, 720x1280, ugly rat faced degenerate.webm)

Stitched together Instagram Stories, the “end” of the video is >>138886 which I didn’t stitch with the rest as it had already been posted.

No. 138920

Shayna’s natural voice: https://streamable.com/9a75c5

No. 138921

Why is she talking like this? This is not her real voice

No. 138922

Trying to be an uwu cute sub bottom

No. 138923

File: 1664097068690.jpg (21.18 KB, 550x309, 1tb5dd.jpg)

No. 138924

THAT FAKE UWU VOICE KEKEKEK. Once again trying to act 'cute' and failing to realize that it makes her sound like a literal retard.

No. 138925

I don’t mean to be a spoon fed tard but I always assumed these dates with the “dad” were resulting in sex? What do they even get out of it? Either not having sex for a year is a lie or the dad is literally not real.

No. 138926

File: 1664101491683.jpeg (499.04 KB, 1242x1177, A39CD77E-D3F1-4F13-8085-9725C7…)

She just says he bites her and fingered her at (what we assume) an Applebees parking lot. The tweets about him make him seem like a fag so idk. It would be so funny if she was making him up the entire time or lied about it being one consistent guy giving her money.

No. 138927

File: 1664101613380.jpeg (885.65 KB, 1242x1207, F6C991B2-C21F-436B-A609-5DE113…)

I mean she had her pic taken by a bald guy. We saw the reflection in the window. Idk why anons won’t consider her lying as a possibility. Shayna makes shit up all the time. Her whole life is a fabrication

No. 138928

Not all moids want a prostitute? Although it does sound weird…

No. 138929

Right? He’s been around for a while now and way longer than any man who would hang out without sex? They’re not like dating really so it seems weird that we be would buy her anything? I know people have said he’s made up before but I remember the picture of him building some furniture or some stupid shit so I assumed he was real or something. So he went over to her place to build furniture naked but they didn’t have sex?

No. 138930

The moid with his chode in a cage was “slave dad”. A submissive she met through Ellen Degenerate. We’ve never seen “the dad” or any of her cheap splenda daddies. Kek @ the memory of her lurking the threads and unironically calling them her splenda daddies on her discord. She loves regurgitating the shit she reads on here.

No. 138931

he could just be a pedo kinkster who used her to fulfill his fetish. you're talking as if any of her relationships with men are like regular dating. they're not.

No. 138932

I'm so embarrassed for her. There's no way she didn't tell the dude she fucked about her socials. She was probably posting bait for him to text her about all day kek.

No. 138933

File: 1664105469679.jpg (21.86 KB, 474x315, th-2355263562.jpg)

Imagine it's your turn to make some people go missing 411 and when you open your bigfoot portal you see that.

No. 138934

This is really autistic

No. 138935

File: 1664109680270.jpeg (321.55 KB, 1797x1002, 3AF5172F-49C2-4EFF-BE63-376689…)

Idk why Shayna can’t buy plus size versions of cheap tacky clothes. She’s at least a size XL

No. 138936

She's in denial about her weight anon, that's why. She thinks she's still a tiny uwu bimbo and will be cramming herself into a medium long after she's ballooned up to 2XL.

No. 138937

she probably just doesn't count her prostitution as sex because she's retarded.

No. 138938

Damn I thought that fat roll was a shirt

No. 138939

she knows she has children in her comments too. I know this because she combs through her comments to delete anything she deems bad. she knows what she’s doing. she’s trying to lure children into sex work, just like she did when she was underage. she wants to seem like the cool older sister when in reality, she’s a sex trafficking pedo.

No. 138940

Shayna is dangerous at best, predatory at worst. She gloats about her TikTok going “viral” but how many of those views were from children, especially vulnerable teenage girls? It’s disgusting and enraging. Does TikTok censor sensitive content from underage users? She’s essentially using the platform to sling her sex work content in addition to fueling her ego from the filters and fleeting attention.

No. 138941

the bald guy is that nosferatu looking creep from the bdsm shoots where she giggles like she has down’s syndrome

No. 138942

she also let a guy “sniff and lick” her feet in her apartment while she laid on her back naked in a spread eagle type pose. shes fucking disgusting and her perception of sex is warped.

No. 138943

tiktok doesn’t have any way to mark content 18+/sensitive content. kids can see anything that comes up on their fyp or if they search. she knows this. she wants kids to see her content because they’re the only ones that say she’s cool or that they want to grow up to be like her.

No. 138944

Actually it does. I went to look at one of her vids and I hadn't put an age to my account I guess so it said the vid was restricted until I did to confirm I was over 18 I assume.
It said the age doesn't show on profile and there was no verification. So we know a lot of kids will just lie. But technically Tiktok does censor content. Again, Im not sure how much good it actually does though.

No. 138945

It's also the "Aym from Waaahshiyngton Stayte!" accent creeping in.

No. 138946

The nasty pedo adults get around the censorship by misspelling banned words using seggs instead of sex. And using the word “accountant” when referring to prostitution

No. 138947

looking like she just rolled out of B&M bargains with a few tinnies ready to shout and start fights on the streets of the estate. Also the UWU baby voice gave me so much second hand embarrassment, she sounds like such a retard

No. 138948

File: 1664136869572.jpeg (390.01 KB, 1170x1003, D0DDCEB4-F173-43A3-93C1-2E6CF5…)

Get ready everyone

No. 138949

Does anyone have a recording app? She just posted her kitchen on Snapchat- complete with using purses as decorations on her countertops.

No. 138950

I can’t wait for the regret and depression filled comedown from all this clown shit kek.

No. 138951

File: 1664140568954.jpeg (433.2 KB, 1226x1365, EB9893FA-DA0A-456E-B074-1813CA…)

You’ve always been repulsed by sex, Shayna

No. 138952

like a javelina in the dirt, yes

No. 138953

When she says feral I think of a rodent with rabies. I don’t get why she uses that word kek

No. 138954

>I got the hershey-squirts from shark week starting again :( no peepee in gigi today afterall grr bark bark

No. 138955

File: 1664141157777.jpeg (41.33 KB, 534x406, AFA30442-D5DE-4C6E-BE8A-B43067…)

>Hershey squirts
please stop anon

No. 138956

the way she wiggled her finger in her stretched ear lobe oh god ew wtf was that

No. 138957

>>138949 your phone should have an inbuilt one unless its really old. Some can be awkward to access but just google it. I don't use snap so cant do it

No. 138958

oh, welp, turns out me and the phone are both old kek

No. 138959

“Put love and care” from a guy you met an hour ago at the bar that won’t talk to you after. Sure, shat

No. 138960

The size 8-10 nonnies got quiet real fast kek

No. 138961

Sad that she still doesn’t get that she’s repulsed by the fat/old randoms she lets slap her around. One guy around her age does it and suddenly she’s feral for cock. Shocking!

No. 138962

The idealization, that’s mento illness.

No. 138963

Shayna Fupaul is married. You said multiple times that you can't have sex with a man unless you have feelings. Stop blaming fupaul for something that you've always been. Even before Fupa she wasn't running around sleeping with anything with a dick. It's not even abnormal to want to only have sex with someone you care about and not silly nilly. Just say you haven't found the right scrote to sleep with. She'll either have a weird fwb with this dude and accuse him of abuse when he does one thing she doesn't like or end up dating him.

No. 138964

there really is something about her that gives me greasy Gabbie Hanna vibes. like if Gabbie Hanna was a low energy stoner.

No. 138965

File: 1664145910533.jpg (Spoiler Image,188.62 KB, 1080x2106, Screenshot_20220925-174422_Chr…)

No. 138966


I assume shanga allows him to do shit that's much nasiter than regular penetrative sex. And she does it for money and "gifts". Prob her little girl larp IRL,

No. 138967

It really pisses me off that she keeps saying “getting fucked” rather than just “fucking”, her pornsick, degenerate, misogynistic brain can’t help but view her own pleasure (for want of a better word, as we all know she doesn’t actually enjoy sex) through the lens of moidy violence. I fucking hate her so much.

No. 138968

>a rodent with rabies
I mean if the shoe fits…

No. 138969

didn't she just claim to be manic? is now really the time she should be filming her first "b/g" content?

No. 138970

God her apartment is so ugly, that kitchen is cheap and tacky as fuck

No. 138971

bless you nonnie.

jfc, am I seeing that this retard keeps her cat feeder and pet water fountain on the counter, encouraging the cats to jump up and walk all over the countertops??

No. 138972

what do the comments say?

No. 138973

how is that organized? nitpick I guess but that amount of stuff on counters looks ugly. Not to mention it’s cheap plastic stuff..

No. 138974

oogna boogna

No. 138975

That's so unhygienic. She probably puts her bags on the ground. All the germs from outside going on where you're supposed to eat food…nasty

No. 138976

hopefully it completely covers your disgusting face.

No. 138977

Has Ellen never done anything sexual with her? Or does she just only define sex as PiV. It wouldn’t surprise me if their “relationship” was totally sexless but she’s really showing her straightness here.

