File: 1594387016842.jpg (219.12 KB, 1456x1941, ZVFVh2cr.jpg)

No. 1005098
Thread for those who abuse photoshop to gain fame off their fabricated looks while claiming to be “all natural” or “not photoshopped”.Prior thread
>>720482 started with shoop queen Fegalvao aka Maria Fernanda aka fer-cosplay.
She makes adobe after effects edited close up clips of her waist and posts them on her Ig to claim she is “not photoshopped” but is betrayed by candid photos of her at cons. In addition to the body shoops, she shoops on entire cosplays. Any mentions of photoshop result in bans and deleted comments.
Now featuring Susu_jpg, by no means a renowned PS queen like Fe. Just your typical Photoshopping/Snow abusing Twitch thot.
LINKS: a dramatic hourglass figure in nearly every photo/video except for her con candids. Attributes her figure to her "skinny person metabolism" and deflects compliments drawing attention her inconsistencies with calling herself "scrawny" despite having a nice body shape in reality.
Please keep this thread for people who lie about shoops and who make dramatic changes to body/face. No. 1005103
File: 1594387320259.jpg (1.4 MB, 1800x2400, pt2020_07_10_20_46_23.jpg)

Here's an Albany Cope comparison I wanted to dump
No. 1005124
File: 1594391435437.jpg (1.62 MB, 2250x2250, pt2020_07_10_23_39_56.jpg)

>>1005111I think it's because people aren't aware of how far waist training can take you. This picture is extremely telling though, apart from the shape, her
abs literally look airbrushed in kek.
Here's another I found in the Nicole thread in /w/
No. 1005839
File: 1594556408701.jpeg (84.42 KB, 461x500, 324762CA-AA06-4D45-8FD2-BF231F…)

>>1005103Older photo. Even her face is quite different.
No. 1005845
File: 1594558298624.jpg (222.99 KB, 1080x727, Screenshot_20200711-003325__01…)

>>1005839>Larger waist>Smaller eyes>Larger jaw>Larger head in general???She looks a lot more masculine, not that's necessarily a bad thing considering the hyper-feminine way she edits herself. I'm curious whether her tits are edited too, fake, or she's somehow blessed with boobs that look like implants. She claims they're natural, but more than a few people felt the need to ask.
No. 1006015
File: 1594583673180.png (2.1 MB, 1000x1586, Albany.png)

Some old photos compared to her new photos.
No. 1006044
File: 1594588028139.png (566.46 KB, 794x369, 1571622048257.png)

She quit "modelling" and had to start editing her own face and body… and it looks ridiculous.
No. 1006095
File: 1594593666121.jpeg (494.14 KB, 750x844, 2A87FB29-DBC8-497D-85CB-E9CB4F…)

>>1005098 “Except con candids”
Anon I really don’t want to seem like a white knight but her body looks pretty good in most candids. Swimsuitsucubus has tons of tagged pics and everyone takes unflattering shots here and there.
No. 1006106
File: 1594595666325.png (828.81 KB, 738x537, 3danxhsdo82dksj.png)

>>1006095I'm sorry but, no. In most of her con candids she looks about the same as the right photo in the thread pic, which still looks good, it's just seriously different from what she posts. The only candids that match her photoshopped body type are the ones in Zone cosplay, where she seems to be wearing something underneath to cinch her waist. Regardless of her body, the meitu abuse on her face is very apparent.
No. 1006111
File: 1594596430718.jpeg (538.52 KB, 2048x2048, CF5E0CD3-6C3C-4162-9EA9-274367…)

>>1006106Left is from twitter and right is from twitch. I don’t see a huge difference. It’s been a year since she quit so it probably helped her self esteem
No. 1006127
File: 1594599707388.jpeg (305.41 KB, 617x500, AA17280D-C9A6-436F-97C5-224BB2…)

Old thread was devolving to boring nitpicks now this one will be even worse thanks to shit OP. How did this not carry over from the old thread as the new thread pic? She’s even more absurd than fegalvao
No. 1006207
File: 1594613296045.png (51.75 KB, 594x444, Screenshot_38.png)

>>1006132>>1006137I would not be surprised if she was white knighting herself, she seems to get defended in every single thread she is in. It also aligns with her having a minor breakdown on twitter and deciding not to stream today. Sage for slightly off topic
No. 1006242
>>1006015Wow, bless you anon. I've never seen a majority of these photos before and I've gotta admit I'm pretty curious of Albany.
>>1006008Saw those vids too, it's insane people are compliment her Disney princess impression. I'd post them here but it's not exactly shop related.
No. 1006246
>>1006207I'm still convinced she got a botched surgery somewhere because there was a point where she didnt post a new photo of herself in over a month and then since she's been photoshopping herself more than she ever did before, while also ignoring sets that she owed her patrons. Also imagine feeling like you need to stream with such high skin blurring filters on that your nose basically disappears.
Also the streaming community is FAR more
toxic that thirsty neckbeards. It's simple in the numbers of streamers that have had harm come to them version thots. She's so insufferable. Just say you dont want to stream today what does her ero-modelling have to do with it unless she was in fact butthurt over this thread?
No. 1006368
File: 1594656316873.jpg (221.29 KB, 1152x2048, EL2QHx4XYAQYIf5.jpg)

>>1006246She loves pretending to be a
victim who was forced to do "ero modeling" to survive, meanwhile she happily raked in betabucks for over 3 years, and has apparently made enough to sit in her bedroom all day doing bullshit. She says that "the old accounts are only up as proof against imposters" yet they still have the link to buy her old photosets in their bios. She gets extremely salty whenever one of her scrote viewers asks her about her modeling/cosplay and acts like everyone is just there for her looks, and then continues to post ridiculous pictures like this.
No. 1006714
File: 1594700753894.webm (3.08 MB, 640x640, albanycope___CClbpdFlxQ-___.we…)
Okay so I know she's probably using a corset, but is it just me or his her filter glitching the f out in this video?
No. 1006844
>>1006015>those MySpace era photosShe looked pretty old there. Isn't she in her late twenties or sth?
Also I'd thought she would look less trashy, considering her family is pretty loaded.
>>1006714There's something obviously wrong here, but I cannot exactly pinpoint that glitch. And yeah, she's absolutely wearing a corset here.
No. 1007346
File: 1594782755965.jpg (269.5 KB, 1080x1469, Screenshot_20200715-114145__01…)

Happy birthday anons, just found this horror shop
No. 1007453
File: 1594798455445.png (967.25 KB, 639x637, nice blurring.png)

>>1006714if you're struggling to see what exactly looks off about this, watch for the blur/warp halo around literally her whole body where she cinched it. it even blurs out part of her arm at some points lol
No. 1007456
>>1007453She does move exceedingly slowly in this video. It's what initially drew me to thinking something was wrong, but you've pretty much summed it up.
>>1007440Idk about you anons, but a lot of people seem interested in Albany. Do you guys think she qualifies for a low-tier /w/ thread?
No. 1007496
File: 1594813261945.jpg (388.79 KB, 1080x1461, Screenshot_20200715-113049__01…)

Idk who this is but press X to doubt this is her real face kek
No. 1007734
File: 1594841736147.jpg (65.44 KB, 474x478, 13937a915ed535c73c51411f14c5fb…)

>>1006844Not sure her family are "loaded" - her dad Julian Cope was medium successful music-wise in the late 80s/90s and is a bit of a cult hero now (full disclosure, I am a big fan of his) but I seriously doubt they are loaded, he writes books and tours now but it's hard to make big bucks from music now, he probably makes more from the books. They have a nice house in rural Wiltshire and I'm sure could support Albany (she lived with till recently) but definitely not loaded. She used to work in a crystal shop, I think her fiance was supporting her after that.
Dorian, her mum is beautiful and has an amazing figure - I'm sure Albany is beautiful IRL but definitely does some editing, she seems to have self esteem issues and when she was in her full hippy raw vegan phase 5 or 6 years ago seemed way too thin and I think admitted she had an eating disorder. She looks a lot healthier these days for sure.
I wasn't sure if her fiance was a friend of her dad's, he seems like a similar age to him.
She seems like a nice girl other than the editing though.
No. 1007785
File: 1594849041591.jpg (126.92 KB, 500x618, 1363914938031.jpg)

>>1007776IDK, go back and live with her parents for a while? I didn't understand why she stopped being a yoga teacher after she qualified, she seemed good at ir and with a big social media following she could do ok with some online tutorials.
I preferred her more natural style in between full hippy anorexia and the current corsets and overdrawn lips thing she has going on, she's naturally pretty and I feel it hides her features rather than shows them off.
No. 1008015
File: 1594875640443.jpg (2.85 MB, 1411x3300, Albanycope.jpg)

>>1007785I am shocked. If you reverse search and do some digging, you can find her old Tumblr, which has many more photos.
She looks like a completely different person now.
No. 1008096
>>1007776Wait what? I swear they were together just a month ago? Didnt they move to a new house and get a new garden?
Just checked, seems like she deleted a lot of things that r related to him. Crazy. Doesn't seem like theyve been dating for a long time too.
No. 1008137
File: 1594902157482.png (4.21 MB, 2400x1800, Sjsjsisjbssh.png)

>>1008096Here's her post announcing the break-up for anyone interested.
No. 1008505
File: 1594941548714.png (1.26 MB, 912x1023, doot doot.png)

Face shoop aside, her super skelly shoop is actually kind of terrifying. (Sorry for the weird alignment, I was trying to get her chin in the 2 photos to match up for a better comparison.)
No. 1008959
File: 1595024195684.png (2.05 MB, 1218x1318, robestpierre.png)

>>1008580Yeah that's her on the left. You can tell from the similarities between that photo and her older, less-Photoshopped photos from when she used to go by robestpierre.
No. 1009031
File: 1595032238838.png (1.16 MB, 796x1062, screenshot_6954.png) Susu randomly posted a video of her swaying awkwardly with a knife. What's going on here? Her body really does not look this in candids.
No. 1009037
>>1009031Bodies change, mine is different depending on the season.
Also, the knife thing is a twitter joke. Twitter was getting flooded by videos of cakes that looked like different objects or foods.
No. 1009049
>>1009037Very casual reminder that has nothing to do with your comment I promise:
susu is a poster and has been known to defended herself and her friends as well as attack others she doesn’t like.
No. 1009050
File: 1595033986456.png (Spoiler Image,2.03 MB, 1034x882, 9ek2nd9askeu3.png)

>>1009040She has been shopping her body since the very beginning I think, however some of her photos don't seem to be as extreme. I'm guessing the editor got lazy halfway through? She always kept her face relatively natural though, which isn't the case anymore.
No. 1009086
File: 1595039405297.png (841.61 KB, 937x438, oof.png)

>>1009031Samefag, but here's some screenshots of her in a cosplay music video from about a year ago. Her body most definitely does not look like that, but I'm not sure how she'd edit the video without the background warping. Also it's pretty obvious she's wearing shapewear or something to try to get closer to her photoshopped figure by the bulging in the back, kek
>>1009083I don't think she has ever stood up in a twitch stream without using an AFK screen.
No. 1009093
>>1009083you can use filters on livestream. Or do you think her face is also naturally flat and poreless like in this stream cap
>>1006111She naturally has a waist yes AND she also does things like wear massive push up bras and constantly lean forward to make her waist look more extreme as well but her waist doesnt naturally look like or there would be more candids of it looking like that.
>>1009086The padding in her zone-tan is obvious because notice how her leg is bent and kinda just goes up into a protruding shape (hip pad) it's easy to spot stuff like this when you look at enough drag queens.
No. 1009104
>>1009031maybe it's a green-screen lol
if her waist is fake, what's stopping her from waist training with corsets?
I'm one of the anons who defended her as I didn't find the waist edits extreme but I guess it's not nitpicking to investigate after all. can you even do sex work without a lot of shoop tho? sage for unimportant
No. 1009107
>>1009031It’s clear the video is shopped and and her face is filtered. As are her streams. She and bunny have always shopped (pretty skillfully) but this looks silly and borders on body dysmorphic. She’s definitely skinny and curvy for her size (def pads her tits tho) and her arms are quite thin so imo she doesn’t even need to shop shit so aggressively.
She and bunny are aging like milk and desperately trying to find something besides their looks and fake relationship to make money on. It’s kinda sad since they’re both too boring to be non thot streamers and their existing fanbase is horny sad basement dwellers who only want to see titties.
No. 1009108
File: 1595041850117.jpg (310.89 KB, 2400x1800, Susucon19.jpg)

No clue what she's doing but I found these although they're pretty shit. You can still tell the moment she's relaxed and not explicitly posed at the con (not even a year ago) she looks totally different. I don't know how her larger ribs would just evaporate due to weightloss, her frame looks a completely different shape to me.
No. 1009118
File: 1595042846386.png (866.55 KB, 713x551, comparison.png)

Here's another comparison, two different bodysuits. Obviously the right one is at more of an angle so that helps a bit, but the difference is extreme. How does she still have whiteknights saying she really looks like this?
No. 1009130
File: 1595045407044.jpg (366.35 KB, 1212x2048, EcWF-qzWoAIC.jpg)

>>1006609>>1006619LOL Bunny is not realbi. I know a couple low-clout guys whose DMs she tried to slide into in the last year or two (source: trust me bro. Sorry.) Wouldn't be surprised if they were both faking and 100% str8 but Susu's contempt for Ero modelling makes me think that she might actually have some respect for women. They shop this hard because being an thotmodels probably broke them. Bunny is even worse off though. She blew up like a balloon and now she hides behind her weeb bait vtuber avatar and has to blur her face to fuckall to hide the jowls.
>>1009118as seen here
No. 1009217
File: 1595067920683.jpg (238.67 KB, 1080x1339, Screenshot_20200716-224123__01…)

>>1009130Wow that's some really awkward posing and shitty shoop.
Speaking of shitty shoop, I thought this was pretty hilarious when I came across it. She's obviously not ashamed if she's photoshopping this hard.
No. 1009444
>>1009118I called them major photoshoppers in the momo threads but any time I pointed it out, anons would call me jealous kek. What a long way we've come since then. It's hard to believe that farmers, out of all the people on the internet, would believe that Susu's perfect vase-shaped body and legs that are 2x the length of the rest of her body are real.
>>1009133I guess scrotes are just really into that hafu look. Girls like Tsuruko are really popular among robots for no reason other than because they look like they miiiight be part Asian.
No. 1009584
File: 1595118239965.jpeg (274.66 KB, 1144x2048, AC4B8DBA-9CF0-498A-9CAF-3C2353…)

>>1009130Her shoops have always been bad but the smoothing on these is especially terrible.
No. 1009598
File: 1595120183683.jpeg (47.57 KB, 720x804, received_600716684201951.jpeg)

I've seen her on y2k Instagram. She claims she doesn't edit her waist but this is just grossly unbelievable. She says her waist is from corsetting but it's just not plausible.
No. 1009614
>>1009444>I called them major photoshoppers in the momo threadsMaybe because you were posting them in irrelevant threads.
>>1009584No chin is the new Kawaii
No. 1009648
>>1009614Ntayrt but come on anon, you know they probably mentioned them in passing. Is your response really necessary?
>>1009584Holy fuck I didn't think it could get any worse
>>1009639 described this image perfectly kek.
No. 1009886
File: 1595179995024.png (413.06 KB, 274x562, slerw34wkerfj.png)

>>1009783I did say it accounts for some of it, but it is absolutely not "100% the camera angle." She made her hips twice the size of her waist. Here's a more similar angle, and her body looks completely normal.
No. 1009887
File: 1595180001701.jpg (24.42 KB, 360x358, tifa cosplay.jpg)

Tifa cosplay.
no photoshop. just good makeup apparently
No. 1009894
File: 1595180418165.jpg (83.52 KB, 661x1356, tifagirl.jpg)

Tifa girl again.
clearly no photoshop here either
No. 1009967
File: 1595190932011.jpg (31.74 KB, 300x379, thumbnail.jpg)

>>1009887>>1009894Ah yes, the famous 100% natural dorito chin and suspenders that get sucked into your midriff.
No. 1010103
File: 1595219019061.png (1.04 MB, 795x853, pads.png)

>>1010081>>1009892Nah anons we're clearly just jealous of her .5 hip to waist ratio, she looks just like her photos, no hip pads here! kek
No. 1010636
File: 1595337268521.jpeg (627.11 KB, 1240x2554, F873BDF8-DCF5-489D-BF02-50C663…)

>>1008505Her body just looks like she lost more weight since then tbh, the left already looks pretty skelly and she’s wearing padded pleather. It doesn’t look like the most flattering candid either, there’s some where she looks pretty good.
>>1006095I’ve seen her at cons too and she looked pretty similar to me. Definitely was wearing a corset though.
No. 1010647
File: 1595338909865.jpeg (837.03 KB, 2365x2560, F3FCFEAB-AF02-4C36-A547-9BB340…)

>>1010636Samefag but accidentally swapped the comparison photo positions; the left top pic and right bottom pics are the candids.
Another one from a cosplay music video, left is the screencap.
No. 1010710
File: 1595355309806.png (2.5 MB, 1440x2512, Screenshot_20200721-141230~2.p…)

Sorry if she's been posted in the past but @aniexjoy. It's just kind of sad to see because she clearly has a nice body, but who can believe she really has that 16 inch waist? A lot of her shops are decent but I thought this one was the worst on her profile.
No. 1010715
File: 1595355910020.jpeg (Spoiler Image,303.48 KB, 1338x1800, 5C7F4E0C-0789-4CC8-AC9C-93B01B…)

This is a fucking embarrassment. Come on Erin Eevee- you can do better than this shop!! And this idiot has the nerve to claim its natural curves lol
No. 1010717
File: 1595355954365.jpg (Spoiler Image,34.82 KB, 567x500, vv.thumb.jpg.c16d3f9360702fb66…)

Erin Eevee photoshops so much…the clothes look different lol(crossboard spam)
No. 1010721
>>1010717How long until one of her wk's pops into the thread saying she doesn't shop, kek
>>1010636She looks very pretty in her candids, it's sad she feels the need to photoshop herself. Honestly she's one of the few cosplayers I've seen who looks really good in her candids
No. 1010735
File: 1595360403984.jpeg (Spoiler Image,461.96 KB, 1242x1508, B7113BC0-004A-471B-92EF-1C791D…)

Can we talk about Bishoujomom's/Juliette’s fake disgusting ass? Her photoshop is so bad and she denies plastic surgery! She looks so scary and gross!
No. 1010737
>>1010732the right is a screenshot from her tiktok ( @spicyfoxlady).
learn to whiteknight better
Also saying 'every model photoshops' using her as an example is like saying 'everyone takes medication' and using a coked up meth addict as an example.
No. 1010738
File: 1595360745526.jpeg (Spoiler Image,339.11 KB, 1242x1451, 45084D66-094E-4A9F-88BD-C77DC9…)

