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No. 1202180
A thread for TikTokers that don't warrant an entire thread, but are still involved in scandals or do incredibly stupid things.
Cows can have a presence on other social media platforms, but must primarily be known for their TikTok account.
Any TikToker is up to discuss, but some cows include:
Zoe Laverne
>19-year-old TikToker who got her start from lip syncing and dance videos who has over 18 million followers>TikTok is her entire personality; even described herself as having "no friends" offline>Long on-again/off-again relationship with fellow TikToker Cody Orlove, whom she admitted to cheating on>Accused Orlove of hitting and abusing her but admitted she lied about the allegations>Footage leaked of Laverne throwing a tantrum when fellow TikToker Charli D'Amelio was about to surpass her in followers; called her a bitch and insisted that she was in fact the "star of TikTok">Is an admitted pedo; recently got in trouble after admitting to kissing and catching feelings for a 13-year-old fan. This fan doesn't look older and definitely looks like a child, though Laverne knew he was 13 when she kissed him and can't pull the James Charles excuse>Accused of grooming the 13-year-old; he has come forward to defend Laverne because he doesn't know any better>Livestreamed herself sobbing when people began to cancel her for being a LITERAL PEDOPHILE and had to have her parents come on the livestream to defend her, kek>Recently announced she is pregnant with her 20-year-old boyfriend Dawson Day's child, but some theorize the 13-year-old is the father and she convinced Dawson otherwise to save herselfCharly Jordan
>21-year-old model/DJ>Traveled to Rwanda during the pandemic in September despite high US covid rates in order to do "charity work" with gorillas - aka she wanted to play with exotic monkeys and get praise for it>Was forced to quarantine after arriving because she tested positive for covid>Shared a video of herself blubbering like a whale because she was "locked" in a room and didn't have access to weed while quarantining because she NEEDS it for her anxietyThe Lopez Brothers
>Brothers 21-year-old Tony and 24-year-old Ondreaz known for dancing and being in the TikTok Hype House >History of liking sexist, homophobic, and racist tweets that their audiene of 12-year-old girls doesn't seem to mind>Tony is currently being sued by two 15-year-old girls for numerous things including sexual battery and gender violence>Ondreaz was accused by a 16-year-old of forcing her to "touch his genitals" >Video leaked by a second 14-year-old victim showed the victim's mother calling Ondreaz and him confirming that he knew what he was doing with the victim was wrongBryce Hall
>21-year-old who got his start on Vine before transitioning to TikTok >Claimed TikTok was "heterophobic," kek>Falsely accused a former manager of sexual assault, then changed his mind when the manager sued for defamation >Pissed on fans from a hotel balcony at Playlist Live >Giant manchild with history of assaulting others, including a fight at Vidcon in 2017 and an assault on a fellow TikToker in 2018>Arrested on drug-related charges for having weed and possibly ecstasy/cocaine >Throws giant parties in the middle of the pandemic like a typical LA douche>Fought restaurant staff because they wouldn't let him vapeAgain, anyone on TikTok is welcome, feel free to add any new contribitons.
If you're new here, read the rules first and for the love of god put sage in the email field if you don't have any milk-worthy contributions. No. 1202238
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This guy gives me weird vibes, it’s like he’s randomized with a bunch of traditionally attractive features that look wrong together. He hasn’t done anything bad to my knowledge, but his acting videos are embarrassing and I thought you’d all get a kick out of it and his soccer mom fans that drool over him. No. 1202460
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>>1202238This guy is so cringy. He looks like a psychopath too.
No. 1202758
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>>was verified
>>accounts banned from tiktok due to disregarding tiktok terms in displaying her onlyfans and advertising it on a kids platform.
>>tries to bring attention to onision, james Charles, and several other groomers on the platform while ignoring her own blatant disregard for tiktok expectations.
>>probably hasn’t even sent in feedback or reports about the listed groomers or “predators” on the app but complains anyway because she lacks any accountability
>>also openly defended Theoneriley after he had a scandal where he played several women then deleted her videos about it after getting backlash.
>>had a fight with a user named neon(?) who took an issue with her pandering for money on her account but thereafter deleted his account after she practically sent her fans to harass him.
This is all I can remember, but hawk has low key been incredibly problematic on the platform while her fans foam at the mouth for her
No. 1202776
>>1202763I believe this. It’s no wonder she got doxxed before, I didn’t know what she did to deserve it - but she seems like a seriously
toxic person. The drama on her discord doesn’t surprise me one bit. She’s always getting herself involved like a pick me.
No. 1202923
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>>1202207He said he was gonna cone back to youtube sometime but we'll see about that when it happens I guess
No. 1202970
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samefag but Ali Burroughs is another TikTok lolcow I have been following for a while.
there is so much milk, her kf thread is a good starter, but here is some general info:
>she is a barely literate woman in her late 20s who lives on gov handouts>has two young children that got taken away from her because she is an unfit mother>lives with a morbidly obese man named dale>is constantly pretending to be pregnant with twins, triplets, etc>pretended to be kidnapped last year under the account "mossingperson" - her caveman typos are always hilarious>currently is pretending to have died is honestly kind of scary lol
No. 1202972
>>1202776>>1202758I genuinely found some of her videos funny but when I saw more then a few and got a glimpse of her actual personality I was so confused. She seems really entitled or something? I assumed there was some weird drama I missed bc she has a really weird vibe.
At first I liked that from what I saw she didn't discuss or show her kid but lmao when I saw her then using her kid constantly in her videos. TBH I don't care much about camwhores advertising on tiktok or thots attention seeking on it because I don't see how it's any more a KiDs PlaTfOrM than the likes of instagram or any social media, but I do think it's gross when people post their kids publicly at all, let alone on the same page where they advertise their onlyfans.
Did anyone keep up with Michele Lundy and her drama with her cheating on her ex at the time? The massive clique of ~goals lesbian couples~ on tiktok are a goldmine.
>>1202800there's so many tikthots especially nordic ones who could fit this script kek
No. 1203014
>>1202972you’re right tho. Her plight in her rebuttal to tiktok “protecting the kids” while she uses her kid for clout on her same platform she advertises her 18+ OF makes absolutely no sense to me either. You pretty much hit the nail on the head about her acting self entitled. She has zero accountability and it’s always me-me-me, can do no wrong, attitude.
The whole thing with Alex and that other girl was a bit sus too imo. That poor kid “bean”.
No. 1203168
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>>1202972digitalprincxss does the same thing in using her kid on her adult tiktok account also. she’s foaming at the mouth for hawk
Not a whole lot of concern between her and hawk about the groomers and pedos on the app I guess when it comes to their own child’s safety, but birds of the same feather flock together ig
No. 1203176
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>>1202219Is this even real? I'm not in the know enough about this stuff but It seems like they could fake it for publicity.
No. 1203729
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Sheismarissamatthews just blew up over the past few days. "Fat positive", "health at any size", makes video responses calling everyone fatphobic, went to the hospital last night and is sperging in the comments/video responses blaming anyone that is criticizing her for her trip to the hospital. No. 1203782
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yukoexe_real is one to look out for, she seems to have budding snowflake behaviors
> 27 year old English/moon hapa
> her other social media is TallAsianIs and KiYoNa, where she posted mediocre song covers with barely any views and uwu inspirational quotes
> "came out of nowhere" according to a write up around december last year trying to capitalise off of the trend of women covering songs in a rock/screamo way
> conveniently has the exact same sound as her 23 year old boyfriend FNTM (who tries to sound like Corpse), suspected that he actually makes all the music and she just sings
> fully changed aesthetic into egirl weeb for clout, egirls called her out for asianfishing, made a youtube apology video tier 'announcement' with her Japanese passport and said she would delete later, never did
> a couple of videos went tiktok viral (hayloft, babooshka) and used as sounds for depressed egirls, starts making every song cover in those styles
> account suddenly gets deleted, bawws on instagram and tries to get fans to comment to get her account back, barely anyone does
> probably banned because apart from her few viral videos, the rest didn't do too well considering she was getting loads of followers - buying maybe?
> comes back with a new tiktok account and complains again about how the big mean clock app suppressed her music
> somewhere in all of this apparently she was offered a record deal that fell through at some point during when she released an original song
> sudden "mystery illness" and hospital visits which means she can't make music as much as she wants to!!!
> posts singing video covered in 'rashes' to prove she's a very ill kawaii girl, conveniently deleted it
sage bc no current milk
No. 1206069
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Hawkhatesyou banging another tiktokker (bjthequeenmofucka) as usual. Can only find people who like her online that thirst for clout and attention as much as she does.
She of course foams at the mouth for hawk as well bringing up groomers on tiktok while hawk and co. post their kids on their adults accounts regularly. Brain cells? Nada.
I hope tiktok doesn’t reinstate her account and instead gets the rest of her disgusting friends accounts taken down.
No. 1206148
>>1206106That’s exceptionally gross…
Is it possible to make a cow thread for hawk, because wtf
No. 1209124
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I've posted this girl in the personal lolcows thread before but she has a following on tiktok so I'll post her here too.