No. 138978


I guess I could see why she'd do some shit like this since she doesn't cook, but I know Shayna did not grow up in an environment where doing dumb shit like putting purses in a place that will destroy your tj-maxx find Betsy Johnson and Micheal kors purses. She's special needs, she has to be delayed mentally.

No. 138979

Never showed her cleaning her ears or the plugs either so you know the smell was rancid

No. 138980

imagine her trying to put it on kek

No. 138981

and she dropped it on the floor too. she’s so gross. I bet she smells like ear cheese and old alcohol.

No. 138982

All positive, gorgeous etc the bar is low on fetlife in terms of women to be honest but the scenery is passable enough to make the pics impressive to people. She is by far the ugliest model uploaded

No. 138983

She's the type of person to wash paper plates but even that's too much of a stretch

No. 138984

File: 1664158214005.jpeg (967.04 KB, 1242x1367, E2839A07-1C0E-4776-B266-A2B527…)

>cat food on the counter
I mean, I know she doesn’t cook food but it’s still nasty that her cat(s) eat up on the kitchen counter. Maybe cause noodle eats the food but like put it up higher somewhere else wtf

No. 138985

As a pet person, that is fucking gross and super weird. Ive never seen that before probably because who tf does that really.
Cant train her dog not to eat their food, too lazy to put them on a feeding schedule but like… put it anywhere else but your kitchen counter or table jfc

No. 138986

This is so fucking disgusting, cats are filthy animals, they shit in a box that they step in and then track it everywhere with their nasty feet. Between this and letting her fat dog eat off human crockery on the couch, she’s absolutely putrid. Imagine the stench in that ugly ass apartment.

No. 138987

wtf is this kitchen, it’s so hideous and makes no sense. The bags on the bench, why? She is legitimately retarded.

No. 138988

Step AND dig around in. Liter and urine are caked in their toes and claws. And we know this bitch does not wipe down her counters daily, probably not even weekly.
KEK I love how she literally keeps that pan on her stovetop as a decoration.

No. 138989

Shayna is the type of bitch to let her fat dog shit outside without picking it up. I know that apartment smells crazy two cats, a dog, and a human that hates showering jfc kek

No. 138990

It's been said time and time again but she really shouldn't have any pets if she can't take care of herself or her living space. And I hope tubby feels like shit knowing her pets are miserable living with her.

No. 138991

Oh she absolutely does. I wouldn’t be surprised if it shits in the apartment too, knowing how rancid she is
Who the fuck uses cooking utensils as an “aesthetic”? It’s different if you’re someone who cooks and keeps items you use frequently on the counter and you happen to have appliances and other utensils that add something interesting to your space but this is just retarded and cringeworthy, it’s so trashy and hideous

No. 138992

Bold of you to assume she wipes her counters down to sanitize them at all. Probably just brushes the crumbs and shit off on the floor and calls it good

No. 138993

File: 1664165057583.jpeg (1.7 MB, 3465x3333, 4DBA302E-7842-49EB-BCE0-6D7F4B…)

Shaynus stuck in 2014 starter pack

No. 138994

File: 1664165183449.jpeg (243.51 KB, 1242x1112, 9CD75722-5D2B-47BD-B27B-9E778E…)

Fatty really put her cashapp in her TikTok bio. So pathetic

No. 138995

This and the purses used as decoration on the counter screams special needs / ASD (no offense to anyone). And not understanding laundry, having moving boxes still in the apartment. Her independent living skills are really bad

No. 138996

Late but I just wanted to point out that this audio is justin roiland quoting an actual murderer during trial. the state of Georgia vs. Denver Fenton Allen. Not cute

No. 138997

This can get her account banned

No. 138998

Dont tell her lol
Its gross of her to put her socials at all and pathetic to ebeg on tiktok of all apps.

No. 138999

she probably thinks 3k followers is good for TikTok, kek

No. 139000

yup. and considering this dirty bitch more than likely rarely cleans her cats litter boxes or wipe their paws when they step off it, there’s definitely traces of cat feces all over her kitchen counters

No. 139001

Oh, she does still have the coffee maker. Why is she always ebegging for coffee money then?

No. 139002

Because her idea of “coffee” isn’t what non-amerifats know to be coffee, it’s some artificially flavoured corn syrup and milk concoction

No. 139003

plenty of amerifats make their own corn syrup mixtures but i guess it's not glamorous enough for shay. she's so trashy she thinks takeout/delivery coffee is aesthetic.

No. 139004

File: 1664192593104.jpeg (870.88 KB, 828x1538, 2BD0957E-403B-464D-ACB2-97D050…)

This came up on my fyp right after I checked Shat’s page and I can’t stop laughing, the algorithm terrifies me

No. 139005

she's truly pathetic. I don't even think I can blame her parents anymore, she's too old and her childhood was not traumatic enough for her to be this much of a woman child. I just know she's never seen anyone put purses and the cat feeding station up on the kitchen counter, Shayna is her own unique brand of smooth brain. I'm surprised she hasn't given herself food poisoning or burnt a house down yet. I suppose it's a good thing the bitch NEVER cooks

No. 139006

No. 139007

File: 1664198394997.jpeg (829.44 KB, 1170x1227, 73A5312F-5BBF-4E0A-864E-E1BE72…)

No. 139008

Neither bitch take a shower kek

No. 139009

The way she keeps saying “getting fucked” over and over really makes me want to a-log this fat fucking pedo piece of shit

No. 139010

I stg her forehead unironically looks like a pumice stone.

I’m so curious how much better those tops would be if her tits weren’t being squeezed out of the bottom. I think it’s the worst thing she does with her clothes.

No. 139011

She thinks it’s sexy when it just give retarded whinnie the pooh/too small vibes

No. 139012

kek, she did buy a $50 costume for her broke co-star. how pathetic Shayna.

No. 139013

Kek shat is supermodel tier for fatlife, absolute bottom of the bottom of the barrel individuals frequent the rape fetish site.

No. 139014

Is she working with an actual porn actor or just some random guy which is why he’s going to wear a costume to hide his identity? You’d think she’d be tagging him if he was another SW

No. 139015

Love how she brought him a costume but is going to wear one od the two outfits she's been wearing for death. Are all her costumes dirty or too small? Kek. Imagine buying a scrote a new outfit to fucj you for free in but wearing the same outfits.

No. 139016

Its obviously that guy she fuxked from the bar. I wonder if she going to let him go raw, sorry I do not think shayna gets tested or requires scrotes to get tested before touching her. This scrote is just going to be her FWB and she'll gush over him while he does even less then what Fupaul did, while Ellen constantly "looks" out for her.

No. 139017

Pretty sure it’s that Tattooed bald faggot that looks like shrek.

No. 139018

Idk if it’s him. I feel like he would have said something on Twitter. Shayna follows the Ken bald scrote so idk.

No. 139019

Shayna and Foodie Beauty are the only two sloth-slobs I’ve ever seen doing this

No. 139020

File: 1664225389785.jpeg (448.63 KB, 1242x1292, 3E15A8FF-9BE3-4025-82CF-521BA5…)

AYRT and he did a month ago. Idk if it’s still him since she hasn’t actually said who it is but they seemed like they were actually going to film together.

No. 139021

sorry I meant to say NTA cause you didn’t reply to me kek but I can’t delete for some reason

No. 139022

i doubt it. i think he just says that as some sort of weird manifestation thing. there were screenshots posted before where he'd say similar things in replies of other e-whores. shayna has never even acknowledged this dude altho she does follow him so idk..

No. 139023

File: 1664231882471.jpeg (537.13 KB, 2224x1383, 9E2CA0E8-C35F-43A8-9F30-C76E1B…)

She’s such a fat slob

No. 139024

File: 1664231992466.jpeg (818.53 KB, 1242x1678, C17EECD8-C9CE-4548-BFAA-BD33B4…)

No. 139025

File: 1664232301926.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB, 2620x3103, 91151EDD-DBF8-4ED7-B109-AFA975…)

Shayna and her mismatched moobs >>139024

No. 139026

Those things are so mismatched and ugly its unreal. Like an artist learning how to draw. The Hills Have Eyes inbred ugly.

No. 139027

The second picture it's so noticable, no wonder she doesn't take tit pictures everytime she goes to somewhere with a public bathroom outside the house, I legit think it's hard for her to even pose to hide the difference.
Thats why every picture is from the side or back, why even be a pornstar if you only feel comfortable showing your body from one angle and refuse to do anything to fix it?

No. 139028

most of us (sadly) see shayna enough that its hard to really notice how steadily she is putting on weight but fuck, she isn't just a "few extra pounds" shes putting on visceral fat that will be extremely hard to lose without a complete overhaul of her diet and lifestyle.

and its the same for herself, she puts on 10-15 pounds every 6 months without noticing and kind of "settles into it" and "learns to love it" instead of doing ANYTHING about it. I predict her hitting 250 by age 30 if she changes nothing.

No. 139029

there is a whole sub-culture of Sex "Workers" now and this is just how they flirt and mingle. i want to doubt this would happen but shes pathetic enough to fly herself out for some dick and let the guy film + sell it.

No. 139030

it wouldnt shock me if her weird SWer haters started using that pic of proof that "SHES A NAZI! SHES DOING THE HITLER MOUSTACHE!"