Poor Jessica Nigri! She always suffers from blurry butt syndrome… oh wait…. I meant photoshopped tiny butt syndrome
No. 1010888
File: 1595382581495.jpg (Spoiler Image,227.65 KB, 1080x1148, Screenshot_20200721-033725__01…)

>>1010710Kek she removes them anon, I've seen a whole lot worse. Here's an old video cap before she decided to give herself a waist smaller than her head.
No. 1010889
File: 1595382753672.png (2.9 MB, 1800x2400, Aniexjoy.png)

>>1010888Sorry for samefag but is this just shop or a combination of shop and surgery?
No. 1011110
File: 1595441412138.jpeg (226.86 KB, 856x1287, 50043F6C-A6C3-47EE-9A85-4312A9…)

>>1011097Here's another candid from twitter
No. 1011114
>>1011111>>1011110I have to say, these post #s are lit.
On top of that, I think simps know at this point hat paying for an editing product when someone says they are posting a photoshoot is kind of hands down expected now. Most of them,I doubt, care in person anymore. You see how happy simps are standing next to the girls at cons and stuff.
No. 1011120
File: 1595441963858.jpg (163.32 KB, 843x1202, IMG_4948.JPG)

>>1011097She's known for heavily monitoring her tagged photos on Insta and FB and untagging herself from any photos where she doesn't look like her shoops. The giraffe neck shoop is her own doing. She shoops her neck thinner and longer a lot to the point where even her Reddit wks started pointing out how ridiculous her neck looks in some photos.
>pic related There's a shit ton of photos of her in the online vs. irl thread in /ot/, but most are years old or are just unflattering candids in the first place.
>>1011114This. Just look at how happy Hana Bunny's stans are when they meet her irl even though she literally looks nothing like her photos at all.
>>1011119Sorry, I was trying to get it to link, but forgot how it works lmfao. I'm big dumb.
No. 1011122
File: 1595442124226.png (1.18 MB, 845x738, hanabunny.png)

Anyways, I feel like the online vs. irl thread and this one should be merged since they're basically the same topic but on different boards.
No. 1011126
>>1011121if you want the post numbers, they're >>>/ot/9667 >>>/ot/9710 >>>/ot/9715 >>>/ot/9800
>>>/ot/71625I just realized the reason why the links didn't work is because I forgot a whole ass >
No. 1011198
File: 1595451511625.jpg (682.9 KB, 851x1069, errr.jpg)

when you're so naturally curvy….the background bends for you
No. 1011200
File: 1595451771588.jpg (452.78 KB, 760x1076, errr.jpg)

how does anyone believe this shit?
No. 1011204
File: 1595452050600.jpg (67.63 KB, 720x1080, p19xhy0arq441.jpg)

I can't hate on anyone if their honest about their photoshop. I remember Hana bunny admitting she wore prostectic breasts and butts and photoshopped her pictures a lot due to her "culture"
No. 1011205
>>1011204Hana bunny used to be pretty open about Photoshopping, but started claiming this is how she naturally looks once she started pandering to coomers. I'm acquaintances with her boyfriend and he also claims she doesn't shoop, as if he doesn't look at her unshooped face every day.
Other than photoshopping, she lies about a lot of other things too like whether or not she makes her cosplays (she tried to pass her storebought Violet Evergarden cosplay off as something she made), her ethnicity, etc.
No. 1011305
File: 1595465452375.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1920x2560, B717C9A1-2F5F-4607-B108-DDC85C…)

>>1011120I think she just has tags turned off actually, rather than monitoring them. I’ve seen a lot of popular ig accounts do that because people start tagging them in random shit. None of the candids I found of her were in her tagged pictures, even the more flattering ones.
Tbh I think she just has a face where only 2-3 angles and expressions look good in photos.
No. 1011306
File: 1595465620959.jpeg (346.53 KB, 750x794, 4C942753-306C-4305-B54B-6790AD…)

>>1011205She’s still really open about photoshopping though? I saw her post this only a couple days ago.
No. 1011325
File: 1595469609827.jpg (412.15 KB, 1080x1075, Screenshot_20200722-205827_Ins…)

@aniexjoy has admitted to starving herself and "being hungry" all the time and she shoops like crazy. Her outfits and cosplays are so tacky and cheap and she looks straight up filthy. I don't understand how she has so many followers?? her content sucks, she even got banned from patreon for being inactive and taking people's money.
No. 1011333
File: 1595470909676.png (3.83 MB, 1800x2400, Aniexjoy1.png)

>>1011325Oof never saw her say that, that's awful wtf. She probably buys followers let's be honest. The majority of costhots gain their substantial following that way.
Pic related it's Anie's starving Ethiopian cosplay vs con candid.
No. 1011373
File: 1595479796935.jpeg (763.66 KB, 828x1417, F76F4C98-6B97-41DB-9E5A-D2EE8E…)

Has anyone seen cardcaptorr on Instagram? I can’t tell if she shops but it sure looks unreal to me.
No. 1011375
File: 1595479898595.jpeg (954.89 KB, 828x1422, 9500E611-49F5-427B-B6AA-827B4C…)

>>1011373Samefag but this caption? Oops I accidentally took a picture of my ass teehee! Come on
No. 1011381
File: 1595480778291.jpg (366.02 KB, 2048x2030, jenna.jpg)

Jenna Lynn Meowri…. the queen of "Im 1000% Natural" and "i dont photoshop". Why is her nipples so high? Is she photoshopping them that high or botched boob job?
No. 1011416
File: 1595486136008.jpg (1.28 MB, 2448x3056, Wjs4M_sg-izRJGfEtKY2T4gO09yWPA…)

Xkalty tries to pass off her prosthetic breasts as real lol
No. 1011435
>>1011319If youre going to go this hard on it, then post proof besides claiming she 'used to pretend AFTER she's said she photoshop that now she is natural'. If you're going to bring that to the table when literal recent milk
>>1011306 proves otherwise, I highly doubt your Patreon story
No. 1011502
>>1011416Oiling up her prosthetics makes them stand out more and look obviously fake, kek.
>>1011435Did you reply to the wrong anon? They didn’t mention anything about Patreon in their post.
No. 1011605
File: 1595521918009.jpeg (780.54 KB, 1569x2558, F3654B57-FC7F-46C6-B876-003703…)

>>1011451>>1011470> this is her real figure> blessed with a perfect bodyAre you a deluded white knight or is this some thinly veiled selfpost? Even from her photos you can tell it’s shopped, and you barely even have to scroll through her tags to see her real body shape.
No. 1011626
File: 1595524303551.jpg (2.57 MB, 3264x3264, ok.jpg)

>>1011373>>1011605I'm sure she has a nice body irl but ain't no way she doesn't edit at least a lil bit
No. 1011653
>>1011373>>1011375>>1011605Lmao this looks so retarded, how can anyone buy into that?
Especially the upright pic on this one
>>1011626 No. 1011716
>>1011626>thread for those who abuse photoshop>mad at other anons because they don’t think she shops her photos >concludes she might shop her photos a little bit Anon why are you so pressed? I followed cardcaptorr for years and even before she was 18 she had the exact same figure, only less developed. She’s even posted pictures of her mum when she was young and they gave the exact same figure so why are you so determined to hate the poor girl? I mean damn she doesn’t shop that unfortunate nose she has so why would she be shopping her body?
Also in all the candids her pants are sitting directly on her waist compared to photos where she’s not wearing anything at all or it’s a candid where her body is half angled towards the back of the room. Stop being so damn salty.
No. 1011747
File: 1595536139278.jpg (121.39 KB, 718x718, 20200723_162334.jpg)

haven't seen bookstagram mentioned here often, so here's one cosplayer that egregiously shoops her face to match fanart
No. 1011749
File: 1595536188005.jpg (139.32 KB, 720x720, 20200723_162312.jpg)

No. 1011750
File: 1595536240122.jpg (162.26 KB, 720x961, 20200723_154200.jpg)

>>1011747>>1011749(samefag) this is presumably her real face
No. 1011807
>>1011716>>1011451>>1011470>>1011651Kek, all of these posts follow the format:
>um I have followed her 4evrr and she's always had this body type!!! Nice selfpost, or delusional, spammy whiteknight.
No. 1011958
File: 1595573520498.jpg (389.84 KB, 976x2048, EdooTtbXYAUMOHg.jpg)

sabrina nicole photoshopping herself to look like an alien then talking about beautiful and confident she is after seeing her pictures lol
No. 1011986
File: 1595582898873.jpg (229.87 KB, 1080x1412, Screenshot_20200716-223937__01…)

I don't know who this is besides being confused as to why she would actually post this.
No. 1012121
>>1011958Anyone that has seen Sabrina in person nowadays knows that she looks like a homeless crackhead. She uses filters for her druggy face but she’s still not as bad as the other chicks here as far as photoshop She has much more
problematic issues that you can talk about on other threads if you don’t like her. She’s a crazy crackhead
No. 1012175
File: 1595621802137.jpg (Spoiler Image,319.24 KB, 960x1200, 0E51067B-557F-42FC-A7F7-749BCD…)

>>1012164anytime she's not using an editing app with her selfies or selfie videos and a real photographer takes pics of her/or someone takes a pic of her at a con…. she looks like trash. And the fact that she did a rape fantasy photoset while claiming she's a rape
victim shows she's just as trashy inside
No. 1012231
File: 1595628090215.jpeg (Spoiler Image,984.73 KB, 1966x2621, 08C9C1D4-DE08-4AFC-8486-3B10A3…)

>>1012175She looks just as frumpy in videos and the selfies she post on her insta (example here) Doesn’t seem to abuse filters or photoshops like most of the women in the thread. Her fluctuating weight is not milky, take your vendetta somewhere else.
No. 1012334
File: 1595647569692.png (Spoiler Image,302.39 KB, 534x714, sa.png)

>>1012294you obviously haven't followed her long then. She's done 2 rape sets. One after she claimed she was RAPED. Google her "School girl rape set" She's full on trash.
No. 1012348
File: 1595649002198.png (Spoiler Image,184.51 KB, 379x500, 38799A89-F8BD-47C8-AAD0-A27690…)

Sabrina photoshops just as much as the next whore. She’s just not as hilariously bad as the others. Look at her natural ass here
No. 1012401
>>1012357>>1012348Can’t believe anon is sperging this much and replying to themselves.
>>1012345 like this anon said she is not milky and is not relevant to this thread at all
No. 1012650
>>1012631They aren’t saging because they are bumping the thread with their Sabrina spam. Notice how only one post in your non-sage list even were wknighting?
>>1012446 I mean one word post like these make it very obvious.
>>1012614Anon is right though in a way
No. 1012654
File: 1595708378971.jpg (289.46 KB, 1574x1976, EaRM2exWoAA5LgQ.jpg)

Stop talking about Sabrina. She has never photoshopped or done a damn thing wrong. This shit by Juliette Michele right here is photoshopped.(whiteknighting)
No. 1012711
File: 1595713937993.jpg (Spoiler Image,909.09 KB, 1159x1698, ee.jpg)

(Pinkfox cosplay/Erin Eevee) You'd think after photoshopping your pics for 10 years you'd get better.
I'm blown away she'll get like 10k retweets on this shit.(ban evasion)
No. 1013003
File: 1595779458822.jpeg (590.56 KB, 828x1100, 4A3FA99A-5071-4B03-92D8-7738C3…)

Saw this abomination of a Snow abuser calling tsuruko ugly on one of her posts. I don’t like tsuruko because she’s also a shoop abuser too and a cow, but has this bitch seen herself? Username is usagi.hime
No. 1013008
File: 1595780520721.png (982.91 KB, 1056x728, 1.png)

>>1013003Are we entirely sure this isn't Willow (Willowo), that troon tripfag from /lgbt/? Maybe my TERF senses are working overtime, but all I see is him with more makeup, a different hair color, and a SNOW filter. (Picrel - left is from usagi.himme's Instagram, right is the troon)
No. 1013146
File: 1595798784890.jpg (574.84 KB, 1536x2048, EXmEecoXgAAYbLS.jpg)

Wanderlustluca aka luca will claim she only photoshops effects and will get super defensive when you mentioned her overly photoshopped face.
No. 1013148
File: 1595798826777.jpg (345.72 KB, 1319x1759, EWDQeVFUYAAIqvc (1).jpg)

>>1013146Here's one where she claimed no makeup or photoshop. Its a natural selfie
No. 1013149
File: 1595798922515.jpg (565.57 KB, 1536x2048, Ec7Qe-kXYAE7a38.jpg)

>>1013146Obviously edits her body as well but claims she would never do that
No. 1013270
File: 1595825440342.jpeg (693.44 KB, 750x926, 8138F21D-0E1A-4759-88C4-32D9F9…)

>>1013269she definitely edits her features, especially her nose
No. 1013379
File: 1595863937437.jpg (344.91 KB, 768x805, 20200727_113129.jpg)

this girl has to shoop a lot right? @sugarf4iry
No. 1013401
>>1013379This is one of the worst shoops on the thread. Meitu app really feeding people’s insecurities out here. She legit looks like a sakimichan drawing body wise and that isn’t a compliment. It’s also funny watching these girls out themselves on tiktok. Filters for your body only work if you are moving still. It’s always so funny seeing the filter flicking and off for her waist thinning.>>1013146 I love when people overly shop their eyes to a point it just looks drawn on. They always overly whiten their teeth/eyes. It doesn’t help either how much she enlarged them giving that blurry effect.
No. 1013422
File: 1595869171109.png (470.3 KB, 456x575, 20200728 025624.png)

@cornfae says her waist is naturally 22 inches
No. 1013429
File: 1595870330900.png (716.38 KB, 466x593, shoopcity.PNG)

>>1013422>22 incheslmaoooooo, where? And her waist is different sizes all over her ig, it never looks the same in any 2 pics.
No. 1013493
File: 1595879822608.jpeg (271.93 KB, 1536x2048, 1575152626961.jpeg)

>>1013422You can tell that she's the kind of woman who calls herself "thicc" but has a Luna body from a head-on view.
No. 1013691
File: 1595905003551.jpg (Spoiler Image,311.12 KB, 1080x1225, Screenshot_20200728-125543__01…)

>>1013401Wow she's built like a rectangle, that's some serious shoop. Ngl I definitely enjoyed the filter flicking on and off as she danced robotically. Gave me Fe Galavo vibes. Pic related, another obvious shop.
No. 1013697
File: 1595905848893.jpg (462.85 KB, 2250x2250, Nope.jpg)

Sorry for samefag, just has a look at her account..
>>1013603>>1013600Big press X to doubt, just look at her tagged photos. Waist training will not permanently render this chubby woman a 22" waist kek. She uses multiple techniques (sucking in, corsets, shop) but if you ask me she's dreaming if she thinks she's got a 22" waist even with genetics and everything listed above.
No. 1013738
File: 1595909818793.jpeg (Spoiler Image,584.6 KB, 750x736, A3ACE4C2-112A-4613-B400-FC13D9…)

her ig is prlncessbri, there's no way these proportions aren't being exaggerated. Waist barely wider than your thigh, really? A lot of her pics are low quality or in front of blank walls so that body shoop is less obvious but I find it difficult to believe this is her actual body.
No. 1013748
File: 1595911306775.jpg (345.18 KB, 1080x1202, Screenshot_20200728-144024__01…)

>>1013738Shop. Here's an image from her tattooist.
No. 1013802
File: 1595926930656.png (430.32 KB, 480x596, Opera Snapshot_2020-07-28_0959…)

This pick of Iggy Azalea. I don't understand how celebrities think they can get away with things like this when getty images knows the truth.
No. 1013806
File: 1595927631967.jpeg (96.13 KB, 823x1390, B0773B54-935A-4252-9717-DE3759…)

>>1013802Ew her face looks so uncanny. I like how this unshooped pic of her looks kinda like tana mongeu
No. 1013815
File: 1595930497323.jpg (125.45 KB, 650x729, 1.jpg)

>>1013802One thing about Iggy is that she admits to having had work done on her boobs and face but not her bum
No. 1013819
File: 1595931370033.jpeg (251.28 KB, 1072x1083, 07467322-5BB2-4FB6-A9EC-D5A355…)

@violetverdandi, girl be blocking ppl who called out her photoshoping
No. 1013820
>>1013802Not trying to do the whole "accusing her of blackfishing thing" but I legitimately thought this was one of the many poc b-list celebrities like Black China or some shit. Granted I have very little knowledge of celebrities.
This anon's explanation
>>1013811 is more concise. I hope it dies too, shit's uncanny.
No. 1013821
>>1013820I didn't know she was white, honestly.
Idk what "blackfishing" is really but I can guess, I just don't get why it's so controversial to call white girls out fkr obviously trying to look black or mixed to fit in with the culture & fuck with guys who chase black/mixed girls. It's clearly intentional, or else it wouldn't require so much surgery, shoop and drastic change.
No. 1013842
File: 1595936946101.jpeg (Spoiler Image,87.04 KB, 600x612, 5B19FEF3-9C6E-44D7-8EEE-4B7235…)

>>1013815my broken weeb brain scrolling too fast
No. 1014507
File: 1596059058386.jpg (373.96 KB, 1350x1709, EcRut-MXsAAzUFV.jpg)

erin eevee still claiming she's so naturally thicc and curvy…. will photoshop her ass but wont photoshop a underwear tag out because she's wearing her underwear wrong.
No. 1014579
File: 1596071811808.jpeg (203.09 KB, 1238x821, D9C082B6-2C47-426B-9C82-86AE16…)

Does jessica nigri have no nipples or does she just edit the fuck out of them on every picture? All of her pictures are blurry so it honestly wouldn't surprise me….
No. 1014580
File: 1596072153167.jpeg (676.36 KB, 1242x1839, F29B7A69-D7AA-4D09-BE06-6D741B…)

Bishoujomom/ Juliette Michelle…. To the top left the wall is thick but gets much smaller the more it goes down, obvious wall warp. And her ass is so stretched out and blurry! This whole photo is a mess.
No. 1014583
File: 1596072790418.jpg (49 KB, 456x805, Ec3LonAX0AAkw6Z.jpg)

What do you guys think of @virescience/Fatlover69?
>Massive pickme
>Encourages men to be obese, and in typical pickme fashion bashes chubby women
>Claims to be 100% natural but looks ridiculous
>Crying woman dress
>Another thot claiming to be a slav immigrant(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1014604
File: 1596079222750.jpg (328.78 KB, 815x593, Image8.thumb.jpg.484f2af1271df…)

>>1014578Not a BBL yet….just bad photoshop. Here's a photoshopped picture she put up compared to a recent video screencap
No. 1014617
>>1014604Does she think leaving in stretch marks will make it look more realistic? no
nonny, it just makes the shoop easier to spot
No. 1014626
File: 1596083179695.jpeg (171.78 KB, 1080x1349, 668B7797-ECB8-4E20-8A25-011AC1…)

Adriana Alencar. One of the worst photoshopped cosplayers I've even seen, how does she get away with this?
No. 1014630
File: 1596083924419.jpeg (6.65 KB, 160x67, 976BB200-81B3-407E-B1D8-7A7C50…)