>gross tiktok stripper who is very sjw and prob has bpd
>posts about her only fans and stripping on her tiktok while posting vids of her young kids, like hawk and the other egirls
>has a boyfriend who she's been with for a long time and every time they get into a fight, she posts about it on tiktok or her insta stories then deletes it
>oh those two kids she has are with another dude
>her house is absolutely filthy
>claims to be autistic and uses it as an excuse for everything
>ugly and has a rotting tooth kek
No. 1209510
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Hawk advertising her porn with her bigtoe looking cousin totallynotmentioningOF in a tiktok on her alt.
No. 1209931
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this one could easily go in the DID thread also
>claims to have DID
>over 100 "alters"
>image is a compliation of all the different voices of the ""alters""
>good majority of alters are south park/dangan ronpa/death note/billie joe armstrong from green day(??) ""Fictives""
>of course the "alters" all make posts
>fakeboi too lol
No. 1209975
second part of meltdown: else been keeping up with the onlyjayus/notjayus meltdown scandal?
>got caught calling someone an "n-word lover">made a public apology>announced she was going to work with black creators to feature them on her channel>black creators get in touch with her, they get no responses>multiple weeks pass, still no responses>jayus has public meltdown in her car about ppl messaging her "leave me the fuck alone">people respond, creators reveal they're one of the people she's yelling about>"uwu i have adhd and i'm a foster child" No. 1210088
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>limps awkwardly with clown makeup (how fitting) and lip syncing while using gibberish sign language to music
>claimed to use asl in tags initially
>when called out then said it was a different form of sl
>deaf creators of the sl she claimed to be called her out even then of how wrong her signs were
>she blocked them instantly and several others correcting her sign language.
>she claims she has anxiety and that’s why she uses psl/asl/etc and doesn’t look at cam or talk (lol)
>then after decided to make videos in spite of deaf creators
>made a MV with her cringe rapping, in public, no mask, with clown makeup (makes sense)
>horribly simulated an anxiety attack in her video to push her fake point about having anxiety
>still to this day victimizes themselves without any apology or accountability about their ableist actions
>most of the comments they reply to on their platform are suspicious blank accounts asking for weird eating videos. kek.
>she more than likely has several alts and sends herself comments to keep herself going + see other deaf creators remarks about them.
(probably more but..)
No. 1210516
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I’m excited for the potential cow behavior these ladies have.
A lot has been going around about this punk pop band, the tramp stamps, and how they are very obviously industry plants. Anthony Fantano just released a great video on them if you’re looking for a better summary.
They release lots of covers of popular punk pop songs with changed lyrics representing their out of touch girlboss energy. Ironic considering they’re produced by Dr. Luke, a known rapist. Some of their lyrics were shaming a man for not being able to get it up because he was so drunk so they can also add potential rapist to their rap sheet. In my opinion the cringiest lyrics are:
>The truth is: the government has it out for you.
>Aliens exist and you’re afraid of the dark because you should be.
>Donald Trump is a robot send over from Russia.
>They should’ve taught us how to do taxes in high school.
> And everyone has a right to birth control!
All from the same song. It’s like they used a random girl boss tumblr 2014 generator.
But their most famous lyric is, “I’d rather die than hook up with another straight white guy.”
People found the drummer Paige Blue on Instagram and she’s been married for over seven years to a.. you guessed it. Straight white guy.
I’m not a pop punk fan by any means, but if you go through their personal instagrams you can see they all have industry connections and were generic pop girls until executive daddy decided they could make more money appealing to 12 year old alt wannabes on tiktok who don’t know any better.
The whole band gives off an “ugh I have a bf but I reaaaaally wish I had a gf!!1!!” vibe.
No. 1210624
>>1210516I've been keeping my eye on them for a few days now, if they're able to hold out longer than a few months they should get their own thread.
>Pink and Purple are already solo pop recording artists>Blue and Pink are writers for music publishing companies>Their entire MO is feminist riot grrrls while also wearing almost exclusively Dolls Kill>All their personal Twitter accounts are locked after someone found tweets of the Purple one saying the N word>After their Twitters were locked, a fan account (@TRAMPSTAMPSFAN) popped up defending them>Fan account slips up saying "We are from TN" when someone asks where the band is locatedThere's so much more, I can get more in depth later with screenshots if yall wanna hear about this travesty
No. 1210809
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Same anon from
>>1210624I'm still putting together a write up on the group, but when I went to go an pull up some screenshots the band posted this like half an hour ago (spoiler for size). They also changed the band's Twitter bio to 3 potted plants, unlocked their personal Twitters, and changed all their personal Twitter bios to a single potted plant
No. 1211173
>>1210809They're such dipshits. AWAL is an independent label based that Rex Orange County, Die Antwoord, Kim Petras, Moby, deadmau5, Lil Peep, Jesse McCartney, the list goes on…
This is from AWAL's wikipedia page:
>In February 2021, Sony Music Entertainment announced the acquisition of AWAL with a pending regulatory approval.So they're owned by Sony kek
No. 1212311
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>>1210516As soon as I saw Fantano’s video I went straight to this thread in hopes someone posted about them. The about page on their website is hilarious and the last sentence really gets me.
> it’s the kind of stuff women talk about all the time with their friends, but no one’s ever put it to this type of music before.As if riot grrl and female punks like Siouxsie Sioux and Poly Styrene didn’t exist kek. Hell even Paramore did that shit in the 2000s and they’re as much of a “pop punk” band as you can get. I’d assume that if you want to get into the alt genre you would at least have to know this?
No. 1214391
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>>1209510hawk has a couple other fuckbuddies, like hannsoff and lilstepmommy
She’s got a couple of them trying to have people move to clapper, a conservative app. Kek.
And.. she’s now started hiding her child’s face in her videos. Interesting. I suppose she’s reading here, considering she showed her child a lot before. not like censoring “bean” or any kid on her account now is changing anything lel. but maybe she realizes now how dumb her plight was about groomers when she literally showed her fucking child on her adult platform she advertises OF on…
No. 1214465
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>>1210516>>1210809I did some digging on Marisa and this is what she looked like a year ago. This might be a reach, but this album cover seems like a failed attempt at a Marina and the Diamonds rip off.
No. 1221772
File: 1619977958979.png (5.68 MB, 2160x4374, bczdk.png) fact that 224K people are believing this obviously made up story is flabbergasting.
Even if this story isn't fake (which I highly doubt), it reeks of the girl who made this tiktok being a dumbass who saw two women in two different (and quite patriarchal) places, at different times, being sexually harassed/abused and concluded that le evil womenz were falsely accusing them!!11
No. 1221847
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This guy apparently has DID but it just seems like he's larping a bunch of shitty OCs. He puts on an annoying tranny voice whenever he is acting like his female alters. Him and his wife do some taste testing thing where each alter tries the same food and somehow he's able to switch on command and each persona has such a cartoonish reaction. People like this make me question if DID is even real. How he managed to get a wife who puts up with this is beyond me.
No. 1221852
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>>1221847This is his wife's tiktok.
No. 1225869
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>>1210809>>1210516>>1210624Turns out the Marisa(purple girl) may have been a Trump supporter as well, like does anyone like them, cause I've seen them posted on FDS and people kept saying how based and pink pilled they were and how people who called them out on their fakeness were just haters and pick-mes
No. 1226068
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>>1210516Honestly going through some of their tiktoks and digging up their history has been fascinating, I mean their have been industry plants before but never quite badly handled as these three, I feel like they should be studied by media execs as what not to do
They tried to combine the GirlBoss aesthetic with Punk Rock, which was going to fail for obvious reason's, it might work for rap but not a genre like Punk Rock, all their relased songs were wierdly centered around about having sex with lots of men and how the men suck at sex but also how good the singer is at sex and there were no euphemisms either in the songs, they were literally just describing it
Just look at these lyrics
>We been hanging out for a while now>When I say hanging out, I mean fucking around>And not only in the bed, but on every couch>In your best friend's house>God, we're really loud>So why you tellin' all your friends I'm psycho?>Like you think they don't know how much we bone>Maybe if I told them that you cry in bed>You'd have a little respect for the pussy you get
>Calling me clingy, you say I'm thе worst>But whenever we fuck, you always cum first>When we went all night, you didn't complain>When you were having sex with meAnd What's really incredible is how they have managed to get every single demographic possible to dislike them
Not just straight white guys, but many women In the Punk rock community who see them as sell outs, lesbian women who can obviously tell their queer baiting,
WOC who also point out that a lot of situations their describing apply to the men of their communities and are mostly infuriated, various twitter and tiktok woke people
its just unreal how badly their image was managed, It almost feels like it was designed to be unlikeable towards every demographic possible
No. 1226077
>>1226068Same fag
Someother stuff that was mishandled. the main womens rights cause that they attached to their brand was "Make Tampons Free" which while true is fairly low on the list of women's global issues and shouldn't be the main image of your movement, the fact that despise the songs about having so many exes and having so much casual sex their not at all that adventurous, the purple haired one has been married for 7 years(to a straight white guy) and other two also seem to be in monogynous relationship and I think the funniest oversight is that just searching the main singers name(marisa maino) reveals her previous content and persona as a Wannabe Lana Del Ray knockoff
Note that not even a full year after this video she would be part of Tramp Stamps
No. 1226178
>>1225943>22 days agodamn you're really bothered huh
>>1226068that line about 'boning' is so bad, oh my god. do they really think writing corny lyrics like horndog teenage boys is feminist or something? what is going on
No. 1226240
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>>1226077If any of them ever return to the internet after the last several weeks of total silence across all social media, Marisa is the one to keep an eye on. The other two are relatively professional on their social media, but Marisa gives me massive shayna vibes with some of the shit she tweets (picrel). For a supposed bisexual woman, all she ever talks about is men. Half her tweets not related to music is about men, finding a boyfriend, or talking about her ex boyfriens/past hook ups. Her Tiktok is just about the same, except add in random videos of her feet
No. 1226251
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>>1226240same fag, here's some of her never shutting up about men
No. 1226334
>>1226251How much of this is an act though, cause it almost feels forced
Like she wants to be "bad bitch" with so many male sexual predators
No. 1226605
>>1213580Aw man I know I’m so super late to this but I HATE tictok. They’re all so fucking fake and always have an explanation for everything (like jess saying she’s able to do her makeup so well because she doesn’t get tics when she’s concentrating.)