No. 139031

I find it really odd that the supposed implant boob has gotten significantly larger.

No. 139032

Eventually fat starts going to “unexpected” places.

No. 139033

Why does her hair look so muddy and brown? Didn't she just get it dyed a lighter blonde a few weeks ago?
Why go through the trouble of bleach if you're not going to maintain it.. she's such a sped.

No. 139034

File: 1664240472480.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1170x1872, 76E177D1-0847-44FC-99AD-7294FE…)

No. 139035

File: 1664240705880.jpeg (157.07 KB, 750x459, 67D2043D-595E-499E-A5DF-B5E888…)

the fact she's replying to this actual literal pedo like this

No. 139036

Kek at the shein bags in the pile
Is there really even any point to grt rid of her clothes that dont fit, only to spend money buying more clothes that dont fit?

No. 139037

Fucking hell Shay. Wash your hair instead of the ugly fucking combover, Christ alive.

No. 139038

she looked human until she stood up

No. 139039

>R u proud of me?
No. This is what normal people do, but far more often.
What a shithole.
What's worse is she's been transporting these crappy old clothes that don't fit for years for some reason.

No. 139040

I should not be surprised that the person who will show their asshole at any moment wouldn't have enough shame not to show the giant pile of unwashed clothes in their closet. Jesus girl maybe that money could've gone to the rent you had trouble paying.

No. 139041

anther Fabrisexual, I said that Shayna wears certain outfits over and over again, because she feels they hold some kind of "Power" and whatever compliments she got from them, she thinks it'll bring more. Like the bra, cheerleader outfits and those tank tops.
It's not just a "I'm lazy and don't feel like washing my clothes" or "these are my favorite items" kind of thing.
it's autism and fabrisexuality

No. 139042

also, does she plan on washing these donated clothes?Please don't tell me she's going to give people unwashed clothes, with Shayna juice on it that she literally did porn in? I hope that Fupaul cum shirt isn't included. It's funny how she had sex with a guy and suddenly she's throwing away clothes because "Feels". I think she's dating this guy, or has some kind of relationship and now she wants to "move on" aka, move on to the next scrote to accuse of abuse

No. 139043

Shayna doesn’t wash her clothes in general when she wears them. They all stink of B.O and booze. She’s getting rid of them probably because it reminds her of Fuplahoma and all those clothes are too small

No. 139044

could a kind nonnie post the full size pics here? I don't have a twitter and it keeps locking me out of viewing it without being signed in

No. 139045

She moved like a year ago. Why wouldnt these be in boxes or bags? Why are they in a 2 foot deep pile in her closet wtf lol especially clothes that are old and don't fit. She is one of the weirdest slobs. This is hoarders looking shit.

No. 139046

Maybe it’s from frantically trying on all her clothes in order to find something that fits?

No. 139047

I think she's just depressed and has been depressed since she first moved out her mom's house and that situation didn't turn out amazingly. I cannot be convinced everyone else i her household/raised by her parents, look clean, presentable and attractive, but Shayna was the one who just missed the mark.
She's just not organized and depression from shitty life choices has made her situation even worse for her.

No. 139048

File: 1664243802427.jpeg (300.44 KB, 1168x1777, 84286D05-39D1-4E01-A611-781D75…)

No. 139049

File: 1664243919045.jpeg (768.47 KB, 1976x2047, 8F5ECEC8-2D7B-4DC1-921B-CCEC8A…)

No. 139050

File: 1664244072145.jpeg (518.3 KB, 1536x2048, 8F55EBEC-529A-4326-AD99-9A4609…)

No. 139051

File: 1664244186611.jpeg (512.66 KB, 1170x1464, F68855E6-8DD7-43CE-9F51-83E9AD…)

IF Shay is telling the truth, so much for Ellen canceling plans due to a Covid exposure

No. 139052

Actually pathetic that she’s moved STATES like three times and still held on to all of this. Girl you are twice the size you were at 19. Get a fucking grip.

Funny how all of these chicks are so mentally ill uwu and glamorize it but refuse to see that the lifestyle they CHOOSE is the main detractor. I’m tired of this retarded whore. I hope she grows up, eventually, or gains 100 more lbs by 30 like an anon said before.

No. 139053

Figures these two fat slugs would be out and about spreading plague like Shayna spreads smegma everywhere she goes

No. 139054


The plastic SheIn bags from her more recent drug induced mania hauls kind of prove she literally just lives out of a pile of clothes on the floor. You know she reeks of cat piss and sweaty polyester.

No. 139055

bless you nona. love that she's kindly donating these clothes that are likely a health hazard to the unfortunate goodwill that receives them

No. 139056

Kek she literally didn’t wash them

No. 139057

I honestly don’t think she’s donating. I think she says she is, but is actually throwing them out

No. 139058

Imagine her trying to open up a Depop store and selling off her cat piss stained wares like what chiclet teeth does.

No. 139059

I think she did in the past, and she never sent the items out.

No. 139060

File: 1664250712705.jpg (358.96 KB, 1080x2210, Screenshot_20220926-173610_Tum…)

Has Shat said anything about Tumblr allowing porn again? I'd love for her to try to uwu reclaim her former glory only for her old followers to see her a good hundred pounds heavier.

No. 139061

And with that ratty star blanket of hers in full view. Get rid of that too Shayna, for the love of god.

No. 139062

nowhere in there doe sit say that it allows porn, "a graphic fsog edit" is not porn. the porn blogs have been claiming that tumblr has stopped banning them in recent months, though. they're probably desperate enough for ad revenue to opt for this now…

No. 139063

She really kept that ugly ham colored body con dress and retarded Patrick Star backpack

No. 139064

She's gonna take her listing photos on her filthy floor or that star blanket

No. 139065

File: 1664268580669.jpeg (236.06 KB, 828x1478, AABD41D5-FFAE-4475-BB0A-4CFFFF…)

This fat retard popped up on my FYP as soon as I opened TikTok, there were a few comments like this, she’s going to start getting real bold

No. 139066

Shayna needs to go to a fucking dermatologist. Her textured forehead is getting worse and grossing me the fuck out. She looks contagious and like she spreads disease every place she goes.

No. 139067

I was just about to say the exact same thing, the fungus is getting worse, most likely because she never showers, cleans or does laundry, her entire apartment needs to be burnt to the ground of the basis of it being a biohazard

No. 139068

Can’t believe she didn’t mention how fat she got kek

No. 139069


the commenter is also a chubby-chan so she wouldn't lol

No. 139070

People have been testing it and posting straight up porn and not getting flagged, so we'll see. Much like Shat, Tumblr refuses to admit that it's well past its prime.
This entire photo just looks musty as hell. All that cheap fabric just catching and holding onto these smells.

No. 139071

Nonna I laughed kek thank you for that

No. 139072

Epitome of damn bitch you live like this

No. 139073

Oh puke, I can smell this picture

No. 139074

File: 1664300506764.jpeg (566.14 KB, 1242x1347, 4A103CD4-3BB2-408A-8B59-49CDE7…)

Okay dollar menu ass bitch

No. 139075

there was probably cat piss all over this pile

No. 139076

File: 1664300617669.jpeg (595.98 KB, 1242x1682, 2B8AEADE-E6DA-4D69-A650-6B527C…)

Shayna not everyone is dumb enough to do sex work on the tumblr they used in high school with their first name

No. 139077

File: 1664300639412.jpeg (259.68 KB, 1242x672, 8D1099BB-3623-45B9-8C6B-5112DA…)

>I love my job

No. 139078

And what is her backup plan exactly?

No. 139079

>if you don’t have a backup plan in case things don’t work out you’re not ready
Do you have a backup plan, Shay? Because it hasn’t been working for the last 5 years. Begging for donations from pedophiles is not it working out. I hate when she makes these annual stupid “you guys could never do sexwork but I can” posts

No. 139080

2 for 1 BJs behind the local liquor store

No. 139081

“Hell yea I gatekeep sex work.” But has complained numerous times about other people who do it

No. 139082

So in conclusion she went through that horrible ordeal so she could sell asshole pics for the price of a cheese burger?

No. 139083

You ever think maybe there's a reason for these consequences? Almost like being a whore isn't a good choice? Especially when you literally don't have to be.
Porn is misogynistic and harmful.
Perpetuating moid fetish and mentalities and having a virtual pimp like OF isn't empowering. Women can be sexual and kinky without catering to porn sick scrotes to the point that it ruins their own mental health and life prospects. Sex work isn't glamorous. At all. Unfortunate that it got boxed up that way and so many girls especially bought it.

No. 139084

Found the salty e-whores. Have fun wasting your youth selling pictures of your blown out assholes for pennies and telling yourself sex work is real work as you drink yourself into a stupor every night.

She's usually on the defensive because, deep down, she knows she fucked up by choosing this life path. Even now >>139077 she's trying to pretend that she doesn't regret her choices, but she's having enough of a moment of clarity to tell the truth about it being a bad idea to exuberantly and carelessly jump into sex work.

No. 139085

She's back down to $3 subscription and Im pretty sure burger joints sell burgers for $5-8+ nowadays kek
She's value menu priced or like gas station coffee.