>>1014619can’t believe I had to save this shit
No. 1014636
File: 1596084956200.png (1.21 MB, 750x992, 40949A28-0B8B-443E-80B8-2ACE9A…)

>>1013819pretty wild how she thinks it’s subtle
No. 1014642
File: 1596086223187.jpg (147.43 KB, 881x1199, Ed9vDU-XkAARIBy.jpg)

>>1014618no she just photoshops the shit out of her pics and then claims she's naturally like that
No. 1014643
>>1014618Nah, I was
>>1014578thinking it was a bbl but the warped pixels are too obvious in
>>1014604 . That photoshop is just horrid.
No. 1014706
File: 1596103769165.jpg (155.22 KB, 1128x1768, 20200730_060900.jpg)

I had to block her, that's how badly I hate seeing her pinched chin (surprisingly real) and knowing that it's not a shoop.
She heavily photoshops her face but leaves her disgusting body alone and I'm always wondering why.
pic attached is the worst I've seen though No. 1014707
File: 1596103850851.jpg (8.3 MB, 4096x4096, CollageMaker_20200730_06032255…)

>>1014706I also consider her a Koreaboo for trying this hard to imitate kpop looks.
No. 1014708
File: 1596103969440.jpg (1.28 MB, 1079x1444, SmartSelect_20200730-060545_Tw…)

>>1014707Last but definitely not least, all of her other pics her nose has been relatively untouched.
Why this. Why.
She has 50k followers and under 1k likes on almost every post of hers, she has NO TRACTION and everything looks so desperate
No. 1014712
File: 1596104538810.jpeg (34.61 KB, 400x400, 8DCF4114-66E0-4A89-969B-920DD0…)

>>1014626I just found her twitter and this is downright embarrassing photoshop from Adriana Alencar. Had a good laugh from it.
No. 1014857
>>1013697usually when a girl lifts her arms up like that in every photo it's to make it easier to edit the waist later (bc that way the arms wont get warped when they pull the waist in)
she probably does have an hourglass body irl, just not as eaggerated as she would like you to believe
No. 1014932
File: 1596145656039.jpg (Spoiler Image,188.58 KB, 527x534, a.jpg)

>>1014891Its embarrassing to think some people find that attractive and its sad to see how much she ruined her body to try and achieve her ugly photoshopped body in real life. She got huge breast implants and butt implants. The picture right here is a video screencap (BEWARE). Sometimes in videos her breasts squirt out green liquid. Its so gross.She's killing herself to look like this
No. 1014993
File: 1596155657327.png (1.27 MB, 886x939, cornfae.png)

Cornfae claiming she doesn't edit
No. 1015020
>>1014993What an asshole.
> Do y’all not go outside ????Bitch do you? Clearly not if you think there’s any human body that naturally looks the way you shoop yours. Not to mention the Tim Burton-esque face edits. Just say you edit and go you dumb sow. If you’re open or even low key about it then no one really cares, but lying is going to make people want to hurt your feelings.
No. 1015211
File: 1596214438080.jpeg (873.21 KB, 1242x1776, 01108614-429A-4E7E-9812-3051F9…)

Byndo Geyk's new "starfire" cosplay. Something looks very fishy with the wall behind her… Looks warped.
No. 1015575
File: 1596285334110.png (3.01 MB, 1200x1800, ADA588B7-CD32-4105-9AC9-D99C94…)

Tsuruko looks cute in her candids but she needs to chill with the shooping
Top one was a screenshot from her youtube
No. 1015582
>>1015191>but a lotbof that chin fat was several lbs ago.I LITERALLY said "I hate seeing her pinched chin (surprisingly real) and knowing that it's not a shoop."
Her chin was the ONE THING I exempted from this post. I then went on to talk about her skeleton nose, eye enlargement, neck shooping.
How are you this retarded and salty anon? Gonna go cry and report this back to her? YOU sound stupid as hell
No. 1015593
File: 1596289919864.jpeg (493.94 KB, 828x939, E1A9C751-FC80-4521-8108-234FE3…)

>>1015575Soz if this is a bad comparison photo, here’s a better one to compare to her candid which she posted on the same day
No. 1015636
File: 1596299391605.jpeg (251.47 KB, 705x1083, 157C9BC4-535D-4738-BA04-B0B90E…)

>>1015593Oh my god she straight up photoshopped herself to look completely Japanese lmao. How has the anti-cultural appropriation/racism/yellow face squad not cancelled her yet? I think I remember her from a couple years back on PULL in the race fakers thread. She actually looks completely white and her chin/jaw is about 4x the size she shoops it to be.
She literally doesn’t even look remotely like the same person here.
No. 1015648
File: 1596302702405.jpeg (1.61 MB, 2553x1242, 538FEC82-1F76-4ABD-902F-211A74…)

>>1015593I would say her photoshopping isn’t that bad from looking at her videos. I would chalk this up to just Korean style makeup and a little filtering. However as the other anon said it is pretty shitty she is trying to make herself look asian when she is clearly white.
No. 1015659
File: 1596304340634.jpeg (540.95 KB, 828x845, A81138B9-DF3D-4013-B730-1EE46D…)

>>1015610Apparently it’s meitu and not snow, not that one is better than the other though kek both catfish tools
Found this pic of her when she was younger when googling her. She is trying to look more and more Japanese each year
No. 1015691
>>1015659Looking at her history she is part Chinese. Don’t know how Korean makeup equates to someone trying to look “Japanese”. Even in
>>1015636 her asian features are very apparent . It’s a shame PULLfags like you have leaked into the board.
No. 1015839
File: 1596330807615.jpg (110.26 KB, 1000x1344, FB_IMG_1596330917971.jpg)

Her pit-tiddy
No. 1016017
File: 1596361394467.png (3.51 MB, 1564x1564, 8FF3EF10-817B-41E8-8E7C-345C87…)

>>1015691Lmao. I’ve been in lolcow for years. Just used pull a couple years ago for a few boards/extra milk if lolcow threads weren’t moving.
You can see pics on the Tsuruko thread that clearly show her face is completely different from her pics and videos. She photoshops/filters it to be completely flat, 2D and smooth to look more Asian since white ppl tend to have more “3D” protruding faces with at least slightly Inset eyes, etc. which she also has in her non shooped pics, and forces her lips into that stupid thin “kawaii” Weeb smile. That combined with the extremely kaweewee Japanese style makeup, circle lenses, and hair makes her look completely different.
She looks more like Matilda or orphan Annie in the top left. Bottom left looks like every “nerdy-somewhat emo” 13-year old white girl from 2008.
Most white weebs can achieve her current look with makeup and snow/Meitu. And you can’t use videos as “proof” because you can filter videos as well.
She could very well be 1/4 chinese but I don’t think we’ve ever seen proof of that, and it’s still cringey to shop away half your chin/jaw and try so hard to look fully japanese everyday.
No. 1016028
>>1015951 She’s clearly more interested in looking like a child than looking more Asian. wears double eyelid tape almost in every selfie so that’s pretty much the opposite of giving herself a monolid.
She looks her age in her yt videos (22) but on ig she looks about 13. I guess that’s what beauty filters are about tho, shooping yourself into a literal child
No. 1016029
File: 1596363892487.jpeg (38.53 KB, 828x206, A471DE5D-1F2A-44BB-8564-A942AF…)

Sidenote, her fans are pedophiles
No. 1016080
File: 1596377834422.jpeg (39.26 KB, 415x739, images (15).jpeg)

>>1016017Nta but here's a pic of her mum for clarification. I'm surprised you didn't notice it since it's from pull like the photo you posted. She's definitely using filters/doing her makeup to accentuate what little Asian looking features she has, but I don't think that's something to necessarily criticise. Feels like we're getting into racial purity territory which is a road I doubt any of us are intentionally trying to go down.
Obviously I think it's fair to say she doesn't really look like her photos, and that she could lay off the Snow. But I don't exactly think those photos from her early teens are a super accurate comparison either.
ot at least to me, her Asian features are pretty prevalent in the top left kek No. 1016389
File: 1596415543973.jpeg (133.26 KB, 828x580, 340D02AA-AD1E-44F6-89AC-D664C7…)

>>1016168>>1016288For 22 days this thread has been nonstop making fun of women’s bodies even after they get surgery out of insecurity but as soon as I mention Tsuruko you share this opinion? Kek? Just don’t mention her race as I haven’t when I brought her up in the first place.
>>1015575 she pedo panders amd shoops herself to look like a child and lacks self awareness of her own shooping abilities
>i really try not to go and change my whole face, i dont wanna convince myself that my features are different Except she does filter herself to look like a doll
At least she doesn’t shoop her body though, I’ll give her that
No. 1016489
>>1015795…How have you existed on the internet without coming across that? It's especially common with anyone from Tumblr. 25% isn't even a "small" percent
compared to how far most snowflake cows dig in their family tree.
Also, sage shit like this.
No. 1016556
File: 1596437647995.png (5.6 MB, 1800x1800, B3ABB824-1DD2-4761-814B-0C75B6…)

>>1016464Her aesthetic is to dress like a doll/child from her clothes to her shoops but it’s not really milky behavior. Most milky thing about her is she’s friends with Venus, who currently is doing OF and posted something to ig dressed as a high school girl saying “Let’s enjoy high school life.” She’s definitely not as pedo pandering as her friend is
No. 1016571
>>1016556This is so nitpicky and desperate, anon you are the one grasping at straws
>>1016568 Not
>>1016567Also she looks the same age in both pictures, she just shoops herself less ugly.
No. 1016582
>>1016577if you’ve contributed to this thread then you’re part of shitty boob and ass nitpicking from costhots who never claimed to be natural in the first place. it’s not even that milky
pull is too much of a circle jerk, but cope harder gatekeeping a gossip forum brainlet
No. 1016592
>>1016589I’m almost half convinced this is just someone larping to bump the thread to the top. Shitty bait, as if anyone viewing this site (especially snow of all places) would even unironically post this.
>>1016570I’m also completely flabbergasted someone thinks shitty japanese streetwear equates to trying to dress like a child.
No. 1016593
triggered moron because it hit close to home.
No. 1016595
File: 1596442019988.png (1.19 MB, 1200x1800, BE226EB8-8DD3-4885-9410-AAD6A6…)

Anons in here love gatekeeping who can and cannot be talked about but why the fuck does it warrant a thread if their shooping is so obvious? Op clearly wrote thread for those denying shoop
>>1005124 here is a screencap of the cow herself telling a fan her picture is edited unwarranted
Unless any of these thots are going around telling people they’re effortlessly and naturally look like this gtfo with this boring shit tier milk
No. 1016608
File: 1596444262105.jpeg (895.12 KB, 828x1432, 59F25737-8BED-416C-9738-7A954F…)

>>1016598>ad for brand in her underwear“Perfect for cosplaying these underage animu girls with flatter chests”
No. 1016700
>>1016692Learn 2 read,
retard it’s hilarious you miss the point
you can cosplay underage girls without wanting to imitate their chest size
Why would their chests even be the focal point of the cosplay?
Hide saged posts if you’re so mad about anyone mentioning this chick
No. 1016702
>>1016642The people talking about tsuruko are definitely pullfags. Especially as another anon said
>>1016080The first time they brought her up they kept pulling images from pull. Retarded discussion about someone wearing bloomers means they are trying to dress like a child is not discussion about photoshopping. It’s off topic and just idiotic.
No. 1016704
>>1016702*Telling people they can wear bloomers to appear flatter when cosplaying high school characters
Again hide saged posts if you have a hate boner for off topic discussion kek
Post some new milky ridiculous shooper if you’re so desperate to change the conversation
Also tsuruko falls under the same genre/category as all the cows in this thread like nicole, susu, erin eevee all costhots uwu anime grils, i’m not sure why discussing tsuruko makes you a pullfag but nitpicking any of these other cosplayers is gold
No. 1016707
>>1016702Sidenote, only a true pullfag would know which images were in her pull thread
Fuck off with the autism
No. 1016713
File: 1596468140314.jpeg (465.7 KB, 828x1104, C070B2EC-ECDE-4DC7-9493-E5C975…)

>>1016708this is entering the realm of alien pooncawie shoop kek you want to say some light filters?
No. 1016722
>>1016716maybe if you keep repeating the words “retard” and “pullfag” for the sixth time you might appear smarter.
now don’t change the subject, she was brought up the first time for her shoop, why are you ignoring this blatant alien shoop?
No. 1016776
>>1016746Please don’t tell me you consider this a slightly edited/slightly filtered picture
>>1016713 this is not even human
No. 1016989
>>1016776Yeah I feel bad for the anon sperging about pulltards if they think anything here is “slightly edited”.
>>1016746Go watch some photoshop exposure YT vids or something. Seriously, you’ll feel a lot better about yourself afterwards.
I don’t know why the conversation about Tsuruko twisted into pedo talk or defending her race, but those things literally don’t matter. Photoshop is photoshop, her being 25% chinese or whatever doesn’t exempt her from being called out for photoshopping. If anything Chinese/koreans/Japanese are the biggest offenders of doing that. Sorry to break your fantasy that Asians look like this:
>>1016713 They look more like this:
>>1008959 (and that’s what SLIGHTY photoshopped looks like) so I don’t care if a 100% Japanese person photoshopped themselves to look like the former, it’s still cringey and looks nothing like a real human let alone them specifically.
Also this is the photoshoppers general thread, I don’t know why you’re expecting to only discuss people with gallons of milk, if these people were super milky they’d be on PT or at the very least have a stand-alone
thread on snow. This is for people not milky/not milky enough to have a dedicated thread.
You could have just changed the topic to a different person and we could be done talking about this by now.
No. 1017030
File: 1596514512099.jpeg (368.3 KB, 828x1061, ED61E2CC-41D4-48F5-A58D-7E28B1…)

>>1016713 some girl called her out for the alien shoop and her response was
>it’s not that edited compared to other pics>only skin smoothing, fixing makeup and shadows, i dont want to change my whole faceshe actually is convinced she looks like this
>>1016713 lmao
No. 1017075
>>10167001. They are drawings you fucking autist
2. Accuracy
No. 1017087
>>1016713Pullfags in a nutshell:
>White weeb fakes being part asian >We love u queen <3
>Actual white girl who is part white >We hate this bitch The last time I checked the himeahri thread, pullfags were praising her and shit, smh. Pullfags are 100% bitter Tsuruko is part East Asian and they're not
No. 1017090
>>1017087The fuck does this have to do with anons mentioning her alien shoop? You’re
still talking about her race and pull? Move on jesus
No. 1017095
>>1017087Also being asian doesn’t exempt you from any criticism for excessive shoop.
nicoleeeveedavis in /w/ gets accused for shit like having hooded eyes and looking even remotely asian, the amount of nitpicking in that thread over her eyelids is insane. There are more to asian facial features than just eyelids. but of course nobody in that thread gets called a pullfag because she was never brought up in pull
There are too many tsuruko bias anons in this thread who want to call out every costhot in existence for shooping
except her
No. 1017123
>>1017122This anon has had a vendetta about Nicole for two years now. Every now and then they would post in the photoshop or thot thread. Someone finally called them out on it and now she has her own thread, but literally it's red texted in both the first and new thread all over with vendetta, nitpicking..etc. She doesn't even photoshop to the degree anon is talking about. lol. It's all just basic bitch white girl filters and makeup. Nothing like
>>1014993 >>1014712
>>1014642 >>1014580 Bitch barely has milk. It's all "she's wearing fangs ew" "She thinks she's so cute" "UWU WUUWUWUWUWUWU LOOK AT HER SHES A CUNT"
>>1016595 How dare she say something about being edited in a thread where people apparently pretend to not be edited. What part of this is ridiculous photoshop?
No. 1017237
>>1017095Ntayrt but personally I think she looks seriously uncanny in her shoops. I only ever mentioned her having Asian descent because the whole conversation spiralled into race sperging. Your average white weeb achieves this look with Photoshop/Snow, so I hardly thought it was a logical accusation or reasonable grounds for discussion (it's very reminiscent of the shit you see on pull tbf).
I have literally no loyalty towards Tsuruko, just didn't want this thread to devolve further into racial purity nitpicking. She deserves to be posted here for her heinous 2D shops, not because anons are jealous she looks
slightly Asian, or reaching by calling her a "pedo panderer" kek.
No. 1017262
>>1017123what are you even sperging about?
>>1016595 is explaining how she shouldn’t be in this thread because she’s open with her editing
i don’t understand what you’re even trying to say
this thread is so messy and pointless because all the costhots mentioned already have their own thread
a costhot thread already exists in /w/
No. 1017271
>>1017123Also i hate to be the one to tell you this but there are retarded anons in every thread, some like new and interesting milk and others think nitpicking every small thing is a good contribution. sadly nicole’s thread is filled with the latter but it has some good shit there
>Cheated on her bf in 10 year relationship for emo youtuber then rants about cheaters, lied about being homeless when she was staying at a friend’s house, asks for kofi donations to redo a harry potter cosplay then never does after getting over $1k in donations>cries about her stalker skinwalking her when she herself has skinwalked a popular og youtube girl since 2015 from tattoos to clothes to wanting to be called her twin>became a pharmacy technician straight out of high school and dealing with needles/injections when you need a proper education and degree for that (her mother owns the pharmacy so that’s how she got the job at 18)She’s cute and overall a nice human anon but, to call her milkless, fucking kek
No. 1017311
>>1017262Just because she's open about doesn't mean it shouldn't be talked about. Jc please keep your gatekeeping under control.
Besides, she's not even open about it, she says she smooths her skin and fixes her makeup, it's not like she's coming clean about how she skims her face to half it's normal size, makes her jaw smaller, fixes her nose and makes her eyes bigger. This thread is for costhots and serial photoshopped that arent milky enough to deserve their own thread, and nobody is going to necro Tsuruko's thread just because she's photoshopping. And I highly doubt there's any jealousy over her being a tiny bit Asian, she doesn't look it and even if she was 100% Japanese her photoshop still warrants being talked about because it's ridiculous.
No. 1017345
File: 1596556364435.jpeg (405.3 KB, 828x991, A06F52F7-4A51-4C11-A03C-3C63A9…)

>>1017311True, she has denied shooping many times in the past kek
The fact that some anons here try to say tsuruko and nicole only slightly edit and that nicole is milkless..
No. 1017622
File: 1596580968558.jpeg (87.14 KB, 710x711, 838CA76E-E525-434E-8CC9-012726…)

>>1005098Does anyone know about this woman? She was on a barcroft video claiming she is 100 percent natural. It’s sort of saddening we have gotten to this point that photoshopping and backyard injections are perceived as an “average” body type. Plenty of other commenters claimed that most women in the Ivory Coast look like this and it’s really sad.
No. 1017633
File: 1596581743242.png (824.04 KB, 533x607, Namnlös.png)