I have a young relative who uses tiktok a lot and she started having tics all of a sudden, having never had them before. Called her out and she stopped. Kids will latch on to anything it seems and if there’s no one in their life who’s somewhat aware of what’s going on on these apps they’re free to act however they want.
Sage bc shitty and dumb
No. 1227013
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Sage cause no real milk, but one thing I'm unironically thankful the Trampstamps for, is cause of watching their videos I'm getting a lot of recommendations of awesome women in the Punk Rock community commentimg on the issue, and their really funny and interesting and Im getting exposed to a lot of awesome new content
No. 1227644
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>>1226077>>1226068What's wierd is that I've seen a lot of their cotnent get shared on FDS, it's where I first discovered them and its weird asf seeing these women accuse of anyone who calls them out for being shitty Industry plants as being a butthurt white men or being pick-me's
No. 1227652
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>>1227644Yup its just straight white men who dislike them and make fun on them, were totes not shills for them or anything
No. 1227660
>>1227644i think the reason FDS fell for it is because they're mostly millennial women, and that generation is known for falling into anything that's being shilled to them
tramp stamps just seem like a disney/buzzfeed frankensteins monster to me
No. 1228041
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I know couples tiktok is cringe but I absolutely cannot stand this one couple, @austinandlexi. They’re known for lots of different couples pranks that went viral.
Austin’s face is so fucking punchable. Every video is some cringe worthy prank that is beyond obvious with terrible acting but the ones where she flashes him or comes in wearing something sexy while he’s gaming are the worst. He makes that stupid blank eyed stare and just points at her, unable to say anything, as if he took all his acting inspo from the looney tunes. Austin just stares at her with that dumb expression in every other video.
Was going to screenshot more of his dumb expressions but didn’t want to give them any more views or fuck up my algorithm.
No. 1233757
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This is Amanda (bluesstory on tiktok) she claims to be homeless but has never slept in the streets. Her friend was m*rder and she is exploiting that tragedy and trying to make money out of it. She is pretending to have cancer and is now selling homemade candles for 80 bucks.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1237141
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i'm surprised miranda mason (@mirmason & @yourscorpiogirlfriend) hasn't been mentioned yet.
>> 19 year old tiktok thot.
>> was verified but dropped out of tiktok's creator program because they were "shadowbanning her so they didn't have to pay her"
>> has a two year old son that she neglects and places all responsibility of onto her mother so she can sit in her room and make tiktoks obsessing over her underage ex boyfriend
>> baby daddy is an abusive, predatory meth head and drug dealer who is constantly in and out of jail due to warrants however this doesn't stop her from sleeping with him and allowing him around their son
>> committed statutory rape against a 16 year old boy (@ryanesling, now 17) on her trip to california on her 19th birthday
>> dated him for a month where she emotionally abused him and then proceeded to harass him and send her underage orbiters to do the same after he dumped her
>> still obsessed with him after months of not being together and being blocked by him
>> got in a rebound relationship with a russian """"hacker"""" and got his name tattooed onto her arm immediately. pretty sure she's now blocked by him as well
>> blames her abusive behavior on bpd of course
>> onlyfans and piss kink
No. 1243278
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How does Bella Poarch who is 24 get away with hanging out and doing suggestive tik toks with a 13 year old? The other girl is liza anokhina. Am I the only one who finds this creepy?
No. 1243700
I mean considering this is Tik tok, an app built for the younger demographic of teens Who try hard now and adults who try to be with that younger demographic, it shouldn't come as fully a surprise. The woman makes silly faces, tries to have a soft voice and mimic soft voices, and sometimes occasionally dresses like a school girl not to nitpick too much or say that's bad in anyway.
She's bound to hang out with young minors due to being a Tik Tok star,but let's hope it doesn't take the Zoe Laverne route. Also, does anyone else see a pattern? Some Tik Tok stars, vine stars, and etc often carry childish behaviors through adulthood. Some refusing to grow up, some thinking they're still a kid, and some were just sheltered or some that are just casually weirdos.
I know it's generalization, but Tik Tok stars just rub me the wrong way or rub me as the type to be fucked up in the head in the future or present.
No. 1243805
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>>1243297All Bella had to do was:
>get a lot of plastic surgery>upload a vid head bobbing to a song >famousI remember looking her up last year and the pages said she was born in the 2000s and she was 18-19, and Bella Poarch isn't her real name. I can't find it anymore though.
Bella is basically whitefishing but it's fine because it's ok if a non white person is trying to look like another race.
And why do SEA Ecelebs all give themselves white sounding stage names?
>Bretman Rock >Nikita Dragun >Bella Poarch >Patrick Starr If they're so proud of their identity, why do they make themselves sound white? Are they embarrassed of their real names?
No. 1243825
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>>1243805Whitefishing? Her whole schtick is uwu kawaii girl, which is not derived from any flavor of white. She looks Asian.
No. 1243864
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>>1243825If Bella Poarch is not trying to whitefish, why does she look half white now (nose implant and eyelids surgeries) and why isn't she promoting under her Filipino name?
All I'm saying is, if a white girl did surgeries to look half asian and gave herself an asian or asian sounding last name, people would freak out and make a big issue out of it. Even Filipinos thought she was half Filipina when she got popular.
No. 1243884
>>1243864"Whitefish" implies she is trying to look white, which she is not. She doesn't even look hapa lmao. Are gangam unnies trying to whitefish too?
I know you are trying to force some unfair double standards thing really bad with the "asianfishing" comparison but you sound kinda retarded. Why does anybody else in America go by something else when they want to make it in the American entertainment industry or even on social media?
No. 1243903
>>1243884I think she's trying to look white through her plastic surgeries she's had and her decision to promoting under a white sounding name.
Gangnam Unnies had a lot of plastic surgery but they don't look half asian.
>Why does anybody else in America go by something else when they want to make it in the American entertainment industry or even on social media?Name me celebs or ecelebs that is using a name that is different than their ethnicity
No. 1243913
>>1243903by all means grab her real name but it's quite clear she's not white. her last name is not caucasian and her biggest crime is trying to look like every basic egirl on tik tok. you could argue her choosing the name bella is more to do with belle delephine than with her desire to be white
half of the photos you're posting on here don't seem like her trying to be white, they seem like an average asian teenager living in america who has access to facetune
No. 1244006
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>>1243935>>1243935>>1243913Belle Poarch didn't have monolids to begin with (most filipinos don't, do you retards not realize filipinos aren't east asian or look like the average korean? Lmao) I don't think she got anything done besides her nose. Btw, Filipinos have hispanic names so even if she did use her real name it wouldn't have been an "asian" one.
No. 1244883
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So there’s a rumor floating around that the texasbeeworks woman who went viral for her videos where she rescues bees by literally picking them up with her hands and moving them place to place is a tradwife and fakes her videos. tbh it seems kinda sus that in the video being replied to where the colony she’s rescuing needs a new queen she just happens to being carrying one in her shirt pocket (???) all the replies were 90% saying it’s a bullshit rumor and 10% people saying they had seen a tiktok about how it’s true. It seems made/ over exaggerated but the idea that she cultivated this whole saintly bee saviour persona to cover being a tradwife faker is hilarious to me.
No. 1245131
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this girl on tiktok, carolines_music, recently popped up on my fyp.
she apparently is “allergic to all food” but it’s quite obviously an ED. if you go back a couple of months on her page you can see that she spiralled very quickly from being skinny to skeletal. she has a horrible singing voice and just records herself reacting and singing to random things.
yesterday something happened and she apparently almost died, it took her mom 3 hours to call the ambulance. she was live-streaming the whole thing. it’s actually insane! i believe she’s in the hospital right now.
No. 1245290
>>1244883>only invested in saving the European honey bee which actually kills off native speciesThis is a special kind of fucked up if true. Imagine extending racism to
bees, lmao. Literal mental illness.