No. 139086

her parents, they would let her move back home and pay for her education. Not everyone has the luxury of a family.
>>139076 And I hate how many sex workers act like people with mental health issues can only get jobs in that business or every mentally ill person considers sex work, it's bullshit. As if sex work isn't one of the reasons women have mental health issuses.

No. 139087

As disgusting as these threads are, they should be mandatory reading for teenage girls. The then and now pics alone would make any girl dumb enough to consider sex work think twice.

No. 139088

>>considered other options
The reason Shayna never brags about having well off parents, who'd literally fund her education and possibly life, is because she wouldn't be able to justify why someone born into so much privilege would do this and the COMPLAIN ENDLESSLY about not being successful, how hard it makes her life etc.
Imagine how many, "privilege white girl telling people she "gatekeeps" and lectures poor LGBTQ+ sex workers or survival sexworkers about who should or shouldn't be in this community ". She needs to shut the fuck up. Nobody cares that you lurked sex work tiktok trying to take ideas or find something to be mad about.
This is about competition, I wish she'd stop pretending she gives a fuxk about what "risks" other women may take. A woman who cared about other women wouldn't do or say the shit Shayna does. Wouldn't scream at a sex trafficking victim. Fuxlck shayna, she created her own hell. Idiots like her go one day screaming how much they love this shit and then the next about how mental ill they are.

No. 139089

I meant to add "imagine how many comments she'd get from sex workers-" before the "survival sex workers rant.

No. 139090

She’s worried about the ~young adults~ stealing her clientele.

No. 139091


No. 139092

#im not self censoring I'm a fatty and my fat finger slips Fuck Shayna

No. 139093

Says the sex worker who literally posted a photo of her dad on her porn Twitter account.

No. 139094

Kek, you still gain fat in your chest if you have implants, anon. Implants don't halt your fat cells from working.

No. 139095

Her TikTok got banned kek

No. 139096

God damnit I hope it's not because someone cow tipped. I feel like we were heading towards some good milk if she got a big enough following on TikTok.

No. 139097

she was literally showing her tits and asscheeks in multiple videos. even if farmers were reporting her it was a ticking time bomb regardless

No. 139098

I've seen people comment this exact sentiment for over 100 threads but no one knows for sure her parents would just take her back in and fun college for her. I believe that might have been the case at one point but she's 25/26? now and honestly I highly doubt at this point her parents would fund an education for her. But if there is actual proof that they would I'd love to see it cause I do really get tired of this take with no back up.

And KEK at her tiktok getting banned. I wonder if she will make 17 more profiles ala twitter circa 2019 ish

No. 139099

This. The dumb whores "making millions" are few and far between and all extremely severely mentally ill if you even take a gander at their tweets. I mean where is queen ethot Belle at nowadays? Scrotes saw her body naked, checked that off the list and moved on. If you want a real view on how sex work "empowers" women look at any of these threads even ones not about Shayna. Pumpy is still chained to porn even though she made enough in her early 20s to stop. Male sexual appetite is an endless black hole which when catered to or fed to any degree will cause women suffering. They simply do not have the self control or moral compass to ignore the whims of their reproductive system. These mentally ill women are like crabs in a bucket only they both want young women to admire them and think their girl bosses and at the same time they hate young girls because they are a reminder that the clock is ticking and there are fresh new meat to take their place. The biggest crime that's been done to women recently is selling them the lie that they can rely on using the purest form of misogyny to support themselves when in reality its just a man telling you when you can eat, buy clothes or pay rent but now its not just a single man expecting a stay at home wife but mutiple men judging whether your body is sexy enough to have dinner that day. All these twitter whores should be embaressed and ashamed.

No. 139100

Oh yeah. Kek I'm retarded and didn't put that together when I read the account was down. I'm meandering through her old threads and feeling nostalgic for the milkier days when more people followed her and she got in more slapfights. Please forgive my broken brain.

No. 139101

Was it last year where her step mom literally begged her that they'd fund college for whatever she wanted to do? Her siblings seem to live good life, travel, have money Shaynas parents would take her in there's no doubt in my mind at the moment. Maybe a few more years later? Sure, but i don't think they've given up on her yet.

No. 139102

Not an e whore just saying there’s plenty of whores who make 6 figures off semi nude pics. Shayna fucks herself every two weeks with a dildo and still can’t afford rent

No. 139103

File: 1664310907143.jpeg (357.23 KB, 1242x1655, 151C62CF-5FF7-4725-B86C-00E201…)

Kyle Nathan Perkins

No. 139104

100% her back up plan is just taking her parents offer of moving back home and going to school again. She knows they’ll never cut her off

No. 139105

Didn’t she fuck some fat ginger dude on cam when she was still in her tumblr glory days? Right after she broke up with the first boyfriend she was living with.

No. 139106

Shayna sucking fupas chode on Snapchat https://www.dropbox.com/s/dgghotlpfpfnkkt/tulsa.mp4?dl=0

No. 139107

It took me 37 seconds to know that she gives horrible blowjobs. But hey, I guess a wet hole is a hole.

No. 139108

File: 1664313318360.jpeg (172.83 KB, 828x560, 9F8FCC54-550D-4A67-AE0D-6CBA2E…)

RIP, surprised she’s not sperging about it

No. 139109

how long till she tried it again?

No. 139110

Jesus she’s so bad at giving head

No. 139111

Nonnies- which thread was the era of no makeup? That was peak shayna horror to me and I want to binge it again. I tried looking but can’t find it. Ty

No. 139112

She did on her “private tumblr” page. It’s probably archived in the first few threads

No. 139113

She also had links in her bio that TikTok doesn’t take kindly to, so it could have been that in isolation or a combination of all her retardation. Kind of disappointed, there was potential for full cream milk there

No. 139114

All you had to do was not show your Frankenstein tits. Like how hard is that? Seriously.

Shaynus herself said a year ago that her dad and step mom offered to pay for her college education so she could stop spreading herself for pennies. She bragged about how much she’s loved by her dad and step mom but loves sex work.

No. 139115

I DESPISE the way whores coopt anti sexwork opinions to pretend they are sooo concerned for the children! But in reality these fuckheads are just seething that 18 year-olds are their competition who can just “smile and be skinny”.

No. 139116

Was it even a year ago? I feel like it was even more recently than that. Either way, there’s evidence in the threads of her bragging about it, farmers who question it need to lurk more, it’s not the first instance in recent times some retard has questioned what is well documented

No. 139117

My sense of time might be way off but I don't think this was even half a year ago, that was incredibly recent, don't think anyone would have to lurk back all that far to find it lmao. Like 10 threads max I swear

No. 139118

File: 1664315775911.jpeg (181.58 KB, 1080x786, DF0D9CCF-E1C6-4385-9899-053007…)

Hasn’t gone through her clothes since she was a teen, but she did this last year in Oklahoma before she moved. Anons even made the same comments about hoping she washed them first. Same shit different day with Shayna. Always fishing for that attention

No. 139119

9 months ago last year in December.

No. 139120

Just like she never had sex on camera before, she either lies or forgets

No. 139121

File: 1664317996779.jpeg (407.15 KB, 828x1427, 5D0FE604-2536-4D9D-82A9-1AB765…)

No. 139122

File: 1664318043119.jpeg (234.3 KB, 828x720, ECEE78F8-BA9C-4885-B2D6-149B22…)

lmao imagine how ballistic she’d have gone if it was a girl who said this

No. 139123

File: 1664320312835.jpeg (314.54 KB, 1170x977, B434E9B7-DC65-4923-A658-314CFB…)

She retweeted her Sol call out post and added this

No. 139124

no worries nona! i've been perusing her old threads too and i get what you mean

No. 139125

This piece of shit’s accounts have been private for a while, either because all the other fat degenerate sjw whores were trying to cancel him or because he found the onlyfats thread here where we all bully the fuck out of him or a combination of the two

No. 139126

File: 1664326363687.jpg (95.31 KB, 612x408, justdothis.jpg)

How would long nails be an obstacle when doing this? Just put your hand at an angle, problem solved. I know this is another one of her braindead attempts to go viral but I hope she will actually embarass herself publicly by trying to pull money from an ATM with these tiny bitchass tweezers that wouldn't even grip it right.

No. 139127

It’s for pulling the card in and out of the atm which isn’t even an issue anymore because most atms make you leave the card in now

No. 139128

How much do you want to bet that she thinks he has something to do with her grinning banned from tiktok? Not that I doubt he and all the other woketard e-whores have been reporting her, in fact it’s more likely to be them than farmers imo
I’m surprised this fat sow even has enough money in her account to withdraw from an ATM

No. 139129

kek that would be even better. Good luck trying to tug on a smooth piece of plastic with these Shaynus

No. 139130

Trying to pretend like she’s not devastated kek, remember how depressed she’d get when her brand new twitters would get deleted

No. 139131

She finally gets a chance to expand her dwindling fan base and inevitably fuks it up. You can tell she’s hinting that it’s not really her fault and it’s her ‘haters’ that caused it. Everyone tried to warn her that she’ll get banned and of course she didn’t listen. I’m surprised it was up as long as it was considering she posted a vid with her entire ass exposed and her saggy tits hanging out. Rules apparently apply to everyone except her

No. 139132

Girl being a salty bitch to one of her only coomers lol. Bold move.