>>1017622Never heard of her before but I went to check out her ig and holy shit, injections and photoshopping galore. I've heard before that full figured women are more glorified in African cultures (even before the U.S and other western countries got thicc-obsessed) but this is crazy
No. 1017716
File: 1596587741994.jpeg (356.52 KB, 1536x2048, 8574D8CB-8C10-488D-B511-110F56…)

Austin powers cosplay…. I guess? By Darthlux? Lol. Something looks very off with the tummy and hips. I feel like she's much bigger than this but slims herself down with extra shooping. Also no videos.
No. 1017731
File: 1596589571332.jpeg (Spoiler Image,293.71 KB, 750x1169, 2B72D0F7-4E77-4D32-A0DC-6347B0…)

Had this chick been discussed before? Her body is so warped in her pictures. Like everything.. her tits, ass, waist, face. Every picture is so smoother and so warped I can’t even begin to imagine what she looks like irl.
She’s pretty good at not warping the background too much but you can see the tile line by her hip wobble a bit, as well as the towel bar/whatever those white vertical tube things are curve a bit.
No. 1017848
File: 1596614976090.jpeg (342.1 KB, 645x766, D2F5DA09-EC37-45AA-81C0-A89F67…)

>>1017731She posted a video recently with her real body in; she’s just a regular slim girl with too-big breast implants.
No. 1017884
File: 1596628367376.png (Spoiler Image,1.24 MB, 1080x1337, 89209e9.png)

>>1017633>>1017622I genuinely am lost for words
No. 1017944
File: 1596642109359.jpeg (13.11 KB, 111x300, 023E7AA6-2931-45D8-9F6A-847580…)

>>1017731>>1017731Probably takes this as a compliment but she’s giving me 90s nostalgia. The bodies creeped me out back then too
No. 1017959
File: 1596645258402.png (4.49 MB, 1800x1800, 6BCB2ACC-263B-48F9-9F21-714310…)

don’t even know where to start with this girl
she deletes any comments mentioning the ridiculous shoop
also she has 70k followers
No. 1017962
File: 1596645992125.png (1.32 MB, 1800x1800, F87C52F1-DFB6-418D-843B-004FA0…)

samefag for separate image
Also she has a “fanart” story highlight but they’re almost all commissions which is also weird
but not as weird or disturbing as the shoops
No. 1017964
File: 1596646503918.jpeg (171.62 KB, 1241x1246, 88E442A9-81E1-4379-96DB-19D495…)

>>1017731>>1017848She’s a really popular meme. She used to look like this . Surgery and photoshop can really mess with your head
No. 1018023
File: 1596654109778.jpg (Spoiler Image,85.55 KB, 800x776, 16b14dc.jpg)

>>1017731The shooping is so extreme that it reminds me of this picture
No. 1018552
File: 1596739703861.jpeg (980.86 KB, 828x1348, DBC3DE04-D794-4001-976C-A81202…)

The nose shoop here reminds me of Belle deppsen, the belle delphine skinwalker
No. 1018660
File: 1596755011625.png (1.78 MB, 1096x1424, Bildschirmfoto 2020-08-07 um 0…)

>>1013379lol who is she trying to fool?
No. 1018883
File: 1596780340691.jpg (176.38 KB, 1006x931, 848984.jpg)

>>1014712i had totally forgot about adriana. thanks for bringing her back she is why i'm sure brazilian cosplayers are all fucking crazy
No. 1018940
File: 1596789483760.png (4.17 MB, 1792x828, AC3F9F6D-8106-4671-A1E0-3070AA…)

>>1018885Middle one.
Tsuruko actually looks cute in candids/videos, she has a video with Venus on Venus’ channel called “meet my twin”
Not only do they look nothing alike but tsuruko is significantly more attractive than her and venus looks like a gremlin next to her lmao
No. 1018943
File: 1596789858059.jpeg (851.64 KB, 1221x828, 59AC7D49-9DB2-46A4-A644-3EFE31…)

Here’s another one for better comparison
No. 1018998
File: 1596799590805.jpeg (527.88 KB, 828x1231, B2E5B13B-939C-4E38-97CE-16D9B1…)

>>1018951i googled that and noticed she tries to look like whoever she’s spending time with, here’s one of venus “cosplaying” as tsuruko who she thinks is her twin
No. 1019321
File: 1596833500794.jpeg (1.46 MB, 1125x2040, 7236155A-55A0-4693-A278-F62B79…)

Come across this weirdo recently on a friends tagged photo. @niftyglitch. Oh the Bizarree shop.
No. 1019325
>>1019321Ok? How is she milky? Where's the proof of photoshop? Why does she deserve to be itt?
Details, anon.
No. 1019654
File: 1596874697193.jpg (275.83 KB, 1080x1288, Screenshot_20200808-031733__01…)

Fe Galavo 2.0
No. 1019657
>>1017622>>1017633sage for ot but most african women are in fact quite skinny or on the average size. Fat women are often made fun of and ridiculed. African people like
chubby women, not whales, contrary to what most people think.
No. 1019747
>>1019675Autistic sperg anon
Posting a screenshot of her feed saying “shoop” is stupid, also from that screencap it appears you follow her and
friend’s tagged photo implies you’re mutual friends, take your vendetta elsewhere. She’s not a ridiculous shooper.
also getting mad is hilarious when as the other anons stated, post the milk or gtfo
No. 1019801
File: 1596901326800.png (Spoiler Image,228.96 KB, 353x588, 023r923k.PNG)

this hoe i know edits her photos like crazy
she also got fired from her part-time pet store job for making a false allegation about a coworker stealing her headphones
No. 1020124
>>1019801Lmao her forearm is literally the same width the whole way down to her hand. And her fingers look about 2cm long.
Looks like how 5 year olds draw people with stump arms and just 5 lines coming off the end of the stump as fingers.
No. 1020233
File: 1596961266924.png (4.28 MB, 1800x1800, DCDD0080-A946-46B3-BDA9-5A729C…)

This ig mode I found (username sushiishan) is open about getting plastic surgery but regardless i think should be posted here because some of her shoops are terrifying. her body and face were decent before, the jaw on the left is nightmare fuel
No. 1020255
>>1019801It honestly just looks like she's using angles, a lot of instagram thots angle themselves so their hips are facing one way and their chest is facing the other, it makes your midsection look super small.
If she's is milky, though, you should spill in the personal cow thread
No. 1020369
>>1020362i agree, this isn’t the personal lolcow thread, OP seemed to intend this thread for popular insta thots who try so hard at convincing people they look like their shoops and hiding any unflattering candid of them, not people who anons know irl and with no ig following.
(not trying to gatekeep but at the very least provide comparisons for shooped pics.
>>1019801 and
>>1019321 tell us nothing about how much they photoshop)
No. 1020400
File: 1596996668408.jpeg (632.14 KB, 750x952, 2A95A99B-507D-4C44-8611-A7625F…)

Bad plastic surgery or bad photoshop?
No. 1020416
>>1020400I laffed. The whole western obsession with comically large tits, ass and hips is
toxic but makes laughable content
No. 1020496
File: 1597011680764.jpeg (314.56 KB, 828x1115, 9308ED25-B54E-4F20-AC10-3E4CFE…)

I saw this on my home feed and wow it’s like so obvious. I’m new here btw so sorry if this is out of nowhere
No. 1020548
>>1018940Have no idea why she uses that filter. Tsuruko is definitely prettier in candids. This bug eye dorito chin trend is ridiculous. The other girl is fugly though.
>>1020496That is a comical shop. Not only does the girl on the left look like an ant, they shooped it so bad her butt looks like it’s warping space.
No. 1020719
File: 1597046150493.jpeg (128.81 KB, 828x231, 00390C4F-3D49-46AC-9184-537DC6…)

>>1020548Not only is she fugly but venus is obsessed with being seen as asian, at least tsuruko is actually asian and pretty lmao.
like pic attached, she’s obsessed with looking like a japanese schoolgirl, if you look up “japanese tiktok” it’s full of japanese girls
god this gremlin needs to leave pretty girls alone and stop thinking she’s their twin lmao
No. 1020928
File: 1597094962423.jpg (1.04 MB, 1459x1390, 104204378_1642625952565609_106…)

Apparently the Instagram petplay community is mad that this girl bought some highly desired ears kek.
No. 1021031
>>1020255Bruh look at her arm/hand as I pointed out before in
>>1020124Don’t know why some anons hang out here when they can’t even see obvious photoshop.
You’re right it seems like more of a personal lolcow tho than something that should be posted here.
>>1020719Jesus can the Tsuruko stans fuck off somewhere else. Don’t know why there’s at least one anon here who keeps trying to turn the conversation back to her
>she’s AsIaN and so kawaii uwu>look how hagard venus is!!! >did I mention Tsuruko is actually ASIAN? And sooo pretty!!??Like ok we get it, go to the Venus thread or take it to ot or g somewhere to post about your girl crush because you’re way off topic.
No. 1021045
File: 1597113884056.jpg (258.64 KB, 1080x1350, 82864184_558223578399210_43479…)

>>1020939She's a Belle wannabe, fake braces and all. Iirc Tskiyo aims for that "natural" Asian coser Photoshop, similar to Zekia's style.
>>1020994She used a Shopify bot to purchase ears from a handful of releases and people are mad that she got the ears instead of them. She's just another spoiled egirl and not particularly flakey other than her attempted pedo pandering and her laughably bad omocat-imitation "brand".
No. 1021063
File: 1597117546214.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1920x2560, F41D0F7F-342C-4F7B-B4E7-A0779E…)

>>1021045i see the belle inspo but she straight up looks like a knockoff tsikyo to me by how she does her makeup and shops her features
No. 1021095
>>1021063This just looks like generic shoop and both of them have generic asian makeup. Nothing about this says copycat.
>>1021066The anon on the blog that accused saiko of botting 2 pairs said that capeofwonders posted about saiko getting the pair for her on Depop, but cape doesn’t have a Depop. Cape’s Facebook post about getting the ears doesn’t have any edit history and doesn’t mention saiko anywhere either. While saiko definitely has a bot, we can’t prove or disprove that she got the second pair.
No. 1021101
>>1021095they said she thanked saiko for getting it for her in a facebook comment then deleted it, not on depop. ofc there’s no proof, but it’s understandable that people would be angry if it’s true. not to mention saiko was pretty sus herself, posting the ears she got then quickly deleting it afterwards.
and about the shoop, idk, saiko looks literally nothing like tsikyo in the less shooped photos here
>>1020928 , but they look pretty damn similar in
>>1021063 . could be a coincidence, but she does look like a knockoff
No. 1021120
File: 1597129094174.jpg (250.24 KB, 1014x1685, 20200811_085601.jpg)

The mirror
No. 1021129
File: 1597130289286.jpeg (933.9 KB, 2560x1920, 89BB7B04-F93A-4761-9E85-B93C7F…)

>>1021120Lowkey disappointed you picked that picture instead of the one where her head is blurred to shit while her body is relatively untouched.
No. 1021179
File: 1597144969381.jpg (75.39 KB, 800x445, 90-Day-Fiance-Jihoon-Lee-Deava…)

It's funny because if you look at her instagram pictures around the time she was first on the show (and first going to Korea) her photoshop was more Korean-style, pic related. Now she shoops like any e-thot and it's hilarious to see the comparison between her personal pictures and what she really looks like
No. 1021353
File: 1597171766158.jpeg (535.64 KB, 1242x611, 413C2787-AE07-4A0D-B47A-E29DF6…)

No. 1021626
File: 1597208080990.jpeg (134.51 KB, 828x828, ECB6C39E-1C63-46A6-A7BA-E24F18…)

No. 1021917
File: 1597260410556.jpg (1.7 MB, 1268x1448, erin.jpg)

At least Erin Eevee is including her sister in the horrible photoshop now. Remember the days when she'd only photoshop herself and would warp her sister's body in order to make herself look better? lol
No. 1021995
File: 1597271862440.jpeg (380.65 KB, 1764x2048, 9260BE55-F063-438E-BE19-F9625B…)

Jesus h christ jenna lynn. This is the worst photoshop I've seen in a while. She's sporting t rex arms and big photoshopped boobs/chest plate. And her hips are blown the fuck out. Who knows anymore.
No. 1022040
File: 1597276526023.jpg (72.63 KB, 960x960, 13508964_556333414546513_81803…)

>>1021996The bodies looked extremely warped. The faces look resized and squished.. Notice how the arm is smashed down. The cleavage is warped all the way up. Shes gotten a lot of plastic surgery since then but this is what she normally would look like
No. 1022047
File: 1597277183660.jpg (576.26 KB, 1168x887, Image4.jpg.1e9fba4543294e63644…)

>>1022041yeah, she's definitely had work done in the last 2 months but this is a screencap from a video from THIS year (left side is her photoshopped pic)
No. 1022054
>>1022044>>1022041Please stop being dense. The eevee photoshop denying is getting extremely old.
"You photoshopped this to make her waist bigger!! Stop trying to make her look bad, her waist isn't this big!!" No. 1022090
>>1021063>>1021045This is
literally every egirl type nowadays, it doesn't get any more generic than that. Calling any of them copycat makes no fucking sense
No. 1022131
File: 1597286970746.jpg (Spoiler Image,52.85 KB, 696x762, b21c0fad828f9e42c8c6f7ea29adfc…)

>>1022109Belle Delphine looks healthy though and realistic outside of the cakeface and wigs
Like am I missing something? I just can't see what's attractive about this, even to people who like fat or chubby girls
No. 1022165
>>1022090It’s not about the cat girl thot style, it’s the actual features of her face that’s being referred to. The two girls in
>>1021063 look almost indistinguishable versus the same person in
>>1020928 ….
No. 1022180
File: 1597301108082.jpg (107.6 KB, 971x1200, D3OQ04UUIAApDd7.jpg)

>>1022129I'm not referring to Jessica Nigri or other thots like her. I'm referring to the ones like Erin Eevee and Adriana Alencar that do super bad warped photoshop. I think most people/men that look at their photos laugh at the terrible photoshop. They probably would do better with Onlyfans with their normal bodies instead of the crappy photoshop
No. 1022347
File: 1597328030233.jpeg (192.07 KB, 888x832, 5F939DC7-C8DC-4656-AEA0-FF65B9…)

>>1022180Here is a perfect example, who’s ass looks like that? Everyone knows Jessica nigiri has a flat ass and this is photoshopped to hell.
No. 1022442
File: 1597338570922.jpeg (570.61 KB, 828x1161, ED80975C-64AF-4B84-8BD6-34AC87…)

Surprised I haven’t seen her on here yet. Her page literally consists of shitty photoshop and she has the audacity to body shame other women. her @ is @bratphobic.
No. 1022446
File: 1597339242274.png (1.06 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200813-131705.png)

She really posted this to her story with her torso looking like this…
No. 1022458
File: 1597340948862.jpg (511.86 KB, 1080x1441, IMG_20200813_183059.jpg)

not sure if this belongs to costhot general or this one with this much ridiculous shoop but
>that fucking pool warping
>that Meitu makeup
>that blur
>415k con guest pro cosplayer btw!!!
Seems like she just stopped trying after breaking up with Chiro kek
No. 1022508
File: 1597347866441.jpg (175.15 KB, 921x1200, Edj3bYPWsAI8mWw.jpg)

>>1022346A lot of chicks do photoshop but theres a major difference between absolutely terrible photoshop like this vs Jessica Nigri's photoshop.
No. 1022522
File: 1597350529950.jpeg (542.47 KB, 1242x611, 410B702A-DFDF-4FC1-AE65-68260E…)

Found this on 4chan lmao her instagram @ is raevnz she seems to be blackfishing too pretending her hairs naturally curly and that the black features she shops are real
No. 1022544
File: 1597353134960.png (198.15 KB, 318x500, D7B5E9C8-72D8-478A-8391-3D5A31…)

>>1022508>>1022514I honestly think you both are in the dark. Jessica Nigri photoshops a lot (or her boyfriend does it for her) and it's almost always awful on every photo. Blurred and pixels. Will toy claim angles on this as well?
No. 1022580
File: 1597356933985.jpeg (35.62 KB, 300x616, DFB3DC04-FC7A-4468-9157-F66FCE…)

>>1022544As I said, I know Jessica obviously photoshops. But there’s a big difference between the horror of Erin eevee / Adriana Alenzar vs Jessica Nigris photoshop. Jessica goes for semi realistic looking photoshop while someone like Erin Eevee goes for ridiculous over the top photoshop. Jessica needed the implants to become popular. Whereas these warped ass photoshop chicks could probably do better with their real bodies. Because let’s be honest….. the majority of people out there would laugh at photos like this. It’s so over the top and ridiculous
No. 1022589
>>1022580Agreed. People are obviously missing the point when they say "B-but Jessica Nigri! She photoshops!" Yeah, she does. Inb4 "whiteknighting JNig", because nobody is doing that. She does photoshops, but it's mostly smoothing and extremely subtle morphing of the waist and ass, where Eevee's photoshop is fucking ridiculous and clown-ish and incredibly obvious when compared to her real body.
If Eevee were to show up publicly at any event after how she presents herself online, people would either a.) Not think it's Eevee or b.) Laugh at how stark the contrast is between her pics vs. What she really looks like.
No. 1022630
>>1022589This. Jessica's editing is p obvious for those looking for it but not extreme by usual 'modelling' standards.
The title of the thread is 'Ridiculous Photoshoppers' not 'oh she makes her butt a bit bigger and fixes her skin'. Susu is almost the bottom rung of what I would say is plausible for the thread because the difference is so blatantly jarring.
We're here for alien eyes, paint makeup, warped walls, fabrics and blurry auras
No. 1022651
File: 1597366745470.jpeg (172.75 KB, 750x1105, D44BDC3B-751C-46EA-9C1D-14212E…)

This image genuinely confused my eyeballs
No. 1022653
File: 1597367148606.jpeg (389.74 KB, 1242x1390, C8243A1E-4049-45C6-8B2D-2AF34E…)

I was casually scrolling through instagram and uhh…. Is she serious? This is not human…. Where are her organs
No. 1022655
File: 1597368167783.jpg (346.27 KB, 1372x938, y7VFsA0.jpg)

found at instagram's cosplayer section.
Not sure why she has a round and a square boob… but okay. Her eyelashes above her wig look also very lazy edited. Can't believe how many girls need to put their eyes above their hair nowadays
No. 1023394
>>1023017I like how when you look jenna up every website says a different age, the most common being she was born in 1992 and is 28
It’s super lame and weird she tries to hide her age, everyone gets older, she needs to accept she can’t be 22 forever kek
In my late teens rn and I don’t understand what’s so embarrassing about being 28 years old
Sage for ot
No. 1023645
File: 1597557162939.jpg (342.5 KB, 1332x1800, EfaiXRMXYAEr7FZ.jpg)

lol erin eevee again
No. 1023650
>>1023551>That's the top edge of a corset that's not being worn properlyAlso, it looks very
warped. So bad editing AND no clue how to wear the outfit.
>>1023645Is it just me or does that pic look kinda disgusting? I'll never understand how people could think that this is real or somehow sexy. Looks like she has tumours inside her but cheeks.
No. 1023754
File: 1597589850240.jpg (Spoiler Image,498.97 KB, 1080x1802, Screenshot_20200816-103120_Ins…)

damn near every single one of this woman's pics are poorly edited. She acts like they're completely unedited too. Pretty sure she deletes any and all comments pointing out how awful and crazy her editing looks.
No. 1023756
File: 1597589959422.jpg (Spoiler Image,540.19 KB, 1080x1597, Screenshot_20200816-104852_Ins…)