No. 1247241
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>>1244883>>1245290's an article about the "backlash" if you're interested. It mostly just seems like community in-fighting, which happens a lot with stuff like that. Most of what the article said was just that it's fine for an experienced bee-keeper to handle bees like that (since they know the signs of when they're going to be aggressive) but not the average person, which you would think is obvious anyway. In regards to the Trump/ racism situation that seems to be just a big game of telephone, based on someone saying she looks like a member of that Trump choir. It's honestly crazy how someone can just see a post like picrel, misinterpret it, make a post "calling her out" as an alt-right trad-wife and her reputation gets a stain on it because people can't be bothered to ask for a source/ evidence.
Her videos are definitely over-produced and probably staged in part but people shouldn't be making assumptions like that just bc she has blonde hair and a denim shirt lol
No. 1255345
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I’m surprised there’s been nothing on icierra yet, she’s pretty milky
>24 year old autistic furry
>spergs when anyone “steals” her oc design which is literally just a pair of pink and green ears
>had a discord server which got nuked after she was exposed for telling people to kill themselves and using slurs
>allegedly dating her brother
No. 1255909
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a tiktok from spinachbabie was posted on r/instagramvsreality showing her very suspicious body proportions, picrel. lots of speculation in the comments.
she made a tiktok in response to it showing the post and showing herself crying, obviously getting her "fans" to brigade the post and get it taken down. lots of now deleted comments were calling out how unnatural her torso is and timestampping potential glitches of a filter.
No. 1256088
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>>1255909Watched her vid and I actually think her body looks real, overweight and either an extreme pear or has lipoedema pic rel.
No. 1256190
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>>1255909I don't see how this is the same body
No. 1256200
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>>1256190She doesn't seem to hide that she is pretty fat in the rest of her tiktoks.
She just has lipodema and for some reason this is now considered a beauty ideal? Rofl.
No. 1257609
>>1256200sage for nitpick but
"perfect body" with that ass?
No. 1259959
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does anyone follow @tinx? not what's usually covered in this thread but she's pretty popular and I guess she got cheated on and dumped and posted a video having a meltdown over it veeery shortly after. it's painfully cringy to watch a 30 year old woman post a video of herself crying. she even posted a swipe up to it on her instagram story No. 1259975
File: 1624084007609.jpeg (13.93 KB, 235x141, E0E58CF6-F972-4FA7-ABEB-5446CB…)

>>1202460This man looks Nikolas Cruz in an alternate universe where he’s relatively better looking but just as psychopathic.
No. 1260041
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Jasmine Chiswell
>actual Marilyn Monroe skinwalker, bought one of Marilyn Monroe’s old houses, fakes her voice to sound more airy like Marilyn but just sounds mentally impaired, much like her content.
>”omg guise had a totally paranormal thing happen Marilyns ghost lives here!!”
>bullies other vintage creators, namely Pinup pixie who she allegedly reports as a false account
>has a rabid fanbase who will harass anyone who says anything remotely negative about her
>is now pregnant
No. 1260071
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>>1260055Her husband Maverick, he’s a music producer. As far as I’m aware you can monetize your TikToks now also.
No. 1260124
>>1260076She even talks in this fake high pitched voice to sound like Marilyn. It’s kind of annoying because it sounds worse with each video, she tries harder every time.
It’s kind of sad because she’s actually a really pretty woman, she can look good in retro fashion but she shouldn’t have to feel like she needs to be Marilyn Monroe.
No. 1260510
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>>1260041Sage for nitpick and possible autism but she’s been so annoying with her pregnancy.. I understand she’s going to be a first time mom but it still hasn’t failed to annoy me.
No. 1274611
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sage for now until better milk about this tiktokker, but right now:
>got her start as a vanellope from Wrek it Ralph cosplay
>became verified from there and turned into some weird ass goth since then
Potential Milk
>currently in some “show” song house live lmao
>makes songs for challenges
>her first song plus duets etc were eh okay but needed some work and she had a few comments but most were supportive and hyping her up lol.
>recently released “let’s dig up my ex” and it was a shit show
>she can’t take any form of criticism whatsoever and you can tell she’s never received real critique before; she’s clearly been hyped up when she probably shouldn’t have been (i.e horrible singers auditioning on American Idol backed by tone deaf spineless family)
>she’s been rudely responding back to fans and haters alike - she can’t take any critique for shit
>song was absolutely shit about witchcraft with random ass mentioning of shit about tarot cards, stakes, coven, etc. it gives very big “I’m only a witch for the aesthetic” vibe.
>the song had potential but was all over the fucking place and her pacing was terrible.
This is a shitshow starting to unfold, so hopefully better milk to come- this verified tiktokker seems to be a massive cow in hiding.
No. 1278768
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So I discovered this lady, she's a "amateur historian and archeologist" who talks about "real history" and not the false western propaganda we are taught, Among the "real historical facts" I've seen her talk about are:
>Alexander the great was a woman and Hephaistion was her son>Julius Caesar was actually a hardcore feminist>Latin was a constructed language, made up by the Spanish Inquisition to enforce their control and everyone spoke Archaic Greek (not ancient or classical, the language spoken right after the Bronze Age Collapse)>before WW2 everyone in East Asia could understand Chinese>Arabic had no dialectical differences before colonization and all the current regional dialects were invented by colonist's to divide the ArabsPlus many others, and all of them will wreck your brain trying to comprehend the logic involved No. 1278792
>>1278768So archaeologists with the ability to travel to Greece and look at stone artifacts from ancient Greece that has Latin written on it are wrong. Ok.
So language historians that can pinpoint where western languages got certain aspects of their origins from Latin are wrong. Ok
But some batshit uneducated tweeker that's totally not schizophrenic posting tictoks from her parents basement is correct.
No. 1278804
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>>1278792This actually has a lot to do with post-modernism, according to post-modernists everything we think we know is actually a construct of those in power, so there are no such things as facts and there is no unbiased history according to Post-modernists, everything is made up and was propped up with diabolical purposes. And everyone who isn't aware of this lives in the fog basically and knows nothing
So for this lady, history is already made-up and false and was created to serve the needs of the powerful
No. 1278999
>>1278846and honestly the idea that written histories contain observer bias goes back to the Enlightenment at least
Gibbon and Carlyle go on and on about it
(because it’s fucking true and obvious)
No. 1279301
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>>1278768>Reply to @sircreepy Julius Caesar was a victim of patriarchyI can't, the man literally sold hundreds of thousands of women into slavery and caused the cultural genocide of the Guals and apparently he was a feminist all cause he built a statue of Cleopatra
No. 1279422
>>1279301she's seem to have very typical libfem views but literally makes up fake history to justify her ideology and anyone who points out that she says is utter bullshit, she claims their just "sexist white men" and then smugly smiles thinking she's won
like here, she literally blames George Washington(who was at the time a small militia leader) for the entirety of 7 years war, which is aboustetly false and a claim no one has ever made, but she thinks America is the worst country in the world from it's inception so she tries to make him come across as the Ultimate evil No. 1296671
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I wasn’t sure where to post this but if anyone is looking for a laugh, please look through the #AsianFishing tag or #Eastasian baiting and you will see a bunch of weebs fighting tooth and nail to gatekeep Japanese fashion trends.
I have never seen so many Asians who aren’t Japanese trying so hard to tell people to stop enjoying Sanrio or whatever shit, claiming it’s “their culture”. Did they forget what Japan did to their countries or what?
(This is not to racebait. I just find these terminally online freaks hilarious.)(reddit spacing)
No. 1297313
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>>1296698Pretty much. It’s only the 3rd gen Asian Americans that are going around and making these clout videos as if that’s going to stop someone from liking anime and wearing winged eyeliner. This person is a literal who but I am still trying to figure out what exactly was her point. Is she mad that this person wears jsf and doesn’t donate her money to organizations for asian women? No one is obligated to say whether or not they donated to a cause. That’s like recording yourself helping the homeless. Another weird point that she made was that people who do this are more popular than asian creators? But that just sounds like you’re bad at marketing yourself. Here’s a link since it was to large to upload. No. 1297451
File: 1628632711101.png (13.75 KB, 700x311, Screenshot 2021-08-10 at 17-39…)

It seems Elle Androphobia has deleted her previous account, and come back anew. Far cry from the thousands of followers and hundreds of thousands (probably purchased) views she had on her previous account. She also seems to have hidden her YT videos boasting about her supposed TikTok fame.
No. 1297452
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>>1297451Samefag. Picrel where her new username is visible.
No. 1297493
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>>1297480ayrt, she believes reverse racism is a thing (she is American) and has some of the same dumb opinions that Vanessa Vokey has. black RFs on Instagram tried calling her out for the racism which made her sperg out and she bullied some black women off ig for doing so. picrel is a hilarious big brain moment from her. note that Radfem Black is one of the big black RF accounts that confronted her racism (and the other account is not a TRA). she deleted this comment as soon as someone pointed out she was wrong lol
it's interesting you mention the pretendbian thing bc I'm certain like a year and a half ago I saw her saying she was a political lesbian in some YouTube comment.