This is what agitates her from him, not him being a gun loving trumpster who wants to shag his own daughter.


No. 139133

File: 1664328387922.png (491.98 KB, 747x717, confusedblackgirl.png)

can a graphic design nonnie please make this shoop happen?

No. 139134

File: 1664329276330.png (811.04 KB, 628x657, confusedgoblin.png)

No. 139135


No. 139136

Topkek, a blessing upon your house nonita

No. 139137

File: 1664330456133.jpeg (337.08 KB, 828x1238, 665296F4-A62A-4E7D-9A96-20A2A8…)

No. 139138

She sounds like the most annoying partner possible

No. 139139

Probably somewhere around thread 70. Whatever thread it was that was titled simply "Shaynus edition" lol

No. 139140


No. 139141

God this sounds like the most insufferable thing ever. Good luck finding someone who wants to stick around for that shit.

No. 139142

She sounds like the average moid, maybe that's why she can't find anyone who wants to have sex with her.

No. 139143

File: 1664338067740.jpeg (235.29 KB, 1170x675, EC3F0E27-A464-4A6A-BDC3-58DDC7…)

No. 139144

This doesn’t even make sense, he can still film a tiktok with her and post it on his account, it’s not like she has a following he could farm for “clout” or whatever, the fact that he is associating with her at all will probably result in the fat whore brigade going after him with pitchforks. Sex workers really are a special breed of retard

No. 139145

shaynus threads warp time because nothing ever happens in her life anymore confirmed.

No. 139146


I'm so glad us shayheads share a collective braincell, because I immediately thought of this when I saw that video still

No. 139147

File: 1664340138633.jpeg (Spoiler Image,272.17 KB, 828x587, D65E0FA1-69A5-4C0C-8658-6EBC8D…)

blegh the last thing we need is another sex scene with this crazy moid. Being one of the two women this dude fucks with after messaging hundreds of woman on twitter really desperate behavior. He is really building his porn career from the bottom up

No. 139148

File: 1664340938659.jpeg (152.45 KB, 828x1518, 3DEBD67A-70F5-49F2-9991-7340E5…)

she dressed up as bologna in a new twitter video

No. 139149

At least she's covering her honker.

No. 139150

She’s so obviously drunk here, holy shit

No. 139151

Should wear her bologna wig and ham dress to complete the look.

No. 139152

I was scrolling too fast and thought she was wearing a mexican wrestler mask, Shaysquatcho Libre kek.

No. 139153

this is just proof shayna would be less hideous and goblin looking if she didnt have a massive witch nose. i really dont know why she doesnt start ebegging for a rhinoplasty, yes she'd still be ugly but i really think she looks better when her fat toad nose isnt visible

No. 139154

Nona please, we’ve seen her de-happy merchant her schnozz with filters and shooping, she’s still fug. Even when she was skinny her facial bone structure was average, I mean that and her non-existent lips can be fixed with filler but there’s no procedure that could make her eyes less nasty(racebait)

No. 139155

I love how even with that hood covering most of her face she’s still filtering it, we know your lips don’t look like that, Shayna

No. 139156

The crusty butthole lips are driving me insane, why can’t this big bitch drink water and use chapstick? Is it really that hard?

No. 139157

File: 1664363604843.jpeg (185.54 KB, 828x733, D585F16C-8209-47D0-82C1-DF8CB2…)

Wtf is this attempted chola look, is she trying to relive her tumblr heyday or something?

No. 139158

Sweet nona I think you’re being confused by the stupidly huge fake lashes and filtered lips. >>139137
How shit must these scabby whores be at sex? Scrotes are so fucking easily turned on that just walking by them while wearing leggings will make them bend you over the couch. I always wonder why they have to resort to violence and abuse to get a guy to want to fuck them, it’s actually quite sad for them that they consider themselves sex workers but literally can’t get sex when they want it unless they humiliate themselves. I’m sad her tiktok was banned, I was looking forward to watching her do even more ridiculous shit. I bet it was a mother who reported her after finding her showing her tits and ass on her 13 year olds fyp.

No. 139159

I never could understand her aversion to water. I believe way back in some of the earlier threads she talked about how it’s “””slimy””” or something? And that’s also why she doesn’t like lip balm? Idk I know some people who are actual victims of SA and CSA don’t like to shower for multiple reasons but I don’t believe Big Shaynus is a victim of anything but her own ego and retardation, so. Basically she’s just crust personified, much like Luna.

No. 139160

lmao how the fuck is water slimy, shit like this makes me think that she really is autistic (low functioning, obviously)

No. 139161

She could easily buy flavored sparkling waters, it would be better than only consuming sugary sports drinks, Starbucks coffee, and alcohol

No. 139162

AYRT and I know right! She could also get any of the million ‘water enhancers’ that exist now for whiny babies who can’t consume the most basic life-giving substance without complaining that it doesn’t have a taste. She’s just a disgusting pig who seems to have a literal aversion to real health and self-care

No. 139163

File: 1664374450168.webm (766.51 KB, 672x1232, Shaysquatcho Libre .webm)

> new skin, who dis

No. 139164

The idea of not liking water legitimately blows my mind, I’ve never heard of “water enhancers”, they’re probably not even a thing in my country, we all chug mineral water, if you want something different just get the sparkling kind, putting flavouring in it is some actual sped shit

No. 139165

File: 1664376744035.jpeg (20.2 KB, 300x250, 11C866BF-B843-42D8-95DD-E5E0D0…)

Thank you anon. The funniest comment on this thread kek.

No. 139166

the orange-toned sausages stuck to her fingers really add to her sex appeal

No. 139167

Kek 100% does look like a Mexican wrestler.
Where did she buy this crap cos it's all loose on the top of her head and chin.

No. 139168

File: 1664381903024.jpeg (581.97 KB, 1920x1920, D05BA652-C0D3-4C2E-80C6-531F5B…)

Shayna stop using 2015 liquid lipstick, 2014 tumblr combover, and 2012 stupid rockabilly bandana challenge. How are you this young and this dated?

No. 139169

It’s her mouth that is ugly. The nose is ugly yes, but the mouth looks so perched in and smirky that it looks like a turtle.

No. 139170

File: 1664384592182.jpeg (Spoiler Image,478.63 KB, 1536x2048, E013F623-2960-4604-8AB9-B308DE…)


No. 139171

File: 1664385287870.png (1.47 MB, 1419x1080, Survival_of_the_Idiots_082.png)

No. 139172

KEK she looks ginormous here

No. 139173

When the wrinkled bologna wish mask has better texture than shaynus' actual skin

No. 139174

KEK NONETTE I literally almost fell off the treadmill during my cool down

No. 139175

Serving giraffe neck girl realness. Kek.

No. 139176

File: 1664388702501.jpeg (100.65 KB, 846x700, B34E81CF-F237-4E92-B08E-984853…)

It’s giving nacho libre

No. 139177

File: 1664388842107.jpeg (298.52 KB, 1242x717, 215C8BEB-1565-4641-A9A0-244D1C…)

I can’t believe fatty is getting porked on camera in HD. At least with Fupa (as disgusting as him fucking her and punching her face like a girl) she had Snapchat filters so we couldn’t see anything. This is going to be so milky.

No. 139178

File: 1664388910740.jpeg (271.43 KB, 1242x782, DB29D64E-01A8-4763-9003-B3E140…)

Can’t stand this ugly country bumpkin

No. 139179

File: 1664389084691.jpeg (Spoiler Image,639.72 KB, 1536x2048, E3CABF0D-3CED-4B49-A014-BC395B…)

No. 139180

It wasnt that water is slimey. She said that about lube and lip gloss. And like… ok I guess, but chapstick is different or a lip scrub.
Water she said was like flavorless and so it was gross to her. Which is also a retarded excuse. You can add flavor drops or powder or a lime slice or idk just pound a water bottle now and then like she does a whiteclaw. Just chug it down. She'll only drink gatorade though which despite its marketing is actually really bad for you, especially if you're not an active athlete.

No. 139181

Who is this supposed to be sexy to? She looks that troon Pinhead

No. 139182

That would be a hilarious edit for next thread, perfect for October kek

No. 139183

Is a latex hood supposed to be that loose and wrinkly? Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that part of the latex fetish is how tight-fitting it is? I'm equal parts amused and baffled by how bad it looks. It's low-hanging fruit but it's almost reminiscent of the head of some kind of… nightmare penis. As with most of her work, I can't get my head around what could have possibly possessed her to put this online, but I am endlessly thankful that she did.

No. 139184

honestly she looks better with the hood on because her ugly mug and overplucked eyebrows are hidden

No. 139185

Latex is supposed to be very tight. I understand masks can be difficult to get the right fit, but people in the fetish dish out money for quality and custom gear so that it's right. Shaynus just buys whatevers on Amazon or on etsy that's pink and cheapest.

No. 139186

Looks like a face mask for fatties. A face mask made of deli meat kek.