>>1023755>>1023754Seriously, she looks fucking ridiculous.
No. 1023766
File: 1597591074799.png (Spoiler Image,204.52 KB, 317x240, uhw.PNG)

>>1023755There's a lot to unpack with her editing choices even in just this one area
No. 1023805
File: 1597597063989.png (419.17 KB, 540x749, 20200816_185040.png)

Dorito-chan. Chinese cosplayers/instagrammers are always ridiculously extreme with their Photoshops (especially with the face)
No. 1023958
File: 1597620523256.jpg (515.69 KB, 1080x1777, Screenshot_20200816-192654_Ins…)

>>1023766Looks like she's stalking this thread now. Hey lady, nobody wants to steal your shitty shooped pics.
No. 1023959
File: 1597620560166.jpg (487.56 KB, 1080x1768, Screenshot_20200816-192807_Ins…)

>>1023958Man, she's mad insecure. Lol
No. 1023965
File: 1597621495002.jpg (512.6 KB, 1073x1483, Screenshot_20200816-194034_Ins…)

I really don't understand how she can look at this and then look in the mirror and think "yes, this is accurate".
>>1023962Don't do final fantasy characters like that, man.
No. 1024143
File: 1597649092472.jpeg (609.95 KB, 750x1202, 0B052156-87ED-42EE-832D-217C5A…)

Idk if this person admits to their shooping or not but the contrast between her face and hand are jarring.
No. 1024177
File: 1597651640547.jpg (471.37 KB, 1080x1333, Screenshot_20200817-175953__01…)

>>1024143Not idea, although I know one of her captions read "too lazy to ps" on a more natural photo. I'm even more intrigued by the creature that's next to her in some of her photos. Just staring for too long gives me chills.
No. 1024436
File: 1597691679973.png (1.1 MB, 844x882, kina.png)

>>1024143She's gotten so much plastic surgery to look like her pics now. Theres pics from 2016-2017 where she looks like a completely different person. All I can find now is one non-filtered video of her and the surgery is obvious. She works super hard to make sure there are no natural pics or videos of her out there now that shows her real face.
No. 1024438
File: 1597691745888.jpg (456.84 KB, 2048x2048, EfP8YLJXgAEteJi.jpg)

Another one that claims she's never photoshopped her pics but the editing is obvious and every picture looks so different
No. 1024788
File: 1597715292056.jpg (132.21 KB, 1125x1406, nio chin.jpg)

Found this gem. Girl has no chin, and her eyes are half her face.
No. 1024808
File: 1597716506125.png (Spoiler Image,6.42 MB, 4042x2526, Eww.png)

Idk how she thinks these look like the same person.
No. 1024814
File: 1597716716307.png (Spoiler Image,8.7 MB, 4042x2526, Dirito.png)

Where did her pointed chin go in the mirror selfie.. hmm..
No. 1024860
File: 1597719996020.jpg (Spoiler Image,202.49 KB, 1125x1289, no jaw.jpg)

Why do all these girls try to get rid of their chin. It's ok to have a jaw honey.
No. 1024894
File: 1597722237144.jpg (597.94 KB, 1080x1455, Screenshot_20200818-133749__01…)

This one gave me a mild kek
No. 1024952
File: 1597729225197.jpg (256.33 KB, 1125x1511, from white to asian with photo…)

When you try to go from Caucasian so Asian with photoshop.
No. 1024953
File: 1597729274772.jpg (190.88 KB, 1125x1528, hand to arm ratio wtf.jpg)

Her hand to head ratio…
No. 1024954
File: 1597729328754.jpg (148.66 KB, 1125x1540, nose smaller than ur…)

She has no space between her upper lip and her nose.
No. 1024955
File: 1597729375391.jpg (Spoiler Image,214.12 KB, 1125x1382, idek.jpg)

I honestly don't even know what to say about this one.
No. 1024957
File: 1597729423573.jpg (Spoiler Image,165.78 KB, 1125x1241, Ughm.jpg)

No. 1024959
File: 1597729450791.jpg (Spoiler Image,197.71 KB, 1125x1508, Angles.jpg)

No. 1024960
File: 1597729485512.jpg (Spoiler Image,166.77 KB, 1125x1524, Do I even have to.jpg)

No. 1025072
File: 1597751644125.jpg (229.74 KB, 1080x709, Screenshot_20200818-075033__01…)

Dumping a personal favorite of mine I found through mutuals a while back. @risunemu on Instagram. I don't understand why she does it or if she thinks she's really fooling anyone. Or maybe it's a troll, but I doubt it since she's been doing it for so long.
No. 1025073
File: 1597751694264.jpg (170.59 KB, 1080x1039, Screenshot_20200818-075049__01…)

Risunemu edited ana ankles
No. 1025074
File: 1597751728941.jpg (113.29 KB, 1080x1055, Screenshot_20200818-075104__01…)

Extremely warped curtain
No. 1025075
File: 1597751760768.jpg (170.72 KB, 1080x1190, Screenshot_20200818-075241__01…)

A closer look at her average selfie.
No. 1025361
File: 1597787771128.jpg (31.93 KB, 375x500, 1165869353552713958.thumb.jpg.…)

Her Shillstar photoshoot where someone shooped her face different: less shooped shoot for Valfre:'s a more successful Wylo clone who spawned several other skinwalkers.
No. 1025522
File: 1597806022184.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1125x1569, 29818744-99F0-4AD9-AE2E-B52316…)

No. 1025534
File: 1597806971074.jpeg (3.73 MB, 1669x4031, 744229C2-26E5-4FB2-BD02-080753…)

Legit posted the dorito chin right before she posted the one where she looks like a 40 year old woman.
No. 1025553
File: 1597810437239.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1125x1088, CB4FA540-C289-4CF2-B776-0DBB7D…)

What the fuck- I’m gonna have nightmares.
No. 1025554
File: 1597810466933.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.43 MB, 1125x1046, FDFD2DAC-D201-431A-8A21-B1F72E…)

No. 1025556
File: 1597811122589.jpeg (Spoiler Image,591.9 KB, 1125x1279, F31A3948-29D3-4DE4-A1AE-C8BEB4…)

No. 1025592
>>1025590Wait if this is the same person as
>>1025556it is in fact an improvement
No. 1025606
File: 1597818887545.jpeg (423.73 KB, 1124x1246, 94CD9D5B-B967-4E29-847A-B3183B…)

No. 1025607
File: 1597818935213.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1125x1244, 7F53E21A-1BB4-46E7-BA19-BBB285…)

No. 1025609
File: 1597818998293.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1125x1257, 4FC70400-04CC-4C4A-AFA6-DD282F…)

Oh my god it gets worse.
No. 1025613
File: 1597819342475.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1125x1257, BA8907C7-D671-47D5-BBAD-5B9508…)

I just realized this is the same person as the second to last- and I am(emoji)
No. 1025614
File: 1597819387995.jpeg (1 MB, 1125x1215, 31AEB518-0006-4958-9F14-E4F00E…)

The inconsistency I-
No. 1025615
File: 1597819528915.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.15 MB, 1125x1301, 21FEB1A6-72FE-410D-9F2D-677152…)

opens door “Here’s Johnny!”
No. 1025640
File: 1597826712184.png (1.79 MB, 1440x2223, 20200819_044156.png)

>>1025614Is the scary horror movie face a trend in Asia? Found this spooky bitch in a review on shein.
No. 1025777
File: 1597862365800.png (1.5 MB, 1080x1219, Screenshot_2020-08-19-08-46-19…)

im getting so tired of seeing these kinds of pictures on instagram
No. 1025882
File: 1597880364113.jpeg (1.32 MB, 3464x3464, B7258A85-DF4D-4A5D-BF23-A9073C…)

No. 1026397
File: 1597972341946.jpg (70.83 KB, 640x640, doeprinc3ss.jpg)

cornfae is now doeprinc3ss
photo video comparison
No. 1026420
File: 1597976389163.jpeg (504.34 KB, 1230x1724, D3A004D0-FA59-4E85-A0B5-855377…)

What the fuck even is this
No. 1026421
File: 1597976427540.jpeg (400.77 KB, 1242x1693, 65C19CA1-3B6E-458B-B57C-812067…)

No. 1026446
File: 1597978425222.jpg (292.08 KB, 1080x1299, Screenshot_20200821-043743__01…)

Resemblance to Valeria Lukyanova, although this girl's nowhere near as scary kek.
No. 1026521
>>1026446Lol its instastory filter
Though a whole lot of them have the same horribly looking lips.
No. 1026621
File: 1598023489189.jpg (221.97 KB, 1080x905, Screenshot_20200822-012205__01…)

>>1026521Kek woops, whoever designed this filter is definately a Valeria fan. She's actually making herself look worse with the uwu MJ nose filter on all of her newer pics.
No. 1026628
File: 1598025145872.jpg (308.76 KB, 1080x1483, Screenshot_20200821-110200_Ins…)

Sorry but I have to post her again. She just uploaded this and it's horrendous. Someone pointed out her editing in the comments this time too.
>>1026420I forgot about her. She's been doing this since she was 14/15. Even posted underage lewds.
No. 1026630
File: 1598025295659.jpg (361.4 KB, 1080x1479, Screenshot_20200821-110245_Ins…)

>>1026628She deleted these and cropped out the warped mattress.
No. 1026703
>>1026628nitpick but is her choker homemade or something? Why does it look so weird.
>>1026680Probably bought followers. She only gets around 1-3k likes on each photo.
No. 1026710
File: 1598035326225.jpg (206.39 KB, 1329x1730, Ef5YOHkWsAYdeBM.jpg)

>>1005098this erin eevee girl…lol…this ass photoshop
No. 1026714
File: 1598035584328.jpg (246.44 KB, 1125x1394, Ed9wcniX0AEHNUW.jpg)

why oh why!
No. 1026784
File: 1598045349060.jpg (Spoiler Image,426.18 KB, 1080x1429, Screenshot_20200821-172549_Ins…)

>>1026703Probably one of those cheap Aliexpress ones.
Here's her new post. The hair by her "waist", holy hell.
No. 1026809
File: 1598048027502.png (201.9 KB, 487x359, Opera Snapshot_2020-08-21_2311…)

Coming up in why this fuck do celebrities think they can get away with this shit. I'm late on this, but I knew that pic was fake as fuck. Her nose looks bothered.
No. 1027214
File: 1598124492882.jpg (1.2 MB, 1274x1790, erer.jpg)

whhhhhhhhhy does Erin Eevee photoshop the out of her body but always leave stains on her bra and panties? its gross. Its always brown stains too. I hate when its in the crotch. at least photoshop that shit out
No. 1027215
File: 1598124657079.jpg (100.92 KB, 640x731, whoqkcrlreh51.jpg)

No. 1027216
File: 1598124818308.jpg (100.44 KB, 960x909, ieivguqwnaf51.jpg)

so skinny
No. 1027236
File: 1598126937049.jpg (268.03 KB, 2400x1600, sally-vs-corpse-bride-grid.jpg)

>>1027215She looks like a Tim Burton character
no disrespect to tim No. 1027273
File: 1598130669803.jpg (205.92 KB, 831x1426, EcHNUxgWkAAPZQ1.jpg)

>>1027254This is a photoshop thread. If someone is doing ridiculous photoshops then they will be shown. If she didn't go overboard with her photoshop then she wouldn't be posted.
No. 1027399
File: 1598151947797.jpeg (265.99 KB, 1092x1251, B2CA8652-1657-4838-ACD1-709912…)

This girl is a talented cosplayer/used to photoshop her body like Fegalvao but stopped (thankfully) due to an ED. She’s just taken to editing herself to look ~anime uwu~.
No. 1027403
File: 1598152821447.png (921.32 KB, 825x938, Screenshot_20200819-025654.png)

What the actual heck was this shop from Emily Susannah?? No one's head is actually this tiny compared to their body right?
No. 1027425
File: 1598156832720.jpeg (494.48 KB, 828x989, 7E4E57A2-25BC-4D11-B7BC-67CFB9…)

the fuck
No. 1027760
File: 1598213268920.png (849.64 KB, 997x737, aminaantonova.png)

this girl is in my college, she's naturally pretty and i'm not a photoshop expert but this photo freaks me out so much. she doesn't look human
No. 1027765
File: 1598213717457.jpg (336.27 KB, 1638x2048, EffQQLGXsAAUQBJ.jpg)

says her breasts are implants but her ass is real….lol…
No. 1027766
File: 1598213906809.jpg (556.51 KB, 1968x2048, EdKdYl6XYAAfHvP.jpg)

Jenna lynn with her #thiccthighs lol
No. 1027767
File: 1598213972350.jpg (57.57 KB, 828x965, lnk56t7navh51.jpg)

No. 1027768
File: 1598214097860.jpg (46.45 KB, 700x526, vqMfIv1.jpg)

dont know what she was thinking
No. 1027771
File: 1598214218635.jpg (91.65 KB, 700x875, aKdy50Q_700b.jpg)

poor erin eevee. her cleavage goes all the way to your neck.
No. 1027772
File: 1598214348175.png (519.53 KB, 808x296, dM9Udko.png)

I think Ri Care is pretty but sometimes she edits her round face into a Dorito chin.
No. 1027776
File: 1598214488504.jpg (420.66 KB, 949x960, 22222222.jpg)

i know fe galavo has gotten surgery now and this pic is really old but lets appreciate the fact that both these images were taken the same month.
No. 1027887
File: 1598234896022.jpg (108.03 KB, 1024x768, 73a14341568c3c160c70cde599b79b…)

>>1027776kek even with surgery she doesn't look like her shoops
No. 1027904
File: 1598240418238.jpg (55.1 KB, 640x719, 64aanqphck151.jpg)

this chick's neck and waist are the same size
No. 1027907
File: 1598240554223.jpg (339.44 KB, 1348x1800, EdKUWF5XsAocpKU.jpg)

Erin calling herself a thicc goddess here lol
No. 1027908
File: 1598240781787.jpg (155.92 KB, 960x960, 8ehfq55bcwf51.jpg)

natural beauty
No. 1027915
>>1027887What did she even get done? She looks the same
>>1027907That long boob tho
No. 1027982
>>1027904Well I'll say this for her, the background warpage is pretty minimal. The outline of her body is pixelated AF but dat background doe.
The whole shoop is absolute nightmare fuel though.
No. 1028149
File: 1598285928311.jpeg (658.6 KB, 828x1022, BF57CBCA-1483-4A47-A18E-9CEDE6…)

What’s up with her head? why is it so small compared to her hand and shoulders.
No. 1028270
File: 1598305124836.png (871.78 KB, 946x1201, Screen_u_20Shot_u_202019-11-11…)

>that waist shoop>>1027887I wonder if she's going to get more extreme plastic surgery to look like her shoops. It's interesting that she focuses so much on her face and torso, but ignores her disproportionately wide calves and cankles.
No. 1028276
>>1023829Lol there are plenty they usually dont live in china thought and as far as the cosplayer that was posted she has pics where you can see her natural face.
I think she looks way better than this weird anime boy thing but pppl on instagram love it.
No. 1028282
File: 1598306406759.jpg (135.82 KB, 1080x1349, 118346294_942530889563545_1882…)

>all that time and energy spent on photoshopping her skin to be completely smooth and plastic
>doesn't lighten/shoop out smile lines or under eye wrinkles
No. 1028358
>>1028273You responded to a month old sperg, just let that sink in kek.
>>1028284Gj anon, you got a cackle out of me with this one.
No. 1028387
File: 1598328667385.jpg (84.83 KB, 500x667, robin.jpg)

>>1027772is she going by Ri Care now? i used to follow her as eikibunny(spelling?) and she's been shooping like this for years. i called it out and got blocked, never thought i'd see her face again
pic related, more dorito chin
No. 1028566
File: 1598373492325.jpg (266.93 KB, 1080x1325, Screenshot_20200826-023758__01…)

>>1028387Idk if this is her but a quick search came up with this. If it is her, how the f
No. 1028573
File: 1598375753301.png (2.93 MB, 1242x2208, FCE21E6C-F1DD-4D6F-A03B-D5C99A…)

>>1028282This looks like hirariann without all her alien shooping
No. 1028591
File: 1598379113656.jpg (180.1 KB, 441x563, Image3.jpg)

this popped up on my feed. The face and stuff doesnt look that shopped but the butt throws me off. WTH is that? lol
No. 1028596
File: 1598379646610.jpg (1.44 MB, 1032x1669, po.jpg)

I don't understand whhhhhy she photoshops the shit she does… The long ass cleavage. The weird ass camel toe (yes, theres videos of her in the same angles in these costumes and she doesn't have the crazy obvious camel toe she draws on in every pic), etc… I could see photoshopping a skinnier waist…everyone wants that… but a camel toe? That shits weird. She'll also photoshop wonky nipples onto her pics. This one at least looks like it might be real but the past photoshopped nips look ridiculous.
No. 1028629
File: 1598383509835.jpg (154.77 KB, 960x963, 4pp08dxryig51.jpg)

omg The hand lol
No. 1028633
>>1028629Omg the e v e r y t h i n g.
This is a master disaster.
No. 1028640
File: 1598384410685.jpg (964.1 KB, 1278x1344, fanphoto.jpg)

People were praising Fe for finally posting a unphotoshopped photo and its still sadly photoshopped. Even after the lipo, nose job, etc… (and you can see she's also wearing a corset and butt pads in fan videos here), she felt the need to still photoshop. Its not a major difference (and so much better than other shops) but its just sad. (the right photo I got from a fan post on reddit vs a pic she posted)
No. 1029224
>>1028378Zekia/@aru.rinh. She used to self-post a lot on /cgl/ (you can still find her posts by looking up @aru.rinh or @robestpierre in archives), which is probably why she has so many vendetta-chans.
>>1028640>praising Fe for posting an unphotoshopped photo>her waist is smaller than her head in the "unphotoshopped" photoShe looks fine in the right pic. She gives off creepy sex doll vibes in the left pic.
>>1028722Kek this is accurate.
No. 1029450
File: 1598510882271.jpg (Spoiler Image,476.55 KB, 1080x1785, Screenshot_20200826-141808_Ins…)

Enjoy another trash shoop from shotglass. It's still wild to me that she believes she has "haters" that envy her body. Lol
No. 1029560
File: 1598542410867.jpg (279.74 KB, 1080x1483, Screenshot_20200828-013126__01…)