No. 1304546
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>>1274611Update- YeahImCaroline
Caroline is harassing a minor for their video about her mishandling and ignorance over her frogs. She is steadily losing her mind and more aggressively responding to comments, even posted a video passive aggressively about “tweens.” As if she isn’t mentally still one herself.
Tiktok user (nine a’s) aaaaaaaaalli posts screens and shows videos of the current situation. she’s post blocked on her main account (until today or so). Likely due to Caroline.
Her main account is: (seven a’s) aaaaaaalli
The video that set Caroline off in a harassing tangent. also pinned her own comment on one of her videos for awhile calling alli out “@aaaaaaalli you wanna keep saying shit?” But has since deleted/unpinned it, as it was clearly a call to arms for people to harass.
Caroline is currently getting called out in her recent video/s for harassing the minor, but she’s blatantly ignoring it now.
As they should. Whom ever defended her before on tiktok, should probably take 20 steps back. Verified creators aren’t always perfect, nor right. As we’ve seen with Lopez brothers and Danielle Cohn, etc.
No. 1304578
>>1298522Ah Leah she has such outstanding logic, "I hate men and men are horrible trash incapable of human decency and normality, that's why I'm gonna date a
abusive coomer whose into choking women cause all men are secretly like this"
No. 1305545
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>>1304546This user posted videos Caroline posted to only her mutuals. video is her ranting about her recent song release “dig up my ex” and people’s comments about the shit music and her shitty representation of witchcraft.
>ppl say I can’t take criticism >”bitch I’ve been on the internet for 4yrs”>yet is making a mutual only video ranting like a crybaby and begging for her mutuals to make “positive duets” to drown out the people criticizing her. >thereafter harassing a minor for dancing in front of a meme saying frogs aren’t props etc >can definitely take criticism and been on the internet for 4 years tho.Pic from comments on one of the videos exposing her.
No. 1309866
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Does pokeprincxss/digitalprincxss go in this thread? Not sure if she’s considered a tiktokker or a cam girl. Either way she got arrested for leaving her 5 year old kid home alone while she went to meet up with friends, her neighbors found him outside crying. She’s currently blocking anyone who mentions it, and deleting all comments relating to it.
No. 1309920
>>1309874that didn’t address it at all kek she just says “don’t believe da rumors” when there is literally a police report readily available
messy. what’s her background? aside from being a shit mother
No. 1310072
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>>1203168Digitalprincxss arrested for leaving her 5 year old alone in her house while she went out with friends. She’s privated and locked down all of her accounts currently.
Supposedly she had a big collab coming up with Thot hawkhatesyou and her roomie/gf/whatever she is “thegothbaby”.
No. 1310114
>>1304732>>1304578I wanna know more too! I thought Terri Strange was the one who turned out to be a hypocrite in regards to dating an
abusive male
No. 1310828
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>>1309866she dm'ed a girl with the @.br0bitch that her son went outside while she was asleep but the police report says she went to the store to get laundry detergent
No. 1310837
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>>1310828yeah then the police report says she came back dressed like a ho with a half-empty bottle of laundry detergent kek
but “canceling” her for child neglect is literally taking food out of her child’s mouth
No. 1310893
File: 1630202910944.jpeg (280.71 KB, 828x1577, FDE1CBBB-F678-42B1-BB78-1B144C…) like she made crazy money doing absolutely nothing. wonder what she threw it away for? dick appointment? some gross club?
she seems really trashy and dumb, plus she’s covered in shit tattoos so I think her only option now is stripper off the Florida interstate. but she doesn’t even have a good body. oops!
No. 1310953
>>1310114I think I got them mixed up, Leah has made some rants about various exes but Terri Strange is the one dating the
abusive male into choking
No. 1313308
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My first post, pretty sure this is the right place to put this though.
>19 year old edgelord tiktoker>Pretends to be half-chinese, half-russian but constantly disproves it by letting it slip they're not chinese.>Fetishises asian culture and thinks a kimono is part of chinese culture.>After constant harassment and questions they showed their parents, who are just two white people of presumably russian descent.>Calls their shitty tiktok alt makeup 'chinese makeup'.>They claim to be anti-hunter but bragged about killing animals for fun.>Took their boyfriend to a pet shop, bought a rabbit and tortured it.>Brags about being a satanist.>Dismisses and ignores every negative claim made to them, and makes sad attempts to justify it i.e their 'mental illness'>Most likely bullshitting about their mental illnesses, but to be honest with the shit they've done it wouldn't be surprised if they're a total psychopath.>Turned their comments off due to mass amounts of hate.>They used to have thousands of followers, but her account was terminated most likely.
No. 1324130
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>>1313110Yes, I’m trying desperately to find this alleged deleted video that shows evidence she caused the crash that killed her first baby. She’s batshit.
No. 1324137
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>>1313308why do these tiktok girls always use those filters that totally change their face?
No. 1324185
>>1313308How do parents just not monitor their literal child’s social media? They are not adults and they’re interacting in an adult world without adult brains. I would ask “why can’t they leave the defenseless animals out of this”, but they could be psycho/sociopaths, sadistic, low empathy, brain damaged, etc. and this is the time in that persons life where someone needs to fucking step in and is legally able to.
I fucking loathe that someone was able to get a defenseless and domesticated prey animal and torture it. I need karma to exist for that kind of evil, but until then their fucking parents should. Their child denies the truth of their parents heritage and that’s embarrassing enough, now they’re so revolting they torture an animal that can’t fight back. How can you be so knowingly unremarkable that all your pathetic ass can do about it is kill small animals
No. 1326286
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>>1324212NTA but could it have possibly been connected to this gofundme? comingupfern’s name is alice bender, not allison bender, but it appears this GFM was started by a coworker/friend. maybe it’s the dad/husband’s coworker and he just mixed the name up. comingupfern is from arizona and the guy who started the GFM is in AZ as well so that also lines up, as well as the emergency c-section detail in the description. it appears this connection has been investigated somewhat by other people already based on google’s suggested searches after i found this. No. 1334859
File: 1632670764432.png (781.93 KB, 1172x606, Ekran Görüntüsü (43).png)

Her actual name is ALLISON ROZA. I found her mother's and sister's account and also her old instagram. And I really don't think that her family as bad as she told her audience. They seem like a sweet family. Mother constantly shares her daughters photo, updating online presence about where are they going on vacation and many more. They are wealthy like amazing house, vacations I think Alice (Allison) was a rebel type in the family and they got angry at her when she wanted to get married to her husband Caleb. Cause here's a thing. In her video she says she met with him when she was at highschool and she says that he is 4 YEARS older than her which is very weird and groomy imo. And I really really don't want to nitpick but his husband kinda looks like a drug addict.
No. 1335475
looks like a crazy fucking bitch. Off to find pics of her husband now!
No. 1335511
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picrel is the hubby. censored baby's face even though his mother has already exploited him to hell and back
i've been trying to find any old accounts of hers and so far all i've found is an old instagram from when she was young (alicetehspaz) and a closed down twitter account (ucanresistme15)
it seems really obvious to me that she's raking in bank from her hot takes and manipulating people's emotions. she obviously has an eating disorder as well. i wonder what the real story is behind the car accident.
No. 1335936
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>>1335511I would fucking hate my mom if she exposed me like this poor child. Well I don't think she cares since she gets those sweeeet sweeet sponsor moneys.
No. 1335938
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>>1335936 lmao and even another crunchy mom is pissed since some diapers company sponsors alice
(namefag) No. 1336011
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Snowthesaltqueen, tiktok cosplayer who has had previous controversies such as wearing a skimpy cosplay to a cemetery and rubbing her ass on graves, currently has manslaughter charges against her for (allegedly) using a loaded gun as a prop weapon and killing somebody. I’m not seeing nearly enough people talking about this
There’s a full screenshot (containing a full dox) available pretty easy to find on Twitter and the records can be hunted down manually if you don’t believe the cap. This lines up with a hiatus Snow took around the time of the charges. Snow has since returned to posting cosplay content after (allegedly) having her father post the 20k bail.
No. 1338595
File: 1633051361190.jpg (71.39 KB, 828x1016, twitter_FAWR2W4XsAEv2h-.jpg)

digitalprincxss / pokeprincxss plead not guilty to her child neglect charges
how the fuck can you explain this away to a jury. just e-girl things~
No. 1338939
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angelphroot is an annoying 19 year old who has no personality other than being 'poc alt metalhead disabled raver fashion icon', she's just another slipknot fan poser who pisses herself when someone tells her that they suck and not really enough qualification for her to call herself a metalhead, her outfits are trash unironically, her hair is always greasy and dirty, and the sponsors she gets are trashy like her,insanely entitled and her fanbase is as annoying as her and.
not much milk that I know of but she annoys the shit out of me.