No. 139187

Next thread title

No. 139188

I’ve always thought latex was for the insecure and fats, ty shayquatcho libre for the confirmation

No. 139189

No. 139190

Living for the eraser head fantasy.

Why do I get the feeling she’s only wearing that ridiculous collar because the latex mask needs to be tucked in bc it’s loose and baggy around the bottom….. like she’s stuck her head in a sandwich bag.

No. 139191

Holy shit how under the influence was the bitch to actually upload this. Is this really the best photo shaysquatcho libre?

No. 139192

I thought the same. Theyre supposed to be form fitting if for some readon you're only wearing the head piece. Otherwise meant to be tucked into a latex bodysuit where the collarbone/neck part of it could be a little loose because of that.

No. 139193

File: 1664396104536.jpeg (645.89 KB, 1242x846, EB58AE72-FD95-405E-A861-52EB04…)

It’s giving Oscar Mayer

I will say, her nails look slightly better due to the deep French curve and not just the ugly white tip she usually does.

No. 139194

File: 1664396539746.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1170x1491, 9B09B789-D1A8-4904-9611-4C0945…)

No. 139195

oh, yeah. that's a $25 retail value. only the most luxurious gifts for this spoiled sugar baby.

No. 139196

KEK this is so embarrassing. Some 9 dollar Walmart shitty kids plastic branded value pack from an ugly tattooed man who’s going to be penetrating her, she has no respect for herself. What a successful bimbo though…

No. 139197

What the fuck is that thumb nail

No. 139198

File: 1664398856136.jpeg (602.93 KB, 802x1189, 3972A7D5-B7BC-469A-A38D-250428…)

KEK oh my god I’m wheeze laughing irl thank you for pointing this out because what the FUCK it’s like her thumb has a boner I can’t

No. 139199

KEK LMAOOO im dying rn, tysm to the nonna who pointed it out

No. 139200

God she’s so embarrassing

No. 139201

File: 1664400328079.jpeg (791.88 KB, 1170x1539, 1AC68913-EF41-4C3C-8D3B-81DA54…)

Get ready everyone

No. 139202

No worries anons! Strolling back up I've realised all her fingers are like this, they seem to be at an angle upwards? Can a nail anon explain why, are they too thick or something? >>139148

No. 139203

This is so embarrassing. She’s going to live tweet this event and then be manic for the next week. This better be milky.

No. 139204

she really invited this creepy stranger that she's never met before into her apartment where she lives alone. I know she's retarded but jfc

No. 139205

She's gonna get those nails caught in that ginger back hair on his shoulders

No. 139206

I think it’s a nail trend. I’ve seen this on a lot of nail pages. Usually you’d see the nail at a slight downward angle but now it’s more straight across with a deep c curve. Maybe it’s because of the thickness.

No. 139207

STD saga incoming

No. 139208

Filters are working overtime her eyes look nothing like that, kek

No. 139209

Ewwee, I cant believe she actually picked this guy to have sex with on film. She is really riding this mania/high for all its worth.

No. 139210

Name 10

No. 139211

>>Cheap Walmart Clerance toy she'll use as decoration
>>Ugly bisexual scrote she'll sleep with raw probably
>>Inviting Ugly bisexual scrote to her house first time meeting him
>Scrote NEVER offering to pay for a hotel room or anything
>>Possibly brought him an outfit to wear to fuck her in
>>Ugly ass nails
Yep, all bases covered just an average day in ShayVille, making dumb ass choices, while pretending to be some kind of bad bitch.
Besides being abusive pedos I think so many scrotes are into DDLG shit, because these women are fucking cheap. You can buy them a $6 teddy bear and they showing it off like a Birkin and saying they are spoiled.
I expect nothing from Shayna but somehow I get even less then what is expected from her.

No. 139212

The only "sex workers" making the money are famous women, who go into it and even thats shady. Or former pornstars. The other sex workers aka Escorts/Ig Girls, make a lot from scrotes but even THEY are usually paid in Bags, clothes, jewerly or cars they don't truly own. Most women aren't making shit, but Shayna does the most and isn't making 1/4 of what Twitch girls make just being cute and fully dressed.

No. 139213

Someone please screen record this. She’s doing her usual stupid wiggling around and giggling

No. 139214

This is more exciting than Christmas to me

No. 139215

File: 1664401724533.webm (Spoiler Image,4.12 MB, 1920x1080, 6L3LXL-xrrfM9ArS.webm)

Webm because what the hell are these moaning sounds and the roblox oof sound at the end

No. 139216

what the actual FUCK kek this just gave me such a hearty laugh. why is she writhing so hard? he isn't even touching her oh my god

No. 139217

The way she’s acting she’s prob role playing a baby or some shit fucking weirdo

No. 139218

File: 1664402115766.jpeg (187.86 KB, 750x716, 2BE613AF-8932-41D1-B59A-48C000…)

she posted this earlier….

No. 139219

ugh why did she have to film from her point of view I cringed so hard .

No. 139220

Annnnd are YOU providing an STD test as well Shay?

No. 139221

She sound like a scuffed Sims 4 toddler, Nothing about this is sexual, scrotes will put up with whatever for a pinch of pussy, but I think there's a reason even the biggest of losers like Fupaul wanted rid of her.

No. 139222

Any predictions?

I predict she didnt prep like usual and will get her yeasty cottage cheese all over his dick. Extra points if she sucks the white chunks off his cock and says its her “cum”

No. 139223

>>"he told me my pussy is so fat and so tight, he he so we barely did PIV and did mostly anal, he he he"
and she'll just start begging for dick again, or something will happen, just like with Sol and she'll accuse her of abuse or using her if he's not up her ass on social media or some shit.
I feel this will either be a one time thing, or he'll be the only scrote she films with and it'll end up bad, regardless it'll be gross and pointless. Oh and she'll try to shade Fupaul. I personally think she met him at a bar and He's the one she had sex with that night. To break the ice.

No. 139224

When I say
>>She met him at a bar
I meant to say they met at the bar and he's the one she had sex with that night.

No. 139225

hmm, I think you might actually be onto something with this tinfoil anon. it seemed very unlike her to fuck a rando because she's so sex repulsed

No. 139226

If he was the one she fucked after the bar, would she publicly tweet all of those obsessive things where he can see it? I know she has zero shame or sense of embarrassment, so it wouldn't surprise me.

No. 139227

The way he’s got a grey beard… he’s at least 10 years older than her… #fupa2.0intensifies

No. 139228

he’ll ghost her after they fuck and shayna will publically melt down and find a way to claim he was abusive

No. 139229

Why not? She tweeted dumb shit about Fupaul, and again, scrotes don't care if they get their dick wet. I doubt this dude plans on being more then a dick for her to film with. Or he thinks she's being fucking "cutesy" for twitter or some shit.
Suddenly she's screaming about wanting a goth tatted boyfriend, then she's on twitter trying to act like a e-girl, then she's wearing black again, then she fucks someone at a bar. Now she's filming with the man who suddenly came around during ALL these changes.
It's going to end badly, he's a nobody, he's not like Sol who has a tiny bit of a platform. She'll whine about him and then move on when it goes bad.

No. 139230

File: 1664404211869.jpg (32.14 KB, 625x415, 1585976403446.jpg)

Why those sounds
Why those sounds

No. 139231

File: 1664405962832.jpeg (338.11 KB, 1170x1029, 315DD77E-3AAD-402D-AACF-D127A8…)

No. 139232

how revolting would it be to have sex with someone and immediately after they're on their phone posting on twitter. she's so annoying

No. 139233

I fee like this just emphasizes how badly she would benefit from a nosejob tbh.

It's funny how desperate she is acting for an incredibly average if not kind of ugly moid. I guess she hasn't really experienced dick from a guy who wasn't fat or elderly in forever though.

No. 139234

Ugh. I can't stand her. The baby moans, the hand grasping like a baby when it wants something.

I would gladly push her down a well along with every other DDeLGenerate and every man who derives pleasure from it.

No. 139235

to be fair, the sex was to be filmed for her work. it'd be weirder if she just stayed in bed and fawned over a dude when they agreed to record and upload for her pages

No. 139236

whatever shayna does can't be considered sex

No. 139237

Why are they in her bedroom and not her “work room”?

No. 139238

Because she has no professionalism, standards, self respect or common sense. She is the epitome of retard.

No. 139239

New tinfoil. She only cleaned her room/closet/house because a moid was gonna come over… probably wouldn't even do that much for Ellen. Kek

No. 139240

I already posted that >>139177

No. 139241

Lmao she sounds like when you having nightmares and babble and moan in your sleep.
That's absolutely it. Sad.
2 people on that crappy daybed may break it.

No. 139242

She weighs about the same as two people so I think the issue would be that the daybed wouldn't handle the weight of 3 people.

No. 139243

How do you know they’ve never met or never had sex? Didn’t she just have sex with someone the timing is opportune

No. 139244

Shes so fucking retarded and unsexy. Just fucking act like normal women in porn instead of this cringe annoying shit wiggling your fat legs around trying to be a smol baby. You can tell she’s barely had sexual experience and is performative only for her few pedophile fans.

No. 139245

Oh my God. His flower tattoos look like assholes. Let me know if I'm retarded.