Someone discovered fegalavo/aniexjoy on Instagram kek
No. 1029606
File: 1598552105626.jpg (215.08 KB, 1342x1768, Ee7NsKTWAAAfigZ.jpg)

from the photoshopped files of erin eevee lol
No. 1029607
File: 1598552201998.jpg (124.85 KB, 640x791, 5k956hoogni51.jpg)

No. 1029608
File: 1598552342583.jpg (49.67 KB, 640x793, n6byhb2j9gk21.jpg)

No. 1029609
File: 1598552467357.jpg (159.41 KB, 960x960, zz7d2cueqmp41.jpg)

anyone know what her real face looks like?
No. 1029611
File: 1598552612610.jpg (574.82 KB, 926x861, jj.jpg)

jenna lynn meowri still claiming via insta comments that she hasn't had work done and doesn't photoshop. lol
No. 1029622
File: 1598554687080.jpg (156.53 KB, 900x1200, EQskbdsWAAY-6X1.jpg)

so many photoshop mistakes lol
No. 1029654
File: 1598559729402.jpeg (629.26 KB, 750x1015, CF4CC682-F49B-4C31-8EED-338D7D…)

>>1029560I took a look at her account and find it kind of weird that she shoops her body/face to high heaven but she has a really bad lazy/cross eye that she doesn’t edit. does she do this to be more quirky? to appear more natural? idk it’s just kind of weird she shops herself to be some petite anime gril but looks like she got stuck in a washing machine set to tumble
No. 1029830
>>1015575>>1015648I can confirm as an Aussie she just looks like a regular white Australian girl. No one would recognise her here as asian just by looking at her, so her claims of racism are complete bullshit.
And yeah claiming you are hyphenated something is pretty popular with some people down here. Even if it was a great great grandparent who may never have existed.
Only commenting because her claims of victimhood and asian heritage are getting more outlandish. She even lets slip she identifies as white constantly, referring to herself as a white girl.
No. 1029871
File: 1598593671779.jpg (282.52 KB, 1527x2048, Eb-mhe4XsAA2srM.jpg)

can someone point me out if this is posing, butt implants, photoshop or all of the three? I can see the sofa going upwards back there but only that. I know it's not natural because i saw her in cons and she is flat
No. 1029873
File: 1598593780776.jpg (144.82 KB, 510x680, EgMWm2HX0AIWHSs.jpg)

>>1029871i only know that she shoops her boobs, the butt i'm still unsure. she is one of feh galvao's orbiters by the way.
@KahsanOni on twitter
No. 1029948
File: 1598613208190.png (1.53 MB, 1244x1360, lkjofwpehnvwbü.png)

Came across anastasiajna recently, she pretends she is a Model for Diesel & Adidas lol
No. 1029949
File: 1598613498230.jpg (211.05 KB, 1080x1369, Screenshot_20200828-211539__01…)

>I use wide lense & sometimes I edit
No. 1030067
File: 1598631912452.jpg (92.49 KB, 1080x1080, 50012312_939911256398000_11933…)

>>1029940thanks for the clarification. i really thought i was going blind when i said these were shopped and people told "no she is natural!"
No. 1030068
File: 1598631947619.jpg (12.31 KB, 206x329, 894894894.jpg)

>>1030067I know it's super blurry but this is how her ass looks in video with a lot of padding
No. 1030194
File: 1598647276389.jpeg (317.24 KB, 750x892, F2A560F3-B025-43B3-8955-ABFF7B…)

>>1029949>>1029950her thigh edits are absolutely pathetic, she just chops off like half of her thigh with a brush and colors over the rest with straight lines. someone’s trying wayyyyyy too hard to impress wannarexic 14 year olds on Instagram.
No. 1030224
File: 1598650420191.jpeg (699.14 KB, 828x981, B84ED137-8506-431D-8081-B8E459…)

When will costhots learn that this shrunken head shoop looks terrible?
No. 1030226
File: 1598650469264.jpeg (196.51 KB, 260x759, F5D9955C-A8EE-4D5C-AA49-9C50F9…)

>>1030224Same person but unshooped
No. 1030241
File: 1598652040226.jpg (21.75 KB, 311x410, 8davy0u7kst41.jpg)

>>1030224this is some real western vs eastern beauty standard shit, because in the west looking like a peanut head with a giant body is considered extremely NOT ideal. These thots using Snow and other Asian filter apps, don't they recognize they look like this to western eyes?
No. 1030304
File: 1598659485461.png (858.43 KB, 688x1030, 17192063_1811198865798356_2438…)

>>1029871>>1029873>>1030067I've been following this girl as a personal cow of mine for years. Her shoops used to be even more obvious and bad. She just got a bit better at angles and not blurring random edges of her body, but yeah she edirs to hell and back like any other cosplayer.
No. 1030409
File: 1598675094248.jpg (131.77 KB, 1424x781, 84854.jpg)

>>1030304this one is really old. i can't even find it on her instagram or facebook. and the after dark project was so laughable from all the 'models'
she is a personal cow of mine but i was really unsure about her butt and since they are all getting plastic surgery i thought it was it. she deleted a lot of stuff from her instagram (where you could see the no ass)
she turned extra milky for me after abandoning that girl who was her best friend after she got cancelled (the girl that was stelar at a con and someone licked her) and even more after the wcs fiasco. the bitch really tried to get people disqualified and thought no one would say anything?
and i love this comparison and i know she is wearing barely any make up on the right but it's still jarring to me
No. 1030411
File: 1598675644718.jpg (98.92 KB, 1080x1080, 22709207_789687594559188_23573…)

>>1030409she also calls herself curvy and would give anything to suck rafael piccolo's dick
No. 1030613
File: 1598719407057.png (2.71 MB, 1242x2208, 0E8AE6F7-AAD9-4FA6-B961-6C1F27…)

No. 1030617
File: 1598719840190.png (433.4 KB, 716x382, wp_ss_20200829_0001 (2).png)

Scrolling through ig and this arm caught me offguard.
No. 1031090
File: 1598824206521.png (1.65 MB, 1080x1465, Screenshot_2020-08-30-17-24-42…)

I cant wrap my head around this
No. 1031305
File: 1598870584184.jpeg (1.01 MB, 3464x2707, 93176306-FD05-4A98-98A1-B6A8D9…)

I like some of jazmin beans music but I couldn’t stop thinking about how this newest picture looks like when dogs eat bees
No. 1031496
File: 1598906721908.jpg (330.7 KB, 1182x1774, EgrR0mBWkAAp0CT.jpg)

photoshopped diaper ass
No. 1031497
File: 1598906747970.jpg (1.24 MB, 942x1489, Image4.jpg)

jenna lynn meowri again lol
No. 1031521
File: 1598909428877.jpg (185.43 KB, 860x860, 1546265984.jpg)

when youre 40 with no curves
No. 1031524
File: 1598909884236.jpg (1.26 MB, 3275x4912, -z0warlupNWnmmux12NA4ZvhV-zJsC…)

the face of nightmares
No. 1031713
File: 1598944131606.jpg (196.61 KB, 1080x1080, 118579252_2420207824947689_764…)

i don't know how this usagi didn't sue these photogs
No. 1031714
File: 1598944200479.jpg (101.41 KB, 750x750, 118074582_3571920056152025_598…)

>>1031713@santos.fotografia.cosplay on instagram
No. 1032394
File: 1599064923299.webm (2.29 MB, 720x722, muhanatomy.webm)
Is it just me or do people seem to feel secure in their edits whenever the post videos, like it's definitive proof of their looks regardless of how uncanny? I wanna know where her jaw and philtrum disappeared to compared to these
>>1006015 No. 1032631
File: 1599092253143.png (797.15 KB, 1086x583, albanycope.png)

>>1032394Is this just editing or has she had plastic surgery?
She looks so different from these photos
>>1006015>>1008015>>1032509 @albanycope and @sweetwheat333 on instagram
No. 1032711
>>1032523>Do you really think ang3lthighs's hips look like that naturally, or this girl's face doesn't look like an uncanny valley bloated and botched sex dolly's irl?Firstly no, I'm not spastic enough to think angel-whatever looks anything like her anatomically impossible, sloppy edits. And secondly thank you for the first half of your paragraph, that's potentially the case. It's just I've noticed people like Fe, Anie or Albany ect seem to post videos to legitimise their edits because "hurdur you can't edit videos" is what a lot of people still believe.
>>1032631Kek that's so dramatic. She doesn't even look human on the left. I doubt you could even get surgery to look like that without having severe structural/fragility issues.
No. 1032734
File: 1599108399354.png (93.32 KB, 289x402, 144558.png)

>>1032727That could explain why she's not wearing her usual red lipstick. She deleted all selfies and mirror photos from her main account too, and most from her alt.
Possible cheek filler too?
No. 1032791
File: 1599121219831.png (5.89 MB, 1652x1592, sug4rfairy.png)

Posting here as well cause that's where it belongs
No. 1032794
>>1032792Scrotes can't tell how much your outfit cost and I'm guessing a woman who only posts half naked thottery online only cares for male validation.
She panders to the UwU anime-slut community like Belle. Hence the anime-esque anatomy in her shoops and the cheap lingerie and schoolgirl skirts. The katana is funny tho, I think that belongs to her boyfriend. She's dating a neckbeard manlet who is a head shorter than her.
No. 1032848
File: 1599142601902.jpg (353.34 KB, 1080x1473, 20200903_101658.jpg)

No. 1032889
>>1032856Kek didn't take long to hear the
faint sounds of mooing in this thread.
No. 1033447
File: 1599232990658.jpg (2.13 MB, 3264x3264, opiuy.jpg)

Suprised HenloJasmine now 5ftadc hasn't been talked about. She's almost unrecognizable from candids and older photos
No. 1033617
File: 1599248854280.jpg (172.47 KB, 1080x1350, aru.rinh_20200903_011534_0.jpg)

veteran cosplay lurker here
Posting some of my favs aside from the obvious ones that are already infamous
>>1028270>>1029224Can't deny her cheap shoop and Meitu. Actually I recognize this exact Meitu brush in pic related.
What's sad is that she's already skelly and surgery'd enough IRL, and then still thinks she needs to edit her pics so tacky and uncanny to "wow hermosa waifu" braindead jerkers
No. 1033624
File: 1599249214034.jpg (128.14 KB, 1080x1350, muze_20200903_011426_0.jpg)

Another aspect of ridiculous shooping: blurring skin so much you can't see a single pore or line.
This straight up looks uncanny and creepy. If you look up the cosplayer's videos from the same day, her skin looks NOTHING close to that.
>most popular photographer gets over 1k likes and not a single comment on this cursed picture
No. 1033687
>>1033617 vendetta-chan back again kek
>>1033651it’s to look like aegyo-sal, supposedly it makes your eyes look bigger and more youthful
No. 1033804
File: 1599268555848.jpeg (273.94 KB, 828x1454, 95EA11C5-059D-446E-A417-D002B1…)

Lol noodle legs
No. 1033848
File: 1599281388940.jpg (104.71 KB, 717x717, 118774240_1744320109053761_363…)

>>1033447>>1033459it's always league who brings out the worst photoshoppers
this ahri gives me nightmares
No. 1033849
File: 1599281517463.jpg (167.71 KB, 720x900, 117629267_296210608120419_2292…)

>>1033848i love the eve from this pic because she literally gets pictures of other cosplayers and shops their accessories on her like these horns. theft at it's finest.
No. 1033850
>>1033617This was already posted.
>>1008505>>1033624The people who follow Muze are either scrotes who want to see extremely Photoshopped Asian girls or asskissers who think every photo he takes is a masterpiece. No one follows him to critique him.
>>1033848Kek at Ahri. She really photoshopped her face and hand over Ahri's and thought no one would notice.
No. 1033854
File: 1599282078794.jpeg (61.08 KB, 220x287, 38A0350E-A666-47B6-B368-7E4528…)

>>1033849are you not going to show us the proof? who are the horns from?
>>1033624this is the only video of this i can find on her page, and her skin is already pretty smooth and filtered. where are you seeing that it looks completely different?
tbh what’s with all these baseless claims, can’t you at least make some kind of comparison image? isn’t that the whole point of this thread
No. 1033861
File: 1599286827958.jpg (2.48 MB, 1500x3000, _wendydydydy.jpg)

>>1033854NTA but I went down the rabbit hole to see if I could find unshooped photos of this girl. It was pretty hard to make a decent comparison image because she doesn't do the same poses in her photoshoots as she does in candids and most of her pictures are of her sitting to hide her gut.
No. 1033864
File: 1599286986629.jpg (224.71 KB, 1080x1079, 66374983_425187988079566_17826…)

Also wanted to include this candid of her because you can see the massive difference between her shooped picture on the banner and her actual appearance. Kek.
No. 1033889
File: 1599295745587.jpg (372.59 KB, 1080x1691, Screenshot_20200905-184909__01…)

>>1033866>Her face honestly looks pretty similarNta but did you not even bother to zoom in?
No. 1033897
File: 1599297280513.jpg (635.8 KB, 698x1394, 123.jpg)

>>1033889>>1033892samefag but here's a better comparison. there's definitely editing but to say she doesn't look similar would just be delusional
No. 1033934
>>1033899ayrt, sorry, i was the one who said that— i didn’t mean that everything was all angles and lighting, but i meant that i didn’t really agree that there was a
> massive difference between her shooped picture on the banner and her actual appearancesolely due to her shooping, since there were so many other factors contributing to the difference in her appearance.
No. 1034005
File: 1599326175151.jpg (264.05 KB, 707x891, 5299648529.jpg)

>>1033854i can't know who she steals from, but you can see here that her neck is over her choker and that her horns are over the bangs and fading into it. and also she is famous here for making her 'accessories' from paper, so there is no way she made those horns
>>1033850kaisa and akali also just copy pasted the models hair on them and called it a day, it's terrible
No. 1034045
File: 1599331941110.jpg (271.27 KB, 1350x1768, EhGw_ihWoAANLAb.jpg)

No. 1034049
File: 1599332133320.jpg (73.85 KB, 640x640, xqy3lex6vek51.jpg)

No. 1034055
File: 1599333423801.jpeg (483.79 KB, 1536x2048, 27077355-3421-442F-8BE6-B873BA…)

Just realized I hadn’t seen Mickey Deer on here in a while so I checked up on her on Facebook. Lol it is incredible she thinks these shoops go unnoticed when there a normal person right next to her to compare her to
No. 1034184
File: 1599359423679.jpg (271.24 KB, 1536x2048, EhLuW1iWsAMA-L6.jpg)

Jenna lynn Meowri
No. 1034992
File: 1599513231294.jpg (408.72 KB, 776x1283, an.jpg)

AnieJoy who claims her waist is natural. lol
No. 1035126
File: 1599523940622.jpg (148.27 KB, 1080x1001, uzileks_20200908_003925_0.jpg)

My problem with a lot of these isn't only shooping, it's the blatant shooping AND not even making it look plausible (to non-smoothbrains).
It's uncanny.
No. 1035181
File: 1599534017894.jpg (657.45 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200905-132633.jpg)

>>1034992Holy shit that looks insane. I don't know what the fuck this pose is but her waist looks comparitively normal in this. The size of her head still creeps me out next to other women, for her sake I hope it's edited kek.
No. 1035203
>>1035054E.T. vibes uwu
no but really this is the first post here that made me physically jump
No. 1035639
>>1034829Yeah, not once did I say they couldn’t express their opinions. This is a free for all thread, I was simply sharing my opinion also. If you think I’m the one dissuading opinions, I’d take a look at what you just typed. Because you’re dismissing mine. Seems like an opinion is only
valid when it is in agreement with you. Hypocritical.
No. 1035647
File: 1599610989399.jpeg (382.66 KB, 828x1026, 3D954CAF-28A1-4641-B574-03C994…)

nice blown up face, kek. is her facial dysmorphia really this bad?
No. 1035742
File: 1599623787984.jpg (52.27 KB, 306x624, 32919096-8709787-Aubrey_O_Day_…)

>>1034049Its fake guys. Shes totally going to take them to court.
No. 1035753
>>1035639No1curr about your hot takes on Asian beauty culture and trying to normalise objectively bad editing just because "muh Asian" pullfag.
You've been blatantly making excuses for this girl since she was posted, and while I don't necessarily disagree with your statements it's more than clear you're trying your best to sway the consensus. I genuinely don't give a shit whether you agree with me, just conceal your pullfag and sage your irrelevant hot takes.
No. 1035793
>>1035753They never once defended the girl, she’s obviously a shoopfag, they just pointed out the look she’s going for. Which is an anime chick. And most Asian chicks try to look similar to anime chicks. Were they wrong? If you weren’t a narcissistic brainlet who gets
triggered by anyone who talks about a woman in a respectful manner, you wouldn’t have even seen it that way, kek. Plus that’s obviously not even the same person.
No. 1035806
File: 1599636857289.jpeg (17.03 KB, 700x394, oops.jpeg)

>>1035639>>1035793>>1035789Sorry anons, I've been a bit of a suspicious/reactionary tard today.
No. 1035817
File: 1599638322781.png (938.76 KB, 825x1202, Screenshot_20200909-035516.png)

Okay what is happening with this pic? the under-boob cleavage, and the under-underboob-shirt area?.Also, that hair, and the hand holding the glass?
No. 1036215
File: 1599704303550.jpg (109.47 KB, 333x548, 11.jpg)

Stephanie Michele's latest instagram. I hope its photoshop
No. 1036223
>>1036215So it appears she's trying to make the lips like a vagina so she can "stroke" it on Instagram without getting banned (my comment sounds crazy but that's exactly what she's doing in the clip)
RIP her lips since that's a lot of stretched skin that will be very saggy when the fillers dissipate.
No. 1036228
>>1036001Here you go anon
>>>/ot/375656It's in /ot/
No. 1036261
File: 1599719386129.png (1.05 MB, 808x832, Screenshot_20200910-022048~2.p…)

I'm pretty sure this is not how fences look IRL.
No. 1036322
File: 1599739765443.jpg (293.11 KB, 1080x1492, Screenshot_20200910-220759__01…)

>>1036312Kek, that's insane. Here's some Ehri, same shit different smell. Even in her normie selfies she draws on features and looks cgi rendered. The arm shoop in this is hilarious it's practically two dimensional.
No. 1036609
>>1035126This girl shows up on my explore feed all the time and it's so ridiculous.
She must feel so dysmorphic and different without all the shoop.
No. 1037037
File: 1599860085545.jpeg (567.95 KB, 1233x1622, CA905318-E378-4B1C-8861-BD5C63…)

No. 1037442
File: 1599911505793.jpeg (213.53 KB, 1113x695, 27A7F5AF-F92D-46B4-9820-6DF290…)

@ Sophiagiannamore on Instagram.
No. 1037482
File: 1599919033899.png (762.68 KB, 1170x580, NewCanvas1.png)