No. 1338947
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I really don't know where to put this so feel free to ignore it completely, but I think the situation surrounding Jenny Rosalie (Maria) Popoach, a 14 year old dancer on TikTok, is incredibly suspicious and concerning. Her videos have always been jarring and there have been suspicions that her mother prostitutes her (they're always seen at hotels where her mother "works", yet her mother is never seen in any work attire). I think this is a plausible theory, particularly because a lot of her videos seem staged and forced by her mother (on the @theteenhousela TikTok account), but also due to their sexual connotations. Even when the videos aren't inherently sexual, Jenny is seen wearing skimpy clothes (a hooters costume, extremely short shorts, revealing dresses without underwear, only a bikini). Since she is a dancer, she obviously posts a lot of videos dancing, but many of them are recorded poorly (a screen recording of the editing section on tiktok, dark room with flashlight), weird and out of context (the dance doesn't fit the music or any trend, recorded in a hotel hallway whilst Jenny is distracted) and in revealing clothes. To me, these videos seem a bit like advertisements for customers, especially when the video focuses on her legs/behind and she is moving her hips sensually, essentially twerking and bending over, or when she is doing mundane things with suggestive titles and undertones. All in all, it is an extremely jarring account with very disturbing content to many. I don't know what to think of it and have only recently seen others criticise it. If anyone is interested, these are the links to her tiktoks:
Main: No. 1338982
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>>1338947I've tried to use Dropbox but I haven't succeeded in uploading this video. I downloaded it too but it is too big of a file. It's basically her mother's commentary of the situation. It is pure gaslighting and deflection., I made a mistake in the previous post. Her name is Roselie Arritola, but she goes by Jenny Popach or Maria online. Her mother is Maria Ulacia.
No. 1353416
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>>1310893Hate to necro a thread, but this bitch came back after being offline for almost 2 months. Apparently the case got settled. She’s posting vids specifically mocking the report (wearing a short black dress, claimed she was going to 7-11). She’s releasing her “statement” tomorrow.
No. 1353647
>>1353437Damn she’s gross. She looks like she smells musty, but this is by far dirty. I hope CPS still has an open case on her, it’s possible she’s just making things worse for herself posting all these non-remorseful videos mocking the situation.
But Fr trying to make money off your child neglect? wtf!???? Isn’t there a disclosure of some kind you sign when you click that you’re a SW on OF? Shes mixing the stuff with her child with her SW. I’d think that would be off the table there? Or is that not right?
No. 1354484
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The TikTok user greenwich06830 is making some pretty savage Alice/comingupfern videos. I also think she definitely deserves a thread! Along with that munchie mama carlylassley and her poor obese toddler Madi
No. 1355545
File: 1635179493957.png (3.87 MB, 1242x2208, F60E0166-94D0-441B-A75E-E6313E…)’s latest video where she gives the absolute worst legal advice ever to young women, people in the comments accusing her of actually being on welfare lmao
No. 1356598
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No. 1357460
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>>1353437They managed to take digitalprincxss’ OF down temporarily around the time she was going to make a statement. Some people still managed to get her statement a little after, whatever this is anyway. It’s a whole lot of bullshit excuses and contradictory statements. We knew she would do that anyway though. She’s resumed gloating and getting
triggered in her comments with the usual attention deprived losers sucking her e-peen in the comments defending her with the same autistic logic.
I saved it just in case it gets taken down. I don’t think I can embed this link, so: No. 1357855
File: 1635478961489.png (2.29 MB, 1242x2208, 92AA42B1-444E-449F-9142-935253…) is about to get real milky, she is asking her viewers if she should start an only fans
No. 1358456
@auntie_tylerthanos made several people at the orgy “origami camp” uncomfortable and touched people throughout the orgy without consent. is now claiming
victim and threw a shitfit on tiktok after going private, accusing hawk (hawkhatesyou) of racism/not caring about black women. she’s already deleted this video but i screenrecorded it before she could <3 No. 1358464
>>1358456>>1358456nobody who uses lolcow would know who the fuck this person is or what this degenerate-from-what-i-can-piece-together drama is about but this person and video seems like a potential milk source so you’re gonna have to provide a lot more context.
also the chances of people actually watching this will be way higher if you make it a webm
No. 1358466
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>>1358456tariq (@TariqG123) subtweeting tyler
No. 1358468
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ruby (@rubytheecherry) accusing tyler of not respecting boundaries and watching others’ film from outside without permission
No. 1358473
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taylor (@thegothbaby) backing up what ruby said about tyler watching people without permission
No. 1358474
>>1355545this isn't technically terrible legal advice if you're banking on the proven fact that the man will abandon you AND that half of what he makes is worth your wasted youth
when you could just out-earn him and be done with it kek
No. 1358962
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>>1358516>>1358464>incoming word vomitNot the anon you were all replying to but Auntie Tyler Thanos is a tiktok sex worker/ influencer who has a habit of starting beef with random people. A bunch of sex workers on tiktok had a pre planned collab that they were doing and did a bunch planned duets for it to promote it and this .. person just decided to stitch their duets and invite themselves. They kept saying stuff like “oh I want to go there to do the lighting and editing” and said they weren’t there to do the scenes. Fast forward to now and it’s coming out that they were told to leave the room but kept looking in through the windows or sitting in the corners to watch like a creepy ass scrote. They then started bitching about how they weren’t fed in retaliation when it came out that the assistant to the head sex worker (HawkHatesYou) was the one who coordinated food and all they asked for was tequila. They apparently didn’t bring any money with them and the other people that went to this “Origami Camp” was buying their food at mcdonald’s. Now Auntie Tyler is out doxxing people and putting their real names on blast while accusing them of knowingly leading the black creators to a “sundown” town and then accusing the other black creators of “not being black enough” because they’re mixed. The cherry topping was Auntie defending digitalxprincess/poke princess for abandoning her child and saying that “we were all left alone for a couple of minutes as a child”. This whole saga is hilarious and I knew Auntie Tyler were off their rocker the first time I saw them pop up on my fyp. My only thought on this is that no one was attracted to them and didn’t want to do a scene with their musty ass, especially after they self invited themselves and forced these people to accommodate.
No. 1359255
>>1358962thanks for this anon, id seen fallout from the drama all over my fyp but couldn't be bothered to research it myself
so tyler literally just invited themselves? I was wondering why someone would want someone who looked like that at an orgy lol
(also that whole situation just sounds like a breeding ground for SA and nonconsensual shit, not
victim-blaming but also really not surprised)
No. 1360260
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I sort of hate this guy. Whinges about people taking drunk homeless people to the ER because they “take up space”, and “being drunk and passed out in a 7/11 was their goal” and he doesn’t want to hear you whinging about seeing a dr all night. People in the comments have their heads screwed on thankfully. No. 1364123
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The account @something1111111777777 has been alluding that Alice/comingupfern is somehow responsible for their baby’s death. Explanation video apparently coming soon
No. 1364689
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Anybody know what happend to landiburst5 ? I saw the comments of a tiktoker who skinwalks him (@landiburst3) and some people were saying that he claimed to be pro-ana on a live and then he disappeared of the internet.
No. 1370304
>>1370271I've also seen speculation that she was high on cannabis. imo this could all explain why she was adamant about NOT going to the hospital, why her story keeps changing, and why she's desperately looking for someone to blame.
this is her full story, posted here:
>TW Aurelia’s full death story since people are claiming to know me IRL & post fake ones: >A man & his kid turned left in front of me at the intersection right next to my apartment. I was going 45, probably 40 at the time of the crash since I had taken my foot off the pedal. Nobody was injured. Emergency came even though NOBODY CALLED THEM, because that’s just what they do when there’s an accident. The emergency responder kept telling me I should get checked out since I was pregnant even though I kept telling him I was fine. I was shy & didn’t know my rights & he persisted and eventually coerced me into the ambulance. When we got there, nobody told us we could leave or even asked if we had gone by our own free will. We arrived to a team of 30 or so people in a room who cut my clothes off and started doing all these tests without consent. Everything was fine. We were sent to L&D to wait on the results of an abruption test. A man came in & told us the test was NEGATIVE, but that he was doing a csection anyway. He did not look at my husband or I when he said this. He just told the nurse next to him he was going to do a csection. I asked why twice and was ignored. The nurse strapped me to a gurney without explaining any risks or asking if that was what I wanted. She started wheeling me off & handed me a paper to sign. I thought I legally didn’t have a choice & signed it. The only thing I’ll ever regret in my life is not leaving the hospital, but I was so shy and didn’t know my rights. I woke up to a different man telling me my daughter was dying. I didn’t believe him until I saw what they had done to her. She was so roughed up. I got to hold her for a minute, but it was clear she was already gone. The man who did the csection told us he didn’t know what happened. We didn’t find out until we got the medical records almost two years later that her HR was fine before the csection and right after until she was given the vitamin k injection. The doc never gave us a reason for doing the csection & changed his story several times in the records>I was only 29 weeks pregnant at this time, and NO risks were explained to me about surgically extracting a baby that early. Even if she hadn’t died, I would be JUST AS ANGRY at that doctor because she would have suffered lifelong issues.>Trying to blame what killed Aurelia on any specific thing is like shooting someone with 5 different guns at the same time & then blaming the death on a specific gun. It was a combination of everything. Taking her out too early, giving her a BATH before trying to help her (yep, they bathed her before she died), the vitamin k injection, cutting the cord immediately, not getting immediate skin to skin with mom>Her autopsy says “toxicology testing not done” I have been trying to get her remains testing privately, but there is no test to test if vitamin k injection killed a baby!!!!!>This has been reported to VAERS, however I don’t think the VAERS system is intended for vitamin k. If anyone knows where to report vitamin k reactions, please reach outalso, she said she met her husband Caleb Bender when she was 14 and he was 18. big groomer vibes.
would she fit in better in the tradthots thread? she tags her shit #tradwife
>>>/snow/1299824 No. 1371140
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>>1357460Can we all agree to sterilize OF/Tik Tok whores already? These women shouldn't be allowed to have kids.