No. 139246

Why is he undoing the pullstrings on his joggers though? Lmao.

No. 139247

I like how she hasn’t tagged his twitter on these

No. 139248

Literally just came to ponder the same shit about the drawstrings kek also her fucking sounds, her movements, and his poochy hair-covered Austin Powers stomach made me GAG

No. 139249

Why is she wearing a sweatshirt

No. 139250

File: 1664411337261.jpeg (277.83 KB, 1242x1080, E82A395E-AC4E-43FB-9818-956DC2…)

Shayna needs glasses confirmed

No. 139251

File: 1664412518839.jpeg (138.68 KB, 352x548, 95C24493-44F8-469F-8CC0-2E0C55…)

Until I get my screen recorder working or other Snapchat posts it

No. 139252

This bitch has never done an STI test in her life. She’d be begging for a doctors appointment Uber and payment kek

No. 139253

LMAO. The way this >>139201 bald, grey bearded, extremely hairy old moid calls himself "Ken the doll" is pretty on par with Shayna's delusions of "dolly mattel". Maybe these two are made for each other.

No. 139254

File: 1664413139534.jpg (241.69 KB, 1080x1810, Screenshot_2022-09-29-01-55-19…)

Lmao this moid is with Shay yet still on twitter yearning for some other hoe he's going to see next.

She's probably seething.

No. 139255

File: 1664413922522.jpeg (254.04 KB, 732x851, DCDED814-4E35-4220-AF65-57AF81…)

KEK looks like Shat is just a variation on a theme for him. Che tragedia.

No. 139256

Damn fatty why you breathing so heavy!

No. 139257

File: 1664414556987.webm (11.97 MB, 404x720, ????.webm)


No. 139258

Omg behave nona.
That looks her in 5 years (alcoholism is not kind to the aging process)

No. 139259

It does sounds just like Shayna when she’s struggling/out of breath. In all seriousness, Streamablefag, >>139256, I hope you’re ok.

No. 139260

Noah fence but you sound outta breath just sitting there. Can someone screen record on a sock account instead of filming the phone

No. 139261

nayrt but i haven’t found a way of screen recording without notifications, all the apps that used to work now aren’t, if someone can recommend one for iphone.

okay i thought this was for Shayna kek but maybe snapchat anon got a fever don’t be mean nonnie

No. 139262

if it goes anything like it did w sol shays gonna be writing up a massive callout post for this guy in less than a week after this shoot lol. her track record with tattooed guys has been abysmal

No. 139263

Screen record it on the iPhone on a sock account then delete the account. Sign up with a fake email it can be anything.

No. 139264

I know she has eyebags but looks like she just got done crying or soemthing in that second clip.

No. 139265


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 139266

it's the necrotic leg in a $3 pink knit sock for me

No. 139267

Because her nails are little nubs and there's hardly anything to attach the fake ones to. Thats what I always thought. Theres not emough supporting nail under to give it a straight level base.


I support the tinfoil he's the dude she fucked the other day. An ice breaker, exactly. And she absolutely would tweet and be acting manic. She also cleaned her apartment for likely the first time ever because he was coming to her place for the "shoot". She's actually very predictable in her desperate patterns. She's gonna drool over this ugly scrote and try to date him and get obsessed and hung up like she did on Fupa.

No. 139268

you can't even hear the breathing on speaker unless you put your ear in the phone. Well, what can you expect here, anyway.You all sound like great people to be around in real life.

No. 139269

why do you talk as if you are her? it's weird. all you see is what this idiot posts on socmedia to keep degenerates engaged. Get a life.

No. 139270

And you sound like the ugly shitty tattooed scrote or Ellen Degenerate or are you new here?

No. 139271

get a life(lost newfag)

No. 139272

File: 1664417780991.jpeg (375.73 KB, 1242x1221, 3C4EBA25-07B2-4398-825F-79E39D…)

Ellen has a feeder fetish moid ??

No. 139273

Pedo growing, not feeder growing. Disgusting.

No. 139274

Can't say I blame her there, if I was leading her shitty life I wouldn't do a thing to prolong it. Why would you want to exist longer in boring hell on earth?

No. 139275

NTA but how is this “talking like her”? Isn’t it just an observation on her behavioural patterns?

No. 139276

This fat piece of pedo shit deserves the chair, she works with children and posts shit like this. Beyond repulsive.

No. 139277

How does this girl consistently manage to be an even more disgusting pedophile than Shayna??

No. 139278

Why are you here then?

No. 139279

Ellen is the type of woman you hear about all the time in crime docs or on the news. Shayna is disgusting because she constantly seeks out older weirdos, like Kyle Nathan Perkins, who have kids or access to kids, but want grown women to act like children & they get off to it. Ellen is Shayna if she's around at that age.

No. 139280

Hilarious though how the only way they’d be growing is if she was expanding like the ever growing mass she is

No. 139281

How do they sexualize the literal process of breast development, which starts when you are like 11, and not think they are sexualizing kids?

No. 139282

File: 1664421178365.jpeg (306.79 KB, 828x1251, 67610EE8-7725-408E-BA85-FD4DA6…)

No. 139283

Feels sort of derivative of Belle Delphine's weird rape stuff

No. 139284

Everything she does is derivative, that (and being ugly) is her one consistency

No. 139285

god the anons in shay threads are catty to the point of insufferable, stick to the milk provided and stop bashing other farmers

No. 139286

its what’s ~trendy~ on TT now the whole ghost face fucks rando ass “egirl”

No. 139287

No. 139288

I swear they're just larpers

No. 139289

maybe try learning what necrotic means b4 you use it

No. 139290

She has bingo wings, huge thunder thighs and yet there's no ass.

No. 139291

Can someone post a diff link cause this one isn’t working on my phone

No. 139292

She has the tiniest pair of butt cheeks I’ve ever seen it’s all thigh and no ass

No. 139293

File: 1664427028365.png (Spoiler Image,5.74 MB, 1242x2208, 3E8C7DFD-BA6D-492E-981C-E284E9…)

Yup her body distribution is atrocious
as seen here >>1362316

No. 139294

kek he looks so tiny in the door and barely an inch on Shayna's linebacker frame

No. 139295

I think this is correct. She cleaned the counter/kitchen and her closet, figured out her weird bedframe, started using tiktok more (which he uses), has been wearing and posting pictures of herself in black clothing, talking about tattooed men, feeling manic, etc. etc. I think she is legit excited about this guy. Like I think this is just a "collab" for him, but she probably is really into his attention and I bet they are flirty and it makes her feel special.

No. 139296

nonita, her skin is zombified from the substance abuse. the gray undertone is real. i bet your foundation is orange just like shay. also, hi cow

No. 139297

Wow this image appears life-size and really shocked me lol. Butt you did a good job choosing a picture to demonstrate her odd distribution

No. 139298

Doesn't ellen degenerate also do like tit torture porn? I want so badly to believe this is about a breast pump and not puberty… wretched.

No. 139299

This might be the saddest thing I've ever seen her say.. just the way she prefaces "I don't want you to suffer what I've gone through" with "I LOVE this job".. it feels so dissonant, so dead inside

No. 139300

File: 1664433274464.png (79.12 KB, 281x608, unknown (4).png)

No. 139301

to hide her enormous gunt and lunch lady arms

No. 139302


No. 139303

I think it’s about a pedophile puberty fantasy (barf) but the only way this grown ass bitch is getting bigger boobs is if she’s gaining even more weight, which is why I said scrote had feeder fetish.

No. 139304

She literally sounds like a grey seal pup holy shit. I want to wipe this from my memory.

No. 139305

This is why I can't leave these threads, no matter how shit they get

No. 139306

File: 1664450979815.jpeg (293.03 KB, 828x705, 07CA1CA3-5DA6-4EDE-BED7-9A97D3…)

Right above this tweet is picrel, she’s still selling this terrifying old video (the banner someone made out of it still cracks me up whenever appears on the rotation), you’d think that being reminded of how she used to look would be incentive to make some lifestyle changes, alas

No. 139307

is her tiktok gone?

No. 139308

Nona, just a few posts above >>139108

No. 139309

thanks nonny, my bad

No. 139310

omg do you think he slept over at her house ?

No. 139311

i think she's doing "the black and white filter plus dark lipstick" thing because anons have been praising her teen selfies, when she was skinny and not so gross

No. 139312

KEK toad ass.

No. 139313

File: 1664462460823.jpg (84.23 KB, 309x193, Xp7coXz.jpg)

Her poor fucking boobs in this top, wtf. That looks painful as hell.

No. 139314

It looks like poor application. Straight tips are more modern, but her nail tech never creates an apex. That’s why her acrylics always look bad. I hope she doesn’t pay more than $50 for these, because they’re beginner level at best. Shayna also has hitchhikers thumb, with long nail tips, it can look pretty comical.

No. 139315


ngl lil' chubby can be cute, can advocate for the thick thighs crew, but sorry Shaynay you don't do it. To be cute with the chub you need to style your outfits for it, not just pretend to be size 4 with your outfits.

No. 139316

It's fucking hilarious to me. She already looks like the damn wicked granny of the west, she is trying to complete the look by pressing her boobs down and making them sag to her knees.