Bratphobic on instagram. just got one of her videos as my recommended, and she really looks uncanny. She might be shooping because her photos look like she airbrushes the hell out of herself
Also she looks like a bee stung her, i really do not know if its bad shoop or just surgery. But her photos are enough for me to speculate shes a shooper.
No. 1037487
File: 1599919413621.jpeg (640.28 KB, 828x1318, DBCED361-D88D-4BE2-8CC0-CB9AE1…)

>>1037482definitely shoop… good god look at the waist shoop
No. 1037515
>>1037482i also had this girl’s vid in my recommended and the length she goes to to show as little of her face as possible is telling
the video is also hella fuzzy to cover up all the shitty shooping she does to make herself look like a busted bratz doll
No. 1037585
has anyone ever verified her alleged mugshot? it looks fake't seem to upload it - sorry
No. 1037619
File: 1599941058541.jpeg (243.01 KB, 750x1040, 5350C352-522D-4D83-BE54-64A811…)

Have always thought she shooped her pictures. But I met her and it’s fucking insane. Sorry if this shouldn’t be here but like she looked fake asf
No. 1037649
File: 1599945213621.png (1.11 MB, 549x677, ang3lthigh.PNG)

ang3lthigh on Instagram. She has a post saying that she edited that photo but also a story that says her hips are real.
No. 1037790
File: 1599961522606.jpg (321.96 KB, 1358x1800, EhlbKsiX0AAwayD.jpg)

No. 1037806
File: 1599963066162.jpg (418 KB, 1645x2048, EhwYnsYWsAAhyzP.jpg)

Another gem from susu_jpg
No. 1037832
File: 1599969002362.jpg (180.71 KB, 1080x1349, nana01.jpg)

"i only had a nosejob guys, the dorito chin is totally only make up skills!"
she used to have a picture with her before the nosejob and her 'evolution' in make up where you could clearly see how round her face is. guess she realized she was outing herself
No. 1037857
File: 1599973831100.jpg (78.9 KB, 661x1224, Ee8bjStWAAUDdE1.jpg)

>>1009887>>1009967I came across this one on twitter, surprised that nobody commenting is commenting on the obvious catfishing.
The hair is a ratty wig and her face is warped in every photo but it's wild that she is constantly fishing for compliments over how she's THE real Tifa.
No. 1038341
File: 1600070723510.jpg (621.55 KB, 1080x1728, Screenshot_20200914-180244__01…)

Aniejoy is a text book case of
>Thread for those who abuse photoshop to gain fame off their fabricated looks while claiming to be “all natural” or “not photoshopped”.
She keeps an eye on her tagged photos trying to sway opinion as long as no one mentions photoshop. If they do, despite liking all the pics it's total silence from her.
If this was anyone else eg. A naturally skinny girl who isn't photoshopping I'd agree. But way to distort reality for people and make yourself the victim.
No. 1038347
>>1038341>>1038342>>1038343Are these all the same person? I literally can't tell cause the face and body looks completely different in every picture. Like the jaw, chin, nose and cheekbones looks totally different.
I don't understand these chicks, I know men are retarded and fall for these obvious shoops, but just keep it natural. Nobody would even notice if you take off like an inch of your waist or smoothen out an arm/boob roll. But shooping yourself to look like a barbie doll is retarded and OBVIOUS to everyone who is not a brainlet or a scrote.
No. 1038349
>>1038347Yeah they're all definately the same person anon. She piqued my interest when I saw her "your body shaming me" sperg out ages ago when Pull was up. I'm mortified someone could shop so blatantly and yet still somehow be the
victim if anyone points it out.
Usually it's rather innocent too. Like follower will comfort someone else who is putting themselves down because of the unrealistic image she portrays, then she plays to whatever will make her following defend her (usually lies) and sometimes gets agressive. That person always ends up publically shamed for their honesty and good intentions while she garners sympathy for her ~natural~ physique.
Agreed. On the subject of scrotes you're right on the money. Reddit is infested (typical kek) with brainless simps who defend her whenever she's posted. They legitimately think she looks like this.
No. 1038371
File: 1600077591070.jpg (888.11 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200914_185914.jpg)

>>1018660Oh boy
Is there a thread on this woman? @rocksylight in case you couldn't recognize her (can't blame you)
No. 1038373
File: 1600077795842.jpg (724.07 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200914_190317.jpg)

It's just make up right?
No. 1038378
>>1038374No the ones with PS are older, that's a live video she made a couple days ago without filters
She just looks like a completely different person, attractive or not without makeup
No. 1038382
File: 1600078821234.jpg (815.2 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200914_191903.jpg)

Her face has morphed so much throughout the years that I can't really tell if that's her new face or a filter or another 150k in plastic surgery
(old YouTube video SC)
No. 1038384
>>1038382KEKKK BISHOP-CHAN is she back to lolita now
I thought she's doing nothing but 'i am a rich luxurious bitch and my therapist told me every1 r jealous of me!!' for awhile now. Her body is filled w surgery now along with face, its supposed to look even worse now.
Tho TBH i dont think she is interesting enough for lolcow, but people still make fun of her on 2ch.
No. 1038389
File: 1600080225020.png (Spoiler Image,8.69 MB, 2048x2048, alisawhy.png)

I remember she used to only bait her patreon people, saying she would never show her pussy or w/e but now I checked on her and she does full porn now.
Pic related is how she looks now with plastic surgery for which she went to Korea and shitty photoshop.
Pic related are two of her recent pics. NSFW because 2nd one is her naked.
Back in RUlolita community days she was one of the biggest cows because of her fragile ego. She blew up pretty fast but she would also talk shit about everyone else around her and even through this day she is convinced that everyone are jealous of her, whichis why she turned from lolita comm into 'loli cosplay patreon' community.
She also legally changed both her name and lastname into Alisa Bishop because of 'muh weebness', her real name is Natasha. She had a neckbeard guy who would buy her everything and do all the housework, suspected that he actually left her now. This woman is super unstable and is still dreaming of moving to EU or JP because 'everyone r bad'.
If anyone could drop us a picture that was taken by a photographer at cosplaycon during her early days where she cosplayed Illia from Fate, that would have been perfect and the biggest plottwist of her existence because of how different she looked like during her photoshop days.
No. 1038401
>>1038389I just love how she said she omg needed to get implants because it’s totally effecting her career since she looks
soooo loli and porn sites kept removing her content. an excuse only a literal coomer brain could accept
No. 1038417
>>1038389Those bolt ons do not fit that frame at all.
Idk why literal bolt ons are so commonplace but I guess the answer is coomers. They look so absurdly unnatural. Like sure guys are dumb, but what about the women who get these bolted to their chest? Maybe that's part of what makes them unhappy enough to go into porn. Could be a vicious cycle of covering unhappiness with attention.
Anyway, her waist is shooped in 2nd pic, right? Parts of this pic make her look emaciated, and the shininess of her boobs is out of place.
No. 1038420
File: 1600084655612.jpg (Spoiler Image,387.06 KB, 1080x1920, 15962846559430.jpg)

>>1038417>>1038417She always seemed shapeless because of her obsession with being 'a loli', loli tier ana-chan basically. On her recent pictures she always turns around her body in order to make it look like as if she has some curves and ass.
One of her pre-surgery spam photos. She is a self-proclaimed cosplayer who cosplays lolis (not anymroe it seems like, now all she does is shows herself naked on OnlyFans, stopped updating patreon), but buys all the stuff from AliExpress. Monokoe cosplay is picrelated.
No. 1038421
File: 1600084847348.png (775.21 KB, 605x541, cop.png)

>>1038420This pic was taken on one of animecons and wasn't edited by her, was taken by some random photographer. It's basically her without photoshop and neverending SNOW filter spam. But again she also gotten a lot of plastic surgery now in her forehead and cheeks.
No. 1038438
File: 1600086682697.jpg (1.06 MB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200914_213214.jpg)

>>1038421She's basically removed half of her face already.
No. 1038445
File: 1600087800211.jpeg (13.25 KB, 533x300, images (4).jpeg)

>>1038371>>1038373Absolutely nightmare inducing
No. 1038590
>>1038420Idk who this girl is but these pics are so creepy. The limbs don't match up, like weird foot-hand prominent in pic, tiny torso, pretty face with odd expression, the thrown-together cosplay. Or the absolutely not matching her face implants in this one.
>>1038389 and waist shoop. Trying to be a sexy woman and small child at the same time comes out terrifying.
No. 1038803
>>1038770It was suggested in a forum that is now deleted, that's not the name of the procedure I just can't remember LMAO
They posted a photo of how it goes
No. 1039611
File: 1600225470544.png (3.16 MB, 750x1334, 200AFBB5-A4D0-4364-BE2B-025471…)

>>1024957this is actually @fetchingbutter for those interested.
No. 1039873
>>1010103>>1009886Oh my god. These photos sold it for me. For the longest time susu's been my all time lesbian fantasy but after seeing all this evidence I feel so fucking betrayed. It's like finding out Santa isn't real…
Anons this thread has left me heartbroken. And I am beginning to question whether she's even gay… I had such plans for her and me… Such plans. I am not even fucking kidding. Here I was planning to start watching her twitch, but never again! We were supposed to have matching body types, to go on dates looking fucking cute together but alas… My dreams utterly shattered!
This sucks. 2020 could not have gone worse for me. I lost my cat and now my stan status. Fucking terrific.
File: 1600305664104.jpg (Spoiler Image,112.85 KB, 750x936, qDUnBQh.jpg)

>>1037806>>1038375I can spot photoshop curves on the background of pictures just fine. but how can you guys tell when someone is wearing padding?. for example in this pic I believe her tits are off but maybe its just the pose idk
also it might be slightly off topic but wtf is up with susu anyways? it seems like she fucking hates being a twitch streamer but whenever someone confronts her about it she plays it up like shes being yandere and shit its infuriating
No. 1040210
File: 1600312858130.jpg (11.37 KB, 168x300, images.jpg)

>>1040154I don't see any obvious padding in that pic, it's most likely shooped by someone who knows what they're doing. The photos that give her away are the candids, you can clearly see her hip pads here
>>1010103 where there is a random bulge right on her hipbones. In reality she seems quite bony with wider shoulders, but she's still thin with a decent body. Just not the slim thick curvy goddess she has convinced everyone she is.
No. 1040528
File: 1600370355818.jpg (335.72 KB, 1334x1800, Eg74bSjXcAEgAXP.jpg)

the photoshopped camel toe, the photoshopped cleavage, the photoshopped face……
No. 1040543
File: 1600372850724.jpeg (Spoiler Image,445.99 KB, 800x800, A230029A-C2FA-4081-94AF-E56986…)

>>1040528At this point, she should just get one of those camel toe pads, then she could spend more time trying to learn other photoshop tricks.
No. 1040544
File: 1600373001438.png (Spoiler Image,304.67 KB, 1094x600, 39kKdjUsmb&skw.png)

The only milk I've found on her besides her photoshopping is that she had a DDLG relationship with a boyfriend and she had an ED, which is probably the illness she claims she had to become an e-thot to pay her medical bills for. She still clearly has extreme body issues. I find it hilarious how many people have been fooled by her extreme shooping, even farmers.
Saged for irrelevant
No. 1040739
>>1040543I don't mean to derail but I have now seen everything.
It's a fake fat vulva and of course it's being worn by a man.
As someone who has a bit of a fat cat naturally I don't see why any woman would want to impersonate one. Troons always fetishize things that women are ashamed of or inconvenienced by.
No. 1040740
File: 1600393682966.jpg (473.65 KB, 1080x1295, Screenshot_20200918-114825__01…)

>>1038384As far as I can tell she's not back to lolita. She got a Gollum haircut though.
No. 1040826
File: 1600406345637.jpeg (25.35 KB, 554x554, images (8).jpeg)

>>1040783Subtle WKing tard. Maybe you're jealous of her, but I can assure you the majority of sane people aren't. Who would spend thousands upon thousands to end up looking like this? I feel sorry for her if anything.
No. 1040928
File: 1600425230786.jpg (761.26 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200918_193356.jpg)

No. 1041010
File: 1600436561512.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1242x1527, 5FCF5DA8-6FAC-476F-894F-E1E1F3…)

waist smaller than her thigh
No. 1041048
>>1041035We're talking about
one thigh here, right? I mean, of course both thighs together are bigger than the waist but I've rarely seen a person who hasn't had surgery who has a thigh larger than her waist.
No. 1041158
File: 1600452459536.jpeg (394.98 KB, 828x775, C33CAB1D-F67B-4797-A975-EAD528…)

No. 1041274
File: 1600466768709.png (1.87 MB, 862x1214, Fernanda Ly.png)

>>1041010>that broken arm from liquifying her waist inkek'd
>>1041014>>1041035What the fuck is this absolutely retarded take? Even really thin people like kpop stars and models have waists bigger than their thighs.
No. 1041341
File: 1600473604256.jpeg (1.39 MB, 1631x1720, BDC92091-95CF-4ABE-8CBB-BCCF62…)

She got paid to post this
No. 1041347
File: 1600474169336.jpeg (26.06 KB, 328x328, 210C6CFC-7B42-4644-97CA-1582D7…)

>>1041341Who told this poor girl this was attractive
No. 1041350
File: 1600474654762.jpg (195.05 KB, 572x875, nomakeupnofilters.jpg)

I'm enjoying the milk from this cow.
No. 1041384
>>1041174I don't think you do.
>>1041266Exactly KEK
No. 1041385
File: 1600482838888.jpeg (337.05 KB, 1740x2048, 5F4B707B-090C-435F-B1A4-ED1FE9…)

Look at that fucking neck and shoulders
No. 1041488
File: 1600502002116.png (173.98 KB, 545x488, 15997685251310.png)

I can't stand this pain of being unable to look like her, I just can't
No. 1041510
File: 1600502819554.jpg (1008.94 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200919-024359.jpg)

Perfiosa looks like she's melting here
No. 1041806
File: 1600549554547.jpg (161.72 KB, 1364x2048, EiTeiqiU8AA1wAF.jpg)

this girl has a different face, body and ethnicity in every photo
No. 1041808
File: 1600549792758.jpg (369.13 KB, 1365x2048, EgO8cHmUEAAHcPZ.jpg)

>>1041806this is genuinely scary
No. 1041810
File: 1600550122282.jpg (111.78 KB, 683x1024, EbpynsnU4AEiDcg.jpg)

>>1041808what the fuck is that torso
No. 1041900
File: 1600563233425.jpeg (730.14 KB, 828x1134, 9C8EA1BF-800C-4903-99C4-9EBCC1…)

This isn’t human.
No. 1041996
File: 1600588141842.jpeg (662.14 KB, 828x999, 9085DB3A-1B9D-4BEC-8921-89B96E…)

>>1040928I looked at her recent pictures and her face looks like something badly photoshopped or a snow filter except that’s how it must look irl too
I was following her during her lolita days and the beginning of her loli Patreon era, she used to look fine, what happened
No. 1042073
File: 1600611833449.jpg (94.41 KB, 590x622, badshoop.jpg)

>>1041350>>1041393This got deleted but it brought many keks.
No. 1042074
File: 1600611899916.jpg (154.84 KB, 2048x1665, EiXK6i0XYAATTnw.jpg)

>>1042073Sage for samefag, here's the full waist shoop.
No. 1042085
>>1042074aren't they still sitting like "erect igloos"? all the breasts i've seen including mine kind of go to the side a bit when you lay down
sage for kind of ot
No. 1042179
>>1042105This is the photoshop thread. Anybody can be posted about here. Don't try to police the convo just because you like someone.
Besides, if she starts going off and saying she's going to sue lolcow, that'd be a hilarious load of milk and I eagerly await it
No. 1042186
Anyone else notice that whenever Susu is brought up ppl start going in really hard over a different costhot as if to try and hide and wash away the posts about susu?
Not saying Rocksy doesnt look like a botched nightmare but harping on about it in a photoshop thread is off topic. Just make a thread about her or crazy plastic surgery if it's that big of a deal.
>>1042179Yes you're exactly right this is the PHOTOSHOP thread not the 'Botched and keeps going' thread.
No. 1042253
>>1042186I noticed it too. It's obvious that susu has lurked here for awhile now. I prefer talking about cows that photoshop and get away with it, not the abominations like
>>1041341 with 2k followers that no one takes seriously. But this is the ridiculous photoshop thread, so there's no reason to police who gets posted. Rocksy definitely abuses photoshop as well as plastic surgery.
No. 1042599
File: 1600698375827.jpg (325.33 KB, 1080x1376, Screenshot_20200922-002654__01…)

Darcy Nicole without photoshop is as jarring with photoshop.
No. 1042739
File: 1600715220911.jpg (476.46 KB, 1080x1063, 20200921_130716.jpg)

She's literally the permanent poster child for ridiculous photoshop.
No. 1042873
File: 1600734069165.jpeg (423.27 KB, 750x752, 69711D8F-B618-4F8B-B804-7EB42B…)

>>1042641Wait, did tsundebolt seriously edit one of arurinh’s photos and claim it was herself?
No. 1042957
File: 1600749703473.jpg (217.21 KB, 1054x914, arurinh.jpg)

>>1042873>imagine ruining someone else's already edited faceThirsty neckbeards can't tell when she's posting shooped pics of other people's faces and bodies.
No. 1043021
File: 1600761440207.png (942.99 KB, 720x1005, Hed.png)

No. 1043418
File: 1600820412504.jpg (912.85 KB, 1500x1500, BeautyPlus_20200922192112544_o…)

No. 1043525
File: 1600835933614.jpg (84.19 KB, 916x917, 117105804_366814770967501_6446…)

girl your neck… her lawliet cosplay is also giving me nightmares @i.remkse
No. 1043758
File: 1600877577405.jpg (342.12 KB, 1379x1725, EiYtfLuWoAE89Mk.jpg)

the stomachs, the cleavage, the faces….lol…. Everything looks so warped.
No. 1044163
File: 1600915012140.jpg (365.88 KB, 1616x2048, Eio1SMIXsAM5yGg.jpg)

No. 1045229
File: 1601063230501.jpeg (579.78 KB, 828x916, B308396D-E697-4A18-8C58-39DC59…)

idk who this is but she smoothed and facetuned her boyfriend’s face, kek
No. 1045349
File: 1601077244381.png (326.03 KB, 634x401, Screen Shot 2020-09-25 at 7.32…)

this girl's real face is my literal definition of basic
No. 1045352
File: 1601077381890.png (291.49 KB, 591x398, Screen Shot 2020-09-25 at 7.32…)

No. 1045390
File: 1601083809398.jpg (74.71 KB, 626x1199, liquifiedwig.jpg)

>>1042873"My pics aren't photoshopped, I have no clue know how to use PS."
No. 1045479
File: 1601096711959.jpg (349.99 KB, 1536x1534, IMG-2146.JPG)

Stumbled on this girl on depop today. Absolutely absurd
No. 1045533
File: 1601107870192.jpg (446.46 KB, 1080x1597, Screenshot_20200926-180958__01…)