No. 1373325
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@comingupfern changed her name to @alicellani are rumors that she got her husband fired because of something on her tiktok. what did he do before? the gofundme after her wreck had him working at some restaurant, but surely that’s not enough to support the three of them. she posts these extravagant vegan food hauls. she’s
got to be on benefits. which is fine but like, don’t pretend to be bougie when you’re on food stamps.
even without all the anti-vaxx shit, blatant misinformation and mom-shaming, she rubs me the wrong way. she’d blame her mUh AuTiSm but really she’s just a spoiled, insufferable walking portrait of the Dunning–Kruger effect.
No. 1373355
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>>1373325she changed her IG too found two callout accounts and the first one is going pretty hard. picrel.
@greenwich06830 No. 1393916
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Not sure if this is the right thread for this. But freethemaniacs on tiktok and YouTube is a not like other gorls account with fetishes towards serial killers. She has a discord freethemaniacs#8322 where she shared animal abuse videos etc allegedly. I’m too scared to join myself. She’s made videos bragging about telling her psychiatrist she wants to kill her parents etc and makes fanart of various serial killers and says she has “hybristophilia” and “ocd”. She went into hiding overnight after being called out by a larger creator. I’m curious to know if anyone here has heard of her or knows her real name. I don’t care if it’s cowtipping; sperging; whatever. I’m sending screenshots of her activity to her parents because it’s very concerning that she may possibly off them or someone else at this point
No. 1398108
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Zoe Zaina Durant (TikTok @2nthepink2) being absolutely vile on Instagram posting nude “breastfeeding” photos on the account she advertises her OnlyFans on. I put in a thread request for Mommy Blogwhores like her.
No. 1401761
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hope this is the right thread for this (i am shocked that there is no DID general thread)
came across this person today. claims to have two souls living in her one body, Jesse and James (yes, like from team rocket). what sets her aside from other DIDcows is the way she rapidly switches between Jesse and James - they appear to verbally "talk" to each other in real time and don't require "switching" like other DIDfags. oh and also they are in a romantic relationship.
i can't find anything about this chick online. i have been struggling all day to figure out if this is some form of performance art.
came across this tiktok today - her demonstrating how she "kisses" James. have a look at her page, there is too much insane shit to sum up in one post. No. 1405684
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kallmekris obviously buys lots of views and comments. Its embarrassing
No. 1413997
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>>1401761He’s been exposed. His discord mods/fanbase turned against him and compiled a shit ton of evidence. Gonna post a few screencaps of some of the interesting stuff. No. 1414003
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>>1413997Basically he was an
abusive scrote (real name Tristan) who was initially into the giantess porn scene in the early 2000s, helped his ex gf run a site/project and basically hijacked it but acted under her name and demanded she keep his involvement a secret. Then he scammed everyone & peaced out with everyone’s money and transed himself to avoid responsibility. Attached is his apology full of lies regarding what happened in this situation.
No. 1414008
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>>1414003His ex’s blog post about him (screenshot is just part of a long post) appears to be a massive pathological liar and manipulative POS perpetual
>Perhaps the most abusive one of them all…Annika’s relationship with the truth! Annika will often take something- say, the relationship with Jerri, and run with it. We have seen that narrative change from what (we believe) is truth, to Jerri being an abusive millionaire. Whether or not Jerri returned any of the abuse, we posit that he is most certainly not a millionaire. >Annika’s previous job as a nanny morphs into her “years as a mother”. Annika being called out by concerned parties morphs into “I got death threats from haters!” Whether she has received death threats or not, this is knowingly over simplifying the situation. Annika has also been shown to be lying at every step of her “DID journey” going from claiming she has no trauma and dissociation, to having them but we (the audience) “misunderstood”.
>Advocating against seeing professionals, as they “do not understand” the condition (read: like Annika does), then changing this when the heat was turned up. If you look into Annika now- under the name “twosoulsonebod”- note that much of the “hate” is regarding her faking DID, and much of it tracks the many times at which she has attempted to change/rewrite aspects her story, gaslight the audience, etc. It could all be listed, but that list would, essentially, be endless. >Although all of this is upsetting, valid, and important to point out, we strongly believe that Annika is attempting to create diversions from her real incentives behind infiltrating such a vulnerable and (largely) trauma based community. She is, essentially, setting multiple fires off at once to distract from the central inferno. No. 1414009
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>>1414008Pwoblematic views on DID (which is fake) I’ll leave this for now, saged cause idk if anyone cares but I think it’s a rabbit hole that’ll be interesting. Apparently his whole discord mod team abandoned him and is spearheading this movement. Could be an interesting thread.
No. 1414103
File: 1641856703235.jpeg (419.62 KB, 828x704, 34BE605A-3E4D-478E-91C5-FF44C0…)’s streaming on twitch now where he’s going to be talking about “everything”, not saging this just so people can see it & let me know if you’re interested in me posting updates. I’m gonna listen to it in the background and if anything milky comes up I may post. Let me know if this should be in a different thread as well. He’s still keeping up the rapid ‘switching’ between Jessie & James & the chat is eating him alive. He seems like a total narc.
No. 1414119
>>1414103He’s been stalling for the past 30+ minutes and now he’s trying to back out, literally just vomiting his internal monologue back and forth in 2 different voices.
He literally just said “I don’t know how to get out of this” and then quickly corrected himself and claimed he meant the argument with himself.
>”I’m so sick of hiding from abusers” & relying heavily on saying he was hit as a child, repeating it over and over and saying he lived in the forest to get away from the abuse.
It’s all being recorded & will be posted somewhere, hopefully something interesting comes up before my partner gets home from work. Right now he’s just stalling and stalling and playing the
victim vaguely talking about his childhood, not addressing anything he’s being called out for.
No. 1414129
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Sage for relevancy but lvsqqulover666 or Lili is a personal cow of mine. Honestly not sure if I can even put her on here because the milk happened right before she turned 18 but she’s 18 now so whatever. I remember this girl used to always show up on every teen girls fyp for like a week and she’s lowkey kinda weird
>lied about her eboyfriend pressuring her into sex
>said that he constantly talked to other girls one the them including a 13 year old girl
>tons and tons of stuff about her being proana
>liked a proana tweet that was about her best friend
>admits to being a pathological liar
>has an army of 13 yds ready to die for her
>overall very annoying personality
Not sure how this post will be taken because I am a newfag so forgive me but if anyone is interested in this milk there’s an account @lilididwhat or @callingoutdapinkhairedmf
Don’t really care if this post gets taken down or deleted I just wanted to put this out there in case there’s someone just as interested in this milk as me
No. 1414171
>>1414103Been listening to him bullshit in the background for over an hour — psycho narcissist in love with himself playing the
victim and talking in circles while self-soothing in different voices. He slipped and said “I love you Tristan” when talking to himself. Literally seems like he’s created a relationship with his other “personality” because he’s too psycho and manipulative to keep other people around. Every single thing he talks about he circles back to how he was abused as a child and how he was “carrying his alter inside of himself” like a pregnancy.
He’s signing off now. I’m sure the stream will be uploaded and I’ll try to link it when I find it.
No. 1414942
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This siiiirodeath girl is definitely catfishing with a hundred filters right No. 1415298
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>>1414942lmfao, these filters are creepy as fuck, very uncanny valley
No. 1424705
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Sienna Mae has written an extremely cringe Medium article in response to Jack Wright’s video detailing her sexually assaulting him. These two really deserve their own thread. No. 1425246
>>1420057>Go to any discord server and you'll find 15 gengarshawtysSounds milky to me, just because abuse is common doesn't reduce its shittiness, or reduce the effect it has on
victims and those they interact with. We know discord is a hotbed of abused teens and pedos, doesn't make it ok.
No. 1425255
>>1424705I can't be bothered watching and none of the comments are specific, just bland platitudes.
Her medium article says all they did was kiss and he led her on to think it was/would be a relationship since the internet liked them as a couple even if he didn't.
What's the truth? Is he trying to get out of it by claiming assault when all she did was hug and kiss him? Ridiculous for a man to be claiming this and people believe it if so. 97% of rapes committed by men but we're supposed to feel sorry because he was hugged without consent uwu.
He looks like a fuckboy too so I'm sure he will be a Jake Paul type before long if not already.
Tiktok has led to the most nothing relationship shit (like the furniture designer fuckboy) becoming "news" and it's tiresome.
No. 1425687
>>1425676Aye if he's telling the truth then she is absolutely fucked in the head.
He allaeged she broke into his house and would get into his bed and even walked in on him in the shower by picking the bathroom door lock.
He's saying she would get pissed when he was with other girls even though he repeatedly told her he only wanted to be friends and she was fucking other guys anyway.