No. 139317

I am willing to bet that he did and when he heads out to meet the next whore she's going to lose her shit

No. 139318

my thread pic vote

No. 139319


No. 139320

File: 1664472346158.jpeg (291.9 KB, 1230x1207, E2DBEC53-5A53-4D2E-9CD8-A2C9AD…)

men fuck anything. I don’t understand how this is a flex. the man in question isn’t even rich or hot.

No. 139321

File: 1664472398124.jpeg (419.68 KB, 1242x1151, 1DFFAE2A-1411-4CD2-81BA-E1B4F4…)

No. 139322

File: 1664472507857.jpeg (702.64 KB, 1242x1487, 9544460A-9624-4E47-8262-D3FBDB…)


No. 139323

"i know you all are so excited" 8 likes

No. 139324

What’s more, most men say shit like that in the moment. Especially if you’re bone dry like Shatna kek. She really is so disgusting.

No. 139325

I hate women who refer to their vagina as “my cunt” ew it’s so vulgar I’ve never heard anyone irl say that about themselves

No. 139326

>moid likes putting his dick inside me!
Congrats on being on the same level of desirability as a McChicken.

No. 139327

Looks like Ellen is taking Big Shaynus to see Lizzo.

No. 139328

File: 1664479392322.jpeg (864.63 KB, 1170x1661, 2C876CF8-4471-4D61-85E7-90E4E4…)

No. 139329

Now let’s see if Shay documents anything from the concert

No. 139330

so hot she makes him wear a mask while “performing” loooool

No. 139331

why are they going to vancouver for this instead of just staying in washington?

No. 139332

File: 1664481781095.jpeg (763.92 KB, 1170x1753, 79F09FCD-A77E-4FE5-8B59-949CEE…)

No. 139333

Idk I still kinda feel like she does press ons. There was some strong evidence a couple threads back when she did the ugly purple and pink leopard print set.

No. 139334

Im uncomfortable just reasing that description and picturing it. You know its gonna be the most cringe part of it all.

No. 139335

Oh GOD..
>making out
Aaaaand this shit is also why she’s most likely gonna catch (or has caught) feelings for this ugly scrote kek. She hasn’t gotten any attention like that from someone she finds attractive in actual years. God I hope she has a meltdown over this mannnn this could be milky…

No. 139336

File: 1664482748686.jpeg (382.74 KB, 1242x910, 85E544F9-1E0D-4633-AFA8-267162…)

No. 139337

Oh so you wore the sweater you had on while you were pawing at that ugly scrote? How many times is she going to wear that fucking sweater?

No. 139338

that's called being a drunkard, shay

No. 139339

> I wonder if she's been getting hate but deleting it immediately
Yes, I left a comment awhile back that just said "oh no :(" and it was immediately deleted and I was blocked. Literally a minute after being posted lol.

I was kinda drunk. I'm sorry, I never comment on cow's stuff like that.

No. 139340

“Until I can’t take it anymore”

Video is 3min long

No. 139341

love how this moron blocked the total but not the individual prices. minus the processing fee she spent $669.28 canadian dollars or $488.93 USD. bet she's still going to be begging for money though.

No. 139342

That's absolutely unforgivable. But I forgive you Nona. Just never attempt to interact with a cow again. That's how you become a cow. Kek

No. 139343

Std screenings are basically pointless can be easily faked because there's no regulations and even if it is real it means nothing, not having an std at one specific date doesn't mean the nasty porn scrotes don't have one today Shayna.

No. 139344

She’s acting like a 12 year old stan who’s going to meet her favorite pop singer, not an adult who paid for a concert

No. 139345

Same fag but also you're pretty much guaranteed a bv infection, yeast infection from fucking someone unprotected that is fucking multiple other disgusting whores.

No. 139346

Imagine pushing middle age and acting like going to see the singing shit emoji is some kind of life accomplishment

No. 139347

So this random man predicted she would trip over (probably bumped into) a sign but didn’t want to say anything because it would have made things…worse? I don’t get it.

Her make believe scenarios don’t even make sense.

No. 139348

uhhh, what reason does ellen have to use a vpn? (yes I know there's legit reasons to use vpn, I just only find someone like her knowing about/using them suspicious)

No. 139349

aren't these two synonyms for each other? did she just repeat herself twice in a row?

No. 139350

Probably for posting here, kek

No. 139351

Manifesting the Soy Saga v.2.0

No. 139352

The reason most of her stories sound fake as shit is because nobody in Washington is that nice.

No. 139353

Samefag. I mean nobody in Washington is that nice to a stranger.

No. 139354

absolutely disgusting shanya will be in canada

how old are you nonnie? its not really unusual at all these days to be using a VPN. infact is more unusual to not have a VPN ready and available. everyone who had an account on farms data got leaked. not outlandish for IPs linked to posts to get leaked from the lolcow some day if we piss off the wrong tranny…. just saying

she was probably using it to cue up under multiple accounts to get the tickets. probably trying to raise her chances of getting them. i mean fuck, shes going to BC to see fat ass lizzo so she seems desperate.

No. 139355

she means the guy probably saw her walking in the path of the chalkboard not paying attention and knew she was about to crash into it - but didnt yell at her to watch out because he thought it would confuse her more and somehow make her trip more dramatic? Idk, still fake as fuck interaction but thats what shes trying to say.

No. 139356

you're absolutely correct nona. I've lived here for 7 years (in different parts) and people are rude as shit

I know that, I'm saying someone her age (mid-late 30s) using a vpn is strange. the only people I know over 30 using them are computer savvy

No. 139357

men literally say this to every single women they ever fuck. “youre so tight, you taste so good”..like … jesus shes a sad idiot

No. 139358

The fact that lizzo is the size of both of them combined and still looks better than either of them is telling. You're not uggo cuz you fat, you're just plain born ugly. That's worse. Lizzo could lose 200lbs. No amount of make up or workouts are gonna fix shaynas witch fase and alky nose and Ellen looks like a shoe with FAS. Kek

No. 139359

This. Idk if you can ask for papers if you're a whore and say its for your "job" or just by request. But if you're clear, they don't even call you or follow up and they don't like to test more than every 2-3 months even for very sexually active people (in my limited experience and from friends' experience). Maybe its just the clinics around here idk.

No. 139360

Honestly and in Shays case it's probably straight up nervous uncomfortable tension and not being able to relax and just enjoy sex. I remember when she was with Sol and was saying she was ~so tight~ he could barely get 2 fingers in or something. Like… sis that's just called not being turned on or comfortable. We see her shove dildos in herself no warm up no problem.

No. 139361

Gives me 7am at Waffle House vibes. kek
People know that Canada's currency is cheaper and a lot of "big acts" go to Vancouver, Toronto or Montreal it's always those 3. Granted, I always found that prices are the same or more expensive than the states if you convert it (I'm from Canada and live in the states).

No. 139362

>shoe with FAS
god I love this thread

No. 139363


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 139364

Vpns are useless against the feds if they suspect you of cp nonnie. Also most people use them to get different countries streaming services, it's pretty normie tier at this point.

No. 139365

They don't even test for hpv though i'm sure she already has 10+ strains, sex is fucking gross tbh kek.

No. 139366

I think shayna could be sort of kind of pretty in a small town way, but it'd require more work than she could muster up or afford. Nose job, regular dermatologist visits, and a personal trainer at minimum. Ellen is beyond help, she's so far gone her entire body seems completely dimpled in some way.

No. 139367

late but hes not even hard….

No. 139368

File: 1664499668317.jpg (95.93 KB, 1024x576, 20220930_015934.jpg)

These uggos.

No. 139369

He radiates fag energy

No. 139370

those droopy benzo eyes…Shatna hates sex so much that she has to pop a xanny beforehand

No. 139371

why does this clip play he is reluctantly getting ready for sex he doesnt want to participate in and at the end gets a whiff her dirty snatch and goes "WOOFFF"

No. 139372

>the only people I know over 30 using them are computer savvy

You must not know a lot of people then. "Most People Over 30" are computer savvy because they're the generation who grew up with computers and were first on the internet and social media. You're either really young or thinking of boomers.

No. 139373

It's crazy the only time she smiles normally is when she's in the arms of a scrote. Also, imagine the smell of that sweater, wore it around this dude and then the next day.

No. 139374

OF anons PLEASE come through in the next thread

No. 139375

He did fuck a man

No. 139376

Those green fungus looking diseased nails look like the aftermath of an injury. I hate when moids with ugly hands paint their ugly fingernails poorly because they think it’s a cool alt thing

No. 139377

kek anon thanks for making it watchable

No. 139378

The ugly tattooed scrotes bio says "cream pie specialist (vasectomy protected)" and that he sti tests. So yes, he's going around fucking ugly whores and possibly troons raw. You can only get sti tests so often. Disgusting.

No. 139379

I can’t believe she’s choosing to bone this dude. He’s terribly ugly and quite trashy. I know the bar is low but damn she could’ve done better

No. 139380

Other women having standards in life and not having to touch disgusting scrotes to pay rent makes Shayna so mad. It's too funny. sips my milk

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