Venomous Dolly's "facial proportions" creep me the fuck out
No. 1045542
File: 1601109711624.jpg (419.87 KB, 1080x1311, Screenshot_20200926-184113__01…)

>>1045535>>1045537I would honestly prefer if she shrunk her nose at this point. Her facial balance is waaaay out of wack. I'd give it a 3/10, she loses a point for frightening me, but gains 3 for *attempting" to keep it natural kek.
No. 1045783
File: 1601150124618.jpg (381.57 KB, 1354x1800, EisCGKOWAAMwWkT.jpg)

you'd think after photoshopping your photos for years….you'd get better at it.
No. 1046230
File: 1601184700525.jpg (309.1 KB, 1536x2048, Ei05SO_VkAAWkFi.jpg)

am i the only one who thinks that she might be editing her skin tone?
@anyangdeng9 on twitter
No. 1046254
>>1005098It's like people don't know how women's bodies work anymore. How could a woman that slim have wide hips like that ? Whether people like it or not, when women get low body fat they lose that super cry look and get narrow throughout.
Scrotes don't even know what they like lmao
No. 1046311
>>1046230Ngl that pic scared the shorn out of me
Looks like a mannequin
No. 1046317
File: 1601206785889.png (4.66 MB, 1263x1722, anyang.PNG)

>>1046230Hmm, it's not impossible it's just fortunate light setting - basically combination of strong contrast, cold bathroom light and not too good phone camera that is unable to properly balance out the colors, pretty typical especially with super dark skin. She has photos of herself taken in a daylight and her skin clearly has warm undertones, just with a cold light bouncing off matte skin it may be invisible. So yeah, she doesn't look like this IRL but it's not a shoop.
Duckie Thot or Khoudia Diop, models famous for a very dark skintone, could be a similar example to that, they are not "pitch black" but sometimes photograph like this because of light setting
No. 1046378
File: 1601217051646.jpg (239.34 KB, 1536x2048, EiuII06UMAMSf5T[1].jpg)

>>1046230even this girl's shadow is like "i'm outta here"
No. 1046393
File: 1601218598903.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1242x1623, CAA99B61-F732-4F99-9893-9A4B64…)

Albany Cope is at it again, shooping an impossibly tiny waist and nose
No. 1046506
File: 1601226877946.jpg (424.94 KB, 2048x1992, Ei6iI_dU0AAh-rm.jpg)

>>1046466tbh seems like her fingertips actually look like that
No. 1046885
>>1046230Wow it’s a literal black person
>>1046378I screamed
No. 1047017
File: 1601275412639.jpeg (312.43 KB, 532x601, 626B0E22-A33E-4EE3-8CAA-7CD266…)

>>1046393I truly don’t understand why she thinks this is attractive. she looks like a deformed Dr Seuss Who…she is clearly naturally beautiful as seen in this photo, I can only imagine she has a dysmorphia?
No. 1047141
File: 1601296548337.jpg (243.33 KB, 1125x2436, DDzfY0O.jpg)

some recent mind-bending Albany screenshots
No. 1047142
File: 1601296580698.jpg (289.99 KB, 1125x1350, fJ5umCT.jpg)

No. 1047143
File: 1601296625303.jpg (316.86 KB, 1125x1553, nTQ68u9.jpg)

No. 1047144
File: 1601296659504.jpg (364 KB, 1125x1224, Scp261O.jpg)

No. 1047284
File: 1601311055402.jpg (175.32 KB, 1080x1325, Screenshot_20200929-022944__01…)

>>1047217Nta but
>Your fucking stupid>YourYou're
Not every country is multicultural and this is an international website.
I had a look at this girl's IG. Firstly she's only got 500 followers, was this a self post? Secondly her skin tone changes dramatically from photo to photo. She's either intentionally lightening herself, or darkening herself with makeup/editing. It wouldn't surprise me either considering she has some spergy caption about "making the colourists mad". Personally I don't give a shit what she does with her skin, but the backlash
>>1046230 received for what I assume was an innocent question intrigued me.
No. 1047329
File: 1601314189840.jpg (699.62 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20200928_131505.jpg)

>>1047284NTAYRT but "backlash"??? That implies more than one person has an issue with it. Literally one person had anything negative to say about it and it probably wasn't the self-post. Secondly, she may have only 500 followers but I personally saw this post the other day, it had a lot of retweets. So I don't think it's a self post.
Thirdly, her skin tone changes yeah but there are many factors why it could change, such as lighting, if she is or isn't wearing makeup and photo editing. There are quite a few hightlights/shadows presets that people use to make their pictures appear, "influencer"-ish. picrel is example of a dark skin woman whose looks change based on whatever settings are in instagram + if she has makeup on or not (no makeup/makeup+lighting/makeup+editing). Simply put, the photo looks like it was edited on instagram, not shooped to make her look darker on purpose but just to edit in general.
But who knows this day and age.
No. 1047456
File: 1601326349570.jpg (344.33 KB, 1044x1200, SuSujpg.jpg)

>>1006044This is the real Swimsuit Succubus Susu and shes closer to 30 No. 1047481
>>1047465I wasn't attempting to say she's had surgery, I was just trying to understand your point in posting that album? We have already established that she shops and that she doesn't look how she looks in pics.
Plus, why are you using an album from 2011? I look drastically different than I looked 9 years ago as well.
Plus, sage replies, friendo.
No. 1047531
File: 1601334808249.png (Spoiler Image,1.49 MB, 1200x900, 4kd9skanwldpa93.png)

Wonder if it's time she got her own thread?
No. 1047566
>>1047544Other than photoshopping, here's what I know
>Claims to be all natural despite old pictures/candids proving otherwise>Likely faked her relationship with Bunnyayu for patreon bux, was in a ddlg relationship with a man before blowing up>Had an ED, still clearly has extreme body issues>Gets triggered whenever her past sex work or cosplay is brought up, acts like it traumatized her, yet still has her photos for sale and posts on her SW twitter>Acts high and mighty about her twitch success, but had free simps from her SwimsuitSuccubus days before even starting>Highly suspected lurker, she has been suspiciously white knighted every time she is brought up, especially in the momokun threadsMaybe she's still not milky enough for her own thread, I'm hoping someone else has something.
No. 1047679
>>1047376No, I just think it's ironic you called someone stupid incorrectly kek.
>>1047329Backlash probably wasn't a good choice of words, anon was pretty harsh is what I meant which intrigued me to look her up. Thanks for letting me know about her twitter, I was surprised to see 500 followers on IG. I agree with what you're saying, it's definitely a factor but personally I still think there might be some editing on the photo I posted. Not that I particularly care anyways kek.
>>1047456This is a glorious find anon. And people had the audacity to cry about thread pic.
No. 1047745
>>1047726The candid here
>>1006044 looks like those pictures to me. They're identifiably her.
No. 1047751
File: 1601355197784.jpeg (10.5 KB, 512x288, doubt.jpeg)

>>1047745Kek at this "anon" trying to convince us this sloppy, disproportionate, inhuman shop
>>1006044 is mostly plastic surgery, coupled with the fact we have pretty recent candids.
No. 1048030
>>1047566add to this the way she treats her followers on twitch. skim through this 20 minute vod for just one example
>constantly does stream sub goals and then makes up the most ludicrous excuses>"100 subs for a cosplay stream, you guys get to vote on what do you want me to cosplay as and then i'll order the suit">morrigan wins>OH NOES THE COSTUME DOESNT FIT GUESS I'LL HAVE TO USE A COSTUME THAT I ALREADY HAD whoopsie tee heehonestly I think the way she plays her audience is insufferable
No. 1048036
>>1048030She buys things and then creates a sub goal for them… am I the only one who thinks that doesn't make sense? She wants to be reimbursed for what she had the money to purchase? And the cosplay stream was a joke.. she kept referring to it as her "first cosplay stream" like she's trying to bury the embarrassing stream she did as Violet back in 2018 or so.
This vod summarizes her streams nicely though, complaining about her uber eats and shitting on her audience constantly kek
No. 1048338
File: 1601454288387.jpg (240.02 KB, 1080x1441, Screenshot_20200930-182317__01…)

Am I crazy or is there something really unnatural about this girl's body shape? There's blur around her waist so I'm assuming that's why she looks really strange.
No. 1048355
File: 1601457589575.png (175.97 KB, 261x410, oops.PNG)

>>1048338Well, apart for the INSANE amount of blur that makes her look inhuman, there's definitely something going on with the shape of the thigh on the left, see the wonky line? Considering how she's sitting, the thigh would be more flattened on both sides, so i guess she edited it out to have a "perfect curve" shape.
No. 1048495
File: 1601483789755.png (496.64 KB, 720x708, a9qj19ebwowb9.png)

>>1048477I'm sure she shooped pic related too, but you can see she abused photoshop beyond reason on the waist of that one it's almost comical.
I used to think this was possible, that i just didn't have the right diet or exercise or slimming pills or body shape, and i'm sure theres many more following her and thinking these anime proportions are somehow achievable without corseting or removing ribs.
The girls growing up in this generation are fucked because almost every girl they see online is doing this and worst of all they try to pass this as a candid normal photo, at least with models in ye old days we knew there was a production team and everything. Now if you don't look thicc but with an impossible waist you're just lazy because "normal girls" have it so why can't you?
No. 1048550
File: 1601489348924.jpg (69.48 KB, 1296x676, EjHgMZgWsAEgkjk.jpg)

>Sans make-up sans filter
>I don't need filters & makeup
>my cheekbones are high and my cheeks are full or smth, I always got called an anime girl at school and I hated it haha
Tsundebolt used to be the average redneck goth showcasing her fattits on insta. She had her own aesthetic even if ridiculously shooped to look like a blowup doll.
Now she's going hard with this weird part asian real anime girl revisionist history humblebrag.
No. 1048603
File: 1601495268554.jpg (1.02 MB, 1061x1734, 11.jpg)

No. 1048605
File: 1601495396156.jpg (396.22 KB, 1538x2048, Ei4I8awXcAExlPl.jpg)

what's with the trend of tiny heads?
No. 1048836
File: 1601513734724.jpeg (706.49 KB, 1196x1523, E6A26E6B-8187-4EE6-8F0D-6D96BC…)

Not really a cosplayer but teddybearosito is totally out of control with photos op lately. Look at the warped boobs and straight line boobs. She also photos shops her but constantly but leaves but pimples…
No. 1048839
File: 1601513992814.jpeg (180.49 KB, 1080x1349, 2981DE0E-9B64-4331-B5E2-49C606…)

This chel makes me scared
No. 1048846
>>1048839Her. Fucking. Eyes.
They’re crooked. It’s not just asymmetry, just straight u fucked up her eyes while editing.
No. 1048853
File: 1601514964314.jpeg (25.35 KB, 210x240, 8BA56DED-6053-444E-8050-085870…)

>>1048846She got those dutchess eyes…
No. 1048917
File: 1601520313702.png (424.66 KB, 450x561, 080449.png)

>>1047017Doesn't even look like the same person
No. 1048987
File: 1601526680254.jpg (551.96 KB, 1080x1641, Screenshot_20201001-001123_Ins…)

She's back at it again. She also sperged out about being called a BBW.
No. 1049254
>>1048988>>1049005The two completely different arms and hips in each picture really take the cake
>>1048997>>1049002Why are other people entertaining this discussion as though her waist or anything else are real?
No. 1049354
File: 1601574009740.jpg (302.79 KB, 2048x2732, 4a1d123.jpg)

Look at this waist
No. 1049504
>>1049490Says video unavailable.
>>1049363Good eye. It's about the right shade but it's definitely a pink similar to her skin as opposed to the yellow that the wall actually is.
No. 1049998
File: 1601641706942.jpeg (424.04 KB, 1018x1854, BDADC5D9-6660-49EB-9F28-B17FA0…)

>>1048603I’m sorry, this was the first thing that came to mind.
I don’t think a human being could function normally if their ass were truly that size
No. 1050038
File: 1601648560726.jpeg (299.59 KB, 1242x1538, 35CA5A51-6270-4A6F-9966-F7028C…)

>>1049998These kind of asses are actually pretty common to see on Instagram. Most likely from botched bbl. Check out Amanda Nicole for instance
No. 1050264
File: 1601669612533.jpg (292.36 KB, 1292x1688, EjKyvkAXcAInK0N.jpg)

>>1050038In Erin Eevee's case she just photoshops everything. Can't believe any man would not notice the terrible photoshop. Im embarrassed for whoever is part of her Onlyfans. She did recently get botched lipo and a BBL but still photoshops because even with surgery she can't look like her warped ass pictures.
No. 1050457
File: 1601685454301.png (21.46 KB, 600x245, index2.png)

>>1048255sage for off topic, i wonder which "women" she thinks are jealous of her? kek
No. 1050459
File: 1601685546245.jpg (713.25 KB, 1440x1919, 20201003_033941.jpg)

>>1049998Imagine trying to unironically pass this off as real
No. 1050871
File: 1601744999275.jpeg (560.95 KB, 2048x1741, C9D80CB5-1B36-4CA8-9B34-EB0323…)

No. 1050876
>>1037482>>1048277>>1048285samefag, im the one who posted bratphobic here. I really didn't know she was a teen, her instagram and youtube bio says nothing about her age, by her shoops i speculated that she might be somewhere around 20 or 18.
Thanks anyways for mentioning it!
No. 1051008
File: 1601756328342.jpg (332.22 KB, 1602x2048, 20201003_151941.jpg)

>>1050959She has really small boobs?
No. 1051135
File: 1601771480773.jpeg (616.86 KB, 1210x1537, F9BED58A-3362-4B2A-9CAD-013AFF…)

Funny I didn't know that tvs bent like that….
No. 1051138
File: 1601771843680.jpeg (278.93 KB, 817x1504, BCB16D2C-9416-4648-AB39-C5EC2B…)

>>1050906Pic on the right was taken almost a year and a half ago. What are you smoking.
>>1050888 said though, in one of her videos she talked about her weight loss and said “I didn’t really work out,” but then like two sentences later says she did cycling class five or six days a week. Definitely a lil disordered.
It ain’t photoshop though, so leave ya girl snitchery here alone.
No. 1051284
>>1051138most of her 'cosplay makeup' is photoshop and people like you eat it up
Snitchery is so fake she photoshops her wigs, makeup, face everything and before doing a challenge one october you can literally go through her IG and see she never cared about cosplay/nerd shit she just does it cause it gets her easy attention cause not a lot of cosplayers are passable at makeup.
She's a basic IG thot who buys the cheapest costumes she can get her hands on and LARPs as a nerd for easy betabucks
No. 1051742
File: 1601845984546.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1242x1255, A6CBEB20-0A68-422B-B1DD-90E10F…)

This is such a bad shoop nobody points it out on her page though
No. 1051792
File: 1601851307713.jpeg (40.64 KB, 480x640, images - 2020-10-04T192157.820…)

Maybe it's just me, but not only does Susu shoop her body, but also I am pretty sure she'd photoshop herself to look more japanese as well. Her face looks very different from candids, almost as she was trying to replicate the face of gravure models alongside with the poses and themes lol
No. 1051937
File: 1601865015950.jpeg (119.23 KB, 960x960, 5EF9B31B-D3C2-4DDE-9DCF-F122F6…)

Fegalvao's face is terrifying
No. 1052434
>>1051792I know these are still heavily shooped and old but my god Bunny has aged like milk. Does she eat 7 meals a day??
Susu's shops have gotten more desperate and less convincing over the years but she is still a normal looking person with a nice body. It just isn't the stupid proportion lily white IRL anime waifu she tried to pretend it was. They both only stream with heavy filters and facial blur on nowadays, which seems to trick the simps well enough. I don't particularly like either of them but it's kinda sad how much shop culture fucks up egirls. Knowing you look like a disappointment irl must do a number on you.
No. 1052785
File: 1601970141056.jpg (468.91 KB, 1500x1500, cope.jpg)

Here's another vintage Albany comparison to the current form. She really does enjoy the facetune.
No. 1052789
File: 1601972040425.jpg (514.04 KB, 1500x1500, cope02.jpg)

And here's from the time when she started gaining popularity on IG and was already editing, but didn't go as full monty as currently.
No. 1052823
>>1052730Ntayrt but it's ironic you wrote an entire no1curr paragraph at anon that subsequently no1curr about. I'll humour you though. Some men are disappointed by reality, and some are too fanatical, it all depends on the level of "simping" in question. And it's normalised more now, but people definitely cared about photoshop back in 2010… that's prior to the rise of Kota kek.
>>1052785>>1052789These are honestly startling, good comparisons. I remember her like the second collage. Back then I thought that was what she really looked like, so she's shot herself in the foot going overboard like in collage one. That coupled with this comparison
>>1005103 made it glaringly obvious, atleast for me.
No. 1052955
File: 1601997679958.jpg (455.69 KB, 1080x1588, Screenshot_20201007-020704__01…)

I found this creature in my sock account's explore. Following cows has me stumbling on some really uncanny shit.
Pretty sure this is a combination of filler/PS/makeup but it's scary so enjoy.
No. 1052960
File: 1601997881762.jpg (429.01 KB, 1080x1303, Screenshot_20201007-022353__01…)

>>1052955Sorry for samefagging but just found this post worthy nugget
No. 1053597
File: 1602063134961.jpg (123.29 KB, 1080x1440, IMG_20201007_113004.jpg)

All this blur…
No. 1054050
File: 1602120203594.png (507.21 KB, 1098x560, albany.png)

>>1052785>>1052789Uploaded and deleted.
"I’m my own biggest project, bc it gives me life to know how far I’ve come and how far I can go"
No. 1055623
File: 1602324179963.jpg (124.23 KB, 750x930, 20201010_120225.jpg)

No. 1057037
File: 1602520221296.jpg (477.1 KB, 1080x1501, Screenshot_20201012-232250__01…)

Frightening stuff. I can't believe one of them came here to convince us they don't edit. Whatever she looks like it's gotta be better than this.
No. 1057477
File: 1602578677710.jpeg (204.56 KB, 1080x1440, A3A9F51F-1458-450B-AD8F-870E13…)

@tsundebolt on twitter
who’s she trying to fool? the straps aren’t supposed to look like that
No. 1057730
File: 1602608063064.jpg (61.12 KB, 776x428, EkF7ko5XsAAKd9h.jpg)

>>1057479I feel like I'm going crazy. there's a guy that simps on her and I am trying to convince him she face tunes to oblivion and he won't believe it.
her body alone should show how much she shoops
No. 1057735
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>>1057730she also claimed to have painted this but I'm almost 99% sure I've seen this as a photograph somewhere. anyone else have any idea?
No. 1057793
File: 1602610417752.jpg (Spoiler Image,296.06 KB, 1373x2098, erom.jpg)

Erin Eevee sells her nudes. how could anyone buy this and not laugh at the bad photoshop?
No. 1057803
File: 1602610840625.jpg (Spoiler Image,250.01 KB, 1546x1107, err.jpg)

Video screencap vs Instagram post. I know she got all the surgery now to look more like her warped pics but this one was too funny not to share