She sounds fucking mental like cannot handle being rejected, like must have mental health problems.
No. 1426054
>>1425881Are you fucking stupid? He says multiple times in his video that he told her to stop many, many times. Way to
victim blame.
No. 1430566
>>1426054You're really incredibly gullible if you take his words at face value. "There's three sides to every story–his, hers, and the truth."
>>1426703Fucking this. I have no idea whatsoever why anons here are just buying the story he's selling without questioning it. Anyone who's ever had experience with a piece of shit man who's strung you along and read Sienna's essay can see that there's major holes and exaggerations in his story.
No. 1431466
>>1430566I'd rather cape for a moid than the 'Body Positivity' shill who used a song that says 'I've done nothing wrong I'm young' in her initial 'apology' and thanks her sponsors in her rebuttal video.
At the very least he's the better actor of the two
No. 1432544
>>1431847I agree too. From the very start this felt premeditated; Jack complains to his friends about Sienna being really clingy on and off screen and the only resort we know was taken to blow her out was a SA
victim narrative in his head with the help of his friends to snowball into this. I don’t believe for one second in this day and age where we have progressed to a point where we are describing boundaries and taking consent super duper seriously that Jack or anyone else in his circle wouldn’t think to suggest/do that to avoid this in the first place. He 100% intended to string her along and use her and during that time Sienna got more and more aggressive in her attempts to get Jack to actually define what they were at any point in time during their time together he could have done so, but didn’t. Sienna shouldn’t have done what she did but both their crocodile tears don’t sway me at all.
(sage) No. 1435783
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Does anyone know about esoteric.zahra? Her account is so ridiculous I thought it was satire but she’s completely serious lmao
She’s doing the whole girlblogger waif lana del rey redscare wellness katemosscore thing that you see on twitter but it’s clearly not translating well in real life when she looks like an autistic 27 year old larping as lolita
No. 1435821
>>1426703I just want people to take women as seriously, because everyone came around him and made it as easy as possible to out an abuser, and even with video of girls being too drunk to consent/blacking out, or being fucking minors, people do not care. No one bothers to unfollow and they tell you “separate the art from the artiiiist” where are those people now??? Where are all the women trying to look woke when their female friends needed support? Why hasn’t anyone asked him why he was drunk at a party in the first place? Why was he wearing what he was? He could have said no at any time so why didn’t he? He’s had sex with other women and he’s making it up because he willfully has sex all the time. How old is he? Why is he such a drunk whore at this age who couldn’t keep it in his pants? If he felt creeped out by her why didn’t he leave? He’s underage and drinking you can’t trust a thing this social climber says. - where the hell is even one of those stupid fucking statements and why do people who claim to care about basic womens rights and safety only when it’s
about men and not other women at all? This is so fucking hollow and makes a mockery of women who never got a fraction of justice for far more. Was he penetrated? Does he have flashbacks of that? Will his family and friends exile him if he says anything? Will he lose his job, never be taken seriously, develop mental illness, and only be known as “dirty” or “a whore who wanted it and just wants attention”? No. Of course not.
Men actually get taken seriously at police stations, obviously a white man who has a lot of men to show up and support him, without worry of the officers being misogynistic,
victim blaming, while also hitting on you or groping you or worse. Or visibly getting into the details of your account of sexual violence.
He has those privileges and he owes it to exercise those rights so that others are also taken seriously. He didn’t have to move away from where it happened to be safe from his abuser. He does not actually care about anyone but what he can do for his reputation, and he gets to keep his dignity and job opportunities because of his gender. He needs to use his privilege to see this through then, yeah it is extremely fucked up and painful, but he has a solid chance of something being done unlike the 98% of male rapists that go free. He could do a fucking lot with his platform for rape
victims equally, and doesn’t.
No. 1435834
>>1426311Unfortunately a lot of parents do that and it’s heartbreaking. Since she has multiple
victims, and has been breaking and entering, probably stalking, etc., they can at the least do some kind of mediation and get her to go to inpatient or something if they feel it is ramped up attachment and boundary issues. If she feels she was psychologically abused or whatever her side is, she can present that. I don’t see any way without involving lawyers. Women that get raped blackout drunk all the time would love to be taken as seriously as them.
No. 1444205
>>1443513>>1443467From what I could get from the secretprc posts
>clubbing or whatever with a female friend Veruca(?)>Peach finds a guy, they're feeling each other>doesn't want to ditch her friend so she suggests a threesome for some reason?>guy agrees but actually doesn't want to fuck Veruca>Peach feels bad and instead of suggesting they stop, makes out with Veruca>Veruca evidently doesn't realize that this isn't going well, asks Peach to sit on her face>Peach says no, isn't into that, doesn't want to>Veruca encourages>Peach sits on her face, fakes an orgasm>Veruca asks if she faked it>Peach says no>Peach now says Veruca is telling people she made Peach squirt>Peach is offended by this I guess?>goes on a massive tangent and spills this all to tiktok, laughing about how fake that orgasm was>ends with her yelling about how she "didn't even get to fuck that guy!">later says she went to the police station about "someone harassing her" (assuming Veruca?) but the cop "wrote down three words and now I'm in hospital">later posts a tiktok on main peachprc account saying she's headed to rehab????Somebody fill in the blanks here I don't know who Veruca is so I'm missing some info myself
No. 1450578
File: 1645662830161.png (1.88 MB, 750x1624, retard.PNG)

Posted this to the tradthot thread and had to bring it here. I've been getting lots of political lives as I go down my fyp and most of them are pro life retards debating random viewers which led to this one. I'm not convinced this isn't some kind of LARP or ARG, but there plenty of retarded women in this world so Ig.
No. 1450617
>>1450578I cant tell if shes being satirical since the caption mentions handmaids tale. Unless shes one of those rare types that watched the handmaids tale and came to the unintended conclusion of "you know what? This is the perfect society for women".
That pic reminds me of why i never really mention my views on pornography to people though. A lot of people who are anti porn could care less how exploitative and damaging it is to women, they just wanna larp as traditionalists and force women back into "behaving". Aka popping out 50 children and being an indentured servant to a scrote whos probably having an affair on you with the same type of "impure and slutty" women these same dudes wanna control and hate so much.
No. 1450681
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>>1444205This is veruca. She’s legit the ugliest woman I’ve ever seen in my life, inside and out
No. 1452128
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anyone know taversia? they are a sjw who got popular because they don't disclose whether they're cis or trans (obviously a tranny from the face and voice alone, along with the pretentiousness). lately they've started asking for money for "surgery" for their partner without ever disclosing what the illness is or what surgery they need. they've raised 35k and won't answer/delete any comments that criticize it.
No. 1452137
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>>1452128Literally just took screenshots of his the other day to share here kek
No. 1452191
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>shoe size 8.5
straight up outed himself there. also half of those pictures look completely ridiculous
No. 1452232
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Literally watching this girl broadcast her descent into a schizo trad wife pro ED femininity cult rabbit hole lmfao
No. 1538786
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sage for relevancy maybe.just thought i'd put this tt 4channie e girl out there. Kiley is a failed cutesy tiktok e-girl turned 4chan wannab gf that posts about guns,schizoposting,and appealing to "the boys"
Potential Milk
>self proclaimed "half-jewish">known fan of elliot rodger>always talking about how uwu short she is mentioning she's 4'10 to her simps>ran a racist discord server filled>really wants to be noticed by pol/4chan in general despite having a bf irl>"i'd never show my nude body to a stranger!!1!" push up bra or forced cleavage showing in almost every vid>claims to have a good social life despite spending all her time obsessing over 4chan and guns>advocates for "wasian rep">"guys i'm not pick me bc pick me means you bring down other girls and i don't do that" majority of her fanbase is guys, mentions her smol uwu height and chronically online interests >ex alt tiktok e girl that had kins and gay pride flag in her room>shows family members on social media> uwu voice to get more attention from the simps> No. 1538871
>>1538786same fag here. got ahold of all her socials
r9kscroller (active)
wasianvriska (semi?inactive)
vvriska (active)
kaionii (inactive)
>>1538829i don't think she'd fully fit well with the current discussion going on about mainly japanaboos and cosplayers, plus she's mostly a tiktok only user
No. 1695417
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does anybody know what this girls deal is? is she actually addicted to drugs or is it all just an act/ ~aesthetic~ ? theres also videos of her seemigly disturbing the public but it's all in russian and I dont understand it. Username is finesslovesxanax. Previous username was finesslovesolaris but her account got banned.
No. 1695732
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>>1202180used to be right wing trad but decided to troon out. also an opiate addict. anyone else?
No. 1696335
>>1695417this bitch is a teen tiktoker from Russia
her real name is Yulia Maksimovskaya
she is severely addicted to mephedrone, which she injects this is why she is covered in needle marks all the time. she also is addicted to xanax
she was recently in a psychiatric ward after overdosing
she doesn't have blood cancer, she's a public drug addict shock-blogger who has fake called an ambulance in the past and thrown lit cigarettes into a cab driver's car
she is dating another famous xanax addicted 38 y.o rapper named Pasha Technique